#helpless Dean
scoobydoodean · 9 months
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Sam Winchester in the episode where he found out John ordered Dean to kill him, everybody.
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ardentpoop · 2 months
ppl being like “why was the concept of sam as the Boy King of hell so short-lived”
bc sam never wanted that shit lmao everything abt that role repulses him to his core. the only way he would’ve ended up on that throne was non-consensually.
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sowhumpful · 11 months
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soullessjack · 1 month
throwing out just One more hot dean and jack take while it’s on my brain but I honestly think dean gives jack a little more autonomy than sam and cas do . Maybe.
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angelsdean · 10 months
the thing is, jack literally is not a toddler. like i am all for baby jack AUs and headcanons but in canon he is not a baby in an adult body. the narrative does not treat him as a toddler. they settle this debate in jack's second (2nd) episode when jack is mimicking dean (bc he imprinted on him like a baby duck) and he goes to drink a beer and they let him because he's not actually a baby despite being new to the world. it's the same as when amara is born and grows up fast. she is not still a baby when, a very short time later, she is in her fully adult form. jack is a young adult, who yes is a bit naive and learning abt the world, but it's more on par with like angels being new to the world and learning abt humanity, (like cas.)
jack is also an incredibly powerful being! he is literally thee most powerful being on earth, more powerful than any archangel, and only second in power to chuck-amara. and chuck fears him. especially when jack goes soulless. everything that happens in Moriah is because chuck is angling for them to do away with his jack-problem. he's moving the pieces on the board, fueling tfw's (yes all of them) already uneasy feelings about soulless jack and telling them thee Only way to stop jack is to kill him. chuck also establishes that he's a writer and writers lie early on in the episode. then he tells them there's no way to save jack, only kill him. that chuck's hands are tied and restoring souls is beyond his abilities (he literally created souls !! he's GOD !!). he's literally lying to them thee whole time. and it all gets revealed when sam realizes chuck IS scared of jack and that he knows where jack and dean are and that everything is going according to plan and that he's enjoying it. and then dean does something chuck doesn't expect, he doesn't go through with what chuck wants him to do! he disrupts the narrative ! he chooses free will!!! he will not kill his kid. he won't do it. he throws the gun away because he can't do it. jack, very much like dean during the michael arc, is prepared to die if it's for the greater good.
like i said before, jack mimics dean. jack loves dean. jack learned so much from dean's example. (also, an aside but. dean and jack do so much bonding off screen. just from the references to their movie watching alone-- they've watched the lost boys 36 times--it's clear they've spent a lot of time together). anyways, jack learns a lot from dean and he and dean both feel similarly re: sacrifice. jack thinks the same about sacrificing dean during the michael arc, he tells cas it doesn't matter if they can't save dean if it means ridding the world from the danger of michael. similarly, soulless jack IS a threat to the world because he is thee most powerful being in the world after god and right now he is behaving unpredictably. they are right to be afraid of him (and yes they love him, but all of tfw currently fears him.) still, despite dean and jack sharing these similar views, neither of them could follow through with killing the other when it comes down to it.
anyway, all some people want to remember abt 14x20 / jack's soulless arc is dean pointing a gun at jack / putting him in the box but literally dean cannot and does not kill jack and actively goes against god's manipulation. additionally, jack is not a baby who just made a mistake and everyone is overreacting. of course he didn't mean to kill mary, but they are not irrational for being afraid of jack, who is an extremely powerful supernatural being who currently is behaving erratically and where loss of control results in fatal consequences for others. like they are Right to want to take precautions and find a solution to protect the world from jack who at the moment is very much like a bomb that could go off on a whim. also this IS a supernatural fantasy show, like that context matters. they are not putting their literal baby in a box for, like spilling orange juice. they are trying to deal with a supernatural threat on the "dealing with supernatural threats" show. cas even suggests putting jack in the cage / binding jack. they are all afraid of him and looking for a solution until they can figure out a way to save him. and the only reason anyone starts talking about killing jack is when chuck is the one to suggest it as Thee Only Option (because again, it's what chuck wants to happen)
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profoundbondfanfic · 7 months
helpless when the sky explodes
helpless when the sky explodes by hollyblue2 (@envydeanwrites) Rating: Mature Word count: 9.5k
He’s been split up from his brother. Can’t even hear him, shout to him or anything. It’s like a part of him has been ripped from him and he sits in the corner of the cell, back to the wall and ass on the cold concrete floor. Food is shoved through a pass through but Dean doesn’t touch it, barely looks at it.
Set at the beginning of season 12, this is the story of Dean and Sam imprisoned. Dean's alone. He stops eating. He stops eating until the guards threaten him. He ignores them. The guards make good on their promise. And then Cas rescues him.
This is a difficult read. Dean's in a dark place mentally for almost the entirety of this fic, and the forced feeding scene goes into fairly a lot of detail, but I thoroughly enjoyed reading it. Not only because Dean's relationship to food is not often explored in fics but also because the second part of the fic deals with Dean trying to get better and slowly learning to let others in. And of course, it all starts with Cas, and his endless love and patience. Maybe this is the push they both needed to confess their feelings after all.
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destielgaysex · 4 months
reading the tags of a s7 dean crit post to find samgirls going on about how dean is mean to sam and doesnt get that sam is mentally ill and "this is straight up abusive behavior." all i have to say is: do you remember what show you are watching and s7 dean was grieving cas being dead so he is excused from any wrongdoing because he is widowering for the first time.
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blacknidstang · 5 months
Sometimes i remember the scene involving samuel possessed by Azazel taunting dean was him telling dean what he"s gonna do to sam and how exactly he is going to violate him while calling mary a whore and how he'd personally fuck her and my head starts to spin literally
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dothwrites · 10 months
cas literally fucking googles 'how to fix a truck' my GOD i love this angel so much
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scoobydoodean · 1 year
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Dean and poker games, 1.05 Bloody Mary
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ardentpoop · 3 months
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every day someone irritates the living shit out of me with a take like this
yes that’s what the show tells us. but is the show right??? (hint: ABSOLUTELY NOT)
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suncaptor · 1 year
the thing is. if Sam were dead instead of Jack, Dean wouldn't even QUESTION using a spell that siphoned off a bit of Sam's soul.
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m1zumono · 1 year
'cas? cas. i hope you can hear me. that wherever you are, it's not too late. i should've stopped you. you're my best friend, but i just let you go. 'cause it was easier than admitting i was wrong. i- oh. i don't know why i get so angry. i just know- i know that it's- it's just always been there. and when things go bad, it just- it comes out. and i can't- i can't stop it. no matter how- how bad i want to. i just can't stop it. and- and i forgive you. of course i forgive you. i'm sorry it took me so long- i'm sorry it took me till now to say it. cas, i'm- i'm so sorry. man, i hope you can hear me. i hope you can hear me. okay.'
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soullessjack · 8 months
every time you call sam jack's uncle so you can sidestep sam for destiel again or you call dean jack's uncle bc you can't understand their relationship development i shoot a fat little cherub with a sawed-off.
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maipareshaan · 1 year
I think what frustrated me the most was s10 like i can't find good posts and this is also why i started bullying Sam randomly its not like i hate him, its just you know that i am a reactionary bitch, unable to find content and seeing all this stuff that i kinda disagreed with cuz Sam stans are just as woobifiers as Dean stans and like i just wanted to talk about how he sucks so that he is not a complete bore like these people say he is.
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shallowrambles · 2 years
Strategically, Cas should be advance scout:
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