#he was the best part of CONY
dravencroft · 2 years
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I really liked Agathon's new outfit in Shadows of NY---
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mosneakers · 7 months
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part 2 <read part 1 first, here>
Sunglo: You've been crying. I notice you've washed the smell of smoke off.
Coni: [Voice strained] Glo, baby, I'm tired.
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He reaches to touch her arm, but she proceeds past him.
Sunglo: Then let's not drag this out. Where is she? What happened to her?
Coni: She's gone, Sunglo. [Keeps walking]
Sunglo: Gone? Concept—wait! Get back here!
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Coni sits in front of her vanity table, while Sunglo stands behind her, exerting every effort to steady his emotions.
Sunglo: [Calmly] What do you mean she's gone, Concept? Coni glances down at the gleaming ring Sunglo gave her, passed down from his great-grandmother.
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Coni: There was a malfunction that resulted in her combustion. She was destroyed. I'm sorry. You trusted me with your best bot and I failed you.
Sunglo: [Shakes head vigorously] No, that's impossible. Give me a detailed incident report if that's truly the case.
Coni: Stop, I just lost someone too. I'm in no position to do that right now, please.
Sunglo falls silent, stunned.
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Sunglo: Coni… If there's something you're not telling me…
Coni: [Voice sharpens] WHAT, SUNGLO? What are you going to do? Hm?
Sunglo: I'll find out. I can access her data, her surveillance. I'll figure it all out on my own, Concept. If I have to, I will.
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Coni looks up at him with a sympathetic frown, her fingers tracing the collar of his shirt. A soft chuckle escapes her lips, though in her ragged and worn-out voice, it sounds more like a whimper.
Coni: [Sighs] No baby, you won't. Sunglo: Sorry?
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Coni: You won't. That's the thing. You'll never find out. You're the smartest man I've ever known, but I'll always be one step ahead of you... thanks to my genetic advantages. I destroyed Cecilia. I had to. And If I wanted you to forget all of this, I could make that happen with the snap of my fingers. But I'm just so tired of this game. I'm so tired of hiding from you, my darling.
A tear falls down Coni's cheek, against all efforts to stop it. Sunglo's stomach churns as a faint blue aura begins to emit from her skin; the same blue aura that comes from Aurora when playtime is cut short, or she doesn't get the toy she asks for. Everything starts to fall into place.
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Sunglo: No... [Shakes head, tears forming] Concept... you're scaring me...
Coni's eyes mirror the tears welling in his. She tries to vocalize "I'm sorry," but only manages to mouth the words, her voice failing her. Sunglo: This can't be real. I feel sick. Is this real? Coni: I... Do you want me to show you? ...Myself? My real form?
Sunglo: What? No! Those things, they—[lowers voice] they violated me, Con... And you? You're really one of them? Did you help them?
Coni: NO! Mod, no. I would never do that to you, Glo! I would never hurt you. I'm not like them. I was raised here in Strangerville. I don't do what they do, okay honey?
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Sunglo: What do you do, then? Lie and manipulate? And apparently destroy? Why? Why'd you do that to Cecilia?
Coni: She… she knew too much.
Sunglo: Oh, It all makes sense now. You were protecting yourself. Coni: I— [stops herself]
Sunglo: I think I'm gonna be sick... I should go.
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Coni: Baby, please… Wait, just come sit down. We can fix this, okay? We can get back to our normal happy life! We can fix Cecilia. We can fix us.
Sunglo: I… I think I need some time to think about this.
Coni: Think about what? Stop, you're scaring me, now! What are you saying, Glo? We were supposed to be—this life we made for us… it's perfect. Our love is perfect.
Sunglo: It was perfect. You destroyed it. It was a lie, Coni. You lied to me.
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Coni: PLEASE! I'm the same Coni you've always known. We were supposed to get married, Glo! You just proposed. You gave me Agnes's ring, I know that means something special, please!
Sunglo: Keep the ring. But— I think we need to call off the engagement for now.
Coni: Call it off? What are you saying? What does this mean for us? If you don't want to marry me then you don't want to be with me, either! [Sobbing]
Sunglo: I just need time, Coni.
Coni: What about our family and friends? Erwin? He definitely won't be able to handle this. Are you going to tell them I'm an alien so that they all hate me too?
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Sunglo: Of course not. You tell them when you're ready. And for what it's worth, they'll always love you. I'll always love you, Concept. Okay? I… I just know I'll never be able to reconcile, and I… I just need to think about whether I can live with that or not... forever.
Coni: [Sniffles]...S-so this is goodbye, then?
Sunglo: Only for now.
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nihilara · 5 months
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so, i know my carrd is clunky, and messy and bad. so i've decided to make a big masterpost for kuro's hsr au. because as i play it, it is growing, and evolving as i find new things to !!! over. plus i feel it's a bit easier to just have the verse post here on my tumblr anyway where folks can see it easier.
𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐄: hamasaki kuro , just kuro please.
𝐀𝐆𝐄: 1000+ , his exact age isn't known. he's legit forgotten it.
𝐀𝐋𝐈𝐀𝐒: favored of the plagues author , cat guy ( express crew ) , killjoy , emanator of yaoshi ( not anymore. ) , more to come i'm sure...
𝐏𝐀𝐓𝐇: abundance ( previous ), later path dependent on plotting :)
as you know, kuro's home world died.
the planet just could not sustain life anymore, and while it isn't coincidence that yao/shi chose him to be an emanator- it didn't happen until the planet was dead. a husk essentially, for him to implant the power of the abundance within, and bring it back with that alone. making it completely reliant on the aeon, and an ecological horror show of never ending life and growth.
during his time as an emanator, kuro worked to spread the influence of yao/shi to other worlds too. and unfortunately, the xian/zhou was collateral damage to these endeavors. which has earned him not only a bounty, but a permanent ban from any of the xian/zhou alliance ships. the damage he did to them was... comparatively minimal to what he did to the world he was focused on at the time. but it has given him history with certain characters, that is both traumatic, and brief-- enough that it's not necessarily reliant on fine details, for kuro to be a wanted criminal by the xian/zhou and potentially in hot water with the IPC.
the reason he stepped off his path... is unknown. but there's some speculation among those who knew of him. that yao/shi abandoned him perhaps, that he saw the truth of abundance, that it terrified him. the real reason is much too complicated. and he will not discuss it with anyone.
the astral/express & jarlio/VI
kuro didn't immediately join the express, he did wander for a while. it didn't feel right to pick up a new path right away. and despite losing his status as an emanator, he'd maintained his immortality-- though he's yet to suffer the effects of mara, despite his surprisingly long life. only time will tell there.
welt and hi/meko know about kuro's past. and he is accepted a temporary passenger who's job is to help pom pom in keeping the train tidy. though his stay ends up being much longer than any of them anticipated. making a home in a large room of a secondary passenger car. where he has about 6 cats, not including mimi. who he's convinced is hyper intelligent, and has a genuine personality. he gets along with the crew as much as he can. never really putting himself out there, and usually... usually avoiding visitors to the express whenever they come by to see the mc. the only one he will come out to see consistently is ar/genti.
he really wasn't too present for the first arc, but he did leave the train with the other three. and got to see jarlio/VI with mimi. they mostly stayed out of trouble, and sorta just,,, vanished for a bit. found back on the train when it was finished.
the luo/fu, the xian/zhou, and jing/yuan
kuro really does his best to not be a part of this one. his history, as mentioned above, with the xian/zhou is not good. and he has quite the bounty on his head, despite the several of centuries since he last saw the fleet. when he does actually leave to board the luo/fu he wears some extra accessories to disguise himself. but, jing/yuan despite the distraction of the stellaron & phanty/lia... finds him.
it's after this point, that kuro's past and history with yao/shi become entirely public to everyone. and he is almost imprisoned in the shackling prison. something he barely escapes thanks to ?????????????????? then vanishes entirely from the express, along with mimi. hm.
pena/cony, boot/hill & the IPC ( a wip, im playing through it now )
long story short- kuro ends up at the pena/cony. how he gets there is still pretty up in the air. but he does have his own room.
( meaning i will be adding more to this post as i go!!! )
in that span of time however, between the luo/fu and the pena/cony-- he does meet boot/hill. i'm aware his lore is also very unfinished, open, and much of his backstory is really just speculation. but i've got a bit of plotting going, and the two of them are in a bit of an in-between stage at the moment. making the two's meeting entirely possible and,, potentially beneficial to both? also, boot/hill is optimistic, and frankly quite unhinged. where as kuro tends to be nihilistic, and more mellow in comparison. it's a funny sort of interaction, very silly, i love it.
i do wonder if kuro's relationship or opinion of the IPC is also sour. though it's nothing compared to the xian/zhou, kuro's hands are not at all clean. and he's messed up at least one ( smaller ) planet in the past so, hm.
BIG potential for kuro to become a galaxy ranger as end game :)
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suncklet · 2 years
Congratulations on the visits! I have a question about your OCs: would they all consider themselves good people? You can do this for the characters in TLTS or just in general
THATS A REALLY GOOD QUESTION ACTUALLY It really depends on the character, Cony, for instance, his whole thing is about becoming a good person. A life of crime did him no good besides landing him with Pa, so he decides to take the chance and become a vigilante. Cony is a person that does "good" deeds without considering himself a "good" person. His morals are grey but he's doing what he can to paint them white. Compare that to a character like say, Cuppy, who has a past of rather bad deeds but isn't looking to change his morals. He stands behind himself and what he does and isn't trying to change his ways. Then Darcy shows up and his plans are ruined :p He doesn't consider himself a bad person- but he's not the best either. Clawfoot however is completely upside-down. His morals are terrible compared to everyone else but he's been told how good this is for him that he takes pride in his behavior. He's not good but considers himself so and it plays a huge part in his character and development.
idk if this is the kinda answers u were looking for but i do really like this question. I love talking about the innerworking of characters auuu
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band--psycho · 3 years
Chibs Telford x Reader-Taken (Part 1)
So I decided to make a little series based off of this request , there will be about 3 (maybe 4) parts to this series and I hope you all enjoy them!💛
Part 2
SOA Masterlist / Chibs Telford Masterlist
Warnings: Brief mentions of post natal depression, fighting, blood, attack, child being kidnapped (please don't read if this is going to trigger you)
“Seriously? Baby you’ve only just come back!” Y/n sighed, the frustration clear in her voice.
“I know, it’s not exactly a decision I’m happy with, but Jackie boy needs me-”Chibs ran a hand through his silvering hair, letting out a sigh of his own. Part of him wanted nothing more than to stay with his girls. Two of the most important people in his life. As he looked at Y/n, he couldn’t help but think about Kerrianne and Fiona, the other two most important people in his life. He’d missed so much of Kerriannes life; he’d missed her growing up and he didn’t want the same to happen with Y/d/n. And he missed Y/n, so much while he was away.
He knew that Jax needed him on this run, and not just Jax, the Club was important to him too, which is why he needed to go.
“A few days..” Y/n mumbled under her breath, her eyes locked onto the carpet, avoiding Chisbs gaze “..that’s what you said last time and you were gone for the best part of a week,” although her voice was quiet, it was full of annoyance and the look in her eyes showed her frustration and anger.
“Ye knew the life ye were marrying into, the club is ma life, that’s not gonna change, Lass,” Chibs retorted, although his heart was torn on what to do, he knew he needed to go with Jax, not just for support, for the money that he’d get from it. Money which they needed, especially with Y/d/n now here. He wanted to be able to support them, to be able to give them a good life, and if that meant taking a few more risks to make some extra money, he was going to do it, although he couldn’t deny the look on Y/n's face broke his heart, he needed to go.
“Lass-”he began, not wanting to leave things like this; he didn’t want to leave her when she was angry and upset.
The cries of their daughter echoing down the stairs halted both of them in their words. Y/n took a deep breath, quickly trying to calm herself down so that Y/n wouldn’t sense her anger and sadness. Chibs was right, she did know the life that she was marrying into, she knew what the club did (and although she didn’t necessarily agree with everything they did, she understood it), she understood that this was Chibs’ life and the money he got from deals that were made via the club were definitely helpful, especially whilst she wasn’t working.It didn't mean that she was happy about being away for as long as he was. She missed him. Y/d/n missed him. And Y/n was worried that if he spent much more time away from them that Y/d/n would forget him and that was the last thing she wanted...and she knew it was the last thing Chibs wanted. And as much as Gemma and the other mothers helped, it wasn’t the same as Y/d/n having her Da there to look after her.
“Y/n-” Chibs said, lightly grabbing her hand, caressing the back of it with his thumb.
“A few days...promise me it’ll only be a few days,” She said, her eyes finally meeting his.
“I promise,” He cooed, giving her hand a light tug before placing a quick kiss onto her lips. And just like that, the two broke apart,Y/n headed up the stairs to comfort Y/d/n and Chibs left just almost just as quickly as he arrived. The quieter the sound of his motorbike got, the more Y/n's heart ached. As much as she loved the little bundle of joy she was holding in her arms, it was hard, the sleepless nights, the stress and anxiety of being a first time mother, mixed with the fear of Chibs getting hurt or worse, was just something that was beginning to get on top of Y/n. As she calmly shushed Y/d/n she couldn’t think how easier life would be if Chibs wasn’t part of Samcro...how normal their life might be compared to the chaos it seemed to be, yet she also knew that without the club, Chibs wouldn’t be the man same man she fell in love with.
The days passed by slowly for Y/n, her sleeping pattern was a wreck, Y/d/n was certainly a night owl and made sure that Y/n didn’t spend much time asleep in the evening. To say that Y/n was exhausted was an understatement; it was times like this that she missed Chibs more, not only because he could look after Y/d/n so she could actually have some sleep, but just because all she wanted right now was one of his hugs. There was nothing quite like a hug from him; it was like he possessed this magic touch that just made her feel okay and she definitely needed that today.
So of course, she couldn’t help the beaming smile that came onto her face when she read ‘on ma way home’ from Chibs number. That message was enough to change her entire mood. She was finally going to be able to spend a night in her husband's arms for the first time in so long and Y/d/n was actually going to be able to spend time with her Da.
It got to about mid-day when the exhaustion caught up with Y/n, she ended up putting Y/d/n down for a nap, Y/n knew that she was probably going to regret doing this later, Y/d/n probably wasn’t going to want to sleep tonight because of this nap but Y/n was exhausted and just needed a little nap to recharge. Just as she Y/d/n drifted off to sleep, Y/n heard the doorbell ring.
“Shit,” she muttered under her breath, expecting the sound to wake her daughter, much to her relief though, Yd/d/n remained fast asleep, completely unphased by the ringing echoing throughout the house, a sigh of relief left Y/ns mouth as she quickly but quietly made her way down the stairs to open the door. She hoped that it was Chibs, although she knew it wouldn’t be because she would’ve heard the all too familiar sound of his bike echoing through the streets. The only other person she really expected was Gemma, who being the ‘mother hen’ of the club liked to check up on Chibs’ family regularly, to make sure that both Y/n/ and Y/d/n were okay. Gemma knew how difficult it could be being a mother and wanted to help as much as she possibly could.
Much to Y/n's surprise though, when she opened the door she wasn’t met with the familiar face of Gemma. Instead, she was met with the face of a stranger. Y/n didn’t even get a chance to properly look at him before he threw a punch at her, knocking her to the ground with a thud. She tried to get back up but the guy just punched her again and again...and again. Her vision began to blur as blood trickled from her mouth and nose; she tried again to get back up, her mothering instinct kicking into action. She knew she needed to protect Y/n and that she wasn’t going to stop. Although between the mixture of exhaustion and the amount of punches she’d just taken, she could only throw a weak punch, one that had absolutely no effect on the man attacking her. The intruder threw another punch, sending Y/n back down to the ground. This time though he got on top of and continued to hit her, it didn’t matter what Y/n did, she kicked, she hit, she screamed, she tried to move but no of it worked the man just continued to beat her until she was left an unconscious bloody mess on the floor.
A proud look came over the intruder's face as he rose to his feet, heading up the stairs to Y/d/n's room. He didn’t care for the cries that left the infants mouth as he picked her up and left the house.He’d had a job to do and now it was done.
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Kick his ass (Part 2) | JJ Maybank x reader
 ** (Part 1)  ** 
A/N: Here is the requested part 2. I hope you guys enjoy it like you did the first part!! Thank you so much for all the feed back. Love y’all! xx
Tag list is at the end. Let me know if you want to be added xx
Requests: OPEN {CLOSED}
** Rules for Requesting **
** Who I Write For **
********************************************************************************************NOT MY GIF, CREDIT TO OWNERS
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It’s been a few days since the incident and because of the amount of bruising, you decided to stay inside and hidden away in John B’s house.
“You can’t do that!” You pout, watching JJ lay down multiple uno cards.
“I just did.” He smirks, “uno!”
You groan, tossing your hand of cards on the pile, “You win again.” You mumble under your breath.
“You didn’t think I would go easy on you, did you?” He begins gathering the cards in his hands.
“I mean..” You gently knock the deck of cards out of his hands and crawl over to him, “I figured you’d let your girlfriendwin at least once.”
He hums in response, pulling you on top of him and hands on your hips, “When have I ever gone easy on you?” He leans up a little and brushes his lips against yours, “Just because you’re my girlfriend now, doesn’t automatically mean I’m going to let you win each time.” He slowly moves his lips across your jaw line, “I’m too competitive for that.”
He kept his promise to himself. The next night after the incident, he came clean about his feelings. Even if you already knew and vice versa, he knew about yours. But the two of you finally made it official. There was no hiding or pushing away feelings anymore.
“Y/n, the thought of you being with someone else it makes me sick. I want you. I want all of you and I always have.” JJ follows you out of the Chateau, “We can’t keep running away from these feelings!”
You stop and face him, “What if we get together and find out we actually hate each other? Not only would I be losing my boyfriend, but I would be losing my best friend too!”
“I don’t plan on leaving you, y/n. That’s how much I love you and want to be with you.” He closes the gap between the two of you, “I can’t see myself with anyone but you!”
Tears prick your eyes as you stare at the determined blonde in front of you, “JJ…”
He shakes his head, “No. Listen to me.” His hands gently cup your cheeks, eyes focused on yours, “When I see myself standing at the altar, it’s you in a white dress I see walking down the aisle to me. When I see myself becoming a father, it’s you I see standing by my side, holding that baby. I see you and me old and grey sitting on a porch with our grandkids running around the front yard. I see you wiping my ass when I get old.” He chuckles and you let out a heartfelt laugh. He gently wipes a stray tear from your eyes, “I don’t see anyone else. You are the one standing by my side. You are my future, y/n.”
Your head tilts into his hand as you stare up into his piercing blue eyes, “So, this is it, we’re finally going to be together?”
“Finally.” He whispers and his lips meet yours.
When your bruises had finally faded, you and the pogues were seated at the Wreck eating lunch when he walked in. JJ was the first to spot him and he immediately tensed up, fist clenched.
“JJ…” You whispered, taking a hold of his hand, “Calm down.”
“I am calm.” He says through clenched teeth.
It’s when he walks up to the bar and glances your way, sending you a wink, that JJ snaps. He’s out of the chair in seconds, sending it sliding back.
“He’s not worth it, JJ.” Pope tries to reason.
JJ doesn’t see anything but red when he makes his way to your ex.
“What’s up Maybank? I see you’re picking up my scraps?” Your ex smirks, peering passed JJ to you.
JJ doesn’t answer and instead punches him as hard as he can, sending the boy staggering back into his friends.
“JJ!” You gasp.
Your ex laughs darkly, wiping the bit of blood from his nose, “Oh you’re dead, Maybank.” He swings and hits JJ back.
“Not if I don’t kill you first.” JJ tackles your ex, sending them both into a table and it breaks into pieces. It took Pope, John B and another by stander to pull JJ off him. Your ex was left a bloody mess to the point you really didn’t know if he was alive or not.
“I can’t believe you did that.” You say wetting a cloth before turning to the injured JJ sitting on the edge of the tub.
“I couldn’t hold back.” He winces as you wipe the blood from his nose.
“You shouldn’t have done that though. You could have got into some serious trouble.”
“Yeah I should have killed him for what he did to you.” He mutters, looking up at you.
You stop your motions and look down at him, “JJ.. don’t talk like that.”
His hands rub the back of your legs, “He hurt you, y/n. I wasn’t going to let him get away with it.”
You sigh and continue cleaning the wounds.
“I was ready to kill him that night it happened. Then you woke up and begged me not to leave you alone. So, it was just a matter of time before it was going to happen.” His hand lifts up to your cheek and he caresses the faded bruise on your cheek with the back of his fingers, “He hurt my girl.” He says softly.
“I wasn’t your girl at the time.”
“You’ve always been my girl, even when someone else called you theirs.”
All my works tag list:  @blossomreed​ , @mggstyles  , @simonsbluee​ , @thewolf-and-thesheep​ , @obxrafe​ , @abbiesthings​
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JJ Maybank // Rudy Pankow taglist: @thatweirdblonde​ ,  @saltwatercowb0y​ , @popcrone818​ , @thee-sex​ , @coni-martina​ , @pm-my-hubbies​ , @timotaychalabae , @katiaw2​ , @maybebanks​ , @sataninsatin​ , @obx-beach​ , @fangirlvoice​ , @lolitstiana​ , @teamnick​ , @danicarosaline​ , @losers-club6​ , @bananasfromtarget​ , @jasminesuperstar123456789​ , @fratboystark​ , @notmcchkn​ , @obx-beach​ , @ifilwtmfc​ , @mk15x 
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forever-rogue · 3 years
For the 390 prompts, how about #381 “You weren’t supposed to hear that.” with Catfish... My devil side want to make it angst but it's totaly up to you 😭 🌱
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It’s angst hours, baby!
Pairing: Frankie x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 1.7k
Warnings: language
»»————- ♡ ————-««
“Hey,” Santi slipped into your abandoned stool at the bar next to Frankie. You were all at the bar for weekly get together, but Frankie had noticed you seemed down from the moment you walked in. He was attuned to you, very much so from years of being your closest friend, but it hadn’t taken much to see that you were upset. Your lips barely managed to curve into a smile, and your eyes had a heavy tiredness behind them, despite your best efforts to appear happy, “you heard about what happened, right? With Bee?”
“I...no? She hasn’t said anything to me,” his brows knitted together in confusion as he downed the rest of his beer. A sense of worry settled into his bones at your behavior; it was so strange and unlike you, “w-what happened?”
“Mark,” Santi dramatically rolled his eyes at Frankie before flagging the bartender over for another round of drinks; it seemed like you could all use it. Rage boiled in his blood at the sound of the name; he’d hated Mark from the day the two men had met. It wasn’t just because he was the man that had won over your affections, although that was definitely a large part of it, but because after a while it was clear that he was genuinely an asshole. He wasn’t good, or good to you, but for some reason you’d never seen that. You ended up putting up with so much shit that you’d normally never take from anyone else. Frankie’s grasp around his empty bottle was so tight it was a surprise it didn’t shatter into little pieces, “he cheated on her...she finally dumped him.”
“He cheated on her? That fucking asshole,” Frankie almost jumped out of his spot as every bad thing he wanted to do to the man that broke your heart bubbled up, “I will-”
“She found them together,” Santi put his hand on Frankie’s arm to calm him down, “and apparently he still tried to make it seem like her fault. She’s really upset, Fish. Don’t make things worse right now. I know - we all know - how you feel about her. Give her time and space.”
“I’m her best friend,” he huffed as he slid out of his spot, “I need to be there for her. I’ll just...I’ll make sure she’s okay. I don’t understand why she wouldn’t tell me...:”
“Why do you think, Fish?” Santi cocked a brow at his friend before letting out a long sigh, “she knows you’ve always hated him. She doesn’t want you to do anything stupid and get yourself into trouble. She loves you too, you know. Even if she doesn’t realize that.”
“How could you possibly know that?”
“Everyone knows it,” Santi was amused at how blind the both of you could be at times, “it’s so obvious to everyone...except perhaps the two of you. The way you look at each other, how you act...that shit ain’t just friends shit. You both know it.”
“Then why did she date Mark? For almost two years and waste that time on him?” Frankie grew frustrated as he slid off the stool and hit the dirty floor of the bar with a dull thud, “why wouldn’t she say anything to me?”
“Why haven’t you ever said anything to her?”
“I don’t want to lose Bee,” he pulled off his old, batted cap and hand a hand through his curls in frustration, before slapping it back on his head, “I’d rather keep her as my friend forever than face a life without her.”
“There’s your answer.”
“I’ve got to see her,” he insisted, brushing past Santi, “I have to let her know.”
“Don’t - give her time and space,” Santi grabbed his arm and insisted, “don’t push her just because he’s gone. She’s hurt and been through a lot. Be her friend and let things happen on their own.”
“I know what I’m doing,” Frankie snapped as he pulled out of Santi’s grasp and headed to the back of the bar, where he’d seen you step outside and disappear a little bit earlier.
»»————- ♡ ————-««
You were pacing around with your phone pressed to your ear as you tried to keep it together and not break down into another fit of tears and sadness. The whole day had seemed like a blur, one painful, horrible nightmare and you just wanted it to be over. You just wanted to sleep and wake up and have no memory of anything. Perhaps not even the last two years.
“I can’t believe he did that to you,” your sister sounded as incredulous as you felt, “you’ve been so good to him, more than he deserves honestly, and for him to do that? Asshole. I am so, so sorry for what he did to you, babes.”
“Me too,” was all you could choke out as your lips trembled with effort not to cry. You looked at the inky black sky, dotted with glittering stars as you tried to ground yourself.
“At least you’ve got the guys with you. If he does or says anything, you know they’ve got your back,” she reminded you, causing you to experience a momentary pause of peace, “and now you can finally tell Frankie how you feel.”
“No,” you insisted firmly as Frankie stepped outside, quiet as a mouse as he tried not to interrupt. He hadn’t meant to be sneaky and listen in, truly, but now that he was there, he couldn’t stop himself, “I’m not telling him anything.”
“You love him! You’ve been in love with him for what? Almost six years?” she scoffed at the other end of line, “you have to tell him how you feel, now is the time. He’s not...he’s not to wait for you forever. If you love him, let him know.”
“I don’t,” you lied thickly, steeling your nerves as you bit back bile. It was hard to lie; especially when it came to Frankie. He was everything you were not: good, gentle, pure, loving. He didn’t deserve to have you dragging him down. He deserved the world - something you felt you could never give him. He would be so much better off without you, no matter how much you actually loved him. 
“You’re such a liar!” she insisted as you groaned, “the two of you are in love! You’re just blind fools, scared to get hurt.”
“No!” you shouldn't have called her, you should have just gone home and cried yourself to sleep like you had planned on, “I don’t love him! I don’t love Frankie. He’s nothing but a friend and he’ll never be anything else!”
Frankie’s breath hitched in his throat as he listened to your angry tirade. He must have heard wrong...surely you hadn’t meant it, right? Santi had said...everyone had told him….he loved you. But...you didn’t love him? He needed to get out of there and fast; he left like he was going to be sick. But as he turned on his heel, he almost slipped on a rock and made a small sound of surprise. 
You froze in fear at the sound, realizing for the first time that you weren’t alone at all. Your sister was still babbling away at you, calling you a liar as you turned around and found Frankie, frozen in fear as he tried to get back inside. You swallowed thickly, knowing exactly what had happened; he had heard your blatant denial of love. The lie you wish you’d never spewed. Ending the call without a word, you stepped closer to him as his own eyes appeared glossy with tears.
“Oh Frankie,” your voice cracked as more tears rolled down your cheeks. Could this day really have gotten that much worse? You wished the earth would open up and swallow you whole, “you weren’t supposed to hear that.”
“I wish I hadn’t,” he admitted quietly, “I came to look for you, to make sure you were okay. Santi told me what happened.”
“Frankie, it was a lie,” you might as well tell him the truth now. There was nothing left to lose at this point, and he deserved to know the truth finally, “I was talking to my sister and it was all a lie. I didn’t mean it. I-I do love you-”
“You don’t need to lie to me now to spare my feelings,” he stared at the ground before slowly opening the door to the bustling bar back open, “if that’s how you feel it’s how you feel. I just...I should have known better. I was the fool, not you.”
“Francisco, don’t go,” you darted towards him but he was already inside and weaving his way through the crowd, barely acknowledging your friends as he made to leave, “Frankie! Frankie! Don’t do - don’t walk away. It was a lie to get her off my back and because I….”
“Because what?” he turned around, and the look on his face was enough to break your heart then and there. His cheeks were already tear stained and his eyes were nothing but hurt, as you struggled to find the right words. After a few beats of tense silence, he shrugged, “I’ll see you around, Bee. Eventually...I just need some time to deal with my own feelings. I’m sorry I thought there could ever be more between us.”
“Francisco,” his name was a pitiful whimper as you watched him get into his truck and start, leaving without hesitation. Your hands flew to your face as you stood there in panic, “what have I done?”
“Bee?” Benny came up behind you, confused as he looked between you and the spot Frankie was previously parked in, “what happened? Is everything alright?”
“I think I just fucked everything up,” you admitted as you let him pull you into a hug, “I think I just lost the best thing that ever happened to me.”
“He’ll come around,” Benny promised, although it felt hollow, “it’s Fish. You know he will.”
“I hope so,” you cried, “I sure hope so.”
»»————- ♡ ————-««
Permanent Taglist: @secretsweetscollectionblog  @sheridans-dynamos  @queenbbarnes  @persephonesnebula   @ah-callie  @blushingwueen  @thisis-theway @rosetophighlander  @rae-gar-targaryen    @hiscyarika  @readsalot73  @huliabitch  @ollyoxenfrees @coffeeandtodd  @beepbeepsephy   @scarlettwitcher  @nerdyknightwritersblog  @choicesarcade  @arrowswithwifi  @everythingaboutnothingstuff  @suckerfor-fanfics  @bestintheparsec @javihoney  @aeryntheofficial  @hail-doodles @engineeredfiction @aeryntheofficial  @asgardianvamp21  @keithseabrook27  @karmezii  @dearspacepirates  @thatsuitlooksgoodonyou  @paintballkid711 @mrpascals @lv7867 @artsymaddie @gooddaykate @rosiefridayrogersunday @heyitmelexie @criminalmind1927 @justanotherblonde23 @coni-martina @thewayofthemandalorian @phoenixhalliwell @lucifer @cosmoschick @kochamcie @linkpk88 @leaiorganas @nikkixostan @haley-the-comet @chibi-yuki @computeringturtle @4ng3lf43 @intu-witch-tion @wondergal2001 @gingerbreadandpaper @willowtheewisp @milkxxkookies @smollpinkgirl @zukoyonce  @boomtownboy @velia27 @discowitchyy
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stray-kids-react · 4 years
02 liner aussie girl joining the group
Bang Chan
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° Sees you as a little sister, and will baby you nonstop for that reason alone. Expect very long hugs and him trying to beg you for some affection.
° Let Felix take charge in helping you around JYP, watching from afar like a proud father. Even if you aren't much younger than the members, he can't help but become a giddy mess when you literally do anything.
° Since he sees you as a little sister, that also means he is very protective over you. Not even Minho can tease you for too long without Chan becoming a bit tense. He just doesn't want you to ever feel uncomfortable.
° Does many vlives with you, chatting about your life and what parts of Australia you grew up in. Whenever he is introducing you or if you call him during a vlive, he'll call you little sissy.
° Many stays have made edits of Chan babying you or treating you like a literal angel, you both have watched edits like these and neither of you can deny that he doesn't do either of those things.
"My little sissy y/n did great today in our dance practice, isn't that right sissy?" he asked, sitting you on his lap.
"Yeah, Minho Oppa helped me learn quite a bit. But I couldn't have succeeded it without my personal cheerleader Chris." You replied.
Lee Know
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° Doesn't make a huge deal out of it, is honestly just really happy to have a new member. He doesn't care that your a girl or a fellow aussie, just sees you as a member.
° If you are ever struggling with Korean he'll do his best to try and help you, even if it is only on small thing such as the way you pronounce words. He admits to finding your struggles pretty adorable.
° Even though he is a huge tease, he'll go easy on you for the first two months. Letting you get settled in and get use to the chaotic behavior of all of them. But after those months pass, he'll start to tease.
° Minho likes to challenge you to dance battles during practice, seeing if you will ever beat him on one. But luckily whenever Snsd comes on you are in your element, showing him the true Gee master.
° Minho has a soft spot fro you due toy your age, he won't tease you too harshly and won't get mad if you don't remember one of his cat's names. All of the members notice his new soft spot for you.
"So I know Soonie, Doongie... And?" you sighed, trying to remember the third cat of Minho's.
"Dori, it's okay. At least you remembered two of them." He reassured, Felix looking at him with shock from across the room.
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°When he heard that you would be joining the group, he hoped that you wouldn't make fun of him as much as the other members. And if you did, it wouldn't be too harsh.
° Appreciated that you weren't teasing him 24/7, and if you are shorter than him then he would be very smiley and giddy for days. Changbin likes your company and would often want to hang around you.
° Buys you coffee/tea every morning, and only you (occasionally Felix). And when the members ask, he explains that you earned your coffee/tea by not teasing him. Even if they haven't teased him for days.
° You are his favorite member, even if he won't admit it... Everyone knows it. You are his best friend and he doesn't want that relationship to change. Unlike the fan's pov, he sees you only as a best friend.
° Whenever he does a vlive with you, your ship name is all over the chat. Neither of you speak out about it, but both of you don't like each other in that way. And it makes situations awkward when they ship you two.
"I can't believe we're a ship, that is so weird to me." You chuckled, scrolling through Instagram on your phone.
"I know right! I don't get why a girl and a guy can't be friends without people shipping them." He sighed, clearly frustrated.
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° Becomes putty in your hands, he just finds everything about you adorable. It also doesn't help that you are Australian, which he happens to have an interest in.
° He wouldn't describe his feelings towards you as a crush, more as a little sister and der brother relationship. He would feel weird if you ever developed something for him, since he is too close to you to be a couple.
° Very clingy towards you, constantly draping himself across you. Or sitting you on his lap when you are worn out from practice, he often let's you take naps on him. He also treats you to sweets, even when on diets.
° Hyunjin once got frustrated over how JYP was treating you, giving you an extreme diet even though you were already working hard enough. So he'd reassure you that him and Chan would talk with JYP about it.
° Hyunjin can be seen copying your accent, whether it be for fun or just to tease you. He'll copy or pick up on your accent, many fan's hearts melting at his determination to be part of the aussie line.
"I shouldn't be having this cupcake." You sighed, placing the cupcake you've been eyeing for the past few minutes.
"Screw JYP, eat what you want. You are your own person and shouldn't listen to some old man." He defended, passing the cupcake.
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° Was the first member you met, even though it was by total accident. You both ran into each other when he was leaving the building and you were entering.
° You dropped the coffee all onto yourself in shock, making him chuckle as he tried to help you clean yourself up. He helped you into JYP, having no clue that you are going to be the new member joining.
° When Chan introduced you to the members the next day, Han was shocked. He was surprised to see a familiar face, but was also pleased knowing you seemed to be quite a sweet and charming person.
° You both are the stars whenever on reality shows together, many seeing you both as a chaotic duo. Doni and Coni once tried to correct you, telling you that women shouldn't be so hyper. Han got pissed.
° Not only did Han correct them on their manners, but also told them that a man shouldn't tell a woman what to do. Many fans and netizens applauded him for protecting his new and sweet Maknae.
"I swear those guys get on my nerves sometimes, don't listen to them." He sighed, patting your head softly.
"It's okay Hannie, I'm glad that I have some older brothers to stand up for me." You reassured, melting his heart.
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° You are nervous to be around Felix, not because he's intimidating or harsh. But because he is so nice and angelic, and you don't want to develop a crush on a member.
° Even if you don't see him in that light at first, it will happen eventually because he has such an addicting energy that surround him. Felix is a sunshine, and it isn't hard to see why everyone loves him.
° Felix wants to make you feel as comfortable as possible, usually being the member picking up pads/tampons for you. He secretly develops a small crush on you, but he knows it would end up bad.
° You both would be worried about it ending bad due to the popularity of the band, Felix's popularity, your new career, and JYP's strict rules. So both of you don't truly progress that side of your relationship.
° It could blossom into something more serious in the future, but for right now it is just a mutual crush that both of you must hide. Your friendship is still very strong nonetheless, and you appreciate that.
"Okay here's a hard question, Back Door or All In?" you asked, as the managers watched you both from behind the camera.
"Neither because you aren't in them." He answered, trying to play it off as playful more so than flirtatious.
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° Seungmin is your dorm mate, who always manages to make your nights more calm. He reassures you every night that you are doing great, even if you don't believe him.
° You both wrote down a schedule for dishes, laundry, cooking ect. The only exceptions to it is having a terrible day, birthday, or being sick. Either than that then you must follow the schedule stuck into the fridge.
° You both have derpy photos of each other as your wallpapers, both being taken when both of you just woke up. Seungmin can't help but giggle silently whenever he opens up his phone, looking at your bed head.
° Seungmin helps you out with waking up, letting you get use to the schedule of being an idol. Taking as many pillows to the face as he needs to for you to finally wake up, Once getting feathers in his hair due to it.
° Many think you both knew each other before you became a member, but you both explained that you just understand each other well and clicked when you met. Neither of you grew up together.
"Is today you dish day or mine?" he asked, bottle of soap already in his hand ready to begin cleaning.
"Mine, but I had a terrible day today. JYP critiqued everything about me." You huffed, getting a soft hug from Seungmin.
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° Is glad he won't be babied as much since he isn't the maknae anymore, but will miss the benefits of being able to aegyo your way out of responsibilities.
° All of the members call you the babies or the baby line, even if either of you ar taller than some of them. Jeongin is also appreciative that he now has someone to relate to with being a babied quite often.
° He'll still call you noona just to get under your skin, but you honestly don't mind being called noona or unnie. Especially since some stays are younger than you, but you can become playfully annoyed at times.
° Jeongin will warm up to you very fast and treat you like a sister, he'll spoil you with stuffies and share his food with you every meal. Even though mama gets scold him for it, he doesn't care and continues to do it.
° Chan will cover both of your eyes when the members do something sexy, even if you kind of want to see it (mostly to tease them). But you understand why, since both fo you will get flustered by it easily.
"Y/n noona likes to steal my food sometimes." Jeongin admitted to fans, smiling at your playful glare.
"You share your food and insist I eat it Jeongin Oppa." You defend, watching the fans respond to the situation.
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tiffdawg · 4 years
Some Kind of Magic | A Frankie Morales x Reader Story
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Part Three of the Summer Sunlight Series
Pairing: Frankie Morales x Reader (fem; no y/n)
Word Count: 1.1k
Rating: T | Warnings: family fluff, allusions to baby making.
Request: @b0n-chann​ requested 68 (you didn’t have to ask) and 80 (is your seatbelt on?) from this list with Frankie for the 500 Celebration. Thank you for the request my love! 
A/N: I was hoping to have something more substantial to share this weekend but apparently all I have in me is some super soft Frankie fluff. This is from a request for my 500 follower celebration eight months ago... which took an embarrassingly long time to fulfill. It follows One Summer Night and Golden Hour which you can find on my masterlist.
Read on AO3
My Masterlist
... . ...
Some Kind of Magic
Beams of golden sunlight broke through the canopy of leaves to light the forest floor. With bubbling laughter, your precocious daughter danced between them, always careful not to disturb the seedlings along the trail. Despite the uphill hike to the river where you’d enjoyed a picnic lunch earlier that afternoon, she was as energetic as ever. Of course, her father had carried her on his back most of the trek up. The man was defenseless against her pouty lips and big brown eyes that matched his own.
As you glanced over at Frankie, you found a dreamy smile on his handsome face as he watched Celia play. In a silent gesture meant to convey that you felt the exact same way, you squeezed his hand, still firmly clasped in yours even after miles of walking.
“That little girl is magic,” he said quietly before turning to you with a soft look, “just like you.”
 “I think she takes after you,” you countered. Frankie pulled you closer and pressed a quick kiss to your smile. 
“She’s the best of both of us,” he reasoned. There was a mischievous spark in his eyes when he added, “we made a good kid.” 
“Yeah, we did,” you agreed enthusiastically. You’d loved Frankie before you’d ever so much as kissed him. In the last decade following that first kiss one summer long ago, your relationship proved steady and sturdy and full of love. You made a good team as partners and as parents. It was no wonder you had such a great kid. 
Ahead of you, Celia’s curiosity got the better of her and she knelt to inspect something on the trail. Bear, the fluffy Burmese Mountain Dog you and Celia had found at a shelter and surprised Frankie with a few months ago on his birthday, stopped beside her. The dog was never far behind her as he was the little girl’s best friend and fiercest protector. A moment later, the two came sprinting back toward you.
“¡Papá, mira!” she called to Frankie as she jumped into his outstretched arms. He groaned as he hoisted her up so that her weight rested on his hip. The four-year-old seemed to grow every day right before your eyes and you had a hard time believing she wasn’t a baby anymore.
“What did you find?” he asked.
With a toothy grin, she proudly showed him the heart-shaped rock sitting in the palm of her hand. “It’s for you.”
“I’ll keep it forever,” Frankie promised as he smiled lovingly at his daughter. She tucked her head into the crook of his neck, and you knew it was a matter of moments before she’d finally fall fast asleep. Judging by the way Frankie held her, you also knew he wouldn’t mind carrying her the rest of the way. With as quickly as time passed and as fast as she seemed to grow, it wouldn’t be long until he’d be unable to hold her like that. It was a bittersweet thought. One that made your heart ache with premature nostalgia and reminded you to enjoy every moment the three of you had together.
And the sight of Frankie and your daughter bathed in the light of late afternoon was nothing short of a perfect moment. It was almost too good to be true but something so wonderfully real.
… . …
After loading up the back of your crossover – a family car Frankie insisted you have the moment you mentioned the idea of trading in your old sedan shortly after you found out that you were pregnant – you helped Bear inside and climbed in the driver’s seat. As you belted yourself in, you caught sight of Frankie setting your sleeping daughter carefully into her new booster seat. You paused for a moment just to watch because as mundane as it might’ve seemed to anyone else, it was a sight that always melted your heart.
“There you go little lady,” he said quietly.
 Not even half awake, Celia responded with a mumbled “I love you, papá.”
“I love you too, mija,” he said as he pressed a kiss to her forehead.
Ever the worried father, almost as soon as he was settled in the passenger seat, Frankie turned and double checked her seatbelt. He also spared a quick glance at the dog, also securely belted and already fast asleep with his head in Celia’s lap. And then his eyes found yours. “Is your seatbelt on?” he asked like always.
 “Yes, Francisco,” you answered with a smile and a playful roll of your eyes. “You don’t have to ask.” 
“Of course I do,” he muttered, looking slightly offended. “Gotta keep my family safe.” 
It was a familiar sentiment, but it warmed your heart all the same. So, after you shifted the gear into drive, you rested your hand on top of his, your fingers slotting together perfectly. As you headed west toward the sunset, you smiled to yourself as you felt the cool metal of his wedding band against your skin.
It was a quiet journey down the mountainside with only the intermittent static of the radio, still out of range, between songs and Bear’s soft snores breaking the silence. When you stopped at the first intersection in miles, Frankie turned to you with that shy grin you loved so much. “This might’ve been my favorite anniversary yet.”
“You say that every year,” you teased.
“And each year is better than the last,” he replied emphatically, his brows raising above his wide eyes.
“I know,” you sighed happily. “Can you believe we’ve been married five years already?”
His only response was to lean over the center console and kiss you soundly. A kiss you returned with equal fervor. “I love you even more than I did five years ago,” he said with astonishment lacing his voice when you finally parted. “I didn’t think that was possible.” 
“I know what you mean,” you said as you scratched at his scruff on his cheek. You noted a few new gray spots fondly. “I love you too.”
““So,” he started carefully. You followed his gaze back to Celia. “How about one more?”
“Hmm,” you pretended to ponder the question the two of you had been debating for months. “Our family hike might be over, but the anniversary celebrations don’t have to end just yet. How about we start tonight?”
His eyes darkened as he grinned wolfishly at you. “I can’t fucking wait.”
“That’s a dollar!” Celia called from the backseat.
“I thought you were sleeping!” Frankie feigned exasperation with an exaggerated sigh. Celia’s amused giggles were absolutely infectious.
... . ...
Thank you so much for reading!
... . ...
Forever Tags: @leo-moon​ @readsalot73​ @frietiemeloen​ @huliabitch​ @jerusomeeno​ @benedrylcumbersnatch @b0n-chann​ @scapricciatello​ @liadamerondjarin​ @pedropasscals​ @paintballkid711​ @mistermiraclee​ @honeyand-roses​ @mxsamwilson​ @themilkface​ @mylifeliterally​ @mskitty79 @rosiefridayrogersunday​ @perropascal​ @giselatropicana​ @roxypeanut​ @divineangelix​ @sarahjkl82-blog​ @kylerr @aerolanya​ @artsymaddie​ @linkpk88​ @antisocialshipper​ @toastytaurus @321-lets-go​ @kesskirata @gredandfeorgesgirl​ @lou-la-lou​ @helga1031​ @ktmadden86​ @lesbianlena @mtjoi​ @pedropascaldice​ @swimmingsloths​ @lovelyasfcuk​ @technicallykawaiisoul​ @cinewhore​ @ali-cide​ @reidocognito​ @metaphorical-love-for-a-car​ @iamskyereads​ @magpie-to-the-morning​ @stardust-galaxies​ @melaniermblt​ @jenrebloggingfics​ @gondowan​
Frankie Morales Tags: @thewayofthemandalorian​ @frogllady​ @northernpunk​ @coni-martina​ @harrys-stan​ @captainjaspenor​ @bees-fart-too @kesskirata​ @stardust-fray @lazybeeches​ @the-horny-virgin @spideysimpossiblegirl​ @triggerhappyflygirl​ @michaelgaryscottismydad​ @valeecruz16​ @stardust-fray @lazybeeches​ @leonieb​ @fvriosa​ @fireproofmarta​
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mosneakers · 10 months
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Nadia: [Concerned] Colonization has already set in. We are all literally doomed.
Erwin: Now don't panic, that doesn't necessarily mean—
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Jeremy: Don't you have a lot of friends in Shady Acres, Erwin? We know what aliens could do to a person's memory, and they've been known to shapeshift...You trust all of them?
Erwin: Well, yeah. Tycho's my best friend; he would never. He's got family who married aliens and stuff, but he's one of us. Plus, he was away all summer, so the frequencies couldn't be coming from him. Coni used to live over there, but she lives with me now, so it's not her. That leaves Sage Darling... No. I know the Darlings. They're a little strange, but Sage is Seymour's kid. They're not aliens. And Alice, we've been friends since high school. I highly doubt it could be her.
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Kayla: Doesn't sound like you have the strongest case there, bud. I'd keep an eye on them. Jeremy: I have my suspicions about the mayor... Kayla: Ohhh, the Roswells!? Maybe it could be M.I.R.A.? Erwin: I'll do some more digging. Mabel, where did you find that scientific study? The mysterious anonymous one from Strangetown? I imagine it's nowhere to be found online. Mabel: Nope. I asked the librarian. If you catch Ms. Davis and ask her for it, she'll hook you up for sure.
Erwin: K... I uh... I'm cutting this meeting short. Kayla, go off about the jackalopes or whatever.
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Erwin: Ah, just the young lady I was looking for, Ms. Davis...
The librarian fidgets anxiously with her nametag and smiles up at Erwin. Ms. Davis: Oh... well hello, sweetheart... What can I help you with?
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Erwin: Actually, I'm looking for some archives? Ms. Davis: ...Okay, and? Erwin: ...And I was told you can help me? I'm looking for some old science studies done in Strangetown. Really anything from Strangetown can help.
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Ms. Davis peeks over the top of her glasses convincingly.
Ms. Davis: Erwin, you're not chasing alien stories still, are you? Like those crazy Salas supporters out there?
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Erwin: No! Ms. Davis, of course not... I'm just curious.
Ms. Davis: Erwin...
Erwin: Well... between you and me...
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Ms. Davis: Oh, sweetheart... Ms. Davis stands up from her chair, and silently walks over to Erwin.
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Ms. Davis: Erwin, honey... I want you to drop the subject. Erwin chuckles, confused. Erwin: What? Ms. Davis: You heard me. The alien stuff. Drop it. It's not safe, Erwin.
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Ms. Davis takes a step closer to Erwin, limiting the personal space between them; Erwin defensively takes a step back. Erwin: Ms. Davis? Ms. Davis: [Stern gaze] You're getting yourself into trouble, and you're not going to be able to come back from it. Now, there will be no more talk of aliens in my library. And if you've got any sense, you'll stop chasing them. Do I make myself clear?
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Erwin is at loss for words, and nods silently with his eyes narrowed. Erwin: I... I should go. Ms. Davis: [Bobs her head in agreement] I think that'd be for the best. Go straight home, and do something useful with your time.
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Erwin: I'll make sure to do that. Oh, Ms. Davis? Ms. Davis: Yes, Erwin? Erwin: You know, Ms. Davis, I find it amusing. For all the years I've been coming to this library, ever since I've known you, we had this little thing. I'd call you "Ms. Davis," and you'd always respond with "Call me Mildred, honey!" without fail. Funny how you just... forgot that today. Have a nice day.
part 2/2
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suncklet · 2 years
What other characters appear in Misc?
THERES 3 MORE who are part of the main cast (old art incoming im so sorry):
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Roller Babe or Babe for short is one of the 5 central characters of Misc! A genius STEM drop-out, she instead pursued her passion in fitness- specifically roller skating, taking a huge part in the local roller derby scene. When she isn't living her best life, she's often doing tech jobs for the rest of the gang. She's responsible for a fully functional cloning machine, a multi-dimensional wifi network signal adapter, and plenty of other incredibly complicated doo-dads. Out of everyone, her and Pa are the closest. When I draw her, her lipstick color and scrunchy color are always the same! The song I associate her with the most is MGMT - She Works Out Too Much
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Kip Biggs is the second one in line and is a retired stuntman dragged into his neighbors' antics out of sheer boredom. He's an underground legend in the industry for doing deadly stunts and living to make it on the big screen. Retiring after the loss of his wife, he spends his time doing menial hobbies at home when he's not being bothered by the 3 other tenants on his apartment floor. He's often working with Pa on more physical tasks and is the same height as Babe! He's closest to Bird, however reluctantly. He's known to be rarely injured and tends to recover faster than whats considered normal. His eye shape is the only one that doesn't have points, which is an oval!
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Bird is the last member of the gang and the most absurd. An estranged heir to a fortune held by a family of a secret society of magicians, (they use actual magic I swear-) he's often butting in on others' business thus getting him wrapped up in whatever Cony, Pa, and the others happen to be doing. He's very blunt and aggressive however pathetic and often the punchline of jokes. He was a vampire once but he got better. He has a younger brother who is also present in the story, who takes his identity on behalf of the antagonist. He died but also got better. I think. He's my OC with the most memes made from him and is the punching bag both for me and everyone in the story. He has an entire spotify playlist and his best meme is Bird Swolo
anyways thats like the main cast hope you enjoyed
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thumbs up!
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fly-chicken · 3 years
Anyone else decide that a big reason OP fans don’t like skypia is bc it’s a Nami/Robin heavy arc…the arc focuses on why it’s SO important to have a good navigator (and archeologist tbh) and puts Nami as the second main character in a lot of ways;
-she is the one who instigates the dive to salvage the ship from the sky
-she manipulates Luffy to go to Jaya to ask about sky island
-She initially asks Luffy and Zoro not to fight in Mock town, had she not gone Luffy would have 150% gotten in a fight 5 minutes in
-she is the one who notices the Noland book and reads it to the audience
-she’s the one who flies the ship to sky island (without her they would have died. No arguments, just facts bc she was the one to realize they needed to unfurl the sails and ride the knock up stream after being catapulted)
-she’s the one who is given gonthals whistle for protection
-she leaves the group via waver and introduces the final mystery of sky island, verth
-she is the reason the group gets split up (crew was leaving to go look for her, half were sent away by Conis and the other half went to find both)
-once she reunites w the crew she is the one to piece together Jaya was part of sky island (w some help from Robin)
-Nami figured out where the gold would be hidden before anyone else
-Manipulates Enel into taking her alive
-using the Waver she takes Luffy up Giant Jack to punch Enel in the face. Without her he would not have made it up and the island would have been destroyed.
Yea sky island has some pacing issues and it might not be the best arc one piece has put out. But if you skip it your missing out on a lot of good female character development and an opportunity to really let Nami shine. She uses her knowledge and cleverness all arc and it’s fantastic!
Genuinely worried that people are going to shit on the final arc for the same reasons. Oda is setting it up to be a Nami heavy arc (MAYBE WELL GET SOME BACKSTORY ON WHERE NAMI CAME FROM PRE BELLEMERE) with the Road poneglyphs having to give coordinates to the final island…I really hope the arc gets just as much praise as Wano bc Oda really does try to develop all his characters and I’m so excited to see Namis completed world map
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chaoticpete · 4 years
Matter of Time
Peter Parker x Stark!Reader
Part 4.0
Summary: What if you met what might possibly be the greatest guy in your life? Only one problem there’s a bit of a age gap. But what if something happens that gives you a chance to be with the guy you had a bit of a crush on? Will you take it?
Warnings: I’m so sorry, but no this is not the end
A/N: Lemmes just also thank you too an anon, lovely allicat ( @allegras-sunflower ) and The amazing @spideyspeaches for helping me with the messages and not even knowing it heh. Anyway enjoy!💖
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First part
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Second Part
You stand on the front steps of the school as students all around you walk into the building. It’s odd. The ones who disappeared really have no idea what to do. Everything is the same, yet different. New classmates along with old ones, new teachers, and the ones they did know, some look older.
You hear whispers as you walk over to your locker. Those who went to school with you the time would wave or give small smiles in your direction. Others would do the same, knowing what you lost in order for their families to gain them back. Others were more confused because last time they heard about the “Y/n Stark” you were winning the national science fair, and for them that was just two months ago.
“Y/n!” you turn to see Peter walking over to you, another boy by his side. “Peter!” you pull him into a hug. “How does it feel to be back with a new graduation class?” you ask going through your locker. “Weird. But the weirdest thing is that you’re in it.” he teases. “Oh, you must be Ned!” You say pulling Ned into a bit of a hug. “Oh my gosh, you’re really Y/n Stark.” Ned asks a bit starstruck.
Letting out a laugh, you look at Ned. “I am. And it’s nice to put an actual person to the name. Peter used to talk about you a lot when he would come over.” Ned looks over at Peter in shock. “You talked about me to Y/n Stark?! Before the blip?!” “Yes? I used to babysit her you know.” “More like I babysat you sometimes,” you say hinting at all the times he would mess something up in the labs.
“Well, well, well. So I guess it’s true. We have a Stark gracing us as a classmate.” A guy says walking up to your group. “Hey, Penis Parker! See you were lucky enough to come back so I can torture you for the rest of high school.”
“Flash, how many times do I have to tell you not to call me that. We’re about to be senior soon. It’s old.” You raise your eyebrow and look over at the guy. “You’re Flash?” You ask giving him a quick once over.
“Yep! But you can think of me as your future boo.” He says winking at you. “Never in a billion lifetimes thought I would have a chance with a Stark.” “Uh, you don’t. So you can just step out.” “You’ll want me one day.” He said walking away with his group.
“Freaking weirdo.” You say as you watch him walk away. “Sup losers.” A pretty girl says as she walks to your little powwow. “And Y/n.” She says giving you a small smile and nod before looking neutral again. “Hi, Mj right?” She nods and you give a small wave feeling like she’s not really the hugging type.
Someone covers your eyes. “Guess who?” They say and you can hear the smile in their voice. “Someone I can’t stand?” You joke. “Ruuddee!” She says as you turn to look at her. “Hey, Harper.” You say pulling her into a hug. “Hey N/n,” she says pulling you close. “Sorry about your dad. He was my favorite out of all of my friend’s dads,” she says giving you a small smile.
“And you were his favorite friend I had...just don’t tell Ethan it’ll crush him. Anyway, I want you to meet some people,” you say as you grab her hand turning back to the group. “Harper these are some of my new friends. Peter, Ned, and MJ. They came back from the blip. Guys this is my best friend Harper.”
Harper smiles and gives them all a wave before her eyes land on Peter. “Hey Y/n isn’t he-” “ANYWAY gotta go to first period, see ya guys!” you practically yell before slamming your locker shut and grabbing Harper’s hand before you book it down the hallway.
The three friends watch as you disappear. “She seems cooler than you nerds, see ya,” Mj says walking away. “Is she always like that Ned asks a bit confused at what just happened.” “Not that I recall.” Peter response just as confused.
Tags:: @tommyunderoos @sovereignparker @allegra-writes @cherry-hyejin @cunaeparker @hey-its-grey @gwenvrse @ambivalent-anarchy @kitkatd7 @buckys-other-punk @peterismymans @parkerpeter24 @peeterparkr @spideyspeaches @starlight-starks @chloe-geoghegan1 @mcuassemble @serendipitous-amor @timeless-crow @spideyyeet @unbelievableholland @qvrtcs  @everydaymj @lost-in-the-stars03 @throughparisallthroughrome @coni-martina @whatareyouhidingpeter @softfluffgirl @marvelobsessedteenager @far-from-holland @criminalyetminimal​ @fangirling12566​ @eternalharry​ @jessyballet @theofficialzivadavid @obsssedwithjustaboutanything @lauramacch
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Not Mine (Part 5) | JJ Maybank x reader
Summary: Everything was going well until a blast from the past shows up. 
!! Masterlist: Not Mine (JJ Maybank x reader) !! 
A/N: the last and final part! It’s shorter but I (hopefully) close out everything I needed too. I’m horrible with ending series ugh. anyways.
 Thank you all who have commented, liked, or reblogged this fic. I hope you all like this last part :) xx 
Tag list is at the end. Let me know if you want to be added xx
** Rules for Requesting **
** Who I Write For **
********************************************************************************************NOT MY GIF, CREDIT TO OWNERS
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His hands were shaking as he tried to tie his tie. This was a day he dreaded going through with and he’d hoped he’d never have to go through especially this young in life. He huffed in irritation, “Son of a bitch.” He began to tie the tie over again. 
“You don’t have to wear a tie.” John B says, walking into the room. He was dressed in his best suit.
“She would want me to wear one.” He mumbles, “It’s her funeral. I have to look good.” He looks up at his friend; his eyes were red and swollen from crying and his shoulders slumped. He was exhausted and the last few days had been the worst. 
“Let me help then.” He walked over to him and tied his tie for him, “You going to be able to make it through today?” 
“I don’t even know man.” He reaches up and rubs his eyes with his fingers, “I don’t even know.” He began to get frustrated; all kinds of emotions hitting him at once. He was angry at himself for not being there; he was frustrated that his tie wouldn’t tie, he was upset and heartbroken that he’d lost the love of his life; a preventable death. 
He pushed John B’s hands off him and took a step back, tears blurring his vision, “How could I let this happen?! I never told her the truth and she died thinking I was going to marry that crazy bitch! I never was able to make things right.” 
John B took a step back, letting his friend go through his emotions, “You can’t blame yourself, man.“
“But it is my fault! I wasn’t there for her!” He points at his chest, “I let her go on thinking I chose Kelly over her. And look at where that got her? She got shit faced and died! Because of me! Because I broke her heart!” His hands grip at his hair, “Damn it!” He punches the nearby wall, leaving a huge hole. 
He awoke with a startle, “What?” 
Your hand gently squeezed his, “You were having a nightmare and started thrashing around in the chair...” 
He ran his hands over his face, sitting up in the chair by your bedside, “I’m sorry.” 
“What were you dreaming about?” 
He shakes his head and leans over to kiss your forehead, “It’s not important.” He smiles softly at you, “You’re okay and that’s all that matters.” 
They’d taken you away in an ambulance and you woke up surrounded by JJ and your family. At first you were confused and didn’t know what had happened, but later on your memories had started coming back from that night. You told JJ the truth, which he’d promptly left and confronted Kelly about it. She tried to deny she’d cheated, but he didn’t believe her. She folded in and told the truth; it was Rafe’s. 
You decided not to press charges against Rafe. He was a kook and had money that would get him out of it anyways. However, that didn’t stop JJ, John B and Pope giving him a little visit. 
“I’m ready to go home.” You pout, “ and I want real food.” 
He chuckles softly, “How about I go get you your favorite from the Wreck? Yeah?” 
“Can you get me a milkshake too?” 
“Anything for you, baby girl.” He stands and kisses you again, “Anything else, your highness?” 
“ummm....” You put your finger on your chin in thought, “their cheese fries sounds good too.” 
“Cheese fries, a milkshake and a burger with extra bacon. You got it.” 
“Thank you.” You smile. 
He gives you another kiss, “God, I love you.” He runs his knuckles over your cheek, “I love you so much.” 
You take his hand in yours, “I love you too.” 
Obx taglist: @poguestyleskye , @alexa-playafricabytoto , @kaelyn-lobrutto24 , @prejudic3 , @turtlee-says-rawr , @outrbank , @k-k0129 , @annedub , @rockyyc77 , @ilovejjmaybank , @treestarrrrrrrr​ , @thedarkqueenofavalon , @write-from-the-heart , @eclecticpuppyhollywoodhumanoid , @lasnaro​ , @kiarasgold , @normatural​ , @kaylinfayezink​ , @lordsagittarius , @moose-squirrel-asstiel​ , @thelovelydreamer17​ , @chasefreakinstokes​ , @fanficscuziranout​ , @diverrdown​ , @tregua-oca​ , @junkiemuppettxx​ , @afterglowsb-tch13 , @hardyxlove​ , @cinnamon-roll-seth​ , @copper-boom​ , @aomi-nabi​ , @dpaccione​ , @joshy-obx​ ,
JJ Maybank // Rudy Pankow taglist: @thatweirdblonde ,  @saltwatercowb0y , @popcrone818 , @thee-sex , @coni-martina , @pm-my-hubbies , @timotaychalabae , @katiaw2 , @maybebanks , @sataninsatin , @obx-beach , @fangirlvoice , @lolitstiana , @teamnick , @danicarosaline , @losers-club6 , @bananasfromtarget @jasminesuperstar123456789 , @fratboystark , @notmcchkn , @obx-beach , @ifilwtmfc , @mk15x ,  @ameeravandijk , @bibliophilewednesday​ , @irdkwhatimdoinghere​ , @maybankbby , @halobaby​ , @lilsiswinchester , @iccyyyybitch​ , @http-cherries​
All my works tag list: @blossomreed​ , @mggstyles  , @simonsbluee​ , @thewolf-and-thesheep​ , @obxrafe , @abbiesthings​ , @itstaskeen​
**if your name is crossed out, tumblr won’t let me tag you ): 
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forever-rogue · 4 years
It's a bit angsty but could also have fuff, what about if Javi and f!reader (who are fuck buddies) were both present when Carillo shot that kid and reader is more visibly angry/upset than Javi shows and he tries to comfort her instead of going to Gabi? And he recognizes that he has feelings for her beyond their arrangement?
Pairing: Javier x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 1.3k
Warnings: language, mentions of death
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Javier paced around his apartment as he tried to make sense of everything that happened. It all seemed like a blur; it happened so quickly that at first he almost hadn't been sure it happened at all. But the bloody aftermath that was at his feet had reminded him that it had all been very real.
Your visceral reaction hadn't helped either. The look on your face, one of pure terror and agony, along with pain and upset and had been forever burned into his mind. You had yelled and screamed at Carillo, lashing out in shock and outrage, although you all knew that it wouldn't change anything. What was done was done. 
Javier had been much calmer; in the moment anyway. Currently, he felt like he was slowly going out of his mind as he walked back and forth and tried to ground himself. If you were there he was sure that you would have made a joke about him wearing a hole into the floor. That was if things had been utterly different. But...they weren’t. 
“Fuck,” he hissed under his breath, reaching for the whiskey he’d poured himself. It had been sat on the counter, neglected and abandoned for some time; for once he didn’t have the heart to just down the alcohol. As he clutched the glass to his lips, which were trembling along with his hand, he decided against and set it back down. 
He knew what he wanted to do, even though that might not have been the best idea: see you. You were...in a weird sense, everything to him. You were more than his partner, more than his part-time-no-strings-attached lover, more than his friend...you’d come into his life when you were the last thing he wanted or needed. But you’d quickly become everything he ever wanted and needed.
But you were both stubborn headed and foolish, some would say to a fault, and remained at the stage where you were definitely-only-maybe-just-friends. The harsh truth was that both of you definitely wanted and craved more than the increasingly common just fucks, but neither of you had admitted it just yet. Maybe one day, maybe when life was different, maybe...but for now, this was enough. It had to be...right?
Javier ran his hands over his exhausted face and let out a heavy sigh. He was going to find you, whether or not you wanted him there. He shouldn’t have left you alone in the first place, he should have offered you his support then and there. The normally indifferent and collected man had been rendered speechless and shell shocked earlier.
He stuffed his keys into his pocket and quickly left his apartment, climbing the few flights of stairs to yours with hurried ease.
»»————- ♡ ————-««
He paused in front of your door, unsure of whether or not he should use his spare key and come in or knock. After a few moments of silent deliberation, he heard some shuffling inside, followed by what he knew to be sounds of muffled cries. He’d heard that sound countless times over the years, becoming an expert in them, learning to become immune to them. Yours, however, he was not able to just tune out. 
Without a moment of hesitation, he slipped his key into the lock and came inside, finding you on the couch with tears rolling down your cheeks as you stared blankly at the television screen. The sound of his sudden entrance caught you off guard, and you turned to him with a frown.
“What are you doing here?” your voice was dry and cracking as you looked at him, hastily rubbing at your tear stained cheeks, “you really think I’m in the mood to fuck after today?”
“You really think that’s the only reason I’m here, cariño?” he closed the door and locked it, making his way over to you, despite the small scoff you afforded him. Javier sat down on the coffee table, not even caring that it was precariously rickety under his weight, “if that’s what you think, then you’re even more oblivious than I thought.”
“Javier,” something in how sweetly he looked at you, how tenderly he touched you with his calloused hand but still managed to be delicate on your cheek caused you to snap. You barely managed to choke back a sob before he got on his knees and wrapped his arms around you and pulled you into him, “Javi.”
“It’s okay,” he promised as you melted into him, tears already staining the fabric of his shirt as he held, “I’ve got you. You’re safe.”
“I’m sorry,” it was a broken whisper that managed to shatter his heart as you clung onto him, “it’s my fault - today is all my fault.”
“It’s not your fault, cariño,” he kissed the top of your head while stroking your back, “none of this is your fault. Please...don’t carry this burden too. Let me carry it. I...I’ll protect you.”
“I feel so…” you paused for a moment and breathed him in, letting his familiar scent ground and calm you, “I feel like nothing I do is right, and it keeps getting worse.”
“I know,” he reassured, “I feel the same way a lot - so does Steve - but it’s okay. It’ll get worse before it gets better, but it’ll get better. I swear it. You’ve got me, okay? However you need me...I love you, okay?”
His words caused a chill to run down your spine as you stiffened in his arms. A panic rose inside of him immediately as he wondered if he had overstepped his boundaries, and said the wrong thing. Pulling back, you looked at him with wide eyes, a confused expression clouding your features. 
Javier remained silent as he touched the side of your face, prompting you to keen into his touch like a flower to the sun. Without saying a word, you leaned into him, your lips brushing against his, just not quite there. When neither of you pulled away, you closed the gap and kissed him; unlike your usual escapades, this wasn’t hurried or rushed, or searing - this was soft, and loving, needy in every sense of the word.
Only when rendered breathless did you separate, resting your forehead against his and studying his honeyed eyes. You weren’t sure what to quite say….but then again, you didn’t really need to say anything at all. You both knew. You’d always known.
“I’ve got you,” he whispered after a long bit of peaceful silence, “I’ve got you, cariño.”
“I know,” it was a promise of this and so much more, “I know.”
»»————- ♡ ————-««
Permanent Taglist:  @queenbbarnes  @persephonesnebula   @ah-callie  @blushingwueen  @thisis-theway @rosetophighlander  @rae-gar-targaryen    @hiscyarika  @readsalot73  @huliabitch  @ollyoxenfrees @coffeeandtodd  @beepbeepsephy   @scarlettwitcher  @nerdyknightwritersblog  @choicesarcade  @arrowswithwifi  @everythingaboutnothingstuff  @suckerfor-fanfics  @bestintheparsec @javihoney  @aeryntheofficial  @hail-doodles @engineeredfiction @aeryntheofficial  @asgardianvamp21  @keithseabrook27  @karmezii  @dearspacepirates  @thatsuitlooksgoodonyou  @paintballkid711 @mrpascals @lv7867 @artsymaddie @gooddaykate @rosiefridayrogersunday @heyitmelexie @criminalmind1927 @justanotherblonde23 @coni-martina @thewayofthemandalorian @phoenixhalliwell @lucifer @cosmoschick @kochamcie @linkpk88 @leaiorganas @nikkixostan @haley-the-comet @chibi-yuki @computeringturtle @4ng3lf43 @intu-witch-tion @wondergal2001 @gingerbreadandpaper @willowtheewisp @milkxxkookies @smollpinkgirl @zukoyonce  @boomtownboy @velia27 @discowitchyy @kiss-evans @theorganasolo  @mishasminion360 @its–fandom–darling​ @emmy626 @nyasiaaaaa​ ​
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illfoandillfie · 4 years
5 Simple Rules for a Successful Relationship: Blurb
This wasn’t requested by anyone but the idea has been kicking around my head basically since I wrote the Ben POV chapter
Warnings for fluff and smut but it’s all very soft
5 Simple Rules Series Masterlist
Blurb Advent Day 1
Taglist since it’s part of a series: @vee-ndetta @atomic-watermelon @kellypenac @labessieisallama @deakyclicks @jennyggggrrr @drowseoftaylor @hannafuckingsucks @i-cant-hangout-im-drumming @queenmylovely @taron-egrotten @johndeaconshands @borhapbois @stardust-galaxies 
@coni-martina @hardforbenhardy @cubedtriangle @vicouscirce @arianabrashierstuff @pattieboydwannabe @maggieroseevans @theprettyandthereckless @friccinfricks 
Ben had it all planned out. He’d known how he was going to ask for a while, before he’d even picked out the ring. But, so far, he hadn’t been able to put his plan into action. As much as he wanted to ask it never quite felt like the right time. There was always something going on, somewhere to be – work or dinner with friends or general errands to sort out. But he knew how he wanted it to happen. He’d cook dinner, your favourite meal of course, followed by dessert made from scratch, really bring out the big guns. Afterwards he’d put on some music, a playlist of love songs he’d been adding to for months now, maybe ask you to dance. It was a little corny but sometimes corny was okay. Later on he’d pop into the kitchen and pull out your two mugs and place the ring in the bottom of yours before returning to the couch to sit with you. And then, at the usual time, he’d say he could really go with a hot drink before bed. He knew you’d volunteer to make them since he’d made dinner so he’d wait for you to leave the room before following. He’d listen for the gasp of surprise when you checked the mugs and saw the ring. That would be his cue to step into the room and get down on one knee and ask you to marry him. He had the speech ready to go too, knew what he wanted to say. How fast he’d fallen for you, how glad he was you were with him, how much he loved you.
Thinking about actually popping the question made Ben nervous. But the good kind of nervous. Of course the topic of weddings and marriage had come up before, abstractly. It was nearly unavoidable when his mum would not-so-subtly check for an engagement ring every time you visited, and then even less so when Gwilym got engaged and invited you both to the party. So he’d asked you about it, whether you had ever considered the whole settling down thing – marriage, kids, white picket fence, the lot. He was pleased to find out you liked the idea, had even imagined what the future might be like with him. The only thing you didn’t want was a public proposal which Ben fully supported. After all the attention you’d received as a result of the relationship, all the magazine articles and snapped photos while you were just trying to buy milk and bread, it felt wrong to voluntarily make such a private situation public. Ben was sure you’d be asked about it in future interviews and on social media and he wouldn’t mind sharing the story then, after he was sure you’d say yes. He had no reason to believe you wouldn’t but there was always that slight uncertainty, that intrusive doubt that made him wonder if you’d just tell him to bugger off instead. He found comfort in the plan though. Knowing exactly what he would do was reassuring. But even the best laid plans weren’t guaranteed.
Ben’s actual proposal caught him off guard as much as it did you. It was early on a Saturday, sometime between two and three. Usually you’d both be fast asleep but instead you were stumbling into the house, lit only by the grey light of the morning. You hadn’t meant to stay at the afterparty for so long but people kept handing you drinks and drawing you into conversations and music was still pumping through the speakers and before you knew it five more minutes had become a couple of extra hours. Ben emptied his pockets onto the hall stand as he watched you lean against the front door and kick off your shoes. He couldn’t resist catching you in a quick kiss before he wrapped his arm around you with a soft, “C’mon cuddle bunny,” and lead you towards the bathroom. Both of you set about brushing teeth and washing faces and changing into pyjamas. He chuckled as he watched you extract an almost obscene amount of bobby pins from your hair before you retied it to sleep in. But, even after everything was done and you’d both climbed under the covers, sleep didn’t come. Ben, eyes closed in an attempt to trick sleep into taking him, felt you move under his arm and peeked through his lashes to find you facing him.
“You okay?” His voice was hushed though there was no real need and when you responded yours was too.“Yeah just not really tired,” “Me neither,” “Do you wanna…?” “Now?” “Well just lying here waiting to drop off is a bit boring but I also don’t really feel like getting up,” “Alright then, why not.” “If you fall asleep half way through I won’t hold it against you,” “Shut up and take your pants off,” Ben laughed, already wriggling out of his. “You just didn’t sound very enthusiastic,” “I am always enthusiastic about this,” Ben forgot everything else he might have said as you pulled him into a kiss.
The sex itself was okay. Nothing special really. You’d had better sex plenty of other times, though you’d also had worse. The best way to describe it was fine. It wasn’t mind blowing but it was comfortable and reliable and fine. Ben felt a little clumsy as he kissed you back, his hand roaming over your side and down to your arse. He supposed the dark of the room and the drinks you’d both put down over the course of the night were having an impact, but, by the way you giggled against his lips, it seemed you found it cute more than anything else. To compensate for his inelegant fingers, Ben moved slowly, enjoying kissing you as much as he could. He hummed when you slid your hand down between your bodies and found his dick, stroking it unhurriedly. There wasn’t a need to go faster, no built up passion to release. The sex was a way to kill some time. Even when you hooked your leg over his and he sank into you, nothing really changed. But Ben knew what you liked and did his best to hit those spots as he wrapped his arms around you and kissed you again. He decided he must be doing something right based off the small keening noises you made. All the same he didn’t expect your next outburst, said softly right against his lips.
“God Ben, I want you inside me forever,” It slipped out before he could second guess himself, “Then marry me,” “What?” Ben paused his movement, not totally sure he’d actually said it until he drew back enough to look at you and saw the stunned expression you wore. His heart pounded as he realised this was it, this was the moment, “Might be easier to do that if we’re married is all. So, will you? Will you marry me?” It took a few moments for the question to sink in but once it had you nodded in agreement. You felt the same. “Yes?” “Yes.” “Yeah? You’ll marry me?” “Yes, yes, I’ll marry you,” Ben broke out into a grin and swept you into another kiss though he cut it off abruptly, “Wait, hold on,” somewhat ungracefully Ben pulled out of you and rolled out of the bed, switching on a lamp and heading over to his chest of draws. He dug around in one for a moment before he pulled out a small box which he brought back to the bed. Kneeling in front of you, he popped the box open to show you the ring before taking it and sliding it onto your finger.
You couldn’t help but stare, holding you hand out in front of you to see how it looked. It was beautiful, not too over the top but not exactly understated either, and it fit perfectly. When you raised you eyes back to Ben’s face you noticed his eyes glistening. “I love it Ben, I love you,” “I love you too Y/N,” he whispered back, kissing you again and laying you back down.
As Ben sank back into you, you placed your hand on his chest, picking up his body heat except where the cool metal of the ring lay. You could feel his heart beating under your palm as he rolled his hips against you, trying to finish what you’d started. It took a little while longer, though things moved less slowly than they had before the interruption of the proposal. Ben dropped his fingers to your clit as he felt you getting closer, drawing gentle circles until the warm wave rolled through you, pulling a soft sigh from your lips. He kept his fingers there as if to try to give you another orgasm, maybe one not quite so soft, but you pulled his hand away, linking his fingers with yours as you kissed his throat and encouraged him to finish too. It didn’t matter that your orgasm hadn’t been particularly powerful. All that mattered was that Ben was with you and he always would be.
Afterwards you curled up, leaning your head on Ben’s chest, his arm around you. He sighed contentedly and kissed the top of your head. “So much for sleeping,” he chuckled. “What we did was better than sleep,” “Definitely. And if we hold out for a little longer we could watch the sunrise,” “I don’t know if I’ll last that long,” “No, me neither. It’d be nice though,” You agreed and lapsed into a comfortable silence. And then a thought struck you, “You know, we’re going to need a cover story,” “What?” “People are going to want to hear the story of how you proposed. Felicity, Joe, Gwil, the rest of our friends, our families, not to mention paparazzi and the press, they’ll all ask.”  “Fuck.” “So you don’t want to look your mother in the eye and explain it happened mid shag either? Good to know we’re on the same page,” Ben laughed, “Funnily enough, that was very unplanned. I had something much more romantic and better prepared in mind when I thought about how I’d do it. A whole big speech about you being the love of my life and how I want to spend every day of my life making you feel happy and safe and loved,” “Go on then, what was it,” Ben explained his original idea, about the dinner and the mugs, all the while playing with your fingers as if he didn’t want to break contact.  “That does sound wonderful, but I have to admit, I really love how it actually happened,” “Me too,” he laughed, “But that’s good. Because now we have a story to tell everyone and a slightly more accurate story just for ourselves.”
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