#help a lot ngl lmao)
kourota · 2 months
being a writer is just thinking that anything and everything is great writing material. people watching while you wait for your bus? writing material. experiencing something that's gonna scar you for life? writing material. getting chased by chickens and running for your life? writing material.
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bitternace · 5 months
If you want a few heres some ideas! 8 for axel? I'm so clever and funny. Or how about 9 for demyx! Luxord for 22! :D
fair warning; i accidentally went off the rails..
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8.- i shine only with the light you gave me
9.- i'm scared i'm gonna die as lonely as i feel
22.- you remind me of the things that i miss
[ID: a digital drawing divided in three rectangular sections that overlap.
on the left, shown from the thigh up, is axel, with his back to a sunset sky. he's shown with tan skin, and slightly overgrown and disheveled hair. he smirks, with a wide eyed daring expression. There's a highlight around him, where the light would hit his back. before him, are three hands that have a blue-tinted overlay. from left to right they represent: xion, with a relaxed pose, saix, reaching out, and roxas, whose hand is in the process of closing. A flare on the left upper corner of his rectangular section goes beyond the bound.
in the middle, demyx stares down at his lap, with an slightly upset expression. he is leaning on the arm rest, sitting on one of his legs over a vaguely lined white couch. the background is segmented blues, and his hanging foot goes beyond his rectangular section.
On the right with a green background, is luxord. only half of his face and some of his shoulder is shown, he frowns at the audience. over his shoulder are two stylized faceless cards that go slightly over bounds. the one closest to him is sora, as the king of hearts. he rests a hand over his stomach and the other barely holds the keyblade of heart, that stabs him in the chest. Slightly above and behind that, is roxas as the king of diamonds, he holds his blue marble in one hand, and half of oblivion's handle is by his side. /end ID.]
close-ups (no id) under the cut :]
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ahalliance · 4 months
romance language brain is reading a sentence and wondering why the hell your brain is suddenly tripping over french before realising it’s written in Portuguese
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mad-hunts · 2 days
oh, by the way, it's random headcanon time because i thought y'all should know this: barton's doll motif does, in fact, go deeper than his 'doll-making.' because although his hair isn't always this way, you can always sort of tell when barton is really spiraling, because he will just stop brushing his hair to let it become matted and resemble a ' doll's ' hair more closely. and as for what that looks like, think the ringlets that seem to resemble a doll's that has yarn for hair that i used in my pinned post, except they're blonde. so yeahhh. though, of course, there's nothing really wrong with that. however, comma, did i also mention that he is SO wack that he stitched someone else's arm onto himself and now uses it as his own like one of his ' doll-like ' creations?
and as you guys can probably already tell, there are definitely some things wrong with that 💀 i mean barton just cannot go even one day without causing some sort of horrific upset, am i right, guys? JSJSJ / j NAH i'm kidding, i'm kidding (... actually, i might not be this time. idk LMAO ). but anyhowww, i'll tell y'all more about that later because it will probably be a long post due to the nature of how that came to be, but how are we feeling about barton now with this information? like has your opinion of him changed or is it pretty much the same? i am just genuinely curious so feel free to leave a comment below to tell me.... because i know it is gross to think about and also terrifying, but barton is SEVERELY demented so he doesn't think of it that way personally
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treemintart · 9 months
I've been thinking of that one piece you did with Faux putting on the Cyberhead esp what u put in the tags abt the idea that Faux comes back as Red postgame. I usually go with the theory/HC that an ai was made for red but your idea is super interesting.
like it would make sense for Faux to go by Red now bc outside of the law/police force the BRC, DJ Cyber/Futurism and the other rival crews most likely hate his guts now ( along with like the civilians that had to witness the events of the storymode ) i'd love to learn more abt this au/headcanon btw!
eyyy! i also share the hc that red comes back with an ai, its pretty neat! i kinda swap between the red ai hc and the red!faux one to be honest
i started thinking more about faux and just his overall situation and read waaay too deep into his character/actions so i became this while thinking about the hc/au
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ill slap it under a readmore, unsure if its considered spoilers but it is post-game
so the idea is that after the game escher finds faux's head/body and put him back together. the two talk it out, and he gives faux the option to start new, much like how he did with red earlier in the game. knowing this is his last chance to finally get rid of his roots; to finally get away from the police, he takes it.
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knowing that everyone hates him or is after him he dons a fake cyberhead from escher and starts a new identity. he hides away from everyone and never talks, not wanting to get close to anyone and be betrayed again (or to get involved with others, he doesnt need another target on his back). he slowly changes into a person who enjoys being a writer for the sake of it again like he used to, the chains of his past slowly coming off of him.
does he end up running into BRC or the other gangs later on? possibly, im unsure on how that would play out, although he might be given a chance if he seemed genuine in wanting to/has changed. (thats assuming they figure out its faux in the first place)
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daz4i · 3 months
should i download grindr
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henriiiii-1001 · 5 months
Which characters switch with whom in the alt-swap? Plz?
this will also be on my masterpost that im currently working on, but here is the list copy pasted from the draft:
(*-NOTE: I split canon Stanley into 3 separate characters to fill in all the roles properly. Vol 1 Intruder is Seth, TV Intruder/Six is Cain or "Six", and Stanley is Mabel)
Key: Canon character (exception is for Tiffany) -> character they replace (different name if applicable) *Vol 1 Intruder -> Adam Murray (named Seth Murray) *TV Intruder/Six -> Mark Heathcliff (named Cain "Six" Murray) *Stanley -> Cesar Torres/Sarah Heathcliff (named Mabel Murray) Tiffany -> Evelin Miller (named Lilith Amanda Miller) Dave Lee -> Gabriel Adam Murray -> Vol 1 Intruder/TV Intruder Evelin Miller -> Tiffany (named Eve) Jonah Marshall -> Stanley Gabriel -> Thatcher Davis (named Gabriel O'brien) Toonbriel -> Dave Lee (named Terry O'brien) Preacher -> Ruth Weaver (named Maria Torres) Ruth Weaver -> Preacher Thatcher Davis -> Alt!Thatcher Alt!Thatcher -> Jonah Marshall (named Thatcher "Davis" Marshall) (Sarah and Cesar are random Alts, but I can hopefully incorporate them in somewhere)
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gatheryepens · 5 months
When you are thinking of getting a new job but get promoted…
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hwanswerland · 6 months
just watched the mama stage and now I have feelings and emotions
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dimiclaudeblaigan · 2 years
Anon with the "GW not bad for Faerghus" ask. I couldn't read your full response bc your other blog is private but yes, there are people who say that the Kingdom is not in a bad position. Mostly those who think Claude's "scheme" will force Edelgard to end the war bc he could ally with the "still strong" Kingdom to crush her if she didn't, and that GW is some kind of "golden ending" for the three nations. Some even argue that Claude freed Faerghus/Dimitri from the Church's chains - or whatever.
I don't know if you saw my post where I mentioned you should be able to read it now, but if you didn't you should still be able to. I think I switched off the setting for that because I didn't realize it would prevent you from seeing the whole ask. :o
That's wild to hear though that people think the Kingdom isn’t in a bad position. They've lost a lot of military power regardless of whether or not they lose influence. Like I mentioned in the previous ask, it's basically up to Claude whether or not they retain their influence (regardless of what Petra wants in GW or what she thinks she knows about Fodlan lol). If they do, they still have no military might. If Sreng invades they're fucked if Claude doesn't treat them like a vassal state of Leicester and help them under the pretext that Faerghus is now part of Leicester.
In other words, they’re at best a vassal state and otherwise left alone, and at worst they’re left to rot.
Technically, Claude could try to get them to help him fight against the Empire, sure, but they won’t have the military might to help him very much, and like I mentioned in the last ask, the chances of it working are slim. Gautier won’t help and I can say that with pretty much full certainty, and if Gautier won’t help then Fraldarius probably won’t either (remember, it’s Felix who makes the final decisions now and not Rodrigue, so if Felix sees Sylvain is still upset about his father and won’t help the Alliance because of what they did, Felix won’t help them either. Felix is extremely emotional about his friends - especially his childhood friends. If you fuck with them then he’s going to fuck with you).
So now, Claude can either decide to try to force them to help, which would invoke another fight between him and Faerghus and cause more deaths, or he’ll just have to accept that he’s not getting help/a lot of help from Faerghus (I detailed it more in the other ask, so hopefully you can access the rest of it now!).
Post GW, Faerghus won’t be helping anyone in a war, I can tell you that. It’d take everything they had to keep Sreng out and to fix any damages from the Alliance’s attack. Even if Claude called on them, they just... couldn’t help.
Unfortunately even in GW they imply that Dimitri is “freed” of the Church, so of course most people take that at face value and don’t look any deeper than what’s told to them. Dimitri isn’t really free or not free of the Church. He was never in a situation where he was being controlled by them. They’re on friendly terms, but that’s really it. Rhea doesn’t tell Dimitri what to do or how to run Faerghus. It’s just that the people there are very devout because of their good relations with the Church and because Rhea helps Faerghus when they need help. It’s give and take for them just like any political situation. Faerghus isn’t in a bad position because they’re around. They’ve only really benefitted from the Church if anything, because Rhea doesn’t personally involve herself with their political decisions.
The whole “we have to free Dimitri from them” thing sounded more to me like Claude needing to find something “good” to hang onto to excuse himself for making those choices. As it was he was grasping at straws to justify their invasion to begin with. He already didn’t have a good pretext for attacking them. Saying “we’re freeing you” is like... his lowkey way of saying he needs to make himself feel better about it, because Dimitri didn’t need his or anyone’s help to begin with. If they were left alone, Faerghus would’ve been fine. Edelgard in GW is struggling on both sides of the war, so if Faerghus hadn’t been attacked by the Alliance, I can guarantee the Empire would’ve just lost.
Really, if Claude teamed up with the Kingdom in the first place and took down the Empire, they would’ve spared themselves more lives and bloodshed in the long run. Claude caused even more battles to happen and got more innocent people killed. I think by the end of the game he did figure out that he made the wrong decisions, but by then it was too late and he couldn’t take back what he did so he needed to find ways to justify all of it to himself.
I just wish they actually came out and said that though instead of running around it in circles while trying to make us believe he actually believes that the Kingdom was just better off without the Church. They weren’t doing badly with the Church involved or not involved. It was the invasion that hurt them. If Claude skipped around Fhirdiad and killed Rhea, regardless of plot or context or anything, just like, imagine he didn’t invade Faerghus and they just passed through and killed Rhea, then Faerghus’ situation might get a little more complicated for inheritance, but I think just with Dimitri’s temperament that they’d be able to stave off any legitimacy issues pretty quick. That is, people liked him in power so the populace would still be in favor of having him as king whether the Church was there or not. Rodrigue was well liked, so he’d be a perfect public figure to calm down any potential anxiety and worry with the loss of the Church. They could’ve actually made it without the Church, but it was mostly the invasion that really hurt the country and dug them into a hole for the future.
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merriclo · 1 year
i hate adoring books that don’t rlly have a fandom bc who tf am i supposed to talk abt ed kennedy from i am the messenger with
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ghost-bard · 2 years
And when i write the most self indulgent fanfic and project onto gillion what then 🤨 whos gonna stop me
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mrfoox · 1 year
God im... Probably too nice but it's fine
#miranda talking shit#I wanted to talk about a thing but...noticed quickly that they were not in a good mood/mindset so ofc i didnt even bring it up#I mean the talk was good anyway. I think he... Needed that. We talked about feelings and how to handle them#And at one point he stopped and turned to me and went 'that thing you said about getting another perspective on it... Thats smart. Thats#A very good idea. Im going to try that' not like im good at dealing with emotions. But i try to and that's a thing i know have helped me at#Times. Discussed our goals/dreams and well... I cant agree with his or understand it at all but as long as he thinks thats what he wants#Then im not going to argue. Love how he always drone on about he doesn't care about anyone or what anyone thinks but still wants to hear#What i think. I told him that was funny to me. Bc imo one doesnt ask about something one doesn't care about or have any interest in...#He's been a lot more... Curious about what i think about things and its fun. Personally im just fairly weak in my opinions. Not many things#I think are worth fighting over or arguing over tbh. So im used to just listening and nodding. But that may annoy the shit out of him lmao#That might be why he asks me about my opinion bc im so quiet and passive . But yeah very interesting to discuss#Mainly bc i havent heard anyone have that kind of opinion and goal of their own so it was fun?#But yeah ngl i love hearing people say im wise or smart. Bc i obviously dont hear that often. So when i do im like ah ... Thank you 😭#Its bc im not book smart but i guess im emotionally smarter or whatever. In general i just enjoy making people think about other perspectiv#Bc i always do that and enjoy it. Think many are unintentionally stuck in their own way of seeing things and everything become so black and#White. To me the world isnt . I wish it was but no everything is gray with many shades lol#Also me doing and example: 'i dont think everything is your fault oliver. I think its my own'#Oliver serious: yeah well i dont think its your fault either Miranda.' i almost cried like... He didn't have to say that i was obviously#Doing an example and joking ? But he still ... Said that and im like...thabk you for reassuring me...#And he really went 'i fought hard to be the one that came by here today. It was going to be another guy which me and magnus hate. So i#Fought hard to be able to come here instead' and im like 🥺... Thank you... I wasnt there to fight but thank you for doing that...#I mean im guessing he also enjoys our conversations so i dont think it was a selfless thing but it made me happy :')#If i could have any say I'd basically only have magnus and oliver come by me but i know thats not how it works but it made me happy that he#Went out of his way to get it changed. I need to thank him again next time... At least he seemed to be a little lighter leaving than when#He came. So i hope our discussion was a bit helpful at least. Something had happened and i asked him if he wanted to talk about it#And he said no first and then 'maybe. We'll see' which to me is major bc uh.... He usually dont ever talk about anything happening actively#To me. Usually he comes and shares it 6 month later or something. So... Trust increase? I hope im rubbing off on him in healthier mental#Ways. Considering he's gone from saying nothing about himself to trauma dumping ... I guess something has changed. God i just#Want to pick his brain about everything for real. He has such diffrent values and priorities than im used to and anyone i know have. I love#Hearing all about it. Ive told him before but if we didn't meet through this... Unusual way. We'd never would have naturally. And if we did
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glimmeringtwilight · 2 years
Hi I was wondering is there any character's you don't write for in your fandoms? ( also glad to see your back , hope your doing ok !💜)
Good question!
So, nothing comes to mind for the general broad list of fandoms except for MHA (I won't write for Eri nor Mineta... I think most people can understand why).
I'm honestly kinda impassive on most of the characters that aren't teachers/pro heros/villains anyway, but I can't think of any others I wouldn't write atm. I'm also incredibly behind on the plot and learn most of it through word of mouth, and given that most of the blogs I follow now are Genshin oriented... I don't get much of that anymore either lol.
And as for Genshin, I won't write for any of the children (Diona, Klee, Qiqi, etc). They might appear in fics as like... background characters but they'll never be the focus and there won't be anything more than platonic/familial relationships for them.
There's a few characters like Xiangling, Xingqiu, Chongyun, Bennett, Razor, Fischl, Barbara, and Collei that I won't write for either. Personally, I don't have a problem with aging up these characters, and the ages of almost all the characters are purposefully vague in Genshin so I don't see any point in condemning people if they write for these characters. I just won't write for them because I just can't see them in any non-platonic light.
This doesn't mean I dislike any of the characters listed btw! Fischl is actually one of my favorite characters and my main on my EU account. I just wouldn't feel comfortable writing for her as anything more than like... a background character.
And tyvm! I'm glad to be back <3 I was honestly surprised I still had so many followers after like two years of nothingness JHFHJFHJG Hopefully the ones that stuck around like genshin, but I never hold it against anyone if they don't like my current content and move on. Better they go in peace than not ^^
#I'm only really including MHA and genshin bc I'm likely to drift back to MHA eventually#there's characters for overwatch and undertale that i also won't write for BUT i'm not sure if i'll ever write for those fandoms (again)#so it seems kinda like a moot point to make this post longer than it is including those#if I change my mind and decide i'll write for those fandoms i'll maybe make a list of characters i won't write for in my rules#currently the ''full'' list of fandoms is included there so people know they can talk to me about certain fandoms and I won't be like#''what is that.''#my only active fandom is genshin atm. BUT that doesn't mean I'll never return to multifandom writing#it'll just... be a while. trying to write what /I/ want to write so I don't go on another hiatus#i think the format i've seen other writers doing is also helping a lot too#where people can send in suggestions/ask for stuff but they don't force themselves to write for it#since coming back like 70% of what i've written I think has just been stuff i started on my own#it also helps i finally have like a discord with other writers where i can brainstorm freely about dark content stuff#ngl without that i would have likely lost steam by now i think qwq. so it's really nice#a lot of them are also super sweet people#anyway#gt rambles#asks#not writing#i'll stop chattering in the tags LMAO#also. i'm not saying all of those characters are minors bc i don't honestly. know their actual ages#again. genshin is purposefully vague about a lot of character's ages and i've seen conflicting information on many of them#some say xingqiu is 18. some say 16#i don't really know honestly and i'm just not very interested in writing for him regardless.
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rose-of-the-valley · 2 years
thinking about barb helping me flesh out my metalcore playlist by sending song recs throughout his day as he works c:
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depressedskeleton · 10 months
guess who's back, back again?
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