#he tortured a reaper to find cas
shallowseeker · 9 months
Speaking of repressing the multi-faceted, three-dimensionality of your own motivations, what if that’s part of an unspoken “objectionable” thing with the melting of Donatello’s mind?
Like, Dean saw that look on Cas’s face. He fears that anger (on his behalf) was a sliver of that motivation.
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cosmiclion · 11 months
Ok ok I think I have this dadbastian AU more or less figured out. Gonna braindump what I have so far under the cut.
-Like a lot of canon-divergent Kuro ideas I have, this is set in an alternate reality where all kinds of supernatural creatures coexist with humans.
-One of them is demons, there are different subspecies and not all of them eat souls. There was a time where all demons were feared and any human who was suspected of being in good terms with one became the target of a witch hunt. By the late 18th century, however, things have changed a lot.
-There has been an agreement or “code of honor” between soul-eating demons (commonly called Voids) and humans for centuries. Voids need human souls to survive, they cannot sustain themselves with anything else (it’s very rare for a demon to starve to death but they do become weak and vulnerable). Some of them are opportunists who roam in search of dying humans whose souls they can snatch before a reaper arrives. While others are more patient and prefer to cultivate a soul by forming a contract with someone who wishes to. Having your soul eaten is not the horrifying fate you may think it is: there’s no eternal torment, no hell, nothing. Just going to sleep never to wake up and becoming one with the demon. People accept this as another aspect of life. However, there’s one thing that’s unacceptable and it’s demons (unjustifiably) killing humans just for their souls, any demon who does this is considered a feral beast and will be hunted down (there are some methods to kill a demon for good). Even other demons look down on these individuals.
-The longer a human lives the more "nutritious" their soul is. Some Voids will form a contract with a human and serve them through all their life, and when it's their time to go the person will willingly feed themself to the demon. Other demons even become familiars and stay in the same family for generations, swearing loyalty to the next person in line after they have absorbed their relative’s soul. People consider this an honor.
-Sebastian is a very refined demon who only consumes the highest quality souls after fulfilling a contract. The day RCiel is sacrificed is the first time someone actively summons him, as all this time he met all his contractees by chance. He eats the human sacrifice’s soul because why not, there’s a first time for everything. However, when he takes a look at all the cultists gathered excitedly looking at him he feels nothing but contempt and disgust, and slaughters them without second thought and without bothering to take their souls. They have the distinctive stench of someone who has done unspeakable things to an individual of their own species, especially to a youngling, and not even demons find these souls appetizing. So nobody would dare to judge him for disposing of them. After the fun bloodbath he senses a tiny presence nearby, and locates it in a cage in the center of the room. A small, frail human lays there, apparently dead, though he still feels their soul flickering inside. Upon closer inspection he notices it’s a young child that looks exactly like the owner of the soul he just devoured. “Ah, twins. How sad”. It doesn’t seem like this child will make it, but waiting until he finally dies goes against his aesthetic, and for some reason he can’t bring himself to either end his misery or leave him there. So he takes the unconscious child out of there, craddling him in his very demon essence, and just keeps him, like a person who has found a wet, dirty, barely alive tiny animal on the side of the road. Besides, if he manages to save the child and he goes on to live, they might make a contract and then he can claim his soul in the end. It could be a fun experiment right?
-From OCiel’s POV, the story starts off very similar to in canon: he still gets horribly tortured and abused. But since in this AU it all happens when he’s younger, his small body can’t take much and eventually he gets so sick and weak that he can’t even stand, and the cultists just leave him to die in the cage while they focus on the stronger RCiel. The day of the sacrifice he keeps slipping in and out of consciousness and can’t fully register or process what’s going on. Unable to tell dreams from reality, he suddenly feels a warm, almost velvety cloak that surrounds him. It's very comforting and he clings to it with the little strength he has left.
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To the Ends of the Earth
Pairing: Dean Winchester x reader
Warnings: Blood, mention of near sexual assault, angst, near death.
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It hurts! It hurts so much! I can't take this anymore! Somebody make it stop! I can't. I can't move, it's too heavy. My arms are too heavy. Somebody, please make it stop. My body screams at me to move, to try and fight, Do something. But I can feel the warmth of the blood draining from my body; tickling my ever-growing cold skin as the crimson fluid runs down my arms to the cold concrete below. The ropes were scratchy and scraggly digging so painfully into my wrists keeping me tied to this godforsaken fucking chair! I wish I could just move my body, even if just a little. If I'm going to die I at least want to die comfortably. Ah, it's pointless anyway. Soon I'll be dead. I can just feel it. What's there in the darkness? Did I see a shadow move? A soul reaper maybe? Coming to take me to my own personal hell? Or is it Death himself coming to unbind my restraints to gather me in his embrace and take me away. I'd met Death before. He wasn't as bad as half the people talk about him. But then there is the fact that half those people are liars. They don't know Death can walk among us, humans. And hey, the man likes pizza. Found that out when he ate half my large freshly delivered pizza I'd ordered for my hotel room. The bugger didn't even pay me.
Would I die here alone? Would I be missed? Did I do enough for this world to be in God's good graces? Am I going to die alone in this cold place after hours or was it days of mindless torture? I was so fucking stupid thinking I could take this one by myself. I was a hunter, I was trained by the best. But I let my big ego take control and oops here I am dying, bleeding out, and growing colder and colder by the minute in this underground bunker. They'd tricked me. It tricked me. I thought it was Dean. I thought that thing was MY Dean. So tired from the investigation the last few days chasing that son of a bitch that was taking the faces of innocent people to kill their spouses that I was so blind to not see that the Dean that I was sitting in my hotel room with was NOT my Dean Winchester. I noticed it too late. That glint in his eyes and no I don't mean that reflection shit on a camera that Shapeshifters possess. No, it was darker than that. The gleam, that look in his eye when I refused his advances. My Dean wouldn't have reacted like that; he'd just brush it off. If I wasn't in the mood he wouldn't press. But this Dean did and I fell right into his fucking trap too late to even attempt to grab my gun. So here I was. Being tortured by the face of the man that I loved. The man that I swore I'd marry someday. I didn't want to die. No, I cannot die, not today. Not ever. I must survive, surely there must be a way. How did this happen to me, what have I done wrong? I can't… Somebody, please help me. There must be somebody nearby, please help whoever you are, wherever you are. Dean, Cas…Sam, just fucking anyone for crying out loud! I don't want to die!
That annoying drip drop of the water falling from open pips above my head was annoying. But it kept me awake. Grudgingly kept me awake no matter how cold I was no matter how much blood I lost. If I came to think about it, it's actually quite peaceful here, I could stay here for hours. Not that I have a choice right now. No, I do have a choice. Give up or fight and I choose to fight. I will get away from here, as far away as possible until I've found help. Help, I need help to get out of here. I can't do it on my own, it's no use. No amount of prayer has allowed help to find me. My faith is weak at best. But I can still manage to reach Cas. Dean could do it and he has less faith than me. But Castiel always did have a softer spot for the hunter so perhaps it was some sort of angel thing that had him honed for Dean. Or it could be the fact there is a freaking graph of a symbol drawn in my blood beneath where I sat tied to my chair that blocked the angel's attempts to communicate or find me. Fucking shapeshifter had to tap into Dean's knowledge. Funny thing about Shapeshifters. They can tap into the thoughts and memories of those they imposter as long as that victim still lives. Maybe if I wait long enough the pool of blood will wash away and distort the image of the graph on the concrete below me. Just one drop will do…just one.
I'm cold. I wish there was somebody to hold me or something to warm me. I feel no pain, not any longer, but my body keeps shivering to warm itself up. But I'm still cold. I'm surprised I managed to last this long. I thought I'd bleed out by now and just waste away into a husk; into unconsciousness enough for my soul to leave my body. Freezing to death isn't half bad all things considering; I've seen a lot more gruesome ways to die so at least I should be lucky right? Right… The creak of the metal hinged of the bunker's doors grind on my brain like nails on a chalkboard but I don't have the energy to lift my head to check out the imposter wearing my boyfriend's face. Wait, were we actually considered in a relationship? I mean, Dean and I never actually talked about it. We sort of had this connection and boom next thing we fucking each other and spending a lot more time together than normal just friends would but no one ever complained about how it happened even if those words were not said to confirm. What are we like 13? We don't need to be asked out peh!
A rough hand grasped my face and jerked my head up just for me to stare into the shadowed face of a very pissed-off-looking Dean. But this isn't my Dean. I've already gotten good at noticing the differences. That curl of his lip and that glare in his eye was definitely not my cocky Dean. Because I knew this wasn't the hot supernatural hunter I was wishing for, I didn't mind gathering the combination of blood and saliva on my tongue and spitting it at his face within the next second. But that quickly backfired when my face exploded in pain as the fucker backhanded me hard enough for me to spit out a glob of blood. He'd knocked me over in the process too; my head had hit the pavement below with a loud crack that made my vision sparkle behind my eyelids. I groaned but what could I do? I couldn't move. Opening my eyes I realized I was lying near the edge of the graph on the ground and I chose one of two things. Fight or Die. I chose to fight. Given the opportunity that I had, I rubbed my head against the ground quickly; my hair was a mass but worked well like a mop to wipe and smudge the imprint of the blood on the ground. All this was done while the shapeshifter had his back turned; too busy studying his trays of torture tools off to the side of the room. Closing my eyes I pretended to be passed out and inside I was pleading; screaming, crying, anything that would get Castiel's attention to find me. I need his help and I didn't have much time or energy left.
I felt it then. That mind thing that telepathic creatures and beings had abilities of. Like a gentle caress on my mind. It wasn't intrusive but I could definitely feel the worry that the feeling projected. But I knew, I fucking knew he heard me and that very notion made a sob escape my chest. He'd heard me and he and my boys were coming to find me. I just needed to hold on a little bit longer; that's all I needed to do. But that relief washed away quickly as I was yanked back upright and I saw the glint in the corner of my eye. Fuck, what's one more slash to the arm to bleed out some more huh? I was going to make it. I knew I was, I just had to hold onto the little ray of hope. But my body rejected that idea. My mind was stronger than my body; I was only human after all so I wasn't surprised. Disappointed if anything when my vision began to get blurry and dark as unconsciousness crept from the corner of my vision. The sounds became muffled and far away like underwater. But I had enough feeling left in my limbs when the ropes were cut free and my body was flung to the ground only to be covered by a warmer body. My eyes fluttered open in time to see that silvery glint in the shapeshifter's gaze as his hands began tugging at my blood-stained clothes. I panicked, I could feel my heart threatening to burst from my chest. Was he seriously going to use my body?! I didn't have the energy to fight back; pins and needles in my cold limbs made it painful and hard for me to move my appendages. But that didn't stop the tears. I sobbed. I sobbed so hard I couldn't breathe. But you know what? My nightmare was over. Over in a bang; literally.
Blood splashed onto my face as the body on top of mine was blasted to the side and fell limply on the concrete beside me. A pair of strong hands grasped me and I screamed trying to fight but when I opened my eyes Sam was cradling me against his chest and stroking the blood from my face. The look of utter relief and horror on his face was evident as he held me tightly to him while looking over my head towards where Dean stood; his face was so terrifying that I almost thought it was the shapeshifter all over again. He stood there with a face like thunder like he was going to murder someone; which well technically he had. But he looked so fucking pissed as he stood over the shapeshifter's body. His hand rose and the gun held tightly in his grasp went bang. He fired the gun straight into the monster's body. Once, twice, three times before he turned looking serious as all hell. Seeing my terrified expression as I lay limply in Sam's grasp made him turn back around and unload the rest of his clip into the dead thing's body before he could even attempt to look at me again.
Was I that ugly? Was I that broken? My lip trembled and I buried my face against Sam's shoulder. Holding onto his arm for support as I didn't want to be alone right now. Dean crouched in front of me just then and I felt his hand brush my hair from my face and I couldn't help the flinch I gave at his touch. When I look at him I saw that conflicted look on his face. He was going to withdraw from me. I knew that look. But I didn't want to be afraid of him. My Dean never hurt me, I needed him to realize that. So as he began pulling away to rise I launched myself from Sam's arms and straight into Dean's. Burying my face into the familiar scented shirt and holding for dear life. No words needed to be said as his arms wrapped around me and held me tightly to him. He was never good with words anyway. The presence of his strong frame against my own was enough for me to soak his T-shirt in tears. So relieved. So happy. Just so…thankful that I had men that would go to the ends of the world for me. I pulled away far enough to peer up into his green eyes before I yanked him down by the collar of his jacket to press his lips to mine. Kissing him for all he and I were worth because frankly. I never thought I'd ever have the chance to feel him against me like this. Drawing away when we needed air I rested my forehead against his and smiled shakily.
"I knew you'd come for me." my eyes trailed off to the figure standing behind us in his signature tan-colored trench coat.
"Thank you."
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hellgivenhasmoved · 8 months
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davina through the series || season 14
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davina stayed dead for a good week , while rowena came up with a way to bring her back. due to a linking spell that was cast on her, via a cut to the palm by the coven's elder , right before the harvest ritual and the lack of being able to be unlinked from it -- her soul ended up in some witch purgatory designed for those who the french quarter coven deemed as traitors. what was a week -- ended up being a month there as time works differently .
davina was caught after running from the coven's ancestors who reside in that purgator , soul tortured and ripped to almost nothing until she was pulled from it by rowena's resurrection spell. she woke up with sam , castiel , jack and rowena by her side.
it didn't take long for davina to realize that dean was missing . she had no idea that he said yes to michael . and when she questioned , sam instantly told her to rest and that he'd explain later. but davina insisted. and she was filled in on what went down. even apologizing to jack for lucifer stripping his grace from him.
even after she was resurrected , she often sat in silence , zoned out . having memory flashes of her time in that witchy hell that the ancestors of the french quarter coven held her soul in  that would leave her shaking a little and tear filled eyes. it was quickly noticed by castiel who tended to shake her out of those trances . davina simply would brush it away and say she was fine. even though it wasn't bought.
dean returning to the bunker after michael left him ,  was one of the first things that brought a true smile to her face. as she missed him and his sarcasm . 
for a while  after , davina spent most of her time in the bunker, only ever going on cases when they were offered . 
jack falling sick turned davina's focus from her own struggles that she refused to talk about , towards him and trying to find a way to help save him. she also helped rowena go through the book of the damned .
after the shamen played castiel and the rest of them over jack's health and the grace he had given them to help the nephilim , davina sat with sam and the others at jack's bedside , waiting for him to pass. it was the first time in a long time that davina had felt an incredible amount of heartache. lily saunders showing up was something davina didn't expect. but after hearing the woman explain the spell and what it does , davina offered to help her , cas and the winchesters bring jack back. davina couldn't resist but to hug jack as a welcome back. 
naomi giving castiel the location to michael ,davina confirmed it with her own location spell. and while dean and sam argued with the witch tagging along with them to put a stop to michael , she continued insisting until they gave in. davina also offered to help with a spell to lock michael up. but their whole plan was ruined as michael knew that they were coming . 
the snap of michael's fingers which signaled the green light for their monsters to start attacking and building an army, davina tried using her magic on michael but it failed until castiel managed to bind him.  trapped in the room , davina also casted a spell with the help of castiel to prevent the office room they were in from being invaded by michael's monsters.  at least until a reaper and billie help transport them to the bunker.
with an unknowing amount of time for the binding cuffs to continue working on michael , davina flipped through book after book to see what could be done to break through to dean who was trapped inside of his own mind by michael . while castiel and sam invaded dean's mind to pull him back to them , davina sat back , alongside with jack and the other hunters,  defending the bunker from michael's monsters.
while dean went to spend time with mary at donna's cabin , davina decided to take a trip to new orleans. during her time there, she put a complete end to the french quarter coven's terror. and got revenge on the hell they brought on her.
for weeks, davina helped sam , dean , castiel and jack track down ouroboros. ( 14x14 ) , spent quite much of the time, sassing dean about how he believes it was witches who were doing the killings. also told dean and sam that they should contact rowena for help.
rowena saying yes to michael , shocked davina. especially with the witch's past with the archangels. when davina went to cast a spell on michael!rowena to prevent them from killing more of the people in the bunker , she was threatened by michael. one more step from her, michael would end her life just like lucifer did before. which caused the little witch to step back , allowing jack to kill michael and regain his full nephilim strength and abilities. ( and yes , davina was in complete awe at the sight of jack's wings and glowing angelic eyes )
jack being soulless completely , keeps davina worried about him. she remains at the bunker , keeping a close eye.
when jack and mary go to stop nick from resurrecting lucifer , davina sticks by their side until jack heals sam. that's when she decided to stay with sam to make sure he'd be okay.
davina returns to the bunker with the winchesters. and starts worrying when neither mary and jack pick up their phones.
with jack missing as well as mary, davina tried to locate them both. but is unable to as mary can't be found due to her accidental death.
after finding out that jack has killed mary, davina does what she can to keep sam and dean as calm as she could. of course, dean now wanting to kill jack , davina remained on jack's side, stating that no one knew what happened and why jack killed marry. ( note that davina's own feelings for jack get in the way . ) davina wanting to protect jack from dean killing him , causes a lot of tension between her and dean. and even sam in some manner.
after jack made an attempt to bring mary back but only managed her body and left, davina attended the hunter's funeral that was thrown , only to overhear bobby singer's plan and their entire conversation about jack. which triggered her to step into the bunker kitchen and take castiels side.
dean's plan to lock jack in the box he created for himself when michael was trapped in his mind , was one she didn't agree on but after seeing what jack had done , davina had no choice but tell both sam and dean to do as they please but to leave her out of it because they knew where she stood.
because of jack wanting everyone in the world to tell the truth , davina was infected and couldn't lie about anything. which was actually amusing to dean and sam. even comical.
with chuck/god back into the picture , davina was pleased to see him. and hoped that just maybe , he could restore jack's soul. but that hope soon diminishes when chuck says that it wasn't doable. chuck creating a gun to kill jack made davina uneasy and she grew a bit suspicious of him. mostly because if he wanted jack dead , he had the ability to do it himself yet -- wouldn't. she even mentions her suspicion to castiel
davina rode with castiel to the cemetery to get away from the winchesters. only to be greeted by jack. when dean , sam and chuck show up, chuck makes sure davina is still with a snap of his fingers so she wouldn't try to stop dean from killing jack and to fulfill chuck's twisted little storyline. that didn't stop her from begging for dean to not do it.
davina watched in complete horror when chuck killed jack . and didn't even get the chance to speak before chuck snapped his fingers and stripping her of all magic . which was painful for her as it felt like she was burning from the inside out. chuck's reasoning for that was a punishment for her siding with the winchesters as well as to keep her from being one of their more stronger defenses. without magic, she isn't able to do spells. unless they were more generic ones. meaning no necromancy or anything extremely heavy that she practices.
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sarah-dipitous · 9 months
Hellsite Nostalgia Tour 2023 Day 233
Form and Void/Dark Water
“Form and Void”
Plot Description: Crowley seems to have plans for baby Amara, who displays startling powers. An infected Sam races to find a cure for the toxic fallout of the Darkness
Would I Survive the First Five Minutes??: No one who wasn’t already dead died……..maybe. Though if Sam MacGyver’d something that killed you, I’d be dead
Based on the synopsis, I wouldn’t be surprised if the deputy’s grandma was possessed by a demon. I’m just suspicious of anyone new in this show
The baby has telekinesis??
So what’s keeping Sam from turning as quickly as everyone else? Aside from plot armor, that is
Terrifying magical powers aside, it’s convenient to have a newborn who can directly communicate what they need when they need it by using telekinesis to spell out “feed me” with blocks on the wall
I kind of have been wondering what happens now that they killed Death. But like this reaper said, people are still dying, there are still souls to collect. The threat to toss Sam and/or Dean into the Empty next time one of them dies is kind of nice. We did need to put a stop to their endless resurrections
Hannah came to save Cas 🥹
It’s so weird to see Sam ACTUALLY praying, not just the “trying to get the attention of Cas or just any angel” kind
To be fair, you asked for a sign, not an explanation of the sign…it’s not god’s fault you genied your way into tripping and falling into visions of your time in Lucifer’s cage
The deputy’s catholic grandma sent for a priest who sent for an exorcist….and that exorcist is Crowley, of course
The Hannah recast is interesting, and I can’t decide if it’s kind of progressive or if it’s misogynistic. Hannah’s now being played by a man after the character gave her vessel back her life. They still call this version Hannah…I’m not sure if any gendered pronouns have been used. It may be just ‘Hannah’ and ‘you’ so far because people don’t speak about Hannah, just to Hannah. So it’s kind of cool to see an angel who has a very feminine name look the way they do now and maintain their identity. It’s different from when Raphael changed vessels to a female one (I’m pretty sure that happened. It was several seasons ago). ON THE OTHER HAND, it sucks that a female angel (as far as angels actually have genders) who gained power in heaven and is not wielding it like a tyrant like Naomi was, who is on a show with as few female characters let alone actors on it, is no longer presenting like a woman
Oh. Throw out everything nice I’ve ever said or thought about Hannah. She sent those angels to retrieve and torture Cas so she could swoop in and play hero…and he’d be so grateful, he’d tell her anything and everything she asked.
FUCK. That thing Crowley had that hacked that baby angel’s brain…it’s back and they’re gonna try to use it on Cas
He didn’t wanna kill angels again, but they forced his hand. It was them or him. It was them after they killed Hannah
Oof, Sammy, you’re not lookin so great. The fact that he’s with it enough to figure out a purification solution, even if it’s setting fire to holy oil and putting that to the infection site. And the next step is the next one in the scientific method, now that you’ve formed your hypothesis and completed one experiment, time to lure more infected people in to see if it can be replicated. Truly the most ethical of science. (It did work though, so that’s nice.)
Did the Amara EAT the deputy’s SOUL??
The cgi to age Amara however far along she is now is not as bad as Breaking Dawn but still very much a jump-scare
Oh good, all this fighting over who’s going to get Amara and she’s just gone missing
It’s nice to be back in the bunker…but it does feel off after what happened last time we were there—who’s here now?? They….CAS? I was about to say they don’t know anyone but Castiel is very much alive still
Amara was born like…yesterday. She’s like 8 now. DID CROWLEY KIDNAP A WHOLE FAMILY SO SHE COULD EAT THEIR SOULS TOO?? This show is so fucked up sometimes
“Dark Water”
Plot Description: Missy is about to come face to face with the Doctor and an impossible choice is looming
That is QUITE the statement, Clara. To tell Danny that she’ll never say “I love you” to anyone else EVER. Those words from her are his now. That’s a BIG declaration.
EXCUSE ME?! They just killed him off the second Clara makes that HUGE statement to him??
Oh, no, Clara. Like, of COURSE you’re going to ask him to take you back to before Danny died but that…it feels like you shouldn’t do that
Having Peter Capaldi say that an active volcano is rubbish on THIS SHOW after he played a character who survived VESUVIUS. It’s a shot straight to the heart
I don’t like these surreptitious little things Clara is setting up around the TARDIS out of the view of the Doctor
Clara, this is insane. She stole all seven keys to the TARDIS, basically drugged the Doctor, and flew them to a volcano…because lava is the only thing that can destroy a TARDIS key and I think she’s about to leverage those for Danny’s life
How have they really not reached a breaking point? Between what happened on the moon and on the space orient express and now Clara destroying ALL the TARDIS keys??
Ok so…it didn’t ACTUALLY happen because she didn’t use a sleep patch to knock out the Doctor, HE transferred it to her hand and it’s not an actual sleep patch, it just induces a dreamlike state…….sure
That was needlessly deceptive if you’re going to try to help her, Doc. You can’t just answer “go to hell” when she asks you what you two are going to do. Not when you’re LITERALLY going to take her wherever it is that people go when they die
The way that he is on the surface level one of the least caring Doctors but…”do you think I care for you so little that betraying me would make a difference?” She thought she really had destroyed every last TARDIS key and said she’d do it again given the chance…and he’s still going to help her. It’s also just a hell of a line
Danny’s not taking this whole dying thing too well
Man, what if they made this a whole Orpheus and Eurydice thing? I don’t trust Moffat to be so clever and cool to do something like that but damn it would be awesome
FINALLY! We get Missy in the flesh, not just in a cryptic end scene. (The first time I saw this actress…act was actually in a production of The Taming of the Shrew in Stratford-Upon-Avon back in 2008. She played Katherina)
Ok knowing what I know about Missy’s true identity, how long has she been wanting to kiss the Doctor like that??
Omg, assault aside, she’s so funny. She’s pretending to be an android programmed to help people get introduced to the afterlife
They got the Doctor to ask “Doctor who?” Fantastic!
OKAY. BUT…knowing what I know about her identity, and the fact that she dragged the Doctor’s hand to her upper chest to feel her heartbeat…does HE know now? Or at least SUSPECT something? Please tell me he could feel the two heartbeats
What a horrible jooooooooke “you have WiFi in the afterlife? You have…iPads in the afterlife” “iPads? We have Steve Jobs” like DAMN
Oh. Oh. Oh…the water is hiding the cybermen suitsssss
Feminist and/or ace icon, the Doctor. Only organic material can be seen in this water and the afterlife employee says they should use it in swimming pools, and the Doctor asks why. The employee goes “just think about it,” and he gets the response “I am thinking about it. Why?”
DOCTOR SKAROSA? SKAROsa?!?! Are we about to get Daleks as well as cybermen???
That’s a…horrible model for the afterlife. Your new mind in your new body in the afterlife still feels EVERYTHING your old body will feel. So if you’re being cremated……….
The reveal of the double doors’ windows that look exactly like the eye sockets of cybermen is actually really good
I AM too aroace (emphasis on the aro part here) for this conversation between Clara and Danny. She keeps trying to throw her life away to be with him if only he’ll say something, anything only he could say to her. He’s trying to tell her she has to live her life and she’s saying “No I have to be with Danny Pink.” Girl, he was not in this series enough for you to be doing this. Good on you, Danny, for saving her by telling her you love her been though you knew it would mean she’d hang up and you’d never talk to her again.
And now the cybermen are on the move
I’m guessing we won’t know Danny’s decision til next episode. But I’m glad he will delete his consciousness and become a cyberman but go rogue and save Clara or the kid he had a visit with in the nethersphere will be the one to do it.
I love the reveal that Missy is The Master 🥰 she drags that out, dropping every clue she could to the Doctor
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miens-reading-nook · 1 year
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Year of the Reaper by Makiia Lucier
Pages: 352 Published: 9 Nov 2021 My Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Content warnings at the end
Both versions of the cover are absolutely stunning, and as soon as I started reading, I knew I was going to love this book.
From the get go, the picture the author paints of this universe is so fraught with tension and fear, it becomes instantly terrifying in the way only ordinary and real-life things are. Even though the author started writing this book in 2018 and thus was not inspired by the recent pandemic, I think no one alive today can remain unaffected by the genuine dread a world ridden with plague inspires. My first thought when I realized Cas was 18 was to roll my eyes and think, why are these characters always so young, why couldn't he have been 22 or something. But then you get to meet him and know him better and your heart breaks because yes, this boy is too young, and that's the whole point. Cas has spent the last three years in absolute hell, he's been irreparably changed by it, but he is still a boy. He's kind, and sensitive, and even though he's technically a man now, he's still so young in all the ways that matter. Every time he swallowed back tears, I wanted to reach through the pages and pull him into a hug. He is so loved, so cherished by everyone around him, it's so beautiful to see. Especially because it feels genuine. And yes, he's smart, strong, he has really good instincts and he saves the day as a main character is wont to do, but he's also kind, flawed, afraid, vulnerable, and so very, very human. He's so tired of death, so tired of suffering, but instead of turning into a bitter, jaded man, he retains the kindness and gentleness that made everyone hold him in such high regard in the first place. I think things would probably be different if he had found a different situation waiting for him in Palmerin, but regardless, he's so good, even if he doesn't believe so himself. I absolutely love how savage he is in the first flash back, by the way. The descriptions and the mental pictures I got as the story unfolded were so clear that it felt like watching a movie at times, I swear. And this scene in particular is so damn striking. And the hunt for the killer. Throughout the whole story, you're following Cas as he tries to figure out who tried to kill the baby prince when he arrived in Palmerin, and the author is leaving you crumbs and clues for you to reach a very obvious conclusion only to rip the rug from under you in a wonderfully constructed shocking reveal. I'm sure many people guessed who the killer was, but I'll admit the author totally had me fooled. It was an absolute pleasure to find out I was wrong. Cook's son in the corner absolutely broke my heart. I loved this book's take on spirits and afterlife. It's was nothing exceptionally different or groundbreaking, but it felt original in its own way. I loved the lynxes. Such a tiny detail, but I loved the idea of a city littered by pet lynxes, what a choice. And the fact that all of them gravitate toward Cas is wonderful. The surprise queer representation! However small and sad, I loved that the king’s answer to it was to imply half his military is queer too. Reading the author's note at the end and realizing it was inspired by a real story was also very cool. I think I would read more stories about this universe if the author decided to turn this into a series, but it also works perfectly as a standalone. The writing is incredible, the kind that makes you forget you're reading because you're completely absorbed by the story, the plot is great, the characters are fully fleshed and three dimensional, and it has just the right amount of hope and happy endings that you finish the book with a smile on your face even though it's filled with so many heartbreaking things. Content warnings: implied torture, gore, illness, amputation, human experimentation, black plague
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quillquiver · 4 years
okay so i read @lordwhat @funnywings @outpastthemoat’s post about the real finale being that the boys have to get out of fake heaven by way of gay love and found family and please just consider:
we open on dean who's doing his thing in heaven but it feels empty
he does the same thing almost every day and when he asks about blowing off some steam on a random hunt the answer is always that he deserves to rest
and he tries, he tries damn hard, but there's something off and he can't quite shake it
until he has a dream about jack, and it's all fire and brimstone and jack keeps telling him to wake up wake up wake up
and then maybe he starts noticing things about this heaven
about how things are designed to isolate him from everyone but sam
about how his parents are next door but he'd much rather be charlie's neighbour - charlie who's always too busy to hang out
and the pieces start falling into place
and the dreams get more intense
and he thinks he's going insane until he forces himself to talk to sam about how he lived out the rest of his life on earth, about the details
and sam's life was shitty too
and then it's obvious
they need jack but based on dean's dreams it sounds like he's in danger
so the winchesters bide their time, act natural, but eventually find a backdoor from heaven down to earth
and the second they arrive chuck is waiting
he holds jack by the scruff of his neck and rolls his eyes because really??? even in death the winchesters just don't fucking quit
he figured he'd have fun torturing them for eternity but hey looks like the total annihilation of this solar system is on the menu
and then his eyes widen and he just... stops
it’s cas
dorky cas, awkward cas, badass cas dressed in dark wash jeans, a white tee and a leather jacket. holding death’s scythe
because it turns out a reaper is just another kind of angel
and having a soul/grace hybrid means the almighty rules of universe have been bent yet again
so cas kills god
cas. the embodiment of love. he reaps chuck.
and he smiles after it’s over - maybe a little shy - but the winchesters are shocked, and the more he waits the less confident he feels. so he nods. steps back. starts walking away
and then dean practically bowls him over
and he’s hugging him and touching him to make sure he’s okay, and then he’s kissing him, hard and desperate and confessing his love like it’s a goddamn argument because how fucking dare he
and sam’s brows are in his hair but he can’t stop smiling and jack beams
cut to the bunker. it’s sunday night dinner and everyone is there. everyone: jody and donna and the girls, all the au folks, eileen
sitting around a table, we see everyone smiling and laughing and talking
jack is listening raptly to claire talk about hunting and patience talk about school
sam and eileen are practically sitting in each other’s laps
sam gets a text - he’s the head of the hunter network they’ve created, and it’s from a newbie. the hunt’s done, but the emf meter broke. sam kicks dean under the table. “hey, we need another emf meter.”
“seriously? do these new kids think this shit grows on trees?” dean rolls his eyes and mutters about working part-time hours at the garage, but he’s seldom been as happy then when he’s elbow deep in the guts of a machine. he turns to cas and
cas is looking over the entire table, pizza untouched. he’s smiling. soft. proud. happy. 
dean pinches his thigh and grins. cas rolls his eyes. catches his hand.
dean is wearing death’s ring
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I saw in your tags that there’s some old destiel fic you like on ffn. Do you have any recs ? :)
omg I haven’t been on there in years! like last time I read anything on there was like in 2014 lmao xD
32 fics total - I just checked and all of them are still up...there’s like 30+ more that I bookmarked that isn’t on the list cuz I’m not sure if they’re destiel fics or not so I gotta re-read them
all the ones below are fics that I’ve recced before in the past
1. All Angels Need Their Wings - RATING: NC-17 | LENGTH: 29,784 (2012)
Dean never thought that Castiel would ever return. And when he did, he came in a very unexpected way, a very horrifying way. SLASH Castiel/Dean. Wing-Kink. Takes place in season 7. AU.
2. Heart Trouble - RATING: NC-17 | LENGTH: 74,320 (2011)
Dean's having a harder and harder time of denying what he feels for a certain blue-eyed friend of his. And it's making him a little ornery, and a lot confused.
3. It Hurts - RATING: NC-17 | LENGTH: 29,963 (2013)
Inspired by the S9 Trailer Cas had watched the angels fall and with them, his self worth. Now human facing the challenges of navigating mortality he also tries to find a place for himself in this new world. It is a hope he has to find without the Winchesters, without Dean. So now he runs, from both Heaven, Hell and from Dean. 
4. Small Problem - RATING: NC-17 | LENGTH: 13,310 (2011)
A cursed artifact has made Castiel miniature, it's amusing for the Winchesters at first until they realize he might stay that way forever. Slash Dean/Castiel Please R&R
5 My Broken Angel - RATING: M | LENGTH: 24,999 (2010)
When Castiel disappears from his vessel, Dean is concerned. But when Castiel reappears and seems to avoid him, Dean is heartbroken. Set mid-season 5. 
6. A Hand - RATING: M | LENGTH: 23,474 (2010)
Dean/Cas, multichapter, slight AU. Dean's busy trying to re-soulify his brother, but Cas needs help. Maybe it's time Dean gave it to him. Ch. 15: Dean glared indignantly. "I find the term 'lovebirds' to be offensive. We prefer to be called 'sex-falcons.'" 
7. Saving Grace - RATING: PG-13 | LENGTH: 38,602 (2010)
With everything that was going wrong in Dean's life, it took him a while to realize that the person close to him that really needed the most help was Castiel. 
8. Candy - RATING: PG-13 | LENGTH: 98,068 (2013)
The Fall from Heaven changed everything. The supernatural no longer hidden. Angels roaming the planet. Sam and Dean's immediate concerns were on a smaller scale. What do you do with the former King of Hell? Where is Castiel?... Destiel/Mute!Human!Cas/Angst!Dean
9. Dude, Dean Looks Like a Lady - RATING: M | LENGTH: 20,774 *gen/pre-slash* (2013)
Sam's good, Cas has been found, and demons everywhere seem to be on hiatus. Seems like things are looking up for Team Free Will that is until Dean wakes up with his very own vagina anyway. Warnings: Fem!Dean, Destiel, female masturbation and S8 spoilers.
10. Evil Intent, Trials of Love, & Finding My Angel - RATING: NC-17 | LENGTH: 36,729, 70,453, & 59,941 *rape, graphic torture, violence* (2009)
Anna rapes Castiel and uses a method that torments him more than anything imaginable. WARNING: Rape and Castiel/Dean makes sense when you read it . If you don't like then don't read!
11. Cascade - RATING: PG-13 | LENGTH: 44,626 (2013)
"And if you fall as Lucifer fell, you fall in flames!" An 8x23 coda. 
12. Count The Cracks, Hear The Shatters, Feel The Insanities - RATING: PG-13 | LENGTH: 44,626 *gen/pre-slash* (2013)
They've walked miles on gravel roads that led to hell and back but the journey never quite ends. This is the story of Castiel and the Winchesters after the angels fell from heaven. Post Season 8. 
13. Damn Straight & Wait Wait Wait - RATING: PG-13 | LENGTH: about 21,000 (2010)
Humorous Cas/Dean, with multiple POVs. Slight AU. Fluffy. Ch. 5: Sam sat in the Impala in the motel parking lot, praying that three and a half hours at the library had been long enough.
14. Entertaining Angels - RATING: PG-13 | LENGTH: 43,659 *gen/pre-slash* (2008)
A strange boy shows up at Dean and Sam’s motel room. Maybe he needs help, or maybe he’s there to help them—they can’t quite tell. Spoilers through 4.10. Not an OC. 
15. Happy Friggin’ Valentine’s Day - RATING: PG-13 | LENGTH: 22,771 (2010)
SLASH. It all started with Dean's perfectly healthy hatred of frivilous holidays and a much-coveted sack of dust. Poor Castiel doesn't fully understand 'romance' to begin with, and this crash course is most unwelcome. 
16. I’m Just a Love Machine - RATING: PG-13 | LENGTH: 29,200 (2011)
The Impala finally gets the chance to love Dean back. The problem is, Castiel seems to be in its way. 
17. It’s The Great Destiel Shipper, Sam Winchester - RATING: PG-13 | LENGTH: 49,641 (2012)
What's Sam really doing all that time on the computer? Fangirling. Over Chuck's Supernatural books. Now Wincest might be a bit too much to deal with, but Destiel he might be able to get on board with... Especially after being around the two people involved for three days straight. 
18. Pain in the Head - RATING: PG-13 | LENGTH: 78,771 *character death* (2011)
It started out slow. "Since when do angels have headaches?" "Since they become human." Established Dean/Cas. Sort of AU. PG-13. Complete. 
19. Sleep in Heavenly Peace - RATING: PG-13 | LENGTH: 45,517 *christmas fic* (2013)
Dean wants to have a nice, peaceful Christmas for once, but it seems like the universe won't let him. Dean/Castiel. Post-8.08 (Hunteri Heroici) AU. First in "Holidays With the Winchesters are Always Fun." 
20. The Shattered One - RATING: PG-13 | LENGTH: 94,021 *grace mpreg* (2012)
When it struck Castiel, it dropped him out of the sky. He set down the first place he could find. He stood in a field in Switzerland, swaying on his feet and staring down at his body, dazed by what it had just done.
21. This Cupid Isn’t Stupid - RATING: PG-13 | LENGTH: 41,572 (2012)
Dean receives a shock when he wakes up to discover Castiel has returned. Why is the angel suddenly back? Why have his powers dimmed? And.. Why are he and Dean joined together by an invisible rope!
22. Wild Horses, Cas - RATING: PG-13 | LENGTH: 23,505 (2013)
(S8 Spoilers (story is set in S9), Sickfic! Destiel, Minor Sabriel). When Cas comes down with a bad case of Pneumonia it leaves Dean feeling more protective over his friend than ever, but will it also lead to Dean's admittance of his feelings towards his friend? 
23. Wrong - RATING: PG-13 | LENGTH: 51,384 (2010)
Angels are not supposed to drop out of the sky into motel rooms, broken and beaten. They're not supposed to bleed like that. It was all wrong. 
24. The Reluctant Contestant - RATING: PG-13 | LENGTH: 50,502 (2012)
AU When Gabriel is hired as a new host for a dating show, Cas has no choice but to follow his brother along as part of the camera crew. Forced at the last minute to be a contestant, he is shocked when Dean Winchester continually refuses to eliminate him. 
25. The Ugly Duckling - RATING: PG-13 | LENGTH: 81,676 (2012)
Castiel: a nerdy, skinny thing with a crush on the the most popular guy in class. Being unpopular isn't easy and it's worse when the homophobic school figures him out. A small struggle to be noticed by his crush is turned into a huge struggle for himself and his dignity. But bullying can get the better of anyone. Slash. Destiel rated M for later chapters. 
26. Nameless - RATING: PG-13 | LENGTH: 77,882 (2013)
AU. Everyone has the name of their soulmate written on their wrist at birth. Well, everyone except Dean Winchester. Complete. 
27. Cufflinks - RATING: M | LENGTH: 61,845 (2012)
The world is full of creatures that prey on humans. It is up to 'Hunters' to fight against the dark. Lucky Hunters rely on the help of angels they have bound to their service. Sam and Dean may be good Hunters, but they have yet to capture an angel. One day, Sam finds an angel and seizes the opportunity to bind the angel to himself. Little did they know what they were getting into. 
28. Angel Training - RATING: M | LENGTH: 95,700, Angel Training 2: Save Us - RATING: M | LENGTH: 76,888, & Angel Training 3: Uprising - RATING: M | LENGTH: 89,512 (2011)
In a world where angels are common and the most privileged or skilled people are able to own one; the world's angelic hierarchy is about to change when Dean Winchester receives a wild and recently caught angel.
29. Chasing Your Shadow - RATING: M | LENGTH: 92,077 (2012)
The prophecy says that when Castiel turns twenty-three winters old, a stranger will come into his life and bring a lot of suffering. But do prophecies always come true? Demon Dean/human Castiel AU 
30. The Holiday - RATING: M | LENGTH: 32,088 (2011)
Castiel and Sam are unlucky in both life and love, so they swap houses for the holidays. Both find the experience highly...interesting. Dean/Castiel Sam/Gabriel
31. And In Your Arms I Shall Find Shelter- RATING: M | LENGTH: 33,824 (2012)
Dean Winchester is a long forgotten painter who suddenly receives an order for a painting from a rich man - Crowley. He is about to start painting when Castiel - his personal reaper visits him. The main question is: Will Castiel give Dean enough time to finish the painting? 
32. Jar of Hearts - RATING: PG-13 | LENGTH: 127,192 (2013)
February being the supposed 'month of love' people seem to forget that it's also one of the coldest times of the year. Valentine's Day themed events in a cafe turned bar is how Dean managed the courage to speak to the locally famous singer and somehow score a date, a relationship, and a man he didn't deserve out of the deal. Destiel college/uniAU some Sabriel 
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shirtlesssammy · 3 years
8x19: Taxi Driver
Fun fact: This is the second episode that Boris has only seen once, and pretends doesn’t exist.
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Crowley haunts Kevin’s mind. He calls the brothers for help. 
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Kevin has news though. He’s translated the second trial --but if Crowley is in his head, then he knows. Sam and Dean reassure him that he can tell them the trial. Sam has to rescue a soul from Hell and deliver it “unto” Heaven. They summon and torture a cross-roads demon to learn how to do it. 
He tells them that rogue reapers will transport souls or whatever. They then locate one of those reapers to work with him.
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He knows who they are and tells them that he’s the reaper that brought Bobby to Hell. Wait, now WHAT? Crowley sent Bobby south (So this episode is also shitty for reminding me that Bobby is dead and IN HELL.) But also, they now have a soul to save. 
Sam follows the reaper --and is taken to Purgatory. 
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It seems it’s a little too dangerous to drag a Winchester to Hell, so the reaper brought Sam somewhere he could access Hell without detection. He tells Sam he has 24 hours, and disappears. 
Dean heads to check in on a very paranoid Kevin. He gives Kevin the old Dean Winchester pep-talk, which is just him saying that the life sucks, but when you get used to it, things go a little smoother. I feel like I’m watching Friday Night Lights, guys. 
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Crowley catches up with the rogue reaper and learns about Sam’s plan. Then Crowley kills him. Grrrgghh.
Sam wanders Purgatory (and drops the Ruby knife in a fight --uh, NOW is the time for those bungees, buddy). He comes to the portal of Hell and plunges in. 
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Once there, Sam wanders the halls of Hell. I have to say --this is one of the more menacing feeling moments we get of Hell. Mostly, it’s so sanitized that we don’t think about what a truly tortuous place it is. 
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Anyway, Sam finds Bobby’s cell, and is greeted with a punch to the face. Fair. Bobby’s been going through it. Sam convinces Bobby that he’s Sam by telling Bobby about things that Bobby only told Dean. YEAH. YEAH. Anyway, Bobby knows it’s Sam now. 
Sam is here to save Bobby. HEARTS. 
Crowley wants to know what the hell is going on though. He needs to find Kevin Tran. 
Naomi flaps in and cordially introduces herself to Dean. They speak of Castiel, and Naomi ponders the ill effects of Purgatory and humans on the obedience of angels. She also insists that Cas just MISUNDERSTOOD her direction when he tried to kill Dean in the crypt. LOL, angels, amirite? 
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She rubs salt in Dean’s gaping emotional wound, noting that he hasn’t warded the place against angels so Cas can come back. “I admire your loyalty. I only wish he felt the same way.” DAGGER. TO. THE. HEART. She wants Dean’s help to round up Castiel. Oh, and she casually drops to Dean that Sam had to travel through Purgatory to get to Hell. 
While Bobby and Sam move on from Hell into Purgatory, Dean discovers that their reaper ride is toast. He calls up Benny and asks him for help. 
Meanwhile in Purgatory, Bobby’s ready to join Team Free Ghost again. Sam breaks the news that he’s got to take the fast train to Heaven so that Sam can complete his second trial. 
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Sam arrives at his rendezvous point, and slowly realizes they’ve been abandoned. 
Upstairs, Dean emotionally makes his case to Benny - as a vampire, he can get to Purgatory to help his brother escape. 
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Dean thanks him and tells him he owes him big. Benny “aw shucks” his thanks away. He’s not a good fit in the world - he’s ready for a break. “I don’t belong,” Benny says and GODDAMN JENSEN ACKLES YOUR FACE
For I am Dead Science:
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Dean tells Benny to ride out of Purgatory with Sam. That’s...a lot of faith in your brother doing the right thing for Benny, Dean Bean. ANYWAY. Dean pulls out a blade, embraces Benny, and then chops off his head. 
BREAKING NEWS! I remember why I only watched this stupid episode once. 
Meanwhile, Sam and Bobby have an abso-friggin-hilarious conversation in Purgatory. Bobby ponders how awful it must have been for Sam to struggle and try and quest for a full year to free his brother from Purgatory! 
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Bobby’s horrified to get even a hint of the truth. “I get the feeling a lot must have happened while I was gone.” Yes, sir! There was a dog, you see. And a bag of limes. And a fictional and often somewhat blurry woman. Monsters suddenly attack and Benny appears to save the day. He introduces himself to Bobby as Dean’s “GOOD buddy” for which I just look directly at the camera. 
Benny leads them to the portal. Sam sucks Bobby into his arm and then turns to Benny. But Benny’s not going back to Earth. He stays behind to fight some recently arrived monsters. Sam’s last look at him is Benny surrounded and on the ground. -__-
Up top, light flashes and Sam returns. He breaks the news to Dean about Benny staying behind. Dean takes it….great. I mean, he only killed his “good friend” with a machete and hauled his body into his car and those will be his last memories of him. It’s fine!
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Sam tells him not to feel bad about it, because Benny totally didn’t want to come back to Earth anyway. Sam. Sam Sam Sam SAM SAM.
Anyway, Sam zaps Bobby out of his arm and they watch Bobby’s blue-white orb flash up towards the trees. I’m disappointed they didn’t go with a force ghost effect here. Demon smoke engulfs Bobby and Crowley appears. He’s going to suck Bobby’s soul back down to the pit. Naomi shows up just as the Winchesters get themselves pinned dramatically and invisibly to trees. She insists that the innocent soul that Sam rescued goes free, and angel mojos Bobby and the Winchesters free. 
Naomi flaps out, and Sam reads the incantation for the second trial. He collapses in pain, but announces the second trial completed. He’s FINE!
In the boat, Crowley’s voiceover begins again for Kevin. While Kevin’s trying to bury himself in denial, demon smoke blows in and Crowley appears in the flesh. He announces that he found, tortured, and killed Kevin’s mom to get Kevin’s whereabouts. RUDE! 
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In the car of feelings, Sam sulks over his ill health. Dean can’t help himself, though, and spills EMOTIONS. He tells Sam that he buried Benny’s body - he couldn’t bring himself to burn away Benny’s tethers to the world. After all, that way he might come back. GUH. (Also, extremely rude, show!) Back at the boat, Kevin’s nowhere to be found, and all his notes are gone too.
I Admire Your Quotes. I Only Wish He Quoted the Same Way:
You crazy prophet, you!
Gate-crashing a Winchester into Hell seriously blows
”You got access to the place.” “By ‘access,’ you mean ‘getting beheaded’?”
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StackedNatural Day 72: 6x10, 9x09
StackedNatural Masterpost: [x]
December 3, 2021
6x10: Caged Heat
Written by: Brett Matthews
Directed by: Robert Singer
Original air date: December 3, 2010
Plot Synopsis:
When Sam and Dean are captured by Meg, who is looking for Crowley's location, Sam proposes they work together - the Winchesters will locate Crowley in exchange for Meg torturing information out of him on how to get Sam's soul back before killing him.
Crowley hunting down Lucifer loyalists, bargains with Meg, Crowley promises to resurrect Mary, the Pizza Man Scene, monster Gitmo, Samuel’s betrayal, Meg is tortured, Cas burns Crowley’s bones, Sam doesn’t want his soul back.
My Thoughts:
This episode is so horny, and not always in a good way. Cas is hot in all good ways. I can’t believe the “will you, boy? How?” line comes in the same episode as the pizza man. The insane Megstiel kiss that lasted WAY longer than I remember it lasting. Just generally being extremely in control of that Crowley scene (where he “burned” Crowley’s bones).
I had completely forgotten that Meg also apprenticed under Alistair, and I love a post season 5 reference to Alistair. I like when they remind us that Dean was irreversibly traumatized by his time in hell. Same thing when they remember to give us a reaction shot of him when hellhounds are around.
Crowley was a great villain in this era of Supernatural and I appreciate that. Not that I don’t also love him as a lovestruck puppy following Dean around.
Love Soulless Sam drawing a devil’s trap in his own blood, that’s just metal as hell.
Bad horny: Meg’s torture scene. Completely unnecessary.
Notable Lines:
“I’m sorry. I know you’re speaking, I see your lips moving, but I can’t understand what you’re saying ’cause I don’t speak Little Bitch.”
“I’m asking you to learn from our mistakes! Doing this, this is how the bad guy gets us every time. It’s our Achilles' heel. Apparently it runs in the family.”
“Paralysis. Insanity. Psychic pain so profound that he’s locked inside himself for the rest of his life.”
“I learned that from the pizza man.”
“You want forgiveness, find a priest.”
Laura’s (completely subjective) Episode Rating: 8.4
IMdB Rating: 8.6
9x09: Holy Terror
Written by: Buckleming
Directed by: Thomas J. Wright
Original air date: December 3, 2013
Plot Synopsis:
The angels go to war against each other. A secret about Ezekiel is revealed.
Another angel civil war but not as compelling as the first one, Metatron meets “Zeke”, Zeke sends Cas away again, Malachi tortures Cas, Cas steals grace, Gadreel kills Kevin and steals the tablets.
My Thoughts:
I was in a bad mood already due to non-Stacked reasons and I was not happy to watch Kevin get unceremoniously fridged to further Dean’s guilt complex, but, as @meg3point0 put it when I complained, I made a commitment to Stacked and now I gotta follow through.
This episode is full of #BucklemingTransgressions, the worst but not first of which is Kevin’s death. Other examples: just playing loosey-goosey with the lore about angel vessels. You have to be a special person with the right bloodline to be a vessel without combusting, but also the entire Melody Ministry Glee Club and the biker gang are all vessels. These random Bible study kids are vessels. Cas and Dean reminisce about the Reaper who essentially committed sexual assault against Cas when he was the most vulnerable and then killed him. They’re mean to Kevin even before he’s killed. And I don’t even know if this is their fault but I’m putting the blame on them because I’m mad: they’re going to replace him with crusty ass old white dude Donatello, a character I hate enough that I would consider taking the username @donatellocrit if I didn’t know for sure that @weedsinavacantlot already has it. Also, I don’t fucking remember who Malachi or Batholomew are at this point. They’re trying to do civil war in heaven again but on earth and it’s not as good the second time around.
The very thin silver linings: Cas is extremely hot in this episode when he’s covered in blood and stealing Theo’s grace. Also he winks at Dean after one beer like the fruity little lightweight he is. The prayer montage is cute.
Notable Lines:
“Cas isn't in good standing with any angel, all right? But here he is, ass on the line, fighting the fight.”
“Angels butchering angels. Is this what we've become?” “Just following your example, Castiel. How many did you kill in Heaven? How many in the Fall?”
“I always trust you. And I always end up screwed.”
Laura’s (completely subjective) Episode Rating: 2.0
IMdB Rating: 8.7
In Conclusion: It sucks so hard to watch this right after Death’s Door, when we know that this show CAN do a good death episode when it wants to, it just didn’t care enough about Kevin to do one.
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antigonewinchester · 2 years
was gonna wait to post about season 9 but I’m 7 episodes in because I’ve actually really been enjoying watching it, which I was really not expecting. it’s compelling in a way the show hasn’t been for me for a while. Dean making horrible horrible decisions :/// and how his decisions echo Sam’s childhood traumas (Azazel feeding him demon blood > the non-con possession by Gadreel; John lying and gaslighting Sam about the existence of the supernatural > Dean lying & gaslighting Sam about his being possessed). Sam finally feeling good after so long but not knowing the real reason why. god, no wonder shit hits the fan later on this season.
then there’s how the writing has been connecting possession & sex / romance & getting info & violence / torture. Hael wanting possess Cas and “become one” in 9x01; Abaddon seducing then torturing Irv to get info on hunters, and then being sexually threatening to Dean in 9x02; the cut from April and Cas having sex to Dean torturing the reaper, plus April pulling a very similar move as Abaddon in seducing Cas as way to get to him in 9x03; Sam giving giving the dog a belly rub in 9x05 (from a trading physical affection for intel perspective, and I cannot believe I’m taking part of the dog brain-meld ep seriously); and the strange writing around Nora and Cas in 9x06, where it seems that Nora is asking Cas out... and then she springs the “oh, I want you to babysit my kid!” when he arrives. thinking about how real people interact with each other, it’s odd that Nora never mentions the babysitting before Cas arrives. but this framing does fit the pattern of “promises of romance/sex that then leads to a switcharoo to get something else they want” that’s been cropping up.
it’s particularly pinging my radar because the one ep I jumped forward to watch was “Blade Runners” and yeah, as I’d heard, the interactions between Dean & Magnus have a creepy, sexual edge to them, and then adding in the flirty conversation Dean has with Dr. McElroy to find Magnus’s lair itself? it’s all very Huh What’s Going On Here. I just don’t know how well these through lines are going to be handled or... where the show is going with all of it, or if it is going anywhere exactly, but honestly I can do messy & problematic if it gets me something interesting. and so far, this is interesting.
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shallowseeker · 1 year
Kelly + Jack + water + taking control of the narrative
Kelly + the pool of self-reflection
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KELLY: "He said he was thrilled. He said it was the only time he ever created anything."
When Kelly is calling her friend about her pregnancy, she's by the swimming pool, with the sound of water gently playing in the background.
She will be linked to water again:
when she tries to escape her fate in the bathtub
when Castiel glimpses her in The Future by the side of the ocean (script only)
and again when she lives in the house by the lake with Castiel
there are multiple "sea" and "chaoskampf" paintings hanging in said lakehouse
THREE fisherman + stormy sea paintings appear in the nursery Kelly is painting in 12x23
Indeed, the portal to another universe opens up just in front of the lake, symbolizing transition and revelation. (In particular, it will be Mary's revelation of what would have happened had she not made her demon deal.)
But what's the big deal with water?
For starters, it's an inversion of Sam, whose nursery was enveloped in the motif of fire. (Jack's nursery is notably not enveloped in fire; he only gets this motif when Dean's room is shown burning in his AU earth torture as he listens to the screams of Sam and Dean, his earth fathers.)
The pool itself is the physical embodiment and reference to the very beginning of Earth, primordial chaos, before mankind existed.
In Supernatural with its highly Biblical motifs, bodies of water can also be tied to new beginnings and resurrection. We see it with Cas and the Leviathan (when Cas walks into the lake to die, Baptism-like).
Water can also be a tremendous uncontrollable force that takes over your life, as with Dean and AU Michael. In symbology, drowning is a specific warning of doom, representing your helplessness, overwhelming emotions, or the impending death of a loved one.
The number 5:
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Here, Jack is associated to room 5, the fifth element Aether: According to ancient and medieval science, aether, also known as the fifth element or quintessence, is the material that fills the region of the universe beyond the terrestrial sphere. Jack is an unstoppable life force, and Kelly's (unfairly) caught in the middle of it.
The broken mirror?
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Here's an interesting shot. When Sam is exorcising Lucifer, a mirror breaks (it's above the chest of drawers and between Dean and Kelly). The common reading would be to attribute this to bad luck and offending the gods. Another SPN-common thing is to try to one-to-one link to characters. But the interpretation I think I like the most with regards to mirrors is the breaking OF Chuck's control and the beginning of Jack's usurpation. (Kelly Kline means, "war, small.")
Indeed, one wonders if Jack is already at work, protecting himself from his position in the womb. He's throwing off the narrative and making things go wrong. They're too easily able to defeat Lucifer, and after this, all the "heroes" he came into contact with start failing left and right.
Sam and Dean are incarcerated
Because of that, at least one of the Winchesters is symbolically defeated by Billie the reaper/future Death
Cas loses Kelly, and he can't hunt or find the boys
Rowena's magic won't work
and even Crowley comes up null
The only one everything's going "right" for? Kelly Kline. Jack is working to ensure he's born.
Later, we'll see Jack choose Cas as Father (and Cas's truck breaks down + Dean immediately gets to work to fix it) and in choosing Cas, Jack (symbolically) takes Dean at the same time, narratively reflected by stealing control of Baby.
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(Image from WinchesterFamilyBusiness).0
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angelfishofthelord · 3 years
Apologies for this long and extremely incoherent ask but the human Cas arc was so painful and I'll forever hate how the writers never realized how traumatizing this moment in Cas' life was. Like for one, going into season 9, Cas was already not in a good place (he was suicidal, he was mind controlled and tortured by Heaven, found out he and his siblings have been controlled for their whole existence and he unwittingly played a part in the angels falling whilst also receiving zero support from his friends). In the season, he was being hunted by other angels, that whole mess with the reaper happened (at best that whole thing was dubcon and it gets worse when you think about how this was the first person Cas opened up to only to be taken advantage of). And then when he's brought to the bunker, he thinks he's finally safe only to be kicked out without explanation and left homeless with his life still in danger as he was still being hunted and once again receiving no support from his friends. He was so depressed during that time that a Rit Zien was going to mercy kill him (and then the writers just never mentioned that again and still left him homeless at the end of that episode. Like it's no wonder Cas thinks he's only kept around because he's useful because he was only brought back to the bunker once he stole another angel's grace and Dean needed his help with the Gadreel situation (and I know that Dean didn't want to kick Cas out, he did apologize and feel remorse for what he did to Cas, the situation with Gadreel was urgent and he was grieving Kevin's death but really Dean?! You do nothing to support Cas this season but now you're calling him because you need his help and support). And I know it's in character for Cas to forgive Dean easily but I really wish he was allowed to be angry for a while since Dean did absolutely nothing to support Cas and though unintentional, he did put Cas' life in danger. Now onto Cas recounting that time to Jack: it was so sad because we the audience know what really happened and it's so obvious that Cas couldn't tell Jack the truth about what happened because one, it wouldn't have made Jack feel better and two, Jack would probably look at the bros differently (which is something that Cas wouldn't want to see happen)
Anon you are so right I'm sure Cas didn't want Jack to know how brutal his human experience really was. But honestly like. Sam and Dean were absolutely not there for him, no matter what way you spin it. And yes like you said going into s9 Cas was already coming off the heels of a hurricane of trauma and then s9 really threw him back into the eye of the storm. When the Rit Zien said "I just followed the sound of your pain. You have no idea how loud it is. I can hear you for miles" that just broke me. And whatever Dean was going through with Gadreel and Kevin doesn't negate the fact that he wasn't there for Cas when he needed him and then never did anything to try and make up for that (no a single line of apology is not good enough).
And the thing is Cas was struggling all through s9 but he also got back on his own two feet and survived. He got a job to support himself (and the way Dean treated him initially about the gas n sip work lowkey infuriates me) but also he brought the other angels together and was actively working to find Metatron but also he sent them out to hospitals to help heal people. Like Cas deserved a huge round of applause for what he accomplished in having his little angel army, somehow making the angels trust him again despite s7, and being united towards a common goal-- and all he got from Sam and Dean were complaints about it seeming like a cult. Which to me just shows a lack of understanding from the Winchesters about what angel culture is like and how they are trained to give their entire devotion to their leaders. It might seem unusual but like that's literally all they had to comment about what Cas did. There was no wow Cas you did a good job here or I'm impressed at how you brought all of them together or what you're doing here is really something. Like why do Cas' achievements never get celebrated?
Also Cas did not fail at being a leader in s9 and that is the hill I will die on.
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sidecarghost · 3 years
15x18+ Spn Coda Happy Destiel Ending Fic
Dean was in a hospital bed. His eyes stared blankly at the ceiling. There were no doctors, but Sam brought him here to take advantage of the medical equipment. He found his brother like a corpse with his eyes open sitting with his back against the wall of the bunker’s dungeon.
Chuck stopped by now and then to make sure Sam and Jack still looked miserable. They had not disappointed Chuck yet.
Jack could visit Dean’s dreams, and he brought Sam too in an attempt to awaken Dean. But Dean was blind to their presence. No matter how loud they screamed, Dean couldn’t hear them. And Dean couldn’t feel them, no matter how violently they hit him.
From what Sam could tell Dean was dreaming they were working with Michael to take Chuck down. And that Jack had some kind of power vacuum ability. Michael and Lucifer were throwing fireballs at eachother like a couple kids having a snowball fight. Lucifer somehow snapped Death out of existence, and now they had a pet dog running around the Bunker.
“It’s not supernatural, Sam,” Jack said. “I can’t fix him.”
“I know,” Sam held his brother’s hand and watched the rhythmic rise and fall of his chest. “That Heaven he is stuck in is so depressing though Jack. Jeez I can’t believe our dad is there with him. John definitely didn’t deserve to go to Heaven after the shit he pulled. Then Dean was talking like he was an actor from the AU where our lives were a tv show on that bridge. It’s just so bizarre I wish we could ease his mind.”
“Me too, but what can we do?” Jack asks.
“Something must have happened to Cas,” Sam says, “Dean keeps starting the same dream over and over telling the dream us that Cas saved him. By summoning the Empty somehow.”
“Cas had made a deal with the Empty. Maybe that let him summon the Empty here,” Jack said. Sam raised an eyebrow in question, so Jack explained the terms of the deal to Sam. The deal was a contract to save Jack’s soul, and the Empty would wait until Cas was happy and then strike him down and drag him away.
“So maybe the Empty has something to do with Dean going catatonic,” Sam says.
Sam and Jack watch the still body of Dean in the hospital bed.
They were the last three souls on an empty planet.
Jack started performing the ritual he had seen Nick do to summon Lucifer from the Empty.
As the spell finished, Cas and Billie, emerged through a portal from the Empty.
Sam was surprised to see Billie and after glancing towards Jack it looked like he was too.
“Jack!” Cas hugged Jack and then Sam. “Hello Sam, where’s Dean?”
“He’s gone into a coma Cas,” Sam tells Cas. “We found him sitting against the bunker’s dungeon wall, and he hasn’t been responsive since then.”
“We have business Castiel,” Billie tells the angel.
“Billie, the CE, and I have decided Chuck needs to be stopped, and we have put aside our differences for the time being,” Cas says. “Jack can you help Billie with whatever she needs. Sam, show me where Dean is.”
Jack and Billie find Chuck and use a powerful spell that Billie learned from the CE to free Amara so she becomes the dominant form and Chuck is left trapped inside her mind for safe keeping. Amara snaps her fingers and the Rapture is undone. The world is full of noise once more as people and animals once again appear as though they had never left.
Amara tells Billie and Jack that she needs to leave and work to get Heaven fixed. Now that she understands light and darkness she is confident she can restore what her brother left broken. And she has ideas that may help the CE in the Empty too.
Billie thanks Jack for his help and leaves to restore order to her library and her reapers.
Meanwhile, Sam took Cas to the hospital room. Dean was still staring at the ceiling. Cas walked up and cupped Dean’s face in his hand.
“Hello Dean,” Cas says softly staring down into the blank eyes of the man he loves.
Dean remained motionless. And a moment later Cas appeared in Dean’s dream.
Cas looked around and saw he was at a gas station. Dean was carrying a dog towards the Impala.
“Who would think finding a dog would be a miracle?” Cas overhears Dean tell the canine.
“Dean!” Cas yells.
Dean looks up, but he doesn’t see Cas. He looks right through Cas to something across the street. Cas turns and sees Chuck standing there laughing like a lunatic. The dog disappears in a puff of smoke.
Cas can’t get Dean’s attention. He runs up to Dean, but Dean can’t see him. He yells at Dean, but Dean can’t hear him. He punches Dean, but Dean can’t feel him.
Cas attempts to burn down the church where Michael is hiding but no one reacts to the raging inferno. They keep talking about some plan to defeat Chuck.
“Stop Dean!” Cas yells “Its not Chuck. Michael would be dead Chuck isn’t going to be fooled by some human house of worship.”
Dean is in the bunker, and Cas follows him through his dream never leaving his side. Dean hears the phone ring and answers “Cas!”
Cas wonders if he’s about to meet his dream self. He wonders if dream Cas is going to be taller. Cas watched Dean sprint up the stairs to meet him at the bunker door. And he sees Lucifer?
Well at least Lucifer is an enemy they have confidently beaten before. Cas ignores dream Lucifer and starts looking through the lore while dream Michael and dream Lucifer engage in some embarrassing snowball fight. Cas tries to tune it out while he searching desperately for something in the library that could help Dean’s condition.
Suddenly they are all at the side of a lake. Chuck killed Michael. And now he was beating the snot out of Sam and Dean. Cas tried to put his body as a shield between Chuck and the Winchester’s but no one was affected by his presence. Cas screamed in bitterness and frustration, but no one paid attention to him. Jack walked over and knocked Chuck down. Cas was relieved that Dean wasn’t getting hit anymore.
They got into the Impala and drove to some town. Jack made people appear and then Jack disappeared. Sam and Dean drove to the bunker. Dean drank himself to sleep and Cas watched over him.
The brothers started working a case and Cas watched in horror as a vampire in a mask pushed Dean into a spike.
Cas couldn’t watch Dean die not even in a dream. Cas grabbed his angel blade and slit his own throat. Cas was cutting his grace out. He hoped that if Dean had angel grace he’d snap out of it. Cas began to feel light headed from the quick drop in power.
Cas knelt down on the barn floor. Then he felt a hand on his shoulder. He looked up and saw Dean smiling at him. The dream vampires and dream Sam all had disappeared. Cas and Dean were alone in the dark barn. Dean looked unhurt to Cas.
“Cas, why are you hurt?” Dean asked.
“You are in a coma Dean. I couldn’t wake you, and I thought angels don’t sleep. So I wanted to give you my grace,” Cas said.
Dean knelt down beside Cas, and put Cas’s hand to his own neck. “Heal yourself Cas!” Dean said with worry furrowed on his brow.
“I can’t Dean. I gave it all. I’m human now.” Cas smiled. Cas knew his situation was dire and now he’d bleed out. But he got to see his Dean again, and he couldn’t help from smiling. “I thought I lost you. Dean, does this barn remind you of the night we met?”
“Forget about the memories Cas. I want the real you. I’ve been stuck in this dream over and over. And I knew if I could just find you I’d snap out of it. You can’t leave buddy. We just found each other again. I thought you were gone forever. Because you never told me goodbye before,” Dean whispers to Cas. Dean puts his own hand over Cas’s throat and to his surprise his hand glows and Cas’s throat is healed.
“Cas, what the fuck?” Dean asks Cas.
“Uhh, you have my grace so now you have angelic powers.” Cas tells Dean.
“I don’t want them, Cas. Can I give them back? How do I fix this?” Dean asks. Dean stands up and offers Cas his hand to help him up.
“There is nothing to fix, Dean. I don’t need those powers anymore. I’d like to live a human life.” Cas looks at Dean.
“Cas, I think losing you. It broke something inside me. Everytime I lose you it gets harder for me to recover. When you pulled me out of Hell, I was torturing souls and I enjoyed it. Ever since then I’ve been barely keeping it together. I close my eyes and see myself ripping limbs off of humans with a smile on my face. Cas, you are the only one that knows that and still loves me. You have seen me at my worst and love me for me.” Dean tells Cas.
“Who you were then, that’s not who you are now. That doesn’t define you,” Cas says. “You—” Dean leans in to kiss Cas on the lips. Then Dean pulls back and looks at Cas. Cas appears totally astonished, and Dean smiles at Cas because he’s beautiful and amazing.
“I love you, Cas. I never believed in angels or a greater power before we met. I only believed in the things I could see. But then I met you Cas. You gave up Heaven, and everything you had ever known because you believed in doing the right thing. You believed in us. You fought for us.” Dean said, “You are more than an angel to me. You are my Cas.” Dean wraps his arms around Cas. “Cas, can we get out of here?”
“Yes Dean, you just need to wake up,” Cas says.
Cas blinks and is back in the hospital with Dean and Sam. The hospital also has nurses and technicians walking along the hallways.
“Hey Cas! It looks like the Rapture got reversed.” Sam looks at Cas. “Um... any luck with Dean?”
“Yes Sam, actually Dean was the one that pulled me out of the dream,” Cas said.
“Oh wow really?” Sam walked over to the side of Dean’s bed and leaned over to see if there was any change in Dean. Dean’s eyes were still open and looking on the ceiling. Then Sam felt an arm grab his shoulder and shake him, and Sam found himself flinching involuntarily.
“Got you!” Dean laughed.
“Go to hell,” Sam rolled his eyes and then leaned in to hug his brother.
Dean hopped out of bed, and asked Sam if he could borrow his knife. Sam nods and hands his brother his blade. Then Sam announces he has a text from Eileen, and he’ll be back in a bit.
“Where’s Jack?” Dean asks.
“Here I am,” Jack appears in the room. An orderly screams. “Oh don’t worry I’m a magician, and that was part of my magic act,” Jack tells the frightened orderly.
Dean grabs a specimen cup out of a drawer and slices his neck. The grace drips into the specimen cup. After it’s filled Dean replaces the lid on the jar.
“Dean, I meant it before I don’t want my grace back,” Cas says.
Jack reaches out to heal Dean’s neck. “Here Jack can you keep this in a pocket dimension for safe keeping?” Dean hands Jack the jar.
Jack nods his head and disappears. Another orderly screams but the first orderly explains it’s part of a magic act.
“I’m glad you still don’t want your grace,” Dean walks over to Cas and reaches out to hold his hands. “I’m ready to try new things. The stress of hunting has been wearing me down. I’m running on adrenaline and I am barely coping anymore. I’m too tired to feel anything but anger most of the time. I want to find some peace, and I’d like to grow old with you Cas.”
“And I’d like to grow old with you, Dean Winchester.” Cas says.
They share a kiss and then another. “Dean if we’re still in your coma, I don’t want to wake up,” Cas says.
“No Cas, we’re not dreaming. This is real. We’re real,” Dean tells Cas while punctuating the answer with kisses under his jawline. “And now that we have each other, nothing can drag us apart.”
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eddielala · 4 years
Okay, I won’t sleep.
Here’s my goddamn summary and explanation of the meta. Because I have to say it.
1. They cut the ‘I love you’ scene . You know why? It was a hint that this episode won’t be about them.
2. We don’t know how long Dean was in the bunker and cried. We do know he didn’t pick up the phone the first time Sam called.
3. Dean arrives with the Impala. You can see he’s broken. And I really mean fucking goddamn broken. Jensen acted it very well and in character. He looks to the ground, he tries not to cry, his eyes flutter. He doesn’t realize what Jack and Sam are saying, you literally can see him thinking. Cas told him he loves him and died, that’s not easy to handle. Not for Dean, who’s still unsure about his sexuality.
4. “He saved me”. Well, he didn’t say ‘he loves me’. But ‘he saved me’ is the exact same thing for Dean, because he’s the man who doesn’t deserve to be saved. Saving him was Cas’ love confession and with telling Sam and Jack about it, he said ‘he loves me’. And come on, Dean talking about feelings would be out of character. We see a drunk Dean sleeping between beer bottles, that’s enough.
5. The dog is Cas. Not in person, but it’s kind of an incarnation. The angel with the puppy eyes, loyal, brave. Dean sees Cas in it and that’s the reason he falls in love with ‘Miracle’. He dies because of god and the moment of joy is over. Btw in the end you can see the dog again. Sooo, maybe Cas is on his way?
6. Adam is dead. It was only Michael and Adams body. And after Michael is killed Adam is gone forever. Maybe it’s a message because the fans always made fun that the writers and the boys forgot their brother. Now he’s gone.
7. The Cas call scene. You can see the desperate in Deans eyes. I already saw some posts about it and they were on point. The moment of hope in Deans eyes when he hears Cas’ voice, he jumps off and runs upstairs. That’s love btw. He wants so bad that it’s Cas, even he knows it’s nearly impossible.
8. Lucifers comeback. Maybe fan service? Mark was a brillant Lucifer. And we have the situation of the archenemies again: Lucifer and Michael, both with daddy issues. One last fight. And, surprise, Luci dies. The “good” one wins. Luci is now in the empty again... isn’t he? But I think his death is permanently. They wanted to solve the problem with the whole ‘in SPN nobody stays dead’ thing. But dunno, I didn’t look up the cast for next week’s episode.
9. The reaper. Well, I was in shock when she showed up. I really thought it’s Cas in a female vessel but it was just a reaper. Luci kills her, here’s new death. Well, they needed someone to open up the goddamn book. Wasn’t very exciting. And she was dead as fast as she was alive. I think the writers didn’t know how to open up the book otherwise.
10. The plan. What a rush. And how could god not know it? He’s omniscient? Hm... well, I think the most important scene was the one when Dean asks god to bring Cas back. The anger in his eyes, mixed with desperation. He would kill his brother, but Cas has to live. That’s character development, you can’t tell me otherwise. And that’s also plot development.
11. Michael’s death. Kill off and gone. Well, I think they had to get rid of him. But he died through the hands of his loved father. Could be a hint that daddy issues have to be solved and shows that Chuck is a goddamn son of a bitch.
12. Jack. Oh, he’s an adult now! I think it was the best what could happen to our baby. He always felt not strong enough and now he’s god. That’s a promotion! It was a good decision: Jack was not controlled by his feelings - sure he had bad days, but his wisdom was greater than god’s actually. The reason is that he’s half an angel. And he’s half an human. God made the angels the image and likeness of himself but he wasn’t satisfied by the result. So he created humanity the same way. Jack is a combination out of god’s objective, destructive side and god’s loving, emotional side. And both sides were always in balance, and that’s the reason he could be a energy - how did they call it - sucking hole without getting destroyed by gods and Amaras power. Because these powers need balance and Jack could give it to them.
13. God. God’s an asshole. And we know he represents the writers of Supernatural. When Chuck beats the shit out of Dean and Sam it’s actually a message: The writers harmed them so many times, the whole series is a fucking drama. It represents how they dealt with them, they send them to hell and back so many times. They tortured them, broke their hearts. That’s the last time the writers harm them so much. Because they - Chuck - looses his powers. Dean and Sam take over the situation. Dean and Sam represented and influenced by Jensen and Jared. And by the fans. The writers aren’t able to change them anymore. They are what we want them to be. Because they don’t have the power anymore.
14. The book. We see the white pages of the book. God can’t see what’s written there. The pages are blank. This means the writers are finished. They don’t have something to say anymore. The story got told and there’s nothing what follows. The pages are white and ready for stories from other people. Fanfics, fanarts, and so on. Chuck, the writers, tell us there’s nothing left to say. It’s over.
15. Dean doesn’t kill god. Chuck provokes Dean to kill him and Dean says to him, that’s not who he is. You remember Cas said it this to him, right. It’s not a love confession but something like this. He finally accepts who he is and that he has feelings and not only a raised killing machine. He accepts himself. Maybe that’s a good sign for the next episode.
16. Jack disappears. I know he’s family but for real: he found his happiness being a god. He will change the world. I already said why he’s perfect for this job. And his disappearance is... well, gives me a comfortable feeling. He’s in peace and he found his mission of life. And you can’t tell me he didn’t bring back Eileen and the others. We don’t know if he can bring back Cas out of the empty. But I think he would bring Cas back if he could. Maybe he couldn’t and the story gets told in the last episode. However, Jack did a great job.
17. The ending. Yeah, what did we expect? They already told us with the season’s posters that it’s about Sam and Dean. And only them. And I can understand why Dean seems to be happy there. They literally saved the goddamn world again. But I don’t think it’s only this. They are free now. That means they can become what they want - what the fans want because the writers lost their power. And maybe that’s a hint on Destiel being confirmed by Dean in the next episode. And they’re driving with the Impala but we don’t know where they will go. Hmm... and maybe Dean smiled because he had hope again? Hope to save his... boyfriend?! Don’t know, but he’s able to do it now.
So, maybe I’m too romantic but that’s what I think. I think we see Cas again and that they will be together. I don’t know and I don’t think we will get a love confession from Dean (I know, sad. I thought we get it). But I think there’s hope. Maybe - that’s only a theory - they don’t want to make it completely canon because they argue that the end should offer enough possibilities for the fans to write and draw and so on. I would be pissed if that’s the argument, I mean queerbaiting is real but we don’t know.
I don’t find an answer in the confusing statements of the actors and the crew. Misha said he’s not in this episodes, but he was on set. It’s canon, but Dean doesn’t reciprocate? What the hell? It’s a mess and they have to clean it up for the fans. They said it won’t be a ‘Game of Thrones’ ending and hell yes, I don’t want that. It would suck. Also they said the ending would make 30% of the fans happy - maybe that’s us. We’ll see.
Edit: Btw I wrote it before, I think it’s true that Cas gets more attention in the last episode because of the fact it’s the series finale. Cas wasn’t just part of the season and we know it was the season finale, he’s part of the whole series for years. So why not bring him back for the series finale?
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sarah-dipitous · 1 year
Hellsite Nostalgia Tour 2023 Day 78
Death Takes a Holiday
“Death Takes a Holiday”
Plot Description: Sam and Dean try to find out why people in a small town are having near death experiences with alarming frequency by going into the spirit world
Would I Survive the First Five Minutes??: I suppose. The episode title is LITERALLY Death Takes a Holiday. For a while, just this once, everybody lives!!
I’m starting with the recap because I was thinking about the verbal part of the fight the boys had at the end of last episode on my way into work today. It’s VERY reminiscent of the posts that’s are like “haha. British people say Tuesday like chewsday” “yeah, well at least kids here don’t have to worry about getting shot in their schools” because Dean’s just like “here’s a list of small but very real things you’ve done recently that are causing my trust in you to erode, Sam” and Sam’s like “I’m stronger than you, and you’re holding me back, why don’t you go cry about how you were tortured in literal hell again before you couldn’t even take that anymore because you’re WEAK and leave hunting to me?”
Y’all are not past ANYTHING. Because Dean ABSOLUTELY meant what he said. It definitely wasn’t the siren, no matter what Sam says. And that gets added to the suspicions Dean has. Why would his be true and not Sam’s?
No, the normal rules of life and death haven’t applied to you boys, but OMG that doesn’t mean you are just naturally above them, Sam!!
Love when they don’t actually have a good lie for people…
Of course you have to actually knock Dean out to get rid of Alistair…
Can’t believe Sam just said to Pamela, their friend whose eyes got burnt out from seeing Cas’s true form, “you’re a sight for sore eyes.” Boy, are you kidding me??
So, to save the local reaper (to stop yet another seal from breaking), the boys are gonna astral project onto the spirit world
It does seem realistic that ghost Dean’s first instinct is to shove his fist through Sam’s chest
Come on, Dean… that’s the reaper from the first time you were dying. I love how impartial Tessa is. She doesn’t care about the fight between the angels and demons…she’s just here to do her job
Oh…I hate Sam lying to this kid’s ghost. Sam deserves the hit to the junk for that
Do appreciate a good and funny training montage
It’s interesting to watch the boys get the treatment they usually give ghosts. The iron, shooting them with rock salt
Pamela, bestie, you didn’t have the door locked before???? Come on…
Ooooo, making the chandelier fall to disrupt the digit was so smart, Dean!!
CASTIEL!!! I’ve decided to stop feeling shame at how my brain reacts to his presence on screen.
I dunno how I’d feel as Dean here. Being told that I’m different, I’m special, I’m above the laws of life & death when he just had a fight with Sam about this
Damn, can ANY supernatural beings FINISH a conversation with Dean??? Do they HAVE to just disappear after telling him something cryptic?? Cas AND Tessa did this one right after the other
You know what they say about good intentions, Sam??
Rip Pamela
“Been On My Mind…”: barely but maybe? Eh. Let’s count it…10
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