#heh rotate
garlic-sauc3 · 1 year
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aphoticfirefly · 18 days
the spirits of the forest have been speaking. They desire me as a sacrifice, but inkblade headcanons will save me. Will you please help??
Oh dear spirits of the forest please extend your kindness and spare my friend for i have brought you these humble offerings of inkblade headcanons for your liking and possibly, entertainment. 🙏 Okay first of all, ive had too many that it is now like a separate (canon to ME) timeline from the actual show but!!!
first and foremost we all think this: oisin hakinvar is a lover boy. truly the most, down bad i-will-worship-the-land-you-walk-in lover boy. adaine would talk about wanting to pummel him (rage crystaled oisin) in the face for what he did and he'd be okay with that. only if its her.
he is also, lovingly, a boy failure. he'd be the type to work himself up into that cool persona we saw him at the first seacaster party.
i had this one canon complicit idea that adaine would actually pursue him post party in the way that, as a person who has always put herself aside for everything, for her family, for her friends, she'd let herself have this one time to actually want something, someone. and i trust that adaine is a freaking vault that nobody would actually know until its too late. ⛈️(this is supported by the fact that we only saw adaine's full devastation once that sending spell came. our girl was holding out hope for him even after knowing he was a rat grinder and all the other allegations to their name)
on a lighter note, oisin would definitely text her out of nowhere at night "what type of ice cream flavor do you like?" while he's out at a convenience store. he'd definitely cast fly on himself to be able to deliver the goodies up on her wizard tower :)
following a mutual on twt's headcanon of adaine picking up embroidering, id think she'd definitely be lowkey in confessing or more so admitting how she feels. like perhaps, fixing a spot in oisin's clothes by embroidering a flower of love (purple lilacs, they mean first love)
id love for adaine and oisin to get matching wizarding tattoos once they get together, the type where they get an even extra buff if they're within a certain proximity to each other!! would literally be so cool!!
thinking of adaine playfully punching oisin after hearing his cringey joke by going "what, no furious fists this time?"
its canon to me that oisin in his public social media will barely post while having his priv (with only ivy in it) to react to adaine's public selfies (loser)
oh and oisin's feelings for adaine (that in rage crystal mode got warped into obsession) is definitely definitely connected to dragonborns having traits deeply rooted to honor and how at the pursuit of excellence it only takes another more talented strong wizard for oisin to take notice of our girl.
i totally word vomited this is a lot and i dont think i have said everything but i dont know how else to say anything i hope this helped free you anon! stay away from the spirits of the forest next time!!
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anewp0tat0 · 1 year
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well well well, happy 200th chapter of Black Butler! it's been a long, long time~
I am happy to participate in @bibyshitsuji24k 's 200th chapter event, where I chose to redraw one of my old works! in reality, the first art I did of black butler was a Grelle drawing that.... it way too bad 😶 but this is actually the second piece I did! or atleast the second I posted to the animo. I had found this DIY sticker procedure and I decided to try it out. it was really fun at the time! even if I now see they turned out... not great😅
so I was very thrilled to recreate that process after almost 4 years!! it was a little different than last time, I must have used different wax paper last time cause I swear it was lighter. but otherwise, I think I improved :D
wait I think I was supposed to use tracing paper... better to look at the directions next time.
I'll update is I ever find a good place to stick them :]
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captainshyguy · 19 days
[running in circles] i appear to be experiecing blorbo illness type 2
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epicdogymoment · 2 months
pinocchiop was right. about every song too
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carlyraejepsans · 2 years
It's the perfect time of year
Somewhere far away from here
I feel fine enough, I guess
Considering everything's a mess
There's a restaurant down the street
Where hungry people like to eat
I could walk, but I'll just drive
It's colder than it looks outside
It's like a dream you try to remember but it's gone then ya (Pinch me)
Try to scream but it only comes out as a yawn when ya (Pinch me)
Try to see the world beyond your front door (Cuz I'm still asleep)
Take your time because the way I rhyme's gonna make you smile when ya (Please God)
Realize that with a guy my size it might take a while just to (Tell me)
Try to figure out what all this is for (I'm still asleep)
It's the perfect time of day
To throw all your cares away
Put the sprinkler on the lawn
And run through with my gym shorts on
Take a drink right from the hose
And change into some drier clothes
Climb the stairs up to my room
Sleep away the afternoon
On an evening such as this
It's hard to tell if I exist
If I packed a car and leave this town
Who'll notice that I'm not around?
I could hide out under there
I just made you say "underwear"
I could leave but I'll just stay
All my stuff's here anyway
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sylvies-kablooie · 1 day
the sleep may be fleeting!! and the pain may be persistent!! but by talos, if we don't put those Characters™ into those Scenarios™, who will?
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apollotronica · 7 days
iwould kinda suck at song recs bcuz i just go off what i like and not .... The person ...... i guess ..........
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Also alsooo so the teeth musical that is in the works (idk where this idea is going but ya know its fun :]) needed songs and one of the idea we’ve come up with is ‘Netflix and Drill’ which is a song for the two lovers of the story which is Betty and Ora (ora is a placeholder name at the moment) and its when Betty pulls out a drill from her pocket and tries to murder Ora :]
(this idea has been in my mind all day so there is no context to this due to the plot not being figured out that much. and spoilers/j :D)
OH HELL YEAH I REMEMBER THIS!! love netflix and drill that’s awesome /gen and i am slowly beginning to remember the plot hehe yes yes
also lark come up with a story that doesn’t involve murder lesbians challenge /j/lh/silly
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uncaught-coolfish · 1 year
actually so nuts about my own fic btw. not apologizing just stating the facts
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The whole giri-ninjo part of the discussion you guys were having scratches a particular itch in my brain! I love all of it but I personally have been caught on that one line for quite a while with Mine.
I'm going to defer mostly to Tenno's interpretation since I'm not particularly studied, but I have some brain-worms about what exactly the concept of giri-ninjo means to Mine specifically.
Giri is a fun word to try and define. It's not just moral obligation, it's societal expectations and informs the kind of loyalty and friendly behavior that comes with business, duty, etc. In gift-giving, there's the obligation to return a gift with another, sending cards out for holidays, etc. It's not negative but it is again, obligation, and built a lot on either reciprocal action or simply the rules of society. Ninjo is quite literally "human feelings", so it encompasses emotions such as love and compassion that can inform giri, or even be in conflict with it. The giri-ninjo value system of what we owe to each other, reliance on one another, is inherent in the dependence bonds that Tenno mentioned.
I believe Mine says something along the lines of how he hates people (Kiryu) who live their lives only on that principle alone. This is really interesting to me, as in a way giri-ninjo seems to define exactly the type of bonds that Mine specifically sought out in the yakuza. Why would he despise it?
For one, he could think Kiryu foolish to believe that he can build his life entirely around these bonds that Mine finds to be fallible and subject to be taken away at any moment. I feel like on top of rejecting interdependence for individualism, there's also the matter of giri mixed in. Mine is quite familiar with relationships built entirely on obligation, especially in a business setting. Relationships where people are kind to one another not because they particularly care, but because it's simply something that you have to do as part of society- the kind of thing that results in the betrayal Mine felt at his former workplace.
Mine wants to care about someone and be cared about, not a concern compelled by duty or the sense that you owe each other. I suppose one could read relationships like this as not only unreliable but also as false. It's the most uncharitable interpretation of giri, but not one that I would put past Mine.
There's a lot more I could spam abt it but it's ground already covered and this is getting long anyway haha. Again don't take this like 1000% seriously I'm only really a native speaker in household conversational and had to learn the rest by aggressively pestering my family for their takes on scenes in Yakuza, and even then people have their own personal reading of things. I just wanted to send bc these thoughts have been spinning in my brain ever since I heard the line the first time.
This kind of interpretation's pretty sensible (if that's the right word anyway) honestly; it's definitely a fair and just assessment, and makes a whole lot of sense in regards to Mine, his wants, and his philosophy! I'm definitely a fan of this exploration of the subject..
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tortoisesshells · 1 year
no account of moral consequences, of arbitrary conditions which we create (1899, G, Maura Franklin-centric triple-drabble/300 words, light spoilers for S1, title from Kate Chopin’s The Awakening because.)
Maura Franklin, somewhere in the North Atlantic, 1899. 
She is Maura Franklin – she tells herself this in the morning, when the grey light of dawn wakes her – she sees it in the book-plate of the volume splayed across her chest. Maura Franklin. Her mother’s name before her. She is Maura Franklin. She is Maura Franklin.
Read the Rest on AO3!
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hi yes i'll take uh 7000
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windblume · 2 years
today was the last day of school and a girl in my choir walked up to me and was like hey i just wanted u to know i rlly loved all the outfits u wore this semester and i was like OMG😢 and then during last period a different girl came up to me and was like just so u know i think ur really pretty i wanted to tell u all semester and i was like OMG😢. i almost started crying both times btw.
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hiddleyheh · 2 years
besties help my hands can barely keep up with all the fic scene redraws i wanna do
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what-omens · 2 years
yeah sure im screaming, yelling, crying, wailing, etc. but even more importantly it is critical for you to know i am chillin’.
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