#he would have stolen the outfit from somewhere
a1li-ens · 8 months
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super late but it was my OC Lyos' birthday recently so I painted him ψ(`∇´)ψ
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tearful-bat · 1 year
Batfamily love language headcanons
All memebers of Batfamily x reader
word count:608
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Bruce Wayne
Gift giving: Bruce is busy being batman and what not so he doesn't really have time to spend with you, also he's pretty closed off with his emotions so I can’t see him giving words of affirmation so he probably just makes up for not being with you a lot by sending and buying you lots of expensive gifts
Dick Grayson 
words of affirmation: When he's busy protecting Bludhaven he’ll send you cute messages whiles he's working
physical touch: after he gets back from it he’ll just hug you until you both eventually fall asleep 
Tim drake
gift giving: like Bruce is pretty busy so will also just send you lots of mostly useless expensive gifts 
physical touch: won’t out right ask you for physical affection but secretly craves it
Jason Todd 
quality time: just likes having you presence there while he's doing things like reading or working on case files 
physical touch: like Tim he craves physical affection but won’t ask 
Damian Wayne
quality time: just generally likes hanging around with you even if you’re just doing stuff in comfortable silence 
Gift giving: probably will occasionally buy you expensive gifts but I can also see him giving you paintings he's painted or if he goes abroad he’ll ll bring you back something 
physical touch: probably won’t ask, maybe would motion for you to do it by holding out his hand and stuff but would kind of expect you to do it and if you didn’t he’d get all pouty 
Duke Thomas 
words of affirmation: loves to tell you how much he loves you is kinda cheesy and if you do it back he gets really giddy 
acts of service: if you ask him to do anything he’ll do it no questions asked 
Cassandra Cain
Acts of service: Cassandra isn’t good at telling you how much she loves you so she shows it through he actions
Physical touch: if your walking together somewhere will hold your hand the whole time. Will come to your apartment after her patrol and after you patch her up will hold you for the whole night until you have to leave for work/ school.
Stephanie brown
Words of affirmation: like Dick she’ll send you messages during her patrol and will also compliment any outfit you wear
Quality time: just randomly shows up to your apartment to spend time with you even if it’s during her patrol.
Physical touch: if you are both together chances are she’s either hugging you or holding your hand
Barbara Gordon
Quality time: just likes spending time with you. Will invite you to stay in the clock tower with her while she’s working as oracle she finds your presence comforting and relies on you to tell her to take a break from the computer
Acts of service: she already does lots for the batfamily as oracle so if you asked her to do something she’d be on it for you
Kate Kane
Gift giving: will leave sweet little gifts at your doorstep
Harper Row
Gift giving: will make gadgets for you as gifts
Quality time : just like’s casually hanging out with you maybe playing video games together or something
Selina Kyle
Gift giving: will gift you stuff she’s stolen or if you say you like something in a shop window or something will go out and steal it for you
Words of affirmation: like Stephanie she’ll compliment all your outfits and tease you a lot
Physical touch: when she comes home from being catwoman likes to fall asleep in her bed with you
Helena Bertinelli 
acts of service: you ask her to do something for you and she’ll do it 
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canadianno · 30 days
TCOLC AU Bishop refs!
They're done holy FUCK. The art here is kind of old, so some of the proportions are a little wrong, but I don't really mind all that much. 15 hours and 89 layers later, all 5 bishops are done. On one canvas because... I didn't wanna make new ones I'm ngl.
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Each bishop has an everyday outfit and a crusade outfit! If you're drawing them at any point (now or in the future) and you have questions about the designs, don't be scared to send an ask my way, I'm always happy to clarify stuff.
(Note: I would greatly appreciate it if people didn't make suggestive jokes surrounding any of the designs, I'm not comfortable with them! Love yall <3)
Ramblings below! Edited note: tumblr likes to completely break my posts when I add a cut sometimes, which happened here, so I'm not gonna put one in hopes that it doesn't kill my formatting again. Hopefully it automatically "read more"s this post. If it doesn't I'm very sorry 🙏
🌿 Leshy: It's to be noted that my Leshy is transmasc, literally just because I think he deserves it, it's cool as fuck. I really wanted to give him the classic top-surgery scars because, I'll be honest, they're fun to draw, but I had to find a reasonable explanation for it because he's not a mammal. Anyway that's how I ended up with an entire evolutionary explanation for why he would have those. I will never be given the chance to explain it in the fic ever, so it shall just be random information I have forever. I love him he's silly.
🍄 Heket: While I am a big supporter of tomboy Heket, I also think she deserves to be cool and wear pretty frills whenever the fuck she wants. She's awesome and her shirt is supposed to look like a mushroom. It's also worth noting that the crosses on the bishops heads are specific, with Heket having two crosses with double prongs. She has them like this in-game and there's probably a cooler explanation for it but. I have my own silly headcanons bc I do what I want! Also, since I can't decide for the fucking life of me if she's a toad or a frog, I've decided she's just. Both. Both of them. Her mom was a frog her dad was a toad. Is this possible irl? No but COTL is a fantasy world I do whatever the fuck I want.
🌑 Narinder: Main thing I note for Narinder is that he has distinct facial markings, you just have to look closely. Another note is that his clothes have a repeating cloud motif because of the fog in the gateway- which, trust, it was his own idea. Lamb doesn't know why he chose it but they're not gonna argue. Narinders' main robes are made of wool, but his crusade outfit is made of cotton so it's easier to repair if damaged. His crusade outfit has the Big Pants because he's mostly gotta fight with his feet now, since most of the time his hands don't function reliably enough to hold a weapon.
🪸 Kallamar: Kallamar is funny to me because he's the only one here who's plantigrade, meaning he's got human-esque legs. Another notable design aspect is that he has a tail, when squids do Not Normally Have Those. That's because my Kallamar isn't fully a squid, and you can kinda sorta blame my mutual for that. Not really it's me who gave him the tail. Anyway, no matter how you draw him or what outfit he's in those 3 dark red jewels on the golden chain thing gotta be on him somewhere- they're sentimental to him. He usually wears them as a crown, but in the crusade outfit they're around his neck to be safer. Also, on the crusade outfit, he has stolen a set of Shamuras gloves. Brat little brother <3
🔮 Shamura: Their main outfit really closely resembles their bishop robes and that is intentional! They made the robes themselves, and it would've been close to an exact match had the Lamb banned them from using golden colored cloth. This is only partially because Lamb doesn't like them, but also because they don't want the bishops trying to start a mutiny, and walking around in bishop robes is a pretty easy way to collect weaker followers like flies. Shamuras' crusade outfit is also pretty unique compared to the others, and one of two reasons is that it's meant to resemble their old crusade outfits when they were younger. The second reason is that they look really cool. The outfit is designed for mobility, mostly, and before you say anything, the hip windows are because Shamura usually holds close range weaponry in the second set of arms and hates the way they snag on fabric when its there.
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anakinshooker · 1 year
my sweet padawan- anakin skywalker
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jedi! anakin skywalker x padawan! female reader
warnings- smut! dom anakin, oral penetration (male and female receiving), vaginal sex, oral penetration (female receiving), choking kink (just a bit), face fucking, degradation kink (just a bit)
word count- 5.1k
you never had much of a childhood. growing up with little to no parenting made you have to learn how to take care of yourself rather quickly. in all honesty, you can’t even recall the names of your real parents. the community couldn’t give two shits about you, and dare you say it; you liked it that way. you were able to move about freely. no one to anchor you down.
this all changed when some men showed up in brown and black robes. their hoods up. of course you knew who they were, and you were just hoping that your petty crimes weren’t warranting their presence. you kept your head low, and strayed away from the busy part of the trading post. you had gotten quite good at blending in, but these men weren’t some smugglers who were trying to look for their stolen goods. no these guys were jedi. you tried to ease your mind. no one would call the jedi in for petty theft, and you left it at that. 
two days went before you were confronted by the jedi. you were watching a local pod racing game, when they both sat on either side of you. the one in brown robes on your left, and the one in black robes on your right. 
“i would suggest you listen and cooperate with us. don’t make this difficult.” the one with sandy blonde hair said under his breath. your heart was going crazy. 
“can you do that?” the dark brunette one asked you. you gave a slight nod. when the men stood up, you stood up, and when they started walking, you started waking. they stop quite a ways away from the noisy pod racing contest. 
“what do you want and who are you?” you asked, trying to not show your fear. you gave both of them a hard, pointed look. 
“we are jedi. i am anakin, and that is obi-wan. we came to bring you back to the council.” anakin introduced them, he was trying to seem stern but friendly. 
“why does the council want me?” you asked, backing up unconsciously. 
“it seems… you are special.” anakin said in such a way that made it sound as if you were something, but it couldn’t be said in the place you were standing. “all we need is for you to come with us. we will provide you with food and shelter.” 
you couldn’t remember a time when you didn’t have to worry about finding food at night or fighting for somewhere to stay. you found yourself carrying more about that, then what the council was really wanting for you. “where’s your ship?” you asked anakin shyly.
“a little way past the trading post.” anakin pointed in the general direction. 
“we better get moving, before the council gets impatient.” obi-wan stated looking more at anakin than you. 
the ship was roomy. you were given a very comfortable bed towards the back area, where you fell asleep within minutes. the bed was like a cloud compared to the rock of a mattress you had found back at ‘home.’ when you awoke the lights seemed to blind you for a second, but when your eyes adjusted you saw anakin leaning on your door frame. “good morning, sunshine. you fell asleep fast last night, before we could talk to you. when you are ready head down to the foyer to get some breakfast” he stayed leaning on the frame for what felt to be a couple of minutes just staring at you. you felt warm under his gaze, and you didn’t really know what to do with your body. 
after anakin left, you were stuck just thinking. what did the council want with you? why was anakin looking at you like that? only when your mind ran to breakfast, you started getting out of bed. you brushed your hair and teeth, and put on the same outfit as yesterday. the jedi had left you a long, flowy nightgown to wear to bed last night. it was made of light purple silk and had white lace around the bottom and the bust. changing back to the white and brown wrap dress that you wore almost everyday was hard; the silk felt great on your skin. 
“what took you so long to get down here?” obi-wan asked, when you finally sat down at the table. 
“i got lost. i’ve never been on a ship before.” you sheepishly confessed. 
“i guess i could have given better instructions. sorry, dove.” anakin admitted. “have all that you want.” his arm swept over the table, showing all the food sitting there. there were hot pancakes and syrup , hash browns, sausage, orange juice, and apple juice. you were nervous to take so much, so you started with one of everything, but quickly gave up on your nerves and ate until your stomach hurt. this was the first hot meal you had had in over two months. usually choosing to steal fruit and vegetables because they were smaller and easier to hide. the meat shop workers were mean and you would never have the courage to take from them. 
“we have something to talk about. i’m sure you’re curious to know why you are going to see the council.” obi-wan said, as soon as you were down. you just nodded in agreement having no voice to actually talk. “the jedi council has been looking for you for a long time. i have no clue how you have avoided everyone sent after you. we can’t tell you everything yet — that is all up to the council — but just know running is not an option. now that we have found you, you can’t hide from us anymore.” the sternness in his voice was scaring you. 
“slow down, obi-wan, your scaring the poor girl. we know of your past. we know of the stealing and our parents' death. i have a feeling you won’t run, as long as we don’t possess a threat to you, and i can assure you we do not.” anakin jumped in. its like he could feel the anxiety and fear rolling off of you. you had always been good with your emotions and schooling your face into hiding them. you couldn’t look sketchy when you were being sketchy; that only brought unwanted attention. you also didn’t miss the look obi-wan gave him. this was all too weird and confusing for you. 
“i won’t run.” you said looking directly into anakin’s eyes. “how long until we get to coruscant?” 
“12 more hours,” anakin answered, never moving his eyes from yours. 
“i’m going to go lay down. thank you for breakfast.” you left they at the table and set off to try and find your way back to your room. you were sure you were going the right way, up until you weren’t. no rooms like the one you had awoken in, and you were so anxious to get to breakfast this morning you had left yourself any clues to which way you were supposed to go. 
“are you lost, little dove?” anakin asked, startling you. 
“oh my god.” you gasped out, jumping back away from him. “what the fuck.” you breathe out.
“i didn’t mean to scare you, but are you lost again?” he asked again, just staring at you with his hands behind his back. you just nodded still out of breath from the scare he just gave you. “let me lead you back to your room.” he put one of his hands on your lower back, leading you towards your intended destination. 
“how did you know that obi-wan was scaring me?” you asked him after getting sick of the silence between you too. 
“i could feel it rolling off of you. its something i can do with the force.” he admitted.
“but i thought you had to be using the force,” you inquired.
“how do you know i wasn’t using the force, little dove?” anakin appealed.
“i don’t know.” you lied. you knew you were at the very least sensitive to the force. you never tried to use the force, being too scared that would draw unwanted attention to yourself, but it seems that has been anyway. 
“i don’t think you are being honest with me” you heard in your head in anakin's voice. that stopped you dead in your tracks. 
“don’t you ever use the force on me again.” you demanded. anakin noticed you started shaking and tears came to yours eyes. 
“oh, little dove, i didn’t mean to upset you.” anakin started soothing, pulling you into his arms. “i did not know that would hurt you so bad.” 
“just show me to my room, please.” you muttered into his chest, slightly upset when he actually pulled away to take you to your room. 
you got back to your room in under a minute, anakin’s hand still on your lower back keeping you grounded. you quickly got on your bed after entering the room and anakin turned to walk away. “please don’t go.” you find yourself saying quietly. 
he paused, slightly surprised and then turned and sat on the bed in the open spot next to you. the bed dipping under his weight. you moved to a lying position getting comfortable. after multiple moments of silence, anakin finally spoke. 
“why did me using the force upset you? you don’t have to answer.” 
“it’s a long story from my childhood.” you stared at him to gauge if he wanted to listen. 
“i have time.” he gently pushed.
“my last and pretty much only memory of my parents was the council taking them away. i was barely older than four, and had been getting ready to start training as a youngling, when they accused my father of treason. they had said that he was selling jedi secrets to the dark side, when my mother told them off they turned on her and said she was aiding him. the council was going to take me away on the day they were to be executed. i watched as they jailed my parents — they didn’t feed them and their skin had turned bluish — i hated the council from that point on. i knew what was going to happen to them. my father had arranged with a guard — who was actually selling secrets — to get me a ship and i would live off the grid. i was to never use the force and to try and stay as far away from someone who was manipulating it. my father was convinced that even if i wasn’t the one using it that’s being around it would come back to me and the council would find me.” your eyes had stung with tears, but your voice had taken on a detached tone. anakin felt all the emotions rolling off of you, and to comfort you he grabbed your hand that was lying on the bed. you looked down at the intertwined hands and gently smiled up at him. “when i saw you, i knew it was not worth fighting. you had come for me and needed to accept it and go home. its been so long that i forgot about the whole force thing and thought you were chasing me for the stealing things.” you chuckled under your breath slightly. 
“you have nothing to be scared of. i will protect you from the council.” anakin proclaimed. you gave him a half smile. 
“if they want me badly enough, they will find away. even if you are standing in the 
way or not.” 
“i don’t accept that,” anakin didn’t want you to think like that; he was going to be there for you.
“why do you care so much, anakin?” you asked him a plea in your voice. 
“i don’t have to use the force to feel your emotions. i can just feel them rolling off of you. i feel a connection with you and i don’t know why. i know i’m not supposed to, but i do.” he confessed deep in thought. his hand gripped yours harder and you felt the emotions just from that. “if anyone in the council bothers you… you just need to come to me.” you nodded at him, keeping eye contact the whole time. with a spring of confidence, you unhooked your hands and instead grabbed both of his arms and pushed him down towards you. you both laid there not saying anything, but were content either way. 
when the ship landed, all three got off and walked into the tall building. the streets were alive with sounds coming from everywhere. anakin and you had decided that no one should know of your connection and you were going to keep as quiet as possible. 
standing before the council was terrifying for you, but you kept the same unfazed expression and voice. they told you that you were a risk because you didn’t know how to control your own power. they then ignored you when you pointed out how you never even attempted to use the force. they declared you were to be taught, but were also a flight risk, so you were to be supervised the whole time. you knew that they wanted to make sure you were involved with the same people you parents supposedly were. they also went on and on about how lucky you were that they found you before the dark side could. 
you left the meeting feeling drained and wanted to lay down. you didn’t come out for dinner, but anakin noticed and decided to bring food up to your room. “you need to eat. i can’t have becoming you weak.” he said in a gruff voice. 
he sat at your desk while you picked at your food and talked to you like there was nowhere else he would’ve wanted to be. he didn’t stop talking with you until your food was over and you moved the tray from the bed and patted it twice. anakin got the cue quickly and laid down with you. “how are you feeling about all this?” he asked. he wasn’t getting his normal feelings and it was upsetting him. 
“i’m a little overwhelmed, i’m not going to lie.” you said moving your eyes from the ceiling to his. “i’m going to a padawan at twenty-two. itsn’t that embarrassing?” 
“it’s not embarrassing at all. i’m almost due for a padawan soon, maybe i can sweet talk obi-wan into convincing the council.” he smiled leaning over to give you a gentle kiss on the head. as they night progressed you all talked of everything and anything; pouring your hearts to each other until you fell asleep wrapped in his arms. 
when you woke, you were alone and cold. looking around the room, a white sticky pad was left on our bedside table. I went to get breakfast and start my morning training. signal if you need me. xo anakin. you giggled at the note and started to get ready. you changed into the plain black tunic and white trousers that you noticed most wear. ‘you really need to go get new clothes’ you thought to yourself. walking to the cafeteria was difficult, due to the fact that you had zero idea where you were even going. 
“are you lost?” anakin had appeared behind you. 
“you can’t keep doing that, anakin.” you said before even turning around and seeing him. the chuckle behind you confirmed who it was. 
“turn around, little dove, i have some good news.” he grabbed your shoulder and you turned to him.
“what is it?” you asked impatiently.
“the council had approved you to be my padawan.” he said excitedly and kept it in check for the passerby’s eyes. 
“when do we start, master?” you slyly asked with a smirk.
“well, little dove, we start tomorrow. today we are supposed to get to know each other. have any ideas?” he smirked. 
“i can’t wear these stuffy clothes for another minute. lets go shopping” you already started for the exit forgetting all about breakfast. 
as you left the boutiques with your new outfits, your stomach growled. “i’m hungry,” you said to anakin. 
“how does seafood sound?” he asked, carrying most of the shopping bags. 
“amazing.” you confirmed. 
lunch was in fact amazing and it just made you not want this day to end. anakin was picking up every bill that came your way and it made you feel special. by the time you both stepped foot back at the council building it was dark out. “need help to your room, ma’am?” anakin joked with you. 
“i think i might, mr. skywalker.” you giggled, leading him back to your room. 
the night was sparkling and those street lights and stars were shining into your room, making it even more comfortable. you were high on love if you were being honest. 
“i’ve never felt this comfortable with anyone.” you confessed in a low whisper. 
“me neither.” anakin agreed, leaning over to kiss you. the kiss was soft and gentle. his lips were slightly chapped and rough on your lips, but it didn’t bother either of you. “i’ve never connected with someone like this. i think i’m falling in love with you, y/n” his light brown eyes found yours and you just pulled him into another kiss. 
you both found your way to your bed. your back was pressed to the mattress, while anakin was on top of you. “i love you too, anakin” you whispered, your lips never really leaving his. he pushed his lips back on you furiously this time. the kids getting hot and needy while still maintaining the sense of love you both just confessed of. 
anakin’s lips found your neck leaving little bites, eliciting a moan from you. you started peeling the tunic off of yourself. your nipples peebled at the feeling of the cold air in the room, even though you were ridiculously hot. “oh my, these are gorgeous.” anakin mumbled on your skin, moving to start suck on the sensitive buds. 
“oh anakin!” you gasped as he gently blew air on your wet skin. your fingers finding his brunette hair. 
“i think you should use the proper name for your master. don’t you agree?” he chuckled, stopping his assault on you. 
“my sorry, master! please don’t stop” you whined, pushing yourself into him. he used this time to take off his robe and shirt, leaving his pants low on his hips - the trail of hair peeking over. you ran a finger down the patch and felt him wither under the touch. “i’ll be good.” you promised. 
“alright, little dove, why don’t you take those trousers for your master.” he smirked at you. you worked quickly throwing the pants to the other side of the room. your red panties stark against your smooth skin. he wasted no time kissing down your stomach and stopped just above the edge. “what do you want, little dove?” he asked you. 
“touch me please, master!” you moaned out. 
“you’re gonna have to be more specific.” he chuckled, nuzzling his noise in between your folds grazing your clit. 
“use your mouth on my pussy. please! oh please, master.” you breathing was erratic now and your pants were barely filling your lungs with the air you desperately needed. 
when his lips connected with your swelling bead, it was like fireworks shot through your body. you bucked your hips into his face, and let out a pornographic moan. “oh fuck! oh my god! that feels so good.” you moaned. the sensations were just rolling through your body and anakin himself was getting extra horny due to it rolling off of you. your moans only encouraged him to eat out like he was a starved man. his tongue was lapping up your juices and exploring your body as no one had before. you came with a buck of the hips and your loudest moan yet. the noise ringing through the silence between you two. 
“how did my little dove like that?” anakin asked, kissing back up your stomach and meeting you at your lips. you could taste yourself on him. 
“that was amazing.” you huffed barely able to get the words out. your lips came together again and your body felt weightless. you noticed the tent in his pants and smirked up at him. “can i treat you, master?” you asked, giving him the most innocent eyes you could muster. 
“oh, please, little dove.” he said, settling himself into the sheets. you crawled down his body and started slowly pulling down the clothes left on him. in his boxers was his throbbing penis. the tip angry and red with precum already spilling. you took him into your mouth, feeling the tip touch the back of your throat making you gag. there was still some left out and you used your hand, stroking up and down. anakin groans were just pushing you further making you go faster. as you continued, he came with a warning and his hot liquid spilled into your mouth. his seed was salty and hot. 
“that was wonderful.” he said as you swallowed everything he gave you. he pulled you up to him and kissed you, both your flavors mixing in your mouth. “i love you, my little dove.” 
“i love you too, master anakin.” you grumbled into his chest tiredly. you fell asleep and woke up in his arms. your bodies twisted into one, with his arms around you. 
“good morning y/n. todays your first training session with me. be warned i am a harsh critic.” he chuckled out, kissing your temple. anakin crawled out of bed and changed into his robes, and you just watched him from your spot on the bed. “you’re going to have to get out of bed sooner or later,” he pointed out. with a groan you slowly started off of your bed. you gave him a show as you dressed in your new dark red dress and black belt and boot. the new outfit made you feel powerful. 
breakfast came and went with little words and soon you found yourself in the training room. your training for the day was mind tricks, which meant you more or so meditated for half the day. anakin was right beside you and fixed your posture when you drooped and checked your breathing every so often. you had only learned how make sense of the weight in your chest. 
you were tired by lunchtime and when you got to the actual action part you could barely keep your mind from shutting down. the council had yet to grant you access to a lightsaber, so you were stuck practicing with large wooden rods. the vibrations and loud clanking sounds from the hits keep you in the ‘fight.’ you could tell that anakin was going easy on you, but you couldn’t really find it in you to care. “are we almost done for the day?” you panted out, breathing extra heavy after a hard hit from your master. 
“keep practicing, y/n,” he said sternly. “i won’t let you give up so soon.” you just gave a dramatic huff in response and tried to keep up with him. 
after training for seven months, the council had finally decided to send you out to shadow anakin in battle. you were excited and scared all at the same time. the disturbance had been on kamino. the council was nervous that the clones were being coded incorrectly. you were both supposed to go and ask questions and get a feel for the new clones. you knew of jango fett from your past life, but you didn’t want the council to dismiss you so you kept that to yourself. you had only traded with jango and his son, boba, on numerous occasions; it was never anything too deep.
when the ship landed, you were quick to get out and follow anakin. the tall alien lady led you around, but you were too busy looking at your surroundings to get to know her name. ‘see anything out of place?’ 
‘nothing. its like a psych ward in here….. way too much white,’ anakin gave you a small smile behind the lady’s back. you and him had gotten comfortable using the force to communicate, especially during the rigorous training sessions. 
“may we meet your model for the clones? i’ve heard he has quite the reputation as a bounty hunter.” anakin asked the kaminoan. 
“of course. right this way.” she guided you both down long white hallways, until stopping at a door and knocking. “he should be in here.” she informed you two. the door slid open and revealed a small boy.
“y/n?” boba asked with a surprised face. 
“hey boba!” you grinned ruffling his hair. the child hugged your legs, while anakin gave you a weird look. 
“who’s there, boba?” jango asked before turning the corner and stopped in his tracks when he saw you. “what a surprise, how are you y/n?” 
“i’m doing good, jango. i made it off of that wretched planet.” you joked with a half smile on your lips — completely ignoring the look anakin was give you. “we actually came to ask you some questions. this is anakin skywalker, my jedi master.” you introduced them. jango looked between the two of you, but invited you to sit on his couch. you let anakin ask all the questions and mostly stayed to yourself; caught up in the memories from your past life. 
when the interview was over, you gave jango and boba hugs before leaving. “how do you know him?” anakin asked as soon as the door was shut behind you. 
“i traded with jango on naboo. i even helped heal him once, and he took care of me each time he came back.” you explained, not letting the jealousy in his tone go past you. 
“did you ever have a relationship with him?” he asked, looking you squarely into his eyes. 
“i didn’t not. he is mandalorian; they cannot lay with others.”  you explained waiting for this jealousy to pass, but it seemed it was not going anywhere as the rest of the  trip back to coruscant was quiet. 
“are you upset with me, anakin?” you asked upon returning to the jedi capital building. 
“no, of course not. i just have a bad feeling about the fett situation.” he shrugged you off. 
“are you coming back to my room?” you implored. 
“yes.” he said, his eyes turning dark and a smirk finding his lips. 
your room was a welcome place after everything today. you were settled on the bed when anakin broke in. without saying anything, he approached you and kissed you ferociously grabbing your neck to keep you in place. “do i have to remind you who you belong to?” he whispers into your ear. your core was heating from his harsh grip and words.  
when you failed to answer him, he threw you to your back and climbed on top of you. he stripped you quickly and expertly. he could tell you were turned on by this dark side of his, and that just pushed him further and further. “i am only going to ask you one more time, padawan, do i need to remind you who you belong to?” he said looking directly into your eyes. 
“yes, master, i think you do.” you whispered, looking back at him with an innocent look painted on your face. he dove right in kissing you neck and down your chest — skipping your breasts going straight for your stomach and thighs and then back up to your lips. 
“get on your knees. on the ground.” anakin demanded. 
“yes, sir.” you said, sinking onto your knees in a timely manner, as he undressed himself. he grabbed a fist full of your hair and brought your mouth to his throbbing penis. 
“suck it, slut.” he antagonized, pushing your mouth to him. you did as you were told, opening your mouth and taking him. anakin started pushing you head up and down setting a rhythm for you to follow. just as you were used to it, he roughly started bucking his hips into you pushing his long, thick penis further into your mouth hitting the back of your throat. he kept making you take him until you were gagging on him. anakin came in your mouth, holding you on him until he was sure you had swallowed all of his cum. 
“get up and on the bed.” he moved out of your way, watching you move quickly. his finger came down and petted your wet and pulsing pussy. you shuddered at the feeling and let out a small moan. “i really don’t like the way he was looking at you today.” he confessed, letting his finger continue to collect the juices you were producing. anakin was avoiding each place that made you squirm, and just making you wetter in the process. 
“he’s just a friend.” you said quietly, hoping that would help anakin’s insecurities. he just shook his head at you. 
“wrong answer, little padawan.” he flipped your body so you were head down on the bed, and grabbed his belt tying your hands to the bed frame. he nudged your legs apart and without warning buried himself inside of you. you let out a loud moan, and tugged against your restraints. your whole body was jerking as he roughly slammed his hips into your own. anakin reached around your front and stroked your scream red clit. you bucked against him while moaning very loudly. just as you felt yourself getting ready to come; he pulled himself out of you. “who owns this pussy, y/n? who gets to touch you and hear you scream?” he grunted into your ear from behind, holding your neck up. 
“you! only you! please anakin, let me finish.” you pleaded huffing for air. 
“as my little padawan wishes.” he smirked, ramming into you yet again. this time it took little to no time for you to come around him. you were clenching him desperately, and that just pushed him further over the edge. anakin came with a ragged moan, and kissed your back as he came down. it stung when he pulled out, and you felt empty without him. you felt him clean you with a cloth, before he untied your hands. you sagged onto the bed exhausted. 
“you are my padawan.” he grumbled, getting comfortable with you on top of him. 
“you are my master.” you kissed his lips sweetly before starting to fall asleep. “i only love you, anakin.” you mumbled on his chest. 
“i love you too, little dove. sleep tight.” he kissed your forehead, and with that you were deeply asleep in the arms of your lover.
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maddogofshimano · 10 months
The Fist of Reason: Majima Boss Rush
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Happy 5th anniversary to rggo! hard to believe it’s been this long already
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look at our festival boys! anyways lets get into this because I’m very excited
sometime after the events of Y1, Kiryu gets a call that Haruka has a fever. On his way to pick her up, he bumps into someone familiar...
[One day, some time after the strife caused by the Tojo Clan's stolen 10 billion yen was settled...]
Kiryu: Hello. ...Thank you for calling.
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Kiryu: ...Huh? Haruka's got a fever? ...I understand, I'll be there right away. <scene change to outside> Kiryu: .....
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<he bumps into someone> Kiryu: Oh, sorry. ???: Sorry? If sorry was enough to cut it, there wouldn't be yakuza! Majima: Ain't that right? Kiryu-chaaan!
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Kiryu: Majima no nii-san!? What are you doing at a place like this... Majima: What's so weird about that? If Kiryu-chan's somewhere, then Majima is too! Majima: Outside of that, the spot where ya just rammed into me hurts like hell... Majima: Shit, ya probably broke the bone... Hehe, what're ya gonna do? Kiryu: People with broken bones don't laugh about it. Sorry, but I'm in a rush right now. Majima: Why ya bein' so cold~? We ain't seen each other in ages.
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Kiryu: We can talk more next time. Like I said, I'm in a rush. Majima: Too bad! No matter what ya say, ya gotta beat me if ya wanna go!! Hehehe! Kiryu: Tch...! Kiryu: Give it a damn rest already! Haruka has a fever! Majima: ! ........ Majima: What the hell... I didn't know that. Majima: I'm sorry for this. Go on, hurry up 'n' get gone.
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Kiryu: .....Damn. <he runs off>
[And then, 3 months later...]
Kiryu: ...I haven't seen Majima no nii-san around here since then.
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Kiryu: (I thought he was the kind of person to come back the next day for a fight, but...) Kiryu: ........... Kiryu: (Even if I was in a rush at the time, did I speak too harshly to him...?) Kiryu: (Of course I don't think a guy like him would be dejected from that... Well, it is possible...) ???: Kiryu no ojiki (tl note: ojiki is an honorific that's literally "dad's younger brother" which is used for patriarchs less senior than your own. Nishida usually uses it) Kiryu: ...Hm? Kiryu: You're that Majima Family guy...
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Nishida: About that... My boss is going to be put in jail. Kiryu: What...!? Nishida: It happened yesterday... Our family is supposed to be running a festival... Nishida: In the middle of it some thugs started acting up, and they got into a fight with our family members. Nishida: So now they've issued a warrant for my boss, since he was the one in charge... Kiryu: What is Majima no nii-san going to do? Nishida: He thinks it would be futile to resist, so he's waiting at the festival site for the police to arrive. Kiryu: What? Nishida: My boss has been acting oddly for the past 3 months or so. He doesn't have any energy, and seems pretty depressed. Kiryu: 3 months... it can't be. Nishida: And so, my boss really wants to see you before he goes to jail... Kiryu: Me...? Nishida: Yes. He said he has something to tell you, so... Kiryu: ...Got it. Lead the way. Nishida: Y-Yes sir! <they leave> Majima: ......... (tl note: I'm sorry the image of him just holding that pose in that outfit while waiting for the cops to show is so funny to me)
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Kiryu: ...Majima no nii-san. Majima: ...Oh, Kiryu-chan, ya showed.
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Majima: Excuse my appearance. I was up on a float till now. Kiryu: ...I just spoke with Nishida. Are you really going to jail? Majima: ...Yeah. Orders from on high, can't be helped. I'll be awfully lonely during those years... Majima: That said, I won't be botherin' ya any more, Kiryu-chan. Kiryu: ...... Majima: I'm sorry for all the trouble I've caused ya. ...I wanted to at least say that, before I went to jail. Kiryu: ...That's not like you. Kiryu: Are you really going to let your underlings see you leave the outside world with such a pathetic display? Majima: ...I don't really care either way. Kiryu: ........... Kiryu: ...Good grief. You acting this way is completely infuriating to me. Kiryu: It can't be helped, this is a big favor. ...I'll get you all fired up again.
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Majima: Hah...? Kiryu: You know the best way I can cheer you up? ...Come at me, Majima. Majima: ...!
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Majima: Is this... are you pickin' a fight with me?
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Kiryu: Heh, isn't that what I just said? Majima: ........Hee, hehehe! Majima: Kiryu-chan, you're always the best! Majima: Let's get started...! Kiryu-chan!!!!
<event happens, Receive and Bite You is the theme>
Majima: Hehe... As always, Kiryu-chan... you're tough as nails...
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Kiryu: Heh... You are too. (tl note: RARE KIRYU SMILING SPRITE)
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Majima: Oi oi, you're sayin' somethin' nice? Kiryu: Majima no nii-san... I'm sorry. Majima: Ah? Kiryu: For what happened 3 months ago. Kiryu: I was flustered, and I snapped at you. Majima: ........As always, Kiryu-chan, you're soft as a marshmallow~. I'm astounded. Kiryu: ....? Nishida: E-Excuse me! Kiryu no ojiki!
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Nishida: The truth is... My boss going to jail was a lie in order to get you to show up... Kiryu: What? Then... was him being depressed also a lie... Majima: It was aaaaall an act! Majima: I was pretendin' to be put off by how ya talked to me so ya'd feel sympathetic, then after worryin' ya for long enough-- Majima: I'd reveal it was all a ruse, 'n' you'd get pissed off enough to throw down! That was the plan! Majima: It played out a little differently than intended, but, we still had a fight so it's all good. Kiryu: .....Heh, you're such an ass. (tl note: TWO smiles!! unprecedented.)
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Majima: What, you're not mad? Kiryu: I had a feeling that something like this was going on. Majima: Then why'd'ya fight me? Kiryu: ...When it's with you, I can go all out in a fight. Kiryu: ...If I really think on it, I guess I enjoy fighting with you. Just a bit. (tl note: THIRD smile!!!)
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Majima: !!..... Hehehehehe!! Heeey~! I knew it!!
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Majima: C'mon, let's go another round! Hearin' ya say that's gotten me all worked up again! Kiryu: ...Heh, sure. It's a festival, after all. It's a good excuse to really cut loose. Majima: Hell yes!! Let's do this... Kiryu-chaaaaaa~n!!!! Nishida: A-Ah... This won't end until the sun comes up...
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bonus stuff:
oh wow. oh man. that was pretty gay. between this and like a dragon: gaiden: the man who erased his name (lad gai man) thank you ryu ga gotoku studios for sending me birthday presents
obligatory boss rush pic
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also a bonus shot of Kiryu’s apartment
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the two new cards for this are “Mad Dog of the Festival Stage” and “Dragon of the Festival Band”
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and since it was a festival I also put together a very special team to repeatedly kick Majima’s ass 
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koolades-world · 1 year
Obey me! brothers jewelry headcanons
Definitely a plain kind of man, not much
Since he previous wore the ring of light, he might get a ring or two to replace it and wear under his gloves
He owns some jewelry for special occasions like some nice horn jewelry and necklaces. Several of these pieces were gifts from Diavolo
Has a whole set of horn jewelry for all his brothers but doesn’t let them have it because he’s afraid they’re going to do something to it. It’s a custom made set so if one gets lost it will be hard to replace
If Mc made him any, he wouldn't wear it because he would be afraid of losing it or getting it stolen, so it sits in a special charmed drawer in his desk
100% the most dripped out
Lots of rings, lots of bracelets, lots of neckalces. He probably also has anklets, toe rings, and other face piercings too. Most likely to have a nipple piercing lol
Seems like the kind to have a million random bracelets on and pass them off to someone they trust whenever they can’t wear them (ie mc, and my middle school bestie and I) about to get arms dirty? about to throw hands? need to braid hair? hold my bracelets
I like to think he had a little jewelry tree, a divider hang on the back of a door, and a ring holder for all of his things, but even then it’s overfilled (lol I’m projecting again)
Would take jewelry Mc made him everywhere. If he couldn’t wear it, it would be in his pocket or in a bag, secured. Would treat it nicer than his expensive jewelry
He probably has the same jewelry characters he likes has or is at least inspired by them
Everything is probably tangled together in a giant mess in a little jewelry box Mc gave him and complains every time he wants one specific piece and can’t get it untangled
All his nicer pieces were gifts because if it were up to him, he would have bought something more useful to him
Another one who would take Mc made jewelry literally everywhere since he’s so touched anyone would care enough to give him a handmade gift, probably would never take it off and get super heartbroken if he broke it by accident
He’s giving rings, lots of rings. He’s also giving chokers because Lucifer once said he hated them
He seems like the type to really like lockets since they’re typically romantic or for familiar bonds so he got one for Mc with a picture of either them together in it or a cat
Would definitely use a bracelet or necklace as a bookmark. You can’t tell me he also doesn’t make his own. Originally they were just to make bookmarks but after Asmo suggested he do more with his talent, he got hooked
The type to always quietly highlight any jewelry given to him by Mc, like wearing shortsleeves to showcase a bracelet or wearing more subtle colors to make it pop more
If he doesn’t have a jewelry collection I’m eating my running shoes
He has the most ear piercings, basically the most you can have, with Mammon in close second
He has so much there’s some he’s never worn. They are gifts, they are things he’s picked out, and things he’s not quite sure how he got
His outfits are always coordinated so he has something for everything
If Mc gave him jewelry, he would only wear it if it matched his outfit but would keep it somewhere safe
He probably has a couple pieces of really nice and durable jewelry but that’s it
He’s probably afraid of breaking or losing it, so he lets Belphie hold onto it
Probably just one set of ear piercings to wear studs
His favorite piece is the gold chain in his human world outfit. I hc Mc said they liked it on him once so he always wear it with his human outfit
Would always wear jewelry made by Mc but would definitely break it and need a replacement
Another one that doesn’t wear a lot of jewelry. Maybe has one necklace he likes but never remembers to wear it
I kinda feel like he would have a nose piercing, like a simple stud. Although him with a septum piercing is also tempting…
Prefers gold to silver even though silver goes better with his hair
If Mc gave him jewelry, he would always wear it. Mc would think it's because he was being sweet, but its half that, half he never remembers to take it off. Probably lasts a while since he doesn't do too much
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wonwoosthetic · 1 year
Hiii I was reading some fica about minnie and seventeen, I wanted to know if u could write a wonwoo and minnie smut? Just the two of them? Preferably a fluffy smut or something but it’s up to you.
series masterlist
a/n: HIII!! This chapter is looooong overdue and I’m sorry it took so long!! But I hope you and everyone else enjoys it🫶🏼 thank you for the request, I really enjoyed writing this and I know how many of you guys love Wonnie, so I hope you’ll like it ˙ᵕ˙
word count – 8.2k
warnings – smuuuut, but fluffy ˙ᵕ˙, the slightest amount of cursing, we all know how Wonwoo is with curse words😂
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Tangled (18+) 🌷 Minnie
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A heavy huff fell from Minnie's lips as her head was still dangling from the couch cushions, her legs thrown over the backrest. Even though the girl was seeing the world upside down, her eyes were still glued to the TV in front of her, but her attention was most certainly not in the room with her. After weeks of a non-stop, 24/7 filled and busy schedule, the sudden break hit her like a wall - never would she ever be ungrateful for some time off, but how could someone go from doing everything all the time to doing nothing at all?
Her members didn't seem to have the same problem as her. Most would meet up with other friends who were free, others, like Woozi and Hoshi, didn't even have the words 'time off' in their vocabulary, and you would always be able to find them in either a studio or the dance practice room. And some, like Vernon or Jeonghan, decided to pay their parents and siblings a quick visit. The reminder of this made Minnie almost groan out loud, regretting not taking the train to Daegu two days before to be able to spend a few days more with the Choi family. No, she rather decided to stay at home with her roommates, initially hoping that she would get to sleep in, eat some good food, and finally catch up on some of the TV Shows she had been pushing back.
But here she was, the clock reading 14:29, with her up since 8 a.m., Mingyu somewhere out, probably at the gym, while the other rapper was still in a deep slumber Minnie could only dream of. She didn't even remember what she had put on to watch, probably a K-Drama her friends had told her about. Even her phone had become uninteresting. She had thought about doing a live to interact with Carats, but at this moment, she couldn't pull herself up to do anything other than lying down.
With her attention somewhere far away and her eyes not focused on a specific spot in the room, the female idol didn't notice the familiar heavy footsteps entering the living room.
With a cough, Wonwoo made himself known. He stopped in his tracks once his eyes fell on Minnie. "Are you okay? What are you doing?"
She turned her head to the right, her eyebrows scrunched together. "D'you know that feeling when...," she sighed. "Even doing nothing is exhausting?"
The rapper chuckled, his deep voice echoing through the newly furnished room. "What?"
Minnie groaned out loud. "I'm so bored!"
Wonwoo got closer to the girl to place his phone on the coffee table before looking down at her with his hands in his pocket. The girl's freshly dyed hair was grazing the floor, which she would definitely talk about later, her outfit only a pair of biker shorts and a black sweater she had clearly stolen from his wardrobe - 'what's yours is also mine', she'd always tell him. Even in this state, his eyes held so much love and adoration for her. This is how he loved to see her the most - no make-up, no fancy dress up, nothing more but some inside clothing and her hair slowly settling down throughout the day after waking up with a bedhead. 
"If you're so bored, play a game or... read something-"
"But that's exhausting!" She argued back not even letting him finish. Another chuckle, followed by a shake of his head.
"So, you're bored because you're not doing anything, but you also don't want to do anything because that would exhaust you?"
With a tight smile, Minnie nodded, looking up at her partner. "Exactly. See, you get me."
"I actually don't," Wonwoo confessed as he crouched down, his hand reaching out to graze his fingers over the softness of her cheek. "You want something to eat?"
Minnie's eyes were travelling from his hair that was lazily laying flat on top of his head, relaxed from not having it styled for the third day in a row to the silver glasses she had told him she loved so much were low on the bridge of his nose. She noticed the grey sweatpants he had put on after waking up, along with a white shirt she remembered wearing only a week before.
"No, I'm not hungry," her hand found his, placing it right on top, her thumb running slowly up and down his skin. "But you can make yourself something."
He shook his head and answered her with the same words she had given him. With a sigh, Wonwoo pushed himself up again, his hand now intertwined with hers as he sat down right next to her on the couch. "Come on up," he told her, getting a groan from the girl in response after he tried to pull her up but she fought against it.
"Noooo," she whined. "It's so comfortable right now."
"You said it's exhausting. And all the blood going into your head can't be good for you, come on." With a bit more strength, the '96 Liner managed to pull Minnie up, not letting go of her hand until he placed it on her shoulder, and she scooched around and got her legs off the backrest. After feeling another slight tug towards his figure, she the girl moved over to throw each one of her legs around his hips, settling down onto his lap, her cheek squished up against his chest while her arms came down to his sides. She knew she had found a new, much more comfortable position, once Wonwoo shifted his pelvis forward and she could feel his strong bicep around her torso. The palms of his hands had found their way underneath her shirt, the skin-to-skin contact making her sigh and relief.
"What are you watching?" The rapper wondered, leaning to the side to snatch the remote that was a little further away from them.
Minnie turned around to take a quick look at the TV, reminding herself of what was playing. "Oh- I don't know," she got comfortable against his chest once again. "A drama one of my friends recommended."
"Which friend?"
"Natalia." Minnie had closed her eyes, enjoying the feeling of Wonwoo's torso gently lifting with each breath he took.
The '96 Liner clicked out of the show playing on their shared Netflix account, knowing that she would probably want to watch it at some other time when she was actually able to pay full attention to it.
"She's watching Korean dramas now?"
Minnie nodded. "Ever since I recommended Crashlanding On You to her. And Youth Over Flowers, but that was too old for her."
"Too old?" Wonwoo exclaimed in shock. "It's a classic. It doesn't matter how old it is."
A chuckle from the girl made her shake softly. "I know, but she prefers stuff like True Beauty or something like that."
The male idol scoffed, his hand running up and down her back, not even surprised by the lack of the added fabric of a bra since he knew she never wore one in the comfort of their own home.
The couple spent a good few minutes in silence, the clicking sound of the remote being the only sound bouncing off the walls while each enjoying the warmth their bodies were creating. Wonwoo's fingers were tracing invisible lines on her skin, sending soft shivers through the female's body.
Minnie sighed, her tone as relaxed as it could possibly be. "You're gonna make me fall asleep," she whispered, knowing he could understand her while being so close.
A deep chuckle made his chest vibrate, his deep voice only adding to the comforting scene playing out. "Maybe that's a good thing. You probably didn't sleep enough anyway."
"Don't criticise my sleeping habits." The girl shifted slightly, so her cheek was more up against his shoulder, now being able to look up at her boyfriend.
The subtle change in position made Wonwoo look down, a soft grin making his lips curl up as he gazed at Minnie's eye fluttering close. His hand left her back and came up to brush over her hair.
"I'll always comment on them, you know-"
"You don't like them, I know, I know." She finished his comment, making both of the idols grin.
Slowly, the '96 Liner leaned in, to not catch the girl off guard, as he let his lips brush against hers, waiting just a second for her to lift her head only a bit, making their lips touch fully. Both were grinning into each others' mouths as they shared a lazy, yet soft kiss. Wonwoo placed his thumb on her chin, keeping her from moving away from him. Instead of a full-blown makeout session, the couple was pecking each other, each kiss sweeter than the one before.
Minnie didn't notice that the rapper had changed what was playing on the TV, only when the voices she had known all too well were ringing through her ears, did her attention switch. Her head snapped to look behind her, Wonwoo's fingers still in the same position, only without her face in his grasp.
"Oh, you put on Tangled?"
His arms around her tightened, pulling her in the little bit closer that he could, her chest again pushed against his. With his head hidden in her neck, he hummed against her skin, making the female idol chuckle, her hands coming up to run through his dark locks.
"You smell good," he mumbled, soft kisses now decorating her neck, almost making her sigh in pleasure and bliss. He lifted his head back up to look at her, their faces close enough to let their noses touch as Minnie continued to brush her fingers through his hair.
"Mm," she nodded slightly in return. "Thank you. I found a new perfume I wanted to try out."
"I like it," Wonwoo told her, leaning back into the couch cushions, pulling the girl with him.
Even with one of her favourite movies playing in the background, Minnie found the comfort of his body against hers much more interesting and important. She snuggled closely into him, close to forgetting what was happening behind her if it wasn't for the TV reflection in Wonwoo's glasses. Her eyes ran over the man's entire face, taking in each inch of his features as if she hadn't been admiring them for years and months already. Subconsciously, she let her finger glide over his jaw, down to his chin, and up to his bottom lip. Without a word, the '96 Liner took her hand into his, raising it slightly so he could place a loving kiss onto her palm before putting it down to his chest again, making sure to pat the back of her hand two times.
Wonwoo didn't give her much time to do anything else before he engulfed her cheek into his now much warmer hand, tilting her head up to lean back down and go back to what they were doing only a slight bit ago. His mouth was only opening up slightly, keeping the moment comfortable and relaxing, making Minnie do the exact same.
Her fingers had started drawing indiscernible patterns on the shirt covering his chest, which even with all the hours spent in the gym, and the muscle building up underneath, was still soft enough to lay on.
The rapper pulled back just a millimetre, his lips still ghosting over hers, grazing her soft mouth with each word he spoke. "I thought you were exhausted."
Minnie couldn't control biting down on her lip, not breaking eye contact with the man in front of her. "I am," she lazily answered him, already leaning in again to continue the soft exchange of pecks. With a smile, Wonwoo reacted to her want, gladly placing his mouth on hers while his hand found its way onto her upper thigh, going up and down over the fabric of her biker shorts. But he only let her have that moment for a few more seconds, before pulling back again, almost making her groan.
"You think I don't feel your squirming around?" Minnie stopped as she got called out. The girl didn't even realise it, but she had slowly but surely started moving her hips forward, rubbing herself against the fabrics separating the couple from direct skin contact. But what must've made her body continue the motions was the hardening surface underneath her - and she knew damn well exactly what it was. A shy smirk formed on her lips as she looked up into the darkening gaze of her boyfriend. Instead of answering him verbally, her hands interlocked behind his neck to pull him into her. The sudden kiss was more forceful than the ones they had shared before. They moved each other's mouths against one another, both still able to read the wanting and desperation of the person in front of them. Just as Minnie's hands unlocked and travelled to Wonwoo's cheeks, the man leaned his head back, leaving her lips cold once again.
"Mingyu-," The girl didn't stop kissing his mouth, making him chuckle. "Mingyu-," another interruption. "Could be back any second." His lips moved against hers as he muttered.
Dreamily, she let her finger mindlessly travel across his cheek, gliding it over his now much brighter pinked lips with a smile on her lips. "That hasn't stopped you before..."
A heavy breath tumbled from his mouth as he looked down at her hand that was now moving around on his chest, going lower and lower, teasingly slow.
With a grin, Minnie sat herself up straighter, both underarms propped up on his shoulder, her fingers starting to play with the short hair on the back of his neck. Wonwoo's hands mindlessly found their way to her hips, a place they had already become so accustomed to.
Their gazes met. The only thing they could do was to grin at each other, knowing damn well what the other person was thinking. A giggle made the girl lean forward, her forehead resting on his left broad shoulder. Just a second later, his hand tangled underneath her hair, holding onto it by the back of her head, pulling her back gently to meet her eyes and with just another smirk, he leaned back into her. 
Minnie let the moan escape as he pressed himself hard against her, lust dripping from his lips, mixing with her own. The movie in the background was long forgotten, the sound of their mouths and spit, together with their heavier breathing filling their ears.
Their bodies started rocking against each other, each of their rushed heartbeats making them move, creating friction between their clothed cores and chests.
Wonwoo's fingers let go of her hair, gliding down her skin to stop on the side of her neck, holding onto her right there. His thumb brushed over her jawline, petting her skin as he opened his mouth just a slight bit more to gently let his tongue tickle her rose lips. A delicate tighten of his hand made the girl open her mouth for a moan, giving him the perfect opportunity to let his tongue travel further. She welcomed him with her own warm tongue, letting it slide over his, getting a heavy breath from him in return as she had also let her hands travel lower, drawing along his abs over the white shirt he was wearing.
The rapper joined her actions, his palms running down her back, over her ass, and down her legs. He stopped at the naked flesh, thanks to her way-too-short biker shorts, and waited for the right time for his next move. His lips left hers to move onto her neck while directing her with his body. Wonwoo leaned forward, taking her with him as he held onto the back of her thighs, moving to his left to lay her down on her back with him hovering above her, going back to kissing her lips.
Just as the tips of his fingers trailed down lower, playing with the seem of the shorts around her legs, Minnie caught him off guard as she snapped her head to the left, followed by a gasp, her eyes now fixed on the TV. The '96 Liner followed her line of sight, sighing softly as he saw the reason for her reaction. One of her favourite scenes of the movie was playing. He shook his head with a chuckle. He should've known better than to put on Tangled...
His deep voice made Minnie turn back to him, her lips curled up. "I'm sorry," she giggled. "I really like this scene."
With a grunt, Wonwoo let himself get comfortable behind her, propped up to continue hovering slightly above her. "No, no, it's fine," he sighed. "This seems much more interesting than what we were doing, I guess."
"Oh, stop!" The girl turned around to slap his chest with a chuckle. The rapper took the opportunity to grasp her chin again, holding her still to place another few kisses on her lips. Minnie smiled into each touch, kissing him back just right. But Wonwoo got to enjoy this moment only for a short bit as she switched her attention once again.
"This scene is really really good though." She pointed at the TV. Another low chuckle tumbled from his lips, his forehead touching her head while his hand was rubbing her stomach. He shuffled down a slight bit, now at the perfect height to kiss her neck.
"Alright," he mumbled against her skin, his palm riding up underneath her, his, sweater to touch her naked skin.
With the lazy kisses making the hair on Minnie's arms spike up, she leaned back into his touch while his hand kept still on her stomach. With a smile, she turned her head,
"You're not gonna let me watch the scene in peace?"
Wonwoo looked at her slightly confused before he realised the curl of her lips, making him chuckle as he leaned in closer to her.
"Do you want me to stop?" To which the '97 Liner only shook her head, her hand quickly on the back of his neck to pull him in. Not only did he go back to kissing her lips, but also her forehead, her cheeks, until he reached her neck again.
"You can continue watching the movie if you want to," he muttered.
Minnie moaned softly with a chuckle. "No, it's okay." Yanking him back up. Just as her mouth opened up wider, making room for his and her tongue to go back to intertwining, the girl also opened her legs after a gentle push with Wonwoo's hand told her to do so. Swiftly, he switched positions again, now right in between her legs, his hand back underneath her sweater, tracing the sides of her torso teasingly slow. The female idol had crossed her ankles around his hips and her wrists around his neck to keep him as close as possible, not wanting to be left alone from his touch for even a second.
Feeling the eagerness almost spilling out of her, a heavy breath erupting from her each time he got close enough to her core to touch it with his pelvis. Wonwoo let his fingers play with the hem of her shorts, getting the messages once she lifted her hips without having to be told. Slower than expected, he only pulled them down a bit, his entire body moving down to join his hands. Gentle kisses trailed down Minnie's neck as she supported his action with her fingers in his hair. Her sweater was pushed up a bit, giving him just a slight peek of her pelvis, the perfect spot to let his lips glide over.
A kiss on the right side, a kiss in the middle, a kiss on the left. Right above her belly button, right below her belly button, and down... a little bit lower... and a little bit more, right until he hit her underwear. Shaky breaths were the only things that filled Wonwoo's ears as he moved onto her left leg, a big grin plastered on his face. 
The rapper pulled the shorts lower for him to have access to more skin of her, starting to kiss her legs right where her underwear ended, getting another shiver in return. Minnie's eyes were trained on every inch he moved, following his gaze that travelled all over her body, almost in awe of his soft touches. Both of his hands wrapped around her ankles to pull them up and place her legs against his shoulders before dragging the shorts further. Right before they reached her feet, he grabbed them with one hand only and pulled them off completely, his other hand following by taking her right leg and placing it on the other side of him, so he was back in between her legs - his second favourite place in the world.
He stayed where he was, only lowering his upper body to be back face to face with her pelvis again. The girl's black underwear was the only thing keeping him from where he wanted to be, and she needed him the most. And the tug on his hair told him just how much she truly needed him.
"I told you to focus on the movie," Minnie felt his lips on the inside of her thighs, making her squirm up and wanting to move if it wasn't for his hands on her hips keeping her still.
She let her fingers brush through his locks, making him look up and if she had been honest with herself... his sharp eyes, looking up at her like that... right above her aching core... could've made her almost come right then and there.
"And I told you I don't want you to stop."
With a gentle smile, Wonwoo brought himself up to be face-to-face with her, his finger trailing down the side of her face, brushing some of her hair out of her face. 
"And I won't," he whispered, placing a soft kiss on the tip of her nose. "I promise." And another right on her lips.
"Good," Minnie giggled, her palm engulfing his cheek to keep him in place even if it was for just a moment before he leaned back. With the added space in between the couple, the girl was able to reach out, her fingers finding the frame of his black glasses, pinching the sides to pull them off the handsome face of her partner. As she put the frames on the coffee table to the side, Wonwoo got rid of the white shirt that had been covering too much skin.
Without shame, Minnie's eyes raked over his naked torso, taking in the chest that had become only more and more toned over the past few months of his intense workout sessions, as well as his abs, that used to be a six-pack, now representing more of an eight-pack. Her right hand brushed over the left side of his chest, up to his shoulder, until she reached his neck to pull him down. 
The girl arched her back to meet him almost halfway, only to be pressed down into the cushions again by Wonwoo's hand on her side. His soft lips moved against hers, not biting down on her lower lip as he sometimes enjoyed to do, but deciding to keep the heat of the moment loving and natural, rather than their sometimes too-hot-for-heaven sessions. His palm touched every inch of the side of her body as he let it travel down to the rim of her underwear. His fingers played around with the thin strap of material hugging her leg and hip, only teasing her even more. Minnie's fingers were tightening their grip on Wonwoo's head of dark hair with every touch that he got closer to her heat.
His touch slid over the hem of her underwear, the elastic suddenly feeling way too tight on her skin. The tip of his middle finger followed a trail down the middle of the fabric until he found the growing wet spot right by her hole. A deep shudder rushed through Minnie as she gasped once Wonwoo pressed down, his fingers putting pressure on her clit. Her head fell back, making the rapper use the opportunity to focus on her open neck, just waiting to be covered in his lips again. He let his hand move on its own, his middle and ring finger rubbing circles through her underwear, getting sigh after sigh out of the girl. His left hand was still tightly on her hip, keeping her in place while her palms were on his shoulders, his chest, his hair - anywhere she could possibly put them. The moment he decided to let his finger finally dip underneath the undergarment, the girl's back arched up high, a loud whine dripping from her lips.
His soft fingertips were oh so gently as they moved against her clit, gathering some of her slick onto them before spreading it, adding to the friction and intensity of her pleasure. Right away, just like he always does, the '96 Liner curled his fingers up, getting another moan in return, making him smirk proudly. Slowly, he pushed his fingers in and out, keeping the form to make sure he would graze just the right spot inside of her. Her nails had started to dig into the muscles of his upper arms, almost making him hiss if it wasn't for the delight it was bringing him.
Holding herself back from moaning too loudly, Minnie took Wonwoo's face in both of her hands, yanking him into a deep kiss, breathing heavily into his mouth as he entered her with two of his fingers. The girl's underwear was still constricting him too much for what he wanted to do, so he released himself from her grip, leaning back to pull his hand out, only to get rid of the, currently very annoying, piece of clothing. Not even thinking about coming back up to face her, he dipped right down, getting comfortable as his hand held onto her thighs, his lips teasing the inner sides of them. Minnie propped her legs up, her feet pressing into the cushions as she sighed out loud, praying to whoever was up there to finally get the relief she was begging for with the sweet sounds of her whines. Somebody must've heard as Wonwoo changed the direction of his kisses, getting closer to her slit. A deep and heavy sigh echoed through the room right as he placed the first kiss right on her clit, not wasting another second before his tongue glided over it. Running circles and miscellaneous figures on it, spending a few moments focused on the centre of her nerves, getting supported by Minnie's fingers tightening around his hair and her hips lifting to meet his touch. The girl's head bored into the cushion as she dared to look down, finding him focused on her pleasure, his tongue moving skilfully, his lips pucked to suck on her clit, sending another wave of pleasure that made her moan out loud. The gentleness of his love was almost painful, making her want to beg him to go faster while also wanting to enjoy scenes like this. She brushed through his hair, one whine after another filling their ears. When Wonwoo dared to look up, his eyes met hers. His lips curled up, making her grin, moaning again as he took the moment to go down just a bit lower, his tongue sliding inside of her. A long lick until up to the top before his fingers were inside of her and his tongue could focus back on her clit, knowing that this would eventually tip her over the edge.
As soon as the tips of his fingers touched the ruffled surface inside of her and he pressed his tongue firmly on her clit, her fingers pulled just quickly at his hair, getting a groan from him in return.
She whined out his name into the room, her hips bucking up, only for him to push her down again with a soft chuckle, amused by her reactions, knowing he could never get tired of the things he was able to make her do. The hums of pleasure coming from him vibrated against her, adding to the pleasure she was experiencing. Even after months of repeatedly feeling his hands and mouth on every inch of her body, her reactions would still always be the same - never could she ever get used to what he was able to do with her. And she would never take it for granted.
The sound of his lips moving against her core was almost pornographic, even in a lazy scene like this, on the couch, both comfortable and just needy for some relief
Minnie had subconsciously started thrusting her hips along with the movements of his fingers in and out of her. His lips were switching between sucking and kissing. Wonwoo's tongue took its time whenever it touched her clit, licking it smoothly, the tip pointy as it teasingly ran around it, only to press down a bit harder.
Once the female idol noticed her breathing quickening and her feet started to tingle, her right hand dropped down to find his that was still glued on her hips. The rapper opened his hand for her to take, which she gladly accepted, her grip immediately tightening as his finger movements started to quicken. The thumb of his left hand brushed over the back of her right one while his focus was still elsewhere. His tongue began to move harder, making controlling the girl's movements more difficult, but not impossible.
"Ah- fuck... Won...," Minnie whined out loud, "I'm gonna come." In return, he intertwined their fingers, letting their hands rest on her stomach while his other continued to work skillfully inside of her. The female performer couldn't help but to tighten her legs around his head, getting another deep groan from him as his fingers left her empty. He used his hand to push her left leg away from him while his head rested against the inside of her right thigh. With his elbows, he kept them apart, letting his thumb now massage her clit while he took the time to look up at his girlfriend. Her head was thrown back, exposing the beautiful length of her neck, her fingers gripping onto his tightly. At the loss of his tongue, Minnie looked down, meeting his gaze, noticing the pink tint of his lips, making her smile and sigh in pleasure as she watched his big hang placed on her pelvis to keep her steady while his thumb was rubbing her.
The hum she sang made Wonwoo smirk as he bit down on his lips. "Mmm- right there... oh God..." Followed by a soft kiss placed on her clit before the rapper went back to letting his tongue lick around it, the tip flicking it, making Minnie push her hips into the couch.
She kept repeating a miscellaneous follow-up of words and exclamations, reassuring him of doing just the right job.
"Ye- yeah... fuck-" A high-pitched moan surprised both as she arched her back, the pleasure suddenly building up quickly. The girl yanked up Wonwoo's hand, placing it right on top of her right breast, her hands covering his as she used it to relieve some of the pleasure she didn't know what to do with - she just needed something to hold onto.
"Yeah- yeah," she continued moaning out loud as the '96 Liner added his fingers back inside of her, only seconds from getting her to her high. "Fuck- WONWOO- UGH," she almost screamed once the wave hit her, her hands crushing his, her hips lifting the second the orgasm washed over her. Wonwoo grinned against her, his tongue now flat against her clit and his hand back on her inner thigh to get him more space between her legs. Minnie continued to whine out into the room, squirming around on the cushions as heavy breaths fell from her lips. 
Once the tight grip on his hand fell, he let it brush over her tit, down her stomach and onto her hips, stopping right at her ass.
While she was still trying to catch her breath, brushing some of the hair that had fallen onto her face away, the '96 Liner was placing gentle kisses all over her core and on the inside of her thighs, only stopping as soon as he felt her eyes on him. His head rested against her naked leg as he looked up, her fingers running through her hair once again. His right palm brushed up and down her left leg, comforting her while she was still finding her normal breathing pattern. Minnie chuckled as she let her head fall back.
"You okay?" Wonwoo wondered with a smile on his lips, pushing himself up slowly to come face-to-face with her. As soon as she found his eyes, she nodded shyly, pressing her lips together as she noticed him leaning in for another kiss. The salty aftertaste of herself was still on his mouth, almost making her moan.
"Couldn't be better," she muttered against his lips, her hands back on his cheeks.
As sweet as the moment was, Minnie wanted more. And by the motion of the rapper's hips against her naked core, he had the same wants as her. Wonwoo's eager hands were already on their way back underneath her sweater, warming up each other's skin by rubbing his palm up and down her side, pushing up the last piece of clothing covering her with each brush. The girl took the messages and sat herself up, pushing the rapper just slightly away from her to get on her still wobbly knees, crossing her arms and tugging her sweater up by its hem. Wonwoo's soft touch followed her hands, his eyes gazing over her naked form in front of him in awe as he kissed her chest that was now right in front of his face. His big hands held her steady by her back, pulling her in, making her hold onto his shoulders, her head thrown back in pleasure once again. Slowly, but surely, the female idol pushed him further back by his upper body, his hands already going down to get the grey sweatpants off his body. Her fingers met his hastily as the couple giggled into each other's lips at how eager they were. Wonwoo grabbed the waistband of the pants and his underwear in one to pull them down at the same time. Minnie helped him halfway to get them off his legs, throwing them somewhere onto the floor where the rest of their clothes had already found their place. 
His length was already hot and hard against his abdomen when the girl's right hand travelled down to engulf it in her palm. Wonwoo hissed at the contact, his hand on her side tightening subconsciously, loosening up immediately again once he noticed, not wanting to ruin the lazy session they had started and were about to finish. The couple had found their way to the other side of the couch, the '96 Liner now on his back, with his girlfriend right on top of him, her hand on his shaft, her thumb gliding over the tip, spreading the few drops of pre-cum that were coating him.
Minnie smiled wider with each moan and groan coming from the rapper. His reaction to her touch will forever be engraved in her brain and yet, she could still listen to and watch him like this every single day. One of Wonwoo's hands was securely holding her in place by being wrapped around her back, while the other was now by her ass, daring to spread her cheeks and sliding his two fingers from before through her slit yet again. She groaned against his lips, shifting her hips forward, her naked chest brushing against his. The feeling of her hardened nipples on him sent a wave of arousal through his body and right down to his erection, making it twitch and Minnie grin into their kiss.
She couldn't take it anymore. And telling by Wonwoo's thrusts upwards, he didn't want to wait any longer either. The girl stopped her hand motions and lowered herself while trying to align herself with the tip of his length. Once he felt it touch his fingers, he snatched them back and placed his palm on her hip, his lips abandoning hers as his eyes fell down to the small space keeping their bodies apart. The need to watch himself enter her grew with each day that he got to spend with her. The intimacy the couple shared was so sacred and so valued. Something he could never get enough of or take for granted.
A shaky moan tumbled from his lips, the moment his red tip touched her as Minnie lowered herself, her hand letting go of his erection to hold onto his shoulders, her fingers digging into his skin. 
"Ah, God...," he almost cursed, breathing out heavily.
The desperation made each inch that went into her all that more intense. Even with his girth, and he wasn't the thickest, the female idol could feel his veins rubbing against her walls, stretching her only a slight bit more, thanks to his fingers that had done it before. She had to go slow, knowing that the length of him could, if not careful, be the game-changer of the session. Once she was fully down, his entire erection now inside of her, she let her forehead rest against his, only for Wonwoo to pull her in closer, to let his lips ghost over hers as he started to move up gently, getting a whine from her in return. He groaned deeply, thankfully nowadays more vocal than before after Minnie had repeatedly told him the impact it had if men actually wouldn't shut their mouths for once - in this very situation.
Her hands fell to his chest, propping herself to stay like this as she started to join his movements. The '97 Liner moved back and forth, the friction of his pubic hair stubbles rubbing against her clit, adding to the friction she needed. Wonwoo had placed his hands over hers, holding onto them just like she had done with his minutes earlier. With his feet digging into the couch, he was able to continuously nudge his pelvis up, his length sliding in and out of her, catching his attention, only for it to be caught again by her moans hitting his ears. The girl's long hair had fallen in front of her face, covering her beauty. The rapper reached out to brush it away, holding it behind her head before he pulled her down towards him once again. He needed to have her closer.
Minnie hid her face in his neck, placing a few soft kisses of her own on his skin, making him sigh out loud. Wonwoo's arms wrapped around her torso to keep her right up against him as he switched their position. He moved to the side, giving her more space right next to him as he turned her, so they were both laying on the cushions, still facing each other and with his erection still pulsating inside her. The girl tightened her right leg around his hip, pulling his pelvis closer, moaning into his mouth as he went back to kissing her, quick pecks, followed by a deep make-out session. He kept up his hip movements. Slow, but deep. Oh god... so deep. He let each thrust linger for a bit, dragging it out as he pulled back, only to push back up, the friction, not disturbed by a condom, making him groan.
Wonwoo could feel his high getting closer, making him move his left arm from around her torso down to where their bodies met, knowing she wouldn't come just like that. His fingers found her clit easily, rubbing slow circles on it, making sure to get them wet before going back. Minnie opened up her neck to him, closing her eyes and whining out in pleasure. His lips began another trail of kisses along her jaw, down her neck, and up to her ear. Behind it, he placed a peck before whispering.
"I love you so much," grunting softly. "So much, jagi."
She put her palm right on his neck, her thumb running over his cheek and jaw, finding his eyes as they were both pressed up against one of the multiple soft cushions Minnie had chosen for their apartment.
"I love you too," she leaned in closer to kiss him quickly, a moan interrupting her as his fingers found a more sensitive spot, stopping right there to continue rubbing it. Another whine and another moan erupted from her, her fingers slightly tightening on his neck.
"P-Please make come," she moaned against his lips, "God- please."
Wonwoo's mouth pecked her cheek, and her nose, mumbling and breathing heavily against her skin.
"Come with me, baby." Another quick kiss on her lips. "Come on."
Even as she started squirming around more, his fingers didn't leave her clit and he kept his hip movements steady, continuing his deep thrusts.
A sudden shudder made the rapper smile softly, "You're gonna come?" Minnie could only nod in return as another whine came from her, followed by a deeper moan. Her hips started moving incoherently, hoping to help the need for release.
"FUck- yes... please... OH-" She stopped herself, her fingers grasping his shoulders tightly making him hiss. Her high-pitched moan filled his ear and body with pleasure, motivating the two thrusts he had left. By the second one, he groaned into her neck, pulling her as close as he possibly could, his ropes of cum erupting inside of her, only getting another grunt from her in return. The feeling of getting filled up made her shiver and giggle in bliss. Wonwoo joined her while his erection was still in her, now slowly softening, not stopping him from moving though. His fingers pressed down onto her clit to test her sensitivity, to which Minnie smacked his hand away after jolting because of the touch. He chuckled before he grabbed her cheek with the hand that was pleasuring her only seconds before, pulling her towards his lips. The smiling made it harder for the couple to kiss, but it didn't stop them.
"I really do love you," Wonwoo muttered.
The girl brushed through his hair, trying to get some strands off his forehead, "I know," she gave him another quick peck. "And I really love you too," followed by a sigh. "Even though you made me miss half of the movie."
"Jesus," he rolled his eyes with a chuckle." D'you want me to put in on from the beginning?"
"No," she shook her head with a smile, leaning back in to continue their lazy kiss exchange. It was interrupted by Wonwoo, who leaned back, his fingers trailing down the side of her face, his eyes following his touch, lingering on different parts of her face before smiling to himself.
"What?" Minnie wondered, copying his facial expression, gazing up at him as they shared a moment of silence.
"Nothing," the rapper grinned at her, giving her one last peck. In the middle of it, he decided to pull out, the softness not making it any less intense, both hissing and the loss of contact. "Wait here. Stay still," he told her before releasing himself from the comfort of her legs around him. The girl nodded with a hum, knowing where he was going since this had almost become a ritual for the two. Normality for him. 
After a deep breath in and brushing through her hair, the girl pushed herself up slightly, looking around the floor to find her clothes. A few seconds later, she could hear his footsteps getting close.
"You know, Mingyu's gonna kill us if we ever get this couch dirty," she commented as he re-entered the living room, a wet washcloth in his right hand.
"That's why I told you to stay still. Don't get up. We don't need cum stains on here." Still naked, he sat down right by her legs and started to clean her up.
Minnie grinned. "Well, you should've thought about that before doing this."
"I did," he explained again. "And I told you to stay put. If you don't listen, that's on you, and have fun explaining that to Mingyu."
"Yeah, yeah, whatever," she rolled her eyes in response, pushing herself up after he seemed done, only to get hit with a wet feeling on her torso. He had thrown the cloth at her.
"EW, WONWOO," she chuckled with scrunched eyebrows, taking the piece of fabric between her fingers to throw it back into his lap.
"Don't say 'yeah, yeah, whatever' like that," he looked at her with a smirk. "And what the hell is 'ew' supposed to mean?" He mumbled under his breath as he got up, taking a few steps forward before leaning down to gather her pieces of clothing and handing them over to her. "Here."
"Thank you," she reached out to get them into her own grasp. She got his sweatpants and underwear from the floor in front of her and extended her arm towards him. He thanked her in return and disappeared around the corner again.
Minnie got everything back on her body again when Wonwoo came back, this time his boxers covering his lower body. He started putting his sweatpants on in the living room as the girl made her way to the kitchen to get something to drink.
“And see, Mingyu didn't walk in on us," she commented along the way. Once she reached the other room, she opened one of their cabinets to get two glasses. 
“Don’t jinx it," the '96 Liner shook his head, tightening the strings around his waist.
As if they had heard the girl, in that exact moment, the door to their apartment suddenly flew open with DK’s voice ringing through the room “Hey ho heyyy!” Announcing his sudden arrival. Each of the couple's heads shot in the direction of the hallway.
Minnie sheepishly grinned at her partner after coming back into the living room, handing her boyfriend one of the glasses now filled with water, whispering a quick “Sorry,” followed by a chuckle from both of them.
The main vocalist proceeded his entrance further into the apartment when his eyes landed on the girl.
“AH!” Dokyeom screeched, “Minnie’s naked!”
“I’m not!” She quickly shouted, not seeing the other members stuck in their place around the corner, shock written all across their faces as they dared to peek into the living room.
“She’s not, I’m just kidding,” the ‘97 Liner giggled, turning around and raising his hands in defence. Mingyu brushed past him and shook his head with a smile. "But Wonwoo's half-naked for some reason," he continued, throwing himself onto the other couch the couple didn't just bless. Dino joined them in the living room, looking around as if he was searching for something.
"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't know I couldn't walk around the way I want in the comfort of my own home," he saltily talked back, taking his shirt the girl had picked up from the floor into his own hands. It didn't go unnoticed by the members.
With scrunched eyebrows that quickly relaxed, the maknae spoke up. "We interrupted something, didn't we?" 
Minnie shook her head, "No, not... really interrupted." Her answer made Dokyeom frown in confusion for a second. He looked at the girl, then at Wonwoo who was putting his shirt on, that was lying on the floor only a moment ago, and let Dino's comment sink in. He immediately shot up from his position and pointed at the couch he had sat on.
"On here?"
"No," the female member answered him softly, an amused grin playing on her lips.
He pointed at the sofa Wonwoo had made himself comfortable on.
"On here?"
A second passed before the '96 Liner took the word, still slightly annoyed at the interruption of their alone time as he corrected his glasses on his nose bridge.
Seokmin squinted at his member before his gaze fell on the girl that had joined Mingyu in the kitchen, only to come back into the living room, on her way to settle down next to the rapper on the sofa.
"I don't believe you," he made clear, taking big steps to the other end of the room, "So I'll be taking a seat at the dining table."
Minnie chuckled followed by a shake of her head as she brushed through her hair, relaxing into the backrest of the couch. Asking what the other members were doing in their apartment was useless as Dino was already taking out his phone, rushing over to her, ready to show her what was getting him all that excited while Dokyeom was shouting at Mingyu to hurry up with the food.
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poly!mimiwon (keeping this open in case some of you want to add sth and bc I love your ideas)🫶🏼
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Taglist: @shrynkk @chaebb @lunarxsun @hoe4wonwoo @kimhyejin3108 @soobzao @billboard-singer @cosmicwintr @zwiehe @angie-x3 @smooore @allthings-fandoms
215 notes · View notes
baronessvonglitter · 1 month
if love be rough with you, be rough with love | chapter 15 | "mutually assured destruction"
Dave York x f!Reader
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Word count: 5,707
Summary: A life-changing secret is unearthed, altering the directions of your life and Dave's.
WARNINGS: 18+ Only! Mature and Explicit, TW attempt at self-unaliving, angst, secrets revealed, gaslighting, talk of murder and paid assassination, obsessive!Dave, rough sex, hate sex, unprotected piv, revenge, if I missed anything please let me know!
Author's note: this turned into more than I initially thought, and took a lot out of me emotionally but I'm pleased with it and I hope you are too! Please do not read if you're not in a good headspace, there are very triggering scenarios in place for the sake of dramatic storytelling. For those battling real life demons, please click here for help 🫂
Series Masterlist
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It's the day before you leave for London. A Friday.
Years from now you'll look back on this day and wonder how it started so normally, as if fate wasn't already hard at work against you.
You make breakfast for the family: pancakes, fresh fruit, scrambled eggs. The new au pair is coming on Monday and you want to do everything in your power to stay on the family's mind so that they'll want you back when you return from studying abroad, but in the back of your mind you know that won't be an issue.
Sneaking a glance at Dave at the table, you exchange a small, secret glance and a smile, but his eyes never leave you once you busy yourself with other tasks. You can feel his gaze on you, checking you out in your casual outfit of the day: jeans that show off your curves and a cropped long sleeve shirt that shows a sliver of midriff. You're going to miss choosing outfits that will keep you on his mind all day.
Later you get the girls bundled up for school, putting on their warm boots and winter coats. Alice has two different colored gloves on, Molly forgot her library book upstairs. Both girls want to wear their new scarves but they're fighting over the same one. You're already prepared, fixing the situations, showing Dave that you're maternal, giving him a glimpse of what your life together would look like.
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You've already made plans to see each other over New Year's, see the sights together, make love in a different country. Honestly you don't think you'd be looking forward to London as much if there wasn't the promise of Dave joining you there, even if only for a little bit. You're learning to have your forever with him in a few stolen moments.
After running some last minute errands (Carol insisted that you spend this time on yourself and she could take care of anything extra) you have everything ready. You're packed, suitcases and passport on your bed.
Slipping into his home office, you dangle a thong around your finger, intending to leave it in his desk, a small memory of you, a promise of what's to come.
A drawer that's usually locked is left slightly open, teasing you, taunting you. You bite your lip. You've never been in Dave's office without him, and you recall what he'd told you:
"There are some other parts of my life, things I can't tell you yet. I know you'll understand when the time comes.."
You shake your head. It's just a drawer, you tell yourself. If Dave were here he'd call you a silly girl, then guide you away from his desk and press you to the wall, or the floor, or-
But you can't resist a peek.
And because of that your world changes.
The rest of your day is spent uncovering your lover's secrets, and the worst secret is saved for last.
In the back of the open drawer, tucked safely into a small black pouch: a class ring with your birthstone, and your gold baby bracelet, your name written in perfect cursive.
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Dave returns after work, calling out to the house, knowing you're here somewhere because your car's here and Carol's isn't. It's too quiet. She probably has the girls with her.
"Sweetpea, you home?"
There's no answer, so he shrugs and heads to his office. intending on doing some work for awhile before bed. You'll show up eventually, looking for him, legs spread eagerly, mouth open voraciously, wearing some barely-there lingerie, tempting him while his family's out. He knows you by now, but that doesn't stop him from wanting you.
He knows something is wrong as soon as he sees his office door is cracked open. No one goes in there but him. He steps in to see his office has been searched. Papers are strewn on his desk, files scattered, drawers opened. He feels like he might have a heart attack.
There you are, in a chair in the corner of the room, watching him, waiting for him.
"You're a fucking murderer," you mutter in a half-sob, alerting him to your presence.
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The moment those words leave your mouth you know it's a mistake. Dave approaches you, slowly and deliberately. You want to run for the door but you're not sure you can even move. Your heart feels like it will stop at any moment, if Dave doesn't stop it with his own hands.
In one swift movement he grabs you, forces you to the wall, his large hands pinning your shoulders. He's in a rage, seething with anger, hurt, and resentment. But he hides it well, towering over you. "What do you think you read, silly girl? You're not even completely sure what you saw," he motions behind him to his littered desk. "Do you want people to think you're crazy?"
The fear in your blood turns to outrage. You ignore his question and offer one of your own. "My father.. my own father?" Your voice wavers as you keep your cold gaze on him as you say your father's name for the first time in years. "Sound familiar? He should be. Five years ago you killed him."
There is the briefest flicker of surprise in Dave's eyes, soon replaced with approval, estimation even. "What makes you say that, sweetpea?" he asks, his voice honey-sweet.
Nausea threatens to make you keel over, but your righteous anger holds you through. "It was all over your fucking paperwork. And these," you say, opening your palm to show your jewelry he'd stolen that fateful night. He looks but makes no move to take them.
"For years the cops had us convinced it was a home invasion gone wrong.. but they were on your payroll, weren't they?"
"Where's your phone? Give it to me," he demands. When you don't oblige right away he grabs it from your back pocket, rifling through the photos section, checking to see what you've deleted, making sure you don't have anything incriminating waiting to be emailed.
So far he's in the clear and he tosses your phone to the chair.
"What are you going to do about it?" Dave asks, his voice low, cold, nearly a growl, and he looks at you as if you're a bug he's squashed under his shoe. "What are you going to do with the information you have? Because you can't tell anyone, do you understand that? Especially not the police. We both know they won't protect you." He soothes the effect of his words with a soft brush of his knuckles across your cheek. "If you try to spread this.. misinformation to anyone else, you'll disappear."
A shiver goes through you and you knock his hand away. "Why?? Why did you take him away from me? I needed him."
It's a new feeling for Dave. He's never had to deal with the fallout of his extracurricular activity.
"I was just doing my job," he answers, the catch-all phrase he never imagined he'd have to use. "But from everything you've told me about him, I rather think you'd be grateful to me, sweetpea."
You ignore this little quip, too angry to think of anything to say in this heated moment, when your brain is still swimming with mixed emotions. "He was just a name on your list? Is that what you're saying?" you ask coldly.
"Yes," he replies sharply. "He was not a person to me, okay? He was a target. He was a job."
His words are harsh, but they're the truth.
"Do you understand that? Do you understand now how I see people? How my world works? It's made up of people I am paid to kill. People who hire me to do the killing. People who betray others. It's not a game and it's certainly not personal." He takes a moment, looks squarely at you, measuring how you're taking this.
"Did you ever have any idea," you start slowly, "when you hired me to be your kids' nanny? Did you ever have any clue that I might have been his daughter? When you kissed me and fondled me and screwed me, did you ever wonder if maybe my last name was a coincidence?"
"Are you trying to make me feel guilty? If so, it's not working very well. I've learned how to separate myself from the job. Compartmentalization. It's the same thing I do when I'm fucking you and not thinking of my wife, or fucking my wife and not thinking of you. Do you understand that?"
Your hand flies across his face, landing a harsh slap, leaving a red mark that even you can feel the sting of.
His first instinct is anger, then there's a sudden flash of a smile across his face, lighting up his features as he soothes his cheek. "I have to admit, with that scrappy little attitude.. you're just like your father. Tenacious."
You're disgusted with yourself. You've given away your innocence to your father's murderer. You'd loved him and sinned with him, risking so much. You even wanted to marry him someday, in a stupid fantasy of yours that now just feels repugnant.
"Did he see you coming?" You whisper. "Or did you sneak up behind him like a coward when you killed him?"
Dave's smile fades. "I let him see me, and at that moment he knew he found his death," he recollects. "It's the most powerful feeling in the world.. watching the light fade in someone's eyes and knowing you're the cause of it. It's a little like playing god. It was no different with your father."
"And this information you have," he continues, "what exactly are you going to do with it? Because I refuse to have to kill you, sweetpea. It would hurt me too much to have to get rid of you for your curiosity. You opened up a Pandora's Box. Now what are you going to do with all the misery you've unleashed?"
You're calm. Your heartbeat is normal. Glancing out the window there's freshly fallen snow. Such a peaceful scene despite the awfulness playing out with you and the man you loved.
"Carol took the girls out to drive around and look at Christmas lights. They might be gone awhile."
You reach into your pocket and pull out a snub nose revolver, one you'd pilfered from Dave's desk earlier. You pull the hammer back and aim it at him. "I'm going to spare them having to hear their father die, a little gift I'm passing forward that you gave me years ago."
There's a flash of fear that flits across his face as you point the gun at him, which he quickly masks with cold indifference as he raises his hands in surrender, backing away slowly. "You had to have some idea.. all those nights waiting up for me, patching me up when I had a bloody lip or bruised knuckles? They're not always quick kills, sweetpea. Sometimes I have to use my fists."
You don't waver, still aiming the gun, the irony not lost on you that he'd been the one to teach you to shoot. The power you have over him right now is indescribable, with the agony of the revelation of Dave's shadow business lurking just beneath.
"You had to know," he repeats. "Yet you still decided to pursue me, to sleep with me, to fall in love with me." He stares you down as you continue to aim. "Now.. do you think you have it in you to kill me? Because revenge, my silly girl, is not really your style."
His words wound you. Yes, deep down you always knew. You just never put your father's death into the equation.
"You're right," you admit. "I'm not a killer like you. But I'm just as bad as you are."
Despair and guilt rack your body. There's no way out. You'd been prepared to shoot Dave, maybe even kill him as revenge for your dad, but in this moment you have a sudden change of heart.
"You don't have to worry about me telling anyone. I'll take it to my grave."
You aim the revolver at yourself, just under your chin, cold metal against soft, warm skin. "I still love you, Dave."
You open your eyes and fall to your knees, gasping as you drop the gun. It wasn't loaded. A blinding wave of relief and anguish courses through you as you begin to sob, your entire body shaking.
He walks to you, picking up the gun and opening the chamber. Empty. "Do you really think I'm stupid enough to have a loaded gun in my own home, sweetpea? I have children, for Christ's sake." He shakes his head, putting the gun away. "I thought you'd be more clever than that, especially after all I've taught you." He sighs, looking more disappointed than distressed over your attempt. While you're on the ground, hugging your knees to your chest, shivering, he quietly tidies up his desk, putting everything back where it belongs, all his secrets stored away. He locks the drawer with a definitive click.
"You do it," you weep as he kneels next to you, giving you a tissue. "You killed him, now kill me. It would be poetic." You meet his eyes, seeing nothing but coldness in them, knowing that was all there was this whole time. "There's nothing I want in this life anymore."
Dave hugs you, and despite the hatred you feel for him, despite the maelstrom of emotions you find yourself in, you cry on his shoulder as he kisses your hair.
When you've finally cried yourself out, he helps you to your feet. "I'm going to take you for a drive. We need to talk."
In your emotional state you go along with whatever he wants. You're like a zombie, your body functioning but your brain clouded with misery.
You both get in his car, but you don't bother to put your seat belt on.
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"Do you trust me?" he asks as you head out on the road.
"That's a funny question," you say in monotone, turning your head to look at him. "I don't know if I do. I shouldn't."
"Here's the thing." He clears his throat, makes himself comfortable for the drive. "I think you do. I know you always have. You shouldn't but you did. You still do. You trusted me enough to be completely vulnerable before me. You trusted me when you slept with me, each and every time. You trusted me when you told me about your awful history with your father. Trust takes guts."
You groan as he speaks about your intimate times together, numerous times, scandalous situations. You'd given your body and your heart.. to a married man.. to your father's killer.
"That trust is gone," you tell him.
Dave sighs, continuing to drive. After almost forty-five minutes he pulls over to the side of the road. You're in the middle of nowhere, far from anyone or anything. He gets out and helps you out of the passenger seat. Taking a tentative look around you see barely lit forest on the roadside, lit by a scattered amount of street lights. The snow has stopped for now, and a chilling wind howls through the desolate night.
Together you walk into the darkness. You fully believe he's brought you here to kill you, to silence you from spilling his secrets. And you feel only the slightest anxiety at this thought.
He leads you up a small path, thick forest on either side of you. Eventually you arrive at the edge of a cliff. The wind roars in your ears.
"What are we doing here?" you shout. It's almost too dark to see him.
He removes his jacket and puts it on you, shivering in your same clothes from this morning, only a denim jacket over them. It's warm from his body heat and smells faintly of his cologne. "Tell me why we're out here," you insist.
Dave looks out over the cliff, seemingly lost in thought. You're not even sure he's heard your demand.
"Did you know your father well, sweetpea?" he finally asks. "Did you spend a lot of time with him?"
It's like a stab to the chest, feeling your dad's loss all over again. "I thought I knew him well enough.. I think he loved me in his own way."
"He was corrupt, sweetpea. He had dealings with men much worse than me, men who would've hurt you and your family if given half the chance. A rival gang paid us to take him out." Dave goes quiet, dipping into that memory, perhaps wishing he could reverse things so you wouldn't be here, in the cold, with him. "I'm not the monster that you think I am. I'm human just like you."
"No, you're not human. Taking lives for money makes you less than that." Tears sting at your eyes, the bitter wind making them cold on your cheeks. You saw how sweet Dave could be with his children, how he gave off the impression of a loving husband even though you knew that particular part wasn't true. He had hidden depths, just like your father. His love for you was conditional, just like your father's.
You need your heart to stay hardened against him.
"I loved my father,” you continue. "I saw bad in him, just as I told you. But that didn't mean I wanted him dead."
"We're all just animals," Dave insists. "And even animals kill each other."
"You're the only animal here, David." You remove his jacket from you, symbolizing how you're done with him, preferring the bitter cold to the warm lies he's trying to give you. He gives a surprised grunt as you shove the jacket against his chest. "I've seen enough and heard enough. I'm walking home."
"You asked if I recognized you the day you came to interview for the position.. truth is, I did."
You turn at his revelation, stopping in your tracks but coming no closer to him.
He continues, "My team and I searched room to room, pilfering a few valuables to make it look like a real break-in. The last bedroom at the end of the hall was cracked open, with a pink light spilling through. When I walked in I could still smell your perfume in the air, something sweet like the kind a girl your age would wear. The clothes you tried on and discarded were strewn on your floral bedspread."
Now he has your attention, now he has you rapt, and as he describes that night you recall your room in that house, the perfume and the bedspread he's mentioned.
"I looked around, took my time, even though I was supposed to be quick," Dave admits. "I looked at the photos you kept by your bedside, removed the silk scarf draped over your lamp - that's a fire hazard, you silly girl." He smirks at you a moment, something akin to mirth in his dark eyes. "I saw the awards on your dresser, the photographs.. a little girl in a ballerina costume, that same girl growing up, attending summer camp, learning archery, and becoming a young woman, attending homecoming dances and learning how to drive.. I saw a piece of your life, sweetpea. And I was entranced."
Your mouth has gone dry. You know every one of those photos, have them collected safely in an album in storage somewhere.
"I didn't know your name, but the moment you came through my door, almost a thousand miles from your home, I was in awe. It had to be fate. You'd come to me, and despite my initial misgivings about having you so close, the possibility of you knowing how we were tied together was so minimal yet held such huge risk. There were times when I was sure you'd call me out for it, maybe blackmail me, so I kept my distance at first. But you were so obvious, sweetpea. You wear your heart on your sleeve, do you know that? It's adorable, especially that look you're wearing now."
You back away, forcing your body to move.
"That beautiful young woman with the pink room and cotton candy perfume ended up finding me, choosing me. I think all this time she's been looking for a replacement for her dead daddy."
"Stop," you beg. It sounds loud in your ears but comes out quietly from your lips.
"I love you," he says in earnest. "I don't care if the world burns. Everything is just a distraction if I can't have you."
A deep breath. "You should have pushed me over that cliff when you had the chance."
"I'm not going to hurt you," he approaches you with a calm demeanor. "I know I threatened to kill you, but that was said in anger. Don't you know how much you mean to me? Frankly I'm hurt by the fact you're even thinking I'd harm you."
You look at him squarely. "Oh, you're hurt?? Why don't we make it even and I take your family away from you?"
"You wouldn't." He holds you in his grasp, looking down on you with a smug expression.
"It would make us even, Dave." With a dark look in your eyes you run your hands along his chest. "I always thought you appreciated symmetry."
His countenance warms, his embrace loosened by your coquetry. "It's fucked up, but I can't help wanting you one last time," he says.
"You're right. It's fucked up."
"Let me take you to that hotel you like so much," he insists. "A proper sendoff before you leave the country. Because nothing is going to stop us, right? We can get past this little obstacle. It's just a tiny hurdle in our relationship."
Your lips curve into a smile as your blood boils. "That expensive hotel we went to, our very first night together? I don't think that's quite the aesthetic we're going for. Take me to the cheapest fucking place that's closest to us."
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The motel room is small, smells faintly of cigarette smoke and cleaning product. But it has a bed, and that's all that counts.
Dave starts to unbuckle his belt and you watch, leaning against the dresser. "Remember that first night, when I bled? You told me it was rare to happen in this day and age. But it makes sense now. You shed my father's blood when you murdered him, and you shed mine when you took my innocence."
He's naked, waiting for you to also take off your clothes. "Did you regret giving yourself to me?" He pauses. "Do you hate me?"
"I'm not going to tell you," you smirk without any levity. "Isn't it more exciting to sleep with someone when you don't know how they feel about you?" However, seeing him sans clothing, a near rarity in your relationship, does something to you. You're lucky to be female and hide your arousal for the most part. You back Dave to the bed, making sure he's watching as you take off your clothes too.
His eyes are glued to you, cock already hard at the sight of your nakedness. You press him down to the bed, straddling his lap as you take him into you. Even you can't hide your need for him, the gasp of surprise as he fills you up completely.
You use him, that's the best way to put it. You care little for his kiss or his touch. You're simply taking your pleasure from him, riding him hard, the way he likes it, holding him so close you nearly smother him.
Yes, you love him, but that love has been poisoned by the truth of what he's done. There's no love in your actions, but there are tears in your eyes as you ride him, as if you'd fuck him to death if you could.
He can feel your pain.. the pain of all those secrets revealed tonight, the pain of having to deal with a man like him. And he can feel your anger, because for you, right now, there is nothing but revenge.
You feel it as Dave make himself a blank slate to take the brute force that is the only thing you can offer in this moment, so that you can emotionally bleed out your suffering and anger onto him.
You're riding him hard, taking your pleasure in a vicious way. "Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you," you moan.
It's a sound of desperation and release, and in a strange way it makes him want you even more. For you, this is revenge, but for him it's pleasure. He grabs you by the waist as you move on top of him, your nails dragging down his back, leaving marks that will be hard to explain later on. Your first instinct is to brush his hands off you, but you're so close to coming, and in that moment you don't care what Dave has done, or who he will hurt in the future. You just need him, and your heart allows a little bit of his love to pierce your armor.
With his hands on your waist, he pushes up and rolls you over. You move with him, teeth tugging on his bottom lip, inflicting more violence in your lovemaking because now.. everything is different. On top, looking you in the eyes.. You might hate him, but right now he doesn't care.
"There it is, there's that anger," he mutters. "Just let it all out, sweetpea. I know what you're feeling right now. I know exactly who I am and what I can be." He takes charge again, showing you that you're not the only one with anger inside of you. He enjoys the violence you're bringing to the bed, the violence that he deserves.
It's as if you're ready for his aggression, happy that he's fighting back. You're turning that pain to pleasure because otherwise the pain will disintegrate you.
You're still cursing him: "Bastard!" "Son of a bitch!" Meanwhile your body holds his close, accepting every forceful movement.
His eyes remain locked on yours the entire time. He doesn't let you escape his gaze. He wants you to see him, because now you can't hate him without hating yourself.
He's hurting you and you're enjoying it, just as it's always been. He kisses you forcefully, moving against you, as if you can't wait for the other to break.
Your bodies crash together savagely, both of you trading your pain and anguish. You dig your fingernails down his back once more as the first sweet, fluttery feelings give way to a strong, hedonistic wave of pleasure that threatens to engulf you. There's no holding back or hiding from it. All you can do is burn within it, let your climax conquer your senses as your cunt grips him more tightly than ever before.
Dave's eyes go wide and he lets out a small groan. He feels your grief and anger, and he loves it. He holds you close as you come together, holding you close as if he never wants to let go. You feel complete when he comes, the way he pushes deep and hard against you, as if imprinting himself in you.
Afterwards, you just want to sleep. All your emotions have come to a head and you're weak from feeling them. You feel like a shell of a person.
Still, he doesn't let you go. He lays on top of you, breathing hard, sweaty from the physical exertion, trying to catch his breath.
He knows that once this night is over he'll go back to being a monster, and you'll always be the girl he betrayed in the worst way.
In this small moment you remain connected, feeling Dave's body against yours as you have so many times before. The ghost of a smile graces your lips as you look at him above you, brushing a small, sweaty strand of hair away from his forehead.
He looks down at you, filled with mixed emotions. He doesn't want to move, but he knows he has to. He climbs off you and lays next to you, watching you. The red motel sign glows into the window of your room, lighting the bed, covering your bodies in a warm scarlet glow.
"What were my father's last words?" you ask in the quietude of the moment.
"He asked for mercy," Dave answers. "He said he had a daughter who needed him. And that if I let him live, he would never cause trouble again."
You try to calm your breathing. "And then what did you do?"
A pause. "I shot him in the head." His voice is like a stone.
You look at him, this man you loved without shame, without guilt. "And how much money did you receive for killing him? What was his life worth?"
"Fifty thousand dollars."
You close your eyes. "Thank you for your honesty."
He doesn't know how to respond. He wants to defend himself, he wants to apologize, he wants to ask your forgiveness. But all he can say is: "I love you."
You turn to him in the half-darkness of the seedy motel room. "I know."
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It's early when you wake, body sore, heart broken. You shower, washing away Dave's scent, his sweat, his seed, but somehow he's still under your skin.
He's fast asleep and you don't wake him.
Quietly you order a ride share service to pick you up. There's still work to do.
The next stop is the York household. The girls are still asleep this Saturday morning. Carol's home. For the last time you use your house key.
It's warm and quiet as you walk down the hallway, trying not to make too much noise. You pass by the collage of family pictures bedecking the walls: Carol and Dave on their honeymoon in Paris the girls' baby pictures, piano recitals, family vacations to Disneyland and the Grand Canyon, pictures of the life you wanted but never got.
Carol's at the table drinking coffee. "Good morning," she says brightly. "Aren't you going to miss your flight?"
"I have time." You smile back but it doesn't reach your eyes. "We need to talk."
"Sure," she says agreeably, checking her phone before putting it down, likely waiting to hear back from her husband, who hasn't come home all night.
There were times when you avoided the truth because it would get you into trouble, but now you just want the truth to set you free. "There's something you should know about your husband."
Carol's eyes are wide, already imagining the worst. Trouble at work? Gambling debts? Did he force himself on you? "What is it?" she asks softly as her nerves jangle.
You take a quick look around at the place you've called home for awhile now. When your gaze lands back on Carol's, it's impossible to keep a smirk off your face.
"Dave and I have been having an affair. We've been sleeping together for the past few months."
There's a blankness in Carol's eyes, as if she's processing the information but it's not sticking. What you've said is so sudden that she can't fully believe it yet. "You're kidding," she whispers. "You're just kidding.. right?"
You shake your head. "No.. I can tell you about the birthmark on his upper right thigh, his bondage kink, and he makes this cute little sound right before he cums, like a tiny squeak or whimper."
You feel powerful telling Carol this. "We've fucked in almost every room in this house, including your bed, just last week."
Carol's body goes limp as she assaulted by the onslaught you've unleashed. The words are too much to bear. "You're lying.."
To add insult to injury you continue: "And it's not just about sex. He loves me."
You reach into your purse and pull out your phone, pressing a few buttons and sending Carol an email. "Here's further proof. You can watch it if you want, or don't. I don't care. The tape was my idea, and Dave was more than happy to oblige."
With shaky hands Carol opens the email on her phone, clicks on the video attachment.
What she sees breaks her heart like nothing ever has before. It's not just her husband cheating on her, it's the two of you sharing intimacy, bodies locked together in a passion she had no idea you'd felt for each other.
Now she knows you're not lying, and she can't bear the thought of all the love she's given Dave being betrayed like this. She looks at you with tears in her eyes, her body shaking as she tries to pull herself together. She refuses to be the weak wife who bawls over her husband's misconduct, who eats her own bitter, broken heart in front of the godforsaken Other Woman.
"Why?" she simply asks.
"Why?" you repeat. "Because sometimes, Carol, people come into our lives just to ruin it, to change it irreparably." In saying that, you're thinking of your father, a bullet through his brain, Dave on the other side, holding the smoking gun.
Upstairs you grab your luggage, coming down to see that Carol is still crying, still watching the video, the sounds of your wicked moans and Dave's sultry praise audible through her phone.
"A word to the wise," you leave her with parting words. "I'm not the first one Dave's cheated on you with. Odds are I won't be the last."
You leave your house key on the table in the front hall. On your way outside in the crisp morning air you feel inexplicably lighter. Grabbing your phone you text Dave one last time:
Mutally assured destruction 🖤
Getting back into your Lyft you glance back at the house and see the girls there, Alice and Molly, their faces pressed to the window like car window cling toys. You don't wave to them, even when they're trying to get your attention. You can't save them anymore than they can save you.
He destroyed your family, and now you're returning the favor.
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dividers by @firefly-graphics & @saradika-graphics
taglist: @untamedheart81 @guelyury @auteurdelabre @darkheartgatita (if I have forgotten anyone, or for a request to be tagged in future chapters, please inbox me)
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star-girl69 · 2 years
Hey I just want to say your last chapter … made me cry it was sooooo ✨good✨ but very sad.
I also love how in the HCs that the kids have basically stolen Reader from Jake and Neytiri 🤣
My Heart Never Knows
y/n, jake, and neytiri have date night. chaos ensues
a/n: thank you so much anon 🥹🫶
and bc i have too many thoughts abt these series here’s more headcannons!!
ok so jake, you and neytiri getting ready to go out for date night
yk you put on your nicest outfit made sure your hair looks nice the usual
and then lo’ak is like “you look really pretty tonight. are we going somewhere?”
“well i am, it’s date night”
HAHAH ok here’s each of their reactions this is so funny to me
“damn i didn’t even know those existed anymore”
he’s mostly chill with it
prays that his siblings won’t be too crazy, since he’s the one who has to watch them
starts freaking out when he realizes WHO IS GOING TO MAKE DINNER????
“you’ll be fine for ONE night”
absolutely distraught
he’s going through a lot rn ☹️💔
tuk is not allowed near fire, neteyam will probably burn it, kiri would rather die than eat something lo’ak made
she can probably make something but it’s not the same ☹️
*fake crying* “so you just hate your children? you want us to die?”
“kiri what”
is totally going to cling to your leg
begs you to stay
neteyam has to pry her off
meanwhile jake and neytiri are just standing outside listening to the screaming
tapping their feet and looking at their non existent watches yk
when you FINALLY escape they grab you so fast and just BOOK it
like the furthest possible date spot
it’s probably like a cute picnic or something in the forest
probably the place that you mated too
it’s so cute they love you so much 😪
what happens:
the house isn’t actually that much of a mess
kiri made dinner and cleaned up after herself bc she’s just amazing like that
tuk kept trying to escape
neteyam was seriously thinking about putting a leash on her like tying her up or something
then she just sits on your guys’ hammock and refuses to move
forgets about it and ends up falling asleep
lo’ak is wallowing in the corner
like what is he supposed to do without you?
getting home:
kiri hugs you as soon as you come home and says
“yeah like my dinner was amazing bc i am amazing but please don’t ever leave us like this again”
neteyam is just like hi
tuk is fast asleep and then the commotion wakes her up and she is JUMPING over to you to hug all of her parents
lo’ak is like “you left me” ☹️💔
you’re like “for 3 hours?”
“2 hours 59 minutes and 59 seconds too long”
basically you’ve been stolen but you love your babies so 🤗
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backboneofthevees · 4 months
Not my usual post, but I thought I'd share! Have fun reading :)
♡ (if it wasn't obvious enough) She's a lesbian! I love the little girl-liker third wheel to a mlm couple (vox and val) her and the other vees have going on, plus the velvette x verosika art i see is ALWAYS so beautiful!
♡ referring to this post below:
She owns corsets (yet doesnt use them much because LOOK AT THAT WAIST), and one or two have definitely been stolen....by both of her male conterparts.
♡ She sews! Not ALL the time, since she's busy doing things like running shows and doing photoshoots, but I feel like it'd be a little something nice to do in her free time. Blasting some music while tailoring a new coat or something.
♡ She only wears the same colors. I know this is a little obvious from the few outfit changes she has in the show, but imagine it. A large walk-in closet filled with ONLY pink, purple, white and black. (And perhaps a singular green christmas sweater.) They're not ALL just dresses and jackets, she has pants and t-shirts too. She just likes to dress femme and throws in a masc/more casual outfit from time to time.
♡ She has a diverse music taste. I might me self-projecting here a bit, but I think it'd be pretty cute to see hee listening to different types of music. Like listening to something metal/punk when wearing an 'emo' outfit (one thst consists of mostly black) or some pop/r&b when dressing up in her normal dress-and-tights- combo. It helps her get in the mood.
♡ She has a close relationship with Vox and Valentino. This is also shown in the actual show, seeing how docile they are around eachother, but I imagine the boys and Vel having a brother-sistertjust generally close relationship, like Val and Vel would talk shit and go shopping one day or Vox and Vel talking about the shoots they're doing/planning on doing and having their nails done together. (Painting Vox's claws or sharpening them since he doesn't really have nails.)
♡ She's a little nerdy. I'm not talking about book-nerd, more likke a genuinely-invested-in-fashion-and-knows-about-its-history nerd. Like she'll read up on magazines or articles about how the kitten heel came to be or fun facts about the creator of a specific clothing brand she likes. She doesn't bring it up often, more of a random thing she'll drop into a conversation to keep it going. Also, since she's on her phone all the time, I think she'd be a little bit of a tech wiz like Vox. Like he'll give her a prototype for a new V-Phone and ask her about any bugs or special features. She'll evaluate it and Vox would give her his credit card for a day as a thank you.
♡ She has a major sweet tooth. I'm not saying she's constantly eating candy, given her figure and those crisp pearly whites, but whenever she's going out she'll get a milkshake or perhaps a little sweet treat at a local bakery. Not nicely, but still.
♡ Her full name, when she was still alive, was Veronica Barbie Hernandez, hinting at a latina/mexcian background. Her friends usually called her by her middle name or just Barb, since she had (and still does) such an affliction for having cute outfits and wearing pink. (I might draw her aswell as the rest of the vee's as humans, who knows)
♡ She has a doll body. This is a bit of a short one, but since she's based of a doll like Vox is a TV and Valentino is a moth, she has a plastic-y, smooth doll body. Specifically a ball-jointed doll body. (She can also pop off her limbs and/or head with little to no pain, using it to scare the boys during halloween or whenever she feels like it.)
♡ She's in her early 30s-late 20s, Vox and Val being around 30-40.
♡ She has 2 cats, one white cat named PomPom, and one tabby cat named Spike.
♡ Her favorite musicals are Heathers and Hairspray. (heathers fans hmu)
♡ Despite being known as 'the girly one', she grew up with 2 brothers. Both are dead and are running around somewhere in Hell, probably.
♡ She helps pick out outfits for the boys, despite them wearing (like almost every other male character) suit-like attire. She LOVES trying on dresses with Val, though.
♡ She goes out often. To shop, get food, get drunk, or to just walk around town and blog for her live feed. God forbid you bump into her though, especially if she's holding a drink (or just anything that could spill on her/something expensive she bought dropping onto the ground). She'll EXPLODE.
That's all for now! Feel free to ask for more or just anything else <3
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lupizora · 10 months
I still can't stop thinking about the M27 teaser trailer. Honestly, when the very first teaser (that had played after the credits of M26) became available online without subs or translation, I thought the new movie might have an amnesia sub-plot. Like something happened that would make Kaito forget everything related to Kaitou KID and Heiji and Conan would have to deal with that along with the rest of the movie's plot. Of course, that idea was shot down from the translation, but I got attached to it for fanfic purposes lol.
So, after seeing the new teaser, that first silly impression is slowly becoming a fully fledged fic (is it HeiKai, HeiShin, HeiKaiShin, idk haven't reached that far yet 😅)
Like yeah, I want the dissonance of KID being aware that Heiji knows Conan is Shinichi, and Heiji not really knowing that Kaito looks like Shinichi (because Kudou never tells him any details that are not important for the task at hand). If anything, Heiji probably heard that's an option from Kazuha because Ran kept complaining to her about all the times KID had disguised as Shinichi before (or given recent manga spoilers, even from Hakuba and his suspicions).
That's why when Heiji unmasks him by cutting through his top hat, KID still slips into his Shinichi disguise (after doing it so many times, I'm convinced he can without a mirror at this point). Not because Heiji will believe it, since Conan is right there, but to buy time.
Heiji, of course, is pissed off about it, and given the whole Kidzuha fiasco, he wants to cut KID in half more than play along.
But KID says that he can't help it if disguising as the people that Heiji loves will keep him safe from his wrath. While Heiji has a crisis over what kind of love does he mean, KID makes his escape (recently stolen sword and all). Heiji throws his sword after KID, like a javelin, and unbeknownst to him, actually hits the handglider. KID drops out of the sky, fate unknown.
Next day, Iori shows up to bring Heiji to Momiji's temporary place (will the plot remain in Hokkaido, dunno) as there is a sensitive matter to discuss. Turns out, they found KID somewhere. While they recognize this person looks like Kudou Shinichi, it's still pretty obvious the clothes he had been wearing was KID's outfit. Heiji manages to convince them to bring Conan along, since the suspicion for KID's real identity will fall on his "cousin" and who's better to dispel these kind of rumors.
What neither of them expects when they are left alone with KID though is that one, he doesn't know who he is; two, he doesn't recognize Conan; but three, he remembers Heiji.
For now, I think the sword has something to do with this temporary amnesia (like holding a part of Kaito's soul or sth) since he feels more like himself whenever he's close to it. I also like actual magic shenanigans in the DetCo universe because it means I can make Akako appear (if the magic is real, she can exist. That's my rule lmao).
But that's pretty much what I have of this idea.
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mayullla · 2 years
Title: 11 dolls in the basement
Character(s): Il Dottore Genshin Impact) Warnings/tags: Haunted doll au: Fem!reader, drabble, dark themes, this au has obsession themes while not really obvious here it is more so in other works, there is no romance in this au, tw horror, revenge, attempt murder (chocking), dead dove do not eat
Haunted doll au masterlist
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It was interesting how your grandfather would watch you head to the storage room where you found one of your dolls Childe only to come back finding another... and another and another... Ones that he thought were lost if not stolen.
Ones that wanted to hide from the world from him. They showed themselves to you.
You would consider these dolls some sort of set really as you ask your grandfather to make dresses for them. While he wasn't necessarily able to make a whole outfit for them, he made a winter themed jacket for each doll. White and silver, you absolutely loved the jackets making each of them wear their jackets as you roleplayed them having a meeting.
It was a beg of forgiveness.
You found 11 of them in total yet your grandfather was sure that you would find more.
Your parents were worried as they watch your collection of dolls grow. They ask your grandfather if this was really alright? If it was really okay for you to have these many dolls, would it not affect his business and time and time again he told your parent that it was alright.
Alright. Alright as in that he wouldn't dare touch those dolls ever again, alright as in that he was using you as a scapegoat. Because out of many dolls these 11 were too…. much.
They will kill him if they were forced into his hands again.
Dangerous that their cores were erratic and unstable. Locked up in a box or hidden in a corner for too long, almost forever forgotten.
Each looking for a way to either take revenge or vomit the negative pent-up emotions somewhere or to someone. You didn't understand when your grandfather suddenly collapsed to one knee on the floor so suddenly as you talked about the new doll you found in a box with many other broken dolls, porcelain cracked or a part of them shattered.
Dottore you named it, yet you also gave it another nickname Doctor. It was funny to you because in your head he was a scientist that like to help people. It felt almost natural to you that he was yet your thoughts left you when you saw your grandfather on the floor desperately trying to breathe as he held on to his neck.
Help him
He didn't show you his neck for a while after that incident, keeping it covered and the following days he chose to wear something to hide it from everyone and even your concerned parents.
Yet you saw a small glimpse of it. When he tried to run away to his room that day he almost fell to the floor. Something… A line around his neck, blueish purple.
You watched your grandfather as he chatted with one of his clients, a concerned look on their faces when they saw the bandage wrapped around his neck. And the smile that strangely looked fake to you as he told them he was okay.
You wanted to say something, you want to do something. It took one step when your arm was suddenly grabbed roughly pulling you a few steps back. You yelped in shock yet there was no sound that escaped your small mouth.
You looked back yet nothing was there. Instead only darkness, a shadow of an empty hallway. Holding tightly to Doctor you walked deeper into the darkness.
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Miraculous Gaang
So, General rambling.
1.) So like. My general idea for the Peacock was just that Sozin grabbed a Miraculous to use to sort of “prove his point”, but made a giant senti that went nuts, and he and Roku had to fight it. But, of course, Sozin leaves Roku to die, and runs off after the other miraculous (or tries to). The Peacock Miraculous breaks during this, so Sozin can’t use it without harming himself. He still keeps it, trying to figure out how to fix it, and warning his kids about it. Ozai eventually gives it to his “Mayura” conveniently leaving out that detail, cause what does he care? (This is where the initial “Azula as Mayura” idea came from, but like. I feel like Azula would be smart enough to go “Ok, you haven’t been using it this whole time for a REASON, I am sceptical of your motivations for handing me this.”)
Zhao absolutely works, though who’s your “Avatar!Ty Lee” OC?
Ozai getting the Butterfly, was like (broad strokes). So, Gyatso has spent YEARS hiding the Miraculous, but he’s beginning to feel like maybe hiding away isn’t the BEST idea? And he meets someone who really wants to help people, so he convinces himself to lend out the Butterfly. This results in a chain of events that end with this person dying, the Butterfly getting “lost”, and 3-year-old Aang being orphaned. Gyatso ends up adopting Aang, cause he doesn’t have anyone else, and tries to keep a low profile, while also keeping a vague eye out for the Butterfly. I’m not sure if the Butterfly gets “lost” because it was stolen, like either Azulon caused all the drama to steal it, or if it ACTUALLY got lost, and Azulon found it later. Then, like, part of Ozai scheming to kill his dad is because he finds out the old man has the Butterfly, and Ozai wants it. Iroh would be unaware of all of this, focusing on his family, and trying to leave the whole “Hunting Reality Warping Objects Of Power” behind.
2.) Not sure how well this works, but when I tried to envision the Gaang as Heroes, only Zuko was actually wearing a mask, the rest had face paint. Cause I was cross-referencing with the show, and besides Zuko, most of the time, when these kids want to hide their identities, they wear face paint. So, I thought, like. A combo of eye-coverings, masks, face paint? Like.
Zuko’s mask apes the “Blue Spirit” one he wore in the show, but red and gold. His hero outfit is a bit “Fire Nation”-y.
Sokka has a mask, but it covers most of his head, but more “hood” style? His lower face is visible.
Katara has the “Painted Lady” make-up.
Suki has the Kyoshi Warrior face-paint, but snake influenced. Stuff like that.
Oddly attached to Tiger!Toph having eye coverings that are basically a fancy blindfold.
Also names! Names have been knocking around my head, but I only have a few! 
Also also! I’m just going to REALLY lean into my headcanon that the Miraculous weapons are magic and so (within reason) are a bit malleable, and can change a bit to suit the wielder. This is variable, and you may feel free to disregard this portion! Also, as always, open to suggestions!
Ladybug!Sokka - honestly, I feel like “Captain” should be in there somewhere, but not sure. So far, I’ve got “Captain Harmonia” based on Harmonia axyridis, which is a large variety of ladybeetle, also commonly called a harlequin beetle. “Captain Harlequin” could also work, I guess? Costume, Lord Beetle crossed with Water Tribe armor? Oh, and an on running joke that his “Lucky Charms” are either Macgyvre-esque nonsense, or a boomerang. He gets boomerang a LOT. Eventually, he just starts carrying one with him everywhere. Tikki shows him how to make a magic one.
Black Cat!Katara - name, again, got very little. “Panther” something feels appropriate, but also, enh? Are there cats that LIKE swimming? Like. All I really got was “Painted Panther”. Costume … yeah, I got nothing. Also, on weapons, Katara’s water bending manifested a lot as whips, so I feel her staff should have a “cat-o-nine-tails” mode.
Turtle!Aang - Lion Turtle. His hero name should be Lion Turtle. Mostly cause I have zero other ideas. I’m thinking his season 3 monk look, but with sleeves, for his costume, with a hood, maybe some goggles? Weapon … So like. He HAS to have a shield, but I’m really attached to Aang’s glider, so. Is there a way to combine those, you think?
Snake!Suki - um. First thing I thought of was Diamondback? Not sure how well that works … Teal Mamba? Ok, Black Mamba’s are super poisonous, but Teal Mamba sounds silly. Kyoshi Warrior, but like. A bit more form-fitting. Face-paint, and Snake eyes. Weapon is her fans, or if makes a bit more sense, the harp can have a chakram mode.
Tiger!Toph - honestly, first thing that popped into my head was “the Blind Tiger”. Costume a take on her in-show outfit, but with a tail, Kitty ears, and a fancy blindfold. Only one who I don’t see the weapon changing, maybe just giving her some awesome boots, but would she have Clout, Invisibility, or eventually both? Is that her arc, learning to both be seen, but also to hide?
Dragon!Zuko - Name, uncertain? Like, “Blue Spirit” is an actual alias he had in the show, but “Blue Dragon” sounds odd. “Druk” is what he names his ACTUAL dragon, but I see that as his pet iguana. He DOES have a version of the Blue Spirit mask, though, as part of his costume. The sword can easily be the two dao swords he actually uses.
Fox!Azula - uh. Yeah, for Azula I have. Basically nothing. My girl, I am failing you, I am so sorry.
Rabbit!Yue - “Chang'e” is apparently the name of the moon spirit in Chinese folklore, that gets equated with the Moon Rabbit, but I’m not sure how that feels as a name? Got basically nothing for you either, Yue, my darling, forgive me.
Pig!Jin - also nothing here.
Bee!Ty Lee - or for you.
Mouse!Mai - or you, really, my brain is failing all of you.
Other people! Figured out who could be drafted into this if we needed other Miraculous users!
Ox!Haru - Haru, the earthbending guy the Gaang saved from that prison on the water? Katara gave a big speech, but everyone was apathetic, and then later they gave him a dumb moustache.
Monkey!Kuzon - Aang’s friend from the Fire Nation before it all went to hell! Here, he’s Aang’s only real friend before Aang starts going to school! 
Horse!Teo - the kid in the wheelchair, who’s dad made him the glider, so his kid could fly? I like the idea of the wheelchair transforming with Teo, so he’s got some kind of insane ride.
1.) Okay so my one note is that I think Ozai getting the Butterfly should be more recent. I don’t think he would’ve waited
Also the OC! She’s uh. Actually her name is funny because I chose Noriko completely forgetting that got used in the comics for Ursa’s new identity and I thought about renaming her but the name’s stuck.
I made her initially for the Avatar!Ty Lee AU because since Azula joined the Gaang, I needed someone to fill the roles she had in Canon re: the major antagonist for Book 2 and a side-threat in Book 3.
But she’s. I say ‘Nathalie but more unhinged and evil’ but she’s literally the Harley to Ozai’s Joker(yes that’s a joke on his VA). She matches his freak in being a power hungry asshole down to murder. Like her introduction is saying ‘wow I can’t wait to kick off my honeymoon with the execution of my traitorous step-children!’.
2.) Actually I really like this idea of everyone having various facepaint for masks. And Zuko having a proper mask makes sense because he still has his scar, so he’d feel like face paint wouldn’t really hide his identity as well.
The rest of the notes on outfits are great!
Haru can work, as can Teo. Kuzon is debatable in the sense of like. We don’t ever really get to see him in canon so idk how to handle him.
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ninathekllrr · 8 months
General!Ticci Toby HCs. . .
This took longer than expected . . Read till the end for a lil blurb <3 reminder ! English isn’t my first language.
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It depends on how old Toby is.. at first he only wore the clothes Slenderman “found” him in and whatever other articles of clothing he was able to scavenge up. It wasn’t until a few years later he felt safe enough to venture out and buy some clothes from the thrift. (with stolen money cuz bitch don’t get paid to be a lumberjack,,, a human lumberjack that is.)
I’m so bad at describing; just think of Will Graham's season 1 outfit n shit. 😭 I feel like he’d probably dress like a grandpa. Oversized Grandpa sweaters, those button-ups/dress shirts under w collars that peep out, any baggy pants in general. Work/toe steel boots >> .
He just doesn’t bother much w dressing up! It’s also so he doesn’t stand out much whenever trying to go somewhere in public — sometimes he’d get lucky and find band tees of bands he likes or Jeff lets him borrow some of his own.
A firm believer that he loves metal. Something about the chaotic-icy helps him “soothe the voices.” his favorite bands would be Sevendust, Rammstein, and Lamb of god!
Once when he was on a mission he accidentally broke into the wrong house and lucky him it was a middle-aged white dad who had a thing for 2000s rock and metal. Killed that fucker and stole as many albums and CDs as he possibly could :p.
He’d DIY a bunch of studded leather bracelets and give a few away to Natalie and Jeffery. Gifting is his love language tbh
Most residents of the manor (when he ‘lived’ there) don’t/didn’t know much about Toby since he doesn’t bother socializing much. He seems pretty disinterested to the rest but the dude really has some great hobbies and things he enjoys. For one he loves crafting, especially wood carving! He also has a habit of collecting animal bones/remains to clean and use them as decor. His favorites prob have to be fox skulls :). Very much a trinket collector as well. Just a odd man :3
Besides hobbies, oddly enough he enjoys Sanrio-related things—specifically cinnamon roll. (Since it’s the only character he knows,) he will convince you that the cinnamoroll is a bunny, not a dog. He refuses to accept that the little cartoon character is not a bunny as he first assumed. Of course he likes music music,, he’s given poetry a chance, isn’t the great at it but really enjoys it!
Toby is Dominican-German. His mom was Dominican while his dad was German! He’s fluent in Spanish and somewhat broken German. Around 5’9 to 6’0 foot tall. Late teens and early twenties he was more scrawny than anything but after 13 years of labor and trying to survive he obv grew some muscle mass and like… isn’t built like a 17-year-old boy idfk. Ofc, he was born on April 28th 1994. Toby grew up in more southern states (specifically Alabama) and has a slighht southern accent.
—Proxy experiences;
Toby is a runaway proxy; one of the very few that managed to escape Slendermans (or the operators, depending on which) grasp. Though he isn’t exactly safe cuz of this, If he gets too close to the terrority of Slenderman or the operator he starts developing symptoms and illness. Course the main being static n amnesia, waking up in random places covered in blood, etc. Toby can’t feel pain so the static doesn’t cause immense headaches but it’s dangerous for that exact reason; he can never tell when his nose starts to bleed or his ears rupture.
Toby only got involved with the operator in his later years (maybe around midish late 20’s) when he was in the minced of escaping Slenderman, and just so happened to meet Tim Wight. He spiraled into a REDACTED hell hole from there.
—Love interest(s) ?;
Oh boy, , it really depends on how quirky im feeling. Ticciwork and TicciJeff tbh. He loves ppl with no sanity 🫶🫶 Thankfully Jeff isn’t involved with Slender because he’s too much of a loose cannon to be controlled, much like EJ, the rake, seed, smile, grinny, etc. and Slenderman doesn’t take interest in Clockwork but since she has connections with some of slendermans valuable tyrants and or proxies, the entity leaves her be.
Jeff was the one to help Toby escape slenderman, and snapped him out of his “devotion” era. Clock is just amazing girlfriend and always there for him :p.
extra . . . .
[ REDACTED ! ! ]
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This Deja vu feeling haunts him. He doesn’t understand why he’s being searched for. Why do the cops know who he is? Why is he? Who was he?
Childhood didn’t exist. Was he always grown ?
Why is it when he passes down that neighborhood, it feels so nostalgic . Nothing left but ashes and decaying foundations of homes, homes that were once were preoccupied by happy families. He call still smell the remains of the burnt buildings. Strange. It’s like he could never forget.
Jeff always went quiet whenever they were talking and the topic of this neighborhood was brought up, does he know something the EX proxy doesn’t?
What’s more confusing is that fateful night with Natalie, he found himself driving down a dark road that one night. It shared similar sentiment much like the abandoned neighborhood, only much more sinister. He was with Clocky, Pretty brunette with a clock for one eye,, the other an odd emerald green. Over time, the twitchy man taught himself to read clocks just so he wouldn’t have to check his phone for the time. Natalie’s eye always went tick tock, tick tock.
It was only him and Nat against the world at that moment,, so who was the mauled looking blonde in his rear view window? Sitting in the back of his car as well, it was strange. Jeff usually hoarded up the back seats. . He wouldn’t share it with a victim.
But it isn’t just a victim. Toby found himself struggling to catch his breath, who is she? Nat. It’s not Nat. It’s not Jeff. It’s just some blonde girl. A young adult that resembles someone he doesn’t know. Does he know ? ? ?
Who is she?
What was once a soft and familiar safe touch was now ghostly and evocative ? ?
Everything is blurry around him. He doesn’t hear her asking if he’s okay.
He doesn’t feel her cold touch, her hand covering his on the steering wheel.
One moment he’s on the road
The next he’s out cold
What caused him to swerve into that tree ?
Why did he put their lives at risk ?
Panting. He heard harsh panting. Was that him? Was that her? His hands were completely thrown off the steering wheel and replaced with paler, somewhat smaller ones. Not so gentle though. Something warm was dripping down from his nose. Metallic scent wafted and clogged his nostrils. He licked his lips and wasn’t surprised to be met with blood - he looked in the rear view mirror - NO BLONDIE IN SIGHT
He looked out the window. Did he just barely manage to swerve away from that tree? No. He didn’t save their lives. He looked to his right. A singular green eye met his. She’s unharmed, unlike REDACTED but shooken up. What brought him back to his senses was that familiar disoriented voice.
“Toby, what the fuck ??”
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flowersandbigteeth · 2 years
Your demon pirate boyfriend takes you on a date
General Plot: It's a hot day in a new city, so your demon pirate boyfriend offers to take you out!
Word Count: 1.5K
Demon Pirate (Harland) x gn reader
W: sfw pirate fluff, a stolen kiss
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You stood on the deck of the Lucky Loner, Harland’s ship in a completely inappropriate and humiliating fluffy pink outfit. He had trimmed your hair into a style he liked that had a tendency to fluff up and decorated you with ribbons. 
Your face was on fire as the salty sailors whistled at you when they passed. 
“Is this really necessary?” you huffed, grabbing a handful of the obnoxious outfit and glaring at Harland. 
He smiled down at you and pinched your cheek. 
“You look like a doll,” he cooed, winking at you. 
You crossed your arms and huffed, twisting your lips, choosing to look out over the city you’d sailed into instead of your awful owner. 
You'd spent a week on the ship with him and his raucous crew and despite your demeanor you were looking forward to solid land.
“Come on, brighten up, butter cup,” he said with his easy attitude, “let me take you out on the town. We’ll have a great time!” 
You did not want to be traipsed around town dressed like a cupcake, but you really had no choice in the matter so you followed the unnecessarily large demon off of his ship and into the city. 
“You’re not going to bet me in another card game, are you?” you snapped as he held your hand and pulled you against him so that you wouldn’t be jostled in the busy crowd. 
“Of course not,” he chuckled, “I’m not as foolish as my men. I’d never bet something so precious in cards. What could I even hope to win that would be more valuable than you?”
You blushed but refused to look at him and scowled. Flattering words from a pirate should mean nothing to you.  
“You know you’re cute, even with that scowl on your lips,” he said, handing you a ladies’ fan he’d stolen off of a cart as you’d passed. 
You snatched it out of his hand with a huff and started fanning yourself. Not because his flirting was doing anything for you or you liked the fan, but because it was hot in the high collared, frilly outfit you were wearing. 
“You're glowing, are you feeling okay?” he asked. 
“I’m hot,” you pouted, aware that sweat had started to bead on your brow. 
He beamed, pleased he could do something to fill one of your needs. Harland was a sea-faring demon at heart, but the long boat ride watching you pout had made him eager to get to shore and find things to do to amuse you. 
“There’s a tea house in this city,” he said, pulling you along, “let’s get a seat in the shade and relax.” 
When you weren’t walking fast enough he scooped you up and carried you princess style, to your utter embarrassment, all the way there finally putting you down when you reached the door. 
“Greetings, valued customer!” the waiter, a very good looking fairy with violet hair, said smiling at you and glancing at Harland briefly with a bit of disgust, “are you expecting anyone else this afternoon or will it be just you, my dear? There’s a bar next door for your...bodyguard.” 
“We’ll take a table for two,” the pirate snapped, throwing his arm around you possessively, “somewhere in the shade!”  
The fairy frowned and cleared his throat. 
“Excuse me, this way,” he muttered, turning and leading you through the small interior to the real jewel, the lovely walled garden stretching out behind it. 
Delicate tables made of wires woven into lace magically by elves dotted the many alcoves and islands filling the space. Much of it was a beautiful lake with fountains that endlessly spilled upwards into the sky until they disappeared into the clouds criss-crossed with iron bridges. The gentle mist they released created lovely rainbows drifting over the water and cooled the air, while mysterious water flowers grew vertically up them as if they were columns holding up the sky.
The waiter led you to an island as far back near the far wall as he could get the two of you, out of sight of the other upstanding customers, but under the cover of some trees as Harland had requested. 
“Is this sufficient?” he murmured tightly at the pirate. 
“This’ll do. You’re a real gem, you know that?” Harland snorted, plopping down and pulling you into his lap. 
The annoyed waiter turned his attention to you. 
“What can I get for you, love? You look a bit warm. Something cool?” he asked, his lavender eyes twinkling at you. 
“Oh, um, what’s good?” you asked. 
He beamed at you. 
“I would recommend the rose tea,” he said, “it’s excellent chilled and very soothing…ideal for dealing with challenging situations.” 
You nodded at him and he flashed a smile, turning to walk away. 
“What about me?” Harland snapped. 
“I’ll give you some more time to think, sir,” he snipped and marched off. 
“Snotty bastard,” Harland grumbled under his breath as he fussed with the ends of your hair. 
He examined your pouting face as you fanned yourself absently. 
“What’s got you so down, pet?” he asked, “isn’t this place beautiful? I thought you’d love it.” 
You glanced to the side. 
“It’s not that,” you pouted. 
The lake garden was indeed beautiful. You'd never seen anything like it in your small town, still your mood was sour.
“Come on, tell me,” he coaxed. 
“There’s nothing to tell,” you muttered. 
“If you don’t tell me I’ll tie you naked to the mast until we get to the next city,” he growled, losing his patience. 
You huffed. 
“Fine!” you hissed, “if you must know, i’m just a little depressed. It might surprise you to know my life goal wasn’t to be a lap dog for a pirate! but…I’ll adjust. It’ll just take some time to let go of all of my hopes and dreams, settle into the reality that my life is utterly meaningless.” 
He frowned at you. 
“Meaningless…?” he said, “how can you say that?” 
You glared at him. 
“I read books to you,” you snapped, “the waiter could do that…anyone could do that! It’s not like you even chose me, you won me at a game of chance. I might as well be a chest of drawers or a magnifying glass.” 
Harland’s heart sank in his chest. He’d never once in his life considered anyone else or their feelings. It wasn’t a quality that a pirate needed or wanted, but for some reason he cared that you were unhappy and he wasn’t quite sure what to do about it. 
“(Y/N) you’re not a-”
“Here you are lovely,” the waiter interrupted, placing a cold glass of a pink liquid down in front of you along with a slice of cake, “and a slice of our specialty cake just for you, on me.” 
“Oh…uh, thank you,” you said, your cheeks pinkening just a little. You were usually the waiter at the tavern, you weren’t used to being looked after or treated. He turned to walk away before Harland stopped him. 
“Helloooo?” he barked, “can I order?”
The waiter took the heaviest breath you’ve ever heard.
“Of course sir, what can I get for you?” 
“Do you have booze?” 
The waiter’s head dropped to the side and he frowned. 
“Sir, this is a tea house…we do not serve alcohol,” he gritted out. 
“Fine, whatever, give me something cold,” Harland snapped back, wanting the waiter to go away so he could be alone with you again. 
You took a sip of your cold tea and the sweet smell of roses enveloped you. The waiter was right, it was soothing and you did feel a bit better after a few sips. 
“(Y/N), what I was going to say is…you’re not a-”
You waved your hand, turning your attention to the cake and taking a bite. 
“Don’t worry about it,” you sighed, cutting him off and giving him a small smile and swallowing, “I’m just in my feelings, I’ll get over it. Do you want to visit a book shop while we’re in town? We’ve read everything you have on the ship.” 
Harland glared at you, not because he was angry at you, per say, but because he was feeling things he wasn’t used to feeling. The first one, flaming jealousy, that the tea and cake the waiter had brought you had been the thing to soothe your mood and not him. The second was helplessness and the third rejection. He was just your jailor. Even after a week sharing one small cabin with him, you seemed no closer to being captivated with him like every other sweet young thing he’d ever encountered. 
He snatched the drink out of your hand and picked up the cake up ending them both, the tea hitting the ground with a splash and the cake with a splat. Your wide eyes stared up at him with confusion. 
“What the-mphhh!” your eyebrows shot up as his lips covered yours. 
They were warm and soft, his fingers holding your chin in place so you couldn’t pull away. Your cheeks sizzled and you felt sparks dance over your body as he curled his much larger one over you.
His big fingers squeezed your hips, while a hand moved around and clutched your neck. Thoughts flew from your mind. It was one of those kisses, heavy and filled with sweetness. One you’d never forget. Your hands came to his cheeks and you pulled him to you.
The waiter cleared his throat loudly. 
“Excuse me, sir,” he snapped, smacking Harland’s drink on the table, “please have some discretion. This is a high quality establishment.” 
Harland, his eyes locked on yours, reading your expression, smirked at what he saw. 
“We’ll order one of everything,” he said to the waiter, without looking at him. 
“I’m sorry sir?” the waiter asked.
Harland looked up at him and smiled, squeezing you a bit in his arms.
“You heard me, my little lover wants to try everything on the menu, bring it all at once and don’t come back until it’s done. We want some privacy...oh and they dropped their cake.” 
The waiter didn’t move, so he waved a hand at him. 
“Hurry up.” 
He finally frowned and stomped away. 
“Harland,” you asked, “what are we going to do with all that food?” 
He laughed, picking you up. 
“Wh-what are you doing?!” you squealed as he started scaling the back wall with you in one arm, easily hopping from the ledges the decorative planters made to the top and leaping over the side.
“B-but we didn't pay for any of that and we aren’t even going to be there to eat it!” you said when you were firmly back on the ground and he was marching down the street. 
“Yeah well fuck ‘em,” he chuckled, “I heard they have an elven treat in this city that keeps itself cold want to try it? We can try all the flavors if you want.” 
You just looked at him and chuckled lightly, realizing you’d committed your very first crime. 
“I mean…I guess so…” you said, an odd half-smile on your lips and he grinned, toting you off.
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wisteriasymphony · 2 months
Nicknames - Reverse (tweos) AU Drabble
Reverse!Mister Bug/Reverse!Claudia Perreault, implied Reverse!Marinette/Reverse!Adrien
Crimson Ichor walked out into the general meeting room of Resistance Headquarters, the only thing more Adrien about him than his cropped jacket being the scowl carved into his face. He adjusted the studded cuffs on his hands, noting how the spikes he's used to adorning his outfit have been swapped for rounded studs.
Claudia looks up from her laptop, her attention stolen away from her online sociology course for just long enough to check him out. She isn't very shy about it, too, but Ichor begrudgingly supposes she has no reason to be. It doesn't fluster him. …It doesn't.
"Not going for a heroic look this time?" she remarked snidely, the corners of her lips turning up in a smile. "Or is that too cliche for you?"
Ichor scoffs, sauntering over to the nearest chair before setting himself down on it, kicking one leg up to rest his foot against his arm.
"I wouldn't be seen dead in a getup like his. That old man can sooner lick shit off the ground than tell me how to dress."
"…You just want to look cool, don't you?"
He crosses his arms, unsure if the mask stretches far enough down his cheeks to hide the embarrased blush they just gained.
"I have a fuckin' reputation to uphold."
"I know you do," she smiles, going back to focus on her schoolwork. Ichor can't catch himself pouting over not being looked at—Not just because Marinette could walk in any minute, but because Claudia would never let him live it down. Being teased by Shadybug is relatively straightforward, but she doesn't know what makes him tick in the same way. Claudia toys with her prey psychologically, and he knows very well what it's like. No, it's not hot, shut up. Instead, he just settles further into the chair, staring off at the wall.
Finally, a trap is set. Claudia says something she knows he can't resist responding to.
"That's really all you're going to do with it? Do you know how to work it at all?"
The worst part is she doesn't even look up from her screen. Doesn't she know he's right there?
Offended, Crimson Ichor unhooks the yo-yo from his belt and starts to toss it into the air. The pattern on it is different than Shady's—A single black dot on a red base, the same on the other side. His whole suit is rather sparing with dots, frankly: He can only see the large one right on his chest for now. It'll take looking in the mirror later to notice the one on his mask and the one on his back. The yo-yo has a peculiar lightness to it, spinning in the air as he throws it upwards in a way it shouldn't physically be able to without catching on the string. A perpetual motion until he tugs it back down.
"Of course I fucking do," he blatantly lies. "…I'll figure it out."
Claudia has the audacity to just hum and nod—He's not even worth a single word anymore! Crimson Ichor sighs rather loudly, rolling his eyes as he's forced to endure the agonizing silence. Sure, having Alya or Nino in the room would at least be better than essentially being alone, but they're not any help if they're off doing…whatever it is with his father. Ichor hadn't been paying attention, nor did he really care enough to regret it.
Another flurry of keystrokes chattered out from Claudia's keyboard.
Ichor sighs even louder and longer.
Claudia looks up again, her warm brown eyes catching his. She caught him in that trap—He's willing to play the game, get eviscerated with her stupid therapy talk and amateur psychoanalysis. It just has to be something. Anything. He'd beg for i—Uhm. Nevermind.
Ichor gets up and walks over to where Claudia is sitting, making sure he's somewhere she can see him. His hand rests on the very top of her laptop screen, fingers drumming against the glass.
"So…." he asks, "Got anything in mind for what my new outfit choice says about me?" Ichor thinks back to how Claudia suggested Claw Noir's costume was indicative of fears of emotional vulnerability and aggressive tendencies when it came to interpersonal interactions. "Come on, you have to have something."
It seems for a long and kind of awful moment that Claudia ignores him entirely, before she says:
"I'm not sure yet. Thinking of nicknames instead."
Ichor's heart skips a beat and it makes him want to rip the thing out and grind it into the floor with his heel. Fucking shit, of course that's where it was going.
"How does Bugaboo sound?"
Ichor audibly retches, recoiling at the sound of it. Claudia seems to take a sick sort of pleasure in his embarrassment.
"God, stop it! That's even worse!"
"I said stop it!"
Claudia shuts her laptop and set it to the side, crossing her legs as best she could on the seat of the chair. To Ichor's increasing horror, she was only just getting started.
"Bugs Bunny."
"Absolutely fucking not."
"Sir Bugsalot?'
"The Notorius B.U.G.?"
Her smile grew even wider, every new answer coming out even more like a laugh. Trying to lunge at Claudia in an attempt to scare her into silence wasn't much help either (which only made sense considering the idea was fucking stupid), so Ichor started to throw out verbal threats instead.
"I swear to god, I'm going to charm in a fucking roll of duct tape so I can put a piece over your goddamn mouth."
Claudia's hands were intertwined with Ichor's as she continued to force him to keep a comfortable distance from her: Something she was doing suprisingly well, actually.
"Go ahead. I want to hear what alibi you'll give the others when they ask why I'm gagged. ...Oh!"
The grin that crossed Claudia's face turned Ichor's blood to ice. Once she gave up on resisting him, the force he'd previously been using to push against her hands was now pinning them to the back of the chair, Ichor's whole upper body lurching at the sudden movement. ...Still. even as he froze, the warm breath against his ear seemed to thaw him in seconds.
Ichor let out an indignant laugh, ignoring the fact that he'd used his strength in a fit of undisclosed and unimportant emotions to topple the chair backwards, both people included.
"You call me that one more time– C.... call me that one more time- Swear to god, I'm gonna... You.."
Claudia had been a little startled by her chair falling backwards, but that outburst was simply another symptom of an ongoing issue with Adrien's emotional incontinence in and out of costume. She knew him too well to be scared, even as he yanked her closer by her shirt.
"Y-you really think you can just call me something... Something stupid like 'Lovebug', and– G-get away with it?"
Ichor could still hear it echoing in his ears. Lovebug, Lovebug, Lovebug.
"You remember how we practiced our deep breaths, Adrien?"
Her voice was so soft and it ran off her stupid lips like honey and she smelled like vanilla sugar cookies and warm hugs and... and...
Marinette stood in the doorway, thoroughly unimpressed.
"I spent thirty minutes making sure I look okay and this is what I walk in on?" She balks, crossing her arms.
"Tch- Like you haven't—"
She hadn't.
"—It's not what it—"
It was exactly what it looked like.
"—You look like shit! Maybe next time transform in front of a mirror!"
Yep. Great fucking job, high fives all around. Totally didn't just blow it absolutely horribly in front of the girl of your dreams. It was a miracle people weren't lining up at the door to the Agreste manor asking Adrien just how to be even half as cool and witty as he was.
Ichor stood up, leaving Claudia and her chair on the floor.
"Whatever. I'm outta here."
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