#he was so uncomfortable too and they just kept talking over him AAAAAAAA
I have been filled with a deep rage.
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universal-kitty · 5 years
Tell us about your PC, Aki!! They sound really cool, and I love D&D!
   [sLAMS MY HANDS ON THE TABLE] WELCOME TO a now split party, but a rad af tiefling and her even COOLER little brother.
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   Meet Quinzy (and Carnon, to the left side!)!! (Art by the lovely @tiny-pastel-unicorn.)
   Quinzy is a tiefling barbarian who- much like her weapons- dances between a fine line of badass and princess. She loves her bow and flower crown, but her gladiator set, too. She’ll flirt as much as she’ll crave the fight, indulging in the bloodlust that had been encouraged by her demonic father. (A tall, blue demon my DM and bf ended up naming Avnas... Accidentally based him off of Castlevania’s Dracula, Naruto’s Madara Uchiha, and DMC’s Vergil tho, LMAO.)
   Her brother, Carnon... He’s more the sweetie of the troupe. Quinzy’s protective of him as all hell, but he’s STRONG. (Fighter class...and DM allowing him to be Stronk for the fun of it, bless him.) He can’t really read, doesn’t much like to, but he IS a little artist, drawing the group’s adventures as the days pass! Very much wants to make himself known to be his sister’s equal, too, since he doesn’t want to burden her with being weak and defenseless. (Despite the fact he has proficiency in Great weapons.....LMAO.)
   Full family story (plus art of the parents by the same artist!!) beneath the cut~!
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   Meet Melita Valentina (the woman) and Avnas, the kid’s parents!! Avnas met Melita after a harsh fight with a blood hunter during a blizzard in her town. Thankfully, she had spotted him in the spotty darkness, forcing him to accept her help, healing him (with the aid of a friend’s potions), and eventually...the two falling in love.
   ...As it wasn’t quite a secret that Melita had a preference, and it certainly wasn’t in humans...!
   Quinzy was the first born... Born with wings, like her father. However, as she grew up and the teasing and harassment from the village kids got to her, she eventually ripped off her wings in an attempt to be more like them. Avnas took this as a sign of her strength, and began training her in various weaponry.
   Before too long, Carnon was born, though Avnas hadn’t been traveling for some time. He decided to leave them for a short while to fight more. Amass more power, and so he left.
   Unknown to him, however, is that Carnon’s horns had grown too soon. Deeply hurting Melita, though the pain wouldn’t become an issue until a month or two later. Her old friend’s potions kept her going for a time, but none had the power the old ones had; the one, for example, that had helped Avnas’ wound. She attempted to send Quinzy and Carnon for it, having staved off some of the ill effects of her injuries and infections... (Knowing the little boy til he was about 3.) However, when they came back?
   Melita had passed. Cold when they came back for her.
   They stuck around for a few months longer, avoiding the room her body lay in and eating up the food the best Quinzy could make of it. Only being forced to leave home when the villagers realized Melita hadn’t been seen or heard from in months and Avnas had been nowhere in sight, either. No sounds of training...
   The villagers burned their home down, Quinzy and Carnon taking their last, precious objects from home (a necklace Melita owned for Quinzy, and Carnon taking a toy his mother had altered for him; so it looked like a tiefling) before running away.
   Quinzy would make a few spare friends (in a brothel, of all places) steal food and money if it meant taking care of Carnon...and eventually, start fighting for money.
   This led her to the beginning of the campaign she started in, where the group would meet Carnon at the door to the underworld of Highwater (he wasn’t allowed down there), and meet Quinzy, the star fighter and the champion of a goblin-run fighting ring. Of course, the curiosity of new fights catches her ear...but considering a hasty shot by a guard caused Carnon harm?
   That goblin didn’t live much longer.
   Over my time playing as her, I got to learn a few things!!! First off... I’ll start with Her Song. The song that makes me think of her every time! Sweet but Psycho by Ava Max (and Youth by Glass Animals for Carnon).
   The energy... The “you’ll love her, but she’ll drive you crazy while you do”.... That’s Quinzy Energy. (And Youth? That’s pure “from Avnas/Quinzy to Carnon” right upfront. Right down to “feel your mother at your side / don’t you know you have my eyes?”) I have a whole WIP playlist for this family, but I’ll be real with ya.....most of it is Avnas pining music (he loved his wife; thus the comparison to Castlevania’s Dracula) and Quinzy’s erratic music tastes. Mostly because-
   Quinzy has HUGE self esteem issues. Being tiefling has always been something that’s bothered her, not that she acknowledges it any. LOTS of false bravado and ego boosting that’s just....empty, if you know her well enough. She’s hypersexual (though polite; if you’re uncomfortable by it, she won’t persist her flirting or sexual comments), but also lowkey repulsed by it....largely due to being exposed young (the brothel), her esteem issues, and events from the campaign. (Where her flirtations and attempts at getting the upper hand via seduction not only got her in trouble, but got her CHARMED by the Bad of the segment- nat 1 (her only nat 1 ever)- and got taken again.....but more forcefully and without her full control of the situation, shaking her up since the encounter.)
   All she wants to do is protect her brother, but during the events of that campaign, she ALSO found out about her dad’s cult. Which wasn’t a big idea until she saw him frail and missing his right eye. Wings gone. From what? Who knows.
   But what she does know is Carnon wouldn’t fight alongside him. Quinzy wouldn’t side with her father if it meant harming Carnon...and led to the first time she ever told him “no.” The daddy’s girl telling him no and the both of them realizing how far apart the other is for the first time in all of this mess.
   Quinzy, hoping her father would fix things.....and he’s essentially gone mad. The patient, honor-driven fighter is gone. Her father is gone and she’s lost. (A breakdown commenced for the first....I’d say 3 or 4 turns until she finally listened to Carnon and engaged, getting in two harsh hits before her attack rolls started slipping.)
   She’s still reeling from that. Last the campaign did, she was suddenly gaining feelings for the resident drow blood hunter, Jivan... The very blood hunter who’d given that wound to Avnas all those years ago. (The wound that was weakening him and driving him mad....but also the fact his wife was dead.)      (And yes, Quinzy likes them- typically- bigger than her, just as tough...older than her, and also has a preference for drow. Dunno where that came from, but she sure as hell does. Ah, on that note...... She’s pansexual.)
   Jivan was upsetting her for, well....existing. Pure, unfiltered emotion isn’t something Quinzy can quite handle. Despite the fact it’s what she used to sorely wish for. To be a badass, warrior princess and to fall in love with someone and be in love as much as Melita and Avnas were.
   A handsome drow shows up with his shit together, nose in a book a majority of the time (a nod to V from DMC5 by my bf, the DM), smooth lines, and a damn good fighter....and now she’s sick to her stomach. Warring with herself quietly. Something only Carnon sees.
   What’s left of a family, falling apart at the seams. And Quinzy, who can’t keep pulling it together by herself.
   WHEW, THAT WAS LONG, but um?? I hope you enjoyed reading this???? I know it’s super long, but I REALLY wanted to talk about all the stuff I keep thinking about regarding her and aaaaaaaa.........
   As a final note! I show you their dolls! They came in...a few days to a week ago from Apocalypse_Too and I adore them!! (Communication was horrible, tho.... Done quickly, but it was a NIGHTMARE to get in touch with them.) And combined with a LOVELY candle from @lemonyflicker (seriously, check them out; their stuff is SO GOOD I cannot praise this custom order I got enough), it makes for a wonderful set~!
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   (Also note the lil Quinzy icon in her dice set; we were using those as our “figures” to map out placement. According to a weird, fourth wall breaking canon, Carnon drew them! That’s his art style!)
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   ....Okay, ACTUAL last thing: Carnon doing art!!! This was the first page Carnon ever did for the campaign! We stan a little artist!!!!!!!
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stairblog-archive · 5 years
Thinking Inside the Box
(Dani if you can think of a better title please do cause mine is just a spoiler Also I don't have time to proofread spelling errors so if you want to go ahead)
(I thought this title would be neat - Dani)
Roman spent his first few moments of the morning laying in bed and waiting for his alarm to go off, something he almost never did. He always woke up before it, and even was dressed up and ready by the time it would go off. But he just wasn’t feeling it this morning. He couldn't explain it, but something just didn't feel right. And that uncertainty just filled him with nothing but dread.
He didn't really have a reason for it, sometimes he just had days like this. And really all he could do was try to push foreward and despite his emotions. He just had to try and be as positive as he could manage for the day, and hopefully that would be enough. He sat up, switched off his alarm, and got ready for what was ahead of him.
"Chris it's just a name." Roman sighed as he and his friends walked through the halls. This was usually how their routine went: One of them had some batshit thing on their mind and would proceed to talk about it until it was time for first period. Today, Chris had been the one to initiate the conversation... And he had just about the most rediculous one that they'd discussed so far.
"I know that! I just don't get why they call them "Oreos" of all things... It's such a nonsense word." Chris replied, genuine confusion tinting his voice.
"That's the point, it's a nonsense name for a nonsense food meant as an occasional treat. There's no deeper meaning." Kaede said, hoping this would be enough to end the whole deal.
"But what if that's what they want us to think?" Chris pointed out. The other two fell silent, as though considering this.
"Dammit, Chris. Now you got me thinking about it." Roman complained, giving his friend a playful shove.
Chris smirked, taking a long sip of his tea in apparent delight. "Now you understand my pain." He murmured through the cup.
"You're not in pain over this, Mr. Angstlord." Kaede quipped.
Chris lowered the cup. "I could be."
Roman let himself laugh in comfort. It'd been a while since they'd had a pleseant morning together. Usually by this point someone would come along and ruin it for them.
Though, it appeared Roman had spoke too soon. Not a moment later, someone passed by them... And they had a lot to say. So much so that Roman actually could barely remember what it was. His brain forcefully blocked it out, his only clues to what they were being forgotton memories of slurs and misgenderings.
He only remembered Kaede shouting something, before getting into a small scuffle with the person and ultimately punching them in the face. The sickening crack was just loud enough to bring Roman out of his trance. He looked around, becoming uncomfortable at the size of the crowd that was forming. He looked over to Chris, who was just as uncomfortable, and grabbed his arm for support. Chris didn't say anything, but kept Roman close as an administrator started to chew the three of them out and send them to the pricipal's office.
The rest of the hour felt like an etertnity.
"Hey... Ro?" Chris spoke up suddenly.
Roman looked up at him. "What is it?"
Chris shrugged. "I dunno... You got super quiet for that whole thing."
He shrugged. "I kind of spaced out... I dunno."
Chris frowned. He didn't really like seeing his friend like this. Sure, he was feeling kind of bad himself, but honestly Roman was just a person everyone hated to see sad.
"Do you need anything?" Chris asked, unsure exactly how he could help. Roman just shrugged again in response.
"I'll be alright I think, but thank you." He flashed a quick smile before slouching back into the bench. Though, He wasn't there much longer, as an administrator came by and let him be excused.
And so, Chris was left alone, waiting for Kaede to finish being lectured. Which only happened after another 10 minutes. He looked up at his other friend.
"So, how bad?"
Kaede huffed. "2 morning detentions."
Chris cringed. "That sucks, man."
Kaede looked around. "Did Ro leave?"
"Yeah, but, He seemed kind of... out of it," Chris Explained, "I'm worried about him. I don't like seeing Roman sad, y'know?"
"Yeah I know..." Kaede sighed... He suddenly perked up. "Hey, you wanna help me with something?
Chris gave him a confused expression. "What is it?"
Roman ended up taking the bus home alone that day. Chris had some unexpected thing with stage crew he had to take care of, and Kaede had some family thing going on.
He didn't really want to complain about it. After that morning, they all needed some time to themselves... Sure, he kind of wanted to hang out, but they could always do that tomorrow. Hell, maybe they could get the whole gang together and have a party.
Roman walked up to his house, unlocked the front door, and slipped inside. His parents weren't home today, so he was probably going to be alone for a while...
Then he saw it, A large box in the middle of the foyer. Roman found himself asking a million questions: What was in this box? How did it get in the house? Why was it HUGE?
Roman cautiously approached the box. It didn't appeared to be sealed in any way, instead it was just hap hazardly shut at the top. Roman carefully pulled away the flaps-
He didn't get to finish. Chris and Kaede jumped out from the large cardboard prision with a shout of "SURPRISE!" Then, they pulled Roman over into a big hug.
Roman could only stand there for a moment and wait for his brain to process exactly what had just happened. "What." He said plainly. Chris and Kaede pulled away.
"You seemed like you needed a hug today." Chris explained.
"You could have just... Given me a hug at school?"
Kaede shrugged. "It's more fun and special this way."
Soon, the three of them found themselves laughing... Sure, days could be crummy sometimes, but Roman could at least say he had good friends to help him get through it.
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radioactivedelorean · 7 years
67 with Ford and Stan? I know this is a common trope for Ford but I would be interested in seeing it portrayed as a full fledged eating disorder as opposed to Ford simply forgetting to eat. Obviously if this makes you uncomfortable you can skip this prompt! I know this can be a touchy subject
67: “When was the last time you ate?” - Ford and Stan
“When was the last time you ate?” Stan asked with a frown, looking at his brother. Ford’s cheeks were sallow and thin and his eyes were sunken. He was remarkably pale, took, and looked as though he couldn’t stop trembling, even if only slightly. He was sweating a little bit, but Stan didn’t think it was due to the heat. Ford’s movements were slow and careful, almost as if he had just been turning around in circles and his head was still spinning.“Don’t know,” Ford shrugged, not looking up from his book. “It’s not exactly on the list of my priorities.”“Ford, you need to eat!” Stan insisted, stepping towards Ford. “You’ll get really sick if you don’t eat enough regularly! You’ll end up in the hospital!”“I don’t need it,” Ford replied bluntly. “I can survive perfectly fine without it.”“No, you can’t.” Stan went up to him and put a hand on his shoulder, cringing at the feeling of Ford’s bones through his skin and clothing. “You’re practically a beanpole at this point. You’ve gotta eat something, Mister, whether you like it or not.”“Stanley, I’m fine,” Ford pulled away from his brother. He had to screw his eyes shut at the sudden dizzy sensation that struck him. He took a few deep breaths and opened his eyes, but the dizziness never faded. He knew it had something to do with his weight and probable malnutrition.
“Stanford Pines you are not fine,” Stan grabbed his arm. “Now you’re going to put that stupid book down, come into the kitchen and get something to eat.”“N-no I’m not,” Ford’s voice had changed suddenly, going from stern to almost scared in a split second. “Stan, please, I don’t want to eat.”“Why not?” Stan’s tough demeanour softened a little, noticing the weakness in his brother’s voice. He crouched by the side of Ford’s desk, his grip on Ford’s arm loosening a little bit. “I - I just don’t, okay?” Ford looked away. Both men flinched when they heard Ford’s stomach growl loudly. Ford wrapped one arm around his stomach and doubled over, grunting. “Ford, c’mon, talk to me. Why won’t you eat anything? You’d better start talking ‘cause my knees won’t hold me up much longer.”Ford raised an eyebrow. “Well go sit down in the living room and I’ll sit with you and talk, deal?”“Deal,” Stan grinned. He put a hand on the corner of the desk and forced himself up, grunting as he did so. “Urgh, I’m too old for this.”“We’re the same age, Stanley,” Ford chuckled and shook his head as he followed his brother into the living room. Stan sat down in his usual chair and Ford sat on top of the dinosaur head. “Alright, Poindexter, get talking.”Ford sighed and looked away, his fingers tugging at the hem of his sweater. “Ever since my … experience in the Portal, I’ve been very wary of whatever I eat and drink. Most of the time, I was in a dimension where there was nothing available that would be safe for me to eat, let alone provide any of the essential nutrition I needed. As a result, I had to strictly ration whatever I had with me and learn to go weeks at a time without eating. Other times, I would find something that was edible, but it would be used as bait by bounty hunters in order to capture me. A lot of what I ate contained anaesthetic drugs which knocked me out within minutes after eating. Other times, the food contained poisons that would have killed me instantly.”“Poisons?!” Stan baulked. “Jesus, Sixer, what the hell?!”“Unfortunately, I was a target for many, many hunters and often, they would use food to try and catch me. I only fell for it once or twice. After that, I avoided food as much as possible and … I guess the habit stuck…”“Sixer, nothing’s gonna try and attack you, or eat you, or kill you here,” Stan said. “The worst that might happen is Mabel surprising you with a big hug.”
“I suppose…” Ford murmured. “It’s just… old habits die hard.”“Believe me, I know,” Stan chuckled, gesturing to his gut. “I just wish I’d gotten into the habit of exercising sooner.”“You exercise?” Ford teased with a raised eyebrow.
“Oh shut up, Ford,” Stan grumbled. “Come on, you’re coming with me and we’re getting you something to eat. I promise it won’t be poisoned or boobytrapped, or anything like that. You trust me, right?”“Of course,” Ford said, getting to his feet. Another wave of dizziness shot over him and he fell back into the chair with a soft groan. He put his head in his hands.Stan frowned in concern. This was a lot worse than he had first thought. He carefully pulled one of Ford’s arms around his shoulders and helped him get up, letting his brother lean most of his weight against him. “Alright, we’re getting you something to eat and then you’re going straight to the hospital, Mister. No buts about it, understand?”
Ford rolled his eyes, letting his brother guide him into the kitchen. Stan got him to sit down at the table while he dug out some bread, butter, ham and cheese out of the fridge. He set the ingredients down before grabbing a plate and starting to make up some sandwiches. Ford watched him numbly. His stomach growled again and he looked away when he saw Stan glance over, worry painted across his face.
A minute later, Stan set down a plate of sandwiches on the table in front of Ford. “Alright,” Stan said, sitting down opposite his twin. “I know that eating a lot after having gone without eating for a while is really bad for you, so just eat a few bites, okay?”
Ford nodded slowly, gently taking hold of one of the sandwiches and lifting it off the plate. He gazed at it for a few moments before shakily putting it up to his mouth. Ford took a tiny bite out of it, chewing it slowly. The ham was a little bit salty and the cheese was bland, but at least the bread was soft and fresh. Ford chewed it and swallowed it, grimacing a little as it slipped down his throat. He put the rest of the sandwich down and pushed the plate away. “Done.”Stan sighed. “Ford, you are not done. I know it’s been a while since you last ate, but you cannot possibly be full after eating such a tiny amount.”
“I am full,” Ford replied. Stan sighed again, pushing the plate back towards Ford. “Please, just four more small bites like that and you can go, alright?”
Ford bit his lip and let out a quiet sigh, picking the sandwich back up again and taking another small bite. Stan watched him carefully, making sure that Ford kept eating. As promised, when Ford had swallowed the fifth bite from the sandwich, Stan let him go. Ford was up and out of the chair in a second, swiftly leaving the room and going back into his bedroom, shutting the door behind him. Stan sighed and wrapped the remaining sandwiches up in tin foil before putting them in the fridge. He knew that this would be an uphill battle for Ford, but he was at least glad that they had managed to get over the first hurdle. Stan just hoped Ford wouldn’t run out of energy before he got to the next one.
I’ve had it like 60% finished for like a month but could only ever write a sentence every so often without getting major writer’s block
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tellywoodtrash · 7 years
ishqbaaz 10.07.17 lb
from now on, expect the lb to be published around this time. coz i fully have to take a 2 hour nap to prepare myself for these one hour episodes. lord, they better be worth it! GIVE ME MY BROTP MOMENTS (obros, bhaujai/bulbul, aniRuKara, ShivRi) AND I’LL TOLERATE ANYTHING!!!!!! 
ok let’s doooooooo this! *cracking knuckles*
plain text version here. 
it would have been nice if you’d informed RAGINI of this decision of yours... 😗😗😗
interesting how he just keeps saying ENGAGEMENT, and nothing about what usually follows an engagement... 😐😐😐
lmao oh man i just can’t stop laughing at ragini’s reaction. she’s seriously likeeee BISH WHUT IS EVEN HAPPENING? IS THIS A PRANK SHOW? IS CYRUS BROACHA GONNA COME OUT AND YELL BAKRAAAAAA AT ME? 😟😟😟
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lololololololol everyyyyyyyy woman shivaay decides to marry has the same reaction: “.... shit. 😬😬😬” 
saved by the belllllllllll.... yas girl, you go out on your date! 😙😙😙
lmao his face. fucking idiot. what did he think, she’d instantly collapse and run into his arms at this stunt of his? 🙄🙄🙄
shivaay is having some seeeeeeeerious buyer’s remorse right now. ragini is one item that the return policy is going to prove to be veryyyyyyy tough for. 🙃🙃🙃
pinky does not know how to read the room. at all. 😑😑😑
shakti/jhanvi and (surprisingly) bhavya’s silent rage tho. 😯😯😯
shakti is trying to dad, but beta is too out of it. 😔😔😔
i think ragini is already regretting this whole thing. lmao, we all have those crushes which are way better in our head, coz the reality could never live up to it. this is one of them. she just liked looking at his kanji eyes!!!!!!!!! and now she has to deal with the whole crazy khaandaan that comes with him. 😆😆😆
anikaaaa, baby. no cryyyyyyyyyyyyy. 😪😪😪
LMAO “PYAAAR”, anika’s brain is like 0 - 200 in 3 seconds. 🙄🙄🙄
haan bas ring ko dekhta reh. fucking idiot. 😒😒😒
ok yeah, i like ragini too now. poor, hilarious, slightly off her rocker but in a kooky way, ragini. 😊😊😊
i’m glad they made ragini more likable. i hate hating on female characters. hating pinky itself is exhausting. 😖😖😖
don’t underestimate our girl here. she’s not your “typical housewife”. 😏😏😏
oh anika... why the “tum jaisi ladki” nonsense???? you don’t even know her. she might end up to be a good one, in the end. like tia did. 😌😌😌
ooooooh snap! point ragini! 😯😯😯
lol ragini is going all tia-ish on shivaay with “destiny” and shiz. 😕😕😕
ooooop. sapnaaaaaaaa meraaaaaaa toooooot gayaaaaaa. 😥😥😥
thank god this hot mess of a man did the right thing FOR ONCE and cleared it up though. not that it’s going to be of any use. coz ragini is gonna make sure this gets out into the press and becomes a big thing and shivaay’s going to be dragged into this kicking and screaming. 😬😬😬
quickkkkkkkk recovery. impressive, girl! veryyyyy impressive! 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽
she’s never going to wash that shoulder again. 😆😆😆
anika, why are you still in the damn house? go for your date, idiot. like at least go out and pretend to be on it. so that he burnsssss in his agony for a few hours. 😈😈😈
ouff again kamra and ghar waale issues. why don’t you just pee around the room to mark your territory, you idiots? pfffffffft. 🙄🙄🙄
daaaaaaaamn, anika not in the mood to take ANY shit. basically told him to go fuck himself. i can feel my skin instantly clearing up at her sass. 😇😇😇
“bataane ki zaroorat nahi hai, mujhe pehle se hi sab kuch pata hai.”
because he’s been stalking you, idiot girl. get the hint. 😚😚😚
“achcha? aap move on ho chuke hai? ab MOVE OUT bhi ho jaaiye.” 
*actually, physically throws him out of his own fucking room* 
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aw man, his hurt face. but also his disbelief that she actually fucking threw him out of his own fucking room. i’m just sitting here making weird, inhuman, half-laughing, half-crying snuffly noises. 😭😭😭😭😭
gauri kumari sharma, trying to escape this actual hellhole once again... but... 😕😕😕
what horrible dubbing. horrible horrible dubbing. it sounds like kunal is talking from fucking underwater. 😑😑😑
“aur agar main kahoon mat jao? RUK JAO?”
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yaaaaaaaaas, askkkk him, queen. QUESTION HIM. 😌😌😌
yehhhhhhhhh pakdaaaaaaa. 😍😍😍
why does she have a large... tinsel, rakhi type thing hanging from her kangans? 🤔🤔🤔
gauri, my queen. my perfect, beautiful, flawless queen. 👸🏽👸🏽👸🏽
haha awwwwwww gauri. 😘😘😘
“yeh MERA ghar hai???” lmaooooooooo oh omki. you adorable fucking pupppyyyyy. 💗💗💗
oh ho, i’m so not interested in rudra’s plot with bhavya. like, i love rudra, and i can tolerate bhavya in the bg reacting to things, but as a couple, ughhhhhhhhh. ��😫😫
lmao typicalllll rudra move. remember when sumo kept trying to tell him about romi, and he just wouldn’t listen, and then he blamed her for not telling him???? stupid boy. 🙄🙄🙄
“sarvGUN sampoorn bahuuuuu”, lollllll. 😂😂😂
the weird dramatic music so doesn’t go with the comic nature of the scene? 🤔🤔🤔
why does he keep saying “COP” like it’s a dirty word?? 😕😕😕
i mean, cops are fucking dirty... but still... 😐😐😐
ouffffffffffffff, emoshunnnnnnnnnnn. 😫😫😫
whatever, i still feel NOTHING for these two. 🙄🙄🙄
haaaaaaaye, my three fucking idiots, all together. 👶🏽👶🏽👶🏽 aankhein taras gayii thiiiiii. 
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snorttttttttt “SHUT UP RUDRA!!!!!!!!” before he even saiddd anything. 😂😂😂
oh yeah, and you being an asshole had ABSOOOOOOLUTELY nothing to do with getting thrown out, eh? 😆😆😆
YAAAAAAAAAAS BHAUJAAAI VENTING TO BULBUL!!!! 😚😚😚 (and bhavya, but lbr who cares about her?) 
lmaoooo, anika’s thesis on FARAQ (and steamrolling all over poor gauri.) 😂😂😂
oh yeh lo, idhar yeh bhi lecture de raha hai on the topic du jour. 🙄🙄🙄
dimaag ho, toh nikaal sakte the. you seem to be sharing one dimaag between the three of you. imbeciles. 😒😒😒
bhauuuujaiiiii and bulbulllllllll are sharinggggg vocabularyyyyyyy!!!!!! I LOVEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😍😍😍😍
so, established that rudra’s birthday is 10th july. he’s a cancerian. 
funny, i’d have pegged om to be the cancerian. oh well. 😗😗😗
naaaaaariiiii sssssakti jindaaabaaaaaad! 👯🏽👯🏽👯🏽
god i love gauri so much. she’s too fucking cute to be real. 😚😚😚
lmaooooooo everyone got messages, but NEITHER GROUP INVITED PINKY. FUCKING BESTTTTTTTT. 😆😆😆
damnnnn, jhanvi looks so fucking amazing. 😯😯😯
my godddddddddd, pinky, way to make even THIS about you. victim complex mein post-doctoral kar rakha hai pinky ne. 😣😣😣
“party kam, PARTITION zyaada lag raha hai mujhe.”
snort. tej made a funnnnyyyy. 😆😆😆
ok not laughing at your jokes, you fucking wife burner. 😒😒😒 
(headcanon: advay singh raizada took arson lessons from tej.) 
ouff do i have to watch this stupid cheesy cake nonsense? really? i’m already tireddddddd. 😖😖😖
23. we finally have an age for rudra. 🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽
and how old is bhavya supposed to be again? 🤔🤔🤔
also, ouff, such old fashioned birthday song. we have newer options (+more rudra-appropriate), you know? 😊😊😊
*hissing* “rudra, yahaaan aa. 2 v/s 3 ho raha hai, and it’s not fair!”
businessman of the year, and grownass adult, shivaay singh oberoi, everyone!!!! (fuckinggggggg petty idiot.) 😂😂😂😂
awww the girls got rudyyyy a “peeeroteen jyaada aur meetha kam” cake! 💖💖💖
oh boy, om had a hand in making the cake too? *looks at it warily* 😬😬😬
“haan gaana koi bhi gaa sakta hai.... lekin sun sab nahi sakte na... aur khaas kar aap gaaye toh...” hahahahaha 😂😂😂
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gauri patting anika’s arm to console her. ughhhhhhh. i love these two together sooooooooo much. 😍😍😍
pft, om ab tum KHOON AUR KHAANDAAN ke baare mein shuru mat ho jaana. 😒😒😒
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“WHAT’S GOING ONNNNNNN?” tej is me. i am tej. 
... what’s wrong with that cake? just the icing is a little messed up. why would you still not eat it???? ugh, rich ppl. 😑😑😑
lollllllll rudraaaaa, dhokebaaaaaaaz, dil bole oberoi, kamaal launde whatever my assss. cake khaane ke liye bhool gaya bhaichaara. 😆😆😆
lol omRu’s faces at this totally extra alpha male garbage. 😂😂😂
the devranis are vaguely uncomfortable with shivaay’s suggestive frosting licking, looking straight at anika. 😆😆😆
lmaoooooooooooooooooo 😂😂😂😂
neither of the cakes was this colour or consistency? yeh teesra cake kahaan se? HOW MANY CAKES DID YOU ASSHOLES DESTROY TO SHOOT THIS FUCKING SCENE????? THERE ARE PEOPLE SUFFERING IN THIS WORLD (ME), CAKE-LESS! 😫😫😫
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“jeeee baaaaaaaaaaat bhaujaaaaaaaai! bahut bol rahe the bade bhaiyya!” 
lmao oh bulbul. tumse yeh umeed nahi thi! yours was the brOTP i placed about allllll others in this houseeee. 😌😌😌
billu, if you had the slightest bit of sense in your head, you’d pull a holi reprise and smear her back all sexy and shit. but you dumb as fuckkkkkkkkk, so..... 😒😒😒
ok he’s still maarofying chance and feeling her face up all sexily. good. not aaaaaaaas dumb as he looks. 😎😎😎
lol anika’s ‘fuckkkk off and die’ face at it, though. 😂😂😂
bulbul decided why should bhaujaiiii have all the fun? 😊😊
haha, cake wali holi. omg whyyyyyyyyyyyyy is she so fucking cuteeeeee? 😍😍😍
pinky and tej be like *maya sarabhai voice* GOD, THIS IS SO MIDDLE CLASS! 😆😆😆
i like that bhavya’s (seems to be???) stronger/better than rudra. 😊😊😊
lmao omg she was fully going to kick his ass if om hadn’t intervened. 😂😂😂
jungleeeee bachche toh hamesha se the. bas, this is the healthiest way this has manifested in this show ever. 😐😐😐
ok fwding this buddhon ka nonsense. don’t care. 🙄🙄🙄
pinky feeling ostracized. i don’t feel sorry for her at all though. 😑😑😑
ouff, ok, we get it. happyyyy happppy happppppppy. fwding. ⏩⏩⏩
i am happiest for om-gauriiiiiiii, who look so genuinely happy and like they’re having funnnnnnnn. aw. my babies. 💖💖💖💖 *smooshes them* 
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i quite like this dimming lights effect in o jaana moments, to signify that the world outside the two of them ceases to exist for each other. 😌😌😌
lo aaa gayi, cake mein haddi. 😶😶😶
no wonder shivaay and gauri love each other so much. both are EXTRA AF. 🙃🙃🙃
“apni apni waali ko uthaao, aur kamre mein leke jaao!” 
dadi be progressive (and kinky) as fuckkkkkkkk. 😯😯😯
haaaaaaaaaye. my boyssssss. and their girlsssssss. 😍😍😍 
ugh, and bhavya. 🙄🙄🙄
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pfffffffft, bewakoof toh tum teeno ho. awwal number ke. premium grade. best in the country. 🙄🙄🙄
“tum log humaara WOH bana rahe ho.” “papppu?” “haan, same thing.” *muttering* “banaaye hue ko aur kitna banana?” 
anika’s snark is what powers me through life. 🙃🙃🙃
ooooop. things got super serious super suddenly. 😶😶😶
pfffffffft, coordinated and choreographed moving. totalllllly natural and human like. 🙄🙄🙄
eeeeeeeeeee, faraqqqqqqqq games continueeeee tomorrrrrow. wet billu’s getting alll up and sexyyyyyyyyy on my girl. 😏😏😏 
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kidolegend · 7 years
Renewals - A Prompto Argentum Fic
AO3 Link
Aaaaaaaa so I finally got the courage to post my fic after debating and double-checking all my facts against the bits of Episode Prompto we’ve been cursed with given... It’ll be a long ride and I feel good about it, but PLEASE leave a comment and let me know what you think and if you’d like me to continue it... Or I’ll be likely to lose motivation since I’m going on the default that no one’s gonna care about it...
Tagging my inspirations and favorite FFXV blogs (I really love all of you and I hope this isn’t bothering you--feel free to let me know if you’d like to be kept off the tags) @nifwrites @cupnoodle-queen @blindbae @joioliviapolaroid @sriracha-chocobo @themissimmortal @poisonous-panda @chocobutt-trash @insomniascure @hyperstorms @xnoctits @thegoddesseos @writingforfinalfantasyxv @crossedquills and probably others but this is getting really long ;__; I love you all aaaaaaaa
“Man, I could eat a horse…”
“Well, as long as y’all pay for it, go right ahead.”
“Aw, c’mon Takka, no discount?”
The head of the Hammerhead diner gave the pair of hunters in front of him a deadpan look. “Just cuz yer huntin’ a couple varmints doesn’t mean you can eat me outta house and home.”
“Ahaha, yeah, we’re just joking with you, man.” The two laughed and began perusing the menu, chattering away.
“Excuse me.” A clear voice spoke up behind them, belonging to young woman with short, dark hair and green eyes. She had just arrived at the diner and regarded the men hesitantly, adjusting the newsboy cap on her head.
“Ah, there you are. What’ll it be today?” Takka greeted her.
She shuffled forward and the strange blades at her left hip reflected the yellow diner light as she came to a halt across the counter, catching the attention of the hunters beside her. “I wanted to pick up another hunting job, if you’ve still got any.”
“Of course I do! We won’t be runnin’ out anytime soon, what with all the daemons prowlin’ around as they damn well please.”
“And hey, if you need some fighting partners we’ve got some space on our team.” One of the hunters leaned back and gave her a once over, nudging his friend.
“Yeah,” The other grinned, his tone friendly. “We’ll make sure you don’t get hurt. Some of those daemons are real nasty and we wouldn’t want a less experienced hunter out on her own.”
Takka chuckled and shook his head, pulling out a worn notebook. He flipped it open and sorted through a stack of requests piled inside it. He glanced up and saw that the woman looked mildly unimpressed with the two young men across from him.
Her tone, however, was cordial. “Uh, I think I’ll be able to handle things on my own. I wouldn’t want to interrupt your meal.” She turned back towards the cook as he held out the requests, obviously uncomfortable with any more small talk.
“There’s all the rank seven hunts we got,” Takka humored her, keeping the conversation strictly on topic so she could escape the unwanted social interaction as soon as possible. “Lemme know which one you pick.”
The first hunter--who had been taking a sip of his water--choked. “R-rank seven? You’re a Guardian?!”
“Err, yeah.” The young woman suppressed a grin at the disbelief on the two hunter’s faces as she pulled her hat down a little further. Takka could tell she was still anxious, but now more smugly so. “Aaanyways… This one looks good, Takka.”
He took the slip and frowned. “Aah, actually you can’t have that one. S’already been taken, but the three boys huntin’ it have put it on hold. Must’ve slipped my mind to mark it down... Sorry ‘bout that.”
“Oh, it’s fine.” She shrugged, practically diving back into the stack before the other two eavesdropping could interrupt. “There are plenty to choose from, after all.”
The second of the male hunters had suddenly frowned, turning to Takka. “Three rank seven guys… You don’t mean those Crown City lookin’ bunch, do you?”
The first hunter was still gawking at the woman, but he also piped up at the comment. “Oh, didn’t they used to be a larger group? Like I heard that ‘Cor the Immortal’ from the Lucian Crownsguard was with them sometimes…”
“One of them was even rumored to be Prince Noctis himself. No one really knows if it was actually him, but… Were those the guys on that hunt?”
“Yep, that’s them alright. Put all their hunts on hold after talkin’ ‘bout some Niff bases croppin’ up.” Takka shook his head. “Crazy bunch, but if anyone’ll take those nasties down, it’ll be them.”
“Who would’ve thought there are people still fighting against the Empire, even now?”
“Takka,” The young woman interjected, surprising the cook. She lowered the stack of hunting requests. “You mentioned something about Niflheim bases, right?”
“Sure did. In fact there’s one goin’ up near Ostium Gorge. Saw an airship flyin’ in this mornin’.” He replied.
The young woman nodded slowly, looking thoughtful. After a moment, she clasped her hands together decisively, her green eyes shining. “Okay.”
“O...kay?” The three men regarded her with confusion, but she was already moving.
“Takka, I’ll need you to put my hunts on hold for now, too.” She straightened out the hunt requests before handing them back. “Can you call HQ and let them know?”
“Wh… Uhh, alright…” Takka still looked bewildered, but he marked her name down nonetheless. “So, yer really gonna join that fight?”
“Sure, I have some experience with Niff tech.” All the shyness the woman’s demeanor had vanished in her excitement. “If I can do anything to strike back against the Empire, I should do it before they set anything too big up.” She turned on her heel. “Say ‘hi’ to Cindy for me, okay?”
“H-hey, wait!” The two hunters--who had been rendered completely speechless by the exchange--called her back before she could take off into the darkness. “Guardian lady… Who are you?”
“Oh, I guess I forgot…” She spun back around, but continued retreating backwards out of the diner as she yanked off her hat--revealing a short haircut that was now sticking out messily at the sides and top from being shoved under a cap all day--and stuffed it in her knapsack. “Name’s Aylin. Aylin Noctua.”
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