#trying to explain this shit to his baffled face and trying not to just pretend I just outed my shipping habits was insane
fortheloveofthestyles · 9 months
My boss was just talking to me about Supernatural being one of his favorite shows and I asked him about his thoughts on Castiel being sent to super hell for confessing to Dean (I have never seen the show everything I know about this show is from this hell site) and he had literally no idea about it.
Turns out he stopped watching it like right before that and he has also never heard of the ship before but by the end of our conversation he was invest and wanted to learn more sooo…I got a new Destiel shipper for y’all
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kyeomkuppie · 4 months
Pairing: Wonwoo x gn!reader
Genre: I honestly don't know but let's just say crack and a pinch of angst
Warnings: Wonwoo thinks reader is about to commit suicide
Synopsis: You were just trying to get a better look at the sky, but someone misunderstood and tried to save you.
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You valued your peace of mind and the best way (in your opinion) to clear your mind was to look at the stars. At the edge of a rooftop.
Yeah, not the smartest idea but who cares!
Technically, anyone was bound to see a random person standing at a rooftop, misunderstand the situation, then call for help. Something you didn't exactly take into account.
And bingo as you had guessed, not only did someone see you, someone was at the same rooftop thinking you were about to jump, and you being at the edge didn't exactly help either.
Out of nowhere, you felt yourself being pulled backwards. Your back was now against the chest of a random stranger, and to make matters worse, on top of him.
"Uh, excuse me?" You were baffled and you didn't really know how to explain without him thinking you were lying "Can you let me go, please?"
No answer.
Oh shit. Is he dead? I don't think I'm that heavy though. You were thinking of the endless possibilities of you being charged for involuntary manslaughter. Great.
You finally feel the person who you thought you murdered move. "Are you okay? Why did you pull me like that? You could've been hurt!" You turned around only to be left awestruck. At least he was handsome.
His eyebrows were furrowed and his breathing was heavy, yeah it isn't the time for flirting. "How could you treat your life like it's something to be toyed with! You can't simply choose to end it because things are getting rough." His tone was stern and angry— but wait.
What? Your mind short-circuited for second. He thought you were doing what!
"What about your loved ones and the people who would blame themselves for your death? At least think about all those variables before treating your life like-"
"Excuse me?! I was just standing like a normal person, looking at the damn sky. I wasn't toying with my life, I was enjoying it!" You were starting to get riled up as well, couldn't he at least wait to hear what you had to say about yourself— and wait, what does he even have to do with it?!
"You shouldn't lie about things like this! If you need help, say it."
There's was no convincing this man. "Listen here stranger, if I needed help I would in fact ask for it. But can't a person watch the fucking sky in peace." You huffed "Why are you even making a big deal out of it? It's not like we know each other."
You pushed his hands which were gripping you away. "At least try to understand, I mean it's not the smartest thing to do, to stand at the edge of a rooftop I mean, but I assure I wasn't trying to do anything you were thinking of."
You had an idea! Not the smartest either but good enough "Want to grab a meal?" If he didn't say yes, you'd bury yourself alive, but you wouldn't have to see him again. If he said yes, you'd resolve that misunderstanding and you could go your separate ways.
He suddenly realized that his body was so tense and his body was still on the ground.
You gulped as he proceeded to get up. His features became more clear. His face had a soft expression but his eyes were sharp, so was his jaw. Yeah, you were right, he was one handsome fellow.
He was weirded out by your spontaneous personality. One moment you were all angry, and the next you were asking him to grab dinner? Yeah, not normal.
"Fine. I'll pretend that I believe you, and we'll go grab dinner. But for the love of god go stargaze anywhere but at the edge. I had the ambulance ready." He scratched his neck.
"Okay Mr. Overdramatic." You laughed, it was a peculiar day, not the peaceful kind you usually preferred, but definitely a day to remember.
"Hm?" You tilted your head in confusion.
"If we're going out for a meal, you might as well know my name." He shrugged.
Yeah, he had split personalities, you were sure of it.
"[name]." You extended your hand "It was nice meeting you here— wait what were you doing up here?!" Your eyes widenened.
"I was stargazing."
"Yeah, no shit. I'll pretend that I believe you." You mimicked him from earlier.
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Inspired by that one scene in true beauty.
Reblogs and comments are appreciated!
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jeongintwenty3 · 2 years
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pairing: bangchan x fem!reader
genre: angst, fluff
warnings: mentions of tears, sadness
author’s note: hello! how’s everyone doing? decided to write this hurt/comfort imagine of chan cause i just cannot accept the fact theres only one chan in the world. pardon for my poor grammar and mispellings if present, other than that, happy reading! <3 remember, it’s just a bad day, not a bad life; it shall pass to. my dms are open if anyone wants to talk ab anything (:
nobody said marriage life was easy. the day you said yes, the both of you were expecting the ups and downs, the happiness and sadness.
“i’m home!” chris exclaimed as soon as he stepped into the house, one of the few places the both of you feel comfortable enough to call home.
silence from the other side, he was baffled. confused was an understatement, why isn’t his wife scrambling to his arms? you’d usually greet him in ragged breaths, as if you’ve just completed a marathon.
going up, unsettling thoughts clouded his mind. although he knew deep down it will never happen, everyone’s gotta prepare for the worst, right?
opening the bedroom door oh so quietly, he managed to make out your figure huddled under the thick comforter. oh, you’re sleeping.
but it’s just 4 in the afternoon?
deciding to kneel so he could be at eye level with you, he froze upon the sight.
chris felt his heart shatter as the seconds passed by, this is never a sight he wants to come home to. why is his favorite person in the world crying?
you’d be lying if you didn’t notice chris entering the room; you tried to play it off by pretending to sleep. but boy, did chris see through you.
he shook you gently, not wanting to invade any further into your personal space. looking up at his pretty eyes, your tears started to well up for the 3rd time this afternoon.
“oh no,” chris started to panic. “what’s wrong babe, hmm? talk to me,” he tried to coax you into reaching out to him.
you covered your face with your 2 hands, not wanting the man that stood beside you see the woman he married.
if chris had to list the top 10 most heartbreaking sights he’s ever encountered in his life, this will be the first. never in his life, he saw you this vulnerable. you always had this strong facade; but even strong people can crumble too. they just decide to not show it.
sitting on the edge of the bed, he guided you onto his lap; he knew, his woman needed his physical affection to ground her.
while patting your head with a few kisses to your temple peppered here and there, he tried to keep his guard up; as much as he wants to cry too, he needs to be strong for his one and only. silently praying the pain in her heart will subside soon, he continued his loving acts.
“deep breaths baby, you can do it,” chris whispered, ensuring the person cradled in his arms is still getting sufficient oxygen. “i’m here now okay? you can rely on me, you can talk about it, you have me,” chris continued, not wanting to aggravate any painful memories.
“i- i’m sorry,” you managed to blurt out while trying to keep your shit together. you knew he was exhausted, visible from the eyebags and the way his shoulders sag. “i know you’re tired, i’m sorry you had to come home to whatever this is,” you continued. “i’ll be better.”
chris wanted to explode; who the hell made his wife feel like this? she’s everything he’s ever dreamt of; kind-hearted, a little clumsy, very dreamy, independent, smart, adora-
his train of thoughts were cut short when he hears your crying started to worsen.
“no,” chris said firmly while still holding your frame. “you, my love, are the definition of an angel. now, before your thoughts get the best of you, let me explain.”
hearing no response from his woman, he let out a small okay, to make sure you were fine with whatever he said and will say — which you were.
“who isn’t tired? we all have our own problems, some we can fight alone, some we need others to help. whatever you’re thinking now, it’s all the exact opposite of what i think of you. you’re perfect, and before you start with your nobody is perfect speech, to me, you are perfect. heck, i often ponder to myself, what did i do in my past life to deserve such a woman?”
responding to what he said, you simply held him tighter and buried your face in his neck. now only hearing sniffles, chris felt relieved you’ve calmed down.
chris had to get to the bottom of this — “is there something you want to tell me?”
after a good 2 minutes, you lifted your face so you could stare into his face and man, nothing ever prepared chris for what his love was about to say next.
“this morning, i went to my pilates class as usual. there were these group of women, i don’t know them at all since they’re new,” you paused, needing a breathe because you felt your throat closing up again.
with a nudge to your side and a kiss to your forehead, chris encouraged you to continue.
“i heard them talking about how they were able to travel around the world with their partners, having the time of their lives, while i’m rarely at home for lengthy times due to work. it’s not that i want to stay away from you, if i could choose i swear i’d choose spending time with you over anything else in the world. i’m sorry, i’ll be home longer, i’ll make you happier.”
a single tear rolled down your cheek, and at the speed of lightning, chris managed to kiss it away.
looking into her eyes with so much adoration one can ever have, chris replied, “you’re enough for me, baby. we have holidays where we can spend time with each other 24/7 and we communicate with each other pretty well. you make me the happiest man alive and don’t change yourself; you’re perfect just the way you are. i understand your feelings, but please don’t ever underestimate yourself, you’re literally my favorite person in the world and i don’t like the person i love the most get hurt because of her thoughts, okay?”
resorting to a nod to respond to his answer, chris felt his heart swell looking at his wife. someone so selfless, she even let her thoughts get the best of her.
“like we agreed, let’s talk about whatever’s bothering each other yeah? no secrets between us, i know you trust me as much as i trust you,” chris concluded, not wanting another wave of sadness wash over his beloved.
“i love you, chris,” you whispered as to not ruin the comfortable atmosphere blanketing the room.
“i love you most, my beautiful wife,” chris replied, with a kiss to your forehead, cheeks, nose and lips.
nobody said marriage life was easy. but one thing you learned was, it’s always the two of you versus the problem, and with the right person, marriage life can feel comforting, like hot chocolate on a snowy day. with chris, you always felt at home.
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3+1 (Avengers x Male!reader)
Plot: 3 times you saved the avengers and the 1 time they saved you
Avengers x Male!reader
Warnings: cussing, slight angst?, readers a selfless idiot
Y/N: your name
H/C: hair color
E/C: eye color
Word count: 1396
The mission was supposed to be a simple one, infiltrate a HYDRA base and get information on their current plans. The team had gotten word from and informant that HYDRA was planning something big, something that could endanger the world at large. The plan was rather simple, most of the team would distract the agents while Natasha snuck inside and hacked into their systems and got the information they needed.
It started off well, with everyone but Natasha distracting the agents as she creeped into the building, making her way towards the main server room. The trip to the server room was surprisingly easy, the red head only having to take down a few of the HYDRA goons. She had taken them down with ease and was now in the server room, eyes scanning over the words that ran past the screen in front of her. She plugged the flash drive in, hacking through the needed files so she could upload the documents onto the flash drive. She could hear the playful banter mixed with orders from Steve over the comm, a small smirk spreading across her lips when she heard Tony make a snarky comment towards their team leader.
In her moment of distraction an agent had snuck up on her, but before he could lay a hand on the assassin a cry of pain left his lips as someone hit him over the head. Natasha’s head whipped around, eyes landing on Y/N who was giving her a little grin.
“Next time watch your six Tasha.” The man teased, causing the red head to roll her eyes with a sigh. “I’m never going to live this down.”
It was a normal day at the tower, Thor was off in some distant place, Clint went back home to his family, and Natasha was off god knows where. Bruce was having a rather bad day emotionally, the feeling of hulk clawing at his brain was excruciating. He wanted to slam his head against the wall until the pain went away and hulk just shut up. He sat in the ‘Zen room’ as the team called it, it was where he could go to calm down and relax when he was having a bad day. Usually no one else other than him would come into the room, it was really his room, and no one wanted to overstep an unsaid boundary.
He was curled on the fluffy sofa, a cup of tea in his shaking hands. He could see the green creeping into his skin and it absolutely terrified him. He let out a shaky sigh, closing his eyes for a moment as his heart began to race. He felt like he was about to go over the edge, but a gentle and steady hand tore him from those thoughts. His eyes snapped open, his head turning to the side to see the gentle gaze of Y/N. The H/C gave Bruce a gentle and understanding smile, not one ounce of judgement on his face. “Bad day?” He questioned, his voice calming the unforgiving monster inside of him.
The scientist let out a shaky sigh, giving his friend a little nod. Y/N simply hummed and sat beside Bruce, squeezing his shoulder. “How about we watch a movie, I can make you some tea and make whatever you want for lunch?” He offered, wanting to do anything he could to relax his teammate. Y/N helped Bruce more than he had realized, calming the raging storm inside of the scientist, the big guy lulling into a calmer state. Bruce couldn’t be more thankful for it.
Tony wasn’t sure how he got in this situation, one second they’re fighting an alien threat and next thing he knew he was being thrown against the side of a building. His ears were ringing, and his vision was blurry, he could feel himself hit the ground with a ‘thud’. He could hear his teammates voices in the comms, the worry for him was clear. He tried to lift himself up, but his entire body felt like lead and he just fell back down into a heap of metal. The billionaire let out a groan of pain, his eyes falling shut.
He heard rapid footsteps but couldn’t bring himself to open his eyes. His head was pounding and every inch of him hurt, god he fucking hated aliens. He could hear what sounded like a fight, flesh hitting flesh and grunts of pain or horrifying screeches from the aliens. He forced his eyes open, seeing a blurry figure in front of him fighting off a small hoard of the creatures, but he couldn’t discern who it was. He gave up on trying to stay awake, slowly sinking into the abyss.
When he woke back up, he was in the med bay, pepper by his side and his fellow avengers scattered about. The only person he couldn’t spot was Y/N, which caused concern to swell in his chest. “Where’s Y/N?” His sudden words caused a few people to jump, but Pepper let out a sound of relief, her head resting against his arm. “Never do that again.” Her voice held steady and strict, but her red eyes spoke volumes of her worry. “Where’s Y/N?” Tony repeated once more, causing Steve to let out a low sigh.
“He’s being treated by Hellen right now; He sustained some injuries during the fight.” He explained to the brunette. Tony’s eyebrows furrowed a bit. “How? Is he okay?” You were the youngest avenger; he was going to worry about you till his hair went gray. (Even though he pretended to be annoyed by your presence.)  Steve rubbed the back of his neck with a wince, knowing Tony would blame himself. “He got hurt defending you after you were thrown, he saved you.”
Y/N was objectively the most important member of the team, always quick to think of a solution or putting himself at risk to save his team members. So, to put it lightly the team was protective of him, because he was stupid and selfless and so entirely Y/N. It was one of those moments of him being stupid and selfless, there was a bomb in a building to close to civilians and no one was close enough to be backup; so, he went alone. He knew the chances of actually disarming the bomb, he wasn’t as experienced as Tony or Bruce, so all he could do was hope to give the team some time to clear out civilians.
He knew he was fucked the moment he walked into the building, yet he still did it, and it baffled the team. He could hear Steve screaming at him to get out of there, yet he persisted and kept himself steady as he walked towards the explosive. He began working as fast as he could, he felt his heart pounding and could see how shaky his hands were, yet he pushed past his fears, for the greater good he told himself. The bomb itself wasn’t to complicated and with some work he was able to bump the timer up another minute, but he knew damn well there was no way he could get out of the building in time.
So he sat there, waiting for the time to run out, simply listening to his teammates speak, trying to engrave their voices in his head. They were his family, he could die happily knowing he did so protecting the people and his team. When the bomb did blow he could feel himself being thrown through a window, everything became a blur and nothing felt real except one thing, the feeling of cool metal catching him and then it was darkness.
He woke up to the rhythmic beeping of a heart monitor and his entire body felt like hulk beat the shit out of him, but he couldn’t find it in himself to care when he realized his team, his family was in the room, all strewn about. He could see all of them were sleeping, and he wouldn’t dare wake them up. He simply went back to sleep with a smile on his lips, because they had saved him.
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fruitcoops · 3 years
i would love to read coops doing one of those lie detector youtube videos!!
This was such a fun fic to research! I highly recommend watching the Try Guys Lie Detector videos if you'd like some context. Coops credit goes to @lumosinlove!
“Why are there so many of these?” Remus muttered, shaking his hand around. A series of multicolored wires smacked the table and Marlene rolled her eyes as she passed. “Sorry.”
“Welcome back to Lion Pride!” Sirius said as he turned to the camera with a smile. “I’m Sirius Black, and I’m here today with my husband, Remus Lupin, to get some answers.”
“We are also joined by Mark, who is an expert at reading polygraphs,” Remus added.
A middle-aged man in a blue shirt raised his hand in a slight wave. “Thanks for having me. Since you’re already hooked up, you’ll be going first. This machine measures your sweat, your heart rate, and a couple other common tells for liars. Do you lie often?”
Remus hesitated; Sirius hid a smile in his hand. “No, since I suck at lying, but I’ll do it if it makes somebody feel better. I think I’m pretty good at that.”
They stared at the polygraph for a moment before Mark nodded. “Checks out. Take it away, Sirius.”
Sirius cleared his throat and took a notecard from his stack. “Was going to college worth it?”
“Yes,” Remus answered almost immediately. “I don’t know what I would have done without getting my degree and staying close to hockey. Wouldn’t have met you, for one.”
“True,” Mark said without looking up.
“Do you like my playoff beard?”
“I do, yeah.” Mark raised his eyebrows and Remus pressed his lips together. “Okay, sometimes it’s a little much, but you’re pretty good about keeping things under control.”
“Alright,” Sirius said with playful skepticism. “Good to know. Who’s your favorite Lion?”
“Besides you? Talker.”
“Yeah, we don’t need a polygraph to know that,” Sirius laughed when Mark nodded. “Did you like my last haircut?”
“Oh, fuck,” Remus said under his breath, looking away.
“I knew it.”
“It wasn’t bad—”
“He’s lying,” Mark interrupted.
Remus turned to him with betrayal written all over his expression. “Dude!”
“You are.”
“Answer the question, Loops,” Sirius said, leaning back in his chair. “How did you feel about my last haircut?”
He bit his lower lip. “It was a little too short and really threw me off for a couple days. But you didn’t like it, either.”
“I didn’t,” Sirius agreed, grinning. “But I vividly remember several ‘no, honey, you look great’ conversations.”
“Next question,” Remus sighed.
“Ha! This one is self-explanatory. Have you ever lied to me?”
“Yes, but only when I knew it would make you feel better.”
“True,” Mark confirmed.
“Do you think you’re a better dog owner than me?”
Remus thought for a moment. “No.”
“Do you think I’m a better dog owner than you?” Sirius asked.
“No. I think we balance each other well, and we wouldn’t be as good apart.”
“True again.”
“Interesting.” Sirius surveyed the cards. “Do you trust me?”
“A hundred percent,” Remus answered without hesitation. Mark nodded.
“Do you think I would be a good dad?”
He rested his chin on his hand, then smiled a little. “I do, yeah. I think you know what to do and what notto do, and you’re very protective without being controlling. So, yeah. You’d be a good dad.”
Mark glanced over. “He’s telling the truth.”
Sirius leaned across the table and kissed Remus on the cheek. “Merci. Oh, this’ll be fun. Is any of our relationship just for show, especially on Lion Pride?”
Remus narrowed his eyes with a hum. “Yes and no.”
“Pick one,” Mark said.
“In a general sense? Yeah, sure. We’re not perfect all the time, but we pretend to be. The specifics stay honest, though. None of our relationship is based on building clout. We keep the core genuine.”
The polygraph beeped for a moment. “He’s telling the truth.”
“This one is super morbid. Ready?” Sirius rested his elbows on the table. “You are Spiderman, and you’re holding two trolleys over a lake. One holds me, and one holds Jules. Which one do you drop?”
“I love you, but I would absolutely drop you,” Remus said after only a brief period of thought.
“Oh, thank god,” Sirius huffed. “I would be so upset if it was the other way around.”
“Right? I love you more than anything, but it’s Jules.”
Remus turned to Mark, who shrugged. “True.”
“Do you think we live together well?” Sirius asked.
“After a full year of it?” Remus laughed. “Yeah, I do.”
Sirius checked the list and his eyebrows rose. “You’re going to hate this one.”
“Am I?”
“What do you really think about my parents?”
Remus’ smile turned thin and Sirius spread his hands in a see? motion. He was quiet for a few seconds, then ran a hand through his hair. “I don’t think I’m allowed to use those words on this channel. Um, I don’t like them.”
Mark snorted. “Very true.”
“Last one,” Sirius warned, though his eyes crinkled happily at the edges. “Do you know how much I love you?”
“That’s cute,” Remus said. “And…yeah. I think I do.”
“Wrong,” Sirius said before Mark could answer. “You have absolutely no idea.”
“Sap,” Remus scoffed. His cheeks were pink, and he pressed a quick kiss to Sirius’ temple while they swapped chairs.
“He was telling the truth,” Mark informed them as he helped Remus untangle his arm and hand, then transferred the devices to Sirius. “Though I am interested to see the flipside. Do you lie often?”
“Not anymore. I’m pretty good at it, though.”
“First one: have you ever had a crush on one of your teammates?”
“Oh, for sure,” Sirius said with a light laugh. “I never did anything about it, but I was the king of pining for a solid decade.”
“True,” Mark affirmed.
Remus cocked an eyebrow. “Who is the handsomest Lion?”
Sirius bit his lip, making a thoughtful noise. “That’s a tough one. I’m assuming a player other than you?”
“In that case…I think Dumo is the classic definition of ‘handsome’ even though he is so not my type, but Kasey might be the most attractive.”
“Not Pots?” Remus teased. Sirius pulled a face and flicked him on the arm.
“He’s being honest,” Mark said.
“Do you think you’re the best player on the team?”
“He’s lying.”
“Shit.” Sirius sighed heavily as Remus looked at him over the edge of his notecard. “Look, it’s—it’s not an ego thing.”
“It’s the captain thing, isn’t it?” Remus sounded quite amused.
“Yeah,” Sirius said, defeated. “It’s stupid, I know.”
Mark nodded. “He’s telling the truth.”
“Oh, another parent one,” Remus remarked. “Did my parents scare you?”
“Not really.”
Mark furrowed his brows. “You’re right in the middle.”
“Huh.” He thought for a few seconds. “I think seeing you all together was a lot like meeting Dumo’s family the first time. You’re just so…normal. And you genuinely like each other. So I wasn’t scared, but it was definitely an adjustment.”
“He’s telling the truth.”
Remus nodded. “Yeah, they adore you. I’m glad we didn’t chase you off, though. Does it really bother you that I leave my socks around the house?”
Sirius pressed his lips together as several people off-screen began to laugh. “I can’t answer that.”
“See, that’s all the answer I need.”
“Fine. Yes, but only because I don’t know where you get them from. You don’t actually own that many socks, and I still find them every-fucking-where.”
“True,” Mark said.
“I’ll try to keep a better eye on things,” Remus assured him, smiling. “You are Spiderman, and you’re holding two trolleys over a lake. One holds me, and one holds James. Which one do you drop?”
“Goddammit,” Sirius muttered, tilting his head back. He thought for a long, long moment. “I can’t answer that.”
The polygraph buzzed. “False.”
Sirius shook his head. “Neither of you. I wouldn’t drop either.”
Mark raised his eyebrows. “True.”
“On a much lighter note,” Remus said with a cough. “Which of us is lazier?”
“Really?” Remus gave him a baffled look. “You work so hard all the time.”
Sirius shrugged. “Agree to disagree?”
“Fine, but I hope you know taking time for yourself doesn’t mean you’re lazy.” He shuffled through the cards. “Oh, this’ll be very interesting. Do you think I talk too much?”
Remus sat back in his chair, a pleased blush coloring his cheeks. “Wasn’t expecting that. Good answer, I love you. Do you think we’ll get divorced someday?”
“Oh, god, no.” Sirius’ previous self-satisfaction turned to revulsion. “I don’t even want to think about that.”
“True,” Mark said again. “For someone who said he was good at lying, you’re very honest.”
“No point in lying with that thing around, is there?”
Remus shrugged. “Saves time, for sure. Have you kissed any of our friends?”
“Yeah,” he snorted.
To his credit, Mark didn’t even let a smile slip through. “True.”
“Do you enjoy getting stopped in public by fans?”
“Fans, yes. Ex-fans who take it upon themselves to explain why I shouldn’t be gay, no.” He paused, then shook his head with a smile. “I’m not good at talking to people, but I do like it when people say hello. It’s cool.”
Remus raised his notecards. “Two left, and the first one is hella morbid.”
“Hella,” Sirius murmured, earning himself a teasing glare.
“Watch it. If I died, how long would you wait to get remarried?”
The playfulness dropped away. “What?”
“If I died, how long would you wait to get remarried?” Remus repeated.
Sirius looked horrified by the very thought. “I wouldn’t.”
“True,” Mark said, seemingly uncaring about the alarm on Sirius’ face.
“Even if it happened tomorrow?”
“First of all, thanks for my new nightmare. Second, no. I wouldn’t get married again.” He kissed Remus’ forehead gently. “Let’s not test that, though. Like ever.”
“Deal. Ready for the last one?”
“As long as nobody else is in danger of death.”
“I dunno, it’s a tough one.” Remus gave him a solemn look across the table. “I need you to be really honest with me on this one. Do you think you have better hair?”
Sirius blinked at him, then burst out laughing. Even Mark’s lips twitched into a suppressed smile. “Oh my god.”
“What’s so funny?” Remus asked, completely poker-faced. “This is important, honey. I’m really counting on you to be genuine with me here—”
“You can’t even—” Sirius broke off again and gestured to Remus’ face, which turned steadily pinker as he bit down a grin. “You can’t even keep a straight face.”
“My face is the only straight thing about me. You know this. Answer the question.”
“He’s trying so hard,” Sirius managed as he looked to the camera. “So hard, mon dieu.”
“Shit,” Remus muttered as he finally gave in and hid his laughter in the crook of his elbow. “We were doing so well until now! It’s the last question, just answer it!”
Sirius wiped a tear from the corner of his eye and nodded. “I do think I have better hair, but I love yours, too.”
Mark chuckled. “True.”
“It would help if you finally got a haircut that was different from the one you’ve had since you were thirteen.”
Remus closed his eyes, sighing. “Y’know, exposing my haircut choices for the entire internet to mock really wasn’t how I planned this day going.”
“Isn’t that the point of this whole video?”
“Mark, I’m not sure if we owe you an apology or not, but thank you for putting up with us.” Remus turned back to the camera with an easy smile. “Thanks for joining us today, everyone. Make sure to like and subscribe to Lion Pride for more videos like this!”
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anna-pixie · 4 years
jaskier’s plan -> one
Summary: You’re in love with Geralt, and every time you stop at an inn you’re forced to watch him bed other women. Jaskier concocts a plan to get you to admit your feelings to him.
Pairings: Geralt x Reader
Warnings: Mentions of sex, swearing, jealous Geralt
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Your longing gaze is fixed on the white haired man who resides in the corner of the crowded inn. He is on his fourth ale, yourself and Jaskier close behind on your third. A particularly gruesome monster in the town meant that it’s slaying was rewarded with a lot more coin than originally promised, and two free nights board in the town inn - drinks on the house. 
Of course, this also included a free nights… company… for your male companions. Company which they are far too happy to be accepting. You sneer into your drink as Geralt tightens his arm around the lady who resides on his lap, humming as she places a hand onto his chest. 
Pain ebbs in your chest as he smiles at her, and you bite your lip painfully, trying so hard to suppress the tears that are fighting to build behind your eyes. You turn, noting with a raise of your brow that Jaskier is still beside you, his gaze fixed on you rather than on the painted ladies like usual. 
“What? Have I got something on my face?” You laugh, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. Jaskier shakes his head, an unusually somber expression on his face. 
“Tell him how you feel, Y/N.” 
A clearly fake, high pitched giggle escapes your mouth and you take a huge gulp of your drink, averting your gaze from Jaskiers. You wipe the edge of your mouth with your thumb before turning to look at him again, your face bashful. 
“I haven’t a clue what you mean, silly bard.” 
Jaskier places a warm hand over your clothed forearm, your eyes darting down due to this action. Your lip starts to quiver as you meet his eyes again, and you note the sorry sympathy in them. This is why you didn’t tell him about your feelings for Geralt. Is he really shocked, you’ve been smitten with the large man since you first started to tag along on their adventures a few months prior. 
“You’re sad, Y/N. I don’t like you being sad. Besides, that makes for an awfully boring song. The grumpy Witcher, the sad girl and the bard who has to watch them pine for each other every day?” He pauses for a second, his expression thoughtful as he looks to the ceiling, “Actually, I just may write that tonight!”
You slap Jaskier’s hand where it remains on your arm, and he squeals, but doesn’t remove you from his grip. 
“He doesn’t pine after me, Jask. Look at him, he has all he needs there.” You both look over to Geralt again, seeing the woman’s head buried in his neck, his eyes closed as he holds her hip lightly. 
“Tsk, tsk. You don’t see what I see, Y/N.” 
“Yeah right, Jask.” You humor him, not having it in you to argue about this anymore, but groan as the tell tale warmth slides down your cheeks. Damn your body for betraying you like this, you don’t want to cry about it, not here, not now. 
As if sensing your tears, the light above you shades as it is blocked out by a hulking figure. Though you realise by the two sets of footsteps, Geralt has brought his new friend over with him. You wipe your eyes quickly with your free hand and turn to face Geralt, who makes himself comfy on the seat next to you, the woman residing on his big lap once again. 
His brows furrow as he examines your face, his yellow eyes gazing into yours before travelling down and narrowing when they see your arm encased in Jaskiers hand on the table. He shifts slightly, clearing his throat before speaking. 
“Interrupting something, are we?” His tone is sardonic, causing you and Jaskier to share a baffled look, removing your arm from his grip. Geralt’s lips turn up ever so slightly at this. 
“You’re not in a position to talk, my friend,” The bard gestures towards Geralt and his company, “Why aren’t you already… sealing the deal.” He winks over exaggeratedly at the man, eliciting a glare from him whilst you giggle. 
“We’re waiting for a room to free up, can’t do it in yours.” The unnamed woman speaks, her shrill voice angering you while she plays with a lock of her fiery hair. 
“Mmm. I guess four is a crowd.” You can’t help the rebuttal that falls from your lips, avoiding Geralt’s piercing eyes as you speak. 
Jaskier, who had been thinking very hard for the past minute, lights up suddenly, throwing an arm around your shoulders and pulling you towards his body. Geralt’s wide eyes observe this exchange with what you can only assume is confusion, but there seems to be a hint of anger lurking somewhere. 
“Follow my lead, okay? I’ll explain later,” He whispers quickly, turning back to face the pair next to you, a shit eating grin on his face as he addresses the lady, “Besides, me and Y/N could use a bit of privacy… if you know what I mean.”
The lady’s face lights up and she cackles, sending a wink in your direction, “Got yourself a goodun’ there. Go and enjoy yourselves, I’ll occupy this one ‘till you’re done.” Geralt grunts as she points towards him, his eyes frantically darting between you and Jaskier. His chest rises and falls rapidly and he sends a murderous glare Jaskier’s way. 
“Come on, Y/N, it’s love making time!” He squeals, grabbing your arm once more and pulling you away from the table with haste. He doesn’t stop running until you reach your room and he slams the door loudly. He giggles loudly as he leans against the wood, leaving you confused as you stand in the middle of the cold room. 
“Care to explain, Jask?”
“Did you not see his eyes, Y/N? He was practically seething with jealousy!”
“Oh, don’t be silly.” You roll your eyes, heading over to the adjoining wash room to change into your night clothes - which at the moment is one of Geralt’s very large shirts. 
“If my hunch is correct, he will be storming in at any moment.” Jaskier grins wickedly, wolf whistling when you reappear in your sleeping attire, “And he won’t be able to keep his hands off of you. Guess I’ll have to keep the red-head company instead, what a shame.” He pretends to pout. 
“Stop it, Jask-” Your sentence is cut off when the door to your room flings open, slamming harshly against the wall as Geralt strides into the room. His eyes move from Jaskier’s smirking figure to you, raking his eyes over your not so covered body. His nostrils flare and his voice is a low growl as he turns to Jaskier. 
“Get out.” He doesn’t have to tell him twice, the bard skipping out of the room, closing the door behind him and leaving you alone with a very angry Witcher. 
“So that’s how I’m supposed to find out that you and Jaskier are fucking, hm?” He snarls, stalking towards you as you try to take a few steps back. 
“We’re n-”
“Why him, Y/N? Why him?” His words are still angry but you sense a sudden shift in tone, it can’t be. Is he upset? 
You take a deep breath, your eyes watering once more as you prepare to reveal why the bard concocted this plan in the first place. Damn him. 
“Listen to me, and don’t interrupt me, okay?” You look pointedly at Geralt until he nods, his jaw tightly clenched, “Jask, in his own misguided way was trying to help me out. We’re not… sleeping together, he just wanted to make it seem that way.”
He takes a moment to process your words, his brows furrowing as he responds, “Help you out… with what?” He chooses his words carefully, as though he is scared he will say the wrong thing. 
“I…” Your voice cracks as you try to confess your feelings to the man before you, “I was jealous, okay? I can’t bear to see you lay with whores night after night, because I want you to spend those nights with me. I…” Your emotions take over, tears spilling out as you blubber over your words.��
You expect him to laugh, throw your words back at you and tell you how repulsive he finds you, but instead a pair of warm lips are planted harshly on your own.
To be continued...
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mydogisveryadorbs · 4 years
sick | jj maybank x reader
summary: you get sick and all jj wants is to take care of you
warnings: cursing, tooth rotting fluff, mentions of getting sick and throwing up, jj being so fucking soft
masterlist :)
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(gif credit to the owner)
1.8k+ words
You hate getting sick.
The first time you were truly sick was in fourth grade when you had gotten a bad case of the flu. The whole ordeal had scarred you so badly that even six years later you will do everything in your power to avoid getting sick.
The pogues quickly discovered your fear when a few years ago, Pope had told you he wasn't feeling good and you completely avoided him until he was absolutely healthy again. It had become a running joke amongst the five of you, but they all made sure to let you know if they were sick so you wouldn't catch anything.
When you woke up Friday morning with an achy feeling in your body and a runny nose, you immediately wanted to burst into tears. 
Your parents had taken your little brother up to Pennsylvania for the annual family visit two days ago. It was the first year they had allowed you to stay behind on your own and you were so excited to spend the next two weeks doing whatever you wanted with your best friends and boyfriend.
Now, staring up at the ceiling of the Chateau, you come to the realization that all of your plans could be thrown out the window. 
You are sick.
Looking to your left, you see your blonde-haired boyfriend drooling onto the pillow next to yours, soft snores coming from his parted lips.
You and JJ have been dating for over a year now. You had been best friends since he started mowing your lawn in middle school. Sometime around your freshman year of high school, you had realized your feelings for the blonde boy were more than platonic. It had taken over a year of flirting and your friends setting the two of you up before you finally admitted your feelings. From there, your relationship with JJ took off. JJ had a lot of emotional trauma and had a difficult time letting people in, but when it came to you, everything was just easy.
Even in your groggy, sick state, you couldn't help but admire the beautiful boy in front of you. As softly as you can, you use your pointer finger to delicately trace his features. It baffles you still how you were able to get a boy like JJ to love you.
You smile softly as his features relax under your touch. Suddenly, your nose starts to tingle and you quickly turn away before letting out a loud sneeze. One sneeze turns into three and you reach to grab a tissue off the nightstand and rub your running nose.
You feel a familiar hand rub your back as you attempt to blow your nose.
“What's wrong, beautiful,” JJ says quietly from behind you, his voice laced with worry and sleepiness. “Are you sick.”
Hastily, you shake your head. “No, I feel fine, J,” you attempt to convince him, but even you can hear the congestion in your voice.
JJ moves so that he is sitting in front of you. He presses the back of his hand against your forehead. “Holy shit, you're burning up,” he says, clearly concerned about you.
The only thing worse than actually being sick was having people fuss over you while you are.
“I'm seriously fine, JJ,” you tell him, “It's probably just allergies.”
You can tell that he is about to argue back with you, but before he can get in a word, a sharp knock at the door cuts him off. The door opens and John B’s head pokes through.
“Hey lovebirds,” he says cheekily, “You guys almost ready to go down to the docks?”
JJ shakes his head looking at you softly. “Sorry man, I think we're going to stay in today,” he tells the brunette. “(Y/N)’s not feeling good.”
You roll your eyes. “I feel perfectly fine,” you argue despite the growing ache you feel in your temples. “It's just a little stuffy nose.” Your boyfriend tries to argue, but you cut him off with the raise of your hand. “JJ please,” you say, giving him your best puppy dog eyes, “I really want to go on the boat.”
JJ sighs, unable to say no to you when you give him that look. “Fine, whatever,” he grumbles rolling out of the bed to get your stuff ready. 
Ten minutes later the five of you and Sarah are loading onto The Pogue. The bright sun above you increases the pounding in your head and as soon as you step onto the boat, your stomach starts to churn.
As Pope maneuvers The Pogue away from the Chateau and out to the marsh, JJ makes his way to sit next to you, wrapping one of his toned arms around your shoulders. He hands you a beer from one of his hands, but you place it in your lap.
The pogues chat around you and the nauseous feeling in your stomach grows.
“(Y/N),” Kie calls from the other side of the boat where here and Sarah are seated. “Come over here. I feel like I haven't seen you in forever.”
You giggle through your pain. “I saw you two days ago,” you tell her.
Kie smiles. “Two days too long, girlie.”
JJ moves his arm and watches as you stand up. You wobble slightly and he notices as your face pales. 
“You aren't looking too hot, (Y/N),” John B cautions and JJ quickly stands up to help you balance.
“Maybe you should sit down, lovie,” he pleads softly into your ear. He guides you to sit back into your seat, crouching down in front of you. JJ cups your cheek with his big hand, grimacing when he feels how warm you are. 
“I'll be fine, JJ,” you tell him with a sniffle, eyes closed as your brain pounds in your skull. 
“No – no. We are going back right now,” JJ all but scolds you before turning to look at the dark-haired boy in front of the wheel. “Pope, turn around now.”
JJ sits back next to you and pulls your body into his chest as you feel the boat come to life. He strokes your hair in an attempt to soothe you. You vaguely hear him grumble about how you should have listened to him earlier.
When the boat pulls into the dock a few minutes later, your blonde boyfriend guides you off and towards the Chateau.
Before you can make it to the porch, you get a churning feeling in your stomach and you run to the nearest bush. Everything you have eaten in the past twenty-four hours is emptied into the shrubbery outside John B’s. 
You feel JJ’s gentle hand running small circles on your back as he holds your hair away from your face. You get sick two more times before you sit back onto your heels. 
“You alright, baby,” JJ asks so soothingly, his fingers reaching to push back the hair that had fallen onto your forehead.
“I'm fine,” you say with a sniffle, trying to hold back the tears. “I think I'm done now.”
JJ sighs. “You just threw up three times, lovie. It's okay to not be fine,” he tells you. “Will you just let me take care of you. Why are you so stubborn?”
“I just didn't want to be a burden,” you explain to him, not looking up to meet his eyes.
He cups your cheek, lifting your head so that your eyes meet his. “You could never be a burden, (Y/N), not when all I've ever wanted is to care for you.”
His honest words mixed with the gross feeling you have after spilling your guts cause tears to cascade down your cheeks. You choke out a sob and JJ quickly gathers you into his arms. “I've got you, baby,” he coos. “You're gonna be alright, m’kay?”
A few minutes later, your sobs die down and JJ moves so his right arm is hooked under your legs. He carries you inside and places you down gently on the bed in the guest room.
You let him tuck you into the covers and your eyes flutter shut when he presses a soft kiss to your head. “JJ,” you sigh, opening your eyes and looking in his cerulean ones. “You should probably go.” A look of hurt flashed across his face so you quickly grab his hand. “I just don't want to get you sick, J.”
JJ pretends to roll his eyes in annoyance, but the corner of his lips can't help but pull up into a smile. “I don't care if you get me sick, lovely,” he tells you softly. “All I care about right now is getting you better.” 
You nod, not having the energy to fight back. “Well if you are going to stay anyways, can you give me cuddles?” you ask, your eyes half-lidded as you stare up at JJ. “I'm cold.”
He smiles, pulling back the covers next to you and slipping in next to you. You are pulled to his chest and you try to get comfortable, but worn material of JJ’s muscle tank scratches your cheek.
Pulling away slightly, you tug at the hem. “What's wrong, beautiful?” JJ asks in concern.
You groan. “Your shirt is scratchy,” you complain to him.
JJ laughs softly, but obliges nonetheless, quickly pulling his shirt over his head. You immediately snuggle back into his toned chest, eyes drooping in exhaustion.
The blonde pulls away enough for his eyes to scan your face. “You know, even though your hair is plastered to your forehead and you're a snotty mess, you've never looked lovelier.”
Your eyes open wide at his words, not able to comprehend how you managed to get a guy like him.
“I love you,” he says, bringing his hand up to cup your cheek, his thumb moving back and forth lovingly. “Even at your worst, I can't help but still love you.”
Tears well in your eyes and you bring your lips up to meet his in a passionate kiss. JJ returns the kiss with an equal amount of love. It was nowhere near the first time the two of you had shared those three words, but it still shook you to your core each time.
Feeling the need to sneeze, you pull away a few seconds later. 
You sneeze twice, going in for a third but it never comes. You hear JJ chuckle from behind you and you groan at the feeling.
You fall back into JJ’s arms, leaning your back against his chest, and the blonde boy wraps his arm around your middle and holds you securely. He presses a soft kiss to your head and you let your eyes flutter shut.
“Please get better soon,” JJ whispers a few minutes later, thinking that you are fast asleep. “I can't stand to see you this way.” 
Your heart grows two sizes in your chest and with JJ’s arms holding you tight, you drift off to a dreamless sleep.
masterlist :)
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cocoartistwrites · 3 years
happy birthday week coco!
my drabble request is hermione and fred being evil prankster geniuses together because i love their potential dynamic ❤️
best wishes :)
I'll be honest, this prompt filled me with dread because I am not a prankster and honestly can never think of anything like that cleverly - but then I had a chat with @sallyjavery and we thought....... neither is Hermione. And then I had quite a lot of very nice white burgundy and wrote this:
Hermione is in a new dress and she knows she looks good. It’s dark red and it dips low on her tanned back and -
She knows, alright. She’s not stupid. She sees the way Fred Weasley’s eyes drag over it fast once and then again, a second time, very slowly, when she steps through the door. She bought it specially for New Years’ Eve. Their second one after the war, all the Order together and Harry and Ron’s new Auror friends, and Ron’s sweet-but-sharp new girlfriend who plays with Ginny for the Harpies. The house is unrecognisable now, wrangled into a home by Sirius and Harry and -
She’s dressed for that moment, when Fred Weasley’s eyes turn hazy-blue and he grins slowly.
He’s never said it, not to his little brother’s best friend, but she’s not stupid. The last boyfriend she brought over to meet the Weasleys (god, so embarrassing, the worst evening) had never spoken to her again after being turned into a nogtail “Like the ones you’re always off hunting,” George had grinned, but it had been Fred, all sharp-eyed and gleaming who’d handed him him the glass - and
Hermione knows he’s interested. She’s picked the dress, a dress that says she’s not just his little brother’s friend and if he’s interested he should bloody well do something about it before someone else does. And she’s sure, so sure, that it’s working.
And then she makes the mistake of drinking the glass he hands her and she doesn’t feel anything but she smells it, something burning, and Harry is choking with shock and laughter on his vol-au-vent and Kreacher is muttering and reluctantly trying to help and she catches sight of herself in the mirror above the fire and sees her hair on fucking fire and -
Everyone is staring.
She wants to kill him.
She puts out the fire with a flick of her hand. Wandless. She fights for composure. She wants to die.
She pretends to laugh. She waits.
Hermione has read fifty-seven of the books from Grimmauld’s library, thirty-two she picked up from Dumbledore and Knockturn Alley to research Horcruxes and other Dark Magic, and seventeen just because they looked interesting.
He’s stupid enough to sit opposite her, stupid enough to look amused, idiotic enough to tell her she looks hot as fire.
She’s as angry as fire anyway. Angry and humiliated and -
It’s a Dark Curse, she knows that, but so is most of the magic the twins use in their shop. They take the venom out, but she won’t.
It starts slowly, with every bite of the bouillabaisse Kreacher has prepared, scales appearing one by one, creeping up his neck and down his robes. He itches his nose. He reaches for his wine, fumbles it as his fingers meld together.
Scales, slithering over him, scales bit by bit, with every laugh, every jibe. Scales until he, Fred Weasley, coils down onto the table, a harmless little grass snake.
Everyone laughs. And then, when they can’t fix him, they stop.
The party breaks up long before midnight, what with all the Weasleys and an embarrassed, defiant Hermione carting the snake off to St Mungos. No one has exactly accused her, but they keep giving her slightly baffled, shocked looks.
“Took that a bit far, didn’t you Granger?” George eventually mutters, after a harassed Healer assures them Fred will be fine in the morning, and yes the morning, we have other more urgent patients Mrs Weasley --
“I don’t know what you're talking about,” she says haughtily.
“You already scare the shit out of him,” Fred’s double, who somehow leaves her cold, says. He’s almost smiling, but he looks annoyed anyway. “Now he’ll - well. Never mind. Just go.”
She goes home and reads the book she took the spell from. Short-sighted and impulsive when angered, Professor Trelawney had written in the report explaining why Hermione had dropped her class. That was all. One sentence.
She’d been right. It was a dark enough hex he could probably have her fined for it if he reports it. Not that she thinks he will.
She downs a vial of Dreamless Sleep and wakes up feeling just as stupid, embarrassed and sick as she had when she’d gone to bed, and still in that stupid, wasted, red dress.
She pulls on jeans and a jumper and wipes her makeup off. It’s still perfect, it’s magical, but she doesn’t want anything from the night before clinging to her skin.
It’s only six am, the receptionist informs her rudely, and visiting hours haven’t started.
“Could you let him know Hermione Granger is waiting,” she snaps.
“Oh, Miss Granger,” the woman’s brow clears. “I didn’t realise - I’m sure we can-”
Ten minutes later she is facing the door of the Magical Mishaps ward on the ninth floor.
She stands staring at it for eighty-three seconds before she opens it. She counts.
Fred is intact. Many of the ward’s other residents are not.
“I don’t think,” he says hoarsely, “you’ve got much of a career as a prankster.”
“Probably not,” she agrees, and realises she is still angry. She feels so small. Maybe she’s just angry with herself.
“I’m a dick,” he continues, voice fading a bit. “Hermione - come closer.” His blue eyes gleam and when he carries on there’s nothing of that hoarseness. He was faking it.
“I’m sorry I set your hair on fire,” he says meekly.
“I’m sorry I cursed you and your descendants to be snakes every dark of the moon,” she murmurs back innocently, as he takes her hand and pulls her even closer.
“Wait - what?”
She bursts out laughing, then she’s close enough for their lips to meet - finally - and there’s no need for anything like a fire spell.
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chrisevansgoodgirl · 4 years
give me all your venom, i love that shit
summary: i do apologize. no one asked for this...but i accidentally watched assassination nation. okay, it was intentional the first time. but the twenty times after that while i was writing this were accidental. anyway...smut stuff. webcam smut with love of my life Andrew Barber.
warnings: cheating. age gap. andy gets a little dark. this is prob as dark as i would ever write this perfect, beautiful man. a million and one pet names also.
word count: around 11,100 lol oops
pairing: andy barber  x reader
a/n: so yes, age gap. it’s unclear what that is. go ahead and do what you will. it’s truly none of my business. also...one day, i’ll write in my tags ‘i’m gonna post tonight’ and actually post that night. not 300 nights later!
Laurie was a great woman, pretty much the kind of woman that you had always wished your mom would just wake up one day and feel completely compelled to act like. She was always so nice when she spoke to you, even the times you were clearly a little drunk and practically falling out of your tiny skirts.
She chalked it up to youth, so you’d once been told. That was huge in the little town you lived in. Mostly, if people saw all the skin you were showing, what they thought of you was clearly written all over their faces.
Laurie just liked talking to you. About anything. Everything. School, friends, boys, the future. This interest that she took in you didn’t end when you stopped babysitting for the Barbers, if anything, it made your conversations warmer. It was evident that the little time she could get with you was precious to her.
Jacob was the sweetest kid in the world. You had been apprehensive when she first called you. One reason only: babysitting boys was the worst. They were little demons and their parents either were blissfully unaware or did know and just didn’t care. You’d seen the same show for several years.
Not Jacob. And definitely not the Barbers. They were all so perfect and well-adjusted. You hadn’t been sure what to make of them those first few months. You had briefly suspected that both Laurie and Andy were total sociopaths who’d spawned another little sociopath. Come to find out, you just actually had such a fucked-up family situation.
Jacob loved playing video games with you, even though you were terrible at them. He never got upset when you made him lose, he just insisted that you needed to practice. Around the time you left, you’d started to get a little decent at them. He also enjoyed coloring and reading, two of your preferred babysitting activities.
Still, he was also an energetic little boy and that meant that he had dragged you outside sometimes to play very distracted versions of soccer, basketball, baseball a few times, and football once. Only once.
You’d both ended up covered in mud, it had been raining that morning but neither of you wanted to be deterred by that. When Laurie found you, she was horrified. Maybe a tad amused, seeing as she needed several pictures of the two of you.
You had wanted to walk home that night, the same thing you did after most shifts. The problem was, they had arrived home a bit later than usual. Laurie first, Andy about 10 minutes later. You didn’t want to walk through the house, so while Laurie was still threatening to hose off Jacob outside, you made your way around to the front porch.
Just as Andy was unlocking the front door.
Andy. He was easily the most beautiful man you had ever laid eyes on. Mostly, he was in these perfect god damn suits because he was a lawyer. Other times, he didn’t shy away from tight shirts that clung to his arms and chest, and jeans that did the same for his ass.
The coveted position of babysitting for the perfect, loving Andy and Laurie Baber. It was hilarious that it went to you because you were the only one who hadn’t been desperately trying to get it. All your friends would bend over backward, even though a friend of a friend of a friend, Julia Something, had claimed that Jacob was an utter hellion.
But what it came down to was the fact that Andy looked like he had been made by someone trying to create the perfect human being. Everyone was just looking for a way in and when you got it, no one could believe it. You hadn’t been as serious about babysitting. You liked the families you liked and tended to stick to three to five, but Laurie got your number from one of those mothers. How could you say no?
According to many of your friends, you should have. It was a betrayal, but one they couldn’t be too mad about because only an idiot would turn down an offer like that. They tended to pay generously also, so it took a total of three seconds to decide you were in.
He arched an eyebrow at you. “Back door locked?”
“No, I just didn’t want to walk through the house.”
“Right.” He gave you a once over before turning down to his phone. “Do I even want to know?”
That would officially mark the most words he’d ever said to you in one conversation. Laurie loved you, Jacob claimed that he was never, ever going to allow another babysitter to step inside his house, but Andy hardly even looked at you. That wasn’t uncommon. Most of the dads didn’t care, but those were the families that you didn’t stick with for too long.
“Football,” you explained.
He gave you a surprised look.
“But don’t get your hopes up or anything. Jacob sucks.”
He scoffed.
“Can you grab my bag? It’s just right by the door.”
“Heading home?”
“I should. My parents hate when I work this late, they’ve probably been texting me for the past two hours now.”
“Yeah, one sec.”
He didn’t close the door after him so you could hear Jacob excitedly screaming about his father being home. Andy was a great dad and Jacob idolized him just as much as he idolized Laurie. It was a beautiful family dynamic that sometimes still baffled you. Your family looked much different.
He returned with your bag.
“Thanks.” You took it and turned.
You looked back as Laurie was rushing out.
“Oh, don’t walk home, dear. Andy will drive you.”
The look on his face told you that he had not offered and that she hadn’t even run it by him before that moment.
“Oh, no, that’s okay,” you attempted to decline. “Honestly.”
“It’s late and cold.”
“I don’t want to get mud all over the car.” It was an expensive fucking car.
“Nonsense, it’s just a car,” Laurie insisted. “Besides, I paint the house a lot. I’m sure we have a few tarps still. Andy, will you go get one?”
He didn’t need further prompt to disappear inside. Laurie apologized for being late, you told her not to worry about it—more time with Jacob was never a bad thing. She thanked you for everything you did for them and you shyly accepted. She asked about your parents then, and before you had to give an elaborate answer, Andy was back with the tarp.
The drive was awkward.
It had started silent and you tried to hide away in your phone, but apparently, no one felt like texting you in that moment. Prior, your friends had been trying to talk to you nonstop, but wasn’t life just funny like that?
You felt like an idiot just staring out the window. This wasn’t anything you hadn’t seen around a thousand times before; he wasn’t even driving a different way. It looked like you were trying to avoid him and this insane, aggressive part of you just hated to appear weak or caught off guard.
Maybe it was your fault then. You were the one who spoke first and after that, things were just different. “How was work?”
It took him a moment to come up with a reply, and what a reply it was. “Fine. I guess.”
“Cool…” you sighed, clicked your tongue a couple of times, then glanced at him. He was staring forward, eyebrows pulled together, confused. Sure, he’d never taken much of an interest in you, and up to that point, as far as he knew, you’d never taken an interest in him. “What kind of lawyer are you?”
“What kind?”
“Like…a wife kills her husband for all of his money. Where are you in the courtroom?”
He chuckled. “I’m a public defender. I don’t normally get cases like that, unless my boss is trying to get on the good side of some irritating, rich people.”
You hummed. “You like it?”
“I do.”
“Why all the questions? You want to be a lawyer?”
You snorted. “I was just curious. I don’t really hear you talk about work.”
He didn’t say anything else and you felt shot down in a sense. Most fathers were easy to talk to. They loved to hear their own voice and they loved how you pretended to like to hear every word. Obviously, Andy wasn’t in that group. At least a few of your friends had responded to your texts so it wasn’t terribly awkward. He said goodnight when you climbed out of the car, you said it back and closed the door.
You thought that was that.
After that, any time you babysat, he would drive you home. Laurie didn’t even have to say anything, it was just expected that he would do it. He was the one who spoke on the second drive because you weren’t going to try again. It was just stupid stuff. How you were doing with school. How your family was. How your friends were. How your boyfriend was. Because you had a boyfriend, right? He had asked but you knew that he knew you did, Laurie asked about him a lot. Andy never seemed to be paying attention.
That was how it was for almost a month. Then something just changed. The conversations became something else. He asked you where you wanted to go, you weren’t sure you wanted to leave Massachusetts, but you knew you wanted to put some miles between you and your family. He asked you about the future, where you saw yourself. He told you a little about himself, only what he had wanted his life to look like when he was your age.
He had believed he was going to be a high school history teacher.
It wasn’t weird. You didn’t talk to any of the other fathers like this, but it didn’t feel like something you shouldn’t be doing. He just liked talking to you and he actually wanted to hear what you had to say, what you thought about things.
It was innocent. Even when he started coming home early just to make sure he could drive you home. Even when you started taking your jacket off in the car or crossing your legs and pretending you didn’t notice that your skirt was riding up. Even when he looked at you and you acted like you didn’t see it. Even when you would end up sitting in his car, parked down the street from your house, just talking because he knew you didn’t want to go inside.
Perfectly innocent. For almost six months.
You were walking home from school when you got a text from Jacob. He couldn’t find his science project that you had helped him work on. You could have just told him where it was, but then you wouldn’t get the chance to stop by the Barber house. You showed up and Laurie happily invited you in. It was in the garage, something you pretended to remember after about an hour. Jacob had a play date so when his friend’s parents picked him up, Laurie asked you to stay for coffee.
You did. You wanted to extend your time there because even if he didn’t come home soon, Laurie would tell him you had been there. She would mention you and he would be thinking about you. Which is all you ever really wanted.
But sometimes your plans didn’t really work out. You had been turning down jobs, better-paying jobs, jobs you’d had far longer than the Barbers. They had been friends of your parents, it was how you met them, so typically, word got back to your mother. She felt you were the most irresponsible person in the world and didn’t fail to remind you of those feelings when she sent you seven texts and ordered you to get home.
You didn’t want to deal with the chaos of making her angry by spending any more time trying to see Andy. It was a failed attempt at getting closer to him, and as you were walking down the street, you were almost thankful. What the hell were you doing? Why were you trying to get closer to him? Jacob’s father, Laurie’s husband, your boss. That was it. That was all he could be.
But then, much earlier than you’d ever seen him, he was driving by you. You smiled, waved, but kept going. He was the one who circled back and told you to get in. You didn’t need to be told twice. You wanted to talk anyway, you wanted to tell him what was going on with your mother.
He parked down the street again. It wasn’t dark like it usually was but there was no one around. Everyone was staying warm inside. The heaters were on and you had draped your jacket over your legs. It was freezing but leaving the car was the last thing you wanted to do.
He only spoke when you had finished venting. And it wasn’t in the direction you had thought it would go. “You’ve been turning down jobs?”
Shit. You just shrugged. “A few, I guess.”
“I’m busy.”
“You’ve been around the house a lot more lately,” he pointed out. “Is that how you’ve been so busy lately? With Jacob? With us?”
“I…I just don’t feel like babysitting for them anymore.”
“Because you just want to babysit for us.”
“I don’t know,” you finally said. “I don’t know why I’ve been turning them down.”
“I know.”
You lifted your eyebrows.
He placed his hand on your thigh with absolutely no hesitation.
You couldn’t explain how good his skin felt against yours. Like after running a mile and then finally catching your breath. Or waking up and seeing that you still have hours before your alarm clock goes off. Like when you’re walking down the streets during October and the houses are all decorated. Like when you’re starving and you finally eat something you’ve been craving.
“You want to see me.”
“I like seeing Jacob,” you muttered. You saw his hand move up before you felt it, your breath audibly caught and you shuddered. Pathetic. Weak. Desperate.
“You come over almost every day.”
You turned up to him, trying to keep your voice level. “You come home early every day.”
“I want to see you,” he assured. “Just like you want to see me…right?”
You nodded.
“Because you feel something for me.”
You wanted him, that was the best way to describe it. So fucking bad, so bad you couldn’t think straight sometimes. So bad that when your boyfriend touched you, you nearly got physically sick sometimes. So bad that in your bed, at night, with your hand between your legs, you pictured Andy and no one else.
“And you feel something for me,” you countered.
“I do.”
Before you could respond, his phone was ringing. Laurie, oh god. He saw the look on your face but clearly had no interest in letting those logical emotions—shame, guilt, disgust—grow. “Give me your phone.”
You weren’t sure why you did so. He handed it back to you with a new contact. Under the name: Daddy. You closed your thighs, rubbing them together, catching his fingers where they were still laid over your leg. You were so wet, desperate for some friction.
“You’re going to go inside,” he started. “You’re going to go to your bedroom, strip down, get in front of your mirror, and fuck your fingers. You’re going to watch the whole time. Then, when you can’t take another orgasm, you’re going to send me a picture.”
“Of what?”
“Whatever you want.”
Your mind was reeling. You had never sent naked pictures before, but that was because you knew what would happen if you did. They would get shown to everyone. Andy couldn’t show anyone. Andy wouldn’t show everyone even if he could.
He arched an eyebrow. “Okay?”
“Yes, what?”
You swallowed thickly. “Yes, Daddy.”
“Give me your panties,” he ordered. “I want to take them home.”
You wondered if he had done this before, if he did it often maybe. But did it matter? At the end of the day, that wasn’t going to make either of you any less terrible than you were being.
But there was just one problem with his request. “I’m not wearing any.”
His eyes dropped down. “You aren’t wearing panties?”
“I…I don’t know.”
“I think you do. Now, you didn’t plan on fucking me tonight. That’s too much too soon. But I am the reason…it wasn’t because you thought my fingers would end up buried in your pussy, not yet… Daddy wants an answer, baby girl.”
Baby girl. Oh, fuck. Instead of speaking again, you spread your thighs and brought your own hand up your skirt. You were soaking, something he could hear when you pressed your fingers down. Which was why you had decided to skip underwear. Any time he was around, in a suit, you were wet.
His hold tightened on your thigh and you let out this small whimper. It was almost deafening in that car.
You pulled your hand back and brought your drenched fingers up to the steering wheel. You just wanted to leave something for him without risking anyone seeing you both in a weird situation.
He leaned forward almost instantly, inhaling as his eyes shut. “Fuck, you smell exactly like I thought you would.” His tongue dipped out just slightly and he licked the slick off the steering wheel, groaning gently. “And you fucking taste…”
Your phone buzzed and you both startled. “Shit.”
Andy sat up, clearing his throat. “Go. Do what I said.”
You went to reach for the door, but he cleared his throat. Oh, god. After what you just did, could you even pretend that you hadn’t surrendered completely? “Yes.”
“Good girl.”
After that, it was all kind of just a blur. You quit babysitting, which was very hard. You really did love Jacob and you were sad for a very long time every moment you remembered that you weren’t going over there to see him. You were never going to that house again, at least that was what you had told yourself.
That meant you didn’t see Andy quite as often, which was probably for the best. But he saw you. Often. Very naked. You sent him nearly hundreds of pictures a month, dozens almost every night. He was never too busy for you and maybe you liked that, maybe that was what made you feel so special. Maybe it was just him, the way he looked at you during those awkward exchanges when your mother dragged you to the grocery store with her and you ran into them. Maybe it was when he would call you even though he was at the office once you got home because he wanted to hear you orgasm. Maybe it was after your boyfriend would drop you off at home—and Andy always knew because you told him, you weren’t going to lie, you had no reason to—and he would ask you if he touched you, if he made you come.
He was your age. Andy was much older. More experienced. He never failed to remind you that that meant he could make you feel so much better. You weren’t sure what you were doing, why you didn’t just break up with him. Security, probably. If Andy ever decided to end this. Whatever it was. At least you wouldn’t be alone.
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When Laurie wanted something, she got it. It wasn’t because she was aggressive or just didn’t take no for answer. It was because she was such a good person, how could anyone feel okay disappointing her? You certainly couldn’t.
When she insisted that you come over for dinner, you knew it was wrong. You knew she would rightfully hate you if she knew what you were doing with her husband. You knew she would feel hurt by the both of you, betrayed, outraged, disgusted. But you went anyway, and it wasn’t to flirt with Andy. Sure, you had done that once or twice in the past, but not this time. This time was for Laurie because she missed you. You had quit so suddenly and then it was like you didn’t exist to her at all. You owed her this dinner.
The look on his face when he saw you in the living room told you that he hadn’t been told about this. He looked terrified, worried.
“Look who I ran into this morning!” Laurie called out from the kitchen. She was over the stove stirring some pasta and you were at the table looking at all of Jacob’s drawings he had done in the past few months since you’d last seen him.
You gave him a look. He should know better than anyone why this was something you couldn’t just get out of. He couldn’t be mad at you. And he better not be accusing you of playing with Laurie like this.
He nodded once, just slightly. “Y/N.”
“Mr. Barber,” you returned.
Then nothing, he went upstairs and you returned your undivided attention to Jacob. Around a half-hour later, Laurie had to go upstairs and drag him downstairs, both trying and failing to hide their irritation.
She asked you about the usual after you had all settled in a bit. School was always the start. Laurie told you that school was the most important thing in the world. She had graduated but with a degree that she didn’t utilize. She loved her life, but she had her regrets and she didn’t want you to make the same mistakes.
She moved to family next. You always kept the answers light around Jacob, knowing that Laurie could read between the lines anyway. Your mother joined two different book clubs. Laurie knew that meant she was just trying to avoid your father.
Then your boyfriend. Another thing she wanted you to be careful about. She wasn’t expecting to get pregnant with Jacob when she had. She loved both Andy and Jacob, but she would have loved to hold off for a few years. She told you to take care of yourself first. Take care of your dreams, your future, your body, your identity before you worried about anyone else. Be selfish, be ambitious. She was like a mom; one you never even knew existed outside of television. You often wished she weren’t so nice to you. You knew you didn’t deserve it.
She just wanted to know how he was. How long had you guys been together, again? Right, that was quite a long time, she claimed. Where was he working? The same place still? You felt Andy’s eyes on you the entire time. He hadn’t looked at you for the whole dinner until Laurie mentioned your boyfriend.
Did you know about his politics? She promised it was better to know before it was too late. She knew his parents, knew that they were rather conservative. Everyone there was, though. The chances of finding a perfect man? Well, Andy was already taken.
Had you guys spoken about the future? Not really, not cohesively, but that wasn’t the answer you gave. You knew what he wanted and he pretended that he didn’t know what you wanted, pretended that one day you would just wake up and see it all his way. What does he want to do?
You were thinking about Andy. His hands, his mouth, his beard. You thought about making him mad, jealous. You thought about how he would be short over text and make you send him pictures and videos until he was less angry, then he would call and his voice would be so deep, he would growl orders at you. Fuck. “Yeah…he wants a huge family.”
“Oh.” Laurie nodded, clearly it wasn’t what she wanted to hear. “Well…what do you want?”
“I don’t know.” That wasn’t necessarily a lie, but Andy would give you hell for it later. He told you that was one of the sexiest things about you. That you knew what you wanted. Basically, he just meant it was sexy that you were selfish enough to be getting involved with him.
“Well, just make sure you know before you make any choices that can’t be undone.”
If only someone had given Andy this lecture all the way back. You wondered how things would be if he wasn’t married, if he had never met Laurie, but If he was still here. You wondered what relationship you would have with him.
“You want to stay in Massachusetts?”
You shrugged. Andy wouldn’t let you come later, until you promised you were going to stay. You just had this deep, sinking feeling he wasn’t going to be kind about it either. Good. It had been so long since he was rough with you. Even over text, he was dominant and in total control. He owned you but you were worried he was getting comfortable with that, you worried that he was under the impression that he could be less possessive. Hell no. You were his, undeniably, but only so long as he was going to claim you as his.
“Well, you’re young…the possibilities are endless.”
“Well, I hope you guys break up,” Jacob bluntly stated.
You and Laurie both turned to him with wide-eyed looks. Andy was stunned for a moment, then had to hide his smile by sipping at his beer.
“Jacob,” Laurie scolded. “Don’t say things like that. That was very mean.”
“Well,” he huffed, ‘if she has more time, she can come back to babysit me.”
You scoffed.
He turned to you. “Is it because of him?”
“No, I promise. I’m just…busy.”
“Busy?” He rolled his eyes. “Adults are always “busy”.”
“You know, I think it’s time I put him to sleep,” Laurie scoffed.
“No,” Jacob whined. “I never get to see her anymore!”
Laurie sighed. “Jacob—”
“I’m not going to bed until you promise to come back,” he declared.
“Jacob,” you pleaded.
He crossed his arms over his chest, brow furrowed. “I’ll stay awake forever if I have to.” Then he set his jaw and turned forward. He had never looked more like Andy, where usually, he looked eerily like Laurie.
You really did miss him. Not that you would ever tell Andy, but a part of you did resent him for the fact that you had to quit. It wasn’t all on him, but if he had never let this start, things would still be the same.
Laurie looked completely exasperated and it wasn’t like you didn’t have enough guilt where she was concerned. “Okay, Jacob, if you go to bed, I will try to come back for the summer. You know, I won’t be so busy.” You glanced at Laurie who appeared just as hopeful. “You know, maybe at least a couple of days while you guys are at work.”
“Well, I was going to do this later because I didn’t want you to feel like this was the only reason that I asked you here. We miss you and I just wanted to see you, but…” she glanced at Andy. “I just found out that I’m going to be taking a work trip this summer.”
“Work trip?” you inquired. You weren’t aware that her job would ever require traveling.
“Yeah, just this conference, kind of, for people who work with children. This is the first time we have been invited to it, so it’s really important but I’m just not okay leaving Andy and Jacob alone. Andy’s job…”
“I told you, I could take the summer off,” Andy assured.
Laurie gave him a look. Yeah, that was highly unlikely. Andy wouldn’t know what to do with himself after probably the first three weeks. She faced you. “I don’t want to put any pressure on you. If you can’t come back, we understand. The Rifkins were telling us about your friend, the one who also babysits. Her name is Lily…something?”
Your eyes instinctively went to Andy. He was giving you a knowing look. All your friends would fuck him in a heartbeat. You shouldn’t have cared. If he fucked anyone, you should have had the plan to just walk away. You doubted your ability to do that, unfortunately. And you couldn’t stand the thought of him touching her. Anyone but her.
“I’ll think about it,” you promised Jacob.
He smiled widely. “Okay, I’ll go to bed now. I’m exhausted.”
You smiled.
Laurie took Jacob upstairs after saying goodnight to you. That left you alone with Andy for what you both knew would be just enough time for anything, but you had your limits. Not in the house. Not while Laurie and Jacob were here. You decided it was time to call it a night and he decided he was going to walk you to your car. It was dark after all.
You just rolled your eyes and marched out the front door. You tried to stay in front of him so you could get inside your car first, so he couldn’t grab you or talk to you. You just needed to get out of there, anything that needed to be said would have to wait for that night when he texted you.
“I’d appreciate it if you didn’t get my kid’s hopes up.”
That was how he wanted to start? You looked back at him; eyebrows lifted. “You mean yours.”
“Jacob misses you—”
“And you?”
He sighed at you. “What do you want me to say?”
“Nothing, just don’t try to use Jacob against me. I will think about it…there are just things…that could go wrong.”
“Like what?”
“You know what, Andy—”
His eyebrows shot up. “What did you call me?”
You crossed your arms, silently staring up at him. Your back faced the driver’s side door, the handle perfectly in your reach if you needed it.
“Baby,” he warned. “Don’t start acting up right now just because you know I can’t do anything about it.”
“I’m not acting up—”
“Then what did you just call me?”
“Nothing,” you muttered. “I’m sorry, I meant to call you daddy.”
He moved closer then, either hand on the car door behind you.
Your eyes widened in sheer panic and you immediately looked around. It was too dark to see anything, and this was Andy Barber. He was a trusted and well-respected man. No one would think anything even if they did walk out and saw this with their own eyes. He was a damn good lawyer and could convince anyone of anything.
It had been months since you spent so much time with him, but even still, the closest the two of you had ever been was in the car. There was an invisible line that neither of you crossed because you never wanted to get caught. It was always so light out, your creepy neighbors would just sit on the porch from sunrise to sunset because they were desperate for anything.
This was different. There was no one around. There was nothing to stop either of you from taking this further than you ever had. This was the extent of your relationship. Stealing moments. Secrets. But he had never touched you, he’d never kissed you. It was all you could think about in that moment.
“What was all of that?” he asked.
“All that bullshit? You lied to Laurie.”
You scoffed. “No, actually, I didn’t.”
“Really? That’s what you want to fucking do with your life? Just be some god damn trophy for that boyfriend of yours?”
You shrugged. “I would love to be a trophy.”
He glared. “You’re smart, okay? And you’re interesting—”
“So, instead of being a trophy, I should be a spectacle? I should entertain people—”
“That is not what I’m saying.”
“Then what are you saying?”
“That I’m fucking angry.”
“About what?!”
Well, mission accomplished. It wasn’t that you were surprised he felt that way, you just weren’t expecting to hear him say it.
He sighed, turning up. He was probably watching the window to make sure Laurie hadn’t heard anything.
“What are you even angry about?”
“I work with his fucking father.”
“And?” you demanded.
He looked down at you after several seconds of staring at the window. “He always fucking talks about you. He thinks you’re going to marry his son.”
You shrugged. “Maybe I will.”
“Why not?” you pressed. “Maybe I fucking will, Andy.”
“He’s an asshole. You tell me all the time. And if you think I’m going to let you—”
“Let me?” you scoffed. “You’re married. You can’t do shit.”
The look he gave you told you that was the last thing you should have said. He grabbed your shoulders and turned you away from him, pushing you into the car door.
 You were in a tiny pair of shorts, despite how freezing it was that night. That must have been what gave him the idea to smack you, more so your thigh than your ass, but it hurt, nonetheless. You slammed your hands over your mouth to stifle your yelp.
There were times when you thought you were going to die if he didn’t touch you. Obviously, you were always wrong, but you didn’t care. Sometimes, when you would plead to whatever or whoever it was up there, that you just needed him to touch you, just a touch, you would claim you didn’t care how. This worked. Even though it really fucking hurt and the cold air was still stinging your skin, this was what you wanted.
“You know what you need to be calling me, honey.” His hand was at the button of your denim shorts and you panicked.
You tried to catch his wrist, but he was much stronger than you. Before you said a word, he had yanked them open, the zipper too. But no, not now, not here. “Daddy, stop—”
“You still think I can’t do anything?”
“Please, not here—”
His fingers pressed against your stomach and traveled down. You instantly lost your ability to speak or think. When he reached the band of your underwear, he scoffed. “Wearing panties? Why?”
What kind of question was that?
“You’re such a good girl, aren’t you?” he cooed. “Such a sweet girl.”
“Daddy,” you whispered.
“Daddy will stop,” he promised. “But only if you want him to. Do you want daddy to stop?”
“Please.” Yes, please. But also, maybe please, don’t. Please, keep going. Please, touch me more because you never have. Please, touch me where we both want you to so bad.
“Okay, but first, I’m going to check if you’re wet. If you aren’t, fine. If you are, well, you know you’re not supposed to lie to me.”
“I’m not lying,” you promised. “But—”
“Shh, baby.” He pressed his fingers down and you felt like you were dying. Honestly, like your life was on the verge of ending because nothing had ever felt so good and nothing should feel so good.
He didn’t go inside your underwear, of course not. He was always teasing you. Instead, he moved down until he felt the material was damp and made a soft, disapproving sound.
“I wasn’t lying,” you insisted, trying not to move too much. If he thought you were enjoying this too much, he might decide to get cruel.
“So, you want daddy to stop right now?”
You wanted to say yes, you wished you could make yourself. However, you stayed silent because you knew he would stop, you knew he would completely withdraw from you until you were begging him. Mostly, you couldn’t force yourself to want him to stop touching you no matter how wrong you knew it was.
“You know, baby girl, daddy wants something from you.”
You almost promised him anything he wanted but thankfully, forming coherent words was still something beyond you.
“Daddy wants you to come back this summer.”
No. That wasn’t going to happen. You knew now that it couldn’t happen. You knew now that if you were ever in a room with Andy, that both of you would get as close as you possibly could, that you would try to touch in any way that wouldn’t raise concern. And if no one was home? If Jacob was upstairs and you and Andy were downstairs? No, you wouldn’t do that to Laurie. Not in her house.
“I can’t.”
“Yes, you can.”
You shook your head. “You know I can’t.”
“All I know is that I don’t like it when you tell me no.”
Which is something he wouldn’t actually know because you had never told him no. This was different. This was about hurting someone who had only ever been good to you. And Jacob—god, Jacob. If you were caught, Laurie would leave Andy and that was the last thing you wanted for Jacob.
“I’m saying no,” you insisted, but your voice was hardly more than a mutter.
He said nothing for several terribly long seconds, then pulled aside your panties and finally touched your pussy.
Your eyes fell shut and you pressed your forehead against the car window. His fingers moved higher until he circled them around your clit and you shuddered. Even biting your lip couldn’t completely muffle the sounds you were making.
He shushed you, a completely patronizing gesture as he was the reason you were being so loud.
“Daddy,” you gasped. “Daddy, please.”
“You want to come on daddy’s fingers?”
You nodded fast. “So bad, daddy.”
“Mm. Well, daddy wants you back, princess.”
“Daddy,” you whined. This couldn’t happen, not now. Where was his fear? Anyone could walk out. Laurie could just glance out the window and see everything.
“Daddy wants to see you back in the house every day. Playing on the floor in your tiny little skirts and your tiny little shirts that you never wear a bra with. Daddy wants to see you biting your lip and pressing your thighs together when you’re watching me, when you think I don’t notice.”
Fuck. You genuinely had thought you were being discreet. He was clearly discreet, however, because you had never noticed that he was watching so closely.
“But more than anything, I want to have you all to myself, baby girl.”
“I…would be babysitting,” you reminded.
“Jacob has a lot of friends. I’ll schedule him some play dates. Say yes.”
“No, daddy, please—”
“Say yes,” he ordered.
“I can’t.”
“I’m not going to let you come until you do.”
The noise you made was a cross between a cry and a whimper, something truly pathetic. He had you scared and he knew it, so he thrust two fingers inside you and when your mouth opened to scream, he wrapped his opposite hand around your neck.
You swore you would come just like that if he didn’t stop. You had dreamt about his hands around your throat. You would try choking yourself when you were making videos for him, but you knew it wasn’t like the real thing. When he would call you, you would always beg choke me, daddy.
His fingers were thick enough to stretch you even though you were dripping. Your mind wandered to his cock. You could feel it against your ass, and even through his pants, you could tell he was big. But it was little more than a theory. You’d never seen his cock because he didn’t send you pictures. Most of your relationship with Andy had been set around your imagination.
He kept you quiet with his hold around your neck, but his fingers fucked into you so hard that the wet sounds echoed down the empty street. If anyone found the two of you, you would be completely humiliated by how evidently desperate you were.
“Daddy,” you gasped when you felt yourself just right there, so close to that edge. Maybe you were biased in the moment in thinking that this was going to be the best orgasm you had ever had. You had toys, Andy had made sure of that, and some of them did the trick. But it was never like this. Close, at times, but only ever when you were making videos for him or talking to him on the phone. It was all Andy, he hadn’t been exaggerating when he was telling you no one else could make you feel so good.
“You close, princess?”
You hummed a confirmation and just like that, he pulled his hand away altogether. The one around your neck was keeping you quiet but your pussy was completely neglected. It was absolutely devastating.
Stupidly, you’d forgotten his grand plan of forcing you to say yes. You weren’t going to, this was so much bigger than this stupid affair. You could live with yourself knowing you were a whore, you could live knowing you were a homewrecker so long as no one else knew, but you could not and would not even attempt to be okay with sheer stupidity. And stupidity was playing this game. You didn’t understand why he wanted to either.
“How do you feel now?”
“No,” you snapped.
“Watch the tone,” he warned.
“God,” you huffed tiredly. “I can’t. No, I’m saying no.”
He simply hummed and with no warning, buried his fingers inside you once more. “Then I guess we’re going to be here for quite a while.”
A whine caught in your throat and you practically choked trying to talk to him. “Daddy, we’re going to get caught.”
“Then say yes. You think you can have an attitude and mouth off and I’m just going to let it go because we might get caught?”
Well, honestly, yes, you had expected that. This was bad and you knew you were fucked up because that was making it feel better. He was pressed against you, hiding you from any eyes that may look outside because he was insanely possessive and didn’t want anyone else seeing you naked. He was holding you so tight that it actually hurt and he was barely letting you breathe, you were getting dizzy and lightheaded and you just needed to come.
He did this to you so many times that you lost track. The only thing you did know was that it wasn’t taking long even though it felt like it. It was Tuesday night and you had been here enough at this time to know that this was a busy night for these rich people. You’d walked out of the house at 7:46. The bathroom light was still on and would be for another 30 minutes at least, because Jacob was a menace when he wanted to be—but never with you. Mrs. Johnson always came home from her cooking club at 8:20 to 8:30. Mr. Garcia would always come out at around 8:15 to leave his trash or recycling, depending on the night of the week. Sometimes, Mrs. Wilson’s grandchildren would stop by for late visits. They were all doctors and lawyers, at least, that was the reason they gave for never coming at a reasonable hour, but they actually just wanted money and knew she would be too tired to say no. Mrs. Taylor’s twin demons you once had the displeasure of devoting your Monday and Friday nights to had to go out every night at 8:30 until 10:00 because of some stupid project they were doing on stars.
Andy had to know all of this also, so you understood that he was just trying to call your bluff.
Well, fuck, it was going to work. You were terrified. There were so many variables, anyone could show up early. Or hell, there had to be some people here with drinking addictions, an affliction for pills, a house fire could start. Or a revealed affair could lead to a staged murder that looked like something else. Andy being so calm was almost worrisome.
But you were more worried about Laurie. Apparently, you weren’t like him. You couldn’t just shut off your guilt surrounding her. You knew you had to try one more time to get out of this. Andy was pretending right now to be so hard, but he was more than soft for you. He spoiled the hell out of you and let you be very bratty even though he put on a whole show that he couldn’t stand it. But you knew that when you gave him a look, when you softened your voice just enough, when you said the right things, that man would give you the world if he could.
In your littlest, whiny voice, you begged him. “Daddy, please.”
He froze for a moment, letting his hand fall away only to take your shoulders and turn you back to him. He was looking at you curiously, also a tad suspiciously.
You simply stared at him with pleading eyes. He couldn’t honestly think this was a good idea. “We can’t do this. Not around Jacob. Not in the house.”
Realization showed on his face and he scoffed. “Oh, baby, you really are the sweetest thing.” He leaned in to press you flat to the car door once more and brought his hand up, slipping his fingers into your mouth. His eyes were on yours the entire time, as you sucked and licked, and then as he started shoving them down your throat. You gagged, tears were running down your cheeks, and you had started rolling your hips, grinding against the bulge in his pants.
“You are the most beautiful little girl in the world, you know that?”
You hummed, thankful that you didn’t actually have to put an answer to that. He never stopped telling you that you were beautiful, that he’d never see someone else like you, but when you really had to think about it, you were just the average insecure person.
“You’re my little girl, yeah?” He pulled his fingers from your mouth, touching your swollen lips. “Tell me.”
“I’m your little girl.”
“Do you know how badly daddy wants to eat your pussy?”
It took you a moment, but when you realized that he wanted an answer, you shook your head. He didn’t talk about it much. He just liked to listen to you, he liked to tell you that he just wanted to be inside you, that he couldn’t wait to feel you around him.
“Mm…I do. I want to lick you for hours until your begging me to stop. I want you to come in my mouth. I want you to grind your pussy all over my face. You have to know how badly daddy wants you on his cock, though?”
“Say you’ll come back, gorgeous. Of course, Jacob can never know, this isn’t a game. I just miss seeing you. I miss smelling your perfume and hearing you laugh. I miss having you so close.”
“I miss you, too,” you promised. But. There was still a but, even if you didn’t come right out and say it.
You felt his hands moving against your stomach and then you heard the zipper of his pants. Oh, god. He took your hand and slipped it down his boxers, you both shuddered as your skin touched his.
His eyes fell shut and he took a deep breath in. He tightened his hand around yours and began slowly jerking your hand up and down his cock. “What do you think, baby girl?”
“You’re really big, daddy.” And so fucking thick, you were going crazy just picturing yourself trying to ride him. He was much bigger than your boyfriend, much bigger than anyone else you’d ever fucked.
“Imagine my cock inside your beautiful little cunt. I bet it’ll hurt so much that you cry. And I am going to pound that pussy until you are so stretched and used that your boyfriend won’t be able to make you come at all.”
You wanted nothing more, but you also wanted to have a little bit of fun. “I said you were big…but I didn’t say you were bigger than him.”
He pulled his hand and yours out of his pants and the next second, he was on you. His hand was around your neck, his other holding your jaw, and his face just inches away from yours. “You fucking little brat. You’re lucky I don’t make you get on your knees and choke you on my cock.”
“Kiss me, daddy.”
And just like that, he was no longer upset with you. It was hilarious how easily you could push this man into anything you wanted. And he didn’t even care, he just wanted to give you everything you could think to ask for.
He sighed, glancing around. “I can’t do that, baby, not here.”
Then where? That was when you finally understood. He wanted you back so badly, because where else would you be able to do this? He could get a hotel room but if anyone ever saw you, there would be no defense. It would be apparent what you guys were doing. Your house? Your parents were always around. That only left his house and if Laurie was going to be gone…maybe you didn’t see much harm in that.
“Say yes,” he whispered.
You should have never turned around to look at him. He had won, there was no way you could deny him anymore. You nodded. “Yes, daddy.”
He smiled and your heart stuttered. He was the most beautiful man in the world. “I’ll let Laurie know...I’ll tell her this was why I was out here so long. And you, angel, need to go straight home, shove a toy in that pussy, and make some videos for daddy.”
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It was weeks later than Andy told you he had a surprise for you. A few months had gone by. You hadn’t returned to the Barber home since the dinner and you kept your usual contact with Andy. Just more sending pictures and videos and texting every second it was possible.
He was still thrilled that you were going back for the summer and regularly checked in just to make sure that you didn’t change your mind about it. You still had a few months and he was constantly worried you would feel a sudden burst of guilt. It wasn’t too farfetched, actually.
When you got home, your mother informed you that you had received a package. She claimed it didn’t say who it was from. You knew what that meant. You had checked your phone that morning and saw a text informing you to expect something.
You texted Andy, I got it, then you went to your drawers to pick out something skimpy and lacy.
Good. Take off all your clothes.
Odd, he usually wanted you wearing something. You did as was asked of you and let him know when you were ready for more instruction.
Go to your bathroom with the box.
Once more, you let him know when you’d complied with his orders.
Open the box.
Inside was another smaller box, a picture clearly displaying the product. He bought you a dildo, a rather large one. You didn’t normally get toys this size, they were harder to film with.
Before you could respond, he texted again. Get it out of the box and clean it really well, then stick it to the floor.
Again, you followed his directions. Once it was set up and immovable, you let him know.
Get your laptop, we’re going to Skype.
That left you naked in front of your laptop that was a few feet away. He had you sitting with your legs bent and spread wide so he could see your pussy.
He wasn’t wearing a shirt, that was the first thing you noticed. The second was his background, you didn’t recognize it.
“Where are you, daddy?”
“Home. My office. Laurie’s sister is in town so they both went out to see her. Focus, baby. I’m going to send you some videos that I want you to watch.”
“Videos?” You had a feeling you already knew what he meant. And mere seconds later, got confirmation through the email link he sent to you. Porn. Not surprising and you weren’t really opposed.
The videos he sent you were all starred older men, many roleplaying as the stepfather, and younger women playing the innocent, naïve daughter. Older than you mostly, but still significantly younger than the men they were fucking. The videos started tame, small, just cheesy scenarios and rough sex following. But as he sent you more, the men became more dominant. They would choke, pull hair, spank, call her degrading names. You didn’t hate any of it.
He wouldn’t let you touch yourself and he didn’t touch himself. He just watched you the entire time, sometimes talking and asking you questions, but he mainly just wanted you focusing on this. He made you keep your legs open so he could make sure you weren’t being sneaky, which was slightly humiliating. You felt that voicing that, however, would be considered talking back.
It was nearly an hour later that he requested you show him how wet you were. Your fingers frantically ran through your cunt and you held them out toward the camera. He told you to pause the video and get on the dildo. You gracelessly rolled onto your knees, your legs just a little tired from the uncomfortable position he’d directed you to hold for so long. You climbed over the toy, one hand holding it as you straddled it.
“Just take it slow, baby girl.”
You carefully spread your knees further, bringing your pussy closer to the head of the fake cock. You heard him shifting as soon as if touched your skin. You weren’t as nervous as you should have been, you figured you were wet enough to take it all. That insatiable longing to be filled and ruthlessly fucked by him clouded your mind.
As soon as it was inside you by what probably wasn’t even an inch, you froze. Yes, bigger than anything you’d ever taken. It stung a little, yet you didn’t want to pull off completely. You kind of liked the pain anyway.
“Keep going.”
“It hurts.”
“Just try for me, angel.”
You set your hands to the floor, once again spreading your legs wider. The ache didn’t dull as you kept going. “Daddy, I think it’s too big.”
“I’m bigger, that’s why I want you to get used to it.”
Bigger? Even though you were struggling to handle this, you wanted him instead of the toy. You wanted him on top, forcing you to take his cock, cooing to you and kissing your face the whole time. This was a flawed plan that he came up with because you were going to need some major convincing to get any further on this thing.
“Take a minute,” he decided, and you needed no further prompt to pull off.
You hissed lightly, looking at it. You had barely made it down the head. So, this was going to be one of those long calls.
“Use your mouth,” he instructed.
That you could do. You leaned over it, immediately dropping down until it hit the back of your throat. Your eyes flickered up to the screen where you saw his arm moving so slowly, back and forth. You would ask later if you could see him, when you didn’t have something in your mouth.
“Baby doll, you are fucking beautiful.”
You hummed, pulling back and then sliding back down.
“Gag on it. I want to hear you choking.”
You prepped your throat by bobbing up and down, taking it a little further each time. It wasn’t until your nose was hovering just above the floor that you gagged loudly. You backed off hurriedly but did it once more, a second time, a third, a fourth, until he told you to stop.
“Stay there, sweetheart, keep it down your throat. Try swallowing around it. I want you to get used to that, too. That’s how I love having my cock sucked.”
You obeyed, attempting to swallow around the thick piece of silicone. Those tries were followed by a lot of short coughs, gagging noises, and your body moving almost violently every time you got just a little too ahead of yourself. You were suddenly very thankful that you’d woken up late, since you’d stayed up until almost 5 in the morning talking to him, and hadn’t had time to eat anything.
“You think you can do it now?”
You hummed and hoped he wouldn’t press for more. You weren’t sure. You were nervous to try but it wasn’t like he was going to let you off that easy.
“Okay, try again.”
Positioning yourself over it, you realized you were much wetter now. Getting the head inside was easy enough but just as soon, it started to hurt again.
“You okay, princess?”
“Yeah.” You turned your attention down and tried to force yourself to relax. You were nervous, double that now because you didn’t want to fail in front of Andy. You wanted to show him that you knew what you were doing and that when he finally fucked you, it was going to be perfect. You didn’t want him to think of you as some inexperienced little girl.
“Remember, take it easy. Don’t hurt yourself.”
You never thought you would have an issue with him babying you. “I wish this was your cock, daddy.”
He hummed as if it was a question but was much more focused on your comfort than your attempts to distract him.
“Mhm,” you returned. “I can’t wait to feel you inside me. I can’t wait to be filled up and dripping with your cum.”
“I’ll cover you in my cum, sweetheart. You wanna try taking a little more?”
You hadn’t moved and it was still aching, but your mind was getting hazy. You were thinking about Andy and how good he was going to fuck you. You wanted it so hard and so fast that you didn’t think the dildo would even suffice. You lowered a tad too fast, earning a disapproving sound from him.
And yes, it hurt, but admitting any type of defeat was beyond out of the question. “Fuck, daddy, it’s so big,” you sighed. You didn’t pull off, but you tried shifting your hips to get a little more comfortable.
“Fuck yourself with it.”
You used your arms for balance and began pulling back carefully before dropping back down. You did this several more times until it was no longer uncomfortably painful. “Daddy?”
“Yes, baby?”
You pushed yourself up, balancing on your knees as your hands came up to your breasts. “Can I see you?”
He arched an eyebrow at you. “You wanna see me?”
You nodded. “Please?”
He sat up, pushing the laptop back as he stood. You finally got to see that hard stomach you had been pressed against that night and it did not disappoint. You had no idea that he was going to look so strong and beautiful—and honestly, what the hell was he doing with you? You were confident enough and sometimes, some days when things were just going your way, you even loved how you looked. But Andy was inhumanly, unfairly breathtaking.
Then you saw his cock and you instantly whimpered. He was so big, bigger than the toy just as he’d claimed. You’d suspected he was exaggerating, most men did. He laid his cock out on the desk, tip leaking, skin angry and red.
“Daddy,” you whispered.
“What, honey?”
“I can’t wait for summer. I need you now.”
“Just be patient. You need to get a little more accustomed to the toy first because I’m not sure I’m going to be able to be gentle.”
“I don’t want you to be gentle.”
“You want daddy to make it hurt?”
“Touch your clit, princess. I want to see you come.”
Your hand snapped down to your cunt, mindlessly searching for, and at times successfully catching, that hypersensitive spot. As soon as you heard him grunting, jerking himself off to the sight of you, you knew you weren’t going to last long.
You watched his arm move, the way his muscles tensed, you noticed the veins. He wasn’t the kind of man to show off. His suits were always fitted and occasionally, he wore a short sleeve tee, but you were starting to realize he was rather modest. It was this secret that he finally told you, he was finally showing you parts of himself that you never would have known about had he not extended some type of trust to you.
You needed him to fuck you. You needed him wrapping his arms around you and holding you against his chest, hips thrusting into yours. You were bouncing on the dildo now, uncaring of how much it hurt, fingers still rubbing large, unskilled circles into your clit. You were high off him, completely entranced and focused on Andy. “Daddy…”
“You close?”
“Yes. Can I please come?”
“You can come, angel.” He stroked himself faster, opposite hand settling on the desk as he leaned over a little.
You took as much of the dildo as you could and stayed, just focusing on touching your clit. You whimpered and whined as you approached your finish, mewling ‘daddy’ at least a dozen times, and told him several times that you needed him inside you, and promised you would do anything for his cock. He was quiet even though he was still fucking his fist, wanting to hear every sound you were making for him.
You nearly collapsed when your orgasm hit. Thankfully, instead of down—because seriously, this was an obnoxiously large toy and there was still so much that wasn’t inside you yet—you fell forward and caught yourself with both hands. You continued to roll your hips, haphazardly moving your hair out of the way with one hand at a time so he could see your breasts move and just how far down you were getting. One feeling you never quite got rid of, no matter what you were doing, no matter how good whatever you were being fucked with was: his praise was even better than coming.
“Fuck, baby girl,” he blurted out. You heard one of his knees buckle, it hit the desk he was standing behind.
“Are you close, daddy?”
He hummed shortly.
“I wish I was there, daddy. I want to taste you so bad.”
And that was all he needed. With a slight groan, his cum streaked out onto the desk between him and his laptop. His hand slowed but didn’t fully stop until he was done coming. He fell back into his chair, chest rising and falling with his quick breaths.
“You want me to come over, daddy? I could help you clean your desk.”
He scoffed. “Come on, princess, don’t start being a tease.”
“I’m not,” you promised. “Really, I’ll come over if you want me to.”
He finally looked back at the screen, eyes moving over you as you pushed yourself back onto your knees. Though you still felt the toy was too big, it no longer hurt so you were counting this a success. If you continued to use it every day until you were working for him again, fucking him wouldn’t be so difficult. At least you hoped.
“You wanna come over? You’re not scared of getting caught anymore?”
You shrugged. Yes, you were still terrified but your pathetic desire to be touched by that man could make you do some pretty stupid things.
“Don’t be a brat,” he scoffed.
“Then you should come here. My parents won’t notice.”
“I’m not some uncontrollably horny teenage boy you can convince to sneak in through your window. Come on, you just gotta wait a little longer.”
You sighed. “But I want you.”
“I know, trust me, I want you…” His eyes lowered on the screen and he sighed. “I want to taste you, too. Especially after you just finished.”
You leaned forward to grab the edge of the laptop and pulled it closer. “Look, daddy, I took a lot.”
“You did, baby,” he agreed, voice still just a little light. You came down much faster than him. You had to stall and get him ready to go before he decided it was time to end the call. You wanted to see him. In person. And you were not opposed to playing dirty.
“Do you want me to try again? I can do more—”
“No, no, don’t worry about it, angel. You did good today, you need to rest before we do this again. Maybe take a day or two.”
A day or two? Fuck that. He couldn’t see your face, all he could actually see was the dildo still buried in your pussy. You looked down, finding your slick was dripping down the toy. This was going to be easy. You took your fingers and ran them up, collecting what had leaked out of you. You brought it up to your mouth and moaned lewdly—you had to be a little extra, just to make sure he knew.
“Sweetheart,” he warned.
“I wish you could taste me, too, daddy. I’m really good.”
“Come on,” he complained. “Stop it, right now.”
“I could get in my car right now, daddy. We could drive out to that dead-end street by the park. Just one quick, little taste and then I’ll come back home and get into bed and make some more videos for you.”
He said nothing, which you always knew actually meant that you were closer than he wanted to let on.
“Please, daddy? I just need something…summer is so far away.”
“Damn it,” he muttered, finally sitting up straight in the chair. “Damn it, Y/N.”
“I’m sorry, daddy but I really, really need you.” You started to pull your hips up and then slowly slid back down. “Can’t you hear how wet I still am?”
“Fuck,” he hissed. “Okay. Okay, fine.”
You shoved the laptop back, leaning down on your forearms. “Really?”
“But you’re going to keep that toy inside your pussy.”
“Keep it right where it is. Get dressed. Drive to the dead-end street. Wait for me. Oh, bring a towel.”
“A towel?” You tried not to sound too excited, but you knew you’d failed. He wasn’t really planning on fucking you, was he? You wanted it, you would never say no to that man, but you hadn’t thought it would be so easy.
“You’ll need to bite down on something when I’m spanking you.”
Oh, fuck.
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olliedollie1204 · 4 years
TSUS Day 7- Analoceit
Logan calls his roommates to a meeting.
Word Count: 2,454 words
Written for the Sanders Sides Unpopular Ships Challenge by @emy-loves-you
(AO3 Link)
Virgil shifted from one leg to another as he checked his phone for the third time in as many minutes. Janus was supposed to meet him here, but even in the five— six? Yeah, almost six— six years that they’d been roommates, he’d never gotten better at being places on time. Most of the time it was an intentional power move to assert dominance, but Virgil had told him once that he didn’t like it. Janus had never been intentionally late to meet him again.
On cue, the door swung open and Janus strode through, almost colliding with Virgil in the process. He stumbled clumsily, and on instinct Virgil caught him in his steadying grasp.
The two locked eyes, and after a moment Janus smirked.
“Hello, stranger.”
Virgil clicked his tongue in faux annoyance, but he couldn’t hide the earnestness behind his smile as the two of them righted themselves.
“Hey,” he replied. “Any idea what this is all about?”
“I assume he wants to practice his presentation again,” Janus commented idly, the two of them heading towards the private study room Logan had texted them to meet at.
“At the library, though? We never come here anymore.” That was true— while this library had been a hotspot for the three friends when they were undergrads, none of them had been in quite some time. Even Logan, who’d worked there from the time he was a teenager, hadn’t visited in years— it was much more convenient to do his research, studying, and grad work in the shared home office in the house they lived in together.
“Maybe he wants to use some of the projection equipment to rehearse or something,” Janus answered Virgil’s question. Virgil shook his head.
“I don’t even know why he gets so worried.”
Janus scoffed. “Glass houses.”
“I mean about presentations, Jan,” Virgil retorted. “Or like, school in general. He’s always incredible at...”
His voice trailed off; he’d been planning on ending that sentence with ‘school work’ or ‘graduate school’ or even ‘public speaking about niche ecological topics’, but he found he couldn’t find one in time. The words hung in the air.
A beat, and then Janus sighed with a smile in his voice. “Don’t I know it.”
The two looked at each other. The tips of their tongues were weighed down with words unsaid, and all too soon they reached the small study room Logan requested.
Janus was the first to break eye contact, rapping twice on the door before pushing it open.
“Knock knock!” he announced as he and Virgil entered. Just as expected, there was Logan at the back of the room, fiddling with the wall projector and a set of note cards. He looked up as the two entered, his face a bizarre combination of flushed and pale.
“Hello,” he said quickly before Virgil could ask if he was okay. “Please, take a seat.”
He gestured to the only two rolling chairs in the room. Virgil and Janus paused, side eyeing each other bemusedly, before taking a seat on the other side of the table.
“I do hope this was worth the bus fare,” Janus said lightly. His comment seemed to hit Logan, who flinched minutely before smoothing his face into a neutral expression.
“I wanted to speak with the two of you about something,” Logan continued, voice uncharacteristically tight, “and I thought it best to bring it up in a neutral, public environment should either of you want to leave.”
That… was not what either man expected. Janus kept his eyes trained on Logan’s face; next to him, Virgil subconsciously began bouncing his leg.
“Um,” he said. “Okay?”
Logan nodded. “Right.” He nodded again. “Well.”
Then he blinked, and leaning forward slightly, he murmured, “I need one of you to ask me why I invited you here.”
The tension broke a little, and Virgil huffed a quiet laugh that made Logan’s stance soften.
“Why did you invite us here, Logan?” Janus asked obligingly. Logan shook his head a bit and took a deep breath before looking down at his notecards.
“I invited you both here because this library has a lot of significance to me,” he read, eyes glued to the paper. “This is where I spent the majority of my undergraduate years, studying and working and passing the time with no real connections to the world around me. And… and this is where I first met the two of you.”
He looked up briefly, steeling himself, before turning his body toward Janus as he continued to read. “Janus, you were in the computer lab, swearing at a printer for taking too long to print your midterm.”
The man in question smirked at the memory. “I had a class in 15 minutes. Those things smell fear, you know.”
Logan turned his body toward Virgil, although his eyes remained trained on his note card. “And Virgil, you knocked over a book display I’d put up and pretended to only know French when I came up to help you.”
“I panicked!” Virgil squeaked in defense.
“And both of you came back the next week to work on a class project together,” Logan said with a significant air in his voice. His eyes flicked up again; unbeknownst to each other, both Virgil and Janus gave him matching encouraging smiles.
Logan felt the tension drain slightly from his body, and he couldn’t help but smile back as he continued, “For no reason at all, you two wandered back into this library— and back into my life— time and time again. We were strangers, then acquaintances, classmates, roommates. Friends.”
He paused, then, quieter: “Best friends.”
The silence only lasted a moment, but it was thick, heavy with meaning and intention. Neither Janus nor Virgil could even find it in themselves to make a snarky remark. By now Virgil’s leg had stopped bouncing, and he was watching Logan with an unconscious intensity. Conversely, it was now Janus’ turn to fidget in his seat, the growing sincerity in Logan’s voice making him clench the hem of his jacket between his fingers.
“I…” Logan started, looking between the two of them. He blinked and dropped his eyes back on his notecards.
“I… I am so grateful,” he said, “and so lucky to call you two my friends. You are the best friends, and the best people, I have ever known. And with this in mind, I was—”
He flipped to a new card, but his hands were shaking: he fumbled, and despite his best efforts the entire stack of notecards all went cascading from his hands to the floor.
“Oh, shit!” Virgil said reflexively, leaning forward in his chair in a feeble attempt to catch them. Janus was already on his feet.
“Allow me,” he said loudly, dropping to his knees to crawl under the table.
Logan’s eyes bulged. “No! No, Janus, wait—”
He, too, dropped to the floor, scrambling to pick up the cards closest to him. Janus knelt across from him, attempting to collect the cards on his side in a much calmer manner.
Above the table, Virgil swore again as he shimmied awkwardly from his seat to join them on the carpeted floor. “Jesus Christ, Lo, how many cards did you— ow! Fuck!”
“Are you okay?” Janus asked, twisting around in the small space to look at him.
“Yeah, fine, fuck, I just hit my head on the table—”
Logan’s face was an amusing mix of highly concerned and completely mortified. “Oh my God, Virgil, I’m sorry, let me help you—”
He shifted forward, but Virgil reared back on instinct, hitting the back of his head against the rolling chair. “Shit!
“I’m sorry! I’m so sorry!”
“Wait, wait, who’s on my jacket?” Janus said, yanking fruitlessly at the billowy fabric that was much better suited for walking in the brisk winter weather than crowding under a tiny table.
“I— I don’t know, I don’t know,” Logan babbled.
“Well, someone’s on my jacket, so get off!”
“Um. Lo?”
Logan looked over Janus’ head, and his stomach flipped as he realized that Virgil had successfully picked up one of the stray cards from the floor, and was reading it.
“Virgil, please,” he pleaded. “Please, just let me explain—”
“Seriously, whoever it is, move your hand off of my jacket, because I can’t move—”
Virgil lifted his hand, and Janus suddenly flopped forward at the lack of resistance, face planting directly into Logan’s chest.
“Janus!” Logan yelped. “Are you okay?”
The man in question spluttered, shoving himself away from Logan’s chest (and trying his hardest not to flush when he realized he’d placed his hands directly on Logan’s pecs to do so).
“That’s it!” he announced sharply. “Time out!”
Everyone stopped moving. Virgil on one side. Logan on the other. Janus stuck between them.
He exhaled, hard. “Okay. Take a deep breath.”
The other two followed his instructions on instinct. None of them counted aloud, but all three of them seemed to follow the same loose pattern of 4 seconds in, 7 seconds holding, and 8 seconds release.
“Okay,” Janus said when they were finished. “Let’s— let’s lie on the floor.”
If the energy weren’t so fucking weird at this moment, Janus would’ve laughed the baffled looks on the others’ faces. Instead he allowed himself to flop to the ground and clumsily roll onto his back. He folded his hands across his stomach and looked up at the others.
“Are you coming?”
Virgil and Logan shared a look. After a few seconds, they joined him. Virgil kicked one of the rolling chairs away to make room for his legs, while Logan tried to push as many of the cards to the side as possible.
Finally they were in place: just three grown men, chilling on the floor of a library study room, staring up at the dirty bottom of the table above them.
“...Reminds me of junior finals week,” Virgil commented idly. Janus snorted, and even Logan managed to give a shaky laugh.
“You spilled coffee on my lab results,” he remembered. “I cried.”
Virgil looked sheepish. “So did I.”
“I didn’t,” Janus reminded them. Logan laughed again, a little louder.
“No. You just emailed my professor on my behalf, told them I had mono, and asked for a week long extension.”
“Well, it worked, didn’t it?”
Virgil giggled loudly, not even bothering to hide the sound. “I forgot about that.”
“I didn’t,” Logan said softly. His words brought the other two into relative silence as well.
Then Virgil passed the note card to Logan. He took it, squinting to read its now slightly smudged writing, before his face went pale again.
“You read it,” he said. It wasn’t a question, but Virgil nodded.
After a few moments, Janus added, “Well, I didn’t, so…” His voice was jokingly impatient, but both Virgil and Logan could recognize the genuine curiosity in his eyes.
Eventually Logan sighed and passed the card to him. Janus held it close to his face to read it in the table’s dim shadow.
“Resources for telling friends and family about… about…”
He squinted for a moment more. “I’m so sorry, does that say ‘parallelogram replenishment’?”
Logan scoffed and reached over to whap his chest. “It says ‘polyamorous relationship’, you bastard, and I know you could read that.”
“Oh, could I now?” Janus replied lightly. He crumpled the note card and tossed it somewhere toward their feet. “Darn these old eyes of mine.”
Virgil snickered softly, then again. Logan sighed and bit his lip. Janus coughed.
And then the three of them burst into laughter— deep, loud, laughter, the kind that they couldn’t stop even if they’d wanted to. Logan rolled on his side as much as he could to face away from the others, Janus covered his face with both of his hands, and Virgil yanked the collar of his shirt over his mouth as if that could silence it.
It was honestly a blessing no one looked into the room; between the notecards all over the floor, the legs sticking out from underneath the table, and the near-screams of laughter seemingly coming from nowhere, it would probably be a surprising scene. Not that they’d care in the slightest.
After some indeterminate amount of time, the laughter tapered off. They weren’t sure exactly when or how it happened, but by the time they were silent again, Logan and Virgil were both lying on their sides facing inward. Janus had both arms out, and the two of them were using his upper arms as pillows.
“Logan,” Janus said softly. Logan looked up at his somber expression.
Slowly, Janus let his eyes roam from Logan’s eyes to mouth and eyes again. Then he smirked.
“How many note cards were in your stack?”
Logan blinked. His face flushed immediately, especially when he saw Virgil lift his head to smirk at him as well.
“I— I don’t know the exact number.”
“Oh, well, that already means it’s in the high double digits,” Janus confirmed.
“And the projector, Lo?” Virgil asked with far too much glee in his voice. “Please tell me you had a powerpoint prepared.”
“With APA citations, I should hope.”
“Oh, yeah, of course, you gotta cite your sources, L.”
“And please, please tell me that you prepared a study guide for the readings you assigned us about healthy modern polyamory. Wouldn’t want to fail the quiz you’re inevitably giving us when we get home—”
“Enough,” Logan insisted, or maybe begged; it was hard to tell since he’d moved closer to hide his face in Janus’ shoulder. “Please do not mock me now. My heart can’t take anymore stress.”
Janus quirked his head. “What about this was stressful?”
Virgil giggled again, shoving his face into his hand to keep his laughter from building. When he pulled his hand away, there was a moment of hesitation in his eyes before he reached across Janus’ chest to take Logan’s hand.
Logan looked at Virgil’s fingers intertwined with his like he didn’t quite know what to do with them. Then, looking between Virgil’s eyes to Janus’, he slowly lowered their combined grip until their hands were laying in the middle of Janus’ chest.
Virgil and Janus both flushed, eyes darting towards each other and away again. Logan squeezed Virgil’s fingers, Virgil nuzzled into Janus’ neck, and Janus released a slow, shaky breath that seemed to remove some weight off of his shoulders.
“How long until they kick us out?” he joked weakly.
“I don’t care,” Logan and Virgil said in unison. They blinked, and the three devolved into quiet snickers once more, holding each other close.
For the rest of the afternoon, and the evening, and their lives, they did not let go.
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peachtree-dish · 3 years
A Te Che Sei il Mio Grande Amore Ch. 7: Niente ti farà del male piccola
23 Gennaio, 1970
The first indication of Luca’s growth spurt began with his school blazer suddenly feeling too tight as he raised his hands in class. The second indication came from bursting seams on his pants and his pants becoming more like capris as he wore them each day. The third time his inseam split, Signora Mia finally resigned herself to the reality of new clothes. Now, standing in front of his mirror, Luca could see the changes he had been too busy to notice before. His body was lengthening and becoming more svelte, with his legs becoming toned from cycling around the city. His face had slimmed down, losing most of the baby fat and child-like roundness he had grown accustomed to for most of his life.
The only features that hadn’t changed with time were his eyes; richly brown with flecks of gold and red. Luca wondered what Alberto would think of when he saw him. His friend’s voice had begun to deepen when they spoke two months prior, and Luca had all but melted into the warm depths of that voice. Would Alberto have a similar reaction to seeing Luca as he grew into himself? His thoughts were mildly put on hold as a gentle hand knocked on his bedroom door seeking permission to enter. Giulia entered, her hair damps from her bath and her skin glowing from the warmth of the water.
Dante and Luisa had left about an hour ago, having visited for after-school studying. He was not overly excited for their upcoming midterms, and with the added stress of assisting the teachers, he felt nervous about how his grades would fair. She plopped none too gently on his bed while the sounds of Signora Mia’s poor singing and the radio blasting in the kitchen echoed into his room.
“They’re playing the Beatles again?” He inquired, picking up the familiar tunes under Mia’s caterwauling. He pretended to brush imaginary dust from the light blue shirt he was wearing while strains of ‘Let it Be’ floated through the air. Giulia grinned and nodded, wincing when her mother’s voice reached for a particularly high note.
“I think Beatlemania has finally bitten her.” She rolled onto her stomach and faced him. “Were you going to try on the clothes we bought?” She inquired. He flushed under her scrutiny, not wishing to appear vain, and instead opted for sitting nonchalantly in his chair by the window.
“No, I was just thinking about changes.”
“Like what kind of changes?”
“The physical kind; I didn’t realize we were growing up.” Giulia hummed in thought. Just like her mother, both women had a gift to perceive and understand those around them with hardly any words or context.
“You don’t seem overly happy about it?” She cautiously pried.
“I wouldn’t say that, exactly, it’s something new.”
“Well, if it helps, you look good in your new wardrobe. I can hear the swooning girls now.” Giulia grinned wolfishly. The thought of girls noticing him more made Luca nervous and uncomfortable.
“I sure hope not,” he looked out the window to the hues of sunlight bathing the coral and cream houses orange. The lighting reminded him of Porto Rosso, and in turn, reminded him of Alberto.
“Don’t you want to start dating? Dante hardly shuts up about girls and most everyone in your grade is going out. Unless you’re only allowed to date sea monsters.” He continued to avoid her gaze, instead focusing on a flock of pigeons strutting along the rooftop to the left.
“No one interests me here.” He hedged after a moment.
“Not even Luisa?”
Now that got his attention.
“Ew, what? No!” He wagged his arms in horror, nearly losing his balance on the chair.
“Okay, okay, I’m sorry!” Giulia soothed, baffled at his reaction.
“No offense to her or anything, I just… no. Definitely not.”
“Bene, she’s not interested, if that helps.”
“Why did you ask her?”
“I never said I did,” Giulia blustered, pink spreading across her face. Luca just stared at her with an unimpressed expression. She laughed nervously, glancing to the side.
“I was just curious,” she mumbled. She began to wrap strands of hair around her fingers, obviously avoiding his gaze now. A light suddenly clicked in Luca’s brain.
“Do you like her?” Giulia’s head snapped up and she glared at him.
“Do you like Alberto?” She shot back.
Looking back at this moment, Luca would realize he should have felt fear, or nervous, perhaps even anger, but Giulia’s question felt like a shock to his system. A switch flicked on and flooded his body with realization and for the first time in years, Luca understood everything.
A shock of laughter escaped him, “Yeah, actually. I do.” He laughed again, this time harder, unsure as to why tears were starting to leak down his cheeks, staining them green. Luca pressed his face into his hands as his laughter turned into hysterical gasps for air.
“Actually, I-I think I’m in love with him.” Oh shit, shit, shit, shit. “O mio Dio, I’m in love with my best friend, Gules.” He didn’t hear Giulia move until her arms were suddenly wrapping around him and she was awkwardly rubbing circles into his back.
“Is this okay?” She asked. He could no longer form words, so Luca nodded his consent instead.
When he eventually calmed down and the only evidence of his initial panic were the scale tracks on his face and neck, Giulia quietly went to grab him a glass of water and held it out for him to take.
“Sorry, that was dramatic.” He whispered croakily. Giulia laughed kindly and patted his shoulder.
“I think dramatic is a requirement in our family. Besides, you already know how I can be too much.”
They sat in silence for a time with their arms around each other, the light outside fading to the familiar dark and loud nightlife of Genoa.
“Per favore, don’t tell my mama.” Luca cast her a look of confusion. “About Luisa.” She amended. “As kind and accepting as she is, I think this is something that would be too much of a sorpresa.”
The red-headed teen scuffed her big toe against the floor, eyes downcast.
“Hey,” Luca nudged her softly, prompting her to look up at him. “She might be the one to surprise you. I’ve never met two people like your parents, Giulia, who truly only lived to make their child happy.”
“Ad ogni modo, I’m still not ready for that conversation. Besides, it’s not like I have a chance. Luisa’s, like, super pretty and smart, and Santa mozzarella! When she sings, it’s incredibile!”
Luca smiled as his friend rambled on about the Sicilian sea monstress, wondering if this was how he looked every time he gushed about Alberto. Eyes bright, cheeks flushed, and an endless amount of knowledge about the one person you consider to be your whole world. It was a wonder no one else knew of his feelings.
21 Marzo 1970
“Santa ziti! You’ve been in love with him this whole time?!”
“Zitto, Ciccio! I’d rather not have the whole town know, thank you.” Alberto flung flour at the blonde’s face, nervously checking to make sure no one had heard them. They were currently working in the kitchen behind the Pasticcini’s front area, with Alberto kneading the dough and Ciccio creating scores in the bread or decorating the more delicate sweets.
Ciccio winced apologetically and lowered his voice, leaning in for good measure.
“Does he know, or have you not told him yet?”
“Of course, he doesn’t know, stupido! I’m trying to not ruin our friendship.
“Don’t call me stupido, and how do you know it would?”
Alberto threw the ball of dough down on the wood surface with more force than necessary, the surrounding flour splattering like snowballs after the season’s first snowfall.
“I just know, é tutto.”
They worked in silence for a while, taking turns with switching pans from the clay oven and glazing sweet rolls with fruit jellies and powdered sugar. When the sun was beginning to set everything on fire, its orange gaze turning the sweet rolls into apricot imitations, Ciccio’s mother brought warm cider and a platter of buttered bread. Alberto liked Ciccio’s mother, she was as warm as the bread she baked and her personality as strong and opinionated as the spices she used. Bella shared the same round features as her son, with a strong nose and bowed lips that were quick to smile. Ciccio once explained to Alberto that he and his mother got their strong noses and blonde hair from Bella’s German heritage, but it wasn’t something they spoke openly about.
Today, Signora Bella’s smile was strained, but it had lost none of its warmth. Alberto knew that meant either some customers had been more difficult than others or some pastries hadn’t turned outright. He recoiled at the thought of her being disappointed in anything he’d done.
“Come va tutto, ragazzi?” She lovingly patted Ciccio’s halo of curls and squeezed Alberto’s shoulder with a large hand. “It’s smelling really good in here. Ah, che bello!” She motioned to the cooling racks on Ciccio’s right. The sweet rolls and scored bread glistened perfectly in the afternoon light and the Signora’s words made Alberto glow as well.
“If you keep this up, Alberto, I may have to bribe Massimo to let me keep you all year long,” she teased. Alberto could only shrug nonchalantly, hoping his pride didn’t show.
“How did the sales go, mama?” Ciccio asked cheerfully, taking a large bite from his buttered bread. Alberto watched nervously, eating his own snack at a slower pace, his stomach suddenly feeling as if hermit crabs were marching and pinching at his insides.
Bella waved the questions away, her mouth pulling sourly at the edges. “Bah, Signor Tafani nearly scared away my customers this morning with his complaining. That man is never satisfied.” She sniffed dismissively. Alberto’s fingers began to pick at the bread, the smaller crumbs slipping from his lap.
“Was there something wrong with the baked goods?” He managed to ask, focusing on Bella’s crocifissione that hung around her neck. The older woman’s hand rested over Alberto’s, pausing the destruction of his bread.
“As I said, piccolo, he is never satisfied. No matter how perfect the bake is,” Her smile was small but firm and it made the hermit crabs release their pinching in his stomach. “God help that poor man’s wife.” Bella sighed heavily as she heaved herself to her feet.
“Ora,” she stood and clapped her hands together and both Alberto and Ciccio swallowed their bread quickly, the butter coating Alberto’s mouth with salt and cream. “Alberto, will you be staying for dinner?”
Alberto’s mouth watered at the thought; the signora’s food was always amazing, rich in seasonings and filled with love. Not to mention Ciccio’s father would usually play his guitar and serenade his family with music and singing. If he drank enough wine, Massimo would usually join in and the resulting cacophony would leave the rest of the family in tears and howls of laughter. Outwardly, the curly-haired teen hesitated, rubbing the back of his head sheepishly.
“I don’t know Signora, I don’t want to leave Massimo hanging…”
“Bah, but of course he is invited as well, what do you think telefoni are for?”
“To make long distances seem short.” Ciccio supplied cheekily, earning an inconspicuous kick from Alberto. Signora Bella gave her son a bemused look.
“Si, mio figlio, for that too…” deciding that it was safer to not question the odd antics of teenaged boys, Bella left to call Massimo and prepare dinner.
When she was out of sight, Alberto gruffly shoved Ciccio in the side, earning him a loud laugh.
“I think I preferred it when you were trying to hunt me,” he groaned miserably. Ciccio merely grinned.
“It’d be hard to catch a fish that’s already been caught.” Alberto kicked him harder in answer.
28 Aprile 1970
“You want me to start applying already?”
The headmaster grinned expectantly at Luca.
“Ma certo, Luca! You’ve shown so much potential these past two years, which is even more impressive considering your, ahem, background.” The balding man stage whispered behind his hand. Luca could only stare in confusion.
“Why are you whispering, we’re the only ones here?” Signore Bonetti flushed red for a moment, his thin lips disappeared under his obnoxiously large mustache as he frowned.
“It doesn’t matter,” he waved his hand away, his smile returning instantly. “What matters, mio caro ragazzo is that you could have the opportunity for great things.”
“Bene, I don’t know, Signore Bonetti.”
“You don’t know.” The signore’s mustache quivered as he peered at the curly-haired youth before him. Luca shrugged awkwardly under his gaze, feeling a nervous trickle of sweat make its way down the back of his neck.
“I still have two years here and I have to consider prices as well. Moreover, I would like to discuss future possibilities with my family first.” He offered what he hoped to be a placating smile at the headmaster.
“All the more reason to start now,” Signore Bonetti pressed, his hands inching university pamphlets across the oak desk. “Signora Castello has already agreed to help write your application letters along with several recommendations from our staff. And, I should add that we’ve had a growing handful of universities reach out with interest once I sent a copy of your grades.”
Luca sighed internally, he had a feeling that he wouldn’t be escaping this conversation without some sort of agreement.
“How many universities would accept a full-grown sea monster into their halls, Signore Bonetti?” Luca asked bluntly. Thin lips open and closed in an “o” shape. The mustache covering the top half of his mouth reminded Luca of an octopus who couldn’t quite catch its food. He decided to keep that thought to himself.
“Actually, quite a few would be ecstatic, if you were willing to supply their science departments with some information.”
Luca clasped his hands to keep them from shaking. “I will not be some science project that is locked away and never seen again.” He said firmly.
The headmaster quickly backpedaled, “No, no of course not! We would never allow-”
“I’ve seen what humans do to those they consider different. Fear is a powerful, if uneducated, weapon. If I am to go to any university, I do not want them to know about my…background, as you say.” Luca smiled condescendingly.
The bald man paled, his eyes round with shock.
“No, mio ragazzo, I don’t think that would be wise.”
“Bene, if that is everything, I need to head back to class.” Luca stood, he considered the colorful papers on the desk before grabbing the lot and turning towards the door. Signore Bonetti stuttered a farewell to his retreating figure. He didn’t look back.
“What’s got you looking so glum, chum?” Dante’s question sprayed crumbs everywhere, much to the rest of the group’s disgust. Luca glared up at his large friend, dusting the rejected food off of his copy of ‘Fantastic Mr. Fox’.
“Is it really that hard to swallow first then speak, Castello?” Luisa asked, her cupid bow lips curled in distaste.
Dante rubbed a large hand across his face, dispelling a few straggling crumbs from his mouth. Without saying anything, he stared challengingly into Luisa’s eyes and took a larger bite of a dinner roll, the crumbs falling to their doom. Luisa scoffed and turned back to braiding Giulia’s red locks in intricate patterns. Giulia hadn’t said much during their lunch hour, and if Luca had to guess, he would wager having Luisa sit so close with her hands combing through her hair had something to do with it.
They were currently sat outside on the campus grounds, good weather permitting it. Around them, other students sat on benches or laid out on the grass, soaking up the weak rays of spring sunshine. Today, Luisa brought an intricate blanket that they all rested on, with Luca lying on his stomach and Dante munching beside him sitting cross-legged. A very flushed Giulia sat leaning back so that Luisa could access her hair easily.
Dante made to speak again, but Luca interrupted him. “I’ll tell you if you promise to keep your mouth shut and your food inside it.” The larger teen rolled his sky-blue eyes in annoyance but didn’t say anything, much to everyone’s relief.
“The headmaster wants me to start applying to universities.” Luca started, immediately his friends turned to him, their expressions matching.
“Cosa?!” Their table received several odd looks from the surrounding students who were simply trying to enjoy their meals.
“Yeah, that’s what I said. Apparently, there are universities already showing interest in me.”
“You don’t think they know about, ya know.” Giulia mimicked swimming, wincing when Luisa yanked her head back into place so she could continue braiding.
“I honestly don’t know, I told Signore Bonetti I don’t want universities to know about it, I didn’t think to ask if he’d already brought it up.” Luca allowed his head to rest heavily against the pages of his book. Up close, the letters were indiscernibly blurry.
“I’ve never heard of a sophomore applying for university before, my mom has never allowed it. Have you been getting tens this whole time?” Dante looked at him incredulously. A red flush crept its way up Luca’s neck.
“That and a few extra-curricular.” He mumbled. Who knew joining the swim team and being the chess club captain would be so impressive?
“Aspettare, why aren’t you happy? Isn’t this a good thing?” Luisa intervened, her honey eyes never leaving her work.
“I dunno, I’m worried about more people finding out, and then there’s Alb- my family, I don’t want to make any decisions without them.”
Giulia shot him a look through her curtain of hair, he responded by nudging her foot with his book. They hadn’t spoken much since that incident happened, something that Luca wasn’t eager to change.
“Ya know, I’ve heard my mom talk about these exchanges that universities will offer to promising students for a few weeks.” Dante tapped his lips thoughtfully. “You’d have to wait until the summer after next to do it, but that would allow you the chance to experience college life without the full commitment.”
“Veramente?” Luca felt a flicker of hope and excitement flicker in his stomach.
“Yeah, take a few classes, sleep in one of the dorms, meet your professors, etc. That kind of stuff.” Dante waved his hand nonchalantly, “You know my mom would be happy to help, it’s her job, but, like, she reaaally likes you. So, instant win.” He popped a cherry tomato into his mouth.
The bell sounded, causing the group of teens to quickly finish what they were doing. With a hum of contentment, Luisa tied Giulia’s hair and helped the other girl to her feet. Dante and Luca helped wrap the blanket up neatly, being sure to shake out any remains of Dante’s lunch. The group split into two and headed to their respective classrooms with the promise to meet after school per usual. Luca’s last two classes of the day were physics and music, and he hurried towards his physics class which rested resentfully on the other side of the school.
As he passed a darkened alcove, his ears picked up the sounds of muffled giggles and whispers. He slowed down against his better judgment and peered around the corner of faded, blue lockers that lined the walls. Two boys, at least a year older than him, were leaning against each other in the darkened hallway. The tall, lanky blonde Luca recognized from the group of teens that Luisa had soaked near the beginning of the school year. The shorter brunette was unrecognizable, especially with him facing away from Luca and most of his body being overshadowed by Lanky.
He knew he was interrupting a private moment, but Luca couldn’t find it within himself to look away. Lanky leaned down and began to gently press kisses to Brunette’s neck who laughed breathlessly in response. Luca felt his stomach flip at the sight, and if he gripped his books harder than necessary, well, that was nobody else’s business. He wondered if Alberto would kiss him like that, or if he would prefer to have his own neck pressed with gentle ministrations. The thought made him sigh forlornly and rest his head non too gently on the lockers before remembering he wasn’t alone. The two boys jerked apart as if burned but Luca was already turning the corner at the end of the hallway before either could see him.
03 Maggio 1970
“Finalmente!” Luisa exclaimed, slumping against her towel in the sand. Luca could only continue to itch at his skin, flakes peeling off and leaving red scores wherever his nails scraped. Next to him, Dante was already removing his clothing, the pale moonlight making his skin glow like marble. The tall Italian hid a yawn behind his hand, his eyelids still struggling to carry their own weight. Due to both Luca and Luisa being sea monsters, it was agreed that they couldn’t attend the beach during the day where people might see them. Thus, it had become a monthly ritual for midnight swims since Luca’s first year in Genoa. With the weather being too cold during the winter, Luca had to settle for long soaks in Signora Mia’s bath.
However, this time around his skin had felt particularly itchy, and transforming during his morning showers had revealed new scales pushing underneath his older ones. He had panicked and ran from the bathroom with nothing but a towel and a shriek. After a rushed phone call with his mother, Luca learned about the extra joys of growth spurts and puberty.
“You’re going to have to swim daily to help your body push out the old scales,” his mother explained in her matter-of-fact way. “Your tail fins especially will need the help and they’re also going to be the sorest.” Daniela’s voice turned sympathetic. “Just a few weeks more and then you’ll be home, we can help manage it from there.”
So, for the past week, Luca with his trio of friends would all pile into Mia’s small, bright yellow Fiat and drive the half-hour to the ocean at three in the morning. Without a second thought, he was in the water, pushing through briny waves allowing the ocean to peel scales away with gentle brushes. His mother had been right, his tail was instantly sore once it unfurled in the waves. The spines along his fins were growing longer and sharper, their bases pink with tender new skin. Luca did his best to stretch his body gently in the dark waters, taking brief breaks to check his location in comparison to everyone else on the beach. The signora could be seen snoring loudly on her quilt and Dante was doing his best impression of a starfish, his face mashed into the corner of the quilt. The only two who weren’t passed out were Giulia and Luisa, who appeared to be in serious conversation near the water’s edge.
Luca dove back into the cool depths, the water burned his eyes in a barely noticeable way, and he wondered if it was because more tourists visited Genoa in comparison to Porto Rosso. There were also fewer fish here, although a stray school of fish could be found here or there. He felt a familiar tug in his chest at the thought of Porto Rosso’s waters. The year was finally coming to an end, with finals taking place for the next few weeks, and then Giulia and he would be heading home. Luca grinned freely as he thought about Alberto again, the tug growing stronger in his chest the more he thought about him. He wanted so badly to talk to his friend about his newfound feelings, but there was also the risk of losing Alberto over said feelings. And then there was the decision of attending university in two years, who knew what could happen during that time? The fifteen-year-old groaned in frustration, sending a burst of bubbles to the surface. A smoothhound shark swam past him, appearing to roll its eyes at his dramatics. Luca stuck his tongue out in defense, not willing to argue with a shark at the moment.
When he rolled onto the beach with a swell, the sun was beginning to crest over the ocean’s face. Giulia and Luisa both nodded to him, neither having moved from their spot on the sand.
“Did you want to swim a bit before we head back?” Luca asked Luisa, already knowing the answer. The Sicilian girl smiled gently at his offer before shaking her head in a negative.
“Is it a self-conscious thing because I totally get that. But just to be very clear, you have nothing to be embarrassed about.” Luca balked at Giulia’s sudden boldness. The redhead in question looked at him as if to ask why he’d let her say that her face turning the same shade as her locks. “Sorry,” she muttered, wrapping her arms around her knees. “that was too much.”
Luisa had the most genuine smile on her face that Luca had seen in their entire time together. She wrapped arms the color of caffè around Giulia, pressing her grin into her shoulder.
“You’re too cute, Giulietta.”
Giulia looked dazed out of her mind, her face the definition of a satellite that had gone to space and made no motion of returning to earth.
Pulling away, Luisa’s expression turned carefully neutral, and she appeared to be at war with something in her thoughts. As the sun began to pour its warm rays along the sandy shores of Genoa, the young sea monster seemed to come to terms with something. Sighing, she gracelessly flopped forward and began to push her fingers deep beneath the sand’s surface.
“When I was really small, I was taken from my parents by fishermen.” Luisa began slowly, “I was sold to a Circo da baraccone in Napoli, and I was their star of the show. The circus was filled with other people who had anomalies, like me. For the most part, they were really nice.”
“For the most part?” Luca asked quietly. He suddenly felt oddly cold, even with the rays drying his skin.
“Our… master,” Luisa bared her teeth at the word, “was not kind. He wanted perfection instantly and he was very greedy, he barely met our basic needs for food and water. Instead, he would spend money on alcohol and parties with powerful people.” Luisa traced vicious lines through the sand, contrasting light and dark with her fingers.
“When he was particularly ubriaco, he would wake us up at all hours of the night and run through shows with us. Every time we would make a mistake, he would use his whip.” Her fingers stopped. “I was just seven years old.” She whispered.
Beside her, Giulia had become rigid, her face pale and her cheeks were glistening with tears.
“One night, he was more violent than usual, and he knocked over a lantern. The whole circus went up in flames. In all the chaos, my tank broke and I was afraid I would die without water, I’d never made the change before. When I realized I could breathe, it didn’t matter because the fire was too big by that point. The smoke and heat were everywhere, and I couldn’t run.
“But then, Marta came back for me.” Luisa gave a small smile and finally met their stricken gazes.
“She carried me to safety, and we escaped together, never once looking back.”
“Is that what brought you here to Genoa?” Giulia’s voice shook, though she tried to hide it. Luisa turned to her and laced their fingers together and they both held on tightly.
“No, I was only nine. Marta tried to help me find my parents, but I couldn’t remember where I had been taken from and I couldn’t find other sea monsters near Napoli. Actually,” she finally looked at Luca, “you’re the first one I’ve encountered in all these years.”
“I’m sorry,” Luca murmured. Luisa raised her eyebrows in question.
“Don’t be,” She answered easily, though her voice caught, “for the first time, in a long time, I have hope.”
“Anyways,” she continued, “we moved to Sicily to avoid recognition and Marta did what she could to teach me how to be a human, including teaching me my letters and numbers. Eventually, she was able to enroll me into a school.” Here, she frowned.
“I didn’t mean to reveal myself, but there was an accident with water, and I changed. I escaped school, which wasn’t hard to do when everyone is afraid of you. Marta and I fled here and changed our names, she’s sacrificed for me so much and I feel terrible about it.” Tears began to leave pink scale marks over her skin.
“No,” Luca corrected gently. He shared a look with Giulia, and wordlessly they embraced the weeping teen. “You did what you had to to survive. And there is no guilt or shame in that.” Luisa sobbed harder, years of heartache bleeding out and dampening the crystals of sand. They stayed that way until there was no guilt left.
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creepypocky · 3 years
Hello dear! May I have a romantic and Nsfw creepypasta match-up please? Feel free to ignore this if they are closed but if you do choose to do this then thank you so much! I hope you have a great day/night!
Zodiac sign: Leo sun, Aries moon, Leo rising
Personality Type: ENTP
Pronouns: She/her
Sexuality: Straight (For now might be bi but i'm going with straight)
I'm 5'4 and I have a very tiny body frame so i'm extremely petite and pretty small. I'm not very curvy and I literally have the body of a cereal box...lol but its fine because I have nice hips and thighs. I have thick brown hair that goes down to my back and it gets tangled pretty easily but its kinda fluffy. I have brown eyes and tiny freckles all over my face and body. I also have a very strong grunge style, like Flannels, band t-shirts, combat boots, leather jackets etc. But i'd also always enjoy a nice oversized sweatshirt or hoodie with a pair of skinny, ripped jeans and some converses or something along those lines.
For my personality.....this is where things get interesting. At first people find me very intimidating due to my resting bitch face and cold exterior but I promise i'm not like that ALL the time. When you get to know me, i'm a big extrovert, goofy and about everything that comes out of my mouth is sarcasm or some dry humored joke. I'm also that one friend in a group where they literally will do the stupidest shit ever like for an example one time it was super dark outside and my other friend was there, while I was trying to climb a tree and I failed and fell out of the tree, and landed on my back. I got straight up after that somehow it didn't hurt.....like at all? But yeah i'm super reckless and sometimes people have to save me from myself if you get what I mean. I also have a very strong "I don't give a fuck" attitude and I will not hesitate to stick up for myself or my friends....like i'm the type of person where if someone glares at me, i'll glare right back. I can have bad anxiety and I can be very self destructive. This is where my feisty, stubborn, hardheaded side comes in. If I want something then i'll fight for it even if it hurts me and i'll get into a bad cycle of putting myself down and trying to do better even if I did great the first time but I always push myself too far and other people have to stop me because I usually can't see it when its happening. I also cover my emotions up and I have a lot of trouble talking about whats bothering me or what problems i'm having emotionally so I put up a wall and I act tough, or happy and sometimes i'll be the exact opposite but I try to hide it.
Weird things about me: I've grown up in the south all my life so sometimes when I talk a few words they'll come out sounding WAYYY more country and southern then I wanted, I don't have an accent but sometimes my words just come out that way. I also love the smell of cigarette smoke....let me explain. When I was a kid my parents smoked a lot and I was used to smelling it and now it reminds me of home and is sort of comforting.
Things I like: I love swimming (I was on a swim team for about 9 years), I love horror movies, I like rain and the sounds of thunderstorms because its calming to me, I also love the smell of rain, I like cloudy days, cooking, listening to 80's and 90's rock but mainly 90's because 90's is the best, My favorite bands are Bush, Audioslave, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Linkoln Park, Pearl jam but i'm pretty open to anything. Things I dislike: Spiders.......I will scream if I see a spider.
So for the nsfw part.....I'm very shy and i'd like it if someone guided me. But i'm 100% a Bottom and I love praise and maybe a tiny bit of degradation. I also have a big ownership kink like if someone tells me that i'm their's....then I might die. Also if they told me that they "Needed" me I would also die on the spot...in a good way. I'm also a sucker for marking like lovebites and hickies? Yes please. But please tease me and edge me because I prefer not having control so someone else being in control is just...lovely. Also pet names! Like Sunshine, Babygirl, Doll....AHHhh I might melt. Things I don't like are impact play or the whole "Daddy kink" It kinda just makes me cringe
I also don't think I really have a type but.....I do tend to love people who are brooding, and intimidating on the outside but a big teddy bear on the inside because that's how I am sometimes. I hate people who are fake or just passive aggressive because they are super annoying to deal with and honestly if you have something to say then just say it to my face rather than behind my back.
Hello :)
|| I enjoyed reading through this. I'll definitely work on it now. ||
I match you with ~ Jeff The Killer!
First off, he really likes your size and style, he has a think for small girls that can still be tough and that’s something he loves showing off when you get together lmfao, he’s like, “Yeah, my girls strong. Fuck you gonna do about it?”
Now, Jeff is a really unstable, violent guy. A lot of people (even me) don’t even see him ever being interested in being in a relationship, so when the creeps saw Jeff with his arm around you, they were immediately baffled by it.
The truth is, though, this man totally wants to have someone by his side, someone that accepts him even though he’s a killer. Someone that’s open to his feelings and is willing to look past all of the horrible shit he’s done.
You’re like that to him, it took him a very long time to get used to how he felt for you at first. At first he thought his brain was just being stupid, but Jeff isn’t dumb. He knows what these feelings feel like, and he recognized them almost immediately after that.
Jeff is really insane, and he constantly leans on you for support and depends on you to keep him leveled at times. It can get pressuring, but despite it all he always makes sure to not blame you if he ends up doing something dumb because he knows it’s not your fault.
He finds your clothing style pretty hot, he really loves badass kind of outfits with leather and band names, because as I said, he loves to show off that his girl is “cool” or something.
He thinks your resting bitch-face and cold exterior is really badass too, being around you always gives him so much confidence and its a great change from the usual fake confidence he has around everyone that he keeps up as a defense mechanism when in reality he was always pretty insecure.
I honestly think Jeff is an extrovert too, like he loves being around people and interacting with them (When they’re not normal people and don’t think he’s hideous, that is). I canon this mostly because when hes alone, then he’s also alone with his thoughts and his thoughts always end up wandering to his insecurities and what he hates about himself, but you often catch him during these times and you reassure him that everything will be okay and that you still love him.
He totally relates to being the friend that says stupidest shit, you two will often just go up to one of the creeps and just start spouting random shit. He honestly fucking loves being goofy with you, and you two are always creating awesome memories together when you prank the other creeps and sometimes each other and he honestly wouldn’t have it any other way.
When you do stupid shit that gets you in trouble or puts you in danger, he’s always quick to get to you and make sure you’re okay, he would probably panic a lot though. Like, “What the fuck, dumbass?” “How the HELL did you do that???“ as he’s frantically trying to solve the situation. Will most definitely sit there and laugh at you for a good 5-10 minutes once the whole thing is dealt with though.
You being able to stick up for your friends is one of the great qualities about you that he absolutely adores, especially since before he became a killer he would always get bullied and nobody would ever stick up for him, so one day when you defend him against a bunch of assholes it just warms his heart up and makes him feel so loved, but he most likely wont admit that.
He’d let it slip eventually though.
When you’re feeling self-destructive, he is 100% there for you. Although he’s not really the best at giving advice, he’ll still sit there with you and let you talk your heart out and will listen to every single word because he wants to show that same contribution towards you that you’ve shown him. He’ll constantly reassure you that not everything is your fault and that you’re strong, and he’ll make little promises to you.
If it was a person in particular making you feel that way though, he’d definitely make sure to pay a visit to the motherfucker.
He admires your determination to fight for the things you want, but to an extent. He hates it when you overwork yourself or push beyond your limits to the point where it destroys you, and he wants you to know that you’re not alone and you can ask for help, you don’t have to destroy yourself. He’s more than willing to stay right there, by your side.
He understands hiding your true emotions, because well, he’s had to do it a lot around the other creeps and around his family when they were still alive. So he won’t ever push you to talk about somehting if you don’t want to, but he doesn’t want you to pretend to be okay either. He’s more than willing to just lay with you and do whatever you want if it would make you feel better.
He honestly likes how you have a southern accent at times, when he’s feeling upset or like his sanity is draining, your accent really soothes him so sometimes he’ll ask you to lay it on thick because he could honestly listen to you talk to him and listen to your accent all day if he wanted to.
It’s good that you like cigarette smoke because I canon this man smokes very often.
When it storms at night, he’ll always hold you close to him with a blanket and just listen to the storm sounds with you because it soothes him too. This man is really pent up from feeling driven to constantly murder and just sitting with you listening to the rain and thunder is one of the main things that level him.
He’s really not the best.... at cooking.... but, this means you can cook often for him since he won’t for himself. B)
He will just put you in a car and drive for hours to no destination and blast that 80s and 90s music just to see that smile on your face.
This man will 100000000000% destroy any spider within a 10 mile radius of you.
He understands not liking people who are fake because there were a lot of people who talked shit about him when he went to school, and when he has a problem with someone he will always say it to their face and make them understand that they’re a piece of shit to him.
You like being dominated and guided? Good, because this man is at least 95% a top. He thinks it’s adorable that you’re shy and will most definitely be willing to guide you through the whole thing and tell you exactly what to do for him.
Jeff is really possessive tbh, so when he’s fucking you he will constantly say shit like,
“Fucking mine”
“You’re nobody elses“
“You belong to me, only”
This man will definitely bite you everywhere, he lives to just throw you down onto the bed and start biting everywhere on your body and making sure to leave marks just so you know exactly who owns you.
Don’t worry honey, he will spend hours just filling you with his cock and telling you that you cant cum unless you beg more, or he’ll just pull out right when you’re about to cum on him and just slap your folds with his fingers as a way to make fun of you.
He’ll call you things like, “baby” “dollface” “darling” when he’s feeling passionate but oh boy if he’s feeling angry or he’s punishing you? Be prepared to be degraded all night.
There we go <3
Sorry if this is too long lmfao, I just think that Jeff is a really misunderstood piece of shit. I hope you’re having a great day and taking care of yourself, and I hope you enjoyed this matchup. :)
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apexqueenie · 4 years
Hi sweet! Welcome to Tumblr ❤️ I was wondering if you could do a Bakugou x reader, where the read is quirk-less and hides it from him, then he finds out and angsty stuff happens, but it ends in fluff. Feel free to change bits ❤️
Yasssssssss sorry this took so long!!! I recently took a trip to Oregon and couldn’t write as efficiently as I wanted to, please enjoy!!!
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The Bitchy Couple (Bakugou x Quirkless Reader)
Warnings: swearing (duh)
You remember the first time Bakugou laid eyes on you. It almost felt like it was yesterday. He tried to kill you then.
You roamed the middle school grounds, looking for someone to hang out with during lunch. The latest pop music blared in your eardrums as you lost yourself in your imagination, pretending you were in a music video or something. You were so lost in thought that you didn’t even see the three people that were headed your direction, equally distracted. The one in front was walking backwards, spouting loud nonsense to the two. He had no idea that you two were on a collision course straight for each other until BAM, your face collided into his shoulder blades.
“HEY, WHAT THE FUCK YOU NERD?” he turned around and yelled
Annoyed, you readjusted your headphones and scoffed. “You were the one walking backwards asshole, and you’ve got 2 goonies who coulda warned you, but I guess all you were too stupid!” You spat, walking off.
Back then, you were the only one who threw his shitty attitude right back at him. Bakugou didn’t wanna admit it, but he respected someone who could fight his fire with fire. Screw bullying the lower classmen, they weren’t as entertaining after a while. Besides, he found a new hobby, and it was to outdo you.
Almost every day, your conversations would end up something like this:
“Hey you wench, where’d you get those shitty headphones?”
“Up your mom’s ass, dickhead”
“Oh yeah? At least she has an ass. It looks like your back just extends to your legs”
Then, it escalated more into:
“Suck my dick, Bakubitch”
“How bout u suck mine? I’ve prolly got a bigger one anyways!”
“Nah, I know you’ve choked on waaaaaaaaaay more dick”
-And it got to the point that people were taking bets on who won the insult fest that day. In your school, you two were a famous duo, often being referred to as “the bitchy couple”, well, at least to the outsiders.
Away from the eyes of your classmates, Bakugou was a little more...sweet? You weren’t really sure what to call it, but it was a side of him that wasn’t always angry, someone who didn’t feel like he had to put on a show all the time. You worked hard to uncover that side of him, and damn were you proud. You did nearly everything to annoy him at first: telling everyone his most embarrassing secrets during lunch, purposely pairing with him during class projects- you even got your mom to contact his mom so they can arrange “study sessions” for you two. In return, he’d send the most embarrassing pictures of you to guys who asked you out, steal the shoes out of your locker so you’d walk to class with smelly feet, and blew up your jacket a couple of times during the winter. Eventually though, when the two of you walked home together alone and away from your audience, he’d lend you his jacket, promising to buy you a new one to replace the one he destroyed. During those class projects, you’d pour your all into obtaining a good grade when no one was looking. Underneath the mask that the two of you showed everyone, you guys were almost a couple.
“Baka-gouuuuu” you hummed.
You pouted your lips at him, earning yourself an aggravated blush from the gremlin.
“Disgusting” he said, “come to UA with me”
“Haha- wait what?” You stopped, completely baffled, “you want me to WHAT?”
Bakugou scoffed, not meeting your eyes. “You heard what I said.”
You scanned his face, looking for any sign of sarcasm or jokes...anything-but no, he was dead serious. That was completely out of character for him, even you were amazed at how sudden his behavior flipped. You looked down, thoughts spinning in your head as you processed the question. You were nervous, but why? He asked you to go with him, THE Bakugou asked you to apply at the same school when he basically bullied half the rest of the school out of even THINKING about it, so why aren’t you excited?
“Hero course” he said, and pointed to himself, “like me”
Then it clicked in your head, not once in the entire time the both of you had together did you ever show off your quirk like he did. Even when he’d challenge you, you’d always end up saying something like, “I don’t need a stupid quirk to make you cry like a little baby”. He’d think nothing of it and continue squabbling with you. No one, not even your own mother has ever outright told him you were quirkless. Maybe part of you was scared of what his reaction will be, judging from the way he treats Deku. Maybe some of it was shame from being a part of the minority in the world. You didn’t really know, and it was just something you never really wanted to find time for. Now, all that laziness was coming right back to bite you in the ass.
“Bakugou, I don’t really-“
“I’m gonna need someone to bully at UA...other than shitty Deku” he said, but his eyes told you what he really wanted. He wanted someone loyal, someone who would stick around through all his bullshit when no one else would. Even his goons were intimidated out of applying at UA. There wasn’t anyone left to compete against and keep Bakugou grounded except for, well, you.
You sighed, wondering how you were going to explain this to him.
“(Y/n)-“ he started again.
But you were faster, “I can’t apply to the hero course, Bakugou.”
He looked at you, confusion written all over his face. “What? Why?”
You looked down, averting his gaze. “Uhm, because... I can’t be a hero without a quirk, can I?” You say quietly.
It seemed like the world just stopped the moment those words left your mouth. The wind stopped shaking the leaves of the trees around you and Bakugou just...froze. You stayed silent, letting him take it all in.
His mouth moved as if he wanted to say something, but he turned away instead, muttering something under his breath that you couldn’t quite hear.
“Baku, I can’t hear you.”
He turned around, rage in his eyes. He spoke low and aggressive, sending shivers down your spine, “so you were just a quirkless nerd this whole time? Did you hear me that time you little bitch?” He took a step towards you, towering over your smaller frame. You stumbled backwards and almost lost your footing, fear rushing through your veins. You were well aware of what Bakugou could do, but you never thought that you’d be on the receiving end. Is this what Bakugou was like as a true bully?
Bakugou scoffed at your reaction and continued advancing in your direction, “How noble of you, following me around and wasting time with pathetic insults when I could’ve been training. Do you feel proud of yourself? DO YOU?”
You were shocked. He hasn't talked to you like that before. Not like this. Tears threatened to start forming at your eyes, flushing your face red. Bakugou blinked, realizing what he just said. Deep down, he felt awful from the very first sentence, but his ego wouldn’t let him apologize. He turned around and walked on home, leaving you silently crying where he left you.
He nearly broke the hinges of the door off when he got home, ignoring his mother’s yells and climbing up to his room. He cursed over and over again, fighting his conscience and his ego at the same time. Dammit, he was supposed to be fighting villains, not his own head! On one hand, he just couldn’t believe that you would tolerate him calling quirkless people pieces of shit, but on the other hand, he thought maybe it was his fault for making you feel unwelcome at the topic. Either way, he wasn’t sure what to be angry about, so he got angry at everything.
“aaauuAAAAAGH” he yelled in frustration, as he slams his body down onto his bed. What the hell was he supposed to do now? You probably-no, DEFINITELY didn’t want anything to do with him by now. Still, he just couldn’t help but feel bad. It was gnawing at his chest relentlessly, urging him to go back and make things right, and that was exactly what he was gonna do.
“KATSUKI!!! WHY IS IT SO DAMN COLD IN THE HOUSE?” Mama Bakugou yelled. She waited for an angry response, but heard nothing. She walked up the stairs, expecting her son to have passed out already, but was instead greeted with an empty room...and an open window. “Stupid kid,” she scowled, “coulda walked out the front door ya know, or at least close the damn window.”
Bakugou didn’t break a sweat running to your house, but he panted hard. His mind was jam packed with the things he wanted to say to you, he just had to find the courage to say it. Hah, Bakugou Katsuki... afraid of something? That was a first. He climbed the side of your fence up along a pipe, just like he’s done a million times before. He’d come and leave before your mom could smother him with her home cooking and conversations about arranging a marriage between you and him. It honestly became a little too overwhelming, and he’d just sneak in and out whenever he’d have to tutor you on something.
He pulled the window open and slipped in only to find a lamp being swung at his face. He dodged nimbly and stopped your second swing with one hand, ripping the lamp out of your hands before you could try again. You turned around and grabbed a book off your desk, yeeting it at his face before kicking his stomach. The lamp made a thump as it landed on the floor, Bakugou now occupied with the gigantic math book. You frantically looked for something else to throw, knowing he recovered quickly in combat. Your eyes landed on a half eaten pork bun on your bedside dresser and you quickly lunged at it, managing to hit Bakugou’s forehead before he could see it coming.
“God DAMMIT stop tryna hit me with shit!” He yelled, shoving you on to your bed.
You staggered a bit before falling and growled in anger, “you have some fuckin nerve coming back here after what you said!” You yelled back.
“Honey what’s going on?” Your mother called, opening the door. You two were so caught up in arguing that you didn’t realize how much noise it was making...or the footsteps coming upstairs. Your mom gasped as she saw what happened. You lying on the bed, hair messy, shirt a bit ruffled...Bakugou standing over you just OOZING dominance...oh yeah, she got the picture. The WRONG picture.
She blushed bright pink, “oh uh, hi Katsuki, be careful you guys ok?!?! Okbyedontforfettouseprotection!” She said before slamming the door closed in a hurry and climbing down the stairs.
“MOM WAIT NO IT'S NOT LIKE THATUUUUUUUUUGH” you yelled and plopped your face into your hands. You weren’t even angry anymore at Bakugou, just frustrated.
You sighed, lifting your face from your hands and stared into empty space. Bakugou took the empty spot next to you, looking at the ground. There was a long and awkward silence between the two of you. Painfully long. Bakugou eventually sighed, making a move to break the extremely thick ice.
“I didn’t really mean what I said, (y/n)-“ he started.
“Then why did you say it?” You snarled.
Bakugou looked up at you, then back at the ground, fiddling with the fabric of his pants. “I was just, I dunno, angry at myself ok? Fuck off, wait no don’t fuck off, I...” he shook his head and took a big huff of air. Admitting his own wrongs wasn’t his forte, but it was definitely entertaining. You resisted the urge to smile a bit. He didn’t deserve that yet, not until he apologized. “I was just angry cuz...cuz I thought only people with quirks could be strong. But then you showed up and I thought you were probably the third strongest person I’ve ever met-“
“Third?” You cocked an eyebrow.
“After All Might, then me” he said, furrowing his eyebrows, “anyways, back to the point, look, I’m just sorry, for everything and I guess I shouldn’t have said that. I got upset at the fact that...I can’t beat your ass in hero course now. I can’t do projects with you anymore. And plus, if you aren’t going to UA anymore then-“
Bakugou was interrupted once again when you sat up, walked over to your desk, and dug through your drawer. You pulled a few pieces out before finding the one you wanted, then proceeded to wave it in the gremlin’s face.
“Who said I wasn’t going to UA?” You said, watching as his face just stared at the paper in awe.
“You’re enrolling in support?!” He yelled, taking the paper out of your hand.
“Yep” you said, giving him a small smile.
Bakugou lowered the paper and hung his head, “(y/n), I wouldn’t blame you if you never wanted to see me again.”
You sat back down and scooted over to lean on his shoulder, something he’d only ever let you do in private. “It’s ok Bakagou, I know you were only scared of losing me to some quirkless job like accounting or-“
“SHUT THE FUCK UP IM NOT SCARED OF WIMPY SHIT LIKE THAT” he yelled, a small and almost unnoticeable blush appearing on his face.
You giggled, “sure whatever, look, I won’t be able to fight villains with you, but I can help you fight villains better by making support items for you. So I guess...that kinda makes me the hero behind the hero huh?” You smiled.
Bakugou scoffed, “Heh whatever, you better make me the best fuckin support items out of anyone there cuz I’m gonna need em to be number one, understand?!”
You scoffed back, “Number one my ass, maybe third place at the MOST.”
He growled as he whacked you with a pillow, making you shriek with delight. High school with this angry gremlin was gonna be interesting.
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dweetwise · 4 years
a silly thing i wrote about felix and ace reacting to cheryl and feng dating <3 once again inspired by @skllyr‘s lovely art, along with my need to write a grumpy, overprotective felix.
ship(s): cheryl x feng, felix x ace warnings: none word count: 3020
Felix’s adventures in questionable parenting
“I'm… dating Min.”
From everything Felix expected to hear Cheryl say when she pulled him aside after a trial, this has to be the very last thing on his list.
It takes him a few seconds to even properly process the confession, and when he does, he's only more confused.
“Min? Feng Min?” Felix asks, baffled.
“Yeah…” Cheryl says, shuffling her feet self-consciously.
And Felix just stares, not having any idea how he's supposed to react to this information.
His not-quite-daughter but the closest thing he has to one in this world, dating one of the worst troublemakers Felix has ever met? The girl who has left him to die countless times and then made fun of him for getting killed afterwards? The one who bullies killer and survivor alike, having made even Leatherface cry mid-trial?
That Feng Min?
“I'll… give you some time to think about it?” Cheryl suggests when Felix is frozen in place for a whole minute.
He doesn't protest when she walks away, only gaping in confusion while trying to wrap his head around how on Earth the brilliant girl would ever fall for such a self-centered and obnoxious person.
Still, he decides he should get a second opinion.
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So he seeks out Ace, partly because his boyfriend loves gossip, partly because he wants someone to tell him he’s not being ridiculous for disapproving of Cheryl’s terrible new girlfriend.
“Hey, handsome,” Ace greets him with a grin and a wink, but Felix doesn’t have time for flirting.
“Cheryl just told me she's dating!” Felix exclaims, fully expecting Ace to be just as shocked as him.
“Huh,” Ace says instead, not looking the least bit surprised. “Good on her for finally telling you.”
“Wait—you knew?” Felix asks.
“Honey, half of the fricking camp knew,” Ace snorts. “I've seen them holding hands and making o—”
Upon Felix's scandalized expression, Ace interrupts himself.
“—ooaan effort to get to know each other?” the man finishes instead, complete with a sheepish grin.
“And you're okay with this!?” Felix demands, astonished that his boyfriend not only knew, but didn’t think it was big enough of a deal to tell Felix about. He knows Ace isn't as close to Cheryl as him, but the gambler has also taken the girl under his wing following Felix's lead, always calling her "kiddo" and going out of his way to protect her in trials.
“If she's happy, who cares?” Ace merely shrugs, infuriatingly carefree as always.
“I care!” Felix protests. “Feng is a mean person and not suited to be in a relationship before she fixes her attitude! She's going to be terrible for Cheryl—you know how sensitive she can be!”
“Opposites attract, babe,” Ace smirks, placing a hand on Felix's knee.
The gesture manages to calm Felix after his little outburst, and he pauses to consider that maybe Cheryl and Feng aren't that different from him and Ace. He knows Cheryl is almost just as reserved as him, slow to make friends and needing time to come out of her shell. If she has taken to Feng just as Felix did to Ace, against everyone's expectations, he should respect her decision. A small smile spreads over his face as he places his hand on Ace's, realizing that maybe they're not as different as he thought—
Well. There's the notable exception that Ace isn't a complete bitch to everyone around him.
“But nobody even likes Feng!” Felix continues his rant, making Ace snort and shake his head in amusement.
“I like her,” Ace points out.
“You like everyone,” Felix huffs, rolling his eyes, annoyed at how difficult Ace is making it for him to be a judgmental bastard.
“Well aren't you just a ray of sunshine today,” Ace grins, pinching his cheek. “I know you’re not Feng’s biggest fan, but you should give her a chance. For Cheryl.”
“I know,” Felix sighs in defeat. “God, I hate it when you're right.”
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The following day, Felix approaches Cheryl when the camp is mostly empty, fully intending to at least appear supportive despite his justified concerns. But as he tries to tell Cheryl he’s happy for her and thinks they’re a good couple, the girl isn’t having any of it.
“For someone who lied his entire life, you sure are shit at it,” Cheryl huffs, the unexpected honesty catching Felix off guard. “Now tell me what you really think.”
He always forgets that she’s much more perceptive than her years would suggest, able to read Felix better than people twice her age.
“I… don't think she's good for you,” Felix confesses hesitantly.
“Why?” Cheryl prods, her determined gaze practically boring into his soul and making Felix feel incredibly small. When he’s quiet, not able to decide how much he should say, she continues impatiently. “Come on—you can't just say that and not give any reasons!”
“I don't want to be mean,” Felix says, pretending like he hasn’t been secretly shit-talking the gamer for the last twenty-four hours.
“I told you, be honest,” Cheryl pushes.
“Alright,” Felix sighs, before taking a deep breath. “I think she's a horrible teammate, and not a good person. She's unpredictable and a bad influence, and I don't know what you see in her.”
Instead of being upset, Cheryl huffs and cocks her hips, raising an eyebrow.
“Really?” the girl asks.
“Um… yes?” Felix hesitates under her strangely calm demeanor.
“And that isn't a bad influence?” Cheryl asks, nodding somewhere behind Felix, who turns and sees—
Ace, who looks to be eating the contents of a toolbox.
“Ace!” Felix hisses. “Excuse me,” he says to Cheryl, who merely snorts in amusement, Felix hurrying over to his boyfriend making an idiot out of himself in front of some of the others.
“Uh-oh, mom's here,” Nea snarks when he approaches the scene, Meg giggling next to her at the joke.
Ace offers Felix a wave and something that might be considered a smile, if his mouth wasn't stuffed to the brim with mechanical equipment. And to add insult to injury, he adds another grimy gear into the mix from the toolbox.
“What the hell are you doing?” Felix demands.
Ace holds up a finger, wordlessly telling him to wait while inserting yet another brand new part, grimacing as he tries to fit it into his mouth.
“We have a bet, shoo,” Meg explains, shoving at Felix who is blocking her view of the occurring trainwreck.
“What could you possibly have bet that warrants this kind of idiotic—” Felix starts, annoyed.
“We bet five keys he couldn’t fit ten brand new parts in his mouth,” Nea explains.
“And he took it?” Felix exclaims, glancing at his boyfriend who, somehow, seems way too pleased with himself considering the situation. “Of course he did,” Felix sighs in fond annoyance, wondering why he’s even surprised at this point.
Suddenly, he remembers Cheryl, turning around to address her only to find her gone.
There’s a high-pitched laugh from the other side of camp, Felix recognizing the grating sound even before he sees its culprit, eventually spotting Feng Min and Cheryl standing next to each other with Feng… laughing at Cheryl and hitting her arm?
“Find me when your mouth isn’t occupied,” Felix sneers in Ace’s direction, annoyed at how the entire thing turned out, Cheryl not heeding his warnings and immediately going back to Feng—
And then Meg bursts into another fit of giggles and even Ace barks out something that might be a laugh.
“Woah dude, TMI!” Nea jokes, putting her hands over her ears with a shit-eating grin.
And Felix finally realizes the joke.
“Not like that!” he insists, feeling heat creep up his neck from embarrassment. “To talk! Nothing else!”
“Oh, like all the times you’ve disappeared to ‘talk’ even in the middle of a trial—” Meg starts.
“I’m leaving!” Felix announces, ducking his head to feebly try to hide his blush while stomping away from the group and their filthy minds.
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He ends up at his and Ace’s shared space away from the campsite, sitting next to the overflowing trunk of items while absently picking at some prayer beads attached to a broken key.
“I’m here!” Ace’s voice eventually announces. “What were your other two wishes?”
Felix snorts and doesn’t even look up, continuing to fiddle with the item in his hands.
“Did you win?” Felix asks, spinning one of the beads around its axis.
“Ta-dah!” Ace declares, squatting down in front of him to show him a handful of skeleton and dull keys. Felix hums in acknowledgement, still lost in thought, and Ace carelessly dumps the items into the trunk before sitting down next to him.
“So, how'd it go with Cheryl?” Ace asks, wiping some residual oil from the corner of his mouth following his bet.
“Well… I may have told her I don't like Feng,” Felix reluctantly confesses.
“I… okay,” Ace says, clearly fighting a smile at Felix’s social incompetence. “It’s… good that you were honest?”
“Why does that sound like a question?” Felix says, sulking.
“Aww baby, don’t pout,” Ace says, wrapping an arm around his waist and pulling him closer. “I know you tried your best. We can tell her together, if you want. Just to make sure she knows you support her!”
“Thank you,” Felix murmurs, leaning his head on Acer’s shoulder. At least he has Ace, who despite his eccentric personality is always there for him.
If only Cheryl would also have the same kind of support from her partner.
“What the hell does she see in Feng, anyway?” Felix mutters, not able to stop himself from engaging in another round of shit-talk.
“Well—” Ace immediately starts.
“That was a rhetorical question,” Felix snaps without any actual heat. “She couldn't have chosen worse if she tried.”
“Oh, I don't know about that,” Ace grins. “What about, say… Élodie?”
Felix can't help the disgusted face he makes. No matter how much he pretends for the sake of keeping up appearances, he still doesn't like the Frenchwoman.
“Or David?” Ace eggs on.
“Oh, god,” Felix says, shuddering at the thought. “I see your point—”
“Legion?” Ace continues.
“Shut up! I get it, I get it! Feng is fine,” Felix says, going back to his brooding.
“You're not… upset with this whole thing because Feng's a girl, right?” Ace asks, his good-natured smile masking something unpleasant.
“What?” Felix balks. “Oh, heavens, no!” he hurries to explain. “After what I went through with my—ehm, sex… s-sexuality—” he stutters, still not comfortable talking about the subject when it comes to his own preferences, even in the arms of his very male partner.
But judging someone else for theirs? He wouldn't even dream of it.
“If anything, I'm just happy she's figured it out so early,” Felix admits.
“Okay, good! So Feng—” Ace starts excitedly.
“Is still on my shit list, regardless of her gender,” Felix deadpans.
Ace sighs and holds his hands up in defeat.
“Well, I tried,” the gambler says, before a familiar smirk appears on his features. “Now give me a smooch.”
“While you taste like a ten-year-old toolbox? In your dreams,” Felix huffs, curling up against the man instead in an attempt to save his tastebuds.
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Finding the right opportunity to pull Cheryl aside seems to prove difficult, as any time Felix spots her she’s either with Feng or Ace is stuck in a trial. And after his previous failure, Felix isn’t ready to try confronting the girl alone.
But the Entity always seems to have a strange sense of humor or just impeccable timing, because after just a few short days Felix finds himself materializing at the pre-trial campfire with not only Ace and Cheryl but also Feng, all standing in a neat little row like the Entity placed them there purely to annoy him.
Great; just great. Just because Felix begrudgingly accepts the gamer, doesn't mean he wants to spend time with her. He’s been lucky to avoid any trials with her ever since Cheryl’s confession, but of course this would be the time they’re put together in one, when he’s supposed to have a heartfelt conversation with his foster daughter.
It’s a while before anyone says anything, Ace looking at Felix expectantly, Cheryl avoiding eye contact with Felix, and Feng clicking her flashlight in an annoying habit.
“Let's go, lesbians!” Ace eventually cheers, trying to muster up enough excitement to break the awkward silence.
“Try to actually do gens this time instead of just jacking off into chests,” Feng snarks just as the fog sets in.
And even though Felix knows she’s right and Ace could afford to do a lot less looting, he still shoots her an annoyed glare for daring to insult his partner, right as the fog takes him.
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The trial starts much smoother than expected. The Hillbilly seems to be focused on chasing Ace and Cheryl, and Felix manages to get two generators done in between unhooking and healing them. Feng, as is typical of her, sticks purely to generators instead of going for any altruism for the first half of the trial, but then pulls through and unhooks Cheryl from the proxy camping killer.
And then the gamer proceeds to lead him straight to Felix’s generator.
As Felix is hoisted up on a hook, the last generator gets done. Felix doesn’t mind being hooked since it’s his first, more than happy to buy his two teammates dead on hook some time to escape, but he sure as hell isn’t happy with how the thing panned out.
Right as Cheryl is chased out of an exit by the killer, the Entity’s claws descend on Felix in the second phase of the sacrifice process. Ace, injured, is making his way over from the other side of the map, but he barely makes it halfway before he runs into the killer chainsawing across the map.
Felix curses under his breath, annoyed over dying on his first hook because of the selfishness of one of his teammates. Maybe Cheryl will finally see Feng’s true colors, seeing as even now the girl is just—
—running to unhook him at the last second?
The gamer doesn’t offer an explanation, merely grunting from exertion when she pulls his larger frame off the hook while Felix just gapes in confusion.
“Run, you fucktard!” Feng screams when Felix takes half a second longer than she’d like to take off in a sprint.
Luckily the killer still seems occupied with Ace and isn’t returning to defend the exit, and they manage to make it there with plenty of time to spare before the Entity forcibly ends the trial. Felix is just about to suggest they leave to give Ace a chance at the hatch, when he hears the chime of said hatch being opened with a key, signaling the man’s escape.
Now just the two of them remaining in the trial, standing in the safety of the exit gate, Felix sees an opportunity and takes it.
“Thank you for the rescue,” he says, but doesn’t get an answer, Feng merely glancing at him in distrust before looking away. “I don't know if Cheryl told you, but—” he starts, wanting to clear the air.
“You were a cunt about us dating?” the girl snarks, crossing her arms. “She mentioned it, yeah.”
“I see,” Felix says, cringing from embarrassment. “I guess I never realized how much you do for the team—and especially for Cheryl. I'm sorry.”
“Ugh, spare me the fucking sob story,” Feng scoffs. “I'm gonna be with her regardless, but you not acting like a bitch about it will make Cheryl happy. So… I guess it's fine.”
She's crossing her arms and looking away in a gesture of indifference, but is also hiding her reddening cheeks behind her bangs and showing a side of her Felix has never seen before.
“Truce?” Felix asks.
Feng looks at him warily, but then she smirks.
“Only because I could kick your ass any day.”
Felix finds himself huffing out a small laugh in amusement, and when the killer finally comes to chase them out, he’s not even annoyed at the girl’s obnoxious crouching and taunts.
As soon as they make it to the other side of the invisible threshold of the trial grounds, Cheryl and Ace are there waiting for them.
“There you are!” Ace scolds while Cheryl looks between the two, hesitant. “I thought you'd killed each other!”
"We had to stay to say bye to Billy,” Feng says.
And then Cheryl comes up to her and grabs her hand.
“Thank you,” she whispers with a happy smile, and Feng bristles like an angry cat.
“I don't know what you're talking about!” Feng exclaims and stomps further away in embarrassment, tugging Cheryl along with her.
Meanwhile, Ace sidles up to Felix, giving him a wink.
“I told her everything,” Ace explains. “And I also mentioned Feng saved you. You ever consider Cheryl might be a good influence on her, instead of the other way around?”
'No,' Felix should say if he were being completely honest.
“I still don't like her,” Felix says instead.
“Aww, it's okay," Ace says, before turning to where the girls are walking ahead of them, chatting away. "We make a good team, don't we kids?” Ace calls, smirking.
“Sure, grandpa,” Feng shoots back.
Ace gasps in shock and Cheryl has the audacity to snicker, pulling Feng along by her sleeve to continue their conversation in private.
“Well?” Felix prods, raising an eyebrow.
“Oh this means war,” Ace says with a mischievous grin.
When his lover leans in to whisper about replacing all of Feng's skeleton keys with broken ones, Felix feels a smirk tugging on his lips. Even if he no longer minds them being together, he can at least get petty revenge for all the times the gamer has been less than polite to him.
Smiling pleasantly as his boyfriend goes on in detail about putting bugs in the gamer’s toolbox and other practical jokes, Felix decides that if worse comes to worst, he can always just blame Ace for being a bad influence.
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damn-behzinga · 4 years
Best Couple On YouTube
Ethan Payne (Behzinga) X Reader
summary -  You and Ethan take part in Simon’s Best Couple On YouTube series.
warnings - mentions of sex, play fighting, swearing, the power of emon
watch the video here - masterlist and request info
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"Hello and welcome to the Best Couple On YouTube, part two." Simon smiled. "Today I am here with, Freya and Josh who are going against Ethan and Y/n."
You waved and smiled nervously.
"So, I am going to ask one of the contestants five questions about their relationship whilst the other is blindfolded and has headphones on. The other contestant will also answer the same question after and they get a point every time the answers match." Simon explained. "So up first we have Ethan and y/n."
You nodded and put the blindfold on and put the headphones on, nodding to the beat of the loud music. You were like that for a few minutes when you were tapped by Ethan. You took off the items before making your way in front of Simon.
"I asked Ethan, what is your bra size?" Simon chuckled.
"Oh it's (whatever your size is)." You answered.
"Wow, my guy!" Simon laughed and fist-bumped Ethan.
"Did you get that right?" You chuckled before high-fiving Ethan.
"Okay, what is your go-to shower song?" Simon asked.
"Oh, a classic I Will Always Love You." You giggled.
The two of you high five again as Simon laughed at you.
"What was the memorable date you've been on?" Simon asked.
"Um, this is hard." You muttered. "I think when we got drunk and danced in the rain. It's cheesy but we were just drunk as fuck but yeah." You shrugged.
Simon pretended to gag and you roll your eyes at him. "That's wrong, by the way."
"What did you say?" You turned to Ethan.
"I didn't remember that." Ethan sighed. "I said when our reservations  got cancelled and we were dressed up and we ended up just going to Nandos in a fucking suit and a nice dress."
"Anyway, I asked Ethan what's your go-to McDonalds order." Simon prompted.
"Oh easy that's (your answer)." You smiled. "I use his Uber Eats account when I'm at his apartment so he gets the confirmation email," Ethan smirked and fist-bumped you again.
"Okay finally, what is the best gift Ethan has ever got you?" Simon questioned.
"This is hard." You muttered. "Um, you got me that painting of my grandparents which was beautiful."
"Ah shit." Ethan groaned. "I said the Gymshark gift bag."
You snorted. "You're a dick."
Ethan giggled before Simon said, "You got three points."
"That's decent." The two of you high-fived before sitting on the stools so Freya and Josh could take their turn.
Freya and Josh also got three and soon you and Ethan were sat on stools with a screen between the two of you so you couldn't see them. 
"Okay, so there are seven questions you have to hold up the shoe of the person whom you think it corresponds to. So if it is Ethan, you hold up the trainer, if it's y/n you hold up the heel." Simon explained. "Got it?"
You nodded.
"Okay, who is the horniest?" Simon asked you and Ethan.
You snorted at the sudden question.
"Jeez, no holding back!" Freya commented.
You looked at the two shoes and tried to figure out before hesitantly raising your shoe. Simon noted it down and you giggled. 
"Who is more likely to forget someone's birthday, anniversary, so on?" Simon asked. You rolled your eyes and held up your shoe again, glaring at Simon.
"Who said I love you first?" Simon asked.
You raised Ethan's shoe and smiled sheepishly.
"Who is more likely to cry at a movie?" You quickly held up Ethan's shoe when a few seconds later you heard him mumble,
"This is a hard one." Causing you to snort with laughter and Freya and Josh quickly joining in.
"Who is more romantic?" Simon asked. You held up your shoe and grinned proudly.
"These are good questions, you know," Josh said.
"Who will apologise first?" Simon asked. You held up Ethan's shoe and raised an eyebrow.
"Who is more likely to order a kids meal?" You held up Ethan's shoe once again.
"Okay, now it's Freya and Josh's turn." Simon smiled. You and Ethan swapped seats with Josh and Freya.
Once Josh and Freya were finished Ethan had to be blindfolded as you got asked the questions. You watched as Ethan nodded to the music and laughed before turning to Simon.
"In what order would Ethan rate your body parts? Eyes, lips, thighs." Simon asked.
"Um." You paused trying to go through your thoughts. "I think he'll be torn between thighs and eyes, to be honest. But I'll say eyes, thighs, then lips." 
"All right, what line is the best representation of your sex life?" Simon asked and you let out a groan. "'Cuddles'? 'The neighbours know my name'? 'My parents get more action'? Or 'I’m either fucking or working so the grind don’t stop’?"
"Oh my God." You let out a laugh and tried to stop the reddening of your cheeks. "It's between two. Either the neighbours know my name or cuddles. I'm going to say the neighbours know my name." You quickly hid your face in your hands whilst Freya and Josh cheered.
"Calm down kids." Simon chuckled. "Now, where's the weirdest place you and Ethan have- you know - done the deed?" 
"What are these questions?" You exclaimed.
"I know this." Freya smiled proudly causing everyone to send a baffled look her way.
"What the fuck is going on?" Simon laughed. "I am curious as to why the fuck Freya knows."
"Talia and Gee know as well." You explained.
"That doesn't make it better!" Josh let out a loud laugh.
"Anyway, what is the weirdest place you've had sex?" Simon asked.
"On the balcony of my old apartment." You bit your lip and tried to suppress the heat growing on your cheek. Simon gave you a look of confusion before you rushed out, "There were a few blankets!"
"I don't want to know," Simon exclaimed.
"Just move on!" You exclaimed.
"Out of these options, which would Ethan prefer? Running your fingers through his hair? Being the little spoon? Or getting flowers?" Simon questioned.
"Oh running my fingers through his hair!" You answered quickly.
"Awe is Ethan a softie?" Simon teased as you giggled. "Okay, if Ethan was to describe you in one word, what would it be?"
"Fit as fuck." Freya commented, a smirk on her face.
"Hey!" Josh exclaimed as you winked at her.
"Um, I'm thinking-" You paused. "He'll either say amazing or loser." Simon barked out a laugh. "I'm going with 'loser'."
"So you think Ethan would describe you as a loser?" Simon asked and you nodded, laughing slightly. "Okay, do you want to go get Ethan and see how many you get right?"
You made your over to Ethan and tapped him before he pulled off his headphones and blindfold.
"Fucking Hell. Those lights are bright!" Ethan laughed.
"Welcome back Ethan." Simon smiled. "In what order would you rate y/n's body parts? Eyes, lips, thighs."
"Okay, for the record, I love everyone one of those!" Ethan quickly said. "I'm going to go with your eyes, then your thighs, and then lips." 
"Yes!" You cheered before fist-bumping Ethan.
"Okay, which of these lines represent your sex life? 'Cuddles'? 'The neighbours know my name'? 'My parents get more action'? Or 'I’m either fucking or working so the grind don’t stop'?" Simon asked, a grin on his face as Ethan started blushing.
"Oh fuck." Ethan let out a chuckle. "I'll say, 'The neighbours know my name'."
"Oh thank God." You laughed.
"Where's the weirdest place you've had sex or close to it?" Simon asked Ethan who let out a loud laugh.
"Um, we did something in someone's car..." Ethan's voice trailed off as you gasped, covering your mouth.
"Simon if you keep that in, I will kill you." You said.
"Did you not say that?" Ethan went red.
"No. I said the balcony!" You exclaimed, covering your face.
"I was not expecting that." Simon widened his eyes looking down at his phone. "Um, moving on." He laughed.
"Bro, what are these question?" Ethan exclaimed. "Them two got 'Where did you go on your first date?' Bro, holy shit!" You were all crying with laughter as Ethan went on his rant.
"Anyway!" Simon interrupted, still chuckling slightly. "I asked y/n, out of these options, which would you prefer? Running her fingers through your hair? Being the little spoon? Or getting flowers?"
"Oh running her fingers through my hair," Ethan answered quickly.
Simon awed before reading out, "What word you use to describe y/n?"
"Amazing." Ethan smiled causing you to awe and wrap your arms around him.
Simon pretended to gag before laughing. "She said loser!" 
You and Ethan laughed.
"You are a bit of a loser sometimes." Ethan nodded. You gasped and slapped his shoulder lightly. Freya and Josh then took their turn as you and Ethan commented throughout their round.
Once their round was over, you and Ethan were stood beside Simon whilst Freya and Josh were stood on the opposite side.
"I forgot to ask for your team names," Simon said.
"Our team name is Fuck Ethan And Y/n!" Josh exclaimed.
"Well, our team name is If This Ends Badly I'm Running Away With Freya!" You smiled teasingly.
"I thought we were doing that anyway." Freya scrunched up her eyebrows.
"What?" Josh asked.
"What?" Freya replied before you winked at her.
"This was a close call but the winners are Freya and Josh!" Simon cheered.
Josh and Freya started cheering.
"I'm proud that you didn't lose because you have been together so much longer than us." You commented.
"Fuck! It's because of the balcony!" Ethan exclaimed.
"The fucking balcony!" Simon laughed.
"Did we get all seven right?" You asked.
"Yeah. Did we?" Freya asked and you nodded. "So it was where you had sex in the weirdest place?"
"Ethan I can't believe you exposed me like that." You facepalmed. 
You shoved him playfully but he quickly retaliated by wrapping his arm around your neck and started to rub your head with his knuckles, giving you a noogie. You pulled at his arm but you didn't do too much damage because you were laughing too hard. Simon just threw his hands in the air and shrugged at the camera. Freya and Josh just laughed as they watched the two of you play fight.
Simon just yelled, "Thank you all for watching, we've all lost the plot! Leave a like and subscribe, everyone's links will be in the description. Peace!"
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yahyahgukkie · 4 years
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nct threesome with| s.johnny and l.donghyuck
warnings: pure filth, mxfxm, mxf, mxm, unprotected sex, praise kink, size kink, cum swallowing, cum sharing
johnny watches breathlessly as you ride haechan’s face, the boy underneath you slowly guiding your hips at the pace he wanted. johnny knew it was wrong, he did, but he couldn’t take his eyes off the two of you. it wasn’t his fault that he had caught the both of you in the act, really, he had forgotten his jacket and had to come back upstairs to grab it.
the day started out like any other, you had brought snacks for all of the members and spent your free time with haechan. when it started getting dark taeil decided he wanted to eat out for dinner, and everyone agreed on a place, except for haechan. haechan explained to his hyungs that you would just get delivery and watch a movie, but of course he was lying through his teeth.
as soon as the dorm door clicked shut haechan was one you, pulling you up to your feet and to his bedroom.
“you’ve been being such a good girl jagi, i thought i would show you how much i appreciate you.” haechans voice is a deep pur as he pulls you into the room, pushing the door closed with his foot, eyes settling on your frozen form. haechan takes a step closer, pushing you back on his bed, smiling mischievously as you hit it with a soft ‘thud’.
“undress for me jagi, slow, put on a show.” haechan begins to strip himself, slowly tugging his shirt over his head before pausing to watch you. there’s a soft blush on your cheeks as you undress, settling onto you knees and pulling your top over your head, deciding to take you pants off next. you try not to make eye contact with him, pretending to find the material interesting as you pull it off your body. one by one you take each article of clothing off, making sure to follow haechan’s instructions.
haechan is silent when you finish, crawling onto the bed with you. your boyfriend presses his lips to your own, cupping your jaw between his hands as he deepens the kiss, letting his tongue slip into your mouth. you both moan, your hands coming up to cup his face and grasp his shoulder for support.
“i want you to ride my face.” haechan moans, both of you breathless when he breaks the kiss. you blink at him, confusion and desire clouding your every thought.
haechan chuckles at your expression, reaching out to pull you against him. your boyfriend presses a quick kiss to your lips before lying down on the bed. haechan grips your thighs, guiding you to his mouth.
“fuck haechan.” you moan, hips grinding down against his tongue. haechan locks his arms over your thighs, groaning into your heat each time you rocked your hips. you reach one hand up to grab your own breast, tugging softly at the peaked bud.
“so good ja-.”
“shit!” you instantly clumsy fall off of haechan, burying yourself under the sheets while haechan stood between you and the intruder. you all panted wildly for what felt like hours before the culprit on the ground finally looked up.
“hyung, what the hell?!” johnny is now sat up right on the floor, desperately trying to explain himself. haechan yelling at him in confusing, and you staring at the bulge in johnny’s skinny jeans.
“y/n, y/n, what are you-“
“we don’t have to tell anyone about this.” you chirp, silencing both of the men. they now starred at you, waiting for you to elaborate on the suggestion.
“we could, just not tell anyone, a-and enjoy each other.” johnny’s face lit up in realization, haechan’s still scrunched in confusion.
“i don’t get it...” the younger male mumbled, watching as johnny slowly stood up and stepped closer to you both.
“she’s saying she wants to have a threesome.” johnny groans, pushing the younger male back on the bed. haechan is frozen for a moment, before a devilish smile creeps on to his features. johnny towers over the both of you, pinning you both into place with his graze as he decided what he wanted to do.
“get undressed for hyung, sunnie.” johnny orders, turning his attention to you as haechan took off his last articles of clothing. johnny tugs your head back by your hair, smiling softly when you moaned.
“can you suck daddy’s cock while sunnie fucks you?” you nod eagerly, moving to get into position immediately after johnny let you out of his grasp. you pretend to not see johnny slap haechan’s ass as he scrambles to get behind you. johnny watches for a moment, palming himself through the rough material.
haechan runs the tip of his length along your folds, slowly sinking every inch of himself to you as you both moan in unison. johnny smiles almost pridefully, unbuttoning his jeans and undoing the zipper, pushing them down to pool around his feet.
you tense in surprise, finding that johnny apparently was commando, and that he was fucking huge. you tighten around haechan, the thought of having to take all of him making your stomach drop.
“fuck hyung, i think you scared her.” johnny climbed onto the bed with a soft chuckle, taking your face into his hand as you open your mouth for him. johnny taps his length against you tongue, cursing softly when you take him into your mouth.
johnny threads his fingers through haechan’s locks, yanking him forward by his dark locks. johnny presses his lips against haechan’s, moaning into the kiss softly. haechan seems to enjoy it, fucking into you at a faster pace that pushes johnny’s cock further down your throat.
“fuck sunnie, you’re such a good boy.” haechan whined at the praise, hips stuttering as he continues to fuck you. you whimpered too, wanting the attention haechan was receiving.
“you want my attention too?” johnny coos, pulling out of your mouth and up until you were level with him. the man grabs the base of your throat softly, bringing you forward to kiss you. johnny reaches between you both to play with your clit, both of the men holding you in place as you squirm with pleasure.
“you wanted my attention, now fucking take it.” johnny groans, enjoying the tortured expression that settles on your face.
“fuck i-i’m going to cum.” haechan moans, grunting pathetically as johnny continues to toy with you both. he let’s his other hand slip from your throat to haechans nipple, watching as you both began to whine weakly.
“what do we do before we cum?” johnny smiles when you both stared at him in disbelief, baffled that he was doing the to you both.
“please let me cum?”
“i want to cum, hyung.”
johnny tsk softly, cooing as he watched you both stumble to say is properly in unison.
“pl-please let us cum.” you both whine, grinding against both each other and the larger man.
“mmm, both so good for me, cum.” both you and haechan sobbed, you falling forward against johnny’s chest as haechan fucked you both through your orgasms. johnny let you both collapse onto the bed, sitting with his back against the headboard broad as he motioned for you both to come to him. you and haechan shakily crawled towards him, resting on either side of him as he stroked himself.
“make daddy cum.” haechan lays flat on the bed, taking johnny length in his hand, stroking it before taking him into his mouth. you lay down as well, moving beside haechan in order to play with johnny’s balls. you lick over both of them before taking one into your mouth, moaning around it.
“fuckkk, look at me.” you both look up at johnny, moaning teasingly, eyes wide with desire and want. johnny cums immediately, the sight of both of you eagerly pleasing him too much. haechan pulls you to him, sharing the cum with you so that you can taste johnny on your tongue. you all jump in surprise when johnny’s phone rings, the older male quickly answering it.
“yeah?... nothing. i decided i was gonna eat some of the pizza haechan and y/n ordered.” johnny gets up from the bed as he continues to talk, walking to his side of the room to throw on some shorts.
“they’re just watching movies, you know, couple things...” you all visibly cringe at his response, both you and haechan rushing to clean up any sign of sex in the area.
“yeah, of course, i’ll keep an eye on them.” johnny peers over at the two of you, an unreadable expression on his face.
“bye hyung.” johnny sighs deeply before tossing his phone on his bed. he gathers some things in his hands before heading to the door, turning to look at you both.
“no one can know about us, understand?” you and haechan both shake your heads silently, unable to form any word. johnny leaves the room without saying anything else, shutting the door closed behind him. haechan waits for a few moments before he turns to you, looking between you and the door.
“i have to tell mark!”
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