#her once mikey got saved. the wedding was back on.
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Tokyo Revengers can be cut in two parts—
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*peeks* helloooooo~ I hope you had a wonderful day 🥰
Did you say you misread an ask and came up with some wakasa hcs? 🤩🤩
Hello! Hope you're having a great day too!!! I did (ok maybe I kind of deleted them but it's ok since I think I remembered all of them) anyway in no particular order here are some Waka hcs!
Drunk Wakasa demands piggy back rides from Benkei 
He doesn't overly love kids but they seem to be drawn to him, they love him.
On the topic of kids he tends to forget what's appropriate to say to them and what's not. He will start talking about gang fights with them if someone doesn't stop him.
Likes to tease Benkei in every game they're in by telling everyone he outranks him
During his last years of school he was well respected but didn't actually have any friends, Shinichiro, Benkei and Takeomi were his first.
Likes to sneak up on people 
Likes the peace of fishing 
The reason he's so eager to jump into fights even as an adult is because he wants to remember and feel the glory days with Shinichiro and the black dragons again.
First dyed his hair because of a dare 
Saw himself a lot in young Inui 
Doesn't understand Shinichiro's obsession with getting a girlfriend, it's really not that hard???
Visits Shinichiro's grave often to talk to him and fill him in on everything he's missed.
Feels lost whenever he doesn't have his dango stick 
Protects senju in the train timelime, saving her.
Was once bullied when younger since he was small, but no one dared bully him again after he beat them up. 
Didn't actually remember who Takemichi or Hina was but attended the wedding anyway since his friends were going to be there (and free alcohol).
Secretly likes hugs
Knows nothing about his parents, grew up in an orphanage (partly the reason why he was so drawn to Shinichiro and the way he actually seemed to care about him and others).
Yakuza Wakasa kept tabs on his old friends and made sure they were protected.
Tried to cook and eat a fish after catching one once, forgot about the bones though and learnt a hard lesson that day.
Steals clothes from Benkei because he likes how big and snuggly they are, if he gets a partner then he'll steal some for them too.
Was actually trying to save mikey when he joined kmg and told him about the time leaping, figured that's what Shinichiro would've wanted.
Hates his picture being taken
Yakuza Wakasa also refused to let Senju join when she showed interest.
Feel like similarly to Draken he caught the attention of older gang members at a young age which is how he got into delinquency.
Laughed when he found out Mikey knocked out Shinichiro by accident.
If anyone in the gang tries to tease his height he turns the joke round on them, calling them unnatural giants.
Loves kissing, could spend hours doing it (oral fixation!!!!)
Despite his calm exterior he secretly panics if someone starts crying (Shinichiro is the only exception since he's used to it now).
Keeps a picture of the first gen black dragons in his wallet.
Had the most victories in brahmans underground fight club (Senju rarely fought).
Doesn't want anyone to know about how much he hates bugs, if he does tell you then it shows he trusts you a lot. 
Held back against Inui in their fight, both because he didn't want to hurt him too badly and because he wanted to waste time.
Is actually very playful and enjoys teasing a lot more then people think.
Still dislikes Taiju in the good timeline (has never tries to kill him though)
The first time he said Shin instead of Shinichiro was an accident, he was referring to him like that in his head for a while but didn't mean for it to slip out.
Dislikes hospitals and will straight up ignore his own injuries, someone will often have to drag him to them.
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mewintheflesh-2 · 1 year
More Team Sky/Nightsky Headcanons! Warning for Nikey being a little bit of an ass for the stuff under the cut.
Nikey had to end the life of a close friend he held dear to his heart as they started to make plans to overthrow Nikey and take over Nightsky. Nikey found out right before the planned day of being overthrown, and had no choice but to take their life in order to save his own.
Winona and Nikey both have Pokémon that they rescued personally due to Nikeys actions. Winona rescued a sillicobra she found dying in the cold dessert sands, she took it in, nurtured it, and ended up adopting it. It ended up evolving into a Sandaconda which she always keeps with her, along with her Umbreon and Espeon. All three make a great pairing in case of sudden emergency rescues while Winona is out and about.
Nikey had rescued a Purrloin from certain death of falling off one of the sky islands after getting into a tussle with other wild Pokémon. After Nikey had dropped nearly everything to go rescue this Pokémon, on the flight back up to the sky island it’d fallen off of, Nikey noticed the poor kittens left eye had been scratched out and was causing it great pain. Nikey took the Pokémon to one of his personal Pokemon doctors out of sympathy, and ended up checking on it every day as it recovered. He ended up adopting the kitten and using it as his own pokemon. Anyone who questions him having a land Pokémon on his team gets docked pay.
The purrloin would often also have nightmares due to its traumatic experiences in its life, so this only boosted Nikey’s sympathy for it even more. This purrloin ended up becoming a representation of recovery for him, but he didn’t really take it to heart as much as he could have.
Winona and Mikey’s wedding ring both had a heart with wings engraved on the inner parts of them.
Winona and her colleague’s ship name is Teatimeshipping (I PROMISE the colleague will get a name soon.)
Winona had to hold a pretty much worldwide funeral for Nikey after everyone realized he was never coming back, and everyone accepted he probably had died. During this funeral, it is told the world was united once again under Winona. There wasn’t any bickering amongst the hundreds of thousands of people attending, everyone sat there and listened to Winona’s speech. All her woes and sorrows. Her regrets and mistakes. And everything she went through during the course of Nightsky. Half of the speech was almost entirely about her husband and how much she missed him, and now she’d never get the chance to fix things with him again, which she blamed herself for. The attendees sat in silence and listened until she got everything off of her chest, in which then, the world had begun to see a new light.
After Nightsky was disbanded and the smog was starting to be cleared, there were still some stragglers who didn’t want Nightsky to be disbanded. These stragglers started Neo Nightsky, who’s goals are pretty much more of the same as regular Nightsky’s, but they’re having more difficulties now that the world is finally mostly at peace.
World restoration efforts begin, but they would not be done for atleast an entire century, long after Winona is gone. She has to pass on her legacy to somebody, but I’m not quite sure who yet. Could she have adopted children? It’s very likely.
Winona got the opportunity to see Nikey’s office after he dissapeared and she just ended up sitting in there for hours silently crying, just looking at all that was left of him. Nikey ended up leaving his Purrloin behind, which had been roaming around the abandoned HQ. Winona ends up coming across the kitten and learns about its past with Nikey through a journal of sorts Nikey kept in his office. It wasn’t a diary, however he did have one back at his home. Which Winona couldn’t stand to go to, as she wouldn’t think she’d be able to pry herself away and leave.
Nikey’s purrloin ended up hanging around Winona for her entire visit. Her colleague ended up having to bring her out of the office after a few hours, Winona didn’t protest, but she did take awhile to actually leave, which she did in silence. As she was preparing to leave the island Nightsky’s HQ was on, she noticed the purrloin lurking about near her. She crouched down to its level and held out a hand to it, which it responded by skittering up to her and pressing its head into her palm, purring. Winona was overwhelmed by emotions, and ended up taking it home, along with the rest of Nikey’s Pokémon he had left behind. (Which does not include Rayquaza.)
Winona is the embodiment of the song When You’re Gone by The Cranberries, also Once More to See You by Mitski. Also I Bet on Losing Dogs by Mitski.
a little bit of a massive mood change under the cut
Also fun fact Nikey had a certain someone he was close with, and was one of the only people he trusted. Her name? Maddie. Maddie is the owner of an actually magic magic hat that she found when she was a child. Unbeknownst to her at the time, this hat would be the cause of her losing her friends, everyone she loved, and being taken in by her aunt, Why? Well, you see, this hat has the ability to summon any legendary Pokémon the wearer desires, except, the only person allowed to wear this hat is Maddie. As if anyone else touched the hat or steals it, they end up in a catatonic state.
Maddie cannot leave the hat behind anywhere, as it will always find her one way or another. As you can imagine this took a large toll on her as a person. One day, she heard about Nightsky, and about Nikey as well. She thought, “HMMMMMMM. Yeah I’ll try my luck with it, sounds like a fun time.” She ended up becoming the teams “magician” (though that’s only a cover for why she’s actually there.) and would often put on performances to boost the moods of Nightsky’s members, beloved by all. Nikey, knowing the magic hats true capabilities, ordered some of his own bodyguards to guard Maddie herself as well.
This ended up with them often spending time together when neither of them had to do anything else. And unfortunately for Maddie, she started to catch a little bit of a crush (a fucking massive one.). This ended up becoming a very unhealthy thing for her as she would do almost anything for him. (Which is what made her so trustworthy to him.). Nikey knew about the crush, it was pretty obvious to him, but he didn’t do anything to try and stop the crush. It was out of his hands either way, and he didn’t want to make Maddie feel bad for something she couldn’t control. What’s this? Is he developing a soft spot for her? Uh oh. Nikey didn’t end up developing any feelings for her back, but would often find himself playing with her own feelings for him. He hated himself for it, but it just became an unhealthy habit, unhealthy for both of them. Nikey ended up leaving before anything could escalate too much, but Maddie still has very complicated and unresolved feelings for him. (DISCLAIMER. They did not end up every doing anything sexual with eachother because NO. BAD.)
IT ENDS UP BEING A WHOLE THING AND GIANT MESS AFTER WINONA FINDS OUT ABOUT IT FROM MADDIE AND SHES LIKE “…??.??.?.?. Huh???” And it’s like she’s upset at first but then she remembers she sort of did the same thing with her colleague except it wasn’t the same thing at all, because they had genuinely fallen for eachother while Nikey was making questionable decisions and it’s just a whole thing.
Maybe Maddie, Winona, and her colleague get together in a polycule after a while. :) I love Maddie she is the woman ever
I’ll post an image of her some time in the future
For now, just know that she is the embodiment of the song Magic Hat by The Scary Jokes
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yaazuha · 3 years
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request: “hey ! can i get the tokyo revengers boys (timeskip ofc!) as dads? you can choose who !”
ofc! (ily bae<3) i put draken in here for you btw!
pairings: ryuguji ken, mitsuya takashi & kazutora hanemiya x reader. (timeskip)
warnings fluff!!! literally that’s it, it’s so cute LMFAOSB
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the “go grab me a” dad.
you can’t tell me draken wouldn’t use his kids to his advantage. if one of them are going downstairs, they better be quick! if not, you’ll hear ken-chin over here yell—
“hey, grab me a bottle of water while you’re down there!!”
don’t think you’re safe either. draken would need you to oil his scalp correctly at night, or lay out his clothes for him for work tomorrow. he’s a grumpy man in the morning, so scavenging for clothes while his eyes are adjusting to the light is never a good combo.
draken can just be a lot little dependent on his family, which is okay!
overall, draken would be a great father!! he was basically a parental figure not only to mikey, but to toman in general, so he’s got a few tips and tricks that can work on his kids.
impulsively decides to teach his children how to walk if the remotes across the room, so that they can get it for him <3 even if it’ll take some time.
at least he doesn’t have to get up and walk all the way over there, just to return to his regular spot.
“just, put ya’ leg in front of the other,”
“dad, i’m twelve,” your daughter huffs, rolling her eyes at her fathers antics. she was trying her best to hide her laughter, trying to come off as ‘angry’ with her father. “do you need me to get something for you?”
draken pushed himself back against the headboard, propping his feet up on the bed. he nodded, pointing over to his phone on your side of the room. “yea, my phone’s on their side of the room.”
after your daughter retrieved draken’s phone, she skipped over to him to hand him the device, in which he smiled in return. “you’re my favorite!” he expresses dramatically, grabbing her head and bringing it over to kiss her forehead.
“could you also grab me a snack from downstairs—”
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the ‘family man’ dad.
mitsuya’s always been a family guy, even from a young age. raising his sisters gave him an advantage to raising kids.
attends and participates on every family oriented days. bring your child to work day? he’s dragging both of your children to his job. daddy/daughter day? career day? he’s participating every year.
keeps little photo’s of you and the kids around his desk at work. keeps a photo in his wallet. has everyone’s baby pictures (including yours and his!) on the refrigerator.
makes homemade tapes to show your kids when they’re older, and even at their weddings.
makes sure to save money on the side for their college tuition & funds. college isn’t something he’ll force on his children, but he would like them to attend so they can have great jobs.
teaches his kids how to cook, and gives them certain days out of the week to cook for you and him. it’s a fun little challenge to watch them play and have fun in the kitchen.
“i think we should put milk in it,” your son stood in front of the open refrigerator, ducking his head down to look at the ingredients. “because that’ll make it thicker.”
your daughter, who’s younger than your son, and is also currently on a step stool to reach the stove, shook her head. “no! daddy says to use heavy whipping cream instead!”
“uh huh,” your son responds, grabbing the heavy whipping cream from the door and walking it over to your daughter.
you couldn’t help but laugh, setting down your wineglass. you and your husband were seated at the bar of your kitchen, watching your kids make your dinner. “she’s a little bossy, isn’t she?”
“damn right she is,” mitsuya responded, resting his chin in his palm. he looked over from his daughter, all the way to you. “she acts just like you— literally a mini you.”
you scoffed, raising your wineglass to your lips once more. “you’re no better, your son won’t stop checking himself out. look familiar?”
mitsuya looked over to his son, who was currently attempting to look at himself on a metal spatula. both you and your husband began to laugh, watching your daughter scold her brother for not helping.
they were really just miniature versions of you two.
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the ‘spoiling’ dad.
kazutora wasn’t really ever experienced with children.
he also didn’t want his children to hate him, especially for his past. therefore, he decides to spoil his children. it’s not hard, especially with one little girl.
if his babygirl wants to play with his hair? he’ll give her some rubber bands and bows. if she wants to play with his earring, he’ll tie his hair up so she can claw at it like a cat.
he’s sat and watched countless episodes of cocomelon and other children shows, but he never complains. anything for his daughter <3
keeps his girl attached to his hip, all the time. dare to put her down and she’d throw a fit. she wants her daddy all the time, sometimes it even makes you jealous.
chifuyu loves when kazutora brings his daughter to work. she’s very friendly with the animals, especially the cats, and it helps keep them calm when need be.
she definitely reminds chifuyu and kazutora of baji <3
has a secret pinky swear with his daughter, normally they have to use this whenever you say no to something; and he can’t bare to see the disappointment on his baby’s face. that means a little sneaking out…
“no ice cream before dinner, guys!” you yelled.
once your bathroom door closed shut, kazutora dropped to his knees in front of your daughter. “we’re gonna have to be quick, ‘kay?” he raised his eyebrows, lifting his hand between the two. “what’s our plan?”
your daughter cleared her throat, playing at kazutora’s sleeve. “gotta get two cones of ice cream before mommy’s out the shower,” she bounced on her small feet with a smile. “one chocolate and one vanilla!”
“good girl!” he smiled, balling up his fist and extending his pinky out. “c’mon, you know the drill.”
and she did, this was their good luck charm! her pinky looped with kazu’s, twisting their hands around until he left a kiss on the back of her hand; and she pressed a kiss to his.
once the hold dropped, his hands went under your daughters arms and hoisted her up, setting her on his hip per usual. his palm resided on her butt, balancing her on his side and he went to grab his keys.
“we’ll even bring back mommy somethin’, yeah?” kazutora whispered, feeling his daughters small hands play in his ponytail.
the front door shut, and the two of them were gone. though, your back was pressed to the door, listening in on the conversation. you smiled to yourself, shaking your head softly.
such a daddy's girl
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© paradvs (2021) original work. do not reuse, remake or translate without permission.
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introvert--weeb · 3 years
Tokyo Revengers
Happy Family with f!S/O
Ft. Mikey, Draken, Baji, Chifuyu, Mitsuya
TW: mentions of language possibly, cuteness overload, manga spoilers
Based on an AU where everyone was saved and everyone had reached their happily ever after
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Mikey was quick in getting the two of you married, believing that it was the best way to show how he wanted to be with you forever. You had agreed to a small, intimate wedding involving those closest to yourself and Mikey. Draken had the role of best man which surprised no-one, you joking around that it was simply him taking his babysitter role back for the day. All the main members of Toman had turned up, all reminiscing over their new lives since the disbanding of the gang.
You had asked Emma to be your maid of honour, having been close with her for years. After all, her and Draken were the ones who had introduced you to Mikey and started the relationship indirectly. For that, you would be forever thankful.
The wedding reception was a simple gathering at the shrine where Toman would meet up. Draken and Emma had set up a few tables with drinks and food, making sure there were also areas for people to sit. To you and Mikey, it was perfect in every way. Just like the good old days.
Years later, you were both still a perfect couple. Having a house in which you could call your own, Mikey took full advantage of inviting his friends around every other night to hang out. This was bliss, is what you had thought. You had noticed recently that you weren't feeling well in the mornings only to feel better throughout the day.
You had called up Emma to discuss what you were experiencing, hoping to get an answer. After all, if your suspicions were correct, she would know exactly what you were going through. Emma had squealed down the phone, excitedly telling you to purchase the relevant test to confirm what you thought.
Taking the test, you were both shocked and happy to see how two lines greeted you from the plastic stick. You were pregnant. You and Mikey were going to be parents. That thought alone caused a laugh to escape your lips. Mikey needed parenting a lot of the time so it would be like having to raise a baby and a toddler at the same time.
Your plan was to surprise your husband with taiyaki with a twist. Making two normal sized one, you had also made a small one that lay in between the two large desserts. It was a perfect way to tell him as he loved dessert and they looked like a little family of fish! You quickly snapped a photo of the plate to send across to Emma later on, knowing that you would regret it if you didn't.
Mikey noticed something was different when he arrived home from work. Usually you would greet him from the living room as you watched your favourite show, but when he didn't find you curled up on the sofa he guessed something was up. Entering the main area, his eyes landed on you leaning against the kitchen counter, a soft dreamy expression on your face. He would love to just stand there and admire your beauty but he really was missing the kiss you would give him when he returned.
Noticing your beloved was finally home and finally giving him the kiss you owed, you were quick to present him with the plate of taiyaki, knowing how he enjoyed having something sweet once he got home before dinner. At the sight of one of his favourite desserts, Mikey grinned happily before going to pick the top fish up. As he lifted the pastry off the plate, he was surprised to see such a small taiyaki sandwiched between the two main ones.
"Hey Y/N... Why is it so small?" He couldn't help the pout that pulled at his lips. Why not give him three full sized ones instead of making one so small. Mikey was clearly not getting the message you were hinting at, although you had expected this to happen. He might be the love of your life but he sure wasn't the smartest cookie and the message was a little confusing now that you thought about it.
"I'm pregnant Mikey. We are going to be having a baby," you couldn't stop the large smile that spread across your face. Seeing how his facial expressions shifted from confusion to shock to eventually immense joy had you giggling. His eyes held stars in them as the news set in properly. He was going to be a father. You were in the process of creating either a little you or a little him.
That night, Mikey had invited everyone around. And I mean everyone. Your small living room was filled with the people Mikey had wanted to share the news with. Draken had Emma in his lap as she held their 3 month old son; Mitsuya was chatting away with Hakkai and Yuzuha about their trips in Europe; Pa-chin and Peh-Yan were arguing over some business related to the real estate agents they ran; Chifuyu, Baji, Kazutora, Hinata and Takemichi were all laughing about some cat pictures they had all found on the internet; and Izana was talking with Kakucho in the corner of the room. Overall, it was the usual when Mikey would have everyone around. Except this time, Mikey was stood at your side with a protective arm around your waist, his spare hand laying gently over your stomach. If everybody was paying attention to you both, it would have been obvious why they had all been invited round.
"So guys," Mikey began, trying his hardest to not reveal the grin he was suppressing at that moment. "I called you all over to share some important news with you all...... Y/N is pregnant!" The excitement that accompanied the last few words could be felt throughout the room and you had to prevent the blush that was rising on your cheeks from worsening. Congratulations were given by everyone and a party had started to celebrate the amazing news.
9 months later, you had welcomed the new addition to the world. A baby boy who Mikey insisted be named Shinichiro, in honour of his big brother. You didn't object, in fact loving the name even more so considering it was precious to your loving husband. It took a month or two before you introduced Shinichiro to the others, all of them commenting how he looked a lot like Mikey.
Mikey would be the type of dad who encourages Shinichiro to embrace the correct delinquent lifestyle. Hell, he even gave him a bike for his 10th birthday, taking him out to learn to ride. You would watch on happily, adoring how the pair of them got on so well. You would still have to babysit them both sometimes as your husband still insisted on being babied but you wouldn't trade this life for anything.
Shinichiro was basically a carbon copy of your husband except for his eyes which he had inherited from you. He adored his father and after being told stories of Toman from his father and uncle Draken, he had begun his own delinquent gang. Shinichiro would come to respect and follow the way his namesake had led his gang, becoming one of the most respected delinquents in Shinjuku.
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Draken would take a while before deciding that marriage was something he wanted with you. After all, you were both committed to each other the same way you would be if you had gotten married. However, as he watched his friends starting to get married and settle down with their life partners, Ken had decided it was time to settle into a forever life with you.
You would want an intimate ceremony for the wedding with only family and the main members of Toman invited. Draken had greatly appreciated this as it made it feel more special and less like it was a spectacle to be observed. You both had even decided against the traditional attire, instead you wore a simple white sundress while your soon-to-be husband was in a simple button up shirt with comfortable trousers. Mikey was of course best man and dressed the same as Draken.
When it came to the reception, Draken suggested you both rented out a room and decorate it yourselves to make it more personal. And so that's what you did, a simple design chosen to keep everything easier. Food had been laid out on the long table while drinks had been stored in cooler boxes at the far end of the room. At the end of the night, it was all a huge success but you were more thrilled that you now were married to Ken.
Married life treated you both well. You both worked hard at your jobs to make sure you always had enough money to live comfortably, greeting each other at the end of your respective days with tired kisses and cuddling on the sofa while a movie played on the TV. And on your days off, of course everyone's favourite blond would show up unannounced to hang out with his best friend.
A year had passed by since you had both tied the knot and you found yourself feeling way more fatigued than usual. You would have put it down to simple sleep issues except it was accompanied by nausea in the mornings and evenings. Slightly concerned about what it could mean, you booked a day off work to visit to doctor.
To say that the doctors appointment was eventful would be an understatement. From what had been a simple chat about what you were experiencing had quickly changed into you doing a pregnancy test and finding out you were expecting. You couldn't believe it. You were pregnant with your and Draken's baby. Most women would be ecstatic over the news of starting their own family, however you were thinkiñg about how it would effect your job. After all, you would need to have maternity leave and then you would have to find childcare once you returned.
So many thoughts were whirling around your mind. Excitement and pure joy had bubbled within you until they were the only things that occupied your mind. You were going to have a person that resembled the perfect mix between you and your husband. Would they look more like him? You hoped so. A perfect being would enter the world in 9 months from now.
That night, you had suggested that you and Draken go for a ride down to the pier to watch the night sky like you used to when you were teens. It didn't take a lot to convince Draken to go on a bike ride which you were thankful for at that moment. If he had questioned it further then your surprise would have been ruined.
You both had grabbed your jackets (you had placed the test results in your pocket), grabbed the keys to each of your respective bikes before heading off on your late night journey. There was something about riding besides you that had Ken falling in love with you all over again. The wind brushed through your h/l locks in a way that had Draken's heart skip a beat, and the joy in your eyes had him melting at how cute you were. You were really his perfect woman.
It didn't take that long for you both to arrive at the pier, shutting your bikes off before simply leaning against the handlebar to get the best sky watching position. You would have liked to find the perfect moment to tell your husband but your excitement had caused you to let it slip. "Ken, babe, I'm pregnant."
Ken couldn't believe what he had heard. In fact, he had you repeat it another three times before it dawned on him. You were starting a family of your own. He couldn't tell whether he was more shocked that it happened so quickly or if he was feeling as excited as you looked. You couldn't seem to wipe the smile off your face anymore as your hand subconsciously lay over your lower stomach.
Unlike Mikey, Draken would simply call up his friends to tell them the news, wanting this moment to be spent with you alone. After all, you both still had a lot to talk about in terms of what you would need and potential names for the little bean. Yes, Draken would refer to the baby as little bean even after they are born. It just stuck.
When it came to the reactions of the others, Mikey's was the best. He couldn't stop talking about how he will get them to call him Uncle Mikey while teaching them all the important lessons only a cool uncle like him can. You had no idea what these lessons were but you had made a mental note to protect your child from their crazy uncle Mikey.
Your due date had arrived and so had your bundle of joy. A tiny baby girl slept peacefully in your husband's arms as he smiled down softly at her. He didn't realise he could love something more than you but here it was, his daughter had instantly stolen his heart. You didn't mind, knowing Draken still loved you the same, not admitting that you had also fallen more in love with your child than you had your husband. She was a perfect mixture of the two of you, mainly having your h/c locks and eye shape while her nose and lips resembled your husband.
Everyone was introduced to your little bundle of joy after a few months, each of them cooing over how precious she looked.
As a dad, Draken was super overprotective when it came to his daughter and later his son. He would take them to his bike shop to watch him work like he used to with Mikey and Shinichiro. Both of your children grew up on stories of Toman and how cool their dad was. When it came to your daughter though, her favourite stories were about how you and Draken had met, when you got married, and especially the story of how you told Draken you were pregnant with her.
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Unlike with the others, you and Baji never really wanted the hassle of getting married. You were both fiercely loyal to each other and wanted to spend forever together. So you had made the decision that you would both get a tattoo on your left ring fingers as a symbol of this commitment. Of course they were of a small cat head.
The others had asked both you and Baji about when you were planning to get married, only to be confused when you replied you weren't. After all, the money you would spend on sorting a wedding could be used for something you both really wanted. In fact, it went into putting a deposit on a home.
Living with Baji was a rollercoaster! Everywhere you looked there would be a hair band that he forgot to pick up, or you would look for a snack to munch on only to find at least two bags of cat food to feed the strays that turned up. But you loved it all.
When you had spare time, you would visit him at the pet shop where he worked with Chifuyu and Kazutora, getting easily distracted by the kittens they kept. Your favourite was a small black one that was more like a small panther than a house cat. In fact, you had dubbed him Mini Baji or Baji Jr. You were so shocked when one day, your boyfriend had returned from work with Baji Jr in his arms, excitedly telling you how he would now be living with you. Thank God you always had cat food in so he could be fed as soon as possible.
You both would treat the kitten as if he was your firstborn child. Newborn photo shoot? You had some of the pictures framed on the walls. Pampered and spoiled? Of course! Baji Jr deserved only the best and both you and Baji were determined in providing this for him! This kitten would grow up to be a brat but you loved him anyway.
You were contented with how your life was turning out. You had Baji and Baji Jr, the pet shop was doing really well, and you had enough money to live comfortably. But one thing had set you off. Nausea would be a regular part of your routine these days, along with extreme fatigue and weight gain. It didn't take a genius to connect the dots and you had bought a handful of tests to take.
6 tests later, you were staring at the plastic sticks which mockingly stared back, taunting you with their positive results. All of them were positive. Your life as a couple was about to be flipped upside down.
Having decided to just come out and tell your boyfriend about the news, you spend the rest of the day curled up with your favourite hot drink and your favourite anime playing on the TV. You had 4 hours to kill after all and Baji Jr had decided to waste it on your lap.
Exhausted from the long day at the pet shop, Baji kicked off his shoes, shrugged off his jacket before joining you on the sofa. You turned your head to place a kiss upon his cheek, Baji smiled back at you before noticing you seemed different. It seemed like you were conflicted about something and your boyfriend wished to know what it was so he could help.
"I'm pregnant." It was such a blunt statement that the long haired male had done a double take. You were pregnant? As in you had a baby growing inside of you? Wow. Baji was stunned into silence, eyes wide and jaw hanging slightly. He didn't know how to feel about this news and neither did you. Part of you wanted to be excited at the thought of becoming a mother but the other part was scared that you would screw it all up.
It would take a full day for the news to finally set in for Baji and that was only after discussing it with Chifuyu and Kazutora at the shop. He was thankful that he could talk about his feelings surrounding the news with his two closest friends since it had made it a lot easier to come to terms with becoming a father.
Once he had gotten home, Baji had a bouquet of your favourite flowers nestled in his arms along with a box of your favourite candies. You had to admit that it was a lovely surprise, considering you had spent most of the day trying to get your own head around the idea of being pregnant. Now all you held was excitement of having a baby that was part you and part Baji.
"I'm sorry for taking so long babe..." Baji explained how he was excited to start this new chapter of his life with you. That night was spent talking about all the things you would teach this new life, how Baji Jr would be the best big brother any child could hope for. He even told you he had ordered a custom baby biker jacket from Mitsuya which made you laugh because of course your boyfriend would do that.
You had given birth to a healthy baby boy, something that Baji had been secretly hoping for. Don't get him wrong, he would have adored a daughter but he had more to teach a son. It had come as a huge surprise that he looked EXACTLY like Baji had when he was a baby. Dark hair, dark eyes, everything!
Baji Jr had grown quite attached to the new addition to the family, always following you around when you held your bundle of joy. It was exactly how you hoped it would be. Baji was so excited to introduce his mini me to everyone that it only took a few weeks before your son had been shown to everyone. Chifuyu and Kazutora had taken a particular shine to the infant, already dubbing themselves the 'best uncles' while Mikey, Draken and Mitsuya had to be the 'less cool uncles' (Kazutora's words)
Baji was the definitely the cool type of dad that everyone thought he would be. Taking your son out on his bike when the chance revealed itself, teaching him how to ride when he was big enough to comfortably reach the handlebars, and making sure your child loved cats. Your son was determined to be just like his father, so much so that he would ask everyone about what Baji was like when he was a child. So be prepared because you now have a wild child on your hands. You seriously didn't know how Mama Baji had survived. She must have been a saint.
Your son was definitely a delinquent, even creating his own gang with his friends. It definitely reminded you of how Toman was before they disbanded. Baji would be so proud while you couldn't help but worry over every bloody nose and bruised cheek. However, your son definitely did not hold back when he saw someone harassing the strays of Shinjuku, going as far as to beat them up just so the stray cat would have time to wander off to a different location. All in all, he made both you and Baji proud in many different ways.
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Chifuyu is a huge romantic at heart, seen by how he would always have a romance manga at hand. So he truly believed you were both soulmates ever since you started dating. This played into how fast you both ended up getting engaged. The wedding on the other hand, Chifuyu would want to wait until you both had enough money so he could give you the wedding you deserved.
This had lead to a modest wedding filled with everyone you both loved and cared for. Baji was best man (no surprises there) while you had asked Hinata to be your maid of honour considering how close you had gotten over the years of knowing her and Takemichi. The entire event was like something out of a romance manga, it all felt dream like to you especially when you were pronounced husband and wife for the first time.
The reception was similar to how Pan-chin's was. Everyone was sitting around tables conversing with one another as you and Chifuyu were busy admiring each other at the head table. So much so that Baji was imitating vomiting at how overly sweet the moments were. Everything was perfect, even though you told your husband it could have been a simple trip to the registry hall and it would have been just as perfect. All that mattered was that you were married to the love of your life, bound together forever.
Married life wasn't that much different from not married life with Chifuyu. Peke J was still the centre of both of your world's, treated like the king he is. Baji would still arrive unannounced every weekend to hang out, sometimes alone but mostly with the rest of Toman trailing behind him. The only difference was that you could call each other husband and wife.
It had been only a few months after your wedding that you noticed you were feeling off. At first you paid it no mind, thinking it might have been side effects of stress as your job was entering its busy period. However, it was when you noticed that you hadn't had your time of the month that it began to all make sense to you. That day while Chifuyu was working at the pet shop with Baji and Kazutora, you had gone out to buy as many pregnancy tests as you could find, wanting to be thorough.
They all came back positive, confirming that you had entered a new chapter of your life a little sooner than you would have liked to. However, this did nothing to dampen the pure excitement you felt about being a mother. Peke J wandered into the room as you celebrated, simply curling around your legs in his own way of celebrating you guessed. All that was left was to tell Chifuyu about it.
You had decided to create a scavenger hunt around the house as a way to announce you were pregnant, all clues leading to one of the pregnancy tests you had taken. Having so much fun writing out the little clues and hiding them in random places around your home, you lost track of time. You had only just placed the last clue in its place when you heard the door opening signalling that your loving partner was home from work.
"Hey sweetheart, how was work?" It was difficult to keep the grin off your face and acting like it was normal. If you hadn't put so much effort into the hunt, you would have let it slip out there and then. Chifuyu smiled down at you, explaining how the day at the shop had been before he bent down to greet Peke J who had finally shown up in the hallway. Excitement getting the better of you, you handed over the first clue to begin the hunt with the excuse that you would be preparing dinner so you couldn't join in.
Chifuyu was confused to what was going on but had decided to follow what the clue had told him, noting how cute your handwriting was. After each clue, he simply pocketed the paper so he could keep them for sentimental reasons. Peke J followed his owner around the house, participating in the scavenger hunt without actually doing anything. You were sure it was because he didn't want to miss out but who knows. He is a cat after all.
Following the last clue, Chifuyu was a little disappointed to not find new volumes of his favourite romance manga series or a box for a model aeroplane. However, that disappointment was quick to fade away when he found the positive pregnancy test. Running into the kitchen with it clutched in his hands, he couldn't find the words to ask. You simply grinned and nodded at him to confirm the non-spoken question. Chifuyu swept you into a hug, occasional mumbles of 'thank you' and 'I can't believe we are having a baby' leaving his lips.
He would wait until he was at work the next day before telling anyone as he wanted Baji to be the first to know, being best friends and all. Everyone who he had told had given their congratulations, happy for the man in starting his own family.
Months passed by in a blur as you and Chifuyu had spent most of them planning and setting up the nursery. In what felt like no time at all, you were cradling your daughter. Everything suddenly felt right in the world at that moment. You had your husband, Peke J was now an older cat sibling, and now you held your perfect child. Chifuyu was definitely crying when it came to him meeting her, something that he was adamant didn't happen. She looked a lot more like you than Chifuyu, big e/c eyes and short tufts of h/c hair wisps.
Everyone had been visiting your home to come and meet the new addition, each cooing over how cute she was. Baji was quick to declare that he was the baby's uncle and he would help Chifuyu beat up any future boys who would try and take her from them. You couldn't stop the laughter that erupted from hearing this, silently praying for these future potential boyfriends.
Chifuyu was a devoted dad, willing to do anything to make his little girl happy. She wanted ice cream? You bet your ass he was stopping to get ice cream! Can't sleep? He would leave you in the big bed to make sure his daughter got a good night's sleep. Keeping to the declaration he and Baji made when she was a baby, they both intimidated any potential suitors away from his baby girl, something your daughter found embarrassing.
Your daughter, the eldest out of three kids, had grown up to be a lot like you compared to her father. She was fiercely protective over her younger siblings, even going as far as to throw hands with those who bother them (something Baji no doubt had taught her). Boys would find her cute and try to be friends with her only to have Chifuyu, Baji and her younger brothers there to get him to back off. While she loved hearing about the days of Toman, she would focus on her studies and her future instead of becoming a delinquent.
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Mitsuya was the type of person to wait until the right moment to get married. He wanted to make sure you both were financially and mentally ready to make such a huge life change. While he would want to give you the wedding little girls dreamed of for years, you had convinced him that having an extravagant wedding wasn't needed. As long as you got to be with this man forever, it didn't matter whether it was done at the local playground.
Your wedding was small but perfect. Mitsuya had offered to make your dress for you, saying how he would be making Mana and Luna's dresses so it wouldn't be too much trouble. In reality, he wanted to see you wearing something he made with so much love on your special day. You had Mana and Luna as your bridesmaids while Mitsuya had chosen Hakkai as his best man. Everyone from Toman had attended and were happy to see their friend settling down.
The reception was also small but as long as you could remain with your now-husband, you didn't care. Everyone was enjoying themselves, catching each other up on what was going on in their lives now that they weren't middle schoolers anymore. You and Mitsuya did the rounds of thanking everyone for coming out to celebrate your marriage before you both went to converse with Mikey and the rest of the Toman leaders.
Married life was perfect. Mitsuya would surprise you with new items of clothing he made every now and again, loving how you took especially good care of those clothes compared to the clothes you bought yourself. It made him feel appreciated. Some days you would go over to visit Emma and Draken with the others. You couldn't help but dote on their child every time you went, a new stuffed toy you had made (with help from your husband) to give them.
It was a year and a half into this blessed life that you had noticed you were putting on weight and you couldn't understand why. If you had experienced morning sickness then the answer would have been clear but you were fortunate enough to not have that. It was during a visit to Draken's that Emma had noticed the weight you had gained around your lower stomach. She took you into the kitchen to ask questions that all seemed to point to one conclusion. Thankfully, the blonde had a spare test in her bathroom and so you took it in secret.
It was positive. You were pregnant and now feeling a little guilty over your eating habits as they hadn't been too healthy over the last few months. You were thankful through that you never drank alcohol. Coming out of the small bathroom, you showed Emma the positive result. Now how were you going to tell Mitsuya?
Emma suggested you just tell him while you were at the gathering. After all, it was the perfect time for a celebration, she convinced you. Taking in a deep breath, you made your way to where your husband was chatting with Hakkai and Takemichi. Instead of words, you had opted to simply hand over the test so he could see for himself.
Mitsuya was over the moon at the news. He grabbed you into a long hug, muttering 'thank you' and 'I love you's into your ear. It didn't take him long until he was telling the entire room about the good news. Everyone was happy for the two of you and the celebration had begun. Draken was telling Mitsuya all the joys that came with having a child while Emma gushed over how cute your child would be and how you would both have to have playdates together when your child was old enough.
Luna and Mana were excited over becoming aunties, going on and on about how they would spoil them with love. You couldn't wait for everyone to meet your baby but you especially. The months seemed to be dragging on for you while they were flying by for Mitsuya. He would spoil you and treat you like a queen throughout the pregnancy, making a baby biker jacket just like the one he used to wear when he was in Toman, along with making toys like he did with his younger sisters.
It came to a surprise to everyone that you had given birth to a pair of fraternal twins, one boy and one girl. Thankfully you and Mitsuya had found this out at one of the scans and had prepared accordingly. Mitsuya couldn't stop smiling as he held his daughter in his arms while you cradled your son as he slept. The boy resembled his father entirely while the girl was a blend of both of your features, something you found a little unfair. Why did you husband get a mini me while you didn't? Either way, you couldn't help but think they were both perfect.
Luna and Mana were the only ones (excluding parents and other family members) who had come to visit their niece and nephew in the hospital. They each had seemingly picked a favourite with Luna falling for the little girl while Mana couldn't get over how the boy looked just like her older brother. Although there were favourites, you knew they would both be equally spoiled by their aunties.
Everyone else had to come over to your home to meet the babies. Mikey, Draken and Baji couldn't get over how cute they looked in their tiny biker jackets, while the rest were just floored still that you had two newborns to look after instead of the assumed one.
Mitsuya is definitely a loving yet strict dad. He allowed his children do make their own decisions freely but was the first one to scold them for getting into dangerous situations. Although, he would take them for rides on his bike every now and then which you found to be the sweetest thing ever. You even had your camera roll full of photos you had secretly taken of when he would have one of them on his bike. All of their toys and clothes would be handmade with love by your husband, that was a must in his mind.
The twins would both embrace the delinquent way of life, although would secretly study at home so that their grades remained up. They would protect each other against bullies, especially your son as he was more the fighter between them. Both would BEG for you to let them learn some type of martial arts and only after finally breaking under their persistent asking, both you and Mitsuya agreed and would take them to classes every week. Your son would form a gang with his friends while your daughter had joined another gang that her friends were in. This meant a lot of arguments between them at home over whose gang was the best.
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sxlver-sweet · 3 years
Okay ooc arba so imagine when takemitchy time leap again he saw an unfamilliar girl and when she started appearing, the timeline suddenly changed?? But she got closed to toman, and her and takemithy are close but not that quite cause takemitchy is hesistant. But when the timeline is slowly changing and everyone is being saved getting their happy endings, like hina is alive, emma and draken getting married, etc. She just vanished and they all found out the news that she died?
oh my god stop stop stop this made me so sAD but i loVE IT.
all i can think about is the aftermath of toman receiving the news of her untimely demise. all i can think about is how they all just stand there, minds blank with shock as they struggle to process the fact that her of all people had somehow become entangled in a web of obscurity and foul play that resulted in her bloated body being hauled out of a river. all i can think about is how takemichi automatically starts blaming himself for not noticing that her disappearance was oddly timed—the day after emma and draken's wedding, actually—and for not catching on to the signs of endangerment that he's certain she must have been exhibiting. all i can think about is the sick, gaping abyss of dread that yawns in takemichi's stomach as he recounts his interactions with her dating back to the first time she became entwined with the fate of toman. all i can think about is how his hands begin to tremble and his eyes well up with tears as he notices a common thread winding through each major conflict and issue that he faced.
she always knew.
he didn't know how, but she just did.
it was evident in the way she stroked mikey's hair as he finally crumbled and spilled tears into the grass swaying against their ankles, his motorcycle leaned against her thigh as she bore the weight of both toman's leader and the burden of his bloodstained past. it was evident in the unwavering gentleness in her eyes as she foretold a future of suffering and shallow pleasure that would undoubtedly unravel before mikey's very eyes, a revelation that takemichi was only aware of because he didn't trust mikey's deteriorating mental stability when he departed from a meeting with a mumbled, dull dismissal of needing to "take a drive." it was evident in the way she yanked emma into her side to shelter her from what would have been a tragic end, consequently enduring a blow from a wooden bat that shattered her own shoulder and left her in a sling for months to come. it was evident in the way she collapsed kisaki's plan into fragments as if it were mere child's play and allowed kazutora's switchblade to sink into her wrist, trading her own consciousness for baji's life without a shred of reluctance. it was evident in the way she returned to toman with baji's arm linked around hers, wrist swaddled in bandages and a bright smile splitting her cheeks. it was evident in the way her eyes were devoid of anything but pity, half-lidded and soft with sorrow as she gazed up at a deranged izana with a face speckled with bruises and dripping with her own blood.
the gentle understanding in her eyes never once faltered—never once dimmed.
takemichi is certain that she must have caught on to his own ability to leap through time. however, she never once questioned it, and he never once questioned her. although, thinking back on it, he knows that he should have. because now, all her arcane secrets have died alongside her.
what's worse is that he knows that everyone else feels the same way.
the burden of guilt weighs heaviest on takemichi's shoulders. he neglected to form an alliance with her out of the sheer uncertainty and skepticism spurred by her being an unfamiliar figure in a storyline that, so far, had been unchanging. however, because of that, he knows that he missed key signs that hinted at a future of loneliness and affliction for her. but, what truly kills him is that despite all the experience he gained through the trial and error of the redo he was blessed with, he knows that she’d always been ten steps ahead of him. she was well aware that her death was approaching while he remained ignorant. she suffered in silence, alone and detached. the kindness and compassion that poured from her heart demonstrated no bounds, because she knew that she wouldn't have the rest of her life to exhibit them. a glimmer of something wistful—desolation, perhaps—had been prominent in her eyes from day one as she silently watched the fruits of her labor blossom into a future that she knew takemichi and toman deserved. the way she clung a bit tighter to emma when she embraced her at the wedding reception, the loose-ended questions that she would always start to ask takemichi but ultimately dismiss with a dry chuckle and a shake of her head, the way she broke her fucking back to meticulously carve out a place in the future for everyone but herself—all the signs were there.
all the signs that she needed someone—anyone.
so how is it, takemichi wonders, that he managed to save everyone but the one person who rescued so many people that she herself forgot how to ask for help?
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egg-on-the-run · 3 years
I got my first proper request and I literally accidentally deleted it. Am I stupid? Yes. Did I immediately panic? Yes. Do I remember what was on it?........ mostly.
Haha anon I hope you see this I'm so sorry but ily.
The turtles s/o who's usually very calm but just bursts into anger.
Notes: swearing :) I think it's funny
He's used to a very calm s/o, you like to meditate together, he's always been good with helping you with breathing exercises.
You both like to keep arguments to a minimum, and even when fights do take place there isn't a lot of yelling
But when your mother came to visit :) that was just :) a lot of pressure :)
And she stayed in your apartment :) for a week :) everything was fine :)
Leonardo hadn't seen you for an entire week, not an overly long time, but certainly not pleasant. And he knew that you got stressed when you couldn't see him often. So as soon as you texted saying you had dropped your mother off at the airport, he immediately came round.
You were already screaming the moment you walked in the door.
"Oh she has some nerve! Some nerve! Speaking to me like that!"
"I'm guessing you're car ride went smoothly."
"She's been bugging me all week! When are you getting married? When are you have kids? I want some grand babies before I die! Ugh! She's obsessed with maintaining this perfect image all because her friend's kids are married and making babies like rabbits!"
He stayed quiet, not exactly sure how to comfort you. It wasn't like he could provide you with these things, and by the sounds of it, your mother would never approve of your huge turtle boyfriend.
"She just can't get that I'm happy! I have my own life and it's perfect the way I want it to be! I have a perfect boyfriend! You're a fucking delight! She–she's just so obsessed with her image that she'd never get that!"
"You... You think so?"
"I know so! She's too stubborn and she'll never get how fucking great you are and it just— UGH! It fries my brain."
"Even though I... I can't give you all those things... I can't legally marry you, we can't have kids."
"Even if you could give me a mansion and a diamond ring, or if all you could give me was a-a fucking walnut! I love you Leonardo, not that prim and proper white satin wedding she's made a thousand Pinterest boards for. I love you, I just wish she would get it."
Leonardo leaned down and kissed your cheek
"I love you too."
He believed in dealing with anger appropriately, but seeing you defend him with such passion made him feel so much more secure.
He's seen you angry before, he encouraged it. He's all about helping you with your confidence, teaching you to not be afraid to take up space and stand up for yourself.
But holy cow. You were mad that night.
He'd warned you not to take the trash out at night, wait to the morning — or better yet, he'll take it out for you when he came to visit after patrol.
But you are Raphael's girl. You are stubborn.
So you take the trash out, and some absolute creep decides that "flirting" in a dark alleyway in the key to a girl's heart.
Raphael swooped in, told the man to scram. But bold and drunk, the man spits back with a "Oh yeah? And would she want anything to do with a freak like you? What are you gonna do? Hit me? Aw, big angry turtle, you're gonna scare your girlfriend away."
It was two of his biggest insecurities. His appearance and his rage, especially in regards to scaring you away. It was a low blow, Raphael should have known to just walk away.
But he clammed up, he'd never admit when his anxiety got the best of him and you don't blame him.
"Oh go fuck yourself. If a vile man like you doesn't scare me, why the hell do you think a good man like him would?"
"A good man? He's not a fucking man! He's some freaky turtle thing, a pretty little thing like you deserves a real man."
"And are you a real man?"
"More real than your little pet."
The next thing you knew, the man was on the ground. You assumed Raphael knocked him out, but Raph's standing behind you and you're the one with your hand in a fist.
"Oh my god. Oh–Oh Raphie I knocked him out! O-Oh my god!"
"Holy shit Y/N! You probably broke his nose!" Raphael is grinning, shaking your shoulders.
"I didn't mean to hurt him."
"He deserves a broken nose at the least for messing with you! He was an asshole and he needed someone like you to set him straight!"
"I, um, well, I suppose he did! Saying such horrible things about you, I-I guess he did need someone to put him in his place."
Raphael ruffled your hair, "Thank you, my knight in shining armour."
"That make you my Prince?"
"Your Prince who was right about not taking the trash out at night."
"You've got to be fucking kidding me."
He appreciated you standing up for him more than you could imagine. And he found it mighty hot how hard you hit that guy. Seriously! He must be a good self defence teacher.
Donatello loves you so much, loves holding you and hugging you whenever he can. He adores it when you sit on his lap while he works.
But do you like to cuddle when you sleep? Tough luck. Getting him to bed is like trying to lick your own elbow: near impossible.
Regardless, you try. Because every once in a while Donatello is too tired to fight and he will go to bed.
Tonight is not one of those nights.
"Baby, please, just come to bed. Everyone's already asleep."
"I'll be there in a minute, just go on without me."
You sigh, not really seeing the point in fighting. Instead you return to his bed, trying to keep yourself awake playing games on your phone. When half an hour passes, you go back and try again.
"Donnie come on, aren't you tired? I just want to cuddle."
"I just need to put some stuff on a hard drive, April's writing a new article, she needs it for tomorrow."
You sigh once more, "Promise you'll come to bed right after?"
"I promise."
Donatello's bed is comfortable, but it's more comfortable with him in. You force yourself to stay awake; despite your exhaustion you're determined to cuddle tonight. It's all you want.
But it did not take an hour to put some documents onto a hard drive. And he's being awfully loud for just typing away on a computer.
"Are you fucking joking right now?!"
He jumps, almost dropping the box of beakers in his arms, "Hey love... Can't sleep?"
"You're rearranging your lab?! Why are you—since when do you rearrange things, huh? What the hell?!"
"I just y'know, thought things needed a change..?"
"Oh, and now is the time to change things, really? Of all the times to move your fucking beakers you decide to do it in the middle of the night after I specifically asked you to come to bed? Seriously?"
He gives a nervous grin, the kind that usually made you smile in return. But it was late — rather it was early at this point — and you were cranky.
"You can sleep without me, you're a big girl." He teased.
"I want to sleep with my boyfriend! I want to cuddle! Is that so much to ask for?!"
Donatello blinked, "You're right, I'm sorry, but I swear, I promise, I'll be ten minutes, honest."
"You can finish this tomorrow. If you're not in bed in the next ten seconds, I am going to scream and wake everyone else up."
"Don't be ridiculous—"
Donatello jumped, quickly moving to shove supplies in cupboards a little recklessly. You continued to count down from ten, storming off back to his bed for hopefully the finally time this night.
By the time you got to the very firm "Three... Two... One..." Donatello was racing to bed, dived in beside you, crashing and knocking your heads together.
He'd never tell you, for fear you'd let it get to your head, but he kind of liked it when you got bossy.
Anger and Michelangelo just don't mix. They just don't. He's the king of communication, he's tries his hardest to avoid fights at any and all costs. You've always appreciated his determination to talk things out with you.
But with his brothers? He shuts down, he goes quiet and just accepts whatever blame they put on him: he knows they don't mean it, they only say mean things when they're angry.
But it hurts, hearing his big brothers tell him he's stupid, that he's childish, that he's lackadaisical.
"What kind of word even is that?! I swear Donnie must read a thesaurus as a bedtime story.."
So he's allowed to complain, and you let him ramble when he comes to visit. He sits on your bed and the words just tumble out of his mouth, lets you move around the room tidying up while he rants.
"I just—Raph keeps calling me stupid. And I just—I-I just—You know, sometimes I believe it."
You freeze, sweater only half folded and turn to him, "But you're not stupid. Just because you're not some brainiac like Donatello doesn't make you stupid. If that was the case, then I'm stupid, Raph's stupid, April, Leo, Splinter is stupid. Do you think we're all stupid?"
"Well—no, but—"
"But what?"
"But I... I am a little stupid."
"No you're not! Mikey, how many times has you out of the box thinking saved the day? Y-You were the one who suggested playing friggen buck-buck to take down Shredder! Y-Your skateboarding—hoverboarding skills saved the world. You think your brothers could do that?"
Mikey scrunched his nose up, "That's not smart though. They're right. My-my focus is all over the place, I-I could never come up with a plan like Leo, I could never have half the brains Donnie has, and Raph just—he gets things that I don't and I-I am stupid!"
"I need to have a word with your brothers—"
"And that's another thing! Everyone still treats me like I'm some kid! I don't need you to have a word with them! You're not my mom."
"Then you have a word with them! But sitting here and complaining about things that just aren't true isn't going to change anything!"
He's taken aback. Much like himself, you hardly ever yell, never ever raise your voice at him.
"I am not going to stand here and let them insult you day in and day out! Either you do something about it, or I will!"
He blinks at you, you're aggressively folding the sweater in your arms and grumbling about how you could definitely take Raphael in a fist fight if need be. You mumble something about how nobody gets to speak to your boyfriend like that, and it finally clicks with Mikey.
"Alright. I'm going to talk to them," He's mostly talking to himself, "I'm going to show them that I'm not some stupid, ditzy, lackadaisical kid anymore. I'm your boyfriend, and nobody gets to speak with me that way!"
You beam at him, anger disappearing within the second with his newfound confidence, "Hell yeah! Nobody insults my boyfriend!"
"Your boyfriend!"
"My boyfriend!"
"Your boyfriend!"
His brothers' version of a wake up call is to point out his weaknesses, tell him what needs to be corrected. But you much prefer to build him up, point out his strengths.
But jeez, he does not like your angry face.
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hinatastinygiant · 3 years
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Chapter Thirty Seven
Pairing: Mitsuya x Fem!Reader
Wicked Games Masterlist
"Super cute the way you and Y/N are matching tonight, Taka-chan," Yuzuha and Hina giggle as I meet up with them.
"That dress you made for Y/N is super gorgeous, Mitsuya!" Hina adds. "You're definitely going to be super famous someday!"
"I know right?!" Yuzuha squeals in excitement. "And it's almost like he designed it right on her body, how the hell do you do that?"
"I don't know," I shrug. "I guess it just kinda comes to me."
"Even when it was the wedding dress," Yuzuha thinks aloud. "It was totally something that Y/N would wear. Like you designed that dress for her, too!"
"You don't have to make it sound like that," I sigh deflatedly at her comment.
"What, so you wouldn't want to see her in a wedding dress? Oh wait, but it kinda already is," she smirks.
"I'll admit that Y/N does look quite stunning in that dress, but I don't know if you should phrase things like that," I tell her as my cheeks begin to heat up in embarrassment.
As the two girls smile at each other, I look over at the table where I saw Hakkai, Souya, and Y/N sitting. However, Y/N isn't sitting with the two of them anymore. It makes me a bit nervous that she's gone off without Hakkai even suspecting anything. I excuse myself from the girls and take off to look around for her.
Eventually, I spot a man with wild black hair and glasses shielding his burning red eyes from burning through. I recognize him right away as Chikao and take off, chasing him through the crowd.
I follow him until he's about to step into the hallway where he stops for some reason. I notice that he's got one hand on the doorknob, but in his other hand he's got a gun pointed right in my direction.
"Calm down," I call out to him as I put up my hands. "There's no need to shoot at a wedding."
"I don't give a shit 'bout this wedding," Chikao scoffs. "It's about time your annoying little group dies out, though, that's all I want. Think you could humor me with that?"
Just as my lips part while I try to come up with some answer for him, there's a sound of a gun booming from the room behind him. Only a moment later, the door opens up. My eyes widen when I see a person now standing behind Chikao, panting heavily. It's Y/N and in her hand is a pistol.
Where the hell did she get that? Did she just shoot someone?
With a deep inhale and hardly any hesitation, she aims her gun down towards Chikao's back and shoots him. In an instant, the whole reception breaks out in a panic with screaming and yelling. When I look around, I notice that fighting has now broken out in the room. All of those Otsuda guys must have been hiding amongst the crowd and they've now begun trying to fight the rest of us. It's no wonder we didn't recognize some of these guests.
However, as I look over towards Mikey and Draken, I see that they've already taken down a bunch of people. They look prepared, too, were they expecting this to happen?
At the same time, Chikao falls onto his knees and clutches his stomach where Y/N had just shot him. My mouth drops as she now comes fully into my vision, still dressed in that beautiful dress, just with the added accessory of a gun. I can't believe I just watched her do that...
"We're even now," she smiles. "You saved me last time so it's only fair."
I let out a deep breath, how is she so exceptionally perfect even after she's just shot someone? I've got to do all that I can to protect her from this part out. I don't know who else might be after her.
I grab her hand and bring her to where Hina, Yuzuha, and Emma are huddled together. I tell Y/N to stay there with them, but the second I turn away and look back, Y/N is completely gone. I should have expected that she wouldn't stay in place when she could help out the rest of the group. It looks like she's given Yuzuha the gun to protect herself, too. I hope she'll be alright.
It's not until after the fighting is done that I see Y/N again. I meet up with her, Mikey, and Draken once the Otsuda gang is completely taken care of.
"We're not idiots," Draken huffs a bit out of breath. "We knew something was going to happen, we just didn't know what it was. Besides, we never got to see the so-called 'dead bodies' for ourselves."
"Y/N," Mikey changes the conversation, "What happened to Hanma? You were the last person to see him, right?"
"Yeah," she nods. "I shot him in the chest but he just ran away like nothing even happened."
"Did he have a bulletproof vest?" I ask her, resulting in a nod at my correct guess.
"It shouldn't matter anymore. Hanma and Kisaki no longer have the Otsuda gang to back them up anymore," Mikey interrupts.
The four of us look around and notice that there are a bunch of guys laying unconscious on the ground of the reception hall.
Draken sighs. "I hope Emma won't be too upset at me for this."
"She won't be," you assure him. "She understands and is worried about you. I'd go talk to her if I were you."
"Good idea," he nods. "Thanks, Y/N. See you guys later."
As Draken walks off, Mikey gathers the rest of the group and shares the good news about the Otsuda gang's defeat. The entire room then echoes with cheers and shouts. I turn to Y/N and see she's got a big smile on her face. As her eyes meet with mine she throws her arms around me. Soon after, an even greater weight is added to my shoulders as Yuzuha and Hakkai throw themselves on top of Y/N and me, joining the hug.
"This is so great," Yuzuha sighs. "Now we don't need to worry about those jerks anymore!"
Wicked Games Masterlist
Taglist: @darkmess0 @wakasa-wifey @plaggi @daiserenade @lunastellanova @sseorin @jinchuriki-hunter @sh4gree @night-shadowblood-writes2
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Emergency! Part 1
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Part 1 – Plane Crash
Summary: Dean and Cas are partners at Fire Station 51’s paramedic squad and are responding to their first of many. A plane crashes into an apartment complex, multiple fire stations respond to put out the fire and rescue any victims trapped. But RN, Y/N Y/L/N, happens to live in the very complex involved in the plane crash. Though unharmed, she commits her time to aid and assist in the victims coming out of the building and the plane. The rescue turns sideways on Dean when a beam drops onto Dean, damaging his oxygen tank, he quickly turns into a victim as he quickly succumbs to smoke inhalation and becomes Y/N’s patient.
Warnings: Mild angst (relationship), slight language, fluff?
Square: Firefighter!AU ( @supernatural-jackles​ Tell me a story Bingo)
Word Count: 1,784
Mobile Masterlist
Series Masterlist
A/N: DOA = Dead on Arrival. Y/L/N = Your last name. But I hope you guys enjoy!
She got up at her usual time of 5am to be at the hospital by 6:30am.
Not much of a coffee drinker, she just got her a mug filling up with soda, the soda being her caffeine for the day.
She got into her scrubs, grabbing her nametag, pens and her personal notepad.
Ready to hit the road before traffic begins to pick up on the freeway in Los Angeles, she grabs her wallet, phone and keys she locks up to leave for her day at work as a Registered Nurse at Rampart emergency hospital.
Just as she got to the street to her car, there was a loud noise growing louder. She looked in the direction of the noise to see a plane, crash landing into her own apartment complex.
Ducking beside her car at the impact of the plane she was also thankful for her timing.
Quickly she dials 9-1-1.
Dean got up at his usual time of 4 in the morning to begin his 24-hour shift at the station.
Dean is a paramedic and squad member at station 51.
He pulled his truck into the parking lot, still trying to wake up.
His partner was already there.
“Cas, do you ever sleep man?” Dean asked.
“Slept on the couch again.”
“Are you and Hannah okay?”
“No, we had a big fight again last night. I don’t know what I can do for her anymore.” Cas says, defeated.
“Just end things man, you need sleep, and you need some peace of mind. I got room at my house for a roommate if you need a place.”
“Thanks Dean, but I already had plans of ending things with Hannah, last night was just the nail in the coffin of yet another failed relationship.”
“She failed it man, you did nothing wrong.” Dean encouraged.
“Thanks man.”
Dean offered a kind smile and a pat on Cas’s shoulder.
“Ready for another long shift?” Cas asks.
“As ready as I’ll ever be, my dad here yet?”
“Yeah, he’s in the office why?”
“Wonder if he got the invite to Sam and Jess’s wedding.”
“Bought damn time that kid popped the question honestly.”
“I know, he and Jess dated for what seemed like forever.”
“You really think they’re still sore at each other, I mean John of all people should know he can’t control what his kids want to do.”
“Yeah, I don’t know, that’s why I was gonna ask if he got it.”
Cas nods.
“I saw you put in for a three-day weekend, what’s going on?”
“Just wanting to take a trip out to the campgrounds outside of town to the family cabin, Dad says the deck could use some work and I was gonna kill two birds with one stone. Camp out and help dad fix up the deck.”
“That sounds cool.”
The fire stations alarm sounded.
“Truck 27, squad 27, engine 47, squad 47, Engine 51, squad 51, structure fire at Purgatory Apartments 1366 south Millard Ave.”
“Lots of trucks and engines responding, must be big.” Cas states. Jumping into action.
“Must be.” Dean says running to the squad truck, jumping into the driver seat, Cas jumping into the passenger.
Dean turned the keys in the ignition, roaring the Ford Truck to life, and turning on the lights and siren. Heading out onto the road, with the firetruck, Engine 51 following behind.
 “This is RN Y/N Y/L/N, I have multiple victims at 1366 Millard Ave. A plane crashed. 3 already DOA, I need help right away.” She says into the phone.
“We’re working on it; we already have multiple firestations responding to your location. Just keep aiding in the victims as best as you can Ms. Y/L/N.” dispatch for 9-1-1 says.
She continued chest compressions on a victim and did 2 rescue breaths. And checked his pulse, still no change.
She sat her phone off of her shoulder and on the ground, so she could focus on reviving the victim.
One more attempt at cpr, she checks his pulse, still no change. Placing his hands over his chest, she says a silent prayer.
“I’m sorry.” She tells the people watching over her as she worked.
“Where is your help?” a lady asked furiously.
“They’re on the way, LA Is a large ass city, and you know how traffic is in this town.” She says.
She was already frustrated with the losses she didn’t need an attitude from anyone.
The sound of wailing sirens in the distance brought relieve to the nurse as she worked tirelessly on the victims.
Engine and squad 27 and 47 being the first on the scene.
“There are people trapped in the buildings, and there were about 45 passengers on this flight. 4 are DOA so far.” Y/N stated to the captain of the two fire stations as they approached her.
“Alright, I’ll send my guys in.” Captain of station 27 stated.
“I’ll let the other stations as they come in to assist.” Captain of station 47 stated.
Another fire engine’s siren wailed as it approached.
The men jumping into action.
“Winchester!” the captain of station 47 shouts as he approached engine 51.
“What do we got?”
“Unknown number of victims trapped in the complex, 45 passengers or so from the plane. 4 of them were DOA. Oh, and she’s a nurse, thought I’d mention that she could help us out.”
“Right,” John Winchester, captain of station 51 agreed.
“Alright guys, we got to work fast, there are people trapped in these two buildings, we need to clear them out. Tran, get the engine ready so we can use the hose. Gabe, and Michael, work on the fire with the other stations, Benny, Raph, and Charlie, aide the paramedics, either from 27, 47 or Dean and Cas, we need to save as many as we can, alright?”
“Yes sir.”
“Get to it.”
Everyone went to where they were instructed to. Dean and Cas got their equipment from their truck and went into one of the buildings, full fire fighter gear.
“Dean!” John called out.
Dean stops, giving John his attention.
“Be safe in there son.”
“I will dad. Don’t worry.” He says, running in.
There were a good handful of people able to move and get to safety on their own, and another handful Dean and Cas had to carry out of the building.
One woman, sprained ankle from trying to escape hastily, as Cas carried her out she nearly flew out of the man’s arms.
“My daughter, she’s in her room!” she cries out.
“I’ll get her, Cas, get her out of here.”
Cas nods, doing as told.
Dean inspected the rooms, finding a seven-year-old girl, hiding beside her bed covered in a wet blanket.
“Hey, I’m Dean, I’m gonna get you out of here.”
The girls nods.
Dean kept a protective arm around her as they exited her room.
A beam creaked, and gave way above Dean, hitting his back.
He heard a loud pop, like a large pop can exploding.
He found it hard to breathe through his oxygen mask.
Taking off his mask and tank he saw rupture in his tank.
“Shit.” He hissed.
His lungs were quickly taken over by the smoke, he started coughing immediately.
He noticed the girl was already gone.
He tried to get up to hurry and save himself but he felt a sharp pain in the back of his leg.
He looked behind him, he saw the beam pinning him down by his leg.
Overcome by the coughing, his world began to turn black.
 Y/N finished placing a splint on the womans ankle when a child ran up to her and the group of firemen.
“Jamie! Baby!” her mother cried out, holding her arms out to her daughter.
“Mommy!” she cried.
“Where’s Dean?” Cas asked.
“A beam fell down and knocked him down. He’s stuck.” She says.
Without another word exchanged Cas took off to the apartment they rescued the woman.
The fire was slowly getting under control and it was easier to see inside the apartments. Cas was able to spot Dean out in the apartment easily.
He laid on his stomach, still and unmoving. Cas can see the beam pinning against Dean’s thigh.
He saw the beam was not supporting much of anything. He ran out, seeing Michael carrying an axe.
“Mikey, I need that!” Cas shouted.
“What’s up?”
“Dean’s stuck.”
Michael ran towards Cas and he saw Dean, inspected the beam. Saw the same as Cas, the beam not being much of importance to the structure, he begins working on breaking the beam in half.
The wood was badly damaged by the fire, he was able to break it in three strong hits.
Once he was free, Cas picked Dean up and carried him out over his shoulder fireman carry style.
Once he reached the nurse, she prepared an area she could work on Dean.
“Is he breathing?”
“He didn’t have his mask on, the tank was damaged.” Cas answered.
“More than likely smoke inhalation, lay him here and I’ll start working on him.
He did as told, laying him flat on his back.
She checked his pulse, and breathing, matching up to the fireman’s statements. And began chest compressions.
After 35 chest compressions she gave 2 rescue breaths. And checked his breathing, he’s breathing but it was shallow.
She placed on an oxygen mask over his mouth.
After ten minutes or so of the mask being on him, he began having a coughing fit as the air returned back to his lungs.
“He’s gonna be okay but we need to get him to the hospital, need to check out that leg.” Y/N said.
The men and women of station 51 nodded, agreeing with the nurse.
 Later that night as she made her rounds, she walked into Dean’s room.
“Good evening Mr. Winchester, how are you feeling today?”
“That’s expected having a beam pin your leg down, and the smoke inhalation.”
“You saved my life, thank you, Miss….”
“Y/N, Y/N Y/L/N. And it’s no big deal, all part of the job.”
“Right, saving people.”
“The family business.”
“You’re family work here?”
“Yeah, my mom was head nurse at this very hospital, and my dad was a neurologist here. I was basically born and raised here.”
“Nice, my dad’s captain of station 51.”
“Awesome. But other than that, no pain at the moment, you don’t need anything?”
“No, just a number.”
She smirked, with a nod.
Writing on her notepad, her number. She ripped the paper out, handing it to him.
“Call me sometime, Winchester.”
He held the paper, unable to hide the wide grin.
“Definitely will.” He says as she walks out, continuing her shift.
Are you excited yet? I’m posting as I write this, probably a bad idea, but story of my life. Like what I got so far? Let me know, ask, reblog. Feedback is fuel. :3
Dean girls:
@pandazombie69​, @luci-in-trenchcoats​, @supernatural-jackles​, @becs-bunker​, @jayankles​, @mlovesstories​, @winchesters-favorite-girl​, @jeaniespiehs20​, @akshi8278​, @lyarr24​
Copying and reposting someone else’s content is plagiarism and illegal. This work is property of supernaturallyobsessedchic. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. These works contain material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited. No part of these works may be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from the author / publisher. An electronic reference link to the original posted work may be provided for purposes of promotion or assistance of publication by the readers discretion, if proper credits are given to the author in the re-post. 3/18/2021
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lazysublimeengineer · 3 years
when gold clashes with blue
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“Since when we have such a hottie in our school?” One of the female students whispered to her classmate excitedly after a young man posed a casual inquiry to them and continued walking along the corridors of the school.
“Going by his shoe color, he’s a 3rd year, right?” Her classmate whispered back enthusiastically as she stared at the young man whose golden highlights in his raven locks gleamed lustrously from the bright beams of the sun outside their school windows.
He could still hear their hushed voices from behind him as they weren’t even hiding back their excitement and gushing when he walked past them. Nevertheless, he paid no attention to them as he had more important things to settle on. Such as meeting the one and only Hanagaki Takemichi. The infamous new member of the Toman gang who punched Kisaki the other day. Word got out from some of the blabber mouths of their gang members that the guy had socked directly Kisaki’s face after the inauguration of Kisaki as the third division captain of Toman.
No wonder Baji punched him and put him on his place.
That Hanagaki Takemichi got some guts making a mess of that Toman’s important meeting.
Nevertheless, he was still curious of meeting him and seeing him in the flesh. Especially now that Hanma needed him as a witness to Baji’s loyalty initiation to Valhalla.
“…The ex-Moebius member are under Hanma, Valhalla’s No. 2. And the anti-Toman forced are under…The No. 3, Kazutora Hanemiya.”
He finally stopped at the front door of Takemichi’s classroom and he could hear someone discussing an information that piqued his interest. So, their gang and Toman were now included in the class lectures? He didn’t know that the world of delinquency was now included in the school curriculum.
Education these days.
His lips curled into a small smirk as he could hear them discussing him, Hanma and their members. He schooled his features once again into a feigned look of curiosity and indifference as he pushed open their classroom door, not giving away of how he basically heard everything of what they’re talking about inside.
“Eh?” His golden irises trailed over the five guys in front of him. “Is school over already?”
“Who the hell are you? You don’t look familiar.” A man with black hair demanded and walked over to him.
He smiled serenely at him. “That’s not very polite. I’m actually your senior in this school.” He replied in a casual yet patronizing voice.
“Huh? Who are you? Never seen you before.” The man replied rudely.
The young man with the golden irises stayed relatively casual and calm, still sporting that serene smile on his face. He decided in less than 5 seconds that this guy in front of him was an idiot and not worth getting his wrath upon on. However, he could see from the corner of his eyes that the other guy behind him who was wearing a pair of glasses was staring at him in fear after his eyes landed on his neck where a tattoo was situated there. Good. At least someone actually knew him and not talk back at him like he’s a goddamn pushover.
Glasses guy knew how to preserved his safety and life.
“Stop it Makoto! That guy is…” Glasses guy warned frantically behind him and grabbed him by the shoulder.
“Huh? What is it?”
“Hey, you guys know Hanagaki Takemichi?” He cut them off smilingly.
Glasses guy turned around fearfully, his voice shaking as he called Hanagaki. “T-Takemichi… That’s him.”
He followed his line of sight and it landed on a young man with a flaxen, gelled locks and startingly deep, blue eyes.
“Takemichi?” He called seriously, his stare was still fixed on the blond as if analyzing him.
“T-That’s V-Valhalla No. 3! Kazutora Hanemiya!” Glasses guy cried out as if seeing a monster in front of them.
Kazutora ignored their nervous and frantic looks as he suddenly rushed towards Takemichi’s direction animatedly.
“I’m so happy!” Kazutora threw his arms over his shoulders and hugged him excitedly.
He could feel that the blond tensed up and stiffened around him. Who knew that Takemichi was like a skittish cat? Kazutora grinned at the mere thought.
“I had no idea there was someone in Toman one grade below mine! Okay, Takemichi!” Kazutora exclaimed happily.
“Eh?” Takemichi looked at him with those wide blue eyes that screamed incredulity and innocence.
Kazutora refrained himself from getting lost in those mesmerizing eyes and take him away into La La land. Seriously, this was the guy that cause ruckus in the past meeting of Toman? As they always said that looks can be deceiving.
Who knew that behind that harmless face and baby blue eyes was hiding a pair of sharp claws of foolish bravery? It’s time to put that claws into a test.
“Let’s go to Valhalla’s hideout.” Kazutora replied with feigned casualness and pulled him away out of the room.
“Huh? Valhalla?!” Takemichi’s voice rose in panic as he was carried mindlessly by Kazutora.
“Hey, I found Takemichi!” Kazutora announced happily at the two guys standing outside with their crutches.
Takemichi could only watched helplessly with wide eyes as he learned a disturbing information of breaking their legs despite these two guys being his trusted juniors.
“Hurry up Takemichi! Just relax since I’ll introduce you to everyone.” Kazutora called at him cheerfully from behind. He kept on walking ahead although he could see him from the corner of his eyes that Takemichi was just standing there with a conflicted expression on his face.
Oh? What was this? Did Takemichi lost his nerve and folded away like a scaredy cat? Has the idea of going to their territory and hideout daunted him and decided that he’ll go hide with his friends inside their classroom?
For some unknown reason, a pang of disappointment hit him at the passing thought but it wouldn’t surprise him if that’s the case since most of the people would logically be cautious in going with someone who practically invited them to a lion’s den. If Takemichi would bail out on them, then he’ll add him into a list of nameless people in the crowd who was just a poor, fancy thought of something ordinary falsely wrapped in a special, sparkling material.
Just as he was about to reach a conclusion that Takemichi will not follow them out of fear, he heard some faint but firm footsteps behind him. Kazutora glanced subtly from behind him and his lips curled upwards at seeing Takemichi followed them with a firm and resolute expression on his face.
He guessed that Takemichi was a diamond in the rough after all.
He can’t wait to see those hidden claws and what he’s really made of.
Several years later at one of the dark alleys in Tokyo…
“Fuck off, man! Bonten this, Bonten that. Stop mentioning their name in our shop man!” A swift kick was hurtled in front of a bruised man that sent him flying into a wall.
The huge guy who kicked him proceeded to corner him to a wall and grabbed his short, black hair. He gave him a sharp, murderous glare.
“Ya hear? Don’t ever come to our shop ever again!” He yelled at him before throwing him into the ground.
“We don’t wanna get involved with Bonten dumbass.” He added spitefully before leaving him there looking like a ragdoll.
‘Damn. Here’s no good either.’ He thought in dismay before he finally stood up and went to the spot where he usually finds Kazutora. For sure, that guy can certainly help him in finding more information about Mikey and the Bonten.
Or not.
“Takemitchy you gotta take it easy…” Kazutora looked at him worriedly.
“But!” Takemichi insisted stubbornly.
“Why are you such in a rush?” Kazutora demanded as he watched his face covered with fresh bruises. He also noted that his left shoulder looking mottled already and covered with purplish marks.
Just what has Takemichi gotten himself into now?
“You know Kazutora-kun this is the 4th place… I’ve went to all the Bonten’s hideouts that you suggested, but I couldn’t find a single clue about Mikey! There’s no way I can take it easy!” Takemichi cried out in frustration.
Kazutora could only watched Takemichi’s whirlwind of emotions flitting across his face, unable to say anything for a while. Despite the pain and helplessness written all over the blond’s face, he can still see it.
Takemichi’s determination.
Just like their first meeting a long time ago. In spite of that fear that’s crawling up within him inside, Takemichi still followed him there all alone in their hideout.
Wasn’t this one of his traits that made him interested and entrusted him some of his plans of making the Toman great again and save Mikey?
Takemichi still possessed those hidden, sharp claws behind that skittishness of a cat.
While it never failed to amaze him and grew fond of Takemichi because of that admirable trait, sometimes it has its downsides too. Just like now. And he’ll be damned if he will indirectly put Takemichi’s life in danger when he’s going to get married soon with Hina.
He decided to ignore the bile rising in his throat with that line of thought.
“…Those are Bonten’s official hideouts, no doubt about it! So, get deeply involved and you’ll get into trouble! I don’t wanna help you out on a suicide mission!” Kazutora berated him sharply.
“Hold on, Kazutora-kun!” Takemichi protested.
“Let’s end this. Your wedding is in 3 days, so no! If anything happens to you, I don’t know how I’d be able to face the others! Just lay low for a while!” Kazutora replied firmly, leaving no room for an argument and turned away. He didn’t wait for Takemichi’s response as he continued walking away.
He ignored the remorse and regret that started to engulf him and convinced himself that this was for the best.
Takemichi has always been trying to risk his life and happiness for them.
But now he had to do something right for him in return. If this will make Takemichi loathed him in the future then so be it. Because he can take it rather than the thought of him dying and perishing away from their hands when he had the ability to still make him safe yet he wasn’t able to do it.
He didn’t want to repeat his goddamn mistake with Shinichiro and Baji.
There’s too much blood on his hands now but he can still make things right for Takemichi.
He’s the saving grace from the dark stains of his life.
‘I’m sorry Takemitchy.’Kazutora thought with a sigh of defeat leaving his lips.
(A/N: I don’t own any of these characters from this franchise. Inspired by that happy scene of Kazutora marching up to Takemichi and hugging him like he finally met his idol and asked for an autograph. I know that it’s just a façade of drawing Takemichi into their hideout alone to have him as the witness of Toman during Baji’s initiation of his loyalty towards Valhalla. But then again, my shipping ass and overflowing ideas and inspiration couldn’t resist and expand it into more. I even made a parallel scene in the manga to compare it. That’s how hyper I am with some doses of coffee. Also, let me know what’s the official name of this ship? Kazumichi or Kazutake? Reviews are amusing. So, let me hear them from you.)
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tmntgirlie · 4 years
Saviors in a Half Shell 6
“Do you think she heard us come in?”
“For a ninja, you are really no good at the whole ‘silent’ part.”
“I’m just asking, did you think-”
Y/N shot up, her eyes opening. “Holy fuck-”
It was still mostly dark, save for the small wave of light coming through the sole window in the apartment. “What the- how did you get in here?”
She was less angry than she thought she should be, the four brothers sneaking into her apartment (which they somehow knew the location of, she didn’t remember telling them) at some ungodly hour at night. Or was it morning? Where was that line drawn, anyway?
“You think we can just walk in the front door?” Raphael said through a snort.
She reached over to turn the lamp on next to her. Looking around, these turtles took up most of her living room. Those shells were huge. Like chunky backpacks you could never take off.
“I have so many questions,” she mumbled. “Not that you guys aren’t welcome here or anything, you welcomed me into your home, but like… Boundaries? Guys?”
“We just wanted to check in, Mikey here wanted to say hello,” Leonardo said, pushing his youngest brother forward.
“What’s up, gorgeous?” Mikey said through a grin, shooting her some finger guns. “Sorry we woke you. Forgot you’re not… Donnie, what’s the word?”
“Nocturnal, not that we’re supposed to be that either,” his brother said.
Y/N pulled her blanket back up to her as she sat up, humming. “I guess I’m up now.”
Four hours and about fifteen cheese omelets later, Y/N found herself once again alone in her apartment. Man, those turtles could sure eat.
She really didn’t remember much of the conversations that were had. It was actually kind of nice in a way. They felt comfortable enough with her to just pop into her home without her really knowing how they knew where she lived. She didn’t remember telling them that little detail.
Maybe this was her life now.
Not that she was complaining.
With an iced coffee in one hand and her phone in the other, Y/N flipped through her apps to check her work schedule for the day. She smiled when she saw her favorite client taking up a majority of her day.
“April! Saw you on TV last night.”
“Hey, Y/N!” April made her way through the salon and into Y/N’s chair. “Yeah, it was a late night last night. Quite a bit of activity if you know what I mean.”
“Never a quiet night in New York,” she replied, draping a cape over her. “Your hair still looks new. What are we thinking today?”
After a quick consultation, Y/N’s day had officially begun. It never really felt like work. This was where she was in her happy place, where nothing else really mattered. It was just her and her client, making art.
It was typical for them to make small talk, weather and recent happenings in their lives, but April tended to keep most of her personal life to herself. Y/N didn’t judge her for that- she knew that April had enough of her life out there as a news reporter as it was. She did like to talk about her boyfriend, now fiance, Casey.
Y/N recalled a time where she spoke about a man named Vernon Fenwick, a man who used to be a cameraman for the same news team. The same Fenwick that took all the credit for saving the city of New York twice.
She wondered if April knew anything about that.
No, she told herself. She probably doesn’t. And even if she does, she would never tell me.
During the last few minutes of April’s processing time, Y/N snuck into the back room to send a quick message to the boys. For once, she actually had people to text while at work. Or at all. It was a nice feeling
Hey, guys, thanks for stopping by this morning. I’m not sure how you knew where I live, but you guys are welcome anytime. Maybe let me know the next time you’re coming? Xx - Y/N
N prob Angelcakes! We’ll let u kno - Michelangelo
We just wanted to make sure you were okay, it was kind of a spontaneous decision to actually come in. Sorry we scared you - Donatello
Just a little heads up would be much appreciated - Y/N
For a reason she couldn’t put her finger on, she was disappointed Leonardo didn’t say anything. Not that she didn’t like Michelangelo or Donatello, she liked them a lot. But both Leonardo and Raphael didn’t say anything.
They’re probably busy, she told herself. Back to work.
Forty-five minutes later, Y/N grinned as she spun April around to a mirror as the final reveal.
“Y/N, you’ve done it again,” April said, running her fingers through her hair. “You have no idea how many of your cards I’ve handed out in the past few months. Your books must be full.”
“Thanks to you,” Y/N nodded. “I couldn’t ask for a better client. I have no idea where I’d be without you.”
April scoffed. “Oh, stop it. You’d be doing amazing even if you didn’t have me.”
“You gave me a jump start here in the Apple, can’t deny it.”
Doing April’s hair was always the highlight of her day. It was easy, she was easy to talk to. It was hard for Y/N to keep that client/stylist relationship just that with her. They were fairly close in age, Y/N being only a few years younger than April. Y/N would like to think they ran in the same circles as each other.
Or, they would if Y/N even ran in a circle.
As Y/N was checking April out at the front desk, April slid what looked like a postcard across the counter.
Y/N frowned. “What’s this?”
“Open it, will you?” April said, flipping her hair behind her shoulder.
She set her pen down and sliced the envelope open.
“Oh! A save the date!” Y/N stared down at the card in front of her.
“You’re invited, of course!” April beamed at her. “And a plus one. It’s not for another year, but I thought I’d give you a heads up. I’m hoping you’ll be able to do my hair and makeup, too, but no pressure.”
“I’ll block off the entire weekend, no doubt about that,” Y/N stated. “Do you have a registry already?”
Y/N and April could have spent hours discussing wedding colors, themes, the stress of writing wedding vows (not that Y/N had experience in that, but she figured it wasn’t easy). It took Y/N by surprise when she saw her next client walk in the door and wave at her.
She checked April out quickly, giving her a last smile. “I’ll see you in twelve weeks then. Have fun wedding planning!”
“Actually, do you want to go out for drinks tonight? Or tomorrow, whatever works for you.”
Y/N wasn’t used to people so nonchalantly asking her to do things outside of work. It took her by surprise- she went to work, she went home. Grocery shopping was in there sometimes, maybe going to a movie solo, grabbing takeout. Grabbing drinks with a client?
A friend?
“I’d love to,” she said finally. “I’ll text you when I’m off, okay?”
Now she only hoped the rest of her day went by fast. For once, she was looking forward to something other than work. She was going out for drinks with a friend.
Two clients and three iced coffees later, Y/N finally checked her phone as her final client of the day sat at the shampoo bowl.
Sorry I didn’t message back earlier, I was meditating. How is your day going? - Leonardo
She felt her heart skip a beat. He wasn’t ignoring her messages after all.
Amazing actually! I got invited to a wedding for next year and drinks after work. It seems things are looking up in my world - Y/N
That’s too bad, I was hoping you could come to the lair for food and a movie tonight. Donnie found a taping of the new Avengers movie - Leonardo
The new one? Didn’t that come out a week ago in theaters? - Y/N
You’d be correct - Leonardo
That sounds illegal - Y/N
So are a lot of things we do. Like living in the sewers without paying taxes - Leonardo
Fair point. I’ll try to stop by after drinks, don’t want to miss that prime showing - Y/N
Y/N let out a breath and smiled. Was this really her life now? Work, drinks with a friend, then a private movie showing with four new friends?
She was definitely not complaining about that.
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prompt: write something bad :)
(clears throat)
Anyway, enjoy.
Once upon a time, there was a kingdom called Cryptun and it was ruled by the kind and beautiful Princess Ka-rah. Princess Ka-rah was as kind as she was beautiful and everyone in her kingdom loved her because she was the best princess ever and she made sure they were always happy.
One day, Princess Ka-rah was travelling to a village on the border of her kingdom when she found a handsome young man lying on the side of the road. He looked hurt so Princess Ka-rah decided to bring him back to her castle and help him get better.
When the handsome young man finally woke up, he told Princess Ka-rah that his name was Mi-key and he had been attacked by evil pirates who had stolen everything he had. Princess Ka-rah felt bad for him so she told him that he could stay with her until he was all better and could go home.
While Mi-key was getting better in Princess Ka-rah's castle, he caused a lot of trouble like a naughty stray puppy. Mi-key played a lot of pranks and made Princess Ka-rah very angry a lot of times but the pranks were actually really funny and no one ever got hurt and also he would say the funniest jokes ever and she would laugh until she forgot why she was angry at him.
After another one of Mi-key's pranks one morning, Princess Ka-rah was chasing him through the palace garden to scold him when suddenly a giant robot T-Rex appeared and attacked her. Just as it was going to really hurt her, Mi-key flew into the air and used his magic cape to defeat the giant robot T-Rex.
Princess Ka-rah was very happy he had saved her and actually she secretly like-liked him a lot so she asked him if he wanted to stay with her forever. Mi-key was also very happy because he secretly like-liked her a lot too so he said yes and the giant robot T-Rex became their pet.
While they were having a party to celebrate Mi-key staying, however, a dark cloud of evil magic appeared in the room and two ugly evil-looking women came out of it. The older ugly evil-looking woman turned out to be Queen Le-xe of the nearby kingdom of Daxxim and the other one was her daughter Princess Lee-na. Queen Le-xe was actually the evil stepmother of Mi-key who was actually the prince of Daxxim and she was there to kill him so that her daughter Princess Lee-na could rule Daxxim instead.
Princess Ka-rah was very angry at Prince Mi-key for not telling her that he was actually a prince but Prince Mi-key told her that he had been hurt that day by evil pirates that Queen Le-xe had sent to kill him. He told her that he had been scared to tell her the truth because he didn't want to go home and get killed but also because he like-liked her a lot the moment he saw her and wanted to stay with her instead.
Even though she was still a little angry at Prince Mi-key, Princess Ka-rah decided to forgive him because she was super kind and because she still like-liked him a lot too so she told Queen Le-xe that she wasn't going to let the ugly evil stepmother queen or her ugly evil daughter hurt him.
Queen Le-xe and Princess Lee-na were very angry so they decided to try and kill Princess Kara too but Princess Kara and Prince Mi-key used their magic capes to fight the evil queen and princess and they won. Then the giant robot T-Rex which had also been sent by the evil Queen Le-xe to kill Prince Mikey chomp-chomp-chomped the evil queen and princess because they were really really mean to him last time.
Now that Queen Le-xe and Princess Lee-na were dead, Prince Mi-key was safe and he could go home to become the king of Daxxim. Even though she was very happy for him, Princess Ka-rah was also very sad because she didn't want to say goodbye to Prince Mi-key.
Then Prince Mi-key said he didn't want to leave her so he asked her to marry him and bring their kingdoms together. Princess Ka-rah was really really happy to hear that so of course she said yes and they had a big beautiful wedding and lived happily ever after and had lots of beautiful babies.
“The end,” Abigail finished reading with a proud smile on her face before looking up at her parents who were sitting on the couch in front of her. “What do you think of my story, Mommy, Daddy?”
Both Kara and Mike could only blink, stupefied, as they tried to find the words to answer their daughter. “Well... it's, um... it's very... unique,” Kara ventured hesitantly. “Just, um... I just have a few questions?”
Mike covertly pinched her thigh with just enough strength to get her attention. “Kara, are you seriously going to critique our six-year-old daughter's writing assignment?”
“I'm not critiquing! I just want to clarify a few things!” Kara hissed angrily before plastering a smile on her face and turning back towards an earnest and oblivious Abigail. “So, um... Why is... Shouldn't Princess Ka-rah be a queen if she's ruling her kingdom?”
“But princesses are cooler than queens, Mommy!” Abigail protested with a frown.
“I... I see...” It was only then that Kara remembered they'd had a Disney Princesses movie marathon during Abigail's sleepover party just a week ago. “Okay, um... So how was it Princess Ka-rah didn't recognise... um, Prince Mi-key if he was from a kingdom so close to hers? I mean, she had to have seen him at least once before, right?”
“Oh, she's just silly like that,” Abigail giggled.
Mike made a shoddy attempt at disguising his snicker with a cough that turned into a pained wheeze when Kara ground her heel into his foot.
“A-And... why a giant robot T-Rex?” Kara asked next, knowing that her husband would be even more insufferable if she asked more questions about Princess Ka-rah's 'silliness'.
Abigail beamed. “Because robots are cool and dinosaurs are cool so robot dinosaurs are twice as cool!”
“...I see.” It struck Kara then that 'because it's cool' was probably going to be the reason for all the random elements in her daughter's story. “Is that... Is that why Prince Mi-key suddenly has a magic cape too?”
“That's because he's a superhero!” Abigail cheerfully corrected her mother as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
Mike instantly sat up straight. “Wait, he's a prince and a superhero?”
“Uh huh!”
Kara glared at her husband and the stupid self-satisfied grin growing on his face, all too sure exactly what he was thinking. “Well then, that means Princess Ka-rah is a superhero too since she also has a magic cape, right?” A magic cape she didn't have until that last moment out of the blue, she added mentally.
Abigail nodded vigorously, too caught up in her enthusiasm to notice the looks her parents were giving each other. “That's another reason they're perfect together!”
“...Okay...” Deciding that she was probably going to get even stranger answers if she asked any more questions about this particular aspect of the story, Kara moved on but not before throwing one last glare in Mike's direction. “So... um, one last question: Was it really necessary for, uh, Queen Le-xe and Princess Lee-na to be, um... eaten by the... giant robot T-Rex?”
“But they're evil, Mommy!” Abigail insisted in a way that only a six year old could. “Evil people should get eaten by giant robot T-Rexes! Then there would be less evil people in the world and the robot T-Rexes won't go hungry!”
It was at that point that Kara finally gave up and decided to let things be... until she heard Mike let out another poorly disguised snicker. That was it. If she had to suffer – okay, so maybe she had brought it on herself but that was not the point – then so did he. “So what did you think of the story, honey?” she asked in a voice that dripped with false sweetness.
Mike predictably choked once he realised both his wife and daughter were now looking at him very intensely for different reasons. “Uh... I've, uh... never heard anything like it before,” he floundered for a bit at first before inspiration struck and he beamed. “It's very avant-garde for sure.”
Abigail's eager expression turned into one of adorable confusion. “Evan... card...?” she tried and failed to repeat what her father had said. “What does that mean, Daddy?”
The smile on Mike's face instantly vanished. “Uhhh... It means rich people will pay a lot of money for it!” he blurted out the first thing that came to mind.
Just like that, Abigail's smile returned in full force. “So it's good?”
Once again, Mike was rendered speechless and even Kara had to blink at their daughter's conclusion. “Uhhh... yes...?” he offered uncertainly.
“Yay! Thanks, Mommy, Daddy!” With a great big cheer, Abigail ran over to hug both her parents in turn. “I'm going to go draw pictures to go with my story now!”
For several long minutes after Abigail had run off to her room, both Kara and Mike could do nothing more than stare blankly at the spot where their daughter had been standing.
Unsurprisingly, Kara was the first to speak. “She's not going to... draw us, is she?”
Mike levelled a flat look at her. “Considering the names of her characters are nearly identical to ours, what do you think?”
“Oh god...” she groaned in embarrassment as she buried her face in her hands. “Her teachers are going to think- I don't even know what they're going to think about us now.”
“You're overreacting,” he brushed off her fretting breezily. “At most, they'll probably chalk it up to how much she loves us or something. Which, you know, is pretty true since she clearly thinks we're cool enough to be royalty and superheroes at the same time.”
“Of course you'd focus on that part...” she muttered accusingly. “I bet you didn't even notice that our daughter seems to have forgotten the 'stranger danger' talk we had with her if she's writing about bringing home random guys lying on the side of the road as a good thing...”
“Kara, it's a story that didn't even make sense most of the time! I mean, pirates on land? A giant robot T-Rex? Magic capes appearing out of nowhere? You're really taking it way too seriously.”
“Am not! I-I'm just... concerned about what it might mean! Mike, our daughter is writing about... about people getting essentially murdered in a very gruesome manner!”
“Evil people, Kara. And they're just characters.”
“Characters very obviously based on two people we know!”
“Two people we know and really don't like, I might add. Which is probably where she got the inspiration. Although I'm not sure how to feel about the idea of a fictional Lex Luthor in drag being my evil stepmother...”
“Mike, would you please focus?! Our daughter's apparently in favour of some kind of... extreme vigilante justice!”
“Again, it's just a story. Besides, if you can fantasise about throwing your sadistic boss into the sun with powers you don't have to blow off steam, I think we can let our daughter imagine obviously evil people getting eaten by giant robot T-Rexes that don't exist.”
“I should've known you'd react like this. Or should I say I should've expected nothing less especially since she probably got this from you?”
“What's that supposed to mean?”
“You! You're such a... a... weirdo sometimes! Like how you insist that orange juice should go well on cereal just because it's normal to have them both in a single breakfast!”
“Yeah, well, you married and had a kid with this weirdo so what does that say about you?”
Abigail paid no attention to the sound of her parents bickering in the living room. After all, she already knew that this fight would end the same way all the others had in the past: They would get all kissy-kissy, lock themselves in their bedroom, make a lot of funny noises and then be really happy for the rest of the day.
Sure enough, the sound of their bedroom door clicking shut followed not long after but by then Abigail was too engrossed drawing the wedding of Princess Ka-rah and Prince Mi-key to notice.
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A/N: I got this idea randomly and wrote it in like an hour. Hope you guys like it! (Also, if you’re seeing this right after it’s posted, Happy New Year!) Pairing: Gerard Way x F!Reader Word count: 1,505 Warnings: Swearing, mentions of alcohol
You were never one for dinner parties, or anything remotely formal. But when your closest of friends asked both you and your fiancee to attend, you couldn’t say no.
You felt as though your black dress was a little too much, maybe a little too scandalous, so you paired it with a thick light pink cardigan, one shoulder being bare and held up by a small spaghetti strap. Modest. You were sat next to Frank, Ray besides him, Mikey besides him, as you were all at a trendy restaurant in Manhattan, 12 of you all surrounding a rectangle wooden table. The empty seat to your left was saved for your lover, Gerard, who was currently as his parent’s house, his mom calling him because there was an ��emergency” (their WiFi router was just unplugged) and was now stuck in traffic.
The lights were dim and the ambiance was much of excitement and enthusiasm. You sipped some of yours chardonnay casually, listening intently to the various conversation being passed around. You couldn’t help but notice one girl, who all three boys besides you had warned you about. Her name was Savannah, tall, thin, and blonde. Not that there was anything wrong with that, it was just an observation. You had to admit she was pretty, but clearly she thought she was all that, judging by her attitude and larger than life ego.
She had, apparently, been trying to get at Gerard for years, but he kept friend zoning her. Her Barbie-like everything was too much for most to handle, let alone Gerard. Yes, your fiancee was insanely hot, you had to admit, but he was a complete dork at heart (all the more reason you loved him), and would probably not match well with a real life doll.
“So Y/N,” One of the guys, Cam, began, “How’s your job going?” He asked, “Miss ‘Big shot English professor’.” You all lightly laughed.
“Great, actually,” You nodded and smiled, “I just got promoted to one of the Chairs of the Department.” “No way.” Your friend Sam smiled brightly at you, “For real? That’s huge! And at Rutgers?” You nodded again.
“Yeah it’s kind of crazy. I mean it’s great, I love what I do, but the slight addition to my paycheck also made it great.” Everyone laughed.
“And I’m sure the short commute makes you-know-who happy.” Another one of your friends smirked. Obviously, everyone knew it was Gerard, other than Savannah, who seemed to naive and obsessed with herself to care.
“Oh yeah,” You smiled at the thought of him, “It’s not more than 25 minutes from where we are, and usually around 10 to his parents.”
“Show us the ring!” Cam insisted, as it had only been a few weeks that you had been able to call Gerard your fiancee. You proudly showed off the large emerald cut diamond that he had picked out for you, surrounded by smaller diamonds. A few people whistled. “Holy shit that’s huge.” You nodded and smiled.
“He did great.”
“Dude, he was worried for weeks about proposing.” Frank explained, “Non-stop it was, ‘what if she says no?’ but we all knew you would say yes.” You nodded to that too.
“I mean, he’s so perfect, I couldn’t have said no.” You lightly laughed.
“How did he propose?” Sam asked.
“We were just sitting on the couch, eating take out.” You began explaining, “It had been a really long day, I had a bunch of kids who didn’t turn in their essays which turned my lecture on Faulkner into a lecture on time management, and after I finished he just got down on one knee. It was honestly so perfect, I wouldn’t have wanted it any other way.” “Not more formal?” Savannah asked, as if judging you in a way, “Ya know, more special?” “I think that’s pretty damn special, still.” Ray began, everyone besides her agreeing, “I mean, to each their own, that honestly embodies your relationship so well.” You lightly laughed and nodded agreeing.
“Boring.” She sighed and rolled her eyes. You were never one for using misogynistic terms against other women, or in general. It was the feminist in you. But maybe you could make an exception this once in calling her a bitch.
The group ended up splitting up into sub-conversations, two or three people talking together about various things. “So,” You heard Savannah from across from you ask, “Got any plans for a wedding?” “Not yet,” You shook your head, “He and I have got so much going on at the moment, we’re not super worried about a wedding.” “Well ya know a wedding and marriage would make your relationship all legal and whatever, right?” She asked and you awkwardly nodded.
“Uh, yeah, that’s why we’re engaged.” You lightly laughed at what you thought to be the ridiculous and unnecessary explanation.
“Well, ya know, I would just be worried about him, I don’t know, getting bored.” “Bored?” You asked, “Our relationship is very stable.” You clarified. “Well with a girl like you-” “You mean a woman, like me? A successful woman like me?” You corrected and she seemed to be taken aback for a moment. Just then some of the table erupted in cheers. You looked up to see your fiancee walk in, leather jacket and black jeans, shaggy black hair going in every direction with a huge smile.
“Finally you’re here.” Mikey sighed, “It was like we were on the edge of our seats. For you.” He eyed him which Gerard did back. He went around the table quickly shaking people’s hands and hugging them. Obviously, Savannah got a slightly different idea as she kissed him on the cheek which made him visibly uncomfortable and he nervously laugh. He immediately noticed you, his smile turning into a genuine one as he leaned down and gave you a loving kiss which you happily melted into, him sitting next to you right after and placing his hand on your lower thigh, which was partially exposed due to the short length of your dress. You looked up only briefly at Savannah, her mouth now wide open and her eyes in shock. You smirked a little to yourself, turning back to Gerard.
“So, you fixed your parents emergency?” You lightly smiled sarcastically and he lightly laughed with a smile, nodding.
“Yeah, because their router being unplugged was life or death.” He rolled his eyes, “They’re going to give me a heart attack one of these days.” You lightly laughed, placing your head on his shoulder.
The conversation was vibrant and fluent as food came out and you continued to drink some. You ended up switching over to water as Gerard always did so he didn’t feel as alone and isolated with everyone else drinking. Plus two glasses of wine was enough for you. You continually noticed Savannah’s eyes graze both you and Gerard, in a way of disgust. So, naturally, you decided to take matters in your own hands.
You slipped off your cardigan, claiming it was “too hot”, and letting your curves show. You looked over at Gerard who looked you up and down once, biting his lip and you lightly laughed. “What?” You looked at him innocently.
“You know damn well what.” He sighed in frustration. You nudged him playfully and he lightly smiled, placing his hand further up your thigh and giving it a squeeze.
It was only a few more minutes before everyone was saying their goodbyes, your dinner had been paid for with all drinks, and everyone was leaving. You placed your cardigan back on, saying goodbye to everyone. “Let me know about the wedding, alright?” Savannah asked as you two finished up your departing encounters, her voice laced with bitterness.
“Oh, yeah, of course!” You smiled, trying to rub it in a little more, “When we make it, ya know, legal.” You said, grabbing Gerard’s hands and saying goodbye to the greater group, waving. You couldn’t help but notice her tight face with squinted eyes and a frown as you two left hand in hand.
Gerard began lightly laughing when you two got into the car. “What?” You asked, putting your seatbelt on.
“You’re so petty sometimes.” He lightly smiled, “I love you for it, but still.” “Hey,” You fought back, “I had to make it clear that you were mine. And she was making some very bitchy remarks before you came.” “Oh I bet she was.” He smiled and pulled away. “But that doesn’t matter, she’s just jealous of how perfect you are.” “Oh please,” You rolled your eyes, “You’re not wrong but you kind of are.” He lightly laughed, “But I always have to ask myself how I got someone as perfect as you.” “I got the better half of the deal, still.” He smiled. “You have to put up with me.” You nudged him playfully.
“I love you,” You took one of his hands that was free from the steering wheel, “So much.” “I love you, too.” He smiled, “Even more.”
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jasmine-the-fox · 4 years
From a little prank to true love (part 3)
I think this will be the last part? I’m not so sure since there’s still so much to write... Maybe not but the fourth part should be the last one if this one isn’t. And again I read another story like this from @thyladyanput so this is just a little different.
Watching Jasmine training is amazing to Felix, all the flips and tricks she knew made him love her even more than he did before as he desired to know more about her... And this might just help with that little part, to his surprise she often smiled to him when she had the chance to do so making him faintly blush at her but still keep watching them training, on the other hand... Lila hated seeing Marinette there as she held a baby in her arms, she should be the one with a child! She should be in a relationship! SHE SHOULD BE THE ONE SOON GETTING MARRIED!!
Lila took a breath to calm herself, now wasn’t the time to get angry, right now she had work to do and that was to make sure Alya believed her and Jasmine was ruined no matter what happens, but to do that she had to get a moment with the girl she got expelled from there school, when training was over Jas walked over to Felix “What did you think? Most of the time it’s a little more then this but since we had guests we had to tone it down a bit” she explained making Felix nod in understanding “it’s amazing how well you fight like that” he said making her smile and giggle “Well of course! I need to be ready to fight if I want to protect others” she said and that confused Lila.
“That’s right! Even if you no longer protect Paris from Hawk Moth... I know you’ll find a new partner soon Jas” Kagami said as then what looked to be a dragon appeared on Kagami’s shoulder “Once i’m fully healed, I swear MultiMouse will help!” Mari said as then a little mouse creature landed on her head “Thanks you two! I couldn’t have asked for a better team” Jas said... As a ladybug kwami flew beside her head and it clicked to Adrien that Jasmine is actually Ladybug, this made so much sense behind her actions... But not why she took his ring and vanished like she did two years ago “Anyways, let’s go eat” she said making them all nod and move to do so.
Adrien watched as Jasmine ate next to Felix, he wished it was him beside her instead... Alya hated the fact that Jasmine hid something from her like that!? She was Rena Rouge for crying out loud! What kind of person does that!? She was about to speak “How are the wedding plans?” Felix asked making Raph look away as Kagami giggled “Were almost finished, soon will be getting married” she said as she then took Raphael’s hand making Mari smile “You guys are going to be so happy I just know it!” Mari said making Jas nod as Raph faintly blushed... And then smirked towards his sister “What about ya? When are ya gonna get married?” he said making her blush before shouting “When someone I love asks me to marry them!” making Adrien blush.
Even so they ate while the siblings teased one another a little longer, at one point Jasmine finished and decided to take a shower “I have things to do later and I would prefer not to be sweaty while going out” she explained making her siblings nod as she went to the bathroom with a change of clothes to put on “What is she doing?” Adrien asked making Raphael snort “Takin’ a shower idiot” he said making Adrien look down “Do you know these things she has to do?” Felix then asked as Alya glared at him making Leonardo nod “She works actually, before she came to Paris she worked part-time as a model” he explained making there eyes widen “Jas came to Paris because of my design work, she wanted to model for me so to help her more with work and for me to be more known so she worked for free” Mari explained making Adrien look at her in shock.
“When Mari came to New York, Jas called her agency who decided to work with Mari. They made it so they paid her to let them do photoshoots of her clothes” Leo explained making Felix smile at how kind Jasmine really was “Since then Jasmine was set as Marinette’s model for MDC designs... No one can hire her only Mari can” Mikey explained making Adrien imagine how bad that would be for her to just work for Mari “Thanks to there teamwork... MDC designs has become pretty popular here in New York, everyone wants something from Marinette” Donnie explained as just then Jasmine walked out wearing a peach dress with white jasmine’s scattered at the bottom of dress “I’ll be going now!” she said as Adrien then stood “I’ll go with you” he said and rushed after her... Felix didn’t like that but he still did nothing and simply texted her that he could walk her back to the lair after work.
She accepted the offer, saying it might be awhile before the shoot was done but she promised to let him know when he come get her, he smiled to this and then focused on her family to try and get to know them better... Lila didn’t like this and decided she needed to use the bathroom and asked Alya to come with her because she needed to talk to her... Leaving Nino all alone with them, the boy looked a little nervous as the family glared at him... Felix could tell that they talked about Bustier’s class often “So... You’re really popular huh Mari?” he asked as she then growled “Only my friends can call me that! And your not one of them Lahiffe!” she said making him look down in shame.
In the bathroom... Lila was furious! Why did Marinette, Kagami and Jasmine have to have this amazing life while she still needs to manipulate her stupid class!? There had to be something she could do? But right now... She had to work on Adrien “Has he texted yet?” she asked while playing her innocent act as Alya sighs “Not yet, she’s busy with her shoot so he needs to wait until she goes to change outfits to tell her since she takes her break while she changes” Alya explained making Lila nod in understanding as inside she grinned... There was no way Jasmine would return the feelings when he tells her... And he’ll be a perfect target for an akuma “I just hope things go well for him... I mean we haven’t seen Jasmine since she left all of a sudden” she lied making Alya nod in understanding.
Felix was talking to Jasmine’s brother’s a bit more until he remembered something “How did Jasmine meet you Kagami?” he asked making her look at him in slight surprise of his question and then she smiled “I guess I can tell you that much... To tell you the truth I met her through Raphael” she explained making him look at her confused as Lila and Alya came back “I came here for a fencing match... It was a really big one too, if I won it would mean i’m the best” she began making him nod in understanding “But then I saw something, one of the other competitors was cheating so I notified it to the judges who got security to watch him and then look in his things... He knew I reported him since I was the only one who went to the judge table” she then said making Felix wonder what that meant.
“Once it was discovered that he was trying to secretly drug the other competitors and blinding his opponents... He was disqualified and later on I won” she said making Felix nod in understanding as she looked down “My mother went to the hotel early, she allowed me to stay out late due to my victory so I was walking around New York when he captured me... And took me to the docks to hurt me” she said as Felix felt cold all of a sudden at her words “He decided that if he was taken out of any fencing competition... Then I don’t need to be able to compete either... So he decided to destroy my hands so I couldn’t fence anymore... And then the Hamato clan came and saved me” she said as she turned to Raph who smiled to her in a warm way “He was the one who got me out of there and to my hotel room... I wanted to see him again and thank them properly so the next night they came over for some drinks and snacks that I got for them” she explained as Raph looked at Felix.
“I wanted ta know her betta, but how when i’m a freak! So one night I went ta fight some scum... An the police saw me, I panicked when they wanted ta capture me... An then Kagami came in to protect me” he said making Felix wonder if he was right “You being seen was all over the news” he said making Raph nod as Leo took over “We knew Raph would mess up one day, going out and accidentally be seen. So we weren’t mad at him for that and we simply went out to explain everything about us... Even the president of the United States came to meet us” he explained making Felix look at him in shock but nodded for them to continue “Thanks to Kagami, the president allowed us to live here freely, sure it’s weird for others but with time they got used to us” Donnie explained making him nod.
“Even so Jasmine found out because I told her, she was chatting with me and I ended up telling her everything... She asked about Kagami and I told her she was to come over later today, so Jas used the security cameras around the lair to see and hear her... She’s really good at hacking to tell you the truth... Hacked one of my games once” Mikey explained making Felix wonder what else she could hack, they were about to continue the story until Felix got a text from Jasmine that she was done “She’s done with the shoot” he said and with that walked out of the lair without saying another word, he got out of the sewers and followed the address she gave him while wondering what she meant by “Adrien left angry” did something happen?
When he arrived, she was walking outside towards him “How did it go?” he asked making her smile to him “It went well” she replied as they got going “So what happened with Adrien?” he asked making her look at him and sigh “As I went to change for my last outfit, Adrien stopped me to tell me something... He said he liked me, he was in love with me and wanted me to be his girlfriend” she explained making his eyes widen “Of course I rejected him... I didn’t feel the same way towards him so why should I date him? Anyways he didn’t like my answer and asked for an answer since we are soulmates... And I told him the truth that I liked someone else and I never saw myself dating him after he put me in the friends category” she said making him nod “So he got angry and left without saying anything” she finished making Felix wonder what his cousin might do.
“You didn’t tell him you love me... Did you” he said making her nod “He might have just tried to push me into dating him instead of going out with you” she replied making Felix sigh as they got to the lair... Only to find Nino, Alya and Lila gone “They left all of a sudden, Lahiffe got a text and they just ran out” Leo explained making them nod as they joined them on the couch, they kept talking a bit before Felix needed to head back “Will be going to the more history related places tomorrow” Jasmine said making Felix nod to the plan, he didn’t mind where he went if Jas was there with him “Should be fun” he said making her smile as they left the sewers and then to her car “This was a wonderful day” he said making her giggle “I’m glad... I was actually a little worried with those four coming with you... I really didn’t want to see my old class after Lila got me so wrongly expelled” Jas said making Felix wonder for a moment.
“How did she get you expelled anyway?” Felix asked as they walked into the hotel lobby... Without knowing Adrien and the other guys of the class were with him “You see, Lila claimed she had certain problems that need medication to help... But she always lied, when I was studying there I once was permitted to look into everyone’s medical files because we were having a party and I wanted to make there wouldn’t be any allergy problems” she began to explain as Felix raised a brow “When I got to Lila’s file... I was shocked when it said she had zero medical problems, I even called her doctor back in Italy who confirmed the only thing he found out was her massive lying problem... Her father is in jail because she lied that he was abusing her, he believes she lied to her mother about the lying too so it was written in” she explained as the boys looked at her in shock.
“One day I was called to the principal’s office, it turns out Lila accused me of switching one of her medicine bottles with something else... She even pulled out some bottle that held candies that the principal believed was the real medicine she takes... She claimed she found them in my bag that was always on me for that specific reason... I was expelled then and there. I’m certain the class knows about it... And Lila made it sound worse too” Jas was holding her hands close as Felix placed his hands on her shoulders “It’s over now, your far away from that toxic school and class, they can’t reach you here... Nothing Lila lies about can touch you here since the people here will believe you instead of her” he explained making her look at him “And besides... You have me on your side right my love?” he said making her smile as she nodded and then walked out “See you tomorrow!” she said and left the hotel with a smile.
“This whole time... She was lying!? Lila lied to us about who knows what for who knows how long!?” Kim claimed, they were in Adrien and Nino’s hotel room talking about what they just found out “I’ve been trying to make you guys see she was lying about things... But you never listened” Adrien claimed with a sigh, he was wrong, after Jasmine suddenly left... He began to realize how crazy some of the things Lila claimed were, so he did his best to make them see the truth... But failed “I’m really sorry dude, I thought you were simply joking” Nino claimed as he sat down “But, by the way... Did you tell Jasmine how you felt about her?” he asked as Adrien looked down “Yeah... She rejected me completely” he said making them look at him in shock “Your joking right!? Jasmine had a huge crush on you!” Max said in shock as Markov flew by “If my calculations are correct, there is a 00.02% chance that she would reject you” he said making them turn to Adrien “She must have simply pulled your leg dude! Maybe she didn’t like the idea of saying yes at her job!” Nino claimed as Adrien thought for a moment.
Nino wasn’t wrong, Alya always claimed Jasmine was the romantic type of person “I guess I should have asked her somewhere else” he mumbled as Nino nodded “Will help you! Tomorrow you’re going to tell her how you feel and the two of you will be dating!” he claimed as Adrien smiled... He really hoped everything would be alright now, the next day, Felix woke up to someone knocking on his door, he thought it was strange but he still went to open the door “I smell my cheese!” Plagg claimed as Felix opened the door... And there stood Jasmine with her kwami “Oh hush you! Tikki has it!” she hissed making the cat kwami grab the bag and fly to a table “I brought you breakfast!” she said with a giggle making him smile “I really do love you” he whispered making her smile to him as she walked into his room.
The whole class was waiting in the lobby while eating breakfast. The teachers with them for the trip were talking right now about what to do for the day... And Adrien was shocked as Jasmine came to the lobby, with her kwami Tikki, Felix... And Plagg, sadly he couldn’t react to his cousin having his miraculous with the class around so he acted like he was surprised “So where to first?” Felix asked as Plagg laughed “Isn’t it obvious!? The first place to ever go to is the Empire state building!” he claimed making Felix sigh as Jas giggled “He’s not wrong though, Jasmine planned your whole trip once it was confirmed she would show you around... That building was the first place she wanted you to see” Tikki explained as Jas blushed.
They walked out and into her car just as the teachers arrived “I want to see the Empire state building!” Adrien claimed as all the boys agreed... Including Alya and Sabrina... So that’s where they went, Adrien watched Jas the whole time she was with his cousin... He even messaged his father about him dating her... For now he had to wait for his father to reply but he hoped his father would agree with everything he wrote about her, when they got to the floor they could go to (you must pay extra to be at the top) Adrien watched as Jasmine spoke to Felix... Making him wish it would have been him there instead, after a while they left and went to the mall nearby... Adrien saw a gorgeous ring to gift Jasmine to promise her he would be with her... He bought it and to his luck the store knew her size.
Lila watched as Jas giggled with Felix... She really hated that girl right now “How’s Mari doing?” Felix asked making her smile “She’s healing well, MultiMouse should be back in action by next week” Jas claimed making Felix smile and nod “Anyways, I think this is cute. I’m going to buy it” she said and then walked away to pay... While Felix looked over a few other things, Lila watched as Jasmine then noticed something, grabbed it and then continued to the cash register to pay for the two items she selected... She felt like something strange was going on, all the boys were glaring at her for some reason, even Mylène, Rose and Juleka were now glaring at her... What happened to make them glare at her like that “Lila? Are you going to buy that scarf?” she turned to face Jasmine in shock.
“It doesn’t really suit you... But if you like it then I can’t say anything against it” she said and was about to walk away when Lila grabbed her “Why are you being so nice to me!? I lied about you and even got the school to expel you!” she hissed in anger as Jasmine simply looked at her and then smiled “And I can’t thank you enough for that” she said which made Lila look at her in shock “W-what?” she asked very much confused “I guess I can tell you, I was actually already planning to leave the school. When I came to Paris my job was to note what the school does for the students to see if principal Damocles could join the school table... When I saw what he does with funds they get and other things... It was enough info so I decided to leave” she explained, Lila still didn’t get it though “The principal knew what I was doing, he threatened me to give a positive report... Or he’ll get me a criminal record so I ended up being forced to stay” she said.
Lila’s eyes widen “So when I took over as class president, got you kicked out of school trips and events you didn’t really care” she claimed making Jas nod “Pretty much, the principal actually gave me the title of class president to give a positive report, but when you took it... It was like a threat and he had to find a way to make me give something positive... But he was running out of ideas really fast including with me having a bad report on him... And then you gave him his golden ticket” Jas explained as it clicked in Lila “I got you expelled” she whispered and the girl nodded “He thought that by me getting expelled, the table wouldn’t believe my words... But in fact I always called them to update my report. So when he expelled me... It was the tables ticket to reject him” she further explained making Lila nod in understand “And so i’m thanking you for helping me out of there” she said as she walked away “The peach one with white lilies is better” she said and then went back to Felix.
Adrien watched as Jasmine walked out with Felix, he wondered where they were going... It was then that his phone buzzed, looking he found the reply he hoped from his father... He approved of Jas and was allowing Adrien to date her and even marry her in the future, but now he had to tell her again his feelings. The gang decided to do it in Central Park, there he could get her away from Felix to tell her “Lila’s talking to her” Kim whispered making Adrien look to find to his shock Jasmine talking to Lila “She’s been lying to us this whole time and she’s now being nice to her?” he growled as Adrien glared at them as he walked over to Jasmine and Felix only for their teacher stop him “Will be leaving in a bit so please wait” she said making Adrien watch as the two walked off.
“Let’s go eat something and then will go to Central Park” she said making Felix smile and nod “Oh yeah! I saw something and decided to buy it for you... I hope you like watches” she said as she pulled a silver watch “It’s beautiful... Thank you” Felix said as he slipped it on and then took hold of her hand, they got to a nice little shop to order and eat in... Without seeing the class driving by to get to a place to eat near Central Park, once they were done, they went back to Jasmine’s car to get to the park “I go there for a walk when I stress over too much” she explained making Felix nod in understanding as she then parked the car and they went into the park to walk around for a little bit making Felix smile as they walked.
Adrien on the other hand... He was pissed, just one moment, he just needed one moment with her for them to be together! It would be perfect, them dating will be amazing “Will get Felix away from her... So go get her!” Nino cheered as he and Kim got going to pull Felix away from Jasmine, once his cousin was far from her... He moved “Hey Jas!” he said with a smile... While she glared at him “Only my friends can call me that... And your not one” she snapped making him pull back but keep up the smile “Sorry about that, hey... I actually wanted to tell you something” he then said making her raise her brow “What?” she asked making him smile “I really like you Jasmine Hamato! I know that me asking you to date at your work wasn’t romantic, but the park is! So please... Will you be my girlfriend?” he asked with a smile as Alya filmed this... And Jas sighed “Adrien... My answer isn’t going to change just because were in another location... I don’t feel the same way for you, two years ago when you called me a friend... My feelings died for you and I moved on” she said making him look at her in shock “And now i’m happy while dating Felix... So please find someone too” she then walked away as her old class gasped at her as she then went to join Felix.
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billhaderlovebot · 5 years
beep beep (2) - richie tozier
okay, mentions of sex, weed, and as usual, language that would make my grandmother disown me. some horror-typical blood stuff. enjoy.
@the-star-above-you @ceruleanrainblues
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had it not been for richie's incredible, rugged good looks and sex appeal, as he had so tactfully put it, you were sure you would have tried to fucking murder the guy at least once, because he was infuriating at the best of times.
you'd never actually made an attempt on his life, of course, but now, as he tried to peel away from you and get out of the bed that wasn't a single but not quite big enough for two people, you almost killed him, hissing at him to lay the fuck back down right now we might die today i haven't seen you for like half my life you asshole cuddle me right now, richard.
richie, of course, as he hadn't ever been able to say no to you, smirked and shifted to lay back down, resuming the earlier position in which your limbs had become not unlike that thing where your headphones get all knotted in your bag and you can't figure out how to separate them.
"that's what i thought." you huffed, leaning up to press a kiss to the underside of his jaw.
this was almost surreal. being back here, and with the same man you left behind. it was like, the whole time you'd been apart, you'd only been half a person. and now you were back and he was holding you and you were one whole, functioning person again because he was your other half.
"i was just thinking, yknow." richie voiced, pressing a kiss of his own to your temple. "about, uh, your husband."
"i fucking hope not. that's not good bedroom etiquette, tozier, bedding a girl and then fantasising about her husband."
"shut up," he laughed. "no, i mean, you're... married." he noticeably recoiled at the word, and you visualised the nose-scrunch, because he was definitely scrunching his nose right now. god, you loved him so much.
"i noticed."
"yeah, but, babe, this isn't a very married thing to be doing, is it?" richie gestured to the bedclothes, which you were both very naked underneath, and also his shirt, which had ended up hanging from the door handle. there was underwear strewn about the place, and you literally did not know where your pajamas had gone. oh well.
"rich, when i made the decision to come here, i made the decision to leave there." it was true. you may not have known it at the time, but the moment you left that house you were never to return.
your husband might have been calling, and you'd be lying if you said you hadn't thought about him. but any calls he made would have come through in a stream of bubbles and a faint gurgling sound, what with your phone still being back home in your bathtub. being back here just proved that this was where you were always supposed to be. with him. you slid off your wedding ring, pressing it into his palm, and it was as if a weight had been lifted.
"it's always been you, richie."
and that was enough for him.
bill raised his eyebrows at last night's dark purple and red hickeys that littered your throat, courtesy of a one richard tozier, before joining you where you sat in the common area. you hadn't thought to pack a turtleneck, or a scarf, at that, and so you'd have to avoid everyone's inquisitive looks and make do.
when richie emerged from the kitchen, a cup of coffee in his hand and a matching set of hickeys, bill sighed.
"th-thought so." he said.
"thin w-w-walls, guys."
"it's not her fault im the best she's ever had." remarked richie, winking at bill and falling onto the couch beside you. he slung an arm over your shoulders and pulled you into him, sipping his coffee.
you shrugged. "yeah, billy, and it's not his fault he hasn't had a good lay since i dumped his ass in derry."
"hey! you didn't mean to dump my ass."
"ah, but i did, nonetheless."
"fuck you." richie teased, setting his coffee down on the table so he could pretend to argue with you properly.
"no, fuck you." you shot back.
"fuck both of you." a voice, eddie's, whined from the kitchen where richie had come from and interrupted your pretend dispute. "i mean, you kept me up all fucking night, fucking each other absolutely senseless in the room next to mine, you inconsiderate assholes."
"they haven't changed, eddie." bill groaned, rolling his shoulders and leaning back on the couch.
"i know that," said eddie "but i don't think i can deal with it, they're all fucking over each other!"
you supposed eddie was right.
richie, now realising you were here and he was with you and you were both within kissing distance of each other again after over two decades, he took every opportunity to shove you against a wall or a door or a sink or on a bed and kiss you hard. a lot. a lot. seriously, he'd sprung at least four impromtu heavy makeout sessions (with tongue) on you so far and it was only your first day here.
it was like you were teenagers again.
god, if only.
"w-we need to put a plan together." bill said firmly, clasping his hands together. you had noticed his stutter had been worse since you'd left the restaurant. not as bad as when you were kids, but still there. "w-w-we need everyone here, t-together, which doesn't include you two s-sneaking off to suck face."
"but she's got such a nice face." richie whined.
"she won't if you don't get your shit together." you heard the voice of ben hanscom (or, handsome, as richie now referred to him.) as he trudged down the stairs and joined you all in the living room. "so shut up and listen in case IT decides to tear it off her."
now, that had really freaked richie out, so he shrugged in defeat and pulled you tighter to him, kissing your forehead and holding you to his chest.
"good morning to you too, ben." you yawned, circling an arm around richie's waist and allowing him to just hold you.
what? he was fucking warm, ok.
"are you guys gonna be like this the whole time?" ben queried, gratefully accepting the cup of coffee eddie had just brought out for him.
"i think it's sweet." beverly was the next to come in, ruffling the back of her hair and rubbing sleep out of her eyes.
"yeah guys, we all got hot or married, and richie got less and less familiar with his fucking shower. we should be impressed he got anywhere near her." eddie chided. a chorus of laughter arose, all of you sat around the coffee table on plush couches, and you could pretend, just for a moment, that this was all you were here for. a reunion. but you weren't.
"m-mike's meeting us later." bill explained. "we have.... stuff to do."
the clubhouse was almost exactly how you remembered it (save for the inch-thick layer of dust and the smell of rot and the slight water damage from what must have been 27 years of rain leaks). you'd damn near punched richie in the fucking face when he pulled that "you'll float too" bullshit. his impressions were always impeccable, but now was not the time. he'd rectified his mistake by kissing you soundly and offering one to everyone else, to which they all refused.
"reckon we could still fit?" richie echoed your own thoughts as you both stared in at the dusty old hammock you'd spent so many hours on as teenagers, nostalgia coming over you in waves.
"how much you betting, trash-mouth?" you grinned, your tongue poking out from between your teeth.
"five bucks says we can."
you looked over the stretch of fabric that ben had pinned up between the boards on the ceiling all those years ago. you could barely fit on it when you were teenagers, so there wasn't much change of it happening 20-or-so years on. "i say we can't, so, ten bucks."
"done." he said, with an air of finality, and stuck his hand out for you to shake.
"nah," you shook your head. extending your little finger instead."handshakes are for businessmen and drug dealers. pinky swear."
richie hooked his pinky around yours and flashed you his signature shit-eating grin. "get ready to cough up."
a great deal of struggling later, (richie almost bringing the fucking roof down) you were considerably warmer and ten dollars poorer. the rest of the losers stared on in disappointment because the two of you were still absolutely insane. but you had done it.
granted, you'd had to twist very close around each other to fit on, and your leg was sticking out at an odd angle, but neither of you were terribly bothered.
"ten bucks, babe."
"can't i just have sex with you?" you groaned. you hadn't brought much money with you in the first place, and you really needed a coffee and a therapeutic shop for stationary.
"how about you give me ten bucks and then i have sex with you." he suggested, wiggling his eyebrows.
"i think that consistutes prostitution, actually, babe." you pointed out, kissing his lips and reluctantly pressing two folded fives into his hand. "but i do expect something by way of a sexual favour later on, provided we don't die."
"guys? important stuff is going on. yknow, like, if-we-don't-do-this-we'll get-fucking-murdered stuff." you'd forgotten that the rest of them were there, and eddie had rather pulled you both out of the bubble you were existing in.
"lighten up, eds. i just got my girl back." for once, richie wasn't joking around, and the sincerity in his voice almost made you cry. eddie didn't say anything more.
but mike did. "we have to split up to find our artefacts." he chimed in, reminding you all exactly what you were there for. "we have stan's, and i have mine. you'll know what they are when you see them."
you couldn't help but feel sorry for mike. he knew so much and had everything so planned out, but at what cost? he had been waiting alone for years and years and years, knowing full well the rest of derry depended on him not giving up, even if they didn't know it themselves.
"w-we can't split." bill interjected. "it's t-too dangerous. what if one of us d-d-d-d..." he inhaled deeply, calming himself and allowing mike to put a hand on his shoulder. "what if something happens. i won't forgive myself."
"im not letting this one out of my fucking sight, mikey." richie concurred, absently drumming his fingers where they rested on your waist. "no fucking way."
"you have to do this alone. all of you." mike continued, and you knew he was right.
ben and beverly knew it, too, and had begun making their way out of the clubhouse, the maggot-eaten wood of the ladder groaning in protest underneath their feet.
"right. a-are you s-sure, mike? really?"
"positive. this is how it has to be."
"okay, so if you die, we can't fuck later, and i would rather like to, so, maybe don't die, please." richie was trying to make light of possibly the worst moment of his life, but it wasn't working so well, because his hands were shaking so hard that he could barely keep ahold of you.
"i'll be fine, rich." you assured him, leaning against his chest and inhaling the scent of home.
"you don't know that, y-y-you don't-- t-there's no way you can-- y-y-you're-"
you cut him off by firmly pressing your lips to his, and it did seem to calm him. the act of holding you close and feeling the rise and fall of your chest and knowing he could touch you and you were still here. you thread your fingers through the soft hair at the nape of his neck and allowed him to deepen the kiss, knowing he needed it.
he had always needed reassurance when you were kids, because he'd always been insecure or scared about something he couldn't remember. he always went to you first, because the whole vulnerable thing wasn't really his scene, and you were the only person who saw it. and his nightmares, god, the fucking nightmares. you hadn't seen him cry before until he woke up shaking in your bed, searching around for something to grab onto because he couldn't tell what was real or not. he cried for what seemed like hours in your arms and all you could do was hold him.
"you're stuttering worse than billy." you murmured, close enough so your lips just barely touched. "ill be fine."
his eyes searched yours desperately for any sort of truth, but he could tell that you weren't sure. that you were just as shit-scared as he was and you were holding it together for the both of you.
"fuck." was all he said.
"fuck." you agreed.
"baby." richie's voice was practically ecstatic down the phone. you grinned and reached over to your shelf to turn your record player, and the cure, down.
"i have, like, the best idea ever."
"and what would that be?"
"so, yknow, i have like, a shit ton of pot."
"uh huh."
"and i haven't seen you in like, uh, like two days. which is, fuckin, two days too long, yknow."
"yeah, of course."
"so, what say you and me get really really stoned and wait for your grandmother to leave for bingo and have a lot, and i mean a lot, of high sex."
"trash-mouth tozier, i may just take you up on that." you smirked, twirling the bright red phone cord in between your fingers.
"oh, good, cause im already here."
richie's voice was now coming from your actual window.
you whirled round to see him perched on the fire escape like a fucking curly haired pigeon with a high libido.
"god, you do know how to make an entrance, rich, fuck me."
"ask, and ye shall receive." richie smirked, dropping his legs through your window. in two strides he was in front of you, pupils dilated and partly concealed by his dark curls. his glasses were almost falling off his nose.
the phone receiver dropped from your hand and clattered to the ground as you reached up to take them off, and-
oh, and then his tongue was inside your mouth, so the glasses fell and landed alongside the phone by your bare feet.
no matter how many times you kissed richie tozier, it never failed to surprise you just how fucking good he was at it. you found yourself rather at his mercy whenever his lips were on yours, his hands on your face or in your hair or your back trouser pockets. he'd always make a point of tugging your bottom lip between his teeth and oh my fucking god. wow.
"well i can't fucking see you now, can i?" he whined, pulling away and blinking hard in an attempt to adjust to you having taken his actual sight away.
you responded by reaching your hand around to his back pocket where you knew his silver zippo would be.
"and here i thought you loved me."
richie stuck his bottom lip out in mock sadness, but grinned about two seconds after, reaching into his other pocket and handing you a small zip-lock baggie.
"you know that i love you." you smiled, kissing his lips and edging round him to get to your bed.
"you do?" he asked.
"more than anything."
the zippo lighter was much heavier than you remembered it, you thought, as you turned it over and over in your hands.
you flicked it open, but no flame arose. not as though you expected it to.
god, those years were the happiest of your life. after IT. when richie and yourself could be happy and in love and kids.
just two stupid kids in love.
and your heart ached now as you thought of all the lost years. all that time you could have spent with him, watching him grow, and growing alongside him.
but you were together again, and it was alright. it was alright, now.
"beep beep, richie's girl."
the voice that came from behind you caused your heart to plummet, and you swore it could have fallen out of your ass.
"oh, fuck no. you fuck right off, right fucking now." you steadied the shaking of your hands. you were not afraid. i mean, yes, you were, very much so. but you weren't letting It see you weak.
clenching your fists, you slowly turned to look at the space near the window from which the voice had come.
oh, fuck.
it was richie.
or it would have been, if it were normal for richie to have a huge slice across his throat and a considerable amount of his left arm missing.
blood poured like a fucking faucet from the slash, forming grotesque patterns where it fell across its shirt.
"help me, baby." it choked, hands coming up to the wound, trying desperately to hold it together. it fell to its knees before you and pleaded with you to fucking help me, please and then it was crying and in that moment it's eyes looked so fucking much like his that you almost threw up.
"no, fuck no." you were seriously, seriously about to vomit right now, but you weren't about to embarrass yourself in front of a supernatural evil entity.
"please." blood came spluttering from its mouth, and you had to commend it on its honest to god phenomenal acting. it wasn't a pretty sight, honestly, because richie in any form of pain was enough to make you want to tear out your eyes, even a fake richie. but this wasn't him.
"you got it wrong." you flipped the lighter open and closed absently, hoping to whatever god would listen that the shake in your voice wasn't noticeable.
the mock expression of fear disappeared from not-richie's face.
"m not fucking scared of you. you'll only hurt me if i let you, right?" you hoped to god that you were right, because it'd be pretty embarrassing if after all that, you were torn to shreds anyway.
and then it was gone. leaving behind, scrawled in fake richie's fake blood on the wall:
beep beep, richie's girl.
you had to admire the theatrics, really.
richie hadn't wanted to talk about his artefact, or where he had got it, and you knew better than to push him.
he looked so fucking tense, tears in his eyes, that you just wanted to hold him and never let go ever until the earth stopped spinning. but that wasn't an option, so:
"nap?" you suggested, reaching up to thread your fingers through his hair.
his eyes fluttered shut and he leaned into your touch.
"yeah. nap."
"i love you."
"i love you more."
"fuck you."
"no, fuck you."
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The Man With The White Horse
Summary: There were many situations that split mother and son apart, but this might be something that just might separate them forever
Paring: Michael Gray x Reader
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gifs by bonniebird
It was currently forty degrees and steady dropping so it was safe to say that it was cold, too cold to be outside having a conversation that could have been done indoors, but his cousins insisted that they have a word with him outside so he reluctantly followed them through the double doors and onto the wide open yard, their heavy footsteps crushed the thick snow beneath them, Arthur had to catch himself from slipping on a piece that was hard as a rock, Michael pulled out a cigarette hoping that it would warm him up a little, but would still rather be in the house, so whatever they wanted to tell him they would have to do it quickly and had better worth freezing his balls off.
“Alright, what is it? What’s going on?”
“How about you take a sip of this gin aye Michael?”
“Since when are you a gin drinker? Whiskey is more your preference”
Arthur shrugs and passes him a glass that he had already poured, he takes the glass from him and swirls the liquid around a little before taking a sip, the other two look on to see his reaction
“Mm it’s good, a little sweet but it’s alright...so is this what you dragged me out here for, to have me try some gin?”
John snorts and goes to pat him on the shoulder
“No, but we’d hope it would loosen you up a little, you’ve been crunching numbers all week, it’s time you let loose, it’s Friday night Mikey”
“I’m aware of the day of the week John, now what’s up with the both of you? You’ve been acting as if you’ve got something to hide all day, hell you all have, my mum won’t even look me in the eyes, fucks going on?”
The families suspicions behavior didn’t go unnoticed by Michael no matter how hard they insisted there was nothing wrong, but they knew he was too smart to be played a fool, so they thought they might as well spill the beans, he would find out the truth eventually
“Michael, we’d each had gotten a letter earlier this week, you had gotten one too but...”
“Hold on, what letter?”
It was silent again, the only sounds that was filling in the awkwardness was the crickets and an owl, it was somehow making him more colder, he hated when people would try to sugar coat what they were trying to say, he’d much rather them speak frankly, like Tommy and Polly did.
“Arthur, what letter?”
“A letter from YN’s uncle, asking for a meeting”
“Okay, so what happened to my letter then?”
“We couldn’t let you see it Michael, he was pretty aggressive in yours”
“Why would he be aggressive? I didn’t do anything wrong”
“Yeah we know that be he...”
“Would you fucking quit it with that! Tell me what’s going on, I’m sick of being out of the loop!”
His eyes were wild and frantic, he wore built up irritation and stress all over his face and in his voice, this family was going to be the death of him no doubt about it
“He thinks that you were behind YN’s assasination attempt”
“Now calm down Michael”
“Don’t fucking tell me to calm down, why the fuck would he think that John? I love YN more than anything in this whole fucking world, more than I love myself, why would I want to hurt her!”
Arthur goes to grab his shoulders in an attempt to calm him down a little, but the action does nothing and he shoves him away, he didn’t want to be coddled like a child, he was way beyond being a kid, now in his mid twenties with more base in his voice no longer the mild mannered teenager that showed up on Polly’s doorstep, he was a grown man, a homeowner and a fiancée who would one day be the mother of his children, he could handle just about everything that came with being a man, but being accused of wanting to off his woman was something he couldn’t stomach.
“Michael, I’m serious lower your voice, you want your nosey neighbors to hear ya?”
“Then why are we out here? Let’s discuss this inside!”
The three men headed towards the door, Michael was about to open it only for someone on the other side to do it for him, out walked his mother with a look of concern on her face, she seemed to just get done breathing hard and tried to collect herself, she placed her warm hands on his face and expected him, she had indeed hard the shouts of her son from inside, she had came over to visit for the evening to discuss some last minute wedding plans with you, all hope for a peaceful evening quickly ended and she knew the reason why, it’s been eating her up inside, making her heart ache and stomach turn, she’d been dreading this moment for a while now, she thought she was careful but apparently not enough, it was all out in the open now, only God could save her now, but she hasn’t spoken to the good lord for a very long time.
“Michael, honey what’s the matter?”
“Arthur spoke up for him
“Let’s talk about this inside Pol”
She wraps a hand around his arm and guides him inside, the warmth from the fire that was lit in the living room instantly smacked him in the face, it soothes him for a moment and for a split second he’s not as angry as he was, but was still irritable, he wanted answers and he wanted them tonight, from either Polly or anybody.
“Son, you’re freezing, come sit down in front of the fire, YN just made some tea”
He moves himself out of her grasp and heads to the living room to find you taking a sip of your tea then putting it down once you notice him, the smile that forms on your face puts one on his, Michael walks quickly over to you and grabs your hands to lift you up, you’re surprised by his action as he does in a haste, you stumbled into his arms as you let out little squeal.
“Michael what’s the matter, what are you doing”
“We’re leaving”
“What, why what’s going on?”
“We’re going to New York, should’ve never left, knew coming back to this fucking city would be a mistake, fucking cursed I’m telling you-“
“Michael! What are you saying right now?”
Polly has tears in her eyes and turns to look at her nephews, they give her sorrow looks and feel sorry for her, they both already know her big secret and knew that if it were ever reach your family and Michael then the Shelby’s would be in a whole lot of trouble, they had enough enemies as it is, but none of them compared to the ones that they now made with the YLN’s, most importantly Richard YLN, your late fathers older brother and the patriarch of the YLN family, what he says goes, his power and influence made Thomas Shelby look like he was a little boy playing pretend.
It took a lot for Michael to even earn his trust, first business wise then personal because he wanted to date the mans favorite niece, the pretty girl he had met at one of Tommy’s gala’s that he was hosting, he remembered how your beautiful pale pink gown made you look like an angel, your very delicate and expensive pearls and diamond earrings added some elegance to your look for the evening, he’s seen some beautiful women before but there was something about you that reeled him in more than the others did, and it wasn’t a feeling of lust, this was something he couldn’t put into words, you were just it for him, he could feel it, right then and there he wanted you, hell even needed you, he hoped and prayed that another man didn’t already have claim to you, even if he did, he’s Michael Gray, he’d always gotten what he wanted, he had a bright future ahead of him and you were going to be apart of it.
“Michael please let’s just sit down and talk about this, there is no need to run of back to America, the both of you are not going anywhere, especially not YN, you remember how pissed Richard was after you dragged her away the first time”
“Yeah, that’s nothing compared to now mum, he fucking thinks that I tried to get YN killed, he’ll never forgive me now”
“Wait, w-what the hell is going on?!”
“Well go on mum, tell your soon to be daughter in law that her uncle for some reason believes that I was behind the her being kidnapped and nearly killed by the Owens brothers, oh and why the fuck would he think that anyway?”
You look to Polly for answers, she looks over at you as well and takes a step forward but he holds a hand up signaling her to stop
“Tell us about the letters mum, the ones that were sent to all of us but was hidden from me”
“Michael I swear to God I didn’t know it would go down the way it did, we made a deal they said that they wouldn’t hurt her- oh my God”
Her voice was shaking and she couldn’t finish, clinging onto John who held her tight, Arthur once again speaking up for everyone
“Polly made a deal with the Owens boys, it was suppose to be simple and no one was suppose to get hurt, Tommy made a bad deal with them and lost some money, they assumed that we betrayed them and stole money, so to get their payback they threatened to kill a family member...”
He trailed off and before Michael could tell him to keep going Polly looked up and continued
“I met with the eldest brother, I made a deal with them to not kill anyone...but to instead kidnap a member, and to do only that, keep them locked away somewhere until we could figure out what had went wrong, he swore no one would lay a finger on her, but his trigger happy little brother shot her, I can’t tell you how sorry I am, YN sweetheart you know that I care about you love, b-but there was no other way around it, it wasn’t suppose to happen this way-“
Michael ran over to her like a mad man, yelling and swearing like he was possessed, his anger, pain and betrayal clouded his thoughts and his body went on autopilot, he tackled his mother to the cold floor and wrapped his hands around her throat, squeezing tighter and tighter, in that moment he felt nothing but hate and resentment for her, all these years of bonding went down the drain along with any love he’d ever felt for her.
His strength was unmatched by Arthur and John who tried desperately to remove him from on top of their aunt before he killed her, he could hear your faint cries from across the room begging him to stop
Her eyes were turning red and so was her face, she scratched and punched but nothing helped, finally giving up she let him continue to try and choke her to death, she deserved it, and if there were anyone she would rather take her life it would be her precious baby boy, her little Michael.
Finally he was pulled away before she could close her eyes, she gagged in an attempt to let oxygen get into her lungs, her throat was already forming a nasty bruise, you cried, then Polly then Michael, he cried and screamed and banged his fists on the hard wood floor.
“I wish I never came looking for you, this family...this family is the worst thing to ever happen to me”
He whispered but she could hear him as if he said it in her ear
“Michael, oh my god”
You ran over to him and collapsed by his side to hold him, as much as you were hurt by Polly’s confession you still didn’t want to see her be harmed in that way, especially not by her own son, John and Arthur checked over Polly who gently pushed them away and got onto her feet with whatever strength she had left
“I’m sorry, oh my boy I love you”
“Get out of my house, ALL OF YOU GO”
The boys helped Polly to leave but not before you had your say
“I can’t promise you that Uncle Richard won’t come for you Polly, I suggest you be the one to run off to America”
She still has her hands caressing her sore neck, nodding in acceptance of her fate, and with that they left, you and Michael looked at the door, he was still breathing hard and his hands were still in a choking form, you reached down to hold them and looked up at him
“Michael, for heavens sake”
“No one and I mean no one comes above you, if I won’t do it then Richard will, and with the way your family does business, choking her would’ve been a less painful death”
You nod your head because that’s the only response you could give, Richard would find out the whole truth eventually, and when he does, Polly Gray would be no more.
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