divineslcyer · 2 years
❝  do you even know what it does to me?  every time i see you cry,  any time you’re hurt even the smallest bit it just— do you realize how deeply you’ve imbedded yourself into my heart?  ❞
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Random Prompts (Accepting) - @hefalls
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His words were piercing, swifter than any arrow she's parried, and cruel in how sharply they struck through her heart. His hands, ivory and beautiful as the rest of him, held her face with such devoted care. Her golden eyes shimmered with the tears that spilled and rolled down her bronze cheeks.
Lucifer leaned over, catching each fallen tear with a brush of his lips. Each kiss tender, light and dangerous. Compelling.
Do you realize how deeply you've embedded yourself into my heart?
Oh, how cruel their creator was. How cruel he was for letting such words slip from his lips. How they made her heart squeeze and ache with longing and agony. It gave her hope and despair all at once. She could only whisper his name, the word feeling more forbidden on her tongue than before.
This wasn't allowed. It wasn't permitted.
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❝ You can't know what you are saying. ❞ The words have a bitter taste to her tongue, and his gaze remains sharp, its weight heavy and full of such emotions she didn't dare let herself read. Deny. Deny it. Deny it all.
She can't save him if she lets herself understand what her heart thunders against her chest. His hands move to her arms, his hold firm and suddenly like iron. Shackling her and keeping her to him.
❝ Don't pretend you do not know this heart. I know of what I speak. ❞ He towered over her, head tilting closer. His wings folded over her, caging her even more to him. ❝ Shall I prove my convictions? ❞
The thought terrified her. She knew his capabilities. Knew his arrogance and his pride, and his heart, better than she'd dare acknowledge her own. He would damn himself and more, no.. He wouldn't care in his punishment, so long as she admitted her own truth. The truth that hovered over them both, and held her heart in a vise grip.
Oh, but to love him was to fall from grace... And she could not do that to him. What would come next would hurt her more than anything yet, and she closed her eyes as her last tears slipped from her dark lashes.
Creator, how cruel you are in your making her love a being she could never be with.
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cucumberteapot · 1 year
Across the Spiderverse - End Credits Analysis
Good afternoon, everyone. I am back again to discuss this amazing film we all love and I wanted to talk about the end credits. Typically the end credits signify the end of the film but in this rare case, I feel there is a lot to speculate about the visuals and what they could mean for the future film. Afterall, the next installment will be called '"Beyond" the Spider-verse' after all. Beyond canon. Beyond animation and live-action. Beyond narrative conventions in film and storytelling.
So let us begin... one last time.
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We are introduced to the end credits with the beautiful violin of Metro Boomin, Roisee and A$AP Rocky's 'Am I Dreaming', invoking Miles' dilemma of belonging to Spider society, hiding his identity from his family and the inevitable challenges he faces and will later face in the next movie. Personally, I'd like to interpret these visuals as Miles' actually dreaming in conjecture with the song's title, or an artistic representation of Miles' headspace. However you interpret it is up to you.
Regardless, this sequence takes place in a surrealist void and we see Miles' spiderman logo spray painted onto what we think is his suit but in actuality is one of Spot's spots. Miles is an artist and customises his costume accordingly, but when we learn it's on a spot, it conveys how Miles' personal and superhero lives are interconnecting and the dangers that pertains.
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Then we see Miles properly and he is clearly overwhelmed by this new reality he has to navigate thus hefalls through one of the spots. This sequences makes the effort of conflating Spot's spots with the dimension travel portals and as we see throughout, they represent the uncontrollability of Miles' situation and the moralities of the characters going through them.
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Thankfully, Miles is able to catch himself from falling any further. He slings his webs from what looks like buildings but are instead more spots.
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Gradually the spots disintegrate, forcing Miles to keep swinging. As Spot threatens in his dialogue and his vision in Mumbattan, he is disrupting Miles' home dimension and forcing him to see him as more than a "villain of the week". Even if Miles goes home, his home will not be the same after the Spot's interference.
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But even though Miles keeps moving, it's not enough and we see Spot's giant hands reaching through his holes to grab Miles and presumably pull him through them. I already talked a little bit about Spiderverse villains and their hands in a previous post so you can read more about that here. But here Spot is dehumanised and characterised by his hands, becoming a force of nature by the end of the film that Miles will need to reckon with.
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And Miles does by jumping through the black hole in Spot's equally giant head. No longer is he trying to catch Miles or bat him away, but waits for him to attack. Miles leaps through him but he doesn't harm the Spot. He is still powerless against him on his own and so he keeps running, this time avoiding white spots or spotlights instead of black one, perhaps reflecting the inversion of challenges he will face in the Earth-42 dimension.
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But then he is distracted. Miles is stopped in his tracks by another titan - the Earth-42 spider that bit him. On first watch I thought the spider was the Go-Home Machine but I feel the same imagery applies. Miles never choose to be bit. To be Spider-man. And he didn't choose to go to the Earth-42 dimension. All of these things were by the consequences of someone else's decisions or consequences. He quite literally can't fight against these components.
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Unable to fight back, the Earth-42 spider bites down on Miles like when he was bit and sends him crashing through the floor, creating more spots to fall through. Interesting though when Miles falls, he falls upwards, which if you're aware of the upside-down imagery of the Spiderverse films you'd know that when Miles takes his 'Leap of Faith', he is falling but the camera pans it upside-down to make it look like he is rising to the city - to his responsibilities as Spider-man.
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In this case, the inversion is happening. Miles is now Spider-man but he is falling upwards and backwards - he can't see where he is going on this new journey. Then we get one of my favourite transitions in this sequence and that is when Miles stops struggling and goes through one of the spots to become Prowler.
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Man, what a cool shot.
But yes, I think the way Spider-man and Prowler deal with the uncontrollability of their situation if interesting here. When we first meet Prowler in the film, he is 100% in control of the situation regarding Miles' capture. But here (and perhaps internally), this isn't so much the case. as Prowler ascends he lets his body go limp as he is engulfed in purple - the colour represented by Prowler and Aaron Davis. Meanwhile Miles' backdrop is blue which I believe represents his father (he wears a blue uniform and a blue shirt in ATSV) as well as half of the Spider-man colours - blue and red. Note: Rio wears a red shirt in this film as well so this would signify that, yes, Miles is strong and therefore Spider-man because of his parents. Furthermore Miles struggle in the blue (father) could represent his struggle to save him from Spot while Prowler's limpness is because his Jefferson is dead.
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However, while hued in Prowler purple, we see Rio's large head watches anxiously as a small Spider-man adapts to his situation and reaches upwards while multiple Prowlers in the background don't move at all. I don't think it's too difficult to interpret what Rio is reacting to. Rio is likely reacting to learning who Spider-man and Prowler are, but her expression is not so much as fear but concern for her son/s. Likewise with Spot and the Earth-42 spider, Rio is magnified in Miles' mind. By the end of the film, he summons the courage to tell Rio he is Spider-man, but it wasn't enough. Now Miles needs to reconcile with this alternative identity as the Prowler. An identity that was a villain in his dimension and who might not be willing to reveal that information to his Rio.
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As Miles ascends, he sees his father basked in a red background (danger, blood) and likewise, he is giant. Once again all these people in Miles' life are overwhelming for him and are constantly just out of reach. When I watch this scene, I am reminded of the Andrew Garfield's Spider-man trying and failing to save Gwen Stacy. Similarly, Miles reaches for his father but it's not enough, and it doesn't help that the very person trying to prevent him from saving him is waiting through one of the spots.
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Much like throughout the movie, Miguel assumes a predatory role as he watches for Miles before fully jumping through the hole. He then swings along to catch up with Miles before appearing as another giant force to contend with.
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Interestingly, Miguel stops swinging and instead claws at Miles to catch him. Like the Spot, Miguel serves a similar role in threatening Miles' existence as Spider-man by trying to control him and fit him into some kind of dichotomy. With Spot, it's becoming Miles' nemesis even though Miles doesn't really care. With Miguel, it's making him experience a trauma based on self-projection and as Miles says, "an algorithm". Because that's the way it has to be. It has to be this big tragic origin story with nemesises and trauma.
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But then Miles turns around with a response. No. We don't see him turn to face Miguel (we have to think this because Miguel just disappears) but after watching the movie, we know Miles doesn't view the Spider society with the same rose-tinted classes anymore - and this includes Gwen.
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Speaking of, we see Gwen swing from portal to portal, presumably in search of Miles but is unable to find him. They swing in opposite directions, implicating their own separate journeys throughout the film but unlike the other characters beside Prowler, Gwen is scaled the same size as Miles. Pink is often used to signify romance and I believe this speaks to their reconciliation in the next film, but interestingly Miles does not seek out Gwen is return. Even if they do become a couple in the next film I feel like Miles' perception of Gwen has definitely changed and he no longer has this sketchbook-drawing idea of her anymore.
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But instead of seeking out Gwen, Miles comes face to face with his reflection in a spot. He's confused for a moment before taking a step back and seeing it's Earth-42 Aaron. In the first film, Aaron was a source of comfort for Miles when his father didn't understand him. Now his living-ghost serves as another obstacle in his path and a reflection of who he could've been if not for the spider bite. This is further emphasised by how Aaron is framed exactly like the Earth-42 Spider, and in the next movie I feel like no matter how much Aaron and Miles loved each other, Aaron's influence would've led Miles on a very dark path if not for the morals instilled by his father.
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Then Miles runs through another spot and is being chased again by giant versions of Miguel and Spider society. Specifically, they run after him, reminding us how Miguel is "not like the others," and his influence of the other Spider-people is detrimental to the Spider-man identity.
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But then Miles swings away from them and we see the Spider-people again but scaled to his size, showing us that in the end how Miles embodies the Spider-man identity better than any other character in the film - "You're the best of all of us, Miles."
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But even though Miles is swinging along with the rest of his Spider counterparts, he dimension travels through one of the spots or portal and this time it's a choice. He's not struggling anymore, he's letting the portal take him to where he needs to be and that is into the eye of a young Miles Morales from the first movie who doesn't have his fade yet. Miles remembers Rio's words about looking after his inner "little boy" and before we can pull out to see that little boy's full face...
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The camera turns in another cool transition around the back of Miles' head to reveal Prowler standing face-to-face with Spider-man, both masked but not assuming any threatening body language. While Spider-man and Prowler were on unequal footing by the end of ATSV, here there is a sense of self-reconciliation and understanding. That no matter how giant Miles' problems are with the Spot, Miguel, Rio, Jefferson, Aaron or Spider-society, he will always have himself.
Roisee sings the bridge of 'Am I Dreaming' during this part and it completely encapusates Spider-man and Prowler's dynamic. Especially the lines, 'I choose me now, What's wrong with that?' - Straight chills. There's just so many layers.
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Coming to an end now, the camera pans around Spider-man and Prowler disappears, presumably letting him return to his dimension, and Miles runs through his hoodie from the first film when he took that first 'Leap of Faith'.
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This right here is the defining moment of Miles' Spider-man identity. It wasn't getting bite, it wasn't Uncle Aaron dying, it wasn't the training from Peter and Gwen and it certainly wasn't Miguel denying his identity.
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It was right here on that rooftop when he decided to take the 'Leap of Faith' and chose to become Spider-man.
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crimsonizedangel · 3 months
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Put "📓" or some other version of a book emoji into my inbox and I'll explain the plot of a fanfiction that I haven't written but daydream about.
ok anon since i dont know you i wont put au thoughts on you to burden you im sorry.
either way, another fic i think about a lot is this idea that obito goes to see gai post war. they didnt really know each other as children beacuse gai was shunned by so many and obito was also kinda isolated in the uchiha district, but either way. they have a talk about life and shit and everything, which ends with obito sort of on his knees a little ? like hefalls down at least, he apologises for what happened to neji, for everything really. its clear that it all weighs heavy on his mind. it sort of ends in obito saying "he was just a kid" and then gai replying "so were you" beacuse gai does understand what grooming does to a kid, and even if he cant forgive obito at least they can understand one another. grown men crying in each others arms etc etc
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sapchats · 11 months
you like sapnap and i hope me and him both get stranded on an island somewhereand in our quest for survival hefalls deeply in love with me and wehave island babies and staytohegether forever we are not the same
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iamdarcylewis · 3 years
@hefall​ said: “why are you standing on the counter?” From Small/Tall Sentences.
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“Listen, listen.” She didn’t have a valid reason. Well she wanted to feel taller but she wasn’t going to say that. “I wanted to see the top of the fridge.” What the fuck.
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susie-dreemurr · 3 years
god. GOD. Ekko was such a cheerful kid he felt so real like one of my younger cousins from the countryside (I think this is what ppl call it?) and then he has to watch his father figure die and his friends’ dad get kidnapped and when he freed Vi (the one he seems to look up to the most out of the siblings) he’s just sad hefalls in the embrace and tells her everything and she resolves to go free Vander but then they all die and powder goes to silco’s side and he’s left alone with all his family dead but still he is kind he finds his people and builds a community of healing and tries his best to fight the corruption and is so good even when the world beat him down even if he’s not that cheerful anymore he is still him.
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avatarfandompolice · 5 years
How Katara fall in love with Aang?
hefall she in love Katara because yes thank
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ipixelos · 6 years
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Hefalent - Bradbury (requested)
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divineslcyer · 2 years
❝  i don’t feel like a whole person without you anymore.  i don’t fucking care if anyone else would say about that.  you’re part of who i am now.  the most important piece of me.  ❞
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IT’S  ALL  ABOUT  THE  YEARNING  -- @hefalls
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Lucifer was everything, beautiful and proud and radiant, oh so radiant that it hurt her eyes and heart to look upon him. He was the chosen favorite of the heavens, destined to watch over them all and man, perfected by their creator and borne to lead and rule.
She fought hard, aspired to be like him. He was the best of them all. How could she compare? It did not deter her, it strengthened her resolve. Her wish and will to be near him, and give him support. 
He had laughed when they were younger, shoulders not yet wide and strong enough to endure the weight of heaven’s crown. She treasured that sound, held it like a cherished secret as she sought precious moments between lessons. The garden was their favorite place, where they’d speak of their dreams and ambitions.
Time is but a heartbeat, constant and quick, sweeping away each moment until he grew quieter and his gaze more severe. She fought and trained, and she saw less and less of the garden and his smile. Mikha’el gained her name from the whispers of flames and her gift to bend the light, her righteous spirit.
He called her name, and she reached for him until he caught her hands. Tension was high, the rift between man and divine had blurred. Chaos and disorder threatened the domain, and it terrified her. It hurt her. The creator was angry. War was imminent, and new laws were being forged into place. They could not be seen being so close.
❝ We can not be as we were. ❞
It was a warning. A pleading and prayer from her lips. Lucifer’s hold tightened, his gaze dark and foreboding, drawing her closer as his wings blanketed over them both.
❝  i don’t feel like a whole person without you anymore.  i don’t fucking care if anyone else would say about that.  you’re part of who i am now.  the most important piece of me.  ❞
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His words were like an arrow through her heart. Fierce and swift, breaking through the wall she’d been building between them, only for him to tear it down. A cold chill shot down her spine, causing her feathers to bristle.❝ You can’t--You can’t choose me. ❞ Oh by the heaven’s and the cosmos, she could feel her eyes brim with tears. ❝ You will be punished for such words! Everything is being torn apart, we need you here to bring order--to restore and guide the lost--❞
Tears rolled down her cheeks, and though she wanted to push him away, her hands clung to his robes. His hands swept through her hair, framing her face as he kissed away her tears. It was like as if he were kissing away her growing sins, baptizing her anew--it only made her heart heavier.
❝ We will be punished-- ❞ The words leave her in a frightful whisper, and he hushes her with a reverent kiss as thunder rumbled overhead and clouds roiled with the beginning signs of roiling rage.
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axisdescending · 7 years
u19 Preview
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One of the biggest additions is the way the camera will function from here on out. Larger areas tend to pose a navigation problem, visually. In tighter areas the camera’s distance is appropriate but when you reach those giant sprawling environments you need to be able to take in more of that world and see where you can go, where you’re heading and key points of interest. Now, the camera steps back a bit in those areas to resolve those issues.
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A new upgrade is available and spread throughout the world called “Chalices”. These objects are normally hidden behind the same illusory purple magic that hides away hidden treasures and other objects. For now, it’ll be unlocked right away, but these act as more of an endgame upgrade to make traversal easier. If you are nearby one you can use the magic key to teleport to it and launch yourself in the air. Think Specter Knight. Shortcuts, effectively. Like getting the Space Jump/Screw Attack in Super Metroid and discovering yourself able to float your way through levels with ease.
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More tool interactions with enemies/objects! Use that sneaky Magnus Glove to pull the Guard’s shield away and make them vulnerable. Use those Bombs to blow up MORE walls and debilitate your enemies. Experiment to see what works best and discover what enemies are weak against!
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Foreground elements. Every area in the game has been given foreground art that, in my opinion, really ties the room together.
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Armor sets, instead of picking and choosing individual armor pieces, makes a return. Additionally, further scope cutting measures have resulted in Dual/Polearm weapons being removed from the game. This means the Longsword weapon type is getting a few new attacks and skins! It simplifies things, placing more focus on the balance of physical and magical attacks and the way they impact the environment and combat.
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New enemies! More lively environments really need this sort of thing. More flora/fauna! Slimes are just one example of this and are accompanied by Hefals (goat cow bull things) and other crawlies.
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crimsonizedangel · 3 months
Alright here is chapter 4 I know that there’s more on the actual Wattpad story but I’m a little slow on sharing them over here. Again please any feedback is greatly appreciated.
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peywendi · 4 years
In light of what the Deir-ez-Zor regions witnessed during the past few days of a series of assassinations that affected the sheikhs and notables of the region's tribes, especially the assassination of the sheikh of al-Akkidat tribe, Mutashar al-Hefal, and accusing SDF of these acts; Reactions against... via Peywendi
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newsdoorway · 6 years
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morgixna-blog · 10 years
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             ┊ ✿ ;; " Is this correct? "  she asked, holding up the circle                            of flowers that she had finally managed to weave together.
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divineslcyer · 2 years
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❝ Those Scars... ❞
Even after all these centuries, lifetimes that have passed in the blink of an eye. She knew immediately the story to each scar that was revealed before her gaze. Knew its start, and end with an intimacy that frightened something in her yet stirred at something equally possessive. A contradiction. She’d scarred him. Those were her marks.-It’s complicated, Origin Verse.
Permission to @hefalls  [ Personals DO NOT INTERACT]
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