#he's talking about tickets for his show fyi
bronx-bomber87 · 6 months
Happy Wednesday amazing fandom. So Next ep (4x22) will be on Friday this week. So I'll post Sunday for 5x01. Didn't want to post my usual next Monday on Christmas just as an FYI. Let's get started. Ahhh we only have 2 left in this season. Last two are huge. This one is more geared towards Lucy and her feelings. With Ashley thrown in the mix. Lucy’s feelings for Tim that are getting harder to conceal by the day. This is a good one heavy content after such low one for last two. So let’s get going.
4x21 Mother’s Day
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We start off with problem number one. I mean Chris. Lucy telling him it’s a hard pass on meeting his parents. Not just no. 'HARD PASS' Damn Lucy straight up shutting his ass down. Her commitment issues are glaring in this scene. You can tell by her body language alone. Look at how uncomfortable she is as they’re talking about this subject. Touching the back of her neck. Her hand lingering near her tattoo. She is not feeling this conversation one bit.
To her Chris isn’t serious enough to be even remotely near that. Also she doesn't care enough either. Never close to that kind of commitment. Never was… i.e. 5x08 and all that. He is the definition of a convenience relationship. Also the man is blind when it comes to reading her properly. She says no and he pushes it. Then when he doesn’t get what he wants basically scolds her for it. Her face when he says ‘I figured you’d say that.’ Like why you asking then mofo? He gets under my skin like no other…
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This next portion is jealously personified oh my lord. Mostly on Lucy’s part. Clown and Lucy walk up to Tim/Ashley discussing a trip. Lucy immediately needing to know if they’re planning a vacation. Chris being clued in for once is shocked she’s asking about it. Look at the man's eyebrows in the first gif. They say yes Hawaii. Chris goes right back to being the clueless idiot. He says he loves Hawaii but never been.... Why do you even speak man? Useless info from a useless human being.
Ashley starts spouting on about beaches and crap no one cares about tbh ha Lucy is not really listening anyways. You can tell she’s tuned out and is in analysis mode. Melissa is conveying so much with just her eyes in that second gif. She is jelly belly. Look at her watching them and trying to digest this moment. Her jealously starts here and doesn’t end till we reach Tim’s prank.
Chris tells her to call him if she changes her mind. Lucy just wards him off and says she won’t. No means no schmuck. Tim tries to ask her about that comment and Lucy deflects. She doesn’t care about Chris’s parents. Her one and only focus is about him. Needing to know whose idea it was for Hawaii? Tim being clueless to her inquiry just says mine I guess why? Lucy doesn’t get to finish her thought because they run into Harper.
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Lucy mentions she thought she had the day off? Nyla says she did but Donovan is being a prick about the holiday. That he took Lila to see his mom for Mother’s Day. All the way in Santa Barbara. Leaving Nyla childless for Mother’s Day. Doing it as revenge. What a dick. Lucy says that’s really cruel even for him. Harper mentions James is taking his boys to see his ex-wife cause he’s a decent human being LOL
That at least she’s being paid time and a half to plot her revenge. Tim having slight respectful fear of her says he can wait to see what she comes up with haha Lucy joining him saying they should sell tickets. Their faces in those gifs are primo. I also love their shared looks as they leave. Damn they’re cute together. The most married looks as they’re leaving I cannot stand it. Knowing not to mess with Nyla today of all days. Best they can do is just get the hell out of there ha
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We rejoin them in the shop. We watch Lucy struggle with wanting to get her thoughts out. You can tell she is nervous and scared of the answer she might get. Watching her body language alone during this scene is so telling. It's showing she is dying inside. That this is eating at her so much. Not once has Lucy ever thought Ashley was the right one for him. Now there is this potential he could be thinking about proposing to her... and it's making her sick to her stomach.
She is trying to contain her meltdown about this as best she can. Also like to note while Lucy builds up her courage in the first gif Tim is not stressed whatsoever. LOL Just thinking it's a normal day as they get out on the road. Living his best life while Lucy has her internal battle in the first gif. Lucy finally gets the guts to ask the question burning a hole in her stomach.
One that is making her nauseous. If he’s proposing to Ashley? She says it all high pitched. Clearly so very nervous of his potential answer. Tim seems blind sided by the question. The way he raises his eyebrows kills me. Saying no... They’ve only been dating a few months. Interesting you date Lucy for a few weeks and give up your career path to stay near her…Almost like she isn’t the one but we’ll get there haha
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Lucy tells Tim he needs to be careful of the signals he’s sending. He asks her what she means? What kind of signals? She says the kind that makes her get a manicure. So that she can send pictures of a ring to all her friends. The way his eyes bug out in horror. Yeah there’s a man ready for the altar… The thought of marrying Ashley putting him in an absolute panic. That’s your soulmate right there Tim…better lock that down....They get interrupted by dispatch before they can continue. Lucy is enjoying his panic about it though. To her that means that’s not where they’re headed. So for now her freakout simmers down from a boil.
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They return to the station to sync up with Angela. Their earlier call is linked to her situation from this morning. She was at a Mother’s Day brunch with Patrice and they got held up at gun point. These punks stole her Mother’s Day gift and terrified her MIL. Harper comes in like a bat out of hell. It’s pretty hilarious tbh. I love how Tim and Lucy just stand there as they plot Donovan’s demise. Her deserves it.
Talking about curses and such. They’re so chaotic together and it makes me so happy. I always enjoy their scenes though. Tim saying they should leave before become accessories. heh I love him being low key scared of Angela it’s the best. Also could they be any closer to each other as they leave? It’s like you guys want me to point this stuff out haha
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Lucy is visiting with Patrice and she’s giving her solid mom advice. I love it so much. Saying her mom has to be the one to make the amends not her. Lucy seems so grateful for the advice. It's a super sweet mini moment. Tim walks in complaining about hotel prices. Lucy comes over and he has her look at his phone. (not a wifey thing to do at all...)Then tells him that’s not a bad deal. That if he wants cheaper he's gonna have to do Honolulu motel 6 LOL How romantic.... Patrice says Oh, Going to Hawaii? Congrats on his engagement.
Lucy is loving being right. She is beaming with smugness really. Saying ‘Ah told you!’ Tim tells her he’s not getting engaged. He’s so adamant about it. Patrice asks if his GF knows that? They have serious old married couple vibes in this scene. Especially when Patrice asks if he’s really this clueless? Her reply is absolute gold. Flirting with him right in front of Wesley’s mom LOL
I’m sure she’s thinking why aren’t these two together? The chemistry from their banter alone is enough to think that. He doesn’t even fight her just sighs. Accepting his fate with her in these situations. God they’re so married and adorable I cannot stand it. Soulmate material right here folks. Front and center. Lucy smiling as he walks away. She loves her goober so very much. Splashed all over her face.
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Angela gives them an update on their crime spree couple. Saying their next target was a bridal shop. Lucy makes a pot shot at Tim. Angela perks right up and is confused as hell. Tim wards Lucy off and says to ignore her. We watch Lucy get agitated. The whole idea of Tim getting engaged is not sitting well with her in the slightest.
Now this is what I find the most interesting about this scene. After Tim says that Angela isn’t watching Tim’s reaction. She’s watching Lucy’s. Look at how she gauges Lucy. Can see she is deeply irritated. Her Chenford radar going off. She’s intuitive af I mean she’s a detective she has to be but still LOL She is reading what Lucy is projecting in this moment and is surprised Tim isn’t….
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When they’re back in the shop Lucy continues to push her luck with this subject. Poking the bear just a little bit more. Saying the website she’s on says Hawaii is the #1 place to get married. Tim retorting back there’s no way she thinks he’s proposing. Lucy presses on because she can’t help herself. Say he’s of a certain age LOL His reaction to that is too damn funny. Like excuse me love?
Lucy adds in that Ashley is in her prime. That on paper this makes sense. That it’s a no brainer really. (Love the little tongue flick in that gif btw. Yum.) It’s coming off as teasing when Lucy low key needs to know. She has to have answers to all this. Also she is in quite the panic. Not hiding it well at all in order to get them. Lucy puts the final nail in the coffin of her anxiety with her next question. Asking if he can see himself married to her?
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It’s the hesitation that says everything to me. He takes a few beats before replying. Lucy is anxiously awaiting his reply. Fidgeting with her phone as the silence stretches. Hoping its more of the 'No' he was giving her earlier. He finally answers like it’s a business transaction. Not someone he loves...Saying yeah he can. Lying liar who lies Timothy Bradford. SMH. This response it’s like wanting a specific meal and the restaurant is out. So they offer you something of lesser value. You’re hungry so you go with it. That’s Ashley. She is the lesser value of Lucy. Tim knows it. So he is settling with this relationship.
Why you ask? Because it’s safe and comfortable. Just like Lucy is with Chris. Also in the back of his head he knows he can never be with Lucy like that. Or so he thinks. He too felt that spark in 4x01 too. Has also been suppressing those thoughts all season. So what helps? A distraction. I.e. Ashley. I looked up settling just to have a good definition. "Settling isn't a choice people happily make for themselves. Often, people settle out of fear. It could be the fear of failure, fear of not being good enough, or even fear of rejection, and, in light of that, settling can feel like the safest choice." Definition of his relationship with Ashley especially going forward after this ep.
He sounds so unconvincing I don’t know Tim even believed what he just said. What Tim is doing here the epitome of settling at this point with Ashley. I don’t think one bit he actually wants to marry her. So much as he needs the companionship. Something he thought he could live without before Lucy. Then she brought Rachel into his life. He realized he could do this again. That he even missed it. So he may put off this lone wolf vibe but our boy just wants to be loved. So he will settle for any love he can get even if it’s not right for him. Which hurts my heart on a deep level.
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We shoot back to Lucy. His reaction seems meh but hers is another story. She very much believes him and looks devastated. This episode is her epiphany episode IMO. Where all these feelings she felt launch for Tim during the 4x01 hug are bubbling up to the surface. She's been trying all season to tamp it down. To push it away thinking if she did it would just go away. Not how feelings work my friend.
I saw the funniest tag(s) for this set when I was looking for gifs. Couple people used it actually. Said it felt like Lucy was playing stupid games and winning stupid prizes LOL That is this scene. She went hunting for answers and only came up with heartbreak and sadness. Her plan was to validate her feelings about this whole thing. All it did was blow up in her face. She’s teased him the entire episode. She inadvertently made him seriously think about this.
She then got an answer she did not want… (none of us did) This is the absolute opposite of how she was with Rachel. She truly wanted Tim to be happy with her. News like this would’ve made her happy back in S2. Because Rachel was Lucy 2.0. Sad fact is Ashley is no where near right for Tim and she knows it. Also so much as transpired between them since S2. Her feelings being one of them. That makes this reaction she is having even more intense.
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If Tim looked over he would’ve seen the devastation. It’s the most transparent she’s been all season long. Lucy has been a clear glass window this entire season with him. Yet this moment stands out as her most telling IMO. Lucy asked what she was scared to really get an answer for. Then got back a reply she was dreading. The last one above gets me the most. Melissa I commend you for it. So much being expressed here.
The way she is processing what’s he’s told her. The emotions coursing through her body. The twitch of her mouth trying to keep herself in check. Looks like she wants to scream or cry or possibly both. Shake Tim and say WTF are you thinking? Most of all she is just hurt. Not taking this kind of info in stride and realizing she is not. Like that dog with the house on fire sitting there with his coffee. ‘This is fine….’ I feel like sums up her emotions for this inquiry she made.
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These are just great action shots of our couple in the field. They catch up to the crime spree couple. They're getting married in this really pretty church. Hijacked someone's wedding. Look how close they are as they fire back. Could take his own position but no lets share cover hehe I love the unnecessary touching she does on her way to catch the wife. It wasn’t necessary to touch him Lucy. Yet I’m here for it 100 %. That building is so beautiful BTW What a lovely place to get married. I hope whenever they get married someplace pretty like this. Or maybe won't be a church at all. Idc where as long as they're married ha
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Ashley is waiting for him outside the station after his shift. She asks how his day was? He says good but Lucy was particularly annoying today. Please Timothy. Like you didn’t enjoy all of that attention from her. Do like Ashley defending Lucy and saying 'I'm sure that's not true.' Tim notices her new nail color and mentions it. Ashley says yeah she just got them done. The panic on this man’s face. LMFAO You’re a liar sir about wanting to marry her. 'Yeah I can' my ass.
Tim tells her he needs to clear the air about something. That there was a reason Lucy was so annoying today. She was convinced taking her to Hawaii meant a proposal. He panics some more and says 'You don’t think that right? Cause I’m not... 'Crashing and burning you handsome fool. She puts a finger to his lips and tells him to shush. That this isn’t what she was expecting at all.
That if he had she would’ve just said no… because she has no interest in being married ever. That she doesn’t want kids either. She's not wired that way. Now to me this should’ve been the end of the relationship for Tim. These are all things Tim wants out of a relationship. She is basically telling him exactly what she wants out of this. What she doesn’t want as well. She’s being honest and upfront. It’s up to Tim to tell her he wants those things out of a relationship. That this isn't going to work based on that.
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He wants marriage and kids. I’m not an Ashley fan don’t get me wrong. I know the fandom didn’t like her. I sure wasn’t pleased with her being around. But she tells him right here and now she doesn’t want marriage. Not only that she doesn’t want kids. I don’t think that makes her selfish. It just makes her incompatible with Tim. It's actually self inflicted wound for Tim to continue dating her. Knowing he wants those things. She is a woman who knows what she doesn’t want and is telling him as such. That's what you do when you're dating someone. So you see if your values and life goals align. Their's very much don't.
I do think this moment is on Tim 100 %. We’ve seen him have communication problems in past relationships. Not telling his former SO's exactly how he is feeling. This relationship is extended due to lack of communication in this moment. Look at this man. He is deflated she doesn’t want these things. His response and body language is screaming disappointment. Unfortunately Ashley fails to read this. He should’ve told her he wants all those things.
Sadly he doesn't... the reality is he’s settling as I stated before. He is faking it with her. Saying that this is ok with him. It’s one thing not to be ready to marry someone. It’s another to realize this relationship has no future for him. He doesn’t want to be alone. This is a safe enough relationship to commit to so he does. Even if it’s stealing all his dreams away from him. Which makes me so sad for him. Because he thinks this is it for him. Which is why S5 is huge for him. But I'll gush about that when we get there. You know I love my Tim but staying in his relationship and having it last longer is on him. Instead of walking away because they aren't right for each other.
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Tim sees Lucy is watching and is a little shit. He asks Ashley if she’ll do him a favor? First off kudos to Melissa once again for conveying so very much with just a look. Tim is making sure he’s looking over at her as he ‘proposes.’ If you look at his face you can see his eyes flit over to her. Pranking is their love language. But if Tim had looked over after he 'proposed' he would see a heart breaking. I think it’s here Lucy is realizing her feelings for Tim.
Because she is reacting like someone who is in love. Lucy is now heartbroken thinking Tim is getting married. Her person is getting married. To the wrong person. She is beyond crushed really. If you looked up devastated in the dictionary that gif should be there. Lucy is so gone for him at this point and its hitting her like a ton of bricks. I mean her behavior this entire episode reflects that. This is a painful epiphany for her.
It was something that was on a low simmer in the back of her brain all season. Now its been pulled to the forefront and is boiling over. I think she is having a million thoughts racing through her mind right now. That he is far more than just her friend and co-worker. He is her best friend and she's in love with him. That is the face of someone who is crushed her person is going to marry someone else. Be bound to Ashley. When she is the right person for him not her.
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Chris comes up babbling about his mom and Lucy has checked out. She is there in body but her mind is outside with Tim. In the first gif we can see her trying to reset. To care that her current BF is in front of her. That she isn't having a emotional spiral about her best friend getting married. She’s scrambling to assemble her thoughts and emotions. Lucy is so flustered and trying to give a crap about Chris's existence. She’s so visibly upset and Chris once again doesn’t read her well.
It’s then she gets Tim’s text we see relief flood over her. Then instant anger as Tim waves at her as they leave. If I was Ashley I would be questioning why my boyfriend wanted to trick his ‘platonic aide’ into thinking they’re engaged…but ok. She ignores Chris further and goes to hunt down Angela to curse Tim LOL Once again how Chris and Ashley didn’t see how in love these two idiots were I’ll never know. Especially Chris my god. Lucy was so very transparent this entire season with Tim.
Also she just straight ignored you son. So focused on wringing Tim’s neck after upsetting her. But sure man bring up your parents she didn’t want to meet LOL Not once did she acknowledge his conversation. Her only goal getting back at Tim. Leaving Chris just standing there like clueless dope he is.... Such good episode though. Especially for Lucy. This is her 'Uh oh epiphany moment.' about her feelings for Tim. All came to a head when she thought he was getting married. So good.
Side notes non-chenford
I love Donovan’s mom bringing Lilah to Nyla. Acknowledging want a douche her son was being. Couldn’t allow them to be apart on Mother’s Day.
Also Patrice spending the day dispensing advice to everyone LOL Loved it. Wish could've included her advice to Lucy but ran out of room.
Thank you for everyone who’s been on. This journey with me. I can’t believe next ep Is the S4 finale. Insane. all of your like, comments and reblogs make my entire day. I love every single one of them. See you all in 4x22 :)
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signedmio · 4 months
This is for your Hazbin matchup!
Hi! My name is Aster. Im bisexual and demisexual. I mostly think romantically about male characters fyi. I’m a huge theater kid, would like to go into directing/playwriting. I’m quite reserved and don’t like loud environments. Would rather stay home and read than go out drinking. I sit in the corner writing an entire script into my notebook from memory.
I have ADHD and many symptoms of autism.
I cannot understand sarcasm most of the time, and I need to take most everything seriously. You can find me picking at my finger pads all the time and having violent mental breakdowns because I can’t figure out a math problem :). I either sleep til 3pm or not at all
Style: Some say I dress like Kurt Cobain. I cannot go anywhere without my shirt tucked in, a musical sweater, and my tote bag. My earbuds are my security item. I have medium length brown hair, hazel eyes, kinda big nose, braces and glasses.
I have huge daddy issues. I’ve seen Zal Owen as a father figure for as long as I can remember. I don’t have any siblings and am not close at all with any family other than my parents.
Love: I love physical touch!! Kiss me, cuddle me, hold by hand, etc. I also love acts of service. I’m such a sucker for romance and intimacy. Like, let me sit so close in public that I can smell your gum. Rose filled bubble bath just for us, hell yeah. I’m so used to being forgotten or discarded socially so I just kinda need THAT person to actually give a shit. I’ve had my heart constantly broken since I was eight. I need a lot of reassurance and care. I’d like a partner/bestie who is invested in my special interests (can talk to about a show, can harmonize properly with, etc). I’m very very clingy, let’s just say that. I can talk for literal hours about my interests and tell you all the info you need about anything Broadway.
I like to see the good in everyone, and will always try my best to help and be the one to love and support others when they’re not getting any, even if we’re strangers. There are some people I just loathe, though.
Hobbies: I play piano and ukulele. I have huge appreciation for music, and love analyzing it. I love writing and sketching, though I’m not the best at either. I just watch a lot of YouTube and sing a lot of showtunes outside alone on my swings after a long day of socializing.
hey aster!! this was an extremely hard tie between two characters haha, but in the end, i went with…
Angel Dust !!
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I can totally see you and Angel spending a shit ton of money on musical tickets to just go out and see a bunch of shows
As much as he can be a party animal, he’s willing to stay in for the night just as much as an introvert, Angel’s 100% ready to snuggle up with you and Fat Nuggets and watch shitty Rom Coms and Hamilton (or whatever musical peaks your fancy haha)
Angel has been through his fair share of tough shit, and he’s always willing to reassure you whenever you need it, you both pick eachother up when in hard places a lot <3
He’s also entirely willing to listen to you rant on and on about whatever’s on your mind, believe it or not, but Angel Dust isn’t a bad listener, he’s actually pretty damn good at it
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jmdbjk · 1 year
Ugh...I’m useless...I just impulse pre-ordered all six versions of Jimin’s W Korea mag. If this is how it’s gonna go then I need to start buying cheaper ramen because I’m gonna be broke during this Jimin era. I won’t be able to read the articles... however ... I can use them to further my language learning, yes, that’s what I’ll do ... I will use them for practicing reading Korean ... the justification for spending money ...lord help me. I AM WEAK WHEN IT COMES TO JIMIN! FYI I ordered them from https://daebak.co/
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Drinking with Yoongi... episode 2, we have a “permanent” set, a premise for the show, a nice lit neon logo sign... almost like a real Youtube channel... and/or replica of a real bar/eatery... ahem... hangover soup anyone?
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I think when Yoongi says that he had wondered what he’d do when it’s the end (of his career) I attribute this question ever existing in his mind because he came up in the idol industry where there seems to be a finite “end” to an idol’s career trajectory, like, its assumed there will be an end. The time is said to be about 7 years. Obviously, at some point Yoongi finally realized there does not need to be an end, that his choice is open ended, or never ending in that he can continue to make music for as long as he wants.
In addition, this talk he had with Mr. Dong Yeop hopefully opened more things up in Yoongi’s mind enabling him to see things from a different perspective, a more experienced perspective. I love that this was captioned as Yoongi having a mentoring session from someone who is highly successful with long-term experience in the entertainment industry.
And please answer me this, how is this the same person?
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And hello? a BTS Cruise... in the future... spending several days traveling with your old geezer fans... YOONGI SAID THIS WOULD BE THE BEST CASE SCENARIO!! never in my life have I ever desired to go on a cruise but the minute these tickets become available its every Army for themselves because I will be out to kill to get those. HYBE MAKE THIS HAPPEN!!! Sooner than later though!
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I got excited over a Coway mattress promotion. What is wrong with me? At least they got the weight of Jibooty correct in this example...
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My Stadium Tour Experience
I finally saw the Stadium Tour after so long(I was 14 when I bought the tickets and I’m 17 next week so…). Anyway, here’s the quick summary
So I arrived like right when it started so I didn’t see Classless Act much, only one and half songs :/
Joan Jett
Ageless queen
Seriously she looks amazing for someone with her style and her age
And her voice….memorizing
I want to be Joan Jett when I get older
I sadly can’t recall the first song she played but the second one was Cherry Bomb and the stadium went wild
For an act that was 45 minutes it was so fun and I wish she had longer
So bands will play songs before they start to get the crowd hyped…they chose Welcome to the Jungle
Bret Michaels came run out onto the stage and went wild
I loved his energy so much
“Pretty Shiny boy Bret Michaels”-The ladies behind us
Y’all he had a harmonica solo and it went harder than it should have
C.C DeVille got his solo and the stadium was chanting his name
Did I know there was chance he would play Eruption and lead into Fallen Angel? Yes. Was I still prepared when it happened? Not at all
Every time you blink Bret Michaels has a different hat on
Something to Believe In *Mwah*
What was really cool was how Bret interacted with the fans. He let them touch his guitar and waved to them, and when he was driving back into the stadium, he stopped the golf cart and went and gave a few fans high fives
Mötley Crüe:
I saw tits
Okay yes I don’t like the Crüe much themselves but they know how to put on a show
That magic was kind of lost once the giant statues of women appeared and the focus was on the dancers….first portion was just pure rock and I loved that
There were two people dressed like 80’s rock stars, like, Party City kind of costumes and I thought it was funny
Nikki Sixx’s daughter was there and they showed him playing while engaging with her and yes, it was cute and every woman over forty went “awwww”
Nikki Sixx:* Talking to the crowd and has a towel* “Want this towel? Here, it’s like the one I gave your mom in 1986…that’s probably true actually*
Back to the tits, yes it was even Tommy was speaking and they were shown on the screen
“Three pairs of titties in Houston of all places…oh there we go.”
That was kind of funny because he looked like he had just been released into society after being locked up
In other news the guy next to us was a little too drunk….his friend were literally dragging him
I know Vince Neil can’t sing but…oh it was bad…The backing vocals and the crowd saved him
MICK MARS MY MAN! He was just rocking in his corner and I love him for that
Def Leppard
There was a timer and that was the longest ten minutes of my life
They started with Take What You Want and I would have sang along if I didn’t become paralyzed in awe and excitement
It never felt real. The whole thing was like the best dream of my life
Sav*does the thing* Me: HE DID THE THING
Joe Elliott I luv u 🥺
Sav wasn’t shown enough on the screens :(
They started playing Armageddon It and I went ballistic
*This Guitar* My mom: this is so good why haven’t you play me this song :(
I will mom I will I promise you
I did not expect Promises for some reason so I was shocked when they played it but it was BEAUTIFUL
Y’all Hysteria had clips of them ove the years and newspaper headings on how awesome they were and I got teary eye
Two Steps Behind>>> And when it was just Joe at the end oml he’s an Angel the lighting his voice amdbaldnalshwpdbd
They love each other so much it’s adorable I want that kind of bond and I hope I have it with my friends
Rick walking around with his little maraca ❤️❤️
“From my head to my…” I got that on video fyi
“Rick has something to say” “Gunter Glieben Glauchen Globen” *Chaotic screaming*
There were two drunk girls dancing in front of us and they weee just having the time of our life and it was cool to see
Did not expect them to end with Photograph…but it was an amazing ending
They could have gone on for hours and I would have enjoyed every single moment
They played Kings Of The World on the speakers when it was all over so it was a giant stadium just singing along…beautiful
I could go on and on but I won’t I might upload some photos and videos
In all, the best concert I’ve ever to. The crowd was much fun and you can tell everyone wanted to be there. I didn’t know if I wanted to be a rockstar or a middle age woman reliving her youth with her friends. Seeing Def Leppard was so surreal and unbelievable, and everyone was amazing(Vince…Vince tries. He tries).11/10 experience
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benjaminscottx · 3 years
Ben 💬 Open.
Ben: got your tickets
Ben: you owe me
Ben: you can choose how 😈
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erodasfishtacos · 3 years
fyi: this is written from a curious gazes point of view!
i write for FREE - so if you would like to support my work, you can donate here. 
if you liked please reblog, recommended, like, and come talk to me about it!
*video is mine (as in i took it so please credit if you use)*
Ellie had saved up for nearly a year to buy an overpriced resale ticket to be in the cherry pit of the Harry Styles Concert.
She was a college student - barely able to afford food, let alone an expensive ticket to the concert at PPG Paints Arena.
But she managed, after extra long nights at the on-campus conievient store - she had saved up enough for said ticket.
She worked hard for the chance, so she brought a little blanket and camped out at the front of the arena like the rest of the fans.
Overall, she was outside for General Admission since four in the morning and by the time they were ushered into the arena - she was filled with anticipation and exhaustion.
But if was so so worth it.
She was at the barrier, grasping onto it like it was a figment of her imagination - she was here and he would be coming in a few hours.
It was overly crowded and the fans around her were becoming antsy and pushy as the show came closer to starting.
Ellie notices everyone looking back when Jenny comes on and she notices that everyone is starting at YN who had appeared behind the barricades to watch the show.
She was just…gorgeous. She waved and blew a few kisses to the fans but got distracted talking with Jeff and Tommy.
Fans enjoyed when she came out first because her outfit gave just the littlest hint of what Harry’s would look like.
Unfortunately, it didn’t give away much.
She looks stunning as always - in a sharp, crisp black suit with a very sexy, delicate bra underneath. ***
Ellie swears she could see her engagement and wedding band sparkling in the lighting from all the way over here.
After Jenny’s set is over, there is only a few minutes before Harry comes on.
When the lights dim, the intro music starts, and the bunnies begin the flashing on the screen - the fans in the pit push forward to get as close as possible.
Ellie isn’t sure how it happened but she manages to get pushed away from the barrier and to the back of the crowd.
All of her hardwork, waiting in line was ruined in an instant and then fans were holding up signs that blocked her whole view.
She can barely get glimpses of Harry and the fact that she has lost the spot at the barrier that she had wanted so fucking bad.
Maybe she’s being childish but she begins crying, she can’t believe her bad luck, and she just can’t seem to catch her breath.
Golden passes, then Carolina, then Adore You.
She doesn’t even enjoy them.
Ellie is confused when she feels a tap on her shoulder, it’s a massive security guard who states, “Mrs. Styles would like to see you.”
She looks at him perplexed, then past his shoulder, and believe it or not - YN is standing at the rail that separates her from the general population, she looks concerned.
It doesn’t feel real as she stumbles over, scrubbing her hand over her face to attempt to erase the tears before meeting her.
“Hi! Are you okay?” YN shouts over the loud music, leaning past the barrier a bit.
Ellie nods, trying to collect herself, “I’m just upset. I waited all morning for the front but I just got shoved out and…I can’t really see him and I saved up all my money for this.”
YN smiles softly at the girl, “I’m sorry that happened.”
Ellie expects that to be it but it’s not.
“Hey, will you take us over to the stage barricade?” YN asks that same security.
He furrows his brows, “I don’t think that would be a good idea, Mrs. Styles.”
“I think it would be,” She quips fiercely, no room to argue and she helps Ellie slip over the railing to stand next to her, “I’ll get you an even better seat.”
And Ellie is in shock as YN takes her hand, pulling her along until they’re at the small space between the stage and pit - where the security stands.
From here, well- she can see everything and it’s better than a front row seat.
Especially because the second Harry spots his wife, he prances over to them, and yells out, “Y’good?”
YN nods and gives him a thumbs up, then she’s dancing along with the crowd and encouraging Ellie to dance.
The opposite side of the pit would later go on to complain on social media that Harry spent no time on their side because he was too busy showing off for his wife.
It was completely true.
He was totally trying to show off to his wife despite her having seen him perform thousands of times over the past ten years.
Ellie is starry-eyed as she watches her idol perform but he is actually real which doesn’t seem right - he’s a living breathing person!
During a break between songs, Harry swings the microphone cord and saunters over to them with a wide smile.
“I see tha’ m’wife made a friend. S’show is supposed to be about me, darling!” Harry pouts toward his wife making the crowd laugh, “Wha’s your name?”
Ellie’s eyes widen when she realized he is talking to her.
“Ell-Ellie!” She shouts back over the scream.
“Hello Ellie, s’my wife annoying you yet? Thanks for takin’ her off my hands for a while. She’s a lot to handle, pain in me arse,” Harry jokes, eyes twinkling at YN.
Ellie felt like she could physically feel their connection.
She shakes her head and shouts back, “No! She’s really nice!”
Harry tsked and murmurs playfully into the mic, “Y’needa to tell me the secret! She’s right mean to me!”
He blows his wife a kiss and pops his bum at her before shimmying away for his next song.
Ellie is near hyperventilating, she just talked to Harry fucking Styles but feels like an idiot for doing it right next to his wife.
YN slings an arm around her shoulder and says, “You okay?”
She giggles and mumbles, “I’m sorry, I’m being so embarrassing.”
But YN is understanding, constantly smiling which makes her feel less like an immature little fan girl and replies, “Not embarrassing! I totally get it. He’s pretty okay.”
As the show wraps up, the security starts to motion for YN to follow them backstage and Ellie feels sad - she really liked YN and she didn’t want this experience to end.
“It was really really nice meeting you. I can’t thank you enough,” Ellie tells YN over Harry edging the crowd with Watermelon Sugar.
Holy shit, she was talking to the person the song was made about.
YN’s face twist in confusion, “Did you not want to come backstage and meet him?”
What the fuck did she just say?
That’s an option?
“Uh-meet Harr-Harry?” She stutters out, mouth nearly hanging open with surprise.
“Yeah! I thought you better get your money’s worth for such a shit experience!” YN replies, laughing as she begins to walk with security - Ellie trailing after them.
Did YN not realize that she had already gave Ellie one of the most - scratch that, the most amazing experience of her life?
When they get backstage, the crew is hustling about - Ellie spots Jeff, Tommy, Harry Lambert all chilling by the entrance.
“If you want to take a seat, he’ll be back here in a few minutes!” YN says nonchalantly, like she isn’t about to introduce her to Harry fucking Styles.
Ellie’s heart is pounding louder than the concert speakers, she can hear the blood rushing in her ears with excitement and anxiety at the same time.
And then Kiwi ends.
Before she can blink, Harry has burst through the curtains to the backstage - tugging out his in-ears and wiping off his sweaty forehead.
He doesn’t notice Ellie but she wouldn’t expect him to - not when his drop dead gorgeous wife is in the room (there was no competition with anyone else, she was just…stunning and it made sense why Harry was so attracted to her.)
And of course, Harry’s eyes find his wife before anything else - YN was currently sipping a water bottle by a mini fridge.
He strides over to her, snatches the bottle out of her hand, and jugs down the rest of it within mere seconds without asking.
“Rude,” YN chides with a giggle as Harry presses her further against the wall, “You did so fucking good tonight, bunny.”
“Trying to impress you,” He rasps, his voice hoarse from his performance - his hand dipping into her jacket to thumb at the lace of her bra.
“That much was obvious,” YN retorts dryly but fails poorly to keep her smile hidden - laughs like a school girl even more when Harry growls and blows a raspberry on her shoulder.
They were so fucking adorable.
Harry was looking at his wife with that teenager affection still - like she was just the best thing ever and he was obsessed.
It was absolutely the truth.
“Oh! I’m being rude,” YN interrupts their little moment, shoving him off and ignoring his comment of, “Always rude t’me.”
“Harry, this is Ellie,” YN grabs his hand and pulls him over to the couch, “She waited all morning for front row but other people pushed her out.”
It makes Ellie a little bit sad, Harry’s demeanor changes - he is still very kind and friendly but he goes into fan mode - much different than how he just was.
“Y’alright? Nice t’meet you, Ellie,” Harry says professionally, he reaches out his hand and shakes hers - she’s legitimately quivering.
“Ye-um, nice to meet you,” She manages out, the rockstar smiles patiently at her with years of experience with frazzled fans.
“I hope m’wife was able to make the show a bit better,” He adds and Jeff is already shoving a shirt, poster, and marker for him to sign stuff for her.
This was most likely the last thing he wanted to do after a show but he was being so welcoming to her - it almost made her guilty for coming back here.
“I did-didn’t mean to be a bother. I’m sorry,” Ellie apologizes profusely, standing up and grabbing her tote - thanking Harry as he hands her the signed merch.
“No worries, not a bother at all. M’glad you had a good time,” He doesn’t try to get her to stay and is obviously ready to leave but he gives her a warm, sweaty hug nonetheless.
“Thank you, both of you,” Ellie mumbles, she steps over to give YN a hug and there’s a moment of panic when Harry tenses up at the interaction - like he doesn’t want Ellie touching his wife but YN hugs her tightly back.
She notices Harry’s hand move protectively to his wife’s hip and pull her into his side subtly - it was obvious how in love he is with her.
And when security begins to guide her out, she can still hear them as they walk towards an opposite hallway.
Harry’s voice had changed back into one that the public didn’t hear as he asks his wife in a whining tone, “Will y’wash m’hair for me tonight, baby? M’sleepy.”
His wife teases him, “I’ll consider it.”
“S’not fair I washed y’hair and body for the last week straight!” He complains, Ellie looks over her shoulder to see Harry bringing their intertwined hands up to kiss the back of hers.
“I’ll wash your hair and body,” YN relents, acting like she was put out immensely by the request.
“Even m’bits?” Harry murmurs lowly - like a child saying something naughty.
YN barks out a laugh, “I swear you’re still fifteen sometimes but yes - full body.”
Hope you enjoyed!
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hiii mini tacos! if you want to be tagged for tag notifications - follow my side blog and message me to be added! @erodastacostand
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fumiko-matsubara · 2 years
The punk and the metalhead 🎸
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I couldn't find a high-quality image of the specific model of Gakushuu's guitar... so I had to go through the pain of painting over a sketch I made of it. 😭
I, for the love of god, couldn't tell what the model of the guitar he used in the anime is. The guitar on the mobile card version though resembles a stratocaster... but I don't really see Gakushuu as a strat kind of guy tbh.
This is sort of like a companion piece to the ask that @dreaming-of-assclass answered about Chiba and Gakushuu friendship headcanons last year, since I did kinda contribute to the post by that screenshot of me writing a ridiculously long essay about their possible friendship 😅
In terms of skill level, they absolutely cannot be compared since they're quite different from each other, despite both guitarists being of high calibre. Chiba is a punk musician who puts more focus onto composing riffs that enhance songs. While Gakushuu is a metalhead who just LOVES shredding his way into stealing the show.
If they would ever collab on stage, Gakushuu would easily take the lead guitar role while Chiba on rhythm guitar. It's not like they even have to fight about who gets what role - they both already know what they can do and that's just how it is.
If anything, Chiba would be thrilled at the idea of composing a song for Gakushuu just to see how the shredding master would enhance it even more with his own twist.
FYI - Chiba and Shuu also owned guitars other than the two shown in the picture. It's just that the aerodyne strat and the majesty are kind of like their signatures when performing.
I don't remember if it's canon that Gakushuu fills in for missing club members whenever there are big events since he is that multi-talented and has unreal time management skills... but I'm just gonna assume it is and that he once filled in for Chiba when his band performed at a live house while he's out of commission.
The entire performance was recorded and Chiba was beyond impressed at Gakushuu's take on the songs that he wrote. It was one of the first things he brought up the first time Shuu had invited him to a morning coffee since post-finals season.
Nobody else among the virtuosos are brave... nor sturdy enough to attend and last a metal concert with him. So learning that Chiba also has his own favourite metal bands (whose shows he had at least once attended to) might bring Gakushuu to want to invite him to the concerts he'll be attending next. This would be a recurring activity between them.
In high school, Gakushuu would invite Chiba's band to perform at Kunugigaoka's school festival as guests - likely even pay them a sum of money no matter how many times Chiba tells him he didn't need to.
You know those type of friends you'd only meet for certain occasions since you only share similar interests for a thing or two, so you both find it unnecessary to be involved in each other's lives? That's the kind of friendship I imagined Chiba and Gakushuu would have.
They seldomly contact each other and occasionally meet up, usually when Shuu wants to attend another concert with him... or when they just wanted a necessary break from those stress-inducing abominations who like to call themselves their friends.
I feel like if they would ever talk about personal matters, it'd be just them ranting about certain people who lack common sense and how annoying they are. Other case would be Gakushuu giving Chiba full permission to diss his father 😭
Gakushuu uses every opportunity he could find to convince Chiba to get a majesty guitar, knowing that he'll definitely geek over its sound quality. Chiba says no everytime since they cost THRICE the price of his black strat.
(Gakushuu: Well perhaps if you would just simply allow me to buy one for you-)
(Chiba: I've told you many times before that you spending money on me is strictly limited to concert tickets ONLY!")
I'll edit and reblog this post if I got more to add in the future. But for now, this is what I have~
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skygirl5 · 2 years
The Music Man on Broadway with Hugh Jackman & Sutton Foster (Review)
If you do not wish to be spoiled for a 60 year old musical or don’t wish to read about me gushing over it, do not proceed.
For everyone else, let’s dive in
First a little back story. I believe it was sometime in early 2019 that it was announced that Hugh Jackman would be starring in a revival of The Music Man on Broadway. Now, that is not one of my favorite musicals, but I had already been regretting not going to see Hugh during his north American concert tour, so I was like: hell yes. Not too long after that it was announced that the female lead would be Sutton Foster, who is very notable in the Broadway community (she has won 2 Tony awards for best actress). I’m not a huge fan of her voice, but I was still all-in for Hugh.
The show was scheduled to open in August of 2020 and when tickets went on sale in Sept of 2019, I bought a pair for the third week of performances because it was around my birthday.
And then...well, we all know what happened in 2020. Broadway shut down in March with no opening date in sight. So...we waited, and waited, and waited, through 3 sets of rescheduled dates until FINALLY the show was supposed to open in December 2021. And it did! for one week! and then everyone in the cast got Omicron and they shut down for 2 weeks. 
But finally after all that time I was able to go and see the show and, guys, it was worth every second of waiting.
For those unfamiliar with the show, the premise is that a con man who travels from city to city swindling people out of their money is currently going by the name Professor Harold Hill. His current con: pretending to be a band leader, selling instruments and uniforms to unsuspecting families and then leaving town before he gets caught because, of course, he cannot actually lead a band. He goes to Iowa to run his latest scheme and tries to win over all the townspeople, including the music teacher slash librarian, Marian Paroo. Singing, dancing, and comedy follow.
This adaptation was pretty close to the original. They changed some of the lyrics to one of the songs “Shipoopi” (the originals are no longer PC) and they added a lot of dancing, and an “epilogue” scene i guess we could call it (which in reality was just an excuse to have Hugh & Sutton tap dance) but otherwise it stayed pretty true to its quirky origins (Yee Gods!)
Now I do feel like I can be a bit of a Broadway snob. (I think this was the 12th show I’ve seen on B-way, not including musicals/plays I’ve seen elsewhere) So some of my comments may be a bit nitpicky fyi haha
Hugh was, overall, absolutely incredible & amazing. I do think that he struggled a bit with the talk-singing songs like Trouble in River City and the beginning of 76 Trombones. I kind of half wonder if that was due to the accent he was putting on, which was inconsistent at times. When he sang-sang songs in the second act it was much better, but I could also hear a little Aussie coming through so it was probably more his natural singing voice. 
Insofar as dancing & general performance though - Hugh was utterly amazing. He’s so funny and SUCH AN AMAZING DANCER OMG. 
I thought Sutton Foster was mostly good in the role of Marian. Acting wise she was great. She and Hugh played off each other fantastically. In fact there were 2 scenes that they both laughed during when they shouldn’t have. One during “Marian the Librarian” and another right before “Til There Was You”. In the second instance, Marian is mad because another salesman who is trying to get Hill in trouble tells Marian that Hill has a girl in every town so she’s mad at him, but Hill (not knowing what she’s mad about) reminds her that people aren’t always truthful and she has this huge revelation that the salesman could have been lying to turn her against Hill and when she realizes this she gives Hill a really big shove and boy did she ever go for it-- she almost knocked him over haha.
The song I liked the least was definitely “My White Knight.” You can find the lyrics here but basically she sang the end bit more like a threat than a romantic notion haha. it was just a little harsh in my opinion.
But the climactic scene at the footbridge (”Til There Was You”) when Hill discovers that Marian has known the truth (that he’s not a professor) all along was A++++++ so incredibly well done. 
Also i wanted to say that the little boy who plays Winthrop (Marian’s little brother) was FANTASTIC. This kid was probably only 6-7 years old and he absolutely killed it.
But overall, I absolutely loved this. It was funny and fun and carefree and had so much amazing, incredible dancing that I want to go back and experience it all again.
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wonunuu · 3 years
iris beauty ❀
8: hallucinations or memories of the past
✎ synopsis: falling for a guy is never easy, especially when your best friend of many years basically claimed him; you and mina have been friends for as long as you can remember, but your loyalty and trust are tested when she asks you to pretend to be her in meeting a guy she had been talking to online and you unintentionally start to develop feelings for him.
✎ genre: romance, angst, drama, comedy
✎ pairing: reader x yoon jeonghan
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a/n: i totally forgot it's update day today lmao. also the written part is so bad,, i think i wrote it at like 1 in the morning 🥴🥴 but like yeahh send me your thoughts!! i love reading them ☺️☺️☺️
wc: 900+
The day has arrived. Today, you will be going to one of South Korea’s famous landmarks, Seoul Tower, where you will meet up with your best friend’s boyfriend—yes, your best friend’s boyfriend. “Final spin,” Mina orders you and you oblige, twirling to show her the outfit she had picked out for you. It was a lavender coloured loose cami dress layered with a white cardigan, and paired with white converse. As for accessories, you wore silver studs and bracelets Mina had bought, along with your golden necklace with an iris flower pendant, a gift from your parents. Though it didn't match the other silver accessories, you still kept it as it held very special memories from your childhood with your parents. 
“I don't know why we had to go full out,” you complain pointing to your outfit. “I’m just gonna meet him for a little while anyways.”
“Definitely not. I told you you need to match my clothing style. And I thought we agreed on no complaints?” Mina pouts, knowing it will hit you right in the gut. You roll your eyes at your friend and her persuasive skills, “Fine. No more complaints, sadly.”
“You look so cute!” Mina chirps, hugging and squeezing the life out of you. 
“When is he coming?” you asked. The two of you had been preparing in the parking lot of the tower, waiting for Jeonghan to arrive. “We agreed to meet around 4 o’clock. It’s five ‘till four, he should be here soon. You should go wait in the entrance,” Mina instructs. “I’ll be right behind you guys.” Although she wasn’t gonna meet Jeonghan herself, she still wanted to see the boy. She didn’t want to be noticeable, so she wore a black hoodie, skinny jeans and sunglasses. 
“Okay.” You took a deep breath, looking at Mina who was staring at you fondly. 
“Thank you so much, YN. Tell what he sounds like later, okay?” 
“I will.” 
As you wait for Jeonghan at the entrance of the tower, you peek a glance at Mina who was standing about five meters from where you stood, looking around for the boy whom she didn't know the face of. Eventually, she meets you and gives a thumbs up—a sign of encouragement. You smile in response, and go back to waiting. 
“Excuse me,” a man says, snapping you out of your trance. “Could he possibly be Jeonghan?” you thought, but when you saw him, you held in a laugh. It was a man in his forties—the possibility of him being Jeonghan is impossible. And the key giveaway is that he has a child with him, guessing she’s at the age of five or six. 
“Do you know where we can buy the tickets to go in?” he asks. “I'm pretty sure if you go in and turn right, the booth should be there,” you inform him as you point in the direction. He gives you a thank you before going in, you watched the father and daughter enter the building, hoping you didn't give the wrong directions. When you turn back, you spot a boy dressed in an orange shirt, light blue jeans and gray coat walking your way. 
“Hi,” he greets. “Are you perhaps Mina?” He asks. His face looks soft and gentle; beautiful chocolate brown almond-shaped eyes, nose perfectly centered on his face, and his lips resembled the colour of a peach. His hair was styled up, revealing his forehead. 
He looked immaculate, and from the side of your eye, you knew Mina thinks the same way as she has completely stopped functioning to stare at the man in front of you. 
“Jeonghan?” you say. He nods and smiles. You contemplate whether you should greet him with a hug or not, but your thoughts are interrupted when Jeonghan gives you a compliment. “You look wonderful.” He says and you feel your cheeks flush warm, turning red. You look down at the floor then back at him. “Thank you. You too, you look amazing.” You reply. 
“Shall we go in?” He asks, offering his hand for you to hold. For a second, you thought he was moving too fast, but quickly remembered that Mina and him have been dating for weeks now. You then place your hand on his and he interlaced his fingers with yours, locking it tightly, before walking into the building.
“Tell me more about yourself,” you inquire as the two of you sit on the chairs placed near the window that viewed the countless buildings in the city below. Jeonghan takes a breath, “Uhm let’s see. Well, I like sports and I can say that I'm quite good at them.” He brags, straightening his shoulders, looking proud. You giggle in response. “How shameless,” you thought. 
“I bet I can beat you at badminton.” You teased. Mina and you have been playing badminton since you were young. You were confident in your skills as you've had quite a lot of experience with the sport. “There's only one way to test out your theory,” Jeonghan replied. You scoffed, “Theory? Theory? FYI, Mina- I mean my best friend and I have been playing the sport since we were little. She never managed to beat me.” You inform him, almost slipping your words, but you corrected them quickly. 
“Then we should schedule another meet up, and this time, it will be at the court.” He leans to you smirking, eyebrows raised. You nod. “Shit. I got carried away."
“Great!” He cheers. “I look forward to meeting you again, Mina.” 
“Me too. I had a lot of fun today. Thank you.” You replied while Jeonghan looked at you fondly.
He then approaches you carefully, wrapping his arms around your figure, and you do the same. Before pulling away completely, Jeonghan gives you a soft peck on your cheeks. Your heart starts to race, but you shut it out as this is just a kiss for Mina, not you. 
After he departs, you look for Mina. You see her a few meters behind you, smiling.
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unable to tag: @tyongs @jeongjungkaka @jammyjamjamss @hauntedprincessarbiter
add your @ here!
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boldlyvoid · 3 years
Amoreena | Chapter Eight
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Chapter Eight
main summary: Heaven is a real place and it's located exactly 14.6 miles away from the FBI, Quantico Headquarters. Off behind a small park, under a fantastical willow tree surrounded by wildflowers, in every colour young minds can imagine.
Don't forget, heaven also comes with angels.
Chapter Warnings: fluffiest fluff ever, jealous amoreena, jealous spencer, the LaMontagne family is in this too !!
word count: 3.8K
from the beginning <3
He went to work with Y/N on Tuesday to fill out all the paperwork and officially become an employee at the D.C Public Library. He signed a contract, he was switched over to a different government healthcare, answering a million calls and emails all morning, he was officially not an FBI agent.
They had lunch together in the park, buying some sandwiches and walking across the street to a picnic table to talk about their days while they ate. He liked her co-workers, they all were shocked to find out she was “married” to him after being single the whole time she’s worked there.
They had plans to go get Amoreena from school a few minutes early, before heading to meet his mother, not telling her about the plans unless Diana had a bad day last minute and couldn’t see them. So far, according to the nurses, she was lucid and having a great day waiting for them.
“So about yesterday morning,” Y/N changed the subject, biting her lip like she was avoiding this.
“What about it?”
“Amoreena really wants us to have a wedding, I was thinking we could go up to New York for fathers day and have another fake wedding?” Y/N hypothesized her plan, hoping for Spencer’s approval.
He couldn’t help but smile, about to answer when he got an email on his phone. “I’d love to do that, it would be nice to go on a vacation with just as the three of us.”
“You can check that,” she said, noticing he looked at his phone as it buzzed.
It was an email. Not from anyone he knew, it wasn’t about work or healthcare, it wasn’t his mom or Penelope sending him funny things from the internet…
No, it was from Taylor Swift. He tried his best to calm his facial reactions and micro-expressions so she’d think it was just something work-related. An emailed contract, updated health forms, nothing too serious.
To: Spencer Reid From: Taylor Swift Subject: Amoreena
Hey Spencer!
Portia reached out and said that your wife and daughter are huge fans and you were interested in some summer tickets in Virginia… I was thinking if you guys ever found yourself in Rhode Island you’d all want to come to my place, my doors always open for friends 💛 Love Taylor xx
“What?” Y/n asked, trying to read over his shoulder as he turned the phone away.
“It’s a surprise,” he said, locking his phone and putting it in his pocket to reply to her later. “Have you ever thought about a beach wedding? Rhode Island is pretty nice in June.”
She tilted her head as she bit back a smile, wondering what he was planning, “Amoreena will have us reenact the little mermaid 2 instead of Enchanted then, just fyi, but yeah that sounds fun, we should get a beach house on Airbnb for the weekend.”
“Okay, let me handle it all, you don’t need to plan a single thing, just show up with a dress?” Spencer offered, knowing how scared weddings made her now.
She kissed his cheek softly, resting her chin on his shoulder as she leaned over on him, “nothing fancy or crazy okay?”
“Define crazy?” He teased her… she really had no idea what was coming.
To: Taylor Swift From: Spencer Reid Subject: RE: Amoreena
Thank you so much for the quick response and generous offer, we were thinking of having a small elopement in Rhode Island with just the three of us over Father’s Day weekend if that works for you? Seven is the song we danced to at our intimate personal wedding, however, Amoreena’s pretty sad she didn’t get to witness it, that’s why we’re having another one with her. (And hopefully you!) Thank you for making my girls so happy over all the years that I didn’t know them yet, you’re probably their favourite person in the world, even more so than me! It would mean everything to them to meet you or see you in any way, you’re incredibly kind for this.
Thanks again, Spencer Reid x
He tried his best to be as calm and nice as possible in his response, still managing to rant a little even in text format. It was just how he communicated, either not at all or all at once. He was so excited for Y/N and Amoreena.
“So you said your mom has a scrapbook,” Y/N changed the subject after Spencer spent 5 minutes in silence, turned away from her as he answered an email.
“She does, she’s going to show you a lot of photos of me today,” he smiled at the fact she remembered.
“I know you want to tell her about Amoreena alone before we come in, so I made her something for her scrapbook, it’s back on my desk drying,” Y/N was so precious as she got excited, that same giddiness he see’s in Amoreena bursting through her.
“Okay, let’s go see it,” he put his phone in his pocket and followed her back across the street towards the library.
On some beautiful floral scrapbook paper, Y/N glued an array of photos of Amoreena from the beginning all the way to the museum trip last week.
A photo of her first round of IVF, dated February 19th, 2013. Exactly 1 month after he donated, she must have chosen his sample as soon as it entered the system, even a photo of the sample jar reading “sample 2319”, A photo of her crying in the garden with her grandma when she found it she was pregnant, wrapped in a big coat and surrounded by snow. Her pregnancy announcement being a baby sock on a stuffed toy Sully from Monsters Inc, "new door opening November 2013!" Amoreena has been surrounded by references to books and movies since the beginning.
There was a photo from the moment Amoreena was born, crying and brand-new, resting on Y/N’s chest as she sobbed, more beautiful than he’s ever seen her before, completely in love with the child she made.
Amoreena Margery Y/L/N - November 13th, 2013, 9:53 pm 7lbs 12oz, 21 inches of perfection
“Her middle name is Margery?”
“Yeah,” she smiled back at his ever glowing face, wondering why it was so important to him. “Like Margery Kempe, my grandma’s favourite.”
“She’s my mom’s favourite too,” Spencer couldn’t help but laugh, it was such a strange turn of events. He saw so much of his mother in Amoreena just for her to have a middle name related to her.
Y/N couldn’t believe it, “I’m so excited to meet her!”
“I just hope she’s okay today, truly,” Spencer worried. “She is my best friend and a great mother, don’t get me wrong. But some of the things she did to me on her bad days were scary, and I never want Amoreena to experience that.”
Y/N pulled him into a hug, “it’s hereditary isn’t it?” He nodded against her shoulder as she tried to soothe all the impending anxiety out of his body. “I’m not going anywhere, she won't have to raise herself and care for you, that’ll never happen to her.”
She guessed, and she was right. Reading his mind like she’s already been in there and watched all his trauma, she knew all the right words and how exactly to push his feelings away. She was sunshine clearing his grey skies once more, about to cause a drought so he’d no longer rain on his own parade. Marching beside him, hand in hand into the future.
They waited at the gate of Amoreena’s school, none of the other parents were waiting yet, giving Y/N a chance to show Spencer around the yard and tell him about her school. “She’s in senior kindergarten, she has a November birthday so I opted to send her in when she was 6 instead of 5, giving me an extra year of home pre-school.”
“That’s why she’s so smart, not my genes,” Spencer smiled, walking around the edge of the gate with her hand still in his.
“They want her to jump right into grade 5 next year, I said no, she deserves a childhood with children she doesn’t have to compete with or see her as a threat,” Y/N voice was stern even in the recounting like she knew from experience. “Because she’ll be 8 in November she’s going into grade 2 instead, then she’ll be in the same age range and mental level, but all her friends she knows in grade 1 will be in the same recess yard as her.”
“I went from kindergarten to grade 4, then I jumped to grade 6 when I was 9 and I graduated high school at 13, it was terrible,” Spencer agreed, not knowing if he had a place in the decision but wanting her to know he agreed with it.
“Let’s go inside and get her,” Y/N smiled at him, understanding his meaning perfectly and dragging him into the school.
“Hello miss Ludlough,” Y/N beamed as she entered the main office with her arm tucked under Spencers, showing him off slightly.
“Y/N, good afternoon! Do you need me to call that little angel down early?” The secretary was a lovely older woman, wrinkled and happy as she smiled back.
“No, I just need to get some paperwork to put her dad in the files?” Y/N surprised Spencer with that and he almost stopped breathing.
“Really?” He whispered, capturing her attention as her eyes twinkled up at him.
“I’d like you on her emergency contacts, if they can’t get ahold of me I’d like you to be with her,” Y/N confirmed, patting his shoulder softly as Miss Ludlough handed her a few forms.
Spencer signed everywhere he needed to, handing them his licence to be photocopied into her file for proof when he picked her up in the future. He was glad to see there was a system, that they cared for his little girl and she wasn’t going to be going home with anyone who wasn’t in that file. And if she did he had no problem hunting them down and getting her back in whatever way he had to…
He shook the thought out of his head as it arises, reminding himself that that isn’t who he is now and she would be fine. They lived in a happy world where bad things didn’t happen.
Y/N’s hand rubbing his lower back helped, he stood straight again and pushed the papers over the desk, smiling as he officially became her father on 3 different sheets of paper. That was as real as it could get.
“Spence?” He heard an all to familiar voice from behind him.
Turning to see JJ and Will smiling with wide arms, waiting for his embrace. “What are you doing here?” She asked him, voice high as she was clearly shocked.
He walked into her arms and held her quickly, “I’m here with my wife,” breaking the news to her in the most casual way possible. “Picking up our kid.”
“Y/N?” Will noticed her then, “holy shit, you’re the wife?”
She nodded with a smile, hugging will quickly like she has known him for years, “how are you, cowboy?”
Spencer and JJ looked at each other incredibly confused, JJ clearly didn’t know her so how did Will?
“Will and I have been on what, 6 school trips together? Michael and Amoreena are buddies,” Y/N explained with a soft smile, “I knew Henry and Michaels's names sounded familiar…”
“Nini thinks I’m a cowboy,” Will laughed lightly, smiling at Y/N the way he did at JJ and something in Spencer almost snapped thinking about Will being the one person between him and the girl he liked, once again.
Only this time she was his wife and not the cute media liaison who had no interest in him until he came out of prison.
“She was very upset when she found out that Will was already married, she wanted us to be Woody and Jessie from toy story,” Y/N had no problem ranting about how their kids got along and how good of friends they had become over the last 2 years of school trips.
Y/N noticed the anxiety in Spencer’s eyes as he pulled away from JJ and made sure no one was touching him, “luckily, our little girl’s got the best daddy in the whole world now and all her dreams came true.”
“She sure does,” JJ agreed, “Hey, I gave your mom all those books you gave me for the boys, when you were away, so she had something to keep remembering you with, you should give them to Amoreena.”
“I will, we’re going to see her tonight,” he was able to push past the feelings and enjoy the moment of his friends meeting his wife, even if the title was just pretend.
“I’m so excited,” Y/N shook her hands the same way Amoreena did, stepping into Spencer's space and wrapping her arm around him. “Can we pick her up from the room Miss Ludlough?”
“Sure thing, do you want me to call down and say Mikey’s parents are here too?”
“Yes, please,” JJ smiled over the counter.
With the four of them walking down the hall together to get their kids, Spencer felt like he was sleepwalking. Too many emotions were running through his veins to feel real, but then Y/N took his hand in hers and rested her cheek against his arm as they walked and he was fine.
She tugged on his arm and waited in the hallway while JJ and Will entered the classroom first, “what’s wrong, she’ll know you’re upset?”
He sighs, shaking the stupidity out of his mind. “I had a huge crush on JJ before they got pregnant with Henry, and when I came back from prison she told me she had always loved me and it got weird for a bit and I’m still kinda mad when I see Will bond with the people I love.”
“I was wondering when you’d get possessive,” she teased him, “I’m yours and I wouldn’t have your ring on if I wasn’t, no matter how another man looks at me, I only love you.”
“I’m sorry, I know.”
“It’s okay, you’re not used to this are you?” She saw right through it. “Am I your first real girlfriend?”
“Kinda, Maeve and I never even really met until she was kidnapped,” he admits and it sounds so childish in his mind.
“Okay we’ll talk about this later cause that sounds like a good story I should know,” she tried to smile, standing on her tiptoes to peck his lips softly before smiling more. “Let’s go get your kid?”
“Let's,” his smile returned.
They turned the corner into the vibrant room, Amoreena was talking to Will when she noticed Spencer at the door, running towards him and almost pushing Will over to do so, “Dad!”
He picked her up and snuggled right into the crook of her little neck, giving her the biggest hug he’s ever given and not realizing just how much he missed her until she was back in his arms again. His baby, the littlest life he’s ever held this close to his heart.
When he put her down he noticed all the women’s eyes were on him, hands over their hearts at the pure display of affection between father and daughter. They all saw him as her dad, they had no reason not to, giving him all the attention he’s never received before.
“What are you doing here?” Her tiny voice asked as she beamed at him with wonder.
He kneeled in front of her to get on her eye level when Michael came running over, “Hi uncle Spencer!” He tackled him into a hug.
“Uncle Spencer?” Amoreena’s brow furrowed as she scowled at the boy taking her dad’s attention, she pulled Michael back by his shirt. “That’s my dad!”
“Amoreena, honey,” Spencer tried not to laugh, she was definitely his kid, “Michels mom, JJ, is my best friend from work and I’m his older brother Henry’s godfather, they’re your cousins.”
She looked at him like he was insane, “what’s a godfather?”
“If anything bad happens to his mommy or daddy and they can’t take care of them, they’ll come live with us,” it was the simplest answer, “I’m not their father, I’m yours.”
She nodded and hugged him again, sticking her tongue out at Michael in the process, “why are you here?” She repeated the question.
Y/N was standing over him with a hand on his shoulder then, “we’re taking you to meet your other grandma.”
Amoreena started to shake with excitement, moving her hands and grinding her teeth as she smiles, shrieking with excitement, “I have another grandma!?”
JJ was watching from the corner of the room, secretly filming it on her phone for the rest of the team to see Spencer with his baby. A sight many of them never thought they’d ever see as he slowly lost hope, losing himself somewhere along the way and no longer wanting to accept their help. This was a big moment for the team too, their little brother was finally happy.
In the car, Spencer sat with Amoreena in the back seat so he could tell her everything about her new grandma. Or as Amoreena wanted to call her, Princess Diana, “I can’t believe you’re actually royalty!”
They all laugh at how her fantastic little brain works, “you can’t tell anyone that Princess Diana is in DC okay? It’s a government secret!” Y/N teased from the driver's seat.
“I’m like Princess Mia!” She screamed at the top of her lungs and Spencer was astounded she could be that loud.
“Okay, okay, not that loud! we can't scare any of the people who live here. They like it to be calm and quiet so the patients can be happy,” Y/N settled her down, “Dad is going to go in and tell grandma all about us for a little while and then we’ll go meet her okay? He wants to make sure she’s happy today before we go in.”
With that, they were pulling into his mother's care facility and he felt like he was going to be sick with excitement. He used to visit his mother with the fear of rage and disappointment in her eyes, he was too proud to let his anxiety take that from him today.
He kissed her forehead before getting out, Y/N handed him the scrapbook pages through the window and he leaned inside to give her a kiss too. Receiving a disgusted groan from Amoreena, he pulled away and walked into the building while they found a place to park.
She was waiting for him in the garden, sitting at a picnic table with her scrapbook and gifts for Amoreena. “Spencer!”
“Hey mom,” he smiled as he hugged her, “how are you feeling?”
“Fantastic, where is this family you made?” She was so ready to meet them, truly there inside her mind and willing to learn more about this life he was making.
“Sit down first,” he said softly, taking a seat beside her at the table and placing the scrapbook page on the table. “This is my Amoreena.”
Her fingers glided over the words, “Margery,” she repeated her middle name with a smile. “She has a sperm donor for a father?”
“I’m a sperm donor, mom,” he smiled softly as he broke the news.
She turned to him with shock, “she’s yours?”
“We think so, so that’s what we’re telling people, she’s mine regardless.”
Diana wrapped him up in another hug, “I’m so happy for you Spencer. You always deserved a perfect family, I’m sorry I couldn’t do that for you. I hope your dreams come true with her.”
Just like that Amoreena and Y/N were rounding the corner and walking over towards their table. She had a huge smile on her face and a card in her hand, walking right up to Diana and handing it to her.
“Hi, grandma, I’m Amoreena,” she introduced herself politely before stretching her arms out for a hug.
Diana wrapped her up in the softest little hug, trying not to cry in front of her brand new granddaughter, which was fine because Spencer was the one crying. Turning away from them so Amoreena wouldn’t see as Y/N patted his arm with a smile.
They were fast friends, Y/N and Diana bonding over Margery Kempe and while Amoreena opened the two gifts Diana got for her, a simple colouring book and Spencer's original copy of Matilda from when he was a child. She sat down in the grass and read it while they all caught up, lost in her own little world.
It was the most perfect afternoon, just him and his family, happier than he’s ever dreamed he could be.
He checked his phone one last time before bed, Y/N was sitting against the headboard reading a book and so deep in the story, he knew she wouldn’t be able to read over his shoulder.
Scrolling through everything from the day to see that yes, there was a response from Taylor Swift. It felt insane, but he opened it and started to read her plans.
Spencer!! You’re so sweet, I’m sure you make them incredibly happy! I’d love to have you stay in the guest house here, and I’m ordained if you need someone to make it real and official ♥︎ let me know what I can do, I’d love to help in any way to make some fairytale dreams come true! Taylor xx
Smiling like an idiot, he closed his phone. He’d reply tomorrow, till then he was going to snuggle into his wife and appreciate their time together.
She lifted an arm to let him lay against her chest, “today she woke up and decided to be an explorer, the little girl with the wildest imagination stormed out of her home and towards the unknown part of her land. It was her destiny to travel across the bridge and unite the people beyond the field, towards the pond that was swallowed by willow trees,” Y/N read the grandmother's thoughts from the page.
“With her wooden sword, she sliced and diced on the ivy that surrounded the gate. Freeing the hinges and allowing the entrance to swing open, unlocking a new area of the world for her mind to wander.
“For what the regular human eye saw, Amoreena saw it times a million. Every colour and then some, new colours appearing in the morning glow as she stared at the dew on the leaves she just chopped through. She saw the world in a way that made everything exciting, there was never a bad thing, only good things with interesting quirks.
“She passed every mushroom and toadstool, every strange-looking tree and human-shaped moss ball, greeting them with a good morning as she strolled through the once-forbidden forest. Her adventure only beginning, the objective not yet known.”
“Your grandma could see the future,” Spencer whispered as she turned the page, “that’s our wonderful little girl’s mind in words.”
Y/N kissed the top of his head, “our wonderful little girl.” She repeated the words, loving the way they sounded on his tongue as much as he loved how she said it.
Taglist: @shemarmooresfedora @spookyspence @spencers-dria @reidsfish @manuosorioh @mochionly @samuel-de-champagne-problems @jswessie187
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ladyc0312 · 4 years
A Jikook Guide to Run! BTS: 1-20
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Hi all! Welcome to part one of my overview of all jikook moments in Run! BTS and Run BEHIND. 
My biggest takeaway from these early episodes is that BH didn't quite know how to make a good variety show yet. Some of the set-ups are awkward and the guys are clearly still getting used to being on camera in this format. The jikook moments aren’t as frequent or obvious. As we go on, expect less “they look at each other in a maybe meaningful way” and more “then he sat down in his lap...” That said, this set of episodes includes both the priest skit and the cops skit, so if you’re into role-play, this was your era of Run!
Episode Guide under the cut, to avoid both spoilers and taking up half your dash...
FYI: When you don’t see “BEHIND” descriptions or photos, it means there were no notable jikook moments. I’ve given each ep a general rating and a special Jikook-ery rating, both out of 5. YMMV!
Ep 1  (n/a)
The one that’s just a commercial for the V app
Ep 2 “The Greatest Man” (Ep: 3 / KM: 1)
The one with the most homoerotic series of challenges I’ve ever seen to prove who’s the “best” man
6:28 - Jimin TWICE randomly announces during musical chairs that JK will win 
Not ikook-specific, but FYI, Jungkook REALLY likes being tickled. If you want a vague idea of what the beginnings of an OT7 orgy might look like, the scene at 2:09 is for you! And if you’re curious what each member looks like putting on lipstick and holding their mouths open, check out 4:24. 
Ep 3  “Theme Park” (Ep: 1 / KM: 1)
The one at Six Flags that’s not worth watching unless you enjoy shaky camera footage of people screaming on roller coasters
5:44 - When Jimin is proud of himself for having ridden a coaster, JK goes to say something to him but keeps glancing at the camera self-consciously.  
6:19 - With the camera further away, JK and JM talk with each other while waiting on line
7:06 - JK fast-walks to get to JM and then leans on JM’s shoulder to check the post-ride pictures
Ep 4  “30 Second Gate” (Ep: 1 / KM: 0.5)
The one where they do fairly boring challenges in a pool
5:26 - There’s a super brief instant of JK looking over at Jimin while shyly tugging on his shirt collar. Prob not even worth being noted as a moment, but JK looks so adorable that I’m including it anyway
Ep 5  “100 Seconds Sports Day” (Ep: 1 / KM: 1)
The one with a rather repetitive relay game
5:56 - JM playfully throws a milk carton at JK when JK fails to complete his task
7:53 - JK does some “teleporting” where he goes from being behind Suga in one shot to next to JM in the following one. He stays next to JM the whole rest of the time they’re mixing the drink. 
Ep 6 “Sketch: Confession” (Ep: 2 / KM: 4)
The priest sketch that launched a thousand AUs...
3:30 - Jungkook comes in to “confess his sins” to Jimin, who is playing a priest and calls him “darling.” JK confesses to using Jin’s razor while also claiming to be the eldest in BTS. Jimin tells him that he’s so handsome, it must be that he’s blessed by God and can be forgiven for most things. Jimin tells JK to give him a hug to get forgiveness for his sins. As they hug, both are smiling and the onscreen text tells us how happy Jimin is and puts a little heart next to his face during the hug. Jimin strokes JK’s cheek after and it seems to make JK a little shy. Jimin calls out “bye, darling” as he leaves, then calls him “cutie” for the camera.  For comparison’s sake, Jimin hits V on the forehead and makes J-Hope do 50 push-ups to earn forgiveness. He hugs J-Hope at the end of it and the difference between how that hug feels versus the one with JK is clear as day.
Ep 6pt2 “Sketch: Confession” (Ep: 2 / KM: 0 )
None (neither appear in this episode)
Ep 7 “Paintball” (Ep: 1 / KM: 1)
The one that reminds you paintball is more fun to play than to watch
I’ll be honest, guys, between the masked helmets they’re wearing and the constant cutting around, I cannot follow the paintball games in this episode at all. I’m going to go out on a limb and say nothing particularly shippy happens during them. 
9:54 - JK picks up Jimin from behind and bounces him around for a while (we don’t know how long because the camera cuts before he’s done). It will be revealed in ep. 10 that this is part of JK’s secret mission, which is to get Jimin to say “please stop.” However, despite Jimin not looking thrilled at all the bouncing around, he doesn’t tell JK to stop.
Ep 8 “Treasure Hunt” (Ep: 2 / KM: 2)
The one where they run or ride ATVs to find flags in the woods
1:15 - Jimin says out of nowhere that he thinks JK is going to be running and tells him to be careful not to bump into anyone (I think - the subs are a little weird on this one).
13:09 - JK tries to take one of JM’s meal ticket flags. JM refuses and claims JK called him “trash.” JK (kind of?) denies this and throws his one flag on the ground in frustration. J-Hope grabs it and JK sulks a bit because he’s left with nothing. 
13:33 - Jimin reverses course and gives JK one of his flags. JK is delighted. RM asks why (apparently he, Jimin, and V had a deal to share their flags?) and Jimin just responds that Jungkook is very cute (which the on-screen texts puts a heart next to).  Jimin ends up giving a flag to V, too, but he makes him beg like a dog first. 
14:16 - Jimin calls JK over and gives him a brief hug / pat on the back
Ep 9 “Bungee Jump” (Ep: 1 / KM: 0.5)
The one where it is what it says on the tin
11:25 - Some jikookers have reported hearing JK say an un-captioned “pretty” here (sounds like yebbeo or yeebeun in Korean). I’ll be totally honest that I can’t really make it out, but I will put this note here in case others with better ears than mine want to check it out!
13:59 - JM has his arm around JK at the start of the shot here
Ep 10 “Spy for Silmido Island” (Ep: 2 / KM: 2)
The one where everyone eats a meal as they learn how JK has been doing secret missions the last three episodes
6:16 - JK explains that he failed his mission to get Jimin to say, “please stop.” We see flashbacks of JK trying - in addition to the above picking JM up, JK also pulled on his hair and gave him a shoulder rub (there is no explanation for why he thought that would be something JM would tell him to stop), and spraying him with a water bottle.  The main jikook takeaway from this and the confession episode seems to be that JM will let JK get away with anything because he think he’s cute. 
7:00 - We see that JM inadvertently made JK fail his mission to feed the camera man because, when JK held out food, JM got JK to feed him instead
Ep 11 "Back to School" (Ep: 3 / KM: 1)
The one where Suga dresses as a girl and gets hit on by the rest of the band
21:28 - Despite Jimin doing nothing but smiling in the sketch, JK says he's the day's MVP and is weirdly sincere about it
24:05 - YMMV on jeon-lous, but he does indeed do the tongue thing here when JM is flirting with girl-Yoongi
Ep 12 "Cops" (Ep: 4 / KM: 4)
The police sketch that launched ten thousand AUs...
6:46 - "Detective" Jungkook pulls "criminal" Jimin away by his collar 8:41 - After Jimin acts cute and says he's bored, JK comes over and slaps his upper thigh before throwing Jimin over his shoulder and slapping his butt. When JK puts him down, Jimin just looks at him with a dazed smile for a moment before they continue on with the sketch.
9:30 - Jimin tries to flirt his way out of of JK’s interrogation, which JK says is for “setting fire to ARMY’s hearts with his smiling eyes.”
10:25 - After a brief interuption by “Captain” Suga, the interrogation starts having flirty vibes again, with JK smirking and making eye contact while Jimin acts bashful and speaks in a whispery voice. 
11:00 - JK holds a fake gun on JM as he starts his “Lie” dance, during which he directs finger hearts towards JK. The camera focuses on JM and, by the time it shows JK again, he’s lowered the gun and put his other hand over his heart. The on-screen text says “Detective Jeon’s heart is attacked.”
12:55 - JM and JK switch roles so JM is the detective. He hits JK over the head with a book. JK has basically no visible reaction, but JM has clearly flustered himself. 
Note: To explain my reasoning for these originally not being here - if you look at the other skits in this ep, they are all accusing each other of doing things to ARMY’s hearts and being weirdly flirty with each other. Like, this police station has some serious sexual harassment issues all around! That said, the vibes are unique with jikook and, upon rewatch, I came to agree with y’all that the above should’ve been included. 19:30 - Alternate version of the sketch where Jimin and JK have a dance battle that ends in both of them being put in the jail cell and told to dance.
BEHIND  0:58 - Jimin flirt-ily calls out "I'm bored; play with me, Detective" (presumably to JK since they're scene partners).  Note: Adults saying they "played" with each other is a common way to describe hanging out in Korean and doesn't necessarily have the sexual connotations it does in English. 
4:08 - Jimin stares at JK as he does squats
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Ep 13 "The Spy Who Returned Part 1" (Ep: 4 / KM: 2)
The ones where they play games at an indoor water park
1:00 - Jimin does an exaggerated running motion and JK slaps him to make him stop, which JM finds funny
1:43 - JM has his arm around JK 
6:00 - JK jokingly(?) tells JM his wet hair looks cool
11:12 - JM calls JK their team's ace and they whisper about who he should call out from the other team 
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Ep 14 "The Spy Who Returned Part 2" (Ep: 3 / KM: 2)
16:04 - JM jokingly hits JK for getting the answer super wrong and then they go down the waterslide together. (Note: I've seen some jikook-ers claim JK messed up on purpose so the game wouldn't end and he'd get to ride with Jimin, but I'm not sure there's actual evidence to support that theory.)
The moment that led to the picture below isn’t in the ep or the BEHIND, but I raised the episode’s KM score a full point for it
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Ep 15 "The Spy Who Returned Part 3" (Ep: 3 / KM: 2)
TW for this ep: 5:14 - during the confessions game, Jin tells Jimin that whenever Jimin asks if he put on weight, Jin wants to say he looks like a pig. Jimin claims to not be upset after, but looks like he's going to cry and seems off for a while. Then, at 10:45, Jin reiterates that Jimin "got fat." Everyone laughs except JK, who widens his eyes and then starts chewing on his finger.  
6:37 - Despite being on the same team as JK, Jimin joins J-Hope's complaints about JK coming to their room uninvited, saying that JK often brushes his teeth in their room. He accuses JK of buying the exact same toothbrush as Jimin’s and complains that they can’t tell them a part. JK says it wasn't him and then there's a weird cut to sometime later when Jimin is sitting back down again...  Just prior to this, Jimin is looking unhappy as Hobi tells a story about JK seeing him naked, but it’s hard to tell if he’s reacting to that or feeling upset about Jin’s weight comments from the previous round. 
16:02 - Jimin defends Jungkook against accusations that he's the spy
BEHIND 4:30 - Jimin sits on Jungkook's lap and, when he leans over to try to get Jin to give him food, JK puts his hand on JM's hip to steady him
Ep 16 "Snowpark Winter Olympics" (Ep: 4 / KM: 1)
The one where everyone plays winter games 
4:35 - When JM and JK are the finalists for the sledding round, JM thanks the viewers for their support. JK asks "what does that make me?" and yells/sings badly, which makes JM laugh. I don’t quite get it, tbh, but they seem to be enjoying themselves
14:50 - JK helps JM get his sled in place
BEHIND 3:02 - JK smiles as he gets pushed towards JM on the ice 
Ep 17 "Arcade Olympics Part 1" (Ep: 2 / JK: 2)
The ones where we are reminded that playing arcade games is more fun than watching people play them
All of this and next episode, whenever they all reshuffle positions, Jimin and Jungkook end up standing next to each other. This happens pretty frequently in Run BTS generally, but it was particularly noticeable in this ep since it's not like they're on the same team or anything...
4:16 - When Jimin does a dramatic DDR finish, JK calls attention to it. JM turns to him and they lock eyes for a second
15:00 - JK cheers Jimin's name when it looks like he's going to win the basketball game 
3:36 - JK & JM play a 4D game together Also, JK has an interesting mark on his neck on his right side that does not appear to be there in the episode itself...
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Ep 18 "Arcade Olympics Part 2" (Ep: 2 / JK: 1)
3:30 - JK tries (unsuccessfully) to coach Jimin on the driving game
3:45 - JK stands up for Jimin and says he's getting the hang of the game
14:36 - JM & JK laugh together at RM's failure
19:58 - It's not super clear, but it sounds like JK calls JM "Jiminie" at the end of his sentence
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Ep 19 "Strike" (Ep: 2 / JK: 1)
The one where BTS go bowling together and end up bowing down to JK
4:47 - JK shares that he and Jimin used to bowl together
If there’s anything I’ve missed or that anyone has different interpretations of, I’d love to hear it. 
More episodes coming soon! 
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dripkingpetey · 3 years
bestfriends forever-b.boeser
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oh god here i am once again with a brock fic😐 i’ll be trying to do the requests that i’ve been getting over the weekend but please don’t get mad at me if i don’t end up getting to them. oh also! the flashbacks are in italics just an fyi!
brock boeser x oc!
2436 words
“Come play hockey with me Kyia!” Brock exclaimed at his bestfriend from his bedroom window over to hers, they were next door neighbours, with the windows in their respective bedrooms facing each other.
Kyia still remembers it like yesterday, Brock always asking her to play or hangout with him. Except right now, Kyia was in her car crying, she had just dropped off her bestfriend at the airport and he was heading to Vancouver. Obviously she was happy about Brock going to the NHL with the Vancouver Canucks, she didn’t want to leave him though. Brock and Kyia have been bestfriends even before they were born, with their mothers being bestfriends. They have never had to be separated before, even when Brock went to college for hockey, she ended up getting accepted into the same university. 
It took awhile for Kyia to stop crying but when she did, she started driving home, thinking about all of the memories with Brock even though it was likely that she would see him in a couple of weeks. She started playing her and Brocks playlist, they had started it when Brock got his first iPod after a hockey tournament when they were 9.
“Kyia! Come over I have something to show you.” Brock waved his arms furiously to get Kyia to hurry up. “Okay, okay I’ll be over in a sec.” Kyia giggled at how excited Brock was, slipping on her shoes before making her way over to Brocks house.
“Look it’s got all of these cool songs that we can make playlists with too.” Brock exclaimed enthusiastically as he hooked the iPod up to their family computer, making a playlist title ‘Kyia and Brocks swag times’ which was quickly denied by Kyia and changed to ‘Brock and Ky’s playlist’. “You’re boring you know that right?” Brock mumbled. “Yeah but you couldn’t live without me.” Kyia grinned at Brock as they searched up all of their favourite songs to add. 
Though that playlist has had many different versions for each year, they always put every song into the original playlist, making the total amount of songs over 1000. 
Brock had sent a snap to Kyia almost as soon as she got home, it was almost like he knew. Kyia opened it and it was a photo of Brock smiling with a heart emoji in the text bar. It wasn't unusual for Brock and Kyia to be saying I love you and stuff to each other, they’ve always said it and it would be weird for them to stop. Kyia didn’t want Brock to see that she was crying even though he knew, she responded to him with a text that said. “I miss you so much already, how was the flight?” Knowing that Brock had already taken off and wouldn’t see the text till he landed in Vancouver.
“Did you have a fun day?” Kyia asked over FaceTime to Brock, he was in his hotel room in Vancouver, getting ready for the start of training camp. “Yeah, traveling was exhausting but I got to meet some of the guys on the team today and they’re all really nice.” Brock smiled at you, the same beaming smile that could always cheer you up whenever you felt down. “That’s good.” Kyia said, not knowing if she should really tell Brock how she was feeling. “You should go to bed, it’s getting pretty late in Minnesota.” Brock said while running his fingers through his hair, referring to the 2 hour time difference between Vancouver and Minnesota. “I guess you’re right.” She mumbled, wanting to be with her bestfriend right now. “Ky, I miss you too. We can see each other soon, if I make the roster after training camp. You can fly to Vancouver with my parents for my first game.” Brock tried to make you feel better even though he missed you even more. “I guess, goodnight I love you.” Kyia said even though she didn’t want to end the call which resulted in Brock having to hang up after he said goodnight as well. 
It was hard on both Brock and Kyia, not being able to see each other almost everyday. Brock was focused on training for the upcoming season and Kyia had been busy with all of the school work she had, which all resulted in Brock and Kyia barely talking for two weeks, not to mention that the time difference made it even harder.
“I made it! I made the roster!” Brock exclaimed over the phone to Kyia which reminded her of when he made the roster for UND’s hockey team.
Brock rushed right to Kyia’s dorm room, knocking quickly as she got up to answer it and she was met by a big grin on Brocks face which quickly turned into him pulling Kyia into a tight hug. “I made the team.” Brock exclaimed, she was the first person he told after he found out. “You did it!!” Kyia was proud of him, she knew how hard he had been working for a spot there and he did it.
“You did it!” The same words came out of Kyia’s mouth as she teared up in happiness for him. “Holy fuck, you did it Brock.” There was a giant grin on Kyia’s face and she was sure Brock did too. “Yeah, I can’t believe it too.” Brock sighed along with a light chuckle. “Okay I gotta go tell my parents, do you want to FaceTime later?” 
“Wait, I’m the first person you told?” Kyia had expected that Brock would tell his parents first and her after. “Yeah, why wouldn’t I tell my bestfriend first?” Brock smiled even though she couldn’t see. “Awh, I love you, go tell your parents.” Even though Kyia knew it, it was still nice to hear that Brock was her bestfriend. “I love you too, you might want to start booking the plane tickets.” Brock joked but that’s exactly what she did, Kyia rushed to her computer to look at flights after he hung up. 
It was all-star break and Brock hadn’t been home in Minnesota for weeks, so he took advantage of that. Despite going back to Minnesota for Christmas, he was already missing it there, especially Kyia. “What are you up to?” Brock asked over FaceTime to her while sitting in his old truck he had in Minnesota. “Not much, just planning to sit around in bed all day.” Kyia mumbled. Brock being all the way in Vancouver was much harder than she thought it was going to be, it sucked to not see him and it was taking a toll on her mental health. “Fuck I gotta go, me and Petey are going out for lunch. Talk to you later?” Brock lied, knowing his plan was all coming together. “You know where I’ll be.” Kyia sighed while taking a sip of water. “Love you, I’ll talk to you later.” They both said at the same time.
Brock almost started giggling because that’s how excited he was to see Kyia. Her parents already knew so hey let him slide into their house, moving quietly before opening Kyia’s door to surprise her. “I’m home!” He exclaimed but quickly furrowed his eyebrows together when he saw Kyia crying, she didn’t even realize Brock was in her room till he started speaking. “Are you okay?” Brock said quietly, hugging Kyia while she was laying on her bed. “No, but I’m better now that you’re here.” She mumbled with a slight smile at Brock, she was crying about him, about how much she missed him and wish he never went to Vancouver. “I missed you.” Kyia laughed while turning around so she could give her bestfriend a proper hug. “I missed you even more Ky.” Brock chuckled as he tucked the loose strands of Kyia’s hair behind her ear. 
Brock would be lying if he said that he didn’t want to kiss Kyia right in that moment, with their faces inches away, looking at Kyia’s beautiful smile, their faces getting closer and closer like two magnets. But he knew he couldn’t do it, he would chicken out.
For the next three days, Kyia seemed like she had been brought back to life. The sad, Brock missing Kyia was gone, it was like Kyia was herself again. 
“She’s so much happier when she’s with you, you know? It’s been tough for her for the past couple of months.” Brocks mom, Laurie said quietly to him as they watch Kyia play with his dogs. Brock didn’t know what to do, all he could do was sigh, sigh and worry about how Kyia was going to be when he goes back to Vancouver and Kyia would be here by herself again. “Brock?” Laurie asked, trying to get his attention off of Kyia. “Yeah mom?” Brock quickly snapped out of it. “You know that she’s in love with you right? And I think you feel the same way.”
“But-” Brock tried to say something but quickly got cut off by his mother. “But we’ve been bestfriends forever.” Laurie mocked Brocks voice as he slumped down into his chair. “I know the two of you have never confessed it, you probably don’t even know that you’re in love with her. But I can see it.” Laurie said as she looked at Brock who was lost in his thoughts, staring at Kyia as he took Lauries words in. “Maybe I am.” He mumbled quietly and Laurie laughed. “I’ll leave it up to you two.” Laurie sighed, getting up and patting Brocks knee as she headed into the kitchen. 
It was the night before Brock had to fly back to Vancouver and Brock and Kyia had to spend every last moment together, before he had to go back for god knows how long. “I’m gonna miss you.” Kyia mumbled and pouted, she was laying on her bed on top of Brocks chest, tracing little circles on his chest with her fingers while he played with her hair. “Me too Ky, me too.” Brock sighed, closing his eyes so he doesn’t start tearing up. 
“What if you went to Vancouver with me?” Brock asked while him and Kyia were both half asleep. “Just for like a week or two.” Brock quickly added, hoping she would say yes.
“I could.” Kyia mumbled, looking up at Brock who was smiling at her. “All of my classes are online this semester anyways.” Kyia said as she watched Brocks face light up even more. “This is gonna be so fun.” Brock chuckled and kissed the top of her head.
It was a couple of days after Kyia and Brock got to Vancouver, Brock tried to show her around to get Kyia used to the surroundings. “Hey, do you mind if a couple of the guys come over for drinks later? They said that they wanted to meet you today while we were at practice.” Brock asked while looking over to see what she was doing, chuckling when he saw that she was playing with Milo and Coolie once again. “Yeah, I just gotta get ready though.” Kyia looked over to smile at Brock, she didn’t want to admit it but she was falling hard for him, those feelings have always been there but being in Vancouver with him for some reason just fuelled it. 
“Ah yes, so this is the lovely Kyia we always hear about.” Jake smiled at you before introducing himself. “So you talk about me huh?” Kyia raised an eyebrow playfully and everyone watched Brocks face turn into a light shade of red. “He never stops talking about you.” A tall blonde swede who she later learned was Elias, sighed with a chuckle before getting a little punch from Brock. 
“So, who wants some drinks?” Brock said quickly, trying to steer the conversation to a different topic. “You know what I want.” Kyia smiled as Brock went over to the kitchen to make her drink as well as grabbing a couple of beers for Elias and Jake.
Kyia learned a lot about what Brock was like on the ice and in Vancouver, not that he was any different than normally, it was just fun to hear the stories of him in Vancouver.
Elias and Jake had headed home, leaving a tipsy Brock and a drunk Kyia alone. “I love it here with you.” Kyia smiled as she heard those words come out of Brocks mouth. “Me too.” Kyia slurred while sitting closer to Brock, snuggling her head into his chest as he rubbed his thumb along her waist.
“I really missed seeing you everyday.” Kyia mumbled and pouted at Brock. Their faces were inches apart once again, and both Brock and Kyia were fighting the urge to just kiss each other. “Can I kiss you?” Brock asked quietly, cupping his spare hand onto Kyia’s bright red cheeks. “Yeah.” Kyia said with a smile before Brock pulled himself closer to her, kissing Kyia softly as she returned the favour. Neither of them said anything after they pulled away, they just sat there and cuddled till Brock had the guts to say something. “I love you.” Brock mumbled, expecting Kyia to be asleep. “I love you too, not as friends, more than that.” Kyia said softly as she looked up to see Brock smiling at her. “Me too.”
Brocks favourite thing to do in the off-season was going back to Minnesota and spending everyday on the lake and that’s what was happening right now.
“Hey.” Brock grinned while sitting down next to Kyia. “How many beers did you have?” Kyia sighed, quickly folding down the corner of the page she was reading and placed her book down so she could pay attention to Brock. “A couple.” 
Brock leaned his face right up to Kyia’s and kissed her face over and over again before whispering some nonsense as she giggled and smelt the alcohol in his breath. “I love you too Brock.” Kyia quickly pecked his lips before he rested his head on her chest. “What if we got married?” Brock mumbled, not expecting Kyia to hear it even though he wanted her to. Kyia didn’t know what to say, she knew that Brock was the one but she didn’t know if he truly meant it or he was just drunk. “Actually?” Kyia questioned and Brock lifted his head up to look at her. “Yeah.” Brock grinned because that’s all he knew what to do. “One day,” Kyia smiled as Brock laid his head back down on his chest and she played with his blonde hair.
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Carnival of Hearts (Part 2/6) ~ Bucky x Reader College!AU
A/N: Hi lovelies! Hope you’re all doing well! So good news! I’m pretty sure I’m going to be able to do regular updates for this fic. The plan is for weekly updates on Fridays at 12 PM EST. I will let you know if I can’t do it though. For now enjoy! 
This is my entry for @buckysknifecollection​ ‘s 3k Follower Challenge. Congrats on the milestone lovely! Go check out the blog. Personal fave is Hush (a must read if you’re into soft!Biker!Bucky)
Prompt: Our friends set us up on this carnival date but we’re both pining after someone else and this a bit awkward
Summary: When you’re set up on a carnival date with Bucky Barnes NOTHING turns out the way you expected.
Rating: T
Warnings: Language
Word count: 1916
Story Masterlist | Main Masterlist 
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After six outfit changes, you were finally satisfied with your appearance. The red wrap shirt was your favorite, your jeans hugged just right, and you were rocking your favorite white converse. The last touch was to clip in a white hair flower just behind your ear before declaring yourself ready.
Steve was on set up duty so he had already been at the fair grounds for hours and Natasha was meant to meet you there after her shift at the coffee shop, so you grabbed your backpack purse and headed out, cautiously optimistic for the day ahead. You paced back and forth a little ways away from the ticket booth as you waited for your friends and your date.
Your phone buzzed in your hand as you checked the time again.
Nat: Coffee shop got slammed last minute. Going to be a while. Sorry. Just go meet Bucky and Wanda.
“Wonderful,” you muttered.  
You could go meet Bucky and Wanda if you had either of their numbers. You were about to text Nat and ask her to pass the info along when your phone buzzed twice. One from Steve and one from an unknown number. You opened the latter.
Unknown Number:Hi this is Bucky. Wanda is running late so she said for me to just meet you and Natasha.
You rolled your eyes, but snapped a quick selfie and responded.
Y/n: I'm by the ticket booth. Red shirt and a white flower in my hair. Just me though. Nat’s late too.  
Bucky: Be right there!
He responded with a selfie of his own.
You turned at the shout of your name. Bucky shot you a shy smile and a small wave, wading through the crowd of people.
“Hey, it’s nice to meet you.” He stuck his hand out.
“Nice to meet you too, Bucky.”
“Sorry, I’m late. I was technically on time, but I was waiting for Wanda.”
“No problem at all.”
He had a kind smile and it eased the knot of tension in your stomach, though an awkward silence stretched between you. It broke when you both laughed.
“I’m sorry. I’ve never been on a blind date before,” you admitted, worrying your bottom lip with your teeth.
“That makes two of us. But,” he continued before the conversation could lapse again. “I have been to a lot of carnivals with friends in my time.”
You clung to the lifeline.
“Well that we have in common. Although-” You crossed your arms over your chest. “I did just meet you so I’m not sure we can be called friends yet.”
Bucky put both hands up to concede the point.  
“Well let’s start with the carnival part and we’ll see the friendship comes naturally.”
“I can work with that.”  
Bucky bought an armload of tickets and the two of you entered the fairgrounds. Happy screams from the roller coaster mixed with ride music, and you were practically vibrating with excitement.
You grabbed a map from the information booth, smiling at Hope who was manning it.
“Enjoy the carnival!”
“Thank you!”
You huddled out of the way of the hoards of people, carefully surveying the map.
“Now, what I have learned over the years, is that there are two types of people. Ones who plan their carnival route. And chaos entities who cause their friends to miss their favorite rides.”
You raised an eyebrow at him.
“I sense some bitterness there.”
Bucky chuckled and shrugged but didn’t elaborate.  
“Well, I’m certainly not a chaos entity.”
“Excellent. So where should we start?”
“Excuse me.”
“Roller coasters first always.”
“A girl after my own heart. Any rides that are a hard no?”
“Not a one,” you announced proudly. “But don’t let me eat before any spinny ones.”
“Noted. Okay, then.”
Bucky scanned the fairgrounds trying to track the flow of the crowd.
“It looks like the tilt-a-whirl has the shortest line.”
“Ooh and it’s right next to the two best coasters,” you pointed to the cluster of rides on the map.
“Then we’ll start there. And then we can follow the circuit back to the food area for lunch.”
“Sounds good. Let’s go!”
Unable to contain your excitement any longer you grabbed his hand and dragged a laughing Bucky through the crowds.  
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“So what happened to Nat?” he asked as you waited behind a group of middle schoolers.
"Stuck at work. Cafe got slammed last minute. Wanda?"
"She was getting a haircut and they were running an hour late.”
You poked your tongue into your cheek. Bucky voiced what you had been thinking.
“Do you smell a setup?"
You let out the laugh you’d been holding back. "Oh yeah. I mean technically both of those are real things that could happen, but…”
“Yeah, it seems a bit suspicious.”
“I should have known Nat would weasel out of her end of the bargain."
"Bargain?" Bucky asked.
You inhaled through your teeth and offered him an apologetic smile.
"It may have taken a bit of convincing to get me to go on this date."
“What were the terms of this deal?”
You counted them on your fingers.
“We would meet as a group. I had a guaranteed out at lunch time. And she wouldn’t set me up for the rest of the semester. It wasn’t anything against you. I promise,” you explained.
He waved off your concern.  
“Trust me I took a similar deal. But you were smarter than I am. I should have gotten the no meddling clause in there.”
You exhaled a laugh, relieved you hadn’t offended him.
“Well now you know for next time.”
“True. Though based on how Wanda talked about you there won’t be a next time because you’re supposedly exactly what I need.”
"Nat gave me the same speech. Think they practiced?”
“Probably,” he snorted. “She says you're perfect for me. So my expectations are high just FYI.”  
"That’s fair. Personally, mine are astronomical,” you replied in a haughty tone.  
“I guess we’re both in for disappointment then.”
“Not so far at least,” you admitted with a sly smile that he returned as you were strapped into the tilt-a-whirl.
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The line for your first roller coaster was longer than you anticipated, but Bucky kept you entertained. He questioned you on your taste in movies and TV shows which led to an in depth debate of the character arcs in Supernatural. In the next line you discussed Bucky’s favorite book which happened to hold a special place in your heart.  
 When you stopped for snacks -cotton candy for him and watermelon slush for you - you were comfortable enough to tease him.
“So, did you find Insta-stalking me last night helpful in preparing for this date?”
Bucky’s cheeks went red despite his best efforts to appear nonchalant.
“Pfft. I didn’t Insta-stalk you.”
“Oh, so it was a different JBBarnes317 who liked the picture of me moving into my dorm Freshman year.”
“I…” he hung his head, peeking at you through his long hair. “Okay so maybe I did. I tried really hard not to, but I was really nervous and I thought maybe if I knew something about you we could avoid a lot of awkward pauses. Sorry.”
You shook your head and patted his knee.  
“Don’t be. I had been arguing with myself all night. And when I saw that you liked my photo I totally caved. It was honestly a relief. Though I’ve got to say that your profile picture on Facebook does not do you justice.”
“Well I only change my profile picture if it’s a leap year.”
You opened your mouth to respond, but nothing came out. You tilted your head with an incredulous laugh.
“I have nothing to say to that. Are you serious? If so, why?”
He snorted at your expression.
“No. I just haven’t spent more than like ten minutes on Facebook since I was seventeen. I don’t even know why I have it any more.”
“That’s fair.”
“Well, since I’ve been exposed. I’ve got to ask. How far did you row yourself in the moving cart?”
“About 500 feet before I hit a bump and nearly pole vaulted myself out of said cart.”
“That was the funniest video I have ever seen. And I’m kind of mad I never thought of it.”
“There’s always move out.”
“I don’t live on campus. So no yellow carts for me when I move out. Just lots and lots of boxes.”
“Bummer. You can always help me move out!” you concluded triumphantly.
“Let’s see how the rest of the date goes before I agree to that,” he laughed. “But maybe.”
You smiled at the implication before returning the conversation at hand.
“Are you in an apartment then?”
“Yeah. It’s a really nice two bedroom about ten minutes from campus.”
“I assume two bedroom means roommate?”  
“Yes. Sam. He and I got randomly roomed together sophomore year, but it actually ended up being the best thing to ever happen. He’s my best friend. I can’t imagine living with anyone else. We thought we were going to have to get a third roommate, which would have been a bummer, but luckily we were able to find a place for just us.”
“That sounds ideal. I’m lucky because my scholarship pays for housing, but honestly I would kill to have a full kitchen again.”
“Or you could just ask nicely.” He smirked. “Do you like cooking?”
“No, I am a mediocre cook at best. But I love baking.”  
Bucky’s eye glittered.
“Well then you’re definitely invited to use my kitchen.”
“Let me guess. Payment in baked goods?”
“It seems fair.”
“It does. Do you cook a lot.”
“I can manage. But Sam’s an amazing cook. I keep telling him he’s in the wrong career path.”
There was a hint of frustration in his tone.
“What’s he studying?”
“Business. He plans to open and manage restaurants. Says it’s the smarter path. Which like I get it. But man, the look he gets in his eye when he makes a good dish. He just lights up the whole room. I mean he usually does just by being there, but this. It’s pure joy. It makes you excited to try his food. Even if you hate the ingredients. I just don’t want him to lose that. It makes him special.”
“He sounds pretty amazing.”
“He definitely is,” Bucky sighed, before shaking himself slightly. “But he has his flaws. Like, he likes to run. Every morning.”
“I’ve got one like that too. Steve gets up at the crack of dawn every morning. He’s even in the running club.”
“Sam is too.”
“Really? Huh. I wonder if they know each other.”
“They must. There can’t be that many people who willing give up sleep to run.”
“I swear it’s an illness.”
“Agreed. But I do get fresh muffins out of the deal. Steve always brings me my favorite. This summer, we lived together and he’d wake me up after his shower and we’d eat on our little balcony before work and it was perfect.”
“Sam and I eat on the roof sometimes and he always brews the best cup of coffee. He even manages to time it so it’s at the perfect temperature when I get to the kitchen. He may have magic powers.”
“We’re really spoiled aren’t we?”
“I think we are the appropriate amount of spoiled.”  
You both laughed as you tossed your trash and continued on your way.  
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A/n: I hope you enjoyed and I’ll see you next week (hopefully)
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Carnival of Hearts 
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teamsarawatshusband · 3 years
Word Of Honor - 1st watch insta thoughts - Episode 6
First of all, as I gained a lot of new followers, just an FYI: This is me watching Word of Honor for the first time and writing down my thoughts as I go. Mostly it's me being confused as hell and giving all the characters weird names, because I can't remember the real ones. If this is not your thing, feel free to skip these posts and maybe blacklist "smirklord"
If you do choose to read along, please know that these are the most important characters:
Zhou Zi Shu = Baby Zi Shu/ Zhou Xu lord guy/alcoholic tanned tragic hero lord guy Wen Ke Xing = Smirky Xing/Smirky fan guy Gu Xiang = Purple Girl/my Purple Love/my Purple Queen Smirklord is my personal ship name for Zhou Zi Shu and Wen Ke Xing.
Previous episodes are here.
To anybody who was here before: Sorry that it took me so long to continue this. I accidentally came across a spoiler about my purple queen and I was pretty bummed about it. So I stopped watching for a while. Also, the show is getting more complex and I'm having a harder time remembering who everybody is. But anyway, let's go!
Episode 6:
LOL, Smirky Xing called Baby Xu Mom and wants to be carried. He's so cute when hallucinating.
Anyway, I'm glad Smirky Xing saved Baby Xu. Now, what's the thing he captured?
Baby Xu is hurt, thankfully he's also like a travelling pharmacist.
Oh, Smirky Xing, can I just point out that I have never before seen anybody accuse another person of being a serial killer with such a lovestruck expression on their face. And why do you keep insisting that you’re a good guy when nobody accused you of anything?
Oh, so the zombies and mummies weren't dead, but... living people controlled by someone? What?
LOL, "Do you have a dagger?" and Smirky Xing instantly pulls one out of his sleeve like it's no big deal, and who knows what else he keeps in there.
Ewww, is Baby Xu going to go stabbing at his own wounds? Please no.
Ewww, ewww, ewww. Oh, he's sucking out the poison I guess.
Waaah, what is Smirky Xing going to. - Oh. OMGOMGOMGOMG, eww, but also YESSS, you go for that shoulder kiss, honey, YES!  (Sorry, I had to rewind that moment a couple times). Let's rename Smirky Xing to Kissy Xing.
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Oh, and this once and for all gave Baby Xu's diguise away. He didn't put make-up on his shoulder.
'Can you show me your real appearance' my ass. He wants to see you naked. And Baby Xu reminds him of consent. I mean, trust. But, really... consent.
OMG, "you can touch it." Yes! Touch it Baby Xu! Touch it!!!  Kissy Xing gave his permission!!!
Oooooh, they're dancing again!!!
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OMG, they're going to the lake. Is this gonna turn into the dirty dancing lifting figure scene? PLEASE?
I don't even care, this 100% counts as the lifting scene.
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Dude, what? Can you not swim? Baby Xu? You okay? He fell into the water, okay. But why doesn't he get back to the surface?????
Does he want to be saved? Please tell me he's not drowning. :O Kissy Xing looks so worried.
Whoa, where did his mask go? :O :O :O
Okay, okay, okay. Clothes on the drying rack, they're basically in their undies. And kissy Xing can't stop staring at Baby Xu's real face.
Real face baby Xu looks so much softer. Still pissy though, did he seriously just wipe the bottle neck? Come on, man. You had his lips suck on your skin already. I'm sure you can take his spit.
So kissy Xing's name is really Wen Ke Xing. And his face is really his face. I do wanna trust him so much. His voice is so soft all of a sudden. Wahhhh.
Oh, so the item they captured was from hanging ghost? But not the real one?
Kissy Xing, you killed the ghost guy while Baby Xu wanted to interrogate him. You say it was a mistake cause you were worried, but you could still very well be nuts guy and make sure nobody gives you away!
I feel a bit like Brad Pitt in Seven. WHAT'S IN THE BOX???!!!!
Zhou Zi Shu! Kissy Xing said the name. HOLY SHIT, HOLY SHIT!!! He recognized him!!!! He knows who he is. But he doesn't say so to his face. Why is everything so confusing???
Should I call Baby Xu Baby Zi Shu from now on?
Noo, don't cut away from smirklord, I wanna keep watching smirklord!
Meh, some stupid guitar guy doing a Jimmi Hendrix impression and lots of dead guys, who might not actually be dead standing in line for the concert tickets.
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Some tall hat guy. Who is he? He gets VIP acess.
Is it just me or do you also find it annoying when they're playing instruments and the music doesn't match the finger movements?
Ok, Hendrix guy is scorpion king. Is he related to the scorpion assassins? Anyway, he's got really cool hair. Total rockstar vibes.
Tall hat guy is trying to be charming and coming across like a record label manager.
Okay, so they both don't know what happened and who killed the other ghost guy. Oh, wait, is tall hat guy the one who stole the glazed armor from uncle Zhao? Is the item that Kissy Xing and Baby Zi Shu captured a piece of glazed armor??? :O
Ok, tall hat guy is changing ghost.
Back to Smirklord! YES!
Okay, Baby Zi Shu figured out the item box thing? Is the blue glass thing the glazed armor??? Tbh, it looks a bit like the plastic part of some kid's braces.
Yooo, Kissy Xing coming in hot with the rabbit dowry.
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Whoa, Baby Zi Shu just throws the glazed armor over to Kissy Xing, like it's no big deal. He really really doesn't want it. Nice return gift, though.
Okay, what is this flirting? Baby Zi Shu keeps stating that he's a bad guy you need to be terrified of, much like Kissy Xing kept saying he's a good guy. And now he's calling Kissy Xing a trouble.
LOL, Kissy Xing agrees on the gift idea. He wants to carry it on his body. Nice.
K, k, it's uncle Zhao's glazed armor. The kid must have his own armor somehow. And the ghost guys are trying to play all the other parties and make them doubt each other. I see.
Kissy Xing is so whipped, wow. He'll do anything, including gutting the rabbits.
LOL, they're trying to give the kid food. Like that EVER worked before at all. No, uncle Zhao, you dimwit, he does NOT have a good appetite, lol.
Why is everybody giving the kid a hard time about crying. His family got murdered, his two adopted dads left him all alone with the two weird uncles... Of course he's gonna cry. Duh.
Ah, geez, Uncle Shen, just shut up. You know nothing. (he's not smart enough to be called a-hole guy anymore, sorry)
Okay, so, three glazed armor pieces have been stolen from their owners. But Uncle Zhao still has his? Then whose piece was stolen the other night? What? And who is brother Lu? Was that the kid's dad?
Now there's two more older guys, who are they? Oh, one is Lord of Broken Sword Manor. Wait, wasn't that magenta guy? Or was that his son? Somebody PLEASE fill me in here.
The other one is brother Yu, whoever that is.
Seriously, every time pleated skirt soldier boss jerk uncle shen a-hole guy opens his mouth I wanna slap him.
Kissy Xing and Baby Zi Shu are wearing new clothes. When and where did they change? Were they together when they changed? Hehe, I need to know. For science.
They are returning to the bamboo woods and the bodies from the previous night are gone. Kissy Xing asks why Baby Zi Shu had the antidote to the hallucination drug. Actually, good question. Baby Zi Shu, why DID you have the antidote? Oh, it's a Window of Heaven thing?
WHATWHATWHAT? The illusion makes people see what they WANT THE MOST? And Baby Zi Shu drops this knowledge just like that while WE know that Kissy Xing called him by his real name, i.e. saw HIM, whilst under the illusion??? WHAT???
Nooo, Kissy Xing, why are you lying? Why won't you tell what you saw when you hallucinated? I wanna know too, gah!!!
Yo, Baby Zi Shu DEVELOPED the illusion drug? As a sleep remedy, lol. Nice.
K, who's the guy in the carriage at Sanbai Manor? Han Ying. Who is that? Have we seen him before?
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Did Baby Zi Shu just tell Kissy Xing the truth about himself killing people, setting them on fire etc.? That came out super smooth.
They're talking about this heroes conference that was mentioned before, but I have no idea what it is, and what it relates to. I'm so bad at remembering TV series plotlines... I'm assuming that this conference is where the uncles take the kid to.
Aww, Baby Zi Shu keeps close by and watches over the kid.
Kissy Xing wants 30 copies of the glazed armor piece. And he is freaking rich, man.
Waaaah, my purple queen! I've missed her so much. And she's kept the other girls around. And they're playing strip mahjong, apparently, lol. Yes, good for her! Also, Bechdel test passed! Nice.
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Where are they anyway? Which town is this? Was this mentioned, did I miss it?
K, so Kissy Xing wants to pay the two girls out so they'll leave (very obviously), but they don't want to. Is he going to make my queen kill them after all? And she gives him nuts in return. Hmm. I mean, seriously. He MUST be nuts guy. There were SO MANY hints.
Oh, he lets them stay and become My queen's servants.
What? What is this secret plan? What are they gonna do with the fake pieces of glazed armor?
Noooooo, don't end here!!!!!
Okay, what have I learned: Baby Zi Shu's real name! And that Kissy Xing knows him from somewhere. Also learned what glazed armor pieces look like. My queen loves playing strip mahjong. And people are meeting up for some heroes conference.
Goals for future episodes: Find out how Kissy Xing and Baby Zi Shu know each other. Finally finish that name chart thing and add all the new people, omg.
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nopenname23 · 4 years
here’s a shitpost of me playing the click and drag game <3
If you wanna play too, here’s the link X.
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KUROO is your Best Friend & BOKUTO is your Sibling
THE KUROO AND BOKUTO FRIENDSHIP ALDKJASDLK. Just living for the imagery of your older brother and your best friend having the BEST broromance?!?
I love it. You’d be the three musketeers
Bokuto is the best big bro and u won’t tell me otherwise
He’d definitely act like 5 years younger than you sometimes, even though he’s a year older
You’d call him nii-chan esp when he’s in emo/baby mode 
You’d pep him up in a second when you say “but nii-chan can do anything!”
[[Akaashi (despite his understanding of Kou and abilities to control his funk) is admittedly quite jealous of the immediacy and certainty of your ways]]
Anyways, yeah yeah, kuroo was your brother’s bffl first
But over time he’s just been really dependable and like the /actual/ older bro of your group
Guh I love this dynamic a lot
ATSUMU is your Rival 
Same year.
Same class.
Every year.
Sometimes you think it’s fate’s cruel joke.
You’ve got a rivalry going with Atsumu that has only been going on since pre K
It started with you two competing to make the biggest and prettiest sandcastle
To this day, no one knows who stomped on whose first, but everyone remembers the tears and the screaming blame game
In the present, he’s your rival in the sense that you try your best to destroy each other’s egos
Your interests are vastly different, but your temperaments are quite the match
Aka Atsumu loooves your reactions
And you take his bait Every. Time.
At the end of the day tho, somehow you still got each other's backs
You stick with the same circle of friends 
There's this one time when you gave him the silent treatment for a while and he was very very confused.
He tried to play nice but even then u weren't having it
(Tbh it was like shaking the bottle of a carbonated drink. You felt it, but you seemingly had the patience of a saint)
Atsumu starts to get hurt by this bc even though you never gave each other a break, he's never considered you not a friend
He withdraws and his silence actually shakes the bottle more somehow 
So when he mutters an offhand comment about you always being late under his breath at a group hangout
You burst.
He's stunned (along with everyone else) but it only lasts a second bc everything is back to normal and this feels way better than being ignored
Ughhh why don't you just go home it seems like you haven't prepared your public manners yet >:(
"Don't worry, y/n. I'm not going anywhere. :)"
"Did you hear that everyone?? We're buds :)"
TENDOU Plays Volleyball with You
When you were younger, you’d accompany Kou and Kuroo to the community volleyball spaces
And when no one Tendou’s age wanted to play with him, there you were
And the cutest friendship blossomed <3
It was fun, he taught you a lot (and while your technique has improved, you don’t love the effort it takes to chase the ball lol)
You mostly just toss back and forth while you gossip
You both are THE BIGGEST shittalkers 
You LIVE to just chat and each other’s antics (you both like to poke fun at others’ egos and laugh about it together later lol. I love a bully duo)
Dw this duo doesn’t make their victims cry or anything
Like max is poking fun at Semi’s casual clothes and saying he looks weird (even though he looks damn fiineee)
SEMI Takes You Out on a Date
speaking of Semi...
You’ve lowkey crushed on this beauty for a while
But there’s like too many degrees of separation between ya
He goes to tendou’s school, he works at the record store, he’s in a local band
He's so cool and hot and you have no nerve to talk to him
Luckily (or not) tendou somehow makes a date happen
(Tbh I don't think semi knows it's supposed to be a date but it def is for you!!)
You've only waited your whole life for this moment.
You’d go to the movies or something generic (bc you want to plan it out to a tee and make it perfect so u go with cliche bc this is everything you want to tell your grandkids etc)
Yay! Date with semi~
KAI Cockblocks You
(fyi I know next to nothing about Kai, but he gives off v nice guy with a nice smile vibes)
So on your date with Semi, Kai also happens to be working at the movies that day
You’ve been v excited about this date and have maybe overprepared
(as in pretty much scripted the entire thing)
Part of your plan was to see the latest horror film (you think it’ll make you look tough... and you pre-watched it so that you wouldn’t do anything too embarrassing and could come up with quippy lines/reactions)
As you approach the ticket counter, there’s this guy there with a nametag reading Kai
Turns out that horror movie is sold out :/
So Kai suggests a different movie bc it’s playing at the same time
-This is fineeeee. You’ll make do. Stick to the script.-
Too bad the movie’s a Schindlers List type of show 
Everything goes NOT according to plan from this point on
You act super awkward (aka major performance anxiety)
You say lines that you prepared for the jumpscare scenes at the dramatic ones in this film
It. is. Not. cute.
No recovery available. 
You had plans to eat after but it was a heavy movie and semi thinks it'd be best to part ways here 
"oh. ok...bye"
You don't go to the record store anymore. 
So, therefore, Kai inadvertently “ruined all and any semblance of romantic feels that could and would have developed!!”
It’s no fault of his own, but you refuse to forgive him. Ever. 
Poor guy :(
(Later you see him playing at a Nekoma match with Kuroo, ur bffl, and you highkey shoot him glares the whole game lol. Gives him SEVERE shivs)
Again, poor guy. 
KITA was your First Kiss
When you were in middle school Kita was your first kiss after some freak ‘accident’ on suna’s part HAHA
[[or maybe, casual middle school bf bc he was the nicest friend and you walked home together, held hands, and then tried to kiss and were both like lol nah]]
Dw he’s been very chill about the whole thing, apologises and lets you know it doesn’t count and he’s still your pal (sweet bb)
Atsumu looked on with a surprised raised eyebrow open mouthed look like D8<
If anything, Atsumu is the one who doesn't let anyone forget this happened
YAMAGUCHI Has a Crush on You
Yamaguchi (and all other ‘nice boys’) crush on you because you give off sweet and quiet and perfect wife-y material vibes 
Little do they know when you’re with your pals, you’re the rowdiest of the bunch, got the mouth of a sailor, and just the biggest roaster of anyone and everyone
So he has a crush on you for a while 
But he never talks to you and that's cool~
?????? Is Your Boyfriend
Tbh i have no clue who that character is... dkm lol
You probably had a period where you forgot his name too
You call him petnames to get around that
You’re mostly dating bc he confessed to you and he seems like he rly likes you so you thought the attention would be nice :)
Atsumu definitely gives you the HARDEST time when he catches on that you don’t know your bf’s name/anything about him.
It is 100p THE. WORST.
He def baits you when you’re in a large group setting with your bf to embarrass you (ex. “Okay, now y/n is going to order us by our first names/birthdays/day we first met her! >:)”)
Yeah, so this relationship lasts longer than it realistically should (but not really that long, you don’t waste ur best years with him or anything)
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greymattermaelstrom · 4 years
Ozlander Fan Gathering 2020  -   The Rik and Sophie Show
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I attended Ozlander in Melbourne. What an incredible weekend so would like to share my Ozlander experience with you. Of course, it was during the very early days of covid-19 which I’ll address shortly. I’d never met any of the cast before, nor any group of like minded fans. Of course, you are usually lucky to know anyone who watch the TV show (not counting a partner) in your circle of friends let alone personally know a group of fans to chat with. It’s funny though, I’m not sure what I expected, but I thought people would have in depth discussions about OL characters/plots during coffee breaks or in line ups for autographs/photos. I didn’t experience that. I think it was a given that we were all deep into OL. Instead, I found we just chatted and got to know each other, ‘Where are you from?’ etc. As this was the first formal Outlander convention held in Australia, this was big news. I bought my ticket the day they were available (Nov 2019). It was a long way off but I knew the gathering would occur a short time after the first few episodes of Outlander S5 were broadcast, so when S5 started airing, my anticipation grew. Prices were steep admittedly, but a number of us felt it may be the first and last opportunity to meet a cast member, so we did what we could to get there (i.e. sell the healthiest child, blackmail the rich, etc).
Article from “The Scottish Banner” Feb 2020.
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Unfortunately, 4 weeks out, Ed Speleers withdrew due to work commitments but local, David Berry, was announced as his replacement on the same day. Then 10 days out, Graham McTavish withdrew due to work commitments in Slovakia. No news of a replacement was announced (I learnt at the event that organising a visa etc with Covid-19 developing had made it nigh on impossible to organise a replacement in time). Ozlander organisers revisited the program and added extra value features to the various tiers. The gathering weekend was so close, yet seemed so far away in these uncertain times. Every day, I anticipated receiving an email stating it had been cancelled. I knew the organisers must have been pulling their hair out. Selfishly and as long as it was safe to do so, I was hoping it would still go ahead. The virus was not as advanced in Australia. Most of our relatively low number of cases were brought in by travellers (residents returning or tourists) from Europe/Asia before flying was cancelled. The Federal Government had restricted public gatherings to less than 500 at the time. Attendance was actually under 200.  FYI, below are the global covid-19 stats as of 19 April 2020, a month later. Australia’s population is 25 million.
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A few days after the Ozlander event, only crowds of less than 100 were permitted by the govt. We were so, so lucky!! Of course, that reduced further as precautions were implemented over time. We have self-isolation and a lot of business closures, cancellation of sports/entertainment etc. It is dreadful, but not a total lock down in Australia. We could walk dogs and make necessary trips to the supermarket, pharmacy, doctor or special court appearances. Anyway, just wanted to address this concern. ~ Tickets sold well (premium tickets sold out). I saw fans on sm stating the date of the event clashed or it was a bit expensive so I know more wanted to come. Yes, the cost was relatively high. Return airfares for cast, accommodation, plus I assume their appearance fee was always going to be an expensive venture, especially as our AUD had been declining sharply against the USD for some time. Australia can miss out on some things because of distance and a relatively small population, but overall, I think we have done well over the years. ~ Rik (Richard) and Sophie posted IG photos from Melbourne a couple of days before the event. Yay!! They were in the country at least, enjoying the sunsets, cuddling koalas and hypnotising wallabies lol. Sophie posted a selfie from a public toilet (bathroom) - as you do. See Sam’s comment below. Toilet paper was becoming a precious commodity....🤔
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So the odds looked good and finally, Ozlander arrived.🥳 Before we took our seats, a lone piper slowly walked into the throng playing Waltzing Matilda (iconic Australian bush ballad) which segued into Outlander's theme song. Goosebumps! Applause all 'round. The piper was a big fan too.
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What a thrilling start to proceedings. We took our seats and Meagan Taylor (the one who dared dream the dream), welcomed everyone. The age range of fans was predominately 40-65. We were excited and expectant. Housekeeping announcements focused on coronavirus precautions of course. Wash hands, use hand sanitiser when you can't, no handshaking and no touching the cast. This last request was a little disappointing after seeing photos from other OL cons, but it was quite understandable. I think we were just over the moon Ozlander went ahead so we were more than happy to comply and consider the health and safety of others. Then Meagan had the unenviable task of informing us David Berry had unfortunately cancelled his appearance due to health reasons. Yikes! What a shame. (David released a press statement 15 March(?) outlining his difficult decision. Sydney is Australia's Covid-19 hot spot, so David being a Sydneysider, had to consider this I guess). There are IG photos of David, Rik and Sophie together in Australia, just not sure where. So of course, it surprised everyone that David wasn't attending. Refunds of his meet and great and the re-jigging of tiers was to be announced on the fly. Then there were two, Rik and Sophie (and no pressure whatsoever!)🤪. Meagan then advised that the five panels across the weekend would be all audience Q & A which got a loud cheer. On with the show! The Rik and Sophie show! 🎉 They came on stage ready for a good time. Rik opened with 'G'day'. Great start I thought and continued his half decent Australian accent. It's a hard accent to imitate as we know. Rik's was a bit exaggerated but that was part of the fun. 
‘G’day. ‘How are ya’?’
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Sophie in an outfit she bought here. Same brand as Saturday’s dress that she brought with her.
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Roger Mac is in da house.
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I’ll admit, I wasn’t quite sure what to expect. I have seen Rik and Sophie in a lot of interviews, OL promos (talking to camera) and taking part on OL panels on YouTube. I can find their rapport a little strained and snarky at times. Luckily, I was very pleasantly surprised that their 2020 version was very endearing and entertaining. I think they’ve worked on this. I also think, that the spectre of Sam and Cait, through no fault of their own, does loom large at cast events. Therefore, it was great to see Rik and Sophie rise to the challenge of working the room in the absence of their cast mates. And I think they really relished this (albeit exhausting) opportunity and the small theatre made it a casual and intimate affair. They answered questions in an engaging manner and often expanded on it, citing on set examples, many I’ve never heard before, and I’ve seen a lot of OL interviews. Almost as soon as they came on stage, Rik was asked if he would play his guitar and sing for us. While flattered, I think it was too early in the piece and he said maybe he would do so during the weekend sometime. Alas, time wasn’t on our side so it didn’t eventuate. ~ Rik was asked if his hair ticks were under control (ep 501)😂. Combing his fingers through his hair, he replied in his strong Scottish brogue that most of them were gone now. Good sport. ~ He was told the OL bts photos he posts on sm (taken on set) were great and much appreciated and to keep them coming to which the audience applauded. I think he quietly enjoyed that moment. All creatives will take that, knowing their skills and hard work meant something to someone, much like our appreciation for OL and these sorts of events!
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Then on to costumes, wigs and make up. It was thought that it must be nice to have your scalp/hair attended to in the makeup. ‘No, it’s not’ R&S said in unison.😂 Verra uncomfortable process apparently. The hair is flattened and held down with clips. The hairline edge of the wig is ‘glued’ to the top of your forehead and then alcohol is used to get the glue off after shooting, which dries the skin. Some hair falls out over time with this process also. We know this has happened to Sam to an extent.😬 Rik is hoping to grow his hair long enough so he doesn’t need a wig, which accounts for his current hirsute glory. ~ Sophie said they both share a make up trailer and added that Rik has a magic make up chair. Being early morning, he often goes to sleep in it and upon waking up, hey presto, it’s Roger Mac. At make up time, they do know if the other is a bit touchy, so they try not to annoy each other. Too much.😂 ~ At one stage, we were a bit shy in asking questions. Meagan said if this was in the US, there’d be a line up for the mic.😂
Ozlander Fan Gathering 2020 selfie. 
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~ Sophie responded to a geeky question about wearing wireless mics secreted in their costumes or hair as well using the usual overhead boom mics you see on bts videos. She was asked about her experience with ADR which she’s not a great fan of it. The audience asked, ‘What’s ADR?’ There are a few accepted terms in the industry, Additional Dialogue Replacement is one. It’s when some dialogue needs to be re-recorded late in post production if the original dialogue audio recording at the time is less than optimal for a variety of reasons (thanks Google). Sophie gave an instance when in S4, Bree told Claire she had been raped. The stream in the background got into the dialogue mics too much in this particular outdoor location, so Sophie had to re-record her dialogue (like lip syncing) saying exactly what she said at the time, whilst watching the scene on a screen in a recording studio. It’s hard to get the context and emotion of the scene back into your voice and that’s why some actors hate doing it and plead to have the original dialogue kept as much as possible. But ADR happens more than you realise and for various reasons (see Google). It is impossible to tell when you watch the show, what scenes have had ADR done, it’s blended so well. They would record the stream/ ambient sounds separately at some point and then mix it in lower against the dialogue after ADR is done. 😅
 ~ Sophie talked about her audition process and was sat down in an exec’s office and was told OL fans are very passionate! (we are?🤔😁). They have an idea of how book Brianna should look and Sophie confirmed she wasn’t tall enough, eyes the wrong colour, etc and that yeah, as expected, she received some not so nice things on sm. But she tried not to read too much of it and pressed on with the role of Bree. Her tone wasn’t sarcastic or indignant at all, but humble. I was impressed. 
Queuing for photos with Rik or Sophie on this occasion. We weren’t allowed to touch but we all had a squirt of hand sanitiser (just to be super safe?).🤔            
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There were a few photo opportunities over the weekend and a bonus or two thrown in make up for the cast that couldn’t make it. A refund was offered for people with meet and greet tickets for David. However, R & S kindly offered to do a meet and greet for David’s fans instead and they happily accepted. Legends! I don’t know where they found the energy to be constantly ’on’ with so many people over the weekend. Chocolate? Youth?  ~ As it was a small event, there weren’t any extra security staff that I could see. I think it was only the Museum staff and the security cameras which were hardly noticeable. ~ When getting my autographs, Rik and Sophie didn’t ask for my name, but when I read their personal messages, they had used my name (which they’d seen on my Ozlander lanyard. How cool is that? Very slick!). There were assorted costumes, the de rigueur wedding dress of Claire’s which added to the ambience. Of course, most of the audience were women but good to see a handful of men there, some even in kilts! Saw some Aussie Peakers in their MPC tees too. Cool. 
To settle a pronunciation question, Sophie asked the audience after lunch, ‘Is it scone (as in, phone) or scone (as in, shone)? 
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An emphatic SCONE (shone) came back. Rik said “Oh, wow, a shouting(?) majority?’ 
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Just to be sure, someone asked who lost, Rik pointed at Sophie. He didn’t gloat too much. Poor Sophie!
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Of course, what would an OL event be without the cast having a drink or two to lubricate the tonsils (as we say).
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Here are a few more tidbits. All the info I’m sharing has been gleaned from the panels and time spent with Rik and Sophie over the weekend as my tier allowed (which was a lot). ~ Yes, they had tried Vegemite (similar to marmite/promite), courtesy of David Berry. Sophie has some in Scotland. Onya Davo! (good on you David). Incidentally, Sam tried some when he was here in 2016 on Studio 10 (morning talk show - March 2016, his interview is on You Tube). It’s a thing. ~ Rik didn’t know if Sam’s whisky would be his cup of tea, but said it was ‘good actually’. ~ Rik was sometimes surprised by the particular take post production used for the show, but was more surprised by what was edited out of a scene (to add dynamics or guide the narrative a certain way which would apply to all productions everywhere). ~ The pyre scene with the Jesuit Priest at the Mohawk Village Ep 412 was hard to watch on TV. He said it was hard to watch them shoot that scene on set as it was so dangerous!😬 ~ Sophie very occasionally discussed the historical accuracy of things in a scene with directors ie. birthing stool or not in Ep 413 and 1960′s The Mashed Potato moves in S5 are different to how we know them now. She convinced the director’s on those 2 occasions. To me, it shows her passion for the show! ~ When asked about Bree meeting Jamie for the first time in S4, Sophie was asked about the eww factor but didn’t think about Jamie’s hand touching her face after he had relieved himself as he had only used a fruit juice bottle.🤣 ~ R & S were asked to respond to: ‘Aussie, Aussie, Aussie!’ And with relish they replied: ‘Oi, Oi, Oi!’. Someone did their homework. Cool. It’s a parochial call and response thing some aussies do at sporting events etc. ~ R & S often went for an early morning run. Before Sunday’s program began, Meagan asked us all to be very quiet. ‘That sound’, she said, ‘is Rik having his hair blown dry backstage.’ Laughter at Rik’s expense all round. Sophie came on with her’s still damp.
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Graham McTavish ‘popped’ in from Slovakia to say hi and sorry I can’t be there. Rik and Graham had a good rapport. After some banter, the audience was now supposed to ask a question and GM rolled his eyes as he heard Rik’s voice again, this time asking him what he conditioned his beard with? ‘Well”, said GM, ‘well Richard, um, I, ahh (chuckle), I condition it with...., obviously a little bit of your love ..’. Much laughter in the theatre.
Then GM commented further, (which I missed, sadly), to even more laughter.
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Who knows what would have happened had GM been at the event in person?! There is so much more I could share, but you get the idea. 
Sophie wasn’t feeling the best during the last panel just before the close of the event, but she pushed through like a trooper. Rik said she had eaten too much chocolate. A weakness of Sophie’s. I think fatigue was catching up with both of them. They did so much.
Meagan presented Rik and Sophie with an Akubra (pron. uh·koo·bruh) each (iconic Australian outback hat) as a memento of their time here at Ozlander. Rik had the Crocodile Dundee style whilst Sophie’s was more demure. In his best aussie lingo, Rik said: ‘I’m Richard Dundee and this is my partner, Skippy (Sophie).’ (Referencing Skippy the bush kangaroo ? - a much loved Australian TV show 1968-1970). 
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The Scottish Banner article promised an intimate relaxed chance to get to know stars from the Outlander TV series and I’m happy to say that this is exactly what we got. Whilst it’s a shame we didn’t get to know Ed, Graham or David better, we certainly got to know Rik and Sophie better than we had ever anticipated. As a result, I see Rik and Sophie in a new light, esp in S5, where they have more scenes together. In a small way, I’ve gotten to know a little of the person that inevitably informs their TV persona (ie facial expressions, mannerisms, speaking cadence and inflections). What a memorable time I had (can you tell?). Thanks to Rik and Sophie, the gathering organisers (who got a special mention on stage at the close) and the other fans I met there. Thanks for reading this far on a rather lengthy post.😊 I know it’s my take on the weekend, but I’ve tried not to editorialise it, but present it, as accurately as I can, hence, it may be a bit dry to read.😅  I think Ozlander is a great name and I look forward to Ozlander Fan Gathering 2021.  
Ozlander graphics: Ozlander Fan Gathering (I tweaked the circle logo in the title)
Ozlander Fan Gathering 2020 selfie: Ozlander Fan Gathering
other photos: all permissions obtained    
Ozlander Fan Gathering article: The Scottish Banner February 2020
Sophie Skelton post: Instagram
global covid-19 cases stats: Wikipedia
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