#he values the friends that he has and cherishes the memories of those who have passed
cometrose · 2 years
its kind of funny when people say zhongli is stuck in the past or can’t move on when his entire fucking story is how he doesn’t do that
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fallatyourfeet · 3 months
Unbroken (Jon Snow x Reader -One shot)
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Summary: Shortly after the Battle of the Bastards, Sansa discovers some unexpected news regarding YN. Jon is thrilled to hear you're alive, but unfortunately, the news is bitter sweet.
Word count: 3234 Sorry (This is a super long one shot for me, I usually try to keep them under 2000 words. But I guess this one got away form me)
Warnings: It's pretty dramatic and angsty. YN has been mistreated by Ramsay. I'm sure you know what that means!
Please feel free to send me a message/comment/ask, I would love to know what you think.
A/N: This fic was a request from @automaticpandadreamer Hope you like it. God knows you've waited long enough
Hello I love your book Northern Light so musch I'm still reading it three years after discovering it. I was was wondering if you could do like a Jon Snow x reader who is from a warrior house that the Starks have known for a long time. Her house get attacked by the Boltons and Ramsy does....Vile things to her as his plaything and she helps Sansa and Theon escape but not before Ramsay lays a huge whipp across her back giving her a scar but after that she meets Jon and she is happy to see jon .
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Jon assumed you were dead. It hurt to even think it, but surely Ramsay would never have allowed you to breathe another day, once you helped Sansa and Theon escape. Never for one moment, did he believe he would return to his childhood home, after all these years and hear Sansa speak the words. “She’s alive, Jon… YN’s alive.” Standing in the middle of the courtyard, his knuckles still covered in Ramsay’s blood, Jon found himself overwhelmed by the unexpected and welcomed news, his mind racing with cherished memories.
During his childhood, you were a regular visitor to Winterfell, accompanying your parents for feasts and celebrations and usually staying long after they returned to Bear Island. And they were some of his happiest memories. Wherever you were, Jon was never far behind. The two of you were all but inseparable.  
You were not like other girls. Strong, fierce and surprisingly unpretentious for a highborn. Memories flooded back. Watching you shoot bow after bow perfectly into its target, while his fell uselessly to the ground. Could still remember how quickly you could saddle a horse then tease him playfully for being so slow. How many days had he spent sparring with you in that very courtyard? Snapping and splintering countless wooden swords trying to get the better of you, but you were far too quick for him. And how vividly he could recall Catelyn’s disapproving stares. Never knowing if it was the fact that, you, a trueborn lady of House Mormont was allowed to train as a warrior. Or the fact that you were allowed to train with him, a bastard. Maybe it was both. Or maybe it bothered her to know that you enjoyed his friendship, maybe even valued it above her own children. Whatever the issue, Jon refused to acknowledge it, even as a little child. He would not allow her disapproval to spoil his time with you.
And when you returned to Bear Island the letters began. Parchments covered from back to front in your handwritten script. Sharing your stories, hopes and dreams, filling the void between your infrequent visits. Miles and miles may have separated you, but those letters brought you closer than ever. You were his best friend. No. You weren’t. You were more than that. Much, much more. And up until now he thought he had lost you.
“Where is she?” Jon barely breathed the words, his voice caught with fragile hope… hope that he was not dreaming.
Sansa answered with hesitation, “The Maesters’ Turret.” And when Jon made a move to leave, she grabbed him by the arm, her eyes filled with concern for both YN and her brother. “She’s not in a good way, Jon.”
Jon was silent a moment, unsettled by his sister’s expression, “What do you mean… is she going to be okay?” He was eager to pull away, to see your face, but Sansa didn’t loosen her grip.
Looking across the courtyard Sansa took a breath, her eyes settling on the spot where less than an hour ago Ramsay laid in an unconscious mess beneath Jon’s fists. Turning back to her brother she replied, “Yes. She is going to be okay… but Ramsay he…” Sansa struggled to find the right words, “He has left his mark on her…”
Jon didn’t quite know what she meant, but he knew it wasn’t good. Pulling away from his sister, he wasted no further time, heading straight towards the maester’s turret. He needed to see YN with his own two eyes… needed to see her alive and breathing. Moving through the courtyard his eyes caught sight of Ramsay’s blood, his lips tightening into a hard line as his feet kicked through the crimson dirt. Part of him wishing his fists had drawn Ramsay’s final breath. That man… no… monster, did not deserve to live another day. And if both Sansa and YN didn’t want to take it away themselves, he was more than willing to do it for them
Reaching the turret Maester Wolkan greeted him, but Jon had no time for pleasantries, coming across rather abruptly to the new master of Winterfell, though Jon paid it no thought at all. “Lady YN, how is she… where is she?” Jon’s eyes searched behind him, seeing nothing but a dimly lit room and a shelving unit crowded with apothecary bottles.
Stepping outside the turret doorway Maester Wolkan closed the door behind him, speaking in hushed tones, confirmation that YN was inside.  “Lord Snow, Lady Mormont is currently resting. I have given her milk of the poppy. Lord Ramsay he… he left her in a bad way… this time.”
Jon’s face contorted at the maester’s words, as if the sound of them physically hurt his ears. “What do you mean, this time… what did he do to her?” Jon asked with hesitation, not sure if he was equipped to hear the answer.
Maester Wolkan was a little surprised. Sansa had not long left to find Jon and inform him. Not realising he had given her little chance to explain before leaving her standing in the middle of the courtyard. The maester shifted apprehensively on his feet, not feeling threatened by the former Lord Commander, but rather ill at ease by the intensity of his concern. “Ah… Unfortunately, Lady YN has been here far too often these past months.” Taking a deep breath he continued, “Lord Bolton did not take kindly to her aiding Lady Sansa’s escape.”
Clearing his throat, he grew even more uncomfortable… how was he going to explain the extent of the torture inflicted upon this poor woman, when it was clear the man before him cared deeply for her. “It began with a single lashing the night Sansa escaped,” (leaving out the detail of how brutal that single lashing was; it tore her back wide open), “Ramsay would send her here every day so I could treat her wound, only for him to whip her again the very day it healed.”
Jon’s stomach churned, but he could tell the maester still had more to say. Trying to prepare himself for the next onslaught he took a deep breath, before Wolkan continued, “Every time I would heal her, he would whip her again… but last night, he… he could have killed her… I’ve never seen injuries like it.”
Burning rage twisted at Jon from deep within his core. This animal of a man had repeatedly defiled his sister, murdered Rickon before his very eyes and had been torturing the woman he loved, for months. Not even daring to imagine what other unspeakable things he probably inflicted upon her. Jon could barely think, he needed to see her. Stepping forward he reached for the cast iron latch, the urgency in his features alarming Wolkan, “I’m sorry Lord Snow, she needs to rest… please… come back tomorrow.”
Shaking his head, Jon replied, his hand already opening the door, “No Maester… I’m staying with her until she wakes… I’ll be quiet.”
Entering the turret, it was difficult to see, the room kept dark by heavy drapes drawn across the windows. And yet, immediately Jon felt some relief. He could hear you breathing. It was dry and raspy, but at least it was steady; it was strong. It took his eyes a moment to adjust to the dim candlelight tucked away in the corner. But it was the glow of the hearth flickering around the stone walls that had the air twisting in his chest. It illuminated your form, the shadows rippling across blood-soaked bandages wrapped loosely around your torso. Resting on your stomach, you were so still, eyelids heavy with induced sleep, your hair pinned to the top of your head to keep from interfering with your injuries. The table beside you was a mess of strong-smelling ointments and bandages, while the discarded ones sat overflowing in a bucket underneath, soaked red with your blood.
A wooden chair sat in the corner, but it was not close enough, he needed to be beside you. Moving to grab it, he stopped short when he reached out and noticed his hands. They were covered in dried blood and mud, remnants of the battle that took place outside the castle walls just a few hours earlier. With a deep breath, he realised he needed to clean up just as Maester Wolkan walked in, clearly thinking the same thing.
With fresh towels under his arm and a jug of hot water in his hands, he looked to Jon, “If you’re going to stay, Lord Snow, you’ll need to clean up. Lady YN can’t afford to be exposed to any contaminants.” Putting them down on a table behind a screen, he added, “Your sister is bringing you up a fresh tunic.”
Nodding his head, Jon smiled softly, “Aye. I just realised that myself.” And no sooner had Jon disappeared behind the screen, came the quiet knock at the door announcing the delivery of his tunic.
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Settled in the wooden chair beside you, Jon had time to think. The milk of the poppy had given you much needed hours of rest. He could tell you were heavily sedated because you barely murmured or moved when Maester Wolkan changed your dressings. And he thanked the gods. Never had he seen injuries like it. Any previous scarring left behind by Ramsay was indistinguishable, your poor back… it was… it, it didn’t look like a back at all. In the end he had to turn his head away, unable to imagine what anybody could have done to deserve such treatment, let alone you. Jon sighed heavily, if only he had arrived a few days earlier, then maybe he could have saved you the suffering.
Jon thought about everything that brought you to this very room, forever scarred. It was your loyalty to the Starks, his family. When Robb called his banners, you marched beside him into every battle, leaving him thinking you had died along with his brother at the ‘Red Wedding.’ But in the middle of his grief came some sunshine in the form of a letter. It was sealed in the familiar wax stamp of House Mormont and addressed to him in your beautiful script. Yet, clouds quickly swallowed up the sunshine when he took a moment to breathe, his heart sinking as quickly as it had soared. What if the letter had been sent before that fateful night at The Twins? Though his concern was short lived as his shaking hands unravelled the parchment. Your words making it clear that you were alive.
Dear Jon,
I’m sorry to be writing under such dark circumstances, wishing I could fill this page as I did when I was a carefree child, to fill it with stories born of joy and hope, and memories to make us smile, but life hasn’t followed our childhood dreams. Instead, we are faced with grim reality, leaving us feeling hollow and betrayed. Losing Robb at any time was going to be painful but losing him in the manner we did is incomprehensible. The betrayal and disloyalty that took place at The Twins that treasonous evening leaves me enraged.
Somehow, I was sparred. Sheer luck saved me, after leaving the hall just moments before they locked the door, managing to find my horse amongst the slaughter and escape. Our poor men stood no chance, murdered as they sat around fires drinking the very ale offered by their killers. It was an unforgivable and cowardly act that the North will never forget.
Now that I’m home, I pray for days that begin and end with no discernible events, but I fear harder times lie ahead, much harder than I can fathom. The number of Wildings reaching Bear Island increases every week. Not to raid, but to seek refuge, and the stories they bring keep me awake at night. As a brother of the Night’s Watch, I’m sure you’re no stranger to these stories and the fear I see in their eyes troubles me deeply.  
Please know that I think of you often. I can’t imagine how hard it must have been receiving the news of your father’s death and then Robb’s while sworn to the Night’s Watch. Every day, I pray for the safe return of Arya, Bran and Rickon and hope Sansa finds protection under her new Lannister name.
Take care Jon. I will write again soon, hopefully bringing more light in these uncertain times.
And your letters continued. Just as you promised. Words reliving cherished memories, furnishing his thoughts with new stories, providing much needed smiles for trying times. Until your final letter arrived. It’s content still as fresh as the day he read it, ‘At first light I will be leaving Bear Island. The Baratheon Army is marching on Winterfell, and I intend to help them take it back from the Boltons.’ And that was the last he heard of you. Leaving him with no other conclusion, than believing you died alongside Stannis’ army when Ramsay defeated them in the Wolfswood. All until Sansa showed up at Castle Black and told him all you had done for her.
Jon had held no hope for your survival, sure that Ramsay would make you pay with your life. And yet, Jon had underestimated the cruelty of the beast, could not comprehend the lengths Ramsay would reach to punish your unyielding loyalty. Realising as he stared at the blood-soaked bandages which held your back together, that the sick monster had taken pleasure in the process. He enjoyed both the physical and mental damage he wreaked.
But here you were, still alive and fighting, defying Ramsay in the most determined and tenacious way. It was almost worth letting Ramsay survive if only to see you grow healthy and strong. To see you unbroken. To see the strength in your eyes as the life disappeared from his.
Pulling Jon from his darkening thoughts, came the soft whisper of his name, “Jon?”
How long had he been sitting there? Jon had no idea. Somewhere amongst his thoughts he must have fallen asleep, noticing the first light of dawn creeping in around the edges of the drapes. Announcing the arrival of a brand-new day.
Fully alert now Jon slid to the edge of his chair, his heart pounding heavily in his chest, reaching out he gently took your hand, his thumb running back and forth across your knuckles. “Yes, YN. It’s me.”
You winced, as you made a move to sit up, though you tried to hide it.
Wincing in sympathy Jon carefully brushed the hair from your eyes, responding tenderly, “Please, don’t move. Stay there. Maester Wolkan has already tried sending me away. He’s worried I won’t let you rest. Don’t give him an excuse to try it again.” Giving your hand a comforting squeeze, he leaned over, his face just a few inches from yours, his voice barely a breath from cracking, “It’s good to see you YN… I’m so sorry I wasn’t here sooner, before…” Jon’s eyes betrayed him, involuntarily lingering on your back.
Cutting him short, your words were a little groggy, but clearly, your mind was not, “Hush Jon, it wouldn’t have mattered when you arrived. He was always going to react like this.”
Without thinking, Jon asked the question he never meant to ask, at least not for some time, “Why did he do it?” Upset with himself, he tried to take it back, “Sorry YN, I didn’t mean to ask, don’t answer, I don’t know why I- “.
Cutting him short again, you answered without hesitation or regret, “I provoked him when he said he was going to take pleasure watching the bastard of Winterfell die.” Anger flashed across your features as you recalled the moment, defiance rooted deeply in your voice, “I told him this battle would be his last… That you may be a bastard by name, but he is a true bastard in every other sense of the word.”
Jon thought he saw a smile touch your lips, not sure how you found amusement in your current condition, “He didn’t like it when I told him he was going to lose, that soon the flayed banners will be lying in the dirt where they belong.”  You cleared your throat, the action causing you to wince again, “I can still see his rage, him waiting for an apology, for me to beg for my life… But I couldn’t… I just stared back… said, kill me if it makes you feel better… But it will not save you.”
Jon’s heart broke, his guilt intensifying. His lips started forming an apology, but you refused to let him speak the words, knowing exactly what was running through his mind. Despite your discomfort, you took your hand from his, reached for his cheek and spoke, “Stop Jon, don’t you dare apologise. It’s not your fault… he’s a monster. I don’t regret it and if I had the chance I would do it again.” Jon shook his head in disbelief, no one would willingly endure your suffering if they had the choice, but here you were speaking the words. Never had he been more in awe of you.  “I would. I had control in that moment… I won the battle. He didn’t break me, Jon. He couldn’t. I wouldn’t let him. Not once… Not ever.”
Struggling to ignore the heavy lump forming in his throat, he swallowed thickly, forcing himself to remain strong, if only for you. “I don’t know how you did it, YN. You’re stronger than any woman I’ve ever known. Ramsay will pay… pay for everything he has done to you and Sansa. What you did for her, I can’t… I don’t know how I can ever repay you.”
Moving your hand from his cheek, you rested your head against the bed, taking his hand your expression softened, your beautiful eyes trying to disguise their pain. Tears gathered behind his eyes, but he refused to let them fall. With a deep breath, you somehow found the strength to smile, “Remember the blue lake I used to talk about when I was little. The volcanic one my father would take me to?”
Jon nodded, a soft smile warming his features, “Of course, you used to talk about it all the time.” Pink touched his cheeks when he recalled, “I still have the picture you drew of it. And the letter you sent it with.”
“Yes, I remember asking if I could take you there one day.” Giving his hand a gentle squeeze, your eyes searched his, looking for something. Something to grab on to or hope for. Something to look forward too. And as you spoke again, he knew he would do everything in his power to give you what you needed. “I know defeating Ramsay Bolton is only the beginning. We have many battles left. But promise me, when we come through the other side of them, you will let me take you there.”
Moving closer, he knelt beside you. You looked so tired and drained and somehow even more beautiful than he remembered. With the greatest care he took your face between his palms, placing a feather light kiss to your forehead, his reply more sincere than any words he had ever spoken. “I promise. But for now, you must rest. Sleep… I’ll still be here when you wake.”
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bitterrobin · 4 months
something that's super underrated in fic is Damian having a life in the League of Assassins. It's not just training 24/7 and mind games between a boy and his grandfather. It's not just Damian getting put through the child abuse simulator so that Bruce or Tim or Jason or Dick or whoever can rescue him. Damian is a character that experiences slow growth. He goes through the "no killing" rule, but there's storylines where you can tell he's only sticking to it for Bruce and Dick. He follows their lead because he needs their validation and affection, to prove himself - not because he genuinely believes in what they're trying to do (at least not yet).
For a child to be stuck in such a mindset, tells me two things; obviously the indoctrination runs deep because he was raised in the League. He doesn't understand his family because their lives are alien to him. But also that the League shouldn't just be a place of misery and despair. It needs to be full of people who praise his actions, people who try and value him.
They are teaching Damian that the Earth is something to be cherished, that he kills to honor his family and one day lead the revolution. It's something very overlooked; the League doesn't believe that they are evil. They are a fringe organization with the fervor to save the Earth. They worship Ras al Ghul, of course, but that's because they believes he embodies what the planet needs - rejuvenation, redemption, the care for endangered and extinct animals, the dismantling of rich billionaires and corrupt governments and exploitative companies. If they have to kill and turn the oceans red with blood to ensure that the Earth exists for a thousand more years - then so be it - Ras will take us there.
Damian internalizes this. He lives in this League day in, day out. He may not always appreciate the teachers his grandfather gives him, but he learns. He absorbs. He watches the initiates being sworn in shadows. He observes the cultists and their rabid worship, gets pulled in and placed high above the clouds as a piece of god. He lives his life every day surrounded by the Shadow assassins, spies, information specialists. He is waited on by League staff who are happy to serve them. He has handmaidens he's known since he was an infant, who pamper and spoil him. Bodyguards who have died to save him. Cooks and doctors and researchers and farmers and innocents living their own lives. They come from all over the world. They have families and friends. They have lineages as far back when Ras first founded the League. They treat him like a son, like a little brother, like an older brother, like a friend, like a student, like a messiah, like a child and like an equal.
And when he leaves the League...he loses those connections. The handmaiden who took care of his hair, leaving him to slather on hair gel in an effort to maintain an image. The boy who was being trained a Shadow and befriended him, one whose deathly image he can never shake when talking to anyone his age. The teacher that taught him meditation, an inner peace he yearns to return to. The woman who taught him how to hack computers and he never look at Barbara without remembering her. The man who taught him boxing, his first experience with the life of a performer. The thief who gave him lockpicks and pilfered sweets, whose detached demeanor always remind him of Selina. The actress who taught him to manipulate his voice, a talent he will never get to show her again. The bodyguard who treated him like a little brother, whose sacrifice screams in his mind when interacting with any of the Waynes. Damian can never return to those days. He can create new memories in America, but his heart forever lies in the city amidst the mountains.
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kafus · 1 year
you ever think about how every pokemon is essentially a mini time capsule? each pokemon lists the name of the trainer who caught it, the ball it was caught in, the location and time/date of obtaining, and a nickname if it has one. each move on its moveset was either left on by its owner or chosen by someone. the most modern pokemon games show if a pokemon was hyper trained and there is a whole ev training graph - visual indicators of that pokemon being interacted with and used. a well loved pokemon may be a high level or even have ribbons, literal trophies given for completing tasks like beating the pokemon league or winning contests…
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this is my oldest pokemon that i still own and wasn’t lost to the sands of time. my first level 100 from one of my various leafgreen playthroughs circa ~2006/2007 when i decided to try beating the entire game (save for HMs) with one pokemon. by the time i beat the game, charizard was in his level 80s, so i went ahead and finished getting him to 100 through pure grinding. as a child i liked naming myself Pikachu or Raichu and he has four ribbons - the ribbons for beating the kanto and sinnoh leagues, the effort ribbon for having maxed out EVs, and the legend ribbon for defeating red in HGSS. i have no memory of using him in gen 4 due to dissociative amnesia wiping most of that period of my life and yet i have record of my childhood self transferring him and playing with him. a record of happiness and peace amidst a traumatic and tumultuous part of my life.
there are many more pokemon who have been around since the early 2000s from the GBA games who are now on switch and still carry the name and data of the child who caught it so many years ago. some of those pokemon are old enough to be legal adults. each pokemon when caught is a snapshot of a point in time and each pokemon if used carries so many arbitrary numbers and values that visually indicate childhood memories, good times hanging out with others, or just being an adult and decompressing in your room with a console. when traded, it’s the same but for a friend, a family member, or even just a cool internet stranger - both their memories and your memory of trading with them.
this is one of my favorite parts of pokemon and one i don’t think this series could work without. my pokemon collection is kind of like a pseudo diary of goodness in my life and my interactions with other people and that’s cherished by me
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starseneyes · 3 months
The Art of Saying Goodbye
Some folks somehow attend very few funerals until they reach grey hairs poking through their scalps. Some of us grew up at funerals, constantly donning black dresses, patent leather shoes, with dark-colored bows in our hair. My childhood was spent saying goodbye.
I remember saying farewell to great aunts and uncles, to grandparents, to my friend’s mother who lost her cancer battle when we were in elementary school.
There were gravesides by fields of cotton, champagne poured over tree roots and ash in the front yard, and sitting shiva with my cousins in rooms with covered mirrors.
You’d think in all that time it would be easier saying goodbye. Grief does not discriminate between those who have faced loss repeatedly and those who have seldom met it.
I capture moments on camera more than most, probably because I understand their value when the subject is gone.
There have been times my own family has said, "Rachel, why do you take so many pictures!?" only to use a photo I took of them with the dearly departed because it’s one of the few photos of them that exists.
Tonight I learned my brother’s grandfather—who I’ve known and loved almost my entire life—is in hospice care mere months after one of his daughters died of cancer. I am heartbroken.
I’m looking at photos of PawPaw and treasuring each one all the more. Memories of better days, of time gone by, of the efforts we made to gather even though distance made it difficult.
This is the art—I cherish and cling to what I know is true.
PawPaw loved me as his own from the beginning. Long after his son divorced my mother and he had no reason to still claim me, he did. My daughter plays with a wooden rocking cradle he hand-carved for my baby dolls. He has held all three of my children in his arms in that big chair that is synonymous with him in my memories.
Saying goodbye is never easier, but I paint the picture in my mind of all I love about that person. So even after they leave this earth, I have the work of art that was their love tucked inside my heart.
I love you, PawPaw.
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Hi! Unwary has been taking over my waking thoughts (I'm obsessed with it, it's like you designed it in a lab to haunt me) so I was wondering if you'd like to expand on what you included about Théoden and Théodwyn's sisters in that fic. If you're still working on your headcanons on them or intend to include them in a future fic instead, I completely get it, but I'd love to hear anything you'd like to share!
*nervous laugh* I hope you don’t mind getting as much as you’re about to get! I haven’t 100% fine tuned/edit checked everything in here, but it’s more or less what I want it to be…. And thank you so much for your continuing kind words about Unwary (and just generally for being so unfailingly lovely!) and your interest in these characters! ♥️
Edlenniel was the eldest, born 6 years before Théoden. She was named “Daughter of the Exiled One” because that’s how Thengel saw himself: in exile, with no intention of ever returning to Rohan. She shared his love for Gondor and had a happy childhood there, where he doted on her. But she was SHOCKED when, shortly after her 12th birthday, she was told that Thengel had decided to return the family to Rohan after all, and she had an extremely difficult transition. She was inconsolable over being forced away from the only home she’d ever known — her friends, her language, her culture, etc. — particularly because she had grown up always hearing Thengel speak about Rohan in very unflattering terms. She had firmly decided even before arriving that she wouldn’t like it, and she stuck to that, refusing to do the things that would have made it easier on herself, like being diligent about learning the language or making any effort to form new friendships. Her relationship with Thengel became very contentious because she fully blamed him for the loss of her prior life, which only became more and more idealized in her mind as her memories of those years grew fainter and less distinct over time. They fought constantly, despite Morwen’s efforts to broker a peace and Thengel’s initial sadness over the rift with a daughter he had cherished. But they were both extremely stubborn, and neither one would give ground to the other. 
When Edlenniel came of age, Thengel was relieved at the opportunity to get her married and out of his household, having grown tired of the never ending strife and feeling embittered by the way that she had been nothing but combative with him for years. He took the first opportunity to arrange a marriage for her and chose a pairing that was of the highest strategic political value (he admittedly allowed those concerns to override any interest in her own personal preferences, reflecting that bitterness that had come to dominate their relationship). The husband he chose was a lord in the region of Rohan around the Adorn, i.e., the area still populated by descendants of Freca and which historically hadn’t always been loyal to the crown. Thengel hoped the marriage would help shore up his support in that restive region, and it did. But Edlenniel hated the far western lands, even further away from her beloved Minas Tirith, and she and her husband were a poor match from a personality perspective. Their mutual dislike then hardened into outright contempt when it became clear that they could not have children, and each blamed the other. 
Because she was miserable in her own life, she had a tendency (not even consciously realized, but still very consistent) to tear other people down and make them as miserable as she was. She was also a busybody extraordinaire — enabled by the fact that she had a lot of free time — who had an opinion on EVERYTHING. She thought she had the right — the responsibility, even! — to tell others when she thought they were screwing things up, and so all of her personal relationships were always a little fraught. 
She died a few years before the War of the Ring of natural causes — a combination of old age, a weak heart and a tendency to drink too much when she was unhappy.
Tadiel was born 2 years after Théoden and always struggled to capture the time or attention of Thengel, who was most focused instead on his first born (his pride and joy while living in Gondor and then a huge pain in his ass afterward) and his heir. That lack of focus is even reflected in her name, which very perfunctorily means “Second Daughter.” Because she was often overlooked growing up, she had a tendency to engage in attention-seeking behaviors. For example, she was a huge hypochondriac, always convinced that she was at death’s door even when she was fine, and took every little challenge or setback and blew them up into huge dramas. She and Edlenniel were at odds as often as they got along, and she resented Théoden for the attention lavished on him just for being a boy. But she did always like Théopryte and Théodwyn, whom she could successfully boss around because she was older and bigger than them and she needed to feel powerful SOMEHOW.
After Edlenniel’s disaster of a marriage, Tadiel begged Morwen to make sure she had a better, more appropriate match. Morwen agreed, sensitive to the tough time Tadiel had growing up in the shadow of her siblings. She chose Tadiel’s husband from one of the noble families of Gondor and convinced Thengel to allow it as a diplomatic move. So Tadiel returned to Gondor in her early 20s as a bride and lived there for the rest of her life. Her marriage was pretty successful — Morwen chose shrewdly and with full consideration of her daughter’s personality and quirks — and she had one daughter of her own. Most of her worst tendencies were blunted once she was back in Gondor and away from her own family, though they would surge back again any time she went home to visit or when her siblings came to visit her. 
After Thengel died, Morwen moved back to Gondor and lived with Tadiel and her husband. Tadiel never missed an opportunity to remind her sisters that she was doing ALL of the work of caring for their aged mother and liked to sigh dramatically while recounting all the ways that this extra responsibility was taking a toll on her own health. Despite always being convinced that she was a sneeze away from death, Tadiel is the only one of the siblings who survived past the War of the Ring, which she weathered in her husband’s home region of Anfalas. 
Théopryte was the first child of Thengel born in Rohan (3 years after their arrival) and the first to get a Rohirric name. Her name was chosen to be consistent with the Rohirric name that Théoden had picked for himself (like Edlenniel and Tadiel, he also had a Gondorian name but he changed it to Théoden when the family came back to Rohan). Her name means “Pride of the People,” which Thengel thought was fitting because she was a particularly beautiful baby. Indeed, she grew into an especially beautiful child and had a real charm and wit that made her the center of attention basically everywhere she went.
She was definitely aware of her own beauty, and she was also very aware of the effect she had on boys (and, later, men). She liked the attention and being able to leverage it into things she wanted, so she became something of an incorrigible flirt. Thengel did NOT like that development and became pretty strict with her in an attempt to keep her at home as often as possible or under the oversight of someone who would ensure she was never involved in anything inappropriate. One thing she was always allowed to do, though, was attend riding lessons — this is Rohan after all — and when she was 18, she ran off with her riding instructor. He was a commoner but particularly handsome, charismatic and popular. Caught up in the high of her first infatuation, they were missing together for nearly a month before returning to Edoras, where it was determined that she might as well marry him because her scandalous behavior had likely made her unmarriageable to other nobles. 
Thengel ultimately forgave her (he was in no position to keep totally alienating daughters!), but he never forgave her husband and gave their marriage only the most grudging acknowledgment. He also made Théopryte forfeit her royal title since she was marrying into a non-noble family under a cloud of scandal. This didn’t bother her at first, when she was still firmly in her teenage romantic idealism. But it became a major sore point in later years, when she had begun to see more clearly that she had jumped into the relationship much too quickly as a rebellion against the constraints Thengel had put on her. She was disappointed by her husband’s lack of ambition — he was perfectly content to stay a riding instructor and would never really distinguish himself in any particular way — and was jealous that Edlenniel and Tadiel, both married into nobility, could afford much finer homes and clothes and other possessions than she could without a royal income. Though she ultimately regretted the marriage, she did at least have two daughters that she loved dearly, and she took all of the disappointed hopes from her own life and put them into efforts to make sure her daughters would do better than her. 
She had a generally decent relationship with Edlenniel and Tadiel as long as they weren’t telling her what to do; flaunting (in Théopryte’s mind) their wealth in front of her; or talking about Gondor in a way that made her feel left out because she’d never lived there. She also had a pretty good relationship with Théoden when they were growing up, but they had a falling out when he became king and declined to restore royal titles to her and her daughters. (Théoden cared deeply about his father’s opinion and approval and didn’t feel comfortable overriding Thengel’s prior decisions even after his death.) She never gave a lot of thought to Théodwyn, who enjoyed things like hunting and gardening that Théopryte considered unladylike and destined to leave her covered in dirt or with her hair mussed. 
Théopryte died ten years after Théodwyn in a riding accident while on her way to visit her husband’s relatives in Upbourn. 
Théodwyn came along very unexpectedly after a significant gap — Théoden was already 15 when she was born. She was never close with her sisters, who were so much older than her, of dramatically different temperament and living some distance away as each got married. But Théoden loved her especially, and she followed him around a lot when she was a very little girl. Anything her brother liked, she liked, and so she had interests that weren’t always typical of young noble girls (hunting, fishing, wrestling). He encouraged her to take up gardening in part to keep her occupied while he was pursuing tasks where it was dangerous for her to be underfoot all the time. She became a lifelong gardener and a prodigiously talented one (a skill and aptitude she passed on to Théodred in her turn.) 
She was still a teenager and living at Meduseld when Théoden’s wife, Elfhild, died in childbirth. She was an enormous help in caring for Théodred during the early months when Théoden was drowning in his grief and couldn’t effectively parent on his own, and she remained a major figure in Théodred’s life, helping to raise him up until she moved away to marry Éomund and always staying in close touch with him. 
As noted in Unwary, she was initially captivated by Éomund’s spirit and impulsiveness and zealousness, which was so unlike her very straightlaced father and her dutiful, responsible brother. He was like a breath of fresh air, a totally new experience, and she fell head over heels for him. And then we know how that all turned out…
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cat-for-lofe · 11 months
You do not understand how much this man (cat) has done for me and how much happiness and he has brought me. (You probably do, your bowling your eyes are too)
I can’t even remember when I started watching him, it feels like I always did, I can’t say stayed with him for ever, but I always remember coming back to him when I’m sad. His videos are a source of joy and comfort to me. Really glad that everyone is sharing that feeling. We can cry that it’s over, hold onto our memories and cherish them, he raised a generation, and for that I have an immense respect for him, but he also was just genuinely a good person. He always made you can always feel comfortable to be yourself, (a really great ally) watching his videos always feel like you belong and that no matter how many things are going on in your life in those videos everything is alright. 
I know that I am 17, I’m going to become a adult next year (which is crazy, feels like just yesterday, I was watching him build his amusement park or start the den series) and it resonated with me to the point where I can’t stop thinking about it, maybe we can’t go back to our childhood, but that doesn’t stop us from remembering it from cherish and get and letting it help build our future.
I can honestly say that watching his videos has made me a kinder and more open person, from learning the more basic childish lessons to learning that these things don’t have less value, just because they’re directed to children. I think that’s when I stopped watching him when I felt too old for it or that none of my friends were interested so I drop it, I know that he would’ve reassured me that it wasn’t too Kaddish for me, or that something that brought me happiness shouldn’t be sacrificed for other people‘s expectations, but he also taught me how to accept those parts of me, and I found him again. How change was a natural part of life, but I didn’t have to change these parts of me to fit in.
I didn’t stay around his fandom, but the lessons he taught me and the memories gave me are going to stay with me for ever. My childhood is nearly over so maybe it is fitting that the one who kickstarted my online childhood will remind me of of how things are gonna change and how much I have changed as a person because of him.
So from the bottom of my heart, thank you, thank you so much for my childhood and for the future that I will make the lessons you have taught me,  I wish you immeasurable  joy in your future. You absolutely deserve it. 
Thank you Stampy
-One of the millions of children, you have taught and brought joy to 
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feralkwe · 1 month
i have all these fun thinky thoughts about kit and ardbert and the parallels between them.
obviously. they are both part of a whole, that whole being azem. and I love seeing how people play with the differences and similarities between their wol and azem. for me, the similarities are there, but kit has diverged uniquely from hers, in my mind both by nature and by willful choice when she has that knowledge to work with.
digging around in azem is fun and i love it, certainly, but a major part of kit's character is wanting to be a whole person distinct from both her title as wol and her connection to azem. while she treasures that legacy and takes every part of it very seriously, even grieving and feeling anger for a life sees as stolen from her, one of her biggest fears is her sense of self being lost in it. that those two things might be all anyone values about her. that fear seeps into every aspect of her life, for good or for ill. the people she keeps closest are those who see and cherish her as kit. not as azem's shard, and not as hydaelyn's chosen.
what compels me about her is the parallels with ardbert. the way they both love to a fault, often at personal expense, and are willing to give absolutely everything to protect that and those they love. their near inability to say no if they can help, if they can make a difference to even one person. to fight tirelessly for those they can yet save, even if it consumes the last of who they are. to give their all if it spares their companions even a fraction of their burden.
these traits have their roots in azem, but they both took them to another level. had it been kit reborn on the first, i can easily see her making many of the same choices as ardbert and following a similar path. i can see the roots of rage and anger we see ardbert grapple with when he reaches the end of his abilities and his despair when his all was not enough. i can see her making a desperate deal with elidibus when she felt every other avenue had been exhausted. their conversations through shadowbringers are so haunting and lovely in their ability to break my heart, and revisiting them makes me feral. so funny to me in the best way that the one person who understands her better than anyone is... well, also her. so alike, and yet, they are indeed different people, whole and unique. in another universe, they would have been simply friends. maybe even co-tanks or adventurers together. lifting one another up as needed, and sating that traveler's wanderlust together.
his memory is one she carries forward. i went a little silly and spent time getting mats so she could dye and carry a piece of his armor into dawntrail, to take him on journeys he can no longer tread alone. she will not let him fade away, either, even rejoined as they are. she will remember him, too, as a whole and separate person whom he was. whom he is. she won't let him be lost in his title or hers.
idk, i don't have a point, just a lot of feels, and had to put them somewhere.
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slowlydiving · 1 year
Yuchan's Anniversary Letter
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Dear Choice and A.C.E,
At the time you're reading this letter, I'll be working hard on my military duties.
I'm sure we miss each other a lot, but probably won't be able to see each other on the 6th anniversary (ㅠ-ㅠ) , so I'm patiently going to express my heart in this letter.
A lot of time has passed since May 23rd, 2017...
We worked so hard for six years, and all of our smiles and tears of joy and sadness were soaked up in those moments that it became six years of very solid, sentimental and melancholic (/neutral and precious) memories. (A.C.E ♥ Choice 6th anniversary~ 🎉)
These times and memories that wouldn't have been made without you, and all of you who gave these gifts to me (/the person that I am) are so very precious to me.
Between being 21 till turning 27, I've received more love from Choice than I could've wished for, so I think I've gotten a lot of help in the process of gradually become an adult.
(in this endless wandering you're my one and only Clover~ 🍀)
I want to thank you sincerely for not just seeing us in the positions of artist and fans but for approaching me like friends at times, or like family.
Before becoming a singer or artist, (my priority is that) I want to become a good person who can be a positive influence to Choice by singing good songs.
Stand By You ~ ♪ ~ ♫
Now, when I go to the army, I want to use the time I spend there for myself and to improve myself.
So when I come out into society after being discharged from the military, I'll be a cool person on the outside too, but (more importantly) I'll come out as a cool person on the inside :)
I'm going to value the six years I've spent so far. But I'll also cherish the time we'll be making together from now on.
("We'll leave each other's names as the stars in the night sky so that I can feel you even when I look up.")
I always respect, thank, and love you Choice ♥
And our hyungs~
It's... gone by... so fast... Right? I still remember it like a photograph, how I first met my hyungs at 19, introduced myself and asked them (/you) to take good care of me. But now I'm already 27 years old and A.C.E is 6 years old! 😏
Looking back, I think it went by really quickly, but I feel good because I spent that time with my hyungs. I'm saying, even now that I'm writing this letter, I feel that way~~
(Oh! I feel happy at this moment. My whole body is shaking~)
I was relieved, reassured, and grateful that the people who were always by my side were my hyungs.
I felt like this in the past and I feel like this now, that I want to become a better and cooler person so that my hyungs say "Luckily we have Yuchan with us! He's so reliable!" A.C.E's maknae, my hyungs' little brother, can do it :) I really thank and love you, hyungs ♥
(I'll hug your tired heart and hope you'll be by my side for ever and ever :) )
"My precious people who have always filled my four seasons with your various colors. May my future seasons and time be filled with your colors too."
Yes, I live in beautiful days because of you.
Thank you for reading this long letter! Take good care of your health. See you soon♥
- Choice's, A.C.E's, everyone's sunshine ☀️
Yuchan. -
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forthegoodofamerica · 1 month
Gone but Not Forgotten: A Tribute to Terry Woodward
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Terry Woodward was much more than just a name to many; he was a presence that brought joy and laughter to those around him. His contributions, whether through his work, friendships, or community involvement, left an imprint that many will carry in their hearts forever. As we remember him, it’s essential to reflect on the memories he created and the legacy he left behind.
Terry’s ability to connect with people was remarkable. He believed in making a difference, not just through big actions but in the small, daily interactions with friends and family. His laughter was infectious, and his stories were always engaging. He had a way of making everyone feel special, and that is something that will always be cherished.
Community and Connection
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One of Terry’s driving passions was his commitment to the community. Whether he was volunteering at local events or simply lending a hand to a neighbor, his spirit of giving was evident. He exemplified how small actions can lead to a significant impact. Terry inspired many to get involved, reminding us that each of us has the ability to contribute in our own little ways.
Terry’s love for his family was unparalleled. He often shared how important it was to spend time with loved ones, creating memories that would last a lifetime. This love extended to his friendships as well. Many can recount moments filled with laughter and warmth thanks to Terry’s unforgettable way of bringing people together.
Remembering Terry is a celebration of life, and it offers a chance for all who knew him to share their stories. Gathering those memories helps keep his spirit alive and demonstrates the powerful connections we can have with one another. It’s through sharing these stories that we honor his memory and ensure that he is never truly gone.
The Legacy of Laughter and Kindness
Terry had a unique talent for making difficult times a little easier. He would often say that humor was the best medicine. Whether it was a joke during a tough day or a light-hearted comment at an appropriate moment, he knew how to lift the spirits of those around him. His legacy is one that reminds us of the importance of kindness and laughter in our lives.
As we reflect on Terry’s life, let us remember the values he embodied: compassion, community service, and an unwavering love for his family and friends. These qualities should inspire us all to be better neighbors and friends. It’s essential to continue spreading the positive energy that Terry shared with us throughout his life.
It’s these qualities that live on in those who knew him. While Terry may no longer be with us, the values he promoted and the kindness he shared remain in our hearts and actions. The impact he made on the people around him is a testament to a life well-lived.
Get Your Free Copy of George Magazine
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During moments of reflection, it can be helpful to share and explore the lives and legacies of others. This is where George Magazine comes in. In their issues, you can find stories that resonate with personal journeys, historical events, and the human experience.
Learning about others’ lives can be a source of inspiration. That’s why we invite you to get your free copy of George Magazine. Not only can you enjoy fascinating content, but you can also connect with stories that may reflect the spirit of those you’ve lost, like Terry.
To receive your free copy, simply visit George Magazine and sign up. It’s quick and easy, and you’ll gain access to stories that can enrich your understanding of life, community, and what it means to leave behind a meaningful legacy.
Remembering Terry Through Storytelling
Storytelling has always been a powerful tool for honoring those we’ve lost. By sharing stories about Terry, we keep his memory alive and motivate others to recognize the significance of kindness and connection.
The narratives shared in George Magazine can offer a broader context, showcasing various lives and experiences that resonate with ours. This publication features pieces that might inspire similar reflections in your own life, perfectly tying together the importance of remembrance and connection.
In this spirit, we encourage you to explore these compelling stories while thinking of those who have left a mark on your life. Get your free copy of “George Magazine’s Collector’s Edition” here.
A Call to Remember and Celebrate
As we remember Terry Woodward, let us commit to honoring his life through our actions. Embrace the values he embodied, and continue to build connections with those around you. Engage in your community, lend a helping hand, and always find a reason to share a laugh.
While Terry may be gone, his spirit and the lessons he taught us will continue to live on. By keeping his memory alive in our hearts and actions, we can celebrate a life well-lived and inspire others to do the same.
Join us in remembering Terry, and as you reflect, consider the stories worth sharing and celebrating. Take a moment to sign up for your free copy of George Magazine to explore narratives that inspire joy and connection. Visit George Magazine today for your free copy!
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gabrielpage · 4 months
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𝒢𝖺𝖻𝗋𝗂𝖾𝗅 𝖠𝗋𝗌𝖾𝗇, 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙼𝚊𝚛𝚚𝚞𝚎𝚜𝚜 𝚘𝚏 𝙽𝚘𝚛𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚖𝚙𝚝𝚘𝚗, never expected to inherit the title so soon, just weeks before he turned twenty two. But fate had dealt him a cruel hand with the untimely passing of his beloved father. Unprepared and feeling the weight of responsibility, Gabriel struggled with the new role thrust upon him. He was a rebel, after all. He values his independence above all and often defied societal norms and expectations. But what choice did he have? He was the sole heir, anger and defiance yielded no solace for the burdens he now carried.
His father, the esteemed Theodore Arsen, held Gabriel in high regard, often praising his intellect, perhaps owing to a boundless curiosity that lights up his mind, and his compassion for often went out of his way to help those in need. Yet, he would also affectionately tease him as a crybaby. For despite his outward facade of toughness, his heart is very tender, easily stirred to tears— a vulnerability he prefers kept discreet.
Initially a tiny bit reserved, he has been steadily shedding that demeanor, particularly now as a Marquess, finding himself more inclined to socialize. An example of this newfound sociability was evident when he attended a debutante ball hosted by his father’s business associate. He encountered Lady Sheira Anastasya, found himself captivated by her grace as they glided across the dance floor. Or that time he forced himself to go to a tea party. A. very delightful tea party, he might add, even made the acquaintance of Lady Geeta Reverie. What truly endears him to others is his transformation into an effervescent chatterbox once he felt at ease, especially when discussing his interests.
Oh, his interest, they are manifold. Among them were reading book and horseback riding. In days past, he would engage in profound discussions on literature with Lady Yoriel Rachiella, losing himself in the depths of prose. He would also race alongside Lady Chelsya Dominique, their horses pounding the earth beneath in perfect harmony.
His life was enriched by a diverse and close-knit circle of friends who brought endless joy, support, and color to his world. Among his most cherished companions was Duke Eiser Nawasena, a true friend who stood by his side through every triumph and tribulation. Their bond was unbreakable, forged in the fires of shared experiences. Equally important was Lord Arjun Ganendra, a confidant entrusted with a sacred promise. Before the young marquess’ father drew his last breath, he had placed his dear son’s well-being in Arjun’s capable hands. From that moment on, he became Gabriel’s shadow, a constant presence guiding him through the complexity of life.
Sir Sanggala Jagawana had been with him the longest, his childhood friend, he was. He also had Lord Jericho Eiser and Lord Saddam Barradan on his side. In their company, he could show playful and mischievous nature, momentarily forgetting the burdens that came with being a marquess. The three of them created a safe haven where Gabriel could simply be, without judgment or expectation.
Yet, beneath the glittering surface of his life, the man harbored a secret that only one other soul knew. His heart had once belonged to the Duke of Bedford’s oldest son, Marquess of Tavistok, Lord Abimana Endaru, a love story that had played out in the shadows. Their past romance, now lost to the annals of time, remained a closely guarded mystery, a piece of his heart that he kept tucked away from prying eyes. The memories of their time remained a closely guarded treasure, a bittersweet reminder of what once was.
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pavitrtimes · 4 months
Crafting Simple and Heartfelt Birthday Wishes for Your Husband
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Creating the perfect birthday wishes for your husband doesn’t have to be an exercise in literary flair. Sometimes, the most moving messages come from simple expressions of love and appreciation
In the spirit of keeping things straightforward and meaningful, here are some insights and examples to help you craft a birthday wish that celebrates your husband in the most heartfelt way.
The Essence of Thoughtfulness
When contemplating birthday wishes for your husband, it’s not about finding grandiose words or making elaborate promises. It’s about capturing the essence of your feelings for him and your journey together. Whether it’s acknowledging his strengths, appreciating the little things he does, or looking forward to future adventures, the key is sincerity.
Personal Touches Make a Difference
Tailor your birthday message to reflect your husband’s personality and the nature of your relationship. Think about what he enjoys, inside jokes you share, or memorable moments you've had together. A birthday wish that feels personal and genuine will resonate more deeply with him.
A Celebration of Him
At the heart of your message should be a celebration of who your husband is and the love you share. Express gratitude for having him in your life and how he enriches it just by being himself. Your birthday wishes for your husband should make him feel valued and cherished.
Keep It Positive and Supportive
Your husband’s birthday is a perfect time to uplift him. Your words can be a source of encouragement and a reminder of the support he has from you. Express your belief in him and his dreams, reinforcing that you’re by his side no matter what.
Examples of Simple Birthday Wishes
Here are a few examples of birthday wishes for your husband to inspire you:
"Happy Birthday to the man who has my heart. Thank you for being my rock and my best friend. Here’s to another year of love and laughter."
"To my amazing husband, happy birthday! Your kindness and strength inspire me every day. I feel so lucky to celebrate another year with you."
"Wishing a fantastic birthday to the one I love most. May this year bring you as much joy and happiness as you bring to my life."
"Happy Birthday, dear! It’s not just a celebration of another year, but a toast to our journey together. Here’s to making more beautiful memories."
"Cheers to you on your birthday! Your sense of humor, dedication, and love make life with you an adventure. I can’t wait to see what the next year brings."
Remember, the most impactful birthday wishes for your husband are those that come from the heart. There’s no need for elaborate words or grand gestures to show how much you care.
A simple, sincere message speaking to your love and appreciation for him will surely make his day memorable.
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s0nia246 · 5 months
Tenebris, The Phantom Thief Ashes
One of Nightshadz's teammates. I found his old design and decided to redraw it.:
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Name: Erebos
Magical boy Name: Tenebris
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Occupation: Lots of jobs, Magical Boy
Civillian Appearance: Erebos is a 18-year-old male with pale skin and jet-black hair. He often wears dark and mainly consist out of band tees, skinny jeans, oversized hoodie jackets, and Converse or Vans shoes. Emo kid
Magical Boy Appearance: As Tenebris, Erebos's hair grows longer and becomes a light navy blue color. His eyes glow with a soft, blue light. He wears a Steblack and silver costume with a diamonds emblem on his tail and a that resembles a dark, velvety mist. Similar to a phantom thief.
Personality: Erebos is free-spirited and optimistic individual who loves to inspire others. He's a natural performer and often uses his charm and charisma to motivate his teammates and boost morale. Despite his bubbly personality, Erebos is fiercely loyal and will stop at nothing to protect his friends and the innocent.
Backstory: Erebos is a struggling artist, working multiple jobs to make ends meet while pursuing his passion for music and performance. One day, while Nightshadz was fighting a enemy, she and Monochromatic dropped Monochromatic's necklace that they where fighting the monster over. He accidentally transformed into Tenebris.
1.Performing: Erebos absolutely loves being on stage, whether it's belting out a song or showcasing his magical abilities as Tenebris. The spotlight is where he shines brightest.
2.Collecting Memories: He enjoys collecting trinkets and mementos from his various jobs and travels, cherishing them as reminders of the experiences that have shaped him.
3.Spreading Joy: Bringing smiles to people's faces is one of Erebos's greatest pleasures. Whether it's through a random act of kindness or an impromptu performance, he finds fulfillment in spreading positivity wherever he goes.
4.Creative Problem-Solving: Erebos thrives on challenges that require him to think outside the box. He relishes in finding unconventional solutions to problems, turning obstacles into opportunities for innovation.
5.Connecting with Others: Erebos treasures deep, meaningful connections with friends and allies. He values empathy, understanding, and camaraderie, always seeking to uplift and support those around him.
1.Negativity: Erebos has little patience for cynicism or pessimism. He prefers to focus on the bright side of life and finds negativity draining and demotivating.
2.Losing Touch: Erebos dislikes feeling disconnected from his friends and loved ones. He thrives on connection and community, and being isolated or out of touch with others weighs heavily on him.
3.Uninspired Environments: Mundane, uninspiring surroundings can dampen Erebos's spirits. He prefers vibrant, creative spaces that stimulate his imagination and fuel his passion for art and performance.
4.Conflict and Discord: Erebos is a natural peacemaker who dislikes confrontation and discord. He would much rather find common ground and foster harmony among conflicting parties than engage in arguments or disputes.
5.Feeling Stifled: Erebos values his freedom and independence highly. He dislikes feeling confined or restricted by rules and regulations, preferring to chart his own course and follow his own intuition.
Character Quirks:
1. Whistling Tunes: Erebos has a habit of absentmindedly whistling catchy tunes, whether he's working, walking, or even in the midst of a battle, adding a touch of whimsy to any situation.
2.Collecting Trinkets: He enjoys collecting quirky trinkets and mementos from his various jobs and travels, often displaying them in his living space as reminders of his experiences.
3. Impromptu Performances: Erebos loves putting on impromptu performances for his friends and allies, whether it's a spontaneous dance routine, a dramatic reading, or an acoustic jam session with his guitar.
4. Overusing Expressions: He has a tendency to overuse certain expressions or catchphrases, often repeating them unconsciously in conversation, much to the amusement (or annoyance) of those around him.
5. Finding Faces: Erebos has a knack for spotting faces in everyday objects or patterns, whether it's clouds in the sky, stains on a wall, or knots in wood, often pointing them out excitedly to anyone nearby.
Positive Character Quirks:
1. Boundless Optimism: Erebos maintains an optimistic outlook on life, always looking for the silver lining in even the darkest situations and inspiring hope in those around him.
2. Empathetic Listener: He has a natural gift for listening to others and offering empathetic support, making people feel understood and valued in his presence.
3. Random Acts of Kindness: Erebos enjoys performing random acts of kindness for strangers, whether it's paying for someone's coffee, leaving uplifting notes around town, or simply offering a smile and a kind word.
4. Spreading Joy: He actively seeks out opportunities to spread joy and positivity, whether it's through his music, his performances, or his infectious enthusiasm for life.
5. Creative Problem-Solving: Erebos approaches challenges with a creative and imaginative mindset, often coming up with unconventional solutions that surprise even himself.
Negative Character Quirks:
1. Disorganized Chaos: He tends to be disorganized and scatterbrained, often losing track of time, misplacing items, or forgetting important commitments amidst his busy schedule.
2. Overbearing Enthusiasm: Erebos's enthusiasm can sometimes border on overwhelming, as he tends to dive headfirst into new projects or ideas without considering the practicalities or consequences.
3. Impulsive Decision-Making: He has a habit of making impulsive decisions without fully thinking things through, leading to occasional missteps or misunderstandings that could have been avoided with more careful planning.
4. Stubborn Idealism: Erebos's idealistic nature can make him stubborn and resistant to compromise, especially when it comes to his deeply-held beliefs or convictions.
5. Inconsistent Focus: He struggles with maintaining consistent focus and discipline, often getting distracted by new interests or opportunities that divert his attention away from his current goals.
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Weapon: A microphone that can transform into a scythe called Moonlight Scythe.
The Moonlight Scythe would be a sleek and stylish weapon, reminiscent of a traditional scythe but with a celestial twist. It would have a slender, curved blade made of a shimmering, iridescent material that glows softly with a silvery-blue hue, symbolizing the moonlight. The handle would be adorned with intricate engravings of crescent moons and stars, adding to its mystical aesthetic.Tenebris would wield the Moonlight Scythe with grace and precision, using its razor-sharp edge to slice through enemies and harnessing its lunar energy to enhance his attacks. Additionally, the scythe could have special abilities such as the ability to manipulate shadows or unleash blasts of moonlight energy, further amplifying Tenebris's combat prowess.
1. Sound Manipulation: - Erebos can manipulate sound waves to various effects, such as creating powerful sonic blasts to disorient enemies or producing soothing melodies to calm allies.
2. Shadow Conjuration: - Tenebris can summon and control shadows to his advantage, using them to conceal himself or ensnare opponents in darkness.
3. Emotion Empowerment: - Erebos draws strength from the emotions of those around him, channeling positive energy to enhance his own abilities and inspire his teammates.
4. Illusory Performance: - He can create mesmerizing illusions during his performances, captivating audiences with dazzling displays of light and sound.
5. Moonlight Healing: - Tenebris harnesses the power of moonlight to heal wounds and restore vitality to himself and his allies, providing crucial support during battles.
6. Charm Aura: - Erebos emits a charming aura that can influence the emotions of others, boosting morale and fostering camaraderie among his teammates.
7. Dimensional Shift: - Tenebris has the ability to briefly shift between dimensions, allowing him to evade attacks or bypass obstacles with ease.
8. Dream Projection: - Erebos can project himself into the dreams of others, offering guidance or support in their subconscious realm.
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(I'll redesign he's Cilvian form.)
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floorinsite · 5 months
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Our John
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Ladies and gentlemen,
Today, gathered around of this tree, we come together to remember our dear colleague, John, or as we affectionately referred to him, “our John.” It’s been a journey of loss and remembrance since his untimely departure on the 21st of July, 2023. John’s absence has left a void in our hearts and in the corridors of this Ball & Young. Yet, as we stand here today, surrounded by the gentle rustle of leaves and the enduring strength of this tree, we find solace in the memory of his presence among us.
John was more than just a colleague; he was a devoted Liverpool fan whose passion for the team reflected his commitment and loyalty not only to his beloved club but also to his work family. It seems fitting, then, that we chose to honour his memory by planting this tree—a living tribute to his enduring spirit and the values he embodied.
As the branches sway in the breeze, let us be reminded of the resilience and steadfastness that John brought to our workplace. His dedication, his laughter, and his unwavering support were like roots that anchored us during turbulent times. Though he may no longer walk among us, his memory continues to guide and inspire us, much like the anthem of his favourite team, “You’ll Never Walk Alone.”
Therefore, let us take a moment to share fond memories of John—his warmth, his kindness, and the indelible mark he left on each of our lives. Though his physical presence may be gone, his spirit remains woven into the fabric of this company and within each of us who had the privilege to know him.
John, our friend, our colleague, you may have left this world, but your legacy lives on in the hearts of those you touched. Rest in peace, knowing that you are dearly missed and forever cherished.
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therealcrimediary · 6 months
Kevin Constantine, a 40-year-old man from Diego Martin, was involved in a fatal accident in Trincity early on a Tuesday morning. The incident occurred around 1 am when a Mitsubishi Lancer sedan traveling west on the Churchill Roosevelt Highway collided with Constantine's Mazda sedan at the Trincity intersection lights. Both drivers were taken to the hospital, but Constantine sadly passed away from his injuries at 4:36 am. Police investigations into the accident are ongoing. The tragic accident in Trincity has left the community mourning the loss of Kevin Constantine. Constantine, a resident of Grasshopper Lane in River Estate, Diego Martin, was a beloved member of his community and his untimely death has shocked many. The circumstances surrounding the collision between the Mitsubishi Lancer and Constantine's Mazda sedan are still under investigation, with authorities working to determine the exact cause of the accident. The news of Constantine's death has prompted an outpouring of condolences and tributes from friends, family, and members of the community. Many have expressed their sadness and shock at the loss of a vibrant and valued member of the Diego Martin community. Constantine's passing serves as a reminder of the fragility of life and the importance of cherishing each moment with loved ones. As authorities continue their inquiries into the accident, details about what led to the collision are expected to emerge. The investigation will help shed light on the sequence of events that led to the tragic outcome and may provide important insights for preventing similar incidents in the future. The loss of Kevin Constantine has had a profound impact on those who knew him, and his memory will live on in the hearts of those who loved him. In the wake of the accident, the community is coming together to support Constantine's loved ones and ensure that he is remembered with the respect and dignity he deserves. The tragic loss has served as a wake-up call for road safety awareness and the need for vigilance when behind the wheel. As the investigation unfolds, authorities and community members alike are urged to reflect on the importance of taking precautions to prevent accidents and protect the lives of all road users. Constantine's death serves as a somber reminder of the devastating consequences that can result from a momentary lapse in judgment or attention while driving.
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nwhk · 9 months
Fare thee well, 2023
Yeah exactly. That's the first thing I said out loud when I tried to think about 2023 in retrospect
Can you believe that it's only a few days until 2024? I have not even finished processing half of 2023 let alone entering a new year..
Honestly I have no idea how I dealt with this year - mostly giving myself the peptalk cause girl can't depend on no one for that. You gotta kick your own ass, sometimes. I lied. It's most of the time.
Because truth be told, it's you against yourself 90% of the time. You can't choose the environment nor the situation you're in but you can, at least, control the way you react to it. (Trust me, in my head, I've been on rampages a few times)
Looking back on 2023, it was a roller coaster. Emotionally. Physically. Mentally. Hold on, scratch that. It felt like being thrown in a fucking washing machine and being told not to scream - but eventually seeing light in the end
Yeah. Exactly like that.
I feel like I was thrown in situations so uncomfortable that I didn't get to tell that it was uncomfortable - it was more like God throwing stuff at me and told me to deal with it - and I did.
See, that's the thing. I never thought I had it in me to handle all of those things thrown at me. I used to think, nah that's not gonna happen to me. I used to think I GET to choose, but the universe said otherwise, obviously.
I lost a friend this year to Cancer. We used to be so close but my God, it was really a wake up call how fragile life is. How short life is! May Allah rest her soul amongst the beloved – really puts into perspective the things that we think are important in this life
I also lost a friendship that I really valued and tried so hard to keep this year. But I guess, one can only get hurt so much, so this one had to bite the dust. I'll cherish all the memories, for sure, but I believe wholeheartedly that we would be better off out of each others' lives and I wish her all the best
On a positive note, I went on two vacations this year - Kuching in July and KL & Penang in December. Where did I get the money with all the expenses on my car that I had to pay for this year? hahaha God indeed works in mysterious ways
and when they say people show their true colours when you live or travel with them, it is so true and I learned a lot in that regard and it did build my patience and get my mind blocking game strong
and as a cherry on top, my sister decided to give birth while I was away. Sister of the year goes to....? Yours truly. I have a new nephew ya'll and it is such a lovely addition to our family and even more lovely way to end the year - baby screams. I'm kidding. He's a good boy.
I don't know, but I feel like my mind went through a lot of shifts and lots of tweaking here and there throughout this year. I definitely learned a lot and it has definitely helped shape my character. Have I transformed into a better person? Not really. I really do feel like I am still a work in progress and I have gotten better in some areas more than the others, and other parts I feel, I have not started on or even identify them yet.. maybe I will next year?
I also learn that having people who love you and accept you as you are is hugely underrated - you need it and it makes this whole life journey more bearable. Those who feel your joy and your pain - those count, and I wish everybody has at least this one person in their lives.
Watching my parents grow old was really the highlight of this year, I feel. They played a major part in opening my eyes this year. I have taken for granted a lot of things - the way I would get mad how my mom would bang my door to call me for dinner every night - I don't get to experience that anymore. Mom can barely walk let alone walk to my door. A lot of things. How the tables have turned. How they have become so dependent on me now
Now I'm the one who has to call for dinner - to bring dinner to them. To worry if they have anything to eat while I'm away for work etc. I'm less worried now because my sister's home at least for a few months
There were moments where I caught myself wishing to turn back the hands of time. Wishing for this and for that but only to realise that all I have is now and for me to make it count and with all thats going on in my life, I am afraid to lose sight of this in the midst of all the chaos. It can easily be the most difficult thing in the world
I have no idea what 2024 is going to entail but I am trying to make sure that I enter the new year with a positive mindset. The grateful, blessed mindset with a new outlook on life. Wish I knew years ago that this is what growing up is. I used to always believe that life was like a tug of war where you have to fight to win and so I lived life on survival mode mostly. When I was told to relax and take life as it is, I panicked - in my mind that if I let go just a little bit, life will come crashing down
Now I am slowly accepting that I am just living life as it was written. Life will give to you naturally and all you have to do is navigate and make good decisions and most importantly, have a good heart and good intentions with you all the time. I believe God knows and acknowledges all that we do
What will be, will be - and so it is.
Happy New Year 2024, everybody!
This ship is only sailing towards the Northern Star
Note: I began writing this post a probably a week before 31st
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