#he was a ridgie before that :)
bawkrya · 1 year
I dont think ive ever mentioned it here actually but bawkrya uses walking aids every now and then . . . Mostly his cane but he has a wheelchair. Rambling about that under the cut
Anytime hes home hes usually in his wheelchair. Esp if hes been walking around all day
The wheelchair USUALLY stays home, but for bigger conferences between allied clans and the like that lasts several days at a time, he uses his chair
Its a custom built one meant for as much free movement as possible-- it was commissioned by Xentheryn who Also made bawk start using mobility aids in the first place
It is bright as fuck red and bawkrya bedazzled it with pearls himself. If smth doesnt match his fit he'll fucking throw things
He has several different canes. His most Well KnownTM cane is a really decked out fancy one that again Matches His General Attire. There is a knife built into it. He HAS used the knife before
That cane specifically has a big ass ruby handle/topper thing, along with other precious gems embedded in it. Its honestly not his most Ideal cane bc its a round handle but it looks banging
His other canes are either meant for outfits outside of his usual palette or theyre older ones from a lil after the war of flies. He usually uses the older ones at home bc they got better handles since u kno. They werent made w extreme aesthetics in mind
Its not that bawk doesnt LIKE his cane or wheelchair its just that hes really stubborn and very firmly believes he doesnt need something when he really does. Like oh ive hurt worse than this and didnt need my cane then so why would i need it now. Also he forgets that he has them until theyre in his sight + gets really antsy about taking his wheelchair out due to cleanliness
All of Bawks canes are able to fold. Xentheryn or akeldama will have one on hand if bawk doesnt take one with him.
He'll also use his tail as a kind of seat/prop to stand him up. Hes a ridgie and To Me their tails r really strong and able to go rigid no pun intended in a way that the ridge can lean on them. Like kangaroos . . . . . . .
Bawk has a pretty noticeable limp at all times. One of the perma-wounds from his curse is on his right thigh, and that wound specifically really fucked his knee. On top of this the constant bleeding and regenerating blood is really exhausting for him to deal with
Bawks chair has like handles that can be added to it should he want someone to push him but its very VERY rare he'll do that. Only Xentheryn, Akeldama, and Danilo have been permitted. His moms wld def b allowed to but he hasnt rlly visited w them while hes using his chair 😭
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foulplayz · 2 years
love is all I ever yearned for; not this affection carved in stone
wc: 15k
ship: gojo satoru x geto suguru
It’s not like they’ve never done this before. He and Suguru were always touchier than most friends. They’ve fallen asleep in each other’s laps, shoulders and beds. In each other’s arms though, Satoru can’t really remember an incident like that. It’s not like Satoru is built for touch, he’s an unholy mixture of long, lanky limbs and bony, ridgy angles. He runs colder than most people, feet and hands often always freezing. He’s anything but warm and cuddly. He’s the dead landscape of winter all shoved into one person.
Now Suguru? Suguru is summer personified. Warm hands that can trap any bit of heat within them. Blazing eyes that pierce his icy skin like hot coals on snow. A laugh like the sun was beating on him mercilessly, making him sweat bullets until Satoru laughed in return. Together, where the space between them meet, they make some sort of livable middle, something like-
“Autumn,” Satoru murmurs in a revelation.
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longhorn-capricat · 2 years
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Letting go of two dragons. both with art!
Neonforce (#64490838) with art by Slaytheist #431220, on the AH for 50g sold ♥
Garden (#64948764) with art by WhiskyAndCigars #183600 and me, on the AH for 75g sold ♥
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he grew on me, im not sorry aboot it. why do i feel like this got hella long?
|remember to leave feedback and i love all you heathens|
‘Stargazer’ Ridge Holland (Luke) x fem!reader
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^after his call up to the main roster, pete introduces reader to his new allies^
- sheamus (stephen) - shot in the dark but im guessing his eyes are somewhere between green and hazel. im going with hazel for the sake of my sanity - im an perpetually anxious person so reader is too, just bare with me - time is an illusion  - a happy place of mine is the great state of vermont so imma use it. im not from there but i got people i love there. *FAKE PARK NAME* - “donna, how the fuck did you manage to put a size thing in a fluff fic?” shhhhhhhhhh
Through working in the wardrobe department for WWE and by association, NXT, I met my best friend, Pete. At this point in our friendship, he was more like my brother. When he told me he was going to the main roster for SmackDown and wanted me to do his gear, I was over the moon. He had worked so hard and is getting the run he deserves. He had pulled some strings so I could be there for his debut.
I waited with him in the gorilla as he wanted me to meet his stable-mates. I was always anxious when meeting new people but I knew they would be good people if they were aligned with Pete. I fixed my black skirt and retucked the ‘Bruiserweight’ shirt into it. When I turned around to say something to Pete, I walked into a hard chest “Oh my God. I am so sorry.” I frantically apologized. I looked up to see a tall man with the most beautiful hazel eyes, a cute scruffy beard, dressed in grey slacks, dress shoes, a blazer, and a cap covering his head. The last thing I noticed was my hands on his bare chest. Pulling them away, “Sorry I should have been paying attention-” “Don’t worry love. You must be Y/N.” Way to go on a first impression. “Y/N? Hey you’re the one that made my Royal Rumble gear, aren’t ya?” Another man spoke up; this one I knew. “Yeah, that’s me. Great to see you Stephen.” The handsome wall I walked into had yet to tell me his name. I looked over at him and he was staring at me, leading Stephen to elbow him. “I’m Luke.” he took my hand, kissing the back of it making my face heat up, “What a gentleman you are. Sorry about before. Again.” “Well if you wanted to make it up to me, how about a date after the show?” he said smoothly with a wink. “Y-yes. I would love to!” Stephen laughed, “Don’t make her nervous, Ridgie.” Then Pete came over to the three of us, “I see you’ve met Y/N, lads?” “Someone is already putting the moves on her.” Pete looked at Luke then me. “You know she is like my sister, right? Treat her right, or you’ll never wrestle again.” “Pete!” I scolded. Luke just nodded. They were told it was time to go out so I hugged Pete and told Stephen and Luke good luck. Not without a wink and “See you for our date, love.” from Luke; there was something about him calling me ‘love’ that made my butterflies erupt in my tummy and my heart beat faster. Kayla brought me back to reality, “You and Ridge Holland? I like it.” 
I was talking to Kayla as I waited for the three men to return from their locker room. I noticed her look over my shoulder and smirk then I felt a tap on my shoulder, “You still up for that date?” I nodded and bit my lip as I twirled my hair around my finger. This time he wasn’t shirtless: he was dressed in jeans, basic t-shirt with a leather jacket and sneakers. He somehow looks more handsome. I hugged Kayla goodbye and Luke led me to his rental. He opened the car door for me and even waited until I was buckled to close it. Never had that happen before, I thought. When he got in the driver's seat I had to ask, “Where are we going?” “Well, I actually had asked Pete and he said you were a stargazer. He also told me this is your home state. ‘Louise Creek’ sound familiar?” I couldn’t even articulate how happy I was; my only reaction was reaching over to hug him. “That park means, everything to me. I can’t thank you enough.” “You don’t have to thank me.” 
Having been to this park my whole life, I knew exactly where to go so you could see the moon and the stars perfectly. He opened the door for me to get out and he laid a blanket over the hood of the car. Being much shorter than him, he lifted me by my hips to sit on the blanket, soon taking a seat next to me; us both laying back with his arms wrapped around me. “When I was younger, my friends and I would ride our bikes down here. We’d skip rocks, tightrope walk over fallen trees, even catch frogs in that river down there. I brought one home one day, her name was Wally. Oh you should have seen the look on my mom’s face! I guess begging worked because she let me keep her for a while.” I reminisced. He chuckled, “How’d you know it was a girl? And why Wally?” “I was into science and animals. I was like nine; it seemed like a cool name.” I shrugged. 
We stayed there just looking at the night sky and talking, learning about each other, until I sat up and pointed at something. “Look! A shooting star, make a wish.” Please kiss me. “What did you wish for?” I nudged him, “I can’t tell you or it won’t come true.” “Who made that rule?” I looked up at him “Because this was my wish~” he lifted my chin gently and kissed me softly. My hand went to his cheek in response. When we pulled away, “Well I guess we wished for the same thing.” I whispered. “Cheeky girl.” I couldn’t tell if it was the adrenaline from what just happened or the growing chill in the air but I couldn’t help but shiver. He seemed to notice and wrapped me in his leather jacket that we had our heads on previously. “You look so pretty in my jacket, love.” 
It was time for us to go so as he put the blanket back in the car, I leaned over the bar that separated the parking area from a small hill; thanking all my lucky stars for this night. I felt Luke’s hands on my hips and he planted a kiss to the top of my head. “How would you say our first date went?” I turned my head to look at him, “I’m glad you said ‘first’. I had an amazing time Luke. Thank you.” He turned me to face him as his hands went under the jacket to find their place on my lower back, “Y/N, you don’t have to keep thanking me. Plus, the other part of my wish came true.” I tilted my head confused “What’s that?” “Getting to see the most beautiful woman in my favorite leather.” I hummed, “Maybe another star will fall and we can wish for me to get tossed into a storyline? I can wear it while I watch you kick ass in the ring.” He smiled “You are way too cute to be the bad guy, my love.” I blushed, “Now I’m your love?” “Only if you want to.” My answer was in the form of a kiss with nothing but passion behind it. When we pulled away, his hazel eyes seemed to sparkle in the moonlight. “The answer is yes, Luke.” 
~The Next Morning~ 
When I got up the next morning I saw all the notifications from Instagram. Luke had tagged me in a post? I opened it to see a gorgeously taken picture of me when I was leaning over the bars. 
ridgewwe Found something more beautiful than the moon 🐸
His nod to Wally made me smile even more. I checked my text messages to see one from him:
My Gentleman: Hope you slept well princess. I’m sorry we couldn’t stay the night together. Pete and Stephen would never leave us alone. If you don’t have plans, dinner at 7?
Y/N: they are quite nosey. i’d love to! don’t be late!
My Gentleman: Wouldn’t dream of it my love
lovely taglist babes (dm or comment to be added) @josiewrites​ @rubyred1980 @chrisdickinson @night-of-the-living-shred @xkennyxomegax
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yanderenightmare · 4 years
Okay but with all that oral Chizome must get off on eating his darling, right?
goodiebag WARNINGS: nsfw, sexual dissatisfaction
It’s so... anticlimactic. She will come on his tongue, so there will be one sweet fleeting moment of bliss, enhanced by her looking forward to having his cock buried inside her a short while after, but as her eyes trail to the wet stain coating the inside of his boxers she’ll know how the race is up, finished. 
It’s unfair... she didn't even do anything except lie there with his tongue shooting through her core, bumpy ridgy textured tongue cleaning out her dripping orgasm, lips locked like a suction-cup around her hole, rubbing over her clit again and again, not letting a single drop escape. And yes, the orgasm is mind-numbing and makes her whole body quake with raw sensitivity, but...  more than it cocoons her in bliss... she’d say it leaves her wanting more and so very far away from done. She just wants to be filled up, stretched out, to the brim, to the brink. Why can't he hold on? Or, at the very least stop before he explodes anywhere that isn't inside her? She doesn't want to call it pathetic, but really? It doesn't take anything more than tasting her essence on his tongue to have him make a mess in his trousers? He better get his shit together or else she’s not sitting on his face ever again.
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khoicesbyk · 3 years
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A/N: I'm officially obsessed with Wolf Bride and what does one do when she's obsessed with a certain book? She writes an AU about it! 😁 So, Talley Ho! *in my Sherlock Holmes voice*
Rated: Mature. | Contains sexual content and strong language. (You know? The usual from me. 😁) | Bolded and/or italicized words are conversations and thoughts of the characters. | Main Characters: Roman (LI) and Naia Evans (MC) | All Characters and names: (except MC and original characters created by me) are property of Pixelberry.
Current Word Count: 4,040 words. (more or less. I stop counting after editing and re-editing. 🤷🏾‍♀️)
Song And Story Inspiration: Bittersweet-After 7
Tag List: @shewillreadyou @rideordiechronicles @pixie88 @txemrn @lucy-268 @shannonsaid @shannonwrote @bebepac @imturaxamara @blackkingliamstan @queenjilian @secretaryunpaid @ridgy--didge @theworldofprompts @choicesficwriterscreations
This series is rated Mature. It is NOT reading material that is safe for those under 18. Reader discretion is STRONGLY advised!
This series may contain spoilers. If you wish not to see spoilers, please do not read any further.
Prompt Time! Today I’ll be using @theworldofprompts prompt “What do you want me to do, dress in drag and do the hula?” it'll be in bold in black. Also I know that I can’t be the only one who’s excited that they picked the greatest Disney movie one-liner as a prompt.
(Also this series is a slight deviation of the original story. In the original story, the werewolf hunter is a woman. But in this series the hunter is a man.)
Missing a chapter or want to read a chapter again? I got you covered! Click ——> Here!
If you’d like to be added to my tag list. Just reblog or dm me and I will gladly add you! 😁😘
A/N 2: I had a time writing this chapter. Writers block and all out forgetfulness is a bitch! But I did it! *pats self on the back*
TW: paranormal activity. Communication with the dead. Reader Discretion Is STRONGLY ADVISED.
Chapter 22.) Reflection.
It′s crazy how you flaunt your passion.
When you let meaning of them worth take over you.
You stare into my soul like that.
Makes me wonder when you ain't get by the side of me.
It′s pain and pleasure.
To love someone so.
So much you, you hate them.
Push me over the edge then.
To go catch you, your love is.
It's bittersweet.
(What you want from me, want, want)
I build you up, then knock you down.
It's bittersweet.
(What you want from me, want, want)
You stay quiet and I get loud.
It′s bittersweet.
It had been 3 days since Naia was rushed to the hospital because of Wolfbane being in her system. Her parents, especially her mother, were both distraught and furious that their daughter had gotten herself caught up in the tireless war between The Pack and The Knights Of Ossory. Those three days felt like years to them. Both took turns sitting vigil over their daughter.
The only saving grace was that her condition hadn't changed. It hadn't gotten better but Laurie and Shane were thankful it hadn't worsened. They just wanted her to open her eyes. Laurie needed her daughter to wake up. She had to hear her voice again. And every moment that she didn't the more she went crazy. Laurie would just sit at Naia’s bedside holding onto her hand and pray Naia would squeeze her hand. The agony of waiting was going to kill her.
“Anything?” her husband asked as he entered the room with coffee in hand.
Laurie just shook her head no.
“It'll happen, baby. It has to. She'll wake up and we'll be able to breathe again.”
She never said a word to him. She just held onto Naia’s hand as Shane set the cup of coffee he brought her down. Laurie's eyes were red and puffy and her face was a mess. She blamed The Pack and The Knights Of Ossory but mostly she blamed herself. She swore to protect her daughter from all of this. To prevent her from going through the hell she went through over 30 years ago. And feels like she failed. A pain no mother wants to go through.
Laurie rubbed Naia’s knuckle silently, willing their daughter to wake up.
“Have you eaten baby?”
Laurie shook her head no.
“You should go eat something baby.”
“I don't want food. I want our daughter. I want her to wake up now.”
Shane sat beside her and placed his hand over hers.
“I know, baby. I want that too. I need it. You need it. But it's not good for you not to eat something.”
“I can't leave her! What if she wakes up and I'm not here?! I have to be here!”
Her frantic tone worried Shane.
“Baby listen to me! You need to go eat something. I'll be right here. I will watch over her. If anything happens I swear to you that I will tell you immediately.”
“But Shane—”
“No buts! Go eat something. Now! I won't let anything happen to her. I swear that on my life.”
Laurie looked at him before getting up and going to the door. When she looked back towards Naia, Shane smiled softly at her.
“It's okay baby, I'll keep her safe.”
Laurie nodded sadly before walking out the door.
Shane turned his attention back to their daughter, his worry, resentment, rage, sorrow, protectiveness, and anxiety all on high. His little girl. His flesh and blood. She hadn't moved or spoken since he last saw her. He was thankful for the hospital staff. They were able to get her allergic reaction to Wolfbane under control but she was still unconscious. None of the meds she was on seemed to be working.
It′s so easy to listen.
When your tongue is an innocent prisoner of war oh yeah.
And it might bе wrong but we never еnd that.
Damage is done, always pain and pleasure.
To love someone so.
So much you hate them.
Push me over the edge then.
To go catch you, your love is.
It's bittersweet.
(What you want from me, want, want)
I build you up, then knock you down.
It′s bittersweet.
(What you want from me, want, want)
You stay quiet and I get loud.
It's bittersweet.
It didn't take Laurie long to come back from the cafeteria. When Shane looked up she walked in with food for them both.
“I'm not the only one who needed to eat.”
Shane smiled softly as she handed him a sandwich.
“Still nothing?”
“Still no change. But I'm not giving up.”
Laurie smiled at her husband's resolve. They sat together and ate their food in silence. Their eyes went from Naia to the IV drip machine she was hooked up to.
“Don't worry baby. Our girl will wake up.”
“I know she will. She has to. And when she does…we have to tell her the truth.”
Shane looked at his wife confused.
“Are you sure? Are you sure you’re ready to do that?”
“Look at her Shane! She wouldn't be here, hell we wouldn't even be here if she knew the truth. It's time. So when she wakes up and is lucid enough to hear it we'll tell her everything.”
Shane took his wife's hand in his and gave it a gentle squeeze.
“Okay. If you’re ready and you're sure. Then I am too.”
Laurie offered him a small smile.
Yeah I know you know me.
That′s why you the only one can push my buttons.
Sometimes it's like you speak another language.
Got me like adios buenas noches baby.
Oh it′s pain and pleasure.
To love someone so.
So much you hate them.
Push me over the edge then.
To go catch you, your love is.
It′s bittersweet.
(What you want from me, want, want)
I build you up, then knock you down.
It′s bittersweet.
(What you want from me, want, want)
You stay quiet and I get loud.
It's bittersweet.
(What you want from me, want, want)
I build you up, then knock you down.
It′s bittersweet.
(What you want from me, want, want)
You stay quiet and I get loud.
It's always bittersweet.
While her body was still, Naia was subconsciously awake.
Naia slowly opened her eyes, and looked around frantically and confusedly. She couldn't see anything or anyone.
“What? Where am I?”
That's when she heard a woman's voice.
“I've been waiting to meet you.”
When Naia turned around she saw a figure she didn't recognize.
“Who’s there? Who are you? What is this place?”
The figure in front of her soon materialized into an elderly black woman. One that she recognized.
“Oh…my…God! You’re…you're…Delia?”
She smiled at Naia.
“Hello, my dear. It's wonderful to finally meet you.”
Naia’s jaw dropped.
“But how?!”
“I thought you…you died a long time ago!”
“I did. 3 years ago.”
“Wait! Am I dead?”
Delia laughed softly.
“No dear, you’re not dead. You are in the world between worlds.”
Naia blinked in realization.
“I was here with Roman. Where is he?! Is he hurt?! Did Trent shoot him?!”
Delia placed a calming hand on Naia’s shoulder.
“All will be revealed shortly. I promise.”
Naia took a shaky breath then nodded.
“Now come sit with me. We have much to discuss.”
Naia followed Delia to a bench that appeared out of nowhere. When they sat down Delia cocked her head to the side at Naia curiously. Making her feel super awkward.
“Is there something on my face?”
“No. I’m just curious about you. You’re as beautiful as I imagined you’d be.”
Naia couldn’t keep the blush from creeping up on her face.
“A ghost just called me beautiful. I must be hallucinating.”
Delia chuckled.
“You said we had much to discuss. What are we discussing?”
“You, my dear. Your connection to the town, the people, and especially Roman.”
“I mean I’ve been in town for a few months. I don’t know anyone outside of my uncle Trent and the Pack.”
Delia nods.
“And what are your impressions of them so far?”
Naia chewed the inside of her cheek.
“Can I be honest with you?”
“Of course dear. That’s why we are here.”
“I understand why my mom doesn’t want me around Roman. Because to be honest, he’s terrifying. But at the same time…I can’t stay away from him. I can’t get enough of him. He makes me feel safe. And loved. And wanted. And I…”
“I care about him. A lot. But I don't know if I'm ready to give up my life for him. I don't know if I'm ready to be his mate.”
Deli nodded.
“It is a lot to ask of a young woman. I would know.”
“How did you decide Delia? Or was it decided for you?”
Delia chuckles softly.
“It wasn’t my intent to be Xander’s mate when I first came to Hunt’s Peak.”
Naia blinked in confusion.
“You’re not from Hunt’s Peak?”
“No. Originally from the Pittsburgh area.”
“I didn’t know that.”
“I grew up in foster care so it wasn’t like many had missed me when I left.”
“So what brought you to Hunt’s Peak?”
“I was hired as a 5th teacher. I loved my job. Teaching children became my passion.”
“And how did you meet Xander?”
“I’ve always been a Wolfkin and I knew it was my destiny to become the mate to a member of The Pack but I never thought I would be Xander’s mate. But to answer your question, I was walking along the creek when I saw him and his father Ferdinand. We were smitten at first sight.”
“Oh…did his father accept you?”
“Yes, he did. And after some convincing so did his mother Cecilia.”
“When did Xander become Alpha?”
“Shortly after we met. Maybe 6 months or so.”
“Is that when you became his mate?”
“Yes. He courted me until he became Alpha.”
“Courted how?”
Delia smiled as if lost in a memory.
“He would come by the school. Regale my students in wild tales of werewolves as knights and kings and sorceresses and sorcerers. That sort of thing. But the biggest thing he did for me, was he planted a single night flower and let it blossom into a field full of them.”
“Sounds like he was a romantic at heart.”
“He used to be but when he became Alpha, responsibility and obligation replaced flowers and romance.”
“Was it hard?”
“No. Not at first. I always understood my role as The Alpha’s mate. And I cherished it. Becoming a sort of Den Mother gave me a purpose.”
“What changed?”
Delia looked at Naia with a new curiosity.
“He met your mother.”
Naia swallowed.
“Mommy told me how she met him.”
“I remember that. I remember when he told her no at first. I was furious at him. So I not so subtly encouraged him to reconsider not protecting her and your uncle.”
“Why did you do that?”
“Your mother was a child at the time. And your uncle couldn’t protect her as he should have. Only Xander and The Pack could do that.”
“She also told me about the day he offered her The Pack’s protection.”
“I remember when Xander told me about Bobby Giles threatening her. He was furious and I was disgusted. But we both knew that he couldn't just charge into town and rid it of him. Well, he could but it wasn't in his nature at the time. So he sent a few wolves in their human forms to investigate.”
“She told me that too. And the time that Bobby pulled a gun out on Xander.”
Delia snickered.
“The fool. He believed that his gun would scare Xander. But he learned the hard way that day.”
Naia shifted in her seat.
“Mommy showed me the necklace that Xander gave her.”
“I know about that. He gave it to her on her 18th birthday.”
“She also said that she was bonded to him.”
“She's right. She was bonded to him until he died.”
“Are you angry about that?”
Delia went quiet
“To be honest, I was very angry with her. Jaded and bitter even. But I realized after she left that my anger was misplaced.”
“Misplaced how?”
“After she left I found out that Xander was telling her that she was to be his new mate. And at that time your mother was a young impressionable girl.”
“He was manipulating her?”
“Yes, he played with her heart and preyed on it.”
“My God. Why did you stay with him for so long?”
“I was bound by Pack Law to stay with my mate until his death.”
Naia shuddered.
“Will that happen to me?”
“If you choose to be Roman’s mate you are bound by Pack Law to be at his side until his death.”
“Well, that explains what my mom said about you and Xander being married on paper.”
Delia nodded.
“If I was the mate of any other Pack member I could leave. But I was Xander’s mate. As was your mother. As yet…”
“She ran away.”
“Can you tell me about Xander?”
“What would you like to know?”
“What did he look like?”
Delia waves a hand and a picture of Xander materialized in front of them.
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“That is Xander in all his glory.”
“He and Roman look just alike.”
Delia smiled softly.
“Yes. He has his father's looks and stubbornness but he also has my heart.”
“Will I meet Xander?”
“No my dear. You won't.”
“Crisis averted.”
“So, will you be Roman’s mate or will you go back to your life as a human woman?”
Just as Naia was about to speak another panel appeared in front of her and Delia.
“What's this?”
“Roman. He's trying to connect to you through your bond. We are about to look at life through his eyes. These panels that appear are what life is like.”
“Why can’t he connect with me?”
Instead of responding, Delia put a finger to her lips then pointed to the panel. When Naia looked at the panel she was transported into Roman’s mind.
She and Delia were looking at a memory of them.
She had convinced Layla to let her turn Buck’s into a mini-movie theater for the pups and their parents. To give them something fun to do. When Roman heard about it he was both curious and thrilled. The girls decided on watching Lion King. With Gino and popcorn in hand, Naia snuggled next to Roman.
“So this movie is about…cats?”
“The circle of life. And lions.”
“…lions are cats are they not?”
Naia shook her head at the memory before turning to Delia.
“I remember this.”
“Do you?”
“Yes. It was the day I learned that your son doesn’t like my impressions.”
Delia chuckled. They turned back to the memory and as they did, they came upon Naia’s impression of one of her favorite scenes in the movie.
“Hyenas. I hate hyenas. So what’s your plan for getting past those guys?”
“Live bait.”
“Good idea!…hey!”
“Come on Timon, you guys have to create a diversion.”
“What do you want me to do? Dress in drag and do the hula?”
Roman groaned.
“Are you going to be like this the rest of the movie?”
“What? Gino likes my impression. You don’t like my impression?”
“Everyone’s a damn critic.”
Roman rolled his eyes. But he would soon find out which scene is her favorite scene in the whole movie.
“Hey! Who’s the pig?”
“Are you talking to me?”
“Uh oh! Did he call him a pig?”
“Are you talking to me?”
“Shouldn’t have done that!”
“Are you talking to me?!”
“Now they’re in for it!”
“They call me: Mr. Pig!”
And just as she got Pumbaa’s yell Roman clamped a hand to her mouth.
“Beloved…how am I to enjoy this movie you’ve chosen with your incessant talking?”
Naia just giggled as the panel changed to a more recent memory. One that Naia didn’t recognize.
“Yes, my dear. This was just a few days ago.”
“But I don’t remember this.”
“Because you aren’t there.”
“What?! What do you mean?”
Delia pointed to the panel as it showed Roman walking into her room. He looked distraught as he looked around. Naia could feel his anguish in her chest. When his eyes fell on Gino sitting on the bed, she felt tears on her cheek as he held Gino close to his chest.
“I don’t understand.”
“The one he considers to be his mate is missing.”
“His mate? You mean me?”
“Yes, my dear.”
“But why is he looking for me?”
“Because your bond with him is disrupted. He’s trying to reconnect with you.”
“But why?”
Delia turned back to the panel as it showed Roman in wolf form curled up on her bed with Gino under his jaw. She felt his agony and his pain as well as his longing as he whimpered. He was missing her. He was needing her. Her presence. Her smile. Her laugh. It broke her heart. She stood up shouting to the panel.
“Roman! Roman! I'm here! I'm right here!”
Delia put a hand on her shoulder.
“He can't hear you. This is only a vision of what has already been.”
Naia turned to Delia with pleading in her eyes.
“You said that he couldn’t connect to me, why can’t he connect to me?”
With a wave of a hand another panel appeared. This one showed Naia lying in a hospital bed hooked up to an IV with her mother at her side.
“I–I–I…it can’t be! You said I wasn’t dead!”
“You aren’t Naia. You’ve been injected with Wolfbane. It’s a toxin that can be deadly but thankfully you were taken to the hospital in time to save you.”
“Injected?! How?!”
“You don’t remember?”
Naia stood there confused until it hit her.
“The tranquilizer dart! The one that Trent was using! Am I right?”
Delia nodded.
“If I’m on an IV then why haven’t I woken up?”
“Because the spirits aren’t ready for you to wake up yet.”
“What the hell does that mean?”
Delia looked at Naia.
“Answer this. Why do you think you’re here?”
Naia didn't know how to answer that question.
“I don't know.”
As soon as those words left her mouth another panel appeared. This one was of Trent after he left the hospital. He was in his boss’s office going off about Wolfbane.
“What is wrong with you Moses?!”
“The tranquilizer! You said it was harmless!”
“It is harmless! It effects those beasts and their ability to shift!”
“What about humans?”
“It doesn’t effect humans!”
Trent eyed him with an intense yet calm fury.
“What is Wolfbane?”
Bernard blinked in confusion.
“Where did you hear that name?”
“Answer the question!”
“It’s the name of the tranquilizer. It doesn’t effect humans.”
“Yes it does.”
“No it does not!”
Trent pinched the bridge of his nose.
“Naia was hit by one of the tranquilizer darts.”
“The young woman you brought here the other day?”
“Yes. She collapsed after being hit and is now in the hospital fighting for her life. According to her mother Wolfbane is a poison that you and Xander created.”
Bernard looked at Trent genuinely confused.
“Her mother?”
“I didn't stutter.”
“What was her last name again?”
“I knew someone with that last name but it was a he not a she.”
“Probably her dad. Her mother’s maiden name is Roberts.”
Bernard’s face lit up.
“Roberts? As in Laurie Roberts? Zane Roberts sister?”
“I knew that girl looked familiar!”
“What are you talking about?”
“I know her mother. Which means Xander was right. She did run off with Evans. I can’t believe she finally came back home.”
“Is what her mother said true? That you created this with Xander?”
“Yes it is but he took it too far. It wasn’t designed to be lethal. I tried to stop him but you can see what good it did.”
“So Xander truly was a monster?”
“Ohhh yes my boy. A monster indeed.”
As she watched with Delia, Naia wasn’t entirely convinced that Bernard was totally innocent.
“I don’t like him. I don’t trust him.”
“That’s Bernard Sayre for you.”
“Has he always been this way?”
“Oh yes. Even when I was amongst the living he and especially his motives were always questionable.”
“Why does the town let him do what he does?”
“Only the town can answer that.”
“I guess…”
The panel showed Trent in his cabin sitting on his couch with a bottle in his hand. Naia could feel his guilt and shame as well as his anger. His anger at his boss and anger at himself. He didn’t mean to hurt her. She just came out of nowhere. By the time he pulled the trigger it was too late. He didn't see her at first but when she dropped to the ground his heart dropped when she did. He wanted to be there at the hospital with her. To tell her how sorry he was. How much she means to him. How he wishes he could take it all back.
But at that moment he couldn't. All he could do was wallow in his festering grief and simmering anger. The same as Roman. This war had taken away a lot for both of them but this was the final straw. Trent wasn't about to lose to Roman again. And Roman had finally had enough of Trent being a thorn in his side. Both had subconsciously decided that this was an all-out war.
All of it broke Naia.
“They aren't serious are they?”
“Yes. Both are hurt and angry. Both at themselves and each other.”
“But I don't want this! I don't want them fighting!”
“Then you've found your reason for being here.”
“What do you mean?”
“You asked me why you were brought here. My dear, you were brought here to heal what is broken.”
“You mean Roman and Trent?”
“And your family. Your mother, especially.”
“Yes. She is hurting. And angry. And confused. And you are the key to healing her wounds. And theirs.”
Naia nodded.
“How do I do that?”
“You can start by answering your mother’s prayer.”
Delia turned back to the panel that showed Laurie. When Naia looked up, her mother was holding the necklace that Xander gave her. She looking out of the window to the moon in the sky.
“Spirits of the earth,
I don't know if you can hear me or that I even have the right to ask this. But I come to you with a simple prayer. I ask you to heal my daughter. She doesn't deserve to be here. She doesn't deserve this. She's innocent. If you're angry with me for abandoning The Pack and my duties as Xander’s mate I understand. But I beg you! Don't make my daughter suffer because of me. I beg you, please bring her back to me. Let her eyes open again. Let her speak again. I just want my little girl back. I need her back. Please! Heal her.”
Delia turned to Naia with a question.
“Now that you know your purpose, are you ready my dear?”
“Yes. I am ready to heal all that is broken.”
Delia waved her hand and the panels disappeared. They were replaced by a doorway.
“Then go. Your mother is waiting for you.”
“Thank you, Delia.”
Delia smiled at her.
“You're welcome, my dear. Tell my son that I miss him and that I love him and that I'm sorry.”
Naia smiled at her.
“I will.”
Naia stepped through the doorway and was transported back to her hospital room, just as her mother finished praying. She had moved her head slightly which both startled and excited Laurie.
“Naia? Naia baby are you awake?”
Naia’s eyes fluttered open and when she spoke her voice was weak.
Laurie had tears in her eyes.
“I'm here baby. I'm right here.”
Laurie was overcome with joy and relief.
“You came back to me!”
“I missed you, mommy.”
“I missed you too, baby girl.”
Laurie nodded resolutely.
“Yes, we do. It's time for you to know the true reason why I left.”
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arewelonely · 4 years
hiya laurel!! i would love to make a request if you're up for it? how about some jily but this time lily sneaks in to visit james at his house? i'll leave the rest up to you xx
helloo! i couldn’t have lily sneaking into james’ house with them fully together, bc i like the idea of the potters just being so welcoming she can come in through the front door :) so, instead, we’ve got the following:
jily summer after fifth year, Lily appears in James’ room one dusty afternoon
“Oi, Potter, I should’ve known your room would look like a five year old’s.”
She thought this was a pretty good opener, and she had planned it, sitting on his bed after having pulled a few of his books off of the shelves and thumbing through them–biographies of famous Quidditch players, some children’s books that were so clearly wizard Lily couldn’t help but smirk as picked them up (The Tales of Beedle the Bard, seriously?).
She got to watch as James’ mouth opened and shut a few times, the door still halfway opened and his hand still on the knob.
“I mean, Quidditch posters, children’s books, mess everywhere, all we’re missing are some stuffed animals, huh?”
James seemed to come back to himself and he nudged his glasses up on the bridge of his nose (Lily rolled her eyes) and stepped fully into the room, shutting the door behind him. “Evans, what in Merlin’s name are you doing here?”
Lily leaned back on the bed (his bed) and spread out her fingers. “Ooh, the blankets are comfy. Any stuffies hiding underneath?”
“Evans, what?” Potter seemed unsure of whether he should step forward and stop her from lifting up the covers–
“Ah, yes! A... hm,” Lily held up the dragon and pretended to think, thrilling herself at the look of utter confusion on James’ face, “a Norwegian Ridgeback?”
James crossed his arms and rolled his eyes upwards, staring at the ceiling. His cheeks tinged a slight pink. Lily held back her smirk. She knew what was coming.
“No, it’s a Hungarian Horntail. Norwegian Ridgebacks are more brown colored, less shiny black, here, see–” He made as if to move forward and take the dragon from her and then shook his head and stood back again. “No, Evans, what? How did you get in here?”
“You’ve got a window,” Lily pointed. “And a tree outside.”
“You flew here?” James’ eyebrows skyrocketed.
“No,” Lily rolled her eyes. “There are other ways of getting around, you know.”
James frowned.
“I took the train.”
“Oh.” His face flashed with some emotion that Lily couldn’t read (she wasn’t acutely familiar with any of his emotions other than irritation, smugness, or puppy-dog love, and this was none of those). James then swallowed, staring again at her lounging on his bed. “You’ve been reading?”
“Yeah. Gotta learn all I can about our friend Beedle, huh?”
James bit his lip and smiled around it. “You’ve never heard of Beedle the Bard.”
“I’m not a posh prick, huh?” Lily was aware her comeback didn’t have the usual bite it might have earlier this year, or in years past, but, of course, she hadn’t come to James Potter’s room to truly fight...
“Nah, you’re just a nerd. Surprised you haven’t heard of it.” James moved to sit on his bed with her (a massive bed, it was, so they could both sit with maybe a foot between them–oh, no, James was shifting closer now) and took the book out of Lily’s hands. “Hm.”
Lily watched as he flipped through the pages, eyes serious and scanning each page. It was a beautiful book, she couldn’t deny it... wizard kids were spoiled with books that glimmered and moved to illustrate the fairytales, instead of just stoic Muggle ones.
“Here, this is my favorite.”
Lily coughed as she tried to restrain a laugh, and her eyes narrowed when James’ eager ones met hers. “Excuse me.”
“What, Evans?”
“Babbitty Rabbitty and her Cackling Stump? No wonder you turned out the way you did, that’s the stupidest title–”
“No, Evans, it is a work of art.” James turned on his back, holding the book above his head, “A long time ago, in a far-off land–”
“There lived a foolish–” he turned to shoot her a glance at this word, “–king who decided–”
“Oi, Potter.”
He pushed his glasses up on the bridge of his nose, “that he alone should have the power of magic.”
Lily reached forward to grab the book from him and, when his grip was too tight, snatched his glasses from his face.
“Hey, Evans, now that’s just malicious.”
She held the glasses over her head and resisted the urge to place them on her own face, leaning back and keeping the glasses up high when James shut the book and scrambled to reach up for them.
“Pot calling the kettle.”
James seemed to pull back at this, first the expression on his face and then his body, so Lily was left waving his glasses over her head with him sitting in front of her. The look on his face... he was just about to open his mouth and Lily wasn’t sure what was going to come out of it so she quickly scooted off his bed, folding the glasses to hang from the center of her shirt collar, and tiptoed around the t-shirts and, oh, yes, that was underwear, that littered the floor. She headed to the desk.
“What laws are you about to break, here?”
“Ehm, only a few.”
His desk was scattered with paper and markings, diagrams of... a car? Lily raised her eyebrows at James, shooting him a glance over her shoulder, then moved to examine the scratchings more clearly. James’ glasses swung forward from her shirt. “A motorbike, really?”
“It was Sirius’ idea, but yeah, we’ve been working on it.”
Oh, right. Sirius was here. Hm. She had somehow forgotten about that.
Lily snorted and picked up one of the pieces of parchment.
His glasses were warm against her skin.
She turned and leaned against the desk, confirming her findings before retorting back, a smug smile working its way around her mouth, “this is wrong.”
“What?” James’ eyebrows were up so high on his forehead again, and he stepped forward. “Evans, you can’t just come barging into my room and just–I mean, why are you even here, you never–”
Yes. Yes. His cheeks were turning red, she held back her smile.
“I mean, Potter, these spells are gonna cancel each other out.” Lily pointed to the enchantments listed out by the wheels.
Gloriously, James shut up. Ungloriously, he grabbed the glasses from her shirt (she had to consciously keep her breathing steady... his hands were so close, too close to her... er). He leaned forward to stare at the page in her hands.
Lily watched as his throat worked around a swallow, his eyes darting back and forth between what must have been Sirius’ scratchings (there was no way James wrote so neatly) and the model they were scribbling on top of.
She cleared her throat. “This one’s gonna overpower any Disillusionment charm you try to add, you’re gonna need something–”
“Stronger, okay,” James snatched the paper from her and stared at it again. Prat.
“No, I was gonna say something Muggle.”
James looked up at her.
“If you make the motorbike faster using Muggle methods, gears and whatnot, you can add the Disillusionment charms without it interacting with any speed charms you’ve got.”
James stared at her, his mouth parted.
“What? I’m right.”
He bit his lip.
Lily stared at him, her heart racing. She was right.
“Where would I get something like that?”
Lily ran a hand through her hair, letting it fall forward and cover a bit of her face. “Any Muggle hardware store should have you covered.”
James was still looking at her.
“Look it up. A phonebook, or–or wait, no, you lot don’t have phonebooks, do you?”
James ran his hand through his hair.
“Go to a library or–”
“What are you doing here?”
“What’s your dragon’s name?” Lily walked towards his bed and picked up the dragon. Squishy, more shiny black scales than dull brown, a few threads falling out of the seams, clearly well loved. “Ridgie?”
“No, it’s a Hungarian Horntail,” James looked exasperated and Lily swallowed her smile.
“Ah. So. Hungry? Ehm, horny?” Lily really was pleased with herself at these nicknames.
“No. And honestly, not the type of humor I’d expect from you, seems more like what the boys and I–”
Oh, shite, he might be right. Lily interrupted quickly. “What’s it’s name?”
“Right. What’s his name?”
“Er. Bubbles.”
Lily frowned and let an incredulous look take over her face, staring at the dragon. “Bubbles?”
“Gimme.” James sighed and looked upwards, holding his hand out.
“Evans, give it.” He didn’t wait any longer, just took it, and squeezed in the middle–
Oh. “Oh my.”
Apparently, when one squeezed this dragon, bubbles in the shape of shimmering fire and little star-like sparks came out of its mouth.
"And,” Lily said, feeling a bit distracted, honestly quite mesmerized at these beautiful bubbles, she couldn’t even find something snarky to say about wizard children, “you still sleep with... ahem, Bubbles?”
“Alright, Evans.” James tossed the dragon–er, he tossed Bubbles– back on to his bed. “What are you doing here?”
Lily racked her brain for another question but, Merlin, nothing was coming to her. She tried, she really did, “typical of wizards, huh, having flashy toys because you don’t have the imagination–”
“Why did you come to my house, why sneak into my room?”
James was walking closer and Lily felt her breath begin to tighten, his eyes on hers, his hair flopping back down to his face.
“–to come up with anything creative on your own, you need it–”
“Evans, why are you here?”
“–just handed to you, in a shiny gift-wrapped box–”
“Evans, what is going on?”
They were standing too close at this point. James’ eyes, through his glasses, appeared too piercing and too much as if they could see through her own. Lily’s chin quivered and her nose flared. If James moved a few centimeters the longest strands of his hair would brush her forehead.
Lily swallowed. She hadn’t thought this far, had just wanted the... ugh, the fucking banter, had just wanted the back and forth and, honestly, had wanted to know what the prat’s room was like... wanted to escape her own... escape her own room, her own house, the people in her house...
“Hey, Evans, are you okay?”
What would she even say, how much of her home life did she want the prick–or, agh, no, the boy standing tall in front of her– to know?
James’ arm twitched by their side, as if he was about to touch her, and Lily backed up abruptly, a few steps until oof, ouch, the back of her head banged into the wall. Her blinks came quickly as she rubbed her head and Lily broke their eye contact and instead stared at the window. Alright, it was time to go, hm?
"Hey, you don’t have to–”
James’ arm was reaching out towards her now, but he didn’t touch, just waited as she turned around, her jaw working out something to say, or restraining something, she honestly didn’t know which.
“I mean, you can stay if you–”
“No, I can’t.” Her voice came from the back of her throat. “I don’t belong here, with all the wizard things, in your private space, hm?” She pressed a smile to her face, her voice light.
James tilted his head and shot her a look, his eyes so dark. You are wrong, the look said.
Lily swallowed.
James cleared his throat, hand through the hair, broke eye contact for a second. “You know where I live, anytime–ehm, how?”
“Sirius.” The word came out scratchy, and she coughed. “He, er, had your address written in one of his books one time, we were paired up, I noticed it...” Lily shook her head at herself and moved towards the window again, hoisted herself up.
She stopped, one leg out of the window, holding on to the frame.
“Anytime. I’m here.”
Her nose flared again.
“Alright, Evans?”
James seemed small in his room now that she was watching from the outside. The air felt different here, maybe just because Bubbles wasn’t spewing magical bubble vomit, but Lily felt so deeply that she was leaving this room.
“See you at school, Potter.”
Lily jumped down from the tree higher up than maybe she should have, but she enjoyed the sharp exhale as her feet touched the ground and her limbs bent harshly, then set off towards the edge of the Potter property. She had a bit of a walk back to the center of town to get to the train, then a train ride back to... yeah, back to her home.
A month and a half left until school. She could last that long.
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hime-memes · 3 years
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Feel free to change anything within these starters that you see fit to make it work for your muse !
( Some sentences have been modified for length, understanding, or to give fuller context. )
Chapter 4: 
“ Everyone drools in America, ____________. “
“ I know. It just feels like I’m a chiseler again back on the farm. “ 
“ No need to grizzle, you’re behind the scenes of a ridgy - didgy rescue animal show. Ain’t nothing farmy about it ! “ 
“ I thought you wanted to help us ? “
“ Cheers, I do. “ 
“ ________, has a cough. The cold air is bad for him ! “ 
“ Well, something’s got to give. The reek is right brutal in here. “ 
“ I’m feeling like a critter in a shoe box on show ‘n tell day ! “ 
“ _______ made them for me after a crow flew in the regular window and snatched Snake Gyllenhaal from his cage ! "
“ Make like Michael Jackson and beat it. “ 
“ Wow, I haven’t seen so much glitter since my disco days ... “ 
“ Yeah ! Make like BP oil and spill ! “
“ If that mademoiselle heard you butcher her last name like pâté, you’d likely be dead meat ! “
“ What’s next ? Jimmy Choo and Reebok ? They could call it a ChooBok-a. “ 
“ Not literally. I can’t really die. Not anymore, at least ... which is another reason I’d make a great leader ! “ 
“ He bit me ! “ 
“ They’ve never freaked out like this before ... “
“ That must mean my Dad is home ! “
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fardell24b · 2 years
A Variant Lawndale - Beach Party Invitation - Part 3
“Look, two types of chips,” Daria said in a tone of fake excitement.
 “Flat or ridgy? You make the call,” Jane said. She then saw someone approaching. “Uh oh!”
 “Chuck Ruttheimer, here. And you are...?”
 “Jane, But I know that you know that!”
 “I was there in DeMartino’s class,” Chuck said.
 “Of course,” Daria said.
 “Your answer on Manifest Destiny was quite good.”
 “I didn’t answer that way to get hit on,” Daria retorted.
 “How did you get invited?” Daria asked.
 “I dissected her frog,” Chuck admitted.
 ‘That would do it,’ Daria thought.
  Brittany grabbed a bullhorn. “The surfing competition will start shortly! If you wish to participate please come up to the far end of the pool. Thank you!”
“I suppose that’s my call,” Jane said.
 Daria sighed. “Go for it!” she said.
 “Would you like a tour of the premises?” Chuck asked once Jane was out of earshot.
 “No,” she said as she followed Jane towards the pool.
  The surfing competition began well, with Angie starting off.
 “This is Spatula Man out at Crew Necke for the Taylor’s Beach Party and the surfing competition is about to begin. If you want to know who wins, keep listening to Z-93, Lawndale’s Hippest Radio Station!”
 Daria sighed. ‘Of course.’
  “First competitor is Angie Zammit.”
 Angie soon finished. The judges all gave her 9s.
 She bowed.
 “Up next is Nikki Dowling, another of Lawndale High’s Cheerleaders.”
  Daria noticed that Chuck had followed her and Jane over.
 “Are you sure?” he asked.
 “I’m sure! Leave us alone!”
 “Feisty!” Chuck exclaimed before making himself scarce.
  Nikki’s score came close to Angie’s. “It is a stiff competition this afternoon…” Spatula Man said.
 “I doubt it,” Jane said a she put her name down on the sheet. There weren’t very many names there yet. ‘Mack is the only guy!’ she thought. She overheard Brittany trying to dissuade Kevin from joining in.
  “Kevie, maybe you should try limbo instead,” Brittany argued.
 “You think I would wipe out, don’t you,” Kevin said in an accusative tone.
 Brittany tried to deflect. “I just think you would do better at limbo,” she said.
 “But I still would like to surf? Wasn’t that why you had the wave pool put in?”
 Brittany twirled a pigtail. “Um, no.”
 “Oh!” Kevin said.
 Taking advantage of the pause, Brittany grabbed her boyfriend’s hand and dragged him away from the wave pool.
  Jane smirked as she watched the cheerleader drag the QB away and stepped aside to allow Tori Jericho to put her name down.
 “What are you doing here?” Tori asked her once she had done so.
 Jane shrugged. “What can I say?” she started rhetorically. “Brittany invited someone, then I came as their plus one.”
 “Right,” Tori responded dubiously. “But you’re still an outcast!”
 Jane scowled. She saw Daria turn as she heard Tori’s remark.
  Daria looked at the antagonistic blonde as she approached. She was ready to support Jane, if she needed it.
 “Not an outcast,” Jane declared. “Just nonconformist.”
 “You are outcast!” the blonde said as she wrote her name on the list. She then went off in a huff.
 “Miss popular!” Jane complained behind her back.
 “Quite familiar,” Daria murmured.
 “There are girls like her at every high school,” Jane said with annoyance.
 “Including Quinn.”
 “And just for that I’m going to try my best!”
 “Don’t over do it,” Daria said with a slight warning tone.
  “Now up, Jane Lane!” Spatula Man announced.
 “Oh, the gall!” Tori complained.
 “What gall?” Sandi asked.
 “Brittany didn’t invite her!”
 Sandi rolled her eyes.
  Jane paddled out to the wave and started to surf. However, there was trouble. Tori had entered straight after her and was dropping in on her. “Hey! We’ll both wipe out!”
0 notes
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Near Future
Part One / Part Two / Part Three / Part Four
Harakka uncovers an ancient stranger hidden within the cave much to her unexpected surprise, and the mischievous group try out a new device that provokes the wrath of a creature yet unseen by dragonkind.
Lore pinglist: @voidandstarlight​ @emordnilap-fr​ @fr-dew​ (ask to be added or removed!)
Harakka began to tremble. The feeling of fight or flight ravaged through her body - something was absolutely not right here and if she stayed any longer she could find herself in serious danger or worse. Disbelief and curiosity kept her welded her to the ground, however, and she could only stand and watch as the bones she had uncovered continued to move and assemble in front of her.
The tail was the first part that Harakka could recognise as she watched it lie limp in the dirt about a metre away from the rest of the skeleton. She then watched as a disconnected arm dragged itself over to grab it by the hairless tip, and turned her head to fight back the creeping feeling of nausea as it dragged itself back to the rest of the forming skeleton and clicked it into another set of bones with a sickening “pop!”
She had no idea whatsoever on what was causing this commotion. Did she disturb some sort of sacred temple? Did a necromancy cult of some sorts operate around here? Did she accidentally activate a curse? Countless thoughts of worry raced around her head like some sort of panicked driver struggling for control at a dozen-miles-per-hour around a racing circuit of impending doom.
Just as she was about to pull herself out of her trance and break for it, she heard a cracked voice sound from in front of her. She forced herself to turn her head forwards and look at the thing now staring directly into her eyes with eyeless sockets.
“G’day mate! Boy sure is a crank chilly down ‘ere.” The thing was standing lopsided with pieces of bone still missing from its body. It looked Harakka up and down before craning its head to look around. “Sure seems like this place is in need of a bit of T.L.C, I knew those new support beams wouldn’t last for long at all but did they listen to me? Nay…”
“E-excuse me.” Harakka began to shake again, and she bit her lip. “A-aren’t you aware that you are a little...uhm... dead?”
The thing looked at her like it was trying to raise its eyebrows that no longer existed. “Dead? I would no be speaking and walking around if I was dead as a door nail. I’ll admit this old body of mine is failing a bit- have you happened to seen a pair of Light-coloured eyeballs lying around somewhere here?” They inquired.
Harakka felt the nausea flare up in her stomach again. “No… not that I have seen. Listen, skeleton..” She breathed out deeply and clasped her claws. “First of all, are there any other dragons buried down here with you? More specifically… any Imperials? More than one Imperial more specifically?”
She winced as the rickety skeleton laughed a hoarse laugh. “Emperors are no laughing matter you… thing!” Harakka shouted at it.
“Emperors? In this cave? It’s less likely than ya might think!” The skeleton was now laughing so hard that a bone from their ribs fell down onto the dirty ground. “Nay, only fun old me and my crew are down here. Absolutely no way an Imp or Ridgie would fit in these narrow passages, though you’ve done a grand job sneaking through for a Guardian it seems! We’ve been mining this cave for years, though I’ll admit it’s looking a bit dry since I last woke up…” The creaky skeleton looked rather concerned upon noticing the latter.
Harakka looked over the skeleton with its amber-like bones. “Listen, hey… I don’t mean to alarm you, but I think… I think I’ve woken you up a little bit late. Your crew.. I don’t think they’re here any longer.” She now spoke sympathetically as the creature turned to look directly at her.
“Oh.” The skeleton lowered it’s head to the floor. “Oh.”
“So is this a good enough spot for where you need to be to do that…thing?” Synalar hesitated for a moment before lowering himself back down to the ground to allow his passengers to alight. They were just under half a mile from Melladion’s strange laboratory-turned-robot-daycare, far enough to hide the larger member of the group and allow Tektite to do what she needed to do.
Tektite grinned. “Perfect. None of them will be able to sense the device all the way out here, so we shouldn’t have to worry about them intervening-” She babbled on about more technological things as the others watched her in amusement as she lowered her head slightly and then raised it again, this time with eyes glowing, and activated her telekinetic powers to lift open her satchel and pull out a strange electronic board of buttons and other fancy knobs.
Aldersong peeked out from the rim of his bowl in Amitea’s arms. “What even is that thing anyway? I’ve literally never even HEARD of a thing looking like that, let alone seen one! What does it even do?” He bugged on at Tektite.
“You will see dear friend, you will see soon~” They could clearly hear the amusement in her voice as she kept them pondering. “I just really hope that thing is still around here. It was circling the windmill last time I was here. Pretty armored too, certainly more than capable of constructing its own firewall…”
Now the group of misfits were really left stumped. Tektite had told them this thing couldn’t be seen by the naked eye - only through her device - but now it was really beginning to sound like something right out of Miracle’s midday Fae tales. A wall of fire? Really?
“Yes….yeah! I’ve found it guys! Come round and see it! Told you it wasn’t some sort of prank!” Tektite whispered to them with enthusiasm and beckoned them to crouch around her and look at the small textured screen where sure enough, a strange digital green anomaly with red grid-like textures floating around it appeared to be circling the windmill.
“What in the Gods…” Synalar croaked. Aldersong was left with his mouth gaping, his jaw probably ready to drop to the ground at any moment. Poor Amitea almost dropped him with surprise, and Andesine was grinning with a mixture of pride and excitement for his fellow Geode and friend.
Tektite was absolutely thrilled. She had spent her early life fascinated by Lightning technology, and when Melladion had arrived in town she was absolutely awestruck by his tradesmanship. Even more so was she ecstatic upon seeing him with Mothtal for the first time after he had repaired the damaged robot, and when he welcomed more and more robots into his lab that she could only dream of hacking into to discover their secrets-
A terrifying rip of static broke from Tektite’s device.
“Tekkie! TEKKIE! That thing is making a weird noise! Shut it off girl! Shut it off!” Andesine shrieked as he tried desperately to cover his small ears with his Gembond-heavy stumps as the others winced around her doing the same. Amitea very nearly dropped poor Aldersong in an attempt to cover her own ears, spilling a lot of his water out in the process as the young Koi held desperately on to the rim.
“Wait- no!” Tektite yelped and with a powerful force of telekinesis she twisted a dial in various directions. “It’s trying to communicate! It’s spotted us!” She exclaimed.
She furiously wrestled with both her own mind and the device in a desperate attempt to uncover the beings hidden language before the static was silenced and a startling deep voice rumbled out of the device, leaving the group both shaken and awed:
“I̷̞͊̐͜ ̸̮̻͠C̸̞̻̋̌A̶̭͊N̵͙̄ ̷͍̞̓S̴̠̫̐͘E̴̼͂N̶̨̧̈́S̴͔͗̍E̴͇̮͒̄ ̴͕̼̒Ỳ̸͚͉Ȍ̶̩U̷̫̅R̷̩̜̂ ̶͖̗̏͆P̵͖̪̊Ṟ̶̯̇͆E̴̛͎̤̓S̵̗̑͆Ë̵̥͓N̴̬̳͊C̷̜̩̽Ė̷̱͊ ̸̨͈̈́͝U̶̜̎̇͜N̴̮͐R̷̯̯̿E̵̙̬͒͌G̷̟͔͗I̵͓̦͆S̸̥̼̋̀T̵̗͇͌Ȩ̷̯͘R̷̟̮͝Ę̷̣̏D̸̮̊̉ ̴̨̧̋͝Ï̵͎͚̊Ñ̴̜̚T̶̢͕͐E̷̹͂ͅL̵̢̖̃͝L̷̞̪̊̓Į̷̦̎͗G̶̥͛E̸̠̾N̸͎̄̃C̷̗͛É̶͙͝ ̴̥̦̾T̵͓̦͒R̵͉͝À̸̫Č̷̫̻̓K̴̯̔Ȋ̸̺͎̈́N̴͉̐͌Ḡ̵̯̳̿ ̴̼͈̊̕D̴̢̦͆E̸̮̰̿V̷͔͘̚I̵̠̐C̶̑͜Ẻ̷͎.̶̫̋ ̸̗͒Ḯ̴̹͇͝ ̷̺̫̊͂Ą̴̜̋M̷̺̼̀ ̸̲̬̄-̴̢͑R̶̦̱̽̄E̸͍͍̒D̵̹͖͑Ȁ̴̹̙͆C̸̯̳̈́̄T̴̩̊̐E̷̺̲͐D̴̢̻̓̊-̵̨̭͛͋ ̷͖̞͛͝=̵̖͌C̴̱͔͒Ȍ̵͎D̷̝͕͊̃È̵̻̓;̵̫͌͝N̶͙̖̋U̴̘̕͝L̵̳͆L̴̙̗̔̓,̶͈͉̍̈́ ̷̙͠À̸̱̒Ǹ̶̜͜D̶̳̃͗ ̴̢̜̔͝I̴̙͑ ̶̡́W̸̨̦̏I̴͍̻͊͝L̵̠̊ͅL̶͉̼̎ ̴̟̜̽̑N̴̨̬̎O̶͔͈̍T̵̛͙̙̂ ̴̡̗̆Ḁ̸͕̉͂Ủ̵̱̤̊T̷̺̀͝H̵͎̤͑͛Ỏ̵̦Ŗ̷̓I̴͍͠S̶̝̬̽̌Ë̸͖̤́̽ ̵̻̣͗͘Y̷̨͍̎̌Ȍ̴͍͜Ǘ̶̼̝͆Ȓ̷̳̯̈́ ̵͇̋I̷͓̻̊N̶̦̻͑͒T̴͙͋E̸͈͐Ř̵̠Ḟ̶̨̱E̷̪̰̒́R̶̖̱̄̈Ȇ̸̮̟̀N̵̗̏C̵̥̐Ȅ̴̯̭͝ ̷̧̓B̴͍̣͘É̷̤̀T̶̥̯̒͋W̶̛̺͕E̸͓͓̿̅Ẽ̴̳͎̾N̶̮̊̐͜ ̷͍́M̵̳̣̆̓Ÿ̵͉͈S̷͉̊̒È̵̳L̸̳̐̾F̷̱̑ ̵̳̈́̕Ā̷̘͠N̸̟͋́ͅD̸̛̙͘ ̷̜͕̌T̴͕͔̿H̷̼̽E̵̼͗ ̴̳̅͐Ḁ̴͝R̷̟̽T̶̙̂́I̴̢̐F̷̜͕̊I̸̦͛̀C̷̭̼͋̑I̴̯̓͋A̷̤̒L̶͉͊̾ ̵̼̦̃Ĺ̴̞I̴̗͆͜F̴̮͚͐É̸̩F̵͓́͜Ó̵̳͙̔Ŗ̴̿͂M̵͙͌S̴̗͑ ̵̖̌I̷͈͒̂N̶̲͇̿̏ ̸̨́T̵̹̗̂H̵̳̪̿I̸̮̪̿̏S̶̢̥̓ ̸̬̑C̶̟̝̈͒Ȯ̴͔̱͊M̵͘͜P̵̱͐L̵͙͐E̶̬͛ͅX̷͍͈͋͗.̴̹͝ ̶͕̱͝P̸̮̃͠R̴͚̅Ẹ̴̍͝P̴͔̖̏̽Ả̷̬͙R̵͍͖͊Ě̶̗͓̄ ̷̻̼̂F̶͍̄̌O̸̺̜͊̏R̷͍̈̉ ̷̰̔͂R̸͎̳̽̂E̶̟͌S̵̼̦̕͠I̵͉̼͂̏S̷̨̩͝T̵̬̜͘A̸̧̎̆N̴̫̰̕C̴̺̱̑̚Ė̵̤͓.”
“So where’d you come from then hun? I canna say that I’ve seen markings like those before” The skeletal dragon quietly questioned Harakka and poked her lightly on the shoulder. “Looks like the markings of a Plague dragon no doubt, with all ‘em bones. You got the eyes to match for certain!” They cackled.
Harakka simply nodded at the skeleton. “I’m from the Wasteland yes, but I came here to... leave all that behind and start over again.” She whispered the last few words, her voice cracking slightly.
“Well then you see... these caves here don’t forget that easily. They remember everything, all the way back to millenniums ago before even the Deities had gone to rest. History of creatures and civilizations lies immortalised in these very walls and minerals.” The skeleton spoke quietly and reached out a thin arm to stroke the wall nearest to them, seemingly admiring it.
Harakka looked around the dark cave and nodded again, clearly uninterested. “Yeah. So. Do you remember your name? Do you even have one?” She asked. “I am Harakka, by the way. Apologies for disturbing you.”
The skeleton arched their head from the wall and looked backwards at the young Guardian. “No need to be sorry for anything, hun. You can call me Fossil. That’s what they always called me back in the day. I think there may still be a town nearby if you want somewhere more comfortable to forget your past.”
Bonus image to the staff after that specific Ask The Team:
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driftingicecaps-fr · 6 years
Lair Review for Iodine #204691
Here ya go @iodine-fr!
Super lovely artwork you have in your clan profile. Lots of complimenting colors and it just makes me feel peaceful, props to the artist! Your lair is very well organized by color and your use of apparel is just lovely. Juspreti continues to be an absolute bae and I would die for her.
Berninger: Mmmm I’m weak to Ridgeback girls and this one is gorgeous. The way you made the apparel match the colors is top notch. The rags with the blue of the toxin and the rags with the green, especially on her wing spikes. Absolutely beautiful. Also, the cerdae familiar was practically made for her. The art in her bio is lovely, such an interesting take on her character.
Mallebisse: Absolutely lovely, like death but all the beauty that comes from it. Roses crowing from a corpse. The aesthetic she has going on with the apparel reminds me of a graphic novel I read once called Pretty Deadly. The whole Kissin’ Kate Barlow vibe I’m getting from he is amazing. 10/10 familiar matching. 
Olalla: She deserves more than the one-off mention I gave in the FMK ask like a week ago. I would pay $$$$ to get a smooch from this girl. That Gijinka art of her is gorgeous and has so much personality. I’m guessing the crackle goes with her fire powers? I love the use of blues playing in with her apparel. And that frog companion is GOOD. Good frog. I hope she has a name for them. Very lovely and a very good use of bone apparel.
Durango: I think he wins of the award of the first snapper I picked in a lair review. He’s actually one of your dragons I looked over before because his design is just so visually appealing. His human art is a perfect representation of him. I imagine his eyes to be brown with a ring of amber around the pupil, it’s warm and inviting like tea on a crisp autumn day. This is weirdly specific but I like the puffs of white from the raven armor that stick out beyond his collar. Reminds me of those black cloaks with the fur hoods you see in anime sometimes.
Khada: I love love love maize/Ivory dragons. Two things that struck me are the accent (a new one to me and absolutely gorgeous) and how boldly the scars on his back thighs are displayed. I love his art, his moodboards, and his playlist. Every bit of him is wonderful. Well, maybe not his personality, but I love it anyway. Poor guy has obviously been through a lot. I really want to know what happened to his other limb, my guess is it was self-inflicted.
Tesla: I had to take a closer look at this guy, I have a secret love for male Ridgie’s and dragons like him just give me more reason to do so. The Auburn/Copper combo is bery visually pleasing and scales works very well on him (usually not a fan of this gene). His skin is gorgeous and really ties his whole aesthetic together. I envy your way with colors, that’s for sure. Very lovely art in his bio, I like that it’s very reminiscent of FR but still unique as an emblem when combined in the ways it is. An absolute delight.
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un-gyvepress · 7 years
The Sons of the Gael
We, a bunch of greencard Irish,
vamp it under the cathedral arches
of Brooklyn Bridge that’s strung like a harp. 
‘We Will Not Play the Harp Backward Now, No’  Selected Delanty p. 52
 A Textbook of Irish Literature (Part II.) by Eleanor Hull (Dublin, M. H. GILL & SON, LTD. & London, DAVID NUTT., 1908) follows a preface with a chronology which begins with Fear Flatha Ó Gnímh.
fl. 1560. FEARFLATHA O’GNIVE, bard of the O’Neills of Clannaboy, accompanied Shane O’Neill to London in 1562, when he was summoned by Elizabeth. His poems had much influence in rousing O’Neill to action in the North, and in stirring up the Irish nobles in other parts of the kingdom. His best known poem is the “Downfall (or ‘stepping~down’) of the Gael,” a lament over the condition of Ireland and the inaction of the chiefs. This O’Gnive, or more probably another bard of the same name, wrote a lament on the death of Teigue Dall O’Higgin, who was murdered in 1617 by the O’Haras.
Downfall of the Gael
My heart is in woe, And my soul deep in trouble,— For the mighty are low, And abased are the noble: The Sons of the Gael Are in exile and mourning, Worn, weary, and pale As spent pilgrims returning; Or men who, in flight From the field of disaster, Beseech the black night On their flight to fall faster; Or seamen aghast When their planks gape asunder And the waves fierce and fast Tumble through in hoarse thunder; Or men whom we see That have got their death-omen,— Such wretches are we In the chains of our foemen! Our courage is fear, Our nobility vileness, Our hope is despair, And our comeliness foulness. There is mist on our heads, And a cloud chill and hoary Of black sorrow, sheds An eclipse on our glory. From Boyne to the Linn Has the mandate been given, That the children of Finn From their country be driven. That the sons of the king— Oh, the treason and malice!— Shall no more ride the ring In their own native valleys; No more shall repair Where the hill foxes tarry, Nor forth to the air Fling the hawk at her quarry: For the plain shall be broke By the share of the stranger, And the stone-mason's stroke Tell the woods of their danger; The green hills and shore Be with white keeps disfigured, And the Mote of Rathmore Be the Saxon churl's haggard! The land of the lakes Shall no more know the prospect Of valleys and brakes— So transformed is her aspect! The Gael cannot tell, In the uprooted wildwood And the red ridgy dell, The old nurse of his childhood: The nurse of his youth Is in doubt as she views him, If the wan wretch, in truth, Be the child of her bosom. We starve by the board, And we thirst amid wassail— For the guest is the lord, And the host is the vassal. Through the woods let us roam, Through the wastes wild and barren; We are strangers at home! We are exiles in Erin! And Erin's a bark O'er the wide waters driven! And the tempest howls dark, And her side planks are riven! And in billows of might Swell the Saxon before her,— Unite, oh, unite! Or the billows burst o'er her!  
Archie Burnett in his introduction to Selected Delanty:
     "The words for people who change their country are themselves highlighted as strange, foreign: 
I ate the lotus of emigration,
never in a decade of Sundays imagining I’d be here
to stay, wincing at the word emigrant
that, once uttered, seems to filch me of myself
the way they say a camera steals a soul. 
And there is that stranger word immigrant
that I’ve become and that my tongue 
that night stuck on, the stammer itself 
intimating the meaning. 
‘The Lost Way’ p. 48 
Brand us exiles, emigrants if you like. 
‘To Those Who Stayed’ p. 228
For all that, there is an undeniable impulse in the poems to look back to Ireland, to name the old names of the streets and people, to bring to life the colorful detail of domesticity and childhood...."
And as in the earliest of Irish verse 
The Gael cannot tell, In the uprooted wildwood And the red ridgy dell, The old nurse of his childhood:
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pixie88 · 3 years
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Chapter 19 - Always the Bridesmaid.
A/N: This chapter has 2 star guest appearances from 2 beauty's @secretaryunpaid and @ridgy--didge 😘😘 Again I’m going to try and start editing and publishing 2 chapters a week as I have 5 drafts in ATB and 3 drafts in Addicted to You (Series 2 of ATB) obviously if you wish to stop reading after series 1 I completely understand just let me know if you like to be untagged. Now offence taken. I hope you like it.
Read previous chapters HERE!
Warnings: Fluff, Little Angst, Mention of drug abuse & Violence.
Song: Raye - Love of you life.
Word Count: 2303
Pairings: Laila x Harry
As soon as she read the words she knew who had done this "The flat is all clear" Harry says as Laila just stares at the words on the wall "It was Vicky" she says without looking away. "Are you sure?" he questions her, Laila nods "She's done something like this before when I've given Zeppy advice to stay away from her while she's using in the past. So, she completely smashed up my car"
18 Years ago.
"Nate, you know everyone says she's a druggy right?" this wasn't the reaction he wanted when he told his family about Vic "Laila, she is done with all that!" he hisses at her "Whatever...it's your life!" she gets up off the sofa and heads back to her bedroom. Nate was only 16 and Vic was 2 years older, Terry and Liz didn't care about the age gap as they were the same age when they got together, but it was more the rumours they had heard about her half the time she's high and the other half she's trying to get money to score.
As much as they didn't like her, Terry and Liz knew if they expressed their concerns, this will just push him away and towards her. All they could do is be there for him, they didn't have to worry. 4 months into the relationship the day before Laila's 14 birthday, Vicky just disappeared for two years when she finally turned up she told him about Zeppy. Hoping that he would stump up maintenance for her, but a trainee mechanic didn't make that much. Nate had learned not to give her money for anything, so if Zeppy needed something he would go out and buy it for her himself.
When she reached 12 years old, Vicky relapsed again, Nate had lost count of how many times she had gone back to the gear. Vicky had ended up in hospital again, Nate was working so he had asked Laila to take her to see Vic. When they arrived Vicky was asleep, although she was only 4 years older than Laila, looked twice her age. Zeppy was in tears "Hey, she'll be OK! She always is!" Laila tried to comfort her.
Hearing Zeppy's voice she stirred but kept her eyes shut "Aunt Laila, sometimes I wish she wasn't! I wish she wasn't OK.....I can't keep going through this!" Zeppy sobbed "I get that...I do! Sometimes, you can only take so much before you start to wonder if you would be better off without them or keep putting yourself through it"
This angered Vicky.
3 Days later.
She discharged herself from hospital and caught the tube to Laila's work. She saw her car parked up, she took off her heeled boots and smashed every window, pulling out her house key she scraped it across the shiny black paint work before smashing in her headlights. With the alarm going off Laila and Daniel rushed outside, but the damaged had been done.
Vicky got 6 months in prison for criminal damage.
Nate felt so much guilt that he decided he would worked on her car until it looked like new but Terry and Grandad Carelli couldn't let him do it alone, so they got involved too.
That was Vicky's first attack on Laila...
Present day.
Harry didn't want her staying at the flat just in case, Vicky came back no matter how much Laila protested "Harry, I'll be fine here! I can handle Vicky" he's packing a bag for her "I don't care...Laila, you aren't staying here" although she wasn't scared of Vic, she found Harry's protective side quite a turn on.
The next day.
Harry is in the shower, while Laila is cooking them breakfast "Alexa play Harry's playlist" she calls out. Raye - Love of Your Life starts playing, Laila starts swaying her hips and sings along.
"Oh, I could make you confused
I could give you something to lose
I'ma wake you up in the morning
In the bathroom singing the blues
No, I won't clean up your plates (Your plates)
Got my hair all in your face (Your face)
And my legs wrapped 'round your waist (Your waist)
No, I could never give you any space but I
I could be the love, be the love
Be the love, be the love of your life
I could be the love, be the love
Be the love, be the love of your life
I could be the light, be the light
Be the light when it's dark in the night
Oh God, I could be the love, be the love
Be the love, be the love of your life"
Harry stops in the doorway admiring the view, she hadn't noticed him and continues singing. He watches her hip roll and booty pop. He's almost convinced she knows he's there, so she's moving like this to get a reaction out of him. Which by how tight his boxers have gone she had gotten one.
"Put your, put your ego down when you need to
Yes, I get stressed out if I can't read you
Bad London girl raised in the south
I run my mouth, I say shit that I really didn't meant to say
Got my hair all in your face (Your face)
And my legs wrapped 'round your waist (Your waist)
No, I could ne......."
She cuts herself off when he startles her by wrapping his arms around her from behind "Why does that song seem like it was made for you?" He asks before placing a soft kiss against her neck "Maybe because my legs are normally wrapped around ya waist?" she laughs, "That or the love of you life bit" he nips her ear.
He kisses her neck again "Harry, I'm trying to cook breakfast," he leans forward moving the pan off the heated ring "I'm hungry for....!"  he spins her round to face him before lifting her and placing her on the kitchen counter. His lips crash to hers, his hands slip under his t-shirt she's wearing, grasping the waistband of her underwear and pulling them down until their a puddle on the floor.
The pads of his fingers parts her folds, the kiss became more intense, she moans against his lips. She's ready for him, she pushes down his boxers springing him free, she lines him up against her apex. With one swift movement, he thrusts into her, he groans as he grips her arse pulling her forward. She grips his shoulders, his thumb brushes over her nipple making her moan.
A few hours later.
"....I found her washing the kittens in the toilet" Mrs. Hoges tells Laila stories of her 6 year old granddaughter in her southern American accent while she's cutting her hair "No!! How old were they?"
"5 maybe 6 weeks...I shouldn't laugh but it was quite funny"
As she finishes up, she hears her phone buzz.
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She loves her friends, but they worry too much, Laila believes if Vicky wanted to hurt her she would.
15 Minutes later...
Laila calls in her next client Miss. Ferguson in "Hey! How are you?" she greets her "G'day, I'm great thanks, you?" She says in her rich Australian accent, Laila nods "So what are we doing today?" Laila throws the gown over her "I'm thinking chocolate brown highlights" Laila nods tearing the foil strips.
At the corner of her eye, she notices someone lean against the wall to her right, she glances over and rolls her eyes as she makes her way over "Harry, what are you doing here?"
"Don't worry Daniel said it was fine.... considering" he seems worried "As much I love you worrying over me...I will be fine" she can see he has no plans on leaving her anytime soon "But seems you aren't going anywhere make yourself useful and pass me those foils when I ask" they make their way back over to Miss. Ferguson.
Once her foils are done, Laila gets Harry to take her to the sinks and wash her hair "I..don't know how to wash women's hair," he whispers to Laila, who laughs "Dude! Come on, it's not that difficult! You know how to wash your hair just wash it how you would yours but we give them a head massage when you do the conditioner" she winks leaving him to it.
At the end of her shift, "Did you have fun being my trainee?" he looks over to her, she had made him do 5 washes, made endless amount of teas and coffees and sweep up hair "I have no idea how you do this everyday my hands are pruned" she laughs, "Aww, those delicate hands can't handle a little water?" she jokes as she grabs her stuff to leave. She checks her phone and saw Nate had text her.
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Although Laila wasn't scared of Vicky, she was relieved that she had been caught "Vicky's in custody" she turns towards Harry, who let's out a sigh of relief "Thank...fuck!" He wraps her up in his arms "Let hope she's not released anytime soon" she smiles up at him. She sends a quick reply back.
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"So, that means I lose my hunky trainee?" She winks at him, he chuckles "Would it be inappropriate to take my boss out to dinner?" She smirks "Well, now your shift has finished you're no longer my trainee! I'm guessing it's acceptable!"
They leave the salon and find a restaurant that can seat them. Once they are shown their table, they're looking through the menu she looks up at Harry then she spots him...Fuck!!!! She thought as she moved the menu to cover her face.
"Laila?" She hears Harry say "Yes?" She asked not lowering her menu, "Who are you hiding from?" She can almost hear him smirking "No one! I have no idea what you're talking about!" He shook his head "You know even if I can't see your face I can tell you are lying"
She pulls down the menu a little "After Josh, Nikki set me up on a blind date...oh my god the guy was awful. He was one of those who are someone in school, but after he's a nobody the whole date he was just reminiscing about his days at school. I was so bored, so I made my excuses to use the toilets which was right next to the exit and left" Harry howls "Laila!! You didn't?!" He wipes his tears from laughing.
"I did! It's the guy over there with the woman with the yellow dress" Harry is about to turn to look, "Don't look you'll make it obvious!" She hisses "I need to see what this guy looks like especially if you've ditched him!" He turns and he can't believe his eyes "Callum?" He turns back to her "Yeah, how did you know?" She questions him.
"He was the kid in school that used to bully me about my weight...well until Alec told him to back off" Harry starts to laugh again "What's funny?" She asks, "So, he came to my gym years later wanting a PT, I managed to get him into shape....but it felt so good having someone who used to bully me come to me for help and now? My girlfriend went on a date with him and done a runner!" Harry is in fits of laughter.
"Maybe I should go over and say hi" Laila gives him a look as of to say don't you dare, but its to late, he's up and walking over to their table "Callum! I saw you and thought I'd come over and say hi!" Callum looks up at him "Harry, mate how are you?" The pair shake hands "Good, just here with my girlfriend Laila" he points in Laila's direction she awkwardly smiles back.
"I feel like I know her from somewhere" Callum's date turns in Laila's direction, now all 3 are looking over to her. Fuck! Does he recognize me?! She thought. "I think she just has one of those faces" Harry laughs "So, who's your date?" Callum's date looks up at Harry.
Laila caught her checking Harry out, she holds out her hand, which Harry shakes and quickly drops much to Callum's dates disappointment. She watches him smile at him both before making his way back to their table.
"Please tell me..he doesn't remember me?!" She asks as he sits, Harry chuckles "He thinks he knows you from somewhere, but no idea where" Laila sighs with relief "Thank god! But the nerve of his date! Checking you out right in front of him!" Her tone was curt.
A grin appeared on his face "So, I didn't imagine it then!" She rolls her eyes at him "No, I saw it too!" She doesn't look impressed "They were on a first date too! Why do you sound jealous?" He loves this side to her "I'm not.... I just think its rude checking out someone else when you are on a date" he leans over interlinking his fingers through hers "Gorgeous....come on surely you know I literally have tunnel vision, if it's not you I'm not interested! Plus do you know how good it felt telling him that I was with you?! The chubby kid got the super hot girlfriend and at 34 he's still on his first date" His words make her blush.
They're interrupted by the waiter who takes their order.
They are laughing at a silly joke Harry's mum told him when he heads to their table "I figured out where I know you from!" Callum says in an airy tone "We went on a blind date set up by Nikki! You ran out on it"
Fuck he remembered! She thought.
Continue reading this story here - Chapter 20.
@lem-20​ @ridgy--didge​ @irisofpurple​ @secretaryunpaid​ @khoicesbyk​ @txemrn​ @gloriousalmondvoiddreamer​ @tea-me-kah​ @casualpostqueen​ @beautifuluknownvoid​
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lotus0kid · 8 years
Danny Devine gets laryngitis and hires Belle to do his yelling for him for the two weeks until he gets it back.
OUaT/DF: Anniversary Fic the 11th
((I found what looks like a good glossary of Australianslang, for anyone who wants Belle to yabber like a ridgy-didge Aussie.))
Being the assistant manager of a strip club was never goingto be easy.  Having Danny Devine as aboss did not help.  However, Belle feelsshe’s done okay minding the place whenever Danny goes gallivanting off into thecity on his own business.  Belle keepsout of it, stays on the floor where she belongs.  All the yelling makes her nervous.  And then one day she gets an email from a [email protected].  Belle didn’t even know the Parrot Club hadits own email server.
Belle, it reads,Got a cold.  Be in in a few days.  Don’t phone me.-Danny Devine
“Poor lamb,” Belle murmurs with a chuckle.  She’s certain a sick Danny is the worst Dannyof them all.  Still, she asks if she canget him anything.
A few minutes later, he replies, Don’t need a nurse.  Need an asstmngr.  Work.
“Yes, sir, right away, sir,” she quips, and goes on with hershift.  A week later, she barely catchessight of Danny stalking into the club and up to his office.  After a little while, her mobile buzzes witha text from him: Get up here.
“Hello to you too,” she grumbles, then tucks her mobile awayand heads for the office.  Slippinginside, she puts on a smile and chirps, “Hiya, Danny!  Done with your cold?”
His pale, wane face is fixed in a glare behind his desk.
“Maybe not quite,” Belle says while he grabs his mobile andtypes something.
At a buzz from her pocket, Belle reads the new text aloud,“Laryngitis can’t talk.  What…?  Oh, you have laryngitis, and can’t talk.  I see. Shame.”
Her sympathetic look is met with an irritated eye-roll andanother hasty text.  Got clients coming.  Need you totalk to them.
“What?  How can I dothat?  I’ve no idea what they’d be herefor.”
Just repeat what Iwrite.  He grabs a leather notebookand wags it at her.
Belle winces, but says, “Okay, I can try…”
Sit over there.  He gestures at an egg chair.  Belle lowers herself into it with a balefulglance at the door.  She had chores to dotoday.  Oh well.
It doesn’t take long for the first client to arrive, a burlyman Belle does not want to get angry. Danny doesn’t seem to have this concern as he scribbles in his notebookand sharply waves Belle to the desk.  Shescrambles over and tries to stand tall in front of the man, who raises aneyebrow at her.  “Hi,” she says, “I’mBelle, the assistant manager.  D- uh, Mr.Devine has laryngitis, so I’ll just- um…”
A frantic tapping at her arm has her turning to see Dannyall but pummeling her with the edge of the notebook.
“Okay, okay,” she says, taking it and reading hismessage.  Then looking at Danny.  “I can’t say that.”
He scowls in fury and grabs the notebook back, scrawling inhuge letters, DO IT OR YOU’RE SACKED.  He gives the threat three hard jabs ofemphasis with his pen.
Belle sighs and holds her hand out.  He slaps the notebook into it.  She turns to the man and reads in a flatmonotone, “Hello, Bastwick, you great dumb ox. Where’s my… fucking money?”
To her relief, Bastwick lets out huff of a laugh.  “Haven’t got it.  My niece finally dumped her pissheadboyfriend and she needed it for moving expenses.”
“Did she?” Belle replies, “Sounds like it was a long timecoming.”
“Too right.  I triedto tell her a hundred times, but it was always, ‘Oh, I love him, Uncle Niles,’‘Oh, he’ll change this time, Uncle Niles.’ Now, girl’s finally come to her senses and picked up sticks.”
Danny snatches the notebook from Belle’s hand and writessomething and shoves it back at her.
Belle frowns as she reads, “There’s no fucking niece.  You’re a liar and a thief, Bastwick.”
Bastwick’s face goes stormy. “Fuck you, Devine, Charlize was a bloody waitress here.  Look, I was short last month when I neededthe loan.  Give me one more week and I’llbe flush, honest.  This was a one-timefamily emergency.”
Belle turns to Danny. “He’s right, I remember Charlize. She’s a nice girl.  What’s wrongwith waiting one more week?”
Danny grabs the notebook again and fills an entire blankpage with the words NO REPRIEVES.
“We’re not talking about a reprieve, just an extension,”Belle gently explains.  She turns toBastwick, “Look, do you promise to pay Danny back in a week?”
He nods.  “Yeah,‘course.”
“Will you do it on record?” Belle takes out her mobile and turns on the microphone function, holdingit out to Bastwick.
He eyes it warily, but soon sighs and leans close to say,“I, Niles Bastwick, of sound mind and body, do hereby swear to pay six hundredpounds to Danny Devine by the twenty-sixth of March, twenty-seventeen.  There, that do?”
Belle stops the recorder and beams.  “Splendidly, Mr. Bastwick, thank you.”
“No, thank you, miss. Cheers, Devine.”  He gives a vaguesalute and lumbers out of the office.
Belle’s smile lasts until she feels the hard tap of thenotebook against her arm.  Danny’s latestmessage reads, Are you trying to fuckingbankrupt me???  She rolls hereyes.  “Of course not, Danny.  You’re getting paid next week, didn’t you hear?”
Unless he’s got abrand new excuse.
“Well, then you can have me play the recording.  He promised. I think that means something to him.”
Right.  The lone word somehow drips with sarcasm.
Belle is pleased with how the meeting went, having achievedsatisfaction for at least two of the three participants.  However, the meetings that follow are… lesspleasant.  When someone comes looking fora loan, she does her best to explain the terms clearly, to Danny’s fumingirritation.  Early on she tries to reasonwith the people who arrive to beg more time. After a while she flatly reads what Danny writes, no matter howvulgar.  By the end of the second week,her patience has worn a trifle thin.
“No, no, no, no,” she interrupts the latest dill’s patheticexcuse, “Listen, if you’re not here to nut out a deal, then you’re just here tolair it up like a right galah, and I’ve no time for it.  I’ll give you a fair go, but not if you’regonna tell a load of porkies and expect me to think it’s deadset, okay?”
The ugh pommie squints at her.  “Look, yes, I’ve remembered now, it wasn’t mybrother, it was my friend, I’m serious. He took the money-”
“Pig’s arse!” Belle shouts, “You think you can have a lend ofme, you whacker?  You better rack offbefore I really get spewing, understand?”
“… No?”
“FUCK OFF, BLUDGER!” she roars, charging the man so hescuttles backwards to the door and escapes. Belle stares after him, breathing out her fury.  She whips around to face Danny and remark,“He was really coming the raw prawn, eh?”
He just stares at her with a strange light in his eyes.
As the last of the red clears from Belle’s vision, horrorsets in.  “Oh my god,” she breathes, “I’vegone to the dark side.”
“Yes,” Danny hisses in an unnaturally deep and raspy voice, “Welcome,my young apprentice.”
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deadhousekeeping · 6 years
How to Store Seashells
Before you store your seashells, you must first walk along Miami Beach at sunrise with your throat still burning from last night’s margaritas. This is before marrying, having children or growing up. Along the wet sand, collect sand dollars, pointy mitres, ridgy scallops and, your favorite, oversized conch shells. Pack them in your suitcase between your swimsuits and terry-cloth jumpsuits and bring them back to Ohio.
In time, get married. Have one child. Get divorced and married again, always hanging on to those shells. They remind you of who you were before: young and wild.
When your father falls ill, pick up your family of three and move everything that fits into his duplex. Take care of him as best you can. He’s dying, but you won’t admit it. 
Display the shells on a shelf in your six-year-old daughter’s room, because wall space is scarce. She likes them, to shake the sand dollars and imagine real coins inside. When your dad’s health sinks further, hand her the conch and tell her to listen to the ocean. Tell her stories about the beach and how one day, when money and life are better, you will take her there to find her own seashells.
One day she climbs her dresser to play with the shells and bumps the shelf. It topples. Shards of shells ricochet off walls. 
The conch is somehow okay. 
Hold it to your ear. Know not everything is broken.
 - Danielle Dayney is sometimes a blogger, usually a writer, and always a mom. Recently, her creative nonfiction essays have been shared on BLUNTmoms and Thought Catalog. Her stories have also been published in several anthologies including the Virginia Writers Centennial Anthology, Short on Sugar, High on Honey, Nevertheless We Persisted, andBeach Reads: Lost and Found.In 2016 and 2017, she received awards at BlogHer for creative nonfiction essays. You can find her chasing kids and furbabies somewhere in Virginia, or at www.danielledayney.com.
   [MG1]We wanted to either specify what she'll find (seashells) or, alternately, we could end the sentence at "take her there."
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kikixrita · 6 years
NYC Trip Spring 2018 :+D
We arrived on Thursday night around 5:20 in La Guardia. We then waited in a 20 minute line for a taxi:D The taxi ride was enjoyable as we got to see the citayyy. Ummm it was 50 dollars tho. wtf. After we checked into our hotel, the Seton Hotel, we walked to Shake Shack which just happened to be next door to us!! I got the Veggie Burger and Bob got the classic Shack Burger and cheese fries with a black and white shake. It was so yummy! Then we walked around and found a local grocery store and grabbed some food for our hotel. We grabbed muffins, apples and bananas, chips, ridgies(sour cream and cheddar knock off ruffles), peanut butter, and bread. After we brought it to our hotel, we went walking to Bryant Park! We sat down on the chairs for a bit, then continued our walk to Times Square. We saw everything including the scary people wearing costumes lol! We went into a Broadway store and the Guitar Center store. Then we started our walk back to the hotel. It was a fun start! 
Day 2 <333
Bobs birthday!! We started a little late as Bob had some work to do, so we left our hotel room around 11am. We got the yummy coffee from downstairs (espresso) and started walking around east midtown. We ended up walking north on 5th avenue, running into the Rockefeller, The Plaza, and Central Park! We walked around Central Park, then went to a pizza shop on the lower west side. After eating the delicious pizza, we walked through the park! We ended up at the boat pond and I got to use free bathrooms and we grabbed a coffee and cookie at Le Pain Quotdien. It was so yummy. There was a really funnny squirrel and the birds were walking around the cookie. hhehehehehheh
After we ate, we kept walking through the park. We ended up walking past the Gugenheim and the Met! We walked into the Upper East side, stopping by Bobs old apartment. We stopped at the little park near the river on the upper east side. It was really nice. The weather was dreary, but it was still enjoyable. Bob talked to his grandma and then we started the trek to the subway. Luckily there was a new subway station that we stumbled upon. Oh also we got to pet Cecil the golden retriever!! He was so cuteeeee. We got our metro card, hopped on the subway, and we were off! Back to the hotel. Once we got back, I fell asleep from 7pm-9pm. Whoops! It was a well needed rest. We decided to go out again and we went to a mexican restaurant called Siniqual. It was soooo yummy! There were free chips lmaooooo! The waiter was so nice. We got a veggie fajita. Yum! We stayed until around 11:15pm. Once we left, we tried finding a newspaper so bob could record the events form his birthday. (the main notable thing that happened was that Bill Cosby was found guilt of all three counts of sexual assault....so we are glad we didn’t find the newpaper lmao!)
Day 3
We were TIRED! I slept in until 9:30! RARE. We got ready, grabbed the free espresso downstairs, and headed out. We stopped at Bryant Park for a few minutes, then decided to get H&H Midtown Bagels. We took the subway up and got there. Bob ordered a Blueberry egg and cheese + a tee shirt, and I ordered an Onion Bagel with plain cream cheese...but I got an onion bagel with tuna salad? It was still good tho. We walked to central park to eat, and it was magical! After eating, we walked to The Met and sat on the steps. I took some photos for a group of gals, then we met up with one of Bob’s friends and got some Pizzzzzzzzaaaaa. It was yummmmmmy! He got us into The Met for FREE and we said our goodbyes. Bob and I then walked around the met! We first started at the Asian art but not finding Japanese art -_- After, we saw Greek adn european statues. Omg. that was so cool! I think the coolest was seeing how big the marble and limestone statues were. There were also funeral statues...so they carved the persons face/head into marble and would place their ashes inside this marble box. It is so neat. Then we stopped at the Petrie Cafe and got a coffee, but not before seeing the Oceanic part of the museum. After the Petrie Cafe my legs we hella sore...but I persisted! lmao
We ended up looking at the European paintings section next. We stumbled across a lot of Christ paintings, some a little scarier than others. Then we got to see some Van Goghs, Monets, Degas, and Renoirs. I wish there were more famous female painters :( Anyways, that was cool! After that, we walked across the park! It was very busy and it was sunny :D We ended up on the upper west side to go to Levain Bakery. It was worth it. We got a chocolate chip and walnut and a double chocolate chip cookie. I liked the walnut and Bob liked the double chocolate. Worked out perfectly :-) We brought our cookies to Riverside Park and sat, ate, and people watched. After we ate, we facetimed with bobs mom who was watching Suki. He was so excited! 
We started walking towards the Subway and took it all the way down to Times Square. We saw some interesting characters on the subway and near Times Square. Needless to say we were getting eager to go back to Suki and our apartment lololll
Later that night we watched some Modern Family in the hotel room and ordered Shake Shack. I got the veggie again and bob got the crispy chicken burger-sooirrr good! It was rainy outside, so it was a perfect way to spend our last night in the city.
The next day we had a bit of an early start as check out was 11am. The hotel was kind enough to hold our bags so we were able to roam the city in the afternoon! We started out getting espresso from the free coffee machine in the hallway, then headed to Bryant Park with our muffins. It was so nice :-) Sunny and in the mid 50′s. We sat and ate, then made our way to the Empire State building. We continued down 5th avenue to Madison Square park and people watched. We got to see the Flatiron building and saw cute dogs everywhere! We then went to Wagamama. It was ok...I’m not sure if I would recommend. The chicken katsu was good for a food chain serving Japanese food. After eating, we made our way back to the New York Library! We went through a neat 60′s-70′s exhibit then made our way up to the third floor and saw the main study rooms. It was so cool. I was so excited to be there! We then rushed to Rockefeller, took some photos, ran into a bakery to find Black and White cookies, then ran into Magnolia Bakery because we couldn’t find the black and white cookie, then ran into a little deli and finally found black and white cookies. YAY! We persisted yet again. We made it back just in time to grab our luggage from the hotel (Seton Hotel....the best/cutest place to stay on a budget in NYC.) We hung out in the lounge and got picked up and taken to the airport in a Lyft! :D 
I am currently writing this at La Guardia, where we just ate a really yummy pizza from Angelino’s. 10/10 recommend. It was such a fun trip! I can’t wait to come back soon. 
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