#he would have definitely encouraged her shenanigans
Okay, so Fives would have definitely loved the Bad Batch, but I want to go into deeper detail (under the cut)
Okay so I feel like he would absolutely love Hunter, but would also butt heads with him a lot, since I feel like they’re very similar in some ways. Fives kind of sees Hunter as a younger version of himself, so he would take him under his wing to guide and teach him. Hunter would probably find this weird at first, since he’s used to being the oldest and not being the one who is looked after, but eventually he enjoys it. Fives is someone who Hunter can step into the younger brother role with, like with Echo and Cody, and just be silly and relax for a bit (and be the little shit we all know he can be).
Fives loves him. He reminds him of Hevy and Hardcase, but is also uniquely Wrecker. Fives thinks he is just the sweetest guy and is surprised by how much he allows himself to open up to Wrecker. Actively encourages Wrecker’s shenanigans because Echo he’s right we don’t know what will happen if we blow up this pie we need to see!
He sees Tech as a younger version of Echo, and because of this holds him very dearly. He wonders if this is what it would have been like if Echo had been the younger twin rather than himself. Gets Tech to come out of his shell a bit, like how he does with Echo, and is often surprised and impressed by just how much of a MENACE Tech can be when he wants to be silly, which is also similar to Echo.
This was actually kind of hard for me to think of. I feel like since Fives and Hunter are so similar, there would definitely be some respect from Crosshair on that front, but it’s also kind of weird for Crosshair. I feel like Fives would actually be able to help him through his low moods, and Crosshair would let him after a while, since he’s so much like Hunter but also like Echo. Fives also would probably be like how a lot of fan works interpret and portray his relationship with Tup, where basically he’s like “if not little brother, why little brother shaped?” Is already protective of the batch, since they’re all younger, but he’s probably more protective of Crosshair since he’s the youngest. This drives Crosshair crazy because now there’s THREE of them!
Absolutely adores her, not only because it’s Omega and she’s just the sweetest sunshine child, but also because she is an absolute MENACE. She is the craziest, most badass kid he’s ever met and he hyped her up SO MUCH (much to the horror of Echo, Crosshair, and Hunter).
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ngayawneluoer · 1 year
the thrill of the chase
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ sully siblings x metkayinan reader
You visit the home of your Omatikayan friends, and Neteyam, Lo’ak, Kiri and Tuk encourage you to get into a bit of trouble and do something you’ve never done before: bond with an ikran.
word count: 2045
a/n: as always nobody fact check this bc i really should have done more research BUT ALAS enjoy
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When your parents finally agreed to let you visit the Omatikayan lands, you figured your stay would include some introductions, sightseeing, and maybe some casual shenanigans. The Omatikayan village was rich with culture, and you revelled in the people's hospitality, but it wasn't long until your friends pulled you away from the adults and dragged you into trouble. Silly of you to think it would include something other than scaling mountains.
"This is… harder than it seems," You groaned, slightly trembling as you scaled the jagged rocks of the Hallelujah mountains. It was somewhat embarrassing for you, as even Tuk was racing ahead of you, but you kept telling yourself that you were just in a new environment and that it was expected of you to make mistakes.
"Not so easy when you're the fish out of water, is it?" Lo'ak teased, golden eyes peering down at you from the ledge where he, Tuk and Kiri had stopped to wait for you. Neteyam was right beside you, ready to assist if you struggled too much.
"Steady. Don't force yourself," Neteyam encouraged, an amused smile on his face.
You huffed, trying to hide how you strained with every step, "I'm not a baby, you know. I can climb a cliff without- shit!" Your right hand slipped from the jagged cliffside, and you cut your sentence off with a shriek. Thank Eywa for Neteyam, who had caught your waist to keep you stable and lifted you to hold the branch above you.
"Easy…" Neteyam reassured, hand still on your back as you regained your grip.
"What was that about climbing a cliff?" Lo'ak taunted playfully, which earned him a slap on the back of the head from Kiri.
Just what you deserve for getting cocky, you supposed.
Tuk peeked down, her sweet eyes filled with concern for you, "(Y/N), are you okay?"
Your first instinct was to say no; no, you were not okay because you were dangling from a floating boulder and if you fell, there was virtually zero chance of survival. And yet somehow, you couldn't say this was the most threatening situation you've been in. You survived a war. You could climb a rock.
"I'm fine, Tuk. Almost there."
Lo'ak turned to Kiri, "Should one of us tell them that we are definitely not almost there?"
"I heard that!" You retorted, scowling at the man above you.
"Less talking, more climbing!" Kiri laughed, "Even Tuk did it."
Neteyam rolled his eyes, "Ignore those skxawngs. You're doing great for your first time climbing this high."
"You can do it, (Y/N)!" Tuk cheered, her little hands clapping to cheer you on. You groaned in effort but continued pushing on.
When you finally reached the ledge, you threw yourself onto your back between Lo'ak and Kiri, "I regret ever teasing you for being useless in Metkayina," you whined, sincerity to your words, "I feel like a child here. Except even a child is more capable than me."
"Come on, you big baby. You haven't even gotten to the good part." Neteyam beamed with burgeoning excitement, clutching your arm to pull you back to your feet.
"I swear, swimming is so much more painless than all this. We have it easy back home." You spoke.
"I wouldn't say that. It took Lo'ak forever to get used to riding an ilu." Kiri reminisced as she strolled forward down the path, disappearing into the flora.
Lo'ak rolled his eyes, "Sure. Use me as the object of ridicule once again."
"Well it is true!" Tuk giggled with a mischievous grin on her face.
Lo'ak huffed, his hands coming to rest on his hips as he attempted to lecture Tuk, "Easy for you; you're a kid," he blurted, "Everyone carries you around; you never even had to learn to ride one!"
Neteyam scoffed, a look of disbelief on his face, "Lo'ak, she is seven."
Kiri stalked back with an exasperated look on her face, "Are you guys coming or not?"
"It is Lo'ak's fault, all he does is talk!" you quipped playfully with a smile, knowingly trying to get under his skin.
"I will push you off this mountain."
After a bit more bickering and a lot more climbing, you found yourselves close to the mountain peak, a large waterfall framing the path you assumed you were to take.
The five of you connected hands, with Tuk between Neteyam and Lo'ak, followed by you and Kiri. Cautiously, you all crept along the ledge behind the waterfall to reach a clearing with a myriad of ikrans. Finally, you all climbed onto some nearby rocks overlooking the creatures.
"They are beautiful," You whispered with a peaceful smile.
"They are," Lo'ak agreed, turning to you with a suspicious smirk, "Now you will tame one."
You spun to him in surprise, your brow furrowed in annoyance, "What?"
The four siblings tried to hold their laughs in but miserably failed.
"Do it, (Y/N)! We learned to ride ilus. Now you need to learn to ride an ikran." Kiri egged on, Tuk accompanying her with "Yes"s.
You looked to Neteyam for a semblance of help, but he merely shrugged as if to say you were on your own.
"No! What if I fall?" you sneered.
"I'll call my ikran, and we'll catch you," Neteyam quipped confidently.
"Where is your ikran exactly?" You challenged.
"Close by," Neteyam replied, "...probably."
"Neteyam!" you whined, slapping his arm.
Said boy snickered softly, a cheeky grin on his face, "I am only joking! I promise you will not die; I will catch you."
"Well what if they attack me?"
"They won't attack you," Lo'ak replied, "All at once."
You scowled at him suspiciously, "Your wording was awfully specific."
"I was just answering your question!" Lo'ak exclaimed, trying to mask a giggle as he threw his hands up defensively.
"(Y/N). You're not alone. We will help if we see you are about to die." Kiri chuckled.
You gave in with a sigh of irritation, "Okay. Fine," After a moment's reflection, you looked out at the sea of ikrans feeling somewhat determined, "So I just pick one?"
"Wellll… not really," Neteyam trailed off, a slightly guilty grimace on his face.
"Okay," you deadpanned, "How do I know which one to choose?"
"It will attack you," Lo'ak stated bluntly.
If looks could kill, Lo'ak would be dead.
"You forest people must have a death wish."
You knew you most definitely should not be doing this; your mother would probably lecture you until the end of time if she knew what you were doing. And yet there you were, making your way through the ikrans, about to tame one. You could faintly hear the four siblings cheering you on in the background, but you were primarily focused on not getting mauled to death by the enormous creatures. You were so out of your comfort zone when it came to ikrans. They were big, fast, vicious; how those morons managed to convince you to do this, you will never know.
You walked across the clearing, eyes darting cautiously at every sudden movement. To your dismay, every ikran you approached flew away, and as you counted up to 10 creatures flying away, you started to get discouraged.
Your shoulders slumped in bitter disappointment, and you turned back to the group watching you, "I don't think this is working."
"Keep going!" Kiri exclaimed amongst the acclamations of her siblings.
This was humiliating. 
"Please, they are all leaving!" You pouted slightly, pleading with Eywa that they'll let you off the hook and allow you to return.
Suddenly, Neteyam's eyes widened, his body lurching forward and his hands anxiously clasping the mossy branch in front of him, "Watch out!"
A hiss sounded behind you, and you released a shriek as you dove away from the sound and rolled to face the creature that had chosen you as its target. The admittedly gorgeous banshee stepped towards you, a menacing look in its eye as it screeched in your face, sharp teeth bared.
"Took your time, didn't you?" You taunted, standing to face the creature before hissing at it. The two of you circled each other before it dove forward, and you skillfully manoeuvred out of the way to avoid its razor-sharp fangs. Finally, you grabbed its head, wrapping both arms and legs around its neck to attempt to control it.
"Fight it!" Lo'ak screamed.
"Make the bond!" Kiri joined.
You grappled with the mighty reptile as it fought back viciously, but you somehow found the strength to overpower it and connect your queues. Immediately the ikran calmed, and you felt the bond you formed with the creature deep in your bones. A gleeful laugh escaped your throat as your ikran stood slowly with you on its back.
Neteyam breathed a sigh of relief, releasing the iron grip he had on the flora around him. Lo'ak only laughed, playfully punching his brother's shoulder, "I told you they could do it, Neteyam."
Kiri wasted no time and leapt over the rocks to meet you, her siblings in tow.
"You must fly now to seal the bond," she proclaimed.
"You've got this. It's like an ilu. Just no water," Lo'ak said cheekily.
You turned to Neteyam, who was now carrying Tuk on his back, "Trust yourself. We'll be right behind you."
You nodded, breathing deep and turning to face the cliff, staring at the sky ahead. And when you felt that both you and your banshee were ready, you commanded it to fly.
It jerked suddenly, and you released a loud shriek as it nosedived off the mountain. Your body lifted off its back until the only thing keeping you connected was your iron grip on its antennae (and your prayers). Just as you managed to pull back and get the ikran to glide straight, it flew directly into a waterfall, stunning you and making you lose focus. The poor animal tried its best to fly but panicked once again, fluttered directly into a cliffside, then up and down... and up and down again. It would have been an understatement to say you were doing terribly, and the harder you tried to gain control, the harder it was.
"(Y/N)!" You turned to the sound of your name being called to see Lo'ak to your left on his own ikran, "Steady! Stay calm, and your ikran will listen!"
Taking deep breaths, you tried your best to focus on the sound of Lo'ak speaking and calm yourself down. To your delight, eventually your ikran levelled out, soaring straight.
"Yes, (Y/N)! You're flying!" An adorable, excited voice cheered. You turned to your right to see Tuk hanging on Neteyam's back as he flew his ikran. Neteyam wore a huge, proud smile, and he whooped along with his little sister.
Behind you was Kiri on her ikran, one arm in the air as she bellowed excitedly. A proud smile took over your face, and you let out an enthusiastic trill, your friends joining you.
When it was apparent that you had your flying under control, Neteyam spoke up, "Follow me! I'll take us somewhere you will not believe."
"You did what?!" Neytiri hissed. The five of you stood in a row in front of her, gazes lowered and ears pointing back in shame.
"Their parents trust us to look after them for three days, and you take them to do one of the most dangerous things they could have done here?" Jake joined, primarily lecturing his two sons, who he knew were most likely the instigators.
Lo'ak huffed, "They're fine, though."
"Yes, I am fine-"
"They could have died!" Neytiri yelled, "And you took Tuk with you? What were you thinking?!"
You were silly to even try to get a word in. There would clearly not be any winning this argument, so you all hung your heads in shame and accepted the lecture.
"-and no more causing trouble. For the one day (Y/N) has left here. Can you do that?" Jake concluded.
You all answered with obedient "Yes sir"s before moping away in silence.
When you were far enough away from the two adults, you finally let out the giggle you had been holding back, and the others joined in.
"So worth it."
a/n: currently working on some requests :) thank you to everyone who has been giving attention to my posts and sending in requests, it makes me so happy! i’m seeing avatar 2 again tomorrow so hopefully it will strike some inspiration again <3
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lollytea · 6 months
(About the Dana post)
Like he's holding a clipboard! I'm willing to bet Willow just slid under him with some encouraging chant to hype up the team, and Hunter just went "ah yes spot for me"
What if I explode
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YEAHHHHH!!! Talking about this sketch and the implications makes me very unwell. Also the little gesture of happily resting his chin in her palm is just like something a sweet doggy would do before looking up at you with confused yet earnest eyes and then wagging his tail hopefully. He's so doggy like to me. Do you know what I mean? You know what I mean <333
Agsbdjnk the clipboard. A silly little sketch but with visual storytelling. It's absolutely tryouts or something similar. I imagine that Willow is the only EE player that is dedicated to playing longterm while the others have a lot of fun during their time on the team but eventually move on to other ventures after a year or two. Once Boscha improves her behaviour after FTF, I could see Skara wanting to return to playing grudgby. She seemed to really love it. So Willow and Hunter are on the ball near immediately to find a replacement. And with the Flyer Derby renaissance Willow has lowkey started at Hexside, there's a way bigger turn out than the last time she needed recruits.
Judging by Hunter's level of relaxed contentment and Willow not giving it much notice, a good chunk of time has passed since the events of W&D. They're very attuned to each other, having probably been joined at the hip for a while now.
(We're gonna ignore the fact that Hunter doesn't have his post TTT scars. Presumably Dana just forgot agsbdjk.)
Definitely post grom I imagine. If you compare Hunter's body language in both pics
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In the left pic, I don't think he's unwilling to be touched. He's definitely excited about wherever the FUCK this is going. But he looks stiff and his smile is twitchy, clearly nervous. Which implies that he's not that used to Willow being so touchy with him and he's a little out of his depth. My headcanon is that grom was when they officially got together, after months of situationship shenanigans. With that little idea in mind, this is just the beginning of their relationship.
When it comes to the pic on the right, I imagine it's also quite early in the dating stage. Early enough that they've only just broached the exciting world of more intimately affectionate touches. Which Hunter has evidently not built up an immunity to yet. Still melts every time.
Yeah that is definitely a boy who has only been in a relationship long enough to discover that he loves the feeling of his face being held, but also a boy who's so comfortable in his relationship that he's not shy about seeking out affection when he wants it. Even in public.
So he's still swoony but not shy about it anymore. So I'd say a few weeks-a month or two into dating.
(Also the haircuts align with this little timeline I've made up in my head. Willow has cut her hair short for grom, while it's in the season 2 short stubby braids during tryouts. So it HAS grown out but only a little. Meanwhile Hunter's hair has grown out a bit during grom, but looks recently trimmed during tryouts. There's no real significance to this. I watched a Dana livestream once where she said she'd rather just draw short hair Hunter because the long hair noodle is annoying to draw. But asgbknk! I like to make up implications where there are none. Anyway my hc is that Willow and Hunter do not just decide on a signature hair length and keep it forever. They spend the next three years bouncing back and forth between long and short styles.)
ANYWAY Willow is absolutely hyping Hunter the fuck up as the Golden Star of her team!! The best and the brightest!! Her pride and joy as a Captain. The purpose is to get the candidates all excited to do their best to get a spot on this epic team so they can play alongside him, but Hunter misinterprets Willow's praise as sweet talk and smiles and blushes appropriately.
Agsbdjnk it's so funny. He totally understood that the goal was to get their potential players PUMPED and he was excellently playing along with riling them up. But that glowing review of his character distracted him and now he thinks they're flirting. So the super cool badass disposition he had adapted for the newbies was promptly thrown out the window because hehehehe my girlfriend is so nice to me 🥰 Bro has forgotten where he is. Head empty.
So when Willow juts out a hand to aggressively present ✨️Him✨️ to the audience, Hunter's already gooey brain just says put chin in hand because sweet girl soft girl my girl.
Willow is a little thrown off but when she feels the weight of his face but just rolls with it and keeps going. She even gives him an affectionate little caress. I think she recognizes that he's misunderstood the tone a bit and has decided to not tell him. He usually gets very embarrassed when its pointed out that he's made a social error and she doesn't wanna do that to him. It's harmless and its cute, who cares? He's a little confused but he's got the spirit.
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midnightmayhem13 · 11 months
hi! do you think you can do something where maria confesses her feelings after seeing r get flirted with by someone? basically a jealous maria confessing her feelings lol
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But I love you more
ofc i can, i love this submission! ty and enjoy🩶
maria hill x reader; bff nat, yucky men, hint of angst?, jealous maria❕fluffy at the end
while maria kept a cold and professional composure around everyone, you were her only exception.
around you, she could be maria, not agent hill or commander of shield. she was soft around you, gental and sweet with you.
you two had gotten close ever since you met. you broke her walls and she fell for you. there was something about you that she let herself fall for you. she wanted to love you. you reciprocated the feelings. and while maria was literally the maria hill one of the best spy and agent in the world, she didn't think you liked her back.
but oh was the feeling incredibly mutual. and you would've told her if you weren't just a little bit intimidated by her. you had to admit, she scared you when you first met. but that's exactly why you fell for her. seeing a woman in power was refreshing.
since maria's feelings of you were getting stronger by the day, she grew protective of you. as if you were hers. you both so desperately wanted that to be true but it unfortunately wasn't the truth yet. but she couldn't help it. when sam or any of the guys would flirt with you she'd send them off claiming it was just a coincidence they were needed whenever nat blamed her for getting jealous.
nat was a close friend to both of you. she knew both of you liked the other and encouraged you two to ask eachother out. she wouldn't pry but she was a big supporter of you two.
and you were an incredibly beautiful women. you could have anyone you wanted and maria was aware of that. there was always eyes on you, compliments and flirtatious remarks constantly came your way. maria was just another of your 'admirers'.
little did hill know that she was the only one that could ever have your heart. you wished she would be the one flirting with you or asking you out. you tried to get over her but soon figured it was impossible. she seemed to avoid you when she saw someone flirted with you. was it something you did? your thoughts got the best of you 'does she think i'm a whore?' you shook the idea from your head deciding to do the best you could and try to talk to her.
she couldn't hold a grudge on you for very long. she easily started talking to you again. she never got mad at you. she was jealous. she thought if she avoided you it would go away, it didn't.
tony decided to host a gala. it was an anniversary for the battle of new york. you attended by force but you enjoyed his shenanigans. maria also attended, only after nat told her you would be there.
you looked absolutely stunning to maria. well to everyone there. but you only ever wondered if maria thought you looked good.
you couldn't take your eyes of maria. she looked so so yummy. (yes, yummy, cobie smulders is yummy)
as expected you got hit on by various people, that weren't maria. a few women came up to maria but she was too busy watching you like a hawk to acknowledge their presence.
you politely rejected them saying you weren't interested. most were understanding but there was one man, of course, that didn't understand no.
maria watched you from the bar she was leaning on.
"you're gonna let him sweet talk your girl, hill?" nat asked with a smirk pouring two shots.
"shut it romanoff" maria exhaled, angrily downing the liquid.
her jaw clenched as she watched you. letting out unconscious groans as she watched the drunk man try to make advances on you. she almost broke the shot glass in her hand when his hand went to your hip. she had enough
"cmon mama, have some fun with me tonight" his voice laced with a think accent. he was okay looking, he wasn't your maria though. he was definitely too pushy for your liking either way.
"i said no. get off of me." you shoved him away, you could easily take him right now. you didn't want to cause attention. but when he tried to grind on you to the music, you were tempted to beat the shit out of him.
"get the fuck off of her"
it was none other than your maria. she pulled him from the collar.
"or what bitch?" he challenged. this couldn't end well. at the blink of an eye maria's fist went to his face. easily breaking his nose.
"get out of my sight." maria said angrily, hoping he'd leave before she lost her patience. of course he left, thank god.
maria turned to you, face and body completely softening by the sight of you. anger turning to adoration and worry. "are you okay? did he hurt you?" she worried holding your face with one hand and your hand in the other.
you pushed her off. "why do you care?" you said walking away to the balcony. okay obviously you were in love with her and she was your knight in shining amour, but she chased everyone one away yet never asked you on a date? you couldn't help but get annoyed.
she followed your quick feet. soon standing with you on the balcony.
"what?" maria was confused. did you genuinely want that thing of a man?
"don't protect me like you want me." you said fighting off tears. if she didn't want you why was she fighting anyone else who did. "don't act like you want me"
confusion and sadness was written all over maria face "what the hell are you talking about?" you're all maria ever dreamed of having.
"you chase everyone who flirts with me away but won't ask me on a date! what the hell do you think i'm talking about!" you were mad. how could she play with you like this.
maria froze. you wanted her to ask you on a date? maria never thought her feelings would be reciprocated. she eventually came back to the present. she had hesitated as you yelled and were now waiting for a response. you went to walk away as she didn't respond.
"i'm in love with you god damn it!" you turned, shocked by what you just heard "wha-" " i scare anyone who wants you because i get jealous alright? because i want you! i want to be the one kissing you and holding you at night and come home to you. i can't stand to see anyone flirting with you because that could be me! i'm jealous i cant call you mine."
now it was your turn to freeze and stare. you thought you were dreaming. maria, wanted you?
"hey i'm sorry it all just came out-" maria was cut off by your lips on hers. your all she ever wanted, and she was all you could ever want.
she immediately wrapped her hands around your waist and kissed you desperately. the kiss became heated as she took over.
when air became a problem, you pulled away. her lips chasing yours. your eyes were still closed, lips parted. you giggled, not believing what just happened. maria did the same letting out a breathy laugh. pulling you closer while squeezing your ass. maybe you two were a little tipsy.
"friday at 7 me and you?" maria asked looking at you lovingly.
"obviously hill" you laughed laying you head on her chest. she was tall, taller than you. she smelled elegant and felt warm. she grounded you and held you close.
the morning after she woke up with you in her arms. you really were a miracle to her. she whispered a hushed 'i love you' before placing kisses all over your neck and face. kissing all the marks she left last night.
her arms around your bare waist. hands once again exploring your body and carefully stroking your breast before giving it a soft squeeze.
"morning angel face" she mumbled into your neck as you stirred awake. you turned around and held her neck kissing her softly and deeply. "good morning my love." you teased smiling. scratching her scalp through her hair softly.
maria melted at the sweet name and gesture. making a cute flustered sound and hiding herself in her neck.
you pulled her away holding her head gingerly. pecking her lips once, twice, then three times. she smiled. not being able to believe how lucky she was
"i love you too"
MARIA HILL POOKIE BAE FOREVER✊ she never die. anyways bye🩶
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queenofallimagines · 11 months
Hi! This is literally my first time requesting anything ( I couldn’t see if your requests were closed or not but if they are please ignore this), but I would like to request daisuga x first year (black) reader please? :)
Also, I love your blog! It’s so hard to find people who make hcs for black people so when I found you I was sooo excited :) love you, and have a great day!
This has so much flavor anon ily🥹
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- this is the funniest relationship ever congratulations
- Bc not only are you dating two third years daichi is constantly tired of you and suga’s shenanigans
- Suga can run w the best of em I fear so daichi is left in the dark when y’all start acting goofy 😭
- “No bc I’m not about to let her shenan😒”
- “???? What?”
- “Daichi keep up🙄🙄Bc if you let ‘em shenan once best believe they gon shenanigan!”
- He’s stressed!!
- Suga is just as chaotic as noya and hinata so he can be the mom friend but in more of a wine aunt “get they ass!!” Type way
- And he’s very “if you do it imma do it too” so god help whoever starts shit w you be he’s got your follow up💀
- Daichi making sure you do your homework
- Constantly pestering you to sleep and heat healthy too
- Likes bringing you to vollyball practice buuuut highkey lowkey you a distraction
- Noya and Tanaka asking you how you managed to pull them both and also you’re just really chill to hang with
- Hinata and kageyama have huge little sibling energy even tho your in the same year
- Putting tsukishima in his place Lmaoo
- Y’all gossip buddies sorry don’t make the rules he’s the devil on your shoulder encouraging you to be meaner
- “Drag them👀”
- Plus you’re besties w asahi by proxy so you get along w the whole team
- Sticking up for asahi to stress out daichi more>>>
- “Leave that little guy alone!!”
- “LITTLE HES LIKE 6”2????”
- Sleeping over at sugas house and cuddling is like the best past time activity
- he has a bonnet you left there that he keeps when you come over
- we will NOT let you put in on yourself he will put in in you like a crown lmao
- daichi gets jealous bc he insists on doing it every time you guys sleep together
- will oil and braid your hair up for bed
- I feel like daichi is really good at helping with your hair
-if you get either of them a durag as a joke they will wear them seriously and not take them off
- Along with working out!
- Daichi will definitely not let you ogle him and suga as they workout so you’re gunna be sweating too
- Which suga will definitely pull a “let me help you get in the right position” to feel you up
- He’s definitely shameless about how attracted he is to you like he’s NOT ashamed to show that he’s with two hot people
- Daichi is more reserved to where PDA is just holding hands, head pats and cheek kisses
- Really makes it look like you guys are just really good friends but will say your his partner without hesitation
- Suga is going around parading how hot his two partners are and how he’s the luckiest guy in the world
- Planning your wedding as we speak tbh
- Daichi was trying to bite his tongue when two classmates were making jokes about how he’s a third wheel and suga and you will ditch him and start dating
- Like at first he was like lmao you have no idea
- But they’re were really trying to make him insecure
- To which he goes
- “ACTUALLY both of my partners make sure to spare equal amounts of their time with me”
- Like he will subtly flex his relationship if people want to act up
- Suga will show up to your classroom to collect you for lunch lmao
- Everyone is all shook bc this super pretty third year shows up and he’s the volleyball teams setter?
- And he’s like “I’m here to get you so we can eat lunch together💕”
- Lmao he will embarrass you by being so sweet
- Asahi praying for you tbh bc you have to put up w both of them at once
- Also hope you don’t have any classes w tsuki bc he will “go as your boyfriends” YOU TO DEATH!!
- “Hey kei can I borrow a pencil?”
- “You can’t go ask your boyfriends if they have one??”
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lale-txt · 1 year
✱ 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐨𝐧𝐥𝐲 𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐝..
where you travel with your friend and your favorite trope comes to life
↳ 𝐰/ 𝐊𝐢𝐤𝐮, 𝐃𝐞𝐧𝐣𝐢𝐫𝐨 & 𝐘𝐚𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐨
a/n: slowly getting back into reworking and reposting older stuff as i work on my trades and requests (´⌣`ʃƪ) i'm so weak for all three of them (not just because of my raging size kink). Wano just introduced us to so many good chars, it's wild. holding them gently in my palm with little hearts floating around my head
word count: 1.1k
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Kiku and you actually don’t mind the bed situation, but almost get into a fight because both of you insist that the other one takes the bed
you give in when she draws her sword (no questions were asked why she is bringing her sword on a regular road trip, you just roll with it) and threatens you to take the damn bed
her smile is sweet but her eyes definitely say murder
you flop down on the bed and pat next to you, inviting her to join you
“see? there’s actually plenty of space for both of us. the blanket seems rather small though, so if you don’t mind some cuddling at night…”
she doesn’t, moreover, she initiates it
at first you freeze when she wraps her arms around you from behind, spooning you, then you let yourself sink deeper into her hug, enjoying the comfort of her warmth
you can’t fully relax though because whenever you close your eyes, you see the face of her brother, threatening you with a gun because how dare you touch his perfect little sister
your therapist will definitely hear about this 
but for now you’re happy, turning around so you can look into her beautiful eyes in the dim bedroom light
you cup her face, your thumb brushing the soft skin of her cheeks as she smiles, a smile so pretty it feels like a stake straight through your heart
wow, you really are in love huh? why else would there be so many butterflies all of sudden? why does being in her arms feel the safest you have been? 
the two of you have some soft and sweet pillow talk, too giggly to fall asleep, spilling secrets in the dark
only when you run out of words, you both scoot closer and closer, subtle but enough so your lips can find each other, sweet kisses fluttering all over your face, whispered confessions in your open mouth until the morning comes and you walk hand in hand out of that fateful hotel room
“oh well. you can have the bed, i don’t sleep that much during the night anyway.”
which is in fact, true. he naps often and everywhere because he’s usually up all night, robbing the rich and causing arson
tonight is no exception, just a little different from his usual shenanigans 
Denjiro would probably bargain with the owners of the hotel first to get you both a big discount on the room since it’s not what you booked
you can hear him going full “i want to speak the manager” on the poor staff downstairs
he’ll come back in the room with a big grin and a bag full of cold hard cash, his fox eyes looking feisty
“let’s party”
he encourages you to go wild on the room service, ordering everything your heart desires as long as you get him some sake too
you still end up in the same bed together, watching reality tv shows all night while feeding each other the most delicious stuff the room service carried in on a dozen silver tablets
cuddled up against him, you can’t help but think that maybe sharing a bed with him isn’t that bad…?
and judging from the way he holds you close, dozing off every now and then, Denjiro seems to be comfortable too
you snuggle closer against him when he pulls you into his lap, your head resting against his broad chest, his arms wrapped around you
“want to order some dessert, too?”
his voice is close to your ear, sending warm shivers down your spine
you tilt your head back to look him in the eyes, returning the wide smile as you reach for his long blue hair that’s falling over his shoulders
“i think there’s something sweet in the room already that i want to taste…”
yes you kiss <3
you both stand in front of the queen sized bed, hands on the hips as you both shrug at each other
you’re friends, right? no big deal sharing the same bed, friends do that all the time
still, you can’t deny that your heart is skipping a few beats by the thought of it
Yamato initiates a pillow fight when he notices the slight tension and accidentally knocks you out when a pillow hits you directly in the face
quickly grabs your soul leaving your body and stuffs it right back in
when you regain your consciousness again, Yamato is leaning over you, carefully dabbing your face with a cold towel, his worried face brightening up when he sees your eyes fluttering open again
he apologizes a thousand times on his knees (poor boy sometimes forgets how strong he is) and begs for forgiveness
he even offers to sleep in the bathtub tonight to make up for it, so you can enjoy the bed all for yourself
you can’t help but giggle from the thought of Yamato trying to fit all his long limbs into the tiny tub and you can see the relief on his face when he realizes that you’re not mad at him
“i accept your apology. to make up for it, you could let me lay in your lap and run your fingers through my hair…?”
guess three seconds of feeling brave really pay off because Yamato is so fast to jump into bed with you, building a tiny fort of pillows around you both before he pats into his lap, gesturing you to lay down
if you could purr, you would right now because Yamato’s fingers make you feel things
you’re chatting about all the things you want to do on your vacation but you can’t fully concentrate on the conversation because your heart is drumming so loud in your chest, you fear it might just jump out 
only when you suggest to switch positions so you can pet Yamato too, your faces are coming awfully close to each other, your hands touching, and just like that the last remaining inch between your lips is gone as you sink into a deep kiss that takes your breath away
every time people ask how you two got together, the story will start with a “and there was only one bed”
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kiribread · 29 days
Headcannon time?! >:)))
so uh since it's been a while since I've actually drawn edgeshot I thought I would do some general headcannons on him! I did a similar post to this when I had JUST started posting and may've done another one like it so if any of these sound familiar that's why.
Some slight manga spoilers ahead
I'm pretty sure it's obvious that's he's on the introvert side of things but I also feel like he's a huge people pleaser by nature.
Before he gave me a daddy issues now he just gives me general parent issues and undiagnosed autism
Emotionally absent mom perhaps?
He could be in a room for like 5 minuets with someone and can pretty accurately diagnose them with whatever mental/physical problem they have and encourage them to get treatment for it but he's one of those guys that refuses to get treated himself
a mom/therapist friend tm
I feel like he got really good grades in school (mainly for the academic validation) and even went to college
He went to college for some sort of medical training probably something like paramedics or ER doctor
While in high school him interning under Recovery girl gives me life <3333
During his 3rd year I could see him taking over for Recovery girl on occasion so she could have a well deserved break
Also, I don't know why but for some reason he gives me oopsy single dad vibes? Like a random baby that he knew nothing about showing up on his door step like" 🧍‍♂️ ok."
He loves that lil girl to death in back though <33333
He always knew he wanted kids in the future so he was pretty happy despite him thinking it was too early for him to be a dad (I'm thinking he was about 19-21 when this happened.)
He does feel pretty guilty often since he can't spend as much time with her as he would like to due to work (this didn't mix well with being a workaholic)
The decision to become a hero was a last second decision on his part he originally wanted to be a full time doctor
What could've changed his mind could be that he either was or he saved someone and inspired him to at least give it a try
I also think he could've considered therapy as a possible option as well
while he was genuinely impressed with Kamui woods during that raid with it being one of the main reasons for the team up one of the other main reasons was that he was a little lonely and thought he be a cool friend <3333. The only reason anyone knows that is bc he got hit by some confession quirk on duty... Kamui cried.
Him and mt lady i feel like sass eachother a lot.
Also probably help straighten her out a bit more.
Was perfectly ok with leaving the media up to mt lady. (Neither him or kamui were particularly fond of doing so.)
Definitely a good cook
I could just be biased bc i like salmon but i feel like he makes some GOOD salmon dishes.
Also definitely eats very healthy.
Won't pass up a good pizza though.
Before I thought that he'd be a huge naruto fan but now I think it'd be hilarious if everyone assumes he is but in reality he never seen a single episode.
He was thinking of watching it but got spoiled on pretty much the entire plot so he decided against it.
He met jeanist when jeanist noticed Edgeshot patching up his jacket during lunch time.
It was jeanist's idea to start the textiles club and Edgeshot was just dragged right along with it.
Many shenanigans happen there.
Edgeshot overall is pretty artsy and likes to try a bit of everything.
He particular likes pen & ink, ceramics, and digital art.
Also enjoys trying other hobbies out like gardening and hiking.
Participated in gymnastics till he got to ua were he used it to train.
Was really good at it but didn't care for the competition part of it.
used to be super cuddly as a kid but has moved away from that and is now picky of who touches him.
People he is close to he does allow them to snuggle up with him.
Likes flattening himself like a blanket and cuddling with people then.
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hecatesbroom · 2 months
This is very silly but modern AU where everything is the same somehow (who needs logical timelines) except its now. Mainly because I think it's very funny to imagine Dorothy having no social media ever and being very I Do Not Care about it, Sophia somehow has an ebay account for shenanigans, Rose mostly posts fun facts about St Olaf and motivational quotes and animal pics, Blanche has a popular fashion account which becomes even more popular when Dorothy accidentally keeps ending up in the background of some of her outfit pics (or maybe Blanche just posts some cute pics) and her followers start trying to figure out who she is and if they're married bevause they obviously live together. (The way Blanche saying she's my roommate just sounds like the most cliche old cover story 😭) (Rose would always reply to Blanche's posts with compliments, she also misunderstands people's comments and it's Lesbian Lovers of Miami 2.0 on instagram)
Anon, you're a genius!! You're spot on for all of them. Also- have you considered the idea of Rose making videos about baking (specialized in authentic Viking recipes!) with voiceovers in which she always ends up going on a tangent about St Olaf. You never get the full recipe or instructions from her because she inevitably ends up getting distracted by Mr Hurkenfurgel from next door, who mixed horse droppings in his puddings and everyone loved them for years and kept begging him for the recipe, until, after years of pestering, he finally gave in and told them the secret ingredient and-- whoops, sorry everyone, it seems like that's all for today! Tune in for more Viking recipes with Rose next week!
I can only imagine the shenanigans Sophia gets up to with her ebay account lmao. Stuff can and will go missing from the house, I'm sure.
Blanche's popular fashion account getting even more popular when Dorothy ""accidentally"" ends up there is perfect omg. I'm sure Blanche ends up including Dorothy in the background on purpose at some point, and will definitely encourage the rumours flying around about her and Dorothy!
Dorothy makes an instagram at some point to pointedly deny any and all accusations about her and Blanche because she's so fed up with it, ends up with 10k followers in under a week (thanks to Blanche) and obviously only adds fuel to the fire. She deletes the app out of sheer frustration and pretends she never even heard of instagram after that. (but keeps glancing over Rose and Blanche's shoulders when she thinks they won't notice, just to check what people are saying about her and Blanche -- and eventually Rose -- now.)
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phoenixyfriend · 2 years
[rotates a fic concept based on a Frozen fic I read years ago]
(I'll link the fic and explain the premise a the bottom of the post. If you've read Ghost on the Wire, that's my inspo. If you haven't, check the bottom for the summary.) Easy option for the AU in question is Domino twins because [gestures at Echo], buuuuuuuuuuuut I think it would be interesting with Anakin as the kidnapped experiment sibling and Obi-Wan finding him years later.
Ahsoka, age 12, is the padawan to Obi-Wan Kenobi, who lost his first padawan seven years ago and has been in mourning and self-doubt since; everyone thinks it's a miracle that he took her on, and she tries not to rock the boat because what if he decides he's not ready for another kid after all?
She's got a weird friend online that… well, if she complains about a senator or a mission, this person hunts down files pointing to questionable behavior by said senators and then dumps them in the Jedi's evidence box.
Since they're anonymously provided, the Jedi can legally use them to gain warrants, etc, because even if the law was broken to achieve it, they didn't do anything illegal, pay anyone to do anything illegal, or encourage anyone to do the illegal thing.
Obi-Wan takes a bit longer than he should to catch on to Ahsoka having a definitely criminal online friend, but decides to allow it so long as she lets him monitor interactions with this one specific person. He realizes that Ahsoka's random mentions of details coincide with certain infodumps, which Ahsoka wouldn't know because she's not privy to the fact that said data dumps happened at all.
War breaks out. Obi-Wan is frequently in a panic, because he already had one underage padawan die under his watch, and he's terrified of it happening again.
Various shenanigans, Ahsoka keeps up correspondence with her friend but it's much more heavily monitored now, in case of security violations. The friend still gives her heads up about suspected Separatist activity based on algorithmic analysis of shipping patterns and the like.
The friend tells Ahsoka he's in trouble. He needs help. Given the amount of information he's been giving the Jedi, they can consider him a confidential criminal informant that needs extraction and could continue being useful (important so they can justify using military resources when the Senate asks about budget expenditures).
They find Anakin, in a very similar setup to S7 Echo
Obi-Wan is. Not okay.
Ahsoka is freaked out by Anakin's physical state but fuck it! Friend! He needs medical help and he's really not exactly cognizant of the world around him.
Get him back to the ship. Get back to the Temple. Get him some medical help.
Figure out what the fuck is going on.
Turns out Anakin was captured on Sidious's orders when he was like... IDK ten. And then underwent experiments under the supervision of the Sith Lord. He still doesn't know who the Sith is, because Sidious saw his chatting with Ahsoka and only allowed it for as long as it wasn't anything too damaging, which means it was all either something that benefited Sidious, or something Anakin only barely managed to hide inside larger data packets (including his final request for help; he's gotten much better at cyber security on his own brain over the years).
But Sidious never did let Anakin know what his real identity is.
IDK where this goes but I do know Anakin is incredibly insistent on helping Ahsoka and the Jedi, and also that Obi-Wan cries on Anakin a lot.
He definitely would NOT be allowed out in the field, into battle, because the amount of physical therapy he needs. Immense. But he's probably with the 501st and 212th as their main data analyst/strategic dude? In this situation, the 501st doesn't technically have a Jedi, they're just a legion under the larger command of Obi-Wan and Cody, with their direct CO being Yularen, but Ahsoka's paired up with them regularly and she is honorary Jedi for the legion and everyone expects to get her officially once she's knighted, if the war lasts that long.
I do know that he chose Ahsoka to befriend because he had a vision of her becoming Obi-Wan's padawan a few years before it happened and went OH. BABY SISTER.
Any fic on this topic would have a heavy focus on Anakin's experiences with disability and recovery.
I feel like, while he can recover from a lot of the muscle atrophy etc, he probably has permanent damage to his bones and general health. He needs mobility aids, maybe a service animal to keep an eye on his physical state. Possibly epilepsy, since there was so much done to him neurologically. He definitely sleeps more than most people, has a very specific dietary plan, and relies a lot on the Force for things like getting things off of shelves.
A lot of this fic would by necessity happen with Anakin in a medical pod, communicating either in chat format or with a speaker. Possibly projected as a hologram approximation of himself despite the real body being in the pod.
Especially early on, he really is just text chat, before the war starts.
I think for the first few months of the war, when Anakin is still just a criminal internet friend Ahsoka happens to have, there are a lot of instances of him slicing into her comm during a mission and offering directions or information while she's like. Three quarters of a mile into a sewage system infil.
He's been on mute this entire time, but someone asks if the others remember which way to go, and he just pops up with "turn left."
It's the first time Ahsoka's ever heard his voice (or rather, an approximation of what he thinks he'd sound like at this age using some synthesizers normally used for waiter droids,) and it scares the crap out of her.
He wants to tease his baby sister! Sure she doesn't know she's his baby sister yet. But it's his obligation as a big brother.
They spend most of those months thinking he's some super cool slicer in a basement lair with eight screens and a bottle of orange soda and, basically, they're imagining Hardison from Leverage.
It's uhhhhh not quite that.
I think Ahsoka's a little betrayed at first that Anakin didn't tell her who he was, but she gets over it in favor of THIS IS MY FAVORITE PERSON LOOK HOW COOL HE IS pretty quickly
"It's my older brother's birthday and if everybody doesn't clap for him I'm going to blow up this entire ship."
Ahsoka: I'm gonna rob a BANK and Skyguy's gonna help! Obi-Wan: Ahsoka please he's still reco-- Anakin: DAMN RIGHT I AM where are we going
A whole lot of the emotional core would be the development for Anakin and Obi-Wan in a context where one's been mourning the other for so many years, and feels guilt for accepting his death instead of searching for him, even though he had evidence of Anakin's death (like "Sidious used Anakin's DNA to feign an accurate corpse burnt to a crisp" levels of evidence).
Obviously, there needs to be a heavy plot regarding figuring who took Anakin, why they did what they did, and whether there's any way to find them again.
I think the Domino twins steal Anakin for shenanigans of their own regularly, in part because they were usually the two with Ahsoka when Anakin popped up and started offering advice unasked.
IDK how I want to do the Rex&Anakin dynamic. That part's still percolating.
I do think Obi-Wan is very… delicate with him? He fusses. Anakin appreciates the part where Obi-Wan regularly tells him he's proud and loves him, but he's quickly very irritated by Obi-Wan treating him like he's made of glass.
Obi-Wan, however, is much more emotionally delicate than in canon, because he lost his master and his padawan within two or so years of each other, and blames himself for both. Part of him is convinced that Anakin also blames him.
(And part of Anakin… does.)
(For giving up on him, instead of searching for him even after evidence of his death came up.)
(Even though he knows, from conversations with Ahsoka before he revealed his identity, that Obi-Wan mourned him for years upon years before he took another student)
There's probably a specific medic whose job is at least 25% "Skywalker stuff."
I feel like it's easy to assign Kix to be Anakin's primary medic (there's a Jedi back at the Temple that's in constant contact) BUT I think it would make sense for there to be someone on hand as an assistant for the day to day, since he's on a military vessel and most of it isn't built in a way that's easy for him to navigate, especially with the Force, so I think it would be interesting to have Dogma assigned as Anakin's temporary care aide.
He's definitely someone who'd thrive on having a detailed list of Things That Need Doing, for a Jedi that has trouble remembering to take the medication that Kix said he needed, or to eat, or what have you.
And Anakin would. Probably have Dogma help him break many laws and regulations. Could be good for him.
Anakin: I want some hot chocolate. Dogma: That's not on the list Kix gave me. Anakin: But I want it. Dogma: ... Anakin: [starts levitating ingredients] Dogma, vibrating and maybe tearing up a bit: SIR PLEASE--
(Obi-Wan can be convinced to give him the hot chocolate. His brain is just going Baby Boy. Baby.)
Dogma makes so many calls to Kix for help keeping Skywalker alive.
Someone suggested he get an exoskeleton-style aid (think Rhodey post-CACW), but I think he does prefer more mundane mobility aids. Like, he's been forcibly teched up for… eight years? It's nice to have something that's just. Not that.
It's a chair with a motor. It's crutches with special padding. It's the Force, sometimes. Yeah he could take a shot at complex external support, but... he'd rather stick with the basics.
It's also like. A separation thing? He still uses his neurological hookup to do data analysis and slicing for the GAR and the Jedi (even though he was told MANY times that he doesn't have to and everyone would like it very much if he just stayed home at the Temple and focused on recovering), but he'd like to be able to ditch the complex tech stuff by choice when he's not at work.
I think Anakin puts a lot of stock in his ability to be useful. He'd want to 'detox' from it, so to speak, for a few months at a time very year or so. Just get out somewhere rural with lots of nature and a manageable number of people, and minimal tech. Regular missions with AgriCorps, maybe.
But he'd still think that, now that he has these skills and connections, it's irresponsible to not use them to help people.
I do not have the energy to write this out as an entire epic, which it probably deserves, but. Concept.
The Frozen fic was ghost on the wire.
Cyberpunk AU. Major element is that some people get neurological hook-ups to the internet and slowly get addicted to it to the point where they lose themselves to it (think the dream addicts in Inception, I guess?) The parents had died early on, and the sisters had been split up Anna made friends with a weirdo online, used this friendship to investigate the suspicious deaths of the parents. Weirdo is an insanely good hacker. Goes on a Recovery mission for the weirdo. Turns out the weirdo is actually Elsa, who was forcibly hooked up to the internet as a weapon? Ish? IDK she's a mega-useful hacker but she's been trapped in a medical pod thing for the past however many years and can't walk. Can barely talk, and regularly gets back inside a medical pod due to the lack of motor function and medical instability, and she needs to speak clearly to plan Cool Heists for the conspiracy investigation.
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triviareads · 1 month
ARC Review of Isabel and the Rogue by Liana De la Rosa
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Rating: 4.25/5 Heat Level: 3.5/5 Publication Date: June 4th
Isabel Luna is conscripted by Mexican officials to spy on possible French sympathizers while she and her sisters are in exile in England. She keeps running into Captain Sirius Dawson, who is also tasked with a similar mission, and the two of them agree to work together despite Isabel being a bookish wallflower, and Sirius being a rake.
My review:
This book has everything I have wanted from recent historical romances: The characters are diverse and the heroine is a woman of color from Mexico who has indigenous ancestry, the plot is centered around political intrigue complete with spy shenanigans, it brings an international perspective beyond England, and the romance is the perfect blend of sweet and sexy.
There is no space for ignorance in Isabel and the Rogue; where other historical romances gloss over British colonialism and the imperialism of the era, this one confronts them head-on. The prevailing attitudes of the British upper-classes that we tend to blindly accept as historical romance readers do not escape the scrutiny of the Luna sisters. It's 1865, France has invaded Mexico, and President Juárez's government is in exile, which is why the Luna sisters are sent to safety in England. They face a great deal of judgement within the ton, and there's a conversation early on about the perception of anything non-European being "backwards" and English superiority. I recall a similar conversation in Ana María and the Fox where an equally ignorant white woman espouses racist and imperialist sentiments, and our heroines quickly set them straight.
There is another discussion during an event at the British Museum about priceless cultural artifacts and Britain's willingness to take them from their homes in the name of "protection", but far less willing to aid the people of these lands. As someone who has seen countless Indian artifacts behind the glass walls of the British Museum and the V&A among others, I don't think any of this comes across as preachy, but rather, I applaud how Liana De la Rosa was extremely pointed while writing these dialogues.
If the strong anti-imperialist themes weren't reason enough to engage with this book, I would also recommend it because of the romance itself. I really enjoyed the build-up between Sirius and Isabel; both are initially weary of each other— Isabel because the first time they met, Sirius was seducing another women on the desk she was hiding under (lol), and while Sirius does find Isabel attractive, he does not know her very well and nor does he receive much encouragement from her. Isabel considers herself the "forgotten" Luna sister, both as a point of pride and chagrin, and she uses this to conduct her spying activities. Sirius on the other hand uses his social acumen to charm men and women (especially women; you get the sense he actually isn't much of a rake at all and seduces mostly for the sake of his job) into getting him information for the Home Office.
Things start to heat up as they Sirius and Isabel both set their eyes on the same possible French sympathizer. What's really funny to me is just how much of an abject failure both of them are at espionage initially, BUT because they keep meeting while spying, they get to know one another a lot better. Add a suitor into the mix and what we get is an inordinately jealous Sirius, which leads to my favorite seduction scene in this book.
The sex:
SPEAKING of seduction, I loved the build-up in attraction between Sirius and Isabel; for all that Isabel is the shy, quiet sister, she certainly has no qualms about expressing her desire, starting with a classic STOP SQUIRMING moment while they both hide under a desk of the person they're spying on and she's in his lap. Obviously she doesn't stop, as she shouldn't. Liana De la Rosa has definitely increased the heat levels (and number of sex scenes I think) in this book compared to Ana María and the Fox.
They also have a thing for clandestine encounters because the next time they meet, he's dragging her into a back room in the British Museum and eating her out while demanding to know if she's actually into her suitor, a possible sympathizer, or she's just encouraging him for the sake of motherland. And look, Sirius might not be much of a rake, but he's a smooth smooth man who says things like "Do you need to be soothed? You know I can give you what you need" and I'm completely inclined to believe him, and so is Isabel.
I adored the note this book ended on; it wasn't what I was expecting but I thought what Sirius eventually does to reunite with Isabel was so romantic and pretty unique as far as historical romances go, since they tend to be very Britain-centric and fairly patriarchal. I would strongly recommend this book to any historical romance reader, and I'm looking forward to bratty-younger-sister-who-knows-way-more-than-she-should Gabby's romance with the Duke of Whitfield!
Thank you to Berkley Publishing and NetGalley for an advanced copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.
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(Trails of Cold Steel) Fie, Laura, Emma, Towa, and Sara with a hyper S/O
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Fie mostly remains her deadpan self. It serves as amusing contrast whenever someone looks at her and S/O.
Since she's used to dealing with the hurricanes that are Millium and her other classmates, she knows exactly how to handle them.
And that's mainly by indulging them with her stoic voice not budging an inch.
Though her smirk is evident as she eggs them on.
(Fie) "Yeah, it would be pretty funny if you scared Emma, S/O."
It does get a bit much for her sometimes, when she wants to nap, S/O bursts through the door and makes it very hard to do so.
At the same time, it brings a lot of joy into her life and a nice break from whatever serious business she was doing that day.
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Laura could barely deal with Millium, now she had an adult(debatably) version of them to deal with.
Honestly? She has no idea what to do with S/O other than get swept up.
(Laura) "S-S/O! Slow down, please!"
She constantly gets surprised by S/O leaping onto her. While she can carry them no problem, it's always the sheer shock of the ambush that almost has her dropn them.
Laura doesn't hesitate to tell S/O that they need to calm down, but most of the time she secretly enjoys their antics. This was a nice break from solely training her swordsmanship.
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Emma is about ready to have a heart attack whenever S/O gets out of sight, because that means they're planning something.
That heart rate of hers spikes if Millium is at all in the vicinity, because whatever it is will result in something chaotic.
(Emma) "Whew, so tired! Alright, now where did they go...?"
Although she doesn't say she does, Emma uses her magic to find them if her patience is starting to thin. Though she can now predict where they're going to scare her from just on instinct alone.
As much as it wears her down, it conversely gives her life to see how happy S/O is with them.
Having someone who just cares only about who you were and not what you were was a nice change of pace.
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Towa's S/O is her energy boost for the day.
The second S/O senses Towa overworking herself, they're quick to butt in, even if she insists that she can get it done without hurting herself.
Towa is usually swept off her feet, and much to her dismay, sometimes in front of the others.
(Towa) "S-S/O! Please, not in front of the students!"
Worst of all, everyone usually encourages it as S/O rushes to get her some food or whatever it is they're feeling that day.
Towa sighs and pouts, but she loves the doting S/O gives to her. Not that she'll say it, because she doesn't want to give them the satisfaction.
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Sara doesn't mind S/O's upbeat attitude as much as she thought.
It definitely beats a certain someone with a pole up their ass, but she never thought she'd know Claire's pain of trying to wrangle a wild-child.
Though given enough alcohol, and Sara will usually join them in their shenanigans.
(Sara) "Hang on, S/O. Not nearly drunk enough for this."
It brings her such life to watch the serious people in their lives try to deal with S/O.
Sometimes, Sara uses S/O on Major Michael to deal as much psychic damage as possible whenever he brings up her age.
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deepdeanvsweston · 6 months
Just a quick fun little Torchwood AU that I put no thought into!!! /s (these ideas have not left me alone and I have thought about this extensively and in detail)
If you're unfamiliar with Torchwood, it's a spinoff show from Doctor Who about an organisation on Earth who monitor and sometimes combat extra terrestrial activity. Think MI5 but with aliens.
- it's in the modern era
- Lucy and Felix are Torchwood too
- the rift is under London now
- so everything happens canonically, like Daisy and Hazel still experience and solve all the murders, Daisy still dies at the end of DSS
- and she like ACTUALLY dies. She drowns
- Felix is understandably Devastated, and goes to make some Unwise Decisions
- these involve ripping someone from the past through the rift and then putting their unlived energy from their time period into Daisy to revive her
- the person he takes from the past is from the 1930s. Guess who it is. It's Aleks!!!
- Felix pulls him through because he was reported missing, but noone was looking for him (sorry Aleks) and so Felix figures it's ok to pull him through
- (it gets a bit paradoxical because the only reason Aleks is reported missing in the first place is because Felix pulls him through the rift)
- Daisy and Aleks are now like. Lowkey connected because of this
- for example if Aleks died Daisy would too and sometimes they hear a very brief glimpse of the other's thoughts
- anyway Hazel and George saw Daisy die, like her body and everything, including in the morgue
- when Daisy comes back Hazel doesn't take it well, understandably, thinks she's fake and not the 'real Daisy'
- so they retcon her (which means they give her an amnesia pill) and leave her to grieve
- George is slightly more on board with everything and so gets to remember Daisy, but this makes him and Hazel drift apart because she can't understand why he doesn't seem as sad as her
- fast forward to when they're all adults (like 20ish)
- Daisy, George and Aleks are working at Torchwood, they were recruited
- Hazel's just out living her life, but she's a bit lonely, so Kitty drags her to a bar one night
- at the same time, Aleks is deemed to have learned enough about the 21st century to go out on his own, George encourages him to go to a bar and socialise
- Hazel and Aleks meet and really like each other, they fall in love blah blah blah
- George and Daisy (especially Daisy) are losing their mind over the fact Aleks has managed to fall in love with their old best friend
- Hazel and Aleks get all domestic, move in together, but she gets suspicious at the fact he's always out at odd hours
- she tails him one day and is completely shocked to see him and George at an alien ship crash site or something like that
- she tails them and ends up at the ✨Torchwood base✨
- she sees Daisy and is like 'hey! What the fuck!' but deals with it better this time
- Hazel feels so guilty that she didn't believe Daisy all those years ago
- anyway everything is explained, Hazel gets recruited, joins the team (she's still completely pissed at absolutely everyone for lying to her but moving on)
- ok so that's the backstory
- they solve and sometimes create alien shenanigans
- they find out that Hazel has this weird energy around her that draws in murder to her
- the murders would have still happened regardless but some universe energy is always creating opportunities for her to be there
- Daisy is a little jealous of this
- Hazel and Daisy actually solving the murders is just something they happen to do because they're good at it
- none of them are monogamous
- Daisy is a trans woman, and an aromantic lesbian, she/her
- George just uses the label queer for gender and sexuality, pronouns change on the regular, depending on his mood
- Aleks is still figuring shit out because he's from the 1930s but definitely thinks boys and girls are attractive. He/him but George explained pronouns to him and he got excited when he realised people could use she/her for him but he's left that for another day
- Hazel is a nonbinary girl, uses she/they and is bisexual
- they're all like slightly in love with each other in the sense that noone else has seen what they've seen, and they've been through shit together. They'll always always have each others' backs
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lackablazeical · 2 years
WOAH, I really love ur Addams/rottmnt AU! I really love their designs, especially April and Mayhem's! few questions
why is mikey so feral in this AU
Whats raph like? he's always so quiet and Donnie looks like an evil scientist
hows splints and casey(or Cassandra) in this au AKA Could you share some stuff on this beautiful au pls (don't mean to come off as demanding just in case XP)
But yes I do have some answers for these!
1. Mikey is feral mostly bc he's very spoiled and he grew up In an environment that encouraged behavior like that! He is the 'Mama's boy' (in the AU, Splinter and Big Mama are canonically married, Splints still lives in the NY sewers, BM still in hidden city and her hotel), and BM definitely encourages his bad behavior. No one really tells him no, and he's an attention hog. He likes getting reactions so doing outlandish stuff and saying cruel things gets him that reaction! He's also an adrenaline junky and a pyromaniac, he'll put himself/others into danger for fun! Plus, BM DOES treat him like a pet, what do you expect. Boy is flea ridden/hj
2. Raph is very quiet and stoic! He still hates being alone, but he also definitely Dislikes being bothered, teased, or pranked. While the most outwardly 'chill', he's very quick to violence. He is the reason Leo has those bite/teeth marks on his shell! Raph bit him <3. His comfort item is Mrs. Cuddles and he always has her with him, which definitely makes it a target for Mikey shenanigans and such! He does still love hugs and snuggles tho, and likes bows, sewing, and cartoons! He doesn't talk much, and he especially won't if his brothers aren't around. He doesn't care much about anything, he's just along for the ride! The brothers often try to, like, 'sic' Raph on eachother by blaming things or just asking REALLLYYYYY nicely (also yes, Don is definitely a mad scientist. Please get him some lab safety etiquette at least some lab goggles)
3. LEOSAGI <3333333 ACTUALLY JUST MY COMFORT CHARACTERS I SWEAR. I have a writer friend who enjoys making small snippets of this AU, and I may ask her if I can post them here or if she would like to post them on A03? So yall can get even more content of the Boyz <3 (NewFallenLeaves on A03! Check out her ROTTMNT stuff, it's wonderful)
4. APRIL AND MAYHEM YES!!!!!! They are both definitely some of my favorite designs of this AU, April is just so beautiful and Mayhem is such a little Creatur. Babey demon demigorgon. Evil beast/pos (fun fact! Mayhems face can split apart in 4 different ways, one way looking like a demigorgon! I'll probably post that sketch sometime soon!)
5. Splinter is great! As Lou Jitsu, he was a film star who behind the scenes was involved in a lot of crime, especially back in Japan with things like the Yakuza. As a rat, he is VERY MUCH based on Gomez Addams. He's fun loving, caring, and loves a good spar session. He may be a bit neglectful of his boys (same as in canon) but he loves and accepts their weird and wacky behavior all the same.
This is his design! Some bits may change but as it stands I am happy w/ it! :D
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He owns a decent of pieces of the Shredder Armour as, like, almost trophies? It also helps mean that the Foot will not build the Shredder fully, Aka none of that mess to deal with :]
As for Cassandra, she's not really in the AU at all! I just haven't really been able to think of much for her. As an antagonist, I didn't know whether to lean towards more Addams esque behavior or make her more 'normal' (as normal as she can be JSBSJEB) to have a type of parallel. Idk? Any suggestions and ideas for her would be welcome and I'd tag you if I ended up using/posting any of it!
As for extra content, tomorrow or in the next following days I will either post more random sketches, more Usagi lore (specifically his family) or maybe some finished refs? Whatever I feel like, so look for that >:]
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kndrules · 11 months
in your take/au/adulthood shenanigans for Sector V, if they (like one of the couples or whatever) were to ever have kids, what would they be like?
ofc i stress "if" as by all means am only curious, doesn't have to be "canon" n whatnot lol
I AM SOOOOOO GLAD YOU ASKED...get ready for a long answer
Please note that all of these headcanons are cowritten by @sector-v and some of the kid OCs are his. I'll say which ones.
Let's start with Wally and Kuki
They foster kids, so a lot of kids have lived with them over the years, but three kids ended up sticking around. The two younger kids were adopted by them, and the older kid came into their home as an older teenager, so she just spent the rest of her childhood years with them.
Here they are:
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Kat and Dirt Bug are in Sector V. I think Dirt's pronouns should be they/them instead maybe...I'm still developing these three, they're the newest of my kid OCs by several years. Dirt's name is like that because Wally let them name themself.
Kat- VERY energetic and impulsive. She's a bit sensitive, full of love and wonder, and prone to getting herself into trouble. She's very protective of her friends and siblings. She's also very into sports.
Dirt- Very curious and has absolutely no sense of danger. Also energetic, but mostly follows Kat around. Both Kat and Dirt LOVE bugs and collecting them. Dirt plays by their own rules, which they never share out loud. They somewhat live in their own reality, a lot like Kuki does.
Xue- She was in the foster system her whole life, so she's understandably standoffish around new people, including her new family. Her best friends are all internet friends. Wally and Kuki are trying to encourage her to get out more. I need to figure out more about her still.
Now for the Hoagie/Abby kids
I will admit my bias- Naomi is my favorite of all of them. Garth is @sector-v 's OC. Garth is short for Hogarth, making him Hogarth the Third!
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(These drawings are from before I redesigned adult Hoagie)
Naomi is the leader of Sector V. Garth will join the KND too, but they won't be in Sector V at the same time, because of their age difference.
Naomi- Takes after both her parents to an alarming degree, but she has more energy than both of them put together. She loves inventing and engineering and is a huge extrovert. She's a natural leader who sometimes has a tendancy to be controlling. Her parents support anything she wants to do, so she's a very well-rounded kid with infinite resources. She's brilliant both academically and socially- and is a huge nerd...though she hates to be called one.
When she gets older, she's probably gonna start going by she/they
Garth- I don't know much about him yet, but he's definitely a typical younger brother in many ways.
Now...Lizzie and Nigel
They're a mixed family. Lizzie was married before she started talking to Nigel again, and she has one son from that previous marriage. His name is Joshua and he's @sector-v 's OC. Nigel becomes the Step Dad, but he hates being seen as the "parent" (he's got baggage about that). Lizzie and Nigel later have a child of their own, Monty Jr, who is also @sector-v 's OC. Actually this entire paragraph- pretend @sector-v wrote it, because these are all his ideas.
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Joshua eventually joins Sector V, but was hesitant to at first.
Joshua- He and Naomi are inseparable best friends. Naomi got him to come out of his shell and pushed him to be more adventerous. Being raised by Lizzie, he's kind of meek and studious. He's a very well behaved kid, and Nigel doesn't know what to do with that.
Monty- I dunno he's a baby!
I could say more, but I think that's plenty! I have so many story ideas planned that feature them, but I have no idea if I'll ever draw them.
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fervency-if · 8 months
We know that some of the ROs would never want to hved children (and that's absolutely not a problem) but besides that point, what kind of parents the ROs would be? If you're uncomfortable just skip this question, thank you.
It's all good, I'm not uncomfortable!
It's unlikely that the Physician would want children, but if she wanted one, she would be a very nice and just parent, and teach them a lot. She wouldn't be strict, but she would have clear rules in place.
Aubrey really doesn't want children, he's a very impatient man! If he had children, though, he would simply... do his best. He would definitely encourage their interests and passions greatly.
Narciso does not want children either. That said, he would be a lovely parent if things were different; very gentle and kind, because he wouldn't want his child to grow up the way he did.
Vesa would be a fun and friendly mother, very patient regarding shenanigans. She would definitely spoil her child/ren, but she would make sure that she taught them to be grateful and humble still.
Roswhen would try to make their child/ren see the joy in small, everyday things, and they would like to do a lot of fun, free activities with their child/ren, showing them the beauty of the world.
If Elan would want children, it would definitely be good if the other parent was stricter than he is, or the children might very well grow up to be little brats. He would let them get away with anything otherwise (unless it was cruel or such, of course,) and just laugh at their antics.
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jacksgreysays · 1 year
Fake Fic Summaries 30/?, the Gotta Complete The Set edition (2023-02-27)
The Theories of Uncertain Presents
Naruto knows that one day he’ll go back home and reunite with his teammates, the only family he’s ever had, but until then he’ll try to find himself.
He probably shouldn’t have done shadow clone jutsu so close to an unfamiliar seal.
Okay, I felt like I was dogging on Naruto in the bleak primadonna AU and I’ve been reading a lot of DoS fic which, understandably, focuses more on Shikako and Sasuke doing ANBU shenanigans — more specifically the In a Definite Place at a Definite Time ‘verse and all of it’s spin offs/permutations/inspired by, etc. In which Shikako and Sasuke end up in Warring Clans Era and sort of complicate and encourage peace between the Uchiha and Senju depending on which fics you read, lol.
In particular, I read The Results of Non-Future’s Past by Aryia_Lexi_Sevorus which is where the title of this fake fic comes from, and which resolves the time travel issue with Shikako reverse engineering the memory sharing aspect of the shadow clone jutsu such that there are two version of Sasuke and Shikako, one who stay in the past, and one who receive their memories and don’t set off the seal to begin with. Aryia_Lexi_Sevorus’ fic is about Kakashi joining them. It’s very heartwarming.
But then my brain went… HOW DOES NARUTO JOIN THEM? Because how sad would it be for the Lucky Sevens to only be partially complete T_T
On the one hand, of course it would be LOGICAL if it just occurred when he returns after his training trip and did what Kakashi did to join them, but that’s SO LONG and it’s not like Naruto doesn’t ALSO encounter strange things when he’s on his own, and it WAS an Uzumaki seal plus shadow clones (his specialty) that sends the others’ memories back.
So what if he did it in reverse? (Konoha’s #1 most unpredictable ninja, lol)
As in, Naruto is out training somewhere (maybe Jiraiya’s busy doing spymaster stuff or he’s just being irresponsible, who knows) but he does shadow clone—as per usual when he’s solo training—in a place he shouldn’t ie where there is a similar Uzumaki time travel seal. But instead of making a shadow clone, he makes Schroedinger’s copies of himself one for the present and one for the past. Both of them are the real him because both of them are also the shadow clone. This is basically Everything, Everywhere, All At Once rules: either all of them are real or none of them are real, there’s no “truer” versions of yourself. But we’re dealing with two anyways… although the EEAAT comparison may come back up again.
Anyways, we would follow travelled-to-the-past!Naruto’s POV to the Warring Clans Era where he maybe even encounters the Uzumaki who made the original seal. And, weirdly enough, I almost feel like—in a similar way that his method to get there is opposite to the others—he doesn’t have that many problems integrating with the Uzumaki, and once he figures out what’s happening he just straight up tells the Uzumaki the truth.
And they believe him. Because they’re the Uzumaki. (And, also, if the person making the seal was there then they have an idea of what it could do. In addition, there’s probably a chakra sensor who can absolutely confirm that Naruto is in fact an Uzumaki. And thirdly, even if the Kyuubi chakra freaks them out, I’m assuming the jinchuuriki is Mito’s seal, and I feel like the Uzumaki would recognize her handiwork)
He’s an Uzumaki who gets to discover what the Uzumaki were like! He gets to discover family! He has a clan! All of my Uzushio Feels™!
So it’s more of a “discovering his heritage” fic than a “high stakes undercover don’t mess up the timeline” thing that his teammates are going through, but that’s kind of what the Uzumaki are like. Also, it would be funny if it’s happening at the same time as Sasuke and Shikako’s situation, which would explain where the heck Mito is the whole time considering I think she’s mentioned to already be married to Hashirama but is very rarely in any of the various fic. Like, she went back to Uzushio for a quick errand and then Naruto showed up. They might assume that Naruto is Mito’s descendant anyway considering 1) he doesn’t know his parents’ names, only that he is an Uzumaki from Konoha and 2) the jinchuuriki seal on his belly is probably her style
She’ll go back once she figures out this new Uzumaki situation and lets him enjoy being an Uzumaki in Uzushio.
And at some point Mito is like… I’m going to bring my new little brother to Konoha and Team Seven just does the Spiderman pointing meme before group hugging, absolutely baffling everyone else witnessing. Well, probably not Mito, because she already knows he’s from the future. Although I suppose she’d be baffled by the fact that his teammates are also back in time.
To prevent it from being ENTIRELY fluff, I would probably throw in the fact that, since his situation is extremely different from Sasuke and Shikako, that each time he does shadow clone in either the Warring Clans Era or the Present both versions of him get the memory feedback. So if WCE!Naruto does a shadow clone, both WCE!Naruto AND Present!Naruto will received that shadow clone’s memories—because, again, both are the real Naruto. Which means, eventually, this will be very useful for information passing back and forth once he gets back to Konoha and can confer with his teammates, but for right now if probably very bewildering and alarming. Especially for Present!Naruto who is just getting hit with memories of time traveling and meeting other Uzumaki?
Although, now that I’ve typed it out, obviously that means Present!Naruto can send information back to WCE!Naruto. And obviously Present!Naruto will tell Jiraiya what’s happening, so at some point Jiraiya’s gotta confess that he’s known who Naruto’s parents are the whole time and I guess what I’m saying is—again, in a similarly everything is opposite of his teammates—Naruto’s drama/stress happens in the present not the WCE.
I mostly just wanted Naruto to be included in the time traveling thing and also the Spiderman pointing meme with Team Seven, lol.
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