#he’s only sixteen and now he has to rule a whole nation and he doesn’t have any guidance and his own uncle left him to run his stupid tea
theolddivorcedzukka · 2 years
thinking about zuko like mmhmmhnh the tragedy never ends
22 notes · View notes
yikesharringrove · 3 years
Agitation (or disturbance of the mind)
Here is my piece for the Harringrove Big Bang!! I’m so so proud of how this piece turned out and I’m so excited to share it! @harringrovebigbang
Read on Ao3 (highly recommended. It’s over 16k).
Special thanks to my beta readers @thinger-strang @crispysteve without whom this story would’ve been scrapped in many fits of emotions.
Art for this story to be linked soon by @thedogsled
Check out this amazing moodboard by @memes-saved-me !!
Steve Harrington is a liar. 
He always has been. 
Nearly everything about him is a perfectly crafted facade. 
From the story of his family’s move to Hawkins when he was eight, to the smile that slides easily onto his face when he tells Robin I’m fine. 
Steve is a liar. 
But it's all out of necessity. All for the greater of some good he isn’t all that clear on anymore. 
It was always about protection. 
Protecting his friends and everyone in Hawkins from the truth about Hawkins National Laboratory. 
Then it was about protecting himself from his powers. 
From the way his words had a knack of worming their way into someone’s brain. Of setting up shop inside and clanging around until they could do nothing but bow to his suggestion. 
Just because he could get his way with the right inflection and the telltale shiver down his spine, didn’t mean that that was okay. 
It was drilled into him the first night he arrived in Hawkins. 
After his file was stamped with a large red mark that read defective, he was given to one of the scientists and her husband. 
The Harringtons. 
A normal new family from Eastern Oklahoma. 
That’s what they told everyone. 
That’s what they made sure Steve parroted to everyone in his brand new school. 
His new father took a cigar to the tattoo on his wrist, welting the flesh with an ugly burn. He ignored Steve’s screams and tears. 
You have to fit in here, Steven, he had said, the cigar smoldering between his fingers, Steve clutching his wrist, eyes shining with tears. You have to fit in and be normal. 
So Steve lied. 
He smiled and told everyone he came from a normal family from normal Oklahoma. He said that he lived in a normal house, and read normal books, and played normal sports. 
And he tried, and failed, to convince himself the lab was a dream.
“We should do something after this.”
Steve was careful to keep his voice casual. He didn’t want to let Robin in on how much he was dreading returning to his empty house tonight. 
Robin didn’t acknowledge him. She was sorting the returned movies, placing them in piles of genre so they could easily be returned to their proper section. 
Steve quietly lifted his leg, and lightly kicked her hip. 
She glared at him. 
“Quit ignorin’ me. Just say yes, or no.” It’s not like if she said no it would crush him or anything. No. It’s fine. 
“I just have a bunch of homework that’s all, like, due tomorrow,” she said it slowly, as though telling him a beloved relative had died. 
Was it that obvious how lonely he is?
“Don’t worry about it, Buck.” Robin took school real serious. She had perfect grades every year and had already applied to sixteen colleges and universities, including four Ivy League options. 
So Steve didn’t blame her for not skulking around with him. 
With college-less, nowhere bound Steve. 
“I’m really sorry,” she began, getting that sad look in her eye like that night in the mall bathroom when Steve spilled his drugged-out guts. Literally, and metaphorically. 
“Nah, I was just lookin’ for something to do. It’s okay, Robin. Really.”
And it was. 
It’s just that, Steve’s not got a lot going for him right now. 
He’s got a big empty house, and a brain that likes to give him excessive nightmares, and one age-appropriate friend in the whole place. 
But he doesn’t wanna talk about all that shit. 
And Robin looked like there was something on the tip of her tongue. Something her teeth were barely holding back. 
So Steve just scooped up the stack of neatly ordered Action films, and made his way over to the far shelf, taking himself out of the situation before it would get to a place that would only make him lie more and more. 
Robin means well. He knows she does. 
It just feels like a lot of her well-meaning chats end up with Steve lying through his fucking teeth and Robin nearly in tears of frustration at his lack of openness with her. 
She feels like being tortured and drugged together gives them a close kind of kinship very few share. 
Steve feels like he’s got just too much fucked-up baggage to dump on her. 
Not when they’re trying to put the Upside Down behind them. 
Not that Steve could ever put it behind him. 
He felt something build in his gut. Something hot and heavy. Something that always meant his powers were scraping at the walls of the neat little cave he had shut them in. Something that meant his skin would burn until he unleashed some of his pent-up energy. 
He took a deep breath, blowing out the air slowly through his nose. 
He had rules to his power. Rules he had given himself, mostly. Things he’d never use his powers for. 
He tried to avoid his powers at all costs, but he had seen what could happen if he tried to tamp them down. It was less dangerous to open the lid of the box just a tiny bit. 
Especially if he did it right. 
He made his way back over to Robin, finding that spot in his brain that made a shudder zip down his spine. The spot that was made of cold and electric heat. 
It was always too simple when he let the power take over. 
Locate her feeling. Let him consume him. 
And then just, twist it as much as he wants. 
“Robin,” he spoke slowly, honing his suggestion. “You don’t have to feel bad about not spending time with me tonight.”
He felt her sadness and guilt about the evening recede about as fast as the tide. 
She really shouldn’t feel bad about ditching him, especially not when her education is the main priority. 
He matched her lazy grin, wiping his nose discreetly, only a small drop of blood smeared against his hand. 
The rest of the shift passed without incident, and the roaring feeling in Steve’s gut had been sated enough for the time being. 
So he pushed it back out of his mind, and returned to his empty house. 
He was saving up to get his own place. He really was. But it was easier this way. He didn’t pay any bills, had lots of space to himself, and a pool in the backyard (that he never used). 
And it’s hard for him to explain, but there’s something tugging him back into this house all the time. 
He doesn’t know if it’s because it’s the only home he ever knew after the pain and fear that was his childhood in the lab, or if it’s something else that makes him feel tethered to the too-big house. 
Sometimes he thought there was a sense of safety in the old place. 
With parents that spent excessive amounts of time doing research for things he didn’t understand but was sure were important, it was largely an emotion-free place. 
Which was good for Steve. 
High emotion situations made his power boil up and spill over the edge like a pot of water on the stove. 
A place like his empty house, he could keep everything in check. Not get his feelings tangled with those around him. Not catch thoughts that were just beginning to be molded into something brand new. 
He clambered into bed, punching his pillows around in a way that was decidedly not petulant. 
There was a steady silence in the old house. A silence that was as depressing as it was easy on his brain. 
And there wasn’t silence. 
Creaks issuing from downstairs. From the floorboards in the hallway. 
Steve was out of bed in a second, bat held aloft in as close to ready position as he could maintain while bolting down the stairs in his socks and faded green gym shorts. 
He knew how to navigate the house without a sound. Practice of tip-toeing around a volatile not-father kinda ended up giving him something useful. 
The creaks were still progressing, moving up the hallway from the back of the house, where his parents’ empty bedroom sat still. 
The person was getting closer, lumbering slowly as if they were trying to be quiet themselves. 
Steve adjusted his grip on the bat, taking proper batting stance, ready for the intruder to round the corner into his section of the hall. 
First sign of a person, and Steve would swing. 
No questions asked. 
The floorboard before the bend in the hall gave a loud sound, and he could’ve sworn he heard someone curse under their breath. 
He closed his eyes, and swung. 
His bat sailed through the air, and connected with, not an intruder. 
And then he was filled with an overwhelming sense of fear. A completely feral state of fight or flight made him nearly bare his teeth in an animalistic growl. He felt fear, and dread, and pure stubborn, stupid resolve. 
It nearly blinded him, the emotions were so thick and clear. 
And then there whooshed out of him, as though being sucked up by a feelings vacuum, leaving him empty and confused. 
His top lip was covered in blood. 
He had a lot of fucking questions as he stared at the bat, hanging by it’s long nails in the hallway wall, the ominous creaking moving past him towards the stairs. 
The footsteps that were caused by no one. 
It’s official. 
Steve’s lost it. 
He’s fucking crazy. 
He’s hearing footsteps and voices swearing quietly, and he’s going mad and completely batshit and should be tucked away in a padded room for the rest of his life. 
He didn’t even bother to wrench the bat out of the wall as he stumbled after the imagined footsteps. 
He clearly needed to get a good night’s sleep, and to forget that anything happened at all tonight. 
Billy hates Harrington’s house. 
He doesn’t, really. It’s given him excellent shelter while he pulled himself together, and it’s out of town enough to serve as a good base for the little gang of Lost Boys he had accumulated. 
It’s just that, the old house likes to make a lot of noise. 
It keeps him on edge. 
Every squealing door hinge, and every creaky floorboard sets his teeth on edge and makes him whip around in a frenzy, expecting to see a demogorgon snarling at him from the sitting room. 
He nearly had a heart attack when he heard the thuds coming from upstairs. 
He generally liked to avoid the top floor of the house. 
Harrington’s bedroom was up there, and it wigged him out something fierce. He’d only been in the dilapidated version of it one time, his first night in the house he had claimed for safety. 
He didn’t intend to stay the night in there, he had just stumbled upon it, and curled up in the bed. 
He remembers not sleeping the entire night. He was so scared after coming to in the library, something slimy and disgusting slipping its way out of his throat. 
The whole place had been screaming, as though the Upside Down itself was alive. Alive and being horrifically murdered. 
He didn’t know what it was called then, all he knew was that Harrington’s house was the first one he came across, and that Harrington’s room was depressingly empty and impersonal. 
But, there was a thudding coming from that general area, and if some kinda shitty creature was making its way into the house, he needed to hedge it off before it did any damage. 
He took hold of his ax, never far from his side these days, and slipped out of his cot. 
The floorboards in the hallway were creaky, and he tried to walk slowly, muffling his footsteps as much as he could in his heavy boots, not wanting to warn the monster he was coming for it. 
He cataloged the crew in his head: Hopper had his troop of three in the basement where they were resting up for the supply run tomorrow. Timothy was on nightwatch with his team of five. Billy was in a pack with four others; Heather Holloway, her mother, Janet, and the two boys they found skulking around the library the same night everyone seemed to wake up. One of the boys was called Andrew. The other hadn’t spoken a single word the entire time they’d been trapped. 
Billy liked to call him by different names each time he referred to the kid. Trying to get him to laugh. He couldn’t’ve been more than seven years old, and he was trapped in this fucking hellscape with the rest of them. 
Andrew was thirteen. Billy didn’t like to look at him much. Andrew reminded him of Max. Which made Billy feel empty and achy in a way he didn’t think was very productive for survival.
But Andrew took a shine to Janet Holloway. Probably missing his mother and needing more comfort than his thirteen-year-old self was willing to admit.
The Holloway women were a hell of a lot feistier than Bill originally gave them credit for, saving his ass in a scrap just as often as he had been there for theirs. Heather and Janet were equal parts caring and soft, with the right amounts of clever and bossy to take point on their team. 
Billy let himself be the muscle. 
He let himself be the watchdog and attack dog. He took nightwatches and never let his weapons out of his grasp.
Everyone had a role. 
And that was perfectly okay.
They had to keep together in this world. They wouldn’t survive it otherwise. 
They’d all lost enough people to understand that. 
One of the boards gave a hefty creak under his left foot, and he breathed a quiet fuck through his bandana, listening for more of the thudding. 
It had stopped about forty seconds before, Billy had counted, and he couldn’t hear any other sounds of something forcing its way inside. Plus, the nightwatch hadn’t sounded any alarms. 
He took another step, ax held ready and aloft in case he came face to ugly face with one of the horrible creatures that prowled the night. 
He rounded the corner, and there was a loud bang on the wall next to his head. 
He jumped as paint chipped off the wall and flew all over him. 
He was hit with a feeling of intense fear, and adrenaline rush that caused all the blood in his ears to rush. He looked wildly around, seeing, nothing. 
Billy bared his teeth, ready to go down fucking swinging. 
As long as he took the fucker down with him, that’s all that matters. 
Save the rest. 
And he stood, ready to fight, ready to die. 
And there was nothing.
Nothing in the hallway. He was all alone. 
None of this shit made any sense. He hadn’t dreamed the wall cracked beside his head, and looking back, there were holes in the wall, and a big dent that had splinted the white paint and drywall beneath it. 
There was some fucked up shit going on, and Billy didn’t like it one bit. 
He continued down the hall, creeping to the stairs to check the original source of the noises that had woken him up. 
Harrington’s room was pretty much just as he remembered it from that first night in the house. 
It was sparse and sad-looking. The covers on the bed were all jostled and thrown around, the horrible spindle-like vines covering nearly every surface in the room. 
They had cleared the tendrils in other rooms, cutting them and burning them back, ensuring the vines didn’t start creeping over them when they weren’t looking. 
Billy didn’t fancy being covered and tethered by the slimy black vines. He was pretty much over all this Upside Down shit. 
He took a cursory look around Harrington’s room, not noticing any signs of forced entry from a creature, really nothing was out of place. 
The meager school trophies on the bookshelf next to the closet looked rotted and tarnished, just like everything else in this absolute hell called a parallel universe. There were few pictures in this room, much like the whole house. It had taken Billy a long time to notice the lack of inhabitancy the house had. The way it seemed to feel so cold and empty, it would be that way in the real world too. 
His eyes swept over the dilapidated dresser, cataloging the room quickly for anything that should worry him. 
Billy deemed the whole scene safe, and made sure to close the door tightly as he retreated back downstairs. 
Steve’s going fucking crazy. 
He was still in bed, his alarm clock ringing angrily at him as it had for the past six minutes. 
He hadn’t slept at all last night. 
Something just felt. Off. 
The feelings in his chest were scrambled, and they felt foreign to him. Like he had taken in somebody else’s emotions. 
But proximity was the key to his power, and he was alone. Alone alone. 
Like, the closest person was Mrs. Gardfeld in the next house, all the way across their combined, much too big, yards. 
It felt like. It felt like someone was in the house with him. Someone was in the house with him, and they were scared, and stubborn, and tired, and a flurry of things that made Steve feel ill. 
And he couldn’t push them out. 
He couldn’t find the chasm between this slew of someone else’s shit, and his own messy cocktail of feelings. 
The other feelings were like those awful vines in the tunnel. Snaking around under his feet, wiggling up his ankles and keeping him stuck in the mud. Wrapping around his own emotions and squeezing until they just merged into one. 
He’s lost the metaphor. 
Doesn’t matter. 
His feelings are fucked and his brain is fucked and his day is fucked. 
And he has to work a double at Family Fuckin’ Video. 
He found his way out of bed. Not going very far, just standing next to his warm nest of blankets, debating getting back in and hiding for the rest of his life. 
He was going to be late for work. 
He didn’t really give a fuck. 
Keith would be all smug and probably make some remarks about Steve not even being worth the less-than-minimum wage he was making. 
He took a shower, not so much cleaning himself as letting the lukewarm water cascade down on him and hope it got rid of the stench of sweat and anxiety and bad sleep that was clinging angrily to his skin. 
His brain was empty. 
Empty save for the pounding otherness that were these horrible fucking feelings. 
Robin didn’t even have the heart to call him out for being nearly half an hour late.
“You look like shit.”
No, she just called him out for looking like shit. 
“Y’know, it’s really wonderful to have such a caring and thoughtful friend in these trying times.”
She rolled her eyes. He always told her one day she was gonna get stuck like that. With her eyes permanently fixed towards the ceiling in exasperation. 
“Drop the attitude, Steve Harrington. Just because you didn’t sleep doesn’t mean I have to suffer.” 
Sometimes it was hard to tell if she was joking. Steve just clenched his jaw and stared at her blankly. Either she would get mad at him, or sigh and roll her eyes. 
She sighed and rolled her eyes. 
She wasn’t actually mad at him. 
“You okay?”
“Jus’, some weirdness. Bad vibes.”
He couldn’t give her more than that. Couldn’t say I can feel someone else in my house and I don’t know if someone is hiding in my house or if I’m going crazy, oh and by the way, I was one of those freaky lab kids and I can manipulate and feel people’s thoughts and emotions, by the way.
That’s too much for a slow shift on a Saturday morning. 
That’s too much for really any time of any day.
No, Steve fully plans to take all that shit to the grave. Like a real man, his dad would say. 
“Well, if you could take your bad vibes back to rewind duty, that would leave all the good vibes up here to me.” She shooed him off with her hand, landing a quick slap square on his left asscheck when he groaned and dragged his feet dramatically on his way to the back room. 
Not that Steve would ever actually complain about rewind duty. Steve preferred doing it to anything else in the place. Especially re-shelving. That was just asking for someone to come ask him for a movie recommendation. Steve only watched the same five campy old westerns and when he recommends any of those, people seem to wanna get out of his face right quick. 
No, rewinding was dull and monotonous and solitary, all the shit that Steve really needed on a day like today. 
There was a strict routine and he didn’t have to think or do anything. 
Just sit. New tape. Rewind. Put in case. Put in re-shelve bucket. New tape. Rewind. Put in case. And again and again and again until all the tapes were ready to go. 
Hawkins tended to take out a lot of movies on the weekend. Not much else to do when you aren’t sixteen and ready to hit up any party you could possibly weasel your way into. 
So, Steve had about fifty some odd tapes to rewind from the past few days and he was feeling benignly excited about sitting in the small room for most of his shift. 
It was easy to pass the shift like that. 
Sitting with the quiet whirring of the tapes being tracked back to the beginning. Not having to deal with anyone’s thoughts except his own tedious ones about when he should take his lunch break and reminding himself to check the TV Guide for anything good tonight. 
It was an odd emptiness that took hold of him throughout the day. And he almost felt, well. 
He almost felt lonely. 
Which is fucking bonkers because that horrible feeling of someone else had well and truly fucked him over last night, and well into this morning, but he kind. Missed. The other presence. 
He’s officially crazy. 
Someone find this boy a padded fucking cell because Steve Harrington has officially gone all kinds of batshit bananas wacky. 
He’s feeling lonely because the horrible not his feelings of fear and anger and betrayal and desperation aren’t clogging up his little brain sink. Even when they were, the brain sink was threatening to burst and leak all over his brain kitchen. 
Or something to that effect. 
He let his eyes unfocus, watching Jaws at double speed and backward for the fourth time that day. 
There was something about the foreign feelings he just couldn’t quite wrap his head around. 
Something twinging in the back of his brain, screaming at him to open his eyes and pay attention. 
But that’s never been Steve’s strong suit. 
“Stupid. Fucking. Vines .”
Hopper muttered to himself a lot. 
It was usually too muffled underneath his own bandana face covering and the hefty beard he had been sporting to discern whatever he was thinking, but it’s not like hating the awful black tendrils of gross plant/monster/everything-that-made-up-the-Upside-Down hybrid of vine-ish tentacles was something that just Hopper experienced. 
It was a sentiment they all shared as they hacked away at the new growth in the dilapidated Bradley’s Big Buys. 
They had already ransacked the general store five times over, and took as much as they could salvage from the wreckage of the other-dimensional mall. 
Supplies were needed, and they had to be smart about it. 
Things had been quiet lately. 
Not many beasties out and about since the night they all seemed to come to. 
Hopper had said something about the gate closing and the brain being cut off from the body. 
Billy hadn’t listened. 
He’d been scared off his ass and all that had really registered was clear for now. 
So, they made supply runs. And poked around town for any survivors left to take back to Basecamp Harrington. Only Billy called it that. 
They had the runs down to a system. 
Pry away any vines they could, burning them back as they went, making enough room to slip into the bargain store, gather as much canned food and grimy medical supplies as they could manage, and book it back to the relative safety of the big house on the edge of the forest. 
Nobody talked about what they’d do when they ran out of supplies. When they’d exhausted their resources and were stuck with nothing but the vines on the ground and the spores in the air. 
Billy got it. 
It’s not like he wants to hear he’ll probably die of starvation and/or a gangrenous infection before he’s eighteen. 
They just. Make do. 
Ration food and keep each other safe. 
Always thinking about the minute they’re in and the minute coming up. Not looking too far forward. 
There’s nothing to see too far in the future. 
Billy crashed the blunt end of his ax through the sliding door at the front of the store, clearing away as much as he could. 
Janet and Andrew would slip inside first go, taking as much as they could carry with them. Next round, Heather would take the little one and gather anything left. 
Billy would keep watch. 
He always kept watch. 
Things had been too good for too long. 
After the first wave of those who didn’t make it, the whole broken side of the Earth was too kind to them. Not sending horrible fleshy monsters to nearly suck out their very souls. 
Billy didn’t think this could last for much longer. 
Heather took the little one by the hand, rushing past her mother and Andrew as they returned with their supplies. Billy did a quick scan of them, noting no new injuries. Nothing out of the norm. 
Supply runs were choreographed down to the minute. 
Should the group not return in forty-five minutes, a search team was sent out. 
The small group trudged back to the Harrington safehouse, keeping in the shadows, not a single one of them daring to speak. Billy walked slightly behind the others, never letting himself relax for a single second. 
Things were too quiet.
The feeling hit Steve over the head like a sack of bricks being whacked against his skull. 
Walking into his home was like walking into a stinking den of fear and anxiety. The air was clogged with so many emotions Steve felt like he was choking on them, slowly being crushed under their weight. 
Whoever was emitting all these, Steve felt sorry for them. He can’t imagine living with this much bad energy taking up space in someone’s brain. He could barely cope with his own terrible bullshit. He doesn’t know how someone could cope with this. 
He tried to move through his evening to the best of his ability. 
He nearly set the house on fire when he left the tin foil covering on his frozen meal, causing the microwave to spark angrily at him, the potatoes underneath the corner of foil that had nearly caught fire to smolder and blacken. 
Even in the shower, the water as hot and steamy as he could stand, he felt that prickle he couldn’t get rid of. 
Like if he could just close his eyes and reach out far enough, his fingers would brush someone else. Someone nearby. 
He’s felt it before. That there was a person just out of reach. A person he could feel clear as a bell, but couldn’t alter. Couldn’t manipulate. Just had to experience everything that was going on inside and try to hold on for the ride. 
He wore headphones to bed, blasting a mixtape Robin had made for him last month. Something with a lot of heavy guitars and girls wailing about society. 
He doesn’t think it was all that good, but it helped. Helped him feel like maybe the person wasn’t seeping into his own soul. 
And the whining synth of Patti Smith finally let him get some goddamn sleep. 
It was his house. 
But it wasn’t his house. 
It was a blank void. It was nothing. It was nowhere. 
But for some reason, his brain kept telling him it was his house. 
It was Billy. Hargrove. 
But it wasn’t Billy. 
He was dirty, covered in soot and horrible black sludge that made Steve’s stomach churn. 
“Why are you in my house?”
Billy looked around the blank void all around them. Water sloshed on the floor, lapping at Billy’s black boots. Steve observed his own toes. 
He was barefoot, but he couldn’t feel the water. 
“This is your house?”
Steve didn’t want to explain. 
“You’re dead.”
“Could be soon.”
Nothing Billy said made any sense. But then, Billy never made much sense when he was alive, either. 
He was an enigma to Steve. A big question mark all wrapped up with a gorgeous face and perfect body.
“Where is this to you?”
Why was Steve’s brain so adamant on declaring this place his house?
“Somewhere safe.”
That’s something. 
Dreaming about Harrington. 
Not necessarily something that Billy wanted to have happen to him while he was experiencing the worst possible time in his life. 
Or maybe he did. 
He’d said it in the dream. 
Somewhere safe. 
It’s what he felt in that blackness. 
Safety. Warmth. Hope. 
All the shit he hasn’t felt since he opened his eyes in the rank-ass library. 
That darkness was like a harness, keeping him grounded to something real. Tucking him in gently at night and kissing him on the head. 
It made waking up that much shittier. 
Knowing he’d be on nightwatch with Heather and Janet tonight, he used resting up as an excuse to lay on his cot, hardly moving in the clouded air. 
He needed to process. 
There was something so fucking weird about that dream. 
It felt real in the moment, and he didn’t question anything that had happened. 
Why there was water on the ground at his feet? Why Harrington was there wearing pajamas Billy could only describe as skanky? All of this made perfect fucking sense to dream Billy. 
Awake Billy, had some fuckin’ questions. 
Mostly, those previously listed. As well as: what the fuck?
He blames seeing Steve specifically on being in his house. That makes sense. You tend to think about a guy quite a lot when you’re living in the broken shell of his family home. He blames seeing Steve in those itsy-bitsy shorts and a homemade cropped t-shirt on the well repressed sexual interest he refused to admit he felt towards the guy. 
All that made sense. 
But everything else. 
Steve said he was dead. 
Was he dead?
Was this Hell?
He’s read The Divine Comedy, and this doesn’t quite match up with any of the shit Dante waxed on about. 
And dream Billy didn’t think that was a weird thing to say to someone. To accuse them of being dead. He just said could be soon and then acted like that was a normal fucking response. 
His head was spinning out of control. 
The only thing that made sense was when Billy said they were somewhere safe. 
Because, they were. 
Even in the void place, he knew they were safe. 
There was a small tapping sound on the wall next to the open door frame. 
The door had long since rotted right through. 
“Miss Janet sent me to see if you’re alright.”
Andrew was always calling Janet Holloway Miss Janet. 
It makes Billy wonder if manners like that were beaten into him by a father like Neil. 
He hopes not. 
He likes Andrew too much for that. 
Andrew hovered around while Billy swung himself out of his cot. 
He changed out the bandana over his mouth and nose. 
Most of them slept fully dressed, even with their shoes and socks still firmly on their feet. 
You had to be ready to go at the slightest sound of Bad in this place. 
Plus, everything was so goddamn dirty, what’s a little mud in the sheets in the grand scheme of things? And the rancid rotting smell of the Upside Down did wonders to cover the smell of body odor.
Billy followed Andrew down the L-shaped hallway, to the sitting room where he found Janet and Heather huddled together on one couch, the little one between them. 
“Apparently something happened on the run last night.” 
Billy’s blood ran cold. He couldn’t make out Janet’s expression under her face covering. The little one got up from his spot on the couch, standing in Billy’s shadow. He liked to do that. Billy figured he felt safe behind someone so much bigger and stronger than him. Someone with a big fuckin’ weapon that was never too far away. 
“Who’d we lose?”
“No one. Everyone’s okay. Hopper just called all of us for a discussion, then went to the basement.”
The basement was Hopper’s domain with his little chunk of the crew. 
He had found some busted up H.A.M. radio from somewhere he refused to explain, and spent all the time he wasn’t watching over his shoulder for threats or gathering supplies from smashed grocery stores, trying to fix it up, tuning it to different crackling stations, and yelling into it. 
El. El, I need you to copy if you can hear me. El!
The pillow was a mess of blood the next morning. 
It was congealed and cracked and tacky against his face and made the pillowcase stick to his cheek and his bloody upper lip in a way that kinda made Steve wanna puke a little bit. 
His nose had bled in the night. 
He never got nosebleeds. 
Unless he used his power. 
And that dream. 
That blank void space and that mucky scraggly Billy lookin’ like the hunky star of some apocalypse movie.
Blood forgotten, smeared on his face and neck, Steve tossed himself towards the phone on his nightstand, smacking his shoulder against the wooden corner and tumbling to the floor, his legs still tangled in his sheets on the bed. 
He couldn’t deal with anything, snatching the phone up and punching in the only number that was grinding through his head. 
“ Pick up pick up pick up pick up pick up, ” he muttered into the receiver. 
His upper body was still flopped over to the plush carpet, legs twitching and shaking on the bed with his anxiety. 
He’s had some massive fucking realizations and he needs backup. 
“This is the Byers.”
“Put El on the phone.”
“Oh. Steve’s covered in blood again. The Upside Down must really be back,” Dustin said in complete monotone as Steve opened the door. 
Steve couldn’t give less of a fuck right now. 
He felt like he was on the verge of a major breakthrough, all coming in the neat package of a major breakdown. 
He felt manic and shaky and so what if he forgot he was covered in the aftermath of a superpower-nosebleed-explosion?
“Shut up. Just get in.”
El had rallied the old troops from St. Paul, calling everyone at the ass-crack o’fuck in the morning and saying something about catching some weird Hawkins vibes all the way from Minnesota. 
It was a fucking weak excuse, but explaining the whole Steve situation was just not really in the cards today. 
He’s got an agenda and they need to stick to it. 
Robin said she’d gather Max on the way to Steve’s place, and Nancy was probably hauling Mike and Lucas over faster than a speeding gun or whatever that expression is, so all Steve had to do was get his story straight. 
“And maybe you should think about putting on a clean shirt? At the very least. I’d say, maybe just start over. Take a shower. Powerwash your face, even.”
“When the fuck did you become sarcastic ?”
“Right after you became friends with the coolest chick on the planet and then decided you’re too good for her.”
“ Chick. Don’t call Robin a chick. And I’ve told you, we’re just friends. I’m not too good for her.”
Really, Steve thought she was too good for him. 
Well, that, and there’s the whole part where she’s super totally not into guys at all. 
“So, what’s this all about, anyway? Mike said on the phone that El called him and left a really cryptic message.”
“Look. She called me to explain and ask if everyone could meet here,” Steve lied. “I’ll give you guys a recap once the rest of the gang shows.”
“But she thinks there’s something going on with the Upside Down? Again ?”
“I think she knows there’s something going on with the Upside Down.”
The more Steve sat with the memory of how Billy looked in that dream, the more he was certain of where he was. 
Billy had been ratty. His normally perfect hair was long and limp, greasy on top and matted around his face. He was sporting a patchy beard, nothing like the fuckin’ pornstache the guy had been rocking all last summer. 
And he was filthy. Covered in grime and dirt, and Steve’s sure if he’d looked harder, he would’ve seen traces of that viscous black goo that only meant bad news. 
There was a squeal of tires, an alarm signaling the arrival of Nancy in her mother’s station wagon, toting her brother and Lucas. 
“I’m in this now, Lucas Sinclair!” came Erica’s voice from the entryway. 
Steve was tapping his foot impatiently.
“Erica, you accidentally found out about all this!”
“So did you!”
The Sinclair siblings’ bickering was only cut by the sound of the Wheeler siblings snapping at one another in turn.
“Am I the only one that thinks it doesn’t make sense to meet up this early? El and Will are like, seven hours away!”
“Mike! It doesn’t matter. We all have to talk and figure out what’s going on.”
The sounds of arguments all quieted abruptly as the four people rounded the corner and caught sight of Steve.
“Oh, Jesus. Who kicked your ass this time?” Mike snipped at Steve. 
Oh, yeah. He keeps forgetting he’s covered in his own nose blood. 
“What? It’s nothing. I kicked my own ass. Just take a seat.”
“I told you to-”
Steve didn’t wanna hear it. 
He loves all these people, but his head kinda felt like it was full of mushy jelly and runny pudding and all the loud talking wasn’t doing much to help. 
He stepped out onto the porch, snagging the pack of cigarettes he kept stowed in the flower box next to the door. 
It took two to finally tame his nerves any. 
Sitting there with all the people in his house waiting for an explanation, he kinda felt like his haphazard plan was shit and going to fall through immediately. 
Just tell them El called. Tell them she saw Billy in the nowhere place and she thinks he’s alive. Easy as pie. 
The tell-tale sound of a skateboard making its way closer and closer announced Max before he saw her. 
Robin was pedaling next to her, helmet lopsided on her head and not buckled underneath her chin. 
They were talking animatedly to one another, their laughter dying as soon as they saw Steve waiting for them.
“Fuck. So this is real.”
“Why does everyone think I got the shit beat outta me?”
“Your ass gets creamed every time some spooky shit goes down in this place, Harrington,” Max informed him. 
She was a little Billy replica, all the way down to the way the corner of her mouth twitched up when she said his name. 
It would’ve been sad. The way she tried to become her brother after losing him so violently last summer. 
But something like relief settled into his bones, strong and real and wait ‘til I tell her Billy’s not dead and he was laughing. Curling in on himself cackling so hard his stomach had already begun to get sore
“Fuck. He’s lost it,” Robin sighed, ditching her bike next to Dustin’s and heaving Steve up, both hands underneath his armpits.
Nobody dared speak. 
“And you’re sure? You’re positive you heard one of those things?”
Janet had her arms twisted over her chest, her jaw tight as she watched Hopper’s every move. 
“It’s not really a sound you forget.”
Billy’s hand was shaking, he was gripping the ax so hard. 
“So, we’re fucked,” Angela said harshly. Her cold voice sent ice down Billy’s spine. “If those things are back, we don’t stand a fucking chance.”
Hopper scrubbed his hand over his brow, sighing through the cloth over his mouth and nose.
“It just means I have to try harder. I can get to El, I know I can.”
Hopper said that a lot. But he never explained what getting to El meant. 
Heather had explained she met El once, but she said it was weird and she only saw her like some kind of shadow, a figment in this dark empty place. Somewhere as cold and broken as the Upside Down felt. 
The little one was leaned up against Billy, his left hand balled in the edge of Billy’s leather jacket. He stood like that a lot. It was grounding for Billy. Kinda like holding Max’s hand when she was young and still thought he was the coolest person she’d ever met. 
“But, you only heard something, right? So it very well could be nothing.” Timothy was good at keeping mediator. He always kept a level head and talked slowly and calmly. They needed someone like him in this nightmare.
“They make this noise. This kind of wet chirping. Like this gurgle that just sounds like they’re watching you, ready to pounce out at any time, shrieking and attacking. It’s not a sound you forget.” Hopper had this horrible haunted look on his face, and Billy fucking believed him. 
“Then we up nightwatch. Stick together,” Billy offered. He never usually piped up with strategy, but that’s the best he’s got, and frankly, he thinks it’s the only way they’d all be able to make it through. 
“Exactly. We move in a pack now. Keep track of everyone together, and stay aware of what’s around us. I think we should do a major run and then lock up for a few days to see what goes down.” 
Hopper leaned back in the ratty armchair he was taking up, looking around to see if anyone challenged his ideas. 
Billy had given up his alpha male attitude the second Hopper yanked his upper arm and nearly screamed at him, asking Billy if he was ‘one of the flayed’ all while aggressively checking him over for injuries. 
First time any of Neil’s lessons actually sunk in. 
Respect and responsibility. 
If that fucker could see Billy now, doing nothing but respecting authority and taking responsibility for all these peoples’ lives. 
“We should rest up. Take a run tonight. Get a lay of the land,” Timothy said with an air of finality. Nobody argued. 
Hopper nodded. 
Everyone broke out from the Harringtons’ living room, milling around to get prepared for tonight’s run. Taking stock of what they needed to keep going for the next few days. 
Billy was itching to slide back into his cot and try to seek out that space if he can. The empty space where Harrington and that warm feeling of safe existed. 
The little one stayed clinging to his jacket, and Billy took a loose hold of his wrist, trying to provide some kind of basic comfort to the tiny kid. 
“You wanna go raid the cabinet?” The kid stared up at Billy with big eyes. Billy could never tell what color they were in the gloom. He thinks maybe green. 
The cabinet was a large door, built into the wall of the sitting room, and clearly where the Harringtons kept their games. 
They had these excruciating couple thousand-piece puzzles, the pictures peeling and faded on the pieces. They had Trivial Pursuit and backgammon, and all kindsa shit. 
The little one went and pulled out the checkers board. That was the only game Billy knew how to play anyhow. 
He and Max used to sit for hours, playing with this dinosaur-themed checker game Max’s dad got for her one birthday. 
It helped, playing a game. Helped pass the time. Help bait the anxiety. 
Helped them all feel a little bit closer to human.
“I don’t. Get it.”
Apparently, Nancy was not the only one, if the blank stares Steve was receiving from around his living room were anything to go by. 
“Yeah, why did she call you ?” Mike’s snitty tone was really grating on Steve’s fragile nerves.
“She said, she called to make sure everyone could come over here before she told you all to just show up this early on a Sunday morning and then she kinda explained what happened.”
Max was white as a sheet, tracking Steve like he was playing a horrible joke on her. 
“And she saw Billy. Billy Hargrove .” 
Steve nodded at Dustin. 
“Why does she think he’s in the Upside Down?” Robin asked, perched on the coffee table, sitting closest to where he was standing nervously. 
“She just knows .”
It was frustrating, trying to impart the seriousness of the situation without just spilling his guts. 
He rubbed absentmindedly at the cigar burn on his wrist. 
“I just don’t believe this. I talked to her three days ago, and she’s still having trouble with her powers. She can barely move a book, and hasn’t been able to get to the void since July, and you’re saying she accidentally saw Billy Hargrove, who we all saw murder a bunch of people and then get killed -”
“Shut up! He wasn’t himself!” Max shrieked out over Mike, the only time she’d even opened her mouth since Steve had mentioned her stepbrother’s name.
“Even if he is alive, El couldn’t have seen him! It doesn’t make sense!” Mike’s voice rose over Max’s, and Steve has a fucking headache and he’s over it.
“It was me! I had a dream. I went to the void. I saw Billy in the Upside Down. I called El to say she saw him.” 
Everyone went dead silent, staring at him.
“Steve,” Robin began, searching his face.
It was like all the wind that had been filling up his sails, powering his energy ship, had suddenly quit blowing. 
Steve was tired. 
He sank to the floor, crossing his legs where he sat.
“I need you all to shut the fuck up for a moment and let me explain, because I only wanna say all this shit once.” He covered his bloody face with his hands. “I’m like El.”
That statement hung in the air for a moment. 
And then there was a roar of noise.
“How could you keep this a secret?” Dustin shouted.
“Not in a million years !” Lucas decided. Erica yelled something back at him, vaguely defending Steve, which was nice.
“You mean you came from the lab?” Mike had a look on his face like he’d swallowed a particularly bitter lemon. 
“Everybody, shut the fuck up!” Max roared, glowering at each person until they were silent again. 
In all this Robin hadn’t said a word. She was pale, staring at Steve.
“Look, I don’t wanna go into it because it fucking sucks to think about,” Steve still hadn’t uncovered his face. “But yeah. I was in the lab. I got out because they decided I was a failed experiment. My mom worked at the lab and she took me and we pretended like the three of us moved here from Oklahoma and my dad told me never to tell anyone. And I haven’t. Didn’t even tell El. She recognized me from then. Don’t even know how, I left when she was like, three. Doesn’t matter. I’m a freaky lab kid and last night I fell asleep and saw Billy in that-what’d you call it? The void? Yeah, I saw him, and he’s covered in dirt and gross black Upside Down shit, and he’s fucking stuck there, and now we’re here.”
There was another silence. 
Steve didn’t dare to look at any of them.
He didn’t want them to laugh in his face. Tell him he was making all this shit up and leave him alone to deal with Billy trapped somewhere else. 
He wanted them to take his word for it. To quietly believe this crazy fucking shit of a story because the scared other feeling was back and clawing at his spine and making him want to burrow into the ground and find somewhere safe and secure and-
Of course it was Robin. 
It was always Robin. 
Steve let himself look at her. 
She was pale, but she was smiling at him. 
“Just like that?”
“Just like that.”
Steve nodded once.
“Okay. Uh, great.”
“Wait, if you’re defective, no offense, then how did you see Billy?” 
Steve stared at Max weighing his answer carefully. 
“Because, well, the defective thing, that was all, I didn’t mean to, that was before I really understood what I could do. Don’t get me wrong, it really worked out, but it was an accident.”
“Spit it out, Sailor Man.”
“ Erica .”
Erica just rolled her eyes at Lucas. 
“Okay. Uh, before I explain, just, just keep in mind that I have rules, and I don’t use my powers if I can avoid them, and I’d never use them to be a creep, but-”
“Fine!” The words were right there, ready to tumble out of his mouth and ruin his life forever. 
There was no going back after this. 
The second they knew, everything would be different.
“I can feel other peoples’ emotions and, like, change them.”
Another silence.
“I don’t understand.”
Nancy was the last person he’d ever want to have this conversation with. 
He knows what she’s thinking. He knows that the great anger brewing inside her is because she assumes he made her like him. Made her attracted to him. 
Made her want him. 
“I don’t use it like that. I would never, put something there that shouldn’t be there. It’s just, When someone feels something near me, I can tap into it. Let it become my own feelings. And then I just, change it. Just a little.” He cast around for a harmless example because so far, everyone was staring at him like a goddamn creep. “Robin!”
She startled slightly when he yelled at her.
“Okay, so Robin. I’d never, ever make you feel something not true to you. Like, I’d never make it so you were into me when you’re totally not, right?” He cast a glance at Nancy. “But, like, the other day, when you felt really shitty when I invited you over and you were studying, I just, I made it so you wouldn’t feel bad. I felt all this guilt you had for leaving me alone when you thought I was having a shitty day, and I made it so you didn’t feel guilty because you shouldn’t. That’s the kinda level I allow myself to work on.”
The look Robin was giving him was breaking his fucking heart. 
Worse still, was the feeling of betrayal that began eating away at her. 
“So, right now. You can tell what we’re all feeling?” Even Lucas, ever the level-headed one, couldn’t look him in the eye.
“I don’t want to. I don’t try to, but I can’t really avoid it. I just try to ignore it. But sometimes, sometimes if I bottle it all up for a while, it comes crashing out of me, and that’s when bad shit happens. If I don’t use it occasionally, it only wakes things worse, and I-”
“I can’t hear this.”
Robin’s anger crashed through Steve like a wave, nearly knocking him over. She stood, towering over him. 
“When we were in that bathroom, all drugged out of our minds. I-” she sniffed, rage tears pooling in her eyes. Steve likes her eyes. So crystal blue. “Are we even really friends?”
Her last question was nothing more than a whisper. 
And it made Steve wish he was never born.
He gaped at her like a dead fish.
“Rob, of course we are! I would never-”
“Because I hated you. And then one summer. Two whole months where we’re close enough that you can get all up in my brain, and suddenly I’m telling you shit I’ve never told anyone before.”
“It wasn’t, Robin I swear, that whole time, I never once used-”
She held up her hand, cutting him off. 
A sob caught in his throat as she turned on her heel. 
She slammed the door closed behind her. 
Another fucking silence. 
Steve couldn’t look anyone in the eye.
Their feelings were enough for him now, betrayal and anger and disappointment rushing into his lungs, drowning him. Choking him. 
“You’ve used them on all of us.”
It wasn’t a question. 
It was just a statement. The coldest he’s ever heard Dustin sound. 
“I just want everyone to be happy.”
“Jesus, Steve. You realize that’s actually totally fucked up, right? You can’t just make us feel whatever you want,” Dustin bellowed at him, standing up like Robin had done, looking down at Steve where he sat pathetically on the floor. 
And, when it’s put like that. 
It’s kinda fucked up. 
But he’s only ever meddled in a way that’s good. He only ever tries to make his friends feel the positives. Hell, on the night of that stupid Snow Ball, he’d given Dustin enough self-confidence to make Madonna seem insecure. 
All he does is try to help. 
“All I do is try to help.”
More fucking silence. 
Steve was so goddamn sick of silence. All he had was silence. He had the nothing, empty quiet. And he didn’t want it from the people who were supposed to make his life loud. 
“El won’t be here until later tonight. I think we should just meet up then.”
Steve buried his head in his hands, biting back sobs as the small group filtered out of his house. 
This is why he had wanted to take this secret with him to death. 
He told everyone who he really is, and now they all hate him, and he’s completely alone, and wherever Billy is he’s fucking scared and-
Max’s voice was small, mirroring the way she was curled in on herself in the plush armchair near the wall. 
“Do you really think Billy’s alive?”
Steve nodded at her, desperately begging her to stay. To help him. 
“I know he is.”
“I have an idea.”
He doesn’t remember falling asleep. 
Doesn’t remember much of anything in this place. 
He studied the water lapping at his muddy boots, dragging his toes through it to make the water wave and ripple. 
It didn’t make a sound. 
“I want to help.”
Billy knew Steve was there even before he spoke. 
Something about the warmth he brought to the void place. 
The safety. 
“Don’t know if you can.”
Steve’s lips twitched into a ghost of a smile at that. His face was covered in blood, dried and flaking away from his skin, painted all the way down his face and neck, some staining the collar of his shirt.
“There’s a lot you don’t know about me.”
“That happens when the only interactions you have with a guy are to beat his ass.”
Steve cracked a real smile at that. Something big and bright that made Billy’s gut twist in a way he didn’t quite like. 
“You’re forgetting all those other times we spent together. You’re not very subtle, you know.”
Yeah, Billy knows. 
Mostly because he wasn’t trying to be subtle. 
He had talked to Steve about his bitchy ex while they both had their dicks out in the shower. He was trying to be very much un-subtle. 
“Wasn’t trying to be.”
“I know.”
Steve knows. 
And all he had done was stare blankly at Billy. 
“I need to know where you are.”
“Because I can help.”
Billy just blinked at Steve. 
“Do you know El?”
Something funny happened to Steve’s face. He kind of gave a little smile that flickered into a frown and landed on something a little pinched and awkward. 
“Yeah. How do you know her?”
“Hopper keeps saying he needs to get to her. None of us know what he’s talking about.”
And with that, Steve’s eyes went huge, and his jaw dropped. The water at Billy’s ankles sloshed quietly. 
“Hopper’s there? Chief Hopper? Jim Hopper is there?”
“Jesus, yeah. Been here since we all woke up.”
Steve acted like Billy had told him that Farrah Fawcett herself was on her way to shave his head. 
Meaning, he looked struck fucking dumb. 
“I’m gonna need you to explain.”
“I don’t know. Don’t remember much. Crashed my car on one of your shitty backwoods roads, and then everything is just, kinda, gone. I woke up in this shithole version of the library and Hopper found me here and we’ve kinda set up camp.”
Billy shrugged lamely. Something was dripping, he could hear the sound of it far behind him.
“There’s more of you? How many?”
“Not as many as there should be.”
Steve’s mouth pinched, and his big droopy eyes went all sweet and sad. 
“Where are you? Where’s the camp?”
Billy was suddenly embarrassed. There was a sound like a stream flowing over rocks.
What’s he supposed to say? The hellscape skeleton of your house oh and by the way all your stuff is here and I slept in your bed once because I was scared and sad.
“Someone’s house. Don’t know whose.”
Steve huffed some air out of his nostrils, his mouth pinching again. 
Billy hadn’t realized someone could make so many different expressions just by pursing their lips in different ways. 
“Find out. We’re coming to get you.”
A crash of a wave, and Billy was back in hell. 
Steve sucked in lungfuls of air, tossing the towel that had been covering his eyes to the ground. 
“You saw him.” 
Max was sitting in front of him, the t.v. playing static behind her. 
“Yeah. He’s okay. I mean, he’s really gross. Like, he’s-sorry. He’s okay.”
Max was still staring at him like she didn’t quite know how to proceed. 
“But he’s in the Upside Down?”
“Yeah. And there’s others. He said Hopper’s there, that he’s been trying to contact El.”
“Wait, Hopper? He’s alive?”
“Billy said all of the flayed woke up after the Fourth of July in the Upside Down. He doesn’t know anything that happened in this world, and Hopper was there and they’ve set up, like, some kind of camp, or whatever. He said they’re in someone’s house. He doesn’t know who.”
“ Fuck .”
Yeah, Steve agrees with that sentiment. 
This whole thing was like, kind of a lot. 
And deep inside him, those other feelings had yet to leave him alone all day. 
There was some kind of disappointment knocking about in his brain. 
He knows it’s Billy. 
All of those other feelings, it’s whatever Billy is feeling right that minute wherever he is. 
And it only happens when Steve is-
“Max, he’s here.”
She whipped around behind her, staring at the front door like Billy could waltz through it at any moment. 
“No, no not here, here .” She clearly didn’t understand. He used the towel to wipe the fresh blood from his upper lip, still having yet to clean himself up any. “The camp, the safeplace, it’s here. They’ve set up in my house!”
It felt like a revelation on par with the greatest inventions. Steve felt like the scientist that landed the man on the moon or the very first person to melt cheese onto fries. 
A genius. 
“So, he’s, I mean, he could be, just, here .” She looked over the room wistfully, and Steve knew how she felt. Like she wanted to pierce her hands into thin air, tearing a hole in between the two worlds and ripping Billy straight outta hell. 
(Really, she just filled him with a wave of fierce determination, but Steve likes to take poetic license on other people’s feelings sometimes.)
“And you can feel him.”
“Is he, okay?”
And he knows this question. 
Not the okay he assured her of when he first saw Billy. Soothing that he wasn’t missing any internal organs or possessed by any monsters. 
She wants to know if he’s held it together. 
“He’s scared. He’s always scared. But he’s really fucking stubborn, and he- I don’t know why he feels these things, but sometimes he gets kinda sad. Almost like he’s lost something, and sometimes, it feels like he’s caught fire, and his insides are just going up in flame and he gets overwhelmed by them. And sometimes he feels-” He hadn’t meant to continue.
“Tell me.”
He’s pretty sure Max knew what he was going to say next. 
She just wanted it confirmed. 
“Hopeless. Sometimes he feels hopeless.”
She sniffed, her eyes shining as she looked anywhere that wasn’t Steve. 
“But, we know now. He doesn’t have to be hopeless anymore. We’ll find a way in, and we’ll get him out.”
He didn’t want to manipulate her. 
He didn’t want to cross the boundaries everyone clearly thought he already had. 
But he was positive he would find a way to Billy. He was positive he would get him out and get him home. 
He sent a wave of that determination and hope and conviction to her. 
“Yeah. We’ll get him.”
“Hopper, man, some funky shit is going down.”
Hopper whirled around quickly, halfway to his feet and asking who's been hurt before Billy raised both hands, acting like he was calming an anxious horse.
“Nah, sorry, shoulda worded that better. I just mean, something’s happened to me. With me, maybe. I don’t know. Just hear me out. This shit’s gonna sound, insane.”
Hopper didn’t say anything as Billy explained, beginning with that night when the wall shattered next to his head, and ending with his most recent trip to the void place. 
Billy shrugged lamely when he finished explaining. 
“So, Harrington, huh? Never woulda guessed he was like her. You sure you didn’t see a little girl anywhere in the blank place?”
“No. It was just us. Both times.”
Hopper leaned back in his chair, scratching a hand through his thick beard. 
“The first time one of the demogorgons showed up on our side was behind Steve’s house. Took Will Byers from his shed. They live some few miles away. Second time was in Harrington’s backyard. Took Barbara Holland.” Hopper sighed, looking in the direction of the busted radio. Billy could more or less see the cogs turning in his head. “If you see him again, tell him where we are. Tell him I think the walls are thinnest here. That maybe he and El could tear through. Better yet, tell him to find me if he can.”
He clapped Billy on the shoulder, looking right at him in that way he did sometimes. It always made Billy feel like a little kid. 
“Thank you, kid. You might’ve just saved us.”
Billy felt awkward and didn’t really know what to do with his face. Thankfully, Hopper turned away from him, cutting the moment short and moving back to fiddling with the old radio. 
Billy ducked his way up and back to the furthest bedroom on the ground floor, taking a seat on his low cot and digging his palms into his eyes. 
He didn’t know how the void happened. If he could only get there in his sleep, or if it was Steve’s doing somehow. 
“C’mon, Steve. Where are you? Come find me, Pretty Boy. We gotta talk.”
When he moved his hands away, he was in that blank place. 
Billy was taken aback a bit, thinking somehow he had created the place around him. 
Until he saw Steve, standing nervously and staring at Billy. 
“I felt you. What’s wrong?”
“Sorry, you felt me? What in the fuck’s that supposed to mean.”
“Don’t worry about it. What happened? Are you guys okay?”
Steve wasn’t covered in blood anymore. 
In fact, he looked freshly showered, his hair slightly damp and soft-looking without product. 
It’s how he always looked right after having a post-practice shower. Clean and warm. Soft and inviting. 
“I talked to Hopper. He told me to give you a message.”
Steve’s eyes lit up, and he took a step towards Billy, the water rippling where his foot disturbed the surface. 
“He said, well. He told me where we are. Apparently, we’re at your place.” Billy tried to smirk a little, act like this was brand new information to him.
“Yeah. I gathered.”
“He thinks the walls are thinnest at your place. Said that maybe you and El could tear through easily. That mean anything to you?”
Steve nodded so hard his bangs flopped right into his eyes. 
He pushed his hair out of his face, tucking some behind his ear. Billy tracked the movement. 
“We’re going to try tonight. Maybe around six. Can you guys be ready by then?”
“We don’t have any way to track time around here. Don’t even know if it’s day or night, really.”
Steve bit his soft bottom lip, looking at Billy like he wanted to cry for him. 
“Then I’ll come and get you before. Warn you when we’re about to start. Make sure everyone stays close. I don’t know how long we’ll be able to keep it sustained, and we want to get everyone out if we can.”
“Steve, man, what in the fuck is going on? I’ve been shut up in this place for, for I don’t even know how long, and all of a sudden, you just start showing up in my head and telling me that you’re gonna take point on this big fuckin’ rescue mission.”
Billy doesn’t want to admit it to anyone, least of all Steve Harrington, but he’s scared, and confused, and he genuinely wishes that he had died in that library instead of waking up. 
“I’ll explain it when you get back.” 
And Steve smiled at him and the corners of his eyes crinkled and Billy didn’t quite feel like he wanted to die anymore. 
“Where are they?”
El didn’t even say hello when she pushed Steve’s front door open, just made straight for Max and Steve in the sitting room.
“They’re all being dicks,” was Max’s answer. “Steve told us about how you two know each other, and everyone kinda freaked.”
���I mean, it’s pretty freaky.”
“Yeah, sure, but they didn’t need to be such shitbirds about it.”
Somewhere between feeling harshly angry at Steve and his powers and hearing her brother’s voice crackle through the television speaker, Max had pretty much ensconced Steve as her sidekick. 
Which he didn’t mind in the least. 
It was kinda odd seeing the Byers in his house. 
Jonathan looked. Exactly the same. 
Like literally. His hair had grown out since his mother had taken a pair of scissors and a bowl to it last summer, and he looked just like the Hawkins Jonathan Steve was used to. 
It was kinda nice. 
At least one thing hasn’t changed. 
Especially because Will is pretty much unrecognizable. 
He had shot up, growing until he could nearly look Steve in the eye. And thank God, he must've followed Jonathan’s footsteps and stopped letting Joyce cut his hair. 
It was longer, adn shaggier, but it made him look so grown up. 
Nearly as grownup as El, her hair nearly down to her shoulder blades, the top of her head coming up on Steve’s chin, showing off the signs of her own growth spurt. 
Even Joyce was sporting a new look. Longer hair with bangs that were swept off her face.
She gave Steve a comforting hug, and those were just the same. 
Unease filled the room. 
Nobody knew what they were walking into. El had to have given them the basics, and Steve figures she explained some on the long drive back to town, but there had been even more developments since the last they had spoken this morning. 
Steve sifted through the borderline panic of Max and the Byers, clinging onto the fierce calm that El was radiating. Probably for his benefit more than her own actual experience. 
“I know where Billy is. We talked. I have an idea.” He took a deep breath, bracing himself for the feelings. “Hopper’s alive.”
It took a second. 
El’s carefully maintained calm wavered for a moment. 
And then it crashed down. 
Disbelief, relief, denial, anger, hope, joy. 
Everything a person could possibly feel at once poured out of El and Joyce both, nearly knocking Steve off his feet with the sheer velocity of the emotions. 
“Saw him?”
“No. But Billy mentioned him. He said he’s been trying to get to you.”
El’s eyes filled with tears, and Steve could feel the satisfaction, the pride, welling up in her that Hopper was still thinking of her. That he was trying to reach out. 
“My powers,” she trailed off.
“Yeah. I know. But, he said, well, he told Billy to tell me, he thinks the walls are thinnest here. Maybe in the woods outback. He thinks we can do it.”
Sorry,” Joyce interrupted. She had gathered herself somewhat, but her feelings were still shaky. 
She always felt like she was trembling emotionally. Joyce felt everything nearly as viscerally as Billy did. 
“I think we’re not on the same page. Steve, you spoke to Billy? El said she sensed him.”
“Steve is like me. From Papa.”
“You mean, from the lab?” Jonathan clarified. 
Everyone was staring at Steve again and he felt like burrowing a hole right through the floor and hiding underground forever. 
“Yeah, I got out when I was a kid. My parents were pretty hell-bent on hiding it from everyone. But. You know. Cat’s outta the bag now. But yes, it was me who saw Billy. He’s in the Upside Down. A bunch of people are. Including Hopper. It sounds like they were all taken and the flayed people out here were like, fake. Like evil twin versions.”
Sure, it’s a shitty explanation.
It’s the best he can do, okay? Leave him alone. 
“So, what’s his plan, then?”
That’s the good thing about the Byers, though. They get the whole, priority thing. Now’s not the time to focus on shit like Steve’s fake life. Not when the Upside Down is concerned. 
“Billy didn’t say much. Just that he thinks maybe El and I could like, band together to open it. I don’t really know how, I mean, I haven’t thought about it much, I just spoke to him, but that's the idea. I told him I would meet him in the void or whatever before we go so he can gather everyone and get ready.”
“So, is it just us?” Will asked quietly, biting the inside of his cheek. He was disappointed. His friends not being where they were needed. Not being there to see him for the first time since his family moved away months ago. 
Steve shrugged.
He was battling his own disappointment and hurt at everyone ditching him. 
“No. Let’s start calling. We need to stick together for this one. Billy hasn’t said anything about how bad the Upside Down has been, and we need to be ready to fight off anything that tries to get through.”
“Max is right. They should be here.” Will was already making his way to the phone placed on the side table. “They need to be here.” 
Jonathan caught Steve’s eye, jerking his head slightly to the hallway. 
Steve followed him, already knowing the line of questioning that was about to hit him. 
“I knew you called El. I picked up this morning. Now the story makes a lot more sense, I guess.”
“Yeah. I’ve been getting this weird feeling for a couple months, but I finally put it all together. Probably would’ve happened faster it is was El.”
“I don’t know. She’s been struggling a lot. She practices every day, but,” he sighed” I don’t know if she’s strong enough to make this work.”
He’s worried, adn scared, and has that exact same tremble-feeling that his mother does. 
“I know. I just don’t think we can leave them any longer. Billy said they’ve already lost people. I don’t know what it’s been like for them, but they’ve been stuck for fucking months, and-”
This time, it hit him so hard he really did blackout. 
His vision clouded around him, and his whole body burned with the raging fear inside of him. 
He could hear something, could hear someone screaming, adn something, something that sounded horrible, and so very very like a-
It’s like it had come out of nowhere. 
This towering figure, long and thin in all the wrong fucking ways.
And the sound. Billy realized what Hopper meant about how it’s not something you forget. 
They were in some form of a ready position. 
Billy among the front of the group, holding his ax he had never let go of in the first place. 
His heart was pounding. 
We’ll be out soon. We’ll be out soon. 
He didn’t believe it. 
How could he?
How the fuck is Steve Harrington going to get them out of the worst place ever? No offense to him or anything, but the guy could barely make a goddamn milkshake without spilling something on the sticky tile floor of Scoops Ahoy! and now, Billy’s life is in this guy’s hands while he stares into the jaws of a monster that looks like it stepped right out of H.P. Lovecraft’s wettest dreams.
It’s not like this is the first time he’s had this realization, but he is in way over his fucking head. 
“Steve,” Billy grumbled to himself through gritted teeth. “If you can hear me, get us the fuck outta here.”
The thing ahead of them wasn’t moving. It stood in the line of the trees behind Steve’s house. 
It was staring down the clump of people on the other side of the backyard. 
The air was still. 
Billy’s ears were ringing. 
He stared the thing down. 
Its long fingers twitched. 
Someone screamed. 
And the thing charged. 
It roared like nothing Billy had ever heard before. A shriek that seemed to vibrate Billy’s bones and tremble the earth underneath his feet. 
It charged. 
Sprinting forward on long thin legs, it loped with a grace that turned Billy’s stomach and made his knees wobble and threaten to give out. 
Plant your feet. 
It rang through his head, Steve’s voice from, some time Billy couldn’t remember. Or maybe Steve was just the little voice that commanded his bravery now. 
Either way, he dug the balls of his feet into the cracked ground, and waited. 
Don’t stop fighting.
He swung. 
The ax clocked right into the side of the thing, barely cutting into its thick leathery skin, but it slowed it down. 
Well, actually. 
It made it change course from attacking the group as a whole, to honing in on Billy. 
Which was less than awesome. 
Billy wrenched the ax out of its tough body, thick, sticky black goo connecting the ax with its entry point as he drew it away. 
He swung again, nearly hitting the same place. 
The thing cried out, roaring over the sound of screaming and gunshots. 
Hopper had his rifle trained on the flowered head of the one Billy was furiously chopping into like a tree. 
There were two more, two he hadn’t noticed in his preoccupation with the one in front of him. 
He didn’t know who was who. Which gunshot belonged to which gun, which shriek belonged to which animal. 
He didn’t know if the cries of pain were from the awful beasts or the people in his camp. He was hoping the former. 
He swung again. There was a sickening sound of the metal blade connecting with something solid. Something like bone. 
Hopper shot it, once, twice in the head. 
It was whining, making a high-pitched noise as it staggered about. 
One last blow to the side of the thing, and it was finished. 
The monster flopped onto the ground, dark liquid oozing out of it, its body nearly split in half where Billy had hammered it with his ax. A great gaping wound that showed sticky dark entrails. 
Billy turned. 
His brain was working in slow motion as he charged into the battle still raging. 
He didn’t know how many of the things had arrived. 
All he knew was taking them out.
His arms were sore from the force he was putting into each blow with his ax. His muscles threatened to give out at any moment.
Drive them back. We’re coming. 
The thought was shoved into his head. He didn’t know where it came from but he believed it. 
“Help is on the way!” He shouted to no one and everyone. 
He had taken down two more demogorgons with the help of the others. One was missing its body, a petal head lolling on the ground, getting trampled on in the fight. 
Steve had felt the demogorgon before Billy saw it. 
It was an odd feeling, almost like it was a black hole sucking up everything he thought and felt before he could cling onto it. 
It made him feel cold, and empty, and just like the Upside Down felt. 
“We don’t have time!”
El was insisting on contacting the others. She was livid with them for abandoning Steve, but things were taking a turn for the small group trapped in that hellscape. 
“Steve’s right. If there’s a demogorgon there, that means the Mind Flayer has gotten some strength back, wherever he is.”
Steve nodded at Will gratefully.
“But, what’s the idea? You two open the gate. Then what? We wait for those things to come through to our side?” Jonathan asked, kinda harshly, if you ask Steve.
Steve rubbed his eyes, his fists pressing against them so hard he was seeing odd shapes. 
“No. I go through. I get them. I bring them back.” His head was a fucking mess. Billy was all over the place. Fear, desperation, and a horrible calm that only came when things looked like the end. Plant your feet, he thought, trying to get his feelings to Billy through the thin dimensional wall. Don’t stop fighting. “For the past few days, all I’ve been able to feel is somebody else’s fucking fear and this stupid stupid stubbornness and I know it’s Billy, and I know he’s in trouble. Like right now. The demogorgons are coming for them, and he’s so scared. He’s so fucking scared and he thinks he’s gonna die, and he’s trapped .”
He looked at each person individually, glaring at them all in the eye. 
“We don’t have time.”
So it was decided. 
He brought El outside, and stared into the shimmering water of the pool. 
The pool where a demon came out and dragged Barbara to her death. 
It gave him the fucking creeps. Well, it more gave him the severe anxiety, but there was something about it that made it seem like it was the best place to try and rip the fold between himself and Billy. 
Drive them back. We’re coming. 
He wanted Billy to have some hope. Something like a lifeline that would keep him fighting the monsters. 
He had wrenched his nail bat out of the wall it was still planted in from a few nights ago, and stood next to El, ready to try. 
“To be honest, I don’t know how to help you.” It was the only thing that scared him about this plan. “I don’t have the same powers as you. The telekin-the moving stuff around. I don’t know how to open this.”
She looked at him thoughtfully. 
“In Chicago. Kali. When I’m angry my powers are better,” she took his hand. “Make me angry.”
Steve closed his eyes. 
He tried to push Billy to the side, clinging onto the first bit of El he could sense. 
Her anger was like a melted core running through her. Driving her in a lot of ways. 
He grabbed onto it. 
Papa. Everything he did to your mama. Being locked in isolation. Fights with Hopper. Being trapped in the cabin. Feeling alone and not knowing how to fix it. New kids at school being mean. Techs in the lab that treated us like rats. The smell of skin burning. Parents that called you a freak. 
He didn’t know when he had stopped using El’s ready-made rage, and began siphoning his own straight into the beating heart of her fury. 
His gut began to feel white-hot, and he could feel the blood dripping down his lip. 
Lying to everyone. Being abandoned for the truth. Bullshit, bullshit, bullshit. 
Steve was livid. 
He’s never felt an emotion consume him like this. Felt one feeling take over so completely it’s like there was nothing else in the world. 
He opened his eyes. 
There was blood flowing steadily from El’s nose, and he knew his was doing the same. 
He could feel his heart pounding against his ribs, his body going into overdrive to divert all of his energy to his powers. 
The rift glowed red through the clear pool water, splitting open like a seam on a well-worn shirt. 
The burn on his arm ached, and he pushed into it. 
He remembered being held down on his father’s desk. Remembers the cigar being forced against his skin, bubbling up and disfiguring the tattoo beyond recognition. 
He remembers his father, this is for your own good, Steven. You’ll tell everyone you had an accident. People won’t question a burn like they will a tattoo. 
Like no one would take one look at the quarter-sized mark and know what would make it. 
He remembers getting the tattoo. 
It was nearly the same process. 
He was strapped down in a chair, his screams going ignored as the needle drove into his skin over and over, leaving a neat black number behind. 
Number One. 
The first in a series of children bred for something more, and beaten into acceptance. 
His head felt like it could explode. He didn’t know what was going on around him, was barely aware of El’s sweaty hand in his, and the bright red light coming from the cracked bottom of the pool. 
It was open. 
Number One took a deep breath, and dived into the pool. 
It was the little one that noticed it. 
Billy had been trying to yell at him to get back inside, to keep himself out of harm’s way. 
They had killed six demogorgons, and more were certainly coming. 
The trees in the forest were rustling in a way they never did on their own. 
The little one was pointing frantically, his eyes wide and scared. 
Billy turned, and his blood ran cold. 
Something was moving in the pool. 
It was making the thick non-water slosh around dangerously, the dark liquid lapping over the sides and staining the concrete. 
There were vines crisscrossing over the surface of the liquid, and Billy approached it carefully, hoping whatever was coming out would be trapped underneath them. 
“This is the last fucking thing we need,” Hopper gritted out, cocking his rifle and aiming at the sludge. 
And then Billy’s head felt like it had been cracked open. 
He was blinded with pain and rage and 
Help me, Hargrove!
He started swinging his ax wildly at the vines. Trying to break them apart enough for a body to fit through. 
His heart thundered in his chest, and he dropped to his knees, ripping at the slimy black tendrils. 
He shoved his left arm in.
It was like dousing his arm in ice. Like the liquid was made from the purest essence of cold. 
He searched frantically with his hand, finding something solid and yanking with all his strength. 
He had to put both arms in, grabbing hold of whatever he could, using his body weight as leverage to extract Steve from the cold. 
He was limp when Billy finally got him out, but breathing heavily. 
He opened his eyes, wiping his face free of the goop and blood covering him, and grinned at Billy. 
“Told’ya we would get you out.”
They shepherd him inside, most of the gang speechless and struck dumb from the events of the past while. 
Steve was given a change of almost clean clothes, and allowed to use some of their bottled water ration to clean the freezing black fluid from himself. 
He wasted little time, and was down in the Upside Down version of his living room with everyone else. 
“We can’t be long. El had to use a lot of strength to open it, but she’ll need her strength to close it, too.” 
Nobody knew what in the fuck Steve was going on about. 
Nobody but Hopper, that is. 
He still had disgusting pool sludge all over his front from when he pulled Steve into a tight hug when he had gotten his bearings back from his journey through the rift. 
“We can’t send people through that shit. It took all of Billy’s muscle to get you outta there.”
“So we drain it,” Steve insisted. “My parents drain it sometimes, I know how to do it.”
“I’ll keep watch. Make sure nothing tries to make itself known.”
Billy had barely wiped himself off. 
He didn’t care anymore about how freezing that shit was, he just wanted to surge forward, and get back the fuck home.
Hopper studied them both.
“Bring weapons. Yell if you need help.”
Billy nodded once, and turned on his heel, following Steve out the back door. 
Steve led him to a wooden shed on the side of the house. Billy had to clear the vines away from it before Steve could pry open the doors. 
It was full of pool equipment, and it didn’t take long for Steve to locate a large grubby pump. He knocked it against the wall of the shed until the filter attachment clattered off, leaving bigger openings for the sludge to, hopefully, run through. 
“Shit. This thing is electric. You got electricity?” 
It was the first time Steve had really gotten a good look at Steve since being in the Upside Down. 
He looked exactly as he had in the void place. His hair had a lot more disgusting black fluid in it, and he overall looked kinda shitty with the flecks of grime and blood on his face, but he looked bright. Alive. Strong. 
“How did you do it? Take me to that place. Figure out we were here.” 
Steve flushed. Billy had become overly aware that his face was completely covered under his bandana. Steve should cover his face. 
He drew another one of his back pocket, and, he didn’t know why, but he tied it around Steve’s face. 
Seriously, he could’ve just handed it to the guy and called it good there. But no. He had to set his ax on the ground, propped against his leg, wrap his arms around Steve’s shoulders, and tie the bandana like this was some intricate ritual. 
All while Steve just stared at him with those fuckin’ eyes of his. 
“It’s a long story.” Billy could barely hear Steve speak through the dirty cloth now covering his mouth and nose. “I’ll tell you when we’re back. When we’re safe.”
“I’m holding you to that, Harrington. Can’t have a guy poking around my dreams and shouting in my head without knowing his intentions.”
It was as close to flirting as Billy dared right now. 
Right before they tried to journey between worlds. 
“Good to know you heard me. I was trying to give you something of a pep talk.”
“Well, it worked. I would’ve just put my arms out and let those things rip me to shreds if I hadn’t have known.”
Billy didn’t know what Steve’s face was doing behind the cloth, but his eyes dropped, and Billy imagined that little cinch of his mouth that he had noticed Steve doing so much in that void place.
Billy meant it as a joke. 
He really did. 
And the Billy that was torn to bits in the mall wasn’t this Billy. Wasn’t the real Billy that was made out of real Billy materials and real Billy personality. 
But it still made Steve feel queasy, thinking about his arms spread wide, black goop pouring out of his mouth and nose as the Mind Flayer decimated him. 
“We’ve got a lot to talk about, Billy. Just, not now.” 
And Steve turned off, hauling the pump back to the pool and taking calming breaths. 
The pump sank without much effort, like there was some kind of gravitational pull at the bottom of the pool. 
Steve had connected the thickest hose he could find, adn sent Billy off with the extension cord to find an outlet that didn’t spark and threaten fire. 
Before no time, the pump was humming, and pushing black slime through the hose and onto the dead grass. 
They didn’t need to get it all out, just as much as they could shove everyone through. 
Steve closed his eyes, trying to reach El like he had Billy. 
We had a hold up. Shouldn’t be long. 
He could feel her on the other side. 
She promised she would stay close enough to the rift that Steve could get in touch with her. 
He could feel something slither down his spine, a wordless confirmation from her. 
The liquid in the pool was slowly edging down, leaving a stain on the once-white walls of the pool. 
“Gather everyone up. Tell ‘em to meet out here. Tell ‘em to leave it all behind.”
Billy was still staring at the edge of the forest when he commanded Steve. 
It was odd, being in his house that’s not his house. 
Everything was so. Wrong. 
From the way the house seemed to be crumbling down, reduced to its studs in some areas, to the way it was still clearly his house. Paintings his father had bought. Elegant furniture his mother selected. 
It was all there. Just under a thick layer of dirt and nightmares. 
He thought idly about his bedroom, wondering if it would look like it did on his end. A little messy, the sheets typically rumpled and unmade. 
He resisted the urge to wander upstairs, reminding himself he was on a mission. 
“It’s time. Don’t bring anything. It’ll probably be ruined along the way.”
Everyone looked grave. Steve tried to smile at them, tried to push through some calmness to them all. He had forgotten Billy’s bandana was tied around his face. He sent one last wave of quiet confidence around the room, and led the group through the kitchen. 
They had barely rounded the corner of the kitchen island when they heard a strangled yell from outside. 
Steve put his head down, and sprinted through the shattered glass doors, skidding to a halt in the threshold. 
Billy was staggering backward, his ax forgotten on the ground and his left hand was clinging wildly to his right shoulder. 
His jacket was in tatters, thick blood dripping bright crimson down his arm, standing out like neon against the dark, dirty ground. 
Steve didn’t feel himself moving forward. He didn’t feel his hands raising in front of him. 
He just felt anger. The same anger from before that had ripped through him like a raging forest fire and straight into El. 
The thing shrieked. 
It backed away from Billy, twisting and writhing as its horrible screams filled the air, making the hair on the back of Steve’s neck stand on end. 
Fierce fury was exploding out of him, and he grit his teeth against the pounding in his head. 
“You don’t get to hurt him,” Steve barely barked out. 
All went still, and the demogorgon snapped into pieces. 
Steve felt like he could pass out where he stood. 
He had never felt so wrung dry. 
His vision was waning at the edges, and he felt an arm around his waist, coaxing him toward the red light now barely shining through a thin layer of slime in the pool. 
“Hold your breath, Pretty Boy.”
Steve was limp against him, and Billy was doing his best to ignore the searing pain in his right shoulder as he held Steve close to his side. He had fumbled off both of their face coverings, moving clumsily through the pain of his injury. 
He took one last breath, and jumped into the rip between worlds. 
He plunged into the water, the crystal blue of a chlorinated pool. 
It was the best feeling in the world. 
Being covered and surrounded by clean. The heated water doing more to soothe Billy’s frayed nerves than anything in his life. 
He kicked hard, swimming one-armed to the surface, Harrington a dead weight in his injured arm. 
His head broke the water, and he took in deep lungfuls of clean, crisp air. 
Someone was tugging at Steve, and Billy, for the first time in his fucking life, was glad to see those kids Max was constantly hanging around. 
A woman Billy didn’t know was fawning over Steve, feeling for a pulse, and looking relieved when she felt his hot breath against her palm. 
“There’s more coming,” Billy coughed. 
He barely managed to get the words out, dripping muck and grime on the cement by the pool, when it felt as though he was hit from the side by a speeding train. 
He buried his nose in bright orange hair, hugging Max back as tightly as he could manage. 
He was exhausted, and feeling her there, alive and okay, was all that was keeping him standing. 
“I thought, I mean, we all thought you were dead. We saw it. That thing killed you .” Billy realized, with a whole lotta horror, that she was crying. Sobbing outright into his dirty chest. 
“Yeah, I don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about.” How could they have seen when that monster just came at him? 
“Oh, you’re bleeding.”
And if she only just realized he was hurt?
Max frog-marched Billy inside, to a very pale-looking Nancy Wheeler, sitting ready with a first aid kit. 
Billy had to peel his clothes off his body, the fabric stuck to him like a second skin. 
Nobody was speaking, and more of the people locked in the other place came traipsing into the room, fluffy towels wrapped around their shoulders. 
Hopper was the last to come in, holding the woman tight to his side underneath the striped pool towel. 
“Steve and El are closing it back up.”
There was a quiet murmur around the room.
Nancy patched up Billy’s shoulder, Max still stuck to his side like glue, the little boy from camp pasted to his other side. 
He had no idea how much time had past when Steve finally came traipsing into the room with Max’s little friend, both of them sporting matching bloody noses. 
Steve looked like shit. 
His face was covered in blood, old and new, and he still had some of the gross not-liquid in his hair from the Upside Down. 
But Billy doesn’t think he’s ever been happier to see someone in his life. 
“I’m sure everyone has questions,” said the woman tucked against Hop’s side. El, Billy assumes, had taken her place on Hop’s other side, wrapping the towel around her shoulders as well. 
The woman launched into a story that made Billy feel like his brain was oozing out of his ears. 
A monster. One they had all met before. Playing body snatcher in their sleepy little town. 
Apparently, one had been wearing a Billy meat-suit and wreaking havoc around town, which made Billy wanna throw up until he died. 
Which, not-Billy, had died. Fuckin’ brutally. And in front of everyone. Which sure as shit explained why Max wouldn’t let go of his sweaty hand. 
The story made Billy queasy, and he took to studying everyone in the room instead. 
All the kids were there, even the one that had been following Steve around like a little shadow, but they were all glaring in the very much opposite direction of Steve. 
Steve himself was pressed almost against the wall, looking like he’d collapse if the wall weren’t supporting him. 
“What’s up with the cold shoulder?” Billy muttered to Max.
“They’re mad at Steve right now. He’s been lying to us all.”
It was all he got out of her before everyone started moving around. 
The woman, Joyce Byers, he’s learned, had finished her story, and the group from the Upside Down had begun clamoring for rides home, or maybe something to eat. 
Billy just saw Steve manage to slip away before he followed him. 
It took some doing, shaking off the little one, who still wasn’t speaking, and looked ready to burst into tears when Billy told him to stay behind in the living room. 
But Janet Holloway took the kid’s other hand and gently led him back into the living room. 
Billy nodded at her, and sped up the stairs. 
It was weird, being in Harrington’s actual room. 
It was messy, and looked like Steve spent most of his time here tossing clothes on the ground or twisting up in his bed covers like a tornado. 
But it was oddly comforting. 
Being in Steve’s real room, and not some perverse dirty copy. 
Steve was standing, facing the bed, peeling his borrowed jacket from his shoulders and leaving it there on the floor.
“I never said thank you.”
Steve startled at Billy’s voice.
“Yeah. No problem.” Steve’s tone was light and airy, but Billy heard him sniff.
“Max said the little shitbirds are mad at you. Something about you lying.” 
Steve turned around, giving Bily a watery smile.
“It’s a long story.”
“I got time.”
So Steve told him. 
About the lab. 
About the experiments. 
About the torture. 
He explained that he had rules. Never making anyone feel something they already didn’t. Never altering someone’s opinion of, or feelings towards him. 
Billy grit his teeth as he imagined Wheeler giving Steve a hard time about that.
Steve was silent for a moment, not looking at Billy.
“It’s okay if you hate me. I mean, everyone does now.”
“You'd be able to feel if I hated you. You and those powers of yours just saved my life, Pretty Boy. I’m pretty sure I’m feeling the farthest thing from hatred just about now.”
It was as close to a confession as Billy would let himself get. 
But if Steve knows what he’s feeling at any given moment, then that means that he knows, and he didn’t-
“Quit it. Insecurity isn’t a good look on you.”
Steve sounded tired, and he flopped back onto his bed, staring at the ceiling with his arms out. 
At first, it didn’t sit quite right with Billy. 
He had barely even begun to identify what he was feeling when Steve swooped in and just point blank told him what the emotion was. 
Billy spent nearly all of his time being a big fuckin’ facade. 
He tried his very best to hide any emotional tell from anyone around him. 
He prided himself on being a chameleon. That nobody would ever truly know how he felt in any given situation. 
And here’s pretty boy Steve Harrington. Who is feeling just as, if not more, strongly as Billy is. 
But, it takes out all the parts of emotions that Billy hates dealing with. 
Showing them. Talking about them. 
He’d never once had to grapple with the words to explain how he feels to Steve. 
Steve would just. 
He’d know. 
And god, that’s kind of a nice idea. 
Billy sat down gently on the bed. 
Steve’s head popped up to stare incredulously at Billy. 
Billy just grinned at him. 
132 notes · View notes
lovely-necromancy · 3 years
A Cure for Insomnia CH 1.
This is a reader insert I originally started posting on AO3. I’m cross posting here because I know some of the fandom still lives here.
Quick Disclaimer:
This is a fic I'm writing for my own comfort.
I was inspired by RaeBees (you can check out their works over on Quotev and AO3), and how they characterize the "proxies". Having always seen the characters different than most of the fandom I've interacted with I never really shared my thoughts until now. This work is only placed in the Creepypasta tag so it reaches its demographic. However, I am fully aware of the fact that no main character is considered a Pasta.
It may also appear to lean more Toby X Protag in the beginning but end goal is protag with all three, and Brian and Tim already in a relationship. How I picture it now is a slowburn but Toby and Protag will be in a friends with benefits relationship before either has any feelings, so I think that counts. Some may be confused by the asexual protag tag but it'll be explained in story, as an Ace myself I get frustrated with media that only show one version and say it goes for us all. That being said I don't represent the whole Ace community but I hope to provide a bit more representation for some others out there.
Protag will be depicted as agender, and will have a few tics that stem from their Autism. Again I don't speak for any others with Autism but I hope to provide some representation for those in similar positions.
Tags will be updated as the story progresses. Canon-Typical violence and mental health issues are to be expected if you feel uncomfortable with those aspects I advise you to not engage. This story will also have a lot of NSFW themes and scenes so I highly discourage anyone under the age of 18 from viewing this work. You will get warnings on chapters with NSFW and I will make it skippable as well.
I'm also very nitpicky and gave the main characters birthdays just because it irritates me when it gets mentioned once and you have to do the math or imagine your own conversation when a birthday was too close to a character's.
Tim January 1st, home state Alabama
Toby April 28th, home state Virginia (saw this years ago no clue if it's accurate)
Protag May 13th, home state Virginia
Brian May 23rd, home state Alabama
Connor the service dog July 18th, home state Kentucky
I've referred to Protag as Protag here but in story they're referred to as YN.
Everything felt impossibly dull; your senses, the dark room you're currently in, the noise coming from the fan just to the left of the bed on which you laid. Turning to the window beside your head you stare out into that weird midnight summer sky. More of a gray than a true dark blue night, cast in an orange glow that made the night seem closer to day than it truly was. While the time was just half past twelve, you felt it may have been more accurate to say it was closer to four in the morning.
You're exhausted but that true sort of exhaustion where whatever energy you have left buzzes all around. It consumes your entire being, dances between being deafeningly loud in your ears to giving you twitches in your legs. You'd laid down hours ago thinking you'd be tired enough to sleep once your tics started to spasm in closer intervals, but to no avail were you able to rest. That buzzing preventing you from dreamland. Maybe the hum of your body was right, you didn't really need to sleep, you just wanted it to feel normal.
Knowing the battle had already been lost you push yourself off the bed and grab a pair of shorts off the floor. Slipping them on you contemplate your options for the night. Going into town was out since it was Sunday...well Monday now, but there would be nothing but bars open and you were never one for drinking. And as fun as a drive sounds right now, you feel the buzzing in your bones grow stronger, you need to move. A late night hike should keep you occupied, with it being so quiet and the middle of the night you wouldn't even have to take your headphones to cancel out the sounds of other people, you aren't likely to run into many people tonight.
Deciding on a hike you grab a mask and car keys and make your way to your yellow Kia Soul. A going away present from your parents that they gave you the moment you got your driver's license after your 24th birthday. Having anxiety throughout your life you'd never been in the head space to start driving till later on, and while you still don't enjoy driving you are pretty good at it even with your “late” start. Surfing through radio stations as you let the car warm up you find your latest obsession, it's a conspiracy theory podcast that someone in Kepler managed to blast through the limited air ways of the town. Impressive considering Kepler was in a radio quiet zone and even cell phones couldn't work in the small town, luckily you lived just outside of the zone so you could send texts and call your parents every weekend.
It seemed today's episode was a rerun, Mothman: Murderer, Man, or Myth. It was actually one of your favorites, the paranormal stories tended to be more entertaining than hearing about how a man could murder sixteen people while working as a cop ruining evidence to lead the others off his trail. Humans could be more vial and cruel than any little gray alien from the future or tall Fresno Nightcrawler could ever be. And they weren't as entertaining to hear about, nor were their exploits as impressive. You could always see patterns, either connecting clues first or finding connections no one else saw, it was never hard to tell where a certain case would lead so you'd always end up disappointed in humanity when they overlooked such obvious clues. Though that often led you down a path of deep diving for information to see just how obvious it was, more often than not you'd find that the most logical conclusion was shady public officers. After investigating so many cold cases you're sure if you're ever in trouble you'll never involve the police, in the end they'd probably just ignore you and rule your case closed if anything ever did happen to you.
'I'd haunt them if they did.' You decide and you shift gears and begin driving to the Monongahela National Forest, as the timeline of Mothman sightings and events play out before for your ears.
Instead of going through town and possibly loosing the signal of the show, you drive on the old dirt road that runs along the very edge of the town, partially covered in trees. This over grown road is the main reason Kepler doesn't see many visitors, the second someone makes their way onto it coming off the interstate they floor it until they see civilization. Over the few months you've been here you've nearly been run right off the road by spooked tourists, trying to escape whatever ghouls their wild imaginations created. The only real thing on this road was a mini mart gas station, and even though it was shady as hell the cashier didn't bug you too much when you came in in the dead of night. Plus they had a cat, how could you not stop in and say hi to little ole Magnolia?
Speaking of which you should probably get a drink for your hike, you could already feel your throat drying out. Turning into the parking lot you're happy to see no other cars around, putting your face mask on you make your way inside. As usual the store is dead at this time, and Ronnie is manning the desk. What's unusual is the man also behind the counter, he has dark brown hair that he's tied into a small and low ponytail, thick sideburns frame his face. You immediately take note of the slight imperfections of his face, most would see the slit in his eyebrow as following the current trend or even just a genetic thing, but you can see the slightly off color of a healed scar that starts just above his eyebrow and ends mid eyelid, he has a few smaller discolorations on his crooked nose, you'd guess he's had it broken at least twice.
Briefly taking a glance to his brown eyes before looking away, today is not an eye contact day. Nodding in their directions, the best acknowledgment you can give right now, you make your way to the freezers. From the freezer section you can hear Ronnie “explain” you.
“That's YN, a regular mainly at night though. A bit skittish and rarely ever says more than 'thanks have a nice day'” Even though she's whispering you can hear everything. Including the high octave her voice takes to mimic you, it feels more like mocking.
If being mocked hadn't already put you on edge the eyes boring into you have. The eyes may not be roaming over your body but the icky crawling of your skin sure makes it feel that way. The feeling of being put under a microscope has always made you sick, the stares, the leers and sneers, and the judgment just makes you want to implode on the spot. Cease existence, be swallowed into the abyss. You're about to set yourself into an anxiety attack with all these thoughts.
'Mask, mask, mask' you repeat over and over in your head, it's the only thing you can focus on. You are wearing a mask, there is one thing they can't perceive, the face is the most important for humans to perceive, your mask protects you.
Without looking you pull a water bottle from the cooler. You don't think you like this brand but the sports mouth makes up for it, and you can't focus enough to grab another. As the imaginary spiders crawl their way under your skin and your breath hitches you make your way over to the counter head down, never looking up at the employees beyond the counter. Your vision is blurring in time with the beating of your heart, you can't tell if it's due to nerves or from being up for five days in a row.
“Hey YN, how're you?” Ronnie asks, her tone is different from the past times you've been in. It's higher and has a lilt in it that you'd expect from a teasing friend. But Ronnie isn't a friend and has never spoken to you like this, you hate it. You nod to politely move on with the process, between the crawling of your skin and the buzzing underneath it you feel sick. And you're now very aware of the existence of your eyelids, you try to focus on ignoring that awareness. You need to move.
“Hmm, that's good. Anyway this is Tim! He's just started so go easy on him.” you hear the sound of a hand hitting fabric and assume she's patted Tim's shoulder as she introduced Tim to you. Why was she doing this, what purpose could introducing you two have? You nod again, was anyone going to ring you out?
“Hi, this all?” a deep voice asked, it isn't extremely deep more of a standard baritone that has a slight raspy quality, probably a reformed smoker. You don't smell cigarettes currently so he could've quit after years. Unfortunately despite your efforts to stave them off your blinking tics emerge. Making it difficult to keep your eyes open for longer than a nano second.
Startled and ticcing you look up and catch his eyes, you see pity in them, before casting your glance back to the counter. You can never tell what's worse people seeing you as weird or seeing you as something needing to be fixed. Nodding again, Tim tells you the total; a dollar fifty eight, and you hand him two dollars from your wallet.
Tim doesn't ask if you want the receipt or a bag, he prints out the receipt and hands you your change. The change goes immediately into the cat food fund for Magnolia. She got diagnosed with diabetes about a month ago and having worked in shelters and pet stores you know just how expensive her prescription food is. After folding the receipt into your wallet, Tim gently slides the water bottle over to you.
“Have a good night.” he says it so low and gentle, as if he thinks you'll shatter in front of him. As kind as the gesture seems, you aren't that fragile...or maybe you are if you have to keep repeating 'mask' over and over in your head to ground yourself. With a final nod you turn and make your way to the door, and just as you open it you hear Ronnie call out.
“Awwww, c'mon YN at least say 'Hi' to Tim.” You really don't like how she squeaked out 'hi'.
Taking a deep breath you prepare yourself, you'll show them both you can do this simple task. Even if you can't stop blinking long enough to see straight. Once you've steadied yourself you turn and look at Tim. He's sending you a look that says 'You don't have to' all that's missing is a slow head shake to complete his unease with this “peer pressure”.
But you can do this you can say 'Hi, Tim.' Two words super simple, nothing complex like 'Hi, Tim, nice to meet you.' and so much better than the option of your next meeting saying 'Hi, Tim. Sorry for spazzing out the other night.'. Yup you can do this just breathe, you open your mouth and...and you've forgotten what to say. Looking like a deer in headlights, well at least the tics stopped, you say the first thing that pops in.
“Mask.” You've said it loud and clear both cashiers heard you.
Tim stares with wide eyes and you see Ronnie failing to hide her laughter. Out of all the ways this could've gone this was probably the best outcome for her. The blinking has started up again, this time growing more frequent. You can't even hold your eyes open, to the two cashiers it must look like you're in pain or crying. And while you want to die of embarrassment, crying is a bit of an extreme for you.
So with red face and the inability to see you leave through the door, and try to make your way back to your car. Once in you lock the doors, switch the car on, and rest your head on the steering wheel. Out of every way this stop could've gone, being perceived by a new comer and Ronnie was not what you expected. While this hadn't been the worst five minutes or so of your life, it definitely would be another thing keeping you up at night for the next twenty years.
Calming down in the cool quiet dark of your car your slowly brought back to the world by the beginning of a new episode. This one talking about the Tailypo legend. A favorite story of yours from when you were a kid living on the coast of Virginia. So with yet another deep breath and the wave of nostalgia, you pull out of the parking lot and slowly coast down the old dirt road. Heading yet again for the Monongahela forest.
It's nearly two in the morning when you roll up to see an RV parked by the forgotten entrance of the park. It isn't surprising at all to find an RV out here since the Monongahela Forest is one of the most beautiful parks you've ever been to. You also don't think anything of them being parked by this unused entrance because you use it all the time since finding it accidentally. Figuring they just wanted to camp and be left to their own devices rather than use the RV sites and be bothered with other campers here for the summer.
Climbing out of your car you notice the RV isn't new by any means but it isn't a total rust bucket either, looks like it's been passed around throughout the years. There isn't anything to suggest it's been here a while, nothing left set up outside, must have just gotten into town then. You do happen to notice dog tracks around the sandy dirt you've parked in, good to know they have a dog before you slammed your car door. Closing the door gently behind you so you don't startle a pup and wake up it's owner or owners, you make your way through the woods. No real direction in mind, with no real thought in your head. Just the thought of moving and to keep on moving.
You could walk the same path every time you came through and always find something different. In fact that's exactly what happens, you're almost positive that you've deepened the imprint of the path just from walking through several times a week. Following the same winding path you usually do, climbing over the fallen tree, and through a scattering of blueberry thicket's you find yourself on the edge of one of the forest's many streams. It's your favorite spot in the forest so far, and about as far as you've gotten considering these hikes of yours take place during the dead of night.
The wind picks up and sends a chill through you, taking that as a sign you slide down to sit by the stream. Vans placed to your side as you sink your feet into the cool water. It's peaceful out here, so cool, and quiet, save for the slight noises the stream makes, various bubbling and drips. You try to think on things like your recent move, your job, the embarrassing 'mask' incident, just life in general. But you can't seem to form a single thought, this happens a lot, you've recently been conscious of the fact that you've been running on auto pilot for the past two months, hell a lot longer than that. You think everyone must get like this from time to time, but you think you've always been this way. Keen to dissociating and slipping in and out of existence.
It's quite nice really, except for the times like right now where you'd love to figure out why the silence in your head is so painfully loud. The more you think on it the louder it gets and the stronger the buzzing under your skin feels. And right now the static in your mind has been getting louder and louder for the past few minutes. You feel your head jerk to the right of it's own accord, moving back in place it happens for a second time, and then a third, then jerks up, before jerking a forth time to the right effectively cracking you neck.
“There we go.” you mumble, you can relax a bit as the verbal tic indicates the end of this round of tics.
Sighing you look at the sky...that can't be right. The sky has been painted it's fresh baby blues for the day, but again that can't be right. You just got to the stream, that path is a thirty minute walk meaning it should be just about two thirty in the morning, but the sky suggests it's five or six at the latest. Reaching for your water bottle you find it empty next to you. You didn't fall asleep you know that much, perhaps you did dissociate tonight. Well this hike was disappointing if you knew you were going to dissociate you'd have saved yourself that embarrassment and stayed home. Maybe done some painting or tidied up.
Sighing you push yourself off the ground, collecting you vans you're about to put them on when you notice a figure off in the distance. You freeze out of shock and stare at the figure, it stares back. The figure is about ten yards away, god your near sighted ass should really remember to not leave your glasses in the car when hiking. The figure starts to make it's way to you and after a few steps you realize it hasn't moved from it's spot. Rolling your eyes you ignore the hallucination.
You'd really needed to get sleep last night, today is day six of no sleep and though you haven't had many episodes these past few days, you have a feeling they'll start to get more prominent today. Hopefully tonight you can manage to get some rest, the longer you go without sleep the more realistic the hallucinations become. But for today you're content with the knowledge that it's just shadow like beings that you'll be seeing.
After putting on your shoes you start the thirty minute hike back to your car. You're thankful for the weather in Kepler, nothing like back on the coast. Here you can go for a morning hike through the forest while a gentle breeze passes by and the sun starts to give the area a pleasant warmth. Back on the coast you couldn't run and grab the mail without getting drenched in moisture from either sweat, humidity, or a mixture of both.  The coast sucks, hell Virginia sucks altogether, you're glad to be in Kepler.
“I want to go home, home.” you say out of nowhere.
Before you reach the entrance you hear barking, oh the RV campers must be up. Should you be careful not to scare them, or just walk normally and say 'Good morning' in passing, maybe just nod your head in greeting. Oh and you've stopped just beside the entrance as you got lost in your rambling. You didn't mean to come to a stop here, and as you try to move you notice how silent it's gotten. Did the dog go inside, maybe they've already passed...no it's too quiet for that. No the silence is oppressive like the one you deal with nightly, there's a reason for the silence. The situation's making you feel uneasy, but that could be the sleep deprivation talking.
You're about to brush it off and move when you hear a whispered, “Seriously man, I don't think anyone's out there. Let's get inside.”
There's a noise of agreement before you hear shuffling. Oh no, you zoned out and now you look like a weirdo stalker. Just perfect, maybe if you wait around a little more you'll seem more normal or at least feel normal. Not knowing how long to wait you walk along the tree line for a bit, looking at the ground as you do making sure you won't step on any snakes. In you quest to not step on any snakes you spot something suspiciously off white. It seems purposefully buried under a dead blueberry bush and some fallen branches.
Having listened to too many true crime shows, you know better than to implicate yourself in a murder. Grabbing a stick off the ground you gently brush the foliage away from the supposed corpse. No way, you can't believe your luck, it's an actual fucking skull. An intact skull of a deer! That is so cool, you've only seen taxidermists on TikTok getting so lucky and finding these dudes. Since the jaw bone is connected by tissue it of course isn't with the skull but maybe it's close by? Clearly this got planted or hidden by someone, maybe they were planning on pranking a friend by 'uncovering' a skull later. Oh well, finders keepers and all that, you have way better plans for this guy, hopefully you can find that jaw bone.
You set off searching through the foliage and near by bushes with the branch while holding the skull in your other arm. After searching about three feet around and finding no more bones you decide that this is the only part of the deer's skeleton in this area. A little disappointed but still thrilled with your find, you decide it must be a good time to go back to your car.
Surely you won't look weird now. You a little forager with their treasure in hand. Looks like you'll be busy cleaning, then bleaching, and cleaning these bones today. Is that the order to treat found bones? You aren't sure but you can look into that later. Placing the skull in the trunk so it doesn't roll about and get damaged you make sure it's secure before closing the trunk and getting into your car and locking the doors.
Not once did you notice the pairs of eyes that had been watching you. One watching as you found the deer skull, and the other set seeing you place bones into your car. They kept watching as you fiddled with the radio while the car was starting up. They watched as you pulled out of the sandy dirt lot and drove back down the old road a little faster than before now that you could clearly see.
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fyreb1rd · 3 years
Write it!!! even if its just a small draft you should write it down so you can expand on it later!!!! you might forget abt it if you dont write it down right now!!!! GO VIVI GO!!! -Cyber
cyber said it so ur getting a bullet point list, but it’s actually pretty long so —
Phil was a mortal adventurer in some (currently unnamed) kingdom, and one day he’s just called up to the castle by the king. The king offered him a high position in the castles court if he could save his daughter (aka the princess) from a loosely termed ‘cult’ that had kidnapped her to use as bait for the enderdragon
Phil, being Phil, was like “sure m8” and took on the quest having little to no information about this cult,,, and then realizes he shouldn’t atleast asked for a starting point. But he’s resourceful and manages to speak to various different people in the kingdom until he had some ideas about the cult, and where they may be.
He ends up running into Eret and Foolish as they’re wiping out a group of the cult and the three stop at a river to wash off the blood and Phil helps to heal them with potions while they explain that the cult had planned to use trained withers to kill the enderdragon, but they were struggling to train the withers, and causing mass destruction. The princess told them to knock it off, and actually killed one of their withers by herself (which no one had done up until that point) which was why they’d captured her
Foolish says she’s a spitfire girl, and she’ll probably not accept Phil’s help but she seems to be getting weaker after being kidnapped. Phil’s like “o shit respect” and bids farewell to Eret and Foolish at a tavern that night and hunts off in the direction of the stronghold. Now his plan is to wait out the group at the stronghold and stop them from going inside the portal room.
He mostly succeeds in this plan, but takes a pretty bad hit to his hip and they manage to get past him and they shove their way into the portal. He quickly follows after them, now just worried they’ll kill the dragon (because it was the hatchling, since Phil killed the original dragon, which was why the king wanted him to help— I feel like I should’ve clarified that earlier??)
He manages to kill most of the cultists until out of fucking no where this random girl slams the remaining three off the end island. Phil’s fucking amazed because this woman has wings which aren’t common at all. The two introduce themselves to one another and Phil finally learns the name of the girl he’s been chasing down, Kristin.
They go back to the kingdom after healing themselves and the hatchling, and Kristen hides her wings under a cloak. She explains that she got the wings “from the void itself” and because Phil really doesn’t want this random ass girl to stab him or something, he just agrees with her. When they return to the kingdom, which isn’t too far from the portal, everyone’s so excited their beloved princess is back.
The king keeps his word and Phil becomes a pretty high up officer in the nations army. The next couple of years goes smooth, and he keeps ranking up, until he’s asked to take over the small kingdom. He asks Kristin if she’s okay with it, considering she’s the technical heir, but she encourages him to take it. So he becomes a king.
During this time, he and Kristin do end up getting married because obviously I need my tiny bird man and his giant death goddess wife.
When Phil and Kristen are around their forties, Kristin falls ill with some unknown illness. She asks to go to the end one more time, so Phil takes her, and she holds his hands as she stares into the void until she passes. Obviously, Phil’s distraught bc his wife of a few decades just DIED but I swear that’s not the end
So the void likes Kristin so much, since she nursed the hatchling dragon back to health, it makes Kristin a goddess. And since, in my headcanon, the void is connected to death, she becomes the goddess of death. She finds Phil back on the same island where she died, now having a new physical form, and they let her body fall into the void to sort of hide the fact she’s now immortal.
Kristin decides Phil’s joining her on this life mission too, and grants him wings to be her Angel, and now he’s like Demi-immortal or however you wanna phrase it
They return to the kingdom, and continue ruling for a few more years before Phil comes across an illegal fighting ring and the champion fighter; a piglin hybrid simply dubbed The Blood God. He approaches Techno after the fight, and the two actually slowly become friends until a major war suddenly hits the kingdom.
Kristin is more concerned about protecting the nation itself, so she decides with Phil that they should enter the war defensively. They fight the war that way for years, until Phil and Techno meet again and Techno asks Phil just to take a run into the fight with him. The two go into a battle and wipe the battle field, both having been fighting for a long time solo.
Rumors soon begin to spread of the “Angel of Death” and the “Blood God” ruthlessly tearing up the enemy lines, and soligers begin engraving wings into their armor and panting them black for good luck (or doing golden crowns for strength)
The war ends only a year after the nation switches to being offensive instead of defensive and they end up wiping out major numbers of kings, emperors, presidents, queens, etc. to take their land
Thus, the Antarctic Empire is born with Phil as the emporer, Kristin as the Empress, and Techno as one the general of the whole army. It’s generally peaceful because no one really fucks with the empire, and during this era both Wilbur and Tommy are born and start to grow up.
When Wilbur is thirteen, he goes on his first solo mission and founds New Foundland. He lives there with Tommy for a few years, just to humble the boy and teach him how to fend for himself in the wilderness as a just in case.
During this time, the castle is seized, and Phil is killed by a group who wanted to overthrow the kingdom. Techno sends some of the guard to go and grab Wilbur and Tommy while Kristin tried to revive Phil. It ends up working, as he’s destined to not die until Kristin deems it’s his time to go.
The family lived all together for a few more years, this time with the addition of Tubbo.
Oh, how did Tubbo get here you ask? His kingdom, where he lived with his father in an End city, killed his dad and kidnapped him as a sacrifice for Techno. Obviously, that’s a lot to unpack, so they commonly say Tommy just found Tubbo one day while out exploring.
When Wilbur is thirty three, Tommy is sixteen, and Tubbo is fifteen they all leave to go visit a new continent that had been discovered (The Dream SMP) and they form L’Manburg after mistreatment from Dream. That’s where the story begins.
I missed explaining the magical aspects of this AU but hey, backstory is fun too :)
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your-mom-friend · 3 years
Some series I think people should read AKA Book Recs
Magonia - By Maria Dahvana Headley
Synopsis: Aza Ray is drowning in thin air.
Since she was a baby, Aza Ray Boyle has suffered from a mysterious lung disease that makes it ever harder for her to breathe, to speak—to live. So when Aza catches a glimpse of a ship in the sky, her family chalks it up to a cruel side effect of her medication. But Aza doesn’t think this is a hallucination. She can hear someone on the ship calling her name. Only her best friend, Jason, listens. Jason, who’s always been there. Jason, for whom she might have more-than-friendly feelings. But before Aza can consider that thrilling idea, something goes terribly wrong. Aza is lost to our world—and found by another. Magonia. Above the clouds, in a land of trading ships, Aza is not the weak and dying thing she was. In Magonia, she can breathe for the first time. Better, she has immense power—but as she navigates her new life, she discovers that war between Magonia and Earth is coming. In Aza’s hands lies the fate of the whole of humanity—including the boy who loves her. Where do her loyalties lie?
My experience: This book is ALL sorts of weird. It’s has a strange writing style and there’s weird formatting and quirks that just add to the experience. Definitely not something you could read aloud because there’s elements that you just can’t say. The book OPERATES on the vibes you get from reading it.
Miss Peregrine’s Home For Peculiar Children - Ransom Riggs
Synopsis:  A mysterious island. An abandoned orphanage. A strange collection of very curious photographs. It all waits to be discovered in Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children, an unforgettable novel that mixes fiction and photography in a thrilling reading experience. As our story opens, a horrific family tragedy sets sixteen-year-old Jacob journeying to a remote island off the coast of Wales, where he discovers the crumbling ruins of Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children. As Jacob explores its abandoned bedrooms and hallways, it becomes clear that the children were more than just peculiar. They may have been dangerous. They may have been quarantined on a deserted island for good reason. And somehow-impossible though it seems-they may still be alive. A spine-tingling fantasy illustrated with haunting vintage photography, Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children will delight adults, teens, and anyone who relishes an adventure in the shadows.
My experience: Definitely worth a read but definitely not for everyone. Uses semi-creepy images taken from auctions to illustrate a lot. More people have seen the movie than read the book. Please don’t trust the movie they couldn’t even get the names right. This fandom exists so don’t @ me it just deserves so much more love than it has. 
Legend - Marie Lu
Synopsis:  What was once the western United States is now home to the Republic, a nation perpetually at war with its neighbors. Born into an elite family in one of the Republic's wealthiest districts, fifteen-year-old June is a prodigy being groomed for success in the Republic's highest military circles. Born into the slums, fifteen-year-old Day is the country's most wanted criminal. But his motives may not be as malicious as they seem. From very different worlds, June and Day have no reason to cross paths—until the day June's brother, Metias, is murdered and Day becomes the prime suspect. Caught in the ultimate game of cat and mouse, Day is in a race for his family's survival, while June seeks to avenge Metias's death. But in a shocking turn of events, the two uncover the truth of what has really brought them together, and the sinister lengths their country will go to keep its secrets.
My experience: I’ll admit I didn’t want to read this. More out of stubbornness than anything else because my sister forced me to. Bu it’s a REALLY good book. As the first in a trilogy it’s amazing. Marie Lu is one of my favourite authors. Which brings me to my next book
The Young Elites - Marie Lu
Synopsis:  I am tired of being used, hurt, and cast aside. Adelina Amouteru is a survivor of the blood fever. A decade ago, the deadly illness swept through her nation. Most of the infected perished, while many of the children who survived were left with strange markings. Adelina’s black hair turned silver, her lashes went pale, and now she has only a jagged scar where her left eye once was. Her cruel father believes she is a malfetto, an abomination, ruining their family’s good name and standing in the way of their fortune. But some of the fever’s survivors are rumored to possess more than just scars—they are believed to have mysterious and powerful gifts, and though their identities remain secret, they have come to be called the Young Elites. Teren Santoro works for the king. As Leader of the Inquisition Axis, it is his job to seek out the Young Elites, to destroy them before they destroy the nation. He believes the Young Elites to be dangerous and vengeful, but it’s Teren who may possess the darkest secret of all. Enzo Valenciano is a member of the Dagger Society. This secret sect of Young Elites seeks out others like them before the Inquisition Axis can. But when the Daggers find Adelina, they discover someone with powers like they’ve never seen. Adelina wants to believe Enzo is on her side, and that Teren is the true enemy. But the lives of these three will collide in unexpected ways, as each fights a very different and personal battle. But of one thing they are all certain: Adelina has abilities that shouldn’t belong in this world. A vengeful blackness in her heart. And a desire to destroy all who dare to cross her. It is my turn to use. My turn to hurt.
My experience: This series had me HOOKED. If you want moral endings and noble characters you may not like this one. Adelina has every reason to be angry and bitter and she makes it known. She has such a vague moral compass and even her powers are rooted in darkness and she succumbs to it, as much as she may try to run. The series is full of POC’s and amazing world building. If you want something outside of the usual story, I recommend this with no hesitation.
Rebel of the Sands - Alwyn Hamilton 
Synopsis:  Mortals rule the desert nation of Miraji, but mythical beasts still roam the wild and remote areas, and rumor has it that somewhere, djinn still perform their magic.  For humans, it’s an unforgiving place, especially if you’re poor, orphaned, or female. Amani Al’Hiza is all three. She’s a gifted gunslinger with perfect aim, but she can’t shoot her way out of Dustwalk, the back-country town where she’s destined to wind up wed or dead. Then she meets Jin, a rakish foreigner, in a shooting contest, and sees him as the perfect escape route. But though she’s spent years dreaming of leaving Dustwalk, she never imagined she’d gallop away on mythical horse—or that it would take a foreign fugitive to show her the heart of the desert she thought she knew.
My experience: This series again is absolutely incredible. I love the use of language and the world building and the characters. A lot of the world building was really close to my heart because it’s rooted in Arabic and Islamic traditions. Amani is one of the best characters I’ve ever read about and I only WISH I could buy the rest of the books soon.
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Welllp These Are Books: the January 2021 Edition
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Tumblr’s gif search leaves a lot to be desired, so there’s no actual gif of her slamming the book shut, which is—y’know, disappointing. Still, the continued ability of the public library system to send books to my Kindle ensures that I continue to read every romantic comedy and fantasy story I can find. Of which I have plenty of thoughts and opinions. But, like, what’s the point of having thoughts and opinions if you’re not putting them on the internet? There isn’t one, obviously. Books and links and feelings and more ridiculous headlines all under the cut. 
The Wrath & the Dawn by Renee Ahdieh Every dawn brings horror to a different family in a land ruled by a killer. Khalid, the eighteen-year-old Caliph of Khorasan, takes a new bride each night only to have her executed at sunrise. So it is a suspicious surprise when sixteen-year-old Shahrzad volunteers to marry Khalid. But she does so with a clever plan to stay alive and exact revenge on the Caliph for the murder of her best friend and countless other girls. Shazi’s wit and will, indeed, get her through to the dawn that no others have seen, but with a catch . . . she’s falling in love with the very boy who killed her dearest friend. She discovers that the murderous boy-king is not all that he seems and neither are the deaths of so many girls. Shazi is determined to uncover the reason for the murders and to break the cycle once and for all.
This was so good?!?! I finished the first book and them immediately started the sequel, like no break whatsoever?!! I wish they weren’t teenagers?!! But seriously I wish they hadn’t been teenagers. Like, I get it. It’s YA. That probably sells better, something about markets that I don’t understand. I don’t care. It was weird that they were teenagers. Also, some of the plot points just kind of...happened? And I’m not entirely sure they were ever resolved. (Although there are a bunch of short stories, so. Maybe I just haven’t gotten there yet.) Despite that, the writing was gorgeous, I remain as prone to swooning over sad boys patent pending as I was when I was sixteen and Shahrzad was a fantastic heroine. Nine out of ten (would have been ten if they weren’t teenagers) and have already put holds on other books Ahdieh has written. 
Head Over Heads by  Hannah Orenstein The past seven years have been hard on Avery Abrams: After training her entire life to make the Olympic gymnastics team, a disastrous performance ended her athletic career for good. Her best friend and teammate, Jasmine, went on to become an Olympic champion, then committed the ultimate betrayal by marrying their emotionally abusive coach, Dimitri. Now, reeling from a breakup with her football star boyfriend, Avery returns to her Massachusetts hometown, where new coach Ryan asks her to help him train a promising young gymnast with Olympic aspirations. Despite her misgivings and worries about the memories it will evoke, Avery agrees. Back in the gym, she's surprised to find sparks flying with Ryan. But when a shocking scandal in the gymnastics world breaks, it has shattering effects not only for the sport but also for Avery and her old friend Jasmine.
I stopped reading it. Honestly. I got, like, 46% of the way through, kept complaining to Justin about how goddamn annoying Avery was and how no one had any personality and I wanted them all to fall off the beam and he was like—stop reading it, then? And I was like—I can do that? And then I did! Also, I understand it needed conflict, but the “shocking scandal” in the description is a sexual assault that was not only NOT my cup of tea, but felt like a massive attempt to be topical by using what happened at Michigan State without actually saying it was about Michigan state. 
Evvie Drake Starts Over by Linda Holmes In a sleepy seaside town in Maine, recently widowed Eveleth “Evvie” Drake rarely leaves her large, painfully empty house nearly a year after her husband’s death in a car crash. Everyone in town, even her best friend, Andy, thinks grief keeps her locked inside, and Evvie doesn’t correct them. Meanwhile, in New York City, Dean Tenney, former Major League pitcher and Andy’s childhood best friend, is wrestling with what miserable athletes living out their worst nightmares call the “yips”: he can’t throw straight anymore, and, even worse, he can’t figure out why. As the media storm heats up, an invitation from Andy to stay in Maine seems like the perfect chance to hit the reset button on Dean’s future. When he moves into an apartment at the back of Evvie’s house, the two make a deal: Dean won’t ask about Evvie’s late husband, and Evvie won’t ask about Dean’s baseball career. Rules, though, have a funny way of being broken—and what starts as an unexpected friendship soon turns into something more. To move forward, Evvie and Dean will have to reckon with their pasts—the friendships they’ve damaged, the secrets they’ve kept—but in life, as in baseball, there’s always a chance—up until the last out.
I am admittedly a sports snob. Writing about sports is my thing and I’m super particular about reading about it. But this sounded good and for the most part it was good. Emotional, too. Like, “jeepers, that was intense” kind of emotional. But also some of the things Dean talked about were just...not how sports work and that drives me nuts. Also another story that was, as mentioned, super emotional only to get tied up in this nice little bow. Which, cool, but also...not? Just felt rushed at the end. 
Shadow and Bone by Leigh Bardugo Soldier. Summoner. Saint. Orphaned and expendable, Alina Starkov is a soldier who knows she may not survive her first trek across the Shadow Fold—a swath of unnatural darkness crawling with monsters. But when her regiment is attacked, Alina unleashes dormant magic not even she knew she possessed. Now Alina will enter a lavish world of royalty and intrigue as she trains with the Grisha, her country's magical military elite—and falls under the spell of their notorious leader, the Darkling. He believes Alina can summon a force capable of destroying the Shadow Fold and reuniting their war-ravaged country, but only if she can master her untamed gift.As the threat to the kingdom mounts and Alina unlocks the secrets of her past, she will make a dangerous discovery that could threaten all she loves and the very future of a nation. Welcome to Ravka . . . a world of science and superstition where nothing is what it seems.
I wanted to like this so much. So, so much. And sometimes I did. Sometimes I did not. At all. World building is my weakness and this has got it in spades, but the characters are kind of—boring? I couldn’t really bring myself to care about Alina and I wanted to kick Mal in the shins sometimes. The only interesting one was The Darkling who’s like the embodiment of all evil and I am not here to ship-shame anyone, but it’s kinda weird to ship him and Alina. I pictured Ben Barnes the entire time. I’m still excited for the show. I’ll read the sequel at some point, probably. 
Would Like to Meet by Rachel Winters It's Evie Summers's job to find out. Because if she can't convince her film agency's biggest client, Ezra Chester, to write the romantic-comedy screenplay he owes producers, her career will be over. The catch? Arrogant Ezra thinks rom-coms are unrealistic—and he'll only put pen to paper if Evie proves to him that it's possible to meet a man in real life the way it happens on the big screen. Cynical Evie might not believe in happily ever after, but she'll do what it takes to save the job that's been her lifeline . . . even if it means reenacting iconic rom-com scenes in public. Spilling orange juice on a cute stranger? No problem. Leaving her number in books all over London to see who calls? Done. With a little help from her well-meaning friends and the adorable father-daughter duo who keep witnessing her humiliations, Evie is determined to show Ezra she can meet a man the way Sally met Harry. But can a workaholic who's given up on love find a meet-cute of her very own?
I love cliches. Love ‘em. Want to read about ‘em, want to write about ‘em. Here for happily ever after. Much less here for the overused and antiquated cliche of dude doesn’t believe in love like girl does, dude ridicules girl’s belief, dude was secretly in love with her the whole time. It’s super dumb. And we should stop writing it. Also really done with rom com girl can’t figure out her life! she’s overworked! she doesn’t have time for her friends! Super duper dumb. I don’t know guys, this book happened. 
The Tourist Attraction by Sarah Morgenthaler He had a strict "no tourists" policy...until she broke all of his rules. When Graham Barnett named his diner The Tourist Trap, he meant it as a joke. Now he's stuck slinging reindeer dogs to an endless parade of resort visitors who couldn't interest him less. Not even the sweet, enthusiastic tourist in the corner who blushes every time he looks her way...
Two weeks in Alaska isn't just the top item on Zoey Caldwell's bucket list. It's the whole bucket. One look at the mountain town of Moose Springs and she's smitten. But when an act of kindness brings Zoey into Graham's world, she may just find there's more to the grumpy local than meets the eye...and more to love in Moose Springs than just the Alaskan wilderness.
This story of Alaska marries together all the things you didn't realize you needed: a whirlwind vacation, a friendly moose, a grumpy diner owner, a quirky tourist, plenty of restaurant humor, and a happy ending that'll take you away from it all.
I’m not one for slow burn, but I also have a hard time believing romances that happen in, like, a blink. Not the case here! It was so goddamn cute! There was a moose! Graham kept calling Zoey darlin’ and it made my heart try to explode in my chest! Stars Hollow-levels of small town with lots of side characters and a good plot and a restaurant that everyone always went to! You guys know I’m trash for everyone always going to hang out in the same restaurant! I’m reading the sequel now, so that’s how much I enjoyed it. 
Elodie of the Sea by Shari L. Tapscott (part of the Eldentimber Series) Eight years have passed since the marriage tournament that decided the fate of Princess Pippa of Lauramore and strengthened alliances between the kingdoms of Elden. The competitors have moved on with their lives. Some have found adventure; some have found love. Prince Bran of Triblue, however, has put his life on hold, preparing for his father's crown. Two days before Bran's winter coronation, just when the prince cannot afford distractions, a girl washes onto the Triblue shore. She has no memory of her past life, no clue who she is or where she belongs—nothing but a ring on her finger and a peculiar marking on her cheek. And the newly crowned king has more than a mysterious girl to worry about. The sea has become unpredictable. Storms claim ships in the dead of night, and sailors return with horrifying stories of monsters from the deep. It soon becomes clear the girl and the bizarre events are connected. The girl came from the sea... and the sea wants her back. But Bran isn't willing to give her or his kingdom up without a fight, even if it means he must request help from every corner of Elden.
Listen, sometimes you have to read about a mermaid who lost her memory and the soon-to-be-king who’s, like, immediately in love with her. I mentioned Tapscott’s books in the 2020 post and the sentiment remains the same. You ever read a book that reads like fic? Lots of banter, some romance, steady pacing. That’s what her books are like. There are five in the Eldentimber series, all about a different princess in a different kingdom, but they all connect so characters pop up again and again and then they kiss. It’s real good. 
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I saw your tags about atla!untamed and I immediately had the exact opposite thoughts! Wwx is an air bender (natural playfulness and constant pranking) somehow adopted into a water tribe family? (I first thought earth but youre right, nie is definitely earth) and lwj is fire nation. I tried to choose that based on what element was most structured (wrong word I think but it’s close to what I’m looking for) bc lwj is inseparable from gusu and it’s rigidity and rules. (mby second son of firelord?)
So let me preface this with: PLEASE go forth and write Wei Wuxian the Last Airbender, that sounds like some choice angst (H E Y throw the celestial mountain gang in there for good measure, make Cangse Sanren into a monk or something, maybe XXC, I just watched the Southern Air Temple and I have feelings about it) and I love having a million and one takes on a good AU concept, but I have actual Thoughts on why Wei Wuxian would be a firebender and it’s not just for the aesthetic.
If I was going to do an AtLA AU of the Untamed (which! I am not!), I would cast the clans as follows:
Water Tribe Jiang (obviously, especially since “attempt the impossible” is pretty on point for the Water Tribe’s motto in AtLA, see also: Sokka and Jiang Cheng would have a lot to talk about)
Fire Nation Wen (also kind of a gimme, in every conceivable way)
Earth Kingdom Jin and Nie (this one was a little harder, as the Jin aren’t strongly aligned with any elemental imagery and the Nie’s inclination toward loss of control doesn’t really match with the Earth Kingdom inclination toward toxic levels of staidness, however the Nie and the Jin are the most associated with material worldly concerns of the sects, with combat and wealth respectively, and also it just narratively works better if JGY is running a kingdom)
Which leaves the Lan sect to be the Air Nomads, in this universe probably called something else.  On the one hand, the Lan sense of humor is somewhat lacking.  On the other hand, I don’t think it’s that much of a stretch to take a slightly different view of air as an element and think of it as something...in need of management.  And more than anything, the Lan sect is the least associated with the physical world, the isolated sect in the mountains, with rules about letting go.  The Lan sect, in a lot of ways, is what the Air Nomads might have looked like if they weren’t joyful.  (They’re kind of what Aang tries to force himself to be, when he tries to be a better warrior, a better crusader, rather than leaning into his strengths, come to think of it.)  
Also, the best benders are always the ones who are able to combine elements of other styles into their own, especially apparently opposing ones--like Iroh, who uses a lot of waterbending-esque moves and styles in combination with firebending (and everything else, because Iroh is as close to an avatar as a single-element bender can get, really).  Lightning redirection, for example, sounds more like Katara’s healing than anything else, focused on redirecting energy through the lines of the body.  Lan Wangji is a siege-breaker of an airbender, is my point here, and when he’s questioned about it he scrupulously Does Not Mention that he actually uses fire- and earthbending techniques that he’s painstakingly integrated with airbending because once, when he was a teenager who hated being in love, a brilliant boy wondered if non-Avatar benders could blend techniques to improve them.
Anyway, that’s the logic I ran with, because LWJ is all about conflicting impulses in balance and the idea of an airbender being hailed as the finest warrior and siege weapon of the day is delightful to me.  I’m not writing this!  But if I was writing it I would love writing a siege-breaker Air Nomad!
NOW, Wei Wuxian.  Here’s the thing.  A couple things.
First, firebenders are different from other benders because they can make their element.  That’s not so much a problem for airbenders, sure, because if you don’t have air to bend, you have a bigger problem, but for water- and earthbenders, lack of their native element is really a sticking point.  Firebenders do not have that problem.  As long as they’re not hypothermic, they can make as much fire as they want, and enough training can render that a non-issue.  Firebenders can work with what they’ve got, even if “what they’ve got” is highly damaging to them (lightning, for example, which Iroh points out can kill the wielder as easily as the target).  Since working with what he had is what got Wei Wuxian in, like, a whole narrative’s worth of trouble, I couldn’t resist making him a firebender in this AU I’m not writing.
Second, and more narratively interesting to me personally, Wei Wuxian’s righteousness must be easily corrupted, in the view of the world.  Even as an Avatar.  It’s Wei Wuxian’s entire narrative purpose, to be corrupted in the view of the world.  With my usual disregard for “making sense,” I think if I did this I would condense the timeline of the war in AtLA to be closer to the timeline of the Untamed, because that first generation of people probably really hated the Avatar for leaving them.  If I was going to write this (I am NOT going to write this!!!!!), I’d say that Wei Wuxian did something that convinced everyone (or rather, that allowed JGY to convince everyone) that he corrupted the Avatar chain so severely that, when he died, another Avatar wasn’t even born.  This is where my concept of WWX running for it when WRH tried to use the Avatar state of a weapon comes in--if I was going to write this I would make it so that there was some kind of Incident with terrible collateral damage on all sides before WWX booked it.  The most effective way to do that and retain some of the core elements of the Untamed is to align him with the Fire Nation, and say that, when the Fire Nation attacked, depending on the Avatar as their ace in the hole, the other elements rallied hard to put them down and nearly wiped them out.  
With the Fire Nation in the losing seat rather than the winning, JGY wrote the history books and said that the Avatar was corrupted by the hand of the Fire Lord, and that the reason there’s been no sign of a new Avatar in 16 years (more than enough time to not only locate the new Avatar, but start training them accordingly) is because Wei Wuxian destroyed the chain.  Sixteen years later, earthbender Mo Xuanyu runs away from his abusive family, all the way to the Southern Water Tribe, where he has no power and no friends and he gets so thoroughly reamed out by Chief Jiang Cheng that the kickback cracks an iceberg.
Lo and behold, turns out the Avatar chain is alive and well, but also, Wei Wuxian is faced with being a Fire Nation Avatar in a world that’s spent sixteen years learning to hate him personally and the Fire Nation as a whole.  Also Yanli, Wen Ning, and Wen Qing are alive, I don’t make the rules, and also everyone thinks that Sizhui is a nonbender.  Everyone is wrong.
#the untamed#mdzs#atla#atla au#wei wuxian#lan wangji#I'M! NOT! WRITING! THIS!#I'M NOT DOING IT!#I ALREADY HAVE ONE SHAMEFULLY UNFINISHED AVATAR AU ON MY CONSCIENCE!#but like hey listen...wwx's animal companion died in the Incident#he's the first avatar ever to have two animal companions and everyone is quick to denounce him as a monster for it#probably wrh killed suibian to force wwx into the avatar state and then he takes chenqing as a companion after his return#NO! I'M NOT WRITING THIS!#.....if y'all wanted some Animal Companion Angst i might have more thoughts though#ANYWAY!!!! PLEASE GO FORTH AND WRITE AIRBENDER WWX#I JUST HAVE A WHOLE NARRATIVE PLOTTED OUT IN MY HEAD THAT REVOLVES AROUND WWX BEING HATED AS A FIREBENDER#AND ALSO LIKE I SAID: SIEGEBREAKER LWJ!!!!!!!! B I T C H!!!!!!#this plot is a really nonsensical mashup of the two narratives involved so w/e#if i was doing it straight up...idk. honestly maybe xxc would be the avatar. and sl could be the banished prince.#and wwx and jc and jyl could be the water tribe sibs who find themselves an avatar#wwx as an airbender descendant maybe? suppose that cssr escaped and survived and had children and he's hidden his bending all his life#lwj is maybe...toph...honestly? rich kid with issues who ditches his life to go avatar adventuring?#yeah i think if i was just straight up going to shoehorn people into roles i'd do it that way maybe#idk i'd have to think about it i came up with this other thing with firebender!wwx in a single blinding moment of Clarity#but those are rare with me#AND I'M NOT WRITING THIS ONE#a queue we will keep and our honor someday avenge#Anonymous#asked and answered
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seyaryminamoto · 3 years
Masterpost: answering a single anon in a single post
So. I wasn’t going to answer asks today but frankly, considering what I should be writing I’d rather answer asks, might actually get a laugh out of it. Most of all, because of what I intend to answer here.
To spare y’all from the pain and annoyance of having to read through any of my answers to we-know-who, I’m going to do it differently this time. All in one post. Because frankly, filling my blog with their TWENTY asks, no less (and it’s official this time, used to be sixteen but then I reblogged that post about conflict in stories and they went wild, as usual) isn’t worth anyone’s time. Hell, it’s not even worth mine, but procrastination is overpowering.
Here we go. If you’re not the anon in question and still want to read this, I hope you have fun.
This is a free world. That means multiple things some people can’t seem to accept. One such thing is that people have no obligation to even interact with each other, let alone to do what others demand of them, especially when they don’t want to. The fact is, being harassed (because, yes, there’s no other word for it) by someone has been a pretty irritating and stressful thing for me, to the point where it has impacted my ability to write...
And the harasser doesn’t give a single fuck about it and just keeps going :’)
With such introduction, I decide to engage my least favorite person in this site once again because clearly, ignoring them, blocking them, closing asks, deleting and rewriting reviews, is still not enough to get across the message that reiterating an opinion a million times doesn’t automatically make it more valid. So let’s see just what’s going on with this very much desperate person who apparently can’t stop seeking my attention:
First of all, I asked this person, point-blank, to address their asks, if they would continue sending them, to my main blog. Let’s see how that request turned out:
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Oh my, astonishing! They sent it to Gladiator’s blog instead! And what a bigger shock: they’re, as usual, trying to control and direct what I write and how I write it. While sprinkling empty compliments that don’t mean a thing, such as claiming RESPECT for me and my work when every single ask they’ve sent is an outright disrespectful act against me, considering how many times I’ve requested, directly, that they stop this, and how many times they’ve ignored me. It even is extra poignant considering my request for them to send asks to my main blog instead, and yet they deliberately sent it to Gladiator’s blog. This is what RESPECT looks like, in this anon’s head. Fascinating stuff, isn’t it?
And then comes the mad onslaught that left me facedesking for days:
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... I mean. Can someone please read this and tell me the person on the other side, with their vague condition, whatever it may be, has any idea what an apology even MEANS? 
For someone who’s so obsessed with alleged consistency, you’re damn bad at it yourself, Anon. You can’t send four asks in a row, to the WRONG BLOG, demanding for explanations you don’t even care to read, because every single time I’ve taken your whining seriously you’ve disregarded all my responses and gone right back to the same BS as before, and THEN pretend you’re here TO APOLOGIZE.
You don’t feel any remorse. To this day, you don’t even KNOW what you did wrong. This is NOT expressing yourself: THIS IS HARASSMENT. Need me to define the word for you to understand what it means, seeing as it’s becoming abundantly clear your reading and interpretation skills are not the greatest?
Definitions of harassment:
1. (n) the act of tormenting by continued persistent attacks and criticism 2. (n)  a feeling of intense annoyance caused by being tormented
Because you NEVER stop. Because you keep going, constantly, never slowing down to think YOUR behavior is affecting a REAL LIFE HUMAN BEING. You’re obsessing over what happens in a fictional story that, by the way, is a fanfic, ergo, it obeys certain rules that general fiction does not. Among such rules is abiding by ORIGINAL characterization to a certain extent, and that means, hahaha, that Azula ISN’T an experienced character in any social or romantic situations because she ISN’T in canon, and there was no reason to change that, especially considering the worldbuilding I crafted, which makes it CRUCIAL for Azula to be careful with her virtue, despite she doesn’t want to be and realizes the whole notion of female virginal purity is absolute BULLSHIT.
But why am I explaining anything anyway? You won’t understand it, because you don’t want to. You claim, constantly, that you’re asking things OUT OF CURIOSITY, as if that makes ANYTHING better, when the truth is you’re just here to impose your cursed opinions on everyone else, especially me, and pretend you somehow own this fic and ship and your demands mean more than anyone else’s. Meanwhile, oh, I understand you PERFECTLY: you don’t want Sokka to ever have any experiences with any other women because you only believe in pure, untainted love of virgins who wait for each other and don’t ever make mistakes or are forced into unwanted situations. Because, again, you can’t understand that those sorts of things CAN happen. Because you don’t see there’s nuance to human beings, nuance I attempt to capture through my characters too.
I said it semi-jokingly, back in my past answers, now I say it directly: IF YOU CAN’T STOMACH THESE SITUATIONS AND CAN’T ACCEPT THEM, THIS STORY IS NOT FOR YOU.
An M-rated story doesn’t owe you any apologies for being what it is. An M-rated story, at the end of the day, is a STORY. You are a human being who should be capable of controlling not only your impulses but your reactions to things, at least to some degree, and yet you refuse to. You, in fact, continue to prove you CAN’T control yourself in the least because hey, just now, halfway through writing this post? I got THREE MORE ASKS by you. No less than three. And you finished them off, again, with a pretense that you’re going to stop pestering me...
... But hey. You said that at the end of the last ask I pasted up there. Hmm. And yet...
You came back, over and over and over again? :’)
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RIGHT ON ALL ACCOUNTS! So... how do TWENTY ASKS, after claims that you’d finally stop, count as “regret”? You’re not changing at all, anon, because YOU DON’T WANT TO. You don’t, to this day, see what you did wrong. You don’t get it. And you won’t get it. So how about we just keep going with the next four?
Oh! But hey, you actually switched blogs this time. Super sweet of you to finally listen to ONE thing I said. Very nice.
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I’ll just point out: I received the last NINE asks I’ve pasted here in a SINGLE DAY.
Nine. In one day.
I only ever got that many asks in a single go during review parties (admittedly, there were more than that, but still). The fact that you felt the need to send me NINE ASKS, to beg for forgiveness with a completely dishonest apology, is all the proof of harassment anyone could possibly ask for, right? If you weren’t an anon and at least had the GUTS to own up to your opinions, which you seem to consider absolutely sacred and completely correct, you’d have never gotten away with this. Ergo why you don’t have those guts, and why you keep sending anon reviews and asks too.
The fact that you’re so obsessed with this problem, to the point of believing Sokka’s best sex was with JUNE? We’ve literally finished an entire arc of Sokka and Azula banging across the Fire Nation with no restraint, with the two of them repeatedly remarking this is the best time they’ve ever had, and you’re so completely obsessed with this problem that you apparently think Sokka angrily fucking someone WHILE DECEIVING HIMSELF INTO THINKING IT WAS SOMEONE ELSE is... better? Are you FOR REAL? Are you seriously THAT BAD at reading?
Please, click here. I can’t even stand it anymore. It’s not even for my own sake but yours. You need it.
Also... you’re projecting so bad. Like, so bad. June’s teasing in that chapter is 100% intended to piss them off. The fact that she starts asking for Azula to lend her her “second boyfriend”, AKA Rui Shi, should tell you just how much stock June puts in what happened between her and Sokka: SHE DOESN’T GIVE A DAMN. She’s honestly more entertained by pissing off Azula as a consequence of it than over the sex she had with Sokka, especially considering she even lost her temper with him after he started apologizing in 28. You’re so completely beside yourself you can’t see ANYTHING clearly?
If you REALLY need it spelled out, no, Sokka wasn’t June’s best sex. June has probably done anyone and everyone she ever wanted to, and chances are she absolutely found someone, or several someones, who actually wanted HER, for HER, just as much as she may have wanted them. And that, you insecure mess of a human being, would absolutely make for a much better lay than what she got with Sokka. Why don’t I outright state this in the story, you’ll ask? Because despite what you may believe, this story ISN’T a love triangle between Azula, Sokka and June! Oh my, the horror! We’ve literally spent 198 chapters building up the story and developing Azula and Sokka’s relationship but the ONE TIME encounter with June apparently makes her that pivotal for your whole existence?
Dude, I literally don’t look at 28 AT ALL these days, because I don’t care to. Because even when I wrote it, it hurt me so bad having written it that I was crazy about getting to everything else so I could put it behind me. Whenever I reference it, I do the same way I reference ANYTHING ELSE. The only person who seems to think I’m doing it to further torture anyone IS YOU. 
And yes, did I just say it hurt me too? Oh, my, what a SHOCKER! The fact is, that scene is only as intense as it is because I literally couldn’t bring myself to write it. It wasn’t until it came to mind that Sokka COULD imagine Azula in June’s place that I finally found the way to do it: it wasn’t just Sokka imagining Azula instead, it was ME. Because if it had been anything else? I wouldn’t have been able to write it at all. I basically wrote it as hatesex Sokkla because I NEEDED to in order to write it. “THEN WHY DID YOU EVEN WRITE IT?!?!?”, you’ll scream, I’m sure: BECAUSE I TREAT MY CHARACTERS AS HUMAN BEINGS WHO MAKE MISTAKES AND DO THINGS THEY SHOULDN’T HAVE. BECAUSE SOKKA WAS IN A DARK PLACE AND DIDN’T UNDERSTAND WHAT AZULA WAS FEELING OR THINKING. BECAUSE AZULA WAS IMPULSIVE AND CONTROLLING AND COULDN’T REALIZE THAT THE MORE SHE TRIED TO FORCE SOKKA TO BEND TO HER WILL, THE MORE HE WOULD TRY TO BREAK FREE.
But all this is clearly too complex for you. Can’t even fathom understanding anything remotely close to characterization and conflict within relationships, no. You’re something else entirely.
And so, we move on to the post-apology Anon: you DO realize that forgiveness is something earned? I mean, it’s kinda funny because Sokka actually earned his own. He spent ages working for it, and even AFTER Azula told him he was forgiven, he still feels so bad about having hurt her that, to this day, he regrets it. Being FORGIVEN was not a condition for him to feel remorse. He regretted his actions because HE KNEW THEY WERE WRONG. Because he’s an actual, decent human being who, when faced with a catastrophic mistake, actually wants to amend it and wishes he had acted differently despite he can’t take anything back anymore.
But you? You can’t even begin to understand what regret means. I guess another dictionary definition would help?
Definitions of regret
1. (v) feel remorse for; feel sorry for; be contrite about
2. (v)  feel sad about the loss or absence of
3. (v)  express with regret
4. (v)  decline formally or politely
5. (n)  sadness associated with some wrong done or some disappointment
So, your attempts to beg for forgiveness fall completely flat. And I say it in plural, ATTEMPTS, because in case you think I’m daft and forgot your old reviews and asks, I didn’t: THIS ISN’T YOUR FIRST ATTEMPT TO APOLOGIZE FOR THIS BULLSHIT. I thought I should clarify that, because heh, you have claimed you won’t come back, you have claimed you’re sorry, you have said many platitudes in the past that actually had no meaning... and I could tell they didn’t, which is why I never answered them. Because there was no way someone who had exhibited such obsessive behavior would actually control themselves and get over their issues after MONTHS of persistent harassment.
And so, you didn’t disappoint, because I had zero expectations that you’d actually abide by your apologies. Empty apologies, again, because to this moment you don’t even know what you did wrong. You don’t get it. To put it in the way I did for someone else who talked to me about this mess:
You could be complaining to me about something else entirely. You could be here, demanding that I explain why I’ve been writing Sokka killing people, for instance. You could be disregarding all sense, reason, historical precedents and what-have-you as to why a warmongering, canonically genocidal nation like the Fire Nation would ever have a system like the Gladiator League and enslave other cultures to do their bidding. 
And if you came back with those complaints PERSISTENTLY, FOR A YEAR, I’D BE JUST AS ANGRY AS I AM NOW.
It’s NOT about the situation you’re throwing a fit over. It’s NOT about me having it out for you. It’s about YOU not knowing limits or boundaries, going as far as you constantly, consistently have, ever seeking to twist my story into whatever warped, fucked up perception you’ve developed over it, without ever slowing down to think that your actions and your behavior are affecting someone else. I’m not just a rambling robot who can’t seem to stop talking or writing or whatever you may think I am: I’m an actual person with a FUCKLOAD of problems, who literally just had the WORST year of her life, and you just decided to continue adding to the pile, never slowing down to consider that your feelings, and your opinions, and your pain, does NOT invalidate other people’s, let alone does it make you EXEMPT of hurting others. Which, heh, if you knew how to read, you could’ve even LEARNED this from Gladiator! :’D 
Because Azula, so hurt as she was, took to hurting Sokka too, in many, many ways. And Sokka, once he understood how wrongly he had judged Azula, simply let her hurt him because he thought he deserved everything she threw at him. Later on? Azula realizes all the pain she caused Sokka COULD have led him to choose the White Lotus over her. She’s in a life-or-death situation, unable to fight back, and the ONLY reason she doesn’t get screwed over and captured by the enemy is because Sokka decides she matters more to him than joining forces with sketchy people who are out for revenge. But what if she’d hurt him more than she had? What if she’d done WORSE than she did? Maybe he would’ve been so hurt too that, at this point, he would’ve chosen the White Lotus and not only abandoned her but handed her over to her nation’s enemies! :’) oh, the horror. Is it really that unthinkable? Why, it’s not to me. And why not? Because if Azula had been as unforgiving and unyielding as you are, if she had been so obsessive over whatever caused her pain and refused to move on... this story would SUCK. BADLY.
Makes you wonder what that says about your mentality, doesn’t it?
Alas, after all this digression as to why your behavior is absolutely appalling to me, let’s see what you did indeed, right after your absolutely shallow apology that was obviously not sincere, because you don’t regret having bothered me at all, you just regret that I won’t abide by your whining...
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Is THIS what an apologetic, remorseful person looks like? Really, now? Honestly, if Sokka were half as bad as you are, he would’ve slept with half the Fire Nation by now while constantly coming back to Azula like “Oh woops did it again, sorry!”
Yes, I can honestly make the link pretty easily. Must be why you keep assuming he’ll ever be with someone else, because if you were in his place, you would do exactly that :’) beautiful how things just come full circle, isn’t it?
That ask came as a response to another, potentially ill-intended one, potentially sent by you too. An ask I answered with a whole list of unique things Sokka has done for Azula. Not only did you NOT understand the list’s purpose despite you may have even been the one to ask for it... but you took a line directly referencing OBVIOUS events like chapters 64, 69 and 93, moments in which Azula either put a stop to opportunities where she and Sokka might have ended up going too far, and he accepted it without complaint... or Sokka himself put a stop to them, KNOWING that Azula would be taking a huge risk if she gave herself to him completely as she does from 97 onwards. That you literally took something that was SO VERY OBVIOUS, and twisted it into chapter 28 again speaks LENGTHS of how absolutely messed up your perception and interpretation of this whole story is. You have issues. Serious issues. And I’m not saying this just to be an ass, I’m saying it because it’s clear as day that if you CAN’T stop linking absolutely everything I say or do to chapter 28, whether it’s being referenced or not (and in this case, it was NOT), the problem isn’t me, IT’S YOU.
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And here we go again. You are actually trying to POLICE the Sokkla fandom at this point? An ANON? And hey, you returned to the Gladiator blog! Which means you were so pissed that I didn’t answer your previous asks and your phony apology because I KNEW you’d come back that even your teeny, tiny behavioral correction was pulled back because you were MAD. And you HAD TO MAKE YOUR OPINIONS KNOWN, AGAIN.
Do tell, are you the same ass who harassed a pretty new friend I’ve made in this fandom? An honestly solid writer who happens to feature Sokka having other, prior relationships to Azula because, haha, if you work with CANON settings, that’s basically guaranteed since Sokka already has canon relationships before even knowing Azula exists? And then, even if in those experiences Sokka ends up going “... I bet it’d be better with Azula”, you STILL take this as a slight and you consider it a reason to go around harassing writers and potentially even THREATENING to report their content because you’re mad that Sokka isn’t exclusively Azula’s in every single story you pick up?
The worst part is, I actually wrote at least 2 stories in my Saturdays’ oneshots where Azula and Sokka are each other’s first everything, absolutely so. And I got nothing from you for it, not even a teeny tiny “HEY THANK YOU YOU FINALLY WROTE WHAT I WANTED TO SEE!”. No, you only come out of your hole to ATTACK writers. To tell us what to do when you think we’re not doing it right. As if you had the SLIGHTEST right to tell ANYONE what to do.
I literally have been here for EIGHT YEARS. I’ve been creating content for this ship for that long, when nobody else was anymore. I won’t take credit for the ship’s rise in popularity, despite yes, it’s far from a major ship no matter how far we’ve come... but my story didn’t reach the heights it has out of sheer dumb luck. I worked my ass off with Gladiator in every way I could to make it a story of the scope and depth it deserved to be, and the fact that people who didn’t even ship Sokkla were interested in reading the story all the same has always been something I take pride on. A ton of multishippers read this story, and support Sokkla too: neither you nor ANYONE has any right to demand or claim or pretend that someone else has no right to be part of this fandom or to set guidelines as to what their content should be. There’s LITERAL stories out there of Sokka having a goddamn HAREM, just so you know, with Azula included amongst the women involved in it... and you’re here, throwing a fit over people featuring Sokka having one-time encounters and brief relationships with other girls before committing completely to Azula.
I’ve been here, working my ass off for Sokkla, not only in writing but literally developing my art skills to the best of my ability so I could ONE DAY create the visuals and images these two evoked for me... 
And yet I don’t feel I have any right to tell ANYONE how to make their content. 
If there was a set number of words in fics or artworks someone needed to make for a ship to prove themselves worthy of obtaining the skill of GATEKEEPING, I am 100% positive I have more than outdone that limit.
And yet I DON’T play gatekeeper. I NEVER have, and I NEVER will. People can create whatever they want to create, whether I enjoy it or not is up to me, and if I DON’T enjoy it, I DON’T read it. If there’s Sokkla content out there I can’t even STOMACH? I would ignore it and move on with my life. You? You make it your whole life’s crusade to attack people over anything that tickles you wrong. That’s how it works, isn’t it?
Unless you’re planning on pulling a Scooby-Doo-esque twist where you remove your mask and reveal you were a known Sokkla fan and content creator all along, which I find ABSOLUTELY unlikely, then this means you haven’t done anything, ANYTHING, for this fandom beyond sending anonymous harassment to people who are actually taking time out of their lives to create content for this ship. The main reaction I’ve seen at you from ANY of us, whether anons like yourself or actual content creators like myself, is that you have too much time on your hands and need a better hobby. And I agree, completely.
So, where people like me and my fellow Sokkla creators are actually making content that convinces people, if not to ship it, to at least CONSIDER this ship a possibility... you’re out there, in hiding, pretending you have any right to tell us what to do and going ignored on most accounts. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: if I had any respect for someone, and they either stopped responding to me or started responding by telling me to leave them alone, I’d feel like such stain of garbage I’d never even try to interact with them again. While people absolutely can be different and react differently to things... I can’t see how, exactly, you have any respect for me when knowing you’re a problem for me has never stopped you and most likely never will.
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I’ll admit, this one actually made me laugh. Like... you’re seriously trying to tell me that a sex scene was way too good and that’s why I have to change it. I actually disagree on every account, because the last time I revisited 28 I thought the scene was absolutely distant from my best work? I’ve written soooo much smut recently and literally any of those scenes kicks 28 out of any “best smut” contest by MILES. But... heh. This one, apparently, was too good.
I mean... thank you? For telling me that my smut skills are apparently that great they need to be toned down? Fascinating, really.
But again, “it sadly seems to be a too late to write chapter 28″. Sadly?
You can stick your sadness up where the sun doesn’t shine, dude: 
You can’t pretend, again, that you were EVER sorry for ANY of what you did... while still trying to tell someone they should rewrite their content. Honest to gods, you’re an asshole. You are. And if you think I’m one too, great, I own up to it gladly. But you’re the one willingly intoxicating their brain with my content, only to consistently go MAD over it, and then unleash this kind of illogical nonsense right back at me. I know art can generate a myriad of responses, but I am NOT responsible for your immaturity and inability to handle serious subjects and topics that SHOULD MAKE YOU UNCOMFORTABLE. If you don’t KNOW how to deal with the fact that there’s a lot of questionable, dislikeable things in this world, then my damn story is the least of your concerns because you’re well on your way to leading a VERY miserable life, Anon. Better get ready for it, will you?
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And again, the Gladiator blog. Again, pretending to be well-mannered, and also, again, using the world “sadly”, same as the ask above. Like... man, what on earth is wrong with you. Are you seriously this masochistic? Do you also drink arsenic for sport? What on EARTH brings you the belief that asking how far or how much was done between Sokka and his previous one-night-stands would help you IN ANY WAY, WHATSOEVER? 
I think I’ll answer that question, for once, with actual quotes, taken right from some of your favorite chapters, no less:
"When you and Ruon Jian got married, was he…?" she asked. Mai only raised a confused eyebrow, and Azula had the distinct feeling that Mai knew what she was talking about, but would force her to blurt it out anyways. She sighed: "A virgin."
Ty Lee's hands flew to her mouth as Mai raised her eyebrows. To Azula's astonishment, she merely shrugged.
"I don't know. I never asked," she said. Azula snorted.
"Then you're smarter than me. By far," she grunted. Mai smirked.
And as things digress there into Azula explaining what happened, let’s skip that and go straight to Mai’s direct answer:
"I've never asked Ruon Jian about whether or not he had anything serious with other girls before me because I seriously don't care," said Mai. "If I knew about it, I'd probably have a bout of jealousy like yours, I suppose… but it's in his past, and he left them behind to make me his present and his future. So, whatever he might have experienced before, with however many women there were, isn't something I'm overly concerned about."
"You're awfully mature compared to me if that's the case," said Azula, slipping her fingers through her hair again. Mai smirked.
"You've been complimenting me quite a lot today, Azula, that's not like you…"
"Shut up," Azula grunted. Mai chuckled.
This is the only answer this ask warrants. The fact that you’re so immature and so obsessed as to want to know more about what happened with something you HATE is completely cringeworthy and absurd. If you want to get angry imagining Sokka having wild sex with every woman who crosses his path, go ahead and do it, but do us both a favor and torture yourself, and yourself alone, with those thoughts rather than coming back TWENTY TIMES to my inbox looking for MORE reasons to get angry. You’re honestly unbelievable.
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You know, that reading comprehension site I linked up there? Courses, 20% off! Seriously, perfect fit for you. You need it, direly.
Like... how can someone read a story built on the premise of Azula literally defeating Sokka painfully in battle to the point he’s left unable to move, taking Sokka away from home, turning him into a slave, being objectively responsible for the WORST TWO YEARS OF HIS LIFE... and then come to my inbox asking if Azula will ever hurt Sokka?
Dude, you’re off the deep end. You can’t even pretend you have a grasp on reality if you SERIOUSLY THINK Azula has NEVER hurt Sokka. Like, seriously, it feels like you’re reading this truncated version of Gladiator that’s only chapters 28, 111, 112 and perhaps 123? Is that what’s going on?
I’ve had Sokka and Azula arguing over ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING, whether for humorous or for serious purposes, since the very beginning of the story. Their first serious falling out is LITERALLY caused by the direct conflict of their worldviews clashing in chapter 12. Their second falling out was indeed caused by women: by Azula’s discovery that Sokka didn’t want to fight women, which of course, doesn’t bother you in the least because you and I both know that’s NOT what your problem was.
I could literally run through the whole story listing every single argument they’ve had, every single time they’ve hurt each other if that’s what you want: their first time? It literally comes from a very serious argument where Sokka believed he had reached the pinnacle of his potential as a fighter and feared Azula would need someone else to achieve her goals instead of him.
You don’t read this story. This ask absolutely proved it to me. You only read chapter 28 and everything potentially connected to Sokka having anything with other women. You don’t CARE about anything else, simply. Because if anything actually had ANY impact on you? You’d say something about it. But the only thing that touches your weird heart is Sokka sleeping with anyone else or having any potentially romantic interactions with someone else, whether he rejects them or not. 
You don’t care about Gladiator. You only care about your ego, and the validation of your worldview and puritanic morals.
And to that I say, fuck that noise. I write whatever the hell I want to write, and you’re not going to rope me into playing it safe just to please insecure harassers who don’t know boundaries and are completely incapable of empathizing with anyone while demanding everyone should understand their feelings.
Final note on this matter: you, also, have no idea what love is. You plain and simple don’t understand it. You’re even more confused by what love should be than Azula was at the start of this story. You don’t get it, AT ALL.
All you want is for them to get even on things? You literally asked me, when I was in my angry spree of deleting your bullshit, to make Azula and her future husband have happy consensual quality sex with who knows how many orgasms... because it was only fair!
If you think love is about getting even, you’re seriously an asshole. If you think love is about both people being 100% equal in social regards and experiences, you don’t even UNDERSTAND human relations. Do you live in a bubble, by any chance? Maybe you do! You must have zero contact with anyone other than people with your same puritanic beliefs, right? So that means you assume everyone who’s different from you is fundamentally a bad person? I take it?
Like... literally at this point I think you’d hear about someone who was abused in their childhood, molested, and your reaction would simply be “Oh wow I hope someone molests whoever they end up marrying too, so that way they may be even in the future and been molested by the exact same number of people, otherwise it’s not really love”.
This is fucking sick. I’m not holding back at this point, it’s SICK. It’s TWISTED. It’s VILE. Your mentality is absolutely repulsive to me. You don’t know what love is, and you have the most literal, obvious change to understand it better by reading this story properly, but instead you just read chapter 28 over and over and over again, isn’t that right?
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And here’s the evidence of that. You really want me to answer that last question?
No, it doesn’t bug me to read that AT ALL. Because unlike you? I don’t obsessively reread 28 while disregarding everything else in the story. Unlike you, I don’t revisit the chapter every day to pick apart every line to look for reasons to get extra angry at those developments.
Most of us, when faced with things we DON’T like in fiction? We move past it. You, instead, dig yourself into a hole and continue digging, and then pretend to hold other people responsible for whatever impact this may be having on your psyche. Because yes, you’re holding me responsible for whatever trauma or insecurity this is awakening inside you when you continue to pester me as you have: if you’re an adult, you should have the tools and brains to determine what is and what isn’t acceptable behavior, as well as to curate your own experiences with media, with fandom, with EVERYTHING to do with these communities. If you choose to look for things to hate instead of things to love, THAT’S ON YOU.
And if you’re allegedly looking for things to love but can’t find ANY that suit your purposes (which... is bullshit. Clearly, your only priority is “Sokka must be a virgin who never had anything with anyone else”, and such stories DO exist, which I guarantee considering I’ve written at least THREE of them, where it’s absolutely stated that Sokka’s first and only one is Azula)...
Well, it’s funny. Because when I got here? I was looking for some very specific fics so I could explore whether or not Sokkla made any sense. And I didn’t find them.
Which resulted...
... In me writing the very stories I wanted to see.
Oh, my. Imagine taking your impulses and channeling them into something productive rather than looking for reasons to get angry 24/7! Must be such a NOVEL CONCEPT for you!
Seriously, you have no right to dictate what anyone does. Again, worth bringing up because you INSIST on the rewriting matter. Even if you’re claiming you’re done asking for it, you somehow KEEP bringing it up. And then you act like me mentioning 28′s events here or there in the story is absolutely outrageous... but you just go right on ahead and do the same thing yourself, don’t you? Funny how much of a hypocrite you really are, isn’t it?
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The fact that you’re bringing up something I have NEVER written, and have NO INTENTIONS of ever writing, as some sort of stupid, ridiculous argument to be made AGAINST the post I literally reblogged TODAY... is just absurd beyond belief.
The fact that I ever even wrote Sokka cheating on Suki with Azula, which I DID, still bothers me. Because yes, it made for a good story, but the truth is, it doesn’t sit well with me. It worked in The Reason, worked in my collab story with a friend, but it doesn’t mean I feel 100% happy with that choice. Even if the cheating only amounted to a kiss in The Reason, and then a lot worse than just that in the other story, it’s still not cool! :’) I know this!
... And yet no one, NO ONE, has ever caught me writing Sokka cheating on Azula. In fact, when my collab story with my friend seemed to start moving towards that angle I BEGGED her not to do it, and then she didn’t, and my heart was deeply relieved and blissful for it. Because not only did it mean we wouldn’t have to deal with the very controversial and unsettling notion of someone in a good relationship cheating on their significant other... but because in that story, it also showed how much he had grown, and how he was truly devoted to Azula despite he hadn’t been to Suki.
But alas, I have my qualms with that concept, of course I do. And I don’t like it. Ergo, I’ll never write it.
Which begs the question as to WHY, exactly, you’re so obsessed with the notion of Sokka cheating on Azula? Like... do you get off on it? Are you wanking at the idea of Sokka and June every single night and then wake up feeling like crap and then take it out on me, by any chance? Is that what’s going on? Because I’m seriously starting to believe it is.
You clearly don’t understand anything about storytelling, which is probably why you don’t have the guts to create your own content in the first place. But the fact that I reblog a post about how conflict in a story is GOOD, and your first thought is “THEN THAT MEANS YOU APPROVE OF SOKKA CHEATING!” actually says A LOT MORE about you than it says about me. You need help. Clearly, the therapy site I was sending you to the last time wasn’t much good, was it? I guess you just ignored it in the end. Hopefully the reading comprehension one will suit you better, right?
Fuck you, seriously, for coming to someone who has been working this hard for this long, for a ship that they’re completely devoted to, to spout this kind of senseless shit. To think you seriously ever believed I’d accept your half-assed apologies when you’ve been doing this sort of bullshit for this long... you’re a piece of work. If you have the time to write that BULLSHIT into my inbox, at the very least use that time to look INWARD and ponder just what your damn problem is, resolve it on your own, AND LEAVE ME THE HELL OUT OF IT. Someone as immature and unstable as you has no business reading M-rated fiction, and I honestly rue the day you ever clicked my story. Both your life and mine would be countless times better if you simply had scrolled past it.
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And on and on we went today. The THREE MORE ASKS that arrived as I was typing this insanely long response. Which resulted in you bumping the total, successfully, to 20. MIGHTY NICE OF YOU TO PROVE ME RIGHT! :’)
Now then, getting serious here... I must say your priorities are fucked. Like. Really fucked.
You’d rather Sokka tries to KILL AZULA than have a one-time sexual encounter with someone?
Like... you’re here, condoning VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN to that extent...? :’D and then you... you actually have the balls to whine because apparently him  hurting her feelings is WORSE?!
You know, I think I have to offer you some REALLY good advice right now: go watch Naruto. Seriously, all of it. Go watch it, and enjoy your sweet loins’ release once Sasuke and Sakura start trying to kill each other, ONLY TO END UP TOGETHER AT THE END! :’) They were both 100% faithful to each other too, in the sense of Sakura getting depicted as a girl who can’t ever get over the guy she had a crush on when she was 6, no matter if he tries to kill her or her friends once he starts to go off the deep end, and Sasuke getting depicted as a guy who treats everyone like garbage, even the people he loves, because his manpain story somehow validates him being absolutely toxic to everyone he knows, so that’s absolutely up your alley! 100% the love story you’ve been looking for! You’re gonna LOVE IT.
Man, I just can’t believe you. I really can’t believe you. You’re seriously asking me to feature Sokka trying to kill Azula because that’s more acceptable to you. There was a story out there, you know? With Azula basically using Sokka to commit suicide, impaling herself on his sword and dying? You should just go look for that too, perfect fit for you (though it may be gone from the depths of this wretched site by now, which tbh I’d be grateful for, since it was the most unsettling, disturbing read).
Also? Thank you, truly, for all  the remarkably shallow compliments you’ve thrown at me to “soften” your “criticism” (which, again, is whining, not legitimate criticism). Calling me a capable writer is super NICE of you, especially after all these months of persistent harassment and constant repetition that I should rewrite whatever you don’t like. I mean... that’s definitely the way someone treats a capable writer, isn’t that right? 
“The problem isn’t conflict it’s what the conflict is”, the anon says. I’ve been writing a story for 8 years, 198 chapters and counting... and I’ve had a ton of different types of conflicts for Sokka and Azula to deal with. If your problem is “I don’t like this conflict”, FINE. But... hey. There have been THOUSANDS of other sources of conflict across the story, so many I don’t think I can even promise I’d ever take my time to count them all... there’s whole ARCS with conflicts regarding world politics and the war’s consequences and both Azula and Sokka completely changing their worldviews as they realize their realities are soooo much more complicated than they ever knew...!
Ergo. There ARE other conflicts. There are SO MANY of them that there’s no point in even listing it all out.
And yet you are obsessed with the one conflict you didn’t like, outright acting like THIS IS THE ONLY CONFLICT THERE EVER WAS, as proven by that preposterous and mindless “when will Azula ever hurt Sokka” ask. The one development you were pissed at, because it tickled your loins the wrong way. Oh yes, I’m a capable writer, I could’ve done things differently...!
And aren’t you thrilled that I didn’t? You would be a complete nobody in this fandom if this hadn’t happened, because otherwise what would you POSSIBLY have to complain about?! To harass someone about?! You’d be SO BORED! You’d be so unknown, nobody would even be aware of your existence...!
You’re an anon.
You’re unreachable and nobody really knows who you are.
... So never mind, you actually still are a complete nobody in this fandom and your only attempt to even take part in it is to be a negative, irritating presence that literally makes people facepalm, laugh and ridicule you to the extent I and many others have laughed at you.
And yes, that post I reblogged was 100% worth reblogging. Why? Because it hits the nail on the head:
And the thing is? Maybe, in the future, I’ll write other stories, just as I wrote the Saturdays’ stories, and Sokka won’t have either meaningful or worth mentioning encounters with anyone else in them. Maybe I’ll write original fiction, and there won’t be any twists like what happened in 28! 
But you will never get over this.
You will never care about any other content beyond this.
And that’s your failing, not mine.
If you would rather obsess over what makes you angry, that’s on YOU. But I’m damn sure I wrote a pretty reasonable conflict, character-wise, that was not only consistent with characterization but with the slightly darker take of the Avatarverse I’ve been working with. Not only that, but I NEVER skipped the consequences of their actions. I literally had them facing those consequences for whole arcs. Sokka assumed he’d never have a chance to be with Azula and made his peace with it, WITHOUT EVER PRETENDING HIS DEVELOPING FEELINGS FOR AZULA WERE ANYTHING THAT ENTITLED HIM TO HER LOVE IN RETURN. But oh, that’s too complex for you to understand, isn’t it? The fact that Sokka actually loves Azula for her, and not for himself, that he devotes himself to her in every imaginable way, that he fights people who dare disrespect her, that he would stop at NOTHING, even coming close to killing someone, to keep her safe despite he’s completely against killing people? That all means NOTHING to you.
Because I damn right moved past it. I’ve moved so far past it I literally don’t ever THINK about that damn situation until your stupid asks start arriving. Heck, maybe if you didn’t ASK so much about it, I’d stop bringing it up in recent chapters of the story :’) how do you feel about that particular kernel of unexpected information? Maybe you’re impacting the story in a whole shocking manner by inception-ing 28 into my head all the time and that’s why I can’t seem to stop throwing in lines referencing it for you to go completely BONKERS over. How about that? :’)
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Say... how exactly do you think this fic is special? Literally all I know is you think I’m a capable writer who can create something perfectly catered for you, and yet ALL the feedback I’ve ever gotten from you is “REWRITE 28 AND EVERYTHING ABOUT SOKKA HAVING ANYTHING WITH OTHER GIRLS I DON’T UNDERSTAND ANY OF THIS I’M GENUINELY CURIOUS THIS IS LEGITIMATE CRITICISM SIGNING OFF BYE”. Your compliments are completely devoid of meaning because they’re literally just a handful of “you’re a good writer” and you don’t even say WHY you think I’m good. You don’t ever come here to tell me how much you enjoyed a certain scene, or how happy you are with a certain development... No.
Because when Sokka and Azula got married? What did I get?
I wish I had screenshots for those, but you and I both know the truth, you irksome anon, and the truth is you did exactly that. And with every new development in Shu Jing, I got yet more reviews and ask(s), persistently whining about how UNFAIR it is that now Azula apparently is locked in marriage with this unfaithful man who has been unfaithful to her a grand total number of ZERO TIMES ever since their relationship began! How DARES he even think about marrying her?! Scourge of earth, let’s murder him in cold blood because DEATH IS BETTER THAN CHEATING!!!
If you think highly of Gladiator for ANY REASON, you’ve kept those reasons well and safely tucked away in the depths of your broken heart or shared them with anyone but me. Look at all these asks, damn you, and tell me at what point in time did you convey ANYTHING beyond “why don’t you write what I want you to write?”, huh? Because hell, I don’t see it in any of them. Literally nowhere. No backwards (: emojis are compliments or evidence of how much this story allegedly means to you. All I know is that you hate 28 and everything about it.
And you see...
I don’t give a flying fuck. 
I don’t.
You can hate 28 all you want.
You can hate June.
You can hate Sokka.
It is, INDEED, a free world.
But you have no right, NONE WHATSOEVER, to commit to this level of harassment as you have, for A WHOLE YEAR, and pretend the problem is that I, Seyary, the “evil super-sensitive author who writes Sokka sleeping with other people and doesn’t even break a sweat but then crumbles to pieces when “negative” feedback arrives”, can’t handle your comments properly.
Point being: HATE WHAT YOU WILL! But keep it the fuck off my blog. And if you CAN’T? Get used to these responses. Because you’re going to get them, constantly. I guarantee it.
I know your damn opinion already. I know it by heart and I damn wish I didn’t. You are perfectly free to go read all the other stories where I’ve had Sokka staying faithful to Azula, with Azula being his first, or with Azula being much more experienced and sleeping around while Sokka stays mostly chaste... but you don’t. You come back, every time, to my miserable inbox that must cry every time you show up in it, to make these demands and pretend you have any power over what I should be writing.
Again, no, I have no idea why this story matters to you at all. And at this point? I’d rather NOT know. Because I’m 100% sure the only thing that matters most to you is chapter 28. So you know, go ahead, wank to it again and cry yourself to sleep. It’s kind of fascinating to have written something that has such a visceral emotional impact on a complete and total stranger. Makes it clear I’ve made a lot of progress as a writer if I can fuck up someone’s life to this extent with what I’ve written.
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Yeah. Sure. You really think I’ll buy it? You really think this is goodbye? Oh, no, Anon. You can’t stay away. You’ve been told to, you’ve been asked to, but you can’t.
So no, I’m not wishing you good luck back. And I’m certainly not wishing you any fun with my fic, because it’s more than clear that the only source of entertainment it provided you was chapter 28, seeing as it’s the only impactful thing I apparently ever wrote. And someone who’s that obsessed with one of the chapters I most disliked writing despite I knew the plot would benefit from it in the long run simply can’t deserve to have fun. So... good suffering over Gladiator, if anything? Go ahead and continue to wrack your brain while trying to unravel why, oh, why would ANYONE ever write what I wrote and still call themselves a Sokkla shipper?! 
I dunno, maybe go on and write something similar yourself. Could be you’ll finally figure out what your problem is if you take to writing the cheating storylines you’re so very much obsessed with. Only, heh, I can guarantee I’m not touching anything you write, out of principle more than anything. I plain and simple don’t want anything to do with you... but as I don’t intend to close my inbox again, it seems I have no choice, do I?
Good fucking luck sticking to this alleged goodbye... but we both know you’ll be coming back very soon, won’t you? No worries, Anon, I’ll be waiting this time. Let’s see if you can break your 20-ask-streak record next time, shall we? :’)
It’s December 13th, at 2:32 PM, in my location. Let’s see how long it takes you to come back, shall we?
EDIT: I neglected to check constantly so it definitely arrived earlier than this, but officially received a response at least 2 hours after this post went live.
Didn’t I call it? Yep, absolutely called it.
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turtletotem · 4 years
Behold, @ikeracity‘s Cherik fic reward for winning a Star Bright party challenge! Prompt was "I never knew it but apparently I'm heir to the throne and have been betrothed to you since I was three" -- came out as something close to a Princess Diaries AU + arranged marriage! (Also on AO3.)
"But why should I have to marry him?" Charles wailed, knowing he sounded like a petulant toddler instead of a nearly-grown-man of sixteen, but feeling helpless to stop it. He'd felt helpless quite a lot lately, ever since the prime minister of the obscure little nation of Genosha showed up at his door and told him he was now their king.
"I mean, technically you wouldn't exist if not for him, so it's the least you can do," said Raven, and sucked frappe foam through her straw with an amazingly obnoxious noise. Sprawled against the sofa at one end of his dressing room—he had a dressing room now—Raven looked completely at ease in the rich royal surroundings, which she ought to be, having grown up in them. Lady Ravenna Evangeline Penelope Margaret Mystique Darkholme was Charles's newly-discovered first cousin, and the single best thing to come out of all this mess.
"What do you mean, I wouldn't exist?" Charles said as his stylist staff—he had stylist staff—continued zipping and buttoning him into a sinfully expensive tuxedo.
"No one told you? Erik Lehnsherr's parents saved your dad's life. They were on their way to the hospital to have Erik when they saw your dad being hustled into a van by terrorists. Erik's mother—Erik's pregnant, in labor mother—fought them off with her handbag. So your dad promised that their child would marry his heir and become prince consort of Genosha."
"Well, that was ever so nice of my father," Charles said. "To give his eldest child away in marriage before I was even born."
"To be fair, even after you were born, no one really expected you to be heir to the throne. Brian was supposed to get married and have legitimate children at some point."
Which, Charles supposed, was why no one had ever bothered to tell him his father was not just from Genosha, but king of Genosha. No one had ever bothered much with Charles anyway, unless they needed a punching bag. At least now that he'd moved to this ridiculous palace in Genosha, Charles would never have to see his stepfather again.
"But this whole marriage idea is barbaric." He was wailing again. "The Lehnsherrs deserve a reward, certainly, but can't we just give them money? A lot of money? As much money as they want? Instead of making me marry some strange guy I've never met? I mean, it's lucky I'm even open to marrying a guy at all, what if my father's heir had been straight?"
"Sexual attraction isn't a required element of an arranged marriage anyway," Raven shrugged. "And same-sex marriage has been legal in Genosha for over a century—honestly it was never not legal, but it got made explicit… yeah, over a hundred years ago now. And Erik's not gonna be some strange guy you've never met. You're meeting him now! By the time you get married in two years, you'll be old friends."
Charles made a face, and Raven laughed, handing off her empty coffee cup to a passing staff member and unwrapping the cookie she'd bought with it.
"This is just how it works for royalty, Charles," Raven said, a little more seriously. "Sucks that you weren't able to grow up with the idea, but it is what it is."
"You're royalty, do you have a betrothed lurking somewhere?"
"I'm not royalty, I'm nobility. If you kick the bucket without an heir, then I might end up royalty. Until then, my parents know I'd scratch their eyes out if they tried to arrange my life for me." She grinned, all teeth.
"Oh, so it's all right for me, but when it's your life—"
"I don't mean it's all right for you! Just that this is how it is, whether you like it or not."
"Yeah? And what if I just refuse to do it? Then what?"
"Then probably they won't let you be king after all and you'll have to go back home to your mom and stepdad."
Charles's face crumpled in disgust.
"Yeah, that's what I thought," Raven said, and shoved her entire cookie in her mouth.
Charles made a frustrated whining noise. "But it's so wrong! For someone else, someone who's dead now even, to decide who I should marry? Who I have to spend the rest of my life with, and tough luck if I ever fall in love with someone else?"
"Close your eyes, Your Majesty," murmured a stylist, and brushed powder over his face, making him sputter.
"Raven, what if Erik's terrible?" Charles said as soon as his face was free again. "What if he's mean and selfish and greedy? What if he's like Kurt and just out for himself? What if he's some narcissistic jerk who's going to make my life miserable? What if he's stupid? There's nothing morally wrong with being unintelligent, but I don't think I could stand it, Raven, being trapped all day every day with a stupid person, I'd go mad—I don't mean to sound vain, but it's no use pretending I'm not bright, my test scores—"
"You haven't even mentioned 'what if he's ugly,'" Raven said, sounding amused.
"His looks are hardly the most significant thing," Charles said stiffly. "It's much more important that he be a good companion, a good partner, and a good co-ruler for Genosha." His bottom lip trembled, but he held it together while the stylists finished tweaking him and left, before the words burst out of him. "Oh, Raven, what if he's hideous? What if I'm trapped with him forever and I can't even stand to look at him?"
"What if he can't stand to look at you? None of this was his idea either, you know. Oh, Charles, I didn't mean it!" Raven cried when Charles gave her a horrified, near-tearful look. "I was just teasing! Come here." She folded him into a tight hug. Raven was like that; the first thing she'd done when they met was hug him. Charles wasn't used to hugs, but he'd already decided he liked them, at least from Raven.
"Charles, listen to me," Raven said. "You are adorable. You are sweet and clever and good and full of love, and Erik Lehnsherr is lucky as hell to get you. If he doesn't appreciate you like he should, you divorce his ass and tell the prime minister and the whole cabinet to do whatever they dare about it. You hear me?"
Charles sniffled, wiping away the tears Raven's hug had squeezed out, and nodded. "I hear you."
"Good. Now let's go introduce you to this guy and see if he deserves you."
"It's not about whether he deserves me," Charles said as Raven tugged him out the door and down the corridor, past museum-quality oil paintings and crystal statuettes. "It's about the fact that a marriage arranged without any input or consent from the couple themselves is a human rights violation! It's about the fact that when we marry I'll still only be eighteen years old and that's an insane age to make a lifetime commitment! It's about the fact that Erik's mother doing one heroic deed almost twenty years ago doesn't mean her son will make a good ruler! It's about the fact that the heart cannot be legislated and sexual compatibility is important in a marriage and I don't want to marry Erik Lehnsherr—"
He stopped dead as Raven opened a door, revealing the young man within, and a very tiny internal Charles-voice said very sheepishly, Never mind.
Erik Lehnsherr—and so it had to be, there was no one else in the room—was absolutely gorgeous, with the whip-thin grace of a hunting cat and the cheekbones of a god. He had intense, enigmatic eyes the grey-blue color of a winter sky, and he was using them to stare at Charles just as speechlessly as Charles was staring at him.
Raven pushed Charles ahead of her into the room. "Charles, this is Erik. Erik, this is Charles. Good luck."
And she backed out of the room and closed the door.
"Raven, come back—!"
Charles's wasn't the only voice who had said the words. Startled, he turned back toward Erik, who had a hand extended toward the door as if to pull Raven back into the room.
"Do… you know Raven?" Charles asked.
"Of course I know Raven, we've grown up together." Erik continued staring at him, and it was hard to say whether he looked annoyed or terrified. He shifted his feet awkwardly and scratched at his dark auburn hair. "Um, hi. I'm Erik." He put out a hand.
"Charles." He tried not to visibly react as Erik shook his hand, tried not to let on that the most beautiful person he'd ever seen was touching him. "I wish I'd grown up with Raven, she's much better company than my stepbrother. How did you… why…?"
"King Brian was basically my godfather," Erik said, a shadow of grief passing over his face. "I've spent as much time at this palace as I have at my own home, being trained and educated for the day I would help rule the kingdom… For a while I was afraid I'd have to marry Raven, until the council confirmed you come before her in the succession."
"Afraid? Don't you like her?"
"Oh, I like her very much, but she's not…" Erik's cheeks reddened. "I mean, she's a girl, and I prefer… um…"
"Oh, good!" Charles couldn't help bursting out. "Me too!"
"Really?" Erik's smile, Charles thought, changed his whole face, transforming him from an incredible chiseled artwork into a real person, slightly odd and awkward and imperfect and wonderful. Charles blushed and looked away.
His gaze landed on a chessboard, on the table in front of Erik, and he belatedly realized that was what Erik had looked up from when Raven opened the door. "Oh, do you play?"
"I'm head of the team at my school," Erik said with shy pride. "Sometimes I could even beat Brian. Do you? Play chess, I mean?"
"I'm head of the team at my school," Charles said, unable to keep from laughing. "Or I was. Now that I live in Genosha, I might end up competing for your spot."
Erik's smile widened. "You're welcome to try. Don't think I'll go easy on you just because you're the king. And my betrothed. And—" But he didn't finish that sentence, just got redder in the face, and turned to reset the chess board.
So Charles sat down with the young man he was being barbarically forced to marry, who was not stupid, not ugly, not any of the things Charles had feared he would be, and played chess far into the night.
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ruoyeming · 4 years
My Fav Books, another chaotic list
Another quarantine review fest! I know I ranked my top anime but this is seriously too hard so I’m just going to list them to avoid hours of debate. Enjoy!
1) The Skulduggery Pleasant series
This whopper of a series (now at 15 books jesus christ I didn’t know there were that many I’ve only read about twelve) has a special place in my heart. I was FULLY obsessed with it throughout my tween - and teen - years, and for a reason. This shit just butters my bread like nothing else. The story follows a young girl Valkyrie Cain (who eventually becomes a young woman through the series) and her partner in crime, a fashionable living skeleton called Skulduggery Pleasant. They’re MAGICAL DETECTIVES!!!! Bitch!!! They use elemental magic - water, earth, fire, air - to fight off magic-wielding bad guys and look good doing it. The duo is hilarious and seriously shaped my sense of humour, the dry wit and comedic writing style stuck with me and influenced my own writing style to this day! As the series progresses we get a massive cast of characters but to me they’re all memorable, likable (mostly) and well-developed so that’s not an issue. I have no fukcing clue how Derek Landy comes up with his stories because every book in the series has an absolutely wild (yet unique) plot with its own twists and turns. It gets REALLY dark and depressing at times, gory, brutal etc etc especially in the later books I have no idea why this is labeled as a kids series.
10/10 for badassery, humour, and MAD codependency issues
2) The Feverwake series
This bitch is one hell of a YA series. It’s actually only a 2 book-series which is rare, but that’s not the only thing that sets it apart from other creations of its genre. It’s hard to explain the setup without waffling so I’ll just quote the blurb of the first book: “In the former United States, sixteen-year-old Noam Álvaro wakes up in a hospital bed, the sole survivor of the viral magic that killed his family and made him a technopath. His ability to control technology attracts the attention of the minister of defense and thrusts him into the magical elite of the nation of Carolinia.
The son of undocumented immigrants, Noam has spent his life fighting for the rights of refugees fleeing magical outbreaks—refugees Carolinia routinely deports with vicious efficiency. Sensing a way to make change, Noam accepts the minister’s offer to teach him the science behind his magic, secretly planning to use it against the government. But then he meets the minister’s son—cruel, dangerous, and achingly beautiful—and the way forward becomes less clear.”
As you can tell from this, the series is heavy on its politics but in a grounded, realistic and relevant way which is different to many other YA series. Marxist theory is brought up, and you can make some pretty strong links between the books and real events. The magic also has a semi-scientific explanation which is cool and adds to the realness. Anyways this series is action packed and full of twists, plus there’s a bisexual main character and queer romance at the core!! Wig!!! Very good for moral debate - how far is it acceptable to go to protect the oppressed before you become one of the oppressors? Dark and exciting series.
10/10 queer representation and political themes.
3) Spin the Dawn
It’s probably obvious that I’m biased towards YA books but they’re just so exciting and cool! Anyways this is about a girl living in a kind of alternate universe ancient China where magic exists. Maia Tamarin is a skilled seamstress who dreams of being the Imperial Tailor, a position that can only be held by a man. She poses as her brother to go to the royal palace and enter a competition full of skilled tailors, all vying for the role of imperial tailor. She also meets Edan; a mysterious, annoying, but SEXY mage who seems to know her secret identity? Oho? IMO this would be an elevated book if Edan had been a girl but that’s just me being gay. As the final challenge Maia is tasked with making 3 dresses from the sun, moon, and stars - a mission that takes her to the ends of the world in search of these magical materials (obvs Edan goes with her and they kiss kiss fall in love). It’s a fairly classic YA plot and characters but the combination of Project Runway, Mulan, and kind of Lord of the Rings(??) vibes makes for a very entertaining read. It’s also really fun to imagine what the clothes look like, plus the romance between Maia and Edan is very cute. Second book is yet to be published but sounds lit.
10/10 magic fashion and romance (despite its heterosexuality)
4) Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe
Usually I steer clear of angsty gay stories because I’ve consumed too much of the depressing narrative which is all about suffering because of being gay, but fuuuuuuck this book is like the definition of bittersweet. Mostly bitter to be fair but it has a happy ending which was lovely after the emotional torment of the book. It’s about two teen boys - Aristotle is angry and repressed, Dante is eccentric but kind, and the two eventually form a strong friendship after meeting at the local pool. It’s kind of obvious that Ari is in denial about a few things, which leads to some real sad boi hours. There’s also a devastating moment around halfway (not sure) through with a car accident which makes the whole thing 10x heavier. Despite all this, the book has its sweet moments - parents play a big role, but not in the way they usually do in queer stories - and like I said the ending is the bandage for your broken heart. I’m not sure what it is about the writing style, maybe the way it just cuts between scenes randomly or perhaps the way the dialogue and actions are so realistic, but it’s so different to any other book I’ve read that it’s stayed in my mind for a while after reading it.
10/10 really good philosophy plus supportive parents
5) The Gentleman’s Guide to Vice and Virtue
Okay if this was a ranked list, this bad boy would be on its way to the top spot. It’s got everything: historical setting, gays, pirates, alchemy, humour, adventure, angst, character development, and some healthy second-hand embarrassment. It’s not complicated or philosophical but reading this book all in one go is like taking five shots and diving into a pool. It’s exciting and witty, but deals with darker themes like child abuse too. One of the MCs also has a disability and doesn’t treat it as something to be cured, which is a lesson our protagonist has to learn. Speaking of protagonists, Henry ‘Monty’ Montague is a great main character. He’s obnoxious, oblivious, and hedonistic yet quick-witted and passionate, and he has a good heart. Sometimes you just want to grab him by the shoulders and shake him for being such an ignorant idiot, but throughout the book he grows and learns to open his mind more (as well as becoming more humble). He’s a great example of a flawed yet likable main character. He is also a bisexual icon.
Oof forgot to even talk about the story. Monty embarks on a tour of Europe, usually taken by lads his age to get all cultured before they settle down and inherit the family company or whatever. With him are his younger sister Felicity, a girl with a brilliant mind for science who isn’t taken seriously by anyone because of her gender, and the lovely Percy, Monty’s lifelong best friend (and crush). Monty ends up stealing a very valuable object that turns the Tour into a manhunt across Europe, and drags the trio into a big ol’ conspiracy involving something that may or may not be the philosopher’s stone????
Issues of race, gender, and disability in historical context are really well done, and it’s an absolute banger of a book.
10/10 very exciting adventure, plus GREAT GAY ROMANCE
6) Heaven Official’s Blessing
HOOOOOO BOY. This is probably my absolute fave on this list. It’s a webnovel (originally Chinese but the full translation is online). Set in ancient china in the cultivation world (difficult as shit to explain if ur not into all of that but I’ll try), basically there’s three realms - the heavenly realm, the human/mortal realm, and the ghostly realm. If a mortal reaches a certain point (good deeds, power etc), they ascend to become a god - or if they fall far enough, they become a ghost. 
I’ll just quote the author’s description again cause I don’t have the brain cells required:
 “Eight hundred years ago, Xie Lian was the Crown Prince of the Xian Le kingdom. He was loved by his citizens and was considered the darling of the world. He ascended to the Heavens at a young age; however, due to unfortunate circumstances, was quickly banished back to the mortal realm. Years later, he ascends again–only to be banished again a few minutes after his ascension. Now, eight hundred years later, Xie Lian ascends to the Heavens for the third time as the laughing stock among all three realms. On his first task as a god thrice ascended, he meets a mysterious demon who rules the ghosts and terrifies the Heavens, yet, unbeknownst to Xie Lian, this demon king has been paying attention to him for a very, very long time.”
It’s hard to describe the enormity of this story and all the emotions it encapsulates, you really have to read it for yourself. But bitch the undying, pure, Hozier-devotion-level LOVE is by far my favourite part of this story. If you’re looking for an epic, god-tier gay romance, then this is it baby!! This story has comedy, action, and downright harrowingly depressing moments, but throughout is this achingly beautiful love between fallen god and last believer.
I don’t wanna give too much away cause there are some big ol’ plot reveals, but oooh this shit made me cry. The protagonist is MY FAVOURITE EVER I didn’t think it was possible to like a protag so much!! He’s legit my fave character! At first he seems oblivious and carefree but he’s just doing his goddamn best after all he’s been through and he’s so fukcing kind and just wants to help everyone for fuckcs sake excuse me I need to go have a breakdown.
Okay I’m back, anyway there’s a great cast of characters, even the background characters are all incredibly memorable and all given their time to shine and develop. My faves include Quan Yizhen, a rowdy himbo who just wants to fight, and Shi Qing Xuan, a friendly genderfluid god who controls the wind. Read this shit I’m not joking it’ll change your life. 
10/10 for everything
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hufflly-puffs · 4 years
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
Chapter 14: Felix Felicis
Teenagers! Hormones! Heartbreak! Welcome to a new episode of Riverdale… I mean a new chapter of “Half Blood Prince”. And to be clear here: I do love all those teenage romances. This is exactly my jam.
“It was not as though he was really surprised, thought Harry, as he wrestled with a thorny vine intent upon throttling him; he had had an inkling that this might happen sooner or later. But he was not sure how he felt about it … he and Cho were now too embarrassed to look at each other, let alone talk to each other; what if Ron and Hermione started going out together, then split up? Could their friendship survive it? Harry remembered the few weeks when they had not been talking to each other in the third year; he had not enjoyed trying to bridge the distance between them. And then, what if they didn’t split up? What if they became like Bill and Fleur, and it became excruciatingly embarrassing to be in their presence, so that he was shut out for good?” – I love that entire scene where Harry desperately tries not to overhear his friends and their awkward conversation. But also Harry, Captain Oblivious himself, acts like he was obviously aware of the fact that Ron and Hermione like each other quite a lot. Like everyone and their mother knows, but that usually means Harry doesn’t. Like he doesn’t even know yet that he has a thing for Ginny, despite Slughorn’s love potion smelling like her and it needs some serious jealousy attack in this chapter for him to realize. But I also get Harry’s concern and how a romance between Hermione and Ron would affect his friendship with the two of them. We never actually get to see Ron and Hermione as a couple for reasons, and by the time they get together Harry is with Ginny and they no longer attend school together. But I guess their relationship is as wonderful complicated as their friendship.
That is to say, I know there are some people out there who never quite understood how Ron and Hermione got together, as it seems that they are fighting the whole time and that they are quite different. But I never doubted that they belong together. Every relationship works different and I always believed that the reason why they fight so much is because they genuinely care about each other. They wouldn’t bother that much if it wasn’t. And you can be super annoyed by someone and still like them, those things don’t exclude each other.
“As Harry had endured much worse mutterings than this in his school career, he was not particularly bothered, but all the same, the pressure was increasing to provide a win in the upcoming match against Slytherin. If Gryffindor won, Harry knew that the whole house would forget that they had criticised him and swear that they had always known it was a great team. If they lost … well, Harry thought wryly, he had still endured worse mutterings …” – It is interesting that Harry’s function as captain of the team also makes him the coach. (As it was with Oliver and Angelina.. and it just took me six books to notice this.. nevermind) And the golden rule when it comes to sportballs is that every team has an entire nation, or in this case house, as a coach. Everyone has an opinion and everyone knows better.
“‘Yeah, it is!’ said Ron, just as angrily. ‘D’you think I want people saying my sister’s a –’ ‘A what?’ shouted Ginny, drawing her wand. ‘A what, exactly?’” – I’m glad we never find out what word exactly Ron wanted to use (probably ‘scarlet woman’), but just as Fred and George what he does is basically slutshaming. Like I guess it is normal to tease your siblings over their first boyfriend/girlfriend, as the twins will later do with Ron after they found out about Lavender, and of course as older brothers they are protective of their baby sister. Still, the way both the twins and Ron speak to Ginny is not okay. Ron doesn’t tease Ginny, he is angry at her, and I don’t think it is because he is jealous she found someone to snog and he didn’t. He generally dislikes the idea of her being with a boy, of her becoming a woman, of her (sooner or later) becoming sexual active. He patronise her in the worst way, thinking he as a man owns the right to control what she does with her body and with whom.
“‘Harry’s snogged Cho Chang!’ shouted Ginny, who sounded close to tears now. ‘And Hermione snogged Viktor Krum, it’s only you who acts like it’s something disgusting, Ron, and that’s because you’ve got about as much experience as a twelve-year-old!’” – I always felt as a teenager (and even now as an adult), that there is this pressure that you need to have a certain experience at a certain age. Like there might be something wrong with you if you are sixteen and never kissed someone. Which is obviously stupid. But it also hits a nerve with Ron, who has always compared himself with his brothers, with Harry, with everyone. And of course the fact that Hermione kissed Krum, which we only learn about now. For obvious reasons she only shared this kind of information with Ginny, and it shows how hurt Ginny is by Ron’s accusation that she lets that bomb drop now.
“She’s Ron’s sister, Harry told himself firmly. Ron’s sister. She’s out of bounds. He would not risk his friendship with Ron for anything.” – The thing is however that Harry shouldn’t feel like he has to decide between Ron or Ginny, that Ron should simply accept if his sister and his best friend want to be together.
The whole Felix Felicis trick only works because Harry knows his two best friends so well. He knew that Hermione would call him out for it, and he also knew that Ron doesn’t like it when Hermione is “bossing him around” and would drink his pumpkin juice anyway. What Harry did not know was how horrible his plan would backfire.
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Book Recommendations (1)
Lost in the Sun by Lisa Graff
Summary:  “ Everyone says that middle school is awful, but Trent knows nothing could be worse than the year he had in fifth grade, when a freak accident on Cedar Lake left one kid dead, and Trent with a brain full of terrible thoughts he can't get rid of. Trent wants middle school to be a fresh start, if only he could make that happen. It isn’t until Trent gets caught up in the whirlwind that is Fallon Little—the girl with the mysterious scar across her face—that things begin to change. Because fresh starts aren’t always easy. Even in baseball, when a fly ball gets lost in the sun, you have to remember to shift your position to find it.”
Personal thoughts: It’s definitely a book geared to more younger audiences, but I think it’s a good read for all ages. I actually haven’t read it in a while, but Trent is a character I think lots of people can relate to. He struggles with anger and rage; emotions he has no idea what to do with. Fallon is a quirky character that you can never quite get a hold of, and she makes for a spectacular story. 
Starfish by Akemi Dawn Bowman
Summary:  “ A half-Japanese teen grapples with social anxiety and her narcissist mother in the wake of a crushing rejection from art school in this debut novel. Kiko has always struggled with saying what she’s thinking, and an overbearing mother makes things even harder. Her one hope and dream is Prism, a fancy art school. But then Kiko doesn’t get into Prism, at the same time her abusive uncle moves back in with her family. So when she receives an invitation from her childhood friend to leave her small town and tour art schools on the west coast, Kiko jumps at the opportunity in spite of the anxieties and fears that attempt to hold her back. And now that she is finally free to be her own person outside the constricting walls of her home life, Kiko learns life-changing truths about herself, her past, and how to be brave.”
Personal thoughts: ‘Starfish’ is a book that touches on a lot of sensitive issues, such as emotional and verbal abuse, presumed sexual assault (my memory isn’t that clear on what exactly happened so djkadhf), and Kiko herself is a very complex character. She’s a survivor who has to face every survivor’s worst fear; the abuser returning. Art is her only escape, but when that too fails, she feels like she’s spiraling. On many levels, she’s a character so many people can connect to, and the story really shows the reality of life. 
Turtles All the Way Down by John Greene
Summary:  “ Sixteen-year-old Aza never intended to pursue the mystery of fugitive billionaire Russell Pickett, but there’s a hundred-thousand-dollar reward at stake and her Best and Most Fearless Friend, Daisy, is eager to investigate. So together, they navigate the short distance and broad divides that separate them from Russell Pickett’s son, Davis. Aza is trying. She is trying to be a good daughter, a good friend, a good student, and maybe even a good detective, while also living within the ever-tightening spiral of her own thoughts.”
Personal thoughts: You’ve probably either read or heard of this book, but if you haven’t yet, this is a definite book you should read. Aza is really an intriguing character, and one of the things I like about her is that she doesn’t really get a happy ending. The book is her trying (and sometimes succeeding, sometimes failing) to find a way to cope with her disorder. It’s a really deep book (lots and lots of good quality quotes). It’s not supposed to be a positive or negative book; it shows the real struggles of dealing with mental illnesses and trying to balance your normal life along with it.
Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo
Summary:  “Ketterdam: a bustling hub of international trade where anything can be had for the right price–and no one knows that better than criminal prodigy Kaz Brekker. Kaz is offered a chance at a deadly heist that could make him rich beyond his wildest dreams. But he can’t pull it off alone…A convict with a thirst for revenge. A sharpshooter who can’t walk away from a wager. A runaway with a privileged past. A spy known as the Wraith. A Heartrender using her magic to survive the slums. A thief with a gift for unlikely escapes. Six dangerous outcasts. One impossible heist. Kaz’s crew is the only thing that might stand between the world and destruction—if they don’t kill each other first.”
Personal thoughts: This book is genius. It’s part of a duo-logy, and is set in the same universe as the author’s Grisha trilogy. In my opinion, you don’t have to read the Grisha trilogy (I didn’t), though it would probably be helpful. You’re able to figure things out pretty quickly though. I’m serious about this book being spectacular though; it’s one of those books where the main character is so clever that you wonder how the author possibly wrote them. Kaz is a trickster and a conman, and makes the book filled with twists and turns that leave you shocked. The other five main characters will grab your heart just as much though; wily and clever and heart wrenching with every page and every new thing you learn. It leaves you holding your breath-but don’t hold it for too long, because there is a sequel, Crooked Kingdom (I...sobbed).
The Cruel Prince by Holly Black
Summary:   “Jude was seven when her parents were murdered and she and her two sisters were stolen away to live in the treacherous High Court of Faerie. Ten years later, Jude wants nothing more than to belong there, despite her mortality. But many of the fey despise humans. Especially Prince Cardan, the youngest and wickedest son of the High King. To win a place at the Court, she must defy him–and face the consequences. As Jude becomes more deeply embroiled in palace intrigues and deceptions, she discovers her own capacity for trickery and bloodshed. But as betrayal threatens to drown the Courts of Faerie in violence, Jude will need to risk her life in a dangerous alliance to save her sisters, and Faerie itself.”
Personal thoughts: For once, we meet a main character as twisted and cutthroat as the ‘villain’-who also happens to be the love interest, if you can call them that. Jude is vicious and bitter after surviving for years as a human in Faerie. The Fey are cruel, tricky, deceptive, especially towards her. This whole book was just awesome, really, but in a dark way. Jude goes past just trying to save herself; and in turn endangers so many people.
The Raven Boys by Maggie Stiefvator
Summary:   “An unlikely group stumbles across ancient magic in Virginia: Blue, the daughter of the town psychic in Henrietta, Virginia, who has been told for as long as she can remember that if she ever kisses her true love, he will die. Gansey, who seeks the Welsh magic he believes saved his life. Adam, who searches for a way out of the circumstances he was born into. Ronan, who seeks to recover the magic of his childhood.”
Personal thoughts: Another series I give my heart too. The first book in The Raven Cycle series, this book is rich with mythology set in a realistic world. Rich boys with backstories, headstrong girl with physic abilities, ley lines-what could go wrong? It’s a story about youth, mystery, romance, friendship, fantasy-a little bit of everything thrown in between. Each character is unique, from your perfect rich boy Gansey to scholarly Adam, cold Ronan and spunky Blue. Even if the book doesn’t sound exciting, I can guarantee that you’ll probably be completely absorbed in one way or another. 
Conviction by Kelly Loy Gilbert
Summary:   “Ten years ago, God gave Braden a sign, a promise that his family wouldn’t fall apart the way he feared. But Braden got it wrong: his older brother, Trey, has been estranged from the family for almost as long, and his father, the only parent Braden has ever known, has been accused of murder. The arrest of Braden’s father, a well-known Christian radio host, has sparked national media attention. His fate lies in his son’s hands; Braden is the key witness in the upcoming trial. Braden has always measured himself through baseball. Now the rules of the sport that has always been Braden’s saving grace are blurred in ways he never realized, and the prospect of playing against Alex Reyes, the nephew of the police officer his father is accused of killing, is haunting his every pitch. Braden faces an impossible choice, one that will define him for the rest of his life, in this brutally honest debut novel about family, faith, and the ultimate test of conviction.”
Personal thoughts: Honestly, this is a book I can reread over and over again. Maybe because it’s a book that focuses on Braden’s faith and his struggle as one of the main topics, but it really pulled me in. I practically devoured this whole book in one day. Braden really struggles internally on what is the right thing to do, as well as externally when his brother, Trey, returns to be his guardian. It focuses a lot on their brotherly relationship-in which of them have two very different perspectives of what their lives have been like-some romance, but mostly it’s a book about Braden himself. When the line between right and wrong is blurred, what path do you choose?
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chicklette · 6 years
So @frostbitebakery made this devastating piece of art and said it would be okay if I wrote something for it.
So I give you a Shrunkyclunks soulmate AU, rated M:
Everyone has a soulmate.  Everyone.
Since the counsel has been keeping records, there has been one exception to that rule, and considering the man, no one was very surprised.  After all, Captain America, ne Steve Rogers, was the exception to all the rules.
So when he plunged into the Atlantic in a plane loaded with enough explosives to take out the entire Eastern Seaboard, the nation mourned him, but the counsel breathed a sigh of relief.  Their perfect record - a soulmate for everyone - was intact.
When Bucky is five or six or seven, he has his first bonding dream.  In it, he watches as a boy about his age, maybe a little bit younger, leans up over a small coffee table, drawing. The boy is small and slight, with fine hair so blonde it’s almost white.  The boy looks up at the ceiling for a moment, and Bucky can see he has huge blue eyes.  Then the boy goes back to his drawing, humming a song that Bucky’s never heard  before.
After a moment, Bucky pauses to look around the room.  It’s sparsely decorated, a few of what he guesses are the boy’s drawings tacked up along the walls.  The floor is bare wood, and the couch looks to have seen better days, but everything looks clean, and neat. Because he is only five or six or seven, he doesn’t see the poverty of the room, only that it looks welcoming.
When Bucky looks over the boy’s shoulder, he can’t help but smile.  It’s a rough sketch of a family, with a big yellow sun in the sky, a small blonde boy, a smaller orange cat, and a woman who Bucky guesses is the kid’s mother.  It’s not the terrible crayon drawing that Bucky would have expected.  The boy is using colored pencils, studying the page carefully before laying down the next line.  
Bucky is fascinated.  He sits down next to the boy, and while the boy never acknowledges him, Bucky can’t help but feel a kinship anyway.
When Bucky is seven or eight or nine, he learns that the boy’s name is Steve.  By now he knows that they can’t interact. He knows this because when he was five or six or seven, the boy was yelling at some kids who were picking on a stray cat.  The kids then turned on Bucky’s small friend, and before he knew it, the boy was on the ground, bleeding from a cut over his eye, a bruise already blooming on his cheek, doing his level best not to cry.  
Bucky ran to him and put his arm around him, but nothing happened.  
Well, not nothing.
As Bucky sat down next to the boy and leaned up against the space where his shoulder should be, he was filled to the brim with emotions that weren’t quite his.  He felt angry and sad, defeated and indignant.  He was sorry because he knew he’d once again worry his ma, and hurt for the little stray cat, but underneath all of that, he felt…lonely.  
Bucky’s felt his friend’s loneliness and found himself fighting off tears.  It wasn’t fair!  Bucky had Becca, and even though she was gross and sometimes mean and always wanted to play Barbies, at least he knew she loved him.  They were family.
Steve didn’t seem to have anyone besides his ma, not even a dad.
But when Bucky is seven or eight or nine, he learns that his friend’s name is Steve, and he gets to see his friend truly happy, maybe for the first time.
Steve is at school when Bucky finds him, standing before his class.  The teacher is holding up a drawing that Steve’s done, and the class is applauding, chanting his name.  Steve is beaming.  It’s the happiest Bucky has ever seen him, and he rushes to stand close to Steve, so that he can feel his friend’s joy for himself.
As much as he longs to be able to talk to Steve when he’s sad, he wishes for it now more than ever.  He wants to hug his friend tight, and let the joy that is inside of him wash over the both of them forever.  That night, when he falls asleep, it’s with a smile on his face, and the whisper of the name Steve on this breath.
When Bucky is nine or ten or eleven, he has the worst day he’s ever had.  He has a fight with his best school friend, Joey Morgan, his bicycle has a flat tire when he goes to ride it home, and when he gets home, he finds out that Becca is sick and has chicken pox.  He is so full of frustrated anger than when he falls asleep and stumbles onto Steve, he tries to turn away.   He feels anxious and edgy, like his bad mood will somehow spill onto Steve, make him somehow more likely to go pick a fight (and who is he kidding?  Steve loves to pick fights.).
He tries to keep his distance from Steve, but it doesn’t work.  He tries to will himself awake, but instead, he finds himself watching as Steve readies himself for bed.  Steve’s about his age now, (Steve is always about his age, and Bucky likes that they get to grow together, even if they’re not together-together) and before he climbs into bed, he stands at the window and looks up at the moon, whispering something under his breath.
Bucky hears Steve’s mother’s footsteps a beat or two before Steve does.  Over the years, he’s come to realize that his not only gets sick a lot, but is a little bit deaf as well.  Steve clambers into bed just as his mother walks in.  
She looks at him, and at the open curtain at the window and smiles.  “Wishing on the moon again?”
Steve shrugs.
“My handsome man,” she says, and sits at the edge of the bed, holding his hands in hers.  “I know you’re anxious, but your soulmate is out there.  You just have to give them some time to get to you.”
“I know, but Ma, I’m already -”
“Already tired of waiting, is what you are.  I know.  But be patient, little love.  You’ll find each other soon enough.”
“Yeah,” Steve says, nodding but unconvinced.  “Just wish they’d hurry up.”
Bucky understands the sentiment.  
Still, when Steve finally lays down and shuts his eyes, Bucky lays beside him.  He wraps an arm around the space where Steve is, and does his best to let Steve know that Bucky is there, that Bucky is waiting, and that Bucky cannot wait for the two of them to meet.
In his dream, he falls asleep that way, and his dream sleep is so heavy that his mother has to shake him hard the next morning, to convince him to wake up.  He gets up and goes to school, but feels strange all day.  By the end of the day, he’s sent home ill, and the next day, he breaks out in a rash of chicken pox.  In his dreams, Steve is sick as well, and somehow that’s the only thing that makes Bucky feel better.
When Bucky is thirteen, Steve breaks an arm.  Bucky’s arm aches in sympathy for a month.  When Bucky is fourteen, Steve gets pneumonia.  Bucky runs a fever of a hundred and two with no discernible illness.  
Bucky has a few choice words for Steve once they’re both feeling well again, not that Steve can hear him.
When Bucky is sixteen, Steve’s ma gets sick, and when he’s seventeen, she dies.  Bucky cries so hard he makes himself sick, and when his mother places a cool washcloth over the back of his neck and holds him close, she exchanges worried glances with her husband.  
It’s not unusual for soulmates to feel the residual emotions of their partner through the bond.  It is unusual them to feel it this keenly.
The next day, Bucky is taken to the doctor.  He’s melancholy, which is unusual for him, but he’s also running another low-grade fever.  The doctor does some blood tests and a full physical exam.  Truth be told, Bucky’s always been an unusual case.  His soulmate became known to him much earlier than usual, so the fact that they haven’t made contact yet is startling.  What’s worse is Bucky’s creeping suspicion that his soulmate is either an extreme hipster, or...well, Bucky’s not really sure what the make of the “or.”
But he’s never seen Steve use a television, or computer, or cell phone.  There’s an antique radio playing antique songs that Steve sometimes turns on, but mostly Steve sits at his rickety kitchen table and draws.  He wears suspenders, and hard-soled leather shoes that don’t fit all that well, and in the summer, he sometimes sets a bowl of ice in front of the fan in order to cool off.
When Bucky is eighteen, he once more dreams of Steve.  Steve is in bed, in a dark, quiet room, and his hand is moving under the covers. Bucky gapes when he realizes what Steve is doing.  He gapes as his feet feel rooted to the floor, and he gapes as Steve makes a small, needful whine.  When Steve brings his fingers to his mouth, Bucky’s torn between wanting to turn away and wanting to move closer.  By the time Steve comes, Bucky’s breathing hard and his heart is pounding in his chest.
He wakes up with his dick in his hand, and comes, wet and hot, all over his chest, whole body shaking with the force of it.
“Jesus, Steve,” Bucky says, and wipes his forehead with the back of his hand.  “Jesus.”
When Bucky is eighteen, he’s taking his final semester of high school.  His lit and history classes are boring, but he’s aceing Calc, and he got into NYU’s Mechanical Engineering program for the coming fall.  He can’t wait to get out of high school.  It’s early in spring and Bucky’s got a serious case of senioritis.  He’s only half paying attention to Mr. Clemmons, his AP History teacher, when he opens his book to their chapter - Heroes of World War II.  
He’s flicking through the pages, half-listening, half-thinking about improvements to the Rube Goldberg machine that he and Bobby Evers have been building in the garage, when his world comes to a juddering stop.
He’s looking at a photo of Captain America, and that’s nothing new.  He’s seen pictures of Captain America since he was a kid.  Hell, he used to want to be Captain America.  He had a Cap themed birthday party when he was six.
But next that is a photo he’s never seen before.  It’s a picture of a young Steve Rogers, age maybe fourteen or fifteen, and he’s standing next to a tall, blonde woman in a nurses uniform.  The boy is squinting into the sun, and his posture is half-relaxed, and half fight-me.
The caption reads “A rare, early photo of Steve Rogers, recently released as a part of the Project Insight data dump.  It is believed that his mother, Sarah Rogers, is pictured with him.”
Bucky feels his stomach drop out just as his mouth fills with saliva. He has just enough time to think, Stevie, no, before the world drops out from under him. Because that kid, there on the page?  That’s his soulmate.
...to be continued
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best older kurt fics?
Hey Nonnie, just to clarify: you’re looking for age gap fics where Kurt is older than Blaine, right? Please find a list below. Enjoy! Hugs, Marjan
A Gift In Every Sense of the Word by @crisspyklaine /Klainecentric
Based on the anonymous Glee Kink Meme prompt:
Cooper, as a coming out present to his little brother, convinces his friend Kurt to suck Blaine off.
Blaine didn’t think he would ever even get to kiss a boy before going to college, never mind getting a blowjob from a boy who looks like Kurt.
He’s so overwhelmed that he comes embarrassingly quick. Kurt feels bad for Blaine, and giving head makes him horny, so he decides to get Blaine hard again and ride him.
All In by legallyblained
When Kurt turns thirty, he decides to adopt a baby. Who should he meet the very same day, but a certain very pretty 21-year-old art student, Blaine?
Blue Christmas by  broadwayblainey
Kurt Hummel’s life is in pieces; he lost his job, his husband kicked him out and his Dad isn’t talking to him. Meeting a cute, hair gelled man on a bridge could turn things around. Maybe even save his life.
Click and Press Send (a.k.a. The Kimber Verse) by @loveheartlover
Blaine Anderson is 18 years old and in his final year at McKinley High. His best friends know everything about him- apart from that whole thing where he’s in love with an online blogger.
ThreeDomsToRuleThemAll are the best thing to ever happen to Blaine; three friends who post audio and video that more than satisfies his need to submit, and Kimber is the man who makes every Thursday the best day of Blaine’s week. It’s just a shame that Blaine is little more than another number, another follower to him. He doesn’t even know Blaine exists.
Until one day, he does.
This is their story.
Dance Me To The End Of Love by @kurtswish
While unwinding at a club, Blaine Anderson meets a stranger who promises him one night of passion. When the night is over, Blaine wants more, so does Kurt; but what Kurt offers him is not quite what he was expecting.
Don’t Know Much About History by Kurt Countertenor
Kurt is a young professor of history, and Blaine is a freshman in his class. When the two begin to have feelings for each other, they find themselves torn between what they want and the university rules on student-professor relationships.
Don’t Say I Didn’t Warn You by @klaineanummel
Blaine doesn’t really care what Sam and Tina think about his friends with benefits relationship with his older sister’s best friend is what it really comes down to.
I Wanna Be With You All Night by @endofadream/rayychel infinity
At the insistence of his roommates, Blaine takes advantage of a boring Friday night and heads out to a gay night club, where he has a run-in with a gorgeous man who turns it into the best night of Blaine’s life.
I Won’t Let You Down Verse by @mrscriss2012
16 year old Blaine moves to Lima with his mom and new step family. Desperately unhappy and alone, he is befriended by one Burt Hummel who lives across the road. The pair start to restore a classic car together, but what will Blaine make of Burt’s surly 27 year old son?
If I Lose Myself by @fablewriter
Anonymous asked: Can I prompt you ; billionaire older Kurt and pretty young thing Blaine in a relationship and just Kurt spoiling him and just fluff and smut or whatever, take creative freedom as you wish(:
I’ll Do It by rightonthelimit
Blaine has had a crush on his teacher for as long as he could remember. He simply wants mister Hummel. Fortunately for Blaine, his teacher’s thoughts about him aren’t exactly appropriate either…
Invidia in E Minor by @vosje
Kurt was trying to find home in loveless New York when handsome stranger Cooper Anderson comes along and feels him up, showing him the life he could lead with a loving boyfriend. Back in Ohio lies Cooper’s little brother Blaine restless on his bed, trying to find the music for his college-applications - and music is what he hears when he meets his brother’s boyfriend.
It’s Not Babysitting by @anxioussquirrel
AU, present time. Kurt Hummel is 28 and has been living in New York for ten years now. He has a good job, nice apartment and two best friends anyone could wish for: Sebastian, a snarky lawyer, and Cooper, a workaholic investment specialist. What he doesn’t have is luck in relationships. But then Blaine, Cooper’s 17-year-old brother comes to NY to spend the summer. He turns out to be gorgeous and quickly develops a huge crush on Kurt…
Light Up The Sky by @mrscriss2012
AU. Kurt and Blaine meet on the Fourth of July.
Like I’ve Never Seen The Sky Before by @missbeizy
Blaine is a sixteen year old homeless runaway.  Kurt is a twenty five year old Broadway performer.  One afternoon Kurt quite literally stumbles over the poor boy on the street, accidentally beginning a relationship that’s more than complicated from the start.
Make You Feel My Love by @mrscriss2012
AU. Blaine is seventeen, and never been kissed. Kurt is 27, and trapped in a loveless relationship. A chance encounter sets both on a path that doesn’t run smoothly, but takes them places they never imagined.
Mine by @slightestwind (sequel: Slowing Down)
Blaine is an 18 year old virgin with no experience whatsoever. He’s super subby and shy. Kurt is 28, experienced, and is a hot dom who totally gets off on Blaine’s innocence.
(Not) the one for me by @klaineanummel
There were a few things Blaine Anderson was looking forward to about the college experience. Falling in love with his new best friend’s boyfriend was definitely not one of them.
Proud of your Boy by @seeleyboothfan [ePub]
Blaine has been having panic attacks and he’s been feeling very lost since he’s come to New York. Kurt is his best friend, but he’s also a Dom who’s sensing that Blaine might be a sub who hasn’t quite realized that yet and he’s struggling to figure out how best to help Blaine. Will they be able to come together and help each other, or will something keep them apart?
Push-Pull by Quixoticity [PDF]
AU where everyone is born a Dom, sub or switch.Kurt returns to Lima to look after his Dad, taking a teaching job at McKinley to make ends meet. He meets Blaine at a Dom/sub club and they share an intense mutual attraction. When Blaine walks into his classroom the next day Kurt is shocked to discover he is a 16 year old student, and things get complicated.
Rebirth by dancewithme19
When Kurt agreed to return to Lima to help Sam prepare the New Directions for Nationals, he knew he’d have to face down some ghosts. He thought he was prepared for that. But that’s because he never even entertained the idea that he’d be here, struck breathless at the sight of one of them made flesh.
Somewhere Along The Way I Missed You by @missbeizy
Older Kurt meets a younger but very eager Blaine (who is all but a virgin) at a bathhouse and takes on the role of teacher in the acts of gay sex.
Stay by @bowtiesandboatshoes
Written for the prompt: Kurt and Blaine’s parents are close friends, so they sort of grew up together even though Kurt is 5-10 years older than Blaine. Blaine has just graduated university and Kurt offers to let him move into his apartment until he can find something better.
Story of My Life verse by @klaineanummel
Kurt reflects on the past twelve years of his life, coming to realize that one man in particular has affected him far more than he ever thought he would.
Take All That I Am by becausehiships
In a world where extreme opposites can’t help but attract, never to leave one another alone again, rock bottom is just the beginning.
It’s a story of loving someone despite where they come from, despite their past. Take All That I Am revels in the differences that make life interesting, and relationships that shouldn’t be but are.
The Dumbing Down of Love by JustGidget
“The butterflies in his stomach had been lying to him and it was only in that instant that he realized it. He wondered just how long his traitor brain had been duping him. All he was sure of was that what he was
beginning to feel for Blaine was very, very dangerous.”
Through Different Eyes Verse by GLEEAnna
Blaine Anderson-Berry is in love with his big sister’s best friend Kurt Hummel.  Will Kurt ever see him as more than a little kid?
Two Coins by justanartist  [PDF] (Sequel:  One Vow  [PDF])
Kurt knows those people who are soulmates. How happy they are and how lucky they feel. Soulmates have a very deep connection some are so deep that people are able to feel every emotion and physical pain from their soul mate. He never understood why it was luck until he meets his soul mate and is not happy about it.
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carnistcervine · 5 years
Air Nomad Conquest AU
AU where the Air Nomads take over the world. I know that, it's been done a few times, but every time I see it, the Air Nomads are violent and cruel, and I just??? I mean, nothing against other people's AUs and interpretations, but the Air Nomads are literally the only pacifistic nation in the show and I still have yet to see an AU that takes advantage of this. Especially because brainwashing and chi/energy manipulation are canon. But, I guess I gotta make it then. :'D Because they are non-violent, they'd probably see themselves as justified and pure, bringing their fucked up version of peace to the world. :'D
-The elders at the Air Temples start to receive troubling visions of doom and fire. As a result they tell Aang he's the Avatar soon after he turns twelve and receives his tattoos. Just like in canon, he doesn't take the news well and runs away when they threaten to ship him away.
-However, this time, they had a back-up plan. They manage to piece together that the Fire Nation is planning to use the great comet to annihilate them. So, armed with this knowledge, they set up an ambush of their own.
-When the comet arrives, the firebenders are surprised to find the temples abandoned? They assume that the airbenders must be hiding deeper in, so they go, only to find the air becoming progressively thinner. They realize their mistake too late, as they become too weak to move let alone firebend. The comet passes over, with the fire army only having enough air to survive, the calm, watchful eyes of air masters watching from the tall ceilings above.
-The eradication of their Air Nomads was a massive failure. The Fire Nation fears the worst as months go by with no word from the generals and soldiers that went to assault the temples.
-Only, much to their surprise, they return, on the backs of sky bison too. Everyone sent to eradicate the airbenders comes back unharmed. Or so it seems.
-Physically their all fine, but they seem... detached. Their eyes a little glazed over, with a mysteriously calmer disposition to match.
-The Air Nomads are a peaceful people, all pacifists with no military. And yet all of Sozin's best generals and firebenders were no match for them. For whatever the airbenders did to them.
-When asked, they merely reply that the monks showed them the ways of peace and harmony.
-Rather than retaliate, the Air Nomads claim that they just want to speak with Sozin. Maybe come to some kind of peaceful agreement. Sozin doesn't want to, but with the airbenders decisive victory when the firebenders were at their strongest, he has no choice but to relent.
-Sozin comes back from that talk, a changed man. Suddenly the Fire Nation is demilitarized and there's an Air Nomad overseeing the Fire Nation.
-Most of the Fire Nation is just happy that they can live in peace again, but a very vocal minority is PISSED.
-They manage to burn a few airbenders before "mysteriously" changing their attitudes.
-Now the Fire Nation is scared. Just what on earth are the airbenders doing to these people??
-Basically the Air Nomads are brainwashing them. Painting smiles on their souls if you will.
-Seeing the Fire Nation weakened and demilitarized, the Water Tribes and Earth Kingdom decide to exact vengeance on the Fire Nation.
-The airbenders attempt to dissuade the other nations from attacking, but they won't listen.
-Fearing that the other nations may be just as vicious as the Fire Nation, the Air Nomads decide to implement the same solution they did with the firebenders.
-If they won't listen to reason, they'll force them to understand.
-All life is sacred after all. (ʘ‿ʘ✿)
-None of the nations have militaries now, and the Air Nomads have more-or-less concored the world, seeing as they either control or have people set up in powerful positions for all of the major governments.
-With the exception of Ba Sing Se, Kyoshi Island, and the Northern Water Tribe, but they all have a mutual agreement of non-aggression and isolationism.
-The different nations become further isolated from one another.
-The Air Nomads develop their own version of the Dai Li, they call themselves the 'Peacekeepers'. Their job is to uphold peace around the world. By overseeing the different nations and their peoples. And brainwashing dissenters. :'D
-A century later, Aang is freed from the iceberg.
-At first Sokka doesn't trust the strange airbender that Katara freed from the ice, but comes around when the boy shows genuine confusion about the whole 'Peacekeepers in the south'.
-Katara trusts Aang immediately, because he really doesn't come across as creepy or 'Peacekeepery' in any way.
-Naturally, Aang is very confused and doesn't at all understand what the siblings are going on about.
-When Katara takes Aang back to her village, he can't help but get major creep vibes from the local 'Peacekeepers'.
-Since the Fire Nation never stripped the Southern Tribes, Katara has already mastered waterbending. Although, she does feel an intense pressure to run away because both her parents have already been brainwashed and she is afraid that she's going to be next. As much as it hurts Sokka to abandon his dad, he shares the sentiment.
-Aang helps them escape in the dead of night.
-Toph's backstory is mostly the same, only she now also has the pressure of her parents considering having on of the Peacekeepers come "talk" to her.
-Because the Fire Nation never lays siege to Ba Sing Se, Lu Ten is alive and Iroh is Fire Lord. Azulon is still alive, but he's Mcfreakin' ancient and has recently retired as Fire Lord. Iroh isn't brainwashed, but that's only because he's already pretty chill and easy going. Iroh's brother, Prince Ozai, is the leader of a secret rebellion that looks to overthrow the airbenders(and finish the job Sozin set out to do). Ozai's son, Prince Zuko once snuck into one of the meetings. When someone talked about how the airbenders had no right to enforce their will upon the Fire Nation, Zuko spoke out about how the Fire Nation started the mess and that the Air Nomads may have been wrong in their actions, but they did have a point about not forcing violence upon others.
-This royally pissed Ozai off and Zuko was challenged to an Agni Kai. Forgetting that this Agni Kai would be done under Ozai's secret society rules, and not under the watchful eyes of the Peacekeepers, Zuko accepted. Zuko realized his mistake far too late and refused to duel, begging his father for mercy. His face was singed in front of a cheering audience. All at the tender age of thirteen.
-Both the Peacekeepers and Fire Lord Iroh were horrified to find Zuko badly burned. They tried to get answers out of him, but Ozai had Zuko convinced that if he told, he would get into trouble. So Zuko insisted that it was a nasty accident, his own fault really(it's not actually his fault). And really, Zuko did honestly believe that his father burning him was his own fault.
-Azula taunted and bullied Zuko in secret.
-Zuko eventually withdrew and become bitter and grumpy. Feeling like no one can protect him, he eventually runs away after turning sixteen. Resolving to find the Avatar and put a stop to this whole mess.
-Aang doesn't want to believe that his people are bad, and desperately clings onto the idea that there's something that everyone is missing. However, in his travels he finds that what his people are doing is totally and utterly wrong. Yes, peace is a good thing, but they have no right to enforce their will onto others. This leaves Aang to confront the idea of his own people, the people he loves, are the bad guys.
-Also, one more thing. His friends have no idea that he's the Avatar. :')
Gonna have fun writing this, lmao.
If I can ever get around to it. rip
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ireadyabooks · 5 years
New Year, New Books!
Happy 2019, book nerds! Now that we’ve cleaned up the confetti from New Year’s Eve, it’s time to get serious about some resolutions: reading as many books as we possibly can in 2019! 
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If your TBR pile needs some love, we’ve got you covered. Here are some of our faves coming your way in early 2019! 
The Love and Lies of Rukhsana Ali
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Available January 29th
Seventeen-year-old Rukhsana Ali has always been fascinated by the universe around her and the laws of physics that keep everything in order. But her life at home isn't so absolute. Unable to come out to her conservative Muslim parents, she keeps that part of her identity hidden. And that means keeping her girlfriend, Ariana, a secret from them too. Luckily, only a few more months stand between her carefully monitored life at home and a fresh start at Caltech in the fall. But when Rukhsana's mom catches her and Ariana together, her future begins to collapse around her. Devastated and confused, Rukhsana's parents whisk her off to stay with their extended family in Bangladesh where, along with the loving arms of her grandmother and cousins, she is met with a world of arranged marriages, religious tradition, and intolerance. Fortunately, Rukhsana finds allies along the way and, through reading her grandmother's old diary, finds the courage to take control of her future and fight for her love.
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Available January 29th
Even in murder, the music lives on. When rising star Paris Secord (aka DJ ParSec) is found dead on her turntables, it sends the local music scene reeling. No one is feeling that grief more than her shunned pre-fame best friend, Kya, and ParSec's chief groupie, Fuse -- two sworn enemies who happened to be the ones who discovered her body. The police have few leads, and when the trail quickly turns cold, the authorities don't seem to be pushing too hard to investigate further. But nobody counted on Paris's deeply loyal fans, ParSec Nation, or the outrage that would drive Fuse and Kya to work together. As ParSec Nation takes to social media and the streets in their crusade for justice, Fuse and Kya start digging into Paris's past, stumbling across a deadly secret. With new info comes new motives. New suspects. And a fandom that will stop at nothing in their obsessive quest for answers, not even murder...
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The Deceiver’s Heart
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Available February 26th
In this sequel to the instant New York Times bestseller The Traitor's Game, Kestra Dallisor has finally gained possession of the Olden Blade. With the dagger in her control, she attempts to destroy the tyrannical Lord Endrick. But when Kestra fails, the king strips her of her memory, and leaves her weak and uncertain, bound to obey him. Heartbroken, Simon is desperate to return Kestra to the rebel she was, but refuses to use magic to heal her. With untrusting Coracks and Halderians threatening to capture and kill her, and war looming on the horizon, Kestra and Simon will have to learn to trust each other again if they have any hope of surviving. But can a heart once broken ever be healed?
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The Music of What Happens
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Available February 26th
Max: Chill. Sports. Video games. Gay and not a big deal, not to him, not to his mom, not to his buddies. And a secret: An encounter with an older kid that makes it hard to breathe, one that he doesn't want to think about, ever. Jordan: The opposite of chill. Poetry. His "wives" and the Chandler Mall. Never been kissed and searching for Mr. Right, who probably won't like him anyway. And a secret: A spiraling out of control mother, and the knowledge that he's the only one who can keep the family from falling apart. Throw in a rickety, 1980s-era food truck called Coq Au Vinny. Add in prickly pears, cloud eggs, and a murky idea of what's considered locally sourced and organic. Place it all in Mesa, Arizona, in June, where the temp regularly hits 114. And top it off with a touch of undeniable chemistry between utter opposites. Over the course of one summer, two boys will have to face their biggest fears and decide what they're willing to risk -- to get the thing they want the most.
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Pretend She’s Here
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Available February 26th
Emily Lonergan's best friend died last year. And Emily hasn't stopped grieving. Lizzie Porter was lively, loud, and fun -- Emily's better half. Emily can't accept that she's gone. When Lizzie's parents and her sister come back to town to visit, Emily's heartened to see them. The Porters understand her pain. They miss Lizzie desperately, too. Desperately enough to do something crazy. Something unthinkable. Suddenly, Emily's life is hurtling toward a very dark place -- and she's not sure she'll ever be able to return to what she once knew was real.
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Last of Her Name
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Available February 26th
Sixteen years ago, rebellion swept the galaxy known as the Belt of Jewels. Every member of the Leonov royal family was murdered--down to their youngest child, Princess Anya--making way for the Union government to seize power. But Stacia doesn't think much about politics. She spends her days half-wild, rambling her father's vineyard with her friends, Clio and Pol. That all changes when a Union ship appears burning through the sky, bearing the leader of the Union, the Direktor Eminent himself, who declares that Stacia's sleepy village is a den of empire loyalists. Even more shocking, the Direktor claims that Princess Anya Leonova is alive--and Stacia is the lost princess As their home explodes into chaos, Pol smuggles Stacia to a hidden escape ship, leaving Clio in the hands of the Union. With everything she knows threading away into the stars, Stacia sets her heart on a single mission: She will find and rescue Clio, even with the whole galaxy on her trail.
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That’s Not What I Heard
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Available February 26th
What did you hear? Kimberly Landis-Lilley and Teddy Lin are over. Yes, the Kim and Teddy broke up. At least that's what Phil Spooner thinks he overheard and then told Jess Howard, Kim's best friend. Something about Teddy not liking Kim's Instas? Or was it that Teddy is moving to Italy and didn't want to do long distance? Or that Kim slid into someone else's DMs? Jess told her boyfriend, Elvis, that he needs to be on Kim's side. Especially if he wants to keep her as his girlfriend. But Elvis is also Teddy's best friend. Now, Kim's run out of school for the day. Jess is furious. Elvis is confused. And half the lunch period won't talk to Teddy. Even the teachers have taken sides. William Henry Harrison High will never be the same again!
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Tell Me Everything
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Available February 26th
Your secret's safe...until it's not. Ivy's always preferred to lay low, unlike her best friend Harold, who has taken up a hundred activities as sophomore year begins. But Ivy has her own distraction: the new anonymous art-sharing app, VEIL. Being on the sidelines has made Ivy a skilled observer, and soon she discovers that some of the anonymous posters are actually her classmates. While she's still too scared to put her own creations on the app, Ivy realizes that she can contribute in an even better way -- by making gifts for the artists she's discovered. The acts of kindness give her such a rush that, when Ivy suspects Harold is keeping a secret, she decides to go all in. Forget gifts -- Harold needs a major party. But when her good intentions thrust her into the spotlight, Ivy's carefully curated world is thrown into chaos. Now she has to find the courage to stand out... or risk losing everything and everyone she loves most.
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Available February 26th
Mike is the imaginary friend and projection of a repressed wish that won’t go away until Floyd confronts both his greatest fear and greatest desire: to succeed. MEET FLOYD. He's a tennis star. Possibly good enough to win Wimbledon one day. MEET MIKE. He's... different. Apart from anything else, Floyd seems to be the only one who can see him. But Mike must have appeared for a reason. And finding out why is perhaps the most important thing Floyd will ever do...
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Sorry Not Sorry
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Available February 26th
Janelle and Alyssa used to be friends. Best friends. They knew each other's deepest secrets and went through the hardest times together. But that was then. Now? Their status is somewhere between frenemies and full-on rivals. Janelle is all about making a difference in her community, while Alyssa reigns over the shallowest girls in school. Until the day Alyssa collapses and is rushed to the hospital. Suddenly, everyone knows about her declining health and race against time. And, in a stunning twist of fate, the only person who might be able to save Alyssa's life -- is Janelle. But will the girls' bitter past get in the way of their futures?
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Available March 26th
Eddie MacIntyre--Mac to a handful of friends--is Pennsylvania's most promising wrestler. His future is bright with scholarship offers and the dream of helping his struggling mom. But then comes a fateful match at the state championship, when his famous rage consumes him and he assaults a referee. In an instant, Mac loses all he and his mom have worked to build since his abusive father was locked up years ago. Facing arrest, Mac runs away to another town, where he is taken in by a shady promoter who has followed his career. He recruits Mac into Brawlers, an illegal underground fighting ring run by a gangland boss. This is a bloodsport that has no rules . . . but offers plenty of reward. Mac teams up with Khajee, a girl with the fighting skills he'll need to learn to survive . . . and her own dark past tying her to the head of the ring. Together the two must figure out their place in a world that hasn't been kind to them . . . and forge a future that could be.
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Quarantine: A Love Story
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Available March 26th
Oliver wants a girlfriend, and there's a girl back home who might be interested in him. The problem is, he has to spend his spring break on a volunteer trip in the Dominican Republic. Flora, on the other hand, isn't really looking for a boyfriend. She just wants to end a miserable spring break visiting her dad and her new stepmom in the D.R. The solution to both their problems? Get back home to New York ASAP. Sadly, they won't be getting there anytime soon. Their hopes are dashed when Flora's impulsiveness lands them in quarantine -- just the two of them. Now, the two teens must come together in order to survive life in a bubble for 30 days. In that time, love will bloom. But is it the real thing, or just a placebo effect?
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I Don’t Want To Be Crazy
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Available March 26th
This is a true story of growing up, breaking down, and coming to grips with a psychological disorder. When Samantha Schutz first left home for college, she was excited by the possibilities -- freedom from parents, freedom from a boyfriend who was reckless with her affections, freedom from the person she was supposed to be. At first, she reveled in the independence . . . but as pressures increased, she began to suffer anxiety attacks that would leave her mentally shaken and physically incapacitated. Thus began a hard road of discovery and coping, powerfully rendered in this poetry memoir.
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Dear Ally, How Do You Write a Book?
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Available March 26th
Have you always wanted to write a book, but don't know where to start? Or maybe you're really great at writing the first few chapters . . . but you never quite make it to the end? Or do you finally have a finished manuscript, but you're not sure what to do next? Fear not -- if you have writing-related questions, this book has answers! Whether you're writing for fun or to build a career, bestselling author Ally Carter is ready to help you make your work shine. With honesty, encouragement, and humor, Ally's ready here to answer the questions that writers struggle with the most. Filled with practical tips and helpful advice, Dear Ally is a treasure for aspiring writers at any stage of their careers. It offers a behind-the-scenes look at how books get made, from idea to publication, and gives you insight into the writing processes of some of the biggest and most talented YA authors writing today.
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