#hella long so i put a readmore in there
sui-imi · 1 year
[OLD Q&A] Roo answers some stuff
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Hello! A month or so ago, I had Roo answer some questions on twitter. I decided that it'd also be good to archive most of them here, so you guys can learn a bit more :] (some of it is kind of important?? i think... haha)
Click here to read the original tweet and all responses.
NOTE: answers are in character! Therefore, all questions below were answered by Roo! (undereats!sans)
edited: august 2024 (to fix small lore inaccuracies)
Qs & As under readmore! (warning: long post)
[names listed below are twitter users' URL.]
[Q from LazeroFox] Is there any place that you can’t really go? Like an au that’s destroyed-
[ROO] depends. if you know an AU's coordinates, the bike can create a portal for you. and when we receive orders, the customer's details are automatically sent to our phones.
[ROO] but if an AU's destroyed, it'll either send you to the void, or it won't create a portal at all.
[Q from mmm99tunas] Does Roo ever get a break? What does he spend his hard-earned Gs on? (aside from gallons of BBC sauce)
[ROO] oh yeah. i get loads of nap time inbetween rounds. just punch in some random cords, hide somewhere and snooze a bit. it's the easy life.
[ROO] (though technically that's not allowed so don't tell my boss)
[ROO] as for my G, usually i spend it at grillby's 2. it's hella good.
[Q from Malina_Vivvivu] Is there a place Roo hates delivering at :∆?
[ROO] hah... haha... hahaha....
[ROO] the doodlesphere, for one. and those evil sanses. i feel like i age 10 years everytime they're on my delivery list.
[ROO] why are they so violent?? they're the ones who ordered the food???
[M] They like playing before eating ((:
[ROO] is it playing or bullying??? i swear, it's like they only start when i arrive...
[Q from bl4ck_st4rs] What do you do if you mess up someone’s order? (pick up the wrong one or spill/drop it)
[ROO] woah now. i would never mess up a valued customer's order like that. who do you take me for?
[ROO] but if i did...
[ROO] you just gotta grovel. make 'em think you're gonna die if they don't forgive you. not that i'd ever mess up.
[* He looks shifty eyed.]
[Q from sweetnad_uwu] Hi Roo! The traveling moped u have, the only way anyone can get one is if they work to the same company you do? Or is there any other way to get it?
[ROO] hiya. and yep. gotta be a UE driver for the magic bike.
[ROO] the boss is REAL good at keeping track of 'em. they've never left a bike unaccounted for, and they always know when i "accidentally" break mine.
[ROO] feels like they're all-seeing or something. freaks me out.
[Q from AnnoyingFox20] dear roo,if you met an actual a person that charming and wise,nice,so caring do you consider to be your bf in your life? 😏😏😏
[ROO] sorry pal. spot's taken.
[* He's fiddling with a bottle.]
[ROO] his name's arbiter. he's real chill, owns the condiment hall. sells the best bbq sauce in the multiverse.
[* It seems he's mistaken 'bf' for 'bbq finder'...]
[Q from ZippyDoZane] Zane: Do you deliver to far off kingdoms? Also eh heh heh if you do could you stay for a bit? I got board games that we can play. The king will give you a big tip if you do eh heh heh.
[ROO] "UnderEats - if you can order it, we can deliver it!"
[ROO] ...that's not actually the slogan. it's actually...
[ROO] "UnderEats - tip the drivers, and they'll be your best buds!"
[ROO] ... so what time should i come over?
[Q from jasper2450] Have the bad guys ever wrecked your motorcycle?
[ROO] (cough) er... technically THEY didn't wreck it. but if they force me to use it, it's kind of their fault right??
[ROO] i mean, i always tell them, "don't make me use my special attack". and what do they do? they make me use it.
[ROO] so yes. it's their fault.
[Q from KaylaTSkeleton] is there anywhere roo likes delivering to?
[ROO] any AU where i can deliver food without being put in a whacky situation is good enough for me.
[ROO] i'm fond of underswap right now. swap papyrus is a real pain in the coccyx, but if i snitch to blue, it always pisses him off. hehehehe.
[ROO] plus they always tip well.
[Q from zeni_zetty] have you ever get Chase by simp???...
[ROO] huh? who? (what's a simp???)
[ROO] i mean, i HAVE been chased before. but i don't remember anyone specifically, except those bad sanses.
[ROO] ...do i even WANT to remember?? don't chase innocent workers please...
[Q from necropathy_] Do you have any destinations/AUs that you don't mind/prefer delivering to?
[ROO] underswap, outertale, dancetale...
[ROO] and uh... horror AUs. well, they don't really order. but sometimes food just. slips out of my bag whilst i'm passing through.
[ROO] uh. don't tell the boss. we have this whole non-intervention policy, so...
[Q from SolarPhoenix7] I know you probably deliver a lot of different foods, but what's your own favorite dish?
[ROO] anything bbq flavoured is delish.
[ROO] by the way. you ever been to grillby's 2? their burgers are to die for. tho honestly i could eat just about anything and enjoy it.
[ROO] as long as it's not mtt food. no idea how they own so many stores across the multiverse. 0 stars.
[Q from Greedy621] Hi! Do you ever getting weird requests other than food delivery?
[ROO] the app is only designed for food delivery, so not particularly. but it does has a messaging feature. which is used... creatively... by some people.
[ROO] if anyone ever sends you a pic on there, don't open it. i promise you it's not worth it.
[G] Ok, now I’m curious what kind of pictures have you saw to made you give this advice.
[* He looks like he's remembering something unpleasant...]
[ROO] sorry, client confidentially. trust me... you REALLY don't wanna know.
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bowsersforeskin · 11 months
Now that its been a full month since the release of Wallsocket, how have your opinions started settle around the album? The more Ive listened, its grown on me a ton personally. Now its in my top 10 albums of the year.
this got long so here's a readmore.
TL;DR i want to put wallsocket in my mouth and chew on it forever
the same thing happened to me tbh, it's grown on me more and more as i relistened to it. wallsocket is defo in my top 5 albums this year.
it's not like i actively disliked it or anything, it's just that it went from "pretty good" to "one of the best albums of 2023" yakno?
like my only real criticism of it is that underscores' dedication to making basically every track over 4 minutes meant that there were a couple that felt bogged down to me.
that being said, there is way more to love about wallsocket than there is to complain about. there were a few tracks that i wasn't enthralled with on the first listen that i'm super in love with now (duhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh and uncanny long arms come to mind)
but GOD is underscores good at making a melody that sticks with you forever. a month later and i still catch myself going "johnny johnny johnny johnny whoops johnny whoops" out loud and humming the tune from shoot to kill, kill your darlings.
i really really love this new direction. i love the moments in wallsocket that call back to her earlier works (like the ending bit in uncanny long arms), i love hearing borderline jarring transitions to stomp-and-clap country (thinking mostly about that switch in geez louise! good god do i love that moment) i love how difficult wallsocket is to define and how it's clearly still underscores, but not at all what i would have imagined from her.
oh and the samples that are being used are BANGING i love hearing gun noises being used as percussion, i'm almost certain i heard a squidward noise in there, and the "good luck!" producer stamp is utilized SO well across the album.
also it's underscores, i feel like it goes without saying that the story telling is great. she's stepped it up a notch and i hella regret not following the arg, but that's life ig 🤷
my top track is definitely seventyseven dog years, maybe it's because it made me feel seen. i won't get into it because it's a long thing but it really reminds me of my relationship with a couple family members and also just sounds really good!
i like every track, but i think the highlights for me* are: shoot to kill,kill your darlings/horror movie soundtrack, geez louise, and seventyseven dog years.
*i'm excluding the singles because they all slap. no exceptions. i know that they're gonna make it into my spotify wrapped lmao but good lird old money bitch and girls like us make me act up.
uhh idk where else to put this but i mentioned earlier that i wanted to see how you don't even know who i am fit in to the album, and i'm really glad to see that it fits in seamlessly with the rest of wallsocket.
i really liked it, and tbqh i'm still hoping that she'll release a companion piece a la boneyard.
sorry i took a couple days to reply, as you can tell i have a lot of thoughts about underscores and wallsocket and noises and sounds.
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raviniaraven · 1 year
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@eldritchsquared This has made me very happy bc I love my Disaster Man and I gotta make more stuff with him
(Context for everyone else, I put these tags on a thing about OCs:)
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This explanation is gonna be kinda long so I'm gonna put it into a ReadMore
So! This is one of my oldest OCs, Dorian Pierce!
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I recently redrew him bc I'm hoping to make a short VN game for Halloween about him and another one of my OCs named Sana!
So explaining his story is hella complicated and idk if it makes sense but I'm gonna try! He lives in a town called Lacrymosa, and his initial plot is that he gets these blackout fugue states where he goes out and kills people, then shows back up at his house like "ah hell not again". He ends up in a relationship with my OC Sana, bc when he runs into her the fugue states stop, and only start up again when she's not around for too long. Sana is a sweetheart 100% and doesn't learn about the Murder Tendencies until they've been together for a hella long time, and the initial story I wrote for them revolved around when Dorian gets arrested for the murders, escapes, and while Sana is helping him hide they get into a shootout with police; he dies, she flips out and starts shooting at the people that shot him, and also dies.
That was the initial plan. Then I started fleshing it out more, and his backstory started to incorporate one of my other oldest OCs, Mystere:
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This is Mystere! She's a God that's basically responsible for creating 95% of my OCs, as well as the afterlife that became my story focus as I developed more stuff, a place I called Libra; the current overall format of the stories that I'm working on involves a different character named Rayne who is a conduit for other spirit's memories, where she can relive them and repair spiritual damage (also she's Dorian's granddaughter, I'll get to that).
Dorian was originally a sort of guard of Libra, keeping unwanted powers from entering. Think the angels outside of the Garden of Eden, flaming sword and all. He ended up trying to usurp Mystere, and She handily kicked his ass; the scars he's got everywhere are from this Godly Ass-Kicking.
As a punishment for his actions, She made him into a human, and in the process his spirit got kinda scratched up and corrupted, which is what caused the fugue states. Sana has an innate ability to semi-repair damage to spirits, so being around her calms Dorian's fugue states; she doesn't know about this, she's just sweet and likes helping people.
So after their deaths, both Dorian and Sana end up back in Libra as their afterlife. Through rules about spiritual connections based on affection and relationships, they end up creating the spirit of their son, Dante. Dante eventually decides he wants to see what stuff is like outside of Libra, and manages to convince Mystere to make him human (since the process is willing this time, it's not as damaging as it was to Dorian).
Unfortunately, he's kind of an asshole. Dante ends up being a dictator of a place I called Imperi, and does a lot of pretty awful shit, including waging massive wars and experimenting with human augmentations (I have a handful of characters that are the results of these experiments, they're kinda lizard/human hybrids)
Eventually, Dorian and Sana are sent back to the human world for the purpose of trying to stop their dick of a son from destroying everything. They arrive in the middle of a revolution, as Dante is trying to escape Imperi. Sana tries to talk to him about what he's been doing, he says some insulting things to her, and Dorian gets pissed. You know how I mentioned that he used to have a flaming sword? He got it back when they went to stop Dante, and uses the spirit-specific nature of the sword to basically slice Dante's spirit in half.
This leads to Dante becoming Cursed, and I still have to flesh out the details of what that means beyond a change in appearance, but he ends up hiding out in another country I made called Gelia. He mainly wanted to hide out in Gelia bc that's where his ex-wife, Aura, went when the revolution hit Imperi; Aura wants nothing to do with him, but he wanted to stay close to keep an eye on their daughter, Rayne.
Eventually Rayne becomes friends with Dante (she doesn't know it's him, she knows him by the name Damien and she's only seen old photos of Dante). They end up going to help some of Rayne's friends that got stuck on an island where a lot of the lizard hybrids caused by Dante's experimentation ended up, and eventually one of the hybrids recognizes Dante and tries to attack him; Rayne tries to protect him and ends up dying instead, ending up in Libra and meeting her grandparents and a bunch of other related characters.
I have a massive family tree of related characters that end up in Libra, and eventually I'm going to write a good draft of the story I'm planning out of Rayne being a Conduit and experiencing all of their memories and stuff. I think I have some hella old drafts floating around on different fiction sites, but their pretty far from canon now
Thanks for giving me the opportunity to gush about my babies! I hope this made any sort of sense, in my head all this kinda looks like a corkboard full of drawings and red strings
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I have had an idea and I'm going to write it down before I forget it!
Readmore cause ageswap spoilers, mainly about Saki and his character arc.
Okay, so, he starts off being very careful with how he presents himself. He wants people to respect and fear him, because that's what he's been taught people should feel around their leader (ageswap Shredder and Shini were trying to be good parents, but they still messed up in places, and this is 100% one of them.)
This means he really struggled with making friends his own age. Other kids find him weirdly aggressive and self important, and it's kind of off putting when the guy you're in a group project with treats every minor disagreement like a major act of insubordination. Like what the hell Saki? We are literally doing a group project on 1980s Japan, we are not in boot camp, calm your tits.
As a result, when he meets ageswap Splinter, he's hella jealous. It's not just because Shen evidently really likes Splinter, who is a member of the clan that stole his twin, but also because despite being a mutant and not being able to go to school, Splinter has more genuine friends than Saki does (his sisters, Shen). This brings up a lot of Saki's worst insecurities, and he deals with them the way 12 Shredder did: projecting the hell onto Splinter.
But every time he's a dick to Splinter, Splinter's sisters are there to tell Saki to take a long walk off a short pier. That's their brother! Don't you dare hurt him.
Which just makes his insecurities worse because he damn well knows Bradford would never do the same for him. Xever is loyal to him, but they're not friends. Same with Stockman. Tetsumi is the closest thing Saki has to a real friend (outside of his dog), but even then Saki knows deep down that Tetsumi doesn't really care about him.
(He also can't help but wonder if his brother would stand by him the same way the ageswap gang protect one another.)
Rinse and repeat until he finds out who Splinter is and everything he thought he knew gets turned upside down.
For the first time, Saki actually thinks about his actions and who he is as a person.
Saki realises he doesn't like who he is and the person he's becoming.
So, unlike his 2012 counterpart, he decides to make a change. It's... awkward, and he still messes up, but he's trying to be better.
He starts treating Stockman better, thanking him for all the things he's made for the Foot Clan. No one is allowed to mess with Stockman anymore, or at least not in the way they did before. He listens to Xever and Tiger Claw's advice. Works on being a better leader in general, on being the type of man people want to follow, instead of the person they feel they have to because of fear.
Working on his relationship with the gang, Splinter especially, takes time. How do you prove to someone that you're trying to be a better person when you've already hurt them so much, given them so many reasons to hate you, and are still their enemy?
Eventually, with help from the gang, he starts experimenting with his style more. Tries to figure out what he actually likes instead of what he wore because he thought it'd be intimidating. What he ends up with isn't that different from his old style, but something about it is so much more relaxed.
He works on being someone that not only makes his mothers and the Foot clan proud, but makes himself happy.
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swordbreakerz · 1 year
Day 15: time is long
I wrote a love letter about my weird timeline listening to friends at the table that is very rambly and doesn't have much of a point and is a little personal and I'm putting it under a readmore because I'm shy and going to throw my phone into the ocean after this posts
This July marks a full year since I got back into friends at the table. I watched the NNAF stream live, the first day at work since it was my last day (what were they gonna do, fire me?), and the second day at home, half dozing through the first three hours because I wasn't used to being up at 9am on a Monday. The Marielda one shot and stretch reward of a Hieron epilogue finally piqued my interest in that campaign, and I started Autumn in Hieron the next day.
It had been probably a year and a half since I'd listened to any day at that point, back in October 2020 (the 23rd, to be exact, according to my discord DMs) a friend of mine got me interested and I started listening to COUNTER/weight. I blew through it in a couple weeks, finishing it on November 17th, and it has the high honor of being one of the only pieces of media to make me cry after finishing it before I was medicated. I jumped straight into Twilight Mirage, but only made it about halfway before I quit the job I'd been working, and fell off of it, because I'd been using my 8hr shifts to burn through episodes. Despite quitting my job Again just as I was getting back on though, last year it stuck and I caught up with the entire backlog of podcast, including Bluff City, in maybe… four or five months if I remember right? It truly caught me by the throat.
Now, I'm fully caught up and staying on top of weekly releases better, being employed helps so I have a dedicated task to do while listening. It's become a regular fixture of my life and I've been thinking about voices defining a time in your life, and how summer 2022 will forever be my summer of friends at the table. The friends were my constant companion, I listened to the least amount of music that year than I maybe ever have, my spotify wrapped minutes on music were dwarfed by the nearly ~700 hours of podcast (spotify is easier to binge with at work, and I like stats).
This podcast reignited my creativity and drive after an art slump and brought me closer with one of my cherished friends, it taught me things about storytelling and political theory, it forced me to process old grief while sobbing for two hours straight after finishing Marielda. I could probably keep going, but being vulnerable makes me want to dig a very deep hole and lie in it forever, and honestly if any of the cast does see this I think I might die if I put anything too personal in it.
I'm not sure where the point I was leading to went. This podcast is like a reliable clock (hah) to me. It's my Friday work treat when seasons are live, Animal Out of Context can lull me to sleep in less than 30 minutes, Orbital made me laugh so hard I nearly cried in front of my coworker. Having something become such a north star in your life, especially something close to the ground like this, is fun and weird and scary all at the same time. I went from barely paying attention to ttrpg news to The PBTA Guy in my friendgroup in a matter of months. I still cry if I think about The Chime or Hella or Maelgwyn or Fero or Lem too hard. I'm getting a tattoo based on C/W at some point for gods sake.
Anyway. It's amazing how time and passion can worm it's way into your heart. Keep telling stories, keep loving eachother, I'm going to go dig a deep hole now, mwah
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gideongrovel · 2 years
live footage of me trying my best to code the html shit on my wedding post so it looks really pretty when the day comes
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i cant figure out how to do a readmore tho, since like doing it in the way with the brackets isnt working ,,, and neither is doing it the way with the colons,,,, ive tried other combinations and shit people were saying but its not working,,, i dont think i can have the post look pretty, and not hella long at the same time,,, 😅 but with the post being so long imma have to put the tag list in a self-reblog of it probably,,, i think the tag list on the main post would of looked goofy (bad) with it being such a heartfelt / intimate thing anyways
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cerealmonster15 · 8 years
u know whats exciting for me but also kinda scary
i changed my major do digital arts last semester and the main thing i wanna do for it is 3d modeling/animation
and i mean, im terrified that im not gonna be able to do it/i’ll hate it/whatever but
im really excited about it and all the other arts classes im taking, and i realized im sorta following my ~childhood dream~ of being an artist
cause when i was a kid i liked the idea of drawing pictures and painting and stuff, and art was always my favorite class, but when i told my mom [who does painting and crafts and stuff for craft shows she does with my grandma ;p] that i wanted to be an artist, her immediate reaction was to go “o youll starve, artists dont make money” and im like well shit [except not really bc i was probably like 6 or something] and for so long i just threw the idea of being any kind of artist out the window bc it wasnt “realistic”
for a while i thought i wanted to be a doctor bc my grandpa’s a doctor and i liked the idea of helping people
but i’ve never really been particularly interested in biology and after taking honors bio in hs i realized it wasnt my thing
i still looked for other science and math based classes to find my interests in, and while i could handle them at a basic level, going deeper was stressful and just wasnt what i was into
digital arts tho
that’s fun. it’s a bit stressful, but it’s fun and i like it so far. i just hope i continue to like it enough to learn something useful so i can get a job ;p my mom is actually really supportive and says I should make the most of my ~college experience~ and that changing majors around and finding what i like is part of the process, and i guess now that ive got a more practical idea of what i wanna do, it’s more acceptable than just a vague “idk, i will art”
if 3d modeling doesnt work out, i was also interested in the interactivity and art section, even tho im not really sure what that means? like part of the summary is ‘computer interactivity by exploring human computer interactions, software programming, sensor acquisition, and the translation of human movements into expressive multimedia art forms’ which sounds stressful but super cool. we’re supposed to do 2 sequences and ive already started the digital video one, but maybe i’ll have extra time in my schedule for an interactivity class :”) i gotta meet with my adviser tbh, we got a lot to talk about
and then there’s grad school?? like, i dont go to an art school [i thought i was gonna do physics or comp sci HAH] so there’s only so much i can learn here, so the idea of grad school is both exciting and stressful bc, bleh, more classes and more spending money. 
right now, im excited about taking my drawing class, and im gonna try to take drawing ii as well as painting and maybe sculpture to help me out with 3d modeling concepts and stuff so i’ve got a better idea of color theory and proportions and all that good stuff
i wanna be well rounded
i really wanna learn art
im excited, and im scared, but i have a clearer(ish) view on what i wanna do with my life. physics i had no idea. comp sci was pretty open ended and i was interested in game design. digital arts/3d modeling and animation, i could still try for game design but the more artsy side of it
and maybe... work on shows :”) maybe rooster teeth, tho i know like 56564675 people have dreams of working there too, so that’s a little intimidating
but i gotta say theyre part of the long process of me getting re-inspired to study and pursue art
rooster teeth and a lot of my supportive friends who are always so sweet to me and helping me out emotionally and encouraging me :”) it does help me get through times where i really feel stuck
i think i’m doing what i want to study now and not what i feel like i “had” to do because it was “safe” cause really, those werent “safe” options for me because i didnt like them and i didnt understand them
i think in pictures and am a visual learner
i think im where i’m supposed to be right now
i’m scared
but excited
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moemammon · 3 years
So how do the brothers react to an MC who’s strong enough to pick them up and just carry them around bridal style with no issues? Xx
The Demon Bros reacting to a Hella Strong GN!MC Picking them Up
Bold of you to assume he'll let you pick him up. Don't even try to get the jump on him, it's impossible. Everyone knows this.
But if you insist that he lets you, he miiiiiight go along with it. Just to see if you can actually do it, tbh.
Honestly doesn't think you've got the strength to pick up a while grown man.
But fact that you CAN lift him up with ease is just??? Haha you've had your fun now put him down right now.
Now that you confirm that you CAN pick him up, he bans you from doing it ever again. Your puppy eyes will not make him change his mind :)
Goes from immediately holding on for dear life, to spitting out profanities in surprise-
"Wh- MC?!?! What do ya think yer- How the hell are ya so strong?!"
REFUSES to let you look at his face. It's not because he's embarrassed or anything, damn it! He was just caught by surprise! Yeah, that was it!
"O-Of course you'd wanna pick up the Great Mammon! ....But couldn't ya give a guy a warnin'?! Thought I was gonna have a heart attack!"
Kinda tempted to use you to make money. He'll set up a little booth, people can make bets on whether or not they think you can lift them... And nobody's gonna believe a human like you can pick up a demon! He'll be rich!
If you do it in public (assuming he's even outside), he might never forgive you. Let's play it safe and assume you pulled this stunt in the safety of his room.
Ngl he's gonna be jealous of your strength. HE wanted to be the one to pick you up, like in the anime!!!
So when you show off your scary strength, you've got one (1) red-faced otaku in your arms. You can hold him for thirty seconds max. Any longer and he might burst into flames-
Too shocked for words tbh. How??? Are you managing this??? Being strong is one thing but being able to walk around with him in your arms????
May or may not imagine you doing it again some day. He'll never admit that though. Put him down, you stupid normie!
When you scoop Satan up, he immediately clings to you. You caught him by surprise so what did you expect? He doesn't wanna fall-
There's a 50/50 chance that he'll either find it entertaining, or be pissed. Let's just assume you had enough common sense not to do this around other people
The look on his face is enough to tell you to put him down without him even having to say it, so he's not in your arms for long-
Clears his throat when he's on his feet again, and he's trying to act like those cheeks of his aren't burning red-
Distracting himself from his embarrassment by researching how the hell you can just??? Pick people up so easily like that. Are you really human? Are you secretly training with Beel? Is it your diet??
Might see how he can use you against Lucifer 🤔🤔🤔
You already know this boy is all over being carried around like the queen he is. He ADORES the fact that you can lift him up with ease, all romantic like~
Asmo wants you to twirl him around and dip him low, like in the movies. He's already fanning himself at the thought! 💕💕💕
"Oh MC, I always dreamt of you sweeping me off of my feet like this, but I never knew you could actually do it~!"
What else can those big, strong arms do? 😏😏😏
Expect to be carrying him around a lot more often. He's got to show of your strength to everyone he knows! Oooh, he can already picture their faces when the two of you walk into the club, while he's being daintily carried in your arms~
He's usually the one picking YOU up, so when you pick him up for a change, he's shook-
Beel wants to know where you've conjured up the monster strength. Whatever you're eating, he wants to try it ASAP
You're a lil human,,,,, a wee creature,,, and yet,,,,
Honestly he's more amazed than embarrassed about it. Definitely not used to being picked up by ANYONE. He does ask you to put him down after a while, though-
Wants to know all the details of your workout regimen. If it's good enough that a human can lift someone like him, imagine what it’d do for a demon! Will you be his workout buddy? Please?? 🥺
Belphie's probably lighter than his brothers because he doesn't eat much and sleeps a lot, so he's easy to lift. You catch him by surprise, but he's not even fighting it
But you shouldn't have shown him what you're capable of because not he's going to milk it at every given opportunity. Now there's TWO people who will happily carry him around??
"MC, my legs are tired. Why don't you you just carry me up the stairs?" "No? But aren't you strong enough to do it?"
He acts like he's not spoiled, but he definitely is. Tries to find every excuse to be carried by you, but most often when the two of you are alone.
Offers to carry you for a change, but then hits you with that signature "Just kidding."
Datables React Here!
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rjshepherd · 3 years
Karl fics master post
Karl fics i have in the works. ill post links here and individually as i finish them . here is my ao3 account you can also find my searching for Ship-vigilante or RJShepherd
It's a long post and scrolling is annoying so Im putting stuff under a readmore for now
Au fics
Main au-
spencer swap- a continuation of my spencer swap au with one of my ocs, Shepherd. I jump around a lot and have fics set in every game from re1 to re8 on the go as wips. Don't hold your breath for this one but you can read the first few chapters here.
Some sort of shitpost fic-
my friends and i have been making hella jokes about the lords. Idk if i'll post this one but it's still in my wips bin.
Chrysalis- inspired by my crystal post
This is just me bringing karl and the other lords back. Pure self serving indulgence right here and i'm not even REMOTELY sorry. Will probably feature shepherd at some point because I like to live vicariously through her. tw possible character death
Alcina sfw/nsfw alphabet/ daniel fabron sfw/nsfw alphabet
self explanatory, character stuff set in my au with alcina and daniel, similar to the karl one.
Karl specific fics- sfw
Titles are placeholders for now, might change when I post them.
Rescue- inspired by this ask
Reader is wandering around the village , lost, hungry, scared and alone. Karl finds them and fluffy softness ensues.
Rain- inspired by this ask
Hurt / comfort . The reader wakes up one day during a terrible storm in the village to find Karl missing. They venture out to find him.
Somewhat like rain but with more blood and gore. Karl is hurt protecting the reader from miranda.
Fluff. It's cold as balls outside and Karl doesn't want the reader to go.
Red riding hood
Reverse scenario of feral. Reader is injured protecting Karl from either the bsaa, ethan or the lycans. Karl spends most of the time beating himself up over it, panicking because he doesn't know shit about first aid. I want some soft karl in my life.
Collared- verging on nsfw but no sexual content. inspired by this ask
Reader gives karl his first collar. He’s not quite sure how to react.
Long night- inspired by these asks 1 2
Karl has been angrier than usual. He’s having a hard time coping since leaving the village. All the medicine and mold treatments have him stressed and he’s taking it out on the reader. Sickfic, tw for mentions of trauma
Karl specific fics- nsfw
Unless otherwise stated i'll do an afab and amab version of the reader. I can also do alt versions/ change pronouns/ readers genitals etc upon request.
Scars- inspired by this ask
tw for gore, self harm, injury. solo karl. Karl survives having his throat slit by alcina, self pitying and dark thoughts abound.
Mating season
Karl x lycans. If yall have read licker bait, lycanthrope or my kinktober fic collection then you know what you're in for. Monster fucking, breeding kink and whatever else i feel like throwing in there.
Punishment - tw noncon
Miranda finds out about karls plans. She comes up with a creative punishment involving the cadou. Breeding kink and teratophilia.
Good boy
Nsfw version or continuation of Collared. I just wanna write about some reader doing pet play with karl.
Scent- inspired by part 1 of this ask ftm reader/pegging
Karl keeps his heats a secret , tries his best to use the lycans to deal with it. One day, things get out of hand. The reader will have to show him how to look after himself .
Tension- inspired by part 2 of this ask ftm reader/pegging
Karl is being a grumpy shit during his heat. Reader has had enough and decides to put him in his place hint: it's under them.
Alpha- inspired by part 3 of this ask FTM reader/pegging
Karl wakes up in the worst heat of his life. He can't do anything but cry out for you, his alpha, to sort him out.
Rut- inspired by this ask
Karl goes into a rare rut. Reader isn't willing to give in to his demands so easily.
i think thats everything im working on or planning for the future. if you want to know more about anything feel free to send me an ask
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swiftstigmata · 2 years
ok wait what’s your hot take on r*ta o*a being good for him! i have heard ppl say she’s hella problematic but i don’t know specifically why ?? hit us w ur thoughts pls
I'm putting this under a readmore because I absolutely refuse to force people to read r*ta o*a discourse against their will. but the tl;dr version of this is: yes, she's an insufferable person. yes, I think he's happy with her. yes, I have recently become very parasocial. yes, this is embarrassing.
Firstly tbh I think 'problematic' is a rough term, but in short, yeah, rita (we're on a first name basis now apparently) has a long history of career success based on blackfishing. She also broke lockdown rules in Nov 2020 by paying a restaurant £5k not to report her so she could have her 30th birthday (lol. except it's not funny is it it's serious). People also find her general career annoying but honestly I don't think there's anything wrong with doing whatever you can to be in front of the camera because, like, that's her job, so let's set that aside.
I unfortunately was susceptible to the Rita Ora propaganda when this interview came out in the Independent and started to kinda...like her. In the way you like your friend's messy cousin whose drama brings joy into your life. It helps that I am obsessed with her sister Elena, who seems to be her manager, handler, PR, publicist, and best friend all wrapped into one and is literally doing that better than like...the entirety of the Marvel team. "Why is Rita Ora here what is she even famous for" IT WAS ELENA. I would also bet money it was Elena who organised the damage control Independent interview and honestly, props. Excellent mopping up after the Covid fiasco. I want to study her in a lab etc.
It really confused people when Taika and Rita started dating (late Feb 2021, if you want to know the timeline so you don't have to be crazy like me and investigate it), but my hot take is actually that this is totally unsurprising and makes sense wrt what we know about both of them & their personal lives. Now THIS is when it gets really parasocial. You asked.
They have a similar group of friends - they were friends for 4 years before "complicating things" (absolutely deranged way of putting it, Taika, thank you) - and a lot of overlapping circles. They're both loud and ambitious with a tendency to overcompensate for nerves by just getting louder and more annoying, they're both party people who drink and dance and [redacted redacted]. Taika had just gone through his (now officially self-confessed! everyone say thank you Lie Detector video) 2018-2020 mid-life crisis and was filming Love & Thunder. CRUCIALLY, they had similar childhood experiences based around culture shock and forced assimilation - if you're reading this you probs know about Taika's experiences, but the tldr of the Oras is that they fled Former Yugoslavia just before the war and moved to London. Both Elena and Rita (first name basis here is killing meeee btw) have talked about the difficulty they had in adjusting (though Rita was just a baby). The Ora management team and inner circle still to this day consists mostly of the children of fellow refugees who moved to London at the same time and are childhood friends of the sisters. Elena stepped into the management role at 18 because their parents didn't have a good enough grasp of English to keep Rita safe in the industry. SO: broadly familiar childhood experiences on both sides, plus a tendency to keep close to friends and people you trust, etc etc.
In terms of them being good together - I literally don't know these people, obviously, I've just been obsessed for two months so I have a disturbing amount of knowledge in terms of what they choose to show us. In short: they seem happy. They seem to want to do similar things - go to shows, be papped, go to parties, get shit-faced, travel, and be domestic. There's this recent picture from the Dior show where she looks so happy it made me physically recoil from the screen.
Rita also talks in the Elena Propaganda Coup interview about how she has been in consistent therapy since she was fifteen because of crippling anxiety and panic attacks, and Taika recently mentioned in the Wired Autocomplete interview that he's now in therapy ("Who is Taika Waititi? Ask my therapist, that's what we're trying to figure out." [everyone who has watched Boy 2010 breathes a sigh of relief]).
FINALLY FINALLY the recent hyperspecific leak to the Mail and the Sun (not linking because I refuse to give them clicks but..) about their probable engagement and low-key wedding reads very much to me like a strategic planting - either because they knew the story was about to leak and wanted to get ahead of the story, or because they were throwing the press a bone in the hopes that they'd be left alone for the actual wedding. ELENA STRIKES AGAIN. The fact that the Mail keeps referring to Taika as "Rita Ora's fiance" (scream....so funny on so many levels) without either team issuing a denial is half a confirmation. Taika did fully dodge the question on This Morning which made me yell bc fuck Philip Schofield but is also NOT A DENIAL. Either way the idea that they're having a tiny wedding at some point in the near future without wanting it on social media spells happiness to me (not that having a big wedding means you aren't in love. then again this is a post about rita ora I'm cancelled already). Rita obviously wants kids and a big family and everything that entails so this was a fairly predictable move for them (predictable if you are me and Zoe @wolfhalls who seem to be psychic when it comes to Rita/Taika moves. What a useless skill). I just think it's cute I guess.
BUT TO SUM UP. Yes she is insufferable. Yes she's definitely privileged and ignorant. Yes the COVID thing was absolutely stupid and feels like a hugely coked up impulsive move to me. But also yes I think the hate she gets online is totally disproportionate and mostly driven by neckbeard men on reddit and whoever the fuck it is who comments on Deuxmoi, and I also think Taika is an insufferable person too so they match! Kidding I luv him. but also. Tune in next time for the great 2016-2018 PA Scandal Timeline. (KIDDING. I will not be doing that. But you get the point). The Rita that exists in my head is my best pal the girls who get it get it the girls who gornt...gornt. Thanks for reading.
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kusagrasskusa · 3 years
Erron Black X Innocent! Reader
I...am a sucker for bebe s/o and big strong manly manz so yeah. These are shitty simple headcannons though to appease my wiplist. Do expect a better Erron Black X Reader in the future though! I already had a long story ready but it's on a halt because too much is happening this week.
Lemme just put a "readmore" here so I can go through my posts faster-- and for some of those who post long ass amazing works of art but never put a readmore, you can do it by putting :readmore: then pressing enter.
A fucking deadly cowboy who's basically immortal and had basically seen every type of person there could be wouldn't he expected to fall in love with someone who doesn't even understand the concept of losing a loved one.
Erron loves girls who can handle themselves and take control of the situation. In a way, Y/N can kinda do that-
Y/N's puppy eyes and sad voice is enough to make anyone feel even a bit of sympathy. And when she cries, anyone would break their character and come to comfort this beBe!
Her gentleness and happiness just pulls on people's heartstrings like a motherfucker. It might just be some special aura she was born with that effects people so much idk
When our cowboy spoke to you for the first time, it was a normal flirtatious greeting he'd give to most ladies. And when Y/N cocked her head, widened her eyes and blushed, he felt himself blushing a little too.
"Howdy little lady, what's a fine gal like yourself doin' 'round these parts? You look too pretty to be around here," he spoke, referring to being close to being around the Black Dragon base.
The two were in a small pond nearby; and considering no one else knew where this pond was, he knew she must be part of the Black Dragon.
She grew so red and nervously tucked her hair behind her ear, stumbling over her words. Erron usually expected small smiles but damn, Y/N's adorable face really caught his eye.
They had small conversation about the pond before Y/N had to leave. Erron was thinking of her for the rest of that day.
And then the next day came along.
Kano was showing off where he gets his clothes made to some of his priority employees, such as Erron, and the only worker on the dressing rooms was Y/N.
"Hi, Kano— Oh, Erron, hi! :D" She called out lovingly. Erron was thankful for his mask as his cheeks suddenly grew red as his mind became confused.
He was so damn confused- how is this childish adult able to speak to sweetly and happily as if he and Kano weren't killers? Why is she so excited too?
The excitement in her voice whenever he came to visit her in the dressing rooms was intoxicating to him.
Erron grew to see her everyday and then finally, he decided to take her out on a little fancy "friendly meeting" one day.
He was sure to bring roses, which Y/N loved. He complimented her adoringly, and she would compliment him equally so. He had stored alcohol for her to try out, however he knew she didn't drink.
Whenever the event was over, Erron prepared to ask her to be his baby. But instead, she hugged him tightly and squealed, "Thank you so much for the great night! You're the best friend ever Erron!"
Later in bed, he thought about how she didn't understand it was a date. Goddammit-
Then the next day came.
The two would engulf in a giant hug whenever Y/N would confess that after the "friendly meeting," she realized she loved him.
Tbh she's a terrible kisser since she's inexperienced. But Erron managed to teach her that day.
The two would take it slow. Y/N is sorta oblivious to most romantic things so yeah.
Y/N adores the cowboy look and sometimes likes to copy it. Erron won't say that he loves it but-- you know how he feels.
Erron does get hella nervous whenever she goes out in public. Kano mentioned that she has no concept of wrong doing (not that he couldn't tell) so the thought of her tryna help someone dangerous gets to him.
The two don't care at all for PDA. The two can kiss and hold hands anywhere unashamed.
"Hey Erron? There was a guy that just told me I'm beautiful:)" Y/N spoke with excitement in her eyes.
"Is that right," Erron responded as the chains containing his inner demons were lifted. "What does he look like?"
Y/N ignored the gunshot she heard only minutes after. Erron was prolly just practicing his aim is all :)
Cuddling. Fucking cuddling between these two is amazing. Nearly every night, they at least hold hands with each other.
Y/N never really notices whenever Erron hurts people. She just can't belive that he would be a killer. Even if Kano comes in while laughing about some asshole Erron shot, she ignored it and remains smiling.
Erron can't really convince her either. "Wha?- But then why didn't you hurt me? See, I knew you were lying! >:)"
Yeah, Erron can get a little annoyed by Y/N's constant...well, idk, comments? But overall, something about her innocents and adorable actions make him stay.
He just has to be sure to keep his assassinations private.
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garfieldsladybird · 2 years
The readmore attack.
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A friend asked me how to do the readmore thing because someone ask them and I tried to explain it to my friend but it’s very confusing.
What read more does; it basically trims your writing down. so let’s say you write like a 7k fic, thats 7,000 words okay, and you want it to be shorter because it’s Hella long so you can put :readmore: to shorten it.
what read more looks like when done;
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All you have to do is type :readmore: and them hit enter. you’ll get something like this in editing;
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Make sure to put a space between the readmore and the paragraph that’s going below that.
I called this ‘The readmore attack’ because every time I do readmore I have problems with it.
Either it deletes the paragraph below the readmore or it duplicates it. I have tried putting a Space between the readmore and paragraph/word/sentence and it would still either duplicate the paragraph below that paragraph or delete something.
But when there isn’t a space between the paragraph and the readmore, it would delete the paragraph thats touching it.
this has also happened to me where readmore would duplicate a paragraph and if you don’t know it’s duplicated and you go and try to save it and it says error or something. try deleting the paragraph that’s duplicated.
also sometimes it won’t let you delete the readmore after putting it in and that’s most likely because it has a paragraph that’s duplicated so you might have to delete the duplicated paragraph first and then delete the readmore.
A way to have this not happen I guess is to put dividers in between the paragraph and readmore. you can put one or more, i’ve tried with one it still works and i’ve also tried with three so 🤷🏻‍♀️
For example; ( :readmore: )
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sometimes it will also try to duplicate one of the lines so make sure to put a space between the readmore and the dividers.
if you do have problems with it go to Tumblr about it because they need to fix it. I already have gone to Tumblr help about it and they just told me to exit the app and if it still doesn’t work log out of the app and then also try reinstalling the app.
but I don’t think the iPad has anything to do with it it’s just the readmore is fucked up.
there’s also a new readmore thing were it just automatically does it but I don’t know how that one works so I don’t know.
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¥ garfieldsladybird.
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kakashihasibs · 3 years
Yamato for the headcanon meme?
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Alright okay hmmm
1) realistic.
I know i really love the idea that Yamato gardens and takes care of plants, but i don't think he actually does. When we see him using mokuton it's always very structured, which makes sense since he studies architecture! But i think for a long while he actually ends up sort of distancing himself from the more "natural" uses of mokuton as a way of separating himself from Hashirama. (Not completely of course, we see him use deep forest emergence after all)
If he takes up gardening I think it's after retirement. When he is relaxed and able to feel completely free from being used as a weapon 😌 as much as that is possible for any shinobi.
2) hilarious.
This isn't funny but yaknow. I've seen a lot of people write Yam as a lightweight when it comes to drinking, but with the healing factor of mokuton i think he'd actually be able to out drink anyone. Like if yam wants to be drunk he has to work at it.
Which means in that omake with Asuma, how much did yam put away while poor asuma sat there watching askdjdkdl (i dont do this anymore but my idea of it is like when, at a party, i sat down at the bar and lined up more shots than i want to admit to and drank them all one after another 🤦 yam does that but bc of his weird healing abilities it's like if a regular person just drank a beer or two in somewhat quick succession)
4) unrealistic.
I am his trophy husband (joking). Uh idk I'm just vibing with the yam loves older pop music headcanon tbh.
Honestly with the drinking and the pop music Yamato's vibes in any bar setting is just profoundly weird and wonderful. You watch some random ninja guy drink more than anyone should physically be able to and sure he gets drunk but he isn't like dead from it and then he gets up to sing material girl by fucking Madonna. I love him.
3) sad.
Okay listen i have like the worst headcanon that I haven't said at all to anyone bc it's honestly distressing so these are outta order so i can put this under a read more. Brief CSA mention (more as an analogy) under the readmore. Read at ur own discretion. (Long and the short of it: the curse mark is like hella traumatizing)
SO I've thought a lot about that fucking curse mark on all the root agents. Bc it like haunts me. Danzo puts it on CHILDREN!
So like a lot of the seals and curse marks we see being made usually require: direct contact, blood, and occasionally like a ritual sort of setting.
Ugh okay so okay baby not yet tenzō whose only experiences up til that point have been surviving torture and experimentation and being 'rescued' by Danzo who only wants him to become an emotionless weapon for the nation state.
Danzo tells tenzō that he should be grateful for merely being alive. Convinces tenzō he cannot ask anything more. You have that dynamic going into what is most likely a ritual setting (maybe) with a grown man putting his blood covered fingers down this kid's throat specifically to keep tenzō (and any of the root kids) silent about Danzo. Anything that danzo does or orders is forcibly kept secret.
Danzo wants absolute power and control of the root agents. Like that has to be deeply and profoundly traumatizing. Even if tenzō didn't understand it then i have no doubt that that shit pops up later in life as flashbacks and intrusive memories. I think it affects him in a very similar way to how CSA affects people.
Like yam has probably been to a dentist once and never again. And I'm done now. Is this sad and awful enough?
(Edit to add: what i think is really getting to me about the curse mark is that it isnt to keep state secrets safe. No, it is specifically to prevent root members from talking about Danzo. Danzo isn't protecting konoha he's protecting himself. So no one can expose his abuses and crimes. So he doesn't have to face an consequences. AAAHHHHHHHH D:< i hate that man)
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archillean · 2 years
also here’s this to make you smile (also borderlands related)
i'm trying extremely hard not to choke on laughter, that video is Gold sdfgh-
AS FOR FAVORITE CHARACTERS... oUoughgh, there's barely any character in this series that Isn't a blorbo, so I segmented these into different categories (and predictably went on some some tangents in a few columns, so enjoy and/or suffer through my infodump thoughts <3) which resulted in this being Hella long, so have a readmore-
• Favorites in general (for so many reasons) are Timothy, Maya, the entire Tales cast (pre-BL3. We especially don't talk about BL3 Vaughn; they did my man SO dirty), Lilith (oOOOOO I could go the fuck off about her character for Hours on how she was (inadvertently or nor) being so perfectly set up as the series' next Big Antagonist, which I Might Just Do in another post)), Hammerlock, Scooter, Ellie, Moxxi, and gA H, I'm just gonna end up listing the entire cast. And Mister Torgue.
• Favorites from a pure design standpoint, Fl4k, Amara, Lilith's BL3 design, and BL2/Tales Zer0. (BL3 Zer0 just feels.... idk, a little too "rounded-off sleek" to me. BL2's more grungy look is more my style lul) Also Mordecai & Brick, specifically because of how well their designs contrast and compliment each other, but also. Mordy cool. Bloodwing & Talon are such sickass creature designs. And Brick buff. Have man tiddy, and I am gay. Also Lorelei my beloved.... i love them so much from a design standpoint, and I'm Frustrated that their character is so one-two-note in the actual story. I also wanted to like The Twins' designs for a Long Ass Time, but they're so... try-hard, even with all context removed. Troy is the cooler of the two bc Beeg Focking Robot Arm, and I'm always a sucker for Beeg Focking Robot Arm(s), but idk. It wasn't even like... used in any way, iirc? I'd have to go back and look to see if it actually IS used for anything, or if it's Just for aesthetics. Like, Gaige's prosthetic arm for example; serves an in-universe purpose (storing DeathTrap's digistruct information & general prosthetic that Just So Happens to be able to smash through concrete) and has a backstory (in-universe ECHONet logs explain how she got it), but it's also a visual cue for what her gameplay & character role is - that being the techy mechanic. Troy just Has A Robot Arm. Why? I'unno. I have read it's to sort of infer that he & Tyreen were born conjoined at that shoulder (which Is a cool concept, all things considered), but like.... if that's the case, why doesn't SHE have any signs of that as well? Why isn't it USED in any way?? Like, goes without saying that some designs elements are just "because it looks Badass As Fuck." I like shit like that! But at the same time, I like when design elements have an in-universe purpose. We can have both, just LOOK at Fl4k. I could say the exact same thing for Rhys' arm, but then again, he Actually Uses It, alongside his ECH0Eye. It serves more than one gameplay function, and Looks Sick. I don't think we ever get an explanation on where it comes from/how he got it & the eye, but not all the boxes (gameplay use, in-universe use (be it for mobility, combat function, or a mix of both), Looks Sick As Hell, and origin)) need to be ticked. Hammerlock ticks two or three (in-universe use & origin, as well as Looks Cool depending on your taste in prosthetics), after all!
• Favorite playable VHs, Gaige my beloved for nostalgia, Zane for gameplay. Companion and movement speed go brrrrr- I also liked Amara's gameplay (and still kinda do?) for a while, but Wonderlands' melee system just puts her to shame sgdjdah- Also a fan of Moze, simply because Mechs Are Cool and her mechanics are Neat, next question.
• Favorite antagonists, Jack obvs, but also Nisha. Both from a design & personality standpoint, but specifically her BL2 look. She's just... a really fun character imo, and I ADORE her dynamic with Jack. Well, more like the implied dynamic between them, bc we never get to Actually See Them Together, but I'll NEVER be over Jack's reaction to her death. It's about the implications. Also a Butcher Rose enjoyer (Bounty of Blood). Idk, she just scratches some kind of itch for me. (That entire DLC was so good & is Absolutely one of my favorites. Highly recommend if you want wicked cool art direction and a fun western story!) Maybe it's because she wasn't trying to "be better" than past antags, but whooo reaallyyy knoowwsss 8/ can you tell i am Still bitter about the twins- Honestly, btoh her and Pretty Boy were really fun villains in their respective DLCs. Eleanor (Guns, Love, & Tentacles) was pretty good, she just isn't a favorite- Also Also Piston (Campaign of Carnage), mostly bc he's just a fun villain, and because his "How many Pecs you got? Two?? I HAVE THIRTEEN" quote never fails to make me laugh- ALSO ALSO ALSO CAPTAIN SCARLET....... ma'am, i am...... looking......
• Favorite characters due to their story... Tina, hands down. Specifically pre-BL3, and Especially in Wonderlands. No spoilers, but the expansion on her and Roland's relationship is so good. (If you know, you know.) Also Krieg, Janey, and Athena !! Athena more due to personality stuff, because I kind of find her original/first intro cringy as hell (It's Such a Bad Character Backstory Introduction asDFSDFGH) but oddly... endearing?? Like, BECAUSE it's so blunt and awkward. Literally just "Hi, I'm an assassin because this conglomerate military corp tricked me into killing my sister. Name's Athena, by the way." jUST aSDFG- ALSO Burton Briggs !! His questline is really good, and his amnesia curse was written pretty well from what I remember. Wasn't strictly "Hur Dur, I forget" jokes-
• Honorable mentions include Juno (Bounty of Blood), Roland, Maya, Felicity, Gortys, Loaderbot, and Marcus !! I say "honorable mention" because I can't really put into words why I love 'em. I just rotate them in my mind.
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mushiewrites · 2 years
Hi Mushie! <3
I saw you rb'd a post about anons sending you questions so I am sending you some questions... except Im not on anon :P
If you don't feel like answering (all of) these thats completely fine too!! These were just off the top of my head! (Btw sorry for how long this ask is, you can't put readmore's in asks sadly)
1. What would you say is your fav color/ are your top three fav colors?
2. Sunrises or sunsets?
3. Fav animals as a kid vs now?
4. Current fav song if you have one atm/ how often do you listen to music?
5. Do you like to sing?
6. What do you like most about your art? What got you into drawing?
7. Whats the best season/weather?
8. Do you like thunderstorms? Do you like snow?
9. Do you have plants? If yes, how many?
10. Did you drink enough water today? If no, drink some rn this is a threath!
Juno 💗🥺 I love long asks so no need to apologize! For whatever reason mobile also doesn’t ever let me do the “read more” thingy so, I’m used to it 😂 The questions are a welcoming distraction so thank you, I appreciate you so much 😭
1. Okay my all time favorite color is like a teal blue-green? Like if you look up “blue green crayola crayon” that’s my favorite 😂 But second and third favs would have to be probably lavender and mint green maybe? Black also tbh
2. I am literally obsessed with the sky at any time of day, but I prefer evening / nights. I love cotton candy sunsets and starry nights ✨
3. When I was little I think it went in order from giraffe to elephants to wolves to cows to sharks to orcas….I still love all of them now but I’d say cats, orcas and sharks are my top 3. I have tattoos of an orca and a cat, I’m gonna get one of a shark too! (*an extra bit of mushie lore: I have a half sleeve on my left forearm that’s just all animals so rn I have the cat and orca, a moth, and a snake! My next one is gonna be the shark for sure)
4. OOF music related questions. More ~mushie lore~, I was a music nerd. I was in band, choir, advanced choir, music theory, marching band, theatre…..etc. I also was a music major in college 😬 So you can imagine how often I’m surrounded by music. I listen to it every single day, I don’t know how people go without it. I’d say right now, I’m currently just listening to Sabrina Carpenters new album “emails I can’t send” on repeat. But from THAT album, I’d say “because I liked a boy” OR “how many things” are the two I listen to the most! All time fav song…..that is genuinely so hard to pick but maybe “I love you” by Billie Eilish bc it always hurts me in the best way
5. I do be singing literally daily 😂 I used to get leads in musicals and stuff but I also don’t think I’m very good. BUT that being said I’ve had multiple people try and make me audition for shows like the x factor lmfao so do whatever you’d like with that information
6. So at the moment I’m not really sure there’s anything I like about my art. I’m kind of in a funk where I think everything I do just isn’t really that good. Which is dumb and not true! Because I know that I’ve been proud of things I’ve made. But yeah…I’m not sure. How I got into art was actually through my dad. He would always have canvases at his house and he would always encourage me to create stuff. So when I was younger and throughout like grade school I was really good, I was in advanced art classes and groups and in art shows and all that. But I kind of got out of it for a bit and just started up again in 2020. And I’m definitely more of a painter now, although I have been mainly drawing to try and get skill back
7. best season hands down is autumn. My favorite weather is stormy and cloudy, a little chilly so I can just wear a big sweater or hoodie and feel nice and cozy
8. Oop, I kind of answered the thunderstorm question. As for snow…..not really. I think it’s beautiful to look at and I love when it’s cold outside, but I don’t like being outside in it or driving in it
9. I have HELLA plants. Except they’re all fake 😎 I have probably around 20-30 in my room, I have an issue
10. It’s 9AM but I haven’t slept in like 36 hours so I don’t know what counts as today and what doesn’t….I have coffee currently and I have water!
Juno you are a lovely human and I am so grateful to have you in my inbox 💗
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gideongrovel · 2 years
*sad violin music plays*
Debating on how i want to post my wedding engagement stuff,,,, i said i was gonna post it on monday with that silly video i said i made  it has been in my drafts for almost a week now but the entire post looks reeeeaaaally clunky,,,,,,, mostly because tumblr killed the frames in the vid so much, soo im having to put all the frames under the readmore,,,,,,sooooo all the art (which is 10 pics), plus the tag list, the captions AND the invite just makes the post hella long and messy 😭😭😭
but i feel wayyy too embarrassed to just post the invite on its own  😭😭😭 like i wanted to hide it with the vid,,, but i dont think i can hide it and make the post look nice at the same time ;;w;; so bear with me if im annoying later today,,, i hate it more then you do,,,,,
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