pastasaikou1984 · 2 years
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1937年の創業の勝沼醸造さんの元へ 勝沼といえばこちらですよね 専用の試飲用のカードを作成して試飲しまくりました 売店がめちゃくちゃおしゃれ 働いている方々がとても楽しそうでした フランス醸造技術者協会主催の国際ワインコンテスト『ヴィナリーインターナショナル』にて数々の賞を受賞している実力派 良いワインは良いぶどうからとのこだわりを持ち、時間と手間を惜しまず、みずから良質なぶどう栽培に取り組んでいるとの事 #勝沼醸造 #勝沼 #山梨 #世界一高いワイン製造コストを肯定 #浸透膜濃縮装置 #氷結濃縮法 #日本ワインの先端 #世界に通じるワインづくりに挑戦 #醸造工程にこだわる #価格以上の価値 #驚きと感動を与えるワインづくり #イタリアン #ペペロッソ #日本ワインあります #オールドレンズ #OFFICINEGALILEOTEROG4cmf4 #OFFICINEGALILEO #TEROG #HEIF #HEIF422 #sony #α1 (勝沼醸造) https://www.instagram.com/p/CjAnF65vajo/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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knario47 · 2 years
Cultura Indígena de Canarias
Los restos de la cultura material muestran paralelismos con los hallados en el Magreb occidental, como prueba de un bagaje cultural común.
Refiriéndonos a Lanzarote, existe una similitud con el tipo de hábitat -la vivienda semiexcavada en el suelo- presente en el Atlas Medio y en otras regiones de Marruecos. La temática y morfología de los grabados rupestres de la isla es común al Archipiélago y al NW africano, con la localización del motivo podomorfo en las cimas del Atlas y en las zonas de relieve de la Kabylia y los macizos saharianos. Las inscripciones alfabetiformes líbicas poseen un área de distribución todavía más amplia, así como los motivos geométricos.
La cerámica de Lanzarote tiene paralelismos tipológicos y ornamentales con las vasijas que caracterizan el Neolítico tardío del Sahara, perdurando luego en el mundo púnico-bereber y llegando hasta nuestros días en algunos lugares concretos; mientras que los ídolos zoomorfos lanzaroteños ofrecen analogías estilísticas con la escultura zoomorfa sahariana.
Finalmente, existen evidencias lingüísticas, basadas en topónimos y etnónimos. Torriani y Abreu Galindo recogen los términos "mahoh" o "Maoh" como denominación indígena de las islas de Lanzarote y Fuerteventura, a la vez que sus habitantes serían conocidos como "mahos". Estas controvertidas voces han sido objeto de diversas interpretaciones. Para J. Álvarez sería traducible como "la tierra" o "el país", por lo que el segundo significaría "los pobladores".
Para los normandos, los antiguos lanzaroteños la llamaban "Tyterogaka". Para G. Marcy, "Ti-Terugakkaet" en un dialecto cercano a la lengua tuareg-ahaggar, significa "la que está quemada", "la ardiente". Para J. Álvarez la forma original sería "Ti-Terog-akaet", significando "la montaña rojiza" o "las lomas coloradas", guardando relación con un área concreta del sur de Lanzarote. Marín de Cubas reproduce el nombre "Toicusa". "Tu-ikkus-a", en bereber "la que está caliente", "la ardiente". Las divergencias entre topónimos pueden deberse a informadores indígenas no originarios de Lanzarote, que tradujeron en su propia lengua la verdadera designación local de la isla.
Lanzarote y los majos, José Carlos Cabrera Pérez
En la imagen, las islas de Lanzarote Titerogayka y Fuerteventura Maxorata; las más cercanas al continente africano.
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zatdecafea · 5 years
"Ai grijă să nu rănești la fel de mult."
De vorba cu tine.
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insomniideaugust · 7 years
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cuvintesincere · 7 years
Te rog rămâi și fă-mă să cred că încă mai există persoane bune în această lume. Te rog să nu îmi faci mereu complimente; știu ce sunt și ce nu. Și orice ai spune probabil va avea oricum un efect nedorit asupra mea. Te rog să știi că am atât de multe lucruri în minte încât nu reușesc să le spun cu voce tare. Te rog să știi că strig în sinea mea. Te rog rămâi. Te rog nu pleca. Știu că te pot plictisi și enerva, dar nici eu nu mă cunosc foarte bine. Te rog încearcă să știi ce să spui în momentele potrivite. Te rog să știi că persoana pe care ai vazut-o până acum nu sunt cu adevărat eu. Te rog să înțelegi că persoanele m-au schimbat. Te rog ajută-mă să mă găsesc într-un fel.
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alstanfordart · 3 years
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‘A Tarros Storm”
The Hotel Terog, as I said before, I wanted to draw it. I'd like to do more, with up close details and the city surrounding it. It's built into the side of a mountain. I made the Terog the setting for Reverie, pretty much everything takes place in and around it, with the mystery aspect and the horror scenes, since I already had the concept, I just dropped in Pennywise/it, what would take place if he were to crash land on another world.
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i-took-your-spoons · 2 years
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Art dump cuz why not
Terog uite la ăsta
S'il te plaît, regarde ça
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lacu-de-rugina · 6 years
Dumi- bufnița, cerbu negru mare și mort cu oci albi
Rafa: cn ești tu muiere
Figură neagra: EU SUNT DELIA ȘI AM OMORÂTO PE DELIA. *dispare*
Rafa: ke
Andre: cra cra CRADAVRU
Rafa: cadavru*
Rafa: *se uita după delia moarta da ea e sus pe tavan susținută de fluturi negri* bA
Delia: *dispare cu fluturii*
Rafa: rip am daton bara *se duce acasa*
La Lacu de rugină:
Dumi: fa ceai facut
Feo: am uciso B)
Dumi: dc
Feo: idk
Dumi: bn.. ne futem?
Feo: nu ma fut cu ciori
Dumi: eu– ok
La serviciu la Rafa.
Rafa: ke ma fac *se uita în oglinda* dc am barbă *o tunde*
Paru de barbă din chiuveta: *se transforma în pui de cioara*
Rafa: wTF *îl îneacă cu apa de chiuveta* ok
Andre: cra
Rafa: ce plm faci aici
Andre: nush
Rafa: mai urmărit? :0
Andre: da
Rafa: ok *continua sa investigheze*
Figură neagra: *apare* BUNA EU SUNT DELIA
Rafa: știam
Andre: iubestema delia:(((
Figura neagra: NU >[ *se întoarce spre rafa* o sa te omor
Rafa: da terog
Pisică: *ataca figura neagra*
Figură neagra: se dizolva
Rafa: rip
După doua ore:
Rafa: AM GĂSIT :0 ma duc la Lacu de rugina UvU sunt asa un geniu B)
Andre, cu un pliant cu Lacu de rugina în cioc:... ok
Rafa se duce la Lacu de rugina și leșina peacolo nuj ce.
Rafa: mam trezit ce fak intro chestia asta clădire aurie
Cladirea: ce faci în mine da bună intrebare
Rafa: nush *sparge un perete și da de un lac* IEI LACU DE RUGINA
Persoana cu barca : *vasleste pana la el* buna
Rafa: cn esti
Persoana cu barca: tu dar mai mare
Persoana cu barca: glm sunt o cioara *se transforma în feo*
Rafa: fA cE
Feo: dormi *ii da una și îl ia în barca adormit*
Rafa se trezește într-o cabana.
Rafa: ce *vede caca pe o masa* asta e de la andre
Andre: *face CRA din depărtare*
Dumi: *lasă la ușa un cerb fără cap* GRABESTETE
Rafa: dc
Dumi: ca mori *apare ca un cerb negru și cu oci albi*
Rafa: și–
Dumi: și atât.
Rafa: super.
Dumi: dacă nu te grăbești te las în viata și îți fur papucii gucci
Rafa: nU *construiește liftu* siacuma ce fac
Dumi: pleci sau îți iau papucii *da sa fuga după el*
Rafa: pA *coboară cu liftu... în lac* lesina*
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sunilchwan-blog · 5 years
Jan 07, 2020 (The Expresswire) -- Global Engineering Class Chain Market report provides major statistics on the state of the Automotive Fuel Delivery System...
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pastasaikou1984 · 2 years
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大泉葡萄酒 @ohizumi_wine 103軒のぶどう栽培農家が共同出資して経営を行なっている地域密着型のワイナリー ノンボルドーによる栽培にこだわったワイナリー ボルドー液を撒かずに栽培を行う姿勢に惚れました ボルドー液は病害に強くなる反面、散布することにより葡萄の葉に白い斑点が付いてしまいます その分、葉が光合成できる量が減る事となり、葡萄の糖度が下がる要因となると言われいます 病害と戦いながらも葡萄の品質にこだわる姿勢に職人魂を感じました ・香りKOSYU2020.2018ノンボルドー栽培 ・アジロン ペペロッソでのお取り扱いをはじめさせていただきます ちなみに、アジロンが大好きな私   アジロンって物凄くテロワールを表している葡萄だと思うんですよね なんかとても郷土臭がして惹かれます アジロンは香りが飛ばないように優しく優しく煮詰めてアジロンのソースにさせていただき、鴨のレンガ焼きに合わせていきます #アジロン #香りKOSYU #ノンボルドー #ohizumiwinery #大泉葡萄酒株式 #大泉葡萄酒株式会社 #山梨県甲州市勝沼町 #岩崎地区 #ぶどう栽培農家 #地域密着型のワイナリー #達磨葡萄酒合資会社 #100年以上の歴史 #ワインは生きている #イタリアン #ペペロッソ #日本ワインあります #イタリア産オールドレンズ #オールドレンズ #オールドレンズの世界 #オールドレンズ部 #オールドレンズ沼 #OFFICINEGALILEOTEROG4cmf4 #OFFICINEGALILEO #TEROG #HEIF #HEIF422 #sony #α https://www.instagram.com/p/CjDSTyePzNf/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ihaileysenpai · 7 years
U-um... I only come on tumblr for a couple users. There is you, ania da peasant , teroge ,thebbros etc. Mostly you
D'aww buddy, that's nice, hope you discover other amazing users while you are here! :)
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alstanfordart · 6 years
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Repost since Tumblr decided NOT to let my art/writing appear in any of the tags unless posted with the app. Thanks tumblr. 😡😤 
Harold. Perhaps a part of her had hoped to run into him.
She approaches, focused on his wide shoulders, before he turns around, revealing the talisman is now obscured with a dark blue scarf.
“You like it? I just bought it,” he asks, fingering the fabric. “Don’t I look dashing?”
“Seeing you here again.” she says as she comes to a stop before him. His pure golden pupils gaze to either side of her.
“And..where is..?” Harold begins.
“You do that too. Ask questions you already know the answer to,” Mirasal peers around at the scant group of people. She’ll humor him as she does Robert. “At the hotel.”
Harold purses his lips, bushy brows arching. “There’s some friction between you two.”
Mirasal keeps her gaze turned down, examining the tips of her sandals. No need to explain. Harold, without warning reaches out and gives her a comforting pat on the back.
She jumps slightly at the touch. Harold looks apologetic. “I felt that was necessary. Social protocol.” he offers.
“It isn’t. I’m fine really,” she says raising her head, eyeing the scarf. “Yes that is a good look for you.”
Harold lifts his hand towards a cafe, the doors now being opened by an employee. “Why don’t we have something to eat.”
Mirasal nods. She wasn’t even close to being hungry now, but she could use a warm drink.
“Or a drink,” Harold adds with a twinkle in his eye as they take a seat inside the small, intimate area, filled with diminutive round tables and the warmth of the oven from the nearby kitchen. “You previously were expressing unhappiness with conversing with me.”
“Yes, well..that was before. It’s just,” Mirasal opens the flap of her purse and removes the turtle carving, placing it on the table in front of them. “This. Can you believe he got upset over this? Why is that? He wouldn’t really tell me.” She gives it a tap with the tip of her metal finger.
Harold blinks at it for a moment, before he picks it up. “See the turtle of enormous girth, on his shell he holds the Earth.” he says, as his irises pass over the thin delicate lines of the wood.
“Poetry? What’s that from?” Mirasal asks.
Poetry or another riddle.
“His thought is slow, but always kind,” Harold chuckles before he sits it carefully back down. “Skoldpadda.” he adds softly.
“Nothing. It’s an old poem, about a turtle-one much larger than that. But he can alter his size,” he nods at the carving. “He’s a creator. A watcher, although,” he leans forward, his expression dropping to something more serious. “His thought isn’t so slow, if you ask me. Some would call him stupid.” He settles back against his chair, attention directed out the small window near them, giving his beard a stroke.
Mirasal remains mute for a few passing minutes. “I..wouldn’t,” she finally says softly. “I hope you’re not going to talk like that again.”
“Like what?”
“In riddles. I can’t understand what you say.”
“Riddles. Bessa invented them to keep her husband entertained.” Harold replies.
“I don’t find it entertaining. It’s more frustrating,” Mirasal shifts in her seat. “I prefer directness.”
“So I suppose you wouldn’t be interested in a riddling contest?’ Harold gives her a knowing smile as he motions a waiter over to them.
“I most certainly would not.”
They both order the same drink-Caelo-before the waiter heads back to the kitchen, promising to be prompt.
“Very well. I will be straightforward,” Harold replies “He has his moods. Certain things can set him off.”
“I’m realizing that,” Mirasal retorts. “But it seems so absurd to me.”
“Maybe to you. But to him..surely you have things you are particular about. Things others might see as trivial or of no importance.”
Mirasal stares at him a moment, her bottom lip jotted out as her eyes wonder to the scene outside. Yes, she most certainly does. Without question.
But a turtle.
“Sometimes you need to see things from someone else’s perspective. Try to put yourself in their shoes.”
The image of wearing Robert’s dress shoes enters Mirasal’s mind before Harold cuts in, waving his hand.
“Figuratively in his shoes. Just seeing things from his point of view.”
“Oh,” Mirasal slowly nods her head. “Yes, I understand.”
“Empathy. To perceive is to suffer, as Aristotle said.”
“Philosopher, scientist,” Harold offers. “There was a man I met, who at times seemed rather unsympathetic or cold, but he often tried to offer his assistance to those who needed it, despite seeming rather detached emotionally. Not really good in ‘thinking around corners’ as he called it.”
Mirasal, taking a sip of the warm Caelo the waiter has delivered, brings her elbows to a rest on the table. “I call that being practical. You can’t let your emotions have control over you. You have to see things from a pragmatic point of view.”
“Yes, that’s true. But there are times when you have to be-”
“Open to things? I know.” Mirasal smirks.
“That. But that’s not always the case. Sometimes being distant can save oneself from harm. You’re right that you must be practical. That can sometimes save you from any kind of pain or suffering.”
“Not always,” Mirasal sits her now-empty mug down. “Not always, no. No matter how much I try to distance myself,” she starts to rise form her seat. “I should be getting back now.” Sometimes she felt she overreacted to certain situations. Maybe she was doing that with Robert’s behavior.
“Well, perhaps you should trust that instinct a little more.” Harold says as he watches her adjust her shawl. She pauses to look down at him, arms folded, jaw shifting to either side as she gawked at the turtle carving.
“Why don’t you just keep that.” she says as she slides it towards his side of the table. Harold picks it up, admiring it as it sits in his palm, giving her a silent nod of appreciation as she walks out the threshold.
More crowds are beginning to appear as she strolls down the street. Robert would know they’ve talked. Know it wasn’t by chance. He’d know she’d intentionally interacted with his brother. A feeling of trepidation starts weaving through her as she sees the Terog not far in the distance. She needed someone to talk to. Someone she knew she could trust to confide in, although she certainly doesn’t know Harold. But at the same time, felt he was trustworthy. It was a strange feeling. Certainly unusual for her. Trusting this complete stranger with her innermost thoughts. Perhaps it was the kindness he exudes. That same feeling of comfort she had felt, like when she and her Grandfather are conversing. No barriers up.
But, come to think of it, he really didn’t even answer her question.
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justhahablr · 8 years
Doar spune-mi că nu ți-e frică să mă iubeşti, suflete, şi eu promit că am să te las; să-mi prinzi degetele-n palme şi să râzi de răceala lor, să m-alergi prin mulțimea confuză şi absurdă de oameni roind veşnic spre casa lor, să-mi cânți la chitară şi să-mi zâmbeşti de două infinituri de ori, să strigi cu mine nebun de fericirea reuşitei mele şi să mă cerți când plâng prosteşte; zău că am să te las să-mi dai să beau alcoolul ce te făcuse să râzi în poza aia ori să mă iei la rost că-ţi fac poze în timp ce eşti pe scenă şi am să-ţi dau voie să mă cunoşti cu adevărat, de nu te temi să mă iubeşti.
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pinkandblack · 8 years
-Te rog ia-mi sufletul... M-a privit cu mila, m-a privit de parca nu ar stii cat de distrus este, ma privit de parca nu era vina mea ca mi-am distrus sufletul. -Esti sigura? -Eu Louise imi declar sufletul ca fiind al tau Lucifer! -Il vei vrea inapoi? -Nu stiu, la tine e in siguranta? -Te asigur de asta. -Atunci nu. Corpul meu s-a ridicat de la sol cu 3 metrii, zambetul meu mi sa largit iar Lucifer a observat asta. Durerea pe care am simtito nu se poate descrie, un urlet chinuit a iesit din gura mea ca mai apoi sa ma prabusesc in bratele lui. -Deschide ochii iubito, Am facut cum mia cerut si l-am privit fix. -Esti atat de frumoasa, esti perfecta... Albul din ochii mei o data cu sulfetul meu a disparut iar acum am ochii negrii in totalitate. Nu sunt un monstru, sunt doar un simplu muritor ce iubeste o fiinta cruda ce omoara doar din priviri. -Iti este frica de mine iubito? -Cum as putea sa imi fie frica de cineva pe care il iubesc atat de mult...?
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itsourwarzone-babe · 8 years
îmi spui că ești fericită cu el, îmi spui să las trecutul în urmă. dar nu tu ești cea care mă roagă să nu plec, chiar dacă inima mi-o spune?
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ephemeral-eyes · 9 years
∆×Tu nu ma crezi, dar stiu ce ascund ochii tai // Te simt din ale inimii batai ×∆
Carla's Dreams-Te rog
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