#he was telling me about how he watched this one pens game back when mario lemieux and jaromir jagr were big
sunnysheep · 2 years
i can't believe my first in-preson nhl hockey game is going to be watching the colorodo avalanche but i guess when you're in denver..
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idontlikeem · 6 months
What made Geno your fave?
Oh boy!
For background, I started watching hockey in fall of 2009. I was bored over the summer and decided to get into a new sport. I’d never cared about hockey because my family didn’t follow it (we are football and basketball people), so I had no particular team I had allegiance to, so I did what any reasonable prospective fan would do: I looked up the most recent championship team and scanned their roster for hot guys.
There was Sid, of course. About my age, captain, and oh he’s cute, ok I can work with that. I did some research on his story and found it fascinating, because who doesn’t love a good golden boy narrative? A promising start.
Jordy Staal was also really cute to me, and Flower was pretty. And then we got to Geno, who the first picture I really remember seeing of him is one where he was smiling big, and as we all know he has the BEST smile.
After that, his backstory was just as interesting to me as Sid’s, in a totally different way. I mean, it sounds like a spy thriller, right? It’s crazy. And then he won the MVP that playoffs, and the highlights were up on YouTube, and wow, look at him skate. Look at him and Sid skate together, wow they’re so good. Look how Geno spins and cuts through guys out there, look how quick he is, how fast his hands are moving the puck.
I knew fuck-all about what I was watching but his skating style is so distinctive that I was able to pick him out on grainy 2009 and earlier footage with ease; let me tell you, focusing on ONE player for a full game or even period is such an underrated way to learn the sport. You see what they do when they don’t have the puck and it helps you figure out strategy, how plays develop, what defense is. Highly recommend.
He was still pretty quiet with the media then and I don’t think he was on Twitter yet, but he seemed funny and cute and I really liked his accent! And all the guys seemed to be friends, and I love that in a sports team.
It was summer so I watched a lot of the Pens’ old YouTube features. I learned about Mario and Jagr and the first set of back to back cups, and Sid’s draft, and how the team almost left the city. I learned about the rivalries with other teams, and the way the league worked, and what a salary cap is, and all the different penalties. And as it got closer to the start of the 09-10 season, I watched the road to the cup video for the run I’d just missed (it’s on YouTube now!) and there was that shot of Geno looking up, you know the one, with his scar, and that was my tipping point. The coverage of him in the Carolina series just sealed it.
He fascinates me. He’s shy but loud, funny but so publicly emotional. He’s flawed as hell but he tries so hard. He’s arrogant but he deserves to be, and he’ll never ever allow anyone to give him credit for when he’s playing well, he deflects. He’s accurately predicted the future twice. He’s so loyal it’s to the point of folly, almost. He has an unbelievable smile and rescues alley cats and is scared of big dogs. He’s a bully who’s never met a charity he didn’t contribute to.
And holy shit can he skate. Holy shit does he play beautiful, brutal hockey. He’s vicious with his stick and graceful with his hands.
And, yeah, he’s hot. That’s important to me too and I’m not sorry about that!
Anyway, I like him a lot. Thanks for sending me this ask and letting me talk about why :)
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gamerdog1 · 8 months
Castlevania Nocturne Season 1 Review
Its a good time to be a gamer, or an adult who likes animation. After decades of flop after flop, it seems that filmmakers and animation studios finally got their shit together, and realized that video games aren't just a fad that will pass in a few weeks. We can now rest easy, knowing that the people who make video game adaptations actually know what video games are, and did their research on them before putting pen to paper.
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Sure, in every boom, there's bound to be a few stinkers. I doubt any news outlet is putting the live action Monster Hunter movie in their 'Top Ten Best Video Game Movies' lists anytime soon. But as it stands today, the market for video game adaptations for the big (or small) screen is bustling, with major successes like the Super Mario Bros movie proving just how successful they can be.
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Streaming services, as well, have taken this in stride, putting forth their best and brightest to make some damn good shows for their platforms. With shows like Arcane, Cyberpunk : Edgerunners, and Castlevania (2017), most video game or animation fans have been eating well with Netflix, and the release of Nocturne last September was just another scoop on the sundae.
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Castlevania: Nocturne is a short animated series created by Clive Bradley, and directed by Sam and Adam Deats. Based on the Konami games, Nocturne follows a group of young magical heroes who work together to stop a secret ruling class of vampires from summoning a messiah and bringing about the end-times. A cunning show with a dark premise, Nocturne is 8 episodes of fast-paced, blood spraying, beautifully animated action that lives up to it's precedent's legacy.
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Coming just 2 years after the finale of the original series, Nocturne only ups the quality of the series as a whole on all fronts. For starters, the visuals. My god, the animation is incredible! I wish I could show every fight scene, every smoothly-animated sequence here, but alas, I'd lag the shit outta this post. I'll spare you, mobile users.
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Watching this show took me back to 2017, when the original series came out. Sitting on a bus, on a youth trip in the middle east, I'd watch the fight at the end of season 1 over and over, trying to spot how they animated it. Seven years later, I still find myself staring in slack-jawed amazement at the slick animation on display, which moves so fast that at times, I can't even tell what's going on. One thing's for sure, though: its goddamn beautiful.
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On top of that, Nocturne keeps the series' ball rolling, adding onto the previously established lore while keeping the past relevant, to make it fit the overarching narrative. It acknowledges what happened at the end of the previous series, and continues where it left off, albeit a few decades later. Nocturne's main characters aren't nobodies: their family lineage and abilities link them to the previous trio, showing how though the passage of time, the show stays the same.
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The main character, Richter, is a stark contrast to Trevor, the previous series' protagonist. He's polite, nicely dressed, works well with others, and has a lot to learn about his ancestry, which gets revealed more over time. Where Trevor felt like a seasoned vampire hunter, Richter has this sense of youthfulness about him, making him feel more inexperienced. We get to watch him learn and grow, rather than start with him already being experienced, and it feels satisfying to see how far he's come by the last episode. Plus he gives me gender feels, so he's alright in my books.
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Supporting him is Maria, this series' counterpart to Sypha, and Richter's adopted sister. She is a leader in the fight for freedom in the French Revolution, and can summon magical animals to fight for her. Her youthful energy, stubbornness, and deep knowledge of politics keep her from being another 'strong empowered woman' , a stereotype which many fantasy series believe is somehow akin to feminist writing.
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The third member of this series' main trio isn't a counterpart to Alucard, though she could end up being just as powerful. Annette, a Caribbean woman who fled slavery as a child, can harness the powers of an African god to control rocks and metal, to create weapons or help her allies. She is one of the first major Black characters in this series, and proves to be a valuable ally time and time again, saving her friends' asses at least a dozen times.
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Despite the show only being 8 episodes as of time of writing this, Nocturne manages to pull you in quickly, with its likeable characters and quickly escalating plot. When I started this show last year, I was hesitant to let go of the old trio and old story, and adopt this new one. By episode 4, though, I was into it, and wanted to know more about the story. While the original Castlevania takes four seasons to get to the point of a unified team and major evil, Nocturne does it in a fraction of the time, with all of the same grace and glory, and none of the season 3 like its predecessor. Now this is speedrunning!
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To top it all off, Nocturne continues its family legacy of giving some damn good representation in a show that's source material never really demanded it. Much of the main cast falls into various minority groups, and for one in particular, her struggles are shown in detail. We live in an era where a major animated action series features a metal mage who escaped slavery, an gay Aztec vampire who falls in love with a holy knight, a Black vampire with flaming hair and bat wings, and a vampire matriarch with the power to blot out the sun. There's something for everyone here, and I mean it.
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Unfortunately, that's all there is for now. Castlevania: Nocturne, as it stands, is just one season, with a second on the way. Still, what's here is strong, and proves that the original Castlevania wasn't just a lucky break. Just like it, Nocturne delivers blazing fast action, awesome character design, and tons of representation, but quickens the pace of the story to get the ball rolling right away. After 8 episodes, I already feel attached to these new characters, and I anxiously await the next season. Who knows, maybe they'll add a werewolf character!
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mentalblabbermouth · 1 year
I tell myself I am free to be silly and that includes feeling good about posting another ramble from my google docs
So anyway aside from Mario, I am also really into BATIM and when BATDR came out I lost my mind. Like 2017 me came crawling back from the depths of my mind and binge-watched Superhorrorbro Mike's gameplay when it came out. Distinctly remember having to pause at the biggest plot twist and just pace around my senior studio, rambling like a madman. (Little did I know someone was right outside the door, so whoever heard all that um no you didn't)
(From 9 Dec 2022) (Disclaimer: this is pure brainrot I guess but if you manage to read all this thanks so much! I get insecure about it, but I also really want to share my ramblings in the hopes of someone getting it so yeah)
Shut up I’m still thinking about Audrey, I have thoughts and questions like did she start out as a baby? How long did she even get to grow up with Joey before he died? If her story starts in 1973, and the first game was in 1963, and she has to be in like her early twenties, and Joey died in 1971, then what? That’s two years! Had she always known and just forgot when she entered the machine? Did he put her in an orphanage when she was little? And how did she even end up at Archgate? 
   Maybe she did get to grow up with her father and forgot when she entered the machine and she rediscovers the book with his notes, not understanding its true meaning. Nathan had promised to look after her, which is why she’s an animator at Archgate. She probably told him what happened to his son and after the damage the machine did, it hit the news and Gent got word and secretly took it away.
   Come to think of it, Allison works at Archgate, so maybe Audrey later realizes Allison Connor and Allison Pendle are the same.
   ALSO! Audrey didn’t recognize Henry, but she has the drawing he gave to Joey, so what? Does she put two and two together later on? Did she never get to meet the real him? Did Joey never talk about him? 
   THEORY TIME: There’s also the whole “uncle” thing. I feel like, bear with me here I promise, Audrey’s somehow connected to Henry. Think about it! She’s a talented animator and hard worker, literally employee of the month at Archgate. He originally created the toons and you know Joey basically took the credit. And the whole soul thing. You can’t separate the creation from the creator no matter what, and I think it’s parallel between Audrey with Joey and Bendy with Henry. Look at this weird family. Audrey’s soul was made, maybe from a piece of Joey’s soul, and a part of that was given to Bendy when they made it to the real world. 
   In “Dreams Come to Life”, Joey mentions how he shared his soul with Henry, so obviously the two were close, and whether they like it or not they influenced each other. What I’m getting at is that some of that artistic talent and creativity may have seeped into Audrey. If the Ink Machine is like a pen or canvas, and ink stains, then who's to say that in creating Audrey, parts of her are composed of the important people in Joey’s life: Allison and Henry? Writing it down kind of makes sense. Now, of course similar dialogue lines are probably just references to the first game, but what if?
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As a treat for making it this far and while I have the confidence rn, here's some old-ish art technically from last year? I just like the potential between strained character relationships, the drama of it all ✨🤌.
Now, of course neither of the games are perfect and the storyline itself is kind of mixed up/confusing in some places, and this all may be a bunch of hogwash, but that's the beauty of fan work I guess, filling in the pieces and connecting dots like that one Charlie Day meme.
Once again I cast my lot into the digital sea of content like a note in a bottle, hoping to be uncorked and read by a stranger in the midst of multitudes, received not with scorn, but acceptance and understanding.
Anyway that's all for today, as always, thanks for reading!
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saltyhyunjae · 3 years
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genre/warnings: angst, fluff, slow burn, enemies to lovers (?), kidnapping, criminal!tbz, mentions of guns & knives, small mention of suicide
word count: 2.2k
summary: It’s time for y/n to carry out her escape plan.
part two
“Here’s the diary you asked for.” Kevin gives you a small notebook with a pen. “Thank you.” Tomorrow is gonna be the day. The day you finally escape. When you enter your room, you sit on your bed and write down the info you have gathered all week.
Everyone goes to their room around 2 in the morning. Eric gets his midnight snack at 2:30, and Sunwoo goes to the toilet around 3. By the time they’re all asleep it’s 3:30. Instead of leaving at 3:30 you decide that it’s better to stay put till 4. You also checked the door last night. It doesn’t have any censors and an easy lock. This should be an easy mission.
“Knock knock.” Younghoon walks into your room. You quickly close your diary and put it on your nightstand.
“That’s not how you knock.”
He laughs and lies on your bed. “I’m so bored, what should we do?” “We?” You turn around to face him and he nods. You look outside. It’s been raining all week but the sun has been shining all morning. “Why don’t we sit in the garden?” You suggest. Ever since you came back from the grocery store you’ve only been inside. You needed some fresh air.
After a couple minutes you were outside with Younghoon, sitting on a picnic blanket, eating some fruit and enjoying the nice weather.
“Ah, the weather is great today.” Younghoon smiles, laying down on the blanket and you do the same. You smile at the warm feeling from the sun, finally relaxing.
Even though your eyes are closed, you can suddenly feel a shadow above you, blocking the sun. “What the-, move!” You hear Younghoon complain and you open your eyes to see Hyunjae, standing between you too. If you’re completely honest you’ve been avoiding him ever since what happened that one night. The more you hangout with him, the weirder you start to feel.
“What are you guys doing?” “What does it look like? We’re enjoying the sun.” Younghoon puts his sunglasses back on and lays down again. You’re about to close your eyes again but Hyunjae finds a way to lie between you two. “What the fuck is wrong with you?” Younghoon groans. “I wanna enjoy the sun too.” “Go do that somewhere else.” “No.” You scootch over a bit and decide to just ignore him.
»»————- ➴ ————-««
After you’re done with cleaning the living room and folding the laundry, Jacob asks you to have another guitar session, to which you excitedly agree. You loved his voice and you were hoping he could tell you a bit more about the boys.
He starts off by singing Paris In The Rain by Lauv. you absolutely love his voice and you automatically start smiling the second you hear him sing. You once again take your time to look at him. He has a soft smile as he sings, his hair falling just right above his eyes that are following the chords of the guitar and his head slowly nodding with the melodies.
When he finishes the song, you applaud him. “Wow Jacob, you’re so good at singing. Do you have some self-written songs?” He nods “I do, do you want to hear one?” You nod excitedly. “This one is called happy-” Jacob gets interrupted by Hyunjae storming into your room. Are you actually kidding me?
“Jacob, Sangyeon needs you to help him.” Jacob nods, stands up and thanks you for your time before leaving to help Sangyeon. You were hoping Hyunjae would leave with Jacob but instead he sits next to you on the bed, very close, leaving no personal space.
You're about to scootch away from him. But he places his hand on your thigh to stop you. Usually if a guy did this you would slap his hand away, but you can’t bring yourself to do that right now. “What’s with the distance? You’ve been avoiding me all week. Did you think I wouldn't notice?” He asks in a low voice. Your brain starts to fog up. “I-” You try to find words to say but nothing comes out. His face gets closer, never breaking eye contact with you.
“What? Do I make you nervous?” He smirks. You feel a bubble of annoyance come up. As you're about to reply with ‘no’, Eric storms in. “Y/n! ah Hyunjae, there you are!” “What do you want?” Hyunjae asks, clearly annoyed at Eric interrupting the two of you.
“Y/n, come play games with me. Hyunjae, you can come too if you want.” Hyunjae huffs and rolls his eyes. “Y/n, please.” Eric whines, now pulling your arm, trying to get you off the bed. “Okay okay.” You give in, scared to be alone with Hyunjae in one room. You would be lying if you say that your heart doesn't flutter every time you see him.
After an hour and a half of playing mario kart with Eric and Hyunjae, and you despite your sneaky protests, sitting in between them, and you beating both of them more than seven times, it’s finally time for dinner. And guess who you're sitting next to. Hyunjae.
“So guys, our break is ending. Our next group mission starts next week, so make sure you prepare for it well. I’ll tell you guys the details later.” Sangyeon announces and the boys cheer. “Finally I was so bored.” Changmin drops on his chair. “You're always bored, maybe you're just boring.” Eric laughs, making fun of him, but quickly stopping as Changmin points a knife at him.
After dinner Sangyeon and Chanhee offer to help clean up and Kevin helps you with the dishes. By the time you're done it’s late, so you decide to go to bed first. Since your escape is tomorrow, you need as much rest as you can.
»»————- ➴ ————-««
Today you woke up a little later than normally so you won't be tired tonight. You really need your energy to run as fast as possible. After you guys are done with eating breakfast you watch a drama with Juyeon, Haknyeon and Eric, do laundry and clean the house and by the time you're done it's time to prepare for dinner which Younghoon and Sunwoo helps you with.
After dinner you clean up with Eric and then go to your room to prepare your outfits. You grab a sweater from your closet and a pair of leggings that would be comfortable and warm, since it would be cold at night.
While you put them under your bed with your sneakers, someone knocks on your door. Finally someone who can knock, you think. “Come in.” Jacob comes in smiling at you. “Hi, am I disturbing you?” You shake your head sitting on your bed and he does the same.
“Well I just wanna tell you I'm very happy to have you here, you’ve been helping us a lot even though I know you don’t wanna be here and I really appreciate you. I would’ve given you a present, but I don't think you would appreciate stolen stuff.” He looks down at his knees, blushing a bit, cute.
You started to feel a pang of guilt in your heart, Jacob has been an angel to you ever since you first spoke to him but you couldn’t take it any longer, you wanted to leave. You needed to leave. Trying to enjoy the time you had left with him you guys spent hours talking about Canada, his childhood, why he doesn’t swear and about how much he loves basketball. You could watch him talk for hours. You nod to everything he says, trying to ignore the butterflies you feel when you two make eye contact.
»»————- ➴ ————-««
You look up at the clock in your room. 04:00. You get up from your bed and make your way to your bedroom door. You slowly open your door and walk to the stairs, quietly going down the steps and taking breaks every few steps. You mentally sigh when u make it downstairs u slowly make your way to the front door in the dark careful not to make a noise.
When you walk past the kitchen you decide to take a knife with you, just in case. When you get to the door you slowly open the door, cringing at the little squeak sound it makes in the process.
Once the door is wide enough for you to fit in, you step outside, leaving the door open, since the sound of the door closing might wake them up. You take a few quick steps till you reach further from the house.
Once you’re reaching the forest you hear the door slam open. Shit! You turn around before you start running. Sangyeon’s standing at the door. Clearly very angry. “Y/N!” You hear him scream as you start running fasters. You hear the others making a fuss as you take a turn right into the forest.
“God, she’s fast.” Kevin breathes out, taking a break from running. “Yeah, just let her go, I'm too tired.” Chanhee squats down, Younghoon doing the same. “No! she’ll report us to the police and then it’s over for us, we need to find her.” Sangyeon says before making his way to the forest, the others following behind him.
You notice the forest is on top of a hill, which makes you run down faster. You run way faster than expected, almost twisting your ankle when taking a turn left. The footsteps of the boys started to fade away but you didn’t slow down, adrenaline still rushing through your body.
“Y/N!” Sangyeon screams looking around, he stops running and waits for the others to catch up, when they do, he shares his plan. “Okay, we're splitting up in the units we use for our missions, call me when you find her.” And they all split up in their units, Sangyeon’s unit going left.
“How could she do this?” Eric sighs. “I mean we kidnapped her, this was bound to happen.” Hyunjae says. He hates to admit but he’s worried sick and hopes you're not hurt. He shrugs it off thinking it's just a normal reaction and that he’s not actually catching feelings for you.
After a while your running slows down and you start to get tired. You stumble across a huge fallen down tree and you decide to hide behind it. Cliche but you're so tired, you can barely feel your legs. Once you sit down, you bend a bit making sure your head isn’t visible. You sigh. Why did you have to be the one to get kidnapped, why did they have to rob the store you work at. You stop the tears you feel from flowing so it won’t block your sight.
“How fast is she, God.” You hear Changmin’s voice from a little distance. Shit. You're freaking out but remain in your position. You pray that they won’t see you, cause they’ll definitely kill you when they do. The voices are starting to fade and you take the opportunity to start running again, regaining the adrenaline you had earlier.
But you should’ve waited. Juyeon spots you. “There!” You hear him yell and they start running after you. You panic, taking a run right, into the darker part of the forest. You jump over another fallen tree and make your way further down. Once you lose them you slow down a bit. You can barely see anything, so you start walking.
Suddenly you feel two hands grab you. You startle and stab the person with the knife you're holding. “Ow!” Jacob. You panic as you start running again, feeling slightly bad that he was the one you stabbed. You hope he’s okay as you start running faster.
After a while you stumble over something that makes you fall down, hurting your knee and elbows. “Fuck.” You whisper, quickly getting up. Soon after you run into a tree hurting your chest and cheek. You were getting so tired, you couldn’t even focus on where you were running to. You prayed this all was just a bad dream and you would wake up in your own room again, remaining your normal life.
“Jacob what happened!” Sangyeon gives him a worried look. The boys gather around Jacob, who’s holding his arm. “She stabbed me.” He understands why you did it but it still hurts him. “God, she has a knife.” Sunwoo panics. “Younghoon and Chanhee, bring Jacob to the house and take care of his wound. The rest of us will keep on searching.” The boys nod at his order and split up again.
An hour passes and the boys still haven’t found you. Hyunjae starts to worry even more. They were all wearing a jacket, but you didn't. It was so cold around this time of the day and it would be so easy to freeze up. “Shouldn’t we just give up. The sun will start rising soon, she’ll probably show up again.” He suggests, but Sangyeon ignores him. He sighs. As much as he wants you to be free, he doesn’t want to let you go.
You’re just roaming around at this point. You have no idea how much time has passed, or if the boys have given up already. You think it might be easier to just stab yourself with a knife and just die. But you didn’t want to give up. You wanted your old life back. You finally see the end of the forest a couple meters away from you and run towards it. But something grabs you and spins you around. You look up and your eyes widen. Hyunjae.
»»————- ➴ ————-««
@beauchamp-fraser @n-xrmy @givememunjang
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myhockeyworld87 · 3 years
Not So Dangerous Liaison - Sidney Crosby - Part 27
Word Count: 3,429
POV:  Reader
Warngings: Language, NSFW, Smut
Notes:  Here we are again. I think you all might kill me in future chapters so for now, let’s enjoy this one...haha. As always love your feedback and Happy Reading! Let me know what you guys think.
Not So Dangerous Liaison Masterlist
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It was less than two weeks after your conversation with Mario that you and Sid were traveling to Los Angeles for the All Star game. Geno and Anna were supposed to be with you, but because of an injury, they had to back out. It was better for him to rest up anyhow. For Sid, it was more work than fun, though he did have a more carefree attitude than when he's normally on the ice. The two of you did sneak in some nice alone time over the few days.
Once you were back in Pittsburgh, it was business as normal. Well, maybe normal wouldn't be the right word for you, as you were busy helping with the Stadium series game that would take place at the end of February against the Flyers. Your hours were a little later when you were in town, which Sid didn't mind as he just spent extra time on the ice or watching films while he waited for you. You insisted that you could just take separate cars, but he wouldn't hear of it. It was really quite cute of him. 
The days leading up to the game were packed. The guys were doing media and squeezing in practices with their new equipment, while you worked behind the scenes with the rest of the crew setting things up. You wanted Heinz Field to feel just like PPG Arena did for them. The weather had everyone in a tither as Pittsburgh had got a bit of a warm front. Days leading up to the game saw temperatures in the seventies which was almost unheard of, for a February in Pennsylvania. In fact, on the day of the family skate, you were all literally wearing jeans and lightweight sweaters as you stood around watching the guys practice. 
"Will you hold Scar for me?" Vero asked. You were watching the guys practice with the ladies today, instead of by the bench. It was a rare occurrence that you got to take a game in with them, so it was a nice change of pace. She handed baby Scarlett off to you while she bent down and put on Estelle's skates. 
"Hello, sweetness," you said to the one-and-a-half-year-old, kissing her little cheeks in the process. "Do you see daddy out there?" You pointed out where Marc Andre was and Scarlett smiled. 
"Hi, daddy!" She yelled, but you weren't entirely sure he could hear her, as he was all the way down in net. "Unc Sid!" She exclaimed when Sidney came by and tapped on the glass. 
"Hi Scar!" He waved at her then gave you a look. One you weren't entirely sure you'd ever seen, before skating away leaving you to wonder what was going through his head. Practice ended soon thereafter and you all joined the guys out on the ice. Though most of them shed their pads due to the heat of the afternoon sun. 
"Ice looked a little slushy," you commented to Sid when he skated over to you.
"It's not bad. They said the temperature's supposed to drop tonight and tomorrow so we'll be ok. Come on." He grabbed your hand pulling you out onto the ice with him. It was something you still weren't comfortable doing. Sid could literally skate circles around anyone, while you still had to concentrate if you wanted to go backward. He recognized that and always made sure he held onto you so that you wouldn't fall. "You looked good out there." He said offhandedly as you made your way around the now shiny surface of the ice.
"Huh? I wasn't doing anything. I'm pretty sure I should be saying that to you."
"That's not what I meant."
"Obviously," you said hitting him playfully and losing your balance at the same time. Sid righted you with ease so that to the casual onlooker they never would've seen you stumble. 
"I meant holding Scarlett."
"Oh well, she's easy to love that's for sure. I'm going to miss them when they go." With the expansion team coming to Vegas, it was already widely known within the team that Flower would be the member they would choose. It was crushing, not only to you but to Sid as well. Your friendship with the Fleury's was one of the things you both treasured most; they were the reason you were with Sid right now. And while they would always be some of your best friends' things wouldn't be the same in Pittsburgh without them. 
"I know," Sid replied wistfully. "But we've still got them for now." You skated around a few more times, before he let you go, only so that he could wrap his arms around your midsection and skate with you from behind. It was definitely intimate and you were surprised with all the media around that Sid was into such a public display of affection. Sure there had been the parades, but usually, he tried to keep your relationship out of the public eye if he could. "I just think you really looked good." He whispered in your ear.
"You've seen me in this outfit before."
"Not that, you know…" You had to crane your neck back to look at him, but you noticed he was turning a bit red and it had nothing to do with the unseasonably warm temperatures. "Holding Scarlett." He finally spit out. "It makes me think about having our own."
"OH!" The word came out a little louder than you intended. Of course, Sid had confessed that he wanted kids with you. It just seemed like something that was further away in the future and not something that he'd been thinking about recently. 
"I know you're going to tell me it's too soon, and maybe you're right. I just can't help but think about it on days like today." You looked around then, watching all the guys skate with their significant others, some with kids while others had kids on the way. You could see the allure. As the two of you continued to glide around the ice, you let your mind wander to what it would be like. It was easy to picture, especially after watching Sid this summer with his Little Penguins camp. He'd be holding your son's or daughter's hands, much like Flower was doing now with Estelle, helping them navigate the ice. When Sid's hands tightened around your waist you couldn't stop yourself from wondering what it would feel like to be growing his child inside you. You found yourself relaxing more into Sid's embrace as you daydreamed about your future. 
"It's definitely a nice picture," you finally sighed, letting him know that you weren't opposed to the idea.
"Yeah, yeah it is." His voice took on a dreamy quality and you knew he was imagining the same thing as you. It seemed like one minute you were caught up in your little fantasy and the next you guys were having to leave the ice and it was back to reality. Not that your reality was a bad one, you still had Sid and for now, that's all you needed. 
Sid was right temperatures definitely cooled down. By game time the following day, it was barely thirty degrees and falling. You were bundled up in a coat with the team logo on it along with a matching tossle cap on your head. Sid had been mad that you hadn't worn the one all the ladies got with their guys' number on it, but you had insisted that when you were on the clock you were rooting for the entire team and not just him. At the moment you were wishing you had it so that you could put it on top of your current one. Your teeth were chattering and you kept bouncing on the balls of your feet to keep you warm. 
Midway through the first Sid scored, which had you jumping up and down and cheering along with the team as well as the thousands of fans in the stadium. It did little to help get you warm and you were practically running to the locker room tunnel by end of the first. You grabbed a cup of hot tea while the players went over the first period and where they could make improvements. It went pretty much the same way in the second, even though Nick Bonino scored early the Flyers were able to cut the lead in half with a goal from Jakub Voracek. Again, you raced off to get warm as soon as the horn sounded. 
Your feet were numb by the time Cully scored a goal early in the third, and though the Flyers scored on a power play, Chad Ruhwedel sealed the Pens victory with over five minutes left in play. The stadium erupted with the win, though it did little to warm you up. You stayed long enough to watch the team skate around in their little victory lap, then headed back down to the nice warm locker room. 
Of course, Sid had to do media, which meant you were there even longer. He was afforded the luxury of a nice hot shower before the two of you headed home. "Can you please turn the heat up?" you whined once you were in the car. "I'm freezing."
"It was a bit cold out there, eh?" Sid commented as he turned the heat on your side of the vehicle to max. 
"Ya think? I thought I was going to freeze to death when the snow started to fly."
"Babe, it's all part of outdoor hockey." He grabbed one of your hands in his. "Fuck, you are cold. You should've worn thermals or something."
"Trust me I will next time. I think it's just worse because of how beautiful it was yesterday."
"Well, as soon as we get home, we'll get you in the tub."
"Uh, yes, please." The ride through the city, while mostly traffic free, seemed endless. 
"Head upstairs, babe and I'll bring you up a cup of tea as soon as I get rid of my gear." Not having to be told twice, you made your way up to your shared master bath and started running the water. You hated stripping out of your clothes, as it felt like the only warmth your body had at the moment but as soon as your toes touched the steaming water, you sighed as the warmth heated your skin. You were fully immersed up to your neck by the time Sid came up with a steaming mug full of tea. "Better?"
"A little," you answered taking a sip of the drink he'd prepared perfectly for you before setting it back down on the ledge of the tub. "Still a bit chilly." 
"Well in that case." Sid started to strip out of his clothes. Divesting himself of his suit that he'd worn to the game. He folded it over the chair you used to put your makeup on, so that it didn't get any wrinkles, then made his way over to you and the tub. "Scooch up, babe." You did and he scooted in behind you, easing you back against him once he was comfortable in the water. His arms wrapped around you instantly and you felt engulfed in his heat. "This better?"
"Mmm much." You were completely content wrapped up in your boyfriend's arms with the water lapping around you both, so you rested your head against his chest. "You played really well tonight," you mused shutting your eyes and just giving yourself over to the warmth that was Sid.
"It was a lot of fun. I love playing outdoors. It's so authentic." Only Sid would put it like that, but you knew what he meant. "Though I wish you would've dressed warmer baby."
"I'm fine now." You took another long sip of tea, the temperature perfect. 
Sid kissed your temple. "Good, can't have you getting sick on me." 
"God no, I'll have to sleep in the guest room, if that happens."
"I'm not going to be responsible for getting the star player sick." You told him, turning your head so that you could look him in the eye. "You will not be missing a game because of me."
"I'd still probably end up missing a game because I wouldn't be able to sleep without you in our bed." His arms tightened around you, almost as if you were going to run off to the guest room right then. "But we're not worrying about that now, because we are definitely sleeping in the same bed tonight." His lips captured yours then, stealing your breath away and heating your body all the way to your core. You could feel his erecting grow against you as the kiss went on. It was nothing to reach behind you and wrap your fingers around his length. He moaned into your mouth, before gently sucking on your bottom lip as he broke the kiss. "You know two can play that game." His hand stole down your stomach and slipped between your folds, the water making it easy for him to caress you there. Your hand stuttered on his cock as he slid two fingers into you. Sid took the opportunity to grab your wrist with his free hand so that you could no longer manipulate him as you liked. "Lean your head back and enjoy this for a bit."
"We'll get to that." He told you as he settled you against him once again. He shimmied his legs so that they were in between yours but only for a moment so that he could spread yours wide; your legs now splayed on either side of his. Sid's fingers continued to toy with your pussy, alternating between pumping in and out of you and rubbing circles on your clit, while his other hand tweaked your nipples into taut little peaks. Before you knew it you were panting with need, the chill of the evening game completely forgotten as Sid stoked a fire deep within you. His lips came down on the nape of your neck, his tongue driving you wild just as his fingers were. It was all too much as the water gently lapped at your skin. You felt your body gently rise into his touch, yet he held you firm working you towards that peak you craved. It didn't take long for your orgasm to hit. It washed over you like a wave cresting on the sand as your body trembled, this time not from the cold but the pleasure of Sid's touch. "You're so fucking sexy when you cum." His warm breath sent a shiver down your spine.
You were so sated you almost didn't want to move, but then you wanted him to experience the same ecstasy that you'd just felt. "We should…" you went to tell him that you should move to the bed but Sid had other plans.
"We'll be fine here, just kneel for a second." Your legs were already on either side of him, so it wasn't hard. He adjusted himself a bit, sitting more upright in the tub, before bending his knees slightly for you to lean against. You turned your head to the side to see him stroke himself a couple times, before lining himself up with your pussy. "Now just come back a little." You did as instructed; your pussy engulfing his cock as you basically sat reverse cowgirl on him. With his knees bent you leveraged yourself against them and started to ride his cock. "Fuck baby, you feel so good." His hands were on your hips making sure you wouldn't slip in the tub, but controlling your pace as well. 
Water sloshed against the sides of the tub, some of it spilling over the sides. "Oh shit," you moaned out knowing that you were making a mess of the bathroom floor. 
Sid could see where your thoughts were going. "Forget it, (Y/N). We'll get it later." He accentuated his words by thrusting up deep inside you. The action making you groan with desire. "That feel good, baby?"
"Yes," you cried out as he hit your g-spot again. "Right there," you panted and he hit the spot over and over again until you were convulsing around him in your second climax. 
"Jesus, (Y/N)," Sid moaned as your pussy gripped him like a vice. The grip he had on your hips tightened as he rammed into your cunt. He was so close to falling off the edge and cumming with you but he wanted to hold off, make it last longer, give you one more orgasm before he sought his own pleasure. Sid slowed his thrusts then, as you relaxed momentarily against his knees. "So fucking beautiful." It took you a moment to catch your breath before you started to move again. His thrusts weren't as deep as before, giving you a moment's reprieve before he went at it again. You knew Sid, knew he could keep up this leisurely pace all night if he wanted. The water was cooling though, and even though your body was still on fire after two orgasms you had no wish to be cold again. It was then that you decided to move your hips, rocking in a motion that you knew would drive him wild. And it did. It wasn't long before he was bucking up into you again. The water going everywhere now. Some of it even hitting his designer suit which rested across the room on the chair. "Fuck, (Y/N)," he hissed out and you could tell he wouldn't last much longer at this pace. He let one hand snake around to your clit. His fingers applying just the right amount of pressure there, as he rubbed circles into the little nub. 
"Sid, I'm gonna…"
"Yes, baby, yes," he groaned on the verge of hitting his peak as well. You were both there with a few thrusts. His hot cum filling you up as you quaked around him. The pleasure so intense you swore you saw stars. Sid collapsed against the back of the tub and while you wanted to follow, the position you were in did not make it that easy. It took a little maneuvering on both your parts, but soon you were back to lounging against Sid.
"We should get out." The water was definitely cooled now and this time you shivered from it.
"You still cold?"
"A little."
"Well, let's get you in bed then." The towel you had laid out was completely soaked, so you just laid it across the floor as you moved to get out of the tub. "Careful," Sid warned as you stepped out onto the shiny marble floor. You moved quickly yet cautiously to the cabinet and grabbed both of you a towel while laying down a few more to soak up the water. 
You'd just finished wrapping the fluffy white towel around your body when Sid scooped you up and headed towards the bedroom. "Sid, stop! I need to clean up that mess."
"It'll dry." He must have been anticipating how the night would go for the bed was already turned down as he placed you in the middle of the mattress. He scooted in behind you, discarding his towel in one swift motion, before sweeping the covers over both of you. His hands made quick work of ridding you of the wet cloth that was helping you dry. "They say body heat is the fastest way to warm someone up."
"Hmm, is that so," you said turning in his embrace. 
"Mmmhmm. I'm sure I read it somewhere."
"I'm sure you did. I'm just wondering what else this book said."
His hands were roaming up and down your back and gliding across the globes of your ass. "Oh, lots more."
You kissed his neck wanting to return the favor he had given you a while ago, then you moved to his chest before saying, "such as?" You continued your path downward over Sid's abs.
"I'm sure there was…" he sucked in a breath as you placed a warm kiss on his pelvis. "Fuck I can't think of a word." 
You grinned up at him from beneath the covers. "Let me see if I can make you forget all together." Sid lost all train of thought as your lips connected with his cock. The night continued on like that for a few more hours before the two of you were so sated you could do nothing but sleep. 
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Kill Me + brettsey?
Sylvie laughs as Matt starts to assemble the vintage Nintendo console he bought off of eBay on a whim, while looking for something online last week. He giddily tells her stories about how he used to play games on a very similar one when he was a kid, rushing home from school and heading straight to his neighbor’s house so they wouldn’t waste any playing time. He justifies that he bought if for their kids but Sylvie knows better. She shakes her head as Matt plugs the wires to the back of their TV.
The kids are four and a year and a half respectively. She doesn’t think their younger child has enough hand eye coordination to work the controller yet. He’d likely drool all over it or put it in his mouth but Sylvie lets Matt have his fun, it’s all pretty harmless anyway.
When Sylvie gets home from running errands one day, she spots Matt teaching their daughter how to play Super Mario. Cassie is seated next to her dad in her favorite pink dress, a plastic tiara, which she refuses to take off, perched on top of her blonde head. It's an outfit that reminds Sylvie of Princess Peach. Her face is scrunched up in concentration as Matt’s hands are over her little ones, guiding her through the level.
“Daddy! We didn’t get the mushroom,” she shouts.
Matt chuckles, “we’ll try for the next one, princess.”
Sylvie smiles, gazing at father and daughter bonding over one of the most classic video games ever. She glances over at the play pen in the corner to find their younger son looking at the screen, babbling excitedly as he points at Mario jumping around.
She lifts him up, his attention turning to her, “mama.”
“You want to play too?” Sylvie gushes as she buries her nose in his neck and inhaling his baby powder scent.
Jacob gurgles in reply.
“I think that’s a yes,” Sylvie croons.
She settles down on the couch bouncing Jacob on her lap, the boy squealing delightedly, as she grabs the other controller.
“How about a two player game?” She suggests and Cassie cheers, rushing over to the box that contained all the video game cartridges, picking out the one they played last weekend.
After dinner and a bath, Sylvie busies herself, cleaning up in the kitchen as Matt reads the kids a story. When Sylvie has put away the dried dishes, Matt pads back into the room.
“Kids asleep?” Sylvie asks as she heads to the fridge to grab two beers.
Matt nods, “out like a light.”
“And all by 8:30. It’s a miracle,” Sylvie quips as she hand Matt his beer.
They make their way on the couch intent on watching Top Chef when Matt convinces Sylvie to play Street Fighter to which Sylvie stupidly agrees.
It’s strangely therapeutic trying to kill a video game characters for fun, Sylvie thinks. She’s able to release the stress of the day. The only problem is, she hasn’t won against Matt yet and her competitive nature is coming out. She even tried to sneak a peek at how he was punching moves into the controller but his fingers moved too fast that she didn’t stand a chance. He was way too good at this.
“Oh come on, that’s cheating,” Sylvie whines.
“No, it’s not,” Matt argues, taking a sip of his beer.
He smirks at her, a smug air about him and Sylvie rolls her eyes before turning to face the TV screen again. Her lifeless video game character is on the floor having been killed by an upper cut from Matt’s character, just like the last five times.
“One more round?” Matt asks sweetly.
Sylvie glares at him. She hates losing at something so trivial as a video games. She’s about to retort hotly but suddenly, she gets a bright idea, one that might actually allow her to win at least one game against Matt.
“Okay, one more,” she confirms, grinning to herself, pleased with her plan.
When Matt presses start, one of her hand makes it's way towards him and squeezes his thigh, inching upward slowly. She hears him yelp and drop the controller, stunned for a moment at the sudden shift of Sylvie’s mood.
It’s the opening she needs as she quickly slams her fingers on the controller, pressing urgently until she drains the life out of Matt’s character.
Out of the corner of her eye, she sees Matt scrambling for his controller but it’s too late. Sylvie’s managed to finally win.
“Yes!” she yells in triumph, throwing her hands up in the air.
“You killed me,” Matt stutters indignantly, his eyes trained on the screen, “now, who’s the cheater?”
Sylvie shrugs, happy as a clam, “all is fair in love and war.”
She laughs loudly as Matt mutters unintelligibly next to her still unable to believe he fell for her trick.
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rsgguk · 4 years
true love, almost always — jjk
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↳ aka — 'cause baby you're perfect for me
summary: y/n didn't know much about her soulmate. She knows that he's artistic from the little doodles that appears on her arm. She knows he's athletic from the scrapes that appears on her knees. She also knows that he has pain in the ass friends from the random dick drawings that appears on her forehead
genre: romance, angst, comedy, fluff
word count: 5.8 k
Jungkook + reader | soulmates
warnings: so let me tell you, this is probably gonna be a bit inconsistent, I had written most of this during the middle of the night when I had a severe case of the feels. Now this isn't my usual style of writing, most things are in passive form because I'm trying to focus more on how they feel. I’m not sure if I’ll ever go back to this writing style but I had fun generally not worrying on the dialogue.
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Y/n didn't know much about her soulmate. In a system where everything marked on your soulmates skin crosses on yours, she knows from the seemingly many doodles that appears on the plan of her hand that he is an artistic person. She knows from the way her knees would appear scraped at times meant that he was either athletic or desperately clumsy. She knows that by the scar that daunted on her cheek that he got in a ’fight’ with his brother. She also knows from the random dick drawings that appear on her forehead that he has the most chaotic of friends.
Jungkook would like to say he knew a lot about his soulmate. He knows by the way tiny little hearts would appear near his doodles that she wasn't the most artsy person in the world, but she could draw a damn to near perfect heart. He knows by the way that small little freckles would gloss over his skin that she was an outgoing person. He knows by the way that shallow cuts would appear on his arms and fingers that she had an asshole cat. He also knows that by the way tiny reminders would appear on his palm that she had a knack for forgetting things (he also knows that her handwriting might be the cutest thing he'd ever seen, but he may be a little biased).
They're sober to the fact that the other exist by the time they're 11. Jungkook was bored in class and started drawing little clouds, trees, the sun with shades on, the whole package on his arm. And then on the expanse of his palm would appear in large curvy letters, 'can you draw a cat?'.
He thinks back to the day and guesses that he didn't really understand the extremity of the situation back then. Everyone had a soulmate, but it was the first time he'd actually 'talked' to his.
He didn't gasp or scream or shed a tear, only complying with her request and drawing a cute little cat next the tree trunk. He'd think he was hallucinating about the request until he watched as a ribbon was drawn and coloured in the middle of the cat's head.
The next week, he would have a fight with his brother that had ended in him getting a cut on his cheek. He doesn’t worry about it, only locking himself in his room and sulking in his sheets. It’s when a few words appeared on his palm that he finally sat up with a smile on his lips. She would write down if he was okay because a cut had appeared on her cheek.
‘I’m sorry’ he’d write.
‘it’s okay my daddy said I look cool’ she would reply, and his cheeks would flush because his mom had always said that a woman’s face was her pride. Jungkook had never understood it back then, because if he could be covered in dirt after a fun game of soccer, and still be called adorable, why should it matter what a girl’s face looked like?
She’d ask what happened and Jungkook would bite down an embarrassed whine. ’My brother said I played with the computer too much so I threw a pen at him’.
‘did you win?’ She’d ask a second later.
’No it hit the floor and bounced to my face’.
‘and then he laughed at me’
‘your brother sounds stupid’
‘he is stupid’
They didn't talk more than that, they were still young and the whole soulmates thing hadn't made sense yet. Jungkook still drew his doodles on his arm and she'd add little details (mostly hearts) around them, a tiny reminder that she was there.
It was barely considered a means of communication but it had morphed into a sense of comfort for Jungkook. He draws the little doodles, sometimes it was of a cat (He would never admit it but he'd learn how to draw a cat because he knew she liked cats). And each time without fail, she'd draw a tiny ribbon on its head.
And then Jungkook entered high-school and he met his friends. His stupid, chaotic, love them to death friends and his soul mate was still there, drawing little heart across his skin. The boys say its cheesy (as cheesy as it is to the fact that she's literally his soul mate) but he really hadn't given a shit.
He'd considered himself a romantic throughout the years, although he's gotten not a single bit of experience, he cries at the ending of titanic every single time and his ideal way of proposal is during the sunset walking across the shoreline of the beach, nightlights littered in the scenery and him on one knee, asking to marry his one and only soulmate.
He tries his best to keep up a mature kind of facade for his soul mate. Afterall, that was what they were into right? Older and more mature men. Sure, they'd like bad boys too, but honestly Jungkook bruises like a peach. His act of maturity consists of drawing thing with 'deeper meaning'. And yes, maybe a cat surfing on the beach tides has a deeper meaning, you never know.
His act is ruined when one day, he falls asleep during lunch after a long night of overwatch (in which he dominated by the way) and wakes up to Taehyung snickering beside him, looking at him with the largest shit eating grin he’d ever seen. Jungkook would shake his head and roll his eyes, dismissing whatever it was that he did.
Later during class, everyone kept giving him weird looks, and his teacher even laughed at the sight of him. It wasn’t until multiple frowney faces appeared on his arm that he really realized that something was wrong. His heart skipped a beat when he answered back with question marks written along her doodles.
‘there’s a dick drawing on my forehead :(’ she’d rely with the same curvy letters he’d gotten used to. And then there was a sound that had left his mouth. A mix between an angry scream and a surprised gasp with a little bit of an embarrassed groan. He’d then realize he was still in the middle of class and that every one of his classmates were staring at him.
His teacher would give him some sort of look between annoyed and amused, and finally asks ’so you finally realized huh?’. Jungkook would splutter on his words and immediately turn towards Jimin and Taehyung. It was barely a second before Jimin had shook his head and pointed at Taehyung. He would finally lift his hand off his mouth and bursts out laughing for a minute or two before outright choking, tears in his eyes.
That day, Jungkook along with Taehyung and (for some reason) Jimin would be sent to the discipline teacher. Jungkook wouldn’t give a shit about being sent to devil’s incarnate, only silently punching Taehyung’s shoulder and cussing it out at him for making him look like a fool to his soulmate.
When he’s home (after a lecture from his mom, a pat on the back from his dad and a high five from his brother), he locks himself in his bedroom and takes a pen from his bag, writing apologies all over his arm. She’d reply a minute later, saying it was okay.
His fingers would then drum along his arm, his leg jumping up and down, trying to figure out what else to say to her. He’d get up the courage and ask her what was her name. She’d respond with y/n and he’d have a smile riding up his lips, saying her name again and again, realizing that he loved how it felt to say her name.
Then the two of them would keep talking to each other, Jungkook constantly rolling up his sleeve to make some room for more words. They would spend the whole night getting to know each other and filling up a whole decade of silence. When they had run out of room to write, she would go on and ask for his number so they could text instead, and Jungkook would get up to his feet, jumping up and down on his heels. He wouldn’t waste a second to write down his number on the little space he had left.
The next day, he had woken up with an especially good mood. An extra jump on each of his step, a large grin on his face as if he hadn’t gotten into trouble for having a dick drawn on his forehead just the day before. Taehyung would expect a more than pissed of Jungkook, maybe a little bit of pettiness in the mix, but Jungkook shows nothing but adoration for him, even going as far as to buy him the apple juice he knows he loves from the convenience store nearby.
Texting her falls so easily in his routine. One second, he’s hesitant to text her, afraid to show her just how much of a dumbass he could be, another second, he’s called her the fifth time in a day because he swears a baby just gave him a nasty look. They connect quickly. She finds out the reason she suddenly gets eye bags after a full night’s sleep with because her idiot soulmate had spent the whole night screaming at wario for cheating at Mario kart.
Taehyung says it’s sickening to see just how lovey dovey Jungkook was (Jimin says it’s nice to see him so in love, but they both knew he secretly hated it too). The way his eyes light up at the sight of her name appearing on his screen.
He gets in trouble more nowadays though, teachers having caught him talking to his soulmate on his arm, and the most embarrassing time they read out his not-so-failed attempts of flirting off his arm to the whole class. Let’s just say he’d gotten teased for the life of him when it reached his brother’s ears (though he supposes his brother isn’t any better when he would literally be a make shift carpet if his soulmate asked for it). The Jeon boys treat their women like proper queens and won’t settle for anything less.
The first time they video call, Jungkook has fixed his hair for the hundredths time, a comfortable (and new that he bought just for this occasion) sweatshirt hung loosely on his shoulders. She’d asked if it was okay if they could do a video call the day before and Jungkook being as whipped as he was, of course agreed with her, only regretting not to be the one who asked first.
He’s so tense that when his phone starts ringing, he nearly chucks it off to the wall. He forces himself to calm down before setting it up on the table and pressing the green button after taking a deep breath. He looks at the screen and watches as her face appears. His heart almost bursts, because he’s thought of this moment a million times. He’d expect her to be something like a glowing figure, that she’d resemble a star and that her voice would sound like a serenading angel.
She’s nothing like he’d expect. She’s not glowing like an angel. Her camera has bad lighting and he could see a few strands of her hair sticking out. When she says hello, it isn’t like an angel, her voice isn’t smooth, a little raspy. But she still manages to surpass all his expectations, and he realizes she’s so much better than he’d ever imagined. His heart beats faster and faster because she’s only said one word, and Jungkook is already falling for her. She’s not perfect, but she’s perfect for him.
It’s going well, very well. There’s a way that she makes him feel, a way that just brightens up his day, and when they have their video calls and she laughs at one of those lame jokes that he’d gotten from one of his friends, her voice just soothes him, lets him relax into his seat and just watch as her eyes crinkle in joy.
 It starts to become a routine, the video calls are weekly but the texting is daily. Whenever he’s nervous about an upcoming exam, he calls her and just listens to her talk about her day, lets her voice fill his ear and calm his nerves. And then she would get off track and asks why is it that he had called her and he’d brush it off, he called to hear her voice, but he won’t say that because it’s too cheesy and he has a reputation to keep.
It’s during one of his classes that he feels it, a gut wrenching feeling deep in his stomach that has him groaning. It’s a different type of pain, nothing like nausea or a muscle cramp, because he’d always considered himself as a person with a great pain tolerance, but at that moment, he had just felt like curling in a ball and crying. Jimin and Taehyung would take him to the clinic immediately, and he’d just have tears rolling down his cheeks, and he’s sniffling and making these weird choking sounds when he tries to smother down his sobs.
He stays there for a while, the curtains draped closed with Jimin and Taehyung just rubbing his back soothingly. He tries to calm down, but every so and then, a sob bubbles up to his chest and a new wave of tear roll down his cheeks. It stays like that for an hour and the pain in his stomach travels up to his chest. His right arm starts to ache and dizziness starts to seep in his head. He falls asleep in the clinic bed, his whimpers slowing down and his eyes drooping heavily.
When he’s back at home, he doesn’t try to talk to his parents. They’d come visit now and then, giving a few hugs and pats on the back. His brother would come by when Jungkook had calmed down a bit, ruffling his hair and saying ‘it’s going to be okay’. But that’s the thing, there isn’t an ‘it’ to be okay. For all he knew, ‘it’ was all okay, everything was going okay in class, but then there was this rush of emotion that came over him and he’d just double over in pain. There was this burning sensation in his gut, something that hadn’t been building but more of an eruption. And then it would slowly cascade to his chest, and then he’d start crying and crying, choking on his sobs.
He’s in his sheets, listening to the sounds of pans clanging from the downstairs kitchen. His mom was cooking dinner, but he doubted that he’d go down to have some himself. The sound of the washing machine clashing against itself. That old thing was always just waiting to give out. The sound of the TV running from the living room. There was always some sort of game his dad would be watching, cheering on for teams he’d never even heard of. These are all sounds he’d never realized he’d taken comfort into. Such meaningless things that were just always there, a consistency that had always reassured him in some way.
He’d just lays there, listening to his own heartbeat. For the first time in hours, he feels relaxed and his breath relax into a steady pace. His eyes almost drift to sleep, because It's been a long day and Jungkook feels exhausted, but then there’s this loud blaring noise that breaks the silence. He knows what it is, someone had gone up and called him again. It would be the sixth call he’d get from his friends.
Only it turns out that it wasn’t his friends, it wasn’t Jimin, nor Taehyung or even Yoongi. It was her, and it terrified him because he’d always smile at the sight of her name, but there was this raw and intense feeling that had him wanting to decline the call. It terrified him because she’s his soulmate and supposedly the ’love of his life’ but he had wanted nothing more than to hang up the call. And it just stays like that, him wallowing in the fact as his phone had stopped ringing, and then a few seconds pass and her name appears again. His arm would suddenly feel heavy at the weight of the phone in his hand. Slowly, he would finally tap on the green button.
Her voice hits him like a wave. Jungkook doesn’t even have the chance to say anything when her voice starts filling his ears. Her voice is raspy and broken, there’s sniffling and whimpering as she rushes through her words. ’I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry’ she whispers in uneven breathes, and he would have stopped her, to comfort her and ask her why she was crying and that ’it’ was going to be okay. But then there is this sudden realization that hits him that ’it’ wasn’t going to be okay, and he probably wasn’t going to be okay. So, he just sits there as new tears roll down his cheeks.
When she finally speaks, everything just dawns on him. He felt like he was dying because his soulmate had kissed someone, he felt like dying because his soulmate had kissed someone that wasn’t him, he felt like dying because his soulmate’s first kiss wasn’t him, and will never be him. And then all of her other words just go straight through his other ear. He doesn’t hear it when she says that she didn’t want it, or when she says that she didn’t know it was going to happen until it happened, or when she says that she also felt the pain, the suffocating and unrelenting pain, that she also felt like she was dying.
He hears it when she says she loves him.
Jungkook has always one for cheesy romances and tear-jerking speeches. He imagines their first exchanges of ‘I love you’ to be at night, with a sea of stars sunken in the night sky because that was where they would have their first kiss. She would have his jacket that was a little too big for her on her shoulders because the night was breezy and his mom raised him to be a gentle man. Her hands would be in his because she always has cold hands and he always has warm hands.
He would talk about the ‘old times’ like when he had drawn those little cats for her or when he’d waken up to many frowney faces along his arm because his friends yet again drew dicks on his forehead (he should really get some proper sleep). And then he’d try to coax a few tears out of her and end it off with ’I love you’, and because this was Jungkook’s imagination of how things would go, she would also say I love you, and they’d kiss in the night sky.
Jungkook then realizes that nothing he’d imagined will ever go as planned, that they will never have a first kiss, because she’d already had hers with some random asshole, and that they’d never have their first ‘I love you’, because she had already said it through the phone while they were both out of breath and sobbing every drop of tear from their bodies.
He doesn’t realize it, but when he’d finally gotten out of his phase, the call had already ended and his cheeks had become tear stained and his sobs had calmed down to weak whimpers. He realizes that he’d just hung up on her after she’d said she loved him, and he just panics, because she’s going to think he doesn't love her and he should immediately call her and tell her that he loves her, because he does, he loves her like he’d never loved anyone before.
He’d started talking to her in his sophomore years and he was now a senior, and she'd been there in every step of the way. But he just doesn't, he doesn’t tell her he loves her, he doesn’t call her, because he doesn’t trust himself if he does. And she doesn’t call back either.
There are a few times when Jungkook forgets that y/n is his soulmate. He doesn’t know what he’d expect when he doesn’t talk to her in a week. It starts off small. He catches himself dozing off, looking into the distance and zoning out. His friends would ask him if he was okay and he’d reply with ’I’m fine’, even though he knew he wasn't, and that he knew they wouldn’t believe him anyway, because who the hell would be fine yet walk into the classroom with puffy and bloodshot eyes.
And then when class goes on like normal, he’s moving his leg up and down, fingers drumming along the desk, because he swears class had never been this long before. He realizes later that class had always gone on so fast because y/n was always there for him to talk to. He looks back at it as if it had happened years ago, as if he hadn’t talked to her in decades.
The truth is that they haven’t talked in no less than three days, yet he’s been missing her as if he’d gone days without a limb. A piece of him feels missing, torn apart from him and left out to dry. It’s a weird feeling, a suffocating feeling that has him yearning for her, that has him filling his mind with nothing but her. He supposes that was the thing with soulmates, when they were together, it had felt like he was he was over the moon, as if nothing could ever go wrong in his life, but when they were apart, it felt like he was missing a part of himself.
She would nag at him whenever he was bombarding her with doodles on his arm, waiting for her attention so she could drag him from his boredom of class. She’d say ‘you have class’ and he’d say ’I also have a soulmate, and I’d rather pay attention to her’. His friends would tease for it, for flirting and dancing around with her as if it was a game of push and pull, as if she wasn’t his soulmate.
That’s the thing that terrifies him, because as far as he had ever known, having a soulmate was the best feeling in the world. It’s all rainbows and roses, because it had meant that there will always be that one person that just gets you, that just loves you unconditionally for all your flaws and perfections, all your quirks and mishaps. That one person that will always be there for every step of the way. He yearns that, the comfort of knowing there was someone the universe had picked just for him, the missing piece to his puzzle.
And then he meets her, and he realizes just how perfect she is for him.
And then the whole fiasco happens and he realizes just how much it would hurt if he didn’t get his happy ending, because he knows it wasn’t uncommon for soulmates not to work out, usually from the intensity of their emotions for each other.
Having a soulmate had also meant other things. It meant that when you were together, you’d feel the happiest you’d ever be, but if you weren’t, you’d dread every second of your life. You’d feel pain, you’d feel nauseous, you’d feel your body start to crumble. Having a soulmate was almost like a drug, something so addicting that your body starts to dysfunction when you go a day without.
Jungkook still feels it sometimes, when he’s managed to get her out of his mind. There was this sudden jolt of pain that shoot up his chest, causing him to lose focus. And then all he can think about is her, her, her. He wonders if she feels it too, if she misses him too, if she thinks of him too. He realizes how stupid he is, because his phone is right there in front him, and he could end all of this with just one button.
Truth is he’d stopped mulling over the whole kiss thing a while ago, and that he should’ve called her a long time ago, but he was scared, scared of his own emotions, scared of how much he loved her, scared that this whole thing is going to destroy to him.
He wants to talk about this with someone, to anyone, but then it dawns on him that the only person he really wants to talk to about this was his soulmate, and that she was the only person he should be talking to about this. So, he picks up his phone and presses on the name he’d been missing for what felt like decades now.
She answers after no less than a few seconds. She speaks after a second’s hesitation, and her voice is filled with the sort of hope, as if she has done something wrong. Jungkook cuts her off when she starts on her little ramble (a habit he’d learn she had over the years) and apologizes, two words that hits her as hard as a brick. ‘I’m sorry’ he’d say again, and again and again. He says it until he can hear her start crying on the other end of the call. He knows she’s crying in a way that she’s trying to hide it from him, but he’d still hear her weak sniffles and whimpers.
It breaks his heart because he knows he never should’ve hung up on her that day, that he should’ve said that it was never her fault that ‘it’ happened, that he never thought of ‘it’ as her fault, that he was sorry ‘it’ had to happened in the first place
There’s a lot of things he realizes that he should have told her, so he doesn’t give her the time to say anything before he gets everything off his chest. He tells her everything. He tells her that he had never been upset with her, that he was upset with what happened to her. He tells her that he’s scared, no— terrified of how strong his feeling are for her, that the pain he felt that day was never what he’d ever experienced before. He tells her how much he had missed her during his period of stupidity when he decided not to talk to her, that he’d thought of her every second of the day.
And she just swallows in everything he tells her, listening to every word he says without a single interruption. And then they talk, talk, and talk until they shed more tears, because they’d never realized it, but they had always needed this. It’s a bit like clearing the air, speaking up about every and any hesitations they’d have.
They talk until their voices go dry and their eyes droop heavily. It isn’t until then that Jungkook realizes he hadn’t had a good night’s rest in days. Sleeping had always come easy to him, but during the past few days, he would lay down in his bed and just had this queasy and tense feeling.
When they’re nearing the end of the conversation, he knows there’s this one thing he hadn’t said yet, and he knows she’d been waiting for it too, those three simple words that had meant everything to them. He wants to say it, but there’s this one nerve in his stomach that causes his throat to close up when he tries to.
She finally ends the call after hours and hours of talking about their feeling and what they’d miss. Jungkook would again take out his pen, and write the words he’d meant to say in the palm of his hand. I love you.
Jimin shares a look with Taehyung when Jungkook comes to class the next day (he’s always late and it’s definitely not because of his poor excuse of a sleeping schedule), and the next thing he knows, they’re just screaming and hollering before running towards him. Jungkook swears he’s never felt more scared than he was at that moment, with the sight of his two best friends sprinting as if they were about to run them over like the untimely death of Mufasa.
And then they just hug him, stuff him with pats on the back and intense noogies. Jungkook just stands there, accepting it with the most confused expression ever. They go on about how glad they are that he got over whatever it was that had set him in such a sour and glum mood the past week and it puzzles him because he doesn’t remember being that much of a debbie downer.
They prove him otherwise by listing all the reasons he was such a pain to hang out with, because he’d somehow turned into a dictionary of depressing jokes and emo quotes. They end up finishing each other’s sentences, locking eyes when they say the same words and giving each other a bunch of high fives (Jungkook sometimes feels sorry for whoever their soulmates are, because the two of them are so in sync that they were already each other’s soulmate).
They’re interrupted when the teacher finally enters the class and tells everyone (specifically the two of them) to take a seat. They turn to Jungkook one final time and give him a pat in the back because they’re genuinely happy that the kid had no longer seemed so miserable.
Jungkook hadn’t thought hearing ‘I love you’ would change much for him. He’d heard it a dozen times from his parents (never from his brother, but let’s be honest, that’s to be expected) an amount more than you’d expect from Jimin and Taehyung (although Taehyung would say it more to annoy him and it works every single time), three times from Namjoon (which makes him grin more than it should) and once from Yoongi (now that one he wears like a golden medal).
Hearing it from his soulmate hits him in a totally different way. The conversation they had led them to get more comfortable in their relationships, this time acknowledging each other in a more romantic way. The way she says ‘I love you’ during insignificant moments like during a goodnight text or his after his daily ramble on how his friends are a pain in the ass sends him in a sort of high. It makes him giggle and flush and swoon all in the same time. It makes him feel things in a way he never knew he could.
Jungkook would learn that he shouldn’t plan things out as much as he used to, lets himself enjoy the moment for a while. Takes one step at a time, and this time he’s not as terrified to his wits anymore. It turns out when he's not worrying about all of his 'plans', time happens to move so fast.
When he finally sees her, she's got her back turned towards him, she hasn't noticed yet.
Jungkook takes a moment to take it all in. Sparks don’t fly, his hands don’t sweat and his breathing doesn’t pace. There is no nausea or nervousness that bubbles up in his stomach. When he sees her, his heart starts beating faster, but it beats in a way that you see something familiar after a long time, there is this sort of comfortable feeling. There’s a moment of complete peacefulness and serenity when he sees her. He’d never felt more at home.
When she sees him, her knees almost buckle, because he’s there. The boy, the dumbass, her soulmate that she’d been talking to for years now is finally there, and he’s waiting for her, looking for her. Her eyes almost well up in tears and she hates it because she swore to herself, she’d done cried enough times in their relationship, she doesn’t need to add another one to it.
She cries anyways, and she guesses she doesn’t hate it that much after all. Jungkook had managed to overturn all her expectations of their relationship that she’s not surprised that he pulls this either. She’s always known that her forgetfulness would bite her in the ass one day and she guesses she can’t be mad when this happens.
‘4:30 java time café pick up’ and right below on her palm is his handwriting, the handwriting she’s grown to adore and look forward to all these years, is written ’I found you’.
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hereliesbb · 3 years
Found this old ask in my docs from my Brio-writing bestie @entwinedloop — I’d really wanted to start writing and she was so encouraging and sent me this ask To inspire me. This is the first thing I ever wrote for Brio.
“Imagine a perfect Brio date. Where would they go? what would they talk about?”
I’m imagining it. And it IS perfect. How could it not be?
A perfect Brio date in my mind is one where both of them are in denial that it's a date. They need to meet to discuss business and hey..Everyone's gotta eat, right?
He hasn’t eaten at his favorite Mediterranean spot in Midtown for a hot minute, and since he overheard Annie teasing her sister for being “the only weirdo to bring homemade hummus to the PTA meeting” it sounds like a good place to meet.
And Beth, well, usually the idea of discussing business with Rio after a long day of working would be exhausting, but she is hungry… it is Friday after all, so she can sleep in tomorrow. Plus, Dean has the kids at his parents’ cabin this weekend and the girls are both busy with their own families. It beats watching Cupcake Wars in her PJs. (debatable that sounds amazing)
And really, if she doesn’t go he will just end up popping up on her at some point. So sure. Why not.
But instead of meeting there, he says to be ready at 8, her house. It's on the way anyway. She doesn’t know where he lives but she chooses to believe him. I mean, why else would he go out of his way to pick her up?
And it's not. On the way. Not really. But parking along Midtown is a bitch and he doesn’t feel like waiting around for her to parallel park the mama van.
He’s home by 7 after handling some unpleasant business. He showers, throws on his signature Ramskull button up in navy, and is out the door by 7:30; smelling like gunpowder and cologne no one can afford.
Beth? She’s a different story. Because she was just gonna wear what she wore to work, I mean, she was already dressed. No point in changing, right? But then she remembers that one dress.. The one she wore to Kenny’s birthday party. It's a great dress, super comfortable, and she has only worn it once. Might as well just throw it on, it being spring and all. She should probably shower also, so she didn’t have to do it later when she’s tired. And she definitely does not want to spend her weekend without the kids having to do things like shave and paint her toenails. So she might as well do that, too. While she's at it. Two hours later and she is ready for this business meeting.
He knocks on her door which is… different. And when she answers she smiles small and slightly confused at him and he just gives her a look like “You got somethin to say?” but she doesn’t so they walk to his car.. His hand coming up near her lower back but never quite making it there.
Of course, he isn’t completely on his game because he forgets for a second, and opens the door for her. And then he's watching her dress ride up her thigh and trying not to think about why her breathy-sweet “thank you” makes him feel like he's on his way to senior prom.
Because this is a business meeting. They have quite a bit to discuss; namely the guy she recently “hired” to deliver the cars. Rio didn’t like the way he eyed Elizabeth that time she bent over to pick up her pen. Nah he wasn’t trustworthy. He needed to talk to her about him. Also there were other things probably.. He was pretty sure he it would come to him.
Inside Rio’s car the warm rhythm of Latin Jazz is faintly beating and she thinks it makes sense. The desire to tell him she thinks he has an old soul weighs heavily on her tongue.
He only looks over at her once. When she tells him his car smells good.
“Pretty sure that’s me, darlin’.”
She blushes when she realizes what she actually just said to him and is grateful for the darkness.
Rio though, he doesn’t need light to feel her embers burning.
What do they talk about? Well business, of course. The drinks arrive and when they do he brings up the delivery boy. Her response is to wave him off and he has to tamp down his annoyance at her “I like him. He’s sweet. And not only that, he has done everything I've asked with no push back. He’s staying.”
Her eyes tell him ‘That’s that’ and Rio is grateful she doesn’t ask him why he thinks the kid is untrustworthy, because he's not sure that's the reason he wants him gone.
After that, it's mostly soft glances and companionable silence. The words that are spoken, are loaded. He asks her why she is still married to someone she despises. She tells him she’s not really sure why. She asks him what his last name is and he looks at her, teeth catching his top lip and releasing it slowly, he reaches his hand across the table and introduces himself.
“Mario Saez.”
She smiles wide, meeting his hand with her own and answers back softly, “Elizabeth Marks, pleased to meet you.”
When she winks at him, her hand cold and soft in his, something foreign fills his chest.
On the way back, she thinks of something she wanted to discuss; it could probably wait but since she had him here, now… she invites him in for tea.
He drinks tea before bed every night anyway so
“Alright, Ma”
But somewhere between his car and the tea, something breaks open in one of them. One reaches for the other and they’re holding on. Hard lines against soft curves. Heartbeats and heavy breaths echoing the other’s. His face in her hair, her nose in his neck.
And it feels like inception.
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javajunkieao3 · 3 years
Never Have I Ever: Post-Series Fic
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Ben Gross prided himself on being smart.  And falling in love with Devi Vishwakumar?  Well, that was just about the dumbest thing he could do.
           But, it happened anyway.
           He didn’t exactly know when, but somewhere between first grade and watching her dance with that tool, Paxton Hall-Yoshida, she had gone from the person he always wanted to beat to someone he genuinely hoped would win.  Because she deserved that.  After everything she went through with her dad and then everything after, she deserved a win.
           But, did that win have to be him?
           “Of course, it’s him,” Ben said, voice colored with defeat and just a hint of indignation.  He still hated losing.  Even if he technically wasn’t in this game.  Aneesa was waiting for him over by the punch.  “It’s always been him.”  
           Beside him, Eleanor said, “What?  No, it hasn’t.  After you took her to Malibu, she wanted to choose you.”
           Ben listened incredulously as Eleanor explained how she and Fabiana had talked Devi out of choosing him.  It was fucked up, and he was going to tell her as much, but he couldn’t take his eyes off Devi, imagining how different things would have been. It would have been him with her, not that glorified meat puppet.
           “So, just for the record, it hasn’t always been him.”
           Eleanor walked off after dropping her figurative bomb and he stayed rooted in place, not knowing what to do or think next.  He wasn’t used to this level of indecisiveness and he probably would have just stayed there, staring at Devi dance with another guy, if Aneesa hadn’t come over, sliding her hand over his shoulder.
           “Hey, I thought you were meeting me over by the punch,” she said, glancing over at where he had just been staring.  “Oh wow, good for Devi.”
           Aneesa looked up at Ben, noting the tense set of his jaw.  “But…you don’t think that.”
           “What?” he said immediately, finally looking away from the slow train wreck happening across the dance floor.  “I don’t care about them.  I mean, he’s a tool who, based on what I’ve seen, can barely read above an eighth grade level.  But, I don’t care.”
           “Uh, yeah, you do.”
           “Ben, I saw the way you were looking at them. At her.”
           He went to argue, but then realized he had no defense.  Aneesa ducked her chin to her chest.
           “Okay.  So, I guess I’m going to go now.”  She turned to leave, but then stopped, turning back.  “Don’t mess this up for her?”
           He didn’t know what he hated more, the implication that he would mess things up or the fact that Aneesa was maybe a little right. The song ended and he watched Paxton and Devi kiss before Paxton dipped his mouth to her ear.  Devi nodded at whatever he said, and then Paxton walked away, not letting go of her hand until the distance made it necessary.  Devi’s grin widened and Ben hated Paxton even more.
           Devi stood alone on the dance floor for a moment, seeming blissfully content, and then she caught his gaze.  Ben noticed that her grin dimmed slightly and then she walked over, clasping her hands nervously in front of her.
           “Look, I know what you’re going to say,” she began.
           “No, actually, you don’t.”
           She widened her eyes slightly.  “Okay.  Then, what are you going to say?”
           I know you wanted to choose me.
           “I’m happy for you, Devi.”
           It wasn’t what she expected, and not what he wanted, so they both felt out of sorts.  But then her shoulders slackened, a genuine smile spreading on her face, and Ben knew he did the right thing.  Because she deserved the win.  Even if it wasn’t him.
           “Thanks, Ben.”
           Paxton came over with two glasses of punch and handed Devi one, his now free arm going around her waist.  He gave Ben a lukewarm hello which, given their history, wasn’t entirely unfounded.
           “Anyway, I’ll see you around,” Devi said.
           “See you around, David.”
           Paxton looked at him strangely, but Devi only smiled wider.
           There were only a few weeks left in the school year after the dance, and Ben did his best to keep his distance from Devi.  She hovered a bit after learning about his and Aneesa’s breakup, but then they all got busy with finals and then the schoolyear ended.  Ben was grateful for the time apart.  He didn’t know how long it took to fall out of love with someone, but he figured summer break’s three Devi-free-months should do the trick.
           That summer, he lined up a volunteer program to pad his college applications just like every other summer.  He was supposed to help out with pro bono work at his dad’s firm, but at the last minute his dad hired a law clerk instead so that he could bill out his time at a markup.  So, he was stuck with a retirement home.  Everyone volunteered at retirement homes, which meant it was the last thing Ben wanted to put on his resume.  But, there was nothing else left and it was better than nothing, so he grudgingly accepted a spot at one about fifteen minutes from his house and prepared himself for a summer of moth balls and stories about “the war”.
           Instead, he got Devi.
           “I thought you were working at your dad’s firm this summer,” Devi said.
           “Something came up.  Weren’t you supposed to do Habitat for Humanity?”
           Devi nodded.  “I had an incident with a hammer.  Apparently, you aren’t supposed to bedazzle it.”
           Ben smirked.  “You bedazzled your hammer?”
           “Oh, yeah.  I added feathers, too.  Honestly, it was an upgrade.”
           “I can’t imagine why they wouldn’t want to take you,” he mocked.
           Devi shrugged.  “Probably for the best.  I mean, would you want a house built by me?”
           “You make a fair point.”
           “So, here we are,” Devi said.  “Slumming it at the retirement home.”
           “You may want to say that a little louder.  I don’t think the guy in the back with the hearing aid heard you.”
           “But, you know what, if anyone can make the best out this, it’s you and me, Gross.”
           She flashed him a smile and he felt it all the way down to his toes.  This was going to be a long three months.
           It turned out, Ben was surprisingly adept at being around old people, and Devi was an immediate crowd pleaser.
           “Even Marvin likes me,” Devi said.  “And I’m pretty sure he’s a low-key racist.”
           “Not that low key.  He specifically asked me to help him fill out a banking form yesterday because, as he put it, your people are good at that.”
           “Damn.  Remind me to not give him an extra pudding cup.”
           One of the long-time residents, Gladys, rolled by with her walker and said, “Benjamin, don’t forget my granddaughter is visiting this afternoon.  I told her all about you.”
           “I won’t forget, Gladys.”
           “Look at you, Benjamin.”  He rolled his eyes.  “Using the residents to get a date.  Honestly, it’s sort of genius.  If I wasn’t dating Paxton, I would totally use these guys to pimp myself out.”
           “Slow down, David.  Gladys came to me about her granddaughter.  I’m not that desperate.  I have options.”
           “Sure, you do, Ben.”
           “But, um, you and Paxton?  That’s going well?”
           He didn’t know why he asked.  You don’t ask the girl you’re in love with how her relationship is going, but he asked, and now he had no choice but to hear the answer.
           “Yeah, it is,” Devi said.  She tucked her hair behind her ears as she smiled, and Ben wished he could sink directly down into the ground.
           “That’s great.”
           “Yeah.  It is.”
           That afternoon, he asked Gladys’ granddaughter out on a date.
           Ben could always tell when Devi and Paxton were fighting by her mood.  She had never been good at hiding her emotions, and while in a relationship, that hadn’t changed.  He noticed it a few weeks in.  She went back into the employees’ area and shoved her bag forcefully into the cubby hole.
           “Did the cubby hole do something to you?” he asked.
           “No,” she said stubbornly.  “The cubby hole is doing nothing.  Which is the problem.  The cubby hole just sits there playing video games all day.  Which, sure, I can play some Mario Kart here and there.  I’m a team player.  But, at a certain point, enough with the stupid video games.  I am not dating freaking Yoshi!”
           Ben was quiet for a moment and then said, “I didn’t know a cubby hole had apposable thumbs to play video games.”
           She shot him a look, but then couldn’t help but laugh.
           “The cubby hole was a metaphor.”
           “Yeah, I caught on to that.”
           Ben found it remarkably easy to be around her, even as his feelings stayed rooted to the core, and at a certain point he became resigned to it all.  Maybe Devi was just one of those people he would always have feelings for.  Isn’t that what they said about your first love?  You could move on, but you never really forgot it.  So, he would love her and just move on.
           He dated Gladys’ granddaughter, enjoying himself but never really feeling anything beneath surface level.  But, she was nice enough, and Gladys was delighted by the pairing, even as the volunteer coordinator was not.
           “Just don’t have sex anywhere on property,” she had said in a huff.
           “I, uh, won’t.  Thanks for the clarification.”
           He was dating someone else.  He and Devi were finally sort of back to how they were before.  And then he accidentally ate pecans.
           “Oh my God, Ben, your mouth is getting huge,” Devi said, eyes wide with concern.
           “I am so sorry,” Gladys’ granddaughter said. “I thought the muffin was banana-walnut, not banana-pecan.”
           “Do you have an Epi-Pen or something?”  Devi barked at the terrified looking volunteer coordinator.
           “No, and even if we did, I don’t think we can technically use it on a non-resident.”
           “Are you freaking kidding me right now?  Do you see him?”  She pointed at Ben, whose face was rapidly growing in size.  “You know what, I’ll just handle it myself.”
           Devi dragged him out to her car, which was concerning since he knew she only just got her license the week before, and he also knew based on what she told him that her passing was a total fluke.  
           “I think I’d rather go into anaphylactic shock in there,” he said, already turning back toward the retirement home.
           “Don’t be dumb, Ben,” she said, forcefully pulling him back to the car.  “You are not going into anaphylactic shock.  I’ll take you to my mom’s office and she can give you a shot or something. She’s only a few minutes away.”
           He reluctantly got into the car, and Devi started her car, forgetting to put it into reverse before she pressed on the gas. The car lurched forward, nearly hitting the one parked in front of them, and Ben said, “Please don’t let me die in this car.”
           “No one is dying today, Ben Gross.  So, calm down, okay?  I got this.”
           It was not exactly a smooth ride, but true to her word, five minutes later they pulled into a parking spot in front of Dr. Vishwakumar’s office.  They burst into the office, Ben now leaning a bit on Devi as it became harder to breath.
           “I’m pretty sure I’m going into anaphylactic shock,” he gasped.
           “No, you are not.  You are fine.”  Devi’s words were calm, but her tone was not.
           Nalini Vishwakumar walked out of her office and stopped short when she saw Devi and Ben.
           “What in the world – Benjamin, what happened to your face?”
           “He ate pecans which, turns out, he’s also allergic to,” Devi said quickly.  “Can you give him a shot or something?”
           “Devi, you should have taken him to the emergency room!” Nalini said, rushing over to her daughter and Ben and bringing them back to an examination room.
           “The hospital was farther away.”
           Ben became to gasp for breath and Nalini hissed, “He’s going into anaphylactic shock.”
           Ben could barely breathe, but he managed a, “Told you.”
           “Well, how was I supposed to know!”  Devi said loudly.
           One shot of epinephrine and an IV full of antihistamines and cortisone later, Ben could breathe again, but Nilani made him stay for a while longer so that she could observe him.  She put he and Devi in one of the unused examination rooms, and told them to let her know if he had any more trouble breathing.  Devi sat next to him, her knees pulled tight into her chest.
           “I’m sorry that I almost killed you.”
           “You’re not getting valedictorian that easily.”
           He was joking because, yeah, his throat had almost closed up and she probably should have taken him to the hospital and not her mom’s office, but it was fine now.  Except, when he looked over at Devi, she still looked scared.  After a beat, she launched herself toward him and wrapped her arms tightly around his neck.  
           “Hey, it’s okay,” he said, rubbing her back.  “I’m okay.”
           She pulled away and gave his arm a light punch. “You really scared me.”
           “Yeah, well, next time I’ll double check my banana-walnut muffin actually has walnuts.”
           “And I’ll believe you when you say your throat is closing up.”
           Devi’s phone rang and he saw Paxton’s name flash on the screen.  He asked her, “Do you need to get that?”
           He watched her hesitate before sending it to voicemail.
           Devi and Paxton broke up a week later.  He found out from one of the retirement home residents, who he overheard telling Devi, “You’re better off, Devi.  Take it from an old woman.  You have the rest of your life to be with one person.  Now is the time to be free.  Sow your wild oats, if you will.”
           “Um, I don’t really know what that last part means, but I feel you.  I mean, I’m too young and hot to be tied down, right?”
           “Exactly.  You know, I have a grandson you might be interested in.  He’s pre-med.”
           “I appreciate the offer, Beatrice.  And offering me your grandson after I just broke up with my boyfriend?  Savage. But, I think I need to take some time by myself.”
           That afternoon during bingo, Ben casually brought up the breakup after calling out B-27.
           “Are you okay?” he asked.
           “Yeah, I’m okay,” she said.  She ran the machine and picked out the next ball.  “B-13!”  She put the ball down and said in a regular volume voice, “We just didn’t have that much in common.”
           “Yeah, I bet,” Ben said automatically.
           “Wow, okay,” Devi said with a laugh that didn’t exactly sound reassuring.
           “I didn’t mean,..” he trailed off, because he kind of did.  “Anyway, I’m glad you’re okay.”  He paused and picked up the next ball.  “N-7!”
           Summer was coming to a close, and so was their time at the retirement home.  For some reason, Ben felt an impending sense of dread.  Sure, he would still see Devi, but it would be different.  Everyone else would be added back to the mix, including Paxton.  
           Their last big event at the retirement home was a movie night.  They set up a projector in one of the recreation rooms and made it up like an old theater, complete with velvet ropes and individual little bags of popcorn. They even wore old-timey usher costumes they rented from a local costume shop.
           “Does yours also smell like nachos?”  Devi asked.
           “Yeah.  I’m trying not to think about it.”
           The movie was It Happened One Night, and Devi and Ben sat in the back, watching the movie along with the residents.  It was secretly one of Ben’s favorites.  He and his mom had spent little time together when he was growing up, but she shared with him her love of old movies.
           It was the Jericho scene, where Clark Gable’s character was setting up a sheet between him and Claudette Colbert in their motel room.  He stripped down to just his undershirt, and Devi mused, “Clark Gable was super bangable.”
           “Shh,” Ben said.  “This is my favorite part.”
           Devi looked over at him and grinned.  Feeling her gaze, he glanced over and felt his breath stop when their eyes met.  They were close, and in the darkness her eyes seemed to glow.  He always thought she had pretty eyes.  Even before, when he hated her more times than he liked her. He felt an urge to lean forward. It would be so easy.  Just the slightest lean and his mouth would be against hers.  But, that would just be a kiss in the back of a dark room.  He wanted more.
           “Eleanor told me that you wanted to choose me after Malibu.”
           She blinked rapidly.  “What?”
           “After you scattered your dad’s ashes.  She said you wanted to choose me, but they made you also consider Paxton.”
           “Is that true?”
           Devi didn’t answer, so he kept talking.
           “And she said that you started the rumor about Aneesa because you thought that we were dating and you were jealous.  And, you see, I’ve had it in my mind all this time that it was always Paxton.  And that I was, I don’t know, some detour on the way, but-“
           “You were not a detour,” Devi said immediately. “You were…you were perfect.  And I messed us up.”
           “So, Eleanor was telling the truth?”
           Devi nodded.  “Yeah, she was.”
           Ben took a deep breath.  “Devi.  I’m going to kiss you now.”
           She nodded, all business, but he could hear the nerves in her voice when she said, “Okay.  Thank you for the advanced warning.”
           He leaned in and captured her mouth with his.  The kiss was sweet and unhurried, like they had all the time in the world.  And in a way, they did.  There was a noise behind them, and they pulled apart abruptly.  Their supervisor stood over them and said, "Remember what I said about no sex on property?"
"Are you kidding me right now?"  Devi said.  "Who is having sex in these gross costumes?"
"You'd be surprised."
The supervisor walked away, and Devi looked at Ben.  "You don't think she meant..."
"I think she absolutely did."
"I need to take this off immediately."
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valkyriesryde · 5 years
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x F!Reader
Summary: You've got some news but are too scared to tell Bucky but he’ll find out one way or another
Warnings: pregnancy, fluff, angst?, yeet
Word Count: 2kish
A/N: This one was requested by @cleocc and I’m so glad I could do this one for you hun I’m so sorry it took a while. Thank you for always being so supportive of me and amazing <3 also wow im uh back? 
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You sat on the couch, with your legs tucked up so your chin rested on your knees. You watched Peter, Bucky and Sam playing Mario Kart on the TV, they were laughing and joking, pushing each other and trying to distract one another from the game.
Every now and then Bucky turned and smiled at you, making sure you were all good and not feeling left out by the boys. You gave him a tight smile and ran your fingers over his back and he turned back to the tv. But your face dropped as soon as he turned away and you sank back into yourself. Fuck.
"Ahh dammit," Sam groaned and threw his controller onto the seat next to him while Peter and Bucky both laughed as they already crossed the finish line ahead of him.
Slowly and quietly you got up from your seat and started to walk out of the room, praying that Bucky didn't think anything of it or notice at all.
"Baby, you all good? Where ya going?"
"Just tired, gonna go lie down," you told him.
There was no reason for you to not tell him. It’s not like it was a new relationship, the two of you had been together for years. It’s not like you hadn’t talked about it. In fact you’d both decided, if it were to happen, it happened and that would be amazing. Neither of you knew if it was even possible. Bucky wasn’t sure if after everything that happened his bits still worked as they should. But when you talked about it you both decided that you would leave it up to the universe. Now the universe had spoken and you couldn’t even bring yourself to tell him. You couldn’t even say it outloud.
“Hey baby girl.” Bucky cooed as he crawled onto the bed and pulled back the cover that you hid under. “Wanna cuddle?” he smiles and nudges his nose into your cheek. You nod your head and open your arms and Bucky immediately cuddles into you, scooting under the covers and holding you close. “Tell me what’s up when you’re ready okay?”
Bucky was always good like that. He knew that it took time for you to make sense of what you were feeling. It always took you some time to be brave enough to say it outloud and Bucky knew that. Whenever you got down or something was bothering you he was always close by for you to cuddle into until you were ready. He got worried, sure but you always told him...right? Not that it hadn’t been two weeks and you hadn’t told him anything yet and he’s totally not worried out of his mind...nope.
Two weeks, you’d kept quiet. Two and a half weeks total since you found out. Bucky stood behind you as you worked, tapping your pen as you read through reports. You hadn’t noticed him yet and he took the opportunity to observe you and see if he could figure out what was going on for himself. You weren’t any more stressed over work than usual and you hadn’t really snapped at anyone which meant no one in particular was getting on your nerves. In fact, the only person you’d been weird with was him. You were distant at the best of times, at the worst you seemed to be straight up avoiding any alone time with him. You’d go to bed early to avoid him in your apartment.
Bucky was losing his mind, you’d never been like this before. You’d always been able to talk to him so what was going on?
You’re lying next to him fast asleep and he’s staring at the ceiling with tears in eyes thinking that maybe the end is coming? Maybe she’s finally at her breaking point and this is it. She’s done with him; she just doesn’t know how to tell him yet. Then your phone lights up and it catches his eye on your bedside table. The notification isn’t anything important. Just a reminder about a meeting you have with Natasha the next morning. But it’s the notification underneath it that makes Bucky reach over you and pick up your phone.
Kindle: What to Expect When You’re Expecting has fully downloaded
Bucky falls back into his pillow and peers and you from the corner of his eye before looking at the lock screen again. He unlocks your phone, not like either of you didn’t know each other’s passwords, and opens the app in question.
The more Bucky looks at your current reading list the more confused he gets;
The Mama Neutral Week-by-Week Guide to Pregnancy and Childbirth
50 Things to Do Before You Deliver: The First Time Moms Pregnancy Guide
Pregnancy Notes: Before, During & After
The list goes on, there must be at least ten different expectant pregnancy books and some of the older ones are at least halfway through…the pin drops and Bucky almost chokes on air as he’s grabbing for his own phone and opening his own version of the app and downloading the exact books you have. Then your phone is placed exactly where he found it, he buries his face into your shoulder for a second with a beaming smile and kisses your shoulder blade.
“Silly girl,” he whispers against your skin before lying back down and opening the first book.
Bucky gets no sleep that night. When he comes into the kitchen at 6am to run with Steve and Sam he’s got bags under his eyes as bad as when his nights were tormented with nightmares and Steve’s stomach would have dropped if it not for the spring in Bucky’s step or the cheerful “good morning punk” he offered him.
“I think he’s finally gone mad…” Sam stood beside Steve as they watched Bucky whistle to himself as he tied his laces.
“I really thought him being with Y/N meant we didn’t have to worry about that anymore…” Steve scratched at his beard.
“You two idiots know I can hear you right?” Bucky stood straight and though his voice was teasing he continued to smile brightly at them and make for the door to start their run.
“You going to tell us what’s got you so happy then Buck?” Steve called out after him, Bucky turned and jogged backwards as he held out his arms.
“Nothing’s confirmed yet!”
“It’s gotta be the no sleep he really has gone mad.”
When Bucky returned to his room he could hear the shower going and you singing along to the music that played through the bathroom. He sat at the edge of the bed, toeing his shoes off and stripping the sweat covered shirt from his back, using it to wipe the sweat from his brow and chest.
“Looks like you had a good run,” you stepped out with a towel wrapped around you and offered Bucky a small smile, making your way to your dresser to get dressed.
Bucky watched closely as you started to get dressed. He paid close attention to the way you carried yourself, how careful you were with your skin and your body as you pulled a t-shirt over your head. How could he have been so unaware before?
“Com’ere” he whispered but you heard him clear as day and pulled out a pair of jeans.
“In a second,” you mumbled but Bucky wasn’t having any of it.
“Darling come here...please,” he pleaded for you and you dropped the jeans back into the drawer and walked over to him. Bucky held out his arms until he could reach your hips and pulled you to stand between his legs. His fingers brushed underneath your t-shirt and over the fabric of your underwear up to the skin of your waist and back down. “Good morning my lovely,” he delighted as his hands went to the back of your thighs and he pulled you as close as you could get while still standing, his eyes looking up at your filled with love.
“Morning,” this was probably the most intimate the two of you had been in the last couple of weeks aside from sleeping next to each other and god you missed it. Goosebumps followed his touch and your body twitched to get closer to him until there wasn’t a part of you that wasn’t touching. You missed him and it was all your own doing.
“You know I love you?” He pulled at the back of your knees until you were situated on his lap and he held your hips while your hands brushed against his chest as if he knew exactly what he wanted. He wanted it too. “Love you more than I’ll ever be able to tell ya.” His voice was quiet and as his arms snaked around your back it got softer. “Really don’t like it when you close off from me because it absolutely terrifies me babydoll but it’s okay. It’s okay you can tell me whenever you’re ready, I just need you to know that I love you and I’m not gonna be going anywhere anytime soon alright?”
You choked back a sob as you nodded your head and tried to blink back the tears, his grip around you tightened and your hands held onto his shoulders. Bucky smiled through his own tears and leaned his forehead against yours.
“It’s okay baby. I know, it’s okay.”
“I’m so scared,” you whimpered and Bucky simply nodded his head. He didn’t want to think about what you were scared of whether it be him or his reaction or the situation in its entirety because he knew he had to be strong for you and he was going to do just that.
“I know I know, it’s okay. I got you, you’re not alone. We do this together.”
You hold onto him for dear life, nodding your head because you can’t quite bring yourself to speak anymore knowing that it would come out as a series of sobs and gibberish. Bucky holds you back just as tight and he wants to outright ask you to say it outloud because he needs to hear it but he doesn't want to scare you off when he’s only just got you back. So he falls back onto the bed with you still in his arms and you squeal as you fall.
“I’m so happy,” he breathes out without thinking. Before he can clamp his mouth shut and take back anything he’s said you’re sitting up and wiping the water from your face.
“You are?”
“‘Course I am, I’m gonna be a dad,” he whispers happily and you can’t help but beam at him and nod.
“You’re gonna be a dad.” And his grin grows until he’s giving you a toothy smile and pulling you back into him, rolling over and kissing every inch of your face. “You can’t tell yet!” You stop and he pulls back, looking at you confused, “we have to wait until twelve weeks before we can tell people.”
“How far along are you now?”
“About three weeks.”
“Darling...I’m being completely serious,” his face drops and he combs back the hair from your face. “I really do not think I’ll be able to keep my mouth shut for that long…”
“You’re going to have to baby,” you giggle, everything feels so much lighter now that he knows. You were silly to be so scared.
“I will...for you,” he shimmies down your body and lifts your t-shirt to uncover your stomach, “and you,” and then he's giving you raspberry kisses while you laugh loudly and try and push him away.
“Y/N OH MY GOSH CONGRATULATIONS!!” Clint runs up to you and envelops you in a giant hug a couple days later in the kitchen while you cook lunch for yourself and everyone else. “This is AWESOME! Gonna spoil that kid rotten!”
You look to Bucky who sits at the kitchen island and if looks could kill he’d be a pile of ash on the ground.
“Babe…” he starts.
“I just told Steve, he’s my best friend, I couldn’t keep it from him.” He points to Steve who starts to sink in his seat and your glare moves from Bucky to Steve.
“I just told Tony, he deserves to know in case something were to happen.” Steve shrugs as Tony stands behind him sipping a mug of coffee.
“...I told many, many people.”
Thank you for reading and I’m so glad you enjoyed it!
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justlookfrightened · 4 years
Zimbits Kiss prompt 16.... cause they would
From this prompt list
Jack walked into the kitchen, hoping to find his fiance elbow-deep in butter and flour.
That would be ideal, because it would mean Bitty was baking. 
Nothing was in the oven yet -- Jack would be able to smell it it if it was -- and there was no pie filling on the stove, no sliced and spiced apples in a bowl on the counter.
But if Bitty was baking, that would mean he’d moved past the block he’d run into with his book. He’d been agonizing for days, after his editor called with what she called “a friendly suggestion.”
Bitty had looked flummoxed when he hung up the phone.
“She said they want me to put more of me in the book,” Bitty said. “The recipes are good, she said. They’re all working out in the test kitchen. But they want more stories and anecdotes and things, like how I developed them or when I first baked them.”
“So?’ Jack said. “That’s what you talk about on YouTube all the time. You should be good at it.”
“I guess,” Bitty had said. “But that’s talking.You know how bad I am at writing.”
“You can do it, bud.”
That had been a week ago, and Jack hadn’t seen a single pie since.
What he had seen was Bitty staring at his laptop screen. At first, it was just Bitty and a blank white screen. The first time Jack had walked in and seen words on the screen, he’d been excited … until he realized Bitty was just staring at his recipe.
“Now I’m not even sure this is right,” Bitty said. “Like, maybe the apple pie would be better with a little less nutmeg. Or maybe a little more?”
“It’s perfect,” Jack said. “It’s been perfect every time I’ve had it. And you said they liked the recipes.”
“I know,” Bitty wailed. “But what can I write about apple pie? It’s one of the first pies I ever made, but it’s changed so much over the years.”
“So write about that.”
“It’s not that easy.”
Now Jack was hoping Bitty would remember what he liked about baking. Maybe that would help him figure out what to write. Or, even better, it would mean that Bitty figured out what to write and was celebrating.
Bitty was in the kitchen, but not starting a batch of pie crust. He was at the island, still staring at the computer, back to the blank screen.
“What’s up, bud?” Jack said.
“Still thinking about it,” Bitty said, not looking up. “I thought I had something earlier, and I wrote for like two hours about the first time I made apple pie when I was five, but then I realized that I’m not five.”
“You’ll get it,” Jack said. “You want to help with the butter?”
“I know it doesn’t look like I’m doing anything, but I really am trying to concentrate here,” Bitty said.
“Maybe that’s the problem,” Jack said.
“What do you mean by that?”
“I mean …” 
Jack took a breath, then a step towards Bitty, hoping he was telegraphing his intent. When he was standing just behind Bitty’s stool, he reached down to tilt Bitty’s face up and kissed him, gently at first, then, when he felt Bitty turn, felt Bitty’s lips part, harder.
After a minute, he pulled away. 
“Sometimes you have to stop thinking and just do it,” Jack said. “Tell me what you think about when you think about apple pie.”
“I think about how much I wanted to do that when we made the pie for Atley’s class,” Bitty said. “I don’t know if I fell in love with you over pie, but I know I realized I was in love with you that day.”
“Then write that.”
“That’s not … I don’t know, too personal?” Bitty asked.
“Bitty, everyone we know knows about us,” Jack said. “And a whole world full of people we don’t know. We kissed on a TV broadcast that was live in the U.S. and Canada and who knows where else. We’re engaged. I think you can say we’re in love.”
Jack paused the video, skipped back 30 seconds, and started it again. In the Falcs last regular season game against the Penguins, Murray had shut them out, and Jack was desperate to find a weakness.
If the Falcs couldn’t solve Murray, their season could be over next week.
“Still watching tape?”
Bitty stood in the doorway, drying his hands on a dish towel. Shit. He’d finished the dishes again, after cooking dinner, on a day when all Jack had was a brief skate and maintenance workout. Jack had told Bitty he’d help clean up, but he’d fallen into reviewing tape, and now Bitty had gone ahead and done it himself.
“Euh, yeah,” Jack said. “Sorry. I would have helped but …”
“It’s fine, sweet pea,” Bitty said. “I know you’re worried about the Pens series. Still trying to impress Uncle Mario?”
“Heh, no,” Jack said. 
“You want to take a break?” Bitty said. “Maybe play cards or something?”
“No, I have to watch this,” Jack said, looking at the frozen image of Murray on the screen. He was way at the front of the blue paint. If they could move the puck quick enough …
“We could play strip poker.”
“You think Poots is fast enough to get down low, below the goal line?” Jack asked.
“Lord, I don’t know,” Bitty said. “I suppose it depends on who he has to beat. You know you always beat me at cards.”
“Maybe he could,” Jack said. “We just have to make sure we can get a pass through.”
Suddenly Jack’s lap was full of Bitty, who was straddling Jack’s thighs and blocking Jack's view of the screen.
“You need to take a break, sweet pea,” Bitty said. “Let me distract you.”
Then Bitty was kissing Jack, sucking at his lower lip, tangling his fingers in Jack’s hair, disengaging from Jack’s mouth to nibble along his jaw.
He pulled away long enough to say, “You’ve been watching tape for hours. Come to bed.”
“It’s eight o’clock,” Jack protested.
“I didn’t say we were going to sleep,” Bitty said. “But you still have two days before the series starts, and you need to relax.”
“And I know a way to help you do that.”
Bitty squirmed just a bit on Jack’s lap, as though Jack hadn’t caught his meaning.
“You’re doing this just for my benefit?” Jack said.
“Just for your benefit?” Bitty asked, then gasped as Jack stood, holding Bitty with his arms under Bitty’s thighs.
Bitty wrapped his legs around Jack’s waist and said, “Let’s call it a mutually beneficial exercise. A win-win.”
“As long as we win something,” Jack said, not bothering to turn off the TV as he carried Bitty to the bedroom.
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nalgenewhore · 4 years
With My Life - Chapter Nine 
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masterlist - ao3 - last chapter - next chapter 
warnings: (all graphic) violence, guns, blood, smut, implied PTSD
an: very interesting.....all i have to say 
“Hellas, V, is this really where you live?” 
Vaughan shushed Fenrys and ushered the twins into his shitty little apartment, suspiciously checking the hallway before closing the door. They waited as he bolted each lock, every deadbolt going click, click, click, click, click.
Rowan raised his eyebrows and looked at Lorcan, mouthing Five locks. Lorcan just shrugged, Vaughan had always been a private person. He was more interested in the pictures his brother had on his fridge - one of him, Lorcan, and their sisters, one of their mother, and one of him and Lorcan as children, both frowning as the photographer interrupted their game of Mario Kart. 
Lorcan, like the others, had never set foot in Vaughan’s apartment. He was the only one - the sole person - in the world who knew where Vaughan lived, for emergencies, but he’d never been. Not even the agency knew where it was.
Lorcan, Rowan, and Nehemia were already there, sitting at his kitchen table with the decrypted list on Nehemia’s laptop. 
Fenrys took the seat next to his wife and smiled at her, kissing her cheek in greeting. Connall sat next to Lorcan and nodded hello. “Nice place, Vaughan,” he commented, leaning back in his chair and putting his feet on the table. 
Vaughan clicked his tongue as he too sat down, “Get your feet off my table. I eat here.” 
Connall made a face, but did as he was ordered, becoming serious. “Why are we here?” 
“Maeve is connected to Erawan. She’s helping him import Wyrd,” Lorcan said bluntly, turning the computer screen to show them. “Mia couldn’t figure out the codes, but just look.” 
They all leaned in to read. Rowan sat upright first, voice hollow, “It’s our old missions.” He picked up the laptop and stood up, pacing as he read, “Sollemere, Mistward, Morath… fuck, even Perranth.” Perranth wasn’t supposed to be on record. The second they’d gotten home, it had been erased from history. 
“Let me see,” Fenrys said, standing and grabbing the computer from Rowan. If it wasn’t such a serious moment, Lorcan might’ve laughed at the childishness of it all and their brotherly dynamic, still unable to share even after all these years. “It’s all here.” 
“What happens now,” Connall asked, serious as he leaned forward to brace his forearms against the table. 
“We leave,” Nehemia said, taking the computer back from Fenrys. “It’s not safe for any of us. I’m sure Maeve had someone watching her back and that they saw me in there yesterday while she was wiping the file. We can’t do any work here and she will put our family at risk, so we go.” 
“Where?” Rowan asked, crossing his arms over his chest. “It has to be far enough from her, but we can’t just leave. People’s lives are in danger.” 
Nehemia and Lorcan exchanged a glance and the former spoke up, “Terrasen. They have an alliance with Wendlyn, but their treaty forbids any foreign secret service working within its borders. We all have contacts there, we’ll be able to work out a deal once we figure out what she wants.”
Fenrys sighed and rubbed his eyes, sitting down heavily in a chair next to Nehemia. She absentmindedly rubbed his back, resting her chin on his shoulder. “We can’t all leave. Somebody needs to stay.” 
Lorcan and Rowan protested immediately, “What are you talking about–” “Fen, it’s not the time to play hero–” 
“I’m not playing hero, Ro,” Fenrys said, voice tired and strained. “She’ll go mad - you know she will, when we leave. She’s unpredictable, boys, and dangerous. We need someone on the inside, someone she trusts.” He glanced upwards at Connall, who nodded grimly. 
Nehemia stiffened, turning to her husband. Her voice was barely above a whisper as she said, “You mean you and Con. Fen…” 
“It’s the only option, sweetheart,” he whispered, his head hung low. “Maeve hasn’t trusted Ro since he married Ae. She looks at L like she’s waiting to kill him and you know she won’t let V live if L leaves. We’re the only option.” 
Nehemia looked at the others as they all took their seats again. No one wanted it to happen, that much was obvious, but realistically… it was the only way. 
Elide looked up from the stack of essays she was grading for the undergraduate class when her phone started to ring. 
She capped her purple pen and put it to the side before picking up her phone. The number was one she didn’t recognise, yet she still accepted the call, “Hello?” 
“Princess, it’s me.” 
A smitten smile pulled at her lips just at his voice and Elide leaned back in her chair, “Well, hello. I didn’t recognise the number.” 
“I’m calling from a phone booth, my phone died,” Lorcan explained. “Listen, E, there’s something… something I gotta tell you and it’s going to seem crazy, alright?” 
Apprehension seized her and she almost wished she hadn’t picked up the phone, “What is it?” 
He hesitated on the other end of the line for a second or two. “An old client of mine… he’s made some enemies and… we need to leave the country.” 
Elide laughed, relieved that it was all a joke. But Lorcan didn’t laugh and she froze, “You’re not joking.” 
“No, I’m not. El, I- fuck, I know this really fucks everything up–”
“Yeah!” she cried, standing up to walk around the tiny space behind her desk. “It does, what the fuck, Lorcan? Am I going to be killed? Are you?” 
“I don’t know.” 
“Well, how long do we have to leave for?”
“I don’t know.” 
“Fine, where are we going?” 
Elide collapsed into her seat, rubbing her forehead, “I really hate your job.” 
Lorcan chuckled and the sound had her perking up just a bit. “I know, princess. I’m sorry.”
She waved her hand dismissively and then asked, her voice small and quiet, “How much danger are we in?” He didn’t answer and after a few moments when the silence stretched on and on, Elide thought the call had ended. “L, are you still there?” 
“I’m still here, E. We’re in… a lot of danger. They’re powerful people with too many connections. It’s why we need to leave.”
“When, what?” 
“When do we need to leave, Lorcan?” 
“...tomorrow morning. Everyone else is packing.” When she didn’t say a thing, he spoke again, “El, baby?”
“Yeah,” she said, staring at the coffee ring on one of the student’s papers. “I have a thesis review tomorrow, Lor. I’ve been preparing for months, I need to be there. Can we go after, please?” 
Elide waited as Lorcan contemplated, tears aching in her throat. This was not how her life was supposed to go. She didn’t want to be on the run. “We can do it. I’ll meet you after, and we’ll go, alright?” 
She hesitated, not sure what she was agreeing to if she said yes. “I don’t know. I just- I don’t understand. What if something happens and- what am I supposed to do, I have things here, in Varese. Aelin is here, my friends are here. I don’t… I don’t know, L.” 
“I know it doesn’t make any sense and I don’t know what you’re thinking, but do you trust me?”  
Elide didn’t need to think before she answered, “Yes.” 
There was a smile in his voice when Lorcan replied, “Then that’s all there is to it, for now. I’ll see you at home.” 
“Ok, then. Love you,” she whispered, smiling softly to herself. 
“Love you too, El.” 
Everyone else had left Vaughan’s, except for him and Nehemia. Lorcan stalked back into the living room and dropped onto the couch. He snapped the cheap burner phone it two and tossed both the pieces on the coffee table. 
Nehemia was in the kitchen, making coffee for them both. “How’d it go?” 
“Fine. She has a meeting tomorrow, so I’ll book the later flights,” he said, staring at the wall. “I checked the safe house in Orynth - it hasn’t been used in a decade and they’ve disabled the alarms.” 
Nehemia padded over to him and passed him one of the coffees before sitting in the armchair, her legs curled beneath her. The kitchen light played off the golden cuffs in her Fulani braids as she tilted her head back against the chair. “We have to tell her, Lorcan.” 
He didn’t say a word. 
When he got home, Elide was curled up on the couch, watching an animated movie on the flatscreen. It was warm and cozy, the fireplace lit and casting heat around the apartment. 
His girlfriend paused the movie and turned to look at him, smiling brightly, “Hi.” 
Lorcan hung up his jacket and loosened his tie before walking over to her. “What are you watching?” 
“Atlantis: The Lost Empire,” she said, turning back to the movie and pressing pay. “Do you want to watch with me?” 
“‘Course I do,” he scoffed, tipping her chin back with his fingers to kiss her deeply. She made a soft sound and smiled against his lips, causing him to pull back. “I’m gonna change, but I’ll be right back.” 
Her gaze had already strayed to the screen and she nodded absentmindedly, waving him off, “Go, go.” 
Lorcan chuckled and walked up to their room, swapping out his black suit and shirt for a pair of sweats and a t-shirt. When he walked back downstairs, Elide was on the phone, her voice chirping and bubbly. 
He made a face at her phone voice and she flipped him off, narrowing her eyes in that way that said, Don’t you dare make me laugh right now. Laughing, he sauntered over to the couch and flopped onto it, stretching across it lengthwise. 
Lorcan resumed the movie, making a note to thank Elide for the choice - he hadn’t watched this movie in ages. It reminded him of those rainy days, the only ones he spent inside during his childhood. 
Their mother’s room was the only room with enough electricity to power their clunky and boxy television, so all four of them - Lorcan, Vaughan, Aneha, and Sadirah - would pile on Odette’s bed and watch the few VHS they owned. 
A petite body joined his, fitting perfectly against his side. Lorcan dropped his arm to wrap it around Elide and she rested her head against his chest. “I ordered Chinese. They said it would take thirty minutes.” 
He hummed, idly rubbing her arm. Without taking his eyes off the television, Lorcan asked her, “Do you want to talk about it?” 
“About what?” 
He sighed through his nose, “El.” 
She rolled onto her side, burying her face in his shirt. “Don’t worry, I packed and told Darrow that I needed to take a leave. It’s… tomorrow, everything changes. I want one normal night. Just a boy and a girl, watching old Disney movies and eating shitty takeout, ok?”
Lorcan nodded, dipping to rest his chin on her head, “Ok.” 
They watched Atlantis: The Lost Empire, the movie just wrapping up when Malakai buzzed to say that their takeout had arrived. 
When Malakai had found out that Lorcan was, in fact, very much alive, there had been a long hug, followed by a vicious beration. Lorcan had never looked smaller. 
“Rock, paper, scissors,” said Elide. “Best of three and no cheating.” 
Lorcan smirked, crossing his arms over his chest. He didn’t miss the way her gaze strayed to his ink-covered biceps and waggled his eyebrows at her, delighting in the blush she couldn’t stop. “Do we really need to resort to rock, paper, scissors to decide who has to go get the food?” 
“Oh, are you volunteering?” 
“Fuck no, let’s go, Lochan,” he said. 
Forty-five seconds later, Elide was snickering as he grabbed his wallet and shook his head. “You cheated.” 
She just shrugged and waved him off, already choosing a new movie. “The Princess Diaries or Clueless?” 
“If it’s not The Princess Diaries: Two, I’ll cry,” he replied, putting his slides on before he ducked out to the elevator, her laughter following him. 
Apparently, Elide had ordered enough to feed a small army, or he and the boys. Lorcan was carefully balancing it all as he kicked the door shut behind him. 
Elide had opened a bottle of whiskey and there was a glass waiting for him on the island. 
She turned to him and clapped her hands, popping off the couch to race over to him. Elide was humming as she took the bags and unpacked it all, eyes gleaming. 
Lorcan leaned against the island and grabbed his glass, taking a sip and whistling, “Shit, you opened the good shit.” 
Elide snorted, gesturing to the bottle on the coffee table, “I know my whiskey, Salvaterre.” 
“You really are the perfect woman,” he said, meaning every word. 
Her cheeks pinked prettily and she clicked her tongue as she opened the lids, stacking them on the side, “Charmer.” She grabbed the bamboo chopsticks and the hot sauce packets. “Do you want chopsticks or a fork?” 
Lorcan drew back in offence, “I know how to use chopsticks, princess.” At her disbelieving look, he rolled his eyes, “I do, but maybe…” he took another sip of the amber liquor before putting the glass down, leaning close to her and whispering seductively, “you could teach me, hmm?” 
She laughed, pushing him away and shaking her head. “That is the weirdest way you’ve ever tried to hit on me.” 
“You’ve been hit on in weirder ways than chopstick lessons?” 
“You’d be surprised,” Elide said dryly, rolling her eyes, “what a nice pair of tits will have men saying.” 
Lorcan’s eyes dropped to her chest in her crop top and hummed, sucking on his teeth, “Mm, they are nice.” 
“Pig,” she hissed, putting her hand over his face and shoving him back. “Play nice.” 
“I always play nice with your tits, baby,” Lorcan purred, his lazy smile only growing when she shot him a glare that would have made Hellas’ fiery realm freeze over. 
“Say one more thing and you’ll never get to play with them ever again.” 
He chuckled and held his hands up in surrender, slowly backing away to the cabinets. Elide could barely hide her smile as he passed her a plate and they piled food on their plates before walking back to the couch. 
Lorcan grabbed the whiskey bottle and sat down next to her, the pair quickly becoming lost in their own world of shitty takeout, Disney movies, and expensive alcohol. 
After the Princess Diaries were done, they played rock, paper, scissors once more to decide between… Lorcan couldn’t remember. 
The bottle lay empty on the carpet and his vision was blurred. Elide was giggling softly, her eyes bright, “Alrigh… alright, hol’ on, ok? We gotta… we gotta go on one, two, three!” 
Lorcan laughed and shook his head, “No, no, we gotta sleep. Remember? We’re leaving tomorrow.” 
“Oh, yeah,” Elide said, “‘cause someone wants to kill us.” She laughed, smiling brightly. 
“I don’t even know why,” he complained, lying back on the floor. “We’re really nice.” 
“And pretty.” 
“The prettiest,” Lorcan confirmed. With a heavy sigh, he slowly got to his feet and hoisted Elide over his shoulder. She shrieked and wiggled until he smacked her ass, her cries of protest melting into an over-the-top, teasing moan. 
“Oh, hit me harder,” she begged, voice high and breathy. “Please, sir.”
Lorcan shook his head at her, “Disgusting. No more talking from you.” 
She giggled again and braced her elbow on his back, propping her chin up on her fist. “You got a nice ass, Salvaterre.” 
He snorted, “Yours ain’t too bad either, princess.” 
Elide hummed and stayed still for the rest of the trip, her thoughts becoming more mellow, as opposed to jumpy, wild things. 
They were more like a fog now, settling heavy over her mind. 
And then, there was the ugly thought, the one she had only thought of once, just one time before banishing it to the depths of her brain. 
Lorcan placed Elide down and brushed her hair from her eyes. 
She gave him a lazy smile, trailing her elegant fingertips over his full lips. “You know what, Lorcan?” 
“What, Elide?” 
“I have a secret,” she whispered, her eyes shining with something, he couldn’t place it. “It’s a… a doozy, as they say.” 
Lorcan laughed, flopping down beside her. “Tell me.” 
“Sometimes,” she murmured, now running a finger up and down the straight bridge of his nose, “I wish I never met you.” 
The words, those horrible words, hit him like a blow to the gut and Lorcan breathed out slowly. “Hmm.” He shut his eyes to stop Elide from seeing the pain in them. “That’s…” 
“It’s awful, isn’t it?” she hummed, glancing out the window to the moon beyond it. 
Lorcan didn’t respond, but he was still awake as Elide fell into a deep, inebriated sleep. 
I wish I never met me either, Elide.
an: well.....looks like the gang is going on a road trip ! 
@mythicaitt​​ @tinywolfofeyllwe​​ @schmlip-scribble​​ @the-regal-warrior​​ @empire-of-wildfire​​ @rhysands-highlady​​ @ttakeitbacknoww​​ @shyvioletcat​​ @alifletcher2012​​ @tswaney17​​ @ourbooksuniverse​​ e @flora-and-fae​​ @thesirenwashere​​ @queenofxhearts​​ @maastrash​​ @mynewdreamwasyou​​ @cursebreaker29​​ @empress-ofbloodshed​​ @b00kworm​​ @hizqueen4life​​ @silversprings98​​ @amren-courtofdreams​​​ @minaidss​​ @superspiritfestival​​ @lovemollywho​​ @queen-of-glass​​ @jlinez​​ @sleeping-and-books​​ @ireallyshouldsleeprn​​ @verypaleninja​​ @januarystears​​ @magicalunicorngypsy​​ @sis-it-dont-add-up​
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keanureevesisbae · 4 years
So Henry, you want to start a YouTube channel? - Chapter 4
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Summary: Twenty five year old YouTuber Sandy Choi has no idea that one of her five million subscribers is the one and only Henry Cavill. When he asks her to help him out with starting his own YouTube channel, she falls more and more in love with her. But she should’ve known that dating one of the most desirable bachelors, does come with a prize.
Henry Cavill x Sandy Choi (ofc)
Warnings: None
Wordcount: 3.1k
A/N: If you want to be on the taglist, please let me know. Also, I really like reading that you like the story. Such a great way to make my day xx
Masterlist // Channel introduction // Previous chapter // Next chapter
The next day Sandy uploaded a new video. It’s a summer night time routine and Henry watches every second of it, making mental notes as the video progresses. He is even thinking about picking up a skin care routine himself, simply because she is doing it. The Sandy on his iPad screen takes off her make-up and he admires her. She already looks adorable with make-up on, probably because of her cheeks, but seeing her bare face like this, he can’t help but wonder what life would look like if she was his girlfriend.
These last two days, he realized he not only admired her, her work ethic and the way she shows her life on the vlogs and makes it look like she has her shit together, but that he was falling in love with her. And he is falling head first.
He can’t stop himself anymore. He dreams about a life where Sandy Choi is his girlfriend. She would walk into the kitchen in his shirt, that is way too big for her. She’d be hugging him from behind as he makes her breakfast, pressing kisses on his back. He’d lift her on the counter, so he could press tons of kisses on her cheeks, causing her to giggle. Her slender arms wrapped tightly around his shoulders, whispering sweet nothings in his ear. He thinks about how she would beat his ass with Mario Kart, leaving him a sulking mess. She would kiss him, her soft lips on his, hoping she could brighten him up.
He even envisions her sitting on his lap as she would help him edit a video or sit between his thighs on the couch as he would teach her his favorite games. He’d help her control the console, his thumbs helping hers and kiss her temple every time she does it right.
He has been single for awhile and it was better this way, not dating anyone. Being a bachelor had its perks and he enjoyed it. However meeting Sandy in real life, has him stop him right in his tracks.
He keeps thinking about her smile, about her lovely laugh and the way she blinks her eyes a little quicker when she’s nervous. Everything she does he admires, he likes and he cherishes.
He printed out his favorite picture he made of her yesterday. She’s absolutely stunning and it was not an easy process picking out just one picture he loved. He can’t wait to give her the framed picture. He rewatched some of her videos, hoping he’d get a better idea of what her room looks like. He found a frame in an old box, thinking it would match her aesthetic.
He leans back again the chair, while he holds the picture frame in his hand, staring at Sandy. She’s next to the sunflower and she’s giggling. He can almost hear it again.
She is really photogenic and the fact that she’d let herself being photographed like this, means she’s comfortable with him right?
When she confessed about how she was feeling being around him, he admired her courage to share this with him. It’s personal and he never pecked her for sharing too much personal details of herself this early on in their friendship. She is always pretty neutral in her vlogs, never really personal. He watched some of her Q&A’s and she managed to answer everything, but still leave a lot to the imagination.
The Sandy on his iPad is walking in the most adorable pajamas he has ever seen (a cute pink two piece) to her bed. Her soft voice over says: ‘That is my night time summer routine. I hope you enjoyed this video.’ She gets into the bed and flicks off her light. ‘Remember,’ he hears her say, while the screen stays black, ‘stay hydrated, love yourself and be kind to the people who deserve it and most importantly: yourself.’
Her outro that matches the soft vibe this video has, is a picture of her sitting near her window with a cup of tea in her hand and some links to her social media.
He hears an incoming message and his heart starts to beat a whole lot faster when he sees her name on the screen. Her profile picture is her in a cafe, with a cute beret on her head. She looks cute as a button and the fact that he knows her in real life, is almost like winning the jackpot.
Sandy Choi: I figured out what your first video should be about.
Henry: Enlighten me, please.
Sandy Choi: A channel trailer.
Henry has seen her channel trailer, since she updated hers a few months ago. It was one of the first videos he watched of her. It was beautifully done, but can he do that? Can he pull it off?
Sandy Choi: I can help you out today. If you want of course?
That’s an opportunity that Henry will take with both of his hands. Every moment he can spend with her, is one he’ll take.
Henry: That would be awesome.
He quickly cleans up a bit around the house, rushes upstairs for a quick shower and gets ready in record time. He opts for a dark blue shirt and one of his new jeans shorts. He hasn’t had the chance to wear it yet and he thinks she’d approve of this.
He wonders what she’ll look like today. Yesterday she wore a beautiful white dress, with black sandals underneath them. He can’t believe she thought that she wasn’t fashionable enough for a fashion channel.
Henry hears the doorbell ring, followed by a bark from Kal. He rushes downstairs and he can already see Kal wagging his tail, as if he knows who is coming over. He ushers Kal into the living room and takes a deep breath before he opens up the door.
God, Sandy is adorably beautiful. She wears a jeans short, a white crop top above it and paired it with white platform sneakers. She has put her hairs in two braids, her bangs and some strands of hair framing her face. She has a big bag with her. ‘You walked here?’ he asks her, after he got over his initial shock of how pretty she is.
She nods. ‘Mhm.’
‘You should’ve told me,’ he says, grabbing the heavy looking bag from her. ‘I could’ve picked you up.’
He wonders what her answer will be to that. She keeps on surprising him from time to time. She’s shy, but at the same time she can be real witty. ‘I’m a strong and independent woman, Henry,’ she says, as she walks inside.
He closes the door behind her and he is impressed that she carried this around town for half an hour, without a single drop of sweat. For him, it’s like lifting up a piece of paper, but for someone as petite as her? He shouldn’t have underestimated her like that.
‘Just be careful with that bag,’ she tells him. ‘I brought own camera, laptop, iPad and some other stuff with me. Stuff we’ll need for your channel trailer.’
When Sandy walks into the living room, Kal rushes to her and in excitement, he jumps up. ‘Kal, watch it, that’s not how you greet a lady,’ Henry says, but Kal is having non of it, because he keeps on jumping up, wanting to lick her face. She yelps when he stands on his hind legs, ready to place his front paws on her shoulders. Henry quickly stands between his furry companion and Sandy. ‘Calm down,’ he sternly tells him.
Kal whines, but stays on all of his legs, looking around Henry’s legs to stare at Sandy. ‘Is it safe?’ she softly asks.
‘Yeah, I’m sorry. He’s usually pretty calm, but something about you makes him go mad.’
Sandy smiles and Henry watches as she pets his head. Kal is completely smitten with her, his eyes nearly changing into heart eyes when he looks at her and he leans into her touch. If Henry is being completely honest, he can’t blame him, since he is in the exact same boat as his Akita.
Henry places the bag on the table. ‘You want something to drink?’
She nods. ‘Water.’
‘I have other things,’ he tries, but she shrugs. ‘Sure you don’t want something sweet? Chocolate or—’
‘You have chocolate?’ she asks, standing up straight, looking at him with her eyes enlarged.
Henry knew that that would work. He chuckles. ‘I do.’
She walks up to the table and says: ‘I’d love some chocolate.’
Henry needs to tear his gaze away from her, but if it was up to him, he’d stare at her forever. It’s not just her beauty, it’s her pleasant aura as well. In her videos, she always looks really calm, like she knows what she’s doing. Though Sandy can be pretty quiet around him, he likes having her around. Sometimes he does have a feeling that she’s holding back though. Not only in her videos, but also in real life. He doesn’t think she is fully aware of how funny she is, talented and that not only she’s a great listener, but also a fantastic story teller, in writing and when she’s with him. There’s something deep down there that she has yet to uncover and unleash, to show the world.
‘So, I have been thinking about your channel,’ she says.
Henry walks to the table, places her glass of water and the chocolates on a plate next to her. In complete contrast to yesterday, she seems to be comfortable right away and he thinks that’s a good sign. ‘Tell me.’
‘You know, my channel is based around Life with Sandy Choi. Taking them with me., showing them parts of my life and how certain things work. Maybe yours can be Life with Henry Cavill.’
‘Isn’t that copying you?’
‘It’s not trademarked, Henry,’ she says. ‘But something along the lines of that. Because if you do something like that, means you’re free to upload whatever you want. If you name it, I don’t know… Fitness with Henry or Build a stuff with Henry, you sort of force yourself into one part of yourself.’
She has a point. He leans against the table with his hands. ‘Yeah?’
‘Mhm.’ She grabs her iPad out of her bag and the Apple pen and sits on the chair. It’s adorable to see that her feet are dangling, not even close to touching the floor. She starts to write something, completely lost in her own world, giving Henry time to just simply look at her. He quietly grabs his phone and takes a picture of her, wanting to remember this moment forever.
Sandy finally looks up. ‘What do you think?’ She turns her iPad around and his eyes nearly roll out of their sockets.
‘Did you just make a logo?’ he asks, sitting next to her on a chair.
‘Mhm, just need to finish up the drawing of you and Kal, but other than that, it looks pretty okay, right?’
‘Pretty okay? Sandy, this is fantastic. Honestly, is there something you can’t do?’ He leans in a bit, so he can check out the logo. She made a rough sketch of him and Kal, but even in the sketch, he can tell that it’s them. Above the drawing of them she wrote “life with” and underneath it “Henry (and Kal)”, in such a lovely handwriting.
‘It’s not that great.’
He simply dismisses what she just said there. ‘You are by far the most talented person I have ever met,’ he says, looking up, to see that she’s already watching him. Her face is really close and he watches her tongue wetting her lips. ‘Honestly.’
Her cheeks turn in a soft pink color. ‘Thanks, Henry.’
Henry feels her breath against his lips. He uses all of his willpower not to lean in and kiss her. It would be weird and actually rude to just kiss her, but God, with the way she looks now, he just wished that she was his girlfriend, that he could kiss her whenever he wanted.
‘And I was thinking about your channel trailer,’ she says. ‘We could film some shots today, but you can also start just filming your life. Just like the intros I use before every vlog, you can use some footage you’ll make this week. You don’t have to post that, but it might be useful.’
He heard her, perfectly clear, but he is distracted by his own thoughts. He keeps wondering about how it would feel when she’d place her tiny hand in his. He keeps wondering what it would be like to hug her body close, to have her face buried in his neck, her warm breath against the sensitive skin. ‘That sounds good,’ he eventually manages to say. ‘I really need to find a way to thank you, once the channel is in the air.’
She shrugs. ‘No need to, I like helping you out.’
Henry doesn’t want this day to end. Though it was really silent every now and then, he noticed that she was getting more and more comfortable with him. She even slapped him across his arm, only to keep on apologizing over and over again, to a point where he simply told her that he barely even felt it.
They had made tons of shots and she really knows what she is doing. Seeing her behind the camera, telling him what he should do, he saw that glimpse of what he knew what was there all along.
Afterwards, she showed him how Final Cut Pro worked, by opening her own laptop and showing him step by step how he could use this program. She even wrote some short cuts down on a piece of paper.
Though he is slightly intimidated by how easily she does it, but she told him that she was worse than he was when she first opened her laptop to edit a video and that he has nothing to worry about.
The two of them only ate some ice cream for dinner, since this hot weather makes it hard for both of them to eat something remotely healthy and the ice cream cools them down. It’s about nine in the evening, but Sandy has yet to leave his place.
If it were up to Henry, she didn’t leave. It’s nice not being alone with a dog, but to have some company, someone to look at during the day, that would be nice. Henry scrolls through the pictures of his phone, while he waits for the freezer to open again, after it vacuumed itself shut. He knows by now that forcing it to open isn’t helping the situation at all, but it gives him plenty of time to look at the pictures he made today of her. He already sent a few to her, but the one he made of her earlier today, with her iPad in hand, is by far his favorite.
That reminds him, he was going to give her the photo he printed out for her. Maybe when she has to leave, he can give it to her.
Finally the freezer opens up again and he gets the ice cubes, to put in her glass of water. Henry walks back to the living room, only to see how Sandy fell asleep against Kal, her head resting on his side.
He smiles as he stares at the sight of the young woman and his dog. Her fingers are wrapped around his paw. Kal lazily opens up his eyes, as Henry pulls out his phone again, to make a picture of the woman he is heavily crushing on and his lovely dog.
He quietly walks upstairs, to make the bed in the guest room. He places an air cooler in the room and fills the tank with some water. He goes downstairs again, only to see her still fast asleep. He really doesn’t want to wake her up, but he also doesn’t want her to sleep on the couch, especially not in that position. It would kill him if she actually strained her back. He carefully slides his hand underneath her knees and her upper body and lifts her up with ease. She places her forehead against his shoulder, her entire body completely relaxed.
Henry can’t stop smiling as he walks up the stairs. He feels her fingers fisting the material of his shirt as she tries to turn on her side in his arms. ‘Easy, easy,’ he softly whispers.
Gently he places her in the bed, taking off her shoes and covering her with a thin blanket. He walks back downstairs, to grab some cooling elements to put in the air cooler. When he is back in the room, he sees she hasn’t moved at all. He tries not to drop the cooling elements in the tank too hard, since he really doesn’t want to wake her up. For a moment he looks at her and tucks a strand of her hair behind her ear, his fingers grazing over her soft cheek. ‘Good night, Sandy.’
Henry walks out of the room, closes the door behind him, when he feels his phone vibrate in his back pocket. He looks at the screen and sees Jackson send him a text.
Jackson: I had to hear from my sweet lady Lacey that you have been meeting up with Sandy Choi for three days in a row now?
Jackson: Were you planning on telling me this?
Jackson: Like ever?
Jackson: Because now I heard the details from Lacey, because Sandy is a nice friend and actually tells her stuff about your rendezvous.
Henry: You only told me about Lacey, two minutes before your party started and since you have been hanging out non stop with her, I have to do my morning run by myself.
Henry: I wanted to tell you then, but if you just leave me hanging.
Jackson: Very funny. How was it today?
Henry: It was amazing, she is really talented. She helped me film something and showed me the editing software. I can't believe that she’s actually part of my life now.
Jackson: That is sickening sweet. You’re still hanging out?
Henry: No, she’s upstairs now.
Jackson: Mister Cavill 😏
Henry: It’s nothing like that. She was tired from filming, being in the sun a lot. She fell asleep.
Jackson: Well, I heard from Lacey that in those seven months that miss Choi is living here, she has yet to spend time with someone else, beside Lacey. Think you’re doing something good, bud.
Taglist: @flhorah​ // @henrythickcavill​ // @toomanystoriessolittletime​ // @tumblnewby // @newts-fan-case // @thelastsock
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benkouji726 · 4 years
Five times they behaved liked an old married couple and one time they really were
Written for MalexWeek 2020, Day 2. Fic Prompt: Trope Day.
Summary: They found their way back together.
The fic actually contains 2 tropes: 90% of “The Old Married Couple” and 10% of “Shipper on Deck” because I like cliches SO MUCH.
1. Bickering
They had been staring at each other across the booth in Crashdown for five minutes now.
Michael broke down first. “Looks like they all bail on us.”
Alex snorted. “Gee, what clued you in? Is it the fact that we’ve been sitting here for half an hour now and still no one showed up? Or the texts we JUST received from our so-called friends declaring they all have to ‘BAIL ON US’?” He even made the air quote gesture, the bastard.
So something crawled over someone’s ass and died today. “Really? Your are gonna be like this.”
Alex ignored him. Great.
“Do you want me to leave?” He asked, and pathetically hoped Alex would say no. Because even a snappy Alex was still better than no Alex at all.
Alex answered his question with a question. Of course he did. “Do YOU want to leave?”
Michael shook his head, and decided to throw in some moment of truth. “Honestly? I think they set us up, because in the past two weeks I may or may not have whined many times to them about how much I missed you.”
Alex seemed oddly angered by that. “Well, you sure have a funny way of showing that. Because last time I checked, my phone number is still the same, and I go to the same bar and the same diner on a daily basis, safe to say I’m not the hardest person to find.”
Michael muttered something under his breath.
“What is that? I crack code, I don’t read lips.”
“I said I didn’t want to see you dating someone else!” Shit. That was a mistake.
Alex froze for a moment, then he said, slowly. “You mean you don’t want to see me dating after you and my best friend ended your relationship which lasted almost ONE YEAR right in front of me?”
Michael deflated. “OK. That’s fair. But I really missed you. Can’t we just like, be friends? We’re still friends, right?” He might sound a little too desperate, but he honestly didn’t care anymore.
“I don’t know, Michael”, shit, why did he always have this chill when Alex called his first name? It’s like Pavlovian reaction at this point. “How do we do it? Say ‘what’s up, bro’ every time we see each other?”
So he really was gonna be like that. Well, takes two to tango.
“Or we could, you know, discuss our mutual dislike of the disgusting eating habit of dipping the fries in the milk shake thing”, he pretended to think for a moment, “oh, sorry I forgot. It’s only MY dislike.”
Alex smiled at that. He took a fry, dipped it into his milkshake, threw it into his mouth, chewed, swallowed, and then said, still smiling sweetly, “Yet you screamed so loud that one time when I dipped your cock into the milkshake and licked it clean.”
Michael choked on his clean, fry-crumbs-free milkshake. “You are not playing fair.”
“And you’re surprised? I didn’t climb the military ladder so fast by being nice.” Alex smirked.
Michael smirked right back. “Yeah, you’re kind of a sore loser. You didn’t speak to me for two days when I beat you at Mario Kart”.
“That’s because you cheated!”
“How does one cheat at MARIO KART?”
“I don’t know! Maybe you used your Tele...” Alex stopped himself abruptly when their waitress appeared to ask them if they needed some refill.
They both declined and headed right back into their argument about who was the better gamer.
When Michael finally stood up to get their bills (they argued about who should pay the bills too, Michael won), it was already two hours later, and they both had a big smile on their faces.
Alex watched Michael go to the cashier, a little too intensely, so he didn’t notice the little old lady at first, she had to wave her hand in front of him to get his attention.
He turned to her, confused. “Uh, can I help you?”
She patted on his shoulder. “My husband and I were like this too”, she said, wistfully, “we used to bicker all the time, but our hearts were in the right place”, she looked at Michael’s direction and back to Alex, “you and your young man are gonna be just fine.” She patted him once more, and went away.
2. Finishing each other’s sentences
They were at the supermarket together when Alex said, “why...”
“Does Liz need so many eggs? Beats me. She said she needs them to do some kind of experiment, but I highly suspect it.”
“And why...”
“Did she send us to get these? According to her, we need the legwork and some fresh air because she said and I quote, you are talking in codes and I reek of oil at this point.”
“Getting a little annoyed by me right now? You want me to stop finishing your sentences? Well, it’s not my fault you are this predictable.” He was asking for trouble, Michael knew. But he couldn’t help it. Alex and Forrest had broken up for a week now, and Alex still didn’t tell him, he had to be informed by Izzy, it was a little irritating.
Alex narrowed his eyes. “You think you know me so well.”
“Apparently I do.” He smiled innocently.
“You’re not that complex either, you know”, Alex stepped forward, right into his personal space, “I can read you like an open book.”
So it was game on.
For the next two weeks, they were trying their best to beat each other to the punch, finishing each other’s sentences, sometimes even saying things before the other could even open his mouth.
Kyle snapped at last.
“Would you PLEASE stop?” He groaned, “We get it. You’re dating now and you are stupidly in love and you know each other SO WELL. Just, get a room, OK? Other people are still trying to find their soulmates or something.”
“We are not...” They spoke at the same time.
“Great, you’re upgrading to saying things unanimously now?” Kyle threw his hand into the air. “I give up.”
They both blushed. Unanimously.
3. Touching casually
They were both leaning onto the table to study some printed out files from another secret government agency that Alex found and hacked, Alex was writing out code patterns to determine which one fit the file, when Michael suddenly discovered something.
In a hurry to write down his thoughts, he didn’t try to get another pen. He reached out, grabbed Alex’s pen-holding hand, and wrote down a keyword. His head bowed beneath Alex’s chin, some of his curls brushed his face, so Alex used his free hand to brush it away, he lingered a moment there, as Michael finished writing the word but his hand stayed there, thumb gently rubbing Alex’s in a slow circle.
Then Alex pulled away, and they continued discussing the file.
Things escalated real fast after that.
At first it was just a hand on the back, a pat on the shoulder, that sort of things. But then they often stood near enough that their hips were touching, Michael sometimes threw his arm around Alex’s shoulder when they were laughing together, or Alex would play with Michael’s hair when they were sitting on the same side of the booth, listening to their friends or talking to them. It was nothing sexual, they were friends, friends stayed in each other’s personal space ALL THE TIME, right?
Then one day, they were having a group movie night. They decided to sit on the sofa, so naturally no one else wanted to sit on it. With that much room, they sat down, a foot or so between them.
Halfway through the movie though, Alex was rubbing his right knee. Michael took one glance at him, and immediately sat beside him. He lifted Alex’s right leg onto his left, and put his hand on Alex’s knee. Alex let out a moan.
The whole group was looking at them now. Alex blushed.
“I, his hand...” Alex took a breath and regained some control back, “you all know aliens run hot right? His hand is like a thermos, it’s good for my knee.”
“You know”, Liz began, “You don’t need to explain here. People do this all the time for their loved ones, it’s sweet.”
“But”, Isobel cut in, stopping whatever Alex was trying to say, “next time, don’t do it in front of us, maybe? If I hear my brother-in-law moan again when I die, it’ll still be too soon.”
“Guys, stop teasing them”, Max said, at which point Alex had already given up, “they’re not even dating”.
“Yeah”, Maria went in for the final blow, “because the old married couple don’t date anymore. You guys really should make more of an effort if you want to keep the sparks alive, you know?”
“You mean we should just ditch you all to enjoy our little world, just the two of us?” Alex crooked his head, playing along.
“Aww, honey, you’d do that for me, for us? I thought you said we should keep our friends company or they’d be too boring a bunch.” Michael added.
He never took his hand off Alex’s knee.
4. Pet names
“Darlin’, I’m home!” Michael called out, as he entered their secret base.
Kyle looked up, confused. “Since when did you begin to use pet names for each other?”
Alex didn’t even spare Michael a glance. “I didn’t. He is just being a dick.”
“Oh, sweetheart, you wound me. And you’re such a pretty liar, considering you called me ‘Mikey’ just the other day.”
“Sarcastically, yes.” Alex rolled his eyes. “Now would you please cut the bullshit and come look at this?”
Michael fluttered his eyelashes: “For you, sweet cheeks? Of course.”
Kyle wanted to leave. He also wanted to die a little.
Then Alex turned his full attention to Michael, and said in an almost robotic voice. “Gee, you are so kind, my little teddy bear.”
Kyle was wrong. He didn’t want to die a little. He wanted to die A LOT.
Michael, on the other hand, smiled like a cat finally got the cream. “Don’t mention it, pumpkin.”
His eyes twinkling, his tone teasing. But there was also genuine softness and gentleness in his overall demeanor, like he was standing in front of the most precious person in his whole life, and he called his name.
Alex rolled his eyes again. But when he looked back down, there was a secret smile tugging at his lips.
5. Couple’s therapy
“You’ve got to be kidding me.” How was this his life, Alex wanted to ask.
To his credit, Michael looked bashful for once. “I’ve been seeing this therapist for four months now. And she said we could use a couple’s therapy, so she gave me this Groupon. I thought it’d be great for us.”
Alex stared. “You do know we’re not actually a couple, right?”
Michael looked a bit hurt by that, but he recovered quickly, “We kinda are, though. We both haven’t seen any other people for about half a year now. We spend almost all of our free time together. We touch each other constantly. We talk about everything and anything. Everyone assumes we’re at least hooking up, some think we already eloped!”
“Friends also do that kind of things together. And other people’s opinions really don’t bother me”, Alex didn’t look at him while saying this, so there was still hope right?
At this point, any hope was worth fighting for.
“Yeah, except friends aren’t normally in love with each other.” He said, looking right into Alex’s eyes, daring him to deny it.
Alex hesitated, and resigned. “When is it?”
Dr Brown already knew so much about him it was a little unsettling.
“Have you talked anything other than me during your sessions?” Alex couldn’t help to ask.
“Of course!” Michael sounded offended. Meanwhile Dr Brown said, calmly, “Very little.”
Michael threw a betrayed glare at her, but she just smiled.
“So, what do you want to know?” Alex was always direct, “fair warning though. I refuse to talk about my childhood, my parents, my family, my job, my gay struggles, or anything from my past, including my past with Michael.”
“That’s OK”, Dr Brown still smiled, not bothered at all. “I only have one question for you.”
“What’s that?”
“You walked in, already in combat mode, because you treat any foreign environment as a threat, not to mention this foreign environment might force you to open up which you only do when you are around a certain and small group of people. But then Michael walked in too, and your stance changed. You were still in combat mode, but you also put yourself in a protective position, slightly in front of him. Meanwhile, you relaxed noticeably as if you trusted him with all you’ve got. When you sat down, you leaned to him unconsciously, and every time he spoke or touched you, you were calmed and grounded.”
Alex’s voice was raw when he spoke. “That was not a question.”
“So my question is”, she continued, “why do you still deny it, when you’re clearly in love with each other and already in a steady relationship?”
Alex didn’t have an answer for that. He got up and left.
+1 “How is your headache”
He’d been avoiding Michael for three days now. He was miserable in all of the days.
He was debating whether he should quit being a coward and finally get what he wanted when there was a knock on his door.
He was not even a little surprised that it was Michael.
He was surprised by the flower though.
“What is this?”
Michael held out the flower, eyes pleading. “Wanna take you out for a date.”
“I haven’t slept well these past days, my head kinda hurts, going out is not something I want to do now,” Alex said, and rushed to say the next bit because Michael looked devastated, “But we could stay in, order some take out, and watch Star Wars together?”
Michael relaxed a fraction. “You mean rewatch Star Wars.”
“Yeah, well, I have this habit of falling in love with something and never managing to fall out of it, don’t I?”
Michael smiled, a little teary. “Guess we have that in common.”
They ate, they talked, they watched Star Wars.
Then Michael was crowding Alex into the back of the couch, and asked tentatively: “how is your headache, honey?”
To that, Alex replied with a kiss.
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andimlonely · 5 years
You Shine
BNHA; Denki Kaminari x f!reader | With finals approaching, your diligence is cranked up to the highest setting, but after rarely seeing you outside of class for a few days, Denki has to step in before you run yourself into the ground.
✿♦ Fluff and angst 
A/N: I was struggling with this one for awhile but I think I like how it turned out in the end. Listening to this: https://youtu.be/AGtKpeY6UqI really helped to inspire me, because it captures the feeling of the angsty moments well. Really, a lot of the angst I write will probably pair well with that song if it’s not super heavy. I hope you enjoy this one, and maybe even find some comfort in it if you can relate! 
“Heya, (y/n),” greets Kaminari as he strolls into your room casually, as he always does, clad in a black tank and grey track pants.
You lift your head and glance over your shoulder at him from your desk, noticing the dampness of his forehead and hair, “Hey, Denki. What’s up?”
“Nothin’ much. Kiri and I just got back from the gym. Can ya tell?”
It takes one glance at your blond friend’s silly pose, an attempt to flex all the muscle he purported to have, for you to chuckle, “Yeah, I can tell.”
He chuckles along with you, retorting that maybe he isn’t all muscular yet but he’ll get there, and dropping down onto your baby blue beanbag chair - and probably widening the small but worrisome ripped seam that you have yet to sew back up. 
While he makes himself comfortable, you continue to tap at your keyboard, then pause to read, then tap away again, a monotonous cycle that threatens to lull him into a boredom-induced nap. By now Denki is used to the sight, having learned of your diligence before he even got to know you personally. In fact, it was due to Aizawa’s praise towards the students with perfect scores on the first exam that he reached out to you in the first place. With Yaoyorozu overbooked for studying sessions, it was between you and Midoriya, and while he had nothing against his freckled classmate, he wasn’t going to choose him as a tutor when there was someone cute and just as capable available. 
But despite how accustomed he is to seeing you hunched over your desk, he’s no less dismayed. 
“Don’t tell me you’re still studying,” he groans, his head tossed back against the beanbag. 
The rhetorical nature of the question has you playfully rolling your eyes. “Should I even answer that? Besides, have you even started studying? Finals are next week.”
“It’s Monday! This week just started and you’re already worrying about the next one?”
He really won’t let this go. Exasperated, you drop your pen and swivel around so you can plead him to let you study.
“Denki,” you whine, “We’ve been over this. Cramming at the last minute isn’t a good idea, didn’t you learn that after the last math test?”
He cringes at the mention, raising his hands defensively, “Alright, alright. I’ll let you study, but you’re still playing games with us later. I’m not gonna let you ditch me for some homework.”
“Fine,” you sigh with exaggerated reluctance. Secretly, as exhausted by Denki’s refusal to let you work in peace you are, you’re endeared by how persistently he tries to give you a break. Taking a little time to go get food with your best friend, or watch a movie, or anything really, sounds especially fun right now. Almost fun enough to loosen your tight study schedule, almost.
It’s not as if you want to study, or that it’s some kind of recreational activity for you. Flicking endlessly through pages, straining your eyes scanning line upon line of text, and scrawling numbers and letters that become progressively less neat in your notebook are all pretty dreadful to you. But the prospect of being handed back an assignment marked with anything less than 90% possesses your body to keep at it. The weight of maintaining such a strict regimen might strain your shoulders, but the weight of failing or underperforming threatens to crush you. And as much as you want to let it every now and then, you sweep the idea aside by burying your nose into your work. 
With a reminder that you have a few hours until you have to report to Jirou’s room for some gaming, Kaminari dismisses his still mildly sweaty self for a much needed shower. 
You spent that night huddled between Jirou and Denki for a couple hours, immersed in the almost evenly matched brawling of Smash Ultimate and the tumultuous rollercoaster of a game that is Mario Kart, among other games. It felt nice to indulge in something fun for awhile, even more so surrounded by your friends, but before it went on for too long you excused yourself back to your room for the night. 
That was the last time Denki and Jirou had seen you outside of class not hunched over a book or your computer, or training furiously at the gym. Needless to say, your absence from the group activities, and spaces outside your room in general - besides meals - quickly grew worrisome. 
“Dude, I haven’t seen (y/n) out here like all week,” Kaminari frowns, “I get it’s finals almost, but she’s kinda pushing it, don’t you think?”
Jirou, after taking a drink from her water bottle, sits on the adjacent sofa. “Definitely. I tried dragging her out earlier but she was asleep at her desk.” 
“Damn, dude. All she does is homework and study. I’m getting kinda worried about her.”
You might be what Denki considers an overachiever, but he’s never seen you this determined, except maybe during practical exams and of course during the many villain encounters the class has endured. But as for school work, you’re never this obsessed.
“We should try talking to her or something,” Jirou suggests, sharing in the blond’s concern for you.
“She’s so stubborn though. I tell her to take it easy all the time, she just won’t have it.”
“That’s not what I meant. Of course she’s not gonna listen if you tell her to take a break. I meant ask her why she’s so stressed in the first place. Maybe something else is bothering her.”
For some reason, the idea that something besides compulsion and maybe a little masochism is fueling your tireless work hadn’t occurred to him before. 
Denki crosses his arms, “Ya think?”
It makes sense as he considers the idea. But what could be so compelling to keep you chained to your desk everyday? He isn’t sure, but he aims to find out.
You barely hear the knocking over the audio playing in your earbuds, the explanation of a scientific concept you find too abstract put on hold as you answer the door.
“Denki. You knocked,” you say, eyebrows hovering far above your eyes.
Your eyes. You look so tired. Denki is struck by the darkness encircling your usually bright (e/c) irises, now swimming with tired determination.
“I know,” he replies, his hand stroking the back of his head as he steps into your room, “I dunno why.”
The curtains are loose, completely shielding your room from any light that could spill in from the night sky, though it could surely use some; your table lamp is the only source of light in the dimly lit room. In the dark he can still make out the clothes and few other items littering the floor around you, probably accumulating from all the time you sank into your studies this week.
“I assume you’re here to tell me I need a break, but I already took one. I watched youtube for an hour or so,” you inform him, a tired smile on your lips.
His smile is weak, and you notice it. “Not bad.”
He’s too quiet. 
“What’s wrong?”
A nervous chuckle falls from his lips, “Nothing’s wrong.” 
“Then.. Why are you so quiet?”
The only times Denki ever acted this strange were after brushes with villains, and that time he was feeling insecure about his critical thinking on the field, so you know better than to believe nothing is bothering him. 
“Ah.. guess I’m just tired. Aren’t you?”
“A little,” you confess, your fingers tugging at the hem of your t-shirt. “But I can’t stop now. I’ve gotten a lot done, but I still have lots to finish.”
“Dude,” your friend whines, and you sigh, already ready to protest his insistence that you’re pushing yourself too far. “I know you don’t wanna hear this, (y/n), but you really need to take a break. We haven’t even seen you out of your room since the other day, except for dinner.” 
“Denki, I don’t have time for this..”
“I’m serious, (y/n). We’re getting worried about you. Not even just me and Jirou, but the others too.”
“Worried? I’m fine.” 
Even you don’t sound so sure, your stare locked on anything that isn’t Denki. 
He drags a hand down his face, groaning once again. Maybe his pestering is annoying, but enough is enough. He would rather risk you hating him for a little while than let you run yourself into the ground like you’ve been. 
“(y/n), look. I get you’re driven and all, but it’s okay to take a break, you know?,”
“No, Denki, it’s not okay! It’s not chill, or cool, or fine! I have to pass - no, I have to ace these tests!” 
Your outburst has him taken aback, and he places a hand on your shoulder, eyes like honey saturated with sincerity.
“Hey, hey. (y/n). They’re just tests, relax.” 
“Relax”..? The word alone has you flying into a fit of rage. How could he possibly expect you to just relax, as if it’s easy, as if you can erase the glaring red numbers that flash through your mind any time your hands aren’t busy. As if the imaginary anvil hanging over your head will just disappear if you pretend it isn’t there. As if you can even dig yourself out of the mounds of paper you’re swimming in in the first place. 
“They’re not, though! Why aren’t you getting that?! Maybe you don’t feel an urgency to do well, but I do, why is that wrong?”
Denki has never seen you this distressed before, and he only grows more alarmed by the way your eyes grow glassier every time you speak. 
“It’s not wrong, (y/n).. But obsessing about it like this is. It’s not like you’re anywhere close to failing your classes, so why is this freaking you out so much?”
“Because it’s the only thing I have! If I don’t do well academically then --” 
Before the rest can escape, you cut yourself off, halting the flood of words that threaten to break through your lips. Your wrap your arms around yourself, your fingers pressing firmly into your arms.
But Denki can’t forget what you’ve said. He has to know. Why are you so desperate to prepare for these finals?
Rather than try to make you look him in the eye, he steps into your line of sight again, urging you to finish your thought. 
“Then what..?” 
Half of your face is illuminated by the glow of your lamp and computer, a gleaming droplet rolling down the slope of your cheek. Your breaths stutter faintly. The silence feels thick, so gripping in the absence of your raised voice from just moments ago. The room’s energy might have diminished but the weight of your emotion clings to the air.
“T-then I.. don’t stand out at all,” you murmur, all the defensiveness from before drained from your voice.
His hand is raised as if reaching weakly out to you, but you turn your back to him.
“What are you talking about?..” 
‘Isn’t it obvious?’
“My quirk isn’t really exciting, and my field work is fine but it’s not outstanding.. If I can’t ace every test, then there’s nothing exceptional about me at all. I’m just.. mediocre without my academics.” 
And you struggle to even stand out then. Yaoyorozu, Iida, Deku.. even Bakugou. All of them are just as, maybe even more, focused on their grades and just as often share in your tendency to receive high marks. It’s not as if you want them to fail; you even admire their intelligence and diligence, but sometimes, sometimes it seems so unfair. They already have such amazing quirks, make such an impression whether they’re participating in something controlled like the Sports Festival or finding creative ways to elude villains. They already seem like heroes. Why can’t you have just one moment to feel that capable, even if your moment is confined to the classroom?
“(y/n).. Hey, that’s not true. You’ve got it all wrong. There’s tons of stuff about you that stands out.”
By now your shoulders are shaking, every drop of frustration and exhaustion you locked away to be able to focus on your studies over the week seeping out of you at once. 
“Like what, that I’m the least interesting student in the class?” 
Denki’s chest stirs with a guilt-like feeling. How could you think this way? How could all this fear and insecurity you’ve been carrying have slipped past him? Quirk aside, he isn’t the brightest, but he thought he at least knew you well enough to notice when something is wrong.
He moves in front of you, and seeing you have your head lowered, he crouches before you so his face is in sight.
“No. Like how great you are at thinking on your feet. And how much you trust other people, instead of just taking the reigns every time you’re working with them. And all the creative ways you use your quirk. I’d never be able to think up stuff like that if I were you. Hell, I couldn’t even think of a way around the obstacles of my quirk without some help.”
“But.. what if my quirk just isn’t special enough?..”
“Hey. I get it. Sometimes it can feel like the rest of us fade into the background when you look at people like Bakugou or Todoroki. They seem like they’re lightyears away from us sometimes, and it can be kind of a downer. But just look at all the times relying on their quirk wasn’t even enough.”
“Yeah.. I guess so.”
He continues.
“I mean, yeah, quirks are pretty important, and powerful ones get all the attention. But if the only thing you have going for you is your quirk, I dunno, I doubt you’re gonna get very far. Don’t you think? I mean maybe if I was as smart as you I’d have a lot more brain cells left after using my quirk for a long period of time,” he jokes, tender smile deepening when you crack a laugh of your own.
“I guess I’m trying to say.. Your quirk is just as cool as anyone else’s, but it only is because you made it that way. You don’t have to ace every test to stand out, because you already shine without that. But it’s not like you even have to try that hard to do well, right? So just.. Keep being you.”
“I.. shine?”
“Even without your quirk, or your good grades,” he nods, rising to his feet, “You’re already awesome without all that.”
Without warning, your arms are wrapped tightly around him, your face buried into his shoulder, dampening his shirt somewhat as the tears you were suppressing flow free - not that he cares. You could blow your nose with this shirt and he wouldn’t mind if it meant he got to feel you like this. With the arm not trapped in your embrace, he squeezes you closer.
“I’m sorry for yelling at you,” you mumble into his shoulder.
“It’s okay. You’re kinda cute when you’re mad anyway,” he grins, half expecting you to shoot him a playful glare, but you stay nestled in the fabric of his t-shirt instead. “So you promise you’re gonna slow down?”
You can’t remember the last time you felt this calm. You don’t want to let him go, not any time soon. Despite how close you’ve become, you had never hugged Denki for this long, but now, as he sways you lightly right to left, you can’t imagine going long without it. 
“I’ll try,” you nod, face flushed as you come down from your emotional high, “Could we maybe.. watch a movie together? I’m tired of studying for tonight.”
“‘Course. I’ll get my laptop, it’s bigger.”
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