#he would never hurt his animals not in a million years
boydepartment · 3 months
it’s cold in here - nishimura riki x gn! reader
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you and your annoying coworker at the bakery get accidentally locked in the freezer | masterlist | wc - 350 | part 2
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nishimura riki was the worst fucking coworker on the planet. he would finish frosting the cake but then not tell you he was done with it. so he would put the cake in the chiller and not tell you it was done, so you would get behind in decorating the cakes and then that would put the orders behind.
the worst part is he would PURPOSELY put you behind so you looked bad. especially to your sweet manager whom you never wanted to disappoint…
but you weren’t any better, you would point out to your manager the mistakes in riki’s frosting job on the different cakes.
today was a slow day and you weren’t doing anything at work, the bakers went home so it was just you, riki, and two other workers who work the front. your manager was out doing deliveries. you grabbed one of the tickets and went to the freezer, you saw the cake was due in an hour and it still wasn’t frosted.
sighing, you walked up to riki, “hey have you frosted this cake?”
riki looked up from his phone, “yes it’s in there. i’m frosting cupcakes right now. leave me be.” riki quite literally waved you off and you stood there in shock
“no it’s not.” you stood there irritated
the tall man looked at you and scoffed, “it literally is. now leave me alone.”
you looked at him, “no the fuck it’s not. now stop making my fucking life harder and show me where it is then.”
riki’s eye twitched and he walked to the freezer and you followed him. he had on large jackets, he was in the freezer a lot getting cakes back and forth.
you stood by the cake rack with him with your arms crossed.
“see it’s not fucking here.”
riki kept looking around and looked genuinely confused, “i swear i did it…”
“i don’t know maybe one of the girls in the front took it.” you took a deep breath, you saw the breath that left you. it was freezing.
“yeah what the fuck ever. i’ll just do another one.” he turned to the other cakes and grabbed an unfrosted one. you mumbled a thank you and turned to leave the freezer.
but the door wouldn’t open…
you blinked and tried to push the door open again…
riki stood behind you and scoffed, “you’ve opened this door a million times- move.”
he gently moved you out of the way and tried to open it, but the door wouldn’t open.
you started to panic and he looked at you, “y/n do not cry in here you need to trust me it’s going to hurt.”
you looked at him your eyes glossing over QUICK. he set the wrapped unfrosted cake down and used his sleeves to cover your eyes. he spoke like he knew you shouldn’t cry in here.
“if you cry in here the contrast from your higher temperature tears might hurt with the cold.” riki spoke, he didn’t sound irritated at you for once.
“we’re gonna die in here! there’s so much i wanted to do, i wanted to travel and get married and have a ton of animals, maybe even get a masters degree and-“
“well you’re doing great with that by working a part time less than minimum wage job.” he spoke very unamused, you smacked his hands away.
“why do you hate me so much!?”
he sighed and took out his phone, he tried to call your manager, jihyo, and she wouldn’t answer.
“do you have the girls who work the fronts number?” he leaned against the side of the wall then immediately stopped because it was too cold.
“no i don’t they just got hired and they’re like 2-3 years younger than me and you.” you deadpanned and looked away shivering. riki sighed loudly and the next thing you knew his jacket was wrapped around you. your head whipped to him.
“don’t.” he put his hand up, “and i don’t hate you. you’re just annoying.”
you looked at him and sighed, opening your phone to text your manager. explaining the situation. riki walked to the over side and took a couple of boxes with baking material in them and sat down. you begrudgingly sat down next to him.
“you can scoot closer to me.” he mumbled, you listened, you were freezing cold so you went right next to him, “i’m more used to being in here than you.” riki said and took a deep breath.
“shouldn’t we be moving around to keep your bodies warm?”
he looked at you funny, “what the fuck are you going to do? jumping jacks? absolutely not you’re going to slip and fall on your ass. then you’re out for a week or two and we lose our best- our decent decorator.”
you looked at him, “best decorator…?” your lips curled into a slight smile.
“whatever. i don’t know how you do it or make those stupid decorations so i have to applaud you..” he mumbled and nudged you.
the freezer fans stopped and it was silent, only cracks from the cold. your breaths being able to be heard just as well as being visible.
“im sorry for not telling you when i’m done frosting.” riki spoke, “it’s stupid and i did it for a stupid reason.”
you looked at him, “yeah i’d get behind and it makes me look bad and keeps me running back and forth and-“
“i just wanted you to talk to me more.” he said and looked at you. his cheeks dusted pink from the cold.
“what..?” you asked and looked confused, you huddled more into his jacket
he took a deep breath and lolled his head back, “i just wanted you to come to the back of house more and talk to me.”
your jaw dropped slightly, “i do go back-“
“yeah you talk to chris.” riki mumbled, “baker bahng.”
“i didn’t think you wanted to talk to me…” you frowned and looked down at your hands, “i get scared to make friends sometimes. and you didn’t look like you liked me..”
“i know, i’ve heard you talking to jihyo about it.” riki said, “i overheard you…”
your eyes went down to your hands, “i’m sorry if i wasn’t welcoming when you got hired.. your first day was a holiday and i was stressed.”
“it’s fine… i didn’t make it any better…”
it was awkward in the freezer after that, you both sat in silence and it didn’t help the fans were on. you got up and tried to knock on the door for someone to let you out.
“i’m sorry if i weirded you out…” riki stood up and walked by you.
you looked up at him and he put the hood over your head, your heart beat sped up a little and your eyes went to the freezer window again, “you didn’t.. i’m glad you told me and we can start over..”
riki nodded and repeated you, “start over.. yeah.. actually no..”
you felt your heart stop. you thought he now truly hated you.
“i don’t want to start over, because i fucked up and it was my fault. i wanted to be your friend and close to you and i thought you wanted nothing to do with me and so i thought you were entitled,” riki took a deep breath, “it was stupid and i’m sorry.”
“you can still be my friend..” you mumbled and looked at him, he really was good looking…
riki looked down at you, his eyes boring into yours, then he started scanning your face, “could i be more?”
a split second later jihyo came in rushing, she apologized to you both and just like nothing
you both went back to work…
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souliebird · 9 months
[[and then I met you || ch. 11]]
Series: Daredevil || Pairing: Matt Murdock x Fem!Reader || Rating: Explicit
A one-night stand years ago gave you a daughter and you are now able to put a name to her father – Matthew Murdock. Everything is about to change again as you navigate trying to integrate your life with that of the handsome and charming blind lawyer’s and Matt realizes he needs to not only protect his new family from Hell's Kitchen, but from the world.
pt: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
Words: 4.3k
banner thanks to the wonderful @theradioactivespidergwen
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You are folding laundry when Minnie gets up and starts waddling towards you, dragging Scooby behind her. You tell yourself you cannot be jealous of a stuffed animal, but Pig was what you gave her in the hospital, and you want him to be the favorite. But Scooby is really soft, so you'll admit defeat.
She comes up to your bed and climbs up. She crawls to the middle, then sits, laying Scooby beside her, “Hi, Mommy.”
You smile down at her, curious what type of visit this will be, “Hi, sweetie.”
She grabs one of her shirts from the pile of clothes and begins to try and fold it, making you huff in laughter. You let her help because she is making it into a square and that's all you really need. She purses her lips and you wait for whatever question you know is coming.
“Where is your Mommy?”
That slams into you in a way you do not expect and you have to clear your throat before answering, “Mommy’s…mommy and um…daddy, your grandparents, aren't alive anymore. They died a long time ago.”
Minnie takes this in, lips still pursed. She grabs another shirt and starts to fold it carefully. You wonder where this is coming from - you knew it would come eventually but you are curious about the trigger. But you aren't going to push. You want her to be able to come to you with these and any questions.
After about a minute, she gets up and crawls to you, reaching out to be held. You quickly scoop her up.
“Did my Daddy die, too?” 
Oh, this is it then. You've practiced this speech in your head a million times, you just didn't think it would be so soon.
You turn so you can sit on the bed and set your daughter on your lap, tucking some hair behind her ear as you speak, “No, he didn't die. I just lost him for a little while.”
Minnie screws up her nose and you don't know if it's from confusion or from judgment, “you lost him?”
You nod, offering her a soft sad smile, “I lost him. You know how sometimes, when we go to the park, you meet other kids and spend all day playing together, but then you don't see them again for a long time?” She nods and you continue on, “You just lost them for a bit. They aren't gone - you just don't know where they are and eventually, they will find their way back to you. That is what happened to your Daddy and I. We were at the same place and became friends, but then we lost each other.”
Mouse puts her fist into her mouth, and you know she's thinking hard. You hope she understands. You've read so many different forums and articles on the subject and just want to tell your daughter the truth in a way she computes. 
Finally, she looks up at you, dragging her fingers out of her mouth and letting them fall into her lap, “did you find him?” 
Your lips twitch into a smile and you nod. Her eyes get wider, and she practically begins to vibrate with excitement. You begin to gently rub her back, wanting her to feel all of your love, “I did. I found your Daddy. Do you want to know who it is?”
“Mister Matt?” Her voice is so hopeful that your heart swells to the point you can feel it in your throat. 
You nod, your cheeks beginning to hurt from your smiling, “Mister Matt.”
She throws her arms around your neck and squeezes you so tightly that for a moment you can't breathe. You hug her back, rocking her in your arms. You never expected to have this conversation like this - you've not really had discussions about family with her yet, but you suppose that doesn't matter now. Your daughter knows the truth and you can feel her smiling against your neck. Tears of joy are gathering in the corners of your eyes, and you fight to keep them from escaping. 
You don't know how long you stay there, holding and rocking Mouse, but eventually she pulls back to look you in the face, “does Mister Matt wanna be my Daddy?”
You cup her face and bring her close to start peppering kisses all over, “Yes, yes, he does. He wants to be your Daddy very much. Do you want him to be your Daddy?”
She nods enthusiastically, “I want him to be my Daddy! Please thank you!”
You pull her into a tight hug again and she dissolves into giggles. You don't know if she fully understands but you know this is the first step in her getting it, and you want it to be a good moment. You kiss her forehead, then decide this is a good opportunity to practice talking about feelings.
“How does Mister Matt being your Daddy make you feel?”
She stays nestled against you. You let her think and after a few moments, she whispers, like it's a secret between the two of you, “it makes me happy.”
“It makes you happy?” You confirm. 
She nods, before adding, “He has a happy heart. We make him happy. He makes you happy.”
You take in her observation and realize it's true. You find yourself smiling more when you are around Matt - mostly from watching him and Minnie interact. They are the sweetest pair. And you don't need Minnie or Matt's hearing to know how happy Matt is to be around Minnie. His entire being screams it. 
“He does make me happy,” you agree. “And it makes me happy he is your Daddy. And hey, Mouse. Look at me?” She pulls back and looks at you with wide eyes and you make sure you hold eye contact, “Our next Big Girl Talk will be about how things will change now that you have a Daddy, okay?” She nods eagerly, a serious look coming across her face. Telling her in advance about what you will be talking about helps with her comprehending it is a serious topic. 
You take a moment to look her over, noting in all the ways she looks like her father before leaning in to kiss her cheek again. “I love you, Mouse.”
“I love you, too, Mommy,” she replies, all smiles and sunshine. She mimics you by placing a sloppy kiss on your cheek with a big ‘mwah’ added for good measure, then she hugs herself to you again. You wrap her up in your arms, content to just hold her. It doesn't last long - she's still a wiggly toddler and she eventually wiggles away from you. She crawls back onto the bed, grabbing Scooby before dramatically flopping over.
“Can we has pizza for lunch?” 
You guess life changing news time is over now and you are back to your regularly scheduled day. You hum at her question, thinking pizza sounds perfect for lunch. “Do you want to make it or do you want to go by Tiny’s?”
“Make it!” 
You laugh and your wallet thanks your daughter's desire to make things from scratch. Luckily for you, you already have pre-made pizza dough. You just have to add toppings and bake it. 
“Okay, we can make pizza for lunch,” you tell Minnie, and she responds by making Scooby cheer, pushing his arms up into the air and waving them around. You smile at her excitement; glad everything is going so well. You know this would not be as easy if Minnie didn't absolutely adore Matt. You can't imagine how things would have gone if she started asking these questions months ago. 
You pull yourself away from your thoughts to focus back on folding laundry. Mouse rolls back up into sitting and snatches up something from the pile to help you. It takes her a full thirty seconds before she dives into make pretend and you both work as she narrates your adventures of tidying up before the big princess ball.
You check in with Matt to make sure you are disrupting anything before you and Mouse start towards his office. Your sweet little girl wanted to bring her new Daddy lunch and Matt had not said no to the offer of homemade pizza. You hadn't hinted that the truth had been revealed to Minnie - you kind of want it to be a surprise for him and you want to be able to see his reaction in person. 
Your daughter is undeniably excited. She's swinging her arms as you walk, and every other step is a bounce. You are trying your hardest to not laugh at her antics and she has picked up on that and it has become a game. When you pause at the crosswalk, you look down and she sticks her tongue out at you. When you return the gesture, she gasps, then squeals with joy. You wrinkle up your nose at her, pulling a funny face to keep up the positive energy. 
She bunny hops across the street and keeps at it until you are in front of the building holding Nelson, Murdock, and Page. She seems to recognize she's been here before, pausing to look up at the building before hurrying up the stairs. You follow her inside and she keeps a hold of your hand as you go up to the right floor. 
This time, you let her knock on the door - you don't want to walk in on anything awkward again - and a moment later, it swings open to reveal Karen. Mouse practically teleports behind you, obviously not expecting someone other than Matt to answer. The blonde smiles warmly at you, a twinkle in her eye.
“Pizza delivery?” you say, hoping it will lighten the mood and Minnie will be less afraid of the woman in front of her. 
Karen steps aside with a laugh and you usher Mouse inside, “I heard it was homemade.”
You flush over the idea of Matt talking about you to his friends, but you had offered to bring his law partners lunch as well. “Uh, yes. It's just cheese, nothing fancy,” you tell her, hoping to not get her hopes up over it being fantastic pizza. Cooking for yourself and a toddler is far different from cooking for adults, and you are suddenly very aware of how high their expectations may be.
“No one in their right mind complains about pizza, let alone homemade pizza,” a voice says from your left and you turn to see Foggy and Matt in the conference room, both sitting at the table and gathering up remnants of their work. 
“Your cooking is amazing, don't sell yourself short,” Matt adds, his smile causing your heart to pound in your chest. The praise makes you a little dizzy and you tell yourself to stop acting like a school girl - he's probably just being polite. 
“He lorded that lasa-”
Foggy’s joking is cut off by the sudden pitter-patter of feet and the absolute toddler screech of, “DADDY!” 
Minnie is halfway to Matt before you even realize she's left your side. You hurry after her, Karen right behind you, and you make it in time to see Mouse crash right into Matt's legs. He looks completely dumbfounded - eyes wide behind his red lenses and lips parted in surprise - and your daughter uses his shocked state to scale him. She throws her arms around his neck and hugs him as tight as her little body will allow.
Matt returns the hug with just as much force once he realizes what's going on, burying his face into her hair. His shoulders start to shake, and you can just barely hear him confirm for her, “Yeah, baby. I'm your Daddy. I'm your Daddy.”
You can't help but let the tears fall this time, covering your mouth so you don't disturb the sweet moment. Movement in the corner of your eyes lets you know Karen is also covering her mouth and crying. You are pretty sure Mouse is the only one not crying. 
Your little one can only stand being crushed for so long and she pulls away from Matt but stays standing on his lap. She places her hands on his cheeks and you don't know if she's trying to keep balance or mimicking a gesture you frequently do with her. 
You can see Matt's tears from across the room and your heart twists. How long has he wanted this? How long have you wanted this? You want to hold them both and never let go - just so you can keep this feeling of overwhelming love forever.
Minnie breaks the symphony of sniffles, declaring, “Mommy said she lost you.”
Matt gives a wet laugh, his smile so bright and full of adoration for his daughter, “she did? She won't lose me again. I promise. I'm not going anywhere.”
You have to keep yourself from sobbing at his words. Too many emotions stir at his promise, and you have to remind yourself he's talking to Minnie and not you. As much as you want to hear the words yourself, to have someone say they'll never leave you - you know it isn't in the cards for you. You wrap your arms around yourself and watch Minnie search Matt's face.
She pats his cheeks with both hands, telling her father in a serious tone, “you have to stay close. Or Mommy will put you on a leash.”
It takes a moment for you to realize she's referring to her tethered backpack, but the damage is already done.
“You don't want her to put you on a leash, do you Matt?” Foggy asks, not missing a beat and not at all sounding like a crying mess despite being one.
Karen lets out a scandalized “Foggy!” while you bury your face into your hands, wishing the floor would swallow you up.
Matt doesn't even get to respond to the tease - Minnie whips her head around and her eyes get wide as she seems to realize other people are in the room. You can see the wheels turning in her mind before she crashes herself back into Matt's arms with a giggle, “Froggy!”
Matt doesn't seem to mind being used as a jungle gym and wraps himself around Minnie to hold her close. He kisses the top of her head and chokes out, “Yeah, that's Foggy, and that over there is Karen. Do you remember - I told you about them?” Your little one hides her face against his neck with a nod. You see her jaw move as she mumbles something to Matt, but you are too far away to hear but whatever it is, Matt gives a pleased laugh, “Yeah, his hair is too short to braid.”
Foggy scoffs at this reveal, “That is nonsense. My hair is long enough to braid!” He looks at you and Karen for confirmation, “Is my hair long enough to braid?”
“I mean,” Karen says, wiping away her tears with a smile, “They'd be pretty small. It would certainly be a fashion choice.”
“It's longer than Matt's hair,” he argues, a pout forming on his lips - but you can tell it's playful. 
Minnie peeks away from the crook of her father's neck to peer at Foggy. She eyes him before declaring, “Too short!”
“Looks like you've been overruled, Fog,” Matt says, resting his cheek against the top of Minnie’s head, happy to let her hide against him. He's stopped crying, but his voice is still a little wet. “You’ll have to go with another style.”
“Liberty spikes?” Your mouth offers before your brain catches up. 
Foggy and Karen both look at you and you fear they think you are insane. The familiar pounding starts in your chest and your mouth feels dry, but before panic can see in, Foggy shakes his head, throwing his arms up as he speaks.
“Do you know how much product those need? It's like a can of Got2B per day and I promised myself ‘never again’.” 
“When did you have liberty spikes?” Karen asks. She moves to sit at the table with Matt and Foggy and you quickly follow, not wanting to be the only one standing.
“High school was a weird and wonderful time,” is the reply and you try to picture this sweet friendly lawyer with a punk aesthetic. It doesn't really work, but the image makes you smile. 
“Daddy can do puffs,” Minnie mumbles across the table to Foggy and you are proud of her for being so brave, “and Mommy…. Mommy makes Moon Buns. She can make you extra pretty.”
Foggy grins at you, waggling his eyebrows, “Well, if she can make me extra pretty…”
Karen swats at Foggy's arm, “how about you keep your hair as it is - we don't need Marci coming after us.”
“Please, she appreciates my daring sense of fashion,” he scoffs.
Matt hums, then stage whispers to Minnie, “Mouse, can you tell Daddy what Foggy is wearing?”
Minnie turns slowly to look at the man in question. Her fist goes up to her mouth and she leans heavily into Matt as she examines him. The blonde man stands up and takes a few steps back, so his outfit is on full view. He even does a slow spin.
“He looks like Barbar,” she decides, and you snort with laughter because you one hundred percent see it. He's in a gray three-piece suit but his tie is a dark green. 
“I…I don't know who that is,” Foggy says, a somewhat panicked look on his face. He turns to you, “What does that mean? Is that a good thing or have I just been roasted by a toddler?”
“The elephant?” Matt questions, brows knitting together behind his glasses. You wonder if he read the books when he was a kid, before he lost his eyesight, or if he's been doing his research.
“He wears a three-piece suit,” you clarify, letting yourself start to relax as conversation flows. “He's very fancy.”
“Aren't those books banned?” Karen asks. She doesn't sound judgmental - just like she's clarifying the reference. 
You shrug and smile towards your daughter, “they made a new show a few years ago.” 
“I still don't know if this is a good thing.”
“You look…handsomes,” Minnie mumbles before turning back to tuck herself under Matt's chin. You read her body language easily - she isn't scared or upset at the interaction. She's just shy. You can see her hidden little smile.
“Oh, you are so his kid,” Foggy whispers, “That was smooth.”
You feel your cheeks heat up and you look down at your lap. Matt certainly is smooth. It is like he can't help himself, as far as you have seen. He's just naturally charming - and your daughter is sweet as can be. You are a lot more clumsy.
The man beside you chuckles and out of the corner of your eye you see him rub Minnie’s arms. With a slight cockiness in his voice, he asks, “Mouse, can you tell Daddy what Foggy had for breakfast?”
You can feel the shift in the air - Karen's interest in your daughter's assessment is practically vibrating off her.
You suck your bottom lip between your teeth, your anxiety spiking at the question. You trust Matt, but you don't know these people. You've only just learned what your daughter can do and already it is being shared.
But, you have no doubts about your daughter’s ability to answer the question. Matt had spent his entire day off playing ‘what's that smell?’ and ‘what's that sound?’ with Mouse and she just wanted to show off for him. Plus, she just likes to answer questions.
Still, she stays against his chest and for a moment you are worried she might just be too shy to answer, but then she starts to whisper.
“Froggy ate a banana. And coffees.”
Matt nuzzles into her hair with a smile, looking proud as can be, “Anything else?”
Your little one sways back and forth, clearly thinking over the question. Her little fist stays against her mouth as she adds, “Cookies.”
She gets a little chuckle from her father, and he kisses her hair before explaining, “That's close. When there are cookies and banana smells for breakfast, that usually means a banana muffin.” He tilts his head towards his best friend, “Right, Fog?”
Foggy nods as he sits down, pulling a face as he does, “Right, a banana nut muffin and coffee. I'm so glad there are two of you to know that now. You are going to give me a complex.”
You can see Minnie screw up her face in thought, then she turns around in Matt's arms to properly look at Foggy again. 
“Froggies can't have people food,” she advises. “Froggies eat bugs.”
“I'm not…my name is Foggy, not Froggy. I'm a people.”
You wonder how many times this will happen and decide that while the back and forth happens, you should start setting up lunch. From your purse, you start to pull out the tupperware containing pizza.
“Foggy. Fog-gy. Not Froggy. Buddy, help me out here.”
“This is out of my control,” Matt hums. He looks like he is having the time of his life and his smile is infectious. You look up to see Foggy looking at you, silently pleading, but you can tell it's all an act. If it was actually bothering him, you would correct Minnie. 
Instead, you simply add, “Ribbit ribbit.” 
There's a dramatic groan of “but I don't even like flies!”
“Froggy! Frog!” is Mouse’s adamant response. You are grateful Matt's friends want to engage with your daughter instead of just ignoring her. You know he thinks of them as his family, and you want a good relationship with them.
“I don't know, I think I like Froggy. It's better than Franklin,” Karen says with amusement in her eye. She leans forward and asks Minnie, “Did you bring a bug pizza for him?”
Minnie shakes her head, eyes going big at the idea of a bug pizza. 
“Okay, if I am a frog, what is she?” Foggy asks, accepting his fate as he points at Karen. 
All eyes turn to her, and the blonde woman straightens up and smiles brightly at your daughter. 
“A princess,” Minnie decides after a brief examination, “of Froggyland. Princess of Froggyland.” 
Karen absolutely grins at the assessment while the newly assigned amphibian looks scandalized. “The Princess of Froggyland? She rules over me? I reject the monarchy - I'm staging a rebellion.”
“Long live the Queen,” Matt teases and both you and Minnie laugh. 
“Excuse you, I'm a princess, not a queen. Yet.”
“Who rules over Froggyland?” You ask Minnie as you pass out the pizza. You get a chorus of ‘thank you’s as your daughter considers her options.
“Jimmy Cricket,” is the final decree. 
“A bug rules over Froggyland?”
“I mean, the physical embodiment of a good conscience would be a good king, right?” Matt theorizes. 
“All kings are unethical,” counters his law partner and Karen must sense a debate coming, as she puts her foot down.
“No politics while eating.”
“I didn't start this, your highness,” Foggy playfully bickers. As they start going back and forth again, you look over to the pair beside you.
Matt helps Minnie sit down in his lap and once she is secure, he goes to open his pizza. He's ducked his head so he can whisper to her as he does - you can see his lips moving but once again, you can't hear the words. You wonder if it is about the food, but part of you honestly doesn't care what it is. You are just happy that all of this is happening. 
You are happy your daughter knows the truth about who her father is and that she seems excited over it. You are happy you get to see them bond and you are happy to see Minnie be so social. You can already see the hints that this dramatic life change is going to be good for her, and that doesn't even include the new information you learned about her senses.
You scoot your chair a little closer to Matt's, preparing to bring Minnie over to your lap so he can eat. Before you can reach for her, Matt places his hand on your knee. You try to not turn into a blushing mess as he starts to rub little circles with his thumb - this isn't what you intended to happen and it's far too embarrassing to push his hand away.
Not that you want to push it away. The touch is awkward on your end, but only because you are so unused to being touched. It isn't unwanted. In fact, it's a little comforting, even though it is sending all sorts of mixed signals to your brain, heart, and cunt. You try to ignore the latter - those thoughts have no place in this moment. 
At least that is what you tell yourself until Matt turns his head towards you and gives you the softest smile. Your brain, heart, and cunt all clench before doing all sorts of flips inside of you. He mouths ‘thank you’ to you and the only thing you can think to do is wrap your hand around his and squeeze. He turns his palm up and laces your fingers together and it does nothing to soothe your pounding heart, but you don't think you mind. 
You squeeze his hand again and your entire being explodes with love when Minnie realizes Matt is looking at you and turns her head to beam up at you.
“Love you, Mommy.”
“Love you, too, baby.”
She tilts her head back so she can see Matt and in the softest voice says, “Love you, Daddy.”
You're pretty sure Matt starts crying again as he responds, “I love you, too, Minnie. I love you so so much.”
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two-unbeatable-beaters @kiwwia-wiwwia @1988-fiend @xblueriddlex @loves0phelia @ninacotte @lovelyygirl8 @littlenosoul @ednaaa-04  @ astridstark13
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wlntrsldler · 1 month
soldier, poet, king | luke castellan
song: soldier, poet, king by the oh hellos
warnings: not canon compliant, struck by inspiration and wrote this in one sitting so it's kinda just me rambling
i. the soldier
luke grew up a gentle child. he was the type of child who showed mercy at everything, at everyone, even when he knew that he held more power than them. and he did have more power than them.
from a young age, he knew he was different. he just didn't know how or why. it wasn't like he could just ask his mother why locked doors suddenly unlocked when he touched the knob, or why he always seemed to get away with stealing an extra cookie at the lunch line, or why he seemed to understand people who gossiped in other languages. not only were these odd talents to have (and yes he used odd because that's what his classmates used to call him) and his mother would probably not know the answers anyway, but his mother was unreliable at best.
luke was a quiet child. he never talked about what life at home was like and nobody ever asked him. after all, he showed up to school showered, dressed, and fed. there were no red flags there. he didn't blame the school for not knowing his living situation. how could they know? but sometimes, nine-year-old luke castellan wished someone bothered to ask.
maybe if they did, luke would tell them about how his mother talked to herself in the middle of the night and seemed to argue with the pictures on the walls. maybe if they did, luke would tell them that his mother didn't recognize him sometimes and that she would scream at the top of her lungs until her body grew tired then she'd sit still at the kitchen table until the sun rose.
or maybe he wouldn't. he didn't want to be a bother to anyone.
luke had never hurt anything until he was nine. up until then, he used to scoop up spiders on a piece of paper and release them into the world. it felt wrong to kill them so he never did. he used to watch his steps on the way home from school in fear of accidentally killing a centipede on the sidewalk. he used to leave food on the porch for the stray animals that passed by his neighborhood.
luke grew up a gentle child. until he fled home.
the first time luke killed something was when he was roaming the forests of massachusetts. he ran out of food days ago and was surviving on the honey bun an old lady at the gas station bought for him. it wasn't the healthiest option, but she assumed that he was starving from a long day at school and took pity on him. luke said his thanks and returned to his journey.
he could see the sun beginning to set behind the trees. in another life, he'd be watching the sunset in a tent with his mom. it would've been a family camping trip. he took a bite of the now stale honey bun and imagined it was a gooey marshmallow that his mom helped him roast over the campfire. as he crumpled the plastic, he heard it-- a scream from a girl.
luke's eyes widened and he raced to where the sound came from, reaching for the pocket knife he stole from the box his mom kept hidden in the attic. she never let him up there, but as luke was packing his things to leave, something told him to disobey his mother.
he found you with your back against a tree, terrified, with a dog-like creature snarling at you. it had two heads, glowing eyes, and what seemed like a million teeth. it turned its heads to look at luke, and the smile that dawned on its face was haunting. luke fumbled with the pocket knife and watched in amazement as it grew into a sword, both silver and gold, and seemed to illuminate underneath the descending rays of the sun.
luke stumbled in his steps as he held the sword tightly in his small hands and he swung. the dog barred its teeth, no doubt upset that luke was putting up a fight. his technique was nonexistent. he just swung and swung until he managed to lay a blow on the creature, and when he'd done enough damage, luke pierced the sword between the dog's two heads and watched it vanish into thin air.
luke dropped the sword by his feet, trying to catch his breath. he'd almost forgotten that you were there, that he did all that to save someone else. it wasn't until you placed a hand on his shoulder that luke was pulled back to life.
"thank you," you whispered. luke got a good look at you then. tear streaks down your face, hair a mess in two thick braids on either side of your head, and eyes that seemed hollow, though the will of wanting to survive fought to keep the traces of you there. "you saved my life."
luke looked down at his feet to find the pocket knife back in its original form. he bent down to pick it up, hands still trembling as he stuffed it in his back pocket. he wiped his sweaty palms against the fabric of his jeans, "i-i've never killed something before."
"me either," you gulped, nodding. "i'm y/n."
luke brushed his stray curls from his forehead, "luke."
ii. the poet
life at camp half blood became repetitive after a while. training, dinner, offerings, and repeat. luke was excited when he became the head counselor of the hermes cabin because at least he had something new to do. he no longer needed to follow you around to fill his time, though he'd be lying if he said he didn't miss spending so much time with you.
you'd been promoted as the head counselor of your own cabin months before luke, which was overdue in his opinion. you'd grown dependable, strong, and fearless over the years at camp. sometimes luke couldn't believe that you were the same girl who cowered against a hellhound all those years ago.
the life he had before he met you seemed like a lifetime ago, and in some ways, it was. eight years had gone by since he arrived at camp half blood. he's seventeen now. time had taken away many of his memories from his childhood.
"hey soldier," you greeted, bumping his shoulder with your own. "done with your list yet?"
"soldier," he greeted with a bright smile. "just about. want to tag along while i finish up?"
the nickname grew out of a morbid conversation the two of you had a few years ago. it was after you'd just gotten claimed by your parent, the night before you were due to move out of the hermes cabin. luke had found you sitting in the middle of the arena, your sword tossed carelessly on the floor. when you didn't show up to the cabin after lights out, luke knew he had to look for you.
"hey," luke approached you gently, taking the spot beside you. "everything ok?"
you lifted your head, craning your neck to look at him. you shook your head, "no."
his eyebrows furrowed in concern, "what's wrong?"
"i have a quest," you mumbled, tears welling up in your eyes. "that's why she claimed me."
for years, you found home in the hermes cabin. year by year, you admitted defeat, thinking that your parent would never claim you as theirs. it was painful, watching new arrivals get claimed by their parent while you watched on the sidelines, clapping in celebration. you faked smiles and niceties, but luke knew how much it hurt you.
he'd walk with you back to the hermes cabin and kept you company until you felt better. if he had it his way, he'd stay beside you forever, but he'll be content if he got to stay with you until you didn't want him to anymore. thankfully, that time hadn't come yet.
luke felt anger bubbling in his chest as he scoffed, "all these years... i'm sorry y/n. that's fucked up."
"it's okay, luke."
"it's not, though," he shook his head, "it's not okay that she only wants to claim you because she needs you. what about when you needed her, huh? all those years that she ignored you."
your shoulders deflated. luke was saying all the things you'd been repeating in your head since you've been claimed. "i know, luke, but that's just how the gods are."
"maybe that's the problem," he said. his anger kept increasing, his voice sharpening after each word. he thought about the worst-case scenarios if you left. you could get hurt. you could get trapped somewhere. you could die. the thought of it made luke sick. "maybe the gods need to get a taste of their own medicine. tell me you're not going on that quest."
"i have to."
"then i'll come with you."
you placed a hand on his thigh, "i can't ask you to do that."
"you're not asking. i'm offering."
"no, luke," you sighed, "as much as i would like you there, someone needs to stay here. someone needs to look after annie and the rest of the kids."
"and who's gonna look after you?"
"i'll be okay," you managed to smile, "i can hold my own now. i have the best teacher, remember?"
luke's eyes softened at your words. he'd been teaching you fighting techniques since he was dubbed the best swordsman of camp in centuries. everything he learned, he passed onto you. the life of a demigod was unpredictable outside the walls of camp half blood, and if there came a time when he wouldn't be around, he wanted to make sure you could fend for yourself.
he took your hand in his, tugging on your arm to pull you closer. once you were close enough, he wrapped an arm around you and placed his chin on the top of your head. "i know you can."
there was a silence that fell upon the two of you after that. the two of you sat there beside each other for a beat before you spoke again, "do you think they will ever change?"
"no," luke answered honestly. "we are not their children. we're soldiers to them."
as time passed, the truer those words became. he watched his friends, his siblings, return as a shell of themselves after their quest. he often wondered when he'd be called for his, though he was in no rush. some people were gone for weeks, months, sometimes years, and he couldn't fathom being apart from you for that long.
as he snapped out of his thoughts, you laced your fingers with his, "i'd love to join. i miss your siblings."
luke laughed, "they miss you too. i'm no longer their favorite now that i'm head counselor."
"that's because you never let them have fun," you joked, "fun is good. in moderation."
"hermes kids don't understand the word moderation."
"true," you giggled, running your finger across his knuckles. "chiron is looking for you, by the way. said it's urgent."
luke shrugged, placing a kiss on your temple, "i'm sure it can wait. wanna spend some time with you after finishing up. feels like i haven't seen you in ages."
"we just had breakfast and lunch together, luke," you cocked an eyebrow teasingly, though your grip on his hand tightened. "can't get enough of me?"
"you know the answer to that," he hummed, not deterred by your tone. he never kept it a secret that he'd follow you to the ends of the world if you asked. "but we haven't gotten time with just us two in a while. would like to be able to kiss my girlfriend without campers saying ew."
"the ew's don't seem to bother you that much because you do it anyway."
luke stopped, untangling your fingers so he could hold your face in his hands. he placed a long kiss on your lips, one that left you breathless. "like you said, i can't get enough of you."
iii. the king
the waters were rough tonight. princess andromeda rocked harshly against the current, but luke remained unmoving at the front of the ship. he stared out into the dark waters, thinking back on the memories he had left. kronos was slowly chipping away at all of them, but he held tightly on certain ones because he didn't want to forget.
all of the memories were of you-- the way your skin flushed red after hours training in the arena, the way your hair fell in a tangled mess when you let your hair down, the sound of your laughter when he kissed your neck and his curls tickled your skin. these were things he would fight to remember.
luke thinks a fate more cruel than death would be to forget you.
tomorrow would mark a year since he left camp half blood to lead kronos' army, a year since he last saw you. it seemed trivial to him now to think about the 'what-if's' of his quest, thinking about all that time he would spend without you, only to have it happen anyway. only this time, he knew for certain he wouldn't return again.
life on the ship was vastly different from camp half blood. luke never thought that he'd miss the boring routine, but he did. the only thing that stayed the same was that he remained in power. in camp half blood, he was respected, seen as the leader of the pack. and here, the same can be said. he was kronos' right hand, and until the titan was able to attain his physical form, luke was in charge.
he was the captain of the ship. he was the king. he would bring glory to the demigods.
in the distance, a faint light appeared. luke squinted as he tried to make out the object slowly coming closer. he turned to enter the ship, the room falling silent when he opened the door.
"there's something out there."
chris stood up, approaching luke. he was the only one who dared to address him and luke preferred it that way. chris was his brother. he didn't know the rest of them well.
chris cleared his throat, "we just got word from someone on the inside that they're sending some people to attack us."
"so that's what's out there," luke clenched his jaw, "who did they send?"
"percy, annabeth," chris gulped, "and y/n."
for a moment, luke's demeanor faltered. were you really on your way to fight him? is that what your relationship had come to? luke bit his tongue, trying to control his emotions. he crossed his arms across his chest, "change course now."
another one of the demigods stood up, a puzzled expression on his face, "what? there's only three of them. they're outnumbered. we can take them."
"did i stutter?" luke snarled, "i said change course."
"it doesn't make sense to. changing course will set us back at least. a day!"
"are you in charge?" luke questioned. in his heart, he knew he would pay for this later on. once kronos hears that luke changed the plans without his knowledge, he would suffer but he thinks that whatever torture kronos has in store for him would be less painful than seeing you again.
you were fighting the same war, but you stood on different sides. it was something luke still had trouble coming to terms with.
the boy shook his head, cowering in fear as he made his way out of the room to relay luke's orders to the others. luke turned around and pinched the bridge of his nose before walking back out to the front of the ship. he held onto the railing as the ship turned right, his body jerking with the motion. he always did seem to lose his composure when it came to you. as the ship sailed away, he watched the light he saw in the distance fade into the darkness.
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usopps-devotee · 2 years
Not your fault
Tags: angst, hurt/comfort, someone PLEASE give luffy a hug he needs it
@zoro-kun because you love angst
@euphofic because you also love angst as well as luffy
W.c 1.1k
Part 2: Burnout
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It had been late and you were tired, unlike the rest of the crew who seemed to have boundless energy, you just wanted to sleep. Fight after fight, days with little to no rest, yet they still had the energy to party. You on the other hand went back to the ship to get some rest.
Luffy hadn't expected anyone to leave the bar, nor had he expected someone to come back to the ship when yall rented a room for the time spent on the island. He didn't hear the sound of you stepping on the deck of the sunny or walking up to him till it was too late to hide. Mortified as you stare at his tear-stained face, he's expecting you to tell him to suck it up, be a man, and so many other ways of telling him that his emotions made him weak.
Instead, you walk towards him slowly and carefully as if approaching a wild animal, holding your arms out for an embrace. You have no clue what's going through your captain's head, no one ever does, it's one of Luffy's many mysteries. All you know is he needs comfort, he looks like he wants to run, and knowing Luffy he just might. Seeing him hesitate you drop to the deck, not caring about the pain that shot through your already aching knees, arms still held out.
He's clinging to you in an instant, rubber arms pulling his body to yours, knocking the both of you over. His sniffles now sob as he cried into your chest, your shirt is immediately soaked in tears and snot but for the moment you could care less. You ran a hand through his hair, nails caressing his curls and scalp as his hat lay on the floor. Your other hand rubbed comforting circles in his back, slowly deviating in shape. You're startled by the small sorry that left your captain, you've never heard his voice so strained, so pitiful. Heart-shattering in a million pieces as you hold him tighter.
"It's okay Luffy, I promise. Let it all out, I'm here for you."
At that moment, whatever emotions he desperately tried to hold on to slipped through him like water. Years of guilt, anger, sadness, and who knows what else he may not have been able to express, are finally being felt. He's squeezing you so tightly in the back of your mind you're worried you might pop. You remind yourself that his ache is worse than yours, what you've injured for minutes, he's suppressed for years.
Eventually, Luffy lets you know what's on his mind, you're not even sure if he knows he's doing so. Babbling about his past and every mistake he's ever made, losing both sabo and ace, almost losing his crew, every time he's lost a fight, he even tells you about shanks losing his arm. All while blaming himself, blaming his incompetence, his arrogance, his weaknesses, his emotions, everything luffy perceived to be a flaw about himself. Choking on his own words while crying, between hiccups and gasping for air.
You had no clue he had been feeling this way, you doubted the rest of the crew did as well. Before this, you wouldn't have had a clue in the world about the stresses he holds on to. What thoughts keep him awake at night, what he fears more than anything else? Now more than ever you want to keep him safe from the rest of the world.
"If I wasn't so weak things would have turned out better."
"Luffy, it's not your fault. None of it is. Some of these things happened to you as a kid. Even with allies around that was stronger than you might have been at the time, not even they could have stopped what happened. It's not your fault."
Luffy finally lifted his head to look at you, he looked broken, the sight alone almost make you start to cry as well. Tears still flowing like rivers in Egypt, you're in denial about how much snot is covering the both of you. His eyes look over every detail of your face to look for a lie, to see the moment when the rug is pulled from under him and you become just as cold as everyone before. He doesn't expect you to place the straw hat back on his head and brush his hair out of his face, he doesn't expect you to pull him closer and kiss him on the forehead.
He's completely astonished when you tell him that it's okay. It's okay to be afraid sometimes, it's okay to have regrets, and it's okay to have made mistakes, and everyone does. He's never been able to let his guard down around anyone this much, he doesn't know what to do with all the trust he's placed in you. Luffy feels like he's been shattered and here you are picking up the pieces from so long ago.
Another sob racked through his body at your words, he's trembling like a leaf, and the only thing keeping him grounded is you. For years Luffy has been told by so many others his emotions are unacceptable. To hear you speak this truth so softly, so sweetly, he almost wants to deny it but he can't. He wants to cut in and say the things he could, or rather in his head, should have done. He wants to give a rebuttal to every claim that you've laid to rest. But he can't, he just can't.
There is logic to what you have to say, there's reasoning in your words he can't deny. If anything he's questioning all the others who told him not to cry, not to feel, not to express or let anything out. He's doubting what he's been taught, parts of him wonder what other lies he's been told, he'll have to ask you one day.
Slowly but surely he calms down, sniffling as he tries to catch his breath. Taking the time while he's off of your chest, you removed the soaked shirt, wiping away the rest of the tears and snot covering his face. "Why don't we get something to eat hmm? I'm sure the walk and some good food will help." He nods hesitantly, despite his lack of movement. You toss the shirt aside to worry about it later. For now, you're worried about the fact that Luffy's eyes had yet to leave the ground, and when they do he ask you a question that you could never deny.
"Can you hold me for just a little longer?"
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batmanisagatewaydrug · 6 months
idk if this is something you would answer but how do you unlearn shame of being horny 😵‍💫
hi anon,
this is a complex question. unlearning shame of any kind can take a long time to sort out, and will be driven more by internal work you do to challenge and shift your own thinking than by anything else.
a good place to start may be by doing some reflection as to what you find shameful about being horny in the first place and working back from there to recognize sexuality and desire as morally neutral things.
for instance, I get a fair number of people asking if it's okay to think about real people that they know when they're horny, or masturbate to fantasies about those people. they feel a lot of shame about this, as if they're causing harm to these people by imagining them in sexual scenarios. but making up funny little scenarios in your head to nut to is a harmless act that only you will ever know about. it's not like whipping out your dick (gender neutral) and masturbating at strangers on public transit; what you do to get off in your private time only impacts you.
a problem would only arise if you decided to start treating your real, actual acquaintance, not the imaginary sexy version of them, differently, for instance by making untoward comments about their body, treating them as if they are obligated to be interested in spending time together or having sex with you, or, god forbid, telling them in detail about your sexual fantasies. now you're doing sexual harassment, which is inappropriate because of the hurt and discomfort is causes the recipient. being horny isn't the problem here, it's how you're treating another person.
people also feel a lot of shame around many other types of fantasies, especially if they involve dynamics that are off-limits or illegal in real life. often, the worry seems to be that being aroused by these imagined scenarios is akin to expressing support for these things to happen in real life.
listen: sexual fantasies about rape are some of the most commonly reported among cis women, and that's not because tons and tons of cis women secretly think that rape is a cool thing that should happen more. the people playing Baldur's Gate 3 and fucking Halsin while he's wildshaped into a bear aren't all chomping at the bit to commit a sex crime against a real animal. noticing that "teenage" characters on TV played by actors in their 20s and 30s are hot does not make anyone a pedophile. fiction is a safe realm to explore and enjoy things that we would never in a million years want to see happen in real life. I love Batman, but I can assure you I would not be a happy camper if a real-life billionaire started running around doing vigilantism in a fursuit while endangering a gaggle of teenage sidekicks.
and if you want to explore some of the stuff you're into in real life, awesome! great! there are ways to go about negotiating a lot of different kinks safely and responsibly (although probably not the bear thing, sorry about that). the world is full of people who want the experience of being stalked, beat up, kidnapped, and sexually assaulted - all mediated through pre-negotiated arrangements with people that they have chosen to enact these fantasies with them. so what is there to be ashamed of in that situation? sure, the situation you're engaging in might sound scary without proper context, but so do a lot of things. a stranger cutting open my skin, very likely causing bleeding, and leaving me with a mark that I'll have for the rest of my life sounds scary, and it definitely would be if it wasn't a situation that I agreed to! but that's also what getting a tattoo is, and that's an experience that I love so much that I pay for the pleasure. nothing to feel bad about there as long as you're playing safely!
listen: there's nothing wrong with being horny. the human sex drive is a completely natural one born from biological need that makes getting off feel good. there's no more sense in feeling shame about being horny than there is in feeling shame about being hungry or needing rest, although people do of course manage to feel bad about those as well. regardless of what causes it, when you feel the shame well up you have to push back on it and ask yourself who actually directly benefits from you feeling badly about yourself in that moment, and who is actually tangibly hurt by the actions you're shaming. and if the answer is "no one," move it along!
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sunflowerhae · 2 months
The Flops™️
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A 22 year old professional dumb ass with a side gig in being comedic relief. Y/n is easy to understand; she loves video games, loves her cat, and loves pasta. And well..MAYBE she loves her fans too. Y/n is what you could call an “unstoppable force”. She’s going up in the online entertainment world, and has no plans on stopping soon. After having JUST passed her 4 million subscriber milestone on YouTube, y/n believes her life is just near perfect. Which is exactly why God needed to humble her, she thinks. Because WHO kicks someone out of their apartment (3 months before their lease ends, might I add) because of a “miscommunication” if not compelled to by God Himself. So, now Y/n has to move all of her things..AGAIN..to a new place…AGAIN…and pray to God (who we’ve found does NOT have a soft spot for her) that this one sticks - at least for a little bit. Everyone around y/n quickly learns that it’s not her who’s the comedic relief, but instead her life which is so ridiculous, that you can’t help but laugh.
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Giselle has two main interests. She is a fan of music, and a fan of y/n. She got the music part covered by being one of Korea’s leading superstars. AND she has the y/n part covered by being y/n’s absolute ULTIMATE best friend. When she’s not hypnotizing a whole country with her melodies, she’s dreaming of hanging out with her friends and, maybe hot Greek men. But be careful! This kitty bites, and if you poke too hard at her, you’ll understand why they say she has claws.
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When winter isn’t focusing on her (some would call it) obsession with animal crossing, she’s focusing on her blossoming career in the mukbang community. If you can name it, Winter can eat it. She’s still pretty new, but she’s gaining a steady following by her charming personality and, quite frankly, insane ability to hound a plate of food faster than you can utter an insult. It of course doesn’t hurt her new following that she’s good friends with some of the most influential people of her generation, but that doesn’t mean much to her. With a laugh and bite - winter is a happy girl.
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Jisung would never call himself a streamer. Sure, he plays video games for people to watch. Sure, he gets viewer numbers up to the thousands. SURE, he makes money off it and has a weekly upload schedule. But no, Jisung would NEVER call himself a streamer. So y/n does it for him! You might think the whole “bicker like siblings” thing is an act for the camera, but that’s just the nature of these two friends. When she’s not nagging him about how much he eats and yet never goes to the gym, Jisung fills the space by laughing and bullying y/n’s gameplay choices. Some newbies are convinced they actually hate each other, but OG’s know these two love each other fiercely, the difference is they show it in their own..unique..way.
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Ah..Jaemin. The irony of Jaemin befalls all his friends. He is, by far, the most outgoing one of the bunch. Jaemin sees a new person as a new opportunity for a friend. He laughs in the face of introverts, while also hugging them and giving them a free bag of chips. Jaemin knows just what to say, and just when to say it. And it pains them all that he’s the ONLY “normal” one of the group. Jaemin is currently studying business at SNU, hoping to one day open a cat cafe. His nonchalance towards being in the most envied and admired friend group of their country confuses Jaemins classmates. And what confuses them even more is that, when asked if he feels lucky to be friends with them, his reply is only, “those idiots? More like what crimes did I commit in my last life to be cursed to know them”. But fear not for little old Jaemin, for he is probably the sneakiest of the lot. And if you don’t know what I mean, I’m sorry, but it’s already too late for you.
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Jeno is a model. It’s really that simple. Jeno is a model - and also so much more. He’s Jaemins best friend, he’s winters boyfriend, he’s the “glue” of the group (as y/n would put it), and he’s just genuinely a nice person. If you have an issue with anything - he’s there. A leak in your roof? Call Jeno. You’re missing a final ingredient for a recipe you’ve been dying to try? Jeno will find it, or die trying! Need a shoulder to cry on after a nasty breakup? Jeno is at yours with a tissue one minute, and an undisclosed location with a gun and some rope in the next. He’s the fiercest and loyalist friend you’ll ever have; who just so happens to be a model.
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GG! (Good Game!) 👾
Notes: does anybody actually read my character descriptions bc I actually think I popped off w these ngl. Also not them being a hype house lowkey (without the house part)
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icycoldninja · 5 months
If the DMC related requests hasn’t been filled to the brim yet: So there is this character in this anime called Spy x Family, and this character is named Yor Forger. She’s like this insanely strong and agile assassin who can kill a hostile cattle like a bull with just her fingers.
That’s basically what I want Y/N to be in my request! 😊
So, I want to see how the Sparda Men + V would react to a female Y/N who just so happens to be their lover, who is an insanely strong, intimidating assassin who is also a socially awkward person.
Oh yeah, I know her; I love that anime!! Here ya go and enjoy 💜
Sparda boys + V x Yor Forger-like!Reader headcannons
¤ Dante ¤
-When Dante first met you, he thought you were some regular old, socially inept klutz--cute and silly.
-He never in a million years expected to watch you break a demon's neck with one hand and then use its' corpse as a springboard to tackle another demon into the ground, shattering your spine.
-Dante was honestly quite intimidated and wondered if there were more secrets you were hiding from him.
-When you confessed the truth, that you were a trained assassin, and that unlike most, you weren't cold and calculated, but just yourself, his fears melted away, mostly.
-He trusts you and knows you wouldn't do anything to hurt him, but he wonders if you might break his bones by accident when you're fooling around together or cuddling.
-Well, if you do, his demon regeneration will take care of that, he reasons, right before tackling you to the floor and demanding a wrestling match.
■ Vergil ■
- Vergil initially thought of you as weak, thanks to your awkward demeanor, and his inferiority complex.
-When he saw how easy it was for you to leap from platform to platform, dodging and incapacitating demons as you went, he was shocked.
-Next came an interrogation. Who were you really? Were you a demon? Why are you so skilled? Are you planning to kill him? Why are you so self conscious if you have this much POWER, shouldn't you be confident in your invincibility?
-It took you a while, but you explained who you were, why you were the way you were, and so on. Vergil begrudgingly accepted this as the truth, but was still suspicious.
-With time, however, the cold and MOTIVATED man came to understand that some people don't change their personalities when they gain power--a lesson he would do well to learn.
-He frequently invites you to train with him, just so he can get a taste of your abilities.
□ Nero □
-When Nero first met you, he felt like there was something a little off about you, but attributed it to your timid, socially awkward personality.
-Then he happened to accompany you on a mission and got to see your true power. How you managed to twist off the demon's limbs was astonishing--you were doing everything Nero did, but somehow, faster.
-He was shocked, yes, but not angry, just awed. He wanted to learn everything he possibly could about you, but was kind of nervous to ask. What if your whole personality was fake? What if you were a truly horrible person on the inside?
-After you revealed the truth to him, he understood this really was the way you were, his mind now at ease. He liked you the way you were.
-Now he happily takes you on missions with him, the two of you kicking demon ass all day, every day.
-He also challenges you to arm wrestling battles every now and again, just to test your strength.
● V ●
-V met you and was intrigued; after all, you're as much of a dork as he is.
-He most absolutely did not expect to be tossed over your shoulder like a sack of potatoes and carried out of harm's way faster than he could blink.
-While his mind processed how you managed to lift him so quickly, he begins to wonder how you managed to lift him at all, given he's a rather tall man.
-After the danger was over and you'd decimated all demons, you sat down and revealed the truth about yourself, shocking him, in a good way. This whole time you were an assassin?! So cool!
-V was glad you revealed this to him because now he had one less thing to worry about. Having a ridiculously strong assassin bodyguard would be such a blessing.
-One thing to bear in mind: Don't be too rough with him, such as yanking him too hard in combat, even if you mean well, because his bones are fragile and with your strength, you could easily break them.
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one-green-frog · 1 year
hii I was wondering if you could write a miles morales ( either one) x male reader where the two are in a relationship, and have been for a year and them going through the motions of celebrating their one year anniversary cus it’s both each other’s longest relationship so it’s just really sappy and such lovey dovey they end up crying because oh my days how did they get so lucky
Miles x m!Reader
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Miles was... well, he was perfect. Ever since your started dating him, exactly one year ago, your life was just better. The sun seemed to shine more brightly, even on rainy days, with miles by your side every day turned into a great one, and if it wasn't, Miles made it bearable.
Now here you are, making your way over to him, with a boquet of flowers in one hand and in the other hand, yoiu held a small crochet animal. You recently picked up the hobby and while your little crochet cat had a few flaws here and there you were still proud of how it turned out. Miles was surely going to like it, at least you're 99% sure he would. There's always that lingering feeling that you would do something wrong, anything, which would make him freak out and break up with you. But putting those negative thoughts aside, you smiled as you saw Miles excitedly looking out his window, getting embarassed when you caught him looking
As you walk up the steps, the door suddenly opened, Miles now leaning on the door frame, looking at you with the brightest smile, you might need to buy sunglasses. After a short exchange, he comes rushing to you, pulling you into a tight hug, that you gladly reciprocate, being mindful of the flowers you brought him. He invited you in, dragging you in to be exact, his parents were out of town, so you had the whole house for yourself. As the everloving, amazing boyfriends that he is, he cooked for you and while it couldn't live up to Mama Rio's dishes, it was still tasty, not to mention that he really put a lot of effort inot it. As the day went on, you two cuddled up on the couch to watch some movies, drinks and snacks on the small table in front of you.
You turned to him, eyes full of adoration, wondering how you got so lucky. Never in a million years would you have thought, that you deserved someone so nice, and gentle and patiant and just... perfect as Miles. Tears slowly started to form in your eyes at the thought of him, just as he turned to look at you.
"everything alright?" Miles akesd, the movie now long forgotten
"Just thinking about how precious you are" you answered wiping the tears from your eyes.
Now it was his turn to tear up. Miles was so grateful that you stayed with him, even if he had to cancel some dates due to some... emergencies. He scooted closer to you, pulling you into a hug and giving you a kiss on your forehead.
"You're the precious one for putting up with me. Really, I'm so grateful you stayed with me, even if there were some mishaps". That made you giggle "I love you so much and I'm so grateful that i can call you my boyfriends" He sniffled, raising his hand and cupping your cheeks before swiping away the tears rolling down your cheek. "I love you too, with all my heart" you said in response. You cuddled closer to him, his warmth filling you with comfort.
As the day turned into night, with the two of you basically on top of each other, falling asleep after your little confession and quite emotional moment, Miles' parents unfortunately came home. This meant the end of your wonderful anniversary. Miles, ever the gentlemen, walked you home, even if you insisted that you could do so alone, the walk wasn't that long and the sidewalk was light rather well, but a few extra minutes with your boyfriend wouldn't hurt.
Finally at home you turned towards him to give him one final kiss, before turning around and walking inside your own home. You practically ran to your room, jumping in your bed. Feet kicking in the air as you screamed into your pillow. This was the best day ever
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so i finally got aaround and pushed myself to write something :D While I'm not the greatest with the whole crying thing (blame the autism) i tried my best. Also pls feel free to tell me about any spelling mistakes i made, i really don't mind, it only helps me
Reblogs are appreciated!!!
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tinkerbelle05 · 1 year
Hello! I’ve read some of your works and I absolutely adored them! Can I request for an Usopp x f!reader angst? Maybe something like (reader’s) one sided love? Or reader being Usopp’s childhood friend that’s secretly in love with him even though she knew he likes Kaya?Thank you!🫶🏻
I Know It’s Not Me. It Was Never Me
Characters: Usopp x Fem!reader
Genre: Angst
Summary: (Requested) Thanks sweets 🍭
Warnings: unrequited love, one sided love, pinning, bitterness, no happy ending (sorry) (no I’m not lol)
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You knew that you weren’t the one that had Ussop’s heart. That his heart belonged to Kaya. It was obvious from the way his eyes gleamed whenever he talked about her.
How he always talked about her. No matter the topic, he always, always found a way to relate it back to Kaya.
He could look at the sky and said it reminded him of Kaya, he could look at delicious sweets and say that he wished he could give some to Kaya, hell he could be talking about his “adventures” and said he wished he could bring Kaya with him.
His eyes would bright up at the mere sight of her, he would spend every waking hour with her if he could.
It was just Kaya, Kaya, and even more Kaya. It was annoying to hear about it.
And it hurt so, so much. You were right there, you were attainable to Usopp but still he dreamt of having Kaya. Even though he knew that it would never work. That they could never work.
Guess people would always want something they couldn’t have. Guess that saying rang true for you too.
At a certain part, your sadness melted into bitterness which turned into hatred. You weren’t proud of it and you knew that it was no one’s fault. You couldn’t help who you loved and neither could Usopp.
That didn’t stop your blood from boiling when you saw Kaya though.
It didn’t stop your eyes from rolling whenever Usopp went on and on about Kaya either. And it didn’t stop you from crying your eyes out every night under your covers where wished and prayed that one day your feelings would just disappear.
Every night you wished your heart wouldn’t skip a beat when Usopp’s brown eyes landed on you and you wished your mind would stop wondering what Usopp was doing absentmindedly.
You hugged your pillow tighter and pressed your face deeper into it, hoping it’d muffle your cries so you wouldn’t wake your family up.
The day was mundane as every, you helped your family with the shop throughout the day and cleaned it up at closing. It was almost evening, the sky became a multitude of oranges and purples. There was no sight of Usopp though.
You didn't know if you were happy or not because of it. To distract yourself from your complicated feelings, you busied yourself with work.
Besides, like your Dad loved to say there's always work to be done. You're just not looking hard enough.
“Hey, where's that boy you hang around at?” Your mom asked as she restocked the bread for tomorrow.
You wiped the tables, “I don’t know.”
With how quiet and dejected you sound, your mother gave you a worried look. You didn’t respond to it and she didn’t push it.
You went outside to take a break and felt the cool breeze on your face when you saw it. Ussop embraced and kissed Kaya.
You stopped dead in your tracks.
You didn’t think… Well you…
But it was right there, in front of your very eyes. You looked away from the scene, feeling embarrassed, creepy, angry, sad. Too many conflicting emotions, your chest started to hurt and your tears started to flow.
You slid down on the wall of your family’s shop. It was an alleyway so no one would bother you but an stray animal or something.
You knew you weren’t the one Ussop would choose. But you didn’t think that they could happen. That rather scary butler of Kaya’s clearly hated Ussop, and so you thought…
No, it didn’t matter now. He chosen. And it wasn’t you, it’d never, in an million years, be you.
You heard the bell ringing from your shop’s door, someone had walked in but it was closing time. Your mother probably would’ve turned them away.
“Oh, hello Ussop,” she said and your hears perked up.
“Hello, ma’am, um do you know where (Y/N) is? I have something to tell her,” you heard him ask.
What could he possibly want with you? Oh, god. Did he knew that you liked him? This whole time? Is he going to try to tell you?
You prided on being stealthy with your feelings but you get caught up in your head at times so maybe you weren’t as secretive as you thought.
God, how humiliating is that?
“I'm sorry, dear. But I don't. Would you like me to relay a message back to her?” your mother asked.
You could hear the reluctance in his voice, “I…I don't know. Because, well I'm leaving the island, And I don't know when or if I'll come back. So I want to say goodbye in person.”
That shocked you. He was leaving? To go where? With who? With Kaya maybe? Were they gonna runaway with each other?
You stood up on your tippy toes, looking at them both through a small window. You could see your mother but Usopp’s back was to you.
“Oh, that's wow. Hm, I guessed you've outgrown this place. It was bound to happen soon or later, huh?” your mother responded, and she caught your eye.
You quickly shook your head, please don't tell him. You knew that maybe one day you'd regret this but you weren't strong enough for this. To see him, leaving.
Usopp chuckled, “Yea, guess so. But you really don't know where she is?”
Your mother shook her head and he sighed deeply. They said their goodbyes, and your mother offered Usopp some food for his travels.
Then he was gone. You heard his voice, talking to his new friends. It was growing quiet and soon you couldn’t hear him anymore.
Maybe this distance between the two of you would make your heart grow numb to him. In any case, you just hoped it wouldn’t grow fonder.
Tags: @puff-hugs, @dragonqueenfk, @foxflamewarrior, @childofhecate108, @alienstardust, @louissolovely, @randomhoex, @abree234, @localcowboyd, @msmisasoup, @thatgothic-nerd, @charliepoopyfart, @0picels0, @rotin0, @nikolaevna-art, @cielitoot7, @tayharrper, @simpingmyassoff, @borkbarnes, @villainouspotential, @ramielll, @dimplewonie, @olliewhinchester, @dearest-lady, @heydemonsitsyaboilucien, @poketrainer2270, @ghostysfanfics, @penny44224, @707xn, @yoongi-holland, @don-tuna, @louissolovely, @n1ght5h4d3-24, @fuck-you-im-gae, @smolracoon25, @synchronised-beat, @flowerslds-blog, @secretlittlestudyblog
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mrs-monaghan · 1 year
Hi Shaz! Im feeling so down today, i had been stressed out for the whole week as I have 2 audits and 2 assessment for this month, I dis not pass one of my assessment today. Pls give me some Jikook content to lift my spirit up 😘 I know reading ur blogs will make me feel good, that’s why I run here after hahahah
I got u my lovely. There is never shortage of Jikook content! I didn't do it when u asked me but better late than never, no?
To start us off, how soft is this image?
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No seriously, how soft is that?
(Which reminds me, @youaremy-parkfilter I haven't 4go10 your ask. I just haven't had time to rewatch the episode but I will, I promise)
It's a subconscious act too, that's what I love about it. Their size difference though! Gets me everytime
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I love them sm 😩😩😩😩😫😫😫😫
Okay, okay. Let's get it together. Too fluffy..too much fluff. I know just the thing to get me back on track. 😏 see this photo of JK where he looks like a professional wrecker?
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No, but he really do be looking like he does indeed wreck Jimin seven days a week 🥵 Anyway, remember how he adjusts the Jungkonda during this clip? Isn't it funny who he's talking about while he does that? 🤭🤭🤭
😂🤣😂 Look, this isn't what you would call a typical Jikook moment. It's just one of those things someone with a brain like mine would notice, alright? It's JK adjusting himself, of course I noticed. But it was JK adjusting himself while talking about Jimin. 🤭🤭🤭
Moving onnnnnnn.... what do you reckon Jikook have been saying to eo all these years?
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And why do they have to be that close? Its that lack of personal space thing they've always had going on 🤭
Anyway, let's do a tiny analysis because we can. I was watching this because it doesn't matter how long you've been around there is always BTS content to catch up on, and I noticed something that really tickled me.
So Jimin was asked to pretend he's preventing his gf from breaking up with him. V wanted to pretend to be the gf but JK quickly beats him to it.
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He stands up incredibly fast and stops infront of Jimin 😂😂 JK did not want another member to play this role. He really wanted to be Jimin's pretend girlfriend 🤭🤭🤭
The best part though, is when Jimin still names his girlfriend Jeon Jungkook. 😂😂😂😂😂😂
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I'm sorry but that was too funny to me. Jimin and his girlfriend Jungkook 🤭🤭 Not RM finding it cringy 😂😂😂 RM's reactions never fail y'all.
Then, Jimin was asked to pick an actress he would love to work with.
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And so he did.
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Then an outraged JK was like, what about me???
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Umm... okay? You're not even on the list bro, maybe chill? 🤭😂
It's the little things guys. It's the little things. And of course satellite Jikook are sitting next to eo. 💃🏾💃🏾💃🏾💃🏾
Next I'm gonna share this extremely soft Jikook moment. Like, he didn't even hurt him. That punch was so soft and yet here Jimin is just hugging on JK and apologising for the clearly painless punch. But its the tight hug at the end for me 🥺
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Alrighty! Back to another BV analysis. So remember when they went to that tourist place with all the dinosaur carcasses and Jimin was soooooooo excited? As soon as he spotted it he told us about how he loves dinosaurs
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He couldn't wait to get off the ATV and ran towards it.
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And there he goes telling RM all about it. Super super excited he is.
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As soon as he was given the go ahead he got inside one of them.
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Now, JK could you please tell us your favourite animal just one more time?
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Thank you JK ☺☺☺
Out of the million things Jikook have in common, quickly add dinosaurs to the list if you haven't. 🥰🥰
While we are on BV there is this one moment that I didn't understand. Like Jimin was just there... he wasn't even talking it was RM and someone else talking. But JK was just.... staring at Mimi
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Like for no reason. And as soon as Jimin turned back to his food JK quickly looks away.
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This JK habit absolutely fascinates me. Like fr fr. What is it? What goes on? Like Mr. Jeon can you speak your thoughts outloud? That's your man, you've known him for years, why do you look at him like you've never seen him before? It's just... I don't understand... but I know it ain't normal. Like, friends don't just stare at their other friends for no reason.
Okay so I just thought this was cute
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And this will always be very eyebrow raising for me. Why u blushing for your bandmate Jimin?
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And why does JK always look so cocky when that happens? 🤔 Guess we'll never know 🤷🏽‍♀️
Satellite Jeon my favourite! Look at him be subtle!
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Oh what's that? V showing Jimin his phone?
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Oops, JK must know what Jimin is looking at. On time, like clockwork. Peekaboo!
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This one i clicked on by accident but I'm not mad at it. For me, It's how deep Jimin's fingers are digging into an erogenous part of JK's body 😏
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Sorry I'm late my dear. But hope this post finds you well 💚💚💚
In conclusion:
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eddiebabygirldiaz · 7 months
several sentences sunday
tagged by @spaceprincessem @rogerzsteven @disasterbuckdiaz @messyhairdiaz @wikiangela @tizniz @steadfastsaturnsrings @theotherbuckley @daffi-990
thanks lovelies! <3
sorry if you're sick of it but here's some more of my calls fic (whom i hate and love in equal measure asdfghjkl)
Breaking is a thing Eddie has always viewed as a luxury. A lacquered, rosy dream that people tell you is within reach when in reality it is an elusive, wild animal that only runs away when you try to touch it.
Breaking is an opportunity that some people manage to take, experiencing the totality of losing themselves, letting everything they are shatter because they can pick up the pieces, strong and resilient enough to embrace the dark journey towards who they want to become, eager caterpillars wrapped in dark, velvety cocoons so that they can become fully formed and beautiful.
Eddie isn’t a caterpillar and he sure as shit isn’t a butterfly.
He’s not sure exactly what he would be in this fucking ridiculous metaphor, but–but he remembers telling Buck once that he thought he was a silk moth. Years ago, when he was drowning and hurting and lost, so similar and yet so different to now. It seems a little silly to him but no less accurate.
He has been domesticated and controlled so goddamn much that there’s no hope of surviving on his own, the simplicities of life stripped away, leaving him flightless and starving.
God, he is so hungry. For so many things.
For life. For joy. For peace.
For homeostasis.
For normalcy.
Every part of him rumbles in the wake of the millions of absences with him, numerous black holes devouring what was there and eradicating what never could be, his flesh trembling and shaking with the need for nutrition and sustenance, something to convince his body there is a reason to keep going, that there is something to look forward to.
tagging @elvensorceress @bucktits @sibylsleaves @colonoscopys @devirnis @bvckandeddie @hoodie-buck @loserdiaz @buddierights @monsterrae1 @heartshapedvows @honestlydarkprincess @bigfootsmom @lemonzestywrites @hippolotamus @kananjarus @shitouttabuck @bekkachaos @fiona-fififi @lover-of-mine @try-set-me-on-fire @gayedmundodiaz @princessfbi @transboybuckley and anyone else who wants to share!
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pooplyface1423 · 7 months
"~The most radiant angel in all of Heaven~"(pt2)
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As Lucifer and Lilith were about to be banished Sera said
"Does anybody object? speak now or hold piece"
Lucifer slightly turned to you he now what he did was wrong but he still had slight hope you'll say something at least a farewell.
When Sera noticed nobody raised there hand she was given the green light to banish Lucifer.
Then out of the corner of his eye he saw you seemingly lightheaded that beautiful smile fading until you passed out!? How? why? it was to late to say anything..
(End of flashback)
"Seeing her beautiful smile, her kindness towards others everything , bout her is something i miss nothing can change what i did can it? would i ever be able to get her back? most importantly has she moved on?"
Anyway Lucifer was not only scared for charlie going into heaven and being rejected like he was all those millions of years ago but he was also scared of charlie accidentally meeting you.....
Reluctantly he agreed and he teleported back to his palace.
Today is the day ,the day Charlie and vaggie go have a meeting with heaven in heaven.
After St.Peter and Emily sang welcome to heaven, Charlie and Vaggie where shown to there room to freshen up.Then Emily invited them to the zoo with two of her friends and Charlie agreed but Vaggie decided to stay behind.
"Hey Charlie!" "Hi" "wheres Vaggie?" "Well she said she wanted to stay back"
"Oh.. Well that's fine! Come on let me introduce you to my friends Faith and Hope there twins" Says Emily so excited to show Charlie around
"Okay were here ........ were could they be.. Oh there they are!.. Faith ,Hope i want to introduce you guys to Charlie!"
"Hi I'm Faith but you can call me Faye" says Faith
"And that's Hope You can just call him Hope! Hes a little shy" Says Faith after seeing Hope get extremely nervous.
"Well lets get going i wanna show you every single animal!"
As the three girls went in front of him hope took it as a chance to text you and when you didn't answer he excused himself to the bathroom called you.
"Mom" "Yes dear?" "Um i got a quick question...BUT promise not to get scared angry or anything bad okay?" "Okay? if you got hurt just come over here and were's Faye?" "Um well Faye is with Emily and um-.......the princess of hell"
There was a long pause until...
"The what? hunny i can't hear you, You'll have to speak louder"
"The princess of hell"
"Well her name is Charlie Morningstar and i got a question about her"
"Um- well I- I don't know her but um what is the question you have dear?"
"So to put it straight she looks like me?" "How so dear?" "you know by the little red circles on my cheeks? so um just wanted to know about dad since i never knew much about him is he alive? are me and faye related to charlie?"
".........I- I don't know.........But your little head shouldn't worry bout it don't mention that at Lunch okay? I'll give you more answers soon okay?"
"okay mom...Bye"
Hello again! finally finished after high demand lol. Hope ya'll like it.part 3 will hopefully be out later this week.
Tag-list: @yourmommylol04 (won't let me tag you) @lxkeee @vann13 (can't find acc) @adaizel
(to be added just comment)
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beautifuldisaster88 · 7 months
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Forever by my side
A/N: After coming across the gif, this idea randomly came to me. If I get the inspiration, I MIGHT make a part two. I used the same McKenzie/Kenzie, but you can picture reader as yourself or whoever you want. The only description of reader is; female, 17, eye color (mentioned only once) Rafe always called her 'bunny'
Summary: Rafe's girlfriend is John B's twin sister and he tells her everything. She's seen a lot of bad shit, but swore to always keep her mouth shut because she loves Rafe. Ward on the other hand becomes Paranoid that the Routledge girl will go to the sheriff, so he takes matters into his own hands, causing his son to finally snap.
Warnings: mentions of murder, actual murder, violence, Rafe seeing hallucinations not knowing it's not real, cursing, mentions of torture. I think that's it?
Rafe's tall frame appeared in the doorway. The young man looked at his father, Ward Cameron, as he made his way inside his office. What the hell did Ward want from him now? He didn't have time for this shit.
"What the hell do you want, dad? I already told you that I need to find-"
The dirty blonde was cut off by Ward, clearly making Rafe grow even more irritated.
"That's why I called you in here, son. You don't have to worry about that anymore. It's all been ta-"
Ward was then cutoff by a breaking news report on the TV. The older Cameron man sighed, knowing exactly what the news report was about. He was hoping to be the one to break it to Rafe before anyone else.
"Breaking News. Kildare County Sheriff's department was called out to the marsh earlier this morning, witnesses claiming they spotted a body."
The news reporter began, immediately catching Rafe's attention. He ignored his father, giving the TV his full attention. Outer Banks wasn't a big place, so it was more than likely that Rafe knew whoever's body was found. The last thing he ever expected to hear came next.
"According to Sheriff Shoupe, 17 year old McKenzie Routledge's body washed up early this morning. It's still unclear how the young girl died, and the Sheriff's department is currently undergoing an investigation. If you have any information we urge you to call the Sheriff's department. We will update you with new information as it becomes available. McKenzie left behind her twin brother, John B Routledge, not even a year after the death of their father. Our thoughts and prayers go out to her family and friends."
Rafe stood there frozen in place, his heart breaking and ears ringing, as tears fell from his eyes. Not his Kenzie, please, anyone but her. Who would want to hurt her, she was always nothing but sweet to everyone and she had no enemies. That's when it hit him.
He violently jerked his body around to face Ward, Rafe's blood already beginning to boil as his heart shattered into a million pieces.
"What the fuck did you do!?" Rafe screamed as he began to pace, jabbing his finger into his own chest. "I-I loved her, dad! She fucking saved me, saw me for me! W-why would you take her from me!? She never fucking hurt anyone!"
"Rafe, I need you to calm down. I did what I had to do.. to protect us... Protect you. The Routledge girl knew too much, and it was only a matter of time before she slipped up and told someone. She had to go, son. I did this for you."
Now Rafe was beyond angry, his vision immediately turning red, blurred with tears. He grabbed Ward by the collar of his shirt and slammed the older Cameron man violently against the wall. Rafe got right in his face, seething like a rabid animal. His piercing blue eyes were now dark.
"You didn't fucking do shit for me! You never have! You fucking killed her for your own selfish fucking needs! She's not like the other Pogues and she would have never opened her fucking mouth! You took away my only happiness! The only girl I have ever fucking loved! I swear to you, I will fucking kill you, but first I'm going to make you suffer, just like you did to my Kenzie. You're not my father, you're nothing but a pathetic, scared piece of shit. The scum on the bottom of my shoe. It's fucking over for you, Ward! I will avenge my love's death."
Rafe had his hand gripped around Ward's throat so tight, that he looked at the man with a sinister smile, tears still running down his face. He watched as Ward tried to gasp for air, clawing at his son's hand as his eyes and face began to turn colors. Rafe was going to kill Ward eventually, but first he wanted him to suffer, until he was begging Rafe to kill him.
A dark laugh rumbled deep from Rafe's chest, a clear sign that the Cameron boy had officially completely lost it. Ward tried to beg Rafe to stop, barely able to speak from his airway being cut off.
"Did you make my Kenzie beg for her life too, huh? Is the last thing you saw were those beautiful emerald green eyes filled with tears, begging you not to hurt her!? She was fucking innocent! Would've taken our secrets to her motherfucking grave... Which ironically enough, she did all because of you."
Rafe then began to repeatedly slam the back of Ward's head against the wall, over and over again, as his fist connected with Ward's face, jaw, nose, you name it. The Cameron boy beat the man he once looked up to to a bloody pulp, before literally dragging him down the stairs and into the basement, where he threw Ward inside the wine cellar.
Weeks went by, and nobody had heard from Ward. Rafe played the distraught son, acting like he was worried sick about his missing father, when the truth was he had him locked away where nobody would find him, Ward's days were numbered. Rafe had used every type of torture imaginable.
The worst part about the Cameron boy finally completely snapping? He held full on conversations with his Kenzie, as if she was standing right beside him, telling her that he was going to kill Ward for her. In Rafe's mind, Kenzie WAS there, even responding to him when he spoke.
"I love you, Rafey. I knew that I could always count on you to keep me safe. Once Ward is out of the picture, it'll be just you and me. We can finally leave this island and start our life together, away from everyone."
Rafe grinned like a maniac, looking directly at his Kenzie, when in reality he was looking at nothing. She wasn't there, she was dead, but he refused to believe that.
"I'll always protect you, bunny. This time next week, you and I will be on a private beach somewhere far away, sipping on cocktails and fucking under the sunlight. Ward is barely hanging on, and tomorrow is when we finally end him. I'm gonna marry you, Kenzie, yeah? Make you my wife and have a bunch of little ones running around. 'm gonna give you the world, baby."
Rafe caressed her cheek, actually caressing thin air, as he leaned his forehead against 'McKenzie's.
"I can't wait, Rafey. Now, come on, baby, we have a gruesome murder to prepare for. Don't listen when Ward tries to convince you that I'm not real. He's just trying to get you on his side, save his own ass. You can see me, touch me, feel me, you know I'm real, right baby?"
"Of course you're real, bunny. I don't believe anything Ward says, talking about he killed you. And they say I'm the crazy one? He's the one talking about you being dead, when I'm holding you in my arms right now."
The next night, Rafe murdered Ward, with his Kenzie by his side, cheering him on. He stabbed him over and over again, the same way that Ward had killed McKenzie, but in Rafe's mind both him and his Kenzie came up with the idea.
After disposing of Ward's body, the same exact way Ward had disposed of McKenzie's, Rafe packed his and Kenzie's bags and loaded up the truck. The two of them, in reality just Rafe, left the Outer Banks and never looked back.
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farfromstrange · 3 months
Little (suggestive) glimpse at the Owen Sleater x Reader One Shot I’ve been cooking up. Pre-editing phase, of course, but I thought I’d share it with those of you who care. Coming tomorrow.
Smut under the cut. 18+ Minors DNI.
A broken breath of, “C’mere,” fills your ears. You were parched before, on the verge of imminent death in a desert so lonely, but when his lips land on yours, he breathes life into you again. He sustains you, body and soul. A taste of heaven and sin and high-grade Irish Whiskey. You have always preferred it neat, anyway.
His fingertips are burned permanently into your skin like an invisible tattoo. He touches you, and the world falls apart. He kisses you, whispering sweet promises of a future beyond all of this—beyond prohibition and this house of cards Nucky has lured him into—and everything just… stops. He knows how to make you fall apart in the cruelest of ways, yet it is more addictive than a drop of liquor could ever be. You need it. You crave it. Even if it hurts.
Effortlessly, Owen lifts you up onto the dining table behind you. Your lips part to allow him in, his tongue darting out to explore you like he’s starving, and all you can do is sit back and take it.
You reach into his tousled brown locks, stuck together by the gel he uses to keep it flat against his head, but you prefer when it’s messy. Your fingers find the strands for something to hold onto as he takes you apart and puts you right back together again.
He’s going to be the death of you, you know it.
Your hands desperately tear at each other, two animals on the prowl, gasping into each other’s mouths as Owen tries to lift your skirt above your hips. He pulls at the garters around your thighs, his calloused fingertips leaving goosebumps in their wake as they try to rid you of the fabric hiding your weeping core from him.
One of his hands rests against your throat, feeling your pulse jump under his fingertips. He’s not trying to take the air from your lungs, he just wants to feel you.
A moan slips from your lips to his, and he swallows it. You’re senseless. Owen has you in the palm of his hands, pliant to his every touch. And if he told you to go to hell with him, you would do so in a heartbeat.
The trail is hot where his lips leave sloppy kisses along your jaw. Saliva attaches to your skin when he pulls away, and it mingles when your lips and tongues lock in an intricate dance for dominance. His erection presses against your cunt from where he’s standing between your spread legs, pulling you impossible closer to him, and he rolls his hips in response to the sharp nails dragging along his scalp.
He grunts. It’s so sweet when he moans for you. Never in a million years would he show himself like that to anyone but you. The side that can be submissive after being in control all day. When he just needs someone to hold him and he’s too scared to admit it, he comes to you and you know exactly what he needs.
Catching your breath between the assault of his kisses, you try to appeal to the sanity of you both. “Owen,” you rasp, “People eat here.”
Perhaps it wasn’t your strongest argument. His lips pull into a smirk against the juncture of your neck. “So?” he counters. “I’m a starvin’ man.”
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(Side note: When I see him I can suddenly relate to ‘But Daddy I Love Him’.)
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h00nerz · 1 year
spots on!
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TWENTY-THREE / flowers
prev | masterlist | next
warnings: joke abt stalking but that’s it afaik
word count: 2.6k
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THE SECOND YOUR DOOR CLOSED, the same sadness you hadn’t been able to get rid of all day returned and rammed into you like a truck. It was easier when your friends were there with you, to keep you company and distract you from everything, but the moment they were gone, you were left alone to deal with the sick feeling in your stomach.
You knew you sounded ridiculous. Getting this upset over a guy you’d hardly even spoken to in the last few years, over a guy you’d only ever pined over from afar, it was all very crazy sounding. But, that was just looking at your relationship with Yeonjun from a surface level. If you looked at it on a deeper level, your sadness that may have looked childish before might start to make more sense.
It’s funny, really. When you first met Yeonjun, when Beomgyu first introduced you to his older, richer friend, you were not a fan of him. The first day you’d met him, the first thing he said was, “Sorry I’m late, fencing classes ran longer than I thought!”, and that was enough to convince you that Choi Yeonjun was nothing more than a shallow, spoiled daddy’s boy. That was the day you learned not to judge a book by its cover. 
You didn’t see him that often, but every time you did, you slowly started to see that there was more to Choi Yeonjun than meets the eye. He was nice, like, really nice. The kind of nice that made you think maybe men weren’t completely doomed. He was also really funny, and one of the only people in your group of friends besides Beomgyu that could make your stomach hurt from laughing. The thing you started to like most about Yeonjun, though, was how much he cared for those around him.
Most people wouldn’t have noticed unless they looked hard enough, but you definitely noticed. In an offhand comment, Beomgyu mentioned how he’d always wanted a Tamagotchi when he was younger, and seven months later, Yeonjun gave him one for his birthday. When Soobin would start rambling on about whatever anime he was watching as of late, Yeonjun would pretend to be annoyed by the subject, but he still listened nonetheless. Yeonjun was, overall, a good guy.
Your crush didn’t start, however, until your senior year of high school.
Graduation was quickly approaching, and as the year was coming to an end, so was your time in band. Playing the flute was a random little thing you had picked up in middle school, and followed through into your high school years. Even though you never had any plans of pursuing it, the fact that it was all coming to an end was very bittersweet. 
So, there you were, at your final recital where you would say goodbye to band forever. You, Beomgyu and Jeongin were hiding behind the stage’s curtains and poking your heads out to get a good look at your audience. Sieun and Heeseung were there, which was unsurprising but sweet nonetheless. Beomgyu’s brother had shown up, and a few of Jeongin’s other friends, but none of that was surprising.
What was surprising was the fact that Choi Yeonjun was there. Choi Yeonjun, who had graduated a few years prior, and definitely had a million things going on had made the time to come to your recital. You weren’t sure why your face grew hot when Beomgyu pointed him out in the audience, and even though he was all the way in the back with Soobin, you were still able to make out his face in the darkness.
Once the performance was over, you, Jeongin and Beomgyu practically ran off the stage and into the hallway where you could greet everyone who came to see you. Sieun must have read your mind, racing ahead of all of the rest of the audience and wrapping you into a hug with so much force you nearly fell over onto the hallway floor. Heeseung wasn’t far behind, reluctantly complimenting you and surprisingly he didn’t fight you when you gave him a hug to say thank you.
Your crush on Choi Yeonjun started when you pulled away from the hug and saw him standing a few feet away with a great big bouquet and a warm smile etched into his lips. Once you’d finished catching up with your friends and trying not to melt under the swarm of compliments, it was finally time for you to address the elephant in the room. You found yourself shy around him, waiting patiently for him to approach you, because how embarrassing would it be if you found out the flowers weren’t for you.
“Hi.” He greeted you with a soft smile, appearing in front of you. 
Heat erupted in your face. “Hi…” You said slowly.
“Um, here, these are for you.” He held the bouquet out towards you, and you could feel your eyes grow the size of saucers.
“For me? Why?” You asked him, and hesitantly took the flowers from him.
He shrugged. “I just thought, you know… It’s your last performance, and that means you deserve to have some flowers, right?” He gave you that cute, cheesy grin that he always wore, only this time you felt your stomach flip at the sight. “You did really good, by the way.” It was in that moment, when you raised the flowers to your nose to give them a sniff, and your gaze met his own, that you realized you were in trouble.
Of course, the moment was ruined by Beomgyu butting his way in and demanding to know why he didn’t get any flowers, and started to argue with the older boy. But, you clung onto those flowers for the rest of the night, even when you took the picture that sat on your entertainment center now. 
The second your door shut, leaving you all alone, you immediately found your gaze snapping to the picture. You had so many regrets. You regretted clamming up after that day, and freaking out whenever he was around. You regretted your disdain you once held for him, because maybe you would have realized your feelings sooner if it weren’t for it. You mostly regretted never telling him how you felt. Even if he didn’t return your feelings, and you just ended up looking like an idiot, at least you could have said he knew.
But, it was too late for that now, wasn’t it? He had a girlfriend. A rich, beautiful girlfriend. Why would he leave a girl like that for a girl like you? Maybe… Just maybe… This was a sign for you to move on. That was crazy, right? In what world were you ready to move on from the crush that had consumed you for the last several years. You figured you needed a few weeks at least to wallow in your own self pity before you could even think of anyone else. 
Or maybe you just needed a distraction. 
As if on cue, you felt your phone buzz in your back pocket. With your brows pulled tightly together, you dug into your jeans and raised your phone, and your mouth fell open when you saw the caller ID. For some reason, as though he could read your mind, Mark Lee was calling you. Why on Earth was he calling you?! You had completely forgotten to respond to his message and basically ghosted him, you figured most guys would have given up by now.
But, it turned out Mark Lee was nothing if not persistent.
You were unsure if you should answer, at first, staring at the phone with wide eyes. Did you really want to talk to him right now? You were supposed to be wallowing! But, there was also that overwhelming sense of loneliness that was currently consuming you, and the thought that it might be nice to not be alone had crossed your mind. But, the phone was still ringing, and soon the call would drop, which meant you had to make up your mind. So, without thinking, you swiped your thumb across the screen and held the phone up to your ear. 
“...uh, hello?” You answered the phone with uncertainty, crossing your arm across your stomach.
“Oh! You actually answered! Hyuck kept telling me you wouldn’t, but I told him you would! Yo, now he owes me five dollars. Uh, anyway! This really isn't a great way to start a phone call, is it?” He rambled on the other line, and you couldn’t help the small giggle that escaped your throat as you listened to him.
“No, not really. But--”
“I knew it! I’m sorry, let me start over.” He cleared his throat, and you raised your eyebrows in anticipation. “Yo, it’s Mark. What’s up?” He asked in what you assumed was the coolest tone he could muster up.
You bit back your laughter. “Uh, hi, Mark. Not much, my friends just left. So now I’m just standing here.” You answered back, and you heard him sigh on the other line--probably out of relief that you’d chosen not to ridicule him. A part of you had a feeling he got made fun of a lot.
“Cool, cool… Uh, you’re probably wondering why I’m calling, right?” 
You nodded, although he couldn’t see it. “Just a little bit.” 
“Well, I hope I’m not, like, totally overstepping here, but I saw your Tweet, and you sounded sad, so I thought I’d try to cheer you up.” 
Your lips grew into a smile. You couldn’t believe it. You’d basically ghosted him since the party, and yet he still paid enough attention to notice you were upset, and cared about you enough to call you. Maybe Heeseung was an idiot--well, not maybe, you knew he was an idiot--but more importantly maybe he was wrong. Maybe a guy like Mark was exactly what you needed at that moment. 
“Oh. Really?” You asked quietly, thankful nobody was in your apartment to see the blush creeping onto your cheeks. “Do you stalk my Twitter or something?” You teased him.
“What? N-No! It just popped up on my timeline! I swear, I don’t stalk you!” He once again began to ramble, and somehow it helped to ease your crazed nerves. You were laughing softly once again, and he froze mid sentence. “Oh. You were joking.” 
“I was joking.” You replied matter of factly. “It’s sweet, really. Thank you. I’m glad you called, otherwise I would have probably been at the bottom of a tub of Chunky Monkey by now.” You mumbled, glancing over at your freezer where the ice cream Sieun and Jeongin had brought was waiting for you.
“Damn, that bad, huh?” He asked.
“Yes, that bad.” You echoed. “You know, I--”
There was a knock on your window, and you threw your phone onto the floor with a yelp. The sudden sound had startled you so bad, for a second you thought you’d had a heart attack right then and there. But, after a few moments of heavy breathing with your hand pressed against your chest, you realized you were fine. Especially when you realized there was only one person in the whole world that would be at your window. 
A pair of glowing green eyes stared back at you as you slowly bent down to pick up your phone, then delicately held it up against your ear. “--you okay?!” You heard Mark freaking out on the other line, which you assumed meant he heard you scream.
“Y-Yeah, I’m fine. Hey, can I call you back? I have to check on something.” You muttered, keeping your eyes trained on the window.
“Oh, sure. I gotta ask, you’re not going to ghost me again, right?” He asked, but you barely heard him due to how distracted you were.
“Hm? Oh, yeah, definitely not. I’ll call you later, I swear it.” You told him quickly, trying your hardest to end the call smoothly.
“Okay, okay, cool. Talk to you later, Y/N.”
“Yep, bye!” Without giving him a chance to keep you on the line any longer, you ended the call, tossed your phone onto your couch and rushed over to the window. You practically threw your sliding door open. “What the hell are you doing here?!” 
“Well hello to you too, kitten.” Chat Noir cooed at you, reaching up to poke your nose. You swatted his hand away.
“Don’t call me that.” You grumbled. “So, what? You’re going to talk to me again?” 
He grinned down at you, like he found your anger amusing. “Aww, did you miss me? Sorry, love, I got busy. Are you going to let me in?” 
You narrowed your eyes. “You still haven’t told me why you’re here.”
“Oh, right! That!” He laughed nervously. “I thought we could get that last measurement. And--!” You hadn’t noticed before, but he was holding a grocery bag, which he dug into to pull out a small red container. “Look what I found! Kit Kat ice cream! I figured we could share it, and watch a movie, and spill all of our deepest darkest secrets to each other~!”
You blinked at the gift. First, you had Mark Lee fawning over you, and now here was the Chat Noir, fawning over you as well--not Ladybug you, but you you. Still, neither of them were the one you wanted most to give you some attention. 
“Hm. I’m down for the measurements and ice cream parts. I’ll pass on the rest.” You smiled at him, taking the container from his hands and turning back to your apartment. He was hot on your heels, gently closing the door behind him. 
“Are you sure? You know, lots of people would die for that offer.” He told you matter of factly.
You set the ice cream down on your counter, raising an eyebrow at him. “Oh, really? Would they?”
He nodded, leaning across the counter from you. “Mhm. They would be like, ‘oh, Chat Noir! I thought you would never ask! Now let’s kiss and get married forever!’”
“You should go ask one of them, then.” You responded, opening up a drawer to pull out two spoons. 
“But I don't want to watch a movie with them! I want to watch one with you!” He whined, and although it was incredibly childish and off putting, it still caused heat to rise in your cheeks.
“Why?” You asked lowly, avoiding his gaze as you slid a spoon across the counter to him.
He went quiet, watching you as you dipped your own spoon into the ice cream and brought it to your lips. “I don’t know. I just like spending time with you, I guess.” He said, and you noticed his usual playful tone was gone. 
“No offense, kitten, but you barely know me.” You laughed, gently nudging the ice cream towards him. 
“But that’s the whole point, Y/N! I want to!”
Oh, god. Had Jeongin and Sieun been right all along? Was that the reason he freaked out and left before? What were the odds that you’d rejected him as Ladybug, and he chose Y/N to redirect his feelings to? You should have been really annoyed, you should have hated the idea of him crushing on you once again, but you didn’t. 
You let out a soft sigh, drumming your fingers against the countertop as you tried to form some sort of response. You could feel his eyes trained on you, observing you as he patiently waited for you to say something.
“Okay. Fine. Let’s watch a movie.” 
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authors note: y/n with two men who like her… but neither of them are the one she Really likes except one of them actually is but she doesn’t know that… pray so hard for her
tag list: (closed) @therealhyunjingf @jakeshands @impureperhaps @mazeinthemoon @tyunlatte @loveliii @exohclipse @17szn @txtbrainrot @bubblytaetae @serafilms @iirene304 @snowfalltxt @choistick @lost-leopard-beanie @taekwondoes @captivq @aestheticsluut @surshica @suburbiataehyung @cecedrake2217 @omiomipepperoni @ttyunz @stellz581 @cher-bears @tyunner @eggomi @rikismiel @vianna99 @certainyouthpeanut @cookiehaos @90sni-ki @http-gyu @iad0ru @viagumi @reverbtunes @fatoompie @ka143 @sserafimez @cathaerin @ahnneyong @cutiespaghetti @wonioml @emohazuzworld @taylvvrr @cowsmicwu
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randomtheidiot · 2 months
Things in the Pokémon anime that mildly amuse me. (Part 1)
As of E23 of Indigo League, the main character and his fluffy rodent thing are both ghosts possessing their own corpses. It is never brought up again.
All of the main three Indigo League characters have at least one absent parent.
Through the power of fourth movie Celebi’s time travel bullshit, Professor Oak was childhood friends with Ash, yet berates him and compares him unfavorably to his own grandson throughout all of Indigo League.
Humans can use magic such as psychic powers and aura. This never gets explained.
Real animals are referenced constantly in Pokémon classifications and it is never explained why. Similarly, every recurring character in Indigo League knows what a mongoose is.
The ability Battle Bond canonically hurts the trainer, and if the Pokémon faints, you faint. Had Game Freak implemented this feature into the games, the ability would be completely unusable.
Team Rocket have a better relationship with Ash than his own unnamed father, who (according to a guidebook) walked out on his teen pregnant mother after they were together for a year.
Kiawe is in the same class as Ash despite being at least 15 while Ash is a perma-preteen at 10 years old.
There are two Mews and two Mewtwos. It is never explained why outside of “Game Freak somehow lost the rights to the first Mewtwo.” That doesn’t explain the second Mew.
The Pokémon characters eat meat. It is never explained where this meat comes from.
On an unrelated note, Pokémon are sapient.
The main character has Jedi powers and he can see dead people with them. I couldn’t make this up if I tried.
People are probably a weird species of Pokémon that lost their fantasy bullshit powers. Some did not, but most did.
Mimikyu almost kills several people just by being naked. Just like your mom.
Somehow Professor Burnet gets pregnant and has a baby but none of the other characters can age.
Trip is from Unova. Trip hates people from Kanto. Kanto is based off Japan and Unova is based off New York. Trip is a racist New Yorker who hates Asian people. The fact that he’s blond with blue eyes while Ash has dark hair and eyes does not make this better.
“Arceus and The Jewel of Life” is a real movie and not just a Benadryl-induced hallucination I had when I was eleven years old.
There are a million identical people named Joy who have a career in medicine and they’re all siblings. There are a million identical people named Jenny who have a career in the police force and they’re all cousins. Apparently, nobody has ever thought to name their daughters something else.
Meowth is a talking cat who got a job in organized crime. Nobody in his organization questions this. Giovanni knowingly hired a talking cat for reasons unclear.
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