#health insurance for foreign students
autumnmobile12 · 5 months
My Hero Academia: Healthcare?
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I don't know if any fanfic writers will find this useful or not, but I think the information is interesting and worth speculation in the My Hero setting. This also applies to any fanfic writers in the anime fandoms who want to have more immersive and in-depth writing. Obviously, writing fics that are 'accurate' is not a requirement since the point is to have fun, but here's some knowledge to use (or not use) if anyone is interested.
Obviously, Deku's been in the hospital a lot. A lot of the characters are injured and in the hospital a lot. But for all the hospital visits, nobody in the series is going to be bankrupted by astronomical healthcare costs. (Yes, that's a jab at America's system.) And it's not because the Pros, especially the popular ones, have money.
Here's why:
Quick rundown of how healthcare in Japan works: Everybody receives healthcare, everybody has health insurance. In Japan, your employer is legally required to provide you with health insurance. If you are unemployed, you will be on a community healthcare plan. There is also a plan for citizens over the age of 75. This also applies to foreigners who have established permanent residence of three months or longer.
Article 25 of Japan's Constitution is paraphrased as follows:
“all people shall have the right to maintain a certain standard of healthy and cultured life” and that “the state shall try to promote and improve the conditions of social welfare, social security, and public health” for this purpose.
I'm not going to reiterate the system in its entirety, but if you would like to learn more, this site here (the Article 25 quote I used is also found on that page) has a brief and comprehensive explanation of how healthcare is handled. However, one thing I am going to mention that is relevant for Deku and other Pros is the threshold out-of-pocket expense.
In Japan, citizens enrolled in healthcare do not spend more than ¥90,000 per month out of pocket, protecting them from financial disaster.
(To Americans, this may sound like a sweet deal, but hold your horses because Japan also funds this system through heavy taxation. Medical procedures are expensive and people will be paying for them one way or another.)
The question that needs asking now is how does this system apply to the hero society? Well, first off, since My Hero does take place in a slightly futuristic setting, we could take into consideration the system has been revised.
Assuming not much as changed, are heroes that operate their own agency technically considered business owners and are required to insure their employees and sidekicks?
Because they are all government employees, is the Safety Commission responsible for insuring all heroes and sidekicks no matter what they rank in their popularity?
Personally, I think it would be the latter since, in the coldest sense of the word, the heroes are essential to the Commission in upholding their system. So that makes them an asset. The Commission would want to protect its assets because as shady as they are, their own system could work against them. They certainly don't want heroes going on strike for lack of benefits or complaining the government doesn't take care of their people. So I assume it's the Commission who is covering insane healthcare costs on behalf of heroes.
(And since the system is probably funded by taxpayers' money, that also feeds into the prevalent societal discontent that's ongoing throughout the series.)
Now what about Deku and his classmates since they have not graduated and are not officially licensed yet? Honestly, I think it's probably UA itself that insures the students. That probably has to do with accreditation and so on, which is another matter entirely, but again, the backing is likely coming out of the Commission (and taxpayers') pockets.
And there you have it. Happy writing, happy research.
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I'd like to illustrate a problem here for a second about documentation and having ID expire every 5 years or whenever you move, while disabled in Canada, or at least Ontario.
To renew ID you need 3 pieces of documentation, one for proof of citizenship/status/immigration etc, like your birth certificate or registration etc, one for proof of residence like personally addressed mail, a bank statement or bill...
And the third, which must be separate, which is "proof of identity" for which the following is accepted:
credit card
valid Ontario driver’s licence or temporary driver’s licence
valid Ontario Photo Card
Canadian Immigration Identification Card
Certificate of Canadian Citizenship (plastic card)
Certificate of Indian Status (paper or plastic card)
Confirmation of Permanent Residence (Imm 5292)
only if signature is shown
current employee ID card
current professional association licence
Old Age Security Card
Ontario motor vehicle permit (plate portion only)
passport (Canadian or foreign)
Permanent Resident Card
only if signature is shown
Record of Landing (Imm 1000)
student ID card
union card
I have crossed out the ones I can't get as a disabled single adult with no dependents who was born here, is not elderly, cannot drive etc... Your average single young disabled adult born and raised here.
The certificate of citizenship I could [have, previously] technically get, but as a natural born citizen other sources will insist my birth certificate should be enough and I should never need this... And they STOPPED ISSUING THE PLASTIC CARDS LISTED HERE AS VALID ID!
I can't get a credit card approved because of my income.
The passport I only ever got because when I was younger I could travel, and it wouldn't get money taken off my pension etc... But most people in my position won't have or maintain this, and indeed mine is still with someone I took a trip with in my 20's and is lost to me, and I have had no real reason to renew it or report it lost. I can't renew it without getting the info off the old one and I can't apply for a new one without already having valid id AND BEING ABLE TO FIND 2 PEOPLE TO VOUCH FOR ME... Which I don't have, frankly, and I am going to go out on a limb and say that when you are more or less house bound and an inconvenient disabled who people are prone to abusing it is quite common enough to not be able to find 2 people to vouch for you. You also need a guarantor and someone to take photos! And sign them! And why would you? Why would you maintain a passport when you can't even travel??? It isn't accessible to me anyway.
So most people in my position, which is a lot, will ONLY have the photo ID card as "proof of id" which you NEED to 1. renew your health card, 2. renew the photo card itself.
My problem with this is that technically you need a photo ID card that's still valid, to make your photo id card valid again. They technically are not allowed to use your health card as this kind of ID.
I am disabled and therefor often things are LONG expired by the time I have the ability to get them renewed, so in addition to all this, my health card and photo id expire at the same time every time now.
They wanted to have a photo id alternative to the driver's license to help with issues like this to begin with, but they haven't made it much better.
The next issue is it's the only government Id that's of any use to me and that I am encouraged to get but it costs 35$ because it's treated as optional, instead of it being free like your health card is... So actually your health card does cost 35$ to maintain... Because you need your photo id card to stay valid... So actually our "free" healthcare has an out of pocket cost of 7$ per year minimum. That's not a lot, but that's not free if that 35 every 5 years stops you from being able to have health coverage.
I want a form of government ID, that counts as proof of identity, for the purpose of renewing my very important health insurance card, that doesn't bloody expire all the fucking time.
Because you're actually supposed to renew your health card every time your address changes... And when you are poor and disabled you tend to either be stuck with your parents, or stuck moving constantly to escape abuse.
And just... Do you know, how many times, for how many months I have been effectively between health coverage, in a country with free healthcare, and thus unable to seek medical attention, because my id has expired and I did not have the physical energy to go get it renewed? And that shouldn't happen!
Technically, by their own laws/policy they should have turned me away to renew my id, which would have left me 100% fucked with no existing valid ID to use to get other ID. That shouldn't be able to happen to you every 5 years or every time you move, especially when you are disabled.
And they shouldn't charge 35$ for it, considering you need it to get your health card renewed at all, technically speaking. It should be FREE! Especially if you are disabled!
If I still physically had my last passport I might be able to keep renewing it without this bullshit headache, but I can't without my old one.
They should have never switched to health cards that expire, I don't care if they wanted photo id, it was fine before, this is bullshit. This makes healthcare potentially inaccessible to the disabled because they have put it behind these stupid hoops you have to jump every 5 years and when you move.
And do you know how many disabled people have memory and mobility issues???
This is stupid.
And the kick in the teeth is that once they have my photo taken they will randomly chose to use older photos they have on file, because clearly my appearance hasn't changed enough through my adult life for them to even care how old the photo is! Why does the photo id have to expire if the photo can be over 10 years old according to their own records!? Their whole excuse for them expiring is that your appearance and address need to be up to date!
For those of you who don't know because it might have been before your time... health cards used to be white with a red stripe and no photo or address and they never expired. You only needed a new one if it was lost or stolen and that was fine. You could memorize the number on it and not even carry your card like you do with your SIN.
And then they switched us to the new photo ones to make sure everyone would have photo ID
And then they decided health cards couldn't be photo id because they didn't want to manage who got health care and who could buy alcohol with the same system for whatever reasons, so they came out with the "photo id" that you are expected to have as an alternative to a drivers license if you don't drive...
But they wanted money, so they charge 35$ every five years and make you pray to their monument of bureaucracy to get it.
Anyway fuck this my ability to make medical appointments shouldn't expire in a country with free healthcare. If they had a problem with people using each other's health cards before and messing up records, they should have made it easier to get your own health card, and not harder. And yes they should have made it so anyone even an illegal immigrant or someone who lost all their ID in a fire could walk into a clinic and still get basic care.
Not this bullshit song and dance.
So gee, if I fail to renew online just before these card expire you will hear me rant about this bullshit again in 5 years.
They could at LEAST give you a disability id card that never expires that you can use for shit like accessing the food bank or for proof of identity etc... Maybe even then it would be easy to have discount programs for anyone on a disability pension, maybe any groceries that are deemed basic necessities enough could be partially or fully subsidized without extra applications and headaches?
But no it's like they want to make healthcare inaccessible for the people who need it the most.
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helenmarie95 · 10 months
Petition Against Raising the Income Requirement for Family Visas in the UK to £38,700 (Only Sign if You are a UK Resident)
So among the other awful things the Tories are doing to this country, they have decided to raise the minimum annual salary requirement for a UK citizen to bring their foreign spouse to the UK from £18,600 to £38,700 from next April. They have more than DOUBLED IT.
This is incredibly fucking stupid for an number of reasons, chief of which is that the median salary across all British jobs is £35,000 if you are a white man, and even worse if you are not that.
On a personal note, this does affect me as an American living in the UK with my British spouse. Luckily, since I changed jobs in October, we JUST BARELY clear this income requirement - and if I hadn't done that, I would be frantically searching for a new job anways. And we have to hope that our situation does not drastically change before I apply for Indefinite Leave to Remain next September.
Here's the thing: I am INCREDIBLY LUCKY. It's also took me five years to get to this point, including over a year working remotely for my parents' business because no UK company would hire me for 'reasons' (my fave being that I didn't sound sophisticated enough. lol.) I'm thinking of so many of my friends right now who suddently have to come up with another £20,000 in the next six months, which is absolutely insane. I'm thinking of my friends who have just had children and are counting on their parter's income to support them during this time who cannot afford to do that anymore. I'm thinking of university students who fell in love on a study abroad like myself, and had everything all planned out for their spouse to move here, only for everything to go up in smoke. I'm thinking of everyone who through no fault of their own are working essential jobs that they enjoy that are suddenly not enough. The NHS, which at this point is built on the backs of immigrants, is going to get even worse.
The government is forcing poor people to choose between the UK and their spouse. And these people are going to choose their spouse, because DUH. And people are going to leave. For some people that means moving back to their spouse's country and hoping that country lets them in. But what if they are LGBT and they cannot go back to their spouse's country because queerness is punishable by death? What are they supposed to fucking do?
It is high-key xenophobic to force British people to ignore foreigners and expect them to marry British spouses. And it's even more heinous considering that this new rule does not apply to the rich. Our own bloody PM has a gajillionaire wife who is not a citizen.
I made a video at the start of this year about my feelings being an immigrant in this country, and so many of my points still hold up and are even more true today.
Heck, I just got an autism diagnosis but because I'm not a citizen I cannot get disability benefits because I am not allowed public funds - the SAME PUBLIC FUNDS THAT I PAY FOR THROUGH TAXES ON MY PAYCHECK. And don't even think about protesting, because you can be arrested for 'being a nuisance', whatever that's defined as.
But I'd still rather be here that in the U.S. where health insurance and student loan companies would rob me blind and there's a high chance of getting shot walking down the street.
More and more, merely existing in the UK as a person had the gall not to be born here is one of the most radical things you can do.
And I'm going to continue to do it. And so are the rest of us.
So if you do happen to live in the UK, please sign the petition in the link. If you don't, please consider phoning your country's representatives to ask them to condemn this move. Moth and I and all of the others affected by this new rule are extremely grateful for any support you offer
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Benefits of Studying in Greece
Unilife abroad career solutions
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Good Weather Conditions
If you love the sun, Greece is perfect for you! The number one pro among the Pros and Cons of Studying in Greece is undoubtedly the weather. After Valletta, Athens is the warmest Capital in Europe. July is usually the sunniest month and December the cloudiest. That said, this country is blessed with sunny days and good weather conditions almost all year around.
Top Business School in Greece
The American College of Greece is one of the top graduate business schools in Europe, located in the historic capital of Athens. Alba faculty comprises of staff from all over the world who have experience in prestigious schools in the area of business and management and beyond, such as Harvard Business School, Stern School of Business, Wharton, London Business School etc.
Low tuition fees and low living expenses
If you are an EU/EEA student, you most likely will not be charged with any tuition fees for a Bachelor’s degree. However, an increasing number of Masters is requiring students to pay. If you are an international student, then you will have to pay tuition fees that range less than €10,000 per year, which includes textbooks. Depending on the university, books might be given to students at no extra cost. For example, The Aristotle University of Thessaloniki offers hot meals twice a day and the free use of the gym to all its students.
To live in Greece, students spend on average between €450 and €700 per month, inclusive of accommodation, bills, phone plan, public transport pass, etc. If we compare this to other European destinations, like Spain and Germany, then the average monthly living costs might easily rise to a minimum of €800, depending on the city.
Enjoy the local cuisine
If you are going to study there, you will get to enjoy the delicacies that the country has to offer. Tsatsiki, feta, olives, gyros are just some of the many Greek specialties which should not be missed. The Mediterranean diet is considered to be one of the healthiest. Fish, nuts, fruits, vegetables, just to mention some, help lower inflammation in your body, reduce the risk of diabetes, and more.
Health care
EU citizens have free access to most healthcare services provided by public hospitals in Greece with the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC).
Students coming from some non-EU countries might benefit from free medical care due to reciprocal agreements with Greece. If this is not the case, you will need to arrange private health insurance before your departure to Greece. However, most hospitals that accept foreign insurance are those in Athens or Thessaloniki.
Unilife Abroad Career Solutions
Contact us :8428440444 , 8428999090 , 8608777070
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yesgermany-manish · 11 months
Why Consider a Masters Degree in Germany? Exploring the Benefits and Opportunities
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Germany is one of the most popular destinations for international students who want to pursue a masters degree. According to the latest statistics, more than 300,000 foreign students were enrolled in German universities in 2020, making up 13.5% of the total student population. But what makes Germany so attractive for higher education? Here are some of the main reasons why you should consider a masters degree in Germany.
High Quality Education
Germany is known for its excellence in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields, as well as humanities, arts, and social sciences. German universities offer a wide range of masters programs, from traditional disciplines to interdisciplinary and innovative ones. Many of these programs are taught in English, making them accessible to international students. Moreover, German universities have a strong reputation in the global academic community, with 44 institutions ranked among the top 500 in the world.
Affordable Costs
One of the biggest advantages of studying in Germany is the low cost of tuition. In most public universities, there is no tuition fee for both domestic and international students, except for a small administrative fee per semester. Even in private universities, the tuition fee is usually much lower than in other countries, such as the UK, the US, or Australia. Additionally, the cost of living in Germany is relatively affordable, especially if you choose to live in a student dormitory or a shared apartment. You can also benefit from various discounts and subsidies for public transportation, cultural events, and health insurance.
Cultural Diversity
Germany is a multicultural and cosmopolitan country, with a rich history and culture. By studying in Germany, you can experience the German way of life, as well as learn about other cultures from your fellow students and professors. You can also enjoy the variety of cuisines, festivals, music, and art that Germany has to offer. Furthermore, you can take advantage of the opportunity to travel around Europe, as Germany is well-connected to other countries by train, bus, or plane.
Career Prospects
A masters degree from a German university can boost your career prospects, both in Germany and abroad. Germany has a strong economy, with many leading companies and industries, such as BMW, Siemens, SAP, and Bosch. As a graduate, you can benefit from the high demand for skilled workers, especially in STEM fields. You can also apply for a job seeker visa, which allows you to stay in Germany for up to 18 months after graduation to look for a suitable job. Alternatively, you can pursue a PhD or a research career in one of the many prestigious research institutes in Germany, such as the Max Planck Society, the Fraunhofer Society, or the Helmholtz Association.
How to Apply for a Masters Degree in Germany?
If you are interested in pursuing a masters degree in Germany, you will need to meet some requirements, such as:
Having a bachelor's degree or equivalent from a recognized university
Having a sufficient level of proficiency in the language of instruction (German or English)
Having a valid passport and a student visa (if required)
Having a proof of financial resources to cover your living expenses
Having a health insurance coverage
The application process may vary depending on the university and the program you choose, but generally, you will need to submit the following documents:
A completed application form
A copy of your academic transcripts and diplomas
A copy of your language test scores (such as TestDaF, DSH, TOEFL, or IELTS)
A motivation letter and a curriculum vitae
A copy of your passport and visa (if required)
A proof of financial resources and health insurance
The application deadlines may also differ depending on the university and the program, but usually, they are:
July 15 for the winter semester (starting in October)
January 15 for the summer semester (starting in April)
You can find more information about the application process and the available programs on the websites of the German universities or on the DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) website.
How to Find the Best German Study Consultants?
If you need help with finding and applying for a masters degree in Germany, you can consult with professional german study consultants who can provide you with guidance and support throughout the process. Some of the services that german study consultants can offer are:
Helping you choose the right program and university for your goals and interests
Helping you prepare and submit your application documents
Helping you apply for a student visa and a residence permit
Helping you find accommodation and transportation in Germany
Helping you adjust to the academic and cultural environment in Germany
Helping you network with other students and professionals in Germany
However, not all german study consultants are reliable and trustworthy. You should be careful when choosing a german study consultant and avoid falling for scams or frauds. Here are some tips on how to find the best german study consultants:
Do your research and compare different german study consultants based on their reputation, experience, credentials, and reviews
Ask for references and testimonials from previous clients and verify their authenticity
Check if the german study consultants are registered and accredited by the relevant authorities, such as the DAAD, the German Embassy, or the Ministry of Education
Ask for a written contract and a clear breakdown of the fees and services that the german study consultants will provide
Avoid paying any upfront fees or deposits before receiving any service or confirmation from the german study consultants
Avoid any german study consultants who make unrealistic or false promises, such as guaranteed admission, scholarships, or jobs
A master's degree in Germany can be a rewarding and beneficial experience for your personal and professional development. Germany offers high quality education, affordable costs, cultural diversity, and career prospects for international students. However, applying for a masters degree in Germany can be a challenging and complex process, which requires careful planning and preparation. If you need assistance and guidance, you can seek help from reputable and professional german study consultants who can help you achieve your academic goals and dreams.
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studyabroad21 · 1 year
Pre-Departure Documents and Packing Checklist for Study Abroad
A pre-departure checklist is an essential tool for international students preparing to study abroad. Collegepond, a trusted source of guidance and support for students pursuing higher education abroad, understands the importance of a comprehensive checklist to ensure a smooth transition to a foreign country. Here's a pre-departure checklist by College Pond to help you prepare for your international education journey:
Passport and Visa:
Ensure your passport is valid for at least six months beyond your intended return date. Carry multiple photocopies of your passport's main page and visa documents. Double-check that you have all the necessary visas and immigration documents.
Financial Matters:
Notify your bank about your travel plans to avoid any issues with your accounts. Set up online banking to manage your finances from abroad. Familiarize yourself with currency exchange rates and options for money transfer.
Confirm your housing arrangements, whether it's a dormitory, shared apartment, or homestay. Ensure you have the contact information for your landlord or housing authority. Know the address of your accommodation and how to get there from the airport.
Health and Insurance:
Review your health insurance coverage and understand how it works abroad. Pack necessary medications and prescriptions, along with copies of your medical records. Research healthcare facilities near your destination and keep their contact information handy.
Packing Essentials:
Make a checklist of clothing, toiletries, and personal items you'll need. Pack weather-appropriate clothing for the destination and consider local customs. Don't forget adapters and converters for your electronics.
Travel Documents:
Organize all your travel documents in a secure folder or travel wallet. Include your flight tickets, itinerary, and any other relevant documents. Carry digital copies of important documents on your phone or cloud storage.
Academic Preparation:
Ensure you have all the required textbooks, school supplies, and course materials. Familiarize yourself with the academic calendar and deadlines. Communicate with your academic advisor or professors about your arrival date.
Set up an international phone plan or purchase a local SIM card upon arrival. Share your contact information with family and friends. Install useful apps for navigation, language translation, and communication.
Cultural Awareness:
Research the local culture, customs, and etiquette of your host country. Learn some basic phrases in the local language for communication. Understand any potential cultural differences or challenges you may encounter.
Safety and Emergency Contacts:
Know the emergency numbers in your host country. Share your itinerary and contact details with family or a trusted friend. Register with your country's embassy or consulate in the host country.
Transportation and Arrival:
Arrange transportation from the airport to your accommodation in advance. Have local currency for immediate expenses upon arrival. Keep important contacts and addresses handy for reference.
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bieups · 2 years
Langblr Reactivation Challenge: Week 3 Day 3 - Vocab. List #3
Continuing with my workplace theme, here are a few more Misc. School Vocab!
공립 학교 - public school
사립 학교 - private school
국제 학교 - international school
Note: some 학원 may call themselves private or international schools…but there are official requirements in order to be legally recognized as a legit international/private school. This is good to be aware of if you’re looking to teach in Korea!
학년 - grade level (i.e. 3rd grade = 3학년 [use Sino numbers])
초등학교 - elementary/primary school (1학년~6학년 = Korean age 7-12)
중학교 - middle school (1학년~3학년 = Korean age 13-15)
고등학교 - high school (1학년~3학년 = Korean age 16-19)
학원 - academy; kids often attend math/English/music classes at 학원 after school, but there are also tons of academies for adults that teach everything from foreign language to cooking. A lot of them focus on test prep. because even companies use exams for hiring & promotions.
서울시교육청 - Seoul Metropolitan Office of Education “MOE” (you can replace Seoul with other cities)
등교 - going to school
미���는 매일 걸어서 등교해요. // Mina walks to school every day.
하교 - returning home from school
오늘 1시 50분에 하교버스를 출발합니다. // Today at 1:50 the school bus will depart.
보결 - substitute
학부모 - parents of students
신입생 - new student [see also 신입 사원 for new employee]
방과후학교 (수업) - after school (class); schools often run their own after school activities/classes that are generally cheaper than 학원 classes.
대학수학능력시험 (“수능”) - college entrance exams; this is the big deal test that Korean high schoolers take, it’s only given once a year and many businesses & schools start later than usual in an effort to have less traffic in the morning while the test-takers are commuting to their test sites. The English section is notoriously ridiculous.
매년 수능일은 1교시 수업은 실시하지 않습니다. // Every year on the day of the college entrance exams, we don’t have 1st period. [This is part of a real announcement at my job.]
And, just for fun, here are some important workplace words that don’t only apply to teachers!
4대보험 - 4 insurances (these are the standard insurances that employees get through their employers)
건강보험 - health insurance
국민연금 - national pension
고용보험 - unemployment insurance
산재보험 - workers’ compensation insurance (in case you’re injured on the job)
월급 - monthly pay
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dreaminginthedeepsouth · 11 months
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Sari Nusseibeh: As someone who is one year younger than Israel and lived in Jerusalem for the longer part of my life, the horrors now being relayed about the suffering of Israeli civilians and the devastation of entire living quarters in Gaza make me feel estranged from myself. I grew up believing that we Palestinians had lost most of our country to Jewish settlers in 1947-48 due to conspiracies and treacheries, rather than might or planning. So I was devastated in 1967 when I discovered that what I had believed to be a weak Israel mostly dependent on foreign powers turned out instead to be able to crush the forces of three major Arab countries in six days. My shock quickly turned to wonder about the secret power Israel had. I took it upon myself to look inside the enemy, in case I could discover what that secret was. One thing that immediately struck me was the frugal way even their leaders lived. Another discovery was the government’s care for its people — including health, housing and national insurance right from the start — as well as a proud self-identity as Jews who cared for each other.
I spent time in a kibbutz listening to young and old, hearing their pristine love for what they believed would be the ideal state of the future. I couldn’t but be overawed. My enemy was a human experiment to admire. I decided to relegate the Palestinian tragedy I grew up with to an unredeemable past in my mind, one that must be replaced by Palestinians joining Israelis to build a mutual future together. In time, I took up a teaching post at Birzeit university in the occupied West Bank. I was full of hope and resolve. My students at the time — all Palestinian — came from all over Gaza, the West Bank and Israel itself. Many were not much younger than I was and had already spent time in jail for resisting Israel’s occupation. A favourite topic of discussion was the Melian dialogue — the hard choice imposed by the Athenians on the islanders to either submit or die. Is history on the side of those who have power, or those whose cause is just? It wasn’t hard for most of the students to come up with their own formula: to fight however they could for justice.
As Israel saw it then, universities across the occupied territories became “hotbeds of nationalism” to be shut down (interestingly, recent Israeli bombardments in Gaza have also hit seats of learning). But resolve only strengthened. By the late 1980s, there was a popular eruption against the occupation, strategised by those very students and colleagues as the struggle for freedom and independence. Israeli intelligence services quickly saw that this was a political struggle requiring a political fix, as did many who believed in a two-state solution. Eventually Israeli leaders, including Yitzhak Rabin, were won over by the idea that the Palestinians had to be negotiated with, not crushed. This ended in the establishment of a Palestinian Authority as a potential government for a Palestinian state some 30 years ago. Since then, the prospect of an end to occupation and the establishment of a Palestinian state at peace with Israel has rapidly deteriorated. The real cause was a clash between two irreconcilable doctrines — a twisted version of the horse and cart dilemma about which horse to put in front: Israel’s “security, then freedom for the Palestinians”, or the Palestinians’ “our freedom, then security for all”.
Did this clash hide a deeper denial of the reality that two peoples must share the same land — of the basic formula that 1+1 = 2? Perhaps. Is it accurate to say that the single-minded prioritisation of security killed the chances of peace? Maybe. In any case, it paralysed the negotiation process, reinforcing radicals and sceptics on both sides. In Israel, this expressed itself in a tectonic shift in favour of extremists bent on “taking it all”, which has reared its head in the fight over judicial reforms (and democratic values). In Palestine, it took the form of a failed Authority project wrestling with a growing disillusionment with peace and a losing competition with the long-forsaken option of military struggle, now embodied in a Hamas-governed pressure cooker called Gaza. Last Saturday therefore was not an “if” but a “when” and a “how” shock. It will stay this way if that basic formula is still not grasped. This week my mind has run through the long list of former students and colleagues who committed themselves to the prospect of peace-with-justice, and the long list of friends and acquaintances in Israel who shared the same dream and worked hard for it. I remember those allies along Gaza’s borders who grasped hands with us in the early 1980s. I remember the Israeli academics who joined protests against yet another separation barrier in the campus of al-Quds University. I remember the colleagues who spent their Shabats driving down to the southern hills of Hebron to stand by a shepherd community being harassed by Israeli settlers.
[Financial Times]
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colombianvisas · 14 hours
Attention: Are you interested in applying for the Digital Nomad Visa in Colombia?
🏢 Eligibility: If you are a digital professional such as a blogger, influencer, freelancer, YouTuber, or programmer with a foreign employment contract, or an entrepreneur, you are eligible for this visa.
📋 Requirements: You will need a passport from one of the 100+ visa-exempt countries, a letter from your employer detailing your position and salary (for employees), or a motivational letter (for entrepreneurs), bank statements showing income, and health insurance or an assistance plan with national coverage.
✨ Benefits of the Digital Nomad Visa in Colombia:
Stay     up to 2 years.
Work remotely with foreign     clients: Continue your professional activities while enjoying the best of     Colombia.
Include your spouse and minor     children.
Access to Colombian services     and benefits.
Simple     online application process.
🚫 Please note: This visa does not allow you to work with Colombian clients. It is not designed for permanent residence or citizenship.
🔗 More Visa Options: If the Digital Nomad Visa doesn’t fit your situation, other visa options are available, such as student, business, retirement, and more.
💼 Do you need to purchase the mandatory insurance coverage to apply for a visa in Colombia? Our Healthcare Assistance Program is valid for obtaining long-stay visas. Some of its advantages include:
24/7 professional support: We     are here to guide you every step of the way.
Easy enrollment, no age limits:     Accessible to people of all ages.
Qualified providers: We work     with excellent providers with over 20 years of experience in the market.
Best rates and long-term     discounts: Get the best value for your insurance coverage.
Coverage for 1, 2, or 3 years:     Choose the duration that suits your needs.
Contact us for more information about CoVisas through the following channels:
Online form: https://survey.forms.app/franciscoviloria/untitled-form
📞     24/7 WhatsApp: (+)57-324 3675333
✉️     Email: [email protected]
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jobswab · 1 day
Fully Funded Scholarships
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Fully funded scholarships provide comprehensive financial support to students pursuing higher education. Unlike partial scholarships, these cover not only tuition fees but also living expenses, travel costs, and sometimes even additional expenses like books and health insurance. These scholarships aim to alleviate the financial burden on students, allowing them to focus entirely on their studies without worrying about their financial situation. They are highly competitive and often come from universities, government programs, and private organizations. Students seeking fully funded scholarships need to meet specific eligibility criteria, which can include academic excellence, extracurricular involvement, or a demonstrated need for financial support. Application processes typically involve submitting academic transcripts, recommendation letters, and personal statements, and sometimes interviews or tests. These scholarships can be a game-changer for many students, providing opportunities to study at prestigious institutions and gain valuable international experience. Also Learn About Online Earnings Fully Funded Scholarships for Indian Students Indian students have access to a variety of fully funded scholarships that cover their educational expenses comprehensively. These scholarships are offered by governments, universities, and international organizations to promote global education and foster cultural exchange. They provide opportunities for Indian students to study abroad without the financial strain that typically accompanies higher education. Examples include the Chevening Scholarships for the UK, the Fulbright Program for the US, and the Australia Awards. In addition to covering tuition and living costs, these scholarships often include additional benefits such as travel allowances and health insurance. Applying for these scholarships requires a strong academic record, relevant achievements, and a compelling personal statement. Successful candidates can gain not only financial relief but also access to world-class education and a broader global perspective. Also Learn About Careers Fully Funded Scholarships for Indian Students to Study Abroad Indian students aspiring to study abroad can find a range of fully funded scholarships designed specifically for them. These scholarships offer comprehensive support, including tuition fees, living expenses, travel costs, and sometimes even a stipend for other academic needs. They are offered by a variety of sources, including foreign governments, international organizations, and universities. Programs such as the Erasmus Mundus Scholarships for European universities, the Commonwealth Scholarships for the UK, and the Fulbright-Nehru Fellowships for the US provide such opportunities. The application process generally involves a rigorous selection procedure, including academic performance reviews, personal essays, and interviews. Securing a fully funded scholarship not only enhances educational prospects but also enriches cultural understanding and global networking opportunities. Also Learn About Visa Details Fully Funded Scholarships for International Students Fully funded scholarships for international students are designed to provide complete financial support for pursuing higher education abroad. These scholarships cover all major expenses, including tuition fees, living costs, travel, and sometimes even health insurance. They are offered by governments, universities, and international organizations to attract talented students from around the world and foster global academic collaboration. Notable examples include the DAAD Scholarships for Germany, the Rhodes Scholarships for the UK, and the Global UGRAD Program for various countries. Applicants must demonstrate academic excellence, leadership potential, and a clear plan for their future. These scholarships not only alleviate financial barriers but also offer a platform for students to gain international exposure, contribute to global discourse, and build valuable networks. Also Read: Fully Funded Scholarships for Indian Students Fully Funded PhD Scholarships for Indian Students For Indian students pursuing a PhD, fully funded scholarships can be a crucial resource. These scholarships are designed to cover all costs associated with doctoral studies, including tuition fees, research expenses, living costs, and travel. They are often provided by universities, research institutes, and government programs, aiming to support students in their pursuit of advanced research and academic excellence. Programs like the India Government’s Research Fellowships, the Commonwealth PhD Scholarships, and the Fulbright-Nehru Doctoral Research Fellowships offer such opportunities. Securing a fully funded PhD scholarship involves a rigorous selection process, including detailed research proposals, academic transcripts, and sometimes interviews. These scholarships not only support the financial aspects of doctoral studies but also provide access to world-class research facilities and academic networks. Also Learn About How to Download YouTube Videos on iPhone A Complete Guide Fully Funded Scholarships for Indian Students in the UK Indian students looking to study in the UK have access to several fully funded scholarships that cover all educational and living expenses. These scholarships are offered by various institutions and organizations to support talented students from India and promote educational and cultural exchange. They cover tuition fees, living costs, travel, and sometimes additional expenses such as health insurance. Notable examples include the Chevening Scholarships, which are awarded by the UK government, and the Commonwealth Scholarships. The application process is competitive, requiring a strong academic record, relevant achievements, and a compelling personal statement. Winning a fully funded scholarship to the UK not only provides financial relief but also opens doors to prestigious universities and a rich cultural experience. Fully Funded Scholarships for Indian Students in the USA The USA offers numerous fully funded scholarships for Indian students that cover tuition, living expenses, and sometimes even additional costs. These scholarships are provided by various sources, including universities, government programs, and private organizations, to attract talented international students and foster academic excellence. Prominent examples include the Fulbright-Nehru Fellowships, which support graduate and doctoral students, and university-specific scholarships like those offered by Harvard, MIT, and Stanford. The application process involves a thorough evaluation of academic achievements, personal statements, and sometimes interviews. Securing such a scholarship provides Indian students with the opportunity to study at world-renowned institutions and gain valuable international experience. Fully Funded Scholarships in Canada Canada offers a range of fully funded scholarships that cover tuition fees, living expenses, and sometimes even travel costs. These scholarships are aimed at attracting international students and promoting academic excellence across its diverse educational institutions. They are available for various levels of study, including undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral programs. Programs like the Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarships and the Canadian Commonwealth Scholarship Program are examples of fully funded opportunities. Applicants must demonstrate strong academic performance, leadership skills, and a clear research or academic focus. Receiving a fully funded scholarship in Canada not only alleviates financial pressures but also provides access to high-quality education and a multicultural environment. Fully Funded Scholarships in Australia Australia is home to several fully funded scholarships that cover tuition fees, living expenses, and additional costs for international students. These scholarships are provided by the Australian government, universities, and other organizations to support students from around the world and enhance their educational experience. Notable scholarships include the Australia Awards and the Research Training Program (RTP) Scholarships. The application process generally requires a strong academic background, relevant experience, and a well-prepared application including personal statements and references. Securing a fully funded scholarship in Australia offers students the chance to study in a vibrant academic environment while exploring the country’s diverse culture and natural beauty. Fully Funded Scholarships for Indian Students in Australia Indian students aspiring to study in Australia can benefit from various fully funded scholarships that cover comprehensive costs such as tuition, living expenses, and travel. These scholarships are offered by Australian universities, the government, and other organizations to support international students and encourage global educational exchange. Examples include the Australia Awards and the Endeavour Postgraduate Awards. The application process is competitive, requiring excellent academic records, a well-crafted research proposal or personal statement, and sometimes interviews. Winning such a scholarship provides Indian students with the opportunity to study at leading Australian institutions while enjoying a high standard of living and gaining international experience. Fully Funded Scholarships in the UK The UK offers numerous fully funded scholarships for both domestic and international students, covering tuition fees, living costs, and additional expenses. These scholarships are provided by universities, government programs, and various organizations to attract talented individuals and support their educational pursuits. Prominent examples include the Rhodes Scholarships, the Chevening Scholarships, and the Commonwealth Scholarships. Each of these programs has specific eligibility criteria and application processes, typically involving academic achievements, personal statements, and sometimes interviews. Securing a fully funded scholarship in the UK provides students with the opportunity to study at prestigious institutions, benefit from a rich academic environment, and experience the cultural diversity of the country.
In conclusion, fully funded scholarships represent a transformative opportunity for students seeking to pursue higher education without the burden of financial constraints. By covering all essential costs, including tuition, living expenses, and additional needs, these scholarships enable recipients to focus entirely on their academic and personal growth. Securing a fully funded scholarship requires a combination of academic excellence, compelling application materials, and strategic planning. As these scholarships can be highly competitive, thorough research and meticulous preparation are key to enhancing one's chances of success. Ultimately, fully funded scholarships not only provide significant financial relief but also open doors to prestigious institutions and invaluable global experiences.
Is It Possible to Get a 100% Scholarship? Yes, it is indeed possible to secure a 100% scholarship, which fully covers the cost of education, including tuition fees, living expenses, and sometimes additional costs like travel and health insurance. These scholarships are typically offered by prestigious universities, government programs, and private organizations aiming to support exceptional students. 100% scholarships are highly competitive and often require outstanding academic performance, exceptional talents, or specific financial needs. For instance, the Rhodes Scholarships and the Fulbright Program offer comprehensive support covering all aspects of the student's education and living expenses. However, gaining such scholarships demands a rigorous application process, including submitting academic transcripts, recommendation letters, and personal essays that demonstrate not only academic excellence but also leadership potential and a clear vision for the future. How to Get a Fully Funded Scholarship? Securing a fully funded scholarship requires a strategic approach and careful preparation. Start by researching available scholarships that align with your academic interests and career goals. Many fully funded scholarships are offered by universities, government bodies, and international organizations, and each has its own eligibility criteria and application process. To enhance your chances, focus on building a strong academic record and gaining relevant experience in your field of interest. Prepare a compelling application that includes a well-written personal statement or essay, highlighting your achievements, goals, and why you deserve the scholarship. Additionally, gather strong letters of recommendation from mentors or professors who can attest to your qualifications and character. Networking and seeking advice from current or past scholarship recipients can also provide valuable insights and improve your application. What Is the Easiest Fully Funded Scholarship? The term "easiest" fully funded scholarship can be subjective, as it depends on individual qualifications and the specific criteria of each scholarship. However, some scholarships are generally considered more accessible due to less stringent eligibility requirements or simpler application processes. For instance, certain government-sponsored scholarships or university-specific scholarships may have more flexible criteria compared to highly competitive international awards. Examples include local or regional scholarships which may require less extensive application materials compared to global scholarships like the Rhodes or Gates Cambridge Scholarships. It’s crucial to review the eligibility criteria and application requirements for various scholarships and choose those that best match your academic background and achievements. Additionally, seeking guidance from educational consultants or scholarship advisors can help identify suitable opportunities. How Can I Get a Full Scholarship? To obtain a full scholarship, you need to follow a systematic approach to meet the eligibility requirements and excel in the application process. Start by identifying scholarships that offer full funding and align with your academic and career aspirations. These could be offered by universities, government agencies, or private foundations. Prepare a strong application by focusing on your academic performance, leadership experiences, and personal achievements. Craft a compelling personal statement that clearly articulates your goals, why you are a deserving candidate, and how the scholarship will help you achieve your objectives. Additionally, securing strong letters of recommendation from individuals who can vouch for your qualifications and character is crucial. Keep track of deadlines and ensure that all required documents are submitted on time to enhance your chances of success. Can I Study in London for Free? Studying in London for free is challenging but not entirely impossible, especially if you can secure a fully funded scholarship. London is home to several prestigious institutions that offer scholarships covering tuition fees and living expenses for international students. Scholarships such as the Chevening Scholarships and the Commonwealth Scholarships provide full funding for students from various countries, including India. In addition to scholarships, some universities may offer grants or financial aid packages based on academic merit or financial need. It’s essential to research thoroughly and apply for multiple scholarships to increase your chances of securing funding. Keep in mind that living costs in London are relatively high, so even with a full scholarship, you may need to budget carefully. How Much Percentage Is Required for Full Scholarship? The percentage or academic performance required for a full scholarship varies depending on the scholarship provider and the specific program. Generally, highly competitive scholarships require a high academic standing, often equivalent to top grades or a high GPA. Hence, for instance, many prestigious scholarships, such as the Rhodes Scholarships or the Fulbright Program, look for candidates with exceptional academic records, often in the top percentile of their class. In addition to academic performance, scholarship providers may consider other factors such as leadership skills, extracurricular activities, and personal achievements. It’s important to review the specific eligibility criteria for each scholarship you are interested in and ensure you meet or exceed their requirements. So, maintaining a strong academic record and demonstrating a well-rounded profile can significantly enhance your chances of securing a full scholarship. Also Check : Digital Gujarat Scholarship Read the full article
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tushar010297 · 3 days
Navigating Portugal Student Visa System: Key Points to Know
Securing a Portugal student visa is an essential step for international students who dream of studying in this beautiful European country. Portugal offers world-class educational institutions, making it an attractive destination for students globally. Recent data shows that the number of international students in Portugal grew by 11% in 2022, with over 50,000 foreign students currently enrolled in various programs. To pursue your studies smoothly, understanding the Portugal student visa system is critical to avoid delays and complications.
In this guide, we will explore the key aspects of the Portugal student visa process, from eligibility to documentation. Additionally, we will touch on important factors like the visa interview and the processing time. Knowing these details can help students plan their journey effectively and ensure they have all the necessary documents in place.
The application process may seem daunting, but with the right information, navigating it becomes easier. Whether you are applying for a short-term or long-term stay, Portugal has specific visa requirements to ensure that students meet academic and financial standards.
Portugal’s student visa system not only provides access to education but also allows international students to immerse themselves in Portuguese culture. With tuition fees being relatively affordable compared to other European countries, Portugal is becoming an increasingly popular choice for students seeking quality education without breaking the bank.
Let’s dive into the details of the Portugal student visa system to help you prepare for your academic adventure in this vibrant country.
Types of Portugal Student Visas
Portugal offers different types of student visas depending on the duration of your course. For short-term courses (less than 90 days), a short-stay visa is required. For long-term studies (more than 90 days), you need a residence visa for study purposes.
Short-term visas are relatively easier to obtain as they involve minimal documentation and shorter processing times. However, for long-term courses like undergraduate or postgraduate degrees, the application process is more detailed, requiring additional proof of financial support and accommodation.
Each visa type comes with its own set of rules, so students must understand which one applies to them before starting the application process.
Eligibility Criteria for a Portugal Student Visa
To be eligible for a Portugal student visa, students must have proof of admission from a recognized educational institution. This is the most crucial step as it validates your intent to study in the country. Additionally, students must demonstrate financial stability, showing they can support themselves during their stay.
Proof of accommodation is another requirement, as students must present a valid address where they will reside during their studies. Health insurance coverage is also mandatory to ensure medical care in case of emergencies.
Understanding these eligibility criteria will ensure that your application process goes smoothly without unexpected setbacks.
Required Documents for Application
When applying for a Portugal student visa, gathering all necessary documents is key. These include a valid passport, recent passport-sized photos, an admission letter from a Portuguese institution, proof of sufficient funds, and health insurance coverage. Furthermore, students must submit proof of accommodation and a criminal record certificate to ensure their background is clear.
All documents should be carefully prepared and translated if necessary. Submitting incomplete or incorrect documentation can delay your visa approval.
Visa Application Process: Step by Step
The application process begins with submitting your student visa application to the nearest Portuguese consulate or embassy. After gathering all necessary documents, students are required to schedule an appointment at the embassy for the visa interview.
During the interview, applicants should be prepared to discuss their educational plans and how they intend to fund their stay. It is essential to be clear and honest in your responses, as the interview plays a critical role in visa approval.
After the interview, the visa application goes through a processing period, which can take between two to three months depending on the volume of applications.
Visa Processing Time and Fees
The processing time for a Portugal student visa generally ranges between 30 and 90 days. This time frame depends on various factors, including the completeness of your application and the workload of the consulate. It’s advisable to apply at least three months in advance to avoid delays.
As for fees, a long-term Portugal student visa costs approximately €90. For students applying for a short-term visa, the fee is lower, around €60. It’s essential to check with your local embassy for the most up-to-date information.
Working While Studying in Portugal
One of the benefits of having a Portugal student visa is that it allows students to work part-time while studying. International students can work up to 20 hours per week during the academic term and full-time during holidays.
This provides students with an opportunity to support themselves financially and gain work experience in Portugal. However, it’s essential to balance work with your studies to ensure academic success.
Extending or Renewing Your Student Visa
If your course extends beyond your visa’s validity period, you will need to apply for a visa extension. The process involves providing updated proof of enrollment, financial stability, and accommodation. It is advisable to begin the renewal process well in advance, as processing times can be lengthy.
Failure to renew your visa on time can result in penalties or even deportation, so staying on top of your visa’s expiration date is crucial.
Navigating the Portugal student visa system may seem overwhelming, but with the right information, it becomes manageable. From understanding the types of visas to knowing the eligibility criteria, gathering documents, and preparing for the visa interview, each step is crucial for a successful application. By ensuring your paperwork is in order and following the visa process closely, you can focus on what truly matters—your education in Portugal.
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studentabode · 11 days
What are the living costs when studying abroad?
Studying abroad is an exciting opportunity for personal and academic growth, but it involves financial planning. While you'll enjoy exploring new cities, making international friends, and experiencing diverse cultures, it's crucial to budget for tuition, living expenses, travel, and other costs. To help you navigate these financial aspects and plan effectively, read the full article below.
1. Administrative costs at the university
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Many universities offer free degree programs, but there are usually some administrative costs for things like books and paperwork. While these costs aren't very high on their own, they can add up, so it's important to consider them in your overall budget.
2. Transportation fees
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Once you’re accepted by the university, you need to plan your travel. If your housing is far from campus, you’ll have daily commuting costs. Although students often get discounts, commuting can still take 1-2 hours each day. Exploring the city or traveling around the country can also increase your expenses. While there are budget-friendly transport options, your total costs can end up being higher than expected depending on where you are and how long you stay.
3. Accommodation cost
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Your biggest monthly expense will usually be accommodation. It can be hard to find affordable places to live, so renting a place on your own is often more expensive than sharing with other students. You’ll need to decide what option works best for you.
4. Health and travel insurance
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When you're far from home, ensuring your healthcare coverage is essential. Being away from your usual medical providers means you might need different or emergency care. Make sure your insurance covers you in the new location, whether through travel insurance, international health insurance, or an extended network. This way, you can handle any health issues or emergencies without financial strain or stress.
5. Food and groceries
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This is also an important factor as you cannot compromise on eating. One way to save money is by shopping at local markets. The price will be much lower, and you can even negotiate a bit some universities provide students with meal coupons every month. These coupons help you to eat in some places at almost half the cost, so you can use them to your advantage.
6. Books and course materials
This is another cost you can easily overlook.
There are a few things you can do to reduce this expense.
Some scholarships will cover the costs of your materials so check if you can apply for a scholarship on our portal.
You can buy used books which are in good condition from former students who no longer need them. You can get these online, often on social media platforms or groups.
Sometimes, the electronic version of a course book can be cheaper than the hard copy. Compare the prices and then finalize which one would bring you the best value for money.
Sharing a book with a classmate is a great way to cut costs in half.
7. Cell phone bill
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When traveling abroad, long calls or data use can lead to unexpectedly high phone bills due to extra international charges and usage limits set by telecom companies. To avoid these surprises, check your phone plan’s details for international coverage. A practical solution is to buy a local SIM card in the country you're visiting. This allows you to give your friends a new number, so they can reach you without incurring high charges.
Some other expenses are
Round-trip airfare 
Passport and visa costs
Whether you choose to enroll directly at your foreign university or go with a third-party provider, you will have other costs associated with your study abroad. You will need to budget for many things that could begin to add up depending on the country you are living in. How to manage the costs of studying abroad?
Being financially aware and prepared is half the battle won.
Cut out the unnecessary expenses.
Consider various scholarships and internships provided by universities for international students for a more affordable study abroad experience.
Make a note and research more affordable options regarding universities, accommodation, cities, etc before moving ahead.
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yourpediaglobal · 11 days
Scholarship for PHD Available for Indian Students to Study Abroad
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After a master’s degree, doctorate courses and research fellowships are an organic step to improving knowledge in a specific field.  It allows students to have deep knowledge of the practical implications of theoretical subjects. Apart from the cultural richness, you can also experience infrastructure excellence offered by many countries. You can pursue PhD programs in different fields like healthcare, automobile, manufacturing, computer science, social science, etc. Countries like the United States, UK, Germany, France, Australia, and others provide PhD programs for different research fields.
Types of Scholarship
The PhD scholarships to study abroad can be either fully or partially funded. The applicant must carefully read the details regarding the scholarships for which they apply.
Fully Funded Scholarships – The fully funded scholarships cover all the major expenses related to your overseas education. These scholarships would cover your tuition fee, living allowance, study material cost, travel, insurance, etc.
Partial Scholarships – Partial scholarships cover only part of your total study cost. The coverage will be either for the tuition fee or living expenses. The funding conditions differ for various scholarships.
PhD Scholarships for Indian Students: Europe
There is a network of 48 countries in Europe that offer the best options for PhD abroad with scholarships. All of the 48 countries are members of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA). Some member countries don’t charge PhD students. However, some universities exempt European Union students from fees, and a candidate from countries like India or other non-EU countries is charged for a PhD. Some of the top scholarships in Europe are:
DAAD Scholarship in Germany
Every year German Academic Exchange Service or Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD) supports more than 100,000 German and international students with financial aid. It is aimed at graduates, PhD students, and postdocs. If you are an applicant for doctorate studies, DAAD provides grants for the full doctoral program. With a DAAD scholarship, students can get up to 1200 euros per month for PhD students and a flat rate travel allowance to reduce transport costs.
Pasteur-Roux-Cantarini International Postdoctoral Fellowship in France
Pasteur-Roux-Cantarini fellowships are aimed at postdoctoral candidates looking for financial support. It provides research fellowships that are of a minimum two-year duration. The funding amount is paid as a salary for the candidates and also covers health insurance.
Italian Government Scholarship Program
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (MAECI) provides a scholarship program for foreign nationals and Italian citizens. The scholarship for doctoral studies is provided for the duration of six and nine months.
Visit this website for complete details...
YourPedia Global
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Essential Student Visa Requirements You Need to Know
Studying abroad has become a popular trend among students aiming to gain world-class education and exposure to different cultures. Whether it's pursuing a degree in the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia, or Canada, one of the first steps to achieving your academic goals abroad is obtaining a student visa. A student visa is a legal document that allows you to enter and stay in a foreign country for the duration of your academic program.
In this blog, we’ll dive deep into the essential student visa requirements that you need to know. Understanding these requirements is crucial for a smooth visa application process and to avoid delays in your academic journey.
1. Proof of Enrollment in a Recognized Educational Institution
One of the primary student visa requirements is to have an official acceptance letter from a recognized educational institution in the country where you wish to study. This letter should state that you have been admitted to a full-time course, whether it's undergraduate, postgraduate, or vocational. The institution must also be recognized by the immigration authorities in that particular country.
For instance, in the United States, you need to secure a Form I-20 from a Student and Exchange Visitor Program (SEVP)-approved school before applying for an F-1 visa. Similarly, in the UK, you need a Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies (CAS) from a Tier 4 sponsor before submitting your visa application.
2. Valid Passport
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Another essential student visa requirement is possessing a valid passport. Your passport must be valid for at least six months beyond your intended stay in the foreign country. Many countries require the passport to have multiple blank pages for visa stamps.
It is advised to renew your passport before applying for a visa if its expiration date is near. Also, ensure that your passport is in good condition, as any damage could raise concerns during your visa application process.
3. Proof of Financial Resources
To be eligible for a student visa, you need to demonstrate that you have sufficient financial resources to cover your tuition fees, living expenses, and any other related costs during your stay. This is one of the most critical student visa requirements because it ensures that you won’t become a financial burden on the host country.
Documents that can be used as proof of financial support include:
Bank statements from the past six months
Scholarship offer letters
Financial affidavits from sponsors or family members
Proof of education loans
Different countries have different financial thresholds. For example, if you’re applying to study in Australia, you must show proof that you have at least AUD 21,041 for your living expenses annually, on top of tuition and travel costs.
4. Language Proficiency Test Results
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Most countries require international students to demonstrate proficiency in the language in which their academic program will be taught. For English-speaking countries like the US, UK, Australia, and Canada, passing standardized English language proficiency tests like IELTS, TOEFL, or PTE is mandatory.
Your test results must meet the minimum score requirement set by the educational institution and the immigration authority. For instance, in the UK, you generally need an IELTS score of 5.5 or above for an undergraduate course. Always check with your chosen institution for their specific language test requirements as this can vary.
5. Health and Medical Insurance
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Health insurance is another critical student visa requirement, as it ensures that you are covered for any medical issues that may arise during your stay abroad. Many countries require students to purchase health insurance either through the university or a government-approved provider.
For example, in Australia, international students must have Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) for the duration of their stay. Similarly, students applying for a US F-1 visa must have health insurance either provided by their university or acquired separately to cover potential healthcare costs.
6. Visa Application Fees
When applying for a student visa, you need to pay a non-refundable visa application fee. The amount varies depending on the country you're applying to. This is one of the essential student visa requirements, and failing to pay the fee can result in rejection of your application.
For example, the student visa fee for the US is around $160, while for Australia, the Student Visa (Subclass 500) application fee is AUD 650. Always check the official immigration websites to know the current fee structure.
7. Biometric Information and Passport-Size Photos
Depending on the country, you may be required to submit biometric information, such as fingerprints and a digital photograph, as part of your visa application process. This requirement ensures your identity verification and security clearance.
In addition to biometrics, you will also need to provide passport-size photographs that meet the specific dimensions set by the immigration office. Always check the photo requirements carefully, as incorrect photo submissions can delay your application.
8. Statement of Purpose (SOP) or Personal Essay
An often overlooked but equally important student visa requirement is the Statement of Purpose (SOP). Many countries ask students to submit a well-written SOP explaining their intent to study in the country, the academic program they have chosen, their long-term goals, and how studying abroad fits into their overall career plan.
The SOP provides the immigration officer with insight into your motivations for studying abroad and how you plan to contribute to the host country’s academic environment.
9. Medical Examination
Some countries, including Canada and Australia, require you to undergo a medical examination to ensure that you are in good health before issuing you a visa. This health check usually needs to be conducted by a government-approved doctor or clinic.
You will typically receive a list of approved medical centers where you can book your examination. Once completed, the results will be submitted directly to the immigration authorities, or you will be provided with a medical clearance certificate to submit with your visa application.
10. Visa Interview
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For certain countries, including the United States, attending a visa interview is a key part of the student visa requirements. During the interview, an immigration officer will ask questions about your academic background, reasons for choosing the specific course and institution, your financial situation, and future plans.
Being well-prepared for the interview is crucial. You should have all your documents ready and be able to clearly and confidently explain your study plans, career objectives, and how you plan to fund your education.
11. Proof of Accommodation
Some countries require students to provide proof of accommodation as part of the visa application process. This ensures that you have a place to stay when you arrive in the host country.
You may need to submit documents like a dormitory reservation, a rental agreement, or a host family arrangement. Be sure to keep these documents ready as they may be required during the visa interview.
12. Travel Itinerary and Return Ticket
In some cases, you may be asked to provide your travel itinerary and proof of a return ticket to demonstrate your intent to leave the country after completing your studies. This is more common for countries with stricter immigration policies.
Though not always a mandatory student visa requirement, it can help strengthen your application and prove that you have solid plans for returning to your home country after your study period.
13. Police Clearance Certificate
For some countries, like Australia and Canada, you may be asked to provide a police clearance certificate to confirm that you have no criminal record. This requirement ensures the safety and security of the host country’s residents and visitors.
The police clearance certificate may need to be obtained from your home country or any other country where you have resided for an extended period.
Securing a student visa is a pivotal step towards studying abroad. By being aware of the essential student visa requirements, such as proof of enrollment, valid passport, financial resources, and language proficiency, you can prepare well in advance and avoid any last-minute hurdles. Always check the specific requirements of the country you're applying to, as these can vary widely. With thorough preparation and attention to detail, your student visa application process can be smooth and successful, bringing you one step closer to achieving your academic dreams abroad.
How long does it take to process a student visa?
Processing times vary depending on the country, ranging from a few weeks to several months. It's advisable to apply as early as possible.
Can I work on a student visa?
Many countries allow international students to work part-time during their studies, but there may be restrictions on the number of hours per week. Check your host country’s work regulations.
What happens if my visa application is rejected?
If your visa application is rejected, review the reason for rejection and address any issues in your reapplication. Seek guidance from the embassy or a visa consultant if needed.
Do I need a visa to study online courses abroad?
No, a student visa is typically required only for in-person courses. However, some countries may require a visa for hybrid learning programs.
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pratiksha-more · 26 days
Navigating Postgraduate Studies in Germany: A Complete Guide for Indian Students
Germany has become a top destination for Indian students seeking quality education, especially at the postgraduate level. With its world-renowned universities, diverse academic programs, and a strong emphasis on research, it’s no wonder that more and more Indian students are choosing to study in Germany. This guide will walk you through everything you need to know about navigating postgraduate studies in Germany, with insights on how to make the most of your academic journey abroad. To ensure a smooth transition, working with an overseas education consultancy can be immensely beneficial.
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Choosing the Right University and Program
The first step in your postgraduate journey is selecting the right university and program. Germany offers a wide range of courses across various disciplines, so it’s crucial to do thorough research. Consider factors such as the university's ranking, faculty expertise, research opportunities, and course structure. Websites like DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) are excellent resources for finding detailed information about available programs.
It's also important to consider whether the program is taught in English or German. While many postgraduate courses in Germany are offered in English, some require proficiency in German. If your chosen course is in German, you might need to take language proficiency tests like TestDaF or DSH.
Admission Requirements and Application Process
Once you've chosen your program, the next step is to understand the admission requirements. Most German universities require a bachelor's degree in a relevant field, a good academic record, and proficiency in English or German. Additionally, some programs might require you to take standardized tests like the GRE or GMAT.
The application process typically involves submitting an online application through the university’s portal or via Uni-Assist, a centralized service that processes applications for many German universities. You'll need to provide documents like your academic transcripts, statement of purpose, letters of recommendation, and language proficiency certificates. Be sure to check the specific requirements for each university, as they can vary.
Financing Your Postgraduate Studies
One of the major concerns for Indian students is the cost of education. Fortunately, studying in Germany can be relatively affordable compared to other countries. Most public universities charge low or no tuition fees, though there may be a small semester fee that covers administrative costs and student services.
However, you'll need to budget for living expenses, which can vary depending on the city. On average, you can expect to spend around €800-€1,200 per month. Scholarships are available to help offset costs, with options like the DAAD scholarships, Erasmus+ program, and university-specific scholarships. It's advisable to start your scholarship search early, as deadlines can be well in advance of the academic year.
Student Visa and Residence Permit
Before you can start your studies, you'll need to secure a student visa. The process involves applying at the German Embassy or Consulate in India, submitting documents such as your university admission letter, proof of financial resources, and health insurance. It's recommended to start this process at least three months before your intended departure.
Once you arrive in Germany, you'll need to register at the local residents' registration office (Einwohnermeldeamt) and apply for a residence permit at the Foreigners' Registration Office (Ausl��nderbehörde). This permit allows you to stay in Germany for the duration of your studies.
Adapting to Life in Germany
Living in Germany as an Indian student can be both exciting and challenging. Germany offers a high standard of living, but it’s important to familiarize yourself with local customs, culture, and language. Many universities offer orientation programs that can help you settle in, and joining student organizations can be a great way to meet new people and integrate into the community.
Additionally, part-time work is allowed for international students, which can help with living expenses and provide valuable experience. However, it's crucial to balance work and studies, as maintaining good academic performance is key to staying in the program.
Career Opportunities After Graduation
Germany’s strong economy and demand for skilled professionals make it an attractive destination for postgraduate students looking to build a career. Graduates from German universities are highly regarded by employers, and international students are allowed to stay in the country for up to 18 months after graduation to find a job related to their field of study.
Working with an overseas education consultancy can be invaluable in navigating the job market, from refining your resume to preparing for interviews and understanding the work visa process.
Navigating postgraduate studies in Germany as an Indian student can be a rewarding experience, opening doors to global career opportunities. By choosing the right program, understanding the application process, securing funding, and adapting to life in Germany, you can set the foundation for a successful academic and professional journey. Leveraging the expertise of an overseas education consultancy can further ease the process, ensuring that you make informed decisions every step of the way.
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Explore the Residency Options in the U.A.E
The United Arab Emirates (UAE) offers various residency options, each tailored to different needs such as employment, investment, education, and retirement. Here’s an overview of the primary residency options available in the UAE:
1. Employment Visa
Description: Issued to expatriates who have secured a job in the UAE. Sponsored by an employer.
Duration: Typically 2-3 years, renewable.
Requirements: Job offer, valid passport, medical fitness test, and additional documents as required by the employer.
2. Investor Visa
Description: For individuals who invest in a UAE-based business or property.
Duration: Typically 2-3 years, renewable.
Requirements: Proof of investment, business registration documents, and adherence to specific regulations.
3. Property Owner Visa
Description: For individuals who own property in the UAE. The value of the property typically needs to meet a minimum threshold.
Duration: Usually 2 years, renewable.
Requirements: Proof of property ownership, value of the property, and compliance with local regulations.
4. Retirement Visa
Description: Aimed at retirees who meet certain financial and residency criteria.
Duration: 5 years, renewable.
Requirements: Age of at least 55, proof of retirement funds or income, health insurance, and other financial criteria.
5. Student Visa
Description: For students enrolled in accredited educational institutions within the UAE.
Duration: Valid for the duration of the course.
Requirements: Proof of enrollment, financial proof to cover living expenses, and medical insurance.
6. Family Visa
Description: Allows expatriates to sponsor their family members (spouse, children, and sometimes parents) to live with them in the UAE.
Duration: Typically 2-3 years, renewable.
Requirements: Sponsorship by a primary visa holder, proof of relationship, and financial proof to support dependents.
7. Freelancer Visa
Description: For individuals working as freelancers or independent contractors.
Duration: Typically 1-3 years, renewable.
Requirements: Proof of freelance work or contracts, financial proof, and health insurance.
8. Golden Visa
Description: A long-term residency visa aimed at investors, entrepreneurs, specialized talents, researchers, and outstanding students.
Duration: 5 or 10 years, renewable.
Requirements: Specific criteria depending on the category, such as significant investment, outstanding achievements, or critical skills.
9. Green Visa
Description: Aimed at skilled workers, investors, and freelancers, focusing on long-term residency.
Duration: 5 years, renewable.
Requirements: Employment or investment criteria, proof of skills, or financial standing.
10. Transit Visa
Description: For individuals passing through the UAE for a short period, usually not intended for long-term residency.
Duration: 48 or 96 hours.
Requirements: Valid onward ticket, and possibly a visa for the next destination if required.
11. Remote Work Visa (Dubai Remote Work Visa)
Description: Allows individuals to live in Dubai while working remotely for an overseas employer.
Duration: 1 year, renewable.
Requirements: Proof of employment with a foreign company or business, financial proof, and health insurance.
12. Business Visa
Description: For entrepreneurs and business owners looking to start or manage a business in the UAE.
Duration: Generally aligned with business setup and operations.
Requirements: Business setup documentation, proof of investment, and other relevant papers.
13. Special Categories
Description: Includes visas for specific categories such as humanitarian cases or special skills.
Duration: Varies based on the category.
Requirements: Specific to the category, often involving special approvals or criteria.
Each visa type comes with its own set of requirements and procedures, and it’s advisable to check with the UAE’s official government websites or consult with legal experts for the most accurate and up-to-date information.
Exploring residency options in the UAE opens up a world of opportunities for expatriates, investors, entrepreneurs, students, and retirees alike. Whether you’re looking to establish a career, invest in property, start a business, or enjoy your retirement in a dynamic and growing region, the UAE offers a range of visas tailored to your needs.
From the well-established Employment and Investor Visas to the innovative Golden and Green Visas, each option provides unique benefits and pathways to making the UAE your home. For those interested in business ventures, the UAE’s robust economy and strategic location make it an attractive destination. Setup Dubai Business can facilitate this process, offering expertise in navigating the regulatory landscape, setting up your business, and ensuring compliance with local laws.
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