#he's 90% queen bby! ;)
britishchick09 · 2 years
as i’m sure you know, rewrite erik is a demiboy, someone who only partially identifies as a guy... but he might be a trans girl? :o
i’ve talked about that before, but i wrote a little scene where he questions his identity and he feels so euphoric when he says ‘i’m a woman’! it’s so awesome to see him discover his true self!!! :D
although he identifies as a girl, he still uses 'he/him’ pronouns because ‘she/her’ doesn’t feel quite right. but does that mean he’s still a girl? i found out that a late 19th century trans woman named jennie june identified as a girl, but used male pronouns... just like rewrite erik could! ;D
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myotp-ruinedmylife · 2 years
10 Things I Hate About You steddie au
(note this is a modern au because i didn't want to deal with homophobia and also the fruity four are all in the same grade because it's easier)
steve and nancy have been close since they were kids, they dated their freshman year before realizing they were better as friend
but they still go to all their school dances together because nancy asked steve to help her and he's still totally whipped (friendship addition)
they also both realized they were bi when they were sophomores and are out and proud because why not
steve still has a reputation among the school because he's a giver ;) so he and nancy are the king and queen of hawkins high (also steve is still a basketball star which helps)
but he's not great at romance because anytime a date is like 'wanna go to homecoming?' he's like 'but i'm going with nancy???'
(he's a bit of a himbo but we love him anyway)
nancy is kind of the untouchable ultimate prize at the school, so naturally every guy wants her, if only for the clout
(hence going with steve to every school dance)
enter billy hargrove
billy obviously decides he's going to take queen nancy to senior prom if it kills him, because it will get him so many cool points
but first he has to get steve out of the way
his father, an even bigger douchebag, is the one who comes up with the idea of paying someone to seduce king steve, even offering to fund the endeavor
(max is not aware of this plot, because billy knows full well she'd snitch to her favorite babysitter in 2 seconds if she knew)
speaking of max - steve and nancy have been friends for ages. so obviously steve knows nancy's dorky little brother. one time their sophomore year, nancy was supposed to babysit mike but she wanted to investigate something for the school paper and convinces steve to take her place
mike has all his friends over, and steve ends up getting along with them really well and starts hanging out with them and the next thing he knows he's a single mom of seven
quick overview of the kids:
will was missing for a week when he was ten and he was discovered kidnapped two states over with his bio dad
el is hopper's adoptive daughter and will's stepsister and pseudo twin. she was raised in foster care and did not have a good time
dustin is still dustin, and latches onto steve immediately
lucas is steve's basketball protege
erica is still cooler than all of them
and max is still billy's stepsister and spends 90% of her time avoiding home whenever possible because her mom is a drunk and billy and neil are... billy and neil
(steve figures this out and unofficially takes her in)
steve and nancy are semi-friends with jonathan but he mostly hangs out with argyle smoking pot (hopper is resigned)
anyway billy needs the perfect candidate to sweep steve off his feet, and he finds it in eddie munson
eddie is a year older than the rest of them because he was held back his freshman year since that was the year his mom died and his dad went to jail
(A/N no shade to eddie, btw. i failed half my classes sophomore year and dropped out junior year because i had a nervous breakdown and was in iop treatment and later discovered i was physically disabled so like, eddie bby i feel you)
eddie runs hellfire, the dnd club, and sells drugs, and there's rumors he killed someone so billy's like 'he's perfect'
(eddie did not kill anyone. chrissy od'd in front of him and he saved her and brought her to the hospital but rumors gonna rumor)
eddie's best friend is robin, who's had a crush on nancy for years but is too afraid to ask her out despite nancy being out as bi
eddie hates steve, btw, because steve is rich and handsome and popular and on the basketball team and also steve was a dick to him when he was a freshman before he and nancy realized they were bi and eddie holds a hella grudge
so eddie's like, i get payed to pretend to fall in love with king steve and afterwards i can pull one over him? plus i get to watch billy totally fail to bag nancy wheeler? (because he's well aware this is going to blow up in billy's face) i'm in!
robin's less enthused, but she agrees to keep quiet about everything despite feeling icky about the situation
so eddie asks steve out. and because steve being a dick when they were freshmen was really steve pulling eddie's pigtails, he's quietly ecstatic
'nancy, /eddie munson/ asked me out! isn't that great?'
and nancy's a little suspicious, because the vibes she got were that eddie hates steve, but she chalks it up to eddie also pulling steve's pigtails and just warns him to be careful
(spoiler: it was absolutely eddie pulling steve's pigtails. he's hella jealous, he just won't admit it to himself)
so eddie and steve start dating, and steve introduces eddie to his kids, and eddie dm's for them, and he gets to know steve, and
oh shit
oh shit he's /nice/
and hot and sweet and kind of a dork?
(meanwhile robin continues to pine for nancy, and because their best friends are dating they start hanging out and 'eddie this is terrible! she's so pretty and smart and badass and -')
eddie starts feeling really guilty for everything and tries to call it off, but billy offers even more money, and look, there's a reason he's a drug dealer while still in high school, okay? they have bills!
so eddie goes to the kids to help him convince steve to take him to prom instead of nancy, and as incentive offers to hook nancy up with robin so she's still covered
and steve asks nancy her permission, and nancy likes robin so she's like 'hell yeah'
cue prom night
steve and eddie and nancy and robin are all having a blast when billy shows up and starts yelling at eddie that 'i payed you to seduce harrington so i could bag wheeler! why is your dyke friend going with her?'
steve's like 'wtf eddie is that true?' and eddie's like 'it's not what you think!' and steve bolts, eddie following close behind
nancy proceeds to deck billy and kick him in the balls, just like the movie, because that scene is perfect, then threatens to shoot him if he comes near any of them again
meanwhile eddie catches up with steve only for steve to slap him and yell for like five full minutes and he's crying and eddie has never seen steve cry and 'oh god this is awful, i'm the worst'
also - i want robin to have some consequences for knowing and not speaking up. i want nancy to tear her a new one. obviously they make up later but i feel like nancy would be pissed that robin knew and never said anything and steve got hurt because of it
'i trusted you! i trusted you and eddie and you were lying the whole time! i knew something was off, i never should've trusted you!'
nancy and steve proceed to isolate and cut off everyone but the kids (and maybe jonathan)
the kids, meanwhile, who had loved eddie, are horrified
max confronts billy for the first time to scream at him and when she finds out neil was involved she's like 'fuck it i'm moving out'
(Protect Max Mayfield 2022)
idk if she moves in with steve or the hopper-byers but either way she's fucking furious at eddie
and dustin and mike, who'd both begun to really look up to eddie, are incredibly betrayed. they can't believe he'd hurt steve like that
and of course english class was studying sonnets and steve, with nancy's help, writes The Poem and reads it to the class before breaking down and crying, again, and nancy is giving eddie death glares and meanwhile eddie is just... /so/ guilty
the kids decide to band together and confront eddie only to find him wallowing, a complete mess, and he confesses he really is in love with steve and he ruined it
so they decide to help him find a way to make it up to steve (after yelling at him for a while, because he shouldn't be let off the hook just because he's in love and sorry)
idk how eddie would make it up, but steve eventually forgives him and they all live happily ever after
the end
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itbmojojoejo · 1 year
Get to know the writer
This is a tag game created by @aspen-carter and I was tagged by @arcielee (Thank you for thinking of me)
Pen name(s): itbmojojoejo / LarLar - thats from my main blog but I only write here
Age: 90’s summer bby
College/university degree(s): I did art and design in college and planned to use that to go onto fashion design or history in uni but dropped out just before my 3rd year lmao
Favorite book growing up: I was really into the Confessions of Georgia Nicholson series (Angus, Thongs & Perfect Snogging) cause it was hilarious and i like to laugh before Twilight emerged - don’t judge me for that.
First "grown-up" book you remember reading: The White Queen by Phillipa Gregory
Favorite novel(s): Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn, The Virgin Suicides by Jeffrey Eugenides, and IT by Stephen King
Favorite published writer(s): Terry Pratchett hands down I love him, and Tess Gerritsen she’s my favourite crime thriller writer.
Favorite book(s) of poetry: anything Lang Leav I have all of her poetry books and also Michael Faudet cause he’s a little spicy.
Favorite "children's book"(s): I couldn’t actually read properly until I was 7 and my dad managed to solve that by reading me The Wee Free Men by Terry Pratchett, he did sound effects and a different voice for every character like even the witches frog had his own voice and every little scottish blue man had his own voice it was brilliant.
Favorite movie/show adaptation(s): The Lord of the Rings trilogy (extended versions only) by Peter Jackson (I am keeping Ezran's & Arcie’s answer)
What do you listen to when you write? Each fic has its own vibe, for some reason when I write Ettore I listen to a lot of Cure, Cocteau Twins, The Smiths and Siouxsie & the Banshees. Finan is turning out to be Montell Fish, Two Feet and Hozier.
What do you drink when you write? Caffeine, coffee and redbull are my life juice it’s terrible.
Your favorite piece that you've ever written: eeek I’m still fairly fresh with this writing malarkey so it was Swords & Scriptures but I’m loving A Good Man ...it could be a tie I don’t know. I can’t answer that.
Favorite fanfiction you've read recently: Hazy Shades of Spring & its part 2 Ask Me Anything (I've reread them a few times) oh and Silver Coins by @arcielee - I'm slowly making my way through her entire masterlist. Sanctuary by @st-eve-barnes . And a little Eddie Munson fic called He's My Neighbour by @wndalovebot
No pressure tag, fellow author(s): @st-eve-barnes & @wndalovebot
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daedalusdavinci · 2 years
honestly im just gonna give u a list. anyways. bruce, harvey, eddie (easy mode), oliver queen (whore), equius, sollux, eridan (legally mantaded homestucks), tim drake because im here to cause u psyhic damage, damien (bby), and lets round it off with scarecrow cause why not. pick n choose the ones u want to do anyways -blasts u with my autism beams-
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[I.D.: A man in bed, lifting his head off of the pillow with a confused, bleary look, squinting into the light being shined at him. /End I.D.]
jesus ok. this is obviously going to get really long so im sticking it all under a cut now
send me a character and i will tell you my...
First impression
my first impression of bruce fucking wayne was actually probably when i was like four years old or something and watching btas so my batman, the batman that has always existed in my head, has been a man who genuinely cares about the people around him and believes everyone can get better. which is to say i probably got the best intro to batman you can get
Impression now
btas is still one of my favorite versions of batman there is but i also know now that there are many versions of batman depending on whos writing him and by god do some of those versions suck! but there are also nonbtas versions that are so great! like robin jason era batman. the most man of all time. or rob bat, or lego batman, or-
Favorite moment
btas bruce makes me fall to my knees and cry every goddamn time. his relationship w harley?? w harvey?? w freeze?? the way even joker trusts him to always be a good man and keep people safe, even when its him. every time bruce desperately reaches out to someone who is trying to hurt him, because he wants so badly to help them get better, know that i am sobbing.
Idea for a story
i dont really have bruce centric ideas because tbhhhh bruce has been so many different things over the years i just mold him to fit my needs for other stories. like i want to write bruharv fics or fics w eddie but harvey and eddie are what set the scene, not bruce, bc they have more firmly set personalities than him. late 80s bruce vs late 90s bruce are two completely different people, and btas bruce and rob bat bruce are like complete opposites to me in the way they wear the cowl. so yeah. the only time i might center something around bruce is if im writing a superbat story, bc i think clark is just as fluid at this point, but i dont really have as much interest in writing a superbat story!
Unpopular opinion
any opinion about batman is already tired, thats just the nature of batman. its too pervasive. someones already said anything i could say. but hey, people are ableist, so im sure this will be an unpopular one! bruce should have mobility aids. bane broke his back. you do not ever 100% come back from that. period, end of story, not arguing.
Favorite relationship
its gotta be bruharv. its gotta be. look obviously im a btas fan to my very bones and btas bruharv never stops breaking my goddamn heart. late 80s is just the same. i think ive said and written enough about them on this blog that no one needs to hear me say it again.
Favorite headcanon
bruce is autistic. you agree.
First impression
first intro to harvey was during jasons robin era, so like, annual 14, #410 or whatever, you know what im talking about. hes just camp enough and he also gets frankly the most sympathy from the writers we really see him get outside of btas, imo. i was instantly sucked into the idea of this man who fought his way into the system because he wanted to change it, who believed in the law, but gradually became more and more disillusioned with it as he saw proof that a corrupt system would always be corrupt. morality, balance, and justice is the foundation harveys built his life on as an answer to the abuse he faced, and the way that all shatters for him is just. augh. add that to his beautifully complicated and desperate relationship with bruce and i just fell in love with him instantly
Impression now
hes like my favorite character outside of jason im fucking obsessed with him. i think im a little delusional about it but dc is so goddamn ableist with him i feel like i have to take some liberties, and he can be so INTERESTING if you just give him the room to be. also btas harvey is hot. im not taking any questions at this time.
Favorite moment
btas bruharv breaks! my! heart! that scene where bruce is desperately researching did and promises to a harvey that cant hear him that he will save him, somehow? i think about it every day. but also harvey had a lot of really good moments in tfz. i love to see a man in despair.
Idea for a story
ive had this idea in the back of my head since before i even started working on the jdau where harvey and 2f are trying to become better, sort of, or at least commit crimes in a way that they can feel better about. turning their attention back to mob bosses ala dark victory eventually drives them to team up with jason, who is post utrh and no contact with bruce and the batfamily, who harvey has no idea is even the same punk robin that once insulted his car. jason finds a father figure in harvey while harvey finds a new path to redemption (or antihero bullshit) through jason, and they both help each other sort out their messy ties to bruce. i dont know if ill ever get around to writing it- definitely not until ive gotten the jdau more or less out of my system- but i think about it sometimes.
Unpopular opinion
all of you fuckers need to go look up shit about did rn forreal im not joking. if you think 2f is an evil alter you are buying wholesale into the ableist shit dc is feeding you and its a problem. if you are going to write harvey and 2f, you need to accept that they both kill, that they both do crimes, that 2f is not the sole thing holding harvey back from “going good” again. find a different way to differentiate them. i see this in every goddamn corner of the fandom and it floors me how many of you are comfortable with perpetuating dcs ableism so long as its a “bad” disability like did.
Favorite relationship
its obviously bruharvey. (waves at my. entire blog really.) but i also really enjoy harvey and jason teamups, if that wasnt obvious. tfz changed my brain chemistry but i was like this even before that. i think they could find a lot of common ground in each other if i just ignore the part where 2f killed jasons dad lol
Favorite headcanon
i was just ranting about this the other day but i think the difference between harvey and 2f is that harvey tries very hard to repress things as the apparently normal part and wants very badly to believe in the legal system and that he could be a good person (pre acid, we see him kind of give up on that after the acid) whereas 2f embraces his anger and passion and has significantly less hope in the system and feels that he is inherently a bad person due to extremely low self esteem, because, yknow, hes the emotional part, hes the trauma holder. theyre both angry, they both commit crimes, harvey just has issues around letting himself experience negative emotions. this is pretty much the foundation for everything else i write because its how i work around the evil alter bullshit. they are both complicated (even more so than i can put concisely like this), it cannot just be 2f is bad and the source of all evil.
First impression
the first comic i ever read w eddie having any sort of significant part was hush and the joy of seeing that mystery come together and having eddie be the mastermind behind it all, as a huge mystery fan, was like nothing else. eddie was clever, irritating, and smug as all hell, with the goofiest goddamn schtick, and i just fell in love with him. the more i got to know him after that the more i loved him.
Impression now
eddie is one of the most camp rogues in the whole gallery. hes pathetic, whiny, attention-seeking, and hes also clever, annoying, and smug. i like that hes so often harmless but also has these little moments where he really does get batman on the ropes with just his brain. hes a little mastermind and i love that. hes a little creacher. hes hilarious. he has so much potential. he drives me crazy. im listening to batman unburied rn and hes so obnoxious i want to chew off my own leg. he remains one of my favorite batman characters of all time
Favorite moment
god theres this one origin story where hes reencounting his life and hes literally like rolling around on the floor whining about how lonely he is and how much he craves attention and its like. peak fucking eddie. hes so fucking annoying i love him i want to bully him
Idea for a story
ive already said im a mystery fan. when i was a kid, i read every single detective novel i could get my hands on, and its such a wonderful moment for me when batman can scratch that little itch in my brain. ive been rereading some of those old books lately and i really want to write a rddlebat fic in that style where bruce is a detective (but in a busybody way, and not in a police way), and riddler is the moriarty to his sherlock that keeps him running in circles. i can see the setting so clearly in my mind. ive just never written a mystery before and im struggling to think of one compelling and in character enough to drive the plot.
Unpopular opinion
i have learned that riddler fans deeply, deeply hate hush. the vitriol people have is incredible. its still one of my favorite riddler comics of all time, though, and i wonder if its because its written like a mystery instead of an action adventure. it leaves you with all of the clues, it builds, and in the end, the whole thing unfolds beautifully. its one of the best comics in terms of ones that show off what eddie can do and the extent of his intellect. its one of like four comics ive ever bought because i just adore it and apparently that is a VERY unpopular opinion lmfao
Favorite relationship
obviously rddlebat. obviously. i like them best when they have a sherlock and moriarty dynamic and are constantly challenging each other, pissing each other off, kiiind of flirting. theyre peak homoerotic rivalry to me. i dont like, mind stuff where theyre all cutesy and whatever, but its never been how ive seen them because im a homestuck and i know kismessitude is the way
Favorite headcanon
liam wrote a fic where eddie uses that cane because he actually needs it and he was so fucking right for that. i am 100% integrating that into my belief system
First impression
sdkflsdjnfsdsdflsdf i HATE to admit this. but my first impression of oliver was in that comic where jason kidnaps mia and bruce snaps at ollie for his treatment of roy, and my second impression of him was rhato. so. needless to say, my first impression of ollie was Not Good. i thought he was just. the worst fucking dad ever, and a total piece of shit
Impression now
hes a communist king and he can GET IT. i have read way more green arrow comics since my first impression of him and i love him dearly. oliver fucks up again and again but he actually tries to do better. he learns and he grows and maybe he hasnt always been the best dad but hes doing pretty damn good now. he cares about and invests in his community on the local level and he puts his goddamn money where his mouth is every time. hes what a lot of people want bruce to be, tbh. i actually fucking adore oliver queen and i really want to read more green arrow comics
Favorite moment
green arrow/green lantern is such a fantastic goddamn run and i rotate it in my mind every day, specifically the part where they seem a skirmish between people and the police and hal immediately jumps in to help the police, but oliver stops him and starts breaking down the issues with that. like. fuck. do you know how fucking refreshing it is to see that in a comic. also when roy and oliver shoot cat man and then accuse the other one of missing i think about that all the time
Idea for a story
one day i am going to go as batshit about green lantern as i do about batman right now. that day hasnt come yet. but it will. and then there will be ideas.
Unpopular opinion
iii already said it tbh lmfao. green arrow is what people want batman to be. the family dynamics are way better and ollie invests in his community and tries to get better the way people want to believe bruce does (and lets be honest, how often does dc actually let bruce be the batman we know he can be and has been on occasion?)
Favorite relationship
ill be the first to admit im really fucking biased after reading ga/gl but ollie/hal/dinah. because yeah. what was all that.
Favorite headcanon
i think about grandpa ollie all the time. aaaaall the time. i think about him investing all the time in lian he never did in roy and i think about the apology written into it that he probably does say outloud, because hes not goddamn batman and he tries.
Tim (i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you)
First impression
the first tim comics i ever read were. the first tim comics ever. he was in full hero worship mode and his hair looked dumb as hell and he was a cute kid. his audacity was fucking stunning, but i was willing to forgive him for it
Impression now
wheres that fucking tumblr post thats like peoples reactions to shows before and after a plottwist where someones like “why does everybody hate this guy” and then “I Know Now.” thats how i feel about tim. the audacity did not ever stop. he carries it with him forever. he is sexist as fuck and the way he treats stephanie makes my blood boil, and he is one of the number one offenders in terms of rewriting the narrative around jason. a lot of this is the fault of the writers and not him (PARTICULARLY THE WAY BRUCE TREATS HIM COMPARED TO OTHERS AND THE SHIT HE GETS AWAY WITH), but the whole thing leaves such a bad taste in my mouth i just cant stomach tim anymore. add that to how goddamn annoying tim fans are and how confidently they mischaracterize tim and every other fucking character? i can easily say tim is my least favorite member of the batfam.
Favorite moment
i think about this dumbass panel every goddamn day.
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[I.D.: A comic panel of Tim Drake where he is standing outside, partially shaded by a tree. He is wearing an oversized red sweater that says “zoo of wires” in all caps and yellow pants. He’s squinting strangely and there’s a scuff mark on his cheek. His hair is the older style of Tim hair that stands completely on end and makes him look like a clown. Overall, it’s a pretty awful picture of Tim. /End I.D.]
but genuinely any moment between tim and kon or the rest of the young justice team, i think, are his best moments.
Idea for a story
any time i feel like tim could have room in a story im writing i am simply going to replace him with duke <3
Unpopular opinion
everything ive said so far has been an unpopular opinion and im not convinced i wont be drawn and quartered for posting this. but frankly if you made it this far into this post im kind of assuming youre a friend of mine who already knows i dont like tim bc this is really long. anyway heres another one <3 tims parents were never abusive you guys just dont want to admit tim is only interesting if you give him jason or stephs backstory
Favorite relationship
its gotta be tim and kon. gotta be. they are cute. i get it. the way tim just lights up in his robin run (or was it red robin?) when kon comes to visit is. yeah.
Favorite headcanon
i love it when tim quits being robin or is never robin at all. i am a hater.
First impression
i think the first damian comic i ever read was bftc and batman and robin 2009 and the MOMENT i saw his little face. his little cheeks. oh my god. hes SO. BABY. and hes a slightly MURDEROUS baby??? even better. i saw damian and i knew he was gonna be one of my faves he was just too precious, too perfect
Impression now
hes the babiest boy of all time and i love him more than i can even put into words. i adore him. i need to read more of his comics but i have read Enough to know that i love him. i want to pick him up and swing him around like a cat. bolito de odio mi queridooooo <3333
Favorite moment
i hold the fact that he named the cat alfred very close to my heart. also when he whooped tim and jasons asses but dick stopped him and validated him before he could (crying)
Idea for a story
eventually i wanna write more stuff w him in the jdau but i dont have it all set in stone just yet
Unpopular opinion
everyone hates aro hcs but youll pry aro dami out of my cold dead hands
Favorite relationship
dick and dami (PLATONIC. OBVIOUSLY!!) is such a basic answer but it is my true answer. im not joking when i say it literally makes me cry. i just!!!! have a LOT OF FEELINGS ABOUT IT. im not going to get into it all but augh. jon and dami is probably second tho their friendship is so fun and ill never forgive dc for what they did to it. also prefer them platonic
Favorite headcanon
i cant even call damian being autistic a headcanon. its just real.
First impression
jesus christ. sdlkfjnsdfsf scarecrow is a cool tool to make things happen in comics he makes for a very good villain but i have never been very impressed by his actual personality i find him very very very creepy and i do not trust him around children i think hes a little freak
Impression now
exactly the same. i dont get how big into him some people get and moth i think you are fully delusional
Favorite moment
this is the one exception alright. as the crow flies is my favorite scarecrow comic of all time its really intriguing and he is very creacher. the power dynamic is really such that you have to pity jon, he loses so much control over the situation and he doesnt even understand whats happened to him, and the one person he confides in betrays him. the scarebeast itself is, i think, one of the best batman monsters if not The best batman monster the design is so goddamn cool and jons design, too, is just absolutely great in this comic. its such a goddamn good comic i love it
Idea for a story
lmao im never gonna write a story about this bitch
Unpopular opinion
i dont like him. thats my unpopular opinion. and i dont get “the dork squad”
Favorite relationship
again, the dynamics in as the crow flies were really interesting. otherwise idgas
Favorite headcanon
if i ever wasted the brainspace to think about scarecrow hcs they would be exclusively in reference to scarebeast. but i dont.
aughughugh homestuck time
First impression
haha gross! this guy is fucking weird
Impression now
funniest fucker there is. nothing about equius isnt hilarious. i love him. hes the definition of beta cuck and thats hysterical. hes weird and gross and kind of creepy and also slightly charming in a bizarre way and i love him
Favorite moment
i dont know now its been a while since i went through his pesterlogs but he does have some prettyf ucking funny lines. in general tho nothing can top arquius. hilarious
Idea for a story
ill probably write another h@lquius fic one day. hold me accountable was some of the most fun ive ever had writing a fic
Unpopular opinion
that i like him at all tbh lmao
Favorite relationship
OBVIOUSLY its equius and hal. obviously. they bounce off of each other in the worst possible ways theyre so gross and funny. arquius is one of the funniest things to ever come out of homestuck. dirk and equius is probably right after that.
Favorite headcanon
i like my space au a lot idk
First impression
i thought sollux was the best goddamn thing since vriska. he was snarky in a way that vibed just right with me, his humor cutting and self deprecating and just perfect. i loved his relationship w aradia, i thought they were so sweet, and he also just reminded me a lot of dave who was my favorite character period. he and karkat were also really funny. i think i also just related to him a lot, at the time
Impression now
sollux is a lot of fun as a character because hes so dry and flippant about everything. hes a genuine true neutral character who most of the time cant find it in himself to give a shit about anything, and you have to admire that. hes laid back, except for when hes not, and his interpersonal relationships are generally snarky and ribbing with an undercurrent of very genuine care and affection. he was one of my favorite trolls for a very long time and i love him a lot.
Favorite moment
when hes just lost his lisp and is kind of obsessing over it is a pretty good one. but his conversations with karkat in the very beginning are also pretty good. everythign between him and aradia too. idk, its been a while.
Idea for a story
some day im probably gonna end up writing an ersol story, but from time to time i also think about writing that pale davsol fic for the guardians au ive had in the back of my mind forever
Unpopular opinion
feferi did not treat sollux especially well and did not respect his boundaries at all. their relationship sucked
Favorite relationship
rn its probably post sprite eridan and sollux, but ive always had a soft spot for some kind of friendship between dave and sollux, and sollux and aradia is a classic for a reason
Favorite headcanon
bigender sollux ftw. see also: sex neutral asexual sollux
First impression
he is so whiny and obnoxious but also so brilliantly crafted and he has so much depth to him for a character that stops mattering like ten pages in time to latch onto him and never be normal about it again
Impression now
and then i wasnt! i dont think much has changed about my opinion on eridan at all actually
Favorite moment
his conversations with karkat oh my goddd theyre such gossips. also im sorry but youve gotta love his stupid little anxious talksprite hes such a prick. AUGH. AND THE DRESSES IN PESTERQUEST HANG ON
Idea for a story
see the above ersol musings but also and more importantly im going to write another erdave story. i dont know what its gonna be about but im sure in a few months eri will break down my door and say something to me about them and within a week ill have churned out another goddamn fic
Unpopular opinion
this has always been an unpopular opinion but if you think eridan deserved better but you think vriska is an irredeemable piece of shit you are in fact sexist <3
Favorite relationship
its very obviously eridan and dave. obviously. ive been writing this shit out for so long im tired now and im nto going to get into all of it but just know that i know everything about them and i know exactly why they work and im right about it. but i also believe very strongly in eridan and karkat and their whole relationship with karkat being like. honestly the only person who continued to believe in eridan and cared about him when he was really going off the deep end and their friendship actually being very genuine and sweet and the like potential there. but ALSO. vriska and eridan is one of the best friendships in the messiest way they were actually like the best and strongest kismessitude in homestuck and ill never let anyone forget it i LOVE them i love them being exes that know too much about each other and use it for evil even tho theyve stayed friends after all this time
Favorite headcanon
eridan being genderfluid is BASICALLY canon so i wont even call that a headcanon bc its just true. i feel very strongly about eridan having a very unhealthy relationship to sex and relationships where he ties his worth to them regardless of whether or not he actually wants them. he IS ace and he is DEEPLY repressed about it, thanks
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mirkwoodshewolf · 3 years
A heavenly reunion pt. 1; Queen x reader
*Author's note*
This is it guys. After almost 3 years of writing this series it's FINALLY come to the end.  Like all good things, they must end eventually so here it is. The LAST chapter of my Rock Angel series.
I first want to point out the YEARS (except Freddie's death date) DON'T MEAN ANYTHING. I'M NOT TRYING TO PREDICT THE FUTURE OR ANYTHING LIKE THAT. I just picked these random years to represent when the remaining members of Queen will pass, AGAIN THESE AREN'T REAL DATES AND I HOPE THEY AREN'T.
Pt. 2 will be up in just a few minutes so until then, enjoy this first part.
*3rd Person POV. June 23rd, 2051*
Rock star, animal rights activist, founder of organizations like ANGELS CURING AIDS, WORDS CAN HURT TOO; Victims and survivors of emotional and verbal abuse, and the ANGELS AGAINST STALKING that helps protect people from violent stalkers. Also apart of charities like the Mercury Phoenix Trust foundation. The Rock Angel (Y/n) Kline had lived a full life.
She continued to tour with Queen as they got many other partnerships throughout the years. But she most enjoyed collaborating with Adam Lambert as he reminded her of him, bright and ambitious just wanting to share his music with the world and he knew he could never fill in Freddie's shoes but he sure as hell made a name for himself in his own way.
She was also a part of the "Bohemian Rhapsody" film that had been made and got to know the actors playing the men that she had grown up with and came to see them as her true family. Ten years after the film released, her own story got to be told thanks to the rights of Paramount and the brilliant mind of Dexter Fletcher, who had directed the story of her boys and Elton John, another one of her dearest friends and mentors.
But now at the crippled age of 90, the Rock Angel now lived in the privacy of her home in London. She was forced to stop touring because just 3 years ago she was diagnosed with a form of dementia.
It was hard on her family and her 4 children and dozens of grandchildren even great-grandchildren to see the once strong woman they had once admired for so long and looked up to as a role model not only in music, but life.
In their current home of London, her husband of over 70 years Jack who had made a name for himself. After the whole stalking incident, Jack joined the ranks of the LAPD. He worked himself all the way to the top and became Chief for over 30 years before he retired by the time he was in his 60's.
He sat there by his wife's bedside stroking her long white hair as she lay there forced into bedrest. She looked up at him and whispered.
"I'm here baby."
"Where are they? Where are my boys?" she asked.
"Our sons? They're just downstairs."
"No, no. I meant my boys." At those two words, Jack's heart broke as he looked at his wife sympathetically.
"Baby they've—they died. It's been so many years since they all left this world." At hearing her boys were dead, tears fell down her face but Jack held onto his wife and kissed the top of her head. "But I can show you their videos, if you'd like."
"Please. I need to see them. To tell them goodbye." Jack then reached for the I-pad and opened up the Youtube app and began typing in the very song that he knew he would need.
He knew his wife didn't have long and he wanted her to have one last happy memory of hearing the perfect song written by her boys.
Together they held the I-pad and soon the music video "These are the days of our lives" came on.
"Why does Fred look so sick?" she asked worriedly. Jack swallowed the lump in his throat and tried to explain.
"He was suffering from AIDS, and it—really affected him love."
"I wish I could've taken care of him." She said as she stroked the screen every time Freddie came on screen. At the instrumental break as she watched Brian skillfully play the guitar, she smiled and said. "Bri....he was such a good guitar player."
"He was, but nothing compared to you." Jack praised obviously playing favorites. He then took notice of his wife growing tired as the song ended.
It was time.
"It's okay baby, you can rest now." And she did just that. Her breathing slowed right as Freddie spoke the last 'I still love you' line and the video ended. "Goodnight my Rock Angel. Be with your boys once again." He then let out a sob as he leaned against his deceased wife.
At 10:45am on June 23rd, 2051 (Y/n) Kline was pronounced dead at the old age of 90.
Everyone who had collaborated with the Rock Angel or had looked up to her all gathered at her funeral. Close friends and family all came to mourn at the loss of the last of the greatest Rock and Roll singers. She was buried in her birth town of Leicestershire, right next to her real parents.
*My POV*
I felt peaceful. My mind was no longer hazy. I could remember everything once again, but what confused me was where I was. I found myself walking through a long corridor but as I passed a mirror, I stopped and backed up to find a shocking surprise.
I was young again.
I looked to be about the age of 19, when I first met the guys. My hair was in the same long wavy fashion I once had before I cut it. I stroked along my cheek just to see if this was real or a dream, but as I stroked it I found that it was. Suddenly a door opened before me and I don't know why but I found myself walking toward it.
Now I was in what looked like an office with everything you would see. Filing cabinets, a large desk filled with paperwork but what caught my attention was the abacus that stood at the front center of the desk.
"Ahh (Y/n) Kline, please come forward." I turned to see a man around his 60's with short black hair, a grim like face with sharp cheekbones and icy blue eyes. He wore a black business suit and he was intimidating but for some reason I came forward toward the desk.
He sat down and pulled out a file and began reading through it humming to himself then he said.
"Place your hand over the abacus." I looked at it to see that the color code was white and black. White at top and black at the bottom.
"What is this?"
"This shall determine your next step. Just place your hand over it and let fate do the rest." I didn't know what this was gonna mean but again I saw myself place my hand over it and the second I did, it started going frantic.
Moving up and down frantically with no one even touching it. It was mostly balanced most of the way until it finally majority of the counters went white. The man smiled and said.
"Give my regards to those Rockstar friends' of yours. I'll be looking forward to your next concert." He then snapped his fingers and everything went bright.
Next thing I knew, I heard the sound of birds chirping and felt the sun beaming down on me. I was then greeted with wide open fields and a giant house along with several barn-like homes. It was like Garden Lodge and Rockfield farm mixed into one.
As I stood a few feet away from the main mansion-like house I swore from the second window of the white satin curtains I saw movement. I walked towards the house and placed my hand on the doorknob, I paused for a few seconds before I finally opened the door. I walked in and it was exactly like Freddie's home of Garden Lodge.
I walked through the threshold to see the grand staircase to my right, the long corridor ahead of me and the entrance to the living room to my left.
"Hello?" I said as I stood there. It was then I felt something nuzzle between my legs and I heard a meow. I heard it again and I looked down to see a very familiar face. "Hey, Delilah." I picked her up and held her as she purred and nuzzled my face. I scratched under her chin and she lowered her head to lick my hand.
"No it should be more like this." I heard a low, smooth baritone voice say.
"No, no and no Mr. tuxedo! Bernie has it like this and it shall remain this way. He and I are the genius piano and songwriting duo and it'll stick to this rhythm and timing." Another voice boasted out.
Oh my god.....It can't be. I set Delilah down and she took off running up the stairs as I crossed the living room into the parlor where Fred kept his piano to see two men that I had not seen in forever.
"David? Elton?" I spoke up. The two men turned toward me. David looked so much healthier than last I saw him and he looked younger just like me, in fact he looked about the same age he was when he did Live aid as well as working on the Jim Henson project 'the Labyrinth'.
Elton on the other hand looked about the age from when he was first starting off, back before he began experimenting with all the drugs and all that. The vibrant ginger hair but he still had on those flamboyant sunglasses he always loved to wear.
"Is that—really you?" I asked bewildered.
"Oh shit it can't be. The high angel herself, the Rock Angel?" Elton dramatic tone.
"Yes, it's me."
"Ohh darling. Welcome home." David greeted me with a wide smile and open arms as he walked up to me. He embraced me as he chuckled warmly and said, "Did you have a good life darling?"
"Uh-huh. I had the best life." I said, my voice muffled within his blue suit.
"It looked like you did love." We separated and I couldn't help but admire just how healthy he was.
"How have you been David?"
"Much better darling. No more chemo, I can finally breathe again."
"That's good."
"Alright you overgrown smooth talker, let me at her now." Elton proclaimed as he shoved David aside and immediately came up and kissed both of my cheeks before embracing me. "Oh darling we sure have missed you."
"And I you Elton. Life just hasn't been the same without your music."
"Been practicing those scales I taught you?" he asked pointedly.
"Yes, whenever I could."
"That's my girl." He hugged me again and I buried my face into his shoulder.
"(Y/n)?" a choir of voices soon rang up. I felt my heart stop as I lifted my head, not believing what I was hearing. Elton let go of me and both he and David with soft smiles on their faces told me to go and see who it was. The four voices called out my name again.
I crossed through the parlor, ran across the living room until I came to the door and just halfway up the staircase, I felt my smile widen and tears fill my eyes.
"My boys."
"You're finally here!" Freddie proclaimed. My legs raced directly up the stairs and Freddie, Brian, Roger and John all gathered me at the center in a long awaited Queen group hug.
All I felt were arms wrapped around me tightly, kisses all over my head and face and gentle hair and back strokes. I don't even know how long we were in that hug for but I didn't care, all I cared about was the fact my boys were here all together. When we finally separated I finally got a good look at all four of them.
They were all so young and vibrant just like how I first saw them back in concert long before I became an intern, I would like to think they were now the same ages they were when they first played at the Rainbow back in 1974. Long hair and all.
"I can't believe you four are here." I praised.
"And we can't believe you're here. And with your long hair again, was this when you were most happy?" asked Brian.
"If by that you mean when I first became Miami's intern? Yeah, best day of my life. Do you guys hate it?"
"No darling we've loved you no matter what your hair length is." Freddie said as he stroked the ends of my hair.
"I only just hope you didn't bring along any extreme surprises. Belly button rings, more tattoos." Deacy teased me. I chuckled but felt tears fall down my face.
"Aww lovie what is it?" Roger cooed as I felt him rub my shoulder. All four of them looking at me with those concerned puppy dog eyes they all knew how to do.
"I'm sorry. It's just—I missed you four so much." They all awed as Freddie first took me in his arms and said with his head leaning against mine.
"I know darling. It seems like it's been forever since the five of us were together."
"Coming from you Fred you have no idea." I wept as I gripped onto him as tight as I could, burying my face into his long black hair which softly tickled my face.
God if there's anything I missed about Freddie, it was his warm hugs. They were always so warm and inviting, anyone who was lucky enough to be given any sign of affection from this loveable man was considered lucky, and I was fortunate to be one of those people, and now finally after almost 60 years, I was able to feel that affection once more.
We were now upstairs in the master bedroom to do some private catching up.
"Alright sister dear, come here you." Deacy said. I smiled and immediately went into his arms and he embraced me. As all of you know, after Freddie's death, Deacy was the one to take it the hardest. So much so that he hardly played at any Queen gigs except for maybe three occasions then by 1997 he officially retired and no one had heard from him since.
The guys and I respected his decision so in order to make sure he was alright, I kept in contact with Veronica and would occasionally ask how Deacy was doing as well as the kids. I had learned that the two of them had two more kids, Luke and Cameron and the two of them had been successful in their own ways, all of the Deacy kiddies had, especially Luke who followed in his dad's footsteps and played in a band of his own.
In fact with the permission of the parents, I had allowed my nephew Luke to play at a few of my tours, and god just seeing him play reminded me so much of his dad, not to mentioned he looked so much like him.
And it was an honor to play with a second generation of Deacon.
The sad news of Deacy's passing came to Jack and I from Laura on a cold November day in 2035. Out of the two of us, Jack was the most heartbroken because he not only lost a brother but his idol and mentor.
We were invited to the burial by decree of the Deacy clan but I made sure that through some makeup and wigs that Jack and I weren't recognized by press because we wanted this to be private. As Deacy would've wanted that.
"Ohh I've missed you so much (y/n)."
"Not as much as I missed you brother mine."
It was then my attention turned towards the last 2 members of Queen, the remaining members I kept working with till the end. Brian May and Roger Taylor.
Together in our lives after Freddie's death and Deacy's retirement, I had been there for everything Queen got to accomplish, and they did the same for me. In fact it was Brian who bestowed upon me my plaque to be initiated into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame before I was given my star right above Queen's.
I was also involved with some of the work they did for a little movie called "Bohemian Rhapsody", and they helped become a part of my movie "Set it all free Angel". I first turned my attention to Brian.
It had been almost 10 years since my movie came out and 20 for Queen's film Bohemian Rhapsody. I was in my home studio working on my next upcoming album when I had received a call from Anita telling me that Brian had passed away at the age of 93. It was a peaceful passing so he wasn't suffering or in pain which I was thankful for in a way, he's suffered through so much that if I wanted him to go out, it would have to be peacefully in his sleep.
The world was devastated at losing such an inspiring man. Not only in the music industry, but for his work in astrophysics, as well as the animal programs that he's helped funded and laws he helped raise awareness for.
When he died, I took over the business in his name and within 3 years; I finally helped get laws of abusing, harming or killing animals to be illegal and anyone caught doing that wouldn't get misdemeanors. They would face legal full sentencing of 20-50years in Federal prison. On the night the laws passed and I along with Brian's partnering animal rehab centers signed off on the law, I went to Brian's grave and told him everything.
I immediately glomped him into a hug and held onto his waist tightly. He embraced me back just as tight as I was holding him, me humming lovingly as I buried my face into his chest feeling him stroke down my hair. After what felt like forever, he separated from me and stared down at me with those loving hazel blue eyes of his as he placed both his hands at the top of my head before stroking them downward against each side of my head and ending by cupping my face in his hands.
"I am so proud of everything you've done (Y/n). I saw it all, thank you for continuing my legacy for animal rights."
"You taught me everything I needed to know about being kind and caring towards all creatures, so much so you helped inspire me to do my own animal rehabilitations and rescues. I just—wish I could've been there for you when you......"
"It was beyond your control love. But I didn't suffer. I knew you loved me, and would've done anything to come see me had you known. I never blamed you, so stop blaming yourself." I nodded as tears slipped down my face but with his thumbs he wiped them away before hugging me once more. I felt him kiss my temple before cupping the side of my face once more to kiss my nose.
Even as I got older and we were both in our senior years, he never once stopped with the nose pecks. I smiled and Eskimo kissed him before he pressed his forehead against mine. It was then I felt a hand on my shoulder and I turned to my right to see Roger standing before me.
Besides Freddie's death, I think the most devastating thing for me was when Roger died. It was about a year after Brian's death when I had gotten a frantic call from my godson Rufus that Roger had been taken to the hospital because of a stroke. Without hesitating, I got into the car and raced to West London Medical Hospital, where I met up with the Taylor pride.
I was frantic with anxiety and fear that I would lose yet a 3rd member of Queen. Over 48hrs passed when Rog finally regained consciousness and I was sitting right there by his bedside holding his hand. He spoke so softly it was like whispers on the wind and the only thing he wanted to do was go outside.
Reluctantly the doctors allowed it so my godchildren, and his wife Sarina took him out to the hospital garden and allowed me some one on one time with him. But I didn't know that that would be the last time they would ever get to talk to him. The last words he ever spoke to me were and I still remember it to this day, even up here in heaven.
"Brian and Freddie have come to collect me, they send out their love to you and Deacy. Look after the old bastard for us." And I literally felt his life slip away from my hand as he died right there in front of me.
For months I was depressed. I was allowed to go to the funeral and speak my eulogy and I sang at his funeral, this time my own rendition of Phil Collins' song 'You'll be in my heart.' It was also because of his funeral that Deacy and I got even closer than we had in years.
He had secretly gone to both Brian and Roger's funeral but it didn't take till Rog passed for him to physically approach me and we both just wept and cried from losing a father, a brother, a great friend together.
Finally when I finally gained the strength, me and the Taylor children all took a picnic up where Roger was born and just looked out beyond the fields of where his childhood home was and reminisced on all the wonderful memories we had of our father.
And it was from his death I produced my album 'Papa Lion' and dedicated it to him; 'To my Papa Lion, and all the other father lions out there. Keep protecting your children no matter what'.
"You gonna get into these arms or what love?" he asked me. I spoke not a word but felt tears in my eyes as I raced up and buried myself into his neck and dirty blonde almost brunette hair. He held me and spun me around, kissing all over my face humming and moaning lovingly.
When he finally set me down, he cupped my face just like Brian did but he gently leaned forward and very gingerly headbutted my forehead and the two of us nuzzled each other, rubbing our noses together.
Like a father lion and his cub reuniting with each other at last.
I held onto his wrists which still cupped the sides of my face and just allowed my tears to fall out but I couldn't stop smiling.
"I hope those are happy tears." He said to me. I sniffled and nodded.
"Yeah the—these are....ha-happy tears." I choked out.
"You know you don't have to be so strong around me, right lovie?" It was then I just broke down and wept as I embraced him. "Shhh, shh. I'm here my lion cub, I'm here. Papa lion is here." He whispered in my ear.
"God I have waited so long for you to say that." I whimpered out to hear him softly laugh and just hug me tighter.
"Oh my darlings.....my heart.....it's too full!" We heard Fred exclaim out dramatically. We both laughed as I nuzzled deeper into my papa lion's chest, happy to finally be reunited with them.
After finally calming down, we were all just sitting around the master bedroom. I was up against the couch leaning against Deacy's legs as he was currently brushing and braiding my hair.
"So you guys continuing to rock it out here in Heaven?" I asked.
"Don't you know it darling. Every good singer who has helped made a difference comes up here and we continue to live a peaceful eternity doing what we were born to do. Be performers." Freddie stated.
"In fact we just had our concert the other night. We got to perform alongside the Beatles." Said Roger.
"Shut up! The Beatles?!"
"You know it love, Lennon, McCartney, Harrison and Starr." Said Brian.
"Wow, I wish I could've seen it." I said.
"You will darling, we perform our concerts every single night. And it's always a mix mash of artists and bands collaborating together to perform the Greatest Heavenly Rock 'n Roll concert." Said Fred.
"Now that you're here poppet, you'll get the chance to perform with the best of the best." Said Deacy. I was flabbergasted.
"Holy......" I couldn't even finish it because I was just so shocked to think that I would be performing with the greatest artists long before my time and bands I wish I had the chance to record or perform alongside with. The guys all chuckled at me and I said.
"So that's why David and Elton were here."
"Mm-hmm. We're all performing together in tonight's show. Three artists of the 70's decade for the first time ever sharing the stage together." Said Brian.
"Ohh man what people would've killed to see that in person. I mean yeah you guys performed at the same venue like we did with Live Aid or did some recordings together but never all three of you guys on stage at once." I said.
"That's how it works around here." Spoke Deacy as he finished the last strand of my braid. I thanked him and observed the braid he had done and I commented.
"You've gotten better Deacy."
"Laura was good practice. My baby girl always wanted her hair braided."
"She may have gotten that from me, sorry." He playfully scowled at me but I cheekily stuck my tongue out at him. "Say Fred, where's Jim at? I figured if you were here, he would be too."
"Oh that man of mine, he's out tending the garden, come have a look." He escorted me to the back window and there I saw a field of flowers as far as the eye could see.
"Whoa. He's done all of that?"
"Been doing it since 2010 darling. Always a hard worker my husband. When he first came, I was worried he wouldn't like this appearance of mine, after all I didn't have my tache and my hair was much shorter than when I first met him."
"Jim loves you Freddie. He loves you no matter what you'd look like."
"And I did know. Turns out he's got a long hair kink." He whispered to me which made me choke out a laugh.
"Seriously?" He nodded ecstatically and that's when Deacy spoke up.
"We're still here Fred, no need to hear any of that."
"Oh god Deacy don't act so innocent. After all you were the one who wrote a song about pre-ejaculation." Deacy's mouth just gaped before turning stoic, and of course Rog and Bri were laughing their asses off. He turned to me and I shrugged saying.
"He's got a point."
"Okay yeah ha-ha fuck all of you."
"Oh come off it John. We mean no harm by it." Roger teased
"At least it's better than a car fucking song." Deacy fired back.
"That's not funny!" Roger proclaimed.
"It is kinda funny." Deacy sassed back.
"Okay, okay enough both of you. I had enough of your arguments to last an entire lifetime. I don't need to relive it now when I just got here." I stated.
"Sorry love." They both choired out.
"Oh (y/n), I do have a surprise for you though." Brian spoke up. I looked at him and said,
"What kind of surprise?"
"If I told you, it wouldn't be a surprise now would it?" He said as he walked right up to me.
"If you tell me, I'll still act surprise." He chuckled and wrapped an arm around me.
"C'mon love, let's head outside." We soon went down the stairs and headed out of the house.
Brian lead me to an open field about a half mile away from the house. There was nothing but green for miles ahead.
"Brian what's this about?"
"You'll see." He then took his index finger and thumb and curled them inward like pinchers before placing them against his lips letting out a loud whistle. We stood there for a moment that was until I heard a bark. A very familiar bark. No it—it couldn't be.
Soon jogging up the hill about a mile away was a German Shepherd. His familiar traditional fur coat shined under the sun as he looked right at me. He let out a couple of barks and soon several more dogs came running up beside him.
They consisted of a golden retriever, 2 pit-bulls, 3 huskies (1 traditional black and white, another grey and white and the last one an auburn coloring), a collie, and 4 Labradors (2 blacks, a tan and one brown).
With each dog that this pack had, I knew every single one of them. I turned to Brian baffled and he just grinned at me before nodding telling me that they were who I thought they were. I turned back around and the German Shepherd let out a bark. I then let instinct take over and ran as I cried out.
"Bucky!" He soon came running after me, as did all the other dogs barking and panting as they all ran down the hill towards me. "C'mon kids! Come on!" I proclaimed. Each dog was running as fast as they could but Bucky and the black and white husky Shasta were leading the pack. "C'mon kids!" Bucky let out some barks as he raced ahead of Shasta and we met half-way.
Bucky leapt with both paws to my shoulders knocking me down onto the ground.
"Ohh Buck. I can't believe it's you! Ohh look at you boy! Good boy Buck!" A second later Shasta came up to me whimpering happily as his tail wagged. "Oh Shasta baby boy look at you! Hi~ Hi baby boy~." Soon enough my entire dog pack was all up on me grunting and whimpering happily as they all began to tackle me, wanting my attention and love.
Now while you all know I've had Bucky and Sammy as the family pets for Jack and the kids. The other dogs have a different story. The two pitbull brothers that I had named Titan and Bear were rescue dogs when I was a part of an actual rescue mission with one of my animal charities in saving dogs from a Mexican dogfight.
Whenever I was free from touring and recording, I made sure they were well taken care of and even let them stay at my home for awhile before they were finally adopted by a good family.
My triple threat huskies Shasta, Maya (the grey and white) and Eevee (auburn) were actually Kelly's dogs. Shortly after she left for college, she wanted to fill her house with dogs so she adopted these three and very often when she would visit or we would visit her, these troublemakers were always there. Sweet and loveable but stubborn little buggers but I wouldn't take them either way.
The Labradors were also rescue dogs that I helped out. The black one Raider and white one Rowdy were just left abandoned tied up in the backyard of their owners homes. The owners had abandoned them and left them for dead in the hottest summer of the year. But thanks to my team we got them out, sheltered and good homes but I occasionally checked in on them since I couldn't let them go.
The brown lab Cleopatra and the other black lab Midnight were once stray dogs till my son Freddie found them and gave them some food and water. Since he didn't have the heart to turn them to the shelter he adopted them. They even started their own little family since Midnight and Cleopatra were mates together and had many puppies together.
And finally the beautiful Collie was Jezebel. Jezebel was something special because she was actually my nana's dog. I hadn't seen her since I was probably five years old, she was already an old girl growing up but from what I remember, she was so maternal with me.
Whenever my nana was busy with something, she knew she could trust Jezebel with me.
After giving every single dog my attention I finally managed to stand up and see all the dogs in my life standing in a row.
"Jezzy, Bucky, Sammy, Titan, Bear, Shasta, Maya, Eevee, Cleo, Midnight, Rowdy and Raider. I don't believe it. Good doggies. My lucky dog pack. I can't believe you're all here. How did you find them all?"
"I was out strolling wanting to observe the stars when I found Bucky and Sammy. They immediately recognized me and just came running right for me. Soon enough they brought me to meet the rest of the dogs you've known and rescued. I was surprised about the collie but I knew she wouldn't be among them if she wasn't a part of your family."
"Yeah, Jezebel was my nana's dog. I called her Jezzy cause I couldn't quite pronounce her name. She was like my guardian dog angel. Always maternal until she passed away of cancer when I was just 5 years old." I walked up to her and pet her head and she leaned up against me. "She even saved me from almost being attacked by a stray dog one summer."
"Well I'm very glad she did." Brian said as he walked up and stroked her head and she gave his hand a friendly sniff and lick.
"And you took care of all of them?"
"Well I'm an animal activist through and through. If Freddie takes care of every cat that comes to Heaven, I thought I should take care of the animals I've grown fond of, but also the animals my little protegee has taken on herself. As well as the family dogs." I smiled and Brian and thanked him with a hug and he gratefully hugged me back.
As the day drew to a close and nightfall came, the boys had escorted me over to the Heavenly Concert hall. If we want to look at it scale wise, imagine it as Wembley Stadium during the time of Live Aid back in 1985. We drove in a royal golden carriage fit only for her royal majesties themselves.
"Wow, it's just like Wembley stadium."
"It is in a way, but it can fit an infinite amount of people. Any and all are welcome to watch us perform." Said Deacy.
"And we won't need to do soundchecks or anything?"
"Nope. This is heaven darling. Up here everything works to the full capacity and capability. No have to worry ever again about sound checks or power outages." Freddie stated. Our carriage soon stopped at the back entrance and the doors magically opened.
I stepped out first followed by Deacy, Roger, Brian and Freddie. Deacy wrapped his arm around me and guided me into the building and the five of us followed the sign down to the basement level where the dressing rooms were.
And it was like they said, I saw dozens of stars with the names of so many artists and bands before and during my time. Elvis Presley, Janis Joplin, the Beatles, David, Elton, Led Zeppelin, REO Speedwagon, George Michael, Phil Collins, Bob Dylan, and everyone and anyone you could think of.
"And here we are darling, your dressing room awaits." Roger said as he stood before a red door with a golden star with wings on each side that read in bold black letters my stage name ROCK ANGEL. He opened it up and I was in awe.
Inside was a very large room filled with furniture, a huge makeup station with large mirror decored with lamplights around the perimeter of it.
On the left side of the dressing room were hundreds of different outfit's I've worn throughout the years. Everything was there on hangers along with some of the hats I wore, fedora's, cowgirl, and my famed flat caps of various different colors and styles.
While on the right; I could see just music instruments like the Red Special Brian had made for me up against a special holder up along the wall right by my makeup stand.
"Is this my....."
"Go on and have a look darling." I heard Freddie say in my ear.
"Okay. I finally have my own mall." I walked in and was just in awe at everything. It looked like heaven had taken my master bedroom from my first home I had after becoming the Rock Angel and just put it all here.
I walked inside and said.
"Ooo, very nice shoes." I pointed out on the shoe wrack seeing some of the styles of shoes I've worn. From combat boots, to Adidas', flats, and even the high-heeled boots that Deacy always wore during the 1970's.
"We're glad you like them darling. Why don't you go around that corner and press the black button along the dresser." Deacy said. I walked further in and reached a dresser and found the black button. When I pressed it, a couple of shelves slowly opened up revealing almost every pair of sunglasses I've always worn.
"Oh my god! I've missed wearing these." I picked up a pair of my ray ban black and gold framed sunglasses. "Didn't I make these look good?" I quickly turned to see the guys were gone. "Guys?"
"Over here love." I heard Brian's voice say. I walked towards the right to see my boys standing or sitting along some of the foot stools.
"Oh there you all are. Ohh nice amps." I couldn't help but see the amps up along the wall. "I—I'm just...." Before I could continue a remote was tossed over at me by Roger as he said.
"Before you even say anything else. Type in combination 2-1-2." I muttered the combination to myself as I pressed the numbers and soon the closet before us opened and soon revolving around were various guitars and bass guitars, shelves soon opened revealing several pairs of drumsticks each imprinted with my name on them.
I had no words.
"Umm....this is.....I can't—" I jumped back a bit as the top shelves suddenly opened revealing two different microphones. One was a basic black but it was bedazzled with red gems while the other one was pure gold with golden gems.
"Elton and I had a little hand of having your microphones designed." Said Freddie with a modest shrug.
"I mean....guys this is......unbelievable. And this is all mine?"
"Oh darling you should see ours. It's practically the entire mansion back home."
"Each star that comes here is given the full custom of what they've enjoy back on Earth. And since you've favored how you once had your rotating dressers back in 2011, it's all here for you but advanced into your instruments as well." Said Roger.
"And if anyone has any suggestion like if they're close to another artist, they can submit some suggestions of what should be in said artists dressing room." Brian spoke up.
"Aww you guys, I love you." I said as I came up to them and we got into a group hugged.
"We love you too (Y/n) darling. Now hurry up and get ready, the concert is about to begin." The boys left me to my own business. I walked up to my clothes rack and went through every style and decided that if I was to do my first concert in Heaven, I might as well wear exactly what I wore for my first concert as the Rock Angel.
After getting ready and doing my makeup the same way Freddie had done for me that day in Madison Square Garden, I picked up my Red Special and put it around my neck and left my dressing room.
"The Rock Angel is back." I looked up to see the boys standing across me in front of their dressing room, dressed to the T like they had at the they did at the Odeon theater Christmas Eve 1975. I smiled and said.
"Well look at you guys, it seems like only yesterday I was sneaking my friends into the house while Joanna and Graham were at their Christmas party just to watch you guys live at the Hammersmith Oden theater." I sassed.
"Thank you love, now c'mon time to head to the stage." Roger said. The lads cheered and I followed behind as we all walked back up the stairs and went through the corridors of backstage. Hundreds upon hundreds of artists were getting themselves ready to go up and perform.
I watched as the boys did their typical body warmups to get themselves pumped up when I felt a nudge at my arm.
"You seem quiet poppet, everything okay?" I looked up to see Deacy standing beside me.
"You said anybody whose anybody comes to see these shows right?" He nodded and I said solemnly, "Do....do you think my family, like my mum and dad know that I'm here now? That I'm here performing?" I felt him wrap his arm around my shoulder and he said.
"It's possible. Anytime a new artist or band comes here, it's fully announced far and wide throughout Heaven. So there's a good chance they might be out there in the audience."
"I hope so. I just want to show them what I've achieved, I want them to be proud of me."
"They are poppet. Just like we are." He embraced me in a one armed hug leaning his head against mine.
"I really have missed these moments between us Deacy."
"So have I. And I've got a hell of a lot of comforting to catch up on."
"Well now's a good start."
"Oi you two! Are we going to perform or not?" The two of us smiled as we heard Roger's voice cry out to us. My brother looked down at me and he said.
"C'mon, let's go do our thing." I nodded and we headed towards the guys.
*3rd Person POV*
Once again it was concert time. Every soul that had passed into heaven that was a fan of Rock and Roll or music in general came from far and wide to come to the concert of concerts, even bigger than the Earthly event that Live Aid gave the world.
Generations of artists and musicians that had come from around the world from many different backgrounds came to this very stadium to give the performance of their afterlives. Thousands, almost a million people poured into the stadium as the lights were flashing and doing their test run for each artist that would perform that night.
Soon Bob Geldof came onto the stage and everyone applauded for him.
"Good evening ladies and gentlemen. Welcome once again to the Heaven's Rock and Roll concert." Everyone applauded and cheered holding up signs of their favorite artists or bands that would be performing tonight. "It gives me great honor to announce that we recently were given a new arrival, but I won't give it away on who it is." The audience crowd because they wanted to hear who it was as Bob continued, "I'll leave that to the band who know her best. So without further ado I would like to bring up on stage the first band performance of this evening's festivities. These lads I knew personally and they helped make one of the biggest rock concerts even greater than I could ever imagine. These four individually talented young men rose to the stardom in the early 1970's before exploding into the worldwide phenomenon by the 1980's. Ladies and Gentlemen please bow before her royal majesties that is Queen!"
The crowd roared with applause as Bob left the stage and the stage grew dark. Soon the opening notes for "Now I'm here" began playing and everyone cheered louder as they began clapping in rhythm. Those who have seen and grew up seeing Queen live, knew exactly how to react and behave during a Queen concert and those who got to know Queen up here in heaven got a taste of what it would've been like had they seen them in person with all four of them up on stage.
Soon Freddie's silhouette and voice echoed through the speakers as he began to sing the song. When the song began to pick up, the lights on stage exploded as did fire from the sides of the stage as all four members of Queen were finally revealed to the crowd.
Freddie lead with the vocals and his mates and brothers backed him up on not only the vocals but their instruments, and ever the frontman he was, strutted the stage like it was his as his voice overpowered and reached out into the audience with a force unlike anything.
By the end of the song, Freddie proclaimed into the microphone.
"Thank you! Thank you, good evening everybody!" The crowd cheered as Freddie continued, "Oh it looks magnificent out there tonight. Okay my darlings, right now. Right now, we're going to take you for the first time ever we're taking you all to the battlefield. This is called Ogre Battle!"
The boys continued to play a few more songs like 'White Queen', 'Killer Queen', 'Bohemian Rhapsody', 'Don't stop me now' and 'Son and Daughter' included with Brian's famous guitar solo giving Deacy and Freddie enough time to change clothes for the next half of the performance. Freddie now wearing the famed black satin outfit with his chest exposed and diamond fingernailed glove as well as the chain glove on the other.
"Yes thank you, thank you very much. Featuring Brian May on guitar!" Brian took a bow as the spotlight shined on him and the crowd cheered. "Now then my darlings, as I'm sure everyone's heard we have a new arrival. A very special girl to all four of us. How would you all like to meet her?"
The crowd roared with applause and soon Roger began doing one single rhythmic beat. Hearing the beat made the entire audience clap in that single beat rhythm.
"She first rose to the spotlight in the summer of 1981. A bright, charismatic young woman whose music has touched the lives of millions. To us she wasn't a shadow of our fame, she was an equal partnership. The like of which we had never knew we could ever ask for. Ladies and gentlemen and everyone up in the balcony give it up for Heaven's very own Rock Angel, Mrs. (Y/n) Kline!"
From up on the catwalk above the stage, the silhouette of the Rock Angel herself came up and it appeared that she actually had angel wings sprouting from her back as she began the first verse of her famed song "Set it all Free".
By the chorus, the screen lifted up and she hopped off the catwalk and gratefully fell from the 10ft catwalk onto center stage playing her Red Special as her boys backed her up as they always did whenever they performed this song together.
And seeing the two artists perform together, Queen and the Rock Angel, the crowd was in pure excitement bouncing up and down and crying out the lyrics to the well known song that the Rock Angel's 'Bohemian Rhapsody'.
But none were more happy to perform once again than the artists that were on stage. It had been forever since it was the five of them together up on stage and they couldn't help but look at each other. As the guitar solo came up, it turned into a guitar battle between the Rock Angel herself and Brian May which got the crowd really pumped up.
By the end of the song, everyone was chanting out 'Angel! Angel! Angel!'
"Hello Rock and roll heaven how's everyone doing tonight!?" The crowd welcomed her with a roar of applause. "God I can't believe I'm here performing with my boys once again. And right now we'd like to bring out a special guest for this next number." She turned to Deacy who nodded and began playing his bassline for "Under Pressure" which got the crowd applauding louder.
"This man is a well-known legend and the birth of a true 'flamboyant' hard rocker. And a very close friend of mine." Freddie started.
"Six time Grammy award winner, 4 time Brit award winner, actor, musician. Everyone put your hands together for Mr. David Bowie!" (Y/n) proclaimed into the mic.
It was then Freddie and (Y/n) began singing the first part of the song as at the center stage a circular hole began to open and soon rising up onto the stage was David Bowie himself. He wore a royal blue suit with a black undercoat suit shirt as well as the business white shirt. A light blue tie and black shoes.
He soon began his line of the first bridge as Freddie and the Rock Angel backed him up. When the second part of the song came up after Freddie's little vocalization, David gave the gesture for (Y/n) to take the second part of the song. And as she always performed it, she would lowly sing in her alto range before suddenly belting out to the perfect volume as she would hold the note out for as long as she could letting the two legends back her up.
Just like the record Freddie and Roger softly sung the first part of the break, then David came in before (Y/n) belted out the why vocals before the song picked right back up. It was something that could only be seen in Heaven. Three legendary singers performing one song.
David Bowie, Freddie Mercury and (Y/n) Kline the Rock Angel.
The three lead singers stood side by side with each other with David on the left, Freddie in the middle and (y/n) to the right. The three in almost rehearsed synchronicity began to sidestepped across the stage as all three voices blended the bridge that it could give one an eargasm.
Agreeing with each other and knowing what she could do to close the song, both David and Freddie stepped back with (y/n) completely unaware as she just allowed the song to consume her.
At the final note, she let out a proud controlled belt that was first heard at Freddie's tribute concert and it almost seemed like the sun was rising as the stage was lit up in a heavenly glow as she held the note. The entire audience was in an uproar as they gave a standing ovation to the Rock Angel herself.
She turned around and saw the five older men smiling at her and applauding her for a phenomenal performance that they have missed so dearly.
The concert continued as Elton John soon came up on stage and together he, Freddie and (y/n) sang 'I'm still standing' a song that was personal to all three of them in some shape or form but they knew this was the perfect song for them all to sing.
After a few more Queen songs, with the allowance of their beloved Rock Angel since her set was about to come up after theirs, she allowed them to stay and be her band as she would perform her hit songs before the souls of Heaven.
Songs like 'Who I am', 'So good,' 'Bridge of light', 'Rock angel', her rendition of 'Somebody to love', 'We'll be together', and with her boys already up there with her they did a few more duets of Queen songs like 'Friends will be friends', 'Spread your wings', 'Fat Bottomed girls', and 'Jailhouse Rock'.
Finally their time was up and as 'God save the Queen' played through the speakers, all five of them stood side by side each other and bid the crowd a goodbye and thank you.
After watching several performances from backstage, and when the concert finally came to a close it was time for the after party. So just outside in the back a beautiful garden was set up with refreshments and plenty of drinks to fit everyone's needs and all the performers of the night came out to talk amongst one another and to celebrate another well-performed concert.
As well as to welcome their newest achievement.
*My POV*
Oh my god. That was a thrill rush, and now being here at the after party I saw literally everyone. Elvis, Janis, the Beatles, Little Richard, Elton, David, Hendrix, everyone in rock and roll big names were gathered around this beautiful garden.
As I went to go grab some water I felt a hand tap my shoulder and there stood John Lennon himself.
"So you are the famous Rock Angel?" I swallowed my water and was completely star-struck.
"Y-yeah I.....Mr. Lennon I....."
"Please call me John."
"Okay, John. Can I just say.....just between us that you were always my favorite Beatle out of the group."
"Coming from you that's a huge honor. And now I can finally rub it into Paul's face the bugger." I laughed and that's when I heard a female voice say.
"Alright let me at her, where is she?" And there donned with her famous fur coat, tall Russian-like hat and red circular shades was Janis Joplin herself. "And there she is. The one female rocker better than me." She spoke as she came up to me.
"Oh no Mrs. Jop—"
"Ah-ah. Mrs. Joplin is not my name. Call me Janis baby girl." I blushed and she wrapped an arm around me and said, "You know, you and I aren't so different kid."
"How so?"
"Well we both struggled in our families and personal lives, got together with some male rockstars to form a partnership before splitting off to have our freedom. The only difference is, is that I wish I had your strength. I decided to call it quits with heroin being my way to kick the bucket."
"You were someone I did look up to. I mean yeah you had your struggles, but hell you didn't take shit from no one. When conservative minds at the time wanted you to do it their way, you said....."
"'Fuck you. I'm doing it my own way!'" She finished off which made the two of us laugh. "Yah know something baby girl, I like you. Promise me for Lady's night you'll do a song with me?"
"It would be an honor Janis." She smiled and hugged me tightly.
"Alright my darlings, may we have everyone's attention?" Freddie's voice soon spoke up as he was now standing on top of a table. Everyone looked up and as the boys of Queen stood up front Freddie continued, "First of all magnificent show all of you. So cheers my lovely darlings." Everyone of us raised our glasses in the air saying 'cheers'.
"We'd also love to specifically say a wonderful show for our newest arrival," Brian spoke up. He turned to me and extended his hand out for mine. I took it and he gently pulled me up front so that everyone could see me.
"Our beloved Rock Angel herself, (Y/n) Kline." Roger spoke up as he smiled warmly down at me.
"To the Rock Angel!" Deacy stated as he raised his cocktail glass in the air.
"To the Rock Angel!" Everyone choired at me. I bashfully smiled and said.
"Thank you, it was an honor to see most of you perform tonight, and it was great to perform with someone of you once again after so many years. I hope I have the privilege to perform with every single soul here." I said.
We then raised our glasses once more and the mingling and partying continued long into the night.
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void-argent · 3 years
uswnt v jamaica (summer series pt 2)
this game was SO MUCH better than v portugal
carli wasted NO TIME in scoring. it was a good goal (she also sniped the jamaican gk)
I'm not sure why horan took the penalty... but i mean she made it so YAY
STOPPAGE TIME SCORING QUEEN ALEX MORGAN (if you don't know what I'm talking about you should watch the 2012 Olympic semifinal v canada)
i am so UPSET that the universe decided to thwart ALL christen press attempts to score
what does vlatko have against giving press a full 90?
cat did...alright? she didn't really stand out this game. didn't get in the groove really
lynn williams, ONCE AGAIN, just ain't it. she still can't compete at the national level DESPITE the chances vlatko keeps giving her
tierna was so solid the whole game YAY
rose was like on a sugar high the time she was on she was SO GOOD (feel better queen)
the second half looked iffy... still better than portugal... but iffy
ad franch basically just stood there the whole game. that's good tho that's means defense did it's job
glad andi got in some minutes
in non game news
i HATE alexi lalas he can jump off a bridge
i HATE the commentators
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phoenixyfriend · 4 years
The Naruto/Frozen Crossover
So I was planning on just doing an image ID thing for this post, but apparently the formatting on desktop is such a mess that it’s easier to just make a new post that’s text only. I can also like. Bulletpoint it so that it can be a little neater. All ideas were made with @firebirdeternal​‘s help, because they are the most efficient enabler I have.
Also I added some bits at the end.
Under a cut, because it’s Long As Heck.
I originally had two options: either Mid-teens Elsa and Anna being transported to ninja land sometime pre-canon and running into Haku and Zabuza... or just like. Born as a Daimyou's daughters.
Spoiler alert, we’ve got nukenin and I’m a sucker for an intrusive crossover, so transported to ninja land it is.
Suggestion from Birdie:
Mechanism for crossover: Elsa ices over a Wishing Well by accident after having Wished for someone else who understood her, Anna and her fall in and get Ice Mirror Portaled to Ninjaland, falling out of an iced over pond near a shrine that Haku recently prayed at for similar lonely child reasons?
Which I like! They don’t end up there soon enough to run into Haku, because I want a dramatic chase first, but I like it.
Obviously, Anna is forced to learn about Elsa's powers because it's the only thing keeping them safe
Or at least alive
(Elsa will do ANYTHING to keep Anna safe, and if that means she has to get her hands dirty...)
...neither of them knows Japanese, so, you know. There’s that.
I'm thinking that they end up in/near Kiri at first
And they aren't FAST ENOUGH to get away so Elsa panic-enchants a giant reindeer made of snow to run away across the suddenly-frozen ocean.
She and Anna have to ride and Elsa is probably crying the whole time.
Oh shit this is like. RIGHT after their parents die, I forgot. So that’s a thing! They are in mourning and all that fun stuff.
Point is, they use the powers for a Self Defense thing and BBY Haku is just !!! "Master can we rescue them for Ice Cousin reasons?" Zabuza: Yes, and only for those practical reasons and not because I collect endangered children like people collect pokemon cards.
I imagine that maybe they track rumors of a Yuki-onna down, or the Giant Snow Reindeer rides by and Haku’s just like Wat
The girls just tag along with Zabuza because. Like.
Do they like him? No. Do they trust him? No. Do they enjoy the fact that he considers them pathetic civilians? No.
However, Haku is Baby.
Zabuza is REALLY annoyed at them being Useless Civilian Royals “but Haku likes them so I guess they can stay.”
Age at meeting, three years pre-canon:
Zabuza - 23
Elsa - 18
Anna - 15
Haku - 12
Elsa is 90% anxiety/depression master combo BUT if Zabzua protects her then she's WILDLY dangerous so like. Whatever
Elsa's bingo book nickname options, uninspired:
Winter Witch
Winter Queen
Ice Queen
Snow Queen
Something about a Yuki-Onna maybe
She's Very Stately and kinda breakable but Winter is her Bitch
I mean like, the fact that, if protected, she can shut down the agriculture of a fucking country? That's an S-rank even if she's not that useful in a fight.
She's like. Jinchuuriki-level destruction. Generally speaking she wouldn’t. But she could.
Elsa: What the fuck is a chakra? Elsa: my snow monsters are self-sustaining. Elsa: I'm gonna build us a house.
Zabuza has NO idea how her powers work and it is INCREDIBLY frustrating but “there’s no chakra cost to keep these things going and we have shelters on demand” is too convenient to question after a while.
Haku: Delicate, deadly, incredibly fast ninja work. Elsa: I can't dodge a kunai but watch me wreck your entire country's ecosystem in under a day.
Elsa is a siege weapon.
Meanwhile, Anna is really, really into the physicality of ninja practice.
She's clumsy and she's not very good at ninja stuff, but she sure is determined!
Anna also gets on Zabuza's nerves because she keeps insisting that Haku get to be a kid.
Anna: Let's make flower crowns! Zabuza: No, he needs to train, not- Anna: FLOWER CROWNS
Consider: Haku saying Elsa-nee-sama and Anna-hime.
Or just calling Elsa “onee-sama.”
Anna is also younger than Elsa and way more Fun so she probably gets adjusted to Anna-chan or Nee-chan.
If Zabuza calls Elsa “Hime-chan” or “Elsa-hime” or, Sage forbid, “Elsa-sama/dono” then he’s VERY MUCH making fun of her and he’s probably getting his soup frozen that night.
At one point, Elsa... tries to like. Convince herself to have a crush on Zabuza or Kakashi or something until Zabuza just puts a hand on her shoulder and asks "do you even like men?" "...that's an OPTION?"
Zabuza urging her to try and ask out a Cute Kunoichi and Elsa's like.... I can't decide if she's bright red and a useless lesbian or uncomfortable and ace.
I am SO invested in the siege weapon thing.
It's not her fault that every single other combatant on the continent is Massively Dangerous in melee! She took a very traditional back-line build!
Enemy: Doesn't it GRATE to protect someone so pathetic, Zabuza? Zabuza: She literally froze an entire castle of enemies to death because they harmed her sister, so. No.
Most Ninjas: Sharp Knife. S-Rank Mega Ninjas: Gun. Elsa: High Yield Explosive Rocket Launcher. Literally loses fights to the Knife People, because she can't bring her power to bear on that scale. But if you can give her Time and Prep? No contest.
Long distance AoE
Like  you know how Nagato is literally dying of starvation due to illness and can't walk, but he's also capable of leveling powerful villages more or less on his own?
Elsa is the same Vibe.
It’s like sealing a bijuu in a civilian.
She's honestly both more and less powerful? Like it'd be hard for her to kill everyone in Konoha in the snap of a finger? But also, she could starve out the Country of Fire in a summer.
She WOULDN'T, but she could.
I always read Elsa as gay or ace but my brain keeps trying to ship her with dude ninjas and I have to yank it back on a child leash.
People insinuate that Zabuza is interested in Elsa and he's just "What? Ew she's like five."
"I'm eighteen."
Elsa! Might mistake trust and companionship for a crush!
I can see THAT happening despite gay/ace.
Also like. I don’t think Zabuza is straight.
So mlm/wlw solidarity?
And Haku is probs genderqueer.
Anna is like, the Straight Friend who will go to the mat for her queer friends. Like vicious. In-your-face barking like a mean dog at people who were being bigots.
You know how Elsa in the second movie uses her powers to make toys for kids out of ice?
Okay, so her practicing by making things with Haku.
But yeah, Elsa can't really do "throws ice senbon," but she can do Delicate Geometry Things since she apparently, canonically studies math for fun and loves fractals.
Haku: I can trap you in a prison of ice mirrors, and you are at my mercy. Elsa: LOOK AT THIS CASTLE I MADE???
Haku wants to do Pretty Things like Elsa
Elsa makes... snow bunnies..
For the ninja distraction reasons but also because it's a Soft Thing that makes her feel better about, uh, everything. And Haku likes bunnies.
Zabuza still takes The Dirty Missions but Elsa gets upset when he does something that hurts innocents and Nobody wants Elsa upset. Even Zabuza doesn't want Elsa upset.
When Elsa gets upset, overnight accommodations are suddenly Very Uncomfortable for everyone except her and Haku.
And then Anna gets upset, which makes Elsa even MORE upset.
And then things just keep getting colder.
Zabuza doesn't want Elsa upset for many reasons, not limited to: "Is actually capable of killing me from outside of Sword Range if she's mad enough, even if it’s not that easy" and "the Small Children would be unbearably sad if she died and honestly so might I."
She's more of a friend than a ward and he's not entirely sure he's okay with that.
Zabuza: "Ew, friendship."
He has absolutely no idea how to have a social interaction with people he isn't Bullying, Raising, or Threatening to Kill.
Elsa and Anna have no trouble convincing people they're related, at least. Different coloration with almost identical bone structure.
A tendency to burst into song when they feel emotions.
Identical weird accent that nobody can place.
The girls are royalty, they don't know how to COOK.
But they also want food from HOME.
It's a lot of trial and error.
More error than not, since they have both no knowledge and also a language barrier to overcome. It probably takes YEARS before they can describe things like Unfamiliar Flavors well enough for people to say "OH that sounds like spearmint."
When they run into something they know that’s familiar, it’s life-changing.
Chocolate is more common in the elemental nations than in Arandelle and Anna may or may not cry about it.
Anna is loudly bossy, even at Zabuza.
Zabuza is gruffly commanding, to everyone.
Elsa doesn't actually like being in charge, but when she talks, people LISTEN.
(Haku is just happy to be here.)
Elsa radiates two things: Anxiety, and Natural Command, and she basically just fluctuates between those.
"I don't want to be in charge but also I'm vetoing this."
So, obviously, the main reasons that Zabuza keeps the girls around is that Elsa is a living siege weapon and he thinks she could be convinced to help him run a revolution in Kiri, and also that the Ice Queen schtick is like. Really good for Haku and Zabuza can’t really say no to the kid.
HOWEVER, Anna is clumsy and messy and all that, so Zabuza starts training her in Ninja stuff. Elsa joins in on the “I need to know how to Run Fast to get away from fights I don’t want to have in the first place,” but Anna’s the one that’s like “TEACH ME HOW TO SWORD.”
It’s honestly not that hard to teach her, she’s just really, really, REALLY enthusiastic.
Once or twice someone asks why she’s so bad at this yet running around with an A-rank nukenin and Zabuza’s just like “I’ve only had her for a year and a half, shut up!” because it’s not that he’s a bad teacher, it’s that she was a very pampered civilian until like a week before he met her.
He should get a MEDAL for even getting her to low Chuunin.
Zabuza: I'm taking a job from Gato Elsa, who has Training in economics and politics and bureaucracy: I have a better idea.
This is actually not entirely what I’d do but I wanted to make the joke first ANYWAY here’s an actual plot or something.
Oh, also by this point everyone is Canon Ages so Elsa’s 21 and Anna’s 18 and Zabuza’s 26 and Haku’s 15.
Elsa is getting paid to keep the water from interfering with construction, by way of....
Elsa with Haku as her Guard while Zabuza is off running his own mission? Which Anna begged to go on because Cool.
Elsa also kind of keeps her involvement on the ice front semi-secret by claiming she’s there as an engineering consultant.
LISTEN canon made her like geometry, I can ENTIRELY believe she’d be excited about the bridge-building.
Gato has hired someone else on the danger level of Zabuza, who is Threatening to Team 7 + Haku? But then when things look bleak Anna and Zabuza arrive and then Scary Sword Man is on our side and oh dear that's a lot of blood.
Which, you know, fun!
Birdie suggested Raiga which I’m not feeling but I do feel the need to bring up as an option.
It’s also not Kisame BUT
Kisame: [giant lake dome filled with sharks]
Elsa: uhhhhhhhhhhh...
Giant lake dome: [is now a giant ice dome]
Gato: I'm hiring an army. Elsa: [giant ice wall around his compound] Gato: ... these guys can walk up walls! Elsa: [adds snowman guards] Elsa: ... Elsa: [adds a ceiling]
Just puts Gato's entire mob in a fucking snow globe.
Zabuza shows up twenty minutes late with (Throwing) Star(buck)s just like "Oh, they dead? No? Want 'em to be? Okay cool I'm gonna go pick up Haku, I'll be back in like an hour."
Anna would... LOVE Naruto
"I found us a baby brother!" "No, we already have Haku." "BUT LOOK AT HIM."
Anna is only a year or two older than Itachi.
I wanted to make a joke about how Naruto also vibes with her because he's less judgmental that she can't really... talk properly.
Sasuke is Judgy and Kakashi is Paranoid and Sakura is Uncomfortable.
Meanwhile Naruto is just like "And I Shall Scream."
Anna, who learned Japanese from Zabuza (rude) and Haku (uber polite): WELL FUCK YOU, GOOD SIR Naruto: YEAH WELL FUCK YOU TOO, LADY Elsa, overly formal: I am... so very sorry.
Anyway, generic missing nin fights and all that.
Elsa gets injured in the process and after a variety of arguments, Naruto manages to convince them to take her to Konoha for medical attention.
Elsa is... usually the one getting injured.
Zabuza and Haku are FAST and Anna is at least learning (even if she’s only been doing it for three years), but Elsa is The Squishy Wizard.
If someone throws a kunai... she can’t... really dodge...
So yeah, gut wound.
Normally they find a nukenin medic to patch them up but Konoha is reasonably close and has some of the more skilled medics on the continent and they DID technically help the Konoha nin so like. Gah.
That’s Zabuza’s final thought. Gah.
Just “Fuck it, let’s save the ice queen.”
Elsa ends up in a half-literal-ice stasis state on the way there and it’s happened before (it is not the first time she’s been stabbed), but it’s always terrifying.
Especially to the Konoha genin who are just like WHAT THE HECK IS THAT.
So they get to Konoha, there’s a whole bunch of stuff about extradition treaties and “you are bringing a literal WMD of a woman into our town” and “we can’t just let MOMOCHI ZABUZA in.”
Anyway, it ends up being that Zabuza has to wait outside the village while Elsa is treated inside, and one of the Teenagers goes in. Obviously, it’s Anna, because Zabuza is INCREDIBLY UNCOMFORTABLE with letting Haku enter a village that’s known for having lots of bloodlines, and anyway, Anna’s the sister.
Bunch of stuff, she’s healing, etc, and then one day Anna comes in and is told “your sister had a bad reaction to the anesthetic, we couldn’t save her, I’m sorry, she’s gone.”
She flips out, gets shown the corpse, flips out MORE, gets escorted out to the village walls where Zabuza and Haku are waiting.
Horrified reactions
Zabuza doesn’t want to admit that it’s EMOTIONS because this is his FRIEND, he is clearly just upset about losing the living siege weapon.
Haku is just super confused and goes “But she’s not dead.”
“She’s not dead, I can feel her, I can always feel her, it’s like sensing but just her, because we’re both ice. She’s alive, somewhere over... there?”
And points right in the direction of the Hokage Mountain, which for the purposes of this fic and also Drama is where ROOT headquarters is.
YEP we absolutely have that plot point.
Is Danzo overused as a plot device? Probably. Am I going to diabolus ex machina him anyway? Ye.
They kick up enough of a fuss that the Hokage gets called down.
He wouldn’t, normally, he’d leave it to a couple of skilled jounin and call it a day, except Naruto got involved so like. You can’t. Ignore that.
There’s lots of shouting.
Just like. A lot.
And then part of the mountain explodes!
Elsa comes flying backwards out of the hole, catches herself on a spontaneous ice slide, gets to her feet.
Girl is swaying like MAD.
There are absolutely ANBU (both fake and real) coming after her.
At least one of them gets speared through by an ice spike.
Anna runs up to her, tries to hug her, gets batted away.
Elsa’s staring at her in sheer TERROR and starts muttering something about how Anna died years ago, this isn’t real, etc.
Nobody except Anna understands most of it, but Haku picks up enough to translate when Anna’s freaking out.
Elsa starts doing her Ice Castle thing in the middle of Konoha as a coping mechanism, mostly so she can get Up and Away and Shielded By Ice.
This is not a good look.
Especially because she’s singing, which Zabuza always thinks is a bad omen because it means shit is getting real and one or both of the girls are about to get a powerup or be beaten even harder than otherwise. When they start singing, things get More Dramatic And Extreme).
(Zabuza does not like Disney Musical Rules)
Danzo shows up.
There’s a bunch of arguing.
All the medics insist that nothing she was given at the hospital should have caused amnesia, psychosis, hallucinations, delusions, etc.
It’s. Not hard for Hiruzen to guess what happened.
Namely that Danzo, upon finding out that chakra dampeners didn’t do shit since none of Elsa’s powers come from chakra, decided to keep her drugged up and start using genjutsu to make her more malleable.
Because like. An injured WMD just showed up in your village. What are you supposed to do, not try to kidnap her and turn her to your side? Like, come on. What was he supposed to do?
Not that, Danzo. Literally Not That.
IDK how it gets resolved, probably Anna getting to her with the power of love, because Elsa is ultimately Super Disney.
I also don’t really know where to go from there other than “Maybe Jiraiya can get you home, but also I’m pretty sure Zabuza wants you all to get the hell out of here and take over Kiri” but who knows.
Imagine Ino getting a puppy crush on Elsa.
IDK that’s it for now.
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Fallout 76, the mire area:
"I'm here to discover, and then run."
"Eeeee- mirelurk queen- aaaaa mirelurk king!! AAAAAA RUN RUN RUN-"
"Ooh, overseer log"
"Salty overseer"
"Jesus is wearing a bee suit, but it feels like hes about to ask me to wear lotion."
"Always wearing a halo"
"I just found a loot bag inside Abbie's bunker... wild"
"Doing several big quests at once, somehow more comforting"
"Its ages since I did this quest, I'm surprised I'm not as scared of everything as I was."
"... ok maybe i was screaming not long ago about mirelurks, but that's not the point here"
"I wish I could've met Abbie :( "
"She sounds cute"
"I dont like the mire"
"Whenever the foundation tracker puts me in the mire, I just jump maps"
"I hope I dont meet a wendigo, they always hang in the trees in the mire"
"I'm sure listening to the radio will keep me calm as I run for my life"
"Butcher Pete is not a song I want to listen to in the mire. Or at all. I dont like the song."
"Classical music it is"
"If the mountain king one comes on while I'm running, I'll start crying, it will be too good"
"A liberator!"
"I like it when ive already discovered places, that makes everything much better"
"That's a yao guai, and I dont need him in my life, tnx"
"Well, this looks like a shit show. Better run for it"
"I'll just stick with the main Uplink quest for now, dont want to stay in the mire"
"Oh god, Jesus is level 90"
"They grow up so fast🥺"
"Cant believe my squad members left me, rude"
"Theres only one casual team"
"Pride! :D"
"Wait what? It says I havent discovered Abbie's bunker??? I was just there??? What"
"Gheez, I had to run around a bit outside and then it let me discover it"
The funnies:
Want to keep a cat from drowning? Take the sack out of the river.
"I dont like this quest"
"But it's best to get it over with"
"Luckily the other scorch detectors are close to eachother. "
"Oh fuck. I just remembered I have ANOTHER character I'm gonna do this with uuuughgghhhhhhh"
"... I'm the only one left on the map..."
"Ok ok ok, do this, change map"
"Insult bot is calling for me, but I had to crawl up the treehouse cuz super mutants and other things tried to kill me"
"Sorry insult bot, I'm leaving the world"
"I feel so bad for the injured super mutant 😭"
"Let me adopt him, please"
Super mutant: white thing tear brothers.
No! White thing! Run!
Sheep, why, sheep!
White thing gone.
White fluff kill!
Brother come back. Baa baa gone!
Big horn kills brothers!
No more!
Sheep! Run!
"Hes going into scorched territory, so :("
"Ooooh my god. I almost walked into an albino deathclaw"
"I forgot to join a team"
"Pride! :D"
"So. much. back. and. forth😩"
"24 caps is worth it"
"Its so annoying, I dont wanna do any events"
Abbie: Jesus... what am I even doing? This is hopeless.
Me: I'm here for you, my child.
"Doing the foundation quest👀 which is new for me"
"I have to confess something... I forgot I was Jesus, and I killed a settler... there. I said it. 😭"
"Theres a dog here🥺"
"Hes so cute, his name is Lucky"
"Oooh no. No no no no, he wants me to go to watoga"
"Time to change character, give my raider bby some xp"
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joannie95 · 4 years
Legacy- Part 35
Pairing: Carter!reader x ?????
Summary:  Everyone knows Peggy Carter is a force to be reckoned with, who could have guessed her granddaughter would hold the same ferocity, if not more.This story follows y/n Carter’s life as she faces the obstacles life pitches her.
Warnings: Swearing, mentioned death
A/N: Thank you to @mo320 for proofreading and helping with the ideas for this chapter, thank you to @writeyourmindaway for making these awesome text dividers im so excited to use them all 
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2012 Age 28
You weren’t lying when you told them you were done. Right after quitting you packed your bags and told your grandma you needed to leave. You couldn’t be there anymore, you were running and that was the cowards way out but you didn’t care. She told you she wasn’t letting you leave without her, she was there for you when you lost your parents and she’ll be here for you now. She packed her bags and you two left, you found yourselves in a small town in East Sussex, England. It was something new but that’s exactly what you needed, you found a home with the nearest town miles down the road. You’re ashamed to say that you haven’t spoken to Phil, Clint, Natasha or even Darcy since you left. You needed a clean break, your grandma doesn’t approve but you thought it would be easier.
You were making your way home back from town in your beat up pickup truck. From a distance you could see a quinjet a small distance from your house and started to panic. When you got out you heard 2 female voices coming from inside, you took a deep breath and walked in. On the couch you saw your grandma and Darcy, you gave her a sad smile before she got up and pulled you into a tight hug.
“I’m sorry. I left you without notice and I didn’t even try to contact you.” You were trying not to cry, she was practically your sister and you abandoned her.
“Don’t apologize, you were doing what you thought was best for you.” She looked at you hesitantly. 
“What’s wrong?” You were starting to worry.
She let out a breath. “We need you to come back.”
You started to shake your head. “You know I can’t do that D. I meant it when i said I was done.” You looked down at your feet.
“It’s Clint.” She grabs on to your hands and you look up. “He’s been compromised.”
“Where is he.” You were shocked, you never thought anything would happen to Clint. 
“We’re not sure but we need you, please.“ 
Clint was your family, you don’t hesitate and immediately agree. You look towards your grandma. "I need to go with Darcy but I need you to stay here. I’m not sure what’s going to happen out there so I’d rather know that you’ll be safe.” Before she has a chance to interrupt you speak up again. “You’ve protected me all these years and now it’s my turn to protect you." 
She puts a hand to your cheek. "Alright dear.” She grabs Darcy and pulls you both of you into a hug. “I know it’ll be difficult but please don’t do anything stupid." 
You both make your way towards the quinjet and head off towards New York.
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In a few hours you’re landing on a helicarrier, you step out wearing your grandma’s old leather jacket and block your eyes from the sun before putting on a pair of sunglasses. You start to fidget with both your necklaces. Darcy easily forgave you for leaving but you’re not quite sure how Natasha will react. 
"Stop panicking, everything is going to be fine.” Darcy is looking at you with a smile on her face.
“You don’t know that, do you know how long it took for her to warm up to me in the first place? What if she hates me for abandoning you guys.” You don’t know if you’d be able to handle that, after the progress you have made all these years you would hate to have to start over. 
“Trust me she won’t, look there she is now.” Darcy starts to wave someone over.
You look up and see Natasha walking towards you. She has an expressionless look on her face so you’re not quite sure what she could be thinking. Once she reaches you she stares you down before pulling you into a tight hug.
“Don’t you dare leave ever again do you understand.” There was a slight hint of pain in her voice.
You hug her back. “I promise I won’t." 
Once she releases you she let’s you know she needs to get a few things done and she’ll see you both later.
"That went better than I thought.” You let out a small chuckle and you both began to walk ahead. In the distance you saw a man standing around with a look of panic on his face. You immediately recognized him from a few pictures of your parents. “Excuse me." 
He looked up and seemed relieved. 
"Hi, are you Bruce Banner?”
“Yes I am.” He stuck his hand out for you to shake.
You put his hand in yours. “Dr. Banner it’s an absolute honor to meet you. My name is Y/N Carter and this is Darcy Dugan, I’ve read your work on anti-electron collisions and Gamma Radiation and I’ve got to say it was absolutely amazing.”
“Thank you I really appreciate that.” He looked surprised to hear you say that.
“I’m not sure if you remember my mom Alice Grey, she told me about the time you all participated in an experiment involving hallucinogens.”
He chuckled thinking back to the memory. “Yes I remember her, she was a good friend, sad to say we lost touch. When I heard about her death I was at a loss for words. I’m sorry for your loss. She was truly an amazing person.”
“Thank you, I appreciate that.”
You heard 2 people walking towards three of you. You turned around and thought you were seeing things. In the distance you saw Natasha walking with someone you remember seeing only in pictures when you were a kid. You lift up your sunglasses and you start to feel your heart beat quickly, your breath hitch and your palms start to sweat. 
Darcy leans towards you. “I forgot to mention they found Steve Rogers frozen in ice not too long ago. Seems like the serum kept him alive." 
You’d have to remember to punch her later for not warning you.
Steve Rogers pov 
We were walking towards a group of people as agent Romanoff was discussing agent Coulson’s interest in me. As we got closer to the group I felt as if the world was moving in slow motion, as she turned around my heart skipped a beat. It couldn’t be possible, I started to blink rapidly because I must be seeing things. It can’t be her, I looked at her file and she would be around 90 at this point but this woman isn’t anywhere near that. "Peggy” I quietly whispered. 
Y/N’s pov
“Captain Rogers, this is Lieutenant Dugan, Dr. Banner and Agent Carter.” Natasha said your name with a smile on her face. 
You zoned out for a second and stared in awe. “Hi.”
“Hi.” He seemed to be as equally mesmerized. 
You tried to quickly recover and properly greet him . “Captain Rogers, it’s wonderful to meet you. I’ve heard a lot about you.”
He cleared his throat trying not to fumble his words. “It’s good to meet you too, you as well Dr. Banner.” He looked towards Darcy. “Dugan? You wouldn’t happen to be related to-" 
Before he could finish Darcy interrupted him with a smile on her face. "Yes sir, Sergeant Dugan was my grandfather. Taught us both everything we know.” She looked towards you when she said that.
“He was a good man, it was an honor to fight alongside him." 
"Thank you captain I appreciate that." 
"If you’re all done chatting you might want to step inside. It’s going to get a little harder to breathe out here.” Natasha had a small smirk as she spoke.
Knowing exactly what she meant you and Darcy started walking inside as propellers began to spin lifting the carrier into the air. Once inside you quickly punch Darcy in the arm and make your way to the bridge.
She hisses in pain before speaking. “What the hell was that for?" 
"You know exactly what that was for Dugan!” You playfully shout back.
Legacy Tags:
@agentmarvel13 @1v-kayla @5sos-wdw @a-dancing-hufflepuff @agent-barnes40 @agreatcheesecakestudentstuff @annoylinglyaries @antclottz @avngrsinitiative @bradfordsgreekgod @babypink224221 @captainam-erika-trash @carisi-sonny @chook007 @cosmiccomicloverqueen @daniellajocelyn @doctoranon @ecamille-xo @editsbyjenny @ellieababy @eternaleviee @futuremissstark @oxodianaoxo @geeksareunique @gummiwormsandonedirection @henrietteoaks @hermionie-is-my-queen @imahoeforbucky @ineedmorefanfics @isabella-bby @jaemingold @junitorials13 @katykyll @klanceiscannon14 @lady-sigyn @littlephoenix-fire @lovemarvelousfics @l0kisbitch @luckyfiction17 @ludwigvonbaethoven @maddie-laufeyson @magnificentsoulecollector @mikariell95 @mistressoftorture  @moli1497 @nanajaeminniee @orderoftheflamingflamingos @paintballkid711 @pastelpurplexoox @peteyparkersbabyy @princessizzy36 @shallowshawn @sillydecoy @spodermanpete​ @starstruckgardenstudentzonk @stuckyandsciencebros @superhero2552​ @thatharrypotterfan13 @thatweirdchick147​ @the-ducks-umbrella @tienna-laufeyson16 @trustme3-13​ @wishiwasanavenger​ @xalinx​ @yougottalovefandoms​ @zaza-jones​ @izzyisavengersupernaturaltrash​
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gayerthanthee · 3 years
'get to know me' tag game
Rules: answer the questions and tag people you'd like to get to know better.
Tagged by: my recent friend @heyheysey who shocked me in the notifs when i saw her actually tag me-- i really need to get used to having mutuals :O
Tagging: @raineyclouds @screaming-garbagemouth @mizuraisu @yourlocalmusicalprostitute and this is a desperate one but also @bohemian-napsodyy pls come back bby, i hope you're safe. i miss you so bad <33
also, there are some parts where i mention and talked about gender dysphoria & crisis, and death of a loved one. if it's triggering pls go on and don't read.
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What do you prefer to be called name-wise?
Cas or Xan (like sah-n)
When is your birthday?
january 9
Where do you live?
the Philippines
Three things you are doing right now:
watching videos about genderfluid people
contemplating about the places I'll be in the future
downing 3 cups of water before bed (hydrating is sexc. do it pls.)
Four fandoms that have piqued your interest?
marvel - my childhood sweetheart, but i've only become really immersed during 2016! not as active anymore about it though.
queen - i always heard my parents play songs before year '90 when i was young, and what really stuck with me was listening to this band and their many songs and concerts. i joined the hype when the movie about them dropped at 2018. not much active anymore on that too.
bnha - i always saw this around but?? i only got in sometime last year or mid 2018 and religiously went binge-reading the manga during the highs of pandemic because distracting yourself from self-deteriorating thoughts is sexy. take it from me.
haikyuu - this was a random one. i knew this longer than bnha because it's popular but it wasn't as interesting to me before. but then i saw that many of the blogs i follow like hq too and then they make content and then the rest is history. i started maybe last month, haven't read the manga yet but i weirdly know things already.
How has the pandemic been treating you?
everything is constantly crazy thank you for asking. wouldn't have it any other way though.
A song you can't stop listening to right now?
Forget You by CeeLo Green
How old are you?
(UPDATE: yeah i now feel uncomfy sharing this info but yeet it's gone now srry)
School, university, occupation, other?
hope i was extra enough to excel the first semester in senior high. self-learning is difficult when you have all the time in the house to ✨succumb to vulnerable thoughts✨
Do you prefer heat or cold?
i prefer the heat. although a cold environment is really convenient especially in our country, i prefer the warmth because of the comfort it brings, along with keeping me grounded.
Name one fact others may not know about you:
I haven't exactly coped over my uncle's passing and I don't know if i did anything about it. i remember the times he was healthy and feel regret each time because i was such an ass of a kid to him back then that i think i made his life harder than what he actually deserved. he messaged me a along time ago and because i was constantly mad at him, i just left it on read, no more after that. everytime i see the conversation, it makes ny chest gape even more. i was so much angry back then that i didn't treat him as i should because yeah there were times were i was nice or neutral and helped him a lot and made him laugh a bit but still. wow im shaking just typing this. i now message him every once in a while even though he's gone. like a delusional way to connect with him even though it's too late.
Are you shy?
not much, no. I may worry about what someone significant to me may think about me though. but otherwise i'm chill and tired 25/8
she/he/they. my sex is female and it feels so right being genderfluid but i feel like i'm just too influenced by my country's homophobic tradition and society norm for me to accept myself? it's really tight here, I haven't even come out yet. being an Asian is hard.
biggest pet-peeves?
people commenting on my 'femininity'. pls drop it, i'm not comfortable being told i look better in a dress and i should act more womanly-like. i will manspread while also maintain good hygiene thank you very much. it's not because i may identify as male, but because gender roles is a big joke, okay? like sure this is my sex but i can also be a good boy or look sleek in a suit. it's confusing but it's not that hard. dresses are nice but they're not for me to wear just because i'm 'a girl'. is it obvious I have gender dysphoria??
What is your favorite "dere" type?
don't actually have one. they're all equally cool, i just don't have a preference. tsundere's are more above for me though.
Rate your life from 1-10, 1 being crappy and 10 being the best it could be.
it fluctuates from 4 to 7 like my gender. life is a wheel. you're on the low and it all goes up from here, but then you'll also be grounded and the cycle goes again.
What's your main blog?
this, @gayerthanthee , I have sideblogs but they aren't really relevant? i don't even remember why i made them?
List your side blogs and what they are used for:
homemade-genius - oh i did this because i tried to be funny and make some jokes. apparently i do not even have the ENERGY and MEMORY to post in it, so what made me think I even have humor too??
cas-xx - ick did this when i used to simp for some guy back in junior year. i still cringe to this day—not because i made a sideblog, but because i actually?? had the guts to simp for a straight cis-male who was also materialistic and firmly believed and follows gender-roles? it always makes me bleaurgh.
Is there something people need to know about you before becoming friends?
please consider that while i'm not picky with my gender, i still do not like being considered a female only, and because of society norms. we the gays are OUTSIDE the society norms. i would always rather being called handsome over beautiful. also pls consider i have gender dysphoria and crisis. it's crazy.
p.s. it's long overdue and i'm real sorry. i had to shut off from the world to finish my tasks and projects. and now i'm finally done!! thank you sey 🥺 this is my first time being tagged in a get to know me!!
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florafey · 5 years
Thoughts on QoN
I started reading The Queen of Nothing on 19 November, 2019, and finished it about fifteen minutes ago on 23 November, 2019. Much as I did with The Wicked King, here are my thoughts while reading.
Spoilers, of course, are under the cut
- Oak is EIGHT??? I’ve been writing him like a three year old this whole time lol whoops sorry Oak
- Idk how to feel about this whole Vivi/Heather thing it smells like manipulation to me
- Lmao Jude’s a freelancer gotta love it
- I have now named my Goblin Brain Grima Mog how dope is that name fr
- Jude is an adrenaline addict and that’s a fact
- “It feels good to be fighting someone other than myself” SWEETIE CARDAN LOVES YOU
- Oooooooh I like Grima Mog I have a feeling she and Jude are going to cross paths again, maybe in Faeire
- (Also not surprised by Grima’s prediction of Cardan being dethroned soon that boy hates his job more than retail workers during the holidays)
- Oh look, three books in and Jude is finally admitting her feelings for Cardan
- I love the juxtaposition between Taryn in her pretty dress and Jude literally being two steps from death and not seeming to care lol
- Hmmmm okay I want to believe that Taryn killed Locke but couldn’t this just be a way to get Jude back into Faerie??? Idk why they would want that but I don’t trust Taryn 
- (Also I hope Locke is dead it would be Taryn’s one redeeming quality)
- ooooooohhhhhh shit Taryn’s PREGNANT AASHHSJSDKJDKSSKLDSJDJSJ HAHAHHAHAH this is too good oh no
- There’s literally zero chance of this plan of Jude pretending to be Taryn is going to go well. Or even close to well
- “Squeeze hug” awww that’s gonna be in a fic I promise
- This feels like The Parent Trap
- I’m sweating
- Oh and his tail is out wow good for him
- Fuck a duck I love his tail
- And gold eyeliner, stellar cosmetic choice if I may say so
- Yep I knew it see here she goes off to his chambers he’s gonna find out eeeeekkkkk
- He knowsssssss he been knew of COURSE he been knew how could I be so stupid to think he didn’t know it was Jude this whole time I’m a clown and a fool
- Wow I’m kind of soft right now I love my babies and they clearly love each other but they’re being so ANGSTY AAAAAA
- “Wisdom is for the meek” uhh??? Madoc what are you talking about bud
- Ahhhh see now Jude is getting protective over her throne and crown, she’s blooming into a Queen....good shit for sure
- Also Jude better be the spy she was born to be now that she’s in Madoc’s camp and he thinks she’s Taryn
- Oh, she’s going foraging in the woods? By herself? Yeah, this is gonna go great, Oriana, really
- Yeah def can’t trust Grimsen although I love how Holly Black describes his work and how they’re beautiful but also deadly and cursed
- I’d like to hear more about how he tried to kill Cardan with that ruby earring and failed lol
- tHE GHOST??? What the hell is he doing here???? Am I the only one who just thought homeboy was dead?? Yikes lol
- Ugh Locke was such a Man good thing he’s rotting now
- “You’re scheming” “I’m always scheming” yeah ain’t that the truth bby
- uh oh MOMMY KNOWS heheheheheh
- Well no wonder Cardan turned out like this look at how he was raised, poor boy
- I mean, to be fair, look at Jude while you’re at it
- Oh hey it’s the Roach
- Awwww Vivi went to Cardan because she thought Jude was in trouble and not only did he go to the Roach to go get Jude but he came too !! wow for people who can’t stand each other they make quite the gang 
- I love how inconvenienced Cardan seems by Locke’s death but not actually sad lol what a mood
- Breaking into Grimsen’s forge does NOT sound like a good idea no sir
- Ugh king and queen wow
- I cannot WAIT for Madoc to realize the Jude is the High Queen I cannot
- AYYYY MY GIRL GRIMA MOG what did I tell y’all, hmmm?
- Wow Madoc really just stabbed Jude like that and is going to leave her ??? the disrespect
- Ohh my god oh wow her blood is making flowers grow she’s a QUEEN wow look at that, you go bby
- Ah fuck Jude, you got set up by the bumb ass father you have
- ABAHAHAHAHHHAH this isn’t funny but Jude falling from the rafters onto the banquet table is on par with the beauty of Kaz and Wylan falling through the ceiling onto Van Eck’s dining room table heheheh
- @hollyblack can I breathe??? Shit girl
- Cardan said THATS MY WIFE 
- Wow Cardan washing Jude’s hands herself??? This boy is in loooove
- Oak and Jude’s maid playing Uno ????? Iconic
- “You’re generally terrifying” oh same Cardan
- So Jude really could have pardoned herself this whole time!!!!!! Come ON sis how didn’t you pick up on that WE picked up on it (don’t worry tho we know you’ve been stressed it’s okay you’re here now)
- And Cardan really expected her to pardon herself I have no words for this boy 
- Jude and Cardan’s relationship is so strange but at least it’s healthy now, you know?
- Look at Cardan being vulnerable and Jude not being mean to him for it 
- “This is my room, and that’s my wife” AAHAHAHHAHH
- Cardan touches her hair oh my gooooooood i’m dying send help
- Can y’all tell I’ve been deprived lol
- Hahahahah Jude trashed Lady Asha, as she should 
- So I think I like QoN Cardan the most, although I did find Cardan in the first two books terribly entertaining to read about (Srry Jude)
- So Taryn seems to be behaving better than she did in the first two books, kind of being a badass, knowing the Ghost’s true name and all
Cardan likes hearing about slushy machines are you kiDDING ME????
- “Our marriage is an alliance” okay but you sleeping in his shirts isn’t, now, is it? Or how about him petting your hair? Or you thinking he looks cute in gold eyeliner?? lol Jude get real
- Aw I like this Fand/Jude freindship us girls gotta look out for each other
- Grima Mog more like Grima MOM lol
- “Big horns, little dude” LMAO HEATHER STOPP
- I’m enjoying Heather, I have to say
- Finally they kiss it only took TWO HUNDRED PAGES 
- oh guys they really like each other im soft
- Casual hand holding? yes 
- I can’t believe these are the same idiots who were trying to drown each other in the first book 
- look they’re trying to be vulnerable and without armor I’m gonna cry
- I feel quite uneasy about this Queen Suren girl who’s parents have her leashed somehow
- Oh wow fuck Grimsen am I right
- Oh SHIT Cardan really broke the crown like it didn’t mean shit to him...the development...the wisdom
- Cardan really said I want my WIFE and my PEOPLE 
- Oh wait fuck fuck fuck oh no stop wait
- Lmao Jude collapsing on the floor is literally me whenever I have to be in charge
- Okay there’s gotta be a way out of this, I didn’t mean it literally when I said Cardan was a snake
- Hey, Jude’s like, smart as shit, no?
- Hahahaha she basically said “Cardan is like, 90% of my impulse control”
- I love how Taryn is hyping Jude up throughout this while shitshow, I love how the two of them have developed past their book one probems
- The Bomb teasing Jude about the dust on her skirts made my day
- Look at Jude really having healthy realtionships with the women around her, I’m so proud of my little murder gir
- Nicassia better come in clutch here, I don’t trust Jarel or Nore not one bit
- Uhhh that story Heather told about the snake that wanted to marry the princess made me howl with laughter and I don’t think it was supposed to
- Vivi got Cardan a snowglobe that says “Congratulations on your promotion” for his coronation gift and he kept did DID EVERYONE HEAR ME I SAID VIVI-
- Oh damn Kaye alright no need for all that
- Ohhhh I had totally forgot about the dress in book one that Jude ordered but received a different one instead... Cardan sent it?? wild 
- Okay I hope Jude knows what she’s doing but when has she ever not
- Oh look and Cardan!!!!!!! Yeah Jude knew what she was doing that’s my girl
- Awwww look at that hug wow the development these two have been through is unreal I’ll keep saying it 
- “I knew little else, but I always knew you” KILL ME
- Oh wow mortals and mingling more with the folk this is good
- Robert of Jersey lmaoooo
- So the Ghost and Taryn ??? Kind of funny but I’m kind of here for it
- I’m literally so close to tears and I’m not kidding they’re having a fucking WEDDING CELEBRATION in the MORTAL WORLD with a banner that says “Congrats Newlyweds” yeah I’m crying now thanks a lot Holly
- Cardan adjusts his paper crown in the microwave reflection so it’s skewed......I don’t think I can react any more I really afjsflsdk
-Wow that was better than anything I could have imagined, hoped for, dreamed of
- The character development, the plot, the resolution, EVERTHING was astounding I’m blown away
This was long as shit If you made it this far, I appreciate you lol. Now go read all three Folk of the Air books again. Go now
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pinkykitten · 4 years
I’d really love to get a ship for dc, marvel, bnha, and Star Trek. I’m 5’9 female, brown hair, green eyes, forever in glasses. I’ve kinda got a huge procrastination issue but wherever I get in the mood to do something I get everything done at once. I'm kept pretty busy by work and school, but when I have time off I love to play some video games, watch movies, get some reading done. I also dye my hair pretty often so I’ve had multiple colours done before. Thank you if you can ☺️
procrastinator??? me too! i got the bad case of it. 
wanna get shipped with someone ask here you can ask as many characters as you want
click here for fandoms list
I ship you with:
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lovessss to spend time with you. you like the SAME things as him and he like lives for that cuz he can legit fangirl over all his fav series and games with you. like boo you understand *cries*. i know barry sometimes seems like he is a dude that takes it easy or whatever but he works really hard and our bby is really smart so when he sees you kinda lacking in some education areas it kinda gets to him and he has to put his foot down and MAKE YOU STUDY!!! it kinda sucks tho cuz like youll be all over him kissing him and like giving him the green puppy eyes and he has to be like nope get yo a*s to doing school. when he sees you doing school tho he smiles because he knows deep down you are probably one of the smartest people he knows. you give your 110% and he loves that about you bc you are so hard working. loves to show off his powers to you and he sometimes helps you with school since he is so sMaRt. whenever its date night you both either netflix and chill or barry runs over to the pizza shop buys your favorite, gets ice cream and rents a movie you and him love. he gives you kisses so fast all over your face its insane. barry loves to play video games with you and you always beat him youre like the queen of video games and he can never ever ever beat you no matter how hard he tries. also which the coloring of hair barry always picks crazy colors for you to choose and like begs you to do them. 
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god he is a procrastinator too sometimes when he just cant connect the dots on a experiment or whatever the case may be so scott legit makes a fort with you like youre 6 again and watches all the best movies of all time. or he makes like a board game or a set of mini missions you need to do based on his favorite video games. he is a such a nerd you like kinda understand him though. he dances stupidly sometimes just to make you laugh. he loves to be smart around you like to him that makes him so sexy that he thinks youre gonna die. he explains how his suit works and the powers connected by it. he is in the works of making you one. he sometimes has to make you do your school work sometimes cuz he does the procrastinating thing himself so he kinda doesnt bother you but then sometimes he gets really serious and makes you do your work. he even makes the ants help you by getting you any supplies you may need like pens or pencil and they bring it over to you. wants you so bad to get a galaxy pattern as a hair dye. you guys kinda do spin the wheel on the hair color thing and see what color it lands on. he likes to try on your glasses and pretends to either be a grandma or a sexy English teacher that wants to spank you all the time. hes all jokes and loves to see your smile and your beautiful face light up. 
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this boi lives for you hair like he thinks you are the coolest person around and thinks you would never want to be with him. he definitely tries to flirt with you but it comes out so cringy you feel your insides kinda bleed. with your hair he makes you close your eyes and picks a color and DOES IT ON YOU OMG! he kinda loses focus on it so it comes out like half a*sed but you still love it even though it is more neon orange than anything in this world. he did it and you love it. denki is kinda not that bright so you and him do study groups and study together and he always needs your help with schooling, plus he likes how close you get to him so he can steal a couple of kisses. he likes to act all tough around you to be like flirty so he does everything in his power to protect you even tho your 5′9 and look like you can protect yourself. denki likes to cuddle with you on the couch watching cringy movies from either the 80s or 90s. he looks at how your eyes twinkle and he cant help but kiss you because you are just so perfect. 
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very different from you wow. is so logical he cannot understand how you can put off your studies and not do them in the correct order on time. he gets moody and sassy and disciplines you to get yo booty up and get busy with life. sees you so attractive that he kinda stutters when he talks or talks more with logic if that seems possible. he knows you like to read? he is going to get his favorite book on the encyclopedia of ajugofjgfogjfogjfgkndfgid and read it to you with such interest its so cute but you hate the book. instead you lay with his stiff body in bed and read to him your favorite book to which he well hates but he sucks it up because he sees how much you like it and it makes him breathe fast and become even more in love with you. says he doesnt like the whole hair changing thing as he sees it illogical and thinks you should just stick to one plain color but he is lying because you catch him one day in secrecy looking at different alien chic women with different strange hair colors and he is kinda enjoying it and picking one out for you. he denies it though and kinda gets bashful. always is cleaning your glasses for you. you try to get him to change his haircut or hair color and he legit gives you a death glare like do not even try honey. even though you are different than spock spock likes how wild and unique you are compared to his stoic self. he likes that you compliment him and bring out good qualities in him or bring out a different side to him getting out of the box. 
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julictcapulet · 4 years
tagged by @lvciddreamt​ thank you bby ily <3 - tag ten followers you’d like to get to know better !
name :  belle
gender :  female
star sign :  virgo (fun fact my brother once told me when i was 9 that because a virgo’s symbol or whatever is a virgin that i’d be a virgin forever and i’m not saying i believe him but i’m getting nervous)
height  :  5ft
age  :  20
wallpaper on my phone  :  here darling i’ll show you.
house  :  slytherin
ever  crush  on  a  teacher :  oh gosh okay @miasgoth​ will absolutely laugh at me for this but yes, i had a crush on the teacher who taught my shakespeare literature class in freshman and sophomore year of high school before he left. he was in his mid 30s, engaged (as if that was the thing keeping us apart), gorgeous, rolled up the sleeves of his button down shirts, and was as in love with shakespeare as i was.
coolest  halloween  costume  :  i am but a simple jewish girl who wasn’t allowed to do halloween after age 5 and didn’t have the money to do purim afterwards, but 4 year old me was minnie mouse and she killed it
favorite  90’s  tv  show : buffy, the og beverly hills 90210, and the nanny
last  kiss  :   scandal time, i’ve never had a real kiss (yes i’m 20, yes it haunts me, yes i’m touch starved what about it??) but the last time i was kissed was when i played desdemona in othello and the guy playing othello kissed me after he strangled me. sexy, no?
have  you  ever  been  stood  up  :  no
favorite  pair  of  shoes  :  i’m a shoe hoe, and my favorite is a pair of black suede heeled boots because i’m short
have  you  ever  been  to  vegas :  no
favorite  fruit  :  mangos!!
favorite  book  :  persuasion by the queen herself, jane austen
stupidest  thing  you’ve  ever  done  : smoked weed before going to an 18+ comedy club in the city where i ordered three pina coladas and took the train back to brooklyn at 4am with two other people i was with when i was 16.
all  time  favorite  shows  :  breaking bad, the sopranos, gossip girl, sex and the city (the rANGE)
last movie you saw in theaters : once upon a time in hollywood and it did not live up to my expectations like mr. tarentino you did inglourious basterds i expected better from you
i’ll tag @miasgoth @viktorvalc @vii-writes @rosecolore-d @ofelah @stan-rps @lydiamwrites @feralbookwcrm @atoncmcnt and @persephone-rps love you guys <3 <3
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Ohmygod so based on real life experiences and the Peter w a s/o w glasses hcs how about reader always falls asleep cuddling with Peter and is constantly breaking her glasses bc they fall off and she rolls on top of them. 🦕🔱
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This is my nIgHtMaRe
I have glasses and one time during class I was cleaning them off with my shirt and they snAPPED IN HALF
I had to call my mom and she had to dig through my room to find my spare pair and then I had to take a science test, it was awful
Why am I telling you all of this
On to the actual request
I just
Sometimes you don’t want to take them off and put them somewhere else
You gotta move your arm to do that
No one wants to move when they’re all cozy in bed
And you want to be able to see Peter’s beautiful face while you’re falling asleep so you keep them on
90% of the time
You both wake up and Peter’s like
“Tf is stabbing me in the back??”
He looks and it’s the arm of your glasses :’)
You find one of the lenses under your leg and the other lens and arm are still connected but they’re behind the head of the bed
He has taken you, blind af, to stark tower too many times to weld them back together
The first few times he goes to Tony and then after the fifth time in a month Tony tells Peter not to light anything on fire but to do it himself
After a while he doesn’t even wear goggles when he’s in front of the molten plastic and welding equipment 
You just sit on one of the tables trying to see if Peter’s really on fire or if that’s just his blurry silhouette blending with that of the fire
Most times
It’s just you being blind
One time however
You put your fixed glasses back on
Peter panics and accidentally flings the flaming glove across the room
Lights half the room on fire
Tony is not happy but you did get a picture of Peter screaming because his gloved hand is on fire and Tony did request to have that sent to him
So now Tony sends it to the Avengers Group Chat™ whenever someone says something that requires a meme
Sometimes he sends a heart meme that he made himself where the glove is covered in hearts and Peter is flinging towards text that says, ‘you’
The heart just barely manage to cover up the fire :’)
What am I doing
Taglist: @peachybabykxo @5aftermidnight @spideyyypeter @book-wyrm-snacks @loki-sharpe-hiddleston-imagines @set-phasers-to-cuddle @thecurlyhairedwinchester @lou-la-lou @ilostcount-helpme @snazzy-posts @meisiisem @stevieboyharrington @clean-and-claire @peter-null @embrace-themagic @yafriendlyfangirl @fandomnerdsarecool @ellie-emb @soniaxmsj @avngersunite @m4shtyx @sparkling-gayyy @nervous-shawn @americaswritings @robinkat3 @buckybabyy @mrsstarkstrange @servamp-addict @Darkworld-Student @alexiamiky2003 @freightcarcap @dumbasscorn @cordelia-sagewright @multifandomshitblog @stickybuckybarnesmarvel @dorcasmeadoweslupin @chloe-geoghegan1 @remusfreakinglupin @lostnliterature @chaospossum @closertothesunwhenimwithyou @serpent-tea @marvelouspottering @karanliginkizilovato @swansong321 @xinyourdreamsx @melannchoholic @swansong321 @xinyourdreamsx @melannchoholic @deathofthethrones @tylerposeforme @infinitywarrior @1penryn @spideymood @hp-hogwartsexpress @marvelandsuchstuff @cmweikle37 @marauders-trash-forever @lensedwriter @khaleesiclifford @gaylactic @southsidespidey @positiveparker @thisismysecrethappyplace @bellamyblakemorley @flower-holland @coonflix @not-jay-cosby @stardust.and.glitter @ink-bottlebouquet @mamarhee @marcymakemagic @tomshufflepuff @obsessedfangirl4lyfe @jade7he9em @spiderman-n @lush-bby @lush-bby @delicately-written @tnrthings @goldenariana @gummyhoneybees @panic-at-top @captainbuckyy @mysticracoon @dumbass-sandwich @crushed-velvet-nothings @iwritemaybe @ariagrillart @hiddlestonstansworld @raavka @maraudersandco @lokislilcarribbeanprincess @sock-and-sandles @potterhead-of-ilvermorny @spencer-is-too-perfect @my-babies-are-ash @whysoseriouspadfoot @mysticalsandwichseeker @existingovertherainbow @laurenicochran @graciegxo @silverquartx @peetieparker @smhavengers @nefelimalfoy @sedanleystanley @yallgotkik @jessicaklehrwinchesters @keey-lime-pi @screeching-student-unknown @soakingandsoaring @chrisstabme @sovereignoblivious @itsanarttodie @hollandhours @multifxndom-avxngers @galaxyoffangirls @just4muggles @everything-s-comin-up-aces @binki-g @hbknati @tomhollandhasnolips @awkward-useless-unicorn @justinekomwriterkru @boomtownboy @sedanleystanley @starryeyedsupernova @mcu-potter-pirate @mikylxhh @parkersingfinitywar @the17resa @spiderparkersfanpage @good-old-fashioned-queens @chillinjules @ragnorak-dust-deactivated201903 @majesticavenger  @honestlylrh @jellyfishwriter @queenvoiid @thewitchmadness @righttide @marvelousmarauderstrash @its-the-unknownspidey @hero-ically @itshelaodinsdottirbitch @lovinnholland @sewarner @its-shaula-wii  @bloomingonmay @lokeystan @peterparkersbb @deavvy @jbetsiea7-23 @rose-aesthete @built4broadway @hp-hogwartsexpress
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cadaceus · 4 years
I am finally in the same year as them (again)! Though that makes it a bittersweet happenstance, since this is the closest I have ever been to catching up. My quarantine binge watch may be nearly at its end... but it isn’t quite yet! Here are my thoughts, notes, and liveblogs for Campaign 2, Episode 90 of “Critical Role” (entitled “Bathhouses and Bastions”). This episode was so ridiculous, and I loved it so much. (Sprinkle is totally not dead, you guys.) Spoilers below!
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- They’re never gonna let Travis live down this “snea snake” thing, are they? dfdghjgfhjkl
- Sam/Nott’s face when Caleb says that Beau’s research is more interesting to him today than studying Nott’s problem makes me sad (even though Nott’s not technically there)
- Jester crying over Molly’s art in his tarot deck  😭 bby girl
- Everyone’s reactions to Caduceus going to the help desk and talking about Traveller Con and saying he has “a date for the event” (??? like a day that it is or like a date he’s bringing along ???) were a Whole Mood, I love Cad
- “I would help Yeza with his problems sometimes. Always good to have a second pair of eyes on things.” “Yes, always. Lucky man. We’ll get you back to him.” 😭 ( + Caleb pulling Nott into a “slow, awkward hug”... would this really be an Emma liveblog if I didn’t sob about these two once or twice?)
- Yasha’s Natural 20 for the harp playing! We stan Yasha and the Orphanmakers!
- Marisha: *messes up a word* Travis: “Whooa knock them bubbles loose!” Laura: “Okay, snea snake”  [GAME ANNOUNCER VOICE] KO
- Hey it’s Darrow!!! He seems like such a cool dude looool love him
- “Maybe we should let them go by themselves to the spa!” Is Nott trying to set Fjord up with the guy who kicked his ass in the tournament sdfghjklhgsfghjkl let him live !!!!
- Caleb casting Seeming on Fjord so he looks like he’s in his bathrobe and everyone else looks properly dressed is literally peak comedy for me sdsghjkldhdghjk LET HIM LIVE !!!!
- Essek!!! It’s my boy Essek!! It’s been so long 
- Do I love Essek? Yes. Do I trust a single word that is coming out of his mouth right now? No fucking way 
- Did Taskhand Adeen get Modify Memory cast on him? Or maybe some other spell? There has to be a reason for his confusion...
- “[Sprinkle’s] been dead for weeks” has officially broken Taliesin, I think he’s literally crying from laughter asdfghjkljh
- The talk with the Bright Queen went well! Part one of the mission is accomplished, at least. A peace talks will be arranged!
- Essek offering his Teleport to the Mighty Nein and then saying “sorry, it’s been awhile... I just assumed--” 
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- LOL the close caption-ers(? transcribers? subtitlers?) are NOT pulling any punches today, it’s fine beatboxing, let them live sdfgshjkdldl
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heesgf · 5 years
studying w/ lee byounggon!
hello cutest ppl of the world!!! here is a present for u <3 and pls read my scenario for bad boy gon!! or soft blurb gon
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studying w/ lee byounggon                                                                                    (a bad idea)
OK SO you and byounggon have AP biology together, and somehow, by the grace of GOd himself, you’ve made it to the end of the year
It’s time for ur final exam!!! yay!!  because u can finally peace TF out of that class, but aww :’(( bc you have a final exam with 100 multiple choice  and 10 written questions 😔
some of ur ap bio shenanigans have included:
byounggon reading multiple questions OUT LOUD while you are writing the test and he literally doesn’t even notice
Like he just does it so naturally??? you’ll be side eyeing him through the divider that separates your desks
in your head, you’ll be like “AHEMMMM at LEAST read out the answers too damn ...”
He does not read out the answers :/
even tho it can be kind of off-putting, his voice is rlly deep and soothing!!!! so honestly it kind of helps your test anxiety
......but u will never admit that... he would have too much power
you and byounggon once made an animal cell out of rice krispy treats & candy
you guys left the project to the very last minute because collectively u have one brain cell
U guys started building but then u ate so much candy, you ended up puking🤮
After u had released the #barf, you and byounggon choose to cuddle up on the couch and u just chill for a couple hours
Somehow u convinced him to watch bird box????? He was DYING!!!
But it’s ok bc ur the Best Significant Other Ever and you used imdb to research every possible death scene!! and u gave him a solid 3 second warning every time
ONE TIME u were just a little bit off and he watched something a lil gruesome
U lost ur abiliity to hear from the scream that he released
“im never watching a movie with you AGAIN!”
“i said i was SORRY sodfjsdiofjsdio”
He complained for so long but then you promised you’d make it up to him with some kisses and he was like.... “hehehe ok im down”
a whole baby!!!!!
Its around 11pm now!! You and gon are cuddling on the couch, and it’s so warm, and cute, and wholesome <333
Ur running ur fingers through his soft hair and playing with his fingers; he’s just calmly humming and loving every minute of this
u start to close ur eyes and u feel kinda sleepy, so you lay your head on byounggon’s chest and just nestle in
you’re about to say “goodnight chief” and call it a night
But something feels off?
u suddenly shoot TF up and your mind is racing and ur like “thE PROJECT  !!”, real movie type shit
Ur trying not to LOSE UR MIND while byounggon is just snoring away... his arms are wrapped so tightly around u, and ur mind is still 23% asleep
honestly... maybe u should just lean back into his chest and fall asleep....
But then ur guilt complex is like ‘NO the pROJECT’
U want to wake him up but Byounggon: has left the chat
You start poking at his cheek erratically, and when he FINALLY wakes up, he’s all mumbley and tired and CUTE
U break the tragic news to him and now you’re both contemplating mental breakdowns
For the next 6 hours you guys are DEDICATED to this project
U show up to school the next morning with ur masterpiece:
(yall i rlly made that shit, respect me)
your eyes are SO unbelievably red, and for some reason, ur hair has marshmallow fluff in it????? u have to convince byounggon not to eat that shit on four separate occasions
“It looks yummy”
“PLS restrain urself”
So ur looking a little bit busted, but still cute, bc ur BEAUTIFUL nd sexy
SOMEHOW byounggon still looks perfect???? He looks like he’s just been rejuvenated by 10 hours of sleep; his skin is glowing and his eyes are twinkling... #unfair
when u guys show up to class, your teacher is sO happy with your project!!!!
but then she takes one look at you and she’s like, “(y/n) can i talk to you for a minute pls?”
“ uhh yeah ok, sure!!”
U think she’s about to tell you that she’s so proud of you both for coming up with such a creative idea, and for doing such a good job with the materials u used, but then she’s like:
“(y/n) ur eyes are so red”
ur kinda :’((( bc u think she’s about to scold you for pulling an allnighter...she’s a mama bear
“Pls stop smoking before class it’s rlly inappropriate”
Ur mouth is dropped WIDE open and byounggon is in the corner, snickering the sleep deprivation away: u want to kILL HIM!
Honestly, ur so shook, u kinda just stand there in silence while your teacher just shakes her head and does one of those “tsk tsk tsk” things and walks away
When u go back to ur desk, byounggon is like, “yea (y/n), u should rlly stop smoking at school, it’s super rude and honestly kind of distract-”
The look u give him makes him shut UP IMMEDIATELY
but then he just cranes his long arms around ur waist and smiles into the crook of ur neck and he’s like: “baby im sorry i love u”
So wholesome :’))))
Ur choked up?? And after all that work, a little bit delirious? U lean back into him and tilt ur head to the side so he can kiss u
when he pulls away he gives u this rlly uneven smirk
“even if u smoke before class”
A couple weeks later, u guys have to do this lab on human heart rate and metabolism
bc byounggon is ur deskmate, he’s also ur lab partner (unfortunately)
Byounggon is RLLY SMART, but honestly u guys are just rlly unproductive when ur together bc u just want to. . .. hug him (relatable)
For one part of the lab, somebody needs to stick their hand into ice water while the other person monitors their heart rate
Byounggon REALLY passionately wants to be the one to dunk his hand in the water tank and ur just like “lmao ok calm down”
@ this point, ur concerned x 3493049304930
He’s just like: “im FINE it’s FINE, keep going”
His eyes are TWITCHING
U have to forcefully yank his hand out of the water because he literally will NOT??? why is he like this
But it’s ok bc u warmed up his hand with lots hand holding and sweet lil kisses <333333
overall, bio have been a WILD ride, but byounggon has made it so much more enjoyable,,, and u guys love each other lots,,, (y/n) and byounggon for cutest couple 2k19  😘
Okay so now for the studying!!!
byounggon kind of had to beg to get you to study with him at the library
but that’s only because every time u study with him, u dont retain SHIT, bc ur too busy drooling over his jawline
U wanted to be rlly strict and firm so you could actually be well prepared!!!! But when he started whining and hugging on you,,,, what wEre you SUppOSED to DO?!?
So NOW, u and gon are at the library
U make him sit across from u
Because the lord knows, if he’s sitting next to, he will not stop kissing ur face and u RLLY need to do some learning!!! Studious Queen
twelve minutes into mitosis and chill, byounggon is pouting and using his biology textbook as a pillow
Literally byounggon is the kind of guy that looks like he’d be a rlly messy student, but he will take one look at the textbook, and get a 96%
So ofc, he’s like... “studying... who’s she?”
He’s just staring at you
In this moment, u look SO CUTE, bc ur head is burried in your book, and ur hair is adorably messy, and ur eyebrows are scrunched together bc ur rlly focused
Ur the cutest thing he ever saw?????
“Gon,,, baby u have to stop staring at me,, i can’t concentrate”
He’s so GOOFY
“im noooooooooot”
(he totally is)
It’s been about two hours?? Byounggon took a power nap, and u reviewed everything u possibly could,,, now u just want byounggon to hum u to sleep
byounggon is POWERED UP (stream power up by red velvet)  from his nap and he’s very, very, very giddy
And a lil clingy bc u haven’t cuddled him today yet :/
He’s been saying “mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell” for about 8 minutes,,, u would throw ur bag of hot cheetos at him but he’s just too pretty
He’s laughing AT HIMSELF
Ur shaking ur head and laughing at him too
The librarian POPS UP out of literally nowhere?? She looks at byounggon playing candy crush on his phone and she’s like “SHHHHHHHHHH!!! young man! you are being so disrespectful! this place is for students to study! U need to leave immediately”
She’s about to point her finger at you too, but then:
“Ma’am i’ve never seen this boy in my whole life” 😜
Byounggon is Taken Aback™
He rlly can’t believe u just did that
U start laughing so hard bc PAYBACK
But his mind is just thinking.. . “top ten worst anime betrayals of all time”
The librarian is so annoyed with both of you she just turns around and mumbles something like “stupID KIDS”
U have to lug byounggon outside bc now he’s #embarrassed bc of the librarian, and #hurt because u threw him under the bus
He’s still pretending to be upset by the time u guys make it back to his house, and u have to give him all sorts of compliments to make everything okay again
“ur chin.... is straight SEXY”
“i think it’s cute that u eat bananas with sriracha”
“i, for one, like the screams you make when we watch horror movies”
u conclude with a veryyyy sweet kiss on his lips
let’s just say... he forgives u
THE NEXT DAY!!! It’s time for ur exam omgomg :’))))))
byounggon finishes that shit in 26 minutes and somehow ends up getting a 92%
it took u a solid 48 minutes and u ended up with a nice and spicy 90%
he gets the better mark bc he’s god Lee Byounggon??? U will never understand bc he rlly doesn’t even try.... U can’t relate
But it’s ok
Because he’s the cutest thing to ever exist in the world, and even if he makes u the most unproductive person in existence, u love him more than anything <333
And he loves u bby!!!!!
the librarian, on the other, loves neither of u 😔 ......
THE END ! ! ! !
i love u all!! and thank u for ur support!! hit like if u feel bad for the librarian  😔
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