#he used to have a more standard robot form he moded it later
autobotmedic · 2 years
Ratch has studied and focused primarily on Applied science, which includes more than this list because there are advanced alien categories not describable by Earth words and also him reading about it occasionally doesn’t make him an expert on that topic, so, THESE ARE THINGS HE KNOWS A SUBSTANCIAL AMOUNT ABOUT not things he might know a little a bit (... even if ‘a little’ could be a lot by our standards hgksjdhf).
List of Applied Sciences that he either officially studied as a medic, or he knows enough about at this point that he’s trusted on the topic regardless. Several of these overlap but I wanted to mention specific ones sometimes rather than just a broad category:
Aerospace engineering - partially due to the fact that some tfs are capable of space travel without a ship (such as those that can turn into satellites) or they ARE a ship (such as those that can turn into shuttles), partially out of his own intrigue with transportation and spacebridging technology, which later leads to his ability to create the groundbridge variation even with Earth’s limitations.
Applied mathematics
Applied physics
Biomedical engineering - yes he knows how most of the equipment he uses works and he can build it which is how they have any of it on Earth.
Chemical engineering
Computational geometry
Computer engineering
Computer science
Dentistry - this is not something he intended to focus on, but there wasn’t anyone else to take care of it as medical professionals dropped during war. so. he does. and he stops once there are others who can take care of that again post-reconstruction of their planet. because honestly he doesn’t want his hands in others’ mouths.
Electrical engineering - especially electromagnetism due to the field produced by sparks.
Electronic engineering
Marine engineering - related to tfs capable of turning into marine vessels.
Mechanical engineering
Nutritional science - nutrition but for vehicles, such a fuel combinations healthiest for specific builds, minerals, etc for needs ranging from paint nanites to lubricant for internal workings (eventually studies human nutrition on Earth).
Optometry - this is actually one of the most aesthetically fascinating to him of their biological variations, because you’ve got dilating optics you’ve got solid optics you’ve got multicolored optics there are SO MANY OPTICAL FORMS (plus types of vision) and they are amazing.
Physical therapy - strong evidence of this during bulkhead’s physical recovery after getting wrecked by hardshell, because Ratch has him doing exercises but also stops him from Overdoing it too.
Software engineering
Veterinary science - because of tfs with animalistic alt modes, but also out of his own interest and the sense of peace he finds in the wilderness (on earth or cybertron), he Will help an injured creature if he finds it or is presented with it.
Natural Sciences aka overlapping or exceptions due to familiarity or casual interest, but he has not intentionally studied everything that falls under these massive categories:
Biology - I think this is self explanatory, but beyond robotic, he has studied organic forms more extensively in recent ages due to space travels after the exodus from their homeworld and due to living on Earth. Includes his casual botany, neuroscience, and zoology interests.
Chemistry - although he can use his knowledge for analysis and creation/counteracting a problem when necessary, he cares about metallurgy and mineralogy more than most matters in this category. Also includes his knowledge of nanotechnology.
Physics - again, he can use knowledge for analysis and problem-solving, but he cares more about thermodynamics (which is part of chemical engineering mentioned above), mechanics, and psychophysics than most matters in this category.
TF Specific honorable mentions because I’m sure it qualifies as its own category:
Blacksmithing - perhaps one day I will be able to come up with a more technical term for assistance in developing well-born newforges, but for now, it is a term known by many due to idw so I use it.
Carrying and Pediatrics - again, I haven’t come up with robotic technical terms for their methods of budding or kindling to create sparklings (and their care/development afterward) because none of it is the same as humans (and I don’t share a lot of fanon concepts either hfsjkdhf), but I still use these terms so you know loosely what I’m referring to.
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Thanks for answering my old question. Glad it clarify my confusion.
Speaking of which, how did any of the alternate Aki's are made or active. Like are they specifically designed from the robot masters that adopt them to look like their respective robot master
Dr. Light created Aki but something happen that caused them to be separated and forgot Aki original family like Daini did. And they got found by a robot master and rename or start to look like the robot master they live with.
Sorry for long ask
Good question! I’ve actually been waiting for someone to ask something like this, as the answer is pretty interesting and something I’ve spent a lot of time developing.
See, the basic setup behind each of the Alternate Akis’ AUs is that Sgt. Night succeeded in stealing both Aki and Daini but lost Aki along the way, with one of the Robot Masters stumbling upon him and deciding to take him in and raise him as their own. The only exceptions to this are the Ice Man Aki, who was instead found by Ice Man’s guardian/s and raised as his brother (since I see Ice Man as being a child or at least in his early teens) and the Wood Man and Skull Man Akis, whose origins deviate wildly from the standard format.
Given how Canon!Daini’s armored form seen in the show’s flashbacks looks pretty different compared to how it is currently and how it looks in the comic’s flashbacks, I’ve always assumed that it’s relatively easy for a robot to undergo cosmetic changes depending on what they or their creator want them to look like (similar to how humans get haircuts, piercings, or tattoos but to a more extreme extent), either by getting a qualified professional to do it or doing it themselves. Seeing as most of the Robot Masters look vastly different from Canon!Aki, I’d imagine that they’d try to make their adopted child look a bit more like them aesthetic-wise before properly activating them to avoid making them feel too alienated and/or make them uniquely theirs. Brooke is a special case as she didn’t feel comfortable in her body even after Wave Man altered it to look more similar to him, resulting in her asking her dad if she could switch to a more feminine body and voice box. Wave Man, being the sweetheart he is, happily obliged as he valued his daughter’s happiness above all else. (This is also the case for another Alternate Aki, but I’m going to hold off on revealing which one it is until later).
Additionally, the Robot Masters also decided to alter their respective adopted child’s systems to better suit their lifestyles and functions. Canon!Aki lives amongst regular humans, so of course he’s going to have the proper modifications needed to be as human-like as possible and his default Mega Mode will be the most basic. Canon!Daini was stolen from Light specifically to further aid Sgt. Night’s cause, so of course he’s going to be modified to be the perfect soldier, and his Mega Mode will be heavily weaponized. So it would make logical sense for the Robot Masters to do the same, just to a greater extent. Fire Man would need a child who can properly withstand the heat, Wave Man would need a child who can swim and assist him with cleaning duties, Air Man and Blasto Woman would need a child to be able to take to the skies with them, Guts Man would need a child whose strength matches his and who can properly eat normally inedible things, the list goes on and on. Even Robot Masters with more mundane purposes I could see making mild modifications to their kids like Chemistry Man modifying his to be able to properly withstand and handle various chemicals and Cut Man modifying his to assist with gardening and potentially various other household chores. This would also naturally affect their Mega Modes and the effect different schematics would have on them, especially since they don’t have a Mega Mini as I headcanon that Dr. Light created him as a safeguard against potential thefts after Daini was stolen from him. So Ember wouldn’t get anger issues from using the Fire Man Schematic, the Elec Man Aki wouldn’t get hyperactive from using the Elec Man Schematic, the Guts Man Aki wouldn’t get an insatiable appetite or grow in size after eating from using the Guts Man schematic (although due to his altered systems, he’d naturally be much taller and sturdier than the other Akis), and so on and so forth.
(Plus I felt like it would be boring if I just made everyone look exactly like Aki just with different clothes and hairstyles and I wanted to make them all stand out from one another in both appearance and personality.)
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eldritchships · 2 years
Since Transformers has a bunch of different continuities how does Flatline's story/personality change from universe to universe? (And what universe do you typically imagine him in?)
I love this question I'm so excited to get to talk about the Flatline differences between continuities. Putting it under a cut because this naturally got a bit long
Main/Standard Version
The ‘Main’ version of Flatline uses a mix of Prime and Cyberverse’s canons, so this is also the version of Flatline to use for both those sources. (Although I would like to make a Cyberverse-exclusive design at some point, just for funsies). Follows Flatline’s standard design and history; wrongly-incarcerated field medic turned mad doctor who now sides with the Decepticons. Shockwave’s infatuated lab partner and eventual significant other. Not heaps to say for this version, as I’ve covered a lot of the unique history in other posts.
Robots In Disguise (2015)
Mainly changes in physical design. Flatline’s alt mode got changed from a helicopter to a scorpion, and his right arm was modified so that the entire limb is still a functional syringe but also one of those whip-sword things (apparently they’re called scorpion whips, which, works out perfectly :3), with the arm becoming the tail of the scorpion when he transforms. RID is supposed to be a sequel to Prime, so pretty much everyone knows that by this point Flatline is Shockwave’s partner (it’s most likely mentioned when Flatline shows up as well). Flatline most likely got the body modifications from Shockwave too. I prefer Flatline’s helicopter form, especially for the Prime version, but an animal-based alt mode is fun and I wanted to do it for one of the heavily animal-based TF shows (I’ll be honest, I kinda see RID as a branching-off alternate canon, so I’ll probably think of scorpi-Line similarly)
I had an idea already, but it’s most likely going to be changed once the B-season comes out and I see what Shockwave’s doing (I have theories about what’s going to happen, and it’s not going to be pretty). Currently though: Follows the standard version to begin with, except that part has to be in the past, as the war’s over in the present. Flatline has cut ties with both Autobots and Decepticons, as he doesn’t want anything more to do with their conflict. He’s living in a cosy (albeit bot-sized) laboratory-slash-summer-home, within driving range of Witwicky but out of the way enough that it’s unlikely he’ll get visitors. Flatline’s very happy living there, left alone to his work and in peace.
Transformers Animated
TFA Flatline is a little more erratic in personality, and more eager to get into conflict compared to other versions. His alt mode is also a plane, as TFA actually doesn’t have any helicopter bots (I could change that, but I think it’s a fun detail and I want to stick to it for Flatline). Has a similar arm to his Gen1 version. I can imagine Flatline getting a standalone episode of sorts (a ‘villain of the week’ similar to Nanosec or Soundwave) for his introduction. Flatline came to Earth independently a short period after escaping prison, unaware that any Autobots were on the planet. When he finds out, he specifically goes out of his way to antagonise them. This version of Flatline is unique in that he doesn’t meet Shockwave until later. Flatline gets a few more subsequent run-ins with the Autobots, then he’s captured and shipped back to Cybertron, where he’s interrogated by several high-ranking officials, including Longarm Prime.
Generation 1
The classic continuity, Gen1 Flatline shares the signature blocky shapes, along with some minor personality changes. Gen1 Flatline also doesn’t have a right hand, as his syringe in this version is more of a cabled harpoon that holsters inside his open arm (but it functions mostly the same way). Flatline is still a toxicologist who always has something brewing, but he’s prone to accidental friendly fire, catching his own allies in the blast range. He’s also so so fragile physically, he crumples like paper in a fight as soon as someone can get a hit on him.
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ninjasmudge · 2 years
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if anyone wondered why entanglement maq cant keep still or quiet, this is partially why
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can you tell us more about the imps??? your ocs baxter and clay are really funny
To be clear, I designed Clayton for a friend! But yes, Baxter is my own, the first imp I ever designed (and kinda the.. only one I really draw, since imps aren't as popular as my other robots. for that reason, thanks for asking about them!!)
Imagine if for any kind of magical setting in any time period, there were just. These guys. These mostly short, dwarven-ish, kobold-ish robot-imps that did construction work to help make those giant, crazy castles you see in concept art, or all those spaces that are "bigger on the inside" that fae folk live in, and you sorta get what they are.
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Now, for the meat and potatoes.
Cyber Imps are mechanical, corporeal demons made purely of machine parts and synthetic flesh, and have little to no actual magic themselves. Instead, their ability to calculate probabilities via just observation makes them masters of artificing, insurance planning, architecture, and more rarely, medicine. Most imps can calculate the time a building will fall over or when a person will die from natural causes, down to the year. This is known as their "risk sense", in which they can sense the natural risk of "failure" for anything they observe. Humans, fae, cryptids, or otherwise, have contracted them throughout history to help build all sorts of things, and when imps build something, it usually lasts a very, very long time.
Imps technically operate on a caste system, but due to their "risk sense", they often revolt against any given leader who isn't competent enough at their job and is too risky to follow the orders of. Most imps can also just bail from a clan to start their own, so kinda a not-so-indentured servitude situation. They used to live more feudally, but later adopted a more anarchist/libertarian-ish approach to their work, doing things in exchange for simple resources like oil or even money (if an imp tells you your civilization's currency is too risky to invest in, invest in something else quick.)
Culturally, imps are mostly brash and extroverted, and appear to be extremely reckless daredevils due to their risk sense. In reality, they can do seemingly riskier things because they know when certain actions are actually much safer to perform. Because they can also self-repair and are just really durable in general, they like to get into actually unsafe stunts anyway, as more likely than not they'll either walk away from it, or get their pieces picked up by trusted buddies and get welded back together in no time at all. They like to play with guns recreationally. Don't gamble against a cyber imp; These fuckers know how to win at coinflips just by watching you flip a coin enough times first.
On that note, most imps who go solo in life will usually be some form of freelance gunman, or form a small pirate band or private military squad with others. in this instance, they're a lot like the sort of mooks you'd find on the final stage of an fps game; tanky, hard-hitting, and too good at evading your own aim.
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Baxter is an agile, skilled marksman, and is really fucking annoying for most adversaries to fight. He's trained via methods that are considered risky by imp-standards, and has honed his own risk sense to borderline pre-cognition levels. Most martial arts are virtually ineffective on him as long as he can see the movement of your own limbs within a millisecond, unless you have any kind of super-speed.
Imps are virtually immortal, save for really poor maintenance or flaws in their hibernation mode in the worse cases. If an imp dies but their brains are salvageable, their memories and skills are uploaded into a database, and re-inserted into a new imp. This usually done with the pre-written consent of the imp. Often times, those memories and skills are scrambled in some way for the sake innovating on the previous donor, but donors can request as much of their original selves to be reinstalled as possible.
It can also be done with human brains. It's as disorienting as it sounds.
That's the broad-strokes of it all. If anyone wants to use them in a tabletop campaign, I literally only ask for credit for the initial idea and notes provided. Otherwise, go nuts.
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elindae-writes · 4 years
Ok, this is all about your headcanons. Is Starscream the oldest/youngest/middle member of his trine? Did he get his trine before or after losing Skyfire? During his time in the Decepticons? How did he meet his trinemates? Was there a cool ceremony? Just tell me everything about Seekers! (Without major spoilers, of course.)
He’s the youngest and he trined Skywarp and Thundercracker after he lost Skyfire and also after he first met Megatron. So they were officially in a trine before they joined the Decepticons. He convinced them to join the ‘Cons and without spoiling too much now bitterly regrets roping them into joining Megatron.
The scenes in which he meets the boys and trines them are going to appear later on, maybe during the Orion Pax arc, so I don’t want to spoil those, but I will gladly indulge your request for cool Seeker facts.
Seekers think in three dimensions and not two due to them being flyers and always having to ascend/descend. This is part of the reason they are so claustrophobic, it’s because they are highly attuned to sensing what’s above them at all times and are therefore hyperaware of when the ceiling is too low.
In Seekercant the word for “grounder” is just “taxi-er” because whenever airplanes are about to take off they taxi around first, so Seekers basically just see grounders as wingless bots who taxi everywhere without taking off.
Seekers are unusual in that they see their alt-modes as their true natural forms and think of their bipedal root-modes as their actual alternate modes. This is weird even by flyer standards.
Seekers used to go on giant migrations. I haven’t entirely thought this out because I’m not sure where they’d actually migrate to--maybe they’d just all instinctively fly up and around Vos without leaving the city, or maybe they’d go off and visit ancient older nesting sites built by ancient Seekers. Either way I just like the imagery of thousands of Seekers blackening the skies with their numbers and then the sad image of Starscream trying to complete a grand Seeker migration all by himself because there is no one else left. But someone still needs to follow the ancient winds, so it’s gotta be him.
Starscream is tiny by Seeker standards and Dreadwing and Skyquake are actually more average-sized. It’s also my headcanon his RID frame used to be his old frame, so when Megs downsized him he got fussy about it because he genuinely felt like a bit of his Seeker heritage got taken away.
There were a bunch of different towers in Vos and they all had their own slightly different cultures. Seekers from one tower would whistle and chirp in Seekercant in slightly different tones than Seekers from another tower, like the way whales from different pods have their own unique dialects. Starscream’s fellow Seekers from his tower were infamous for speaking real fancy-like, I don’t know why but I just picture them as speaking in weirdly complex, vague, and mystical ways like the elves from the Lord of the Rings. Despite there being hundreds of different dialects each Seeker is capable of instinctively recognizing the dialect you’re speaking and can just tell what tower you’re from. There was also a Seeker equivalent of Australia somewhere in Vos and it was completely full of weird and intense Cybertronian animals, it was just like that one weird tower where all of the odd little drones and robots ended up. I just like the idea of Vosian Australian memes.
Starscream was from a really high-ranking family, aka the equivalent of Seeker nobility, and was maybe in line to become or at the very least is closely related to the Winglord. That’s why it was such a scandal when he got the heck out of Dodge and decided to abandon his proud noble military family so that he could go blow stuff up in a lab in Iacon.
Shuttles have their own culture, but are weirdly symbiotic with Seekers. I just like the imagery of throngs of tiny Seekers who wandered around their towers with the occasional giant shuttle just lumbering through. Shuttles adopted Seekers and vice versa. Seekers were extremely touchy about whoever adopts baby Seekerlings and shuttles were the only non-Seekers who were allowed to adopt them. When Starscream moved out of Vos and got himself a roommate in Iacon his family was like “who?? who is dwelling with you, I refuse to allow you to have a non-Seeker roommate, we’d much rather have you dwell alone then dirty yourself by living with an Iaconian--”
And then Starscream just sent over a picture of Skyfire and then his family just said  “we will make an exception for him because he looks very polite”
Seekers were infamous across Cybertronian for being--I’m not sure if this is the right word--cryptids? They hate using doors, so if you’re a grounder and your Seeker buddy is bopping by for a visit you’ll just hear a soft tap tap tap by your window and you’dlllook over and see your winged friend waiting for you to open it up and maybe you’d shout something along the lines of “THE DOOR WORKS FINE”
And then your Seeker friend would just flare his wings and get all offended and it would be a whole thing--
Seekers very rarely make non-Seeker friends, but when they do they tend to make friendships for life. That is not foreshadowing, no, not at all. Non-fliers back on Cybertron would even leave their windows unlocked for their Seeker friends--even though the door would work just fine.
Another weird thing about Seekers is that they hate it when people actually see them entering or exiting a room. You’ll just turn around and a Seeker will be there, and then suddenly they won’t be, hence their cryptic reputation around Cybertron. They are infamous for being overdramatic and theatrical, but they just think of everybody else as being underdramatic.
They have no concept of personal space when in bipedal mode. When flying they normally have to fly wide apart in order to avoid collisions (military trines or just trines that are really in-synch are the exception, they normally flew only a few inches apart) so when in bipedal mode they make up for the lack of physical contact during flying by skooching up real close to each other when back on the ground. Seekers are very very good at forming neat and orderly lines. They have a tendency to sandwich confused and surprised grounders who are shocked to have their personal space so suddenly taken up by a bunch of pairs of wings.
Back when Vos was intact there was a big debate going on as to the proper way to teach your Seekerling to fly. There were two schools of thought:
Send your Seekerling to a school with safety nets and attentive instructors and teach the Seekerlings to just hover, then ascend three feet off the ground, then five feet, and then so on.
Or just chuck your Seekerling out of a tower 10,000 feet in the air while shouting “fLAP” and then just hoping for the best. That was how Starscream was taught. It’s also how he taught Eradicons to fly. He’d have them walk up to the edge, he’d go behind and just give them a good kick, and then shout “THIS IS THE VOSIAN WAY”
And then they’d return to the deck of the Nemesis, cold and shaking, and ask “why?”
And then Starscream would whisper back even more gently “it’s  t r a d i t i o n”
Whenever Seekerlings were really really tiny, as in only a few weeks or months old, the adult Seekers would transform, then also have their Seekerling transform into a very smol plane, and then they would secure the Seekerling to their back before taking flight. It’s like when that Boeing jet carried space shuttle Endeavour around, but much cuter. Seekers carried their newsparks around on their backs between their wings and their wings would widen in order to create more room. You can actually tell if a Seeker has tended to newsparks by just looking at their back. Starscream babysitted a lot, so he has this modification. I just like the idea of Seekers walking around like possums with like six Seekerlings on their back, they gotta make room, it’s the only way I could think of to accomodate all the kiddos
Seekerlings are like newborn horses. They can get up and run--or in their case, transform and fly--right after being sparked. The moment their systems go online they then immediately fly off and crash somewhere. Seekerling caretakers had it rough.
Seekers had potlucks. Their systems require very fine and refined energon, so they are very good at tasting subtle flavors. In other words, Vos was home to the Cybertronian version of professional chefs. Their energon was famous for being gourmet and it would be served in fine-dining restaurants throughout the rest of Cybertron. But back in Vos they’d just casually serve each other what was essentially gourmet energon during potlucks like it was no big deal. Like imagine going to the neighbor’s potluck and they’re all eating caviar.
Seekers instinctively cluster around each other in multiples of three. Three’s a very a lucky number in their culture and they had a base-six counting system.
Trinebonds are mostly just full of a very intense and platonic brother love, but there were some trines in which you’d have two Seekers adopt a more parental role towards the third, and in some other trines there would be more romance involved, but for the most part they were just bros through and through.
When a Seeker dies the other two feel an agonizing pain, but will eventually re-trine with a new third in an attempt to feel whole again. Seekers who lose both trinemates will tend to have a full-on mental breakdown and will get so stressed that their spark will actually begin to flare erratically, which unfortunately prevents them from re-trining. Seekers who lost both trinemates and yet who managed to pull through the pain and trine again were treated with great respect.
Trined Seekers are capable of sensing what kind of vague mood their two buddies are feeling at any given time. They can detect when their trinemates are in root-mode or alt-mode or when they’re healthy or sick. Seekers will lose the ability to sense their trinebonds when there’s too much distance between them or whenever their trinemates go into a deep coma-like stasis that slows their spark down.
All of the Seekers in a tower would be almost always all distantly related. The Seekers who lived beneath you were your distant cousins on one side of your family and the Seekers who lived above you were your even more distant cousins but like 53 times removed, but still family and therefore still invited to the family potluck!! They’re all like hobbits in that they are obsessed with genealogy and will gladly talk about it for hours on end. Seekers will greet each other by explaining their genealogy. This really confuses grounders.
Some random grounder: “Oh, hi, how are you?”
The poor grounder: *softly* “What the fuck”
If you don’t interrupt the Seeker then they will just keep recounting their genealogy on the assumption that you are actually intrigued. This can go for hours. Seekers are mortified when they learn that grounders do not know the names, personalities, likes, dislikes, and favorite childhood snacks of their distant great-great-great-great-great grandfathers.
Orphaned Seekers who didn’t know their genealogy had multiple options: get adopted, then just list off the adopted family’s bloodline, or if they didn’t get adopted then they’d just list off the names of Vos’s mythological heroes and figures, or maybe even just claim Primus as their ancestor (which isn’t even wrong.) This is kind of like how people in ancient times claimed to be descended from gods. The human equivalent of this would be some dude walking up to you and saying “I am Bob, son of Zeus!”
Some Seeker towers had certain naming conventions. Like you’d have one tower full of Seekers who are all named after cloud formations, and another tower full of Seekers named after noises, like “whistle” or “blast,” and you guessed it--maybe even “scream.”
To be honest I’m not sure if I want Starscream to be a very common or very rare name. Vos was made up of ancient warring clans that all united under the first Winglord (he/she took Vos under their “wing” hence the title) and maybe they could’ve been named Starscream? In most human societies everybody and their neighbor always would want to name their kiddos after the current ruler, but in Vos maybe it was very rare and very bold of Seekers to name their child after the current ruler because it would be seen as an attempt to snatch up that ruler’s glory. So to name your Seekerling Starscream would be the Vosian equivalent of naming your son Gaius Julius Caesar. He’s an intense bot so it makes sense that he’d also have a very intense name.
But then again I also like the idea of the Autobots just thinking of Starscream’s name as being weird and rich and odd and  e x o t i c  but then finding out it’s the Vosian equivalent of John Smith and that there were eight Starscreams on any block at any given time.
Maybe Seekers would change their name whenever they have a big event happen to them, like a trining for example. I think a culture obsessed around airflow would be fine with people changing aspects of their identity like that because then you’re being like the wind, flowing and changing with the same wind that carries you. It’s also my headcanon that this is why Seekers change their frames a lot more. Your frame isn’t you, it contains you, and if you change then it would be really weird not to change the way you look too. 
Despite being really lax about some things Seekers can be very very strict and traditional about other things, such as etiquette. If you’re meeting a new Seeker for the first time and you rotate your wings 70 degrees clockwise that means “may the skies of the holy 70th tower of Vos bless you” but if you rotate your wings anti-clockwise it means “I curse your grandfather!” And then Starscream would just gasp in horror and then shout “DO NOT BESMIRCH THE MEMORY OF SKYECHO”
Some Seeker names were common--like, too common. There were a few thousand Skyechoes, Windblasts, and Driftwings who drifted around at any given moment. This made role-call in school very painful. Some caretakers would try to be edgy about it. “Oh, my son isn’t named Driftwing, he’s named Dreadwing!”
Seekers cremated their dead but in the most intense way possible. They took their dead up and just let them burn up in the atmosphere so that they can become one with the sky. This resulted in some pretty spectacular meteor showers.
Same random grounder: “What a beautiful shooting star!”
Starscream, casually: “Oh, that’s my grandpa, SKYECHO SON OF AIRHALO SON OF SWIFTWING--”
Same unfortunate grounder: “wHAT--”
Seekers make noises all the time and are very rarely silent. They hum when content, beep when excited, chirp when riled up, rumble when confused, trill when happy, and so on. Starscream used to be a chatterbox but was forced to repress his chitterings because Megatron would always tell him to shut up. He’s going to trill more and more throughout Unburied, especially around Optimus.
Seeker towers were infamous for their weird architecture. They weren’t designed to ever be wandered around in while in your bipedal mode. No staircases, period. Just extremely tall ceilings and arches with curved corridors everybody flew through with lots of balconies you could land on. There were lots of holes in the wall that they could fly through that led to actual rooms where they would transform and be bipedal (berthrooms, washracks, etc) but then after they slept/ate/partied they were just like “that was fun guys, gotta go” and then just flung themselves out of a hole in the wall over a 1,000 foot drop and then just transformed in midair and flew off. Grounders couldn’t visit the towers due to there being no grounder-friendly infrastructure. Special buildings had to be built near the ground to help accommodate visiting grounders, but you only ever really saw these kinds of grounder-friendly accommodations in towers meant to receive diplomats.
They had bathhouses in their towers, like the ancient Romans but with robots instead of old dudes in togas. Just giant birdbaths basically. Just lots and lots of splashing and chittering.
Seekers preen themselves, their circuitry is delicate and even the slightest of contaminants can cause big problems. That’s why they have such sharp talons---for getting in the small spots. And for stabbing people. That’s a nice bonus, too. They preen each other all the time. There were some regions on their wings that could be preened by anybody, but some other parts of the wings that could only be preened by close friends such as trinemates. So the outer planes of the wing could be preened by just a general buddy, but the actual area where they connect to the back? That’s trinemate-only territory right there. It’s not a sexual thing, just a cultural taboo they had.
When Dreadwing makes his grand debut I think I might have a scene in which him and Starscream are preening each other while angrily bickering, not because they actually like each other, but just because they’re the only Seekers around and Starscream’s had a rock stuck in his wing seam and slag it, Dreadwing is the only bot who knows how to get it out--so it’d just be angry bird bickering and arguing preen time.
“You killed my brother!”
Starscream would then flutter angrily and say something like, “NO, BUMBLEBEE DID, STOP BLAMING ME--please get that rock out of my wing seam k thX--IT WAS THE SCOUT’S FAULT!”
And then Dreadwing would just be like, “Skyquake is dead, and it’s all YOUR FAULT--I also have a rather unfortunate rock located in my wing seam, can you remove that--and it’s because of your cowardice I am now brotherless!”
Seeker talons were actually retractable. Some Seekers would have their talons out literally all the time though, these were Seekers who were high-ranking in the military or who were just on some quest of personal revenge. After the war began they modified their talons to just always be sharp because you don’t want to accidentally retract them when in battle.
I am only just now realizing that this got kind of long, huh. I hope this wasn’t too much!! I might post more Seeker headcanons in the future.
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toku-explained · 4 years
The Swordsmen's Bonds
Z: It has been three days since the formal dissolution of STORAGE. The good news is it looks like not everyone was fired, as Haruki is training in a GAFJ dojo, as Yoko calls we're informed that the team has been out on leave until further notice. The restructuring is under way at the 1st SAA Group HQ, which as we see with Hebikura, has formally replaced STORAGE. Nice seen with Haruki and Yoko, before Hebikura sneaks into SAA as a Pizza delivery man, so good to GAFJ security is as bad as ever, and he sees the robot Yuki Mai is working on developing, with the intent to replicate Ultraman's beams to contain the damage from D4. It is a reasonable plan in all honesty, because there may be situations where the use of D4 is seriously the only option. Yuka is working with the GAFJ public relations team, with Sevengar in site, various goods are being sold, Bako-san is also there in a similar role, but is also doing maintenance on Sevengar, so at least they're letting him do something he's suited for. A 3rd Barossa Seijin appears, but is actually older than the 2nd, Bako shows some skills. Juggler surprisingly stops Z winning at ground level, allowing Barossa to grow giant. Z grows giant to fight it, and Bako lends Sevengar to Yoko. Z and Sevengar are doing fine until SAA sends King Joe in. The guy they have piloting does an awful job, missing with about half the Pedanium Missiles when Yoko has never missed to my memory. Juggler decides to join as Tri-King, knocking Sevengar down and distracting Z, this battle is really showing how important the pilot's skill is to this, as Barossa is constantly showing up King Joe while Sevengar does significantly better despite being a literal museum piece. When Z prepares the Zestium Ray against Tri-King Juggler grabs King Joe and pushes it in the way of the beam, allowing Yuki Mai to get the data she wants, which will allow completion of Ultroid Zero, the pilot ejects. Juggler upgrades to Five King, forcing Z to use Delta Rise Claw. Beliarok refuses to play as soon as he hears they already beat it, but they still do pretty good, while Yoko, still fighting Barossa, as Sevengar starts to take damage, spots Beliarok and manages to goad him into helping her. With Sevengar's legs damaged Yoko puts herself on the Leg Carrier and has Yuka use Core Ship to control it, allowing her to make the finisher. Z uses Gamma Future to overload Gan-Q's energy absorption, then uses Ginga, X and Orb to activate the Galaxy Burst finisher. In the aftermath a certain someone retrieves at least the Tri-King medals. Some of the old maintenance team, due to personal circumstances, have decided to stay on with 1st SAAG, but Bako-san and others aren't, he doesn't hold it against them, telling them to take care of his robots. Hebikura arrives and we here Haruki has been assigned to security and Yuka to Kaiju Research, while Yoko has been shortlisted to pilot Ultroid Zero by Yuki Mai. Hebikura gives some parting advice to Haruki, claims his bonsai and leaves.
The Absolute Conspiracy: Great and Powered begin Ribut's training, Nd explain the Gudis cells will continue to grow if even one survives, and if the growing Maga-Orochi consumes those it will swiftly grow into Magata-no-Orochi and devour Planet Mikarito. Elsewhere Leucocyte is brought down on Planet Feed by 80, accompanied by Neos and Seven 21 (both have new VAs), Neos is part of the Elite Task Force and Seven 21 is part of the Galactic Security Agency, this fight showcases those 2 until Absolute Tartarus arrives accompanied by the last Reiyonix, Reibatos. This is again before Reibatos one previous appearance, based on the state of Planet Kanon, Reibatos summons Gymaira for Tartarus, which challenges 80. Hikari and Sora continue their work as Max's body starts to mutate. Ribut taps into his inner power and overcomes Great and Powered, who then grant him the power of the Ribut Blocker and the Spreader Rod. While Neos and Seven 21 struggle with Leucocyte, Gymaira is defeating 80 until 2 warriors from another universe arrive, Cosmos (original actor) in Space Corona Mode and Justice (new VA, though implicitly still Julie?) in Standard Mode. As 80 references Saga this is evidently later than I thought, but for Cosmos it is still before his last appearance in The Origin Saga. Justice mentions the Universal Justice Delacion, who he served in The Final Battle in attempting to destroy mankind, before turning on them, but apparently Delacion respected the Ultras decision and Justice is still affiliated with them. The pair make a quick attack on Leucocyte before switching to Cosmos Future Mode and Justice Crusher Mode, all of these forms haven't been seen since the Final Battle, as they fight 80 defeats Gymaira. Sora present Ribut with the Gudis antibodies. As the 5 Ultras battle Leucocyte they see Zoffy's Ultra Sign stating Ribut's team is preparing to save Max. Ribut, Great and Powered arrive at Mikarito, to find Max losing control, but Ribut swears to save him.
Saber: I was wrong about Tassel's guest, looks like the mysterious figure from Avalon. Everyone at Northern Base is tense after all that happened, especially with Sophia missing. So why are the Megiddo saying they only need gates opened by the six swordsmen we know, when we know there other swordsmen at Southern Base...I wonder. Caliber is likely to have already done his if they needed it. Kento is still clearly off, but I would argue it's regret now. Ogami trusts Ren to watch over him. This time, while Daishinji and Ogami enter easily, Zooous and Storious get in Saber's way. Ren discovers just before entering that Kento isn't there, he's apologising at Rintaro's bedside, apparently he, Touma and Luna made some promise in the past. He intends to deal with Kamijo, but he does seem more focused on doing it out of duty, but he doesn't look confident. Okay, so given this whole ritual already happened 15 years ago to connect the two worlds, why are Daishinji and Ogami oblivious to what's going on. Why is Kento the only one to know? He becomes Golden Alangina to face Jaou Dragon. Slash and Buster face Goblins, and another runs from Kenzan because they don't need him again. Rintaro has run off to help Kento. Of rather to take over for Touma so he can help Kento. The mention of Luna finally lows Touma to remember. Zooous and Storious leave so Rintaro is forced to open the gate. Buster, Slash and Kenzan all defeat their opponents, opening 2 gates, the book where Kenzan is just fades. Blades defeats his Megiddo. Apparently the 3 of them promised to always be together, as Touma rushes to help Kento. It's a great fight. Kamijo if you didn't expect Touma to inherit Rekka why did you leave Brave Dragon with him??? Unless you didn't mean to. And...did that just happen? Tassel is entering the story for real, with his friend.
Kiramager: The initial plan is to have Kiramazin, Gigant Driller and King Express Zabyun face and Jamenju each, and hopefully call on Grateful Phoenix as well, unfortunately Oradin reveals the situation with Garza and so he cannot come. Juru and Tametomo will try to rescue Sayo while the others fight. Great opening shot of the battle, Garza starts getting the edge in over Oradin, Juru and Tametomo make it to the seed but find Yodonna has captured Sayo. It's tense as things seem bad as Juru gives up his shot....as a beacon for Grateful Phoenix. The actual sequence is amazing, so they've taken out the plant, and now it's four mecha against the Jamenju trio and Jouki. Even with the Jamenju gone it seems nothing will stop the seed sprouting until Juru has an idea. It's always cool to see a mecha cannon finisher, they happen so rarely. This reminds me of the one from Dekaranger, I wonder if that was properly to scale with the DX toys?
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optimusphillip · 4 years
OptimusPhillip Reviews 20: Transformers: Studio Series 32 Optimus Prime
It’s hard to believe it’s been more than a decade since the original Michael Bay Transformers movie came out. As much as I’ve grown to dislike the film series, I really enjoyed them as a kid, and even still I have a lot of nostalgia for the first movie. Not to mention, they have had quite a large impact on the Transformers franchise in general, so it makes sense that Hasbro and Takara would launch a toyline dedicated to revisiting these films... if for no other reason than the original toys didn’t really age well. And while my focus as of late has been on the G1 style toys, I have accumulated my fair share of Studio Series toys, so I should probably take a look at them as well. And what better place to start than with the big bot himself, Optimus Prime? Specifically, this is the second release of Optimus Prime, based on his appearance in the 2007 movie.
Truck Mode
Like in the film, Optimus transforms into a Peterbilt 379 semi-truck. Unfortunately, however, I find this to be a rather weak mode. Just looking at him, you can plainly see the robot mode feet sitting on the truck bed, which do nothing to hide the massive gap between the two halves. There is a trailer hitch molded in, but it barely resembles anything in real life. Then there’s the sides. Looking at the figure from the side, you can see the sides of the robot thighs, the transformation hinges, and hints of the robot shoulders. Furthermore, the steps leading up to the door are comically undersized and recessed, and the toolboxes by the gas tanks are completely absent. Best I can tell, these are all artifacts of the remolding process. The original release of this mold, Prime’s Revenge of the Fallen body, hides most of the robot parts behind panels, and retains the proper steps and toolboxes. But the toy had to be remolded for reasons we’ll get into later on, so those parts had to be replaced, leaving us with a weaker truck mode. Though that doesn’t explain why they removed some of the flood lights from the roof.
It’s not just aesthetics that suffer for the remolding. Due to the way the wheels transform, it’s difficult to get all six of them on the ground at once. Plus there seems to be something keeping the front of the truck from holding together correctly. Again, neither of these problems were present on the ROTF version, so I can only assume this is the result of the re-engineered transformation creating clearance issues.
There are some positives, though. For one, there is storage in this mode for his gun accessory. It can either tab into the slots on either side of his sleeper cab, it can attach to a pair of tabs on either side of the nose, or it can store on the “truck bed”. Also, the colors are nicer here than on the ROTF version. The red is much brighter and there’s a lot more silver. It’s still missing the gold gradient on the nose, and the blue flames on the rear fenders, but it’s still much better looking color-wise than the first release. I just wish the mold was as good as the first one.
Transforming this figure is very different from the Siege figures I’ve covered. While figures like Siege Prime or Starscream do have difficult transformations, they’re still fairly clean all things considered. Here, there are a lot of parts that clash together, and a lot of steps that need to be done at the same time. For example, the nose of the truck needs to be split apart and unfurled before the rear can be brought down, and the rear needs to be brought down before the sleeper can transform, and the sleeper needs to be fully transformed before the nose can be brought up to form the arms. Once you get some practice in it becomes easy enough, but it’s definitely not as clean as the Siege line. Just a consequence of the movie aesthetic.
Robot Mode
The robot mode is where most of the retooling comes together. While the Revenge of the Fallen release had a much cleaner truck mode, this version has a much better looking robot mode. Compared to that toy, the chest is slimmed down and lacks the center hinge, the backpack is far cleaner, and the tires on his thighs are far more visible. Though I will say that the armpit fenders still make him look a bit... overweight. Still, he is far more screen accurate than the initial release.
The movie Transformers are infamous for their intricate designs, so naturally this figure has a lot of molded detail. You can see all kinds of mechanical elements and panels molded into his shins and biceps, all the overlapping armor plates on his thighs and arms, and of course all the interconnected truck parts that make up his torso. They even molded in the ab detailing he had in the movie, even though most of it is barely visible. He’s a really nice looking figure, though the deco leaves some to be desired.
He’s also decently articulated. Ball-jointed neck, universal shoulders with adjustable guards, bicep swivels, 90 degree elbows, and wrist rotation. Below the belt, he has a waist swivel universal hips, thigh swivels, almost 135 degree knees, and universal ankles. However, the truck tires on his thighs do impede some of the motion, especially when it comes to turning the waist or thighs. Still, you can get some decent poses out of him, and he’s pretty easy to balance thanks to his large feet.
While the Revenge of the Fallen version came with his battle blades, this version includes the ion blaster he used throughout the original trilogy. While it doesn’t form out of his fuel tanks, it is sculpted to match the gun used in the films, and it even has a burn mark on the muzzle. It fits snugly into his hands, though it does look a bit small in proportion. Maybe that’s just my imagination, though. If you don’t want him holding it, you can store it on his back like in truck mode, but it looks a bit odd in this mode. I prefer to just pose him with it, though it can also be mounted on the bottom of his forearm. While I don’t own the first release of the mold, I’m told he can also hold that figure’s blade weapons, though it’s an awkward fit with his remolded forearms.
Of course, his final feature, and the other reason for all the remolds, is that he can combine with Studio Series Leader Jetfire... a figure I do not own, so I cannot comment on that feature right now. If I ever get him, I do plan to do a review of him where I follow up on the combination.
Just real quick, I would like to comment on the included backdrop that comes standard with all Studio Series figures. They’re all constructed the same way: corrugated cardboard, with the bottom folded into a box, and a flap on either side. In addition to extending the backdrop, the right flap has the Studio Series logo, with the figure’s ID number at the top, and the left flap bears the Transformers logo and an Autobot sigil. Then in the middle of the stand piece is the logo of whatever film the toy is based on. The only difference between the backdrops, aside from the printing, is that larger figures have larger backdrops, so I’m not going to go over this again for the other toys.
This figure’s backdrop is based on the “Highway Showdown” scene from the first movie. Specifically, it depicts the highway overpass off of which Bonecrusher tackles Optimus. It’s a decent enough match to the movie; not frame perfect, but very familiar. Though I question why they chose this specific shot to recreate: I would’ve personally gone for either the beginning of the fight at the top of the overpass, or the end of the fight below the overpass, since it feels like an unnatural angle for a standing backdrop.
While standing up straight, Optimus fits very nicely onto the stand in robot mode, though his backpack does butt up against the backdrop when he’s fully on the base. Also, some poses don’t quite work, due to things like his backpack or his arms knocking the backdrop down. On the plus side, the side flaps do fold out if you want to get some wider poses in. I take issue with the fact that there’s only enough room on the base for one figure when this is supposed to depict a fight scene, but that’s probably more of a nitpick than anything. He also fits surprisingly well in truck mode. There’s a bit of overhang on the ends, and he only really fits at one angle, but all six wheels are within the edges of the base, so I’d say it counts.
Final Thoughts
Studio Series 32 Optimus Prime is a mixed bag of a figure. On the one hand, he has great articulation, an impressive amount of sculpted detail, a better color scheme, and looks much better in robot mode than the first release. On the other hand, the vehicle mode suffers quite a bit for those upgrades, with visible robot parts and issues holding together. Not to mention, there are much better Voyager Primes out there, like the 2010 Battle Blades figure. Really, this toy’s main saving grace is its ability to combine with Jetfire, something that no Voyager Prime toy has done before. If that feature doesn’t appeal to you, I’d honestly recommend trying to hunt down the Battle Blades Prime over this. That said, however, the Studio Series figure is still decent enough, and if you can’t find the Battle Blades for a decent price, this is a pretty good alternative.
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shenlongshao · 5 years
GG Strive Thoughts: Part 3
Welcome to the last part of my Guilty Gear Strive thoughts!^_^ I'll be focusing on the art-style and character designs, so there will be lots of pictures in this post. I hope you enjoy reading!
Art-Style & Graphics ---------------
Guilty Gear's visuals always had a detailed, Sci-Fi fantasy anime look with creativity of the 1990s and early 2000s. This mostly stayed the same until Xrd SIGN, which introduced 3D cel-shaded graphics in a new way. The art-style also changed a bit from previous games, although it has kept its creativity.
GG Xrd SIGN and the following games(Revelator and Revelator 2) look beautiful, but it took me a while to get used to the art-style because of those dreaded chins. The characters should've just used their chins to fight cause of how long and pointy they are; just go "SLLASSHHHH!" XD  Certain features of characters were exaggerated like Sol's shoulders being a bit too wide for his body or how Baiken's hair is thicker and spikier. Some people say it's "too anime", but that isn't the right word for it. I would say "whimsical" is main trait from the art-style, which is fitting for how funny the interactions are in-game and lighter tone in story.
Guilty Gear Strive keeps the cel-shaded 3D graphics, but manages to expand it further. Instead of its presentation akin to an anime TV series, it's now akin to a high-budget anime movie with detail given to both the characters and the environments. It's less whimsical this time, giving the impression the story will be darker in tone. I'm really happy the art-style was changed to being closer to the older GG games like X2; no more ice-cream cone chins!XD  The characters also got redesigned to match the essence of the new game. I'll be talking about eachone in order from least to most in terms of design changes. I'll also rate them in Guilty Gear style grade form. POTEMKIN ------------------- There seems to be mixed reactions when Potemkin got revealed for GG Strive. Some were happy he looked generally the same while others were a little disappointed and asked, "How come he didn't get a huge redesign like the other characters?!" The answer is he already did; this is how Potemkin originally looked like in the GG series.
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This design relates to Potemkin's story in the beginning. The Zepp empire in the past was a very corrupted, technology advanced nation. It contained battle-slaves with strength enhancement steriods and bound them with a special limiter. Potemkin was one of these battle-slaves with his huge, red metal color being the limiter. If he ever took it off, it would explode. However, Zepp was changed when Gabriel became President and freed all the Zeppian slaves, including Potemkin. He now serves as Gabriel's bodyguard out of genuine loyalty, gratitude, and care for his mentor and the renewed Zepp.
Judging on his old design by itself, I think he looked average(based on what he's wearing). His features definitely fit the saying "don't judge a book by its cover" because Potemkin is actually a gentle giant who's very intelligent. But the way he looks(except when interacting with certain characters), it's like he wants to break someone's bones, lol.
In the concept artwork in Guilty Gear X Plus(Japanese exclusive game), it hinted of what Potemkin will eventually developed into look-wise and story-wise. Even the pose from this pic was used later in Xrd SIGN. I really wish the design of the boots was used instead those weird looking ones he's wearing now, XD.
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Now to look at Potemkin's design in Xrd SIGN.
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This is Potemkin's drastic redesign needed because of the changes in his life and his resolve being tested. I love this design so much because it accurately portrays Potemkin's personality. The first is his steel helmet with a spike at the top, accented with the Zepp symbol at the center of his forehead. His face is mostly shrouded in darkness except for the glowing lens. The yellow ponytail fur attached adds to the essence of a modern steel knight. Next is the black collar having spikes at the front; he also has on spiked shoulder plates to emphasis his strength. The power part is also in the round-shaped limiters attached to the upper parts of his uniform and glove compartment of his gauntlets. The design of his gauntlets is derived from the GGX Plus concept art, except the gloves completely cover his fingers and has a robotic aesthetic to it. I notice green is the most dominant color in Potemkin's design and there's a reason why besides it being Zepp's uniform.
Here is the Green Personality taken from Color Psychology (https://www.empower-yourself-with-color-psychology.com/personality-color-green.html):
You are a practical, down-to-earth person with a love of nature. You are stable and well balanced or are striving for balance - in seeking this balance, you can at times become unsettled and anxious. Having a personality color green means you are kind, generous and compassionate - good to have around during a crisis as you remain calm and take control of the situation until it is resolved.
You are caring and nurturing to others - however you must be careful not to neglect your own needs while giving to others. You are intelligent and love to learn - you are quick to understand new concepts. You are a good citizen and like to be involved in community groups. You have high moral standards and doing the right thing is important to you.
There is more, but I only taken pieces that describe Potemkin's personality, showing why green is his main color. Now onto his look in GG Strive starting with his helmet.
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On the forehead of the helmet, the Zepp symbol is no longer a design mark, but an carved symbol with the words "Armor-clad faith" underneath. Instead of just darkness on his face, it accentuates the robotic aesthetic with the gears and the lens having an orange tint. Next is a full body screenshot of Potemkin.
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The spiked shoulder plates is less noticeable and his uniform is more formal. There's now a maroon-red collar with white trim and yellow buttons. The spikes on the black collar part of his outfit is gone, there's thick pockets on the lower part of his suit and has a brown belt instead of black. His boots is also brown instead of black and the plates around his feet is orange instead of red. There's additional limiters on his upper back that is revealed when doing certain attacks, showing his power has grown more. His muscle mass has also gotten super HUGE to the point I wouldn't be surprised if he reached Sentinel(X-Men) size, XD.
Design Rating: S++(Fantastic!) SOL BADGUY ------------ ---------- Sol Badguy is the main protagonist, so there was never a worry or surprise of his GG Strive design. There's also the fact his design isn't really new; it's heavily derived from the artwork of Guilty Gear 2:Overture. But first is looking at Sol's most iconic design from the GG series.
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I'll always love this design because I think it's stylish, cool, and timeless. He's handsome in the traditional tough-guy way and perfectly fits the anti-hero type. His metal red headband acts as a limiter for his Gear powers and has the words "Rock You" in the center of his forehead. Besides it symbolizing his love for Queen's "Sheer Heart Attack" music album and controlling his Gear powers, it also symbolizes how he keeps his inner thoughts to himself and close-mindedness. He wears a black undershirt layered with a sleeveless, chest-length red jacket with a buckle strap. This style is very unconventional, which is exactly Sol is; he doesn't follow typical conventions. His red and black gloves conveys his toughness while his belt with the "FREE" tells of his philosophy. This also hints complexity to his nature since the belt is from when he was in the Holy Order, an aspect of his past. This shows he's inwardly caring and values the people in life along with his experiences. Lastly, is his white pants accented with buckles and red shoes.
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The GG2:Overture Short Stories goes into some detail of the events before the game like how he was entrusted to raise Sin(Ky & Dizzy's son), etc. The major difference with Sol's design from the short stories is he's wearing a sensible red jacket similar to his old one, but its design still has traits of being its own style. His black undershirt is slightly different with a small V-shape cut-out in the middle, longer sleeves, and slightly loose around his stomach instead of fitted. His gloves has more of a biker vibe to them and no aspect of red nor buckles within them. He still wears red shoes on his feet, though tweaked in its looks. While this did hinted of Sol's character development, it wasn't a large factor because alot of the huge events at the time and before were placed on him rather than him confronting it by himself. It's why for Xrd SIGN, he primary reverted to his iconic look, though his GG2:Overture Short Stories look did get tweaked and used within the game's Story Mode. Now for his GG Strive look.
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His GG Strive design blends both his GG2:Overture Short Stories look and aspects of his iconic design, which I really like. The red jacket with black trim conveys his free-spirited persona, yet also comfortable and relaxed. There's also a little bit more white seen on the cuffs of his jacket, meaning his heart is more open. This relates to his character development of finally confronting his past, his feelings, and his relationships. But he's still Sol Badguy and there's much for him to find out and explore, especially since red and black is still his main colors. There is deep meaning to this too.
Red Personality(https://www.empower-yourself-with-color-psychology.com/personality-color-red.html):
You are action oriented and physically active - sex is a necessity to you - you have strong survival instincts. Lovers of red are the explorers and pioneers of the world, the entrepreneurs and builders who like to be first in discovering new physical realms. You are always in a hurry, wanting to do everything right now. Patience is not one of your strong points. Red people can be aggressive and easy to anger, often exhibiting a violent temper - this is negative passion and energy. You flare up instantaneously but calm down quite quickly once you get it out of your system and then forget it ever happened. You have a strong need for power and control which is connected to your basic survival instincts.
Black Personality(https://www.empower-yourself-with-color-psychology.com/personality-color-black.html):
You are independent, strong-willed and determined and like to be in control of yourself and situations. You may appear intimidating to even your closest colleagues and friends, with an authoritarian, demanding and dictatorial attitude. You hold things inside and are not good at sharing yourself with others, possibly out of fear. You may be retreating behind black during a difficult time in your life such as a serious illness or a period of grief - black protects, allowing for a deep inner healing without interference from others. I'll add traits of the color White since there's a noticeable amount on Sol.(https://www.empower-yourself-with-color-psychology.com/color-white.html): Positive traits of White: Simplicity, self-efficient, growth/new beginnings, open, equality, rescuer, and sense of completion. These traits describe Sol. Overall, I like the design and feel it suits him well. Design Rating: S+++(Perfect!) MAY ----------- So far, May is the only female character revealed for the initial roster of GG Strive. There's mixed reactions with May's redesign for the new game. Some are happy she finally looks like she's in her early to mid teens(like 14 or 16) instead like a little girl. But others aren't happy with the changes to her outfit, saying it's bland. Let's look at May's iconic design. 
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In my opinion, May is the coolest looking child character. Her open-sides style coat with side slits layered with a skin-tight bodysuit blends both cute and stylish. Adding to it is the tricon pirate hat, silver plating on her wrists and neckline, and orange short boots with black trim. Lastly, a black belt is around her waist while buckles accents her orange coat. This shows she's spunky, cheerful, and deceptively strong. In the story, her origins was unknown at the time, which perfectly fits due to there's black as part of color scheme(one of the meaning for black is mystery). Story-wise, May's development gradually grows from finding Johnny and later recruiting Dizzy as a member of the crew. Her curiosity of her heritage surfaces, causing some changes in her design.
In Xrd SIGN, Her skin-tight bodysuit is gone and replaced with just a black, fitted tank underneath her orange overalls. Her pants is loose-fitting along with having a big buckle around her waist and different boots still in orange with black trim. She doesn't have the silver plating collar, but other aspects of her iconic look like her pirate hat is kept. May finally finds out she's Japanese and dealing a mysterious condition that (currently) can't be cured. This is a huge story development for May that leads to be expanded further and another redesign. First is looking up the facial shot of May for Guilty Gear Strive.
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May's facial features is the first noticeable difference. The art-style is a strong factor in this, but May looks physically older. She still has big, cute brown eyes, though not as large as in Xrd SIGN. This makes her face appear a little longer face to convey a hint of maturity. Yet, she still hasn't escaped being just cute in an innocent way. Another difference is her hair is slightly shorten to halfway to her back instead to her waist. It's also loose instead of a thick ponytail within her pirate hat, which I think it's a nice little change. Her hat is shaped more round instead of oversized tricon while still retaining the pirate skull at the front. The anchor design on the sides makes it both simple, yet stylish. Now to see the full body of May's new look!
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.....Lol, May is wearing a dumb orange hoodie, XD. What's worse is the hoodie has no special designs pertaining to May's personality or style; it's overly casual. There's also no shape, making her look like a fat fish. The skin-tight black short-shorts doesn't help with how oversized the hoodie is, which if it weren't for certain angles, it gives the illusion she isn't wearing anything on her lower body. It looks like lounge wear meant to be worn around the house instead of clothing a person would wear going on an adventure. Speaking of adventure, she has a backpack.
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The backpack itself is cute because it's Chimaki(mascot of GG) and do see the the letter J with a heart; meaning love for Johnny. But other than this, this backpack also doesn't really relate to May. Besides being the mascot for the series, Chimaki is specific to Sin because it's favorite toy. None of May's official art ever showed her having a Chimaki toy or accessory. The casual look gives me the impression she quit the Jellyfish Pirates, but her winning animation of her saying "Jellyfish victory!" and Leap(the elderly lady who cooks) being there disproves this theory. Besides the hat, the only things kept from her iconic look is her gloves and boots. There's a heart on one of her thighs; a fitting aspect for a pirate.
Now to look at the Orange personality since it's May's main color(https://www.empower-yourself-with-color-psychology.com/personality-color-orange.html): 
With orange as your favorite color, you are warm, optimistic, extroverted and often flamboyant. You are friendly, good-natured and a generally agreeable person. You are assertive and determined rather than aggressive - having a personality color orange means you are more light-hearted and less intense than those who love red. You thrive on human social contact and social gatherings, bringing all types together.
You live your life based on your 'gut reactions'. You are an adventurer - you love the outdoor life, camping, climbing mountains and indulging in adventurous sports such as sky diving and hang gliding. You are the daredevil, always looking towards your next challenge, your next great adventure. 
This definitely fits May's nature. My impression of her simpler look probably hints of May is unsure of herself and trying to figure something out. Her expression in her new character portrait has this too; it's the first one of her not smiling. But I still think this new look for May is bad(except for the hat,  the boots, and the gloves). Her design should've been something like this picture link below.
https://imgur.com/Ue1XdhT The top would need to cover her stomach, but this design perfectly fits with May's nature and role as a Jellyfish Pirate. It also conveys she's adventurous and can easily implemented the backpack as part of the design. But it wasn't used... I'm nicknaming her May of the Jelly-Fat, lol. Worst design so far(and hopefully the only one). Design Rating:D(for Derailed) KY KISKE ----------------- Ky's radical redesign for GG Strive was such a huge shock to everyone. At first, people thought it was Sin(Ky's son) until examining him closely. It's funny how many people are saying "Ky's handsome now" and saying he has an athletic body when in reality, he always did, XD. It isn't the first time Ky got big changes to his look based on the events in his life, but I'm going to focus on Ky's iconic design.
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Ky is the opposite of Sol; the traditional knight-in-shining-armor type hero. This is another design I'll call timeless and my personal favorite look for Ky. He's very handsome in a princely way, which is fitting since Ky is a French noble. He wears a white shoulder cape containing a high collar with blue trim. It's attached to the blue knight-tunic with black trim in the front, accented with a white, trench-coat like detail. There's twin belts attached to his blue and black gloves while one is on his matching boots. Layered underneath his uniform is his black and white, sleeveless turtle neck and fitted detached sleeves. The belt around his waist with "HOPE" conveys Ky's philosophy. This attire is the Holy Order uniform, which conveys how strongly Ky holds onto the teachings and experiences he had during those times. His story at the time was about fulfilling his duty and doing what he knows and believes is right. Blue and white has always been Ky's main colors, which tells alot about his personality.
Meaning of White Personality(https://www.empower-yourself-with-color-psychology.com/personality-color-white.html): 
Having a personality color white means you are neat and immaculate in your appearance, in the presentation of your home and in your car, almost to the point of being fanatical. You are far-sighted, with a positive and optimistic nature. You are well-balanced, sensible, discreet and wise. You think carefully before acting - you are definitely not prone to impulsive behavior. You tend to have a great deal of self control. You may appear to be shy, but you do have strong beliefs about most things and love the opportunity to air those beliefs. The challenge for you is to be open-minded and flexible and to communicate your needs and desires. Meaning of Blue Personality(https://www.empower-yourself-with-color-psychology.com/personality-color-blue.html):   You are conservative, reliable and trustworthy - you are quite trusting of others although you are very wary in the beginning until you are sure of the other person. At the same time, you also have a deep need to be trusted. You are not impulsive or spontaneous - you always think before you speak and act and do everything at your own pace in your own time. You take time to process and share your feelings. You are genuine and sincere, and you take your responsibilities seriously. Having a personality color blue means you have a deep need for peace and harmony in your everyday life - you don't like having your feathers ruffled. You would benefit from daily meditation and quiet time for reflection, introspection and self-discovery.
You appear to be confident and self-controlled, but may be hiding your vulnerable side. Being a personality color blue means you are generally fairly even-tempered, unless your emotions take over - then you can become either moody and over-emotional, or cool and indifferent. You are sensitive to the needs of others and caring with your close circle of friends. While you are friendly and sociable, you prefer the company of your own close group of friends.
You are a rescuer and love to be needed but one of your lessons is to learn to love yourself first - you live from your heart and are always busy putting the needs of others first. You can be rigid - you like to stick to what is familiar to you and it is hard to sway you from your path - you stubbornly do things your way even if there is a better way. You need to have direction & order in your living and work spaces - untidiness and unpredictability overwhelm you.
You are approachable and friendly, always making people feel welcome in your life. You have a thirst for knowledge in order to gain wisdom and appear knowledgeable in whatever area interests you. You are spiritual or religious with a high degree of devotion to family, God, or other causes that are important to you. If reacting negatively, you are prone to self-pity. These perfectly fit Ky's personality and has mostly stayed with him throughout his character development. Now to look at his GG Strive redesign beginning with the head.
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One of the obvious difference is Ky's hair is short, reminiscent of his iconic look. But it raises the question of how since according to the story, it's stated his hair grows rapidly no matter how many times he tries to cut it(due to heavily implying he's part Gear). I'm guessing either Ky followed Sin's method of cutting his hair every 3 days or he found a special hair product to prevent rapid growth, XD. I notice the style of his hair is a bit different; the strands of his bangs is shorter and thicker. It creates a boyish look instead of a young man, which doesn't fit Ky. It doesn't seem noticeable during gameplay, but cutscene-like sequences it's the opposite. His hair should've been exactly like GGX2.
His facial structure and eyes in GG Strive is exactly like in GGX2 except for one part; his chin. While Ky's chin was never wide like most male characters, it usually isn't this narrow either. The narrower chin makes him look younger and with how the hair is styled, it gives the impression it's Ky from an earlier timeline. If his chin was similar to how it was in GG X2, it will improve his look alot and show he's mature and sophisticated. Next is examining the full body picture of his new look.
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This is a huge departure in many ways. The only aspect inspired from his iconic design is the shoulder cape, but it lacks the blue trim around the helms and collar. Instead, there's black trim at the helms and hints of blue at the back with the words "Illyrium". His semi-fingerless gloves with fingernail plating is something he doesn't usually wear, but the back of his hands does have plating saying "Nothing can be done without hope". It shows he still generally has the same philosophy and key traits he's known for. The fact his "HOPE" belt is replaced with 2 standard belts(one black and the other brown) implies his mindset he carried from the Holy Order is gone and became open-minded. His open, V-neckline shirt with a single sleeve is inspired from this.
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I do find it interesting how this reveals(pun intended) a different side of him, XD. It adds a sense of sensuality that leading men from romantic novels have and obviously it being sexy. Next is his fitted pants accented with blue crosses at the front then his boots with blue trim at the bottom. The most significant change is how Ky's dominant color is now black, which has important meaning to his character development.
Positive traits of Black: Include protection and comfort, strong, contained, formal, sophisticated, seductive, mysterious, endings & beginnings.
Negative traits of Black: Depressing and pessimistic, secretive and withholding, conservative and serious, power & control, sadness and negativity.
All of these fit Ky and since he's wearing alot of black instead of blue and white, this implies he has or going to have an internal struggle. I haved mixed feelings about his new design.
I love the concept of it and think it's nice to see Ky wear something different as his main attire. By itself the outfit is good and easy to adjust to, it's just not as unique as his original design. The design of blue crosses from his GG Accent Core Plus ending should've been implemented in the new design and add some gold trim to balance out all the black. I think his gloves should be changed to be more stylish along with the silver plating. If it had these tweaks, Ky's new design would be perfect.  
Design Rating: A(Great!) CHIPP ZANUFF ------------------------ The reveal of Chipp's redesign has mostly been positive, but all of us immediately said "He is so BUFF!" People say he looks handsome now and have joked he worked out at the same gym as Chris Redfield, XD. Let's look at Chipp's previous design!
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Chipp's iconic look definitely displays the street-punk style and rowdy persona. This perfectly fits with his dark past of being a former biochemical drug dealer and addict. He has wild spiky hair, small red earrings, and a leather choker around his neck. The fishnet undershirt is both punk-style and those who practice ninjitsu wears. He has fingerless gloves with silver, square-shaped plating. This aspect is also on his belt and short-length boots. There's two leather buckles strapped around the right leg of his white pants and has on a loose-fitting ninja vest with silver buttons. This highlights his newly adopted values he got from his mentor and father-like figure Master Tsuyoshi. Chipp even has on black eyeliner around his eyes to emphasizes the punk look. Since he primarily wears black and white with hints of red, this tells about his personality. Black and white together obviously means viewing things in a straightforward way instead of complex like gray. Red conveys of his hot-headed masculinity, passion, and impatient nature. Combined with the other colors, it shows Chipp's other side of having pure intentions, even though it doesn't always come across right.
In Xrd SIGN, only minor tweaks were made such as adding a red sash attached to his belt, extra detail on his pants and boots, and slightly thicker eyeliner. Ever since becoming president of a (currently) unofficial nation dubbed "Eastern Chipp Kingdom", Chipp's personality seemed to have mellowed some, though still has his impulsive tendencies. Chipp has been through alot of character development since the beginning. Now for his redesign for GG Strive starting with his face.
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One of the things I notice about Chipp's face is while it's still narrow, it's a little fuller and smoother with slightly higher cheek bones. His chin is also about an inch or 2 wider than how it was in the Xrd series. His eyes still has the same defined shape, but the eyeliner isn't as thick. These tweaks to his facial features makes him look handsome and approachable instead of angry and rough. But his fiesty side is still there because besides his eye shape, his upper teeth now has some small fangs. Now to see a full body picture...
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Chipp's hair also got tweaked; tt's still spiky, but more stylish instead of wild. Instead of strands of hair rest on his forehead, he has noticeable asymmetrical bangs. Besides his red earrings, Chipp's 2 main colors(black and white) is kept along with a little more red from the strings attached to his ninja gauntlets and strapped sandals. He still has the red sash attached to his belt, though this time he has a thick, rope belt(I think it's called "Obi"). His white pants is very loose-fitting and no longer has twin buckle straps, but does have a little more detail with the side silver buttons. On his upper body, Chipp has on a leather vest with a form-fitting, sleeveless turtleneck. The height of the collar covers his mouth and contains buckle straps. This look is inspired from his design in "The Butterfly and Her Gale".
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It has aspects of the high collar, gauntlets, and boots, even though the boots was tweaked to be sandals. This redesign shows Chipp fully embraces Japanese culture and the ways of ninjitsu. I think it may also hint of him being or becoming a master himself and training others, especially with how he's gotten so muscular. The way they mixed old and new with Chipp's redesign is amazing and love the tweaks to his face and hair. I do think his pants maybe a bit too wide along with the rope-belt, but other than that his look is perfect.
Design Rating: S++(Awesome!) AXL LOW ------------------- "Axl got PANTS!" is the main reaction people had when he got revealed and the majority agree it's a much needed upgrade. This is the 3rd time Axl has gotten major design changes since GG:The Missing Link. His look from GGX and onwards greatly emphasizes he's heavily inspired from real-life singer Axl Rose. For Axl, I'm going look at his redesign for Xrd SIGN.
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In comparison to the others, Axl's design was never high-fantasy or elaborate, but it makes sense he's from the 20th century. His look in Xrd mixes aspects from the 1st GG and GGX, which conveys his easy-going nature and trying to adapt to the future he's in while maintaining his values of the past. He still has his signature UK cap, brown fingerless gloves, and matching shoes. His white shirt has a unique black zipper tie that adds a hint of contemporary along with his blue jacket. Attached to his black belt on the hips is cloths of the UK flag and has on blue shorts. Red and blue has mostly been his main colors(with some white) that tells of his peaceful, friendly, and passionate nature. In the story, Axl is finally confronted about why he time-skips and must make a hard decision that forever change his life. The choice he made leads him to major character development along with what role he will play in the story, so he needed another redesign to reflect this.
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This design shows Axl has embraced the current timeline while maintaining his love for his country. His fingerless gloves is a lighter brown along with his ankle-length boots. He wears a red plaid jacket with white sleeves and black with orange trim at the helms. Underneath is his a sleeveless, form-fitting tank with 3 zippers at the front and a brown buckle at the mid-section. On his lower body is a belt with a UK buckle and fitted, detailed black pants with zippers on the side. This look is inspired by the concept art.
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I notice his new design as a mixture of colors compared to before, though it seems black is the most dominant color. One of the meanings for black is power and control, which fits with how Axl now has control over his Time powers. He also has an aura of confidence compared to his uncertainty in the past games. This is the perfect design for Axl because he looks amazing and conveys his personality well.
Design Rating: S+++(Perfect!)
Thank you for reading this! I'll make a series of this as more characters of the game are revealed in the future!^_^
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stories-mostly · 6 years
Starks Bug
Tony Stark x Son!reader
Not quite satisfied with this one but I rather concentrate on making the next few better than dwell on this one. I also almost gave myself a heart attack accidentally deleting the chapter. I want to personally thank all the gods that exist for the invention of the reverse option in writing programms.
Words: 1290
Chapter 9
The first week home was spent doing whatever you wanted to do. Clinging to your fathers side as much as you could. Literally only giving him privacy when he went to the toilet or to shower. And even then you asked where he was going. You had an urge to know where he was and what he was doing at all time. He also showed you the cool mini arc reactor in his chest. It made for a nice nightlight.
You went "Hiking" when he was in a bit of a better physical form. There you found several cool sticks to fight monsters with and some neat rocks you took home with you and put on your windowsill.
You went to the amusement park and rode a Rollercoaster for the first time in your life, it was NOT as much fun as you had imagined. It was terrifying.
The both of you visited so many places in a spawn of almost two weeks that you felt a bit overwhelmed.
Today was Friday and with that the last day you were excused from school.
"Where are we going?" You asked bouncing around your dad who was currently getting dressed all fancy.
"Lets visit your favorite uncle shall we?" he said and you cheered. You were going to visit Rhodey!
"Can I wear my uniform?" You asked already on your way to the dresser. Rhodey regularly provided you with uniforms for you to play dress up in. Some in the standard military camo style, some the same as his. Your dad agreed and let you change.
You walked into the hanger and spotted Rhodey immediately. He was wearing the same uniform you were.
You ran over only shouting a his name for a short warning and jumped into his arms.
Your dad was better with entrances than you.
"Uncle Rhodey! Look what I'm wearing!" You said as he sat you down.
"Whoa we're twins!" You giggled.
"We can't be twins! You're my uncle." you said as if Rhodey didn't know that already.
You were introduced to the cadets and your dad said something that they found funny. You didn't get it.
While your dad was talking you were looking around at the planes. Walking around and touching the exterior.
Immersed in them you didn't notice that Rhodey had left.
"Uncle Rhodey can I- Where'd he go?" you asked looking around. He wasn't anywhere to be seen.
"I think I made him a bit mad." Tony said truthfully.
"Did you make fun of him? Cause that's not nice." you said as you took his hand and wandered back out towards your car.
"No it's more complicated than that." He said not explaining any further.
"Because of the weapons?" you asked making him stop for a second before continuing.
"Yes, yes it's because of the weapons." you just nodded. You might be young and often times oblivious but you weren't stupid. That's what Tony realized today. He couldn't really shelter you of those topics.
And you never really didn't listen.
While you were dozing off on your own workbench your dad was in full work mode back home. You only stayed awake as far as to grasp the extend of what he was doing. An Armour of some sort which was cool in your opinion. But not cool enough to keep your tired mind awake.
You woke up early the next day in your bed. You made your way into the kitchen and ate the first tasty thing you saw in the fridge. Jarvis told you that your dad was still in the lab.
You finished eating, grabbed some leftovers and made your way down the stairs the door opening automatically for you without the need of a password.
"Good morning dad." you said and put the box of leftovers and a fork down beside him.
"Good morning Bug, thank you." he said putting his tools down and kissing the top of your head.
"Go change. You don't have any shoes on." he said and you left him to his food.
Your father didn't want you to help with the armor so you started your own project. A little robot. Your dad would help you with the hard stuff so you were starting with the easy one which was basically just sketching how you wanted it to look and putting the pre prepared pieces together.
You both worked in relative silence, there was music playing in the background. You disassembled one of your remote controlled cars for its wheels and motor, and worked from then on out.
"Hey, (y/n). Wanna see me fly?" Tony asked holding up his boots.
"I can make you fly without the boosters." you chuckled at the thought but came over to watch anyway.
"I'd rather not be force choked by my personal mini Darth Vader."
You took a seat beside Dum-E and watched intently.
"Alright. We'll start of easy with 10% thrust capacity."  he explained got into position and, threw himself right into the ceiling ledge. You couldn't hold in your giggles, especially when he got sprayed with the fire extinguisher. God Dum-E was the BEST.
Your dad glared at you once he had wiped his eyes free.
Quickly you used the force to pick up some of the fire extinguisher stuff and flung it back into his face like a snowball. Then you ran away knowing full well that he was about to do the same to you.
For lunch you dragged your dad upstairs to cook you some food. You didn't like living off leftovers.
He made you spaghetti with tomatosauce. You couldn't decide whether it tasted good or horrible. It was some weird mix inbetween.
Back downstairs your dad was working on a flight stabilizer. You got bored with your robot so keept yourself busy with multiple tasks. Like drawing, singing, dancing, playing with your dolls and action figures, and stuff like that. You didn't want to go upstairs since you'd be all alone up there and that's boring and lonely. You don't like being alone.
Pepper came, hours later when it was already dark outside. And she had a present! It was for your dad but it was still a very exciting moment for you.
"I thought you were done making weapons." She said and he explained that it wasn't a weapon but a flight stabilizer and after he said it was safe flung himself backwards with it, he fell over with a thud. You giggled. Your dad getting slightly hurt was really funny.
You followed your mom Pepper and your dad upstairs and started inhaling the pizza as soon as you saw it.
You stopped listening in on the conversation Obie and Tony were having, it seemed tense, and decided to look at the screen of the laptop Pepper was holding. She was writing emails which seemed to be a very boring task. You tried to read what she was writing but she turned the screen away as soon as you did. You held out a pizza piece for her but she refused. Shrugging you ate it yourself. Your dad went back into the lab. You would've followed but you like to eat some more pizza. And you weren't alone up here now.
"What is he doing down there (y/n)?" Obie asked leaning over you a bit. It made you feel really small so you looked away.
"Dad says it's a secret. I can't tell anyone not even you. But I can tell you what I'M doing there!" you said looking at everything but him. You weren't actually told to keep it secret but you didn't like your uncle-grampas tone. He was being, weird.
"What are you doing down there?"
"I made a drawing. And I play pretend and I'm making a robot from my toy car." you said willing to share your projects.
"Thats nice." he said in a monotone voice and ruffled your hair. It didn't feel like the Obie you know.
Tags: @shannonr2003 @art-estrange @nicholasbich @tater-thottie @tonystanktheirondad @gaylemonshark @emilaa2001
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Character review!!(4/5)
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'Holy beef-a-roni and cheese' is the only way to describe this absolute UNIT. Deckered transforms into this thanks to Yuuta's command, and thanks to his SWAT truck on command, J-roader! Hes essentially in EVERY episode since his arrival. He has an upgraded form, fire j-deckered, but that's more of a combination form. No change in personality, but he's far stronger, and damn is he bustier!
Verdict:10/10. Big, beefy boy that i can very easily drool over.
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Duke is the only member of the team who is NOT a native Japanese. This here is a British boy! Duke, starting the series, has a very strong sense of entitlement, due to high expectations from Regina, for him to be the perfect policeman. This made him a cocky bastard, with the intent to replace Deckerd. He understands his team considerably better now, after earning his spot. The team unanimously hated him and Regina, but thanks to Deckerd & Yuuta's kindness, they're both considered family. Due to Regina's abuse however, he has a different outlook on life compared to others. He has a high morale standard, and if he could eat, he'd be vegan. (Which also explains his alt mode, being an emergency vehicle)He's surprisingly pacifist, much like Mccrane. He's sour on the outside, but sweet inside, especially for his lady, Regina.
Verdict:10/10. A surprisingly good boy. Take him home, he has respect to spare, and is just a delight to have around.
Duke fire!!;
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Duke was meant to be Deckerd's replacement after his death scare, and this is proof! Like Deckerd, he has his own beefy form, Duke fire, with the help of of his own SWAT truck, similar to J-roader! He has the ability of a fire sword, and has on par strength with J-deckered.
Verdict:10/10. Same Duke, more firey taste.
Fire j-deckered!!;
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SUPREME BEEF. Boy got STACKED! This here is a combination of J-deckered, and Duke Fire, making them an absolute force to be reckoned with! With the ability of fire sword, and the ability to wield Gunmax canon, which is a combination of Gunmax, and his bike, Fire J-deckered is possibly the strongest bot on the force! This combination bonded Deckerd closer to Duke, which made me love him even more!
Verdict:10/10. The KICKASS design, along with the two bots set to combine, made for a symbolic pact. Also, he can literally attatch his boyfriend, Gunmax, to his hip? Thats hot.
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I categorized Victim as a bot, rather than human, for a few reasons. One, this is how he ended the series. Two, this is how he was at his happiest. And three, because hes hot as a robot. Now Victim, in case you didn't know, used to be a human, turned cyborg, turned robot. He used to be good as a scientist, became bad as a tool for Neuva, and turned good, towards the end. Victim was, in fact, a victim of circumstances. He ended the series,however, with a good goal in mind;to spread Yuuta's gift of heart to a souless, alien planet. Ultimately? A surprisingly great character, used in a way i can appreciate.
Verdict:10/10. Take him home, give him some love. This smart boy deserved NONE of this shit. Even if he tried to kill Yuuta. But that was like, one time.
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Chieftain was an interesting character that i wasn't going to include. However, he was a reoccurring villian, had a surprising character ark, and was a character i found myself liking. Chieftain started out as a machine made by Victim. His late brother was killed by him, after being given an evil heart, then was later multiplied excessively, (he used to be red, ended the series as black) used to protect Eva and her mother project. Chieftain, at first, merely wanted him and his brother to be stronger than the brave police team. He was then made to be a complete asshole, followed by the want to destroy. He ended the series rather soberly, watching over the bodies of his creators, till he appearently died from low fuel. It was very similar to how Victim was treated.
Verdict:10/10. He was an AMAZING character, honestly. Reflecting on him now, he had the possibility of being a good boy, and he was, till the very end. He deserves love, really. Take him home. Hes cocky, and kinda an asshole, but he's a good guy who'd help out around the house. Also? I feel like he really wants to fucking party.
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Lua was a bot that was a part of the Bubblegum sisters plot to manipulate Power joe. She didn't look how she did right here, but to Power joe, she didn't look any different, and god dammit im not changing it. Im bringing her in because shes an important part to Power joe, and because she's so fucking adorable. From what we saw from one episode, she was sweet, incredibly caring, and absolutely, positively, in love with Power joe. (And bitch me too) and she didn't deserve ANYTHING she had. Power joe deserved this sweet little nurse of a girlfriend.
Verdict:9/10. Itd be 10/10 if she didn't cause my boy so much goddamn heart ache.
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twitchesandstitches · 6 years
Cobalt Stingers - Space Pirate Rivals to the MILF Fleet
Pretty much at the beginning of the fleet’s creation, the original groups comprising the fleet’s founding members split away from them and formed their own group and have since acted as rivals, friendly antagonists, and of late, anti-heroes willing to do things that the fleet does not when things get real serious once its become clear the danger the multiverse may be in.
For the most part, they are specifically an action-y group of space pirates that started at the exact same time and place as the fleet, armed with their own collection of strange magical artifacts and unique powers. They are dedicated rivals to the fleet, intending on making themselves into the most famous and powerful figures in all the multiverse, gathering many to them as groupies. Imagine a a combination of the ‘harmless adventuring pirate’ archetype and a rock band, with an emphasis on putting on as much of a show and garnering fame and attention, and you have them at the core. For the most part, they do not do much harm; these aren’t enemies, mostly. Eventually, though, as they become aware of the horrific situation the multiverse is in, they shift gears and attempt to avert catastrophe, in far more ruthless ways than the fleet will permit. In general, though, they are friendly rivals, lovers and exes, rather than true enemies. Less epic space battles, more goofy races for That Sweet Treasure Trove.
From the trolls was the big core of the cobalts, and the source of their name: Vriska Serket, a cerulean troll obsessed with the glorious part of her people and yearning for the security of a true homeland, became rivals with her friend Terezi over their disagreements over a thing called ‘collateral damage’, and with her partner (in every way) Eridan Ampora, around the same time that Terezi’s new mini-girlfriend Sierra got the Eupeptic Gestat with all its amazing power-gaining abilities, Vriska discovered something similar, a magical stone fountain that flowed not with water, but with raw power. It came with a key that fuses with the heart of whoever takes it for their own, and by claiming it, she can add powers to it and bestow them onto others as she pleases. She can make these claims by physically devouring them or in some way asserting her authority upon them; making them swear loyalty to her qualifies. However, in order to unlock its true powers, she must locate the final piece of the relic, a crown that confers absolute authority and dominon over others.
Some other trolls traveling with Vriska at the time included Ardata (a protege, of sorts, for Vriska), Lanque (a jadeblood vampire troll looking for adventure) a pair of yellowbloods naamed Folkyi and Kuprem (living FTL engines and enemy debuffer), and many others. Eridan Ampora also came with her, and most of the trolls that had origianlly been with their group and cared more for profit than secrets. They run the hemospectrum, but tend towardsd the colder colors, generally purple and blue.
From Sierra’s original group split off Alejandro and Heather, two humans that were effectively vilalins from their world, with a penchant for schemes, sabotaging foes through political manuevering, and had a hard time influencing someone as obstinate as Sierra was. They got along great with Vriska, finding something of a kindred spirit in her. Thanks to her, Alejandro has smoke-themed powers that let him turn into smoke or weaponize it, while Heather can turn into living diamond-like gold as a perfect defense. They also brought along Scarlet, a much nastier schemer than either of them, but who has found an occupation as a true schemer among them. Duncan has also joined them as something of a heavy-hitting enforcer type guy, and is a huge glory seeker even by their standards.
The Autobot remnants weren’t just Autobots; out of necessity they gathered neutrals who declined to join either side during the Cybertronian civil war, and even former Decepticons who had left their empire seeing the genocidal extremes it had sunk to, as well as their Lord Megatron being all but a outright vessel of some… thing they refuse to elaborate on. Tensions were high in this group, with mutual Autobot and Decepticon hatred, and most of those Decepticons followed former internal affairs and spymaster, Soundwave, as did his human-sized offspring: Ravage the beast-bot, mischievous Rumble, ferocious Frenzy, straitlaced Laserbeak, and obnoxious Ratbat. He elected to follow Vriska’s plans in pursuit of… well, not glory, no one knows WHY he cares. It’s suspected that he’s become something of a team dad to the Cobalts and even if he doesn’t care about fame or wealth, he does want them to stay secure. He is certainly obsessed with safety and security, above all else.
Other ‘Cons that have come with him includes the mighty Strika, and at least two known teams of former ‘Cons: the Stunticons, a hot-rodding team of mercenaries that transform into car analogues and presently led by sleek race car Knockout, who is also the chief of medical concerns on the pirate fleets) and the Combaticons, who prefer to be in their combined form of Bruticus Maximus, and otherwise are deadly tanks, jets and helicotpers, living engines of destruction; they’re very much like dark counterparts to the Dinobots, being a tight knit team built for destruction.
Those individuals and teams form the inner circle of the Cobalts, the most elite and respected of them. However, they wouldn’t be a threat to the fleet if they weren’t numerous, and they are VERY numerous, in general, it is best to assume that any given group that dispersed and became part of the fleet had their less ethical counterparts or enemies get snatched up with the Cobalts, and they have had a number of others join their ranks, as listed below. For the most part, note that any individual Cobalt is likely far more powerful than many of the fleet at once; while Vriska’s power fountain doesn’t give power quickly, it can empower people far more easily and plenty at once, without having to craft things as the Gestat does. Consequently, the Cobalts are way more powerful on average, though perhaps less versatile and not as modded up, for better or worse.
Additional Decepticons - Following Soundwave from the beginning or called since the events of the Cobalt’s forming; if a ‘Con from Robots In Disguise 2016 isn’t specifically listed elsewhere, assume they are here. They run the gamut from ‘monstrous robot modes’, to cars, and especially the militarized vehicles common to Decepticon ranks.
Gems: A good number of Gems have come to their side, initially for refuge, and later wit the promise of rebuilding their empire in time. Most of these originally hailed from Yellow Diamond’s court, but they include Holly Blue Agate, Aquamarine, possibly Jasper, Peridot and Lapis Lazuli depending on whether or not they fit better here or in the main crew (they may defect later). Generally former high-ranking Gems.
Eldar corsairs: Eldar pirates who prey on mortals to feed their own psychic powers and to amuse themselves, plenty of these Eldar have joined up with the Cobalts to take part in their fame, or were bested and swore allegiance to them. It’s rumoured that Vriska’s ancestor may have set the Dark Eldar on their current path and taught them their refined forms of cruelty and wickedness. In any case, Eldar-style technology forms the basis of the more refined technological aesthetic the Cobalts favor, up to ‘piloting’ giant robots by psychically attuning to them from a distance. A secret Dark Eldar ritual transforms someone into a giant fit to crush and demolish entire cities, and certainly Vriska and others like her will make use of it.
Ork Freebooters: hundreds of orks have pledged loyalty to the inner circle of the Cobalts, bringing with them a ton of looted weaponry, deadly war machines, and a lust for conquest most clearly marked in their leader, Captain Bluddflag.
Rogue Asari: A large portion of Asari, generally the Ardat-Yakshi who have had their condition selectively controlled by Vriska’s new powers, have joined as elite warrior and battlemages/living siege engines. They number hugely at this point, given new fertility despite their condition as a result of a bargain cut with the fleet, and make a good chunk of the Cobalt’s numbers. With them are their meat-shield thralls: bataarian soldiers, bangaa brutes, and a sizable army of those now claimed by them.
League of Villainy: Originally a group across many universes dedicated to organizing super villains and criminals with immense powers, supplying their organizations, helping them control their abilities, and perhaps coming to various agreements with society to allow them to take control and fulfill their various ambitions. Over time, with increasing cataclysms, the stability they required to do such things ceased to be, and they faded away but for a few pockets of civilization, and the Cobalts found them. Now comprising a large number of superpowered brutes, mad scientists, schemers, vengeance-addicted layabouts and many others united only in avarice and raw power, they joined the Cobalts, lured by greater promises of… less destructive nastiness. Their leader of a sort of a woman called Shego (of Kim Possible), who has mastered all the powers she could originally have in canon (destruction blasts, size shifting, super speed, super strength, self-cloning), her close friend and partner Giganta. Eobard Thawne is another leader and now an important technical advisor for the Inner Circle, and countless villains of a thousand worlds now answer to the Cobalts. (Imagine a comic book-style villain; if they’re not too evil, or not really team players, they can be here!)
Human Gangsters: At some point the Cobalts came upon a human criminal organization and promptly defeated it and absorbed it into their ranks; of these, its biggest leader, a modern outlaw named Elizabeth Caladonia Ashe (as from Overwatch), saw fit to convince her closest allies to join up with the new winning team. She’s brought in enough ships, firepower and connections to continue funding the Cobalts and give them influence they might otherwise not have. They even have access to old-school human war machines, giant mechs, and designs for destroyer-class ships, and a large assortment of combat-grade sapient robots who think this all sounds like a ton of fun.
Team Skull: Technically part of Ashe’s gang, but by communing with the strange entities called Pokemon, they’ve learned how to call upon them and bond with them, commanding them; they’re fairly moral influences within the Cobalts, in spite of their raw power, and it’s suggested their boss Guzma is going to make Inner Circle sooner or later.
Succubi: During an accident with a rift and a poorly timed summoning ritual, a little over a thousand spirits of desire and lust awere conjured into being from the influence of the Cobalts, assuming hyper-endowed and very curvaceous forms with the humans on the crew as a basis. Very magically powerful and charmed by their notions of desire in an abstract way, they are… if not loyal, at least bound to the Cobalts by uncertain aspects of their very existence. Incredibly powerful, they actually generate raw magic, empowering magic users in the Cobalts, and technically immortal; if slain, they reform a short while later on one of the pirate ships.
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roadsideservices · 2 years
Mobile Mechanic Stallion Spring
A mechanic genoa drive is a tool that allows you to change or control the form of your sail. With this features, you can alter the size and shape of it and have some functionality. There are 3 types of roles that someone can fall in when it comes to working with a mechanic Genoa drive. A mechanic, boat technicians, or sailing instructors. The mechanic are generally responsible for making these tools on top of things rather than using them to sail on the oceans. On the other saw, boat technicians work closely with a mechanic genoa drive in order to enable sailors this additional controls for standard outfitting without sails. As for school personnel, they help skippers learn how to use their new floating toy more efficiently and effectively during instruction sessions for others going into the team through some private.
Companies such as mobile mechanic Arvin aim to overcome this obstacle. By using a VR kit, customers can chat, meet new friends and roam around mechanically designed premises together at anytime anywhere. Other firms such as mobile mechanic Genoa drive have also gone on to include AI assistants so that they can guide users, Mobile Mechanic Stallion and Mobile Mechanic Arvin have been products by the mobile mechanic company, Oildale in the past, but now that the company has a new mobile mechanic drive it is unlikely for them to produce new products.
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The recent advances of computer accuracy, has made exploring the robotics-reworking industry more than possible. There are different companies in the robotics industry who are even anticipating the age of humans losing their importance and some industries that were known for being stable for a long time are grappling with how to imitate artificial intelligence. A robot that would make domestic appliances easier is set to enrich lives with its automated system. But then there is still a big challenge here: communicating, matching and interacting with humans
Mobile mechanic Arvin yields a different snowfall pattern than Mobile engineer Arvin due to its transmission. Mobile Mechanic Stallion’s propulsion system generates while Electric mode stow away to make up the total of 18Kw. Mobile mechanics hatchback weighs just when assembled and unassembled price is calculated by 380kg plus engines of all mobile mechanics.
Introducing new features creates a huge demand for content writers, who can generate unique and compelling stories using the tools at their disposal. While most of the time, writing handwritten essays or emails is time-consuming and takes up too much cognitive power. An easy solution to this problem that is really gaining traction in education and business settings is the mobile mechanic print advertising company.
The mobile mechanic Stallion springs ad uses Mobile Mechanic to produce compelling content without taking up too much cognitive power from the brain of the reader. It’s a great tool for busy marketing teams that want a quick turnaround on their content while keeping costs affordable. Later on, they expand their personalized production services to customers who want scripts specially tailored for web programming and articles of an even higher quality but still short turnaround time like e-commerce optimization.
Mobile mechanic Oildale has a shiny faced, green and blue 12 gauge with loads of recoil on these specials. He made his way towards the getaway vehicle. He followed us. Here’s where I stop and check him out, Stallion said before jumping from the roof with a swarm of nano bugs dragging him back to their party before anyone had gotten their hands on him.
Our mobile website content is constantly evolving. With improved technology and availability, it is easier than ever to create high quality help text. This can cut costs and increase conversion because it’s helpful tips written in a way that people find by searching on a compatible topic or trending keyword.
0 notes
bestwebsitenow · 3 years
How to make a good income through AgentsClub.com !
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Currently, AgentsClub is ranked among the best freelance sites, where if you are a freelancer, you can offer your services through it for free and achieve a good income in a short time.
What I like best about this site is that there is no high competition and your services can easily top the search results on this site, unlike other freelance sites that are full of services.
This is the 15 minutes I want you to spend, I want you to follow the instructions with me step by step, do not just read, but do what I do while reading, 
Now go open your mobile phone and do as do below.
1- Open your mobile phone, make sure you are connected to the internet.
2- Open any browser on your phone, like Google Chrome or Safari. 
You must use your phone as on computer the menus locations are different.
3- Type in the address bar of the browser this address:    AgentsClub.com
4- When the website  AgentsClub.com has opened :
From the top right there are 3 dashes click them 
( see image )
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A new menu will show on the left side, from that menu click on Register.
( see image )
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A new page will open with 2 options, Buyer and Seller, you need to select one of them,
As a service provider, you are a ( Seller ) so, you need to select Seller.
( See Image )
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In the next window, you need to fill a small form, as follows
User name: must be a unique name it may include numbers but it should not have spaces.
This will be the name you will use to log in to this website.
I suggest you something which you will not forget, and it will be unique, 
which is to use the first part of your email id as your user name, the first part which is before the @ sign.
So if your email id is:  [email protected]. then you can use the name joe007 as your user name
In this way, you will make sure it is unique as well as you can remember it easily.
Then fill in your first name, last name email id, and choose whatever password you wish to use.
Then select I’m not a robot, and also select Accept Terms & conditions.
Then scroll down to the button Register, and click it.
( see image )
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Once you registered, you will be logged in to your account, now
From that page top right, click on the 3 dashes,
( See image )
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A new menu on the side will show, from this menu select ( Extra Pages )
( See image )
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After you click on ( Extra Pages ) a menu will popup, from that menu select ( Add job )
( see image )
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On the next page, you will get a list of packages to choose from, select
The first one, which is the FREE package.
( see Image )
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The form will open,  I will describe what to fill in each field, 
What you will fill in will be different than what I will fill in the form, because you will be providing a service different than mine.
So take what I will fill here as an example, and fill your own service in the same way.
I will provide a service where I will sing a happy birthday to the name the buyer will provide me,  I will sing it
While wearing a spiderman suit, and I also can put balloons and colorful decorations on the background if the buyer is ready to pay extra for that.
That was my service now here is how I will fill it.
Title:  I will sing a happy birthday song while wearing a spiderman suit.
About this Gig:   I will sing a happy birthday to anyone you want while wearing my Spiderman suit. And I can use a decorated background if you want
( See image )
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Keywords:    Song, happy birthday
Job Status:   Available 
Standard Title:   Silver
Price   $  :   5
As the website is for worldwide, they are using a common currency, which is the US dollars,
So in our services, we will also list our prices with US dollars, buyers ( from all over the world ) will pay us
With US dollars, the amount will be credited to our AgentsClub account with US dollars exactly in the very
Same currency the buyer has paid, but when we request to withdraw our earning from AgentsClub, AgentsClub
Will send it to us in its equivalent local currency. 
For example, if you live in India, and you have made earning of $10, when you request to withdraw this $10  from AgentsClub to your Bank account, AgentsClub will Send you its equivalent in Indian currency, which is ( at the time of writing this book ) is 745 Indian Rupees.
(See image)
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Description:  Delivered in 3 days
Premium Title:    Gold
Price $  :   10
Description:   Delivered in 24 hours.
I will also click on the button ( Add Add-on ) which will open another small form.
( see image )
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The following are the fields of the ( Add Add-on ) button
Add-on title :    Extra
Price  $  :   10
Description:   I will sing in front of a decorated wall with colorful balloons
( see image )
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Photo :
For the photo, I will upload the following photo 
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And here is it after uploading :
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Videos :
You will see the videos are disabled with a message ( NO Access ) and that is because you are a free member
If your service requires you to upload a video or videos, to your job post, then you can upgrade your membership,
From free to any other membership, you can do that from inside your AgentsClub account.
Category:   Lifestyle
( see image )
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Make your ad stand out:     I will leave them as they are I will not select any option on them, as I want to 
Make this totally free for you, later when we earn from this website we can choose such extra services.
Now click on the button ( Save Changes )
( see image )
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We are done, creating our service!.
After you click on Save Changes, the page will open on our service ( gig is another name for a service ), 
with the edit mode so if you want to edit anything you can edit it.
The second step ( Marketing our service ).
Now we need to do quick marketing to our service.
From the same page where it shows your gig/service details, scroll down till the end, 
there you will be able to see social network sharing icons of Twitter, Facebook, and a Plus sign.
(See images)
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Click on the Twitter icon to share your gig/service link to Twitter, once you are done do the same with FaceBook, 
then also click on the Plus sign to open more social network sharing icons.
When the plus sign clicked there will be social sharing icons for Pinterest, Linked In, and WhatsApp.   
Click on them one at a time to share your gig/service with the maximum number of people.
Now we are totally done!.  
We have created a listing for our service and we have made some marketing for it, now what is next?
What is next? 
As a free member with AgentsClub.com, you are allowed to post 2 gigs, so now you go and post another service, 
A completely new different service from your very same account, by following the very same steps mentioned above.
Also do not forget to do a social sharing for the second service when you are done.
After that you are completely done, you need to do nothing more, go live your life the way you want, and just keep checking
Your emails for any orders.
When any buyer interested in your service he will pay for it to buy it, the payment will go to AgentsClub.com, and AgentsClub will send you an email regarding the order. 
At this time you need to go to the website AgentsClub.com and login to your account, and click on ( My Orders ) from the right side menu from inside your account, to view the orders you just received.
Now, you must click on ( Accept Order ), so the seller will get an email that you have started the work on his order.
You need to do the service as you have described it, in your job listing, and deliver it to the buyer.
and ask the buyer to give you a 5-star rating if he is happy with your service.
It is usually done in this way: assuming you made a video for the customer.
You upload the video, through the AgentsClub order page itself, where the buyer has left you instructions regarding what he exactly wants.   Upload his work and (on the very same page) write a message saying:  Here is your work completed, I hope you like it if there is any problem please tell me I will get it fixed.  And if you are happy with my work then please leave me a 5 stars rating. Thank you.
Then mark the work as completed.
Now when the buyer views your service he will usually write you a review and mark the service/gig by received.
The second the buyer mark your service by received the very same second the amount which the buyer has paid for the service
gets transfers to your AgentsClub.com account.
Which you can request to withdraw at any time you want to your bank account.
Some may wonder how a $5 which is INR 350 service can make me  INR 50,000 a month?
Well let us assume you have 2 services, their basic plan is $5 and their premium is $10, with some extras of $5
Let us assume you get 3 orders daily one premium and one basic and one basic with an extra that is. a total of $25
25 x 30 days = $750  and that is at the current rate equal to INR 56,118
Remember that mountains are made of huge rocks and these huge rocks are made of tinny pieces of sand.
So a tinny piece of sand can make a huge mountain, so do not misestimate the $5 especially when there are
So many orders.
If you do not know how many USD equal to your own currency, you can use google, in this way :
Assuming your currency is Indian Rupees, and you want to charge like INR 1,000 for your service, 
and you do not know how much the INR 1,000 make in US dollars, 
then go open google and in the google search box type:   INR 1000 to USD 
And click enter.
Google will give you the result according to your current rate.
( see image )
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As you can see from the above image, the INR 1,000 is equal to $13.42.
BUT, you should NOT put a service rate as $13.42  not even as $13 or $14
The services rate on the AgentsClub website is incremental of 5, so you can put any figure, which is incremental of 5, 
such as 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 ….etc. up to 995, as a price,  you want to charge for your service,
And Yes you can charge $995 if you have a service that worth such amount.
Now back to our previous example, in which, what we want to charge is not incremental of 5, it is 13.42 then what we should do?
In such a case, we either charge $10 or we charge $15.
What are you waiting for? Get started now and head over to AgentsClub.
0 notes
imaginetonyandbucky · 7 years
Everything is the same but Bucky is Tony's secret (and always stressed/worried) civilian boyfriend.
Combined with:
Prompts​ open, yeees! Thank you for this blog and all you do💞 Tony is still Iron Man but Bucky is his very secret (and very stressed) civilian boyfriend.
Warnings: panic attacks
Worrying Circles
It could happen at any time andthat's what scared Bucky the most.
He'd be walking down the streetafter getting groceries and suddenly the TVs in a store front wouldbroadcast breaking news about Iron Man fighting some tentacle monsteror a giant robot or whatever super villain was on the loose thatweek. Sometimes he was in the middle of a class and one student wouldbe on their phone suddenly yell about another Iron Man fighthappening right now. Bucky would try to keep his composure, try toget the class in order again, but on the inside he was terrified andhe often let the kids out of class early, seeming generous to thembut it often was for his own benefit, so he wouldn't break down infront of them if news of Iron Man's demise were reported.
It never happened of course. Wouldnever happen. Probably.
The fear remained.
When Bucky had met Tony Stark at acharity event at his school he should have known what he would gethimself into. Two years later he still wasn't used to the constantstress of having a super hero boyfriend who at any given point intime could just up and vanish to yet another super hero fight thatprevented the extinction of the human race more often than not.
(Watch out for the break!)
Their relationship was a secret,for safety reasons mostly. There had been a time when Bucky had feltTony had wanted to keep him a secret because he was embarrassed byhis disheveled one-armed mentally ill boyfriend. Bucky had projectedhis poor self-image onto Tony, who in no shape or form had agreedwith that sentiment. They've had fights over it, had separated onuncertain terms until Tony once and for all had cleared up all ofBucky's debilitating self-doubts with a heartfelt speech and a pairof rings. Not engagement rings, they both weren't ready for that, buta promise. To believe in each other.
Bucky wore his on a thin chainaround his neck for a lack of a left hand and Tony, the engineeringgenius, had incorporated his into the underside of his watch, it wascompletly covered when he wore it and practically invisible when hetook it off - not that he ever did in public. Tony showed Bucky howhe took the ring out of the watch and Bucky still wasn't sure ifthere hadn't been some actual magic involved. Tony had done somegestures around his watch and suddenly he had the ring in his hand.
This time it happened on Bucky'sway home from work. He still had his own little apartment, it wascloser to the school and he could retreat there when something wasgoing on at Stark Tower and he had to make himself scarce. He was onhis way there when the breaking news notifications made his phone gointo permanent vibration mode. Bucky stopped dead in his tracks andcalled the next cab over before he even looked at his phone.
Not much was known about IronMan's current mission, most news site were just reporting seeing himtake off from the tower. Some digging revealed that some smallPacific island country had called for help. Ocean, island and nocurrent storms or tsunamis, to Bucky that meant some weird watercreature was most likely the problem, probably with tentacles too.Bucky scanned the news sites on his ride to the tower but besides theinitial reports there were no follow ups.
Bucky was noticing the first signsof a panic attack coming in when his breathing became more rapid, hedeliberately took deep breaths. There was no need to panic now, Tonywas probably not even at the location. Bucky would ask JARVIS as soonas he got to the tower, the AI was in constant contact with Tonyafter all, everything would be fine.
He used the back entrance with theprivate elevator straight to the penthouse. JARVIS, as always, hadexpected him and the penthouse was brightly lit and the TV had Tony'scurrent location marked on a world map.
"What's happening, JARVIS?",Bucky threw his bag onto the couch and flopped down right next to it,elbow on his knee, studying the screen.
"Good afternoon, Mr. Barnes,Sir is currently 52 miles away from the occurrence, ETA is 3 minutes15 seconds."
"Please no tentacle monster."
"I can reassure you, thegiant cephalopod in the Florida bay has been an outlier. Crustaceans,however, are currently invading the Republic of Fiji."
"Crustaceans? You mean likeshrimps?"
"Crabs, Sir." JARVISadded a new diagram to the screen showing the outline of a crab andnext it a standard human for size comparison. Bucky's eyes almostfell out of his head, the crab was almost twice as tall as the humanand several times more wide. The pincers were gigantic.
"What the hell?" Buckywas glad JARVIS only showed him a diagram, he'd probably getnightmares from the image alone. "Where do these things comefrom?"
"Their origin is currentlyunknown." JARVIS did a short pause, maybe to prepare Bucky forwhat he said next. "Mr. Stark has engaged the creatures."
Bucky sucked in a sharp breath,the map on the screen was zoomed in now and the tiny figure of Tonywas amidst a mass of red dots. The creatures were all over thecoastline, some already further inland. Local police and maybe eventhe military had kept the crabs back before Iron Man had arrivedBucky assumed.
"I advice you to breath."JARVIS suddenly said and Bucky gasped, his world was starting to swima little and he leaned back.
"Do you want me to talk youthrough breathing exercises, Mr. Barnes?"
Bucky nodded, averting his eyesfrom the screen. He lied down on his back and propped his feet up onthe arm rest of the couch. JARVIS voice was soothing and after acouple of minutes of guided breathing Bucky calmed down again. Heknew how the process of panic attack worked in the brain, but thatdidn't make it any easier to deal with it. He felt bad for worryingso much that he had to deal with it. Tony was amazing, he was a greatfighter, his suits were ingenious and he had JARVIS at his side,there was nothing that could stop him.
There was nothing Bucky shouldhave to worry about but he couldn't stop himself from thinking aboutthe possibility of something happening to Tony. He didn't know howPepper had dealt with it, still dealt with it, or Happy for thatmatter. Every time he happened to be with one of them when Tony wason a mission they stayed so calm. Maybe they could just hide thesheer terror they felt better than Bucky could, maybe they just hadhad more practice.
JARVIS' words had calmed him downand he continued to focus on his breath as he got up on shaky legs.He walked towards the floor to ceiling windows that spanned almostthe entire side of the living room and looked out over the city. Tothink that Tony was out there protecting people just like the oneswandering the streets far below him. It made Bucky proud, and to beso close to the person so many people admired. Tony was a super herothrough and through, nobody could say otherwise, he'd put his life onthe line for people.
Bucky suddenly felt reallyinsignificant. Small and ugly next to such a great person, he didn'tdeserve to be with Tony. Someone so beautiful inside and out deservedbetter. His hand fumbled for the ring that was hidden under his shirtand only when he felt it's smooth surface on his hand did Buckymanage to push these thoughts away. Tony was with him because hewanted to be, Tony decided who was worthy enough to be with him andTony chose Bucky.
His breath fogged up the glasswhen he leaned his forehead against the cold surface. Tony was stillout there, fighting, today it might just be giant crabs, some day itmight be something Tony wouldn't be able to face. Bucky slipped thering over his index finger and rotated it around.
"How's the fight going,JARVIS?"
"The creatures' numbers aredwindling, Mr. Barnes, "
Good. Bucky hung his head. Itwasn't an all-clear but it was something. He turned away from thewindow and tugged the ring back inside his shirt. Bucky walked intothe kitchen and put a tea cup inside the coffee machine. JARVIS, everthe darling, started boiling the water before Bucky had even put in atea bag.
Bucky had to calm down. Hecouldn't have JARVIS guide him through breathing exercises until Tonycame back every fucking time there was a fight. He had done oftenenough when it was really bad and it was no solution. Bucky had tolearn to keep himself calm. He had to trust in Tony and his abilitiesto get out of there safely.
Armed with his tea he sat backdown on the couch. He pulled out the school work for the day andarranged the papers on the coffee table, every now and again his gazewent up to the TV, seeing the decreasing number of red dots on thescreen assured him.
He went about reading the essaysfrom his students and marked the mistakes. They were from elementaryschool students so they were happy tales about their week and itdistracted him well enough. Bucky kept wanting to fidget with thering but having a pen in his hand prevented him most of the time andthe times he did fidget he couldn't concentrate on the stories andhis mind drifted back to Tony and then his eyes were glued to the TVagain so he tried to keep the pen in his hand despite his urge to putit down.
After a while Bucky had to put theessays down, mostly because he was basically done. Reading twentyessays with 300 words each didn't take that long after all, but hewas also getting nervous again, more nervous. It's been a few hoursnow since the whole thing started and there were still red dots onthe screen left. The bright blue Iron Man dot was chasing around allover the place eliminating them, but it didn't seem to stop.
Bucky wished he was able to lookat what Tony was seeing, see how the situation was, but they hadtried it once, in the hopes that it would give Bucky some peace ofmind when it came to the safety of his superhero boyfriend.
It had back fired horribly.
When Bucky watched the firstperson perspective of a huge chunk of concrete falling straight athim, he had felt like he was about to get hit himself. The triggeredpanic attack had been the worse since his accident five years agothat had taken his arm. Bucky didn't want to risk it again. Tonycould handle the situation better, he was there, he had all theinformation, but Bucky was just an observer with serious triggers, hehad no place on a battle field like that.
Bucky realized, watching the reddots disappear, that really all that Tony was doing was cleaning upthe left-overs. It would be over soon.
He made himself a cup of tea againand settled back on the couch, wrapped in a blanket. He tried toguess which dot Tony would take care of next.  Bucky slipped sidewaysand curled up, his eyes getting heavier and heavier. He really wantedto stay awake until Tony returned home, until he could wrap his armaround him and know for sure that he is alright, but he was loosingthe fight against sleep and JARVIS certainly wasn't helping withdimming the light ever so slowly. Eventually also the dim light ofthe screen faded and Bucky fell asleep.
Finally he was done. The sun had set hours ago when Tony finally landed on the penthouse’s balcony and the armor disassembled around him. He was surehe would never get rid of the fish smell that clung to it.Tony himself had stayed relatively safe from the stench inside thesuit but he wanted to take a shower nevertheless.
The first thing he did after hehad landed on the pad outside the penthouse, however, was check onhis sleeping boyfriend on the couch. JARVIS had already informed himabout Bucky's presence but he had figured as much. Bucky was alwaysthere when he got back from a mission, the only times he wasn't therewas when Tony had already dealt with whatever weekly nuisance of asupervillain had dared to pop up his head and had gotten back beforehim. Then Bucky would arrive shortly after, out of breath and closeto a panic attack. It would be cute if it wasn't so concerning. Buckyworrying about him made Tony worry about Bucky. It was a viciouscircle.
"How has he been holding upthis time, J?" Tony asked quietly as he approached the dark lumpon the couch and knelt besides Bucky's head. Bucky's schoolwork wasscattered around the coffee table and on the floor, it meant thatBucky had at least managed to distract himself somewhat.
"As usual, Sir."
Tony sighed, he wished he couldmake this easier on Bucky, but there was no simple solution for this.What he did was dangerous, there was no denying that. Bucky had everyright to worry about him and Tony knew it wasn't a lack of trust, hehad hoped Bucky would handle it a little bit better once he got usedto it, but it was obvious that wasn't the case. Tony was grateful,however, despite his constant worries Bucky had never asked him tostop being Iron Man. Not once had he tried to persuade him not to goon a mission.
Tony thought himself incrediblylucky to have found someone in Bucky who accepted his need to be IronMan, who doesn't pressure him into giving up that part of his life.He would have never thought that person would be an elementary schoolteacher from Brooklyn.
He pushed some strands of hair outof Bucky's face and watched his sleeping boyfriend for a moment.  
"I'll let him sleep, he's gotwork tomorrow."
He couldn't resist running hishand over Bucky's hair and tugging the blanket in around him beforegetting up. Tony didn't get very far, Bucky had grabbed onto hiswrist and was looking at him with sleepy eyes.
"Don't go." Buckymumbled.
"Shh, go back to sleep,Sunshine, I'm here, I'm not leaving again." Tony held Bucky'shand for a moment, then put it down and turned to leave again.
"No." Bucky shuffledaround, pushing himself upright and rubbing his eyes. "I canwalk to the bed." He stood up, a little wobbly and Tony wrappedan arm around his waist to stabilize him.
"You have to wait a minutethough. I really need to take a shower first, I'm smelling a bitfishy."
Bucky leaned over and had probablymeant to sniff Tony but instead he rammed his nose into the side ofTony's head, misjudging the distance in the darkness. He rubbed hisnose against Tony's cheek as if nothing happened. "Delicious..."Bucky slurred, definitely more asleep than awake.
"I'll get you to the bed,take a shower and then we can snuggle."
"You have the best ideas,doll."
Tony chuckled and guided hissleepy boyfriend to the bedroom. Bucky's nose never left Tony's faceuntil Tony shoved him onto the bed. "Stay there, I'll be realquick." And he was really quick with the shower, he wasextremely exhausted after the fight. It hadn't been hard to take thegiant crabs out one by one, but it had been a long fight and he hadhelped with the clean up afterwards as well. He looked forward tofalling asleep in Bucky's arm.
Tony didn't even bother to dry offcompletely, he only put on some comfy boxer shorts then than crawledinto the bed, skin and hair still partially wet. Bucky had madehimself comfortable and had been watching the door to the bathroom.He could barely hold his eyes open.
"Go to sleep, cupcake, don'tyou have work tomorrow?"
Bucky made an indistinct sound andpulled Tony closer, then finally closed his eyes. He buried his nosein Tony's wet hair and mumbled.
"Needed to know you're safe."
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optimusphillip · 5 years
OptimusPhillip Reviews 13: Transformers: Generations Shockwave (War for Cybertron: Siege)
Now, I know it’s been a while since my last post, but I had a hectic couple weeks, and I’m only just now getting back into the swing of things. But, I did say that I would review the rest of my Siege collection, and next in line is the biggest one I’ve obtained so far... kind of. It’s Leader Class Shockwave, one of the more contentious figures in the Siege line so far. Let’s take a look at the figure.
“Spaceship” Mode
Shockwave’s alternate mode is a Cybertronian spaceship, and totally is not an upside-down space gun. Detail-wise, he is covered in sculpting, way more than any of the other toys I’ve covered. Panel lines, screws, vents, exposed wiring, anything they could think of to fill out space, they did. There is not one flat surface on this mode. Two standout details for me are the missile racks on the rear section, and the light-piped yellow eye on the bridge, just like the robot head. Also on the bridge are some flip-out tail fins. Officially, you’re supposed to have them out in this form, but I like to leave them flipped down, for reasons I’ll explain later. In terms of landing gear, he has a flip out skid on the front, and two thin nubs towards the back, so don’t worry about scuffing up the bottom of your spaceship. Though I will say, the nose doesn’t seem to want to stay straight on my figure. Maybe it’s a mileage may very issue, but it does kind of bug me.
But of course, there’s a dirty little secret to this “spaceship” mode, and to figure it out, all you need to do is flip down the tail fins (if you haven’t already), fold up the landing skid, plug the hose onto the port at the bottom of the nose, and flip the toy upside down. Now he is unmistakably the G1 Shockwave alternate mode. Most of the detail is carried over from the spaceship, though the rear landing gear forms a targeting sight, in a clever bit of dual usage. My only real issue with this mode is that the bridge is too small to hold comfortably as a gun handle. It doesn’t bother me too much, though, it still works aesthetically.
Gunship Mode
Part of being a Leader in Siege is that you don’t just get a single figure. You also get a bunch of add-on pieces to create upgraded modes. There really isn’t much of a conversion, it’s just pegging on a bunch of parts, but it’s technically a new mode, so I’m giving it its own section.
Anyway, this mode offers a major visual change. Two new booster rockets, a lot of new weapons, a brand new front end piece, and a bunch of extra fins (including X-wings) all make him look way more like a Decepticon warship. If it didn’t still have so much Shockwave to it, I’d honestly believe this was a new design for the Nemesis. By the way, this mode is the reason I leave the tail fins folded down in spaceship mode. They just feel better suited to this mode. In total, this mode adds ten new cannons, six of which are compatible with the blast effect parts from the Battle Masters. I like how the two main cannons are designed after Shockwave’s arm gun, it’s a nice way of tying things together. That said, there’s not a lot of new functionality here, so let’s get into robot mode.
Shockwave’s transformation harkens back to his G1 toy, but more streamlined with modern engineering, in particular the barrel and legs. The G1 toy used the legs to form the gun handle, and the barrel was just a detachable part. Here, however, only the side panels of the legs form the handle, with the bulk forming the back end of the gun, and the barrel stays attached and forms his backpack in lieu of the G1 toy’s battery pack, though this does mean that it’s purple instead of the G1 gun mode accurate silver. And for those concerned about the add-on parts, they all fit together into a singular unit, which can be used as a battle platform.
Robot Mode
Shockwave’s robot mode is the spitting image of his G1 show model, only with a lot more sculpted detail. I like the face sculpt, where you can see a lot of mechanical details surrounding his mono-eye, almost like extraocular servos or something. While we’re looking at the head, let’s talk about the eye. It’s light-piped yellow, and it’s really, really good light-piping. As long as there’s pretty much any light in the room, the eye will glow to some extent, and it will even vary in color depending on what light you use. I also really like the chest. On the surface, it’s just a clear plastic plate, like the G1 toy, but if you look closely, you can see that there’s not only molded detail on the backside, to create a layered look, but there’s also a fully painted inner chest, with black wires and nodes on a pink background. That same shade of pink can also, of course, be found on the toy’s hands, which are standard fare for Shockwave, right down to the gun in place of his left hand. And of course, the hose from “spaceship” mode now pegs into the back of his left forearm, to recreate the look of the original toy’s light cable. This hose also features one of the few spots of battle damage paint on this toy, with silver scuff marks on its surface at various points. I don’t know why they put those scuff marks there, though. If the hose had gotten scuffed up, we’d probably be seeing exposed wiring, not bare metal. At least it makes sense on his feet, where you get much more elaborate scuffing detail. But aside from that and some fake chipping on his right arm’s Decepticon insignia, that’s it for battle damage. Kind of makes me question the point of that whole gimmick, really.
Onto articulation, he’s about on par with Optimus in terms of sheer jointage. Ball-jointed neck, universal shoulders and hips, swivels at the bicep and thigh, 90 degree elbows and knees, wrist swivels, ankle tilts, and a waist swivel. However, the thing that makes him unique is that his hips and knees are ratcheted, giving him an extra element of stability that you can’t rely on from simple friction hinges. Though as one might expect, the hose on his arm can limit posability in the left arm. You still get enough range for some decent poses, though, so it still works. Though I will warn that, while I haven’t had any issues, some people have reported that the hose has broken on them, so... be careful, I guess.
Now onto the part that has people questioning the Leader price point, size. As nice as this figure is, it’s only the size of a Voyager in this mode, and that’s totally a fair point. However, this can be rectified slightly when one remembers that this is the white Prime to this set’s Ultra Magnus, and that means...
Super Robot Mode
Of course, the add-on parts from gunship mode can also be used in robot mode to create a sort of super mode. The nose piece just forms a bigger backpack, adding a pair of tails for some reason, but the booster rockets form larger shoulder pads, the side cannons form extra foot platforms, and the main cannons form into a pair of extra arms. It is so ridiculous and outlandish, I kind of love it. This form also gives some extra battle damage, in the form of scorch marks on the new shoulder pads. And don’t worry, these new parts don’t hinder any of his posability. In fact, his extra arms have about the same level of articulation as his regular arms, so he actually gains a bit of articulation. Each of these arms also has a port on the back for his hose, but I find that it’s a scarily tight fit on my copy. Again, mileage may vary.
Unfortunately, this mode doesn’t really do much for the height department. His extra foot pads don’t even add a head to his overall height, so he’s still about Voyager sized at the head. But this mode does still add a good bit of extra bulk to him, particularly in the arms, and on the backpack. That said, I can definitely see this being unsatisfactory to some collectors.
Final Thoughts
Siege Shockwave is an amazing figure, I’m really glad to have gotten him. He’s the perfect update to his G1 toy design, and the extra add-on parts give a lot of extra play option. That said, $50 might be a bit steep for some people, and I’ll admit, I had to think long and hard about whether or not to go for it when I saw him in the store. However, I’m still glad to have him in my collection, if only just to have a really good Shockwave toy. But if you are feeling hesitant about this toy, I don’t blame you. He is definitely not budget friendly. Still, if you’ve been waiting for a good retail level Shockwave since the Classics line first debuted, you will not be disappointed in this update.
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