#heart ripping posts
valleynix · 1 year
She knows it had to happen.
It was always coming, though she supposes a part of her tried its best to ignore the impending doom of losing them. She knew from the moment they woke with their confused and golden gaze that they would only bring trouble, and Cassandra Dimitrescu has since learned to always trust her gut.
She knew what she had to do.
It was a simple promise, and one she could keep if it meant granting her first and only love mercy from the monstrosity they had become. Life had been so unfair to her human - could she even call them that? - and it was the least she could do. They deserved to rest.
Knowing all of this did not make the act itself any easier. She vividly remembers seeing the life leave their remaining eye as their head was completely severed from the rest of their body, and she remembers the way their hand so tightly grasping her dress in a death grip suddenly became slack.
It was the only time they had truly seemed at peace. She has seen them interact with her family, interact with her, and never once had she seen that brief look in their eye that completely shattered what remained of her heart.
Their copy had fallen not long after, clawed hands pressed to their throat as they struggled to breathe, as they made one last ditch effort to call for Mother. She did not come to their aid, and deep down, Cassandra almost felt pity for them.
The arm they had ripped from her elbow down had taken about a month to fully heal and for her to even be able to swing her sickle around again, and she supposes her barely eating anything did not help.
How could she?
She's aware her family holds no ill thoughts toward her after they hear what's happened and they see that idiot's crystalized ashes on the ground outside. She tries to be there for them as much as possible, even attending a daily ritual with Daniela that consists of sitting where their "grave" is, though it holds no body.
She knows her younger sister will go out by herself on nights the moon is bright in the sky to visit the grave, and she hears the way Daniela struggles to breathe as she sobs and tries to tell them about her day or anything new she'd learned recently.
Cassandra pretends she does not care. She pretends she has already moved on from the incident and that it no longer bothers her, but this act did not last long. She loathes to admit Bela knows anything about her, and when her older sister tried to comfort her or get her to talk about what happened, she'd snapped and told her they deserved to die.
They didn't, and she knows that. God, why did she say it?
Her mother is even worse with the coddling. New weapons arrive on her worktable in the cellar after a particularly bad day, and she'll even sometimes find new art supplies hidden away in places she knows she did not store them. Her mother tries to keep her distance for the moment, though her eyes so full of concern do not go unnoticed.
She pretends not to care, pretends that she has never cared in the first place, and that is why she now struggles to even draw her first love the way she could so easily in the past. She knows what they look like - doesn't she? - yet the lines in her messy and torn up sketchbook do not match the image she has in her head.
Another figure with their face harshly scratched out. It will be added to her growing collection, and she plans to burn them all eventually.
The thought of seeing them, even simply on paper, is a comforting thought to her, but right now, all it seems to do is frustrate her. She can draw their wings, each vein on their hand, even the way she remembered them mutated and bloody on that day.
Why can't she remember what they look like?
It just doesn't look right, doesn't look like them. Maybe something is just wrong with her hand?
Though their missing presence has made her life in the castle rather dull, almost as though she had lost a piece of herself she could never get back, she could almost swear she has seen them around the castle. As she walks the halls on the way to the cellar, she could count on one hand how many times she's seen their blurred face on that of a maid's body, only to blink and have it disappear.
She knows it's just a trick of the light or her mind playing games on her. That's all it ever could be. They are gone and she is the cause for it.
She has lost sleep wondering if she could have done something else, if she could have protected them long enough for their ability to go back to kick in. The guilt that she tried her best and it wasn't enough eats at her, ever so slowly.
She promised she would keep them safe, the same as she does for her sisters and mother. It's what they wanted, what they asked of her, and yet, she cannot help but feel as though she has failed.
They would berate her for such a thing, and it's the only thought that keeps her from spiraling.
Cassandra tears the page she had been working on out of the book and crumples it angrily between her hands, harshly throwing it to the ground beside her bed where a pile already rests. She was meant to clean it two weeks ago, but she can never bring herself to.
Her room is a much better place to be in, anyway, despite the mess. A few of her workrooms or even storage rooms in the cellar have been completely destroyed from days she sees them in her victims, from days she sees their blood on her hands despite not touching a single blade all morning, and she is unable to wash it from her skin.
Sighing in frustration as she feels tears prick her eyes, she sets her pen down beside her and brings her hands up to her face, using her fingers to press against and rub at her eyes. She stays like that for a few moments, pausing in her movements to calm her uneven breathing, and an idea strikes her.
Their room has remained untouched by any staff since their passing, and only a Dimitrescu is allowed inside. Bela is the one to keep it tidy and clean, and she is the only one trusted to do so, aside from their mother. That means her past sketches of them are still hidden away inside, and perhaps she could finally use them as inspiration to just see them again.
She's not once stepped foot in their room without them, and while she hadn't planned to, she knows this is an exception they wouldn't mind.
The castle is strangely quiet as she traverses its halls; she doesn't think it was that late when she finally reopened her eyes and left her room, but it could have been much later than she thought. Even so, barely any candles are lit throughout the corridors she walks through, and she wonders if the night staff have already taken care of things for the moment.
A strange thought, and it doesn't last long.
She'd left her sketchbook in her room, hoping to be in and out of this one as soon as possible, and so, after a moment of debate, she grabs the handle and opens their door.
She freezes when she sees someone sitting on their bed, hunched over a book, fist mashed into their cheek.
No, no. She must be seeing things, must be losing her god damn mind. Has she been so blind, all this time, as to not even realize her human was still alive and well?
They sit on the bed, and it seems they haven't even noticed her yet, though she knows that's not possible. They would never let their guard down long enough to not even notice their own door opening or the sound of someone stepping inside.
Could they be sleeping? It certainly wouldn't be the first time she's walked in on them slumbering in a strange position.
She gets her answer a moment later when their head lifts, brows furrowed as their eyes meet her own. She sees emotions flash across their face in the span of only a few seconds: confusion, surprise, realization, worry, and finally, panic.
Her hands clench into fists at her sides as she watches them slam their book closed and hop off their bed, already walking toward her as they ask, "Cassandra?" They haven't called her that in so long, and hearing her full name from them causes pain to spike through her chest. "What... What are you doing here? Did something happen? Is your family still safe?"
She doesn't know what they're talking about, and she can't even think on the implications of their words. She watches as they stop not far from her, awaiting an answer as their hands nervously fidget with one another. They look terrified and she cannot understand why.
The words come to her before she can stop them. "You lied to me." It's not possible; she saw their remains, she saw them crumble between her fingers as though they were never anything more than ash. "You- I saw you die in front of me, I killed you. How long have you been back in the castle?"
Their brows furrow again as their eyes flick around her face. They shake their head, opening their mouth to speak-
"You're such an idiot," she snarls, fingers aching as they clench even tighter. She doesn't mean it, not really, but she can't stop the words from spilling out of her mouth before her brain can catch up and stop her. "I'm so furious with you for doing this, for forcing my hand against you. Why couldn't you let me help you?"
Their gaze softens as they seem to understand. Even so, they remain quiet, instead bowing their head as she continues.
"It's not... fair. None of this is, and I blame you for that." She steps toward them, shoving their shoulder hard to make them look up at her. They step back as she continues pushing them, her anger resurfacing quickly. "It's not fair the one person I've ever loved and allowed into my heart was the one I had to kill. It's not fair that you left me after everything you'd promised, after everything you've done.
"If you weren't so damn stupid, I could have saved you. I could have done something for you, but you've always been the self-sacrificial type, haven't you? I suppose that's what I get for thinking I could have a chance at the lives they have." Her jaw trembles as a tear slips from her eye and down her cheek, and she reaches for them, grabbing onto their shirt and bunching her hands into fists. "Don't let this inflate your ego, but... It's been so lonely without you, and I miss you so much it hurts-"
Despite their shorter height, her human wraps their arms around her and tugs her close as her head finds its way buried in their neck. They embrace her tightly and murmur soft words against her hair, things she can't even really pick up on, but her arms slide around their waist as she holds them in a bear hug against her, breath shuddering and tears dripping against their skin.
She never thought she would hold them again, and she regrets how little she had done it before. She's never been one for prolonged touching, but to think of the last time she had done such a thing as a mere joke-
She tugs them a bit closer, lifting them into the air slightly as she deeply inhales their scent. The feeling of them in her arms again, of hearing their heart beat once more...
They mumble to her about moving to sit down, and she follows them with her hand tightly grasping their own, refusing to let go as her other wipes at her cheeks. They lean against their headboard and open their arms to her, and she climbs onto their lap, curling her knees close to her chest to comfortably rest on them.
Gently, almost hesitantly, their hand brushes through her hair, still careful not to touch the scar by her temple. Their other arm loops around her waist to hold her in place, and she shifts as her eyes drift closed.
"Why didn't you tell me you were still alive?" she quietly asks, a tingling sensation moving down her spine when they brush some hair behind her ear. "Was this part of your plan to make me care for you more? Because it's not working. I still hate you."
They huff a laugh, lightly pinching her hip as they kiss her hair, lingering for a moment. "Have you been sketching?"
"I can't draw you anymore." Their hand pauses in her hair, their heartbeat spiking and stuttering. "Do you know how long it's been since that day? How long I've waited?"
The hand continues, softer this time. Their fingers brush down her cheek, a soft purr rumbling in her chest at the feeling. Her chest is light and she knows her heart would be racing if it still beat. "I'm sorry, Cass. I didn't intend for it to end this way."
"Yeah, well..." Her jaw clenches as she tries to tuck a little further into them. She won't let them get away, not again. "Will you let me watch you while I sketch? I don't want to forget you."
What is she even saying? She's not a sap, not for anyone.
"Anything you'd like." They kiss her hair once, then again, closer to her forehead. "It'll be all right. You can always try again."
She hates them so much, and yet she missed their awkward touches, their lame jokes, even their smelly existence. She feels at peace tucked into their chest with their arm around her, their other lightly touching her face and hair.
Part of her wants to rip their arms off of her, but she will let these touches slide, just this once. It was the least they deserved.
She talks with them until she no longer can, updating them on her life, on her family, what they've missed out on since they've been away. They respond in kind, though she notices there is a certain distance to their tone. She knows exactly what it is; they're hiding something, and if she had the energy, she would pester them until they confessed.
Before sleep takes her, before she slips away into unconsciousness, they ask her to tilt her head back. From there, they gently and softly kiss the tattoo between her brows, the tip of her nose, the corner of her mouth, and (finally) right on her lips. It doesn't last long, but it's enough to satisfy her for the moment.
They hold her head against their chest, limbs wrapped around her as tightly as possible, as they murmur, "You know I love you... right? My devotion has never wavered from the day I knew you. I will always hold a place for you in my heart."
She smacks them for that, grumbling about how it sounds like a goodbye and they'd better not be planning something, and not long after, she falls victim to sleep's comforting embrace as warmth leaves her bones.
She wakes to a cold and empty bed, and the flames from her room's fireplace have long since burned out until mere embers remained. For the second time in her life, Cassandra Dimitrescu is alone.
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shweshishweh · 8 months
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I’ve had these concepts in my drafts for almost a year 💀
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evercelle · 2 years
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then i’ll unmake me
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meltedmush · 2 months
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I’m stuck in the 2ha and SVSSS hellhole,,, 😭
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maibeloved · 10 months
Twitter was crazy
So here was my contribution to the whole downfall of tht damn app
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ashenberry · 6 months
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hi hey hello. you should go check out @u3pxx 's piece for the mea culpa zine I just made a fun and silly continuation of it because im normal about it <3
more fun and silly shenanigans under the cut
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jaysworlds · 10 months
hello mcr girlies. which mcr song is YOUR song i mean like 'this song gets me like no one else has ever got me this is the greatest piece of music ever to be created etc etc etc' the song no one understands like you understand.
i'll go first. mine is Summertime
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horreurscopes · 3 months
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i like my body when it is with your body.
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c-hrona · 1 year
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cutter-kirby · 2 years
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he’s a babygirl he’s a failwife he’s a losercore dumbass and he’s the most love-filled man to ever exist
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joy-girl · 20 days
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Naruto 425 // Hatake Kakashi's Goodbye
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valleynix · 1 year
It has been a very, very long day for Alcina Dimitrescu, and her morning has only just begun.
She returns from the urgent meeting that had been called by her leader, only for said woman to not even show. It wasn't like Mother Miranda to simply forget she had even called a meeting, but Alcina was too tired to care in the moment. She bids her siblings a brief farewell, and she returns to her castle as the moon shines high above her, illuminating her path.
Perhaps she should have noticed, then, that something was amiss.
Her castle is strangely quiet as she approaches its main doors, even for how early in the morning it is. She expects to see a few candles lit or even a maid or two passing a window, but it is dark in many of them.
For only a few moments, she thinks nothing of it. Perhaps she is too tired to remember what her home is like this early, and so, she will ask her daughters about it after she gets some rest.
As Alcina enters her home, she notices two things almost immediately: first, her castle is utterly destroyed. Vases and statues have been thrown or smashed into the ground, paintings and wallpaper ripped, holes in her fucking walls-
Second, blood is splattered along the floor and walls, and there are severed limbs and bodies everywhere.
Her heart squeezes painfully in her chest as she struggles to look for her human, pinching her nose as she walks to hide the stench a little. She knows they're no longer human, not after whatever Mother Miranda had done to them, but for their own sake and out of habit, she continues to refer to them as such.
She also knows what it looks like when someone has gone feral, and she fears for them. She wonders if something happened while she was away, if one of her daughters had something they shouldn't or the Cadou in them snapped; either way, she fears she may find her human too late.
She notices the bodies of maids in the halls as she follows their trail, her brows furrowing. It... doesn't quite seem as though any weapon had done this sort of damage. If she didn't know any better, she would assume claws had dug into her staff and torn them limb from limb.
But... No, that wasn't possible. She could replace the staff if her daughters attacked them, and for some time, she convinces herself that is all it is.
How wrong she would come to realize she is.
Alcina steps into a hallway just as her human stumbles back to leave it, their hand severed and wings twitching behind them, knocking over several vases and paintings as they smear more blood everywhere.
It is then she sees her middle daughter, and for a moment, she is utterly frozen.
She cannot move as Cassandra crumbles to the ground, her body becoming a pale, ashy color as her legs begin to disintegrate. She knew the risks of even gaining her daughters, she knew what it would look like if they were weakened and killed.
Daniela is somewhere nearby, desperately calling for her to help or something, though she finds she cannot focus on what is being said to her. Her eyes widen and her heart shatters in her chest, and for the first time in her life, Alcina is lost.
She does not know what to do. She tries her best; her knees crack as she falls to them on the floor, as Cassandra reaches for her with tears in her eyes and her arms crumbling to ash on the ground, sobbing out, "Mamă-"
She holds her daughter close to her chest, shaking as she ensures her protection with her arms completely around her. She cannot cry, does not dare to, but she feels what little was left of her humanity slip away from her grasp when Cassandra is nothing more than a pile of crystallized ash on the ground.
Daniela is the next to be taken from her, and she assumes Bela was the first. She does not find her eldest's remains, as she does not think herself capable of remaining in this form if she sees them, and she knows she must protect her youngest.
It is a futile attempt.
Her last daughter - her precious child - is taken from her in a moment's notice. She does not realize Daniela is gone until she sees that bastard stand from her crystallized form, dripping with blood as their only remaining eye glows brightly against the darkness in the courtyard.
They run from her, as anyone with a bit of brain left would do. She only manages to keep up with them through the blood stains they leave on the floor and the occasional mangled body of a maid that got in their way.
As the sun peeks over the large mountains encasing the village, trapping it from the rest of the world... She kills her beloved.
If she were being honest, she never thought this day would come. She had hope and faith in them, in their motivations, and perhaps, she wonders, that was her fatal mistake.
She realizes there is no hope for them, not after what they had become. They are nothing more than a feral beast, and even if they had regained their humanity, she would never let them live for what they had done to her daughters.
With tears in her eyes, she slices her large and sharp claws straight through their neck, severing their head from the rest of their body in an instant. She does not know if it will kill them, considering the other various wounds along their body that should have already, but she will slice them to pieces if she must.
There is a moment - a blissful fraction of a second - where her love looks at her with nothing but adoration and gratitude in their eyes. Throughout all the months she's known them, through every interaction she's had with them... She has never witnessed such a pure form of peace in their golden eye.
As soon as their body hits the ground, their head following, she realizes she is truly lost.
She could not protect her daughters, not when they needed her most. She allowed this monstrosity to invade her home, to kill the only things she held so dear to her heart. She will never forgive herself, and she knows she must live with the consequences of her actions.
Alcina sits amidst the cold morning air, watching as her breath clouds in front of her and the blood pools around her love's head, staining the pristine white snow around them. She ponders a way to change the course of things, to go back and prevent you from ever stepping foot in her castle-
It is days before her prayers receive an answer. She begs every night at her daughters' graves, trying not to cry as she kneels by them. She stays with them until she can no longer keep her eyes open and her fingers have lost all feeling, and even then, she shuffles her way back inside.
When she awakens that morning, it takes her some time to realize when she is.
It starts out as any other morning would; the sun peeks in through the barely opened curtains covering her window, her heart aching, her eyes bleary before she puts her glasses on...
Daniela clambers into her bed not long after with what she hopes is a tray of edible meat. She does not understand, wonders if she had passed in her sleep and joined her darlings once more in the afterlife, but she remembers this day.
It is months before her daughters even found that human out in the snow, and as she realizes she has been given a second chance, she does not let her daughters out of her sight.
As she moves about her days with her children, spending more time with them and spoiling them with whatever they ask for, she vows to herself that she will not save her love that night. Whenever it comes, she will keep her daughters inside and safe, and while her heart breaks at the thought of abandoning them, she knows what must be done.
She learns to move on. It is not something she expected to find herself doing, but she is lost in the excited smiles of her daughters, the way they playfully banter with one another like they had before, their carefree movements and hobbies...
She catches herself simply watching them at times as she attempts to forget everything she had witnessed.
It's hard to forget them, though. Alcina often finds herself searching around the castle for her love, her eyes lifting to meet their own as she writes in her office, only to find an empty seat. She asks for two trays of food, expecting a guest to accompany her as she works, and she is left alone until there are mere embers in her fireplace.
She does hope they're all right, wherever they may be these several months back. She sometimes fights the urge to go out and find them, to ensure their care and safety. Her castle is rather dull without their unique light spreading throughout it, but if this was the price she had to pay to see her daughters again? She would be a fool to turn it down.
Two months after her reawakening from that horrible nightmare that had been her life, Alcina decides it is finally safe for she and her daughters to leave the castle's grounds. She takes them into the village, as she must converse with Duke, but she finds little ways to spoil them.
The bright smiles on their faces as she gives them little allowances to spend on the one rule they behave is well worth whatever else she had gone through to get to this point. The kiss on her cheek she receives from Daniela is enough to make her entire life worth it.
Her daughters are just out of sight as she converses with Duke about business and trades, as they discuss prices and routes, though she hears their laughter and snarky comments. It's enough to ease her anxieties enough to relax for the first time in months.
Halfway through her talk with Duke, she spots them walking with a young woman, smiling gently as they speak quietly with one another. She cannot stop looking at them, at the calmness in their stance and the innocent look in their eyes. There are no heavy bags beneath their eyes given after terrible, sleepless nights, and there are no worry lines on their face.
It takes her a moment to recognize them as her human, but even as they pass her, she says nothing. They merely glance up at her, eyes wide and not golden as their companion urges them away. They look so human here, and she resists the urge to go to them, to comfort them-
They do not remember her, and perhaps it is a blessing.
Another month passes as the date of their existence in her life draws ever closer. She's unsure why she remembers them when no one else seems to, when her daughters give her questioning looks about the strange newcomer she swears she saw in the village.
She does wonder if it was simply someone else she saw, and her life without them had caused her to see them in places they weren't. As no one seems to remember ever seeing them, even the commoners in the village, she decides they must not exist in this reality any longer.
She still does not let her daughter roam outside that night, regardless of what had happened to her missing staff. She assures her daughters she will take care of it in the morning, and she falls asleep at her desk before she can think to secure them in the castle.
By morning, she sees them again. Her daughters drag them in by their foot into her office, giggling about them and remarking the state they're in. Their limbs have been chewed on by what she can only imagine were lycans, their clothing torn, especially around their back, blood staining their body, an obvious discoloration or blackness in their skin...
When they open their bleary, golden eyes, glowing softly in the morning sun, Alcina Dimitrescu realizes she is utterly fucked.
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exilethegame · 4 days
What's the go-to topic for the RO's if you want to get them talking for the next 4 hours straight? In other words, what kind of things are they most interested in/passionate about?
Vethna: Politics in Vygrand, the ethics of blood magic, the history of magic in general... they are very much an academic at heart and like trying to find the balance between a "perfect world" and reality. Plus they've never spoken about these things to someone who takes them seriously, so having a place to do just that would have Vethna blabbering for hours.
Nikke: Weapons, daggers, specifically. He collects them as he finds them which may be grim to other people (considering he usually takes them from the bodies of the people he kills), but hey... it's still a cool collection, okay? He also loves talking about all his adventures and sharing stupid stories about cool places he's visited. Also fighting techniques. He's genuinely super into that. Goes for Jost + Nikke that they both have A LOT to say about the Taipan gang in Vrithka as well. Like a lot a lot. (None of them are good things)
Jost: Jost is a listener, not a talker. But in the rare, rare occasion you have her going on about something, it's usually because she's upset and somehow, you became the one person she trusts enough to vent things to. It's not necessarily upset as in sad, per se, but she's in a place emotionally where needs someone to bounce ideas and thoughts off of. (However, passion-wise, she's super into the arts, so you could probably pull some words out from her re. arts from the Old Worlds, museums, that sort of thing). 
Amilia: Amilia does not stop talking. Amilia will go for hours talking about a cute mushroom on the side of the road, no not underestimate her. And you know what? Yes, she's doing it to annoy who she's with, but part of her really is interested in that mushroom you know. On a more serious note, she's really into music and getting to know people. Amilia's one of those people that makes others open up pretty easily, and it's something she genuinely enjoys since she likes learning the "lore" of individuals. (... is that just gossip?)
Sabir: Astrology, the gods of the Old World, the Old World in general, really. Interestingly enough, Sabir does not enjoy talking about politics. Like you can rile him up if you try hard and enough, but he sincerely tries to avoid getting too far into it because it's such a glib subject. That, and he's already talking about politics all day given his position. Sabir isn't a ramble talker though-- he won't just chatter for hours on end about something. He's into the art of conversation, you see. The back-and-forth is what's fun for him, so he'd rather talk about nothing at all and fill the conversation with shallow banter than passionately talk about his map collection.
Syfyn: Just remind her of the time someone vaguely pissed her off one time and you got about an hour of entertainment off that incident alone. (One time a person cut her in line at the mess hall, one time she stubbed her toe because someone moved a box, one time--) Syfyn also likes talking about combat and training, but Nikke's more like "genuine excitement and tips and tricks" and Syfyn's more like "lmfao I kicked your ASS you're a loser" or "did you see how hard I punched that thing lemme remind you"
Freedom: Hmm... this only works if one is super-super close with Freedom, but they'll be very genuine and skip the word-games when it comes to talking about the Old World, the time when the other gods were alive, their past and people they've met/known. That's the one thing Freedom could speak about for hours and be upfront about AND be genuinely invested in the conversation. They enjoy sharing relics of history with people who are actually willing to listen, and the fact anyone might want to really know about them on an individual level would be very flattering.
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awakefor48hours · 1 year
I hate you streaming services. I hate you anti password methods. I hate you sudden cancellation of good shows to mass produce low quality shows.
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rockingtheorange · 7 months
The message of one of the most underrated scenes:
This whole part is like discovering Alex and Henry's feelings throughout the songs.
Alex has a Spanish love song to declare that he's nothing without Henry anymore and only sees him, no one else. He doesn't sing it, it's only the background music, cause it's a new feeling for him. He's still coming to terms with the fact that he's in love and hasn't shared it with the world yet.
Henry, instead, sings a song out loud. It's a drunk mess but he's telling everything he's feeling for the first time. He's declaring how good the relationship with Alex is making him feel, yet he might burn for how fast he's going. He's supposed to slow down but he wants Alex to be his supersonic man and they might crash but, in that moment of freedom, it doesn't matter that much.
Henry has always been the one who said "I love you" first. He just couldn't do it with words so he used eyes, body language, letters and songs.
English translation for non-Spanish-speakers:
And now I can only write love songs to you. Only now I can discover my love for you from here. What will you do, that now I can only write love songs to you? There's nothing anymore, nothing important anymore without you, here. And now I can only write love songs to you. And I hope that the world will manage to make us stay always like this.
Spanish lyrics:
Que ahora solo te puedo escribir, canciones de amor a ti. Que ahora solo puedo descubrir, mi amor a ti desde aquí.¿Qué habrás hecho, que solo te puedo escribir, canciones de amor a ti? Ya no existe más nada, no hay nada importante, sin ti, aquí. Que ahora solo te puedo escribir canciones de amor a ti. Y que espero que el mundo se encargue de que estemos siempre así.
Link to the song on YouTube 💕
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ddocson · 1 year
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hi. have more ranchers :) (smile of pain)
also vague tango hair explanation here
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