#hello Witchling
foxylady13 · 11 days
"Hello Princeling"
"Hello Witchling"
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🎨 Hachandraws
Dorian is the ultimate Shadow Daddy & Manon is 👸
Also, they remind me a bit of Azriel and Gwyn 💙
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shadowhandss60 · 2 months
If I had a nickle for every side ship I fell for where one is a traumatized princeling who was abused by their father and the other a “heartless” witch with a soft spot for them, and both parties are kin slayers, I’d have two nickels, which isn’t a lot but it’s weird it happened twice, right?
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yanny-77 · 1 year
This Ice King & The Witch Queen
SJM Romance Week Day 6: Anniversaries
Summary: Manon and Dorian found love in loss. They both know that it's better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.
When the glass castle shattered, so did a piece of Dorian. To help him handle his guilt and grief, Manon visits Rifthold every year on the anniversary. This year, they both know what to expect from the visit, but it doesn't make it any easier to face.
Content Warning: Major Character Death
SJM Series: ToG
Primary Ship: Manorian
Word Count: 1,685
It was hard to love a king when you were a queen in your own right, but Dorian Havilliard, he was easy to love. And Manon did love Dorian – she had long ago stopped trying to deny it. She loved him for Asterin... She loved him for him, the curious mind and gentle soul. But most of all she loved him for her. In a world with so much darkness, Dorian had shown her that there could still be light.
Thank you to @poisonivy206 for edits
Read now on AO3
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packetofsuga · 1 year
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Manon Blackbeak
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sydneymack · 5 months
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“Hello, Princeling.”
“Hello, Witchling.”
Manon and Dorian - Throne of Glass
Artist: @courtmakes_art
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vinelark · 1 year
ALL timkon recs I BEG
hello hi! here are some of my favs! it got long so putting some under the cut
💄 Lipstick on the glass by @cairoscene read for timkon being soft and goofy and disgustingly in love, set in vague future college-y years with amazing core four dynamics too. cair is one of the funniest people to ever exist and we are so blessed that they decided to write some timkon. (also read for my own greatest contribution to literature, the fictional “jerry the void nexus” meme)
🎢 been a number and a name by @wynterstars i had SO MUCH FUN reading this one, a 90s comics-divergent AU where robin and superboy become friends—and crushes—when superboy is pretty new on the scene. feat. lex luthor being terrible, tim staging a rescue operation that at one point involves platform shoes and a blonde wig, spice girls references, and fantastic action sequences. it’s also a series, with an installment focusing on kon & clark, and a currently updating longfic sequel with SO MANY timkon identity shenanigans (my beloved) and kon feelings (also my beloved).
📸 the surveillance series by @smilebackwards i feel like i rec this all the time but it’s because it’s THAT GOOD. a tim-centric AU where tim joins the family late, but is still involved in bat business without the bats realizing. there’s some fun timkon identity shenanigans at the top, and some of my all-time favorite tim characterization (ruthless! lonely! brilliant!) plus a great tim & bruce arc, too.
🦉 Detours by miyaji_08 this is part 2 of a series and i def recommend reading the whole thing! a reverse robins + joker jr au that has lots of trauma and lots of healing, and in part 2 there’s timkon identity shenanigans that’s simultaneously enemies to lovers + And They Were Roommates. tim sure does run a gauntlet of horrors in this series, but it has so much healing and also one of my fav reverse robins concepts i’ve read so far.
📱 unfurl by @burins tim and kon might be dating, and there’s no kryptonian sex ed handy. bruce, being bruce, makes it his business, which means talking to clark and Realizing some things about his own feelings. superbat are billed first here, but i think timkon steal the show—i laughed out loud like five different times reading this. hilarious and sweet on all sides. (and if you like this, check out their timkon road trip fic!)
🌾 A Saturday Evening by malcyon in which tim visits the kent farm for family dinner with kon, feat. very sweet established relationship timkon and fun superfamily dynamics, and it touches on tim’s past grief over kon’s death (and complicated feelings post-undeath).
🤼‍♂️ Sore Loser by @hearteyeshayley kon learns that tim always let him win while sparring, and has to process that. this was such a fun exploration of tim’s prowess as a fighter—one who regularly has to go up against superpowered friends and foes alike—and also tim as a person who is always doing mental calculations about the people around him (in an endearing way). kon, too, got his time to shine and grow, and the ending was so smart and sweet.
🔮 Ascension by Violet_Witch an AU longfic where tim is a witchling and kon is a fallen angel who has (oops) just lost his wings. tim sets out to help get kon’s wings back, and there’s a ticking clock because angel wings are dangerous in the wrong hands—and tim has a big, horrible secret that’s about to come due. the plot/worldbuilding of this was WILDLY cool, and there was a big ol misunderstanding in the middle that had me clawing my face off (in a good way).
🌌 straight on ’til morning by merils kon vs. the terrifying ordeal of growing up, feat. sweet friends-to-lovers timkon and really thoughtful exploration of some of kon’s canon past relationships and their abusive dynamics. i haven’t finished this one yet but it’s been rec’d multiple times and i’m excited to dive back in (and it's recently complete!)—and what i have read so far gave me an amazing sequence of kon and dick interacting and dick’s big brother mode activating in an instant, which is something i now desperately need more of.
📧 aaaand would it even be a reclist by me if i didn’t include send to all by @cairoscene the absolute moment i find myself feeling down i go reread this and boom. i am instantly laughing again. timkon are just one part of a bat grab-bag here but they are so so funny and cute and in-character. maybe one day i’ll compile the timkon-centric sequel that exists in my head but for now i’ll just go reread this for the zillionth time.
okay yeah!! i’m probably missing so many good fics here because i constantly have like a zillion tabs open that i plan to read someday. also i reserve the right to reblog later like OH I FORGOT— but in the meanwhile, happy timkon reading!
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throneofsapphics · 10 months
I loved “our little witchling” so much 🥹 Both of them being so protective but especially Manon was so cute like Manon was immediately so attatched. Would you think about doing a part two with what happens during the birth? Like they were already worried about pregnancy being dangerous what if something goes wrong (but of course is alright in the end) and Manon just struggling because there’s no villain to kill, no one did this, things just happen. And their reactions to meeting the baby? I really love how you write angst and fluff!
Manorian x Reader
(part one) 
Summary: Reader has some birth complications 
Warnings: blood, angst, not proofread 
A/N: ah I’m so glad you liked it <3 thank you for the idea and request! you’re so kind. this can be read separate from part one!
Manon felt terror she hadn’t experienced in years. Not since … But your slowly paling face, the blood rushing from you, the healers swarming you. She wouldn’t let go of your hand, couldn’t. And snarled at everyone who tried to separate her from you. She couldn’t lose you - or this witchling, couldn’t. She wouldn’t let it happen. There’s nothing for her to destroy her, no revenge to be had, no enemy to destroy, and all she could do was have faith in the healers, and you. She’d never felt so helpless. 
Dorian’s hand covered her own, an arm wrapped around her shoulder, but she couldn’t look at him. Your hand was slowly growing limp in hers, and one of the healers let out a slew of curses - quickly silenced by another. 
She watched your breaths grow heavy, shaky, and slow. 
Please, she begged, please hold on. And sent prayers to the three-faced Goddess, to silba, to any god or goddess she could think of. 
Dorian couldn’t rip his eyes from you. His hand covered Manon’s, and his thumb brushed against the edge of your thumb. Cold, your skin was so cold. 
He glanced towards the edge of the bed, to the bloody sheets, and swallowed harshly before fixing his gaze on your face. 
His mind cycled through the books, everything he’d read… 
“The baby,” He whirled, taking the small form from the healer’s arms - who let her go without a fuss, and crouched next to you, holding her, the little witchling, against your chest. Manon took your arm, folding it over the small form. 
He brushed your hair away from your forehead - covered in sweat, before pressing a kiss to your brow. 
He watched as your fingers twitched, tightening around the form, before your eyes slowly blinked open. The baby was silent, watching you with wide eyes. A smile crossed your face, and Dorian let out a slow breath. 
“Y/n,” he called softly, but your attention didn’t leave the small child. 
“Hello little one,” you cooed. The world was fuzzy around you, but you saw the small baby in your arms. The little witchling. Sweet and wide eyed. She has Dorian’s nose, and you could’ve sworn a bit of gold flickered in her eyes. Maybe you were hallucinating. 
Something had gone wrong, that much you knew, and the buzz of healers around you and magic flowing into you told you that. 
You don’t know how long it took, but eventually you felt Manon’s hand atop yours, helping hold the baby still, Dorian’s hand gently stroking your forehead, pushing sweaty hair away from your face. 
You turned to them with a slightly dazed smile. “Hello.” Tears, tears lined Manon’s face and you frowned. “Nothing to cry over.” Manon choked back a sob, but squeezed your hand lightly. Her own tears, the sight over her upset, made a few fall down your own cheeks. 
Dorian’s thumb brushed them away. “Nothing to cry over,” he repeated your words and you let out a weak laugh.
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rainingriversofyou · 3 months
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“Hello Witchling” … “Hello Princeling”
Throne Of Glass — Artist: godstyx
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rowaelinsdaughter · 5 months
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a/n;; everybody, this is HAPPENING OMG!!!! this is going to be my first story and this is my first fic with my OC (read the information here). this fic is written in 3rd person so there is no use of "you".
i was thinking and maybe im going to write fics using my oc, as i said in my post of the OC, i want to improve, i want to change, i want new things, new experiences... and this is my first step. so i hope u guys enjoy this. (reblogs are appreciated and this doesnt mean im not going to write character x reader, my requests are still open)
WARNINGS;; spoilers for heir of fire, mentions of death
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manon blackbeak was eager to come back. she has been hunting crochans for weeks and finally, she reached a cottage in the north of fenharrow and now, she was prepared for blood. hiding in the closet, she listened to the three men that had broken in. 
she heard them open the door to the room. 
“come out, little crochan,” one of them said. 
with their backs to the closet, manon slipped out  and quietly closed the bedroom door. 
“wrong kind of witch.”
the moon was up in the sky when ayla moonsinger approached the cliff where a certain moon-white haired witch was waiting. she looked how her hair danced with the wind and by the pose, she knew manon was enjoying the wind. knew there were few sounds she enjoyed more than the groans of dying men, but the wind was one of them.
step by step, she got closer to her figure until her arms were hugging manons waist, feeling them a smile appeared on her face, one that never allowed to show in front of the matron… or anyone except for the thirteen. her coven. she twisted around to face ayla and took her face between her hands. 
hazel eyes and golden eyes looked at each other. looked into their souls. 
“hello witchling” manon purred. 
ayla leaned her forehead until they were touching. manon was the first one who initiated the kiss. their hands explored each other's bodies while their mouths were a mix of teeth, lips and tongues. ayla was the first one who broke the kiss first, caressing her cheek, manon left kisses on her neck making ayla laugh with delightment.
“manon, your grandmother is coming here soon…”
“let me feel you, i haven't seen you in months”
“i know… i missed you too”
a low whistle sounded from behind and manon snarled, ayla turned around and found asterin leaned on a tree, a smirk displayed on her beautiful face and her braid falled down her shoulder. 
“calm down you wolf, it's only asterin.”
manon rolled her eyes and left a kiss on her cheek. if asterin was here that meant the rest of the coven was also here… and the blackbeak matron would be here anytime soon.
they were all positioned when the matron arrived. voluminous midnight robes flowed around her with the wind. the memories flooded her mind like it was yesterday. 
her parents dead. her screaming. the matron slapping her face. “you’re coming with me”. her first day, week, month, year. the anniversary of their parents. the old houses of terrasen honoring her house, honoring the last member of the family… her. her first crochan. her first kill.
she hated her. hated the way she was and the way she treated everyone, specially manon and the thirteen. and she hated how she needed to act to survive. because that was not what she learned, she wasnt that way. she wasn't cold hearted, she wasn't cruel. there wasn't a day in which she didn't regret the person she was sometimes. what would my parents think about me?  she usually asked herself, and in the long nights where she was hunting, in the nights she couldn't sleep next to her mate, she looked to the stars and searched for the lord of the north and mourned a family, a city, long forgotten.
two hours passed until the matron got out of the caravan where she had talked with a duke.  “we are leaving now,” the matron said. manon jerked her chin to the thirteen and they fell in line, ayla between asterin and sorrel. “you two will protect her with your life, is that clear?” and that was 100 years ago. a lifetime now that the magic was gone.
ayla watched manon and her grandmother talk. about what? she didn't want to hear it.
when the matron was gone, ayla and the thirteen approached manon, the first one caressing her lovers back.
“apparently, the king needs riders. wyvern riders for his cavalry” her smile was wicked “we are traveling north”
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all rights reserved to ©rowaelinsdaughter. no tranlations allowed. no copy theme. don not copy my work.
tagging;; @danikamariewrites @thehighladywrites @throneofsapphics @shadowdaddies @ladybambifae
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jaspersreprise · 3 months
Connecting with your spirit guides
Hello, before I go on and about the information here, I just want you to know that I am sharing knowledge coming from a book called “The Witches Way”, published by Leanna Greenaway and Shawn Robbins :) It’s particular penchant is mainly Wiccan, but the books purpose it serves is a guide to modern-day witchcraft. I’m here to divulge information for our fellow beginner witches, who are still educating through their practice and journey, just like the majority of the witches that mentors and teaches. Although, this posts purpose is probably not aimed to how to start getting into your spiritual journey, but it could be something you’d want to learn later on. I hope you understand. But of course, I’ll post the essentials about how to start and where to start. Keep on learning little witchlings!! <33
Your guide will never want to frighten you, so it is unlikely that they will suddenly appear before your eyes in the cold light of day. To reach a successful connection, you must be prepared to experience a deeper level of consciousness. It can take a lot of practice to perfect, and only when you are at an advanced state in the meditative process can you begin to see visions.
These will usually occur when you are in the middling stage between sleep and wakefulness or in the moments before you wake up. You might also want to keep a motepad and pen next to your bed, as it is common to be told relevant information in dream sleep.
From Leanna Greenaway/Shawn Robbins, „Over the years and with a lot of practice, I have mastered the art of connection. For me, it’s like looking at a screen, a bit like a video recording. The background is black and the images appear with gold edges. The pictures move like they would in a video and last anywhere between one and three minutes. Prior to the visions, I sometimes hear a ringing sound, a bit like tinnitus but not as annoying. This is when I know my soul is turning into a higher frequency and I have finally connected.”
Read on for simple tips and steps to help you achieve a connection with your spirit guide
Items to have nearby
Crystals are very good to dot around the house, as they balance the energies in a room and can also help you to ground yourself. The seven crystals below are good if you want to promote successful meditation. I recommend that you house these stones somewhere in the bedroom. There is no need to spend a fortune on them when purchasing; small, polished versions, or tumble stones, can work just as well as large, more-expensive pieces. The choice is yours.
Angelite , used for summoning guides and angels
Amethyst , a calming stone sed to enhance psychic ability and meditation
Clear quartz , amplifies healing energy; known as the master healing stone
Rose quartz , good for relieving stress and tension; restores the aura by replacing negative energy with positive energy, boosts a live vibration
Black tourmaline , a ground stone that connects the Earth with the human spirit; aligns with chakras
Aventurine , energises the Heart Chakra for wellbeing and emotions
Carnelian , improves concentration during meditation
Mindful meditation
People begin with a series of meditation techniques when first trying to connect to their spirit guides. Before embarking on any spirit communication, it is imperative that you meditate for at least thirty minutes.
Lots of people find it hard to meditate for thirty minutes, but once you get the hang of if, it’s very easy. Those of you who have researched meditation will know there are hundreds of ways to get into a meditative state. There is also a wealth of information online that can help you find the right method for you.
If you choose to perform your meditation during the waking hours, select a crystal and hold it in your hand. If you want to use all of them in your meditation, sit and space the stones in a circle around the base of the chair you’re using or on the floor, should you choose to go without a chair.
If you hope to meditate during your sleeping hours, situate the stone(s) either under the bed or next to wherever you are sleeping. Make sure the house is quiet and sit or lie in the lotus position (sitting with legs crossed and hands on knees) as depicted in some books just make sure that you are cozy, snug, and completely relaxed. People find lying in the fetal position, under the covers, in their bed the best position. You might prefer to lie on your back or sit upright; it’s completely up to you!
First, concentrate on every part of your body, starting with your feet. Relax the feet, focusing on each toe being completely floppy, then work up the body to the ankle, calf muscles, and so fourth. Your aim is to be totally still, allowing yourself to become calm and tranquil. When you get to the area below the waist, hold a pelvic floor exercise for ten seconds, then clench your buttocks for a few seconds and relax. When you get to the top part of your body, raise your shoulders up toward your neck for five seconds before releasing them. You will feel a tingling sensation as they fall back to their usual position. Take your time. By the time you reach your facial muscles, you should be feeling extremely relaxed. Second, breathe steadily, either through your nose or mouth — whichever is most comfortable. Take a deep, slow breath inward and then exhale slowly. Repeat this for a few minutes or until you start to feel weightless. Clear your mind. Behind your closed eyes, focus in the darkness you see. See if you can pick out any shapes or lights.
Ask questions
At this stage, you should be in a meditative state, so now is the time to ask your guides for information. In your mind, ask your guide a series of questions, focusing on each question for a few minutes.
„I would like my guide to visit me. Are you there? Can you show yourself to me?
You might see patterns and shapes behind your eyes or feel a strange sensation of belonging. The experience is different for everyone. If you don’t feel anything, don’t be disheartened. Remember, some guides will not show themselves to you while uou are awake and might wait until a time when you are asleep. They know you better than you know yourself and may think that you are not ready to receive them in a conscious state.
„Please show me your gender. Are you male, female, or nonbinary?”
At this point, you must tune in physically and trust your inner thoughts and instincts. Imagine you are standing in front of a being. Tap into the energies and trust your very first answer. 
„can you tell me your name, please?”
It might take several meditations before you receive this answer, but, once again, trust those instincts—you have them for a reason. Allow your imagination to expand. Your guides name may not come quickly or even come to you at all when meditating. You might be given the name a few days later, so look out for signs. If, during the following days, you hear the same name repeatedly, perhaps on TV or the radio, it could be your guide nudging you gently. Alternatively, you might wake up one morning with a clear name in your head.
Once you have your guides name, you are on your way to connecting with them fully. If you are serious about making a connection with your guide, you must meditate every night before going to sleep. People often fall asleep during meditation; this is quite alright. When you arrive at a meditative state, your vibration rises and your energy starts to change and evolve. It does take lots of practice, so never give up. After a while you will be able to slip into this relaxed state quickly and summon your guide as needed.
Thank you for reading this. For all the beginner witches out there, I hope you grow more and more accustomed to your spiritual journey, and find your own path 🤍 please remember that you can find your own path to witchcraft — there’s no set formula, just a bunch of practices that you can choose to use. Witchcraft can be used for anything — from protection to success in certain aspects of life. If you want to know more, you may check out my quotev or tiktok account. I have posted information relating to these topics there, but I’m posting irregularly. Especially my tiktok account, I don’t really post there anymore 💔 but the works are still there.
tiktok acc: bthsheba
quotev: jaspersreprise
Simple acc names! :) goodbye now!
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magickkate · 4 months
🚽✨ Beginner Witch Tip: Flushing Away Negativity! ✨🚽
Hello, witchlings! Looking for a simple yet powerful way to banish negativity from your life? How about trying a beginner-friendly banishing spell that involves a toilet flush? Here's how:
🌟 What You'll Need:
A piece of paper
A pen
Your intention and focus
Access to a toilet
💧 Let's Dive Into the Magic:
Grab your piece of paper and pen. Write down the name of the person, situation, or energy you want to banish from your life. Be clear and specific about what you're flushing away.
Take a moment to connect with your intention. Visualize the negativity being drawn out of your life and onto the paper.
Head to the bathroom and hold the paper over the toilet bowl. Take a deep breath and focus your energy on the paper.
When you're ready, say aloud or silently, "By the power of water, I release and banish [name or situation]. May it be gone from my life, never to return." Remember, you can create this into whatever fits your needs. Just be careful who or what you attempt to banish (i.e., try not to banish your mom after one falling out or your teacher because you got a bad grade).
With determination, drop the paper into the toilet bowl and flush it away. As you watch it disappear, feel a sense of relief and release wash over you.
Take a moment to thank the universe for assisting you in this banishing process. Trust that the negativity is now gone for good.
Wash your hands as a symbolic gesture of cleansing and purification, both physically and spiritually.
Remember, this spell is all about reclaiming your power and creating a positive, harmonious space for yourself. Use it wisely and with good intentions. Happy banishing, witches! 🌊🔮
Sources: Carlson J. Protection Spells for New Witches. Rockridge Press; 2023. The Witch Of Wonderlust. Banishing 101. YouTube, Dec 9, 2021. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xskx5Clz9vY&ab_channel=TheWitchOfWonderlust
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peachesofteal · 2 years
Witchling / Chapter 2 
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Morpheus/reader AO3 2k words - Chapter 1 is here. Warnings: Minors DNI. mentions of blood, skeletal limbs. Notes: 1. This fic has an outline now and will most likely be multiple chapters. 2. In this fic, I'm going with 'Hob believes Dream granted him immortality because Dream was the one who approached him in 1389, and he never corrected Hob's assumption.'
“But why?” 
“If, Hecate forbid, the book of shadows was ever to fall into the wrong hands, it would be catastrophic.” Your grandmother explains patiently. 
“As you will eventually be the grimoire’s next keeper, it’s protection will fall to you, just as it has to those that have come before you.” Your mother sits in the chair across from you, rubbing her thumb along the tops of your knuckles as she explains. 
“Will it hurt?” 
“Casting the blood bond will not.” Her assurances sit like lead in your stomach. You’ve heard the stories about the witches that have failed in their task. What became of them, how they suffered. The glint of a knife in your mother’s hand distracts you. You whimper. “Hush now.” She urges you to stand, holding your palm over the bowl that has been prepared. She draws the knife across your flesh, and you both watch as the droplets of blood sizzle and smoke in the bottom. Your heart starts to race, and your grandmother starts to murmur into the air. 
The last thing you see is the sympathy in your mother’s eyes before the world goes black. 
Someone is banging on your front door. You burrow yourself under the covers in hopes they will go away, but when you hear the professor’s voice, you know it’s not likely. 
“I know you’re in there, poppet.” A pause, more banging. “You’ve missed your last four shifts and have not answered a single call or text message.” More banging. You cringe. Your phone is on do not disturb, silenced after the last three texts from him, all beginning with “Hello, this is Hob Gadling. I am writing this to reach…” You know it’s not right that you’ve disappeared on him, but what are you supposed to do? Hey, sorry professor. Your weird friend tricked me, stole my family’s book of shadows, and then disappeared without a trace. Oh, why do I look like skeletor? Funny you should ask. You see, the book is bound to me through a spell, and it’s never supposed to leave my possession, or I am doomed to suffer the actual flames of hell on my skin until it’s found. Or I die. Yeah, that will go over really well. 
More banging. “I am going to call the police if you don’t answer the door.” Shit. You root around in your laundry for the largest hoodie you can find, gingerly pulling the sleeves over your hands so only the tips of your fingers are showing. Maybe he won’t notice. 
You fling open the door and he gapes at you, as if he wasn’t expecting you to actually answer. 
“About time! What’s happened to you? Where have you been?” you sigh, pushing the door open fully and stepping to the side. 
“You better come in.” 
Hob looks utterly shocked. He sits half perched on your couch, his large hand holding a lukewarm cup of tea, the other resting on his knee. 
“I don’t know what to say.” He finally speaks, and the sorrow in his voice pulls at your heart. “I am, so sorry. I didn’t think him capable of such… cruelty.” You shake your head. 
“It’s not your fault, professor.” 
“Can I see?” your eyebrows raise. “Please.” You remove your sweatshirt slowly, shifting in your t shirt once you’re free of the long sleeves. You hold your arms out to him and look away. You can’t look at them. The flesh on most of your fingers has gone, the bone of your left wrist is exposed entirely. Your skin is intact in patches up to your elbows, and the spell keeps it all in stasis. No blood, no pus, no rotting flesh. Just your body ever so slowly magically burning away. It’s the evidence of your failure, your inability to do your one job, and you can practically hear your mother and grandmother cursing you from beyond the grave. You sigh, and glance back at him. You weren’t sure if it was possible for Hob to look pale, but he did, he looked terrible. And you felt even worse. 
“He did this to you?” you shake your head. 
“Not directly. The bond that connects the book to me did. When he stole it, he enacted the spell.”
“And this spell… it does this to you?” 
“It’s supposed to serve as a punishment, and a motivator, to always keep the grimoire in my possession. The longer I’m separated from it, the more this will spread. And considering the initial severity of the spell, I am guessing the book is no longer… here.” You had no idea where the book of shadows was. You had already tried to scry for it and came up empty. Wherever it was, it wasn’t in this realm. You shuddered as you considered the possibilities. It could be in Hell, it could be in Faerie, it could anywhere. You are so fucked. “Hob, Morpheus said he was just like you. Except he disappeared into thin air, which isn’t something I thought you could do?” Hob grimaces. 
“He’s not like me. He’s something else. I’m not entirely sure, but I believe he’s a god of some kind.” You choke on your tea. 
“A what?” 
“I don’t know. He shares very limited details about himself with me. It’s only been recently that he’s been more… engaged in our friendship.” A god. The professor thinks he’s a whole ass god. “He’s the one who made me like this.” Hob finishes and the color drains from your face. Who had the power to grant immortality? Suddenly, there’s a bead of stress sweat collecting on the small of your back. 
“Do you know how to contact him?” 
“I don’t. We used to only meet every hundred years. He’s been coming around more often recently though.” Hob looks pensive and fight the urge to burst out into laughter at your predicament. So, you’re looking for a god, who can grant immortality, who apparently can teleport in and out of realms, and can’t be contacted. Yeah, you’re fucked.  “I’m sorry poppet. I can’t believe this has happened. That he would do this, it’s… very upsetting.” You see the deep lines of disappointment in the professor’s expression. He’s truly upset, and your heart cries for him. 
“It’s okay. It’s not your fault.” You rush to tell him. You feel the urge to reach out and squeeze his hand for comfort before you’re sharply reminded that comfort is something your hands can no longer give. You pull your sweatshirt back on as he stands, and he gives you a hug goodbye. 
“If I can help you anyway, tell me, and I will do so.” His voice is so serious, so steadfast, and you cling to his support. Hob is pretty much your only friend in this world, and it’s nice to know that he’s not completely horrified by the current state of your being. You sniffle, and nod. 
“Of course, I will.” 
You spend the rest of the day alternating between scrying and scrambling to come up with a plan. You tear through everything in the study, looking for summoning spells, tracing spells, anything you can get your hands on that could show you where the grimoire is. You work until the late hours of the night, until you finally fall asleep in the chair at the desk. 
You’ve never dreamed of a library before. It’s beautiful, with massive ornately carved shelves that tower over you. 
You round a corner to find a woman sitting at a table. She’s leaning over a large book, her finger following a line of text along the pages. 
It’s not just a book. It’s your grimoire. 
You gasp, and she looks around, startled until her eyes find you. Her smile is soft, even friendly as she stands. 
“Hello, dreamer.” Your mouth goes dry. Dreamer? She looks down at your hands, the mess of your scarred, skeletal limbs, and her smile falters, just slightly. Shame, and disgust, curdles in your stomach. 
“That’s… that’s mine. That’s- how did you get that?” Her smile fades, confusion and apprehension pinching her eyebrows into the middle of her forehead. She opens her mouth to say something, but stops, her gaze flicking towards the end of the shelves. Your nose tingles and you turn to look at whatever it is that stole her attention. 
It’s him. He’s standing at the end of row. And he looks, different somehow. Lethal, and yet still beautiful. Your breath starts coming in sharp pants, fear slithering across your skin. It’s just a dream. The power in the room pulses, and as blink, he’s standing right in front of you. You shrink backwards instinctively, stunned for a moment, and you reach inside yourself to push your own magic out towards him. Before you can even cast it, a vice clamps down on you, strangling your power, restraining it. You look up at him in a daze, expecting to find his callous gaze on yours. 
He’s not looking at your face, or your eyes. He’s staring at your forearms, your hands. Your mottled, melted flesh that is missing in chunks, exposing the gleam of bone underneath. It’s gruesome, the aftermath of the spell. His lips are pressed into a firm line, and you can just barely see a muscle in his jaw ticking. His eyes flick up towards yours, and you’re shocked to see an array of emotions behind them. Confusion. Surprise. Rage. 
“Who did this to you?” 
“You did.” He jerks his head backwards as if you’ve struck him. The urge to scream at him pulls at you, and you desperately want to unleash it, but the words die on your tongue as a strange sensation snaps across your body. 
You wake in your bed. The sun peeks through your curtains at you, and your mind reels. It was a dream; it was just a dream. 
The Goblin grins at you and clucks their tongue in pseudo affection. 
“Poor dove. Have you lost something?” They’re looking at your hands. “What a nasty spell. I never understood why you silly witches inflict something so torturous upon yourselves.” You stifle a sarcastic remark. 
“I have a question that needs an answer, and I have means to pay.” You say plainly and they laugh in response. 
“State you query then.” 
“I am looking for a god.” 
“That is not a query.” The Goblin reminds you. You roll your eyes. 
“A god has stolen something from me. I need it returned. Can you tell me who he is?” They lick their lips. 
“The blood in your hands is no good now, it will need to come from your neck.” You feel the press of their pointed fingernail against your skin, and then a pop. They lift their finger to their mouth, savoring the taste of your memory, of your burning question. Gross. 
The Goblin’s face lights with glee. 
“Oh, little lamb, it is not a god you seek. It is Dream of the Endless.” Dream. Your heart sinks as you remember your dream from last night. Guess it wasn’t just a dream, after all. 
It takes some coaxing, but you finally get the Goblin to tell you who the Endless are. They tell you of the siblings, their purposes, and their realms, which apparently are incredibly difficult to travel to as an unwanted guest. They also tell you more about Morpheus, or Dream, the actual Nightmare King himself. The more the Goblin prattles on, the more you realize how daunting of a task this will be. You try not to let the feelings of dread overwhelm you. 
“My payment.” The Goblin rasps, and you retrieve the scissors from your bag. You snip off a long lock of hair, wrapping it around your fingers before depositing it into their waiting palm. Their eyes fill with delight, and they make a pleased rumbling sound in their chest. 
“I knew your mother’s name, you know.” Your blood turns to ice. “Might I know yours as well, little spellcaster?” 
“Fuck off.” You pull your hands into your sleeves and make your way out of the alley at a run. 
You throw your bag on your couch, kicking your shoes off. Something below your elbow burns, and you grimace. You’re about to start perusing your selection of frozen dinner meals when a voice, that voice, echoes through your house. 
You scream. 
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tattyapple · 22 days
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Me, a straight woman: *blushes* *a bit breathless* Hello, witchling.
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sydneymack · 7 months
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“Hello, Princeling.”
“Hello, Witchling.”
Dorian and Manon - Throne of Glass
Artist: @snowarox / @devnw
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icouldntcareless22 · 1 year
Mrs. Grinch & Mr. Sunshine
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A request from @lethallyprotected about sunshine! Jisung x grumpy! Reader. Hope you like it!!!
If you have any requests I will be glad to listen!
Barista! Jisung x Customer! Reader (f)
Acquaintances to lovers, fluff
Words: 1,4k
"Is your father a thief? Because he stole all the world's stars to put them into your eyes!" You stared dead into his eyes, pondering your life choices and most importantly your barista choices. He smiled brightly, too brightly, for the unholy hour you were both forced to wake up and handed you your first cup of the day, filled to the brim with coffee.
"No, but he must be a ring leader with all the clowns I attract" you huffed out, hand already spread out to accept your drink from the lousy brunette. You greedily swallowed a big gulp of it, your eyes flying to his messy hair and crisp apron. He must have gotten up earlier than you and you cried a little inside.
"Ohh Come on! It's Valentine's, princess. Everybody deserves a compliment!" He whined, flashing a big heart shaped grin that fit the holiday to the glove.
You furrowed your brows "Don't call me princess" you bit, annoyance obvious in your tone. You weren't one of the girls that fell with that kind of line.
Rather than princess, witchling fit you better.
He blinked at you innocently and opened his mouth once again "Mrs Grinch then?" He inquired, one eyebrow high but upon seeing your deadpan expression, he exploded with laughter. He literally threw himself on the countertop, almost doubling from laughter on top of it. You huffed a breath, left him some of your change and walked towards the door. "See you later Mrs Grinch!"
You didn't bother looking at him instead you waved a hand over your shoulder as a goodbye and called back "Sure Mr Sunshine"
You weren't running.
You were calm.
You were quiet..
You were in your zone...
And so fucking late!
You speed walked to the cafe on your way to class. The morning philosophy class you had to take this semester wouldn't be so bad with a coffee in your hand. Or so you had convinced yourself.
You threw open the gigantic glass doors and rushed to join the queue of the grumpy students trying to get their dose of caffeine. You were just about to reach goe your phone to busy yourself till you reach the counter but a call stopped you.
"Mrs Grinch!" Ryunjin shouted.
You blinked. It sounded familiar...
"Mrs Grinch!" She shouted, this time her gaze locking with yours. You checked if she was looking at someone else around you but when you saw no one giving her the time of day, you raised one brow and pointed at yourself.
She enthusiastically nodded so you hesitantly left the queue and approached her. You stopped in front of her but didn't said anything. So she grinned, pushed the cup towards you and quoted "From Mr. Sunshine" You let out a breath at this. Jisung had his ways, that was certain. You thanked her, but she dismissed you with a wave and a knowing smile and ushered you out.
You tentatively took a sip.
Black, just how you liked it.
And he knew that.
This continued for several days and you slowly started to make your appearance, besides the busy mornings, to the afternoon shifts of a certain loud barista.
"Hello Mrs Grinch! I see today you are not in a hurry!" He greeted you cheerily, but you couldn't pay attention at him. You only could stare at his hair.
"You dyed it" you said instead. His lovely chestnut hair was replaced by a bark blue black that was enhancing his features sure, but it also gave him an edge that you weren't used to.
His hands immediately flew to his tresses, giving them a tug. "Does it look bad?" He wondered quietly, almost insecurely. But that couldn't be, loud he may be but insecure he was not. And he had not a single reason to be.
"No. They look good. It's just not.. very you" you concluded as you tapped your chin in your search for the right words.
He smiled slyly. "What is very me?" he questioned, leaning over the counter that always separated you. You stared into his eyes.Shrugged.
"Sunshine core, I guess. Black to go" you changed the flow of the conversation quickly. He whined for a bit but, eventually, he turned around to make your coffee.
"Why you always leave? Can't you stay here for coffee for once?" He asked, still whining cutely to you. You paused your search for money to give him a confused look. Why would you? He saw the question in your eyes and exclaimed "I would be over the beans happy! Get it?" His giggles surrounded you.
You wouldn't be able to focus in there. The music, the chats and...his laughter would, surely, be distracting. So instead of an answer you told him "Keep the change" and walked out of the door.
Once more you were in the cafe for leisure rather than need. You had wanted to relax and enjoy a cup in your own pace. You entered and quietness welcomed you. From the melodious jazz music till the airiness from inside the bar brought you a sense of calm.
Until you saw Jisung'a face.
His bright heart shaped smile, that you had used to seeing upon his face, was missing. In fact his lips were turned downwards almost in a pout, but sadder. You roused the cashier slowly. "Who is the Grinch now?" You asked, gently without your usual bite. Today seemed like he could do without it.
He met your eyes a with small smile, that seemed all he could muster at the moment. He turned and started making your coffee, without a single word. So you stood there and watched him. Usually in his haste to turn around again and talk to you, he would rush and make small mistakes, he would curse or laugh the pain away and he would ask about your day. Today was not usually. So you asked instead. "Are you ok Mr. Sunshine?" Low and gently. You were afraid of raising your voice to a normal tone, as if it would shatter a very needed barrier he had build.
He sighed.
The sound came from somewhere deep insiyhis chest. "One of my friends...he had a fight with his girlfriend..and when I took her side, he said a couple of things.. Nothing you should be worried about. I am fine." he concluded, eyes on your cup, on the check out, anywhere but you.
"I see" you hummed. And began gathering your things and your cup from the counter. "I hope you don't worry yourself too much, Jisung. Talk to him. It's not fair to you to be uncomfortable or insecure about something he said in anger and, probably, didn't even mean." You said and left the shop before he could answer.
On your way to your dorm you couldn't get out of your mind the image of Jisung pouting and avoiding your gaze. You stood still for a moment and signed before turning around. You knew just what to do to cheer him up. So you walked to the nearest bakery, bought the freshest and loveliest cheesecake and made a bee line to the coffee shop, where the unhappy barista worked. You opened the enormous doors again, this time more cautiously.
You checked the tables and the stairs, but the boy was nowhere in sight so you approached the counter, fully prepared to leave the cheesecake and leave. But, of course, it was that moment he chose to return to his post.
His eyes widened a tiny bit, but he quickly put a small smile on his face and approached you. "Hello again. Want anything else?" He asked quietly, his eyes fleeting from yours again.
Now or never. You told yourself.
You placed the baked good on the countertop and pushed it lightly towards him. "No. But this is for you. Hope you feel better" you muttered and speeded towards the exit yet again. The fresh air hit you but before you could step further into him and away from the cafe, your name was being called. Or rather you peculiar nickname.
"Mrs Grinch! Y/N!" Jisung called, breath elaborated from his jog.You turned to him, unsure of what to make of this sudden persuasion. You raised a brow and jotted your chin towards him, a silent invitation to speak first.
He looked very pink in this new and natural night, you thought. "So....ummm..I was wondering..if you.. would like to go out sometime." he asked, nervousness taking over. "With me!" He quietly squealed, almost forgetting the most important part.
You looked at him, really looked.
A sweet boy, who knew how you took your coffee, asked how your day was, how you were feeling and what plans did you have.
Were those enough to like him? No.
We're those enough to get you interested in knowing him? Yes.
And you got the feeling that you would come to like him easily. He was sweet, cheery and warm.
Your personal sunshine.
"I would love to go out with you"
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gwyns · 3 months
“Hello, Shadowsinger.”
“Hello, Priestess.”
Please and thank you. I need this to happen.🖤💙🤍(it’s lowkey giving princeling & witchling which was unintentional)
i'm absolutely in love with this idea because i can picture it perfectly like it starts in a mocking way but over time it slowly morphs into an endearing pet name for both of them
it goes from them using it in trash talk settings while training or dueling to a soft, "hello, shadowsinger," as they pass in a hallway or something and az's equally quiet, "hello, priestess." in reply, complete with one of his rare smiles that gwyn always seems to bring out in him
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