#he admires the past and treasures the memories but he is always looking to the future
cometrose · 2 years
its kind of funny when people say zhongli is stuck in the past or can’t move on when his entire fucking story is how he doesn’t do that
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pastanest · 3 months
Spencer Reid x she/her!reader
A/N: you’re used to me disappearing for months but I hope by now you can trust that I’ll always come back x
warnings: reader is a victim of misogyny (aren’t we all)
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In A World Of Boys
Doctor Spencer Reid. His name alone sends your heart thrumming as the elevator ascends, your shoes tapping against the metal ground with excitement and impatience in equal measure. It isn’t unusual for a case to have called the team in at the crack of dawn, but that was not something you ever imagined you’d actively look forward to. Then again, you couldn’t have counted on the sunrise casting a soft pink, almost heavenly glow to illuminate the office that seemed to converge around one man in particular the moment you saw him.
He approaches you with a warm smile, one mug held to his lips and another held in an outstretched hand, for you. Made just the way you liked it; not that you ever verbalized such details, someone’s eidetic memory just thought to pay attention to how you prepared your hot drinks until it was a task that could be taken off your hands entirely.
“Good morning.” Spencer greets you, a playful lilt in his voice at just how early this morning is.
“Morning, and cheers.” You share a light chuckle as you clink your mugs together in a gesture of soft comradery, your gazes locking as you take a simultaneous sip.
Such a thing is officially a symbol of trust, but the look in Spencer’s eyes is enough to hold you still if the ground was ripped out from beneath you. His curls are a little disheveled, as always, and his tie is as crooked as ever. Ruggedly handsome would be an accurate description, if you didn’t know Spencer better than that, know him to be so much gentler than such a roughened description. And your heart sings for him.
A tradition you’ve come to appreciate amongst the BAU during longer flights is sharing stories of their shared pasts. The tales are typically hilarious at the expense of one team member or another, but it is all in jest, and as the newest member of the team, you love hearing about their funniest moments from before you had known the people who have welcomed you so openly.
“Oh, we have to talk about the pool incident! What was her name, Spence?” JJ asks with a mischievous glint in her eye, the team’s attention pulled entirely to Spencer.
You can’t withhold the shocked expression on your face, you’ve not heard of any previous romantic encounters in Spencer’s life; this should be interesting.
“It was Lila, wasn’t it? C’mon, Spence, it’s been years, you can tell us now!” JJ presses, the rest of the team egging her on, but you stay quiet, your interest piqued to the extent that you can’t utter a word.
“Lila was an admirably strong woman, but as much as I hate to disappoint, there’s really nothing more to tell.” Spencer shrugs, smile unreadable.
In his former years, such a question would have flustered him, but not anymore. His answer is enough to fluster you, however. A man who doesn’t kiss and tell, and is so quietly firm in such a resolve, is one to keep in mind.
As if to make matters worse, Spencer then rises from his seat on the jet and strolls past you, making the effort to lean away from you - in case any sudden turbulence should unsteady him, he won’t risk even nudging you - on his journey to the galley. And the way he walks, the delicate trail of his cologne lingering in his wake when he passes your seat, it’s dizzying.
This is a moment that you know you will never forget, and you can’t help envying the fact that Spencer can so effortlessly recall every moment spent with you in the depths of eidetic memory. It’s almost ritualistic, how you lie in bed every night and replay your most treasured moments with Spencer, to send yourself to a peaceful sleep in which you hope to dream of him. Part of you wonders if he ever replays moments with you in his mind, with more clarity than you can ever hope to possess.
Little do you know, you are his favorite film.
On nights when insomnia strikes, you are the guaranteed remedy. When it is for you, Spencer’s eidetic memory is nothing short of a gift. He has a library dedicated to you, containing every look in your eyes, every micro-expression, every variation of your laugh, your smile, every word you have ever said in his presence. Sometimes, it takes him hours to decide which memory of you he’ll replay before he allows himself to sleep.
Neither of you are aware of how many nights you have spent lying awake in the same hours, focussing on the very same memories. While you absentmindedly play with the little flower charm on the necklace that Spencer bought you for your birthday, his gaze will drift to the special edition of Frankenstein that you bought him, for no reason other than it made you think of him. Of course, Spencer already had a copy, but the one from you lives on his bedside table. He had the edition completely memorized in a matter of minutes, but he has devoted more time to rereading that book than he has any other, because you gifted it to him. Sometimes, Spencer traces the spine and wonders where you’d held it before gifting it to him; if that will be as close as he ever comes to the blessing of one day holding your hand.
One of your most vivid memories with Spencer - and one that you frequently use to fall asleep with a smile on your face - first came to be during your second week working with the team. You didn’t know Spencer very well then, but you knew enough to be besotted by him; you knew that from the moment his eyes first met yours. A case required an undercover mission centered around you, as the only member of the team to fit the unsub’s type. While you could have handled the mission on your own, Spencer insisted that he be placed undercover inside the club you were set to enter, posing as a member of the public, to ensure you had immediate backup if you needed it. The undercover mission itself went without a hitch, though Spencer spent the duration of it trying his very best not to crush the glass he pretended to nurse in his hand as he watched the unsub flirt with you mercilessly, and without an ounce of respect. When the unsub was arrested and dragged out of the bar, you and Spencer followed, and he went to one of the government-issued vehicles to grab his FBI jacket for you while advising you to stand in the doorway and wait. He didn’t want you getting cold in your pretty dress, but that was a detail he kept to himself.
As you stood in the doorway, leaning against a wall with your arms crossed over your chest, the wind caught the thigh-high slit in your dress, exposing the skin of your thigh only momentarily, but it was enough for some sleazy, drunk middle-aged man to leer out you.
“Sexy lady!” He had called out to you in a slurred voice, opening his arms to you, beer bottle in hand.
And, as every woman has learnt to do, you gave him your best, tight lipped, polite smile.
“Thanks, but no thanks.” You answered as evenly as you could.
In an instant, the sleaze’s smirk was gone, replaced with an almost disgusted frown.
“Stupid slut.” He muttered, so quietly you almost didn’t hear him, but in the time it took for your eyes to widen, Spencer had pinned the man’s hands behind his back and sent the beer bottle shattering on the ground - collateral damage from shoving the sleaze into the nearest wall.
“You are under arrest for drunk and disorderly behaviour, as well as sexual harassment, and absolutely any other charge I can find when I dig up every morsel of your existence.” Spencer’s words were eerily quiet, but they were sharper than any you’d ever heard, dripping with a venom you didn’t imagine he was capable of possessing then.
After tossing the drunk misogynist into the back of one of the police cars still on the scene from your undercover mission, Spencer walked over to you and draped his FBI jacket over your shoulders, tugging it around you with a gentleness that completely juxtaposed what you had just witnessed.
“I’m sorry.” He’d said quietly, warranting a confused frown from you, that urged him to elaborate. “I’m sorry that you were treated in such an abhorrent way, and that you had to see me like that.”
Your frown melted into an adoring smile. “Spencer, you’ve got nothing to apologize for. Thank you for defending me from a man that I doubt realizes he even did anything wrong. While he might be the scum of the earth, you-” You gently poked his chest through his shirt, “-are a gentleman.”
Spencer had thought then that his heart couldn’t possibly soar higher than that, but oh, how wrong he had been.
Coincidentally, one of Spencer’s favorite memories of you is one you can recall very little of. It was the only occasion on which Spencer had politely declined the team’s invitation to a local bar for drinks in an evening. He had been rereading the copy of Frankenstein you’d bought him, comfortably nestled on his couch with a lingering smile as he sought pieces of you in between the lines of text, when his phone rang.
Seeing your name, Spencer picked up in a microsecond.
“(Y/N)? Is everything alright?” His mind was immediately reeling. Had something happened? Were you safe?
A sniffle came through the phone, and his heart shattered.
“Jus’ so lonely.” Your voice was slurred by the alcohol you’d consumed, but in the sweetest way. Your words did little to ease the anxiety swirling in Spencer’s mind, because every time he had seen you drink, you had been the giggliest mess he’d ever known; you had never been the stereotypical sad-drunk, as far as he knew.
“Lonely? Aren’t you at the bar with the team?” He questioned, because he could hear other voices in the background of the call and alarm bells were ringing. Had the rest of the team left? Or, worse, had you drunkenly wandered off somewhere and gotten lost? He was already putting his shoes on and grabbing a jacket.
“Yeah, but they’re not you.” There was an urgency and an aching sadness to your words, Spencer could hear it even through the distortion of a phone call, and your words stumped him. He blinked once, then twice, before replying.
“Well, no, they aren’t me.”
He felt that had been an obvious distinction, but perhaps you needed him to make that clear in your drunken state.
An equally dramatic and exasperated sigh came through the phone. “I know that, and that’s why I’m sad. I miss you!”
Spencer was out of his apartment door in record time, racing down the stairs until he reached the parking lot beneath his building.
“You miss me? Really?” He had asked you because he wanted to hear you say it again, he had to, the smile on his face growing exponentially.
“Lots.” Your voice broke on that one word, and it was enough for Spencer to risk several speeding tickets to reach you in a time he would never, ever tell you, because you’d lecture him about road safety. Perhaps someday he will tell you, just to hear you speak to him for a prolonged period of time, even if it’s a lecture at the expense of his reckless adoration.
By the time Spencer arrived at the bar, you were a blubbering mess in Rossi’s arms. It was only when you were transferred to Spencer’s arms that your drunk mind registered his presence, and the sheer joy on your face despite your tears was something he knew would be his only remaining memory if he lost everything else in some freak accident. Amidst your incoherent mumblings of compliments and praises towards Spencer - each and every one under lock and key in his heart ever since - he carried you back to his car and drove you home with your body wrapped almost entirely around his arm from where you sat in the passenger seat of his car. Once at your house, he carried you to the door bridal style, lowering you temporarily so that you could clumsily unlock your front door, before he picked you back up again and carried you inside, all the way to your bed. And there, he laid you down, slipped your shoes off, tucked you into bed, and wiped your face with your skincare products efficiently, from what you’d told him of your nightly routine. He fetched you a glass of water and sat you up to drink the whole thing, then refilled it and set it on your bedside table - in case you woke up thirsty in the night, or if you needed it first thing in the morning. Lying you back down, he left a little kiss on your forehead, and due to your eyes being closed, he assumed you were already falling asleep, until you reached for his hand when he tried to go.
“Stay.” You pleaded in a barely-conscious and far-from-sober tone.
Spencer smiled at you like you were the stars in the sky.
“Alright.” He almost whispered, taking a seat on the edge of your bed, while you laid under your covers, practically curled around where he sat.
With one of his hands on your shoulder, Spencer sat with you, spelling out words you’d never register on the back of your shoulder blade with his thumb and index finger.
So beautiful.
To be yours.
And as his thumb curved the last letter “s” on the back of your hand, Spencer heard your breathing settle to a rate that told him you were dreaming. Very slowly, he tucked you under the bedcovers, stood himself up, and left, but not before leaving you with a message he intended for you to comprehend later. You had not consented to Spencer staying the night with you, and you were in no position to give that consent in your state, but you had asked him to stay, so he stayed until you wouldn’t know that he’d gone.
The next morning, you awoke to a little note on your bedside table that simply said:
Good morning, angel. Please drink some water and let me know you survived drinking enough alcohol to fill the Hoover Dam (not literally, that’s not biologically possible).
-Spencer x
It was enough to make you laugh, and despite your immediate pounding headache, you reached for your phone.
You: hahaha, very funny. thank you so much for last night, I’m sorry for the mess ❤️
And, to your accustomed surprise, Spencer started typing back immediately.
Spencer: I’m glad that you survived to enjoy my joke. You are always welcome, and you have nothing to apologize for.
You went to set your phone down on your bedside table again, when it lit up with another text.
Spencer: ❤️
Surviving the alcohol you consumed was nothing compared to the way you had to fight for your life upon receiving that.
That morning, when you were called into the office for a case, you’d expected to be greeted with an onslaught of teasing from your coworkers, but Spencer had enough time before you arrived to plead with the rest of the team not to embarrass you. Surprisingly, they had agreed, but on one condition: Spencer had to do something about his workplace crush, because the rest of the team were losing their patience with the tension between you. To save you the embarrassment, Spencer sacrificed his own dignity in agreeing to that, and it’s been hanging over his head ever since.
The clouds beneath the jet serve as an interesting background to your thoughts, your headphones blocking out any and all sound beyond your music. You are away in your own little world, save for the part of your brain that is acutely aware of your elbow touching Spencer’s with the only barrier being your jacket and his. Does he spend as much time dwelling on these things? Does he ever wonder, like you do, that this connection between you could amount to something else, something more, if either of you were willing to take the risk? The risk is, in itself, a great one. While the risks surrounding any love in general are an obvious factor, in your shared field of work, that is exacerbated. Neither of you can explicitly trust that you would be able to act professionally if the other was harmed in any way, and you could bear witness to any degree of harm against the other while in the field. If that wasn’t enough, should it not work out, you would have no choice but to leave your dream job to work and live elsewhere, uprooting the life you’ve built here in its entirety; while Spencer would stay with the family he has worked with for so many years, the building would never feel the same to him without you in it. Whoever took your desk after you, he would be unable to withhold a small amount of resentment towards - he would never act on it, but he would feel it. And the guilt of being with him having caused you to have to restart your life somewhere else? That is a weight he is terrified of carrying. So many have faced worse fates as a result of getting close to Spencer, but when it comes to you, he cannot think of any worse than that, or his chest will start to hurt.
Perhaps this case is the perfect opportunity, he wonders to himself while a female cop converses with him, barely occupying even half of Spencer’s brain as he focuses on thoughts of you.
“I think it’s great you guys have come down here to help us!” The local cop grins up at Spencer.
A case in Vegas, where he could use some time once the case is closed to show you some of his favorite places. You’d like that, he thinks.
“Thank you, we’re always happy to help when requested.” Spencer answers casually.
But from the little office you’re working in, you can see the way that local cop is ogling at Spencer, and you feel a twinge of jealousy. It was only a few minutes ago you were looking at the hazel in his eyes up close in the same way she currently is, but you like to think you’re a little less obvious than that. You are not.
“Some of these guys, you can tell they don’t know what they’re doing, but you definitely do, don’t you? I’ve heard the rest of your team calling you a genius!” The local cop babbles to Spencer, eyes like an animal in heat.
Perhaps a tour of the casino’s? But a certain card-counting ability resulting in a certain state-wide ban would make that somewhat difficult. That probably wouldn’t be a very good date. Would it be a date? Spencer wonders, before he shrugs, feeling a little awkward.
“I don’t believe intelligence can be accurately quantified given its diversity in both person and circumstance, but I appreciate your faith in the BAU, who I’d better get back to. Thanks.” With that, he steps away from the officer, thinking nothing of the conversation given that his focus had been elsewhere for the duration of it.
You, however, cannot let it go. To your detriment, you assume a seasoned profiler like Spencer can read flirtatious intent a mile off (his unreliable grasp on social cues begs to differ) and from a distance, it didn’t look to you that he outright rejected the advances of another woman (his unreliable grasp on social cues left him unaware there were even advances to reject), and that left you feeling…upset. You had thought your relationship with Spencer to be special, that he didn’t reject the warm, sweet tension between the two of you because he liked you, specifically, but if he didn’t reject the flirtations of another woman, are you just a more regular occurrence of what she offered him?
Little do you know, if Spencer heard your thoughts suggest he only merely “liked” you, he may very well go into cardiac arrest under the pressure of the weight to correct you, adamantly. There is not a string of words in his vocabulary to adequately describe what he feels for you, and to imply “like” conveys them is salt in the wound you cause in his heart for each day you’re not his.
Naturally, for the rest of the day you are accompanied by a cloud hanging over your head to consistently remind you of that very same fact - that you are not Spencer’s. It is hardly surprising you do everything in your power to avoid him, offering to assist every member of the team with whatever task they’re doing to take you out of his reach and prevent him from talking to you. Of course, you know he’ll notice, and you’ll apologize when you’ve recovered enough to not cry at the thought of him, but for tonight are destined to bury yourself in hotel bedcovers that you partially hope suffocate you into unconsciousness to save you further torment.
Most unfortunately for you, only an hour into your tears, there is a soft knock at your hotel room door. By now, you are beyond the point of being able to hide the extent to which you have already cried, so you formulate a number of excuses pertaining to allergies or hormones on your way to the door. All of those lies evaporate on opening your door to find Spencer standing there, looking down at you with pleading eyes that quite frankly make you want to launch yourself from your hotel room window.
“I’m sorry to disturb you, (Y/N), I just came by to-“ His eyes widen. “You’ve been crying.”
It’s not a question; Spencer knows you well enough to not need to doubt himself when he reads your physical tells.
“Yeah, don’t worry about it. Did you need something?” You brush off his concern, hoping to distract him with whatever his original reason for coming here was - it wouldn’t be the first time Spencer materialized in your presence to ask your opinion of something obscure or a social situation he was uncertain of because he felt comfortable enough to come to you about it, you just wanted to get this over with so that you could return to your crying pit.
“I- what? Don’t worry about it? You’ve been crying, of course I’ll worry about that! Extensively!” Spencer exclaims, his voice rising in pitch slightly with his distress, before he clears his throat. “I came by to check on you because your behavior today confused me, and it appears I was right to be concerned.” Seeing the apprehension on your face, Spencer is quick to amend the question he was going to ask. “If you’d prefer not to talk about it, I understand and won’t pressure you, but please don’t force yourself to suffer alone if you can help it. There’s nothing I’d rather listen to than you.”
The sincerity in Spencer’s words brings fresh tears to your eyes, and it’s physically painful to look away from him and stare at the doorframe.
“It’s nothing, Spencer, just getting in my head about things that-“ You begin, and in a moment that is completely unlike his usually overly-polite self, he interrupts you.
“Is it something I did?” He asks, his eyes widening with the same plea as before.
Spencer’s question surprises you so much that you hesitate to answer him, only for a second before your lips part again, but your delay is enough of an answer to him.
“(Y/N), please tell me I did so that I can fix this. I don’t understand- I’ve already gone over our every interaction over the past 48 hours, 30 times each, and I’m not smart enough to have been unable to determine a conclusion on my own. Please tell me.” Spencer begs, his voice hoarse with the weight of having hurt your feelings without ever intending to.
Knowing he isn’t going to forgive himself without an explanation and that he’ll see through any lie you give him now, you are left without a choice.
“That cop you spoke to today, was she flirting with you?” The words fall from your lips freely, and Spencer blinks.
Once, twice, then a third time.
“Which…female officer? In the past 8 hours I have spoken to three.” He asks so carefully, like he’s walking on glass.
You have to resist rolling your eyes, because you know Spencer isn’t being clueless on purpose, but it doesn’t ease your pain.
“Just after midday, the one who was looking up at you like you were the best thing she’d seen all day.” Now, you can’t resist rolling your eyes; an involuntary reaction that makes Spencer frown in confusion.
“The conversation consisted of her thanking us for assisting them with the case and enquiring as to whether I’m a genius- to which I said I don’t think intelligence can be accurately quantified, and that was it.” Spencer has never been more confused in his entire life. He feels there is something obvious staring him right in his face and he is mortified at being completely blind to it, but he is treading very carefully over this invisible minefield.
“She was flirting with you, Spencer, didn’t you see the way she was looking at you?” Trying to read his expression and only finding confusion is not helping.
“I wasn’t really looking at her.” Spencer answers truthfully, because his eyes had been glazed over as he thought of places he could show you while in Vegas, where posed the highest probability of a successful date, should you accept the offer he had every intention of presenting you with.
“You didn’t notice…” You murmur, your heart sinking in your chest.
You had been upset that Spencer hadn’t rejected the advances of another woman under the presumption he understood her advances, but if he truly did not when she was being so obvious, he most likely doesn’t notice yours, either. He hasn’t been reciprocating the energy you thought was between you for that reason, he’s just been continuing the conversation without a clue. A lump forms in your thought.
Meanwhile, Spencer is even more confused.
“I’m not certain I understand what the issue is. Was it the flirting? Or the fact I didn’t register it? Should I have?” He is lost and in desperate need of guidance. As soon as he knows what he’s done to upset you, he’ll beg on his knees for your forgiveness, but at this time he is still unable to determine the problem. If you had not realized he didn’t acknowledge the flirting until now, that couldn’t be the issue, but if the issue was simply that he’d been flirted with, you now knowing he wasn’t aware of it would have fixed that - so why do you look more upset? This just in: Doctor Spencer Reid loathes social cues.
“Do you notice when anyone flirts with you?” Answering his question with your own question is only sending him further into a spiral.
You are the only person he ever wishes would flirt with him, but Spencer is absolutely convinced you never would. If he answers “no” to your rephrased version of the same question you had just asked him, that appears to be the answer you are assuming to be true which is making you look sadder. He does not understand this at all.
“How do I answer that in a way that won’t upset you further…” Spencer frowns, focussing very hard on your every micro-expression, trying to use your face as a cheat sheet.
“I don’t think you can, Spencer. Thanks for coming to check on me. Goodnight.” You give him a weak smile and go to close your hotel room door, but Spencer places a palm against the door with an expression of alarm.
“Please-“ He starts, then stops himself when you meet his eyes, his tone softening. “Talk to me.”
You take a deep breath and decide to bite the bullet. What do you have to lose? Your heart’s already been hit with every weapon of mass destruction you can think of.
“I thought- I thought you knew there was- it wasn’t flirting, but there’s been something between us that I thought you knew as well as I did. Stupidly, I thought you were reciprocating it, but if you couldn’t tell that cop was flirting with you, there’s no way you knew…” Your weak smile wavers. “Like I said, just getting in my head over things. Doesn’t matter. You haven’t done anything wrong. Night-“
Once again unexpectedly, Spencer interrupts you, but this time for a very different reason.
“I need to sit down.”
It’s only then you realize how suddenly pale he’s become. Paler than you’ve ever seen him, in fact. Your eyes widen, and you grab Spencer’s forearms, guiding him into your hotel room and over to the armchair in the corner of the room, the door clicking shut behind you while Spencer stumbles with the most shell shocked look in his eyes.
“Spencer, what’s going on? Are you alright?” You ask him worriedly.
“Indeterminable.” Spencer answers in a distant voice.
“Okay, okay, uh-“ You flit from him to the sink in your hotel room to grab Spencer a glass of water, that you’re quick to bring to him. “Here.”
His eyes don’t even focus on you or the glass, but he takes it from your hand and gulps it down. Spencer makes the mistake of glancing at you mid-sip, and starts choking, resulting in you patting his back.
“Something between us…” He coughs out. “You said, something between us. What.”
Your eyebrows furrow, and your face feels hot.
“You know, mutual pining. Like in movies.” You feel very awkward having to explain that.
“Books, first.” Spencer corrects you quietly, his breathing finally steadying.
“Yeah, okay, books first.” You can’t help chuckling lightly and taking the empty glass back over to the sink, then returning to Spencer, but stopping in your tracks when you find him now standing instead of sitting in the armchair.
“A study has shown that on average it takes men 88 days to fall in love, while it takes women 134 days. Contrary to popular belief, I don’t believe every aspect of love can be reduced to facts and statistics, but in moments of self-doubt I fall back on what I know. I knew what I knew of how I felt about you on the day we met, but I waited 88 days to be certain, and then it was only logical I waited 134 days to give you the chance to develop even the vaguest pleasant feeling towards me.” He takes a breath. “It has only been 120 days; I had not yet decided how I was going to broach this topic with you, and the question remains as to whether I’ve waited long enough for you to be as certain as I am. If the answer is anything other than yes, I promise, I’ll wait as many days as it takes, even if it’s a number I can’t reach.” Spencer’s voice is that of a man swearing an oath he has no doubt he’ll live to honor in every sense, and you are certain your heart has stopped beating.
You stare at him with wide eyes, feeling like time has frozen around you, the only sounds being your breathing to fill the suffocating silence of your hotel room. A microexpression of terror flickers across Spencer’s face, and you are brought back to yourself in an instant.
“I wish you’d asked me 120 days ago.” You say breathlessly.
“I didn’t ask anything.” Yet, Spencer adds internally, his heart pounding.
“But you’re going to.” You clarify softly, and Spencer nods, so you nod back at him.
“Would…” Spencer clears his throat. “Would you allow me the honor of taking you on a date? With me? Together? Here? Or anywhere- anywhere we can realistically travel to, that is-“ As he rambles and gets ahead of himself, your expression of shock evolves into a smile, and it’s your turn to interrupt him.
“Yes. Anywhere, anytime. Yes.” You answer.
There’s a beat of silence as Spencer catches his breath.
“Now?” He dares to whisper, and you’re grinning, glancing between him, and the provisions of a TV, bed and phone that this hotel room provides.
“Would you be opposed to a first date of takeout and shitty hotel room cable?” You offer playfully.
A bashful smile curls at the corner of Spencer’s mouth as he smiles back at you.
“Anything with you.” He says, but is quick to amend his own words. “Provided it’s an entirely safe scenario, obviously.”
That makes you snicker. “Obviously.”
Spencer looks between you and the bed, nervous of how to proceed. You make the first move, taking a step towards the bed, and Spencer offers you his hand - somewhat needlessly, but if he ever misses an instant in which he can deliver a gentlemanly action upon you, he would suggest that’s the instant you shoot him dead - to assist you onto the mattress before he follows suit and sits down beside you, kicking off his shoes.
“I’m completely underdressed for our first date, sorry.” You joke, looking between your pajamas and Spencer’s suit.
“You’re beautiful.” Is all he says, his voice softer than you’ve ever heard it as he gazes down at you with the most gentle smile.
You reach for his hand, intertwining your fingers, and Spencer doesn’t hesitate to lift them to his lips to kiss each of your knuckles tenderly.
“Takeout?” He murmurs against your skin, and for a second you’re lost to the daze of his kisses that you wonder if he’s asking whether the act of them has taken you out (to which you’d answer with a resounding yes), but remembering the nature of your date, you nod wordlessly.
Spencer smirks against your knuckles.
“I meant, what kind of takeout?” He amends, and your face feels hot again.
“Anything at all.” Is all you can think to respond, because to be completely honest, you do not care what you eat tonight.
Spencer chuckles quietly at that, keeping his hand holding yours while his other hand reaches for the hotel room phone, to dial for reception and request their recommendations for the best local takeout places.
“What’s so funny?” You ask him, but you’re smiling regardless of not yet knowing, just seeing him laugh while his thumb caresses your knuckles.
“I was just thinking, ‘Anything at all’ is exactly what I’ve thought every time I’ve looked at you.” Spencer muses as he brings the phone to his ear.
Anything at all to make you smile again, anything at all from you, if you asked he’d anything at all for you.
And much like the last time, you don’t even realize he’s spelling out words against your skin with the caress of his thumb. This time, though, it’s just one phrase, repeated.
To be yours.
To be yours.
To be yours.
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jadeschambers · 5 months
Fluffy Trueform!Sukuna x reader 😏
tags: mentions of murder and blood. kissing, sukunas kinda oc but hes my fluffy baby. not rlly proof read
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I know I introduced that one fic idea but I plan to release all chapters at once. I just wanted to feed u guys with this so I wouldn’t leave yall hanging. Thank u guys for being so patient with me!
trueform!Sukuna who finds you all battered and dirty, covered in ash after destroying your village. the curse had no remorse towards humans. in his eyes they were seen as weak and impertinent; full of desires they could never fully fulfill with their fleeting life span.
trueform!sukuna who takes you in, somehow tolerating you. he adores how small you were compared to him- how your cute face would brighten up a little when he would return from long missions. you were the only thing he looked forward to after mass murdering villages in japan.
trueform!sukuna who “doesn’t” comfort you when you have a nightmare. he can feel how you relax in his arms, his warmth coaxing the dark and painful memories that resided in your head to disappear. the king of curses refuses to acknowledge it but his heart truly does clench when he sees you tormented by your past.
trueform!sukuna who slaughtered his entire harem after he overheard them harassing you. his little precious flower, whom he treasures so dearly. the ruthless king of curses held you close, one of his four hands covering your eyes to shield you from the dead bodies of his harem.
trueform!sukuna who brings you little trinkets and presents after he returns from his trips that are sometimes covered in blood. his greatest endeavor is observing the way you tear up at his gestures, your little puny heart that is so utterly weak at handling emotions.
trueform!sukuna who sometimes accidentally makes you cry, his words can be cruel and insensitive. it angers him, and yet confuses the curse. when has he become so weak? was he always like this? he stays up at night thinking about you, and what he would be if he hadn’t come across you that day.
trueform!sukuna who makes it up to you by bringing you to a beautiful flower field, letting you braid flowers into his soft pink hair. his heart flutters when he sees you genuinely smile, and it makes the corners of his lips twitch.
trueform!sukuna who stops going away so often, instead opting to hold you close to his furnace like body, listening to your sweet voice read the dusty ancient books stored away in his library.
trueform!sukuna who finds himself staring at you all the time, and when he wasn’t, you would be on his mind. the curse who now loves to cup your supple cheeks and stroke your cheek bone with unseen tenderness.
trueform!sukuna who finally comes to term with his feelings, bringing you to that same flower field where he saw you smile for the first time. there, the king of curses held you so gently, admiring your glassy round eyes that adorned the darkest pair of eyelashes.
trueform!sukuna who kisses you for the first time, colliding his lips with yours. and to him it made him feel complete. the murders and begs of people who pleaded for their lives in the past couldn’t compare to what he felt with you. when he pulls away, he utters the three words that you longed to hear.
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misspygmypie · 1 month
The Golden Box
Pairing: Lando Norris x reader Warning: None; sad-ish maybe? Summary: In 2072 Y/N is reminiscing about her life with Lando. Words: 5.3k
Please do not repost, thank you, and leave some feedback :)
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September 2072, Bristol, England
Y/n's fingers traced the familiar texture of the items inside the golden box. Each piece held its own story, a fragment of her life with Lando. There was the delicate locket with a photograph of their wedding day, a memory of vows and dreams shared under the soft glow of twilight. She remembered how Lando had smiled when he first saw her in her wedding dress, how he had whispered promises of forever...
Next, she found the small, leather-bound journal that she had written throughout their early years. Flipping through its pages, she saw her neat handwriting documenting their adventures, the everyday moments that had seemed insignificant at the time but now felt like treasures. There were entries about their first home, their first dog, and the day they found out they were expecting.
Her hand brushed over a faded photograph, yellowing at the edges. It was of the entire family - y/n, Lando, and their three children - standing together in front of their house. They were all smiling, the joy and warmth of the moment captured forever. She could almost hear the laughter and the playful banter that had surrounded that day.
The chest had been filled with mementos from their travels: seashells from a holiday, tickets from a show they had attended, and a handwritten note from Lando, declaring his undying love.
Finally, her hand touched something soft; a handkerchief embroidered with their initials. It was a gift from Lando on their tenth wedding anniversary, one she had kept close through the years. As she held it to her face, the scent of his cologne, faint but still present, brought back a rush of emotion.
Tears finally spilled down her cheeks, not from sadness but from a sense of gratitude. Each item in the box was a testament to the life they had lived together; a life filled with love, joy, and the occasional heartache, but always shared with someone who made every moment worthwhile.
The sunlight bathed the room in a gentle glow as y/n sat in the rocking chair, while the past played out before her in the contents of the golden box. She closed the lid, wiped away her tears, and took a deep breath. Life had been a journey, and she was grateful for every step of it, for every memory, and for the love that had filled their years together.
July 2024, Monaco, French Riviera
Lando glanced at y/n, a slight smirk playing at his lips as he saw her nervousness. It was clear that the evening was as significant to her as it was to him. He adjusted his shirt and then looked down the street, where his sleek car was parked.
"Well," Lando began, his voice smooth and reassuring, "I thought we might start with a little surprise."
He extended his arm towards her, a gesture that seemed both casual and intimate. Y/n hesitated for a moment but then took his arm, allowing herself to be led towards the car. As they approached, Lando opened the door for her like a true gentleman.
Once inside the atmosphere changed from the bustling street outside to the quiet, comfortable interior. Soft music played in the background, and the scent of Lando's cologne filled the space. Y/n noticed the thoughtful details, like a small bouquet of her favorite flowers sitting in a vase on the seat next to her.
As the car began to move, Lando stole a glance at her, his eyes softening with a mixture of admiration and anticipation. "I hope you're ready for a bit of an adventure tonight," he said, a hint of excitement in his voice.
Y/n's nerves calmed down as she looked at Lando, realizing that he was genuinely invested in making this evening special. "I’m ready," she replied, her voice gaining confidence. "Where are we going?"
Lando smiled, his eyes sparkling with mischief. "You’ll see. It’s a place that’s been very special to me. I think you’ll love it."
The car drove smoothly through the city, and as they passed familiar landmarks, y/n's curiosity grew. Finally, Lando pulled aside and parked before helping her out of the vehicle.
“Can you close your eyes for me now? I want this to be a surprise.”
Y/n nodded, imitating the smile she saw on the young man’s face in front of her. She could feel the cool evening air against her skin and the gentle rustle of leaves from the nearby trees. Lando's hand, warm and reassuring, held hers firmly as they walked.
"Just a few more steps," Lando said, his tone filled with both warmth and mystery. 
Y/n's heart raced as she followed his lead. The anticipation was almost unbearable, but it was also intoxicating. She could hear the distant sounds of the city, but her focus was entirely on Lando and the thrill of the moment.
Finally Lando stopped. "Okay, we're here. You can open your eyes."
With a mix of eagerness and nervousness, y/n slowly lifted her lids. As her eyes adjusted to the dim light, she found herself standing in a beautifully decorated spot in the mountains atop Monaco overlooking the city.
A picnic blanket was spread out on the grass, adorned with candles and a small basket filled with an assortment of delicious treats. String lights hung from the nearby trees, casting a soft, magical glow over the area. In the center of it all was a small table with two chairs, set for a romantic dinner.
The sight took y/n’s breath away. She looked at Lando, her eyes wide with admiration and happiness. "This is... amazing," she said softly, her voice filled with emotion.
Lando smiled, his eyes reflecting the soft light. "I’m glad you like it. I wanted to do something special."
Y/n walked over to the picnic setup, her heart swelling. She sank into one of the chairs and looked up at Lando, who was now arranging the dishes and pouring them both a glass of champagne.
“This is perfect,” she said, reaching out to him with a look of gratitude. “Thank you for making this evening so memorable.”
Lando joined her, his eyes locked with hers. “You’re worth every bit of effort. I’ve wanted to do something like this for a long time.”
They spent the next few hours enjoying each other's company, savoring the delicious food and sharing stories and laughter under the twinkling lights. The world outside their tiny bubble seemed to fade away, leaving just the two of them in their own little paradise.
As the stars began to appear in the night sky, Lando took y/n’s hand in his once again. 
“This night,” the Brit said softly, “is just the beginning. I want many more moments like this with you.”
Y/n’s heart swelled with emotion. “I’d love that,” she replied, her voice a whisper as she leaned in closer. “More than anything.”
As y/n sat there, overwhelmed by the beauty and thoughtfulness of the moment, Lando’s arm around her waist felt like a comforting embrace that grounded her in the present.
She turned her head slightly, feeling the warmth of his breath against her neck, and the familiar, comforting scent of his aftershave enveloped her senses. It was as if the world had narrowed to just the two of them.
When Lando’s lips finally met hers, it was gentle and tender - a kiss that spoke volumes more than words ever could. It was as if he was pouring all of his affection, his joy, and his admiration for her into that single, sweet moment. The world seemed to pause, holding its breath along with y/n, as she savored the closeness and the intensity of it all.
Lando’s touch was both passionate and respectful, reminding y/n of the depth of their bond and the shared history that had brought them to this perfect evening.
When they finally broke apart, their foreheads gently touching, both of them breathed in deeply, savoring the shared intimacy. 
“I wanted tonight to be perfect,” he said softly. “I wanted you to know how much you mean to me.”
Y/n smiled, her eyes still glistening. “It’s more than perfect. It’s everything I’ve ever dreamed of.”
Lando’s smile widened as he gently brushed a stray tear from her cheek. “Then let’s enjoy it together.”
September 2072, Bristol, England
The paper was worn and delicate, but the words written on it held a timeless significance. As y/n read through the letter, she could recall the emotions and the moments that had shaped their lives together.
August 2023
My dear y/n,
I remember the first time I saw you. It was as if the world had shifted just a little, making space for something extraordinary. Our journey together has been nothing short of magical, filled with laughter, dreams, and love that grows deeper with each passing day.
Today, I want to share something with you. These lines are not just words; they are the promises I hold in my heart. I remember the day we shared our first kiss - how your lips felt against mine, how your touch made me feel alive in a way I had never experienced before. It was the beginning of something beautiful.
And now, as I sit here with you, I am reminded of how far we’ve come. I am grateful for every moment, every memory we’ve created together. From the surprise picnic in the mountains of Monaco to the quiet evenings just like this one, each moment with you has been a gift.
I want you to know how deeply I admire you, not just for the extraordinary things you do but for who you are. You are my love and my best friend. I promise to always stand by your side, to support you in every dream, and to love you more with each passing day.
With all my heart,
As y/n finished reading, a tear slipped down her cheek, a bittersweet reminder of the depth of their love and the journey they had shared. She carefully folded the letter and placed it back in the box, her heart full of memories and emotions.
She looked around the room, taking in the familiar surroundings that had been a backdrop to their shared life. Each corner of the house held a story, a piece of their history together. The letter was just one of many treasures, a testament to their enduring bond.
With a sigh y/n closed the golden box and placed it gently back in its spot to keep protecting the memories of the love they shared. The love that had started with a kiss in July of 2024 had blossomed into a lifetime of shared experiences, laughter, and deep affection. And as y/n sat there, reflecting on their journey, she knew that every step they had taken together had been worth it.
Her heart swelled with gratitude for the life they had built, and she felt ready to embrace whatever the future held, knowing that they had shared something truly special.
December 24, 2024, London, England
The kitchen was filled with the delicious scents of Christmas cooking—herbs, spices, and the faint aroma of roasting meat. Despite Lando’s somewhat chaotic approach, there was something endearing about watching him tackle the task with such determination. His concentration was evident as he fumbled with various pots and utensils, the occasional splash of sauce or clattering of a pan adding to the festive atmosphere.
Y/n took a moment to admire the scene before retreating to the bathroom. The anticipation of the evening ahead had her buzzing with excitement.
After her shower, y/n emerged feeling refreshed and ready to enjoy the evening. The house was decorated festively; twinkling lights, ornaments, and the soft glow of candles added to the coziness. The aroma of Lando’s cooking grew stronger as she approached the kitchen again.
Lando was still busy at the stove, now humming along to a Christmas tune playing softly in the background. He looked up as y/n entered, a hint of flour on his cheek and a warm, satisfied smile on his face.
“Looking forward to trying my culinary masterpiece?” he teased, trying to balance a spoon in one hand while stirring a pot with the other.
“Absolutely,” y/n replied, her eyes sparkling with affection. “I’m sure it’ll be delicious and you learned quite a bit since you burnt your burger buns to literal charcoal a few years ago.”
Lando rolled his eyes playfully. “There was no need to bring that up. And just so you know, I’ve put my heart into this.”
The kitchen clock ticked on, and soon enough, Lando began plating the food. The Christmas dinner admittedly was a beautiful sight - roasted vegetables, a perfectly cooked turkey, and all the traditional sides. The table was set complete with candles and a festive centerpiece.
As they sat down to eat, y/n couldn’t help but admire Lando’s effort. The food was, indeed, surprisingly good - proof of his dedication and perhaps a sign he had practiced this with his mother. 
“This is amazing,” y/n said, genuinely impressed. “You’ve outdone yourself.”
Lando grinned, his eyes twinkling. “Well, I’m glad you think so. I wanted tonight to be special for us.”
As they ate, Lando watched y/n with a sense of contentment. Her appreciation was clear, and he was relieved and delighted to see that his hard work had paid off. The joy on her face was worth every minute he had spent preparing the meal.
The evening continued with laughter, shared stories, and the warmth of their love. As they finished their meal and moved to the living room, where a cozy fire crackled in the fireplace. Wrapped in the glow of the Christmas lights and the crackling fire, y/n and Lando enjoyed the simple pleasure of each other’s company. The night was filled with joy, love, and the magic of the holiday season.
In that perfect, quiet moment, with the world outside frosted with winter’s chill, y/n realized that this was exactly what she had always wanted: Time spent with the person she loved most, creating new memories and cherishing the old ones. 
“Thank you, Lando,” she said, her voice filled with emotion. “This has been one of the most wonderful Christmas Eves I’ve ever had. Everything is perfect.”
Lando squeezed her hand gently, his eyes soft with affection. “I’m so glad you think so. You mean the world to me, and I wanted to make sure tonight was special for you.”
They shared a quiet moment, simply enjoying each other’s company. The Christmas spirit was all around them, but it was the warmth of their love that made the evening truly magical.
Lando took a deep breath, trying to steady himself as he prepared for what he had planned. The small box in his pocket felt heavier than he had anticipated, but he knew he needed to push through the nervousness. He turned to y/n, his heart pounding.
“Y/n,” he began, his voice slightly wavering but filled with sincere emotion, “there’s something I need to tell you.”
Y/n looked at him with curiosity and a hint of concern. “What’s wrong, Lan? You’re making me nervous.”
Lando took out the small box from his pocket and held it in front of him, his hands trembling slightly.
“I’ve been thinking a lot about us lately,” he said, his eyes meeting hers with a mix of love and determination. “About our future, and how much you mean to me.”
He carefully opened the box to reveal a delicate ring nestled inside. The diamond sparkled softly in the candlelight, its brilliance a perfect reflection of his feelings for her.
Y/n’s eyes widened in surprise, and her hand flew to her mouth
“Lando, is this...?” she started, her voice trailing off as the realization sank in.
Lando nodded, his gaze never leaving hers. “I’ve never been so sure about anything in my life. I want to spend the rest of my life with you, y/n. Will you marry me?”
Tears welled up in her eyes, and she reached out to touch the ring gently. “Yes, Lando. Yes, I’ll marry you.”
Relief and joy flooded through Lando, and he slipped the ring onto her finger, his hands trembling with happiness. He pulled y/n into a tender embrace, their hearts beating as one.
“I’ve never been more certain of anything,” Lando whispered into her ear. “You’re everything I’ve ever wanted, and I can’t wait to build our future together.”
Y/n’s laughter was filled with joy as she clung to him, her own tears of happiness mixing with his. “I feel the same way, Lan. This is the best Christmas gift I could ever have imagined.”
As they held each other, the world outside faded away, leaving only the warmth of their love and the soft glow of the candles. The night was filled with the promise of a beautiful future, and the joy of knowing that they would face it together, side by side.
The evening continued with a newfound sense of excitement and anticipation. The ring on y/n’s finger seemed to capture the essence of their love, a symbol of their commitment and the many adventures that lay ahead.
In that perfect moment, surrounded by the love they had built and the dreams they were about to fulfill, Lando and y/n knew that their Christmas Eve had become something truly unforgettable; a celebration of their past, their present, and their future together.
The intensity of the moment was electric, a blend of emotion and excitement that was palpable. As Lando carried y/n upstairs, their laughter and joyful whispers filled the house, echoing the elation they both felt.
The bedroom door swung open, and Lando gently set y/n down on their bed, his eyes never leaving hers. The room was softly illuminated by the warm glow of the lamps, casting a romantic light over the space. Y/n gazed up at Lando, her heart racing with a mix of anticipation and love. She reached out to touch his face, tracing his features gently.
“You’ve made this night so unforgettable,” she murmured, her voice filled with deep emotion. “I never imagined it would be like this, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
Lando smiled, his eyes shining with happiness. “I wanted it to be perfect for you. You deserve nothing less.”
They moved closer together, the energy between them almost tangible. Lando’s hands found their way to y/n’s waist, pulling her in for another kiss. It was gentle at first, a slow melding of their lips that quickly grew more passionate. Every touch and kiss seemed to speak volumes, conveying the depth of their feelings and the excitement for their future together.
As they parted slightly, their breaths mingling, Lando’s fingers gently traced the outline of the engagement ring on y/n’s finger. “You look incredible,” he said softly, his voice filled with admiration.
“So do you,” y/n replied, her smile widening. “I’ve never been happier.”
Eventually, as the night wore on, they drifted into a peaceful embrace, the warmth of the bed and the comfort of each other’s presence creating a perfect end to their special evening. The future was bright, and they knew that whatever came next, they would face it together as partners in love and life.
September 2072, Bristol, England
The small piece of paper felt delicate and precious as y/n unfolded it. The handwriting was unmistakable, her own neat script from a time when every word had been carefully considered and every memory meticulously recorded. As she began to read, the words pulled her back into another cherished moment, vividly alive despite the passage of time.
April 03, 2025
Today was our first day living in our new home. I remember the excitement in Lando’s eyes when we drove up the driveway, and the way he held my hand as we walked through each room, imagining all the memories we would make here. It felt like we were starting a new adventure together, building our life from the ground up.
Lando had insisted on unpacking the kitchen first, determined to make it functional so that we could cook a proper meal together. I had to laugh when he nearly toppled over a stack of boxes in his enthusiasm. The kitchen became our little haven, filled with laughter and the smell of our first home-cooked meal. Although I do have to mention that I did most of the cooking.
The first night in the house was magical. We set up the bed and Lando insisted on taking a picture of us in front of the fireplace. It was a silly picture, but it perfectly captured the joy and the sense of accomplishment we felt.
Tears streamed down y/n’s cheeks as she read the entry, overwhelmed by the flood of memories from that early chapter in their lives. She could almost feel the warmth of the fireplace, hear Lando’s laughter, and see the joy in his eyes as they settled into their new home.
She looked out the window again, her gaze drifting over the landscape that had witnessed so many of their moments together. 
With a deep breath, y/n carefully folded the piece of paper and placed it back into the golden box, her fingers lingering on the surface as if to draw strength from the memories it held. 
She had always been a keeper of moments, capturing the essence of their love and life together. Even if Lando had teased her about it, he had always respected her desire to hold onto these memories. And now, as she looked back on the collection of papers and mementos, she was grateful for the opportunity to relive those moments and remember the journey they had traveled together.
December 25, 2025, Bristol, England
The church was filled with a soft glow as the vows were exchanged, casting a warm light over the small gathering of family and friends. Y/n's heart fluttered with each word spoken, and she could feel the significance of the moment settling deep within her.
Lando's words, though wrapped in his characteristic humor and honesty, were heartfelt and sincere. His eyes were locked on hers and his captivating laughter and smile filled the space.
When Lando spoke of his initial impressions and how that smile had changed everything, y/n couldn’t help but recall the moment he described. It was a turning point for both of them, a shift from animosity to an understanding that would blossom into love. 
The tears she had been holding back finally slipped down her cheeks, but they were tears of joy. She was overwhelmed by the enormity of what was happening. Her dreams were coming true, and the man she had loved for so long was now pledging his life to hers. The vows they had exchanged were not just words; they were a promise of a future together.
The priest’s voice brought everyone back to the present, guiding them through the final steps of the ceremony. Y/n and Lando exchanged rings, each one a symbol of their unbreakable commitment to each other.
With the final words of the ceremony, the priest pronounced them husband and wife. The moment Lando kissed y/n, sealing their vows with a kiss, was met with a wave of applause and cheers from their loved ones. It was a moment of pure, unfiltered happiness.
As they walked back down the aisle, hand in hand, y/n could hardly believe how perfect the day had been. Every detail, every moment, had come together beautifully.
They shared their first dance as a married couple, swaying together to a song that held special meaning for them. The world around them seemed to fade as they focused solely on each other, lost in the bliss of their new life as husband and wife.
As the evening drew to a close, y/n and Lando stole a quiet moment together, stepping outside to gaze at the stars. The night air was cool and crisp, a perfect end to a perfect day. They stood in silence, simply enjoying each other’s presence.
“We did it,” Lando said softly, his arm around y/n’s waist.
“Yes, we did,” y/n replied, leaning into him.
Lando kissed the top of her head, something he would do so often. “I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you.”
“Neither can I,” y/n whispered, her heart full of love and excitement for the future.
As they stood together, bathed in the soft glow of the moonlight, they knew that their journey was just beginning. The love they shared was the foundation of their new life, and they were ready to embrace whatever came next, hand in hand, forever.
September 2072, Bristol, England
Y/n's fingers trembled slightly as she reached for another piece of paper. She carefully unfolded the piece, her breath hitching as she recognized her own handwriting. The paper was slightly creased, a sign of its frequent handling. As she began to read, the room seemed to fade away, leaving her alone with the words and the emotions they stirred.
April 03, 2026
Today was our first anniversary in this house. We decided to celebrate it with a picnic in the garden. The sun was shining, and there was a gentle breeze; perfect weather for a day outside. Lando surprised me with a homemade cake, which he had decorated all by himself. It was an absolute disaster, but he was so proud of it that I couldn’t help but fall in love with him all over again.
We spent the afternoon lounging on a blanket, reminiscing about the past year and talking about our dreams for the future. I remember the way his eyes sparkled when he spoke about the life we were building together. It was one of those moments when you realize just how lucky you are to have found someone who makes every day brighter.
Later, as the sun began to set, we danced under the stars. Lando played our song on his phone, and I remember feeling so happy, so content, that I thought my heart might burst.
As y/n read the entry, the tears that had been flowing now turned into a steady stream. She set the paper aside and took a deep, shaky breath, trying to compose herself. The past had a way of reaching out and touching her heart, especially on days when the pain of missing Lando felt almost unbearable. But it was in these moments of reflection that she found strength, drawing comfort from the memories that defined their life together.
With a trembling hand, she closed the box, the weight of its contents both comforting and heavy. She stood up and walked over to the window, looking out at the familiar landscape. The sun was beginning to set, casting a warm, golden light across the land.
As she gazed out at the horizon, she whispered softly to the wind, “Thank you, Lando, for everything.” The words were a way to honor the life they had built and the love that would forever remain in her heart.
October 29, 2028, London, England
In the quiet of the delivery room y/n’s exhaustion was palpable, her face flushed and damp with sweat, but the sight of her newborn son filled her with an indescribable joy.
Lando’s grip on y/n’s hand had loosened, but his eyes were filled with tears of relief and wonder. He could hardly believe how quickly the pain had transformed into this beautiful, tiny miracle.
“Look at him,” Lando said softly, his voice choked with emotion. He took a step closer to the bed, his eyes never leaving the baby’s face. “He’s perfect.”
Y/n nodded, tears streaming down her cheeks as she looked at the baby. The exhaustion she felt was overwhelming, but the sight of him made every second of pain worth it. She gently stroked the baby’s tiny fingers, marveling at how small and delicate he was.
The midwife smiled warmly at them and began to clean and wrap the baby. “You did wonderfully, y/n. You both should be very proud.”
The moments that followed were filled with a peaceful silence, broken only by the soft coos and murmurs of the baby as he settled into his mother’s embrace. Y/n and Lando exchanged glances that spoke of their shared joy and wonder.
“I can’t believe he’s finally here,” Lando said, his voice a mere whisper.
“Me neither,” y/n agreed, her eyes locked on their son. “It feels like a dream.”
“I love you,” Lando said, leaning down to press a tender kiss to y/n’s forehead.
“I love you too,” y/n replied, her voice full of emotion. “And I love him so much.”
They looked down at their son, their hearts full. The road ahead would be filled with challenges and sleepless nights, but in this moment, everything was perfect. Their little family was complete, and their journey together was just beginning.
As the first rays of dawn began to filter into the room, y/n held her little baby close, feeling a deep sense of peace and fulfillment. Lando’s arm wrapped around her shoulders, a silent promise of support and love. Together, they began the new chapter of their lives, cherishing the miracle they had brought into the world.
September 2072, Bristol, England
The warmth of the September sun was a gentle balm against y/n's skin as she approached the figure of her husband, peacefully resting beneath the tree. The years had etched lines of wisdom and experience on his face, but he retained the same quiet strength that had first drawn her to him.
Y/n’s heart swelled with a deep sense of gratitude as she watched him. Their journey together had been nothing short of extraordinary. From the early days of their relationship to the challenges of raising three energetic sons, their bond had weathered it all. 
She tiptoed closer, not wanting to disturb him, and gently brushed a stray lock of hair from his forehead. The sun’s rays danced across his face, highlighting the silver in his hair and the lines that spoke of years filled with laughter, love, and the occasional struggle.
Kneeling beside him, y/n allowed herself a moment of quiet reflection. The path they had walked together was marked by both joyous milestones and challenging times, but through it all, they had remained each other’s anchor. The sight of Lando sleeping so peacefully was a reminder of the simple yet profound comfort of being together.
Lando stirred slightly, his eyes fluttering open. When he saw y/n beside him, a smile spread across his face, a smile that held years of shared happiness and unspoken understanding.
"Hey," he murmured, his voice still groggy with sleep. "What are you doing down there?"
y/n chuckled softly, her eyes misting with emotion. "Just wanted to be close to you, and thought I’d wake you."
Lando stretched, sitting up and looking at her tenderly
"After all these years, you still manage to make me fall in love with you all over again," y/n said, leaning in to kiss him softly.
He wrapped his arms around her, pulling her close and savoring the warmth of her embrace. "I’ve had the best life with you," he said quietly. "Every moment has been worth it."
They sat together in comfortable silence, the warmth of the sun enveloping them in the moment. The world continued, but in that peaceful corner of their garden, time seemed to slow, allowing them to enjoy the simple joy of being together.
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planet-dusk · 1 year
🏷️ f!reader, perversion, upskirt photos (nonconsensual), yandere obsessive behavior
jeongin who treasures his secret folder of upskirt pictures like a dragon sitting on its gold. his favorites are the ones he took when you were asleep; skirt flipped up to show a glimpse of your panties clinging to every curve, ample flesh spilling past the hems, begging for his touch. how he'd lick and suck right at the junction where your ass meets your thighs, the perfect curve to trace with his tongue. if he dared. but all he does is take a picture, shame and guilt already eating away at him.
you trust him to put you to bed when you come home drunk late at night. stumbling and clinging onto him while he helps you out of your jacket. small hands linger on his arms and turn his ears bright red. your lopsided smirk tells him you've noticed. jeongin knows it'd be so easy to push you up against the wall now, swallow your whimpers as he slots his thigh between your legs. suck on your clit until you pass out and wake up with no memory of all the things he's done to you.
"are you going to stay there, or are you coming with?" you drawl, and he shakes his head, your giggles haunting him long after he's slammed his door shut. you've always known how to rile him up.
it's fucking pathetic, really, the way he doesn't dare to make a move even if you're presenting yourself to him on a silver platter. maybe it's because he knows you never look at him twice when you're sober, alcohol and the lonely hour the only reasons for your sudden interest.
or maybe — and deep down he knows his truth — it's the illicitness that turns him on. watching the gusset of your panties grow wetter and wetter as you trash around in your booze-fuelled dreams, blissfully unaware of the shadow hovering above you. he's one second away from getting caught: a disgusting pervert jerking off to his sleeping roommate, and nothing makes jeongin cum harder than the rush of adrenaline straight from his brain to his cock.
one day just watching you may not be enough anymore. but for now jeongin's content with his ever growing collection, filing your photos away for later use. satisfied knowing you're all his (even if you don't realize it yet). he smiles when you still and sigh, body sinking deeper between the pillows.
jeongin brushes your hair out of your face and allows himself to dawdle for one more minute before softly closing the door behind him and returning to his own room.
he uploads his newest acquisitions to his hidden folder, sitting back and admiring you in all your perfection. and right at that moment, basking in the blue glow of his monitor, it hits him. how lucky he is.
he's never letting you go.
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pursuitseternal · 6 months
“Seek Me:” naughty Hide and Seek for you and your Vampire Lord in “The Rogue You Were”
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Ascended Astarion x F!Reader | E | 3.4 K of predator/prey, hide and seek double smut
Summary: To fight the impending ennui of politics, you play a game, just a simple hunt, a sort of dark and perverted hide and seek. Winner claims the spoils, and the spoils are always… delicious.
CW: predator/prey dynamics, perverted hide and seek, slight exhibitionism (twice), rough sex, possessive sex, double cream pie, (surprise) carriage sex
Ao3 link | Astarion fic Masterlist
Chapter 11… Seek Me
Shadows stretch across the palace halls, bending and misshaping anything familiar. That creeping memory of sneaking in here years ago to stop the Rite that made you and your love what you are still niggles in your thoughts and nightmares sometimes.
Times like this, you wonder why Astarion insisted on living in such a place of past torment. Even though the decor was brighter and the crimsons more vibrant, it didn’t matter in the dark.
All looked the same cloaked in shadows and covered in night.
Your undead heart pounds, it's slow and hard as your breasts rise and fall rapidly with your breaths. Why… why did you agree to let him go first? Some little game to break the ennui. A simple game of hide and seek. But you should have known, hiding and seeking was more than that in an ancient ancestral, vampiric palace.
And it was always more than that with Astarion, your love, your sire, your husband.
You keep your eyes open for his glowing red gaze… your ears train the ground for his near silent step… he’s far more practiced at all being a vampire entails. He can hold his breath, slow his heart, move like death incarnate.
Your only advantage is that you know the palace better. All these days spent overseeing renovations as he attended council meetings and travels, you had more than a few tricks up your sleeve. As long as he didn’t catch you first.
Darting onto the balcony, you keep to the shadows and hug the wall. If you can just make it inside the hall, you’re sure he won’t find you for quite some time.
After all, it’s just a little game to play while your guests are still departing, admiring your new palace. It’s only a matter of time now before you both need to leave for some grand soirée, another of many evenings wrapped up in tedium and the boring banter of politics and power. This game is to spice up the evening ahead. And instead, it just makes your heart race.
Winner or loser, you know you’re just going to end up split on his cock, gasping and pleasured wherever you are. Wherever it is he finds you.
You just hope it’s not within earshot of these nobles…these poor, pathetic souls who wander to look at your splendorous home. You hear their voices from down below, lightening your step to go unnoticed. Muffled noises grow closer. Hands shaking, you know that hidden door is here… behind this panel, your hands skim over the ornate wallpaper, searching with fumbling touch for the switch. Noises grow louder, and suddenly you’re aware of the milling crowd on the other side of the railing. They can just catch you from the corners of their judgemental eyes, their ears just within reach enough to hear you if you were to make enough noise…
You wonder if they can also hear those footsteps approaching. Astarion. Hunting you down, seeking you in your fun and twisted game.
Trembling, ragged breaths come from your mouth as you finally hear the click of the hidden switch, the panel shifting in the wall to reveal total and utter darkness. You smile, relieved….
Until two glowing crimson eyes open to look down on you from within. Quicker than breath, he’s turned you around, dagger to your throat and arms pinning you against his chest as he laughs so quietly in your ear. “Shhhh, not a sound… my treasure.” He grinds his prominent erection on the curve of your ass through your thin silken gown. “Not if you want those Patriars and Council members to hear how much of a slut you are for your lover…”
You swallow the sound that longs to break from your throat. His hand, the one that isn’t skating the blade of his dagger tantalizingly over your neck, skates up your thigh, rucking up your skirts to reveal your bare legs and curves. Just the way he likes you.
“You want that, want to show off how much I crave you, don’t you…?” you hiss the question, pulling at his arm enough to free you, but he only retaliates with a smile on his lips.
Clutching you all the harder, he spins you both into the wall to press you into that elegant wallpaper. That dagger blade is stowed away, replaced by his hand at your neck. His laugh is laced with pure devilry—he lives for this. That hand returns to hiking up your skirt until you feel nothing but the fine, supple leather of his trousers grinding against your ass. “You question if I’d like the powerful men of this city to know that its Hero against the Netherbrain whimpers for me almost every hour of the day?” You feel his hands quickly, dexterously unlace those leathers. That thick, hot head of his cock teases against your ass, slipping beneath your thighs as he spreads you wider with his knee. “You wonder if I’m proud that my beloved longs for me always, and I for her?”
You stifle your groan against the rich and ribbed texture of the wallpaper. That cock head teasing into your entrance just enough to make you shake, to make you press against the wall harder to lift your hips more for him. A low growl shakes against your sensitive ear as he approves, that cock teasing inside you just a little bit more. “Tell me, my treasure, how hard did you try to hide from me? That couldn’t have really been your best…” he taunts you, both with that hot and blunted head in your folds and his words in your ear. “Once I’m finished claiming my victory this round, you’ll just have to try again you know…”
Shivering, you nod, your cheek rubbing that expensive paper, its lush colors too bright to have your face shoved against it. “Oh no, I was barely trying, my love,” you lie just to taunt him all the same. “I just wanted you to claim your victory, worried you’d take too long for how badly I need you.”
“Such pleasing words from my lust-driven consort,” he chuckles, quiet enough for your ear alone. “Such a slut, just for me, is that it?” he rasps as he shoves himself deep into you at last, fangs sinking into your neck all at once. “What kind of lover would I be to deny you that?”
He sucks harder at your neck, hips pistoning against your rear deliberately and smoothly. You physically bite your tongue and cheek to keep from moaning, the hard won prize of this game going to both of you, that desire flooding your bond. Thighs shaking, you know you won’t last much longer, not with the thrill of being just out of eyesight from the dozen or so guests that still mill around. “I look forward to you trying to beat me again,” he growls in your ear, words staggered and stuttered with his thrusts. “But we better finish this round before anyone suspects the Vampire Lord and his Consort of being so madly in love they can’t keep their hands or sexes off each other, hmm?”
A small whine escapes your self-imposed gag on your lips, and it makes him laugh low and dangerously in his throat. “What a good little consort,” he nips at your ear. “Just can’t help yourself. So clever to get caught…” he groans. With that thickening inside you, that gravel in his voice, you know he’s growing close.
The thought alone makes you come undone, back arching, your fangs breaking your own lip’s flesh. It takes every ounce of self-restraint to keep yourself from mewling and screaming as you burst in heat. And all the while, he’s groaning and rasping in your right ear. Shivers run down your back as he grunts harder in that sensitive spot against your neck. Erratic, hard thrusts jab deep inside you, his cock twitching as it pulses and fills you.
“That scent will make it harder for you to hide this time, you know my treasure,” he emphasizes with a deep breath right against your neck. “Your blood, my cum, your arousal… You’re such a mess, marked so well. There’s nowhere inside this palace I won’t be able to track you down, you know…”
You smirk, spinning in his arms to rest your back against the wall. “We’ll see about that…” you tease, breathless and overconfident. He just smirks, that edge of arousal and intrigue darkening the deep crimson of his narrowing eyes.
“I’m sure you’ll do your best, my darling little vampling,” he kisses your lips longingly, a little playful nip at the end, the mingling of iron on your tongues from your blood. He breaks away, eyes wide, frightening as he wraps his hand around your throat, your skin still slick from blood. “We have half an hour before we must depart for the evening, my pet. You had better not delay us, you know.”
“You wish me to let you win in that time so we remain… punctual?” you tease.
“I’m just stating the obvious,” he shakes his head very slowly as he smirks wide enough to bare his fangs, “I won’t be pleased if I have to leave without you just because you decided to be clever.”
“I… am… clever,” you taunt, tapping him on his nose with each insolent word.
Astarion pulls his hand away from your throat, eyes glinting, breath still. “Then I’ll let you get a head start, my clever girl…” he leans his fanged face into yours, “so you had better run.”
You stumble away, thighs slick as he watches you break out into the evening on the balcony again. He just laughs, your scent too strong in his nose. Voices from below call up to him, those guests wishing to impart a few more good wishes to their host before their departure for the next gathering. Astarion shoves his cock back in his trousers, perfecting his appearance before leering down at the nobles form over that thick railing. Those mortals so literally far beneath him. “A fair evening to you,” he calls with a flourish. “My lady and I will see you at the festivities anon. A few matters of home to wrap up before the evening, I’m afraid.”
He sniffs the air, the stink of these guests cloud his senses. Striding down the stairs, he tries to pick up your scent, but there are just too many bodies, too much stale wine and general stink. Once the door is shut to the palace, once he is truly alone, he tears through room after room, searching and sniffing. His mind tugs against yours. “Where are you… darling….?” he growls down your bond, but you know better than to answer. “Trying so hard to be clever, is that it?”
He sneers to himself as he sweeps silently through bedchambers and ballrooms and galleries. He presses against the walls at cracks and hidden doors to scent you within the tunnels. The clock starts to chime, and Astarion hisses in frustration. He hears the carriage rumbling outside the main doors.
“On the gods, darling,” he hisses outloud and down their bond. “If you don’t come out right now, I will be sorely disappointed.” He huffs, grabbing his gloves and cane perched neatly in the foyer. He pauses for a moment, tilting his pointed ear to listen to his palace, scanning his domain for her. “You think you’ve won?” he snips, irritated and irked as he starts out the door towards the waiting coach. It’s black paint trimmed with gold shines in the torchlight as night falls. “I assure, my darling, if you don’t come this moment to the coach for the evening’s gathering…”
He lets the threat hang in the air. Not even a tremor of a laugh from her end of their bond. Teeth grinding, he launches from the door into the gathering dark of night. He opens the carriage door with a shout for the driver to make haste. Before the door has even shut behind him, his team of raven black mares is off through the Upper City.
Astarion flops down on the elegantly cushioned seat of his coach. His cane in his hands nearly breaks in the strength of his angered grip. “How dare she…” he hisses into the dark as the carriage bumps and sways over the streets. That little window lets the wind whistle in. Usually he enjoys the breeze on his face, but now, tonight, it annoys the hells out of it. He slams it shut
Suddenly, without that breeze, a scent reaches his nose. Blood… arousal…
“Oh… my love…” your voice tickles his mind.
The couch sways around a corner, something shuffling near his feet. A hand shoots up to grab the hem of his jacket, yanking him towards the floor.
“Darling…” he purrs down at you as your eyes lock into his, your fangs must be glinting in the dim light in the carriage.
“I win,” you gloat, your body pinned beneath him on the floor of your carriage. His legs are already spreading yours, hands already roughly pulling your skirts up to your waist, yet you feel like the victor. The prey finally catches the predator in her neat little trap.
“Clever little consort, setting her snare so neatly for me to wind up between your legs…” he rasps, his body bumping and swaying against you in time with the movements of your coach. But then he begins to add a few more deliberate thrusts of his clothed and hardened cock against your already used and soaking folds. “What is the prize you wish to claim, my treasure?”
“You know my favorite prize,” you purr, catching the edge of his pointed ear in your mouth for a suck, one that deafens him for the moment from the rumble of your coach. A moan slips out from his lips far louder than would be dignified.
His ear slips from your mouth as he turns his head, a snarl in Astarion’s throat as he catches your chin. “Then it is everything you shall receive…” he growls, “when I decide to finally give it to you…” he teases you darkly, those hips grinding against your folds mercilessly. He’s heavy on your core, the bumping and jostling of the carriage stealing your breath as he sometimes times his thrusts with the unpredictable up-down. It only makes him laugh harder and capture your lips in his when he squashes you so completely.
“Maybe if you had just played the game properly, you wouldn’t be feeling so trapped like the little prey you are for me, my little treat…” he nips into your neck, just a small bite. Enough to draw blood by the mouthful for him to feast on.
“I did play, and I won,” you chuckle low in your throat, reaching between our hips to blatantly touch myself. “Maybe it’s time you paid respects to the victor this round?” You tease him, acerbic and haughty as he hears your fingers toying through your own slick.
Astarion gives that low and wicked laugh, relishing your defiant spirit. “I don’t think you want anything respectful done with you…. Do you my treasure?” He can’t stiffle a groan as he teases his own cock head through your sopping seam. Over the rattling of your wooden coach cobblestones, you hear the wet sounds of him playing inside you. It sends shivers down your spine and makes you bite your lips enough to draw your own blood to paint your lips scarlet.
You groan, the carriage lurches around a corner making you both roll to the side. A wicked laugh in your throat, you take full advantage of the surprise. Momentum swings you around, until you are the one on top, in a second, a little rise of your hips, and you sink his cock deep inside you.
Astarion bares his fangs and hisses at the sudden warmth and wet that sucks him in, his head now bouncing on the floor. You ride him mercilessly. “Such a good prize you are…” you tease him, gripping his chin to make him look at you. “Nothing like having the Vampire Ascendant at my mercy for once,” you flaunt your victory.
“You think yourself so clever and….” he starts, but you press a finger against his mouth before sticking two of them inside his mouth as you shush him.
“Hush,” you smirk, glowing in your moment of power. You swirl your fingers around his mouth, grazing over his wet and sucking tongue, pricking your skin on his razor-fangs. “Just let your clever Consort have this victory once,” you smile, pouting down at him a bit as you pull your fingers from his salivating lips.
“Very well, my darling,” he growls, “but at least you could let your loving Ascendant lord sit up so his head isn’t addled by the roads.”
You snicker, “Of course. We wouldn’t want to have your mind any more befuddled by my glorious win.” Your smirk is feral and arrogant. You ease off of him, watching with a knowing and careful eye as he slides himself up to rest against the door of the carriage.
He tosses his head, your bodies still joined perfectly, the coach still rocking with that extra, insatiable friction that moves your sexes on their own. He smirks as you ride over a massive bump, one that fairly throws you into the air to slide down his cock with more force than you can give. You gasp as it makes you land squarely on him, cock head slamming your cervix.
The grin on his face grows delightfully sadistic as it twists those sharp features. You see his ears twitching as he listens closely to the rumbles of the coach, smirk winding higher as he lifts you up in time with the coach to slam you back down as it falls….
You grit your teeth and scream through them with a smile as he fills you, sharp and suddenly. “Get riding, my clever treasure,” he chuckles as he pulls you in for a kiss, “or these roads and I will do it for you.”
You give him a glare, more amorous than angry, your mouth slack as you buck your hips with abandon. You bite your lip as you move, the vibrations of the coach send you barreling towards your bliss so quickly. Hard and fast, your hands grip into the stitching of his jacket, his breath hot at the base of your neck. His gaze burns your skin, watching the way your breasts jiggle and move right before his eyes as you are thrown around, at the mercy of the coach’s movements.
He groans, the pressure so great inside you both, you feel it searing between you and crashing down your mental bond. With one breath, you clench around him, his hands grip into your waist to keep you steady as he tries to snap his hips. It bursts inside you, the pressure and pleasure erupting through your core as you reach your peaks as one. He places a breathless kiss on the soft skin of your bosom. “I do so love when you win too, my perfect prey and equal hunter…” he pants against your flesh. “I’ll gladly let you claim your victory from me…” his left brow arches rakishly and teasing, “but only when you’ve earned it, my darling…”
“Hmmm,” you hum, irritated and yet shivering in pleasure. “Just admit, I’m just as good…”
Suddenly the carriage rumbles to a stop, and you lock eyes with Astarion. Voices approach from behind the door, and your two sets of crimson eyes flare wide a moment before the door pulls open behind him.
He grunts as he spills backward, unceremoniously dangling out the door. His head hangs over the edge of the coach, his fanged smile wide and grinning as he stares into the crow upside down, while your hands grabbing furiously at your skirts to hide your sexes still throbbing and intertwined. He laughs that low and rumbling giggle, quite the sight as other guests pause to stare at the Vampire Ascendant indulging within his own private coach. “Well,” he chortles, sitting up to give a bit of privacy as you slide off his lap, “there isn’t any use hiding our love any longer…” Astarion nips at your neck playfully as he refastesns his trousers. “If they sought a glimpse into the loving depravities of the Ascendant and his consort, they certainly found it.”
You giggle, the rush of being so on display racing through your nerves. Carefully you follow him out of the coach, both of you straightening your clothes as if nothing happened. “And you wanted to play your games thinking tonight would be boring,” you rasp into his ear.
He stops in the middle of the grave path and pulls you hard into him, his kiss all lips and fangs and tongue down your throat. Hiding nothing of your passion from the spectators. “Nothing is boring when I’m with you.”
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jaelaxies · 11 months
𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・
fluff; wc:. 634.
Soobin x fem reader!;good sugary fluff; established relationship au!; domestic fluff!; tw: none.
Song recommendation:  Call It What You Want —Taylor Swift (reputation)
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・
I observed in utter silence the slow pace of his breathing, his big rosy lips parted apart just enough to let a swift current air let go out of his mouth; his black hair was falling softly in his forehead. I smiled, admiring him. The way his eyelashes were longer than mine and how they had the pleasure to cover the most beautiful doe eyes that ever looked at me; his chest rising and falling in a rhythmic motion; his long arm curled around my waist, our legs tangled together and our foreheads touching. This was home.
I closed my eyes when the flashing memory of meeting Soobin appeared in my head. It was my most treasured memory. At that time, I couldn’t believe less in fairy tales or fate. Fingers were always pointed at me, rated like a service and criticized at every movement; rumors spreading about my life were more interesting than the solitary one I lived. I didn’t know if anyone could love someone like me, but there was one soul who stepped out of the ugly crowd. In the vast sea of jesters, snakes and judges, there stood a real prince.
Treated my thorns like a maze and made his way slowly but surely to the entrance to my heart. Soobin was special, never judging my past mistakes rather focusing in the present me, sparkly eyes always greeting me with a smile and a hug. He made a withered rose bloom again. Always walking next to me and intertwining our very different hands to make me feel safe; made me realize that I had fallen for this gentleman long time ago and was too afraid to even say it and ruin everything. But, that fateful day, running to me; rain covering his whole body and engulfing me in a hug, the same familiar embrace I grew to love; I accepted this love of ours could last for way more than I thought.
—I love you, Choi Soobin. — I whispered while softly separating his black locks to place my lips in his forehead, kissing it. He stirred a bit, waking up slowly; his eyes still glistening but his soft gaze met me with a lopsided smile.
—I love you more. — He whispered in a raspy low tone, still his words always made my inside feel this warmth that was inexplicably peaceful and I loved it. He lowered his head to my neck, just resting there, nuzzling his face a bit before brushing his lips just over the shiny metal of the chain with his initial, dangling at the end. Can we stay a little bit more like this? — I said while he took his time to fully hug me now, both of his arms pulling me even closer to him. I laughed in a whisper and let my hand travel to the back of his head, playing with the ends of his hair. Immediately hearing his grateful humming, he always liked the small gestures and I always liked to feel his happiness like I did now, his body language was as relaxed as ever; the whole faded to nothing when we were with each other.
—We can stay like this forever…— He spoke again, his voice barely reaching my ears but I could feel the smile forming in his lips as he caressed my jaw with feather like kisses. I smiled too, this was like a dream; except it wasn’t, Soobin was mine and I was his. — The world can wait.
Yes, the world could wait. I giggled and allowed my head to wonder to dreamland as I adjusted my position to be more comfortable, my eyelids starting to close as sleep took over me; his last words echoing softly in my mind. A forever with Soobin? That sounded about right.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・
Thanks for all the love on the recent post's, i appreciate it so much! writing has been helping me to get some stress out of my system and seeing you guys enjoy it just makes my day🤍
As always, feedback is really appreciated and I’ll love if you could reblog or comment if you really liked this one!
With love, *°࿐Stella🤍
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ideas-4-stories · 8 months
Apologies for the mistakes and the bother. I just have some ideas, but no one to ask opinions about it. Since the Cross Guild first appeared it took charge of my mind. Every idea is revolving around these three dysfunctional and improbable "allies." Some days ago a fan-made illustration popped up, possibly inspired by the film Red, in which Buggy's daughter was pictured. And something clicked. An idea. (I know that inserting OC is an annoyance to some, sorry, it amuses me instead.) In the trail of parallelisms and similarities, I thought: what if Buggy, like Shanks, raised and adopted a little girl? From there, a whole story unfolded.
When Buggy was still fairly young, with no large crew, not yet the crew he later made, was all the more fixated on treasures and instant riches. Still too afraid to venture out, insecure of what he could be, anchored in the East Blue, he looked for treasure maps and he found the map for the legendary Gold Island. He figured he could become the wealthiest man in East Blue and sailed there. Except he found nothing, save for a silent child.
Nearly subconsciously, mindful of what Gol D. Roger did long ago, he took her with him. Giving her a name, a name the foundling without any memory of herself hadn't. (Pierroy, after a doll found in a store on a different island, days later, stolen during a hurried escape) Years pass and Buggy's crew changes, he becomes the Genius Jester, the Flashy Clown. And Pierroy emulates him a bit, in admiration. Trusting him blindly. Adoring him, as only a daughter would. But Pierroy, Buggy realized, for he was never a fool, has something unusual. Something of value. Lots of value. Thus Buggy lets her cover an eye. Helps her dye the hair a deepest blue. Helps her disguise herself. Meanwhile, he discovers. And he holds all the research in a secret file in his cabin. On his notes he underlines "government" and "experiments" and little else painstakingly discovered.
At the same time, Pierroy grows up. Among acrobatics and circus tricks. Amid chemistry lessons and basic physics. With joy, mostly. Misfortune though always comes, and for Pierroy it's called Luffy. And his father's defeat. And the exposure of all the research he did. And odd notes. Almost as to study her (use her, Nami suggests her) and insecurity, doubt, assaults Pierroy. And when Buggy comes back it's confrontation the first thing she seeks. Misunderstandings and lack of communication, like a rebellious teenager against her parents, Pierroy abruptly vanishes overnight without even a goodbye note.
But life goes on and Buggy carries on. He occasionally search information, finds some from time to time, but ultimately convinces himself that it was for the best. A pirate ship is no place to grow up, least of all his own. And time passes and so much happens. And then, one day, news, rumor almost, of a secret execution that occurred in utter silence. The Marine, rumor says, killed a young woman with a red star eyepatch over her eye. And everything changes.
Buggy erupts into fits of rage first and grave silence later. He disappears from view. No more public appearances. No more meetings. And no threats have any effect anymore. Nothing Crocodile can do has any effect. Nothing Mihawk can say has any effect. Buggy is deaf to all. In a guilty state, he rambles at the moon. Drinking too much, eating too little. (Refusing to admit it, Mihawk and Crocodile become increasingly concerned) And with Buggy's past exposed (from the insecurities he felt as a child, what life was like before he was found, what it was after, about Shanks and Pierroy and a sea of confessions) undesirable feelings of empathy arise in Crocodile, memories that no longer want to be removed, not now they resurface. (Nightmares, he calls it. A stubborn woman died alone. A man who thought he had all the solutions for every evil, all the time. Child's eyes) And memories arise in Mihawk, too. (A large family. A kindly foolish father. A monastery and a silver sword soiled with tragedy. Devil's eye) Past and present mingle. Unspoken truths and others to be silenced again. And more that have always been lies. (Spoiler: while Buggy is mourning, there's a ship with a crew of frauds that fishes out a redheaded and gives him to the care of a weird woman, who talks to a closet from which pink feathers slide out, now and then in a fit of laughter; on their way to a circus, so they say)
I sincerely apologize for the length of the ask. I know it's not an original or outstanding idea, but could it be of any interest at least slightly? If you want, I would be very happy to receive feedback. But anyhow, I thank you so much.
Please never apologize for the length, I love reading asks and don’t worry about grammer mistakes because I ain’t the best at it either. Anyway, HOLY STARS ABOVE AND BEYOND! I do not care if it’s not original or outstanding idea, it’s definitely very interesting, don’t you worry (I have some OCs that are basically Buggy’s children all but blood, it’s not so weird)
This is so heartbreaking, noooooooooooooooooooo, I want to feel like Buggy did it so he could find away to help her with it and it goes all wrong. I don’t know, this sounds so depressing. Pierroy! Poor girl, Buggy going away from public view becuase of mourning, the marines didn’t want things to go down the same way as Ace’s execution did.
The spoiler, hopefully Pierroy is okay… right?
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fujii-draws · 1 year
[Dadnoir fic I did. Title is pretty self explanatory]
Even after the Eevee and Riolu evolved into their respective forms… it did not change the fact that Dusknoir worried over the two.
He had always felt a need to protect both Ribbons and Aimilios. Sure they’ve conquered great things, greater than Dusknoir could have ever achieved… but those same achievements left huge targets on their backs, being one of Pokémon’s saviors and all; having many, many, run-ins with despicable Pokémon, looking to harm them. The two always assured him that they’d be fine, but it did very little to quell the ghost type’s fear of them getting seriously injured or harmed.
…Today was another day for Dusknoir; running his usual errands in Treasure town. It had originally been community service for his actions back then, but now he’s grown a certain fondness for helping other pokemon like he once did. Meanwhile Grovyle and Celebi were continuing to explore the past; with Ribbons and Aimilios doing their respective jobs. While Dusknoir occasionally offers to join the two; the Lucario and Sylveon politely declined his offer today.
After finishing his errands, Dusknoir went back to Sharpedo Bluff; hovering towards a near haystack. The ghost type floats down and sits on it, having need for a little bit of peace after the work he put in. Maybe he would take a nap; or perhaps read a book…? He fondly remembers a memory of when he read books to Aimilios back when he was just a Riolu pup.
He remembers just how enamored he was taking in all of the book’s contents while his little ruby eyes sparkled. Small excited barks would escape his mouth as he pointed at specific paragraphs, practically begging Dusknoir to emphasize on certain details that entranced the aura Pokémon- …Dusknoir could not but help but smile at those memories. Their mutual love for books and exploring had always been a joyful bonding experience for the two. Aimilios’s eagerness to learn was something Dusknoir always admired and loved about him…
“…” He shakes his head. He’s supposed to be resting. They’re both fine. They’re fine.
“Alright… perhaps…” He puts his finger under his chin, continuing to ponder possible ideas on what he should do with his free time. Maybe he could go to Spinda’s..! The Pokémon there are… Well- Dusknoir shouldn’t really use the word “Welcoming” when referring to himself... “Tolerant” seemed more fitting. Besides that, the drinks at the Cafè were simply divine. Drinkable beverages were an heavenly change of pace than the Inedible food of the future. You’d be considered lucky to find any Grimey food there. Thank Arcues those times have past…
Dusknoir slowly finds himself chuckling, recalling another memory. This time it was of Ribbons. He’s reminded of a time where she was drinking her Gray Gummi smoothie, when he told her a joke… He remembers the Eevee snorting- smoothie spraying from her nose. She held her snout with the both of her paws, in-which, despite in pain- was still laughing. Dusknoir himself had stared at the brown fox before processing the whole ordeal… before erupting with laughter; his stomach jaw unhinged. Her laugh had always been infectious, aswell as her unbridled whimsy.
…Where were those two…?
Being left alone with his thoughts, his mind couldn’t help but constantly wander back to the Lucario and Sylveon. It was starting to get late. An orange evening glow begun to pierce through the maw of the Sharpedo… How many hours had it been since they left…?
“What if they got hurt…?” Dusknoir begins to think “What if they didn’t have any escape orbs on them…? What if one of the outlaws—“
Dusknoir held his hand under his eye, his pupil shrinking as the intrusive thoughts kept coming and coming… He knows he’s thinking irrationally. He knows those two are capable of keeping themselves and eachother safe….. but the intrusive thoughts would not stop. It really never was a surprise as to why he worried about those two. Ever since the first time he had met and saved them in Amp Plains, his need to protect the two had become instinct at that point. Seeing those two being harassed by those teenage Pokémon awoke something in the black specter… A feeling he thought he had lost a long time ago from his time in the future… compassion.
….But after Amp plains; his mind wanders to the beach- A smile slowly crept on his face when he realized who they were. He even had the gall to feign having a “friendship” with them. Dusknoir remembers just how happy those two looked when he considered them to be his friends- Confiding and looking for guidance from him- how much they trusted him. Looking back at it now makes something in his chest hurt.
…Then his mind wanders to Crystal lake; knowing he could’ve had one less target if he had let Grovyle kill Aimilios… but his body moved faster than his mind could; emotions overwhelming Dusknoir as he rushed in to save the riolu out of pure adrenaline and fear-
…To the end of the day. That day. When he.. he…
That was another reason.
How many other monsters were out there? Monsters like him? Who could take advantage of them, and do the same damage he’d done? If not worse? He knew what he did to them- how he stabbed both of them in the back… They were children. Mere children. And he was ready to take their lives all for the sake of self preservation.
Things have finally healed between the three. Ribbons and Aimilios even beginning to refer to him as “dad” a couple of months ago, and as much joy as he felt when they did… he was wracked with guilt… So much guilt.
Grovyle and Celebi often comfort Dusknoir during those times. He’s still not sure how he’s managed to find two wonderful partners. It felt too good to be true for someone who’s done so many horrible things.
He doesn’t deserve this.
He doesn’t deserve any of this.
Forgiveness for his actions?
Pokémon who care about him?
His chest hurts even more.
“Maybe.” He wonders. “Maybe he would’ve been better off dead. Maybe he shouldn’t have come back.”
…He didn’t deserve to come back.
He should’ve disappeared.
…How much time had past…? The ghost type hears two familiar sounding Pokémon calling out his name, in worry no less, but why?-
His face feels wet.
He runs his hand over his eye, wiping the black tears running down his face while he was spiraling.
Ribbons and Aimilios waste almost no time rushing to his side; the Sylveon wiping his tears with one of her ribbon-like feelers; gently wrapping the other 2 around his arm. Aimilios’s bands on his head begin to float, sensing Dusknoir’s aura for the cause of distress as Ribbons’ with her feelers.
“…Ah.” The Sylveon and Lucario perk up, looking up at the ghost type’s pained expression in unison. “…Forgive me…I did not mean to cause a scene… I’m alright now…”
The two did not accept that.
Despite Ribbon’s feelers and Aimilios’s aura sensing, it did not take a genius to know what Dusknoir was so upset about. Both looking at eachother; Aimilios’s expression morphing into a melancholic one as Ribbon’s does determined; already understanding what to do.
Dusknoir closes his eye, unable to face the two any longer; just wanting to be left alone. It’s all someone like him deserves.
“…Just… go…”
The two look at him, probably the most worried they’ve been in months.
They’ve… They’ve never seen Dusknoir so… broken... All three sitting is complete silence.
”…Great” Dusknoir thinks. “Now you’ve fallen so low as to guilt trip them. Now they have to waste their sympathies on a pokemon like you”-
But before he can react…. he feels the embrace of two Pokémon.
“Wh- What are you two…?-“
“…It’s okay…W-We know…” the Lucario whispers, slightly choking on his words “You don’t have to say anything…..”
“We… we already forgave you… didn’t we…?” The pink ribboned pokemon protests, tears threatening to fall from her eyes; her cheeks flushed with red. “So just stop!!… Stop beating yourself up over it..!!”
“…You should hate me…” Dusknoir states, unaware of himself beginning to spiral again “After everything I’ve done- how can you two still?!-”
“LOOK AT US FOR ARCUES’ SAKE!!” Ribbon’s shouts; snapping the ghost type pokemon out of it.
…Dusknoir slightly opens his eye after Ribbon’s demand… having the courage to look at the pokemon he wronged so many years ago… only for it to open to a teary eyed Sylveon and Lucario.
“…Do…?” Aimilios laments.
“…Do we look like we hate you…….?”
Those words almost break something in Dusknoir. Ribbons and Aimilios continue to stare at him, seemingly waiting for an answer.
But… there’s no need for one.
He looks at the two; feeling his tears to begin resurface.
Dusknoir slowly reaches out to Aimilios and Ribbons’ faces; his arms slightly trembling. He begins to use the same hands he had once used to bring harm to the Lucario and Sylveon to gently wipe away their tears; both of them leaning into his touch without hesitation. What follows suit is another embrace- Dusknoir finally reciprocating this time.
He hugs Ribbons and Aimilios as if they were to disappear at any moment. Like his life depended on it. The next few minutes are followed by quiet sobbing, laughter, and bittersweet hugs from all three. No words are spoken, exchanged, or shared.
…Dusknoir is… slightly humored by the memory of when he used to comfort Ribbons and Aimilios when they were still an Eevee and Riolu… and now they’re they’re the ones comforting him. How the tables have turned.
…Despite most of their tears seemingly coming to a stop… they do not detach from eachother. Both Ribbons and Aimilios still hugging Dusknoir, as he holds them close.
“Dusknoir…” He looks at them.
“We love you…” Aimilios softly hugging him, hoping the words will go through to Dusknoir if he does.
“Even…!!” Ribbons strengthening her embrace on Dusknoir; still very emotional from the past few minutes “E-Even when you don’t…”
…He feels his eye begin to water again.
He doesn’t know if he’ll ever forgive himself.
He doesn’t know if he’ll ever come to peace for what he did.
…But.. He holds them closer.
They do.
…All three of them fall into a slumber shortly afterwards; Grovyle and Celebi returning to a sleeping Dusknoir, Sylveon, and Lucario; the two younger Pokémon softly snoring in ghost-type’s arms while Dusknoir holds them; all three of their eye’s dried out from the tears they’d shed.
“…You think we missed something?” Celebi giggles to herself.
“…No.” Grovyle responds, leaning on the doorway smiling. “I don’t think we did.”
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𝓣𝓪𝓷𝓰𝓵𝓮𝓭 𝓕𝓪𝓽𝓮𝓼 Part 2 (𝔽𝕦𝕛𝕚𝕟 𝕩 𝕋𝕤𝕦𝕟𝕘! ℝ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣)
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Official Masterlist
Summary: Fujin meets his elusive thief once again, and they have a heart to heart talk about the reader's past.
Word Count: 2.6k words.
Months had passed since their first encounter, and the memory of (Y/n) lingered in Fujin's mind like a whisper on the wind. The wind god had fulfilled his duties diligently, attending to the realms and protecting the balance of nature. But there was always a part of him that yearned for another encounter with the free-spirited thief who had stolen not only his attention but also a piece of his heart.
It was disappointing to know that (Y/n) Tsung hadn't yet made another attempt at stealing another item, despite what his brother would no doubt have to say should he be the one to discover her.
As the sun cast its golden rays upon the tranquil landscape, Fujin stood atop a grassy hill overlooking a bustling marketplace. It was a place where merchants displayed their goods, and people from all walks of life mingled and traded. The wind carried the sweet scent of spices and the chatter of eager voices.
He enjoyed not only watching over, but participating in the markets - such a simple yet joyous experience. As he strolled through the vibrant stalls, Fujin couldn't help but feel a sense of freedom and connection to the world around him. The colourful array of fruits, vibrant fabrics, and intricate crafts enticed his senses.
The locals knew of his presence and divine status, as well as that of his older brother, and they were beloved and worshipped figures, considering how close the markets took place to the Shaolin temples. For the most part, he was greeted by many, and he loved meeting new people, seeing new faces, and making new friends, as each individual human was something to be treasured.
Even with everything happening around him, he felt that emptiness in his eternal heart. His day to day life was dull otherwise, and he longed to see that forbidden fruit again that was (Y/n) Tsung.
Fujin was taken from his thoughts when he felt a figure push past him, seemingly in a hurry to get by. He allowed them, though a little taken a back by their rude gesture as he watched them.
They had on a hooded cloak, obscuring their identity as they travelled. Though, when he saw them outstretch a hand and nick an apple from a nearby stall, he knew exactly who he was looking at.
He grinned.
Swiftly, Fujin followed in her wake, weaving through the bustling marketplace with ease, his divine agility allowing him to keep up with her nimble steps. He admired the way she effortlessly blended into the crowd, her presence both elusive and magnetic.
As he caught up to her, Fujin reached out a grabbed a handful of her cloak. (Y/n) stumbled slightly as Fujin yanked her cloak, causing her hood to fall back and reveal her head of (h/c) hair. Surprise and amusement danced in her eyes as she turned to face him, a playful smile tugging at the corners of her lips.
"Fujin?" she called his name, her voice filled with a mixture of teasing and genuine delight. "I must say, I didn't expect to encounter you so soon. And at a market, no less."
Fujin chuckled, his eyes sparkling with mischief.
"I have a knack for finding what I'm looking for," he replied, his voice laced with amusement. "And it seems I've found you once again, my elusive thief."
She playfully raised an eyebrow.
"Thief, you say? I prefer to think of myself as a liberator of valuable items," she quipped, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "But I suppose thief has a certain ring to it."
He grinned, enjoying their banter and the familiar chemistry that crackled between them.
"Oh, I have no doubt you have a talent for liberating things," he said, his voice low and filled with innuendo. "Though, I must ask. Are you intending on paying for that?"
(Y/n) let out a laugh, her eyes sparkling with amusement. She glanced down at the apple in her hand and then back at Fujin, a mischievous glint in her eyes.
"Paying? Where's the fun in that?" she replied with a playful smirk. "Besides, I'm sure the vendor won't miss one little apple."
"I would have been more than happy to purchase food for you, (Y/n)," Fujin sighed, raising a brow at her. "Though I suppose you're right, they most likely won't notice that apple's absence."
"Why don't you come walk with me, wind god?" she asked of him, breathing on the skin of her apple before rubbing it on her shirt. "I've not seen you in a while."
Fujin's gaze softened as he observed her playful nature, a fond smile gracing his lips. The wind gently rustled their hair as they strolled through the bustling marketplace.
"So, (Y/n)," Fujin began, "What's been keeping you away from the Sky Temple. Are you much too intimidated to try your scheme out again?"
(Y/n) laughed, her eyes sparkling with mischief as she walked alongside Fujin. She took a moment to enjoy the lively atmosphere of the marketplace before responding.
"Intimidated? Not at all," she replied, a mischievous grin tugging at her lips. "I've simply been caught up, is all. Like, literally. I was being held captive."
Fujin's playful expression turned into one of concern as he turned his full attention to (Y/n). The wind stilled around them, creating a momentary calm in the midst of the bustling market.
"Held captive?" Fujin repeated, his voice laced with worry. "What happened? Are you alright?"
(Y/n) waved her hand dismissively, trying to ease his concern.
"Oh, don't worry about me. It was nothing I couldn't handle. Just a little adventure gone awry. I may have underestimated the security measures of a certain treasure vault," she confessed sheepishly. Fujin's concern didn't waver, and he furrowed his brows.
"You should have informed me. I would have come to your aid," he said, his voice filled with sincerity.
"Now how bad would that you look for you, my friend?" (Y/n) pointed out, raising a brow at him, "Protector of Earthrealm and God of wind being buds with Shang Tsung's daughter."
Fujin paused for a moment, considering her words. She had a point. As a deity tasked with safeguarding Earthrealm, his association with Shang Tsung's daughter would undoubtedly raise eyebrows and potentially cause complications.
"You make a good point, my dear," he sighed, his eyes casting toward her direction once more, "though I wish it weren't this way." "You trust me way too much, deity," (Y/n) sighed as they reached the end of the market, subconsciously continuing into the forest which outstretched beyond it. "I sense no ill-intentions from you," Fujin told her, giving her a small smile, "had I, I would've dealt with you by now."
(Y/n) chuckled softly, a glimmer of amusement dancing in her eyes.
"Ah, so that's your measure of trust," she replied, her voice filled with playful sarcasm. "If you hadn't dealt with me by now, then I must be alright."
Fujin nodded, a hint of mischief in his gaze.
"Indeed, it's a fool-proof method," he said, matching her playful tone.
(Y/n) laughed, her eyes shining with amusement.
"I see your confidence is unwavering," she teased, a playful glint in her eyes.
They shared a moment of comfortable silence between them, as an unspoken agreement formed between them that told them to keep walking together like this, through the forest. Though, Fujin hadn't seen her in such a long time, and was eager to catch up some more.
"Who exactly had you held captive for so long?" Fujin asked, still intrigued by the conversation they had just had before. "Oh, he's a nobody. Just my ex-boyfriend, Erron," (Y/n) sighed, scratching the back of her neck. "He's a real piece of work. But then again, aren't I for trying to infiltrate Kotal Kahn's place? I wouldn't have even bothered had I known he worked for him." "Erron Black?" he asked, raising a brow at her, "goodness, I hadn't known the two of you were an item at some point." "I don't exactly tell people, and neither did he. Honestly it's embarrassing enough having to be his ex, imagine how embarrassing it was to be his girlfriend," (Y/n) scoffed, running a hand through her hair. "We've got a complicated past. We were never a conventional couple, that's for sure. Our paths crossed during one of my adventures, and there was an undeniable attraction between us. But our differences ultimately drove us apart."
Somewhat of a smile played at (Y/n)'s lips, as she revelled in that bittersweet sense of nostalgia that came with remembering her past with that other man.
"I don't even know if he was there to be with me, or use my body, to be completely honest with you," she sighed, her vision straight ahead though she didn't seem focused on anything in particular. "But...it was nice to feel wanted for once, I guess."
Fujin could sense the mix of emotions swirling within (Y/n) as she opened up about her past with Erron Black. He understood that nostalgia could be both comforting and painful, especially when looking back at complicated relationships.
"Though your body is quite fantastic, it's important that your lover is there for your soul too," Fujin added, cheekily though his words were also wise. "Your body is only temporary, your soul is forever."
(Y/n) flushed bright red at the remark, and though she tried her hardest to conceal her reaction, her efforts were ultimately in vain, and Fujin couldn't help but chuckle.
"I'm sorry if that was too forward," he laughed, smiling down at her affectionately, "I tend to speak my mind, sometimes to the point of teasing. Please forgive me." "No, no...don't be sorry," (Y/n) spluttered, waving her hands in a dismissive way, flustered as ever. "I'm just...flattered, is all. And...not used to the compliments."
Fujin's laughter subsided, replaced by a gentle understanding. He could sense (Y/n)'s vulnerability and how unfamiliar she was with receiving sincere compliments.
"Well, get used to it because you deserve every bit of praise that comes your way," Fujin said, his voice filled with sincerity. "You possess qualities that go far beyond physical beauty. Your strength, courage, and resilience are truly admirable."
(Y/n) looked at him, her eyes reflecting a mixture of surprise and gratitude. It was as if Fujin's words were shining a light on parts of herself that she had forgotten or overlooked.
"You're just saying that," (Y/n) let out a mix between a scoff and a laugh as she shook her head, looking away from him. "I don't say things just for the sake of saying them," Fujin assured her, walking a little closer to her, so that that her shoulder would brush against him as they strolled. "These words come from my heart, and they are meant for you, and you alone."
(Y/n) couldn't help but feel a warmth spreading within her at Fujin's words and his gentle proximity. His presence provided a sense of comfort that she hadn't realized she was craving.
Walking ahead, (Y/n) abruptly turned around to face Fujin, stopping the both of them in their tracks as she looked up at him, crossing her arms over her chest.
"Tell me this, Fujin," she began, her tone quite serious though he could sense her playful undertone as always, "why are you so interested in me?"
Fujin met (Y/n)'s gaze, his eyes unwavering as he considered her question. In all honesty, he didn't have a straight answer himself. He just...liked her. He liked being around her, even if this was only their second meeting. His intuition spoke to him, and of all people, it wanted her.
"To put it simply, (Y/n), I can't quite explain why I'm so interested in you," he admitted, his voice filled with sincerity. "Sometimes, the heart simply knows what it wants, and it's drawn to certain individuals without any logical reasoning. All one can do is listen."
She stared at him for a moment, allowing herself to process his words in a quiet contemplation. The forest around them seemed to hold its breath as she thought, and it's serene nature didn't keep her thinking for very long.
"...you...you hardly even know me," she huffed, looking away from him. "You're right, (Y/n), but I want to."
(Y/n) couldn't help but feel a flutter in her chest, a mix of uncertainty and intrigue. She had been guarded for so long, protecting herself from the world and its complexities. But here was Fujin, offering her a chance to be known, to be seen.
"I've built walls around myself," she confessed, her voice tinged with vulnerability. "I'm not sure if I'm ready to let someone in. Not again, not after the way he treated me."
There was a quiet thump as (Y/n) felt back into the grass, below the thick stump of a plum blossom. She took a moment to feel the earth below her, threading her fingers into the grass as she inhaled deeply, taking in all the smells around.
Fujin watched her, his gaze soft yet intent. He respected her vulnerability and the walls she had built to protect herself. He knew that trust couldn't be forced or rushed—it had to be earned.
Quietly, Fujin knelt down beside her, mirroring her actions and feeling the grass between his own fingers. The earth seemed to respond to their presence, embracing them in its ancient wisdom. He wanted (Y/n) to know that he would be patient, that he would wait for her to find the courage to let someone in again.
"There doesn't need to be any strings tied to this," Fujin said gently, his eyes never leaving hers. "No expectations, no pressure. I simply enjoy your company and want to know you better. It's okay to take things one step at a time."
She gazed at him thoughtfully, her eyes taking the time to memorise all of his features.
Fujin met her gaze, his own eyes reflecting a quiet intensity and a genuine curiosity about the person before him. He appreciated the thoughtful way she observed him, as if she was cataloging every nuance, every detail.
The forest around them seemed to echo their stillness, and the world beyond their small haven felt distant and unimportant. In this moment, it was just the two of them, the earth beneath them, and the secrets of their hearts.
Then, a small chuckle, one which fell from (Y/n)'s lips.
She sat up.
"You know, Lord Fujin," she began, getting up from off the ground and brushing herself off. "I think that if I see you one more time, I just might fall in love with you."
She sighed, he back to him though she had her head turned so she could see him in the corner of her eye.
"...so, I suppose we can wait and see til then, can't we?"
Without so much as another word, she disappeared into a plume of dark smoke.
Fujin watched her vanish into the plume of dark smoke, his heart feeling strangely light yet heavy all at once. Her words lingered in the air, echoing through the quiet forest. He couldn't help but smile, touched by her honesty and the hint of vulnerability she had shown.
"As you wish," he whispered softly to the empty space where she had stood.
Fujin remained there for a while, alone in the forest, the fading echoes of her laughter in his ears and the memory of her presence in his heart. It was a moment he would carry with him, a fragment of something beautiful and unexpected.
With a final glance at the tranquil woods, he too vanished into the wind, leaving the forest to its ancient secrets and the promise of another meeting, whenever fate deemed it so.
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chloe-spade · 4 months
The Island Prince Prologue: Here on my Island
In the deepest part of the world, there resides an Island. But the map never shows its location, only a lucky few can find the island, let alone sail to it. But one day, the island met their first ever human after a horrendous stormy night.
"Oh, dear," sighed a peacock named Vil, "that was horrible. That storm almost took away all my feathers."
"Must you complain," yawned Leona, a very tired lion. "You already woke me up to warn me about the storm and now you complain after it's over?"
"Well, you shouldn't be with me if you can't handle my complaining," Vil huffed, shaking his feathers a little, "and you don't look any better. Your mane is messy."
"As if I care, Princess." Leona growled, walking towards the beach. "And my hair is always messy, so it's not a problem."
He wasn't fazed by the broken wooden planks that surrounded the area, and the unusual items that humans used. He wasn't even surprised when Vil went over to find a treasure chest of sorts, full of jewelry that he wore immediately, admiring himself at the ocean's reflection.
What he didn't expect was to hear soft breathing behind a big wooden pole. Leona, against his better judgment, walked over following the sound and to his surprise, a young human who seemed asleep. Peacefully asleep.
"A human?" He questioned, walking towards the human. "…and he's alive. What a miracle."
"Yes, miracle." Vil repeated, without looking up.
"Vil, come over here," Leona demanded.
Vil rolled his eyes and walked towards Leona and he couldn't hide his shock of seeing the human boy.
"Is that.."
"A human? Yes. And he's perfectly alive too." Leona answered.
"What should we do?" Vil pondered. "We can't take care of a human, now could we?"
"Unless we find any other humans," Leona snarled, but he looked back at the sleeping boy, "but we can't leave him to starve and die. We need to help him, even if it means we have to step up."
"You are right," Vil sighed. "My conscious would not allow me! Oh, poor child."
Leona rolled his eyes and carefully put the kid on his back, ignoring the snuggling as he walked away.
10 years have passed since then and the young boy has grown into Sil. After his awakening, he had no memories of his past, nor his name, a hint was the chest he was found with, with Sil engraved. That was his name as he grew in his new forest habitat. He was already adjusted as he could speak into the animals quite easily.
He was able to live in his new life. With a new family.
"Epel! Come on! They're waiting for us!" Sil called out.
"Hey! You're bigger than me," Epel, a red panda, pouted, "You're faster than me."
Sil laughed as he slowed down, humming to himself.
Here on my island, the sea says hello
Dolphins are waving wherever I go
Sil grinned and waved back at the dolphins who jumped happily at his arrival. He was well-loved around the island, as each animal, whether land or sea.
There's a song on the breeze
And a home in the trees
Friends I can talk with whenever I please
"Come on! Vil's waiting for us!" Sil laughed as he ran into the oasis, watching Rook, a Black-Backed Gull, bother Leona.
Here on my island, the playgrounds are great
Slide every slide
And you don't have to wait
There's so much to be seen
From our new trampoline
Finding adventure is our daily routine
"I heard about a hidden jewel, deep on this island," Rook spoke, deciding on the adventure.
"Maybe, but I wanna eat first," Epel groaned, rubbing his stomach, "can we do that before we go?"
"Oh, yes, please," yawned Leona, "before I decide to leave you here to find my food."
"Always crude," groaned Vi.
Birds and bananas
And comfy cabanas
And shell-covered vases to fill
Coconut glasses
And mint with molasses
And pineapple patties to grill
Vil grinned proudly as everyone ate the patties happily, all complimenting the food. After that, everyone was ready for the adventure of the day, Rook leading the way.
Here on my island, there's nothing but fun
Vines you can swing from
A nap in the sun
There are mud pies to make
There are branches to shake
Treasures await any road that you take
"Ready!!" Cheered Epel, "Me and Sil are going to find that jewel."
"Oh, that's a challange if I heard one," laughed Vil, "Leona and I are verterans at this work. Best to prepare for defeat, Epel."
"Guys, this is not a competition, but I should wait until we win for you to decide," Sil grinned.
I'll take the high path
And I'll take the low path
And I'll take the path through the sky
I'll jump the river
And I'll climb the mountain
And I'll stay here, guarding the pie
"Told you," Vil laughed as he held the jewel in his feathers, ignoring Epel's pouting. "Added to my beautiful collection of well, beautiful things. Too bad I can't add myself to it."
"Ugh, you are such a showoff," Epel pouted.
"He did warn you," Leona yawned, "we did this for a living. Of course, we know how to find them."
"That was fun though," Sil laughed and picked up Epel, "we did went even deeper than we would've thought. I consider that a win than a dumb jewel, no offense, Vil."
"None taken."
Sil grinned and quickly ran off the cliff and onto the pond below, startling Epel. The others joined, reluctantly and/or happily, diving into the pond along with them, laughing to themselves.
Here on our island, the days are a dream
Hanging together, we work as a team
And the magic extends
Through our family of friends
Here on our island, the fun never ends
The night slowly formed as the moon and stars arrived. Everyone was ready to sleep to have a great day tomorrow. Sil was already passed out with everyone else, happy. But a shake startled everyone and awakened everyone, almost knocking everyone down.
It was Epel, who was sleep-running. Not a new occurrence, but it was a very bad occurrence, considering the tree branches he landed on shook once he landed. It was a nightmare, Sil concluded as he carefully grabbed the sleeping creature.
"Epel," Sil whispered, "hey, it's a nightmare, you're ok."
Epel flinched as he woke up, panting to himself. He looked up and cuddled against Sil, now sad.
"Oh dear, another nightmare?" questioned Rook.
"Interrupting my beauty sleep," groaned Vil, "..I wish i could be lazy as Leona. That lion didn't even woke up."
Sil sighed and got up. "I'll take him on a walk. It won't be a moment."
Sil got down and started to walk away, petting Epel.
"I'm sorry," muttered Epel, "I hate having these nightmares about them…"
"Oh, don't worry, I understand," Sil smiled, "I still have nightmares about the ocean at times as well. It's a normal thing, Epel. You don't need to be ashamed about then."
"…can you sing that lullaby again?'
"Of course," Sil grinned, letting Epel get on his shoulders.
Sun goes down, and we are here together
Fireflies glow like a thousand charms
Stay with me, and you can dream forever
Right here in my arms
"Where did you learn that song again?" Epel asked.
"I don't know," Sil shrugged, "I've always just known it…but I hear someone sing it in my dreams often. Maybe that's how."
It's magic when you are here beside me
Close your eyes, and let me hold you tight
Everything that I could ever need is
Right here in my arms tonight
"Sing me the other part too?" Epel asked sheepishly, "I like it.."
"Okay," Sil laughed, "but you know I don't remember all the words. But always for you."
La la la
La la la
Stars begin to climb
La la la
La la la
La la la la la
La la la la la
Sil grinned happily as he heard Epel snore on his head.
"Good night, Epel." Sil grinned and walked back to the three and rested Epel in his makeshift nest, petting him.
In the distance, Sil saw something big that swayed side and side on the waters. He just managed to make it, but he didn't know what the mysterious figure was. But he wanted to rest his head and close his eyes, dealing with it in the morning.
But that was a bad idea, as he witnessed a nightmare he had for years ever since his rescue. He found himself sinking in the waters below, finding it hard to breathe as he tried to surface every moment, a ship in the distance, a light being his only source to see. He also heard a voice, calling out to him, but it was muffled, unable for Sil to understand.
It caused him to wake as the daylight hit his face.
"Another boat?" yawned Leona.
"What?" Sil questioned and got down to Leona to see. "A boat…I saw that last night. I couldn't recognize it, it was so far."
"I wonder why it's here." Vil scoffed.
"Maybe we should look?" Epel gasped, running towards the boat.
"Epel! Wait!" Sil gasped and ran after him.
The boat was at the shore, with four people now leaving footprints on the sand. Each person was different and each had an odd reaction to being on the unknown island.
The first one was Prince Ruggie, who was unsurprised. He was a prince of a small island so being on one wasn't much of a surprise, so he knew how to navigate around the island and was marked as the guide in the expedition.
The second was Ruggie's betrothed fiance, Prince Riddle Rosehearts, who was the only one who was unfamiliar with the area. But he was convinced by his mother to go to bond with Ruggie as they were to marry by the end of the month. Riddle wanted to object but couldn't at the hands of his mother being his mother.
The third was Prince Malleus, a young prince who was known for wanting to adventure. It was uncommon when King Lilia, the fourth visitor, invited him. They were close when Malleus was a young dragon and they continue that bond. Malleus was the one who recommended traveling in the first place, as a bonding experience.
But he knew why he did it. King Lilia was the only adult on the expedition and tried to be chipper despite a tragedy in which date was nearby, and was trying to hide his uncomfortability with a smile every time he was asked if he was ok. Malleus knew this and made sure that Lilia was even ready for being on a boat. Lilia managed himself, which helped Malleus calm down.
So these four looked at the island in front and Malleus was the lead, with Lilia following.
Nothing beats a brand-new shore
Streaming into view
After weeks of the waves
The thrill of somewhere new
All the riches of the world
Can't compare to these
Golden sand and silver clouds
The fragrant island breeze
"And he;s off," Lilia laughed, "Ah, Malleus. Even now you wonder off."
"And I'm worried it was habit of his," Ruggie muttered to himself, watching Lilia following Malleus deep into the woods.
"Should we follow them?" Riddle pondered.
"Yeah, just in case he does get lost. I don't think he can survive this island," Ruggie laughed and walked forward.
What will I discover next, it's all a mystery
Different every day
There's so much to do and learn and touch and hear and see
Just a step away
Sil looked at them from within the bush, now curious. He walked closer to them to get a better look at the new people, but the animals did not have the same response, now annoyed, worried, and beyond afraid.
It has no trunk
It has no tail
It's not a fish
It's not a whale
It has no feathers, I can see
I have to say, it looks like me!
It must be bad
It can't be good
Let's run and hide
I think we should
Just close your eyes, it goes away
This doesn't happen every day!
Sil immediately went towards the strangers for a much closer look, even the trees didn't carry him carefully. But he managed to see who and remembered the features.
Feeling the excitement grow
Every single stride
Sun above and earth below… whoa!
Sil gasped as the humans fell down a massive ditch and he rushed down, knowing what awaiting them below.
At the bottom, Ruggie groaned, looking at the swamp-like area. "Well, I had worse pitfalls in my life. Being covered in dirt and almost in mud is not that bad."
Riddle quickly helped Ruggie up, "My bad, I wasn't looking where I was going,"
"Ah, happens to the best of us, I'm sure," Lilia chuckled, stretching his back, "That's part of the experience of traveling, I'd say."
Malleus looks around, now walking around.
"But I saw something in the trees," Riddle admitted, "like…a someone. Not an animal, per say, but…a person?"
"But this place has been abandoned for years," Malleus spoke up, "no humans have been on this island. If this place wasn't discovered, why is there a human here?"
"I know what I saw, Draconia," Riddle scoffed.
"Hmm, understandable, Riddle,"
A snarl was heard, which made Ruggie's ears twitch at the vibration. His eyes scanned the forest area, and three pairs of eyes glared at them from the darkness, more snarls were heard as their eyes went closer. Ruggie, now with everyone else, watched and backed up from the newly found crocodiles.
"Did we fall into a crocodile pit?" Lilia whispered.
"Oh, what rotten luck," Riddle groaned. "I knew exploring was a bad idea."
"You didn't protest when we entered the boat," Malleus mentioned, "and frankly no one could have planned this, island trips can be unpredictable. Knowing this mysterious island, this was bound to happen."
"I suppose you are right," Riddle took a breath, "sorry about that."
"No worries..but how do we get rid of the crocodiles?"
The one in the middle snapped his jaw, ready to eat the legs in front of them. The rest started snapping, trying to eat anything close to their mouths.
"Excuse me?" Called an unfamiliar voice.
The group watched as an unknown silver-haired boy swung forward onto a rock, looking down at the crocodiles, and crossed his arms.
"Gwendolyn," he lectured the crocodile by Riddle, "is this how we treat guests? Especially ones who entered your home?"
The crocodile, Gwendolyn, growled sadly in response.
"How is he…" Malleus gasped.
"Geo, don't," the stranger lectured again.
A snap made Lilia jump as the crocodile swam away upset.
Ruggie glared at the third one, but he was relentless until the stranger came by and petted the crocodile. This made the crocodile smile and groaned happily.
"Nice to know you still love pets, Georgio,"
Ruggie took a moment to actually look at the stranger. Silver hair that is rare and beautiful purple eyes that were soft towards the cranky crocodile, with a matching smile. He must've been here for years, Ruggie concluded, especially when he didn't have clothes. But it was still early to ask.
The group was stunned as the crocodile backed away and slid back into the murky waters. The stranger smiles and looks over at them, standing up,
"I apologize," he spoke, "they can be hungry when seeing something new. I suppose I did forget to get them some of the mangos I have found."
"No, no," Lilia stammered, "I apperiete that you have saved us from being eaten."
"I only did what I could. I understand how they can be odd to new friends, and don't know how to express themselves."
"That begs the question," Malleus questioned, "who are you?"
"Sil? That's your name?" Ruggie asked, looking at the newfound chest they saw in the tree.
"I suppose so," Sil answered with a soft chuckle, "It was the only clue we have about who I am."
"So, you have no memory?" Riddle pondered, "How long have you been here?"
"I haven't been keeping check," Sil sighed, "but for a long time, I'm guessing. Just not knowing about who I am was never something I thought off, but now you guys are here."
"But I feel we are ignoring a big thing about you," Ruggie spoke up, "You…talked to the crocodiles, like it was nothing."
"And you guys don't?"
"I can," Ruggie noted, "cause I am part beast, it's natural, but a mere human like yourself couldn't."
"Hm, that is odd." Malleus hums, "Humans such as you could never have powers like that, unless it's been self-taught."
"Really? I simply woke up with this."
Everyone went silent for a moment, now confused about this mysterious man and his connection to this abandoned island. Lilia took a breath before walking over.
"Well, since you saved us, how about we get acquaintance with your friends?" Lilia asked.
"Yeah, but mind you, they haven't saw a human in years, or they have never seen a human before. So, I apologize if they are a bit defensive."
Sil smiled and walked down the trees to meet up with the group of animals that he called his friends.
"Are you ok?!" Vil immediately questioned, checking Sil for any wounds. "Ugh, you need to stop going off like that. My feathers can't handle all that stress, you know."
"I'm sorry, Vil, but I couldn't let the crocodiles eat them. As far as I'm concerned, they're innocent. And you know how the crocodiles get hungry when we miss their feeding schedules. So," Sil paused, "who forgot?"
"Wasn't it Leona's turn?" Epel pondered and looked at the yawning lion.
"Hmm, was it? I had no idea," Leona yawned, "I was simply taking a nap."
Sil sighed. "We really need to find a way to remind you, Leona."
The others watched in amazement.
"He's…he's having a actual conversation with them," Riddle gasped, "Like…talking to them."
"Yeah, he is," Malleus added, and smiled, "this is such a marvel."
"But what should we do with this?" Lilia asked, "I mean, he's a human who lives among animals, and I do worry for his develpment."
"What's your plan?" Malleus wondered.
"You know what," Ruggie sighed, "Should we take him with us?"
The red panda's ears sprouted up and he rushed over to Ruggie with his angry look, jumping up and down in protest.
"No! No! You can't take him with you, you mean humans!"
"Woah! Epel!" Sil gasped and grabbed him, "It's ok, they're not going to tale me away."
Ruggie's ears twitched, "Hmm, well, I guess that's options over."
"Well," Sil spoke, "I don't mind the suggestions, but I can't leave my friends here. They'll miss me."
"Oh, how true that is," Rook sighed, "We would miss him ever so dearly."
"Then we can take them with us," Lilia recommended, "I mean, the kingdom shouldn't mind it. Especially since I am part of the royal committee, I can convince them."
"Lilia," Malleus sighed, "you always use the committee to get your way."
"Your grandmother always helped me with those votes, and even your young mother, bless her heart." Lilia laughed, "And doesn't the Kingdom of the Sunset Savana have a beautiful scenery for him to stay in?"
"…Yeah, we do. And my grandma' loves new guests."
Sil looks at the animals, "Well, are you guys ok with this? It's a big ask."
"Well, I don't mind," Rook smiles, "I have been all around the world, and teaching you about the sights would be fantastic."
"Well, I'm not leaving you by yourselves!" Vil added, "You guys are reckless and someone as mature as me should come along, and of course, Leona, you have to come too."
"Ugh," groaned Leona, "fine. But I am not doing anything."
"Since when do you do?" Epel muttered before looking up at Sil, "I wanna come too! To protect you, Sil!"
Sil smiles and pets his head, "Thank you, Epel."
"Well, what do you say? Want to come with us?" Lilia offered.
Sil looked back at the ship and nodded. "Yeah, I'm ready."
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bunji-enthusiast · 2 months
omgggg hiiiiii it’s me again 🤭🤭🤭
can I request some headcanons of Nanashi please? just general and mundane things like: is he ticklish? is he a good/bad cook? etc. 🙏🙏🙏🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🩷🩷🩷🩷
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Nanashi has a habit of shadowing people he cares about, and will only intervene if the person in question ends up in a dangerous situation. In the past due to his experience being a soldier on the front lines, on behalf of the goddess race-he lost too many people he cared about. He only has the best intentions however, and doesn't mean to be weird or shady about it, he doesn't do this a whole lot though.
Even if it had been so long that he lost his wings, Nanashi still somewhat can feel them there sometimes. It's like phantom sense, loss of limbs. On occasions of the phantom sense, he still gets reminded time again how he was punished for something he thought he had done wrong for, but he was injuring innocent people in that past of his. That was not honorable at all, and that in turn reminds him that he traded his wings for endangering innocents who done no wrong.
He treasures each and every animal dearly, on the off chance he will come across an injured animal: from whatever may seem to be the cause, Nanashi will help the injured animal and befriend the animal. The swordsman will travel with his animal companion until it reaches the end of it's life, when that happens, he is reminded of his race. He has a long life span, and will not be able to follow his companions into death. In spite of this, he takes his time in grieving them each and every time; as they were precious, Nanashi was granted the treasure of many good memories with them. At least, that is how he considers such a thing.
Nanashi is actually very good at cooking, not sous-level chef, but good enough that he can maintain meals for himself on occasion in spite of the fact he doesn't need to. He does it anyway as it gives him a sense of peace and normalcy as he will on occasion befriend people and cook for them.
There was a time in his earlier years of his existence that he had a problem with drinking himself to death, as it was the only coping mechanism to deal with the fact that reality will always somehow rear its ugly head. Reminding him that even if the world bore a beautiful event, there was always going to be something ugly. Nanashi has long since gotten over this problem, and prefers not to drink heavily, only having one drink or two on occasion.
An effect is gaining wisdom through pain, though he rarely ever shares his grievances in this way as Nanashi was highly reclusive and closed off. However Nanashi was not a stranger to conversing, and will indulge every once in a while despite the fact he prefers the pursuit of challenge after challenge. People have very interesting worldviews that he had come to admire, and took that on as part of his own.
Nanashi's middle spot directly on his neck is not so sensitive, but more so ticklish, you could definitely get a more direct reaction out of him by doing so. Only if he actually trusts someone enough to be that close however.
This man has a habit of re-visiting places in Britannia that he has told no one else about, he likes seeing how this particular environment is doing. Because he admires how much more beautiful such places look when un-touched by war and damnation, especially unmarked by bad memories. Nanashi sometimes will even sit there for quite some time, and mediate in peace. Perhaps just sit with his thoughts so that Nanashi can work through whatever may have happened to him leading up to visiting such a place.
Despite his otherworldly strength, there are few that had truly bested the swordsman, he admires and burns their name into memory. Nanashi actually had taken lessons from those that had bested them, and grew so much more in combat and throughout his view of the way he perceives life. He endured countless lessons and experiences, that had allowed him to become kinder.
Even if he does appear to be menacing as some had told him outright, Nanashi is very good with kids. The swordsman often watched their silly role-plays, and had been pulled into some himself, he can play certain roles very well. Children actually think of him as a very cool person, and love his demeanor. We all know that kids can be very honest and blunt compared to age-old adults, so Nanashi sometimes will actually hear very open things from some of them.
As he had befriended the kids, Nanashi has a habit of visiting their village. He prefers their honest and beaming nature over the unpredictable nature of fully-grown people, though he no doubt can handle himself in such situations, children are actually very refreshing to converse with - even if they do talk silly. He had made many good memories, and loved them as if they truly were his own biological children.
Nanashi has literally rarely ever cursed, but will do so if required. He is a very good-mannered man, and will always speak formal and even regularly. Though you will never once hear a curse word spill from his mouth, he thinks better of himself to speak more wisely instead of having a sailor mouth compared to some people.
He doesn't consider himself a good man, not even a saintly one. Nanashi thinks himself far from that, his self-esteem is pretty blown off, though he will never let this aspect of himself shine through. He had always handles himself, and carries himself alone through out the world.
Even if he is a swordsman, he is pretty good at singing. Nanashi had sung before in front of various people, but he'd grown to do so less and less as he thinks his talent for singing had grown quite stale. Nanashi likes hearing singing from other people though, and often sticks around until their songs end. He disappears afterwards, he can never be found.
Though he does travel the lands, Nanashi doesn't always pursue a challenge, and prefers to go about the day without combat if he is in such a mood.
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Hi, everyone. I want to start this post by saying I'm coming back after taking a break from social media. This is hard and I don't really know how to correctly put my thoughts into words about the latest news, but I'll try my best.
I found out about David's passing three days after the news came out since I wasn't very active on anything during those days and news just didn't come my way; I didn't see nor read or listen about anything so when I found out with the first look into my Facebook after many weeks I was beyond shocked.
I met him watching this amazing show y'all know I love with all my heart... From that very first moment he appeared on screen I said "THAT'S MY MAN" and from then on I became a huuuge fan of the show, him and PMG.
One of the biggest joys I have in life is to be a fan girl, and with these two legends I did nothing but proudly wear that title and fangirl about them tremendously, consuming every piece of media I could as they gradually became a very important part of my life... So this was a really hard blow for me.
David Soul will forever be one of my greatest idols. I will forever be fascinated by the passion he displayed in the art he shared. Even when he showed diversity in his acting, music and writing, his style had a unique spark which felt real and wonderful. He was a very talented and cultured man and that made me admire him completely as an artist. When I learned about his personal life I felt a mix of emotions, but what stayed with me at the end was the love and respect I developed for him.
I'm glad and thankful for the years he was with us, and I sincerely hope he left with the feeling of a life well lived; with human errors and joyful moments, and that he was in peace. I know I'm not the only one that will keep on remembering him, since he won our hearts with his undeniable charm, that be in his work or personal life. It is definitely going to be hard from now on since there'll be that bitter heartache when we mention him, but we must not let that tint the happiness he has brought us since we got to meet him.
I'm sure we will find solace in the legacy he left us. The content and memories he gave us will remain treasured in our minds and hearts and I think that's the beautiful part in moments like this; we can no longer be here, yet the impact we leave will never be gone.
I read a post on the FB S&H slash group expressing the person's feelings about the matter and sharing some words a friend of theirs said that since the day I read them they have stuck with me and helped with the grief I've been feeling: "we've lost David, but we'll never lose Hutch."
I wish for his loved ones and for us his fans to, in time, get past the pain and unafraid keep cherishing his life, letting the good memories overcome the sadnesses.
We will always love you, David, and as a great fan of yours, I will have you in my heart forever.
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cyborg-franky · 1 year
Thank you so much for being lovely and supporting me @mikosheadcanonblog
I hope you enjoy <3
Law x OC SFW WC: 2,054
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He didn’t think much about dates and anniversaries, just thinking about birthdays and cards and celebrating caused an ache in his chest he would never admit to. He remembered when his mother and father had celebrated their wedding anniversary, it had been a lovely day. Instead of having a day to themselves, they took him and his sister to the park.
Aches and pains, the scars that would always remain inside him, across his heart and lurking at the edges of his mind for as long as he drew breath. That was the reason he pretended to forget everything, making people never expect anything from him.
Bepo, Shachi, and Penguin knew the truth and always had the decency to run interference on days like his birthday. Law sat at his desk, flipping open the leather-bound journal and seeing notes on each day of the week. He liked to be organized, just because he didn’t celebrate occasions didn’t mean he didn’t have them noted down, he didn’t like surprises after all.
He blinked tired eyes as he read the note about our anniversary. And by ours, he knew it was a marker in his and Ash’s relationship. One of significance if greeting cards were to be believed when he saw them in dotted around in stores while looking for supplies.
Law stared at the page, unblinking as he battled with his mind. Did he want to just ignore this like he did everything? Push it deep, deep down in his box of grief or did he want to do something about it? He never expected to be with someone this length of time let alone someone he actually had feelings for, someone like Ash.
Leaning back in his seat he played over every conversation with her, hanging onto every word, picking at past conversations for something to stand out. He wanted a glimmering jewel to appear in the sands of time, memories stored and kept as the hope inside his box of nightmares. She was his light, after all, the force that kept him grounded. 
Her face came to him, full lips, stunning eyes and long hair, how she would talk to him. He drummed his fingers on his desk, picking and pulling at the strands of thoughts. He wanted to come up with something he knew she’d love, something more than a gift that would attempt to be a grand gesture.
Something that would prove to Ash he always listened, that he cared. He knew he could often across as cold even to those who knew the reason for the chilly suit of armor he protected himself with, those so close to him.
He saw it, the idea appeared in the fog of recalling past conversations under the stars together. He could feel his lips tugging into a smirk as he felt proud of himself. Ash was going to have the anniversary of her life, he knew it because he knew her.
Ash looked at herself in the mirror, dressed in a warm coat of dark purple. It wasn’t often Law wanted to go for a trek across the snow and ice. Something in his past made his entire being tense when snow fell from the sky, how lost he looked, sadness in his eyes.
So when he told her they were going to surface near the winter island she was a little confused but she did as she was told, dressed warm and snug, prepared for biting cold. The door to their room opened and Law stepped in, announcing the tang had breached the water and they could go for their date.
Ash knew what date meant, it just meant time away from everyone else. She didn't mind, because as much as she loved the crew and knew how much Law cared for them she also knew he needed time away from them and truth was, so did she. She treasured her time alone with him more than any gift.
Law pulled her against him, a hand trailing through her hair as he admired her face, taking in how her nose looked, how her eyes gazed back into his, how her lips twitch in want to ask him what his plans were no doubt. He leaned down, kissing her forehead before taking her hand in his. “You’ll like it, I promise.” Ash’s lips curl in the hint of a smile as she nodded, following Law.
The cold hit her face, causing her cheeks to light up pink and her arms to seek out comfort, holding herself and shivering, her breath coming out in plumes of smoke as she eyed Law, unsure how he was doing so much better than her in this bleak winter air. 
Law’s gloved hand reached for hers, pulling her to the edge of the ship, to look over the rails. She could see sheets of floating ice, everything a blanket of never-ending white with blue in the distance and all around the tang.
“This is a strange place for a date, I’m freezing.” She said with a small puff of hot air into her cupped hands, hoping anything would be a brief reprieve from the cold. Law chuckled, hand outstretched and forming a blue sphere that engulfed them.
She hated this mode of transport, closing her eyes she waited until the uneasy feeling of being teleported faded. She stumbled when her foot hit the snow, Law’s arms around her, catching her before she could slip, she smiled at him in thanks as he waited for her to confirm she had found her footing.
“Where are we going?” She asked as she followed behind him, being led by a hand in hers as they walked, they could hear the sound of creaking ice as they walked across the crisp snow, hearing each footstep as she watched her breath in the freezing air, smokey in the cold winter atmosphere, trying to keep up with his long legs.
“You’ll see,” was all Law would give her and she tried to process it, what was he up to? Law didn’t like surprised so why was he planning one for her?
Ash was at his mercy as he gave nothing away, simply leading her further away from the tang, she could no longer see it in the distance, completely gone amongst the white and the snow-covered rocks and trees. She gripped his hand harder when she was unsure of her footing, going down a slope with him.
That was when she heard it, she heard the sound she remembered all too well and her eyes widened and her lips parted in an audible gasp as she stared ahead of her, walking closer and closer the sound got louder.
Law watched her face, seeing her expression change as she recognized the sound, when the fat creatures came into view he could hear her gasp, a hand over her mouth as fond memories came rushing back into her chest, warming her.
“Law..” she started as she let go of his hand, moving closer.
Spotted seals were everywhere. Big fat ones, small chubby ones, and tiny babies. She chuckled to herself, seeing Law raise his eyebrow as she pointed to a mother with her pups. “Look, it's your hat,” she teased with a cheeky smile on her face, Law rolled his eyes but couldn't help but smile.
“I know they're your favorite,” Law said as he pulled something out of his coat, a box, he popped off the lid and there were fish pieces. He crouched down and held his hand out with some of the meat. 
The baby seals got a whiff of the fish as did the mother, Ash watched as the animals slid and flopped their way over. She knelt in the snow by Law’s side, watching the mother seal take a big sniff of Law’s hand, deciding he wasn’t a danger she grabbed the fish and made a happy sound.
Ash felt at home around the creatures, reminding her of home. It helped to ease the pain of missing her family as she watched Law get another chunk of food from the box, offering it this time to the pups. Both made happy sounds as they snuffled and scoffed it from the palm of his hand. If that wasn’t cute enough for her then the face Law was making would finish her.
The delight in his eyes and the soft smile on his lips as he let the pups playfully nip and grab his hand. He offered her the box and she took a piece of fish out, putting it on her hand and holding it flat. She tried not to giggle with the cute little pup’s whiskers twitching and wiggling before he started to eat it.
“Happy anniversary,” Law said, not looking at her, watching as some other spotted seals headed over to them, knowing there were snacks to be had and a chance for belly rubs to be gifted by their new human friends. She looked at him as the mother of the pups rolled over, exposing her fat tummy to Ash, letting her rub and pat her.
“I thought you didn’t celebrate things like this?” She asked as she jiggled the animal’s round belly. Feeling her flippers grab her hand, keeping her in place, basking in Ash’s attention as she watched Law, her eyes fixed on his face, waiting for any explanation.
“I don’t, but this,” He paused from his task, petting one of the pups and seeing how happy the animal was, he couldn’t help the smile on his face. He took a breath and stared at the sky, the snow was starting to fall from the heavens and he desperately hoped they could provide him with an answer. She waited, her full attention on him as the mother seal barked and moved closer, annoyed Ash wasn’t rubbing her belly anymore.
“This is different.” He shrugged, Ash clicked her tongue, letting him know the reply wasn’t good enough, “And why is that?” She asked and yelped when the large seal jumped up, knocking her over as Law stared wide-eyed. The seal just wanted more attention, he watched as she snuffled and sniffed at Ash hoping for more food.
Ash laughed, it was a beautiful sound that thawed the ice around his heart, seeing how she played with the animal, the brightness in her eyes as she tried to wiggle away from the seal. Law shook the box and got the mother's attention, letting Ash move as the small seal family started to eat from the box. 
The melody of her laughter had filled him with a new courage to admit what he really felt, why this was different, why this was something he cared about, even more than his own birthday. He sat back on the snow, watching the family eat their fish before Ash moved over, cuddling into his side, he draped an arm around her.
“We’ve been dating awhile and I wanted to celebrate that milestone with you, it’s important to me because I never thought I’d be with someone like this, in a relationship, I never thought I could find this sort of love. “He admitted, maybe it was the snow making him nostalgic, making all his feelings bubble to the surface, maybe it was hearing her laugh or perhaps the joy in this moment.
Maybe it was all of the above he told himself as he felt her lean against him. “I never thought I’d let someone in, to me this is more than celebrating us, the time we’ve been together but… to me, it also feels like a marker of when I became human again, when you helped me… I love you, Ash.” He said, barely whispering as he looked away.
Not used to pouring out all his feelings, baring his heart for the world to see. But this wasn’t anyone, this was Ash and a few seals. Ash took in his confession, reaching up and taking his chin, feeling the scruff and making him turn to her.
“This is amazing Law, thank you.” She leaned up, happy he understood what she wanted, leaning down to close the distance. “I love you too,” she said just before his lips met hers and she melted into the touches.
Maybe celebrating things wasn’t so bad, Law thought to himself.
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anotherclown2609 · 2 years
The insight series. no 1: Bakugo's insight through his small moments.
-> What is this? A series where I look into small details in the novel and the manga of MHA (I don't like the anime) and point out things that define how I view my most favorite characters and ship (it's BKDK) then delivered to you in small doses.
#1 Bakugou and his appreciation of the past, in heavy corelation to the way he unravels his relationship with Deku. 
- He remembers and rethinks.
- He understands and relearns.
- He holds keepsakes of the past: memories and memorabilia.
In this part taken from the "school brief, novel 05, chapter 4 and novel 03, chapter 6", and this cut from the "manga, chapter 362", , I highlighted these moments here as indicators of how Katsuki is one secretly sentimental person over his relationship with Izuku and his admiration of All Might (which are central to his ideals, sense of self and objectives).
Credit to @dekusheroacademia for collecting these snippets.
(school brief, novel 05, chapter 4)
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(school brief, novel 03, chapter 6)
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(manga, chapter 362)
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Or tldr, Bakugou is secretly sentimental.
(1) He remembers and rethinks:
• Remembers:
- His and Izuku's childhood selves from the resemblances towards the duo Takkun and Macchan.
- Theirs bond.
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• Rethinks:
- His and Izuku's relationship in parallels to Takkun and Macchan's relationship.
- How Izuku's wish for them to make up indirectly spoke of his wants of mending their bond and Katsuki's feelings in reaction to that. He must have dwell on his thoughts of their relationship and his actions enough for it to pull an immediate reaction out of him.
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(2) He understands and relearns:
• Understands:
- Their broken relationship and its problematic nature are not as simple as how it is for the two kids, which can only be concluded after a process of remembering and dwelling on thoughts about their relationship.
• Relearns:
- Izuku's wants of mending their relationships and how it is changing the nature of their relationship moving forward as now Katsuki is slowly acknowledging and giving into it.
- His conflicting opinions of how to deal with the situation as he is indeed more affected by it than expected.
(3) He holds keepsakes of the past: memories and memorabilia.
- He treasures Izuku enough to not cast aside memories of him, memories of their relationship and memories of what got them together in the first place: their shared admiration of All Might. And that is surprising for some, as he is not shown to be someone who lets people in on his vulnerable sides, where he is easily affected by, where his opinions of self and ideals are built upon and destroyed.
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- Mind you, he was the kid that was always pushing Midoriya away or trying to run from his bonds with him because his sense of self was threaten by Midoriya's beings. And that kid not only did not erase any memories of Midoriya, but kept it close enough that he could point out resemblances in someone else. He also shown a side of him that is indeed humane and nostalgic too, by agreeing to Midoriya sentiment here, albeit in a very Bakugou-esque way.
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But sentimental enough just like anyone else that treasure their memories. For real though, he has kept that card for a very long time and was now revealed to have deeply treasured it.
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Conclusion of Bakugo's insight #1:
Katsuki Bakugo is actually one big sentimental guy under all that bravado he puts up. He treasures and puts more thoughts, and actions into his relationship with Izuku more than many like to admit. He is also someone who holds things dearly without ever spoken it out loud. Many would miss this and then judge him as just a brute and not a brute with layers, and multifacets that you need to read closer and deeper to discover.
So please, if you haven't, go read the manga and the novel. The anime do him no justice.
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bardchoices · 1 year
@lordgortrash sent a sending stone: ‘  you  owe  me  a  dance.  ’
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the highest echelon of baldur’s gate gathers in an opulent ballroom, an entire rainbow of colors and array of fabrics flowing and swirling as a band of bards fills the space with music. the attendees supply the merriment — throngs of them laughing and gabbing or spinning in time with the song at hand, having the time of their lives. from the outside, it seems so decadent, so desirable. someone who didn’t know any better would be stewing with jealousy over not receiving an invitation to what would undoubtedly become an event talked about for years to come.
but liana bashar, sharp as a blade, knows better. in a culmination of experience wrought over the last several years and tested in the last few weeks, she notices every little detail that the quiet observer would brush over. the conversations she catches as she moves through pockets in the crowd are almost mechanical in their cadence and repetition. countless praise for the newly anointed archduke, little else to remark on outside of the good he’s done for the city and the modern age he’ll usher baldur’s gate into, with open arms. she expected as much — there’s no way every patriar in the city willingly relinquished the power they held to open that door further for one enver gortash. not without there being one helluva catch, and she was cursed to know too much.
the how was a simple puzzle, one that took her but moments to piece together when she first arrived in the city with the rest of her group. hindsight is a funny thing. she recalls the first poster of lord enver gortash she laid eyes on in wyrm’s crossing, how her head went light and fuzzy, how her stomach lurched and her knees almost buckled under her. how years of honing her craft made it easy to blame on the long walk in from the shadowlands, how she just needed some bread and she’d be right as rain. it bought her the time she needed to figure out how she would tell her fellow adventurers — her friends — her family — that one of the people they needed to contend with as they unraveled this absolute plot was several chapters of her past that never had a full conclusion.
looking past the details — namely, the tadpoles that are keeping the masses inside these walls obedient — it’s almost admirable to see. the past few days have been a tightrope walk down memory lane and of all the schemes he would give her small details and hints on, there was one in particular that he had always circled back to. his time in the hells had given him an awareness of the realms around him and the treasures and tools that were hidden just beyond — knowledge that many would kill for, laying comfortably in his skull, waiting to be capitalized on. she remembered the mention of a crown and little else around it. she’d press for details and he’d chastise her, playfully so, for trying to ruin the surprise. all in due time, my dear — you’ll see it firsthand.
he wasn’t wrong. it just wasn’t what either of them could have imagined at the time.
the song swells to a close as her eyes meet his from across the way and she considers turning around and making her exit. she’s fulfilled her responsibilities for the evening — show up, alone. report to lord gortash’s office post-haste to discuss the progress of culling the cult of bhaal and securing orin’s netherstone. stick around for three songs to say you attended the party of the century. get back to the place you feel safest — surrounded by those who have experienced every twist and turn of this winding journey. yet her feet remain rooted on the spot.
it’s that diabolical mistress, nostalgia. because if she closes her eyes as he approaches, she’d see him as he was so long ago — still handsome, roguishly so, with ambition as high as the ocean was wide. things were simpler back then. no tadpoles. no absolute. no rebelling elder brain. she yearns for it, against her best judgment, against every instinct telling her that she should turn heel now and never look back. their story might not be over, but that chapter has long been concluded. they can’t go back to what they were before. too much is at stake now, and they stand on opposite sides of the chessboard. they both know it.
and yet, they both seek to indulge. just for a moment, a minute, a night — just enough to sate the overwhelming ache in both their hearts that should have died out long ago. he almost looms over her as he reaches her, and her posture remains tall, unwavering, as honeyed brown eyes peer up at him through the embellished pattern of her mask. the next song starts up as he talks of liana owing him and she has half a mind to laugh, loudly, and the gall he possesses. but she doesn’t. she doesn’t jump to accept, either.
there are countless attendees falling over themselves — men, women and everyone in-between — to get a chance to sway with the newly coronated archduke, yet his eyes only seek you. it should entice you — excite you, even — to be the center of attention, to have every eye in this room locked on you, to have every heart full of envy and wanting what you have. so why do you resist?
‘ I’m not inclined to believe you’d be satisfied with just one — and I wouldn’t want to deprive your audience of your attention. ’ she’s nothing if not a smooth talker, words soft as silk and a teasing smile pulling at her lips that doesn’t reach her eyes. no, those carry another emotion entirely. one might expect a sharpness in her gaze. instead, they’d find a sadness that weighs heavy in her bones, sinking her. as she settles in it, that feeling creeps up again — head going light, knees almost buckling. she takes a step back, then another.
‘ forgive me — I need some air. ’
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