#he’s always watered down to be a spoiled brat with a bad attitude and I hate it
twistedappletree · 1 year
Who is the most perfect character in all of MDZS and why is it Jin Ling?
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heresathreebee · 3 years
Kinktober Day 21 Candle Wax
Selina Kyle X Reader
Tags: 16+ | 1.7k words | jealousy, swearing, almost black widowing, theft, candle wax obvi, and well no sex? I don't know, girls just hit different sometimes and I feel soft about them. 
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AN: Zoe Kravitz as catwoman has me in my feelings and I'm burned out on Rick Flag for the time being. 
You knew Selina in her pre-cat burglary days. Before she was robbing bankers and museums blind, she stole cars from parking lots and took them out for joy rides. 
You've met every single one of her boyfriends– from the kindergarten crushes to her first homerun to her "long standing" back and forth with a foreign exchange student. You always thought she had a type– rich, usually white, and stupid. 
Damn it if you weren't basically obsessed with her. That's how your parents described it anyways, but they didn't understand you growing up and they don't understand you now. Yes, you would jump off a bridge if she asked you to. Because she would be right there with you, holding your hand and screaming the lyrics to a cheesy song as you took a deep drink in the briny water. 
She's your ride or die and that's why the boyfriends never really bothered you. They could never have what you two have, never achieve that level of devotion and commitment that the two of you had forged naturally through thick and thin. 
But you had started rolling your eyes whenever she said the name of her latest sucker and Selina was starting to notice. "What? What's so bad about this one?" 
"He's such a douchebag!" He's truly awful, a spoiled brat that made Veruca Salt look tame by comparison. "He's not even in the will, Seline, they took him out of it when his baby brother was born." 
Selina nodded. "And his brother will inherit the family fortune if Mr and Mrs. Whalen bite it but Charlemagne is going to inherit the key to his grandmother's jewelry box." 
"That the fuck are you going to do with one jewelry box??" 
Selina did not rise to your attitude, she simply replied, "you'll see. I have a plan, sugar, and it's working perfectly." 
You acquiesced and let Selina work. It's just what she does, you reason, she tricks people into getting her close to their riches and robs them. She's not stupid, she's scheming. 
And she's hardly in love with this American Psycho Yuppie. 
She found you sitting in your little rooftop nest with fairy lights and blankets for walls playing animal crossing. 
"Girl you were right." 
"Oh?" Selina hated admitting she was wrong. "Do tell in great detail, please." 
The woman rolled her eyes and sat down taking the handheld game from your hand and starting the save function. "Soooo… Grandmother Whalens passed away this weekend." 
"Damn," you say, "bad for him but good for you…?" 
Selina sighed. "Well it would have been if not for some fine print in her will which stated that even though Charlemagne is supposed to inherit all of her jewelry, there is one person who can veto that decision." 
You nod. "His mother." 
"His cousin," she said. is great-great aunt Marlene Arnold. A person he has literally never even heard of until yesterday." 
You whistle in awe. "That has to sting." 
"Do you wanna know why she vetoed such a seemingly harmless inheritance?" 
You raise an eyebrow. "Come on Selene you're killing me, we don't have all night." 
She was smiling that toothy smile that either meant she was truly amused or deeply enraged. "A fucking pissing match." 
"Marlene has beef with is dad's brother and just to piss him off, she vetoed Charlemagne's inheritance and plans to bury his grandmother with every piece of jewelry except for a pair of cuff links." 
Your jaw drops. "That is un-fucking-believable. No seriously that is petty as shit, girl, I mean– I do not like that brat by any means but holy shit he does not deserve that." 
Selene laughs until she falls against the stack of pillow, breathless. "I know! What a fucking bitch…" 
You lay against the pillows beside her, looking up at the tent display of gathering sheet fabric and gold lights. Selene is quiet for a while and all you can hear is the idle music from your game and the city streets and sirens. 
"You know I was doing it for you…" she said. "Grandma Whalen she uh… she had this necklace that I thought would look amazing on you." 
You roll your eyes. "All that for a necklace? Bullshit." 
Selene chuckled but her heart wasn't in it. "You're right, you know? Not about that but… I don't like them. These guys I mean...
"Not like I like you." 
You almost don't want to acknowledge it. How long had you pined for her, seemingly unnoticed? How many times have you watched her start relations with ulterior motives and leave them heartbroken in dust? What was her endgame here? 
You feel… a sort of anger rise in you. It feels like teasing but she's hit a truly sore, infected spot in your psyche. You're contemplating getting up to just leave and never come back when the entire city of Gotham turns black in the blink of an eye. 
You're afraid for a moment you've gone deaf and blind until you hear the squealing of tires,  breaking glass, and Selina whispering "what the fuck?" 
You sit up and blink a hundred times. Nothing. "Are you OK, Seline?" 
"I'm fine, are you…" 
You reach over her and grab your danish cookie can of emergency supplies. "I have candles and matches. Here–" 
There's a flicker of light in the pitch black that almost blinds you. When your vision clears, it's just Selina with a lighter. She looks at you like she wants to say something but she changes her mind. 
You trade her the lighter for some tea lights and candle holders. You light each of them one at a time and take the tent walls down until the two of you are surrounded by warm candle light on the rooftop. 
Selina checks the radio and finds an emergency broadcast warning of a massive power outage. 
"Probably another supervillain." You roll your eyes like you're bored and it makes her laugh. 
Seline's quiet for a second before she asks hesitantly– " are, uh, you gonna say anything about–" 
You shake your head. "I'm… I'm not ready to have this conversation right now." 
You look away because you can't stand to see the disappointment she can't hide. Your winter jacket becomes a little too warm and you take it off, leaning back on your hands and looking up at the stars. 
"Holy shit, Seline," you whisper, "I bet Gotham sky hasn't looked like this since the fucking dinosaurs." 
The sky is streaked in gold and purple and white. Stars big and small dot the sky horizon to horizon, innumerable and unknowable. A photograph could never truly capture the depth of its beauty. 
Selina has no interest in a rare starry night because she only has eyes for you. 
"That's a new shirt, you go somewhere nice?" 
You look at her incredulously. "I went to that new nightclub on 5th. It's a mile high, pervy Pete let me in VIP for a couple of homemade beignets." 
Selina hums. "The ones with the powdered sugar and honey?" 
You scoff. "You ever know me to make 'em any different?" 
She chuckles longingly. "You right, you right. Why mess with a perfect formula and all that." 
When the laughter dies down you assume its the end of it and go back to stargazing. Selina isn't finished though. 
"It looks good on you. That shirt." 
It's hardly a shirt. More like a bandeau with mesh sleeves. It's making you cold even. You lay back on your jacket and feel the tickle of the fur lining the hood. You wish you could stay here forever, with Selina and pretend like all that other shit doesn't bother you more than you let on. 
Speaking of the devil, she leans over you with a mischievous look. You glare at her but can't decipher right away what's so funny. 
"Can I help you?" 
Selina holds up a white candle with wax melting down the sides. "$2000 says you won't let me draw a rose on your skin with this." 
You open your mouth in shock. "You're nuts. You're an insane person and I know for a fact you do not have $2000." 
"Pussy," Selina teases. "I'm good for it. Have a stash at my old man's place, brick in the wall. Come on…" 
Fuck it. What do you have to lose? You'll hardly get third degree burns from candle wax. "You better be good for it. Good at it." 
Selina chuckles evilly and tips the candle over the holder to get rid of the excess before using it. Now that you're in it you're not sure– 
"Hsssss!" You bite your lip to hold in the HOLYFUCKINGMOTHEROFJOSEPHTHATSFUCKINGHOT that wants to burst forth from your chest like a xenomorph. 
She knows it too and smiles like the cat that got the cream. "You tapping out?" 
"Better be a rose, you bitch," you grunt and brace your hands against the seam of your jeans. 
Selina continues to drip candle wax on your chest, just between your collarbone and along the top of your breast. It fucking burns, you can feel her trying to spiral it in an outward pattern growing larger and large. She sits on your lap for a better position and you unconsciously settle your hands on her hips. 
"You're doing so well," she praises, "almost there… feel free to choke at any point." 
"Fuck you." 
You win. You know you've won when she gives up and admires her handy work. "Got a mirror?" 
Selina takes out her phone and takes a picture instead. It is immediately made her lockscreen, which replaces her previous lockscreen of you drunk dancing on a minigolf court in a tutu and leather jacket. You take a look at the wax art and… "Nice fucking job, Michaelangelo, it's a blob." 
"Hey! It's a rose!," she pouts. 
"It's a shit rose!" 
"Fuck you–" 
"No fuck you– " you were laughing and tickling her sides when she leaned down and kissed you. 
Selina sits back up slowly and gives you a calculated look to see if she just fucked up but you can't bring yourself to mind anymore. 
"No more rich idiot boyfriends," you tell her. "Let's just steal cars and paintings, ok?" 
Selina nods. "Deal. Hey you know I have some safe candle wax in my room... it burns at a lower temperature and we can out it anywhere..."
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dragon-of-dreams · 3 years
My Masterlist
Part 5 to Cracking a Code
1;  2;  3;  4
Pairing: dark!Steve Rogers x Reader (fem)
Warnings: Swearing, gaslighting, stalking, aftermath of noncon, noncon touching, caregiving, but like by Steve, so not really, self-harm references (previous chapter, not premeditated), discussion of eating
Summary: Steve takes you home to “take care” of you.
A/n: I’m not super happy with this chapter… and maybe I’ll redo it sometime in the future, but I just wanted to give you an update. Sorry, that everything takes so long!
Word count: 2,300
The rest of the drive passed in a blur. Steve’s hand hardly left your thigh and you let him. You were so exhausted, you didn’t have the energy to fight him off anymore. You felt yourself retreating into your body, away from the reality of being groped in the fancy sports car of America’s bravest hero.
Steve helped you up the steps to your apartment. You’re entire body was shaking, leaving you on unsteady feet. If you didn’t know better you’d say you were coming down with a fever. But the reason for the shivers coursing through you was so much larger. Not something a few pills could fix. Steve gently led you into your home, almost as if he owned the place, deposited you on the couch, and covered you in a blanket. As he tucked you in, his hands respectful and his touch kind you surfaced for a brief second out of the hole of despair his comment in the car had put you in.
“There you are, angel.” Steve smiled as he noticed how your eyes started to focus a bit. “I’ll make you something to eat. I’ll be right back.” With that, he leaned in and placed the gentlest kiss on your forehead, before retreating to your kitchen. You watched him rummage around in the tiny space adjoining your living room. He looked at ease, at home, and oh so loving. Did yesterday really happen? you wondered. There they were again. Those thoughts you had to brandish all day yesterday as well. You started to stare off into the middle distance; once more slipping away from reality and the physical pain left in your body. You heard Steve tut slightly, the fridge door opening and closing, then the same sound from a bunch of your cabinet doors. Just as you wanted to call out to him, to ask if he needed help, a robotic response drilled into you by your mother, Steve appeared before you almost as if out of thin air. His gait as silent as any other predator’s.
“Darling,” he sounded concerned, “did you eat yet?”
You looked up at him, doe-eyed. “I.. uh… I must have. I have some overnight oats in the fridge, so if there are only three glasses in there, then yeah.” To be honest you couldn’t remember, nothing made sense.
“There’s four, darling… You really gotta eat breakfast! It’s important to keep your strength up, you know?”
“Yeah, yeah… I usually do. I promise” Why do I not wanna make him sad? Why do I want him to be proud of me? You thought bewildered, as you looked into Steve’s worried eyes before all semblance of structured thought left you again to the tide of confusion washing over you and pulling you under.
“Ok, babe, I trust you. I’ll make some now, okay? You just sit tight.” All you could do was nod. It was like it was all happening to someone else. You weren’t really here. You were so far away and so present at the same time that it hurt.
As Steve left you your mind went to war with itself.
Steve wasn’t a good guy. He wasn’t the hero on those posters, was he? But he was making you breakfast, he tucked you in. He sent Bucky to check on you. No… No, he sent Bucky to make sure you didn’t go to the police. Right? Right.
You could feel your mind shut off, drawing you down with it. All that happened, Steve’s non-linear behavior pushing you over the edge. Nothing made sense.
You barely noticed as Steve fed you breakfast, bite by bite, all that registered somewhere deep within you was his calm, deep guiding voice: “One more bite, there you go, good girl” all his encouragement mushing together in your brain, a soothing sensation flowing through your pain-addled brain.
After breakfast, you could feel Steve manipulate your body, as he wrapped himself around you and put on your favorite movie. As you lay there engulfed in the arms of this giant man, accompanied by the sounds of the movie you had watched a million times, you slowly started to become aware of yourself again. The body heat was so soothing and Steve’s deep humming voice pushed the fear that had kept you paralyzed further and further away. Making way for a seething rage, fickle but growing. As you tensed and readjusted your limbs Steve leaned forwards and kissed your temple. “I knew you were still in there, angel. I made some tea. It should still be hot. I put it in a thermos. Let’s talk okay?” Steve carefully helped you sit, every touch his, stoking the anger burning through you. Then, oblivious to the shift in your mood, he got up to grab the tea and cups as you looked around as if you were seeing your place for the first time. It no longer held the feeling of safety that comes with any good home. All you could see was Steve controlling you, in the TV that was slightly turned, the smell of his cologne on your couch, the dirty pans in the sink.
When Steve came back, your head was much clearer and you carefully reached for your cup and made sure to keep your distance from Steve as subtly as you could. Whatever was to come, was going to be important.
“You know darling, you will have to be nicer to Bucky. He’s only trying to help when I can’t be there. New York is dangerous, always has been. No one knows that better than me and Buck. He texted me, saying you were really rude on the train this morning, and quite frankly, darling, I’m disappointed that I even have to say this, but you have to appreciate what we do for you, okay?” Steve’s voice is calm, collected, and rational. There is nothing but honest concern in it for a moment it disrupts the anger building within you. “It’s time to play nice with Bucky now, okay? Be nice to him, maybe even as nice as you have been for me, understand?”
It’s the last sentence that sets you off, Steve’s expectant gaze, belittling you, that makes you blow your lid.
“What? What are you talking about? Play nice? I wasn’t being nice to you! I don’t want your protection or your attention, or Bucky’s for that matter!” Your voice is rising, as you grip your cup of tea so tight its heat sears your palms. “Get out of my life!” you yell. Then like a bucket of cold water realization sets in. Every muscle in Steve’s body tightens, you see his body expand with the change, looming over you, blacking out the window. You expect Steve to yell, beat you up, but when you dare to look up at his face, it is almost passive, but there is danger burning beneath his façade.
“I understand this is difficult for you.” Steve’s voice turns harder with every word. You notice the missing pet name like a slap to your face. “But I am getting pretty tired of this conversation. You need to rain in that attitude of yours, okay? Because I won’t tolerate you being a spoiled brat who doesn’t see what’s best for them. I’m looking out for you here, taking care of you, something you apparently struggle with,” with that Steve gestures at the remnants of your breakfast, the one he had to make for you, “and all I expect in return is some gratitude, towards me and towards Bucky. This is not up for discussion. And if you can’t behave, you’ll have to deal with the consequences, young lady. Is that understood?” By the end of his speech, Steve has risen to his feet, towering over you, his voice booming to fill your apartment, while you cower into the sofa. Your breathing is shallow and you are petrified. It feels too much like last night. When you didn’t have a choice either. And everything he was saying was making sense. New York was dangerous. And you really were terrible at feeding yourself correctly… Those oat thingies were just the newest thing you were trying in your never-ending quest to live more healthily… Usually, your job took preference over clean living. And Bucky hadn’t done anything to you either. He’d just been there to watch out for you… Steve, well… Steve really had done that, but he also held you today, when your brain shut down and made you food. He could have just left you at work, where you surely would’ve gotten nothing done or even caused trouble if you fucked up your work…
Shakily you nod and watch some of the tension leave Steve’s body and he crouches down in front of you. “Good, I knew you were smart like that. Now we can either go have a bath and soothe your body or you can freak out again and then I swear I’ll make you bear the consequences of your behavior for real this time. So what’s it gonna be, princess?”
You stare at him for a second. How is he so rational? Why does this all make sense? Authority has always been your weakness, and so you just nod because what the Captain says goes, and you learned that the hard way, and let Steve lead you to the bathroom. Maybe you will get to lay in his arms again and hear him praise you. It felt so good when he held you on the couch. You were safe in his arms. All you want is to be back in his embrace. Where the harsh reality can’t hurt you. So you allow Steve to strip you down, as hot water pours into your tub.
Suddenly Steve’s grip on your hip tightens painfully, as yanks your jeans off of you. You look down, scared, and find him staring at the bruises you must have caused yourself in the shower this morning when you were trying to wash the night away. “What is this? Explain, now!” he seethes and turns his scorching gaze towards you.
“I, when I showered, I, I just wanted to get clean…” you stammer.
“Clean? Clean! You hurt yourself! Jeez! How dare you do something like that to yourself? I really can’t let you out of my sight for one second, can I? Gotta watch you like a little kid!”
You feel a pang in your heart. You weren’t trying to be bad! You want to tell Steve, but he just turns off the water, grabs your upper arm, and drags you from the bathroom into your bedroom. As you stumble after him, you try to figure out what is happening.
“Steve?” you plead as he sits down on the bed and puts you over his lap.
“No, darling, not anymore. I have been way too kind to you so far, but apparently, the nice approach doesn’t work with you. So discipline is what you get.” He thunders, and then his hand is hitting your bum with enough force to make you scream. It happened so fast that your head is spinning.
As you lie across his lap everything felt like it’s wrapped in cotton. So much skin-to-skin contact fries your over-worked and touch-starved brain into submission as Steve’s hand is raining down on your ass, painting it crimson. You burst into tears without any control over yourself. “Steve,” you sob, “Steve please, I didn’t mean to, I swear, Steve!” and just as those words leave your mouth, he stops, picks you up, and hugs you close. Your nerve endings sing at the close contact and you sag into him, all tension leaving your body. His hands draw soothing circles on your back as he holds you tight.
“I got you baby.” Steve whispers as he settles you on the bed, “I know that hurt, but I needed you to see, you know?”
You cry and nod, burrowing into his hulking form hovering over you.
“I’ll make it better baby, I’ll make it all good, now,” Steve murmurs, as he leans in to kiss your forehead, while his right hand comes down and starts to play with your clit. “Oh darling, look at you! You’re already wet for me, aren’t you?” Only then do you register the slick coating your thighs, embarrassed you want to turn from him, but Steve cages you in. “It’s okay babe, no reason to be shy about it. There is nothing wrong with wanting your man. Really, it just shows that you understand my discipline with you. I’m real proud of you, angel, real proud.” He mutters as he spreads your lips and slips two fingers in. You can’t help but moan and arch into him.
Steve is nothing but kind and soft with you as he readjusts both of your bodies until he sinks into your heat, and you both moan in unison. “There we go, darling. See how good I can be for you? There we go.” As he starts moving, slow and deep within you peace settles over you. “I’ll make you forget all that pain, babe, it’ll all be gone in just a minute now.” His fingers are rubbing circles around your clit while he keeps murmuring sweet encouragements into your ears as you climb and climb towards an orgasm that is so deep that it leaves you boneless in Steve’s arms until he finishes with a broken grunt deep inside of you. As Steve settles you in his arms after you can’t remember the last time you felt this sated, as you drift into a deep sleep with Steve’s spend slowly trickling out of you. For a split second, before you fall asleep the horror of what is happening to you is clear in your mind, but then, thankfully, once more your exhaustion pulls you under.
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pretty-bratty · 4 years
Baby Can You See Through The Tears Teasers
I'm finally doing it.
Thank you SO MUCH to everyone who reads, loves, waits this fic and keeps up with my procrastinating ass. It truly means the world to me. Thank you all.
Special huge thank you to @dracula-incarnate who not only hyped me to post these teasers and to write in general, but also hypes and supports me in everything all the way, and also proof read everything as my beta. I wouldn't post them without you, thank you so much.
So, under the cut are the teasers - different bits of future chapters. At the beginning of each one there's a short explanation of the scene. The warnings are the usual for this fic, and it makes sense to read it only reading fic, but just in case: dom/sub stuff and the beginning of the punishment-spanking scene. Uh...I think it's all.
If you like it, it would mean so much if you let me know your thoughts.🌠 I'm nervous and really hope it lives up to your expectations, uhhh.
Baby Can You See Through The Tears Teasers
1. (The boys want to radio Eleven to calm Steve down over the fact that his blood got in the water at the end of the previous chapter): 
It takes Billy quite some time to find the walkie-talkie in the mess that Harrington turned his room into. The scolding he wants to give him is dancing on the tip of his tongue. He wonders if he's ever going to have a nice, relaxing, calm day with Harrington. And the most obvious answer leaves him unpleased. 
Steve stares at him with those baby deer eyes, full of fear and hope. Fear of the darkness, and hope that Billy is going to save him from all the monsters inhabiting it. And dammit if Billy isn't going to do exactly that.
"You think it's gonna work?" Harrington's whisper is barely audible in the thick silence of his room. 
Billy honestly has no idea, but Steve doesn't need to know that.
"Yeah. Of course it is, pretty boy." 
He still has no idea when he finally ends up finding the walkie - thrown on a chair in a tangled mess of jeans. Really, Steve? Billy kind of toys with the idea of radioing Max first; and he would, if it was a bit earlier. 
But the second he turns the walkie on, it comes to life with a calm and collected voice. 
"I am here." 
Billy jumps. Steve gasps, almost knocking the nightlight off the drawer. 
"How...what are you doing here, kid?" Billy cringes immediately. First, it's kind of a stupid question since he’s the one who originally was going to reach out. Secondly, he sounds exactly like the Chief. 
"You needed me." El's voice is clear and somber. Billy pictures her serious, concentrated face. Sometimes he feels like they have a lot in common; something deep down in the girl's eyes speaks to him in a language he feels only he can understand. "You needed me and I am here." 
2. (Just some atmospheric bits):
It's still warm, despite the pouring rain. They dragged the loungers under the porch awning and now sit there. Watching the streams of water falling everywhere. Watching it dance on the pool's surface. Playing the fastest drumbeat Billy's ever heard. He can't say he loves the rain.  Actually, he really doesn't like it at all; but this, today's rain… it brings some much needed peace to his soul. 
Harrington seems to appreciate it as well, considering how he hums contentedly, laying across the loungers, head in Billy's lap. He only stirs a few times, squirming, nose scrunched. Billy supposes it's because of his freshly spanked ass touching the lounger's hard surface. He chuckles under his breath at the thought, scratching the boy's head. 
Harrington looks up at him with big brown eyes that are red rimmed and tired, yet warm. Always so warm and comforting. He gives Billy a little content smile and lays back down, cheek pressed to Billy's thigh, skin on skin. 
Billy cards his fingers through this wild, absolutely lush mane of brown hair. And it suddenly shoots through him… this boy is his. Not just simply his. Not like he was Wheeler's - okay, Billy, better not think about it. No need to get angry - but in many, many more ways. 
Harrington trusts him unconditionally in everything. Absolutely everything. And Billy's has way more power, belonging, and responsibility than he has ever dared to have before. 
He cuddles the boy in closer to himself. His hold on him perhaps a bit too tight. His heart chattering wildly. Harrington looks up again; eyes a bit puzzled, questioning, but Billy gives him a calming smile and a gentle tug on his hair. 
The rain is soothing. Heavy streams drumming everywhere in the Harringtons' posh backyard. Making everything wet and fresh and transparent green. Somehow still so full of light. Like you're looking at the world through a green-glass bottle. 
"I was kinda afraid of swimming before that, y'know…" Harrington says suddenly, without moving. Billy doesn't see his face. "Before B… before B-Barb." 
He shivers when he says the name, and Billy holds him closer, frowning. 
"How come? I thought you loved splashing in the pool and all?" 
3. (Some Billy, Steve and Max snippet, at Steve's place): 
"Let's build a pillow fort!" Harrington throws all these gigantic pillows and blankets on the floor in front of TV. Almost knocking down some vase in the process; Billy's pretty sure it must cost a small fortune. Mrs. Harrington would be really grateful to Billy for catching it at the last moment. 
"Jeez," Max breathes out. "Pillow fort, ice cream and movies? Everyone else will lose their shit!"
"We won't tell them." Harrington frowns, apparently not wanting any of his gremlin gang to feel left out. Billy rolls his eyes so hard it hurts.
"Oh no," Max smirks. "We're definitely telling them!"
Billy snorts. Harrington looks between them, a smile playing on his lips.
"You two sure you're not blood related?"
4. (Same part, they're going to watch a movie, Billy told them no scary movies):
Max smirks.
"Let's put on a scary movie. Billy will want to know how it ends so he'll grumble but watch it."
Billy watches them quietly from the kitchen doorway. He's on his way back with their bowls of ice cream, and that's when he hears Max mentioning a horror movie. Now he's too curious about how Harrington’s going to act since he's not directly with him. 
Yesterday he'd definitely put it on, just to spite Billy. Let's see if today's lesson taught him anything.
The boy squirms in his spot, wide eyes darting around.
"But he told us not to. He'll be pissed."
Max just rolls her eyes.
"You realize he's not as scary as he thinks he is, right?
Billy gapes at the statement, because true - but excuse her! 
Steve's voice is low.
"Mmm- well, yeah. He's not, but..."
'...But his belt on my ass definitely is!' is clearly written across his face. Billy puts a hand over his mouth, juggling the bowls and trying not to snort out loud and blow his cover. 
Harrington bites his lower lip.
"But he specifically told us not to. I think it would be nice to listen to him, don't you, Max? And like, a comedy sounds pretty good to me right now."
Billy can just burst with pride for his boy.
Max rolls her eyes once more, but only for the sake of her reputation. Then she gets up and picks a comedy. Secretly, she's actually pretty excited about it. At least from what Billy can see. 
5. (Different bits for the spanking scene):
"Now, come here. And bring me that brush," Billy squints at the wooden hairbrush laying on Harrington's desk. 
"What?" The boy knits his brows together in confusion. "You gonna… brush my hair?"
"Oh darling," Billy chuckles darkly, shaking his head. He almost feels guilty due to Steve's innocent, obvious confusion. "No. I'm gonna make sure I ingrain the consequences of giving me attitude, like yesterday's little outburst, in your precious head."
Billy swirls the brush in his hand. It's pretty heavy. Wide too. He feels bad for the boy - well, almost.
He jerks his head in a curt nod, and Harrington sits near him nervously. Billy taps the brush on his palm, making a thud, and hears a quiet sharp inhale.
"I'm going to punish you now," Billy looks at Harrington closely, catching every little detail. How he licks his lips, throat working. How he squirms, big brown eyes watching Billy's every move. "You got my belt a couple of days ago, so it might be too soon for a second round on that lil' ass of yours." 
The boy's cheeks and ears were growing darker and darker shades of red.
"You deserve something harder than just my hand though. Acted like a total spoiled brat too; so s' pretty fitting, I guess. Dontcha, Stevie?"
Harrington just whimpers weakly, eyeing the brush in Billy's hands.
"I asked if you think it's fitting, Steve?" 
Billy let's some steel slip into his tone, and the boy shudders. 
"It's-it's gonna sting..." his voice is small, but he's still whining.
Such a brat. Billy growls.
"Yes, it is." He fixes Harrington with a stern look, slapping the brush on his own palm at the same time. "Your spankings are supposed to sting. It's a punishment. And you deserve a punishment, don't you?"
Billy's setting his jaw, asking for the last time. If the boy decides to keep being a brat, he can take the belt after a brush too. And apparently, Harrington senses it.
"I do." He whispers miserably. Glancing at Billy and correcting himself immediately, licking his lips and flushing more. "I do think I deserve this punishment, Billy."
Billy nods, spreading his legs wider and laying the brush on the bed next to him. 
"Get over my lap."
"What??" Harrington flushes red to the roots of his fluffy hair. "I...what...No! I'm not some fucking toddler!"
Billy flares his nostrils, breathing in and out. If Max ever dares to accuse him of lacking patience ever again, so help him...
"Could've fooled me." He speaks in a quiet, terrifying growl. "Acting exactly like one."
Harrington gulps.
"Up. Bend. Over my knee, ass in the air." Billy orders in a low voice, no room for discussion left. "Tell me 'No' one more time during the punishment, and see what happens, pretty boy."
Harrington inhales sharply and almost jumps up, legs wobbly. Then tiptoes around and finally lowers himself across Billy's lap; eyes squeezed shut, cheeks and ears tomato red.
Billy immediately manhandles him into position. Leaving one knee under Steve and hooking the other leg over the boy's thighs, holding him successfully in place. Gonna come in handy when Harrington starts squirming and trying to kick - and Billy already knows it's gonna happen. 
Billy looks down, sees Harrington's messy mop of brown hair. His hands nervously fidgeting on the floor. Billy yanks his shorts down rather harshly, and there's a gasp, followed by a little, scared whimper.
"Gonna squirm again, huh?" Billy bounces his knee a bit.
"Uh...y-yeah," a quiet, honest, reply from Steve surprises him.
Billy hums, running his hand up and down Harrington's boxers-clad ass.
"I'll take that as I should hold you during all your punishments from now on, hm, baby?"
There's a sniff and a quiet ‘please’ from Harrington.
"Sure, pretty boy. Setting it as a rule then." Billy puts his hand on the small of the boy's back, holding him in place. He hears almost a relieved sigh.
"No fighting. Sit still. You're not allowed to cover your pretty ass, got it?"
"Yes, Billy."
Billy watches his own hands on the waistband of Harrington's Calvins, snapping it at his skin lightly.
"Tell me why are you getting spanked now, baby?" He smirks, feeling how the boy flushes at the word ‘spanked’; emphasizing it for a bigger effect.
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couldyouspeakmyname · 3 years
OK I HAVE A BEASTARS OC AND I AM GOING TO TELL YOU ABOUT IT: (you don’t have to answer if you don’t feel like it, kind of just dumping information for myself and maybe you to share with other people /gen )
(Template made by Mandy on Amino, go check them out :) )
Also, I tried to make this so that there was other canon character, but I realized that I had so many oc’s I might as well make a new kind of universe following the beastars world-building stuff
So basically a fancy furry world but the world-building is based on Beastars
I apologize in advance for the spelling (I didn’t check/edit this :p) and also the long form (I like details lol)
Full name: Cecelia Aksha Brown
Pronunciation: Cecelia (s-E-s-e-l-E-a) Aksha (pronounced how it’s spelled) Brown (B-r-ow-n)
Nickname(s) or Alias: Blind One (Given by Doctor Cato, her doctor), Lead vocalist of Athaza (Given by fans), Cece (Given by Naomi, a friend), Dead Legs (Given by Emily, the lead vocalist in the rival band)
Band Name: Athaza
Reason for band name: Cece originally wanted to name her band based off of a phobia she had, so she searched up her greatest fear (the fear of being forgetting, being forgotten, ignored, and/or replaced) and found out that the world was Athazagoraphobia. And that was like a really, really long word (both for her and me, the author, to write down) so she chose to shorten it to Athaza.
Gender: female
Species: Black Tiger
Age: 28
Birthday: September 1st
Sexuality: pansexual, poly, asexual
Religion: Atheist
City or town of birth: Belgum
Currently lives: Belgum (although she hardly even goes home, with her work being on the move and all, it is hard for her to get a break and relax in her own home.)
Languages spoken: Japanese
Native language: English
Relationship Status: single and happy about it (she doesn’t have time for a relationship when she is always on the move, and with her job, she just won’t have time to take care of someone else when she can barely take care of herself)
Height: body length is 4’5, shoulder height is 31 inches, tail length is 24 inches
Weight: 220
Figure/build: she is very small and tiny for a tiger (being the smallest measurements that a tiger can be at). Her eyes tend to be more rounded and bigger then most tiger’s.
Hair color: she dyed her hair a split dye, half a dark and almost dusty blue and the other half black (left half dusty blue and right half black)
Hairstyle: ummm, idk how to describe it but like the Levi styled hair
Facial Hairstyle: N/A
Eye color: electric blue
Skin/fur/etc color: she has a white base color with black stripes, ears, shape on chest that looks like a broken heart, and tail-tip
Tattoos: she has the words “heaven“ written on her knee, and a tongue piercing of a pentagram
Piercings: double piercings and a tongue piecing in the middle of the pentagram
Scars/distinguishing marks: she has a long light pink scar running up the left side of her leg (and she still can’t walk that good on her last leg, causing her to limp), and her right eye has a long scar running down it and she is blinded on that side
Preferred style of clothing: alternative
Frequently worn jewellery/accessories: lots of silver rings
Smoker?Drinker?Recreational Drug User? Which?Addictions: N/A (she doesn’t have any addictions, although she might drink from time-to-time. She doesn’t mind other people doing those things around her)
Allergies: pollen
Any physical ailments/illnesses/disabilities: she can never walk on her left leg again and she is half blind in her right eye
Any medication regularly taken: N/A
Personality: funny, smart, protective, loyal, patient, clumsy, fearful, childish, disorganized, and forgetful
Likes: flowers, bee’s, singing, and playing Instruments
Dislikes: arguments, spoiled brats, discrimination (as she should), and sour foods (she has a sweet tooth)
Fears/phobias: Athazagoraphobia
Favorite color: gray, black, dark purple, brown
Hobbies: singing to music, listening to music, picking flowers
Taste in music: she is the lead vocalist to a scream rock band, however, she likes listening folk music more
Talents/skills: she can sing well and learn instruments quickly
Ability to drive a car? Operate any other vehicles?: she can drive a care and that is pretty much it (although she doesn’t usually need to drive a car since her band is on tour 99% of the time and they have a driver to take them places)
Omnivore/Carnivore/Herbivore (Vegetarian): carnivore
Favourite food(s): steak
Favorite drink(s): Monster Energy and coffee
Disliked food(s): insects
Disliked drink(s): tea
Describe the character's house/home: she has a pretty large home, the house is hidden deep in the forest and is mostly covered by the tree’s.
Do they share their home with anyone? Who?: She shares the house with he rest of her band
Significant/special belongings: a picture of her parents
Level of education: high
Qualifications: singer
Current job title and description: lead vocalist in band
Peaceful or aggressive attitude?: peaceful, she hates getting into fights with people
Fighting skills/techniques: she has her claws and her teeth (also carries a taser, just in case,)
Special skills/magical powers/etc: N/A
Weapon of choice (if any): taser
Weaknesses in combat: she is very slow and not skilled in combat
Strengths in combat: she is impulsive and that usually benefits her
Parents names: Chanda (Mother), Sarendar (Father)
Are parents alive or dead?: dead (died by some unknown prisoners killing them in jail)
Partner/Spouse: N/A
Children: she can barely take care of herself, what makes you think she can take care of a living, breathing, child that does nothing but cry?
Best Friend: Galen (best friend, convinced her to start the band, drum player in band), Naomi (enemies turned friends, joined the band shortly after it formed, lead guitarist)
Other Important Friends: Khalo (band member, back up vocalist), Futun (band member, second drum player), Bilwa (band member, any other position that needs to be filled in),
Acquaintances: Davi (driver for the band), Doctor Cato (his doctor for years)
Pets: Root (a yellow tabby cat)
Enemies?: Emily
Why are they enemies?: they are in rival band‘s, and also Emily makes fun of Cece for being half blind and having a limp
Describe their childhood (newborn - age 10):
She had a normal childhood (as normal as a main character’s childhood can get that is). Her parents nearly forced her to join their religion but Cece refused. Soon they argued almost every day, some days is was about grades, some days it was about religion, while others it was about her sexuality.
Describe their  teenage years (11 - 19):
The arguments got so bad that she couldn’t bare it any longer, the moment she turned eighteen she ran away from her parents house and went to her friends house (Galen). Soon the two of them formed a band.
Describe their adult:
Once the band got kind of popular, she was living her best life. So she chose to forgive her parents for what they did to her. She went over to their house for Thanksgiving, her parents asked if she could spend the night. Cede was happy to (seeing how she didn’t see her parents in so many years). While Cece was sleeping her Mother got some water and boiled it, adding some sugar and waitI got 15 minutes for it to cook. Once it was done, her Mother poured the boiling water on her own daughter. Cece screamed from the pain, once her Father heard her screams he rushed into her room and called 911. Cece was admitted into the hospital with burns across her legs, arms, and face. The sugar made the burns extra hard to get off and Cece spent multiple weeks in the hospital. Her Father was found guilty of letting her Mother attempt to murder Cece and Cece’s Mother was found guilty of attempting to kill her own daughter. They both got time in jail together, in the jail cell every prison found out what they did and some unknown prisoners beat up Cece’s mother and Father. Cece was left with a blinded eyes and a leg that was doomed to never work the rest of her life
That sounds fun!! I'm assuming it's kind of an AU then?
Also, it's a real shame more characters in Beastars don't dye their fur. It could be fun, but then again...it'd be difficult?
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bloodyshadow1 · 4 years
Beaujester week 2020 Day 3 Dance
    Jester was bored and disappointed.  When they, The Mighty Nein, received word that the Empire was holding a royal ball in celebration of the war with the Dynasty coming to a quick close, she had been excited.  She had been extra excited when she found out that they were going to be on the guest list due to their efforts to push for peace.  She thought it would be nice to be at a big party where there would be nice music, fancy people in fancy clothes, expensive food, it was supposed to be something out of a fairytale.  
    The others weren’t into it, at least not as much as Jester.  Veth seemed okay with the fancy food, but regretted that she couldn’t bring Yeza, the Empire still believed he was either dead or a Dynasty prisoner, she couldn’t afford to reveal him.  Caduceus was optimistic, at least he seemed to be okay with going, to him it was just another party like the one in Nicodranas.  Fjord was cautious, he didn’t think it would be great for all of them to go since they tend to be embarrassments, but his opinion didn’t really matter.  Caleb was being cautious too, both a bit too much and a bit too little, like he normally was when it came to the Assembly and their wizards.  Yasha seemed ambivalent, she didn’t mind but crowds would make her uncomfortable. 
Beau…, Beau seemed the most against going,  Jester understood why, Beau didn’t like fancy clothes or expensive food, she had grown up a rich girl in a big house and hated every moment of it.  Jester was glad that she got Beau the suit that she seems to love to wear instead of a dress.  She looked nice, really pretty, in Jester’s red dress, but she didn’t look right.  In the suit that Jester bought her though, she looked amazing, pretty and handsome…, it didn’t matter.  Still, as a member of the Cobalt Soul Beau had to be present in case anything was said or she could overhear anything that the Soul would require.  Yudala Fon would be there as the High Curator of the Rexentrum branch of the Soul, but they would be watched fair more intently by the Cerberus Assembly or other powers in the Empire who saw the Soul as a threat.  Beauregard as a younger member who wasn’t wearing the raiments of the Soul, it would be easier for to move among the crowd unnoticed.  
It wasn’t fair to Beau, but Jester was happy that they were going to the ball held by the King.  At least she had been, now that they’re here, it was so boring.  They split up once they got inside which wasn’t so bad since it was the plan, Caleb went off with Veth, with Fjord and Caduceus nearby to intercept any wizards who might try to corner him.  Jester went off with Yasha and Beau, but they got separated in the crowds.  It was easy to see Yasha who was a head taller than most of the guests that were invited, and her size made them part like water before her.  Despite her trepidation, Beau managed to blend in with the crowd better than anyone in the group.
The people were so boring, they were all dressed in clothes worth thousands of gold and they were mostly boring.  Men in suits or robes, women in the newest fashions that they could afford, that left them all looking pretty much the same.  The food was okay, it was definitely expensive, but nothing like the spread at the party thrown in Nicodranas before the war.  The music was okay too, if Jester was being charitable, it was a couple musicians playing classical Dwendalian music.  There were no vocals, not that there was a way to compete with the Ruby of the Sea, but it was very plain classic songs.  There were people dancing, but it was the boring kind of dancing that was slow and none of the couples looked all that happy with their partner.  
Jester was quickly set upon by a few men who seemed eager to spend time with the exotic looking blue woman in the outlandish dress.  Currently she was dancing with a young man who was taller than her with sandy blond hair, Someone Something who was the Son of Someoneelse who owned land Somewhere.  He had said it a few times when he introduced himself, apparently his family was one of the wealthiest and most powerful amongst Jester’s would be suitors so the rest backed off for now so Jester couldn’t even use one of them as an excuse.  
“You truly have the most wonderful eyes Ms. Jester,” he said with his eyes looking far more south than her eyes.  
“Thank you,” Jester tried to say as nicely as she could.  He had been at least slightly charming and good looking enough at first and Jester had always wanted to dance at a fancy ball like this so she had agreed to a dance.  Three dances later,  his leery eye and braggadocious attitude had gotten old, and this was their forth dance together.  “For the compliment and the dance, unfortunately I have something I must attend to,” she said curtsying and before turning away.
“Oh come now,” The man said, grabbing her wrist to stop her, “one more dance.”
“I’m sorry,” Jester said evenly, she could tell the man was trying to show off how strong he was with the wrist grabbing.  “But unfortunately, like I said I have things to do so I need to leave.”
“I don’t think you understand,” the man said, his faux charming tone dropped, “I have decided that a lovely woman like you is just what I need to make this night entertaining and I always get what I want.”  The grip he had on Jester’s wrist tightened, to make his point.
This man might be a threat to other young women, but Jester had faced far more dangerous men and monsters.  A spoiled brat that couldn’t take a no, that was the reason why she had to leave Nicodranas in the first place, she wasn’t afraid of him.  “I understand perfectly,” Jester said, easily breaking the angry man’s grip with her deceptive strength, shocking the man.  “You are a spoiled brat and very rude.  I agreed to dance with you and I have, now I am done because I don’t want to dance with you anymore.  You’re making a scene and I am not going to humor you any longer.”
The man’s face turned red, then purple, as Jester told him off he looked ready to shout at her but before he could Jester was interrupted.  “There you are my dear,” Beau came striding over as if she was some puffed up noble, “I know you enjoy dancing with the menfolk, but really I think you’ve spent enough time teasing,” she said and offered Jester a hand away.
For a moment Jester could stare at Beau, looking so beautiful in her suit, coming over to rescue her like a knight in shining armor from the stories.  But it was the way Beau looked at her that made Jester feel warm, her big blue eyes burned with a desire to protect Jester.  It didn’t matter if Jester could have handled things, Jester was just glad Beau came to help her.  With a giggle and a curtsy Jester took Beau’s hand. “I’m sorry my love,” she said playing along, “but I wouldn’t have to spend as much time teasing if you would just dance with me.  It’s not my fault I have to seek out other forms of entertainment while you indulge in the buffet.”
“Excuse me,” the young man Jester was dancing with said interrupting them, “I was talking to her.”
Beau gave the man child a haughty look up and down, and laughed at him, “and now I’m talking to her, and I’m much more important than you are so go away.”
“I’ll have you know I can -,”
“Can what,” Beau cut him off.  “Can get into a fight with your betters and humiliate your family, to the point where your father puts you aside for one of your numerous bastard siblings?  Go away, you’re not worth it when I have my sweet to talk to.”
For a moment the man seemed like he wanted to say something, but while Jester, for all her power looked sweet and innocent. Beau, with her face covered in scars and hard eyes didn’t.  “You haven’t heard the last of me,” he shouted with his tail between his legs.
“Now that that’s over,” Beau said, “you want to dance,” she asked the other woman at the other end of her arm as Beau of the Mighty Nein, her best friend, her roommate, her something more. 
“Yeah,” Jester said smiling, she wanted to dance with her monk in a sharp suit.
This is late, and I’ll admit the ending wasn’t my favorite, but it’s already late and I made the mistake of going into the Beaujester tag for inspiration, but while there were good art and stories, there are so many assholes in the tag bitching and moaning about how their ship is better than others and garbage like that.  That much negativity just sucks the creativity out of me. Still, I did my best to push through and finish this. I hope you enjoy it
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slxyangel · 5 years
Unspoken (Tommy Lee x Reader)
Summary: The conversation you had most dreaded had finally arrived, and the outcome was going to be ugly, at the very least.
Wordcount: 2.6k
Warnings: angst, cursing, mentions of violence, literally the SMALLEST mentions of sex, fluffy ending.
A/N: Nothing really. Just don’t judge too hard, I’m new, and English isn’t my first language. Enjoy :)
Masterlist: https://slxyangel.tumblr.com/post/189625800403/masterlist
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The vase flew across the room as flowers and water were scattered all over the floor. It hit the wall right next to Tommy’s head. Shit, that was close.
- IT MEANS EXACTLY WHAT I SAID, YOU FUCKING HYSTERICAL BITCH- Tommy yelled, with his eyes wide open and his index finger pointing at you - AND STOP THROWING THINGS AT ME.
- I WOULD IF YOU WEREN’T BEHAVING LIKE AN ABSOLUTE DOUCHEBAG - you said as you grabbed a book and threw it in his direction. This time, it hit him on the stomach.Tommy caught the book right before it fell and walked towards you in two impressively long steps, only to grab your wrists before you had the time to throw him the ashtray you were already holding.
- ARE YOU REALLY TELLING ME TO CALM DOWN?? - you argued, unsuccessfully trying to escape from his grip -  REALLY??? AFTER WHAT HAPPENED IN YOUR HOUSE???
Shit, shit, shit.
You had overstepped. The blatant contrast between a long while of yelling and the absolute silence that now reigned in the living room told you so. And the worst of all was that you had done it consciously.You knew how much Tommy loved his mum and how sacred their bond was to him. For this reason, you were conscious about the fact that particularly this conversation topic was some tricky business, but you couldn’t contain it anymore.
You had sensed in what ways Vassiliki was a loving mother, a caring wife and a good person in general terms. Only you didn’t feel like she acted that way towards you. From the very first time you had met her, you had been able to feel the looks of disdain she often gave you, or the slight but still noticeable shifts in her voice tone when she talked to you. You just didn’t know why. At the beginning you told yourself it was all a product of your imagination, you had been nervous for weeks before meeting Tommy’s parents, so your suggested mind could be playing tricks on you. But within time, you thought maybe it wasn’t exactly like that.
You had been avoiding to tell your boyfriend because you didn’t think it was a major drawback, and you knew how much he adored her. You didn’t want to take the role of the abducting girlfriend who sets her partner against everything and everyone important in his life, so you would just put up with the animosity until it faded away, because it eventually would, right?
That night hadn’t been particularly rough, not rougher than the others in any case, but it was the last straw. After the shitshow that was your family dinner, the ride home was rather silent. Tommy could sense something was wrong. I mean, he was oblivious, but he wasn’t dumb, so once you two got home he asked you why the attitude. After such a long night, the last thing you wanted was to fight with your boyfriend. All you needed was for him to take you upstairs, fuck you senseless and cuddle you until the planet fell from its axis. And although your head was filled with red lights and voices screaming that answering his questions would start a war, Tommy really knew how to push your buttons so, long story short, vases started flying.
And now there you were, standing in front of the love of your life, staring at him and about to deal with the consequences you yourself provoked when you couldn’t bite your tongue hard enough.Tommy was looking at you with widened eyes, a subtle frown and massive amounts of disappointment in his expression. He seemed half surprised, because he would have never expected you to say something like that, half hurt, for obvious reasons. You felt your heart shrinking a little bit just with the look on his face. You had fucked up good and proper.
- Tommy, I’m so so…
But he didn’t give you the time to finish your sentence. He swung the door open and shut it close behind him, living you with a feeling of guilt, the urge to chase after him and the certainty that doing so would be a worse solution than your accusation had been a problem. In the air, the noise of his departure and a million words unspoken.
How could she say that? I’m serious, how could she? What kind of abrasive bile must have she had inside of her to be able to say that without even flinching. I was livid.
I am not the biggest fan of leaving problems unsolved and arguments unfinished. Issues need to be addressed and things need to be talked through. Communication is necessary, especially in a romantic relationship, because it means that you trust your partner, and that is the key to it all. It has to be. And boy I fucking know it, my life had taught me the hard way: silence equals death.
Still, even with that mantra smashing my brain like a hammer, I left my girlfriend stranded in our own house in the middle of an argument; in the middle of her sentence. But I had to. I didn’t know what else to do. In fact, I didn’t know what would have happened if I hadn’t left the way I did. I didn’t want to think about it.
I had been driving for almost two hours. My first reflect the moment I stepped out of the house was to get in my car, and since i couldn’t decide where to go in the middle of the mental storm, I would do it along the way. But I hadn’t decided anything, I just drove. Driving always made me feel relaxed; concentrating on all of the small tasks I had to synchronize helped me focus on something other than my thoughts, it gave me perspective, and that was exactly what I needed in that moment.
In fact, now that I saw it coldly, what hurted me the most wasn’t her attack. I mean, come on, we all throw low blows in the heat of an argument once in a while. Or more often than that. I have. I can understand it. But no, what worried me was how come she hadn’t told me before.
For the way she was ranting at home all those things about my mum, it didn’t seem like the problem had only existed since that very night. No, that much anger and rampage had to be coming from a long time ago. But how much? How much time had she been feeling like that, suffering in silence? Dude, I love my mother, but I better than anyone know that sometimes she can be really petty, I inherited that wonderful trait from her. So why didn’t Y/N tell me? Doesn’t she trust me enough? What did she expect me to answer, that made her scared enough to chose to bear with that pain alone? What did I do? What didn’t I do?
Shit, my head was going to explode. I was definitely going to have to face the issue at some point, and I was running out of gas, so I had two options: heading to the nearest gas station and keep wandering around, or going back home. As much as we had a huge fight, I didn’t really feel like ending up in the middle of nowhere, forced to sleep in the car, so it was going to have to be option two. Besides, I was now cold-headed enough to talk things like the adult I sometimes wish I wasn’t.
When I got home, I was received by a darkened room and a silent house. Y/N’s wallet and keys were on the table, so she mustn’t have left. Good. It was past 4 a.m, so she was probably already sleeping. Good. At least I didn’t have to confront her straight away. I turned around to close the main door, when I found a small light-yellow post-it sticked to it.
It was Y/N’s handwriting.
In the dim light of the lamp from the hall I was able to see a few more papers sticked to the wall of the stairs in front of me. I reached for the first one and started reading the note on it.
I’M GLAD YOU CAME BACK (cause if you’re reading this it’s because you have), I HOPE YOUR TIME AWAY WAS PRODUCTIVE, OR, AT LEAST, ENJOYABLE.
Yeah, pretty much. All I did was consume the gas tank and get to zero useful conclusions, so I would say we can call that success. I went for the next post-it, climbing a few steps, since I assumed they were in order.
Oh. Well, this wasn’t exactly new, but reading the verbalized, inked, tangible version of it was a whole different thing. Next note.
I knew we had something in common, Y/N, I always knew it.
This was the last piece of paper on the wall, right at the top of the stairs, so it had been more difficult to read only with the weak light from the floor below. I put it in my right hand with the small stack of other notes I had collected, and turned left to go to our room. Sticked to the closed door, I found another post-it.
The first thing I saw when I entered the room was her, in her panties and one of my t-shirts she liked to wear when I was on tour. Instead of occupying her side of the bed, she was in the middle of it, curled up and with her hair sprawled all over her pillow. Her arm was slightly reaching my half of the bed, and her nose softly pressed against my own pillow, as if she wanted to hold on to my scent, to get closer to me, but as if she didn’t dare.
The sight was divine, she seemed so peacefully asleep, and after such a tough night, God forbid I interrupted that, whatever reason I might have for doing so. Communication could wait. I got into bed and cuddled up behind her back, as gently as I could, so that she didn’t wake up.
A cold hand ran up my bare thigh and rested on my hip, as I felt a warm breath and a pair of lips grazing the back of my neck.It was him.Slowly, his presence and the memories from a few hours earlier started to drag me away from my sleep. Why was he here? What time was it? Shit, the post-its. Was he waking me up? Was this my cue? What should I say? With a sloppy movement I began to turn around to face him.
- Tommy… - my voice was hoarse because of the crying and the sleeping.
- Shhh - he instantly interrupted me with a soft voice, as his arm moved from my hip to my waist and pulled me closer to his chest - it’s okay.
- But…
- I know, I know - he whispered as he peppered soft kisses on the bare skin of my shoulder, exposed by his t-shirt; on the back of my neck and also in my head, sniffing the scent that my hair radiated - sleep now, babe. You can tell me tomorrow, but now sleep. It’s okay, I love you…
His soothing words managed to kill the clouds of confusion that surrounded me in that moment. In my state of semi-wakefulness I wasn’t particularly aware of or integrated with reality, but something in his voice was so deeply calming that I couldn’t help but feel every little thing had somehow fallen into place. So there I was, with his arms around me, his lips against me, inescapably sleepy and undeniably in love.
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hilllsnholland · 6 years
Richkid!tom spoiling you with gifts and trips but one day you break and tell him how you don’t want his money you just want him.
I love all the RichKid!Tom asks I got yesterday they made me so happy and THIS gives me heart palpitations. 
    Dating Tom was nothing like anything you had ever experienced. It was a constant adventure of traveling to far off places, going to amazing art galas and charity events, and living in luxury. It was so different from how you lived before and it was a lot to adjust you. It was a whole new culture - a new world for you. After almost six months of the constant going and going of life, you became tired. 
   It was six months of presents and gifts for random reasons. Not even your birthday, it would just be because you brought him a Starbucks on his break so he buys you a Rolls Royce as a thank you. You appreciated every gift but it was hard to keep up and you felt guilty. He was throwing money at you and it irked you. He should be saving some of it, the money he has now will not last forever. You have the rest of your lives together but Tom was taking you to Paris, Singapore, Australia, anywhere your heart desired and more. It was exhausting. Not only that, but you wanted Tom, not his money. You wanted to lay in bed with him and watch T.V., not go snorkeling with the sharks or anything crazy every weekend. He was a ball of energy, which you loved, but you wanted to be domestic for once. 
“Darling, come here for a moment!” Tom calls from the bedroom. 
   You heard him from the foyer where you were standing, just coming back from taking Tessa for a walk. You sigh, fully knowing it was another present or something extravagant. You slowly walk up the stairs and to your shared bedroom, there were flakes of gold flakes that covered the floor and bed which also had a giant teddy bear with wine and chocolates just for you. Usually, you would be overjoyed and almost in tears. But right now, it was all too much and you became instantly furious. 
“Do you love it?” Tom asks as he appears from en suite bathroom. 
“Tom, why?” Your voice is drenched in attitude and you rolled your eyes. 
   Tom was instantly taken aback. You never had been like this before. You would jump into his arms and thank him a thousand times. He loved spoiling you. He loved seeing that smile and treating you like the Queen you are. 
“You had a long week with work so I thought you’d like-“
“Well stop thinking!” You yell. 
    That was not your plan. You didn’t want to yell at him or make him feel bad for what he was doing. He didn’t do anything wrong, but after a while of being pushed to the edge sometimes, you break. You sigh, grabbing the bridge of your nose with your fingers. Tom stands there defeated. He had no idea why you were angry. 
“Sorry for being nice I guess.” He says under his breath as he turns away from you, crossing the room to grab something from his nightstand. “You could have just said you didn’t like it. No reason to give me attitude.” 
   He looks completely crushed, gathering the things off the bed and throwing them into the walk-in closet. You stand there, heart hitting the bottom of your stomach as you felt like absolute garbage. That’s not what you wanted. Your emotions got the best of you and you made Tom upset. Tom doesn’t say another word and disappears into the bathroom. You follow him, noticing the tub was filled with lilac bubbles and there were candles around the base. He was trying to be romantic and you completely shot him down. 
“Tom, baby, please listen.” You grab his arm before he pulls the drain of the tub. “I didn’t mean it okay.” 
    Tom doesn’t meet your eye as he stands in front of you. He looks upset because he feels like he wasted all his time and effort for nothing. He wanted to make you happy but instead, he pissed you off. Tom was always afraid of smothering you but now he sees where he was going wrong. He was embarrassed and hurt. 
“Tommy, you didn’t do anything wrong okay? I am just tired of all the presents and trips because I don’t care about your money. I don’t care if you have one dollar or one billion dollars. I only want you.” You hold his face in your hands and he softens a bit. 
“I only wanted to spoil you.” His voice is small as he leans his forehead against yours. 
“And I appreciate it. Everything you do for me I love and I’m grateful, but sometimes all I want is you and Netflix. No getaway trips or fancy clothes, just us in our pajamas cuddling.” 
   He nods, kissing you shortly and then pulling you into a soft embrace. The bathroom still smelled like lilac and tub looked pretty warm still.
“Do you forgive me for being a brat?” You kiss his cheek and he laughs. 
“Yeah, I guess.” He lets go of you and you motion to the tub. 
“Good, because I want to take a nice long bath with my sexy boyfriend and that would be hard to do if he still thinks I’m a bitch.” 
  You slide off your shirt and throw it at him, giving him a sexy wink as you pull off the rest of your clothes. Tom rolls his eyes as he joins you in getting undressed. 
“I never called you a bitch.” He says as he slides in the tub. 
   You enter in after him, laying yourself between in his legs and resting your head on his toned chest. Tom scoops up the bubbly water and glides it over the exposed skin so you were glowing a light shade of purple shimmer. 
“Yeah, but you thought it didn’t you?” 
  Tom kisses your shoulder and moves his hand past your thighs to hold onto your waist, pulling you as close as possible and sighing into the softness of your neck. 
“Maybe.” You splash him. “But I love you, either way, you brat.” 
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psychobhyun · 6 years
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Foreword: In her last attempt trying to change you, your mother calls Byun Baekhyun. He will teach you a thing or two about what bad and bratty girls like you deserves. 
Warnings: power play, sex toys, spanking, blowjob, cunnilingus, orgasm denial, anal, double penetration, choking, squirting, degradation, voyeurism
Genre: smut
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The song Wild for the Night by A$AP Rocky blasted from your speakers after do re mi by blackbear finished. You just arrived home from school two hours ago. You were in detention for violating school rules which are sex in school grounds and wearing skimpy clothes. The guy that was caught with you, a jock named Chanyeol, was with you in there for two hours. Every time the teacher took a toilet break, you’d make out with him or rub him through his jeans.
Of course, that little detention wouldn’t stop you from blowing guys in the boys’ locker room after a game. The sweaty and fast-paced sex have always sent adrenaline rushing into your system. All the players would compliment you about how wet you get just from sucking cock. It flutters your heart with desire and want.
Your parents knew about your bad behavior. The school would’ve kicked you out ages ago if they weren’t big donators for the school’s fundings. It was your last year anyway. You’ve also turned 18, you just have to wait for two more months to graduate.
You opened your bedside table and pulled out a vibrator, immediately placing it on your clit. You put the setting on low, teasing yourself so you can get wet slowly. Your stomach clenches every time your pussy tingles. It feels so fucking good. The music helps mask your moans so you don’t have to worry about being heard.
Suddenly, you hear loud knocking on the door and your mother’s voice calling your name, telling you to come out of your room because someone wants to meet you. God, you thought. Hopefully, it’s not one of those nannies again that your mother likes to hire to help change your attitude.
You try to ignore her persistent calling, but her nagging voice annoyed the fuck out of you so you put down your skirt before opening the door. Your mom was standing, hands on her hips, with a man behind her. He smiled at you, with a look that doesn’t seem threatening. Usually, the nannies would look at you with furrowed eyebrows. This man is refreshing.
Not to mention cute. He was definitely a few years older than you. He was wearing a red shirt, tucked in his brown khakis with what looked like a Gucci belt. Seems respectable, you thought.
“Honey, this is Baekhyun. He is here to help me fix your attitude because I am tired of you!” your mother shouted. You rolled your eyes. What mother gives up on her own daughter? But what did you expect….. she would never care about you. She just wanted to make you marry a rich billionaire so she could go shopping.
Baekhyun offers his hand for a handshake, but you only scoffed and ignored it. Baekhyun chuckles and retrieves it. This isn’t something new to him. “Hello, I am Baekhyun. Nice to meet you,” he introduces himself. You flash him a fake small smile before crossing your arms in front of your chest.
“Okay Baekhyun, I’m going to let you do your thing. Honey? Be nice,” your mom says in a warning tone. You let Baekhyun into your room. He looks around. You had pink wallpaper, pink drapes, pink duvet, pink pillows, everything obnoxiously pink. He sits on the chair in front of your study table.
“Your mom called me because she was desperate for your change,” he starts. “Why are you like this, sweetheart?” Sweetheart. You decided that you liked being called that word. Especially by Baekhyun. But you weren’t going to give up your stance just yet. You turned your head to avoid Baekhyun’s gaze.
Baekhyun sighs. This isn’t his first time facing brats like you. No, it’s not. But your body was making his head wander to forbidden places. “Your mother called me because she is ready to kick you out,” Baekhyun explained. You reached for your cigarettes and light one up. You purposely exhaled the smoke right in front of Baekhyun’s face.
“I don’t care if she kicks me out. I’m a big girl, I can handle it,” you reply as you rolled your eyes. Baekhyun coughs a bit from the smoke. “Do you have a source of income? A place to stay?” Baekhyun asks you genuinely. He was right, you thought. You don’t have those things. But it sounded better to you than staying in this hell hole.
“I’m tough. I’ll figure it out myself.” You took a drag of your cigarette once more and blow it upwards. As much as you loved seeing Baekhyun’s reaction, you didn’t want him to be a secondhand smoker like you once were. Baekhyun clicks his tongue. “This bad girl persona is nothing new, princess. You’re just a spoiled brat that needs attention, aren’t you?”
You sit up straight against the headboard of your bed and look back at Baekhyun. He has both of his eyebrows furrowed in concentration. He’s looking at you intently. Staring at your hardened nipples that are obviously showing through the thin material of your shirt. “So? Are you a spoiled brat?” You move from your position and try to push Baekhyun, but instead, he pulls you harshly so you’re laying across his lap.
He hits your ass hard, the volume of the slap causing your eyes to widen. He hits you two and three more times but your ass is already turning red. You also can’t help but moan. Baekhyun chuckles at the pathetic sounds you’re making. “Oh, you like that?” He gives no chance for you to recover from the sting and turns you around so you’re laying on your back again. The sensation of the burning surface of your skin makes you flinch.
He yanks your head so it’s hanging from the edge of your bed. He unzips his pants and without warning, sticks the tip of his cock inside your mouth. He had a thick girth. His cock felt heavy in your mouth and wrapping your lips around him was enough to make your jaw ache. Baekhyun shows no mercy as he thrusts into your mouth, giving you short breaks to breathe.
Tears formed on the sides of your eyes from Baekhyun’s rough ministration. You choked around his cock multiple times, but it only causes his eyes to close as he throws his head back in pleasure. Baekhyun appreciates the way your body stretches across your bed. “Touch yourself. Show me how you fuck yourself, brat.” You moan in happiness and rub your pussy lips using two of your perfectly manicured fingers.
After he grows tired, he pulls out of your mouth and moves you around again. This time, you’re on your back again and Baekhyun has completely disposed of his clothes except for his unzipped pants. He had a nice built. Broad shoulders and nicely chiseled abs. Your mouth waters at the sight. He gets on the bed and settles himself beside you, holding your jaw with one hand and pushing three of his fingers in and out of your mouth. You gagged on his three fingers and Baekhyun takes it out, telling you to spit.
You follow his instruction and spit on his hand. He rubs his wet hand all over your face, covering your own skin with your saliva. “Are you a sloppy girl, brat? The kind that drools all over the sight of cock? I bet you are,” This is not supposed to make your pussy pulse with lust, but it does. Baekhyun moves his fingers down and leaves a trail of spit on your skin before fucking your pussy with the previously wet three fingers. He laughs sadistically when he hears your gasps.
Baekhyun spits on his own fingers before he starts fucking you with it again. His fingers are certainly more fulfilling than yours. It stretches you out, but not enough. You need his cock inside you and it was turning you insane how badly you wanted him to just fuck you silly. “Look at me as I finger fuck your cunt, brat,” Baekhyun orders. But of course, you closed your eyes instead to prevent the tears that were threatening to fall from your eyes.
“I said fucking look at me!” he barks. Your eyes shoot open and you look back at his dilated pupils. Sweat was dripping down his forehead and a bit of his black hair was sticking to his face. “I’m coming, Baekhyun!” you wantonly moan. Baekhyun hears you loud and clear. He pulls out his fingers immediately, ruining your orgasm. You groan and curse as quietly as you can.
“I heard that, princess. Don’t worry, I’ll make you come when my cock is inside you.” Your legs twitch. They felt like jelly and Baekhyun had only made you suck his cock and finger you. Your attention shifts back to Baekhyun when you see him hold your vibrator in one of his hands. You gulped. He turns it on and presses it against your clit. Immediately, your hips buck and your eyes roll back in pleasure.
Baekhyun pulls your body to the edge of the bed again and kneels right in front of your pussy. He blows lightly right on the lips. That alone was enough to make you whine lewdly. Baekhyun slaps your bottom lips and latches his mouth on it, licking and rubbing his face all over your cunt. You can feel his nose occasionally brushing against your clit. The vibrator buzzed away as Baekhyun ate you out.
Your toes curl and your hand that wasn’t holding the vibrator clenches, a tell-tale sign for Baekhyun that you were close. He takes the vibrator from your hand and pulls his face away from your pussy. Once again, he ruins your orgasm. You wanted to hit him for teasing you so much. “Bad girls don’t get to come, princess.” You grunted internally. Whatever method Baekhyun is using to make you succumb to him, it was working.
“What other fun stuff do you own, princess?” Baekhyun cocks an eyebrow at you. You were trying to regulate your breathing. Getting denied your orgasms is definitely taking a toll on your body. He opens your drawers and pulls out a dildo. You could only imagine what he’s going to do with it. He holds the silicone toy and chuckles low on his throat. He notices the suction cup attached to the base of it and walks to your mirror, attaching your dildo on it.
He nudges his head to the direction of the dildo. You completely understood what he meant. This is embarrassing, you thought. Your cheeks felt hot as you slowly insert your dildo inside your hole. It stretches you out just enough, but you were more curious about how Baekhyun’s cock would feel inside you. His member was beautifully adorned with veins.
Baekhyun’s eyes focus on your face as you fuck yourself on the dildo. He loves seeing you hot and bothered with just a toy inside you. “Fucking yourself like a bitch in heat. I would love to see you get fucked by multiple people.” He’s thinking about how bad he wants to mess you up. Wants to see you cry from all the pleasure he’s going to give you. So he stands up and sits down just right in front of you, eyes still staring back at yours.
He holds your throat and presses slightly, decreasing your ability to breathe. Your head gets a little bit lighter and every sensation is prominent. From Baekhyun’s position, he slaps your breasts and you whine. “You love being treated like a whore, right?” Baekhyun asks. The pain causes your nipples to harden nicely. Baekhyun does not forget to pull on one of them to make your whimpers louder.
“That’s it. I’m fucking you.” He pulls you away and the dildo is now abandoned. He wastes no time and pushes himself deep inside you after making you get on all fours. With a scream, you accept his length. “You’re so tight. I thought you would loosen up a bit because of the dildo,” Baekhyun groans when your tight cavern swallows his length with little ease.
You bit your lip momentarily and proceed to explain yourself. “It wasn’t…. in my pussy,” you said shyly. Baekhyun’s eyes widen. “It was in your ass?” You nod and clamp your mouth with one of your hands, embarrassed by the wanton moans you’re letting slip from your mouth. 
You look back at Baekhyun despite the impossible angle. Your left cheek was pressed against the mattress and the sounds you were making was muffled from your hand. Baekhyun yanks your body upwards, making your body arch towards him. He pushes three of his fingers back in your mouth again.
His balls were slapping against your ass as the head of his cock nudges your womb. He’s so deep inside you and it makes you feel completely stuffed. His relentless thrusts make your toes curl and cunt clench in pleasure. 
After a couple of minutes, he holds your legs with his hands and orders you to put your arms around his neck. He lifts you up and pushes your back against the mirror. “Put that toy back inside your ass, brat. Let’s see you take a fake and real cock in your holes at the same time.”
You moan when your asshole immediately accommodates the dildo back into you. Baekhyun makes you bounce on the toy and him. “I can feel the dildo inside you, pressing against me through your body,” Baekhyun grunts into your ear. 
You were already at the edge of an orgasm. Your thighs are shaking from the undeniable need to orgasm. You scrape your nails on Baekhyun’s back and he hisses, understanding that you were close. “Only good girls get to come, princess. Will you be a good girl?”
You muttered a high pitched ‘yes, fuck yes I’ll be a good girl. Let me come, please?’ and Baekhyun smirks in satisfaction. He lets the dildo slip out of your asshole and places you on the bed again, cock still balls deep inside you. He thrusts a few more times before pulling out, right hand immediately rubbing on your clit violently to make you squirt.
Liquid gushes out your cunt and you come in loud screams, hands wrapped around your bed sheets. You take big deep breaths as Baekhyun pulls your head towards him, pushing his cock inside your mouth again. Using your right hand, you tug on his cock as you lock your gaze into his eyes. 
He finally releases his semen on your tongue. It tasted salty and thick, but you swallowed it anyway. Baekhyun hums in appreciation at the sight. “You’re such a good girl, princess. Only good girls swallow.” You giggled and wrapped your arms around him to give him a kiss. “Liked your punishment?”
“Yes, Baekhyun.”  
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blackrosesfanfic · 4 years
Chapter 222
Caden jumps out of his sleep staring at me what seemed to be intense like. I stare back at him for a few seconds then I lower him down to his crib. He just stares at me the whole time I'm resting him on the mattress. I pull my hand back lying him flat. He explodes. Not literally. But he explodes. Tears and all. I cross my arms staring at him as he starts kicking his feet. Is he having a baby temper tantrum? What is this?
"Why are you doing him like that?" Trey says coming up to the crib reaching in. "Come on man."
"Caden is fake." I snap.
Caden acts like his world is crumbling still. Oh my goodness. This baby is super fake. Trey bounces him around the room as he cries louder and louder. Now let's see what he does when I take him from Trey. I go over and abruptly take him from Trey. Caden takes one look at me and starts smiling instead of crying. He couldn't help revealing his spoiled ass game. I suck my teeth.
"Why didn't you pick him up then? Don't make him cry like that." Trey says upset.
"Shut up."
He was about to say something but in walks my mother. I frown then I look at the time. I look back at her.
"How did you... i am so sorry." I say. "Did you have trouble getting here? Your plane landed 2 hours ago."
"Trey happened to be in the area." My mother says.
I cut my eyes at him. "Doing what? Why did you leave?"
Trey kinda dismiss himself. "I'm allowed to leave home without you knowing. I was in the area."
"I can't stand you." I say turning back to Caden.
"How have you been?" My mother asks.
I shrug. "I've been trying to get him to sleep for the past 2 hours. He doesn't want to sleep. When he finally went to sleep he woke up cause I landed him down."
"Hey, Caden." My mother says from a distance. "Your husband is quite moody."
"Oh you think." I snap.
"I also think you trigger it." She chuckles. "He was just fine in the car. Walking into the house. Put my bag down walked in here and woah. Anyway, I'm going to shower. Get this airport air off me. Los Angeles is so... dirty."
I chuckle. "Okay."
"See you later Caden." She says bothering his foot. He gives her a little fake laugh. "Is he not feeling good?"
"I have him an appointment tomorrow. I don't think so."
"Check his temperature. He could be hiding a fever." Ma says walking away. She starts talking once she is in the hall. "Was that your plan, sweetie? Don't let your emotions win every time. The heart is never emotional. Your heart is solid in what is feels. It never changes but your mind... Focus. There's a reason we came here instead of going to see Lane."
I smile looking at the door. Mother and her pep talks. My mother is a writer and she often writes poetry. She said she used to write a lot of songs for my father that he would play for her. Trey walks into the room on his phone. He walks back out of the room.
"Yes, ma'am." He says then laughs. "I'll get some more towels sent over. Oh there's a service, yes. They clean and bring towels and fresh linen. They cook too but Chris putting together a dinner. Yes ma'am."
Trey walks into the room with his phone once again. I lie Caden on Lane's bed then step away from the bed. Next thing I know Trey is across the room to the bed. I turn around quickly looking at Caden. Trey lies him back down on the bed.
"What are you doing?" I retort.
"He was rolling off the bed." Trey snaps.
I move him. "Caden can't roll. Can you Caden? Did you do that?"
Caden just stares at me. I backwards away from the bed going back to grab his things to change his diaper. He could see me still so he just stares at me. Trey picks him up turning him how I had him the first time. He starts whining then turns his head from side to side. He sees me then he turns his upper body staring. He better stop with the badness. I throw the diaper at him hitting his stomach. He looks at Trey then turns his body more. Trey moves him over from the edge of the bed. My stank baby.
"Jayla." Trey says now lying across the twin bed with Caden. "I'm sorry."
"For what Tremaine?" I bark.
He takes Caden's clothes off. "Being so insensitive and demanding. I expect so much from you. I never want us to end but I'm scared."
I throw the wipes at him. "Who coached you on things to say?"
"Nobody." He shrugs. "Only sometimes I see myself for the jackass I am. I love you. I love us."
"Mmhh." I say pulling Caden to me. He gets excited like we playing. "Caden go to sleep."
Trey touches my side then he lies down. "Jayla, I didn't fuck anybody."
"It shouldn't be a question Tremaine. If you want me to continue to trust in you then you wouldn't allow there to be fucking situations like this. You don't know. And you blame it on being drunk? High? Tremaine, did I not tell you that..."
"Yes." He says covering his face. "What can I do? I don't know what to say, Jayla. I don't know what to do. I fucked up. I said that already."
"But you want me to forgive you? You want me to keep trusting you?"
He sits up looking at me then he looks at Caden who was staring at him. Caden smiles at Trey when Trey smiles at him. Caden looks at me then he starts kicking his feet so I couldn't put on his diaper. I stop trying and look at him. He stops kicking then looks at Trey. Trey kisses him making him laugh.
"Okay, I'm ready." April says walking into the room. Nobody says anything. "Chris has been busting his ass for the two of you. I'm not even asking if you are going. I'll be back in 10 minutes. Fucking shame."
I look at Caden and Trey playing. I walk away going into the bathroom. I had to forgive Trey for everything he did when I flew to his rescue in Vegas. All of this is just excessive talking and attitude. But I don't want to keep going through this with him. I turn around about to say something but I stop. He was standing at the bathroom door with Caden. I push him out of the door then close it. I change my mind. Let him think I hate him for a bit longer.
"I can't put him down." I laugh looking down at Caden who was staring at me eat my cake.
"Give him to Cammie." Chris says looking around.
I shrug. "She doesn't want him."
Chris sucks his teeth. "I finally get your bad ass son to go to sleep. Now I have to deal with the second one. Bring him outside then."
"Bugs." I say biting my cake.
"Sounds like you don't want to come outside to the fire." Chris says walking away.
I look at Caden. Hd is acting like a fucking brat. But it's okay because I need somebody to need me right now. When we got here Lane was too wired on exhaustion to do anything but cry. Cammie was about to spank him but Chris saved him and he went to sleep with Chris eating ice cream. I drink my water then stand up. Chris has been doing a lot of shit today. I guess I'll try a bit harder to get Caden to sleep. I take him into the bedroom and turn the air down to 65. I strip Caden down to his disper then lay him down on his stomach. He starts crying. I stay quiet in the room and not touch him.
"Do you not hear him crying? Your ears busted?" Rollie says coming into the room.
"He need to go to sleep." I say.
Caden stops crying and listens. Rollie stares at Caden for a few seconds. I tilt my head at Rollie.
"What you got against kids crying?" I snap then chuckle. "They can't cry?"
"There is no reason for them to cry while someone teaches them a lesson."
I glance at Caden who was going to sleep. "No lesson here. We good."
"So what's up?"
He shrugs. "With you and Cammie."
I shake my head a bit. "We still married. That's all I know."
"Would you sign the divorce papers if I got a lawyer to write some out?"
"No." I say not thinking about it.
Rollie chuckles. "Why not? You want her to be happy."
"Not with nobody else, nigga."
He turns to the door then he turns back around. "Nigga I would just like to say that if you didn't have millions of dollars and a reputation for being sexy, don't get that confused in anyway with me calling you sexy. I know you and Chris be on that shit. But yeah." He chuckles to himself. "Nigga you wouldn't get a 10th of the girls you get. Lame ass."
"I don't see girls lined up for you."
He laughs loudly. "I'm trying to be faithful. Let's bet after you fuck up your marriage to my sister and I fuck up everything before marriage."
"Say what?" Someone says from the hallway.
Rollie steps into the hall. "Leah, you fucking nosey. I wasn't talking to you."
"I don't care if you were talking to me."
"Go ahead about your night now." Rollie says coming back in the room. "Trey your shit contagious. Stay the hell away from me, bitch."
"Sounds... I definitely hear aggression." I nod.
I stand up from the bed slowly. Caden moves his head some. I didn't realize he had his feet on me until I got up. He takes a deep breath then goes back to sleep. I back up away from the bed scared to make any noise.
"Tremaine, you..."
"Shhh." I spin around grabbing Jayla and pushing her out the room. "You the last person he needs to hear."
She looks around me then she pushes me off her. I grab her hugging her tight to me. She doesn't do anything. I stare at her. I don't know what to say or do. She looks around me again into the room then she moves away from me.
"Don't wake him up." She whispers walking into the room. I walk in behind her. "Don't."
I ignore her following her to her clothes. She looks back at me. Cammie I am so sorry. Just forgive me and we move on. You being stubborn and mean. I didn't fuck nobody. In the perfect scenario I could say that and it be over. But my wife not gonna take that. I fucked up and that's that. Nothing I can do but beg her. I look her up and down. Or I could try to get out of it with sex which she always think I'm doing when I'm not. But right now I would be. I sit down and watch her take off her clothes. She unconsciously forgets about me. It felt a bit dirty. She so damn sexy.
"Okay, Bae. So I talked to Debra." Sevyn says coming into the room.
"Excuse you." Cammie says cutting her eyes at Sevyn.
Seven shows Cammie her phone. "You know you need to stop. I done seen every inch of that body."
"Shut up." Cammie laughs turning her back to Sevyn. "Do this thing. I think it's broke."
"Just go in the water with your mommy titties. It's gonna be dark."
"You can see these shits like beckons. No."
Cammie looks up at me like she forgot I was there. She stares at me while covering her titles with the bathing suit top. It covered her stomach but had her back out. She should have just wore a top without the cover. Modest Cammie. Sevyn turns her around.
"Did you see it?"
"Yeah. I like blue."
Sevyn nods leaving out. "Okay. I like the white and the gold ones. I'll get you blue."
Cammie goes back to getting ready. She turns around throwing something at me. I look down at my lap. Swimming trunks. I guess Jayla. I take my shirt off. By this point Cammie was fully dressed in her not so revealing two piece. Maybe I will be as selfless as possible. I stand up walking over to her. She holds up a different pair of trunks as if I told her I didn't want the first pair. I grab her hips. She doesn't move or anything. I run my hands up her cover to her titties. Gotdamn. I kneel down while running my hands down to her thighs tangling my fingers up in her bottoms. She exhales. My freaky Jayla. I pull her shorts down a bit.
"Tremaine." She whispers but moans.
"Hope that's not a stop." I say then kiss her mound.
She inhale. I slide my hand into her shorts feeling her heat. I pull her shorts to the floor with the other hand as I slide my fingers towards her pussy. She moans. A horny Jayla. I chuckle to myself then spread her legs and start sucking on her clit. She stumbles a bit. I slide a third finger into her leaking hot insides. She moans once again almost losing her balance. I lift her leg resting her thigh on my shoulder. She cums. I speed up finger fucking her harder. I bite around her clit barely brushing against it with my lips. She touches my face warning me that I was doing too much for her to be quiet. I look up at her. She has her hand over her mouth.
"Something wrong?" I ask digging into her pussy.
She switches hands and leans onto my free shoulder. I had cum all over my arm and hand. I lick the cum as it leaks out of her pussy. She fucking moans as if she were weeping and holding in her scream. Mhhm. I wrap my free arm around her back and lift her a bit. I lower her to the floor. Damn I wanted to fuck her so bad. But I won't get shit from this. As hard as it is, I have decided. It's final. I open her legs and slide my fingers out of her pussy slowly. She moves her hips moaning. I kiss her wet sticky lips then slide my tongue into her throbbed pussy. She moans. I press my hand down on her clit. She starts moving her hips against my hand and face. I digg my tongue deep in her pussy flicking her spot. She screams then covers her mouth. I wipe my face with my clean hand and get in her face. She had her eyes closed breathing hard. I kiss her lips then stand up off the floor. She opens her eyes staring at me. I grab the swimming trunks and go over to the bed. Caden was still sleep. I go to his baby bag and put the sleeping monitor and camera on him. It tells if he wakes up or rows over.
"Tremaine?" Cammie says.
"Yeah." I turn around looking at her as she comes out the bathroom.
"Like..." she steps into her shorts. "I mean I liked that and all but..."
I pull the trunks up on me. She doesn't say anything. "Uh huh?"
"Nevermind." She says walking towards the door.
"Jay." I say going up and grabbing her. "What?"
She kinda shakes her head. "Nothing."
I stare at her then I smirk. "You wanted some dick?"
"Aye?" Chris snaps walking in. "No dick. Let's go."
Cammie sucks her teeth. "Chris is the fire gonna blow out?"
"It's not about the fire." Chris says pointing towards the door. "Baby sleep let's go."
"Jay." I say grabbing her close to me. I whisper. "I just wanted it to be about you."
Chris puts his hand between us. "Move this way."
I slap his arm. "You bugging."
"This way." Chris says again.
"You so dramatic." Cammie spazzes on Chris pushing him. "About to have a fit cause you can't hold your excitement in. Calm down."
Chris didn't care. He was satisfied that she was moving towards the door. Cammie walks away then Chris follows her. I glance back at Caden again then smile. My little man. I hate to leave to go outside. Seems far away.
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peaceisadirtyword · 5 years
This has been in my inbox for more than 2 weeks💔 I'm really sorry anon, I wanted to do it in a more creative way, but as you probably know (because I keep saying it and I’m really annoying) I have a creative block, so I can’t do anything more creative than this.
For those of you who doesn't know: this is from something I reblogged a few weeks ago which said that you could send a star to my inbox so I'd talk about a section of one of my stories that I've been dying to talk about so... Here I go💕
It was really hard to pick a section, but I ended up picking a section from Hate Part III 
You shivered when you stepped out of the house, wearing only a bikini and a towel around your body. After dinner, everyone had retired to their rooms, except for Sigurd and Blaeja, who stayed on the living room singing and playing guitar. You sat with them for a while, but then they started making out and you left, feeling a bit uncomfortable.
You undressed and put on your bikini, thinking on going to the pool to relax a bit before going to bed. But when you approached the pool, you realized you hadn’t had a very good idea.
Ivar had been angry, stressed and aggressive during the whole day, and took the opportunity to have a relaxing bath when the rest were busy fucking or doing whatever the fuck they did while locked in their rooms.
Wow, Ivar is angry, stressed and aggressive! The reasons are simple: Y/N went out with someone else because he was too much of a coward to ask her out before. Well, Ivar, honey, you brought this on yourself. 
So, Y/N had a really disappointing date and she just wanted to relax on the pool, but....!!!
And he preferred to be alone when he went into the pool, so no one could see his legs. His brothers didn’t care, he knew that, not even Sigurd would say anything to him, but he had seen how Margrethe looked at his legs, with disgust and maybe pity, and how Blaeja would press her lips together and pity him silently when he struggled to go upstairs with the crutches.
Gods, he just wanted to be alone.
Ivar, for fuck’s sake, no one cares about your legs. We love you the same, though you make it difficult sometimes. And you don’t want to be alone, you want to be with Y/N, we know that.
He had his eyes closed, but still heard the door opening and someone walking to the pool. He frowned and clenched his jaw in annoyance.
When Ivar opened his eyes, you were looking at him biting your lip, then you smiled softly.
“Do you mind if I stay here for a while? I’ll leave soon” you promised.
Ivar sighed. Why did you have to be nice to him? It made everything worse.
His problem is that someone is being nice to him, okay
“Do whatever you want” he replied, shrugging. He cursed himself for not turning off the pool’s lights and hoped you didn’t look to his legs.
You didn’t say anything, only left your towel next to the pool and sat down at the edge, hissing when the cold water touched your skin.
Ivar tried not to let his eyes linger on you, though it was difficult. He hated that damned bikini that made you look so fucking hot it even hurt. You looked like a goddess, and if he hadn’t been in the water, he would probably be sweating. He was finding more and more hard to live in the same house as you and not being able to even touch you.
See? Ivar thinks you look like a goddess, so never feel like you’re less than a goddess. Also, if he doesn’t think you look like a goddess, leave him (or her, if you’re dating a woman). 
You noticed he was nervous, bothered by something, and tried not to annoy him even more, getting into the pool slowly. The last thing you wanted was to start an argument with him.
You shivered in cold when your head emerged from the water. Maybe it hadn’t been a very good idea.
“How was your date?” He asked suddenly, startling you. He was looking at the sky, some drops of water rolling from his wet hair and down his perfect face. You frowned trying to understand where did he get that beautiful tan.
Yes, I'm always mentioning his perfect face and his beautiful eyes, I can’t help it but Ivar’s (Alex’s) beauty just blows my mind.
“It was… Okay” you shrugged, standing at the other side of the pool.
“Okay?” He raised an eyebrow “So it was a fucking disaster”
“It wasn’t a disaster” you shook your head “William was really nice and I had fun, but…”
“Hey, I don’t really want to know” he rolled his eyes.
Ivar, actually, you did want to know. You wanted to know that everything went wrong and she was going to stop seeing that guy because you’re jealous. Exposed. 
“Then why did you ask?” You glared at him.
“Because my mother taught me to be polite, Y/N, if yours had raised you properly, you would have said 'good, thanks’, and shut up”
“Asshole” you scoffed, and Ivar smirked.
“So there is going to be a second date or he already got tired of you?”
“Yes” you replied, annoyed.
“Are you sure?” He snorted, biting his lip.
“Leave me alone, Ivar"
"I mean” his piercing blue eyes fixed on you “You haven’t told him you haven’t been with someone in more than a year, have you? Because in that case…” he chuckled “He’s going to run away”
“For fuck’s sake, I just want to relax a bit in the fucking pool before going to bed, Ivar, can you just shut up and leave me alone?” You groaned.
“You really need to get laid” he bit his lip to hold back a laugh when you glared at him.
“And you need to shut the fuck up”
One of the things I love the most about Hate is to write Y/N and Ivar’s fights. I love the sexual tension. And the enemies to lovers cliche is my favorite, so you can expect a lot of fights in my writings. I really like Ivar’s bitchy side. I’d love to punch him in the face too. Yes, Ivar, you need to shut the fuck up. 
“Wow, rude” he raised his eyebrows, his annoying smile still on his lips “I’m not surprised no one wants to date you if you’re always like this”
“Seriously, Ivar, what is your problem? What the fuck did I do now for you to attack me?”
“I’m not attacking you” he was obviously mocking you, his eyes widened in pretended innocence and he shrugged “I was just chilling in here by myself when you decided to join me, and I’m just talking to you”
“You’re not talking, Ivar, you’re insulting me, like you always do, I don’t know what the hell did I do for you to hate me so much, but whatever it is, I’m sorry okay?” You sighed tiredly, rubbing your eyes with your hands.
“Are you going to cry?” He wasn’t smiling anymore, but kept mocking you by pouting and tilting his head “Poor Y/N”
Ivar you’re not going to end up with her if you bully her. You’re doing it WRONG.
“Oh my god, shut up!” You screamed at him, and he smirked in victory when he got the reaction he wanted “Do you want to know what’s your problem, Ivar? That you are a spoiled brat, you treat people like shit and then whine because 'no one loves you’, well, it’s normal, who would want to be with someone that enjoys bullying people so much?I’m always trying to be nice at you, though you don’t deserve it, and all you do is insult me, attack me and treat me like shit, but I’m tired, so please leave me alone, don’t talk to me and forget my fucking existence, okay?” You ranted, glaring at him and watching how his smirk slowly faded, making you smile in victory. Ivar blinked a few times, speechless, and his eyes filled with rage.
I remember it was really nice to write that. I felt so much better. She’s right, to be honest, though in Ivar’s defense I'll say that he always thought no one loved him because of his legs, then his father left, he didn’t have a good relationship with his brothers... I can understand him, though that’s not an excuse to treat people so badly, especially when everyone (but her) knows you’re in love with her, Ivar. Also, she likes him too, obviously, if she didn’t she wouldn’t be so nice to him.
You didn’t know how the hell he moved so quickly, but suddenly he was inches from you, his eyes full of rage and his jaw tense as he glared at you. You gasped, feeling his bare chest brush against your skin. He looked sexy as hell and intimidating.
“Say that again” he growled.
You narrowed your eyes at him, refusing to be intimidated by his attitude.
“What do you want me to repeat? That you’re a spoiled brat or that no one will ever love you if you keep behaving like a total…?”
“Shut up” he interrupted you “Do you want to know why I behave like that? Because people always pity me, haven’t you seen how Margrethe and Blaeja, even Torvi, look at me? Poor Ivar, no one will ever love him if he’s so cruel. Am I supposed to be all happy and nice when I’m the poor crippled brother that can’t do anything by himself?. How could someone choose him when they could have any of his brothers?” He clenched his jaw and you could swear he had tears on his eyes “How the fuck do you think I’m feeling knowing I’ll never be an option for anyone? How should I behave when all I see in everyone’s eyes is pity and disgust?”
Now you were the one left speechless.
I feel really bad for him now, but as I said before, he could be nicer to people, that wouldn’t kill him, I think. I understand Ivar a lot, the part of ‘I’ll never be an option for anyone’ its something I (and a lot of people) have gone through -I'm still going through it, to be honest-. The feeling that you’ll never be enough for someone is really heartbreaking, especially when it’s something physical about you that you can’t really change. It sucks. Focusing on Ivar, he thinks everyone pities him, which is in part true because there is a lot of people who pities him, but his mistake is to think everyone is the same, and comparing himself to his brothers. What I love of the Ragnarssons is that all of them are different and have their own strengths and weaknesses. So Ivar, don’t do that honey, we love you!
“I… Didn’t mean it like that” you muttered, shaking your head “Not everyone pities you, Ivar, and I’m sure you’re an option for a lot of people but that’s not an excuse to…”
“I was never an option to you” he interrupted you again, narrowing his eyes “Was I?”
“What?” You blinked in confusion. You never pitied Ivar, or felt disgusted by him, in fact you admired him for his intelligence, his will and his strength. Fuck, you felt attracted to him. You fucking liked him, and when you looked into his eyes you could swear you felt that thing you wanted to feel so bad when you were with William.
Ivar didn’t answer, only rolled his eyes and got away from you, his lips still pressed together. He run his hand through his wet hair, breathing heavily. Just when you thought he’d turn around and leave, he turned to you again.
But this time he kissed you.
FINALLY THEY KISSED! They weren’t going to kiss on this chapter, I had planned something different, but... Yeah, I ended up writing this. 
This is what I was talking about!! She doesn’t pity him, she doesn't care about his legs, but he doesn’t want to see that, and that’s his big mistake. He’s too scared of rejection to try and understand she likes him no matter what.  
His lips were warm and soft, and they caressed yours with a tenderness you would never have guessed from Ivar. Your eyes closed immediately, and though you froze at first, you quickly kissed him back. Ivar moaned and his hand grabbed your neck softly, his thumb caressing your jaw, his other hand was at the other side of your head, holding himself on the pools edge. When he licked your bottom lip, you opened your mouth to gasp into the kiss, and his tongue caressed yours. You moaned. He was a good kisser, and before you could stop yourself, your hands traveled to his shoulders, caressing his soft skin and moaning in delight when you felt his muscles contract under your fingers.
“Y/N? Ivar? Is everything alr… Oh fuck"
Hvitserk, go to hell please. 
Ivar broke the kiss as quickly as he had started it, getting away from you and turning around to look at the house.
Hvitserk was only wearing his boxers, his hair was disheveled and he looked a bit out of breath. His eyes were widened and you knew him well enough to know he was holding back a smirk.
"I’m sorry” he cleared his throat “Am I interrupting something?"
YES YOU ARE???? I love Hvitserk, he’s one of my favorite characters to write, but sometimes I'd punch him. In this story also I wanted to make him a more important character, being Y/N’s best friend. He’s now all wrapped up with Margrethe but he will have an important part, you’ll see,
"No” both Ivar and you replied at the same time, making Ivar look away and you blush. Hvitserk bit his lip and nodded slowly.
“We just heard you screaming at each other and then nothing and I thought one of you had drown the other, but I see everything’s okay, isn’t it?”
Yeah they were trying to suffocate each other 
Ivar scoffed and glared at his brother, moving to the other side of the pool and putting his hands on the edge to push himself out of the water. You couldn’t take your eyes off his back, and you gulped when he started crawling to the porch, where he had left his crutches. Hvitserk looked at him and then at you with an eyebrow raised.
Still blushing, you looked away from him and let your body sink into the water, too embarrassed to talk to endure Hvitserk’s talk.
Another thing I love: Ivar embarrassed. Both of them were caught and yet any of them really believed the other liked them. Another one of my favorite cliches. 
There’s some Hate chapters left and there’s gonna be drama, but also a lot of love. And smut. And I hope Hvitserk is not there to interrupt again, especially during the smut part. I just want Ivar and Y/N to understand that they love each other and they should be together for the rest of their lives♥️
Also sorry again for this awful commentary, I just thought I'd do it to relax a bit!😘 thank you dear anon! 
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Running a Bath for their S/O to Celebrate a New Job
Pt. 3
The ride home was filled with energy. I wasn’t the only one who was thrilled about my new job; Jimin has always looked for excuses to spoil me and this was his chance to go a bit overboard with his gifts. I knew he had something planned as soon as he called and told me he would pick me up from the office. 
“Baby, are you going to tell me what it is we’re doing?” My voice is calm and soft but hiding mounds of excitement and uncertainty. His grin widens with my question but no answer is given. His hand reaches over, resting on my thigh as he continues on our way home. 
The apartment is dark when we enter but I know there is something hidden in the shadows. 
“Y/N,” Jimin calls out, his hand reaching for mine, “why don’t you rest here.” He guides me over to the couch, sitting me down with a cute little grin. His hands slide down my legs, gently removing my shoes, rubbing my feet softly for a moment before moving away. Moments later I hear the sound of water running. I hesitate for a moment, wanting to investigate but also not wanting to ruin his plans; as a result I’m left pouting on the couch. Just as I decide to go investigate he walks into site. I don’t question him as he pulls me through the halls guiding me to the bathroom. Before we could go inside he turned to me, his smile sweeter than ever.
“I wanted to celebrate with you. You’ve been working so hard and I want you to know I’m proud of you.” His words are ended with a delicate kiss as he opens the door behind him. Inside is not what I expected. Everything looks the same except the bath. The tub is filled with champagne. My instincts kick in as I glide over, dipping my hand into the liquid. His adorable laughter can be heard behind me as I continue to run my hand through the pretty bath. 
“Why don’t he have a bath together?” His words slip me from my trance, making me face him. I give a small nod, teeth latching onto my lip at the thought of bathing with him. We strip down, blushing whenever we look at each other despite that neither of us are strangers to the other’s body. When he slips in the bath I join, facing him as I sit down onto his lap. Before I can thank him his hands get to work. His fingers make quick work of my nipples, teasing and pulling to elicit moans from me. I reach down to touch him only to have my hands pulled away.
“No baby, this is all for you.” His words stun me slightly but I nod anyway. He continues his previous actions before slipping one hand down to tease me where I need it most. His finger slips inside me slowly working me open before adding another. I can’t stop the noises slipping from me, the feeling just to sinfully delicious. His motions get faster, the champagne splashing around us, spilling over the edge as I grip on to the side of the tub, trying not to lose my balance as his fingers pound into me. Right as I’m about to snap his arm wraps around me to hold me closer to his body, stabilizing me as I start to shake. When My orgasm hits he doesn’t stop, just slows slightly, working me down. As my body calms he removes his fingers, bringing them to his mouth, giving them kitten licks until they’re all clean.
“I think you’re sweeter than the champagne.”
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warning baby boy mode activated
Ever since I got this new job he has been such a pouty baby that it’s become nearly intolerable. He doesn’t like the fact that I spend so much time away now that he’s finally gotten a break. Once again, I get home and find him sitting on the couch, giving me no acknowledgement whatsoever. 
“I’m home.” No reply. I roll my eyes, making my way to the kitchen to work on dinner seeing as it is my night to cook. As soon as I enter I see a pizza box sitting on the counter, half the pizza is gone but it’s still warm meaning it was eaten recently. I stomp out to Tae, fuming.
“Seriously, Taehyung? You ate without me? You could have at least told me so I could have gotten something for myself.” 
“Well if you were home you could have eaten with me! It’s not my fault I got hungry!” His attention is hardly on me as he speaks, focused more on the television instead. Frustrated, I go to our room, slamming the door, no longer hungry.
It’s not even an hour later when he comes in, pouting as usual , with a sorrowful look on his face.
“I’m sorry, Y/N.” I don’t speak, letting my eyes leave him. I can feel him getting closer but pay no mind as I look anywhere but him. He crawls up between my legs, resting his chin on my chest as he looks up at me with sad eyes. His nails trailed gently up and down my arms, sending chills over my skin. I couldn’t ignore him.
“Are you done being a brat?” At my question he nodded, kissing my chest lightly.
“I set up a bath for us... I thought it might help you relax a bit.” The big doe eyes I cherish so much look up at me adoringly and I know I cant resist. I grant him a small smile before trying to sit up. He immediately springs into action, helping me up and rushing me to the bath. 
Bubbles fill the bath to the brim and I can smell the honey scented bath bomb that has already fizzed out. When I finally face him he looks nervous but as my eyes trail lower I can tell he’s more than excited for this.
“Aw, honey I hope you weren’t expecting anything, after the way you’ve been behaving you won’t be getting a single thing from me.” At my harsh words his eyes go wide. His mouth opens and shuts repeatedly like he wants to argue back but decides against it. While he struggles I slide my clothes off, hardly glancing at the tortured boy in front of me. I get in the bath, not bothering to wait for him, the water is still warm and quickly relaxes my muscles as I sink in further. Just as I let my eyes close I hear him get in on the other end of the bath. At first he didn’t come near me, staying on his side of the tub, but after a few minutes I could feel his touch on my skin. His movement was careful, ready to stop if I demanded so, but I let him run his hands up and down my legs.
“Can I make it up to you?” His words almost went unnoticed but I heard his faint whispering and couldn’t help but tease a bit more, knowing I was going to give in.
“You’ve been so bad but you still want me to play with you?” His hands gripped my thighs firmly, pulling me to his lap.
“No, let me apologize, I don’t want anything. I was bad to you and I want to make it right.” His words were muffled as he buried his face in my neck, lips brushing my skin. I couldn’t respond, my heart was beating to fast. He pulled back looking for an answer but all I could give him was a short nod. In seconds I was sat on the ledge of the bath, legs spread giving him a full view of me. Any caution he had was thrown out the window as he got to work, no teasing or taunting, going right for my weakest point, licking and sucking. There wasn’t time to breathe with the way he was going at it. all I could do was thread my fingers into his hair and hold on. At one point I felt my legs trying to close from the overwhelming sensation but his iron grip on my thighs kept me from moving. His name fell from my mouth as I reached my high, he didn’t stop, he waited until my body recoiled from the over-stimulation before releasing me.His lips were red and swollen, covered in my juices as he looked up at me with his sweet eyes.
“Baby, let me take care of you.” My words were breathy, slightly shaking as I tried to calm down. His face got red and I couldn’t help my wandering eyes. On his stomach was his release, he got so excited he came without a single touch. What a good boy.
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Despite being young, my boyfriend is mature beyond his years. We had been planning to celebrate my new job but his schedule clashed with mine and before we knew it, all plans of celebration were gone. I had gotten so caught up in work recently, but now that he had a few days off he insisted on doing something, so today I came home early. As soon as I walked through the door I spotted him. He was leaning against the couch, waiting for me clearly, all but his boxers had been stripped.
“Now this is my kind of celebration.” At my joke his head popped up, a grin spreading across his face.
“I knew you’d like it, who could resist.” His cocky attitude did little to off-put me, he was right, no one could resist such temptation. I was quick to make my way over, wrapping my arms around his torso, staring up at him.
“You are the best, babe.” He laughed at my claim and wrapped his arms around me, swaying side to side a bit. 
“Wow~ You really are so simple. And to think you haven’t even gotten to the best part yet.” He teased, glancing down at me with a cute smile. I gave him a confused look, not understanding what more he had planned. He moved his arms away opting to take my hand instead, as he lead me to our bathroom.
“Now, we don’t have a bath, but we do have a shower, and I know how much you love bubbles, so I did something.” With those words he opened the door, revealing our glass shower, filled partially with bubbles. Part of me wanted to be mad at this, it was definitely going to be a mess, but the better half of me saw this as a touching sentiment.
“Jungkook, you are absolutely out of your mind, I love you!” I threw my arms around him without a thought, lips colliding in a passionate kiss. He chuckled a bit as he kissed me back, lifting me so he could take me into the bubble mess. Once inside he set me down, letting me take in the wonderful creation. 
“As much as I love what you’re wearing, if you don’t take your clothes off soon I’m going to shred them.” His warning shocked me as he looked at me with all seriousness. With a shocked laugh I complied, stripping my clothes until I was bare, watching him rid himself of his boxers as well. No time was wasted as we latched onto each other, hands roaming flesh as we looked for relief. He bent me over, face pressing into the cold glass, quickly thrusting into me all the way, giving little room for adjustment as he roughly pounded into me. I could only push back against him, looking for more, trying to take as much of him as possible despite the delicious burn that came with the sudden stretch. His hands took their place on my hips where they were certainly leaving bruises that would help me relive this night.
“Jungkook!” I cry out as his hand reaches around to toy with me, the stimulation too much for me as I release. My body shakes as he continues to thrust into me, pressing into me as far as he can as he cums. Both of us are breathing heavy, his arms around me are the only thing preventing me from falling. The bubbles are nearly all gone.
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prettyyoungtragedy · 7 years
Nothing like Home : Part 1 (Steve x Reader)
Chapter one (Nothing like home)
Steve x Reader x (Angsty Steve Rogers!)
Summary: Takes place a year after The Winter Soldier, before the emergence of Ultron. Steve is struggling with the notion of not being able to find Bucky. Reader tries to get Steve out of his depression and help him find Bucky. It doesn’t go very well. Events of Ultron will feature.
 Word Count: 1797
 Warnings: None
 Y/N dropped down into the foam mat, dripping with sweat and exhausted from the extensive obstacle challenge Clint had set up for them. It was like cross fit but for Avengers, ropes and barbells were strewn all over the gym floor. Clint stood over Y/N,
“You need to get stronger, you are getting complacent” he pointed out, he had hardly broken a sweat during the course, you ignored him and closed your eyes trying to steady your heartbeat. Clint had always pushed you harder than anyone else when he trained because he knew you had a lazy streak in you and it showed when the Avengers were not on a mission or off saving the world. You would lay around watching Netflix and binge eating Chinese food when everyone else was training in their spare time. You argued that you was just trying to be normal but as Tony pointed out you would never be normal much to your dismay.
“Let’s go do more cardio” Clint said, walking away from you.
Y/N sat up abruptly “Absolutely not!” you whined “I am going to honestly puke if I do any more, Clint please”, Clint looked back at you and shook his head
“Y/N you can’t keep trying to get out of training, this is part of the job” he said,
“I am staging a protest, this is against my civil rights” You complained “I am going to the union!”
Clint chuckled, “Then take it up with the Captain, he is the union around here” he replied, then begun to pick up the gym gear off the floor and putting it back into its place.
Just then Natasha walked into the gym, she was wearing her all black gym attire, her red hair up in a high ponytail. “Oh, are you done already?” she asked, Clint looked over at Y/N who was still laying on the floor a sweaty mess,
“Yes, because someone” he glared at you “Quit before the end”,
“Ah, that’s too bad I was going to join in” Natasha said, seeming genuinely disappointed
You stood up slowly, every muscle in her body aching as you did so. “Nat, let’s go watch Netflix, you don’t want to train with Clint” you said groaning, “He is a monster”,
Natasha looked between the two of you and then laughed, “Y/N you are just lazy” she replied and then begun to stretch “I haven’t done any training, so I think I’ll stick around”,
“Suit yourself,” You shrugged, “I am out of here,” and with that you quickly slipped out the gym and into the quiet corridor of the state of the art Avengers Tower.
Y? walked silently towards her room, wanting nothing more than to take a shower and lay down for a bit after the brutal training session. As she neared her room she saw Steve leaning against the wall of her bedroom door, the super soldier looked deep in thought.
“Steve?” You said walking up to him, Steve snapped out of his trance and looked at you, his light blue eyes glazed over. “Everything okay?”,
Steve sighed and covered his face with his hands, his muscular arms almost bursting out of his shirt. “What happened Steve?” You asked, “Do you want to go to my room?”,
Steve shook his head “I just …” he trailed off not completing his sentence, you saw he was in distress not knowing what to do you quickly came up with a plan.
“Hold on,” You said, then darted into your room and quickly shimmied out of your workout clothes, splashed your face and neck with water, and doused yourself in a shit ton of deodorant not wanting to go out smelling like a turd. Y/N emerged from her bedroom wearing a simple white tshirt, blue jeans and black sneakers.
“Let’s get out of here” You said to the Captain, pulling Y/H/C into a messy bun.
Steve followed you silently as you walked through the quiet facility towards the garage. Tony had given each of you a car when they joined the Avengers, sort of like a welcome gift. It was a two hundred and fifty-thousand-dollar welcome gift you though as you walked up to the sleek black Mercedes Benz.
Steve looked over at Y/N, “This is yours?” he asked surprised,
You nodded and smiled widely “Birthday gift from Tony, also partly a welcome gift apparently” you said,
Steve shook his head and said nothing, getting into the sleek vehicle.
Steve Rogers had fascinated you since you joined the avengers a few years back, he always kept to himself and rarely interacted with the rest of the team on a social level, save for Sam and Natasha. You and Steve had bonded during the battle of Triskelion, when the Winter Soldier had emerged and Steve found out it was Bucky. When S.H.I.E.L.D fell, He had spent months after that looking for Bucky, and you had offered to help him not really having anything else to do. You didn’t think the two of you would have become so close, but you kind of became each other confidants which you appreciated because you always felt like an outsider to the team.
“I vote we go and get some ice cream” You announced as you pulled away from the Avengers Tower, “That’s always a good idea,”
The pair headed away from the facility, making menial conversation along the way. After a while Steve reverted to sullen silence and stared out the window at the passing trees. You glanced over at him, your heart went out to the super soldier when you saw the sadness in his eyes, Steve had been through so much not just lately but his whole life and now knowing that Bucky was still alive and out there as a Hydra agent, you could see it was eating him up. You, Steve and Sam had been searching for Bucky for almost a year now and all you had come up with was dead leads, and with every dead-end Steve became more despondent. His usual spry self, disappearing more and more into despair. He tried not to show it but you noticed it more than anyone.  
You decided to stop at a bar instead of getting ice cream, pulling into the lot of a nearby bar, you shut off the engine.
“I thought we were getting ice cream,” Steve said,
“Change of plans” You respond
“You know I can’t get drunk, right? So, it’s a little redundant for me to drink” Steve pointed out,
“Well then you can watch me drink”
Steve shook his head “What is the point of taking me out then if I have to just watch you drink?”
You sighed “Steve, just participate okay.”
The super soldier shook his head and then got out of the car, Steve was the worst when he was in a bad mood. He acted like a spoiled brat when he didn’t want to do something, sometimes you wondered how he was one of earths mightiest heroes with such a bad attitude.
Once inside they got a quiet booth in the corner and Y/N ordered two beers and a tray of twelve tequilas. Steve pulled a face at her when she ordered the tequilas, “Aren’t you driving?” he said as the waitress walked away
“Steve, can you stop acting like a dad for one second and just trust me? We are here to have fun so get your shit together” you said almost snapping at him,
Steve held up his hands in surrender, “Okay, relax, geez.”
You ignore his reaction, “So, what’s on your mind?” you asked, knowing that there was a reason Steve had come to you earlier. Even though you wanted to cheer him up you knew that he had to talk about whatever was on his mind, that’s just the way he was.
“It was nothing,”
“Steve… Just talk to me,”
Steve sighed deeply, his shoulder drooping as if they carried the weight of the world, which in Steve’s case wasn’t untrue. “I need to find him Y/N,” he said quietly “But it feels like the harder we look, the less likely we are to find him”,
“We will find him Cap, we will.” you replied,
“We have been looking for almost two years now,” he said exasperatedly, “And nothing. How could I not know that he was alive? He was…is my best friend”, the pain in Steve’s voice was evident.
You and Steve had, had this conversation multiple times and no matter how many times you tried to comfort him, he was just inconsolable. you knew the only way this pain would go away was if they found Bucky.
Before you could answer, the waitress appeared with their drinks. She placed a beer in front of Steve and smiled flirtatiously at him “Enjoy” she said winking at him and touching his shoulder before walking away.
Steve didn’t even seem to notice her flirting with him, he picked up his beer and begun to gulp it. You stared at him with raised eyebrows as he chugged through the entire beer in under a minute, he placed the empty bottle on the table with a thud.
“Okay then…” You said, surprised at what he had done. Steve was always so composed, this new side of him sort of excited you. Maybe the Captain would act less tick up his ass and a little more on the wild side you thought.
“Steve, it’s not your fault” You began,
“Nothing ever is,” he shot back bitterly not letting her finish, “That’s what everyone says, ‘Steve it’s not your fault’, but you aren’t ninety-five living in an era you shouldn’t even be alive in. You wouldn’t even begin to understand what it’s like to carry the weight of the dead.”
“You don’t have to carry it alone Steve” you interjected in his little rant,
“I do! That’s the whole point, you, Sam, Tony, none of you would even begin to understand this” he gestured to himself, “You all just go on with your lives, you get that luxury, I don’t”
“Tell me about it then,” You say softly reaching across the table and placing her hand over his “I want to help.”
Steve looked at her, his stunning blue eyes glinting under the fluorescent lights of the booth. “You can’t help me” he muttered sullenly, pulling his hand way then Steve pulled the tray of tequila towards him and wordlessly begun downing all the shots while Y/N sat in silence watching him pound through them.
Steve placed the last shot glass down with a thud, he had twelve shots of tequila in a row and seemed completely and utterly fine.
“That was disgusting.” He said pulling a face, 
You laughed “It’s tequila, what were you expecting.”
You were waiting for the other shoe to drop, and half expected him to pass out but he just sat there looking sullen,
Suddenly a bold idea popped into your head, “Want to go blow off some steam?” you asked him,
He looked up at you, “What do you have in mind?”,
Y/N smiled widely, “You’ll see.” Then you motioned for the bill from the waitress.
Part  2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6- 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13- 14 - 15 - 16 - 17 - 18 - 19 - 20
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tarzaposts · 7 years
Leadership & Respect with Animals
I got this brain storm, and though I’d write about it too...
Since I’ve had all kinds of animals all my life..surely I’ve trained them all.
I have had dogs, parrots, parakeets, cats, guinea pigs, fishes, and the main thing with animals are..you need to talk their language, all animals learn by energy and pressure., different motions and ques. You just need to know HOW!
When I was under 20 I moved out to  U.S, I’ve always felt more to be American than Finnish..I felt so at home there than.
I started out as an Au pair..oh, boy..totally not my thing..the family I stayed at had 5 parrots, 1 doberman and 2 kids that were so spoiled brats that .. I could not handle that kind of attitude... money talked..bullshit walked..sorry...
oh..boy..well, surely you can imagine how it turned out..  :)
Yes I found myself spending time, by training the Blue and Yellow Macaw..we fell totally  in love..it came walking to my room in the mornings,  knocked on the door and climbed up to my bed and started to kiss my face..nibble at my ear rings that got all twisted .. he was so funny..and he came everywhere I went, we drove to the pet store by car and got its feed...etc,..he came by the pool when I was outside... it was my buddy, and we totally understood each other..
Well, macaws usually have 1 owner and that’s it, either they like women or men..hardly both..since it’s hard to know what sex they are you need to make an DNA test..but ., they surely choose the owner themselves.
They are like a 4 y kid that wants all your attention and does all kinds of things to get it.. if not they they do a lot of harm, destroy furniture or what ever they can get their beak to,  and it they are depressed..they pull out their feathers..yes, I have seen it too..poor things
People don’t understand the responsibility that comes along with an parrot/ animals, it needs care taking 24/7, My macaw had a room of it’s own    :)
well back to my point...
Well, as.the other parrots were jealous at the attention it got from me and they tried to mingle along, but the macaw saw it differently.. there was a  Aratinga solstitialis, that kept screaming all the time..it has a terrible noisy scream..and it was mean..tried to bite every time it got close to you.., it had this thing going one that it wanted to be close to you, but not petted..so I left it surely alone. Also  Amazona oratrix, don’t recall which amazon it was ..and a Psittacus erithacus ..since its a long time ago don’t remember that clear.
Of course there was this doberman..well guess who was taking it out and trained it as well...it comes naturally  to me , I understand and love animals to the bits..they hear me  and we communicate  with understanding.
All my parrots and parakeets was free in my house, they sat on my shoulder, went outside for a car drive, store etc..if I said them to go to bed, they went to their cage and closed the door behind them..yes..believe they did it ...and more..
I remember 1 time  I had my Baby , the name of the Parakeet with me to a grocery store when I lived in Florida..this customer service lady came to me and sais, “Mam, you have a beautiful parrot, but sorry you cannot have it in here..well surely at that time my Baby, was jumping all over the water melons ha haaa.. and I totally agreed than..oh well one funny story..of many more..
It’s all normal to me, I see an animal..I communicate..
I’ve had a doberman here in Finland as well, but not my breed, I have had Cavalier King Charles spaniels, Chinese crest and now also 2 puppies that I train now....
I am so thrilled that I can help people, with animals
I just had a client that had a Chinese crest with fear issues, it had bit twice the neighbor and  its son, it was on its way to put down, “‘cause of bad behavior.”
I call it misunderstanding..dogs and horses they all need an SAFE but FIRM Leader!
Happy Ending
We’ll I trained that dog, but mainly the whole family, as they are the owners..the dogs needed 2-3 times of my time and coaching the family to be a leader. All problems cleared and they are a happy family with a dog that has an perfect happy personality as a Chinese crests should have..sorry to say, but this breed is very sensitive and have a lot of misbehaving IF NOT understood!!! Easily turns into fear and aggressive attitudes if not safe.
Here are my precious  some of them that I had photos of..since there was NOOO Digital cameras at that time..heres only a few of my darlings..
I used to work with an magician, and there I got my Blue and Yellow macaw.., the other  Macaw  belov is from the U.S times..
Enjoy..this is just a short inside story of many many more...
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This is MY beloved LOUKI that I had in the U.s he slept under covers in my bed with me, it was SO SMART..he was stolen when I left back to Finland and attacked this one guy who came to our apartment when I was away... also BABY that was a parokeet like the one sitting with my other balck cavaljier nose to nose :)
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Actor AU - ereri week day #5
I’ll keep being late, but I really want to write OS with all the prompt for the ereri week. This is the Actor AU from yesterday -though, it’s already 3 in the morning here (so two days ago i’m an horrible person), and I’ll be out in less the four our for a two-days family trip with no pc, so I’ll try to work on the rest on paper. Now, I really need to sleep. (sorry, I don’t know where pining!Levi came from...)
Rating: General Audience
Fandom: Shingeki no Kyojin
Pairing: Eren Jaeger/Levi Ackerman
Word count: 1913
Additional tags: Alternative Universe - Modern Setting, Actor AU, Pining!Levi, Actor!Levi, Help director!Eren
Summary: One Shot for ereri summer week 2017, Actor AU
He wasn’t pining. He knew what the word meant – to miss or long for, as his generous friend and manager Erd liked to remember him. He had anything he had always longed for -a house that fit a man’s basic needs, a family, even if not blood related, a healthy condition and the job career of his childhood’s dreams-, so Levi rarely lost his patience when the guy started reprimanding him about not giving himself the chance to be happy. What did that mean, anyway? He was happy. He really didn’t need anything and wasn’t interested in nothing more than what he already owned. It wasn’t out of arrogance, an accuse that needed to be addressed since just being a well-know, successful actor seemed to qualify him as the perfectly stereotyped windbag. Levi was genuinely okay with himself. He had his good points and bad parts, as anyone, nothing more. The door opened, cutting short his mental soliloquy. “Good morning, Mr. Ackerman!” There. The help-director who has been assigned to him. Closing after him, Eren Jaeger walked toward Levi with his long, tight-black-jeans-hugged legs, combat boots, and a mouth-watering fitting olive green button down. His hands were full of take away cups and a bag from Levi’s favorite bakery shop. God, that deserved more than a simple “thank you”. “How many times do I have to tell you to call me Levi, you deaf brat?” Okay. Something went wrong during the brain-to-mouth part of the communication. “But sir-“ “No. Every day the exact same thing before we even get things started. Are you trying to offend me?” How was he so much more talented in screwing up all his not-work-related conversation than movie script? He may have accidentally terrified the kid -his big, clear, magnetic eyes were wide with concern and confusion. “NO! I would never dream of-“ “Then call me by my name as I asked you. We have been working together for months, no need for all this formality.” The look in his eyes gentled a little, his features softening with relief and a sweeter hint of affection. “It’s just hard to get unused to formalities, s- Levi.” “Mmh.” He wasn’t smiling, not really. “We’ll just have to get you used to it.” He didn’t mention the fact that they had more or less one last week of filming left, and Eren didn’t, either. He handed out one of the cups and then hesitated, fiddling with the paper bag. “Here is your tea. I, uhm, I was walking past the place you told me about on the way here, the one with fresh bagels and those awesome donuts we ate when your brought them here? I thought they’d make the day start better, since the filming process is getting pretty intense, plus you seemed a lot stressed last week, so… yeah.” Eren gave him the bag and Levi didn’t know if he should gaze in wonder at that or the boy sitting in front of him on the couch. He chose to check on the item in his hands, breathing in. Levi smelled the chocolate-praline coated bagel before seeing or touching it. “Careful, Eren, you’re spoiling me. I may ask you to abandon the movie making road and become my slave.” And that wasn’t meant to sound as sexual harassment. “W-well, I wouldn’t mind this little deviation to become a routine for the days to come, if you’re up for it. Bagel really seems to lighten your mood!” You lighten my mood. He put a hand on his mouth to not let that kind of bullshit escape him. They already talked about boot-licking behavior and how much Levi hated that shit. They barely knew each other when Levi reprimanded him about it, and even then Eren seemed sincere when he admitted how much he admired Levi and his movies and how he wanted to work hard to make sure he wasn’t going to be a burden for any of them. Levi still saw the same determination, though Eren was much more mellow and friendlier than in those first days. He liked that attitude. Soon, they found a rhythm -practicing lines on mornings in Levi’s dressing room until it was time to film. The perfect routine, one he fought to maintain when the director wanted to change filming times due to a not so important reason -Pixis thought Levi wasn’t sleeping enough, that he was giving a hard time to his make up and hair styling team, but that was stupid, he just wanted to be there in time every morning to review his lines with the boy. He started eating, looking over at Eren as he pulled out of his bag the script from today’s scenes and summed up them for Levi. His voice demanded to be listened to, rich and enthusiastic while articulating every word and sentence, and Levi couldn’t do anything but what he was supposed to do. Chocolate hair were brushed off by a strong looking hand, so delicate between between those locks, and Levi followed it until it disappeared, focusing instead on Eren’s eyes. Worse. He sighed and told Eren to hand him the script so he could refresh the lines in his head before they started to work seriously.
“You’re being ridiculous.” “I’ve already heard that.” “Because you are! This is your ultimate chance! My God, Levi, you’ve been-“ “-pining on the help-director for moths! Why the two of you always talk about the same thing?! Don’t you get bored?” Erd turned around on the barstool and regarded Hanji, one out of two script’s co-writer, with a disapproving look. “You’re not helping, you know that?” “I can’t not-help something that isn’t even there, now, can I?” Levi shot her a dark look, sipping his drink with a frown. “Don’t you have lines to create instead of spitting bullshit here?” “We finished filming, honey!” “Don’t call me that.” “Aww, come on! Everyone knows, okay? Just go with the flow and see what happens! You two should talk and keep it slow, or meet up and fuck all day. But this sexual tension you’re emitting has to stop. It’s becoming hard staying around you. Literally” “Good.” She whined in annoyance. “Hanji is right. Stop pining after him and do something, dude!” He was not pining, for god sake- “Levi!” He shot around at Eren’s voice and located him walking over from the table where the crew was celebrating for the occasion. His smile was as big as theirs, only ten times brighter and cuter and his eyes where fucking shining under the bar’s faint lights. He wanted to run his hands on his cheeks and jaw and chin and caress those lips that kept forming his name and kiss him and see if they tasted as good as they were inviting- Fuck. He was definitely drunk -ish. “Why are the three of you here alone?! Well, you are three, so you’re not alone, but- you should come over!” Eren was cute when he drank too much. “You drank too much.” Right. No filter. Hanji held her laugh back, looking anywhere but at them, and Erd silently slipped away from the boot, siding her. “What are you talking about?! We are partying!” He threw his arms up, almost losing his balance in the action, and Levi shot forward, steadying the boy. “Stop, brat, you want to sprawl all over the floor or what?” “I want to get sprawled under you…” Eren threw his arms around his neck, this time, and Hanji couldn’t contain herself anymore -she burst out laughing, making meny heads turn around to regard them curiously. “Oh, wow. Okay, that’s our clue to leave!” Erd excused them with those word and dragged Hanji after him, while the woman kept crying out and shout thing like: “good luck with that, man!” He sighed, trying to keep Eren on his feet with his hands on the boy’s hips and ignoring what he said. “Stop saying shit. Come on, I’ll call you a taxi.” “Nooo. The party is not over, I came here to call you, not a taxi!” Levi was tired and drank and grumpy and he wanted to go home, but Eren stayed there, dead-weighing on Levi’s shoulders and muttering unintelligible shit in his ear. He sighed again, his heart was not jumping in his chest. “I’ll ride with you, okay? Let’s go, this is not a place for you in this state.” “But the others-“ “You look like you’re going to drop any moment.” “That’s not true! Stop treating me like a kid!” Eren struggled against him when Levi started to shove him out of the bar, not looking over at the table for even a second. “As you’re right now, you should be in bed.” “You could keep me company.” Levi moaned in displeasure. “You’re such a pain in the ass.” He leaned down and with a swift movement, he grabbed Eren’s leg for support, made pressure on his belly with his shoulder and lifted him up with a grunt, adjusting his weigh and keeping him still with his arm before walking over the door. “Put me down!” “As if.” “I can walk!” “It didn’t look like you wanted to.” “I’m going to spank you right now!” “Be my guest.” They left the bar, one more willing than the other, and Levi called for the taxi and moved closer to the edge of the sidewalk, were a bench was. He threw Eren there, minding he didn’t land too hard, and then sat down next to him. Eren almost instantly attached himself to Levi octopus style, making the actor wonder where he found so much agility when he seemed such a sluggish drunk. “Eren.” “Mmmmh.” “Move.” “I hno wanto.” Levi barely understood him. “I don’t care want you want, move.” He wasn’t agitated. He was perfectly calm. Eren didn’t move. “Eren.” “Mmmh.” “Eren-“ “You’r s’ comfy.” Levi freezed. Eren tightened his hold, nuzzling his face against the juncture of his shoulder and neck, making him shiver. Jesus fuckin- “I like your neck, it’s soft.” He spoke more clearly, taking a deep breath, then another. He was sniffing Levi. His heartrate was okay. It was all fucking good. Levi suddenly felt teeth against his neck and he barely held back a real moan, shocked at how quickly he had relaxed on that bench next to Eren. “Eren, we are drunk. Stop.” “Bt you wan me.” “What?” “I know. People talk. And I saw… when you thought I wasn’t lookin…” Levi swallowed, his throat so dry it hurt a little. And he was sweating, fucking gross! Eren’s words were sluggish, but understandably occasionally. He didn’t move his head and kept hugging him, as if he was afraid of letting him go. Levi just wanted to run. Or stay right where he was. “Why re you always s’ jumpy? I barely know what to do with myself when you… you re so… uh.” Levi’s arm found home on Eren’s bended shoulders, and the tension he felt in the boy’s voice seemed to leave his body, at least. “Not now, brat. We can- we can talk in the morning. Alright?” “You’ll be there?” “Uhm-“ “Stay on the couch. Or in my bed. Whatever.” “You seem awfully awake, right now.” “Not my fault.” Levi nuzzled him back a little, and the two of them waited the taxi. Erd was right -he was pining. But little did they know -Eren was pining too.
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Robert Hight
The first weekend that he broke Matt's record I was just waiting for Matt to break it. Matt's been making me crazy cause he just hangs out at the tree like he's texting at the stop light or something... that's all I gotta say about that. 339 is a huge jump... So to get that -- it's difficult for Matt. I know Matt's issues while driving but he's in. And habit hard to break. To be honest he's gotta work a long time practicing to get out of the way he drives. I'm not gonna sit here and write it out it's obvious. Let's move forward... So... Friday night Robert nearly got his ass beat. There was a huge to do because Robert was taunting me. I haven't said a word to anyone about Robert. The only only thing that I've said is that I think that Matt can beat the record that Robert set. That is all that I said and I wrote that in Sugar's Twitter So Friday night he started taunting me and Matt told him to stop. The FBI told him to stop. It went on for over an hour so Matt went over to their teepee and got John Force to understand what Robert was doing. So John Force finally was able to stop it. Because Robert does not respect anyone. He's a disrespectful little bastard. So after John and Matt got him by the neck he started to be nice to me. I still just ignored him. So then last night he started his shit again. I had already said what I thought about his breaking the 3.8 barrier. I said that Dejoria was the first one to break 4.o so as far as I see it, he's it any better than Dejoria We all know what I say about Dejoria. And I have not always said anything nice about her. In fact I've described her character in-depth and I don't believe any if it was positive until the last six months. And I've been on about her for YEARS. So just because he broke a barrier it doesn't mean that he's some God or some Braniac or someone to look up to. So I say that yet I admire Matt very much so for breaking barriers and being the first and making history. I'm saying that it's my choice to. I can make my own choices about who I want to admire and when. I choose not to admire Robert Hight. I fully believe he masterminded and swindled and talked his way into the Force Home. I don't believe he truly loves his wife. I dont. I think he just basically fucked his way into the top of the Funny Car NHRA. Who would not want to be in with John Force? He was champion for a decade back to back back to back back to back. I think Robert Hight's eyes lit up with greed and he did whatever he could to get in with John Force. Anything he could. And I think he does anything to stay with him. I don't think that John Force is a Mr Magoo. All blind and dumb and stupid. I think that John Force uses his heart and thinks with it more often than his brain. He lives in a highly competitive world where everything is cut throat and there's so so so much greed. I think he needs to love. He needs to trust. He needs to have a world that is kind. I think he should had shielded his heart and Family more. And his business as well. Especially since that's what Robert Hight wants most. And he has it. He's president. Matt has been in love with me his whole life. I was the first person to show him love. True patience, worry, kindness. The first person that could give that without being demanding or mean or evil. I'm not Robert Hight. I will never be Robert Hight. So what he holds a record. But when that littl pansy ass crybaby bitch dies. He ain't getting into Heaven. He will be lucky to retain memories of the good feelings that he got when he broke records. So let Robert Hight hold a record for a minute. It's the lamest and most pathetic thing that he is. That's all he is. A title. A title doesn't make a man. Matt Hagan at two years old told me he was a man. I was literally scared to death of him absolutely terrified. He knew what he wanted and what he wanted was me. I was scared to death and to this day 32 --- THIRTY-TWO years later, my hands still shake and my heart goes out of control beating from that memory that he told me that he loved me. I was so scared of love. Love wasn't real. Love made people do things. I didn't understand love. I was powered by love. I was absolutely powered by love and I cared to the deepest of my being. I was taught how to love. I was taught how to care. So he told me, he knew I loved and he loved me back and he wanted to keep my love forever. The deepest and most terrifying feeling, you can never ever feel, never imagine how scary it is, until you've felt it is the wonder if you can life until the end of time. If you can every single time perfectly execute caring, kindness, love, generosity. I guess you could say that Matt was ultimately terrible to me. Absolutely horrible to have that desire. That desire to be treated right and to have love forever. From me. I held him when he cried because someone else hurt him so bad that he has the deepest scars anyone has ever seen. I didn't believe that I could hurt him that same way. But despite his trust in me, he was afraid I would. And that made me want to melt into a puddle and die. Someone did it once. Why wouldn't it happen again? So obviously. Someone breaking his world record is nothing. Not a dam thing when he's thrown his heart in the middle of the floor and dared me to squish it. Told me it would break. But that he would still love me. He will break Robert Hight's record. Probably. Most definitely if he stays a Nitro Funny Car driver. I have absolutely no doubt that he will. What if he doesn't? You know what? He's talking about saving the lives of cows, deer and other animals. He's talking about carrying me because it's too painful for to walk. Talks about carrying me to the toilet. I'm 36 years old and he's like I want you to live past 80. And so that's a very long time for him to use me as a gym. It's obvious, the way that Matt Hagan has been driving this 2017 year that he really just does not give a shit about Robert stupid fucking Hight. He's got enough Wallys to make me a dildo a year for 20 years. So really. Who the fuck cares when you know he's gonna be using his dick? Point is that Robert doesn't care about anyone. Robert doesn't care about love. He doesn't have any of the values that John Force believed he had. John Force had to TEACH HIM LOVE. I actually like Robert Hight. On TV. He's got a great fun personality. But because he's been so busy hiding his personal (evil) agenda, he can't see real things. He can't see how people really are. Because he's been so busy hiding himself. Being fake. Trying to reach the top to be the bacon when he is just slop the pig eats. So maybe. Maybe just like Dejoria when she broke the 4.0 maybe he finally broke his own shell that made him a piece of shit ass hole. Luckily for him, John Force has an awkward and shy but huge and loving heart and spirit. Because if John wasn't so amazing then Robert Hight wouldn't be able to learn and to change and to become the type of person that deserves to hold a record. I hadn't said anything about Robert breaking the record. Because silence is golden. Everyone loves a nice quiet Sunday dinner when no one has to say a goddam word but be able to live in peace and Harmony. So I said nothing. I told Matt I hoped he would break it back because I believe he deserves to have it and no one else. That's exactly what I said. I'm sure Robert over heard as I can't stop him from spying. but I didn't say it for Robert. I said it for myself. I said it for Matt. But maybe Matt didn't even want to hear it... He wanted to hear me say those words but maybe that's all he wanted. He didn't want to break it. He just wanted to hear me say I think he deserves something absolutely amazing that everyone knows about. Maybe. So I didn't say anything about Robert that was negative. Things I think and feel. Things I think that will start a war and bull shit and make Robert mad. Because when Robert gets mad, he's disgusting. Absolutely furious and if you ask me is just a waste of carbon dioxide, oxygen and water. He deserves nothing but maggots out his eyes. His temper. It's disgusting And it's mostly disgusting Because he lies. And he thinks he can beat me. He thinks he can break me. He started a war with me. But I'm not playing. Because it's not a cold war. Everyone can see from his attitude how absolutely disgusting he is. They can tell from his temper he's a piece of shit. Don Schumacher is a different story. That's straight up cold war Russian spy. Like how Robert used to be before he became a spoiled brat. Like Denise. All I'm good I'm a good person then when you close the office door. It gets dirty. Disgusting and terrifying. So. I didn't say anything. I asked him to leave me alone very nicely and calmly on Friday. I told the FBI that he needed to leave me alone and so several stood between me and him. Robert wanted to pick and fight so they did the whole thing. I don't like that shit. It's stupid. I'm not going to talk to an arrogant jerk. I'll win but goddam I'll get so exhausted I will cry. (Not with Don tho) I'm sick. I very very very sick. My kidneys are on their way out and I didn't even know. I just found out... I knew they were hurting but I thought it was something else entirely. So idk if we can reverse it or what. It explains why my metformin isn't being digested and shit out whole and why my insulin has spiked so much that if it doesn't go down they will put me on insulin shots. And then I can still have a seizure because the seziure medicine I'm on for my fibromyalgia doesn't cover the type of seizures that I have. Found that out about 12 hours ago. So really. I don't give a shit about stupid ass Robert Hight. So Saturday night he's prancing around like a peacock with a dildo shoved up his ass and his Gramma chained to it and shoving it in and out for him. And I just told him "you look fucking stupid and get your stupid fucking ass away from me because you're just looking stupidier by the second" So the FBI herded him away. I should not had had to say anything. Friday night it was an outright war with alot of people just getting between me and him. Until he came back and was actually a normal human being. Whether or not it was fake I don't even care. I'm just tired of people bothering me. Then I said "big deal. Dejoria broke 4.0 some one has to break the record. Someone has to. Anyone. Just so happened to be Robert. Big deal" I really don't care about racing. I could care more but I'm not there. I'm here. At my house. Where my kid bitches we don't have water. Where Alex's dog was brutally murdered in cold blood for no reason. Where my refrigerator my stupid ex-husband insisted on getting and I didn't want but got it because it made him smile doesn't work anymore. Where I can't get my kid's iron up high enough because she won't get off her period. So it's really difficult for me to care about some record. Maybe if I helped break it I would care. But I didn't. So I don't. Maybe I helped Robert want to be a real person because I wasn't afraid to tell him that I see through his lying and selfish ass. I don't know. I don't care. I have real shit to care about. Really shit that's a whole lot more important to me than some stupid ass NHRA extra cariccular activity that someone decided to make a career out of. I didn't decide that. Matt decided he wanted to race. He always loved cars. He was so excited when j got my driver's license. He loved every second of me driving. And racing trains by crossing in front of them. Waiting till they got as close as possible before I crossed the tracks. So that's Matt. That's what Matt decided to do with his life He also decided to care about farms and shit. Call me what you want but I care more about what a cow eats before I care about how fast a car can go. I think I could beat Robert Hight's record myself. I think Matt is an absolutely amazing driver. He is. It's not just me. He proves it. But I also see what he does wrong when h drives. I can be as good as him. I know can be better than him. I don't care about Robert. I admire Matt. I want to be better than him. I want to be better than John Force when he was running back to back champions. Matt gets all bugged cause John wears a white hat. Always. I'm all.leave him alone. He deserves that hat. If I was him, I'd want w fucking crown but I would settle for a white hat everyday. People tell that I'm the best they got. I tell them God help this planet because there's Gotta be someone better than me. I pray all the time that there's people better than me And that they stay that way and not because I get worse but because they keep getting better. So I don't feel bad for wanting to beat people I admire. So here's to you Robert Hight, I don't give a shit you won and you better leave me the hell alone or you're gonna get your ass beat in every single possible way in your life. If it make you feel better then congratulations, too. Because I'm not bothered by you. Just like someone beat Dejoria's 4.0 break. Someone will break the 3.7 and the 3.6 and I think it can get down to two point two. Then someone may eventually been beat that.
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