#he wouldn't be interested in inko because of her quirk
ravelights · 6 months
head canon/ theories for who Hisashi is and role he'll play in the story
With DFO resting in the grave, I thought I'd give a few of my other theories I have come up with for Hisashi over the years.
He's the person the Deku narrating everything too. IDK why but for Some reason I always liked this theory. Although there no evidence that Deku is telling the story to anyone, I can't help but think it's neat.
He studies quirks, like that his job. Considering 80% of the world has a quirk I think it's fair to say there would be people studying them for many different reasons. I think he be this strange mash up of a doctor, scientist and academic. His job would make him travel around the world and study bizarre, amazing and dangerous quirks. It also be a great tie in stories wise to the quirk doomsday theory, if it turns out he was really away studying to see if that theory is actually true. (I also think that where Deku pick up his hobby for studying quirks as well) his job would make him have to be away from home for long period's of time and not easy to contact sometimes. Despite how interesting his job sounds, it actually involves a lot of paperwork and reviewing and research.
When he's home he's usually home for a good six months or more, and typically the three would do things together when he's home. Inko doesn't mind Hisashi job because he was doing it long before he met her and didn't want him to quit doing it just because they got together. And like most Japanese housewives she controls the finances he just makes the money that give them all comfortable lives.
I think he's a quite, charming guy who keeps to himself, unlike Izuku and Inko he's much more calm and never cries. He very much like's his life, he has no dreams or goal to become a hero or be out on some battle field. He's a passive guy who isn't big on violence, and see's the value in a ordinary life. I wouldn't think of him as a pushover, but like Izuku he's nice to everyone he meets. Also like Izuku he is the person you do not fuck with, he seems like a guy that vaguely feels like he's been through some stuff, it take a lot to get him mad but when he is, you run for the hills.
Izuku doesn't think of him much because he knows his dad doing just fine and is used to him going away on long trips. But also because as much as he hate to admit it, Izuku does not want to end up like his dad when he grows up. As much as he loves and respects Hisashi and think he's a good man with a stable job, he feared that if he grew up to be his dad then it's an admission to giving up on his hero dream, and just being content with ' an ordinary life'. Something he does not what to think about now that he had a real shot at being a hero. That being said, If Hisashi where to come home at anytime Izuku would absolutely be happy he's home and they go do something together.
Hisashi is the person who introduced heroes and heroics to Izuku, and arguably shaped how Izuku viewed them, and how Izuku would believe a hero would act. Hisashi like Izuku is an All Might fan, just not to Izuku level. Izuku only vaguely remembers, but Hisashi was the one installed a lot of values that is ingrained in to Izuku being, of being a good person. One of them being to never give up on saving a person and that everyone deserve a seconded chance. (I think he'll show up at some point in the flash backs that are happening)
His is neither supportive of Izuku hero dream nor is he dismissive, ultimately he just believes that Izuku life is his own and Izuku can do what he wants. Hisashi just there to provide Izuku with every possible pathway he can get, no matter how impossible they may seem.
He's AFO son, because can you imagine how hilarious that would be.
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gentrychild · 1 year
Anyone AU where Inko was secretly stealing assets and goods from his husband in case of… stuff. This proves wise thought after Hisashi vanished from earth.
You know, usually, I would sight and explain to you that I don't like this kind of prompt because Izuku creating Anyone is strictly because he didn't have money after his father disappeared. Inko needed to take a work that left Izuku alone so he could have the space and the incentive to become a villain. However, I, for once, have an idea.
1 - Inko watched her husband becoming more and more distant and lying to her about his business trips and she saw the writing on the wall: he was seeing someone and was about to abandon Izuku and her and leave them destitute. So she sto- claimed! Yes, we're going to say that. She claimed some assets from him! About 90% of him. AFO was in the middle of trying to find out who was stealing all of his assets when All Might sneaked up on him. He kept himself busy in Tartarus trying to find out who dared to steal the money meant for his adorable son and his beautiful wife... and for his criminal empire. Seriously, that was a lot of money.
2 - Izuku doesn't get bullied because he is filthy rich but he still faces some discrimination because he is still quirkless and people don't like his attitude. He goes to great school, meets Aoyama there, and he probably meets Shouto at a hero gala (Shouto was trying to avoid his father and Izuku was busy stuffing his mouth full of shrimps). Alas, Aoyama mentions to Izuku that a terrifying man gave him a quirk and how he had nightmares about him for years and fears that man coming back.
3 - All that Izuku hears is that somewhere, there is a man who can give him a quirk. (The only thing his money cannot buy!) Izuku wants a quirk. Izuku breaks into Tartarus to get a quirk. Now, most people would try to convince the multiquirked fiend to make a deal but Izuku, either because he recognizes this man as his dad on a subconscious level or because he just has no sense, believes in the simple concept of quirk pinata. He gets twelve quirks out of a very confuses and very insulted AFO this way.
4 - Now, of course, this leads to AFO escaping Tartarus and All Might being very interested in the green menace that somehow broke in then broke out the most secure prison in Japan. Now, Izuku is found quickly in this AU, but since he has the Hell Lawyer on his payroll, he doesn't get in trouble because he just revealed that the HPSC had lied to All Might about AFO's demise. Izuku's heroic endeavor in exposing the corruption of society should be rewarded, not punished.
5 - Since Izuku has just broken into Tartarus and beat some quirks out of AFO and got away with it alive, All Might and Nedzu are tripping each other to get the kid as a successor. They reach a compromise by making Izuku enroll into UA. Izuku is overjoyed to be studying in All Might's alma matter with his good friend Shouto (who is begging him to calm down) and Yuuga (who is crying because he thought his chaotic friend wouldn't follow him to his high school).
+ 1 - All Might moves in with Inko and Izuku because he needs to protect them from AFO.
+ 2 - Aoyama is back at being AFO's mole.
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justatalkingface · 1 year
The 'Great' MHA Read Along, Part Three (Chapters 8-11): "Support" Gear and Dodging Death.
Well. You asked for this, so I deliver; upon your head be it.
So. We start off with talking about costumes... actually pretty interesting, though, with companies doing these costumes, I'm kind of surprised there's not brand names on them; All Might, Brought To You By Sony, or something. I guess that was a level of realism Hori wasn't prepared to deal with.... (Note Bakugou's costume comments; 'kill with my knees'?) but then we get to Izuku. And I can't help but feel jipped by this, in a couple of ways. Izuku ends up looking... well, like his mom made his costume, a sore, underdressed thumb compared to all the professionally dressed heroes... and he's also the only one whose face is entirely covered for some reason?
On the other hand, though, it is a nice touching scene, the family reconnecting, Inko admitting her mistakes and that she'll support Izuku.... but couldn't it have been done differently? As is, it feels like Inko is being used as a blatant emotional tool to make Izuku different, and that's rough since her character is barely existent in the first place, and quickly fades away into oblivion as time passes. In the same way that Izuku is the only one who can't actually use his Quirk, the same way he's the only one who is so completely unprepared for UA, he's now the only one who who doesn't actually have a proper costume.
I mean, I get it; on one hand, it's symbolic, and the way he eventually updates it shows his evolution as a hero. But at the same time, I've already made it clear what I think of Izuku starting off so behind, so I don't actually like that symbolism, and even if I was, the narrative feels like it's going a little too hard on the 'he doesn't belong' thing at this point. First time around, I was fine with how Izuku was, and even now my dislike of the starting situation is more on a meta scale than anything, despite the bad logic behind it, because it's written in so engagingly, but I never once liked the costume thing.
There's also the question of why she's OK with Izuku going to UA with either, A, no Quirk that she knows of, or B, a Quirk he just... randomly got, somehow, while applying? When, according to a literal doctor (Dr. Diabolus Ex Machina himself; is the fact that AFO's most loyal minion apparently was Izuku's doctor going to be relevent at some point or...?), that was never going to happen? Ever?
There's... there's a lot of questions she should be asking, here, and as far as we can tell, that just never happens. This whole dynamic here, there was all sorts of room to play with it, expand it, develop Inko as a character and Izuku's background more (and look at the fact that she found out her son was Quirkless and... got fat? Because she handled that guilt badly? The way they talk is like they never talked about Inko saying he couldn't be a hero until just then. Did they... did they really just never ever talk about this again until just now? The more you think about all, the more things don't make sense) and Hori didn't just drop the ball with this, he spiked it into the ground rather than use it.
I'm... sort of grudgingly OK with All Might being a not great teacher here, but not really. I mean, it's still in line with how his brain got ripped out of his head after Arc One, which at this point is something I have a well established history of being... not well pleased about, but it'd track that he wouldn't know how to train students in basic heroism, unlike exercising....
But that leads back to the question of, 'Then why is he a teacher if he can't teach?' Him doing something he explicitly has no idea how to do makes no sense. It's super double dumb though since, again, this is All Might's precious powered-time, and he's using it to... not just to teach kids when he could be saving lives, but teach kids badly, and again, that's stupid, and everyone involved, including Nezu, Super Genius, should realize this.
God, he's so badly shoe-horned into all this I'm actually wondering if he was supposed to die in Arc One and pass on his Quirk to Izuku that way, and him being in at all is Hori changing that plan at the last minute.
So, before I start on Bakugou vs Izuku... let's pause it here so I can go on a tangent: Bakugou's support gear.
There's several problems with it as an in-setting item, all focused around a simple fact: they're not there for 'support', they're weapons. Fundamentally, Bakugou's Gauntlets are just... giant explosive cannons, just like the literal grenades he gets, or the edgy machine guns in late story. No other hero's support gear we see are like that, pure weapons based only around harming others (I remember later, a Random Civilian gets his hand on support gear, I think from Detnerat gear, and that's a weapon, but A, that's from Detnerat, and so made to bring society to its knees, literally, and two, the entire point of that little scene was to show how stupid and helpless civilians are, and how they should dare get above themselves and try to defend themselves (which is clearly set up to support sheep narrative of civilians Hri loves to pull, while also making it make less sense since, if civilians doing anything backfires that badly, then yeah, maybe they're right to do literally nothing so they can't fuck it up) and so I am far from giving it the benefit of the doubt.)
I know later, Bakugou take one off and Izuku uses it, and so they're just... literally giant explosive guns, literally just a pair of guns he has strapped to his arms. Everyone else has gear that supports their Quirks, even Snipe with his actual gun (which enhances his Quirk, which is dependant on a projectile), while Bakugou alone has something that replaces it.
Thematically, that's weird and has bad vibes. On a more practical level, someone, somewhere, must have approved this thing, looked at this design with the more or less literal description of 'giant bomb', and said, 'Yeah, this is OK, let's do it'. This basiclly has no purpose other than to kill people or to cause massive property damage; there's no... safe mode, no limiting, it's just point and FIRE EVERYTHING!!! Why? Why did they just hand it to him? (And, as a side note, how was it full enough to use when Bakugou had just got it? There's no way he sweat enough to fill that thing; otherwise he would have collapsed from dehydration.)
So. Yeah. I have problems with that. And now the fight, and I find this fact distinctive:
Bakugou starts off this fight by proclaiming he's going to use this to beat up Izuku. I'm going to be honest here; if I was a teacher? I would absolutely respond to that, somehow, even if it's simple as, 'Bakugou, no, also now I'm watching you'. It's not exactly a reach to call that an obvious red flag.
(Side note; 'Rage You Damn Nerd' or 'Ferocity of a Fucking Nerd'? Really? What the hell is this chapter title.)
Flashback: Bakugou, as a kid, saying to murder those villains. God, really? Was nobody ever concerned about that?
And then Izuku counters Bakugou, and he just... loses it. Completely. Because of course; how dare Izuku fight back! How dare he resist Bakugou's righteous anger?!
And yet another reminder of the cringy fact that Bakugou was first place, despite the fact it's against his narrative set up of being the little fish, just because of how much Hori hypes him up.
Bakugou: I've been torturing you for all these years, and you've been sitting back and taking it. Clearly, you've been hiding your Quirk all this time, just so you could laugh at me!
Me: ????
Holy fuck, the ego on that comment. I've heard about 'everything being about you', but this is nuts.
Izuku builds up courage to face his fears/bully, and meanwhile Bakugou flashes back to how useless everyone else is, and how great he is, and how dare Izuku stand up to him, when he gave him the perfect name to describe how worthless he is? How dare he try to rescue him that one time when they were kids?! How dare he have concern?!?!?!
*leans back in chair*
Hoolyyy fuck, Bakugou, that is a lot of clusterfuck in such a small, three page sequence.
'Ah, Iida. What a wholesome palate cleanser', I think, more or less in lockstep with Uraraka. I love how his big plan is literally cleaning; I mean, I get the logic, but still.
Alas. All good things end.
So, for a lot of people, the big, defining moment of Bakugou's story and how bad they think he is is Chapter One and the suicide baiting. That's obviously shit, but to me, this is the big moment, the, if you pardon the drama (I can't think of a way to phrase it better), the 'original sin' of MHA as a whole: Bakugou tries to kill someone, and absolutely nothing happens.
This isn't an exaggeration, BTW; let me lay out the scene here:
Bakugou is armed with, as I said before, an insanely aggressive weapon, one that has no purpose other than to kill people or destroy things. He is given this weapon with, apparently, absolutely no comments about being careful with it, not to harm someone with it, or anything, and then takes it into an exercise with his classmates.
This exercise takes place in a building, one that can easily be damaged by the blast of that thing. As this is a multi-story building, even a blast not aimed at someone could easily get someone killed if part of the building collapses on top of them.
Bakugou takes this weapon, and he aims it at a human being. To top it off, All Might, who by all means should be an authority in, 'Yeah, this could definitely kill someone', explicitly tells him that, 'No, you'll kill him!' before he fires.
Bakugou's response? 'He'll be fine if he dodges!"
And then he fires.
And the fact that, not only does this happen at all, but this fight continues afterwords, is inexcusable. Blatantly, obviously, inexcusable. This is, unironically, Bakugou attempting to kill someone.
On tape, no less!
I mean, hell, with this one chapter, we have the means (the gauntlet), the motive (Izuku's... existence? The fact that he dares to stand against Bakugou?), and the opportunity (this entire exercise), along with witnesses watching him do it in real time. If this had hit Izuku, the trial against Bakugou would have been a cakewalk.
And the thing is? Everything before this, everything, is something that could be excused. Granted, it would strain the suspension of belief to the breaking point at times, but everyone could be that stupid and/or that biased, in theory.
But this? There is absolutely no way that this could happen, and be acceptable in the logic of this story. I don't care if All Might is literally missing his brain, I don't care if Aizawa just.... hates Izuku with a deep and unexplainable loathing (BTW, I think I forgot to mention last time that Aizawa sabotaged Izuku's scores? Well, considering how Izuku with his super toss was in a contest against a girl that only is invisible, there's no way he was in last place, so... yeah. Aizawa sabotaged him). Forget their heroic instincts, forget all of that; if they let this happen, everyone involved with this would have their lives destroyed. They can't cover it up, because at some point, Inko is really going to wonder, 'Hey, where is my kid at?' and the second she asks that everything crumbles.
That, and why would they try to cover it up? Bakugou's character is, in many ways, the cliche of the sports star from a small school, who the entire school, if not the town, bends over backwards to keep him in that position (which, ironically, never would have helped Aldera that much, because Bakugou, as is, would never give them credit, respect, or money. Bakugou, if he improved enough to give them that? Would give them shit for what they let him do instead. That plan was doomed from the start). The thing is? That tolerance only goes so far; sure, he can bully the nerd all day long, and hell, he can beat him half-to-literal-death if there's no one there of importance to serve as witness, but this? This isn't just attacking the nerd. This is chasing him in a car. And, when the nerd escapes into the school? The jock then drives into the school, and only stops when the car itself gets jammed in a wall.
There's a point, in other words, where all that tolerance ends. This is waay past that point.
That, and the fact that UA isn't a small school, with a sports department propped up by their one good athlete; UA is the school that athlete wants to go to. To UA, Bakugou the metaphorical athlete is completely replaceable; how many students were trying to get in again?
And all of that? All of that is assuming that every single one of them is, in fact, the absolute worse, trash, shallow self-serving shit versions of them possible, instead of being heroes, in a school for heroes, for whom there should be standards all over the place.
So the fact that he fires this shot, and that the flash-stepping All Might doesn't just bitch slap him out of it beforehand, or at least make it clear if he does his heroic life is over, and then afterwards he allows this fight to continue, and then after that, there's barely even a harsh word said in response to this, by anyone, much less any sort of consequences for it, school based or otherwise, shatters my SOD into dust.
The logic and foundation of this setting can not support this sequence of events. So... why? Why did this happen? Why was this allowed to happen?
Bakugou. The completely irrational, completely assholish Bakugou, who would do this, because this falls in line with his behavior from what we've seen of him thus far... if he was held to account for this? Given consequences, realistic consequences, for his realistically horrific behavior? He'd be gone, at least. Out of UA, out of Izuku's life (if only), and out of the story.
But... for whatever reason, even before all the polls came in (I think), Hori just wanted Bakugou to stay in the story. Why? Maybe there was a more proper redemption arc in the works. Maybe it was always going to be like it was now. Maybe Hori just likes Bakugou. Who knows?
The point is Bakugou, The Living Idiot Ball, is born into the story at this moment, a character who makes everyone around him their impossibly worse selves. His behavior will improve, somewhat, but the behavior of those around him won't.
Well, thankfully, the building doesn't collapse on all of them after that (thought maybe it should have? I'm not an expert, but that is a big hole there)... and here's something else that bothers me.
I can't understand All Might's motivation here for not stopping the match, as in I'm looking at his stated motivation for that, and it doesn't make sense.
In his head, he's talking about this will fuel Izuku's growth, basiclly. And, maybe it does, but that's not the problem here. The problem is Izuku could die, and is getting some serious injuries as Bakugou beats the living shit out of him; it's not worth all of that for some extra growth now, when he still has his entire school life to improve. And sure, we know that, in a meta sense, this is A, prep for the villains soon to show up, and that, B, Izuku does not, in fact, have his entire school life to get better. But All Might doesn't know that; All Might doesn't have any reason to think AFO is still alive, much less masterminding an attack. So... why the rush?
Before, he was rushing Izuku's training, but there was a concrete reason: Izuku needed to get into U.A. Well... mission accomplished; he's in. So why the push?
To give a somewhat in character reason, I guess, to try and excuse Bakugou, The Living Idiot Ball.
Meanwhile, all the characters can't stop talking up about how great a fighter Bakugou is, because it's not enough to excuse him from a murder attempt, apparently everyone needs to make sure the audience knows about how much of a 'beast' Bakugou is!
And, all of this, while Bakugou has this crazed sounding rant about how Izuku is 'looking down' on him, when until five seconds ago he thought he was beneath your boot. Even while they're fighting, Izuku can't help but talk up the person who single handedly ruined his entire life.
*sighs for forever*
Anyways, Izuku barely claims a win with teamwork, determination, and the magically ability to remember what his objective is!
(cue funny little omake where Mt Lady breaks her office with puns)
And... the last chapter of this arc: 'Bakugou's Starting Line'. Ugh.
Anyways, Bakugou beats Izuku half to death, but he loses. He loses, and has a mental break down because of that, and All Might is remarkably fine with this whole situation.
Then, Momo proves that she's smart and on top of things (enjoy that while it lasts), the other fights happen, which... brutally honest, I can't care much about, beyond Todoroki proving that, suprise suprise, he's actually the big fish in the 1A lake (enjoy that while it lasts as well! The nerfs are coming for everyone not named Bakugou or Izuku), which is yet more mental damage on Bakugou's oh so sensitive ego.
Izuku, unsurprisingly, ends up needing to be put back together after all that, and Recovery Girl has a rare positive portrayal where she says that Izuku getting beat to hell and back is, in fact, bad, which All Might agrees with like a sheepish child rather than an adult who has carried massive responsibilities for years now and who, need I remind you all, was not too long ago competent and did in fact avoid letting Izuku be permanently harmed... you know, the good old days.
Anyways, everyone is impressed by Izuku, cool, cool, and then... Izuku shits on it by telling Bakugou, 'This isn't my Quirk!', thus locking in his participation in late story stuff forever.
And again... why? Why does he feel responsible for this? Why does he need to make sure he's not... accidently, tricking Bakugou by letting him be an idiot and think he was just... holding back his entire life, and instead all but blows a secret of nigh incalculable value. To his bully. Because his bully felt bad.
*resists the urge to scream into my desk*
And, for a second time this sequence... why? Why would he do that? Why is he simping so damn hard for him?
*spreads hands*
Bakugou, The Living Idiot Ball, whom proximity to drives idiotic and irrational behavior into all.
And then Bakugou has tears in his eyes as he realizes he's not the top dog, and we're apparently supposed to feel sorry for him, and then All Might shows up, burning more of his precious time to talk to Bakugou, not long after his murder attempt, and rather than trying to... chastise him or anything, he rushes to tell Bakugou to cheer up!
I don't know about you, but if I could only give Bakugou one piece of advice, it would definitely be, 'protect your ego!'
Then Izuku affirms to the audience that Bakugou is still the standard he's chasing after, just in case we didn't get the message that Bakugou is the best, because Hori wants to make that very clear in our minds.
Finally: villians. ...Why is the mindless Nomu in the bar?
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quidfree · 2 months
just finished rereading witvok... (and screaming very loudly especially at the tournament scenes) i remember you writing somewhere that essence is a more toned down version of quirks but i was wondering if you'd be willing to go into more detail re the difference in scale btwn quirks and essence. i'd interested ofc mostly in shouto and katsuki but izuku as well like was his essence also... a strand of hair he had to eat? and the other characters as well if you're willing!
<3 great question actually! (and thanks for the rereads, next chapter is nearing completion and is very very long lol)
the pragmatic line of thinking i had going in was that i couldn't have the characters maintain quirks with the scale of power they have in canon, because it just took them too far out of the genre setting. i wanted it to remain fantasy, so they kept some of their powers, but essences are toned down to like maybe 1/3 of canon scale, and need a channel to work with the kind of precision they would be used with in bnha proper.
to give examples with the girlies, shouto wouldn't be able to do a sports fest style ice wall in this, despite this being something that comes fairly effortlessly to shouto in canon. smaller scale. everyone's essence is a lot more attuned to their physical body and space. she also wouldn't be able to do like a hell spider because that's too fine-tuned. hence supplementing attacks with a bow and arrow (very shouto, i feel). but in any event this shouto still refuses to use fire, which will be plot relevant very soon. same sort of thing is true with katsuki, who wouldn't be able to pull off a howitzer impact but can easily do ap-shot equivalents.
izuku's backstory in witvok is very arthurian. inko was a chambermaid for the bakugou nobles, so izuku grew up around katsuki before eventually becoming her servant / page and therefore kind of stumbling into combat training, and then in parallel to canon during the first major battle they found themselves in he ended up having a sword-in-the-stone moment with the sword that in this 'verse represents OFA and which all might had (unbeknownst to the GP) increasingly lost the ability to use and so discarded during the battle. so izuku is strictly speaking still without any essence of its own, he's just the only person except all might who can wield the sword (very thor's hammer vibes). and the sword has similar power to classic OFA, so like immense physical strength, green lighting, etc. as in canon it took him a lot of work to adjust to actually wielding it as he does, and his gauntlets (a nod to his red gloves) ease a lot of the physical brunt of it.
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pocketramblr · 1 year
3 with inko and giran please
“Well, if I tell you, then it wouldn’t be a secret.”
"Huh. Interesting." The man said as he entered the room and looked Inko up and down.
She forced her voice to be even, but it was still higher than normal. "Why's that?"
"Cozy cardigan, mom bag, hair mostly loose and pretty." The man listed as he moved around the small office to sit at the desk. "You don't look at all like someone who could even find me, let alone make it here. Which means you must have a lot of secrets. What's your story?"
"Well, if I tell you, then it wouldn't be a secret." Inko answered with a thin smile. Giran would find out soon enough how she heard of him.
"True. But then it also wouldn't be any of my business, and I'd have to show you the door."
Had Inko been a bit braver, she might have said she could already see the door quite well, thank you. But as it was, she was barely here.
And only for...
"My son, he was born quirkless." She started.
The man nodded, opening a box of cigarettes. "My condolences." He said, almost absently.
"But he developed a quirk quite suddenly a week ago." She continued.
Giran looked up then, over the tops of his glasses.
"He's fifteen."
"My extreme condolences then. But I can't offer any debt forgiveness plans here." He lit the cigarette with a gun shaped lighter.
"That's the thing, there wasn't any debt, at least none I heard about.
Giran paused, the cigarette halfway to his lips. "Nothing?"
"Huh. That is interesting." Giran didn't speak for a few moments, considering.
Inko forced her hands to remain still.
"I'll find out if there is a debt he didn't tell you about, and fill you in."
"How much?" She nodded.
She didn't expect him to say "Free. Shit like that is need to know. Now, if there isn't a debt... I'll send you any warnings I can find, my standard price each time. Plus a rate of, let's say twenty thousand a month, to remind me to keep my ears open."
Inko didn't ask what the standard price was- she could get that from the person who'd sent her here.
There were more prevalent questions to ask.
"And how much more to not sell our secrets?"
Giran frowned for the first time that meeting. "I don't sell out my clients, because I don't work for anyone worth selling out. Your connection didn't tell you that?"
"They told me." She admitted with a shaky breath, "I just thought that was too good to be true."
"Nope. The real deal." Giran gestured to himself with a wave of hand and cigarette smoke.
"Good." Inko nodded, then moved to the door. She wasn't sure how long she could keep what composure she had left.
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scribblestatic · 2 years
I'm feeling bad, so to make myself feel better
Trans alt-poprock singer Deku.
Tw: Bullying, transphobia
She realized she was trans earlier in life, and Inko was thankfully supportive. However, being bullied at school, it only got worse after she started saying, rightfully, she was a girl. The teachers wouldn't affirm her gender and the kids made her feel worse, saying things they really shouldn't have and many would come to later regret. So, Izuku stopped saying it at school and would only wear what she wanted at home or with her mom. This included a lot of pink things along with her usual plain style.
Inko allowed Izuku to take puberty blockers right around when puberty started and her voice began cracking, her deeper voice causing pretty obvious and acute distress. However, her voice kept cracking, so she started voice training so she could sound how she wanted.
Because she researches things deeply, she gained an interest in singing, and started practicing often at home. She learned quickly, and Inko saw how sweet Izuku's singing voice was. After asking if she'd be interested, Inko enrolled her into singing classes so she'd have something to do after school. While Izuku retained her interest in heroes, music and singing quickly joined the ranks, and she started becoming both a hero and musician otaku.
Despite learning music very quickly, she couldn't quite get her voice to follow. She was starting to feel worse about her voice to the point she briefly became mute. However, the singing teacher was also supportive and showed Izuku songs from people who sang off-key. It was still lovely music and Izuku liked listening to it. After a little while, her voice came back, though she still becomes selectively mute in some situations.
Wanting to try something out, she talked to people in music forums and developed a song with a small group. She couldn't really play instruments, but she provided the vocals. They couldn't come up with a name, so Izuku used the cruel nickname "Denpaku," meaning "puppet poisoned by electromagnetic waves."
[From Wiki: The Japanese term "denpa" (電波, 'electromagnetic waves') originally arose in the 1990s to describe quirky individuals who often daydream and live in their personal fantasies, and derives from the Fukagawa Street Murders in 1981.
In regards to music, the term obtained a negative connotation, and was mainly associated with music that was considered creepy, and had incomprehensible lyrics, often of otaku origin.]
[They added denpa to deku to say she's a useless person living in ridiculous fantasies, regarding both her gender and her desire for heroics. Denpaku.]
The song came out on a small forum, being only audio. It wasn't super popular at first, but people became attracted by the expertise of the musicians and the earnest force behind Izuku's voice, even when she was off-key.
They began making more songs together, building a small following on music streaming sites. Once they gained a larger following over a thousand people, they started getting paid by some places, increasing Izuku's allowance.
Meanwhile, her school life mostly remained the same, though bullies would occasionally reference her gender "delusion". Katsuki never bullied her in that regard, though he continuously talked down to her about being quirkless. She mostly managed to take it in stride, until the incident.
At the middle of first year of middle school, a new kid transferred into the region and became popular because he had a cool quirk that allowed him to warp small objects with the snap of his fingers. He wasn't as interested in heroics, but did want to become a fashion icon and greatly valued popularity. He saw Izuku as a good target to bolster his own image, so he began participating in the bullying.
However, it kept escalating to new things, especially after he learned that Izuku is trans. He had learned bad opinions about trans people from his parents and he thus decided to push them on Izuku. First, he started framing Izuku for stealing girls' hair scrunchies and clips. Then he started framing her for stealing makeup, which Izuku fervently denied. However, no one believed her and she became further alienated at school, speaking less and less. As she used her "boy voice" less often, she began using her "girl voice" almost exclusively, though she'd have to remember to use the other one for school.
The last straw was when he tried to frame Izuku for taking pictures in the girl's changing room. He'd taken them himself, but one of the girls saw him, so he fled. The girls claimed they saw a black phone and heard someone run up near the roof.
However, it had been the boy. After running up to the roof and seeing Izuku eating there alone, he transferred the burner phone to Izuku's bag, then transferred himself into an empty room he'd ran past. He wasn't completely honest with the strength of his quirk. When the girls saw that Izuku was there on the roof, the boy came up behind them and convinced them to call Izuku out in class rather than accuse him at that moment.
Back in class, as soon as Izuku entered, she was dragged in and shoved to the floor. The girls immediately accused her of being a pervert and taking private pictures of them. Of course, she shook her head quickly, managing to put on her "boy voice" to deny the accusations despite her stress. The girls started grabbing at her, which she tried to back away from, and another girl dug into Izuku's bag, finding the phone there. It had a password, but a girl used her quirk to unlock it and they immediately found all the pictures of them.
They began calling him terrible names and accusing him. As they did, the boy casually brought up that Izuku "wanted to be a girl," so that gave her a motive to look at something she "could never be." The girls began throwing transphobic and ableist slurs and rhetoric at her, verbally assaulting her for being trans and quirkless. Izuku is already in tears, trying desperately to deny what they said, but she felt herself starting to go mute and she started having a breakdown. They started hitting her as they kept going, their anger coming to a head.
That's when Katsuki told them all to shut up.
"Deku's a quirkless bastard, but not a fucking pervert."
When the boy starts trying to say Katsuki's defending Izuku so he must be complicit, Katsuki casually asks him what his quirk is as he stands up, his face carefully blank. When the boy says Katsuki already knows, Katsuki calls him out for suddenly not wanting to remind anyone of what his quirk was, starting to pop his own quirk in his hands. The boy tries to stand up to Katsuki, explaining that it couldn't have involved him, but Katsuki keeps asking questions and letting him dig the hole himself.
Eventually, the boy is backed up against a wall as Katsuki stands in front of him, his face curled with rage.
"You know what I hate more than a Deku? A fucking villain."
He slams his hand into the wall, cracking the paint without actually using his quirk like he'd threatened. The boy's face had just been there.
But he used his quirk to jump out of the way, not wanting his face to get damaged.
Seeing that he wasn't honest about the extent of his quirk, they realized that he really had been the one to take their pictures. Some of the girls began harassing the boy. Others, realizing what they'd done, turned to Izuku to try to start apologizing, but...
Her eyes were completely empty. She was hugging herself and visibly shaking. Her breaths were coming to quickly for her to really take it in. Tears were rolling down her cheeks as she just barely managed to sob.
One of the girls tried reaching for her, but Izuku's gaze snapped to the hand before her flight instincts activated. Without a sound, she scrambled to her feet and practically burst through the classroom door. She then ran down the hall, leaving everything behind. Her books, her real phone, her hero and singing journals, all of it.
The teacher, having heard the explosion, comes into the room moments after Izuku ran away and demands to know what happened.
The police get called, as do parents. Their classes get dismissed for the rest of the day. Police have to search the school for Izuku, finding her curled up in a tight ball in the school's basement, bruises on her face and hands as she shakes from stress.
The next few days, the police get the details. Katsuki got a slight slap on the wrist since he didn't use his quirk to threaten anyone–he wasn't going to ruin his school record. The boy got suspended, his family threatened with legal action from the girls' parents. The girls involved got counseling over the incident, both to assuage their fears and to scold them over how they treated Izuku, especially the slurs.
However, Izuku never returned to school. The police picked up and took her things, and that was the last anyone from the school sees of her there. The school got sued after it turned out the hate crimes against her had been going on for a long while. The kids tried to pin it on Katsuki, but his comments about Izuku being quirkless, while improper, were not determined to constitute a hate crime. He also didn't say anything about her being trans, because he honestly didn't find a problem with it. Deku was just Deku in his eyes, regardless of gender. However, the boy and other bullies who directly harmed her did cause a problem for the district. The court case would continue for an good while.
The rest of first year, second year, and third year all passed without much incident. Almost.
Katsuki was taken hostage by a villain in second year, but a girl with a face mask on and short, curly pink hair ran out of the crowd and tried to help, throwing her bag at the villain, reaching her hands into the ooze, and pulling one of Katsuki's hands out. He managed the rest, busting himself the rest of the way out. All Might arrived and finished the rest of the job.
As heroes tried to talk to the girl after the fact, she quickly gathered her things, not wanting any further attention, and she fled before either All Might or Katsuki could figure out who she was. The entire time, she never said a word.
Third year passed without any further incidents. But, around the beginning of the first year of high school, an EP by an artist group comes out.
First, they release the song with the album cover, which is a bed of roses in the evening.
It's used as the starting theme for a new romantic comedy between an awkward, somewhat tsundere girl and her love, an oblivious young man who can be rather ignorant but kindhearted, who sees through her sharp comments to the actually soft person on the inside.
Then, the group performed a live action version of the song, and...
It's Izuku standing at the mic. She looks very different, having dyed her hair pink. Her sense of style still sticks out though. Although she isn't wearing any text on her shirt, her freckles and voice call back to her. Moreover, the name of the band.
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She looks pretty. And she seems to clearly enjoy singing the song, dancing along disjointedly and somewhat off beat despite the fact she sings beautifully.
She shows up in one square on screen as a girl with burn marks all over her visible body plays most of the instruments, and one young man with a little bit of a moustache plays the flute, violin, and adds vocals. Denpaku is a three-person team that built on a music forum and has since become especially popular.
The older teen girl, "Velma", is a burn victim from a villain incident. The young man, "Riku", has ASD and constantly wears headphones over his ears, even while playing music. And the lead singer is, of course, Izuku, who is quirkless. She's also openly trans from the start, which threw some people off, but support loudly outweighs detractors.
"It doesn't matter. Cute is justice!"
"Why are y'all obsessed over this CHILD'S genitals?? Weirdos..."
"Ugh, what a sweetheart. When's this group's next song?"
"I get it. Denpaku, like Denpa and Deku? They're all outcasts with dreams. But they're making their dreams a reality. I like it. Call me a fan."
She attends school online, allowing her to become popular and keep learning. So, by thr time Katsuki gets into U.A., Denpaku singles and albums are already becoming more mainstream.
...Not sure how to end this one, but I'll write more about it.
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heronoegg · 1 year
If you don't mind, can we please get some bakusquad hcs from your au? 🥺👉👈
Bakugo is albino, if she wasn't she would have brown hair like her dad.
She has special headphones she's supposed to wear when using her Quirk at all times. (She at first didn't bc Bakugo is stubborn) She insist her ears were fine until she tried to show off one day by making a big explosion and blew out her ear drums for a entire day. Don't worry recovery girl fixed it that was her last warning and it scared her so bad.
Bakugo has hearing aid's we live for this hc she does not know sign language because her hearing problems didn't start to get worse/ to the point of needing the hearing aids until she got into UA where she's using her quirk on overdrive all the time.
She loves her dad, that's her best friend. Bakugo is a daddies girl all the way.
They have daddy daughter days and he loves to buy her outfits they are best friends they go shopping together
Bakugo's dad calls her "Katsuki kitten"
Bakugo's uncle on her dad's side was the one that got her interested in mountain climbing, he would take her up when she got big enough but before that he used to bring her back cool trinkets from where ever he'd go in the world.
Bakugo has a complex relationship with her mom, it's a lack of understanding on her mom's part and the fact they are literally same personality different person doesn't help. It's hard for Mitsuki to understand Bakugo but she is still a trying parent.
If Bakugo was a parent she wouldn't be hard on her own kid as her mother was on her.
Bakugo has a young chaotic cousin who she thinks is annoying as heck that Deku never knew about because she never mentioned him and he never seen him. He wants to beat Bakugo and be better and he's just loud and annoying even to Mitsuki.
Bakugo's parents work at a modeling place that is why they are rich.
Bakugo calls Deku's mom aunty Inko but Deku does not call Mitsuki aunty lol
Bakugo developed a crush on Todoroki and only released it when they were side kicking with Endeavor.
Somestimes Bakugo and Todoroki do this thing when Todoroki jokingly leans in like "Well, i guess we gotta kiss" and then stops. At first Bakugo thought he was a freak for doing that but it became a normal thing they would do all the time and sometimes she would lean in as well when they became closer and they both just not actually kiss until one day they did.
Bakugo doesn't like being a third wheel which she usually is to a lot of people.
Bakugo and Sato cook together a lot.
Bakugo calls Sato by his name because she can't come up with something that doesn't sound like a romantic nickname for him besides Sugar jock.
Bakugo gives people nicknames cause she has a hard time remember names.
There is some of Deku's clothes at Bakugo's house incase he comes over for a sleep over they have a mattress and everything for him in Bakugo's closet.
Bakugo is friends with everyone in the Dekusquad.
Bakugo respects Uraraka because she's the only girl she knows who can lock eyes with her and take her down if she wanted to.
Bakugo likes spicy food but can't handle as much as Deku can. Nobody else in the squad except mildly Sero likes spicy food.
Bakugo's middle school friends live in this AU and they go to UA but they are in class C the one Shinsou was moved out of. Tomo (long fingers),Kirisame (short black hair) and Tsubasa (Kid with wings)
Bakugo never makes it known she is a rich kid but bought kirishima's groceries once because he's kinda poor and was about to go the the corner store for groceries and Bakugo was just not having that. Told him everything he needed put it in the cart and she would pay for it that's when they really became friends.
Bakugo ignores Togaru's existence rival who? but they fight a lot.
His parents split and he lives with his single dad.
Ryukyu is his aunt, Tatami is his sister and Tetsutetsu is his brother.
Kirishima has depression but it's diagnosed and he takes his meds.
He can't keep a secret, if you tell him something and tell him not to tell he'll go "I wont!" but if you pressure him a little bit like keep asking him once or twice he'll tell you everything.
There is dragon quirks in his fam's genes so he has retractable tail and wings.
He hates that he has to peep talk himself cause of his depression, it helps him get okay for the day.
Kirishima's and Tetsutetsu bite and wrestle eachother a lot when Yo came over once he bit him and he cried, Tatami thought it was funny.
Kirishima and Sero train together a lot Kirishima almost always wins.
Kirishima is the one who created the Bakusquad, he befriended Kaminari first then Sero, Sero like the vibe of these people. lastly he slowly introduced Bakugo to the group because Kaminari and Sero didn't really want to be friends with her because she was mean. Mina was already his friend even though they weren't in middle school she just became his friend really quickly.
Kirishima calls Bakugo Ladybro
Kirishima if somebody says anything about him being the only boy in the Bakusquad he'll say it's them who's protecting him and that girls can be aggressive.
Kirishima wanted to be friends with Bakugo cause he used to have a bully in middle school and something happen to that guy and he feels like even though he was bullying him if he had one friend maybe he wouldn't have done what he did. He knows Bakugo and Deku have history and he feels like if he makes friends with her she wont be so mean anymore. He forgives Bakugo for the bully she used to be cause he knows she is kind in her own way.
Kirishima's middle school friends or at least one of them was his "Happy buddy" which means that was the one who knew he had depression and would help him with it. They don't go to this school so Kaminari is his new happy buddy.
Kirishima is kinda poor and feels bad his dad has to pay for him and Tetsutetsu to go to UA
Kirishima isn't really close friends with anyone outside of the Bakusquad.
Kirishima is the one who has a crush on Sero first.
Kaminari dad was a deadbeat from America who his mom met when she was living there. Kaminari went to kindergarten and elementry school there before his mom decided to move to japan.
Kaminari has a little sister her quirk is called "Volt stream" She can emit electricity from her brain in low voltages, electricity is constently surging through her body and her vines like blood so she has to let it out sometimes or she'll feel what she calls "Prickly" Everytime she uses her quirk depending on the voltage she will either feel light headed or pass out. Her name is Rai
Kaminari's mom is a pro hero name Electric pop
Kaminari's mom's quirk has the same quirk as Kaminari but she can only shoot the lightning from her finger tips, she can't discharge in any other way.
Kami's dad just had a basic lightning quirk he was a hero in amaerica but like only for the money she left him but Kaminari did get to be around him for a while. He wasn't a good dad but he wasn't an awful dad.
Kamianri's parents taught her basic fighting just in case.
Kaminari can speak English but not write it very well.
Kaminari lives close to wherever Todoroki's house is and can get there pretty quickly.
Kaminari can skateboard that is her means of transportation.
Kaminari cooks macaroni a lot.
Kaminari makes cursed food mixtures. She made a peanut butter girlled cheese once.
Kaminari eats pickles from the jar, drinks the juice and all. once that's all she ate in a day woke up in the dorms one evening ate a pickle and went back to sleep.
Kaminari comes into Tokoyami's room for nails to be painted stays for the company.
Kaminari is friends with Tokoyami and Dark shadow.
Kaminari is also friends with Aoyama they are a blonde duo.
Kaminari lives next to Kinoko and they are friends and neighbors.
Kaminari is also friends with Rin kinda.
Kaminari had a crush on Mineta for some odd reason and never said anything about it cause she thought it was awkward and weird.
This kid from the where Bakugo and Todoroki retook their liesense exam
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is Sero's little brother his name is Sho he can peel his skin like tape (It's not as painful as it sounds) he's annoying.
Sho goes to pre-school with Eri he has a best friend name Chocto who is Hound Dog's son (we call Hound dog mad dog in this au)
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Skeptic is Sero's local evil uncle on her fathers side who nobody rats out because the whole family is scared of him.
Skeptic traumatized Sero as a kid being just generally scary with his quirk.
Sero lives with her older cousin Shin and Sho because there was an argument about Skeptic and Shin took it upon himself to get the kids away from that house.
Sero and Shin have a really close relationship, he makes her feel safe and he's always looking out for Sero. He's like that really chill older bro everyone wished they had.
Sero is very smug and that's how she relates most of all her emotions.
Sero doesn't like to feel strong emotions (sadness or anger) she would really rather not talk it out or have complex conversations when there is a problem. Just one person take the blame and don't do it again so we don't have to talk about this or bring it up anymore. In other words she hides from her feelings.
Sero dated a lot in middle school but never felt anything for anyone until she started liking Kirishima.
Sero feels inferior to Bakugo that Bakugo could have just the right things to say to help Kirishima and she wouldn't know what to say. (Example: Kirishima was having a breakdown and Sero didn't know how to talk to him so she called Bakugo who calmed him down. She felt really bad and useless that she was closer and right there but there was nothing she could do)
After the sports festival Sero developed Bell’s Palsy from Todoroki freezing her.
Mina doesn't mind a lot of things she's really chill.
Mina is the gateway to the whole class to the Bakusquad because she is close friends with so many other people outside the squad.
Mina isn't too sure what love is about and says that a lot. she'll randomly put it in after a normal sentence. "Lets go to mcdonalds, also im not too sure what true love is actually"
Mina comes from a neglected household. That's why she loves so much she doesn't want anybody to feel left out.
Mina is moth coded so at a certain point when they've lived in the dorms one day she just got super sleepy and fell asleep went into a cocoon for a week and came out looking fresh.
Her horns fell off after that and grew back, she could grow another set of arms and wings which was freaky but cool.
Mina is good at listening when somebody needs to vent. "Come get in my bed and we can talk comfy"
Mina is a gossip channel, her and Toru they know everything.
Mina's purse is a bottomless pit. She has everything.
Mina always wants to put makeup on somebody.
Mina is friends with Toru and Toru is friends with Dark Shadow but not so much Tokoyami.
Mina can relate to Mineta about being a neglected.
Mina is the one who even got her included in the squad. She would always look over at them so Mina slowly introduced her until she was part of the squad.
Jirou is whatever she needs to be to get out of a satiation or win a battle. In our sports festival there were two brackets of the tournament and she made it to 3rd losing to Jurota Shishida. She fought Rin before this and tried to kiss him throwing him off guard, she kissed him and used her quirk through her lips to send her heartbeat into his head resulting in her win.
If Jirou uses her quirk to much she'll pass out because it's putting a strain on her heart.
That is how she lost to Jurota she amped up her quirk to it's fullest and they both passed out but she passed out first.
Jirou is the youngest of two brothers. Jude and Hibiki. Hibiki is a pro hero musician and Jude is in a boy band.
Jirou's house is a music store where they sell instruments and teach lessons. She offered working there as an option for Tokoyami who works there now.
Jirou is friends with Tokoyami they are goth buddies but not so much dark shadow cause she thinks dark shadow is annoying.
Jirou has a crush on Rin.
Jirou's hair is naturally curly like her dad's she straightens it. Later she lets Mina braid it.
When they live in the dorms She gets her hair cut's from Tokoyami.
Everyone who paints their nails gets their nails painted by Tokoyami including Jirou.
When Jirou says something is "Punk rock" she means it's cool. she'll say something like "that wasn't very punk rock of you" or "Wow! that's punk rock!"
Jirou is friends with Mineta (Mineta is more respectful in this au he actually is grossed out/scared of girls because of something that happened to him in his old household he got adopted by Midnight)
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doodlegirl1998 · 1 year
Hey so I got a question.
If the LOV were to rescue Eri instead of the Heroes, do you think it would make things more interesting than how it played out in canon?
Cause for me, I think it would. I believe it would make reforming them more believable including how the heroes would respond to not being able to rescue her in time.
Hey @theloganator101👋,
That is an excellent AU idea one that I actually hadn't thought of before so I had to really think of this idea / give it some consideration.
Yes, I feel like this would be a really interesting route to go down and help with the LOV's redeemability since them being nice to / taking care of her well would separate them from monsters like Overhaul really well.
I feel like they would either find a kinder way to try to extract her quirk to make more of those bullets (seriously why didn't Overhaul stick a cotton swab in her mouth or take a blood sample via a syringe rather than cut her up!? That was needlessly cruel and I will never get how some members of the fandom like that asshole.) OR they wouldn't try to use her at all after she shows signs of being traumatised like that.
Obviously people like Twice, Kurogiri, Spinner and Mr Compress would treat her kindly but I'd focus on Shigaraki, Dabi and Toga's reactions to her more considering they are the main 3 the narrative is setting up to redeem.
Shigaraki - It would be interesting for him to invite her to play games with him and Spinner. And perhaps to have him empathise over accidentally killing people and thinking of thier quirks as curses. (I have no doubt Shig, before AFO's manipulative B.S l, felt bad about how his quirk came in.)
Dabi - He would definitely be one of the most unfriendly members of the League at first. However, it would be interesting to have Eri around him to see if it reminds him of his repressed big brother tendencies and if being around her actually helps him realise that he does still care for Fuyumi and Natsuo. And that he does want more than burning Endeavor to a crisp.
Toga - it would be interesting if being around Eri helps her identify what she likes and reminises on outside her quirk / what her quirk wants. Since actually - what does she like? Is she into fashion? Did she have any aspirations outside her quirk? We don't know any of this about her so having Eri there to help give Toga this time to explore that would do wonders for her character. While also exploring the loss of Big Sis Magne (because Toga seemed close to her) yet her death was brushed over after Shig decayed Overhaul's arms and took his bullets.
As for the heroes losing Eri...
It would be devastating to both Izu and Mirio. It would interesting to see how they would all cope with such a loss especially if the raid still happened as well as the death of Nighteye and the loss of Mirio's quirk - just that Eri wasn't there. It would show to Izu the ugly side of heroics - that sometimes heroes lose! And it can be devastating as well as how to deal with that in a healthy way.
It would also be excellent development for the LOV if they came to the conclusion that it would be in Eri's best interest to be with the heroes and they put aside thier personal grudges to give her to them in the end. It would foreshadow the heroes saving the villains in the LOV by the end of the story.
While Aizawa could help with his Erasure to control her quirk, I think All Might or Midoriya Inko would have been excellent guardians for Eri personally.
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queenmina37 · 2 years
You mentioned that spiritually gifted people (who had their ability since birth, at least) does not have quirk at Duality of death, but you didn't told us what Ichigo enlisted as his 'quirk' until the Yoruichi incident at Ghost Hunters of UA.
Karakura is the place with the most quirkless population, right? With that place being the juureichi for now, and all the shinigami/quincy populations. I think the Midoriya found about Karakura when Izuku was diagnosed as quirkless, and Inko might have considered moving there. The reason why they didn't is because the hero ratio to population was considerably low on Karakura. Inko thought it was a case of a quirkless racism, and Izuku downright refused to move to a town where most hero move out before they become a part of town. The truth is that most heroes move out before their reiryoku become strong enough to see hollows. Its hard to protect peoples from what they cant see, right? And those 'quirkless' people are doing something...that make those invisible villains(or something) go away. Its not like you can arrest quirkless people for vigilantism-at least Eraserhead didn't arrested Knuckleduster at Vigilante when he found out that weirdo was just a quirkless old man.
When the hero does develop enough reiryoku to see hollows and pluses, Urahara usually invite them to his shoten and explain almost everything they have to know. Now that they are part of the people who really protect Karakura, they should at least have some knowledge about what they should fight. Then he might offer to upgrade their support gears for hollow fights. I think it would not be a far stretch for him to have a small support gear company-either a civilian support items(for mutation type quirks or size differences, for example) or for heroes. He is an inventor, and he looks like the type who love those 'commissions'as hobby. If Urahara's company is hero support gear only, I guess his company would be famous for being one of the best if they actually agree to make your support gear-and if you can ignore the antics.
-the headcanon anon
The reason I didn't mentioned what Ichigo's "quirk" is was because even I wasn't sure what it was going to be lol. I knew that he was originally quirkless at least, but I had no idea if he was going to UA quirkless or if he was acting like one of his powers was a quirk. And it wasn't until the Yoruichi Incident that I figured out that hey, that's good, and actually, Ichigo would probably have a hard time hiding that one even if he tried to.
But oh yeah! Karakura has a high number of quirkless people. Because with spiritually gifted people, I'm also counting in Chad and Orihime as well, since they did develop powers and although I'm pretty sure Orihime is never confirmed to be a Fullbringer in canon, her abilities kind of seem like they could be a Fullbring? So. I don't know. I want Orihime's powers to be explained so she's a Fullbringer now. And as we already know, Fullbringers are quirkless, so, yeah. Karakura has a really high number of quirkless people because of everyone in canon who has actual powers instead of just developing the ability to see spirits plus any other possible people who avoided Ichigo like he was the plague.
Oooh, Inko wanting to move to Karakura is a really interesting idea! And Izuku refusing because the number of heroes is so low! Oh my god, that is really great! Especially because Karakura would actually have a really small number of heroes, but also a higher number of villains. Most of the villains are fairly harmless and they're more thugs than anything, but their numbers are still higher than in other areas. So those two things really would be the things that would make them decide not to move (oh, if only they knew that anyone who has lived long enough in Karakura, especially villains, wouldn't even dare to think about harming a quirkless person (They may or may not be traumatized by teenagers who have the surname Kurosaki (Ichigo and Karin laughing in the background because everyone in Karakura walks on their toes around them while crying to Yuzu about how her siblings are scary because both Ichigo and Karin know that if you should be scared of one of the twins... well. It's not Karin you should be afraid of)))
And oh yes, the heroes at Karakura are aware that there are souls and hollows around. They are also very familiar with Urahara. They may not visit him often, but they know that if they're ever having trouble with something that they can't see, Urahara is the man to visit. Also, if any person visits Urahara regularly... chances are, they really shouldn't be fucked around with and it's best to just leave them alone and act like you saw nothing.
But Urahara actually making support items for the heroes so they can fight hollows? Not a thought I had but I like it. A lot. And I would imagine that he'd only make them for heroes, but not even any hero, but specifically for heroes at Karakura and any other place where there are a lot of souls and hollows. At least, assuming that heroes from other places like that knew to contact him.
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bookdragonlibrary · 2 years
If AFO = Izuku's father is true
It’s true we don’t know anything about Izuku’s father except that he is able to throw flames like a dragon. At the beginning I thought he might be dead or maybe abandoned his son for being quirkless (I don’t know if it’s still common in Japan when your child is disable, but I read a manga (A Silent Voice) with that plotline just before starting MHA).
Then I read a lot of the theory of AFO being Izuku's father and when I don't see narratively what the "I'm your father" moment could give, I see the symbolism and parallelism of it: with Tomura being the grandchild of a previous owner of OFA but being raised by AFO on the villain side.
And then I understood.
Izuku being his son could further add onto the theme of only your actions and choices make you a villain even with a tragic/sad backstory or trauma (Dabi VS Shotou), but a mistake isn't sufficient to mark you as one forever if you correct this mistake and do better in the future (Bakugou and Aoyama).
But could you guess Izuku's reaction if/when he learn this?
We all know he would take it badly. His self esteem would probably sink even lower.
But what if he remembers Katchan's words in the first chapter? The ones that were OOC even for Katchan's aggressivity? He would probably tell Katchan he was right, that he should jump from a roof, that he should have that day, that if he did, nothing of that would have happened. He wouldn’t have meet All Might and almost create Katchan’s death. Or maybe he won't tell him, but just do it straight away. With Bakugou stopping/saving him, telling him he was wrong that day, that he lied, that he was just afraid Deku will be better than him even without a quirk.
But another idea popped in my mind. If this theory is true, what if Izuku wasn't born quirkless, but his quirk was stolen in a really young age by AFO? Considering Inko's quirk, Izuku's could have been attractivity/gravity just like Fujitora in One Piece. (That could explain why everybody falls in love for him: because he attracts them! xD) So if Izuku lose OFA at the end of the manga, maybe he will ask AFO to give him back his born quirk. Or more probably his friends will ask so Deku could still be a hero with them if he loose OFA at the end.
I know that Deku was diagnosed quirkless because of a bone in his toe. But I always found the explanation stupid, especially in MHA world where everything is detailed and logical. And while watching the series again, I found out that the doctor who diagnosed Izuku being quirkless was the same doctor that works for AFO.
I read/watched another theory that said Inko was asked the same deal than Aoyama’s parents but refused and that was the real reason she said sorry to her son: because she just refused a way to still make his dream come true and was moved by her son’s tears.
So imagine if this doctor makes children with interesting quirk quirkless to then give them to AFO and call back the parents with an experimental procedure to still give their child a quirk so they won’t be discriminated by other children/society later. That would be a double win for AFO: he gains powerful quirks plus fragile families he could manipulate and blackmail.
If this theory is true, wouldn't it be ironic? That by taking Izuku's quirk, AFO made him into a hero that will defeat him with OFA? Because if Izuku had kept his original quirk, the events in chapter 1 wouldn't have happened (or differently) and All Might wouldn't have chose him for heriting his quirk. Maybe AFO chose Inko to have a child with only based on her quirk to make it evolved just like it happened betwen Mitsuki and Katsuki (where the quirk evolved from glycerin to nitroglycerin) because Inko's quirk was to weak to be useful yet.
Learning this, Bakugou would be so pissed at AFO because, because of him, he didn't feel like he had the right to be Izuku's friend because they were the opposite by having an awesome quirk and being quirkless. But if Izuku had his original awesome quirk, things would have been different between them. Maybe Bakugou would have grown into a different person with Izuku being able to stop him and make him more reasonable, to put it simply with Izuku being "worthy" in their society, so Katchan's equal since the beginning in terms of power. So Katsuki wouldn't feel like all those years were wasted and missed opportunities, he wouldn't feel like he has to fight to be able/worthy to be Izuku's friend again.
But I also have another theory: what if Izuku does have a quirk since birth? We AFO being his father, maybe he didn't inherit the toe mutation because it didn't happen yet when AFO was born (century/ies ago). But it's a passive quirk just like AFO's brother, a quirk that need another one to bloom: the quirk of using other quirks. That would explain why Izuku was able to unlock the previous owner's quirks when All Might couldn't. After all, they were the only quirkless owners of the OFA except the first one. The clue that made me think about this theory is Katchan's words: "You're just like him", talking to Izuku about AFO. A foreshadowing that he's his son?
PS: just to be sure in cas it isn’t obvious enough: Izuku’s true father is Dad Might, not AFO :)
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fan-dot · 2 years
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"Do I look like your Dad?" hehe funny title
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"Do I look like your Dad?"
Okay so, so so so! This is a BNHA crack idea where Midoriya Hisashi is a low level goon for All For One right? And he goes on 'business' trips a lot and whilst he isn't like... Garaki levels of top goon he's pretty high up; to the point people are sending assassin's after the Midoriya's to get to him.
And Inko, well she's aware to an extent, but she also adamantly refuses to leave the flat, to move homes and little ten year old Izuku decides enough is enough!
So, he calls the number his mother has listed as 'contact Hisashi' except... it's not Hisashi's personal number it was the number he gave Inko for a 'if I die and everything goes to shit phone this number and my boss will help you' type of situation. But Izuku doesn't know that.
He phones, he hears a gruff 'Hello? How did you get this number?' and just starts wailing on whoever is on the other end of the line. He assumes it's his Father because he was very small when he last saw him so he doesn't know what he sounds like but this is Hisashi's number so it MUST BE him.
Izuku starts demanding Hisashi convince his mother to move because they're being attacked a lot, there's apparently hits on them and it's only his mothers fine control of her quirk and the fact that Izuku is very fast and small with great lung capacity to scream for help that things haven't gone very very wrong. Of course... it's not Hisashi on the other line but a mildly amused All For One who's laughing inside because he had told Hisashi that people would go after him and the cocky goon had said it wouldn't happen and well, he's got the reality on the phone.
AFO tries to tell Izuku he isn't his Father, tries to clear up this misunderstanding because sure it's mildly amusing but he also doesn't want to hear a random child wailing on at him frequently, so he goes "I'm not your Father-"
And that just sends Izuku onto another spiral, and so AFO gets this ten year old screaming at him saying how he was asked of two things, 'child support and keeping his Mother safe' and yes he's quirkless but is Hisashi really such a cruel bastard that he'd let his wife be assassinated!?
(All For One is slightly more intrigued now)
Of course he still tries to correct the situation but Izuku just pulls the 'I know the phone is tapped by your boss and that it's recording the location and recordings of all the calls here so if Hisashi doesn't get his act in order Izuku was just going to go to the police.'
Well that isn't much of a threat but it's interesting, here's a ten year old trying to blackmail his Father who he knows is involved in business so dangerous that assassins are involved. He wants to know more.
So he just... takes over Hisashi's place. He never goes in person but he sorts out the assassins, never lets Hisashi know about them and just starts phoning more often, talking quirks and such, talking heroes and ending up being something of a father figure in Izuku's life.
Inko knows damn well it isn't her husband and that it's his eldritch being of a boss but he sends her presents on hers and Hisashi's anniversary (and she knows it's the not-hisashi since these gifts are thoughtful and not the 'oh shit i forgot' last minute box of chocolates her husband also sends her) so she isn't saying anything.
Over the years Izuku becomes convinced his Father is a super villain hence why he's never around and Tomura knows that Sensei has a 'brat', but he thinks Izuku is his biological son and only knows his voice not his face.
Shigaraki has this whole one-sided rivalry in his head with Izuku for Sensei's attention and he discovers Izuku goes to UA and attacks 1-A behind AFO's back because HE was with Sensei before Izuku was even conceived he is not losing to a little snot nosed brat who is like a mini All Might!
The rest of the plot stays the same, but Shigaraki is just extra edgy because Izuku isn't just his 'All Might' in the dynamic he's like his 'step brother' and he wasn't quite ready for one. The Kamino wall incident (where AFO didn't destroy the wall the kids were hiding behind) is because he tagged Izuku as soon as he got the quirk and he's desperately hoping that Izuku doesn't try and kill him since this might be the one OFA user he doesn't want to kill but he's already Izuku's father figure he will pull out the so-called 'dad' voice he made to admonish the boy over the years if he gets in the way.
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gentrychild · 3 years
What about an AU where bakugou didnt survive sludge villain?
Bakugou doesn't die because he is killed by the Sludge villain but because as he was making explosion upon explosion, he got too close to a gas line and you can imagine the rest. It's an absolute catastrophe, the whole place is blown up, Izuku wakes up three hours later, the only reason why there weren't other deaths is All Might managing to contain the explosion in the nick of time, and Izuku is perfectly aware that Kacchan died because of him. It's his fault that the bottle was dropped, that the Sludge villain escaped, and Kacchan died because of him.
Izuku leaves his room exactly once in three weeks and it's for Katsuki's funeral. Guilt is eating him alive and he can't reveal the truth to anyone. It lasts until All Might, in his skinny form, visits him. All Might tells him that yes, they both share a part of responsibility for what happened but that doesn't mean they are guilty of it. Bakugou Katsuki died because of the Sludge villain. Taking the blame means absolving the villain of his actions. And All Might, with all his power, didn't manage to save Katsuki. Neither did the other heroes. So maybe Izuku should cut himself some slack.
Izuku halfheartedly trains on his own for the next ten months, alternating between wanting to forget his dream altogether and wanting to be a hero because he has to rectify his screw-up, he has to do something. He goes to the UA entrance exam and completely fails, though he does save Uraraka here. Unfortunately, since he didn't destroy the zero pointer, he gets almost no point. But All Might, who has been getting increasingly more depressed since Bakugou's funeral, saw him. He saw him being paralyzed by fear until he saw that someone needed help, remembered how he tried to save Young Bakugou, and he realizes Something. As soon as Izuku is far away enough from UA, he finds him and tells him that he was wrong to tell him he couldn't be a hero because he doesn't have a quirk. That he has what is needed to be a hero: the need to save people. All Might also tentatively starts to ask him if he would be interested in OFA but he stops because Izuku is obviously not registering anything he's saying. His eyes are dead and he looks like a ghost. So he asks Izuku to think about what he said about him being a hero and plan to talk to him again another day.
Izuku is basically a zombie for a week, until he receives UA rejection letter for the hero course, though he is accepted in Gen Ed, and Inko gently tries to draw his attention until she is holding his face between her hands and telling him that not being a hero isn't the end of the world. Izuku cracks and tells her everything, how he was almost killed by the Sludge villain, how he met All Might and made the bottle fall, how Kacchan died because of him. The only thing he doesn't reveal is All Might's weakened state. Inko is silent for thirty seconds, because you kinda have to take the time to assimilate that your son almost died and thinks he has been a murderer for the past ten months, only to tell him that Katsuki's death is tragic but Katsuki shoulders more blame than Izuku when it comes to it. Izuku is shocked. Inko continues. Katsuki would have been saved if he hadn't kept using his quirk. The heroes could have approached. The place wouldn't have exploded. Many people wouldn't have been injured.
This doesn't absolve Izuku from his guilt, far from it, but it is the start of a revelation. The heroes didn't manage to intervene because a lot of them were so focused on what their quirks couldn't do that they just... waited. (I don't count Backdraft who was trying to tame a fire and Kamui Woods who is literally made of woods or even All Might who couldn't use his quirk at the time.) And he remembers his classmates or even the people he met in UA and he... comes to a realization: most people are absolute morons when it comes to their quirks. He fortuitously meets All Might later and explains to him that yes, he doesn't have a quirk, but thanks to it, he lacks his tunnel vision that most quirk people have. He is clutching his notebook while saying it. For the first time since Katsuki's funeral, there is a spark in his eyes.
+1 The last scene is Nedzu finishing to reunite the files for potential new OFA holders. All Might enters at this moment and asks him to add Midoriya Izuku to the list.
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hey-hamlet · 3 years
omg i love your new au
I kinda want to know what friendships izuku will have. Since he's in Gen Ed is he friends with shinsou? Are him and Bakugou friends or did the river thibg still happen? Is he going to befriend class 1A or others like hatsume?
he and shinsou are Buds. Izuku finds it hilarious everyone thinks shinsou is the villain between the two of them - shinsou wouldn't hurt a fly! Izuku has committed murders. they are not the same.
the river thing still happened but bakugo didn't throw his bitch fit bc izuku just started worrying about how hard it was to get river mud out of fabric (his mum had been grousing about the carpet she had to rip up at a clients house because it had flooded). Your friend telling you off about how hard his mum is going to have to work to get the mud out of his clothes really throws you off your angry groove.
they maintain a tenuous but probably unhealthy friendship - bakugo is still a dick but not as much as canon, and they do hang out a lot. bakugo also stops the other kids from bullying izuku, but he does his own share of shitty things, not that izuku or bakugo would ever call it bullying.
he makes friends with hatsume after the sports festival (he. did shockingly well. got top 8, because no one expected him to be such a sneaky little shit). she has the same sense of loose sense of morality he does, and she's very interesting to talk to.
speaking of 1A, he's actually been friends with uraraka since before UA!
Inko and Uraraka construction had a partnership (you'd be shocked how often cleaners and construction workers cross paths. some things you need to fix before you can think about cleaning them, and construction workers aren't known for the neat and tidy way they leave build sites). the two of them bonded over how much they hated quirk laws and how much not having money sucked. the partnership helped both businesses tho, and they are now both comfortably middle class!
he bonds with iida through her, and the 'bakusquad' through bakugo. he makes - well. not friends, exactly, but something with todoroki after their sports festival match. enough that he doesn't mention that he 100% saw izuku in a work uniform cleaning blood out of an alley in hosu.
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So how OP are you making AFO in this? Because of how little we know about AFO I've seen fics make him about where he is in canon where he can only steal quirks no idea what they are until he takes them (excluding observation obviously) to he knows exactly what your quirk is the moment he see's you.
If he's the second type imagine his suprise at this boy who's clearly using a quirk registering with no quirk at all. If it's the first imagine him finally touching Izuku (through a bait and switch probably like how Overhaul hit Mirio with a quirk erasing bullet) only for it to come up empty.
Personally I vibe with yeah he doesn't know your Quirk outside of what it appears to be. So he has to study someone in advance and/or ask questions about the Quirk to learn things about it. I think /at most/ it could share the ability with Copy where it will transfer basic 'how to activate the Quirk' knowledge when he steals it, but he wouldn't know everything or about any side effects or all that nonsense and again it only pops up once he takes it. So no 'looking at you and knows everything'.
Y'all know I'm on the 'Dad for One' train. And while I haven't solidified how that reveal gets kickstarted in my main AU(I have narrowed it down to two thoughts). I do have plans for 'everyone is sus as hell so they ask Inko how much she remembers about Izuku's bio dad'
One of the things Inko comments on is how the man had been very interested in her Quirk. Asking her all sorts of questions about its functionality. She just laughs it off with 'I guess you must have inherited his love of analysis!' while everyone else listening is giving the hardest side eye.
Back to the Halfa!Izuku thing though!
Yeah can you fucking imagine this bitch. Tries to grab Izuku to steal his Quirk only to get absolutely fucking nothing? The level of what the fuckery? Beautiful.
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pocketramblr · 1 year
AU where Inko was a spy who worked for AFO sent to spy on Toshi and gets a job that puts her in close proximity to him. She was to get him romantically interested in her and she spends hours researching about him seeing what he likes and who he is as a person and it starts working but the Inko starts actually falling for him and she starts hesitating on the whole thing.
Ain't gonna try to do better than Naive Melody but hmm let's see
1- Inko's baby is quirkless, and she doesn't know what to do. Hisashi left and sends the bare minimum, she can't get anything better from the school for Izuku, and to find a better one would require money. More than she has. But she heard about someone who can give Izuku a quirk, even if it has a price.
2- AfO, on getting to the home, adjusts his plan. He gives Izuku a flight quirk. He tells them that the price will be reporting to him as Izuku becomes a hero, but as the child is too young, Inko will have to be his ears for now. Inko agrees, though Izuku isn't fully aware of what's going on and why his mom is crying even after he can fly now.
3- AfO sends Inko to seduce All Might, and orders her play up similarities to Shimura, though she has no idea why. She wears her ring on a necklace and just says Hisashi is "gone, now." Claim her parents are dead. She floats things around her talks about her son, who can soar and wants to be a hero. She lies about having wanted her own hero career in school, before letting go of it for Hisashi. All the craft the person AfO thinks might catch All Might's attention. And while it does get his eye initially, the real bits of Inko that show through are what he becomes more fond of.
4- her eating habits get worse as she becomes more stressed out with the task, and AfO demands she stay in shape to play her role. This leads to binge-purging cycles. Toshinori actually suspects as much when she runs off, ill after grabbing lunch together once. She plays it off as well as she can, apologizing for making him deal with it, and making a self deprecating joke that she wouldn't have a been a good hero, unable to take care of herself. Toshinori thinks about how she keeps offering him food she makes, delicious, and keeps Izuku safe and fed, and disagrees. Inko is great at taking care of others, but not herself. Which is something Toshinori sees a lot in heroes. Nighteye was telling him just the other day he needed to get more sleep...
5- as time and the relationship goes on, Izuku's task is to be the perfect choice in successor so he can get OfA and give it to AfO. Nighteye actually thinks he'd be a great successor, and Toshi wants to take his time. After all, he and Inko aren't official official yet, and the boy is so young. And, knowing what happened to Nana's family, Toshinori is going to be careful. Nighteye thinks that's fine, but also wants to double check, no harm, just a peak into Izuku's future, the boy has a million questions about his quirk anyway and- Oh my god is that AfO? Seeming to threaten Inko and demand something from Izuku? He's holding out his hand? Bad, bad, ok the kid can be a great hero but now they're in danger from being too close, too soon, Toshinori was right to worry and not Nighteye needs to get him to not give Izuku OfA without tipping him off to why, really, they just need to kill AfO first, make sure he's super dead, then maybe the future can change for once... And well, Nighteye doing that certainly complicates Inko's job! Even as the toll of lying for years is really starting to crack through! Because she'll always choose to protect Izuku first, but she can't protect him from AfO now, and even as her second priority she really doesn't want Toshinori to be hurt, so... What can she do?
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