#hehe. whistles innocently
kquil · 8 months
SUM : it's your chance to make amends and push aside your selfish desires - your heart will ache but they're worth it 
TAGS. : modern au ; muggle au ; tattoo artist james potter ; piercer remus lupin ; angst ; idiots in love ; unexpected turn of events ; sirius is the main character here ; jk jk ; it's you~ hehe~ ; you'll see what i mean ; wolfstar have a heated argument ; i almost cried writing it ; i hate seeing them like that ; poor james ; james needs a hug ; regulus makes an appearance! ; dramatic sirius black ; regulus is a good brother ; sirius being an instigator ; we love him for it though ; you can't just leave them again! ; no fluff here kiddos ; but kiddos stay away! ; just cover your innocent eyes! 
LENGTH : 3.7k
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“You’re disgusting,” Sirius manages an indifferent glance over at his younger brother before resuming his miserable, unmoving position on the sofa — Regulus’ sofa. The obvious detachment Sirius has to the situation only stirs his younger brother’s bubbling anger, “It’s almost been a full month! And you’re letting yourself rot away on my sofa; get a hold of yourself!” No response. Regulus shakes his head with a drawn out sigh, “you usually don’t stay around this long whenever there’s an argument… I wonder what’s happened this time…”
Deeming his older brother completely hopeless, Regulus returns to his sparse but sleek kitchen just as the kettle whistles its readiness to be poured for tea.   
Sirius breaths an audible sigh and grimaces at the stench of his breath. The mix of excessive alcohol, countless cigarettes and mountains of junk food didn’t make for a good concoction on his tongue, definitely not for fresh breath. When was the last time he had brushed his teeth? He brings a hand up to push straggling strands of hair away from his view but grumbles when the curls had knotted up too much for him to comb his hair back uninterrupted. Stone grey eyes look down at his figure, stagnant and pale, weighed heavy from low spirits. 
What followed the night you left their flat was the worst fight they have ever had. It was mainly between him and Remus while James remained in the background, too downhearted to contribute anything to the verbal warfare happening before him. He was spoiled with love since birth. As an only child with loving parents, who never fought in front of him, whenever Sirius and Remus argued, James was left paralysed with despair. It was always shocking to him how nasty those fights became; his parents never fought like that. Sirius could see it in his sweet hazel eyes that James wanted desperately to have peace but didn’t know how to steer things in that direction. He had tried before, many times, to defuse the situation but both Sirius and Remus were too stubborn and hot-headed from the argument as well as their suddenly stark differences in opinion to back down. 
As unfortunate as it is to think about, these fights happened often, recurring in the same exact way – originating from opposing opinions, primarily between him and Remus. They would try to keep it together but it would just keep piling up until someone snaps and then there’s no dispelling their disputes. James either takes a side or none at all (usually the later) and Sirius storms out of the flat to stay with Regulus. 
He should feel guilty for being such a burden to his younger brother. He should have more pride in himself than to allow Regulus to ever see him in such a depressed and unpleasant state. Lack of hygiene, self care and self maintenance manifests into something so repulsive and unsightly, Sirius would usually be back and making amends within a week or two – encouraged by his own lack of cleanliness and his commitment to run from the disease of laziness. 
But it’s been more than that now. Nearly a month, Regulus says. Time just passes by, slow and tolerant, so unlike him, and yet, Sirius still managed to lose complete track of it. This is the longest they’ve ever had a dispute without reconciling.  
His own stubbornness is definitely a factor. He had been right all along. If only they, mostly Remus, had listened to him. James was fully on board but Remus was stubbornly defiant and managed to convince the former otherwise. 
“Do you think she’s the type of person who would embrace such an unconventional relationship with open arms?!”
“That’s not what I’m saying, Moony,” Sirius grits his teeth, his inner thoughts and reasoning ached to be heard and let out coherently. In his mind, it all made sense to do things the way he suggests, so why couldn’t his boyfriend understand him?! It doesn’t even seem like he’s trying to listen to him at this point! “She won’t understand if we don’t say anything to her! We have to be forward and bold! Do it now before something happens!”
“Nothing. Is. Going. To. Happen!”
“How can you be so sure? We need to be honest with her, it’s not fair to her and it’s, frankly, deceitful to keep her in the dark about all this!”
“We can’t be too sure that she’ll accept us. If that happens then we’ll never see her again– I don’t want that, do you?!” 
“We won’t know unless we say something, do something, anything!”
“Please just trust me, Siri,” Remus begs, his loud voice lowering to a soft plea, his beautiful brown eyes no longer fierce or piercing but kind and warm again, with a hint of fear. Sirius can sympathise with that creeping terror, an anxiety that wants to swallow you whole and keep you in a dark abyss for eternity, “I don’t want to frighten her…”
The first time, Sirius gave in, weak for his love and weak for the reasoning behind his proposal on the matter concerning you. The dark-haired tattooist couldn’t fault his lover for that but, in hindsight, he should have argued his side more, maybe then, you wouldn’t have disappeared like that…
“Hey, your phone won’t stop pinging,” Regulus alerts, appearing out of thin air and surprising Sirius enough to sit up and alert with wide eyes, “will you finally read their messages to you?” with some reluctance, Sirius reaches for his phone and proceeds to look through his messages while Regulus takes a seat opposite him, a steaming cup of tea in hand.
The younger Black brother was just about to begin reading another one of his classic novel favourites when a rush of air flew by him, ruffling the small strands of hair and whipping about the billowing steam from his mug of tea. Moments later, the sound of his shower turning on full blast echos through his flat and a smile graces his lips. 
“It’s about time…”
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Lingering guilt had plagued you all night long and you barely managed to get a wink of sleep. It, however, meant that you were able to better prepare lunch for the boys the following day. While cooking, you abandon all negative feelings to focus on only the good, not wanting any harmful emotions to diffuse into the food and saturate it with bad tastes. Your eyebags weren’t a pretty sight but it was easily fixable with a touch of makeup. 
You tried to look your best for the day. Fortunately, the early summer sun inspired your motivations further. Yes, you’ve made the terrible mistake of selfishly pushing them away to nurse your own battered soul and unrequited feelings, but this was your time to make amends, to make things right… to see Sirius again. 
You never felt right after you accused him of cheating on Remus and James with each other, only to find out that he was far more loving and loyal than that. You were embarrassed and ashamed to have ever thought so negatively about him, jumping to conclusions like an immature, thoughtless child. It was wonderful seeing James and Remus again, your heart was practically soaring in your chest as it disregarded all lingering feelings of misery and dejection. But now, your chest felt incredibly tight as your heart ached to catch a simple glimpse of Sirius.  
You carefully pack away the lovingly prepared food and desserts into your largest, most durable shopping bag before getting dressed. It was only natural that you managed to make more than you usually made for the boys, seeing as you wanted to spoil them rotten after being so childish the last few weeks. Since the weather was pleasant, you opted for a cute mini dress with a light, flowy material that was comfortable and soft. Over top, you wore a cropped cardigan that had long sleeves, enough to reach past your fingertips. For jewellery, you wore a simple necklace and slipped into a strappy pair of mid-heeled platforms that weren’t too tall. Casual but cute. 
Approaching the studio doors, your grip on the strap of your bag tightens and your breath hitches. They hadn’t taken the notice down and the bold, red letters of their ‘CLOSED’ sign glared at you angrily. 
Were they inside? Should you knock? Neither Remus or James actually agreed to your sudden choice to meet for lunch the night before. Did this mean that they didn’t want you to be in their lives anymore?... But… but you wanted to make things right! You wanted to apologise! You want to be friends with them again! You’ll tell them right away – tell them how you would do anything just to remain by their side, even if it’s just as a friend, you’ll be happy for them! You won’t be selfish anymore, you won’t covet anything more than friendship with them, that’s all you want! Not that they’ve ever heard of your true desires—
“Well?” A familiar voice speaks up behind you, putting an abrupt end to your panicked inner monologue, “Aren’t you going to knock?” 
Swiftly spinning in place, you smile brightly at the biker and tattooist standing before you, dressed in all black, with heavy, lace-up boots and his signature leather jacket, “Sirius!” 
He doesn’t breathe a word to you, eyeing your hefty bag before briefly meeting your eyes and making his way over. His long strides made it so that he reached you in no time but he didn’t stop. With a light gasp, he had backed you up into the left of their studio’s double-door front entrance. You held your breath and kept your eyes shut tight, not knowing what to do as your heart pounded deafeningly against your eardrums. 
A moment passes and you feel his hand brush against yours before your portly bag of packed food is taken from you. A wave of relief washed over your aching shoulder as the weight disappeared but such a diminutive alleviation of discomfort couldn’t swamp the trepidation in your heart. Sirius was different. 
“Let’s head inside,” he had opened the right hand door and easily slipped through with your bag. Alone and in the quiet, you felt like crying. You wanted to cry, desperately but you knew that it would offer little to no reassurance. So, with a heavy heart, you followed Sirius inside and closed the studio door behind you. 
The air was stale but, in it, lingered a familiar scent that you had come to love, it was a clean, almost clinical smell from the regular use of disinfectant and bleach. You love this parlour so much, it was filled with so many good memories, ones of soft affection through tender words and gentle caresses. Despite the earlier interaction, you couldn’t help but smile just from the wave of romantic sentiment washing over you. 
“You’re here,” Remus greets with a tired smile as James sits on the opposite end of the sofa with a shy grin directed towards you, his hazel eyes looking elsewhere.
“Sorry if I’m late,” you managed a weak smile, “I didn’t know if the door was open or not. Thankfully, Sirius was there to help me in,” Sirius didn’t sit down despite the many available seating spaces and chose to lean his back against a far wall, instead. James couldn’t meet your eyes and Remus was sneakily massaging his temple as he leaned his face against his large hand, “let’s eat, shall we? I hope you guys are hungry,”  
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It was never this awkward. Or quiet. Especially when sharing your homemade lunch together. James would usually be giving you endless praise through large, mid-chewed mouthfuls while Sirius laughed at the ridiculous sounds and faces he’d pull trying to speak coherently through the mouthful of food, and Remus would shake his head, his amusement by the display evident in the warm glimmer of his eyes. However, James doesn’t have as big of an appetite today and Sirius stands alone with his tupperware, barely touching his food. Remus is the only one eating a substantial amount besides you. Although, you’ve gradually slowed your own chewing. 
What have you done?... 
What happened to all of you?
Your shame brought your gaze down, making your head weigh heavier than usual as you give up on communicating anything with the boys. This wasn’t how it was meant to go…what should you do now? The pain in your heart was unbearable. 
Shoulders slumped and confidence dried up, you struggled to think of what to do. You should have prepared a speech or something. It was naive of you to think that simply coming over with a homemade lunch would fix anything. Things are never going to be the same, no matter how much you hope and pray for them to be. 
You’re hopeless… completely and utterly hopeless…
This was your worst fear come to life. You had feared rejection but seeing them unloving towards each other, barely communicating and broken apart, your stomach collapsed in on itself as your heart fell to a million pieces. You didn’t utter a single word of loving them romantically aloud and yet, you still managed to get in between their relationship. This was a sentiment of how selfish of a person you are. 
How could you do this to them?! They were your friends, who saved you from the worst night of your life, and you repay them like this?! Shameful. Disgusting. You don’t think you could ever look at yourself in the mirror again.  
The skirt of your mini dress blurs on your lap and you have to bite your lip to keep from sobbing out loud. The tears, however, you couldn’t stop them. Hopefully, they’re all too distracted to see you silently weeping and you can gather yourself before turning tail and running out of there. 
Today is a complete disaster—
“Don’t cry, angel, please!” James jumps up and rushes to your side, kneeling down at your feet as he takes your hands in his and tries to meet your gaze through the puddle of tears in your eyes. His words immediately catch Remus and Sirius’ attention and they both begin to make their way over, evident worry swimming in their eyes but you refuse to acknowledge any of that as your mind drowns in all manner of negative thought.  
You shake your head, hearing the flurry of footfalls around you and wishing them away silently, “I shouldn’t have come here today…” you whisper. 
“What was that?” James patiently asks, voice soft and sweet and kind, it makes you want to fall into his arms.
“I’m sorry,” you speak clearer and stand abruptly, “enjoy the lunch,” the haste and sorrow in your shaking voice makes their heart drop and they’re brought back to that fateful night once more. You don’t meet their eyes as you turn and push past them to leave, almost running through the hallway of their studio just to reach the door and make a quick escape. 
“THIS!” Sirius’ roaring voice suddenly cuts through the studio like a knife, making you stop in your tracks and turn around slowly. The door to the lounge room was still open, before it Sirius and Remus stood in an aggressive confrontation, both taking on a defensive stance as they faced each other, all while James remained in the background, clutching at his head as he slumped forward on the sofa, “THIS IS WHAT I MEANT! IF YOU HAD JUST LISTENED TO ME–” 
“I DIDN’T SAY WHAT I SAID WITHOUT REASON SIRIUS! YOU KNOW MY EXACT THOUGHTS ABOUT ALL THIS!” Remus shouts back, the veins in his neck bulging out from his fierce anger, the blood rushing in his cheeks making him look just about ready to violently explode. 
“—YOU CAN’T FAULT ME FOR THAT!” Remus continues, not allowing Sirius to speak.   
You’re horrified at the scene. Sirius and Remus look ready to tear each other apart as James looks on hopelessly, not knowing what to do or how to diffuse the situation, completely torn between supporting one or the other. Without thinking, you rush back and skid to a stop between the two hot-blooded men. Their fuming rage was like a turbulent inferno whose flames licked viciously at your skin, ready to burn you and spread the hostility. 
“The both of you need to calm down!” you shout, pushing them away from each other and creating a safe distance between. Your tears had already run dry, replaced by the trembling terror shaking your limbs. 
“Don’t worry about us Dove,” Remus manages to voice through gritted teeth, his glowering eyes never leaving Sirius’, “you can leave and we’ll sort this out,”
“Sort this out like usual huh?—”
“—Don’t taunt me, Sirius,”
“That won’t solve anything, you idiot!” Sirius flings his arms up and James just barely manages to pull you away from being accidentally hit. Neither of the two seem to notice and James expresses his apology in lovingly nuzzling your temple, his lips puckering to kiss your skin but refraining and stepping away abruptly. You try not to feel the heartache his actions elicit in you.
“SHUT UP!” you’ve never heard Remus sound so angry and venomous before, it makes your heart stutter in fear and worry. You can’t leave now; this disagreement can’t end well without some form of intervention and James isn’t fairing too well with that – he needs someone there for him too, just to feel, somewhat, grounded through all of this, “She doesn’t have to hear all of this!”
“We wouldn’t have to be saying ‘all of this’ if you had. Just. LISTENED. TO. ME!”
“You’re being ridiculous!”
“Ridiculous?!” Sirius growls lowly, his countenance scrunching up into a foul expression —an antithesis to his elegant features, “I’ll show you!” it was then that Sirius turns to face you and approaches with purpose in his long strides, unstopping like he did earlier when outside the studio. 
Sirius backs you up into the wall behind you, “—Everything Could Have Been As Easy As Doing This!” you didn’t know what to prepare yourself for but Sirius firmly gripping your chin and pulling you into a deep kiss was not one of them. In your shock, you let out a surprised but muffled moan, slowly falling into the blissful embrace and reciprocating eagerly. 
Did you faint earlier? Was this all a dream?... 
…Dream or not, you like this very much!  
James and Remus watch at the bold display, disbelief shining clear in their eyes as Sirius has his way with you. But you don’t see them, you don’t see anyone or anything, all you know is that Sirius kisses like an experienced lover from fantasy and he wasn’t shy about loving you up. Not knowing what to do with your hands, you let Sirius guide them over your head to cuff your wrists together with his large hand, his other snaking around your waist to pull you closer and deepen the kiss. 
He tastes like spearmint gum and smokey cigarette smoke, his lips tinted in cherry lip balm for sweetness. What an addictive taste. You can’t get enough. 
But air is a necessity and just as you were beginning to run out of breath, Sirius pulls away, panting heavily. He doesn’t wait for a single second to pass before diving his head into your neck, where he peppers feathery but fervid kisses along your sensitive skin and smiles to himself when you slip out a moan. You sound beautiful. He needs to hear more. Sirius doesn’t stop, he sucks and licks and kisses and nuzzles along your neck like the tease he is, drawing out every quivering whimper and pretty moan you were desperately trying to contain. 
You keep your eyes tightly shut, too embarrassed to meet the eyes of Remus or James. Their gaze on you left behind a searing, phantom mark that developed into a displeasing itch. An itch that could only be satisfied if they kissed you too.
…So selfish. God! When will you stop?!
Ashamed of your gradually increasing volume, you seal your mouth shut in a stubborn attempt to suppress your pleasure. How did his lips and tongue feel so good on your skin? His touch made your knees weak and your legs shake, without his support, you don’t think you would stay standing for long. 
Just as you were able to swallow every embarrassing sound that tried to escape, James was beside you, his warm breath on your cheek as he silently urged Sirius to give way, “you need help staying quiet, angel?” he whispers and doesn’t wait for an answer, briefly meeting your eyes before he’s closing them to kiss you sweetly. It started off sweet. Sweet and loving like James before suddenly becoming very dominating and overwhelming. You were being devoured and the thought was undeniably arousing. They were both on you, Sirius kissing away at your neck as James savoured the taste of your lips before bullying his way into your awaiting mouth. He swallowed your moans for you as Sirius defiantly persisted, urging you with seductive lips to make more.  
Overwhelmed but so content. 
You were drowning in bliss and you never wanted to break away from it. 
“DIDN’T I SAY!” Remus shouts, stopping all activity and leaving you strung up high as the boys slowly pull away, not too far but enough for all of you to meet Remus’ unreadable stare. The boys look over their shoulder to observe their commanding lover, their large frames tense before moving their eyes down and slowly smirking, the tension evaporating off their figures as you’re left to rebuild another tower of anxiety from your lower stomach, “Didn’t. I. Say. We. Were. Going. To. Savour. Her?”
Your shocked, wide-eyed stare meets Remus’ cool and, almost, unfeeling gaze. Once again, your knees buckled under you and you were caught by Sirius and James. Held in place by their hot, firm hands and the press of their toned physiques. 
What did he just say?
Unable to keep his stare, your eyes slowly fall down the tall brunette’s figure. Capturing his beautiful, full lips; taking in the delicious column on his neck; observing the wide expanse of his shoulders and chest; drifting down to gulp at his veiny arms and hands before landing on... 
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A/N : no fluff, but something better right? a little sneak peak on how i write spicy things but it's readable hehe~  
TAGLIST : @susyelectra @fangirlninja67 @pagesfalling @thepunisherfrankcastle @axeofwars @imarimon @in-love-with-4-marauders @chicken-taco-burrito @valencia-rou @feast0nmeee @lestat-whore @hvmxjjk @twilightlover2007 @diaryofabiwoman @woohoney @celestialfantasiess @willbedecided @lovelyygirl8 @iiirhiane-g @mangodamochiii @queerqueenlynn @l3xiluve @brain-has-left @bunbunbl0gs @kneelforloki @citrusiove @virtualbuni @awkward-d3rs3-dr3amer @that1nerd-20 @wolfstar4everbitches @skepvids @dearmy-diary @littledollfacebaby @mylifeisnothing @em16cor @krazyk99 @imdoingbetternow @realalpacorn @remussbitch @swiftieeras1989 @lonely-nerd-sodaholic @canthavetoomuchchaos @rckstrbee @b-i-h-i @ennycutie @kneelforloki @theteaobsessedbug @padfoot1313 @d1gital-data @venezsuwayla @melllinaa
1K notes · View notes
coconutdays · 10 days
bed chem
s. part one! of frat president Toji Zenin being your school crush and you his ! this is the same Toji from my Seat Taker universe hehe
toji zenin has rescinded himself to the thought that you are too pure for him. its not some sort of pervy thing where he think you'd be a prude to bed or boring to talk to, but it pains him to think about bringing his not so innocent ways into the life of the girl that's always got a soft smile in her eyes when she's speaking to anyone and wearing the most put together outfits.
he knows you notice him during the overlap of time that both of you spend studying in the school library. every time he heads out before you for class, there's a fleeting moment of eye contact he makes with you before he looks away as if he couldn't care less.
but you don't know this and simply hold some shame that he always catches you looking at him when he leaves, never choosing to give you a smile in return or any sort of positive reaction. all you know is that you get extremely nervous when you end up on an elevator with him and other university students, squished up right in front of him.
his chest hits your back and you pray to god that he can't hear or feel your heart pounding
unbeknownst to you, toji pays no mind to that and is too busy resisting the urge to roll his eyes back in pleasure over the rich smell of your perfume.
when the elevator door opens, much to his horrible luck, toji sees the idiot of his fellow frat member Satoru and his best friend Suguru standing in front of the entrance.
the forced look of carelessness in the frat president's face is no deterrent to his pledge, who smirks knowingly at you and him, even going as far as letting his gaze wander on you as you usher out like a small mouse.
the symbiotic duo start walking with toji, who can't resist the curt sentence that leaves his mouth.
"weren't you idiots going down."
"ah we were but I just wanted to know since when you were screwing the hottie from my math class." the white haired pomeranian speaks in a breathy tone, smile evident even though toji wasn't looking at him
"fuck off. i haven't been screwing anyone."
"then what's up with the boner." satoru bites back, "and the whole 'very obviously being aware of each other but ignoring it' thing?"
toji almost walks into a table, gruffly asking "that girl's in your math class?"
"forget about her then.” the president tosses his backpack on a table and moves to take out his laptop from it
“Is that my frat prez asking?” Satoru fake pouts
A single mean look his way and Satoru smirks, “fine mr prez” before retreating
A couple weeks later the same fiend struts into their fraternity's private gym, interrupting Toji's jiu jitsu training session
"you owe me that bulk pack of toblerone we saw at Costco." he whistles while swinging his phone around
sweaty, toji peaks over his brows, "the hell, why would I."
one very calculated and perhaps spoiled toss, and toji seamlessly catches satoru's phone
"I did get some help from the weird kid with glasses who suggested we all make a group chat to study for the mid-term together." satoru sighed dreamily, "but there she is, in all her hotness."
what toji was looking back at, was your instagram profile, in all its beauty
god, he didn't know you could smile like that
and that's your name
toji didn't even realize how long he had been staring until satoru yanked the phone away from him and clicked a few buttons on his phone
"jeez, prez if you were into her that bad why didn't you go up to her already," he says before stuffing his phone back into his pocket, "I sent you her profile so you can stalk and stare all you want."
later when he's in bed and doing his regular phone scroll, he takes the time to fully inspect your profile
he's subconsciously grateful for the opportunity now because he's never gotten to stare at you this much before. it enables him to further fall for you, much to his dismay.
you’re beautiful and sexy and pretty and everything good.
and there’s more on your stories
he’s viewing your first highlight. sucking in a breath at every picture because he can’t stand how good looking you are.
he needs you bad
you in a pink dress, you in a pretty yellow blouse, you in a sexy black dress, you in red kitten heels, you in skintight jeans, you in todays short denim skirt
wait, today?
his eyes zoom to when you posted that
3 hours ago
322 notes · View notes
Pairing: Mob Associate! Logan x Mob Associate! Fem! Reader
Word Count: 1.3k
Summary: Logan has always seemed to have his eye on you, more than any other of his fellow co-workers. The sulking man was no more than a brooding mystery to you-until he steals you away from some men who get a little too close for comfort. Mission... failed?
Warnings: Logan being possesive, a little controlling, pet names, swearing, mention of drugs, drinking and sexual implications, teasing etc
Authors Note: hi! is this going to be a series? no idea! i think it will be... i love the idea of logan and y/n being in a little mob, crime ganster thingy together. this is enemies to lovers ;) also sorry for the spam of content, i just really like writing for logan hehe
"i can't take it, take it, take no more- never felt like, felt like this before, come on get me on the floor- DJ what you, what you waiting for?"- till the world ends, britney spears
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“You’re hurting me.” you whined as Logan gripped your arm tightly, tugging you down a darkened hallway, the bright lights and loud, thumping music seeming to fade, as if someone had turned the volume all the way down.
His grip slightly loosened , but his pace never faltered. He glared at anyone who looked in your general direction, pulling you back into a quiet alcove.
“Why’d you do that?” you frowned, staring up into his darkened eyes that surveyed your body, as if he were looking for marks or slashes.
This mission wasn't supposed to be dangerous.
The men you worked with, and against were- yes, rather dangerous. But tonight? Your mission was simply to distract.
Be ‘eye- candy’ as Charles had told you, before the mob had split from the dingy office, the rest of the men leaving as quick as they arrived- except for Logan. You noticed he lingered by the doorway just a little longer, remaining in the shadows while you talked to Charles.
Logan, Scott and Hank would keep an eye out for Magneto, slipping into his office to grab the documents Charles needed to take down his whole operation, and get the money back that belonged to him.
You were supposed to distract any member of his crew.
Simple enough.
You had plenty of club experience, and the  fact you were still young and fun made dancing that much more easier. A sharp whistle escaped Hank's lips as you stepped out of your bunker room, eyes sweeping you down to take in your little mini skirt and black thigh high boots.
Logan, on the other hand- looked like he was going to start fuming.
“What? I’m supposed to distract.” you snickered, strutting past the group of men that followed every wish of your hips as you walked to the pack of motorcycles that waited for you.
Logan still hadn't let go of you just yet.
His eyes had been on you all night, watching you like a hawk from the balcony of the nightclub. It made your stomach twist in knots of confusion. Why he seemed to hunt you down- you didn't know.
He was quiet, stony and cold. He rarely showed emotion (except towards you, Hank had insisted, even though you didn't see it). And tonight it felt like the stakes had been raised.
You had eyed down a group of Magnetos men, a cat on the prowl as you drew them in with your eyes and your hips that swayed to the beat of the music. You had found yourself leaned against the chest of a man, as he grinded on you, holding your hips tightly.
White powder had found itself dusted around his nostrils, something herby smoking from the other man as they talked to you in low voices.
Trying to tempt you.
But before they could get very far, a firm grip had grabbed you, tugging you off the dance floor.
“Because they were getting too handsy.”
“Why do you care? It was my job. And you could’ve just fucked up the whole mission, thinking with your dick and not your brain.” you snorted, slightly tipsy from the shots you couldn't avoid taking under Magentos mens watch.
To them, you were just an innocent, ditsy party girl who fed off any attention a man would give you.
“We’ve got the documents, and we’re leaving.” he growled. You tried not to stare at his lips as he wet them, tongue darting out slightly.
“But the party’s just getting started! Don’t you wanna dance Mr. Howlett?” you asked teasingly, pushing him just that much further.
“Charles would kill you, and then me.”
“What, so now a girl can't dance? I did my job and I did it well. You’re not my boyfriend and neither is he, so why do you two give a shit?” you snapped, tugging your arm back out of his warm grasp.
He rolled his eyes, head turning to stare down a stranger that was just trying to go to the restroom.
“I give a shit if my enemy's men have their hands on you kid.”
“I’m not a kid.”
He looked you up and down, eyes lingering a little too long on your cleavage that popped out of your corset top, his eyes seeming to darken.
“No shit. So quit acting like one, and let's go. I'm supposed to look after you.”
“Says who?”
“Says Charles.”
You snorted, crossing your arms. “I don't need to be babied by him.”
“Well he's our boss, so I do what he says. We’re leaving. Hank and Scott are already almost back to the shop.”
You pursed your lips, clenching your thighs at the sight of him. He towered over you, annoyance and anger rolling off him in waves. You liked this whole pushing his buttons thing. You got a little thrill out of seeing how far you could go.
“Well I want to go dance. There are men over there, just begging to get a taste of me. I'm sure you could join them.” you raised an eyebrow, slipping around him to head back down the hallway towards the deep purple and blue lights.
“Don't you dare.” he growled.
“Awh Howlett are you jealous? How cute. Good thing you’re not the boss of me.”
You turned your back on him for no more than a split second, barely getting a stride in before his hand gripped your middle, spinning you around and flipping you up over his shoulder.
“THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU-” you scrambled, getting nowhere as he gripped your thighs harshly, turning on his heel to walk to the back exit. Whistling to himself, he shook his head at an alarmed passerby.
“She's drunk, I’m taking her home. Kids these days.” he smirked, and you struggled again to escape his grasp- failing.
The cool air hit your skin like a slap in the face as he shoved open the back door- the shot no longer protecting you from the chillness of the night. It didn't help that you barely had anything to cover you- and you haven't drank enough to be too drunk to care.
“Fine, if you're gonna be that way- I’ll just drive myself.” you snarled as you shimmed from his grasp- as he finally loosened his grip enough for you to escape. You headed towards your bike that stood propped up in the alleyway. You fought a shiver as a rush of wind brushed over you again, folding your arms tighter across yourself to try and barricade your exposed skin.
“Don't be stupid.” he stated, arm reached out- leather jacket in hand.
You turned, to simply stare at him, and the offering he gave you. You barely knew this man. Yet here he was, bossing you around and giving you his jacket as if he was yours.
It made your head hurt, to try and attempt his logic. “I can drive myself.”
“I'm sure you can. But youre not. We’ll get it in the morning.” he nodded to your bike, leather jacket still in hand.
He refused to let you win, and you were too tired to fight with him any longer. Plus, Charles was probably wondering where the fuck you two were, considering Hank and Scott would be back already, missing half the crew.
You took a breath, hesitantly reaching for the jacket. It was large, much too big for you, but it was warm as you slipped it on. It smelled like pine, smoke and whisky, and you couldn't help but breathe in the scent of well… him.
“I’m driving myself.”
“Do you really want me to pick you up again? You gonna stop acting like a lil brat?” he huffed, clearly growing tired of your antics. As if he hadn't been tired of them all night.
Oh well.
“Who do you think you are?!”
He sighed, hanging his head in disappointment. “Get on the back of the bike, kid. Dont fuck around, or you’ll find out.”
“Was that a threat, Mr.Howlett?”
He stared at you, large muscles flexing as he tried to hold himself back- from what, you didn't know.
His fuse was short. You liked to burn it out.
And you planned to do it the rest of the way home.
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yandere-sins · 5 months
Pssstt I have memes
The rest of TF141 when their lieutenant is flirting with a mercenary (KorTac Operator darling):
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Ghost having TF141 asking him about his business with a KorTac operator:
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König when his WORST NIGHTMARE (his precious platonic darling attracting another soldier) comes true:
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You guys would be surprised how much I actually think about how TF141 would react to the whole yandere/darling situation of one or more of their members. Because enviroment is important for story building, and—at least for Ghost—I do think a lot of the situations happens around a military base/camp, so there never is full privacy even behind closed doors.
[Warning for Sexual Content, Drug Mention, Stalking Mention, Abuse of Authority]
If Price is the yandere, I think he mostly has the "superior" advantage, as in, he can just keep his darling around for the sake of having taken them "under his wing." He's done it before, and the others have probably experienced it themselves that Price just cares for his underlings. Even if not, there's nothing wrong with someone more experienced teaching the newer recruits, right? 
There's nothing wrong with him having the darling tail him, giving them orders, checking on them. Sure, it's kind of weird when their revision of plans takes until late at night in Price's room, but eh. That's how it is on the job, right? And Price is just being nice and joking around as he does with everyone. Even if the jokes are somewhat inappropriate, at least everyone is getting along! Nobody has to know the dirty mess he makes of you all night long, the hand beneath his glove bloody from your bites as he hides the screaming and moaning of his name with it. And you learn quickly to sit still while having dinner, no matter where the very same hand goes underneath the table. You don't want to be punished again.
If Ghost is the yandere, it's a bit more complicated—and at the same time, easier. It's less of an authority powerplay and more of a difference of strength between his darling and him. You can report him—honestly, Ghost is kind of into that (good reason to punish you later, hehe). But Price wouldn't do more to one of his star soldiers than a verbal slap on the wrist. Ghost cares so little about others' opinions that it makes him look innocent. You might struggle against him, and the others will call him out if he plays too rough with you at the table. Still, he does what he wants anyway, making it seem like a joke when he pulls you on his lap, only to let you jump off it again right away. He knows he won the struggle; you know he won the struggle. What do the others think? Just a tease between colleagues!
Even when you two get outed for your "relationship", the others are more likely to turn a blind eye. Hell, they might even gratulate and whistle. You might hate getting caught by the team in the shower with Ghost because he wouldn't let you do it alone, but it gets normalized so quickly that people are more confused when you slip away and do your own thing instead of being with Ghost. Honestly, his friends are happy for the big guy! You simply lost the popularity contest with Ghost. 
If Soap is the yandere, that's when things get interesting. Soap is slippery. He does his fair share of stalking, messing up your things, and imagining what it would be like if he could be with his darling officially. Even with his heart doing way too many beats when he's close to you, he tries to play it cool. He's charismatic enough to befriend you, and no one knows where your underwear really disappeared to. So, although everyone notices Soap being a bit... happier whenever you show up, they just shrug it off. Lad got a crush, they think.
And he does, and for the longest time, not even you know it. He makes sure you don't know it, slipping into your bed in the darkest hours of the night, kissing your neck and shoulder while he hopes you dream of him. Leaving your side reluctantly, but never too late so no one will notice him coming from your room. He crossed paths with Ghost once, but both were in a drowsy state, and Ghost didn't notice that it wasn't Soap's room that his friend just left. They only start getting suspicious when you mysteriously feel too sick for your training, and yet, they let Soap take care of you. Without any suspicions, they let him make you soup and visit your room freely, the crushed sleeping pills in his trouser's back pockets waiting to be used. 
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bug66 · 5 months
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I finally emerge from my lab with Vesper 621 content (that I was trying to finish like two weeks ago oops)
It started as just a sketch and then became a fic that’s definitely not just an excuse for me to write a RustyxFreudxRaven love triangle with sex scenes and also to be used as a vehicle to explore the Vespers weird relationships with their own bodies (I’m whistling innocently)
He’s also different to my usual 621… now I have two Ravens hehe
He’s got short hair, had severe coral burn-in, has the complexion of a sickly Victorian maiden, and has some ability to speak through a vocoder device connected to one of his implants… and is also cis for uhh gay plot reasons :^) Link to the fic here if you so desire to read it (r18 for uhh above reasons)
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scalingsvt8thusiast · 5 months
Skin-Deep: Epilogue 1
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summary: The one where you fall for Seungcheol amongst all the protests and insecurities. The one where you don't know that he's fallen for you too.
a/n: I literally just finished this hehe sorry it took so long guys 🥲 It's going to a be a 2 part epilogue. Enjoy! ❤️
The door swung open and you were met with a bunch of roses. Vernon’s head peeked out from the side. 
“I believe that would be the 5th one today,” Vernon said looking around your room which had effectively turned into a greenhouse. 
You sighed as you moved a few vases, filled with a variety of flowers, creating space for your brother to set down the biggest bunch of flowers yet. 
“I’ve tried to get him to stop-,”
“Don’t try,” Sneeze “make him,” Sneeze “Jesus!” Sneeze “make him stop!” Sneeze.
“This place is like pollen central,” Vernon pinched his nose, backing out of your room, “there’s more in the living room by the way.”
You chewed on your bottom lip, looking around. It looked more like a florist than you room right now. Seungcheol had been sending flowers everyday since the two of you got back together. It started off cute and innocent with one or two bouquets. Then it became a massive monstrosity of up to 20 bouquets a day.
You wanted to strangle him. 
But you couldn’t, you couldn’t strangle your sweet, loving boyfriend who vowed to send you flowers every single time he thought of you. Definitely not because you physically couldn’t reach him as he was back at uni finishing off his last semester. 
You had opted to finish your last semester online. Obviously it wasn’t allowed, but it helped that your father (and soon your brother) owned the land that the institute was built on. A quick email from your father had the Dean sweating in his socks as he called you personally to ask if there was anything he could do to make your transition from physical classes to online classes any smoother. Poor man was scared shitless. 
Once last glance at your greenhouse room, you shut the door and left.
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“Wow, Mingyu really went wild on this.” Vernon said, letting out a low whistle as he pulled into the driveway
The both of you looked on in awe. Spotlights danced between the building and the sky, streamers on every window, the fountain at full force and a variety of supercars lining the driveway. You and Vernon watched as various individuals exited their cars dressed head to toe in the biggest name brands and the shiniest jewellery.
“Gosh, did he invite the whole world?” You remarked, watching a girl in a full body of Balenciaga step onto Mingyu’s front steps in a pair of diamond encrusted Louboutins. 
“Are we underdressed?” Vernon looked down at his own clothes and then to you, he had never been more thankful that his car windows were tinted. Thinking it was a simple house party, the both of you decided to turn up in casual clothing. You were literally in your princess leia hoodie and Vernon was wearing some ratty yoda sweatshirt. 
You sank into your seat. Vernon, being Vernon, just had to drive his bright red LaFerrari. People were surrounding the car, probably wondering who owned 1 out of the 499 LaFerrari(s) produced worldwide. 
It was too late to go home and change now, you spotted Mingyu bounding towards your car. Vernon rolled down his window, just enough so that only his eyes could be seen. 
“Guys, park in the garage, theres too many people out here.” Mingyu beckoned to follow him. 
Mingyu guided the car into park in his massive garage, away from the prying eyes of the other party goers. Right next to you and Vernon was Minghao’s McLaren P1 (number plate: XMH 8). 
“Oh my god, Gyu.” You exclaimed as you got out of the car. “There’s so many people.” 
Mingyu smiled triumphantly, placing his hands on his hips. “I’m aiming for Party of the Year!” 
Vernon nodded with vigour, “Sounds achievable.”
“Wow Gyu, who picked that out for you?” You said, admiring your friend’s all Dior outfit. Very sleek for a boy who was about to get shit-faced. 
“I did!” Mingyu’s smile got impossibly bigger. 
You hummed, expressing your approval. 
“But what are you two wearing?” Mingyu eyed you and Vernon, clearly confused. “Did I say it was star wars themed or something?” 
“No, Gyu we thought this was a small party!” You cried, suddenly feeling incredibly self-conscious. 
“We were just about to turn back and change.” Vernon murmured.
Vernon turned to you, “Should we get a maid to send over some clothes?” 
You bit your lip, you didn’t like bothering your staff like this. Surely not everybody was dressed up.
“Mingyu!” Junhui’s head popped through the door, he stepped through the door fully when he saw the three of you. “You guys are here too!” 
Junhui, who’s always in casual clothing, was dressed from head-to-toe in Alexandre Mattiussi’s newest collection. 
You turned to Vernon.
“I’ll call someone.”
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You and Vernon were holed up in Mingyu’s bedroom. You on his bed scrolling through your phone and Vernon playing around with Mingyu’s weights. Luckily, the party was in the main house and not many people were loitering near the garages so Mingyu was able to guide the two of you into his room without being spotted.
While you normally didn’t care about your clothes or what people thought, it was incredibly rude to show up to a nice event like this in casual clothing. You also didn’t want more rumours being spread about you being snobby, never attending any events with your parents. 
Suddenly the bedroom door opened and Mingyu’s head could be seen. 
“Special Delivery!” Mingyu cried, pushing the door open fully to reveal a familiar face holding a massive bouquet of roses. 
“Cheol!” You squealed as you ran into your boyfriends embrace. 
He received you with a smile, burying his face into your hair, “Hey, sweets.” 
“What are you doing here?” You beamed as you pulled yourself away from Seungcheol’s chest.
“I thought I would surprise you.” Seungcheol said, stooping down to plant a kiss on your forehead. 
Mingyu cleared his throat awkwardly, “Also, here’s your change of clothes.”
“Come on sis, let’s get changed,” Vernon grabbed the bags from Mingyu, “Then you can go downstairs and show off your boyfriend.”
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You and Vernon entered the main house. Vernon dressed in Kenzo and you were in one of your mom’s prototype creations for Celine. 
Minghao spotted you two and quickly waved you over. You felt people’s stares and heard their not-so-soft whispers. Of course, you didn’t expect anybody to know you but people knew Vernon thanks to his regular attendance at events. 
“Oh my word is that-?”
“Vernon Chwe! But who’s the girl?”
“Is that Hansol's new girlfriend?” (You and Vernon stuck your tongue out in disgust)
“Omg, her dress is to die for!”
“As usual, the Chwe twins become the talk of the party.” Minghao teased. 
You rolled your eyes at Minghao before being pulled into Seungcheol’s arms.
“Hey, gorgeous.” Seungcheol drawled, giving you one of his lazy smiles. 
“Hi, handsome.” A shy smile appearing on your face.
The two of you were in your own world, his hands on your waist as his thumbs traced soft patterns, his brown eyes staring deeply into yours. How he wished he had chose to surprise you at your house instead of a party. After being away from you for so long all he wanted was some alone time with you. 
“Is that Choi Seungcheol?” “It is!”
“So that girl is not dating Chwe Hansol?” 
“Must be some well-off socialite.”
God people were nosy. 
You rolled your eyes at Seungcheol who returned with an amused chuckle. 
“Let’s move somewhere else.” You muttered, moving to rest your head on Seungcheol’s shoulder, hiding yourself from the curious onlookers. 
“Anything you want.”
The pair of you exited the main house and into the massive garden. The crowd started to thin as you went further out of the compound. You knew the place like the back of your hand having spent majority of your childhood running around here. You caught sight of what you were looking for, a white gazebo surrounded by a pond, which was thankfully devoid of people. 
You pulled Seungcheol under the gazebo, returning into his arms as you rested your hands on his shoulders.
“You should have told me you were coming!” You pouted at him.
“That would have defeated the purpose of a surprise, sweetheart.”
“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you about all of this.” You muttered, burying your head into his chest. 
Seungcheol stroked your hair affectionately. “I don’t care about that, I have you, that’s all that matters.”
“You’re so cheesy.” You grumbled from his chest. 
He chuckled at your cuteness, continuing to run his hand through your hair. 
“What about your parents?” You asked, not daring to look at his face. 
“I cut them off.”
“WHAT?” You pulled yourself off him, mouth agape. “Cheol! You can’t do that!”
“Yes, I can.” Seungcheol assured. “And I did.”
“Oh my goodness, don’t stop talking to your parents just because of me!” You cried, you didn’t want to be the cause of a family fall-out. This was starting to sound like the Taiwanese drama your mother was telling you about over lunch. 
“Listen,” Seungcheol said, moving the stray pieces of hair out of your face, “I plan to marry you and I don’t want you to deal with my crazy parents ever.” 
“That’s all fine and dandy, darling.” You fretted, “But what about money? What about your inheritance?”
You weren’t worried about money per say, you alone had enough for the both of you for the rest of you life (and a million other lives). You couldn’t deny what his parents said: Seungcheol was raised with a certain lifestyle. If he were to lose everything it would be extremely hard for him to transition away from all that. He also spent majority of his life being groomed by his parents to take over, it would horrible to watch all that hard work be thrown away. 
“Oh, don’t worry about that. I own a large percentage of the company.” Seungcheol said nonchalantly. 
You peered at him, eyebrows furrowing, “What?”
“The company is still technically under my grandpa and not my dad. He transferred my portion of shares to me before I came here.” He explained, tracing your eyebrows with his thumbs, trying to get you to relax. “He was quite pissed with my parents when I told him what they did to you.” 
“He really likes you by the way.” A proud look on Seungcheol’s face, “I mean it’s impossible not to.” 
You blinked a few times, loss for words. Seungcheol face morphed into that of worry.
“I probably won’t be some big shot CEO in the future. I might become a rapper or something.” He laughed nervously.
Now that Seungcheol’s future was so uncertain, he was worried he might not be enough for you. You who had such a bright future, even without the help of your parents. He didn’t want to seem like a burden to you.
“Cheol, you could be my stay-at-home husband for all I care.” You paused, “Are you sure you’re ok with all this?”
“What do you mean?” 
“Your relationship with your parents? The fact that you lost your position in the company?”
“Baby, I genuinely did not care about any position or ranking in that building.” Seungcheol clarified, “My relationship with my parents was destroyed the day they stopped prioritising their child over their work.”
Tears welled up in your eyes, you couldn’t help but feel like all of this was your fault.
“Please don’t cry, okay?” Seungcheol reassured you as he wiped the tears away from your eyes. “None of this is your fault.” 
More tears started pouring down your cheeks as you let out soft sobs. Seungcheol pulled you back into his chest. He held you tight against him as he rested his chin on your head. He continued muttering soft apologies as you bawled into his chest.
a/n: not very confident about this chapter, but I seriously hope it wasn't too bad 😭
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moonspirit · 4 days
AHahah xD Hello anon~
You know, it strikes me that in both relationships, everybody is a polar opposite from each other (but sharing some tiny similarities).
Because between Aruani, Armin's the more "dominant one" (in a soft-boy way) whereas in Jeanpiku, that's Pieck's role xD
On a double date, Armin will compliment Annie in the sweetest, most innocent way possible, something like "omg Annie you look so pretty in that hat (⁠灬•⁠ᴗ⁠•灬⁠)⁠♡". But can you imagine Pieck? Just smirking as Jean tries on a hat or a shirt or something before she goes: *whistle* "Hooo boi, I wanna smash ( ͡ ° ͜ʖ ͡ °)"
Cue: Annie blushes a billion degrees, while Jean is slightly scared for his life.
On the other hand, if the four of them run into some bullies trying to pick trouble, you have Annie radiating dark energy so terrifying nobody dares to come close to Armin or even say a word to him. With Jeanpiku? There's Jean who's jumping at the chance to be a cool-guy by scaring off the bad guys by whispering menacing things at them.
Cue: Armin being all "hehe isn't my girlfriend so amazing ( ⸝⸝´꒳`⸝⸝) ", while Pieck scoffs about being able to do better than Jean (she's secretly very impressed).
In a cafe or restobar, Armin wants coffee, Annie wants a hot chocolate, Jean wants red wine, and Pieck wants anything with 96% alcohol.
For food, Armin wants something cheesy, Annie wants something sweet, Jean prefers gourmet and savoury while Pieck orders that one thing that breaks the Scoville scale in terms of spiciness and proceeds to set everyone's face on fire.
Now for PDA? Armin manages to sneak in a kiss now and then; he's very very good at it okay?! Nobody's looking, and a quck smol peck on Annie's nose! In general it's very soft and mild with Aruani, they're all about the tiny gestures like hand-holding and brushing back each other's hair... but do not underestimate them! When they go home, it's time to rearrange Annie's guts (❀❛ ֊ ❛❀)♡
Jeanpiku tho? Pieck's easily Rated 18+ at all and any times, but Jean's... pathetically innocent. This guy has never had any game, only pretense, and it's much the same with kissing and sex. Pieck would make out with him for 0.10 seconds and it leaves him burning up and fainting on the ground. RIP. There's also logistical constraints, which is that Pieck TRIES to sneak a kiss just to get a rise out of him but he's!! too fucking tall! Fuck this shit! (it gives her a lot of frustration poor girl. But she gets what she wants in the bedroom (≖⩊≖))
Materialistically, Armin likes books and buildables (like plane models and ships in bottles), Annie likes puzzles and anything that involves getting a cute fuzzy thing as a prize (bonus points if it's baked and edible too), Jean appreciates classical art, painting supplies and fashionable accessories... and Pieck... oh Pieck. She brings home the most unhinged titan-sized and deeply horrifying things like occult items, full-size plushies that look disturbing and dinosaur fossils. Jean always pretends to hate them but then takes care of them more than her... for her <3
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messierthanthou · 8 months
Took me longer than expected but here! You and Tangerine are stuck in the snow in a car on the way to a job, and you have to keep warm somehow, hehe
What to expect: Some very slight dirty talk eventually, some fingering and some jerking him off, no p in v because there's simply not room for it in the car sadly! Saving that for another time ;)
3.6k words, whoopsie
Cold, Warm, Hot
Outside the wind whistles and the snow whips around your car in a furious flurry of impenetrable white. The tires lost their grip on the road once you hit a sheet of black ice on the unkempt backroads that was supposed to lead you to your next target; some rich asshole who crossed the wrong kind of people to make even more billions than he can spend in his now short life.
But that doesn’t matter right now, what matters is the fact that you and Tangerine are stuck in the snow a dozen miles from civilization, and with what little cell reception you two have here, Tangerine managed to call for a tow truck. Which will arrive in about 12 hours or so.
“Now, I’m not one to lose my shit over something this trivial, but I told you, bad stuff happens when you split up the team,” Tangerine says, referring of course to the fact that Lemon isn’t here.
Lemon is already up ahead, probably sitting warm and cozy in the cabin you rented as a meeting place and base of operations for this trip. And Tangerine seems to think it’s bad luck whenever he and Lemon are separated for too long, and you shake your head at their codependency.
Tangerine gives the wheels another spin, trying time and time again to become unstuck, but…
“Would you stop that? You’re only digging us deeper into the snow,” you say with just a slight roll of your eyes.
“Fine, but you can’t say that I didn’t try.” And he turns off the engine.
“What are you doing? We’re gonna freeze to death in here without the heat on!” You reach for the car keys to turn them but he’s faster and pulls them out of the ignition.
“So you’d want us to be unable to drive when we eventually get out of this heaping pile of snow? We get pulled out by the tow truck, then we can’t go anywhere because we’re either out of gas or the battery’s dead.”
“Then what do you propose we do?” you ask, exasperated.
“Get cozy; you’re under so many layers over there, surely you’ll survive a short night out in the cold like this.” He gestures to you and your perhaps too many layers of clothes, but you were always one to get cold easily, so it only made sense to dress up proper for the occasion.
“Yeah, well, what about you?”
Tangerine is wearing his usual gingham patterned overcoat and a cashmere scarf because fashion matters more than functionality to this man.
“A little cold won’t hurt me, darlin’, I’m thick skinned.”
“Thick in the head if you think that little getup will keep you warm throughout the night.”
“You’re right, why don’t we snuggle up on the backseat and keep each other warm, huh? Bet you’d like that.”
Heat rises to your face at that, but you’re thankfully not one to blush at something so innocent. No matter how much you’d actually be into the idea of snuggling up with someone as incredibly handsome and occasionally charming as Tangerine. He teases, of course, but there’s something to his grin and a shine in his eyes that might indicate he wouldn’t say no if you said yes.
But you don’t.
“No, I'll be fine over here, getting cozy underneath my too many layers.”
And he acts like it was a joke, but for a moment, just a second, there’s something about the fall in his broad shoulders that tells you he wanted you to say yes to the proposition.
“Suit yourself.”
It wouldn’t be the first time he’d asked you in a jestering manner to become physical with him, and he keeps being a good sport about it even when you say no again and again. And every time you hate yourself a little more, but someone has to have a moral code and keep the distance required in a profession such as yours. Can’t get too close to anyone or their inevitable death will break you down. Stay cool, stay calm, stay collected.
He doesn’t speak much after that as the two of you sit in the dark, the cold creeping in on you both, but you barely feel it through your thick winter coat, sweater, thermal underwear, and the couple of stockings beneath your slacks.
But he is quick to start shivering. He stays tough and stoic, trying not to let it show, arms crossed and head buried in his scarf, but you can hear it in his breathing, the way it shivers with every exhale, and you feel bad for the idiot who decided to wear that outfit that makes your heart flutter.
Minutes go by where you have to listen to his teeth chattering, the stubborn fool still not turning on the engine to keep you both heated, and eventually you give in.
“Get in the backseat,” you say and start undoing your coat.
“What? Why? What’d I do? What are you doing?” He asks too many questions sometimes.
“We’re gonna do what you suggested, snuggle up to keep you warm. If you fall sick on this trip I’ll never hear the end of it from Lemon. So crawl on back there.”
You’ve been told in the past that you can be “bossy” which is usually just a euphemism for “I don’t want to take orders from a woman,” but Tangerine would never say or act like that, so he does as you say and climb between the front seats and into the back of this not-that-spacious car, and you follow.
“So. What now?” he asks as you sit hip to hip and your heart beats faster.
You had sort of hoped he’d decline the offer, act like a big, tough man who can handle it on his own, but he seems almost… eager for this. Like it’s something he’s been waiting for for a while.
“Open up your coat,” you say as you take off yours.
“Oh are we finally doing this? No more will they won’t they?” he jokes again, but there’s not much of a smile beneath that stupidly attractive mustache.
Perhaps he’s suddenly worried about catching feelings like you are, maybe he doesn’t actually want to but has a hard time saying no to you, or it could be that he’s holding back. You can’t figure out which is more likely at this moment.
“No, we’re just going to lay down here on the backseat together. Body heat, as you may know, is best shared when you’re close to one another, so I will do my best to sort of… lie down next to you, and we’ll use my coat as a blanket to shield us from the cold.”
Silence fills the room and through the dark you can barely tell what his face looks like, and you wouldn’t start to guess if he’s interested in the idea of lying with you or the idea of survival.
“Is that okay with you?” you ask and finally he moves as he nods.
“Yeah, yeah makes perfect sense, body heat and all that, sure.” Tangerine is quick to unbutton his coat and does his best to lie down on the backseat without taking up too much space.
And so you lay down next to him, face to face on your sides as it’s pretty cramped in here.
“Like this?” he asks and his voice has never been this close to you before.
“Maybe if we got closer we’d be more comfortable?”
With him against the backrest of the seat, it is up to you to inch closer and closer till your bodies are pressed against each other, you can feel his rapid heartbeat and practically taste his intoxicating cologne. You’re about half a head shorter than him, but you’re lying up high enough to feel his breath tingle across your lips. He has stopped shivering.
But now you are just this close to trembling. You’re of course no damsel in distress, far from it, but as heat gathers between you and him, eyes locked together, you sigh.
“You ok?” he asks tenderly without a nervous waver to his tone, but you fret a little that if you speak, your voice might not be as steady.
“Mhm,” you hum out and give only the slightest of nods.
“This ok with you? You comfortable?”
If anything you’re too comfortable, and wish he’d stop being so randomly nice to you; it’s a rare side to him you’ve seen only a few times, and he’ll always deny it later on.
“Y-yeah,” you say and curse yourself internally for that slight stutter.
“Is it okay if I put my hand here?”
His strong and firm hand lands on your waist and it doesn’t even take a second for sparks to ignite and fly straight to your cunt as it starts throbbing ever so slightly.
“Yeah that’s… that’s fine.”
You don’t get tenderly touched often in this job; the only time you are ever physical with somebody is either during active combat or training, and never have you been this close to Tangerine, and it’s as if this warmth and gentleness is the key that unlocks the door to this hidden chamber in your mind, body and soul that you’ve fought to keep closed.
Your eyes close and you try to shut the door again, distancing yourself from the situation at hand, pretending not to notice how broad shouldered he is, his strong chest, his heated presence, that hand and the fact that you’re tingling all over and your pussy is drenched with lust for this brit.
Can he feel your heart beating too? Your quickened breath, your trembling legs, your heat.
Unfortunately you want him. You’ve never wanted anyone this bad before and it pains you. Stay cool, stay calm, stay collected. Your mantra. The one thing that has kept you at bay for so long is your devotion to being a goddamn professional, but this? This is far from that.
You wish he’d kiss you, touch you skin to skin. That he’d move his hand down, far down, beneath your pants and stockings and panties. Wish he’d run his fingers across your clit, massage it before slipping in between your soaking lips and down to finger your needy hole, preparing you for his cock to enter. With your eyes still closed you can easily imagine it all happening, and the heat between your thighs intensifies, building up.
“Hey,” he whispers, bringing you back from the fantasy and your eyes flutter open to catch how the moon shines in through the window, illuminating his all too close face and those incredible ocean eyes staring at you.
Then it happens. Your brain can barely register it but your body for sure can as he kisses you and you moan into the embrace. It’s a kind kiss, a gentle one - the type that tests the waters to see if what he’s doing is okay, and when he moves away again you miss it dearly and immediately.
He looks at you, perhaps waiting for a response, a reaction, waiting for you to say no and break his bleeding heart. But you don’t. Instead, you grab his face and pull it back into a deep and passionate kiss, and for just a moment you feel all the tension leave his body as he might realize that you do want this, too- oh God you’re on fire.
And it’s as if he can sense it as he presses his lips harder against yours as if this is all he’s ever wanted to do in life. He could have anyone but he wants you.
His hand on your waist tightens its grip, squeezing you through the shirt. Your hands run into his hair, around his neck and he groans into your kiss.
It doesn’t take long before you feel his cock growing hard beneath the fabric of his pants, and you don’t wait to grind against it with fervor, making him turn his head to hiss and groan out in pleasure. The breath of air is welcome, for his kiss suffocates you in the most delicious manner, making you forget to breathe in his presence.
The hand on your waist moves beneath the shirt and up your back, his touch is searing hot and you want nothing more than all of it everywhere. But you both understand that you can’t exactly get naked right here and now, it’d be too cold and there’s too little space to get properly into it all.
Yet that doesn’t mean either of you are going to stop.
He brings his hand up from beneath your shirt, grabs your wrist, kisses your hand and your palm almost too lovingly, then guides it down. Your eyes stay locked together, lips inches apart as you breathe the same air, as he brings your palm against his impressive bulge, and his eyelids lower at the pressure you put against it.
His forehead meets yours as his eyes close when you rub up against him and you can easily feel every inch of his throbbing cock that you wish would fuck you senseless.
But the best you can hope for right now is to feel it in the flesh, so you reach down with your other hand and start undoing his belt, but shock hits you like a brick when he stops you, and for a moment you doubt everything, until he’s quick to say-
“No, no no no, you first, love.”
It’s always been darlin’ or honey, but never love, and perhaps it is a bit too soon for that, but you feel your entire body tremble at the word anyways.
You are speechless as he then reaches down to undo the button of your pants, let the zipper run down, and when the tips of his fingers start to dig beneath the waistband of your too many layers, you close your eyes in anticipation.
And the relief is glorious when his index finger and middle finger smooth across your clit, letting go of some of that white hot tension that has been building up for what feels like hours, but are in fact only mere minutes.
“God,” you sigh, and you feel Tangerine huff a breathy laugh against your skin.
“Just Tangerine, dear.”
He starts drawing small, short and quick circles with your clit, massaging it just like you had hoped he would and oh he’s done this before, much to the benefit and joy of you right here, right now. You moan out in ecstasy and grip at his muscular arm in a need to stabilize yourself before you drift off to a sea of lust.
“Oh fuck,” you whimper and he doesn’t kiss you, but you can feel him staring at your knit brow and wide parted lips.
It is phenomenal, but it’s not enough.
“I want you… inside of me…” you whisper against his lips.
And so without hesitation, he moves his fingers further down at an almost eager pace, but you are as enthused as he is, so it does not bother you at all. In fact you are beyond thrilled when his thick, strong fingers enter your slick, throbbing pussy, and as he immediately starts thrusting in and out as best as he can despite the restrictions, you thank God for the fact that you’re out in the middle of nowhere as you practically scream out in joy.
“Oh God, oh fuck, ahh!”
With every thrust of his fingers heat builds in you, coursing through your body, your thighs quivering and quaking, making you breathless. And when he kisses you it consumes everything as his tongue dances with yours while he fucks you thoroughly and passionately.
You’re so close to cumming that it would be irritating under normal circumstances, but right now everything is magic, so you don’t mind the wait for release that your vibrator usually brings you to that now Tangerine does instead.
And when he starts using the base of his palm to massage your clit in rhythm with his fingers entering you, you cry out in pure ecstasy as you cum possibly harder than you have in years, tearing your lips from his as you need all the air your lungs can muster. While you would never admit it due to how cheesy it sounds, it feels like fireworks in your cunt and gut exploding and lighting up your entire body, and you understand why orgasms are called “little deaths” because you could die happy right now as you slowly come down from your high and regain consciousness proper after what felt like a minutes long orgasm.
“My my,” Tangerine whispers against your jaw as he kisses it gently. “What a spectacular show.”
“You should try being me,” you say, breathlessly with a slight smile.
“To be honest that sounds like a pleasure, you phenomenal woman.”
You hum as you kiss the charmer, and when he pulls his fingers out you feel empty inside like never before. He sucks his fingers clean of you and it sends sparks through you to witness.
“Maybe next time I can try the real deal,” he suggests, implying that he’s more than willing to eat you out.
“Oh there’s gonna be a next time?” You laugh a little, because obviously, there’s no way you’ve had enough after just a taste of him.
“Oh there’s gonna be a next time,” he repeats assuredly, and he leans in to whisper in your ear, “I want my cock in your pussy so bad, I’ll fuck you into oblivion, make you cry out my name, my real name some day, and I’ll fucking ruin every other man that will come after me, because love, you’ll never have better than me.”
You practically moan at this promise, and pull him into a rough and electric kiss, whispering. “You cocky son of a bitch, let’s hope you’re good at keeping your promises.”
“Speaking of promises, I think you owe me one right now.”
You’re not slow to undo his belt, and perhaps it is pure luck that you get it off so easily, but you won’t complain about it when you run the zipper down, and he groans out as you reach beneath the waistband and pull his cock out the best you can in this cramped space.
“Mmmm, quite big, aren’t you?” you tease as you get a proper feel of his girthy, lengthy cock.
“Never had any complaints.”
“I can feel why, God I want you inside of me. In my pussy. In my mouth.”
“If there was space I’d shove it so far up your cunt I’d be rearranging your guts.”
You moan a little with him at that thought.
“Next time.” And you start jerking him off, slowly at first, from the very base and all the way to the tip of his dick, letting your hand get wet with his precum before smearing it all over his length as you travel down again. You continue this rhythm for about half a minute or so, ensuring it won’t be a too dry experience for him, but the way his hips buck forward and his breathing becomes elevated, you’d guess you’re doing a proper job of it.
And if you had any doubts, they all go away when he grunts out-
“Fuck, love, that’s it, keep going…”
His hand grabs your ass as if it is the one thing that keeps him grounded in this moment of dear tenderness. And while he seems to enjoy the slow rhythm, when you eventually speed up he curses even more in a growl-
“Yes- fuck, shit, ah-”
He brings both his hands up to grab your face, kisses you and tongue fucks your mouth like it’s a promise, one he’ll keep, about all the things he’ll do to you that words can’t explain, but actions do speak the loudest.
And your actions seem to do the trick, for the faster you go, the louder he gets and it thrills you beyond anything to hear how vocal he is in his pleasure that you are granting him, and when he cums it is with choked grunts as he presses his forehead against yours and his eyes close up tight.
In your grip you feel how his cock pulsates and his entire body trembles in ecstasy, till he goes completely still and mostly limp in your hand, but still there’s some stiffness that says he could easily go a second round, and that intrigues you for future references, because you could definitely go again, too.
After nearly a minute of huffing for air, he speaks, “Bloody hell, love, that was… fantastic.”
“Hmm likewise,” you muse and kiss him which he welcomes.
A couple of minutes pass in silence as you both catch you breath, when a thought strikes you.
“What… what are we gonna tell Lemon?”
“Oh abso-fucking-lutely nothing!”
“What, really? You’re ok with keeping this a secret from your brother, of all people?”
“Yes! He’ll get all smug and say shit like told you so.”
“Oh? He predicted this?” You grin a little.
“Well not this exact situation, but yes, I may have told him how I find you so attractive, and he might have told me you feel the same sort of attraction to me.”
“And how did he know that?”
“You know Lemon, he’s stupidly amazing at reading people, so it might have been obvious to him.”
“And you don’t think it’ll be just as obvious to him that we practically fucked?”
There’s a moment of quiet as Tangerine considers the outcome of this, then-
“Ah shit.”
Because yes, Lemon will absolutely know.
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cu7ie · 5 months
rindou-nii who likes making you trip and stumble and he likes pushing you down and physical stuff like that. the way stronger animals like making themselves known as predators………he actually gets off on the way you look up at him a little hopeless…..he’s such a bully sol ;-; and ran! ran-nii who’s there to take you into his arms (but he’s never there whenever rindou trips you up). who pats your head and coos you know how boys can be and wipes your tears away. you ask how come you’re not like him then? he tells you that it’s because he’s your older brother and you guess it makes sense. he’s the oldest of you three, maybe rindou being the middle child makes him spoiled and temperamental? but you don’t get long to think on it because ran-nii’s hands are ghosting towards your sex, cupping it. you wanna know how nii-chan will make you feel better?
cw: incest, bullying (a little from rin), sexual touching/advances (from ran) ran being a weird big brother haha, (though everything's consensual) MINORS DNI THESE ASKS R SO MUCH FUN HAHA its like a little writing prompt hehe, hope u enjoy <3 Ran is trying to get you to be quiet because you're babbling again, sobbing over a little cut on your leg. He knew you were precious; fragile and gentle. Never knowing any better- s'why he makes sure to always look out for you- his precious baby sibling. You scraped your knee and while Ran wasn't around to confirm for himself, you swear on your stuffies it was Rindou's fault- who merely stood innocent, whistling some ways away. He has this ambivalent look in his eyes, but his cherubic smile softens Ran's irritation, if only slightly.
He chews Rindou out, but can't put tangible vitriol in it, any of that big brother discipline he uses oh so graciously with you. Or maybe he doesn't want to scare you while you're still pouting and frowny, because after he shares words with your brother, he tucks you under his arm and begins leading you into the house, back to your room. His hand finds its way to your hair as he takes you through the house, down the hall. "Ran-niiiii," you pout, the back of your hand rubbing at your watery eyes. "My knee still hurts." You sniffle, and Ran can't help but laugh at how pathetic you are. "You're gonna be fine. Quit whining, cutie." As Ran opens a door and leads you inside, the familiar decor of your shared bedroom distracts you from the pain in your leg for a moment. His strong hands quickly find your waist and you laugh as he takes you to the bed and sits you promptly in your plushie mound, where you quickly get comfortable. You're leaning back and way from nii-san, his spindly fingers running up to cup your calf, inspecting your cut more closely. He sucks his teeth and looks up at you, though you can't see him. "It's not even that bad! It's only a little blood. Look, I'll get it for you." But he doesn't budge from his spot on the floor. Doesn't move for a tissue, towel, or bandaid. Not even the isopropyl, to see you squirm while he disinfects it- you think he likes how you whine when it hurts- but he doesn't get it. Instead there's a hand snaking up the inside of your thigh. Slowly at first, stops before it can reach the underside of your shorts, but Ran's molasses-slow movements make your legs twitch regardless. "R-ran-nii?" He puts a finger to his mouth as you look up, a distracting heat rising to your cheeks, betwixt your thighs- "Shh, shh," your worry is replaced by something grand, a tickling feeling that feels so good you almost want to get away from it. He's touching you again, down there, and it feels better than it did last time - maybe because Rindou isn't here to- "Ah!" You whine as he sticks a few fingers up your shorts, an inhale stuck halfway in your lungs as you get caught up on the excitement of the warmth on his hand, trying to find the quickest way inside you. You wouldn't know it, but the look on Ran's face is downright dastardly. "Don't worry. Nii-san's gonna make you feel good again, isn't that right baby?" And you believe him. Big bro's never let you down once.
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lotus-pear · 9 months
HOLD ON I GOTCHU (it’s in my camera roll bc it’s one of my fave panels hehe)
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also including this anthology panel just bc… no reason *whistles innocently*
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YESSSSS OMFG TY TO MY MAN😭😭 i knew i wasn’t hallucinating it >:] they are so silly i love wan for all the skk and chuuya/atsushi interactions we get it’s crazy to think chuuya and atsushi have never met in the canon timeline
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seungmonggg · 2 years
Request - Mikey’s Girl
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request:  Basically reader used to be a stripper for one of the haitanis clubs, since she was foreign she used to make a lot of money. Mikey falls in love with her after a vip lap dance and become obsessed. She becomes his girlfriend and the two are so touchy feely. Especially after he finds out she’s pregnant
Warnings: female reader!!, curse words, reader is a stripper in this one, unprotected sex, timeskip! Mikey x reader, Mikey is a little obsessed hehe, reader is preggers. every character is of age 
Word Count: 1,5k
A/N: sorry for posting this soo late aghh!!! I was kinda stressed with work and stuff.. Anyways, I hope yall like this, let me know! Requests are still open, so let me know if yall want something special!
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You were standing in front of the huge mirror, looking at yourself nervously. Fuck, how did you even get here? Where did it all go wrong? Your body was clad in nothing but a cute little set of lingerie that you’d normally never even think about wearing. Well, here you were, standing in your changing room, waiting for your client to arrive so you could give him a lap dance.
You had heard from the other girls that he was a bad guy. An asshole, but he paid well. He was dangerous, so much you knew, which made you even more nervous if even possible. Somewhere you had heard his name. was it the news? You didn’t remember.
Flinching as soon as the door opened you let out a sigh of relief when you saw that it was one of your friends, Hina. “Come on Y/N, its time for you to go in.” she gave you one last reassuring smile before she led you through the load club, all the way back to the VIP lounges.
Suddenly, she came to a halt. “Don’t worry too much. Just do what you always do.” She said before the door slowly opened for you to see a man sitting on the big leather couch. You could only see the back of his head, but from what you saw, you could tell that he was handsome.
Thank god, you thought, not some stinky old fuck. You took one last big breath before you entered the small room. You were going to do your best and make so much money, that’s all, that’s what you told yourself in your head. But as soon as you stood in front of him all of those thoughts flew out the window. Holy fuck, he was the most beautiful man you had ever seen.
Slowly looking up at you, he gave you a small smile. Did he look tired or was that just the light of this room? You didn’t know, and it didn’t matter because he gave you one slight hand movement to tell you to come closer.
As prettily as possible you made your way towards him, coming to a stop right in front of his knees. You leaned down slightly, ready to listen to what he had to say. But he didn’t say anything, instead he just looked you up and down, almost hungrily. Your cheeks became a soft pink when you saw his sight travel downwards.
When you heard someone whistle slightly behind you, you stood up properly and were greeted with the sight of your boss. The Ran Haitani. A good guy, just a little too flirty at times. “I see you already met my Pearl, Mikey?” he said to which he got a low hum from the man in front of you. Shit, you wanted the man to call you his pearl, not your boss.
“I hope our little princess here behaves and shows my beloved boss a good time, huh?” he said, looking at you expectantly. You nodded, sending the man, ,Mikey’, a small smile, almost innocent. Mikey gave the Haitani a look, making him leave the room with a joyous smile on his lips.
You heard the music turn on slowly, fuck yes, that was one of your favorite songs to perform to. Slowly, you started to move our hips sensually, following the beat. Mikey leaned back, clearly enjoying the view of this absolutely gorgeous woman dancing just for him. Something in him sparked, something dark, dangerous. He just had to have you. You had to be his, he would make sure of that, no matter what the cost might be.
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That was three years ago. Crazy, isn’t it? Thinking how you used to dance for the man in front of you right now. The man crying silent tears as you show him the positive test in your hands. How could this all happen? Was all you could think about. You were so lucky, so fucking lucky to have danced for him years ago.
“I’m so proud of you, Baby. I’ll protect you and our Baby with all I have, I promise.” He whispered against your temple, kissing it softly. He took your face between his slightly cold hands, caressing it softly. “You’re all I need in this whole wide world.” Always speaking quietly, so his men couldn’t hear you two from the room beside the kitchen. You didn’t plan to tell him during  one of his meetings, but you just panicked and ran to him.
Ran into his arms, his warmth, the comfort he gave only to you. You were his precious girl, his biggest gift. He was protective of you, pretty much from the start, never letting anyone touch you or dare come too close, he’d fucking kill them. And he had done so on more than one occasion, but you didn’t have to know that, right? He held you for a couple more minutes, whispering about his love for you, kissing you sweetly, leaving the trace of his never ending love on your skin.
A couple of months into your pregnancy, now a bump clearly showing, you panted slightly as you walked up the last few stairs to the bedroom. “Babe! Where are you?!” you said, looking around confused as to where your man could be. He should be home by now, shouldn’t he?
A small noise caught your attention, coming from your bedroom. The hairs on your neck immediately stood up. He wouldn’t do that to you.. or would he? You were starting to sweat slightly coming closer to the door as  the sounds got louder, unmistakably Mikeys moans. You gritted your teeth and ripped the door open, ready to get your heart broken and world crashed.
But what you found was rather… inviting. He laid on the bed, in all his glory, slightly sweaty. His head was lolled to the back, a clear sign of him nearing his high, and he was whimpering your name again and again. Heat shot through you immediately. He was masturbating, to you.
“W-Why are you still s-standing there? Hnng, H-Help me, please” he groaned as he looked at you, or more like stared. You made your way towards him, ironically thinking of the time you danced for him for the first time. “Need help, Handsome?” you asked while smirking.
Not wanting you to play around any longer he softly laid you down next to him. “Tell me if anything’s uncomfortable, okay Princess?” he breathed against your ear, making you nod. Your clothes were fast gone, Mikey leaving kisses on your body wherever he could.
As soon as you had gotten pregnant it was like a flip had switched in his head. He became even more protective, not leaving you alone these past few months. And if even possible, he became hornier, by a fucking lot. You didn’t know if it was your swelling breasts, your full hips carrying his child or the cute bump.
“Need you so bad Baby, fuck, couldn’t wait anymore.” He groaned as soon as his hard cock slid through your already wet slit, making you moan loudly. “I-I’m here now Baby, please, need it.” You whimpered, making him get behind you and slowly enter your tight hole. Holy shit, he thought, you were so tight and so so -warm-.
You let out a strangled moan as he started moving his hips, careful not to hurt you in any way. He himself started kissing down your neck, panting softly against your skin as he began building a fast rhythm for you. You were already on cloud nine, clawing at his arm that was draped over your stomach, his thumb and forefinger rollinger your nipples slightly.
“F-fuck..” you heard his broken moans, he was getting close again. “G-gonna make you such a beautiful mommy, shit. Gon’ be s’good for me, yeah?” he huffed against your ear, fucking you into oblivion. You couldn’t think properly anymore, any thoughts long gone from your brain, only incoherent babblings of how good he was fucking you leaving your lips.
“All. Fucking. Mine.” He growled, punctuating every word with a thrust right against the spongy little spot inside of you. You screamed his name with all you had and finally let the orgasm wash over your body, letting you shake and let out broken moans of his name and profanities. A few thrusts later, he was letting his head fall back, moaning almost animalistically as he painted your insides white.
Huffing, he slowly let go of you to stand up and get some towels for you. “You okay Princess?” he grunted with a slightly gruff voice as soon as he was back, starting to softly and carefully clean you. You hummed in his direction, letting your spent body relax. “Y-Yes, thank you Manjiro.” You softly whispered, making him try to hide the furious blush starting to spread on his face and neck from hearing his name roll of your tongue so softly.
Yeah, he was down hard for you.
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yestrday · 2 years
OK. bullying xiao has me thinking?? bullying chongyun,,,,,, hed be so flustered,,,,, bullying like any of the first years and they would all blow a fuse. short circuit
mmm i like flustering levelheaded boys just to watch them succumb to my wiles... theyre too cute not too bully
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chongyun isn't in an ideal situation right now, what with you all up in his face with that mischievous grin he's so familiar with. normally, he’d pout and scold you to act like an upright senior. he knows you’re not exactly from... well, well-mannered society, but acting maturely would do you some good in a world full of snakes and their venom. but given the current circumstances... he can’t just seem to do that.
because—! why are your lips so close to his?!?! red alert red alert redalertredalert!!!!
“[y- your name]-senpai... please...” he whimpers out meekly. “this is- this is really unbecoming of a student of your position!”
“what do you mean, chongyun?” you tilt your head innocently, peering up at his bashful eyes. “unbecoming? but how?”
“w-we’re in the middle of the hallway, senpai!” he protests meekly. he attempts to push you away, but his trembling limbs pose no threat and only serve to make your body lean nearer into his. “u-uwah! n-not too close!”
“y’know, chongyun... i’ve been thinking,” you drawl, reaching out to his hair and twirling one of the baby blue strands around your finger. “you’ve been really pushing my patience these days. running away when i’m in the area, ignoring me when i call out to you... is there a reason why you’re breaking my heart like this, hm?” you give him a moment to answer, but he still refuses to make eye contact with you. 
“right, thought so,” you sigh disappointedly. “so i had a li~ttle chat with xingqiu. see what’s going on in that cute lil brain of yours.” he stiffens under you upon hearing the name of his mischievous friend, and that makes you grin. “hehe, look at you all scared. well, i guess anyone would be, after all, i did hear something veeerry interesting from little xingqiu.”
gently, as if cradling a baby bird, you cup chongyun’s chin and bring him to your face until your noses touch. he swears that there’s steam whistling out of his ears with how hot red his face is becoming. “chong~yun~♡ i heard that just the li~ttlest heat can bring out the true you. say—” your breath tickles his ear, and he stares at you wide-eyed and shaking “—is this enough?”
y— your knee...!
“senpai... please...” he whimpers, covering his teary face in his hands. he can’t allow you seeing this disgraceful side of him any further. he wants to be the level-headed junior you can always rely on. the one who keeps calm no matter what the situation is. but if you forcibly pull out the yang energy within him then... then...!
“if you keep doing this, we might do things we’ll regret.” his voice comes out hushed, raspy even, and a flicker of delight passes your eyes.
“sure, why not,” you grin. “bullying you is too fun to stop.”
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beetlebugdash · 1 year
My live thoughts during The Owl House finale! (Major spoiler warning!)
Why so late at night for this finale
But 10/10 for disney for doing a marathon before the finale
Oh the song
Here comes the tears 
Oh that wasnt the episode?
Black screen?
Oh no different dimension
Im just as confused as you luz
I dont like this
Oh shush lilith 
Are they puppets now and their living through the nightmares?
Nice suit evil dream Gus
O gosh not hunter
Its a witches duel
Now its the title!
And on a rubix cube
Belos is acting horribly sus rn
“I can imagine”
“Itty bitty spiders”
Kid dosent understand death….. Owch
Thank god there isnt any commercials
Ooooooooooooo owl house marathon monday (at 8pm smh)
Finally were back
10/10 music
Stinger hehe
The blushing and sadness awwww
Lucky number 13 hehe
Abandonment issues ow
Uh ohhhhhhhhhhhh
Im scared mom come pick me up
Back to the owl house
“The bird house”
Series recap! Tying all the episodes together!
The mountains!
Kindness and forgiveness
Scary animation
Holy crow thats a lotta magic
Yep shes really gone wow
Dimension portal?
Who what huh
“King and queen, best of both things”
Is that king andrias’s va?
Aw saying something to king TELL ME
Epic music is epic music
Rest in peace
Uh oh 
Theyd better not be
Woa skys above
Is he gone for good?
“I dont feel so good” -belos
Oh just kick him already
Transformation sequence?
Back to nomal form aw
Idk how i feel about the music?
Awwwww at least the collector gets a happy ending
No more glyphs…
A flapjack gravestone awwwwwwwwwwwwww
Prof bump the gardner awwwwwww
Oooooooo new power
Raine looks GOOD
Eda became what she feared, a headmaster
Wow king is big
Aw a shooting star!
Oh that was a PERFECT ENDING!
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*nukes go off in the distance*
*does the cartoon whistle while looking innocently at the sky*
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v3nusxsky · 1 year
hehe im back with request well you know this was coming 😅 smut one ofc
prompt ~ Lesso and r are in a relationship and r hasnt been getting the attention she wants from Lesso so when she wakes up and sees lesso already gone of to work she puts her plan in action
she goes to her closet and pics out one Lesso favourite slight slutty outfits she likes on her not 100% inappropriate for work but enough that will get Lessos attention
as there at lunch Lesso catchs a glimpse of r and chokes on her food and r from cross the room just gives her a playful innocence look and smile then leaves the room
so Lesso texts her
“Little dove , my office now!”
r responds “ Lesso i’m busy right now i’ll be there later”
Lesso response“ No ! now pet don’t keep me waiting”
r response “i - im coming “
Lesso response “ such a good dove , you know the rules , kneel by the desk”
you can decide how the smut goes after this but may i suggest
face sitting L on top r
orgasm Daniel
pain kink
misstress/ mommy kink
and any others you can think of
Kneel now!| NSFW
*Authors note~ this is a bit of a long one but I love the detail in the prompt and the fact it's based off of one of my edits is just woah thank you *
Trigger warnings~ mommy kink dom l sub r face sitting orgasm denial pain kink if you squint? Degrading kink humiliation kink if you squint and edging
Prompt~ see ask^^^^^^
The schools for Good and Evil always got busy around exam season, that was a given. But what wasn't a given was waiting for your girlfriend to give you some attention and receiving none. You tried to be patient and tried to understand she was busy but truthfully you felt she was uninterested and that you simply were not important enough for her to make that special effort. That's what set your plan up. If Leonora wasn't going to give you attention then you damn well we're gonna take it.
Leonora had left early due to her hectic schedule which is why it was so easy for you to find the most provocative outfit going. It just so happened to be something lesso adores on you and often try's to get you to wear when it's just the two of you so that she can rip it off your body.  This outfit would be the key to gaining what you desired as long as you utilise it's power over Lesso.
To say your choice of clothing wasn't exactly school appropriate would be too polite, you were turning heads of many students but your outfit so it was only natural they whistled and made comments as you walked the halls. Their attention wasn't whom you desired so you ignored it and headed straight to the food hall. Upon entering, the hall went silent apart from the sounds of the normally composed red head coughing and spluttering over her food. You sent her an innocent smile and walked through the hall to find your breakfast. You could practically feel her eyes boring into your ass as you walked.
Breakfast was only the start, you had a class then a free planning period so you decided to shoot off a few less than innocent texts and even a picture of what you wore underneath the dress to your lover. You knew she wouldn't reply straight away, she was teaching but the anticipation just made it ten times more fun.
A few hours after the picture was sent your phone dinged indicating you'd finally caught her full attention, "Little Dove, my office now!" Now there were two ways you could play this, you could submit and scamper off to her beck and call or you could be a brat. You obviously choose the latter and began to craft your response, "Lesso im busy right now I'll be there later." You couldn't help but bite your lip as you pressed send, normally you wouldn't dare to be so disobedient to your mommy but today clearly you had set out on one mission, to gain her attention.
"No! Now pet, don't keep me waiting!" The reply followed by the sound of the bell signaling lunch hour, you had no more classes left for the day which Leonora knew. You sent a quick reply before hurrying out of your classroom to her office, "I-im coming." You didn't even get out of your classroom before a reply shot back in, " such a good dove , you know the rules , kneel by the desk" ah fuck, you were most definitely not going to be able to walk after this.
You quickly entered the office stripping your clothing as you entered leaving you bare to kneel by her desk just as she had taught you to do. You wanted to be good, to earn her praise and affection you just wanted attention. Leonora paid you no mind, knowing the humiliation being knelt down naked while anyone could walk in or peer through the windows added to your arousal. The mere thought that someone could see you in such a vulnerable position had you dripping on her hard wood floors instantly.
"Mommy" you whined after about 15 minutes had trickled by, "please" you whimpered as she tutted in your direction. "Up and over my knee whore" she demanded as she shuffled back to make room for you. You bent your self over her knees as your ass was sticking up in the air, you knew what would come but yet the first blow still stole the breath from your lips, "one mommy!" Sometimes the blows were spread out and sometimes they were in quick succession also changing in strength. By the time you reached twenty five you were sobbing in her lap, a hand pressed on your back to hold you in place as she delivered the last five blows. Her fingers tracing your folds, "such a slut, you got dripping wet by your own punishment, such a dumb whore."
You now found yourself tied up in your shared bed as your lover straddled your face. Your only instruction was to make her cum. You'd riled her up all day it was only fair that she used you until she felt satisfied once more. If there was one thing Leonora loved it was riding your beautiful face, smothering it in her cum as you desperately licked around your face to get another taste of her. "Pretty cum slut, can't get enough of mommy can you" she teased clambering off your face to grab the favourite little vibrator you seemed to miss her getting it ready before she sat on your face.
Leo once again straddled your face once more as you immediately began to instinctively lick her leaking folds. The vibrations driving you insane causing you to moan into her cunt, Leonora moaning above you alongside your own pleasure was dizzying, your need to orgasm only growing to an impossible height. Leonora came for the third time before she shuffled off your face with shaky legs and immediately shut the vibrator off and with the flick of her fingers you were both cleaned of her slick and your thighs cleaned of your own.
"Mommy?" You whined sounding like a pouty child. "No darling, only good girls get to cum, you were bratty and instead of asking mommy for attention you decided to act like a whore"she murmured before kissing your sweaty forehead, "take the punishment baby, we will reconsider it later if your Mommy's good girl." You may have gained her attention but she was now satisfied and you were needy and painfully aroused. Knowing Lesso you knew if you behaved well she would put you out of your own misery tonight.
Word count~ 1315
Tag list~ @farahtissaiamyloves @i-write-sometimes-maybe @blu3berrykiss3s
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cherrywhipped · 2 years
LESS THAN 20 DADDY LEORIO SMUT POSTS ON TUMBLR??????? NAAW. SAME THING ONLY A HANDFUL OF PAPI KITE ?! THEREFORE HOOKERS<3, YOU KNOW WHAT IM BOUT TO DO. Here’s a quick Leo, Kite otw. This might be trash but I just wanted to add sum to the tag ;-;
I need a doctor ♡
CW: Leorio Paradinight x fem reader smut, kinktober, maybe? established relationship/living together, costume party theme, light roleplay, drinking mention, oral, quickie, fun stuffs
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“Doctor Leorioooo~” you called to him longingly, finally stepping out of your shared bedroom to give him a show. Tonight you would be attending a costume party held by an older friend of a friend. Your sweet boyfriend, deciding that he already had most of the necessary pieces to put together the costume anyway, decided to attend as a doctor. And, as he suggested, what good is a doctor without a sexy nurse? You went along with his excitement, even though you thought it was kind of cliche before, but now? Seeing how the thin fabric hugged your curves and settled against all the right places was enough to convince you that Leo was onto something. The added height from your heels and the silky stockings around your legs made you feel like you fit the role perfectly.
“Are you ready y/n, can I see yet??” The lanky man sat in the living room, covering his eyes as per your instructions. He looked so smart and adorable: business casual attire underneath his lab coat, and a stethoscope draped around his neck.
“Yes! Look!!” You squealed and struck a cutesy pose.
“Hoooly shit. Babe…” the second Leo opened his eyes, they were stuck to you. His jaw practically dropped to the floor, mans was flabbergasted at the fantasy you brought to life for him. “Babe. You are fucking hot. Look how sexy you are!!” He clapped for you and whistled at your figure.
“Stoppp, hehe. Thank you, handsome,” you were a blushing mess. Leave it to Leorio, the undefeated champion hype-man, to gas you up beyond belief. “We better get going before I try to keep you at the house all to myself.”
He cocked a brow before responding, “Is that a promise?” He was shamelessly eyeing your tits, licking his bottom lip as he waited for your response. Your thighs clenched.
“Babyyy, we’ll have plenty of time for that later, we should get a move on,” you replied half heartedly. You did want to go, sure, but you were kinda horny too… it’s hard not to be when you and your boyfriend got dressed up and look this good.
“Mm, come sit in my lap. Just for a second, baby, please? C’mere.” He had that familiar lust-filled glint in his eyes, and you weren’t entirely sure it would only be a second like he said. Nonetheless, you sauntered over and straddled him. Leorio’s hands immediately groped your ass and helped you settle on top of him. “Atta girl,” he praised with a light slap to your ass cheek. He kissed your lips lightly as to not mess up your lipstick. “Wow, baby,” he whispered softly, resting his face against your boobs. He kissed and sucked at the flesh, causing you to lightly grind against his lap. Leorio lifted his head and almost gave you a hickey near your collar bone, but you stopped him before he could finish.
“Leooo, baby we need to get going!” You insisted, reluctantly climbing off of him.
He sighed deeply. “Fiiiiine, but I won’t go easy on you later for making me wait so long.”
The party was pretty lively, although you couldn’t really find anyone you knew. Maybe Kurapika wasn’t the type to go to costume parties. Or maybe these were mostly Leo’s friends from university. No matter. You grabbed a drink as your sweetheart chatted with his colleagues in costumes. After a light snack and a few drinks, you had a brilliant idea.
Leorio made his way back towards you after a few minutes, snatching a cupcake from the snack table. “What’s up, buttercup?” He asked sweetly.
“Doctor, I think I need your help,” you cooed innocently, doe-eyes meeting his curious gaze. Leorio blushed at your pet name for him. He knew it would someday be his official title, but for now, he was playing a role—one he took seriously, no less. After finishing his dessert, his switch flipped into doctor mode almost immediately.
“Oh, what’s wrong, honey? Do you have a headache? Do you need some medicine? You know I always have—”
“No, I think I just need a dose of Leorio. Maybe you can examine me,” you teased, grabbing at his clothes. You laughed at your stupid joke. Leorio squinted and shot you a look like he was only half amused.
“Ha-ha, y/n, very funny.” He took a step forward and stood against your chest. Leaning in close to your ear, he spoke in a low tone, “If you wanted to sneak off and fuck around in the bathroom, you could’ve just said so.” His words caught you off guard.
“I-, well, I wasn’t sure if you, um…” you stumbled through half a sentence. Leorio grinned fiendishly upon realizing that he was making you nervous.
“Here, I’ll help you. Come on,” he said flatly and dragged you by the hand towards the bathroom.
You stumbled in the door behind him, neither of you trying to hide entering at the same time. Leorio shut the door quietly. “Now… what seems to be the problem, nurse y/n?” He questioned with a subtle smirk.
“I have, uh, just a few aches I think, doctor,” you replied, taking a seat on the bathroom counter.
His gaze was back to the same intensity as earlier, he was fucking you with his eyes and would not ease up. “Could you tell me where at?”
“Um, it’s a little inappropriate, doctor…” you bit your lip softly. “Here,” you responded, and as you did so, you spread your legs for him to see and placed your fingers over your clit, covered by your lacy panties. Your dress hiked up your hips in the process.
He let out a nervous laugh. “I think I need a closer look…” he first leaned in close to your lips, kissing you firmly but gently, lipstick smearing across both of your faces. You touched yourself with your fingertips as he kissed you, his hands beginning to wander down your body. He broke the kiss and dipped his head down to your wide open legs, forcing your back up against the bathroom mirror for support. He brought his nose dangerously close to your sex, retracting with a hum. He glanced up at your face and hit you with a devilish smile. Leorio pushed your panties to the side and kissed your clit softly. His tongue poked out from his lips as he delivered tantalizing kitten licks to the area. You moaned shamelessly, one hand finding its way to the back of Leo’s head, tangling your fingers in his hair. Leorio gripped at your thighs with his free hand, the skimpy stockings were really doing it for him. He sucked you into his mouth slowly, your body burning at the action. One more kiss to your clit and he’s back to fully standing. Fucking tease.
“We can’t spend all night in here. You better hurry up and bend over.” He said forcefully. “Doctor’s orders.” You might’ve laughed if his sudden dominant aura wasn’t turning you on. Quickly sliding off the counter top, you did as he asked: bending over and leaning on the counter, you stuck your ass up in the air, weight shifting slightly on your tip-toes for a better angle. His palm met your ass with a harsh slap before pulling up your dress to slide off your panties. “Good girl.” Your boyfriend slipped two fingers in your cunt and shivered at the wetness. “I’m surprised you weren’t begging for me sooner, being this wet,” he teased. “Damn, alright.”
He unbuckled his belt and you watched in the mirror as he worked his pants down juuust enough to slip his cock out. You felt him push his length between your thighs tortuously slowly, the friction dragging along your bundle of nerves, sending a wave of pleasure through your body. “Please, Leo,” you whimpered softy. “Don’t make me wait.”
He smirked. “Uh huh. Now look who’s impatient after they made ME wait earlier,” he retorted. “I’ll give you a little now, but you’ll just have to get the rest at home.”
He pushed the tip into your aching cunt in one swift motion, pulling a moan from both of you. You see, he planned to only please you a little bit like he said, hit it nice and deep but slow enough to make you want more… yeah, that didn’t happen. Leorio was way too wound up to go slow right now. After maybe 2-3 slow thrusts, his pace became frantic. His hands grabbed on to the sides of your hips harshly, lewd slapping sounds echoed through the room. His dick kept kissing your cervix perfectly. He was in over his head. Leo didn’t have it in him to ruin yours or his own orgasm, so he just decided to let you both ride it out. After all, he could always have more later, right?
Your back arched so nicely like this, hips tilted back and up like your hole was made to be filled by Leorio. He grabbed a handful of your hair and pulled on it, sending your back into an even deeper arch. The sensation was painfully pleasant. Your whimpers and cries couldn’t be heard outside the room, but you still tried to minimize them. Leo’s soft pants were becoming more frequent, you knew he was gonna cum soon. You rubbed your clit harshly and came hard and fast, a loud cry escaping you on accident. “aHhh~,” you couldn’t help it. “Fuck,” he said breathlessly as he pulled out of you. Your panties weren’t down all the way, they were draped around your knees. He decided to cum in your panties and make you walk out with them wet, the dirty bastard. Hot liquid dripped into your underwear, some drops clinging to your thighs as he came.
You turned around to face him, eyes wide at his action. You looked him in the eyes as you pulled your panties up, humming as the cum-soaked garment made contact with your pussy.
“I think… it’s time to go home, hmm?” You suggested, your breathing beginning to steady itself. Leorio nodded, still fighting to catch his breath. “I want more of youuu,” you whined.
“Huff, I-, hah, yeah, I can do that baby. Let’s get cleaned up and head home first.” Your boyfriend kissed you passionately, the color on his cheeks almost matched the smeared lipstick across his mouth. His flushed face complimented his pretty, chocolate puppy-dog eyes. “You are amazing. I love you so much,” he confessed genuinely.
“I love you too, Leo, let’s go home. I can’t wait for round two,” you giggled and winked at him.
“Guess I’ll need my nurse y/n to take care of me after this,” He sighed and laughed back, holding your hand as you left the party, basking in the shared secret of your bathroom rendezvous.
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