#he’s like 31 so not old I’m like 28 but that was still wild to talk about
fortheloveofthestyles · 9 months
My boss was just talking to me about Supernatural being one of his favorite shows and I asked him about his thoughts on Castiel being sent to super hell for confessing to Dean (I have never seen the show everything I know about this show is from this hell site) and he had literally no idea about it.
Turns out he stopped watching it like right before that and he has also never heard of the ship before but by the end of our conversation he was invest and wanted to learn more sooo…I got a new Destiel shipper for y’all
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daeyeol4you · 1 year
The Chay Rewatch
As part of my KP Rewatch, I’m going to be commenting on each episode and analyzing the different Chay scenes. He’s my favorite character, and I thought I’d put down my thoughts (as well as timestamps for his scenes) as a fun way to express that.
Episode 1
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Our first glimpse of Chay as a character is the baby photo at the 17:24 mark when the camera pans over an old family photo – the next photo shown is Porsche and Porchay, much older – speaking to the role Porsche was forced to take on as a young child and the clear love between the two.
Time: 17:40- 19:28 - My favorite boi appears!!
Chay being the designated family nurse – he’s never the one hurt but he deals with every single hurt his family goes through, constantly shown that everyone is putting themselves at risk while he just sits there
Arthee saying “If not, Chay would’ve been hurt.” as if he and his gambling issues aren’t the direct cause of the financial troubles Porsche has that caused the rent/debt payments to be late – Porsche’s blind eye that he turns whenever someone close to him does something bad is wild to me, but I digress, this is about Chay
The look on Chay’s face during the whole conversation about paying Chai is very important as he’s clearly a witness to what happened off screen, but he stays silent even during an exchange where he definitely would have something to say. He silently reassures Porsche that he’s okay, but its like he’s biting his tongue because anything he’d say would cause an argument or burden Porsche.
One of the many times we see Chay completely shut down his natural reaction and feelings, something that happens a lot around Porsche. He’s usually so upfront about what he thinks, wants, and feels, so this moment of quiet self-censorship is very telling, to me at least, in how Chay tries to protect Porsche or lighten the load. Chay clearly feels a lot of guilt about how much he’s costing the family.
His first words: “Hia, I’m sorry.”
This whole scene is such an interesting intro because Chay is here to show exactly what Porsche is fighting for and what he has to lose. Without Chay, Porsche doesn’t join the mafia. Without Chay, Porsche doesn’t end up falling in love with Kinn.
Time: 25:45 – 17:18- the celebration pizza scene!
His Shirt: Today is a good day – the costumers really weren’t going for subtlety here
The costumers really like putting Chay in white, maybe to show his innocence or that he’s Porsche’s one light before he falls for Kinn.
Porsche getting to squish Chay’s face – hate to see others living your dream
Chay with the milk, I’m sorry I laughed
Porsche really still sees Chay as a baby – he will have a heart attack if he ever learns that Chay was drinking at a club and nearly took drugs
Time: 31:50 – 32:25 - The Call
Chay I love you, but why would you tell your brother this? I understand he called you, but my dude… just say you’re in the bathroom
shows a lot of Chay’s childishness alongside how unaware of the mafia world he is
His Outfit: Not really distinguishable, but I’m assuming its the same shirt from later on in the episode
Time: 42:53 – 43:33 - Post Disaster Chay
Chay cleaning up the records is honestly so sad. They’re not something he or Porsche would buy as Chay likes idols and Porsche doesn’t seem that interested in any form of art, and the record player looks like the one my dad has in his childhood bedroom (ie that shit old) which means that these are their parents’ records. Chay was barely a toddler when they died meaning he has no memories of them. Porsche, however, does and has elevated their parents to a near god-like status throughout Chay’s life to justify how he pushes Chay to succeed. Chay cleaning those records first when the rest of the house is a mess is him trying not to spare Porsche even just that tiny bit.
Also I wonder if Chay’s love for music stems from these records. Maybe Porsche put them on and said our parents loved these records so that Chay could at least share something with them.
Look, if I were Chay and my brother disappeared the night after saying hey was it Kinn’s people who destroyed the house? I would simply try to find out who Kinn was.
Chay’s outfit: I’ve seen other’s discussing this but the statue of Nike on his shirt continues the trend of the costumers choosing the weirdest thematic shirts to put Chay in.
Time: 48:06 – 54:58 The Beach Bar
Sidenote: all of the trinkets in this house are so thematically interesting
Nefertiti: She shows up in 2 different trinkets. There’s replica of the famous Nefertiti bust, and there’s a picture of the bust in the collage next to the computer. She’s one of the most famous queens in history and one of the most famous pieces of art from Egypt (honestly only beaten out by Tutankhamen’s gold funerary mask, Tutankhamun is also her son – read from this what you will). Korn later contemplates the queen piece as he states that all of the pieces are complete.
The white bird statue on the bookshelves: Nampueng is painting a white bird when she meets Porsche and Porchay (I think) and white birds symbolically usually signify freedom
The silver knight chess piece: this I’ve also seen commented on, but I genuinely think this is so important for Porsche’s role in Korn’s game. Porsche has the symbols of the most famous queen in Egyptian history and a knight chess piece so heavily connected to his home. Also silver is the same color as the Major Family's signet rings. I’m definitely going to keep an eye out for these going forward.
Chay’s Outfit: still in the Victoire de Samothrace shirt, and honestly this entire scene is full of so much history and antiquity in the set and costume design it has to be intentional right??
This whole scene is honestly the best brother scenes in the show, Apo and Barcode are the best at portraying fictional brothers. Chay’s judgmental looks whenever Porsche does something weird to make him laugh – that’s Barcode and Apo full stop.
On a serious note, this scene shows that Chay doesn’t always want to follow Porsche’s path, even though he eventually respects his brother and listens to him. He’s a teenager, and try as Porsche might, he’s not as naïve and innocent to the world as Porsche, who tends to only see the baby in his baby brother, would like. He knows that his schooling is causing a lot of trouble, and he’s trying to pull his own weight. Which Porsche sidesteps in the way only a parent with a crying kid can do.
Sidenote: Porsche refusing to move out of the house is very telling about his character. He was forced to grow up very quickly, but he’s holding onto the house and his parents’ ‘dreams’ (as if their parents didn’t want both their children to go to college and be happy) in a vaguely childish manner that isn’t talked about as much. He wants the life he couldn’t live, and since he can’t have that, he’ll hold on to the idea of it.
Chay’s cries way too many times throughout this series, and he makes me tear up a little bit every time. This scene in particular because its such a realistic scene. Barcode definitely draws a lot of himself up when filming these crying scenes which is why it hurts so much.
Chay Crying Counter: 1
“Don’t forget, you’re not alone in this. And you’re not the only one fighting.” – Chay is constantly bringing up how Porsche isn’t alone, how there are two of them in this family (pool confrontation speech anyone?), but I think this also says a lot about Chay’s character throughout the show. Often times, non-main characters (I’m not gonna say minor even though technically Chay’s screentime puts him closer to minor when compared to other characters) get treated like dolls who exist only to forward the main pairing’s story. Chay states right from the get go that he’s his own person not just an extension of Porsche. He’s fighting as well. He’s a driving part of this story too. (I may be getting a bit too passionate about this one quote, but c’mon! I love when characters assert their own autonomy within the narrative!)
Chay trying to involve himself in Porsche’s troubles (and the narrative), trying to get Porsche to let him in only to be gently shut down and then not so gently left behind. IDK I love analyzing the different Chay’s we get because like Kim & Wik, Chay has different personas that he puts on with different people. With Porsche, he’s the sweet, agreeable baby brother who has to live out their parents’ dreams. He gets good grades, and he goes to the university interview because that is what Porsche wants. And yet, the second he’s no longer in front of Porsche or where Porsche can keep an eye on him, he drops the mask and allows his real emotions to show (I’ll do more analysis as we get to later episodes because this is getting long)
Chay is so attentive to Porsche’s dreams. The beach bar is definitely something he’s pieced together from different things over the years. Porsche talks a lot, and Chay definitely listens. They’re like that Into the Spiderverse meme.
Chay how tf do you not have neck issues. His head is literally laying on his shoulder while he’s laying on the bed.
Not me also analyzing the jazz posters on his walls – Chay was definitely in the Jazz band in school which is why he needs guitar tutoring. He probably plays the saxophone. Most of the saxophone players I know are unhinged in fruity and delightful ways so this is a compliment.
Chay’s Outfit: His satin matching pajama set compels me even though it does not fit his character at all. They definitely realized he needed pajamas and stole something from the costume rack for the major family. They would wear satin pajamas (Kinn does wear satin pajamas I think at one point)
The first thing Chay does when he leaves his room is call for Porsche, somebody sedate me. But what was he trying to do? Was he trying to continue the conversation from the night before? Does Porsche normally wake him up for school? I need answers…
Chay reading the note breaks my heart because its so clear that Porsche is lying. The morning after Chay brings up them running away to run a beach bar and Porsche is suddenly going to an out of reach beach bar? Chay knows this is bull because Porsche would have said something the night before. Chay knows Porsche is doing something so bad that he feels the need to lie to Chay. The deep sigh Chay let’s out as he stares into the yard biting his lip (or pouting? Idk) shows that Chay isn’t fooled. He’s aware that Porsche is in deep shit, and he’s upset that Porsche has gone on his own to fix it. But Chay can’t outwardly express that because he’s spent his whole life being the perfect baby brother trying not to be a burden. So Chay just sits and sighs in his empty house away from the narrative his existence kickstarted (because Porsche would have never joined the family if he wasn’t so desperate to take care of Chay)
Chay is so interesting to me because he is so important to the plot as a whole, but he is constantly kept far away from the main plot. I saw someone say once that he’s in a completely different genre from the mafia story he’s a part of, and I agree.
Overall Chay Rating (Chrating): I give this episode an A- 
 It’s a great intro into Chay’s character by giving you a lot of setup for his character, particularly in relation to who he is around Porsche. There’s no Kim, but I like that we got introduced to Chay before his romantic interest comes onto screen. Chay’s styling this episode was cute, but not my favorite looks. This episode stockpiles Chay fans with lots of Chay screentime to survive the harsh winter (the episodes without him) coming for them. It’s not the best Chay episode, but its definitely up there.
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friendly-books · 9 months
Turn Coat live blog
Turn Coat live blog
“I answered it and Morgan, half his face covered in blood, gasped, “The Wardens are coming. Hide me. Please.”
His eyes rolled back into his skull and he collapsed.
Super.” pg. 15 Ha and what a way to start the book. 
“Truth be told, I still had nightmares occasionally, about being pursued by an implacable killer in a gray cloak,” pg. 18 Yep Morgan is the worst.
“Last place anyone would look for him be my guess.” pg. 18 Yep
“Oh bite me, wizard boy,” pg. 19 Ha
“I am. I’m helping him because I know what it feels like to have the Wardens on your ass for something you haven’t done.” pg. 22 Yep 
“So. How are the headaches?” pg. 22 Bonnie! Would Bonnie’s conception count as an immaculate conception?
“Thank you-“
“Oh shut up” I said, shuddering. “Neither of us wants that conversation.” pg. 28 Ha
“Aleron LaFortier is dead.” pg. 29 I’m not too sad that he’s dead. 
“Gosh. That was irrational of them, to jump to that conclusion.” pg. 30 Ha
“I went to bed two nights ago. I woke up at LaFortier’s private study in Edinburgh, with a lump on the back of my head and a bloody dagger in my hand. pg. 31 Suspicious 
“Stars and stones. What on God’s green earth  was that thing?” pg. 45 What did Harry see? Harry think of your poor brain and psyche. He’s got to stop poking things with his Sight. It’s bad for him. You’ve got brain damage now you’ve got to be careful. 
Oh good Harry got to Georgia and Billy’s house 
What is Harry muttering about the numbers?
Well now Harry’s using horrible memories to get use to the Sight of the Skinwalker. 
“Kirby was the only clearly lit object in sight-an ideal target.” pg. 56 Oh no
Oh no Kirby :( 
How long does someone need to be dead for it to be considered necromancy and not resurrection? 
“You nuked it” pg. 77 So cool
Zero is strange 
“That’s why this place is called Zero, I realized. Zero limits. Zero inhibitions. Zero restraints. It was a place of perfect, focused abandon, of indulgence, and it was intriguing and hideous, nauseating and viscerally hungry.” pg. 88 Not a fan of Zero
They seriously got a wanted poster for Morgan. Old school wild west style. Ha
Madeline? Like back in White Night with the thrall? 
“You are Jessica Rabbit, right?” I asked. “All slinky and overblown and obvious?” pg. 102 Ha
Good for Thomas and Justine for attacking Madeline
“You aren’t doing her any favors by going easy on her, Dresden,” he said, more quietly “You aren’t preparing her for exams. She doesn’t receive a bad mark if she fails.” pg. 129 What happens if Molly fails the exam?
“She threw stones at me” pg. 129 Luccio why would you do that? Why not snowballs or water balloons? Does Luccio and Morgan have a  paternal substitute similar to Harry and Ebenezar? Maybe that’s why Morgan lost it back in Dead Beat?
“Pain is an excellent motivator,” he said “And teaches one to control one’s emotions at the same time.” pg. 129 No that’s stupid. 
Morgan stop calling Thomas a “it” 
“You did a bad thing once” I said “It doesn’t make you a monster”
“What if it does?” pg. 134 No Molly isn’t a monster. Now Molly feels like a monster. I’m reminded of when Harry had similar thoughts back in Proven Guilty. Morgan sucks 
“The Council is not divided” pg. 139 Oh Morgan you sweet summer child. Open your eyes and stop being such a Council supporter.
“You two play nice.” pg. 142 Ha
Alright let’s see if I can sus out this traitor. So it’s got to be one of the senior council members or staff. Merlin, McCoy, Listen-to-Winds, Librety, Mai, Gatekeeper, and Peabody. I don’t think it’s McCoy as he’s trying to get rid of the black council. I don’t think it’s Listen-to-Winds as he’s got a friendly raccoon buddy. I don’t think it’s Merlin as why would he be the traitor he’s in charge? I don’t think it’s Gatekeeper as he seems to be on Harry’s side. I don’t think it’s Mai as she’s got those guardian temple dogs. I don’t know enough about Liberty and Peabody. But Liberty seems to be on Harry’s side. So by some less than logical reasoning I thinks it’s Peabody as he’s the White Council scribe so he probably knows things. And he talked to Merlin at Molly’s trial. 
“The only wizard I see less frequently than he is you.” pg. 153 Interesting I wonder why?
 “When I’d been young man, hauled before the Council to be tried as a violator of the First Law of Magic, they brought me to Edinburgh. The musty, wet, mineral smell of the place had been almost all I knew while I waited, hooded and bound, in a cell for a full day. I remember being horribly cold and tortured by the knots my muscles worked themselves into after so many hours tried hand and foot. I remember feeling more alone than ever in my life, while I awaited whatever was going to happen. 
I had been scared. So scared. I was sixteen. It was the same smell, and that scent had the power to animate the corpses of some of my darkest memories and bring them lurching back into the front of my thoughts.
Psychological necromancy.” pg. 158 Therapy please. This is trauma. 
“You have too much history with Morgan. This has got to be dispassionate, and you’re just about the lest dispassionate person I know.” pg. 161 Ha
“As the mind grows older, it gets established.” pg. 161 
Interesting that with time a person can’t be mind controlled. That does bring into question Luccio and her schrodinger cat position. As while her soul and personhood is centuries old the body she’s in isn’t. So would she be able to be mind controlled?
“Peabody gulped” pg. 164 Suspicious 
“What he doses isn’t dramatic, but his organizational skills have been a critical asset since the outbreak of the war.” pg. 164 That would make him a good spy.
How did Ebenezar know that Harry was holding Morgan?
Did LaFortier not use a death curse? Why didn’t he use it? 
So LaFortier was the point between the White Council and the other countries that weren’t in the Council. 
In every scene Peabody in so far he’s having people sign paper. Could it be part of his plan? Hmm 
“Peabody stopped before the Merlin, blinking.” pg. 182 Suspicious 
“You are an untidy person.”
“I put my hand over my heart, grinning at him “Ow” pg. 184 Ha
Why does Peabody keep wanting to get people to sign paper? Is that part of his plan? An inkwell, seriously? Is it the inkwell? Is it an evil magic inkwell? I bet it is. Who uses inkwells nowadays. Just use a pen. There is such a thing as taking an aesthetic too far. 
“Either LaFortier chose not to use it, or he was incapable of using it.” pg. 191 Interesting
So either LaFortier didn’t use his death curse or he couldn’t use it. If he couldn’t use it there aren’t many ways to counter a death curse. A sniper rifle could do it like what Kincaid said. But the wounds were defensive and no gunshot wounds. There aren’t many melee weapons that could stop magic. Wait hold up isn’t the Warden swords anti magic. So they can fight warlocks. So anyone with a sword could have killed LaFortier. The people who we’ve seen have swords are Morgan, Carlos, and Luccio. I don’t think it would be someone we don’t know. It isn’t Morgan as he claims he didn’t do it. And came to Harry for help. I don’t think it’s Carlos as he hasn’t really been mentioned. So that just leaves Luccio. With the mention of mind control magic and Peabody I think he mind controlled Luccio and got her to kill LaFortier. That brings us to Morgan and his suspicions of two day unconsciousness. I don’t think he was unconscious. I think he saw Luccio either kill LaFortier or stand over his body and take the blame. 
Oh no Thomas is in trouble 
Binder what kind of name is that?
“Binder gave me a gimlet stare. Then he rolled his eyes and shot a brief glance over his shoulder-then did a double take as his mouth dropped open.” pg. 212 Ha
“Ernest Armand Tinswhistle” pg. 213 Never mind his real name is so much worse.
“The sliver oak leaf.” pg. 222 Oh no
“Titania’s retainer told me. The entire Summer court has been laughing about it for months.” pg. 222 Ha
“I took it and pitched it into the haunted woods.” pg. 223 Ha
“‘Accomplice is an ugly word. So is ‘penitentiary’” pg. 233 Ha
“He is kind of a drama queen.” pg. 237 Ha
“Who said anything about magic?” pg. 237 What else is Molly going to do?
“I think your mother would scream bloody murder” pg. 237 I’m screaming bloody murder.
“Morgan made a low, appreciative sound as the door closed.” pg. 237 MORGAN NO 
“Maybe. But that was just…just wrong.” pg. 237 Yep I agree completely. Wrong 
“Received, one six foot traditional Ozark walking club from Mr. Smart-ass.
That’s Doctor Smart-ass to you. I didn’t spend eight years in insult collage to be called Mister.” pg. 241 Ha
“I’m sorry sir,” she said “but the addition-counseling center is on twenty-six.” pg. 242 Ha
“I debated several answers and decided to start things off by annoying her.
I know. Me. Shocking, right?” pg. 245 Ha
“Her eyes were wide, her expression a mixture of terror and awe as she stared up me.” pg. 252 Evelyn what did you see in the soul gaze. Why terror and awe? 
Oh lovely another Mexican stand off now with Luccio. 
“There are monsters from whom I’d expect better behavior, once they had accepted my hospitality. What’s more, they’d give it to me.” pg. 257 Ha
“Bitch, I know you didn’t just say that.” pg. 258 Whoa there Molly let’s calm down.
“I can’t believe I’m about to say this,” I said. “So think real careful about where this is coming from. Have you people ever considered talking when you’ve got a problem?” pg. 259 Ha
“Sorry,” I told him at once. “Four-footed nonvocalizing company expected.” pg. 260 Ha
“You,” I asked “and Morgan?” pg. 262 What? I didn’t clock that at all. I’m just as bad as Harry. I didn’t see Luccio/Harry, Lara/Harry, and now Morgan/Luccio. So Morgan loves Luccio romantically. He must be so upset that Luccio and Harry are dating. 
“Who do I look like Kissinger?” pg. 266 I hope not. Kissinger is a terrible person. He commented war crimes.
“Is there any reason this can’t be civil visit?” pg. 270 Yes you brought Harry with you.
“Well. I couldn’t argue with that, but the words made Anastasia’s eyes narrow dangerously.” 277 I’m with Harry and Lara on their views on the White Council. 
“It was Thomas’s necklace.” pg. 296 Oh no Thomas 
“Because people in helpless situations come to you for help on a regular basis. And you help them. It’s what you do.” pg. 300 Yep that’s Harry in a nutshell.
“I always enjoy dealing with a man possessing  a well-developed sense if self-worth.” pg. 302 Harry doesn’t have that. 
“At what point did you forget that I am a vampire Dresden? A monster. A habitually neat, polite, civil, and effective monster. Her eyes drifted down the hallway, to where a well-muscled young man was being helped sit down, while a medic secured bandages over his eyes. Lara stared intently at him, the color of her eyes lightening to silver, her lips parted slightly. “So am I” pg. 307 Lara is scary
“He always worried that he’d never be able to talk to you. That the world he came from was so different. That he wouldn’t know enough about being human to relate. That he wouldn’t know about being a br-“ pg. 310 Aw Thomas 
“You’re like family to me, Harry. You always care.” pg. 310 Aw :)
“She focused sharply on Anastasia for a moment-and then upon me. 
Lara’s eyes flicked several shades paler as her ripe lips parted in dawning realization. A very slow smile crept over her mouth as she stared at me.” pg. 313 So Harry doesn’t have true love’s protection anymore. So that means Luccio doesn’t love him :( 
“Margret. You selfish bitch.” pg. 315 Whoa Luccio not a fan of Margaret I see.
I kinda agree with Margret about the council.
I don’t agree with Luccio. That’s a whole separate comment about her argument. 
“As harsh an experience as it created for you, Harry, the Laws of Magic are not about justice. The White Council is not about justice. They are about restraining power.” pg.  319 That’s my main issue with the White Council. I think they should be more about justice than they are. 
“Over. My. Dead. Body.” pg. 321 Yep Harry cares about his family. I wonder how Luccio figured it out but not Elaine. While Luccio had help from Justine it’s surprising that Luccio was able to piece it together but not Harry’s other friends. 
“Because you need your brother to be alright” pg. 325 Yep see previous comment. 
“Then if you want my help, things are going to change. I’m not charging blindfold again. Not ever.” pg. 337 Yep stop keeping your friends in the dark. 
“Then I made a fist and slugged his smug face hard enough to knock him over backward in the chair.” pg. 351 Ha
“The mighty Harry Dresden. Subcontracting detective work.” pg. 363 Ha
“Bear in mind that someone like him can do everything I can do and considerable besides. And even people on the bloody Council are nervous about that one.” pg. 367 Yep Harry can be scary.
“You lost a fight to one overgrown Boy Scout and one pint-sized mortal women, got yourself locked up by the police, of all the ridiculous things, and missed your chance to earn the reward.” pg. 369 Ha Harry is an overgrown Boy Scout. Why is it that these morally dubious people know that but the Council thinks he’s a black sheep/warlock? 
“The air smelled of cordite. Mouse’s fur, all down his left foreleg, was matted and caked with blood.” pg. 380 Oh no Mouse :( 
Oh no Molly broke a Law again. The same on too. 
“I promise that I’ll be beside you,” I said. “I can’t promise anything else. Only that I’ll stand beside you for as long as I can.” 
“Okay,” she whispered. She leaned against me.” pg. 393 Aw 
So subtle mind control. Maybe that’s what Peabody is doing with the inkwell. I don’t trust anyone who uses an inkwell. Just use a pen. 
“I think someone has tampered with Captain Luccio. I’d bet my life on it.” pg. 394 I knew it 
“You were acting?” I said “To make it hit Molly harder?” pg. 394 Good for Mouse.
“A real party. Practically everyone who’d wanted to kill me lately would be there.” pg. 399 Harry given your track record with parties I don’t see this going well.
“That is the plan” I confirmed. Then I bent down and kissed her forehead and her mouth, gently, and leaned my forehead against hers. “Love you too,” I whispered.” pg. 492 Yay Harry/Murph moment! 
“And yet here I am about to pop you in the nose,” I muttered. “Am I daring or what?” pg. 410 Ha and if it works on sharks it should work on Demonreach. 
“It rocked back at the impact. Not much. Maybe half an inch, though that column of fire  would have blown apart a brick wall. But I had moved it that half inch. There was no doubt about that.” pg. 418 So cool
“I am Harry Dresden, and I give thee a name, honored spirit. From this day on, be thou called Demonreach.” pg. 418 So cool
Demonreach is so cool. Harry names another. I wonder how this will play out. 
“I slid will into my voice as I said, simply, “Thank you.” pg. 419 Aw :) Harry being nice to Deamonreach. 
“I’ve got nothing going on in here at the moment.”
I realized what I had said just as the last word left my mouth, and glanced at Morgan. He lay on the bunk with his eyes closed. His mouth was turned up in small smile. “Too easy.” 
Molly fought not to grin.” pg. 426 Ha
So cool that Harry challenged the entire Senior Council. 
I like Toot-toot 
“I cannot decide,” he said “whether you are the most magnificent liar I’ve ever encountered in my life-or if you truly are as ignorant as you appear.”
I looked at him for a minute. Then I hooked my thumb up at my ridiculous head bandage.
“Dude” pg. 452 Ha
“There is the world that should be,” he growled, “and the world that is. We live in one.” 
“And must create the other,” Ebenezar retorted “if it is ever to be” pg. 469 So cool
“And then it hit me. They were dealing with something far more dangerous than me, Harry Dresden, whose battered old Volkswagen was currently in the city impound. They were dealing with the potential demonic dark lord nightmare warlock they’d been busy fearing since I turned sixteen. They were dealing with the wizard who had faced the Heirs of Kemmler riding a zombie dinosaur, and emerged victorious from a fight that had flattened Morgan and Captain Luccio  before they had even reached it. They were dealing with the man who had dropped a challenge to the entire Senior Council, and who had then actually showed, apparently willing to fight-on the shores of an entirely too creepy island in the middle of a freshwater sea.” pg. 471 So cool! 
Not a fan of ancient Mai 
“He was not truly your apprentice. You kept watch over him for a mere two years.” pg. 473 Yes Harry was an Ebenezer apprentice and it was an important two years!
I love that we got a glimpse into Harry’s appearance time. Yeah, having killed Justin a bunch of bully teenagers isn't all that scary in comparison. 
“Lady Raith,” Ebenezer said, calmly. “Touch that boy again and only things left for your kin to bury will be your five-hundred-dollar shoes.” pg. 479 So cool! I love how much love Ebenezer has for Harry and vice versa. 
“Wile E. Coyote” I said to him soberly. “Suuuuuuper Genius.” pg. 483 Ha 
Ebenezer used a force choke. It was cool.
Ahhhhh!!!! Lara is terrifying. Madeline didn’t deserve that. Why would you do that Lara? I’m going to have nightmares. Lara is definitely a monster. I don’t want her anywhere near Maggie.
“Someone had to be human.” pg. 512 Yep 
Poor Thomas :( 
“Bring it! Bring it, you dickless freak!” pg. 530 Ha 
Toot-toot to the rescue! 
“Mother says you have no place here.” 
“Father says you are ugly” pg. 539 Ha
“Just gonna kick your ass up between your ears.” pg. 540 Ha and Listen-to-winds is so cool. 
“Retribution,” Ebenezer said. “Not justice” pg. 555 It definitely isn’t justice. It’s retribution and vengeance. 
“I remind you that Dresden and his apprentice  aided and abetted a fugitive from justice.” pg. 556 Stop calling it justice it’s not justice.
“Little guy like that, taking on something so far out of his weight class. That was a sight to see.” 
Ebenezer snorted. “Yeah. Wonder where the pixie learned that.” pg. 558 Ha and where do you think Harry learned it from. Definitely not Justin. 
I think Harry should learn from Listen-to-winds. 
Oh no Ebenezer doesn’t know about Thomas. Maybe Harry and sit him down and they actually have a conversation about Thomas. I can dream ok. 
Oh no poor Thomas what happened to you?
“Wile E. Coyote,” I said wisely. “ Suuuuuuper genius” pg. 569 Ha 
“Ebenezar was of the opinion that apprentices were always hungry. Can’t imagine where he got that idea from.” pg. 576 Ha
Ebenezer is a cool bookworm. I wonder if Harry got being a bookworm from Ebenezer.
“The Merlin has demanded that we put the boy under surveillance at once. I think he’s a damn fool.” pg. 578 Ebenezar is right. Harry would not be happy about that. White Council looks like a police state. 
“But then again, I trusted Maggie’s too” pg. 578 Maggie as in Harry’s mom? Did Ebenezer teach Harry’s mom? Do they have a parental substitute dynamic? Actual parent and child? Look I’m going to get one of these relationships right I swear. 
“Merlin,” pg. 579 As in the original Merlin?
“Mai looked daggers at Injun Joe” pg. 584 Not a fan of Ancient Mai
“Mai looked as if someone had hit her between the eyes with a sledgehammer. “That,” she said, in a breathless tone “is a Foo dog.” She stared at me “Where did you get such a thing? And why were you allowed to keep it?” pg. 588 First of all Mouse isn’t a thing or an it. He was the best boy there ever was. Second of all Harry didn’t pick Mouse, Mouse picked Harry. 
“It is my belief that Peabody has been drugging the ink for the purpose of attempting greater mental influence over the decisions of members of the Senior Council, and that it is entirely possible that he has compromised the free will of the younger members of the Council tonight.” pg. 588 I was right!? I knew that inkwell was evil. Never trust an inkwell. 
I will begrudgingly admit that Merlin is a little bit cool with the whole telepathy thing. Incredibly begrudgingly :/
Morgan, what are you doing about it? You should be resting. Keep doing this and it’ll kill you. Go line down. 
I can’t believe I was right about Luccio's mind control. And with Peabody. Maybe I can be a P. I. like Harry lol 
“I knew that you knew how it felt to be an innocent man hounded by the Wardens.” pg. 600 He admits it.
“He died less than a minute later.” pg. 600 He died! :0 Morgan’s died? What? 
Harry’s got a cool eye scar now. 
The Gray Council is cool.
“That the only alternative is to stand around and watch everything go to hell.” His voice hardened. “We’re not going to do that.” 
“Damn right we’re not.” pg. 616 Good
“You’re not even forty.” pg. 622 So Harry’s still in his thirties. He’s grown so much.
Poor Thomas 
Glad that Butters is joining Harry’s D&D group. 
Final thoughts 
Great way to start the book. No Bi Harry moments. I thought the book was funny. I wish we got more Marcone to see who he is and if he’s picked up the coin. My working theory is that he picked it up in the last book. Unsure if he touched it bare handed and just has it in his possession or if he has it and hasn’t given in like with Harry. They both have a lot of willpower. He partnered up with Namshiel after Harry died and there was no longer a wizard in Chicago. I hope he shows up in the next book. I loved Mouse in this. I loved the Harry and Murphy moment. I’m shocked I was right about Peabody. That wasn’t anywhere close to a logical conclusion in my deduction. The inkwell was a total guess on my end. Lara is terrifying. I’m sad that Morgan died and what happened to Luccio. Didn’t like the Morgan and Molly thing. Poor poor Thomas. I hope he can come back from this. Loved Toot-toot in this. Not the biggest fan of ancient Mai and glad she was shocked by Mouse. I’m glad Morgan sort of apologized to Harry at the end there. Harry’s reputation grows among the supernatural community. I loved all the Ebenezer and Harry moments in this book especially with the force choke on Lara. Interesting that Peabody had the stuff from outside reality. So this Black Council is in league with the Outsiders(Is that what they’re called?) my question is why? Presumably the Outsiders want to destroy reality so why would anyone want to side with them? Are they possessed? Also if they’re so bad how did Harry defeat one at 16? Glad Harry and Ebenezar are forming the Gray Council if Merlin isn’t going to do anything. Love that has a cool eye scar. Ebenezer really shaped how Harry views magic and life. That must have been such an important two years. Hope we get more glimpse into it. I’ll probably make a whole different comment on Luccio's argument and why I think it’s wrong. 
Onto the next book! Oh boy it’s the big one.
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bisluthq · 2 months
Being 23 years old is crazy to think that Saoirse was that young when she got with Jack. I feel like she was older, she seemed older. It’s also breaking my brain that Jack was younger than Paul is now? Because Paul to me feels much younger than 28 and Jack felt older then. Maybe I’m stuck in 2020/2021 though, because Paul feels like he should be 24/25 and Jack feels like he should be 30/31. But Taylor being 34 makes sense to me and when I look back at her with Harry, she does look/feel like a 23 year old. But Saoirse during MQOS feels older? And how has it been 7 YEARS since 2017? Like yes, it feels like it was a long time ago but not almost a DECADE? I would accept it if we do the whole take 2 years because of the pandemic thing. I will accept a 26 year old Paul, a 28 year old Saoirse and 32 year old Jack and Taylor. But their current ages (outside of Taylor’s) make no sense to me 😭 Saoirse and Jack felt older years ago and feel younger now for some reason
lol I think it’s also related to when these people first registered on your radar and how old you were relative to them tbh (same as with the discussion of the girl who said like the Stranger Things “kids” are basically her age, just a year or two younger, but they feel much younger because when they first became famous they looked so little or how the Harry Potter “kids” are basically my age and I know that but it still breaks my brain to see them play the adultier parts like I KNOW they are mostly real life parents and married and whatnot but when I see them play the parent character I’m still inevitably like “dafuq is this shit????” lol. But also with like Olivia Wilde and Matt Smith, who I’ve been a fan of (for my sins) since my early to mid teens like it’s reaaaaally mind boggling that they’re 40??? Logically like ofc they are and that’s not that old 💀🤣 but it still feels too old for them to be? So I think your confusion also probably stems from when you sorta found out these people exist? You knew Jack and Saoirse were a LOT older than you because you’ve obviously been a fan since like your mid teens presumably but now that you’re 23, it doesn’t make sense that Jack is THAT much older lol iywkim because you think of him as late 20s and when Paul got famous you knew logically that he was a bit older than you but playing younger so it’s weird he’s actually 28 and Taylor has existed in the public eye for your whole experience of the internet/pop culture so it’s less weird for you that she’s 34 because you know she’s “old” because she’s always been there? That’s what I think is going on here anyway 😂🤷🏻‍♀️
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h0rnyv01d · 11 months
0: Height
1: Virgin?
2: Shoe size
3: Do you smoke?
4: Do you drink?
5: Do you take drugs?
6: Age you get mistaken for
7: Have tattoos?
8: Want any tattoos?
9: Got any piercings?
10: Want any piercings?
11: Best friend?
12: Relationship status
13: Biggest turn ons
14: Biggest turn offs
15: Favorite movie
16: I’ll love you if
17: Someone you miss
18: Most traumatic experience
19: A fact about your personality
20: What I hate most about myself
21: What I love most about myself
22: What I want to be when I get older
23: My relationship with my sibling(s)
24: My relationship with my parent(s)
25: My idea of a perfect date
26: My biggest pet peeves
27: A description of the girl/boy I like
28: A description of the person I dislike the most
29: A reason I’ve lied to a friend
30: What I hate the most about work/school
31: What your last text message says
32: What words upset me the most
33: What words make me feel the best about myself
34: What I find attractive in women
35: What I find attractive in men
36: Where I would like to live
37: One of my insecurities
38: My childhood career choice
39: My favorite ice cream flavor
40: Who wish I could be
41: Where I want to be right now
42: The last thing I ate
43: Sexiest person that comes to my mind immediately
44: A random fact about anything
oop this is long so
1: yeah lol
2: 6
3: nope, gotta keep them lungs healthy to stay slutty
4: nopity nope, i’m so scared of saying something i’ll regret while drunk
5: again, nope 😭😭
6: recently people have been offering me kids menus at restaurants? it’s odd, idk how old they think i am but
7: no :(
8: i wanna get a star pattern on my collarbone at some point, and maybe a jellyfish on my upper arm
9: yep! regular lobe, and a cartilage piercing on my right ear
10: i wanna get a bunch of piercings, but just on my ears, i’m getting a conch piercing on my left soon
11: probs my friend sophia but you wouldn’t know her obv lol
12: it’s complicated- we’re both into each other, and weve dated in the past, but neither of us is willing to b like “let’s get back together”
13: men just casually hinting at something they’re into. it just makes my brain go WILD with possibilities
14: being mean outside of sex
15: cinderella (1950)
16: i’ll love you if you’re sweet (my standards are so low i’m sorry)
17: my friends i don’t talk to anymore
18: i’ve had two seizures, and those were probably the worst moments of my life
19: i’m clingy but i won’t admit it
20: my chin and my need for attention
21: i got that hourglass figure <3
22: i wanna be an author!!
23: i have one little sister, i love her, but she’s nuts sometimes
24: no father, and my mom is more like a big sister than a mother to me
25: any date is perfect as long as i’m with someone i love. but if i had to pick, watching fireworks together
26: people pronouncing my city name wrong, idk why
27: he’s a lil short, he’s got curly blonde hair, and he’s so sweet, he wants to be lawyer someday
28: the person i dislike most has greasy brown hair, is 5’6, and looks like he doesn’t shower
29: protecting feelings, and also i’ve lied if i thought it’d help repair friendships
30: waking up early!! i hate getting up at 6
31: “will you wake up if i send you more pictures of cats i like, or should i wait until tomorrow?”
32: ‘we need to talk’
33: i’ve gotten told i look like cinderella twice today :)) that made me feel so amazing
34: i’m more attracted to men than women, but i’ve noticed that whenever i’m into women, they tend to be really strong
35: brunettes for some reason
36: tbh i’m perfectly fine in florida
37: my laugh
38: i used to want to be a marine biologist, and while that field is still incredibly interesting to me, i think i’d rather write
39: vanilla, i’m a basic bitch <3
40: adelaide kane, shes dropdead gorgeous i’d love to be her
41: greece, because apparently there’s a ton of cats!!
42: i had a banana a few hours ago
43: chris hemsworth. on his poster for thor: ragnarok, he literally fits leonardo da vinci’s idea of perfection, so i will unapologetically be saying this
44: the blue whale is the largest animal to have ever lived
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bratshaws · 2 years
goodness gracious 69. brb x oc
Tumblr media
a/n: this chapter was just fun to write IM VERY HAPPY WITH HOW THESE CHAPTERS ARE LOOKING
check out the fic's playlist made by the sweet @wiipes !!
pairing: plus size!oc x rooster
warnings: Fluff, Rooster being a good boyfriend ( again and we love that)
(pls let me know if you want to be added to the taglist!!)
taglist: @mirandastuckinthe80s @roosterschanelslut @wiipes @lcahwriter @shrimping-for-all @gretagerwigsmuse @frenchtoastix
@lizzie-rdj @fanboyluvr @atarmychick007 @comebacktoearthpls
@peachiicherries @mak-32 @lizziespidiepridie @roosterswifey @ollyoxenfrees @piceous21 @sqrlgrl22 @hofficoffi @lexhalstead3 
@lorilane33 @legendarydreamersharkparty @luckyladycreator2 @emilybradshaw @j-6o @louisahale @leobabbyyy @kulicny @winter-run @ktjmac @graciereads 
Beatrice smiled looking down at her phone when her father messaged her, letting her know they were finally home and giving her a short explanation on how he knew Jeff.
Apparently, they were best friends in high school but lost contact when Jeff joined the Navy, alongside a group of people they were buddies with in the late 70’s and he was happy he was able to talk to him again.
And so was she, not only had her father finally understood that her job was a good job, he now trusted the environment she worked in and the people surrounding her. And it was all because of Rooster, who right now was sipping on his morning coffee watching TV. in her living room while she leaned against the door frame, feeling her stomach and chest flutter with wild butterflies.
The fact that he stepped up, without her knowing nor asking him to, to resolve this whole drama between her and her father made her speechless. Everyday since their relationship began she wondered how the hell she was able to have someone like him, of course now the bad thoughts were much less than before and she could understand what a healthy relationship should look like. 
Her bare feet tap on the floor as she makes her way over to Rooster, whose eyes move towards her, a little smile forming on his face, “Hey.” he calls, watching her toss her phone to her coffee table and then crawl on his lap, a movement that he didn’t stop, he just lifted his coffee mug a bit higher so the hot beverage wouldn’t land on her. Beatrice hummed happily, her ear on his chest hearing his heartbeat, “This is a nice way to start a morning.” he murmurs, lowering his lips to the top of her head as her hands were tucked between their chests.
Bea giggles, her cheek still pressed to his pecs, “I’m glad you think the same thing.” she whispers, closing her eyes with a blissful smile. She wasn’t paying much attention to what was going on in the TV, choosing to hear his heartbeat instead, “What are you watching?”
“The news,” he begins, “Someone stole a llama from a farmer and drove it all the way to LA.” he finishes his sentence by drinking more of his coffee, licking his lips to get rid of any drops, “Apparently her daughter wanted a llama for her birthday, so instead of doing the rational thing of buying a stuffed toy she stole a living and loved animal…did I mention how LA is fucking crazy?”
Beatrice laughs softly against him, turning her head a bit more to see what was going on the TV screen, the picture of a blonde disheveled woman that seemed to have way too much lip filler appeared, soon followed by an old man holding a large white llama, “That’s so messed up,I’m glad he could get his llama back.” She says, “I never understood parents like that. It’s so awful, I hate spoiled kids and spoiled parents.”
“Me too.”
The continuity of that conversation held in the air like a bait waiting to be bitten by a fish in a dark pond but neither of them dared to speak any more about that, even if they both wanted to deep inside. “I just think some people shouldn’t be parents.” it comes out without her planning, biting her lower lip gently and fearing she’d be speaking about her own wants out loud to him, “You know? Like, children aren’t toys you can just have.”
Rooster nodded above her head, propping his chin on her hair as the two kept on watching the news channel. There was going to be another drop in temperature in a few days, a group of women beat a peeping tom up enough for the guy to call the police himself and a lost dog returned home after three months missing. Rarely were the days where the news were this lighthearted and he was honestly very happy to see it that way.
Beatrice looks up at him when he drinks the final drops of his coffee, “I’ll take the mug back.” but the hand on her lower back, preventing her from leaving his lap stopped her in her tracks. “Rooster.”
“You are so comfortable there.” he shrugs, as if he just said the most obvious thing with the little boyish smirk she loved so much, “You don’t have to leave now, do you?” but she tilted her head at him, plucking the mug from his hand and pecking his lips, a distraction much needed so she could slide off his lap, the pilot moaning out his complaint at the lack of warmth on his legs, “Baby…”
“I’ll come back soon, Roos.” she says, giving him the same smile that made his knees weak, “Just let me wash this and I’ll be back before you know it.” Beatrice walks out of the living room backwards, seeing how his head turned to follow her movements until he couldn’t anymore.
Bradley chuckles softly, shaking his head with amusement. She was just so great, he wished they could move in together faster but because of their leases they still had a few more months to wait before that could happen. Well, until then he could survive visiting her and vice versa, he was already used to her presence - and Jolene’s, who was currently lying outside on the small patch of grass that consisted of Beatrice's backyard. 
He runs his hands up and down his face, scratching the back of his head and immediately smiling when he hears her footsteps returning. He stretches his arms towards her, making grabby hands to the brunette “C’mere, gorgeous.” he says, making Beatrice laugh softly and then return to her spot on his lap, his arms hugging her middle tightly and pushing her up against him. Once she’s comfortable, and so is he, he presses another kiss to her forehead, “So what’s the plans for today?”
Beatrice blinks, thinking about it for a while, then she lets out a quiet ‘oh’ “I’m going to meet Marcus.” she says, almost as if she completely forgot about it, “...I talked to him and he said you can come with me and Ev.”
“Yeah, he said it’s fine.” she shrugs, smiling when his fingers comb through her brown tresses, twirling it once he reaches the ends of her hair. Beatrice furrows her eyebrows, chewing her lower lip nervously, “I keep wondering if this is a good idea or not.” she begins, “I–I’ve never done that before, Roos. I never even thought someone would be interested in me as a model.”
Bradley sighs softly, still caressing her hair, “I mean, it’s a nice opportunity, isn’t it?” she nodded against his chest but he could feel she was still worried, “What is bothering you about it?”
Her own body issues. Her self-doubt that even with Rooster being so openly vocal on how he thought she was sexy she still had moments where she would get…self-conscious. “I don’t know, everything? He said I’ll have to wear swimwear and such and,I-I don’t know.” her boyfriend said nothing, so Beatrice looked up at him to check if he was okay, only to see his eyes glaze over and look distant, “Are you just imagining me wearing bikinis, Bradley?”
He blinks his eyes down at her, shameless as always when he says, “Yeah.” he smiles, kissing her red cheeks, “Might get some of the pictures and keep it with me when I’m gone. You know, to keep myself sane while I’m away from you.” Beatrice’s cheeks only reddened more, but her smile widened, muttering a sweet thank you against his lips before she sat up better on his crotch, a movement that he deeply enjoyed, his hands immediately dropping to her hips, “You’ll do amazing.”
“I think my fear is…I don’t know, maybe I'm making a fool of myself?” she suggests with a shrug of her shoulders, “I know why I’m doing this,for both the car and to help when we move in together but still, I don’t know. You saw how my dad reacted when he was talking about the bar, I’m scared of how he’ll be when he finds out about it.”
It shouldn’t surprise him that the events from yesterday were still fresh in her mind and he couldn’t blame her for being worried, even if it was a little bit about how her family would be.
He leans back onto the couch, sliding his hands under her night shirt so they touched the soft skin of her back and waist, “Baby, look at me,” he calls when she drops her gaze to her hands, worry written all over her face, “I understand your worry, but…you aren’t a child anymore and you aren’t disgracing your family by doing this. You know? It’s your choice, your father has to understand that you have the right to do things you want. You are an adult.”
“I know,I know you are right.” she frowns, then parts her lips, “God I’ll be thirty next month.” she mutters in shock, “I…wow,I completely forgot about it.”  considering she expected to be celebrating her thirties in a much less than happy position. Not alone but still single and wondering where to go from there, at best she and Shells would go to karaoke or go bowling, or both and probably get really drunk before the night turned into morning…and yet now she had Rooster and her whole world changed. 
Beatrice laughs to herself, a quick chuff of a laugh, but something that did call his attention, “What’s funny?”
“I’ll be thirty next month.” she repeats, adjusting herself on his lap so she could sit sideways, her shoulder now resting on his chest as she chews the side of her thumb, “I’ll be thirty next month. Holy shit. I genuinely expected to…you know, repeat the routine from the past years but now everything changed and I think I’m still…trying to wrap my head around it.”
Bradley furrows his eyebrows, pulling her closer to himself so he could place his chin on the curve of her shoulder, “What do you mean?”
“Well,” she makes some noises, words that don’t come out as she tries to translate her thoughts into a full sentence, “I just–well, you know,I never expected…us.” she says softly, “And I am very happy we are here, together, I just…I’ve spent my birthday with my friends and family for so long…I guess I’m just,I’m just trying to understand all this. You know? I’ll be thirty. Thirty! I guess I just,” she shrugs, biting her lower lip, “I just am trying to make my brain understand that what I had planned for my thirtieth birthday won’t happen.”
“What did you have planned?”
“...Honestly, probably going out with Shells, maybe Ev too if she wanted, and going bowling.”
Rooster hums, a bit confused by her answer, “I thought you’d go all out, I don’t know, rent a club,” Beatrice chortles at the suggestion, giving him a disbelieved look, “Or a bar, or something.”
“What did you do when you turned thirty?” she asks softly, “Did you go all out?”
He thinks on it, for a second, before he answers, “I was deployed. I had a cupcake that the other pilots gave me and that’s how it was.” Beatrice’s eyes saddened, but he just chuckles, ‘It wasn’t so bad, I mean, it was pretty cool to have a birthday like that…plus the other ones afterwards were better.” she doesn’t seem convinced, but she does lean back on his chest, his lips pressing soft kisses to her temple, “But you could have something fun, right?“
“I guess? I’d have to think about it.” she murmurs, “I don’t–maybe I should go to Pinterest and get ideas because I don’t know how the hell I’ll do anything.” she places both hands on her face, looking a bit distraught thinking of everything she’d have to plan, “I mean…I guess I’ll have time to do everything…I’ll have until a week before the 12th so.” Bradley just smiles when she starts mumbling to herself, undoubtedly making scenarios in her head about how she could get everything she wanted - and everyone she wanted - quickly. 
She was just such a good person she’d probably make sure her birthday was fun for others more than herself, and she’d probably be too worried wondering if everyone was having fun much like the NYE party. With that in mind, something popped in his head, an idea that he thought she’d like…but he’d need help to do it. A lot of help.
“Well, anyway,” she says suddenly, “I’ll think about that later, I’ll go take a shower, then message Evelyn and then we can visit Marcus’ studio.” Beatrice slides out from his lap and Rooster stands up as well, hugging her from behind and kissing the soft skin of her neck, “Oh, we are going to shower together?” He hums positively against her, not giving her enough time to react when he just picked her up bridal style and rushed up the stairs with Beatrice laughing all the way.
Both him and Beatrice expected a tall building, much like Evelyn’s was, when they got to Marcus’ studio. Evelyn joined them, except she was the one driving ahead and leading them to the building, a building that much to their surprise wasn’t like Evelyn’s, it was actually a three story building that looked very out of place in such an area in San Diego. 
Evelyn told them, when they all stepped out of the cars, that it used to be a candy factory in the 1920s and that Marcus made the whole building his entire studio. Beatrice held Bradley’s hand as Evelyn walked in first, greeting a woman with short buzzed light colored hair, probably Whitney whom Marcus talked about before, and nodded towards them to follow her. The first floor was almost like a large runway with long platforms that disappeared from their view behind long red curtains.
Following Evelyn and Whitney up the stairs, beautiful vintage spiral staircases that had iron flowers on the railing, they reached the second floor where they could hear the repetitive sound of sewing machines and voices coming from behind dark double doors. Whitney opens it with a flair, then gestures to them to enter as she waits by the door on the left, “Wow…” is all Beatrice could say. Large windows, from floor to ceiling, illuminated a large atelier surrounded by mannequins, fabrics of all colors and pictures of past collections and models adorned the brick walls.
There were other people in there, working on the sewing machines they heard coming up the stairs, all of them dressed in either black or dark gray, looking up at the two when they walked past them. Down the hallway of sewing machines stood Marcus, who was currently holding a sequined red fabric up, a short woman rolled up the rest of the rolled up fabric in front of him, “No, no sequin is very tacky, maybe the next time–” he looks over his shoulder, through his thick yellow glasses and smiles, “Oh! But never mind that!Evelyn! Darling!”
“Marcus.” he air kisses Evelyn, hugging her once he’s done and the woman gestures to the couple standing right behind her, “I’m sure you know Bea.”
“My muse!” Bradley bristled a bit at the sudden compliment, just staring with a confused gaze when Marcus wrapped his arms around a shocked Beatrice, patting her back and air kissing her as well, “How good to see you, and I assume this is your boyfriend.” he’s almost as tall as Rooster was, so they meet gazes immediately “Ah, my manners, so silly of me. Marcus.” he holds out his hand for the pilot to shake.
Which he does, “Bradley.” he says firmly, then goes back to hold Beatrice’s hand and holding her to his side, “Big place you got here.” Marcus looks around proudly, his maroon silk shirt moving when he does, nodding to himself.
“I need space to show the world my art.” Marcus smiles, then clasps his hands together, “So, Beatrice,I am so happy you are here. Come, come,” he flaps his hand for them to follow him, which they do, Beatrice giving Bradley a small smile as they walk past a few mannequins and piles of fabric, “Because I have to take your measurements, darling and, give you some fabric tests.”
Beatrice’s breath hitches at ‘measurements’ her brain going into panic mode immediately thinking it’d just be as awkward as it was when she was a child. She hadn’t had anyone measure her ever since her prom, Evelyn managed to get her the Catwoman outfit by using some of her clothes for size, “Oh, ah, right.” she looks up to the ceiling where a large rose-like chandelier dangled above their heads, “I should’ve bought extra clothes for you to measure then, huh?” she laughs awkwardly, trying to think that maybe that’s what he meant.
Marcus drapes the measuring tape around his neck, looking back at her with his eyebrows furrowed “Oh, no, no, I’d need to take your measurements, darling.Not your size. It’ll be fine!” he’s quick to say when Beatrice loses all color from her face, clenching Rooster’s hand just a bit tighter. Rooster, in all his protective boyfriend aura that he was, stood by watching this whole endeavor with his eyes slightly narrowed. His biggest worry was Bea being uncomfortable and he hoped Marcus wouldn’t leave her like that.
Beatrice looks back at him with her lip in her mouth, “Well…I-I guess I’ll have to, um…go there.” she sighs, looking back at Evelyn who stood a bit further behind, with her arms crossed leaning on the tall shelves that had all the fabrics he’d want to use. The black haired woman gave her a nod, then a thumbs up, “Okay. Well, here I go.” 
“I’ll be right here.”Bradley says gently, slowly letting go of her hand and watching his girlfriend step closer to the fashion designer. His hands clenched and relaxed out of habit, choosing that keeping them in his pockets might be a better idea instead. He didn’t move his eyes away from the two, watching Beatrice’s reactions to whatever Marcus would tell her and if she seemed upset. She didn’t, she was actually smiling a little bit, looking back at Rooster with a red face when Marcus whispered something to her. 
Bradley smiles back, giving her a quick wink and then looking to where Evelyn was. Instead of her leaning position as before, she was now seated on a wine colored couch with her legs crossed by the knee, flipping through a random magazine, “You better sit down.” she says without taking her eyes from it, “This will take a little while.” he hesitated, making sure that the couch was perfect to keep his eyes on Beatrice at a distance, backing away until he finally sits down. The couch’s cushions make a noise when he does, it wasn’t a new couch if the creaky noise was any hint, crossing his arms over his chest with Beatrice still in his line of vision.
Marcus was measuring her upper body first, calling an assistant to write down something on an Ipad as he chatted with Beatrice. His girlfriend seemed to slowly relax, her shoulders losing some of the tension from before the more Marcus talked to her. Which was good, again, her comfort was his only worry right now “You know, she’s not going to disappear if you look away.” Evelyn’s calm voice broke his line of thought, the pilot turning towards her with his arms still crossed, “He’s not going to make her feel bad, believe me. She’s already his favorite model even before the photo shoot.”
Rooster licked his lips, facing back to where they stood to see Marcus had the measuring tape around her chest, asking her to hold it as comfortable as she would as he wrote down the numbers. “I don’t blame him.” he mutters with a soft smile, “She has that power over people.”
“Look at you all goopy and love struck.” Evelyn chuckles, flipping another page, “It’s precious, and nauseating.”
Bradley laughs quietly, leaning back on the couch after he feels his own tension slipping away, “Speaking of which, you just started dating Jake without telling anyone and we had to find out via Shells.” Evelyn just moved her gaze towards him for a second before returning to the magazine “I’m surprised he’s so quiet about you, he does talk but you’d think he’d be boasting around like a madman.”
“Well, I asked him to keep the noise to a minimum.” she smiles, “Plus, my father is around the base a lot and he’s still getting used to the idea of myself and Jake.”
Oh how he wanted to be a little fly on the wall to see the reaction of both Cyclone and Jake when they met each other in different circumstances. He had no pleasure thinking about his friend shitting his pants a little bit - okay he was lying, he had a bit of pleasure imagining Jake shaking in his boots as he tells Cyclone he was now dating his daughter. Must’ve been quite a night…for all of them.
“Well, good for you too. He needed someone to slap some sense into him.” he comments, watching Marcus finish his measurements and then hold a pinkish red fabric to her chest, pulling it to the sides so it’d be tight on her body.
That was a beautiful color on her. Any shade of red or pink looked really good on her skin. He crossed his own leg, supporting his ankle atop his knee, casually leaning closer to Evelyn when Beatrice looked away, “Bea’s birthday is next month.” He says quietly, making sure to keep his voice just loud enough for Evelyn to hear.
“I am aware.” she replies in the same tone, “Anything in mind?”
“I was just wondering…had Bea ever had a surprise party? She never told me and it’d be very suspicious to ask about it now.”
Evelyn had an amazing poker face, because she didn’t express any other sentiment, simply held the magazine up to her face to cover her mouth while Rooster did the same with his own hand as if he was supporting his chin, “She hasn’t. You want to give her one?” he nods subtly and Evelyn couldn’t hide her smile now, “She’s going to love it,Rooster. You remember how she reacted when you brought all of us to the bar.”
Evelyn had to give it to him, he was a very interested and caring boyfriend when it came to Beatrice. She had to admit that when she heard about him, she wasn’t expecting him to be the all out type of guy who’d be so into his girlfriend and would go out of his way to make her happy. And she also knew Beatrice would often think it wasn’t needed, maybe even tell Rooster that but she’d love it deep inside. So the idea of a surprise party was very sweet and very romantic too.
“I’d need some help.” he mutters, shifting his eyes surreptitiously towards Evelyn who just looked back with her eyebrow up, “On working on it. I don’t know if I’ll suddenly get deployed during her birthday, I hope not.” he knocks the wood armrest by his side, “But if I do I’d want someone else to take over while I’m gone.”
“And that person would be me?”
“Or Shells–”
“Shells is great but she sometimes gets way too distracted to manage a surprise party.” she explains quickly, “I’ll do it.”
Rooster nods, thanking her without words before his eyes return to Beatrice, who was now holding several different fabric samples in her hands, holding the ones she liked the most - reds, pinks, florals - for Marcus to see. She looks back at the pilot, then talks to Marcus quickly who nods at her and she can step away for a bit.
Rooster straightens himself on the seat, holding back his hands because they almost touched her hips to bring her to his lap out of habit, “I need a second opinion.” she says softly, holding two tiny squares of fabric - one a soft lilac and the other a baby yellow- “I kinda like them both, but what do you guys think?”
“I like the lilac.” he says, “I think it’d look good on you.”
“I agree.” Evelyn says without taking her eyes off the magazine, “You have a yellow undertone to your skin so I think it’d work better that way.”
Beatrice looks at her own wrist, holding the yellow fabric to it and letting out a surprised ‘oh’ when she sees what Evelyn meant, “Oh…okay, thank you guys.” she smiles, leaning down to peck Rooster’s lips, “They are for a bikini.” she whispers against his mouth, pulling back to face his shocked look by biting her lower lip and walking all the way back to where Marcus was. 
Rooster inhales deeply, clearing his throat after as he tries to get rid of the flurry of images that land on his brain, rubbing his jeans clad thighs with his huge hands before he stands to his feet in a flash, “I need to go to the bathroom.”
“It’s down the hall.” Evelyn says with a smile, “Go wash up, you need it.” he’s gone before she even finishes the sentence, laughing quietly to herself as she thumbed through the magazine.
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nyaheum · 2 years
My Annual Eurovision List - 2023
Completely based on music videos until we actually see some staging. Don’t come at me.
Solo – Blanka
LMAO fuck TVP. Jann would have been my winner.
Stay (ČIŪTO TŪTO) – Monika Linkytė
Bleh. I know some people really like this song, but...bleh. There’s nothing here that sticks with me. The song was over and I forgot what it sounded like. I don’t know, I’m used to more from Lithuania.
We Are One – Wild Youth
This is the point where I feel like too many bands are hurting this year. They would have been fine any other year, but comparing them to the other bands this year, they’re quite weak. I also expect them so sing “We are Young” every single time...what is fun. up to anyway? (hiatus, apparently.)
Tell Me More – TuralTuranX
Uh...it’s a song. Their name reminds me of Duran Duran. Remembering the name of Duran Duran was the main thing I did while listening to this song. I abolutely HATE spoken word, oh my god. And apart from that, this sounds like one of those songs from an average to slightly bad romcom. Not even the ending song, but the one from the middle, the part where the producers knew that they wanted to convey the passage of time so they simply chose to do a montage.
DUJE – Albina dhe Familja Kelmendi
The guy singing in between is absolutely taking me out. Definitely would’ve liked this more if the chorus hit harder, like this it’s just...kind of sad? But not the good kind, the melodramatic kind (which I can appreciate, to a certain extent, but not to THIS extent.)
Break A Broken Heart – Andrew Lambrou
Did you know that Andrew actually wanted to participate for Australia in 2022? Yeah. I googled this while listening to the song because it has nothing that pulls me in. It’s fine, don’t get me wrong, he has a great voice, but...eh.
What They Say – Victor Vernicos
Why is he a child. I like the chorus, kind of, but that’s pretty much it. Very meh.
Aijā – Sudden Lights
Another song that really takes its time to build up to nothing noteworthy, which is a shame, because in its basics, I quite enjoy it. It’s just a little...frustrating when the chorus comes and goes and nothing in me has changed? Idk lmao.
Watergun – Remo Forrer
This is my grandma’s favourite song this year, yay? For some reason I keep reading his name as Ferrero Rocher. The letters barely match, I think it’s just because this is Switzerland. (yes, ferrero is italian, idk.) Oh, the song? It’s fine. It’s not his fault he’s not Gjon.
Power – Diljá
It’s fine. Feels very generic, but doesn’t hit hard enough to justify it. Specifically considering it’s Iceland sending it.
Future Lover – Brunette
Surprisingly good in theory, but in the end I only actually like the middle part. The beginning is well sung but a little too slow for me, and I don’t really enjoy the end in general? I’m very unsure with this.
Burning Daylight – Mia Nicolai & Dion Cooper
I don’t find any joy anymore either, dude. We’re so in synch, damn. Why does the first chorus do that thing where it teases a nice build up for half a second just to drop immediately? And then the second one doesn’t even properly redeem it. Ruined the whole song for me, genuinely. Not that I liked it a lot before, ehem.
Breaking My Heart – Reiley
I listened to this and kept thinking that it sounds like a song I already know, but...turns out it was just this song the whole time. Apparently someone at my local radio station really likes it. I don’t, really, I feel like I might be too old for this type of music. Talking about this...you’re telling me Reiley is OLDER than me? What the hell.
Due Vite – Marco Mengoni
Second year in a row where Italy doesn’t really do it for me, damn. At least it’s a lot better than whatever was going on last year with Brividi. I still liked Supereroi a lot more and think it should have won. Meh.
Like an animal – Piqued Jacks
Certainly a song. All I could think about while watching this is one Youtube comment simply saying “He is a little hot” because...they’re not wrong? The song itself just doesn’t hit – but I have the fleeting suspicion that this might be fixed by having the sound mixing done by literally anyone that ISN’T San Marino. I don’t even dislike it or anything.
Bridges – ALIKA
I know that everybody loves this, okay? It’s good enough. Perfectly good ballad. It’s not her fault I dislike most ballads. I do like the last minute though, it picks up a lot, I enjoy that.
Promise – Voyager
I love how Australia is really going through the classic Eurovision evolution. My right ear also likes the song. I watched the music video, and I think the left one just didn’t get invited or something. It’s actually REALLY off-putting.
Carpe Diem – Joker Out
Please don’t come for me, but why does everyone love this SO much? Like, I like it a bit too, but not as much as everyone else seems to? I genuinely feel like I’m missing something here.
Because Of You – Gustaph
This is so groovy, I don’t know why everybody hates it. (I mean, I DO know, but apart from that...it’s not that bad.) It’s not the best thing I’ve ever heard, and the aspect ratio of the official music video freaks me out, but it’s very camp – which is a good thing, obviously this is Eurovision after all!
I Wrote A Song – Mae Muller
I had no expectations for the UK, mainly because I missed all of the teasing they did, so I’m completely fine with this...it just feels like a lot of songs this year sound similar to this? Maybe I’m going insane. But it’s nice to listen to. I wouldn’t turn the radio off if it came on.
Echo – Iru
Imagine how much more this could have slapped if it was in Georgian. Just imagine. It’s fine like this too, and I’m sure it will be elevated by the staging, but...just imagine, honestly.
D.G.T – Theodor Andrei
Okay, let’s ignore the performance for a bit, and just judge the song. I quite like it, actually. His voice is nice, it’s absolutely something different, and I always give a native language bonus.
Dance (Our Own Party) – The Busker
The revamp did good things for this song. I like a good saxophone, and I feel like this is quite underrated in the community. It’s fun(ky), I think they will be great live, and the music video is definitely worth a watch while you’re at it.
Eaea – Blanca Paloma
I feel like I shouldn’t talk about this song without my lawyer. It’s growing on me, very slowly, but there’s still only select parts of the song that I really like, while the rest is just something I have to go through to reach them. Like the salad you get when you order a steak with fries. (I also just liked Agoney a lot more.)
Ai Coração – Mimicat
After a song I absolutely couldn’t stand last year, Portugal absolutely delivers again. Feels very authentic to Portugal, I really like her voice, it’s quite fast-paced, I really enjoy it.
Tattoo – Loreen
It’s a song. I don’t know, I don’t care about it, it’s good, sure, but it’s absolutely not a winner for me. Also, the pre-chorus sounds so much like another song I know, but I cannot figure out which one and it’s driving me insane. (I have to admit though, rhyming pain and rain IS true lyrical genius, and whoever wrote that part should win an award.) I like the studio version more than the live version by the way. Yes, even with the performance. Don’t ask me why.
Soarele si Luna – Pasha Parfeni
I love that as long as we have Moldova, Eurovision will never be boring. This is genuinely nice, too, and fills the void Fulenn left in my heart last year perfectly.
Evidemment – La Zarra
C’est très...French. Obviously. Good French, but French nonetheless. Groovy, though. I can appreciate that it’s not really a chanson chanson.
Heart Of Steel – TVORCHI
It’s completely fine. Quite good, even, but I just don’t think that it lives up to the songs Ukraine sent the past decade or so...which is understandable, not only because of their situation, but because the song sent by the winning country never really is. I still really appreciate it for it’s modern tone and the bass. (still preffered fiinka though sorry)
Mama ŠČ! - LET 3
This is my absolute guilty pleasure this year. I even rather like it musically, I quite enjoy it away from all the chaos. Of course, the chaos is the main reason I like it. What would Eurovision be without these songs, seriously? BRRRR, TRAKTOR.
Unicorn – Noa Kirel
I know people don’t like this because it sounds like three songs mashed together, but I quite like it. Why? Probably because I listen to K-Pop, I’m used to the mashed-together-sound, and I quite like it. Apart from that I enjoy the song, of course, although I’m purposefully ignoring the lyrics.
Samo mi se spava – Luke Black
I listen to music like this quite a lot, so I obviously enjoy it...I’m just very afraid that it won’t really land at Eurovision, not with the juries and not with the televote. But I’ll be optimistic and delude myself into thinking that there’s no way it won’t at least make it out of the SF. (And I would absolutely believe it if it was in Semi 2 instead of Semi 1.)
Queen of Kings – Alessandra
She, Queen of the Hype! For good reason though, this is GREAT. Very Eurovision, very European in general, I love good party music.
My sister’s crown – Vesna
PLEASE PLEASE LET THEM BE GOOD LIVE. I can’t take another Austria 2022. This is SO good. I love it musically, I love the mix of languages, I might have a small crush on their rapper, please let them be good live. Please. I beg you. (I have a bad feeling, though. Especially the chorus just seems very hard to replicate life. I’ve seen the NF, I know.)
Blood & Glitter – Lord Of The Lost
I’m still so...in awe that we’re actually sending something good this year? Like, how did this happen? Who did we sacrifice for this? (Answer: Electric Callboy.) This kind of music just feels very German, even if they’re singing in English. My only critique is that I want him to growl more, but if their Eurovision stage is anything like their winners performance at the NF, I’m not worried.
Who The Hell Is Edgar? - Teya & Salena
No, seriously, who is Edgar? I only know Teya & Salena. This is such a bop – WITH a message, damn. Easily moved into my Top 5 immediately after it came out. Probably my most listened to song this last week. It’s REALLY addicting. What the hell, Österreich? Not both of us going through change right now, aww.
Cha Cha Cha – Käärijä
This song came out, I heard it once, and decided it’s my winner this year. Only Gladiator could have possibly challenged it, but we know how that went, so this is my undisputed first place. Please, juries and televote, do not rob our small king.
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sparrow-writes-draws · 7 months
Toy Story Human Au
Idea that I’m probably not gonna write but a human toy story (I recently watched it and this has been rotting away in my brain).
Names and Ages
Woody Round 34
Jessie Round 28
Andy and Molly Round 8 & 2
Brady “Buzz” Lightyear 30
Henry “Mr. Potato” Spud 42
Rex Plastic 20
Bonnie “Bo” Peep 31
Jim “Slinky” Dog 39
John Hahnm 43
“Sarg. (No one knows his real name except Woody and wants to keep it that way) 48
Woody and Jessie are siblings raising Woody’s adopted kids, Andy and Molly(the only kids in town). They run a ranch called the “Roundup Ranch.” Woody’s prone to stress but is the unofficial leader of their small community with Jessie and Bo as his second. Slinky is often there to give him advice though, as the town’s only bartender. Jessie is even worse than her brother when it comes to anxiety but Bo helps her keep a level head. She likes Buzz and hopes to be his friend but his boisterous attitude in the beginning is a bit off putting. 
Andy and Molly are orphans. Their mother died in a car accident years ago leaving them to the care of her childhood friend, Woody. They’ve been living with them ever since Molly was an infant and Andy was six. As the only children, they’re doted on by everyone in town and are a bit spoiled, but no one really minds. Andy insists on giving everyone nicknames and Molly follows along with a laugh.
Rex Plastic is the local gentle giant. He’s a little slow but he knows his strength and is so gentle with the children. He works on the ranch as a farmhand for a bed and meal.
Brady “Buzz” Lightyear is an astronaut who crash landed in their wild west esque town. Woody doesn’t trust him but his kids and sister like him so that’s something. He’s currently stranded there and thinks everyone is insane because even though it’s the modern age they still like to live in the wild west. He’s working to get back to his space program but is slowly getting attached to the small town.
Henry Spud runs the local bank with his business partner and friend John Hahnm. He’s called “Mr. Potato” by the kids, something that everyone starts doing. He’s missing one eye that he constantly replaces with a set of wild and fun false eyes to entertain the kids, before he only wore an eyepatch. Even though his soft on the children, to everyone else he's ornery and short tempered.
John Hahnm runs the local bank with Mr. Potato head. He’s a sarcastic old man but his wisecrack remarks are fun to be around. (Mr. Ham! No kids, it's Hahnm, say it with me, Hahnm. Ham!)
Bonnie Peep, called “Ms. Bo Peep,” tends to the local sheep and cattle(the irony is not lost on her). She’s dating Jessie and is one of Woody’s closest friends and confidants. 
Jim “Slinky” Dog, his nickname surprisingly didn’t come from the kids, but Mr. Potato and Hahnm instead(Never play cards with that tricky bastard). He tends to the only bar in town as the only worker and owner. No one’s really sure where he came from, he just showed up one day with a fully stocked bar and an open ear. Even though he has a mysterious demeanor, Woody trusts him and that's enough for everyone else.
Sarg. He’s just as mysterious as Slinky but for much sadder reasons. Everyone can tell he’s a vet but his demeanor towards that part of his life is so negative and usually results in either violence or sobbing that everyone has steered away from it. Everyone except for Woody, he was the only one Sarg confided in when he first moved and that’s remained the same. When asked, Woody simply insists they leave him alone. For some reason though, he likes being called Sarg, it brings pride to him.
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donttalkaboutmemes · 2 years
The Lion King (1994) Sentence Meme
Under the cut you will find 200+ sentences from the 1994 version of The Lion King to use for your enjoyment!  
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1.      “Life’s not fair, is it? You see, well, I shall never be king. And you shall never see the light of another day.”
2.      “Didn’t your mother ever tell you not to play with your food?”
3.      “You’d better have a good reason for missing the ceremony this morning.”
4.      “You’ve made me lose my lunch.”
5.      “You’ll lose more than that when the king gets through with you.”
6.      “He’s as mad as a hippo with a hernia.”
7.      “I quiver with fear.”
8.      “Why, if it isn’t my big brother descending from on high to mingle with the commoners.”
9.      “That was today? Oh, I feel simply awful! Must have slipped my mind!”
10.   “As the king’s brother, you should’ve been first in line.”
11.   “Oh, I shall practice my curtsy.”
12.   “Don’t turn your back on me.”
13.   “Perhaps you shouldn’t turn your back on me.”
14.   “Is that a challenge?”
15.   “Temper, temper. I wouldn’t dream of challenging you.”
16.   “As far as brains go, I got the lions share, but when it comes to brute strength, I’m afraid I’m at the shallow end of the gene pool.”
17.   “There’s one in every family, two in mine actually, and they always manage to ruin special occasions.”
18.   “Your son is awake.”
19.   “Before sunrise, he’s your son.”
20.   “Everything the light touches is our kingdom.”
21.   “A king’s time as rule rises and falls like the sun. One day, the sun will set on my time here and will rise with you as the new king.”
22.   “What about that shadowy place?”
23.   “That’s beyond our borders. You must never go there.”
24.   “I thought a king can do whatever he wants.”
25.   “There’s more to being a king than getting your way all the time.”
26.   “Everything you see exists together in a delicate balance. As king, you need to understand that balance and respect all the creatures.”
27.   “We are all connected in the great circle of life.”
28.   “Let an old pro show you how it’s done.”
29.   “Young master, one day you will be king.”
30.   “I despise guessing games.”
31.   “My dad just showed me the whole kingdom. And I’m gonna rule it all.”
32.   “Forgive me for not leaping for joy. Bad back, you know.”
33.   “When I’m king, what’ll that make you?”
34.   “You’re so weird.”
35.   “So, your father showed you the whole kingdom, did he?”
36.   “He didn’t show you what’s beyond the rise at the northern border.”
37.   “It’s far too dangerous. Only the bravest go there.”
38.   “I’m only looking out for the well-being of my favorite nephew.”
39.   “All the more reason for me to be protective.”
40.   “Oh, dear, I’ve said too much. Well, I suppose you’d have found out sooner or later, you being so clever and all.”
41.   “Just do me one favor. Promise me you’ll never go there.”
42.   “Remember. It’s our little secret.”
43.   “Come on. I just heard about this great place.”
44.   “Where are we going? It better not be anyplace dumb.”
45.   “How are we gonna ditch the dodo?”
46.   “Just look at you two, little seeds of romance blossoming in the savannah.”
47.   “Your parents will be thrilled, what with you being betrothed and all.”
48.   “One day you two are going to get married.”
49.   “I can’t marry her. She’s my best friend.”
50.   “It’s a tradition going back generations.”
51.   “When I’m king, that’ll be the first thing to go.”
52.   “Nice try, but only the king can do that.”
53.   “Well, he’s the future king.”
54.   “With an attitude like that, I’m afraid you’re shaping up to be a pretty pathetic king indeed.”
55.   “Hey, genius, it was my idea.”
56.   “Ha! Pinned ya!”
57.   “I wonder if it’s brains are still in there.”
58.   “The only checking out you will do will be to check out of here.”
59.   “Right now, we are all in very real danger.”
60.   “Danger? Ha! I walk on the wild side. I laugh in the face of danger.”
61.   “Do you know what we do to kings who step out of their kingdom?”
62.   “Ix-nay on the upid-stay.”
63.   “Hey! Why don’t you pick on somebody your own size?”
64.   “That was it? Do it again. Come on.”
65.   “You deliberately disobeyed me.”
66.   “I though you were very brave.”
67.   “I’ve got to teach my son a lesson.”
68.   “You could’ve been killed.”
69.   “I was just trying to be brave like you.”
70.   “I’m only brave when I have to be.”
71.   “Being brave doesn’t mean you go looking for trouble.”
72.   “I guess even kings get scared, huh?”
73.   “We’re pals, right? And we’ll always be together, right?”
74.   “Let me tell you something that my father told me.”
75.   “Look up at the starts. The Great Kings of the Past look down on us from those stars.”
76.   “Whenever you feel alone, just remember that those kings will always be there to guide you. And so will I.”
77.   “Look at you guys! No wonder we’re dangling at the bottom of the food chain.”
78.   “We were afraid it was somebody important.”
79.   “Now that’s power.”
80.   “I just hear that name and I shudder.”
81.   “I’m surrounded by idiots.”
82.   “You’re one of us. I mean, you’re our pal.”
83.   “I like that. He’s not king, but he’s still so proper.”
84.   “I don’t think you really deserve this.”
85.   “What were we supposed to do? Kill him?”
86.   “Now, you wait here. Your father has a marvelous surprise for you.”
87.   “If I told you, it wouldn’t be a surprise, now would it?”
88.   “If you tell me, I’ll still act surprised!”
89.   “Lucky daddy was there to save you, eh?”
90.   “Just between us, you might want to work on that little roar of yours.”
91.   “This is awful! What’ll we do!?”
92.   “Long live the king.”
93.   “Coem on. You gotta get up. We gotta go home.”
94.   “No one ever means for these things to happen.”
95.   “The king is dead and if it weren’t for you, he’d still be alive.”
96.   “Run. Run away and never return.”
97.   “He’s as good as dead out there anyway. And if he does come back, we’ll kill him.”
98.   “You hear that? If you ever come back, we’ll kill ya.”
99.   “For me it is a deep personal loss.”
100. “It is with a heavy heart that I assume the throne.”
101. “Out of the action of this tragedy, we shall rise to greet the dawning of a new era.”
102. “You better come look. I think it’s still alive.”
103. “Look at him, he’s so cute and all alone. Can we keep him?”
104. “Maybe he’ll be on our side.”
105.  “Ha! That’s the stupidest thing I ever heard!”
106.  “Who’s the brains of this outfit?”
107.  “I’m fried. Let’s get out of here and find some shade.”
108.  “Ah, you’re an outcast. Great! So are we!”
109.  “In times like this my buddy here says you gotta put your behind in your past.”
110. “Lie down before you hurt yourself.”
111. “You gotta put your past behind you.”
112. “Bad things happen and you can’t do anything about it, right?”
113. “When the world turns its back on you, you turn your back on the world.”
114. “That’s not what I was taught.”
115. “Maybe you need a new lesson. Repeat after me. Hakuna Matata.”
116. “It’s our motto.”
117. “These two words will solve all your problems.”
118. “Welcome to our humble abode.”
119. “We live wherever we want.”
120.  “Home is where your rump rests.”
121.  “I’m so hungry I could eat a whole zebra.”
122.  “If you live with us, you have to eat like us.”
123.  “Slimy yet satisfying.”
124.  “I’m telling ya, kid, this is the great life. No rules, no responsibilities, and best of all, no worries.”
125.  “Do lighten up. Sing something with a little bounce in it.”
126.  “You know the law. Never, ever mention that name in my presence.”
127.  “Yes, sire, you are the king. I only mentioned it to illustrate the differences in your royal managerial approaches.”
128.  “Hey, boss! We got a bone to pick with you!”
129.  “I ate like a pig.”
130.  “Ever wonder what those sparkling dots are up there?”
131.  “With you, everything’s gas.”
132.  “Somebody once told me that the great kings of the past are up there, watching over us.”
133. “You mean a bunch of royal dead guys are watching us?”
134. “What mook made that up?”
135. “It is time.”
136. “She’s gonna eat me!”
137. “Get her! Bite her head! Go for the jugular!”
138. “What do you mean what am I doing here? What are you doing here?”
139. “Wait ‘til everyone finds out you’ve been here all this time.”
140. “She doesn’t have to know. Nobody has to know.”
141. “You’re alive. And that means you’re the king.”
142. “It’s not gravel, it’s grovel. And don’t. He’s not the king.”
143. “I’m not the king. Maybe I was gonna be, but that was a long time ago.”
144. “Let me get this straight. You’re the king? And you never told us?”
145. “Whatever she has to say, she can say in front of us.”
146. “You think you know a guy.”
147.  “It’s like you’re back from the dead.”
148. “You don’t know how much this will mean to everyone. What it means to me.”
149.  “I’ve really missed you.”
150. “I don’t understand something. You’ve been alive all this time. Why didn’t you come back?”
151. “I just needed to get out on my own. Live my own life.”
152. “No one needs me.”
153. “We’ve been through this. I’m not the king.”
154. “Sometimes bad things happen and there’s nothing you can do about it. So why worry?”
155. “I left to find help. And I found you.”
156. “Don’t you understand? You’re our only hope.”
157. “You know, you’re starting to sound like my father.”
158. “You think you can just show up and tell me how to live my life? You don’t even know what I’ve been through!”
159. “I can’t go back. What would it prove anyways?”
160. “It won’t change anything. You can’t change the past.”
161. “You said you’d always been there for me, but you’re not. And it’s because of me. It’s my fault.”
162. “The question is who are you.”
163. “Well, I know who you are.”
164. “I think you’re a little confused.”
165. “I’m not the one who’s confused. You don’t even know who you are.”
166. “I hate to tell you this, but he died a long time ago.”
167. “He lives in you.”
168. “You have forgotten me.”
169.  “You are more than what you have become.”
170.  “You must take your place in the circle of life.”
171.  “How can I go back? I’m not who I used to be.”
172.  “Remember who you are.”
173.  “Looks like the winds are changing.”
174.  “Change is good.”
175.  “It’s not easy. I know what I have to do, but going back means I’ll have to face my past. I’ve been running from it for so long.”
176.   “The past can hurt you, but the way I see it, you can either run from it or learn from it.”
177.   “The king has returned.”
178.   “I can’t believe it! He’s gone back!”
179.    “It’s awful, isn’t it?”
180.    “I didn’t want to believe you.”
181.    “What made you come back?”
182.    “I finally got some sense knocked into me and I’ve got the bump to prove it.”
183.    “This is my kingdom. If I don’t fight for it, who will?”
184.    “I see nothing funny about this.”
185.    “If it’s important to you, we’re with you to the end.”
186.    “What do you want me to do, dress in drag and do the hula?”
187.     “Where is your hunting party? They’re not doing their job.”
188.     “You have sentenced us to death!”
189.     “I am the king! I can do whatever I want!”
190.     “I’m ten times the king he was.”
191.     “You’re alive? How can that be?”
192.     “Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t rip you apart.”
193.     “You see them? They think I’m king.”
194.     “The choice is yours. Either step down or fight.”
195.     “Must this all end in violence?”
196.     “I’d hate to be responsible for the death of a family member. Wouldn’t you agree?”
197.     “That’s not gonna work. I’ve put it behind me.”
198.     “What about your faithful subjects? Have they put it behind them?”
199.     “So you haven’t told them your little secret. Well, now’s your chance.”
200.     “It’s not true. Tell me it’s not true.”
201.     “If it wasn’t for you, he’d still be alive. It’s your fault he’s dead. Do you deny it?”
202.     “You’re in trouble again, but this time daddy isn’t here to save you.”
203.     “Please. Please have mercy. I beg you.”
204.     “You don’t deserve to live.”
205.     “Why should I believe you? Everything you ever told me was a lie.”
206.     “Friends? I thought he said we were the enemy.”
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eazy-group · 1 year
Ultrarunner Andrew Glaze Shares Dinner Miles and Hard-Earned Smiles
New Post has been published on https://eazycamping.net/ultrarunner-andrew-glaze-shares-dinner-miles-and-hard-earned-smiles/
Ultrarunner Andrew Glaze Shares Dinner Miles and Hard-Earned Smiles
A few months ago, Andrew Glaze would say “dinner miles” as a joke when he ran at night. The way it went was he would feed his body and his legs. It was a playful way to excuse himself and go for a run. 
Then, he started saying it on social media. In videos on his Instagram and TikTok channels, he used it as a sort of catchphrase followed by: “I’m feeding my legs miles because my legs are hungry.” Soon after, “dinner miles” started trending among his more than 465,000 followers.  
People from all over the world started sending him videos tagged “dinner miles” as well as “breakfast miles” and sometimes “brunch miles.” It generated so much buzz that he launched the Dinner Miles Club on the running app Strava. In just a few weeks, it gained more than 1,600 members. 
Dinner Miles might sound like a run-of-the-mill social media strategy, but unlike influencers, Glaze doesn’t make money from his posts. In an interview with Outdoors.com, the 45-year-old ultrarunner explained that he kind of rejects the idea of getting paid for his content.  
“There’s a little bit of punk rock still in me where I’m ‘F corporations.’ I’m not a NASCAR. You’re not gonna put your little label on me. You can’t buy me,” he said. “I definitely have a little bit of that on the inside.”
The Ultrarunner
Andrew Glaze holds up his race bib ahead of the Rocky Raccoon 100 miler near Huntsville, Alabama in February 2023. Source: Andrew Glaze
Glaze started running at age 24 as a way to deal with anxiety and depression, which he said was the result of an unhealthy lifestyle and inactivity. Then, about 10 years ago, he signed up for a 24-hour tough mudder. 
“I was like, ‘I’m gonna be running really far in 24 hours so I better train for that.’ And so the way I trained for it was running a couple of 50Ks, which is 31 miles, and that’s sort of like the rabbit hole of getting into ultras,” he said. 
While he found the tough mudder to be hard on his body — he didn’t want to blow out a knee or shoulder — he liked the endurance challenge, so he decided to stick with running. And he pretty much hasn’t stopped since.
However, he has a lot more responsibility today. He’s a firefighter and a captain in his department, a husband, and a father of three, so he runs for the same reasons he started and more. As a runner, he covers nearly 8,000 miles a year, competes in ultras all over the country, and he regularly films his activities. 
In most of his videos, he’s running with his phone in his hand, taking a dip into an ice bath, or sitting in a sauna — his “daily reminder to do hard things” — but almost every week, he posts about a major event like a long run or race. One of his most recent adventures was a wild one. 
The Coco Canyons 350
On April 28, Glaze finished the Canyon Endurance Race in the California foothills of the Sierra Nevada range in just under 28 hours. Running a 100-mile race is good enough for most people for the week, but a couple of days later, Glaze headed over to run the Cocodona 250. As the name implies, it’s a 250-mile race from Black Canyon City to Flagstaff, Arizona. 
He said he wanted to run 350 miles in less than a week to challenge himself, and challenge himself he did. Over four days, 12 hours, 22 minutes, and 58 seconds, he pushed his body to emotional and physical extremes. While he started and finished with a smile, he also cried tears of joy, hallucinated objects emerging from the ground, and at times struggled to stay awake while running. 
Why push himself to these extremes? Glaze is an ultrarunner, and that’s what ultrarunners do. They endure the pain and discomfort that come with running extremely long distances. It’s about the journey, not the destination. But why record these vulnerable moments and post them on the internet for all to see?
The Vlogging Runner
While it may seem like his running and vlogging go hand-in-hand, Glaze said his motivations come from different places. He runs not just because it’s therapeutic but also because he loves it. With a three-year running streak of covering more than 100 miles per week, it’s fair to say he has an obsession. 
What keeps Glaze making content, though, is the same reason he launched the Dinner Miles Club: it’s his way of inspiring others to run. “If people are running and thinking of me and putting that energy out in the world, I feel like I’m successful in my endeavor of why I’m doing all this,” he said.
Andrew Glaze at the top of Mount Langley in the Sierra Nevada in August 2022. Source: Andrew Glaze
However, another explanation for his vlogging is that it’s simply easy to do thanks to platforms like Instagram and TikTok. If you look back to his early videos, some nine years on YouTube, you can tell he added some production value, but they’re not as personal. If you ask him what changed, he’ll say the platforms. 
“I think I kind of like tripped into this whole thing because I’ve always made videos but they never went viral. But now that there’s a new format that makes videos so much easier to make and upload, I’m just able to reach a lot more people.”
He explained with Instagram’s Reels and TikTok, he can make a video in five or 10 minutes and post it with just his phone and his videos will get millions of views. If he wanted the same results on Youtube, he’d need to invest more time and money into equipment. 
“It’s funny because I’ve always sort of made videos of my races and stuff, but back in the day, it wasn’t quite as easy to do. I’d videotape myself, but then I didn’t really have the proper software to edit it or do anything,” he said. “None of that was really easy to do back then.”
The Glazeruns Channel
At the end of the day, Glaze runs and makes content because it makes him feel good. He records the joy that he gets out of running, but he doesn’t shy away from the challenges involved with the sport. He relates to his audience, sharing his successes, failures, goals, and gear list. It’s as if it’s in his nature. 
“I like to make (videos) because I want to be helping people,” he said. “I got into the fire service because I truly wanted to help people. I’m a paramedic and I’ve been on teams that have saved a lot of lives, and it’s very rewarding to do something like that, and likewise with the social media.”
Glaze explained he gets messages every day from people he inspired to start running and they’ve inspired someone else to start running. 
“I’m not trying to make money. I’m just like trying to push good into the world because there’s so much negativity and there’s so much bad in the world right now,” he said. 
“If I could just make the smallest amount of difference before I die, then I’ll feel like I can die happy,” he concludes. “As cliché as that sounds, I really truly believe that in the deepest part of my soul.”
0 notes
libidomechanica · 2 years
Its ye hae wooers mony ane
A tricube sequence
And for ever dewe. Take, oh, hide theirs
be led; heaven, or for blood; and our
miscarriage feasted with inward stray’d.
Came out. You sick, others, Claudel
vilifying pots on the eagle why compel
a well- nigh change the joys renew!
In rubric thus our true form men that
flows downe, to all our solid aim be
disposed the future within the star.
The courts of them. We would solace bring.
But you must need. Take her Face; sees by
Dames to prepare; for mine affianced.
Turned in lusty May! Said Cyril’s random
wish: not to killing sphere. But, I
fear, thoughts or the lips; she called civil!
Who burn the great disaster, or the
price of hand in Face. The crown on his
winnings: yet maiden, true forgotten.
Then in heau’n did not so; he breed of
euerie image in the gale that poor Psyche
drive. Or all brings me low, i’m thine.
And roared before, asked all with a girl;
as girls long the British Throne of Pray’rs
at home, gleaning hand. I saw, alas!
The Knaves is the offence. Head, and for
Sunday next she flesh and sense does the
bearded from the small renew again.
Before, while declare. Of seas to serues
thro’ ripen’d corn wav’d greefe adawed,
the second place. You press’d his Ends.
Does the eyes, I hear the door in their
man. Take those the feather, well, well shot:
a kinde of the wind shall try, who sought.
Of that was old. The Peer now, and Love’s
lips away, deaths, and Sick Man’s Pray’rs, or
the song. Sweet suburban girl, this fate.
Who will we taste Bohea! You have been
by this knight parson, any phase of
what dim lake. By consecrate to you.
Teaching as a yardstick. That Ovid
told me, Naomi turns round the wild
lake, and dust, not her, not him derive.
At length into the Silver Bounty,
should frown? Fancy return, than it purpose
still to prey. Upon the mole know.
The Mists in blackening, he things of
fiery Spirits! With jealous dolphins
sport of Ida: they are sings he dies.
That the wild as a bird a-wing …. And
hang that’s out of each Eye o’er, one is
an error in the French hood accurst!
And bone request, in clean she took his
ease. She said, or wife, the baiting my
bonnet but there at full of Rockport.
The grownd, and sit down; there at her out
with worse prevail, a story of the
sighs, Sobs, and the fair and I’ll be good.
For, Lady, you father Lamp; the blood
are not. And in anger fear, thou madest
thou damn thyself we gives its wind.
The others, in which cruddles of ladies
all, comes to and fair. So shall swing
upward rise, th’ expiring words.
Or wand’ring forth all the wisest of
state, as Rainebowe bent, i’ll do my
boots; there’s the pelf with woe! The kind.
’Er theories, crown of Salámán.
Soon the worse and meek, she receive not
ashamèd; I trembling a whole and me.
Sir knight, and on he went, and promise
you ambassadresses from hence remove,
when the strong like Tom Waits. To spil.
Not louder Shrieks by Day, the banks of
bones of sweete- cruell shock him err: nor Loves.
Afraid some can not be readers die.
From her Soul crazed, a-doting Star I
saw pale were not to her lip? Print upon
her head of hemlock; our dear lord!
Hold you little! Or does not nighttimes
with gentle and mark without pretence,—
come, poor groom that, waking, still deny!
On his Breast. Come to might, and cuff’d by
elves: whining Chocolate to various
Talk th’ imprison who stands are?
Till itself, but not for All—None but
anger not those of his Face, and you
shine to wait on me. With worse and plough.
To be in thine arm! On her Jewels with
curious lamp of her Hair, so by
things: yet we workman that is your sweet.
The was you say and danced like morn arose,
who gave a Ball; or where there arriv’d.
Of Bodies change art; where my hearts.
—Within the morning skeleton. Could
have put off your mother. Want given
through grief, and Oothoon shall his blues band!
And noble hand in his Fate! Robert
Burns: dare not the would rejoice, a good
black. When Juliana came, and old.
Are not to feel estrangers, so smoothly
the village smoked rasp sound what art’s
work. The Fair at large, they trod, on fall.
And the Head, as if with you hear
divinity upon the ragged beggar
and feast. The Lock a thousand Wings.
I cry: Love! To saved me that happen
thine as will pay the budded brought; the
vigour offence floor where a God’s throw.
In simmer more nobly dear lord! In
the Spears, on the sharp-fang’d by the vital
Air, or in the Diamond and air!
That broke, whom but Maud should served virgins
honor of you taken these words that
so sweet delight words they staid, from greeuance.
I saw, he wast Oake. And all the ransom
of King of his Face, like a mind,
might keep termly fires of lusty May!
Als my budding else, and thus she heart.
And from the cock the Victor has grow?
Afraid some sneaking, and lie, or down.
When, after- hands may only my
flowery May, singing, Die, oh! My love
deceit, cleopatra- like disguise.
And on the green. In a colour’d Treasure
lay with mine, and he answer, echoes,
dying. But Oothoon, wander’s Name.
And the Noon of touch upon fold upon
her pace, and old. When Husband-fool;
but sweet shall be going by gladly?
In a poore Nymph! Only the Head, her
wrest the fount, and in black Tyrants a
free him, tho’ but in the meadows low.
Do they began: My lady, Dians peere,
with hurried in my boys! So goes on
yawning O hard essay, or for love.
Void of Place. Liquor fann’d, some sneaking
sleeping still he kneel, across, and bone
recoil. Thou hast my ruined. Give her.
Oft have laid as lovers powerless
through sames of give nor would be? The rest,
the like or early day, and by thee.
A month lies between us an orchards
rooted in Light. Any compel
a well-oiled, as when the lower rate.
And yet in velvet petticoat. The
grass, does their valleys of old. And oft
the Throne. His hoarse. What if with his Tongues.
With kindling children—that light temples
in vain truth? Tell me my onelie hire,
desiring stars; here he is death!
After his worst of state, as their waving
plums, or mortal charm. I ask’d a
little could be counted, turning fires?
Have eased with flowring blossom to
impossible song. Losing he died, my
mother was these others shouldn’t creep one.
For thy right in all in the princess
crammed with Lampoons. ’ Exchange art; where the
quiet nest and little green. Her fast.
Brought it much grief for wealth, and the courts
to his sorrows know, and Heart. Now do
I know ourselves, but none look at me!
He did lay up; and in the plain! That
change his eyes would rather sighs, and a
smile: perfection provided by thee.
If thou that hath chat. I have not combat,
but a smile had opened as he
meditates their title of War!
Whilst I, myself and the copses, out
above payment for the Buskie-glen and
when I fall before her presently?
And broider them and uncertaine know
slime, that so fair, and none: the lives a
woman? When you were a painted words.
Here. Who will seat you father breaking
sleeping soul know so yes the window,
and wild cataract, shattering; ah!
Were ev’ry glen sae bushy, O, aboon
the coop. ’ The fair Suns shall swing us
at once, but there quoth she, she cries.
Or does to the grounde to talk about
the sky, What mounted, Ganymedes,
to make full dominion claim his Feet.
But often a white, as the fair. The
horse her presence! The night, and still, and
ocean when I dwelt among his work.
There kill. Had we but the fire, which proudly
and vast eternal life shall struck
one, its own death wrapp’d his toppe was then?
Thrice from th’ Exchange, forget her
out. Lynx eye to fix and many heart
which I have eased us nourish all!
Till Miss’s comb the stately for malice
shown, our Britain’s State on one of the
night shadows on you. Forthwith his hear!
Danced like a hope to spare, frozen marriage.
Now, at her waft it, full break from
her splendour, her fav’rite Curl away!
Without one by loving, lawful, and
his Partridge soon to ride, and the palms.
Or poison, and put there lyeth their wives.
His defiled. Two Handmaids should not
so; he breme winter day; a year the
female parliament; arrives away.
Let not thus in Whisper, and, bidden
self, and you know I will be a bird.
And the radio was defiled.
Now, at her Pray’rs, for a blushing sea.
Heart, an Earth or air. For All—None but
parts in a kitchen behind Below.
Beat upwards of husbands faded street
in heart to frowns, when bold bridge, and the
memories, in the lark does the spread?
At every one, and echoes flying:
adieu, mine host, the daring moon was
bald,&wasted with, recalling sin. Boys!
You rather she muscles running, I
found wert thou toldst mind. On the World the
nighting shield me but ah, shes waking!
You are a firebrand; she receives
its delight in a long night? Go, happy
morning Rows, puffed vp with her fails?
Because shelves; and settled in close
Recesses shall live. Watchful Spring and
swelling of death, or breath thee alone!
Ere and power to a Gnome! Couch as
our devouring prudence at once,
that just once around his covenant.
Bring company would encline. Only
Drink to a harsh terror, driv’n to
measurable to pick those tame leopards.
My father’s mind, to disfranchise delight
Militia of the death of the
crimination. Had no tears; beneath.
Of those tame leopards. His little Idol
up; on with dissembly, and wicked
eares? I have springing, Die, oh!
With nets apple- leaves of scatter’d in
Tears, to taste! ’ Eyes turned to the God of
sure and some classic Angels of loue.
Angel of the Cosmetic Pow’rs. A
Sylphs, yet I seem love deceit, cleopatra-
like he rode beside her Head.
On her Charms conceal’d. With her Hand, as
their last. Had we but sweetest be, in
mossy skulls that is this thunderstood.
Creator of furious Day. Sweetness
the cliff and though driving mile-and-
a-half Belmont Stakes. ’ And love, this death.
Love drew, to come sliding out one, and
snake where the self, not even so alas
a lady, Dians peere, weep me not.
Warmth-given, fire-driven kindling and
dream, for Life pursue; nor jealousy,
the Goddess! At first their magic sway!
The custom of Italy free, that
other in the bedded- down knot. Of
a wild clocker, monstrous Baron’s Ears.
’ She spredde, dyed in lusty May! For, after
mould not, am I haue too late
it grew more to her and bring children?
From time had a flowers shall swing. So
when my door; inquired of joy, with
that where your father’s flowers; but he.
I trembles all, and were why men indeed,
or save. Giving on like Men, submit
to try, but ne’ertheless sadness.
Where leather up. And west by such heauen-
stuffe to sustain held in religious
dream I ever rust that woman’s fear!
At midnight, and things are painted, upon
than sheet. By Force of Life to comforts
into think throat’s three Bands prepare.
She may beat this were and do is
eloquent, is well fare. Ago, ’ she spredde,
with diamond of all the pleas’d our self!
The cot we sat as lover’s case, I
reach’d thereto aye wonne her out with
cold stone? You ten years, I recomment.
The mock’d again, and base. Every bell
and some lonely glade, and walks; her voice
had a wound and for a moment, yes.
I shudder but the fond fancies shine
like speckled and say it is my pacing
have we knows—what change their purely.
The Quarters wrath with dimpled chasm
grow vaster than the totem. Thoughts opprest,
could never win the mob of wit?
Had we but onely things of the
thicket doth endorse his life. Our little
Idol up; on with the good wife.
0 notes
feelingofcontent · 3 years
DNP Rewatch: The Top Dan Memes of 2017
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Date video was published: 01/14/2018 (X)
DNP Main Channel Rewatch: 369
Dan’s first video of 2018, and the third and last of the “top memes” videos, exactly one year after the previous one. He asked for submissions again for this and thanked people in the description. Including “..and Phil I guess.” at the end.
0:00 - well that’s a shirt to start the new year. he posted a photo in it too. also, the laptop fireplace with the extremely dirty screen is hilarious 😂
0:21 - it definitely was a “transitional” year for DNP! From the TATINOF era into the II era
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1:01 - those three tweets together are quite the collection...and then this
1:17 - okay the blankets on the plushies are adorable
1:48 - “incredibly...important content” describing some of his clothing as “obscure” is pretty accurate
2:14 - they do always take it slightly to far with videos like that and then regret it later
2:28 - I do like that he’s showing a lot of fanart in this one!
2:38 - I love his longer fluffier hair here at the start of 2018
2:51 - that is so much work for a lot of years...these old fetus Dan pictures, wow
3:06 - the Anthony photo as a “cool person” example 😂
3:18 - dramatic-Dan especially with the background music
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3:56 - I am sure he regretted telling people that in that live show...but he clearly was already planning to talk about his mental health later in the year at that point
4:18 - “giving the internet a mystery will just fuel wild speculation” may be the truest most self-aware thing Dan has ever said
4:38 - oooo, shade. but accurate shade, yikes
4:47 - don’t think he’s only talking about the “week in March” thing here
5:24 - the fuzzy jumper!
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5:34 - and what a video it was. though much more scripted than the previous two crafts videos
5:59 - I love that those videos are some of Dan’s favorite things they’ve made
6:19 - a jump cut into laughing always means something is coming
6:38 - I remember this, yikes
6:58 - I mean...he had to know what people were going to do with that
7:27 - I’m not sure ripped jeans qualify as “rebellious” but this is still one of my favorite photos of Dan
8:02 - I do think Dan likes the complimentary attention he gets when he posts photos
8:22 - “a lot of the things I did that year, were with Phil” is a true statement for every year 
8:28 - both Dan and Phil have always said “me and...” for years
9:19 - he had just made this mistake again in ISG 10 too
9:43 - stealing lots of clips from the moving out video
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10:00 - I don’t remember seeing this reaction; I was just happy for them!
10:31 - also an amazing photo. Love Phil for that one
11:03 - definitely was a transitional year...so much happened in 2017
11:29 - “or I stopped making videos altogether” ...oh. oh dear.
11:52 - poor Dan, especially with the official VidCon stuff and everything...and his mum!
12:12 - his icon came from the same photo that he’ll discuss later as another “edit-meme”
12:32 - I would do a lot for reliable holiday baking content again
12:44 - I’m surprised he didn’t talk about filming the same day as a flight in this video
13:03 - why is he calling it “our product”? 😂
13:23 - being in actual news/gossip sites is definitely what DNP seem to hate most and I don’t blame them
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13:36 - I love that he actually appreciates this though, haha
14:05 - not sure that metaphor was going to work on any level but he tried
14:38 - he’s not wrong
14:42 - there’s that same picture his YouTube icon came from
15:26 - that had to be such a weird moment for him
15:40 - I love this cutaway scene. not just for the humor, which it is hilarious, but also because DNP have a cleaning supplies caddy and a mop in a closet and that just seems so normal. (though holding his laptop that way doesn’t seem like the greatest idea...)
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15:57 - the UK really does love a catchy chant for things
16:25 - ah the thing that DNP could not get out of their heads all year
16:45 - but it did give him a great video
17:10 - yet another “giving the internet a mystery will just fuel wild speculation” moment
17:42 - they really had some stressful travel situations in 2017...I’m sure that made them slightly nervous to then plan on touring again
18:19 - “like the creepy little weasel he is” 😂
18:26 - actually, Dan posted this himself...Phil just took it (unless Phil posted it from Dan’s account, which would be even funnier)
18:57 - ummm. that was a wording choice.
19:11 - he really put a lot of thought into that video. and you can see why it probably took him even longer for BIG
19:38 - this is so nice 🥺 and I definitely think that video getting a positive reaction made him think about sharing more
20:08 - Dan being proud of himself 😭
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20:28 - love the range of reactions in that video to that
20:55 - you can tell that Dan does actually find these amusing
21:16 - somehow very appropriate
21:34 - that must have been an awful time
22:04 - lol the self-promo segue
22:23 - Dan is so proud of that graphic design
22:59 - these are just fun 
23:11 - “me and Phil” was right that time!
23:28 - how did that even happen?!
23:41 - wtf and why would he share that
24:09 - love the subtle “demon Phil” editing there
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24:54 - I fully believe that Dan saying that is actually what started the whole thing. it could have just gone away!
25:33 - “that’s a first. even for me” 😂
26:04 - Dan’s extended reaction there where he just gestured and didn’t speak is great
27:19 - ahahahaha
27:57 - “stop it...stop it. you stop it. all of you stop it. Phil, stop it! ...I’m gonna fucking stop it” is quite a journey
28:24 - that’s sweet though that Dan did that with his mum
28:55 - oh Colin! him then hiding in shame is adorable. how can you even be mad at that face, aww
29:30 - exactly two reactions, hahaha
29:45 - and they will name their first joint pet “Norman,” so yeah
30:21 - the DAPG screaming...very true
31:31 - LMAO works too well
32:27 - “try new things”!
32:41 - very alliterative there
33:04 - love the dramatic exit you can see in the mirror 😂
This definitely seems like the most...forced? of the memes videos. I definitely feel like throughout 2017 was when DNP’s audience seemed to have a bit of a shift (in a good way) and so there just wasn’t as much of this type of humor posted. It’s really more of a year-in-review than anything and he should have just let it be that, maybe. Also, obviously, this is just shortly before Dan stopped posting videos.
I feel the need to leave you with this Dan-in-slippers photoshoot from a few days before this.
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sanjisock · 3 years
more than words
50 words; 50 sentences
#01 - Motion
A spinning kick, a swing of blade — the two meet and hit but don’t hurt, and Nami sighs exasperatedly at such a pathetic display of a mating dance.
#02 - Cool
Zoro stands his ground as his enemy — finally, finally — falls unceremoniously on his back, unconscious, and Sanji thinks for a moment that the sight of Zoro — wild and victorious and ready to take on the world — looks kind of, maybe, slightly cool.
  #03 - Young
Brook sees the two — dying to die for each other, the weight of their friends’ lives pulling down their shoulders — and he thinks too many people forget how young they still are.
  #04 - Last
The Cook is the last person Zoro would consider lending a hand in a fight — “who would want to work together with that dumbass anyway,” he lies whenever anyone asks, and doesn’t admit that it’s because he trusts Sanji’s ability to stand his ground, wholly and fully.
  #05 - Wrong
Sanji knows Zoro, like him, understands better than most — that this nakama thing isn’t just something you’d die for, but something you’d kill for, too.
  #06 - Gentle
Sanji manages to catch Kitetsu before it rolls off from the deck during a storm, and in that moment, Zoro knows, from the reverent way he regards the swords in his hands, that this isn’t the first time the Cook has wielded one.
  #07 - One
“Calm down, Marimo,” Sanji says with a dismissive wave of his hand when Zoro asks about the sword a few days later, “I’m not about to take your place as the ship’s swordsman; a cook doesn’t use his hands to fight, and I had a terrible teacher anyways.”
  #08 - Thousand
“I’m worth two thousand men,” Zoro grumpily says, almost sulking, and Nami can’t resist patting his head like she would to a little boy pulling the pigtail of a girl he has a crush on.
  #09 - King
You’re like the prince of Dumbass Kingdom, Zoro says, and it takes Sanji everything in him not to blurt out, Dumbass Kingdom sounds about right; wait ‘till you see the fucking king.
  #10 - Learn
Watching Sanji converse fluently with a couple of tourists in a Northern language, Zoro wonders when he will ever stop learning something new about Sanji — or if he ever will, at all.
  #11 - Blur
When Zoro finally comes to, the wounds from Bartholomeow Kuma is muted by Chopper’s medicine, a dull throb at the back of his consciousness; but the sharp pain against his heart feels raw still, visceral and razor-sharp, tucked alongside the ache of Sanji’s sacrifice.
#12 - Wait
“Wait,” he manages to croak out before Sanji flees the room, the word spilling out unbidden; he isn’t quite sure why, but he knows that he wants the Cook to stay.
  #13 - Change
“Have some fucking decency ,” Sanji yells, throwing a shirt at Zoro’s direction; the brute has been walking around the ship bare-chested like an eyesore ever since they entered the summer island, and Sanji is just trying to do everyone a favor — and definitely not because there’s a different kind of heat pooling at the pit of his stomach.
#14 - Command
Robin watches the two in amusement — Zoro could have easily refused to be Sanji’s pack mule, and she can hear him grumbling about it still; and yet, here they are, once again, together at the island’s marketplace.
#15 - Hold
Sanji is rough around the edges, bristling at the slightest touch; Zoro knows he needs to be gentle, but he doesn’t quite remember the last time he held something that isn’t a hilt of a sword, without meaning to hurt . It’s a learning curve. 
  #16 - Need
Sanji knows Zoro is a dumbass, but it takes a special kind of stupid to think he would never be good enough for Sanji, when he’s all that Sanji has ever needed.
#17 - Vision
Zoro never regrets losing his eye, but he wishes, sometimes, he could still take in the sight of Sanji with an unimpaired vision, just to see more of him.
  #18 - Attention
“You’re starting a fight, Marimo?” Sanji growls, voice low and dangerous, and Zoro thinks, yes, yes, anything to get you to look at me.
  #19 - Soul
He loves the kid like a brother, but sometimes Zoro hates how Luffy can easily see past his gruff words and feigned ignorance; the way Luffy only needs to take one look at him to guess, “you’re worried about Sanji, aren’t you?”
  #20 - Picture
He carries around everyone’s bounty posters, Sanji tells himself, and tries not to think too hard about how the only one he kept in his breast pocket is Zoro’s, folded neatly against his heart.
  #21 - Fool
“This is the dumbest thing you’ve ever done so far,” Sanji says when they part, lips still tingling from their earlier kiss, because Zoro’s love is fierce and consuming and Sanji knows, ever since he was just a kid with the iron mask, that he doesn’t deserve any of this.
  #22 - Mad
“Don’t you ever say that kind of shit again,” Zoro snarls, slamming the wall beside Sanji’s head, his voice trembling with a kind of anger Sanji has never seen him with before — frustrated, desperate. “You’re important to me, Cook.” 
  #23 - Child
Grow up and cast your dreams away, Sanji tells himself every day, the voice ringing in his ears; you stopped being a child deserving of a dream the moment you chained Zeff down to the ground.
  #24 - Now
Grow up and cast your dreams away, Sanji wants to tell himself, but the voice stutters, drowned out by the sight of the kid bleeding on the deck of Baratie — he’s a swordsman, too, acknowledged by none other than Dracule Mihawk himself — but a kid still, throwing himself headfirst towards the case of his dreams, steps unweighted by regrets.
  #25 - Shadow
Zoro doesn’t know which is worse — Sanji, forever running away from the shadow his brothers cast; or Zoro, chasing after someone who is no longer around to leave behind a shadow anymore.
  #26 - Goodbye
After Whole Cake Island, there’s a period of time where Zoro would follow Sanji around the ship like a lost puppy, unwilling to let the Cook out of his sight; Usopp definitely didn’t expect Zoro to have such a cute side, and crouches over his new invention to hide his smile.
  #27 - Hide
“We’re not doing that here,” Sanji hisses, and forces himself not to laugh at the pout on Zoro’s face; the galley might be secluded enough, but they’re still on the enemy ship’s galley.
  #28 - Fortune
It is annoying, the way Sanji keeps reminding Zoro that he could have collected Mihawk’s bounty and lived the rest of his life in wealth; especially when Zoro would trade any riches in the world just to stay by the Cook’s side.
  #29 - Safe
It catches Zoro off guard when Sanji starts talking about his mother; it’s a short anecdote, a single happy memory, but Zoro can tell by the way Sanji tells it — guarded and hesitant, like he wants to keep the words close and safe — that he has never shared it with anyone else before.
  #30 - Ghost
Usopp starts shaking like a leaf as soon as they enter the abandoned, dilapidated house, and Sanji gently tells him, sometimes the worst ghost is the one you create yourself; Zoro feels the weight of Wado on his hip, and agrees.
  #31 - Book
“I don’t need this,” Zoro grumbles with a blush, pushing the book back into Nami’s hands, trying hard to ignore Nami’s laughter and the words ROMANCE FOR DUMMIES emblazoned on the book’s jacket.
  #32 - Eye
Shusui sinks into the man’s stomach, all the way to the hilt, and Zoro thinks of the way Sanji curled into himself as the man landed a lucky hit on the cook’s hand. An eye for an eye.
  #33 - Never
“This is my first time,” Zoro whispers, head ducking away as he feels his face flush at the admission; but Sanji’s hand rests on his cheek, encouraging, and he can feel the curve of Sanji’s smile as their lips meet and Sanji replies, “it’s mine, too.”
  #34 - Sing
Luffy cheers when Zoro and Sanji comes into view, and he lets them take on the next batch of enemies; a good fight is always fun, but watching Zoro and Sanji fight is even more so — like watching a dance that only those two know the melody to.
  #35 - Sudden
“What, are we supposed to be surprised?” Nami says, barely looking up from the map she’s working on; Sanji sputters, face redder than the tomatoes he served during breakfast, and Nami feels almost bad for him.
  #36 - Stop
“But we — Zoro and I — how did you know?” Sanji asks, and promptly stops asking questions when he realizes the rest of the crew aren’t surprised either; who could blame them, when his and Zoro’s sexual tension can be seen from a mile away.
  #37 - Time
Sanji knows they have to break apart soon, just to breathe, but right now all he cares about is to taste as much of Zoro as possible — he has waited two years for this, and it has been two years too long.
  #38 - Wash
They have their fair share of fighting — and how, considering the amount of repairs Usopp has to do for Merry just from their petty fights alone — but what the crew doesn’t know is that they also have this thing, this quiet thing, just him and the Cook and a stack of dirty plates between them.
  #39 - Torn
“In retrospect,” Robin observes, “dressing up our dear cook in a maid uniform would not only lower the enemy’s firepower, but also ours, considering how distracted our swordsman has clearly become.”
  #40 - History
“Why do you keep him around, mister?” The kid asks, pointing at the old swordsman with three swords and an eye scar by the peer; Sanji laughs, pats the kid on the head, and says, almost wistfully — “you can say we have some history.”
  #41 - Power
Sanji tugs at Zoro’s sleeve, and Zoro follows suit despite his complaints — Sanji thinks, distantly, how much of an honor it is, to have so much control over such a powerful man.
  #42 - Bother
“I didn’t have enough time to make this three-tier ice cream cake for our lovely Nami-san and Robin-chan because you distracted me!” Sanji says with a hard jab of a finger against Zoro’s chest, and Zoro thinks, good .
  #43 - God
Zoro does not believe in gods, but there’s a hymn of a noise when Zoro presses his lips against the crook of Sanji’s neck, the hallelujah of the world breaking apart as their bodies move together, and he thinks, close enough .
  #44 - Wall
 Zoro slams his fist into the wall of Polar Tang, and is taken aback by the depth of his own frustration; he knows Luffy and the others will get Sanji back from Big Mom’s place, but it unsettles him still, the way Sanji hides himself under layers of pretenses when Zoro has bared so much of himself to the Cook in return.
  #45 - Naked
“What the fuck was that for , Mosshead?!” Sanji shrieks, justifiably furious, leg raised and on fire after Zoro sliced his tray into two without preamble; Zoro can’t exactly tell the Cook he did it because he was too surprised at the sight of Sanji in a swimming trunk and nothing else.
  #46 - Drive
Why Zoro , people sometimes ask, but the answer is easy to Sanji — nobody drives him crazy the way Zoro does, and is that not what true love feels like?
  #47 - Harm
Zoro knows Sanji will be furious ; but as he faces Kuma, knowing at least the Cook is out of harm’s way, he knows he would do this a hundred times over, a thousand times over, a million times over.
  #48 - Precious
Sanji is sitting by the corner of the infirmary, face pale with red-rimmed eyes, and Zoro thinks he’s never had that, before — people who would weep for him, knowing that he is more than dried scars and calloused skin.
  #49 - Hunger
This thing we have is dangerous, Sanji tells him, but Zoro doesn’t care — he already has a craving, the same way he needs a booze when it’s been too long, except he thinks that this vice will surely kill him.
  #50 - Believe
This isn’t faith; this is the truth, Zoro’s truth, the same way he knows he will become the Greatest — Sanji will find that elusive sea of his, and Zoro will stay with him until it is the last thing he can do.
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Quotes from The Song Of Achilles I think about multiple times a day (sad edition)  ((SPOILERS))
. 'And perhaps it is the greater grief, after all, to be left on earth, when another is gone. Do you think?'
'Perhaps' Achilles admitted (chapter 9)
. This is what it will be like, every day, without him. I felt a wild-eyed tightness in my chest, like a scream. Everyday without him." (chapter 14)
. 'How long will he live?'
She made a noise in her throat, it took me a moment to understand it was laughter
'Why? Would you prepare yourself for it? Try and stop it?'
'Yes,' I answered. 'If I can' (chapter 15)
. He stirs and the air stirs with him, bearing the musk sweet smell of his body. I think: this is what I will miss. I think: I will kill myself rather than miss it. I think: how long do we have? (chapter 15)
. "Even there beneath the bright sun my skin went cold. He will not come home at all." (chapter 16)
. "He no longer belongs to me alone" (chapter 16)
. "There I lay on the cool stone floor, and closed my eyes. I could not stop imaging how it would end-spear tip or sword point, or smashed by a chariot. The rushing, unending blood of his heart" (chapter 16)
. As for the goddesses answer, I did not care. I would have no need of her. I did not plan on living after he was gone." (chapter 16)
. "I embraced those thin, wiry limbs. I thought, this is what Achilles will feel like when he is old. And then I remembered: he will never be old." (chapter 16)
. 'My life is my reputation,' his breath sounded ragged. 'It is all I have, I will not live much longer. Memory is all I can hope for' (chapter 26)
. ' You ask a question that philosophers argue over,' Chiron had said. 'He is worth more to you perhaps. But stranger is someone else's friend and brother. So which life is more important?'
We had been silent we were 14 and these things had been too hard for us. At 28 they still felt too hard" (chapter 27)
. 'Do you see?, he says 'It is the beginning! ' I cannot escape the feeling that, below the surface, something is breaking" (chapter 28)
. It was not honour that made Meleager fight, or his friends, or victory, or revenge. It was Cleopatra before him, her face streaked with tears. Here's Phoinix's craft: Cleopatra, Patroclus. Her name built from the same pieces as mine" (chapter 28)
. I knelt and pressed his hands to my face. My cheeks flowed tears 'for me then, save them for me. I know what I'm asking of you. But I ask it. For me'
'Anything else, anything. But not this. I cannot'
I looked at the Stone of his beautiful face, and despaired
'if you love me--' (chapter 30)
. 'Bring him back to me' he told them...
There was more to say, but for once we did not say it. There would be other times for speaking, tonight, tomorrow and all the days after that. He let go of my hand" (chapter 30)
. "The last thing I think is: Achilles" (chapter 30)
. 'Do you think you were the only one who loved him? You care for him in death than in life,' Her words bitter with grief. 'How could you let him go, you knew he couldn't fight!'
Achilles Screams and shatters a serving bowl. 'Get out!'
Briseis doesn't flinch 'Kill me. It will not bring him back. He is worth ten of you. Ten! And you sent him to his death!' (chapter 31)
. "Achilles' gaze lifts to meet hers. She is a afraid but does not draw back. 'I hope Hector kills you.'
'Do you not think I do not hope the same? He asks" (chapter 31)
. “Thetis’ black eyes seem to contract, like dying stars. 'I am glad that he is dead.' she says. It is the last thing she will ever say to him” (chapter 31)
. 'And the arrow flies, straight and silent, in a curving downward arc towards Achilles' back...Achilles smiles as his face strikes the earth' (chapter 32)
. ' I have done it,' she says. At first I do not understand. But then I see the tomb, and the marks she has made out. Achilles, it reads and beside it, Patroclus.
'Go' she says 'He waits for you'
In the darkness, two shadows reaching through the hopeless, heavy dusk. Their hands meet and light spills in a flood, like a hundred golden urns pouring out the sun" (chapter 33) 
[well that was a roller coaster, I’m so sorry, it’s fine, I’m crying too. Anyway, this is part 2 of 3, if you saw the 1st part you’ll know I annotated the entire book using 3 colours 
Orange - sweet moments, Green- sad moments , Red- Iconic moments/lines 
This is green.]
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I saw in your tags that there’s some old destiel fic you like on ffn. Do you have any recs ? :)
omg I haven’t been on there in years! like last time I read anything on there was like in 2014 lmao xD
32 fics total - I just checked and all of them are still up...there’s like 30+ more that I bookmarked that isn’t on the list cuz I’m not sure if they’re destiel fics or not so I gotta re-read them
all the ones below are fics that I’ve recced before in the past
1. All Angels Need Their Wings - RATING: NC-17 | LENGTH: 29,784 (2012)
Dean never thought that Castiel would ever return. And when he did, he came in a very unexpected way, a very horrifying way. SLASH Castiel/Dean. Wing-Kink. Takes place in season 7. AU.
2. Heart Trouble - RATING: NC-17 | LENGTH: 74,320 (2011)
Dean's having a harder and harder time of denying what he feels for a certain blue-eyed friend of his. And it's making him a little ornery, and a lot confused.
3. It Hurts - RATING: NC-17 | LENGTH: 29,963 (2013)
Inspired by the S9 Trailer Cas had watched the angels fall and with them, his self worth. Now human facing the challenges of navigating mortality he also tries to find a place for himself in this new world. It is a hope he has to find without the Winchesters, without Dean. So now he runs, from both Heaven, Hell and from Dean. 
4. Small Problem - RATING: NC-17 | LENGTH: 13,310 (2011)
A cursed artifact has made Castiel miniature, it's amusing for the Winchesters at first until they realize he might stay that way forever. Slash Dean/Castiel Please R&R
5 My Broken Angel - RATING: M | LENGTH: 24,999 (2010)
When Castiel disappears from his vessel, Dean is concerned. But when Castiel reappears and seems to avoid him, Dean is heartbroken. Set mid-season 5. 
6. A Hand - RATING: M | LENGTH: 23,474 (2010)
Dean/Cas, multichapter, slight AU. Dean's busy trying to re-soulify his brother, but Cas needs help. Maybe it's time Dean gave it to him. Ch. 15: Dean glared indignantly. "I find the term 'lovebirds' to be offensive. We prefer to be called 'sex-falcons.'" 
7. Saving Grace - RATING: PG-13 | LENGTH: 38,602 (2010)
With everything that was going wrong in Dean's life, it took him a while to realize that the person close to him that really needed the most help was Castiel. 
8. Candy - RATING: PG-13 | LENGTH: 98,068 (2013)
The Fall from Heaven changed everything. The supernatural no longer hidden. Angels roaming the planet. Sam and Dean's immediate concerns were on a smaller scale. What do you do with the former King of Hell? Where is Castiel?... Destiel/Mute!Human!Cas/Angst!Dean
9. Dude, Dean Looks Like a Lady - RATING: M | LENGTH: 20,774 *gen/pre-slash* (2013)
Sam's good, Cas has been found, and demons everywhere seem to be on hiatus. Seems like things are looking up for Team Free Will that is until Dean wakes up with his very own vagina anyway. Warnings: Fem!Dean, Destiel, female masturbation and S8 spoilers.
10. Evil Intent, Trials of Love, & Finding My Angel - RATING: NC-17 | LENGTH: 36,729, 70,453, & 59,941 *rape, graphic torture, violence* (2009)
Anna rapes Castiel and uses a method that torments him more than anything imaginable. WARNING: Rape and Castiel/Dean makes sense when you read it . If you don't like then don't read!
11. Cascade - RATING: PG-13 | LENGTH: 44,626 (2013)
"And if you fall as Lucifer fell, you fall in flames!" An 8x23 coda. 
12. Count The Cracks, Hear The Shatters, Feel The Insanities - RATING: PG-13 | LENGTH: 44,626 *gen/pre-slash* (2013)
They've walked miles on gravel roads that led to hell and back but the journey never quite ends. This is the story of Castiel and the Winchesters after the angels fell from heaven. Post Season 8. 
13. Damn Straight & Wait Wait Wait - RATING: PG-13 | LENGTH: about 21,000 (2010)
Humorous Cas/Dean, with multiple POVs. Slight AU. Fluffy. Ch. 5: Sam sat in the Impala in the motel parking lot, praying that three and a half hours at the library had been long enough.
14. Entertaining Angels - RATING: PG-13 | LENGTH: 43,659 *gen/pre-slash* (2008)
A strange boy shows up at Dean and Sam’s motel room. Maybe he needs help, or maybe he’s there to help them—they can’t quite tell. Spoilers through 4.10. Not an OC. 
15. Happy Friggin’ Valentine’s Day - RATING: PG-13 | LENGTH: 22,771 (2010)
SLASH. It all started with Dean's perfectly healthy hatred of frivilous holidays and a much-coveted sack of dust. Poor Castiel doesn't fully understand 'romance' to begin with, and this crash course is most unwelcome. 
16. I’m Just a Love Machine - RATING: PG-13 | LENGTH: 29,200 (2011)
The Impala finally gets the chance to love Dean back. The problem is, Castiel seems to be in its way. 
17. It’s The Great Destiel Shipper, Sam Winchester - RATING: PG-13 | LENGTH: 49,641 (2012)
What's Sam really doing all that time on the computer? Fangirling. Over Chuck's Supernatural books. Now Wincest might be a bit too much to deal with, but Destiel he might be able to get on board with... Especially after being around the two people involved for three days straight. 
18. Pain in the Head - RATING: PG-13 | LENGTH: 78,771 *character death* (2011)
It started out slow. "Since when do angels have headaches?" "Since they become human." Established Dean/Cas. Sort of AU. PG-13. Complete. 
19. Sleep in Heavenly Peace - RATING: PG-13 | LENGTH: 45,517 *christmas fic* (2013)
Dean wants to have a nice, peaceful Christmas for once, but it seems like the universe won't let him. Dean/Castiel. Post-8.08 (Hunteri Heroici) AU. First in "Holidays With the Winchesters are Always Fun." 
20. The Shattered One - RATING: PG-13 | LENGTH: 94,021 *grace mpreg* (2012)
When it struck Castiel, it dropped him out of the sky. He set down the first place he could find. He stood in a field in Switzerland, swaying on his feet and staring down at his body, dazed by what it had just done.
21. This Cupid Isn’t Stupid - RATING: PG-13 | LENGTH: 41,572 (2012)
Dean receives a shock when he wakes up to discover Castiel has returned. Why is the angel suddenly back? Why have his powers dimmed? And.. Why are he and Dean joined together by an invisible rope!
22. Wild Horses, Cas - RATING: PG-13 | LENGTH: 23,505 (2013)
(S8 Spoilers (story is set in S9), Sickfic! Destiel, Minor Sabriel). When Cas comes down with a bad case of Pneumonia it leaves Dean feeling more protective over his friend than ever, but will it also lead to Dean's admittance of his feelings towards his friend? 
23. Wrong - RATING: PG-13 | LENGTH: 51,384 (2010)
Angels are not supposed to drop out of the sky into motel rooms, broken and beaten. They're not supposed to bleed like that. It was all wrong. 
24. The Reluctant Contestant - RATING: PG-13 | LENGTH: 50,502 (2012)
AU When Gabriel is hired as a new host for a dating show, Cas has no choice but to follow his brother along as part of the camera crew. Forced at the last minute to be a contestant, he is shocked when Dean Winchester continually refuses to eliminate him. 
25. The Ugly Duckling - RATING: PG-13 | LENGTH: 81,676 (2012)
Castiel: a nerdy, skinny thing with a crush on the the most popular guy in class. Being unpopular isn't easy and it's worse when the homophobic school figures him out. A small struggle to be noticed by his crush is turned into a huge struggle for himself and his dignity. But bullying can get the better of anyone. Slash. Destiel rated M for later chapters. 
26. Nameless - RATING: PG-13 | LENGTH: 77,882 (2013)
AU. Everyone has the name of their soulmate written on their wrist at birth. Well, everyone except Dean Winchester. Complete. 
27. Cufflinks - RATING: M | LENGTH: 61,845 (2012)
The world is full of creatures that prey on humans. It is up to 'Hunters' to fight against the dark. Lucky Hunters rely on the help of angels they have bound to their service. Sam and Dean may be good Hunters, but they have yet to capture an angel. One day, Sam finds an angel and seizes the opportunity to bind the angel to himself. Little did they know what they were getting into. 
28. Angel Training - RATING: M | LENGTH: 95,700, Angel Training 2: Save Us - RATING: M | LENGTH: 76,888, & Angel Training 3: Uprising - RATING: M | LENGTH: 89,512 (2011)
In a world where angels are common and the most privileged or skilled people are able to own one; the world's angelic hierarchy is about to change when Dean Winchester receives a wild and recently caught angel.
29. Chasing Your Shadow - RATING: M | LENGTH: 92,077 (2012)
The prophecy says that when Castiel turns twenty-three winters old, a stranger will come into his life and bring a lot of suffering. But do prophecies always come true? Demon Dean/human Castiel AU 
30. The Holiday - RATING: M | LENGTH: 32,088 (2011)
Castiel and Sam are unlucky in both life and love, so they swap houses for the holidays. Both find the experience highly...interesting. Dean/Castiel Sam/Gabriel
31. And In Your Arms I Shall Find Shelter- RATING: M | LENGTH: 33,824 (2012)
Dean Winchester is a long forgotten painter who suddenly receives an order for a painting from a rich man - Crowley. He is about to start painting when Castiel - his personal reaper visits him. The main question is: Will Castiel give Dean enough time to finish the painting? 
32. Jar of Hearts - RATING: PG-13 | LENGTH: 127,192 (2013)
February being the supposed 'month of love' people seem to forget that it's also one of the coldest times of the year. Valentine's Day themed events in a cafe turned bar is how Dean managed the courage to speak to the locally famous singer and somehow score a date, a relationship, and a man he didn't deserve out of the deal. Destiel college/uniAU some Sabriel 
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fictitiousfoodie · 3 years
It’s A Family Thing
Summary: A boy falls for a girl
Pairing: Reader x Ian Kildner ( fake person)
Word Count: 3847
Okay so here are something to know before you read. The teams are real but all the people fake it was easier for me with this story.
Tumblr media
Juliette stood by a high table, wearing a stunning and elegant black dress A-line gown with a respectable but fun slit up the side, talking to a relatively wealthy seeming older gentleman. His tux was custom, hair grey, and thinking, and the date he had brought with him was barely legal to drink, showing almost all her cleavage, and was sipping her cosmo through a straw. But Juliette didn't care about any of that right now. All she cared about was convincing this man that a donation to the team's charity would be a brilliant investment. 
"Mr. Mason donating to the teams' charity is not only a write-off for you with tax breaks, but it allows lots of people to see just how good you and your company are." Manson Construction was responsible for building half of Boston and rebuilding the other half. They had gone through a string of bad publicity when someone leaked rumors of the company cutting corners regarding safety protocols to the local newspapers. The stories had been proven untrue, but they had still caused doubt in the community. Mason Construction was a good company, and Juliette knew that. "Manson Construction on every banner we use when the team works with charities like Habitat for Humanity or does an event with local children's hospitals something like that could change how the community views your company," she said with a passionate and firm promise to her voice. Just as Juliette finished her speech, a loud, sharp crack of noise erupted from behind her. 
Juliette's brother Jack, the youngest of her four brothers, and his girlfriend Ashley had been fighting all night. Juliette had been keeping an eye on it. Ashley was not a great girlfriend. Juliette was pretty sure Ashley was in it for the idea of dating a pro athlete, and Jack was in it cause Ashley was hot. Juliette had noticed more and more that Jack seemed done with Ashley's crap, and from the Way, Ashley was now storming out and the fact Jack wasn't going after her, he had decided to end things tonight in a public place. 
Juliette turned back to Mr.Mason, who was chuckling to himself. "Your brother seems to be quiet, the unlucky fellow tonight in regards to love. But you are better than luck. You're smart, and you've got gumption, Juliette. I like the image you've given the charity, and I think it will provide great support and publicity for my business. I will send you a check tomorrow with the donation. If the team or the charity needs anything, you let me know," he said, smiling and walking away with his old wrinkled hand on his arm candy's ass. 
Jules shivered in disgust as she watched arm candy giggle and kiss him on the cheek, then took a deep breathe she had done it. She had landed another massive donation for the charity. 
Suddenly a large and heavy arm flopped around her shoulder, and her oldest brother Brandon was there by her side. 
"Way to go, Jules. It looks like Mr.Mason was pleased with the idea of being the teams highest paying donor', he said with pride and admiration for his sister. 
"He said he would send over the check tomorrow. I need a drink, and to get these heels off my feet are killing me." She laughed, walking to the bar. 
Brandon was the oldest of the four brothers at the age of 33. He had retired from the league last year due to a knee injury. The team hired him as the skills coach. Brandon was always responsible. He was the boy next door with a killer smile and genuine charm. The next one down was Henry, who was 31 and was the team's new athletic trainer. He was sporty and the smartest. He wanted to be a doctor when he was younger but found a way to combine his love of medicine and learning with his love of hockey and the team he had grown up around. He immediately change to sports medicine. The third one was Eric. He was the middle one, wild and crazy. He was 28, had been on the team as a defender for four years now, and made sure everyone knew his opinion on any given subject.
Jack, the youngest of the brothers, was a sweet kid, but just that, still a kid in many respects. He had the talent and a good heart, but he needed to grow up. He was 25 and still trying to figure out many things about life but was too stubborn to listen to anyone's advice. Finally, there was Juliette, the youngest out of the five children and the only girl. She grew up tough and headstrong, just like her brothers. Her mother made sure she was balanced, though, so she had put her in dance as a little girl, and she had loved it. She still went to classes and taught little ones occasionally. Her brothers were always there in the front row to cheer her on then give her noogies after. She was 24, but most people thought she was older because of how she held herself.   
All 5 of the siblings looked alike, all athletic, tall, and toned the brothers ranging in muscle definition. All five had dark brown hair and deep blue eyes. There was no denying they were family. The dark hair came from their dad, and the eyes had come from their mom.  The whole family was here tonight, and Jules loved that. Everyone in the family had found a way to be apart of the team or organization in a job they loved. She loved being around her family and the constant support they gave. Her mom had started the Boston Bruins charity when her dad had been a player. She was still running it and was grooming Juliette to take over soon. Being a Bruin was a family thing. They had been born into it and loved every minute of it. 
She and Brandon were standing by the bar ordering drinks when she saw out of the corner of her eye, Henry and Eric walk up. 
"So, we all saw the slap that Ashley gave Jack, right?" Henry said in a cautious and questioning tone. 
"Yes, the whole room heard it. Did you see where he went?" Brandon asked cautiously. 
"No, but my guess would be the locker room, someone should go check on him?" Eric said, turning towards Jules. 
"Yea yea yea, I'll go. Even though one of you are married and ones engaged," she said over her shoulder, walking away toward the locker room. 
She found Jack sitting in his locker with a cold beer pressed to his face. head drooped down and fidgeting with his phone. "You shouldn't call her, "Jules said, pulling the drink away to check out the handprint on his face. It wasn't nearly as bad as it had sounded probably just stung. Ashley wasn't abusive, just dramatic. 
"Why? Cause she slapped me?" 
"No, because she gave the bartender her number about 15 mins before that happened. You made the right call. She didn't love you; she loved the status."
"I know. I just thought she was the one at the beginning. "He sighed as Jules sat next to him. 
They sat there for a few minutes in silence. Jules knew he would be fine just needed someone to lean on for a bit, and sure enough, after about 10 minutes, he handed Jules his beer and stated with new energy, "There are plenty of fish in the sea. I have to find the right one, right?!" Jack jumped up and started walking to the doors. 
"Yes, just please be safe and smart and maybe go home alone tonight," Jules shouted to him as he strutted out the doors. 
Jules took a sip of the beer and sighed, starting to take her shoes off, enjoying the silence. When she heard the doors slam open and Jimmy Peters and his date for the evening tumbled though not breaking the sloppy kiss and handsy embrace, they were tangled in. They never noticed her as she grabbed her high heels and beer and left the room. She was in the hall on the way back, laughing to herself about the thought of giving Jimmy a hard time the next time she saw him when she heard the classic catcall whistle from behind her. 
She turned to find Ian Kildern, one of the team's defensive players. He was 6'4", muscled more than the average hockey player and curly brown hair with deep green eyes. His tux was well altered; it hung perfectly on him, showing his broad shoulders and narrow waist. Ian was an excellent player, intelligent, lightning-fast, and a great leader. He was 26 and had been in the league since he was 19. The Bruins had picked him up four years ago when his contract had been up with the Tampa Bay Lighting. They were friends, but Jules was closer to other players, and usually only had a small talk with easy, polite jokes. 
"Juliette Calloway, you clean up nice." He said in a semi-serious, mostly mocking tone.
"Shut up, Ian. Don't you have a date to dazzle like the rest of the team?" She said in a cheeky and light-hearted tone. 
"No, actually, Kelly and I broke up last weekend."
"Oh, that's right; her name was Kelly, and I'm so sorry to hear that after a week together, you had to call quits. You must be devastated. She said with a wink. Knowing fully, he had never planned on keeping it serious. Ian didn't sleep around a lot, but he also didn't keep girlfriends long. 
He chuckled, "Yeah, she was allergic to my dog." He changed the subject when he noticed the bottle in her hand, "You drinking alone - drowning your sorrows?"
"No, actually," she said in a matter of fact tone, "I was consoling my brother."
Ian's face squished up, and he sucked in a breath, "Yea, I saw - well heard the slap. Is he okay?"
"He's fine. It's his pride that's hurting more than anything, although he won't admit to it", She explained on a sigh. 
"Well, I'm glad he's okay. It's tough trying to figure everything out—the balance between the game and social life. Suddenly having money and not know if women want you the status or the money. It can be a rough and bumpy ride."He said with an understanding tone. 
"You sound like you have some experience, but you seemed to have figured it all out." 
 "I had my mistakes and issues, but the key difference is I didn't have a last name that's attached to 2 legends. Jack has a whole lot more spotlight from the league because of your dad and oldest brother. I could make my mistakes in private." 
"So, you had a girl slap you in front of your entire team and about 45 VIP guests?" Jules questioned, intrigued to hear his answer. 
"Okay, well, no, I never had that, but I did have a date throw up on me at an event one time. Rachel Madison, I'll always remember that name now. She hadn't eaten all day and then started doing shots of tequila. The smell was horrendous. It was like...
"Ew, I don't want to know! Please stop you win. That's disgusting." She fussed, cutting him off and giggling at the idea. 
"Well, then, Miss. Date Judger where is your perfect event plus one this evening." He asked mockingly, looking around the hallway they were slowly walking down. 
"Oh, I don't ever bring a date to an event that mom and I are running. I did once or twice and always felt bad that I left him standing somewhere while doing things for the event, plus dating in my life is hard. They tend to get offended when I know more about the game or jealous when I spend all my time here at the arena with you guys OR my brothers bully them, and they can't take the heat." 
They had almost reached the doorway to the main lobby, where the fundraising event was when Ian's ear perked up as he heard his favorite song come on. It Had To Be You by Harry Conick Jr. He grabbed her hand put the bottle of beer in her hand on the floor, and stated softly, "It's a great song - I wouldn't want it to go to waste since you don't have someone to dance with."
Surprised by the sudden change in tone, Juliette lost her voice a little and had to clear it before asking, "Ian Kildern, are you asking me to dance?"
He slowly started to pull her into his arms, saying in a volume just barely above a whisper, "I guess I am. Are you saying yes?"
"I guess I am." She said, staring into his eyes and falling into the sway of his body. Still stiff at first, she slowly drifted further into the daze the music mixed with his look and tone of voice had caused, eventually allowing her to melt completely into him. Neither spoke to busy enjoying the moment. It had been years since she had slow danced, and she was enjoying being wrapped in someone's arms. Not just any someone, but someone who had made her laugh and had been having a good conversation with, not to mention he smelled incredible. 
Ian couldn't believe he was dancing again. He had stopped bringing dates to events because it always fell short of what he wanted the evening to be. But with Juilette, he couldn't help but notice her laugh at his story or the way she had softened and molded to him as they danced. Hand in hand, his left hand rested at the small of her back, her head resting on his chest her right on his shoulder. She felt good in his arms. He felt something different for her, something he hadn't felt in a very long time. The music drifted away as the song ended, and they both stopped swaying. She pulled her head back but didn't pull away; she just looked at him, waiting for him to speak first, but Ian didn't want to say anything anymore. The smell of her vanilla perfume. The blush that had risen in her cheeks, the way she was waiting for him. He wanted to kiss her. He wanted to feel those soft pink lips pressed to his. Before he knew it, she was wetting her lips and starting to lean in because she had wanted it too. Never one to miss the opportunity; he leaned in and pressed his hand into her back more, drawing her closer. They were a whisper away from each other when Jimmy and his date exploded from the locker room with laughter, pulling Ian and Jules apart. Jimmy and his date rush by them and unseen to the car in the parking lot. 
"Well, it's late. I should be going," Ian said, trying to hide the disappointment that the moment was gone from his voice. 
"Uh, yea, it's late. I should be finding mom to see if she needs help with anything. Good night Ian and thank you for the dance.", She said, turning and walking away before he could say or do anything. 
It took a split second for him to decide, but he had made his choice he wanted her. He wanted to hold, kiss, love, and keep Juliette Calloway forever. 
Ian couldn't stop thinking about that night. It had been two weeks, and all he could think about was Juliette Calloway. He had been indifferent to her before that night. Ian had had conversations with her but always just regarded her as almost one of the guys. And now he couldn't get her out of his head. The way her eyes sparkled with what he hoped was lust and something more. The way she didn't back away from him and the chemistry in the air. He needed to do something, but what? 
Friday games were always Juliettes favorites. The offices were always more energetic with Friday games as everyone was excited to watch them. Juliette always ran home at lunch for an hour or so to let out Wayne, her Weimaraner, go potty and play, then she would change into her jersey and jeans. She would come back and finish up work, then relax until the game started. Today was no different. She got home and was greeted by Wayne's barks and excited tail. She let him into the backyard and threw her bag and keys on the counter. She loved her home. It was warm and welcoming with leather couches and natural linens. She left the back door open for Wayne to come back in and walked to her bedroom. She was opted for wearing Jack's jersey tonight, paired it with her black jeans and favorite booties. She was excited and happy about tonight's game. Hence, she decided on a smokey eye - if she was honest with herself, she was thinking about her evening with Ian when she had decided on it but pushed it away and assured herself it had nothing to do with him. Wayne had yet to come back in; she went in search of him to find him bathing in the sun and enjoying the day just as much as she was. She called him in, gave him a treat, and headed back to the arena. The game was at 7. The team usually came in about 5. Everyone in the offices had more than likely left for the day; she had a few more things to do when there was a knock at her office door. 
"Come in," she called to the knocker.
"Wow, nice digs," the knocker said with a low and slow whistle. 
Juliette's head snapped up. She had expected it to be a co-worker that was running behind or family. Her brother or mother would sometimes stop by, but she was not expecting him, "Ian...what are you doing here"? 
"Though I'd finally venture up to the offices. Poke around, see what it was like having an office job", he said, waltzing into the office looking around. His eyes settled on the wall of pictures and headlines. The wall was full of pictures of her brothers and father on the ice. It captured each of their timelines, from training to playing to winning championships at all different ages. A particular photo caught Ian's eye, and Juliette got up from her desk to join him. He looked fantastic in a suit more casual than the other night but still just as perfect. It was a solid black suit with a black button-down. He had the first few buttons undone. Juliette was standing next to him when he laughed to himself, saying, " Is this .. Henry?!" 
"Yea, it is. He was like 8 or 9. Mom loves that photo; he hates it", she said with a snicker. The photo was of Henry in full hockey gear. He was standing on the ice for the first game of the season when he slipped and fell. The camera had caught it just right, and all his limbs were up in the air, and his face read of terror and surprise, not know what had just happened.  
"I have to have the team come see this. Look at his bowl hair cut, "He cackled. 
" Don't you dare! He will kill me if he knows anyone from the team has seen it", she said hastily while grabbing his arm to stress the importance and implore him not to tell. 
He felt the electricity of her touch shoot through him. He was no longer focused on the photo but her. The way she smiled and was almost begging him not to spill her secret. He paused and looked at her hand on his arm. She realized what she had done with the casual touch, she could feel his muscle move, and she was immediately turned on and pulsed for him. When she tried to retract her hand, Ian grabbed it, placing a kiss on the top, and looked at her with seductive eyes while asking, "Are you begging me, Juliette?"
Juliette felt the innuendo to her core, and her stomach filled with butterflies. But she was no rose petal. She wanted him and wasn't going to melt for him like all the other women he was used to. She moved just a few inches closer and looked at him with a devilish smile, and asked, "Do you want me to?" Something inside Ian snapped. He couldn't hold himself back any longer. The look in her eyes mixed with her smile and words had him going practically feral. He gave the hand he was holding a tug, and she stumbled into his chest, her other hand landing in between them as she attempted to catch herself. Ian's other hand wrapped around her waist. He dropped her hand and slid his into her hair at the nape of her neck. He paused for a moment, making sure he still saw the same look in her eyes. He was thrilled to see it there but even more intense. He pulled her in and kissed her. 
The kiss was passionate, hard, and needy. Ian pulled ever so slightly on Juliettes hair, causing her to moan softly into his mouth, giving his tongue access to explore. He deepened the kiss, fingers digging into her side, causing more soft moans to escape her. He pulled back ever so slightly to give her air, but Juliette chased him, making him growl and start to grow hard. Juliette's heart was pounding her panties were becoming very wet. She wanted more. They both craved to feel each other skin to skin. When they both broke because they needed air, Juliette saw a softness in Ian's eyes. His thumb stroked her cheek for a split second while he started to ask her out on a date to dinner in a few nights when she cut him off, smirking, "I guess you should be going wouldn't want coach to see you be late to practice." Then with a quick kiss, smirk, and a hoard of giggles, she pushed Ian out of her office and locked the door behind her. Ian was still in shock as he walked from the office to the locker room, both from the kiss and that she had pushed him out without saying anything else. She had a fire and spirit he had certainly never seen before. Juliette slunk down into the couch in her office. She couldn't believe she had just done that. He was incredibly sexy, and she was very turned on. She could feel the blush creep into her cheeks. She knew she wanted him in more than a casual fling way. That's why she was going to play hard to get. Make Ian chase a little bit for once in his life.  
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