glitchphotography · 2 years
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peachpaws0 · 2 years
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Heif oughh @maldito-arbol @thatone-highlighter
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sugnac · 6 months
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onktebong · 1 year
What to do with HEIC image files (easy)
Many smartphones save images in the novel HEIC ("high efficiency image compression") format, usually with the .heic file name extension, which most image viewers and image can't handle.
For example, Google Camera on my Android 12 smartphone uses this format. When I upload those photos to my Windows 10 PC, I'm left nonplussed and flabbergasted and at a total loss.
There is a very simple fix: Simply rename the file name extension to jpg. "Image.heic" to "Image.jpg".
They also go by the name of HEIF ("... format"), although I've never come across that name.
For my money, HEIC is simply JPG with another file name extension.
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pastasaikou1984 · 2 years
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1937年の創業の勝沼醸造さんの元へ 勝沼といえばこちらですよね 専用の試飲用のカードを作成して試飲しまくりました 売店がめちゃくちゃおしゃれ 働いている方々がとても楽しそうでした フランス醸造技術者協会主催の国際ワインコンテスト『ヴィナリーインターナショナル』にて数々の賞を受賞している実力派 良いワインは良いぶどうからとのこだわりを持ち、時間と手間を惜しまず、みずから良質なぶどう栽培に取り組んでいるとの事 #勝沼醸造 #勝沼 #山梨 #世界一高いワイン製造コストを肯定 #浸透膜濃縮装置 #氷結濃縮法 #日本ワインの先端 #世界に通じるワインづくりに挑戦 #醸造工程にこだわる #価格以上の価値 #驚きと感動を与えるワインづくり #イタリアン #ペペロッソ #日本ワインあります #オールドレンズ #OFFICINEGALILEOTEROG4cmf4 #OFFICINEGALILEO #TEROG #HEIF #HEIF422 #sony #α1 (勝沼醸造) https://www.instagram.com/p/CjAnF65vajo/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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melodiousoblivionao3 · 2 months
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A coach who finally realized her potential
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ashtonisvibing · 1 year
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forgot to show y'all the squishy i got yesterday at hot topic
squish :3
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mikeadosworld · 1 year
# whose the oldest
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wososage · 1 year
One Step at a Time: USWNT x Reader
Summary: Y/N plays in the opening match of the world cup but it isn’t sunshine and fairy tales. Y/N does everything they can to hold their shit together and help the team. 
Warnings: sorry this is very very sad because i need to write out my sad emotions and this is a little bit me writing my life into an imagine… italics are Y/N’s internal monologue
Word count: 1234
Step One: get to the lobby of the hotel before the bus is supposed to leave
Just put one foot in front of the other. Take the elevator, not the stairs. Save your energy for the game you are going to need it. Are my headphones on? Are my sun glasses on? Follow the team out of the hotel. Ignore the fans. Ignore the media. Get on the bus and sit in your seat.
Step Two: Get to the start of the game without crying
Chill playlist only. Focus on good deep breaths. Keep your eyes closed. Imagine today being a better day. Your family is in the stands. They can’t wait to watch you do what you love. They are so proud of all of the hard work it took you to get here. They will go crazy if you score a goal today. Do the same routine you always do. Take the picture frame out of your bag. Remember that you are playing for those who can no longer be here. Take the necklace off and put it on the picture frame. Get dressed. Warm up. How do the muscles feel? How do the joints feel? Is blood sugar okay? Are electrolyte levels okay?
Step Three: Be the player that the team needs you to be
We all line up. The whistle blows. 
Time to push forward. I am open. The ball is at my feet. The keeper is off their line. Chip the keeper Y/N. Holy shit. It worked. I just scored. Everyone is running to me.
“That was amazing Y/N!” Alex yells in my ear.
“Y/N you are the best!” Lindsey says joining the swarm of people hugging me.
I look up to the sky with tears in my eyes.
This is for you. It's always for you.
“Come on guys,” I say. “There is a lot of game left to be played.”
Line up for the corner. Have a plan to lose the defender. Never lose sight of the ball. Run towards it. Jump high. Redirect to the back post. 
“Fuck yeah!”
“That's two Y/N!”
“Y/N is unstoppable!”
Don’t get cocky. Stay humble. Stay true to yourself.
“Y/N! Push forward.”
I can see what is about to happen. Stay on side Y/N and everything will work out. Run. Get your ass there. Just get a toe on the ball. The keeper can’t stop you. Redirect. Don’t add any power.
“Hat trick! Hat trick! Hat trick!”
“Y/N! You are the love of my life!”
The whistle blows and I just sit on the ground and cry. I should be happy right now, but instead I am so sad. 
This is not how the world cup was supposed to go.
Step 4: Put on a happy face until the public can’t see you
“That was an amazing way to start the world cup,” Vlatko says to all of us in the huddle. “I am proud of all of you. Y/N, congrats on the hat trick. Everyone, enjoy this moment. The rest of the world cup starts tomorrow.”
“One more thing before everyone starts to look for their family,” Pinoe says. “Y/N get in the middle. You know how birthdays work on this team.”
Everyone sings happy birthday to me and then we head over to the friends and family section. 
Seeing everyone so excited that their family is here makes me happy. It’s great to see everyone in such good moods.
“Y/N where is your family?” Sonnett asks. “I wanna say hi to them!”
“They’re in America,” I tell her quietly, trying to not cry. “They aren’t coming to any of the games.”
“That’s okay,” Sonnett whispers in my ear while giving me a hug. “All of our families will support you and be your family during the tournament.”
“Thanks Sonny”
Step 5: Get through media as quickly as possible
Heif takes me to the mixed zone, where I am presented with the player of the match trophy.
“Y/N,” A reporter says, getting my attention. “After your goals and after the game you seemed emotional. Could you speak on what emotions you are feeling and what has been going through your head throughout the game?”
Do I lie or do I tell the truth?
Truth. The truth will come out eventually so there is no point in lying now.
“Yeah, there definitely are a lot of emotions when it comes to playing in the world cup. Most of the game I kept telling myself to be that player that my teammates need me to be. Every goal was such a whirlwind. They were all split second decisions that worked out in the team's favor. Before every game, I remind myself of all the people I play this sport for. All of the people who would be proud of me for fighting for my dreams. After the goals, I was thinking who I was scoring for. The ones who would be going crazy if they were able to watch this game. I am sure if you were to ask anyone on the team, they would say that they compartmentalize during games and tournaments. I am no different. But once that final whistle blew, I let myself think about the things I’ve been blocking out during the game. I let myself sit in the emotions I was putting aside in order to be the player the team needs me to be.”
“Y/N, is there anything you would like to say to your family right now?”
It’s okay to cry. Everyone will understand.
“Yes. Unfortunately, my family was not able to make it out to the world cup, so they are back home watching this on TV. Before… Before we left the hotel I got a call from my family. There was a family emergency. So to my family: I am very sorry that I am not able to be there to support you right now. I know what you are going through feels unreal and unimaginable. I love each and everyone of you. Please take time for yourself and make sure you are doing okay. And I hope that watching the world cup brings you a little bit of light in this very dark time. Those goals were for Reagan, Chase, and Cole. I will fight to win this world cup for you and for them. And I will be back in a month to give all of you hugs.”
Step 6: Let the team in. Let the team support you.
I am sobbing by the time I get back to the locker room. Almost everyone is either in the showers or the ice bath. I get to my locker and suddenly I am filled with rage. I punch my locker over and over again until I am pulled away by Aubrey and Naeher. I collapse in their arms and just sob.
Nothing in the world feels okay.
By the time I have calmed down, the entire team is sitting in their lockers silently. Patiently waiting for me to talk to them.
“My brothers died today,” I say, my voice raw. “I found out right before we got on the bus. I am staying for the rest of the world cup. My family will be staying in America. I need to win this for them.”
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sexy-monster-fucker · 3 months
Rules: without naming them, post 10 gifs of your favorite TV shows, then tag 10 people.
I was tagged by @justme12200 and @toogaytofunctiondangit
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@heif @megangovier @ghoulsbounty @sleepybunnybobby @its-in-the-woods @vaultdwellingghoullover @itsyellow @hiddlebatchedloki @pixelatedprofilepic @dichromaniac
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fabuloustrash05 · 6 months
Not sure if someone asked about this, but how did the other characters react to Raph's and Mona Lisa's pregnancy? Also, since they met the '87 turtles, I can imagine '87 Raph and Mona Lisa going on double dates with 2012 Raph and Mona Lisa. Probably planned playdates with their kids.
For the first question:
Everyone was defiantly surprised but obviously happy for the couple cause they're all gonna be uncles/aunts!
Both Mikey and April would immediately start helping Raph and Mona prepare for the baby. Mikey would make Mona food for all her cravings while April goes out and buys them baby supplies.
Leo would be shocked at first, but also trilled because the Hamato family name will continue on and he'll also have a protégé and possibly even an heif to be the next leader of the Hamato clan.
Donnie would be happy as well, but also curious to know HOW was it possible for them to conceive despite being different species (I have answer for that but that's a HC for another asks) so he'd be there for Mona and do monthly check ups with her to prepare for the baby.
Karai and Shinigami would throw Mona a baby shower and buy her a tone of baby clothes, a gift mainly from Shini cause she can't wait to play dress up with her future niece or nephew.
Casey and the Mutanimals would also be very excited, offering to help the couple anyway they can. With Casey finding one way or another to make jokes towards Raph regarding the topic.
As for your second question:
A would LOVE to see an 87 and 2012 RaMona double date. It would be fun for them but also interesting to learn more about their counterparts and how different/similar they are. Maybe the Mona's would get along and while there off being besties, the Raph are arguing over who's Mona is better. lol
I'd imagine they'd stay in contact and eventually have their kids meet. I HC 87 RaMona only ever have 1 kid (a daughter) while 2012 RaMona have 5 (2 daughter & 3 sons), so it's overwhelming for the 87 kid, but its like having a tone of siblings or cousins that are just from another universe.
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peachpaws0 · 2 years
Do some Weif maybe? Another ship with leif in it? I just rlly like ur weif bestie <<333
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Heif?? U want some Heif?? @maldito-arbol
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glitchphotography · 2 years
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Bayside (05) HEIF Databending Glitch
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pjowasmy1stfandom · 5 days
I think one thing that really got me past not commenting on fics, especially older ones, was HEIF: How Would I Feel
Would I be happy to get a comment on my fic if I updated it yesterday? Of course
Would I be happy to get a comment on my fic if I hadn't updated it in a year? Absolutely
I feel like most of us don't post things on ao3 if we don't want comments. So I've started making more of an effort to comment and it's kind of awesome to see how much more enjoyment I can get from that even if the work itself is finished
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codemerything · 8 months
How I got H.265 codec for free on my Windows
My laptop doesn't have HEVC and most of the media I consume needs HEVC; I couldn't get it from the Windows Store for free because well, it has 0.99$ on it and I know you can find absolutely anything for free on the internet. I was also slightly pissed that all the updates from Windows didn't just include that (H.265 is the latest international standard for video compression since 2013). I did some digging and found a Script; All this script does is check to make sure you have prerequisite apps installed first (Microsoft Photos and HEIF Image Extensions apps) and installs them if needed, then installs the HEVC Video Extensions from Device Manufacturer app. These are the steps that worked for me: 1. Open PowerShell ISE
2. Click on the New File icon, and copy-paste the code from the script (LINK) into the window, then click the Run icon. This should install it for you and you're good to go!
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lumidotexe · 2 years
For Heifeing (sorry if I spelt it wrong jshdkshdjdh): Why such a difficult barter with Ru if you have so many loyal customers hmmmmmmmmmm?
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Masterpost for Even Rainfall has Shadows
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