#heads up it is sad but then they leave konoha and get better
stawbeemilk · 5 months
⤷ when they're jealous – hq
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✩ characters: various
✩ warnings: none
✩ a/n: sorry for being so inactive lately, i've been busy working on my ac island hehe
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⭑ gets possessive
this guy is definitely the jealous type. as much as he tries not to, he always ends up letting his emotions get the best of him, and whenever he happens to catch someone else hitting on you he can't help but become all possessive over you. once he notices them getting a little too close for his liking he won't hesitate to approach the two of you, immediately interrupting the conversation by asking you who they are, and making sure to refer to you by a pet name as a not so subtle way of letting the other person know exactly who you belong to. gets super clingy with you afterwards, refusing to leave your side and making sure everyone around you knows that you're his.
⤷ kageyama, yaku, kuroo, yahaba, semi, futakuchi, atsumu
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⭑ acts unbothered
pretends he doesn't care, but on the inside he's furious. he can't help but narrow his eyes at the other person, watching as you erupt into laughter at one of their jokes— even though it wasn't really that funny. once the interaction is over he'll try his best to keep up the act, finding himself becoming more reserved than usual as he attempts to hide the fact that someone else flirting with you made him far more irritated than he’d like to admit. it isn't until you call him out on his obvious jealousy that he gets all embarrassed, shocked that you noticed so easily because he genuinely believed that he was being subtle. he will probably try to deny it, but deep down he knows it's pointless as you somehow manage to always see right through him.
⤷ tsukishima, kenma, kunimi, sakusa, washio, suna, shirabu
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⭑ ready to throw hands
will definitely try to fight anyone who dares to hit on you, to the point where he's basically your own personal guard dog. not only will he refuse to tolerate anyone flirting with you, he won't let them get away with looking at what's his either. as soon as he realises someone has been staring at you for a little too long, he'll be quick to wrap an arm around your waist and pull you into him, all while glaring daggers at the person who had the nerve to shamelessly check you out like that. he might get a little defensive about it afterwards, especially if you start teasing him, but whenever someone starts eyeing you up and down like that he just can't stop himself from getting protective of you, simply because he hates the thought of anyone making you uncomfortable.
⤷ kyotani, iwaizumi, tanaka, konoha, aran, nishinoya, matsukawa
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⭑ feels insecure
it's not that he believes you would ever be unfaithful, because he trusts you completely— it's just that deep down he thinks you're too good for him and that you could do way better. when he sees someone else trying to flirt with you he can't help but feel a little nervous, insecure thoughts plaguing his mind as he begins worrying that he's not good enough for you. he probably won't say anything to you about it afterwards, but you don't miss the sad look in his eyes or the way he appears to be trapped in his own thoughts. you know by now that he needs a lot of reassurance due to his tendency to overthink, and so you always remind him that he's good enough at times like these when you know he needs to hear it the most.
⤷ akaashi, koganegawa, asahi, hanamaki, tendou, yamaguchi
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⭑ super touchy with you
whenever he gets jealous he finds himself unable to keep his hands off you. he's definitely the type to wrap his arms around your waist when you're in the middle of a conversation with someone else, hugging you from behind and leaning his head on your shoulder. it always manages to catch you off guard, wondering why he's being so affectionate with you all of a sudden, but with the way he scowls at the other person and pulls you into him it doesn't take you long to figure out that he's jealous. he won't be able to keep his hands off you for the rest of the day, asking you for cuddles or wanting to hold your hand, and pouting when you start making fun of him for it.
⤷ bokuto, oikawa, sugawara, osamu, hinata, lev, daishou
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⤷ please do not repost my works on any other sites!
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mixelation · 6 months
here have some (a)synchronicity
i skipped to them getting together. as a recap: tori ends up in an iwa prison camp and gets left behind after an escape by konoha ninja. the iwa commander there is..... less than pleased
content warning for torture i guess? it doesn't progress super far, but there are threats of sexual violence
“I’m wondering,” Ishi said, pacing in front of her in tight circles like a lion before his prey, “what a suitable punishment would be?”
Tori kept her eyes glued on his sandals as he paced. It was better to just let megalomaniac ninja get their little speeches out of their system, she’d found, and then just agree with whatever insane things they were saying.
“We could cut your fingers off one by one,” Ishi offered. “Or hang you upside down and wait for your own organs to suffocate you. Or should I give you to my troops for the night?”
They’d thrown down hay all over the tent floor to prevent mud. Tori wondered how ninja avoided getting pieces of it in their toes with sandals like that.
The sandals turned toward her suddenly, and Ishi grabbed her face by one hand, his digging into her cheeks as he angled her face upward to look at him. 
“I asked you a question,” he said, voice hard. “What should your punishment be?”
Tori didn’t say anything at first, and his grip tightened. There was a glint of metal out of the corner of her vision. 
“You could still answer my questions blinded,” Ishi said. 
Well. That would suck. He wasn’t just going to let her yessir her way out of this. 
“Personally,” Tori said, “I’m a big fan of Water Country rat torture. Have you heard of it? It’s where you starve a bunch of rats—”
He let go of her face and slapped her with his other hand. It was hard enough she saw black spots and was knocked clean off her feet and into the straw. He’d been holding a kunai or something, and it had sliced into her skin. A long line burned with fresh pain from her temple down to her cheek. Tori instinctually raised her hand to touch it, but Ishi yanked her up by the arm and tossed her onto the table. 
He held her down by her head, his thumb pressing into the cut. Tori let out a sad, desperate scream against her will. 
She yanked at his arm, digging her own nails into the fabric of his uniform, desperate to remove his hand. This did not so much as budge him. 
“Hold her legs,” Ishi commanded, and then Tori’s uselessly kicking legs were also held down. “Now,” Ishi continued, “I do think the troops will complain if I cut off your tits.”
Whoever was holding her legs laughed, and Tori felt her face burn in humiliation. 
“But I’ve already ruined your face,” Ishi said, almost conversational. “I don’t think they’ll notice if I do a little more.”
The tool in his hand hadn’t been a kunai afterall. They were some sort of tweezer or forceps, glinting in the lamp light under the flecks of Tori’s own blood. He aimed it at her eye. 
You are going to survive this, Tori told herself, even as she struggled not to cry. This will hurt, but you will live. You can bear this. 
The forceps gripped her eyelashes and then yanked. Tori screamed. He did it again, and then dagged the tips across her temple and asked for other tools. 
“Leave her front teeth in,” someone suggested. 
“She dosn’t need her ears, does she?” someone else said. 
Ishi pulled at her ear lobe with the tweezers, almost thoughtfully. 
“We’ll cut them off in pieces,” he decided. “That will show the little bitch. Scissors.”
Tori watched, panicking, as shadows moved across the tent wall as tools were exchanged. Ishi’s hand on her head remained firm the entire time. She would not be escaping. 
The first cut to her ear never came. Someone rushed into the tent, interrupting it. Konoha was attacking. 
“From which front?” Ishi demanded. His hand came off her head, although the other ninja still held her legs firm. 
“I— we don’t know. It’s like he— he just appeared in the camp.”
No one had bothered to restrain her hands. Tori carefully probed the side of her face with her fingers, and they came away covered in blood. 
“What do you mean he? How many forces? Do you know which clans?���
Tori started tracing fuinjutsu onto the table with her fingers. Something that could be made sloppily and still work… something she knew really, really well and could do blind…
“Sir, it’s… it’s just one man.”
Ishi snarled and marched out of the tent, barking orders. The last words Tori heard from him were, “If it’s just one man, then it’s not an attack, is it?”
All but the ninja holding her legs filed after him. Tori sat up on her elbows and blinked at the remaining ninja. Even with his hands around her ankles, the man had not been paying her a lick of attention, watching as the other Iwa-nin left the tent. 
When they were alone, he finally turned to her and made eye contact. 
Tori activated her seal. He dropped dead. 
Technically, because the chakra disruptor she’s made conducted through her, she also dropped dead. This went as terribly as dying always did: the wind was knocked out of her, and then she went cross-eyed as the Shinigami's thoughts seared into her brain. 
Usually, the Shinigami was hungry, and then disgusted with her like a starving man being served rotting, inedible meat. Today the Shinigami was ecstatic: A thousand souls…. at last satiation… at last, a feast… 
Tori gasped in shock as her body lit up with the fervor of a shark smelling chum. Then it went out of her all at once, and she was alone and plain and normal. Tori rolled onto her side and vomited over the edge of the table. Ah. Gross. The tent spun, but she was alive. 
I hate doing that, she thought as she wiped bile from her lips. A thousand souls…
She got as far as standing up unsteadily when Ishi barged back into the tent, looking significantly more terrified than he had a minute before. His eyes widened further to see her up, his man crumpled over dead at the edge of his table. Tori stared guiltlessly back at him as more ninja flooded in behind him, all in varying states of panic. Weapons were taken off the walls of the tent.  
“Is it the Yellow Flash?” she asked, hopeful. 
There was screaming audible outside now. Loud, horrified screams of trained ninja realizing they were going to lose.
She didn’t know why Minato would come if there were no Konoha prisoners for him to free. Konoha undoubtedly wanted this camp gone, but this seemed like an insanely risky thing to try without a more urgent motivation. Just because Tori knew he was capable of it didn’t mean anyone else on the planet– Minato himself included– did. Maybe he didn’t know they’d escaped?
“You,” Ishi said, some sort of understanding passing over his face. 
Next thing Tori knew, Ishi had one hand balled in her hair and a kunai at her neck. 
Minato strolled into the tent, casual as can be. The whole tent froze. 
“Tori!” he said, eyes brightening when he saw her. His clothes were completely soaked in blood. 
Had he… had he come for her? Tori felt her bottom lip quiver. 
“Ishi-san,” Minato said, his voice hardening and gaze moving up to make eye contact with him. “I was told to negotiate a surrender, but…”
Minato tilted his head and moved his shoulders back, like he was going to stretch. He raised a kunai. Someone threw a shuriken at him, and he disappeared. Tori felt the kunai at her neck start to press into her just slightly more…
And then it was gone. Ishi was gone from her back, and his sudden absence made her stumble. 
“...I don’t really feel like it,” Minato finished, foot on Ishi’s neck. A dozen bodies now scattered the tent. A terrible, quiet stillness filled the air. 
Tori’s eyes stung with unshed tears. She leaned against the table, her head feeling light. 
“Any counterarguments?” Minato asked Ishi. 
“Iwa doesn’t bargain with scum,” Ishi replied, voice garbled only slightly by the foot on his neck. 
Minato just raised his eyebrows. 
“Okay,” he said, and then Ishi had a kunai through his neck. 
Minato turned to her. There were flakes of red in his golden hair and blood splatter across his nose. 
His shoulders sagged in evident relief. 
“Tori!” he repeated, stepping up to her. He held up his hands to indicate no weapons. He grinned at her, and it was like watching the sun rise. “Are you okay? I was worried.”
“Y– yeah,” she replied. She pushed hair out her face, and Minato’s smile dimmed as his eyes traced the line of the gash on her face. “Um… the Konoha prisoners all escaped.”
Minato produced a miraculously mostly-clean handkerchief from his vest. 
“I know,” he said. He carefully tucked hair behind her ear and began to dab around the gash, cleaning blood from her face. “I came to get you.”
Tori let out the world's most pathetic hiccup and began to sob. It wasn’t exactly loud, but once the tears started, she couldn’t make them stop. Her breath turned ragged. It was pathetic and deeply embarrassing, but she felt safe to be embarrassing around Minato. 
“Hey, hey,” Minato said, and he ran his fingers through her hair a few times, picking pieces of straw out. “You’re safe now. No one can hurt you.”
“It’s not that,” Tori said, wiping tears from her eyes. She took a deep breath and willed her voice to be steady. “No one’s… no one’s ever saved me like this before. You came for me?”
“Of course for you,” Minato said, smile broadening. His fingertips lingered on the uninjured side of her face. Tori couldn’t tell if the metallic scent of blood was from her own face or his fingers. “Um, I did kill a lot of people, though. In case that upsets you–”
“I know,” Tori cut him off. Minato had just become the deadliest ninja in history, just for her. She stared into his eyes. He did look happy to see her, and relieved, but also he seemed… nervous?
“I want to hug you,” Minato said carefully. “But I am… very gross right now.”
His uniform had turned brown with blood. He smelled absolutely awful, too. 
“You could kiss me instead,” Tori offered. 
Minato blinked down at her in a way that made her doubt for a second that she’d read the room right. Surely the fifteen or so dead men in the room he’d killed for her, plus the way he was metaphorically wringing his hand like a nervous prom date, meant he was into her?
But then his entire face lit up, the force of his smile making his eyes crinkle up. 
“Okay, yeah,” he said, his hand cupping her chin. “I can manage that without getting blood on you.”
He tilted her head back and leaned over her, very careful that their bodies didn’t meet. It was a very polite, gentlemanly kiss. Tori very carefully put her hands on his chest and… oh god it was wet and sticky and hot from the human bodies it came out of. 
Well, she thought, I’ve done grosser things. 
She wrapped her arms around the back of his neck and pressed herself fully into him, bloody clothes be damned. Minato let out a happy little moan at the back of his throat, but then pulled his face away from her, even as his arms went around her waist.
“I don’t want to hurt your face injury,” he said. 
“I don’t care,” Tori replied. “I want you.”
She yanked him down by the front of his vest. He complied, his grip on her tightening. Her clothes were damp and sticky where his arms met her body. He walked her back toward the table. 
“Don’t touch the seal,” Tori said, panting as she broke their kiss. It probably wouldn’t work a second time, but if it did… “It’ll kill you.”
“Of course it will,” Minato replied with a laugh. He picked her up by the waist and sat her on the table.
Kissing him did tug painfully at the gash on her face, but it was doing very exciting things to the rest of her. She wrapped her legs around his hips and her arms around the back of his shoulders. 
After not nearly enough time making out, Minato broke away again. His eyes were glassy. 
“I do have to do a couple things,” he said, voice rough. “Then we can… continue. Don’t worry. I’ll be fast.” 
He winked. Tori pouted performatively at him. 
“Here,” he said, handing her one of his special marked kunai. “And here.”
He handed her a bottle of ink and a brush. He did not give her any instructions for them; she assumed it was to make her feel safer while he went off to make sure he hadn’t missed anyone in his massacre. 
“Konoha will want the body…” he muttered, turning to Ishi. 
Minato was quick about storing the commander’s body in a scroll, and then he vanished into thin air for roughly seven minutes while Tori sat around in a tent filled with dead people, feeling impatient and unsatisfied. 
She pocketed the fuinjutsu tools and clutched the kunai to her while she pushed the flap of the tent open. It was dusk, and she had full view of literal piles of bodies outside. The camp was unnaturally silent. The ground was muddy with fresh blood. The air smelled metallic, with just the starting hint of putrid rot setting in. 
Deadliest ninja alive… just for her. The thought made her giddy. 
Tori reentered the tent. It was a command station, so it had to have a first aid kit somewhere. 
“That’s smart,” Minato said when he reappeared, and Tori nearly dropped the bottle of rubbing alcohol she was examining. “How do you feel about relocating?”
Right now, Tori would let him take her anywhere, as long as they could be alone. 
He took her to a house, out in the middle of nowhere, near the Fire Country border. One of his old genin teammates had found it on a recent mission. It was recently abandoned, he told her, so it still had running utilities. 
It also had most furniture and kitchen supplies in the combined living area and range, Tori noted. It wasn’t unusual for civilians to decide their safest move during this war was to suddenly leave their homes without settling any of their affairs, but it was also common for ninja to just kill a family and use their house. 
She decided now wasn’t the time to ask clarifying questions and potentially ruin the mood. If ninja had killed whoever lived in this little two bedroom cottage, it probably was Minato or his teammate. Minato obviously had zero issues with killing, but she knew he found harassing or murdering civilians for petty reasons to be distasteful. If Minat wanted to use your house, he’d just smile and tell you to get out. 
Tori was distracted from these thoughts when Minato unzipped his vest and shrugged it off. His shirt underneath was still dark blue, in hilarious contrast to his bloodsoaked sleeves. She let out a laugh as Minato dropped the vest. It made a disgusting squelching noise as it hit the floor. Minato wrinkled his nose at it. 
“I am not looking forward to digging my supplies out of that,” he said. 
The cottage was a cozy little thing, and Tori made Minato put towels down on the furniture before they sat anywhere, excepting the lid of the toilet. She sat there primly while he cleaned the gash on her face for her, and dressed it with butterfly bandages from her stolen medical kit. 
The bathroom was cramped, so they then stepped out of the bathroom into the main bedroom. Tori watched keenly while Minato peeled his disgusting outer shirt and pants off. Underneath he wore mesh armor. 
“Oh gods, the blood even got under it,” he complained, pulling the hem of his shirt away to peer down it, looking forlorn. 
“Are you injured at all?” Tori asked. 
Minato stripped further down to just his underwear, which was enough layers deep to be mostly blood-free, and he seemed surprised to find he did have a few injuries. Tori supposed adrenaline and high speed fights made it difficult to notice. 
Minato could dodge basically anything, but sometimes he did have to take a hit in order to make a blow on an opponent. His shins and forearms were a constellation of minor bruises and burns from hits that dragged his armor against his skin. He had a few nicks on his fingers from his own weapons. 
“Shout out to whoever did that,” he said of a huge bruise on his lower rib cage. 
He identified the shape as probably being from a kick. He did not remember being kicked. 
“It was… kind of a blur,” he said. “I was just focused on getting them out of my way. I don’t remember individuals.”
Tori pulled off her own clothes next. They did, unfortunately, now have brown blood stains exactly where she’d pressed herself up against Minato, including darker stains on the inner thighs of her pants where she’d wrapped her legs around him. 
Tori also had a bunch of bruises from who fucking knew what. Hers were less cool, in her opinion, because at least some of them were from events such as “tripping in the woods.”
“That is a hand,” Minato suddenly said, his own hand coming up to brush his fingers over a bruise on her upper arm. 
“I guess someone grabbed me,” Tori mused. You could see individual finger marks in the bruise. 
Minato frowned. Tori fluttered her eyelashes, and she could feel the difference in weight from where half of one eye’s lashes had been pulled out. She decided she didn’t care right now; Minato was looking at her in a way that made her feel sexy regardless. 
“Are you going to go all overprotective on me?” she asked in her best teasing lilt, only half-joking. It was kind of a dumb, slightly toxic fantasy, but also, consider: it would be hot. 
“Well, whoever did that is almost certainly already dead,” Minato replied dryly. “So I think it would be a moot point.”
His hand skimmed down her arm and then wrapped around her wrist. His touch felt hot, and goosebumps covered her arm in his wake. She took another step toward him, so they were only inches apart. He had a few random smears of blood over his shoulders and chest. Tori traced them with her fingers, then ran her hand over the bruise on his torso. Minato shivered. 
“Tori, I…” His voice cracked and she raised her eyebrows. “I really, really like you.”
Tori felt her stomach flip over and squeeze in the best way. Her toes curled with the excited warmth that spread through her. She put one hand over either side of his face, and he just stared down at her with a hunger she’d been dying to see on him. 
Deadliest ninja alive for me, Tori thought. 
Outloud, she said, “Good,” and then pulled him down into a kiss. 
They had, maybe, been planning to go back into the bathroom and shower before they did this. But Minato touched her like he wanted her, like he cared about her, and Tori did not have a single complaint when they moved to the bed. 
“This is also a hand,” Minato observed of her ankle from between her legs. He absentmindedly kissed the inside of her calf. 
“That guy’s definitely dead,” Tori replied. Her cheeks were hot and her stomach was buzzing with excited nerves. 
Minato hummed and kissed the inside of her thigh next. Tori watched as his nose brushed against her skin, and he left a trail of kisses moving further up. 
The blood splatter over the bridge of his nose continued onto his cheek. It was, very possibly, blood from multiple people. A flake had come off on her thigh. 
“Minato…” Tori started, and he paused, lips still against her skin, eyes meeting hers. “You are covered in blood.”
“Oh,” Minato said, sitting up fully. “Do you want us to clean up first?”
His face looked so eager to please, a stark contrast with the blood in his hair. That fact that she was also dirty and gross didn’t seem to bother him in the slightest. 
“No,” Tori decided. “Keep going.”
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venerawrites · 4 months
Can I request an Imagine where a fem character is captured by the enemy and she’s under a genjutsu where she’s being tortured by Shikamaru (who she loves) but is pulled out of it just in time by Shika who actually gets there in time with a team? Comfort fluff, reassuring, and he admits he loves her?
author's note: I have been writing this literally for ages, but now that all my assignments are officially done, I finally had a chance to catch up! Thank you so much for your patience and this beautiful idea! I absolutely loved writing this one! I hope you like it! <3
warnings: mentions of torture; swearing
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There is something comforting in darkness. Once it welcomes you in its embrace, all your fears, worries, and thoughts just... disappear. Your body and your mind relax and for once, it is all quiet.
And silence is beautiful.
Two strong hands wrapped around your neck, pulling you harshly out of the water and bringing all your senses back to reality. The sudden rush of air filling your lungs made you choke and you struggled to take another breath. The comforting silence, in which you were blissfully floating just a second ago, was interrupted by the rapid beating of your heart and the muffled sound of someone's voice next to you.
"-absolutely pathetic", your brain registered only the last words of what the person said. You coughed once again and another hefty amount of dirty water made its way out of your body, letting you breathe more freely. Your chest felt heavy and all your muscles screamed in pain, making this moment of awareness feel more like a punishment than a relief.
With a few slow blinks, the darkness started to lift and your surroundings started to become clearer. At first, all you could see was the sky - so grey and sad, a sure sign it was about to rain soon. Then your focus shifted to the trees and the strange way their leaves stood still, despite the wind around you. Finally, your eyes shifted to the silhouette sitting next to you. Blinking a few more times, their face started to become more focused and you let out a breath of relief, once you realised it was your best friend who saved you from what seemed like sure death.
"Shika...", you said weakly, not having the energy to even pronounce his full name. Instinctively reaching your hand toward him, you tried to get a hold of his hand, his warmth being the only thing your body craved right now. The said man let out a scoff, moving out of the way just when you were about to reach him. When you hand hit nothing but air, you slowly opened your eyes, brows furrowed in confusion.
"Shika?", you repeated, lifting your head just a bit, so you could see the man better. Sitting on a small stone next to you, he stared at you with a bored expression, a half-burn cigarette hanging from his lips. There was something in weird in his eyes, something which you have seen only a handful of times in all the years you have known him.
Was it anger? Annoyance? Hate?
You couldn't exactly tell, your brain still struggling to make sense of where you are and how did you got there. The last thing you remember was fighting a group of rogue ninjas near Amegakure, before something was wrapped around both your arms and legs, forcing you to the ground. You must have passed out because now you were on the river bank near Konoha, a place where you and Shikamaru played from dawn to dusk when you were children.
"He probably brought me here to clean my wounds", was the first thought that came to your your head, while you tried to lift yourself on your elbows.
"Shika, what-"
The words got stuck in your throat, once your friend's hands found their way around it once again. His nails dug into the skin and you winced in pain, your own fingers wrapping around his wrists in an attempt to pull him away. His power, however, was no match for you and all you could do was stare at him with wide eyes, a silent plead for him to let go.
"Just shut the hell up, troublesome woman! You always ramble on and on, and on...", the fingers on your neck tightened their grip and you opened your mouth, desperately trying to inhale some air and combat the dizziness that started to consume you due to the lack of oxygen. However, Shikamaru did not seem impressed by your struggle or the way you kept tapping his arm. Instead of freeing you, he leaned forward, pressing his full body weight on you.
"I've never hated any sound more than my name coming out of your lips! I fucking hate it! I fucking hate YOU!"
Hissing the last words through gritted teeth, he finally let go of your throat, only to smack his palm against your cheek. Your head whipped to the side, a few droplets of blood flying from your mouth. The burning feeling on your cheek, however, felt almost insignificant compared to the overwhelming feelings of shock and confusion that paralyzed your body. The echo of his words kept sounding in your mind, each repetition making your heart beat faster and faster in panic.
"What...", you chocked out, eyes searching his, "What's going on?"
A dry, almost sinister chuckle left his lips and the sound sent shivers down your spine. He lowered his head right above yours before grabbing your cheeks in one hand, squishing your face. A small whine sounded from you and the man narrowed his eyes, observing you with a mixture of annoyance and amusement.
"Look at yourself... calling yourself a ninja, yet you can't handle even a single mission by yourself!", he muttered with disdain, his gaze not leaving yours. You tried to pull your head away, but his grip was so tight, you were unable to move even a muscle.
Tears of frustration started to form in your eyes, a few sliding down your cheeks. Normally, in moments like these, Shikamaru would be the one holding you, muttering sweet words of comfort in your ears. His hands would stroke your hair, while he rocks your body back and forth till you calm down and fall asleep on top of him.
Now he offered nothing but a look of disgust.
"Wh-What are you doing?", your voice betrayed you, sounding smaller than you intended to, "Shikamaru, why are you holding me like this?"
The first rule of the shinobi was to never give up. It was a life full of pain and sacrifice, but the end goal was the protection of the people - and for that, you had to fight, even if you had no energy left in you.
But as you laid beneath Shikamaru, staring at his dark eyes, full of contempt, you couldn't do anything but let the tears fall freely from your eyes. A good ninja would probably seize the moment and use it as a distraction to draw their weapon and stab their attacker, but how could you do that, when the person on top of you was the person you loved and cherished the most in this world? The person that has been your best friend for more than 10 years? The person who was your rock during the hardest periods of your life? The love of your life?
Before you could realise what was happening, his hands lifted you by the neck, pushing your head below the water again. This time, however, there was no comfort in it - it was cold and unwelcoming, sending waves of shock through your entire body. It stung your eyes and it filled your nose and mouth, making you panic. Your mind screamed at you to fight back, to somehow wrench yourself out of his grasp. Throwing both your arms and legs around, you tried to throw him off you, but his fingers only dug deeper into your skin, his knees landing on top of your thighs to keep you still.
Just as your vision started to fade, he brought you back to the surface and you gasped for air, choking in the water still stuck in your lungs.
"I fucking hate you... Do you understand that? I hate the way you whine all the fucking time, clinging to me like a leech! You always cry, never taking any responsibility for anything!", his tone was low, but filled with hatred, "I hate you so fucking much, I've been fantasizing about how to shut your mouth once and for all for so long!"
Barely giving you a chance to even register his words, he pressed your head down once again. Unlike last time, you were under only for a few seconds, before he pulled you out.
"You are nothing but a burden! To me, to your family, to everyone in that damned village!"
Each word felt like a dagger piercing through your chest, crushing whatever hope remained that all this was just a bad dream and that you would wake up any moment in Shikamaru's bed, his hands rubbing soothing circles on your back.
What the hell happened during your mission? When did he even appear? Did he save you? Why was he so angry with you?
Your head was filled with questions and soon there was nothing but a messy tangle of thoughts. A small voice at the back of your mind kept repeating his words.
"Nothing but a burden..."
The words hit deeper than you liked to admit. Back when you were younger you were the weakest kid in class, much to the dismay of your parents, both of which were great and strong shinobi. The other children rarely wanted to play with you - most of the time they viewed you as someone who couldn't keep up with their speed and energy. Naruto and Shikamaru were the only ones who reached out to you back then, the only ones who stood by you when no one else would.
While the blonde was a dear friend to you, nothing could compare to the bond you shared with the young Nara. He has always been a constant in your life, a safe haven to which you could run once the reality was too much to bear. Countless nights he held you in his embrace when you couldn't sleep because your family was fighting once again. He always left his window slightly open, an unspoken invitation for you to come anytime you wanted. Thinking back, sneaking into your best friend's bed at night was maybe not the wisest decision, as it was during one of these times you realised you were utterly and madly in love with him.
You remembered that night clearly. The two of you were laying side by side on his bed, the only light coming from the bright moon up in the sky. It was the night after Asuma's funeral and despite his initial warning for you not to come, you still made your way to his house at 2:00 o'clock at night. He didn't utter even a word when he saw you entering through his window, instead, he only lifted his blanket, making a space for you to join him. You laid down and he immediately pulled you under him, burying his head in the space between your neck and shoulder, his hot tears falling on your bare skin.
As he clung to you, your fingers gently rubbed his scalp, offering your silent support. What wouldn't you give to take his pain away, to bring back his beloved sensei, and to make him forget the horrors he witnessed that day.
"I don't know what I would do without you...", he whispered against your hair, his breath tickling your scalp.
"You don't have to think about that", you whispered back, your fingers still combing through his black locks, "I am here. I always will be."
Shikamaru didn't answer. Instead, he lifted his head and looked at you with his bloodshot eyes, before pressing his lips against yours. It was a quick and gentle peck, a promise of a friend, rather than a lover's confession. When he pulled away, he rested his forehead against yours, muttering a quiet 'I am sorry.', before rolling on his side and falling asleep.
Neither of you said anything about it afterward. The next morning you woke up and continued your usual routine, as if nothing had happened. There were moments when you wondered if it was all a dream - maybe you were so in love with him that your brain started to play tricks with you. Yet, there was a weird comfort in not knowing if it was all just an illusion. Sometimes you liked to think that it was, indeed, real.
Slowly losing consciousness due to the lack of air, everything started to fade, except the memory of that night. It kept replaying over and over in your mind, feeling so real, you could almost feel his chapped lips against yours.
How ironic and unfair was that? Your last moments are spent thinking about the man who is currently the source of your suffering.
Suddenly the grip on your neck disappeared and you felt something sliding under your head and knees, lifting you back to the surface. Too tired to fight or even open your eyes, you let yourself be carried out of the river. A frantic voice was shouting something right in your face, but you could not recognize it, nor could understand what it was saying. Your limbs, chest, and eyelids felt so heavy, all you wanted was just to relax and let your body rest.
The second you were laid down on a flat surface, someone's mouth was pressed against yours, blowing air into your lungs. The sudden rush of oxygen made your body jolt and you would've probably hurt yourself, if the person who was bringing you back to life did not have their hands on your chest, rhythmically pumping.
Finally, you took your first breath on your own and you coughed violently, turning your body to the side so you could spit the excess water from your mouth. The hands that saved you made their way to your back, gently patting it to help you stop choking.
"Shit, are you okay?", the sound of the familiar voice made your body freeze.
"No! It cannot end like this!", you thought to yourself, the feeling of panic already bubbling inside of you. What game was Shikamaru playing? He almost ended your life, just to bring you back... What type of cruel torture was that?
"Hey... can you hear me? Please, answer me. Please, I can't-"
Before he could finish, you turned toward him and punched him as hard as you could. The man stumbled back from his kneeling position, cupping his nose in an attempt to stop the flowing blood. You used the opportunity to drag your weak body away from him, ignoring the sharp pain that pulsated through each one of your muscles.
"Stay away!", you yelled, glancing back at him, "Why are you doing this? Why are you trying to kill me?"
The young Nara looked at you with a confused expression, taking a step toward you, but immediately stopping once he saw the fear on your face.
"Kill you? What are you-", the sudden realisation of what was going on downed on him and he lifted both his hands from his face in a defensive motion, "Wait! No! It's not what you think!"
Ignoring his words, you continued to drag yourself away, gritting your teeth at the feeling of your skin scraping against the ground. Looking in his direction again, you found he was already on his feet but he had not moved from his original position.
"Please... I'm not going to hurt you!", he begged, his voice filled with desperation, "Just stop for a second! Listen to me!"
Letting out a sigh, you dropped to the ground, too exhausted to continue your escape attempt. Deep down you knew there was no point - you were surrounded by nothing but a field and while you managed to create a significant distance between you, he was on his feet, while you were crawling on your elbows. It was clear that no matter what you did, you won't be able to run away from him. The only option you had was to just wait and hope he was going to finish this quickly.
"Why?", the question came out as a broken whisper and you were not even sure he heard it, "Why are you doing this?"
Shikamaru's gaze softened and he made a small step toward you, testing your reaction. When he saw you made no movement, he made another step before stopping again. Only the gods knew he wanted nothing more than to run toward you and hold you in his arms, making sure you were okay. The spark of fear in your eyes, however, made him control his urges and he used all his willpower to remain calm and rational.
Seeing you like this... it was like his world was falling apart. He was not a violent person, far from it, but somewhere back in his mind, he kept imagining bringing the rogue ninja that put you through this back to life, just so he could kill him again. And then again. And then again. As many times as it took for him to feel like he did you justice.
The image of your face twisted in a silent scream, your whole body covered in blood, was one that he was never going to forget. And oh, how he wished he could! Ino and Choji have never seen their teammate lose control like this, not even when their sensei died. The piercing shriek that left his lips the moment he saw you, the way he ran toward your body, the bloodthirst in his gaze, while he slashed the enemy's throat open... it was almost like something dark and demonic had possessed him.
"You were under a genjutsu... everything that you felt and saw... it was not real. It was NOT me", with each word he closed the distance more and more, till he found himself right in front of you. Crouching next to your form, he extended his hand to touch yours, brows furrowing when he saw you flinch back.
"Please! Whatever you saw, whatever that bastard made you believe... it was NOT ME!", his voice remained low, yet it was getting more distressed, "I would never, ever hurt you! Never!"
He reached out again, this time slower so he could give you a chance to comprehend his words and move back if you wanted to. Shifting your look between his eyes and his hand, you took a deep breath, before letting him touch you. The warmth of his fingers brightly contrasted with your cold skin, sending shivers down your spine.
"It's me...", his hand slowly moved up toward your face, cradling your cheek in his palm and gently stroking it with his thumb. Your muscles remained frozen, still unsure if this was a trick or not, "I'm here. I'm here..."
He kept repeating the same words over and over, while cautiously moving his body closer, so he could wrap his arms around you. Your eyes danced around your surroundings, finally appreciating that you were in fact NOT next to the river in Konoha. Instead, you were at the exact same spot where you lost consciousness during your fight. The pieces of the mystery of what happened finally started to come together in your mind and the reality hit you like a wave, washing over the lingering doubts in your mind.
You opened your mouth to say something, but all that came out was a loud sob. And then another... Soon, the tears started freely flowing down your cheeks while your body shook with the intensity of the shock of what actually happened. Shikamaru kept you pressed tightly against his chest, his own tears falling on top of your hair, while he rocked both of you back and forth.
"I am so sorry!", he muttered, pressing his nose into your head, "I am so, so sorry! It's all my fault!"
"If I didn't waste so much time planning and strategizing, I would've been here on time! I would've been able to save you, I would've been able to kill that bastard before he had the chance to hurt you!", he rambled on, more to himself than to you.
The sound of his name, together with the feeling of your fingers on his face finally caught his attention and he gazed down at you, his dark eyes still glossy and red.
"You saved me...", you said tracing his jaw, "You actually came for me."
He let out a quiet scoff, squeezing you tighter. His lips found their way to your forehead, placing a small kiss on it and lingering for a few seconds after that.
"Of course, I came for you, you troublesome woman", he sighed, closing his eyes. Holding the person you were in love with for years and who you thought you'd lost forever had to be the most surreal feeling.
At least for him.
There were a few seconds of silence between you, during which you just held each other. No words were spoken, but none were needed - the way you clung to one another, ignoring everyone and everything else, spoke of all of the feelings and affections you kept hidden in your hearts. Somewhere in the distance, you could hear Ino's voice talking, but your mind could not focus on anything but Shikamaru's heartbeat next to your ear.
"I've thought I lost you...", the sudden admission was quiet, almost as if he didn't really want you to hear it. He gulped, moving his head back so he can look into your eyes.
"That night when I said I don't know what I would do without you... I meant it. I still do! I would choose death any day if it means I wouldn't have to face the risk of losing you."
His words made your eyes widen and you stared back at him, trying to read his emotions. The Nara was not a man who liked to talk about his feelings, so any insight into his mind and heart was always surprising. A slight blush covered his cheeks, a sign that despite his moment of courage, he was still feeling nervous about your response.
"I love you."
"I love you."
Both of you blurted it out at the same time, your expressions slowly changing from scared to shocked. You blinked a few times, your brain taking some extra seconds to process his words. Finally, a small smile broke on your lips. Shikamaru, on the other hand, tried to remain serious, but the corners of his mouth kept tugging upwards.
"I want to kiss you."
"Is that your way of asking me for permission or you are just telling me?", you raised a brow and he let out a small laugh at your words.
"I am telling you."
With that one of his palms found your chin, gently cupping it and lifting your head toward him. You could feel his minty breath mixing with your own as he leaned in, not moving his eyes from yours.
The kiss was light, at first you barely felt his mouth against yours. It was delicate and somewhat unsure, just like the kiss you shared that fateful night. The more your lips moved together, the more confident you both became and he grabbed the back of your neck, holding you into place while his tongue met yours. It was all so new, yet it felt so familiar - almost like you've done that a thousand times before.
Finally pulling back, he rested his forehead against yours, trying to catch his breath.
"You have no idea how many years I have been dreaming" about this", he landed one more peck, before scooping you in his arms and lifting you, "Let's go home."
cc artwork: Xiaodi Jin
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flower1622 · 3 months
Story based on the fanarts made by ALIAHH
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Pinterest: @aliahh_h
Naruto enters in the Hokage's office and stops in front of Kakashi.
Naruto: Did you call for me?
Kakaski: Yes, Naruto!
Naruto: What is it?
Kakashi: It's about Hinata.
Naruto: Hinata?
Kakashi: Yes!
Naruto: What?
Kakashi: Look, Naruto. Many things happened while you were gone on your mission, alright?
Naruto gets confused and crosses his arms.
Naruto: Like what?
Kakashi: Hinata has gone crazy and we need your help to find her. She already killed many of us and betrayed Konoha. Even though she gets found, I can't promise you what is gonna happen to her.
Naruto: It's my wife you're talking about. Hinata would never do something like that!
Naruto gets angry now.
Kakashi: Naruto you're being irrational right now, think with your head, please.
Naruto: So, what? You want me to find my wife without knowing what is gonna be her destiny?!
Kakashi: Naruto, there are lots of things at stake here. We can't risk more bad things to happen. You better than anyone else knows that justice needs to be done.
Naruto: Yeah, but Hinata is not evil...she is kind and sweet. It's Hinata we are talking about here!
Kakashi: I know, Naruto! But, there aren't many things we can do for her. The village hates her now. You know that I'm not the only one responsible for Konoha. There are also others behind and they are not happy.
Naruto: So, screw them. Hinata is not evil and I'm gonna prove that. And even if she was now....I can change her mind.
Naruto was about to get out of Kakashi's office, but he turns around with a serious expression to say the last part he said. Then he gets out.
Kakashi: I hope you know what you are doing, Naruto.
Kakashi says serious and sighs while he puts his hands on his face.
Naruto searches for Hinata and finds no trace of her. Tired, he comes back to his house pretty sad. He turns his lampshade on. When he turns around, he almost screams. He sees Hinata in front of him using a black cloak.
Naruto: Hinata...
Hinata: Hello, Naruto!
Hinata says serious while she stares at Naruto.
Naruto: Please, tell me you are not evil.
Hinata: Unfortunately, it's true. I'm a traitor now.
Naruto: No! This can't be happening. This isn't you.
Naruto says frustrated.
Hinata: Well, it's really happening. So, get used to it, sweetie.
Hinata was about to leave, but Naruto intercepts her.
Naruto: Where are you going?
Naruto asks serious.
Hinata: None of your business
Hinata also says serious.
Naruto: Well, I won't let you go until you tell me.
Hinata: So, be it!
Hinata says angry and both start fighting and throwing things at each other. Naruto was hesitating to hurt Hinata, but she ends up punching his nose accidentally.
Naruto: Wow! That hurt!
Hinata: Well, you were the one who started it, trying to stop me.
Naruto: And here I thought you were sweet and kind.
Hinata: How can I be sweet and kind with people that hurt me?
Naruto: What?
Hinata: That's what you heard. I'm tired of people underestimating, offending, judging, torturing and hurting me. I grew up, Naruto. I'm not that naive stupid little girl anymore. This village always hated me. See?
Hinata shows the scars to Naruto that people did to her while she was hiding from them after betraying Konoha. Some were almost fatal. If Hinata didn't have good reflexes, she could have been killed. Seeing all the wounds on Hinata's body, Naruto starts getting angry a little bit showing his red eyes.
Hinata: Besides my family and friends, the worst wound to me was the one made by the person I trusted most.
Naruto: Who?
Hinata: You!
Naruto: Me?!
Hinata: Yes! All my life I did everything for you, even went against my friends and family, but you always thought about Sakura, even after my confession to you. I almost died fighting Pain because of you.
Naruto: Hinata...
Naruto starts tearing up.
Hinata: What kind of husband would trade your wife for others that never really cared about him when he was a child? I was the one that always looked after you, even before you became the hero. I saw all your flaws...and I like them. Did you forget how they used to treat you? As some kind of trash and monster. Now, you are joining them to defeat me. How could you?!
Naruto: Hinata, please...
Hinata: But, even though I'm angry at everyone else, I still can't hate you. You were the first person to be nice to me, just like I did with you. We could have had just each other and it would be perfect. We really only had each other anyway. All of your friends only got close to you out of pity.
Naruto: That's not true...
Hinata: Not true? So, tell me, Naruto. How many visits did you have when you were a child? Did people invite you to live with them? Did they give you money to buy food? Did someone deffend you from bullies? Did someone fought for you not caring if she or he died in the end?
Naruto: No...
Hinata: See? People here only want what is best for them. They do things for their own interests. All this time, they just took advantage of you...and you are still the naive boy as usual that believes them. How would you feel if they treated me in the same way too?
Naruto: I would hurt them pretty bad!
Naruto growls and shows his fangs.
Hinata: That's why I'm doing this, sweetie. It's for a better world. If I don't this, who will? Do you want to see more children suffer by people from Konoha?
Naruto shakes his head and Hinata nods, understanding his answer. She gets more close to him now.
Hinata: I cried for you...and I'll ride for you too. I almost died once and would do it again. But, would do the same for me?
Hinata touches Naruto's cheek now.
Hinata: Will you betray me too or is it gonna be me and you against the world? Tell me.... are you with me, Honey?
Hinata gives a dark smile to Naruto when he lets his dark side appear.
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enquiringangel · 1 year
Ashes, ashes.
Cw: implied character death (maybe), violence, sad lack of actual shippy content, badly written fight scenes, etc.
Summary: Fifteen years after the Valley of the End, they meet again, and Konoha burns.
A/n: So this is a truly ancient w.i.p (as shown by some of my characterisation choices) and truth be told I cannot 100% remember what I was intending to do with it, but knowing myself as I do, I know that I did mean for it to get happier. I was thinking of putting this into hashimadaweek but realise it probably breaks some of the rules, so thought I'd share it now. *shrugs*
Hashirama believed in ghosts. He believed in them like he believed the sun would rise tomorrow morning, or like he believed that the world would one day be a better place. When he drew on nature’s power for his Sage Mode, he felt a vast web of spirit, connections between air and earth and trees, ancient and voiceless and knowing. Every summer he would help his daughter float her paper lantern downstream during O-Bon, and when the past weighed upon him heavily he would retreat to the butsudan at home and say a prayer for his departed loved ones. But he had never seen a ghost in his waking hours.
Until now.
Konoha burned. Smoke billowed up to the heavens, soot-black and thick. Fire ate its way through houses, teashops – entire districts were aflame. Shinobi hurried to and fro, trying to get the civilians to safety, and to fight the fires with as many water techniques as they could muster. A chūnin almost collided with him in mid-air, both of them twisting aside to avoid a collision at the last second. He heard voices behind him calling out “Hokage-sama!” but there was no time to stop; he’d already made sure the Academy had been evacuated, his daughter and the other children led to safety through the tunnels in the mountain.
His wife’s fate was less certain. The supression seal inked on the palm of his hand burned as the fox’s chakra leaked out. No, not leaked – Mito's sealwork was nothing if not thorough. She was releasing its chakra on purpose, which could only mean one thing. Hashirama gritted his teeth and pushed himself to greater speed.
The smoke grew thicker as he reached the epicentre of the carnage, stinging his eyes and burning his throat. The lower levels of the Hokage Residence were wreathed in flame, but a battle still raged on the rooftop. Three familiar figures exchanged blows with one another, the exchange of their blocks and strikes so swift and fluid it almost appeared a dance. Tobirama, Mito, and—
It can’t be.
Roof tiles scattered beneath his feet as Hashirama stumbled to a halt. He couldn’t be seeing this, it wasn’t possible. This was a trick, a genjutsu – a lie. Fifteen years had passed since the night when Madara’s heart’s blood had ran red over his hands, leaving them stained ever after. Fifteen years had passed since he’d killed the closest friend he’d ever known.
And yet there Madara was, a blur of movement that even Tobirama was hard-pressed to keep up with, hair whipping behind him and a savage grin on his face on his face as he snapped his head in Hashirama’s direction. “There you are, Hashirama! It’s about damn time.”
Even in his stupefied state, Hashirama was quick to notice something different. What’s up with his eyes?
Tobirama took advantage of the distraction to try and decapitate him with his short sword; Madara met the blow without taking those foreign lilac-toned eyes off Hashirama, a dull clang sounding as the blade met a black staff held in Madara’s hand. His free hand jabbed at Tobirama’s throat; Hashirama’s younger brother leapt back while Mito leapt forwards, a cloak of Kyuubi’s chakra shimmering around her and distorting the air with heat waves. Madara spun and caught her in the chest with a kick, though not before she snatched hold of his arm and wrenched him off balance. Tobirama dove at his exposed back, going for the kill once more. It should’ve been a killing blow, and one Hashirama was too far to do anything about either way, except that something caught Tobirama’s sword before it could make contact with Madara. Tobirama had just enough time to furrow his brow in confusion before the same unseen force struck him with enough force to throw him straight at Hashirama, who instinctively put his arms out to catch his not-so-little brother. The pair of them skidded way down the slope of the roof before Hashirama managed to cling fast with his chakra.
“What the hell is going on?” he exclaimed more to himself than anyone. “Madara!”
Apparently heedless of Mito’s attempts to reach him, Madara turned to face Hashirama. “I wouldn’t have had it this way, with all these ants in the way,” he said, sneering faintly at Tobirama’s panting form. “I wanted for it to be just us, but I suppose we can’t always have what we want.” He looked annoyed about it.
Behind him, Mito appeared to be having a violent punch up with thin air. As the Senju brothers climbed back up the roof, the invisible enemy uppercut her under the chin, tossing her into the air even as another unseen blow slammed into her stomach and sent her crashing back down. She hit the roof so hard that it cracked. She coughed, blood spraying over her lips, the cloak of fox chakra fizzling out.
“Mito!” both brothers shouted at the exact same moment. Hashirama clenched his jaw until he could taste blood, inhaling shakily through his nose and pressing his palms together. Impossible as it seemed with Madara somehow alive and Mito under attack, he needed to be calmer before he could enter Sage Mode. There was no time for Tobirama to fill him in; Madara was coming right at them. Tobirama vanished in a pulse of hiraishin, reappearing behind Madara’s right shoulder.
The Uchiha turned to face him, expression bored. “You’re getting too predictable,” he commented. “Speed by itself is useless.”
The power of nature flowed into Hashirama, filling him with a powerful awareness of his surroundings. He knew immediately that there were two invisible people on the roof with them, and that both of them were Madara. Somehow, it didn’t matter, they were closing in on Tobirama. “Enough.” Hashirama clamped his hands together in the seal of the snake and the rooftop erupted into a writhing forest, branches snatching at all three of Madara’s presences.
Madara threw his hands out to the sides as if to push them away. The trees were shoved back with such force that several of them were felled and sent crashing down into the rest. Tobirama was also blown back by the mysterious blast, but then as Madara extended a hand towards him, he stopped in midair and went hurtling towards him as if magnetised. Hashirama tried to come to his aid but was prevented from doing so by the sudden appearance of two more invisible Madaras, in addition to the two already lurking about, who had briefly vanished before reappearing to throw themselves at him. He beat and battered them and sent one hurtling into the sky, but he still couldn’t get them out of the way in time to help Tobirama.
Hashirama watched his younger brother fly forwards and straight towards Madara’s hand, just as another long, black staff seemed to grow from his palm. It pierced Tobirama’s armour like it was foil and came out near his left shoulder. The world seemed to slow, everything draining away until all Hashirama could see was his little brother, hanging there impaled. There was a scream. Later, Hashirama would realise that it was his.
Madara let Tobirama drop. He crumpled to the ground and lay unmoving. Madara put his toe on his chest and rolled him out of the way, before looking up to meet Hashirama’s gaze. The ripples of his new eyes were cold and unfamiliar. He smiled tightly. “That was less satisfying than I thought it would be. Anyway. Now they’re out of the way, we can get properly reacquainted. Can’t we, Hashirama?”
The sound of Madara’s words seemed muffled, as if coming from very far away. There was a pounding in his ears, a loud and desperate drum. Its roar consumed him, building and building until a primal battle cry tore from his throat as he called upon his power and his greatest summon.
Konoha’s Hokage failed in his duty to his people, and fell. Hashirama couldn’t move, though if it were just for his own sake, he wouldn’t even try. He couldn’t do anything, but lie drained among the rubble, gazing up at the ash-flecked sky, feeling very bereft of hope. Madara crouched by his head looking down at him, the entire situation a twisted mirror of the day long ago when his old friend had stopped him from gutting himself and agreed to make a future with him. To make a village with him. A village he had now razed.
Mito lay bound and in unnatural sleep nearby, her chest rising and falling slowly. Why Madara had spared her was not clear, like so much else.
Hashirama licked his dry lips and tasted blood. “I thought…you were dead,” he said hoarsely.
Madara’s mouth turned up at the corners grimly. “Oh, I was. You made sure of that.” His smile slid off his face as quickly as it had appeared. “I got over it.”
 “So it would seem,” Hashirama replied dully. He had nothing in him left for a greater reaction, one way or the other. Curiosity seemed distant and unimportant, and his rage had burnt itself out. All that remained was a deep, dark well of grief.
Madara’s hand settled on his cheek, his gloved fingers faintly tacky with blood. “I hold no grudges. It’s what I needed to happen. And without you, none of this would be possible.”
Hashirama glared up at him and tried to sit up, and was rewarded with a fresh surge of pain for the attempt. “Always talking in riddles,” he spat.
“No,” Madara snapped. His hand on Hashirama’s cheek twitched, fingers curling into the skin. “You always fail to catch my meaning. There’s a difference.”
It didn’t seem like it to Hashirama. Everything hurt – his head especially. It was hard to think. He was dying and he had failed, but right now there were at least, two questions that could possibly rouse some interest in him. He rattled them off one after the other, before he could die and forget one of them. “Why did you do this? What do you want with Mito?”
Madara sat back on his heels. “She’s the jinchuuriki of the Kyuubi. I came to Konoha to get her.”
“…you destroyed the village so you could get your summon back? That’s pointless,” Hashirama says, managing to inject a note of venom into his voice. “You’re stronger than it.” Definitely now, with those new eyes.
Madara snorted. “I don’t want a pet, Hashirama. I’m starting…a collection of sorts, and I thought it would prudent to collect the kyuubi first, before you could be forewarned of the disappearance of the others. Given that you’re the biggest threat to my plans.”
Plans? Hashirama’s mind cast about, searching for a thought that made sense and latched onto the conversation he had with Madara before the other man had left him, and their village for good. “This is to do with your real dream then?”
“Well, I’ll be dead soon so you won’t find me much of a threat anymore.”
Madara rolled his eyes and slapped Hashirama across the face. The stinging sensation took a moment to reach his notice. He blinked.
“You’re being a sore loser Hashirama,” Madara told him. “Still wallowing in your childish moods. Stop talking nonsense. You’re healing as we speak.”
He was. After so many years of using his medical techniques he could, and did, put them to work without even really thinking about it. He didn’t have enough chakra to make himself fighting fit, but it was keeping him alive. “You’d better kill me quickly then, before I have the strength to do something to stop you.”
“I’d better,” Madara agreed, and stood, with a black staff already in hand. Hashirama twitched. Only a toe moved. Everything else was paralysed, his arms and legs splayed and skewered to the ground by similar weapons. Madara could grow as many of them as he liked from his palms, he had found. Just one of the other man’s many new, mysterious abilities.
For someone who was going to kill him, Madara was taking his time about it, looking down at him with narrowed eyes as if the deciding the most appropriate way to go about it. Hashirama sighed. “You once told me that you would’ve been content to die if I had killed you. I felt the same. Once. I don’t now. I can’t go content now that you’ve…now that you’ve destroyed everything I ever dreamed of. I won’t. So since I must go, I’ll ask that you do me a favour Madara. As my…” he trailed off. Thinking about what they had meant to each other was too painful. “Just get on with it,” he finished, voice flat, eyes soulless.
Madara brought the black rod down like a spear.
It stabbed into the dirt next to his head.
“Contentment isn’t for the dead,” Madara hissed into face. “I will fix this world as you failed to fix it, I will show you where your dream went wrong Hashirama, why you failed, and then I will show you what a real dream looks like. Then you’ll be able to know peace.” He straightened. Hashirama inhaled sharply as the restraints were torn from his wounds by unseen hands. He was manhandled off the ground as Madara stooped down and slung Mito over his shoulder like a sack of rice.
As they left the smoking ruins of Konoha behind them, Hashirama knew he would never know peace again.
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||Headcannons with Kaito and Hanoka||
~~~Healing from the pain/Naruto Genin Headcannon~~~~
with @kaito-akimoto
((Warning: Death/depression moment is said in this headcannon list))
((Very long post))
*When she lost her mother, Hanoka just turned 10 that night when losing her mother. She, along with her siblings were there to see the event of a masked man stabbing her in the heart. The other shinobi heard and found the three with the body there.
*They were moved to a new place but was kept under protection while giving a place as well. The hokage checked on them from time to time during this but he would be sure she got a proper burial. The funeral was given a few days later with many others shocked not expecting a enemy sneaking into Konoha but did.
*During that day, She, along with her siblings were standing in front of their mother's grave but was upset that day. Others were sad for the three but she didn't know Kaito was there but shocked hearing she lost her mom. But he wonders where the father was? Was he off somewhere and why didn't he come back when hearing this?
*When attending the academy, Hanoka wasn't happy during the haunting memories of her mother's death. She was seen having trouble sleeping and getting nightmares. Seeing her mother dead with the masked man killing her. She tends to wake up coated in sweat and tears.
*Other students were unsure about what was wrong with her but gave her space. Even her teammates too. They were unsure what to say to her but even Kaito noticed. They were really worried about her. When one tried to ask if she was alright, she says it was nothing. If they asked again, she snaps at them which shocked them. She never does this to anyone not even them. However, she would ask to be alone to clear her head. She has yelled and snapped at her siblings as well.
*Hiroshi would try his best to cheer her up but always got told to leave her alone. Or to just let her be alone. He always kept trying to bring a smile to her face but he only gets a upset friend who even told him to leave. Her siblings were always there during this time but she was sometimes alone to worry Hiroshi and Eiji.
*Their was times when Kaito would check up on her, to insure she was alright. But he saw she was so upset about it, it was effecting her mental state. Seeing her not eating, just laying in bed that it worried him she might start losing sight of what she was doing in life.
*Their was times he heard her blame herself over and over again thinking it was her fault their mother died. He didn't question it but he told her it was not her fault. However, she only felt more upset that he was unsure if she was willing to explain. He respects her privacy and won't ask unless she wished to talk about it.
*Though, when she was really upset, he would see her taking a nap. She cries in her sleep muttering 'I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry' over and over again. It really worried her that day and the few times.
*Their was one time, when watching her, she was shaking in her sleep but when Kaito comes over to try to assure it's alright. He would hold her hand. It took a while but she did end up sleeping a little better when he was around. She knew or could sense it.
*It even got more concerning when seeing she didn't come out at the time. She stayed indoors for a longer time. She wouldn't even speak to her team, her sensei, or him.
*He was the only one to save her life when he checked on her that one night only to find her holding a kunai to her throat about to take her life. Kaito quickly stopped her and hits the kunai away from her hand. He wanted to know why she would think to do that only to meet with her crying. He finds out she kept blaming herself for her mother's death but was thinking that if she left, whatever was punishing her would forgive her. If he didn't come to check on her that night. She might not be here to this day.
*When watching over her, Hanoka's chakra tends to change. It was a lot more heavier than normal. It wasn't the vibrant light silver it was. It was a lot more darker due to the depression she felt over that time. He took note that it seems her chakra changes depending on her mood.
~Happy/Normal: Light silver mixed with blue chakra
~Focusing or in battle: light silver/also when using her family kekki genkai the yosogan and family abilities
~Anger: Sometimes darkens to almost become really dark silver/burns her the angry she becomes
~Depressed: It was rumored that it was dark silver but black was seen mixed in. Looks to be a dark heavy fog like appearance. This burns her twice as bad.
~Sadness/depression: becomes dark grey but very heavy that it heats the air around her. Three times worse when it burns her it leaves scorch burns on her skin.
~Out of control: Chakra is almost black but just darker grey. More deadly and the area and the air is burning around her. Where she steps her chakra leaves silver like footprints behind that burns or scorches the ground. Her skin even starts to burn more faster that it was damaging and messing up her skin, risking of over heating. She's not safe to be around during this state but she can seriously kill herself when being in this state for too long. If one is able to knock her out, the chakra will go back to normal within a few hours.
*She was monitored by Kaito to insure she was stable and not willing to burn herself with her chakra. Their was times she has gotten upset that she almost hurt herself to scorch her skin pretty badly. She has a healed scorch burn on her lower back proving that. No one knows about it due to a ointment she made to hide it. Kaito is the only one to have seen it.
*Most times he even had to stay the night or a few days (with permission) with her to ensure she was alright. This made Hiroshi a bit jealous but kaito told him this was nothing like that. He was here to help her after seeing what she could have done. Hearing the argument made Hanoka cover her ears not wanting to hear it.
*Hiroshi was jealous it seems but after trying to 'woo' her with gifts, Hanoka didn't want them. She didn't get why he was so jealous of Kaito. He was her friend but he thinks they were together. He saw how she was but she only remains quiet.
*During that time, Hanoka was getting help from Kaito to help her through the pain of losing her mother. It still hurts to think about it but the feeling was not as bad. Seeing this, she knew he gained the trust from her twin brother and older sister that welcomes Kaito as family. But they are thankful for him when saving their sister's life that night.
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nart ships: a (very long winding tangent-ed) summary
danzen: hiruzen and danzo. they are not officially together and they never will be because of the nationalism. hiruzen is selfish and doesn't want danzo to die because he loves him. he would much rather sacrifice himself for his sake so that he doesnt have to live with the aftermath of losing him. classic hiruzen trait!!!! doesnt make moves because he also loves inaction. danzo is selfless to a fault and also applies this selflessness to everyone else whether they like it or not. the ends justify the means!!! (he has forgotten what the ends were). he doesnt make moves because of the catholic guilt. they pine after each other silently and occasionally send assassins after each other and then feel bad about the indulgence. fascinating.
the kakashi polycule: kakashi is a sex-repulsed gay demiromantic but he feels most comfortable not referring to his relationships in romantic terms regardless of whether or not the involved parties reciprocate romantic feelings. qprs for life baby!!! obito gai iruka and zabuza are usually my go-tos. all of them are desperately in love with him (the sad wet horse appeal. you know how it is.) but through sheer proximity they also get entangled with each other. mostly sexually. every single possible combination is terrible and everyone is aware of this and it is funny as hell. gai cant remember anyone but kakashis name but he objectively the best one in bed so thats just something they all have to live with. iruka wants to leave but he never does. he never leaves. he has no one but himself to blame.
tenzo: hes transmasc hes so transmasc and he's also gay and demiromantic and asexual. but i think he's pretty sex-positive and doesnt mind participating, even if he doesnt really get anything out of it. he and kakashi are also in a qpr but tenzo is not touching the rest of the polycule with a ten foot pole <3
minakushi: saw a post last week suggesting transfem 4 transfem minakushi and ive been obsessing over it ever since. the vibes are impeccable. war criminal no thoughts head empty minato and girlboss lying to herself to get through the week kushina and they were BOTH GIRLS???? that being said im also a big fan of malewife minato so idk. i go back and forth. any way you spin it kushina HAS to be transfem though i just. need her to be. these guys are one of the healthiest couples in the series i think. which says a lot.
kagurin: KAGURIN KAGURIN MY BELOVEDS!!!!! kind of like narumitsu except rin is literally nothing like edgeworth its just that kaguya has that "i can fix her" vibe that phoenix has (she is just as bad). absolutely impeccable. they have the symbolism. they have the chemistry. toxic yuri forever!!!! rin is aro but in denial and so she Decides to fall in love with kaguya because Moon Lady you know and kaguya tries to fix her and then they both die after a week because they are trying to destroy the world at the same time <3 women <3
tsunade: aroace romance repulsed sex repulsed touch adverse QUEEN!!! she and orochimaru meet up to bitch about everyone else's drama. (orochimaru is allo its just that he doesnt date because no one meets his standards.)
poly team 7: i will die on this hill. all of them are bi and they have a beautiful toxic codependent relationship <3 sakura and ino have flings every once and a while, same with naruto and gaara. the good ending in my head is the one where the three of them run off into the hills to live on a little farm as civilians after the war arc. the canon arc where they trudge back to konoha to drown in bureaucracy as they slowly drift apart from each other and the vision of a better world they once shared is kind of fun too except for the fact that thats DEFINITELY not the intend reading
rock lee: he is the perfect man. i believe he is straight as a ruler and the best guy you could possibly meet and incredibly unlucky. every girl he dates for longer than a week finds out that shes a lesbian. he has an army of lesbian best friends. eventually he had to result to mitosis to produce offspring. this is the only thing i know about boruto canon.
ankrin: yes rin gets two ships this is because she is my favorite. anko and rin happens in the timeline where she is the sole team minato member to stay in konoha and they meet and bond under orochimaru's tutelage. he ends up becoming hokage after minato is drawn and quartered by iwa for his crimes (<3) and they just kind of chill. both of them are aro and lesbians so this arrangement is GREAT for both of them. friends with benefits type of thing i think.
kisita: kisame is a mom friend. that being said i do not think he enjoys mothering itachi all that much. itachi is the exception to the worrying. kisame does it anyways. fascinating relationship. closer to that of a plant that produces flowers to attract an extinct species of bee and the fruit fly that has not adapted to co-exist with the plant but keeps it alive anyways than anything romantic i think.
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centralnart · 2 years
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sneak peek at an au i'm writing for team minato week :)
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sakinotfound · 3 years
I promise to never leave you alone
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Pairing: Naruto x reader
Genre: Fluff, Angst
Synopsis: Naruto is sad and you can't leave him alone.
Warnings: Sad Naruto, it hurts. Mentions of pregnancy.
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"Yamato Taichou~" You whined. He wasn't paying attention again and it was starting to annoy everyone.
"Huh? What did you just say?" He asked as he came out of his thoughts.
"I said," You swallowed your annoyance at his out of character behaviour. "And I repeat again, we divided ourselves in teams of three to check out each hideout. You and I are teamed together so if you could please get moving because Sai, Sakura, Naruto and Kakashi-sensei have already left."
"Oh! Oh yeah…" Realisation dawned on him and you let out a sigh that he was finally on track. "Uh- I am sorry Y/N. I know I am a bit out of character-"
"Bit?" You raised your eyebrow.
"Right. Sorry." He rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly.
"Look Taichou," you calmed yourself down. You needed to handle this smartly. "I know you received your letter about your wife being pregnant. And I can see how restless this mission is making you. I guess it's for the best of both the mission and yourself that you leave for Konoha. I'll handle this myself. It's no biggie."
"Wh-What? No! No, absolutely not. I can't leave you to do this alone!"
"Oh yeah? Well if you keep zoning out you'll get yourself killed." You crossed your arms.
"Honestly Taichou! It's fine." You emphasized. "You know I can handle this much. You can go! It's a big thing for you! And your behaviour is only natural. The mission is gonna take a few more days so it's better to leave now. I am sorry if I am stepping any boundaries but I bet your wife wants you with her just as much. You should go."
His face turned red, embarrassed about being caught and for letting his emotions get the better of him. "Y/N are you sure?"
"Absolutely." You nodded with your eyes closed.
"Okay! Bye then!" And with that he ran so fast you felt a swoosh of air on your body.
"Yamato-taichou! Wait! Not so fast! What about the mission report details that you-" And he was nowhere to be seen.
"Dang it!" You yelled. "I have to write everything from the start myself. I hate paperwork."
"Why was there a delay in the mission?" Tsunade-sama asked as she leaned against the wall of her office, going through the report you just handed to her.
"I had to write the whole mission report by myself from scratch. Nobody helped. Sakura was in the hospital and Naruto said he doesn't remember anything! He didn't even try and ran away as soon as we entered the Konoha gates. Even Kakashi-sensei ditched me." You spat.
"Isn't that Yamato's job? Where's he? Why didn't he do it?" She raised her head to look at you.
"Oh I don't know, you tell me?" You gave her a deadpan look.
She furrowed her eyebrows, confused as to what you aimed at. And then she let out a loud laugh.
"Very wrong timing indeed Hokage-sama. Couldn't you have waited to tell her a bit later about her pregnancy? I was so exhausted after the mission and then I had to pull an all-nighter to finish this shit. And it still won't finish!" She laughed again, clearly taking enjoyment in your misery.
"He ran away to meet his wife, didn't he?" She chuckled. "That man." She shook her head with a smile. You found yourself smiling too.
What was a sleepless night compared to your Taichou's huge smile? He was so happy and that was enough for you to forgive him.
But that smile soon faded away. Your own words suddenly hit you like a truck.
"...and Naruto said he doesn't remember anything! He didn't even try and ran away as soon as we entered the Konoha gates."
That wasn't very Naruto-like. He was not like this. In fact he was the one who was always up to help people out even when they didn't ask for it! So when you combined his words with his weird behaviour and sullen look, you realised what had happened.
"Tsunade-sama, is my work here done?" You asked suddenly.
"Huh? Yes, just sign over here and you are done. Go get some sleep." You bent down to sign and then left the Hokage tower from the windows instead of walking out the door. You were in a hurry.
Sleep could wait. Naruto could not.
You leapt through the roofs, an unsettling feeling in your stomach. You were quick, increasing your speed by each step to reach Naruto as soon as possible.
A series of knocks and "NARUTO OPEN THE DOOR!" You yelled.
No response.
"Please?" You begged.
After a couple of minutes and a few more bangs later, the door was left slightly ajar. You hesitated for a moment and then barged inside.
"Naruto~" Your voice was soft as a whisper. As if, if you raised your voice any further you'd break the boy in front of you.
"It's about Sasuke isn't it?" Concern written all over your face.
He didn't say anything. You thought he wouldn't reply. But to your surprise he did.
Naruto was your best friend. As soon as you joined team 7 on missions, Naruto and you got along very easily. He made the serious gruesome missions somewhat bearable. It was nice having him around.
"It's not just him." He replied. Voice so dull and down that it broke your heart. He looked so sad. Something which you have never seen before. It was definitely more than when he was sad about Sasuke.
"Naruto~" You came and sat by his side. His head hung low as he drew circles on the ground. "What is it? Tell me."
"Why does it matter to you? I'll be fine. I always am. Leave it. You should go."
"No Naruto, I won't leave. I can't. I can't leave you like this. Something is obviously wrong and I care enough to want to fix it. Tell me! I wanna help!"
"You can't fix it Y/N. Not everything can be fixed."
"I can try?"
"Oh yeah? Can you bring my parents back? Can you bring Sasuke back? Can you return me my childhood? Can you make the pain go away? Can you give me true happiness? For once in my life? Can you stop Sasuke from ruining his life by whatever revenge stuff he has going on there? CAN YOU?" He yelled.
You shut up. Silence.
"Tsk, see I told you, you can't. So leave me alone. Go."
"You really want me to go? You really want me to leave you alone?" You asked.
He didn't reply. So you stood up and walked towards the main gate.
A smile crept up on your face and you turned around. "Of course not Naruto. I will never leave you alone. Sasuke might have left, he has his reasons, but I won't. I will never have a reason to leave you behind."
Naruto stared at you. Speechless. With wide blue eyes. And mouth slightly agape.
You reached down to his level and looked him in the eye, the smile never leaving your face. "It's your birthday tomorrow. Meet me at my house at 7 p.m. sharp. We need to celebrate having you in our lives. You are a blessing Naruto. For all of us. Especially me. I couldn't have asked for a better best friend."
Naruto was wrapped in your embrace. You were told you gave awesome hugs. Streams of tears soaking your t-shirt. But that didn't matter. T-shirts could be replaced, Naruto couldn't.
"I am sorry." His voice was muffled but you could make out what he said.
"No Naruto, I am sorry. I should have seen it sooner. I should have come sooner. I should have helped sooner. But I didn't. I should have cared more. It's my fault. Please forgive me. I promise to never leave you alone again." You replied. "But don't ever forget. I care about you, Naruto. I see. I understand. You are not alone. Ever. We will always love you. We will always be with you."
Naruto nodded. A smile forming on his tear stained cheeks. You pulled the hem of your sleeves over your palms and wiped his tears away.
"Ramen?" You proposed.
"You bet -ttebayo!"
He was back. You grinned.
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tsukkismoonlight · 3 years
How they comfort you || Assorted Headcanons
Bokuto Kotaro, Tsukishima Kei, Kuroo Tetsuro, Daichi Sawamura, Konoha Akinori, Tanaka Ryunosuke, Lev Haiba, Akaashi Keji.
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When you're sad, he knows almost right away. Bo knows you so well, that even the slightest change lets him know that you need him by your side. He offers gentle touches and soft hugs when you want them, and when you don't he will bring you comfort food, and put on a nice movie, one that you've seen over a million times but still hold deeply dear. He tells you he loves you, and that you are important to people. He reminds you of your value, and just wants to make sure that you aren't alone.
Kei is the type to struggle with other people's emotions. He never knows what exactly to say, and tends to mess his words up when he does try to comfort people. That's why when he throws your favorite blanket around your shoulders as it radiates warmth, as he had put it in the dryer for you a few moments before, you can tell that he is trying. Tsukishima plays background music, and will hold your hand, brushing his thumb over your knuckles, bringing them to his lips for a quick moment, doing all he can to lift your spirits, or at least make sure you know that he's there, and that he can listen if you need him to.
He is the kind of guy who will /not/ leave you alone when you're sad. He helps you talk things out, knowing that it has always helped him find his right headspace. He sets up a spot on the couch, pillows, blankets, a cup of water, and just gets ready to hear you open up. He makes you feel heard, and can always help find a solution, or even just something for the meantime. Kuroo will also hand you his sweater, and once its on he'll pull the hoodie over your head and tie the strings loosely, something that never fails to make you smile.
When you're sad, and you don't want to talk about it, Daichi will pull out a book, any book really. He knows that his voice is calming to you, and uses that to be helpful. He'll pull you into his lap, kissing the top of your head before opening the book to either a random spot, or a place you've left off before. If that doesn't work, or if by the end of a chapter you are still upset, Daichi will find a marker or two and just let you draw on his hands and arms, quietly humming a song while he watches you take the time to find a better headspace.
While it's true that Konoha tends to tease his teammates and competitors on the court, and can sometimes be something of an ass, He is perhaps the sweetest boyfriend that you've ever had. As soon as you tell him what's on your mind, he drops everything to make sure that you're okay. He'll go to the store and buy ingredients for cookies, bringing them home and setting them in the kitchen area. After that he'll find you somewhere in the house, pulling you along and making you sit with him while he bakes. He'll tell you about his day, and occasionally give you some of the dough, before finally baking them in the oven.
He knows you all too well, and it shows. The minute he even thinks something is off, he comes to you and asks if something is wrong. When you tell him, and as soon as he watches your face fall, and you fumble your words, he is on a mission. He will scoop you up his arms, letting you hide your face in his shoulder space. He holds you tightly, so that you feel like all the pieces that threaten to fall apart are being out back together. He will try and joke around lightly, telling you that if he needs to fight someone he will. Anything to get a small laugh or smile out of you.
Probably one of the most awkward people around, Lev tends to struggle when it comes to conforting people. And depending on who it is, he may not even try. But you...if its you, he will try every trick in the book. He will hold your hand and bring you in for cuddles on the couch. He will play with your hair or trace words into your back. Lev will hum what he remembers to a song that his mother used to sing to him. When he cant remember that, he switches it up, and he'll tell you some old folk story that his sister often told him.
It's all in the way that he touches you softly. His hand trails across your back as he walks past you, heading for the front door. Its his hand holding yours while he drives aimlessly. He'll turn the radio down low, and find a long winding road, driving down it with the windows cracked just enough. He doesn't care what time it is, it could be 1pm or 1am, he'd do this for you in a hearbeat. He doesn't talk, knowing that it could overstimulate you. Instead he waits for you to break the silence, when you're ready to go into details about whats got you bothered. He talks you down, and offers gentle advice. At a point in the drive He'll pull to the side, so that you know that you have his full attention.
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akaashioppa · 3 years
Labor and Delivery of Baby Akaashi
pairings: Akaashi x pregnant reader 
summary:  You and Akaashi adds a new addition to the family but before she meets he bundle of joys she must face labor and delivery.
warnings: Labor and Delivery, Mention of sex, and Bokuto’s loudness. :)
w/c: 1.5k
“Keiji”, you moaned. You were laying down in a hospital bed waiting for your child's arrival. The contractions had been invading your body for the last few days. Today was your breaking point, you had finally caved and came to the hospital.
Akaashi grimaced at the name. He knew you only called him by his first name when you were either sad or mad with him. He had to watch you suffer through all of the painful contractions for the last few days. His heart would ache when he had to leave for work and leave you there by yourself. 
“I think I want it now.” You said breathlessly. You were referring to the epidural. The contractions were becoming unbearable. You were only 8 centimeters dilated. 2 more centimeters and your baby would be here with the both of you.
Akaashi left from his uncomfortable bed-like chair. He grabbed your hand that didn’t have the needle in it then gave it a gentle squeeze. “You’re caving already?” he nervously chuckled. You had been preaching that you could give a natural birth but now that you were actually in active labor you couldn’t handle the contractions.
“Mhm.” You rolled your eyes at your husband before turning in the opposite direction of him. You heard him laugh from behind you. You wanted to throw a water bottle at his head. He was the reason why you were pregnant in the first place. You almost laughed at the memories as they began to flood your head.
Bokuto was finally having his bachelor’s party. Akaashi didn’t want to go he kept saying “ it wasn’t his cup of tea.” But you being the good wife you were, you made him go and he didn’t regret it. He came back home that night wasted, Akaashi was never the one to drink but now he was stumbling around in the house. Bokuto and Konoha managed to drag in up the stairs to your bedroom.
Bokuto laughed as his best friend started to slur his words. “Your husband is a lightweight.”
“You and I both knew that before we sent him out there. It seems like he had a good time.”
“He had a great time!” Konoha chimed in, all three of you began to laugh. 
 You began to strip your husband from his clothes and that’s when his hands started to roam around your body. This was all new to you because you were the one who initiated sex and when you did Akaashi then became the dominant one. But here you were now laying under your husband watching him thrust in and out of you. You couldn’t remember how you ended up underneath him but someone how you did. You started to see another side of him that you have never come in contact with before. In all honesty, you don’t think anyone has ever come in contact with this side of him before. He decided to get cocky and slip off the condom. You didn’t mind, you were too high on cloud nine to even care. 3 weeks later you were sitting in a bathroom crying on the floor while the positive pregnancy test laid beside you. 
A sharp pain quickly cuts off your thoughts. You cried out in pain as the cramp on steroids shook your body. Tears began to brim your eyes as you felt your lower region begin to burn. You reached down to feel a lump between your legs. “Oh my gosh, the baby is coming!” 
You quickly rolled on your back as you felt another contraction soar through your body. They started to become more frequent and more violent. You went to reach out for your husband’s hand but he wasn’t there. He was outside talking to the nurses about the epidural. You reached out for the nurse call button, you pressed the button repeatedly to get their attention.
Akaashi was the first to run in, then two nurses ran in afterward. They begin to ask you what was wrong but you could only point towards your vagina. You were too busy trying to catch your breath to speak. The amount of pain that was building up in your body left you breathless.
The nurse pulled back the hospital sheet that was covering you. She gasped in shock, scaring both you and Akaashi.“How did you manage to progress that fast? Your baby head is sticking out of you? Call in the doctor right now!” 
You grabbed Akaashi by his shirt pulling him closer to you. He was now supporting you from the back, he sat down on the bed along with you. He placed his hands on your stomach rubbing it in circular motions. He was now nervous as he saw everyone run on and out of the room. He shutters at the thought of becoming a dad in a few minutes. He wouldn’t let you know how uneasy he felt, he didn’t want to make you more uncomfortable. 
You began to cry as the doctor and nurses rushed into the room once more. You were terrified at the thought of pushing a human out of you. 
“Hey, you got this. You’re one of the strongest women I know. Here,” Akaashi placed his giant hand on yours. “Grab my hand. You can bite it, squeeze it, you can even rip it off. Do whatever you need to make yourself feel better.” 
You looked up to see a smile plastered on his face. You grab his hand, squeezing it tightly. Everything was now starting to feel surreal. You looked down at the doctor as she was now settled between your legs. She gave you a thumbs up signaling for you to push.
“It looks like we can get this baby out in two pushes Mrs. Akaashi.” 
You nodded your head, you began to push down towards your vagina. Every time you would push, Akaashi would whisper encouraging words in your ear. The things he said would either make you cry, smile or laugh. Your husband was making your ride an emotional rollercoaster. You didn’t mind that he was mixing up your feelings. It was making you almost forget about the pain you were in. 
“Here’s your baby boy...congratulations!”
You cried happy tears as you felt your son on your chest. You looked behind you to see your husband smiling at you. He bent down to connect his lips with yours. “You did so well baby.)
“Thank you Akaashi.”
You cradled your baby even closer to your chest. The only time you let go was for Akaashi to cut the umbilical cord. Your baby was now free from your womb, he was now in the real world for you and Akaashi to kiss and love on. 
Later on…
You sat on the bed with your healthy baby boy. Both you and Akaashi were admiring him. His eyes were the same shade as Akaashi and also his hair was the same colors as his as well. The only resemblance you had with your son was his eyelashes and nose. Other than you, Akaashi copied and pasted himself on his son. 
Akaashi sat near the bed admiring the both of you. He watched as you breastfeed his son. His heart was nearly about to explode from happiness. Nothing could ruin this moment...or at least that’s what he thought.
“Hey Hey Hey! Uncle Bokuto is in town!”
Bokuto burst through the room and he had the biggest smile on his face. The nurses and Akaashi both lecture him for being so loud, he nearly woke up every baby in the hall. He apologized quietly before placing all of his gifts for the baby on the table.
 You quickly fixed yourself since you were just breastfeeding your son. You gave Bokuto the okay, allowing him to come closer and get a look at the newest addition to the family. “Hey! He looks like you Akaashi.”
Akaashi rolled his eyes and crossed his arms. You laughed as he began to lecture Bokuto about being loud again. Akaashi then said, “Well obviously he looks like me, he is my child.” 
Bokuto started to play with his hands. You offered to let him hold him but Bokuto wanted to wait until the young boy was a bit older. He was afraid that he would drop the baby. He walked to the other side of the room dragging a chair so he could sit next to Akaashi. 
“What’s his name?”
Akaashi looked at you and you smirked deviously. You looked down at your son who now had his eyes open. “His name is Akaashi Kotaro.”  
“What!?” They both yelled in unison, Bokuto looked ecstatic while Akaashi looked as if he saw a ghost.”
Bokuto jumped from his chair waving his arms around ecstatically. “Hey Hey Hey! That’s not a bad name!”
“Baby are you serious?” 
You laughed, shaking your head no. Now the roles have been revered. Bokuto was now the sad one while Akaashi was the happy one. “Bokuto-san, Honey, I would like to introduce you to Akaashi Kenji.” 
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nejigirl5 · 2 years
| I’ll Never Leave You | [pt. 2/3]
Neji x Hyuga-Branch!Fem!Reader
Disclaimer READ!!!:  I didn’t watch Neji’s death, I stopped somewhere around episode 300 because honestly the plot was really getting bad and upsetting, and I already knew what happened in the future, so way before 364. Because of this, I don’t know a ton about the location nor some other things that would be essential for me to accurately write this scene and so through this I just decided that it would be best for me to just wing it… it probably makes no sense to people who actually watched it, but, it’s the best I could do with my knowledge and the amount of research I could do on it without actually watching the scene. 
WC: 2437
Warnings: Major Character Death (He’ll come back in pt. 3!), Mentions overeating food pills for energy, sad (but I didn’t write it very sad). 
A/n: It’s past 11:30 right now, and I am exhausted. I wasn’t able to spend as much time on this as I would like (thought I’ve been working on this all day) and so the scene is not emotional whatsoever and I apologize! It’s also very short and feels super rushed. Hopefully pt. 3 (which is the main part) will be a whole lot better and longer. This is by far the worst part there will be. 
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The room that Y/n had spent so many days in felt surprisingly cold and unfamiliar in the new era. It was a different time, the announcement of war finally present and all able shinobi heading off to fight. They would be wearing a different headband then, one not of Konoha as usual, but one of the Allied Shinobi Forces, the united front against whatever threat was out there at the time.
Despite it's minimalistic and dull appearance, the gathering hall where all the Hyuga clan members had met so many times was a place where so many memories had been made, and so many people had been met by Y/n, including Neji. The cold feeling that came from the Hyuga elders was something that was often dismissed, even when talking about things as serious as the coming war to those who were not trained shinobi.
Lessons of tea serving and etiquette had been taught in the room, by the women in the clan charged with passing down their skills to the future generations. Announcements of the happiest occurrences, and the saddest passings had been spoken and echoed off those very walls. But even such as the one that was always expected, was never ready to be heard. Specifically, when it was finally time for everyone to leave for the war.
Shouldn't one who had grown fairly close to him, be happy for Neji when he walked up to the front next to Hiashi and the clan elders, seeing people quietly cheering for the genius prodigy that would be representing them. But like anything, it was a war. The sad fact of it all, was, that anyone could pass no matter their talent, which was the only justification Y/n could give to that feeling throughout all the guilt.
It was true that her relationship with him had improved overtime, especially since the announcement of the war had come. They weren't that friendly with each other still, but the stoic facade that was his expression seemed to have melted away slightly in Y/n's presence. The lack of acknowledgement had dwindled, her even picking up on the eye contact they shared for a short moment while he stood facing the crowd, a hint of softness and appreciation almost able to be captured, something that would have never occurred months before.
It felt like a crime, really, to have any doubts about his abilities in combat after all those years of training he underwent, so much so that his reassuring soft smile after the assembly wasn't close to enough to calm Y/n's nerves. If anything, it heightened them. The idea that he was finally leaving, only a few hours after that morning, easily made her feel lightheaded, so it was good he stopped her when he did.
It was a collected grab of the arm, one that was oddly familiar at that point, in which he pulled her to the side. "What's with that look on your face?" He asked, an obvious frown and expression of nervousness evident. "Look on my face?" Y/n responded, clearly confused. "Nevermind. Anyways, I'm leaving in a few hours. I thought that I at least owed you a friendly goodbye." Frustration filled her mind at that, furrowing her brow. "You don't owe me anything, Neji. I thought we clarified that." She scowled, tilting her head with newfound confidence with his strange behavior.
"Well, I'll be back before you know it. And then you can bother me again as usual." He smirked, letting her arm go and starting to walk out to meet with Hinata and the rest of the Hyuga's heading off to the Land of Lightning. "Neji... Your lunch." Her timidness caught up with her again, and something about that moment made the day feel like any other, which was comforting. The bento box with a cloth tied around it hung off her wrist as he grabbed it. No words were said, naturally, seeing as it was Neji, only another one of his small smiles and a nod of his head, things that were returned by Y/n as she walked off herself, trying to focus less on the predicament and more on preparing for the moment he arrived back.
Hours passed, and it could only be assumed that they were long gone on their journey. Still, Y/n couldn't bring herself to leave and head home. She wanted to try out some new recipes, as she learned he preferred the mackerel she cooked and had made the goal of making a portable nishin soba dish. Despite him not being there anymore, sitting underneath the tree near the training grounds made it feel like he still was. She could almost  see him training like she had witnessed so many times before if she squinted her eyes, but reality flashed between the scenes and the log was standing solemnly alone, avoiding the constant abuse after so many days of it being routine.
Maybe she was too attached, some might say obsessed, but it wasn't like anyone else cared. Just the thought that possibly, just maybe, he might have been thinking about her while he leaped through the trees, was enough to keep her sitting there, wanting to be as close as possible to him in these times. Y/n had always seen the way Hinata was with Naruto back when they were genin, and had never understood why one would fall for him, when Neji was right there. But she couldn't help but wonder now, is this what Hinata felt like? It was something to keep her mind busy as she pondered, at least until a voice broke her train of thought.
Read the disclaimer if you skipped it!
"Y/n?" A voice called, one that belonged to Hanabi. "Shouldn't you be at home? What are you doing?" She asked, sitting beside Y/n. The two had never been close, though they were the same age. Both busy on their own paths, as a shinobi life was vigorous and busy, they had rarely talked to each other. "Oh... well... it's just..." Y/n started, though was quickly cut off. "I get it. But if I were you, I wouldn't be that worried about him." She tried to relate. "Big sis knows him better than me... but you've seen him train. He's a genius. I'm sure he'll be okay." Hanabi gave a reassuring smile.
"If anything, I'm worried about her! - I mean, she's great and all, but I can't help but think..." Hanabi mumbled.  "The land of lightning is a long way away... I heard they were going to be stationed on the south part of the border with the land of frost." She continued. "The land of frost?" Y/n questioned, not having heard of that land in the small bubble that was her life.  "Yeah... They just left a bit ago, I guess they're already on their way now." They continued to discuss it.
"Y'know I'm surprised you didn't follow him all the way there." Hanabi mentioned randomly, pausing the conversation. "I didn't really think it was an option... I mean I didn't know where they would be... and I wouldn't be able to get there in time to do or see anything..." Y/n frowned. "Well you know where they're gonna be now... plus you got me. If I'm being honest, it'd be really fun to go on an adventure instead of being stuck in the village right now. Nothing to do, really." Hanabi smiled.
"Yeah... It would." Y/n nodded in agreement. "Well then, let's go!" Hanabi got up, holding her hand out to pull Y/n up. "Right now?" She asked. "Well yeah, if you want to make it in time." Hanabi gestured for her to take her hand. "I can teach you how to move through the forest, it'd be a whole lot faster than walking on roads." She started, earning another nod from Y/n.
After gathering up some basic ninja tools and a large stock of food pills, and showing Y/n how to awkwardly hold a kunai as well as jumping through trees, they were finally ready to set off. "No home cooked lunch box today!" Hanabi smiled, jumping onto a tree with Y/n following, trying to recover from a slight stumble. "You're a natural!" She said, watching Y/n trip over a branch. "Uh... yeah... definitely a natural." Y/n laughed softly.
In order to proceed faster, Y/n ate more and more food pills, gaining more energy and speed with each one and recovering from the obvious fatigue quicker. At least after a few hours, they were finally closing in on the border of the land of fire with the land of hot water. "Well this is where i'll be taking my leave." Hanabi handed Y/n the map, a compass, and her food pills. "Might be a bit hard to navigate, but i'm sure you'll figure it out!" She smiled for the last time. "You're leaving?" Y/n asked, surprised. "Well, I have to get back to the village, or people will be worried. Good luck Y/n!" She said, before starting to leave.
It was at that moment that Y/n felt a surge of energy. She was on her own, and it was up to her to get to Neji. It wasn't very clear to her what she would or could do for him, but she hoped, that maybe, if there was someone cheering for him, if there was someone who was waiting for him and he knew that, that he might try all that harder to keep living. Because even he didn't know how much she needed him. That it was his life that mattered, not anyone else's.
The battlefield was littered with corpses when she finally arrived, a long time after she had started her journey, and she was quick to scout the area for Neji. Shinobi were still there, fighting against a few of the white zetsu clones that were still occupying the area. As she moved closer to them, chewing on more food pills as her vision was already getting blurry, a shinobi finally noticed her.
"Who are you?" He asked, pointing to his headband. "I was looking for someone... Neji?" She asked quietly. "Neji Hyuga? He left with some of the others to assist the first division." He pointed north on her map. "But you should head out, clearly you're not a shinobi. I don't know how you even made it this far." He advised. "I have to go. Thank you, though." She started heading off again. "You'd probably be doing more harm than help, you know." He warned. That was something that she wasn't even thinking about at the time.
Hours later, a half asleep Y/n was fully awake after hearing the loud roar that echoed through the air. "Maybe it's just in my head?" She mumbled, eating more food pills to keep her going. She knew she would be too sore to move a muscle when she got home, and would probably have to sleep for days, but she was this far into her almost pointless journey, so why stop now?
Finally clearing the forest, it was clear that the noise was not just in her head. A giant monster, whatever it was, was miles away covering the battlefield. Despite the obvious danger, somehow, she continued on, now as determined as ever. 'If I'm good at anything, i'm at least a decent shield.' She thought, hoping she could be of use if needed. After continuing her sprint despite the burnout, she was only a minute away, finally able to get a glimpse of Neji, an unmistakable figure even through the battlefield. She gained a newfound appreciation for the hours she spent avoiding sleep and staying up to watch Neji, her able to handle the lack of it much better than others would.
Suddenly, the giant mass that was the ten tails, started to shoot wooden projectiles into the air at the shinobi, the sound like shattering glass as they rippled through the air at an incredible speed. As they ricocheted off the ground in the background when dodged, Y/n was forced to duck down to avoid getting hit, but was relieved to see Naruto, then Hinata in the line of fire, and not Neji. That was at least her thought in the split second that it took for Neji to jump in front of them. "Neji!" Y/n screamed, though it was muffled by the sounds of the battle, no one hearing it, let alone Neji himself. She was only a minute away. "I... I could have saved him... I..." She muttered out, tears falling down on her hands as she got up, running closer to see him. 'Maybe... maybe he'll be okay... if he gets a medic...' But in the moments that she was only some yards away, she could see it in his eyes. There was no saving him, because there was no one there to show him that they were waiting for him. Waiting for him to come home. He couldn't see her, how his pain wasn't just his own, how it was shared. Just like the caged birds on both their foreheads, though he had gone through so much worse, they were in it together. He just needed to see that.
It felt like being crushed by a boulder, like her entire life was crumbling apart. No one noticed her, no one saw her, and even Naruto and Hinata, who broke promises and never cared, weren't even sorry enough to save him. Those words the shinobi spoke finally got to her throughout the chaos, denial quickly approaching as she closed her eyes, hoping it was just a dream. Even if she was to stab them both with kunai, like she wanted to, she knew Neji wouldn't have wanted her to do that. A single second she could have taken away from Naruto's time could be the difference between life or death for everyone in the world.
Swallowing her grief, it was time to make her way home. She was one minute away from saving the most important person in the world to her. The one time she wasn't there was the one time it really mattered, and now he was gone, and she herself felt dead. He lied, at least that was what he thought when he pictured her face when she would hear the news in the village, not having noticed her presence. But part of him wondered, could he still keep his promise? Well the light was getting closer, he decided to think about it later. 
A/n: Pt. 3 will be 10x better than this (because honestly this was a very trashy chapter), and it will be a lot longer! It’s set in Boruto time and I will not finish it at 11:58 so it doesn’t feel rushed hopefully. 
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animeomegas · 4 years
Omega!Narutoverse Future Family Headcanons
This is a compilation of my headcanons about future families for my favourite Naruto boys (excluding Kakashi who is childfree in my headcanons.) 
This is very long, so I’ve put most of it under a cut <3 Enjoy~
Naruto:  : 4 children – Son (omega), adopted daughter (alpha), twin sons (betas). 
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Has his son about four years before he becomes Hokage.
His son is a huge daddy’s boy type and clings to Naruto every chance that he gets. 
Naruto never lets his role as Hokage take him away from his son any more than absolutely necessary. Does he take his son into his office? Absolutely. He puts down a little play pen on the floor while he works :’). 
His son loves cuddles so much and he is so gentle. 
He doesn’t like pranks though which makes Naruto a little sad but he would never do anything to make his little one sad. 
Male omegas can be identified from birth, so you both knew he was, but even if you didn’t it’s very obvious. He makes his own little nest next to Naruto’s but ends up crawling into Naruto’s for cuddles every time. 
As he gets older, he attends the academy, but he hates it so much. He reminds me a little of a young Itachi, a pacifist to the core. He doesn’t want to hurt anyone! He begs you and Naruto to let him attend the civilian school, and of course you let him. 
Naruto gets a lot of shit for allowing this from some parties *cough* the council *cough*. The Hokage’s children should be powerful ninjas according to them, but Naruto will always prioritise his children’s happiness. Naruto shields his son from the hate as much as possible, but some slips through.
 The transition is easier if you are a civilian, your son feels a little more secure if that’s the case, and he would consider following your footsteps depending on what you do. If you run a little business, he would definitely want to work with you. If you’re also a ninja he can feel left out and unsure, but he grows into such a quietly confident person, who starts a little business. 
Not being a ninja also means he can be there for his younger siblings. He is a dedicated older brother who is always there for them. He has a room for each other them at his house and loads of medical supplies for when they come back from missions injured and won’t go to the hospital. He always patches them up. 
All his younger siblings respect him so much. He is a very reliable person, and his siblings get so offended if they hear any anti-civilian talk from the ninjas they work with.
When Naruto is about a year into working as Hokage, he goes to visit the orphanage, a place that he reformed hugely as soon as he could. It’s so much nicer than it was and he’s so happy. 
But there is one girl that he sees there, and she’s being bullied by some of the other kids. At only three years old, Naruto’s heart breaks for her. Turns out that she’s being teased for being a female alpha. Times have changed a lot, but there are still some horrible stereotypes about male omegas and female alphas, even if those aren’t the norm anymore. 
He intervenes and wipes away her tears, uncomfortably reminded of his own stay at the orphanage when he was her age. He wraps up the visit and leaves, but he just can’t get here out of his head. 
He’s been wanting another child, but he’s still in a vulnerable position so early into being Hokage that he can’t afford the time off for maternity leave. 
Hesitantly, he brings up the idea of adoption to you, when you respond positively, he’s like great 😊, I have one picked already. 
It’s only about a fortnight later that you’re picking her up and bringing her home. At first, she is very shy and reserved but when she gets comfortable, you learn that she is the opposite. 
She’s very forthright and opinionated, she always says what she feels and stands up for injustice. 
Her favourite thing is to come home and tell you and Naruto about her day. She never leaves out any detail and has been known to demand to go and see Naruto while he’s working so that she can tell him about something that happened at school. 
Naruto ends up unwillingly up to date with all the academy drama. 
She’s quite serious and likes to have grown up conversations and sit at the grown ups table. 
She ends up attending the academy and she just thrives on all the history and politics lessons! She great at negotiating and learning about people. 
She makes strong friends and has a tight knit friendship group that she keeps all the way to adulthood. 
She ends up making Chunin pretty quickly but waits a long while before taking the Jounin exam. She ends up specialising in international relations. 
She works as an ambassador for Konoha and gets to travel around all the countries. She adores her job, but she does sometimes miss her family. Naruto gets sad when he sends her for long missions, knowing that he can’t come and see her for that time, but there’s no one he would trust more to act on behalf on Konoha and she always brings back souvenirs for everyone.
The twins are quite a bit younger than the other two. Six years younger than their older sister, and eight years younger than their older brother. 
In a better position now, Naruto wants to try for one final child. 
Of course, you get twins. 
It takes a bit of re-planning, but Naruto is overjoyed at the fact that he’s pregnant with twins! He gives birth to identical twin boys. You can’t tell from birth whether a baby is a male alpha or male beta, and they end up showing signs of being betas when they’re about 12.
These boys are little troublemakers, and Naruto rejoices and finally having some of his children who likes pranks like he does!
They excel at strategy and trap making when they join the academy but the oldest struggles a little with the more academic side. 
Naruto is so patient in helping him because he knows what it’s like to be a physical learner in an academic environment. 
They are the babies of the family and they get away with everything haha. 
When they end up graduating, they are put on the same genin team and they continue to work together for their entire careers. They are similar to Izumo and Kotestu. They know each other so well and both have complimentary skills, so they make a formidable duo on the battlefield. 
Naruto hates sending them on dangerous missions though. If they ever didn’t come back, I don’t think Naruto would recover, knowing that he sent them to the place that they died. 
These two also definitely take on a genin team when they first get promoted to jounin, and they’re great teachers! I can’t decide if they would have one together, or if they would have one each and compete in ridiculous challenges like whose genin team can get the most d ranks done in one day. 
They remind people of Kakashi and Gai in a lot of ways. 
Sasuke:  1 child – daughter (beta).
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Sasuke has a daughter in his late twenties, after he’s had some time to deal with his trauma. 
He’s undeniably in a better place but he struggles badly with PPD, making the first year very difficult on your family. 
Eventually things get better though, and you work together to raise your daughter. 
She is wicked smart, very much into scholarly things, but she also loves weapons, particularly any sort of blade. Sasuke teaches her how to use a sword and they bond a lot over it. 
She’s pretty quiet and withdrawn, preferring to read a book or practice with her weapons than socialise. Sasuke tries to get her to make more friends but she calls him out on being a hypocrite and he’s so offended that he drops the issue. 
She does well in the academy but she lowkey hates going. She likes going more if either you or Sasuke are there to pick her up and walk home with her, she doesn’t like walking home alone because the Uchiha compound is so damn far away and isolated. 
When she awakens her sharigan when she’s a chunin, Sasuke has a pretty bad reaction. The sharigan isn’t associated with anything good in his mind, so he freaks out when his daughter activates it. You need to give him some time and support and he’ll come around. He’s the only one who can train her after all. 
Sasuke is so proud of his daughter when she makes Jounin, which of course, she does. I could see her taking on a powerful advisory role for the Hokage as a jounin.
She is someone who believes that there is a lot to learn from history, and is a great advisory asset in helping to avoid past mistakes.
Itachi: Canon = none / Non-massacre Au = 2 children. Son (omega), daughter (beta). 
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Has a son shortly after you get married. 
Itachi is a family man through and through and can’t wait to retire from being a ninja (which he hates) to being able to raise his children full time. 
The day Itachi gets moved from the active list to the reserves list after he becomes pregnant is one of the happiest days of his life. 
His son is very responsible and serious. 
He likes to follow Itachi around and help him clean and cook and run errands. He always tidies up his toys and keeps his room clean, and he almost always behaves respectfully and sensibly. 
Itachi never forces him to do too much though, he wants his son to have a fun childhood like he never had. 
Itachi is over the moon when his son shows an interest in calligraphy, happy that his son is picking up a healthy hobby. 
He buys him all the supplies and gets him a teacher if he wants one. It warms Itachi’s heart to see his son interested in something other than chores for once. 
Despite the pressure from the clan for his children to attend the academy, Itachi puts his foot down for one of the first times in his life, saying that his children will only become ninja if they want to. 
His son does in fact want to attend the academy. 
Itachi kind of wishes he didn’t. 
Itachi’s son shows a huge proficiency for fuinjutsu, his calligraphy skills coming in handy. Seeing as the skill is so rare, he becomes one of the leading experts in Konoha. 
Itachi is very supportive and lowkey glad that his son is so powerful and can defend himself. Itachi is also very glad that his son can continue with his fuuinjustsu passion long after he retires from being an active ninja. 
Itachi hopes that safety net (producing seals for other ninjas and continuing to earn money from his hobby) will mean his son can retire whenever he wants and not have to worry. Rather than becoming stuck in the shinobi lifestyle.
Itachi’s daughter is born five years after his son, an age gap that was larger than he would have liked, but he had a pretty traumatic birth the first time around and he needed to give his body some time to recover.
Itachi puts a lot of emphasis on a loving relationship between his children, and his daughter adores her older brother so much! She follows him around and tries to copy him all the time, and he help her with homework and plays with her. 
It makes Itachi very, very happy to see them bond. 
Itachi’s daughter is a beta and has everyone wrapped around her finger from the moment she is born. 
She’s charming, well spoken, and polite but with a very sarcastic personality. 
She has a very similar sense of humour to Itachi actually. A sort of under the breath commentary style. Goodness help anyone who finds themselves opposing Itachi and his daughter. 
Academy teachers get put in their place so fast when they join forces, the teachers don’t even know what happened. 
As Itachi’s daughter joins the academy, she follows after her uncle and develops fangirls and fanboys… She’s very popular. Very popular. 
And she loves it. 
Itachi is not as fond. 
He is not above staring coldly at children for badgering his beloved daughter. 
When she grows up, she works as a ninja, favouring a more jack of all trades kind of style. She likes to learn a little bit of everything. 
She’s the same way with relationships too. She never gets married or mated, preferring casual relationships and has no interest in children, she lives her life doing whatever she wants with whoever she wants. 
Itachi is very proud of her, and secretly very amused when his clan constantly tries and fails to control her.
Shikamaru: 1 child – daughter (alpha)
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Shikamaru has a child at about 25, and he knew from the get-go that he was a one and done kind of guy.
He’s not a fan at all of the infant stage and does not want to do it more than once. 
The Nara clan have a very high proportion of alphas, so Shikamaru kinda expected his child to be one. And lo and behold she was. 
His daughter is the spitting image of him in every way. She is the most mellow alpha ever. So much so that most people assume she’s a beta, and she doesn’t really care enough to correct them about it. 
She is also very close to her grandparents, who dote on her and spoil her as much as they can. 
She excels at school in the same way her father did before her, retaining average marks despite being miles ahead of most of her peers.
Shikamaru teaches her how to play shogi and all about the beauty of napping. She takes to them both like a duck to water. She is so much like Shikamaru that everyone comments on it constantly. 
Although, while she loves a good cloud gazing session with her father, she actually takes to creative writing as her favourite hobby. She uses a pseudonym to avoid attention, but she ends up writing a series of books that becomes one of the most popular book series in the shinobi nations. 
Shikamaru is so insanely proud that his daughter can have both a successful ninja career and a successful hobby/side career. He brags to anyone who knows her pseudonym constantly, including you and his parents. 
He also keeps a set of first edition, signed copies of all her books. He reads them when she’s away on long missions sometimes, as a way of feeling closer to her.
Shikamaru and his daughter remain incredibly close all their lives.
Shino: 1 child – daughter (omega)
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Shino had a child slightly later than most of his friends, at around 34. 
Shino’s daughter is a very curious child! She’s quiet and withdrawn around strangers but very talkative with her family and close friends.
Her favourite place to be is on Shino’s lap. And when around strangers, she always hides behind him, or buries her face into his shoulder. 
Shino loves to spend time with his daughter outside. He teaches her all about insects and plants, leading her around the woods after when she can still barely walk. 
Shibi does the same with her, and those two are very close. 
Shino is fiercely protective of his daughter, and never forces her into doing things she isn’t comfortable with. He defends her right to be quiet and clingy, and it takes some convincing to get him to understand that she needs to make friends outside of her immediate family. 
When she cries for anything, Shino gives in straight away, as long as she isn’t wanting to do anything extremely dangerous. Because of this, she develops quite the sweet tooth, having had as many cookies as she wanted as a child. 
Shino’s daughter ends up teaching at the academy as a career chunin, because despite being shy around adults, she is fantastic with children, very patient and understanding. 
Shino is very happy with her choices, because he was a little worried that she would end up scarred from a shinobi career, and he hates any situation in which he can’t protect her. 
She has her own children pretty young, and Shino is just a good a grandfather as he is a father.
Neji: 2 children – adopted daughter (beta), adopted son (alpha)
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Neji is about 30 when he decides he wants to try to have a baby. 
And he’s 32 when he finally comes to terms with the fact that he isn’t going to be able to conceive naturally because of the suppressant abuse he endured as a child. 
Then, tragically, one of the branch members of his clan dies giving birth. Her mate can’t handle the stress and dies shortly afterwards, leaving their two-year-old daughter and newborn son behind. 
Dying after a mate dies is not super uncommon but is much rarer in the cases where children are involved, so this exact situation doesn’t happen very often. 
His heart breaks for them and he is close to begging you to adopt them with him. 
And soon enough you have two children, siblings, and both Hyuugas like Neji. 
You would never forget Neji’s face when he held his children for the first time. He would never let them be branded with the seal that has impacted his life so much. He would sooner run away from the clan forever.
Neji’s daughter takes a little while to adjust to her new parents, still distraught and grieving over the loss of her previous parents. 
Neji understands and gets her a therapist, but he finds it difficult to watch his child suffer. 
The first time she crawled into bed with you and Neji after a nightmare, Neji cried because she was finally starting to trust you both. 
Neji’s daughter is a beta and when she recovers from her childhood trauma, she shows her true colours as a limelight lover! 
She loves acting and dancing and singing whenever and wherever she can. She plans little plays for you and Neji, sitting you down to perform them for you every weekend. Neji is very proud! 
But he doesn’t really know what to do when his daughter says she doesn’t want to be a ninja. 
He loves and supports her, of course, but he’s thrown off, not really expecting it. 
Eventually, he agrees to send her to a civilian school, and she immediately flourishes there, making so many friends, even starting a little after school performance style club. 
Neji is so incredibly proud when she makes it as a famous actress. He lowkey brags constantly to his friends. 
“Oh, your child just got promoted to chunin? How lovely. My daughter made more money this year than any chunin will see in their life…” Sips tea. 
Neji’s daughter is so glamourous and outgoing and famous, but she never forgets her family, and loves to spoil you, Neji and her younger brother with her money.
Neji’s son doesn’t remember his biological parents and fits into your family seamlessly from day one. As far as he’s concerned, you and Neji are his only parents. 
Just like his older sister, this boy is very extroverted, but rather than singing all the time, he talks. He’s the chattiest person you could ever meet. 
Introverted Neji isn’t 100% sure about how to parent such extroverted children, he just doesn’t understand that they don’t enjoy too much solitary activity time. 
He’s feels a lot better if you’re an extrovert, that way, he can have some alone time to recharge while you handle the children. 
If you’re also an introvert… well, let’s hope Hinata was serious about her babysitting offer. 
Neji’s son talks to everyone as I already mentioned, and adults think he is the cutest thing ever. 
As he grows up, he always helps old people carry their shopping, he helps lost children find their parents, he is basically the alpha every parent dreams of their omega child bringing home. 
He’s very charming and Neji is a lot less surprised when his son says he doesn’t want to be a ninja. 
Eventually ends up working in the orphanage. 
The children adore him so, so much, and he loves his job dearly. 
Neji brags about him too. 
“Wow, your child got top marks in the academy? My child was hand-making birthday gifts for some children at the orphanage when he was 11. He decided to do it all by himself…” sips more tea. 
Whenever she’s in Konoha, his older sister turns up and gives all the kids at the orphanage gifts. She’s like a fun, rich aunt for all of them. 
Neither of Neji’s children have children of their own, as they find their respective careers to be the most fulfilling thing for them.
Neji is a very proud father and is happy when his children are happy.
Iruka: None, or 2 children (he’s happy with either) – adopted son (omega), adopted daughter (omega)
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Iruka would be happy with no children because he’s so dedicated to his work and his students, but he also adores children and wouldn’t mind having some of his own. This is an au in which he decides to have children. 
He adopts his son at age 27, pretty soon after the war, choosing to adopt an older child who has less of a chance of being adopted. 
A six-year-old omega with a bright smile and loud laugh, Iruka is immediately taken with him. The war had left many orphans, and it was hard on Iruka to walk around the orphanage, knowing he couldn’t adopt them all. 
Iruka throws as much love as he can as his new son, taking time off work to bond with him properly, making sure to scent him loads and get him used to his new family environment. 
Iruka is thrilled when his son shows a knack for pranks.
He plays the disapproving parent in public, but honestly, he loves it, as long as things don’t go too far. 
Iruka’s son is a very kind-hearted person, if a little rambunctious, and he also has a huge nesting instinct. 
You knew he was an omega when you adopted him, but it was very clear, nonetheless. He has a permanent nest in his room that he likes to chill in with his friends when they come over (he’s very popular with the other kids in his class.). 
When he gets a little older, he goes to the academy, walking to and from every day with Iruka, and develops a passion for medicine when he’s a genin. 
He has great chakra control and eventually ends up working full time at the hospital as an adult. 
He chose a similar path to Iruka, in that he works as a ninja but is primarily based in the village, rarely leaving on missions. 
He makes sure to come home for dinner at least once a week after he’s moved out, no matter how busy the hospital gets. 
Iruka is so proud that his son is so talented and selfless, that sometimes it makes him tear up. 
Iruka knows that he doesn’t want just one child. 
When his parents died, he was all alone and it was horrible for him, so he knows he wants to have two children, so that when you and him die, they’re not alone. 
Iruka is very ready to adopt again about two years after he adopted his son. 
Iruka found the adoption process so rewarding that he wants to do it again over having a biological child. 
He adopts a little girl this time, five years old and also an omega. When Iruka was meeting the children, this girl brought him a paper flower that she had folded as a gift and his heart just melted right then and there. 
She fits in perfectly to your family, your son adored her immediately! 
With three omegas living in your house now, you were very much outnumbered. It was a common occurrence to find yourself missing all your warm clothes, them having been borrowed and buried inside one of the three nests (minimum) nests in your house. 
Iruka’s daughter is a gentle soul, but she is also strong. She appears like an easy target because she is soft spoken and reserved but she has a strong sense of justice and always stands up for herself and others. 
When she’s young, she likes the idea of going into medicine like her older brother as she admires and looks up to him, but she doesn’t like the realities of the job very much. 
She’s great at chakra control, but the idea of wrangling disobedient, injured shinobi doesn’t appeal to her. 
Until one day, on her way home from a friend’s house, she finds an injured stray dog. She brings it home and begs you and Iruka to keep him. So, your family of four turns into a family of five, and she becomes obsessed with veterinary medicine. 
As an adult, she ends up working at the veterinary clinic in the Inuzuka compound. She is committed to helping as many animals as she can, with a particular soft spot for dogs. 
She also joins the rest of her family for dinners at least once a week. Iruka is so overwhelmingly proud that he has two medic children, because he knows how talented you have to be to do that. 
He is also very happy that both his children stay mostly within the village. The war made Iruka a little paranoid, and he doesn’t worry so much when his children are safe within the village walls.
Gaara: 2 children – daughter (alpha), son (alpha)
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Gaara has his children the youngest out of everyone his age that he knows. He had his daughter when he had just turned 21, and his son five years later when he was 26. 
His daughter is Gaara’s sweetheart. 
He adores her so much and spends as much time as he can with her. He is so gentle with her and loving all the time. 
Gaara’s daughter is very energetic and playful, but also quite sensitive. 
She loves positive attention, loves to play with everyone who will engage with her. 
She’s a very family-oriented person and loves spending time with Kankuro and Temari when you and Gaara are busy. 
However, because you, Gaara, Temari and Kankuro always treated her so gently, she was quite sensitive to people being angry or shouting at her. 
Once, her teacher at school shouted at her for talking in class and she ran straight to the Kazekage’s office crying. Gaara was furious. He hates when his children cry, so much. He let her stay with him for the rest of the day to calm her down, sending you a message to let you know he was looking after her. 
Gaara’s daughter visited him constantly, often bringing little lunchboxes of food for him, learning to new recipes constantly. 
Trying to surprise him, she develops a great skill in cooking. 
She decides, in the end, not to follow the shinobi route. She opens her own restaurant in Suna, charming customers with her amazing hostess skills and phenomenal cooking. 
She allows all her family to eat for free, but they all pay anyway, because they love to support her. Gaara, especially, always leaves a huge tip for her and her staff.
Gaara’s son is born five years after his daughter, another alpha, leaving Gaara very outnumbered, with both his siblings, his mate and his children all being alphas. 
Gaara’s son is very quiet and tactile. 
He loves cuddles and hugs but doesn’t speak very much. 
He enjoys spending time with Gaara in Gaara’s nest, despite not having nesting instincts of his own. 
Gaara’s son is very close to you and Gaara. He always tells you when something is bothering him, and although he doesn’t speak much, he chooses his words carefully and they always mean something.
He actually excels at shinobi school, both in academics and in sparring, and moves up the ranks quickly. He spends a lot of time training with Kankuro and gets into puppetry. 
Even when he becomes a jounin, he spends time with Gaara in his nest, still loving physical affection. 
Gaara enjoys hosting family gatherings for everyone, his daughter cooks loads of dishes for it, his son makes sure to take time off missions to attend, and sometimes Temari drags Shikamaru to Suna as well to join them all. 
Gaara smiles more often than not now, feeling so proud of the life he crafted for himself, and the family he worked hard to create.
(Phew! That was a lot! I hope you enjoyed, let me know what you thought and send me your own headcanons!!! <3)
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sckyie · 3 years
hey bestie if you're still doing your song series, i was wondering if i could request the song happier by olivia rodrigo with akaashi ?
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song: happier - olivia rodrigo
word count: 1.2k
warnings + genre: angst; break-up, just sad vibes throughout to fit the song
pronouns used: she/her
a/n: (◞‸◟;) i haven’t written angst but idk if this was good or not
Everything seemed so perfect. It was almost as if your relationship was the cliché movie. Together for nearly five years now, you had fallen in love with the best person you could've ever met.
The room was filled with the aroma of your cooking. The sunset shining through the window letting the warmth of the day in as it fades into night. You had your favorite playlist playing as you danced around the kitchen.
You carefully finished plating your dinner for you and your boyfriend as you heard the front door open. "I'm home," Akaashi sighed. You smiled as you approached the door to greet him.
"Hi baby, I made dinner," You gleamed.
"I'm not hungry," Akaashi dismissed. With a small frown, you attempt to try again.
"Well, maybe you could just try a little bit? I spent all day cooking us dinner and-" You rambled.
"We need to talk," He cuts you off, looking at you with tired eyes. A sting in your chest rung after hearing those words.
"What's wrong Keiji?" You tilted your head stepping closer, reaching out to touch his chest. He takes a step back before scratching the back of his neck. "Oh..."
"I just...think we should..." Akaashi trailed.
"Should?" You held your hands together, itching for some type of contact.
"We should break up," He said, ripping off the bandaid. Your eyes widened at his voice, not wanting to know why.
"B- but we're fine- why?" You started. "Am I doing too much? Did I do something wrong? Keiji, I can do better- Just why do you-"
"It's not you," He stopped you. "I..."
You felt the tears run down your cheeks. His hand reaches to wipe them off but retracts knowing it's for the better. "But...I thought you loved me?" You sobbed silently.
"There will always be love for you in my heart, I promise, Y/n," He explained. His heart was beginning to ache at the sight of your cries. Akaashi hated seeing you hurt, even more so if he was the cause. "I...I'm falling in love with someone else. I can't put you in a situation where I'm in love with another when I'm with you...I'm sorry."
You remained quiet as Akaashi rambled on trying to explain himself. Words of not wanting to hurt you laced with apologies of finding another. Suddenly the streetlights now illuminating through the blinds were the only thing you could see.
Akaashi dragged on his apologies to you, almost as if it's a chant. He observed how you had fallen silent and tried to reach out for comfort. You looked up at him before looking around the room. Dinner was getting cold, your anniversary photos meaning nothing now and where you stood was where he promised to marry you one day.
"I...I'll get my things out by the end of the week," Your voice cracked. Akaashi stopped his repeated sorry's, his eyes carefully watching you.
"W-wait, y-you're leaving? Y/n, I can leave, it's not your fault. I-" Akaashi started. He watched you walk past him, grabbing your car keys. You slipped on your shoes without a word before turning to leave. Your hand froze at the doorknob as you hesitated to leave. Wiping away your tears, you grabbed the handle, pulling open the door to walk out.
It's been nearly a month since it happened. You had sat at the window seat of the café with your laptop open to your work schedule. You let out a sigh wanting to take a break from the screen. Peering outside you noticed a familiar face. A hyper pro-athlete bouncing around his old third-year friends. You smiled at the sight of Bokuto, wanting to go out and say hi until you saw them.
Akaashi had walked hand in hand with his new girlfriend, smiling bigger than you've ever seen him before. The grin on your face fell taking notice of every bit of his new partner. Picking her apart as if it were a science experiment.
"Damn, that's her?" Your work husband, Souma, says breaking you out of your thoughts.
"Huh?" You say, grabbing the drink out of his hand.
"The girl your ex replaced you with," He said bluntly. You reached beside you and pinched his nose before turning to look back at her. "She's pretty."
"She is...I bet she's nice too," You huffed. You looked back at your laptop, clicking out the tab. "Okay, back to work."
"You do know you're not fooling anyone," Souma leaned over to rest his head on your shoulder. "You can be sad, it's only been a month."
"Yes, I know. I am sad but...I have to be strong right?" You sighed. "He's probably really happy. That's what I want for him."
"But not happier than with you, hm?" He pokes.
"What?" You ask, not peeling your eyes from the screen.
"You know, when you were together, you'd say some eternal love bullshit," He mocked. "What happened to he's the one person who makes you have butterflies in your stomach? And if we ever broke up you'd never recover? That kinda shit."
"He was the one who said shit like that first of all. I guess he never meant it. Souma, can we please stop talking about it?" You started to type out your report. "Yeah, yeah, I'm heartbroken but this project is due tomorrow."
"Okay whatever you say, Ms. Shattered Heart," He lifts up his hands in fake surrender before leaning back into your ear. "Oh, by the way, he's coming into the café." He whispered.
Your eyes widen before shutting them quickly. You take a deep breath, taking the urge to not look at the door. Souma shrugs, wanting to see a bigger reaction before opening his own laptop.
Bokuto leads Konoha, Komi, Akaashi and his girlfriend to the line of the café. "So then, Atsumu ended up- Oh? Y/n!" Bokuto stops his story noticing the back of your head. He steps out of line to tap your shoulder.
"Oh, hi Bo," You turned slowly. "Good to see you...You guys too." You gestured towards the group. Akaashi's previous smile fell once he saw you.
"How are you?" Bo smiled. It took a beat for him to realize how awkward the situation was, making his grin fade.
"Good, good...How are you guys?" You cringed.
"We're...okay," Akaashi said, softly. His eyes took notice of how different you looked. Darker circles under your eyes, your hair messily done compared to your usual do, and just how tired you looked. Almost as if you gave up on taking care of yourself.
"Y/n and I were just leaving-" Souma interrupted. He noticed your hand grip tightly on your chair before speaking up. He closes both your laptops and goes to put them away in his bag. "It was nice seeing you guys, but Y/n and I have some work to do."
You hesitated but nodded along with your coworker as you grabbed your coffee. You gestured to the group once getting out of your seat. The two of you quickly walked out, Souma guiding you to his parked car.
Akaashi's girlfriend excused herself to the restroom, giving him an opportunity. He exits the café, jogging over to you and Souma. "I'm sorry," He pants, stopping a few feet away from you. "Y/n, I'm sorry."
No words left your mouth as you looked up at him. Tears had already fallen from your eyes the second you walked out. Akaashi's chest ached to see you in this state. "Forgive me, I- I'm sorry for hurting you," He begged.
"Take care of her, okay?" You smiled, your heart is torn into pieces once again. "Make her happy."
taglist: @amillionfandoms-onlyoneme @d0llpie @elianetsantana @snowsmuse @joy-laufeyson
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Parenting Struggles
Pairing: Tsunade/Yua (Oc)
Prompt: Parenting
Disclaimer: I wrote this in 30 minutes on my phone so it's not great but I think it's cute
Words: 877
Raising a child was more difficult than Yua thought it would be. There were tears to wipe away, fears to ease, stories to tell.
It was a never-ending job. A job that she had never imagined herself having when she was younger, but which came with too many rewards to give up. For every tear she had to wipe, there was a tiny hug. Every fear came with an ‘i love you’ once everything was better, not spoken out loud like most kids but whispered against her chest as if it would fly away unheard if her son moved too far back.
“You look like you’re having thoughts,” Tsunade prodded her side, snickering when she turned an ice glare her way. “Come on, Talk to me. What’s on your mind?”
“Other than the fact that I have the worst taste in lovers?” Yua rolled her eyes when Tsunade lifted her glass of sake up as if agreeing with her words. “I’m just… thinking.”
“Thinking is a dangerous game to play,” Leaning in a bit closer, Tsunade began tickling the toddler who was resting peacefully in Yua’s arms. “Isn’t that right, Kakashi? Tell your mom Thinking is dangerous.”
The only response she received was a squeal of laughter, and a poor attempt to squirm himself out of her reach only to find his mother's arms in the way.
“I’m trying to get him to have a nap,” Yua sighed. “If you keep this up he won’t sleep at all.”
“Ah, I don’t think that will be a problem,” retracting her hand, Tsunade watched with a cheerful smile as Kakashi settled back into his mother's hold and closed his eyes. “Kid loves to sleep.”
“You say that, but he just spent the afternoon running around with the hounds,” and what a mess he had made. Yua was going to have to ask the hounds to be a bit more careful. At least until Kakashi was old enough to clean up after himself.
She was rather tired of replanting flowers in the garden or spraying her two-year-old down before he entered the house after an afternoon of playing in the mud.
“Hey,” feeling a finger against her face, Yua glanced Tsunade’s way. There she was greeted with a soft, fond smile. “I’ll help you. You know that.”
“I know,” Tsunade always helped. She had since the day she came to Yua’s home to inform her of Sakumo’s death on a mission. Ever since that day two years ago she had refused to leave Yua’s side, always available to aid her with raising Kakashi or just unwinding once in a while. “I just…”
Parenting wasn’t the job she had imagined for herself when she was young, but she’d been so excited when she’d found out she and Sakumo would-be parents.
She’d planned out an entire future with him. The two of them would teach Kakashi all that they knew, guiding him through the challenges of life step by step.
But Sakumo wasn’t here with her. Not anymore.
He’d only met his son once before becoming little more than a name engraved on the memorial stone in the centre of Konoha’s cemetery.
Everything she had once thought about her future was dead and gone. Her career as a Samurai, her first love.
All she had left was her son and Tsunade.
“You don’t have to explain,” Tsunade assured her, the smile fading into a sad expression. “I know the feeling, but it was you who told me we couldn’t dwell on it. That there was still a future for us.”
A future.
One she couldn’t see quite clear yet. Full of questions and fears she had never thought she would have to face in her life.
“The future,” she whispered, reaching out to steal Tsunade’s cup from her and down the sake while her girlfriend complained in her ear. “I think I like the sound of that.”
“You’d better,” Tsunade huffed. “That was the last of my goodness sake.”
“Oh?” Tilting her head, Yua hugged Kakashi a little closer as his tiny snores filled the air. “Well, I guess I’ll just have to make it up to you once I lay Kakashi down in bed.”
Her offer was met with laughter. Pure, joyful laughter. A sweet sound for her tattered soul.
“You really are something,” Standing up from her seat, Tsunade stepped in front of Yua and leaned down to kiss her cheek while carefully gathering Kakashi into her arms. “I’ll put him down. You just relax for now.”
“Tsunade, parenting?” Yua gasped dramatically. “A miracle.”
“Perhaps,” Tsunade straightened herself up and glanced down at the toddler now sleeping peacefully in her arms. “But he’s so easy to parent.”
Easy to parent.
That was not a sentence that fit with Kakashi. Not the boy who loved to play with all of Yua’s books, or who ran around rolling in the mud with the hounds and was already starting to show a talent for shinobi skills.
There was nothing easy about the worry she felt every time she looked at her son and wondered if his fate would be the same as his father's.
“He’s certainly… something,” she chuckled, watching as short silver strands of hair danced against his forehead. “My little scarecrow.”
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narutogwriting · 3 years
hii, could you do a naruto x reader fic the day/evening before naruto becomes hokage n he and the reader are discussing their future , if they want kids, if they will get married and reminiscing about the past ( maybe about how they met or significant moments ) and he confides in her that maybe he’s a lil nervous n it’s just cavity inducing fluff ,,, sorry if that was a little long but thank you! <3
Hey did you take this prompt straight out of my heart?<3 This may need a part 2...
Long Live
Pairing: Naruto Uzumaki x Reader
CW: fluff
Length: 2.9k+
Inspired by “Long Live” by Taylor Swift because that song always makes me think of Naruto 🥺
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Why is he so pretty
His whole life had led up to this. He’d spent years alone and isolated and hurting. Years being left in the background, unseen, forgotten. All Naruto had ever wanted in life was to gain the acknowledgment of his village.
And now he had it.
In just a few hours, by this time tomorrow, Naruto would officially become Hokage. Everything he’d ever worked for was finally coming to fruition.
Naruto was sitting on the Hokage heads, the same stones that he’d spent years vandalizing as a child, just wanting someone to notice him. Specifically, he was sitting on the formation of his father’s head, a small smile on his face. He’d always said that he was going to become better than the fourth hokage… He wasn’t sure if he could ever surpass his dad. But at the very least, he would do his best to make him proud.
The Sun was beginning to set over the leaf village, casting a brilliant orange glow over the town he loved so much. It was a powerful, flawed village that had done a fantastic amount of good and created imaginable pain. It’d taken Naruto years to understand it, that nothing was black and white, that things can be good and bad, and that you can love something, but still want to change and improve it.
The Leaf Village had simultaneously been a place that had broken him and the place where he had become healed. Now that Naruto was a little older, a little wiser, he understood that things had to change, and that’s what Naruto would do.
He would become the change, lead the village into a new era. One of healing and restoration. Not only would Konoha change its way, Naruto was going to do his damndest to right all of its wrongs.
Finally, just before dark, Naruto got up and decided to head back home. He couldn’t imagine that he would be getting much sleep tonight; he was too excited, too nervous. Of course he’d always believed that he would become Hokage, but now that it was happening… It was almost too much for him to handle.
He expected you to maybe already be in bed by the time he got home. It wasn’t super late, but you were just getting back from a mission that day, so he was sure you’d be exhausted.
He opened the front door slowly, quietly, not wanting to wake you.
He was surprised to find you not only awake, but waiting for him with a big smile. You looked so beautiful, he thought, in the tight red dress you were wearing. The lights were dim, the living room and kitchen only lit by candle light.
Blinking in confusion, Naruto looked at you as you came to give him a big hug. “Hi, I missed you…” Naruto said, wrapping his strong arms around you, pulling you into him. He placed a kiss on your head, getting a whiff of his favorite perfume that you had.
Just over your head, he could see the table set with a pretty red table cloth, flowers, romantic candles, and the unmistakable aroma of your homemade ramen.
“I missed you so much,” You told him, pulling away just enough to press up on your tiptoes and give him a kiss. “I’ve been waiting for you. Were you at Hokage Rock?” You questioned. You knew him way too well.
He gave you a sheepish grin. “I was,” He told you. “Just taking it all in, ya know? Before…” He trailed off. He couldn’t even speak the words; it would make it all too real and then he was sure he’d implode.
Instead, he nodded to the set up in the kitchen before pulling away from the hug. He took your hand, pulling back so he could check you out properly, giving you a little twirl as you giggled. “What’s the occasion?” He asked you, causing you to stare up at him with a dumbfounded expression.
“What do you think, dummy!?” You asked him, playfully smacking his arm and making him laugh.
“I thought we were gonna celebrate tomorrow night?”
You shook your head, exasperated. “Yes, but that’s with our friends, Naruto. “Tonight, I wanted to celebrate, just you and me.” You explained to him, smiling up at him fondly. You reached up to touch his cheek gently. “I’m just so proud of you, you know? I wanted to do something special. I always knew you could do it.”
Naruto eyes began to tear up instantly as he grinned happily. He ran the back of his hand across his eyes. “Geez, you really know how to make a guy all choked up…”
You giggled. You were well accustomed to Naruto’s happy tears by this point. It never failed to make your heart well up, knowing that you could fill Naruto with such joy that he would cry tears of happiness.
His hands cupped your cheeks, pulling you to him as he pressed his lips against yours softly. “I love you so much, you know? Believe it!”
“I do believe it,” You teased, kissing him one more time before taking his hand. “Cmon, before your food gets cold.” You told him, pulling him to the kitchen. “I made your favorite.”
The two of you made small talk while you ate your food. He asked about your mission, and you gave him the exciting details. He slurpped down the ramen hungrily; somehow you made it just as good as Ichiraku ramen, maybe even better. It was just one of the many things he loved about you.
When the two of you finished eating, you cleared the table, leaving the dishes in the sink.
“Cmon,” you said, leading Naruto to the living room.
You had more candles set up on the side tables, and in the middle of the floor, a blanket with lots of pillows for the two of you to lounge on, chocolate covered strawberries, two glasses of wine, and a present just for Naruto.
“How did I get so lucky?” Naruto asked quietly, staring down at you with love filled eyes. He wrapped his arms around you from behind, dipping his head down to place light, open mouth kisses against your neck. You tilted your head slightly, placing your hands over his arms.
“Sweet, thoughtful, a good cook.. Not to mention so gorgeous.” His hands began to trail over your body, starting at your waist and slipping slowly down your hips and thighs before moving back up.
You felt your stomach clenching in desire, always so responsive to his touch.
“Naruto,” you moaned softly. It took all of your willpower to pull away from him. “I have a nice night planned; stop trying to seduce me!” You scolded.
Naruto just gave you a cheeky smile. “I can’t help myself. Look at you…” He muttered.
You bit your lip, blushing as he followed you to sit down on the blanket. Naruto pulled you between his legs to rest your back against his chest as he peppered your cheeks with kisses, making you giggle and squirm in his arms.
Picking up a chocolate strawberry, you placed it in front of his lips. He took the fruit in his mouth, the juices spilling over his lips before you pulled you in for another sweet kiss.
It would have been easy to let that become the rest of your night with Naruto, getting lost in his arms, letting his lips trace over every part of your body, spending the night in ecstacy. And you wanted that. You really wanted that.
But tomorrow was going to be the best day of Naruto’s life. Honestly, it was probably going to be the best day of yours, too. You were giddy with pride and adoration; you could only imagine the way you would feel tomorrow, watching Naruto stand in front of the whole village, all eyes on him as that hokage cloak was finally, finally*, placed over his shoulders. The way the people were going to scream his name, look at him with reverence and admiration. It made you start to tear up just thinking about it. Naruto was going to be hokage. His life long dream would be his reality. You always knew it would be. You couldn’t think of anyone more deserving to become the leader of the village.
“I got you something,” you told him, your head a little dizzy with the champagne you two had been drinking in between your kisses and giggles. You were so in love with this man.
“I thought I was going to unwrap you,” Naruto flirted, but you batted his hands away, pushing to your feet. You grabbed the present bag, specially chosen for the little foxes that littered the wrapping.
Walking back over, you sat cross legged in front of him, holding the bag in your lap.
“Naruto,” you said, giving him a silly smile. “Ever since the day I first met you, I’ve been in awe of you.” You told him. It was hard not to blush at the way that Naruto was gazing at you, those beautiful blue eyes glistening and intense. “From the way you carried yourself, to how hard you worked, to the way you changed people. Your heart is bigger than anyone I know. I wish so much that I would have met you sooner, so I could have been there for you, so you never would have had to be alone…”
You wiped at your eyes. The more you spoke, the wetter they became. “Whenever you tell me about the things you experienced when you were little, the way you grew up… It breaks my heart. I never want for you to feel sad or alone or abandoned like that… Never.” Scooting closer to him, you took his hands.
“I wish I would have known the little boy you were before you became the ninja I love. I wish I could hug him and tell him it’s all going to be okay… Could you imagine if he could see you now?” You’re smiling and crying and Naruto is smiling and crying and you’re both such an emotional mess. Everything he’d gone through, all the pain he experienced, he’d do it all again if it meant he could be here.
Naruto kissed your knuckles as you worked to compose yourself. You never knew it was possible to feel so deeply before Naruto. He’d taught you to love the way he did, and you couldn’t thank him enough for that.
“It’s been the best thing of my life, watching you take on the world.” You told Naruto in earnest. “The greatest honor. I just… I love you so much, and I want you to know how proud I am of you… And I never want you to forget how far you’ve come so… here.”
You passed him the present, and he took it with shaking hands. How? How was this his life? How had he gone from being four years old, wandering the streets of Konoha without a friend in the world to becoming the leader of the village, with the most beautiful, caring, magnificent woman he could have imagined by his side?
He opened the gift slowly, so contrary to the way he may normally rip into a present with excitement and vigor. This, right now, this entire night, this moment. He wanted to savor it, remember it forever. He wished it never had to end.
Eventually, he pulled the gift from the bag slowly, he’s mouth dropping in awe at what it was.
It was his goggles, the one he used to wear on his forehead to pretend he was a ninja before he got his headband, framed.
In your pretty little script, you’d written:
Long live the mountains you moved,
I’ve had the time of my life fighting dragons with you.
Long live the look on your face,
And bring on all the pretenders.
One day, you will be remembered.
Naruto was speechless; the gesture was so thoughtful it blew his mind. You believed in him. You really did. He thought about what you said, wished he could go back in time and tell himself that is was all going to be worth it. That one day, he’d never be alone, never feel that pain again. He would be happy beyond his wildest dreams. “This is… This is…” He looked up at you through blurry eyes. “I don’t know what to say… I thought I lost these.” He told you.
“I found them when we moved,” you explained to Naruto. “You hadn’t mentioned them, so I decided to save them to frame. For this moment.”
Naruto stared down at the goggles in his hands. “This is the best gift ever… Really. You don’t know how much this means to me. I’m going to put it in my office, look at it everyday…” His gaze trailed up to meet yours. “Until we have our first kid. Then I’m gonna give it to them.”
Your heart began to flutter, your lips trembling. “O-our first kid?” Naruto nodded, grinning at you.
“I think it’ll be a boy. And he can wear them just like I did, until he graduates the academy. He’ll make it the first time, unlike me. And even if he doesn’t, it’ll be okay. I’ll practice with him until he’s confident and strong enough to pass.”
Placing the frame aside, he pulled you to him, lifting you so you were straddling his lap. His arms wrapped around your waist as he rested his face in the crook of your neck, breathing you in as he quivered just barely.
“What about after that?” You asked Naruto, wrapping your arms around his neck and threading your fingers through his hair. “I want three boys, all mini yous. The older two will be crazy like you, loud and hyper and determined…”
“And the third will be like you,” Naruto finished. “He’ll be kind, gentle but fierce. And a kick ass ninja. And they’ll all get the goggles, so we have to space them out just enough. It’ll be a tradition!” You could see by the excitement in his eyes that he meant it. The two of you had talked about a future together before, of course. But not like this. This felt different. It was there now, just ahead of the two of you.
“We could start now…” Naruto teased, his hands once again trailing over your body as he grinded himself against you.
Feigning shocked, you gasped. “And have a child out of wedlock? How scandalous, Hokage-sama…” You joked, as if you could care less about doing things “traditionally.” You didn’t need traditional. It was you and Naruto forever; there was no doubt in your mind about it.
“Of course! Our first little guy is gonna be our ring bearer.” Naruto told you as if it was obvious. “Maybe even help me when I finally put the ring on your finger…” Naruto took your hand, lacing your fingers together as he examined the ring finger. “Gonna get you the biggest rock in the village. You’re gonna need sunglasses when you look at it, it’ll be so bright.”
He was ridiculous, this man you loved so much. “You know I don’t need that. Only you.”
Naruto smiled. “I know.”
You loved this, talking about your future. It was unfolding before you so vividly. “Tell me more,” you insisted, still playing with his hair. “How are you going to propose?”
Naruto laughed, shaking his head. “Nice try,” He teased. “That’s a surprise. But if you really want, I’ll tell you about our wedding…”
You, of course, nodded in earnest. “Tell me,” You practically begged, making him laugh and kiss you.
“It’s gonna be the biggest party of the year. Everyone’s gonna be there. We’ll pull out all the stops… Kakashi can officiate. Our little guy will carry the rings down the aisle… I’m gonna say vows that will make you cry…” You laughed, shaking your head.
“MY vows will make YOU cry,” you countered, and he just shushed you because he knew you were right.
“Anyways,” he laughed. “After the ceremony, we’ll have a huge reception. Music, food, dancing, games. Ninja games, and I’m gonna win them all, obviously, because I’m the hokage…” He grinned at you. “Everyone’s gonna be having the best time… But, when it’s in the full swing of things, everyone’s drunk and distracted, I’m gonna pull you away…”
To emphasize his point, he pulled you closer into him. A hand gripped in your hair as he pulled you into a deep kiss. “Cause I’m so in love. And somehow, that night, I’m gonna find even more* love for you, even though I can’t imagine my heart being able to handle all that…” He murmured against your lips.
“I’m gonna pull you away to have you all to myself. To admire you. To kiss you. To make love to you. It’s gonna be official. You’ll be all mine forever…”
And honestly? When Naruto said forever, it didn’t sound too bad. It sounded like an adventure, a never ending story. It would be a wild ride you never wanted to get off of.
Tomorrow, Naruto would become Hokage. He would achieve his dreams, and you would be right there by his side for it all.
But right now, there was just the two of you. Together, in love. Supporting each other through it all.
That much would never change.
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