#hemp bath salt
buryyourloyalty · 1 year
i think a nice bubble bath is just what the doctor ordered😮‍💨
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mushroomates · 10 months
samwise gamgee headcanons:
enjoys doing the dishes and folding laundry
love language is quality time or acts of service
likes to give sprouts and seedlings to friends and neighbors
nerd about mushrooms and has a mushroom log growing in his closet
keeps a hoard of ladybugs to deploy at any time
windowsill is lined with old jars and bottles, filled with clippings for propagation
he gives the best slices of pie and best baked cookies to others. will keep “defects” for himself- they taste just as good
favorite cookies are “everything but the kitchen sink” where he throws a bunch of stuff into the bowl (fruit, pretzels, nuts) and puts it into a cookie
has like 80 pillows on every couch/bed/chair
in addition to the 50-something blankets also piled high
“please, have a seat” he says. ha, no. any surface you could possibly settle onto is adorned with elaborate spreads of throws and such.
has a fruitcake that is legit an heirloom. it’s so stale it’s a brick. you can use it as a doorstop, stepping-stool, or a bludgeoning weapon. (note: has been used for all. he once chucked it at a late night visitor. this is how he learned frodo takes late walks at night. this is also how frodo learned that sam has an arm on him)
his great aunt made it forever ago and honestly he doesn’t know if it’s still good. he keeps it around because it’s been with him so long he feels bad throwing it out.
likes pecan pie! goes nuts (pun intended) for it.
roast his own chestnuts, pecans and walnuts. has a strange grudge against macadamia nuts. (almost choked on one as a child)
very cozy. has scarves and mittens and even slippers (GASP) at the ready
likes to watch the rain with a cup of tea for hours on end
takes his tea with honey, two sugars, and cream. it barely counts as tea.
enjoys bubble baths.
guerrilla gardening. sam is a force to be reckoned with on this front. he is a strong advocate for native plants and will gut someone over deforestation.
carries a salt shaker filled with seeds everywhere. kind of just. shakes it around empty plots of land.
has a hostile land grab once a month and slowly expands the baggin’s garden by an inch, until it takes up nearly the whole estate.
has a great misconception about the appropriate amount to discuss you garden with someone. this is because:
he tends to talk about this to frodo, who will listen, good naturedly
frodo also prevents anyone from talking over sam or changing the subject
most hobbits are to polite (passive aggressive) and don’t have the skills to subtly change the subject in a way sam understands
and if he does recognize the effort he will avoid it
likes to try new recipes but at the same time never follows them
knows a great deal about farming hemp. this is because merry and pippin recruited him into their pipeweed shenanigans and now sam has unintentionally created a strain of the good stuff that has hobbits traveling miles to get their hands on
loves his houseplants like children. they have names and backstory and a rich inner life that he has created that could fill a book
is fighting a battle with english ivy at the moment and only slightly loosing it. it’s suffocating the tree outside his house and he’s not very happy with it.
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hvitserkk · 2 years
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TARGARYEN WEEK Day 4: Favourite Historic Event
“'Yield now, Aegon began, "and you may remain as Lord of the Iron Islands. Yield now, and your sons will live to rule after you. I have eight thousand men outside your walls.” “What is outside my walls is of no concern to me,” said Harren. “Those walls are strong and thick.” “But not so high as to keep out dragons. Dragons fly.” “I built in stone,” said Harren. “Stone does not burn.” To which Aegon said, “When the sun sets, your line shall end.” Then Harren the Black retired to his tower, surrounded by his household guard, to sup with his remaining sons. As the last light of the sun faded, Black Harren’s men stared into the gathering darkness, clutching their spears and crossbows. When no dragon appeared, some may have thought that Aegon’s threats had been hollow. But Aegon Targaryen took Balerion up high, through the clouds, up and up until the dragon was no bigger than a fly upon the moon. Only then did he descend, well inside the castle walls. On wings as black as pitch Balerion plunged through the night, and when the great towers of Harrenhal appeared beneath him, the dragon roared his fury and bathed them in black fire, shot through with swirls of red. Stone does not burn, Harren had boasted, but his castle was not made of stone alone. Wood and wool, hemp and straw, bread and salted beef and grain, all took fire. Nor were Harren’s ironmen made of stone. Smoking, screaming, shrouded in flames, they ran across the yards and tumbled from the wallwalks to die upon the ground below. And even stone will crack and melt if a fire is hot enough. The riverlords outside the castle walls said later that the towers of Harrenhal glowed red against the night, like five great candles…and like candles, they began to twist and melt as runnels of molten stone ran down their sides.” — Fire & Blood, Aegon’s Conquest  
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smudgingpumpkins · 2 months
Also known as "Lughnasadh"
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When is Lammas?
It is celebrated on August 1st, which is roughly the midway point between the summer solstice and autumn equinox.
What does Lammas mean?
It is a celebration of the ripening of the harvest, and preparation for the upcoming autumn. Apples and cherries are ripe for picking, and corn and beans stand tall and green.
Who does Lammas celebrate?
As in the name, the Celtic god Lugh is traditionally honored, in which he is the god of the sun, of craftsmanship, and of harvest. Some stories say that Lugh held a harvest on the first of August for his foster mother, Tailtiu.
Work with stones that heighten creativity, abundance, and wealth, such as moss agate, carnelian, red aventurine, yellow topaz, obsidian, and citrine.
Use musky herbs and flowers like peonies, hydrangeas, rosemary, sandalwood, and most importantly wheat. These beautiful pinkish flowers bring forth good fortune and good omens to past and future memories. Wheat is a major source of energy and provides healthy vitamins and minerals.
Consume a variety of grains, fruits, and vegetables, like corn, beans, apples, cherries, and fresh bread. Key crops become ready for harvest in the late summer and early fall, so consume them to honor farmers, the end of summer, and the God Lugh.
Wear and/or decorate with orange, bronze, beige, and light brown colors.
Incorporate animal imagery (e.g., photographs, drawings, figurines, et cetera) of roosters, pigs, and cows, which are in close association with farming and agriculture. In some cultures, these animals represent good fortune, power, and success.
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Bake bread. Wheat is a major part of Lammas and has historically been a staple crop during times of starvation. "Lammas" is actually a derivative of the Anglo-Saxon word "loaf mass."
Get creative. Lugh is the god of craftsmanship, after all. Write poems, paint, play an instrument--or whatever you choose.
Take a ritual bath: add a drop of rosemary oil, coarse salt, verbena, and flower petals to your bath.
Craft a wheat straw doll. They are also called "grain goddesses" or "harvest queens." Make them out of wheat stems or straws and use hemp/cotton thread to form the head and arms!
Make a Lammas altar. In the center of the altar, add an icon of Lugh or a god(dess) of your choice, and decorate around it with birch sticks, wheat, flowers, candles, brown and beige colors, and a cornucopia if you would like.
Get creative with recipes! Carlota Santos, the author of Magika, recommends a "Lammas cocktail" with red wine, cinnamon, and apples.
Carlota Santos' Lammas Cocktail Recipe
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pinksoullesswench · 10 months
Cute, cozy ways to survive winter
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- buy a winter-ish tea to warm you up in the morning and the evening. You can also make your own mix (I love cranberry and elderberry)
- take vitamin D3 to boost your mood and prevent seasonal depression
- take beta carotin to have a glowy, tanned skin even without the sunlight
- get a good quality jacket from a material like wool or hemp (eco), and yes, it will cost a lot, but it's worth it. It keeps your warmer than any cheaper jacket and will last longer. A tip from a broke girl: I started to save up money in June. Also I search only in second-hand stores. I also recommend a faux fur. You can already find nice finds for 90€
- few times a week, make yourself a little bath for your feet. After a cold day, pour hot water into a bowl and put some nice bathing salts or etheric oils, I usually do smth that smells like pine trees. Super relaxing and warms your feet ^^
- read winter-ish books. They help to romanticize the cold time and make the season much more special
- get yourself a nice thick pair of socks that you will enjoy wearing during the winter
- dress warm. I have a special thermal set that I always put under my clothes. Avoid wearing jeans, for they will only make you freeze. Wear thick sweaters (I love cashmere, I bought one cheap in a second hand store), or long warm skirts or dresses (they make me feel girly and special during the cold time) remember, when you buy expensive, good quality clothes keep them in natural colors so they're universal and timeless. Remember: the time of cute outfits is over, now we're in the survival mode
- you can add yourself some color with pretty gloves and hats. I love wearing slavic scarves during the winter to honor my heritage
- when buying a shower gel, perfume, shampoo or body lotion peak smells that remind you of winter. I go for mandarine/ orange scents 😊🍊
- drink vitamin c in the morning!!!
- choose a thicker cream for your face, nothing water-based. Your skin needs special care and protection during the winter. I have an acne prone, oily skin, and I still choose thicker creams, so don't be afraid to do the same. My go-to for winter is a levera cream for sensitive skin and a black cumin seed oil. I also like products from PinusVital.
- uv still exists during winter so don't forget a sunscreen!
- decorate your apartment, room or house with winter decor. I'd defiently focus more on winter related things since they will last until March. Christmas things tend to be thrown away much quicker after Christmas. There's so many cute ideas!
- get yourself a sun clock. It's a lamp you put by your bed, which imitates the sunshine. It's especially useful in early mornings since we humans aren't programmed to be waking up in full darkness. It helps to wake up your body :)
- get yourself a bunch of candles and light them in the evening. Element of fire has always been crucial for our ancestors during these trying times
- every single week plan to do something new. It can be finding a new song or new album, going to a restaurant or a coffee shop you've never been to before, learning something new, visiting a place you haven't seen yet, trying out a new recipe, even taking a different rode back from work/school, write a new poem, start a new book, watch a new movie, keep yourself entertained by little things
- out of the same principle, try to redecorate or change placement of furniture from time to time. Our brains get easily bored and especially during winter it can be very depressing. Brains need the change to stay healthy and fit
- especially during cold times, a community is really important. Even if you're an introverted person, it doesn't mean you should stay alone all the time. Humans are social beings, and we need contacts to one another. During winter months and long evenings, loneliness can be very hard. Try looking for a local book club or knitting club or any other club you'd enjoy. Download Bumble BFF it's an app that helps you to find friends! Volunteer at your local senior house or even your local dog shelter. Being constantly alone has literally never done anyone any good.
- burn incenses to boost energies in your household (any time it's needed, of course if you believe in stuff like this :) ) I recommend orange incense (brings luck and happiness)
- spend time outside. During the week I barely have time but every weekend I try to go on a walk possibly out in the nature. Your mental state regulates this way. Just 15 minutes of walk outside each day can boost your mood. Believe me, it comes from a person who struggled a lot with depressions.
- don't forget to eat well. You burn more calories during the winter because your body uses lots of energy to keep itself warm. Eat regular, well-balanced food portions. I love vegetarian food magazines that offer amazing seasonal recipes, so you cook with vegetables and fruits that actually grow during the winter. I think it adds more magic and meaning to the season to cook with seasonal food.
- wake up early. And early can be different for every person, but sleeping in every day is not proven to be healthy. Sleeping in causes chronic diseases, slows down your metabolism, and can cause social problems. Of course, there's nothing wrong with having one slower day, but having a crazy sleeping schedule can get you in sleep debt that will not result in anything productive.
- pick projects you want to accomplish during winter like for example my projects are: learn about local birds and mammals, make a little house in my local forest, learn how to diy fairy houses, learn how to knit :)
❄️Remember that winter time is the time to slow down and relax. Look around at nature and see how everything is seemingly dead and waiting for the spring. Don't worry if you're not being great all the time or constantly achieving new milestones because it's totally fine to calm down after many months of work. I know that the capitalism convinced us that we should always work, no matter what, but I just want you to remember that nature intended otherwise and of you're more tired and sleepy during these months that's totally normal. Just be kind to yourself.❄️
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kangamommynow · 9 months
I have sciatica and bursitis. I have a fallen arch in one foot. I have pinched nerves in my neck that cause numbness in my hands. I’m a fucking mess. I hurt pretty much all the time. (This isn’t fibro level pain, this is 2-4 on the pain scale)
Nothing I’ve found is particularly helpful. I use a combination of massage/stretching/ epsom salt baths/ supplements/D8/OTC pain relief/ hope and ignoring to try to manage it.
I have tried so many options and haven’t found anything I’m really happy with. The doctors I’ve seen either proscribe Gabepentin (I’ve described how that affects me for a full day) or Aleve. I’ve done physical therapy.
I’ve tried creams and rubs. I’ve tried epsom salt baths and magnesium creams. Those are helpful for muscle related things but less effective on nerves and joints. I’ve used hemp and CBD creams. Those are sometimes effective-ish for a short while.
I don’t like the “icy hot” type things that focus on surface nerves with menthol, curcumin, peppermint oils. Those don’t help at all and just make my skin feel strange.
I don’t generally like lidocaine applications either although I’ll do it in a pinch. Numbing the area is sometimes a useful measure for brief periods.
There are 4 million products out there. None of it is regulated and most of it is crap. Some focus on frankincense and myrrh, some on menthol, some on arnica, some on hemp.
If anyone has any recommendations, I’d appreciate it.
I’m too young to have chronic pain.
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cpunkwitch · 3 months
hey, benji here to ask about herbs again:> 1. do you have any resource recommendations for chronic pain and herbs, I am trying to find ways to get started, but I really don't want to end up in an MLM or something lol and 2. are there any tips you have for someone who is just starting to look into this for pain treatment? (also sorry if you have answered these before, my memory is terrible)
Hi! Just woke up so brains a little slow
When it comes to herbs and pain management, lavender and hemp combos are my go to. Bubble bath, bath salt, cream etc
Lavender is very calming and relaxing and anything that can relax your muscles and nerves can make pain a little easier to handle, the less tension in your body the better.
Any herbs with a relaxing effect, even with association to water, can help be relaxing. Some herbs will have more of that effect in tea than anything but lavender is #1 for its variety of uses.
As for tips to people new to using herbs for their body, yes.
Major warning, be careful of allergies. If you are at all allergic to any plants or anything in products that have those herbs, ne very aware of that.
I don't want anyone making themselves feel worse instead of better if they have an allergy to something they use.
If you aren't sure, either get tested or test it out in a very cautious small amount. A light touch of the plant or product to your skin and if there are signs of a reaction wash it off immediately and dont use it.
Always check the ingredients of products before buying or using them incase there's something you can't have it it.
And if you have pets as well definitely keep things far out of their reach.
If you have a doctor ask if they recommend any specific products for muscle relaxant. Some doctors have an idea of what might work for you or what might be available for you to try out.
Creams or scrubs with lavender and melatonin can make it easier to sleep with pain.
Granted growing and using herbs for pain management isn't always very effective at least not compared to something like prescribed medication, but it does ease the body at the very least.
If you think it'll help go for it.
I will add on my plant list what plants can also assist with matters of the body like lavenders calming effect and aloes healing.
I hope this helped a little for now though!
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madamlaydebug · 1 year
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Is CBD Oil Safe and Worth Your Money?
A medical cannabis expert weeds the hype from the truth about the herbal cure for pain, depression, anxiety and insomnia.
You can’t turn on a daytime TV program or flip open a lifestyle magazine without hearing or reading about CBD, short for cannabidiol. It’s the biggest buzzword in holistic health news, and statistically speaking, it is expected to reach around 1.8 billion dollars in U.S. consumer sales by 2022, a whopping increase from around half a billion dollars in 2018.
What exactly is CBD?
CBD is the non-intoxicating component of the cannabis sativa plant. Cannabis plants can either be classified as hemp or marijuana depending on the quantity or percentage of THC in either plant. This distinction was established by the FDA: Cannabis plants with 0.3 percent or less of THC are considered hemp and those with more that 0.3 percent are consider marijuana.
So in a nutshell, CBD that is derived from hemp will not make you high. You should also ask your primary physician about using CBD while taking medications.
Kisha Vanterpool, medical director of Medicinally Jointed, a medical cannabis spa and alternate health practice located in South Philadelphia, says the biggest misconception her patients have is understanding the difference between CBD and THC.
“Some associate CBD solely with cannabis (marijuana) which carries its own stigma of being used to attain a high,” the board-certified internist explains. “But really, cannabis is an herbal medicine that has many benefits. Through educating my patients around the plant as medicine and how it interacts within our bodies, patients then become more open to its use.”
What is CBD used for?
Studies show consumers are using CBD — sold in oils, lotions, balms, bath salts, coffee, oral sprays and gummies — as a specific therapy for pain, anxiety, depression and sleep disorders. Depending on the product, prices range from $20 to $100.
Nira Hyman turned to CBD three years ago to help manage chronic back pain and joint inflammation she’s endured for about 15 years. The 46-year-old was recently diagnosed with an autoimmune disease, a type of rheumatoid arthritis called ankylosing spondylitis, which affects the spine.
“Chronic pain is quite isolating, so I’m open to trying almost anything. My research led me to THC, then to CBD. It helps mute the pain. It’s still there, but the volume of the pain is dialed down. CBD doesn’t manage my pain on its own, but using that along with other stuff on my regimen can make a difference,” she says.
“Most of what I use is handmade. It’s expensive but worth it. Friends ship balms or soaks to me. And yes, the sellers are Black. I believe strongly that Black women belong in the cannabis industry, so the louder our voices the better.”
The Brooklyn, New York, native also uses CBD to alleviate anxiety. “It may be a placebo effect, but I do feel it helps my anxiety. And I prefer using something that’s natural and naturally medicinal. I’d much rather take CBD — and I do use high doses — than opioids. My doctors agree, off the record,” says Hyman.
Vanterpool recommends CBD to her female patients to help them with anxiety, insomnia, hot flashes, menstrual cramps, endometriosis and other chronic pain. When shopping for CBD products, she suggests consumers research the product “to ensure that it truly contains CBD and has been tested for contaminants such as pesticides, bacteria and fungus/mold.”
Is CBD FDA-regulated?
Not currently. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently published a consumer update on its website (FDA.gov) that addresses the claims that cannabinoid (CBD) is a cure-all, risk-free miracle drug.
Although the FDA is presently gathering data from health professionals, cannabis industry representatives and patients to learn more about the efficacy of CBD, the agency wrote, "there are many unanswered questions about the science, safety and quality of products containing CBD.”
Where can I find CBD products in my area, and is it legal in all fifty states?
Remember the 69-year-old grandmother from North Carolina who was arrested at Disney World for packing CBD oil in her purse?
Federal law says CBD oil products are legal to possess if they contain no more than 0.3 percent THC, and CBD products are readily available online. Do your research to find products that are safe, effective and legal. Consumerreports.org has an informative guide. Be aware, however, that some states like Florida, Ohio and Texas generally don’t differentiate hemp from marijuana. So before you purchase or travel with CBD, check the state laws.
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whereiswhatitwas · 2 months
fetal position bathtub Rosemary infused olive oil extra virgin probably and hemp bath salts. red wine waiting for me all because of you, but not for you :P
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How Drawing A Bath Can Be Your New Self-Care Ritual
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We all know the invigorating power of a quick shower. But sometimes, what we really crave is a deeper level of relaxation, a chance to truly unwind and melt away the stress. That's where the magic of drawing a bath comes in.
Let's face it, showers are convenient. They're fast, efficient, and perfect for a busy morning. But compared to a relaxing bath, they often fall short on the self-care front. Taking a bath isn't just about feeling pampered. It offers a surprising range of benefits:
Relaxation: Warm water soothes tired muscles, while the act of soaking itself can ease tension and calm your mind.
Improved Circulation: The warmth promotes blood flow, leaving you feeling energized and refreshed.
Pain Relief: A warm bath can be particularly helpful after a workout or for those dealing with chronic pain.
Better Skin: Warm water opens your pores, allowing for a deeper cleanse. Using natural essential oils and products like Pure Castile Liquid Soap can further enhance your skin's health.
Now that you know the benefits, it's time to create your own personal bath oasis. Here are some tips:
Temperature: Aim for warm, not scalding, water.
Natural Products: Enhance your experience with bath salts, essential oils, or bath bombs. Opt for natural ingredients like lavender for its calming properties. Try the Hemp Lavender Body Wash while soaking. 
Ambiance: Set the mood with candles, essential oils for aromatherapy, or calming music.
Extras: Don't forget a comfy bathrobe and fluffy towels to complete the experience.
Drawing a bath isn't just about hygiene - it's about taking a moment for yourself. So light some candles, put on some relaxing music, and let the stress melt away. After all, you deserve it!
This International Bath Day, ditch the shower routine and create a luxurious bath experience with Dr. Natural's natural bath and body products. From calming scents to nourishing ingredients, Dr. Natural has everything you need to transform your bathroom into a personal sanctuary. So light some candles, put on some relaxing music, and let the stress melt away. Your mind and body will thank you for it!
Bonus Tip: After your bath, use a good quality body lotion to lock in moisture and keep your skin feeling soft and pampered with Dr. Natural’s Pure Castile Body Lotion!
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venovenous · 8 months
I cleaned my whole apartment I took the linens to my parents' place to wash with the good soap and I brought them home as the sun set. before I arrived I stopped at the nice grocery out of the way and bought some bath salts and the cheapest wine possible to balance out the cost of that little luxury. and now I'm soaking in the tub with my old mason jar of wine knowing that when I'm finished I get to lay in my freshly made bed still smells like hemp seed and tea tree. and there's nothing anyone can do about it
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dekeldyes · 9 months
How Natural Dyes Are Made And Used To Create Beautiful, One-Of-A-Kind Projects
Natural dye powders are made from dried and ground plants, minerals, and other natural sources. They are a great eco-friendly and biodegradable way to gently add beautiful hues and patterns to your fabrics, yarns, paper, and other crafts. Unlike synthetic dyes, these natural dye powders have been used for centuries to create color while being gentle on your skin and the environment.
Natural dye powders can produce a range of hues, from vibrant to subtle, depending on the source, mordant, and dyeing process used. This article explores how natural dyes are made and used to create beautiful, one-of-a-kind projects.
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How To Make Natural Dye Powders
Making your natural dye powders can be easy and enjoyable. You can use fresh or dried plant materials like flowers, leaves, roots, bark, seeds, nuts, berries, or even insects to produce dyes. Experimenting with different combinations and ratios of these ingredients lets you create custom colors. Common sources for natural dyes include indigo, madder, turmeric, cochineal bugs, marigold flowers, and walnut hulls.
The dried petals and leaves are chopped and crushed to increase surface area and release more color. They are completely dehydrated to prevent mold and bacterial growth. Drying time varies based on the type and size of the material. The dehydrated materials are then pulverized into fine powders and sifted to remove large pieces and impurities. Different powders can be mixed to create new colors. The powders are stored in airtight containers like glass jars, plastic bags, or metal tins, labeled with the name and manufacturing date. For the best preservation of color and quality, the powder containers should be kept in a cool, dry, dark place.
How To Use Natural Dye Powders
Natural dye powders and synthetic dyes share some similarities in how they are used - both require preparing the fabric or yarn, dissolving the dye powder, and soaking the material in a dye bath. However, natural dyes have some key differences and helpful tips to know:
Before dyeing, wash your fabric or yarn to remove any dirt, oil, or residue that could hinder dye absorption. You can use natural dye powders on natural fibers like cotton, linen, wool, silk, or hemp, but synthetic fibers such as polyester, nylon, or acrylic will not readily absorb the dyes.
To achieve the best results, select an appropriate mordant such as alum, iron, copper, or vinegar to help the dye bond to the fiber and improve colorfastness. Most natural dye powders require a mordant, though some like indigo and walnut do not. Follow the instructions for the mordant and dye to determine the proper amounts and application method. Different mordants produce different color shades and effects.
To create a vivid dye solution, dissolve the natural dye powder in hot water, using enough liquid to fully submerge the material. Stir the solution thoroughly until the powder dissolves evenly. For brighter, more intense colors, add salt or vinegar. Use a pot, bucket, or jar for mixing the dye bath.
To dye your material, immerse it in the simmering dye bath and soak for at least an hour, stirring occasionally. The dyeing time, temperature, and pH of the bath will affect the shade and dyeing effects. You can also use techniques like tie-dye, shibori, or batik to create patterns and designs. 
Rinse the material in cold water until the water runs clear to remove excess dye, then wash it with a mild detergent. Hang the rinsed and washed material to dry in the shade or indoors, avoiding direct sunlight or heat that could fade the color.
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Some Tips And Tricks In The Dyeing Process
Let's find out some tricks to get the best results from your natural dyeing:
Experiment with different dye powders, fabrics, mordants, and methods to create your unique colors and patterns.
Label your pots, spoons, and other utensils to avoid cross-contamination and confusion.
Wear rubber gloves, apron, and mask to protect yourself from stains and fumes.
Use stainless steel, enamel, or glass pots and utensils, as they are non-reactive and easy to clean.
Avoid using aluminum, iron, or copper pots and utensils, as they can alter the color and quality of your dye.
Keep a record of your formulae, measurements, and results, so you can replicate or modify them in the future.
Have fun and enjoy the process of natural dyeing!
Dekel Dyes offers a wonderful selection of natural dye powders to add vibrant or subtle color to your fabrics, yarns, paper, and crafts. These easy-to-use, eco-friendly dyes create a range of beautiful hues to make your projects unique. The biodegradable powders are safe and fun to use. Visit SuzanneDekel.com to learn more about these natural dyes and mordants to create projects that reflect your style and creativity. 
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upinsmokedcdispensary · 11 months
The Best Ways to Incorporate Cannabis into Your Beauty Routine
Cannabis, particularly cannabidiol (CBD), has gained popularity in the beauty industry due to its potential anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and soothing properties. Both cosmetologists and skincare specialists may recommend incorporating cannabis into your beauty routine.
Here are some ways to include cannabis-derived products into your skincare regimen:-
Familiarize yourself with the key compounds found in cannabis, such as CBD, THC, and hemp seed oil. CBD is non-intoxicating and has potential anti-inflammatory and antioxidant benefits, while THC is psychoactive and primarily found in regulated skincare products. Hemp seed oil is rich in fatty acids and vitamins, making it an excellent moisturizer.
Look for quality products:-
Choose reputable brands that provide third-party lab test results for their products, ensuring the purity, potency, and absence of contaminants. Look for full-spectrum or broad-spectrum CBD products, as they contain a range of cannabinoids and terpenes that work together to provide optimal benefits.
Incorporate CBD-infused cleansers:-
Start your skincare routine with a CBD-infused facial cleanser to benefit from its potential soothing and anti-inflammatory properties. These cleansers may help reduce redness and irritation while effectively removing dirt, oil, and makeup.
Add CBD serums and oils:-
CBD serums and facial oils can be applied after cleansing and toning to nourish and hydrate the skin. They may help to reduce inflammation, balance sebum production, and promote a more even skin tone. Apply a few drops of the serum or oil to your face, gently massaging it in for better absorption.
Use CBD moisturizers and creams:-
Moisturizing is a crucial step in any skincare routine. Opt for a CBD-infused moisturizer or cream to provide your skin with hydration and additional benefits, such as combating dryness, irritation, and signs of aging.
Protect your skin with CBD sunscreen:-
Sun protection is essential for maintaining healthy skin. Some sunscreens now include CBD, which may offer additional antioxidant protection against environmental stressors. Choose a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher and apply it daily, even on cloudy days.
Treat your skin with CBD face masks:-
Pamper your skin with CBD-infused face masks that can help address specific skin concerns like acne, inflammation, or dryness. These masks may deliver targeted treatment while also providing the soothing and calming benefits of CBD.
Address eye concerns with CBD eye cream:-
The delicate skin around your eyes requires specialized care. CBD eye creams can help reduce puffiness, dark circles, and fine lines by harnessing the anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties of CBD.
Incorporate CBD lip care:-
Dry, chapped lips can benefit from the nourishing effects of CBD lip balms and treatments. These products may help to soothe, repair, and protect your lips while providing a dose of CBD.
Explore CBD haircare:-
Cannabis-derived ingredients like CBD and hemp seed oil are also being incorporated into hair care products, such as shampoos, conditioners, and hair masks. These ingredients may promote a healthier scalp, reduce inflammation, and provide nourishment and shine to your hair.
Try CBD bath products:-
Indulge in a relaxing bath with CBD-infused bath bombs, salts, or bubble baths. These products can help to soothe your skin, relax your muscles, and promote a sense of overall wellbeing.
Don't forget about topicals:-
For localized relief from pain, inflammation, or skin conditions like eczema or psoriasis, consider using CBD topicals, such as creams, balms, or salves. Apply these products directly to the affected area for targeted relief.
Up in Smoke DC is one of the most prominent cannabis delivery service in the Washington, DC area established in 2019. We are an initiative-71 delivery service company with a mission to provide a safe and reliable access to both medical and recreational cannabis.
We offer high quality products with wide variety of selections, from top growers across the nation. Since the first day in business we have always strived to make the customer’s experience, an excellent one. We are determined to provide service completely within the confines of the law.
Our team is well experianced, professional, knowledgeable and attentive to each individual clients personal needs to provide an unforgettable experience.
Our couriers are dependable, punctual and professional.
Customer satisfaction is always our highest priority. You can contact us on  (202) 957-3496 or www.upinsmokedc.com for doorstep or Kerbside pick up. For in Store please make an appointment, we have 5 locations across Washington DC.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/upinsmokedcdispensary
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/upinsmokedcdispensary
Website:   https://www.upinsmokedc.com/
Google:  https://bit.ly/3QNRO6N
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elfgarlic · 11 months
had a busy chore and errand filled day, now relaxing with a blueberry pomegranate kombucha and a foot bath with hemp oil epsom salts and tea tree oil
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ambassadoralexa77 · 1 year
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CBD Bath Bombs 200mg £7.99
Let your day’s tension and stress melt away with our CBD-infused Bath Bombs. Using essential oils and active botanicals, including lavender, chamomile, lemongrass, eucalyptus, mango, arnica, peppermint, spearmint, and other skin-pampering ingredients, like shea butter and Hawaiian black salt, these blissful bombs give your muscles, joints, and skin the attention and love they deserve. Having a spa day? Make sure to add skin-pampering CBD Foot Masks or our Calming and Moisturising CBD Balm Stick!
CBD Bath Bombs
* 99% pure CBD isolate
* Vegan & cruelty-free
* Contains no harsh dyes to stain your tub or irritate the skin
* Soothing formula with lavender oil & Hawaiian black salt for softening & detoxifying 
* Recharge formula with eucalyptus & spearmint oils to ease sore muscles & joints
* Calming formula with lemongrass & chamomile to help you relax & unwind
* Hydrating formula with mango & shea butter to nourish dry, stressed skin
What Are CBD Bath Bombs?
CBD Bath Bombs are a specially formulated bath bombs that are infused with cannabidiol. Our CBD Bath Bombs contain 200mg of calming, wellness-boosting CBD isolate, plus a potent blend of herbs and essential oils. Our four signature bath bombs—Soothing Lavender, Recharge Eucalyptus, Calming Lemongrass & Chamomile, and Hydrating Mango & Shea Butter—create an wonderfully refreshing bathing experience, leaving you satisfied physically and spiritually. And with no dyes to irritate your skin or stain your tub, you’ll emerge relaxed and renewed.
How to Use a CBD Bath Bomb
To use a CBD Bath Bomb, simply drop the product in warm water, and then swirl it around with your hand or foot, allowing the bomb to slowly fizzle until it’s completely dissolved. Then, simply enjoy your bath, soaking in all the benefits of a CBD topical as it absorbs into the pores of your skin. 
In general, you can aim for your bath to last somewhere between 20 and 40 minutes to get the full CBD benefits. But there shouldn’t be a problem if you choose to linger a bit longer, beyond wrinkly skin, of course. One CBD bomb should be enough for your needs, depending on the amount of water and the size of your tub. However, if you do choose to use more than one bath bomb at a time, we recommend sticking with the same formula, so you can feel one consistent effect.
Explore Our Bath Bomb Collection
Our CBD Bath Bombs come in four skin-pampering formulas, each containing 200mg of 99% pure CBD isolate.
Soothing Lavender
Recharge Eucalyptus
Calming Lemongrass & Chamomile
Hydrating Mango & Shea Butter
Why Choose CBDfx Bath Bombs?
At CBDfx, we’re committed to providing the highest quality in all of our CBD products. It’s the reason that our CBD Bath Bombs are made with only non-GMO CBD, as well as natural herbs and essential oils, to ensure your bathing experience is a pure and satisfying one. We also avoid using dyes, as some can contain harmful chemicals that can stain your tub or irritate your skin.
And because our CBD Bath Bombs are infused with only the highest-grade CBD, you can be assured that every mg of CBD oil in your product is of the absolute purest quality for maximum safety and effectiveness.
After harvesting the non-GMO hemp, we extract the CBD oil using a clean, state-of-the-art process. This allows us to draw out highly purified CBD in the cleanest and most efficient manner possible, giving you a CBD product free of harmful impurities and delivering the full potency of the hemp plant. You can verify the purity and potency of your product by looking at the Certificate of Analysis (COA), an independent, third-party lab report confirming every mg of its contents. At CBDfx, your safety and satisfaction are our top priorities!
#bathandbody #skincare #handmade #selfcare #smallbusiness #soap #bath #bathbombs #bathbomb #naturalskincare #shopsmall #bathtime #bathandbodyworks #beauty #handmadesoap #bodycare #vegan #natural #bodybutter #bathproducts #soapmaking #crueltyfree #supportsmallbusiness #artisansoap #essentialoils #bathart #handcrafted #skincareroutine #organic #bodyscrub
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hellushriya · 1 year
Uttarakhand Hemp & Organic - SHOP
Uttarakhand Hemp is dedicated to promoting and selling hemp-based products in the region of Uttarakhand. We offer a wide range of products derived from the versatile hemp plant, including clothing, accessories, skincare, and nutritional supplements. We emphasize the eco-friendly and sustainable nature of Hemp cultivation which is also beneficial to various industries. We aim to support local farmers by promoting hemp farming and creating a market for their products.
We are one of the best online shops for hemp products,  Overall, we serve as a platform to raise awareness about the benefits of hemp and support the growth of the hemp industry in Uttarakhand.  For more deep insight into our shop and the products we sell you can visit our website - https://uttarakhandhemp.com/shop
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We sell products like - Hemp seeds, CBD Wellness based oils, Natural Cosmetics like - Hand Crafted luxury bath soap, Hemp soap for men, Organic Food like immunity boosters, Ayurvedic sugar, Himalayan hand & foot butter, Himalayan crystal salt, Black Soy, White Soy, Lentils, and many more. 
Uttarakhand Hemp is working on the sole agenda of promoting hemp farming as a sustainable source of income for hill farmers. This will help reverse Social migration and have a positive impact on the environment by bringing barren lands under cultivation.
  #LuxurySoaps #HandmadeSoaps #UttarakhandHempandOrganics #NaturalSoap #OrganicSoap #SoapCombo #HimalayanOrganic #OrganicProducts #HimalayanGoodness #PureNature #NaturalLiving #HimalayanHerbs #EcoFriendly #SustainableLiving #HimalayanWellness #HealthyLifestyle
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