#headphones ; riku
airawisteria · 1 year
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[ID: A digital drawing of Sora from Kingdome Hearts wearing a black hoodie with red and white accents, a black shirt with a white butterfly in the upper centre of the shirt, white and grey headphones and black jeans with silver chains hanging from them. He has his signature crown necklace and is lying down in a green, grass filled place with some of the grass ending up on his body. He has his eyes closed and his hands are behind his head as tears fall down his eyes. There is some generic warm shading done to the drawing. The drawing is set in Quadratum in some grassy area.]
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system-of-a-feather · 10 months
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aurorangen · 5 months
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Oscar was walking back from the vets with his cat Dorito when he saw Riku sitting by the lake. "What's up?" he sat down beside him and took off his headphones. "Ayy it's my boy Oscar!" Riku winked at him and pulled his hat down, "I'm just thinking."
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"Well...do you wanna talk about it?" Riku considered him, "Sure." Oscar couldn't quite understand the situation; everything was explained vaguely. Nevertheless, he listened without judgment and gave the best support to Riku to go and do what he needed to do!
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harveybwabbit92 · 5 months
Belial: From now on, if anyone's going to be making my girl cranky in the morning, it's gonna be me.
R/n: Aww, that's so sweet.
Belial: Shut up, bitch.
R/n: Jackass.
Zero: Are you sure these two love each other?
Riku: Trust me, they do.
Zero: How-
Riku, looking traumatized: The walls in this place are thin. I've heard ...things...
{Yes, Riku had heard things he'd like to repress (Riku now has noise cancelling headphones or earplugs on hand.)...but he's also heard his dad say some of the most sweetest and sappiest things to R/n, that he briefly wonders if it was really Belial or not?}
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strayheartless · 1 year
I need some roxas headconons today, and I feel like it might get a little deep so bare with me:
Roxas is the kind of person that needs to have control of his own sound scape. If there are people near him talking or there’s noises outside is immediate space he doesn’t like is, so he wanders round with headphones round his neck so he can put music on that makes him feel calmer.
My boy is quiet. Like quiet quiet. Out of the four boys (Ven, Sora, vanitas and Roxas) and Xion, Roxas speaks the least. He’s happy to talk when he’s got something to say, but he’s pretty happy to just listen most of the time.
Roxas sees Lea as not just his best friend but also like his parent. He’s not a father -Roxas doesn’t think that’s the right word- but when either he or Xion need a hug, or advice, or just to sit quietly and be accepted, Axel is who they go to.
Roxas does not hate Riku. He doesn’t love the guy, but he has long since accepted that Riku had his own shit going on. They’ve talked it out and come to the conclusion that they are friends through their connection with sora and little else, and that’s okay. Roxas would land Riku a pen if he needed one but their not going to die for each other any time soon.
Sora decided Roxas is now his twin brother, and Roxas will never breath a word of how happy that makes him. The fact that sora accepts his existence was enough, but to be treated like he’s always been his own person? Warm and fuzzy.
Roxas gets frustrated quickly, and in a turn of events that suprised maybe everyone, possibly no one, Ventus is usually the one who knows just what to say to bring him back down to earth. Ven just sits with him and mourners encouragements, or helps him solve the issue and keeps Roxas level.
Being a person is complicated and messy and Roxas has ✨trauma✨, so some days are a lay in bed and cry day; others are a throw something until Lea and Isa make you stop for everyone’s safety day; and some days are a blanket burrito on the couch and disassociate day. Either way a evening call with Sora while Xion brushes his hair is usually the solution.
Don’t ask Roxas about skateboards or random twilight town trivia if you have a pressing appointment. You WILL be late. Particularly with skateboarding. The boy knows everything.
Roxas can play the bass. Or at least he’s learning to and he seems to be quite good at it. He likes it at least, and Isa seems to think it’s good therapy for him so… win-win really.
I dunno, that’s all I’ve got atm. I’m sad and feeling Roxas-y. Send help
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kitkat-the-muffin · 8 months
It has come to my attention that I have completely forgotten to post this
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This was another collab with @420penisdelirious69 where he drew the image and I colored it
During our experiment, I came up with the idea of “what if Riku just holed himself up in his room all day listening to Linkin Park while propping the door closed with Kairi’s corpse” and he thought it was so funny that he drew it and said “ok it’s your idea you color it” and so I did
His headphones are so loud that Maleficent can hear. He’s gonna hurt his poor ears
I can’t believe I forgot to post this!!! Smh I’m really proud of this coloring job too!!!
I even shaded Maleficent’s tiny face! Not that you can see it in Tumblr’s scuffed quality anyway tho
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blindwielder · 2 years
@virhiith hit the heart!
As much as Riku loathed having to go out during the day, it simply wasn't feasible to be constantly holed up in his apartment and only escaping when the sun went down. In a perfect world, maybe - but he could already hear his father's voice chiding him for hiding away, and offering up some unwanted explanation and advice over how avoiding light was the reason he felt so sensitive to it.
So - cue him, mid-morning, shuffling awkwardly down the street with a hood pulled up, dark glasses on, and music blaring through his headphones to try to block out the worst of the sensory overloads.
He knew he 'stood out'. Riku wasn't blind to the fact that everyone he passed gave him an uneasy look, as if expecting him to turn out to be some thug or delinquent, and most people gave him a wide berth. Fine by me. And it was, except that didn't fully erase the sensation of something - shame? Or maybe just simple discomfort.
Hate running errands for the old man.
Keeping his head ducked down low made it harder to see people in front of him, which normally wasn't a problem - but when turning a corner, it was a lot harder for even the other person to see him to try to get out of the way.
Riku stumbled hard, phone hitting the ground as the music cut off abruptly and his glasses got knocked aside from his own attempts to try to catch himself before hitting the ground. It wasn't so much that the other figure had run into him, more the shoddy and uneven sidewalk that had made it so easy to lose his balance. His hood had fallen back too, and he found himself trying to shade his vision with one hand as he groped around on the ground for his glasses - or phone - with the other.
"S- sorry." The apology was forced out on reflex as he braced himself, expecting to hear an old lady yelling at him for not watching where he was going.
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embraceyourdestiny · 2 years
I laugh whenever the Bluetooth lady turns on in my headphones because she sounds like she’s saying “sorry!” Like kh3 Riku
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vulpiximisa · 6 months
Rating Idolish7 Performing Outfits (pt4)
Mr. Affection 
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What rhymes with affection? Perfection. Okay, they’re not that perfect but they’re incredibly cool. Is it too grungy and bad boy for I7? Yeah lol but it doesn’t change the fact that the outfits are cool. XP; I like the fur and the headphones and the boots and even though it’s probably a nightmare for cosplayers, the asymmetry adds to it. 
Anyway, song, sick as hell, MV, sick as hell, outfits, sick as hell. 10/10
Tomorrow Evidence
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I love the steampunk theme, don’t know the song or MV as much, I’ll have to watch it more. (If Ban wants to lets us, you know, legally.) I love the hats and goggles but they took them away in their BtP performance, but I don’t think it’s that huge of a loss, the base outfits are still really cool. 
Aside from Riku and Yamato (who I always have my eyes out for), I also really like Nagi’s black sleeves and Tama’s shoulder belt thing. 
Beyond the Period/Nightfall
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Uhhhh, I don’t have strong opinions on the former since they look a bit too same-y (the high priest cloak and garb look). If there are differences they’re way too subtle for me to care about because the base outfits don’t interest me. They’re not bad, I suppose, but I’m fine not remembering them. Nightfall gets like a point for being black.
Day/Night Disco
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I literally forgot about this one. Unfortunately it’s just two outfits split amongst the group. The outfits themselves aren’t bad, but there isn’t the fun variance that I look for in a group. The song is nice and fun but the MV is just… there.
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startgamc · 10 months
“  i thought i’d never see you again.  ” [ @ JOSHUA HOW COULD I HAVE MISSED THAT YOU WRITE JOSHUA AAA-- ]
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more prompts for your feels [accepting]
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Well, well, well... This was indeed a surprise. He hardly expected to run into Riku again, in Shibuya of all places. Had he grown taller since they last met? Taller and stronger from the looks of it, actually. Good for him.
He tucked his hands into his pockets, smirking slightly at Riku's admission.
"Here I was under the impression that it was you and your friend Sora who were all about hearts and connections and all of that. He said that he'd see us again, if he could help it. Don't tell me that's all for show." He teased, shrugging his shoulders. "Or was it that you were hoping you'd never see me again?" He chuckled, wondering how much of a reaction he could get out of him this time.
Riku was pretty unflappable from what he recalled — much like a certain headphone-wearing friend of his — that is unless you pressed just the right buttons.
"What brings you out to my neck of the woods, hm?"
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system-of-a-feather · 8 months
When u get a good moment, could u talk some more about ur fronting acknolegement? U had like, a call and responce thing coming off anesthesia w Chuun in front.
Do yall do that every time u front? What was the beginning stages of developing that tool like? Is there somewhere we could lewr
Hope ur recovery is speedy:))
(Disclaimer: We might be a little incoherent cause meds and shit)
Not typically these days (at late stage DID recovery) as we tend to much more actively choose to be at the front or near the front these days so its rare anyone is ever not able to just be up at the front and its rare anyone is front when they weren't expecting to be.
I think the anesthesia made our brain slow to wake up and, for the lack of better words, "load the other parts fully" so I was the only one who could actively take good executive control on shit - I just wasn't expecting it so I was like "Oh shit aight got it"
I'm considered a frequent fronter in the system but I'm one of the least common frequent fronters as I tend to either fuse with XIV or float co-con.
As for it being a tool, its not something we actively worked on beyond just practicing and working on "loading" more parts in the front. Just getting used to having 2 parts cofront and cocon, then 3 then 4 then 6 then 8 and what not Cause if a lot of parts can casually sit near the front and are habitually near the front, its just a matter of asking for help.
XIV, Me, Ray, Riku and Aya are like always a simple "Hey can you do this" away from the front. Like right now, if I really wanted to, I could go "Riku Im over it can you deal with shit" and 9/10 times theyd go "oh yeah bet i gotchu" OR turn to XIV and ask if hed do it and what not
Its pretty useful but its nothing really special or anything developed beyond being accustomed to holding a solid core 5 up and around here at all times. The only reason we arent always commentating and influencing things when we are up here is cause we tend to tune out the front both out of respect and just laziness so like.. Imagine all of us with at least one headphone in and being on our phones unless the person in front asks us for something or we over hear a thing We Like that catches our attention /hj
Riku might go over this more clearly when we are less medicated and more focused but ya know, I wanted to give an answer
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draconli · 3 years
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(sorry for the bright purple!)
Finally, I am slowly finishing things! Slow start to the new year, but hopefully things are getting better! Here is Riku!
Next is Axel!
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princekirijo · 3 years
Now that I'm on the Futaba Arc I just realized the massive potential for Riku and Futaba's friendship...
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kaicaelum · 4 years
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xxairchanxx · 5 years
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Anime: Idolish7
Game: Idolish7
Character: Riku Nanase
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memoryfee · 5 years
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Hm. Something feels very wrong, suddenly. Maybe he’ll stay inside.
Or at least keep away from the alleyways.
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