#hela x happy childhood
helahades · 3 years
How do you think Hela woulda been with Thor and Loki if Odin hadn’t kicked her out? Like what kinda sibling relationship?
you know ?
On Hela as a Sister
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warnings: childhood trauma, mentions of abuse, mentions of odins gaslighting
these are my favorite hela aus because everything else is inherently angsty and sometimes i just want her happy
there is nothing quiet about helas dedication or her love
she is...so protective. esp since the age gap is so large shes double their age
being a big sister that has had time to reflect on childhood, and then watching more children be raised in the same environment, the instinct is very much to provide those children with support that you needed then
i think there is a special kinship to be recognized between her and loki. literally two seconds ago i read a fic that suggested hela was an outcast as a child
while i don’t think sexuality/queerness is as big of a thing^tm on asgard and that they’re pretty fluid, there’s something to be said about the parallels between Loki’s genderfluidity + sexuality and helas repressed exploration
hela is literally the rough draft and Odin is not far from coming of age himself when he has her, so I imagine she received the worst of his intensity, and as suggested by the same fic I just mentioned, she was made to put a lot of inner exploration on the back burner in favor of becoming daddy’s little weapon
all this is to say that hela is gay and I think that her vulnerability is parallel to Loki’s in a way I can’t describe and that they both need a very similar kind of nurturing
I think Hela would have a bond with Loki that involved making him work through some of his inner turmoil rather than repress it, and I think she would help him channel his magic as a thing that can be nice and not only destructive
now for thor, i won’t ignore that he definitely has experiences all sorts of different attraction to all genders. he channels his emotions much differently though + otherness is really not as central to his main struggles
at his most mature and even at his worst, there is a very direct line between the cause of his stress and the expression of that stress
aka, he’s much less prone to repression, and actually, on the complete other end of the spectrum. I think Thor may have trouble at times identifying where he’s having a problem
it sounds backwards. he talks through things, he identifies problems and works through them. but sometimes problem solvers let problems blow by after resolution without assessing how it’s damaged their armor
think of infinity war. an obviously distressed Thor sees a direct solution to the loss he’s faced. he simply needs to kill thanos and everything will be better right?
hela and thor have similarly explosive emotions, but hela is more loki in the plotting and handling of them
now hela isnt all knowing and as much as I would like her as a big sister to help them through everything, she doesn’t understand all of both of them
but hela is very good at identifying what makes her angry
and she’s exceptional at seeing how people associated with her have been wronged
her core unit of people is a source of pride and extreme dedication and she is very attuned/sensitive to how they are feeling
she has an awareness of the temperaments of people around her in general, but where it may manifest generally as her playing the long game of life, with family it’s different
she’s aware when they’re hurt, when they’re confused or angry, and in her best way i think she would try to help them confront that
speculation of their dynamic is a little stranger for Thor because Loki was..never intended for the throne. it’s simpler and there’s not much destiny conflict
perhaps hela would be queen and Thor could be free, an adventurer
Had they been raised in a way that is healthy, and to be able to identify personal goals separate from the crown, perhaps Thor would have realized he didn’t want to be king much sooner
I see Thor a blond ball of fire, running to the chambers of his big sister to gush about what he’s learned one day
He tells her about how he held fire and brought dried herbs to fresh blooms and how he’s just so ready to conjure lighting
Pulling the final plait loose from her warrior braid, her hair falls loose and she smiles warmly, pulling him up to her bed to sit and begins one of her animated tales that always have a way of entrancing him
She speaks of kings and wielding magic and how rushing to too much too fast has been the end of even the greatest
She hands him a bouquet that’s wilted and asks him to turn it whole, marveling at his successes with animation that swells the pride of his young soul and tells him to keep at his studies
She says she’ll teach him lighting personally when the time comes
all of them are bound by intense longing, passion, a desire to be appreciated
ultimately, if hela had been raised with more love and attention, there would have been ripple effects of support, she could have been a better example for how to channel their intensities
hela is a big sister sworn to the duty of protection and proper encouragement, but will always have a lot to work through on her own
protectors need protection, and hopefully the day will come where she will sit back and watch how they’ve blossomed, before looking onto her own clearer image of destiny xx
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Cruel Summer (Chapter 6)
Pairing: Alpha Steve Rogers x Female Omega Reader
Summary: It's a normal day for Alpha Steven Grant Rogers.
Well, if you don't count the fact that his childhood friend and best pal James Buchanan Barnes is currently on trial for his crimes as the Winter Soldier. Paired with his responsibilities as an Avenger, there's a lot on his plate.
Until he meets you by chance in an elevator.
You're just trying to figure this new world out after being frozen for forty years. You're hoping for a fresh new start. A new normal.
And then you meet Steve.
Life can't get worse... right?
Chapter Warnings: Mpreg, childbirth, mentions of demigod children, mentions of Bucky and Natasha's shared trauma from the Red Rom/Hydra.
Additional Notes: Hello everyone! Welcome the part two of the double update! I hope you enjoy this little detour. Originally, this chapter was going to deal with Steve's Rut, but I didn't want to jump into it right after the Reader's Heat. So the next chapter will be dealing with Steve's Rut, and this will be a little filler chapter if you will.
As always, you can read this chapter here.
Word Count: 3969
A month later...
If you asked Bruce Banner what he had imagined for himself a few years ago, it wasn’t this.
Almost over a year ago, Thor had shown up on Earth and proclaimed that he needed Bruce’s help with something.
That “something” being the Tesseract.
The Asgardians had gotten it back from SHIELD, (sorry, Hydra), and had begun to do tests on it again. To see its potential. All the while Loki had been a somewhat helpful ally.
Thor had told him after the death of their mother that something had changed in his brother. A switch, perhaps.
Bruce could sympathize with that. He really could. Plus, Loki wasn’t all that bad.
… mostly.
Bruce had decided to bring Jane Foster and Darcy Lewis on their lovely trip back to Asgard. He had reservations for Jane though. Because of the whole Aether and Dark Elves thing.
And because Jane and Thor used to date.
But Jane had assured him that nothing would be awkward. His fellow Omega had told him that she and Thor had broken it off on friendly terms. Not to mention, once they got to Asgard, she had met Val.
Well. Her real name was Brunnhilde. Her Asgardian name anyway. Jane and Val had become a Bonded Pair, and somehow, in some weird freaking way— so had Loki and Darcy.
Really, Bruce couldn’t figure that out. But they were happy, so he was happy for them.
Which, really just left him and Thor.
Just the two of them.
He didn’t really know when it happened, really.
Bruce had never believed in that True Mates stuff. Sure, maybe as a kid, but once he had been affected by the gamma rays, he stopped believing. He could become a huge green monster, after all. He Hulk Smashed everything in sight when he was the big guy.
Who would want someone like him?
Thor, however, was that someone.
Finding out Thor was his True Mate was… odd. Weird. Something he still couldn’t wrap his head around, even with his pup growing in him.
Oh yeah.
And it just wasn’t him.
Jane and Darcy had joined the Knocked Up By Asgardian Peeps club. And all six of them were going back down to Earth, leaving Thor and Loki’s older sister Hela in charge. Hela had been hard to come around, especially with the whole I-was-the-older-one-so-I-have-ruler-superiority thing going on. But Thor, being the eldest of the two, had kindly told his technical older sister that he didn’t have any premeditated motions to rule Asgard. He was far much more comfortable being on Earth with the Avengers.
To say Hela had been surprised. Bruce had been sure it had been the first time he had ever seen her smile.
Then, the six of them were off going back through the nine realms and back to Earth.
Or Midgard, as Thor and Loki affectionately nicknamed it.
Jesus frigging Christ, Bruce hated being pregnant. Every step he took closer and closer to the Compound's roof was really making him queasy.
“Dr. Banner!”
It was Steve.
Bruce had always liked Steve. Steve was one of the people who regarded and treated him like an actual person. Of course, there was always Tony, even Natasha too, but Steve was actually someone he considered a good guy.
“Captain Rogers!”
His Mate’s booming voice made Bruce feel a little sheepish. His cheeks colored a little. He really wished he wasn’t pregnant right now, because his walking had been basically reduced to a waddle. It was kinda embarrassing.
“Hey! Dr. Banner! It’s nice to have you back.”
One of the cousin Omegas that Tony had hired, the one in Medical, was beaming at him. Dressed in the ugliest green scrubs imaginable, you were smiling at the doctor.
“Miss Yang, it’s great to see you.” Bruce greeted you kindly.
It was there, that he noticed it.
There was something different, the way Steve held you as he was guided back into the Avengers Compound.
It was different, the way Steve held you, Bruce noticed. He didn’t know anyone who Steve held as tight as you.
“Things have changed around here,” piped Wanda. The Romani-Jewish mutant looked positively giddy as she floated along with the Vision.
“Really?” Bruce looked interested. But his smile might have looked like a grimace due to him waddling around like a penguin.
“Oh yes,” Wanda nodded happily. “Captain Rogers has found his Mate.”
Bruce saw your cheeks flush.
“Congratulations Captain Rogers!” Thor looked absolutely ecstatic.
“Thank you, Thor.” Steve smiled politely.
Suddenly, Bruce stopped in his tracks.
A deeply pained noise came from him.
“Dr. Banner? Bruce?” Steve’s voice sounded urgent, but by the time he had tried calling his name for the third time, the doctor had slumped onto his knees, gasping.
You sprung into action.
You could smell it.
Leaking amniotic fluid.
Bruce Banner was officially going into labor.
“Steve, Thor, I’m gonna need you to pick up Bruce. FRIDAY?”
“Yes, Miss Yang?” FRIDAY’s voice floated down.
“Can you please alert any other nurses and doctors still on the Compound that we have an Omega in labor?” Your voice rang out.
“I will alert Doctor Cho and Doctor Hudson.”
“Great. Thank you. Steve, Thor— come on—“ You urged the two Alphas as they lugged Bruce along, the male Omega groaning.
“Feels like hell,” groaned Bruce.
“I know it does, Doctor Banner. But you gotta hang in there. Just hang in there.”
In the labor room, a good thirty minutes later…
“Come again?”
Helen’s eye twitched.
The Korean Omega had bounced to the labor room when FRIDAY had told her that an Omega had gone into labor. Bruce was okay. You had checked him, while Steve and Thor had run off to get the stuff.
Bruce hadn’t been fully dilated to eight inches. So he was still okay. But the contraptions were hell. You were desperately holding his hand as he winced in pain.
“Bruce Banner is in labor. With Thor’s pup.”
Helen had heard down the grapevine all about Thor. The muscular, himbo god of lighting from Asgard. And his emo Shakespearean brother.
The bad thing was, that Thor was a god.
Bruce was a human.
Bruce was going to have a demigod baby.
An actual fucking demigod baby.
“Can he even survive the childbirth?” came Helen’s hissed response.
You weren’t quite sure. You knew about supersoldiers, mutants, and gods. Even if you were a Shaman.
“I don’t know. Maybe the gamma rays in his body can help him survive it? But we’ll just have to wait and see.”
Before Steve and Thor had left to grab the things you needed to assist with the birth, you had slathered on some scent blockers. To hide and conceal your scent.
It was essential that when the pups would come, only the Alpha and Omega, or Alpha and Beta, Beta and Beta, Omega and Omega’s scents were the only ones that lingered. It was good for the afterbirth too. The afterbirth was an important bonding between the newborn pups and their parents.
So, therefore, you not smelling your own scent wasn’t bothering you.
Not really.
To make matters worse, you didn’t even have a birthing suite for Bruce and his pup.
And, because Thor was a literal frigging god, no one would probably touch Bruce or his incoming pup, because their baby was a frigging demigod.
You still couldn’t wrap your head around that one.
So Steve and Thor had been sent out to get the supplies down from Medical, which just left you and Helen to man the joint.
“Is there literally anyone else who can help us?”
If it were heavenly possible, Helen would have marched all the way up to the rooftops of the Avengers Compound and screamed to her heart's content.
A deep whimper came from Bruce. Sweat was rolling down his face as his entire body trembled. Another contraption had hit him. Making his eyes squeeze shut as he gritted his teeth, trying to ease the pain.
Cause it hurt.
It hurt like a bitch.
“I may know someone who can help you, Doctor Cho.” FRIDAY’s voice floated down.
Both of your heads jerked. Bruce just shuddered.
“Miss Laura Barton is in the building, along with Agent Barton and Miss Romanov. Shall I send them up?”
Laura Barton was a lot of things.
A daughter. A sister. An aunt. A mother.
Back when she had been young, almost nine years ago, she had gotten pregnant with pups.
At first, Laura had fantasies of marrying her Alpha. They had met and started dating. Six months in, she had fallen pregnant.
And then her Alpha had abandoned her.
She had no one.
No one but her older brothers, Clint and Barney. Barney was the eldest of the Barton brood. Last she had heard of her oldest brother, he was in the Army and was married to his male Omega, some dude named Brian. She had met Brian. He was a nice dude. Seeing Barney be a family man after what their dysfunctional family was… it made her happy.
She was happy for her brother. And then, Clint had convinced Natasha to defect from the Soviet Union and the Red Room to the US and the two of them had gotten married. She had become a sister-in-law.
She was happy now. Utterly content with her life, and her two pups, Cooper and Lila. They lived in the Avengers Compound. Laura worked up in Accounting. Cooper and Lila attended a school that was close to the Avengers Compound.
Her pups happily sleeping and snoring away, Laura was awoken to light rapping on her door. Curious but guarded, Laura grabbed the metal bat she kept against the wall of her bedroom. Walking out of the bedroom, and through the hallway to the front door of the private apartment, she unlocked her door.
“Hey Laura— Woah Woah! Put the damn bat down!” Clint signed to his sister.
“Clint?” She signed. “It’s me,” he signed back. Slowly lowering her bat, she yanked him inside.
“What’s going on? It’s three in the morning!” she signed frantically.
Beep. Beep.
Having turned on his hearing aids, he answered her.
“Bruce is back. He’s pregnant, and he went into labor with Thor’s pups. You remember Thor, right? Blond, big dude? Huge muscles? That Thor?”
Nods came from his sister in confirmation that yes, Laura did indeed remember the god.
“Doctor Cho and Doctor Omega don’t quite have all of the equipment. Plus, FRIDAY suggested that since we were there for Cooper and Lila’s birth, we could help them out.”
Childbirth. Oh yes. Laura was very well versed in that field. She had given birth to two pups, after all.
“Okay. Let’s go.”
When they got there, Steve and Thor, (and was that Bucky?), were wheeling in the proper equipment. Heck, even Loki was helping out. Green magic fluttering under his fingertips, the trickster god helped move along the equipment needed for the birthing.
But Clint just ushered Laura along to the birthing suite, where they had found you, Helen, and Bruce.
“Oh! Thank goodness you’re here!” Cried Helen.
And yeah, Helen was about to kneel at their feet.
You were too.
“How months has it been? Since the conception?” Laura was already firing off questions.
“Seven months,” rasped Bruce.
“Seven months? You’re early.” Astonishment was written all over her face.
“Really early.” Clint agreed with her.
Even a dumbass could figure out that was too early.
Far too early.
“My cousin was born seven months. She was really small. Like a little rat. Small and sickly. It took her two months after being born to be given the clear to be taken home.” You remarked. “But,” you continued, seeing the looks of pure horror on their faces. “Thor’s a god. Who knows, his semen might be really potent, like Steve’s.”
“How do you know that?” Helen was looking at you. To which, you just pointed at your gland, showcasing Steve’s teeth marks in it.
“Oh….” Three heads were nodding at you.
“The pup could be sired full to a full term already. We just need to make sure we have the correct equipment to help us out.” You concluded.
“How are you not nervous?” Clint blurted out at you. “Of course, I’m nervous Barton!” was your scandalized hiss. You even swatted his shoulder for good measure. “I’m fucking nervous as shit! We don’t have any good doctors on help that is experienced in delivering pups!”
“You’ve delivered a pup before!” Helen’s retaliation made Clint and Laura’s eyes bug out comically like they were anime characters.
“You have?!” They exclaimed.
Whipping your head so quick in Helen’s direction that you might have almost twisted your neck, you snapped at her.
“Once! Once! I delivered a pup ONCE! And it was in a hurricane shelter in Japan while my uncle was hyperventilating!” Your protests were ignored by Helen though.
“And that’s more experience than me! I never got that experience! My field is genetics! You’re trauma!” Helen shot back.
You were about to bicker with her a little more, had Yasha not entered the room.
“We got the stuff. Are we moving Bruce or not?”
James Buchanan Barnes had never delivered a pup before.
He had scattered memories of his mother, Winifred Barnes giving birth to his younger sisters, Rebecca, Mary, and Frances. But other than that, no other experience.
Through the year that he had spent on the run, his year of freedom— Bucky had been thinking.
Thinking. Thinking. Thinking.
In between catching up with this new century anyway.
After helping Thor and Steve bring in the essential things needed for Bruce’s birth, Bucky was allowed to leave. He didn’t need to stick around. However, before he left, he swooped by to ask you something.
“Where does your cousin live?”
The question might have taken you out of focus for a second.
Then, you realized it was just Yasha.
“Oh! She lives…”
Bucky had made sure to memorize the address, but you had kindly suggested that Natasha, (who had managed to get up and was nursing a cup of coffee in the hallway, playing guard), go with him. She knew where and how to get there.
So the two former assassins were on a subway to get to downtown Brooklyn because the Avengers Compound was upstate.
And because your cousin lived in downtown Brooklyn.
Brooklyn. The familiar borough made Bucky remember foggy memories. Memories of hearing his Ma’s laughter, his Pa’s deep rumbles. Rebecca’s light voice. Mary’s chiming of her favorite books. And Frances’s favorite piano pieces. A smaller, skinnier Steve.
All of those memories blurred together as he sat with Natasha on the subway. Speeding through the underground tracks.
“What’s on your mind, Yasha?”
At last, Bucky had turned to look at his former student. The redheaded Omega was looking at him, too.
“Just things,” was his rough reply. “Everything’s… different. The people are different. The atmosphere… it’s different. People… feel different. Cept Stevie. You. Steve’s Omega. And… my Mega.”
Natasha could understand that. The first year after defecting from the Motherland and coming to America was a weird culture shock. Everything was new to her. Really new. And it didn’t help that because of the supersoldier serum the Red Room had given her made it that she didn’t need much sleep.
Her hand brushed over his in comfort.
Finally, at last— their spot was called. Exiting the subway, Natasha guided him out of the subway station and onto the streets.
For the first time, the streets were empty. Everything was silent.
The two Russian assassins walked down the streets of downtown Brooklyn towards your cousin’s apartment complex. Once Natasha found the right one, they walked inside and up the staircase. Upon getting to the sixth floor, Natasha and Bucky quietly walked to the apartment door.
Knock. Knock. Knock.
Something had woken up your cousin. With a groan, her eyes opened. Bleary-eyed and still tired, she checked her phone.
1:55 AM.
Who could be at her apartment at nearly two AM?
Still tired, she saw the text.
Natalia: Come outside. Yasha and I are waiting.
To say she raised an eyebrow was an understatement.
Natalia and Sasha were here?
Spurring herself out of bed quickly, she let out a few curse words that even Tony Stark himself had never heard her say as she scrambled to make herself look presentable.
Hastily grabbing a hair tie, she quickly tied her hair back as she scurried and hurried for the door.
The front door to her apartment swung open as she panted deeply for air, looking at Natasha and her Alpha.
No. Bucky. Sasha.
“Bruce is back with Thor. And Loki and Darcy, as well as Valkyrie and Jane. Yasha wanted to stay with you while Bruce gives birth to his pup with Thor.” Natasha explained to her.
All your cousin could do was slowly nod in response. “Uh-huh…” was all that came from her. “Oooookay… that sounds… great. Yeah… I can… handle… that. Uh-huh. Makes sense. Totally makes sense. Gotcha. Wait. Thor? Thor as in the god Thor? Lighting dude, who had his hammer?” She questioned.
“That’s the one,” Natasha affirmed.
“Oooookay. Kay. Cool. Um— yeah. Come in, Sasha.” She opened her door wider to allow Bucky to step into her apartment.
Once he stepped into the threshold, Natasha spoke. “I’ll come and pick you up later, Yasha. See ya later.”
Bucky and his Omega waved her off as Natasha jogged back down the stairs. Closing the door and making sure to lock it behind her, your cousin leaned back against the door.
Looking at the Alpha specimen in front of her.
“Tony’s gotten in touch with T’Challa,” said Bucky softly. “He’s the King of Wakanda.”
“Wakanda? Oh right… Steve’s shield. Uh-huh. Go on.”
“They’ve… offered me asylum there. T’Challa’s got a younger sister. Her name is Shuri. He hopes that she can deprogram the trigger words from my head.” Bucky swallowed thickly. His Adam's apple bobbing up and down nervously.
“That sounds great, Sasha. I’m happy for you.” Your cousin was looking at him with a gentle look in her eyes. Her hands reached out as she walked up to him. Closing that gap between them. Gently holding his metal and flesh hands.
“I was thinking…” he was swallowing again. His hands felt clammy. Even his metal hand felt heavier than usual. If that was even possible anyway.
“I want you to come with me. To Wakanda.”
Meanwhile, back at the Avengers Compound, a couple of hours later…
You were exhausted.
Extremely exhausted.
All you wanted to do was take a nap.
But, alas you were still up and about.
You had even chugged down a frigging coffee earlier! An iced latte with three pumps of espresso in it too!
And you were still tired!
And hungry!
God, your stomach had been growling ever since Bruce had finally given birth to little pup Frigga. She was eight pounds and three ounces precisely. Perfectly healthy, too.
You referenced Thor’s semen for that explanation.
He was a god, after all.
This, however, led to Darcy Lewis panicking after her own pup. Sired by Loki. If Thor’s semen was potent and sped up the process, would her pregnancy with her own pup be the same way? Being that she was currently four months in. Jane was only barely two months in.
That, however, you left for Darcy and Loki to debate over. You weren’t dating a god.
You were dating Steve Rogers. You would leave that discussion for a later date.
As you walked through the halls of Medical, tired and hungry as shit, your Bondmate managed to catch up with you.
Once again, he had changed into a plain white t-shirt and sweatpants. Ones that hung to his hips, and you knew that they were showing the v of his hips. Just the thought was making your Omega horny. She wanted nothing to do but lick that v of his hips at this very moment.
You quieted her.
It was far too early for that shit.
“I’m gonna go exercising with Sam and Romanov.” Your Bondmate told you. You nodded. 
"And then we'll eat. Is that okay?" He asked you.
The mention of eating made your stomach growl again.
“You haven’t eaten yet?” Your Mate questioned you. “Nope,” you said with a sigh. “I’m really hungry.”
“Okay. You can join us for breakfast.” Steve smiled at you.
You smiled back.
So, you had managed you eat some breakfast.
And oooh boy, you had eaten a lot.
You had been in the middle of scarfing down your third plate of breakfast. Pancakes with whipped cream and powdered sugar on top, bacon, scrambled eggs, and a glass of your preferred beverage.
Chew. Chew. Chew.
Munch. Munch. Munch.
“Damn,” Sam whistled at you.
“What?” You said through a mouthful of food. You swallowed. “In my defense, I haven’t eaten in like, probably five hours.”
“Nah. I ain’t tryna blame ya. I love food too.”
Vigorous nods came from you in agreement.
Indeed, you enjoyed the joys of food. After Hydra, tasting new food after nearly almost three decades was something of a new thing for you. It had been nice, to taste Hmong food again. It was like breathing in familiar air. This was familiar to you. You knew what Hmong food tasted like. Tasting new food though… that had been a journey.
Two plates fell onto the table.
Steve and Natasha had returned from their fifteen-mile run. Steve sat beside you, while Natasha sat next to Sam. Natasha grabbed her fork and immediately dug into her breakfast. While Steve looked at you and greeted you with a soft “Omega.”
“Ew,” Sam scrunched up his nose. “Y’all are nasty.”
“You’re just jealous that I have an Omega and you don’t,” Steve smirked at him. Like the little shit that he was.
Sam gasped in blasphemy. “I do not!” was his fiery protest. “I am dating someone, I’ll have you know!”
“Is it Kristen from Statistics?” wondered Natasha.
“Please don’t tell me it’s Karen from Accounting,” you added with a sour look on your face. You had bumped into the Omega once, and it hadn’t been pleasant. Maybe it had been an off day for her, who knew. But she hadn’t been very nice to you.
“No and no. God no. Especially on Karen from Accounting.” Sam wrinkled his nose in disgust. A sigh of relief came from you.
“Does Kristen still have that lip piercing?” Steve asked Natasha. “Yup.” she even made sure to pop the p.
“Nah. It’s Cecilia from downstairs.”
Someone choked on their food.
That someone was you.
It was totally you.
“Cecilia from downstairs?” You wheezed. At Sam’s nod, you gave him a look of pity. “Good luck with that, Wilson.”
“What?” He was frowning at the look on your face.
“She had two boyfriends at the same time if gossip serves me right… anywho. If you’re not serious with her, it shouldn’t be a problem.” You waved it off.
“How do you know?” Sam inquired. Pursing your lips, you took a sip of your drink. “I was friends with one of the dudes back in ye olden days. We were good friends, actually. I told him not to date her cause she gave me weird vibes. But then he didn’t listen to me. So when I found out, I told him, and then another friend gaslighted me. Needless to say, we’re not friends anymore.” And you left it at that.
“Well, it ain’t all that serious. Just some good fun. Thanks for tellin’ me.” Sam smiled at you.
“No prob.”
Steve reached his hand underneath the table, squeezing your hand in reassurance.
You squeezed back.
Taglist: @bxnnywriting, @greeneyedblondie44, @hawsx3, @sunflowerfive
Fic Taglist: @openup-yourmind, @captainson-of-coul
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nyx-aira · 3 years
Fic Recommendations
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Updated: ( 28| 04| 2022)
This is a list of fics from great authors I really like. Most of these will be x Reader and wlw so if you're into that you should definitely check them out. Happy reading :)
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Sweet as sugar by @lilian-maximoff
Sylvie x Reader
Wingman by @julesjohansson
Steven Grant/Marc Spector x Reader
Double the Trouble
(pt.1) (pt.2) (pt.3) (pt.4) by @beautifulbows924
Arthur Harrow x Reader
Happier than ever by @dragon-baron
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Regina Mills x Reader
Once Upon A Time by @vultureinajumpsuit
Memory of a Lifetime Ago by @deliasbabygirl
The Cutest Cat There Is by @deliasbabygirl
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Lin Beifong x Reader
First Kiss by @nathaslosttheirshit
Mai x Reader
Makeover by @nathaslosttheirshit
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moonlit-imagines · 4 years
Headcanons for being Jane Foster’s child
Jane Foster x child!reader
Thor Odinson x Foster!child!reader
a/n: no not a foster child, jane foster’s child 😌 also im so super glad you liked those!!! hope these are just as good!!! and im genuinely so sorry these took so long
prompt: anonymous: “Hey! I just read the Tony Stark x Potts!child!reader HC and I loved it! Would you do the same but with Thor and Jane? ❤️”
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no babysitter = go to work with mom
dr. selvig gave you a rubik’s cube to keep you entertained
“fuck that! here, y/n, you can play my DS” -darcy
“can you not swear in front of my child?” -jane
you thought tonight would be boring, but then your mom and darcy collectively hit a homeless guy with a car!
“holy crap, we’re all going to jail!” -you
“don’t say ‘crap,’ y/n! we need to get him to a hospital!” -jane
ngl this dude was kinda funky
darcy used her taser and your mom covered your eyes, but you still peaked ;)
ride to the hospital
“don’t touch him, y/n”
“sorry, doc”
and the very next day you guys stole him 💕
“mr. thor, where are you from?”
“i am from asgard! it is much different from this realm, but your’s is adequate, i suppose”
you could see the way your mom looked at him, though
he ate all the pop tarts >:(
she gave thor her ex boyfriends clothes
“yeah, donald was a real ass—” -you
“don’t say ‘ass.’ darcy curses too much” -jane
“sorry, mom...anyways, donald forgot to pick me up from soccer practice like, a dozen times. he sucked” -you
“this ‘donald’ doesn’t seem like a very good man...also, what is ‘soccer?’” -thor
you grabbed a soccer ball and tried to show him how to play but there was some other stuff the *scientists* had to take care of
you were a regular at izzy’s diner (well, mom was) and they always made you cute pancakes in different shapes!!
“ah, it’s a smiley face! that’s adorable!” -thor
“yeah! they like to surprise me whenever i come in. they’re pretty awesome” -you
*your mom literally beaming at how good thor is with you already*
you and thor were drawing on paper placemats
and then he broke a glass and you started giggling hdhshshs
but he had to leave
“no, thor, please don’t go!”
“i hope to meet you again one day, little one. hopefully fate sees it through”
no time to be sad bc ur mom’s lab got hijacked by the government
“hey, no fair! that’s my diary!” -you
“sorry, kid. there are constellation drawings we have to observe” -coulson
“aw, you draw constellations? wait, not now. you can’t just take all our stuff. especially that! that belongs to a child!” -jane
“sic ‘em, y/n!” -darcy
“don’t listen to darcy, y/n” -selvig
chilling in the trailer and missing thor bc he was the most interesting thing to happen to you and your mom in a while
and you wanted her to be happy even tho he was kind of crazy
“hey, mom? do you want to watch the stars tonight like we used to do? we could make s’mores?”
“that sounds like a great idea, baby! i’ve gotta go take care of some science stuff, so i’ll pick up some s’mores stuff while i’m out. love you!”
yeah she went to go see thor and he kinda got arrested but your mom came back home so you could watch the stars!
“so, do you like thor?” -you
“what? what makes you say that?” -jane
“it’s cool if you do, i think he’s awesome. a little weird, but at least he’s nice”
then thor and selvig came home and selvig was drunk as a skunk
*poking him while he giggles and tells you about thor*
“i wish your grandfather could have met that guy! he would have loved him...i wish you met your grandfather, too” -selvig
thor inviting you back outside
“i’d like you to teach me more about this ‘soccer’”
by the time you guys were done, it was 3am and you were too pumped to go to sleep
so thor told you stories of his home and battle and family
you didn’t want him to stop, you were fascinated by it all
and uhhhh yeah then earth kinda had some vikings show up
they told you that you’d “make a fine warrior one day”
and then yall got attacked by a ????? a what??? a destroyer???????
“get y/n out of here now! they shouldn’t have to see this!” -thor
you were still nearby and saw thor become thor again
after he was done fighting the destroyer, you ran to give him a hug
“that was awesome! can i hold your hammer?”
“maybe someday, little one”
then you didn’t see him for 2 years
which upset your mom a good bit, you had to help her through that episode. lots of sitting on the couch and eating ice cream together talking about how he wasn’t worth her time even tho you missed him too
but he came back! and then your mom sent everything flying bc she had an “infinity stone” inside her and thor took you two to asgard
“y/n! you’ve grown so much, i almost didn’t recognize you!” -thor
tbh you really digged the outfit they gave you, but also you were on another planet? thor insisted on giving you a tour (by flying you around)
“i do hope you’re having fun, little one!”
worrying about your mom simultaneously bc you overheard she was sick
but asgard got attacked and you and jane were confined to a room in the palace, which sucked because you wanted to see it all
but thor sent guards to bring you anything to keep you entertained
“maybe we’ll skip the mace for now, thank you” -jane
after several events that count as child endangerment, this chapter came to an end and your mom and thor finally made it official
loki called you a rodent and then saved your life so you were kinda iffy about him
about a year or two later, your mom had to travel a great deal in order to get some work done, so you were left in the care of thor, who took you to avengers tower
“oh, my girlfriend’s child is an angel! and they’re so intelligent, just like their mother!” -thor gushing to other partygoers
“yeah, thor, your ‘angel’ is sneaking drinks from the elderly” -tony
*sipping his beer* “they’re a growing teenager”
you did have an amazing time interacting with the avengers
and once they tried grabbing the hammer, you knew you had to get in on it (but you failed like the rest)
“don’t worry, my y/n, you have to be eighteen years of age to be able to lift mjölnir!” -thor
“oh, that makes sense!” -you, while thor aggressively shakes his head at the other avengers. he just wanted to make sure you didn’t feel bad you weren’t worthy yet :(
more child endangerment but really what did you expect?
thor went off world and your mom split it off w him but you did have his email so you were still in contact with him
swearing you saw odin on the street once or twice (fast forward)
and then your mom dusted and thor found you as soon as he possibly could, it was so good to see him
he took you in since you were alone now, you moved to new asgard and became prince(ss) of the new land by relation?? makes sense right
basically you and valkyrie made all the calls while thor grieved for years
but he still took care of you
“y/n, would you like to play video games with me? i think it may be a good bonding experience, what do you say?” -thor
uncle korg made you help him with fortnite while thor was asleep
you wished to wield stormbreaker one day
showing thor earth media! his favorite star wars character is r2-d2 dont ask why
he taught you asgardian recipes and you taught him...earth recipes?
when he was drunk he’d ramble on about his childhood and battle and enemies and jane and loki and hela and frigga and literally anything that came to mind
“y/n, could you please get me a beer? and get one for yourself, too” -thor
valkyrie most definitely gave you some battle training so you you blow off some steam, you were glad she taught you how to fight like a true warrior
thor wanted to teach you battle tactics so you could fight alongside him, but he never got around to it
a raccoon and bruce banner visited later on, proposing a way to get your family back, thor was an emotional wreck
his debriefing on the reality stone was tense when he started crying about your mom and everyone stared at you
“hey, don’t look at me. i don’t control the god, i just keep him company”
ending up waiting 1 second for the avengers to come back from their mission, resulting in you being stuck in the middle of a very heavy battle
“y/n, get out of here!” -thor
“don’t worry, thor! valkyrie taught me a few moves!”
“you make me incredibly proud, little one!”
“i’m not so little anymore, am i?”
“you will always be my little one, y/n. blood or not, that will not change!”
victory, but at what cost? it was a rough ride, you needed to get patched up, but your mom was finally home and thor...he decided it was time to leave earth again
“don’t worry, my y/n. i will see you again.” *tearing up* “i’m so glad i got the pleasure of raising you these past few years. i love you dearly, now go be with your mother”
you straight up wanted to bawl your eyes out right there
“well, y/n, you’re next in line for the throne of new asgard. what is your first command?” -valkyrie
“actually, i think you’d make a much better ruler than me. i’ve got to spend some time with my mother now that she’s home”
“you’re so much like him, you know that?”
staying with your mother, who was diagnosed with cancer not long after returning from the soul stone (a/n: jane getting cancer is canon in the comics and confirmed for thor 4)
“i missed five years of your life and now i’m sick, that’s just our luck, isn’t it?” -jane
she was understandably upset, but she also felt guilty
“mom, don’t beat yourself up. everything is okay, we’re still together right now. i won’t be going anywhere, i promise”
taglist: @alwaysananglophile // @rorybutnotgilmore // @locke-writes // @sweetheartliz07 // @queen-destenie // @natasha-danvers // @lokihiddles // @frostedgiantfavs // @emygirl // @lotsoffandomrecs // @johnmurphyisbisexual // @teenwaywardasgardian // @pappydaddy // @captainshazamerica // @freya-xo // @ravenmoore14 // @purpleskiesstorm // @ofthedewthesunlight // @canarypoint // @zoeyserpentluck //
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lugialagia · 4 years
A new life
Summary : War is destroying Asgard and Hela is winning. Valkyrie is supposed to be brave but she decides to run away and ends falling on Sakaar. That’s where she finds love, in a place where she would never think of finding happiness again.
Pairing : Valkyrie x alien!reader (3rd person)
Words : 2,297
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War was at rage on Asgard. Val's squadron perished, she was the only survivor. Her courage and her honor should have make her fight until her death, or her oponent's, but her cowardice made her run away. She ran, leaving her family, her realm behind her, to the hands of the worse tyran of the whole history; Hela.
Flying away on her pegasus, she went up toward the dark sky. But Hela wasn't done with her. The Goddess shot an attack toward the horse and the woman didn't see it. Val couldn't avoid the blast of magic and the poor stalion died immediately, making the young woman to fall into the abyss.
At this moment, she was thinking about everyone that she had abandoned, even if they already were in Valhala. She thought that they would reject her after what she had done, after being a coward. But honestly, she didn't think she was going to join them in Valhala, she would surely perish in Hel's realm.
The fall was going to be hard and kill her. Val was Aesir, yes, but no matter where she would fall, she will never make it alive. But, by chance, a portal opened right under her. It was invisible, but the woman did feel the changing in the air and that's when she understood that she would land in another realm. The fall was less important that what she expected but she still stood up with difficulties and a few grunts. Looking around, she saw that there was only trash and rocks. This was a realm unknown to her, this was probably out of Yggdrasil.
Walking for two days, she went through different landscapes. Fields with blue grass, forests with bended trees, hillsthat were moving like a water mattress. But even with all that walking, she didn't see any form of life. Until a man with purple skin came toward her. By instinct, Val drew out her sword, ready to fight even if she was in a weak state. But the man quickly raised his hand in front of him. "I come in peace. Inhabitants signaled an unusual presence in their land."
"I never saw anyone." she said, suspicious. "What you don't see, doesn't mean that it doesn't exist. Anyway, the Grandmaster wants to welcome you into his community. Please follow me." the man stated.
Starving and on an unknown realm, without nowhere to go, she decided to follow the strange man. "I still have some question to ask about." she suddenly said. "What's the name of this realm?" she asked. "You are on Sakaar." replied the man. "l must be far away from home." she murmured to herself. "I don't even know this planet. Anyway, who's this Grandmaster?"
Surely, the man had a big ego to be named like this. "The Grandmaster is the first man to landed a feet on Sakaar. Before him, there was no form of life here. Sakaar is a trash planet, surrounded by portals." he explained. "We come here only by mistake. The Grandmaster lived alone here for years before someone else fell from a portal, so it is natural for him to be the Master of this planet."
After a long conversation, they finally arrived in the city that the Grandmaster built. The Aesir was clearly surprised, everything looked like a real city but all was made from old frame of ships or metals. Udon, the purple skinned man, led the woman inside the biggest building, where the Grandmaster were living. The exterior was all trash and dirt, but the inside was strangely luxurious and modern. Val wasn't used to this type of decoration, but it was better than what was outside. Red, white, blue and gold seemed to be the favorite colors of the Grandmaster. And everything was shiny.
A man with a golden robe was standing in front of a large window. "Grandmaster, I brought the new girl." declared Udon. Hearing those words, the Grandmaster turned around. He was older than Val, that was for sure seeing his wrinkles and white hair all over his head. Like everything in this fortress, he was wearing red and blue clothes under the golden robe. A strange blue line marked his bottom lip and chin. He looked nice but Val knew that monsters could hide behing a pretty shell.
"Oh! Welcome on Sakaar, pretty girl." he greeted happily. Even with his happy smile, the woman was still ready to take her sword if he was becoming suspicious. "May I know your name?" he then asked. "Val." she simply replied.
"Never heard that name." he mused. "That's because it's just a nickname. And you? Grandmaster? Seriously, I can see your head inflate from here." she snorted back. "Oh but she's biting! I love this! Udon, give her the room A25." the Grandmaster said, dismissing them.
Udon nodded and did just as he was asked. Val found the Grandmaster nice but she had doubt because of his arrogance and ego. The hallways were all looking the same -almost- and they were made of the same material. "Here is your suite." the man said as he opened the door.
The woman was pulled out of her thoughts when he spoke. Shaking her head a bit, she entered her new bedroom. Of course, it was in the same style that everything else, but she liked the color better; blue and silver. She shrugged a bit like to say that it wasn't that bad. Of course, she used to live in luxury in the palace, her chambers were made of serveral rooms and everything was golden. Everything she wanted, everything she could have. Here, it was different. But it was still pretty nice. And she needed to get used to it since she wouldn't go back on Asgard, if Asgard still was, of course. "You're a lucky one. The Grandmaster seems to like you, he gave you one of his best room." Udon declared. "Really? I must have made a good impression." she replied with an arched brow.
"Most certainly. Every survivors only have a simple room with barely a bed on which to sleep. And if they are getting aggressive, they're thrown in the dungeon of the arena." Udon explained. After that, silence started to fill the room. "Well, l will leave you there. If you have any issue or if you want something, push the button next to the door or the bed." he explained, pointing to a black and golden button that looked like a switch light. "A maid shall come for you."
"Thank you, Udon." Val said before he left. Now alone, she was thinking back about everything that previously happened and every emotion she buried, came back hard. She was sad to have lost her people, her family, but she was also deeply angry against herself for being such a coward, disgusted to not have perished with the rest of the soldiers. Val was strong, physically and mentally, this was a true fact, but right now, it was too much.
Without understanding anything, she slid down against the wall right before she could reach the bed with silky sheets. Head hidden between her knees, tears were rolling down her cheeks like waterfalls. Her body were shaking, her breathing was harsh to the point where she felt like suffocating. Her fallen friends' faces were haunting her.
Suddenly, hands were on her shoulders. The woman lifted her head up with a swift movement and by instinct, tried to reach for her sword. But in her state, she just confused her left and right. An unknown face was standing only inches away from her, she could see the person's lips moving, but she didn't hear anything. The other woman seemed to be young compared to Val. Her orange skin reminded her of the sun settings and her blue hair the deep water seas. White marks decorated her eyes, starting on her forehead to stop under her purple eyes. "Miss! Miss, please calm down. You are safe. Please, take a deep breath."
Her soft voice finally started to reach Val's ears while the maid continued to repeat the same words over and over again. Tears started to stop falling and her breathing was back to normal. "How do you feel?" Y/N asked. "Good, l think." Val replied, still a bit lost. "Who are you? How did you know l needed help?"
"I am your maid, Miss. You called for me." she said, pointing to the button above them. Val didn't recall pushing it, but in her previous state, maybe she accidentally did without thinking about it. "Wait here, I will bring you something to make you feel better." Y/N said, standing up. "Wait...uh...what's your name?" the Aesir asked. "Y/N, Miss."
Then, Y/N left the room with a smile. Little by little, Val felt the fog in her mind disappear and she started to remember what happened. It surely last a few minutes, but to her, it felt like hours. When Y/N came back with a tray with food and water, Val was sitting on the bed, head in hands. The maid put the tray down on the bedside table and knelt in front of the woman. "How do you feel?" she asked softly. "Better, l think." Val replied without much of conviction.
* * *
A few weeks passed by and Val was getting used to her new life on this unknown planet. She was definitely feeling better and she even worked as a Collector, like Udon, after refusing to be a Fighter. The Grandmaster promised her fortune if she accepted to fight in the arena for special occasion, the true fights being reserved to mobsters or traitors.
In the end, she liked this new life. She was trying to forget her past and her mistakes. And it was also thanks to Y/N even if she wouldn't admit it out loud. The two were close now, like they were childhood friends. And Val saw her like a friend more than a maid, even more... "Oh sorry Val! I didn't know you were in there!" Y/N said while looking away. "I knocked but you didn't replied so..."
"It's okay, l was in my thoughts." Val replied, a towel wrapped around her chest. "Maybe you just did this on purpose." she joked, a smirk on her face. "N-no! Why would I do that?" Y/N scoffed as her cheeks started to be flushed. Val shrugged a bit in response. Y/N unconsciously observed her body, feeling irremediably attracted and aroused. But that's also when she discovered a unique tattoo on her right arm, something that she knew of.
"Val for Valkyrie..." she whispered. All trace of joke disapeared from the Aesir's face. She didn't want to feel all this shame again. "Get out." she ordered. "Val, l don't know..." Y/N tried. "Get. Out. Now!" even if she didn't want to, Y/N left the bathroom. She didn't know what was wrong, why the other woman reacted this way. She was a Valkyrie! They were known on every realm of the galaxy! And Y/N was glad she could be in her presence, it was an honor. So why this reaction? Why didn't she tell her?
The maid was pulled out of her thoughts when she heard a loud noise in the bathroom. Without thinking about it, she opened the door and she froze at the sight of the Aesir with a bloody hand and a broken mirror. Y/N slowly approach her like she was a wounded animal, she didn't want her to run away or be angry. She took her hand softly, like she was the only who could do that. Eyes cold and heart in pain, Val still knew what was best, so she let herself being guided toward the bed, staring at the orange hand in her, now red because of her blood. But Y/N didn't care, her hand was were it was meant to be.
And it was staring at their hands that Val laid down on the mattress. She then talked about everything she had in mind. Her life, Hela, the war, her army's death, her escape, her shame. She couldn't stop. In the end, Val looked at Y/N, obviously thinking that the woman would reject her, but all she could see in her purple orbs was love. "Val, I don't care what you have done. I won't judge you on that. I also made mistakes in the past, but that is a story for another time." Y/N said with a smile. "All I see is the woman you are now, on Sakaar."
No word came out of the Aesir after that. She just leaned forward and pressed her lips against Y/N one. And of course, without any hesitation, Y/N returned the kiss.
* * *
"After that, we continued our story as survivor and maid. But the Grandmaster saw what was between us. So, after a few months of being together, he made her a Collector and also my coworker." Val said with nostalgia. "I lost her...on a mission." she continued in a whisper. "A whole ship arrived on Sakaar and they weren't really friendly. We had a team but we still had to fight. She did what she could." she said with a sob.
Thor placed a warm hand on her shoulder in compassion. "What's worse...it's time." Val continued after taking a breath. "I'm sure that only a few years passed on Asgard, but on Sakaar, we lived a dozen of years together." Thor nodded. "l understand why you were so down, but you're not the only one in this state now." he said as he looked at all the empty beer bottle around him. "But you're still more able to run New Asgard than me."
Val sighed and took another breath. "I'll do my best. At least for Y/N." she declared. "For Y/N." Thor repeated.
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lokigayforhela · 6 years
Of Loss and Grief
Word Count: 1341
Pairing: Hela x reader
Warnings: This is coming from a very personal place as I try to cope with the grief of losing a loved one unexpectedly, so there are themes of grief, depression, and death. Please read with caution.
Notes: As I mentioned, this is very personal to me, and so it isn’t a prompt, but I just needed to try and write some emotions out, so I sat down and powered this out in half an hour. As always, thank you for reading, and thank you for sticking with me through my sudden disappearance after getting a chapter of a fic every day in October.
Hela took care opening the door as she came into the bedroom, closing it softly behind her as she tiptoed over to the edge of your bed and knelt down beside you, taking a few moments just to look at you.
You met her gaze blankly, eyes rimmed with red, tearstains down your cheeks, and expression unreadable. Her concerned gaze was too much for you to deal with, but you found yourself too tired and filled with grief to try to look away, so instead you just looked at her, let her see you, see your emotions, your pain.
Slowly, as though she were afraid she might break you, she reached a hand to cup your face gently, the pad of her thumb brushing so, so carefully across your cheek. She said nothing for a long time, just continuing to watch you in silence as she caressed your face, and when she finally spoke, her voice was soft, hardly above a whisper.
“Y/N, you have to eat…”
You shook your head, as you had every single time she came into the room trying to get you to eat even just one bite of a meal. And just as she always did in response, she smiled a little sadly. Usually, she wouldn’t push the matter, and would accept your answer, but this time, she lingered, staring at you hardly, but not unkindly.
“Darling… It’s been a week. If you don’t start eating again soon, you’re going to make yourself sick.”
You tore your gaze from hers, looking down in what you were sure looked like stubbornness, or perhaps shame, but all you could feel was the grief that had made itself home in your heart.
You weren’t a child. You knew how life worked, how death worked. You knew you would lose people in your life, sometimes before you were ready to. But you’d never imagined that at this young of an age, you’d be losing your own brother. It had all happened so suddenly, you hadn’t known how to comprehend, weren’t even sure that you could. And then the funeral had come, and you had dropped everything for the few days you could afford to come back home for it so you could be with your family, and everything had hit you with such sudden intensity that you weren’t sure that you knew how to go on living as you had before everything had changed.
“Hey… Y/N, come back to me…” Hela’s voice was so soft that you could hardly bear it, and you realized that you had started crying again. Hela brushed her thumb over your cheek gently one more time before you carefully pulled the covers back and crawled in with you, and you inched backward the slightest bit to accommodate her.
As soon as she’d gotten comfortable, she pulled you into her arms, cradling your head in the crook of her neck and pressing soft kisses to the top of your head. Your silent weeping became shaking, body-wracking gasps for air as you sobbed, wrapping your arms around Hela’s waist as she held you impossibly closer.
“I know, my darling, I know… It hurts to feel like this, I know… But you need to. You need to feel all of this grief and pain and sorrow so that one day you can start to heal. Perhaps it won’t be tomorrow. It might not even be this week, or this month, or perhaps even this year. But in time, you’ll feel a little more like yourself. Things will be like they once were.”
You shook your head definitively, and swallowed thickly as you tried to speak through your tears. “It won’t be the same… Not without him.”
Hela pressed another kiss to the top of your head, and ran her fingers through your hair gently. “You’re right. It won’t be. But you’ll have to find a new normal. A normal that has to exist without him… Even though that thought brings more pain than you can bear right now.”
You buried your face further into her shoulder, and Hela took to gently rubbing your back with a hand, unsure what else she could say or do at the moment. So instead of speaking, she sang. A soft lullaby in Old Norse, one you had come to learn that she had been sung when she was a child. It often brought you comfort, but right now, it made you mourn for your own childhood. For a moment in time when you and your brother were together, and had your whole lives in front of you.
But Hela was trying so hard, you didn’t have the heart to tell her that the words stung in a way that you knew she didn’t mean them to, so you just pressed yourself closer to her, hiccupping as your sobs slowly gave way back to quiet crying. Even then, Hela still held you tightly, fiercely, as though simply by holding you she could combat everything that you were feeling, or perhaps take them on herself so that you wouldn’t have to hurt anymore.
Slowly, Hela drew back to look at you properly again, though you kept your eyes closed, and she cupped your face with both hands, wiping your tears away, despite the fact that they were still coming. For a long time, the both of you just laid there in silence, just letting the small act of laying together try to bring some comfort to the both of you. When the quiet became a little too much for you to bear, you finally opened your eyes, meeting Hela’s gaze for a few moments before you spoke.
“Do you think he’s hurting… wherever he is?” Your voice was so timid and small that in any other situation, you would have been embarrassed by it.
Hela shook her head immediately. “He isn’t hurting anymore. He’s calm and relaxed and happy.”
You sniffled quietly. “How can he be happy, if we’re not together?”
“Well…” Hela paused for a moment, considering the best way to word what she wanted to say. “He’s happy because he knows how much you love him, and care for him… And because he knows that one day you’ll still be together again… even though that day is a long way off.”
You bit back another sob, and rubbed at your eyes before covering them in shame as you started to cry harder, even as you nodded, silent proof that you had understood and taken to heart what Hela had said. But even though that might be true, and even though you were glad he wasn’t hurting any longer, it still left you, and your family, with an almost unbearable amount of pain, and you weren’t sure you’d be able to cope with it.
Hela pulled you back against her chest, cradling your head once more as she murmured a soft apology for upsetting you again. You wanted to shake your head, but you just couldn’t find the energy to do so. So you just laid there and let her soothe you and comfort you as best she could.
You weren’t sure for how long exactly that you ended up crying, but eventually, you had tired yourself out to the point of closing your eyes, on the very edge of drifting off to sleep, and Hela had drawn back to gently comb her fingers through your hair as she watched you.
“Y/N, I know you think you aren’t going to make it through this…” Her voice was so soft that you were certain she thought you were asleep and couldn’t hear her. “I know you think that you’re going to hurt and grieve forever, but you are so much stronger than you realize, and you will find happiness again someday. And I promise to help you in every way that I can. I promise.”
With those words echoing in your mind, you finally let yourself fall asleep, just as Hela pressed a kiss to your forehead and murmured a quiet ‘I love you.’
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sidehowriting · 6 years
A/N: Hello, everyone! Are you ready for the Loki feels? Hopefully I can deliver! This is my first story with him so fingers crossed I did alright. This story is for @barnesrogersvstheworld Marvel Kiss Challenge! The challenge and the prompt just really spoke to me so I had to do it! 
Italics are flashbacks
Prompt: I’m in love with you
Pairings: Loki x Asgardian!reader
Summary: Asgard is gone and Loki is alive.
Word Count: 3.2k
Warnings: Angst, swears 
You were on the ship, making everyone was safe and secure. Once you knew everyone was alright, you began to go over the events of the past hour or so. You could have sworn you saw Loki as you were loading everyone on the ship. You could have sworn you saw his green armor, horned helmet, and shiny daggers fighting this way through the mob. But he was dead, wasn’t he? Odin himself had told you of Loki’s passing. Which was a bit odd in and of itself. How many times had you spoken to Odin one on one before? It happened so infrequently that you couldn’t even remember the last time.
But then you were in the crowd, being hurled into space and watching Asgard burn and who steps up next to Thor? Fucking Loki. Your stomach did a panicked flip and you weren’t sure why. Part of you wanted to run up and hug him because you missed him like crazy. You wanted to cry in his arms because you thought he was dead (twice) for so long. And then part of you wanted to just punch his stupidly attractive face because he hurt you so deeply.
You made the executive decision to just walk away. The sight of him was stirring up weird feelings inside of you that you didn’t feel like thinking about. Instead, you found a bathroom to clean yourself up. The dirt and grime of the trek through Asgard and from trying not to get killed by Hela washed off of you easily. You hated putting your dirty clothes back on after that, but they were all you had.
Afterwards, you just roamed the ship, trying to figure it out. It was large, more than enough room to hold everyone. You stumbled upon what looked like it could be a study. You stepped inside, not realizing it was already occupied.
Loki was there, looking at the objects that decorated the room. His hands were clasped behind his back and his long black hair looked a bit messy. More panic set in as his attention was turned to you.
“Loki,” you breathed. “You’re alive. You’re here and you’re alive.”
“Hello, Y/N,” he said, walking up to you. You didn’t move. He wore a sad smile as he took another cautious step towards you. You simply stared, not sure how to process everything you were feeling. “I know this must be a bit of a shock-“
“Considering you’ve been dead for years? Yeah, that’s one way to put it.” You took a step back from him, not quite ready.
He sighed, hanging his head. “I know. And believe me, I wanted to tell you-“
“Then why didn’t you?” You bit, suddenly feeling angry.
He opened his mouth to respond then closed it. Your glare softened a bit when you met his sad eyes. You hated to admit that they pulled on your heartstrings.
“I’m sorry.”
You shook your head. “I can’t do this right now, Loki. I’m not ready.” You avoided his eyes as you walked away from him. You knew you would cave if you saw them again. And you needed time to process everything that had happened. You lost your home, friends, and now the person you cared for most in the world turns up not to be dead. A lot had happened in a few short days.
Loki was first and foremost your friend. For years and years, he was really the only person you talked to, spent time with. You cared for him. Quite a lot. But deep inside, you knew it was so much more. You loved him. Truly and properly. You never spoke the words though. It wasn’t worth the risk of your established relationship and you didn’t think you could bare it if he didn’t reciprocate. He never made it seem like he had the same feelings towards you, so you simply pushed them down as far as they would go and hoped for the best.
But now you were homeless and stranded and he wasn’t dead.
You properly avoided him for close to a week. You’d meet his eyes from across the room or in one of the halls. You’d quickly look away once you saw his pain. But you couldn’t manage yet. It had been years since you had seen him. The last time being when he was locked away after his attack on New York. He told you not to visit him again. Then the next thing you know is he’s dead protecting Thor’s mortal, Jane (who he’s apparently not with anymore, good for nothing). You were angry, upset, and scared.
Honestly, you would have avoided him for longer, if you hadn’t stumbled upon a conversation he was having with Thor. You snuck up closer to the room they occupied to listen better.
“She hates me, Brother.” You pressed your back against the wall and scooted as close to the open door as you could.
“She doesn’t hate you,” you heard Thor insist.
“She hasn’t spoken to me in days.”
Thor sighed. “She’s been through a lot, Brother. Give her time. Y/N will come around.” You heard a noise that you assumed was Thor slapping Loki on the back. “She cares deeply for you.”
“And I might have ruined that,” Loki said in a much softer voice. Did he ruin that? No, not entirely. Your feelings for him were just as strong as ever. He was your best friend, your confidant, your Loki. And you needed him back.
As silently as you could, you walked away, not wanting to be noticed by the brothers. You went to one of the unoccupied rooms and sat down, thinking about everything.
During your contemplation you heard Loki’s voice from the doorway. “Hello,” he said, “May I join you?”
“You may.”
He stepped inside the room and over to you. When you didn’t move away he sat down next to you. You could feel his eyes on you, but you made no notion to meet them. Instead you stayed facing forward.
“I heard you and Thor talking,” you said softly, quickly glancing over at him. “I don’t hate you.”
“You should,” he responded. “I pushed you away and then I couldn’t even tell you I was alive.”
You looked over at him and saw that now he was facing forward. “Yeah, that wasn’t very kind of you.”
“To be fair, I’ve never been known for my kindness.” His dry remark did make you smile. He smiled too. Finally, your eyes locked. How you missed him.  
“I’m glad you’re back, Loki.”
“I’m glad to be back with you,” he said to you. “And I’m so sorry for not telling you the truth. I wanted to, truly I did, but I couldn’t risk being exposed.”
“I guess it makes sense why Odin took a sudden interest in me,” you said, lightening the mood a bit. “I thought he hated me then all of a sudden he’s requesting my presence?”
He chuckled. “I wouldn’t say Odin hated you. He just didn’t care for me and by proxy didn’t care for you.”
You brought your hand to your mouth and giggled. “I should have known it was you with the golden statue and the play. I thought Odin had started to go mad.”
He laughed again. “Was it a bit much?”
“Just a bit.” You turned to face him, a small smile on both of you. Your stomach did a tiny flip.
A comfortable silence fell between you two. You wanted to reach out and touch him, just to make sure he was real. You know he’s fond of illusions and you wanted to be sure you were talking to the real Loki. Slowly, tentatively, you touched his hand, relief flooding you when you knew it was really him.
Your fingers folded under his hand. His cold ones wrapping themselves around yours. You watched the movements carefully. Making sure it was all real.
“I’m here,” he said softly, squeezing your hand.
“I just wanted to make sure.”
“That’s more than fair.” He squeezed your hand again. “I’m sorry for pushing you away.”
“I don’t understand why. I would have visited you everyday if you had let me.” You thought back to when Asgard was still there and Loki was locked away for his crimes. You had gone to see him; he was your best friend after all. But he had been closed and distant.
“Take me to see him, Thor,” you demanded, arms folded across your chest. You were highly irritated that Thor was being so impossible. All you wanted to do was visit Loki in prison and Thor was being a huge pain about it. “The guards won’t let me pass without your escort.”
“I just don’t understand why you want to, Y/N. There’s nothing there for you,” he responded.
“Yes, there is. He’s there.” You were determined and not about to let Thor stop you.
“Your feelings for my brother are miss placed.”
“But they’re mine to miss place!” You sighed in frustration. “You don’t get to decide what I should or should not feel for Loki, Thor. Just let me see him.”
“He’s not your childhood friend anymore, Y/N!” He was getting just as frustrated as you were.
“Neither are you, Thor!” you spat back.
“What?” His face crinkled in confusion. “I know we haven’t been as close in recent years, but I thought we still had a good relationship.”
You scoffed. “I mean, I guess we’re fine, but I know you were always closer with the others. The warriors. I was only good to play damsel in distress.”
He looked genuinely upset by your words. “I’m sorry, Y/N. I didn’t realize.. I always thought of you as a friend.”
“it’s fine, Thor,” You reassured him. “Honestly, I don’t care. I had Loki. You know this. You saw how close Loki and I became. That hasn’t changed for me.  So please Thor, as a friend. Take me to see him.”
He sighed in defeat. “Very well.”
You were pleased. Following him to the prison where Loki was being held, you heart started to race. It had been awhile since you last saw him, and you were so scared.
The guards didn’t ask questions as you and Thor passed. They barely even looked at you which was a contrast to when you first tried to see Loki. You were happy Thor decided to take you.
As soon as you saw his prison, you quickened your pace, leaving Thor behind. He stayed a distance back, letting you take center stage.
You stood in front of his cell, looking at him. He still looked well put together, just as he always had. But there was something slightly off. Something about his demeanor that made him seem… different.
“Loki,” you said softly.
“Y/N.” He said your name so casually as he stepped forward towards the barrier that separated the two of you.
Loki and yourself just stared at each other for a moment, taking each other in. The last you had heard he was dead and then all of a sudden you hear he’s on Midgard attacking.
“It’s good to see you alive.” You were the one to break the silence. You weren’t sure how to start the conversation, but you were beyond thankful that he was there.
“How kind.” His voice still didn’t show any emotions.
“Are you not happy to see me?” You asked in confusion.
He simply shrugged. “It matters not. You’d probably be better off not being here.”
“You sound like Thor. He said the same thing.” You rolled your eyes, annoyed.
“He has a point. You shouldn’t be here.”
“And why not? I wanted to see you, Loki. How long ago did I think you were dead? That I’d never get to see you again? It broke me. Then to hear you’re alive… I had to come visit.”
He chuckled once and started pacing his cell. “I’m touched, Y/N, truly I am. But I must ask you don’t come visit again.”
“And why not?” You asked again. “Do you not want to see me?”
He stopped in front of you, getting as close to the barrier as he could. “You’re naïve, Y/N.”
You were getting angry. His word games annoying you to your core. “You’re my friend, Loki. I care about you. So much. I…” Tears prickled in your eyes. This was not how your first meeting with him had gone in your mind.  
“Go home, Y/N.”
“Loki-“ You pleaded.
“Leave!” His commanding voice echoed around you. Leaving you stunned and shaking and damn near tears. You took a few steps back, both of you staring at each other like when you first arrived. As the first tear rolled down your cheek you turned away from his cell and walked away.
You met back up with Thor and the two of you left the prison. You were thankful Thor didn’t boast about being right.
Loki sighed. “I know you would have, and I didn’t deserve it. I didn’t deserve your kindness. I couldn’t bare having you see me that way. I was…I still am a monster.”
“You’re so stupid sometimes, Loki. I wanted to see you. Odin and maybe even Thor might have decided you weren’t worth their time anymore but not me.” Now it was your turn to squeeze his hand. “And you’re the only one that saw yourself as a monster. You made yourself that way by acting like a complete fool. Not because your Jotun.”
He leaned his head back and sighed. “I’m sorry. For everything. I never should have treated you the way I did.”
You scooted a tiny bit closer to him. He didn’t react, so you scooted even closer, your arm pressed against his.
“It’s okay. I’m here now.” You leaned your head against his shoulder, nuzzling gently. You heard him sigh in contentment and soon his cheek was, pressed to the top of your head. “Please don’t ever push me away again.”
“I won’t.”
You closed your eyes and smiled, feeling happier than you have in a long time. Being this close to Loki, resting against him, breathing in his scent. This was everything to you. He was everything to you. And…did you feel his lips press against the top of your head? You loved him. You couldn’t deny it and you didn’t want to.
The words were floating around in your head. You wanted to tell him. You needed it. If he didn’t feel the same way, well, it was a large ship. Avoiding him would be easy until the awkwardness went away.
You opened your mouth to tell him but was cut off by a blaring horn. You jumped up at it, confused. Loki tensed besides you. “We’re under attack.” He hurried to his feet, pulling you with him.
“By who?” You asked, unsure. Hela was destroyed on Asgard (with Asgard) by Surtur. Who was out there that would want to attack a refugee ship?
“I think I know,” Loki muttered and ran out, you right on his heels. “Make sure the evacuation pods are running. Gather as many Asgardians as you can to get on them.” He called over his shoulder to you.
“Go!” He ordered, and you nodded, taking off in the other direction. You raced towards the refugee camp. Explosions started going off and you weren’t sure where they were coming from. You dodged and dived, coming away with just a few scrapes.
There were a decent number of Asgardians currently present at what had become their camp. You ordered them to follow you towards the escape pods and they did so without question. Getting there was just as dangerous as getting to them but somehow you did it.
There were two escape pods tucked neatly together, doors made of glass. They looked big enough to hold the Asgardians you had with you. But you knew this wasn’t all of them; however, you didn’t know where the others were. The ship was large, and you didn’t have the time to gather every single one. The most you could do was hope that they others were safe and that there were more pods located somewhere on the ship.
You started hastily pressing buttons, hoping something would happen. Whatever you were doing, seemed to work. They started making noise, signaling that they were starting to fire up. You figured out the button to open the doors and started ushering people inside. One of the pods was almost packed to compacity when Loki ran in.
“Loki, what’s going on?” You demanded to know, trying to hold back the fear you felt.
“it’s Thanos,” he said, a fearful look in his eyes. You knew about Thanos. Odin (Loki?) told you everything you needed to know about him. “You need to get in there and get out.”
You shook your head. “I’m not leaving without you.” The first pod filled, and the remaining Asgardians were scurrying onto the second.
“Darling, you must.”
“I’m not losing you again, Loki! You can’t make me!” You screamed as another explosion happened nearby.
“This isn’t up for debate, Y/N. Get in the pod and leave!” He grabbed your arm and tried to push you inside. You pushed back, unwilling to move.
“No!” You were seething. Your heart started to race at the thought of losing him away and tears prickled the back of your eyes. You had just found him again, you couldn’t possibly leave him. Not here. Not like this.
“Darling-“ He growled in a low voice, but you cut him off.
“I’m in love with you, Loki!” You slammed the button to close the pods. “I’m not going anywhere without you.”
He was still grasping your arms, eyes searching yours intensely. It was hard to read his expression. His mouth in a thin line as he squeezed you tightly. This wasn’t exactly how you had imagined telling him, but it was too late to go back. And you knew you couldn’t keep going if you didn’t tell him.
You were about to open your mouth to say more but he cut you off with a kiss. It was intense and powerful and made your knees shake. How many years had you waited for this moment? To know what his lips felt like. Tasted like. You head was spinning and you were starting to lose yourself in his kiss.
And then he pushed you.
You landed in the pod just as the door closed. It geared up to launch as you got to your feet, doors locked and unwilling to reopen. You banged on the door screaming for him. He didn’t move. You continued to bang and cry, pleading for him. While his lips stayed in a hard line, his eyes were an open book. You saw the hurt, the pain. You saw love. You knew he did what he did because he loves you just as fiercely as you love him.
The pods launched into space, hurling you away from the ship and Loki. All you could do was miserably watch as he grew smaller and smaller until you couldn’t see him anymore at all.
Tags: @dsakita
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berjhawn · 7 years
You Don’t Love Me Anymore - (3)
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Warnings: Cheating, lies, ETC
Pairings: Thor X Reader; Bucky X Reader; Thor X Reader X Bucky
Summary:  This is an AU. Reader and Bucky were married, until she caught him cheating on her. She then gave him a divorce and disappeared with their unborn child. now it’s 6 years later and a past reader hoped she left behind comes crawling back.
Bucky paces back and forth in his motel suite a bag of frozen peas on his face. His mind was racing with thoughts of how (Name) had changed over the last six years. The sound of the door of his motel room opening pulls his attention toward it to see his childhood friend Steve walking in with a couple bags of fast food. Thankfully Steve had come down here with him to keep him from doing something stupid. However, since Steve had had a business meeting the night before; Bucky had let into his nerves and went to confront his ex-wife.
What he wasn’t expecting was her boy toy to punch him in the face for only stating the truth. It got a little foggy after that. All he knew was that he woke up this morning in his bed with a nice shiner. Steve had filled in the blanks, stating that (Name) had checked Bucky’s phone and finding out that Steve was there too had him come pick Bucky up. Bucky groans as he sits down at the motel room desk. “How ya feeling pal?” Steve asks sitting the bag of food in front of him.
“I feel like shit.” Bucky replies tossing the mostly melted peas bag on the desk next to his food.
“Well you did get knocked out by an ex-Army Ranger. Seriously Buck, what were you thinking?” Steve asks as he sits down on a barstool a few feet away.
“I don’t know Steve, I just…” Bucky pauses as he stares at the wedding ring on his ring finger. He takes a deep breath as he uses his free hand to fiddle with the golden band. She might have left him six years ago but he had never taken his ring off, and he wouldn’t, just like he wouldn’t sign those divorce papers. “I know I fucked up; but shouldn’t she at least have told me to my face that she didn’t want to stay married to me? Also, she should have told me about our kid.”
“I agree, she should have told you; but do you blame her? I mean she finds out she’s pregnant the same day she catches you cheating on her with Dot; and to make matters worse, you’re still with Dot.”
“You’re supposed to be my best friend. Can’t you just be on my side?” Bucky asks and Steve rolls his eyes.
“I am on your side Buck; but I’m not saying you’re completely in the right.” Steve adds as he unwraps his burger. “Besides, I think you showing up on her doorstep after all these years and dropping the bomb that you two are still married was stupid.”
“She’s my wife Steve.”
“Technically yes; but in her eyes…” Steve pauses to meet his friend’s eyes. “She doesn’t love you anymore. She’s moved on, maybe you should do the same.”
“So, you think I should just walk away? Forget I have a daughter and just leave.” Bucky asks anger lacing his voice.
“No, I just think you should let (Name) go. The two of you can sit down and have a nice talk about your kid.”
“I tried that last night.” Bucky retorts pointing to his black eye. “Didn’t work out so well.”
“No, you ambushed her.” Steve says before taking a bite of his burger.
“I didn’t ambush her.” Bucky argues but given the look on Steve’s face he lets out a sigh and continues, “Okay, maybe I got a little ahead of myself. I just couldn’t take seeing her with some other guy. And she looked…”
“Happy?” Steve says finishing Bucky’s sentence making Bucky sigh.
“I love her, Steve, I always have. I just… Needed something more.” Bucky says making Steve stare at his burger his brow furrowed.
“Then you should’ve tried for more with her, not Dot.”
“Who the hell does he think he is? Showing up after six years saying we’re still married!” You yell out angrily to Thor’s older sister Hela who was sitting across the table from you silently sipping her coffee.
“I cannot believe that he showed up last night. He must have some pretty big balls.” She replies fooling with her coffee mug.
“I’ll say.” You answer your chest still heaving from anger. “I mean, why the hell didn’t he sign the papers? He got what he wanted. He can marry that side chick of his now. Why would he stay married to me?”
“Your guess is as good as mine.” Hela replies as she kicks her feet up on a nearby chair.
“I tried to call Foggy last night but he didn’t answer. I want to know why he didn’t say anything to me.”
“Then call him now, I’ll be quiet. If you need me, I’m here.”
“I should. I don’t care that it’s the ass crack of dawn there. He owes me an explanation.” You conclude pulling your house phone off the hook and placing it on speaker phone set it down on the table in front of you.
“Hello?” He answers after the third ring.
“What the fuck Foggy?” You say anger lacing your words.
“(Name)? What’s wrong?” Foggy asks concern filling his voice.
“How could you not tell me that Bucky never signed the papers?” You ask your arms folding over your chest as you prepare for an answer. The other line stays silent. “Foggy?” You question your anger only multiplying.
“I didn’t want to tell you.” He replies making you let out an angry scoff. “Look (Name), things here have been crazy and difficult. I know that it doesn’t excuse me from not telling you but we all thought it’d be best if you didn’t know.”
“We? Who the hell is we?” You growl out inches away from taking a trip down to New York to murder some people.
“Jessica, Matt, and myself; you made a life for yourself (Name). You’re happy with Thor. You didn’t need this ruining your life.”
“Foggy, you still should have told me. This whole time the two of us were still married, I have been with Thor; Which means I’m no better than James. I cheated on him.” You say coming to a conclusion that made your stomach churn.
“You didn’t cheat on that asshat,” Hela states pulling your attention to her. “You thought you two were divorced. You signed the papers. For all intents and purposes, you are divorced. You’ve been separated for almost seven years now. Don’t let that dickbag make you feel bad or do something you regret.”
“I don’t know who that is, but I agree with her.” Foggy says making you scratch your head. You had a million questions running through your head all of which you knew they couldn’t answer for you.
“Foggy, is there anyway to force a divorce?” You ask as you stare at the receiver.
“I tried to petition the court for a default divorce when he refused to sign the papers; but since the Barnes family is super influential, they denied it. I’ve tried everything (Name), but until Bucky signs those papers himself and turns them in, I can’t do anything.”
“Sounds like some shady shit is going down with your ex.” Hela adds before she finishes her mug.
“I guess the only thing I can do is sit down and talk with him. Even though I don’t want to.” You reply running a hand through your hair.
“Are you sure you can handle it? I mean last night you were inches away from murder.” Hela says making you chuckle.
“Wait what happened last night?” Foggy asks and you let out a groan of annoyance.
“He showed up on my doorstep in the middle of the night wanting to talk about us and see Lily. How did he even know about her?” You ask rubbing your forehead as a headache starts to creep up the back of your neck.
“No idea, but once you get things figured out I’ll fly over and get everything taken care of. I have to go, I have court in about five minutes.”
“Yeah, thanks Foggy, I’ll be in touch.” You hang up before hearing his reply cause in reality you were still really pissed off at him for not telling you about Bucky. What were the three of them thinking keeping it from you all these years? “I need a drink.”
“On any other day I would encourage your drinking, hell I would join you, but you do remember what today is right?” Hela asks making you cock an eyebrow at her in confusion before it hits you.
“Oh shit,” You call out as you jump to your feet and run to the front door to grab your keys.
“You’re welcome.” Hela calls out from the other room as you run out and jumping into your car head toward Loki’s house.
“Mommy, why don’t you marry daddy?” Lily asks as you drive back to your house.
“I have my reasons sweetie.” You reply painful memories filling your mind making you let out a heavy sigh.
“But you love him, don’t you?” She asks and you glance at her in the rearview mirror to see Bucky’s blue eyes looking back at you.
“I do, I love him very much.” You reply quickly pulling your eyes away from hers to look back at the road.
“He loves you, doesn’t he?” Lily asks as she looks out the window at the trees as they pass.
“Yes, honey, he loves the both of us very much.” You answer and she nods.
“Then why won’t you marry him? Is it because of me?” She asks her face turning sad.
“Oh, Lily, honey.” You quickly find a place to pull over and after making sure the car is safe and parked you turn around to look at her and continue, “The reason I don’t marry Thor is because of something that has happened in my past. I don’t believe in marriage anymore. Thor and I have talked about it and would he like to get married, yes; will he leave if we don’t, no. So, sweetie, please don’t think this is your fault.”
“Does what happened have to do with my real dad?” Lily asks and you let out a heavy sigh.
“Lily, I don’t want to lie to you. Your father and I, we had some problems. I’m not going to bad talk him in front of you. Things just happened, and mommy couldn’t stay with him anymore. He’s not a bad person…” you pause your heart clenching at the memory of what he had done to you.
“But he hurt you, didn’t he mommy?” Lily asks and you nod slightly as you try to force the pain away.
“Lily, are you happy? You know, with me and Thor?” You ask needing some form of reassurance that you hadn’t done the wrong thing by leaving Bucky.
“I’m very happy mommy. I love my daddy. I picked him myself.” She replies a smile filling her face making you chuckle.
“That you did sweetheart.” You reply remembering how it had been Lily’s first word. She had looked Thor straight in the eye and called him daddy. Of course, the two of you weren’t an item at that time but Lily had been one of the deciding factors. Deciding to change the subject you clear your throat and ask, “So what did you and your uncle do last night?”
“Watched movies and had candy.” She replies honestly making you chuckle. Of course, Loki filled her up with sugar. The rest of the way home you listened to her talk about how much fun she had with her uncle and you smile. Your smile grows brighter as you see Thor’s truck parked just outside the stable doors. As you pull up to the garage door you put the car in park and opening your door watch as Lily runs past you toward the house. “Mom, I’m gonna change and then can we go riding?”
“Sure thing sweetie. I’ll be in the stables when your done.” You reply handing her your house keys before you head over to the barn to find Thor. You needed a hug. Entering the doors, you find him carrying a square bale of hay to the front of a nearby stall. You admire his sweaty shirtless physique as you slowly walk up behind him and say, “Hello cowboy.”
“Hey good looking.” He replies turning toward you a bright smile on his face. “How are you feeling?” He asks wrapping his arms around your waist as he places a soft kiss on your lips.
“Like a horrible person.” You reply burying your face in his neck. “Was I wrong to leave him?”
“In my opinion, no. You were right to leave him.” Thor replies as he gently rubs his hands up and down your arms relaxingly. “I wouldn’t have stayed with someone that lied and cheated on me either.”
“But not telling him about Lily. Was that the right thing to do?” You ask needing his opinion on your decision.
“Honey, I could tell you a million different things. Like, you were wrong not to tell him; or you had every right to keep her from him; but in the end,” He pauses as he gently cups your cheeks. “You did what you thought was right.” Reaching up you gently hold his hands against your cheeks as you lean into hid touch. “(Name), I know this might sound selfish of me; but I’m glad you didn’t tell him.”
“What?” you ask your eyes searching his for an answer.
“If you had told him about Lily, I doubt we ever would have met.” Thor says his eyes turning dark. “If I hadn’t met you and Lily, I doubt I would still be alive.”
“Thor…” You say worry filling your body.
“Before I met you I was on a path that led only to self-destruction. After I was discharged from the military, I did a lot of things I’m not proud of. I slept with girl after girl, not caring about the consequences. I drank all the time to quiet the ghosts of the friends I lost in battle. If I hadn’t met you, I would have put a bullet in my head to silence their ghosts.”
“Thor,” You pull his hands down before you reach back up to run your fingers through his hair making him lean into your touch. “I love you. You and Lily are the greatest things that have ever happened to me. I can’t begin to imagine the pain you went through. Before I met you, I thought I was happy. It took me knowing you to realize what true happiness is.”
“I know.” He replies wrapping his arms around your waist as he buries his face in your neck. “I guess I just got a little scared that you would go back to him.”
“That’ll never happen.” You reply gently running your fingers through his hair. He smiles into your neck before he leans back and his eyes meet yours. You smile as the usual loving look fills them again. “There you are handsome.”
“Have I told you how much I love you today?” Thor asks and you chuckle as you shake your head.
“Not that I can remember.” You reply pulling your hands from his hair to graze his muscular chest. “If it weren’t for the fact that Lily wants to go riding, I’d take you upstairs and show you the time of your life.”
“I love you.” He replies a chuckle escaping his lips before he pulls you into a deep kiss. You smile into his lips when you hear your daughter call out, “Mom! Dad!”
“Duty calls.” You say making him laugh.
“In here Lily!” Thor yells as he turns to see Lily walk in with another person behind her.
“Look what I found on the porch.” She replies a bright smile on her face.
“Steve?” You ask as a slight smile fills your lips.
“Hey (Name), how you doin?”
Will Continue in - 
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soldierwinterthe · 7 years
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Pairing: Loki x Reader
Word Count: 2880
Warnings: Mentions of fight. THOR RAGNAROK SPOILER
Feedback is always appreciated.
All the people of Asgard know the legend of this unique and catastrophic event. It’s the destruction of Asgard, and of his people.
No one, though, had ever really thought about it, until Asgard lost the King of the Gods.
Odin is dead.
In the last two years, while we thought that Odin sat on the throne, actually Loki was: he had made everyone believe that he was dead, and had taken his father’s place.
I cried Loki’s death. He and I are friends since childhood; along with Thor, we were inseparable. Although they were two princes, and I.. a normal person, they were very kind to me. The friendship between me and Loki is much stronger than that between me and Thor.
In fact, as in a children’s fairy tale, I fell in love with Loki. Too bad he doesn’t know; I decided not to say anything to him. His rejection would be too embarrassing, and my heart would break.
When Thor found out what Loki did, they started off in search of Odin; but now it was all over. The King of the Gods is dead, and this led to the release of Hela, the Goddess of Death. Thor and Loki’s sister.
The two Gods tried to stop her, but it was useless.
Thus, while Thor and Loki are dispersed, to Asgard chaos reigns. After completely destroying the army, Hela sat on the throne, ready to conquer the other kingdoms; but, coming to the Bifrost, she discovered that the Sword -the weapon to activate the Bifrost- had been stolen.
I know exactly who took the Sword: Heimdall, who was hiding in the mountains of Asgard. He, after he was able to find me, asked me to help him. In fact, we are trying to save more Asgardians as possible from Hela.
For now we are hidden, but time is running out, and soon the Goddess of Death will find us.
I’m sitting next to some kids, and I try to reassure them, telling them that everything will be fine, and that soon the God of Thunder will save us. Will it really happen? Thor can’t be dead, and even Loki.. I know that both are alive, and they will come back to help us.
I raise my eyes, and I see Heimdall quickly walking toward me; something is going to happen, I understand from his eyes.
His eyes are beautiful; every time I look at them, they always have a strange light, and their color, a shining gold, makes me feel like it’s all going to be fine in one way or the other. Behind  Heidmall, there’s the splendid Brifost Sword, which he protects with his own life.
“Heimdall, what happens?”
I know it’s a stupid question; only one thing can disturb Heimdall. The arrival of Hela. In fact, he warns me in a low voice that we must bring all the people away from where we are now, before the Goddess arrives. All of us, we head to Brifost; maybe, if Hela is distracted, Heimdall can use the Sword, and we can run away. But when we get to the Bridge, waiting for us is a huge monster with the appearance of a wolf: it’s Fenrir, Hela’s personal animal.
I scream to people to go back, but on the other side of the Bridge are coming Hela soldiers. We are trapped.
I look at Heimdall, and nodding toward him, I pull my daggers -Loki has given them to me so many years ago- and I prepare for the battle. Fenrir roars, and starts running toward us. I try to use my body as a shield, but the more he approaches, and the more I feel smaller than he is.
Suddenly, we hear noises in the distance; I look up, and I see a small ship coming towards us. From inside it falls something: a huge green creature, which immediately launches on Fenrir.
The ship from where the strange creature falls stops on the Bridge, and I see two people coming out from the inside. A woman, and Thor. I smile, and I run fast to him.
Thor embraces me, while he tells me he’s happy to see that I’m fine. My smile soon disappears, noticing the absence of someone. Loki is not together with his brother.
“Loki is alive, Y/n. But I don’t think we’ll see him.”
A huge hole is formed in my stomach; Loki is alive. But he preferred to be saved, to save his people. I nod, accepting the reality. Perhaps Thor has always been right: Loki only cares about himself.
Thor moves away from me, headed toward Hela, intending to fight her. Meanwhile, I help people walk to the entrance of the Bifrost, but again, we are trapped. Outside, there are other soldiers who run toward us.
I begin to attack them, together with the other Asgardians who want to defend their lives and that of others, even if they aren’t soldiers. I’ve got the cable to fight –in fact, Loki and Thor taught me many fighting techniques when we were little- but I’m just me against hundreds of warriors. When it seems that everything is lost, from the fog, a strange creature appears, which seems to be entirely made of stone. At first, he seems to rise, but then I realize he’s standing on a huge spaceship, which it is approached to the bridge.
Other creatures come out of the ship, flinging on the soldiers of Hela; finally, their leader comes out of the ship: Loki. I widened my eyes when I see him get off the ship’s ramp with a smile on his face.
“Please, feel free to come down.”
People start running to the spaceship to get safe, while some of them continue to fight. I keep staring at Loki, who finally notices my presence in the midst of all this chaos; I thought I would never see him again.
Suddenly, someone makes me back to reality: one of Hela’s soldiers strikes me behind, clenching his hands around my throat. I give him an elbow right in the stomach, and turning around, I stab him with my dagger. The soldier falls to the ground, lifeless.
“I note with pleasure that you’ve become stronger.”
I turn around, and I see Loki approaching me; the first thing I would do is hug him and squeeze strong to me, but I refrain. Not to let him understand the feelings that I feel, I’ve always tried to make him believe that jokingly I hate him.
"Glad to see you, Loki. I thought you were dead. Again.”
Loki smiles, but we don’t have much time to chat; many other soldiers are threatening us.
Meanwhile, the battle of Thor against Hela moves to the bridge; Thor seems to have become stronger, though, Hela is very powerful, and seems to have the best on his brother.
So, Thor comes up with an idea, a weird and crazy idea: to make the Ragnarok happen.
His plan is to awaken Surtur, and let him fight with Hela, until the complete destruction of Asgard.
However, Surtur’s crown is in the castle, where Odin preserved the most important and powerful relics.
It’ll be Loki to go to the castle, and take the crown, while Thor distracts Hela. “I’m going with Loki.” I tell the two brothers, who they immediately beg me to get on the ship and save me, along with the other Asgardians.
“I can’t escape, Thor. I want to fight. And then someone has to check that Loki doesn’t do stupid things. Again.”
Me and Thor look at the God of Mischief, who pretending to be offended by my words, he rolls his eyes.
In recent years, Loki has done horrible things –he tried to conquer a world that it didn’t belong to him, and then he faked his death, and left Odin alone on Earth- but in spite of everything, I can’t hate him. He’s still Loki, my friend. Thor tells me to be careful, and after hugging him, I follow Loki in the castle.
This is the craziest plan I ever heard, I think to myself as I walk silently through the corridors of the castle along with Loki.
We should try to save our home, and instead we are about to resurrect Surtur, who will destroy it. And if we can’t even stop Hela with him? We will all die.
“Are you all right?”
I turn to Loki, who looks at me worried. Even if it doesn’t seem, I can feel that he is also afraid of what might happen.
Before I didn’t have time to observe him well; his hair grew a little. Seeing Thor with short hair, I thought how Loki would be without his long hair. It would emphasize his face and pale skin. He’s wearing different clothes from those he always wears; this uniform is perfect for him. But I believe that whatever he wore, I would love it. Now that I think, if Loki and I die, he will never know that I’m in love with him.
“We’re about to destroy Asgard. Our people might die. Yeah, never been better.” I say sarcastically. Should I tell him? I’m so afraid..
Finally, I and Loki arrive in the relics room, and we walk quickly toward the crown of Surtur; suddenly, however, Loki stops. I turn to look at what has attracted his attention: the Tesseract. 
“Loki.. don’t even think about it.”
Loki looks at me, and sighing, he begins to walk again.
“I don’t want to steal the Tesseract. Again.”
A sad smile comes to my face; because of Tesseract, Loki killed innocent people, but eventually Thor managed to stop him.
“You don’t want to steal it again, I know. I feel it.”
“Really? And what do you feel? I betrayed my brother, more than once.”
As Loki says these words, he approaches the Surtur crown, and after taking it from his hands, I and he go away, ready to resurrect the creature.
“You betrayed Thor, but you’ve always come back to him to help him. When Thor came back, he told me I would never see you again. Yet you are here, to try to save your people. Our people.”
Loki looks at me while still holding Surtur’s crown. I approach to him, and as I recover the crown, our hands touch.
“Actually Loki, God of Mischief, you’re a good man.”
I try to say more; maybe this is the exact time I should tell Loki that I love him. Like in a fairy tale...
Instead, I lower my gaze, remaining in silence. Then, I approach the Fire of Life, and I put the Surtur crown inside. As soon as I walk away, everything around me and Loki begins to shake. Me and the God of Mischief exchange a look, and immediately we run as fast as possible towards the castle doors, to go out and reach safety. Surtur is about to arrive, and he will soon destroy the first thing he will be facing: the castle. The place where exactly we are now and Loki.
I’m running as fast as possible, while Loki is exactly in front of me. Suddenly, I see cracks forming on the walls, growing more and more up to the ceiling. I block when I see part of the walls fall straight to me. I cover my head with my arms, but I feel my body move; when I open my eyes, I see Loki’s face a few inches from mine, he’s obviously worried.
“Are you okay?” he asks me as I swallow deeply; it’s the first time that he’s so close to me, and despite everything around us is falling, I can’t help but think of his lips so close to mine.
Unable to say a word, all I do is nod.
Loki helps me to get up, and immediately we start to run away. On the corner of my eye, I look behind what’s going on; the castle is on fire.
Suddenly, I snatch myself against Loki’s back; I turn to find out why he stopped, and my body freezes. The fire has now surrounded us.
“What are we going to do?” I scream to Loki. He approaches me, and he tightens my body to his; I blush, and not because of the fire.
“Close your eyes.”
At my awakening, everything is confused.
The first thing I remember is the conversation between myself and Loki; then I threw Surtur’s crown into the fire, and then his awakening.
The castle was beginning to fall one piece at a time, due to Surtur growing more and more. Loki and I started to run, and then I remember anything else. Maybe something hit me, maybe I fainted.
I look around: surely we are no longer on Asgard. The room I am in isn’t very big, there is only one bed, where I’m relaxed, a small furniture with a large mirror, and a window. I get up quickly, and approaching the window, I’m breathless. Outside there’s.. nothing. It’s all dark, here and there are some rocks, some smaller, some bigger. They are asteroids. We are in the space.
The door behind me opens, and Thor enters in the room. He looks at the bed, but when he sees that it’s empty, he glances through the room until his eyes stand on me.
He comes to me, and clutches me in his arms, whispering to be happy that finally I woke up.
“What happened?”
“I don’t know. Surtur was born, the castle was destroyed, and before I got on the ship, I saw you lying on the Bridge, helpless. I took you in my arms, and then we escaped.”
“Where’s Loki?”
Thor low the gaze to avoid mine; he sits on the bed, and I follow him. His silence makes me feel uncomfortable; I’m afraid of what he will say.
“I think.. I don’t know, maybe.. Loki isn’t there. I didn’t find him.”
I froze; Thor only found me on the Bridge. But maybe Loki escaped alone, maybe he didn’t want to come with us. The God of Mischief is always saved... right?
“He’s alive, Thor. I feel it. Sooner or later we’ll see him.”
Thor looks at me, and nodding at my words of hope, he smiles. He still loves his brother after all. He also hopes that Loki is fine.
About twenty minutes later, I sit next to the window of my room, watching the infinite darkness of space; from Asgard I saw the sky in a completely different way. Only now I understand his true beauty. I think back to Loki, and because he didn’t want to come with us on the ship. Why did he want to leave us again? Why did he abandon me again?
“Are you sad for something?”
I jump, and in front of me, just a few feet away, there’s Loki, with a brilliant smile on his face. I smile, and I step forward toward him to embrace him, but immediately I stop. Loki seems confused; is he really that in front of me, or is it just an illusion?
“Why every time something horrible happens, you make everybody believe that you are dead, and in fact you are alive?”
“It must be my nature.” Loki says, smiling; I roll my eyes, but his laughter makes me smile too. If he’s here, illusion or not, at least means he’s alive.
"What happened in the castle?”
“The fire enveloped us; I hold you to me, and we’re gone because of my powers. But you’re faint; don’t worry. It happens when you’re too close to a beautiful God like me.”
I make a hysterical laugh when I hear his words; the funny thing is that he’s right. Well, probably I’m fainted because the fire, and the sudden ’teleporter’. But a bit is also his fault.
“I’m glad you’re alive Loki. Even if you’re not really here.”
Loki furrows, and slowly he takes a few steps toward me; my body freezes as he gets closer and closer. I’m afraid if I try to touch him, he can disappear, and this time forever.
“Y/n, I’m really here.” Loki says as if he had read my thoughts. His hand is approaching my face, and a shiver runs through my back when Loki’s soft hand touches my cheek. I look up, and my eyes meet his; Loki is getting closer to me, and I’m breathless. Is he really doing what he is doing? Loki, the God of Mischief, my friend that I love since I was a child, and I never said anything to him.. he’s kissing me. I don’t move, and I feel my face blush at the same time when Loki turns away from me, a grin appears on his face.
“W-why did you do it?” I ask Loki with the few words I can say.
“You thought I was just an illusion.”
“Well, you could shake my hand, or hug me, or give me a slap, or shake my hand..”
I close my mouth, no longer knowing what to say. Loki stares at me with a grin on his face as I feel more embarrassed.
“I missed you Y/n. I really missed you.”
Forever Tag: @hotwinchester - @doro7winchester - @iamthenewthor - @cirunia - @frickin-bats - @giftofdreams - @ria132love - @flirtswithdanger - @littlenerdgirl16 - @nanie5 - @crownedloki - @im-a-fandom-slut - @deanxfuckingadorablexwinchester - @jerk-bitch-and-an-angel - @superhero-lover101 - @abbessolute - @eggsywife - @niallandsebastianaremylife - @deliriouslyvoorhees - @queenmrsmarch - @mischiefmanaged71 - @pandazombie69 - @redeyed-winchester - @unhappysugarglider
If you want to be tagged in my stories, just ask me!
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moonlit-imagines · 4 years
Headcanon for being Hela’s child
Hela Odinsdottir x child!reader
Thor/Loki x reader
warnings: blood/death/ alcohol mentions
a/n: been thinking abt hela a lot lmao
prompt: y/n is hela’s child
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you were born in hel
and raised on stories of your mother’s triumph
she always left out her downfall, though
growing up to hate the thought of your grandfather, odin
he was always regarded as “backstabbing coward”
“and what will you do when we finally go back to asgard, my child?”
“stand beside you while you rightfully rule the kingdom, mother”
“that’s correct”
after years and years of enduring hel, you’re only home, you were released at the sight where your grandfather had took his final breath
“you didn’t tell me i had any uncles...”
“they’re irrelevant, my dear”
thor and loki being extremely confused upon meeting the evil family members that they had just discovered
“and odin never said anything about hela having a child!”
“i was born in hel”
straight up attacking them, it was all you had been trained for
you were your mother’s weapon, that was for certain
craving destruction and blood, that was what you were taught—now that you’d escaped your prison, you could finally do that
and you wanted asgard, you were robbed of that much after your mother was banished
it felt so elegant there, nothing like the depths you were trapped in
striking fear into the hearts of asgardians, but something seemed very off
their fear didn’t make you happy like mother had promised?
it wasn’t very glorious when you killed anyone
“mother, you said this would be fun...”
“you’re not having fun?”
“not even a bit”
your only fun was watchcing skurge dance around for your mom
and it wasn’t even that good then
your uncles returning to asgard for a fight to remember
while your mother was distracted with thor, you ran across the bifrost, running into loki
“now just what do you think you’re doing, child?”
“my mother is a monster, i cant serve her any longer”
this god of mischief believed you
“then you better fight like hell to prove it”
your powers were similar to your mother’s, blades were never scarce to you
thor and the rest of the “revengers” regrouping on the bridge
“what the hell is this one doing here?”
“helping you defeat my mother”
“well, okay then. welcome to the team”
valkyrie didn’t trust you right away
you paid no mind to that, you were focused on one thing
“y/n?! what do you think you’re doing with them?”
“getting rid of you once and for all, you..?”
*thor, whispering* “bitch”
“typically i dont condone the usage of that word, but your mother gets a free pass”
happily fighting alongside your uncles, it was almost as if you could tell each others next move, it was mesmerizing
you saved loki from being hurt
“well then...thank you, little one”
“im 1200 years old”
“i stand by my words”
hela begged you to join her once more, it was startling and pathetic (and maybe even a trap)
happily watching your mother perish, you hadn’t realized how cruel she was until then
“i’m sorry about your mother, young y/n” -thor
“im not”
the asgardians didn’t trust you very much, you would have to earn it
and you did when you encountered the mad titan known as thanos
you swore you did everything you could, but it wasn’t enough
you had to watch thor be tortured and loki be killed, it was scarring
being picked up by the guardians of the galaxy
“who are you?”
“i barely know who i am”
thor needing to go to nidavellir and taking you with him
“im sure you’ll need a mighty weapon to see the fall of thanos!”
“but...am i worthy of such a thing?”
you felt a sense of guilt for your past actions
and even your mother’s
thor put each of his hands on your shoulders and looked you in the eye (with the only one he had)
“y/n, you must understand that your mother...she poisoned your mind with nothing but hate, but i can tell that you’re much different than her. i’ll be here for you from now on, believe me”
dmitri was able to forge you a weapon of your own, you fell in love with it as soon as you laid eyes upon it
also thor almost died??? that would’ve sucked
and then he took you to midgard, the only thing you knew about it was that the people were weak and irrelevant
but when you met the midgardians, you only met warriors (mind you, you had just landed in the middle of a battle)
another significant fight with your uncle thor
“captain! this is y/n, my (neice, nephew, nibling)”
“hello, y/n. welcome to earth”
“thanks, i hate it!”
going out of your way to save as many as you can, it just felt right
“who is that?”
“well, apparently thor had a sister no one knew about, that’s her kid?”
i nearly forgot about rocket and groot, who you thought were the coolest
“rabbit! over here!”
“for the millionth time, y/n, it’s ‘rocket’”
seeing thanos once again, you and thor thought alike over what needed to be done
you attacked him from behind while thor struck him in the chest, but the disaster ensued and you were left blaming yourself once more
“it’s not your fault, y/n. we all failed”
“captain rogers, i could have killed him, i know that im the one to blame”
everyone could tell that you carried an abundance of guilt, your mother didn’t treat you well
you had to control your anger, you didn’t want to be perceived as a threat
eager to kill thanos
thor told you his stories of war, you idolized him after this
“so, y/n, tell me about your childhood”
“what’s there to tell? i was born in hel”
“good point”
happy to watch thanos die
thor and you rescued the rest of your people and founded new asgard
you and valkyrie ended up running it together, though
thor only became depressed, but he did teach you how to play fortnite
“y/n, y/n look! im doing the dance!”
“very impressing, korg!”
you and valkyrie actually became friends
she realized that the horrors inflicted by your mother were not a reflection of your character, you could be guided by valkyrie instead
“val, where’d all the beer go?”
“ask your uncle”
“why do i even bother”
a shot at redemption after meeting a smaller version of the hulk, giving your uncle a small sliver of hope
and him telling you who jane was
“you never told me you dated a midgardian?”
“yes, well, the reason for that was...”
he started crying
tony called you “the little hel-raiser”
you did not laugh
maybe you didn’t have the greatest sense of humor
thor took you back to asgard where you met frigga
“thor, do you know if she’s my grandmother?”
“not a clue”
but you met her anyways
“y/n, dear, it’s good to finally meet you”
“oh, yes, you...you too”
she was very kind, you wished that you were able to see her in the natural timeline
you sort of wished to meet odin, as well
yall kinda saved the universe tho, that was pretty cool
valkyrie brought pegasus to the fight, you rode behind her while shooting daggers below
“you’re very good at that!”
when the fight was finally over, thor made the decision to leave new asgard to you and valkyrie
“you’re ready, y/n. they trust you. and valkyrie will be sure to guide you, ill see you again someday”
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