#he will have an about page...soonish? probably!!
bloopitynoot · 13 days
Reading SVSSS: Chapter 6
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For those who don't know, I am reading SVSSS for the first time and sharing my thoughts!
If you have not read it, there will be spoilers! Consider this a warning.
Also- if you want to follow along, I am aiming to post updates daily. You can find all the posts in the tag bloopitynoot reads SVSSS. You can also check out the intro post for context on my read.
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Here we are on book 2!
I took a couple days off because my body was perishing (read: my uterus was being a little bitch) but I am back :D
Today's tea is an apple crumble with milk and sugar and my little reading buddy (Charlie) has returned for this chapter Extra Needy and sporting his new necktie.
Let's get into this long chapter:
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And we start three years later! I was wondering if there was going to be a time jump and there is! :) p9
Why is everyone so thirsty in this world RE: Ning YingYing p10
Oh dang. I really want to know what's making people melt into skeletons p13
Shen Qingqiu is such a vibe" I know I am physically useless, but i'm also a walking encyclopedia so I bring that to the party" p14 honestly same
So many corpses in the water!! p18
Oh shit, what the heck Wu Chen's legs? p22
RE: Wu Chen I did lol at "Great Master, you call this a bit uncomfortable?!" p 22
this totally feels more like a curse than a standard plague p24
why am I laughing so hard at "fuck me, with this speed, they wouldn't lose to a runner doing the 100-metre hurdles! 'Old Lady'? Yeah right! I must be blind!"p26
oooo! Gongyi Xiao is back! p28
Baby is back too!! Luo Binghe! pp29-31
omg and now there is a height difference! Shen qinqgiu being the smol one p32
Re: on the subject of thinking it was a curse like 15 pages ago, it is not a curse. I don't know why I thought it would be literally anything other than demons LOL this is the plot of the entire fictional universe of this book p37
Luo Binghe still only has eyes for Shen Qingqiu- even after being tossed into hell p38
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I truly love the inner monologue of Shen Qingqiu's thoughts vs what people just kind of assume he's feeling. SQQ: Luo Binghe has brainwashed these disciples, he is definitely coming for me, I am fucked. Everyone else: this poor man misses his student so much, he is so hurt that Luo Binghe didn't go back to him.
LOL at Luo Binghe's hatefire at seeing SQQ and Gongyi Xiao bonding together p42
I can't XD SQQ: I have a huge announcement guys, Luo Binghe is back!!!! Everyone else: who tf is that? RIP p44
no shit that demonic activity increasing in frequency is 100% indeed a bad omen. p47
I'm crying SQQ thinks Luo BInghe is about to kill him p48
not the magpie bridge reference p50
This man is just crushing his windpipe for funsies -> why do I feel like this is their dynamic? p50
SQQ is actually an idiot. This fool is continuously operating under the assumption that nothing in the story has changed and the original story is guaranteed. If he heard these words and responded appropriately he'd probably be fine RE: "Then why did you tell me not to put too much weight on race and that no one is intolerable to the heavens" p55
Goddamn is Luo Binghe just going to keep beating the shit out of SQQ?? pp57-59
He really made him drink his blood (side note: when this is all said and done, I need to read some vampire aus) What even is that blood going to do to him?? (do not actually tell me, I assume I will find out soonish) p59
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I am once again here to talk about how utterly Fucked SQQ is. He still has 0 idea that Luo Binghe has absolutely claimed him p65
Oh dang. Still, even after all this, SQQ has not shaken his original fate of being hated p69
Bro should have let Qi Qingyi finish that sentence. Re: out of his mind with grief" also probably would have changed some things (even if he was embarrassed as hell) p71
omg so much happening in this scene rn AND then Shen Qingqiu's ex shows up out of no where?!?!?!?!??!!? p73
this man truly cannot catch a break p75
holy shit not even his ex- his wife??????? p75
oop, we have SQQ backstory reveal p77
But also with this reveal: it's a little weird for her though. Like her family takes in this kid from the street, makes him a servant. He continues to serve them, his "family" starts to view him a sibling, AND THEN they get betrothed (not married). Like what. This is wild poor guy- weird because sibling dynamics, also he was their servant. I think she is the weird one honestly. p77
okay, well, he did kill her brother LOL p78
the water prison does not sound good. p81
he really wants to try and last a month there??? best of luck buddy, he cant even handle riding in a carriage without a snack p85
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Bonus picture with no notes!
I'm actually so excited for the water prison- it sounds vile, but I need to know how he get's out/how his relationship with Luo Binghe progresses.
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thosehallowedhalls · 4 months
Happy moving day lovely!! (Its Sunday evening for me, so its probably sunday morning for you soonish ig 😊)
Anyway, I come bearing a care package of cute animals and dad jokes!! 💖 You got this lovely, all the hard work will be done before you know it! And then you can snuggle into bed like
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I hope your new house is nice and warm! ...If it isn't, you can go stand in the corner, its always 90 degrees there.
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Aww falling pandas 🥺 Hey, that reminds me: Why did the man fall down the well? Because he couldn't see that well.
(I can't help telling dad jokes. Sometimes he even laughs!)
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Stairs are hard 😔 maybe he should take an elevator? Ugh, elevator jokes are absolutely classic too, you know? ...They work on so many levels.
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Anyway, what were we talking about? Oh yeah, your new place! If you need any supplies, there's this new shop that's opened called Moderation. I heard they have everything in there!
Yk, it took ages to help my dad move out from his last apartment -- he had so much stuff. I refused to believe that he was stealing from his job as a road worker... but when I went round to his house, all the signs were there.
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Anyway I hope you have a good time mooving 😶 ...i'll see myself out 💖
A magician was walking down the street. Then, he turned into a grocery store.
I stayed up all night wondering where the sun went, and then it dawned on me.
The other day I bought a thesaurus, but when I got home and opened it, all the pages were blank. I have no words to describe how angry I am.
okay, okay, I'm done, these terrible jokes are making my teeth hurt lol. Sending huuuuuuuuuuugs!!!
...when's the best time to go to the dentist??
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Oh my god I love you.
My original plans fell through so I could only move in today. I wanted to answer this when I could say yep, I'm snuggled in bed and the work was worth it.
Thank you so much for this! The gifs were perfect, and I cackled at every joke. Animal gifs and dad jokes are the way to my heart 🤭 And the way you wove the two together?! I'm in love.
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gorogues · 2 years
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Spoilers for Flash #789!
You can see the first few pages here.
So we get an explanation for why the Rogues are doing Wolfe's bidding despite him being notoriously awful; they figured they'd just make the most of the opportunity he offered. It may not have been wise (who knows what the guy would do to them as soon as they're no longer useful), but it's understandable. We don't get an explanation for the weirdness with Girder though, so his activity in Dark Crisis may forever be a mystery.
But we do get explanations for how Wolfe is out of prison and successfully able to run for mayor -- he was acquitted, and presumably the voters believed in his innocence or simply didn't care about what he was doing to felons -- and Wally figures out the secret source of his power. Wolfe has been empowered by the Lords of Order to do some of their work on Earth, which of course explains his constant harping on "order". It's a fitting role for Wolfe, who's always been obsessed with law and order and punishing lawbreakers, so he's a good choice for one of their avatars. I don't recall the Lords of Order being quite so rigidly fascist before, but I suppose it's one way to impose order on an increasingly chaotic DCU.
Wally makes a very good speech about the importance of free will and being kind to counteract chaos, which I liked so much that it's included here despite the lack of Rogues. It's good that Adams mentions Wally's time in the Mobius Chair, as it gave him the wisdom and perspective here that makes such a compelling argument. It's easy to forget what happened to him just a few years ago (our time) when he's been so goofy and relaxed since he retook the mantle of the Flash, but he's got a unique POV that very few characters in the DCU will ever have. And the Lords of Order accept his argument "for now", with the stated threat that they'll take action if Wally's suggestions don't work. That clearly leaves the door open to their further involvement, and this may come into play in a future storyline. Interestingly, Wolfe now believes he was wrong based on what Wally has shown him, but it's possible the Lords won't take his no for an answer if they do decide to intervene again. He may find himself their unwitting puppet.
Hartley doesn't do much aside from what we saw in the issue preview, but he does stand with the West family to help Wally when needed, which is nice. The Rogues don't get as much spotlight or development as I'd like, but they do get some good moments like chiding Len for his over-confidence and considering it bad luck; it makes sense for a bunch of guys who've been beaten more often than they'd wish! And they laugh uproariously in a fantastic panel when Wally asks them whether they're willing to reform. Mick says with a smirk that they'll try, and I've got no idea if he's pulling Wally's leg or might actually consider it…he's the one Rogue of the bunch who's given it a genuine attempt in the past, after all.
Wolfe says that the Rogues are needed for an unspecified coming event, which may lead into the imminent "The One-Minute War" story. If so, that's a significant hint that they'll be part of it, and either way they'll probably be appearing soonish. I can't say I've been particularly intrigued by the solicits for the coming arc, but hopefully it'll be good and hopefully we get some quality scenes of the Flash Family teaming up, and maybe the Rogues working with the Flashes to defend the city. It'd also be great to see some lesser-used Rogues helping out as well, and not just the regulars seen in this issue. Hartley will likely be part of Team Flash too.
It's been a pretty good story arc, even if I was hoping for maybe one more issue in it. Hartley and the Rogues could have gotten more development that way, but I guess I'm glad the story wasn't overly padded like some arcs are these days. I think Wolfe's story could have gone on for longer to show the corruption in his system and that hardassed approach to crime, and wonder if it was originally intended to have been a slow-burning background plot and was just cut short for the sake of efficiency. But at least the version we got works fairly well.
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missallsundaes · 3 years
Hi! And congrats on this new page. I'm excited to see what is to come.
Could I request some drabble on either Law or Zoro + female reader who is kind of reserved ? They get paired up on a trip to town (or possibly a mission?) after a long stretch at sea being with the rest of their crew. They have had mutual feelings for one another and now that they have alone time it is brought to light. Some fluff, maybe NSFW, your call; I'm not picky. I hope this isn't too vague and thank you for considering.
Thanks so much!! I used to have a mildly popular overwatch writing blog a couple years ago (and was a mod on a VERY popular dangan ronpa one years before that). I missed writing a lot and one piece is my current hyperfixation SO naturally that’s where we are now.
I chose to do Zoro because I have a Law one in my inbox as well, so that will probably be coming out soonish. Also because I thought of one particular scene I wanted to write with Zoro based on his prompt. Gonna do fluff and confessions and being flustered since that is my big idea right now, hope that’s okay!! Also this is definitely not too vague! My fave kind of requests give about this much detail~!
The Sunny was barely docked before Luffy ran off into the distance, shouting something about going out to explore, with Nami running after him, yelling something along the lines of he needed to be more careful now that he was more notorious and had a bigger bounty. Earlier that day Sanji had given you a list of things to get at the market in town, asking politely but giving an excuse for why he couldn’t go himself, giving you big puppy eyes that you kept telling him that you wouldn’t fall for, no matter how many times he did it. It was fine though, you had been on board the ship for so long you were starting to go stir crazy. Not to mention you hoped that you could get a certain someone to come with you.
You caught him right before he was sitting down for a nap in one of his usual locations, he was used to staying on board and watching the ship, and it meant quality nap time between training sessions.
“Ah Zoro!” You said, catching him before he closed his eye and settled down. Gathering all of the bravery you had in you, you spoke perhaps a bit too quickly, “Uhm Sanji asked me if I could go into town and get some supplies from the store and I’m not really sure if I’m okay going alone I mean I’d rather have someone to walk with at least and well everyone else is busy doing their own things and Sanji and Usopp are staying on board so I guess what I’m asking is--”
“I’ll come,” He chuckled, standing up, “Calm down before you choke on so many words.”
“Dunno why the damn cook couldn’t go himself,” He said, sounding a bit irritated once you were on land and walking the well worn stone path to town, “Some chivalry he’s got, making you do it on your own. Luckily, I’m the bigger man here and knows when to step up.”
Well at least he seemed like he was happy that he had some kind of an upper hand on Sanji, you thought to yourself, smiling at him. Was he always this handsome or was it just your huge crush on the swordsman talking? You couldn’t help but just watch his face as he talked, mostly to himself, admiring the light catching on his strong brow, nose and chin. It was highlighting his cheekbones in just the right way to cast handsome shadows along his face and make your heart flutter.
Though maybe daydreaming was getting the best of you, as your foot caught on an errant root, sending you on a one way trip to the earth below your feet.
Not missing a beat, Zoro caught you in his arms. Oh wow, your heart was in your throat now.. His arms were warm and muscular against your skin. How had he managed to catch you so fast?
Wait-- more importantly. How had your foot caught on a root on a paved path? Surely you weren’t daydreaming too long that Zoro had gotten the two of you lost.
“T-thanks,” you stuttered shyly, having gone beet red. You looked away from his face shyly, standing to your own feet again and looking around. Yes. You were in the middle of the woods. Good. Great.
Zoro nodded, “Now where did that path get to..” he mumbled and turned around, looking around the woods for some kind of sign. You could swear you saw blush dusting his own cheeks before he turned his face away. Was that just your imagination?
“Wait, maybe, uh, I should lead?” You suggested meekly, trying not to sound too bossy. Not that you really could.
He frowned, but nodded, “Yeah I guess that’s probably a better idea.”
“I think.. It’s this way..” You said after studying the woods for a bit, and looking for your footprints from before. You felt his hand touch yours lightly, before lacing his fingers with yours.
You froze in your place, looking first down at your hand and then up at Zoro’s face, cheeks laced with the smallest traces of a blush.
“Listen.. It’s just so we don’t get separated,” He said, cheeks turning a bit more flushed. Your face must have betrayed you and expressed the disappointment that it wasn’t anything more than that, because he quickly added, “Unless…”
Unless..?? You could feel your heartbeat in your throat. It was now or never. Your internal monologue screaming that this was the perfect chance.
“It’s fine I like it,” You stammered, blushing bright red again, “I’ve really enjoyed getting to know you since I’ve joined the crew and.. Well. I really like you.”
He smirked, “Yeah, I know. You’re not exactly the most subtle. I’d be a terrible swordsman if I couldn’t pick up on those hints.”
He leaned down and kissed your cheek, before locking eyes with you and kissing your lips softly. “Besides,” He spoke softly, lips nearly touching yours, “I’ve fallen for you too, you know.” He kissed you softly again before backing away, “Come on, lets hurry into town, maybe we can make a proper date of today before we get the stupid cook’s shopping list.”
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itsmeevie01 · 4 years
A Moment in Time-Ch 5
I'm back! lots of things to come, and a slightly longer, Tim centered, chapter! and...the build-up to the Timari subplot! 
 I know that is what everyone is actually here for lol.
Tim was tired of looking for Jason.
He wasn’t at any of his normal safe houses, and none of his usual contacts had heard from him in the last few weeks. Three weeks after the ridiculous scandal had broken, the press had all but forgotten Tim for the time being. As he ducked through alleyways, the teen couldn’t help but be thankful as he climbed back on his bike and sped back towards Wayne Manor.
He was done waiting for his brother to show up. There was something sketchy going on in their city, and if Jason wasn’t going to show up, then it was no longer his concern.
When he got home, Tim found Bruce waiting for him in the study looking over the side gardens. The older C.E.O.’s face was grim.
When Tim approached the desk, Bruce handed him a stack of papers. As Tim started to page through them, he had a flashback to when Jared Stone had brought the pile of tabloids.
As he flipped through the new stack, Tim realized that it was Jason’s credit card statement. And-was that…? “did he buy a ticket for Paris? Why didn’t we get notified about his passport passing through customs? Why is Jason in France of all places?” when he looks back at his adoptive father, the man’s face was grim.
“I don’t know, Tim. But we sure as hell are going to find out. Go to his apartment. I know you have a key. We need to see if he left anything out from before he left.” Bruce paused before adding, “he’s been gone for two weeks. There has to be a reason.” Tim nodded as he moved to stride from the room before Alfred spoke, shocking both Bruce and Tim.
“Maser Bruce, did you by chance call Master Jason? Last I remember, his cell phone was still working.” The father and son froze, before turning to the family Butler, slack-jawed.
“We really are stupid.”
 Damian didn’t see anything wrong with Todd being gone. It was quieter around the Manor and it meant that the 13-year-old was allowed to patrol through Crime Alley by himself, something none of his predecessors had been able to do at his age.
As the young teen flew over the city, his mind raced. He found this the most relaxing part of his time with his father.
At the manor, there was always something going on and there was always someone looking over his shoulder. Here, as he went rooftop to rooftop, arching over this city, the boy was able to finally find some peace.
A sound over his earpiece broke Robin from his quiet elation. “Robin, how are you doing? Is everything clear?” oracle’s voice filtered through, bringing him to relax. Oracle he could handle.
“it’s a regular night, Oracle. A few of the regulars. Nothing out of the ordinary.”
“perfect. Finish up and head back, B wants you back before 2 because you have school tomorrow.”
The annoyed “Tch” that came down the line made the redhead laugh from where she sat at the computer.
 Tim had texted Jason before he had left for patrol. When he got back, there was a response waiting for him.
Jason: in Paris. I’ll be back soonish
Tim: Jay, what’s soonish?
Tim: there’s a situation we need your help with.
Jason: kid, I'll be back when I can.
Jason: if B cares, tell him Gina kidnapped me. I’m staying with her right now.
Jason: otherwise, just wait. It's personal business.
Tim: Jay, we are your family. Doesn’t that make it our business too?
Jason: in this case, no. fuck off, replacement
Tim: See you when you get back Jay
 The teen sighed. It was just like Jason to try and handle everything himself. This time, Tim couldn’t play interference either, he was stuck across an ocean. He just hoped this Gina person wasn’t as impulsive as his older brother. If she was, they would all be in trouble.
 As he made his way to his room, having showered and gotten himself ready for the next day, Tim paused by his desk.
He had taken the time to compile a file on the girl from a few weeks ago but hadn’t read it yet. He knew that if he was to read it, it would be violating her privacy, but he did that every day, so was this any different? To Tim, the only difference was that this girl wasn’t someone to watch or take in. she was just a normal girl with a normal life, who had run into him for a split second.
It wasn’t like he was going to meet her, right?
The teen shook his head and flopped onto his bed. It wasn’t worth it tonight. He could have the moral debate with himself when he was properly rested.
 Maybe he should have called in sick. Tim was definitely finding a way to leave early, as he looked at the list of meetings that he had been scheduled for.
Why had he agreed to this again? He could have sworn that he had told his assistant that Wednesday was his day to go home and work on his college classes. Instead, Tim had a feeling that he was going to be at the office late.
On his off night too.
 Partway through the day, he noticed an email that he didn’t recognize in his personal inbox. The inbox that he probably shouldn’t have been checking on the company computer but…
After a moment of hesitation, the young C.E.O. had clicked on the new email and blinked at what pulled up.
Mr. Drake,
My name is Marinette Dupain Cheng. I believe that we ran into each other quite literally a month and a half ago, approximately. As I am sure that you have at least seen the fictitious stories floating through the media, I assume that you are aware of the interaction that I am referring to.
Originally, I had no intention of reaching out, but a friend of mine encouraged me to reach out. (had actually was the one to give me your email. Does the name Jason Todd ring a bell?) I do hope that this whole press fiasco hasn’t hindered you too terribly.
Kindest Regards,
Marinette Dupain Cheng
 Tim blinked once before rereading the short email that the girl had sent. No. no way. She knew Jason? And what did she mean, Jason was the one to encourage her to reach out? Opening up a new draft, Tim hesitated before flicking his wrists to rid himself of tension and trying his reply.
Miss Dupain Cheng,
I was surprised to receive your email, but it seems that it came at a fortunate time. Yes, I do know Jason Todd. I know him quite well, actually. He and I were adopted by the same man, Bruce Wayne. If you don’t mind me asking, how did you meet my brother?
I must apologize, for the whole scandal from last month. I know that neither of us were directly responsible, but I do feel bad for any trouble it may have caused you. If it is not too much of an intrusion, I might also ask, how were you able to respond so quickly? The only reason I knew about the incident was Bruce’s old friend Jared. The man came into my office in a fit about the nerve of the photographer.
(if you ever meet the man, you will understand what I mean when I say that he never does things halfway. He had picked up a copy of every magazine or tabloid that ran a story about it. When he came in, he actually brought his crocodile as well. Fang scared the lobby staff more than anything has for the past bit, I believe.)
I hope this finds you well,
Timothy Drake Wayne
 After reading through his email one more time to make sure it sounded professional enough, Tim hit the send button and let out a deep breath that he didn’t know he had been holding. He didn’t know why, but he had a feeling that this was the start of something important.
Suddenly, Tim was very glad he hadn’t read the girl’s file.
 As he was preparing to head to yet another meeting later that afternoon, Tim glanced at his personal email again. To his surprise, the teen was met with another email from the French girl.
Mr. Drake (or is it Drake Wayne?)
Jason was sitting next to me when I opened your last email. Imagine my surprise when he panicked. Apparently, he had decided against informing any of his family of his departure. I must say, his reaction was quite entertaining.
Onto your question from your email, Penny Rolling, a good friend of mine, dropped off a box full of the tabloid trash that her husband, Jagged had shipped to her as soon as she got it. After my initial reaction, the two of us got a good laugh out of the whole situation. Especially when we heard that Jagged tried to bring Fang into your office! I guess to you, he would be Jared, but to me, he will always be my Uncle Jagged.
In other news, I thought it would be polite to pass on that Jason will be returning in the next few days. He has been fretting over a family emergency, not that he will tell me what it is but, there is only so much I can do. However, I thought it might be prudent to forewarn you that he will be bringing my grandmother back with him. Nona said it was something to do with one of his ‘side hustles’. Knowing those two, however, makes me think that Jason has gotten himself into something significantly illegal this time.
No need to apologize for something that neither of us could control! You did not ask for the photographer to take that ridiculous photo, nor did you ask for the fiction writers who work for the tabloids to write a piece of the photo. That said, I do feel that it has opened many new avenues. I know that Jason and I reconnected because of the photo, and it has given my lawyers something to focus on while we wait on proceedings for other matters.
Have a good day,
Marinette Dupain Cheng
 Jason was coming home sooner than he planned. It seemed like Tim’s text had actually gotten through to his older brother.
With a sigh, he marked the email as important so that he would remember to respond to it before he started on his homework.
The teen C.E.O. snagged his thermos of coffee on the way out the door, he had a meeting to go to.
And...there it is! this week I'm going to try and work out my posting schedule. what did everyone think of the emails?
  i know that there are a lot more people in the Wayne/bat family, so I'm going to work them in a little bit at a time. as far as Dick Grayson is concerned, btw he knows about the scandal but not about Jason's sister or that he's not in Gotham.
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fmdmin · 2 years
❝ plotting
hello hello! i’m finally getting to minhee and his q2 2022 update & plot call!
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so bellow the cut you will see what minhee will be going through in the next few months. including some possible plots! its not much but i am always down to plot and brainstorm! if you’d like to help out or make it worst, hit the heart and i will pop into your dms!
polaris are on another world tour and ngl, as much as minhee is excited, he is pretty sure he is able to count the days since the last one they had. he won’t really complain about how busy they are, because he is more than sure they can be busier. he doesn’t want to like, speak even more schedules into existence.
polaris will be attending the lotte family concert in june, so titan, candy, and catalyst members hmu, as well as the music bank half year special we could get something rolling! he most likely be a bit tired, like he will still be bouncing off walls and be happy, but just, toned down a bit.
he has zero solo schedules as of now, but will probably still be the same till the end of the quarter. i will try to get him some dance stuff, i have my eyes of a few things, but i am working on them points
if anyone needs a vocalist or a choreographer for anything, do say so. minhee will definitely double check if he has the actual time do help, but it all depends on how interested he is in whatever project you have going on.
he is always down to spend time with people when he is in the country, so if anyone wants to just hang out, chill, rant or vibe, hit him up. chances are he will make up time because he would love to see some other faces than his members and staff. he still loves them but there is only so much he can handle.
honestly, i feel like there is a lot of options but the main ones i see are random dinners and coffee catch up sessions. he is the type to always make time, so chances of agreeing to like, 3am food run are high, he just wants to unwind a bit.
he can bring souvenirs? like he personally wouldn’t go out of his way to get you something, but if you asked he will. 
also, a lot of the famedbaseonline are still free for me!! i can do the interview, pranked, how to live, choice live as well, so if anyone needs a partner hmu, i’ll be happy to thread those!
technically, i am yet to finish minhee’s plot page i will most likely copy paste a bunch of plots from fmdjace onto him and edit it left and right, but i will get to that soonish! i am always down to brainstorm!
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Collapse- Prompt Fill
Jon is a Dune fan. How can picking up one book change things? Idea from a tumblr prompt and a post by @roseunspindle (permission was granted for writing this)
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cw all the typical episode 160 stuff and references to nausea and of course manipulation and fainting. Some dialogue from 160, and a quote from Dune, of course!
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I am still accepting bingo prompts (card by @celosiaa​) Pick a prompt from the card and a character and let me know if you want art of fic! (I am much faster at art). I have several outlined that I need to write, and I will get to those... Soonish?  Have an excellent day and I hope 2021 treats you well!
Jon isn’t sure why he grabbed the book.  He’s read it before so it doesn’t hold the same interest it once did.   He had to work on that reading habit of his in school, and now he’s managed a few rereads, but he still prefers the unknown and interesting.
But he did love this book when he read it.  He was too young for it, of course.  But that hadn’t mattered.  He sucked the whole world into his young and greedy mind.  
And now that glossy, second hand cover.... makes him pause over it.  He doesn’t know how it survived evictions and his absences.  He must have subconsciously stored it out of the way.  But he grabs it, with a few statements, and his small collection of clothes into a very battered backpack that he’s sure once belonged to Melanie.  
He wishes he had more books.  Maybe once he and Martin reach the train station, he can pick up something else to read.  Or maybe he can borrow some books from Martin….
He stuffs Dune into his backpack.  It’s on the top, distending the fabric slightly, straining the zipper as his grandmother had always reprimanded him for when he shoved too many pleasure books into his school bag, (always to read under the desk and he was always inevitably caught and reprimanded again, but what could you do with an inattentive student who still pulled good marks?).  
He boards the train with Martin.  Battered and aging backpacks filled with worn clothes and statements and books and granola bars.  The station had been loud and busy enough to send Jon reeling with the information spilling off a crowd of people as well as the less eldritch sensory overload.  His head aching dully as they settle into their seats.  
Medicine for motion sickness sends him drowsy as soon as it is effective.  He spends the time before it works staring queasily out the window, clammy hands holding tightly to Martin as much to sooth his uneasy stomach as to hold Martin in this plain of reality.  He nods off, hands still clasped with Martin’s.  Wrapped up in the elation of having Martin with him, around him, talking to him…. almost safe.  
He wakes up in a storm of hurried breaths and crashing thoughts…. precarious as the crashing waves that haunted the lonely, but far closer and more oppressive.  Statements tumbling with his own crashing thoughts.  Fear on his breath.  His fear making him Hungry in the nauseous way of autocannibleism.  
He presses his face into Martin, only just then realizing that he’s been using Martin as a pillow.   Martin, who is dozing.  Martin, who is still a little foggy.  The last of the haze burning off with the contact.  Jon can see the steam rising between them, mainly and gentle.  The sun burning the fog off a meadow in the early morning.  
Jon sits himself up, but stays pressed against Martin.  The imprint of Jon slowly thawing Martin as the train gently sways them both.  
Jon doesn’t want to sleep more.  He would much prefer to read, but it is still more than a bit of a gamble for him to even medicated.  But…. he’s bored.  
Right on the top of his bag.  Leaning over starting to make him queasy (which doesn’t bode well for reading attempts), he pulls it out and straightens up.  
He turns it over in his hands a few times, until his stomach settles.  He’s fine.  Just a few more minutes before the medicine works… probably anyhow.  
He flips through the pages, still waiting for his breathing to calm as well.  
He remembers this words… in a half remembered haze of childhood and tracing those words on his limbs and his walls.  With his eyes, and markers, and pencils.  On the inside of his eyelids.  Carved into the air about his bed as he repeated them to himself.  
‘I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past, I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain.’
Reading those words again makes his hands shake like they had when he first read them… with Mr. Spider fresh in his nightmares.  Still missing the life he could never have with his parents.  
Jon fumbles for a pen.  
He traces them again on his forearm.  
Poorly written, of course.  Hands far from steady with the rocking of the train and the rocking of his stomach and the rolling of his world after the day he’s had.  But he is once more too tired to focus on anything much, so he tucks his book away again, and shoves the pen in his pocket.  
He tucks himself up against Martin again, using an old jumper as a blanket.  He knows he is taking a bit of a liberty, but he buries his face in Martin’s neck and breathes deeply.  He’s asleep again in moments.  
The trip isn’t eventful.  Lots of track clicking past.  Lots of drowsy hours.  A disappointing sandwich and a tasteless cup of tea.  Jostled shoulders.  Cramped restrooms.  Cramped necks.  Jon’s bad leg protesting the seating arrangements.  Then the slightly uncomfortable walk to the safe house.  Weighed down with hasty shopping and their lumpy bags.  Jon limping more heavily by the time they drag themselves over the threshold.  
In the domestic bliss, time stretches.  Lazy afternoons on the couch Jon and Martin entwined stretch into years in the golden light of afternoon.  Two weeks of cups of tea.  Of trips to the store.  Of statements that Jon goes through way too fast, try as he does to ration them.  Frantic phone calls to Basira as Jon can’t make the trip to town anymore.  More cuddling on the couch.  Bickering over who does the dishes, over who makes the best eggs.  Over what to have for dinner.  Discussions of what counts as a sandwich and whether cereal is a soup.  Jon being appalled that Martin eats cereal from the box directly with a spoon.  Martin being horrified that Jon eats dry cereal from a bowl with a glass of milk.  Playing footsie through dinner.  “Yes Martin, another soup.  Means less cooking.”  Sloppy kisses over glasses of wine.  Jon being too dizzy to go on walks.  Jon retracing Frank Herbert’s words on to his arm.  Over.  And over.  And over again.  
“I must not fear…”
“I must not fear…”
“I must not fear…”
“I must not fear…”
Until a package arrives.  
It’s unassuming and labeled in Basira’s careful penmanship.  If Jon expects to see tear-staines over a lost partner, he doesn’t see them.  
Martin kisses him soundly, and leaves to take pictures of good cows.  
Jon has been tucked up on the couch.  Under a thick blanket.  Finally in better spirits now that he has statements again, ready …so ready for his limbs to feel like his again.  
He tastes copper as he started to read.  The words don’t sit right in his mouth.  Before he can even properly start… before his mind is lost to him, he can feel the wrongness building.  And when the betrayal occurs, he can’t find it in him to be surprised or hurt.  All he can feel is a hollow fear…. a hungry fear.  Gaping and endless.  Tearing into his skin as he tears at his clothes, his skin, the statement that does not belong to Hazel Rutter and has nothing to do with a fire.  Aside from the fire in his throat and in his hand, and leaping from mark to mark as Jon learns what they actually are.  A map of manipulation.  A tool to make the actual tool.  The wood and hammer and nails that make him the door.  The door that he… that he.  “ Come to us in your perfection.                         
                                                                                               Bring all that is fear and all that                    
                    is terror and all that is the awful                    
                    dread that crawls and chokes and                       
                    blinds and falls and twists and                        
                    leaves and hides and weaves and                        
                    burns and hunts and rips and bleeds                    
                    and dies!                                              
                                                                                               Come to us.       ��                                    
“I…”  Jon chokes.  His eyes sliding helplessly over the room.  Over many tokens of a happy life that he is never going to have.  Because of this…. this… he can’t even call it a betrayal.  His entire life has lead to this.  Every unhappy moment.  Every instinct he has ever had.  Every poor choice.  Every step another step towards the inevitable.  His eye catches on a familiar cover.  Somehow still glossy.  Despite Jon having carried it around like a safety blanket for the last few weeks.  And he catches those smudged and traced over words on his arm and he tears at himself, trying to stop.  
He chokes again.  Around those last few words.  The words that will wrench the thunder from the sky and rend it asunder.  
He breathes.  Possibly for the first time since his hands ghosted over the unassuming manilla folder.  
“‘I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past, I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain.’”
His vision cuts out.  He must have stood at some point, because he is falling.  Stings cut.  Nothing to manipulate.  The puppet is broken.  
He wakes with a head full of cotton, but a heart devoid of fear.  There is a clarity in his limbs.  But exhaustion sits heavily on his chest.  He feels… clear.  And real.  And… like utter shit.  
But the arms around him are solid and warm and smell like tea and toast and all the good things Jon can think of in the world.  And even if Jon could bring himself to move… he wouldn’t have dreamt of doing so.  
There is burnt ink in the air.  
“Wha’?”  Marble-mouthed.  Heavy with the exhaustion of years of poor sleep, of running and fearing and the adrenaline crash of something horrifying being…over.  
“It’s alright, Jon.  Everything’s fine.  I…. I don’t know how you did it, but you stopped reading… and I burned it.  It’s gone.  We’re okay.”  
And Jon isn’t sure he understands…. but he doesn’t care.  Because he is not afraid, and Martin told him that everything is okay.  And he thinks… just Maybe.  Just… maybe… that it might be.  
He lets himself be tucked in.  He lets himself sleep.  
Jon takes up calligraphy.  He hates it.  Utterly despises it… but he becomes decent enough to write one thing for their mantel.  In the safe house.  Miles away from fear and Jonah Magnus… if the bastard is even still alive…  
Framed in gold, traced out in neat and flowing calligraphy:
‘I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past, I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain.’ - Frank Herbert, Dune.  
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So I Don’t Forget Again: A Breath of The Wild fanfiction
Entry 167: Rito Village
 Though Amali and Saki were apprehensive about it they allowed me to move around. I didn’t move around too much for their sakes though. I probably would be worried too and I don’t want to worry them… well too much at least, Amali and Saki had apparently been watching Vah Medoh since yesterday morning wondering if they could catch glimpses of our battle. They already had medical supplies on hand and beds ready for us. I’ve worried them enough already.
I spent a part of the day writing letters to most my friends, like Sidon, Leather Smith, Riju and such, I have no idea where Calisa is though so I’ll just have to hope we bump into one another again soon. I tryed to fill them in on some of my adventures but being rather vague admitting that I much rather tell them in person. I more so wrote these to show them I was alright and might be visiting again… soonish, I still have business here after all. Though most of the world has been destroyed the mail service managed to survive, it is important now more than ever given towns were now so few and far between making keeping contact and trade routs working all the harder. Most of the mail carriers are Rito since they can by far travel the furthest and fastest of all people, they can skip all the terrain and just go straight there so I hired a few, one for each letter.
I asked Kass where he had seen the fire being. Tanagar Canyon. I’ll probably have to camp out there for a while, I just hope it returns there.
I’m glad Teba and Kass finally get a break, they’ve both been fighting for so long to protect their families. It’s also rather sweet seeing them with Amali, Saki and their children. Kass is very affectionate, always giving Amali hugs, nuzzles and kisses. He’s always more than happy to play with his daughters letting himself get dragged into whatever mischief they’re cooking up, even if it’s a prank on someone else. Teba though not as affectionate I can still feel his love and care. He teaches them both fighting techniques for self-protection should there be an emergency and he wasn’t around. He helps Saki in lots of little ways, like placing items on a lower shelf that he knows she’s going to need later, or just finishing up a chore Saki started so she could have a short break, things like that. It’s just so sweet, I don’t know. I guess I don’t get to see domestic stuff like this too often, even back in Hateno, I was living in my own place away from everyone else, while here, Kass, Teba and their families are allowing me to stay with them, so I get to see their family life. I just… really like this, even if I’m just a helping hand, or… family friend? I don’t know.
Teba showed me Revali’s diary. He had found it years ago. In our conversation yesterday I had mentioned that unlike the other champions there doesn’t seem to be much left of Revali and I wanted to know more about him, it took most of the day but he refound the one thing that could probably show me more of him. The title is ‘The diary of Revali, the Rito Legend’. From the start he was skilled winning competition after competition but that was thanks to his endless, dedicated practice. It seems with everyone always praising him his ego was stroked quite a bit, but I think it was well deserved. His prize for winning so much was a wish, and he wanted the training ground to be built. He took detailed notes of his training, even included illustrations. He soon allowed everyone, even the children to use it so they could get stronger too and stay safe. He wrote of rumors about the Calamity returning, about how the Royal Family was searching for someone to pilot it and how such a person would need immense skill, apparently there was also a rumor that the person’s soul must have great sacred power to pilot the things. I guess this is why the elder and Teba thought only a descendant of the Champions could step foot on Medoh. He said they should just ask him by name. He said piloting the beast and defeating the Calamity was the only way he could prove himself to the world. He was finally asked to pilot but when he wasn’t please with the plan. The Divine Beasts were to serve as back up for me. He only agreed because only he could pilot the beast and Hyrule needed him. He also agreed because of how earnest Zelda was in wanting to protect everyone in Hyrule. Still he was training, now to best me and be the one to defeat the Calamity. He also went on rather self-indulgent tangents about us begging him to fight the calamity directly… several times… it… was just so embarrassing to read I had to step away a few times. He didn’t care about the ceremony, saying it was all pomp, true strength is what is important not some uniform and a title, anyone could wear those.
He wrote about me. How silent and emotionless I was. He’d call me Zelda’s shadow with how I always followed her around. Even when he tried to make conversation I never spoke. I never reacted to anything. Just some emotionless husk that only moved to follow and protect the princess or when given an order.
Nothing else
He tried everything even provoking me into a fight, likely my memory of him, but nothing.
 If I can even still be considered the same person from back then… I wish Revali could have met this me. One who actually let himself be a person and not merely a tool. Even if I was a person back then, I certainly showed it to few. With how competitive he was, I think he’d make for a good training partner. Maybe we’d have a kind of rivalry like relationship, something like the dynamic between Kass and Teba maybe.
Why is he dead? He was supposed to be skilled so why? Is he not well known because he wasn’t notably skilled? Then why have him pilot a beast? This isn’t making any sense. Why is he only known through his title and physical structures and not his skill, why just the pomp? Even though the Gerudo and Gorons don’t live as long as Zoras and can’t remember they still have legends and such, but not Revali.
Are they all dead because I failed to kill the Calamity? If he was there, someone so dedicated to self-improvement and true strength instead of me who happened to have some sword, would we have won? Would everyone have not died? It was just a theory before, but… it… feels more true now.
Teba asked if I was alright, I was looking rather pale and said maybe I should still be resting. We helped Saki make dinner, Amali joined too. We ended up having dinner with Harth’s family too. It was nice hearing everyone talk of older days of training and horsing around. I ended up talking about some of my adventures, felling the other beasts with Sidon, Yunobo, and Riju, all that I had learned from them and some battles I had along side Bossa Nova when traveling. At one point Saki said my ancestors must be proud with how strong I’ve become. I don’t know about that. I wasn’t strong enough when I needed to be, to save them, all I’m doing now is desperately trying to salvage what’s left. I don’t think any of them could be proud of that. I hope they’re proud of Sidon, Yunobo, Riju, Teba and Kass though. Without any of them, I never would even have been able to get aboard the beasts in the first place. Even now like back then I’m just relying on others. How can I keep doing this? I need to get stronger, not rely on them. I have to protect them. Their families. So they can come home and be in a safe world. I can’t let anyone else die for my sake.
I’m going to protect them all no matter the cost.
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stormears · 4 years
FF7R Fanfic Exvacation - Trends of the Times PART 1
I’m scrolling through (most of) the 36 thousand English FF7 fanfics on FF.net. I’m mostly a new fan because of the remake (know some spoilers now tho) and got curious what the fanfic culture of years ago was like...of FFN specifically. Because that’s what I know and used for many years. I’ll go up till shortly after Remake’s release date, I think. 
PART 1, YOU ARE HERE! // Part 2: May - Dec 2005 // Part 3: Jan - Jul 2006 
I had 1458 pages to go through at the start. Got through 30 of them before deciding I would, uh, take liberties and skip a few pages sometimes. Sometimes 2, sometimes up to 4. Because while I liked this project, I also want to eventually, actually READ some fics for this new fandom of mine. And the oldest ones don’t often...have that high-quality writing. Or they’re about late-game plot deets that I, a newbie fool, don’t know or want to read about yet! (Note 3 months later, I kind of regret this and may go back and read more deeply about the 1999-2004 fics. Future posts of mine don’t skip nearly this much.)
- July 23, 1999: first English language FF7 fic posted
- February 2000: First mention of Aerith, instead of original translation Aeris
- Dec 3, 2000: First Sephiroth/Cloud fanfic posted, refers to the pairing as “shounen-ai”. Did not see the pairing being called “yaoi” till later, in fics published June 2001 and after.
- GENERAL: a lot of poems and songfics. Often mournful fics with son lyrics set in between every few paragraphs, from popular bands of the early 2000s (Metallica, Creed, Weird Al Yankovic, Avril Lavigne) or just the song with FF names and words plugged in
- GENERAL: Humor or light-hearted crackfic is the most popular genre, followed by romance. By mid-2001, TifaxCloud and AerithxCloud seem about neck-and-neck in popularity. 
-  June 14, 2001: First Tifa hate fic I came across. It’s written in script style, about the characters having fun and drinking at a house party. Author says in opening AN: “I truly think she is a slut.”
- GENERAL: My knowledge of what happens after the Remake is spotty but I didn’t expect there to be more than 10 AerithxRufus fanfics and there’s been...at least 10?
- GENERAL: One story has just 1 chapter, and the summary invites readers to go to the author’s Geocities page to read the rest! May 31, 2002. 
- January 2, 2003: a “fic” that is a group of haikus about the Turks, that was neat. Points for uniqueness. 
- One summary: “Not yaoi - you ought to read it just for that!” Although M/M pairings and/or self-declared yaoi makes up 10 - 15% of everything I’ve scrolled through so far. “Crazy yaoi fangirls” doesn’t appear to be a popular demographic here yet.  
- 1999-2002 fics often had very short, poorly written and meta-factual (?) summaries. Not detailed, more like facts about the story you might write on a sticky note, and poor grammar. One might be like: This is a story from Aeriths perspective. Its about her talking to thhe planet.....I wrote this in math class btw. Thanks for helping me Ashley R&R! (In 2003 to 2004 times, this is really tapering off and legit summaries get more common.)
- 2004 sampler platter of fics: 1) Aeris (not “th”) watches an irl Australian tennis player’s match on TV, goes to his house and kills his girlfriend, is sentenced to death by chocobo pecking 2) Sephiroth is a vampire looking for a mate and sets his sights on Tifa, also a vampire; they meet in a seedy/dangerous bar 3) After President Shinra is killed, the Shinra grunts discuss how they like Rufus much more because he doesn’t view himself as too good for dirty/dangerous work and isn’t afraid to be on the front lines with the grunts
- First mention of the Advent Children in a modern AU crackfic about child Sephiroth and his “little brothers” posted July 24, 2004. But google says the movie didn’t come out till September 2005? Idk. And yet a later, unrelated fic posted on February 20, 2005 mentions “the upcoming movie Advent Children.”
- 2004 and 2005 have a lot of Yuffie representation. I haven’t seen the word “Yuffentine” since I last seriously used/surfed DeviantART in 2012.
- We are at May 2005, I’ve skimmed and simplified almost 6 years of fanfic.
I’m going to put the brakes on my liberal skipping policy. There’s 1144 pages left as of this time of writing, April 24, 2020. I will only skip 2 pages max if I want to “hurry,” so I will view at absolute minimum 644 more pages of fanfic before I’m done. Again, I’ll probably go up to the day of Remake’s release (I’m more concerned with the PAST trends here) or maybe just a bit after its release for better comparison of the very old and very new. 
This is taking a long time, and obviously eating into time I could use for my own fanfics or anything else in life, but damn it’s fun.
(Note August 2, 2020: I SWEAR I’m gonna update this post soonish with more ‘99 - ‘04 fics :/ ) 
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katandabbieslife · 5 years
Back from Summer break. Explanation/Apology
Hello everyone, this is Abbie. I know it’s been a while since you’ve heard from us, we’ve not given up on the site, although we figure you’ve given up on us, and we can’t blame you. We’re college girls and were on summer break. We hit 4 music festivals, went on a 1 week vacation with our friends Coeur d’Alene in northern Idaho about 3 weeks ago. We were also given a job to do that had to be done.
Our main reason for not posting to the site has been the fact we had a job over the summer. We pretty much made our own hours, but we had a job we had to get done, and we worked usually from 7am until 5 or 6 pm, out in the heat and sun. When we were done for the day, all we wanted to do was relax in the pool, or the hot tub, which was turned off all summer. We did party a little on the weekends but nothing major.
We’re sorry we haven’t posted in so long, but we also just really just wanted to relax when we were done with work for the day. I also became disheartened back in the summer when we started receiving messages that were borderline abusive. Kat tried several times to finish the second part of my birthday story and would say she was going to post it “soon” but she is a perfectionist and would find something that needed to be changed. Some of the messages we received from a certain follower were like “What the fuck is going on here? Why the Hell haven’t you posted yet?”, and then continuing on to tell us “You should have more respect for your followers.” It got to be too much being talked to like that, considering we get absolutely nothing from posting our stories to you other than knowing some of you enjoy reading about our sexual adventures.
To be honest, when we made this new page for text only, since Tumblr banned the adult videos and images we used to like to reblog, and occasionally still do, we did not have even a 10th of our followers, follow us here. We don’t blame you though, like we all know, we are inconsistent with posting. One reason, Kat is a perfectionist, and two, we usually keep the vanilla stuff to ourselves. Yes, we have a lot of sex, even after two years of dating, we are still daily, if not two or three times daily. We just tend to write about the bigger events. The threesomes, foursomes, and parties we have (which I will be posting about one soon). Since those are not like weekly events, we don’t always have something to write about. If you want, we can write about other exciting things going on in our lives, other small sexual events, similar to the parking lot story from last semester, and just other things we’re excited and proud of? They would be shorter posts, but they would also be more frequent, and possibly give you a chance to get to know and understand us a little better. Let us know. At this point, we may do it anyway since we mainly started this site for us and not really expecting any sort of following. We just enjoy knowing others get off reading about us getting off.
As I write this, we’re on the plane heading back home to Idaho since school starts next Monday. Madi and Alec have watched our apartment and Kat’s SUV over the summer for us and we figure we need to get back and get the fridge stocked, and outfits bought for the beginning of the semester. So, please accept our apologies for being so inconsistent over the summer. As I said, we’ll probably post more, smaller updates, and the bigger stories, since they happen infrequently, will be written about and posted when we have the time. I’d like to say we’ll let you know when we’ll be posting them, but as we know, when we say we’re going to have something posted, it doesn’t happen, then we get abusive messages in our inbox. The main one was from someone who always used the “Ask” link to message us anonymously. During the time Kat was really trying to finish and post the second part of the birthday story, he DM’ed us on Twitter. Not so anonymous now! I had been posting on the twitter account we made for this Tumblr, and he said “What the fuck is going on here? Why are you posting here and re-blogging things on Tumblr but not posting the second part of the story?” That was one message that pissed me off. I, Abbie, was posting on Twitter and re-blogging on Tumblr while Kat was the one writing and trying to finish her story. Am I supposed to just fucking give up having fun posting on twitter hashtag games while she writes? Or am I supposed to take over her story and post it myself? The berating he gave us in Twitter DM’s and the berating I gave back led me to telling him to just fucking unfollow us and that I didn’t give a shit. So he did, he unfollowed and blocked us on twitter. I don’t care. I don’t know if he unfollowed us here or not, so, Swim Nudist, or whatever your Tumblr name is, Fuck YOU! Unfollow us or not, I don’t give a fuck.
As far as our job over the summer, I will be writing about it “soonish”. I have some backstory on it that will be posted first since this all started back in the fall. It is a really big opportunity for Kat and me, by proxy. So, again, we’re sorry we’ve not been consistent; we hope to post more frequently this semester. Like I said, probably more, shorter updates, similar to the parking lot story from last semester. Some things may be non-sexual, but like I said, it may give you a chance to learn a little more about us, if you want.
 -Abbie P.S. We got home last night, ordered food and passed out. So I did not get this posted last night.    -Abbie
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onestowatch · 5 years
Au/Ra on Writing Fan Fiction, Anime, and Not Having to Always “Stay Happy” [Q&A]
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Meet Au/Ra, the new wave cool girl carrying the dark pop genre into the light. The singer has lived quite a life and made remarkable career moves in spite of only being 17. After touring with the likes of ALMA, Lewis Capaldi, and Nina Nesbitt, Au/RA is back to releasing her electronic-backed, vividly emotional singles like “Dance in the Dark” and “Medicine.” 
With her eye-catching green hair tied back in a ponytail, we got a chance to talk to Au/Ra about her Caribbean upbringing, Lord of The Rings, and her brand new music video for “Stay Happy” just before her show at School Night in Los Angeles.
OTW: Soundcheck sounded great. Is this your first show in a while?
Au/Ra:: Yes, in a while! It’s crazy how time flies by so quickly, because I was on tour here last year ALMA. I haven’t been back since then, so it’s really cool.
OTW: I know you mentioned previously playing AnimeCon. I’m wondering if your album artwork is a nod to anime at all?
Au/Ra: It definitely is an ode to anime, I’d say. I’ve been really inspired by the art and culture behind anime. I think at the very start of my making music, I always had it in my head that all of my artwork would be illustrated. I just didn’t see myself as an artist with a bunch of photography with my face on everything. 
OTW: Wow, you know it’s a hot take to do that!
OTW: Yeah, we just kind of continued with it. And I don’t plan on stopping because I just really love how it looks. I do wish I could draw like that though. It’s not me, because I’m terrible at drawing!
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OTW: Oh so am I! I can only do stick figures and such. 
Au/Ra: Same! I’m all doodles. I think the only thing I can draw is anime eyes. I’m just not good with full faces! But I’ve been working with different illustrators basically. It’s so crazy because the way I found them was just by DM’ing them on Instagram. I’ll go on an explore page and go through anime art. Then I’ll look up the illustrator and DM them, like, “Are you looking for commissions?” 
OTW: They’ve done great work! So you were raised in Ibiza and moved to the Caribbean. How did all of this happen?
Au/Ra: It’s sort of a strange thing, and I grew up thinking it was normal! And of course, all of my friends there had a story like that. They had all moved there with their families from different countries as well. Some had been born and raised there, so I think it’s something we all did get used to. And now since everyone’s started moving away, and doing their own thing, we’ve all come back to the island and been like, “Wow it’s a big world out there. And the way that we’ve been raised here, is not normal!” It’s different. 
OTW: What was it like? I mean you live where people vacation!
Au/Ra: Kind of! That was kind of like the thing. But it was different after you’ve lived there because you experience all sides of the island. It’s a beautiful place and I’m so lucky to have grown up there. The beaches are stunning, the food is amazing, and the people are lovely. But there definitely are some struggles too. Like sometimes there is a lack of resources, especially during droughts. We had to order like 15 water trucks to fill up our cistern. Hurricanes, power cuts are a regular thing as well. It’s an island! 
OTW: Has living there influenced your music at all? Or at least how you approach music-making? 
Au/Ra: It definitely did. I think the reason why I got into creative writing and songwriting was because I didn’t really have access to TV or the internet for a while. It really gave me time to focus on that. And eventually, when I got my laptop, I started uploading and writing everything there. But I think it’s just the outlook–you know, treasuring resources more. I mean right now, it’s so crazy with climate change and everything that’s happening in the world. 
That, of course, has been happening for ages, but now people are actually talking about it. Like Greta Thunberg; She is so cool. I’m in awe of her. She’s wise beyond her years. But I’ve been more inclined to talk about things in my music that aren’t talked about as much. Definitely growing up with not having access to certain things all the time, and seeing what that is like when you don’t have water or power anymore. I think it formed a different perspective I have on things. My first song “Concrete Jungle” really addressed all of that. That and several social issues too. 
OTW: On the subject of writing, I read somewhere that your stage name comes from a Lord of the Rings fan fiction you wrote.
Au/Ra: Ugh! I’m such a nerd! It’s really funny because I started writing and getting really into Lord of the Rings when I was 12. I could even speak Elvish for a little bit.
OTW: Oh wow so when other kids went Harry Potter, you went Lord of The Rings. 
Au/Ra: I went Lord of the Rings, yeah I went back! (laughs) I had such a big crush on Legolas. After watching the movies, I read the books and got into it. Then I wrote fan fiction about one of the characters, and her original name was Aurethial. I always loved the word aura, and what it meant. When I was 14, I went back to that when I was thinking of what my artist name should be. I might as well use that. The slash, I wish it had a big meaning behind it but, there is another artist Aurora. She’s Scandinavian and really cool. She was up-and-coming then, and I didn’t want to confuse people. 
OTW: Lovely origin story! Speaking of origin stories, I know you’ve been doing this for two years, but when did you really start getting into music?
Au/Ra: When I was 12, that’s probably when I was officially like I want to do this. It’s only five years ago. I was in the same choir since I was nine, so I think that helped me get over my stage fright. I always loved singing, and my family is in the music industry. Music was always something I was around the creation of–my dad’s a producer and mom is a songwriter. I actually worked with them before I worked with anyone else.
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OTW: Nice, so they were pretty supportive of this?
Au/ra: Ehh, no... At first, they weren’t. No.. (laughs) They were like, “You can’t do this.” We had gone through quite a hard time being in the music industry though, especially in the early 2000s. You know, when streaming was first developing and physical sales were going down. So they were like “No, no, no. This is not a promising career right now.” And I then I just took matters into my own hands and started uploading Youtube music videos. My dad saw them and was like “Oh this is not-” and he helped me start making proper videos.
OTW: So once they saw you were serious about it-
Au/ra: I was really stubborn too. So once they saw how dedicated I was to it, they were more supportive and open to taking me seriously. 
OTW: We’ve got to talk about “Stay Happy.” It touches on so many things I think us young people struggle with, like fomo and making new fake friends. Where did the idea for “Stay Happy” come from?
Au/Ra: I was going through a weird time where I was really neutral. I wasn’t very happy or sad. It was just kind of like this weird middle feeling, and I didn’t know what to do. I thought it would just go away after a while. But I found after some time that if I tried to make myself happier again, I was just faking it. So like what do I do? And writing about it was part of what helped me solve it. As cheesy as that sounds, that actually just helped me figure out what it was and accept it. It’s just a phase. It’s alright, and life can be like that sometimes. And there are other people who feel this way too. So it’s a nice reminder that everyone has little happy/sad moments and that’s life. 
OTW: Life has its ups and downs. The part about life hacks too–that got me.
Au/Ra: Yeah! You know you go on wikiHow and look up things? That was the whole thought behind the video. It was me trying stereotypical ways to make myself feel happy again. I did have an idea to have a puppy. I’ve been trying to get a puppy into a music video for a while now. I just wanted the puppy to lick my face, but me be ignoring it, as if I’m sabotaging my own happiness by ignoring this cute puppy. That didn’t work. I feel like all of my videos are pretty dark. But this one is much more quirky. 
OTW: When is even more new music coming?
Au/Ra: Soonish. It’s all being planned. You can always count on me to release new music. I won’t just disappear. 
OTW: Who are your Ones To Watch?
Au/Ra: I absolutely love girl in red. She’s incredible! I also love Cavetown and IDER. They’re great. I saw them live last month and they were amazing.
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sarcasmdunbar · 6 years
Not a Bad Thing
Author: @sarcasmdunbar
Pairing: Liam Dunbar x reader
Word Count: A lot, it’s three am im not going to individually copy and paste every paragraph.
Warnings: None
Story Summary: An important question and a late night visit reveal feelings.
You huffed in frustration, wanting to pull your hair out. You placed the pencil down on your notebook and looked at the page to see what work you had done. A 1,000 word essay due in English in two days and you had wrote five words about the assigned topics. Not to mention the supernatural threats swarming around your quaint town. And thoughts of Liam Dunbar mulling around your brain.
Liam was a good friend of yours, the two of you becoming closer after both being inducted in the McCall pack. Slowly but surely you found yourself falling for him.
You heard your phone ding from across your room on your bed and you slowly ambled to get it. You rubbed your eyes upon the screen. No way it’s already two a.m. You thought regrettably eyes pandering down to the text you received.
Liam 2:15 a.m.
Open your window.
You stared at the screen brow furrowed. He couldn’t be serious, could he? A tap at your window made you jump from surprise. You wandered over opening the window and meeting the eyes of the boy you had grown so fondly of. A gasp caught your throat.
“Are you going to let me in or are you just going to stare at me.” You backed away, allowing Liam to climb into your room.
“What the hell are you doing here? It’s two a.m. Liam .” You whispered shouted making sure to be as quiet as possible.
“I wanted to ask you something.” Liam responded nonchalantly, as if he didn’t show up in the middle of the night and climbed up your house and into your window. Like it was a perfectly normal thing for him to do.
“And you couldn’t do that over text?” You questioned, taking a place on your bed. He followed suit, sitting a few inches from you.
“This isn’t something you ask over text.”
“Well,” You started. “Ask. Please. And please be a little quieter because my parents are asleep downstairs.” Liam’s facial expression got a little more serious when he looked back at you and his voice a little more quieter and firm.
“Do you like me?” He asked.
“What?” You asked, your voice squeaking ever so slightly. “Like...”
“Like as a person.” Liam finished for you.
“You climbed into my bedroom in the middle of the night, to ask me that?” Of course, you were ecstatic Liam freaking Dunbar was in your bedroom in the middle of the night but, this boy was just unbelievable at this point. “You could have totally asked me this over text.”
“Yeah but then,” Liam started his facial expression softening, eyes meeting yours. “I wouldn’t know if you were lying or not.”
“Is this because of Stiles?” Liam nodded. Stiles had been a bit harsh on him. “Li, Of course I like you. Stiles just takes time. He didn’t like me at first. So yknow don’t worry about him.”
“Okay then can I ask you something else.” You rolled your eyes and nodded. “Why did your heart skip a beat when I asked you if you liked me?”
You froze. Was it better to play dumb or lie in this situation. Lying wouldn’t get you anywhere at this point. So you relaxed your shoulders and tilted your head slightly.
“What do you mean?” You asked. Maybe just maybe you could get yourself out of the hole you dug.
“Why’d your heart skip a beat.” Liam asked again, giving you a look akin to puppy dog eyes.
“It didn’t.” Your heart at this point was probably running a marathon at this point. Liam scooted closer to you, a small smirk dancing on his lips.
Without a word he took your hand in his. “Come on, (Y/n)” Liam started inching his face towards yours. “Don’t act like it’s a bad thing to be in love with me.” Your breath hitched as he closed the gap and planted his lips on yours.
Maybe this was a dream. Maybe you had fallen asleep on your desk and was having a very lucid dream. You didn’t care however, kissing back and praying to god that if this was a dream you wouldn’t wake up. After a minute you both pulled away, eyes still locked with each other.
“That’s the real reason I came here,” Liam spoke. “And now i know you’re in love with me.”
“Don’t get cocky, Dunbar.” You responded, a bright smile planted on your lips. “I never said I was in love with you.”
Liam had a mock hurt expression on his face at this. You chuckled.
“But, I am in love with you.”
A/N: I wrote this at three am on my phone so it’s gonna be choppy. Let me know what you think and hopefully I get my computer back soonish.
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Milestone write-up!
Since the story seems to be closing one story-arc and moving on to another, I feel this is a good place to take stock, summarize what we know and make some more or less educated guesses at what might happen in future. It got a bit away from me (”a bit” lol), so here’s a read more for your convenience. 
Players on the board
Last we left off, shit had decidedly hit the fan. We got painful confirmation that the elves successfully assassinated King Harrow, but they in turn had a painful price to pay. From what we can tell, Runaan is the only survivor, and he has been captured by Soren and Claudia. Claudia thinks he might come in “useful”, whatever that may mean. Might be they’ll interrogate him for information about Xadia, might be that Claudia has some more nefarious, magical things planned. She might ask him about Rayla and the egg, but it’s not like he can tell her anything that she doesn’t already know, aka Rayla and the boys have the egg and they plan to return it and use it to restore peace. Maybe, if they keep talking for long enough, he might actually get her to see that the egg really is just a yet to hatch baby dragon and therefore a sentient being in need of protection, and not just a powerful magical weapon to be used by whoever sees fit. If Runaan manages to escape or communicate with other elves, our heroes will have some real problems. He clearly sees Rayla as a traitor and seeks to punish her for the perceived crimes she committed, and there’s still that pesky magical bounty on Ezrans’s head… 
It’s hard to say what Claudia and Soren will do next. I think it depends very much on if Viren is sticking around the castle or not, and what his plans are. As to what his plans might be… god knows. Just how much does he want the egg back? Is he willing to go after it himself, or will he maybe send Soren? How much does Soren know about all this anyway? Five bucks says he had no idea about anything tbh. You know what still hasn’t been opened yet btw? The fucking letter. It’s still in Viren’s study. If it really has a contingency plan like “Callum becomes prince regent until Ezran is old enough to rule” I get the feeling Viren might pull some GoT-style shenanigans and try to put himself on the throne. At this point there isn’t really anything I wouldn’t put past him. In any case though the kingdom might be thrown into serious chaos for a while. After all: the King is Dead, long live the…. wait, who now? The crown prince is missing? The step-prince is missing, too? Well, guess it’s time for some good old-fashioned power grabbing! 
And then there’s our three four protagonists. We don’t know where the kingdom of Katolis is exactly, but in any case they have a long journey ahead. They will have to stick to the woods for most of it and avoid towns I think. Rayla can’t be seen by humans, the egg can’t be seen either, and Viren might try and put a bounty on all of them anyway, so the boys might not be save either. I trust Rayla will be able to get the foods from the woods though, so that should be alright. And then eventually they’ll reach the Breach and have to make their away across it and around however many standing armies manning the border from both sides. Yikes. Though we have no idea how far they’ll go in three remaining episodes. There are after all at least 5 more potential seasons in store for us, so there’s a good chance they won’t even remotely come close to the Breach in this one.  What I’m really worried about is Rayla keeping the truth about Harrow from the boys.  While it breaks my heart just thinking about them having to mourn their dad, I’m worried about Callum lashing out at Rayla in his grief. We already had a scene when he found out about the assassination plot and subsequently flipped out at Ez out of fear, and Ez hadn’t even really done anything. How much worse will that reaction be if she’s been lying to them for several days, even if it was just to spare them the pain? It might damage his trust in her, Callum might even try and make them split up and continue without her. Sounds like a really bad idea, but people do stupid things when they’re angry and sad. 
Other unresolved plot points
What’s up with the Mirror? For that matter, why is the mirror fishy enough to be covered up but not fishy enough to be hidden in the Lair of Dead Things? 
What’s with the picture Harrow looked at last time we saw him alive? It’s gotta be something, right? Why would they make the camera zoom in on it lying face down on the bed otherwise? Just have Harrow put it away and then forget it exists, don’t give it an extra shot!
Pip! Is he still alive? D: 
Callum still has the Storm Stone, but he might have to get his hands on a book or find himself a teacher to learn some new spells probably? 
Viren’s staff! Just cool historical artifact or actually relevant to the plot? 
Shameless Tin-hatting aka Foreshadowing Fucking Everywhere aka Miscellaneous Shit I Noticed While re-watching ep 1-3
Callum’s drawing of a Dragon roasting a Marshmallow Monster -> this show’s version of the Cookie Cat jingle? Possibly depicting Viren’s inevitable demise? 
Not foreshadowing, but I realized when the Narrator says “on the eve of last Winter’s Turn” in the opening what is meant with “last” is just most recent, as in “last month” or “last Christmas”. So it probably was some solstice type date after all. Makes sense with it now being spring. 
People keep pointing out how shit Bait is at hiding. I’m afraid at some point they’ll have to hide from something REALLY BAD and Bait will get them found. :/ Really, Bait being called Bait just seems super unfortunate in general. 
You know how Rayla says “My Heart for Xadia” during the ritual? Yeah, I’m getting the feeling Rayla will be instrumental in getting Ezran out of the magical contract, possibly in a super heroic way by just doing what her heart tells her to and saving the day, or possibly just… by dying in his stead. Oh god I feel like I jinxed her. :( 
You know how Callum was like “You’re so lucky, you get to learn magic!” and Claudia was like “You get to learn sword fighting!” and then Callum was like “I’d switch places in a second!”? Well, he’s doing magic now, so…. the little disaster bi that is myself is praying for Claudia in armor with a big-ass sword being a BAMF. ´
Anybody else who really wants to know what is under that OTHER, BIGGER tarp in the Lair of Dead Things? Because I really wanna know. I bet Ezran knows already. 
Harrow said about the letter that “[Callum will] understand in time.” What makes me think there’s more in there than just his last will, possibly it’s also his last confession. What terrible shit has he done over the years of his reign, how much of it did Viren have his fingers in and how much of it can Viren use against him post-mortem? And how will the boys react when they get confronted with their dad’s uglier side, possibly via what the elves or even some direct victims have to say about him? 
I’d really like to have a look at that book Callum is carrying everywhere. I figure it’s his sketch book and not relevant to anything, but it might still be fun to get to see some pages anyway. 
Stuff that I got spoilered on because there’s too many tags to block :( 
I saw some pics of the Dragon Prince after hatching! D: I’m sorry, it feels like I robbed myself of an awesome surprise and you of a genuine reaction. :( I didn’t look very closely, I just saw that he was adorable and had roughly the same color scheme as his dad. Which leads me to some more tin hatting: What with Thunder being called that and also breathing lightning, I’d like to propose that the Storm Stone still has a big role to play after all, other than just providing Callum with a magical source he can carry around. 
I saw General Amaya of the Standing Battalion being name dropped in a text post. I scrolled too fast to see any context, but considering who she is I guess we’ll get her as an upcoming character in some capacity.
I know that the elf making the MAGIC TREES amulets gets another ending slide at some point, and that people are theorizing he and Runaan are a Thing.  I’m not a super big fan of Runaan at this moment in time so I couldn’t give less of a shit about his love life tbh, and as much as I like to ship things I usually need a bit more than literally two pictures to get me going, so. I dunno, don’t expect much from me on that front until more material comes out in later seasons I guess. Like… if there isn’t enough for people to make emotional gif sets out of, can you even really call it a ship?
Netflix tried to push Chapter 4 on me when I went to re-watch the others. I got it shut down quickly enough, but I still saw the title. I think it was… Bloodthirsty? Bloodlust? Either way I think either Runaan is gonna have a REALLY bad time very soonish or our protagonists will have to run REALLY fast from people trying to catch them.  Maybe both. 
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akane171 · 2 years
Hahaha, okay🤷🏻‍♀️😂 And yeaaa, the dialogue-well, the romantic one at least- in Episode 2 was...weird...😅🙈 
Hey, my current one isn't supposed to be any angstier than your "A Definite Maybe" (honestly, I just wanted an excuse to see un-married!Mon and Kara have to go through the awkward flirting stage and back to their love-hate arguments😂😅🤷🏻‍♀️) And nope, you can't judge me for possibilities that never might come to life, unless YOU face judgement for your unwritten SUPER-ANGSTY ideas! I'm totally innocent😌 And we weren't about killing them, we were arguing about why they supposedly fainted😩
Ohhh, Nicee!😁☺
Ehh, well, technically the movie would still be understandable without having seen the two shows, tho having seen Wandavision does give it a but more context🤔 
..Don't look over my shoulder?😯🤨 Why?
Hahaha, yess, too much love drama😂🤷🏻‍♀️
Oh no, okay, yeah, you were probably more confused than I😅😂 I only ended up in weird corners of fanfics because I didn't understand "tags/warnings"... I'm still baffled WHY the HECK anyone would use "lemon" for...THAT😅🙈🙈🤦🏻‍♀️
Ahhh, well, lucky you, I tried ignlring it, but I felt like every other page was whining about her love triangle😅🙈 and ehh, well, I like Peeta and Gale both and by now I can see reasons why people would ship her with either, but meeeh, still feel like there where more important matters😅🙈
About the prequel: Eh, no, I meant to maybe read it, but then I actually forgot about it, didn't notice it was already published and by then I didn't feel like it🙈 But I did binge-read about it on the web a few months ago🤷🏻‍♀️😂
*Highest of Fives*💃🏻
Haha, okay🤷🏻‍♀️😂😂
Ohhh, admittedly, I thought of that for a sec, too, but my thoughts were more along "That'd be SOOO disgusting 😅🤢🙈" 😅😅😂😂
Oh no, he was mentally exhausted from that?😰 Tho it's understandable...Even fake-"living" that must have been hard🙈🙈 BUT YESS, CHEERSS FOR THE PATH TO MON-EL😍😍💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻😂😂
Ohh, sounds like an interesting book, esp. if it's Stephen King 🤔🤔
Ohhhhhhhhh, you meant like that😂😂😂🤦🏻‍♀️ Yeah, well, I'm always super-excited about PiaD 😉😂 And hey, that's still awesome news, soonish is still awe and some😍☺💃🏻 So all's good😁
Ahhh, that's typical😅 I feel like mistakes deliberately hide just so you can see them once you post😉😂😅
Friendly remidner that the romantic dialogues involved.... sand.
Mhm, we will see where the angst will take you. If i can't judge you for unwritten ideas, then you can't judge me for mine.
Sure, sure. Supposedly
I feel like i know whole context becasue i see everything on the gifs, lol
Kangaroos ghost are hovering behind your back. Also, probably, your pissed off MURDERED Mon-El from your AU.
While reading the wikipedia page my brows were slolwy walking up my forehead and ended on the peak of my head, I think.
No idea why they called it lemon. Aside of the fact I laughed a lot when Lobotomizer and Mon-el ship was called lemon in s2.
I think that on some point I liked Gale, i just in the end completly disagreed with his ideas. Also, have you read the karamel fic based on the HungerGames????
Aww, so I can't really grill you about what happened there, booo.
Like... how DIRTY that curtain was?....
Yeah, he talked about it in some interview. Add to that how open he is about his depression, I'm really glad he ended in SG. Minus the asholes hating him becasue he dares to live =='
It is! One of the best "pandemic" books. Very complexed, but with a lot of christian symbolism, so maybe not for all (even my ass was annoyed a few times while reading).
Understandable, we all are xD Especially now, when we know Mon-El's arrival is super close :D Just can't wait to see him finally in the real world. SIGH
Yeah, but in my case it's like my identification mark. Mispellings? That's Kat =='
Anyway, as always, stay safe!
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crimson-eyes · 6 years
my...... childrom.....!!!
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redesigned my charas for the billionth time and yet i still havent started my comic whoopsies. i finally settled on a name that i lov for my protag. changed from Taya (to tori) to Jumi!!!! i LOV HER (I would like to thank my friend for coming up with the name X”D)
- briony is now also asian (me: why did I include a token white character? I could just make the cast all asian.... im the author???? wowr) and i shaved her head cause it looks cooler. still a short tempered buff lady
- roben now has longer hair XD he stole all of briony’s hair pfft. still a soft boy and I lov this hair style ngl
- jumi is kinda the same. she is mixed race but I decided to change her eye shape a bit, needs to look more tired rip. i didnt draw her wearing her beanie and I might maybe scrap it (but we’ll see). cause she has some bald/thinning patches on her head from the pulling but I might make it less obvious to my previous intension. 
Overall I think Im happy with where my style is right now. Before i wasn’t too sure about it and probs another reason why I havent started my comic yet. before I was thinking of making this a long webcomic but I dont think i would have enough content to write about for it? plus I might die and being committed to posting weekly seems a bit stressful, especially since i dont know my schedule yet (now that im full time). It’ll probably be a 4 to 5 chapter graphic novel type thing? the amount of pages will vary depending on how much I want/need.
I’ll be finishing my internship soonish and I’ll be going on holiday to visit my friend in NY!!!!!! when I get there I will force myself to start scripting this otherwise I’ll never mcfreaking start it BU plus my nerd writer friend can help me and I wont have any excuse lmao im lov her bless my friend.
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so-caffeinated · 7 years
Okay, SO... I think this is probably the best way to reply to my spoilery asks. Responses are below the cut. There are spoilers for all currently posted chapters including the unscheduled one posted today. 
There will also be some minor spoilers in answers for future chapters. 
Sound good? Here we go!
(1) Hi!! Long time lurker, first time commenter and I just have to say how much I love your stories!! Two guesses on the Jules/husband spoiler. 1) You mentioned the fact that Jules' husband is good at dancing, and an anon asked if she and her husband met through dancing. You replied no, which makes me lean towards Alex being her husband since Jules and Jackson's first meeting is when he's photographing her while she's dancing
(2) Also in the same ask, you talked about Jules dancing by herself at a BBQ to get her husband's attention, which is something I can picture happening at a Will's house with the other firemen. 2) You said in response to a different ask that Jules is a better cook than the other kids because she bonds with her mother-in-law over it. You also characterized their relationship as having the "potential to be very rocky."
(3) Because Alex's dad died in the Undertaking, I feel like Jules' status as a Queen could potentially make for an awkward conversation at Thanksgiving. :) Hope these make sense!! Thank you for sharing your work and characters with us!!!
FFS, Anon. You should have seen my eyes bug out when I read these. Wow. You’re awfully close to spot-on here. The ‘Jules dancing by herself at a BBQ to get her husband’s attention which is something I can picture happening at Will’s house with the other firemen’ is ABSURD. It’s Alex’s house, not Will’s, but otherwise... basically, yeah. Chapter after next, Anon. Chapter after next... and WHEW, it’s a scene. 
She will - though not during Tempest - bond with her mother-in-law largely over cooking. When Jules is committed, she gives her whole self and her whole heart. By the time she falls in love with Alex, she loves all of him. That means his heritage and culture, too. So she learns Spanish and she tries more Mexican foods and she learns to cook some of it, amongst other things. That said... winning over Mama Castillo is not gonna be easy. She liked Alex’s on-again/off-again ex-girlfriend. And... Jules is ten years younger than Alex, she’s not Catholic, she’s not Mexican-American, and she’s a Queen. Alex is her only child and Jules is far from the woman she’d pictured for her little boy. 
So I think I know who Jules husband might be. I previous asks you said that if her husband hadn't met Jules, in the other timeline, he would probably have had a daughter with his on again off again girlfriend and I think you said before that Alex(?) had an on again off again girlfriend ( or it was in a chapter)? So I think her husband is Alex.
This is one of those types of spoilers that I forget that I’ve said, but yes. In the other universe he’d have had a daughter with Marisol, his on-again/off-again ex-girlfriend. Having a baby fixes nothing in a relationship, though, and they would have ultimately ended things for good. But Alex never finds something in that universe like what he has with Jules here. There’s nothing even close. Excellent catch, Anon.
I know you can’t respond to this yet but OMG JACKSON NOO POOR JULES IM CRYING IT WAS SO GOOOOOD
ANON! Thank you. Also? I wrote that scene on my birthday. It’d been in my head forever, so it was good to finally get it out, but oh lord... it wasn’t easy. I love Jackson. I really, really do. Killing him was rough. 
I am at work reading Tempest and OH MY GOD! This is AMAZING. Your writing is just incredible. I mean, it always has been but this is just beyond. That death. I wasn't expecting it and I had no idea I was so attached to that character! I'm sobbing! And I was already invested in Jules but now I feel 10x more invested in her and her story. I'm so excited to see where all this goes. THANK YOU! This is truly a gift.
Thank you, Anon! That death scene is one of the few things I’ve written that felt like they came out exactly as I pictured. And it’s been in my head a long time. I’m so, so glad you’re invested in this story because it’s entirely hijacked my life. It well and truly has. And being able to share it with people who appreciate it genuinely means the world. 
Omg I love tempest. I was majorly shocked with Jacksons death though ...you definitely made me tear up being the amazing writer you are. Can you confirm that it's Alex now as her husband ? I don't know how I will survive waiting till next week!!!!!
Clearly, I couldn’t wait til next week either. THANK YOU! And yes, yes I can confirm now that Alex is her eventual husband. Julex rises, my friend!
Ok did Jackson fake his own death to protect her please say yes is he Sentinel and they will find each other again cause I’m just really heartbroken I know it’s for a reason but I really loved Jackson like a lot and now I’m so sad but thanks for the story I kind of wanted the whole thing out so I could read it all I know that’s a bit selfish but when I read I can’t put it down .
Oh, Anon... He did not. I’m sorry. I love Jackson a lot, too, and killing him was hard, but it was absolutely necessary. I wouldn’t have done it otherwise. I’m glad you’re enjoying the story! I can understand wanting to read it all at once. You can, eventually? If that’s an consolation? But I’m glad you’re loving it even weekly (or slightly more than weekly when I get impulsive).
I just read the prologue and the first chapter and if you want me I’ll be sitting in the corner crying my heart out. literal tears are pouring out of my eyes. This is gonna be so painful. and when he calls her Julie I feel my heart breaking into pieces WHY DID YOU DO THIS TO ME JANIS? I DIDNOT ASK FOR THESE EMOTIONS!!!
I am mean and horrible and honestly how do you not know that by now? Sorry. I’m kidding. Maybe I shouldn’t be. SO... is it painful? Yes. But more than that it’s hopeful. At it’s core, this is a story about learning to live with loss instead of just surviving it. I think there’s a lot of joy and optimism in it, too. And I’m pretty sure you’ll agree with me there in time. There are ups and downs, progression and regression... Coping with something like this, getting to a place where you’re more than just okay, isn’t the kind of thing that happens in a straight line. But how Jules learns and copes and changes her viewpoint is really the heart of the story. And there are a lot of emotions ahead. Buy wine, chocolate and tissues. 
OH MY GOD JANIS!!! You're killing me today! First with your amazing new story and then I went to your pinterest page and... Sylvia Castillo??? I'm dead now!!!
You were the first one to catch this, Anon! The Pinterest page has undergone more changes since you sent me this, too. But... YES... Sylvia Castillo. Genuinely one of the sweetest children to ever exist fictionally or otherwise. 
Yay!!! I knew hubby was Alex!!!!! So happy to be right! Love this story so much. Jules is my fave
Thank you, Anon! I’m happy you’re right, too, because Julex is my ship. (Okay I have lots of ships, but Julex is... whew). Glad you’re enjoying it, Anon. Thank you!
Alex marries Jules omg I knew it I had a sliver of hope for my bud Jackson but then you know he’s dead and all break my heart a little bit but at least Alex’s is cool are we at the point where you can confirm this lol cause Pinterest just gave stuff away so you know just wondering please say yes;)
LOL, yes, anon, I will confirm. And thank you! I do adore Jackson (and hey there are infinite universes so he’s out there... somewhere... right?), but it’s Julex for me. Alex is an awesome guy and I can’t wait for you guys to see more of him. I love him like crazy. And you guys are way more active on my Pinterest page than I’d realized!
I love Tempest so far and I'm excited to read more about Jules' journey ! Your writing makes me look forward to Monday mornings and starting the week ( even though some chapters are more heart breaking than others lol) Poor Jackson and Jules, I thought that they might break up because of Jules keeping team Arrow a secret but I didn't want to believe that Jackson would die because he was so sweet and made Jules happy. I'm excited to read more about Jules, thank you for writing ! <3
Thank you, Anon! Jackson was sweet and he did make Jules happy. He would never have left her... not for anything, really. He loved her so much. You will get to see some of that still, even though he’s gone. Both through Jules and other sources. But her journey is mostly about learning to live with having lost him and how to cope with that in a better way. There is a lot of heartbreak in this story, but I also think there’s a lot of love and joy, too. For sure, we are not done with the tears. But we’ve barely scratched the surface on the good stuff. Promise. ;-)
After Jackson's death (soonish after and later on) does Jules have any sort of relationship with Jackson's family( mom, dad, sister) since you said they liked Jules ? Or would it have been too painful for all of them ? Would they have visited Jackson's dog ?
This is a great question. I actually had originally planned a scene between Jules and Jackson’s mom but never wound up writing it. They were both going to be visiting his grave. Jules does still keep in touch with them. They don’t live locally or anything, but she and Bokeh are a connection to Jackson still. I think more than anything else, she and Jackson’s mom and sister e-mail each other. She probably sends them invitations to the occasional art exhibit or whatnot. They aren’t fantastically close, but there’s still affection and a link between them.
 You probably can't answer this (yet?) because it's too spoilery but with Jules eventual husband ... does their relationship start the traditional way (asked out on dates, she tells family/friends etc) or is it more of a secret/affair that they try to hide for a while? (I ask this because my theory is Alex is her husband and as one of Will's friends/coworkers, and Jules currently only looking for sex and not emotions, things start more hidden, if that makes sense)
You’re close, Anon. I’m gonna say you’re half right. Watch for the fifth full chapter (after the prologue so AO3 will call it chapter 6). You’ll get this fully answered there. 
OMG!!!! IT'S ALEX!!! I WAS RIGHT!!!! I AM SO HAPPY!!! I have been firm in this suspicion ever since the ameliam babysitting sylvia chapter! I completely missed the name hint and I speak Spanish and Castillo is the last name of some of my extended family lol. Anyways this is awesome!!! Now I'm curious about Will's reaction to his friend dating his little sister.
Thank you!!! Will’s reaction... is something that probably depends on what exactly he knows and how he knows it, don’t you think? You’ll get to see that... though it’s a bit further down the line.
sooo, is working with two of his siblings-in-law ever weird for Will, or... ? --- (I know you can't talk about that, I just can't wait until you finally can!!!)
You’re assuming some things about Ellie and Sara here, Anon! But with Will and Alex, once Jules and Alex are really firmly together and later married, I think it takes a lot of adjusting. For one thing, they can’t have quite the same conversations they did before, can they? Alex is not discussing his love life with Will anymore, you know? But they trust and love each other as family as it is. They’ve had each other’s backs for a very long time. And that’s not something that’s going to change. 
OH MY WORD. OH MY WORD. WE'RE ONLY TWO CHAPTERS IN & WORDS CANNOT ACCURATELY EXPRESS MY LOVE OF THIS STORY. ALSO I AM BEYOND UPSET THAT I DIDNT NOTICE THAT CONNECTION. A Castle for a Queen....I'M SOBBING. I've had a theory for a long time that Jackson would die, Will would be severely injured in a fire, & Jules would meet Alex as Will is being loaded into the ambulance/taken into surgery. You said a while back that when Jules & Alex meet something else is demanding her attention so... ;).
NO ONE caught that I was giving a Queen a Castle. NO ONE. Not even people who knew who she wound up with. I pat myself on the back a lot. I felt very JKR-like for that. You got awfully close with your theory there, Anon! Very, very close. Great guess!
I love this so much? LOL. Ameliam... Yeah... my ‘damn it Amelia’ tag is earned. You’ll find out more about that later. Also about the pregnancy scare. Chapter four is actually more plotty than anything else, but chapter five is the BBQ and chapter six is... you’ll like chapter six. Alex always calls her Julianna. Never Jules or Julie or anything else except some nicknames.... which you’ll get to in a bit. He has a few. I AM SO GLAD YOU SHIP IT! I love Julex so much! Thank you!
Oh man I know Tempest is going to be soooo good! Today's chapter has to be one of my favorites with everything going on! Finally Jules and Alex are in the open and I adore them so much and am so excited to see more from them. Also ever since I first found out about them I have been wanting to see Will's reaction to it and if it is anything like with Javi it is going to be very interesting and really entertaining to see. Also wow, Amelia did get married and Will thought he was going to be a dad😱
Thank you! I loved this chapter. And Julex... oh Julex... they have so much more to see. I am beyond excited to share more! You’ll get Will’s reaction, too, but that’s a bit further on in the story. Amelia... did get married. She did. Not the best choice she ever made, let’s leave it at that for now. Will - very briefly - did think he might be going to be a dad. I think his own reaction to that surprised him, especially given the circumstances, and I reeeeeeeeeeeally wanna write that. Like right now. It’s a Big Moment with some major parallels. 
OH. MY. GOD! THANK YOU for posting Chapter 3 early. I'm SO obsessed with this story! Questions because of course ... How old is Alex? At this point in the story, does Sara know how Ellie feels about her? Without getting too spoilery, does Sara know how she feels about Ellie at this point (platonic or otherwise)? Also ... Amelia got married????!!!!
Alex is 34 and Jules is 24 in this story. She’s not-quite-ten-years younger than him. Sara does know how Ellie feels about her and Sara also knows how she feels about Ellie. It’s not exactly as simple as that, though. Which you’ll get to later. And Amelia did get married and I AM SORRY but she did. She did. It wasn’t her best choice ever, but there we go. There will be more on that later, but not in Tempest. Thank you!!
FiCoN just keeps getting better and better and I'm really looking forward to everything that is left! P.S. I think it really is a testament to your writing ability how even though I already knew Alex was Jules husband and was really excited for that relationship and we only met Jackson a few times, I felt gutted by his death. I know there is so much more story to tell with everyone's lives and I absolutely can't wait to read everything you have to share!
Thank you! Getting better is absolutely the ultimate goal. I always want to be better than my last story and Tempest feels like a big step forward to me. I’m glad it still impacted you even knowing about both Alex and Jackson. That means a ton! And there is so much story left to tell. If I stepped back and looked at it all at once, it might be daunting. lol
THANK YOU FOR THE EARLY CHAPTER!!! OMG Jules and Alex are HOT!!! They are even better than I imagined!!! Honestly I probably looked like a crazy person while reading with all the smiling and squealing i was doing. And that Amelia reveal!! I always feared that would happen. Poor Will but I'm excited to eventually see what happens there. Also super curious about the QI girl. Anyways Julex is amazing I am officially in love w/ them!!!
Thank you! Jules and Alex are... possibly the steamiest stuff I’ve written yet. They smolder. Their sex scenes are insane. And when @dust2dust34 edits them they’re a million times better. She’s gotten through two so far and it’s absolutely bonkers how hot they are oh my god. With Amelia... yeah... so there’ll be more on that later. Also about Will because I’m dying to write about him and ‘the girl from QI’ so much oh my god. It’s gonna be a great scene. SHIP JULEX! Definitely ship Julex. Julex is OTP. <3
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