#he'll be fiiiiine...
beeceit · 2 years
anyways, chapter 20 is going great
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rebouks · 1 year
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First day of preschool...
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chromotps · 1 month
hhhh I'm catching up on OP and I'm finally to The episode
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theashenphoenix · 11 months
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transingthoseformers · 5 months
I'd like to suggest putting Astrotrain in heat, but I don't think poor Dead End will survive him being angry and frustrated.
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yansurnummu · 10 months
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yeah, yeah, "the horrors", we've all seen them
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3-inch-doodles · 1 year
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system monitor Barney be upon ye
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sucrosette · 9 months
★— ⋆。˚ [Crossroads]
For Day 24 of Carry on Countdown 23, Cross. @carryon-countdown
In which Simon is an actual half-dragon and he's found himself in a bit of a situation with a certain human mage. What's a familiar even supposed to do anyway?
This part is rated T, mostly just for the language.
Prior Parts: 9, 15, & 18
They were at a crossroads. Apparently, there was a lot of magick nestled in crosswords. Baz had explained it some along the way here, but Simon hadn’t really absorbed it all so much. That was fine, this was just introductory. Basil had said Simon didn’t need to remember anything and everything he said about magick anyway.
So here they were, standing at a crossroads, a fairly quiet one it seemed. “It’s not the most powerful we could’ve gone to, but we won’t be disturbed here.” Apparently a more travelled crossroad could store more potential, reach more depths, or something of the like. Simon was trying to pay attention, really he was.
Simon still wasn’t sure what it was they were going to do by being here. Baz was already drawing out chalk circles on the ground in some kind of cryptic obsessive-compulsive pattern. It sort of looked like something that would show up on a late-night BBC documentary about “the corrupted youth.”
He looked over to Basil again.
Yeah, he could have definitely be the face of the corrupted youth. No, maybe not in the traditional way or the way you’d expect. He wore his blazer and shirt and tie all neat and nicely, but his long black as pitch hair slicked back in a short pony and an ears full of golden piercings, his nails painted black… yeah, he could be the corrupted youth. If you looked close enough.
Simon inched closer to those meticulously drawn circles, careful not to disturb them as he squinted down at them. “We’re not summoning some kind of demon are we?”
Basil took a moment to look properly aghast at Simon, pausing his meticulous drawings. “Of bloody course not. That would be insane. It’s barely your first day as a familiar.”
“Oh,” Simon hesitated, “Does that mean we might eventually?”
Basil snorted a sort of half-a-laugh, “Not if we can avoid it. I’d prefer not to lose my soul being reckless like that.”
“Well that’s a bloody relief–”
“We’re banishing one,” Baz interrupted as he puts the finishing touches on his circles, glyphs really, and stands. He claps the dust from his palms and stands himself up outside of the design, circling it and checking his work over.
“I’m sorry, what?” Simon blinked over at Basil, the colour draining from his face, “What happened to it being my first day as a familiar?”
Baz waved his hand dismissively, nose pointed up, “This is easy work. I could do this on my own, in it’s entirety, and I have before. You’ll make it easier though. Just stand…” Baz stepped over to Simon and guides him to a particular point on the design, the eastern side, if Simon wasn’t getting himself mixed up. “Here. Don’t move, don’t break the lines, just hands on the ground on either side of the point and…” the explanation sort of broke up for a moment, “Actually, how do you access your magick, usually?”
Simon settled himself as Baz had described. He didn’t really know too much magick, let alone how to do it well, or even consistently, for that matter. “Accidentally?” He finally admitted.
Baz didn’t answer right away, correcting Simon’s hands only slightly before stepping around to the opposite point of the circle. “How do you go about your little… shape change? Is that not magick?”
“Kind of?” Simon didn’t really know how he did that either, “I think it’s mostly instinct.”
“Alright, well,” Baz shrugged, “Reach for that instinct then. Find whatever little thing that makes you shift and just, I suppose, touch it. Try and touch it without switching shapes.”
Simon’s gaze stayed fixed to that corner for a long while, long enough that the silence between them got a little awkward, that the air between them got a little stale, that Baz started to get a little impatient.
“Think you can manage?”
“Oh, right,” Simon scrunched up his nose and concentrated, thinking about that feeling that came right before the switch, “Yeah, I think I’ve got it.”
“Grand,” Basil planted his own hands the same way Simon’s were, just opposite of him, “Just hold on to that feeling. I’m starting now.”
Before Simon could confirm he’d heard or understood, Baz was speaking. Well, Simon thought it was speaking, but it was definitely in a tongue he’d never heard before and it didn’t feel human. It felt heavy and thick and dark and Baz’s eyes had gone black in the sclera, but Simon didn’t have time to think about that either. He had to keep his mind on that feeling, that little… okay, maybe not so little, orb of energy that caused his shifts. It was warm in his mind and if he thought about it hard enough he could roll it around in his palms, like a small sun, but it wasn’t so scorching like this.
When the demon came through in middle of the glyphs Baz had arranged, it was a whole dramatic affair, or it certainly seemed that way to Simon. It was… a bit beyond direct perception, a swirling mass of dark energy and wispy smoke. The area immediately surrounding them had definitely grown hotter and the cement under Simon’s palms was notably more uncomfortable to the touch, but he didn’t move his palms away.
He did his best to remain as Baz had put him, despite the sweat pooling in the small of his back. It had gotten harder to maintain that connection with his miniature personal ball of sunshine now that the demon had found itself here. 
And then the demon spoke.
Simon fumbled the ball in his mind’s eye and his shape slipped from one to the other like water rushing down from the apex of a waterfall. His wings fluttered behind him at the swiftness of the change, tail stretching out on instinct as his body adjusted, but his claws, even as small as they were comparatively to his human shape had managed to stay solid in that same spot.
Thank Merlin and Morgana and every other mage to come before. He ignored the pure power contained in that voice and focused to pull this orb back into focus. There was no sludge running over his ears, only this sun in his palms, only the magick of it flowing through him.
It was speaking the same tongue that Basil was using, but Basil remained unphased, only focusing harder on his incantation, his brows knit together with effort and sweat starting to bead down the back of his perfect neck. Simon couldn’t help but be taken with his unflappable aura for a moment, impressed by his sheer will to remain unwavering when faced with such a thing as the demon caught between them.
Simon redoubled his efforts to hold that little ball of energy, pulsing brighter the longer Baz chanted. He prayed he hadn’t fucked anything up too hard for Baz when he’d shifted. He also didn’t want to lose his soul to some reckless act within a day of finally finding a steady source of food.
At least in this shape, there was no sweat to gather down his spine and his palms didn’t ache so much. Simon’s wings fanned gently to keep him cool and he allowed himself to concentrate on Basil’s calm repetitions over the oil-slick wet feeling that came with the demon’s words.
Almost as suddenly as the demon appeared, the ground under it fell away.
There was a large whooshing noise.
And then the demon was gone too.
The road reconstructed itself in between the two of them and then everything fell quiet.
Simon stayed poised until Baz moved. Basil stood slowly, dusting his hands off again, and fetched the bucket of water he’d left aside. He poured it over the now sizzling sigils, burned of their power (Simon had no idea how or why he knew that), and that’s when Simon allowed himself to move. He trotted over to Baz’s side and headbutted his calf.
It was as close as he could manage to a ‘good job’ without words.
“Oh,” Baz looked down at him, “You shifted.”
Simon let out a small trill of confirmation and then Baz’s nose started bleeding.
“Oh,” Baz said again, catching the blood in his open palm, and Simon could see he was moving too slowly, that his balance was starting to go, “It seems I over-exerted myself.”
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schizochasm · 7 months
Hahaha what a great idea to scroll while taking a break!
SO glad I let my guard Down!
I love getting triggered by tumblr.
Brb, gonna yeet myself into the sun. ♡
(I'm gonna keep exercising and pretend I'm fine. Ptsd + psychosis is such a great life!)
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a-lonely-dunedain · 1 year
I like that the fight club in the Splintered Shield wasn't shut down for Midsummer. Brawlers need enrichment too! (their friends might wish they had safer ways to entertain themselves tho)
Tossdir: *shows back up to the guest-house sporting a black eye* Ethedis and Corunir, in unison: "Toss are you ok?? what happened!?" Tossdir: "I had fun and made friends! :)"
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as-above-rp · 9 months
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An open cooler sat on Roland's kitchen counter, as he stared at its contents with a feeling of nervous dread pooling in his stomach. Lately, every shipment had been dimishing with each delivery, and this one had to be the lightest one yet.
Winter and Summer months were always hard when it came to meeting his blood consumption needs. Donors went in less because of vacations and the extreme weather, needing the vital fluid to keep their own strength up and help their bodies regulate their core temperatures most efficiently. Roland had always used the same organization for his deliveries for decades, being the most ethical and honest one he'd come across so far. Sure, there was never a shortage of blood being moved around in the shadows--but he knew those ounces weren't acquired through volunteers, and the chances of coming across diseased or "synthetic" blood ran higher with each passing year.
However, staring at the cooler with only enough blood to just barely get him through the week, the fear of running out was beginning to loom over him. Roland wasn't in danger, yet. So long as he was careful and rationed properly, he should be able to manage it--even if only just barely.
Roland quickly stored the blood in his fridge to keep what little he had from spoiling. He made a mental note to buy some more red meat from the store for his meals this week.
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spiinsparks · 2 years
        SO  THERE  WAS  THIS  FUNNY  LITTLE  THING  about  ‘cyber  corruption’  that  made  things  a  little  bit  . . .  DIFFICULT.  an  asterisk  on  the  side  of  the  word  ,  or  that  ever-elusive  fine  print  at  the  bottom  of  the  page.  because  cyber  corruption  —  well  that  implied  a  sort  of  REPLACEMENT  of  what  was  with  something  foreign  and  unsafe.  (  tails  would  compare it  to  maybe  a  MALWARE  ,  of  sorts  ,  if  it  happened  to  one  of  his  gizmos.  )
           and  it  wasn’t  that.  not  really.  (  who'd  have  known  ?  hah.  SONIC  sure  hadn’t.  )
          it  was  more  like  a  funky  little  fog  of  not  really  knowing  WHERE  YOU’VE  BEEN  or  WHERE  YOU’RE  GOING.  and  it  wasn’t  all  THAT  bad.  could  be  great  even !  . . .  for  some  things.  it  wasn’t  every  day  that  ,  for  a  brief  moment  ,  you  got  to  experience  a  FIRST  TIME ,  twice!  but  there  were other  times  -  briefest  of  lapses  in  the  mind  every  so  often  ,  when  the  puzzle  pieces  didn’t  quite  fit  right  and  sonic  was  left  grappling  at  the  edges  for  a SIGN. 
         this  happened  to  be  ONE  OF  THOSE  TIMES  ,  as  sonic  dashed  into  tails’  workshop  and  skid  to  a  stop.  then  ,  reached  for  the  back  of  tails’  work  chair  and  spun  him  around  with  a  lopsided  grin  across  his  face.
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       ❝  hey  buddy !  ❞  he  greeted  ,  laughing  ,  and  passing  his  hand  through  tails’  bangs. ❝  you  ready  to  head  out?  pretty  sure  the  ol’  tornado  is  calling  our  names.  ❞
@aeniqmata​ / //steeples fingers bc u asked for this e3e
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orcelito · 1 year
Thinking that I'm gonna be rougher with Vash in itnl chapter 12 than originally planned
It'll be the first Genuine fight I've written for this fic and I'm excited for it!!!!
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broooo omg threesome w/ wade and logan in the honda odyssey 🥺🥺🥺 not a want it's a NEED
they're tearing each other apart as they fight for your attention. and you're covered in their blood but they're so gentle when they get their hands on you.
picture it. you're naked from the waist down, sitting in logan's lap making out with him, his stubble scraping your face. he's grabbing at you HUNGRILY, like you can't possibly get close enough to satisfy him. his hands start to glide down lower, and wade's starting to feel left out.
"baby knife!" wade jams it into logan's thigh, and twists it back and forth. his other hand curls around your neck, pulls you back into him, and he whispers in your ear. "what? you gonna let him have all the fun with you? nuh uh, gimme some." he pulls up his mask to kiss you just as aggressively as logan does, that is, until he gets an idea to share with him. he lets you go.
"ooh, we should carve our initials into his ass!"
"that would be pretty fuckin' hot…" logan cups your jaw in his hand and strokes your cheek with his thumb. "tell me if it's too much, okay?"
“he's fiiiiine. he's a big boy. he can handle a couple of cat scratches.”
wade cuts “WW❤️” into your ass with his baby knife. just thin surface cuts, nothing even remotely dangerous, but that sting as the blade drags across your skin is SO fucking good. then you get turned around and plopped in wade's lap. logan scratches “LH” into your other cheek with his index finger. he retracts his claw, then holds your ass steady for him to admire his own work. he starts to jiggle you,
"yeah, that's fuckin' gorgeous... took it like a champ, good boy... y'know what'd make this ass look even better?"
"what?" "what?" you both say in unison.
"a big fuckin' cock tearing it up."
logan INSISTS on going first. wade doesn't mind, though. he'll gladly suck logan's cum out of whatever hole he fills.
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lilyrighter · 1 month
I don't know if anyone's been thinking of the Reverse Falls AU lately, but it just hit me how The Book of Bill has retroactively made Reverse!Bill, Will, a better opposite to Canon!Bill.
Obviously I wasn't the one to come up with the AU so I don't know for certain, but I'm pretty sure that at the time Will was meant to be comedically drastic from Bill, being a weepy, despondent pushover with no intent to do harm in opposition to Bill's cheery and independent "I'd eat your whole family if I could!" nature. A fun contrast, seeing a charismatic all powerful character as a version of himself who seems far more pathetic.
After TBoB though, it gives an idea of how two versions of Bill reacted to differently to accidentally destroying their own dimensions and everyone they ever knew, assuming the same event happens in Reverse Falls.
Our Bill has turned to deep, deep, deep repression and denial, telling people that he liberated his dimension, that he did them a favor! He'll sometimes share the truth of its destruction like with Ford, but only on rare occasions. He's pushed it so far to the back of his mind that he can't even properly recall what happened without blacking out. Oh. but he's fiiiiine btw, it doesn't bother him AT ALL and anyone who says otherwise is a CAPITALIST!
Will in comparison? Judging by his nature and attitude, it'd be easy to assume that he took the opposite route and has been dwelling on his actions for trillions of years. Not a single day goes by where he doesn't think about every life he ended and wallows in his mistakes. So caught up in misery and self pity that he doesn't take any initiative in what's happening around him, won't allow himself new potential happiness or friends.
Bill wants to put his past behind him while Will can do nothing but dwell in it.
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biteofcherry · 2 years
Quick musing round! How do they like receiving/giving oral with alpha!Ari, mafia!Steve and Dom!Andy?
oh boy 😳 you guys are going for all things horny with your asks 😂 no one's asking about fave drinks, or fruit, or flowers 🤣
fiiiiine, have it your dirty way
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Alpha!Ari is a whole primal beefcake, so for him the messier the better; receiving: wants you to try taking him whole and encourages you with praise combined with utter filth, it doesn't have to be a fast rough pace for Ari, but each push he makes sure his sack touches your chin, he makes you choke on his cock and watches tears stream down your face, joining dribbles of drool on your chin, and he definitely makes you swallow every drop; giving: he's wild about it, holding you firmly in place as he ravishes you with open mouthed kisses, tongue dipping in then lapping at your clit mercilessly, he can lash his tongue on your sensitive nub for so long you cry from overstimulation, and if you want him to use fingers you have to beg for it, there's also a bite or ten (on your puffy folds and right over your swollen clit), he goes at it until you go hoarse and then sucks a hickey on your mound or right at the top of your thigh
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Mafia!Steve is a charming gentleman, but he's ruthless in his ruling over his crime empire and over you; receiving: just the sight of you on your knees before him gets him going, so he lets you do your sweet licking and kissing and sucking technique all the while praising you, then orders you to touch yourself but don't come as he cups the sides of your face and pushes deep deep in, he takes pauses so you can catch a breath, he's sweet like that, then the last few strokes he keeps shallow with your mouth wide open because he wants to watch his cum pool on your tongue (sometimes he'll make you hold it for a bit before he tells you to swallow); giving: if Steve goes down on you it's a full feast, that sexual act is never a quickie, he'll build you up slowly but so good that a single flick of his tongue on your clit in the right moment sends you over the edge, he likes to use his fingers to spread your folds so he can lick deeper, switches tongue and finger over your clit and in your hole, he goes methodically from tongue alone to one finger to two then three and each time you come harder
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Dom!Andy (who got resurrected from the abyss of my dusty memory lol) is a damn virtuoso of all things sexual; receiving: he'll take your mouth however he wishes, sometimes just warming himself in your drool-filling mouth until it starts leaking and splashing on your chest, other times fucking it in deep, steady strokes, he's the one who teaches you how to take him to the root, you're always bound too and can't do anything but to take him anyway, but there's a lot of praise included, and he always makes you thank him for his cum after he comes down your throat; giving: again, you're tied one way or another, if not completely bound to a bed or bench then your wrists are tied to your ankles, or a spreader bar prevents you from closing your legs an inch, Andy uses everything about his mouth as a tool to ruin you - lips kissing, tongue licking and flicking, teeth scraping, he blows air on your engorged clit, he uses his fingers too, slides them inside your pussy, but sometimes will pinch your clit while he drives his tongue into your hole, other times he'll have a finger in your ass while he eats your cunt, again you're supposed to cry out a thank you for every orgasm he gives
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