#her moots and followers who ignore her are JUST as bad as her
whatsyaname · 4 months
I can't reveal who i am but i used to be a ex moot of tee (@/saetoru) and i don’t care if this seems cowardly to make a page just to call her out. after seeing lots of people share their experiences with tee i’d like to also add and show some of the stuff she’s done to remind people she’s not as angelic as she makes herself out to be.
me and tee weren’t close as she was with her little clique (they know who they are) and other people but the main reason we aren’t moots anymore is because i broke the mutual. after seeing a callout post about her way back in oct. 2023 with other people’s stories in the thread of reblogs / link (i’m sure you guys saw)
i simply didn’t wanna be associated with someone like that. i was just confused why tee was acting like it wasn’t her fault. she said she doesn’t have to provide proof because she doesn’t owe anyone anything when that doesn’t make sense. because if you’re gonna accuse someone, always provide proof otherwise it’s safe to assume you’re lying.
this was Tee’s response back in october to her being called out by one of her old moots also, she deleted this a few days before she returned to make it seem like nothing happened but oh it did. i’m putting this here for people to see again (if you already haven’t) because just look at this.
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this is what a narcissistic manipulator sounds like!
the biggest thing that made me scratch my head was for her to immediately bring up past drama to redirect the situation and make herself seem like the good person, and address the other party as a “white girl who blackfishes,” and she tried taking the attention off her to bring up palestine.
are you serious? if she so called “blackfished” why were you supporting/defending her in the first place? shouldn’t you be in the wrong too? the party she was talking about didn’t even blackfish, from what i can recall it was a simple tan so again, this was Tee reaching and blowing things way out of proportion.
she keeps mentioning some random bnha blog but never gives the @ so she’s probably lying. how are you gonna accuse someone of plagiarism then your only evidence is “oh me and my moots saw the whole thing, so you know i’m not lying.” girl bffr. and for her to even say something as childish and stupid as “she’s stolen ppl’s skin tones and she’s stolen their ideas. not much to left to take besides your identity at that!”
you and i both read that right? this is a supposed 20+ year old, saying something as kiddish as that. she even exposed the persons @ in the tags and why did she do that? so she can make her thousands of followers / anons spam their inbox with threats, derogatory names, and literally anything else. and she has the nerve to say she’s not enabling that kind of behavior with her audience. she’s abusing her following and it’s showing.
and for her to sit there and say it’s not her fault for being in her own space and name dropping people without actually name dropping them is just absurd. subposting is the lowest of the low. If you’re gonna talk shit at least put the url while you’re at it. people can tell who you’re talking about even if you’re being discrete.
She has a private blog called @/clorindes where she uses it to "vent" and bash writers and laugh it off with her moots and even followers.
i know of this particular blog because like many others, if you followed tee that blog (her private) would appear in ‘blogs like…’ or ‘recommended to follow.’ after tee got called out, she privated it but it’s still up.
(i recommend blocking that blog) because i’m sure she’ll activate it again once things settle. i hope that’s not the case because how many drama, discourse posts, call outs does it take for her to fully leave this platform? this is chronically online mentality at its finest.
it’s been an ongoing rumor that tee has this tumblr 'burn book' to blacklist writers on this platform and it’s proven to be true. some of tees even own mutuals are in there, and its just embarrassing. you have to constantly remind yourself this is a 20+ y/o person acting like this, out of all platforms, tumblr…
i remember a while back tee drove off a few blogs just for having the same theme concepts as her. (is that even a thing?) like tee used to have instagram themes i think, yet when she found other blogs having the same, she’d send her thousands of anons to harass that person, and be so butthurt over a theme.
not gonna lie, her themes are generically basic and doesn’t even look like it takes much effort. so what is there to copy. i’m not saying copying themes are good and okay, but she takes things too far. i can see if it’s writing, but a theme or a layout? i just find it so mind boggling people stick by her side and support her still.
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from her old blog she’d always say sneaky comments like these and laugh it up with her mutuals in the comments. it’s really…something, because why do you care what those writers do? she reeks of jealousy and envy, literally look at her tone.
“we all know yall just want the notes and numbers.” um, yeah? everyone wants recognition on their work, it feels good to know your works being appreciated. and her jab at shading writers who write half paragraphs was so unnecessary. because again, why do you care? how are those writers hyping each other up seen as ‘shady’ or ‘fishy’ behavior? just say you’re jealous and go.
she acts like she doesn’t do the exact same thing with her cult of friends on tumblr, spamming the tags with wtv.
miss tee, flat out you’re a nobody.
you have no right to judge how someone write. who cares if you have 30k+ followers on this old ass site. congrats ….i guess? in the real world, you’re just a miserable person who likes torturing people online.
she has this thing of coming after upcoming big blogs, if i’m not mistaken, the most recent one was a known jjk writer, kazu _____ another was a popular multi account munson____, and there were multiple others i’m sure. her following count boosts her ego a lot, that i can see. and she thinks it’s okay to say whatever and not get held accountable. well now she is.
notice how she came back to tumblr after a two month hiatus, turned anons on then back off. and shes been inactive for a few days. she’s running away from the drama because she knows exactly it’s no one’s fault but hers.
if you look through the long thread i linked earlier, actually read through the reblogs. if multiple various ppl are coming out to share their experiences (with receipts) chances are you should be able to tell who’s lying! she needs to be stopped and ran off the app, not those blogs who didn’t do anything. tee’s been involved with drama for a long time like i said before, way back in her tokyo rev/hq era in her @/hanmas era. so about three to four years ago.
it’s been said tee and her mutuals send anons to harass other writers and i wouldn’t be surprised if that’s true.
again, it’s a shame you have to remind yourself this is a grown woman in her twenties acting like this on tumblr. it’s sickening and she needs to grow up, and get the hell off this platform before she drives anyone else off.
thats all! thank you for reading
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dilfhos · 8 months
sooo this is gonna be a messy rant on the observations ive made between different writer communities, blog interactions and overall “status”. just silly little things I’ve noticed in my 4+ years being on tumblr btwn 2 diff blogs. and this is about no one specific, a very generalized post so if you find urself offended i honestly dont know what to tell you?? :o do better ig. & if you relate, i feel for you. TLDR @/end.
i dont like interacting/ building connections with people but not for the reasons ppl think. im not stuck up or pretentious or weird or anything. just another anime-enjoyer who loves to write in her free time. nobody special by a longshot!! i enjoy writing, always have since before i was a teen. (wasn’t always ff tho!).
but over the years ive just noticed fandom writing has its gritty sides that no one talks about often and its no mystery why so many prolific/ popular writers deactivated, me included. i had some shitty experiences and have seen friends go bc of it.
firstly, I’ve noticed, once you start interacting and building friendships with people, it’s easier to see the bigger perspective of where ppl stand and the blatant hierarchy of friendships and groups. same applies to that outside. like its literally just me n’ my bsf then my acquaintances bc mfs be weirddd omg its like cults or something. like thats why initially I didn’t interact w/anyone starting on my new blog. that n’ fear of drama following from my last blog ugh. ‘Cept the few i’ve met on my old blog (like my wifey)
not to mention i have bad anxiety. and sometimes im cue-deaf. i dont always pick up what people put down and vice versa and it makes me conscious in a lot of my interactions. so a part of me doesn’t want to interact at all to avoid all awkwardness and possible miscommunications. that’s not to say i don’t notice subtle changes in interactions after one situation / conversation or so forth, that in myself or witnessed between other ppl. (im perceptive, just not that good conversationalist lol. like i really have to try.)
but then…if you don’t interact with people on here, your chances of building an audience or a reader base is slim to none. the likelihood of developing relationships is zip. because you’re already perceived and pegged as just another tumblr writer. pause. to clarify, a writer who doesn’t want any recognition or interactions from mutuals or new friends. or just a lonely writer? a introverted, lonely writer. which leads to little to none interactions (anons, reblogs, moots —exposure.)
so then its like you’re kinda placed btwn a rock n a hard place. and there’s absolutely no problem with that! in fact this is the best part—meeting friends and like-minded people! people that make being online all the more worth it right? thirsting over fictional characters and sharing in each other’s works!
but you have to be in specific circles it seems. but then you can’t imply that you want to be in those circles bc then you’re desperate.
but well, then you cant purposefully want to be independent or be on your own or else you’re a hater, hypocrite or stuck up. not to mention, no one will reblog your stuff lol. no one will interact fr, and you’re friendless essentially. and god forbid if you disagree on something as if opinions don’t exist btw! then you’re being ganged up on. (like omg grow up!)
but then if you reach out you’re seen as trying to wedge in or kiss ass? you interact and follow and you’re ignored or left hanging? (bc im gonna touch your hand when i say this—it never gave fan, your majesty of horny nerds) and this is about ALL the writing communities and fandoms��spicy content, black content and dark content. ALL.
yet no one wants to talk about the pregnant elephant in the room—bias. and favoritism. also people seem to have a hard time being direct with how they’re feeling toward/about someone ( in a good or bad way) which in turn leads to a lot of miscommunication and subliminal attacks. (not to mention hate anons? one of my moots just had her inbox flooded w/them recently, ew.)
you can lead a horse to water AND you can write a 500-word essay on the observations made on tumblr writers as a whole. (a long ass post on the truth on behalf of those feeling this too)
also, slapping a HEY LOOK AT ME! IM A WRITER WHO WANTS INTERACTION AND FRIENDS! on a blog is frankly embarrassing. it shouldn’t even take all that seeing how easy it is for others wanting the same thing.
or doing less to achieve the same result.
not to mention, yall shit on ppl who essentially feel this way altogether bc you peg them as sb who doesn’t “try” or just jealous when their own works are phenomenally written themselves. ive seen it. and ive lived it. never gave jealousy baby.
at the end of the day, we’re all writers— either longterm or hobbyists. (personally, im longterm) self-indulgent or not! and its absolutely amazing when people are being fair in how they spread love and feedback to their writers.
Secondly, its not news that people have to want to reblog your fics so that their followers can reblog, so they can reblog, and their followers can reblog and so forth. but ppl honestly dont care atp bc once they’ve already read it, they owe you nothing. and apparently asking for reblogs is crass and bold. (imma do it anyway) but putting your very all into a story just to turn and see a half-thought out hc soaring 3k in 2hrs and 5k in a day — you have to stfu, open your ass and take it. keep it cute!
you’re getting fucked after all!!
because if you complain—you’re just jealous and lazy and uncreative!! and i hate that to seem like a writer worth a damn, you have to change up your writing style every two weeks to fit in with trending waves.
“no more poetic long fics, nobody’s into that! short, snappy slutty shots are all the rage!” “ppl are only into these specific tropes but you can’t exceed 2k words!” “only add trending characters to these hcs! ppl love them only!” “don’t write too much about a specific character or else ill unfollow you!” its exhausting.
i am well within my right as a literary artist to desire more feedback and interaction on anything i put out. period. and you are too! 🫵
God, im tired of that stupid, ‘you have to enjoy your writing for yourself and not worry about notes’ line. i do love my writing! don’t get me wrong there’s nobody id rather write like if not myself fr. not to mention the inspiration i draw from famous literary authors. however, i would love feedback and the same energy that i see with others in my same caliber.
and when i see others that didn’t even try fr—its a slap in the face to put it bluntly.
i can want silly little comments and notes about something i cherish and put out for that reason and yall aren’t gonna make me feel bad about it. sorry! like yall really be making people feel shitty for wanting the same type of interactions you get! especially when its harmless, bye asf. nb want to recipe to ur peach cobbler b!
the only one giving push back are those appointed popular /top blogs n’ cliques tho. now personally, i honestly dgaf if you have 20 followers or 25k, writing is writing and if its good you should want to support it regardless of following count/interaction right?
unfortunately, and quite unsurprisingly its not the case for the rest of this hellhole lol. there’s always gonna be some “big blog” in any part of tumblr or any social media for that matter.
but when the sole purpose being on a site like tumblr to write is mainly exposure, then it just makes it ten times worse especially if it seems that these blogs are steady at the top of every. single. tag. and listen, i know how initially stupid that sounds but when you’ve picked up on patterns for as long as i have, well iykyk.
so imma be real bc no one else will, half of the posts that yall see with 25k notes have alr been done. just different characters, different words, different dialogue. And 8/10 its been done by sb who only received 100 notes. Thats the evil part. whats more is that it lacks the creativity the one post with 100-300 notes is filled with completely.
POP QUIZ! what post would readers be more inclined to read? — one that says 10k (ohhh that must be popular!) or the one with only 150 (oh i guess nb really liked that one) that no one is even willing to reblog for MORE. and BOOM. now yall wonder why so many great writers LEAVE, its a fucking joke.
so unfortunately its no longer only about or only on readers anymore. its about who you know and who you know is willing to support your fr. who is willing to REBLOG your fics for their friends and followers, so that their friends and followers can reblog. to fit in you actually have to get in these days and it makes it all less enjoyable. makes it a chore and if you aren’t ‘doing it right’ ultimately it makes you feel shitty about your writing. (Please don’t, you are doing amazing. its the platform.)
it makes people not want to jump into writing. it pushes away those who actually want to join writing communities and meet people without feeling like they have to jump thru hoops to thrive or worse—live in other ppls shadows. and then it deters those from speaking up in fear of being shut down by bigger groups. ive seen it happen time and time again.
lastly, and this is the juiciest part! you absolutely cannot say anything about any of this bc you’re complaining and a fisher just looking for attention and not someone who just want things to be fair all over. play the game, right? ( wrong. and if this is your logic, you suck! )
its no longer about making flashy banners and pretty themes. its no longer about how many clever directory links you add or how many games you initiate on your blog or whether or not you’ve reblogged your fic three times already. its about your “friends”, other mutuals, and blogs willing to support you too. not just the audience. audience gonna do what they want regardless. reblog, don’t reblog, whatever. “at least ive read it right?” but everyone knows this. duh! but it’s obvious who doesn’t care as long as they’re on top of that tag! its admirable in a way but it sucks for those wanting to break out and build some kind of readerbase and/or make friends.
TLDR; people need to stop being bias and be fair and open lol. stop picking favorites and share the love all around. you see another person writing your favorite character or trope, give them a fucking chance and reblog, regardless if they’re in your ‘circle’ / radar or not. regardless if you know them or not. hell, let them put you on to a new fandom. bc writing is writing and making new moots and finding new fics seem to be what everyone loves to showcase until its time to actually do it. no wonder people get discouraged to make friends and write, yall treat it like some kind of secret society when its supposed to be fun💀 not a competition. (yall need to dead this clique-y shit. )
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thedvilsinthedetails · 3 months
I hate being high masking bc then ppl always assume ur absolutely fine even if ur not and as soon as you act ‘not fine’ because it actively gets too much and u can’t pretend ur fine anymore ppl get so pissed with you like you’ve suddenly turned into a completely different person and it’s like huh glad to know as soon as I’m not ok you hate me and as soon as I’m quiet you forget I exist thanks
I mean not being high masking is probably worse bc you get a lot more outward hate so I think the problem is just ppl being shitty
in the words of an autistic friend of mine who’s in a friend group actually full of neurodivergent ppl ‘get better friends, get friends who aren’t pussies’
Get friends who won’t take it personally if ur not at ur best, won’t ignore it or treat u like shit but also won’t constantly pester you like it’s something that can be controlled
So yeah for my neurodivergent moots, followers or just anyone who sees this post
get better friends, get friends who aren’t pussies
(obvi a lot harder than it sounds ik and it’s not ur fault if ur in a bad friend group but be aware that if ur friends don’t care about you when ur overstimulated or whatever it is, don’t care about all ur little tics and shit u need better friends, you DESERVE better friends)
also a reminder that mental health conditions such as depression, anxiety, OCD etc are also all forms of neurodivergence, ur not just being dramatic and making it up. Ur brain works differently from other people’s.
(obvi everyone deserves friends that treat them right not just neurodivergent people but I’m just very aware of the fact that neurodivergent people often find themselves clinging to bad friend groups because we’ve essentially been conditioned to believe that it’s too needy to expect our friends to care about our neurodivergence and that it’s our fault for being too different. E.g. had a friend who told me to stop making neurodivergence my whole personality when I was on the brink of a mental breakdown - stayed ‘best friends’ with her for a year [she also constantly belittled me and treated me like I was stupid], and if ur being constantly told to calm down or talk less but the moment you do talk less you get ignored or [lirerally physically] pushed to the edge of a group, nuh uh honey that’s TOXIC)
actually yk what I might start doing a small series of posts or smth that reminds ppl what friends should actually act like bc I feel like a lot of people have too low standards and if ur the type of person who says ‘you shouldn’t have standards that you compare your friends to’ ur probably a problem friend
remember everyone is flawed and people and friends won’t be perfect all the time but if they’re never even TRYING then something is wrong
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moonjxsung · 3 months
STAR IM DEVASTATED so i have a priv twt acc right w some irls and this stay from stayville req-ed me a long time ago and i was soooo happy that i was mutuals w someone from stayville and i THOUGHT everything between us was cool? but today they unfollowed me and removed me as a follower and im devastated i dunno why they did that :((( i don't think they had a problem w me saying nsfw stuff cuz they previously tweeted things like "cancelling someone over saying smth nsfw abt an adult is stupid" and also ive seen them interact w nsfw minsung posts so i dunno if me tweeting smth like "i wanna suck flxs cock sooooo bad" couldve made them wanna break the mutual??? i dmed them too and i was like "heyy is there a reason you don't wanna be moots w me anymore </3" and not even minutes later they turned off their message perms and im devastated. its STUPID bcs they'd barely interact w me Sure but it felt nice to have a stay be my friend on my priv twt that's usually just for my irls and i </3 it's ironic that they did that too bcs just earlier today (before they broke the mutual) i noticed that my followers went down (i have a very low amt already. like. 25. not even joking) and i tweeted "yall dont wanan be friends w me anymore </3" bcs like. my followers are QUITE LITERALLY only my irls + a skz writer so i was (i think rightfully??) alarmed that the number went down!!!! man im just Sad about it and SIIIGH i know i shouldnt care so much bcs at the end of the day they're just a person online but the least they could've done was dm me back and explain why and GHFSDDSJHFKJADDSDSAAAAA you get me!?!! also im sorry i dropped this on you randomly feel free to ignore LMAAOOAOAO can i be 💫 anon? thank yew <3
(Adding 💫 to the anon list!!! Also fun fact that’s my favorite emoji of all time. Slay)
I feel like I’m the LAST person who should be giving advice abt this bc one of my mutuals and a very good friend of mine who I’d been talking to every day randomly blocked me on everything this week after me literally being there to console this person for every little thing and playing into this pretend homoerotic friendship we had even though she was clearly looking for another boyfriend and would get mad if I even called another girl pretty (???) I wish nothing but the absolute best for her but like…. The double standard is WILD. to not provide closure to a months-long friendship is just genuinely a very mean spirited thing to do imo.
(If she’s reading this, best of luck with everything and I hope you know I cared for you a lot more than you think I did. I distanced myself because you were clearly looking for someone to fill a void in your life that I could simply not fulfill, and I didn’t want to lead you on, nor be kept around like I wasn’t allowed to talk to other girls either. Regardless, I hope you know I used to sleep with my phone on full volume in case you called, and I deleted a page worth of poetry in my notes app for you I meant to deliver on your birthday. I also deleted your number so I have zero way of contacting you, but I will always be here if you need me. Take care and I love you always, I hope you still see me when you look up at the moon)
It’s not the first time I’ve lost an internet friend to the magical world of blocking, but fortunately the attitude I’ve developed towards it is that none of this is real!!! These are people on the internet miles away you’ve never met irl and they have no real impact in your life whether they remain following you or not. I’ve lost internet friends nearly a decade ago that I don’t even remember anymore. Better ones will come along!!! Especially stays! This fandom has so many beautiful remarkable people who are actually worth following and they wouldn’t cut you off like that. Sending so many positive vibes your way and I KNOW that the universe will send you some better mutuals. In the meanwhile I will be your internet bestie and I would never unfollow you for nsfw content or without some form of an explanation. And I also want to suck Felix’s dick. 🩷🫶
(I love you, don’t be so hard on yourself!!!! You’re wonderful, angel 🩷 anyone would be lucky to be moots with you)
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reminiscingtonight · 9 months
It's probably naive thinking this but do you think that the bastard I refuse to say his name to I call him cuss words instead pressured the ones that came back to do so? Cause we know he created a toxic, abusive environment; I kinda wouldn't put it past him to do so. Cause at least for Sandra and her gf? is part of the coaching staff for a club team in Barcelona. Cause he has done all things things why wouldn't he threaten them?
I'm gonna put my answer under the cut cuz it got realllly long 😅
I mean I wouldn't put it past him to do something like that. The federation was already threatening a ban if players turned down a call up. And we all know how players would prefer to play in a successful domestic league (as Liga F kinda is).
For Alexia it made sense she got the call up, she was never part of the 15 (tho she gave her support), which meant there was a threat to her career in Barcelona. For those who no longer play(ed) in Spain, it would make sense that they would eventually want to return, as Ona did, so they basically had to "play nice" with the federation. (This is ignoring the other obvious personal reasons some returned, such as the honor of playing in the world cup or the chance of winning the ballon d'or)
Personally I feel like V*lda was waiting for something good to happen so he has the excuse to publicly slay these players more than he already has.
The biggest issue that arose when the originally 15 sent the letter was the outrage that followed. Although the federation stood strong they probably knew it would look extremely bad to just completely oust and cut ties with them (hence the "publicly apologize and we'll think about letting you return" statement). It was def a gamble, going forth with a very young team to face the US. Losing would mean the federation would face more pressure to enact change, so the Spanish team beating the US (which let's be honest, wasn't a hard thing to do) was probably the start of the end bc it gave him and the federation the validation needed to stay strong in their stance.
I personally feel like it's a waiting game now. Unfortunately it's looking dimmer and dimmer, the hope of the 3 who stood firm in their choice as well as those in the 12 who didn't get called up to ever go back to the national team. Further action against these players (a ban in the league or retaliation in any shape or form) will probably follow close after a WC win.
(Tho i think we can all agree that even with a WC final loss, the federation will villanfy these players even more. Especially the 3)
Also another side note, I think after being in the Champions League final 3 times in 3 years as well as winning the Champions League twice, the federation is more than aware of the extra eyes on Barcelona. Sanctions against the club or its players need to come very carefully, which is probably why we haven't seen more retaliation actions against those players. A WC win would probably make Barcelona's success seem more moot, which might result in the federation thinking they can move forward with sanctions
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holyshonks · 10 months
I finished Outcasts
It was pretty good, which is about what I expected.
The Good:
It was great to see Thel and Vale again, and in many ways, the book felt like catching up with friends more than it felt like a book about a superweapon threatening the galaxy, which wasn't unwelcome.
We also get nods to other plot points that almost felt like 343 was saying "No, we didn't forget about this", such as callbacks to the fact that ONI funded the Servants, and the findings on Heian, but then, there's no follow up.
I thought Thel's character was handled well, and all the things we know and love about him were on display: that he's a progressive leader, that he enjoys a healthy relationship with humanity (and Vale in particular) and that he has fully come into his role as an advocate for peace. I enjoyed riding along with him, seeing how he handled the various personalities thrown at him, from putting misogynistic kaidons in their place, grappling with the suspicious Petrov, conniving 'Ayomuu, and the fanatic 'Kvarosee. Although we don't learn anything groundbreaking, I think Thel is the star of the show, and the best parts of the book were his observations.
We also got various "status checks" of characters, such as that Rtas, Usze, Kola, and N'tho are all alive and kicking, but not much else. We see what Atriox was up to, which has implications that may or may not be moot by Infinite's timeline.
I would be interested to know when this book started development. While I understand that 343 couldn't very well completely ignore Cortana's Created timeline, I was happy to. As usual, the Guardians exist merely as a timing device: something to give the characters a sense of urgency but do not make an appearance. If development started before the plan to nuke the Guardians in Infinite, I understand why this book exists. If not, why?
I generally was enjoying the story (unpopular opinion: of the Master Chief trilogy, Oblivion was my favorite, and I actually really wanted to know what was going on with Petrov and the Covenant stragglers) until:
The Bad
Who the hell are The Nothing? What is the point of yet another ancient civilization capable of taking on the Forerunners? And why do we need both them and the Endless? I just can't reconcile this if the book was in development at the same time as Infinite. I don't mind universes that feature multiple factions with competing interests: it gives the universe a sense of scale. But what do The Nothing provide that we could not get from the Endless, or the Created, or even the Banished?
The book somehow acknowledges that there are many unexplored loose ends that the fans would like to hear more about, while opting to introduce yet another new faction.
What I thought I was going to get was a "open and shut" standalone story (or a spiritual successor to Oblivion) that would let me catch up with my favs, and in many ways that is what it is, but the ending, and the realization that we're being introduced to a new faction yet again...just, why?
The "Other"
Usze and Vale bait and switch. Usze promptly disappears from the story.
Caleb-095 is Vale's dad?? What are the implications of this??
I've mentioned this previously, but Iyuska mentions that her rival got funding for a San'Shyuum research project, and Thel mentions that Rtas is also still looking for them.......next book???
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quinnick · 1 year
The end of the year is near! Give a shoutout to your favorite blogs and tag them to spread positivity before the year ends! (from: a secret anon)
Okay, here goes nothing. Sorry if I miss anyone because I am speed running this with 28 minutes exactly until 2023 !!!
Without further a-do (yes? no? yes? no?), in no particular order, my list
@kidovna - just like... They make art on a different level. I love all their art and may have felt super cool when they followed me back. I love all her art an unrealistic amount and just follow for some cool art and a nice person <3
@nnilkyway - Like, he's just so cool and sweet and truly has a unique art style. I think all their art is super squishable. (Sorry, I want to pick it up and squish it all that one gif of someone petting a cat). I love seeing his art so much and also, every time I see one of their outfits I get a little jealous honestly. Love ya mwah /p
@sleepymrshmllow - cuddly art. Seriously, I wanted to squish yvie's art but Kas' art is just cuddle up with 40 blankets with hot coco and just stare at their art for eternity. I love it all and by far my favorite drawings of Mike in a skirt. Love to see it.
@strangeswift - Mwah mwah mwah (I am obsessed with mwahing right now ignore me). Obsessed with her writing forever and ever and ever and ever and -[gunshot] She's official now with her AO3 and has the most perfect Byler fluff fic up like.... shut up forever politely. Super sweet and I always love chatting with her. Everyone send her extra love because she is sick right now, btw. Always super supportive and sends me free pics of animals. I just... mwah mwah. My 2022 would have been a little lonelier without her
@elekinetic - firing all other script writers. They are the most script writer ever. They are also super nice and supportive and mwah mwah. Like, seriously. I said I wanted to try script writing and she helped me at least get some good places to start and honestly they are just so passionate about their craft and I love that. I love ya Ella /p. And yeah, super sweet as always also does some bomb edits and mood boards. I am seriously obsessed and like can't believe we are moots and friends because she is built better then me
@untitled-byler-blog - my fav fr. Love chatting with her and just got the cozy vibes. Has a lot of killer fic that makes for great bed time stories (sorry, I always say your fics are bed time story material because I love them). Forever stuck enjoying all her fics. Truly the only one who should be allowed on AO3 ever /j. A super nice person tho who I think deserves a hug. Mwah love ya /p
@ratt-duffer - RATT, sadly Ratt is in prison. Next /j /inside joke (forgot the / for that). Seriously tho!! Everyone follow them and watch their edits and read his analyses NOW. And also the track mood board?? only acceptable Will sports hc I accept forever and ever and ever. Such a sweet person and deserves all the hugs, highfives, or whatever they would prefer. thank you. Good day
Speed run because 5 minutes until midnight
@crazycoven - hasn't been super byler active at the moment but I think it the inventor of MIWI? i am not making that up? Either way, the best person forever and ever and he makes me want to watch breaking bad. I do not like breaking bad akjfhgkfhkjf <3333
@frodohaven - the coolest blog ever forever and ever. I mean?? The name??? MUST I SAY MORE???? So sweet so sweet
@finalgirlbyers - has the best url choices ever. Funny, cool, correct, and most importantly, the best ever. So a fun person. Love seeing her random posts and how many names can get said to her. Always a treat to see her on my dash. much love forever and ever mwah <3 /p
@mlchaelwheeler - We haven't talked in a minute but always love your posts hope you know you can never change your pfp. I connect you to it forever. Seriously love seeing them on my dash. Forever and ever love ya <33333 /p
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tweed-tune-on-friday · 7 months
Big announcement for my blog [plus updates and boundaries]
Hello Everyone this week has been a fantastic week for me I recently got a new pet (a hamster and her name is Dakota) I am so freaking happy right now I could scream and I have a four-day weekend so go me it’s just been an amazing year for me. I’m not here to gloat or anything so I’m just going to get into it this post is just to restate my boundaries and inform the people who follow me what’s going to happen moving forward with this blog I’m also feeling a lot about myself I am now a multifandom person. I love all Fandoms, but the phantoms I’m primarily in are
Wh/welcome home 
Tadc/the amazing digital circus 
Tbg/the bad guys 
Clh/captain Lazerhawk 
Basic info
Name: tweed/mrs tune [i’m not comfortable giving my name out For privacy reasons]
Age: 14 [keep your fucking kinks away from me pls]
pronouns: She/her/them/their
Sexuality: bisexual[huge preference for women]and aroace
Race: African-American/Puerto Rican
Boundaries Update 
#1: OK, so first I’m just going to say that please don’t expect to me to post that often. I’m currently dealing with school in my personal life. I am happy to post.  I am always happy to post on here but please don’t force me to post and don’t bombard me on TikTok or any other social media or spam like me you will get immediately blocked. 
#2: And secondly, I want to let everybody know this is a safe place for all ages. This is also a Safeplace for the LGBTQ plus any bigotry racism, homophobia transphobia, or any hate directed towards the LGBTQ community is not welcomed on my page if you are any of these do not interact with me at all and stay far the fuck away
#3: Thirdly I have made a conscious decision that I am not ok with repost unless I am properly credited unless you ask my permission or credit me properly then you may not repost my artwork. I am OK with reblogs since they actually link you to the original artist I can’t stress this enough. I hate when I see reposted art that clearly says do not repost. It’s frustrating and it’s even more frustrating when you confront the person in the act, rude and entitled, and all you have to do is just properly credit the artist it’s not that hard oh, and if I find out that you reposted my art without my permission or you didn’t properly credit me I will confront you and ask you to take down the post. If you do not I will report you you only get one warning.
#4: Fourthly I don’t do commissions, request, or trade, due to the fact that I don’t have a stable bank account where I could put that money for commissions or our trades. Secondly, I unfortunately don’t do request I just like drawing and doodling my own little characters, so please don’t ask me to draw your OCs it’s just weird if I don’t know you like that or or you’re not one of my moots .It makes me feel uncomfortable if you ask I’ll just ignore you and if you keep repeatedly asking I will block you.
Now here are the dues and don’ts and rules
Can interact pls
#1: multifandom people
#2: in LGBTQ
#3: bisexual people
#4: animal lovers 
#5: non-toxic people
#6: people who don’t support bad things happening to other people
#7: neurodivergent people
#8: extrovert and introvert
#9: funny blogs
#10: horror fans
#11: Furrys and cosplayers
Basic Dni
#1: homophobe
#2: transphobic
#3: bigots and racist 
#4: adult blogs
#5: young audiences
#6: pedophiles/groomers
#7: proship’s, or pro shippers
#8: Wally x Julie fans (I don’t like the ship that much unfortunately and I am a wallaby shipper no hate )
#9: toxic people in fandom
#10: Animal abusers
Starting off strong with the next one what I’m not comfortable with
Uncomfortable with
#1: OK, so with that out of the way I just wanted to say I am not comfortable with my OCs specifically my child OCs or comfort characters being sexualized or use without my permission please ask before you do anything with my comfort OCs anddon’t claim they’re yours. It makes me uncomfortable and it’s extremely rude and disrespectful to me if you’re going to use my comfort OCs just ask for permission
#2: sexualizing me I am a minor and it makes me uncomfortable for obvious reasons. I’ve already stated my age in my bio. I will happily report you if I feel like you are doing anything inappropriate on my blog just don’t do anything weird 
#3: claiming to be my moots when you don’t know me or for me it’s weird you only become my mood when you follow me and I actually know who you are either in real life or you respect my boundaries  oh so please don’t privately DM me if I don’t know you like that or you’re not one of my moots I’ll 10 times out of 10. Ignore you. 
 Comfortable with
#1: NSFW art it’s OK but I just don’t do it on my account
#2: fanart of my OCs if you’re going to make fanart of my OCs just tag me so I can see and I appreciate it a lot just don’t claim my OCs are yours
#3: all of my boundaries being respected I don’t ask for much is just please respect my boundaries and be nice to people. This is a safe place for everyone [excluding the Dni list this is not a Safeplace for you ] we won’t have any issues if you just respect my boundaries and what I am comfortable with and not comfortable with that’s all I have to say bye
Bye and don’t be an asshole to people
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alister312 · 2 years
a bit disappointing to see you reblog that thing from amporella, i’m disappointed in her too because i thought she was better than making a post like that but it’s weird to make a mean post with bad intent just bc you don’t like smth. i’m a moot with you and it feels like a bad omen
hi anon! I’d really prefer to keep my blog discourse-free so I’m not gonna harp on this but I wanted to respond nonetheless bc I also believe in being open. I’m also going to put this under the cut as it contains discussion of some heavy materials and I don’t want any of my followers to have to read it if they’re uncomfortable.
Firstly, I reblogged Ella’s post answering an ask about her grievances w the AU (not specifying out of respect for keeping the tag discourse free if possible, but iykyk) around when it first got posted. It’s has since gained a bit of notoriety. At that time, I was horrified with what I read and felt it was important to warn others, should they be the type to browse sp twt or insta or should the comic make its way to tumblr.
I would like to clarify what exactly made me so horrified: the serial killer letters bit. I dislike the ship discussed in the post and I’m not the biggest fan of dark themes personally for my mental health, but it’s also whatever. People are gonna do things I dislike— I simply won’t interact with them. However, to use a serial killer’s writing describing how he killed and consumed a child as captions for an art post?? That crosses a line for me. Especially because we do unfortunately live in an age where people see something cool and don’t look into it further. The idea that people, ignorant to the origins, could take the lines and use them again thinking they’re just a fun, edgy thing this cool AU said makes me really upset.
Since reblogging, I’ve received a DM on behalf of someone who is a fan of the AU and they told me that those captions originate from a vocaloid song taken out of context. It does give an explanation to the usage, but it also proves my worry that people do simply take cool things and use them with no research. I’ll say the same thing publicly that I said to the person in DM— while the creator might not have been aware of what they were doing at the time, they’re aware now. It’d be wise for them to delete the posts, or at least edit the captions. Perhaps apologize and explain things more publicly, so that any other concerned outsiders (or even insiders) don’t think they’re glorifying a serial killer by using such a concerning piece of writing in something as casual as a South Park AU.
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Hi! I’m the anon that sent the first ask!
One, I think it’s great that you opened a space for others to talk and feel supportive. That’s wonderful and we are appreciative of it.
But what you need to understand is your aggression with your responses are extremely discouraging. This isn’t a fight — you want to have an open conversation? Get comfortable with people disagreeing.
I’ll relate to a response where you continually ignored someone’s reasoning for wanting children/why it was important to her to push your own point. It seems as if you’re trying to change people’s minds.
I will not be coming off anon because you’re not going to like who I am. And I’m not in the interest of bringing my name in this. I want you to realize how hurtful you have been and continue to be. Having your followers follow up with aggression does not help your cause. It’s a bad look.
And we're back!
Again, babe!
This conversation is not helping when you don't send me tangible proof.
Just send me a few sentences of where I have written and what I said specifically so I can understand your viewpoint.
I'm opening a gateway for you to express your criticism and you're not taking it, you're just repeatedly saying I'm trying to change peoples minds when I personally and have had many other people, I am not.
I don't understand what your game is by stating that I'm trying to be hurtful when you're not giving me concrete, shown evident as to WHY!
Your comment has no significance if you keep trying to relay a point but without to back it up.
AND... I've answered this question in the last ask and you still didn't have responded to it.
1. When did I actively disagree with someone? When did I say, 'No I disgaree'
Just because I choose to not have children, does not mean I am disagreeing with women who choose to do.
Besides I already have a feeling I know you are and that we have interacted in the past or are moots even.
And I'm surprised at the immaturity when this could have been settled with a DM in my messages.
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hazel-sawyer · 2 years
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task 005. || the apple doesn’t fall rot too far from the tree
(all text bits are under the readmore)
“Mom, guess what?”
Mrs. Sawyer worked her way around the kitchen, breezing past the eight year-old. Ignoring the small voice ringing up to her ears.
“Mama,” Hazel whined again, tiny hands grasping at the hem of her mother’s shirt, trying for what felt like the millionth time, to get her attention.
Mrs. Sawyer stopped in her tracks, hands messy with flour, hair astray, bags weighing heavily under her eyes. She turned to face her daughter while snapping, “What, Hazel?”
Hazel’s hands reflexively retracted away from her mother, her brows knitting together, teeth catching over her bottom lip. Her lip trembled for a second her hands knitting into the worn fabric of her own shirt as she spoke in stumbled starts, “I lost another tooth.”
“Great,” Her mom spoke, through a sigh, turning her attention back to the meal in front of her, dusting another layer of flour over her fingers, “Go tell your sister.”
“Aspen told me so you could tell the tooth fairy.“
“Hazel, I’m busy,” She sighed, “Aspen knows the tooth fairy too, she’ll figure it out. Go bother your sister.”
Grass from the backyard hugged Hazel’s sides, the blades rising a few inches higher than she knew her mother would like; no one had taken the time to take care of the backyard in weeks, but who had the time to deal with that? Not when there were mouths to feed, school to go to, siblings to help look after. Hazel also figured that doing yard work in the middle of the night was a moot point anyway, she’d only get hurt, so she allowed the overgrowth to cradle her for another day. The sticky warmth of the summer sun had long since dissipated, fireflies began to dance across the tree line, and a steady breeze jostled the greenery around her.
“You okay?”
Hazel bolted up at the sound of the voice, vision immediately trailing to the speaker. She scoffed and laid back down, “Aspen, you scared the shit out of me.”
A bright laugh fell from Aspen’s lips as she joined Hazel on the ground, “My bad.” A beat of silence fell over the sisters followed by Aspen nudging Hazel with her elbow, “Stop bein’ all avoid-y – like, are you good?”
“Mom’s just being mom,” Hazel half answered, a hand lazily tangling into the grass next to her, gaze firmly fixed on the stars in the sky above them.
“What’d she say?”
Hazel brought her hand back to rest on her stomach as she began to mimic her mother, “No one helps me around this goddamn house, I work all day and I’m mom, so I’m gonna be a big bitch about everything, and you’re all so ungrateful, maybe if your dad was still around–”
“She really pulled the dad card? That’s fuckin’ low.” Aspen exclaimed, “You know, if dad were still here he’d be out here with us.”
Hazel’s line of sight tore away from the sky and over to her sister, curiosity piqued, “He would?”
“Yeah, totally, dude, you don’t remember?” Aspen gave a sideways smile, face scrunching up a little as she talked, “When we were super little he’d, like, always come out with us after dinner and we’d chase fireflies and – he could like name all of the stars and stuff”
Hazel wished she could reminisce with Aspen, she wished she could force herself to remember something from when she was that small. She wanted to match the train of nostalgia, but when her mind even considered her father, there was nothing. Maybe some loss, emptiness, no fond memory, she couldn’t even remember his face, only the facts: Ewan Sawyer walked off into the woods a decade ago and hadn’t been heard from since.
What Hazel knew is she had Aspen. She always just had Aspen.
“Let’s starting doing it again, then,” Hazel began, attempting to comfort her sister, “I don’t know any of the stars or whatever, but like, that sounds nice.”
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todorokiaimee · 3 years
Dopamine Chapter 8
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Previous Chapter
“I hope you know I’m an indoors person,” Jada mumbled as she walked behind Bakugou. “I don’t do well in the elements.” The pair were deep in the mountains of the Koburi Pass, trekking up the remote hiking trail. She clicked her tongue as she looked down at her Timberland boots, careful not to step in any mud. She still couldn’t believe he had managed to drag her out into the wilderness on this so-called date. 
“I knew you were high maintenance but I didn’t peg you as a priss,” the hero huffed as he stomped ahead, looking over his shoulder.
“Hey, I ain’t no priss. I just don’t see the point in roughing it and getting dirty when our ancestors worked so hard not to be.”
Bakugou rolled his eyes as he pushed a tree limb out of their way, “Don’t try to make it a noble thing. The fresh air will do you some good.”
The ravenette clicked her tongue as they continued making their way through the brush. “If I didn’t know any better I’d say you’re luring me away to death to hide my body out in the woods.”
“Are you saying you trust me?” The blonde asked with a smirk.
Jada rolled her eyes, choosing to ignore his comment. “Where are we going anyway?”
“You’ll see.”
The two continued to hike through the wilderness in a comfortable silence until they reached a small clearing. Just ahead was a tall cliff, easily 10 stories high. Jada tilted her head up as she tried to see the top, Bakuogu interrupting her thoughts.
“We’re here.”
“What do you mean we’re here?” She gaped at him, motioning to the rocky barrier in front of them. “It’s a dead-end!”
“We’re rock climbing stupid,” Bakugou grunted as he took a knee and pulled his backpack off of his shoulders, taking out its contents.
Jada crossed her arms in defiance as she sat into her hip. “You must be stupid if you think I’m climbing that.”
 “The only way around is up and I ain’t carrying you.” The hero hummed as he began tying the safety ropes together. The ravenette didn’t budge, her emerald green eyes staring down at him.
“Fine, I’ll leave you here and let the animals and “elements” deal with you.”
Bakugou’s idle threat hung in the air between them for a moment before Jada finally relented, waving him off with her bare hand and a heavy sigh, “You’re lucky I’m in between sets right now.” 
“That’s what I thought,” He chuckled smugly, pulling out a harness from his bag. “Now come here and let me get you hooked up.”
Jada begrudgingly approached him, watching him carefully as he worked. After a moment, he lightly patted her thigh uttering a command.
“Spread ‘em.”
“I would say you should take me dinner first but that would be a moot point.” The dark-skinned beauty smirked with a raised brow.
The hero chuckled as he helped Jada step into the harness before pulling it up in place over her wide hips. He carefully adjusted the steps making sure she was secure.  “How’s that feel? Not too tight?”
“It’s good.”
 “You ever done this before?” Bakugou hummed as he attached her safety line to his harness. 
“Do I look like I’ve ever done this before?”
He rolled his eyes at her sass, clearly, she was just nervous. “You’ll be fine. I know you’re not afraid of heights.” He bit his lip as his thoughts went to her heavenly body twirling high upon a pole at the strip club. Unfortunately, Jada also caught his distant look, knowing exactly what he was daydreaming. Bakugou cleared his throat as he looked away, preparing the last safety measures before starting their descent. “Just one foot and hand at a time.”
With a deep breath, Jada reluctantly nodded her head, walking up to the intimidating 50-meter high wall. Carefully, she placed her boot on the first nook she could find, hoisting herself up. Alright, so it’s not as hard as I thought. She continued to climb, quickly finding a rhythm, her upper body strength giving her an unexpected edge. 
Bakugou smirked to himself as he watched her climb, following suit. He knew she had it in her. If she could lift and hold herself up on a pole by squeezing her thighs alone, she could climb a rock wall with no problem. The pair continued to climb in silence for a few minutes until the hero finally spoke up, “Not bad, Dimples. Maybe one day you’ll be half as good as —” 
Bakugou looked over to his side expecting to see Jada’s long black locs, but was met with nothing but open air. What the fuck… He looked around feverishly but there was no sign of her. Could she have fallen? He didn’t feel any weight on her lead rope. He called for her, concern growing in his voice with each passing second, “Dimples? Dimp- Jada?!”
“What are you hollering about?”
Following the sound of her voice, Bakugou looked up above him. There at the top of the cliff, was Jada Jackson. She stood with her hip cocked to the side, looking down at him from her perch. Even from this distance, he could tell that she was quite pleased with herself. How the hell did she get up there so fast? “I turn around and you’re gone! How about some heads up?” he barked as he clung to the side of the rocky cliff. 
The dark-skinned beauty only giggled at his comment, turning on her heel before tossing her long locs over her shoulder. “How about you keep up?”
Clicking his tongue, Bakugou quickly climbed the rest of the way up, not wanting to be shown up any further. Hoisting himself over the edge of the cliff, he was met with Jada’s smug face, offering him a hand. With a playful roll of his eyes, he took it, admiring her guts to take him on. 
The hero then took off his climbing gear, before helping Jada do the same. His eyes and  fingers lingered on her skin, and she was quick to notice. “See something you like?” Before he could answer, the ravenette backed away with a confident smile, leaving the hero where he stood.
Making her way further down the path, Jada continued to tease the blonde, purposefully swaying her hips with every step, until her timberland boot slipped on a wet rock along the trail. Even as she tried to catch herself, her ankle rolled causing her to fall over and into dirt and brush, “Oh fuck!”
“Oi! You alright?” Bakugou yelled as he rushed over to her aid. The woman was now flat on her ass, wincing in pain.
“You mean besides eating shit while just trying to walk? Yeah, I’m just peachy.” Jada hissed as she brushed off the dirt and mud from her arms and legs. 
“You should be more careful!”
“I told you I didn’t like the elements! I am an inside person!”
The hero sighed as he kelt down, taking off his backpack, “Alright stop your bitching and let me look at it.” with the softest touch, he took her ankle in his hands. Carefully, he rolled it slowly as Jada grimaced in discomfort. With a nod, he tenderly let her ankle back on the ground before standing, “Okay, so it’s not broken or you’d be screaming bloody murder. I’ll wrap it up for support and it will be back to normal in a day or two.”
 Bakugou helped her up to her feet before taking his backpack from the ground. Instead of placing it back on his back, the blonde wore it on across his broad chest before turning his back to the woman expectantly. Jada stared at him for a moment unsure of what to do. “What are you waiting for?! Hop on, I ain’t got all day!”
Finally, it clicked that the hero was offering her a piggyback ride. She scoffed as she slapped her sides with her arms in frustration. “Try using your words next time! I ain’t no mind reader!” Carefully, Jada climbed onto his back. Her long chocolate arms draped over his shoulders while his strong calloused hands gripped her thighs. “You better not drop me,” she grumbled under her breath.
“Don’t squirm and I won’t.” Bakugou stalked up the trail in silence for a while as he carried her effortlessly. Even out here in the 80-degree heat, he could still smell her jasmine perfume lightly caressing her skin. With her this close, his mind instantly went to their first meeting; the feel of her soft skin against his; The sound of her quiet moans ringing in his ear. Shaking off those thoughts he scoffed to himself, “I can’t believe you dance every night in 6-inch heels only to roll your ankle in fucking boots.”
 “I’m not dancing on loose and wet rocks!” Jada argued, turning her face away from the hero. “You’re talking a lot of shit for a dude that begged me to go out on a date with him.”
“Tch. Whatever.” 
The pair continued forward with only the sound of crunching leaves and twigs under Bakugou’s feet between them. The ravenette sighed as she resolved herself to taking in the scenery of their nature hike. If she wasn’t such an inside person, this view would be quite beautiful. While she took in the sights of the lush trees, a warm and familiar scent reached her nose. Is that… sugar cookies? 
Before she could question the scent further, a small cabin began to come into view at the top of the hill. It wasn’t long until they reached its front door, Bakugou pulling out a pair of keys from his backpack, unlocking the door. Very carefully, he walked her inside, letting her put her weight on his shoulders. Once they reached the kitchen, the hero lifted the woman easily to sit on the kitchen counter before disappearing into another room, “Be right back.” 
Jada looked around the small cabin, taking in the subtle decor. It was cozy and inviting, adorned with rustic flannel and neutral colors. Honestly, it looked like something out of a magazine. “So this place is yours?” she asked as the blonde came back into the room.
“Yeah. I stay here pretty often. Whenever I want to get away and recharge.” Bakugou hummed as he approached the woman, crouching down on one knee. “Now let’s see about this ankle, you klutz. Lucky enough for you, I’m with a hero who has a pretty extensive first aid kit.” He shook the first aid kit in his hand while flashing a cheeky smile. 
“Does that mean you get hurt a lot?”
The hero scoffed to himself, before looking up at her with ruby red eyes, measured and sure, “It means I never run from a fight.”
Fuck, don’t look at me like that. I’m still mad at you. Jada bit her lip as she looked away from his gaze.
“There,” He chuckled as he finished wrapping her ankle in an ace bandage. “Maybe now you’ll stop falling for me before you really hurt yourself.”
 “Is that really the best line you could come up with?” Jada huffed, crossing her arms.
“It must be pretty good, Dimples,” Bakugou smirked, resealing the first aid kit, “You’re smiling.” 
“You’re insufferable.”
 “I call it persistent.”
 Bakugou slowly stood to his feet, before reaching one hand behind her to rest on the cool tile of the countertop she was perched on, effectively leaning over her. “Come on, Dimples,” he cooed in his trademark rough voice, entrancing her. With her full attention under his sultry gaze, he brushed his calloused fingertips down her warm brown thigh, before sliding his hand underneath her knee, gently lifting her long leg up to rest on his hip. “This needs to stay elevated and I know the perfect way to pass the time.”
Jada took in a breath as she looked up at the blonde hero, their lips inches away from each other. Her mind wanted to resist out of principle but her body wanted him in the worst possible way.  What are you doing to me, Blasty?
Fuck it. Finally, she closed the gap, their lips connecting in a fiery passion. Wrapping her arms around him, she pulled him even closer, wanting nothing between them. Bakugou returned the favor, skillfully moving his lips against hers before letting his tongue softly trace her bottom lip, silently asking for entry. 
Of course, Jada complied. The hero hummed as his grip on her leg tightened as he began to explore the inside of her mouth. Their tongues wrestled for dominance until she finally relented, a soft moan leaving her throat. 
“Mmm, that’s a good girl.” Bakugou breathed against her full lips, as he continued to mold himself to her. Taking his hands from her body, he reached down to his pants, unbuttoning them. Just as he was about to push them off his hips, the ravenette placed her hands over his, stopping him. “What’s wrong?” he asked, a confused look on his face.
Jada paused as she looked up at him, searching for something in his fiery red eyes she couldn’t quite name. Finally, she turned away, shaking her head, “Nothing.” 
“Yeah…” Her voice trailed off as she nibbled on her bottom lip.
“So are we doing this or…” Bakugou watched her for a moment, but her eyes never returned to him. He knew she had something on her mind. “Spit it out, woman!”
“You hurt me!”
“Huh?” The hero quirked a blonde brow, unsure of what she meant. He hadn’t even touched her. 
“I’m the baddest bitch there is and you hurt me. That’s saying a lot.” Jada confessed as she looked him square in the face, Bakugou instantly taking notice. “Look it’s obvious that we have chemistry and I’m into you. I said I’d give you another shot after you showed your ass at the club but... I still don’t trust you.” 
The dark-skinned beauty could feel her face heating up in her embarrassment. She couldn’t believe she was being this honest and candid with her feelings. With this man she barely knew. Taking a deep breath, she continued in a soft voice as she dropped her gaze, staring into her lap. “I have to protect myself. I’m not sleeping with you again until you can prove to me that this is real. I’m no one’s dirty secret and I’m nobody’s fool.” Finding her confidence again she lifted her head, her emerald green eyes locking with his.  “I need no man, hero or not. If you can’t hang with that then it was nice knowing you I guess.” 
Bakugou crossed his arms as he took in everything that she said. He should have known he wouldn’t be able to just pick things up where they left off before that fateful night. Of course, he would be in the doghouse. If he was being honest, it was that fire that drew him to her even after all of that drama. 
With a heavy sigh, the hero rebuttoned his pants before running a hand through his ash blonde hair. “Look, as fun as it was, I don’t need sex to function like some punks and I get why you don’t exactly trust me. But I need you to get one thing straight.” He paused as he walked around and behind the kitchen island where she sat, Jada turning and craning her neck to follow. “I’m not some schmuck you can string along for kicks. That said... I am interested, so I’ll pursue.” He then leaned forward and across the island so that his lips were next to her ear as he whispered, “But I won’t chase.”
Jesus Christ, why are you so sexy? Jada did her best to hide her smirk from the blonde, refusing to give him the satisfaction. He’s the one that should be begging and salivating, not her.
 “I’m hungry,” Bakugou said as he clapped his hands, effectively breaking the sexual tension in the air. “Let’s see what I have here.” With a huff he began to rummage through his cabinets and refrigerator until he whipped together a quick lunch. “That will do. Here,” he breathed as he slid a plate across the kitchen island to his date. 
“PB&J?” Jada quirked a brow as she picked up the simple sandwich.
“Yeah, something I picked up from the states,” He said as he took a bite. “Nothing fancy but it gets the job done.” 
Jada hummed as she took a bite herself. She had eaten more than enough PB&Js in her life. In a way, it was somewhat comforting. “So you lived in the states for a while?”
“Yeah, I was there for about a month for a mission. It was alright I guess,” the blonde paused as he grabbed two bottled waters from the fridge. “I’m surprised you left when most Japanese people would kill to live in America. ‘The land of opportunity’ and shit.”
The land of opportunity… the dark skinned woman hummed to herself as she took another bite, a soft sigh escaping her lips. “Yeah, maybe for some.”
“What do you mean?” The blonde questioned.
Jada paused as she looked over to the man. He rested his forearms on the countertop as he watched her carefully, sensing her sudden change in demeanor.
He really has no idea. She took a deep breath, unsure why her words came so freely from her mouth, when for years she kept silent, “My mom couldn’t afford to go to college so she started working at McDonald’s after high school. Minimum wage didn’t cover rent so she started stripping. Then she got pregnant with me and whoever my dad was didn’t stick around. With her growing belly and stretch marks, she got less and less tips dancing, so she started hoeing to keep us afloat.” 
Bakugou set down his sandwich on his plate as he stood up straighter to listen. He could tell that her words were not easy for her to say. 
“After a while, the stress and shame of that got to her. Really messed her up,” She paused, fighting that familiar tingle of her nose. “She started self-medicating with prescription drugs and heroin. She ODed when I was 13. I wound up in foster care and the cycle continues.” Jada chuckled dryly as she took another small bite of her sandwich, unable to meet his eyes. “So… you can say the land of opportunity didn’t do us any favors.” 
“Hm,” Bakugou hummed simply as he looked at the ravenette intently, stroking the stumble on his chin, “So you…”
Jada looked up at him with a puzzled look until she finally understood where his question was leading. “No fool! I just dance,” she scoffed as she crossed her arms. “And I’m clean too.” She paused, a flash of heat rising to her cheeks. “Fuck, I don’t know why just told you all that.”
“Well,” the hero breathed as he tossed his now empty plate into the dishwasher. “I won’t pretend to know what that’s like. But it’s still not enough to scare me off. I never back away from a challenge and you, Dimples,” he paused, giving her a sly smirk, “are one and a half.”
 The ravenette chuckled to herself as a familiar warmth rose to her cheeks. She turned away from his gaze on instinct but Bakugou knew he had hit his target. Fighting a soft smile, he gestured to her half eaten sandwich, “Finished eating?”
“Then let’s get you back down the mountain. It will take longer with you on my back.” He tossed the rest of her sandwich in the trash before putting the plate into the dishwasher, turning it on. “Ready?”
“I guess so.” Jada stretched her muscles for a moment before she looked up to see the hero slowly saunter in front of her between her legs once again. He licked his lips while he looked her up and down, a smug smirk forming across his face. “Why are you looking at me like that?”
“No reason,” he shrugged. “Just thinking about how sweet victory is going to taste when you finally say yes to me.”
Jada rolled her eyes playfully as she smacked his broad shoulder, “Don’t get ahead of yourself, Blasty.” 
Bakugou laughed as he turned around before hoisting the cynical ravenette onto his back, “Please. I’m inevitable.”
Chapter 9 | Masterlist
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henry-cavill-baby · 4 years
Mark of the Witcher ┃2
 Chapter 2: Djinnefer
Pairing: Geralt of Rivia x Original Female Character
Length: 3k
Warnings: Some smut
Taglist: @lowkeyofsassguard (it’s not letting me tag you, sorry!)
Summary: Bottled Appetites and Carnal Desires
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Sleep, it seemed, was an unattainable star in the vast night sky.
And this assumption was proved by one Geralt of Rivia; a Witcher who hadn’t been blessed with a good nights rest in… how long had it been? Two weeks now?
And this wasn’t to go without saying that Geralt had tried hours of peaceful meditation aside Roach, honing in on the wafting breeze through the loose fall leaves ready to fall to the forest floor. The birds in the nearby bushes tittering to one another did nothing but irritate Geralt.
It seemed everything annoyed the Witcher these days.
Monsters seemed to be far and few as of late and the lack of villagers screaming for help and tossing him their coin left him nearly penniless. The utter silence and animal chatter of the forest was no good for Geralt, it took his mind to the memories of his youth in Kaer Morhen—ones he could live without reliving.
Huffs from under the large wicker tree had Geralt turning to Roach, golden eyes squinting with sleep at the companion. “Can’t sleep either.” His voice is gruff and caked with drowsiness, his legs nearly weary as he hefts to stand.
The sun had cleared the misty sky and it burned his eyes.
The ground is muddy near the water bank as Geralt tries to plant his steps and stalk by the river, golden net tight in his fists. Creatures and Demons—the occasional horde of Drowners pried on livestock, and killing a one of them was more work than worth the coin. There were no sounds that would give way to a hiding spot for a scrounging demon to try to take him by surprise.
“Lovely ladies from Nilfgaard… and their ladies can kiss my—Geralt?”
Geralt almost stumbled in his step as a voice known all to well permeated through the air, a frowned expression overcoming his tired face. Of all the things he did not need, this would be the second.
Geralt turns and sees Jaskier—the bard is dressed in a blue and white tunic better fit for a court bard, with that cursed lute still cradled in his arms, pants puffy around the thighs in an obnoxiously fashionable manner—and turns back to the river with a low growl.
“What’s it been? Years? Months?” Jaskier pondered aloud, smiling at the sight of his friend, Geralt. “Does time even matter anymore, really.”
Geralt grunts as Jaskier goes on, still following like an overgrown pup. “I heard you were in town, you know, and while I have missed you dearly—I do think it’s time you got a hobby. You know, get out and see the world.” A thought popped into the Bards head. “Speaking of seeing the world, have you stopped by Cintra?”
The name Cintra nearly chills Geralt’s bones, but he just grunts out a hard, “No.” Continuing on the path along the riverbank, Geralt listens as Jaskier talks to himself.
“How am I, I hear you ask; I’m good, thanks for asking.” Jaskier huffed as his shoes sank slid on a patch of dry mud. “You see, I recently bedded the sweetest Countess and then, right after our fifth round of passionate love making, she sends me away. Can you believe that, Geralt?”
Geralt ignored him in favor of throwing his net in the water… and pulling it back empty. Fuck, he thought, and continued.
“Still a man of few words,” Jaskier hums, taking a swig of watered down ale that seemed a to be on the hotter side. The taste nearly turned his tongue.
“What are you doing, Geralt?” Jaskier nods to the empty net, finally deciding give in to his curiosity.
“Fishing?” He speculated with a frown. “You may be good at many things but I doubt that fishing is your forte. That is unless you catch one and are willing to share with an old friend?”
Geralt grunts and continues along the water line, next in hand as mud cakes everything up to his ankles. Shaking his head, Geralt throws the net again.
“You are still a Witcher right?” Jaskier hums. “I see you haven’t changed your outfit… or hair… or anything really. Why—What are you fishing for, exactly?”
“Is it carp? Is that your favorite?”
No answer.
“Or trout, do you like trout?”
No answer.
Still no answer.
“Zander? I’m just listing fish now—is that a fish?”
Geralt sighs deeply in his chest, turning to Jaskier with the empty net in hand. “I’m not fishing.” The net is tossed back into the river. “I can’t sleep.”
“Ah.” Jaskier mutters. “That makes complete sense in the sense that it… makes none.” Jaskier stepped as close to the Witcher as was comfortable. “Geralt, talk to me.” Finally, a hint of concern etches into the Bards voice. “What’s happened? Is it about…you know.”
“No.” Geralt snaps. “She has nothing to do with this.” He spits with venom, eyes blazing with unadulterated rage. “I’m looking for a djinn and it’s somewhere in this lake, and I can’t fucking sleep!” He spits before stomping farther down and throws the net, trying to relax his shoulders.
“A djinn—a floating djinn—like a genie?” Jaskier questioned while ignoring the outburst.
“The bad tempered fellas who trick you with the three wish nonsense.” Jaskier nodded to himself, “And pray tell, how will this djinn help with your little problem?”
Jaskier answered himself: “And I’m not one to tell you how to live your life, Geralt, believe me, I don’t want to know what you get up to in your free time. But have you even considered that maybe this has to do with what you’ve been avoiding since last I saw you, currently still are?”
The words were unspoken between them: Child Surprise—Law of Surprise; destiny and what have you.
“No,” Geralt grunts. “It’s not about that. Not everything has to do with her, Jaskier.”
It was a lie he’d been telling himself for all these years now. The dreams never stopped, the cravings never quelled, and the urge to run to Cintra and take what was his boiled beneath the surface, like a pot of stew on the brink of spillage.
“Well, you could be right.” Jaskier hummed, leaning against a shady oak, watching Geralt hock the net back into the murky waters. “But you could be wrong. How old is she now, ten? Twelve?” Jaskier took a sour tone, “Do you even care, Geralt?”
“You know, a lovely Countess told me that Destiny only works harder when those enthralled by it resist its call. And that the harder you run away, the more desperate you become.”
Geralt moves closer to the water and throws in the net again, bending down to see if he’d caught anything and turning to raise a judgmental eyebrow at Jaskier. “Did you sing to her before she sent you away?” He grunted, glaring at the empty net.
“Yes I did.” Jaskier proudly answered then paused, stomping to his friend and crossing his arms over his chest. “I’m sorry, are you trying to tell me something, Geralt?”
Chucking the next into the water once more, Geralt turned to Jaskier, raising one white brow with lips in a thin line. The voice of the bard is only making his agitation worse, and he prays for Roach to chase him away.
“No, really—Geralt, be honest with me,” Jaskier bellows into the empty forest. “How is my singing?”
The trees are silent and the bird flutter in anticipation, watching with beady eyes as the Witcher stands tall with a wet empty net, throwing it back into the watery depths once more.
“It’s like eating a pie and finding it has no filling.”
Jaskier stumbles back in shock at his friend’s horrendous insult, sputtering, “You—need a nap!”
Hands planted firmly on his hips and a scowl deeply etched on his soft face, Jaskier waited for his lug of a friend to turn and apologize for being rude. Instead—
“Hm.” Geralt hummed as he pulled the net from the waters, finally having caught his treasure. It was the size of a jug of ale, corked tightly with the symbol of the wizard who’d sealed it away. There was no certainty as to how long it had been down there, and djinns tended to veer towards to malevolent side the longer they were trapped.
Jaskier had been right in that they tended to play tricks when tempted by the faults of men, but Geralt was no man.
“What is—is that it? You found it?” Jaskier asked whilst coming to stand before Geralt. “Can I just—“
They were in a standoff; Jaskier grasping the handle as Geralt refused his hold on the seal, staring at the bard with his deadly gaze. Neither was willing to let go.
Geralt’s attempts at tugging were moot, “Let go.”
But Jaskier was adamant in his grip, “Take back that bit about my filling less pie, and then you can have your sleepy little djinn.”
The urge to simply rip it from Jaskier was more tempting as the seconds passed. But at least the djinn was finally found and he could wish for a batch of well needed rest, though as long as Jaskier was around it wouldn’t be a peaceful sleep.
The Wizards seal popped off the top of the djinn’s previously captive state, and with that, all hell broke loose.
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Aleira huffed from her windowsill, looking down at the children playing down below in the streets. None of them had nice clothes, clean faces or fussed up hair. They had no cares in the world outside of games and survival within the protected walls of Cintra. It was such an easy life to live. Guards stand posted by any door leading into the castle making it nearly impossible for anyone to sneak in or out.
The sky was cloudy above the looming Castle, and she prayed for the rains to fall.
“Princess?” the druid Mousesack calls from outside the door, his head poking in to see the eldest child in the line of the throne.
Everything in the young girls room is beyond cleanliness, aside from the stacks of parchment on the wooden desk, a dried up ink quill abandoned. Frown lines mar his face as she turns, showing off her defeated face. “And pray tell, what is the cause of your unhappiness?”
Aleira sighed, palm holding her cheek as she gazed out the window once more. “Nothing, Mousesack.”
He hmm’s and steps into the room, shutting the door behind and falling to his knees before the small princess. “I can’t fix what you won’t tell me.” Baby blue eyes watered before him, and he reached up to cup her cheek, “Please, Aleira.”
Her voice trembled, “Why can’t I go outside like Cirilla?” One finger pointed outside the window, smashing against the glass. “I hate being inside these walls everyday. I despise the lessons at every hour and having dinner with Grandmother every single night. I want to be out there with everyone else, Mousesack. I want…”
I want to be like everyone else
Mousesack let forth a deflated sigh, patting the silk clothed knee of the princess. “Believe me when I say that I want nothing more than for you to be happy, Aleira.” Unspoken words lay lodged in his throat, as he stands tall looking down upon her.
“Grandmother wants to keep me locked away.” Aleira let the words flow. “And I’m beginning to think you would have it that way as well. “
Mousesack shakes his head, grey hairs flying. “That isn’t true and you know it. Every choice the Queen makes is to protect you—“
“Protect me from what?” Aleira demands, standing up and glaring up at the Castle Druid. Her eyes are ablaze with fury and her hands clench at her sides, nails digging into soft skin.
“Our Kingdom is well protected and there hasn’t been an attempt on any of us in years. There’s no reason that a child like Cirilla can prance around with the other children but I’m locked away in here like a monster!” Her voice is trembling with anger, staring up at the man who raised her more than her parents.
Yes, they’d died two years ago, but even then, Mousesack was the closest she had to a father; Calanthe was no mother.
“You’ll understand one day, I swear to it.” Mousesack tries to reasons, moving to leave the girl to her juvenile rage.
“Is it about Geralt?” The name slipped through her lips like a curse. “Is he the cause of all this? Is he to blame for my suffering?”
Aleira wrenched back as Mousesack darted forwards, pulling her close and staring with pursed lips and dark eyes, “Who told you that name?”
His reaction is enough to cause a tendril of fear to flutter up her spine. “No one.” She mutters, trying to move away.
“Aleira,” Mousesack murmurs, trying to calm his racing heart. “This is a matter of your safety, as well as this Kingdom.” She can feel the Druid’s magic haphazardly swirling in the air.” I need you to tell me who told you that name.”
Regret boils in her veins; she should’ve kept it to herself.
That name had sounded like a curse on the tongue of Calanthe, and truly, Aleira had no clue whom this Geralt even was. She’d tried to hear more of the conversation from the hallway, but it had taken a turn to plans concerning the invasion of a foreign forest, and those plans were of no importance to her. The memory of lying in bed and wondering why the name Geralt sparked something deep in her was still a mystery.
“Grandmother.” She muttered while meeting Mousesack’s eyes. “I was eavesdropping and I heard it, I swear.”
That seemed to be enough for the Druid to pull back whilst nodding to himself, hands wringing and eyes darting about the room. Uncertainty whirled around his mussed hair, and she barely had a moment to watch him flee the room.
Subconsciously, she reached back and rubbed the tender skim on the back of her left shoulder, eyeing the salve gifted to her by Mousesack. It was cold on her skin but the aching fled easily, and Aleira collapsed on her bed, listening to the sounds of the children below.
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Sunlight poured in through the cracked windows lining the near decimated castle walls. The floors were scattered with crumbled pieces of granite walls and mountains of pillows littered the floor.
The grunts and moans of Yennefer of Vengerberg—one of the strongest witches known to come from Aretuza with a proclivity for chaos and self mischief—echoed around the room as Geralt hefted her hips up higher in his grasp, bottoming out in her wet cunt.
He hadn’t come in to help her expecting a fuck, hadn’t intended for her to try and be a host for the djinn like a madwoman, and the strange desire to not see her die had cost him a wish. This third wish had nearly involved the Witch. Kindness was not a Witcher’s strength. But she had saved Jaskier—even if for her own preposterous reasons—and though kindness was not his forte, paying back favors was.
A life for a life, something along those lines.
Wet slaps of skin echoed as Geralt shut his eyes, nails digging into the soft flesh of her tanned thigh. His pace grew erratic and punishing as the walls of her cunt deliciously drew him in, his own moans joining hers. Ecstasy flooded his veins—carnal desire rising to the surface of his warm flesh.
It had too long since he’d felt a woman’s flesh. It was all too intoxicating for him to bear. When Geralt opened his eyes, expecting to gaze into the lilacs of Yennefer, he saw the ocean blue of his child Surprise.
The girl from his dreams was bare under his naked body; her full round tits bounced with each thrust and he could not resist the eager desire to take one into his mouth and suck like a newborn babe, biting the sensitive flesh. She still smelled of peaches, ones fresh enough to kill a man for, and he would—kill a man for her, that is.
Geralt would burn worlds for this girl, and he didn’t even know her name.
His curls fanned out on the surroundings pillows, and he longed to kiss the full lips that begged for his attention. His thrusts grew erratic and his hold grew tight, wishing this were real.
The mirage of her was gone all too fast and Yennefer screamed to the high heavens and flopped back onto the pillows, cunt walls fluttering around the cock buried deep inside. She was limp as he pulled his soft wet cock slowly out, collapsing next to her. There was no sound but the chattering outside from Jaskier, who’d definitely gotten an eyeful.
“If I’d known Witchers fucked like that, I would have gotten one myself a long time ago.” Yennefer turned and smirked, reaching forward to pin a piece of his white hair behind his ear.
“I’m sure my brothers would make a fine harem.” He grunted, keeping his hands to himself. It felt wrong to want to caress her, so he didn’t.
“Do you have a lover, Geralt of Rivia?” She asked with a raised brow. “I won’t be jealous, promise.”
He grunted but shook his head, “Having a lover would take time away from hunting monsters.”
“I find that hard to believe.” She hummed while twirling a piece of white hair. “I will admit that you are not as scary as you think.”
“Really?” A chuckled rumbled in Geralt’s chest. “You would be surprised how many people throw me out of their town once I’ve done their bidding.”
“Humans are dull, Geralt. Never get entangled with one, they will only disappoint you.” She laughed, “Or die, or get sick.”
“None of us are immune to death, Yennefer.”
Chuckling, Yennefer sat up and stretched. “You would be surprised what tricks a mage like myself can do.” A look of curiosity overcame her beautiful face, “Who were you thinking of? When you were rutting into me like a dog, Geralt?”
There’s no chance to deny it, “I know you saw someone else.”
Telling her about his Child Surprise feels… wrong, so he doesn’t.
“A woman I knew in Blaviken who didn’t see me as a monster.” He recalled, turning to look into her wide lilac orbs. “She was kinder than any man I’ve ever know.”
The two of them laid back and basked in the days sun, not touching but not far apart. They both knew they would need to rise soon and face whatever was to come, but this moment of peace was too good to pass up. And Jaskier singing much to loud outside would be best avoided.
“Aleira.” Yennefer declared, not looking away from the sun. “You called me Aleira; was that her name?”
Chapter 3... eventually, don’t rush me plz
Hope you enjoyed!
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ikuzeminna · 3 years
Putting Things Into Perspective - Flay Allster
Tumblr decided to eat my other post for whatever reason, so here I go again.
I got asked by an anon whether Gundam SEED would have been better if it was told from Flay’s POV and how things would be different. My answer is as follows.
Well, if they retold the story from Flay’s POV, it would make her the main character.
If they made Flay the main character, she’d get a narrative that favored her, giving her a character arc, redeeming qualities and attempt to garner the audience’s sympathies for her.
As far as Flay goes, that would definitely make things better for her, but if the rest of the story and characters weren’t changed, I’d say it’d actually make the series worse, as it would point out a lot of flaws. The main one being Kira.
SEED as we know it focuses on Kira and his struggles, giving us plenty of scenes where he’s bawling his eyes out to make us feel sorry for him. When Flay later manipulates him, we, the audience being told to be invested in Kira, feel protective of him and automatically dislike Flay since she is playing with his feelings.
And because SEED is 100% kiddie, it never addresses heavy issues the way a story would that wasn’t pandering to teenagers. Meaning acknowledging that the protagonist isn’t the center of the universe and that only their suffering is worthy of screen time.
Because fact is that while the narrative is trying to sell me Kira being a nice guy with his kind smiles and gentle nature, he is a self-absorbed git.
As I said, we get plenty of scenes with him bawling his eyes out but whenever he does, it’s all about him. Specifically, about how he has to fight his friend Athrun. He doesn’t cry about Flay’s father or Tolle being dead. He’s not even bothered by having killed a bunch of people until he meets one guy who squirts some yogurt sauce on his döner. From then on, we get Waltfeld’s face floating across the screen when Kira murders someone because the show honestly wants to tell me that ...what? Kira didn’t feel bad that he has killed people before just because he didn’t see their face?
Way to make him a sociopath, show.
The pinnacle of this is his relationship with Flay. He is painted as a saint who does nothing wrong while  the narrative  goes out of its way to vilify Flay at every turn. She is manipulative and vengeful, using her body to get Kira to do what she wants, all the while being a homicidal racist and the sole useless crew member, doing nothing but hiding in her bed when a battle starts,  while Kira is risking his life to protect his friends.
Ugh, goes the teenaged crowd.
And that’s exactly what the narrative wants. For us to feel sorry for Kira and his struggles while hating Flay for her behavior towards him.
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Except when you take all of two seconds to think about it, it’s glaringly obvious that our poor, suffering, selfless cinnamon roll is actually a self-absorbed jerk, shamelessly using a traumatized girl, whose trauma he had a hand in, as an emotional crutch while giving absolutely nothing in return.
Flay’s terrible, terrible acts are feigning sympathy and wanting to make Kira fight. Kira already decided on the latter himself thanks to his other friends, so that point is wholly moot. As for the feigned sympathy, that is more than Kira has the decency to do.
See, thanks to the narrative siding wholly with Kira, we never question his actions towards Flay whom we are supposed to hate. But the truth is, we only see Flay comforting Kira, never Kira comforting Flay. And between the two of them, the one who watched her last living parent get blown to pieces right in front of her and now has nowhere to go anymore needs it more. Unlike the guy whose parents are fine.
It gets richer when Kira delivers a whole speech to Sai about how Flay is always there to listen to him and how she is the only one who ever thinks about him and his struggles.
You know, the girl whose trauma everyone ignores, adults and peers and boyfriend alike, and who only groan and tsk and sigh at her when she does stuff like ask for juice or demand  beauty products in the middle of a war. Because the show is bent on making her the most superficial, selfish character in its universe, even at the expense of logic.
Because Flay’s behavior is not how PTSD works.
But even if Flay clinging to her old life was a thing, it’d still be excused as SHE IS TRAUMATIZED AND NO ONE CARES.
Giving Flay the spotlight here through making her the protagonist would show how much of a massive jerk everyone is. The adults are only concerned about Kira’s fighting ability, not caring one bit about anyone’s emotional well-being even though they’re adults ferrying a bunch of unwilling teenagers through the galaxy while being shot at, but who cares? Gotta grow up fast.
Her schoolmates are even more horrible. When Flay lashes out at Kira in her grief, (correctly) accusing him of not having fought to the best of his abilities, which caused her father’s ship to be destroyed and her to lose him, no one speaks up in her defense. Nope, they sit at the mess and take Kira’s side, with no one anywhere mentioning that hey, she just lost her father and is pretty traumatized, maybe we should cut her some slack and, dunno, check on her?? Try to talk to her perhaps? See if she’s really okay???
Instead Sai and Kuzzey later turn their backs on her and Miriallia decrees her the new low for humanity, claiming she isn’t like her when Flay attempts to kill Dearka. Because only Flay is a horrible, homicidal racist, not Miriallia.
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The king of jerks proves her eventual boyfriend though. At being met with her accusation, Kira has the nerve to run away from her and cry about himself being treated unfairly.
He completely ignores that she just lost her father. Not a word of condolence. It’s all about him. And the show wants me to think Kira is the victim?
That because Flay throws herself at him, he is the poor one to feel sorry for? Even that doesn’t hold up. He wasn’t the one in physical pain during their night together. He wasn’t the one making a sacrifice sleeping with him, to achieve an ulterior motive. He just got to enjoy himself, if him being the active party once the clothes came off is any hint. The guy was digging her and he got her. Score.
If anything, Flay’s behavior should have set off alarm bells as to her mental state. After all, he knew what she went through and he knew that she had been Sai’s girlfriend shortly prior, so why would she suddenly be interested in him? But that coward never addresses anything. He doesn’t even tell the senior crew. Not that they’d care. When  Flay calls him out on his rotten behavior, only ever being concerned about himself, Kira calls off their relationship.
My, what a boyfriend.
What a nice guy.
Objectively speaking, Flay witnessed her father’s death, has no more close family members, is on a ship full of people who ignore her trauma and has accepted further isolation to get closer to Kira to achieve her goals while having to provide for his emotional needs without being allowed to reach out to him for comfort. On top of being a terrified teenager in a war zone.
In other words, the girl is messed up and can’t even talk about it to her boyfriend because it was his fault and she wants and needs him to fight and not wallow in self-pity, so she swallows and ignores her own issues. And no one cares.
Kira’s speech to Sai is terrible beyond belief but he is right about one thing: Flay really is the only one who cares about him and does something for him, unlike Murrue and Mwu who only ever talk to each other and never take any action. And she is the single most messed up person on that ship.
Way to go, guys. Yet the narrative wants us to hate Flay because her concern isn’t genuine and in truth she only wants to harm Kira whereas his friends, who not once inquire about his well-being, get portrayed as the good guys. Even though Flay is what sees him through the war.
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If we flip said narrative, these story flaws will become much clearer  as we’ll be looking for excuses for Flay, not Kira. And boy, are there  many.
That includes her lack of a job on the Archangel. The ship  is presumably short-staffed since its crew was killed during the attack  on Heliopolis, yet Flay, being a student at the same school as the  others (who are manning stations on the bridge) gets to refill soap and  change towels. Because...?
Flay’s lack of a proper job grates especially on me since SEED is supposed to pay homage to the original Gundam. But unlike in SEED, the original had all its crew members actually doing something. That she later becomes a bridge member on the Dominion is a bad joke.
The show tries to tell me that she chose to be useless and now feels sorry for it and in its perverse sense of justice and character development goes so far as to make her apologize for it during her heart to heart with Badgiruel. The very person responsible for assigning crew their tasks and who never bothered to actually give Flay something to do. Oh, the irony.
See what the narrative does? Flay is painted as the bad guy for not participating in battle, when anyone who takes two seconds to think about it would tell you that that wasn’t her fault. It was the Murrue’s and Badgiruel’s. Flay freaking volunteered for crying out loud. Contrary to however the show thinks the military operates, you don’t actually just waltz onto the bridge, sit in a spot and boom, that’s your job.
It gets better. Flay’s redeeming moment is when she gets blown to pieces and tells Kira in naked ghost form how sorry she is and that she now truly loves him and wishes to protect him. That is all she is allowed to amount to; a complex girl having gone through various traumas and having the potential to portray the show’s anti-racist message beautifully is reduced to a now gone obstacle to the Kira/Lacus ship that at least apologized for her terrible behavior towards him. Which he never hears because the sole purpose of that scene is to redeem the terrible Flay, not develop characters or something. And her redemption discounts her character completely. She doesn’t go ghosting to the Archangel crew or Sai or has a monologue about how her hatred destroyed her while floating across space to get the message across to the audience that racism is bad. Nope, she only counts in relation to Kira and how her manipulating him made her such a terrible person.
I’m stuck between laughing and being utterly done with that notion when Kira is worse than her.
So, TL;DR. Would the show get better if it was told from Flay’s POV? Not necessarily. You’d need to add responsible adults, characters who are capable of empathy and a more mature handling of the story. Then yes. It would improve.
As it is, it’s just classic fanfic, hand-waving its protagonist’s terrible behavior because it doesn’t recognize it as such and making everyone a one-note character, to not have to bother with more complex character dynamics.
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halothenthehorns · 3 years
James gazed eagerly down at the last two words Lily had spoken before beaming in delight. If there was one thing that could be done, practically the only thing going on at that castle at this point that could be offered for good news, it was this! He flipped the page with utter enthusiasm, for all anyone could have guessed Harry had just won his game and gone about his life.
Harry had at once gone for his cloak, though no matter his speed they had to wait on Hermione to come back downstairs with some of her own hand knitted material.
Lily had to press her hand to her mouth to stop herself laughing out loud at all the impatient boys looks in here as well when she honestly couldn't blame Hermione.
She defended how cold it was out there while the boys impatiently put the cloak over her, Ron having grown so tall that he had to crouch for all three of them to remain hidden.
James couldn't help jerking slightly as a memory tried to agitate his conscience, regarding the three of them and how the cloak had stopped covering them by now so they'd had to get creative. He still hated more than anything those reminders he couldn't erase from his life of someone he wished would just vanish entirely from his past.
They moved very cautiously as they hadn't brought the map, but only passed Nick, who took no notice of them as he glided along humming something that sounded horribly like Weasley is our King.
"He wouldn't," Sirius snapped at once. "Must be because that stupid thing was still on your mind."
Harry nodded in agreement even as he absently wondered why he had a tiny feeling that song wasn't always such a terrible thing, maybe Nick could be singing it one day for good show...
The walk through the snow covered ground was much quicker, Harry finally reaching up after so many months to once again knock on Hagrid's door and hear the frantic dog barking inside.
Harry beamed and started bouncing in place eagerly. He hated that it had taken so long to happen, but finally he was getting his friend back, Hogwarts was finally getting some semblance of normal back!
  Harry called out who it was, and from the other side of the door they could already hear Hagrid chuckling how unsurprised he was, he'd only been back five second, before telling Fang to move.
The bolt was drawn, and Hagrid appeared.
"Oh I've missed this," Lily beamed.
Hermione screamed.
James startled in surprise along with everyone else. Then they all looked to Harry as if in fear of an attack, all logic being thrown out the window that Hagrid had sounded just fine before he opened the door but instead Harry had just stumbled into some wild animal attack going on inside Hagrid's.
Instead what they did see on Harry was a tense, drawn face, his eyes certainly wide with fear, but with no indication it was for himself.
Hagrid at once shushed them and tried to usher them inside the house before they took the cloak off. Hermione tried to say something, but Hagrid quickly said it was nothing.
"That does not sound like nothing," Lily said flatly, fighting back the impulse to take the book away because James wasn't reading fast enough for her taste.
Hagrid's hair was matted with congealed blood, his left eye was swollen shut, his whole face was purple and black from bruising as well as several deep cuts that were still dripping blood, and the ginger way he walked made it clear he had at least cracked ribs.
"What the bloody hell could do that to Hagrid!?" James demanded when he was done, turning a funny purple color as well of imagining all that to the big guy.
"Very, very few things," Remus whispered as he tried to understand what could have happened to him.
They all simultaneously remembered where they'd been expecting Hagrid to have been all this time, and their worry managed to increase. If Hagrid had been on the wrong side of a giant, than it was an actual miracle he was even still alive.
"But he's going to be okay, right?" Harry demanded, coming out of his own shock and yet still unable to force himself to relax.
"Yes, yes," Lily promised, "he'll heal of course, none of that sounded fatal, I just, oh the poor dear, how long has he been like that?" Surely Maxime hadn't left him to fend for himself in this state.
James went back uneasily in hopes Hagrid would start some explaining.
It was clear he really had been home only moments, his black traveling cloak was still hung over a chair and his large rucksack still packed against the door.
"He didn't walk all that way did he," Lily couldn't help but groan with further worry, starting to bite at her lip again. "Oh he should have been given some way to communicate with someone, to tell he needed a way back home." She of course knew as well as anyone Order members did not receive outside help until touching back on base. She supposed she did understand then, but it didn't make the worry any less.
Harry still demanded what had happened to him, but Hagrid brushed this off, asking if they wanted any tea?
Ron told him to stop being daft, he was clearly hurt.
Hagrid insisted it was worth more than his job to tell them that, than said how good it was to see the three of them, and asked how their summers had been.
"Harry almost died and Ron and Hermione ignored him all summer, it was great," Sirius drawled.
Ron only repeated his question of who'd done this to him.
"Why wouldn't he tell us?" Harry groaned, still fidgeting uneasily as he remembered watching this happen to his friend.
"You know why Harry, I'm sure you remember he was out on Order business," James said grimly, his eyes flickering to Remus and away as he remembered a fair few times his friend had come back looking just as bad.
Harry huffed, thinking that was not a good enough reason for him to not know what had happened to his friend.
Hermione insisted he should go see Madam Pomfrey.
"I'm not sure how much good she could actually do him," Lily mumbled mostly to herself, thinking of her own ways she'd have liked to try and help, but Hagrid's giant heritage made a large majority of them ineffective on him.
Hagrid insisted he was dealing with it on his own. He went over to the table and pulled a napkin off of a steak that was tinged green.
Ron looked concerned at it, asking if Hagrid intended to eat that, because it looked poisonous.
"I'm surprised Ron doesn't recognize dragon meat when he sees it," Remus said absently.
"I presume he gets most of his dragon knowledge from Charlie, and why would he have a reason to know this bit," Sirius reminded.
Hagrid said it was dragon meat so it was supposed to look like that, and it wasn't for eating. He picked it up and slapped it across half his face so now green juice trickled into his beard as well as he released a sigh of relief.
"Ew," both Harry and Lily crinkled their noses in disgust, giving James a small moment of amusement that Harry hadn't gotten all his features from him.
"That actually is a recognized method of treatment," Remus told the two with an almost amused smile that was still distracted from his worry for what had happened to Hagrid. "Its juices are put into wounds to help ease the pain, but it's a minor solution at best for an aching body, not for the sever amount of injuries I'm hearing. Also it tastes like pheasant."
"I was following you until that last part, and I want to hear how you know this considering how bleeding expensive it is," James said conversationally, before also tacking on, "and how you or Hagrid afforded such a thing."
Remus just grinned, considering for a moment keeping such a simple answer above their heads, but James refused to keep going so Remus gave in easy enough just so Harry would quit eyeing the book with worry. "Alright fine, I've never tasted it, just read that fact. I presume Hagrid got it off someone cheap, maybe Mundungus or some such."
James rolled his eyes at Remus trying to mess with him but Harry's impatient little noises convinced them to move on, he clearly wasn't taking pleasure like he usually was in their banter.
Harry waited until he said that helped the stinging feel better before asking what had happened, but Hagrid said he couldn't, it was top secret.
Lily suddenly blanched as she remembered that horrid toad hopping around school, threatening Trelawney's job. If she had it out for that woman, Hagrid was going to have even more troubles soon than just some injuries.
Hermione finally guessed that it was the giants who'd beat up Hagrid.
Hagrid dropped his steak in surprise.
"Was he really so surprised?" Sirius chuckled. "I think anyone with just a touch of knowledge could figure out where he'd gone."
"I still want to know what happened to Maxime not sending help for him or something," Lily grumbled as she stayed on topic for now. Last she'd heard her and Hagrid had gotten separated, now she found Hagrid to be injured but either no one in the Order knew about it or the message hadn't been passed along to Harry.
Hagrid demanded to know who'd told them- who'd said that?
"Such a convincing denial, I must take notes," Sirius smirked as he pretended to dig for a quill.
Hermione admitted it had just been a guess before, while Ron agreed it had been obvious.
"I mean, they're not wrong," James snorted.
"The point was what were they doing guessing about it at all, rather than spending their time doing normal things their age," Lily shrugged, honestly understanding Hagrid's surprise a bit, especially if he had no clue how much they knew about the Order.
"He's been their friend since first year," Remus defended, "I'd think it weirder if they didn't wonder what happened to him, and they're well connected enough to put this together with or without whatever knowledge the Order could give."
Lily stopped arguing the point, she found it moot no matter what.
Hagrid glared at them for a moment before picking the steak off his chest and putting it back on his face before going to the kettle which was now whistling, muttering all the way about how he'd never known such kids to be into everyone's business,
"I almost want to be offended by that," Sirius pouted.
"We had plenty of knowledge to do with the schools populace," James soothed as well as defended his group.
"Can't say we'd have been involved in half the nonsense Harry has though," Remus snorted, "we were too busy entertaining ourselves to go looking for all this."
"I don't know," Sirius wouldn't let go. "Don't tell me we wouldn't have poked around Fluffy, and figured out a way down to the Stone as well. I agree it never occurred to us to put together Myrtle was involved in that Chamber and no one's out to kill us by putting our name in some death tournament..." he trailed off before conceding the point, "and we didn't give much of a lick about Voldemort's going ons until our last year of school, so fine, Harry's caused more trouble than us, in that way." He finished with the stank eye on his pup, who batted his eyes not nearly innocently enough.
how some would call it nosy.
"Some, surely not him though," Lily chuckled, she could hear the affection Hagrid was holding in his voice even without being there.
His beard twitching the whole time.
Harry confirmed while grinning at him that it had been giants then.
Hagrid finally agreed,
"What happened to, 'more than my job's worth to tell?'" Remus snickered.
"Apparently those kids are worth more than his job," Sirius smirked.
but said no more. Hermione tried to confirm that he'd found them?
Hagrid agreed they weren't difficult to find, they were pretty big.
All five snorted in amusement, though Harry was still watching them curiously in hopes they'd give a better answer.
Remus gave an amused shrug as he said, "well most people know where to find them, the Ministry does keep tabs on their whereabouts."
"And as Hagrid said, they're not hard to spot," Sirius snorted again.
Ron asked where they were, and Hagrid gave the simple answer of mountains.
Harry opened his mouth to ask, but James beat him to the punch, "Ural mountains, last I heard, but that could have changed as they do migrate between regions."
Harry still couldn't help gaping at the idea of such a long distance for Hagrid to travel, on foot it seemed. Even if he had been given some kind of magical transportation there, he didn't seem to have gotten it back since it had taken him so long.
Ron asked if Muggles ever came across them, and Hagrid agreed that did happen, but their subsequent deaths were usually then put down to mountaineering accidents.
All five of them winced at that acknowledgement.
He went silent again as Ron made the compromise if he told them about the giants they'd  tell him about Harry being attacked by dementors.
Hagrid choked into his tea and dropped his steak again, which this time fell to the floor.
"So I'm guessing Hagrid hasn't heard of that," James said mildly.
"Wish I hadn't," Lily grumbled with disgust of bringing that mess up again.
He growled what they meant, dementors!
Hermione was surprised he hadn't heard, but Hagrid said he didn't know anything about anything since he'd left, asking if they were serious?
"He has been away for awhile if he thought I was Harry," Sirius smirked while Harry snickered beside him.
Harry said it was true, and when he saved himself and Dudley the Ministry expelled him,
"Not the best idea to lead with that part," Remus sighed.
"Don't know what you're talking about, I'm enthralled by his tale, loads of questions about why he's even at school already-"
James had to keep reading loudly over Sirius' sarcasm.
Hagrid spluttered in more surprise, but Harry insisted Hagrid tell about his summer and he could hear about theirs.
"Quite the negotiation tactic, don't go giving up that Auror dream in favor of teaching just yet," James chuckled.
"I don't know what you're talking about," Remus smirked, "being a teacher requires much persuasion and tricks to convince youths to do their homework in any decent fashion."
The other two exchanged a look before conceding the point.
Hagrid glared at them with his one eye, but Harry continued looking back with innocent determination.
Hagrid gave in.
"It's no wonder Hagrid has rib damage, he's as easy to crack as an egg," Sirius grinned.
He bent down and tugged the dragon steak out of Fang's mouth.
"Ew," Lily grumbled again before asking Remus, "would that degrade the healing part?"
"Not necessarily, dragon meat's so tough I'd be surprised if Fangs slobber even got past the skin in time to degrade it," Remus said without any concern.
Hermione began to say to just throw that out, it was unhygienic, but Hagrid had already slapped the meat back in place.
Lily didn't care what Remus said, she certainly wanted to snatch that away from Hagrid already and get him something sanitary now.
Hagrid took another long drink of tea before starting they set off, Hermione interrupting to ask that Madam Maxime had gone then.
Hagrid agreed, a soft expression coming over his face as he agreed it was just the pair of them.
"Please tell me Hagrid keeps this story at a G rating, I get enough of this from Sirius," Remus grumbled at Harry, who firmly hoped so.
Hagrid had wondered, being such a finely dressed woman and knowing where they were going how she'd feel about roughing it, but she never complained once.
"Maybe not in English, but how much French does Hagrid know?" Sirius chuckled.
Harry asked in surprise they knew where they were going, it wasn't a secret?
Hagrid agreed most wizards knew the area but also never bothered them because they tended to be so far away, they did need Dumbledore's instructions on the exact location. It took them a month to get there, Ron repeating that time frame in surprise as if he'd never heard of such a long journey.
Harry felt the strangest urge to laugh, yet there was no humor in the feeling either.
Asking why they couldn't take a portkey?
Hagrid looked at him with an almost pitying expression.
Harry looked surprised as he'd been wondering the same thing, but James expected Hagrid to explain considering that look.
He told Ron they were being watched, he and everyone the Ministry expected to be close to Dumbledore, but Harry quickly said they knew that.
"I didn't realize that meant he couldn't use any magic," Harry seemed aghast at the idea.
"Oh I'm sure not entirely," Lily said fondly to all of the boys stunned looks. "Just long enough they got rid of whatever tail was on them."
Ron could still hardly wrap his mind around the idea they had to act like Muggles the whole way.
Hagrid corrected not the entire time, they just had to be careful, he and Olympe did stick out a bit.
James couldn't help but pause with that smirk in place promising a smart remark, but Lily flicked him in the ear and he kept going without it even while snickering at what he heard Remus mutter under his breath to Sirius.
Ron made a stifled noise somewhere between a snort and a sniff and hastily took a gulp of tea.
Harry couldn't help laughing doubly hard at his life being paralleled, he missed his friends.
Hagrid kept going about how they were pretending to be on vacation in France, and they were going very slow at first since Hagrid wasn't supposed to use magic and the Ministry would take any excuse to snatch him up.
"Hang on," Harry said in surprise, "I thought Hagrid wasn't using magic because he never learned, but he was cleared of his charges because of my second year, so he should be allowed to do it now."
Lily looked at Harry with pity for a moment before telling him, "I like to think he was allowed, there for the two years where the world was acting normal, but if your trial was any indication I wouldn't be surprised if they found any remotely dumb way, or simply made one up of why he wasn't allowed again."
Harry set his teeth on edge in fury but nodded his understanding.
They lost their tail around Dijon before Hermione interrupted she found that place beautiful while she'd seen it on holiday and was fixing to ask if they'd seen- but stopped at a glare from Ron's face.
"Priorities," Sirius agreed.
Hagrid kept going saying they only had a few slight problems, a mad troll through Polish, a disagreement between a vampire, mostly smooth trails.
"Oh, we don't get to hear those stories?" Remus honestly sounded disappointed.
"Maybe Harry will go back and ask for them after we get the good stuff," Sirius soothed.
Finally they reached their destination, and still they hardly used any magic for multiple reasons. Didn't want the giants distrusting them before arrival, giants hated magic, and they didn't want any Death Eaters who could also be on this same mission to know of their whereabouts.
He paused for a drink of tea.
"Pause for dramatic effect," James couldn't help but snicker as he did the same, leering at his friends for a moment who were watching him impatiently.
Hagrid described the gully they'd been found in, campfires burning making their shadows seem like extra mountains, most were in the range of twenty feet tall.
Harry couldn't help his mouth falling open in a bit of surprise. He'd thought the dragons were big, but these actually managed to beat that!
Harry asked how many there were, and Hagrid said no more than eighty.
"So many in one place?" Harry said in surprise, picturing moving mountains all trying to camp together boggling his mind. However, he quickly caught sight of the small little pitiful frowns and realized his mistake before Remus corrected, "actually Harry, that's miniscule, not even half as many as a normal healthy population would be at."
Harry's surprise mounted even higher as he wondered at just what really had happened to kill off almost an entire species.
Hermione was surprised that was it, and Hagrid agreed there should have been more. There used to be hundreds of different tribes all across the world, but they'd been dying out for ages. Some because they so often killed themselves, they just weren't meant to live together so bunched up. Mostly it was wizards fault, forcing them into such cramped conditions so far away from people so they had no choice but to stick together for their own protection.
Harry shifted uncomfortably as he realized this. Even when he was very first told about magic he'd been introduced to it by being shown magic wasn't all good, but he'd never have imagined his own kind being responsible for the destruction of another species.
Harry kept the story on track, asking what they did when they found them.
Hagrid explained they went down there during the day, couldn't risk it at night for fear they'd think they were being snuck up on, plus they were asleep and snoring so loud they often caused an avalanche.
Sirius did manage a chuckle for that, eyeing Remus and not being very subtle about it, who was just as easily ignoring him.
When they did head in, they'd brought gifts for the Gurg, the in charge giant, this one named Karkus. Twenty-three feet tall with skin like a rhino.
Harry was having trouble picturing it. Even having seen a dragon, that was still a beast. Hagrid was the largest person he'd ever met, and he couldn't imagine the human features on something even larger, yet he was still getting this odd feeling he'd be experiencing something like it in person soon enough.
Ron asked if the giants tried to kill them upon arrival, and Hagrid agreed it was likely on several minds,
"Yes, simple murder on the mind, I'm surprised he wasn't dancing in excitement," Lily couldn't help but shift anxiously, even knowing it was Hagrid telling this story she couldn't help but keep picturing the state he was in while doing so, and she was still on edge waiting for the part of hearing how her friend got hurt.
but they did what Dumbledore said to, walked in with their gift held high and eyes only on the Gurg.
Ron asked what presents do you give giants with eager curiosity.
Remus couldn't help but smile at seeing such enthusiasm in Ron, at the eager way Harry was watching all this. It made him realize for the millionth time how interesting History of Magic could be for even someone with the vaguest interest in the subject.
Hagrid explained they liked magical gifts, just not magic being used against them. This time they'd brought a Gubraithian fire.
At the boys confused looks, Hermione said impatiently it was Everlasting fire, they should know that as Flitwick had mentioned it twice in class.
"Yes, and that automatically means, what again?" Sirius rolled his eyes.
Hagrid quickly kept going before Ron could answer.
"Smart man, or that could go on into its own book," James chuckled.
Saying they laid this at the Gurg's feet and proclaimed it a gift from Dumbledore sending his greetings. However Karkus couldn't respond because he didn't speak English, to Harry's surprise.
"Why are you surprised?" Lily asked. "You must already know not everything speaks the same language we do."
"I was thinking they were like Hagrid, but bigger, and it surprised me," Harry defended.
"I guess Hagrid didn't put this bluntly enough, but they're actually nothing like him. Much more, err, uncultured," James tried to think of an inoffensive way to put that and was sure he still failed, but Harry let the matter go.
Thankfully there was a translator giant.
"How did some know and others didn't?" Harry couldn't help the question bursting out.
"All these giants aren't from the same place, remember Hagrid already said they had to band together for survival. Some of them more than likely could have migrated from somewhere where they had learned the common dialect," Remus happily explained.
After that they only promised to come back the next day with another gift and then they left.
Hermione asked why the couldn't speak of matters right then, but Hagrid explained it built trust, say you're coming back again and then do so. Also if you pile on too much information at once they'll just kill you to simplify things.
"I can't decide which is my favorite reason," Remus chuckled.
"I can," Sirius grinned.
So they came back the next day with a goblin-made indestructible helmet and then they talked while Karkus mostly listened, and he seemed really interested in what Dumbledore was offering. So they promised to come back the next day with another present.
Everyone was grinning happily as well, thinking this was going much better than it had been this time around, and it was truly a great sign for their side.
But that night it all went wrong.
James cursed in frustration as Lily scooted closer to him with worry again. They actually couldn't go one second anymore thinking something good.
A fight broke out that night, it happened despite their small numbers, they just couldn't help it, all different tribes being forced to bunch up like that.
Remus couldn't help twitching uneasily, brushing at his ribs as he knew all too well of a beast's nature. Sirius noticed and gave him a nudge in those same ribs.
When the sun came back up, Karkus's head was now sitting at the bottom of the lake, and the new Gurg was Golgomath. It wasn't good that they'd already spent two days speaking with the previous Gurg, but they had to try.
Ron was astounded they still went to speak to him after this giant had spent the night ripping heads off.
"Well they'd have gone all that way for nothing if they'd just left after two days," Lily grimly said, though honestly half wishing Hagrid had left, she wasn't going to get her hopes up a second time this had turned out well.
Hagrid said of course they had, they weren't going to give up after two days. 
"Aw Lily, how does it feel to be mimicking Hagrid?" Sirius grinned at her.
"Could have been worse," she rolled her eyes.
So they went down to speak to Golgomath and tried the same thing with a roll of dragon skin, and then Hagrid found himself hanging upside down by his feet.
Lily gasped and tried to lean around James in concern, but he hardly noticed as he kept going with worry. He'd never thought he'd have to be scared for Hagrid's well being before, but if anything could hurt him, it would be those brutes.
Olympe did some fast spell work, got them in the eyes with some Conjunctivitis Curses and the two got away after that, but they were in trouble now, they'd used magic against them and were not going to be allowed back into camp.
They all sighed with disappointment such a promising start had been tossed in the bin like that, the lot of them would always feel sorrow that no interspecies connection ever seemed to be possible.
Hermione then asked why it took so long to get here if he'd left after three days, but again Hagrid corrected they weren't going to give up that easy. They spent several days laying low and watching after that, and it wasn't pretty.
"When is it ever?" James grumped.
Hermione asked if more heads were ripped off, but Hagrid said that would be better than what was going on.
Sirius couldn't help snorting in surprise even as he looked on in confusion for something so violent coming from him.
Turns out Golgomath didn't object to all wizards.
"Oh no," Remus groaned in fear of what that meant.
"He couldn't, I mean they wouldn't really listen to Death Eaters," Harry quickly understood.
"Can't even be surprised anymore, just more annoyed," Sirius grumbled.
Harry quickly understood Death Eaters, which Hagrid agreed with, saying a couple of them were now the ones bringing the Gurg gifts and they weren't being hung by their feet.
"Can't even be bothered to do something useful while ruining our offerings of help," James scoffed.
Lily's face was drawn tight as she wondered if it wasn't even the Death Eater's who could have instigated this fight, if perhaps they'd been doing this for Golgomath since Hagrid got there, or even before.
Ron asked if Hagrid was sure they were Death Eaters, and Hagrid agreed he recognized one, Macnair, the bloke who'd tried to kill Buckbeak.
Sirius' face in particular darkened for that reminder, he was too fond of the hippogriff not to want that one dead on principle for this fact alone.
Hermione was getting desperate as she asked that Macnair had persuaded all the giants to join You-Know-Who?
"I thought she was calling him Voldemort now?" Sirius forced a laugh, enjoying this mundane detail rather than continuing to dwell on practically rehearing all of his current Order meetings. "She's not going back on that is she?"
"She still said You-Know-Who when she wasn't thinking about it, old habits die hard and all that," Harry sighed.
Hagrid told her to stop jumping ahead, he hadn't finished yet. He seemed keen to keep going, considering at the start he hadn't wanted to tell them at all.
That at least made them all smile again even for a brief moment. Trust Hagrid to manage this in the face of such a gruesome tail.
Olympe and Hagrid had decided they should still try and persuade some of Karkus' old followers, and Ron asked how they knew which those were.
Hagrid explained it was those beaten to a pulp but at least still alive patiently for them.
"At least he's kind while explaining about their hierarchy." Harry thought Sirius sounded too sarcastic for the kind tone he was going for.
So the ones who'd survived the regime change had crawled away into nearby caves and the two began looking around for those.
"And they went spelunking! Why couldn't I have been invited on this trip!" Sirius couldn't help bursting in protest for something he'd been thinking on since he'd found out where Hagrid had been.
The others watched him pitifully, no one was going to tell him otherwise what a bad idea that could have been, so instead Remus corrected, "I'm pretty sure those caves aren't deep enough to really be explorable enough to be called spelunking."
Sirius rolled his eyes at him but otherwise let it go.
Ron was awed they went poking around dark caves looking for giants.
"Well when he puts it like that it sounds ridiculous," James chuckled.
Hagrid did say they had to be careful, those Death Eaters were going around doing the same and now looking for them, more than likely Golgomath had told Macnair's group they were around.
Lily was still inching closer to James as much as she could with worry. She hadn't completely ruled out the giants as the most likely cause for Hagrid being so injured, but now the Death Eaters seemed a more likely suspect though a bit more hard pressed to manage such damage to Hagrid.
Hagrid was hard pressed to stop Olympe jumping on every one of them and cursing them. He spoke with a soft warmth in his voice about the fire in her, it was probably her French heritage.
Harry was fascinated when James read that with the exact same tone as Hagrid had managed, before James' eyes flickered to Lily with a fond smile and he told her, "got any French in you love?"
She smiled up at him and just tisked before waving him on. James did keep going with ease, well aware that for every twitch his wife had in concern for someone else, her next spell would be just as dangerous for the person who had caused it.
Hagrid gazed misty-eyed into the fire. Harry allowed him thirty seconds of reminiscence before clearing his throat loudly.
"Only thirty seconds? I'd have given him a least a minute," Sirius couldn't help but snicker.
After poking around six caves they finally found three holed up in one, Ron commenting how cramped it must have been in there.
Harry was feeling claustrophobic just thinking about it, and his sorrow for these giants only continued to grow as he heard what pitiful states they were living in. Who'd have thought a cupboard would ever feel like a luxury when compared to this.
One spoke English and translated that Dumbledore was still offering whatever he could to help them, and they kept coming back to visit the sick through a few other caves, they had almost seven convinced at one point.
Lily was getting worried that there was no wishful delight back in James' voice, like he was already expecting this to somehow turn out to be bad news as well. Where was that optimist who'd plagued her for six years at school, bouncing back and hoping this time it would turn around? Was this future truly making him so miserable he couldn't even cling to one of the things she couldn't help but be fondly exasperated of no matter how many times it annoyed her in her youth.
Ron optimistically said that was still of some good, but Hermione asked what he meant by at one point.
Then all four of them sighed as they realized what they'd missed but James hadn't.
Hagrid sadly said Golgomath had figured out what caves they were in and raided them, none others would let them come close after that.
"Damn," Sirius couldn't help the curse, gnashing his teeth in frustration as he was feeling the same way as James, like nothing was working out any better the second time than it was this time around.
Ron fell back in disappointment they weren't getting any giant help then.
Hagrid agreed with a deep sigh, flipping the steak so the cold side was now against his face.
"Exactly how long is that thing useful?" Lily demanded.
All of the boys startled in surprise at her sharp tone, and it took Remus a minute to understand the question, "ah, several hours actually before the juices dry up and it's no longer helpful." She nodded in thanks for the answer, which didn't explain why she still looked so angry. She couldn't explain though, wouldn't put into words just now of how watching this news affect her boys was just as stunning a blow as the news itself. The Marauders were usually such a lively bunch that seeing them so upset for so long was wearing on her three times as bad.
Hagrid still tried for some good news, saying that some still might not want to be ruled by Golgomath, and they'd remember Dumbledore's offer, maybe some would still come.
Still, Lily managed a smile for that, she'd have given Hagrid a kiss on the cheek if he'd been here just for making sure some of the good news still persisted.
They sat in silence for a moment before Hermione quietly asked if he'd found any news of his mother?
Sirius couldn't help a snort of amusement while praising Hermione, "no sense of personal questions for her eh?"
Harry chose not to defend that one even while James pouted at him and scolded someone who wasn't even here, "Hagrid didn't even finish his story though. Apparently it wasn't giants or Death Eaters that got him so messed up, there's clearly more to this."
Harry opened, then closed his mouth as he had no answer for that, but as always the sneaking suspicion he would find out.
Hagrid just stared at Hermione for a moment and she began stammering that she was sorry, she'd forgot-
"Forgot what exactly?" Remus couldn't help but laugh at her trying to backtrack. "She's already blurted the question, the apology after the fact doesn't do much good."
Hagrid interrupted to say she was dead, had been for years, they'd told him.
They all sighed with pity for Hagrid. That whole trip would have been worth it if Hagrid had managed a reconnection and an explanation for why he'd been abandoned other than 'that's just how giants are.'
Hermione said how sorry she was while Hagrid shrugged it off, saying she hadn't exactly been a great mother. Hermione gave the boys a pointed look, so Ron pointed out that Hagrid still hadn't explained his injuries.
"I'm fairly confident that's not what Hermione was wanting him to say," Lily wagged her finger at Harry, who put his hands up sheepishly, wishing his friend were around more and more lately just so he'd stop getting the fall out for their doings. He hadn't known how to apologize for this fact any better than Hermione had and was glad Ron had changed the subject.
Harry agreed or why he was back so late, Sirius had said Maxime had been back for ages. Who had attacked him?
Hagrid insisted he hadn't been attacked, but was cut off by a knock on the door.
"Who would be there so late?" James demanded in far more anger than was called for. He was more frustrated than anything at yet another answer being cut off like that, again!
"Probably Dumbledore," Remus decided. "He'd know someone came back onto the school grounds and put together easily enough Hagrid was back, he'd want a field report as soon as possible."
Hermione was so surprised her mug fell to the floor while Fang kept barking. All four of them got a peek out the window of a squat form through the curtains.
"That's not Dumbledore," Sirius' lip curled in disgust.
"Thank you for your candor," Lily snipped at him, shifting anxiously in place as well and wondering what that wench was doing around there so late.
Harry quickly seized his cloak again and the three hid from sight while Hagrid looked on in confusion.
"Don't worry, that'll turn into murderous here in a few moments," James said with honest relish. While in no way looking forward to how Umbridge was going to treat Hagrid, if Trelawney had been any indication, he was thoroughly going to enjoy when Hagrid ripped this toad limb from limb.
Someone hissed for their remaining mugs to be hidden.
Remus couldn't help smiling for whoever that was paying attention to details.
Hagrid did as told and stuffed them under Fang's cushion before opening the door to Umbridge, who hardly reached his navel.
She began speaking to him slowly and loudly, as if speaking to a deaf person.
"How does she continue to manage to be so insulting from the very start?" Lily began without a trace of disbelief, but utter disgust.
Asking if he was Hagrid? Then she snapped at his dog to get away, who was sniffing her curiously and trying to lick at her face.
"And here I thought Fang would try using her as a chew toy," Sirius said with honest disappointment.
"What happened to those good instincts?" James agreed, wishing Fang's menacing growl would make Umbridge think twice about being there.
Hagrid began he didn't want to be rude,
"That won't last long," Remus promised.
but who was she?
She introduced herself as her eyes began sweeping the cabin, passing twice where the trio was hidden.
"It's a small space, I'm not surprised while she's looking for whatever she thinks she is, but there's no way she knows you're there," James scoffed.
Hagrid was surprised to recognize her name as one from the Ministry, which she briskly agreed to while also telling she'd taken the Defence Against the Dark Arts job.
Hagrid told her that was brave,
"I've called that woman many things, that wasn't one of them," Harry said in disgust. He of course admired Hagrid for his automatic friendliness with anyone, he just wished he'd had the time to warn Hagrid it wasn't necessary here.
there weren't many who would-
and also High Inquisitor, Umbridge had kept speaking as if Hagrid hadn't spoken.
Hagrid asked what that was, but Umbridge ignored the question by returning it and gesturing at Hermione's broken mug.
"I'm not surprised she doesn't understand broken objects, considering that's what every mirror she looks into is," Sirius sneered.
Hagrid looked guiltily to their corner for a moment,
James wished he had been there for Hagrid to help with this, though even he couldn't come up with an idea of how to communicate while invisible and not attracting unwanted attention. He just didn't like being left out of things.
before quickly fibbing Fang had broken that.
Umbridge said she'd heard voices, and Hagrid also said he'd been talking to his dog.
Umbridge was not impressed, asking if he'd talked back?
Hagrid gave an uncomfortable shift before saying in a manner of speaking, he'd always thought Fang was near human enough-
Sirius couldn't help the crackle of laughter coming up his throat even as they all stayed tense and uneasy in place. Umbridge had kicked Harry off the Quidditch team because he'd gotten into a fight, what would she do if she found Harry out after curfew? It truly only seemed one moment away from his being expelled.
but Umbridge cut him off to point out there were footprints headed to his cabin.
Hermione gasped,
"Hermione is officially off the Auror job," Remus groaned, wishing he could slap his hand over her mouth like he'd done countless times to Sirius, except this for a much more important reason. Smart as she was, stealth clearly wasn't her thing.
Harry quickly put his hand over her mouth, but thankfully Fang was still sniffing loudly around her and Umbridge didn't seem to notice. Hagrid quickly waved to his bag against the door, explaining he'd just gotten back, perhaps someone had come by earlier and he hadn't been here.
Umbridge pointed out there were no footsteps away from this place.
"They flew away, guess you haven't managed to take away all happiness in that place yet," James snarked.
Hagrid didn't know what to say about that, but Umbridge lost interest and began walking around inspecting every inch of the place, even opening and closing some cupboards.
Lily spluttered with indignity. This woman marched into Hagrid's house, was interrogating him, and now going through his things! She'd long since had the notion to curse this woman into a puddle, and she still managed to find new ways to infuriate her.
She passed within an inch of the cloak and nearly stepped on the tread before turning back to Hagrid and asking how he was injured.
"Your mere presence on the grounds has tainted his features, it'll be a full blown epidemic soon," Remus scowled.
Hagrid stalled for several moments before saying he tripped.
Sirius had to resist the urge to facepalm at the piss-poor lie.
Umbridge repeated this in disbelief.
"Clearly a fall wouldn't concern her, she's so close to the ground her falling is the same as her squatting down," James snarled.
Hagrid elaborated he'd been around a friend who had Abraxan horses, and he'd been offered a ride and-
Umbridge cut him off to ask where he'd been.
"I can't believe Hagrid's still politely talking to her, I'd have chucked her head first into the snow by now," Sirius grumbled.
"Preferably yellow snow," Remus muttered.
Hagrid repeated the question to stall for time, Umbridge prompting him for taking to long.
"And that is her business, because?" Lily demanded coolly.
"She's clearly given herself the impression every person exists for her business," James said bitterly.
Term had started two months ago, another teacher had been covering these classes and his duties, and no one seemed to have an answer for her.
"The Bermuda Triangle, you should try it, it's lovely this time of year," Sirius snapped.
Hagrid clearly said the first thing that came to him, he'd been away for his health.
Remus face palmed.
Umbridge repeated this slowly while taking in his marred presence, Hagrid trying to go on to say he'd been going out for some fresh air- being cut off by Umbridge saying sweetly that as gamekeeper that must be so hard to come by.
Sirius point blank refused to admit that he'd been thinking something similar, and instead barked, "perhaps he just wanted a change of scenery, or he wanted to go ice fishing, but wait, it's still not her business!"
Hagrid's face was flushing red now underneath all the bruising as he tried to say he'd been wanting a change of scenery, Umbridge inserting mountain like?
Harry realized she already knew.
"I can't even say I'm surprised," Remus sighed. "The Ministry does have an idea of what Dumbledore was planning to do, but of course rather than help him they're going to impede him like the blithering morons they are."
Hagrid corrected France, for some sun and sea.
Umbridge was not impressed and Hagrid's friendly smile was now faltering as she informed him she'd be informing the Ministry of his late return.
"You can also inform the Minister of how much I care," Lily hissed.
She also told him of the inspections going on, the Ministry was determined to weed out unsatisfactory teachers, before deeming him a goodnight.
They all flinched with unease, even as white hot anger prodded them to keep furthering insults at that walking wart. Hagrid was an infinitely better person than Umbridge would ever be.
She finally left, and the three waited a moment to be sure she was gone before uncovering themselves, Hagrid at once saying in surprise she was inspecting people?
"And that's still the least of her personal issues," Lily said darkly, still looking repeatedly to the mark on the back of Harry's hand every now and again and the anger never fading.
Harry explained Trelawney was already on probation, while Hermione tentatively asked what Hagrid had planned for them?
Hagrid lightened at the subject, eagerly telling them they were going to enjoy this, he'd been saving these creatures specifically for their OWL year.
"And yet, I'm worried," Remus couldn't help but fidget uneasily, already imagining decking that woman for treating Hagrid the same way she did Trelawney.
Hermione asked how they were special exactly, but Hagrid refused, saying it was a surprise.
"And now I'm terrified," Sirius agreed.
Hermione dropped pretenses and told Hagrid that Umbridge was going to be even more trouble for him if he brought anything dangerous to class.
Hagrid was bemused as he told her they weren't dangerous, though they could look after themselves.
"This is getting less encouraging by the second," James groaned.
Hermione insisted Hagrid had to pass Umbridge's inspection,
"That was a lost cause before it started," Lily groaned, knowing Hermione was well aware of this. At some point hope turned into ignorance if not.
and he should be showing Porlocks and teaching the difference between Knarls and hedgehogs.
Hagrid scoffed those weren't very interesting, he had something much more impressive.
"I mean, I can see his point," Remus said fairly with an almost bemused smile, even Kettleburn had hurried through such lessons but had lingered on some of the more exotic creatures.
"You're not helping," Sirius grumbled.
Hagrid had been bringing these up for years, they were the only domestic herd in Britain.
"How does he manage to do that?" Lily demanded, looking ready to pull her hair out of her head in frustration for Hagrid making this worse every second.
"Give Hagrid some credit, if he says they're domesticated they most certainly are," Sirius defended.
Lily hardly agreed, but she wasn't going to argue the point either. She did of course agree, Hagrid was the most competent man she would ask for help with a creature aside from Remus, but that didn't make her feel any less anxious about what Umbridge was going to have to say about it.
Hermione was getting desperate now as she said Umbridge would take any excuse to rid teachers she found loyal to Dumbledore.
James' face twitched with agitation, wishing that was the only problem Umbridge could feasibly have with Hagrid instead of the one he'd gladly behead her for. Being part toad, he found it extremely hypocritical of her.
Hagrid merely yawned and cast a longing look at his bed.
"An honest luxury to someone who's been away from one for months," Remus agreed sadly.
He told her to stop worrying about him while patting her shoulder so hard she crashed to the ground.
"Hagrid's clearly been away too long if he's so forgotten his strength," Sirius grinned.
He apologized and told the lot of them he could handle it and to get back to the castle, before reminding them to wipe away their prints this time.
Hermione wouldn't let it go though, even as they left and they used a charm to erase they were there, she was saying she'd go back tomorrow and plan lessons for him if she had to.
"I honestly believe she could do that," Harry chuckled, he'd already been surprised Hermione hadn't been suggesting some to him.
She didn't care if Trelawney was gone, but Umbridge wasn't getting Hagrid!
"Damn straight!" Sirius agreed victoriously even as Harry felt a pit of unease welling up in him for that foreboding statement.
James was trying to nod in agreement even as he worried for how that could very well happen. If Harry could be booted from the Gryffindor team, he'd believe anything could go wrong at that school now.
I really wish Maxime had made another appearance in series. She's only mentioned at the end of the next book at Dumbledore's funeral, and never does get another part to play which I find disappointing. She's a fully trained wizard as well as the Headmistress at a pristine school all while being half giant. That's a pretty unique story in itself. I suppose she doesn't show up for the final battle because word didn't get to her in time, yet Charlie makes an appearance, so I'm just a little sad she didn't as well.
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corpse--diem · 3 years
Making Adult Friends | Chloe & Erin
TIMING: Early-mid January at Erin’s previous apartment PARTIES: @chloeinbetween​ & @corpse–diem SUMMARY: Chloe and Erin meet up to watch Sharknado. It’s a very normal and not awkward time at all.  CONTENT WARNINGS: none
It was fine. It was cool. It was definitely not Chloe staring at her reflection in a storefront, trembling in nerves. The last time she’d gone over to someone’s house who she barely knew, well…. That hadn’t ended well. This time, Chloe was prepared, a heavy iron pendant in her hand. They were meeting outside to chat a little before they went into the nearby apartment block that Erin had said were hers. Leaning on a nearby post, she breathed hot
into her winter gloves, her fingers growing cold in the wind. “Oh, um, hey, are you Erin?” Chloe asked when she noticed a woman also looking around for someone. “I’m Chloe.”
Erin hadn’t known what had possessed her to reach out and see if this stranger online wanted to just… hang out. Maybe it was the need to socialize, or to talk to someone, anyone, about absolutely anything but the supernatural for five goddamn minutes. It was like the moment she’d been dropped into this world nearly a year ago, she hadn’t been able to get above the surface for even a breath. When Chloe agreed to watch some stupid movie with her, she wondered if the other woman simply wanted the same thing--some company and some laughs. She eyed the blonde who had approached, standing there like she’d been waiting for a bus outside of the apartment building. At first glance she looked as normal as she’d sounded. As normal as anyone who wanted to watch a movie called Sharknado with her. “Yep, that’s me,” Erin chirped, perking up with a bright smile. “Nice to meet you, Chloe.” She pulled a glove hand out of her pocket where it’d been hiding from the bite of the winter air and offered it to the other woman. “Not to rush things but what do you say we get out of this cold and at least get to the apartment lobby? My bones can’t take the cold quite like they used to.”
Chloe smiled, but it was watered down by the nervous wideness of her eyes. Erin looked, as much as possible anyway, like a normal human being. Chloe wasn't sure what she was looking for but she was looking all the same. When Erin breezed there was a cloud of condensation. She wore thick clothes to match the winter air. She wasn't standing strangely, nor was there was anything unusual about her way of speaking like Lydia had sometimes had. Nothing about Erin set off alarm bells. Chloe just wasn't convinced that meant anything. There was some part of her that knew that looking was as pointless as trying to avoid everyone. "That would be great," Chloe said, looking down at Erin's hand ever, taking it in a shake. She was about to be rude, she knew, but it was the only thing that made the idea of going inside Erin's house bearable. "Just one thing," Chloe said, holding out the iron round pendant in her hand. "This is iron, can you touch this for me please? It sounds so silly, I know, I feel absurd asking, but it's really important to me."
This is why you didn’t invite strangers to your house, Erin, she thought to herself as Chloe held out the iron pendant in front of her. There was a sincerity in her voice and eyes that was hard to dismiss but it didn’t instill much confidence in Erin. “You want me to… touch it?” She repeated the question, shifting where she stood, waiting for the other shoe to drop. Like maybe this was some weird joke she wasn’t privy to. Her gloved hand reached out, an unsure smile wavering on her lips. “This isn’t one of those buzzer things that’ll give me a shock if I touch it right?” She’d dealt with weirder things than someone with bad jokes. Her hand hovered above it, hesitant, before tapping the top of it quickly--once, twice, flinching like it would do something. “Is that good enough?”
Chloe might have lost every social skill she’d ever had these last few years, but even she felt the immediate concern and discomfort from Erin. “No, no! It’s not a prank.” Her cheeks went a little red, and Chloe hoped she could just blame that on the cold. In hindsight, she should have asked Erin to take off her glove, and while she was sure Lydia wouldn’t have been so casual about touching iron ever, the leather really made the whole test moot. Chloe wasn’t sure she was brave enough to ask her to do it again without the glove. “Um yep! It’s just a safety thing, but it’s all good. I know it’s weird.” Maybe Erin would even tell her not to come in now.
A safety thing? Not surprisingly, Chloe’s affirmation did little to soften the eyebrow raised in her direction. “That’s--yeah. Of course. You’re coming to a stranger’s home. You want to be safe. I get it.” Erin doubled back, pointing back to the pendant in her hand. “I don’t know how that screams safety but if it makes you feel better… who am I to judge, I guess? I feel like I should probably have more precautions for you, honestly.” But there was real distress there Erin couldn’t ignore and it softened some of the harsher criticisms she would usually sling at someone giving such uncertain vibes. She’d never admit it but she did feel a little safer knowing there was a hunter right next door if shit ever hit the fan. “A little weird. But that’s okay. Maybe you can explain it when we go inside? Unless you’ve got any other questions for me or things you need me to touch.” She offered a smile, wrapping her arms back around herself, the cold collecting in wisps in front of her lips.
“Trust me, it makes all the difference in the world.” Chloe looked up at the building that Erin was standing by for the first time properly, and breathe a small sigh of relief. “If it makes you feel better, I actually know one of your neighbours, funnily enough.” Chloe had been about to expand on that when she realised that discussing how she'd been rescued from her prison by Kaden Langley was not the kind of thing that you used to open a casual conversation. Today was about fun and friendship possibly hopefully, not about digging into something that she didn't want to think about right now this second. “Oh!” Chloe exclaimed, laughing a little too high and a little too nervously, “No, no! Nothing else to touch, not that I can think of. Unless… there’s anything you want to ask me or to have me touch?”
A lingering hesitation followed Chloe’s confession about knowing one of her neighbors, casting a long glance her way. Please don’t be Kaden, please don’t be Kaden, was all Erin could think. “I think I’m good on the touching thing. People usually take me to dinner before I get asked that question, just for future reference,” she teased, trying to edge out some of the growing awkwardness, still very aware that they hadn’t even stepped foot into the building yet. She started walking back towards the building, stuffing her hands back into her jacket pocket. “So… wait, you know one of my neighbors?” She tried to add in casually despite the growing dread building in her stomach. She opened the door for Chloe and led her down the damn striped hallway the man in question was woefully responsible for. “Wouldn’t happen to be some french guy? Kinda rude? Name rhymes with maiden?”
Chloe did a double take, before flushing with real embarrassment. She didn’t know what to say to that, unable to shake the anxious discomfort that Erin hadn’t touched the iron with her bare hands. It was probably fine. What was the probability of any random person being fae? They were so secret for a reason.
“Right,” she tried to chuckle awkwardly. “What can I say, I’m a very forward person.” It sounded as awkward out loud as it had in her head. Chloe ran her hand against the wall, just in case she needed the balance help as the warm air of the hall wrapped around herm, but quickly withdrew her hand as the wall striped. It wasn’t a change in wallpaper, nor, when Chloe squinted, did it look like paint, it was just… printed on there, as if it was always meant to be there.
“Did you have a mime neighbor?” Chloe asked, before realising Erin had also asked her a question, she raised her eyebrow with a smile. “He, uh, hasn’t been rude to me, but yeah, I know Kaden Langley.”
There was a noticeable uncertainty in Chloe that seemed like it’d been there for sometime, and likely there before agreeing to watch a stupid movie with a stranger online. It wasn’t Erin’s place to push and instead smiled back at her, trying to assure her this was fine despite whatever unease she currently felt. “Obviously,” she laughed softly, digging her keys out. Nearly dropped them at the door when the word mime actually came out of Chloe’s mouth. She chuckled nervously, raising a brow. “You know, I’m not entirely sure about that. But I think I do,” she smirked to herself before leading Chloe into the apartment. Even if it was still generally bare, it was warm. “I’m glad he wasn’t then. He’s right next door, actually. He’s…” Erin sighed, a hint of reluctance in her voice, trying to save face in front of someone who could possibly be a friend or friendly acquaintance of his. “He’s not the worst neighbor. Even if he bakes constantly and doesn’t share. Ever.” She smiled over at her, shrugging off her coat and hanging it on a hook beside the door. Narrowed her eyes, suddenly straightening. “Oh shoot--you don’t have any allergies to animals or anything, do you?” As if on cue, the small, fluffy cat hopped up on the table nearest to Chloe, greeting the other woman with a friendly chirping meow.
“Doesn’t he?” Chloe repeated with a smile, sure that wasn’t the only reason for the rivalry between the two. Not that it was her business, but she couldn’t even imagine Kaden being a jerk. A little snippy, maybe, a little quick to temper, but that was the worst of what she could imagine. “It’s really cruel, to make someone smell how good your baking is without sharing it.” All the same, as she looked around Erin’s apartment, she couldn’t help but compare it to Kaden’s next door. Chloe jumped, bumping into the back of the doorframe and grabbing it wildly before regaining her balance. Just a cat. Just a cat! Chloe didn’t even realise how she’d clutched the chest of her jumper until she breathed out shakily. “No!” She replied, “Not allergic at all. Just- just a bit easy to startle. Sorry. Um, are, are they friendly? Do they like to be pet?” Chloe asked, her voice creaking.
“Could certainly be worse,” Erin replied, trying to brush off the edge in her voice she might have let slip through about her neighbor. All things considered, it truly could have been worse. Wasn’t great knowing you shared a wall with someone who would have preferred to see you behind bars. Easy enough to forget as she watched Chloe nearly jump out of her skin when Betty popped out to say hello. “I’ll remember that,” she nodded, another assuring, if not awkwardly unsure smile crossing her lips. Erin only knew a few things about Chloe so far, and two of those were: easy to startle and made people touch a pendant when they met. Strong start. “Oh, no, pet away. She’s the sweetest thing you’ll ever meet, I promise,” she added, crossing over to pet the top of her head. “Go ahead and make yourself comfortable and help yourself to anything out there.” There were already a few plates of snacks on plates waiting on the coffee table in front of the television. Maybe a slight overcompensation for two people but it was hard to remember a time she had someone over for a completel supernatural free evening, even if it involved shark infested natural disasters. “Can I get you coffee or tea or something to drink?”
“Don’t say that,” Chloe replied tightly, swallowing, her skin growing pale as she looked around for extra trouble. Or maybe Erin was the extra trouble. Or maybe she needed to chill, but the feeling that Erin was about to get herself trapped was… unshakeable. “I mean, I’m sure she’s amazing, but you know, you never know with absolutes, you don’t want to say anything that’s…. You know, you never know.” Chloe offered her hand towards the cat to sniff, then gently pet her head, only a tiny bit of tension melting from the shoulders as she was greeted with the cat pressing into her hand. Chloe swallowed, suppressing the moment’s panic at being asked to make a choice. “Coffee would be great,” She said after a moment. “Just black is good. I appreciate it.” Her skin crawled from how painfully awkward this already was. “So, funeral director, right? That’s a really interesting job, especially in a town like this.” She couldn’t shake the memory of how Erin had introduced herself, like she was supposed to just know who the funeral director was, because there were so many deaths.
Erin eyed Chloe warily as she fumbled through the explanation of an apparently very real fear that didn’t quite match up with its source. Not to Erin, anyway, and not right away. The more she thought about it though, a creeping, nearly long-forgotten dread started to climb its way back up insides. “Right,” she drawled slowly, as if trying to still understand but not wanting to be rude by sitting in the brief silence that followed it. She started the coffee anyway, thankful to have something to at least busy her hands with. “That’s pretty fair actually.  Do you have a problem with promises as a whole, then? Or just absolutes?” She asked, maybe not so subtly alluding to what Chloe’s words had instantly brought to mind. A flash of Regan, a glass of water and Dr. Rickers’ beard hair flashed behind her eyes. If Chloe had any experience with those kinds of promises, her fear made a mountain of sense. “You mean a town like this with a death rate like this?” She tacked on, glancing over as she poured the coffee, a knowing smirk on her lips. “It keeps me busy, that’s for sure.” It did, anyway, and hopefully would continue to after things were sorted. She didn’t want to think about that right now though. “What did you say you did?” She asked, placing the cup of coffee in front Chloe before taking up a spot on the couch.
If Chloe could be any redder, she should just start a career as a traffic light. Her skin was flushed beetroot red as Erin drawled her skepticism. Which was better than what came next, as the blood drained from her face as quickly as it had appeared. Was it a trap? Erin had touched the iron with her gloves, after all, and Chloe was really regretting not insisting now. Then again, she wasn’t sure anyone who was a fae or hung out with fae in any significant way would have used the phrase I promise that quickly. “Promises are the most intense absolutes, more than most people realise, I think.” She tried to cover for herself, managing to answer the question even less subtly than Erin had asked it.
Safe to say, a conversation about jobs was much easier.  “Well, uh,  yes, considering the deathrate and all.” Chloe said quietly, matching Erin’s smile much more nervously. “Um, not much at the moment, if I’m honest? Kind of… looking for a job at the moment. I haven’t really been….. Employed for a few years now, but I used to teach music at an elementary school.” Because talking about the past was something Chloe could definitely, certainly do without coming across weird. It wasn’t even that the Lydia stuff was secret, or that she felt like it was a good idea to keep it secret, but in the closest thing she’d had to normalcy in… years, she was kind of reticent to ruin that.
Chloe might have answered her question but it didn’t leave Erin with any more answers or assurances than before she’d asked it. There was no missing the literal uncomfortable physical reaction Chloe had to her words. Her curiosity skyrocketed. “Oh, I agree,” she nodded whole-heartedly, wondering how long she could toe this line without asking what she actually wanted to know. The woman had already asked her to touch a pendant before she’d come into her home and they were about to watch a movie about a fictional shark-filled natural disaster. What did she really have to lose? “You make a promise and then suddenly you’re bound to it.” She pointedly paused, lifting the cup of coffee to her lips as she peered over at Chloe over the top of it. “Been there before and it’s not a good feeling. I don’t make promises I can’t keep anymore. Or at all, if I can help it.”
There was more ease in this part of the conversation, but not by much. If Erin ever thought she was wound tightly, she had absolutely nothing on the spring coil energy her new acquaintance had. “A music teacher? Really?” A softer, more genuine smile crossed Erin’s lips. “And there’s nothing at the schools right now? That’s surprising.” That high death rate touched every aspect of this town. No one was excluded. Her eyes narrowed gently in her direction. “Assuming teaching is something you want to get back to. Parents are always looking for private music instructors for their kids too. I was saddled with one until I was sixteen when mine decided I was learning how to play the organ.”
“Then you’re smart,” Chloe said softly, and itched to ask more, but they’d never watch the movie at all if she kept asking and… she wanted the quiet. She wanted to not spend every situation talking about fae, or being trapped, or anything. But her body did loosen up, relaxing, just to know that Erin knew something.
“Well, I don’t really know that I want to go back to music. Too much baggage, and my voice is kind of… wrecked.” Like she’d been swallowing gravel on a weekly basis. “I’m due a career change anyway, right? Something quiet and easy.” That didn’t even involve thinking about music. “Damn. The organ is an impressive instrument to learn, though, especially as a kid. Guessing it comes in handy at work too.”
Chloe’s conciseness didn’t have an edge to it but there was enough there for Erin to take the hint. There was more there, and as desperately as she wanted to dig further, chasing off the person she was trying to befriend with her nosiness wasn’t the goal for today. “Just experienced,” she tacked on with a raised brow, reaching for some of the snacks she’d prepared and left it at that.
Too much baggage? Wasn’t what she was expecting there either but she nodded as if she understood anyway. That was Chloe’s prerogative, after all. “Oh, absolutely. They loved being able to throw me out there in front of a grieving family and make the whole room sob with some Ave Maria or Amazing Grace.” She smirked, reaching for the remote, sorting through the available movies until the movie poster with the flying sharks filled the screen. “Something quiet and easy sounds fair though. Do you have your eyes on anything in particular?” She tilted her head at Chloe, a teasing smile on her lips. “You know, it’s very quiet in a funeral home. I’ll be opening up again soon, and positions are open, so…”
Experienced. Erin knew. Erin knew something about Fae, but the tone told her it wasn’t that she was fae. For the first time all night, Chloe relaxed more comfortably in her seat. She didn’t have to explain everything or talk about everything. They could just both… know, and not address it, not tonight. “Oh, I bet. Those melodies are heart stoppers.”
“The job offerings in this town are pretty… eclectic. I applied for a reception job at a ghost tour operator, but apparently competition for that kind of job is fierce,” Chloe said with an amused smile, not realising that not believing in ghosts had been the only reason she hadn’t gotten it. She smiled back at Erin, not quite sure how sincere the offer was. “Maybe you’ll see my application at some point,” Chloe said quietly, and although she expected to cringe away from the thought of working in such a macabre field, she found herself oddly… at ease with the idea. She’d seen more than enough terrible death to be afraid of the mundane kind.
Erin smiled sincerely in Chloe’s direction. Whatever she’d said seemed to add an air of calmness to the room, for the first time since she’d met her outside and was asked to touch an iron pendant. She couldn’t say she wasn’t thankful for it. “Well, I’d be happy to read over it, if that’s the case.” She wasn’t sure how applicable Chloe’s skills as a music teacher were going to translate to the funeral home but she supposed if she could wrangle a group of kids with loud instruments, she could handle some phone calls, surely. They’d cross that bridge when or if they got there.
“Oh!” She interjected, finishing a quick sip of her coffee and set it down on the table. “The movie.” Tucking her legs under her, she let a goofier smile pull at her lips and clicked the remote until the film was up and ready to play. “Are you ready to experience the thrill of a lifetime? Or do you need more time to prepare?”
“I don’t think anyone’s ever truly ready for Sharknado,” Chloe replied with a grin, settling into the couch. “How can anyone prepare for that level of artistry?” She turned her eyes to the screen as the opening sequence began, the corners of her lips turned up. Her body thrummed with a quiet kind of contentment. It was easy to be scared, but it was just as easy to be grateful. There was, on this couch with a new acquaintance and a delightfully terrible movie playing, so much to still be grateful for.
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