#it also helps i finally have like a discord with other writers where i can brainstorm freely about dark content stuff
glimmeringtwilight · 2 years
Hi I was wondering is there any character's you don't write for in your fandoms? ( also glad to see your back , hope your doing ok !💜)
Good question!
So, nothing comes to mind for the general broad list of fandoms except for MHA (I won't write for Eri nor Mineta... I think most people can understand why).
I'm honestly kinda impassive on most of the characters that aren't teachers/pro heros/villains anyway, but I can't think of any others I wouldn't write atm. I'm also incredibly behind on the plot and learn most of it through word of mouth, and given that most of the blogs I follow now are Genshin oriented... I don't get much of that anymore either lol.
And as for Genshin, I won't write for any of the children (Diona, Klee, Qiqi, etc). They might appear in fics as like... background characters but they'll never be the focus and there won't be anything more than platonic/familial relationships for them.
There's a few characters like Xiangling, Xingqiu, Chongyun, Bennett, Razor, Fischl, Barbara, and Collei that I won't write for either. Personally, I don't have a problem with aging up these characters, and the ages of almost all the characters are purposefully vague in Genshin so I don't see any point in condemning people if they write for these characters. I just won't write for them because I just can't see them in any non-platonic light.
This doesn't mean I dislike any of the characters listed btw! Fischl is actually one of my favorite characters and my main on my EU account. I just wouldn't feel comfortable writing for her as anything more than like... a background character.
And tyvm! I'm glad to be back <3 I was honestly surprised I still had so many followers after like two years of nothingness JHFHJFHJG Hopefully the ones that stuck around like genshin, but I never hold it against anyone if they don't like my current content and move on. Better they go in peace than not ^^
#I'm only really including MHA and genshin bc I'm likely to drift back to MHA eventually#there's characters for overwatch and undertale that i also won't write for BUT i'm not sure if i'll ever write for those fandoms (again)#so it seems kinda like a moot point to make this post longer than it is including those#if I change my mind and decide i'll write for those fandoms i'll maybe make a list of characters i won't write for in my rules#currently the ''full'' list of fandoms is included there so people know they can talk to me about certain fandoms and I won't be like#''what is that.''#my only active fandom is genshin atm. BUT that doesn't mean I'll never return to multifandom writing#it'll just... be a while. trying to write what /I/ want to write so I don't go on another hiatus#i think the format i've seen other writers doing is also helping a lot too#where people can send in suggestions/ask for stuff but they don't force themselves to write for it#since coming back like 70% of what i've written I think has just been stuff i started on my own#it also helps i finally have like a discord with other writers where i can brainstorm freely about dark content stuff#ngl without that i would have likely lost steam by now i think qwq. so it's really nice#a lot of them are also super sweet people#anyway#gt rambles#asks#not writing#i'll stop chattering in the tags LMAO#also. i'm not saying all of those characters are minors bc i don't honestly. know their actual ages#again. genshin is purposefully vague about a lot of character's ages and i've seen conflicting information on many of them#some say xingqiu is 18. some say 16#i don't really know honestly and i'm just not very interested in writing for him regardless.
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anobjectshowguy · 4 months
I hope people in the OSC (and other fandoms in general) who are ok with or neutral about Kosa realize that not only will we lose a bunch of platforms that allow us to interact with each other (Tumblr, discord, Ao3, Wattpad, Twitter, YouTube, etc) but will also get rid of at least 80-95% of our fandom.
The OSC consists mostly of people between 13-17 who (if Kosa goes through the Senate and Houses of Representatives and gets passed as a law) will most likely no longer have access to YouTube and other social platforms which actively kills almost all the people who read and watch Object Shows!
By visiting and sharing animated shows like II or BFDI those creators make money which gives them the means to keep making their shows and paying their animators, voice actors, writers and so much more. This bill will actively get rid of most of the people who watch these shows which will cause a large loss in support and revenue for these creators and will most likely mean the end for any smaller object show.
Object show comics rely on people sharing them around in fandom spaces since they’re not animated and put on YouTube like animated object shows are. By losing these spaces and the people who support their content these creators will no longer be able to reach a large audience and get the support they need to continue their comics. This means that we will lose a lot of the comics that the OSC has!
Most of the content you see in the OSC is made by minors, which this bill will actively destroy and thus kill this fandom and many others!
So I am begging of you OSC and other communities, Please please please sign petitions, tell your senators and representatives that you don’t want this bill to pass, and tell anyone that you can reach about how this Bill is a violation of privacy and minors' rights! Re-blog anything you see with helpful information about what Kosa is and keep talking about it! We need to tell people about it so that this doesn’t go through the Senate. Remember, the final day is February 26, we don’t have that long!!!
Here’s some helpful resources:
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yandereworlds · 2 months
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˚₊‧🔪WELCOME TO MY YANDERE BLOG! I mainly make content for my own original characters and occasionally, fandom related stuff. This blog is strictly 16+ and run by two people.
My name is Kiki (She/Her) and I am 18+. I’m the one that mainly provides the art and bots that you’ll find throughout this blog and sometimes, I write headcanons/imagines as well. My writer is Rose (She/Her, 18+) and she’s responsible for writing the fanfictions and some of the drabbles. To make it easy for you to know who's behind each post, you'll see either 'Mun Kiki', 'Mun Rose', or both credited in the tags.
We started this blog because we had numerous ideas for yandere characters. Given my background as an artist and Rose's talent as a writer, it seemed like a natural fit. I'm primarily creating this post to serve as a guide for navigating the blog. I've received numerous asks about accessing the characters' backgrounds, information, as well as questions regarding my bots, projects, commissions, socials, and other related topics. You can use this post as a reference FAQ or as a comprehensive guide to streamline your experience on the blog. 
Find that you enjoy our work? Consider leaving a tip, it’s greatly appreciated and helps the blog. Also, if you’d like to be able to be more involved with our creative process and engage with the community, you can join our Discord server here. 
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✦ Absolutely no NSFW asks. This blog is 16+ for a reason, so obviously, we will be trashing asks related to sexual topics. 
✦ We’re allowed not to answer certain asks. If you’ve been spamming the same ask and we haven’t responded to it for months, it’s most likely because we aren't comfortable doing so OR we’ve already answered an ask similar to yours.
✦ We will not be answering any asks regarding self-harm, eating disorders, extreme gore, noncon or any topics that could be associated with them. 
✦ Finally, we kindly request your patience. We understand that it may take some time to address each individual ask, as we both have busy lives and there may be periods when we don't post asks for weeks. Please refrain from rushing us, and rest assured, we will eventually get to your ask. 
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Original Yandere Masterlist
Fandom Yandere Masterlist
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If you've been following this account for some time, you're likely aware that I frequently share my character bots here. I've received numerous asks about which bots are available and where to find them online. While I plan to compile a list of my bots soon, for now, I'll provide links to both of my accounts for future reference.
It's worth noting that I'm currently on a temporary hiatus from Character AI due to site complications. Consequently, most of my recent bots can be found on Janitor AI, where I'm more active. Before visiting either site, please be aware that Janitor AI is intended for users aged 18 and above, whereas Character AI caters to a younger audience. In other words, minors stay off JanitorAI!
My Character AI profile - 1, 2, 3, 4
My Janitor AI profile (18+) - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Wish to request a bot from me? You can find the information here.
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Pretty self explanatory. If you're interested in commissioning artwork from me, simply click the link to access my commission page. Currently, I'm accepting payments through both PayPal and Cashapp. Below is a brief FAQ regarding my commissions. Should you have any further questions, don't hesitate to contact me!
Can you draw my OC with your characters?
✦ Yes, absolutely! Just provide me a reference and what you'd like specifically. We can discuss all the details in DM's.
Can you draw a character from 'this fandom' for me?
✦ I'm completely fine with drawing fandom related content. The only fandoms I will not draw under any circumstance is youtubers, Your Boyfriend, Country Humans, BTD and Killing Stalking. Otherwise, I'm open to whatever.
Can you draw a comic for me?
✦ Yes, but only short comics. You can let me know what you'd like the short comic to be about and all that fun stuff. Just know comics from me will likely be around $20-$40+ dollars depending how detailed and complex you'd like it to be.
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waywardsou2 · 2 months
ₓ˚. ୭ ˚○◦˚Master Post ˚◦○˚ ୧ .˚ₓ
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✮ Wayward || He/Him || They/Them || Ze/Zyr || Trans || Creator ✮
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Welcome to my main blog! This is where I post anything and everything related to my fandoms and hyper-fixations. You'll be able to see where I'm at based on my header and icon for this blog. Right now, it's all The Bad Batch and will be into the near future. So have fun drowning in that content 👍
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General info about me
| Punk | Witch | Writer | Artists | Possibly neurodivergent | Gay AF |
My fandoms: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, How to Train your Dragon, The Last of Us, Supernatural, Rise of the Brave Tangled Dragons, Avatar 1/Avatar The Way of Water, Star wars: Rebles, Star Wars: The Clone Wars, Star Wars: The Bad Batch.
Interests: Video games | Fandoms | Fantasy | Creativity | Psychology | Music | Ancient history | Mythology |
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📌My DM's are always open for anything, so if you want to rant about fandoms with me, chat about life in general or just make friends I am so happy to chat with anyone! You can also send me asks, I love getting stuff in my inbox so don't hesitate to just dump whatever in there.
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Mood board requests: Open
I make mood boards per request through my inbox so if you would like to make one for a character, concept, aesthetic, or anything I'm happy to make it for you and post it online. More information here 👈
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This is the rest of my relevant information down below 👇
✯ My alternate blogs
Supernatural blog - @waywardsou1
Witchcraft blog - @witchbydaywitchbynight
Alter human blog - www.tumblr.com/waywardcyptid
Writing blog - @waywardwritesstuff
Avatar blog - @waywardavatar
Maladaptive daydreaming blog - @waywardmaladaptive
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✯ My Ao3
I write and post all of my works on my Ao3 as well as my writing blog, find those works here.
✯Discord servers
I have serveral discord servers for different crowds, if you find one you like, feel free to join!
| Safe Space Server | Calling All Witches Server | Artist & Writers Unite | The Bad Batch Lives on |
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✯ Other relevant links
I have a TMNT AU currently on hiatus but I would appreciate you checking it out
I have three old master posts if you would like to look at those 1 | 2 | 3
Master link post for any other relevant but not important information
If any of you are interested in my kins and such then I have a full post about that here
My crowing achievement - my Bad Batch finale analysis, it would mean so much to me if you would check it out
I post writing on this blog as well as my dedicated writing blog, if you would like to make a request, please take a look at my rules first
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✯ All Master Posts
Art Master Post | Bad Batch Master Post | TMNT AU Master Post
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✯All of my Bad Batch content
My writing Master post | Discord server | Finale Analysis | Summer of Bad Batch content
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✯ DNI List
Terfs | Zoophile | Fatphobic | Homophobic | Transphobic | Racist | Ableist | Anti-furry | Anti - alter human | Any type of radical
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✯My tags
#wayward rants - all of my general chatter
#wayward rambles - all of my general chatter
#wayward asks - asks and answers to inbox questions
#wayward art - any and all of my art
# helpful reblogs - posts I want to come back to later
#wayward's wallflower au - the name of my tmnt au
#wayward oc - for any characters I make that aren't canon to the franchise
#wayward sona - for any sona's I make for my fandoms
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✯ My moots
@the-chocoholic-writer | @amansabastris | @murruspins | @ippyhaj | @liberoquorion | @regulusblackisamermaid | @neonleons-posts (love you so much girl) | @small-spiderpunkboy | @fireflysquidsoup | @promiscuousbarnes | @waywardsarah | @corrupt-touch | @grayvveyard All of their content is amazing and you should really go check them out.
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Thats all for now, thanks for stopping by, I hope you find something you like and stick around for a while. See you later
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podcastjam · 4 months
Project Spotlight #3: Eart(h) FM
The year is 2072, and we're talking about the solarpunk sci-fi pilot Eart FM with team member Ari!
Tell us a bit about yourself and your teammates!
Hi, I’m Clover! I’m a writer, voice actor, and audio engineer. I’m helping edit Eart FM, and potentially voice act in it. I’m working on a few podcasts, but none of them have released yet. My first and favorite podcast is Wolf 359. I technically have a tumblr account, but I don’t use it, so you can find me lurking on various podcast discords, mainly the official WOE.BEGONE discord.
@lotsadeer: My name is Izze Sykes, I'm an illustrator, writer, podcaster, game designer, voice actor, and wearer of many hats. I'll be doing the cover art for this podcast! The first podcast I ever listened to was Welcome to Night Vale, don't ask me my favourite podcast that's like asking me to choose children, and I'm involved in a few podcasts at the moment! Hope's Hearth, an actual play podcast; Abbey Archives, a Redwall reread podcast; SCP Research Archives, an SCP article podcast; Colchis, a sci-fi audio drama; and Cauterized, a horror audio drama. Plus a few podcasts that are in the works. I like podcasts.
@aclickbaittitle: Hello, I am Ari! I like to say I am a storyteller. I am the organizer (?) for Eart FM and I also plan to sound-design and write.  Like a lot of people I got into audio drama through Welcome to Nightvale and then it was history. My most recent project is a little short-fiction podcast called “Broken Hearted: The Friendship monologues”.
Hello, I'm Laurel. I'm a writer, digital artists, and self proclaimed voice actor. I will be voicing the role of "The Host" in Eart(h) FM! I have not participated in any projects publicly but I have be doing voice work for fun with friends and a bit on my joint youtube channel. My favorite podcast is definitely Penumbra Podcast, my younger brother showed it to me and I was hooked instantly. I don't use my tumblr anymore but you can find me on discord @ cyanosiis!
@timberfins/@elijahharpermusic: I'm Eli, or Timber, and I'm providing music! The first podcast I remember falling in love with was Welcome To Night Vale, but my current favourite is probably Within The Wires (unless we're also including non-fiction, where it's competing with Lingthusiasm). I sing with the Anguilliform Chorus in Eeler's Choice, and you'll also hear me in two Law of Names productions: Season 4 of Breathing Space and the upcoming Waterlogged.
Hey guys, my name is Johnny Fuent, I am a MBA student trying to survive in this trying world. I am a huge nerd, and love to travel. I have been to over 14 different countries and plan to expand that number. I also host my own podcast as well. My first podcast that I listened to was Campfire Radio Theater, and my favorite podcast is Midnight burger. Currently I am a writer for the podjam and happy to be here.
What's your podcast about?
Solar-punk sci-fi with anti space-colonialism sentiments. It is the year 2072, the poles have melted and humanity has taken for the stars, except for the HOST, . To cope with being the only human on earth, they’ve decided to create a Radio Show where they broadcast music from various times and places of the world. One day someone finally calls to the radio station an ECOLOGIST, living on the skirt of the iztaccihuatl bearing news that the earth is healing. Together they embark on a quest for other humans that still live on planet earth, finding various communities and people, and begin to help the earth one day heal.
What are you most excited about in this event?
To collaborate with other creators in order to tell a story that is very dear to my heart.
Any advice for other participants, or those on the fence about joining?
Consult it with the pillow, but if come morning you discover that is just the nerves and impostor syndrome keeping you from participating, take that leap. At the end of the day, we are all just a bunch of people trying to tell stories the same as you.
This team is still looking for new members, adding: "We are currently looking for the ecologist voice actor. We are specifically looking for a chicane / mexican-american voice actor since we are writing the ecologist with an experience specific to said identity (don’t worry, you don’t need to know spanish or anything, as long as you have a connection with the ethnicity or identity, you are welcome to join!)"
If you're interested in joining their project, you can find their casting call here, or you can reach out in the Podcast Book Club Discord server. If you want to know more about the jam first, be sure to check out this post as well!
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louscartridge · 1 year
hii can you make a how you arisu and met/started daiting and can you possibly add smut to it 🤞🏽
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i do not give permission for my fics to be posted claiming to be yours, translated, or posted on another platform without credit.
arisu x gn reader
cw- not rly proof read, swearing, arisu being a little bit of a stalker in a cute way if you squint, karube and reader being close, karube being a teasing shit, eventually established relationship, death, crying, kissing, arisu having a slight panic attack, the heart game arisu played :,(
A/N- unfortunatly, i coppied the intire story after i wrote it so it was like on here twice to if you read something more the once or something lmk so i can fix it lmaooo. also i got a liiiiitle carried away lmfaoo sry. also also theres no smut in this (because i got carried away) however you super duper cool favorite writer is going to make up for it by writing super duper cool smut headcanons n shit for arisu xx. edit- heres the smut
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❥ you and arisu had met on a video game tbfh
❥ well no that was a lie
❥ you saw each other at the bar karube worked at, but like quite literally NEVER said jack shit to each other.
❥ you were just aware of each other but never rly thought about each other until you would see each other at the bar
❥ but then, you needed help on a paper for school and arisu was right next to you. you would ask karube, but you knew he wouldnt understand anything you wouldve said, and youve heard from karube that arisu was pretty smart so why not? you asked arisu the for help which he gladly accepted, he was bored anyway. soon enough you got the awnser. (which earned a snort from karube)
❥ then you like MET, MET in a video game
❥ karube and you knew each other fairly well and arisu knew that
❥ so instead of arisu talking to you himself, he seriously asked karube for your instagram
❥ after karube poking fun at arisu for ‘liking you’ he finally got it.
❥ you instagram led to your discord
❥ your discord led to your playstation (please idk if arisu played playstation or xbox.... or neither. kill me.)
❥ he saw you were in a game so he took that as his chance to add you as a friend cause if you were in a game you most likely wouldnt accept or deny it right away
❥ he joined the game you were playing and kinda just like did absolutely nothing
❥ he just watched you play
❥ he ended up being really impressed with how good you were doing tbh
❥ when you were done with the round you were playing you quickly accepted the request from arisu, knowing it was him since karube was laughing his ass off when arisu first texted him about you. 
❥ when you went to meet the guys at the mall the next day you immediately went up to arisu seeing as he was right where he said they would be, talking with karube and chota. 
❥ when you walked up to them karube whistled
❥ slowly turning to face arisu karube said “woooowww! look at that! someone is talking to you man!” 
❥ after another teasing remark towards arisu karube patted both of you on the sholder with a wink before walking away, chota frantically following behind him.
❥ “so..how’d you get my gamer tag hm?” (this is so stupid) you smirked
“i- what? i- i  didnt?” he would lie his thumbs safely tucked into the straps of his backpack over his shoulders. 
 “god your such a bad liar! look at you, not making eye contact at all, squeezing onto the staps of your backpack like im gonna kill you. karube wasent even trying to shut up when you texted him. i mean quite literally, laugh and reading me the text messages.”
 “well seeing as you dont have a problem with any of that.. could i maybe- possibly get your line? or- or something” 
❥ he was so shy it was adorable
❥ who were you to say no? (not like you wanted to)
❥ and so for a few months, you guys were inseparable.
❥ every time karube was with arisu so were you.
❥ every time you were with karube so was arisu.
❥ yet, you were both still oblivious to your feelings towards each other.
❥ karube was obviously not, still taking ‘sarcastic’ jabs at the two of you.
❥ playing games together, calling, sleeping, going to school, not going to school, pretty much everything was done together. 
❥ however, that included the borederlands.
❥ you were with karube, arisu, and chota when everyone but you guys seemingly disappeared. 
❥ at first it was fun, just you and your best friends with you and not needing to worry about anything at all.
❥ until it wasent.
❥ now it wasent pretty much everything was done together. it was absolutely everything was done together.
❥ but it still wasent until the hearts game that you guys didnt anything officially romantic together.
❥ you had gotten split up from everyone else during another game, earning you to miss the hearts game.
❥ when you went back to the apartment the five of you were staying in you expected to see everyone. chota, karube, arisu, shibuki. everyone. 
❥ instead, you were met with no one. 
❥ panic hit you right away thinking the worst of the worst. ‘they couldve just been getting food right?’
❥ quickly whipping towards the door, you didnt know if you were safe or as you heard the door to the apartment open hurriedly. 
❥ luckily you were.
❥ “oh my god arisu! where were you? wh- wheres everyone else-”
you were cut off from arisu walking towards you, pulling your face to his. his pull was harsh, though you knew he didnt mean it. the feel of his hands on the side of you cheeks were the opposite though. gentle, caring, loving, but.... they were..slightly shaking? before you pulled away, you felt a tear touch your cheek.
“why are you shaking? please tell me something..” you said to him looking in his eyes, trying to find anything other then the tears and almost numbness.
“theyre gone. y/n everyone is gone. but your not, oh thank god your not.” arisu cries. he puts his hands back on your cheeks but he doesnt kiss you this time. his eye just keeps darting all over you almost as if he was questioning if you were really there. “please- please will you be my partner?” he quickly asks breathing heavily.
“loosing the others made me realize how much i actually love you i cant loose you i didnt and if i do i cant have you die not knowing how i feel about you” 
“yeah- yeah! yeah ill be your partner” you conform as you drag him over to the couch in the middle of the room. when you guys lay down you end up spooning, him being the little. your arms get rapped in with arisu’s and he tightly grips both of your hands in his, burying his face between his chest and your arms. you press light kisses to his neck and into his hair as he slowly starts to get his breathing down. 
you werent going to make him talk about anything. you figured if he wanted to he would. right now the two of you were fine like this. you tried to imagine what arisu went through, what happend, what happend to karube? he was your best friend. if you couldnt thank him for that you wouldve liked to at least thank him for getting you and arisu to where you are now. 
you eventually get snapped out of your thoughts as you hear soft, even, quiet breathing. arisu had fallen asleep. in your arms. you sniffed slightly thinking about how karube would be making fun of you guys right now and the amount of sex jokes he would try.
you kiss arisu’s head again whispering a ‘i love you too’ into his hair before drifted off to sleep yourself. 
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fumifooms · 1 month
Hello! I came across your blog after completing danmeshi manga and realising that marchil altered my brain chemistry. I just want to thank you so so much for your posts and for how you present your views because it's difficult for me not to feel like I'm a freak as I've seen so many posts calling shippers just that and I'm really insecure. Reading your posts and seeing that the fanbase actually exists even makes me want to finally publish here some fanart which I haven't done in years lol.
💖💖💖 I’m glad I could help!! Fandoms are rough sometimes, especially when fans want to wage shipping wars.
I think it’s important to be able to separate analysis from wish fulfillment, the line between "my ship is informed by my reading of canon" and "my reading of canon is informed by my ship" is very blurry, but self-awareness and being able to see and acknowledge multiple reasonings and options when analyzing is good and mostly fixes the issue, also being able to be upfront when you’re doing analysis or doing ship talk. Otherwise you end up with a lot of people joking about extreme and strained readings of canon and not being able to tell wether they actually are joking or they believe it, and such and such.
Both fans that sneer at shippers and shippers who dislike specific ships will take opportunities to push others down, and if you want to keep your head down because of it for your comfort and peace of mind that’s super valid. But! It is super gratifying to post openly about ships you enjoy and things that mean stuff to you and to make and post fancontent for it. Especially rarepair wise where the chance that you become a pillar of the community is very high haha. Everyone would be overjoyed to see your art!! We also have a marchil Discord server if you’d like to join, it’s small but passionate and it could be a way to share your art and thoughts privately in a safe space, you can find the link for it on my blog in a post tagged marchil.
The hate can be strong but we’re stronger together!! Sparkle on and be yourself!! Be the lighthouse you wish others could have in the community!! A lot of people call us freaks for dumb reasons, and a lot of people call us delusional for even dumber ones. Marchil is literally just so sweet and meaningful, I’m sorry if anyone’s mad that canon gave them good chemistry and made them glued at the hip lol. We were 3rd most written about ship on ao3 for months and that’s not bc we’re a big ship but because we were like 5 dedicated regular writers for them. The ship is currently at 75 fics!! Our work piles up and comes together to be a strong community!! The fanbase needs YOU!!! Obsessed freaks some of us may be, and I for one wear the badge with pride… Maybe too much, if you visualize me going out in public with my marchil itabag lol. Ahhh they have consumed my life <3
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grollow · 3 months
“No matter how many years are left to us, there will never be enough time to fill the void that has been borne inside each of us when we were made so brutally aware of how very little we mattered to the world.” -- Emilie Autumn
Hi, I'm Asher.
Or Rhysa, which is my writing alias; I used to go by Ashyr, too, and that's also okay!
And this is a multi-fandom blog where I sometimes share my own original content (usually writing). I am autistic, possess next to no ability to mask and don't intend to learn for anyone on the internet (sorry), queer, nonbinary (they/them or it/its only, please) and opinionated. I'm also an adult.
This blog is primarily SFW, but there may be some suggestive posts. If you are a minor, please consider that before following me (I won't take offense, promise). There won't be anything blatant, but I do reblog kink-positive things.
Primary Fandoms
Elden Ring
Final Fantasy XIV (there will be spoilers for all current patch content)
Ender Lilies
Hollow Knight
I sometimes share horror-adjacent things; you will find gore and scary imagery here.
I admin a creative-focused Hollow Knight discord server, found here. 18+ only, please.
Spare Me And You The Trouble
I am not here to get into shipping arguments with you or anyone else. If you REALLY want my opinions, you can send me asks off-anonymous and I'll answer you candidly in private. I am not interested in discourse of this nature (I am too old and tired please).
Also, if you are thinking about sending me some ask complaining that I ship Grollow, save us both the trouble and don't. I'm probably going to not answer.
But if you want to know why, I wrote a long answer here.
Writing Tags
My main tag for writing is #ashe writes. You can find my more popular fics under #w&g, #red sky, #do not go gently, #ld, and #butterfly effect.
I have an original project called The Starfire, which is the first work in a series called #burning roses. You can see inspiration tags for that periodically. It's a space-fantasy adventure-romance and I'm very proud of it! I'd be happy to answer questions if you're curious to learn more.
Other stuff is probably randomly tagged because I am very bad at remembering the tagging system. Sorry.
Find Me Elsewhere?
I’m on Ao3 as Rhysa, Shyra, and Shyr (18+). I sometimes use Twitter as ashyronfire.
My writing blog is @ashyronfire if you are only here for that. ❤
Other Stuff
Deepest apologies to the people who follow me hoping for regular FromSoft stuff but are just subjected to the constant bug train; it will continue to happen.
pfp by @viapencil
banner by @amywolfhardt
Wanna help a starving writer? (PS: I’m not starving.)
I have a ko-fi if you’re feeling generous and would like to donate or you can donate to my cashapp $ashyronfire if you like. I also take commissions for writing. More info here. (Currently Closed)
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jackdaw-kraai · 10 months
Hey, Jack? Do you have any advice for dealing with those who do nothing but demand updates for your fics? I'm pretty sure most writers have to deal with this crap, it's just… I have one reasonably popular fic that's been on hiatus for over a year, and it feels like almost every comment I receive is just another demand for an update. I'm starting to regret ever posting that damnable fic in the first place. I don't want to delete it, that would be cruel to the other readers, but I'm already stressed as hell, I already felt guilty for the long hiatus, and these constant demands just kept grinding me down to the point I can't stand to even look at this fic, much less continue writing it. So… any advice?
Oh I have different tactics for different platforms, so I'll give you some tips for all the ones I use and how they synergize. First of, on Ao3, I generally put something in the notes like "writing takes a long time and real life doesn't always cooperate, so be patient. I'm the one actually working on this, so you can deal waiting for me to pour my labor and passion and time into this. Cool? Cool. If you can't be cool, I'll block/mute/freeze you." Then, I put places in the notes where they can find me outside of Ao3 like my tumblr and discord and explain what they can find there, usually this will help redirect. Then, once in a while, I'll answer a comment if I'm feeling like it like "life is still busy, working on this is still fun but very labor intensive in order to make it, ect". If they get pushy, I block them.
On tumblr, if people get pushy about it in the asks, I block them. No question about it, I block them. Once in a while I'll publish one of them with either a compassionate, curt, or snarky explanation depending on my mood, but I don't give all of them the time of day because oh my gods, who has the time once you ask box hits the triple digits?? I also keep a pinned post on my blog with links where you can find my stuff, so people can easily locate it instead of pestering me about it.
On discord I'm most active, so there's a lot of info to find there, but also, there's a lot of friends there who can help intercept anyone asking questions like that and inform them "writing takes time, cool your heels." Having a good moderating structure also helps with this, as well as spoiler channels where you can rant about your progress to people who are willing to be spoilered, or point at to people who aren't down for spoilers but still want info like "them's the rules for the info, if you don't like it, tough tits." I also flat out have a rule amongst the server rules list (mostly stuff like "don't be a bigoted cunt," "don't air your dirty laundry in #general," "if I catch you being a creep to minors, I WILL call the cops on your ass") that says "don't harass the author" and enforce it by having the server closed to anyone who doesn't tick the little box at the top saying "I have read the rules and agree to them." You very quickly get a self-selecting audience that way that knows you won't take their shit.
Key to all of this is to assert yourself and be willing to step on toes to make people back off and give back your personal space. You can't be shy about setting your boundaries, and you don't have to be polite to people crossing them. Even the kindest celebrities often have bodyguards for this reason, and while we may not be celebrities, we can be our own bodyguards enforcing our boundaries. Try giving people a space they can go for information, but information that's given on your terms, not theirs. Pinned posts and A/Ns and the like are excellent for this. And finally, just block people. Literally just block people, even if they're fans. If people make you uncomfortable, remove them from your space, you can literally just do that. You don't owe them access to be able to harass you, and if they can't be polite about this, you can deny them access to you, period.
Fans are a lot of fun, and I love interacting with them! I met some of my best friends as fans first, and they're lovely folks! But you gotta stick to your boundaries in order to keep it fun for everyone, and make sure you state them loud and clear. And if people pretend to not have heard them, you can remind them this isn't a court of law, and even if it was, ignorance of the law is not defense of breaking it. Evict them from the premise without further notice if they won't comply.
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spnfanficpond · 3 months
New Member Spotlight - March 2024
The Pond is always growing and we want to make our new members feel welcome! Here’s a list of recent additions to our fishy family, along with a little info about them!
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Guppies, Jellies, and Mutuals, oh, my!
@samanddean76 -
Other SM names? - Same name on AO3 and Discord
OTP? - Wincest and/or J2.
Looking for in the Pond? - To be around other open-minded and creative people so that I can see how far I can be inspired to go with this writing thing.
Pairings you read? - All of it. I love Wincest, Wincestiel, Sabriel, Destiel, Jammy, and J2.
Genres you read? - Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Fluff, Smut, True Mates, Soul Mates, Unrequited Love, and A/B/O is my favorite way to combine all of the above.
Favorite writer(s)? - nyxocity. She started on LiveJournal with the first episodes to air and transfered a lot to Ao3. Her work in both SPN and SPN RPF is some of the best I've ever read.
What do you like to write? - A/B/O, AU's, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, True Mates, Soul Mates, Revenge, and All The Feels
Most underappreciated fic? - Joyous Memories Amongst The Sorrow
Something you haven't written but would like to try? Why not? How can we help? - A full on, hard-core revenge story where nothing is softened, the focus doesn't shift away, and there is no doubt as to what was done. Haven't tried it yet as I'm not sure I'm ready to embrace the darkness required to write it. Also, I don't want to scare off my readers. How you can help? Encourage me to finally tackle that next seemingly impossible challenge.
@kayleighwinchester -
Other SM names? - KayleighWinchester (AO3)
OTP? - Awful as it sounds, Dean and my OC! Beyond that, absolutely Destiel.
Other fandoms? - I'm pretty active in the band Ghost's TikTok fandom! I used to be *huge* into Harry Potter, but that's definitely faded in the last few years. As it stands, Supernatural has definitely become the main obsession.
Looking for in the Pond? - I'm mostly here for the community! My fanfic writing has mostly been just for me and shared with a few close friends in the last few years - publishing it anywhere, especially in the really rough state it's in at present, is super daunting! I'm always looking for more people to bounce ideas off of, chat with, and generally obsess over the show with, as well as finding new stuff to read!
Pairings you read? - I'm especially fond of reader inserts, and they were my first big step into fanfic! When it comes to ships, I tend to stick specifically to Destiel, since it's my OTP, but I'm always willing to branch out!
Genres you read? - I love angst! Writing was, for a long time, my free version of therapy, so reading and writing angst was always a huge thing for me. I also love smut and fluff. ...Essentially, everything. Depends on the mood!
Favorite writer(s)? - I always have to boost TinkerbellBleu on Ao3, even though she isn't active anymore. She wrote an amazing DeanxOC fic, essentially turning episodes 1, 2, and part of 3 into full-length novels. I adore her writing and hope she comes back soon!
What do you like to write? - Most are CharacterxOC, and I have absolutely no self-control, so they are almost always ridiculously long. As it stands, I've been incapable of not just writing a fic that is supposed to span the entire show, because there's just *so many* good moments, good scenes, good storylines, etc. There's never one specific 'theme'; I write everything! I do enjoy writing angst, though.
Something you haven't written but would like to try? Why not? How can we help? - Smut! I've made an *attempt*, but never one that I actually kept. Generally, it comes down to a lack of confidence; I'd love some critiques if I ever get around to it!
@whiskeyjuniper -
Other SM names? - Whiskeyjuniper (AO3)
OTP? - DeanCas, Midam, crackship DeanChuck
Looking for in the Pond? - Sprint buddies!
Pairings you read? - DeanCas, Midam, crackship DeanChuck
Genres you read? - Horror
What do you like to write? - Horror, Weird
Most underappreciated fic? - a happy place to dream about
@bloodydeanwinchester -
Other SM names? - Same name on Discord, alovelyhorror (AO3)
OTP? - Destiel
Looking for in the Pond? - Looking for a place to talk to other writers and participate in sprints.
Pairings you read? - Almost exclusively Destiel
Genres you read? - Angst with a happy ending is my favorite but I also love some good horror. my favorite trope is probably time travel.
Favorite writer(s)? - sobsicles and komodobits on ao3
What do you like to write? - mostly into writing longer destiel canon/canon divergent fics (although i do have an idea or two for aus)
Most underappreciated fic? - When the Night Is Over
Something you haven't written but would like to try? Why not? How can we help? - The thing I'm most focused on wanting to do now is to finish the longer fic that I’m currently working on. I'm struggling with keeping up motivation now that I'm right in the middle of the fic!
@notanotherthembo -
Other SM names? - Same name on Discord
OTP? - Dean/Cassie
Other fandoms? - TWD, TOWL
Looking for in the Pond? - Beta readers, homies, amazing writers to talk shop with
Pairings you read? - Sam/Femme!Reader, DeanCassie, Sam/Dean/Femme!Reader, Wincest
Genres you read? - Smut, Rivals or Enemies to Lovers,
Favorite writer(s)? - @uncouth-the-fifth is the GOAT
What do you like to write? - Crossovers, specifically ones that feature Black femme characters as the romantic lead
Most underappreciated fic? - Clap Your Hands If You Believe
Something you haven't written but would like to try? Why not? How can we help? - Reader inserts! I'm working on one right now that I need a beta reader for. I'm also considering finishing up/rewriting an old Spn/True Blood crossover series that I haven't touched in years.
@bigmouthlass -
Other SM names? - darali_starscream (AO3) & Darali (Discord)
OTP? - I write Dean/You, and Dean/Donna should've lived happily ever after.
Looking for in the Pond? - Get a better handle on fandom stuff, meet some other like-minded obsessives.
Pairings you read? - Dean/anyone. He fascinates me.
Genres you read? - Smut to start, anything interesting and well-written.
Favorite writer(s)? - @thoughtslikeaminefield, @sam-is-my-safe-word , @talltalesandbedtimestories, Edge_of_Clairvoyance (AO3), and @rizlowwritessortof
What do you like to write? - They start as smut, and insist on growing plots.
Most underappreciated fic? - Stairwell Drums
Something you haven't written but would like to try? Why not? How can we help? - I'm trying to get comfortable writing Sam; he's harder for me to feel at ease with. Also slash generally, it doesn't come naturally to me.
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That's all for this month, folks! (If we're missing anyone, let us know and we'll add them to next month's list!) Make sure to say hi to the newbies and make them feel welcome! Thanks to all from @manawhaat, @mrswhozeewhatsis, @mariekoukie6661, @thoughtslikeaminefield, @spencereliotwinchester and @heavenssexiestangel!
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likegemstone · 8 months
i'm finally making that writing/art group I was talking about
Ever feel like every time you try to share your writing and/or art online you are just shouting into the void? Or maybe more accurately, shouting into a room full of people who are all talking to each other but don't seem to notice you? Is having your work seen by others simultaneously your greatest desire and your greatest fear? Mine too~
Community is so fricken important, especially to creatives and the creative process. Surrounding myself with creative people who encourage, support, and celebrate each other is a really big goal of mine. So, I'm starting a lil discord server in the hopes of cultivating that kind of community.
I want it to be a really positive, welcoming, and helpful space for creatives of all kinds (with a focus on writers and artists because that's what I know best, but by no means limited to that!), so I was hoping anyone who is interested in joining could help me get it up and going by giving their thoughts and suggestions on what goes on in the community (and also probably helping me actually set up the discord server bc I've only made a few very very simple, small servers in the past).
(I should also go ahead and mention that this server/group will be only for people 18 and up because I am just not currently comfortable being in any way responsible for minors, sorry!!! Oh, and also no ai art)
These are my ideas so far:
The emphasis for the server should be to encourage, inspire, connect with, and support other creatives, meaning it will be encouraged for people to engage with each others work, both on the server and also on other platforms where the work is posted
I have a personal pet peeve with unsolicited advice, so there can be specific channels where people post their work when they want critiques, and on the other channels the expectation would just be to leave your reactions to the work, not criticisms
I'd like for there to be regular "check-in" kind of things, almost like group meetings but more flexible because people will likely be in many different time zones and won't necessarily be able to make a specific time. The check-ins could be maybe once a week? And there could be one for writing and one for art (on different days I think). During the check-ins we could share a bit of our WIPs (will probably have to put a word limit on the writing) and maybe have a discussion topic for that week or something. Idk I just want it to be a time where we try to come together and actively discuss and engage and stuff, to really build the sense of community
Also different channels where people can talk about things like world-building and art styles and healthy habits for creating and things like that!
That's kinda all the ideas I have right now, please please comment/reply to this post if you have any suggestions and/or you want to join the group!
Also please reblog so more people see this~
Gem <3
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shadamyzine · 1 year
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Greetings from the Council of Shadamy! It’s about time we finally reveal ourselves! The Shadamy Zine Mod team consists of six dedicated moderators hoping to make this experience as great as possible for everyone involved!
Read more on us in the thread below!
Each of us has created numerous Shadamy food, from fanfics to illustrations, which you can check on our social medias! <3
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☆ CHAKO - @ochako999 | Twitter
I'm Chako! I have several experiences as contributor and merch artist for several zines but this is my first time modding and heading one! So excited! Compared to other veteran mods, I'm the fandom baby as I just joined around May last year but i love Shadamy with a passion! I hope all the graphics and zine decos I made is to your liking! <3
☆ MOMO - @momotarotea | Twitter | Ao3
I'm one of the writing mods for this zine, and while I'm new to making zines I'm a bit of a veteran when it comes to Shadamy. The Sonic X scene where Amy hugs Shadow thinking he's Sonic is what got me on the band wagon, and over a decade later here I am, writing and drawing them... I hope we can make something amazing as a team!
☆ ARi - @killingthecringe | Ao3
I'm Ari, one of the writing mods for this year's zine! I was also a mod for 2022 Shadamy Secret Santa, and my day job as an admin means organization and writing are my fortes. I've been a Shadamy fan since 2009, and have came back to the fandom after a long hiatus last year! Please feel free to reach out if you need anything, from writing advice to a pep talk. I am always happy to help!
☆ SHADOW - @shadowsfascination | dA
You can call me Shadows. Been a Sonic fan since the beginning of time! ;) My passions include drawing, writing, reading, gardening, traveling and daydreaming.
I'm one of the art and translation mods and I have experience running other projects. I speak Dutch (fluently), so if you need help translating from English to Dutch, happy to help!
☆ NVRA - @nvrfearthefall | IG
Hello! I am one of the art mods for the Shadamy zine, and I am so excited to be here! I've been a Shadamy fan since literally 2020. I love this pairing so much, but my frustration over the lack of content in the official canon is what inspired me to start drawing! I participated in the Shadamy Secret Santa and in last year's Shadamy zine. My piece is currently the icon for the tumblr page/discord server! :D
☆ MiSTLETOE - @deadrabbithq | Twitter
Hi! I'm Mistletoe! I've been a Shadamy fan since the good year of 2012. I'm an artist and a writer. I am in charge of zine formatting and I love helping people so I will do whatever I can to help if you need anything. Don't be afraid to hit me up.
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
We've been planning for this project since last year! We're all so hungry for more contents of this pairing so we decided to team up and here we are now <3
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We are looking forward to your interest and participation!
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harunefrog · 6 months
Actually adding onto that thought, I also really love how the fanfic writers have done such a good job at writing characters like Loop and Nille into the group dynamic. Like, I've been thinking A Lot about them joining the party post-game, and as someone who mostly draws rather than writes, it's been hard to kind of imagine how I would make Nille's character different enough in a way that meshes well with the rest of the team while also being an interesting and Real™ person. And the fics have really helped me with that! I feel like all of our thoughts and headcanons have been coming together so wonderfully to create a story.... Everyone adding something of their own, but when you look at it all together, it just becomes better and better.... I've never been In A Fandom in this way before, where I can actively see and participate in it's growth and development, and it's honestly a wonderful experience. I love being able to see a game I adore with all of my heart from the perspective of dozens of other people, be it through their art or writing or just their messages on discord! It gives a much better understanding of things I would have never noticed on my own, and also motivates me to show what I think about this game and share it with the others! I've never posted fanart of anything before, cus of the anxiety, even though I draw a ton fanart for everything I enjoy, and ISAT has motivated me to finally breach that barrier and experience what lies beyond it. I couldn't be more thankful to this game for everything it's done for me, and I can't wait to see more amazing work from this community <3
This kind of went off rails but it's fun to put my thoughts out into the open like this. That's also something I haven't done before. So. I hope this was interesting to read, I guess???
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shimmerbeasts · 7 months
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NAME : Miss Tantabis, usually called Miss T or T for short.
PRONOUNS: She/Her, might wanna see how I feel about Them.
PREFERENCE  OF  COMMUNICATION: Discord. While I can use the Tumblr IM and use them as icebreakers, I have gotten more used to using Discord nowadays as it is far more reliable.
NAME  OF  MUSE(S): My primary muses are Jinx, Silco and Vi. My secondary muses are Naafiri, Sevika, Vander/Warwick and Kindred. When it comes to my secondary muses, they are not all equal and sometimes one goes more silent while the other one is far more awake. I tend to go where my muses lead me when it comes to replies.
EXPERIENCE  /  HOW  LONG  (  MONTHS  /  YEARS? ): I started rping around the time I finished my A-levels aka my school graduation. That is nine years now. I started on Facebook and forums during these three years when I was in the advanced levels of high school. However, I quickly moved over to Tumblr. I think that was either already in 2014 or at the very least 2015. Though, if we wanna go by writing alone, I have been telling stories since I was six. That means over twenty years worth of writing by now.
BEST  EXPERIENCE: God, this is a hard question. I had many experiences in so many different rp communities. Not all of them were pleasant. However, I believe what I would deem my best experience, is the fact that through rp, outside of meeting amazing rp partners, I also made some very close friends. Some of these people, I have known for years, and they helped me through strife and tribulations. I cannot thank them enough for being the awesome human beings they are. At the same time, I am just so happy with how rpers give me a chance and how they have helped me so much with my ability to world build and finally embrace my own creativity. It may be an ongoing struggle, I still sometimes have, but I know I have people here who adore my ideas and my style and for that I cannot thank them enough.
RP  PET  PEEVES  /  DEALBREAKERS: I think the only real dealbreakers I have are things like blatantly expressed homophobia/racism, etc. Basically, people being dicks. Though that isn't really a surprise and not really RP-related. I think, in that regard, something I really despise is when people try to tell you how to write your blog, your muses, what you curate on your dash. I am not a big fan of one-liners either and normally, prefer multi-para replies. At the same time, if you can give me something to work with and the passion is there, I can also do shorter stuff. I also do not like it if communication does not happen, even though I know I too have to work on that sometimes. RPing is a two-way street and many of my pet peeves relate to that street being disrupted.
MUSE  PREFERENCES  FLUFF,   ANGST  OR  SMUT: I tend to say that I am predominantly a horror writer. Both due to my themes, my choice of characters and my writing style. Because of this, I absolutely love angst, whether that be heavily emotionally taxing angst or gory and violent angst. However, I am not opposed to fluff either, though I prefer if it is coming out of angst. I think that is called hurt/comfort. Smut is something, that while I do enjoy writing it sometimes, is not my biggest strong suit. I can normally only do certain types of smut and even then only with people I trust deeply and where my muses really have chemistry.
PLOTS  OR  MEMES: While I love using memes as an ice breaker just to gauge how our muses would interact with one another and whether our writing style mashes, I am more of a plotting kind of person. I still have to practise this craft a bit more. However, I prefer to have at least an idea of the dynamic we attempt to build with our muses and I always enjoy discussing potential scenes and plots we can do with that dynamic. If we manage to do the proper groundwork, most plots write themselves.
LONG  OR  SHORT  REPLIES: I prefer long threads and replies. I thrive on multi-para to novella roleplays. Threads, which are filled with details and characterisation. I love it when I can really sink my teeth into what has been written and when the reply challenges me to bring forth my A-game. Longer threads keep my passion going and usually make dropping things harder.
BEST TIME TO WRITE: I normally write in the early morning hours or afternoon. I do not think there is a best time to write. I am trying to learn to be able to write at pretty much any time. However, I also always check what I am in the mood for. Or I plan to try to finish specific replies. It does not always work.
ARE  YOU  LIKE  YOUR  MUSE(S): From my primary muses, the one I relate to the most and the one who is the loudest and easiest to write for me, is without a doubt, Jinx. While I may not have psychosis or the tendency to commit acts of murder, when it comes to Jinx's personality like her creativity, her wrathfulness and her tendency to overthink, those are elements, with which I deeply connect. By now I have written Jinx and built her and the world she inhabits in a way, which makes her both similar and different to the version of Arcane. This version of Jinx is very dear to me and in my eyes indeed shares some of my qualities.
Tagged by: @knifvd, @ferinehuntress and @tealsteel
Tagging: @the-rogue-dragon, @thenextchapterbegins, @demacianhcart, @blackrosesmatron, @moxxee, @moxxietude, @hexcoremagician, @jynxd, @powdied
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qsmpzine · 2 months
Hello! I'm interested in applying for a writer but it's my first time ever doing this and I wanted to know more about what I would have to do as a writer before applying to make sure I would be able to do the best I can.
Thank you so much for asking! Here’s what being an author would entail!
- Regularly checking the discord server for information about deadlines, requirements, and other important info. (This server is also where you will be able to connect with your fellow contributors to brainstorm, get translation help, and even potentially work with artists to have illustrations that correspond to your story created)
- Pitch Phase: May 7th - 14th
This is when you will be coming up with ideas for what you would like to write! Our mods will pick one of your ideas which you will use as your basis for your work!
- Voting Phase: May 14th - May 21st
During this week, you will be able to vote on what charity the zine will be donating all its profits to!
- Creation Phase: May 21st - July 25th
This is when you will write your story! You will submit check ins (short forms where you can ask questions and where you will submit what you have written so far) on June 1st, June 19th, and July 7th, with the final submission being on July 25th! During these check ins, our writing mods will help you catch any spelling or grammar errors and beta read your work.
- Preorder Phase: July 26th - October 23rd
During this phase, the majority of your work is done! You will need to submit a short sample of your finished work that you want featured in promotional posts for the zine, and you may be contacted by the translation teams while they work to translate your fic into other languages. Weekly updates about the zines progress will be posted in the discord so you can keep up with the production!
I hope I answered your question! Please feel free to ask for further details!
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historyandmyth · 8 months
Please get started on lightning returns lmao
[sputters and laughs] This is the funniest ask I've ever gotten, partially because I don't think you know what you're uncorking here, anon. I do try to keep negativity off this blog nowadays, but I'll oblige you this one time.
Salt beneath the cut, click at your own risk, dead dove: do not eat, etc etc.
Naturally, given how central Lightning is to this game, most of my grievances are with how she was treated and written, though I'll quickly note my other problems with the game:
The fanservice obvs. :U
The combat. Why did we do things like replace the fully functional stagger gauge with the weird audio waveform readout? Seems like a strange choice when XIII-2 had actually made noticeable improvements in terms of accessibility during combat (larger health bars, more readable text, etc).
The incredibly discordant and hard-on-the-ears soundtrack.
I don't usually harp on graphics because I don't really care about how pretty or "realistic" a game looks, but when the dev company boasts that this game is the "most complete and polished" in the Final Fantasy series (not the trilogy, the entire series), and then we get... copy-pasted trees... well, let's just say that that's objectively not the case.
The fact that all of the previous main protagonists don't play more prominent roles in this final installment of the trilogy is abysmal, and this goes twice for Sazh whose "character arc" has been recycled twice now.
The fact that we lose this wonderful world we've spent the past two games exploring and growing attached to is also abysmal! I hate stories where we lose magic at the end, separate the found family, etc etc. and LR is guilty of all of that. It's such a kick in the teeth.
Here's what I did enjoy about this game:
Masculine outfits. They all look great on her. And even better is when you run by NPCs and half the time they can't figure out her gender! (Really furthers the enby!Lightning headcanon I have for this game in particular.)
The fact that you can have Lightning take a jab at Etro during Noel's main quest lmao.
The guy in Luxerion that sings the New Bodhum theme.
You get to pal around with Fang in the Dead Dunes.
...And that's it, that's all I enjoyed.
And now, what I really hate about LR and how they wrote Lightning in general is... Lumina.
Do not get me wrong. I don't hate Lumina for superficial reasons like her personality or aesthetics. If she wasn't inherently tied to Lightning, I think I'd find her rather interesting. Her voice actor did a stellar job with her!
Instead, to me, Lumina's existence is a really hilarious admission from the writers they didn't know what to do with Lightning's character post-XIII. Lightning—who was shown in the first game to be incredibly self-aware, genre-savvy, and emotionally mature—gets reduced to a character that needs to have her "emotions" trot out in front of her as a little girl that harps on and harasses her for things like, I don't know, allegedly pushing her friends away?
Friends that never offer to help her in the first place, I might add. If they really wanted to drive home the idea that Lightning was being aloof, they had ample opportunities to do so. But instead all we ever have is Lumina telling us what Lightning's intentions supposedly are. Lazy writing at its finest!
Lumina also accuses Lightning of trying to be "as cold as the steel in [her] sword," which is a notion later tied to Lightning "locking away" her heart as a child which is just... a really funny retcon when you once again consider how emotionally mature she becomes in XIII.
We did this character arc before. And we did it to much better effect! The whole Lumina/Claire fiasco is one of the biggest walk-backs I've ever seen for a character's development, it's insane.
(I've already spoken at length about how Lightning's character is not the self-sacrificial type, either; you can search my blog for the word 'sentinel' if you want those posts.)
It's just sad, because there are ways they could've played with Lightning's character that would have made sense and been in line with the things she'd gone through up until this point. If you wanted to mess with her emotions, you could've written her as bitter, exhausted, and traumatized after her extended stint in Valhalla. This could have been a natural and compelling consequence of her time as Etro's guardian. It wouldn't have resulted in a terrible rehash of her first game's character arc either lmao.
Anyway there's a lot more I could say but I'm just gonna end it here. LR bad but could have been pretty good with a little effort, the end!
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