#help i love them too much
dizzikiwi · 4 years
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these two have been giving me the best feels lately.
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boywizard-moved · 4 years
i literally can’t look at bill and ted content in any form without smiling 
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pokelover456 · 3 years
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Sorry but not sorry. Ya'll gettin Chadrina!Kiddo Spam. First Doodle Dump is mostly about Delia!
The first born bby~~
1) Delia is the type of bby to throw quiet fits. She’ll just sit and pout until she feels better about something that made her pouty in the first place LOL. Right now, she’s sitting down next to daddo, having a fit. DadChad finds it adorable.
2) So…she’ll more often than not be recognized as her dad’s kid. But…people can’t tell who her MOM is. And while she is happy that people sees her dad in her, she…also wishes people would see her mom in her too. (Yes I forgot a word there, but I couldn’t be bothered to fix that. ;’D) 3) Delia would be an explorer later in life, probably in mid-to-late teens. Sometimes she isn’t near a town to get to a healer, so she treats herself until she gets there. She is weak at healing magic, but she’s able to use it to close her wounds (or anyone else’s if she’s with company, or if she comes across someone injured).
4) Delia meeting her sisters. Tiny Baby Sis, and Big New Sis.
5) Delia debating on a ponytail look. IDK I just felt look doodling her in one.
6) Practicing Magic with mom~ 7) DeliaVee making a declaration! She’s chosen ‘Jera’ as her explorer name for reasons. But it has to do with Chad’s own dad in this universe.
Now onto Doodle Dump 2! Xiiiioooon!
1) Trina with Xion eggie. Hm? What’s with the bandage? Well…Let’s just say she had a rough time having the baby, and leave it at that. ;’D (Her coat is all frizzy and disheveled to reflect that, but I can’t say I did a great job ;’’D)
2) Trina showing her bby magic tricks.
3) Xions in different universes, one is the Mainverse (Which, I’ll leave to Sky to talk about someday), and then there’s the Chadrina Verse. It’s just a note for myself---and to others watching, on differences. And of course I forgot to get rid of her white tail tip in the previous doodle, so we’re moving on from that. ;’D Also Xionvee got an update with her eyes---because I was doing it all wrong, all this time. ;’D
4) PUPPY. Xion gets a pupper plushie!
5) Xion is trying to use magic, but alas, no magic. ;’D But Trina reassures precious bby that it’s okay.
6) Trina gives Xion a present-a Levin Crystal! (More on that sometime C: But it’s basically me pulling up garbage LOL)
7) The three sisters doing some crafting together~ Ada with flowers, Delia with scales, and Xion with feathers~
Doodle Dump 3 features Ada~
1) Ada is going to be a teacher in the future~ In every universe (except one), she follows her dad’s footsteps in terms of careers. Like daddo here, she’ll be a professor~ Also, she’s a fun teacher that often takes her kids on learning field trips~ But try to hurt her kids and YOU’LL BE SORRY.
2) Fishing with dad~~
3) While Delia struggles with people not recognizing her as her mom’s kid, some would be like “You don’t look like either of your parents?”. Ada just shrugs and takes it stride. And I forgot her white paws ;'D 4) A little talk with little sis Delia. Delia is still annoyed that nobody sees her mom in her. She wonders if she should dye her hair, Ada disagrees.
5) Ada sad, Ada hugs mom.
6) Ada being pouty about something. Wonder what! 7) Ada found a cool rock. Must give to sis Xion~
And now finally, Xion’s updated look! ;D Whew, that was long. And now I leave with a tag to @svantanon
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bi-nick-carraway · 5 years
Note: The night Gatsby got shot from Gatsby's perspective. Don't worry, he doesn't die. He and Nick deserved a second chance so I felt like giving them one.
The night after the accident, something I’ve never quite forgiven myself for, I vividly remember standing outside of the Buchanan house. The light coming from the inside was warm and bright, reflecting off of Daisy’s hair and the tears on her cheeks. I was so convinced that she would come outside when she saw me, that she would call, that she wouldn’t turn out the light. But she did turn out the light and she never called. I realize now my mistake in expecting all that I did from her, and allowing my blind love for her distract me from the person who never wavered from my side.
    When Daisy refused to talk with me that night, my emotions erupted in a hundred different directions. I felt tragic, angered, lonely. And then when my good friend Nick Carraway took the time to put up with me and calm me down, I realized I wasn’t quite as lonely as I thought I was. He said with passion in his voice that I didn’t deserve to take the blame and that it wasn’t fair. I suspect he would have stormed into that house to have a very serious word with the Buchanans had I not been trying to convince both him and myself that I was doing it for love, although I wished I realized that my love at that point was empty and hopeless. 
At that moment, I found myself hoping Nick would argue further, but he kept quiet. He accompanied me back to my house, and, upon my request stayed with me. He never once questioned my vulnerability or the wavering of my voice. I had never once in my life felt so compelled to reveal the true story of my life to someone. I wanted it out in the open; I wanted to stop lying to him. It felt so wrong, lying to Nick. Not once when I told him my story did he make me feel ashamed of my beginnings. He just listened. He listened and he understood. Nick Carraway was there for me that the way he always had been.
I don’t blame Nick for not staying the entirety of the night, although it did hurt when he said he had to leave. I don’t know why I had suggested using the pool that night. I don’t even know why I had decided to use it at all when Nick politely rejected the invitation. My mind wasn’t quite right after all that had happened. Maybe I didn’t want to feel confined in my house feeling as lonely as I was. Whatever the reason, I made my way down to the pool alone, and I found myself missing Nick quite terribly despite speaking with him not even twenty minutes before. The water was warm, and I thought about how many times Nick had placed his hand on my elbow. The sky was empty of clouds, and I wondered if Daisy had ever really loved me the way I thought I loved her. Just as the stars were coming out and making me think about Nick’s eyes and if I have ever heard him laugh, I heard my butler give a shout about a persistent caller. I turned to face the direction the butler was yelling from, and then a figure sprung out of the bushes.
A gunshot rang out, and then a second before I had even realized that a bullet had hit me in the right shoulder. I don’t quite remember what happened after that other than the immense pain. The first clear memory I have after being shot was waking up in a hospital bed, with sunlight streaming through the window and fueling a tenacious headache.
When I had fully come to my senses, I noticed three things: the piercing pain coming from beneath the bandages on my shoulder, the flowers on the bedside table, and Nick, most certainly missing work and asleep in a chair across the room. I couldn’t tell if the warmth I felt in my chest was from the bullet wound or from the sight of my dear friend. After a few minutes, Nick stirred from his slumber. I had thought about waking him up, but God knows how much sleep he must have lost over me.
“Jay?” Nick murmed the moment he saw my eyes watching him. He was immediately at the bedside, nearly tripping himself in the process. “How are you feeling? Do I need to call the doctor?”
“I’m feeling fine, old sport,” I said, somewhat honestly. The wound hurt like hell, but the pain eased, even if only slightly, with Nick there. “How did this happen?”
“You don’t… You don’t know? Of course you don’t know, you were shot,” he stammered, and I patiently waited for him to compose himself. “George Wilson thought… Well, he somehow came to the conclusion you… That you were the one driving the car that night. He thought you killed his wife.” Nick paused to take a shaky breath. He spoke slowly. “He found you at the pool and shot you, and then he pulled the trigger on himself. The butler found you and kept you alive until more help came. I was waiting on the phone when…” It physically pained me, even though I was already in a state of physical pain, to see Nick struggle that much with his words. When he was done speaking, not able to finish his last sentence, I realized something.
“You were the one that called,” I said softly. I knew I heard the butler say something about that, but I never thought of who it could have been. I don’t think I even wanted to know, for the reason that I no longer wanted to wait for Daisy.
“I told you I would call,” Nick responded as he looked away, and a hint of a blush appeared on his cheeks.
“And the flowers…?” I glanced to the bedside table.
“It looked rather depressing in here,” he shrugged, his face fully flushed. “I thought you might like some color. So yes, that was me. It wasn’t… It wasn’t who I expect you wanted it to be.” I couldn’t have stopped the smile on my face if I tried.
“Old sport, I wouldn’t have wanted it to be anyone else.”
“Oh,” was the response after a moment of silence for him to process what I had implied. “Oh! I nearly forgot, the Buchanans, that is to say Tom and Daisy, left. I don’t know where. They didn’t even call or leave a note, which frankly is rude and entirely impolite.”
“So they’re gone?” I asked. Nick nodded slowly. “Alright.”
“Alright?” Nick questioned. “What do you mean, ‘Alright?’ Aren’t you going to leave?”
“Why would I?” I’ll never forget the look of absolute astonishment that came over Nick’s expression.
“You’re not going to follow her…?”
“Do you reckon there’s anyone out in the hall?” I asked, not acknowledging the question, When Nick didn’t respond with actual words, I took his hand in mine. Not the hand attached to the arm that I couldn’t move, mind you. His hand was just as warm as it had been every time he had touched my elbow or my shoulder. “I’m not going anywhere, Nick.” My voice may have been tired and pained, but I tried to give that statement as much finality as I could.
“Jay, you…” he took a few moments just looking at me with his curious eyes until he allowed himself to understand.
“Now go get a nurse, I may starve if I don’t eat soon,” I said, sudden embarrassment coming over me. I honestly didn’t expect myself to be so forward.
Then Nick laughed. It was an even better sound than I could have ever expected. It was warm and pure and it sounded like home, something I hadn’t felt for a very long time.
“At your service, Mr. Gatsby,” Nick said with a stunning grin as he let go of my hand. Then he very confidently placed a gentle kiss on my forehead before leaving the room.
At that point I was sure the warmth in my chest was caused by Nick Carraway, and that I might be completely and utterly in love.
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liamochi · 6 years
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Today I drew the wind boi Inasa with lots of Shoto’s merch.
please apreciate this smoll Shoto (I still not sure if I should write it with or without the “U”....) 
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zephyrine-gale · 3 years
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something about compensation and striking gold
2nd time posting this bc tumblr banished it to the shadow realm ystd
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asterdust · 2 years
eddie what the fuck is a personal space munson and steve letting jesus in bec im about to have a full on gay crisis if u lean in too much harrington pls come home
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coffit0 · 2 years
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Thank you, Techno, you did so much for so many people. You and your legacy will live in the hearts of millions ❤️
Rest well, our king 🐷👑
• If it's within your possibilities, donate for the Sarcoma Foundation of America here
• Techno's merch here
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booasaur · 2 years
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Crush (2022)
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zakizendetandi · 3 years
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blobbei-art · 2 years
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Desmond “Has Not Felt Anything Similar To Parental Affection In Like 30 Years” Sycamore
Been replaying Azran Legacy and I completely forgot Layton’s parents and Desmond know each other so maybe they kept in contact?
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loucygoosey · 2 years
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I spent way too long working on a meme 💀
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uncanny-tranny · 3 years
Seeing trans women and generally just transfeminine people enjoying femininity in ways I never could brings me so much happiness, peace, and joy that simply cannot be rivaled. It's a beauty that never dies, and a beauty that shines so brightly it blinds.
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khaleesiofalicante · 2 years
Magnus really raised the kids to not put up with nephilim nonsense and I love that for them tbh
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zilabee · 2 years
Paul was great. He was full of fun and desperate to be Elvis. He did all the hair and everything, and he had a similar facial look, only he was prettier than Elvis. He didn't sag off like George and I did but we'd always see him in smokers' corner, and he drew great cartoons of members of staff - as soon as you looked at them you knew who they were. I stood next to Paul in assembly. (George didn't come in - he was still going down to the canteen with the other Catholics and Jews.) There'd be the lesson for the day and the headmaster's speech, when he named whoever he wanted to thrash with his cane, and in every hymn we sang I never heard Paul sing the melody - he always did the harmony line. I used to stand there and think, 'How the fuck does he do that?'
-Arthur Kelly, quoted in Tune In by Mark Lewisohn
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baalzebufo · 2 years
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watched the funny turtle show and my tastes are, as always, predictable
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