#he's canonically from a sort of hub universe
boundlss · 1 year
@fintastica / universe hopping starter call! ( mark twain )
Incidentally, just before it happened, he'd had the optimistic thought that he was just starting to get the hang of using the dimensional doors to get himself in and out of 44's archives.
In fairness, Twain has never quite had an incident like this before that left him somewhere completely unfamiliar. At worst, the doors would fail to show up, and he'd be locked on one side of the archive for a little while until 44 felt guilty enough to let him in. This sort of thing---a completely unfamiliar destination---maybe shouldn't have even been possible.
"Well, damn. Guess it's definitely a little possible..." he mumbles to himself, struck with the feeling that the scenery doesn't actually seem completely unfamiliar. As he continues to observe it, he notes that it looks a little bit like the grounds of a school. It's only in looking around that he notices; wherever the doorway had taken him, he's not alone.
He startles, a late reaction to the unexpected company. A student here, maybe?
"... Uh. Hi."
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10yrratiolover · 11 days
I wanted to ask a question about a part of ratio's lore
He joined the Intelligentsia guild why was he left with no choice ? Since he wasn't noticed by Nous and he also didn't join the genius society ?
( forgive me if this is a silly question 🥲 but I didn't quite understand this part )
* and I apologize if there are any spelling mistakes, I'm using Google Translate
I don't think there's a canonical reason stated for why he joined the Guild, however it could be possible that he joined the Guild because aiming higher wasn't working despite his efforts.
However, I am more inclined to believe that he is in the Guild for more genuine reasons, or, for reasons that aren't tied to the Genius Society at all. The data bank states that "The Guild is willing to accept all beings from the infinite universe who seek to learn, as well as providing all that is needed for the full pursuit of knowledge."
Not only does the Guild promote a space for learning, it also promotes a space to share that knowledge, stating: "Members trade knowledge for wisdom and formulas for recipes, seeking to achieve mastery."
So, essentially the Guild is like metaphorical economy or trading hub that uses knowledge instead of money or goods. Ratio is a teacher within the Guild, seeing as someone with his intelligence and publicly known accomplishments could easily get a better job, I believe that he chooses to teach in order to spread his knowledge. His desire is to 'cure idiocy' and, what better place than somewhere that actively encourages spreading knowledge?
Though, the data bank does also state that: "Only the cream of the crop can become members of the Genius Society, but the Intelligentsia Guild wastes not." Which is an interesting quote to observe when speaking about Ratio in particular, sort of implying a sense of 'hey they won't take you, but we will!'
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joyousgeekeryart · 1 year
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Finally decided to upload this unfinished Steven Universe AU comic I sketched out in 2020 that went along with the animatic I made.
The premise was that the Diamonds found out about Steven’s existence earlier than canon and stole him away as a small child. The Diamonds retrieve Spinel for Steven to have a playmate, though she initially doesn’t believe Steven isn’t just Pink playing another cruel trick on her. It takes some sort of small but scary accident to prove to Spinel that this is a human (because gems don’t bleed), and she slowly warms up to him after that. (More notes if you’re interested under the cut.)
I had the plot laid out roughly as Steven seeking answers to his cryptic repetitive dreams, then hearing the Diamonds converse about Earth. The planet name sounds familiar so he winds up chasing Peridot to Earth and to the warp hub, warping from there and finding a half built beach house (which the Crystal Gems and Greg couldn’t bring themselves to finish after Steven’s kidnapping) and knowing it seems familiar but not knowing WHY. Steven meets and befriends Connie, there’s some almost-encounters with the Crystal Gems, but ultimately Peridot catches Steven and Spinel and says she won’t report a Diamond but they know they’d all be in trouble if they get caught so everyone keeps their mouth shut and go back to Homeworld.
Steven returns in secret to see Connie, but this time the Crystal Gems warp back in time to see him, attempting to stop his escape. Steven believes himself to be in danger and Spinel warps in at the wrong time, also assuming the same. Garnet says something that sparks a memory in Steven, but before he gets answers, Spinel springs into action to get him out of the perceived harm’s way and they return to Homeworld. Pearl and Amethyst make to follow through the warp, but Garnet stops them, saying if they follow, they would be shattered, and that Steven would return.
(That’s the tldr of it but here’s my chapter plans up to where I stopped working on it. I never officially typed it up but hopefully it’s legible.)
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sweet-beezus · 1 year
I was excited to start working on this prompt for @khoc-week as soon as the prompts dropped, specifically due to an AU RP group called Army of the Roses (started by @/pig-warship, sorry boo didn't want to ping you to death-) I've been involved in since 2019!!
To all my homies that are/were involved I love y'all this fun ditty is dedicated to you!! :)
If you've seen a bunch of my art in the Kingdom Hearts OC tags as of late, about 99% of it tends to be tagged with the name of the group, as to me it is like a brain eating amoeba that's Iliana (And Penna and Mando-) shaped (affectionate).
But before I delve too deep, let's get into the prompt!
Day 4 - Alternative Universes
I'm not gonna go too far into the lore of the AU because we'd be here all day, but I'll give a sprinkling for context!
The AU takes place hundreds of years after the events of Kingdom Hearts in a time where names like Sora and Xehanort have mostly been forgotten, but the events are still at least remembered to some degree. Places best known as hubs have also long since been abandoned and forgotten, turned to rubble under the weight of centuries of dwindling population. Traverse Town, even, is no longer the temporary sanctuary it once was.
Sora's Power of Waking kinda screwed up some fabric of reality stuff to the point where it opened a rift between universes, so there's a new (not very new by this point, anyway, unless you're a native to universe Alpha with no interaction beyond your world) universe with all sorts of places to explore!!
It's in this new universe where most of Iliana's character development is taking place, so buckle in for that.
Iliana's journey into the unknown follows the exact same story beats as her canon-compliant timeline, however she doesn't make ties with any canon characters this go around (because they're all long dead), so she mostly has to face the current state of affairs alone... ish.
Traverse Town is pretty much a ghost town at this point, with her uncle Russell being one of the very few remaining there, so her stay this time around feels a bit isolated. She starts off being a bit more closed off than she already was, which definitely will not have wonderful development later, no siree!
Her spontaneous journey to find her home is the same, but her chase through space ends a bit differently. Igni's Heartless (we didn't know it was her Heartless yet, well "we" being everyone but me) murks her in Traverse Town this time, her uncle manages to fight the beast off by himself, unfortunately paying witness to his niece's demise at the same time (sorry king), and instead of becoming Reixen she actually has her own Nobody named Anilxia, which I will explain why in due time.
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[Reusing older doodles because I ran out of steam-]
Anilxia was a grimy, very hostile shadow of her former self, fevered by rage, spite, and insomnia. She was almost a danger to Russell, yet he still treated her with tolerant kindness and respect. Like a rehomed, antisocial feral cat.
Frankly, to him this was much better than having her dead and gone like the rest of his family seemed to be, she was their last hope essentially. He had no idea what to do without her, really. So he started working behind the scenes to figure out how to get her back, while making sure to keep her close and in check. Did he go so far as to ground her from going anywhere without him? Absolutely. You can't trust a moody Nobody-
She stayed for (less than?) a year with Russell in this form, in the meantime piecing things together she had noticed were super suspicious about the few memories she was regaining. It all festered into tons of internal darkness that was feeding her own Heartless, which she eventually found skulking around town wherever she went.
Knowing she might be met with some end soon, and in a desperate attempt to preserve what she found out before it could be taken from her again, she wrote her notes down in a... weirdly magical journal, then persued her Heartless through a rift that led them both to the other universe where she recompleted herself... and immediately got hit by a city bus- Jk jk... unless?
She was taken in briefly by a kind stranger who~ I think I wrote to be this universe's reborn Alto! In an AU-canon-compliant diary, anyway- Then she, not knowing how to get back home from here, and with nothing but the clothes on her back and a few weird misc. items, decided to stay in this new city until she could find her own answers to things that were plaguing her. Memories she couldn't, well, remember and all that.
Her only company for a month was Iris and Irene, who in this timeline were... suspiciously much more hostile, and absent at times. She assumed the memory wipe was affecting them as well, so she thought her best bet was to pick up the pace on her personal research both into her world and her memories. She had to juggle some awful jobs at the same time, so suffice to say she was having an awful time.
An answer came to her in the form of a flyer for a mercenary group named, you guessed it, the Army of the Roses, so she packed up her awful little apartment, sold her lease for pretty cheap, and moved to their home base! With some surprising encouragement from Iris and Irene as well, hmm...
In the jump between universes, and probably even before that with her death, she lost her ability to use her Keyblade. That didn't stop it from reforming as a clunky scythe, however, so no need to worry about that... Wait, it's not her Keyblade why is this thing orange and feathery- She picked up using it pretty well, so what harm does a little cosmetic aesthetic change do?
She seemed to fit in perfectly with all the wackos (affectionate) that live there, however...
She started off as a total shut-in, stayed in her room most of the time, barely spoke to the team unless she almost got caught speaking to Iris and Irene or had to actively contribute to missions, lurked in the kitchen at night to avoid interacting... But eventually after a few months of being there she came out of her shell enough to disclose her ongoing problem with her missing home world to one of the leaders.
Of course, that was a backburner issue. They were dealing with bigger things at the time, so one measly personal problem could wait, right?
At one point, that same leader took her and (her new lil bro) another teammate to search for clues, turning up with at least something. She was just having trouble putting it together, like someone didn't want her to figure it all out... Days of almost getting there but coming up short with her memory out of wack did a number on her confidence, so to her dismay she still needed extra help.
With the, some reluctant some voluntary, assitance of the leaders, they managed to, after some harsh poking, confront the now revealed main concern, Igni, and found the leads they needed to bring it back from the brink of disappearance. (The leads were boobytrapped, obvi, if they weren't then it'd be too easy-) From here on, though, Iris and Irene fall suspiciously silent.
Now, I had the absolute pleasure to be at the forefront of Iliana's Character Chapter, a special event where she could (almost) wrap up her character arc and I could make everyone cry! :)
I mentioned it a bit in my KHOC Week posts about Igni in 2021, as it was in progress at the time when I was making them! I thought it would add some nice flavor to her posts and add context for my reasons to talk about her, but it was all very vague so I wouldn't spoil much about the CC itself, so it may have been a... rough read-
We've long since moved on from it as a whole, but it was really fun to host and is forever one of my favorite things I've ever gotten to contribute!!
So, contrary to the canon-compliant timeline where I'm quite a ways away from ever reaching the grand end of her personal story, here we finally got to experience it in motion, but... good golly gee my pals really bent it beyond repair, thank goodness I am pretty decent at improv-
To summarize: They sure did find the Hills of Progress! Y'know the journal I mentioned earlier? Yeah, it was sealed in that.
Along the way they met some interesting faces, relived some horrendous relationships, immediately adopted a very good frog obsessed boy, and backhanded a twink who deserved it (my favorite part tbh). Things happened early and in the strangest ways possible, someone almost died (3 different people at 3 different times, it was a mess) and one nose was broken (Iliana got punched super hard at supersonic speeds so Igni would get out of the driver's seat, my 2nd fav part tbh).
But the important turning point (aside from a hug and a later interaction before Igni got Galeem'd 2: Electric Boogaloo) I wanted to talk about was when they crossed the threshold into Iliana's heart. They were there specifically to confront Igni and hopefully remove her permanently, but she was making it virtually impossible to find her. She's annoying like that.
They turned to their next best bet: Iliana's "heart parasites," Iris and Irene. They hoped the two would be more than helpful in finding Igni, but to their dismay... they were not. In fact, they refused and stalled for time, arguing with the leaders and outing themselves for what they really were in what was probably the most heart wrenching betrayal the whole CC...
"They never existed."
"We're just figments of an active imagination here only to mentor where one couldn't succeed on her own."
"Igni made us simply to keep an eye on her, making us as real as possible only kept up the illusion she wasn't alone."
"If our purpose was to protect her, perhaps we would have done more to be kind, perhaps even try to defend her."
"But that was never our purpose, so it never happened."
In turn both of them raised their weapons to [leader], defective copies of a Keyblade long forgotten.
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[Quotes taken directly from the event! I went hard on that ngl-]
They were never real to begin with, just illusions made up by Igni to keep tabs on and steer Iliana in the right direction. Visages she stole from the lifetimes she lived, people that did exist but don't anymore. Mere façades of what she thought a lonely child needed like the countless others she observed before, instead turned to a reminder that she can and will be disposed of eventually, to keep her in line.
Her whole life was revealed to be a lie right then and there, and that crack in her heart is gonna be very hard to repair. Time may not be able to heal all wounds on this one. Her trust? Shattered.
It also charted her course way differently, and with them being fake she was 100% herself when her Nobody stepped into the limited limelight. She was, in fact, truly alone the whole time. Well... Aside from Igni, but she doesn't count.
You can imagine Igni's defeat was bittersweet that day, she ticked off one too many people so it was time to get rid of her for good. She became Igni goo and was Baja/Biden/Flavor blasted to kingdom come, it was GREAT!!! Finally, a deserved win, since they had gone through so much in a span of two days, it was a relief!
Iliana's memories of Iris and Irene in this timeline are forever soiled, and because of it her already existing trust issues are much worse, but (to her dismay) her new found family is there to help work her through it!
The other downside is that she's got some guilt to work through, as well as her personal family problems and her now worsened Igni Disease™ (it has a name, I just think calling it that is funnier-).
And of course her being her you can try to pry these issues out of her and into the open, it may just take a crowbar and a lot of elbow grease. Or a bribe... or perhaps just a moment of vulnerability, of which she has few... Or her brother disclosing her personal life for the nth time. Either way, I wish you luck-
On the bright side of this whole mess, she has her Keyblade back in a more ethical way thanks to her new dad/big bro figure so HA, suck on that Igni-
The Keyblade part is not really a win in her eyes, but perhaps she'll warm up more to the idea when her self esteem repairs itself.
Not gonna lie, that self doubt of hers is strong enough to be a source of weird funky happenings...
But that's a thought for later!
What is a win is that she has her lil' bro back!!! And while she doesn't make it obvious, she has never been happier about an outcome in her entire life, that entire nightmare was WORTH IT-
Now she gets to teach him the magic of self defense, and the two can journey together just like she had promised him forever ago.
And with that~!
This was a long one! If you made it this far, you have earned my gratitude and a dash more of my respect!
I have a lot of passion and love stored in this AU and the people I collaborate with, especially the admins, so it only felt right to go on about it to great length! It's very fun to participate in, so you can see why my brainworms are specifically tailored to this.
Again, thank you to my buds in the server for the amazing opportunity to make this nightmare happen, and allowing me to have something to backread when I want to relive probably one of my favorite things I've gotten to host!! We all hate Igni in this house, yet her ghost still haunts us to this day... In one way or another-
Anyway, I hope y'all had fun!! I'll see y'all again for Day 5!!
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lordelmelloi2 · 10 months
4 and/or 21 for the ship HC thing? <:3c
I did 21 already so I'm doing 10 cause I know Caro asked for that one
#4. Do they always share their food with eachother? If so, do they both also have a favorite food that they like to share with eachother as well? (Bonus points if they do it in lovey dovey couple style too)
If Rosesona is eating something tasty he will stop at nothing to make sure Waver has a bite or two also. Its the Italianism. Rosesona loves feeding Waver because he loves him and he loves watching his face when he eats something good and loves watching his usually stern expression soften and his eyebrows raise in astonishment when he has something delicious for the first time....... um. IS IT LOVEY DOVEY? not that much they're not like slobbering all over each other or anything but you can tell they like each other very much when they're sharing food together. It's in the eyes. And Waver thinks Rosesona has a certain way of smiling when he's actually very truly content and happy that's different than the others that he's always trying to coaxe out in various ways so believe me Waver is trying to get Rose on some treats too...
#10. What's an au you have for them?
There's an AU ... series of AUs kind of built into the canon Rose Chaldea lore. I mean Rosesona is literally a 2nd Magician attached to the Kaleidoscope so it's not like this isn't a thing already. When your power is being able to see and interact and travel to other dimensions, AUs are a given.
After the Beast thing was done and Rose had healed from becoming a Beast and the dust was settled, Rose and Waver made a decision to try and glean more information about Marisbury and the state of Chaldea's conception and the entire Chaldea-FGO dimension by going back to Waver's OG timeline in 2004, post Case Files pre Adventures and figuring out what was going on, what was happening with Lev Lainur, etc... So there's the OG Rose in Chaldea still who is receiving information from different dimensions (honestly overstimulated and overloaded with it and completely miserable about it, much to Waver's chagrin, but hasn't found a better way of blocking off/picking through the constant information overload as a Central Hub Rose just yet) and then there's like, the Rose and Waver and Gray and Reines of London who are trying to live Normally while finding out as much information about the conception of Chaldea and everything that led up to it (and also try to protect Olga Marie if they can)...
Then there's also... after having become a Beast, there's actually a split even there between the Rose who goes back to Chaldea with Waver and recovers from Beasthood vs the Rose who remained behind and made a contract with Dionysus, who, thru Iskandar's worship of Dionysus had been watching The Entire Thing Unfold and offers a chance at "making things right" (see: watching more and more plays ft. Rose as a pseudoservant Beast-vessel thing with Dionysus sort of as a chair on the Board of Directors amongst everyone else in Rosesona's head -_-) .... which leads to Rose-Dionysus Beast servant being summonable in other Chaldeas and then putting himself through a time-loop like torture where he struggles and reconciles with how he could ever love Waver in other universes, what that looks like, what different Wavers he sees -- because although there are certain constants in Lord El-Melloi II's life such as becoming LEM2, his character may change in various ways between dimensions, i.e. this Waver may be more immature, or This Waver may be more serious and harder to get to laugh, or This Waver has might be a little crazier, or This Waver might be more slutty or idfk... etc. there are a lot of different ways that man can exist. (RE: asking an author not if it's OOC but What would it take for this character to Act This Way, dimensional differences that change things + the way people are shaped is by the people they meet as well, and boy is the variety that Chaldea has a basic kaleidoscope in of itself of possibilities)....
.... This is all very funny because in the end we have the OG Rose processing this information from the London timeline and from all these Rose-Dionysus successes or failures or literally anything going on there. I guess the question also is "what is a success for Rose-Dionysus" and "Can he exist without Waver in his life at all" -- which actually for me as an author also begs the question "how can Rose exist without Waver finding any interest in him", which is where those RoseKama AUs also come in but then what if Kama's not there and etc.
a lot of THOSE AUs where Waver is just not even Present in Rose-Dionysus's life end with Rose doing either something self-destructive or him just, IDK. Being very weird. Coming very close to unpersoning himself. I think -- and this is the thing -- the meeting of Waver, the having of Waver in Rosesona's life is what grounds him to humanity.
Without Waver there, there's no reason for him to remain attached to it, so he just decides to transcend entirely and become closer to a concept, one way or the other. If Waver wants to stop it, fine, but if he wants to remain uninvolved and look the other way, there's nothing stopping Rosesona. Is this bad for Rose? I don't know. Transcendence can be liberating. With a transcended Rose, the idea of happiness and sadness no longer need to really exist. But I think some people would be very sad for Rose to exit humanity.
So there's a lot of different writing that exists based off these various AUs... I haven't posted a lot of them. If yall want me to post some Rose-Dionysus AU snippets and such let me know if it interests you. I even wrote something recently that had R-D and Waver talking friendly with each other that I really liked...
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glitchy-creations · 1 year
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“Alright, let’s do this one last time, yeah? My names Robin Vega. I was bitten by an intergalactic alien spider, and for the last three years I’ve been the one and only Spider-Nova. You know the rest; Saved a bunch of people. Saved a bunch of people again. Saved a few planets with the Nova Corps, that was pretty cool. Became a costume designer for some local heroes and the occasional vigilante. I like to think pops would be super proud if he was still here.”
(Character info below the cut)
Have I seen Across the Spiderverse? Not yet. Have I seen Into the Spiderverse? Yup! Does that constitute me making a spidersona? Absolutely! Everyone say hello to my chaotic bean Robin! I’m gonna list out some things I’ve got ideas for below b/c not everything has been fleshed out (the timeline is not set in stone, so all canon ages and events are still in the works).
Most of this was based off a joke between me and friend; what if Robin somehow landed in the ultimate Spider-Man (cartoon) universe and met Sam/Nova and they had a contest over who was the best Nova? (It’s totally Robin)
Robin comes from an alternate universe where, after an infinity war esc event (not necessarily infinity war, but like an intergalactic war of sorts, Earth became a hub for intergalactic travel and communication
By the time Robin became Spider-Nova Earth has an abundance of intergalactic life living there, primarily alien races who have lost their home planet). This lead to Earth gaining its own Nova Corps devision on planet.
Robin is roughly the same age as Hobie (he gives me the vibes of being in his late teens to early twenties) so they’re somewhere between 19-21 years old. They’re also Nonbinary and use They/Them pronouns.
Robin was raised by a single father Benjamin “Benji” Vega. Benji was always Robin’s number one supporter. Robin punched a kid at school because he was bullying another kid? Benji got them ice cream. Robin came out as nonbinary? Benji was doing everything to change pronouns and understand his kid better. Robin showed an interest in sewing and cosplay? You know Benji was buying the best sewing machines, and went to every fashion show Robin was in
Robin was super close to their dad because of this and they were devastated when he died. They went to live with their Aunt May after their dad passed
They stopped sewing for a long time after their dad passed. May was the one who eventually convinced Robin to start sewing again.
Robin was part of a costume design internship at the time of the bite
They had visited the Nova Corps research lab as part of a research project. It’s unknown how the alien spider got out, but that’s what bit Robin.
Because the alien had been exposed to small amounts of the Nova Force over a long period of time, it had absorbed the energy and passed on a few of the abilities most Nova Corps members have.
This includes levitation and limited energy absorption (the superhuman strength and agility overlaps with the spider person abilities)
Robin has many of the standard spider-person abilities such as web-slinging, wall-crawling, enhanced stamina/strength/agility/etc., and spidey sense
While Robin can sort of use energy blasts, they primarily channel them through their webbing so the blast is more accurate. They also thought the idea was funny
The don’t often use their flight ability unless they need to get somewhere fast. Usually web-slinging is enough.
Because they gained their powers from the Nova Corps (albeit unintentionally) Robin was inspired by the Nova Corps uniforms for their own costume.
Their costume is primarily solid colours with the torso and shoulders being solid black and the legs being a golden yellow. Their spider symbol is red inspired by the ranking symbol. Their ankle boots are also red and black
The webbing patches on their jacket and arms are inspired by a yellow, blue, and green supernova image I found.
I’m still deciding on if the cargo pants should be like an acid washed grey or straight black
Robin really enjoys baggy clothes. It’s not for any body insecurity reasons - they are comfortable in their body - they just like the silhouette
They especially like cargo pants and big jackets because of the ✨pockets✨ that’s why their costume has those elements
Robin is the epitome of “you can use anything as a weapon if you swing hard enough”…despite literally having the ability to shoot energy from their hands
Robin does have a noticeable New York accent which gets worse when they’re mad or excited
“The woild is yer erster!” “What?” “Yer erster!” “What?” “You know, yer fancy clam with the poyle inside!” “Oh, you mean oyster”
Despite claiming the need to protect their identity, Robin has walked out of the house in their costumes jacket b/c it was the first this they grabbed when leaving the house on numerous occasions
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And that’s all I got so far! I love my chaotic bean so much 🤧
All of the pose references came from Mellon_Soup on TikTok and Instagram! Please go check her out she’s got a ton of great poses for artists to use!
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wipbigbang · 1 year
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The final round of art claims is open at @wipbigbang! We have all sorts of great stories left in multiple fandoms, and we'd love any type of fanart for them: traditional art, digital art, fanmixes, moodboards, fic covers/chapter headers...any kind of art you can imagine!
The synopses are located at https://wipbigbang.dreamwidth.org/173272.html
The form is located at https://forms.gle/yyxkCxyXJopMTyUs8.
Voltron: Legendary Defender
Title: The Rites of Courtship
Pairing/Characters: Keith/Thace
Rating Explicit | E
Warnings/Tags: Graphic Violence, Non-con/Rape
(Past) attempted/threatened rape, imprisonment, mildly dubious consent(only at beginning of relationship), canon Galra-bigotry,
Additional tags: AU. Alien biology/genitalia for Keith, Keith believes he's intersex, alien culture/courtship rituals, alien gender/sexuality, alien sex, possible/eventual mpreg (that is totally normal by alien standards), Keith and Shiro are adopted siblings, Allura's Galra-related traumas get aggravated but the Paladins and Coran help her through them, Keith has three parents, quad-sexed ovoviviparous marsupial Galra, Thace is a very devoted and loving consort/husband.
Summary: During the raid on the Galactic Hub, Keith is captured alongside Allura. Trapped amid a multitude of Galra who think Keith smells like sex and have every intention of forcibly taking what they want, Keith has to rely on the one Galra soldier who seems to want to help him. Choosing a consort through an ancient Galran rite is much better than the alternative, but it still means sex with a virtual stranger that Keith isn't sure he can trust. This is just a temporary thing until his friends can arrive to help him escape; Keith can do this. (He's really not sure he can do this.)
Additional spoilerific tldr summary: Keith gets captured, not knowing he's a Galra-hybrid that is currently fertile. Enemy Galra can smell it, and a bunch of the worst assholes in the bunch are all for raping the enemy they just captured. Thace desperately searches for a way to save Keith without blowing his cover as a spy, and hits upon the idea of an ancient Galra courtship/marriage rite(s) that will make sure Keith is protected until complete, thus stalling for time until Voltron can rescue him.
Except, Voltron doesn't show up when Thace was hoping. Keith asks Thace to be involved in the rites because Thace is at least trying to help. They end up completing the rites, becoming consorts, and even after more stalling for time Voltron hasn't shown up. Faced with worse than death, they discuss things together and decide to consummate, partly because they've already started to catch feelings for each other.
Voltron is still MIA, and Keith stumbles on Thace being a rebel spy, so while navigating Keith's new situation in the Galra fleet as Thace's consort they start planning Keith's and Allura's (and Thace's, because Keith isn't leaving without him damn it!) eventual escape.
On the eve of said escape, Voltron shows up, of course, and so begins Keith and Thace trying to figure out how to fit in with Voltron as Paladin and Consort, (and Galra rebel-spy and Galra-hybrid,) and with Allura having been traumatized by her time in captivity, to help her heal. Oh, and they still have to make allies and save the universe from a very angry Zarkon (and deliver a very final 'fuck you' to a would-have-been rapist), while navigating a new relationship, meeting new (and old) family, and team bonding. Oh and face a potential pregnancy somewhere in there too.
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antisatiric · 2 months
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i can tell you my faaavorite fun fact about twain's canon, although i can't guarantee it's something YOU won't have heard at least part of before.
twain exists in a world that's known to him as a "hub world". this is largely based off a similar plot point in bsd surrounding the book and is actually technically compliant with that! um, basically, the world he was born in and lives in primarily is the world that the extradimensional archive of his patron, 44, attached itself to. this was mostly random chance.
there are some neat effects and constraints that come from living in a world like that, though! for starters, every single story ever thought of creates its own independent universe from the ideas of the person who thought it up---so ever oral story, every work of fiction, becomes its own separate universe which can then "branch out" and create more variants of that same universe.
this is largely why the archive exists in the first place---not only is it a storage for the memories, accounts, and stories of people in the hub world, but it also categorizes all of the universes made by those people. the nonfiction accounts help to sort through universes spawned through unwritten works, etc.
twain doesn't really know or care much about the way it all works, though.
fun fact! / accepting.
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420tiddiez · 2 years
What is someone that your OCs are smitten for?
Ohohohoh YESSS this is a good question. >:3c
Anzy is basically a super old RP muse that I turned into my own original DO NOT STEEL character so of course I have to put her with the same man I been shipping her with for like a decade now. I’ve mentioned it a few times now, but Anzy basically survives a sea monster attack upon the ship she and Malcom (a water genasi) are on at the time. They are the only two survivors, and just barely make it back to land on the ramshackle ship that remains. Malcom is a man with a good heart and a sense of duty and seeing that Anzy has lived a sheltered life and that her father died at sea, he takes it upon himself and makes a vow to protect her and provide for her. It kicks off a slowburn romance story of them pining the FUCK out of each other and not realizing the other feels the same for a very long time. We all have that one, super feel-good ship that makes you feel all fuzzy an happy inside, right? This one is for sure mine.
Bellinor is a bit more complicated to answer because she’s my all-encompassing multi-ship OC. I ship her with a lot of characters and a lot of friends’ OCs so she’s smitten for… everyone, really! Bellinor is someone who tries to hide behind a façade of confidence and superiority when in reality she craves intimacy and comfort from someone she can trust. But you see, being a high-ranking demon in hell comes with a lot of responsibilities, and she is expected to act a certain way. She refuses to let people see she is weak unless she knows they won’t use it against her, which tends to lead to some slight slowburn depending on the partner. Aside from her abysmal opinions on humans, she tends to try and do “good” where she can, depending on who needs the good deed. Only if that person knows to keep their mouth shut about it though.
Coprini, ohohoho Coprini… she’s a character who I would label as a pretty free spirit, at least in the beginning of her attempts at sex and relationships. She goes with the flow and likes to have fun, so she’s not really looking for anything permanent aside from a friend with benefits situation. That is… until she started travelling with her current party. Coprini has been slowly but surely falling for her sweet and gorgeous warlock and her tough and kind ranger because as they’ve been looking out for each other it’s just sorta… happened! She’s never felt the stability and safety that she has with them ever before, and the way they tell her they care about her and want her to be happy just hits a new note in her, and it’s weird. She’s not entirely sure if she wants to be with them, because Coprini has some dangerous baggage that could muddle things up, but in a perfect world she could be with both of them, happy and free. It’s something that we as players and DM are slowly working towards. >:3c
Orona is a character I also tend to ship around, if only because she’s one of my utter FAVES, so she definitely gets some traction with other OCs. In her canon universe though, she has a fiancé and a small crush on someone else, seeing as she is polyamorous. But the small crush aside, she is… so utterly in love with her fiancé. Orona has been travelling with her party for some time and ended up meeting the party’s barbarian’s brother in the main hub town at one point. TL;DR Orona comes from an island of only women with a low opinion of men, so as she set off into the world she definitely decided she was gonna smooch some mans. His name is Ichante, and he’s a centaur! Love finds a way lemme tell you, folks. Orona originally hooked up with him on a complete whim and it just sort of kept going and turning into something bigger. The beginning was very sweet and adorable and as their relationship grew it was silly and fun, and even recently we found that in their weak moments they can turn to each other for comfort. It’s very much a tale of attraction and curiosity that turn into love and trust and I love them so much, auauaguhghfgh,.,…
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j4gm · 3 years
A thread of lore, Easter eggs, episode connections, and background details from Adventure Time: Distant Lands: Together Again! Let me know if I missed anything! This is adapted from my original Twitter thread.
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Keep reading ⬇️⬇️⬇️
1. I was expecting them to perhaps do a classic style title sequence for this episode, but I wasn't expecting them to straight up use the original title sequence. The only difference is this final screen saying "Distant Lands".
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2. The background of the title cards is also the hill from the title sequence.
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3. The ice cream having "50 flavours" and having an image of an enlightened soul is an obvious reference to the 50th Dead World as we see it later in the episode.
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4. Continuing with the metaphor, the dirt in the ice cream could be a parallel to the fact that Jake's Nirvana actually wasn't perfect, because his inaction was allowing for injustice to perpetuate.
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5. This whole scene feels immediately slightly off. Finn has his Scarlet sword and is out on a classic Ice King adventure, but he speaks in his grown voice and all the slang feels much more forced than it did in the real season one. Turns out this was deliberate.
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6. The snow golem speaks with a baby voice like it did in the pilot episode, even though in canon it has a deeper voice. This further hints that something is not quite right.
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7. The first major break in continuity is these snow golems resembling Uncle Gumbald and Peace Master, who Finn didn't meet until later in his life.
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8. LSP sitting on Finn's head like this is reminiscent of Pen Ward's piece for the 2018 Ble crew zine.
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9. Finn being given the choice of helping somebody but ending up helping everybody reminds me of "Memories of Boom Boom Mountain". It's the kind of resolution that wouldn't happen so much in the late seasons of the show, which helps make this scene feel even further out of place.
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10. Jake is half frozen by Ice King in pretty much the exact same way as he was in "Prisoners of Love", and even has a very similar line.
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11. The Snail is seen here. The crew have said that the Snail has been deliberately left out of previous Distant Lands specials, so its placement here is another very deliberate hint that this whole sequence is "trying too hard" to be like the early seasons.
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12. The book "Mind Games" appears a couple of times, as seen in several previous episodes of Adventure Time. The first is as Finn is approaching the library in his dream. It also appears as one of the items in Finn's backpack later.
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13. Jake is hurt when Finn fist bumps him with his metal arm, revealing that this scene is not real. This is also a callback to the title sequences of "Islands" and "Elements".
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14. A whole bunch of familiar skeletons are seen in the bird's nest: Dirt Beer Guy, Abracadaniel, Me-Mow, Lemongrab, Mr. Pig, and the Snail again. This doesn't necessarily mean that all these characters are dead, since this scene is just a hallucination.
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15. Old Man Finn! He's still got the chest tattoo of Jake, and this time we know that Jake is dead, so the theory that Jake died before "Obsidian" seems pretty likely. He looks similar to his old man design from "Puhoy", with the same facial hair.
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16. There are several cameos of familiar characters who apparently died at the same time as Finn. The first is this duck, who previously appeared in "Ocarina".
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17. The second is Donny, from the episode... uh, "Donny".
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18. This goblin guy is an unnamed background character from “The Silent King”.
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19. This old lady first appeared in "The Enchiridion", way back in season one. Old ladies are a species in the Land of Ooo, so I guess she wasn't actually very old back then, given she just about outlived Finn.
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20. This is the cobbler who first appears in "His Hero". Amazing that he lived so long given all the trouble he got into in that episode.
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21. Land of the Dead! This place was first seen in season two's "Death in Bloom", and now we are finally learning its actual purpose. It's a sort of gateway and hub to all of the other dead worlds.
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22. There are some more minor cameos at the gates: a house person from "Donny", a soft person from "Gut Grinder", and a wood person from "When Wedding Bells Thaw". And, of course, the gate guardian himself from “Death in Bloom”.
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23. Finn completely ignores the gate guardian in the same way he did in Death in Bloom. This also has the convenient effect of not having to reveal how Finn died, leaving it up to the audience's imagination.
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24. Mr. Fox! We already knew he would die at some point because BMO had his skull in the finale.
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25. Finn has his design from the first Distant Lands poster in this scene. Turns out it's young Finn in old Finn's clothes. But they gave him a shirt in the poster so you wouldn't be able to see the tattoo.
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26. The clapping that Finn does while he's looking for Jake is a callback to "James Baxter the Horse", when Jake tells Finn to listen for that same rhythm if they are killed and need to find each other in the afterlife.
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27. Mr. Fox talks about a "past life quotient", suggesting that there might be some kind of limit to how many times somebody can reincarnate. Finn's reincarnations are also seen in this scene; a callback to "The Vault", and confirmation that reincarnations share the same soul.
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28. Boobafina, the goose who Mr. Fox was in love with in his debut episode “Storytelling”, apparently reincarnated into a tugboat. We've already seen that objects can have souls in the episode "Ghost Fly".
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29. Finn is initially assigned to the 37th Dead World, which is the same one that Jake went to when he died in "Sons of Mars". We can only guess at what the other numbers on the ticket mean ;)
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30. Tiffany! Despite several lucky escapes throughout his life, Tiffany has finally died. I like the use of this imagery to express Finn's conflicted feelings about him.
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31. The 50th Dead World has long been established as the "highest" dead world, and the one synonymous with Heaven within Adventure Time's universe. It was first mentioned in "Ghost Princess" back in season three.
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32. It's unclear what happens to souls which are destroyed within the dead worlds. It is a similar question to asking what happened to the ghosts that were killed in "Ghost Fly".
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33. Death doesn't speak at all in Together Again because his voice actor, Miguel Ferrer, passed away in 2017 long before production began.
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34. Finn phases through New Death when he tries to attack him, just like what happened way back in "Death in Bloom".
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35. The 30th Dead World contains Tree Trunks as well as many of her love interests; Mr. Pig, her alien husband from "High Strangeness", Danny and Randy who first appeared in "Apple Wedding", and several more who we don't recognise, including at least one who presents as a woman.
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36. Literally yelled when these two showed up. Joshua calls Finn a crybaby, which is a callback to "Dad's Dungeon".
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37. The wall of weapons in Joshua and Margaret's house includes the iconic Demon Blood Sword, which was broken in "Play Date", as well as Margaret's auto-loading crossbow from "Joshua & Margaret Investigations".
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38. Jermaine is sidelined a few times through the episode, in reference to his attitude in "Jermaine" where he feels that Finn and Jake were always their parents' favourites. I would have hoped things would be a bit better by now.
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39. Fern gets name dropped while Finn and Jake are reuniting. A shame he doesn't actually show up in the episode.
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40. In this scene, Finn says "What time is it?" This is a very subtle reference to the 2010 cartoon "Adventure Time".
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41. In a couple of shots during this fight scene it looks like Jake might have a tattoo. It seems like it only becomes visible when he stretches out his arm.
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42. New Death's amulet in this scene resembles parts of the Lich's cape, foreshadowing his influence on New Death.
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43. There are several more cameos in the 50th Dead World: Booshy from "High Strangeness", one of the Marshmallow Kids from "Scamps", and Ghost Princess and Clarence, who were seen ascending to the 50th Dead World in "Ghost Princess".
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44. Finn didn't interact with Booshy in "High Strangeness", but it seems they must have met at some point before they both died because Finn knows his name.
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45. It seems like people in the 1st Dead World are slowly melted away until they become part of the landscape. Nasty.
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46. Lots more cameos in this scene: a gnome from "Power Animal", a gnome from "The Enchiridion", a Bath Boy from "The Vault", Blagertha from "Love Games", Maja the Sky Witch, a troll from "Dungeon", Chocoberry, Choose Goose, Wyatt, a spiky person from "Gut Grinder", and possibly more.
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47. Tiffany's insults are consistently nonsensical and amazing, as they were in the original series.
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48. The Candy Kingdom looks extremely different. Peppermint Butler is wearing the crown so he might be in charge now, which is supported by the kingdom's very magical-looking augmentations. It’s not clear whether Finn and Jake were expecting to find Princess Bubblegum or Peppermint Butler, since both have the initials “PB” and both could be going by the title of “Princess”. Perhaps Peps and Bubblegum share the princess duties now that PB is living with Marceline more of the time.
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49. Peppermint Butler has a "Boss" mug, although it's not the same colour as the one from "Obsidian".
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50. Jake's ghost has the same design as he did when BMO killed him in "Ghost Fly". I also absolutely love Finn's ghost. This scene establishes that ghosts are just visitors to the mortal plane from the dead worlds.
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51. Life has only appeared in animated shorts before now. Namely, "The Gift That Reaps Giving" which establishes her relationship with Death, and "Frog Seasons: Winter". This episode gives her a concrete place within Adventure Time's pantheon: she is in charge of reincarnation.
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52. A translation of Life’s angry French dialogue by Shado: “After all I did for that boy. After all I did for him. No, it's not possible. It's not possible no, that... that makes me so mad but it's not possible.”
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53. We finally have in-universe confirmation that Shoko's tiger is a previous life of Jake. This was previously confirmed by one of the writers, but wasn't canon until now.
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54. I feel like Finn pulled off Shoko's look even better than Shoko did. I wonder whether Finn has gained the memories of his past lives now that he’s dead.
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55. No Easter egg here, just want to appreciate this image.
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56. There is an elemental symbol on the wall here, as seen in "Jelly Beans Have Power".
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57. Tiffany's dramatic internal monologue is a recurring gag, as is his habit of nearly dying from falling into holes.
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58. The Jake suit makes a cameo in the fight against New Death. It was last seen in the episode "Reboot”.
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59. Finn's backpack contains a few familiar items: the t-shirt with the pocket from "It Came from the Nightosphere", Finn's underwear from "Little Dude" and other episodes, and a copy of Mind Games as I've already mentioned.
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60. The Lich's Hand is present in the background of Death's... death scene. This is probably the unseen "friend" who New Death keeps talking about.
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61. The Lich's menacing monologues often begin with a single command. Previously they have included "Fall" and "Stop". This time, the command is "Burn".
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62. Jake uses the word "boingloings", which is a callback all the way to "Hitman" in the third season.
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63. Jake's blue shape-shifter form from "Abstract" appears very briefly during his fight with Finn.
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64. Finn's lumpy space person form also makes an appearance. This design was last seen all the way back in the second episode of the entire show, "Trouble in Lumpy Space".
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65. Jake steps on the Lich's hand in a very similar way to how he stepped on Ash in "Memory of a Memory", which is itself a Monty Python reference.
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66. The credits include a dedication to a few AT cast and crew who have passed away. Polly Lou Livingston was the voice of Tree Trunks. Miguel Ferrer was the voice of Death. Michel Lyman and Maureen Mlynarczyk were both sheet timers on the original series. Rest in peace.
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67. The message that Finn and Jake write out on the ouija board is "BUTT", which Peppermint Butler takes as a distress signal. This message is also used as a distress signal by the Hot Dog Knights in "The Limit".
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68. Peppermint Butler's reversed dialogue from the scene where he makes contact with Finn and Jake is "Kee-Oth Rama Pancake", the spell from “Dad's Dungeon” for banishing demons.
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69. That appears to be President Porpoise with all of Tree Trunks’ other lovers.
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70. In this scene, Life is humming part of "Lonely Bones", the song which Death tried to record for her in her debut short "The Gift That Reaps Giving". It's hard to notice because it's so brief.
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71. Finn and Jake's cover is blown while in the Land of the Dead because Jake loudly farts, which also happened in "Death in Bloom".
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72. The place where Mr. Fox explains the perception mechanics of the afterlife is the exact same location as the River of Forgetfulness from "Death in Bloom", which, as it turns out, was imaginary.
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These are sort of out of order at the end because I was adding stuff to the Twitter thread as it got discovered. That’s all for now!
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boundlss · 7 months
currently failing to write, so I am going to trick other people into writing instead. Do you have any cool bits of muse lore and/or headcanons that you've always wanted to mention in a plot but just never had an opportunity?
hahaha it took me a few days to get to this because i've been off doing things that AREN'T tumblr rp related, but i'm here now and happy to answer this question (thank you, by the way, i really appreciate you taking the time to send it presumably knowing how much i LOOOVE talking about my muses).
when it comes to this particular blog the natural answer is "um, yes, i don't ever REALLY get the chance to talk about 99 percent of my muses" but that has the potential to be both a very short and very LONG answer so i'll probably just leave you with some stuff for muses that are my personal favorites.
to start off with this is about shiroe log horizon; i don't really know how cool i would call this lore but one of the things i am OBSESSED with about him that i don't always get to discuss is his pre-show activity related to elder tale. he's a dedicated forum user who i hc as having moderated or run the popular discussion sites---in a way not too dissimilar to rev when it comes to baccano!---and who put a lot of his time into dissecting the best and most efficient ways to level in the game, beat raids, etc... it's pretty lame all things considered when it comes to "things about shiroe log horizon" but i've always LOVED the detail that was put into him being a superfan of the game and how that didn't JUST reflect in his activities within the game! i love that he has a sort of canonical "fandom notoriety" because of not only his past involvement with a notorious party but also his own individual out-of-game actions relating to it!
onto another muse; one thing i don't get to discuss with kaito a lot is my actual "mainverse" for him. on my list i have him versed in project sekai for sorting convenience (and for that matter the same is true with longya) but i've actually designed a pretty complex mainverse for him where he's a technological creature created from the thoughts and feelings that listen to the music he's featured in and the songs themselves. because the sense of identity of a vocaloid is pretty nebulous, he was never really much of a consistent being at all, but having gained recent trends in his characterization he's started to take on an actual life and have a real desire to experience existence outside of technology and hologram performances. this verse originated from miku, when i wrote her, but now kaito is in his own unique situation with it and i don't get to use it very often. i think it has a lot of potential in both the wholesome and horror directions.
and fiiiiiinally, i have one of my ocs to talk about, number 44! there are a lot of interesting things i could say about him as he relates to twain over on antisatiric but i don't often get the chance to discuss him from a non twain-centric perspective. i think the thing about him i like the most is that he is both an eternal presence and also the longest in a very long line, and while he has access to and can draw stories from the multiverse, his presence is inherently connected to the "main universe" i have set twain's story in due to twain's universe being a hub of stories where every piece of fiction is real in another world. before he was the archivist, there was a different world considered the "hub world" which had to die in order for the previous archivist to die and 44 to take over the position---so the "hub world" only becomes the hub world BECAUSE the eternal archivist is tied to it. if 44 and the current hub world die, twain will take his place as 45 and a new nascent universe will be created as the new hub world. his lore can get a little complex sometimes.
well anyway, thank you a lot for the ask. i really do like talking like this and it's good to put SOMETHING out on the blog even if that something isn't a reply. ur a real one sawagi :D.
unprompted. / always accepting.
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undertale-data · 3 years
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[Image Description: an Undertale chat box that says “CANON UNIVERSE” at its center. Surrounding it is radar on its left, and CRIME measurers and a Friendship bar from the Dating Hub on its right. End I.D.]
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[Image Description: A bar graph titled “CANON CHARACTER SHIP PREFERENCES”. From left (greatest) to right (least): Alphyne, with 1641 who CONSUME it and 435 who CREATE it; Soriel, with 802 consumers and 188 creators; Papyton, with 725 consumers and 150 creators; Sansby, with 644 consumers and 140 creators; RG01/RG02, 555 consumers and 48 creators; Nicepants, 515 consumers and 61 creators; Kingdings, 445 consumers and 74 creators; Grillster, 438 consumers and 97 creators; Dogamy/Dogaressa, 427 consumers and 38 creators; Frans, 342 consumers and 107 creators; Fontcest, 310 consumers and 136 creators; Charisk, 289 consumers and 77 creators; Sanster, 271 consumers and 85 creators; Chasriel, with 212 consumers and 41 creators; Sansgoriel, 204 consumers and 32 creators; Mettaton/Sans, 127 consumers and 22 creators; Other Ships, 735 consumers and 459 creators; No Ships, 340 consumers and 1581 creators; there were 141 consumers and 117 creators who preferred not to answer. End I.D.]
Alphyne (Alphys/Undyne), as the only major canon ship confirmed in the game, understandably had the highest number of votes in the consumption category, with 61.9% of fans enjoying content about them. They also ranked highest among the specifically stated ships in the creation category, at 16.4%. (As a reminder, ship content created could be in the form of fics, art, comics, videos, or other forms of media.) The “other ships” option, while having only half the votes that Alphyne did in the consumption category, narrowly beat out Alphyne in the creation category (at 17.3%). These two questions in the survey came before the reader insert and AU ships. The “other ships” option in the survey was specifically labeled as “rarepair or ship not listed here,” without clarifying that it still only referred to canon character ships, so it is possible that content creators voted for that option in reference to reader insert or AU ships. Of course, it could also mean that the total of all rarepair ships surpasses the one major ship in the game. It is impossible to tell for sure without gathering more data.
Regardless, Alphyne is still very popular, and deservedly so. Alphyne is unique as one of the first wlw romances in popular media. In the free-response questions about favorite characters and favorite things about the game, many fans brought up the impact that Alphyne had on them. One responder said, “I think Alphys/Undyne helped me accept myself as a lesbian.” The true pacifist ending of the game cannot be reached without Undyne and Alphys confessing their feelings, and the player themself helps them to do so. All of these factors likely contribute to the interest that fans have in their relationship.
Of the ships that are not present in canon, Soriel (Sans/Toriel) ranked the highest in both the consumption and creation categories, followed by Papyton (Papyrus/Mettaton) and Sansby (Sans/Grillby).
[More analysis of these ships under the cut. Also contains mentions of Fontcest.]
Soriel’s popularity is unsurprising given their interactions in canon. Sans’s friendship with Toriel cannot be missed on any route, as he talks about her in the ending phone calls, even choosing to stay with her in the Exiled Queen ending. He also mentions her at the MTT resort if you choose to have dinner with him, which is a scene that many fans of the game love. And, of course, there is the unforgettable pacifist ending, where they meet in person for the first time while Asgore cries in the background. While none of these interactions are inherently romantic, they certainly have a deep friendship that fans can choose to make into something more.
Interestingly, Papyton is the only one of these top four ships that has not had a direct interaction in-game, though Papyrus’s admiration for Mettaton can be inferred from tidbits scattered throughout his battle (MTT brand anime powder, etc.), his date (action figures of various sexy robots), and his phone calls (“HE’S MY FAVORITE SEXY RECTANGLE!”). This ship also may have the appeal of giving both Papyrus and Mettaton a love interest, particularly if fans also ship Alphyne and Soriel at the same time. Papyrus and Mettaton both have bold, flamboyant personalities that have potential to go well together in fanworks where they have the opportunity to interact.
Sansby ranked number four, being the only popular canon ship to include a minor character. Grillby is interesting in that he only says one line in the game (“...good job.”), yet he has a large fan following in his own right. Sans jokes with him, and even if Grillby does not respond verbally, there is room for fans to headcanon a relationship between them.
The fifth ranking ship depends on whether you choose to sort by the ships fans choose to consume, or the ships fans choose to create. Royal Guard 01/Royal Guard 02 is the fifth most popular ship for consuming content, but they only have 48 responders (1.8%) who enjoy creating content about them. They are memorable and enjoyable side characters, but fans have not latched onto them and given them backstories like Grillby. In sorting by ships fans create content for, Fontcest (Sans/Papyrus) was the fifth most popular (at 5.1%). This did not come as a surprise, since discarding reader and AU ships, Fontcest has the second most tagged fics on AO3 (after Alphyne). Since Papyrus and Sans are the two most popular Undertale characters by far, is it inevitable that some fans will ship them regardless of their status as siblings.
The popularity of Sans, Papyrus, and ships involving the two becomes even more apparent in the next section: reader insert ships.
Shipping Analysis Navigation:
1. Introduction, limitations, and methods 2. Canon Character Ships (you are here) 3. Reader Insert Ships 4. AU Character Ships (to be posted) 5. Overall Shipping Comparisons (to be posted)
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soulcluster-moved · 3 years
A quick rundown of my Guardians of the Galaxy & what to expect on this blog
First note that my canon basically follows up to the Thanos Imperative and then I do what I want from there and keep what I like.
I’ve mentioned before that they are not really “Avengers in Space” due to their lack of being a large organization and having no formal process to them. Organizational-wise, they do resemble more of a mercenary band, but you know they don’t need to be bigger than what they are. Other species have their own forces (Kree, Inhumans, Shi’ar, etc.) and the Nova Corps are basically ‘space cops’ more or less (when they’re around, anyway). Then you have places like Earth, which is implied to be a very backwater planet compared to the rest of the universe and a lot of people there don’t leave. The Annihilation Wave didn’t even reach Earth.
Plus, trying to get an organization that large is just not very feasible in space I think. so they stay as a small team. but also, the guardians all have their own things too, so they have a bit of a rotating roster of people who don’t mind helping them out. tbh, I don’t think it’d be that hard to ‘join’ them, so to speak, if a person just helped out consistently and eventually just integrated as part of the team as someone that can be relied on.
So basically the make up of the team (for my canon) is that Peter Quill and Rocket both lead the team more or less. Peter takes point, Rocket is more strategy and finances, but he can absolutely lead the team if Peter can’t (and he has done this). Drax, Gamora, Adam, Groot, Mantis are all staples of the team. Cosmo is like an honorary member. Moondragon, Phyla-Vell, and Bug are sometimes there. Pip is an occasional hanger on because of his connection to part of the roster, and his teleportation abilities are handy.
Most of the others are muscle in different ways. Drax and Gamora being physical powerhouses, Adam having more magical-esque abilities (in addition, his cosmic senses are very helpful). Mantis resumes more of a support role (along with Cosmo) but can absolutely be unleashed on the field. 
Note also that not all of the core team is always there. There’s not always galactic-level shit going down. A lot of times they go do their own thing, but they stick together more often than not.
Rocket lines up freelance jobs for the team cause most of the bigger stuff they do, no one is paying them, and they need credits, but also the team contributes by getting intel from their own contacts and jobs they can do. The Milano is still their main ship and it’s not like The Best but it’s good enough. It has connections to Knowhere’s systems and can communicate with Cosmo. They go back to Knowhere frequently as sort of like a main hub of operations and if they need to use Cosmo’s teleporter. 
That’s all I can think of for now.
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thetorchwoodarchive · 3 years
Found family event masterpost
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Thank you for all your submissions! Below the cut is the list of Torchwood fic recs focused on found family, as submitted by you, our followers!
we built a family (home) by myre ( JackIanto | Complete | 17844 | M )
When Jack gets back, things are different—he’s different—and he’s not sure where he fits anymore, but he should’ve known that there was a place reserved just for him.
Ianto Jones' thoughts on Life, Death, and Summer Squashes by Arnica ( JackIanto, GwenRhys | Complete | 17762 | T )
The first thing he remembers afterward (and the rest of his life will always before and after Thames House now) is waking up to the sound of hospital machinery droning away, Gwen's head heavy on his legs as she drools on him with Rhys snoring away in the chair next to her, his hand spread wide across her back, head tipped back as he sleeps. Then there's Jack, sitting sideways in the window with his gun drawn and resting in his lap as he does something with the wrist straps in his hands.
Two of Us Are Hung From the Same Twisted Rope by ShastaFirecracker ( JackIanto, ToshOwen | Complete | 15799 | T )
An accident with some sort of brain-scanning alien device leaves Owen and Ianto sharing Ianto's body. Hijinks and nightmares ensue.
Does Africa Know a Song of Me? by etmuse ( JackIanto, MarthaTom, GwenRhys | Complete | 17618 | T )
Jack gets a call from UNIT. They need his help in Namibia. And when they arrive, Jack and Ianto (because Jack wouldn't leave him behind) discover the only communication they have with the team is letters.
Torchwood One Archive by james ( JackIanto | Complete | 11346 | M )
AU after season one. Jack has returned to Torchwood and to Ianto. Ianto is determined to make the best of it but he knows it won't last forever. Their time together threatens to get even shorter when the Doctor shows up unexpectedly.
In Bits and Pieces by reiley ( JackIanto, GwenRhys | Complete | 83306 | M )
Sort of a fill-in-the-blanks story throughout the entire series: How they pull the pieces together after the world shatters, focusing mainly on Jack and Ianto, but all the others are there, too. Takes place between 'Exit Wounds' and 'The Stolen Earth', goes through all of series 1 and 2, and far back into the past.
Lost and Found by Kaneko ( JackIanto | Complete | 3642 | E )
Straddled over the rift, the Hub was a place where things were lost and found. Strange objects washed in like driftwood. Things went missing. There was never any sign of where they'd gone.
Personnel Issues by PinkFairy727 ( JackIanto, GwenRhys | Complete | 41434 | T )
The Torchwood Three email newsletter: an excuse to gossip, bitch, plan dates, fight, and discuss squirrel rats. Co-authored with sparking_off.
Warnings: canon character death and swearing.
Just this once by Beleriandings ( JackIanto, ToshOwen, GwenRhys, LoisEsther | Complete | 239639 | T )
(Everybody lives.) (Or: when a certain Doctor arrives to save Owen Harper from a stricken nuclear power station, it begins a chain of events that will lead Torchwood Three down a very different path. From time locks and telepathy to tea and coffee, high-speed chases to unresolved sibling issues, their new lives (and new and old loves) may be different, but their bonds of friendship and family grow stronger every day. But when every child on earth starts speaking with one voice, the team are torn apart again as they’re forced to fight for their lives, and to confront monsters they’d thought they’d left behind in the past. But with all of them working together – along with some allies they’ve made along the way – Torchwood Three will stop at nothing to save their friends and set the world to rights. The consequences will ripple out across the universe and into the distant future. But they have to start somewhere, and the present is as good a place as any.)
Club Wales by pocky_slash ( Gwen&Ianto, GwenRhys, JackIanto | Complete | 19898 | T )
In the wake of Jack's disappearance, Gwen finds comfort in a new friendship with Ianto. Gossip, bonding, and other hijinks of understanding ensue.
Hell or High Water by aliciajazmin ( GwenJohnTosh | Complete | 3102 | T )
Toshiko, Gwen, and John have been married for a year now, beginning a life of adventure and crime (but only against those who deserve it). A mission going wrong results in the discovery of an orphan.
The three of them and the orphan must then decide what they want for their future.
A E I O Moo, I love Y O U by aliciajazmin ( GwenJackIantoRhys, GwenRhys, JackIanto | Complete | 627 | G )
Jack finds a new song to introduce to Anwen.
AKA Roses are red, violets are blue, Jack likes to sing: A E I O Moo.
Never Has He Ever by Jackdaw816 (JohnAndy | Complete | 1666 | T )
Hub lockdowns are great for juvenile drinking games and revelations of the self
Coping by innocent-until-proven-geeky (JackIanto, Gwen&Ianto, Gwen&Jack | Complete | 910 | G )
After the events of Exit Wounds, Jack, Ianto, and Gwen are exhausted.
Hug by innocent-until-proven-geeky ( Gwen&Ianto | Complete | 401 | G )
Not-wanting-to-let-go hugs.
March 31st in the Torchwood Family Household by innocent-until-proven-geeky ( JackIanto, GwenRhys, GwenJackIantoRhys | Complete | 117 | G )
Happy Trans Day of Visibility! Please enjoy this little ficlet of trans Torchwood polycule. In my headcanon, Ianto is a binary trans man using he/him pronouns, Jack is genderfluid using he/him pronouns, and Gwen is nonbinary using they/them pronouns with Torchwood and she/her pronouns in public.
Here For You (a friend's night out) by BookWerm ( Ianto&Tosh | Complete | 354 | T )
An answer to the prompt : “I’m their best friend” with Ianto and Gwen or Ianto and Tosh
The Lonely Cheryth by BookWerm ( Alice&Jack, Steven&Jack, Others | Complete | 6581 | G )
Steven's Uncle Jack is a mystery. One that he's determined to solve.
A fic through quite a bit of Steven's life (yes, he lives through Children of earth) that was quite a bit of fun
A Moment (An Eternity) by Clare_Hope ( JackIanto, ToshOwen, GwenRhys | WIP | 10923 | T )
Owen slid underneath the closing door just in time to escape the room about to be flooded with radioactive coolant. Tosh didn't die of her wounds because with Owen there, she got medical attention before it was too late. The entire Torchwood team made it through that terrible day. Everything should be alright now. But Jack is really, really not alright.
Below 20° Celsius by Clare_Hope ( JackIanto, Team | Complete | 5182 | T )
20° Celsius is generally considered to be the lowest a human's body temperature can be before dying. This is bad news for Jack, who is a bit colder than that when he's pulled out of Cardiff Bay after drowning continually for a couple hours. The good news is that he doesn't have to deal with it alone.
Work Friends by Clare_Hope (Ianto&Tosh | WIP | 3431 | T )
After everything that happened with Mary, Ianto is the only one who doesn't seem uncomfortable around Toshiko. She can't read his mind anymore, but pretty sure she knows what he's thinking: We've both seen someone we thought loved us killed by Jack. I understand. I might be the only one who understands.
Of Motion in Perpetuity by Beleriandings ( JackIanto, GwenRhys | Complete | 106708 | M )
When Gwen, Jack and Ianto investigate a cold case from end of the nineteenth century, they find themselves pulled back in time against their will, fighting to protect each other and to get home.
Conditional Iteration by Beleriandings ( Gwen&Ianto, JackIanto, GwenRhys | WIP | 35431 | T )
Gwen can only watch, helpless and raging and grieving, as Jack and Ianto die in Thames House. The next moment though, she finds herself pulled out of time, back to the moment it all started to go wrong. Maybe second chances aren't in quite such short supply as she thought.
Coffee Break by firesnap ( Gwen&Ianto | Complete | 2069 | G )
Gwen and Ianto steal a few minutes to chat and make plans.
Another Rainy Day by SerenityJane ( Team | Complete | 3088 | T )
Tosh darted the occasional look at the closed door, curiousity warring with courtesy. So was Gwen, but she looked more like someone was dangling sweets in front of her nose and telling her she couldn’t have them. No prize for guessing who the candy was. Owen was watching the girls, and desperately trying not to think of pink elephants.
The Right Kind of Doctor by joonscribble ( Owen&Team | Complete | 2008 | R )
Three times Owen Harper was good at his job. Set between season 1 and 2.
Stargazing and Truth-Telling by earlybloomingparentheses ( JackIanto | Complete | 4632 | T )
A month after the events of "Exit Wounds," Jack Harkness heads off to an unknown galaxy on a mission for UNIT, and Ianto and Gwen are left behind to stare up at the stars and wonder when he's coming back. As a small act of rebellion against Jack's perpetual mysteriousness, they decide to play a game: they have to answer each other's questions with absolute honesty. There's a lot Ianto needs to get off his chest, his feelings about Jack Harkness not least, but the truth is tricky--it's never safe, and it's certainly never easy.
ghosts in my head by Sholio ( Team | Complete | 2637 | T )
Owen doesn't sleep, but he does dream. And the dreams he gets are mostly nightmares, because of course they are.
Facing Light in the Flow by engagemythrusters ( JackIanto, GwenRhys | Complete | 3821 | T )
A slice of a life nobody had dreamt they would ever have.
The Door Wide Open by sherlockpond ( GwenRhys, JackIanto, ToshOwen | Complete | 5333 | G )
Torchwood incurs a tough life on its field operatives.  They deserve times where they feel like they need to be vulnerable in  front of each other. [6 times the team were emotionally honest with one another - set during various points of S1 and S2]
Flatpacked by Beleriandings ( Ianto&Rhys, JackIanto, GwenRhys | Complete | 6946 | G )
Rhys has a day off, and decides to spend it peacefully looking at homeware in Ikea. He's not expecting to bump into one of his wife's coworkers there; much less, a shapeshifting alien that likes to eat batteries. But then again, that's Torchwood for you.
On saving the world, and what happens after by Beleriandings ( Gwen&Ianto, JackIanto | Complete | 2447 | G )
After the events of Journey's End, Gwen and Ianto wait for Jack to come home.
Domestic Disharmony by thirteeninafez ( Gwen&Ianto, Gwen&Jack, GwenRhys, JackIanto | Complete | 3163 | G )
In which Jack and Gwen get stuck in the Archives and discuss green milk, thermostats and Ianto Jones.
After the events of Journey's End, Gwen and Ianto wait for Jack to come home.
Pastries, Avoidance Tactics, and a Bottle of Scotch by pocky_slash ( Gwen&Ianto, JackIanto, GwenRhys | Complete | 6220 | G )
In which Gwen said something she regrets, Ianto makes a poor dinner choice, Rhys offers sound advice, and Jack has a key. A different sort of "Meat" post-ep.
Respite by Beleriandings ( Gwen&Ianto, GwenRhys, JackIanto | Complete | 2591 | G )
Even by their usual standards, Gwen thought it was absolutely fair to say it had been a rough week.
Blood on Steel by Sholio (Owen&Ianto, Gwen&Jack&Owen&Tosh&Ianto | Complete | 12257 | T)
An alien booby trap turns the Hub into a deathtrap. Lucky thing it doesn't react to someone with no vital signs. Now Owen is their only hope. More specifically, he's Ianto's only hope.
The Cartography of Feeling by Sholio (Owen&Ianto | Complete | 20846 | T)
"We're sodding gladiators," Owen said. "Fuck this entire day and Jack Harkness too."
(Or: Owen and Ianto are abducted by aliens and forced to arena-fight. But the worst part might be the control device that connects them in an emotion and pain-sharing bond.)
Haul Out the Holly by Flamingbluepanda (JackIanto, GwenRhys | Complete | 1069 | G)
Sometimes you need a little magic in your christmas
with a lil’ help from my friends by Flamingbluepanda (JackIanto, GwenRhys, OwenTosh | complete | 1307 | G)
Everyone needs a Hug sometimes, Torchwood Included
(Or, five times Jack thought about hugs and the one time he thought of nothing at all)
I’ll think of you each time I watch from distant skies by Violetmessages (JackIanto, GwenRhys, Jack&Team | complete | 3749 | T)
In which Tosh makes a discovery and the team comes together to show Jack how much they love him.
Halfway Back by Sholio (Gwen&Jack&Owen&Ianto&Tosh | complete | 13953 | T)
Team Torchwood run a sanctuary for magical creatures, and this time they've got a basilisk on their hands.
Team Means Pack by Sholio (Gwen&Jack&Owen&Ianto&Tosh | complete | 2615 | G)
Post-Countrycide in a universe with werewolves.
Stormwrack by Sholio (Gen | complete | 2111 | T)
The last time Owen was in the Brecon Beacons, Welsh cannibals tried to eat him. This time, it was pouring buckets on him, and he was dead. At least the latter might help with the cannibal problem, although given his luck, probably not. They might just consider him well-aged, like a side of bacon.
Sky’s the Limit by Blackkat (JackIanto, SuzieTosh, Ianto&Suzie | series | 6,694 | T)
Ianto and Suzie meet as strangers on a rooftop, and bond over aborted suicide attempts, failed plans, bastard fathers, and the fact that they're batting for both teams. Friendship is a beautiful thing.
Forever and What Comes After by violetmessages (JackIanto, GwenRhys | complete | 10028 | T)
“Hm, imagine if they did,” Ianto said. “Torchwood would have to come out of retirement.”
In which Gwen and Ianto relax at a spa, Jack and Rhys attempt bad science, and Anwen is just along for the ride.
Simply Having a Wonderful Christmas Time by paycheckgurl (JackIanto, GwenRhys | complete | 3351 | T)
This wasn’t exactly how they planned their Christmas going, but they were going to make the best of it.
Remnants of a Forgotten Past by paycheckgurl (Gwen Cooper & Jack Harkness & Owen Harper & Ianto Jones & Toshiko Sato | complete | 7523 | T)
Torchwood's latest case hits close to home for Tosh when it seems to center on Lodmoor Research Facility's Newest project...of a destructive off world variety.
Written for Torchwood MiniBang
Midlife Crisis by Princessoftheworlds (JackIanto | complete | 371 | T)
"You do realize," begins Owen one day during their usual lunch meeting, chopsticks dangling from his hand, "that technically, Javic is your mid-life crisis?"
Found you made us a star by Princessoftheworlds (JackIanto, OwenTosh, GwenRhys | complete | 6477 | T)
Millennia after having lost their team, Jack and Ianto set about reuniting with old friends and crafting a Torchwood for a new future.
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twh-news · 3 years
[Spoilers ahead, whole article below cut]
One of the many delights of the God of Mischief having his own standalone series is that we not only get to admire Tom Hiddleston’s acting chops, but also get to see him dance gleefully and maniacally right before the entire ancient city of Pompeii is washed away by lava. In Episode 1 of Disney Plus and Marvel Studios’ “Loki,” viewers got to familiarize themselves with The Time Variance Authority (TVA) and its futuristic office hub, and see this new Marvel Cinematic Universe territory through Loki’s eyes.
During Episode 2, much of that worldbuilding was put on hold for tense time travel adventures while wielding Loki’s “Mindhunter” abilities to catch a more evil version of himself. The episode also focused on the blossoming bromance between Mobius M. Mobius (Owen Wilson) and the trickster the agent is sure he can sort-of reform. It dove deep into Nexus Events (emphasizing the importance of knowing these terms as Marvel fans, given that the concept is referenced both in “Loki” and in “WandaVision”) and showed off more of what the TVA actually does to protect the Sacred Timeline from “chaotic alterations of a predetermined outcome.” Additionally, why Mobius loves jet skis so much was revealed (a wholesome moment).
There was a lot learned in this episode, but so many more questions “branched” out of Episode 2. Here are the biggest ones:
How did the TVA agents not figure out Loki’s “apocalypse time branch” theory beforehand?
I’m calling Marvel’s own bluff: The TVA agents absolutely did know about Loki’s loophole since they know everything and anything about the Sacred Timeline and its deviations. Thus, they should also have had at least an inkling of what trouble they could (potentially) get away with without screwing up the order of things — like taunting villagers mere seconds before the tragic volcanic obliteration of Pompeii.
Loki explained this “new theory” in the second episode as: “So, let’s just say your salad is Asgard. … I could go down to Asgard before Ragnarok causes its complete destruction, and I could do anything I wanted. I could, let’s say, push the Hulk off the Rainbow Bridge. There he goes! And I could also set fire to the palace. I can do whatever I want to do, and it would never matter. It wouldn’t go against the dictates of the timeline. … It could be any apocalypse. It could be a tidal wave, it could be a meteor, or it could be a volcano or a supernova. If everything and everyone around you is destined for imminent destruction than nothing that I say or do will matter because the timeline is not going to branch because it gets destroyed.”
How Mobius and co. didn’t catch onto this beats me. Are they so obsessed with being bureaucratic do-gooders that they’ve created their own blind spots? It may be why Loki is so valuable in spite of the risks he poses to the TVA — he’s able to figure out that The Variant is hiding in apocalypses, carrying out malice undetected.
What is the significance of Roxxcart?
It appears extremely likely that the creepy, flickery-lit supermarket wherein Loki got in a — to put it bluntly — dick-measuring contest with Loki 2.0 and the visages of possessed victims, is owned by Roxxon Energy Corporation. (Get it? Roxxcart, Roxxon.) The massive fictional gas conglomerate has regularly made appearances, by name or in-scene, both in Marvel Comics and in Marvel series and films, including ABC’s “Agent Carter” and “Agents of SHIELD,” the “Iron Man” trilogy, Freeform’s “Cloak & Dagger,” Netflix’s “Daredevil” and Hulu’s “The Runaways.” Every time the petroleum industrial giant has made its way, on-screen or on-page, Roxxon has consistently been nefarious and at odds with superheroes. If The Variant is giving away candy (Kablooie chewing gum) during nexus events that are sold at Roxxcart between 2047 and 2051, then the incorporation of Roxxon’s evil ties was a conscientious one — and one that should have some greater significance in the series.
“It’s real”— what’s real?!
While Loki was sizing up his time-traveling, shape-shifting opponent somewhere between the pet supplies aisle and hurricane-discounted azaleas, TVA agent Hunter C-20 (Sasha Lane), was found by Mobius and co. She didn’t seem to be injured physically, but mentally, she was shaken up, constantly repeating, “It’s real, it’s real” while rocking back and forth. What caused this agent to spiral? And is the “it” she was referring to a person, a place or a thing? Episode 2 didn’t provide us with much clarity, but there may be more ominous forces afoot than “The Variant.”
Why is Lady Loki hellbent on destroying the Sacred Timeline?
“Loki, I am your… lady?” In a juicy reveal that echoed Darth Vader’s reveal in “Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back,” The Variant’s shroud was removed and we got our first glimpse at Lady Loki (Sophia Di Martino), the Mistress of Mischief with golden horns and all. What’s her beef with the Time-Keepers or the TVA? Other than the fact that she’s on the run from the omnipotent organization, L.L.’s motives have yet to be unveiled. She wordlessly hopped through a time portal with Loki following before the nitty-gritty of her tricky time-manipulating scheme could be revealed. What we do know is that, in the comics, Lady Loki is just the female version of Loki (and she’s also canonically gender fluid and pansexual). During her appearance in Marvel’s “Dark Reign” comics from 2008 to 2009, L.L. is in cahoots with the villainous likes of Norman Osborn (aka The Green Goblin), Emma Frost, Namor and Doctor Doom. Holding out hope that any of these high-profile baddies will make their way onto “Loki” might be futile, but Lady Loki’s official introduction into the televised Marvelverse may carve a path for “X-Men” and “Fantastic Four” characters to pop up in the future.
Did Loki really betray Mobius to go off and commit time shenanigans with Lady Loki, or is this all a ruse? What is his game plan?
*Extreme Owen Wilson voice* Wooow, what a cliffhanger! After trying to bond with Mobius throughout most of the episode, Loki pulled a Loki and trailed off with his new friend/foe, effectively betraying Mobius and the rest of the TVA agents that put their faith in him. But then again, what were they expecting with the Prince of Lies? It appeared that (at least for now) there was a rift in that budding partnership. It should be noted, however, that Loki dropped a massive hint toward the beginning of the episode that there’s way more than meets the eye — he’s been “10 steps ahead” of the TVA, and he’s been playing a game of his own, all along.
Crossing our fingers that it ends up with Loki riding off into the sunset with Mobius on a jet ski.
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sparkiekong · 3 years
I am judith fan so i want to know how she is different!
6, 11, 15, 20, 27, 31, and finally 40
Thank you for this ask! I suspect you're looking to find out what the differences are between the LTL Judith and the KSU Judith as they're different worlds. LTL is an AU where Judith never went down the path she did in the KSU. LTL or Love the Laffers is an alternate universe Judith that is currently being imagined by me... a sort of what if scenario to see how Judith's life might have been had she never met Anton in @helenofsimblr's story... and instead met up with a likable guy like good old Wilbur.
So I will preface this with LTL (Love the Laffers) Judith is infact still human. She never got caught up with Anton and never went down the path set for her in the KSU timeline that she's currently gone missing in after getting her booty handed to her on a platter in the KSU by Cordelia Stimpfield.
If you want to know about KSU Judith in the Tomorrow Men, you will need to send one of these lovely asks on over to my counterpart @helenofsimblr as she is the creator of vampire Judith and likely knows more about the nuances of vampire Judith than I do.
Rest is under a cut! Remember this is Love the Laffers Judith and not at all canon. The true and factual Judith resides in The Axiom Conclusion and The Tomorrow Men (aka KSU) and if you wanted the questions answered for that Judith you will need to send the questions over to @helenofsimblr who can give you a proper good answer on the vampire Judith and her motivations.
So... for LTL Judith (Robinson) Laffer
06. Do they have any hobbies that their lover finds unusual, odd, or otherwise annoying?
I don't think Wilbur can physically or mentally find anything that Judith does odd. She has grown to like painting and spends most of her time watching the babies autonomously. He is quite blinded by love and can find no fault in anything his lovely Judith does. I honestly can't keep them off each other, it's like porn hub after the kids go to sleep... 👀👀👀
11. What is something that would make your character fly into a rage?
Someone hurting her two babies or Wilbur. I think that might the one thing that would get her to come flying out of the booth like a mad mama bear. Her family is important.
15. Is there a certain person in this world that they cannot stand? The very mention of this person’s name makes them tremble with anger or fear.
Judith and Wilbur's mother Willa do not get along well.
20. Does your character like animals? What are some of their favorite animals? Would they want pets? What about mythological creatures?
Judith does like animals (dogs, cats, etc) very much, I don't know that she has quite a favorite yet as I've only just started the LTL series. They recently bought some chickens I have yet to post about. She doesn't seem too thrilled with them, I caught her glaring at the rooster a few times... but she and Mrs. Mustachos get along ok... I have seen her scold the cat from time to time for jumping on the counter. Which Mrs. M... generally ignores unless it's Wilbur talking to her.
27. If your character was going to get arrested, what would be the most likely reason for it?
If there are no kids around... then probably public indecency... I am seriously not kidding about them not being able to keep their hands off each other...
31. Would your character be the kind capable of killing? Would they enjoy killing or only use it when necessary or, perhaps, refuse to kill no matter what?
I think Judith is incapable of killing in LTL. She would never enjoy it or delight in the suffering or pain of anyone or anything. However I do think she would begrudgingly kill in order to protect her family, but she would not at all be happy about it.
40. Does your OC have any guilty pleasures they enjoy? Hobbies, past times, music, etc that they wouldn’t want known by others?
She has grown to like painting and sings quite often. She especially likes to sing to Wilbur when the kids are asleep. I could see her being a bit embarassed by the singing sappy love songs... and maybe even being a bit embarassed of her painting skills starting out, but I think after a while confidence would grow and those guilty pleasures would disappear.
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