#he's such a lunatic
contemplated at shooting annie (which he unnecessarily did)
punched Hughie for stopping him from killing Kimiko’s brother, Kenji, right in front of her. Then said if he got in the way of him reuniting with Becca, he’d kill Hughie too.
Used an infant as a weapon and threatened to kill them
Is a hypocrite himself (obviously)
Killed a whale
Drugged Marvin
He was willing to sell Ryan to Vought knowing that it would likely mean another Homelander. He didn't care, because it meant he would have Becca.
Insulted Ryan, TO BECCA'S FACE (honestly, Becca should've never tried to make Billy like, let alone tolerate Ryan if she knew that Billy has a weak connection with children and is distrustworthy around them. Like she should've just told him to kick rocks and make sure he won't have a hand in raising Ryan either)
He said that Becca could just "have another kid", not understanding that kids aren't replaceable, like objects (jewelry, cars, houses, etc.) That attitude is fucking horrifying if you're a parent, and I'd worry that he would have that attitude towards any kids (whether mere mortal or supe)
He betrayed his team multiple times
Threatened to kill hughie multiple times
doesn’t care who he hurts in the process
Gaslighted ryan
Let's also add the fact that he CHEATED ON BECCA WHEN THEY WERE TOGETHER
Attempts to kidnap Zoe (based on what the trailers implying)
UNALIVES 2 CHARACTERS AT LEAST (ONE MAIN CHARACTER) wouldn't surprise me if it turns out to be Hughie, considering he threated to unalive Hughie numerous of times.
In all honesty, I hope he hallucinates an angry Becca and Becca's ghost haunts him in the next seasons, like Rhonda's ghost haunted Anika in "Empire".
don't forget unnecessarily attempted to blow up teddy stillwell~!
this shit would be why i roll my eyes anytime someone calls billy an 'aNtI-hErO' or 'gOoD', leik Y'ALL--
lol oh no dear gawd you poor bitch, my dear sweet beautiful angel baby child~<3
just wait until we get to the end of the story or even just a *little* bit further along... this ain't even the half of it...
the ever expanding shit list on butcher can make homie look tame at times, but yeah no~. def not a good guy, def not right in anyway, one of the big main points of the story is proving butcher wrong and showing just how far his own head was up his own ass.
he's a secondary villain to the series, primary being h--VOUGHT (but also since people forget our *actual* hero is HUGHIE, and that the supes themselves are a SYMPTOM not the actual source of the problems *cough*cough*HEY REMEMBER STARLIGHT WHO EXISTS??* OR THIS WHOLE ASS ABUSIVE FUCKIN' COMPANY THAT EXPLOITS CHILDREN AND EXPERIMENTS ON BABIES LIKE NOBODY'S BUSINESS??????) and leik. he is *made* specifically to disappoint and prove the reader/viewer *wrong* about him (apart from prove himself wrong) by being his absolute worst with zero excuses for it at legit every chance he gets. mainly by being a serial killer butt~
he's *designed* to toy with our emotions and the hope that we see some *good* in him or give him the benefit of the doubt, because we are seeing the story mostly from *hughie's* perspective, and that is specifically how *HUGHIE* feels about him. and some are def blind to it (like hughie lmao) but some can see through butcher's bullshit (like *annie*)
like his whole damn niche is *dragging* homelander down to his level and causing chaos beyond his own wildest wet dreams at the *expense* of everyone else, and homie clocked that motherfucker before giving him the promise of that ticking time bomb explosion because butcher ain't the only one pushing him too far--but he is certainly the most devoted.
his *obsession* with homie completely consumes his life and everything he does. homelander *hardly* cares about billy beyond his being a persistent thorn in his side that *occasionally* provides *some* level of interest.
i think an easy gauge at what's really going on is to look no further than annie's perspective. many people are more than willing to overlook butcher's bullshit, but annie describes what's going on probably better than anyone i've seen.
for homie? she specifically says. "there's something *wrong* with homelander", but with butcher she just gets fuckin' mad MAD because HE. KNOWS. BETTER. and does worse.
the framing there isn't a mistake. leik at all.
post gen v, i saw a bunch of people calling for the gen v kids to join the boys or for butcher to 'adopt' them and the only thing i could think was 'dear fuckin' satan, for the love of GAWD, PLEASE NO' because the only thing butcher does and *would* do is~
it is LITERALLY all he does the WHOLE fuckin' time, and it's comin' to a head cause there is only so much bullshit his team will tolerate, and i--.
i need butcher... to stay THE FUCK *away* from the gen v kids because *when* he hurts them i will lose my shit--
i don't think hughie will die. given the comic, he's actually one of the few people i would say is actually guaranteed to survive (again, goes back to people forgetting *hughie* is our protagonist, NOT butcher), but he may be the one who ends up killing butcher, def not before billy does a ton of damage to showcase what an irredeemable scumbag he really is (i love him, i really do BUTT JESUS fuckin' CHRIST MAN--)
when it comes to ryan, that's a whole 'nother can o worms, but there's a part of me that honestly feels billy only protected him--not because he actually gives a shit about ryan specifically (let's not forget that moment he was about to beat ryan to death when becca died), but because he actually does care specifically about *keeping his promise to becca* and the leverage that ryan *is* over homelander.
and while i do think it's possible that through that and in his own twisted round about way, he *cares* for ryan in a similar way he cares for hughie (mostly just the connection to becca tho), i also think it's pretty likely there is a part of him that deeply resents ryan *specifically*, i think its SUPER duper fuckin' likely that as soon as billy gets the idea in his head that:
'ryan is a lost cause and can't be saved'?
*and* he's no longer of use to billy?
that poor kid's gonna fall to the 'just another supe freak/only worth somethin' dead' list for billy. :/
and i get it, it is fuckin' infuriating but he is supposed to be infuriating because we're supposed to realize just how full of shit and actually evil he really is under the bravado. he's just another extremist opposite of homelander to the point where even their desires and presentation, inner and outer, ring opposite.
boi is a wannabe frank castle with ZERO fuckin' principles.
but yeah, once you get to the point of trying to BLOW UP A FUCKIN' BABY, i--
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royalarchivist · 6 months
Bagi: I think Badboyhalo is turning green. Without the rainbow stuff, I saw green stuff in his hand- in his back.
Fit: You might be right, yeah. I mean, it's hard to tell with- Hold on. Wait- wait. Bad, take your shirt off. Take your shirt off.
Bad: Well, I mean, I don't know if this is the right setting for-
Fit: Take your shirt off. [Leans into the mic and uses a deeper voice] Take your shirt off, take your shirt off, take your shirt off.
Empanada: whoa there are kids here and its me D:
Fit: Don't worry, Empanada- Bad's my good friend, and I just want to make sure that he's doing okay, you know? That's all I'm doing.
Bad: [Disappointed] Oh, ok... I guess Pac would be upset if it was anything else. Anyway!
Fit: Wait, what? What? Huh?
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[ Full Transcript ↓ ]
Bagi: I think Badboyhalo is turning green.
Empanada: [In response to Bad saying everything is fine] mhm sure uncle bad i believe you especially
Fit: You might be right, yeah. Wait, hold on- I mean, it's hard to tell with-
Bagi: Without the rainbow stuff, I saw green stuff in his hand- in his back.
Fit: Wait, really?
Bagi: In his back, yeah.
Bad: Yeah, I don't know what Bagi is talking about. [In a loud whisper] Bagi's been seeing things, Fit!
Fit: Hold on, wait- wait. Bad, take your shirt off. Take your shirt off.
Bad: Well, I mean, I don't know if this is the right setting for-
Fit: Take your shirt off. [Leans into the mic and uses a deeper voice] Take your shirt off, take your shirt off, take your shirt off, take your shirt off.
Bagi: [Cracking up]
Bad: OK, ok, ok! It's off! There you go!
Fit: [Sees the infection / marking on Bad's back] Um... That doesn't, uh... Yeah, you might want to get that checked out.
Bagi: It's kinda different, you know?
Fit: Yeah, I think you might want to see a doctor.
Bad: Nah, it looks fine! No, it looks fine.
Empanada: whoa there are kids here and its me D:
Fit: Don't worry, Empanada- I'm just checking- Bad's my good friend, and I just want to make sure that he's doing okay, you know? Like, that's all I'm doing.
Bad: [Disappointed] Oh, ok... I guess Pac would be upset if it was anything else. Anyway!
Fit: Wait, what? What? Huh? Huh? What?
Bad: Oh, you didn't want to check out my muscles? Anyways, it's fine... I just- you know. Anyways...
Empanada: you got pac after all
Fit: Yeah Empanada, he's my roommate! Yeah, he's my roommate, it's- it's- it's cool, it's cool.
Bad: You got Pac, after all. Your roommate.
Fit: My roommate, My roommate.
Empanada: sure tell yourself that
Bad: [Cracks up]
Bagi: [Also cracking up] Oh Empanada, I love you so much! You're definitely my daughter! You're so my daughter! Here- Empanada, here's another cookie for you!
Fit: [Groans] I'm catching strays, I'm catching strays from an Egg today, oh no...
Bad: This is great! Oh, my goodness...
Empanada: you wore each others clothes tio
Fit: Yeah, but that- but I mean, that was- I- I know it- it- um...
Bad: I love this, this is great.
Fit: I got nothing, I got nothing... I got no defense to that.
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welcometogrouchland · 5 months
I understand that literature nerd Jason Todd is kind of overblown in fanon compared to it's actual presence in canon (a few issues during his pre (and post?)crisis Robin tenure that highlight it) BUT consider that I think it's hilarious if the unhinged gun toting criminal has strong opinions on poetry
#ramblings of a lunatic#dc comics#Jason Todd#batfamily#it's just a fun quirk! it's a fun lil detail and I simply cannot slight ppl for enjoying and incorporating it into works#like obviously jason isn't the only one. I'm a big believer in the batfam having over lapping interests they refuse to bond over#i know dick canonically used the robin hood stories (which are pretty flowery in their language far as i can tell) as inspo for Robin#and i know babs was a librarian and even tho her area of nerddom is characterized as more computery she probably knows quite a lot-#-about literature as well#duke is a hobbyist writer i believe? i saw a fan mention that- which if so is great and I hope he's also a nerd#(i mean he is canonically. i remember him being a puzzle nerd in his introduction. but i mean specifically a lit nerd)#damian called Shakespeare boring but also took acting classes so i think he's more of a theatre kid.#Tim's a dropout and i don't think he's ever shown distinct interest in english lit and i can't remember for Steph?#I'm ngl my brain hyperfocused on musician Steph i forget some of her other interests I'm sorry (minus softball and gymnastics!)#and then Cass had her whole (non linear but it's whatevs) arc about literacy and learning to read#went from struggling to read in batgirl 00 to memorizing Shakespeare in 'tec and is now an avid read in batgirls!#she's shown reading edgar allen poe but we don't know if it's his short stories or his poems#point to all of the above being: i know Jason's not the only lit nerd in the batfam#but also i do need him to be writing poetry in his spare time and reading and reviewing it#jason at the next dead robins society meeting: evening folks today I'll be assigning all of us poems based on laika the space dog#damian and steph who have been kidnapped and brought to jasons warehouse to hangout: LET US GO BITCH#speaking of^ random poem i think jason would like: space dog by alan shapiro#wake up one morning in an unfamiliar more mature body with a profound sense of abandonment. the last four lines. mmm tasty
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mayasaura · 1 month
Imagine if Marcille ran away with the chimera in episode 17. She's just confused! Falin is still in there; she can fix her!
The fun part is, I don't think the Faligon would hurt her. None of the casualties in that fight were people Falin knew. She even went out of her way to scoop Kabru away from Laios before crushing him, instead of going for the kill where Laios would take collatoral damage. Falin is still in there.
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eluminium · 1 year
I don't get it man, this guy. THIS GUY. He just CAN'T SEEM to escape the number three. Don't believe me?
What about the fact that he's died 3rd every single series he's been in? Yep, both in 3rd life and in last life, this man died third. And in the exact same way too, foolishly charging into the enemy with no plan other than bloodshed. Which fails.
What about THIS????
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What about the fact he's only ever had 3 lives assigned to him?
What about the fact that in B.E.S.T, S is the 3rd letter?
What about the fact that he missed Double Life, the 3rd season of the Life Series??
What about the fact that because he missed Double Life, he’s been apart of 3 seasons of the Life series???
And I mean, he's usually portrayed as an Angel in fanart. and 3 is considered a holy number. The Rule of 3, the Trinity, and its symbolism in numerology... (yes that's a thing. don't ask me how I know.) It all ties together. And it ties together to the man whose heart is too big for his head. To the man who, despite all the flair, has never killed in anything but self-defense, in the service of another. To the guy whose entire schtick so far in Limited Life is not to kill, but to appreciate the time he has and the people he's around. To the guy who's drawn as an angel.
Now idk what you could do with this as like a design thing. Could have like a third wing sticking out of his neck so he'd have 3 wings? Could have a halo with 3 rings? Idk man, I ain't the artist, but I feel like there's potential here.
Could also have Dove symbolism? Y'know, doves and angels, doves usually being associated with peace and Skizz having a very nonviolent and more negotiating approach. I mean he spared both Scar and Bdubs in 3rd Life, he chose mercy when really, he could have killed them together with the Red Army. And after Skizz dies is always when everything goes to true shit. After his death came the final battles of Dogwarts in 3rd life. After his death, the Wither was summoned in Last Life and everything fell into slowly decaying chaos. First goes the canary, the first warning that time has run out. Second goes an innocent other, to hammer in that there's no return. And to complete the rule of 3, the dove follows the canary. The death of peace, a final warning. That now there will be no more.
im a little insane about skizzleman okay.
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goldenamaranthe-blog · 3 months
Give 'em the Ol' Razzle-: Hazbin Hotel
Charlie: *gasp* Is that another possible guest?! (Zips to the door and nearly throws it off its hinges)
-Comically large bouquet of roses poofs into Charlie's face-
Charlie: (fights through the thorny petal onslaught) What the Hell???
Seviathan: (smiling in a way that he's been told is charming) Charlotte! It's so good to see you-
Charlie: Nope! (slams the door and walks away, trailing rose petals behind her)
Vaggie: (blinks is confusion) Uh, hun? What was that all about?
Charlie: Nothing to worry about. (Dusts rose petals off her coat in the most monotone way possible) Just my ex-boyfriend at the front door. (Cups her mouth and sings) 🎶Oh, Razzle! Come here, baby boy!🎶
Vaggie: (bristles, pulls out her spear, and pulls her lip back in a snarl) Do I need to take care of him?
Razzle: (flies out of the kitchen with his hooves covered in donuts like doughy rings) Baaaap?
Charlie: No need, Vaggie. Razzle's got this.
Vaggie & Razzle: He does??? / Baaaaap???
-Door slams open against the wall-
Seviathan: Okay, I guess I deserve that. (Dusts off his jacket) Charlotte, can we at least talk this through? I'm willing to take you back, baby girl.
Razzle: (goes wild-eyed as his teeth turn into razors and froth drips from his sugar-coated mouth)
Vaggie: (similar to Razzle, but her wings puff put and make her look 10 times larger)
Charlie: (plastered smile on her otherwise straight face as she pets Razzle's head and snakes an arm around Vaggie's waist) Seviathan, I broke up with you.
Seviathan: And I'm willing to take you back. What part of that is so hard to understand?
Charlie: (blinks and her eyes turn red) Razzle?
Razzle: (practically breathing fire as he gets rabid foam on the floor) BaaAAaaAp?
Charlie: (clicks her tongue three times)
Razzle: (unhinges his jaw, so it's at a perfect 90-degree angle of razor-sharp teeth that start spinning in a clockwise circle like a chainsaw) BAAAAAAAAAAAAROOOOOAARP!!!!
Seviathan: Oh, FUCK!!!! YOU STILL HAVE THOSE DAMN GOATS?!?! (Sprints out of the hotel)
Razzle: (gives chase while bleating sadistically)
Charlie: (leisurely saunters to the open door as her horns elongage and her tail whips back and forth and calls out) Tell Helsa I still think she's a loser bitch with poor taste!
Vaggie: (blushing and in awe) Angel, what do you call it when you're horrified and turned on at the same time?
Angel: (ducked behind the bar with Husk) Horoused?
Vaggie: I am so horoused right now.
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fexjam · 6 months
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sapphorror · 4 months
See. The funny thing about Dib's Wonderful Life of Doom is that it's easily the worst example of Zim exacting extremely out of proportion vengeance and wasting an absurd amount of resources in order to spite Dib... except it's technically not.
Because listen. Despite that simulation being one of the most horrifying, violating, mentally scarring things to ever happen to Dib—and that is NOT a low bar—it wasn't actually an act of intentional violence on Zim's part. The point of the simulation wasn't to punish Dib, it was to prove his guilt, and in true Zim fashion amazing amounts of damage are brought about through a totally different means than intended, most likely without Zim ever realizing his miscalculation. I mean, come on! He gave Dib nice imaginary things. What could possibly be traumatic about that?
Zim's actual act of vengeance was just another muffin to the face—which makes this episode, from a certain POV, the most perfectly proportionate act of retaliation that Zim's ever enacted.
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mewtwo24 · 5 months
I just started reading the svsss volumes (and re-read them again because A LOT IS GOING ON) but like. This shit is so hysterically funny I don't even know where to begin.
Was no one????? Going to tell me that one of the cornerstone jokes in the damn series is that lbh's adoration for his one and only 'tism person who literally cannot express his emotions to save his life is basically genetic?????????
Was no one???? No one AT ALL going to tell me that Mobei-Jun straight up yeets Airplane at the problem in one of the scenes?????? And that in the most hilarious twist of fate Airplane then unyeets Mobei-Jun not twenty minutes later?????
It's one thing to see people joke about sqq and lbh being unable to communicate but it's on a league of its own when you have to read HUNDREDS OF PAGES of sqq's inner monologue be like 'that's my darling boy. my baby. my sugar plum pumpy umpkin you're my sweetie pie' but on the outside he says "get lost binghe" and somehow deems that an effective expression of his affection that lbh will surely understand. 'Why is lbh whining and crying and tugging at my sleeve like a plaintive wife, why is he so angry?' Sqq asks, the entire circus, as lbh is about to fling himself off a cliff for attention--
In short, MXTX is the queer comedian of our generation and nobody appreciates her enough
#svsss#bingqiu#shen qingqiu#luo binghe#mxtx what must it be like to carry the gays on your shoulders like this#she ran so that the rest of us could walk oh my actual god#i just can't get over how much of the novels are sqq panicking because he needs to 'do right' by lbh#aka make lbh the absolute lunatic from the original#so its just this uproarious back and forth between a guy trying to make a bbg desperate for his love into a human weapon#AND make himself disappear before that weapon is turned on him (also probably the self-hatred talking)#amazing showstopping spectacular **slaps sqq's back** you can fit so many repressed internalizations of toxic masculinity in this mf#legit as i read these volumes i just kept thinking of that meme like 'congrats sqq buddy that's the worst anyone's ever done it' (joke)#not that lbh is any better but in fairness the lad is going through a lot too so i spare him too harsh a judgement#also sincerely i dont think i was prepared for just how stupid how crazy lbh goes for sqq. it was. MAGNIFICENT#I was like 'surely he isn't that dramatic' and then by god everyone. by god I started reading and went#'jesus christ that's a nuclear missile shaped little meow meow and that's HILARIOUS'#i also just can't get over sqq insisting 'IM NOT GAY. I DONT GAY. IM THE STRAIGHTEST STRAIGHT!!!!'#while. literally. saying full stop to lbh of like 'wym i smile more genuinely at everyone else they're just scarecrows around me'#sqq--the man who couldn't bear to see lbh suffering as a young boy.#who was so affected he was crying in his sleep and calling out lbh's name over and over#ON WHAT LEVEL IS THAT HETEROSEXUAL SQQ. THE JIG IS UP#literally EVERYONE around sqq being like 'congrats on being the last to know' about his love for lbh#and can we talk about sqq being like 'we used to communicate so seamlessly that we had no need for words. there was no greater joy for me.'#and highlighting that though gongyi xiao was a similar and talented young lad he fell decidedly short because he did not have above quality#and then sqq still being in denial; i swear i LOVE the little hints mxtx drops i feel like the happiest mouse scampering around for crumbs#additionally a question: how does anyone take liu qingge seriously#when he's displeased he just yells 'HEY' and does nothing about it (most times)#that is the most boomer dad energy i think i've ever seen#also :(((((((( all the jokes about tianlang-jun (though accurate) were so deceptive my heart was broken at the end of vol.3
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bleuu-moon · 5 months
can’t stop thinking about john price falling in love with a mid-late 20 year old gobby civvi who always lands themselves in trouble and effortlessly manages to match his smart mouth
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attex · 6 months
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n4rval · 6 months
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mystery pile
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bucksboobs · 21 days
oh GOD
I just realized Buck might have been trying that new recipe for Tommy…
Buck and his love language of cooking for his people and making toaster waffles for his girlfriend he isn’t that into might be planning to make that Brand New Lasagna recipe for a date with Tommy.
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Also I am. Constantly forgetting how fucking funny Hunter is. We never give him enough credit for how funny he is because his life is so fucked up but I swear 90% of his lines are just bit after bit after bit. He's not even trying either. Anytime he actively tries to make a joke it falls flat but if you just put him in a Scenario he'll find a way to be so over invested and yet out of touch/at odds with whatever's going on. He's so autistic
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valyrfia · 7 months
jeez max no ones gonna take away charles from you slow down
Max could've waited for an umbrella, instead he saw Charles leaving and himself unable to follow and went "that won't do" and decided to go out into a biblical rain shower to try and share Charles's umbrella
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43sol · 1 year
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i can finally go back into the tiger and bunny tag ヽ(*。>Д<)o゜
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