myriadeyed · 9 months
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Common raven from the Macaulay Library
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afterartist · 2 days
(Not ll of the characters but the most important ones to the plot)
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‘And now: AU Infodump
I will be answering any questions (within reason) any of you have about the au, even if it’s about some random side character only three people have ever heard of before
I live world building and any chance to expand on this world are treasured
I’ll probably answer with fun little doodles as well lol
So ask away :D!!
Basic AU overview:
Helicaltale is NOT a classic based Timeline.
The AU is set in a world where Mt Ebott was destroyed during the war, leaving a desert crater in its place, no protection for the Monsters to retreat and nowhere to seal them underground. In response, the Human mages put a spell on Monster kind, ‘Helios’ Curse’, forcing them to be unable to touch sunlight or else they’d burn (think Vampires or Minecraft Mobs)
The main story takes place 87 years after the war ended and 29 years after friendly communications between the two races begun, with the Monsters settled in a camp like city, made of tents and canvas buildings, around the oasis that formed in the desert that was now known as Ebott crater. Humans and Monsters have achieved peace between the races, regular trading routes and communications set up between the two cities.
Now all that was left was for both Humans and Monsters to find a way to break Helios’ Curse for good.
(None of them can touch Sunlight (minus the humans) but the ones more lightly dressed (Gaster, Alphys, Asgore) all live in the city, with proper buildings not at risk of being blown over at any second so can afford to not be covered up 100% of the time)
Ebott City-
The capital city of the country, Ebott is a massive human settlement, overshadowing old ruins left by the war. It’s currently the main base of conferences between human and monster relations.
The Oasis-
The Monster settlement, made from tents and interconnecting canvas sheets, from above it looks like a colourful cluster of a campground, large sheets stretched over the streets. From within it’s only lit by lamps and magic, the sky completely blocked out by tarps and canvas to avoid accidentally getting burned by sunlight, to those not familiar with the city it’s a labyrinth, others, its home.
(A major inspiration for the Oasis is the Kowloon walled city, for those interested in a more accurate visual of the Oasis)
The Great Fence-
While the name conveys grandeur, the fence is a simple chain link fence acting as the border around the entire Oasis, topped with barbed wire and adorned with tarps, it’s designed to protect the residents against wild animals like Coyotes and be a barrier against sandstorms more than it is to keep people out, one of the most regular jobs for the Royal guard other than being general peace keepers is to uphold the fence, often sending patrols out after heavy storms to keep everything in order.
Central Oasis-
A mix between Newhome and Waterfall, it’s the main hub of the town, the Royal family living there along with the majority of schools and recreational areas, most Water based monsters (ie: Shyren, Aaron ect ect) also live in this area, a large lake of water being the centerpiece of the city.
Lights district-
To the west side of the city is the main shopping hub, while much more open than the majority of the Oasis, many stores foregoing walls on their tents entirely, its full of stores and restaurants, the most well known being Grillby’s and Muffets joint restaurant, many visitors to the Oasis come for the night life of the lights district, the monsters that live in that area making the camp around them as flashy and attractive as possible, neon lights and dancing flames lighting up the darkness of the district, the Celebrities Mettaton and Nabstablook have also been alluded to frequent the region and perform for onlookers.
The Snowden equivalent of the AU, having gotten its name due to its position at the east side of the city, being the least protected by the walls of the crater, Sandbank often gets the brunt of the sandstorms that hit the desert, leading many of the Royal Guards live in this area in case of an emergency during the storms.
Southside (the Black Market)-
Technically not its official name, the Southside of the Oasis is whispered about in the dark of night, rumours telling of an illegal market place and shady monsters working in the south, many a monster wandering in and never coming out. While most likely just old wives tales, its best you keep your distance, just in case.
(Yeah I made the Black Market an actual real marketplace because that will never not be funny to me)
The north most section of the Oasis is best known as Hotlands, given the name as it’s the highest section of city but also the most shielded by the crater walls, leaving it boiling without any wind to seep out the heat’. There’s been speculation that Hotlands actually sits over an underground chamber of magma, adding to the blistering temperature.
The Dreemurrs:
Frisk- (Any Pronouns)
Frisk is an 11 year old kid, a runaway from one of Ebott City’s Orphanages, known for its less than legal treatment of the children. Having joined Chara as the eldest helped them both escape, Frisk followed Chara into the desert, looking for shelter from CPS.
During the trek however Frisk falls sick with an illness, most common in Monsters but able to infect anyone with strong magic, called Icarus syndrome.
With Icarus syndrome being effectively Hyperthermia of the soul, any physical treatment is ineffective, needing a particular medication to have any hope of survival, leaving the crater as not just refuge but possibly their only chance of survival.
Chara- (They/Them)
Chara is 16 and the orchestrator of the escape from the Orphanage with Frisk, after having been in contact online with a kid from the Monster camp that offered assistance. During the escape Frisk fell ill, forcing Chara to locate and purchase the rare medicine. Ending up in the Monster equivalent of the black market, Chara found a monster begrudgingly willing to help, trading a magical glass eye, a prosthetic their grandfather made for both humans and monsters during the war, for a small vial of medicine. The trader warning them to keep out of the black market before dropping the two kids off safely at the center of the Oasis.
Asriel- (He/Him)
Asriel is the firstborn son of the Dreemurrs and heir to the Royal throne, at 16 he made contact and became friends with a kid online, the other telling him of the danger they and their sibling were in at the Orphanage. Quickly offering up his home, knowing both his parents had fostered and cared for many children in the past and wouldn’t turn away two more. Upon meeting them in the Oasis he makes fast friends with both Frisk and Chara, practically adopting them as siblings on the spot.
Toriel- (She/Her)
Queen of the Oasis at 143 years old, Toriel has seen her fair share of bloodshed and peacetime, giving her the knowledge to recognise that protecting young children is the best way to ensure their future, guiding them to Mercy and pragmatic solutions instead of Fighting. One of the first things she did after Monsters had finally settled into the Oasis being starting up a school, becoming the primary teacher for a good few years before other parents eventually began to join her staff. Though, with the two new children her son had brought to her doorstep, she’s begun to realise it’s not just the children of Monster kind that need protection.
Asgore- (He/Him)
King of the Oasis and 146 years old, Asgore grew up at the front lines of the war, the heinous acts shaping him into the pacifist he is today. Currently away from the Oasis, Asgore has turned his sights on communications with the Humans, staying at the city while conferences with the city leaders on trade routes and transportation commence. He is also overseeing the Monster half of the Science team, working closely with the Royal Advisor and Scientists Gaster in developing a cure to Helios’ Curse. He remains in frequent contact with the Oasis, making the trip back every weekend to see his now growing family and make sure Toriel isn’t overwhelmed with responsibilities.
The Fonts:
Dr. Gaster- (He/Him)
At 140, Gaster has spent his life developing weapons for war (the Gaster Blaster being his pride and joy) and perseverance for Monster Kind, having a massive distaste for all Humans and most Monsters. The sudden change from war efforts to restoration efforts throwing his life in disarray. Jumping at the chance to use Human equipment on government funded experiments, Gaster didn’t hesitate to leave his sons Sans and Papyrus (9 and 4 at the time) back at the Oasis to move to the city and begin work. He’s had a hand in creating many inventions helping Monster kind (both helping with the medicine for Icarus Syndrome and a magic Sunscreen that can briefly minimise the effects of the sun) and the head of the Selene Project, the project to break the curse.
Sans- (He/Him)
28 and thriving, Sans has made a name for himself as both the comedic slacker of the Royal guard and the savvy businessman as one of the Black Markets best traders. Having been forced to raise both himself and Papyrus from a young age, Sans became intwined with the black market at the age of 12, after Papyrus caught Icarus Syndrome and receiving no help from Gaster off in the city, Sans was forced to find his own way of getting medication. At the age of 12 he found his way into the black market, ending up trading his right eye, and subsequently some of his shortcut abilities with an underground doctor in exchange for the medicine, to this day he hasn’t told anyone what happened to his eye. From then on he found himself going back and getting into trading as a way of making money as a side job while both he and Papyrus worked to get into the Royal guard, quickly becoming infamous in the criminal world of the Oasis, though he had a rule that no kids were to ever be found trading in the market. A rule that quickly got broken when a young human kid stumbled into his shop, begging for help, offering a magic glass eye as payment. Unable to send the kid off without help (or turn down the irony of selling the meds for an eye) he made the trade before guiding the kid and their sibling to the Oasis center.
After dropping the kids off, Sans makes an attempt to use the prosthetic eye, yet upon fitting it into his socket, the magic activated and bonded with his soul, causing the eye to become fused with his being, immovable. Along with the eye he’s suddenly able to see things he, by all means, should NOT be able to see, including text bubbles from the creators (similar to error sans)
He also finds, magically in his pocket, a small golden key, only figuring out its use after stumbling across a door in the middle of nowhere, upon using the key on the door he finds himself in an entirely different AU, door closing and disappearing behind him.
This is what leads him to discover the Multiverse and travel between AUs (inconveniently ending up in Nightmares Castle more times than he’d care to count)
Papyrus- (He/Him)
The Great Papyrus, second in command of the Royal guard at the younge age of 23 (you may applaud now)
Having grown up with just himself and Sans, Papyrus always wanted to become something great to make his brother proud, despite Sans’ insistence that he’s already proud of him. When he was 13, while Sans was out getting food, Papyrus had been targeted and hunted down by a group of bullies from the Southside of town, the group of teens taking turns in beating him up, eventually escalating to the point where one of them pulled a mirror from their pocket and used it to reflect a beam of sun directly onto his face, leaving a permanent scar,
He was saved however, when a teen he recognised from the Oasis center came charging out from one of the nearby tents, picking up handfuls of sand and hurtling it at the other kids before beating them up with her fists alone. Once over, the girl had turned, helped Papyrus up and took him to see her grandfather, the current head of the Royal Guard, a job she loudly proclaimed she was going to have one day,
Ever since then he attempted and eventually got into the Royal guard, along with Sans and the teen, Undyne.
Undyne- (She/Her)
29, Captain of the Royal Guard, Wife of the best woman around, living the high life! Having been raised by her grandfather Gerson for longer than she could remember, she’s always looked up to the Royal Guard, no matter how her Grandfather told her it wasn’t all glory. She’d been sneaking out and training with one of the Royal Guards for 8 years by the time she was 19, stumbling across a fight, six of her classmates beating down on a young skeleton. She’d jumped to defense before she’d even registered it, helping the kid up and getting him patched up where eventually the kids brother, Sans, one of Alphys’ friends found them and thanked her profusely.
The three became fast friends, practically siblings, both of them there at her and Alphys’ wedding and her promotion to Captain of the Royal guard.
Alphys- (She/They)
27 and already one of the best Scientists in the whole country. Alphys’ having grown up in Hotlands would have never dared to dream she’d be working with a whole team of like minded scientists, especially not in the human city, though not being able to see her Wife as often was a dampener. Dr. Gaster was also a bit, overzealous, with the project, it was only a matter of time before the madman created some temporal superflux that blew up half the block, even if she wouldn’t be anywhere near as prestigious without his guidance, despite Sans’ reservations for letting them near him.
(I will be adding more to this AU btw, it’s in my top 3 faves lmao)
Animation I’ve done for Helical Sans to explain how his AU hopping works
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nightmaresyrup · 4 months
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Avoiding previews of ER: SotET AaaaaaH!
Also wishing for a randomizing dungeon feature like the chalice dungeons in BB. Now packed with insane discoveries and challenges! I sorely miss the "Have you seen this enemy type before?! Wait what? Wher'd you find it," discussions.
The infinite super heat seeking spider race obstacle course in Loran Dungeon was unforgivable assbutter, but funny!
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brittlikestoknit · 8 months
i’ve decided i love 9” circular needles!
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this is however the first method i’ve tried that effects my gauge so i’m trying a smaller needle to see if that helps 🤷🏼‍♀️
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peliginspeaks · 4 months
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[Acquaintance: The Frostbitten Tomb-Colonist has risen to 1!]
The Frostbitten Tomb-Colonist is old enough to have been and done most things that are, and thus has developed an interest in doing and being things that aren't. They expect to be quite occupied with this for the foreseeable future.
Name: "None that matters, dear."
Gender: "Oh, if you must." (They/she)
Age: "Older than you." (And most anyone you know.) (...And most cities you have heard of.)
Profession: Most recently Correspondent, formerly Licentiate, Silverer, zailor, barber, journalist....
Moral alignment: If the world will forget a harm in 200 years, she sees no barrier to forgetting it today.
The Frostbitten Tomb-Colonist is difficult to reach as they spend little time in London, but any in-game messages intended for them can be directed through Dola Hallowrove.
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Model references for
Helical Contraption (Vill-V) - Honkai Impact 3rd
*Higher quality refs are available in the Google Drive
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elfwithagoodgaydar · 5 months
actually tommy will probably know who the buckley parents are because buck will brief him about their demonic behavior so if tommy sass them up he'll be avenging us for having to go through that fuckass redemption arc and ALSO i hope we get a thanksgiving gone wrong where tommy and chim can team up and just go off on mary satan and joe devil
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madebymrsg · 9 months
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Christmas bed socks!
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petirrojo57 · 2 months
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Strange stripes it is! My newest-completed hat is a mix of stripe types for a slouchy, rolled-brim beanie.
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Helice Wen
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myriadeyed · 9 months
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Common raven in Ontario from the Macaulay Library
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i think AI can be hugely helpful in certain fields (like, for instance, scientific discovery) when it's done right, but we (scientists) have a moral obligation to make sure our AI-based tools are actually doing what they're supposed to do, but if all else fails we can just gleefully watch one of our professors evicerate the latest AI-based tool on twitter until the programmers get their shit together and fix it
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afterartist · 7 months
If this gets struck I’m going to have a full fledged breakdown-
Helical my beloved <3<3
I can quite literally say this took me two years lmao
As always have some actual (semi) good quality frames :)
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And the scruncklos
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Link to the original WIP post for this thing back last year
Holy crap I’m bad at animating fast
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queenalicentofravka · 9 months
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moodboard of Alicent's mom
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usedupshiver · 3 months
me before the DLC, struggling like mad to take down Malenia solo for the first time: listen here lady, if this was Ashina, I'd have kicked your ass days ago!
me returning in NG+ with the Deflecting Hardtear and beating her in an hour: will you look at that, I was right
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turnqpsole · 4 months
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Jujutsu Kaisen C261
"Batalla siniestra en Shinjuku, parte 33"
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[The loneliness of the strongest]
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