#he'a gone
Hello~ I was wondering if you could do a headcannon for a Crocodile x reader who has worked with him since Alabasta. As of late, after forming Crossguild, he's realizing that he has feelings for her and it pisses him off.
It's good I reread this because I almost starting writing you having feelings and it annoying him. Anyway I know headcanons are usually formatted different and worded different so I just tried to copy what i've seen. Sorry if it's weird, it's my first time. Be gentle 🥺. If i did something wrong just tell me. Also my first ask that isn't me squeee!
Crocodile the love struck (reptile) fool
Crocodile x fem reader. Crocodile isn't happy that this is an x reader because he's a control freak. 821 words.
You’re a hard worker, a competent worker, and a loyal worker. Those are facts, viable facts that could be proven in the fact that you work just as hard now as you do in Alabasta despite having less incentive to; despite having the opportunity to leave him when he was in Impel Down. It’s why he’s so in denial about these unwanted feelings at first, then angry that he has them. Things are already so hectic, he doesn’t need anything else to be out of his control.
• It started with your smile, as cliche as it is, the one you wore even though work can be anything but fun.
• He found it irritating at first, work is something to be taken seriously, but came to appreciate it.
• First because it meant you enjoyed your job well enough, something he likes since it means more loyalty.
• Now that he'a formed Cross Guild, it's because it brightens his own day; and to the point where now it’s like some sort of drug.
• One where if he doesn’t get it he gets on edge, making work even duller.
• It’s embarrassing, a fully grown old man like him getting cranky because doesn’t get a smile from a pretty girl he likes. Pathetic.
• It ends up putting him in an even worse mood when he notices it.
• Another thing that annoys him is how much he likes your voice.
• You’ve even started having to repeat things to him because he was too focused on how nice it sounds and feels to hear you talk to him.
• He wouldn’t be surprised if you thought he’d gone senile at this point…
• Thankfully you don’t show it if you do feel that way.
• Something he does wish you’d show is distaste for when any of the other men talk to you.
• He knows it’s mostly good work ethic communicating with them well, it helps now that you’re allied with other people, but sometimes he wishes you’d sneer at Mihawk or scoff at Buggy rudely.
• Show that you dislike talking to them, hate talking to anyone that isn’t him.
• There are the childish thoughts again…
• He’s 46 for gods’ sake, someone who’s killed both with his own hands and from his indirect actions.
• Not some schoolboy getting fussy that his crush is talking to someone else.
• Maybe feelings like “fussy” would be better though, would be safer for you; because they’re not always so childish.
• He wants you all to himself, you’re his anyway.
• You worked with him in Alabasta, waited for him while he was in Impel down, and work with him again in Cross Guild even if the work is more taxing; and less rewarding.
• You stayed with him, so loyal for him, so it makes sense that you’re his
• He wants to shower you with things you’d like, not just to dress his pretty girl up, but to guilt you into staying with him.
• To give him more of an excuse to be protective over you than just having feelings.
• What a terrible thing to think, but he’s never been a morally correct person.
• Either way, it’s not like he could actually do anything to hurt you.
• He’s tried, you can become a serious weakness for him.
• But everytime he tries there’s always an excuse.
• “She’s too useful.” “She’s a good worker.” “l still need her for this.” “It’d be a hassle.” “She makes my work easier.” “I’ll do it once I get my power back.”
• Though those are viable reasons that stop him, they aren’t truly the core reason.
• The reason is because he loves you, and it drives him mad.
• As mad as when you smile for others, or your hands brush together, or you call his name while looking up at him with those pretty eyes he wants looking nowhere else.
• You’re so beautiful, he loves you.
• He wishes that the feelings would just go away with time, with the fatigue he gets from working days straight.
• But they don’t, and they only get stronger.
• Especially when you do things to make even the smallest things easier.
• Making sure his cigar drawer is always full, bringing him water, telling him the time when he loses track of it.
• When he notices you telling him the time while looking sleepy yourself, he almost grabs you to pull you into his lap.
• Hold you, cage you into his arms and give you a kiss with all the emotion he’s been building up.
• But he can’t lose control, so he doesn’t.
• He just sends you off with a “Thanks, get some sleep yourself before you pass out on the job.”
• Once you turn, you can’t see the way his eyes follow you with a warmth he didn’t even know he had.
• And once the door is closed behind you, you don’t see the way he puts his head in his hands with a “Fuck.”
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dfwbwfbbwfbwf · 12 days
Maeðros never intended to survive the "Fourth Kinslaying".
(I use quotations because I despise the definition of kinslaying in Tolkien, which is only ever used one way around, but I digress. Besides, that's not what this is about.)
TW: talk about suicide, suicidal intentions, Nelyo just being generally very unwell, that sort of stuff. This is definitely darker than my normal stuff.
I have a whole post here on how Maeðros has Ainu-related trauma, and that's a major reason why he refused to treat with Eönwë. I have another post here, also about Maeðros, to put things in perspective, about why he fell into despair and the "Nothing I do is going to work out anyway, go out with a bang" mentality.
If you don't feel like reading those, that's fine. I'll sum it up:
By the time the War of Wrath ended, Maeðros was completely disillusioned with everything. Despite doing everything he could to do things the right way, it never turned out right, and it culminated with the death of Fingon and, essentially, the destruction of the Noldor. He sent letters, and, at best, received no answer. Additionally, he's had a great deal of experience with Ainur, and most of it had either been bad from the beginning (Angband), or the positive had soured upon reflection (post-grandpa murder and Flight).
He was in an incredibly bad place mentally and spiritually. He didn't have any amdir left, let alone estel. I can't imagine he improved after Elrond and Elros left - regardless of what you think of their relationship, I think having them around would help him emotionally, at least a little.
So here's the sitch - Maeðros is down to one brother. He has no army. He has no sons hostages. He has no friends. He has no purpose other than to get the Silmarils or die trying.
(And dying isn't as terrifying a prospect as it had once been. Even Everlasting Darkness, whatever it was, had to be better than this. [He understood why Haruni Míriel ... left.])
Maeðros doesn't trust Eönwë. He's an Ainu, and Ainur lie - sometimes intentionally, and sometimes because they simply cannot keep their promises. An Ainu killed his grandfather and father. Ainur abandoned his people even before Alqualondë. Ainur killed his best friend.
At least Eönwë was upfront about his intentions to take Maeðros and his brother prisoner. As if Maeðros wouldn't kill Maglor himself to prevent that. As if Maeðros wouldn't raze Valinórë to the ground before letting the Valar so much as look at his last brother.
Maeðros is tired. He'a been tired since the Nírnaeth Arnoediad, but in the century since, it has grown to be nearly overwhelming. For a time, it lessened, and he actually took care of himself - not for his own benefit, or even for Maglor's, but for the boys, for who knew what horrific atrocities Maglor would expose them to and call it "food". But now they are gone, and what little he'd gained has already wasted away.
(Maglor worried and fretted like a mother hen over his elder brother's sunken cheeks and eyes that, despite the Treelight, were duller than an abused, iron blade.)
Maglor begs him to consider letting go of the Oath, and Maeðros can only pity him. His poor brother, still trusting that the Valar care, that Eru cares. That this will be the one good thing that actually pans out. That this is estel instead of amdir.
Maglor had always been close to the Valar, having studied in Valmar, and even marrying a Vanya. His trust in them had never truly shattered the way the rest of the family's had. (The hollowness in Tyelco's fëa after Huan abandoned him had nearly sent Maeðros after the mutt himself.) Maglor didn't know the Ainur as anything but their façade.
Maeðros has no intention of changing that.
He manipulates and threatens Maglor. He doesn't care - he literally can't. He doesn't plan on either of their survival, but the least they can do is go out trying one last time. Maybe that will be enough to save their family from the Void.
Maeðros doesn't expect Eönwë to let them go. Maglor had to drag him away from the camp. From Arafinwë's disappointed face. From their boys staring at them in horror.
But opening the box and beholding the Silmarils almost makes the last six hundred years worth it. For the first time in centuries, Maeðros feels his father's soul.
Atya. Haru. Hányar. We did it. You can rest now.
Pain beyond anything he's ever felt before.
Maeðros hears a horn in the distance. He turns away.
About half a millennia later, Elros drags his soul kicking and screaming to Mandos.
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fiberturkey89 · 20 days
Much like Sora, Jiro often finds Nya giving his scars blank looks. However, while Sora focuses on all of them- Nya happens to focus on the ones on his head. The water Ninja's eyes sometimes go glassy when he meets her eyes.
He questioned her about why that is, and she replied that they reminded her of Kai, Jay's, and Coles own scars. She sometimes trails her hands down them, lightly running water to soothe them because she understands how they can ache.
He doesn't confirm or deny it.
Sometimes, Nya requests if she and him can go for flights around the mountains - and he often jumps at that. The two spent quiet hours at the height of their home simply feeling the wind against their faces and sometimes the rain.
He'a had to pull her out of a lake, river, and pond a couple of times. when Nya had become unresponsive after a long day or having been trying to figure out where the other ones were with little to no success.
Without words, he takes her to the clouds. Far away from the water and earth below, where after some time she comes back and thanks him. He tells her it is not an issue.
Sometimes, it takes a while for him to respond too. He forgets he's awake when it happens.
Lloyd is a weird one, Jiro can smell the Dragon in him, but he can also smell the Oni, as if it's instinctual despite never even meeting one.
Instead of hateful, it has him curious. Even if the smell sort of makes him want to bury his snout in a patch of fruits and vegetables every so often.
Lloyd understands what it's like to have your power constantly drained. To be tested on as if you were a thing instead of a being. Jiro can see the physical evidence of that, too. Lloyd's hand's tremble the same way his claws do.
They share the fact that they forget to reply sometimes and that they can lie awake hours on end without responding, a fact that concerns the others. But they sometimes do it, huddled together within Jiro's den.
The green one helps him control the tremble, knowing it is something they have to live with instead of being able to rid themselves of.
Lloyd tells him tales of Firstbourne, the All-Mother, and how she's also his, too. Tales of her ferocity, her drive to protect, her kindness, and patience.
Jiro wants to meet Firstbourne eventually, but they can not, as she has unfortunately gone missing. Lloyd and him have agreed she should be fine, but they worry nonetheless.
Instead of flights, Jiro and Lloyd go for walks around the mountains- hikes as he calls them. Sometimes accompanied by Cole and Geo.
It's a good climb, if you ask him. It puts into perspective what Heatwave has to deal with, being the only other Drake at the Monastery.
Cole is able to find those ores that he needs to keep his electricity going- and sometimes he forgets how bad they taste coming straight from the earth. His time at Imperium and Sora bringing him refined products having spoiled- Er.. changed his taste.
Cole is nice, quiet, but nice. He asks if Jiro had ever heard of a Dragon named Rocky.
Jiro has, but only when word travelled out across the realms that the offspring of Firstbourne herself had been slain by Dragon Hunters.
Cole went quiet for two hours, tugging at a thing on his wrist.
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air--so--sweet · 3 months
I've already talked about what the I the the red blue motif in the TUA season 4 trailer here.
But I can't help think of another show that had alternate universes indicated by red and blue.
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And a character who died as a child on one universe but lived to adulthood in the other.
And then sacrifices himself to prevent the destruction of both those universes.
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This sacrifice happens at the end of season 3 and creates an alternate timeline, with the consequences of that playing out in season 4.
But the main reason I bring it up is that the alternate timeline was the amber timeline.
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And I couldn't help noticing that as well as red and blue there's a lot of orange in the trailer.
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Okay it's more a recurring motif of fire (except for the timelines map) rather than just orange but I still think it's a fun coincidence! And I do think it could point to whatever the final timeline ends up being it's colour will be orange! Also, while he'a not the only sibling whose powers have changed colour, I think it's interesting that Viktor, who has previously caused apocalypses but is now trying to prevent one, whose powers have gone from blue to orange.
Also, I really need to rewatch Fringe...
Edit: Just remembered that in the teaser poster Ben's timeline colour is orange!
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sometimesrosy · 2 years
The 100 2023 rewatch 1.5
Twilight's Last Gleaming Liveblog
Oh my. I need to get ready. This is the episode that made me fall in love with this show. This show is tragedy after tragedy.
A delinquent can't catch a break.
Ok here we go.
Bleh. Post coital Flarke.
She's sweet and tender. He'a selfish ass. Oh no don't tell him you have feelings for him. "I wanted it to be you."
I should probably tell you that last night for me, wasn't really about you. Just wanted to have my first earth sex and you were around, passably cute. snickersnicker. Aren't you a fucking comedian.
Oh Jaha is telling abby that the oxygen is getting worse. Pulmonary toxicity. Prison section is on half air, and Jaha is giving her extra O2. And he's telling her that they're going to 'excise' 320 people.
And here's my baby Raven hitting atmosphere. "don't let me blow up." ooh. It looks like it's close.
More cute Flarke. And Clarke got a new shirt in the bunker. "We should share." And he's like oh we need it to keep a safe place. But he's looking at her like he's in loooove. "I wanted it to be you too," he whispers. While his girlfriend is burning up in the sky. Look Clarke see's her. Finn tells her to wish on a shooting star. And she's like what are you nuts? Nope not a shooting star.
Bellamy is in bed with two girls. I forgot about that. One of them REALLY looks like Clarke. B is stressed. He's like oh no I'm gonna get in trouble for murdering Jaha.
She is like oh maybe it's food packets. Finn is trying to delay her. That guy. Bellamy is also trying to delay people. That guy. Y'all are both shady. O is trying to push him because she doesn't know.
Uh oh. Little red headed Reese and her papa Tor Lemkin. She's gone blind in one eye. Ugh. He asks if they're going to fix it. Abby says I hope so. Abby is desperate for that radio contact from Raven. It's the only wya they can save these people. They let her out of jail to work medical because there are too many sick people.
Raven is knocked out in the pod. Clarke and Finn are back with the delinquents. Oh look Fox tattling on Bellamy. Oh look, Bellamy's snotty girlfriend. Hook up. Clarke 'should have known he'd go for that radio." Now she thinks she has to predict everything everyoone is going to do. O followed Bellamy. Calls him a selfish dick. and he tells her that he shot Jaha, and when they come down, he's dead. "someone came to me with a deal. Do this. Kill him. And they'd get me on the dropship."
The O and Bellamy conflict begins. "I didn't ask for any of this."
Kane is trying to make the culling look like an accident. Section 17. BTW that was Bellamy's section. Planning murder. Jaha approves. But Jaha has decided to be in section seventeen. He says Kane has a strength that is not weakened by sentiment. That is really mean.
Bellamy finds Raven, takes out a knife and.....
Rips the radio out. Closes door. Leaves Raven passed out. Throws radio in the river. Even as a bad guy he's not very bad. And he's getting less bad as each episode passes.
Raven. Clarke sees her. "Oh my god." "Hi. I made it?" You see that look they give each other? Yes. Princess mechanic all the way. Dump the floppy haired wonder. Y'all work well together.
Poor Clarkie when she watched Raven run up to Finn and kiss him. That is just not fair. What a jerk. Honestly. Poor Clarke she looks like her heart is broken. Man. And honestly Raven, please stop looking at him like that. HE doesn't deserve it. Although she probably ha a concussion.
Finn apologizes. Clarke doesn't wan to talk about it. He introduces them, and Raven tells her that Abby was the one to send her down. She tells her about the culling. The radio is gone. Clarke knows Bellamy took the radio.
Jaha and his chess set. Abby is scolding him for joining s 17 and saying he's copping out. Calls him a coward. She finds Jake's recording from when he wanted to expose the failing air.
O by herself in the woods, because B sent her back to camp, oh is this Lincoln coming up?
She trips down a hill.
Clarke confronts Bellamy. Hey princess you taking a walk in the woods? lol. She tells him about the culling. Finn pushes him. Raven is like oh yeah you're the one who shot Jaha. Clarke figures out that's why he took off the wristbands. Where's my radio? Raven says.
I shoulda killed you when I had the chance. Ok yeah sure big shot.
He takes her by the throat and pushes her against the tree. She whips out a knife.
She tells him he's not dead. "You're a lousy shot." Which is 100% not true. He's a great shot. So he did it on purpose. Lousy bad guy. And he looks devastated. Says it's too late. Because he dumped the radio.
Jake Griffin's announcement is playing EVERYWHERE on the ark. The air is out. Abby reports about the culling. Too late guards. Kane tough guy. She's going to be the love of your life.
Finn trying to explain he didn't think he'd see Raven again. She's like. "But you wouldn't take off your wristband. You had hope. but it's ok I get it. I was around, passably cute."
Bellamy is all gloomy now. Acting tough guy when he's all sad and heartbroken. Raven of course can figure out how to contact them wihtout the radio because she's a genius.
Kane things there are going to be riots. He blames Abby. "Tha'ts what you've done." This is like the opposite of the Bellamy/Clarke situation with murphy.
They send in Tor Lemkin to talk to Abby about the oxygen. And he hands in his dog tag to volunteer. Jaha is like "For what?"
I'm already crying.
Whimpering. Damn him. Next guy. Give my wife a little extra air. A lady without a word.
"jake was right," jaha said. "it would bring out the best in us." When I think that those bastards made their sacrifice worth absolutely fucking nothing in season 7. Shh. I'm not talking about the bad place. Just season 1.
Raven is engineering. Clarke is upset and worrying. Will the ark see their rockets?. "But your mom will be watching. I've never seen anyone love someone like she loves you."
Kane is eating crow about the volunteers. Jaha still plans on volunteering. He's feeling guilt for executing Jake. Kane says "one decision does not define a man." Ironic because this culling decision right here is the one that defines Kane and changes everything for him.
Tor Lemkin is "volunteering for an extra shift" and saying goodbye to Reese who has no clue. Abby still hoping to hear from Raven.
Kane and Abby watching the volunteers while the kids are trying to set up the rockets on earth.
Everyone sits on the floor and the music is playing. It cuts back and forth between the culling volunteers willingly going to their death to save the rest of the ark, the ark leaders watching, giving the order. Oh Jaha takes the button away from Sinclair and presses it himself so Sinclair won't have to have that on his consience.
And AFTER he presses his button, the rockets on earth take off. Abby closes her eyes in sorrow. The people in th17 start falling asleep. Tor Lemkin is looking at Reeses barette. Overvoice is Jaha offering a blessing for the dead.
He drops the fucking barette.
Abby and the doctors go into 17. They're all sleeping on the floor together. Not sleeping. Dead. Ugh. All the bodies. She walks through them with the grim music and closes the eyes of one woman and they begin carrying people out on stretchers. She picks up Tor's daughters barette and tears come to her eyes.
AND THERE ARE THE ROCKETS. Bellamy wondering if they can see the rockets from up there? Clarke asking about if you could wish on a shooting star. He says he wouldn't know what to wish for. Asks her what about you and she looks over at the unworthy Finn.
Octavia wakes up in the dark, sees a SCARY MAN. But we know it's just Lincoln. He was scary looking though. Monster looking.
Abby is sitting in Clarke's cell and staring up at the sky light. Jaha comes, offers her some booze. "We mke the best choices we can, and then we put our faith in a forgiving god," Jaha says. Do you think we deserve to be forgiven? Abby asks. And then SHE SEES THE ROCKETS.
JAHA instantly realizes that he killed people for no reason while Abby is seeing hope.
Okay, so watching Murphy's Law and Twilight's Last Gleaming one after the other, I actually have to say that I think Murphy's Law was better. Story wise. TLG is a tear jerker, don't get me wrong, but so much of it is set up, and building up to everything that comes next in the season with coming down to earth while Murphy's law is a turning point in the story from post apocalyptic Lord of the Flies as these characters abruptly grow up REAL fast and it is pretty much self contained. The main conflicts of that ep are resolved IN that ep, although it does build the new Bellarke team. TLG is slower and more about the politics and character development in a slow way, Flarke romance, Bellamy's fear of them coming down, the B and O conflict, Jaha's grief, Raven and Finn reunion. And probably most dominant, the Abby and Kane power play.
THIS is actually a replication of the same dynamic between Bellamy and Clarke in Murphy's Law, although more drawn out and political. I mean Bellarke are also in a political fight, but it's 100 kids vs the whole ARk, and it just started where Kabby have been squabbling for what seems like years. And Kane IS the soldier that Bellamy is kind of just pretending to be. ALthough he's ALL ABOUT the rules, while Bellamy has discarded them after his mom was floated and his sister was imprisoned. But Abby and Kane don't find their partnership yet in this episode, even though Bellarke and Kabby are parallel here.
It has now set up the Raven Finn Clarke love triangle. Raven's awesomeness. Finn's suckiness. The Bellarke power pairing. The missing Octavia and soon to be beloved Lincoln. Abby learns that she was right the whole time. They learn that the Ark CAN go to earth. The devastation of the Culling. The story is changing. Right here. The delinquents make contact with the Ark. We also find out why Bellamy has been such a jerk, and he finds out that he didn't kill Jaha. From now on, Bellamy also has a shift in character.
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maxwell-grant · 3 years
Who's your favorite Batman villain?
The Penguin. Was gonna put off this ask for a bit but I got surprised today with an incredible rendition of him, so now the dastardly bumbershoot waddled and squawked his way into my thoughts again and I gotta talk about him.
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Penguin's not just my favorite Batman villain, he's my favorite DC character and comic book supervillain, the main reason I even want to write a Batman story someday.
I love the imagery that surrounds him, the trick umbrellas and the birds he so lovely dotes after and the WAKs and the Iceberg Lounge, which has become maligned in recent years as a sign of his downfall, but I very much appreciate as a concept in general still. I love a lot of the performances and actors who've taken him over the years. Burgess Meredith and Danny DeVito are some of my favorite performers of all time, Paul Williams has a wonderful voice and starred in my favorite film of all time. Tom Kenny, David Ogden Stiers, Robin Lord Taylor, Penguin's just had such great, terrific performances and adaptations. Batman Returns is my favorite Batman film by far and it was what got me to start paying more attention to Oswald.
I love the roles he can play in any given Batman story and how he's managed to endure all of his falls from grace by becoming an indispensable part of Batman's worldbuilding. I love his varied dynamics with Batman and Riddler and Catwoman and Gordon and his henchmen and those who get close to him. I love his style and the way he conducts himself when he's allowed to be more than just a generic mob boss. Penguin's design has, by simply staying unchanged over the decades, gone from "common rich person wear draped over a funny cartoon gangster" to "he is so out of touch and desperate for respectability that he dresses like an 1930s capitalist caricature, like a little kid's idea of what a rich and respectable man looks like, and Penguin's still stuck in that mindset". I love how absurd and plausible he is.
I like that Penguin can very easily fit just about any kind of Batman story, from the campy supervillain plots to the gritty urban crime ones. You can tell stories about Penguin falling in love, pretending to be legit because he doesn't want his aunt to learn he's a criminal, and opening up a comedy act with a talking penguin, or stories about Penguin terrorizing the city with giant robots and guided missiles and driving people to suicide. I like that he's a character who both relishes in his lifestyles of supervillain and crimelord alike, and yet is perpetually restless because the minute he acquires what he wants, he immediately starts wanting something else. He could have Batman and the Batfamily and all other supervillains wiped out and have Gotham in his pocket and maybe even become President of the United States, and he'd still want more. Because Oswald is nothing but wants, the wants of a traumatized manchild in a funny costume throwing money and toys and brute force and tantrums at the world until it makes sense, which only makes him far too fitting as a Batman villain.
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Everyone forgets that Penguin was canonically the first villain to ever successfully escape Batman at the end of a story, completely bypassing the usual "villain swears revenge behind bars" ending to instead escape scot-free, and went on to establish himself as one of his biggest, most inventive and most cunning villains, second only, if not equal, to Joker. I love that he's ruthless and inventive and classy and cunning and brutal and how his main trick is using the fact that everyone underestimates the short fat man to his advantage. He's taken traits that got many of us in real life relentlessly tormented for them, and he uses them to pull the wool over those who think they are better than him.
It'ss a trick that works because even in real life people can't stop looking at this weird and silly little man and think "that guy's too silly for a Batman villain, he's not a murder clown or musclebound monster, what's he gonna do" and, yeah, that's the point, that's been the point from day one, he doesn't look scary or intimidating or even that evil, and he's the guy who pulls the rug under supergenius fighting machine Batman and becomes the top crimelord of Gotham City, a city ruled by terrors and manias and monsters infinitely bigger and scarier and stronger than he is, and he STILL made it to the top and he STILL maintains it, time and time again even when newer and flashier and scarier villains come and go. Batman is, at it's core, a fundamentally absurd character, and Penguin acts as a reminder of that. Because the minute we accept a man can terraform himself with training and money into a living legend on the level of gods, there's no reason why a tiny fat man with similar drive and resources can't likewise throw his weight with monsters and warriors far above his station.
Despite how ridiculously often he's disrespected by writers and fans alike, how far he's fallen off his former position in Batman's Rogues Gallery, and how often he's used as just a punching bag for assorted Bat-people, Penguin never goes away. He's the biggest survivor of all of Batman's villains, more so than the genuinely immortal ones, because he's the cockroach that won't go away no matter how many times you flush it.
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Because once you get past the piles of money and the lounge fortresses and the armies of goons and the piles of cartoony gadget toys not too dissimilar from Batman's own, what the Penguin has is brains, and spite and hatred on a scale no other Batman villain has. He hates Batman, because Batman is nothing but yet another bully who thinks he can push Oswald around just because he's bigger and stronger. He hates the lower class for it's unsophisticated brutes and boors that made his childhood hell. He hates the upper class that's rejected and also tormented him since infancy, that he desperately spent so long trying to be a part of. He hates the monsters and supervillains he works with and has to associate with to stay alive. He hates the city that he fights to rule over tooth and nail.
And although he may never admit it, he hates himself, because he'a short paunchy man with a beakish nose who's brutal and immoral not just because those are the cards life dealt him, but because he likes what it affords him too much to give it away. Because he's never going to have the love and acceptance he desperately craves, he will never be able to accept it or keep it. Because he can never fully be a gentleman, or a monster, but instead a sad mix who belongs in neither of their worlds. Because at the end, he doesn't look like anyone else. He looks like one of him.
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And still, I like Penguin because he's a Gentleman Villain. The one Gentleman Villain of Batman's rogues gallery, even if that's faded from a lot of his recent appearences that pushed the crimelord aspects to the forefront. He dresses like a gentleman thief, he's canonically a huge A.J Raffles fan, he's one of the most cunning brains of Gotham, he's got the money, resources, and adventurous spirit. Problem is, he's The Penguin. And suddenly, all that he has becomes overblown, outlandish, theatrical, and out of touch purely because it's him trying to do all those things. He's a gentleman adventurer gone rogue, the Count Fosco of the DCU, and that only makes it amusing, even endearing, when Penguin does engage in the swashbuckling antics he's so fond of.
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When all his plans go to hell and so he starts fencing Batman, or when he commands henchmen with superflous fancy language, or even when Oswald gives the whole "hero" thing a shot and we see he's actually not bad at it, maybe he actually could have been one if it wasn't for the bile drowning his heart and the hellscape that warped innocent young Cobblepot into Gotham's Penguin, a name that immediately denotes something silly and ridiculous, and he carries it with pride, because he will make you respect that name.
And that's just a couple of reasons. I really, really love this character to the point of obsession and the main reason why I ever wanted to write stories for DC was to get to write Penguin and at least try to do the character a little more justice. But if nothing else, Penguin endures, regardless of what happens to him, in and out of universe. If nothing else, that's a very admirable quality in a supervillain. Oswald is the best.
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kalzer · 3 years
Genshin Impact - my Idol AU ver pt. 1
- This is my own version of idol AU. I did take some insperations while wandering through the fandom. Ex: twitter@veechu_ ; twitter@fey_cia ; tumblr@raibzz
- I'm not a native English speaker, and my English is not that good so sorry beforehand
- These are random thoughts about this AU. I have been hyped about this AU for a while now
- I will add when I have more ideas
- I try to write a fic about this AU. However it's in my mother language, and it won't be fast since I'm really busy 😭
- I only ship XiaoVen for this AU, however other couples do have hints
Mondstadt entertainment company
Manager: Jean
Assistances (?): Amber, Noelle
Venti (main vocal)
Used to be in a famous group names Der Himmel with his twin brother
At that time, he used Barbatos as his artist name
Unfortunately, his twin brother had an accident and has been in comma since then (fans do NOT know about this, and the reason Der Himmel disband is still a mystery)
Has talent, like, god-blessed music talent. He can compose his own songs
After a long time of disappearing, he came back to the industry with hope of bringing his songs to fans
Has high alcohol tolerance, but also like to go over that limit
After 4NEMO being successed, members are finally allowed to have a solo album. And in this album, Venti use all of his old songs. The ones that he composed in his darkest time.
Fans can guess some general ideas about his twin brother's situation, but with all due respect, they don't ask
At first, Venti didn't notice that Xiao pays more attention to him since the solo album was out. Eventually, he knows
When he finally finds out his emotion toward Xiao, he writes a love song
However, Xiao misunderstands and starts to avoid Venti ('cause he thinks he's be a way of Venti's love)
Venti grabs Xiao'a collar and says: "this is my love song for you, you dumbass"
Even though he'a scared of cats, he likes to think Xiao as a cat
He likes to make his soon-to-be boyfriend blush
Sings for Xiao everytime he has nightmares
Xiao (rapper)
Likes wearing black or dark clothes
Knew Venti since he was still in his old group, and fell in love since then
Venti's songs cure him in his darkest time
Studies music like crazy to follow Venti's footsteps
An orphan. Lucky that he ran away from human trafficking at the young age
Even though knows that Der Himmel disbanded, Xiao still joins in Venti's old company. Luckyly, he becomes a member of 4NEMO with Venti
Before decide to be an idol, he was popular underground artist with the code name Alatus
Good at chords and rhythm. Become a good pair with Venti at composing songs and melodies. (Mostly play guitar)
Has many tattoos and earrings
After hearing songs from Venti's solo album and roughly guess what have happened, he begins to care Venti more
Is NOT the one who makes the first move, but Xiao unconsciously and clearly shows his feelings
Not good at expressing feelings, but somehow Venti's still figuring it out
The first time Venti confess, Xiao did NOT accept it because he was ashamed of his past. Then, slowly, he finally accepts Venti's love for him
Kazuha (visual, sub vocal)
Becomes an idol because of his long gone friend's wish
Fans know the reason why Kazuha becomes an idol, and he personally not try to hide it
Rich boy but like to be normal, not show off
There is a rumor that his parents works in this industry too. And he becomes popular because somebody supports him behind. Which is NOT truth. He does not have any link with his parents anymore
Aether (leader, dancer)
Brother of popular soloist - Lumine
Has a little bit of sis-con
Kind, easy-going
Becomes famous after his sister mentioned him on TV show
Avoid talking about parents
Debut at the young age
Go with strong girl vibe, but she can change to other vibes if she wants
Many other idols are her fan: Childe, Xinyan, Barbara,... -> Aether turns on sis-con mode, espicially with Childe
No info about parents relationship
(Secret) Jean's younger sister
Go with romantic, girly, cute vibe
Often harassed by stalkers and crazy fans
Always has guards
Also a fan of Barbatos, but somehow she doesn't recognize Venti is Barbatos
Old Der Himmel
Used to be global band, really famous
Same period with L/YUE
Brought cheerful songs, but with national, cultural, and traditional characteristics
Composed musics together
passionate about music since childhood, joined the company together (insperate from AKMU)
Had Zhongli as manager
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kusagrasskusa · 4 years
Yandere Simulator Delinquents.
They're basically copy and paste. Sooo here's my version of them for future reference! I got too excited writing the last one lol- It's been a while since I've been to inspired to write. This is a nice feeling uvu
Umeji Kizuguchi - Yellow guy
He has blonde, previously pink, hair and golden eyes. He wears a yellow shirt under unbuttoned blazer and carries a baseball bat around. He has a scar over his right eye. Umeji is Oroso right hand man and takes over position while she's gone; these are the cannon versions of him and all that's said.
This is my fannon version of him: He was hurt the most during the bullying and therefore the most fearful of pain. He flinches when touched and gets pissed instantly. He's the most cold and aggressive out of the five and it helped him keep him as the most feared of the delinquents. He works out daily, therefore having a good build and likes bitter foods rather than sweets. He'a quite ignorant and refuses to share his likes out of fear of being judged. He still feels depression but now faces more anxiety than anything. He often cries about it late at night.
But despite his depression, he's so determined to stay as a threat to many. It's the kist alive he's ever felt. He's somewhat narcissistic and has both an inferiority and superiority complex, actually. Sensitive to touch and criticism but damn his ego is big. He uses his strength and speed as another threat to fellow students, to let them know that if they mess up then he'll catch and hurt them.
His home life isn't fun. Parents maybe fighting here and there or gone for work or something. It wasn't abusive in any way or anything; in fact, they get along well when they're together. It's just the parents weren't attentive. As Umeji puts it, "My mom, dad, bless their hearts, but they aren't great." They tend to brush things off quickly and spend too much time to themselves.
Dairoku Surikizu - Blue manz
He has blonde, previously blue, hair and blue eyes. He wears a blue shirt under an unbuttoned blazer and carries around a boten or some shit, idk I couldn't figure it out. He has a scar on his lip and from Mulberry's art, it looks like he's the tallest of the group.
Fannonly, he's the most anxious of the group. He never talks about it to anyone but Hokuto, who brushes it off. Dairoku got his scar a long time ago when his parents were agruing; he hid under his bed when he was nine and started to cry. To calm himself, he started to bite his lip and scratch himself on the forearms and face to calm himself down. He cut himself in the process badly and tried to hide it from his parents so he didn't get yelled at.
His home life wasn't too bad either; his dad left the family not long after that incident when he was nine so his mom has to take on the roles of two people. She never has time for him so the other delinquents make him feel so happy. He likes- no, loves to talk to them but tries to look sketchy in the process.
Hokuto Furukizu - Purple manz
He has blonde, previously golden, hair and purple eyes. From Mulberry's art, he seems to be the second tallest, but very close to Dairoku. He carried around a metal pipe and wears a purple shirt under his opened blazer. He has a scar on his cheek too btw.
Fannonly, he talks most to Dairoku. He usually brushed off what he says, but relates to him most. Of the 5, he desperately wants to be normal and free the most. He was well popular in middle school but his anger once got the best of him and a fight caused him to lose a lot of his reputation. It just got worse as time went on however; but he misses those days so much.
His scare on his cheek came from the fight and serves as a curse mark to him; "The day they ruined my life." He hates looking at it and gets pissed off when people even look at it. He's always been hot headed but his physical appearance is his number one insecurity. Hokuto's homelife is normal and he's goodboi at home. Cleans, cooks sometimes, has an equally good relationship with his mom as he does his dad.
He managed to convince them that his new appearance and signs of depression from last year was just influence from ex friends. Eventually they just took his word for it despite how terrible of a lie that is, so they stopped asking.
Gaku Hikitsuri - Red guyz
According to Mulberry's art, the blonde who once had light blue hair and red eyes is the second tallest. He has a scar on his forehead and carried around a crowbar. His shirt is red and under, you guessed it, an unbuttoned blazer.
He's a genuine tsundere; the angriest of the group. He easily crushes on people like a simp and gets nervous easily, so he acts all defensive and aggressive around them especially. Other than Umeji, he's the quickest to shove people around and assert his position. But for the most part, he intentionally shoves and shoulder checks people he finds attractive or who he thinks is superior than him, which is a lot of people.
He suffers from an inferiority complex that makes him think everyone judges him behind his back and talks about him especially. Therefore, he's the loudest and quickest to insults; he's also very self conscious. He's scared to make noise in class, talk, eat in front of people, and others because he's scared to be judged. Because as long as nothing is brought to the table, there's nothing to judge. His scar was actually from Kokoro, the bully who's just a sadist according to the character files from Yandev, who got pissed at him defending himself and hit him down with a ring. He got cut badly and almost passed out from the hit; but hey, it's not like he can do anything about since she's a girl, and he'd be expelled instantly. The bitch even resulted him with a broken arm at some point.
Home life isn't great; rundown trailerpark, alcoholic dad and whole of a step mom, dead mom, things like that. Damn, if only he got more than a mattress on the floor, a cover, pillow, dresser filled with all his clothes and school supplies to live on. But he can't even get a job without his scar making people think he's worse than what his persona displays.
Hayanari Tsumeato - Grey manz
The grey eyed, blonde hair man with natural red hair who carries around a lead pipe is Hayanari, who's last name "Tsumeato" means scratch mark. He has a grey shirt under his unbuttoned blazer and a scar over his nose.
Fannonly, he was the one with the no fucks given attitude. He was usually straight faced and brutally honest when talking to people, but wasn't necessarily judgemental. It's hard to explain but just because he says, "damn Daniel, you're built like a carrot," doesn't mean he cares about his appearance, even if whoever tf Daniel is actually looks like a carrot or not. He was the daredevil who did things solely for his entertainment.
In a way, it was almost sociopathic or narcissistic; he'd be fine with embarrassing someone in front of anyone because it got a smile our of him. If someone complained, he'd roll his eyes and convince whoever that they were overreacting and that they were the one at fault. He's very manipulative and sarcastic, usually just smiling cockily and speaking innocently. Kinda emo, but he wasn't against that title. He actually liked the occult and for the most part, was down for anything that didn't have too much time needed, like school or family.
He was in the middle of everything; okay with cooking, occult, art, science, reading, anine and games, so there wasn't much a person can dislike him for in terms of social standards. He wasn't appart of a dislikes group like the occult kids or science kids, not with a loved group like cooking or art kids. But when he started to express a bit of interest in the occult was when people could finally pin him down and bully him back for all those insulting jokes that sounded way too serious. And before he knew it, he got wrapped up in the hate and couldn't get himself free.
Home life is something he never, not even to his fellow delinquents, never talks about. But one thing worth noting is that he's never seen without a long sleeved shirt or jacket of some kind. He used to pass out time to time during gym classes because he was overheated due to bringing a long sleeved version of the gym shirt to school and never drank anything. When his parents were called, they always insisted on saying they'll do something about it but they never did, either. The delinquents do think there's some kind of abuse at his house; besides, Hayanari is adopted and those things happen often even if it's more common in the foster system.
His family is something he never talks about. Back in middle school, his friends were able to see his "parents" time to time when they picked him up from school. It was immediately obvious that he wasn't related to them; hell, he rarely called them mom or dad. At home, until adopted, was great. Friends coming over, happy family moments, being able to play games and use electronics, things like that. But when he was adopted was when it wouldn't be easy to just tell someone what was to come; quite obviously, it was abuse. Verbal and physical, nearly everyday. It was worse in the beginning but happened less often as he got older.
His "mom" would call the police a few times him because she felt "threatened." She hit him so he would hit back and yell while doing so, so she has evidence of an attack. But luckily, her skin isn't sensitive enough to show any marks unlike Hayanari's. Other times, his "dad" would get involved and hurt him badly.
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justmemewriting · 4 years
The Sister (Javier Peña x reader) Part 15 - disappearance
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After the kiss, you and Javi had decided to go over to his apartment. You still had a lot to talk about and a lot to figure out.
It was actually a very long but sweet conversation.
Javi told you that he should've told you sooner that he had feelings for you but that he was too scared that it wouldn't work out between the two of you. You agreed telling him that you were too unsure but that you now were more aware of you feelings and that you finally knew what you really wanted.
The rest of the evening was really sweet too. You and Javi talked about how desperate Steve and Connie had been to get you two together, but also how grateful you were. If it weren't for them, you two wouldn't be together now.
"You know I'm surprised to see that Steve is so cool with this," you told Javi as you were sitting on his couch.
"What do you mean?" Javi asked.
"Well, he's my brother. When we were growing up he scared off every single guy that ever showed an interest in me. It just surprises me that he doesn't seem to have a problem if you date me,"
"If I date you?"
"I wasn't sure if we could put a label on it yet," you told him sheepishly.
"I think we can," Javi told you and pulled you into a kiss. "I'm just hoping Steve doesn't change his mind and decides to beat me up or something."
You laughed. "He wouldn't. You're like a brother to him."
You and Javi continued to cuddle on the couch when a thought entered your mind.
"What are we going to do about work?" you asked Javi.
"What do you mean?" he asked you sitting up.
"Aren't there rules about dating your co-workers?" you asked Javi.
"I don't know. Right now we don't have a problem anyway since we're still suspended," Javi told you.
You had totally forgotten about that. Everything that happened between you and Javi overshadowed your work situation.
"Oh god, I totally forgot about that," you answered. "When do you think we can go back to work?" you asked Javi who just shrugged.
"Couple of days. A week. Maybe two weeks," you sighed. You loved your job. You couldn't just stand back and watch others do your job. You needed to catch Escobar and you needed to do it soon.
"Alright. What do we do then when we finally go back to work?"
"Hmm. I guess we'll just have to sneak around," Javi told you and pulled you into his lap.
"Sneak around, huh? That does make it kind of exciting," you told him.
"At work, we'll just have to pretend that there's nothing going on and that we have nothing to hide. Though, I don't know if I can keep my hands to myself," Javi said and pulled you closer to him.
The action made you giggle.
"Well, you better. Cause I'd like to keep my job,"
"You know, they'd never fire you. You're too good," he told you and placed a kiss on your lips.
"We'll there's a lot of things that I'm really good at," you hinted and winked at him.
"Oh really. Let's put your skills to the test then," Javi suggested.
You spent the night at Javi's place. You and Javi had talked through half of the night and you had just been too lazy to go over to your own apartment. Also, you still didn't feel safe there since somebody had broken into it and threatened you to leave. The thought of someone having been in your apartment still scared you. You lived in an apartment complex full of agents. You thought that you'd at least be safe there.
After the incident the DEA increased its security which did make you feel a little safer.
When you had woken up Javi was still laying next to you, but he was already awake.
You looked at the clock and realized that it was already 11AM.
"Why didn't you wake me?" you asked Javi as you turned over to look at him.
"I figured you needed some more sleep," he told you and placed a kiss on your forehead.
"So what are we going to do today now that we don't really have a job to go to?" you asked Javi.
"Let's just wait and see what the day holds for us," he told you.
You chuckled. "So poetic"
You and Javi got dressed and you decided to make some breakfast. As always, the options in Javi's fridge were very limited.
"Javi, you really should consider going grocery shopping more often. Your fridge is practically empty," you told him.
"Oh honey. I wish I could but I don't want to. It's always so full there and I never really know what to buy," he told you.
Luckily, Javi still had some eggs, so you decided to just make those.
As Javi and you were eating, there was a loud knock on his door.
Javi went to open the door and you saw that it was Connie with Olivia in her arm.
She looked panicked.
"Steve's gone," she told you and Javi as she entered the apartment with Olivia.
"What do you mean he's gone?" you quickly asked her as you stood up and walked over to her.
Seeing as she was panicking you quickly took Olivia out of her arms so that she could calm down a bit.
"The car was outside the garage, still idling, the keys still in the ignition," she informed you as she paced around Javi's apartment. "I've called his phone 20 times"
"Did you call embassy security?" Javi asked her.
"No, I wanted to talk to you first," Connie answered.
"Good. Don't," Javi told her which seemed to upset her.
"What? why not?" she asked irritated.
"It's nothing, Connie," you told her trying to calm her. "We just want to check some things out first before we ring any alarms"
"What are you guys up to?" Connie asked.
"Connie, just try to relax, OK? I'm sure everything's fine," Javi told her trying to comfort her.
Javi looked over at you and gave you a knowing look. that meant to ask you if you were fine. You nodded. You were worried too. It was you brother after all that had just gone missing. You couldn't let that show though. That would just worry Connie and you needed her to be calm right now.
"I'll make you a drink," you told Connie and went into Javi's kitchen. You placed your hands on the counter and sighed.
Please, god. Let Steve be okay, you hoped.
A few minutes later, Javi came to you in the kitchen.
He pulled you into a hug and said "I know you're worried. But we'll find him."
"Of course I'm worried. He's my brother," you answered.
"So what's the plan now? Are we going to inform the embassy?" you asked Javi hoping he knew what to do.
"No. We're going to have to do it differently" he told you. "You trust me on this, right?"
"Of course."
Shortly after, you and Javi drove to the embassy. Noonan had already tried to kick you out, but you managed to get yourself 5 minutes inside.
Javi quickly led you over to the office of his CIA contact. He knew that this was somebody you could trust as he had already helped you before.
Javi's contact led you into a more private spot of his office where he could talk to you without being overheard.
"What? You get a hooker pregnant?" his contact asked him to which you just raised your eyebrows.
"We think Agent Murphy, my brother, got snatched," you told the man showing him that this wasn't the right time for stupid jokes.
"We already checked all area hospitals, police station. We were pursuing leads on the Cali cartel. It could be related to that, or it could be Escobar," Javi told his contact.
"Did you report it to the Regional Security Office?" he asked you.
"If we tell the ROS, it becomes a five-alarm fire, and whoever has him might panic," Javi answered.
"If it is Escobar," the man answered eyeing you carefully "he'a dead already"
"We're aware of that, Sir," you answered.
"Well, can you check your sources? See what comes up?" Javi asked him hoping that he might be able to help you.
"Jesus Christ," the man muttered. "Let me see what I can do".  With that Javi's contact left and patted you on the shoulder as he did so.
You felt relieved knowing that he was helping you, but you still had this weird feeling in your chest. The not knowing whether your brother was even still alive at the moment was too much for you.
"Are you okay, (Y/N)?" Javi asked you once you left the embassy.
"Yeah. I'm just worried," you told Javi, but you couldn't help but let a tear slip from your eyes.
"Hey, hey. Don't worry." Javi told you as he gently wiped away the tear from your face. "We'll find him and he'll be alright."
"Alright," you sniffled.
Javi took your hand and led you over to his car. He opened the door to the passenger seat for you before getting into the car himself.
In the car he kissed you passionately as though he was trying to reassure that everything was going to be alright.
You could tell that he worried though. The uncertainty that everyone was feeling was just too huge.
After having waited in the car for quite some time, Javi's CIA contact came back.
He knocked on the car window and Javi quickly rolled it down.
"Checked my sources with the Colombian military. Nobody knows jack shit," he told you. You sighed.
"So, no indication that Escobar had anything to do with Murphy's disappearance?" Javi asked.
The man shook his head. "It's time to sound the alarm"
"Just hold off for a couple of hours, okay? If we call out the troops, we might put him in more danger than he actually is right now," Javi told him and started his engine. "Thanks."
And with that the two of you drove off.
Once you arrived back at the apartment complex, Javi told you that you should inform Connie now.
"Is it okay if I just stay in my apartment for a bit? It's just been a bit much today, and I just need a small break," you asked Javi.
"Of course, (Y/N). I'll talk to Connie. Don't worry about it,"
Javi accompanied to the front of your apartment door and gave you a kiss on your cheek before you finally parted ways.
You went into your apartment and sat down on your bed. The tears started flowing and it didn't seem like they were going to stop any time soon.
You were just too exhausted. Mentally and physically. Worrying about your brother for the whole day had just been to much.
You quickly wiped away your tears and decided that maybe a shower would help you relax and calm down for a bit. You weren't sure if it was going to work, but you decided that it was worth a try. At least it would get rid of some of the exhaustion.
The duration of your shower was unusual long for you, but it really helped you relax. You then got dressed again and decided to go into the kitchen to eat something. You hadn't eaten since this morning and were absolutely starving.
After having eaten, there was only one thing left for you to do which was to wait.
After about twenty minutes of just staring at the wall, there finally was a knock on your door. You quickly opened it as you knew that it must have been Javi.
"I think it's time to talk to the Ambassador now," Javi told you and nodded. This meant that Steve still hadn't shown up. If you hadn't been worried already you definitely would be now.
You and Javi quickly drove the embassy and rushed to the Ambassador's office.
"Apologies, Ambassador. But this is an emergency," you informed her as you and Javi stormed into her office.
"Damn right we do," she answered.
You quickly looked across the room and saw that Steve was standing there holding a glass of whiskey in his hands. You quickly turned to Javi to check if he was seeing the same thing or if you were just imagining things now.
"Hey, partners," Steve told you with a smirk on his face.
What the fuck was going on here?
Steve explained to you how it was Pacho Herrera who kidnapped him, but that it actually was pretty harmless. He talked to him and nothing else happened.
He said that he never really was in any danger, but you thought that it was still weird.
"That Herrera's a pretty good host. Makes a mean cocktail, gives you door-to-door service right to the embassy," Steve told you as you were waking down the halls.
"Do you think this is fucking funny, Steve? We've been worried about you all day and you think it's okay to make fucking jokes?" you told him and shook your head. "You are fucking unbelievable"
"(Y/N)-" Steve started, but you interrupted him.
"I don't want to hear it. Your wife's been completely worried. I've been worried," you told him and started walking away.
"Where are you going?" he asked you.
"To the damn car"
"What did Herrera say?" you could hear Javi ask him as you were walking away, but you weren't interested in finding that out right now. If Steve found out something important, he'd tell you sooner or later.
—— (3rd person PoV)
"What did Herrera say?" asked Javi as he watched (Y/N) walk away.
"What'd he say?" repeated Steve and pushed Javi forcefully against the wall.
"You fuckin' gave him that information. He's got pictures on me, he's got tape on me, Javi," Steve paused. "Answer me"
"What," whispered Javi.
"Did you give that shit to Herrera?"
"Do you think I would do that to you?," Javi asked.
"Are you playing with Cali, Javi? That's your version of "all in"?"
"I got one goal: get Escobar"
"That's not an answer," said Steve who was clearly pissed off. "Who gave him the fucking photos?"
Steve looked at Javi and waited for him to answer, but he didn't. He just stared at him.
"See you around, Jav," said Steve as he walked away from him. "I'm gonna go call my wife."
When Javi came back home that night, he told you about what happened between him and Steve.
He thought that you were going to be mad at him, but you weren't.
If you were being honest, you could understand why he'd done it.
You'd do anything to catch Escobar and you've only been on the case for a few months. Javi must want to catch him even more since he's been on the case even longer.
"I'm not sure Steve will forgive me for doing this, (Y/N)," Javi told you as you were laying in bed together.
"He'll come around, Javi. He always does," you told Javi and cuddled into him.
"Things will work themselves out. Steve will come around and we'll work on catching Escobar. And we will catch him. Trust me,"
Javi intertwined his fingers with yours and placed a kiss on your knuckles.
You knew that you'd have to talk to Steve tomorrow, but you were sure that things would go back to normal again. After all, Javi only did it with the best intentions. Surely, Steve wouldn't blame him for that.
"We'll figure this out, Javi. I promise"
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yanderes-galore · 3 years
Willing darling's eyes widen seeing Vesztar's mood go down. They'd remove their hold around him and take a hold of his hands in their own.
Y/N: 'Forbitten'...
They'd bring Vesztar's hands to their lips laying gentle pecks on his knuckles. Eyes cast down with their hair veiling their face so he wouldn't see the misting of their eyes.
Y/N: ...Watch me surprise you.
Willing darling would travel farther and farther away into the underdark, once coming back beaten and bruised. Than one day Vesztar sees Willing darling stare up at the ceiling of the den in thought. When they noticed the Drider, Willing darling ask him to come to them and kisses him long and hard. The next day they left and as time went by Vesztar realized Willing was gone gone.
He'a distraught.
Then angered.
You used him! You must've!
You put him under your spell and used the promise of being normal again to slip away.
How could you....
Maybe he shouldn't have listened. Maybe he should've sucked you dry.
But...he thinks of that last kiss.
Perhaps there was something more....
Putting his thoughts away he turns to his books as he used to before you were here.
It was a small comfort to him
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kirishwima · 4 years
what pisses off the RFA, or what makes them go T_T ?
ohh its good ol' angst time i see
* When it comes to fears, things that twist his heart like thorns on a rose, the one thing that comes to mind is death.
* His first true experience with death and loss was when he lost Rika, and we all saw how much that affected him; it got him thinking of what it's like to die, what comes next, it makes him wonder if he's lived a life worth living and when he realizes he has done nothing of what he wanted to he panics, cries even
* When it comes to anger, what upsets him like no other are lies, or having his kindness being mistaken for naivety. He's a cheerful guy, he's gentle and caring; but he's not an idiot, and you'd be a fool to treat him as such.
* When people take advantage of his kindness he'll show them a face they've never seen before-long gone is sweet happy Yoosung and in his place comes a menace, his gaze ice cold and his words dripping venom.
* He likes to play at being a 'macho man', even though he too acknowledges the faults of toxic masculinity, even if he falls into some of its traps. Yet his biggest fear isn't to not be perceived as manly. No, his fear is to be acknowledged.
* What does that mean? You ask and you're right, it's very vague phrasing. For me at least, Zen seems to always be putting up an act (especially in other routes except his own); he's so scared of letting true emotions show, to expose himself for who he really is that he tries to pull a facade, be it over exaggerating and focusing on his beauty to flat out avoiding conversations so as to not show his cards, his isnecurities. He's afraid of being seen.
* As for what pisses him off, well...Jumin obviously lmao
* Nah, what really angers him like no other is greed and convinience. He hates being handed things, can't stand to be coddled. He needs to know he's earned his place and victories through his hard work and hard work alone. If he sees people taking advantage of the system, using priveleges others aren't privy to and then pretending they got to where they are on their own he WILL expose them for the idiots they really are lol
((friendly reminder that i havent plaged her route in a long while so these are mainly observations from other routes))
* She likes to pretend nothing truly fazes her, but truly Jaehee takes things to heart much more than one would think. That's also exactly why she's built up walls for herself, afraid of letting anyone else in because...what if they hurt her? What if they don't like what they find once she lets them in? ...what if they leave?
* Of course the death of her parents impacted her like no other event, and losing loved ones in a flash like that is jarring, especially at a young age; so Jaehee's always afraid of people getting too close, and worse-of people leaving.
* As for anger, she HATES being taken advantage of. Similarly to Yoosung, but the main difference is that it's not her kindness people tend to take advantage of, but her capabilities and resilience. People think she's a reliable wall, piling things atop of her without even once thinking she might break under the pressure.
* What's worse, is Jaehee will rarely if ever lash out in anger, or even at least tell people to stop. She lets them lean on her until she can't no more, and then she simply takes a step back away from them, becomes cold but never mean. It might just be that she doesn't know how to.
* Yes yes, Jumin the 'robot' as Zen calls him does have feelings, and fears and worries-truly he might be more human beneath his cold exterior than any one person may ever truly know.
* Jumin's big flaw is that once he's attatched to someone, once he bonds with them, he'll be there for life. Even if the person he loves is to kick him to the ground, even if they hurt him and dispose him like a carcass, if he's with you he's with you 'till the end of the line. Jumin's fear is that he cares too much or not at all, and there's no inbetween.
* He's learnt to deal in extremes, and that's not a trait you can simply unlearn; moderation has never been a part of him, and he fears it never will. So he'll love, or he'll hate, but he'll never simply tolerate (even if he may sometimes make it seem that way).
* As for anger, there's very few things that infuriate Jumin. Or rather, it's that he bottles in his furstrations until much later on he reaches a tipping point, unlesshing all those grievances like breaking glass. For him to come to that point though, it takes a LOT.
* One thing that can and will anger him like no other, even to the point of being physically fighting, is seeing someone mistreat animals. He WILL throw hands don't test him just because he looks like a prim and proper gentleman. 😤
* I mean...we all know Seven is in fact a bundle of insecurities and fears moulded into human form.
* His fears and worries are countless and they often keep him up at night; losing the ones he loves, being unable to help as people he cares about suffer, having others be put in an unfavorable situation because of him...oh wait these are all things that HAVE happened and he has gone through. No wonder this man is as closed off as he is.
* So yeah, he has a myriad of fears. But honestly, and this will sound cliche I know...his biggest fear is himself. Wether he's good enough, wether he's worthy of love, if it's okay for him to be cared for, they're all worries that choke his throat, making him push others away for their own sake. Teaching Saeyoung to accept himself, and him truly believing he's capable of being loved is a long hard process.
* When it comes to anger, well generally he's learnt to keep his cool under most situations given his training, but he will go feral if he sees anyone being abused under any form. Knowing what it's like to be a victim in your own house, to cower from the people that should be there to protect you-he'll fight for the victims with tooth and nail.
* Similarly to Seven V's a burrito of insecurities, with a stuffing of fears and worries.
* He'a afraid of hurting the ones he loves, afraid that he's too much, too little, not enough and overwhelming all at once. He's afraid of moderation, afraid he'll never be able to provide the love one needs as they need it.
* In truth, he's afraid of being abandoned, and this deeply rooted fear is the one that blooms the rest of his insecurities and worries. He's afraid that if he doesn't mould himself into exactly what the other person seeks, they'll leave him in search of something better. He's terrified of being alone.
* When it comes to anger, in the past as a young teen the slightest thing could infuriate him, and he'd freely voice his anger even if it hurt others. Nowdays though, mainly because of the aforementioned fears, he's learnt to handle his anger, and it's a feeling he rarely experiences.
* One thing that can anger him to no end though, is if you dare hurt or taunt the ones he loves. If you even look at the ones he cares for the wrong way, he'll point you with a glare so cold and sharp you can feel blood pool on the tip of your tongue.
* Don't mess with V's family. DON'T.
-send me mystic messenger headcanons for character reactions-
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virgatowhipped · 4 years
Is it just me or is Joel digging himself a hole deeper & deeper? Re-following RK the traitor... Following Emilias & hanging out w Emilias ex and following & liking Sam S. 🤦🏻‍♀️ He'a just asking for bad shit to happen to him. Soon he'll be crying & whining again about something
Idk. I don't really care. Maybe he and RK patched things up and maybe he and Emilia's ex bonded over both of their experiences dating her. Sam S... she'll be gone eventually. He's happy and living his life right now and there's really nothing we can do or say that will make him stop what he's been doing. I'm just gonna be sitting here loving him from afar and trying not to judge what I don't know anything about
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Dark Side Logan rant perhaps 👀
HELL YES. So,,,, we've seen how Logan is in canon. He has things that he loves just like any person would. But as the series has gone on, he's shared these things less. Forced himself to not indulge in the things that make him happy around the light sides. He hates being fun around the light sides. Why? Because they belittle him. Embarrass him. Make him feel like a joke. He'a unhappy around the lights. But so far, we haven't seen any of the dark sides do these things to him. Which leads me to one conclusion. Logan would be SO much happier with the dark sides as his friends! They'd take him seriously, make him feel listened to, etc! And I'm sure Logan could still do his job properly as a dark side. And this is all taking into consideration that Logan doesn't want to change who he is. Maybe he wants to snap, and hurt the light sides. Maybe he wants to just give up, and be the opposite of who he was. But these desires would not be heeded with the way the light sides currently act. The dark sides would give him what he wants. And, plus, when you compare Logan to the darks and Logan to the lights... He looks like he fits with the darks so much more, does he not? Anyways that's all I can think of for this rant. :)
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karaxreds · 5 years
Injury - Harry Winks
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He roughly ran a hand through his hair, letting out a few curses under his breath.
He was outraged, of course no player would injure himself purposefully. It was just a minor one but he was angry because he had a match the next day and he obviously won't make it especially that it was an away game.
"I brought the ice bag." You said, sitting next to him on the sofa.
"Nah, I don't need it." He huffed, throwing the bag away from him.
His ankle was a bit swollen, because of one of his teammates who might have tackled him a bit too hard in training and now he was fumings.
"The physio said that it wasn't that serious,just a couple of days and it will be gone." You tried to reassure him, running a hand down his arm softly but you knew how stubborn he can be.
"And how do you know what he said?" He spoke rudely, making you roll your eyes.
"Because he spoke to me when I picked you up earlier ?" You said, as if it was already obvious.
"Of course you did." He muttered, loud enough for you to hear him.
"Just let me put that on your ankle, would ya?" You tried again.
"I said I am fine for now." He snapped at you, making your eyes widen in surprise.
"It's okay, I'll just put it here for now." You quietly answered, not looking at him.
"Just drop it okay?" His voice laced with anger, which made you sigh and stand up.
"You know what? I don't have to deal with you shitty mood swings, I am just trying to help you!" You pointed out angrily as well.
"Of course you don't have to." He muttered quietly, his eyes wandering around avoiding yours. "Don't like when I am moody but you do love when I am spending all that money on you."
You froze, your jaw dropping in shock at the words that just left Harry's mouth. He knows that you hated when he bought you expensive gifts, you didn't like it at all. He's always been the one to insist that he wants to buy everything for you because they were nothing compared to what you've done for him so far.
"Screw you Harry, you're an arse." You said, finally trying to recover from his hurtful words. "My bad for trying to look after your sorry arse, I am leaving have a nice fucking day."
You yelled, grabbing your keys and jacket, leaving the house before he could say anything.
He knows he fucked up, he was just angry about his injury and with the international break the upcoming week he also knows he might not being called up to the squad and that just made him so angry that he took it out on you. He didn't mean a word of what he said, in any other circumstances he would've never said that, that thought never even crossed his mind, yet he didn't know why he said such a thing to you. The girl that has been through thick and thin with him, that was with him when he lost so many matches including the champions league final, through injuries,way more serious than this little one.
He called over a hundred times maybe, and tens of texts but you just didn't answer. He gets it, you probably hated him for saying those words, for even having a slight doubts about that.
You've been just driving around the City, stopped for a cup of tea in a small coffee shop and sat for a couple of hours on your own trying to process those words. Deep down you know he never meant it, he was angry but it stull hurts to think that maybe at the back of his mind there was just a tiny chance that he really believes you"re that kind of person. You ignored the dozens of calls and texts from him, he even got Kyle one of his best friends to call you and text you but you just ignored it.
You loved him more than anything, he'a rarely that angry. He's onw of the sweetest persons you've ever known and you admired him for that but once he's angry, he can really say hurtful things and what happened earlier was an example.
It was already dark outside and you just decided that maybe it was finally time to go back home, why lie to yourself you were worried sick about the boy with the swollen ankle at home.
You quietly turned the key in, opening the door trying hard not to make any sound. You sighed, closing just as quietly.
"Oh, shit!" You heard a loud yelp followed by a groan and you threw the key, and started running to the where the sound came from and you found him seated down on the sofa grimacing in pain.
"What happened?" You rushed, quickly taking off your jacket and throwing it somewhere on the floor behind you.
His head snapped in your direction, his eyes lighting up when they met your worried ones.
"Does it hurt still?" You asked, sitting down on your knees so you could have a better look at his foot.
"You're back?" He mumbled, "God, you're back." He engulfs in a hug, his arms wrapped tightly around you as if he was so scared to ket you go.
"Of course I am." You whispered into his neck, "You're an arse, but an injured one." You added which made him chuckle.
"I am so sorry for what I said, I don't know what took over me you know I never thought of you as g-"
"Take a breath, yeah?" You giggled, caressing his cheek softly. "I know you didn't mean that, and I know you know me better than to think so low of me and that you're also worried and angry." You reassured him.
"Still not okay." He shook his head, licking his lips. "I love you, I would never do anything to hurt you and especially not on purpose." He sighed.
"I love you, Winksey." You nodded, a small smile on your lips. "You're going to get through this and you're going to make it to the squad next week!"
"Don't know about that but Thank you for being so supportive of me and my sorry arse as you said." He laughed, his soft laughs echoing in your ears.
"I am and always will, you arse. My favourite arse." You pulled him closer, kissing him passionately letting him know that it was all good and forgotten.
"Are you okay, though?" You asked again, looking down at his foot.
"I think I can stand on it, just slightly." He shrugs, trying to stand up to show you.
"Want us to go upstairs watch some tv there?"
"Yes" he nodded, putting his arm on your shoulder so he could gain some balance.
Once you two made it to the room he was lying down with his head against your chest and in a matter of minutes he was already fast asleep. And you just stayed like that for hours, softly runnig your hand in his hair while watching the tv show you put earlier on the tv.
You felt happy, and you wouldn't want it any other way.
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Omfg Roland's reaction? Are u trying to kill me? Honestly, he'd probably be really happy for Keith cause he's so unbelievably happy w Lance. But at the same time seeing that probably hurts a lot too, knowing that Keith is sharing the title of 'boyfriend' w another person. Carrying on w his life w another person when he knows if things had gone differently w them, that could be him. But he'a growing and learning and maybe it'll help him move on a bit? Idk, is he still a bit hung up on Keith?
¯\_(ツ)_/¯  _/¯(,n,)¯\_ ¯\_(ツ)_/¯  
This will turn into another discord convo that leads to an au
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hotseok · 5 years
im so sorry for swndknf this i just. need someone to talk to. i can't do this i really don't know how to deal with it. he can't leave he'a gone through hell and right back just to debut and he can't quit just like that fuck he can't he just can't the members can't let him go. he will return. it's only temporary. it's all just a stupid joke he deserves to know how loved he is. he won't go
keep believing he won't go. because he won't. monbebes won't let him nor will mx. I know it's so hard believe me it's taking all my energy not to break but wonho first breakdown later. we'll get thru this
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