#he... keeps showing up. when he was announced as the voice for nikolai i just. yeah. but then i also knew he'd do the character justice
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Same voice actor...
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igotanidea · 1 year
Empty promises: Nikolai Lantsov x reader
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A/N: first of all, sorry to everyone wainting for "Traitor", but I felt the need to write something sad and heart wrenching so here;s that. For now. Angst coming right next. Oh, and you have been warned, this is sad. And got spoilers for ep.4/5.
„Alina? Are you decent?” Y/n peeked through the door the very second the queen’s seamstress left the room.
“Y/n! Please, come in. It’s so good to see your face.” Alina struggled in the dress “I wish I could greet you properly but I can’t, quite, move in this.”
“Oh, yes, I’ve heard some rumors about certain Saint and the outfit trouble.” Y/N laughed wholeheartedly ”I don’t think it’s really your style, no matter what the queen mother may have to say about that. I may have an idea to save you from that torture though. If, you let me, that is.”
“Please. Anything.” Alina shook her head
“All right then. You know, a tailor would probably be better with the fitting, but as an Inferni I can surely give you something to boost your confidence” Y/N started turning around, picking another outfit for sol koroleva.
“Y/N.” Alina said and the timbre of her voice made the other Grisha stop in her track and look up “How… How are holding up? With me and Nikolai….?”
“I’m fine” Y/N assured quickly. Too quickly to make it believable. “I just ….” She sighed deeply, gathering all the strength she had to finish that sentence “I just wish he told me sooner, you know. Not just leave me like that. Given all we have… had….” she corrected and covered a little tremble by coughing “But he just left me as surprised as any other Grisha in the room when he announced your engagement and  it feels like betrayal, Alina. “ she went silent for a minute “but yes, apart from that I am perfectly fine. Now, let’s focus on the suit.”
“Y/N” Alina grabbed her hand gently “I am sorry for what you are going through right now.”
“Well, we all have our burdens to carry, right? I suppose this is mine.”
“I know it does not make anything better, but I know about heartbreak and making tough choices. Nikolai loves you in a way he would never feel about me. And I feel that for Mal. This is all just a political alliance, nothing more.” Alina assured.
“You know, sancta, when Nikolai left to be Sturmhond I spend two years searching for him, east to west and south to north. And when I did and we got together this was the best time of my life. And I shouldn’t have enjoyed the sea so much, but with him, I did.  And even then I always had this little tingling inside my head. A sneaky voice that was telling me, that we would not last. Turns out I was right. And truly, no one is to blame for that.” The Inferni smiled sadly “This should do the work” she raised the garments she prepared for Alina “I should better go before the seamstress came back. Just for now pretend you’ll wear the dress , all right? Can’t show all the cards at once.” And with such words, she left the chamber, unnoticed by anyone.
The next person to come to Alina was not even remotely as welcomed as Y/N. Vasily came for a little chat coated with veiled threat and perhaps a bit of a warning, but Alina was too strong to let him beguile her.
And then, when time came Nikolai appeared at the door for a little pep talk.
“Well, you look lovely” he smiled eyeing Alina already up and ready in her second army regimentals.
“Y/N came and helped me put this little thing together. So much better than….” Her gaze focused on the dress nearby and the girl rolled her eyes.
“She’s been avoiding me.” The prince said sadly “not that I blame her, but how can she not miss my company even a little? Am I so easily forgettable. She really acts like I’ve grown a pair of horns or started breathing fire…..” he tried to keep his cool and joke around but Alina knew him well enough to see through it.
“She’s an Inferni. A little fire could never discourage her.  But she’s hurt. Twice as much since you kept her in the dark about this whole arrangement.”
“I wanted to save her pain. And possibly myself.”
“’You failed at that.” Alina pouted
“Anyway, I got something to complete the look.” He took a step closer and reached inside his pocket retrieving a green gem “the Lantsov emerald….”
“Nikolai, we don’t have to do this, if it’s too hard. “
“Let’s just keep the pretenses up, shall we? Just remember, shall you decide to punch me, you will probably take my eyes out with this on, and I would not like that.”
 “Have you seen Mal?” Alina started spinning around, searching for the one face she so desperately needed to see “It’s not like him to be late.”
“Perhaps your little tracker is not such a fan of festivities as you.” Vasily approached the pair from behind, with some drink in his hand and Alina immediately excused herself, leaving two brothers alone.
“You know, my little brother” Vasily started “I always knew you would not end up with that little Inferni. Why settle for a commoner when there’s a living saint in the palace.” He laughed and took a sip on his drink. “now you will get fire from someone else! I’m sure the Sankta had a lot of it, judging by her actions. And Y/N. Waste of time. She was always a challenge, even when she was a kid.”
“Don’t you dare talking about her like this.” Nikolai hissed, but still kept straight face in a prince-like manner
“Why do you even care at this point, brother? From what I know, she’s been avoiding you, am I right? But look” he pointed out in the crowd, where Y/N was talking to Nadia and Tamar, laughing for the first time in a while “she’s right there. Don’t you wanna talk to her. If has any dignity, which I doubt, she would not cause a scene in public.”
Even though Nikolai knew his brother was only goading him, his brain shut off when legs carried him towards the other side of the ballroom, straight to her.
“Y/N.” he spoke and all three girls turned around, each one of them showing different expression. Tamar was curious of what was going to happen, Nadia a bit stressed out about her friend, and Y/N…. Y/N was just in pain and nothing could have hid it.
“Moi tsarevich”  she bowed, avoiding his eyes
“Please, stop it. Can we… can we talk for a minute? Please.”
“We are  not going to interrupt you….”Nadia started, but Tamar was on the other side of the barricade in the matter.
“I will. I’m not leaving her with you in this state, Nikolai. You know, you are both my friends, but she’s the victim not the other way round. “
“Tamar” Y/N put a hand on her shoulder “it’s all right. It will be just a minute to clarify this little misunderstanding . I’ll be with you before you notice I was gone.”
“I still don’t like it…” Tamar muttered, but let Nadia drag her away to have a little chat with Adrik and watch Alina. When they both left Y/N took a deep breath and before Nikolai was able to say a thing she took the lead of the conversation.
“Nikolai. I don’t really think it’s appropriate to leave your fiancé alone. Especially with Vasiliy acting like a predator tonight.”
“Vasiliy is drunk.”
“He’s been drunk since the age of 18. Remember that time when we played a prank on him and had to run through the palace in the middle of the night?” she smiled
“And when we ended up squeezed in the cupboard to avoid his wrath? Yes, I remember that.” Now they were both laughing outloud “I also remember what happened later on….”
“Nik. Stop it” she warned, her cheeks getting a bit flushed. Of course he had to refer to the moment they shared their first kiss “this is not the time or the place.”
“My feelings for you did not change.”
‘And do you think mine did? But you are engaged now. And I get it, Nik, I really do. You did what you though was right, as always and I can’t blame me for that. We are all pawns in this crazy political game and the point is to minimalize the  damage. If that means you getting with Alina then I cannot interfere. I still be there for you both. Even if it is in the sideline.
“Y/N…. I….”
“It’s all right” she raised her hands almost embracing him, but stopped herself in the last minute. “You should probably go join your family, your mother has been eyeing us for a while now and she knows we have past. Can’t risk anyone getting suspicious, right? Moi tsarevich” she bowed and went back to join Tamar, Adrik and Nadia, who pulled her into a hug.
From then on, everything started happening extremely fast. Vasiliy came onto the podium to gave some mockery speech about his brother, the man of the hour, but in the middle of it, Darkling’s shadow monster decided to drop by and well, cause a little havoc, killing the speaker and some other gathered people. It was chaos. Alina, Tamar, Adrik, Nadia and Y/N were trapped on the one side of the room, while the Lantsov (or rather whatever was left of this family) where stuck on the other.
“They have no heart, no pulse, no nothing!” Tamar exclaimed trying to use her heartrender powers
“Every creature has a weakness” Adrik spit, observing the monsters carefully from behind the table they used as some sort of shield, Y/N following in his steps.
“Those are shadows” the girl said “Look, Adrik, you were right, they have to be in their full form to touch and hurt someone!”
Before another shadow could attack Nikolai and his mother, Adrik came from one side throwing a gust of wind his way, Nadia doing the same on the other. Y/N used this as an opportunity to grab a spark from the nearby candle and throw a fireball straight into the middle of it. For a second, when the monster was tearing apart her gaze met with Nikolai’s who was just frozen like a deer in the spotlight.
“GO!” she yelled at him “Take whoever you can and GO!”
“Everyone into the tunnels!” Nikolai ordered, but before he himself rushed off, he just threw one last glance at his one true love and moved his mouth silently.
“Come back to me.”
“You three go find Alina, I’ll go check if there’s anyone lost in the corridors to get them to safety” Y/N commanded her friends ready to run the other way
“Have you lost your mind!?” Tamar spit at her “You are not going anywhere alone.”
“I’ll be fine Tamar.”
“Yeah, I’ve heard that from you hundreds times before.”
“And I am still alive. A little bruised and scared but alive. Not planning on dying today, I swear. Alina needs you three and there’s no time, so I’ll just see you downstairs. GO!”
 She was running one of the palace corridors, stating with the greatest relief that all the Grisha that were not killed were off the palace and probably on the way to the tunnel. She almost reached the entrance, but mere meters before, another shadow monster blocked her way.
“Oh, Saint!” she hissed annoyed and focused her energy to gather just a little bit of flame since sadly, there wasn’t any external source of it anywhere near. It was always harder to get fire from nothing, but it used to work for her. Most of the times.
Not this one.
The fire that came out of her hands were so weak it barely reached the shadows let alone cause them any harm.
“Oh, shit…” she mumbled when darkness enveloped her whole and tried once again, this time fueled by fury and worry about her friends. Maybe Tamar was right and she shouldn’t have left them. Nonetheless that was not the time to dwell on the past mistakes, since it was extremely hard to breath inside that fog the monster were created from. It was like all of a sudden she found herself in the fold again, broken and scared. “Hell no! I am not dying today” she put her hands up causing a flare and dissipated the shadows finally getting herself free.
If only it wasn’t for that cut with sharp, thorn-like edges on her  leg, which she did not notice or feel.
“Is everyone safe?” Nikolai came from one entrance to the tunnels, meeting with Alina and Tamar coming from the opposite.
“Adrik got hurt in the arm, Nadia is with him.” Alina explained “the healers are taking care of the injured. What about the ones you came with?”
“Saved as many as possible” Nikolai turned around “where is …..?”
“That idiotic girl left us and came for the rescue. I told her she should not….” Tamar’s voice broke a little
“Where is she, Tamar?!”
“We… We don’t know…..”
“I’m here!” all the emotions he felt upon hearing her voice where just too much to handle and not caring about anyone  or anything or whether he was acting like an engaged prince he took off running towards her, wrapping arms around her and pulling her close to his chest.
“You’re safe, love. You’re safe.” He whispered again and again caressing her back, tangling fingers In her soft, messy hair and just getting lost in her.
“Nik…” she gasped taking a sharp inhale “I… I don’t really feel so good….” She stumbled a bit and this made him worry.
“I know, darling, but you were so brave up there. You saved my life with that little trick of yours. And you always said you couldn’t do fireballs. Guess me being in danger enhanced your…..”
“Nik, I really do not feel good” she mumbled and all her strength suddenly left her when her legs gave up and she collapsed into his arms, the embrace being the only thing shielding her from falling straight to the ground.
“Y/n? Come on, tell me, what is it, where does it hurt?” he started panicking just in the slightest.
“My leg….”
“May I?” he hesitated before lifting the material of her pants.
“Saints! Stop being a gentleman now! ” Tamar hissed and started tearing the pant-leg “I wish you were this polite at all those night on the ship instead of giving the crew sleepless nights “Oh….”
“How… how bad is it?” Y/N asked, raising her head from where It laid on Nikolai’s chest and he quickly turned her head away.
“It’s gonna be fine” he assured, grabbing her righter and kissing her temple “I’ll get you to a healer, all right?”
“Mhmmm……” she mumbled, slowly losing consciousness.
“I’m gonna lift you now, ok?” one of his hands sneaked around her back, the other went below her legs when he moved her from the ground “you’re gonna be ok, just don’t close your eyes, love.”
Out of instinct Alina wanted to join them on their walk to healers, but Tamar stopped her.
“Don’t” she shook her head, eyes a bit glassy.
“No.” Alina just stated. “Please tell me it’s not….” bus since Tamar was a heartrender there was really no point in arguing.
“Nik…. You smell so good.” Y/N hid face in his chest, locking arms around his neck
“I am all sweaty from the fight and running, honey. As much as I love what you are saying I do not smell good.”
“You smell like the ocean.” She smiled lightly “Like the sunny day on volkvolny”
“We’re going to have a thousand more of such days so you could dwell on the smell.”
 “I…. I don’t really think so, Niki.” She hissed in pain when he reached one of the makeshift flop and called upon the healer
“Always a joker, aren’t you?”
“I wish” she started coughing, a little blood appearing on the hand she tried to cover her mouth with. “Tell me the truth, Nik. How bad is it. Cause it hurts like hell.”
“I don’t want to look. I;m not a healer, I don’t have any experience…..”
“You…” she gasped “are a trained soldier. You know about wounds. Tell me.”
“It’s not good” he closed his eyes almost like those words caused him unimaginable pain and grabbed her hands. “but the healers…..”
“The healers have too much work on their hands. And judging by your voice….” She coughed  a bit more
“Sh, don’t say anything more. Let me just… Grigori!” he called upon one of the corporalki “she needs help.”
“Immediately, moi tsar” Grisha answered and it was probably the first time Nikolai realized that he was the king now.
“Moi tsar” Y/N smiled faintly “it suits you so well, lapushka. Auch! It hurts….”
“I’m sorry Y/N, this wound is unusually deep and it seems like there’s some kind of venom in your veins, going straight to the heart and…..” Grigori started slurring
“There’s nothing you can do, right?” she asked simply
“I’m so deeply sorry, Y/N, moi tsar.”
“Not your fault.”
“Leave us.” Nikolai hissed through gritted teeth and Grigori practically run away trying to avoid king’s fury “Y/N….” he leaned toward her, cupping her pale cheek and caressing it gently “I don’t want you to go….”
“Selfish. As usual. You don’t want me to go, mhm. Do you think I…. auch, want to die like this?”
“I need you with me….” He kissed the top of her head
“Selfish. Again. You got the sun summoner now."
"You are my sun."
"Stop flirting with me on .... on my .... death.... deathbed" she squirmed trying to lift herself up but it was too painful “Help… me….” She panted and Nikolai grabbed her waist with one hand and supported her back with another “I don’t have much time left… I feel it almost in my heart….”
“I don’t want to go on without you.” he whispered
“I know.” tears started showing in her eyes and he wiped them away breathing heavily “I’m scared Nik” she admitted trembling “I feel so cold. Can you just hold me? I don’t….” she gulped “I don’t want to go alone….”
“I’m here with you. No matter where you go, afterlife, I will find you, I swear.”
“Not if…ekhem! Oh, saints, it hurts so much” she cried and his heart broke at that sobbing coming from her. The sounds he would never recover from. Reminded that he failed to protect the only person he ever truly loved. And to think she was dying in his arms, while he was about to marry another woman. This was like a punch in the guts “not if I hunt you first.”
“I love you” he just had to say it. Maybe it was selfish again, but he needed to know that were the last words he said to her “I love you and I will always love you.” he kissed her knuckles, looking straight into her eyes. “I love you.”
“I love you too, Nik. And I’m sure you will….” Her voice was becoming so small, so quiet, almost audible in all commotion “… have a long, happy and fulfilled life. You’ll be great king. And a father…. I….” she closed her eyes “I’ll see you later, Nik…..” and just like that there was silence.
And this was the exact moment Tamar clenched her fist and faced the wall, her back to other Grishas so no one would see single tear falling from her eye.  
She said she’ll be fine…….  Empty promises always hurt the receiving end  of those.
“Nikolai? We need someone to get everyone together and ….” Zoya was blissfully unaware of the tragedy that just fell upon the king and was her usual self when she entered the part of tunnels were healers were stationed “what… what happened?”  she stuttered at the view in front of her eyes.
Nikolai was not a king at the moment. He was just a broken man who just lost the love of his life. Not crying, just sitting next to her still figure, holding and caressing her cold hand, unable to stop. Almost like he was in a trance. For what he cared the world could stop spinning and it would not make any difference for him. But for her…. He was going to do anything to avenge her death. But he would do that in a second, for now, he just wanted and needed to stay with her a bit more, even if that meant just watching her face, surprisingly peaceful and running a hand through her hair.
If only he could indulge in that greedy need.
“Goodbye, my love….” He whispered planting one final kiss on her forehead and tugging at his hair stood up to protect and guide his people, his subjects.
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aurorxaeternitatis · 1 year
He was late; barely able to step out of the bus while he ran to the underground entrance with his sports bag on his shoulder. Shit, shit, shit! That miserable bus and that fucking traffic! Mika was erratic while he slammed his shoulder against the metallic door, making his way inside the locker room to already throw away his sweatshirt onto the bench and get himself ready. He wasn’t on the fighters list tonight, but he had received a call from one of the supposed referees to fill in because a lot of money had already been bet and there were VIPs to watch the fights. Money was money, after all, and he needed it. He quickly made sure to change before he stepped out of the locker room, heading to the cage. With that kind of organization, his name would be called out at the last minute, the very moment he would step into the ring for the surprise effect. 
He gazed at the VIP area from below, recalling the first night he had ever talked to Nikolai. They hadn’t texted at all since yesterday, but Mika was aware he was also a busy man, probably out of town or just… away. He glanced absentmindedly until he eventually saw moving shapes on the booths of the VIP room. He squinted his eyes for a moment, before he eventually recognized the very man he had been thinking about, a smile appearing at the corner of his lips, before it faded immediately. Yes, Nikolai was there… But certainly not alone. And certainly not sharing a drink either. Mika’s mouth went dry, his heart sinking deep inside his guts; oh… How could he be so naive…Of course… Of course it was like this… 
“... BEAR!!” There were acclamations from the scene, the spectators gathering around the ring fervently. He received a loud slap on his shoulder as the referee shook him. “Get in, kid!” He pushed him forwards. Mika was forced to look away from the other show that had caught his attention. Nikolai’s expression, his eyes full of lust for that girl, his hands on her body… It was the same as when they were together. Mika clenched his fists and entered the ring while his name was shouted again. He didn’t dare to look at the VIP area anymore. He was stupid, so stupid. 
He glanced at his opponent with a profound furor. Tonight, the Scottish Bear would be particularly violent. // you thought you could get away Nikolai? NEVER 😤
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        Nikolai's fingers gently explored the contours of Annabelle's hand, his touch sending shivers of anticipation through her. She leaned in closer, her red lips brushing his ear as she whispered, " You're a hard man to pin down, Nikolai. Haven't seen you in the club for a while. "
        Hazel eyes met her sultry gaze, a mischievous grin playing on his lips. " I do enjoy keeping people on their toes, " he admitted, his voice low and seductive. " But tonight, you have all my attention. "
        As the announcement of Bear resounded in the club, Nikolai's gaze momentarily flicked toward the ring, his smile amused. " A friend of yours? " She noticed possessiveness in his gaze as his fingers traced tantalizing patterns along her arm. " A friend of mine, and quite the showman. "
        Annabelle's laughter danced like a secret melody between them, her fingers tracing a teasing path along Nikolai's chest. " Showman, you say? " she purred. " I like a man who knows how to put on a show. "
        Nikolai's eyes darkened with desire as he met her playful challenge. " Is that so? " he murmured, his lips hovering dangerously close to hers. " Perhaps we could make our own kind of spectacle tonight. "
        As the first fighters entered the ring below, Annabelle's fingers traced a slow, deliberate path up Nikolai's thigh, her gaze never leaving his. " Tell me, Nikolai, " she whispered, her voice a sultry caress, " what's your favorite kind of excitement? "
        Nikolai's smile widened as her touch sent a rush of desire coursing through him. If only she knew. He leaned in closer, his lips grazing the curve of her neck. " I enjoy the thrill of unpredictability, " he confessed, his voice husky. " The rush of taking risks, and the sweet taste of victory. "
        Annabelle's laughter was like the tinkling of crystal, a sound that echoed with allure and mischief. " Victory... And what if you lose tonight? "
        Their playful banter was interrupted by the raucous cheers and jeers from the crowd below as the fight in the ring intensified. Mika was giving his opponent a run for his money, and the excitement in the club was palpable.
        Nikolai tore his gaze away from Annabelle, momentarily captivated by the intense bout below. " Impressive, " he mused, watching the fighters' every move. " Mika's quite the fighter. " Nikolai was proud of his Scottish bear. He proved to be a far more captivating plaything than the typical individual, and his unique ruthlessness set him apart from the rest.
       Annabelle's fingers resumed their tantalizing exploration, this time tracing up Nikolai's thigh. She leaned in, her lips brushing against his earlobe. "I'm more interested in what you're capable of," she purred.
       Nikolai's self-assured smile returned as he turned his attention back to her, his fingers finding the contours of her waist. " You'll find, Annabelle, " he murmured, " that I'm capable of many things. "
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prince-septimus · 3 years
genuinely i think nikolai is the type that LOVES having his s/o's hands in his hair so maybe smth like that? or maybe a hesitant/reserved gf who stepped up to the plate and did smth and hes proud of her? either or neither works whatever you like!!!!
speak up
pairing : nikolai lantsov x reader
summary : as an advisor to the king and queen of ravka, you're required to attend all important meetings, even when those meetings are just full of gossip and talks of marriage.
word count : 1k
Nikolai had never liked the meetings he was required to sit through as Prince. Most of them involved talks of different events that must be hosted by the Rulers of Ravka, and others were just gossip of what was happening in the Kingdom itself. He much preferred the meetings that involved talks of war tactics and how to keep the country safe.
After all, that was what he had been trained to do. Gossip was much more Vasily's style.
Nikolai's eyes scanned the room, looking over each person seated at the long table. At the end of the table sat the chairs that usually housed the King and Queen, but neither were present for today's meeting. The Queen's empty seat sat next to the King's, but on the other side sat you.
You looked just as bored as Nikolai felt, but you were more obvious in showing it as you rested your chin in your hand, leaning into it as you clearly struggled to keep your eyes open while the conversation dragged on.
As an advisor to the King and Queen of Ravka, you were required to attend all meetings that involved them. It led to many hours spent in this room, and many hours listening to other advisors drone on about the affairs of the country.
You catch Nikolai's gaze from across the table, offering a small smile that he gladly reciprocates.
Every once in a while, Nikolai becomes the topic of discussion at the table. It's not as often, and Nikolai has more than enough ego to enjoy being talked about, but there's always something that irks him when his name is brought up.
"Nikolai must be married off at some point," a voice down the table announces, "a union involving him can unite armies and offer us a better chance at winning this war."
Nikolai hated being talked about like he wasn't there. He lifts his chin proudly, prepared to uphold his own honor. "And who do you propose?"
The advisor who had spoken stumbles then, and Nikolai doesn't miss the way you've sat upright, immediately attentive at the current topic.
"There are more than enough princesses of neighboring kingdoms to choose from, Your Highness-"
"And you propose I marry someone I barely know?" Nikolai shoots back, causing the rest of the table to glance up.
"It's not uncommon," another advisor speaks up, "to be married off to a stranger. The important thing is the alliance and birth of future heirs. If those two things are done successfully in a royal marriage, then that is the most important thing."
"You marry for the kingdom," someone else says, "not yourself."
"Says who?"
The room goes silent as your voice rings through. You glance at the empty chairs of the King and Queen, and with nothing to stop you, you continue.
"I will not say that it is not important to marry for the kingdom because as we all know, that is how alliances are formed, but I believe it is also important to marry for yourself." Your eyes flash as they land on Nikolai, who's trying to hold back his grin. "You should marry someone of importance, as long as it is for the good of your kingdom, but you should also someone you can at least stand to be around, and marrying a complete stranger leaves no room for that."
Nikolai spends the rest of the meeting with his eyes firmly on you, not concerned if anyone else catches him doing so.
When the meeting ends, Nikolai feels exhausted, but he lingers in the meeting room as the rest of the advisors file out. He barely catches you before you walk out with the rest, grabbing at your hand just before you can reach the door and yanking you away.
"Nikolai," you cry out softly, "what are you doing?"
Nikolai puts a finger to his lips as he drags you across the room, leading you to a door on the other side. The door leads to another hallway, one empty of advisors and guards.
"Your father will wonder where I've run off to after the meeting-"
"The King can go without for just a few minutes," Nikolai tells you before pulling you to him and kissing you.
Nikolai presses you back against the stone wall, the coolness causing a shiver to run through you. Your hands move up to comb through his hair, and Nikolai can't help but let out a groan.
"Shameful," he mumbles against your lips. "Never again will I tell you a secret of mine."
He speaks of when you discovered his affinity for his hair being touched. He enjoyed it being played with, occasionally pulled, and you do that now, yanking on his soft locks just enough for his moan to sound out through the empty hall.
"We both know that is a lie," you tease.
Nikolai pulls back to look at you, a smile gracing his face. "I'm proud of you."
"For what?" you question.
"For speaking up for me in there."
As an advisor, you were required to be involved in the conversations surrounding the kingdom, but you tended to be more reserved about your opinions, choosing to only speak on facts, especially when either of the Rulers of the Kingdom were present.
"Well," you trail a finger down Nikolai's cheek, "I couldn't very well let them knock me out of the running, could I?"
Nikolai laughs, and it causes a surge of happiness to course through you. "Of course not."
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oohnoniall · 3 years
The Lantsov Emerald [Kaz Brekker x OC] - Chapter One (Anastasia)
WARNINGS: cursing.
       The Grisha were puppets. She could tell that from the way her father had them paraded before him. No one should be treated the way they were and yet, it was the safest they had ever been. She had not grown up in a time before the Darkling. She had only ever known him to reside over the Little Palace. He kept the Grisha safe.
       That didn't stop them from having to perform great feats at the winter fete every year. She had been in attendance every year since she was six.
       She still remembered that first one clearly. It had been the first time she had been presented to the court. Her mother had actually come to her room, getting her ready to be shown off like a prized horse. It was the first time she had been allowed to wear a tiara.
       Nikolai had teased her for it the entire night. He still teased her for it.
       "Annie," a voice hissed to her right. Her eldest brother looked proud in his jacket, his medals pinned to his chest. They showed that he had claimed something in his year of service. Even if she was certain that it was not a brain. "Get your head out of the clouds."
       Vasily had never exactly been close to Anastasia. He had always been more focused on learning how to run Ravka, how to be the king that their country deserved. He had never paid much attention to her as Nikolai had. He hadn't paid Nikolai much attention either. Vasily was less their brother and more an acquaintance.
       Yet he was all that she had.
       Nikolai had left three years before to study and to serve in the military. Anastasia had written him daily letters for the first year, weekly the second. Now, she was lucky if she wrote him monthly. He didn't answer the letters. Too busy with his studies, with forgetting all about the life he had lived back home.
       Forgetting Anastasia.
       "My head is never in the clouds, Vasie," she huffed as she straightened her spine. She found it somewhat hard to breathe in her gown. Her corset was too tight, her mother had said her waist needed to be smaller and her maids had apparently agreed. Despite the lack of oxygen, there was no denying that the gown was beautiful. It was a shade of cream that matched Vasily's jacket perfectly with sky blue lace detailing on the bodice and matching blue flowers embroidered along the hemline.
       It was not the prettiest gown she owned, but it was one of her favorites. If only because she liked that she stood out just a bit from her family. Her mother's gown would be plain, letting everyone focus instead on the Lantsov emerald that would rest on her left hand. Her father and brother would both be sporting their military jackets, the pins and medals gleaming in the light. If Nikolai had been there, he would have at least been the one to escort Anastasia.
       Instead, her arm was linked with Vasily's. A bored smile crossed her features, taking away the seventeen-year-old's normal vibrancy. She despised the winter fete. The past three years had all been more disappointing than the last.
       It had nothing to do with the Grisha. But it had everything to do with the fact that she had no one to speak with. No one to confide in or giggle with when the night grew boring. Life without her brother had become stale, boring even.
       She sighed softly, trying to push out all those negative feelings as Vasily began to gently pull her out of the small antechamber. Her heart pounded in her chest. A four-eighths rhythm that seemed to skip the second beat. She wondered what it would sound like as an aria.
       "Presenting His Highness Crown Prince Vasily Lantsov and Her Highness Princess Anastasia Lantsov," a booming voice announced to the waiting crowd of nobles and rich merchants that surrounded Os Alta.
       A small smattering of applause greeted them, as it did every year. They were not the show though. They were merely just important guests, visitors to the show of something amazing. Something that none of them were entirely prepared for. At least, not yet.
       "Mingle," Vasily murmured in her ear, not bothering to bend. The two were only mere inches apart. A fact that Vasily hated and Nikolai had found humorous. "Just don't wander far from my sight."
       "And if I don't?" She did not move to raise a brow or do anything that might cause alarm. She barely moved her lips as she spoke. Speaking with Vasily just meant keeping it quiet and not allowing anyone to hear.
       "Then you'll never make a friend that isn't Nikolai." Despite their lack of a relationship, he did care for his younger sister. He cared for his brother as well. Although that relationship was far more strained. Not even Vasily could ignore the rumors surrounding his siblings. Anastasia, however, would never be a threat to him getting the throne upon their father's death.
       She gave a very slight nod of her head. If one happened to see it, they would merely assume she had just shifted her stance or something of that nature. They'd never realize that she had agreed to do something for him. Even if it was as simple as mingle with those who gathered with them in celebration of the second army.
       Her brother released her arm, allowing her to slip free from him and into the crowd. She would not leave the room. She knew better than to cause Vasily a heart attack. Had Nikolai been there, she wouldn't have had to worry about any of it. She would have been able to do as pleased. He'd just follow after her, his charisma hiding the fact that he was threatening people or watching over the sister he'd never asked for.
       Soft laughter, low tenors mixed with high sopranos, filled the air with a gentle melody. One that Anastasia could feel tingling in her bones and in her heart. The melodies of life in Ravka had always seemed to flow through the princess. She just hadn't said a word about it to anyone. Her mother had only ever been told she excelled in music lessons.
       She had strived to excel in everything though. Anything to avoid being sent off like her brother.
       "Princess," a tall young man stepped in front of her, blocking her from moving forward. He bowed at the waist to her, his left arm going behind his back in a sign of respect. His dark, blue-black hair fell into his face in the softest of waves. Briefly, she thought about reaching out to run her fingers through them. "I was certain we wouldn't be graced with your presence this evening."
       "And why exactly is that?" Her tone was soft, lilting and pretty. If she added a bit more breath it would sound more like a song.
       "There's a rumor that your parents sent you to Fjerda a week ago," he admitted as he straightened his spine. His eyes were bright, only a few shades darker than the Lantsov emerald. She wondered how many women he had enchanted with his eyes alone.
       Anastasia forced a gentle laugh to leave her lips as she looked at the man. "I'm afraid I will not see Fjerda for a few more years. Although, my departure date is not to be common knowledge." Her eyes glinted in the light, matching the sky blue detailing on her dress.
       "Of course, your highness," the man nodded his hand once. "Might I have this dance with you?"
       She considered it for a moment. A dance didn't mean they'd be courting. Nor did it mean she would be respected. Everything was so political nowadays. If she did not do the right thing, she would create a scandal. However, most of the time it felt as though if she breathed wrong she would cause a scandal or trouble of some sort. It was all quite exhausting if she were being honest.
       Slowly, Anastasia took the man's outstretched hand. "Of course."
       He led her towards the small dance floor. The winter fete was not a place for dancing. But her mother had thought that it would be nice to have a bit of a dance. She was certain that it had only been in case Nikolai or Vasily had caught sight of a woman that might one day become a queen. Or at the very least it made for a good chessboard.
       "What is your name?" She asked as he placed on hand on her waist. She could feel eyes on them. She was certain his family was watching closely, certain that her brother was preparing to protect her honor.
       "Dima Antonov," he said as the music began to swell. He led her through an intricate waltz. One that she had danced a million times. It was practically drilled into her feet.
       The music spoke to her in a way that nothing ever had before. She loved the way it made her feel as though she were floating on air. Every rest was like holding her breath, the crescendo was the beating of her heart as Dima twirled her across the floor. Her gown floating around them as though there was nothing holding her onto this plane of existence. She could fly away, farther than any bird.
       "You're an incredible dancer," his voice brought her back down to the earth. Gravity pulling against her limbs and her hopes.
       "Oh?" An amused smile crossed her features. "You're not so bad yourself."
       A glint of something was in his eyes. She could not tell if it was amusement or something darker. She prayed to the Saints that she would not have to deal with a pining lordling with dreams of becoming king. It wasn't as though the throne would ever fall to her. Yet, some of these lordlings seemed to believe that they would inherit the throne upon marrying her. Her betrothal didn't seem to matter to any of them either.
       Why would she marry a backward Fjerdan when she could have a good, honest Ravakan? Honestly, the whole thing was rather dull.
       There was nothing that could be done about her marriage. Contracts had been signed long ago. Although, the Fjerdans were not holding up their end of the bargain particularly well. It seemed as if they assumed they could do whatever they wanted to the Grisha and get away with it. It seemed as though all they cared about was getting another country to trade with them. Something that her parents also wanted.
       "Thank you, your highness," Dima broke her out of her thoughts as he dipped her in time with the music. Her long flowing hair nearly touched the floor as strands began to fall from the mess of braids that her maids had put it up in. Her heart skipped another beat as she stared up into his eyes.
       Love was such a trivial matter to her and yet, she found it hard to not be wooed by bright eyes and a dazzling smile. She was just a girl after all. A girl with hopes, dreams, ambitions.
       Dima's dazzling smile just happened to be distracting enough to keep her mind off of her ambitions.
       "I've heard that the Princess of Ravka was a sight to behold, but I didn't expect the rumors to be true." He admitted as he gently pulled her back up. She found that she was pressed rather closely to the young man.
       "I take it that this is your first winter fete?" One of her eyebrows rose just a fraction of a centimeter, barely enough for anyone but the man standing in front of her to notice.
       "I've been spending my time with the First Army. My father is a general," he admitted as he stepped back enough to make their dance proper once more. "I've finally been allowed leave and thought I would spend my time is Os Alta."
       "And this has nothing to do with our new Sun Summoner, does it?"
       "Nothing at all," Dima's lips quirked in a handsome smirk. One that sent heat racing to Anastasia's cheeks. She fought down her blush, not wanting a soul to know her feelings.
       Her mother had once told her that she was an open book. Her emotions were easy to read and easy to figure out. Her mother had made sure that she knew it was not a good thing. Beauty was what mattered. At least, until she had done what she needed to. Then she could worry about falling in love and being in love. Until then, she had to focus on the Fjerdan prince and providing an heir when the time came.
       Anastasia's life was nothing more than a game of chess. She just didn't know if she was the pawn or the queen.
       The music slowed to a stop, her heart still kept the steady beat of the waltz. If only to keep it inside of her for a few hours more. Dima stepped away from her, bowing his head politely.
       "Thank you for the dance, your highness," he took her hand in his and raised it to his knuckles. He brushed his lips against it once, before he slipped away, disappearing into the crowd and out of her life.
       She knew better than anyone that it was easier to dance with royalty than actually spend time with them. It was one of the reasons why Nikolai had been her only friend for so long.
       Anastasia did not allow for this to keep her sedated for long. Instead, she slipped away into the crowd. Her eyes searched out Vasily, who was drinking something that was not water while flirting with a lord's daughter. One that he had been speaking with for nearly a year now. She was expecting a courting announcement any day now.
       Vasily being preoccupied was a blessing to her. She could escape from his supposedly watchful gaze and find something to do that was not fawn over the Grisha and what they could do. It wasn't like she hated the Grisha. She just thought that they didn't need to be put on parade. There was no reason for them to be a sort of sideshow.
       Anastasia slipped out of the throne room of the little palace. The noise of the music and the endless chatter allowed for her to be silent, despite the harsh clicking noise of her heels on the tiled floors.
       She could not lose herself completely in the crowd. Others moved out of the way for her, occasional bows were thrown her way while others tried to speak with her about some piece of political jargon that she didn't particularly care about. She was certain that they were only speaking to her because they thought she had her father's ear. It would be quite a shock to them when they realized that she didn't. She had no say in anything political. She was not allowed in council meetings.
       All she was was the pretty princess. The one they could trade for marriage and gain political allies through. It was quite aggravating if anyone were to ask for her opinion. Which they more than likely wouldn't. No one ever did.
       She kept her head held high, her chin pointed just slightly to show she knew who she was and what power she held, as she walked down the hallways and through the crowds. She rounded a corner, her brow furrowing as she noticed something out of the ordinary.
       A man in a guard's uniform. A man that she did not recognize.
       Anastasia knew every guard in the palaces. She had trained with much of them under Nikolai's orders. They had treated her with respect and constantly allowed her to win while also ignoring her horrid aim. Seeing someone new at the winter fete? That was quite unlikely.
       "Excuse me," her voice was soft, barely carrying above the noise of the music and idle chatter. Yet, anyone who knew the royal family would have stopped at her voice. The man kept walking for two steps before realizing his mistake.
       Something was very wrong in the Little Palace. None of the guards should have continued walking. Not even the freshest of faces would have made that mistake.
       She could tell that the man was cursing his mistake as he turned on his heel. There was a look in his eye. A glint of rage, of anxiety even. She would never wish to be the one that rage was directed against. His blue eyes seemed to stare into her soul, drowning her as though it were the depths of the sea or the Fold. His cheekbones were high, sharp enough that they might cut her if she were to touch them.
       She ignored the thundering in her chest, her four-eighths time had become a sixteenth. Fast, quick, ready to jump into her throat.
       The fact that his rage soon melted into the look of one of a new recruit did not help. His features still made him deadly, despite the innocence that he had schooled into his features. Anastasia was someone who wore a mask every day of her life. She had gotten rather good at figuring out who was faking things. She had found different ways to discern who wore a mask and who wore their true face. It was normally in the eyes, in the quirk of their lips, the slightest motion of the eyebrows. There was always a tell.
       It didn't matter who wore the mask.
       "Your Highness," he bowed somewhat awkwardly. It was almost as though there was something wrong with him. Like he had been hurt before or like he found it difficult to bow before anyone. Perhaps he thought himself a king in his own right. "May I help you?"
       His Ravakan was somewhat harsh, the syllables not coming out as easily as they would for a native speaker. She didn't think that was a warning sign. If they had needed more guards, they would have looked to recent immigrants. They'd be too happy to work for the palace and send money back to their families. She just wondered where exactly he was from. The accent didn't seem to be anywhere she could place.
       It was too prim for Kerch and too gentle for Fjerda. Maybe he was from Novi Zem, but he didn't have the air. She figured she would find out later. Now was not the time to question anything as simple as where his accent stemmed from. That would be a conversation for later.
       "You're new," she said as she stepped forward. She did not step close enough to be within his personal bubble, just enough so that he could hear her without straining himself. "I haven't seen you on the grounds before." She had not sparred with him before. It was just improper for her to say so with the entirety of the court present.
       He cleared his throat once, as though he was unsure how to approach her. Or maybe just the topic at hand.
       ”They’ve had me preparing for tonight for the last few weeks,” he said it casually, as though it were nothing but the truth. It should have been. No one would have been fool enough to break into the palaces on the one night when everyone was on high alert.
       At least, that’s what they had all been led to believe.  There was no telling if this was the truth or not. No telling if they were actually safe or if they were all just pawns in someone’s chess game.
       Anastasia was prone to believing one over the other.
       ”I see,” her eyes blazed as she looked at him, not daring to back down from his soulful gaze. “Well, in any case, I like to be well acquainted with my guards, Mr?”
       ”Vanzin,” he said quickly. He no longer looked nervous, the name fell smoothly from his lips. “Nikolai Vanzin.”
       ”My mother thought it would be lucky to name me after a prince,” his cheeks heated slightly, enough to make her believe the excuse.
       ”Very well then, Mr. Vanzin. I will see you later then.”
       “I’ll be here all night, Your Highness.”
       A small smile crossed Anastasia’s lips at that, a gleam in her eye that had nothing to do with mischief and everything to do with the new handsome guard. “I expect to see you on the training field tomorrow.” She did not wait for his answer as she turned away.
       Anastasia did not notice the scowl that crossed Vanzin’s face, nor did she notice as he slipped unnoticed into the crowd. Vanzin soon becoming nothing more than a ghost.
       A ghost who went by the name of Kaz Brekker.
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officialwagnerrant · 3 years
Wagnerrant Review #1: Double Parsifal
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(Picture Source: here)
Work: Parsifal House: Vienna State Opera Date of performance: 11.04.2021
Team:  Director: Kirill Serebrennikov Conductor: Philippe Jordan With:  Jonas Kaufmann, Nikolai Sidorenko, Ludovic Tézier, Stefan Cerny, Georg Zeppenfeld, Wolfgang Koch, Elīna Garanča
Notes: This is not technically the first review posted on this blog. Still I decided to tag it as the No. 1, as it’s the first review ever since I (Admin Dichterfuerstin) decided to post reviews somewhat regularly. By that I mean that I plan on doing on or two per month, depending on my schedule and my mood. Most reviews will feature productions that have been around for longer, but I promise that I will watch and review every new production I can. I also take requests.
Trigger warning: The following review of the new Vienna Parsifal discusses self-harm as it’s a prevalent element in Serebrennikov’s production. I ask you to keep this in mind when reading my text or watching the production. Don’t do either of this if you know you currently cannot deal with the subject.
Review: @dichterfuerstin
In the matinee talk preceding the premiere of the Vienna State Opera’s new Parsifal, director Kirill Serebrennikov announced a production that rather caters to an audience that doesn’t find the idea of devoting one’s whole live to serving a grail particularly appealing and struggle with the heavy role religion plays in Wagner’s monumental final work: According to Serebrennikov, his Parsifal portrays physical salvation just as in Beethoven’s Fidelio rather than religious one and focus less on myths and religion than on the development of the titular character, which is achieved by featuring two versions of the character. It is a rather radical concept, turning away from Wagner’s idea and calling for Serebrennikov’s own characters and storytelling. The director delivers a strong set-up in act one, but can’t avoid plot-holes and flat arcs.
The opera begins with Jonas Kaufmann’s face on a video screen. He appears on stage shortly after, as the old Parsifal, that watches act one from the front of the stage, reacting to all of his younger self’s decisions, mockingly lip-syncing Gurnemanz’ lines and singing his owns. He is supposed to recollect the events from act one and two and is already remembering, even though his younger self only goes on quite late into act one.  Until Parsifal’s entrance according to the libretto, the young Parsifal only is present on screens above the stage, where he is eventually shown killing another prisoner nicknamed “Swan”. Having Parsifal kill a human instead of an animal works. Not only because it fits Serebrennikov’s setting better. It also creates a bigger contrast between the young and the old Parsifal. However this is the only occasion where the projections on the three screens serve the plot. During the rest of the opera they show images underlining the cruelty of prison life, creating an atmosphere but having no impact on what happens on the stage whatsoever. By act three they’re even somewhat distracting.
Behind Kaufmann, under the screens, is the huge and elaborate set, a prison, in where the young Parsifal such as all the knights are inmates. The audience watches them working out, fighting, and bribing the guards for cigarettes. One prisoner sleeps on a bench, to give Gurnemanz a prompt for his wake up-call. Even though Gurnemanz’ position is lower than usually, when he’s not a prisoner but instead the factual leader of the grail’s knights, he’s the character changed least in this production. He may hide his cigarette’s from the guards, but he still commands over the knights and pages, and tells the story about Amfortas, while tattooing the other prisoners with mythical and religious symbols to remind the audience of Wagner’s plot and setting, and maybe to establish Gurnemanz as a somewhat religious character, as he proceeds to proclaim Parsifal the new king in a very holy service-like ceremony in act three, after singing at a random metal pole, since a spear isn’t needed in this production. Amfortas, some kind of a leader of the resistance, as we learned in the matinee talk, was never hurt by someone else but instead suffers from mental illness and self-harms. He needs to be saved from himself. Amfortas’ father, Titurel, is long dead, he seems to speak to his son from above. He is partly responsible for Amfortas’ illness The unveiling of the grail is substituted by a mental breakdown, in which the prisoners try to stop Amfortas from giving himself even more wounds and pain.
The last main character to appear in act one is Kundry, in this staging a journalist investigating the prison and smuggling medicine for Amfortas. She is sung by Elīna Garanča who delivers an impressive role debut. While some journalists who had the opportunity to see the opera live claim that she seemed to struggle with combining the staging and the score, both her singing and her acting came across amazing on the recording. She plays Kundry not like a singer but like a good actress.
It’s not Garanča’s fault that the character of Kundry eventually falls flat. According to Serebrennikov she was supposed to be a strong woman with a conflicting past, but not much of this is present throughout the opera. She starts out as the seemingly independent Journalist, who later turns out to be an employee at Klingsor’s magazine “Schloss.” He assaults her, she shoots him. This is also Klingsor’s entire role in this Parsifal. He doesn’t have any interaction with Parsifal and also seemingly no impact on him at all, a consequence of stripping the plot of Parsifal of important story elements such as the grail, god, and the celebacy of the grail’s knights. Kundry seems interested in Gurnemanz’ tales, collecting pictures of the prisoner’s tattoos, being clearly interested in the myths and the prisoners, but we never learn her motivations. Eventually her arc is completed by her walking off the stage, arm in arm with Amfortas, who freed himself from his father by throwing out his ashes and was then healed through Kundry’s kiss. This would be a satisfying ending for an action film, considering the source material and the set up from act one it’s a lazy, far to easy way to resolve both of their character arcs.
Unfortunately, the entire ending is dissatisfying. Parsifal returns to the prison as his old self, yet his young alter-ego appears later on and kisses Kundry, the old Parsifal doesn’t mind, no matter how determined to separate them he was back in act two. After that Serebrennikov makes a surprising return to the libretto: Kundry washes Parsifal’s feet, he is made the king and baptises her, before fulfilling the production’s premise as a salvation opera. All the prisoners can finally leave the prison and reconnect with freedom, this production’s holy grail. Gurnemanz even takes his time to wave Parsifal good bye, who remains inside the prison. It’s a symbolic ending, in the libretto Parsifal is now responsible for the grail, a prisoner of the grail if you will. However this third act end ending fail to connect with the preceding acts.
The production falls flat on more than just a few occasions, however the cast and music manage to make up for it. Most outstanding is Georg Zeppenfeld as Gurnemanz. Not only is his beautiful bass voice made for this characters, no other Wagner role is so incredibly fitting for him, he also manages to combine the prisoner and commanding Gurnemanz through his acting. Overall the acting is strong for a bunch of opera singers, who still have a reputation for being great singers but struggling with acting. There’s  Elīna Garanča delivering her impressive role debut, as well as Ludovic Tézier as Amfortas, appearing perfectly hurt and pained as he drags himself over the stage. Parsifal Jonas Kaufmann is neither a debutant nor a born Wagner-Singer. His approach to Wagner’s music is rather italien, he values emotion and beauty over heroicness. It’s melancholic, well-fitting for this old Parsifal remembering his youth. Kaufmann and his alter-ego actor Nikolai Sidorenko work together to create a character and they do it well. The only downside of having two Parsifals, besides some confusion on who is the active parsifal especially during act three, is that next to the fantastic actor Nikolai Sidorenko it becomes obvious that acting isn’t Kaufmann’s strong suit. He often resorts to a preset set of gestures, other than most of his colleagues who are their characters throughout the whole four hours long performance. Last but not least, it’s the orchestra that is the center of nearly all of Wagner’s music. Philippe Jordan, the new musical director of the Vienna State Opera, leads his orchestra through this exhausting opera fluently, making every single Leitmotiv and their variations perfectly clear. But especially the solo parts stand out. But it’s also the unexcelled charm and emotionality of the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra that makes this performance so fitting and so beautiful. Even on screen, through speakers, this orchestra feels live, and alive.
This Parsifal is mostly worth listeing to, but also worth watching. While Kirill Serebrennikov couldn’t quite do justice to the setup for a deep and thoughtful story he created in act one, he was able to create a captivating production, with an ending that is good for Parsifal nights, where you want to leave the theatre or laptop with the feeling of having watched a happy ending instead of having been confronted with four hours of Wagner’s music-religion. 
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nancybryans · 3 years
No, sir; it is to fall upon the less wealthy class of our citizens, chiefly upon the non-slaveholder.
No, sir; it is to fall upon the less wealthy class of our citizens, chiefly upon the non-slaveholder. “After the big battle where the King-Beyond-the-Wall was killed, the wildlings ran away, and this woods witch said that if they went to Hardhome, ships would come and carry them away to someplace warm. All this deeply wounded the good-hearted Nikolay Sergeyitch; for a long time he refused to believe his senses. Sam yowled, the bird flapped off, corn scattered. Further along an illuminating set of rooms explain the head scratching behind band's more notorious stage designs, including the giant inflatable Honky Tonk Woman and the Lotus design used in Madison Square Garden, and of course the development of that famous logo. "We believe it is more important than ever to be a platform for women's voices and to offer inspiration whenever possible we do this continually through our work at the Women's Freedom Center and once a year at the Women's Film Festival.". 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When Jon and Tormund entered, a sound went through the biciclete rusesti vechi hall, like wasps stirring in a nest. “Bring the cart.” The dragons would be more docile once fed. What?s the point of even using one if you?re soaked or end up with a big, red bruise on your face?. We must find you a husband who can teach you courtesy.” The queen turned her glare on Jon. If the aggression is ongoing, bring him in for adidas stan smith j white tactile blue a check up with your vet so that any medical issues can be ruled out.. Sunday, March 4, in the Marmion Academy gymnasium at 1000 Butterfield Road in Aurora. Her accomplice stole her sandalias doradas gioseppo body to get the drugs. I find their recipes to be heavy and the favor is strong rather than subtle. Real world use will not achieve the full speed increase, but the Low Energy Data Length Extension will be a welcome addition to the specification as more and more devices gain connectivity. The new ALMA observation shows that, when the intergalactic weather conditions are right, black holes can also gorge on a clumpy, chaotic downpour of giant clouds of very cold molecular gas. And a clever man might question why your father would engage a hedge knight to train you in arms instead of simply sending you off to apprentice with one horno teka hc 610 me blanco of the free companies. Giddy Funeral Home and Chapel, 280 St. “And with that coin and the others in his purse, he paid a certain man. So, that family il tablet amazon that gets the "great" deal on a foreclosed property, is probably still on loss job away from being the next foreclosure victim, because the banks will run the same game on them.. It something we not seen a measurable amount of in Louisville for 16 straight days now. She remembers that I was in great agitation. However, the Pirates got rolling in the second period and took a 26 24 lead into the half. Soak the affected foot in a solution of Epsom salts and warm water, then apply a moisturizing cream and wrap the foot in a plastic bag. One of his wife’s handmaids has found her way into the bed of my own fool. I meant to bring it to you as a gift for my silver queen, but four of the Cats cut me off and came snarling and spitting after me. Do they fear me dead? I flew off on a dragon’s back. He will be safer as a hostage. At other inns other names are being bruited about, never doubt.” He took another bite of egg, chewed, swallowed. We do not kill to serve some lord, to fatten our purses, to stroke our vanity. They nike air max 102 essential white were too far away for Theon to make out any of the words, but the fear on Fat Walda’s round pink face spoke volumes. Davos had always been fond of this city, since first he’d come here as a cabin boy on Cobblecat. You know our circumstances. A great wind came up then, a wind that filled their sails and swept them north and east and north again, toward Meereen and its pyramids of many-colored bricks. When he was there, he was clearly one of our best player. AND so the Ichmenyevs moved to Petersburg. Kitchen will be helmed by Shane Wilson, theformer head chef of Bistro Dom, who will bring his passion for local, seasonal produce and foraged ingredients to the modern Australian dishes set to populate the restaurant and take out menus..
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geekywritings · 3 years
Rise of a Queen - Nikolai Lantsov x OC PART 11
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From that day on, Taya felt strangely on edge. A victory against the Darkling was so close now and with it the revenge she desired so much, but what would happen afterward? She hadn't thought beyond that point really. Would she keep on ruling? She was no Lantsov and nobody had placed her on the throne. They all just accepted her intermediate involvement during the crisis, but would the nobles, the military and the Grisha support her during peaceful times? And more importantly, did she even want that?
She was throwing those questions around in her head that evening, when a knock suddenly caught her attention. She called "Come in!" and then almost jumped up from where she had been sitting on the window still upon seeing Alina enter. Although her return had been announced, Taya had not expected the sun summoner to come and see her. Even though they knew each other through Nikolai and the others, they had never spent any time one on one, Taya realized.
"Can I help you, Alina?", Taya asked, moving to greet the arrival.
Alina gave a small smile, visibly uncertain on how to handle the situation. She was almost fidgety, the Squaller noticed and that's when she spotted the tiny object Alina was pushing back and forth in her hands.
"I wanted to give you this.", Alina revealed when she saw Taya's eyes fixated on her hands. "He wanted you to have it." She held the tiny thing out to Taya, whose eyes went wide. The Lantsov Emerald!
For a second tears threatened to spill out again, but Taya did her best to hold them back. Instead, she forced herself to shake her head. "He gave it to you and he asked me if I was ok with you keeping it as a present. And I am." She didn't even dare reach out for it.
"I know, but he told me to give it to you. As a sign of his affection."
"He told you?"
Alina motioned for the chairs in the room, and after a while of hearing the sun summoner explain about Merzost and Nikolai's transformation, Taya was more than glad to be seated. She felt her entire body tremble, but only one piece of information really stuck out to her.
"So he is alive?"
Alina nodded.
"Can you save him?" This question came far more hesitantly and so did Alina's answer.
"It didn't work for long the first time I tried. But now I have the third amplifier. And perhaps defeating the Darkling will help."
It wasn't much, but it gave Taya hope. Something she hadn't felt for a long time now. "You have my full support for your attack against the Darkling."
"I know, Zoya told me. But I want to take as few people into the fold with me as possible."
It was something Taya could admire about the sun summoner, who had been thrown into this role unwillingly. "Take whoever you want. And I know that Zoya and the council will most likely disagree, but I will be going as well."
For the first time, a ghost of a smile passed over Alina's face. "Don't let Zoya hear that or she will lock you into a wardrobe most likely."
Taya could not help a smile either and slowly she did reach for the ring, that Alina had placed on the table. To feel it in her hand, knowing that he had held it, was comforting. But still... "It was his gift to you first, Alina. Please keep it. He will have plenty of ways to show me his affection once we save him."
They just needed to take out the Darkling first.
Taya had never been in the fold before and although she didn't regret coming, she swore to herself never to enter this place again. Though if everything went according to plan, there would be no fold to worry about after this day.
Alina had brought her Soldat Sol, several Grisha and soldiers of the First Army, as well as her closest circle of friends. Gregori, Alexander and Taya were acting as the main Squallers, while the others kept watch for possible attacks. They were in the Darkling's element and needed to be extra careful.
The first Nichevo'ya came out of the blue. No sound, no warning. It was as if it had materialized from the fold itself, but Sonya had seen it in time, sending a giant flame in its direction. Instantly, everyone was on high alert. Just seconds later, a swarm of the monsters descended upon them and even Taya and the twins were forced to stop their wind summons to enter the fight. They kept blasting incoming Nichevo'ya away from the others just to buy time, but they still seemed to be vastly outnumbered.
One of the beasts swept down, its sharp talons tearing at Taya's side. She felt the claws rip through the fabric of her kefta and into her flesh, but she bit her teeth through the pain and sent it flying off into the darkness. Suddenly an explosion knocked her back, as she landed unceremoniously against a mast of their skiff. Her head felt strangely light and heavy and the same time and she found herself unable to stand back up on her own. Alexander, who had landed right next to her, extended his hand to help her up, but she felt rather wobbly on her feet.
More Nichevoy'a were coming their way and Taya raised her hands, even though she had no idea whether she would be able to summon a gust of wind powerful enough to keep them at bay. But apparently, she didn't need to. More creatures appeared, looking just as terrifying as the Nichevo'ya, but instead of descending on them as well, they attacked the other beasts. What in the Saints' names was happening? Taya's head was pounding too hard to think about it further and as she brushed some hair away, she noticed that she was bleeding at her temple as well.
It was pure adrenaline and the will to survive this that kept her going at this point and she threw herself back into battle without thinking. She had long lost sight of Alina, but suddenly the Nichevo'ya began to disappear, like snow in the first spring sunshine. The other monsters too began to vanish and as Taya looked up to watch this strange scene, she noticed one particular creature change shape. Darkness gave way to a human body with tousled blonde hair. Nikolai!
Although her body was aching, Taya rushed forward, using as much power as she could to slow his fall and allow him to settle down gently on the ground. She was by his side a second later, bedding his head on her lap and crying tears of joy. Slowly, he opened his eyes. He was dirty, looked exhausted from the battle and when he spoke, his voice had turned strangely raspy.
"Taya... you are here."
"Yes, of course I am."
His hand rose to wipe away the tears from her dirty cheeks and when he saw the blood, his brow furrowed. "You need a healer."
"We all need one."
"But you..."
"No nonsense.", she cut him off and leaned down to kiss him.
It was only now that both of them seemed to realize fully that the fighting around them had stopped. Compared to the chaos just minutes earlier, it seemed strangely quiet, with everyone checking for their closest comrades. Gregori and Alexander were both surprisingly fine. Sonya was limping and sporting a deep gash from her shoulder down her back, but was still alive. Zoya, looking dirtier than ever before, had suffered several cuts as well, but held herself as proudly as always. The main concern was Alina however and Taya helped Nikolai stand, so they could go and look.
"I think I can walk... besides, you seem to need the support more than I do.", his strength was slowly returning now, while Taya's was fading fast.
"Go and look for her... I will wait here with the others.", she assured him, her hand now on the wound on her side. She didn't care about the pain or the many hours they would all need to rest now. The only thing that mattered was that Nikolai was alive and Ravka safe.
It was strange how such battles were always followed by grand victory celebrations in books. In reality, there was a lot of chaos and bureaucratic nonsense, Taya discovered. They needed to stage a fake funeral for Sankta Alina, who had defeated the Darkling in the fold, sacrificing her own life in the process. At the same time they needed to offer official explanations for the newly created army of sun summoners, who had inherited their powers from Alina. And finally, there was the matter of Nikolai's official declaration as Tsar, which they still hadn't gotten a chance to carry out properly.
Days blended into one, as Taya tried to balance resting to heal and running the kingdom next to Nikolai and the others. And of course, there was some grand victory celebration, though honestly, those who had fought for it hardly noticed it happening.
"Why do I see you out of bed again?", Taya heard Nikolai chide her, as she stood by the window, looking out at Os Alta. The city was celebrating again today and the streets were filled with colorful lights and loud music filtering all the way to the palace.
She smiled as she turned to him, pulling her new kefta tighter around the nightgown she wore underneath.
"I couldn't sleep.", she announced. "Besides, you are running around as well."
"I, my love, didn't have a Nichevo'ya almost slice me in half. And I also didn't suffer a concussion after making the acquaintance of a skiff mast.", he argued back, coming to take her hands in his. It felt wrong though and Taya instantly saw why. Gloves.
"You can take them off around me, you know."
He didn't seem convinced, but Taya was stubborn, just tearing them off and taking his hands back into hers. "Better.", she decided.
"You aren't scared?"
"Why would I be? The only thing I care about is that you are alive. Scarred or not." To prove her point she placed a soft kiss on each hand, ignoring the dark lines.
"I love you, Taya."
He didn't know why, but he just had to say it. He had said it every day since their reunion, but it still never seemed enough.
"And I love you, Nikolai."
The words still took him by surprise every time she said them, especially since he had feared never to hear them again. And what a pleasant surprise it was, making him shiver and feel warm at the same time. He moved to embrace her, holding her close to him.
Taya returned the gesture, clinging to him as if he would vanish if she let go even just a little. "I thought I had lost you forever... I never thought I would hold you like that again. But here we are.", she admitted in a whisper. He let go of her to look right into her eyes, seeing the fear, the worry, and the pure happiness and love reflected in them all at once.
"It really does seem like fate, doesn't it?", he asked with a small smile. Fate, Taya had never really believed in it, to be honest, but perhaps it was true. It did feel like a miracle and how different were wonders from fate really? Again they embraced, just enjoying the presence of the other so close.
"Are you ready for tomorrow?", she asked after a while, not breaking contact.
His reply was a low groan. It was his long-overdue coronation ceremony, but even though it was everything he had wanted, Nikolai didn't feel ready for it.
"Want to be crowned first instead?", he asked her.
Now she let go of him, giving him a stern look. "YOU are the Tsar, Nikolai."
"But you will be my Queen. And you have done more ruling than I have at this point." He was still amazed at how well she had handled everything and immensely proud of her for having taken on this challenge. It also assured him that he would not be in this alone.
"I'd much rather attend our wedding than the coronation anyways.", he whispered to her, causing her to blush slightly.
"Me too.", she admitted, but added just as quickly: "But Ravka needs their Tsar to be official."
"Always the pragmatic.", he chuckled. "Good thing I don't need to wait for our wedding night until the marriage ceremony."
It earned him an even deeper blush from Taya, accompanied by a playful punch against his shoulder.
"Oh? You don't want to?", he teased, his arms sneaking back around her middle.
"Shut up and kiss me, you royal fool.", she just said and he gladly complied, before sweeping her off her feet to carry her back to bed.
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lolhahahano · 4 years
Young Love - Helsa one shot.
For Day 6: What If? of @helsa-week 2020
Summary: A "What if?/ AU". Hans and Elsa fall in love while Hans is stationed in Arendelle to shadow her Father and his Navy. While Hans plans to make their relationship official, Elsa reveals some shocking news that will change their future together.
Rating: T
Word Count: 3,000+
started: 06/25/2020
finished: 06/26/2020
A/N: okay so this was written in two days and it turned out pretty decent. I apologize in advance for semi-rushed plot. I just wanted to submit something for Helsa week. Enjooooy!   
The first born Princess of Arendelle scurries down the halls, clutching her skirt in her gloved hands, hoping to make it in time to a meeting that's about to take place. Her platinum blonde hair nearly falls out of her neatly braided bun as she picks her pace after glancing at grandfather clock.
A few more steps and Elsa reaches the library door, nearly yanking it open to enter. She gasps, seeing some frost cover the door handle and the area around it. Grabbing a handkerchief out of her pocket, Elsa tries to dissolve the frost by rubbing the handkerchief on the parts affected to melt it.
It doesn't.
She tries a few more times but hears the clock chime to signal the beginning of the afternoon. Elsa panics then glances at the hidden door in the library knowing she must choose between the two situations. She takes a deep breath and stuffs the cloth back into her dress pocket hoping that the warm summer heat will melt her tracks when she leaves.
Elsa shuts the door quietly but the sound reverberates against the empty room. She spots the familiar blue book sticking out against the brown and green ones that nestle beside it. She runs towards it and pulls it down slowly, trying not to break the ancient lever. The door creaks open, groaning with every gear shifting. Elsa cringed as the noise echoes down the steps to the hidden room.
Once the door is parted enough for her to fit through, Elsa squeezes herself through the small opening and runs down the steps one by one to meet her lover.
Elsa is nearly to the other door in the passageway when she hears an older familiar voice.
Her father’s voice.
Her eyes widen and hold back a breath as if she let out one, they would both discover her in the hidden space.
Elsa tiptoes gracefully to the door and raises her head slightly to peer into the study through a small window on the door.
“So Prince Hans, what did you want to discuss with me this afternoon?” Her father, King Agnarr asks.
His arms are crossed behind his back with a stern look upon his face. An expression that Elsa knows all too well.
“As you know, Your Majesty, your eldest daughter and I have spent the past year growing close to one another.” Hans stands there like the navy man he is. “And we have grown very fond of each other as well.”
Elsa sees her father raise a questionable eyebrow at Hans. “Are you wanting to court my daughter, Prince Hans?” The King blatantly asked the Prince.
Elsa lets out an audible gasp from behind the door, startlingly the two men. They look around to pinpoint the source of the noise. She clamps her hands over her mouth to keep from sobbing as tears flow her flushed cheeks.
Hans, from inside the room, is startled by the sudden question even though he knows the answer to it. Before he can respond, he hears a gasp that he knows all too well. He searches for it by scanning the room then he finds it.
His green eyes catch a familiar blue glistening with tears peeking through the small window of the door behind the King.
Hans stands a bit straighter to let her know that he will be silent of his knowledge of her hidden presence. He then goes on to respond to the King’s question.
“Yes, Your Majesty.” He says. Agnarr’s eyes land back on him. “I do want to court your beautiful daughter. Only if you would allow me to do so.”
Back in the dark passageway, Elsa starts to ease back to a calm state and a hand automatically lands on her slightly bulging stomach.
Their baby. She smiles softly. Elsa feels the little life within her, movement with excitement from sensing their mother's touch.
Though with tears still glistening in her eyes, she sees that Hans has spotted her and stands a bit straighter to let her know that he will keep hush. Elsa’s eyes shoot back to her father as he speaks again.
“May I ask why, Prince Hans?” Her father presses. “Besides the fact that two have grown close? You know I have had suitors pursue my daughters only because they want to overtake their rank in this kingdom and I will not let that happen.”
“Sir,” Hans responds. “I have grown to love this kingdom as if it were my own and I was grateful when you allowed me to shadow as a rear admiral in your Navy. I would even die in war to protect it. Even if Elsa didn't want to marry me, I would still serve and protect Arendelle at no cost.”
Agnarr walks over to a desk and pulls open a drawer. Right before he reaches in to grab a small velvet box, he looks up at Hans to get a final answer. “Are you sure about this, my boy?”
Hans gives a simple nod, making Elsa giddy with glee. The King grabs the black box and walks back to Hans, placing it in his hand.
“This was my grandmother’s engagement ring which I gave to Iduna when I proposed to her.” Agnarr explains. “It is a tradition for it to be given to the eldest princess of Arendelle from her suitor.”
Hans stares at the small box in disbelief. He was planning to just give Elsa something he found from a royal craftsman but to receive her mother and grandmother's engagement ring, he knew that he was being held to high standards. He places the box in his pants pocket for safe keeping.
“Thank you, Your Majesty. I am honored to have this ring for when I propose to Elsa.” Hans gives him a respectful bow.
Elsa nearly bursts at the seams with glee at her Father’s actions but she soon realizes the question that he is going to ask him next.
“Hans, are you aware of Elsa’s… predicament?” Agnarr slowly asks.
He keeps a stone face while contemplating his response. “Yes, Your Majesty. I do know about Elsa’s magic.”
The King’s hands ball into fists with surging protectiveness of his eldest.
“But, Your Majesty!” Hans blurts out, surprising all three of them. “Elsa showed me personally her magic because she felt like she could trust me. And I vow to keep her secret safe until she is ready to tell it herself because I love her no matter what.”
The room is dead silent after Hans’ declaration. He and Elsa exchange quick nervous looks from their spots until Agnarr does the unthinkable.
He hugs Hans.
The Prince stands there awkwardly and gives a small pat on the King’s back. This makes Elsa hold back a laugh from her side of the door.
“Thank you Hans.” Agnarr whispers.
He pulls back and beams with a huge grin, gripping the Prince’s shoulders. “Now, Iduna and I will draw up the engagement announcement then we will talk with you and Elsa about when to announce it. How does that sound?”
“Absolutely perfect, Your Majesty.” Hans anxiously agrees.
Agnarr pats his shoulder. “Hans, you can call me Agnarr. You're part of the family now.”
Hans gives him a nodded smile. “Yes, Your Maj- I mean Agnarr.”
They shake hands and exchange goodbyes. Agnarr then takes his leave to go tell his wife the exciting news. Before twisting the knob, he looks back at Hans.
“Thank you, Hans.” He tells the young Prince but this time with a different connotation.
“You already told me that, Agnarr.” Hans quirks an eyebrow.
The King looks down at the floor. “No, thank you for loving Elsa. I always felt that I hurt her in some way by making her conceal her magic. She used to be so scared of being around others including myself but with you, she is truly happy. I know I have hurt her by keeping her sheltered and with your help, you can fix her hurt. I pray that I will live long enough to see you two become a family together.” Then he leaves, shutting the door with a soft click.
Elsa’s mouth drops open in shock at her father’s declaration while Hans takes a moment to process the words.
When he finally does, Hans drops his head and cradles it in his hands. He stands there a few moments when a small knock occurs. “You can come out now.” He states.
The secret door carefully opens and Elsa peaks out just to make sure that it's just them. Once she sees it's just the both of them, she breaks out into a small sprint to her lover. Hans catches Elsa's by her waist and they spin together, with him lifting her a few feet in the air.
Hans brings her back down close to him and they share a passion filled kiss. After a few minutes, they come for air, placing their foreheads together.
“So…. I guess you heard all of that?” Hans asks teasingly.
Elsa lets out a string of giggles and nods to answer. “Mhm.” she murmurs.
“Well, I might as well propose to you now in private since you already know my little secret!” Hans replies, getting down on one knee and pulling out the small box.
“Will you, Elsa Caroline Nicolette Nikolai, marry me?” He opens the box to reveal a winter blue diamond on a single band with two small clear diamonds on it's two sides.
Elsa’s breath catches at seeing the ring in all it's beauty. She has never seen her mother and grandmother’s ring before and seeing it for the first time, makes her cry and overjoyed all at once.
Hans gets a bit nervous, not predicting this reaction from her even though she knew about him proposing.
“Is that a yes?” He speaks up a timid voice. She lets out a tearful yes and nods. He breathes out a sigh of relief and slips the ring on to her shaking left hand.
He stands up and hugs her close, gently swaying to comfort her. Elsa's sobs turn into sniffles and buries her face into Hans’ chest and she automatically relaxes.
A nagging thought soon interrupts her peacefulness. You have to tell him. This is the only chance you two have alone.
Her eyes fly open while they are still holding each other. “Hans?” Elsa asks. “I have something to tell you.”
“What is it, my love?” He murmurs in response.
She takes a deep breath and tells him the life changing words. “I'm pregnant, Hans.”
“You're pregnant..” He mumbles with eyes closed, the words not fully registering in his mind.
“You're pregnant…” Hans says once again, now adjusting his head to sitting on top of Elsa and opening his eyes.
“You're- Wait, What?” He says a third time, the statement finally clicking in his brain. He pulls away from her to look her in the eyes.
She gives him a small shoulder shrug and sheepish smile. “Surprise?”
He stands there with an agape expression, holding her arms. “Are you sure that you're pregnant?” Hans stammers out.
“Yes.” Elsa says in a miniscule voice. “But I also went to the village midwife in secret who confirmed it and I paid her to keep quiet about it!” She suddenly spills out. Elsa clamps a hand over her running mouth with widened eyes.
Hans lets go of her arms and walks to the windows of the room. He tangles his hair nervously between his fingers then he suddenly stops.
“How long have you known?” Hans asks.
“I suspected that I was when I felt nauseous during our outings but didn't confirm it till last month. The midwife says that I'm around three months along already.” Elsa explains.
Hans doesn't respond and continues to stare out the windows.
“I know you have every right to be upset at me.” She says. “I was the one who started the events that night, not you.” Elsa's eyes cast downwards in shame. She wrings her hands out of habit, frost glazing them over.
“I'm not upset at you, Elsa.” Hans breaks his silence. “It's just that when your Father told me that he received suitor invites for you and your sister, he brushed them off as men who were seeking power and overthrowing both of you. And with you now pregnant, he just might suspect that!” He turns to face Elsa and ends his outburst with a loud huff.
“I know Hans. I heard all of it.” Elsa replies. “But I will tell him that I was the one who asked you to sleep with me, not the other way around.”
“Even if you do, your father will suspect that I just lied to his face and pressed you into marriage because you're pregnant with my child!” Hans says with a slightly raised voice. “Your Father is a king, Elsa. he knows that royals in this day and age have children for only one reason, power.”
"He would exile me, Elsa." He goes on. "Or worse, hang me for treason! Plus the Southern Isles would be held accountable as well! I would have to leave Arendelle in order save my, your's and our child's reputation."
Elsa stands there fuming with rage, arms crossed over her chest. “So you're implying that you would break off this courtship, sail away to some unknown land, and leave me alone with our child rather than trying to reason with my Father?!”
Hans, overwhelmed with frustration, yells back. “Well, maybe I should!”
Elsa gasps at his harsh response.
“Then I don't need this anymore.” She ends the sentence by throwing her maternal ring on the floor and turning back towards Hans.
She crumples to the floor with uncontrollable sobbing and starts a small rapid flurry of snow around her.
Hans grabs the ring as soon as it lands in front of him. He takes one good look at Elsa and unconsciously runs to her, crouching down to her level and hugs her from behind.
“I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry.” He whispers in her ear, rocking her oh-so gently.
The two of them stay in their position for at least ten minutes. Hans ceases his whispering apologies and rubs her back to calm her down.
Tears streak down his face as well, seeing the woman he loves so much, hurt from his harsh words. He props his head on her shoulder and plants a comforting kiss on it.
“I should be the one that apologizes.” Elsa speaks through her soft weeping. She wipes away her tears haphazardly. “This is all my fault. Maybe you should just leave me and let me deal with all this.”
Hans catches her hands in mid-action and holds them in a loving grasp. “Elsa, it's no one’s fault.” He says, releasing one of her hands and opens his own to reveal the ring she threw. “And you see this ring? It's one of the many symbols that represents that we are a team and will get through anything together. That includes our child as well.”
She nods in agreement and relaxes her body into Hans’. “I just hope that this child will know that they will always be loved and acknowledged no matter what occurred before their birth” She whispers.
He kisses her hair again in agreement, slipping the ring back on to her finger and places his hand back into hers once again. They sit together in silence, soaking in the comfort of one another. At the same time, the two pairs of hands unknowingly cradle Elsa's bump.
To put her more at ease, Hans plants a line of kisses down her face and neck, sending Elsa into a fit of laughter and in a happier mood.
“Hans! Your sideburns are so ticklish!” She says, trying unsuccessfully to avoid his silly facial hair.
“Oh, are they now?” He titters back and continues to plant kisses on her skin to tickle her even more.
She goes on giggling and while doing so, she releases her hands from his to create a calm and steady snowfall above the both of them
“Elsa! You're getting snow in my hair now!” He jokingly mocks her.
They both burst into bouts of laughter at their similar actions, still holding each other close.
Elsa tugs gently on of Hans’ arms to signal that she wants to stand up and he helps her do so. She dissipates the snowfall above them and brushes the small flakes off of her dress with Hans doing the same. Elsa waves away the remaining snow and takes a deep breath.
“I think we should go tell my parents now.” She tells him, wringing her hands again.
A terrified expression crosses his face. “That you're pregnant?” He asks in a wavering voice.
She closes the gap between them by snuggling into his chest and lets out a laugh. “No, silly. That we're officially courting now.” He lets out a breath without realizing that he was holding for so long.
“I plan to tell them about the baby in a couple weeks, probably right before you start your navy drills.” She says, her voice muffled.
“Elsa?” Hans timidly inquires.
“Hm?” She hums back.
“You do know that your Father runs said navy drills, right?” He states. “And I highly expect him to try to murder me during those drills for getting his daughter and heir to throne pregnant.”
“Oh!” She pulls back from his chest to address him. “He won't try that! Maybe try to injure you. But we'll be there together when I tell him so don't worry about it!” Elsa gives her Prince a small smile. “You'll have this Princess to protect you!”
Hans lets out a shaky laugh. “Okay.. If you say so.”
Elsa stands on her tiptoes, placing a small kiss on his nose then his lips. “Thank you, Hans.” She places her feet back down on the ground and moves to be at his side.
The simple action makes Hans smile and kisses her back, stroking her baby bump at same time. He holds out a hooked arm to escort his future wife.
“Together?” He asks.
She confidently hooks her arm through his and grins.
“Together.” She replies.
They walk to the door and Hans turns the knob to open it. He lets Elsa lead the way and she slightly drags him into the hallway. The both of them break into a sprint and chuckle at their silliness.
They reach the end of the hallway where her parents’ room lies. Elsa knocks three times on the barely ajar door and waits for a response.
“Come in!” Her mother's voice rings from inside.
Elsa and Hans give each a smile one last time before heading in, ready to announce their future together.
The End.
some ending notes;
no, this does not exist in my helsa one shot series universe :(( sorry but I might do something similar if y’all give me some prompts to work with.
 I really don’t know what are official signs & symptoms of pregnancy so what I wrote was just a quick look and guess so pls don’t get maddd.
If you guys want me to do a follow up one shot to this, let me know! I’m always up for a challenge. 
I will upload this to Ao3 and FF.net later today when I have time. (its currently midnight right now and Im half awake plus hangry.) 
Thank y’all for the love and support <3
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eve-evil-lair · 4 years
PlayTime, Nikolay & Freya, Human (F) x Werewolf (M), NSFW
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*coughs * Sure Not Doom @followmetoyourdoom​ Here’s your prompt LOL.  I decided to approach this one with already established relationship :3 This one is getting into the grapefruit level of citrus scale. Reblog and comment in tags or wherever if you like this! I really appreciate! 
Tagging @monster-bait​ again o/ Enjoy.
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“Okay, sweetie, have fun,” Freya hugged Kitty as her daughter joined the group of the girl scouts. The Sparrows were going on a weekend-long trip in the woods to gain some new badges. 
“I will! Have fun with Nikolay too,” the little girl waved as she ran off to her friends not seeing the amused looks her mother gave her boyfriend.
“Bye, cupcake!” Nikolay still called after her, trying to ignore Freya.
“Oh, we are definitely going to have fun,” Freya nudged him and wiggled her eyebrows. “Don’t you think it’s so convenient that the trip falls right on the full moon~”
“You are terrible,” Nikolay sighed, comically raising his eyes to the sky. “You sure they are going to be okay?” He seemed a little worried.
“Kitty can take care of herself, we both made sure of that, no?” Freya looked at him softly. It warmed her heart when he behaved so dad-like to Kitty. 
“True, she is a resourceful one,” he finally admitted. When the bus finally left he turned toward the car. “Ready to go home?” He asked opening the door for her.
“Yesss~” she giggled as she sat behind the wheel.
The drive was short since the city they lived in wasn’t that big. Climbing the stairs to Freya’s flat they already started kissing. Nikolay pressed her to the wall, while her sneaky hands drew over his chest. They barely managed to open the door, too intoxicated with each other. He picked her up and she wrapped her legs around his waist, brushing through his hair with her fingers. They shut the door behind them and fortunately managed to aim well for the couch as they tumbled onto it. Clothes were discarded to be found, or not, later on. She dragged her nails over his back leaving red marks and her teeth sank in. 
He growled in response. “God I missed you,” he pulled her hair exposing her neck for open mouth kisses and leaving red marks.
“Making love on a couch?” She giggled and gasped as he sucked particularly hard.
“And a table, over the wall,” he muttered. “Being loud.” He peppered her chest with sloppy kisses. 
“Mmmm, yes,” she stretched pushing her chest to him. 
“Should we- should we wait?” He looked at her. “I mean there’s still a couple of hours-” he didn’t finish because she grabbed his head and pushed it between her boobs.
“Absolutely not,” she announced as he laughed.
“Yes, ma’am.” He slipped onto the floor removing the rest of her clothes, particularly her underwear with his teeth. The next hour or two passed in a frenzy of quickened breath, mixed moans and the wet slap of two bodies together. 
Having satisfied their initial craving, they took their time to get ready for Nikolay’s transformation. Freya cooked while he took a shower. The dinner passed with giggles and under the table touches. They were adults. 
Finally, Fritz went downstairs to the basement to change as the sun was about to set and the moon was soon to raise. This was the part with the most nerves for Freya. She hated knowing how painful it was for him. It took some time for him to gather himself back together and it took a good couple hours on its own. But then he would be back, taller and fluffier and they could get back to where they left off.
She put on a movie to wait it out. The time passed and she didn’t notice when she passed out in front of the TV until a strong, fluffy set of arms was carrying her to the bedroom. 
“Wazztime?” She slurred out trying to wake up as he set her down.
“11 pm,” Nikolay replied and knelt next to the bed.
“Mmm, you’re back,” she hummed and stroked his head tickling his ear. Then she grinned. “Who’s a good boy~”
His ears perked up and his eyes sparkled. The tail behind him thumped. 
“Who’s a good boy! Who?” She grinned as his whole body wiggled waiting for the answer. “You are!” 
He barked happily and made a circle around himself, his tongue lolling out. Suddenly he halted and squinted at her in his best ‘annoyed Husky’ look. “You’re mean!”
Freya fell over laughing loudly. 
“Terrible!” he huffed, ears flopping back. 
She wheezed tears in her eyes. “You fall for this every time!”
“I can’t help it!” He flopped on the floor folding his arms and pouting. “You know that!”
“I do.” She continued giggling. “Come on~” She wrapped her arms around his neck from behind, sinking a little into the thick fur. “You promised.”
“I don’t know, my dignity has been damaged!” He sniffed, a bit overdramatic but one ear perked up, the other still stubbornly laying down. 
Freya giggled and grabbed a rope tossing it over him and pulling to her. “Well, what are you going to do now?” She looked over him from above.
He licked her across the forehead. She laughed and pushed him back. “Gross!”
“Hey, you usually like it when I do that,” he snickered, tail thumping again.
“Not over my face!” She protested and stuck her tongue at him. They stared at each other for a moment before snorting. He leaned forward his head and they nuzzled each other. “Big fluffy doof.” She chuckled and scratched behind his ears.
He closed his eyes and leaned into her hand. “Okay, show me the ropes.” He sighed.
“Oh, I’m gonna~” She grinned and he glared at her.
“No, no puns, we are not punning tonight, this is no pun zone,” he put his finger to her lips. She licked it and he snorted through his nose. 
She kept grinning as she gathered the rope in her hands again. “I haven’t heard the safeword.” She wiggled her eyebrows and he rolled his eyes with a heavy sigh. “But seriously you remember the safe word, right?” She checked.
“Dolphins,” he deadpanned. “I still can’t believe-”
She shushed him. “No more talking, now be a good boy and stand up.” She got on her legs standing a bit wobbly on the bed. 
Nikolay shook his head but did as she asked. The ropes were mostly just for show since he could easily rip them apart but it still played a nice fantasy for both of them. Freya worked for a bit, tying an intricate harness around his body. He groaned when the rough texture wrapped around his balls. It sent a small shudder through him and a bit of his cock peeked from its sheath. 
She noticed it and stroked it a little, evoking a small groan. Freya smirked and checked the knots. Then she asked one last question. “Did you put the plug in?” she stroked the base of his tail in circles.
“Y-yeah, when you were having a nap,” he breathed out.
“Okay, good, good.” Satisfied with that she moved back and got to the floor. “Get on the bed.” She ordered him and he obeyed kneeling in the middle of it. 
Freya undressed and he admired her. The wild, red hair, the freckles covering her arms and thighs. The soft curves of her breasts, stomach and especially her ass. Mmmm…. He wanted to have that again. His hands strained against the ropes but he managed to stay put. She noticed his struggles and smirked. Out of the drawer, she pulled out a bottle of lube, her trusty strap on and approached the bed.
She made herself comfortable on the pile of pillows and grabbed the end of the rope that was hanging around his neck like a lead. She pulled him down, his head hovering over her chest. 
“Now, don’t be so idle and get to work,” she ordered. “Lick.”
He wanted to throw a quip about how now she wants him to lick her but was a bit too excited to do what she wanted. His long, textured tongue started at the underside of her chest and dragged up. He swirled around her nipple, lapping at it and kissing it. He worked slowly, making sure not to leave a spot untouched, once he was done with one he moved to the other one and looked at her.
The blush on her cheeks spread down her throat and her lips were slightly parted as her breath grew heavier. She barely stopped a small hitch of her voice as he used his chin and pressed onto her nipple rubbing it.
“Good boy,” she breathed out and stroked his head.
Yes, he was a good boy. The goodest boy.  He licked up to her pulse and she arched her neck. Oh, he liked the sound she made. He wanted to kiss her but she pushed his mouth back. Her foot went up to the middle of his torso, forcing him away from her.
“You forgot a spot~,” she singsonged. After a moment of confusion on his part, he noticed her tapping over the soft mound between her thighs. She spread her soaking folds and he felt so thirsty.
Ever so obedient, Nikolay ducked his head down, pushing his body to slide over the bed. He drew his tongue over the insides of her pussy tasting her and inhaling her scent. He growled and she yanked the lead a little.
“No,” she tsked at him. “Naughty boy.”
He pouted but tried to keep himself in control as he pushed his tongue inside her and she groaned her back arched and she hooked one leg over his shoulder. He smiled knowing he was doing good. He moved his tongue quickly, pushing in and out of her, twisting it and moving in circles. His eyes fixed on her as much as possible. 
She writhed under him, her hips rolled under his mouth and her mouth was open, panting and moaning so loudly. It was music to his ears. Finally, she tugged the rope gently.
“Up, move up,” she moaned. 
He pressed the flat of his tongue to her clit and now he had both her legs around his head. If he could Nikolay would have been purring as he lapped at the stiff pearl. 
Freya sucked in air. Her free hand gripped onto the sheet tightly, her knuckles going nearly white as electricity coursed through her body. She panted loudly and closed her eyes shut enjoying deeply what he was doing. If she had to choose, Freya would have said she preferred his werewolf side. That tongue could work magic, not that his human one couldn’t. It just had both reach and flexibility. 
The tight coil that has been building up in her core finally snapped and she cried out as her orgasm hit her. She shuddered and arched her back, her legs locking around him tightly. 
He waited patiently until her grip loosened and he could pull away. The rope fell out of her hand and he stretched himself forward, licking her cheek a little. She giggled and kissed him, humming happily. Her fingers sank into his fur and she scratched his head much to his delight.
“You’re a very good boy! You deserve a bit of a reward now don’t you?” Her voice was still a bit husky.
“Yes, yes please~” he mumbled against her hand.
“Do you want your hands free?” She asked sweetly.
“Yes, please.” He wiggled his shoulders a little as his hands worked against the ropes.
“Okay, now, lay on your tummy and stick your pretty butt up,” she ordered as she moved out of the way. She untied his hands and he sighed, rolling the joints in his shoulders. Much better.
He wrapped his hands around the pillow in front of himself. Next to the bed, Freya was putting the strap-on on. They previously agreed on which dildo she’d attach to it. It was big,  purple and bulbous, well curved. It had a ribbed underside and a spine on top, studs ran along the edges of its ‘glans’. Nikolay could feel his dick twitch and something hot coil up in his underbelly as he watched her pour the lube on it. She climbed the bed and his breathing hitched when she grabbed him by his tail and pulled at the buttplug. He moaned as she pulled it out. He was near an orgasm feeling it breaking free from him. Breathing heavily Nikolay shivered as Freya spread the cool liquid over his pucker.
“Good boy,” she praised him. “Do you want this?” She teased the tip of the toy at his loosened hole and he whined.
“Yes, please.”
She grinned and pushed in as he relaxed, breathing out. He shuddered as she filled him and clenched his hand over the pillow. “God.”
“It’s just Freya, sweetie.” She chuckled. “Now be an even better boy and let me hear you being loud.” She started moving angling just right to hit his sweet spot. His already eager self groaned and his hips rocked as she fucked him. The toy rubbed him in all the good ways. He was now up on his elbows, spine arched and mouth gaping, panting. Then she grabbed one of the knots on his rope harness and pulled squeezing his balls and he cried out a moan. His dick swayed with each thrust generously leaking precome. He stared up the ceiling, eyes hazed and tongue lolling. 
Freya enjoyed herself immensely. She loved slamming into him and hearing those joyous moans. She scratched the base on his tail and he nearly sobbed. He was high and she was the drug.
“Fuuuuuuck!” he moaned loudly. “Freya! I need-!”  
“Come Nikolay, come for me,” she allowed and he shuddered, crying out her name that turned into a small howl by the end. He twitched and whined when she pulled out and stroked his back. 
“Good job,” she praised and he smiled happily. 
Getting up from the bed again she discarded the dildo for cleaning later and laid next to him. “How do you feel?” She stroked his head and scratched behind his ear.
“Hrm, good, very goooood,” he sighed and leaned to kiss her. “Good enough for one last go.” He grinned and she mirrored him.
“Excellent.” She wrapped her arms around his neck and spread her legs. 
They needed to completely replace the sheets by the end of the weekend. When Kitty returned she was met with both her parents very happy and snickering way too much. Truly, adults were weird.
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soapxmactavish · 4 years
missing from his arms (soap mactavish x ayela gonzalez oneshot)
also on ao3
Three nights had passed since Sergeant Gonzalez had been announced MIA.
Captain MacTavish sat on the desk chair, head aching and drowsiness sweeping over him. The lights caused a pounding in his head and he gave another rub at his eyes, trying to get rid of the sleepiness threatening to make him fall unconscious. He hadn’t closed his eyes for 36 hours, and even then he had little sleep. Thanks to commander privileges and the kitchen’s endless supply of caffeine, the impossible was possible for a small while.
“She’s gotta be somewhere around there,” he whispered, sipping at his fourth coffee within the past two hours. Their mission had gone badly wrong, when Ayela had been chased down by a group of militia, drawing them away from the small party of MacTavish and Sanderson. The latter had taken the blow of an IED left in the jungle, leaving him in a heavily-damaged state. Of course, something else had triggered the mine, and the force of the shrapnel and fire threw them backwards.
Ayela had taken it upon herself to draw the incoming savages away from them to allow them to escape.
It had been the last time the captain laid eyes on her since, her last words being, “Both of you get to safety!’, before she disappeared behind the thick foliage of trees. She had left a wounded man and a capable but distraught commander. A lover who had screamed for her name as he lost sight of her and desperate for her return back to him.
Captain MacTavish flicked his attention back to the files on his desk, satellite imagery of the Vietnam jungle spanning hundreds of square miles. They showed the area of operations of where they last saw the Sergeant before she disappeared. She could have been anywhere on there – near waterways, underground caves, or even captured behind enemy lines, or worse…
He shook the thought, hand slowly pulling back into a fist. The captain had barely been restrained from his commanding officer, General Shepherd, after the search was discontinued 24 hours later to look for Sergeant Gonzalez. He had called his personal pilot, Nikolai, but the whole operation had been banned by the US Army General. MacTavish knew what game he was playing and thought of reporting him, though he knew that was as suicide task. If the captain complained, everything he’d worked for – his rank, his position in the SAS, the Task Force he’d built from the ground up – would be snatched away from him as soon as the General ordered it.
              The soldier wouldn’t hide it – he was angry, terrified, and panicking about what could happen to her. Not only was guilt gnawing him up on the inside as he’d failed as a field commander, he’d lost the one thing he swore to never lose. Had he known the outcomes, he would’ve ditched Sanderson and placed her in charge without a second thought.
              You’d never, ya lovesick bastard, he thought to himself. It was true – he’d know how much stress his sergeant would’ve been under. MacTavish would rather he go through the trouble of looking and worrying and late nights than her. It came at the cost of her being missing, though, and he didn’t like it one bit.
              Jolting back to an awake state of mind, the soldier heard footfalls coming from the other side of his cabin’s door. He faced the door, rubbing his face as the handle turned, and the door opened, without a care of being loud at oh-two-hundred hours, a godforsaken hour.
              Sanderson stood there, his arm resting in a sling, his left foot in a boot. A bruise was forming up on his forehead where medical tape was stuck, covering his wounds which would scar in a while. There was a mask of tiredness over his face and body. The image of a beaten-up member of his team made MacTavish feel sick to his stomach, and only increased the guilt he felt within himself.
              All your fault. You did this.
              MacTavish watched with saddened and pained eyes as the sergeant eventually made his way to the made bed, easing down to sit on it without hurting himself any further. Sanderson sighed with his eyes closed, probably trying to endure the pain he was in. They reopened, and shifted from the Scotsman’s tired face to the papers strewn on the oak wood desk. A soft shake of his head came, and understanding dawned on his face. A look of confusion was also there, and sympathy, as far as the captain could read on his face.
              MacTavish didn’t want it. He didn’t need it, cared for it, nor deserved it. Who should feel bad for the one responsible?
Sanderson broke the steady silence in the room, which was weighing MacTavish down like a blanket. “You’re still looking.” It was more of a statement than a question. His captain stayed silent and only gave a small nod. His eyes were looking off somewhere at the blank wall in between them, unfocused. There was nothing to say, nothing which would fix the wrongs he’s made in the past few days.
“I am,” he replied, his voice low and soft, hardly there. This was the first time he’d spoken to someone within a dozen or so hours. The captain had been cooped up in his room, looking for answers to questions he couldn’t answer. This unexpected visit at this ridiculous hour was welcoming, yes, but not sure if he could bottle up his emotions like the officer he was supposed to be. This wasn’t how you acted when you’re meant to be a leader, an example.
Silent as a mouse, MacTavish adjusted himself on his chair, grabbing a mustard yellow folder from the unorganized mess laid out on his table. Carefully, he held it in his hands, handling it as if it was art. He flicked it open, his heart aching, whole body in pain in plain sight yet hidden from Sanderson who sat only a metre or so away, who’d remained quiet the whole time.
Ayela’s character profile. Her face ID, rank, military history, date of birth, and the rest of the important information which were necessary, were laid out in front of him. Not that he was interested in the first few pages, anyway.
MacTavish’s finger felt the small paper clip gripping onto the side of a random papers in the back/bottom of the pile. He slid out what it held, and it revealed a photo of the main squad of Sanderson, Riley, Price, MacTavish, and Ayela. Nikolai was also in the photo, on the other side of MacTavish. The Scotsman had his rifle in one hand, his other free arm around his sergeant. Though unprofessional in the eyes of the code of conduct, neither of them really cared at that moment.
The captain remembered that day clearer than any other in these past few years. They were about to head out for a mission and were all fatigued from hardly any sleep after being on an all-nighter mission. Ayela had the wonderful idea of taking a group photo to somehow lift morale. It’d worked – they were all smiling after it and were much more talkative to one other.
MacTavish had managed to get the photo printed out and kept it. He’d planned to give it to the sole female soldier in the photo but hadn’t known exactly when seemed the appropriate time was to. The two hadn’t taken many pictures together, and he wasn’t sure of what ones she’d kept in hand.
The soldier’s thumb grazed over Ayela’s cheek, reddened by the bright smile she bore. Her hair was considerably messed up, her braid in somewhat need of tightening up. The tired look from her brown eyes was still there but coated up with joy and happiness and humour from whatever dumb thing Sanderson had whispered in her ear when they’d taken the photo. She looked so beautiful in his eyes, the one treasure he’d never known he’d needed. His lifeline, purpose to keep going easier in this life and not be a total die-hard soldier who would just serve his country and not make every day “just another day at the office”.
When she’d first been transferred nineteen months ago, there was admiration at an instant. She was the first female to be associated with the British SAS and was more capable than a considerable amount of the soldiers already here. Her confidence and ability to stand up for herself when someone thought of her position to be undeserving was staggeringly amazing to the captain. How easy it was for her to belong here, in this team, side by side with her mates, never failed to knock MacTavish off of his feet.
What made him fall in the last depths for her was just how understanding she was, and how she motivated everyone around to keep going, to never give up. During his darkest times which lasted over a year after he’d lost his own Captain, there was an uncertainty to how long he’d last without mentally losing it, succumbing to the demons which were eating him alive. He’d become so sick of being himself – a leader who had to set an example and inspire and make change for the world. The weight was getting to him – of responsibility for himself and those around him.
No one was even aware at times, though Ghost had seen glimpses of a breaking man, something which he was very familiar with. They had never spoke about it though since the captain always brushed him off and denied anything was wrong with him. The Lieutenant wasn’t about to argue with his superior officer, and the two never brought the subject back up again.
Ayela was the only one whose help he’d accepted – more or less because she’d somewhat forced him to. He would never forget that first conversation where they’d sat down in his room and spoke for hours about only him and his troubles. There was nothing put in about her history – about how her mother neglected her three children and Ayela became the unofficial guardian of her two younger brothers who needed someone to take care of them.
The only thing that did come out of her mouth was how she believed in him and this was not the end, that he had more life to live and shouldn’t have to spend it worrying about who he’d become and how losing his Captain was not his fault. There was no judging, no shaming, no pointing out flaws or mistakes – only motivational, uplifting speaking. Words that were equally truthful and evidence that he was better than this.
That night was one of the longest, sleepless nights MacTavish ever had, but it was out of good circumstances. He’d laid in the dark, and thought long and hard about what she’d said. More importantly – about what they’d become. It was evidently something more than a commander/subordinate relationship. His feelings for her had only become so much more dynamic, and he knew he had to do something about it.
The captain had made the first move the very next night after seeing Ayela for the first time since their talk. She was more than ready for him, and so was he. MacTavish had accepted and realised that she was what he needed all this time – someone to talk to, someone who listened and wouldn’t stop until she knew he was okay, someone who saw him as other than a soldier. He was more than ready to intake her mindset of never giving up and keeping it at like an addict was hooked on a drug.
He had fallen in love with her, and that had been the seal to lock it in.
MacTavish hadn’t known he’d teared up until he saw a drop of moisture hit the paper. Slightly embarrassed, he quickly wiped his eyes before setting the file back down on the table. He gave a sigh and slouched onto the back of the chair.
“We’ll find her,” Sanderson assured, who had witnessed the whole thing before him. MacTavish rubbed the tears and tired out of his face. He turned to Sanderson, his reddened eyes gazing down onto the blanket, pondering in thought still.
The sergeant spoke up again, slowly leaning forward to come closer to the Captain. “I spoke to Riley,” he began in a hushed tone, “and he’s more than willing to take us back there-“
MacTavish’s eyes darted instantly to Sanderson’s, full attention on him. His breath caught in his throat and listened to every word Sanderson had to say.
“-and more than willing to give whatever support you need, okay?”
The captain’s eyes looked into his squad member’s with such desperation, hands clasped tightly together as if praying to God. His breaths were slow and steady, and he felt the dried tears stained on his cheeks, a constant reminder of what was at risk. He was more than ready to go ahead, and ready to take the full blow of what his superiors will do to him once they return.
“What time are wheels up?”
“They’re up in ten minutes, mate,” Riley’s voice suddenly came from the doorway, and the two soldiers in the room turned to face him. The lieutenant was already dressed in his gear with his iconic skull balaclava. His rifle was in his hands and webbing secured around his shoulders and waist. How did he know what the Captain was doing? Must’ve been the sergeant sitting in front of him.
Riley jerked his head to the left, in the general directions of the hangars. “Better head out as soon as we can.”
“Come on,” Sanderson urged the Captain, giving his knee a slap as he slowly got up. “Let’s go get your girl.”
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dregstrash · 5 years
For the rival teachers au, what did the seniors do for the prank???? (I love this au)
Here’s the Zoyalai Teachers AU
Thanks for the ask!!
The plan had Three Phases
First Phase: Convince Nikolai and Zoya to chaperone this year’s Prom (it was Romanov themed)
This was hard sell, considering neither felt like wasting a Friday night watching overly hormonal teenagers get secretly drunk and finding ways to take advantage of the dark lights
What convinced Nikolai was his students showing off their high test scores and saying that having him there would make their senior years
What convinced Zoya was simply the phrase, “What better way to rub it into Mr. Lantsov’s face that you won by also showing up?”
First Phase: Complete
Second Phase: the secret campaign that the seniors have been orchestrating for months now
This phase was surprisingly easy, as the senior class of 2019 was absolutely sick of the longing glances both parties refused to acknowledge when they passed each other in the hall
Second Phase: Complete
Third Phase: Execution
“Alright everyone! It’s time to bring up this year’s homecoming court!” The overly eager voice of the student body president was drowned out by a loud cheer
Zoya winced at the sound, and Nikolai clapped along with the rest
If either were being honest, they didn’t have a too terrible time tonight
The juniors and seniors were actually behaving fairly well, and with the relief that can only come from the end of year, it seems Zoya and Nikolai’s relationship seemed to teeter on the edge of being friendly
“Congratulations on your win, Nazyalensky.” Nikolai muttered as the Prom court was being introduced
Zoya’s grin took his breath away, and he had an unnatural desire to want to keep it there for forever.
“I hate being proven right, but it was a good game.” She outstretched her hand Nikolai took it, letting his hand rest a second too long
The lights shifted, and Nikolai caught a sparkle in them that definitely was making him want to do something rash-- like ask her out
As he opened his mouth the sound of the rest of the dance filtered in at a key moment
“And announcing this year’s Prom King and Queen, Nikolai Lantsov and Zoya Nazyalensky!”
Both adults froze in the middle of their handshake
“Why in the--”
“I didn’t--”
Spotlights found them too quickly, and the smiling beaming faces of all the students in the ballroom were turned toward them
Out of nowhere, one of Nikolai’s best students (Isaak) and one of Zoya’s students (Mayu) stepped up and put a crown on both of their heads
“Will the King and Queen step forward to start their inaugural dance?”
Zoya’s mouth fell open, while Nikolai’s mind sped forward
His kids were the worst-- but they were also the best
“Shall we, Your Majesty?” 
“You can’t be serious, Lantsov.” She wasn’t even going to pretend to ignore the way her chest tightened at the very idea of slow dancing with Nikolai
“I’m quite serious. The public has cast their votes!” 
Without another word, he grabbed her hand and led her to the dance floor
and she just let him 
“Our students are devious.” Zoya said after the music started and they had settled into a comfortable swaying rhythm
“They have us for teachers, of course they are,” He pulled away for a brief moment only to twirl Zoya under his arm before drawing her closer than before, “But I’m rather proud of them.”
“For rigging the election and forcing us to dance?”
Nikolai laughed, and the sound was sweeter than anything Zoya has ever heard 
“I have never seen anyone force you to do anything, Nazyalensky. So one could assume you’re dancing with me quite voluntarily.”
Another spin and by the time they were face to face, Zoya’s smile was luminescent.
“You think too highly of yourself.”
“Someone has to.” A pause and Nikolai gathered his courage, “But if you really would rather stop and go our separate ways, then just say the word.”
Zoya let him lead her in the dance for a few seconds before shrugging, “I guess I can finish this dance.”
“And if I were to ask you for another?”
Zoya caught sincerity buried deep within the mischief in his eyes
“Then I guess I can do that one too.”
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welcometophu · 5 years
Into the Split: Havenhill 6
Twinned Book 3: Into the Split
Havenhill 6
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The other vehicles are there when they arrive at the house, the truck still rumbling with Jefferson in the driver’s seat. Sakura leans against the door, talking to him through the window. The rest of the group stand in small knots of humanity. Carolyn is with Heather and Nikita. Despite the fact that Nikita still stands gingerly on her recently injured ankle, Heather’s hand is on Carolyn’s shoulder as if she needs steadying more than Nikita in this moment. Mac and Pawel stand with Alia and Val, speaking in hushed voices. Nikolai guesses that the conversation is more urgent than it sounds, from the way Pawel gestures broadly. Alaric is by the door to the house, his hand on the knob as he looks up, Ethan and Marybelle close behind him. Mattie’s shadowy form is nowhere to be seen.
They all glance over as Nikolai carefully climbs down from the Jeep. He reaches, and Seth takes his hand, his touch a calming anchor in this sea of uncertainty and change. There’s an undercurrent of something here, some depth to the place that feels as if it threatens to drag Nikolai beneath dark waves.
“I’m going in,” Alaric rumbles, twisting the knob and letting go as the door pulls away from him, opening inward.
Mattie stands there in the shadows from inside, leaning on the door. “I’m not here,” she announces. “But I can feel the pull into the dreamlands. There was someone here, once upon a time, but she’s long gone and the connection to her feels broken. You couldn’t bring her back from here, Carolyn; this isn’t her home anymore.”
Alaric growls, and pushes past her, Ethan and Marybelle following.
“It’s only the truth,” Mattie calls after him. “Is it any surprise that events would happen the same here as at home?”
“But not exactly the same,” Carolyn says. “It wasn’t you.”
“It wasn’t me,” Mattie agrees. She pulls the door open, gestures inside. “This isn’t my house, either. The house is larger, there were more people in this family. My grandparents never lived nearby. The house isn’t to blame for what happened; it can’t hurt anyone.”
“If anyone would know, it’s Mattie,” Carolyn says quietly. She touches Heather’s hand before shrugging out from under her touch and following Mattie inside.
Nikita heads inside as well, moving carefully with Heather offering support. That draws Nikolai forward, while Seth trails along behind him, their hands tightly clutched.
“I don’t like it,” Seth mutters, and Nikolai squeezes his hand in response. Nikolai isn’t sure what he feels right now, other than that he doesn’t want to let Nikita go in alone.
“The question is simple,” Val says as they pass. “You need to tell us what you bring to Havenhill. What can you do for our community? Everyone plays a part.”
“We’re not staying,” Pawel says sharply. “You haven’t been listening to a word I’ve said.”
“Your husband seems very upset,” Alia says, and Mac backpedals so quickly that she abruptly appears between Nikolai and the door.
Mac has her hands up, wiping the air in front of her. “My what? Oh God, no, no, we’re not even involved.” She glances at Nikolai, and the door, and offers a wry smile. “Sorry. Wasn’t thinking.” She disappears with a soft pop, reappearing next to Pawel where she thwacks him lightly on the back of the head. “We’re just friends. Give him time to come to terms with this.”
“Conor—” Pawel’s voice is cut off as Nikolai steps into the house, and Seth pulls the door shut behind them.
Carolyn is the only one in the room, and she stands half turned, staring at the door. She raises her gaze to meet Nikolai’s, her brows furrowed and mouth in a wry twist. “He has a son, back home,” she says softly. “And he’s a single father. I don’t blame him for worrying.”
“It’s at least partly his fault you’re here,” Seth says. Nikolai tightens his grip, tries to silently tell Seth not to keep going, but Seth does. “Maybe you should have thought before you jumped through from one world to another.”
Carolyn flinches. “It wasn’t entirely on purpose.”
“I’m going upstairs.” Nikolai can hear Nikita’s voice from the upper floor. He wants to talk to her before making any decisions. It would be easy to stay with Josef and Mikhail: they’re family, and he wants to be back with his brothers, back in a life that seems simple, at least on the surface.
But Nikita somehow came here for him, and he feels somehow partly at fault for that, as if his very existence pulled them all here.
Seth lets go and waves him off. He pushes his glasses up his nose, then crosses his arms. Nikolai recognizes that stance; Seth is settling in for an argument. Carolyn doesn’t seem to be leaving, and Nikolai would hope she can read body language enough to realize what she’s in for.
He leaves them to it and heads up the stairs.
The house is as stale as ones Nikolai has stayed in along the route to Havenhill. Perhaps more so, the dust barely disturbed. It smells like burnt food, the stench lingering in the air, and he wonders why no one bothered to air the house out. There are pictures on the wall, dust heavy on the frames, and he touches the first one near the base of the stairs. The people don’t look familiar, but they seem normal. There are two adults and four children in the first photo. Two of the children are too young to guess at gender, an infant and a toddler, but the other two are a boy and a girl, maybe in their early teens. The girl stands with the toddler on her hip, helping the child wave, while the boy is turned toward the baby, making faces. As Nikolai goes up the stairs, the pictures along the wall spell out more of their lives. The children preferred avian forms, ducklings and chicks playing together, and one image shows a pair of fledgling sparrows, about to try a first flight.
The older pair are twins, Nikolai guesses, based on the pictures. The younger two never grow enough in these images for him to label them as anything other than infant and toddler.
At the top of the stairs, a door sits open to show a bathroom just beyond. To the right is a bedroom, the smell of must strong from the house being closed so long. He follows Nikita’s voice past another bedroom to the end of a hall where there are two rooms across from each other, another bathroom between them. Nikita kneels in one of the rooms, an old wooden toy car in her hands, her footprints left in dust in the floor.
Off to one side, Alaric tugs a window open, and the fresh breeze is cold and sweet.
“I think this is the furthest I’ve seen anyone come into the house,” Ethan says. “It feels different than the last time I was here.”
Nikita looks to Heather, who shrugs. “It might be us,” Nikita says. “You have two Dreamwalkers, a Shadow, and two Empaths in here. I wouldn’t be surprised if we’ve set up some kind of strange resonance.”
“We could try a cleansing,” Marybelle suggests. “You have enough people to do a good ritual. A strong ritual, too.” She grins at Alaric, who grumbles under her breath. “Yes, even you. We know how to leverage Clan with Mages here. We do it all the time.”
Alaric stares at her for a long moment. “No,” he says firmly, and in another breath he disappears, replaced by an eagle that sits on the sill for a moment before flying away.
“I’ll talk to him,” Ethan offers, exiting quickly, his footsteps thundering down the stairs as he heads out.
It’s quiet once they’re gone. Marybelle moves around the room, quietly pulling open drawers, unpacking what are clearly clothes meant for a teenage girl. She piles them on the bed in careful stacks.
Nikita winces, rubbing her knee before she switches to sit instead of kneeling on the floor. Heather crouches next to her. “What?” Heather asks.
Nikita shakes her head, touching Heather’s knee as if to say she’s okay. She looks up at Nikolai. “Why did you come here? I thought you’d stay with your brothers. I mean. I’m glad you found them. And you found Havenhill. And this community seems safe. I just—”
“I’m here because you are,” he says. He can’t blame her for asking, because he’s as confused as she is about it and can’t really say anything more than that. He folds slowly, ending up kneeling on the floor in front of Nikita. “You came to this world for me, right?”
She nods. “Yes.”
“And I’m safe now, and you don’t feel satisfied. Alaric keeps talking about—”
“Healing the Split,” Nikita says. “Which I don’t know how to do, or if it can be done, but it keeps feeling like the right answer. I feel like, if I don’t do it, and I get home, I’m going to keep dreaming of you. And you’ll keep dreaming of me, and our worlds will still be tightly twinned. But if we fix things—”
“The worlds can break apart, maybe. Or we can.” Nikolai huffs, because it sounds so ridiculous. “Two worlds being held together by the Split seems wrong. Shouldn’t it have torn us apart?” It’s a disturbing image as soon as he says it. Is he talking about the worlds being torn apart or themselves? He suppresses a shudder.
“Apparently not,” Nikita mumbles. “Unless we’re talking emotionally. In which case I was pretty much a mess before I got here.”
“If you’re going to stay, you’ll need to decide that you’re living here—or somewhere else if you don’t like this house—and you’ll need jobs,” Marybelle says, still folding clothes. All the drawers are open and sitting on the floor, empty. “Even Pawel. Everyone works here, everyone gives back to the community. That’s how we survive.”
“I’ll talk to them.” Nikita pushes to her feet carefully. “I want to try something, maybe before you cleanse this place, but it’d probably be fine after. I want to see if we can combine our Talent,” she gestures between herself and Nikolai, “and if that’s enough to help us get through to the Dreaming. Or to my home. We might not be leaving yet, but I want to know we have a way out when we need it.”
Seth’s not going to like that.
“I’ll help,” Nikolai agrees, despite misgivings. “It might take some time for Seth and I to figure out what we can do to help here. We know a lot about survival, but not a lot about building a community. We’ve spent half our lives hiding.”
“We’ll work it out,” Marybelle agrees cheerfully. “We should go tell Alia and Aunt Val that you’re staying here.”
“And the other house,” Nikolai says. “Seth and I—I think we’d like to stay there.” There might be an argument later, because if this feels oppressive to Nikolai, it’s likely worse for Seth. But he feels wrong choosing to live somewhere far from Nikita.
Marybelle glances at him, her eyes wide. “What about Mikhail and Josef?”
Nikita smirks.
Nikolai doesn’t need to be a Telepath to know what Nikita’s thinking. “We’re used to being on our own,” he says firmly, even though privacy is a definite benefit. The idea of losing the one good thing about their life on the road pricks at his skin in uncomfortable ways. He wants to be with his brothers, but at the same time, he just wants to have time to figure this all out. “This crowd still feels strange,” he tries to explain. “And Nikita, I still don’t know you well enough. So the other house would be good for us.”
“We get it.” Heather’s response is gentle. She rises and tugs gently until Nikita comes closer. Heather settles her hand against Nikita’s hip as they lean into each other and Nikolai misses Seth keenly.
Yeah, they definitely get it.
By the time they get back downstairs, the crowd has reformed just outside the house. The truck is gone, along with Sakura, Jefferson, Pawel, and Mattie. Alaric is just coming around the side of the house with Ethan, stopping when Mac appears in front of him and grabs his shoulders, pulling him down to whisper something in his ear. His brow furrows, then he shakes her off and walks to where Alia and Val stand.
“I can spin, dye, and weave,” he says firmly. “While we are here, I can provide yarn and fabric, if you can provide the raw materials, and I can teach people my method if you use different ones. I can knit as well. I can also coach football if your kids play.”
Val slides and arm around Alia’s shoulder, her hand squeezing lightly before Alia can speak. “Thank you for volunteering,” Val says quickly. “I know it’s awkward—”
“For both of us,” Alia snaps. “This is—”
She cuts off when Val turns and kisses her quickly. “It’ll work out,” Val promises quietly. Alia goes silent, her lips pursed.
“Wait.” Alaric gestures between them, his eyes wide and narrowing rapidly.
“Please don’t say you’re offended, because if you are, this fledgling friendship is over,” Ethan says.
“I’m not offended. I have a boyfriend, I just... back home, Mom’s—” Alaric cuts off. “She… my dad. They… my mother doesn’t….”
“I am not your mother,” Alia points out, each word quiet but sharp. “Since you are staying here, that is something you need to come to terms with. We may outwardly appear to be the same person, but given that I never had children, and your mother is obviously in a different position than I am, we are nothing alike. You need to deal with that fact.”
“It’s disconcerting,” Alaric mutters.
“Imagine how I feel every time you call me mother,” Alia retorts. “Disconcerting is one word for it.”
“I’m Predictive,” Carolyn blurts out. Both Alia and Alaric falls silent, Alaric rocking back from where he’d leaned forward. It’s an effective way to break the tension.
Alaric takes a step away, his stance looser as he distances himself from the discussion. He shakes himself like a dog, shoulders relaxing. Ethan leans in to speak softly to him, and Alaric grumbles in reply.
“I’m a Sociology and Psychology major, and I’ve got a good grounding in Classics,” Carolyn continues in a rush. “I can teach mythology to kids, although I don’t know if the mythology and history of my world are different from yours. I’m also a researcher, and I’ve been trying to learn more about how Talent works and how we classify it and how it works within societies. I’d love to get the chance to look around and talk to people. Study your community, if you don’t mind, and in return you’d get access to everything I can write down about what I know. If you have researchers, I can work with them so we can share knowledge.”
“I’m a Bio/Chem/Physics major,” Mac says. “I don’t know how that can fit in right now, but I’m sure you’ve got a job somewhere that’ll work. Water testing. Helping Healers. Anything. I’m flexible.”
“Nikolai says he’ll help, too,” Marybelle pipes up, her soft, light tone carrying easily above the end of Mac’s words. “He doesn’t know how yet, but he’ll learn. Seth’ll learn.”
“Everyone will help,” Alia says firmly. “And we will accept your stay here in Havenhill.”
Val nudges Alia towards the van. “Give us a little time, and we’ll get the house ready for you.”
“Both houses,” Marybelle says quickly, with a small smile for Nikolai. “There are nine of them and only four bedrooms in this house. Nikolai and Seth could stay in the other one.”
“A little distance between the Dreamwalkers would be good,” Alia agrees.
“I’m sorry,” Nikolai says as they join Mikhail back at the Jeep. “I know you offered, but this just seems like the right place for us to be.”
Seth pushes his glasses up his nose with his middle finger. Seth may be going along with this plan, but he’s still not pleased by it. At least the fight is subtle now, not an all-out argument. Nikolai hopes Seth appreciates the privacy they’ve secured more than he dislikes living close to the newcomers. With luck, the cleansing ritual will disperse the disturbing sensations that still linger in the air around the house.
“It’s fine.” Mikhail opens the door, gestures for them to get in. “We’ll visit. And we’ll have to arrange for you have a car of some kind. And some driving lessons.”
It all sounds so normal. Blissfully normal in a way that has never existed in the last decade. They have a place to live of their very own. A home, and maybe a car. Nikolai just wishes he didn’t feel like there’s still a shoe about to drop.
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shirewalker · 6 years
nikolina + 5
And it’s steamy. And LONG (+5k xD) and scifi!!
+ “I thoughtI lost you.”
 Rated E ;)
Alina wasnot one to admit out loud to be wrong, although it was known to happen. But notwhen it came to Nikolai Lantsov. The captain of the Volkvolny, the fastest shipin the galaxy. And also the man that had stolen her and her friends away fromthe clutches of a mogul wishing to milk their powers for his personal profit.
Now, Alinawas thankful for the pirat—privateer to have saved her and her friends when hehad little to gain from it. Just the bounty the Darkling had put out forwhoever could find the missing Grisha ambassadors. But the man wasinsufferable, had an ego larger than his ship, and worst of if all… He washandsome. So handsome it made her want to throw food at him. Especially theherring Tamar and Harshaw seemed so fond of, a mystery no saint would everdiscover.
But NikolaiLantsov was also a brilliant and good man and, surprisingly, a good friend.When she didn’t feel like throttling him for his endless flirtation, Alina heldconversations with him that she couldn’t with anyone else. Not even with herold friend, Genya. Saints knew he was the opposite of Mal… The differencebetween these two men was that Nikolai supported every part of her. And this iswhere she was forced to admit to be wrong. She liked Nikolai, she had grownfond of the mischievous captain and his elaborate speeches and his annoyinglybeautiful hazel eyes and that hair so golden it had to be fake. And she had beenso sure she wouldn’t even consider him… cute. Or a close friend. Or even… more.
However,the universe and the oldest of saints have a strange sense of humour. Becausenow that Alina was growing used to her feelings for Nikolai… The captain haddisappeared.
They hadstopped by the Keramzinian service station, one that looked more like a tinymoon than an actual service station. Nikolai had gone to make some paymentswhile Tamar handled the refuelling. Alina had gone with him, just because he’dtold her there was a place where she could find art supplies and she hadn’tbeen able to resist that pull. Now, nearly three hours after waiting by theirmeeting spot, Alina was growing worried.
Theartificial rain poured just a few steps away from her as she nursed the mug ofcoffee she’d eventually purchased. The small hotel café was growing empty bynow, the guests having moved back to their rooms or to the restaurant in the undergroundlevel, where the walls were made of glass, a lovely fish tank circling theroom. Alina only knew of this because the café, in the ground level, had alovely ad showing up once in a while, trying to interest passers-by with thenovelty of the restaurant design. Having waited so long, Alina could have gonedownstairs to eat a proper meal, but Nikolai could show up any minute… so shestayed here, drinking the fifth cup of coffee in the night.
“Miss?” Awaitress came to her side, “Are you…” the woman frowned, “Miss Sunshine?”
Alinablinked at the name, stumped when the nickname the idiotic captain had givenher was spoken by anyone but him. Then it dawned on her… Nikolai...! “Yes, Iam. Is something wrong?”
Thewaitress wasn’t sure how to answer, “I don’t know, miss. But a message came foryou. ‘Return to ship. Tell Tamar to go to the Spinning Blade at once.’” Shefinished the message, her expression showing some concern. It was clearlysupposed to not raise alarm, but either Nikolai hadn’t bothered with keeping itsecretive or he… hadn’t had the time.
Alina paidthe coffees and tipped the waitress for her work, “Thank you. Huh...” shehesitated, “Do you have an umbrella?”
Thewaitress nodded, “I have mine. Do you need it?”
“I’d ratherpay for it.” She felt bad enough to take someone else’s umbrella, paying for itwould be the only fair option.
Thewaitress shook her head, “You can take it, I just started my shift. When it’sover, the rain will be over as well. It’s scheduled to end around three in themorning.” She eyed the street, illuminated by neon lights, “Though they’renever punctual with the announced minutes.”
Alina tookthe umbrella and tipped the waitress again before disappearing into thestreets. For a few minutes she walked briskly towards the ship, but then shepassed by a hologram map of the station and a thought came to her. Nikolai hadasked just for Tamar’s presence. Maybe it wasn’t as serious as her nerves hadmade it sound. Alina stepped to the map’s little gazebo and cleared her throat,“Direct call to the Volkvolny.”
“That willbe 37 credits.” An electronic voice answered.
“Paid indestination.”
A beep and,“Calling. Please wait. Would you like a privacy shield?”
Alinalooked around. Not many people walked about, many just walking away from therain as fast as they cool. She turned back to the hologram, “No.”
A fewseconds passed by before a rough voice answered, “Who calls?”
“Tolya, it’s Alina. Where’s Tamar?”
“Outside,waiting for you and the captain. Where are you?”
“Downtown.Is Tamar supposed to bring anything to him?”
“Not that Iknow of. The captain took everything needed for the transactions. Is there anyproblem?”
“I don’tknow. I—” The hologram fell silent.
“Call lost.Due to the heavy rainstorm communications are unavailable. Would you likeanything else?”
Alinaalmost said no but Tolya’s answer and worried tone had put her nerves on edge,“Tell me where I can find the Spinning Blade.”
“TheSpinning Blade.” The map announced with a red dot on a lower city level,“Located on level 002. Would you like more information?”
Well,wasn’t that dainty… Alina sighed, “Give me a route.”
“Calculatingthe best route.” A beep and soon a green line was moving from her spot to theSpinning Blade. The hologram remained silent, waiting for Alina’s next command.
“Is there asafe and fast way to get there?”
Thehologram beeped for a moment, translating her question into an order, “Aprivate elevator is available for you. It’ll take you directly to the SpinningBlade. Would you like to call it? It’ll be 58 credits.”
Alinasighed, “Bill it to the Volkvolny.” She hadn’t brought enough money for thesethings, so she hoped Tolya wouldn’t mind taking in these surprise bills for thetime being. She would pay back, of course.
A wooshingsound came from her left and when she turned a tube of glass had appeared inthe corner of the map’s little house. Alina hated these elevators. Everythingwas see-through and simply… terrifying. But the thought that Nikolai could behurt… Her heart ached with fear. She took a deep breath and stepped into thething, hoping the journey would be quick.
TheSpinning Blade seemed to be… an illegal gambling spot. Alina wasn’t sure ifthis surprised her or not. Nikolai hadn’t seemed like the gambling kind, atleast not in this kind of things, so it was a bit odd to find him here.
A windowshattered as a mass of something flew through it. Alina swallowed a scream andhid in the shadows before realising it was… “Nikolai…!” Without thinking asecond thought, she rushed to his side as he climbed to his knees and spit outblood. “Oh saints. Are you all right?”
Nikolai’shazel eyes found hers, dark with adrenaline which was quickly replaced bysurprise and worry, “What the hell are you doing here, sunshine? I told you togo back!” He searched the darkened street, “And Tamar?”
“She’s nothere…” Alina winced, no longer sure of her stupid plan. It wasn’t even a plan,it was just… irrational worry. “I was close. I thought…”
Nikolailooked over his shoulder and stood on wobbly legs, “No matter. We have toleave.”
“Are yousure you’re all right?”
“I’mperfect, sunshine. Want to make sure?” He winked, though the strength of histease was like a damp piece of coal trying to catch fire.
Alina cuthim a look, “I’m serious. You flew through a window and spit blood.”
He grabbedher hand and took her through a dark side street, “I’m spectacular, Alina. ButI won’t be for long if we don’t catch that elevator again.”
“Didn’t itgo back?”
“How muchdid you pay?”
“Then itmight still be there. You pay for distance but also time. Aha!” He beamed atthe sight of the glass tube. “A wonderful system, don’t you agree?”
“Come now,it’s efficient. Go on, ask for it to open. It probably answers only to you still.”
Alinagroaned. Efficient… “Elevator. Open.”
The dooropened without a sound and the two stepped inside. The space was barely enoughfor both of them, but Alina was too worried with Nikolai’s health to overthinkabout this little fact.
“TheSpinning Wheel square.” Nikolai asked and soon they were flying through thegrid of elevators.
“Oh, youfound your friend!” The waitress beamed as the two walked in.
“Yes,here’s your umbrella. Thank you so much.”
“Noproblem. Is there anything else you need?”
“Yes.”Nikolai answered, “We’d like a room for the night. A private one. And anuntraceable phone line for the duration of our stay as well.”
Thewaitress nodded, taking them to the room booth, “And would you like automatedroom service or the classic service?” She asked as she tapped on the screen.
“What’syour opinion on the automated service?”
She pausedfor a moment, surely unused to clients asking for her opinion, “Oh. It’s good.Though I wouldn’t recommend it on Sundays. Too many clients, so the food isnever as good. Today the menu is delicious. Grilled salmon. Tomato soup. Blini,my favourite.”
“Thenautomated room service it is.”
She tappedone last time and a card slid out of the booth. “Your room is room 307. Theelevator will take you there. Enjoy your stay.”
Alinafollowed Nikolai, dying for a moment of privacy to make a tiny question. Thedoors closed, “What the hell?!”
Nikolaihummed to the elevator music before turning to her, “We can’t go back to theship yet, Alina. They know me. Staying in a hotel that offers anonymity is ourbest chance. And since they don’t know you’re with me, if we stay together thenthe chances of being found are even less.”
“Whathappened down there? Why did you need Tamar but when I got there you fled likea scolded kid?”
“Tamar canhandle that place. You can’t.”
“Like hellI can’t. I’m not a coddled princess!”
Theelevator pinged and the doors opened with a swooshing sound, “I know, sunshine.But you didn’t go there prepared for that place, you only went… Why did you come?” He asked, pausing bytheir door.
A violentblush took over her cheeks. Answering this question would mean giving in to anattraction that she kept denying to his face. Not answering would only make himsuspicious and eventually find the truth. Either way, Alina wasn’t walking outof this without having her feelings known. She looked away, “I… I was worried.Scared. I thought… When you flew out that window I thought you were seriouslyhurt. I thought…”
“Alina?” Heasked when her silence stretched on forever.
“I thoughtI lost you, ok?!” She screamed before covering her mouth with both hands, hereyes widening with shock at her own outburst. Not that she didn’t scream oranything, but it usually didn’t involve admitting this kind of truths.
Nikolaiblinked twice before a smile slowly grew on his lips, “Alina…”
“Are yougoing to open that door today or not?” She interrupted him before he couldshower her with his famous teases.
Nikolai nodded and swiped the card. She walkedpast him in a flash before stopping short at the sight of just one bed. Ohsaints, right. They were checked in as a couple. “So, about that thing you justsaid…” He sat on the bed, wincing slightly as his sore body finally met anothersurface.
Alina was ready to deny saying anything, buther worries seemed to take over any other thought, “Are you sure you’re fine?”She eyed the bloody lip, split by a punch, no doubt.
“Well…” He removed his shoes painfully slowly,“I am a bit banged up, but nothing that in the morning won’t be better,sunshine. After all, I am the captain.”
She rolled her eyes and went to get a damptowel, “How does that work with you being hurt? Does being a captain of a shipsuddenly grant you immunity?” She called from the bathroom, ignoring theluxurious bathtub that called for her.
“Perhaps. Perhaps not. But it does mean I havehad to grow a thicker skin.” His eyes fell on the damp towel when she returned,“Plus, I have been through worse, sunshine. No need to worry too much.” Henodded at the towel, “Is that for me?”
“Not if you’re fine.”
Suddenly Nikolai made a pained face and leanedback on his elbows, moaning for good measure, “Saints, Alina… I think I’mdying… Please, sunshine… Help me.”
Alina didn’t know whether to roll her eyes orlaugh at this theatricals. She chose scoffing as she sat next to him and forcedhim to sit back up, “Come on. We need to clean that cut before it infects.” Shesaw his knuckles, “And those too.”
“My saviour.” A corner of his mouth curled upin a smile that made her heart skip a handful of beats.
Alina watched his face for a moment, lookingfor any other injuries while ignoring those eyes of his. Satisfied there wereno more bruises, she lifted the towel to his lip. His swollen but still lushand enticing lip. Saints damn her. She was avoiding his eyes and that hazelthat made her think of emeralds and the sea and honey and gold and other sillycomparisons and now she was stuck with watching his mouth. His infuriatingmouth. And the way it curved to one side with that strange smile, and the pinkshade that made her think of kisses under the sheets and behind library shelves.
Slowly she wiped away the dried blood, takingextra care not to open the wound any deeper. It had stopped bleeding and itreally didn’t need another excuse to spill any more blood. Nikolai hissed. AndAlina quickly put the towel away, “Does that hurt?”
He winced, “A little, yes.”
“We should have asked for some first aid.” Shesaid, raising the towel back up.
“We couldn’t, sunshine. Ouch...!” He hissedagain before pushing the towel away, “I believe the towel has helped enough. Itwon’t make it better than it is.”
“Then I guess dinner will have to help when itcomes. I don’t have anything else to help you.”
Nikolai’s secretive smile turned mischievous,“Well, I have heard rumours that kisses can make it better rather quickly.”
Alina’s stomach fluttered, “Would you like meto kiss it better?”
His eyes flickered to her mouth, “I wouldn’tcomplain.”
She threw the towel at him, “Well, I’m not yourmother. Want a kiss? Do better than getting yourself hurt.” She stood.
But Nikolai caught her hand and soon she wasflopping back to the bed, “Are you really cross with me, sunshine?”
Alina ignored him for as long as she could, butthat hand remained on her wrist and those eyes continued to search for hers.She huffed, “Yes. I am. Very… cross.”
Nikolai rose her hand to his lips and kissedher palm, “I’m so sorry, Alina. I shouldn’t have worried you.” He kissed theinside of her wrist and Alina’s heart stopped working properly, “I should haveknown to go there prepared for the worst scenario.” He kissed her knuckles, “Itwas a stupid decision on my part, sunshine. I deeply regret it.” He was back onher palm, slowly pressing his lips to her skin, as if this was the most importanttask the captain had ever had to do. As if it was the only thing he lived for.
Alina, on the other hand, was close to dying.His kisses were driving her crazy. Her heart, her mind… her body. Oh saints,there were parts of her body that were tingling and pulsing with anticipationright now and all he was doing was kiss her hand. Thoroughly. As if this wasthe height of kisses.
“Would you like me to kiss it better,sunshine?” He rasped, his eyes finally finding hers.
Alina’s mind was blank. No words came out. Noteven a snarky remark. But she knew what she wanted. And that suggestion was…rather… appealing. She nodded.
“Speechless. I have to say you do that do mesometimes too, Alina.” He put her hand back on her lap and cupped her nape,“You make a fool out of me. A speechless fool.” He whispered as he leaned in,his breath teasing her with the promise of a kiss that seemed eager to stretchtime before happening at all.
And then, it happened.
The first thing Alina noticed was the metallictang of blood, blended with the taste of coffee as Nikolai slowly pressed hislips to hers. It was a tender kiss, one asking for permission again and again.He pressed and pulled, his mouth gliding over hers as their lips grewacquainted with each other and more daring.
A groan grew in the back of his throat asNikolai’s hand knotted into her hair and he deepened the kiss, his body leaninginto hers, his other hand on the small of her back and pulling her closer.Alina let out a moan and circled his neck with her harms, eyes rolling in theirsockets as his tongue met hers and made her see stars. Saints, this wasincredible. It was like tasting only the best things in the world, likewitnessing the birth of a star or opening her palms and illuminating the world.Her blood rushed faster and faster in her veins, pumping harder with each teaseof Nikolai’s tongue, with each pull of his wicked mouth and each second theyleaned lower into the bed.
Alina took in a shuddered breath of fresh airwhen the kiss was broken, her lips missing Nikolai already. But not a momentlater his mouth was on her skin again, lacing her jaw and neck with kisses thatwent from chaste and tender to hot and passionate. Her skin tingled withanticipation, her throat echoing sounds that drove Nikolai lower and lower.
He was at her cleavage when the kissing slowedto halt. His breath was hot against her skin for a handful of heartbeats beforehe spoke again, his voice so raspy it should be illegal, “Perhaps… Perhaps weshould—should slow down…?” He said, though Alina felt like he wanted theopposite.
Her eyes fluttered open and she eyed theceiling, dark and covered in the tiniest of lights that blinked much like thestars above in the sky. What a beautiful ceiling. She bit her bit and pulledNikolai’s face up until their noses were brushing against each other, “I loveyou, Nikolai.” She whispered, just a little surprised with the words that cameout. That hadn’t been the plan, but then again… “I want you, to be with you. Idon’t want to slow down, not in the way you meant.”
Nikolai stared at her, speechless as she hadbeen earlier. His eyes were wide with shock, his mouth parted, waiting for hisreply to come. But before words could be made, a smile slowly curled thecorners of his lips, growing into a smile that was nearly blinding withhappiness. “Oh, sunshine. Those words are…” He let out a breath and shook hishead a little, “They are a dream come true. Oh, Alina…” He kissed her, “I loveyou too, sunshine. So much it makes my heart palpitate in scary ways.” Helooked up again and nodded, “No slowing down tonight then. Your wish is mycommand, sunshine.”
Nikolai undressed her ceremoniously, taking hissweet time with each layer he peeled away. He kissed every bit of uncoveredskin with the patience of a saint, each time he did so driving Alina just alittle crazier.
His clothes fell away in more of a rush, Alinataking charge of this before he could have a chance to strip in slow motion.Nikolai chuckled when she undid his pants and kissed his throat, that heartyand warm laughter vibrating against her lips and lighting up places in herheart that Alina hadn’t known of before. “Hasty?” He teased her, his hands limpas he let Alina do whatever she wanted to do to him.
Alina almost rolled her eyes, if it wasn’t forwhat her hands were uncovering down below, “If I don’t stop you, you will spendthe whole night undressing, Nikolai. And I would very much like to do more thanwatch you undress.” She bit hard on her lip as her hands finally found him. Hewas so hard already, so deliciously hard and he still had the nerve to teaseher. “Take it all off, Nikolai, please.”
“As you wish, sunshine.” He rasped, his voiceshowing a little of how worked up he was after her brief touch. “Saints, youare… So beautiful, Alina. So… Beautiful.” He whispered in awe as he kneeled onthe bed, his eyes taking in the sight.
Alina laid on her back, breathing erratic asNikolai’s gaze made her feel things she hadn’t felt in a long, long time. Likeshe was worth it all. Like she was the sun in the sky, the stars up above. Shelicked her lips, “You’re not so bad yourself…”
Nikolai chuckled, “Oh, sunshine, that mouth ofyours is just further evidence of my words.” He leaned down, hands caressingher thighs as he slowly parted them, “I can’t wait to hear every word thatcomes out of it,” He added, his eyes flickering from hers to her centre. Andthat alone had Alina breathing faster even before she felt the first lick.
It was quick and playful. Nikolai teased herwith his tongue, that mischievous tip living up to the fame it had in Alina’smind as he played her. Lazy strokes and quick licks, Nikolai spared no expenseat pleasuring Alina, drawing moan after moan out of her. “Oh… yes…!” She clawedat the sheets, trying to catch herself as Nikolai teased her into a realitythat dangled just out of reach, yet full of wonders. Another stroke, anotherlick and Alina was tipping over the edge, the world rewriting itself as shecried out Nikolai’s name and practically ripped the sheets apart in the heat ofthe moment.
Nikolai was beaming with pride when Alina sawhim again, his eyes dark with lust, his mouth stretched with a smile that madeher want to kiss him until time itself ended. “That was… incredible.” He said,and kissed the spot just below her jaw.
“I… Shouldn’t I be the one… oh, yes… sayingthat?” She moaned, this kiss already winding her tighter and tighter.
Nikolai slid a hand between her thighs anddipped a finger in her folds, “Thank you.” Was all he said before he startedteasing her once more.
Alina dug her hands on his back, the tonedmuscles a lovely spot to leave whatever nail marks she had to leave tonight.Nikolai’s finger teased her clit slowly, winding her tighter than ever untilAlina was certain she would burst apart if he didn’t stop, if he stopped alltogether. “Nikolai…”
He didn’t need her to utter another word.Nikolai knew exactly what she wanted. And he was going to give her, the wholenight if he had to.
The first press drew a surprised gasp out ofAlina. Her eyes fluttered open to find Nikolai staring at her, a soft lineforming between his eyebrows as he sank into her as slowly as he could. Hepressed his forehead to hers and whispered her name over and over again, like aprayer, like a vow, like a promise to live by forever. And then he was snuginside of her, fitting her perfectly.
Alina couldn’t keep her lips from cracking intothe most satisfied and happy smile of her life, “Saints, you feel so good,Nikolai… So good.”
He drew a little, a groan echoing his moves, “Likewise,sunshine.” And sank back inside, drawing a low moan out of her. “I want tonightto be special, Alina. I want you to know that it is special to me.” Hewhispered into her mouth, moving in and out of her so slowly she wouldn’t havenoticed it if wasn’t for all the nice and wonderful reactions it drew out ofher body and mouth. “I love you so much… So much.”
“I love you too, Nikolai… Oh, yes…!” His pacestarted to pick up. Nikolai took every hint that Alina gave him and followed itto completion, kissing and touching her whenever she needed him. And moving.Moving, moving, moving. His hips began to rock harder against hers, faster andfaster and faster. Alina’s low moans turned into louder cries, her handsdigging deeper into his back before she knotted one in his hair and pulled witheach new thrust of his.
Nikolai breathed fast, his mouth showeringAlina with kisses and groans and sweet nothings he couldn’t stop himself fromuttering. And it was all just wonderful and special and magical. It was everythingshe had ever dreamed of and better and then…
“Nikolai!” She cried out with a final thrust,her body, mind and soul tipping over the edge once more and disappearing in aworld of wonders. Nikolai followed her close behind, his cry for her like musicto her ears. Like sweet, sweet music.
“Look, sunshine. Blini.” Nikolai said from theother side of the room, where an opening in the wall offered a tray of food.“And chocolate as well.” He dipped a finger in one of the two mugs and moaned alittle after tasting, “And it’s really good.”
“Bring it over, you ass.” Alina demanded, herstomach still aching for food. After the soup and the salmon, Alina still hadstomach for blini and hot chocolate. Nikolai had… worn her out. Saints. Theechoes of their cries still lingered in the room, her body sore in all theright ways.
Nikolai flashed a smirk, and took off his robe.He slapped his backside playfully and posed for Alina, who just broke down inlaughter. Nikolai just posed with even more meaning, “I knew you liked it,sunshine. Don’t think I didn’t see you ogling my well defined body.”
“Just bring the food, all right?” She said, herface still stuck in a grin. Both out of his ridiculous poses and the fact thathe was butt-naked.
“As you wish, my love.” He brought over thetray, the scent of fresh blini and hot chocolate filling the room in his wake.“Here’s one for you,” He served her a mug, “And one for me.”
“Thank you.” She drank a little and sighedhappily, “This is so good… Oh! Snow?” She looked outside the window where snowwas beginning to fall.
Nikolai followed her gaze and nodded, “Theyhave a very interesting weather schedule here. I suppose it’s for visitors tonever miss a thing.”
“Isn’t it… Annoying for those who live here?”She thought about a life here, having to plan her whole day around a weatherschedule that could go from hot summer breezes to cold snowy nights. It mightbe fun at first but she knew she’d grow tired of it after two or three days.
Nikolai shrugged and served her a bit of blini.Alina arched an eyebrow at the fork but she took the bite anyway. His hazeleyes were stuck on her mouth, watching her eat for a moment before he spokeagain, “Most likely, but residents grow used to it.” Then he leaned in andpressed a quick kiss to her chocolate-covered lips. “Saints, you taste sogood.”
“It’s the chocolate, you horny idiot.”
He shook his head, “Horny? Maybe. But I’d argueI’m more of an idiot in love. A happy to be in love idiot. An idiotically inlove idiot.”
Alina rolled her eyes and pushed him lightly,“You really are an idiot.” Nikolai grinned at her and she scoffed.
The two ate in relative silence until nothingwas left behind on their plates and mugs. Alina sighed content, her stomachfinally full. “That was fantastic.”
“Better than me?” Nikolai pouted at her, goingas far as making his lower lip tremble.
“Oh, shut up.”
A playful grin danced on his lips, “Make me.”
Alina almost turned him down before sheremembered he was completely naked. She reached down with one lone finger, and drewa low moan out of him, “Careful what you wish for…” She danced with her fingeraround him, and up and down, and down and up, until Nikolai was hard as a rock.
Nikolai caught her hand and kissed her palm,his eyes dark with lust and love, “I wish… Saints… I wish to stay with youforever, Alina.”
She blinked, her heart stopped. “What…?”
Nikolai looked sheepish for a moment, “I don’t…I don’t want you to go back.”
“Os Alta?” He nodded. “Nikolai… Is that why youtook the long way around?”
“I’m afraid it was part of my reasoning, yes.”
She shook her head softly, a smile on her lips,“I had a feeling there was more to it than just safety. But Nikolai… I have aduty.”
“And yet you say it as if it’s a burden.”
He was right. Alina had cleared the Fold, shehad helped Os Alta and Ravka, that beautiful planet, and now she was just aGrisha held in the highest of regards, kept close just in case. The Darklingpraised her and her powers, and so did many, many others. Some days… Alinasecretly wished someone would take her away to see the world. When things gottoo much, when she felt like her job was done and she had nothing more to do inRavka. “Would you take me away?” She asked, her voice raw.
“If that’s your wish, sunshine. I would takeyou with me aboard my ship and show you the world. Discover the universe byyour side. Plant roots in a nice little moon. Whatever you ask of me, I will doit.”
Alina’s heart couldn’t take it anymore. It wasso full. So full. His words, his smile, the meaning behind everything he’duttered to her. Nikolai was ready to give her the world or walk away from hers.He just needed her word, her decision. She bit her lip and rose to her knees,carefully straddling him until their bodies were mere seconds away. She brushedher nose against his and smiled, “I like those ideas. I haven’t seen much ofthe universe yet. I’d barely seen Ravka before the attack. Before you saved usand I got to see so much aboard your ship.”
“Then the universe it is, sunshine…” He rasped,his voice thick and pained. Alina was staying just out of reach and he wassuffering with the distance.
“But I still have to go to Os Alta.”
“Of course, Alina. My job isn’t done yet…Saints, sunshine. You are so… wicked.” He rasped when she played with him againbefore guiding him to her entrance. “So deliciously wicked…” He whispered asshe sank onto him.
Alina moaned softly when he was snug inside ofher, drunk in the sensation of him, in his scent, his touch, his love. Shebegan to move. They still had a long time before returning to the ship. Shemoaned. They would make the most of it. She rocked her hips with his andsmiled. The universe. He was going to show her the universe. She couldn’t wait.
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kchuarts · 4 years
Flowers in Blood
A/N: eff it. I am uploading the rest of part 1 ;) 
Summary: Death and Life 
Taglist: @lucywrites02​ @shiningloki​ @blo0dangel​
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Chapter 23: Ulex, Coltsfoot, & Black Rose
No matter what Katie did, she felt sick. Her stomach churned at every small move she made and the rocking of the ship she was on didn’t help. To make matters worse, the room she was being kept in was hotter than all blazes. She curled into a ball and bit down on her lower lip, trying to ignore the nausea. Katie had already thrown up several times on the way to China. What little food she had been given came right back up. All she did was sleep as it was the only thing she could do besides relieve herself occasionally. She didn’t even know what day it was or how many had passed anymore. Trips to the bathroom turned out to be humiliating as she had 0 privacy whatsoever. She had to be watched 24/7 and was even being monitored by a camera in the room. "Jonathan…" she whispered softly to herself as she lay on the floor. Katie closed her eyes, trying to fall back into a light sleep.
The intercom in the ship announced that they were shortly approaching land. This meant nothing to the brunette as she continued to try and sleep. She was given no blanket, mattress of any kind, or pillow the entire time.
"No." Katie whimpered as hands grabbed her and pulled her upwards. The person yanking her to stand smacked her across the face and yelled something. She couldn't understand any of what they said as it was all in Mandarin. All she knew was that her arms were bound behind her back and a rope was tied around her neck. She squeaked as she was shoved out onto the dock, the sun blinding her momentarily. It felt nice to feel the sun on her skin despite how hot she was initially. She was led to a truck and shoved in the back of it with 4 men climbing in. Katie was too tired to be afraid, too emotionally drained to care. All she wanted to do was sleep and hope that when she woke up, Jonathan would be lying next to her. He would tell her that it was all a bad dream and that she was safe with him, that he loved her. The brunette wanted to cry, but her head hurt so badly and she was too dehydrated to produce any tears.
Wherever they were taking her, the road was bumpy and she was forced to sit on the floor; not that she cared anyways. The one thing she was extremely thankful for was the fact none of the men in the truck had not touched her. None of them so much as even looked at her but they were there, she assumed, to keep her in check. At least they weren’t doing anything malicious…
Katie seized up, curling her legs into her chest and clenched her jaw. “Not now.. Please not now.” She said as quietly as she could. This was odd as Katie wasn’t due for her period for another week or two. Perhaps stress induced an early menstrual cycle as she had been through a lot the past however many days had past.
The truck came to a full stop many hours later and jolted with the driver braking hard. One of the younger men grabbed Katie by her arm as she flew forward. She looked up, frightened at first but saw that this man had a sympathetic look in his eyes. If he could speak to her, he would but he did not know any English. This man hated what he did for a living, serving a sex traffic ring, but it was to put food on the table for his family as he lived in poverty. The kind stranger helped Katie stand and gave her a gentle, subtle pat on her back. He leaned over, whispering something in her ear despite the language barrier, “Yuàn xīngxīng bāngzhù nín zǒuxiàng hépíng.”
Katie shook her head, not understanding a word of what he had just said. All she could do was offer a nod of thank you and a small, sad smile. The expression she gave to the man was returned in kind and he gave her a nod of farewell, wishing only the best. If she could get out alive, he prayed for his ancestors to help her travel safely.
The building that she was taken to was a concrete, abandoned military base. A blast of cold, yet clammy air hit Katie’s sweat laden skin. She welcomed the coolness, but could do without how damp it was in here. Once she was taken to the place where she would temporarily stay, her bindings were cut and she was promptly shoved into this cage. She walked over to the bars, holding onto them and watching as the men who took her here walked out. Katie had thought about picking the lock on the cage, but what would she have to pick it with? The employees here made sure the floors were kept clean and that no prisoner was hiding anything when given their one meal a day.
“Ποιος είσαι?” A young accented voice spoke in a language unfamiliar to Katie.
She turned around and her eyes widened upon seeing a young child with long, shaggy blonde hair. “I-I’m sorry, I don’t understand.” She shook her head and sat down to show the child she wasn’t going to hurt them. “Do you speak any English?” She asked slowly, wincing as another wave of cramps passed over her.
The child half nodded and shook their head, getting up slowly and walking closer to Katie, curious but cautious. The light above them gave Katie a better look. The child appeared to be a young boy with beautiful amber eyes-
“Nikolai…” Katie’s breath left her and a soft smile broke out onto her face. “You’re Nikolai, yes?”
The boy nodded and looked at her with suspicion, “How you know my name?” He tried his best to speak, his accent thick.
“Your mother sent me and my… My friend to look for you. She is very worried about you.” Katie felt a little better knowing that she had found Nikolai. “I will not hurt you. I am a friend. I am Katie.” She placed her hand on her chest and gave a small smile.
Nikolai’s eyes widened and tears began to brim his eyes, along with a smile. “Mama? She send me angel to help…” He sniffled, wiping his eyes on his dirty and tattered shirt. Seeing that Katie was someone he could trust, he walked over to her and pulled her hand. “Follow.”
The brunette obliged, getting up and walking over to where Nikolai had previously been sitting and took a seat next to him. Upon closer inspection, she noticed all the scars littering his hands and her heart broke.
“My uncle. He hit me bad. He use whips and sharp knives.” He could tell she noticed his scarring. “My uncle hates me. I do not know why.” He spoke sadly. “Long ago he take me from mama. Father do not care for me too. Mama only cares. I want to paint with mama again. I want mama.” His shoulders stiffened up and he began to sob.
Cautiously, Katie placed her hand on Nikolai’s shoulder and was caught off guard by the boy hugging her tightly. She wrapped her arms around the skinny boy and gently rubbed his back as he cried on her shoulder. “I’m gonna get you out of here somehow. Both of us.”
“Kate… Kate no- Please, don’t take her.” Jonathan tossed and turned, his skin shining in a light layer of sweat. “Give her back. Please. I can’t live without her!” Blue eyes shot wide open and Pine took a large gasp of air, sitting up abruptly but immediately regretting so. “Fuck!” He hissed as pain shot through his chest.
Several nurses came rushing into his room, helping him settle back down. “Mr. Pine you cannot be thrashing about like that!” A british voice spoke.
British- Panic settled in and Jonathan looked at the nurse who was trying to calm him down. “A-Am I back in England!?” His voice cracked and much to his horror, the nurse nodded.
“It’s been about two weeks since you were brought to us. You had your phone on ya and Mrs. Burr brought ya here, that she did. I believe she tracked you down.” The nurse explained. “You were in a bit of a daze, you were. Only waking up to eat and do your business but we had t’help ya.” She gave him a worried look. “You kept screamin’ the name Kate for the first four nights you got here.”
His heart sank. Tears began to slide down his cheeks as he knew she had been taken, Daniel had won. “This is all my fault.” He grit his teeth, cursing himself for falling in love and putting Katie in constant danger. This was a price of love that he had to pay.
“You were a lucky one when you got here. Only one room left after all the shite that’s been going on. Bombings everywhere and not just restricted to London now. Some organization called Root-”
“Get out.” Pine snapped, anger flaring up. He didn’t need to hear anymore as he knew what was happening. “Unless you have to give me some sort of medication or call Angela Burr, get out.” his voice lowered.
The nurses made a swift exit, apologizing and noting to contact Angela as soon as they could.
How many people had died because Jonathan was foolish not to provide information to Angela or the higher ups? How many deaths would be on his conscience? Would Katie be amongst them? No, he didn’t want to think about that at all. Pine began to sob, “I’m so sorry Cameron… I’m so sorry.”
Around three days had passed since Katie was dropped off at the holding compound. During this time, she had tried to make the best out of her situation by keeping Nikolai company. There was nothing to do but try to learn from each other. He would teach her some Greek and she would teach him more English. Katie even managed to crack a smile from the young boy when she taught him a tongue twister. His laugh was infectious and almost made her forget about her oddly late period… No, she couldn’t be pregnant. It was just stress.
“Your favorite animal is a fox?” Nikolai rocked side to side while sitting criss cross. “I teach you how to say fox!” He smiled. “Alepoú is how you say fox. My favorite animal is um…” He thought for a moment, “It is a bear! They are big and cute but mean when they have to. Mama likes Lions.”
Katie smiled at Nikolai, “Bears are very cute! I like how fluffy they are. Lions are also wonderful. Your mother reminds me much of one because she loves you so much. Lionesses will do anything to protect their young.”
The boy giggled and nodded, “She is a lion because she can be scary too! Sometimes, I eat too many cookies and she get very mad. She tell me; Niko!! Θα είστε πιο παχιά από τον Άγιο Βασίλη εάν συνεχίζετε να τρώτε μπισκότα!!” He mocked his mother in a loving tone. “She tell me I will be fatter than Santa Claus!” He laughs again. The boy’s laughter stops short as the large, metal door swings open. He immediately dives into Katie’s arms, hiding his face in her chest as a physician walks in.
Papers ruffle and the physician clicks his tongue, looking directly at Katie. “Your blood and urine samples from yesterday have proven to be very concerning.”
Katie held Nikolai close to her and scrunched her brows together, “What do you mean?” She had a feeling that she already knew what he meant. The brunette did her best to contain her tears and shock, closing her eyes. She failed to hold back her tears, hoping that the Physician says something other than what she dreaded to hear.
“You’re pregnant. Were you trying to conceive before capture? Piss poor planning and unfair if you ask me.” The Physician shrugged.
“No!! I wasn’t even trying!! I-I… I can’t be. It was a safe day.” More tears fell down her cheeks and she looked up at the man, “I can’t.”
“You are. The tests don’t lie, Miss O’Connor. This is your fault and now you have to live with your decision of whoring around.” The Physician tapped the clipboard with his pen before walking out and slamming the door shut.
Nikolai slowly raised his head from Katie’s chest and reached up, wiping her tears. “You are having a baby?” He asked innocently.
Taking a shaky breath in, Katie nodded. She tried to control her sobs, but they just kept coming out harder and harder. She could always try to miscarry somehow, but her brain wouldn’t allow those thoughts to even pass. This was Jonathan Pine’s child growing inside of her and he would never know as they were miles apart.
“Is it bad you are having a baby? You seem sad.” Nikolai was still curious. He was taught that expecting a baby was a joyous occasion, no matter what; so long as the woman wills it.
In retrospect, it was bad to be having a baby while working as a spy of sorts. There were so many dangers that could befall Katie and her unborn child. She believed in a woman’s right to her own body, but she herself couldn’t bear the thought of aborting it despite the circumstances. If it had somehow been Travis’s she wouldn’t have hesitated due to her past with him. However, this was Jonathan’s and she loved him with every fiber of her being. If this was the last piece of him that she would ever have, then she would do everything she could to protect her child. “No. I’m scared.” Katie finally calmed down enough, wiping her tears. “I’ve never had a baby before, until now.” She felt Nikolai hug her tightly and she returned the hug.
“I have a idea.” The blonde boy let go and looked at her, pressing his smaller hand on her flat stomach. “If it is a boy you should name it fox! If it is a girl you should name it-” He stopped as the door opened again, but this time he did not hide. Nikolai removed his hand from Katie’s stomach and stood up. “M-Mama.”
There, Abbadon stood, a sad smile on her face. “My Niko. My baby boy.” She wept as she limped over to the cage, wheezing. “My baby.” She struggled to stand up. Her dull, amber eyes sparked with a little life upon seeing Katie in the confinement too. “My Katelyn, my only friend. Thank you for trying. I hope you find it in your heart to forgive me for what I have done to you and Pine.”
Katie stood up, walking over to the bars and grabbing Abbadon’s hand. Fresh tears rolled down her cheeks. “I do. None of this is your fault, Abbey. You did what you had to do.”
“Mama! Ο άγγελος που στείλατε ήταν τόσο ευγενικός σε μένα και δίνει υπέροχες αγκαλιές! Μου έχει διδάξει και περισσότερα Αγγλικά.” Nikolai smiled brightly, holding his mother’s hand and crying of joy after not seeing his mother for nearly a year.
Abbadon chuckled and reached through the bars, her arm covered in bruises as the sleeve of her top shifted. She cupped her son’s face and smiled at him, “He told me that you are an angel and a most kind one at that.” The auburn haired woman spoke softly to Katie. “I believe he is most definitely right about you being an angel.” Tears brimmed her honey brown eyes. “You have done more for me than you can imagine, Katelyn.”
Guards walked by, unlocking the cell and yanking Nikolai out. The boy immediately hugged his mother tightly and began to cry a little louder.
Abbadon’s eyes widened as she felt a searing pain suddenly pass through her chest. Another followed in short and her eyes landed on Daniel. “You promised… You promised me-” She said, blood dripping from her mouth.
“I never promised anything, traitor.” Daniel blew the smoke from his pistol, walking into the room. “Your name will never be remembered and neither will that abomination of a child.” He fired several more rounds into Abbadon and his nephew, his eyes showing no remorse or hesitation. There was only hatred.
Katie watched as Abbadon and Nikolai fell to the ground, lifeless. Her eyes would not leave them as she noticed that Nikolai’s hand was in his mothers, like the painting she had done. “No… NOOO!! YOU EVIL SON OF A BITCH!!” Katie screamed at Daniel. “HOW COULD YOU KILL YOUR OWN SISTER!? YOUR NEPHEW- A CH-CHILD!? YOU SICK BASTARD!!” Her body shook with rage, now feeling a new sense of fury as an expectant mother herself. Katie’s heart was broken, she wanted to save them and get them out so they could live the life they deserved.
Daniel put his gun aside and stormed over to Katie, grabbing her by her throat and digging his fingers into her neck. “You have no right to question me, wife. You belong at my feet. Perhaps a little reinforcement will teach you a lesson-”
“NO!!” She shrieked, pushing him away and shaking her head. “Please don’t hurt me. Please.” Her arms wrapped around her waist, the thought of losing her baby terrifying her.
The leader pushed his sleeves up, grabbing her wrist.
“Please d-don’t!! I’m pregnant!!” She screamed, shaking under Daniel’s grip.
“You’re what?” Daniel released her arm, shoving her back.
“I’m pregnant. P-Please don’t hurt me. Please.” She sank to the floor, holding herself tightly and sobbing.
Daniel scoffed, stroking his beard and then grinning. “Stand up. Do it now or I will hurt you.” He mocked her. “Record this on your phone.” He snapped his fingers at one of the guards.
Katie quickly stood up, her arms still shielding her stomach. She whimpered at Daniel’s grip around her arms and trembled hard.
The guard nodded to Daniel as a sign the phone was recording. “I told you, Pine. I always get what I want and here I have my rose. She lacks her beauty right now as she is not in the best of shape.” He runs the back of his hand down Katie’s face. “However, I am not yet satisfied. I want you and your little agency to stop all interference with Root.”
Jonathan stared in horror at the video message that was sent to Angela’s e-mail. His heart broke at the sight of Katie standing there practically naked and frightened.
“ Once that has been done, I will have my men send you a special little pill of cyanide-” Daniel jerked Katie in the video as she reacted badly to that. “I do not need anymore of you in this world and should you disobey me… My rose, tell your dead lover what you told me before I tried to hit you.” He grabs her jaw and forces her to look up at the camera.
Tears rolled down her dirty face and she gulped hard. “I-I said… Please don’t hurt me… B-Because I’m pregnant. ”
That was all Jonathan needed to hear before slamming the laptop shut and grabbing his short hair. “DAMN IT!!” He slammed his fist against the wall behind him.
Angela could only watch as Pine broke down in tears, practically collapsing to the floor. “Sweetheart, I’m so sorry-”
“IF YOU WERE SORRY YOU WOULD HAVE NEVER CALLED HER AGENCY IN THE FIRST PLACE!! IF YOU WERE SORRY SHE WOULD HAVE NEVER CAME HERE OR MET ME AND NEARLY DIE!!” Jonathan sobbed hard, “If I didn’t fall in love with her- If I hadn’t been so foolish and insisted on protection-” He grabbed the trash can beside Angela’s desk, throwing up from anxiety and a plethora of other problems.
The director walked over, kneeling beside him and cautiously placing a hand on his back. “We all make mistakes and we learn from them. I am truly sorry, Jonathan. If I may speak freely, I hadn’t anyone else to turn to and she was exactly what I needed. I just didn’t anticipate the entire mission turning out like this cluster fuck.” She paused, thinking about her next words. “We will get her back. I will not let another incident like Sophie ever happen again, but we need a plan of action.”
Pine coughed hard, wiping his mouth and shoving the waste bin away from himself. “One that involves me putting a bullet into Daniel’s skull.” He growls. “I will never let him lay another finger on anyone so long as I draw breath. He won’t be able to because I’ll be the one to make sure he is hundreds of feet beneath the ground.”
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