#he’s my atticus finch
doctor-aceus-art · 1 year
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When the farmer comes home after a hard day on the farm ^^
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barbiegirldream · 8 months
did the statistical character analysis and set it onto anime only and these are my top five results so I guess I gotta go watch Fullmetal Alchemist like you guys told me to. Also Sailor Moon and Cowboy Bepop <- I have never heard of this one
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Let’s Get You To Bed
A/N: Not a request just something that I dreamed up. This is my first time writing anything for TKAM so please be gentle with me. 🤍
Pairing: Atticus Finch x Reader
Warnings: Bad writing, typos, terrible grammar, etc. slightly suggestive dialogue at the end if you squint really hard.
Word count: 1,125
Summary: Scout wakes up not feeling good and comes for help.
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It was well past midnight when you heard it. The slow creak of a doors hinges followed by the light patter of a child’s feet. It wasn’t until your bleary eyes met her dark tear stained ones that you were fully awake. She stood quietly for a moment, hands clutching at her worn out teddy bear as she rocked back and forth on her heels.
You sat up on the edge of the bed gently, looking back over your shoulder to make sure that your sleeping husband, Atticus, remained asleep. He’d had a rough few days and deserved a good nights sleep.
Running a hand through your hair, your eyes once again connected with hers and you reached for her. Smiling softly when she wasted no time in coming to you, releasing her teddy bear and letting it fall to the floor with a gentle “thud”, she clambered onto your lap. Head resting in the nook between your head and shoulder as you cradled her gently.
“Scout, sweetheart, what’s wrong?” Your voice hushed in an effort to not wake her sleeping father.
“I don’t feel good…” she paused, hands grasping your nightgown tightly before carrying on, “and, Jem said to go back to bed but I can’t.”
At this you nodded, wiping stray tears that rolled down flushed cheeks, hand molding to her forehead in an effort to check her temperature. A small smile quirking her lips upward as she nuzzled against your palm, enjoying the attention.
“You do have a fever.” You whispered back, placing a kiss where your hand had been, “let’s get you back to bed, hm?”
She nodded, rubbing her eyes tiredly as you carried her back to her room. Little fingers playing mindlessly with the seam on the shoulder of your nightgown. The simplicity of it making you smile for a second before you laid her back down, pulling her covers back up.
“I’ll be right back ok?” You assured, gently combing your fingers through her hair only to have her shake her head from side to side, her hand grabbing at your arm.
“Don’t go.” She pleaded, fingers lacing with yours.
“Scout? Y/N?” Jem’s tired voice echoed quietly from across the room, before he appeared at the foot of the bed.
“Scout, I told you not to make a fuss and go to sleep.” He scolded, eyes narrowed at his younger sister.
“Shut up, Jem.”
“Quiet you two.” Your interjection grabbing both their attentions, “are you feeling ok?”
Your attention now turned to Jem as you shifted to face him. The look on his face as stoic as one his Father would fix someone with. The sight making you want to smile for a second, before looking over him. He too had slightly flushed cheeks, but being in the stage of life that he was, he’d pretend it was nothing.
“Come here.” You motioned, beckoning him toward you with your free hand. Resting your wrist on his forehead you decided he felt a bit warm too, a fact that made you bite down on your lip.
“You go get back into bed too, I’ll be there in a second.”
“But, Y/N -“
“Hush.” You smiled at him, before standing up to make your way to the bathroom. Wetting a washcloth and grabbing some aspirin, you made your way back to their shared room. Shaking your head humorously at the sight of Jem now sitting on the corner of Scout’s bed.
“Here, both of you take these.” Passing out the pills to both outstretched hands, only to be met with Jem telling you there was nothing to take them with.
“Put this on your sisters forehead and I’ll go get some water.” Passing him the washcloth, a grin turned the corner of your lips upward at the sound of them chattering, “what’s this for?”
“She’s trying to bring your fever down.”
“It’s cold!”
“It’s supposed to be! How else would you expect it to work?” Jem’s voice a bit more stern now as he explained.
“Whisper your Dad’s sleeping.” You chuckled, passing them both water to take the pills.
“I told Scout not to wake you or Atticus up but she doesn’t listen.” He stated, fixing a glare at his yawning sister.
“It’s ok.” You assured, placing Scout’s glass on her bedside table, “let’s get you back to bed too.”
Nodding tiredly, he moved across the room to his own bed, surprising you when he let you pull his blankets over him.
“If you guys need anything else…” you paused, tucking the blanket under his chin, “holler and I’ll come help you.”
He nodded tiredly, eyes almost shut as he whispered a nearly silent “thank you, Y/N.”
Your heart melting slightly at the sight of the two children. They were so precious to you, and you were so happy that they’d accepted you the way the did. It was hard to have a stepparent, but they’d seemed to have taken it in stride. The smile that covered your face, dissipating into a look of shock as you spotted Atticus leaned against the door frame.
Glasses on and hair mussed from sleeping as he surveyed the room. The moonlight highlighting one side of his face and lacing through his ebony colored locks resting heavily on the few gray hairs that had taken place on his temples. The sight soon making the shock disappear as soon as it had appeared.
Ushering him away from the door, you left it cracked slightly as the two of you tiptoed out into the hall.
“Are they ok?” He inquired, eyebrow raised quizzically as he peered back toward the door you’d left ajar.
“They’ve got fevers, they’ll have to miss school. It’s probably the flu, Maudie said it’s going around.” You explained, smiling as his fingers traced your jaw before his hand rested on your forehead.
“And you, how’re you feeling?” A teasing smile flirting on his lips, replacing his hand with a tender kiss.
“I’m feeling much better now.” Smiling up at him you returned the actions, “and how are you feeling, Mr. Finch?”
Your tone hushed, as you whispered it against his skin, eyes doe like as you pulled back to look in his onyx colored ones. Placing one last playful smooch on his cheek, which flushed under your lips.
“I’m feeling a bit warm.” Resting his arms around your waist he embraced you, your head taking up residence against his shoulder, “especially now.”
“Maybe we should get you back to bed too?” You suggested coyly, pulling back so that your gaze rested on him.
“I think that’s a marvelous idea.” A smile covering his lips with his hand resting on the small of your back as he guided you back to your room
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it’s kinda funny to me how, even though my biggest problem with Roger Ebert is how middle of the road white liberal his takes and blind spots were, he’s also one of the only mainstream film critics who actually has To Kill a Mockingbird’s number. Some quotes from his retrospective review:
To Kill a Mockingbird, set in Maycomb, Alabama, in 1932, uses the realities of its time only as a backdrop for the portrait of a brave white liberal.
The courtroom scenes are the most celebrated in the movie…Atticus' summation to the jury is one of Gregory Peck's great scenes, but of course the all-white jury finds Tom Robinson guilty anyway…The problem here, for me, is that the conviction of Tom Robinson is not the point of the scene, which looks right past him to focus on the nobility of Atticus Finch.
Atticus drives out to Tom Robinson's house to break the sad news to his widow, Helen. She is played by Kim Hamilton (who is not credited, and indeed has no speaking lines in a film that finds time for dialog by two superfluous white neighbors of the Finches)…[Bob Ewell] lurches out of the shadows and says to [one of the men], "Boy, go in the house and bring out Atticus Finch." One of the men does so, Ewell spits in Atticus's face, Atticus stares him down and drives away. The black people in this scene are not treated as characters, but as props, and kept entirely in long shot. The close-ups are reserved for the white hero and villain.
This is a tricky note to end on, because it brings Boo Radley in literally from the wings as a distraction from the facts: An innocent black man was framed for a crime that never took place, he was convicted by a white jury in the face of overwhelming evidence, and he was shot dead in problematic circumstances. Now we are expected to feel good because the events got Boo out of the house.
To Kill a Mockingbird is, as I said, a time capsule. It expresses the liberal pieties of a more innocent time, and it goes very easy on the realities of small-town Alabama in the 1930s. One of the most dramatic scenes shows a lynch mob facing Atticus, who is all by himself on the jailhouse steps the night before Tom Robinson's trial. The mob is armed and prepared to break in and hang Robinson, but Scout bursts onto the scene, recognizes a poor farmer who has been befriended by her father, and shames him (and all the other men) into leaving…Could a child turn away a lynch mob at that time, in that place? Isn't it nice to think so.
like, you know what Roger? gotta give it up to you for this one. you nailed it.
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cowboy-lover69 · 10 months
Atticus Finch SFW ABCs
this was going to be out WAY sooner but my laptop broke so I had to get it fixed
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GIF by vintageblr
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
I don’t think Atticus is super affectionate when you first start dating. As the relationship continues, it gets a bit more affectionate, but not by much. Little kisses, hugs, and hugs but nothing crazy. He's not a fan of PDA, so he relegates long kisses and cuddling to the bedroom or in private.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
Atticus is a great friend. You guys would most likely live near each other since Maycomb is a close-knit town, considering everyone knows everyone for the most part besides people who live farther out. As a friend, he would always have your back and if you asked for a favor, he would gladly agree. I feel like he’s a little playful around you when you guys are friends since he gets to let go of his stern persona and be more of himself. He is a bit of a tease but only lightheartedly.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Atticus doesn't cuddle unless they are in private; he's just not a fan of PDA, as I mentioned earlier. You guys usually cuddle when you go to sleep together or if he is reading a book in bed. You usually have your head on his chest, and he has one arm wrapped around you. 
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
Interested in settling down considering Atticus is 49-50 and has two kids, so I doubt he would date if he didn’t think of it being serious. He isn't very good at. Cooking especially, that is why he hired Calpurnia. He’s not too bad at other things, he’s good with Jem and Scout and good at laundry.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
Atticus would feel so bad. He would wait until the last possible moment. When the moment comes, he will take you out somewhere and then tell you. He plans out what he's going to say before he does. He’s very polite and apologetic but well-worded. Furthermore, he doesn't go on about it, he tries to be brief.  If you beg him back, he will stay firm in his decision, he's not easily swayed on that front. If he thought it was a good idea for you two to be together, we would have stayed. He tends to think things out, so he would have done that first if he thought there was any way to make things work.
F = Fiancé(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quickly would they want to get married?)
Commitment is a big deal for Atticus. He would wait a while before he committed, he would want to get to know you and make sure Jem and Scout like you. It would probably take 6–9 months from getting feelings for him to be ready to date you. He is getting up there in age, so he would probably marry you a little faster than he would like to. A little less than a year. I feel like if he didn’t feel the pressures of his age getting to him, he would probably wait a year and a half.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Atticus is very gentle. He’s normally very calm and soft-spoken around you, at least when talking with you. He’s a little fragile since he’s older, so physically he’s also very gentle, both for you and because he doesn’t want to wear himself out.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Atticus likes hugs and doesn't mind them.  He doesn't do it often, but if you offer him a hug he definitely won’t resist. His hugs are very soft and warm. He doesn't hold you super tight, just in a slightly firm grip. When he hugs you, he tends to put one of his hands on the back of your head.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
It takes a long time for Atticus to get comfortable with the idea of dating you, so it is going to take him a long time to say I love you. He doesn't want to come off too strong, and he doesn't want to rush into anything. It takes him a while, probably 4 or 5 months of being together. He just wants to wait for the perfect moment.  
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
Atticus doesn't come off as a jealous person, and he isn't. It's not like he's never been jealous, but he usually doesn't act on it, at least he tries not to. If someone is getting handsy or flirty with you, he will step in. He will go up to the person and respectfully but firmly tell them to back off. Usually, that's enough to get someone to stop, but if it keeps going on he will get a little more irritated.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Again, Atticus is not super affectionate, but he doesn't mind kissing you every once in a while when out and about and such. Small kisses on the lips and forehead are just about his speed, kissing-wise. He’s okay with you kissing him anywhere as long as you don’t get too passionate in public. 
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
Atticus has kids and he is great with them. Things have been hard since his wife died, but it was so long ago he's now gotten into a routine. He 100% won’t be with you if you aren't good with Jem and Scout, or they don’t like you. His kids are his priority always. 
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Mostly peaceful it depends on the day. If it's in the summer the kids are out of school and they quickly eat breakfast and head off to spend time with Dill. so in the summers if Atticus doesn't have work that day you guys sleep in at least till the kids leave and have a relaxing morning. If Atticus is lucky, Jem and Scout are not rushing out of the door so they can have a family breakfast.  During the school year, it's a bit different, a little more chaotic but after Scout and Jem leave for school it's peaceful for the most part. 
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
After Atticus gets back from work you all have dinner. Then Atticus puts Jem and Scout to bed. You and Atticus get in bed and he reads for a bit, or you guys talk until you want to get to sleep.  He's not a fan of staying up late.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
Atticus is pretty upfront with you when you guys first start getting serious. He didn't want to surprise you or think he was hiding something so he laid it all on the table. He doesn’t have a whole lot of things to hide but it's mostly things about his deceased wife and his family. With his emotions though he takes a lot longer to feel comfortable being vulnerable.    
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
Atticus is a very patient man. He can get frustrated but he seldom raises his voice. He hates doing it. When he gets frustrated most of the time he just gets stern, he doesn't raise his voice super often. 
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or forget everything?)
Atticus remembers the important things. Places you like, foods you like, etc, but for instance if you say you like this random girl's coat he wouldn’t remember that.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
The small things. Atticus is not big on big grand shows of affection so he loves all the small things. Late-night talks, small touches, etc. 
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Atticus would pretty much do anything for you if need be, but in the town of Maycomb, there is not much he would have to protect you from. If anything were going on with him that would put you in any danger he would try to get you as non-involed as possible.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
Atticus 100% would put lots of effort into dates and stuff like that, but as I said earlier he's not a grand gesture sorta guy. He's dates would be very low-key. Dinners at a local diner or walks in the park. I feel like he would not get you a gift for your guy's anniversary every year probably only big important ones, like 1 Year, 10 years, etc. If you need help with everyday tasks he would do his best but he’s a busy man and does not always have the time, but he tries.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
Atticus is not good with being open with you about his feelings as I said earlier. I feel like he thinks if he is open and vulnerable with you you would like him less, since he has this persona of being this strong father and care-giver type people tend to lean on him not the other way around.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
Atticus is not completely unconcerned with his looks but I don’t think he is vain or anything. He wants to make sure he always looks presentable even more so while he is at work, but around you and at home he is slightly less concerned with looking well-groomed and professional.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Atticus is quite familiar with losing loved ones since his wife is dead. I think he would certainly be very upset without you, but I think he would just pick himself back up and keep going since he's not unfamiliar with loss.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
Loves taking walks with you. Atticus loves walking in general but even more with you. His preferred time of day for walks is in the afternoon or early morning. He just loves being able to spend that extra time with you. 
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
Atticus won't be with someone who doesn't like kids. Jem and Scout are very important to him, so if you didn’t care for them he would not see any sort of future with you. Or the other way around Jem and Scout don’t like you. If they don’t like you consider it done since he cares about his kids liking his partner.
Z = Zzz (What are their sleep habits?)
Quiet and still sleeper. Atticus sometimes snores but otherwise, you could mistake him for a corpse. He does have trouble sleeping if he can’t read or relax before bed. He is a light sleeper though, he's learned to be so he can wake up if Scout or Jem calls him.
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kurtcobainindresses · 5 months
my take on challengers
1. not about the movie itself but i'm so excited for what seems to be the first occurrence of monoculture in a while it's so fun to all be talking about the same thing and it not being t swizzle related
2. i'm so sorry for this but i don't think zendaya has enough gravitas to carry the movie. like she's very good as the alluring figure you're attracted to right away but as soon as she starts speaking i can see the wheels turning in her head and it's clear to me she's not embodying the character as a person with a past and memories as much as emulating whatever emotion tashi's supposed to feel in a given scene. this is even worse in the "present timeline" scenes like i just did not get 30yo mom who is bitter and dissatisfied and weary at all her body language was the exact same in every timeline when she's supposed to be at very different stages in her life
3. continuation of the preceding point but there's no triangle if all three relationships aren't equally as entrancing!!!! and to me the scenes between art and patrick were a 100% more interesting than any of the scenes they had with tashi individually unfortunately. i just didn't get anything from zendaya
4. i like that the attraction between art and patrick was implied BUT it could have been taken further imo. we see patrick swiping (left or right i don't remember) on a guy on tinder so we know there's something going on there but what about art???? are we just supposed to think tashi repressed him so bad he just forgot about it??? (and yeah the final scene yada yada. i know. but still it felt like it still went unacknowledged for quite a while)
5. some of the editing choices were bad ie. the timestamps which were unnecessary after the first time (we could tell by the length of their hair!!!) and the slomo at certain points (when tashi was walking down the alleyway like it was a runway with her fuckass bob 😭😭😭)
6. the score fucks trent reznor and atticus finch you will always be famous
7. josh o'connor. how do you do it
8. blood orange during the almost threesome was so good. i need to know who is responsible for this
9. the non-chronological storytelling got kind of cheap for me at the end. it kinda did a disservice to the movie because it made it hinge on a bunch of big reveals we all had guessed a while ago so quite unnecessary in my opinion (and yes i know the back and forth is supposed to mirror a tennis match but to me this is style over substance and not in an interesting or original way)
10. all in all this is a fun movie but not quite all it's made out to be.....i think it could've been stellar if we'd had a real trio and a real presence at the center of the movie which i don't think zendaya can be quite yet!!! but ykw. we let keanu do it twenty years ago and we're letting john david washington do it now so zendaya should be allowed to as well!
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ballad-of-birdy-lamb · 4 months
heyyaaaaa can i pretty please request for an atticus x reader? maybe atticus grows a little liking for his new neighbor (reader) and has been inviting them over for dinner a little too often and his kids are like “you sure you don’t like them 🤔?” And atticus tries to brush it off but it’s very obvious
You never knew how much I really like you.
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Atticus Finch x Gender Neutral! Reader romantic headcanon to (small) fic Summary: Atticus's feelings were beyond noticeable, even to Jem and Scout Warnings: None Word Count: 1.4k ₊˚⊹ᰔಇ.
The first time Jem and Scout see Atticus so red in the face is when they are walking back from returning Dill to his house. Their father was standing by your fence, smiling happily as you talked about your day. His cheeks were red as he admired you. When the two got close enough, they heard him ask you to come over for dinner. You accepted it as any good new neighbor does, said your goodbyes, and went back into the home.
“You’re real red-faced, Atticus,” Scout would point out, squinting to look up at her father. Atticus looked over at them and wiped his face, not realizing how obvious it was. He picked her up carefully and walked down the sidewalk back to their home.
“It’s from the sun,” he justifies casually. They felt it was off, he was in the sun all the time, grew up in the south, and they never saw him sweat or undone. His justification made little sense to them.
Atticus spent the night helping Calpurnia set the dining room up for dinner later that night, setting the table with the fine China the kids barely saw outside of very nice holidays or very nice guests. Each moment made Scout and Jem question him more.
“They’re just a new neighbor, why do they get the good China?” Scout would ask plainly, though her tone carried an odd judgmental characteristic. Atticus shook his head and set another plate in Jem’s usual spot.
“They’re still new to the town, it’s good to show them that they’re welcome,” Atticus answered and gave the girl the forks, motioning for her to help set up too.
The dinner was spent with Atticus (a little too cheerfully by Jem’s idea) asking you questions about your life before coming to Maycomb, what you did for a living, and how you were as a person. Scout and Jem would occasionally pipe in and ask you questions, mostly having to do with how you feel about random things (things they like, the Radleys, etc.).
The dinner would end well… that’s what Jem and Scout would say if they didn’t have to go to bed before you left. While they got ready for the night, they occasionally would hear your laugh with Atticus’s, and the sound of the dishes being put away. Just before you left, they got to their bedroom window, watching you leaving the house with a smile. Atticus was probably smiling too, again, a little too red-faced for Scout and Jem to think it was nothing but the sun.
Weeks would go by and seeing you over in their home wasn’t new at some point. The two would wait, watching the corner for Atticus to come home, getting bored from it, and look around to find him talking to you. You stood by your white fence and spoke with great joy on your face, a similar expression on their father's face. They could only guess what was offered by Atticus once they saw the fine China later that night.
“Do you think adults cannot have normal adult friendships?” Atticus asked, sitting down in the living room chair, the accusations of adoration finally spilled by Scout. The sound of sizzling food in the kitchen filled the home with a warm glow, not only from the smell but also from the warm orange light. Scout stood with a blank face and shook her head.
“No,” she said aimlessly. Atticus smiled slightly at her bluntness.
“You had them over twice last week alone,” Jem chirped as he walked from the dining room. “And all the food Calpurnia keeps making for you both are very nice.”
“I treat my guests well,” Atticus stated simply, picking up his book, and opening one of the pages. “I am nothing more than a friend.”
The dinner was spent again like the weeks before, Atticus getting more comfortable with the talking points, and accepting whatever witty comment you made with a chuckle. Scout would fake a gag if a topic changed to something more romantic than she would want her father to be a part of and Calpurnia would pull her away and give her a talk about being kind to her guests. But you weren’t a guest at this point! You essentially live here!
Atticus couldn’t hate you, neither could Jem and Scout. You were kind, even if their father found you fond in a way beyond friendship, it was slightly understandable. You spent your time telling them interesting stories about your life before Maycomb, odd stories about how you’d live before the simplicity of now.
“Atticus likes them,” Jem would say, sifting through his pyjama drawer. You had arrived that night barely an hour before their usual bedtime, only giving them a small amount of time to chat and ask questions.
“I know,” said Scout honestly.
The dinners get more personal, later in the day, there is more time for you and Atticus to be alone without the children needing entertainment, allowing adult talk. Jem and Scout being gone meant he was left with you, getting your attention more to how he truly acted.
The redness of his cheeks, the smile on his face most of the dinner didn’t just get past you. You have been over so many times there wasn’t a moment when you didn’t notice those things. By the end of the dinner, you found your way to the swing on the porch.
“How do you feel about me?” You asked after several seconds of awkward silence. The night had grown quiet, the only sound was the chirps of crickets and cicadas. Atticus sat so close the warmth of your thigh was felt by his own.
“What do you mean?” Atticus asked after clearing his throat. He gently took his glasses from his face and wiped the lenses with a handkerchief. You hesitated momentarily, wondering if you were overreacting and overthinking, or if your ideas were true.
“I mean…,” you trail off, turning your eyes to your hands. “Do you like me?”
Atticus wiped the lenses of his glasses carefully, smiling slightly at the idea. “I do like you,” he admitted, looking away from his glasses for a second to look at you. “You’re very kind, a good neighbor if you will.”
You muse at his answer and shake your head. “No! I mean to have feelings for me. Do you like me like that?” You hastily specify, watching him closely. Atticus moved slowly, taking his time cleaning one of the smudges from the left lens. It was horrific how slow he was moving to answer. “I’ve seen how you look at me.”
“I am glad you can see,” Atticus jokes with a small smile, placing his glasses back on the bridge of his nose. “I have grown a fondness for you… I wouldn’t say it grew as time went on, I thought you were attractive when I first saw you.”
Your eyes stayed on him as he spoke, taking in his words silently. “I’m sorry I couldn’t tell you at a romantic moment, over a nice dinner or something you would have preferred. But since you asked, I might as well confess,” his words flowed out naturally, like he was in front of a jury, confessing something minute.
“Prove it,” you challenge. It was mostly a joke, very obviously too, but part of you wanted to know he wasn’t just saying those things to get your hopes up. No, Atticus wouldn’t do that. Then again, you only knew so much.
“A kiss then?” He straightened himself and sighed. “I usually wait a bit, but lord only knows how long I’ve got. I might as well kiss you before I can’t.”
Your head went from a slow to a quick nod. Yeah, that is true. Getting a kiss in wouldn’t hurt anyone, definitely not you. Your face was beyond warm and if Atticus dared to touch your face now, he might ask if you’re sick, which wouldn’t be preferred for obvious reasons. “Yeah… yeah, that will do,” you mutter with a smile.
Atticus nodded and moved until your thigh squished against his. It was very obvious he hadn’t done such a thing in a long while, he was beyond rusty with you in his hold, his hands moving from your shoulders to your upper arms. The smell of sandalwood filled your nose as he moved his glasses to his head, letting them sit carefully before leaning in just enough.
His lips were warm, thankfully. You could only hope yours were too since it seemed your spirit left your body at that moment. Atticus was just as gentle when he kissed as when he spoke, keeping it intense enough to be romantic but not too much to be something more. Your hands, almost like instinct, help his lapel, needing to keep him close.
If only he could kiss you forever.
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snoopsnoop07 · 5 months
TIME SKIP Osamu Miya x Reader x Nanami kento
By Sophie and Phoenix
SMUT!!!! DON'T READ IN PUBLIC. 10/10 SUPER SPICY😱😱😱🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥😨😨😨😨😨😨 MAKES YOUR STOMACH DO THE THING (tapeworms) No miners interact😡😡😡😡😡 or u will face the consequences 😱😱
I was walking home back from work where I would see my glorious husband OSAMU (we all say in unions). I didn’t feel sigma today so when I came home my man was making SIGMA MEALS!!! SKIBIDI SLICERS!! i cum home and as I walked through the door I bumped into my GLORIOUS gray eyed king “Hey sweetheart” he smiled. I collapsed into his arms because I'm not feeling very alpha wolf sigma today. “M-my skibidi queen?? What happened??” He said. “Idk- but I have a very important question to ask u…” I pouted “yes my kitten?” he said."w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-what color is my shirt!?!?” I said while Stuttering. He looks at me and lifts my chin up. He leans close to my ear and whispers “𝓽𝓽𝓲𝓮𝓷𝓮𝓼 𝓾𝓷 𝓬𝓪𝓶𝓲𝓼𝓮𝓽𝓪 𝔂 𝓾𝓷𝓪 𝓹𝓲𝓷𝓬𝓱𝓮 𝓬𝓪𝓫𝓮𝔃𝓸𝓽𝓪~….” He seductively kisses my cheeks. I blush and look at him with sparkles in my eyes “wow…. So…𝓻𝓸𝓶𝓪𝓷𝓽𝓲𝓬𝓸” I lick my lips ``well… If you're not feeling very sigma today… I just might have to cheer u up😈😈” Osamu says while looking at me with rizz “Cum with me skibidi queef ima show you how to RUMBLE” Osamu takes my hand and drags me to our humble cardboard room. We plop on our bed and start to caress each other's body. Until we hear two knocks coming from our window. It…. IT WAS NANAMI😱😱 “bae… who’s that?” Osamu says with an Atticus finch eyebrow raise “that’s my co worker NANAMI…” I say nervously. He looks at me and then him. He gets off me for a minute and opens the window. Nanami crawls in from the window and starts crab walking to the bed “don’t mind if I do!” He says while wiggling his toes and fingers in unison “boi! you sir have just won the internet😂!” Osamu says. I blush and spread my legs like a spider “now…. Make me learn how to ride an F150” I pout. “Actually.. I have something better!!!” Osamu says with one finger up. Osamu grabs Nanami's face and OMG!!! OSAMU AND NANAMI START TO MAKE OUT??? ughhhhh I'm so mad!!! Why aren't I getting attention ughhhhhhh. My eyes glow red “when my eyes glow red… 𝓡𝓾𝓷” I say. They keep making out tho!!!! I sigh and give up, but then they separate and crawl towards me. Osamu lays behind me while NANAMI is in front “let me give you the most DEVIOUS backshots lil bro, make me oil u up” Osamu smirks. Nanami smiles and starts to take me to POUND TOWN in the front while Osamu starts to give me devious shots in the back. “Put your hand up for a moment dear~” Nanami whispers. I put it up “now tell me….. put a finger deeowwn if you can SQUIRT '' I put it down and they start to go faster. I can’t even think anymore. “IM COMMING…. ITS CUMMINGGG OUTT. AHHH, AHHH, ITS CUMMING OUTTT😱😱” we all came at the same time “bazinga” we all say in unison.
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buckybarnesss · 11 months
on fire: a teen wolf novel chapters 1-3
on fire was published on july 17, 2012. the day after raving had aired during the show's second season.
it was written by nancy holder who has written many, many tie-in books for multiple franchises but most notably she wrote novels for the buffyverse.
by tapping nancy holder to write the novel confirms to me that mtv was trying to do what teen wolf's spiritual predecessors did and create tie-in novels with the show and on fire was testing the waters for that.
it did not succeed because teen wolf doesn't have the kind of space for that. the timeline is too tight. teen wolf was part of the new netflix binge era. it had a seasons of 12 episodes that were wall-to-wall plot. there weren't silly filler episodes and they didn't do monster of the week plots.
on fire assumes that you have seen episodes 1-5 of the show but it is also an AU of season 1 post-the tell.
i get the vibe that the author was given notes, some information or like an outline that she used to build a plot so it's interesting to see what tid-bits holder uses and refers to that still gel with canon or is consistent with what we know.
this isn't a novelization of season 1 that's for sure but, hey, i took notes.
i'm going to break the novel up into 3 chapter chunks.
so without further ado let's get into it. on fire: a teen wolf novel or as i've been thinkin of it as.
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the novel starts right at the very end of the tell after the parent teacher conferences. 
the way it's described when argent shoots the mountain lion brings to mind the scene in to kill a mockingbird when atticus shoots the rabid dog. chris argent is no atticus finch but he sure does learn to walk a mile in someone else's shoes doesn't he?
i somehow always manage to forget that the tell is the episode where allison turns 17. she doesn’t live to see her 18th birthday. shot through the heart man. 
oh my fucking god scott. the way this is written i imagine holder is trying to invoke derek and kate as if there’s some wild age gap between him and allison when they're like 9 months apart in age. allison is not kate jesus chris. look at this shit:
“scott hadn’t known allison was seventeen, a year older than the other kids in their class -- older than him -- and didn’t want anyone to know.”
Fuck Rafael McCall. Meet me outside and catch these hands.
“he knew his dad wasn’t keeping up with child support payments. not that his mom had ever mentioned it.”
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this is where the transition into heart monitor would be. it is a pretty terrifying dream scott has. peter’s such a dramatic bitch. scott’s dreaming of being in the woods with everything on fire and then he’s being compelled by peter to come kill with him. which just reinforces my whole thing about peter and scott being psychically connected. we don’t see this with any other alpha-beta connection to this degree. derek senses victoria killing scott in raving but we really do not get this in the show very much as it seems to be a Dark Sided power. but we do see peter use it again in season 6a with the whole “you were my beta first” scene. 
scott mentions stiles’s having ADHD so to me that means that nancy holder was definitely working with the idea that stiles does have it. stiles having ADHD seems like a plot thread that got dropped really quickly by the show but remained in dylan’s acting choices and in fandom’s mind.
scott is the only beta we see experience sleepwalking episodes. it seems tied to the compulsion and mental link he shares with feral alpha peter.
the entire paragraph is something. firstly, it wasn't until night school, the episode after this one, that peter tried to push scott into killing his “pack”. but lol melissa called stiles scott’s “litter mate” and stiles wearing his target shirt that he wore in wolf moon and the one that subtextually could reference the nemeton and eventually scott's pack symbol. i don't believe we ever actually saw that shirt again. the tragedy.
“stiles had on his bullseye t-shirt, and it kind of freaked scott out when he wore it. as if it meant that stiles were a target. They both knew the Alpha wanted Scott to kill him to cement Scott’s acceptance that he was a member of the Alpha’s pack. Who better to take down than the guy Scott’s mom had once referred to as his “litter mate”?”
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this is where it's starting to get kind of weird because the plot of this book takes place during season 1 but it’s not strictly following the plot. it feels like an alternate season 1.
jackson has gone missing. when is he not missing is the more appropriate question? 
so chapter 2 starts with scott and stiles joining lydia and allison at The Popular Kids Table to discuss jackson being missing. this wouldn’t have happened in season 1. this dynamic didn’t exist until at minimum season 3. lydia didn’t even acknowledge stiles’s existence until the winter formal at the end of the season. 
jackson’s parents apparently went to paris right after the parent-teacher conference, leaving their high school age child alone for an extended period of time in the middle of the school year? what? no wonder jackson’s fucked up. why didn’t they just go around christmas and instead they waited another three weeks or some shit. that is weird.
jackson’s been left a note from a supposed private investigator about his birth parents while his parents are out of town, which is totally not sus at all. 🙄🙄 lydia's concerned about him looking stupid so she won’t go to the sheriff and she doesn’t even approach jackson’s best friend danny. like, danny would know a lot more about jackson than scott or stiles would. lydia, i know allison is the one who involved scott but for fuck’s sake. 
look even a page later lydia says “he and jackson barely know each other.” then why are you involving scott in what you seem to believe is a personal matter? 
do people just generally know jackson was adopted? i can see lydia knowing but scott and stiles? allison just fucking moved there so she doesn’t know anything about anyone. this is quite the personal piece of information i doubt he’d want others to know lydia. 
this is such an AU because after the parent-teacher conference stiles was giving scott the cold shoulder due to his dad being hurt. 
also stiles is supposedly sitting at this table the entire time lydia, allison and scott are talking and has not given his opinion on the matter yet. very unlike him. if there's one thing stiles has it's opinions on jackson and his father's job. stiles would be all over this.
this fucking line is brutal man -- “stiles was the only person on the planet who knew he had become a werewolf. well, derek knew, too, but derek hardly counted as a person.” that said, i do think it’s accurate to scott’s headspace at this point regarding derek. avoiding seeing derek as a person is a way of detaching himself from the situation he’s found himself in. 
alright so we’ve got a POV change to allison --a nd it’s all about how cute acott is. allison I love you but chill please. 
okay so this is interesting. “her mom had been angry, too. allison could tell that if had been left up to her, she wouldn’t have been so harsh about having to stay all weekend. her mom liked scott.” are we sure we’re talking about the same victoria argent? granted this is pre-werewolf reveal so as far as victoria knows allison is just mooning over a nice normal human boy but i have a hard time imagining this being the same victoria who gave us the crazy eyes and the sharpening your dick metaphor.
this still haunts me.
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"except i won’t get to spend time with scott except at school until i’m, oh, 112.” oh right in the feels
this book really assumes you’ve seen episodes 1-5 of the first season. allison’s mentioning aunt kate and the necklace in a way that makes the assumption the reader knows who and what they are. 
jackson’s password for his tracking app is “captain”. that is worse than the password being lydia or like scott famously having allison as his password. y’all suck and have shitty computer security.
these kids are sophomores in high school and lydia and allison are really having a discussion about jackson going to a pay by the hour motel as if that’s a thing 15-16 year olds do in the california subburbs on a regular basis. as if jackson would lower himself in such a way to begin with. he’s snobby as fuck. it’s such a weird conversation.
i am page 20 and i feel like so far this author hasn’t been very nice to stiles. not having him say a word in the lunch conversation about jackson despite not only being very opinionated about jackson whittermore’s general existence he’d also have thoughts on a missing person. like, he didn’t even speak when his dad was brought up as a possible avenue of help which is odd. then about a page later there’s this sort of tone used around stiles that feels condescending about him being hyperactive.
this paragraph is, uh, something that could’ve only been written in 2012 because it feels gross:
“lydia shrugged. then she turned to allison. “tell you what. if the boys are willing to the motel for us ---” “to a motel. to look for a guy,” stiles said. ”maybe you should ask danny?” danny, their lacrosse team goalie, was gay, out and proud. “he could act, you know, more casual about it.”
that said, it does track with stiles being overly occupied with the perception of his sexuality and that danny does shit he’s way too young to be doing which is written around his sexuality. remember the whole older boyfriend and going to the jungle thing is season 2? 
it has been like 23 pages and allison’s got this subplot where she wants to have sex with scott. like girlie you’ve known scott for 2 days, keep your pants on. (it keeps coming up with scott too and it's annoying, okay).
it took stiles barely a paragraph to mention derek hale when the point of view switched to him. sir. 
i’m laughing at how derek’s point of view is paired with stiles in the way that scott and allison’s are. even in the non-canon book the Sterek Agenda is there. 
“a prankster with a wicked sense of humor.” is what derek refers to peter as before the fire. is that what we are calling it derek because i would disagree.
“i dreamed of other alphas coming after me. why? it’s not a crime to kill an alpha. i’m a werewolf. the way we progress in status is through challenge.” now this is an interesting perspective. werewolves progress via challenges. that's still sort of in-line with what we see in canon.
allison and scott are driving into the seedier side of town. AKA what seems to be where the poors live. scott describes seeing boarded up buildings, pawn shops and “some kind of clinic where you could sell your blood.” which I assume is a plasma center where people donate and get paid in return and this little classist shit says “remind me to never get a blood transfusion.” god he’s such a 16 year old..
i saw kate's name on the next page where chapter 4 is
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rocketboots564 · 1 month
Teen Wolf OC: Enrico’s Dream
Here’s a bit of writing I made for a Teen Wolf OC of mine: Enrico Mahealani, the son of one of Danny’s cousins, who comes to live with him after his father’s death. This takes place after the events of the Teen Wolf Movie, and is part of a sorta fix-it au of mine that I’ve been brainstorming over while watching Teen Wolf for the first time.
For more info on him check out here
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“Life is the art of dying” -Atticus Finch
The dreams started from the moment I moved into Beacon Hills.
It always begins the same way
I open my eyes, standing in the entrance of an old, decrepit house, deep within a forest of some kind. The walls and furniture were grayed and dirtied, covered in dust and mold. It smelled of rot and ash, but more than anything, it had the lingering scent of animal fur and blood. Burn marks decorated nearly everywhere he looked, even parts of the building had caved in or fallen apart, peering out into the forest outside.
“Where am I?” I mutter under my breath, a strange sense of unease and confusion climbing up my spine, snaking its way through my body. The place had been burned down, and ages ago by the looks of it. What little was left standing was covered in soot or marked with claws. Shadows and darkness took shapes in the deepest corners of the many halls and walls of the house, as if someone or something was watching me, an audience of hidden eyes staring upon me like wolves watching their prey. This place was home to tragedy, to souls lost and massacred by hate.
It wasn’t until I started to look around that I heard them… the whispers coming from the stairs. My eyes I darted to the main staircase, tracing up each step as the whispers got louder and louder, as if trying to scrape warn me, clawing their way into my ears and head. At the very top of the stairs, amidst the light of the full moon that blanketed the house, I saw it…
Two bodies, strung together and hung to the ceiling by rope, their feet dangling right above the ground. My heart nearly stopped, my face running cold as I watched them dangle above ground. Their faces were bloodied and scarred, blood dripping from their open wounds. One was a dark-skinned man, his face hung low in an expression of despair. A terrified, betrayed look rung in his dead eyes, as if all he had ever known and loved had turned against him in his final moments. The other was pale, with long, blonde hair that was matted with grime. As if in opposition to the man, her head was held high, angered tears streaming down her face as a fiery and vengeful rage filled her furrowed brow.
Both of them couldn’t have been any older than 17. They were teenagers…kids… just like me.
“Oh my god,” I whispered under a hushed breath, trying to force the terror in my heart back down as I stepped closer. Their gored faces began to twitch and shudder, flickering to life as they shouted in unison, “SAVE THEM! SAVE THE PACK!!”
They screamed in agony, their bodies writhing and jerking around. Their eyes flashed a deep yellow, as their wounds began to loose more and more blood, dripping down the steps of the stairs into a bloody pool at the bottom.
Panic began to set in, my instincts taking over as I ran to the stairs. “Hold on! I’m right here!” I cried out, running up the steps, hoping I could make it. Save them! I have to save them! my thoughts echoed in my mind, each step feeling like a mile, my body moving as if time had slowed to a screeching halt. My hand reached out, my fingers stretching toward them, blood rushing through my veins. Their screams biting into my skull like glass as I winced, my eyes shutting tight from pain.
The next thing I felt was a burning heat.
My eyes blinked open, and the two bodies were gone. The house was now burning, fires feasting away at whatever was left of the house. I gasped, stepping back as the stairs back down crashed in on itself, burning away as hole began to form, leading into a dark, empty abyss. Confusion and fear began to claw at my heart as I stumbled back, the flames spreading across the house at an alarming rate.
I felt a hand on my shoulder, as I turned to face a man. He was tall, towering over me, his piercing gaze staring me down. His mouth bared fangs, his ears long and pointed as his irises of his eyes glowed a bright blue.
“W-Who are y–”
“FIND MY SON… FIND STILES” he interrupted, his voice growling like a beast as the flames began to engulf him, eating and burning away at his flesh. His grip tightened, as he threw me over the edge, my arms reaching out as I fell down into the empty pit below. All I could do was watch, falling endlessly into darkness as he burned alive.
It’s then that I wake up.
My throat gasps for air as I sit in my bed, alone again. No more flames, no more of that house, and no more bodies…
For others, dreams are a natural occurrence. They pass and go without so much as a thought in people’s minds. Some even remark at the absurdity of their dreams, the comical and nonsensical nature of them.
For me, dreams always mean something. They allude to hidden truths, of what has passed, and of what has yet to come. They are puzzles, intricate clues tangled in a web of vague visions that haunt my sleep.
And, most of all, they are gateways of communication, my own personal radio to those beyond the grave, the spirits of the dead.
I don’t know why they keep happening.
Questions racked my mind. What was this “pack” and who were those people? Who is Stiles, and who is that man’s son? My thoughts echoed back to me as they rang in my skull, my gaze drifting to my hands as they clenched tightly.
Something is wrong in Beacon Hills, and I intend to find out why.
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megabonkers909 · 3 months
Basically, this is the story of Mega Man, but think edutainment, slice-of-life show. It starts off like the regular story of Mega Man with Dr. Light and Dr. Wily being arch-enemies with Wily causing havoc on the daily and Rock aka Mega Man kicking his old ass every morning after school, except the plot varies slightly.
The biggest change is the plot. It's where the doctors treat their creations as their family and live on the same street. Dr. Light is Bandit Heeler from Bluey; a well-meaning but exhausted dad who enjoys his crazy kids' shenanigans from time to time. He spoils his kids to no end yet molds them into disciplined bots with sternness. Light in this AU is also practically impossible to tick off, basically acting like the Atticus Finch of this world (which pisses off Wily to the point of no return).
Wily is a very hands-off parent who insists the Wily bots call him 'Doc' yet would ABSOLUTELY throw hands for his boys. He is also very persistent in turning his boys against the Lights. Unfortunately, those kids have no malice in them whatsoever and constantly visit their neighbors to hang out. Wily hates when he sees how affectionate his kids are towards him and constantly shoots them death glares, but it's only because his old heart can't take their unconditional love for him.
Dr. Cossack is there too! And so is Kalinka! The Cossack bots are basically her 'little brothers' who she babies to the point where they can't function without her (I hc she and Roll are the 'Big Sister Bestie Duo'). Kossack looks like a very stern and cold person on the outside, but he just wants his kids to be safe and handles them with loving authority. So yeah...that's the whole AU! Yes, asks are allowed so you can pester me all you want with questions (Note - If I don't reply, I might be busy with other things cause I'm still a minor). I'll also be posting art and doodles related to the AU (as soon as i get my drawing tablet). ❌DNI❌ P3D0S GR00M3RS NSFW Requests (I'm a minor) Trolls Cyberbullies WITH ALL THAT SAID, HAVE FUN MY LITTLE REPLOIDS!
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floralcavern · 9 months
Me and my friends went to see The Boy and the Heron and we were the ONLY people in the theater
we had the fucking times of our lives, holy shit that was fun
“Was that a Totoro reference!?”… “Guys, stop making fun of the mc, he’s depressed because his mom died” “womp womp”…. “WHY DOES THE BIRD HAVE TEETH?!”… “Oh it’s the dad! Daddy!” “Ghibli dads are hot, though. Like, the dad from Totoroooo..” “YOU HAVE A CRUSH ON ATTICUS FINCH!” (Someone else in the group): “HEY! Atticus Finch is hot!”… “My ex wife still misses me…! BUT HER AIM IS GETTING BETTER!!!”… “Go back to the factories GRANDMA!”… *reading the book on the screen* “How to Live” “You live by not having a fucking skill issue.”
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oldhollywoodimagines · 4 months
Sick Day
A/N: requested awhile ago, I apologize for the wait, my life has been really busy and I’m dealing with a lot. I thank you for your patience! 😊 please be gentle with me as this is only my second writing for TKAM.
Pairing: Atticus Finch x Reader
Warnings: Maybe a typo and some terrible mechanical errors and grammar.
Word count: 1,003
Summary: Atticus is sick and you take care of him.
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The therapeutic smell of Vick’s Vaporub made your nostrils tingle as you made your way up the stairs to your bedroom. The tray you carried loaded down with soup, tea, and a sleeve of saltine crackers, all for your darling husband, Atticus, who you had all but held at gun point to take a few sick days.
Ever the worker though, upon opening the door, you found him sitting up reading a document that had been in his briefcase that had rested on the vanity. Had it not been for his red nose and hoarse cough every now and then that would all but rattle his bones, the picture would have been quite normal.
Settling the tray down on the nightstand, the gentle clinking of the silverware caused him to peer at you over the top of his glasses. Dark eyes slightly narrowed when you sat on the edge of the bed and removed his glasses.
“You’re supposed to be resting, darling.” A smile softly slipping onto your lips as you gently chided.
“And I am.” His voice coming out in rasp as he surveyed you with a coy grin. Setting, the documents on the nightstand he took your hand in his free one.
“You needn’t bother with me too much, I’ll be better by tomorrow with all the rest I’m getting today.”
“Atticus Finch, I’m shocked that you’d advise me not to bother with my husband.” You teased, leaning forward a bit to put a pillow behind him so he could sit up more comfortably. He grinned slightly, nestling down into the newly fluffed pillow, his eyes moving down to look at your fingers which had intertwined with his.
His thumb making gentle strokes on the back of your hand, “I can almost guarantee you that he wouldn’t divorce even if you didn’t bother with him.”
Eyes shining with admiration as he joked back and looked at you softly before tracing the plane of your face to your lips. At this a smile crossed your lips, eyebrow quirking upward as you leaned forward towards him, “how can you be so sure that he wouldn’t?”
Dark eyes now locked on yours he leaned even closer to you, “because I’m absolutely positive that he adores you.”
The statement followed up by his lips meeting yours in a delicate kiss, fingers tracing up your wrist and arm to trace along your collarbone. Goosebumps alighted on your skin at the gentle precision of it all, your lips moving with his as you melted closer to him. Pulling away, you rested your head on his shoulder as his arms enfolded you to him.
“You know if I get sick from you, Cal is going to have to take care of us both.” You smiled at him, moving your hand up to rest on his chest, your fingers absentmindedly tracing the length of the lapel of his pajama shirt.
“Sick? You’re sure I’m sick? Because right now I feel just fine.” Arms giving you a playful squeeze as you looked at him, your facial expression one of gleeful disbelief.
“You’re impossible.” You chided, placing a kiss on his cheek before moving to get up from your place on his lap. Replacing your own weight with the tray you had brought up, “now, I expect you to eat all this soup -“
The sound of the door swinging open and feet scurrying up the stairs interrupting you, you both laughed quietly and shared a knowing glance before the bedroom door flew open. Scout rushed in, offering you a small smile before turning her attention to Atticus.
Her face alight with joy as she jumped onto the bed, the soup nearly sloshing over the side of the bowl in the process, making your eyes widen a bit and a chuckle leave your mouth.
“Careful, Scount.” Atticus warned, his eyebrows arching at the young girl as he adjusted the tray on his lap.
“Today, Walter Cunningham was out on account of working with his dad again so -“
“Scout?” Jem’s voice echoed through the upstairs of the house before he appeared in the doorway, a glare fixing itself on his face as he gazed at his sister who was now busying herself looking at the tray on her father’s lap.
“Sir, can I have one of those?” Pointing at the sleeve of crackers, “Scout, I told you on the way here to let Atticus rest, and now you’re here doing just what I told you not too.”
“Nobody asked you to be in charge.” Scout shot back, not even bothering to move her expectant gaze off her father, as she looked between him and the crackers. Her face lighting up when he nodded at her, brow furrowing as she grabbed at them greedily before chasing Jem back down the stairs, their argument continuing the whole way down the stairs.
You and Atticus exchanged a smile and a knowing glance, before you were placing a kiss on his cheek once more, “I’ll be back soon to get your tray.”
Reaching out quickly to grab your hand, he brought it to his lips, pressing a soft kiss against the supple skin, “don’t take too long to come back, hm?”
“I thought you told me not to bother with you?” A coy grin turning your lips upward, the tease making him chuckle slightly, “I decided I might need more bothering than I originally thought.”
“Oh? And why is that?” Your nails lightly tracing his arm causing goosebumps to rise up on his skin.
“It’s not very often that I get so much time with my lovely wife, I wanted to take advantage of it.” His hand squeezing yours affectionately as he beamed up at you. The comment so sweet and genuine it made you swoon and your cheeks flush a light pink.
“Well, in that case, -“ you began, sitting down on the side of the bed, “eat your soup.”
Nodding, he smiled at you brightly lifting the spoon to his lips.
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third-arch · 7 months
The concept Law crushing on Kanna is so cute
I ramble about my OC and Law being in love with her
Whenever I write Law, I keep instinctively writing this very stoic and serious mix of Batman, my mom, and Atticus Finch. It’s a very weird combo, but I really think he encompasses both characters in their own way. Using other characters just really helps as a guide for how I write Law. Obviously there are other inspirations and canonical things that make him up, too, but it’s how I would summarize him. Just black cat energy I guess.
I never really saw him as this scary cynical doctor of bad boy. I think he tries to be cool and might also try to/instinctively have those characteristics, but ultimately, he’s just someone who’s very pragmatic.
He’s a genius. And he doesn’t like silly emotions.
Kanna on the other hand is an Aerith-Tohru Honda mixed with any other cinnamon roll fluffy character, like Madoka Kaname or Raphtalia. She’s warm and gentle, yet cheerful and comforting. There’s this sunshine that she brings to others. She goes from being like more soft and emotional to intuitive, compassionate, and perceptive. She’s brave and resilient, yet still silly and cute.
Both of them are introverted dorks who bring out the best in eachother.
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191 cm doctor and his 154 cm MA
Sometimes when I write Kanna as a character, I think like
“Oh she actually too silly or too innocent sometimes with Law”
Or like,
“Law is acting too soft. He wouldn’t smile widely like that.”
But then I realized like well when you’re in love you break character almost. You start acting different. Like more vulnerable.
I’m sure when Law is in love, he tries to act stoic and cool, but unknowingly, the cold ice around his heart is being chipped away, causing him to be more and more vulnerable.
That’s why only the crew in my fanfic notice it. All of the crew is aware LOL. I might even have a segment where he gets advice from Ikkaku specifically.
Law will be self aware once his feelings reach a certain point most likely.
Also, it would be boring if he acted the same all throughout and then suddenly like,
“Law leans over and kisses Kanna.”
Like in my fanfic, I plan to have a very unusual buildup for Law “confessing” to Kanna.
He just starts doing more and more soft things and eventually does something very cute and innocent.
It’s almost like she’s healing his inner child with her kindness. Their love for eachother is tender and sweet.
Law is obviously afraid of this. He doesn’t want her to get hurt. He’s a wanted man. She could potentially be in a lot of danger. Even thought he’s aware of her potential, his overprotectiveness is in full override.
As far as conflict between them, I think the idea of Kanna challenging this overprotective nature is their main issue. Sure, there’s him being bratty at times, but that’s just something that I think Kanna accepts, as what happens with any couple.
Once he learns to trust himself more, I think he can truly learn to properly love.
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“Stay close, Kanna-ya. Walk behind me.”
Anyways, that’s all I wanted to say for now. I might come back and add more. I just really like rambling about these two as I work on my fanfic.
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i-killed-a-prostutute · 9 months
Kicking my feet and giggling ⚜️🩷🤤💖
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I'm absolutely squealing trying to pick between Atticus Finch or Eddie Munson!
I'm currently working on something Eddie Munson related while in a complete Atticus haze, lol! While writing tho I just kinda assumed Eddie had a wallet/Jean chain.
Well since I'm fingerling for Atticus I remember you can pretty much always see his pocket watch chain!
Pics at top for context, lol
I just can't pick between the two rn! Atticus is so handsome and a papi! He fights for the rights! Literally! (Read to book to kill a mocking bird or watch movie - so good)
Eddie tho is cool but also a nerd! He plays dnd, and would be so sweet!! He's going places and you can come too!! 🙃🦇🏥
Ok, simp rante over if you'd guys like to see my Eddie Munson stuff as I work on it lmk 🥰🥰
(I also have some small Atticus Finch stuff I could edit and throw up 👀)
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So I’m back! Bracket time!
Reminder the time zone being used is CET
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Aka Cartoons, Anime, and games associated with such (fire emblem and ace attorney)
Day 1 22/4, finished
Part 1: 5pm
Reigen Arakata (mob psycho 100) vs Corazon (one piece), finished
Lord Garmadon (Lego ninjago) vs Heinz Doofenshmirtz (Phineas and Ferb), finished
Iroh (avatar: the last airbender) vs Bob Blecher (bob’s burgers), finished
Iruka Umino (naruto) vs Darkwing Duck (darkwing Duck), finished
Part 2: 8pm
Hakoda (avatar; the last airbender) vs Ice King (adventure time), finished
Greg Universe (Steven universe, he won an extra battle because I forgot him at first) vs Splinter (teenage mutant ninja turtles), finished
Bruno Bucciarati (JoJo’s bizarre adventure) vs Greil (fire emblem: path or radiance), finished
Professor Kukui (Pokémon) vs Phoenix Wright (ace attorney), finished
Day 2: 24/4, finished
Part 1: 5pm
David Evans (Inazuma 11) vs Loid Forger (spy x family), finished
Tim Lockwood (cloudy with a chance of meatballs) vs Oscar Proud (the proud family), finished
Shouta Aizawa (my hero academia) vs Donald Duck (ducktales), finished
Sailor Uranus (sailor moon) vs Skipper (penguins of Madagascar), finished
Part 2: 8pm
Sully (monsters ink) vs Kouhei Inuzuka (sweetness and lighting), finished
Alibert (wakfu) vs Meta Knight (Kirby), finsihed
Gru (despicable me) vs Zenkichi Hasegawa (persona), finished
Kanan Jarrus (Star Wars: rebels) vs Mr Ping (kung fu panda), finished
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Aka live action media, books, and video games & graphic novels not associated with anime (so no light novels or tie ins)
Day 1: 26/4 5pm, finished
Bobby Nash (9 1 1 on fox) vs Benjamin Sisko (Star Trek, deep Space 9), finished
Subject Delta (bioshock) vs Atticus Finch (how to kill a mockingbird), finished
Paul Blofis (Percy Jackson) vs Gomez Addams (the Addams family), finished
Lee Everett (telltale’s the walking dead) vs Waymond Wang (everywhere everything all at once), finished
Part 2: 8pm
Joel Miller (the last of us) vs Calvin’s dad (Calvin and Hobbes), finished
Pyrrha Dve (the locked tomb) vs Common Wubbox (my singing monsters), finished
Doc Louis (punch out!!) vs Riki (xenoblade), finished
Bob Cratchit (a Christmas carol) vs Mo Folchart (inkheart), finished
Day 2, 28/4
Part 1: 5pm
Alfred Pennyworth (Batman) vs Asgore Dreemurr (undertale), finished
Dave Seville (Alvin and the chipmunks) vs Chimney Han (9 1 1), finished
Glamrock Freddy (fnaf: security breach) vs Bail Organa (Star wars) , finished
Kim Dokja (omniscient Reader’s viewpoint) vs Hal Wilkerson (Malcom in the middle), finished
Part 2: 8pm
Lee Scoresby (his dark materials) vs Dream (sandman) , finished
Thrushpelt (warrior cats) vs Barret Wallace (final fantasy 7), finished
Domingo Montoya (the princess bride) vs Terry Jeffords (Brooklyn 99), finished
Rupert Giles (Buffy) vs Pollination Tech 9 Smith (the sims 2: strangetown), finished
WHY THIS PAIR UP? I’m a bringer if chaos, also it was random
What time zone? CET!
How do I do propaganda? Well first you reblog with a text post, don’t put the propaganda in the tags. Or send me an ask! I will make sure to reblog it with the right tags
Hey I saw you made a mistake, what should i do? First, don’t use anon asks to correct my spelling and if I misuse slang. Just tell me directly. If it is 2 hours after a poll has launched, I will redo it immediately. But I will write down the mistakes I make and correct them later on
Previous battles
Main Rounds
Second chance/dad mansion break in
The only way to show how the battles (second chance) will happen cuz it’s random AN EXTRA NON DAD BATTTLE?!?!?!?!?!?
82 notes · View notes