#help! interact plz!
sweetfoxmojis · 8 months
Feeling silly today hehe been working all day to make these surprisingly, I was making these in class so 😭
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mushroominaforest · 1 month
Guys I need advice help 😭
I need to confront someone and set clear boundaries, but I am also I giant pushover and this person knows it lol. They’re my friend so I don’t want to just stop talking to them, but they’ve been making me uncomfortable and don’t really listen to me. The first time I tried to tell them to stop I wasn’t firm about it at all and they just brushed it off and didn’t change their behaviour. I’m scared of ruining our friendship by making things awkward, and I’m worried my other friends in that friend group will think I’m being dramatic and not want to hang out with me anymore. How do I stand up for myself without people thinking I’m annoying???
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lampy-log · 1 month
tips to improve drawings?
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grimowled · 3 months
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meatclowntv · 1 year
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As always tap or click the image to see it better!
I mainly drew this so when I start working on the animation for any projects that are DSaF related so that I can stay on model! Plus I just really wanted to draw the main gang of DsaF 3 (or at least the main four).
I’ll probably draw some more DSaF characters later but for now I hope you guys enjoy this little drawing I made!
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anthyies · 1 year
just ran into my first random person who has me blocked. sad
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bbcphile · 1 year
Adventures in Chronic Illness Hell: Medication edition
My narcolepsy meds—which I spent 4 months fighting insurance and my sleep doctor’s office to finally get approved, and which revolutionized my sleep and gave me some semblance of my former life back—cause tachycardia and high blood pressure, and a host of other frustrating related symptoms.
Taking propranolol to lower my heart rate and blood pressure just makes me horribly dizzy and light headed and gives me non-stop headaches, so I can’t do anything but sit on the sofa. (And it doesn’t lower my blood pressure.)
I have one more thing I can try to make the narcolepsy med work. Because of hEDS, I don’t metabolize food or medication correctly, so if the high heart rate and blood pressure are caused by my metabolizing issues, then starting this new med has a chance of fixing those things. But, I learned the hard way that I have to make other med adjustments first; I tried the metabolism med without other changes and learned 1. It works, because 2. Suddenly I was metabolizing all my other medications, because I managed to get all side effects of all of them at once, which almost landed me in the ER.
So, I am currently off my narcolepsy meds (and dealing with sleep attacks and debilitating fatigue) so that tomorrow I can go off some of my MCAS meds and try the metabolism med, so that I can ultimately try the narcolepsy med again and hope the high heart rate and blood pressure go away.
If that fails, then I will have to spend the next several weeks trying to convince my sleep Dr and insurance to let me try one of the other nighttime narcolepsy meds, in which case I will be desperately hoping that they don’t cause anaphylaxis, the way that over half of the meds I have ever tried do.
I fucking hate this.
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atypicalsouda · 2 years
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Comments from
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Fuyuhiko about/towards
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That I
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Can never
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EVER GET OVER ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Bonus but I’m reaching pretty far, it’s just the fact that it’s said right after Kaz’s “remember me specifically” comment that my brain took it the first time as Fuyu basically saying “of course I will”. I don’t want to like dampen Fuyu’s line here about remembering everyone not just Kaz but I’m stupidly obsessed so-
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assfacelennox · 1 year
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lovelucilfer · 11 months
I kinda want to start making text posts and sharing my chrollo thoughts on this blog but like....... idk skfbvjdfbvd
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cyrrender · 1 year
reinstalled tumblr bc i just know there's bound to be quality gay SU art since i recently started rewatching it,,
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maruke2003 · 1 year
Society needs to go fuck itself. Society needs to stop harming children. Society needs to stop sheltering their children, friends, parents, grandparents. Evil people need to be called out on their bullshit and those who cover up crimes need to go to hell.
Society needs to grow up and mature and stop acting like chickens with their heads cut off and not knowing how to do jack shit.
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pinkmistle06 · 11 months
Hi so today is a fine day to like
I dunno
Put a tag for my AU I guess?
For anyone who's seen my pinned post then you've seen the AU of Undertale I write, called HopeTale
I've had it in the works for like three years now, revamped it like four times by now
And relatively recently, I've taken some inspiration from For the Forgotten Ones by Im_Sorry_Buddy over on Ao3 (check it out btw it's fucking FANTASTIC) with a bit of the writing style and such
My AU is essentially...uh
It's like a mishmash between being a fantasy AU mixing with Multiverse shenanigans (so like the Bad Sanses/NM's Gang and the Star Sanses and all that)
I'm thinking that I should just have the tag be #HopeTale given that's how I type it
So uh yeah
In the potential event that someone posts about my shit, use #HopeTale or something like that lmao
That way I might see it or something
Or hell just @ me on that one and that way I'll see it
Fanart and all that is welcome and I will literally make you grilled cheese if you make anything for it because holy hell it'll make me that happy
I'll make you food if you do that (internet food)
Or I'll hug you or something I will consume your art
You can use my AU in stuff if you want just make sure to credit me plz
Anyways that's enough nonsense I'm off to reblog shit and write shit
Have a good one my guys
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mapleleavesart · 1 year
I have an art piece that I made but it's not tmnt or something that would normally be in my comfort zone but it looks kinda cool so idk if I should post it or not
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laismoura-art · 2 years
So, I'm a language teacher and I teach English mostly but I also teach French, Italian and German and I've been recently learning Spanish.
My native language is Portuguese.
That being said: My dear, Non-binary folks, what would you think of teachers teaching Gender Neutral Language?
I mean, I've plenty of English books, all of them teaching "Subject Pronouns" but none of them say: "They" is for 3rd person plural and also used to refer to gender neutral people or just when you don't know someone's proper pronouns yet"
And honestly... I would like to do that, I would like to teach "Subject Pronouns" and add this additional use of the Pronoun "they"
And if you are ok with it, would you mind if I asked you a couple questions?
For you, NB English speakers: I know the "they/them" rule, I know most nouns and adjectives are genderless, ok.
But what about the words that aren't genderless, for example "actor/actress"?
In Portuguese, we are trying to create a genderless variations of words, as all of our subject pronouns are gendered (including "they") and most of our nouns, adjectives and even articles are gendered.
So the "actor/actress" issue we would solve by changing its termination "actor/atriz/atore" last one being NB.
Is English the same? Would you say "They are an actore"? Is it correct to say so?
Now to NB French/Italian/German/Spanish speakers: I must admit I never learned how to proper address you, what pronouns you ended up adopting, how do you handle the gendered words (which are much more than English)?
I would love to know this!
Ps: Any Brazilian NB around, I never found out what articles we've been using, if you could enlighten me, that'd be great!
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puppypokemon · 2 years
Pets the Growlithe.
@seginbeats sent an ask !
--- 🔥
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It had seen many of them. Observed them. Watching their every move, and analyzing every battle they would enact. Never once did any of them approach before. He could sense their curiosity; pick up on the signs of their interest. Whispers of his kind ( he eventually learned that he is supposed to be a growlithe, as they're called ) , and whether or not they should attempt approach. Its kind were usually quite amicable, as he had typically overheard, but always a little rough, tough, and a bit territorial upon initialinteraction.
Growlithe proved this. A bit wary -- it bared its fangs and yapped at the other as it came closer. Tufts of hair bristled. Suddenly, everything his mother warned him about came to mind. Stay away, stay away! They'll only harm... they'll only harm. But nay, he must remember what he left for. The freedom he so desperately needed.
So barking became sniffing and sniffing became leaning. Growlithe's snout flicked rapidly as it inhaled, catching the scent of sweat. A sniffer so good, it read the human's emotions. They were careful, courteous -- they meant no harm. Cautious. Perhaps, he thought, he finally found someone who could make him stronger?
A soft whine. Growlithe leans into Giacomo. Its tail wags ferociously. Still though, even if the other had goodness in their heart, the puppy made absolutely certain that the hand stood clear of the pink bow upon its left ear.
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