#here you can expect your application to be processed immediately
The Official Wizard Recruitment Post.
If you wish to become a member of the illegal wizard council and want to occasionally help us commit crimes and solve magical issues sometimes, you're at the right place!
All we need from you is to send us your Wizard CV right here, which can include things like: your most notable magical achievement, your three most recent crimes, your most spectacular crime, what you can bring to the council, and so forth. Whatever it takes to convince us. It must include your wizard pronouns and the position you're applying for.
Your application will then be put to vote by a randomly selected wizard jury with no expertise in anything whatsoever, who will decide your fate. You're welcome to try and bribe the jury if that's what you want (you will get bonus points for that).
*We do not care if you're affiliated with any other wizard council in any way whatsoever. We also do not require you to technically be a wizard. A burning passion for crime is however a necessity. If you're a warlock tell your sugar daddy to buy you your own council.
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esamastation · 11 months
Part fifty-nine of Shizuroth, aka, the SOLDIER General's Self Saving Shizun.
Ao3 link.
Previous parts: fifty-one, fifty-two, fifty-three, fifty-four, fifty-five, fifty-fix, fifty-seven, fifty-eight
By the end of the day Tseng has been left with answers, questions and a whole lot of sections unfelined in his original assessment to be removed as no longer applicable. Sephiroth… neither behaves nor reacts as expected, that much is clear. But that's not the most concerning thing, at all.
Sephiroth's Energy Alignment is. His cultivation is a concern. As is the fact that the man is absolutely certain that it can be taught to anyone.
There is a number of theories about what is happening to Sephiroth. Professor Hojo has one theory, the Science Department as a whole has another. Tseng himself had added a few more theories to the list, which have now been proven wrong.
Sephiroth's cultivation isn't Wutai in origin. It's similar in nature, self-improvement and self-betterment, the cultivation of your self in order to advance in your abilities is certainly part of it. But what Sephiroth is doing is taking all that to a metaphysical - or perhaps magiphysical - level. He is quite literally cultivating the energies inside himself, honing them in manner unheard of, into something no one has ever theorised.
And Tseng can't deny that it does indeed seem like it might be an Ancient doctrine. Sephiroth can already perform magical feats without Materia - and according to the man himself, he's still in the beginner stages.
"What will happen once your cultivation is complete?" Tseng can't help but ask, after the day's training and meditation is over and they're making dinner.
"I will ascend to the heavens as a new god," Sephiroth answers loftily and then laughs softly at the look Tseng gives him. "Cultivation is never complete. It doesn't have an end goal. It is a process and a journey - one you dedicate your whole life to."
"... During which you get more and more advanced in your abilities?" Tseng asks, setting aside the chopped vegetables.
During the day he's noted two things. One, Sephiroth reacts best to direct, unambiguous questions. Two, he can't resist a chance to explain. The man had also relaxed immediately when Tseng began asking those questions - and began imparting information with much greater ease.
Tseng had adjusted his approach accordingly.
"Isn't that the goal of everyone who is in progress of learning anything, to get better?" Sephiroth asks and adds the washed rice into a pot, closing the lid. "Cultivation isn't exactly a sliding scale with set points of improvements, but yes, the more you practise, the better you get."
In other words, there's no such thing as being done with Sephiroth's new practice. If the man was given leeway, he'd stay here indefinitely, training and meditating. Hmm. 
Well, it's good to know that there's definitely a way to remove the man from the volatile equation that is Shinra. 
Tseng makes a mental note to procure a permanent and suitably secluded safehouse for Sephiroth, should the need arise, and then moves onto preparing the rest of the food.
Sephiroth watches him with that smug look of satisfaction he's had on for most of the day, and then asks, "Tell me, Tseng, what do they think of all of this back at Shinra?"
Tseng glances at him. "Why do you want to know?"
"I'm curious," Sephiroth smiles. "I know they have theories. I would like to know what they're saying."
Tseng shakes his head. "So that you can adjust your behaviour accordingly?" he asks pointedly.
Sephiroth huffs. "No, of course not. I just think it would be funny, that's all."
Tseng gives him a look, not believing a word of it. "One of the theories is that you have a case of confabulation."
Sephiroth blinks and then frowns. "What does that mean?"
"You have amnesia, you've forgotten most of your life - but not all," Tseng explains. "You remember some things and are subconsciously leaning more into those things. They take more space in your awareness and have higher importance. Your brain, unbeknownst to you, fabricates memories and knowledge around those few things, giving you a false sense of expertise in matters you probably only perceived peripherally."
Sephiroth looks taken back. "Like what?" he asks, sounding stunned.
"Home decor, fashion, Wutai martial arts, monster knowledge - tea?" Tseng points to the Wutai tea set, Sephiroth's most prized possession here, after his sword. "What little you remember you cling onto and wrap yourself around, to make it seem like you have a past, likes, habits, and preferences."
Sephiroth blinks at that, his brows arching, and Tseng adds, "Though you drank tea before, it was without such ceremony. You've expanded a minor habit into a full on hobby."
"Huh," Sephiroth says, sounding fascinated now. He folds his arms, looking at Tseng in a new light. "You really think that?"
No, not really. Sephiroth's new habits aren't just self-deluding mind-fronting in the face of his amnesia. He's far too well practised and skilled in them. It's not just the tea drinking - everything new he's doing now he does with an unnerving amount of prior knowledge.
His new talent as a teacher is the most damning of it all. It's not just knowledge - it's both expertise and experience. Sephiroth teaches like a man who's been doing it for years, who's had hundreds of students, and who both enjoys what he's doing and is very good at it. It's a mix of qualities that only time and practice can give you.
"I don't know what's going on with you," Tseng admits. "But I know it's not something you got from a simple Mako injection."
Thought he still isn't sure he'd call it necessarily Ancient knowledge. He's seen the things Aerith does without thinking, without effort, as natural as breathing. What Sephiroth is doing definitely takes effort.
Tseng still can't quite reconcile them as somehow being the same, with how fundamentally different they are. Though after today…
He's not so sure anymore.
Sephiroth hums, his expression going serious as he looks away. Then he shakes his head and offers, cheekily, "Tea, while we wait for the rice to cook?"
Tseng hums and joins him at the tea table, tugging at the knees of his trousers to keep them from stretching as he sits down. Sephiroth makes tea like an old Wutai master, pouring the first steep away and then pouring for them both. 
The tea is, of course, perfectly prepared.
For a moment they're quiet, listening to the fire crackling in the stove and how the rice pot start to bubble.
"Are they really trying to recreate what happened?" Sephiroth then asks quietly, somewhat guiltily. "With someone else?"
Tseng considers his mood and then answers honestly. "Yes. With several others. Almost the entirety of the SOLDIER program has been tested for viability, though very few suit Professor Hojo's criteria."
Sephiroth's full bottom lip draws into a line. "How many are…?" he can't seem to bring himself to finish the question.
Tseng fishes out his PHS and pulls up the report. "There have been four casualties - SOLDIER Second Class Laxey Jansen, and SOLDIER cadets Mick Rowley, Dient Wreck, Justus Owley, and Gus Fusel," he lists, watching Sephiroth's reaction closely as the man's face tightens with discomfort. Tseng continues, "There have been a number of candidates in and out of coma, too many to list. And there's one case of brain death, cadet Cloud Strife."
The teacup in Sephiroth's hand shatters to a thousand pieces.
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suwbuns · 2 years
E-DATERS! | beomgyu’s genius plan
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SYPNOSIS. moving back to korea from america, y/n is excited to reunite with her old friends and make new ones. what she doesnt expect is to find herself reuniting with her “ex-boyfriend” from 10 years ago who she dated over minecraft. what makes things worse? he happens to be her favorite streamer who she has been pinning after for years.
written + screenshot below! (not proofread lolol)
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“this isn’t going to work” heeseung grumbled, folding his arms over his shirt. “and you’re an idiot for even suggesting this in the first place.”
“but who’s the idiot who agreed?” beomgyu retorted, his voice fading as he walked over to the kitchen to grab the stool from the counter, placing it beside his desk chair. “it’s genius. you just dont know it yet.” he patted the cushion material of the chair, motioning for heeseung to take a seat as beomgyu took his own.
“just stick to the plan,” beomgyu started, launching his minecraft and discord application on his computer while adjusting his microphone arm to where it stopped right in front of heeseung’s face. “i play, and you speak! if you don’t know what to say then ill be here to help you out.”
“this is going to end up badly,” heeseung sighed, adjusting himself comfortably on the stool and moving the pop filter closer to his mouth. “but i’m only doing this because you said that you would pay for my college tuition.” 
beomgyu tapped his fingers against the surface of his wooden desk, waiting anxiously for your username that would pop up under his friend request tag any minute now.
beomgyu himself knew this plan was stupid, there was no doubt about that. but if there was anything beomgyu was good at doing, it was creating last minute solutions. albeit, not good ones.
“i can reveal myself later,” beomgyu thought to himself, his leg shaking nervously under the desk. “im going to have to either way, atleast if things get more serious.”
after nervously waiting for what it felt like an endless amount of time, your username had finally popped up, beomgyu immediately clicking to accept your request. with only a second passing, the red notification bubble had appeared beside your profile picture.
y/n: heyyy
y/n: give me a second to log on, this computer is super slow lol
beomgyu: okayy, call me whenever you are ready :)
“she could call any moment now,” beomgyu rubbed his hands against the fabric of his pajama pants, attempting to get rid of the moisture that coated his palms. “you’re right, what if this doesnt work?”
“so youre telling me this... now?” heeseung deadpanned. “you know, after I practically strangled you to death telling you how stupid your idea was?”
beomgyu shruddered at the memory that occured less than 20 minutes ago, his life flashing before his eyes as he ended up in a headlock by the time he finished giving heeseung his entire spiel of the plan.
“you were the one who agreed!”
“yeah, and thats because your rich-ass agreed to pay for my tuitio-”
the familiar ringing of the discord call sound blared through beomgyus computer speakers, causing him to jump at the sudden noise. he stared at the notification pop up, allowing it to ring on, intimidated by its practically mocking presence.
“ohmygodshescallingwhatdoido” beomgyu panicked, his body shaking due to the adrenaline. the last minute regrets had began to arise, wishing to just flake from the current situation and make some out of pocket joke that would make you never speak to him again to avoid having to talk to you.
it was something that beomgyu knew for sure he could do.
“i dont know, maybe answer?” heeseung grabbed the mouse from beomgyus hands breaking his intrusive thought, moving the cursor to press the green answer button. 
“hello?” a voice sounded from the speakers.
beomgyu froze in his spot, his brain felt as if it was malfunctioning as he was actually processing that he was talking to the diamondgirl123, or in this case, y/n who had been declared off limits from the day he even found out about her. 
heeseung nudged the boy from his dazed state, his eyebrows furrowing towards him as he mouthed what beomgyu wanted him to say. 
“just say hi or something” beomgyu frantically mouthed back, logging onto their private server.
“hi!” heeseung said awfully too cheerful, making beomgyu form a tight lipped expression towards him.
“your voice is so deep bogum, i definitely did not expect that.”
beomgyu felt the blood drain from his face as heeseung chuckled lightly, thanking y/n quickly.
“my voice is deep too” beomgyu bitterly thought to himself. “deeper than his, at least”
he was starting to feel like this was an even worse idea, because the more heeseung and you began to talk, the more you seemed to grow interested. except for the fact that each time you gave a compliment, it was never aimed towards beomgyu himself, but towards heeseung.
and if there was anything that beomgyu couldn’t handle, it was his ego plummeting for the fact that the girl he was trying to win over, was being won over by him. except for it wasn’t really him.
beomgyu sprinted around the world waiting for you to join the game, running quickly to the spawn point when your join message popped up in the chat, dropping a flower to your character.
“ask her if she wants to explore the world together” beomgyu lightly whispered, keeping an eye out on his discord to make sure no audio from him was picked up.
heeseung briefly nodded before relaying the question, to which you excitedly responded yes to.
exploring the world unlocked several memories for you both, allowing you two to bicker with each other and fill each other in on the gap that occurred due to lost time. with heeseung being beomgyus mouthpiece at least. within the time of talking, beomgyu had learned a lot about you and your personality, all the way from your coffee order to embarrassing childhood memories, beomgyu had found himself smiling the entire time and had wished that it couldve been him to be actually talking with you.
beomgyu felt the weight lift off from his shoulders, as he realized that almost two hours had passed and everything seemed to going well, almost too well.
“oh my gosh look!” you gasped, running over to beomgyu’s character and throwing him the book in your inventory. “do you remember when you wrote this when you first confessed to me?”
heeseung leaned over beomgyu’s monitor to take a glimpse of the contents of the book as he flipped through the pages, practically gagging at the amount of cheesiness 13 year old beomgyu managed to write.
“this is so gross,” heeseung scrunched his nose in disgust. “i cant believe i was like this back then” he said, playfully nudging beomgyu in a teasing manner, causing him to roll his eyes at the boy in response.
“hey, it was cute!” you laughed. “you treated me better than any other boy in my life has.”
“actually?” heeseung asked in amusement, cocking an eyebrow. “youre saying that 13 year old beom— i mean bogum, was a better boyfriend than everybody you’ve been with?”
beomgyu’s eyes narrowed at heeseung’s slip up, to which heeseung meerly shrugged at.
“ill be honest,” you spoke, completely oblivious to it. “you completely raised my standards.”
“wait, really?” beomgyu blurted, immediately slapping his hand over his mouth as his eyes widened at heeseung, who had mirrored his reaction.
“you idiot!” heeseung mouthed at the boy after a couple of seconds when he realized youve gone silent. beomgyu crossed his fingers hoping that you didnt hear him, or atleast if you did you wouldnt notice the change in voice.
“y/n, you there?” heeseung broke the silence, glancing at beomgyu whose face had paled.
“me? oh yeah.” you started. both beomgyu and heeseung let out the breaths that they were holding in, sighing in relief. “it’s just… you sounded a lot like this streamer i liked.”
“oh really?” heeseung sent a glare towards the boy who seemed to have a bead of sweat rolling down his face.“sorry, i think i just had some phlegm in my throat which probably made it sound like beomgyu.”
“you’re lucky i saved you,” heeseung was able to mouth, rolling his eyes as he turned to face beomgyu. “im the one you begged to do this, yet youre the one messing up—“
“how did you know that my favorite streamer is beomgyu?”
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TAGLIST. @openingssequence @suburbiataehyung @shinypieceofgarbage @koeuh @captivq @beowmgyu @qluvrv @ikaeryn @whippedforbeomgyu @i8lhee @heyanonymous123 @vanicogh @sulliefimmie @tae-ology @milkycloudtyg @ox1-lovesick @soobsfairy444 @sulliefimmie @jaxavance @peachenle @pokyloky @peachybeom @alpha-mommy69 @fatoompie @ashxxgyu @soobsdior @viagumi @rikismiel @luvsoobs @lovejunz @wccycc @enha-cafe @kaeslily @hiddenboopy @cashew00nut @merendis @reverbtunes @lcvesickgyuzz @dear-dreamie @fragmentationss @chuuinggummy @hafsa-hoofsa-heefs @beomsbeanie @shigamiryuk @soobliss @woncheecks @sserafimez @ahnneyong @ghostfacefricker6969 @flrtsbin @beomomb @cathaerin (closed)
A/N. poor beomgyu 😔😔 anyways guys i finally made a twitter to boast abt my faves and my life so if ygs wanna be moots hehehe 🤭🤭
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lonely-north-star · 2 months
jewelry maker mammon x retail worker mc pt 2
hi guys, two people asked for part two and now I'm here. Did not expect people to find enjoyment in this.
Part one above, not sure how to shorten it on mobile. Once again, this is me projecting onto my MC because I'm not suffering alone. Anyway, more craft store silliness !!
-Mammon attends the hiring event, dressed in a button down shirt and his hair combed. It's his Lucky Interview Outfit™
-He's kinda nervous because he really would like to work here and doesn't want to blow his chance
-The store manager recognizes him, and Mammon can't tell if this is good or bad
-Good because he's already got him laughing, and it helps brush over the fact that there's a few gaps in his resume
-The manager admits he had hoped to see Mammon there and it's good to put a name to a face
-Asks Mammon what he wants to work as, which Mammon kinda shrugs at, saying he's pretty flexible, but reminds him he's already good with the beads
-Says they'll label him as a floor person and put him anywhere as needed
-His first day is filled with training which he finds extremely boring until MC comes in to the break room
-She stops in her tracks and is stunned to see him there, before she recovers and smiles at him
"You're gonna work here now?"
"Nah, they just gave me a vest and name badge for nothing."
-She huffs and side eyes him as she grabs her equipment, rolling her eyes when she puts her bag away. Turns around, handing him a yellow star sticker
"For your badge."
-Suddenly he's even more eager to finish training and get to work
-His first days, he works short shifts during her hours and trains on the register (because everyone needs to know they claim)
-MC falls short of shaking him, sternly telling him to ask questions, no, she will not get mad. Yes, she may look irritated but she always looks like that. She'd rather you ask.
-They let him take over on his third day and he has great interactions with every customer
-He gets two credit card applications immediately. Had to walkie for help because he knew the script, but not the process (because no one ever gets them)
-The manager group chat receives a single photo of his tally sheet from the store manager because "Five sign ups! Three protection plans! Where has this cashier been my whole career? 🔥"
-He quickly becomes a favorite because of how good his numbers are
-No one knows how he does it but as long as higher ups aren't breathing down their neck everyone is happy
-It's because he's extremely motivated by the sticker rewards MC gives out. They're scented
-He might be good at the register but he hates staying up there when it's slow because he feels trapped. He can only recover the queue line so much guys
-Will beg to go on the floor if he's met the goal for the week and there's another person scheduled. Or will work to make the goal first and then beg to switch places
-On Fridays he works mornings in order to do jewelry repacks (Repacks are boxes of mixed products that get sent to us that we have to sort into other boxes by department. These things are like 12 x 10 x 20 inches maybe?)
-They are PACKED with products. The strung beads specifically come wrapped in bubble wrap or sealed bags by the SKU. Same goes for other products like findings, wire, and string. You spend a lot of time ripping open the package, pulling it out, scanning it, and then putting it on the shelf
-But see, Mammon knows these aisles better than the back of his hand. He doesn't need the scanner
-He'll unwrap handfuls at a time of strung beads and immediately start putting them out. Anything that goes in the next aisle he doesn't touch because he will not be walking back and forth, he's going to gather it all up and do it at once
-He spends barely an hour on each box, and once he's done, he admires any of the new items that came in. As a treat.
-Replen manager comes to check on him and she's stunned to find him done. She buys him a pastry from across the street as a reward
-He does help out with other repacks, but it takes him longer since he's not as familiar with the aisles
-Despises craft paint with a burning passion. Do NOT put him in that aisle or he will throw a fit. Threatens to quit (wouldn't actually)
-Gets frustrated easily with that aisle because the paint tubes fall over too often. And his hands are too big to reach for the one that fell over, and he'll end up knocking more over because the shelves are too close together
-Has trouble folding T-shirts. MC has shown him multiple times but he can't stay consistent with it
-One time she found him kneeling on the floor trying to fold a shirt. Has not let him fold since
-Now if they're working together, she folds them and he puts them away. It's efficient.
-After three weeks, he's gotten pretty good with memorizing the store and product locations. He has come to this conclusion.
Hell: Craft paint, T-Shirts, Open Stock Paintbrushes
Heaven: Jewelry <3, Kids Beads, Seasonal, Yarn
Neutral: Fine Arts, Ribbon (Thin Ice), Stickers, Fabric, Floral, Baking (Hates the baking pans specifically though), Wood, Frames, the rest of the store basically
-He likes making things look neat (actually likes the way MC looks pleased when he drags her over to show it off)
-If they're working together, he might get slightly distracted and trail after her to chat. She only allows it if it's slow.
-If someone needs help she'll shoo him away/send him off. He'll come right back after he's done though
-Otherwise she's walking through the aisles recovering with him and doing returns, handing him stuff and pointing to where it goes as he rambles about a new commission he made. Or the newest beads they got in stock.
"Says B 23."
"And they said they we're gettin' it for their partner-"
"There. Next to the red gift bags."
"-but how do ya not know their favorite color?! C'mon! That's like the first thing ya learn!"
"What's yours?"
"Blue. Or gold. And yellow, when gold ain't an option, because yellow is a lot more common. But none of that neon crap! Nah, like.. like.. I'll show ya when we reach the bead aisle! Anyway, they came back all-"
-'Yellow.' She thinks. Fitting, for someone who brightens her day so much. She shakes the thought away.
-She won't admit it but she does enjoy it. It makes the time pass faster.
"Did you know the beads go on sale Sunday? And we get paid this Friday. Are you gonna buy any?"
"...Are ya messin' with me?"
"Why would I be?"
"I'm going to buy so many things."
-MC starts to dread Sunday, and knows she's gonna have to reign him in. Oh boy.
hahaha pt 3 is in the works, i think. Because I had more ideas, but this got long again. Rest of this is me rambling.
Anyway, today I worked on repacks for Research™. And because I didn't wanna hear people asking if things are in the back. NO. I DID IT ALL TODAY !! EVERY LAST BIT !! (for t shirts and jewelry at least)
Took me four hours to do three jewelry boxes, though I did stop multiple times to help customers and go fulfill online orders. And unlike Mammon, I did need a scanner for some of it.
T shirts I did five boxes and took ten minutes a box since I didn't need the scanner except a handful of times. So it definitely varies on what department you're doing how long you'll take and how familiar you are with the aisle. For reference, it took my coworker 3.5 hours to do two boxes of jewelry.
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fromfiction · 10 months
Questioning a Specific Source (Questioning Guide Part 2)
There are two elements to discovering a kintype; questioning, which is a process, and awakening, which is an experience. Specifically, questioning is the process of figuring out if your experiences are elements of an awakening. Sometimes an awakening is so aggressive and obvious that no questioning process is necessary, however, most of the time when considering if something is a new kintype, it’s a good idea to go through a questioning process.
There is no right or wrong way to go through questioning; everyone’s questioning process is different. Questioning itself is an attempt at gaining deeper self-knowledge, and for many metaphysical fictionkin, questioning is a deeply personal process whose details are difficult to share or explain. It can involve meditation, journaling, astral travel, canon research, and anything else.
Here are some thoughts and ideas to get you started on your own personal questioning process, written specifically for metaphysical kintypes but applicable to other types of kin questioning.
Questions to ask yourself when considering a specific source media, (but not a specific character):
What made you start questioning this source? 
Was it a feeling? A dream? A rumor? A compulsion toward it? A repulsion away from it? A connection to something you've felt or known about yourself?
What does the world depicted in this source make you feel?
Does it feel familiar? Does it make me feel nostalgic? Homesick? Unsettled? An urge to escape?
Are there unusual things that are inexplicably familiar about the world of the source to you?
Are there any rituals, traditions, food, clothes, animals, plants, geography, public figures or institutions, etc that you feel like you intuitively know or understand? Do any of these things seem like something that was missing to you in your daily life?
Is there anything about the world of the source as described in canon that stands out to you as wrong?
Do you have any immediate reactions to finding out information about the source world that goes against what you intuitively understand or expect?
Is there anything about the source world that you guessed or expected that was later confirmed?
Any strange ideas or 'headcanons' that you came up with before you found out that they were canon?
Do you have any intuitive and immediate feelings about the way you would live day to day in the world of the source if you were there now?
If someone asked you questions about the world of this source, would you feel confident, or find yourself answering them intuitively without thinking about it?
Every kin experience is different but in general, the more of these questions that you can answer 'yes' or have deep and involved answers to, the more likely it's possible that the source you're questioning could be the origin of a kintype.
View part 1 of the questioning guide here.
Questioning guide for specific characters coming soon.
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justafandomgvrl · 5 months
Tattoo Artist Pt2
Laurent Leclaire x F!Reader
Around 1000 words
Part one here
Thank you to @winniethewife for some aid with dialogue
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You pace in your flat nervously an hour before you’re supposed to meet Laurent. You stop in front of your mirror for the eighteenth time to stare at your outfit. Jeans, band tee, leather jacket, vans. You look at your phone and curse, realising if you don’t leave now you’ll be late. One last application of lip balm and your feet carry you out the door to your favourite coffee shop. Laurent waves you over to his booth and you smile, the nerves dissipating almost immediately.
You slide into the booth across from him.
“I’m glad you messaged me.” His warm voice consumes you. “I took a chance on that business card, and I’m -“
“I know.” You say with a small smile as the waitress comes and refills his coffee pot. He thanks her before returning his attention to you. “I’m glad I did too.” You say, his eyes gazing into yours and you feel so much more alive than you did twenty minutes ago in your flat. He picks up the coffee pot and pours you a cup. You add a splash of milk and a sugar cube, watching him as he supplied his black coffee without sugar.
“Oh, you like it as sweet as you are.” He says with a cheeky smile.
The date goes better than you expected. You laugh together, drinking way more cups of coffee than you should. You don’t think you’ve ever felt so light.
Within a month, you and Laurent have been for five different coffees in five different shops after five tattoos. Each one has been more and more discounted, much to Camilo’s annoyance. The one constant is Laurent never lets you pay for the coffee.
He smiles at you over your sixth cup in your sixth shop after your sixth tattoo. His hand is wrapped around yours and you feel warmth spreading from where he’s touching your skin.
“Why don’t you ever let me pay?” You ask and he chuckles.
“How could I ever let someone as beautiful as you pay? Pieces of art don’t pay for anything.” He says and you blush. It’s the same every time he compliments you.
“I’m only a piece of art because of your drawings.” You say quickly. He chuckles, shaking his head.
“No. The first moment I saw you sat there nervously waiting, I knew you were the most beautiful piece of art I’d ever seen. And now? You’re somehow even more beautiful.” He says, his thumb brushing your knuckles. You look up at him and he smiles in a way you’ve grown to adore.
“This past month has been so wonderful, Laurent,” you say and his smile widens.
“I agree. That’s why I wanted to ask you something.” You pause, putting your cup down and he takes your hands both into his own. “I know it’s only been a month, but I really adore you. You’re kind, and smart, and funny, and so beautiful. I was wondering if you would want to officially be my girl.” You pause for a moment, processing his words.
“Yes.” You whisper. He grins and surges toward you, leaning over the table to capture your lips with his own. “Your girl.” You whisper against his lips and he all but groans. You wonder what it would be like to hear- you cut off your thoughts as you kiss him back gently. You can feel him smiling against your lips before you break the kiss.
“My girl.” He repeats, as though he’s savouring the way the words taste in his mouth. He grins like a boy who just discovered how it feels to get dirty for the first time. “Shall we?” He asks, standing up and offering you his arm, having paid already despite your protests. You loop your arm through his and the two of you leave the cafe, wandering through the streets of Paris as though it was your city.
You find your way to Montmartre, the village that his tattoo shop is set up in. You sigh as you arrive at the Sacre-Coeur, the church of sacred heart. “I love the view from up here,” you say as you look down the steps that you had climbed to look over the village.
Laurent is staring at you when he replies, “me too.” He shakes his head, clearing his thoughts as he turns to gaze over the village. You look at him and smile, gazing at his side profile. “I used to want to be a painter.” Laurent says absent-mindedly. You turn back to gaze at the village as the two of you sit down at the top of the stairs.
“What stopped you?”
“Not as many hot women.” He jokes and you chuckle, tucking your hair behind your ears. “Being a tattooist meant I could paint and be social with a bunch of people and find out about their lives. I like that.” He says with a smile.
You place your hand on the ground between you as the sun begins to set.
He rests his hand on yours.
“Do you know what the French would say about a view like this?” You ask and he looks at you with an eyebrow raised.
“I was asking you!” You reply, nudging his shoulder with yours. He chuckles, shaking his head.
“They would say it’s beautiful, but not as beautiful as you.” You blush and he smiles.
In the pink, orange and purple hues of the sunset, your eyes almost seem to have an otherworldly glow. Laurent knows he’ll never recover from the sight.
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ohtobeleah · 2 years
I’m not prepared to see how things transpire when Fe and Rooster go back to work. Especially if Jaidyn is gonna be there.
But you're gonna have to deal with it bestie. Because it’s gonna have to happen sooner or later. And we know shits gonna blow up. As always though here’s the Terms of Endearment Masterlist.
Warnings: Mentions of domestic violence.
SunnySide daycare centre was a diamond in disguise. At first when you had been looking for a place to enrol Odette into when you realised you were going to be sticking around longer than intended it hadnt even fallen onto the short list of daycares you were reading into. It had been with Penny Benjamin's recommendation that you actually decided to go forward with the application process. A good friend of Penny’s had worked there ever since she could remember.  
“Tooster!” Dot giggled and squealed as Braldey held her up over his head, roaring like what he thought a dinosaur would sound like. Whatever sound left his ajar mouth was definitely not a dinosaur sound, but it made you laugh nevertheless. “Tooster! Dop! Dop!” Dot tried to plead with Rooster through her bout of giggles. 
“Hi Miss Y/L/N, just dropping Odette off are we?” One of the ladies at the reception desk asked as Bradley placed her down on the counter, letting her back lean against his shoulder as one of her purple backpack staples nearly cut his circulation off. 
“Yes please, and I also wanted to speak to someone about confirming the list of people permitted to drop off and pick up?” It was your first day back at work after the small Christmas and new year break you all got. The third of January saw SunnySide back up and running and in full swing again as most of its enrolled were military children. 
“Sure, not a problem at all Felix.” Bradley crooned his head your way to plant a gentle kiss against your temple, he could see the vein popping from a mile away. “Okay so i've got yourself listed as the primary caregiver and emergency contact, i've got a Jake Seresin listed too as a primary pick up and secondary emergency contact if we can't reach you and a Bradley Bradshaw was just recently added as a primary pick up and drop off and third emergency contact if yourself of Jake are not reachable.” The receptionist explained as she turned her head up from her computer screen to look at you. “Does that all sound good Fe?” 
“Yeah, all good.” You sighed out a breath of relief. “Um, I was also wondering if I could red flag someone?” Bradley knew it was hard for you to even ask, but you needed to make sure that Odette was going to be safe in the care of the child workers you trusted her to. He’d been the one to remind you that it was probably a good idea to get ahead of the game and expect Jaidyn to try something. “Dots dad has recently moved to town and I just want to make sure if he ever tries to collect her or comes to try and see her or something that someone will notify me?”
“Sure thing sugar, I just need a name and I can make sure that if that were to ever happen we’d notify you, but please remember unless someones been specifically nominated as a trusted adult, we wouldn't let just anyone claiming to be here for Dot pick her up Felix, She's safe here.” It was nice to be reassured. 
“Thankyou.” You smiled softly as you nuzzled your daughter, kissing her cheeks until she was smiling. Bradley had tried his best to do her hair this morning, you had to redo it but let him redeem his self esteem when he placed the purple bows against her pigtails. “Uh, his name is Jaidyn Dolan.” 
“Great, I'll make sure if he ever comes snooping around that you're informed immediately.” 
“Alright squirt, time to go.” Bradley roared again as he scooped Odette up, placing her down on the ground as he opened his arms wide for her to smoosh herself against him, encapsulating the almost three year old he’d give his life for. “You have a good day alright? and I want at least two new drawings, got some new picture frames to fill.” 
“You know you can't just keep using her for cheap artwork Bradshaw.” You were quick to laugh as you came to crouch beside him, Dot moving from his warm strong embrace to your loving, protective hug. “Love you Lieutenant Polkadot, see this afternoon baby.” 
“I'm gonna stockpile them so when she actually does grow up to become the next Picasso, i'll be making bank.” Rooster quipped as he stood with you, watching as one of the early childhood educators took Dot by the hand and walked her inside the daycare. “Come on Mamma, we better get to base.” 
You weren't going to lie, you were utterly terrified of what going back to work would bring. Nothing had changed really, but so much had also changed at the same time. Before the break, you and Bradley weren't exactly sure what the two of you were. Now? You’d gone ahead and made it official, Bradley Bradshaw was your boyfriend and you were his girlfriend.
God, you had a child, you were a fully grown woman and even just the idea of introducing Bradley as your boyfriend to anyone made you feel like a prepubescent adolescent. You asked if you could refer to him as your partner if anyone were to ask, Rooster said you could call him anything under the sun so long as he was yours and you were his. He didn't care that much for labels, he just wanted you and your daughter for the rest of his life. 
“If he comes near you Bradley I swear–” Holding the passenger side door of the Bronco open. 
“I can hold my own, don't you spend a second worrying about me Fe.” Penny had offered to lend you her car for a little bit while you looked on marketplace for anyone going for a good price. Jake was still waiting on his insurance claim to finish processing so he could cash in for a new Ford. You had politely accepted knowing Jake needed it more than you did. “Besides, I think the more important matter at hand here is making sure you remember to grab the keys to your new house before you leave this afternoon.” 
“True, true, still can't believe I actually got approved.”  As it turns out, one of the main reasons it had taken you so long to be approved for staff accommodation was that one of the admin workers knew of you and your beautiful daughter and wanted to find you something you could truly make a home. There was a new opening on the outskirts of the bass housing, a modest two story house with a garden and white picket fence. Three bedroom, two bathroom, two car garage. It had all the fixings and once you'd seen the letter and photos attached you couldn't contain your excitement. “I think Jakes almost a little too excited to see the back of me.” When you had told Jake that you'd been approved for your own place, he was beyond excited for you, told you that he was delighted to finally see that day, that he thought you were gonna be living rent free under his roof for eternity. 
Although he teased and pushed your buttons, never once did Jake insist eternity was a bad thing. He had sent Bradley a text soon after telling him to meet him at the hardware store that afternoon so they could split a pretty penny on a solid security system they could both remotely access. 
“He’s gonna remember just how quiet his home was before you showed up, trust me.” Bradley smirked as he started up the Bronco, strapping himself in and before he even thought about shifting into first gear–he made sure you were buckled in too. “You still wanna go look at furniture on the weekend?” 
“Absolutely, there's this lounge that is apparently stain proof at fantastic furniture I wanna have a look at.” You reached down for the catalogue you had thrown into your bag this morning, Bradley laughed when he quickly glanced over to see you had circled some items in red marker. “Wonder if I can get something that looks similar at the op shop.” 
“You dont wanna buy it new?” Bradley wasn't against second hand, he loved a good thrifted piece as much as the next guy. His favourite bomber jacket was actually found at an old overcrowded second hand store he went to once with a few buddies who were in search of some clothes of a themed Sunday Funday back in his TopGun days. But he thought if you were starting a fresh, new life, new house, new people around you who loved you for you, that you’d want some new furniture, owned just by you. No string or memories of any kind attached, owned by you and only you to create only the best of memories on and around. 
“Rooster, I don't think I’ve ever had a piece of furniture that's brand new.” You sighed. “I think the bunk bed I shared with my sisters was so old that every time something broke or snapped my brothers would just nail a piece of wood to the frame to keep it from falling apart on us in the middle of the night.” It was becoming abundantly clear that you and Bradley came from two very different backgrounds. “Roo—“ you reached over to place your hand on Roosters thigh. “My mum's bipolar, Frank? Well—he’s an alcoholic and an addict.” You explained with a solemn tone. “I did whatever I could to help raise my siblings and I wish to this day I could have done more than I did before they cut me out.” You never explained why you didn’t talk to your siblings anymore, Bradley had asked Jake one night over a few beers and the only explanation he gave was that you wanted a better life for yourself. “Everything I do, all the money I earn? Is so that Odette can have a better life, I wanna be able to give her everything because she’s a great little girl and she deserves a hell of a lot more than I’ve given her so far.” 
Rooster didn’t argue, he understood where you were coming from. Reaching up to grab the hand you’d placed on his thigh to bring it up to his lips, he pressed a gentle kiss to your palm. It made your heart do backflips the way Bradley didn't try and argue, didn't try and change your ways or your views. It made you feel loved for who you were–and there wasn't a single fibre of Bradley Bradsahw who wanted to change a single part of who you were. 
“So we make a day of it? I’ll rent a trailer and we can op shop the shit out of this house mamma.” 
The locker room was crowded with naval aviators returning to work after having been off for the last week or so. Bob Floyd was the first one to notice the new face amongst the sea of all too familiar faces he’d grown to know over the last year or so being stationed in North Island. 
“Take a picture, it'll last longer.” Jaidyn smeared as Bob found himself staring at the man he didn't know, turning his head sharply to anywhere else in the room but the man's line of sight when he’d been sprung. “Im just fucking with you man” Jaidyn smirked as he reached out to shake Bob’s hand. “Names Jaidyn, Zeus.” 
“For the love of god Bob don't touch him, I don't know where he’s been.” Jake hissed as he stepped in between the two aviators, puffing his chest and flaring his nostrils as he clenched his jaw. 
“Jake–” Jaidyn eyed off his former best friend like he’d seen someone come back from the dead. “It's good to see you bro, how's things? How's my missus?” Jaidyn was only beginning to test the waters to see how far he could push Jake Seresin in a public forum before he snapped. The locker room had never felt so silent before with so many people in it. “Heard she's been crashing at your place ever since she took off.” 
“Judging by the swelling under your right eye I trust Bradshaw already told you to stay clear away from her and we won't have any issues.” It was a nod to the bruised knuckles Rooster was still carrying the weight of after having busted his fist against Jaidyns face. “I wanna make one thing abundantly clear though–” Jake hissed through gritted teeth as he got up in Jaidyn’s face enough to have the slightly taller, brunette man stumble back a step or two. “You fucking go anywhere near her and I find out about it ill kill you, and thats a promise.” 
“What lies had she spun to you Seresin.” Jaidyn chuckled as Jake turned on his heels, heading back in the direction of his locker after having shook his head Bob's way, gesturing for the backseater not to go near him. “ I never took you for a bitch.” 
“Yeah well, I'd rather be known as a bitch than as the guy who beats up women.” Jake didn't even have to turn around to know Jaidyn had gone the darkest shade of red known to man. “Because I never took you as the kinda guy who would do that shit for fun.” There was something Jake's fellow aviators were missing in the confrontation going down in the locker room because in all the time they'd known Jake Seresin he had never once mentioned his former best friend or the girl he saw as a sister until you showed up at his front doorstep. “You damn near killed her and you know it.” It was what Jaidyn was smearing next that had Jake seeing red, that had him racing across the locker room at full speed, pushing past everyone and anyone who got in his way, just as you and Rooster were walking in hand in hand laughing at something stupidly corning he’d said just to make you smile. 
“Yeah well, it's damn near addicting when she makes such pretty noises.” 
“YOU SON OF A BITCH!” Bradley was off in an instant, leaving you at the threshold of the locker room as he raced over to break up the conflict unfolding. “ILL FUCKING KILL YOU YOU PIECE OF SHIT!” Jake had his hands on Jaidyn in three point five seconds, shoving his chest as hard as he could before he tried to throw a punch that would have knocked the slightly taller, brunette with the wicked and maniacal laugh out cold. 
“Jake!” Rooster stepped between the two men who were about to throw punches. “He's not worth it man, it's want he wants, don't give it to him.” On the way over, Rooster had passed the Admiral making his way over, it was only a matter of time.
“What the hell is going on?” Mickey asked as you stepped into the locker room looking all kinds of meek and to blame for the events transpiring. “Who the hell's this guy?” 
“Dots father–” Is all you said and suddenly all eyes are on you. The squad who had become like a family to you all looked at you as if you were suddenly so much shorter, so much more vulnerable and so much more broken than you really were. “Jaidyn is Odette's dad, he uh, he followed me here.” 
“Fe–” Phoenix was the first person to speak as you never took your eyes off Bradley as he tried his best to deescalate the situation. Throwing himself between Jake and Jaidyn like he didn't care for his own wellbeing, just those around him. 
“I'm fine Nix, really, I’ll uh–I'll be in the hangar if anyone needs me.” You held back tears as you faked a smile so painful it damn near pulled on all the strings in Phoenix's heart. “Fanboy please don't forget that the strap on your hemet still needs to be fixed before you go up today, come see me whenever you can, the new part I ordered came in over the break.” You thought maybe throwing yourself into your work would keep you sane enough to get through at least the first day back. But when you made eye contact with Jaidyn for a brief moment, the way he smiled at you like he knew he won made you want to throw up. 
“Neither of you two know what shes really like, shes got you fucking played boys.” Jaidyn scoffed as he broke himself away from Braldey and Jake who stood side by side, the rest of the team behind them looking over their respective shoulders. “We’re engaged, she loves me and it'll only be a matter of time before she comes crawling back, begging for forgiveness after she took our daughter and ran.” In retrospect, Rooster knew he he maybe shouldn’t have said it—but his words were escaping far too quickly for him to stop himself.
“You mean the same daughter who calls me daddy now while I tuck her into bed every night?” Bradley knew what his taunt would cost him, he was prepared to cop it too. Dot had never called him dad before and he surely never expected her to. But as Jaidyn swung a powerful right hook against Roosters cheek just as Admiral Beau and Pete Mitchell were stepping into the locker room to see what all the fuss had been about, it was worth it. 
“Lieutenant Dolan, my office now!” Admiral Beau shouted as he watched Rooster go down, Jake just barely caught his head before he cracked it on the side of the bench. There were a few seconds there where Bradley Bradshaw swore he could smell colours and hear shapes but it was so worth it as the taste of iron coated his taste buds. 
“Bradshaw you alright?’ Jake asked as he watched Bradley fight off unconsciousness, he could have sworn if this had been a cartoon he’d have stars flying around his head like in that one movie Dot was scared shitless of. Who Framed Roger Rabbit. He didn’t blame the two year old though, that ending kinda fucked him up too. “Rooster? You there.” 
“Oi be careful, he can actually throw a solid punch.” Bradley chuckled, showing Jake his blooded teeth as he sat up slowly. “Admiral Beau didn't seem too happy though, which is good.” 
“All you did was by yourself a little more time Rooster, I don't think this solves anything, if i'm being perfectly honest I think this might have made things worse.” Bob interrupted as he sat down next to Rooster on the ground with the locker room medical kit, assessing the damage. “Far out I don't know how your nose isn't broken.” 
“Where Fe?” It was his first question. “She didn't see, did she?” If there was only one thing Bradley Bradshaw was worried about it wasnt if his nose was broken or if he’d actually hit his head or not. It was if you’d seen him take a hit for a lie he told just to get Jaidyn to play his own game. You hadnt, you were half way back to your hanger by the time Rooster had hit the deck and Jaidyn was being escorted to the admirals office for disciplinary action. 
“Nah, she left before you turned yourself into a human punching bag.” Fanboy was the one who gave Rooster the answer he’d been hoping for. ”But hey, why do they call him Zeus for?” 
“Stands for Zero Effort Unless Supervised.” Jake replied as he stood with a groan, letting Bob take over as nurse's aid. “Im sure you’ll find out just how he got that callsign in the first place, hes a fucking terrible wingman.” 
“Lifestyles——of the rich and the famous—.” You muttered along to yourself as you hung halfway into the engine bay of your latest victim. An old Tomcat that the admirals had asked you to bring back from the dead as a side job amongst all the services and everyday tasks you kept ahead of to make sure the Dagger Squad were as well oiled as they could be. “They’re always complaining—always complaining.” Good Charlotte’s The Young and the Hopeless album had been blasting through your speakers for about four or five songs now—filling the silence with the early two thousands music was enough to keep your mind on the task ahead instead of wandering off somewhere else. 
“Don’t change career paths Felix, you sound like a broken record.” Jake chuckled as he stood looking up at you from the ground below. You stood atop the ladder, looking down at Jake. “Can we talk for a minute?” 
“Only if you grab me a redbull from the mini?” You replied as you started making your way down. Being careful to take one ladder step at a time. Jake did as you asked and made his way over to where your mini fridge sat, filled with copious amounts of caffeinated beverages ranging from redbulls to massive cans of Bang energy. 
“Here.” Jake handed you your beverage of choice as he stole a five hour energy, he didn't need to ask, so he didn't. “So we found out who Zeus is gonna be flying with–” Jake wasn't even trying to beat around the bush as he took the five hour energy down the hatch. You had your mechanic suit undone and tied around your waist, leaving you exposed to your black stand issue T-shirt. 
“Don't say Bradley.” You groaned as you cracked open the can. Taking a sip as Jake looked at you as if he wished he wasn't about to say Roosters name. “Jake I swear–”
“Okay so I won't tell you Jaidyn is Roosters wingman now.” 
“Oh well you just did! Didnt you?” You sighed in defeat as you made your way over to the small lounges you’d thrifted for the workshop, more often than not the Daggers would spend their lunch breaks and down time in your hanger turned workshop. “God, that's not gonna go well.” 
“You’re telling me, Roosters already got a black eye and it's only day one.” Okay, Jake really had dropped the ball on that one. He knew you were going to find out sooner or later and he thought it was best if you found out sooner, but still, the way you looked at him like he’d just punched you in the face was not a good experience. “He’s fine, Bradshaw was just taking the piss and took a fist to the jaw, he's fine Y/n, lover boys still walkin and talkin.” Jake explained as he sat across from you in one of the old rocking chairs that needed new upholstery. “Thats not what I came here to talk to you about, fuck Rooster, hes fine.” 
“We wanna put some security cameras up in your new place.” 
“You wanna do what now?” Your eyes bugged out of your head a little as you choked on the carbonation of your red bull. “I feel like that's a little bit–”
“Necessary Y/n, it's necessary because I wanna keep you safe.” You didn't reply for a moment, you just sat across from Jake smirking as you mulled over your next statement. Sinking a little lower as you placed your legs up onto the coffee table that was covered in polaroid of you and respective members of the dagger squad– all slid underneath the glass slab. 
“You’re gonna miss me, admit it.” You chuckled, biting your bottom lip because you knew even if he wasn't going to admit it that you were right. Jake Seresin had gotten used to having you living in his spare room and he was in fact going to miss the chaos you so effortlessly brought back into his life. From the way you never replaced the toilet paper roll after a roll was finished to the way you would put a movie on full ball and still manage to fall asleep half way through. 
“Fuck off Fe.” Jake scoffed as he turned his head away from your eyeline. “I just think since you’re gonna be on your own a lot more often, if you had cameras, we could check in on you without physically having to check in on you.” 
“No common areas and I wanna know where every single fucking one is.” Pointing at Jake, you agreed to the cameras, understanding that it was probably a good idea even if you just had a few around the place. “And so help me god if you so much as stick your nose into my private life with bradley il–” 
“I don't wanna know what you and Bradshaw get up to behind closed doors.” Jake shivered at the thought. “I'm still scared from the display I walked in on at the dining table.” 
“Maybe nows not such a good time to tell you we fucked on your kitchen countertop too.” 
“You’re fucking gross you know that?”
“Eat me Seresin, I'm a grown up. I can do whatever and whoever the hell I want.” The two of you just sat there for a while listening to the same Good Charlotte album you would listen to when you were getting high together at the back of the yards. Jake's mum would kill him to this day if she knew her baby boy had been exposed to such a thing. 
“I don't care how old we get, you're still gonna be a little shit of a sister.” Jake broke the silence first as he leaned across, his elbows digging into his knees. “You’re a pain in the ass, but you're my pain in the ass and this shit you've got going on with Jaidyn is all of our problem alright?” Jake frowned as he watched you shrug like you didn't think you were worth the extra effort. “I think you should tell the rest of the guys how serious things really are so they can help too.” 
“I aint required reading Hangman.” You groaned as you let your head fall back against the chair. “But if we can drop the subject for now, i'll think about it, alright?” 
“Okay.” Was all Jake said as he pressed his lips together and nodded, standing as he came over the tussle with your hair. “I'll see you at home, don't forget to pick up your keys.” 
“Rooster already reminded me, but thanks.” You watched from the couch as Jake made his way out of the hangar. “Hey Jake?” You called out after him, watching as he paused in his tracks to turn his head back to where you sat. “I don't say it enough and I really should.” You cooed. “I love you.” Jake just smiled, he knew you did and he loved you back, so much. He’d known you his entire life and he still knew there was so much more to you than everyone saw. Perhaps Bradley would be the person to get to know you just a little better than Jake thought he did. 
“I love you too.” 
“Talk out of your ass like that again and I'll be the one who smacks you upside the head you got it Bradshaw?” You growled as Bradley made his way over to you, dragging his feet along the bitchament from a long day. The side of his face knocked up and surely bruising. “Jake told me what you said.” Bradley had been avoiding coming past the hanger all day so you couldn't castrate him for being an idiot. 
“Hangman needs to learn to keep his mouth shut.” Dropping his bag, Bradley took you into an embrace he;d been wanting to give you all day, the smell of your shampoo always brought him solace. Kissing the top of your head a few times as he kept you close against his chest. Pressing your back into the side of the Bronco you had been waiting beside. “But I know, I know, I shouldn't have said it.” 
“You can't be doing that shit, he's dangerous and I don't wanna lose you.”
“Oh trust me mamma it’ll take alot more than a single right hook to take me down.” You loved the term of endearment Rooster had chosen for you. Mamma. It made you ache for his touch. 
“Really? Cause from the eye witness account Fanboy told me about when he came to pick up his helmet, apparently you hitting the deck like a sack of shit.” You taunted Rooster as he saw Jaidyn making his way over to his own car out of the corner of his eyes. Far too close to you than he was comfortable with. 
“Love makes a man do crazy things.” Rooster was serious when he tilted your chin to look at him. Holding your chin between his thumb and index. “I love you Y/n, and you don't have to say it back, but I do love you–so much baby.” So caught up in the way Bradley was looking at you like you hung all the stars in the night sky just for him and him alone, you hadnt even noticed Jaidyn near his car, parted only one space across from Roosters Bronco. 
“I love you too.” It was one of the first times you'd ever said that with genuine intent. You told Jake you loved him, but this was a different kind of love then the one you had for Jake. Jakes was unconditional sibling love. The love you felt for Bradley bradshaw you'd never experienced before. You really did love Bradley, so much it hurt. “Now how about we go check out my new crib huh? Ten bridge street is officially all mine.” 
“Ten Bridge street huh?” Jaidyn eaves dropped as he slammed his car room after having thrown his duffel into the back seat, leaning on the side of his car with his arms crossed over his chest. 
“I'm nine Bridge street honey, looks like we’re neighbours.”
Tags: @a-serene-place-to-be @lilyevanswhore @thescarletknight2014 @blindedbythelightt t @averyhotchner @emma8895eb @blairfox04 @caitsymichelle13 @oxxolovemelikeyoudooxxo @teacupsandtopgun @aemondssiut @feltonswifesworld87 @akalei349 @notjustsomeblonde @americaarse
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plottwiststudios · 2 months
Things to Not Do While Offering Commissions
Barring the urge to scam others or wanting to look sketchy, here's what sets off red flags to people thinking of hiring you~
Clearly not reading the job post and submitting an application that isn't what we wanted or asked for because of it.
Offering a creative service and showcasing screenshots from a popular tutorial and the free assets it contained. And nothing that says you know how to do anything outside of said tutorial.
Obvious AI Pixel Art will immediately show you think all pixels are created equal and you cannot make out the nasty visual artifacts. Because you're less than an amateur with the visual arts.
Offering animation services by taking a screenshot from an anime. I can't emphasize how often people do this, how their actual animation isn't close to matching their advertised quality.
Inconsistent art quality in portfolio or client reviews will raise an eyebrow no matter how truthful it is.
Unrequested spec work! Spec work is already a touchy topic, but it's awkward to receive essentially free art if we don't think your style works for a particular project!
Coming to me uninvited, offering to create custom music. This one is personal and just. Don't. Do. That. To. A Composer.
AI Art offers. AI art generation is free, does the work for you, and takes a fraction of the time as human art. And most prompters lack the artistic experience necessary to mask the results of that. Have some pride.
Come across as someone who thinks the client is secretly hoarding cash and not wanting to pay your rates. If the budget doesn't fit your needs, move along or find a beneficial solution for both parties. I do it all the time for my clients.
I can talk about my experiences with the hiring process all day! I'm particularly screaming over the gall of the pixel art AI bro. It really does feel like AI people expect the jank to magically work in a creative project...
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archivalofsins · 7 months
Lope: Ah, another pain. What are these two twins? Well difficult pairs are hard to come by now a days. Maybe they could work well together? Hopefully it's not a case of like repelling like.
Lope's Commencement
Daniel Prisoner 001
002 - Mirelle Apte
Place of Birth: London, England
Date of Birth: 09/15/2007
Age: 16
Ethnicity: Indian
She has a proper demeanor befitting of her prisoner colour. Directly underneath that is an aggressively forward woman. Lacking patience, she started investigating our facility as soon as she could. A trait that would be more desirable if she were a guard. Any wannabe guards should follow her example. Information doesn’t just come to a person, sometimes you need to search for it.
The guards those cottontails pick are rather unthinkinking to take a turn of phrase from one of my superiors. They couldn’t follow a lead even if they slapped a GPS in some of their hands. Atrocious. Ah sorry I got distracted...
Since she is not a guard her behavior is very frustrating. Incidentally, she also appears to be scheming with Milko- a pain in the making. Make sure they don't cause too much trouble.
Prisoner Color: #280137
Tumblr media
Permanent record Apte has a history of good attendance and is a B grade student. However, with enough application of effort, we expect her to progress up to an A grade average. Apte is attentive in class. However, she doesn't participate much and is prone to verbal altercations when interacting with peers.
Dear Mirelle Apte,
Your application for our foreign exchange program has been accepted. This is a pivotal step in pursuing higher education for you. This will not only expand your educational prowess but your social aptitude as well. Our staff will be there to aid you during every step of this monumental process.
Make sure to pull up your information online and check that you are committed to this by changing your status to such. We can't wait to have you here in Wisconsin for the remainder of your sophomore and junior year.
To all parents and students,
It has come to our faculty's attention that some students have been putting up fliers around the school with vulgar language and a student's personal contact information on it. The students responsible can consider this their first and final warning to stop. Harassment of any kind is not allowed on this premises.
These fliers and the messages on them do not reflect any of our students' character or the mannerisms our school wishes to foster. If this does not cease immediately, we may need to reexamine the privileges given to our students in order to properly reflect the sort of people they feel inclined to be at this moment.
There are many events that have yet to transpire this school semester. With those in mind really reflect on the individuals you wish to be and the sort of school year you wish to have.
Vice Principal XXXXX
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Dear students and parents,
As a result of the continued vandalism. Sophomore class b will be excluded from further school functions until the vandalizer is found or comes forward. That is all. The behavior exhibited by sophomore class b along with the harassment of any student will not be tolerated.
Vice principal XXXXX
Lope: Ah, for those interested. I'm a jackrabbit not a cottontail. Please don't mistake me for one of the higher ups. They wouldn't like it and I'd definitely hate it. Sorry to burst the cute little image of me you undoubtedly had in your head.
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rikiflowers · 3 months
lost times
chapter 2, words: 2884
chapter 1
The next day was uneventful. In the evening you do some paperwork that you have been pushing aside for quite some time and now have to do reluctantly. You also never learn to simply starting earlier to save yourself the stress. Now you're sitting here with rising stress levels and the next coffee, which only intensifies the whole thing. Unfortunately, there is no other way to get through the paperwork. As Beldaruit's dear daughter, you have the 'honorable' task of processing all the applications your father so often 'forgets'.
Actually, you could do with a glass of wine right now. It's a good thing you still have some in your pantry after Beldaruit helped himself to them one evening. Since then, you've been using intricate locking spells to keep the thief away from your cabinet.
That could be a longer night.
A knock on the door makes you pause. You fervently hope that the person is not your father. There is another knock. "Come in," you call to the impatient visitor.
You open the door and immediately Qifrey's face jumps into your vision. You didn't expect that now. "Huh?" you just exclaim, realizing that he's not at all pleased to be at your door. "Qifrey... What are you doing here?" You've managed to ask a coherent question even though your heart is racing uncomfortably right now.
"If you let me in, I'm welcome to discuss it," he says pressed, and you feel incredibly small at that moment. He's angry and you don't know why. "Okay?"
You step aside so that he can enter. You close the door behind you and lean against the solid wood. Here he is now, in the middle of your premises. Right in front of your chaotic desk, where you were working until just now.
"Would you like to have a drink?"
He shakes his head. "But I," you murmur as you walk to your cupboard to finally decide on a wine. You need something stronger.
The unpleasant silence literally presses itself into you. "Why are you here?" you try again while pouring yourself a glass and drinking from it a little too hastily.  You’re very nervous. You feel it in your sweaty palms already.
"What did you do to Coco?" The threatening tone of his voice makes you freeze to ice. That's why he's here? To ask you such a threatening, ill question? After all these years, you've been hoping for something. Anything. But not this.
"What should I have done?" you ask as a counter-question. This insinuation alone makes your veins pulsate. Qifrey looks at you with hatred in his eye. You are frightened by the coldness in his features. He leaves the question unanswered. Just the fact that he is alone with you in your chambers makes you feel uncomfortable. You lean against the closet in a nightgown while Qifrey takes his anger out on you. Of course, he doesn’t answer you. Just bore you with his anger.
"Qifrey... I thanked Coco for helping you. I gave her a Danish pastry. A very sweet girl," you try to clarify, while your gaze turns away and you feel your eyes start to burn. You won't cry here in front of him now. After all these years, he shows up here just to blame you for something. You just drink from the bottle. It doesn't make sense anymore anyway. Why is he back on his feet at all? Shouldn't he continue to stay in bed?
He remains silent. "What's the point of this damn insinuation now? I thought you knew me?" You can’t keep quiet. You want clarification on what the hell he’s thinking.
"I never really knew you."
Almost everything falls out of your face when he makes this statement. "That's the lowest level right now... even for you," you literally spit at him. Another big gulp travels down your throat.
"Oh, we're talking about level now? I didn't even know you knew that word" His tone is hissing, which only makes you more effervescent. What's his damn problem? You laugh. Despite its seriousness, the situation is just amusing right now, because you don't even know why he's poisoning you so much.
"Would you move to explain to me, ignorant being, why you show up at my door late in the evening and argue with me for no apparent reason? Especially while I'm standing in front of you in my nightgown."
With the latter, you see him briefly take a look at your body and have to suppress a nasty grin. Horny bastard.
"You really have no idea or are you just pretending?" His gaze suddenly seems tortured.
"Qifrey... I have absolutely no idea what you want from me." You have to convince him that you know absolutely nothing about what he wants to accuse you of.
"Why didn't you answer my letter?"
You look at him questioningly. "What kind of letter?"
You see how his eye widened. He seems incredibly dismayed. "Qifrey... what kind of letter?" you repeat more urgently and bridge the distance to him so that he finally answers you. The witch avoids you and leans against the door. You look at him almost imploringly.
"The letter in which I wanted to ask you to follow me on the day of my departure."
Several years earlier
Loving Qifrey is like a small river. Steadily and gently, your feelings for him grow bigger and more powerful. After the first kiss, many more kisses follow. Stealthy, behind dark corners; Gentle when you are alone; More intense if he sneaks up on you in the middle of the night. No one suspects anything. You are getting older. The feelings more urgent, more demanding, more consuming. Love is a scary thing. Sometimes it fleets like a leaf, sometimes it grows over so many years.
You're afraid. Letting a person get so close to you for the first time is exciting and scary at the same time. Qifrey and you are inexperienced. It hurts at first, but when Qifrey wants to stop to spare you this pain, you want to continue. You want to feel it. On a hot summer night, you make love for the first time.  Sheets mingling, hearts beating in the same rhythm.
This goes on for quite a while, until it becomes more and more difficult to keep it a secret. You don't really want to hide it anymore. But one afternoon it happened. You thought you were undisturbed in the garden for a moment. Qifrey teasingly presses his lips to yours as you smile into the kiss. Your heart flutters away like a butterfly, brushing his tousled white curls out of his face. You are in your own world until someone rips Qifrey away from you. You can't look so fast, the stranger has already pushed the white-haired man to the ground and hits him full of anger.
You scream his name, and try to pull on the black-haired man to get him off Qifrey. Without success. You watch helplessly as he beats him. You scream for help before you see the white-haired man fight back and knock Easthies to the ground. His nose bleeds as he hits the black-haired man. "You damn bastard don't touch her again."
"And what if? Is she your property?" Qifrey replied imperiously. "You don't deserve it!" Another blow. "Neither do you." The next kick. You could tear your hair out. The two seem to be just fighting for dominance right now. Barely moments later, the two are pulled apart and taken away by members of the assembly, while you are asked somewhat perplexed what triggered it. You stay still. You don't know if Easthies or Qifrey will speak, but you can't imagine. Easthies seems to feel something for you too. Your best friend was right and you didn't want to believe her. You feel nauseous. Since the incident happened during the group task, you have avoided Easthies as much as possible. It was also quite convenient for you that he resigned from the service of being your protector. Well, now this. You will be guided to your chambers by the staff. You'd love to be with Qifrey and make sure he's okay. But it is your father's order that you be guided.
You learn that the two have been given punitive labor and house arrest. You can find Qifrey in the large garden for the next few days, while he has to do the work in the blazing sun. Your heart jumps when you see him. It's been a few days, but your longing for him is immense.
He immediately turns to you, and looks down at you lovingly. "Did somebody miss me?" His Cheekiness is written on his face.
"like crazy," you reply, resisting the urge to kiss him here and now. The white-haired man is being watched. That's why you keep some distance from him. "How is your nose?"
"Will be again... The bastard can really hit hard, though," Qifrey grumbles as you scrutinize the bandage. "I didn't know anything about his feelings."
"But he is very obvious. Everyone knows that they have some affection for you."
You look at him in dismay. "Why didn't you say anything?"
"I thought you knew that," he says with a shrug of his shoulders. "He literally kills me with his looks if I even dare to look in your direction."
You just sigh. "I should have stopped that right away," you say apologetically, but Qifrey just waves it off. He reaches for his T-shirt to wipe his sweaty forehead. You have a direct view of his defined upper body. Sensual thoughts immediately spring into your head. The last time was a little longer ago.
Qifrey noticed your looks right away. "I'd like to look inside your head now," he says suggestively and you push him slightly. He laughs.
"I miss you," whispers the white-haired man.
“... and I you." God, how much you miss him. "When is your house arrest over?"
"In two weeks..." Qifrey sighs and leans against his shovel. "You can do it," you answer tenderly. "I'll see you in my room at the end of your house arrest," you whisper to him with a knowing smile that makes him blush in his ears.
"I can't wait"
Two weeks have passed and you are sitting in your chambers with fluttering hearts. His house arrest is finally lifted for today and you are expecting Qifrey. The last few weeks have been difficult for you. You have hardly seen the white-haired man, as his punishment has completely taken over him. You count the seconds you wait for him.
Your heart leaps as the door opens carefully and the witch’s white hair comes into your field of vision. "Qifrey..." you greet him, literally jumping up to fall into the arms of the older ones. The white-haired man closes the door behind him and literally pulls you close to him.  His hands wrap around your body, pushing you further against him. His face hides in your hair and you feel him sucking in your scent.
"Finally..." he breathes against your hair and you literally collapse in his arms. Long weeks... in which I could hardly see you."
You only hum affirmatively. Far too long.
"I've missed you so much" His hand reaches for your chin, forcing you to look at him. He looks tired. Incredibly exhausted, but the sparkle in his eye shows you that he's been longing for you.
"Kiss me Qifrey"
He doesn't wait a second before his lips press against yours and you reach out to him. Tongues crowd together and you suck on his tongue. He moans into the dirty kiss as his fingers reach into the flesh of your hip. "Is anyone impatient?" he asks breathlessly against your lips. "Can you blame me?"
He grins before his tongue brushes your lower lip. Teeth press against his lips so that he gasps. Your fingers wander to his white shirt, pulling on the linen fabric much rougher. You want it, you need it. He smiles to himself, pushes you towards the bed and you feel the edge of the bed at the back of your knees before you let yourself fall. You look up at him. Full of expectation, it meets your gaze. "Finally I have you back" He slips his shirt off his body and bends over you, his hair tickling your cheeks as he steals another kiss from you.
"Would you ever want to live far away from the Assembly?"
The question suddenly comes out of nowhere. You look into his eye, stroke his neck with your fingertips. "I honestly never thought about that, why? Would you?"
Something is wrong with him. You can feel it. He seems to be struggling with something inside that he is withholding from you. "I just wonder what life would be like outside the strict rules..."
"Strict rules?"
"You are Beldaruit's daughter. You certainly don't know anything like that."
"Oh...", you murmur embarrassed.
Qifrey kisses you again. "Just forget it again." The white-haired guy starts kissing down your neck to successfully distract you from another discussion. But discussions like that wouldn’t wait for long.
Everything that you desperately tried to build up as a wall collapsed in you. "I never received this letter...", you breathe overwhelmed. If I had read this letter... I..."
The words get stuck in your throat. All these years. All the years you've closed yourself off. There was a letter. He wanted you to accompany him. Did he really love you? What would you have done then? Would you have followed him, letting go of your life?
You come up to him. He suddenly seems completely lost in your chambers. All anger seems to have disappeared from his features. The dismay is written all over your faces. "You've hated me all these years because I didn't respond to your letter in your eyes?"
"That was an answer"
You tear your hair out. "An answer that was not wanted!"
"That was easy for you, huh?" you accuse him. You're furious. Your heart almost jumps out of your chest in anger. "Just thinking a letter would be enough? Cowardly to ask me directly? I'm extremely angry right now."
The white-haired man withstands your scolding. "I put the letter on your desk."
You look at him. "I didn't find a letter on my desk." He looks at you knowingly. "You think someone made this one disappear?"
Qifrey nods. "You seem to have someone on your mind..." Powerless, you let yourself fall into your chair. "Easthies?"
"I bet he has what he wanted now."
"And that would be what?" you murmur exhaustedly, drinking another big sip from the almost empty wine bottle.
You just laugh.
He swallowed. "I thought I wasn't good enough for you. Everyone said that to me."
Your hissing sound is answer enough. The tension hangs heavy in the room, which not even the best wine can hide.
"and to ask me, didn't you consider it for a second?"
He is embarrassedly silent. Your heart beats unnaturally. He is now a grown man. So many years have passed in which they have both grown. But you still feel the little spark inside you that would soon rekindle if you didn't defend yourself against it. "I...", he broke off and cleared his throat. I thought they were right. Always have."
"I'm not playing through the same discussion that we had years ago. You know my view. You know how I think."
It's a funny feeling how much your heart contracts as you look at him. These adult facial features. The same expression in them as the 16-year-old boy you loved.
"Qifrey... I'm tired." This is supposed to be the sign for him to leave. He stops as if rooted to the ground. What might be going on in his head right now, you ask yourself.
"I'm glad you're doing well. Please say hello to Coco from me," you speak like on an assembly line and stroll past him so that you open the doors for him to make it easier for him.
The white-haired man suddenly reaches for your wine bottle with a flowing movement. "Excuse me?" You look up at him irritably. "This is MY bottle."
"Since when have you been drinking so excessively?"
"Somehow I have to forget that I have too many privileges."
Qifrey clicks his tongue, visibly dissatisfied with the answer. "As always, very resentful"
"As always, an asshole," you reply hissing. You didn't notice how the two of you have unconsciously come closer and you can now feel his breath on you.
Your body knows what closeness to Qifrey feels like. It's like a home. Your body knows the warmth, the love. But this home is no longer what it used to be. Painful memories overlay the warmth and you’ll lose your way.
Unable to deny you these feelings, his lips press against yours and you immediately become weak. The familiar pressure of his soft lips invites you to meet him. Did you even live before that kiss? Right now it feels like it's being tossed back and forth, everything inside you explodes. The bottle finds itself on the floor. There was only a blob in it anyway. It doesn't seem to matter to you. Fingers claw at his neck, pushing him even closer to you. He felt his hands along your back, grabbing your hips harder than expected. The growl from his mouth as you reach into his hair spurs you on even more. Almost desperately, he grabs your face with both hands and literally grabs you. You look at him breathlessly. He meets your gaze, looking for a doubt in your eyes. Doubts are for later.
"Kiss me. Kiss me again and hope I forget what an asshole you are," you breathe against his lips. That's consent enough for him.
"That should take a while" You grin against his lips until you forget all these years between you and him.
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lumineabeauty · 4 months
Women vs. Anti-Aging: Who Will Claim Victory?
As women, the search for eternal youth can feel like a never-ending battle against time. The anti-aging path can be difficult at times, from navigating the maze of skincare products to dealing with societal pressures and internalized expectations. The constant bombardment of advertising offering miracles in a jar exacerbates the confusion, leaving many of us feeling overwhelmed and frustrated.
Women vs. Anti-aging: Never ending story
In the never-ending war against aging, people in their twenties frequently believe they are indestructible, with limitless potential and a bright future ahead. They remember their youthful energy and passion as 26-year-olds.
It's important to remember that collagen naturally declines after the age of 25, which is a reality of life rather than an accident that requires intervention. Just like periods, aging is a normal process. These changes are not evidence of health problems, but rather typical aspects of life's journey. Aging is unavoidable, and one's body changes as time passes.
How can we fight against anti-aging?
To be honest, there is no clear solution to this question. We cannot change the reality that people grow older and aging occurs. However, there is one thing we can do to keep our skin looking beautiful and healthy, which will help you look several years younger.
Maintaining healthy facial skin is key! Here are some suggestion for you:
Change your daily routine:
Prioritize sleep: Adequate rest, at least 7 hours a night, facilitates skin repair, staving off wrinkles.
Hydration: Drink plenty of water to keep skin supple and glowing.
Stress management: Find outlets to reduce stress, preventing the onset of fine lines.
Moderate alcohol intake: Limit alcohol consumption to avoid dehydrating the skin.
Select the right beauty regimen: Choose products tailored to your skin type and concerns, such as sunscreen, hydrating masks, and specialized creams.
Simplify your skincare routine: When it comes to skincare, less can often be more. Applying multiple products can overwhelm your skin and lead to unnecessary irritation. That's why it's essential to streamline your routine by focusing on just 1 to 2 products that offer maximum efficiency.
Understanding the problems that many women are facing, such as the desire for simplicity and effectiveness in their skincare routines, Luminea has developed a innovative solution:
Unlocking Radiance: By targeting melanin pigment, Luminea Premium Whitening Cream reveals a brighter, more luminous complexion with just a few applications. Its immediate effects upon use ensure instant radiance, providing you with the confidence to face the day.
Multi-Functional Protection: Beyond its whitening benefits, Luminea Premium Whitening Cream doubles as a moisturizer, effectively concealing blemishes and imperfections. Additionally, it serves as both sunscreen and makeup base, offering comprehensive protection against the sun's harmful rays. With its resistance to sweat, dirt, and summer heat, Luminea Premium Whitening Cream is your all-in-one solution for year-round skincare.
Gentle and Versatile: Crafted with natural ingredients, Luminea Premium Whitening Cream is gentle on the skin, making it suitable for all skin types. Its non-allergenic formula ensures that even the most sensitive skin can benefit from its transformative effects.
Elevate Your Skincare Routine: Simplify your regimen with Luminea Premium Whitening Cream—a versatile solution that not only enhances your skin's radiance but also simplifies your daily routine for maximum efficiency and effectiveness.
It's time to shift the narrative surrounding anti-aging and empower women to embrace the beauty of every stage of life. Let's challenge societal norms, debunk myths, and support each other on this journey towards self-acceptance and confidence. Whether it's through sharing our own experiences, advocating for inclusive representation in media, or exploring innovative skincare solutions, every action we take brings us one step closer to redefining aging on our own terms. Join us in celebrating the diversity and resilience of women everywhere as we embrace the true essence of beauty—ageless, timeless, and uniquely our own.
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whiskeyswriting · 2 years
Are We Worth Fighting For?
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When she woke up, Jade was an anxious mess. Today she would be finding out if her application and skills were enough to make her one of the famed Blue Angels. She felt bad keeping it a secret from Rachael and Tom. Nobody else but Ron knew of her dream. She couldn’t keep her breakfast down so she just stuck to a peppermint tea. 
Before she headed to work, she had to go to a doctor’s appointment. This was another thing that had increased her anxiety and worry. Her drive to the doctor’s office went by fast. However, time slowed once she sat with the doctor. 
Everything faded away.
Colors and light dulled. 
Thoughts racing.
Her whole world shifted and she was left sitting trying to process it all. Jade was grateful that Rachael and Scarlet would be waiting to pick her up and take her to the base.  
The words just kept replaying in her head. “The chances for any viable pregnancy are at less than 1%. The risk of miscarriage increases if you do end up pregnant. There’s also an increased risk of death if the pregnancy lasts a full term.”
After some minutes of stunned silence, the doctor calls for Rachael and Scarlet to help Jade to her car. They can tell that it’s not good news that Jade received. When she sees them, she can’t even bring herself to say the words. She only shakes her head.
Once she makes it to the base, she goes to see the Admirals, after she has a mini breakdown in the locker room. 
Rachael hears her and takes a few minutes to comfort her. “Maybe you’ll one day adopt a lot of younger aviators and show them how things are done. They’ll make you so proud too. And… You’ll be a blue angel babe. You’re one of the most deserving and patient pilots I’ve ever met… And I know a lot!”
Jade straightens her uniform after her pep-talk with Rachael and makes it to Commander Jardian’s office. They chat and catch up for a few minutes before he gets serious.
“Lieutenant Rogers. We are very pleased to inform you that you are one of the new team members of the Blue Angels… Before you join them… The admirals in Pensacola requested you for a 4-month deployment.”
Jade lets the emotions get the better of her for a brief moment. She exited Stinger’s office after a few minutes and went to the hangar to check over her plane.
Once again her thoughts were racing all over the place. Yes she got the news she wished for. But she wouldn’t be able to have the one thing she desired most. She knew Ron has been wanting kids. They had already even had the conversation of how many kids they would have, and the names they would give them. But now, how can she tell him that she’ll never be able to give him that?
They always say there’s light at the end of the tunnel. Sometimes the light is your cue to exit the dreams and life you were in. Other times it’s someone else’s happy news and a happy change in their life. 
Jade reaches the O Club after a long day. Her first stop is the restroom to freshen up a bit. Once she’s done, she walks over to Slider and Iceman. “Hey, guys.” Jade doesn't notice at first the woman that was talking to Ron with her hand on his bicep. She clears her throat to announce her arrival. “Tom… Where’s Rachael?” 
At hearing Jade, Ron gives a small jump back. “Jade… You’re here… Wasn’t expecting you.”
“Why wouldn’t I come?”
“Ron… Who is this?” the other woman asks. 
“Rosalyn, this is my girlfriend Jade… Jade this is my-”
“I’m his wife.”
“Ex-wife,” Tom immediately clarifies.
“Nice to meet you Rosaly-” Jade starts but the other woman turns away from her and turns back to Ron. 
“Can we meet at our old spot? I want her to meet you.” 
Ron nods nervously, but excitedly. “Yeah. I’d like to meet her too.”
Jade just observes them and remains quiet to not cause a scene. Inside the anger was rolling like thunder, but her career was on the line so kept a tight hold on it. An hour later, the two were still talking and would not include her in the conversation. “Tom… I’m just going to take a cab home. Let him know once he’s done.”
The hours pass and Slider doesn’t go home. 
Soon, the sun is shining in through the window and Jade wakes up alone. Around 8:00 am, her phone rings.
“Hey Whisk…” Scarlet’s soothing voice comes over the phone. “Don’t worry. Goose brought Slider home with him. He got drunk and tried to drive home… I can pass by later with tea and scones for us.” 
“Yeah…” she says softly. “Scarlet… Don’t tell Goose about what I told you from my doctor’s appointment… Not yet at least.” 
“Oh love I won’t. I know you need to take your time with it.”
As the morning passes, Jade cleans up the apartment and starts putting in a box for donations small things she secretly started buying for a future baby. Soon, Scarlet and Rachael arrive with the promised sweets and drinks. 
It’s not until two hours later that Goose arrives with a hungover Slider. The girls take their leave as Jade starts preparing him his usual hangover cure. 
“Just stop Jade… Stop being a show-off and being so responsible. Just… Listen we’ll talk about last night when I get back. I have to go meet Rosalyn,” he says in a rush before he starts to  leave, without a kiss goodbye. 
“Ron… I leave for Florida tonight… I’m getting deployed for four months…”
“We’ll talk!” He calls over his shoulder as he closes the front door.
Jade takes a shuddering breath and packs her bag for deployment and goes to get her passport. She realizes that she needs a few more things so she heads out to the store.
Jade walks into their shared apartment only to find some luggage packed up by the front door and Slider’s duffel bag on top. She walks to their room and finds him there. “So that’s it? Were you hoping I would be gone on deployment so that you could leave our home without talking to me?”
“What does it matter? You won’t be here… You’re better than everyone else.” The stench of beer rolls off of him.
“What are you talking about Slider?” She asks in confusion.
“You! You embarrassed me in front of Rosalyn last night!”
“I embarrassed you? ME? The one you ignored all night... The one that never knew you had a wife!? I’m the one that embarrassed you?” She starts yelling. 
“You caused a scene by leaving without telling me!” 
“Fuck you, Ron. I told you and you waved me off. I guess I’m nobody next to the supermodel that is Roselyn.”
“Yeah well, at least she gave me something you haven’t given me yet. A daughter.” 
His words feel like a punch and searing stab to her lungs. Her chest starts aching with sadness, desperation, and longing for a baby. He doesn’t know she can’t give him what he wants. He never gave her the chance to tell him the day before.
She focuses again on what he’s saying. “... Just because you’re a girl! You got picked over Tom and me for Pensacola! It should have been us to get picked for that deployment. Hell, even Mav and Goose! But not you! You weren’t even in third place in the Top Gun class.”
Jade is too in pain to continue arguing. She heads to the bedroom to get her bags. She leaves him a letter she wrote the day before on the bed telling him how much she couldn’t wait to marry him one day. While it was never the easiest thing to do, she left, with Tom and Rachael, an envelope with her goodbye letter to him.  
Time passes and soon it’s been three months since Jade was deployed. Ron moved back into the apartment for the time being. They would talk about them when she returned.
The loud and incessant knocking on his door wakes him from his current drunken stupor. “Slider! Open up!”
Iceman’s voice comes through the door. “Damn it Sli!” He uses the spare key Dragon had for the apartment and enters. He finds Slider falling back asleep on the sofa. Ice pours water on Slider to get him to wake up.
“I’ve been calling you! We gotta go now!” Ice rubs his hands over his face. “Ron…. It’s Jade… Her… Her plane got shot down. Search and rescue can’t find her.”
Ron’s whole world stops at those words. The last time he saw her, she left for her deployment believing he didn’t have faith in her skills. She’s gone and he never got the chance to apologize in person for the words he said.
The Usual Suspects: @altierirose @askmarinaandothers @bayisdying @breadsquash @callmemana @callsignscupcake @callsignthirsty @cycbaby @dragon-kazansky @gracespicybradshaw
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skzwritingcafe · 1 year
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► We ask that authors provide some content warnings on their entries (especially for major warnings) as well as a wordcount if possible.
► All entries should be submitted through the use of our tags #skzwritingcafe and #[monthly event] (e.g: It would be #skzwritingcafe #skzblossominglove for our May/June event) in the first five tags of your post. You may also send us a link to it through an ask, but we'd appreciate if the post would be tagged properly as well, as it will be a great way to keep all the works together & organized on the website! All entries should mention the event they are participating in.
► How to submit an entry: write a fic following the monthly theme and publish it on your blog, using the aforementioned tags. If it complies to the rules (follows the theme, has good warnings, etc,) we will reblog it and it will be part of our event and the lovely collection of works we hope to create here. This isn't a competition. It's just for fun and there is no winner, no loser either.
► Above all, please enjoy the process of writing and please enjoy the process of reading. Feedbacks and reblogs are strongly encouraged to keep stayblr's writing corner healthy and happy. Have a nice day!
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impenitentrp · 2 years
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Here is a look at our app form ! Impenitent will be utilizing a profile/freeform application combined with a shipper thread in which will complete our registration process. You can find specific information regarding character creation from our guidebook beneath the cut !
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Please register with a first name and last name in uppercase. If your character follows different naming conventions or only has one name, however, feel free to register as that instead. Duplicates of names are not permitted at Impenitent at present time.
Members do not need to make an ooc account.
Please make sure that your alias is not already taken by referring to our member directory.
All characters must be 21+. Younger characters may appear in threads and applications as npcs.
Communication is necessary if picking up a wanted ad. All characters based on wanted ads or related to existing families must be approved by the writers of the wanted ads or family members already on - site. We encourage communication during the application process to ensure that your character fits the existing site canon for the wanted ad or family.
You may not write two characters who are immediately related to each other or who are closely connected, plot - wise to each other. If you are not sure what qualifies as close connections, please reach out to the staff to ask.
If you are creating a foreign character, please be respectful towards the cultures and history you are depicting and do your research of their country of origin, naming customs, etc, prior to application.
If making changes to your character after they are accepted ( ie. changing their name, faceclaim or any large and important changes to their freeform ), please run it by the staff.
Death Eaters and Ordinem will be scrutinized more during the application process. These member groups will be under intensive review as the staff wishes to ensure that the lore is understood and not misconstrued or changed in any way that otherwise influences the overall group lore. You may choose to reach out to a staff member via opening a ticket to run any ideas you may have by us beforehand.
Your first three characters are free. After that, you must have a total of ten ic posts per character ( threads, not letters ) to pick up a new character. Members may only pick up a total of six characters and none of the current characters should be inactive upon application of a new character.
Faceclaims must be 21+ and within ±5 years of the character they’re portraying unless otherwise approved by the staff. For characters over the age of 65, faces may fall within ±10 years of their portrayed character.
Faceclaims must be an industry professional such as an actor, model or musician. Please do not use pictures from when the faceclaim was under 18 and do not use anyone who is deceased or has asked that their likeness is not used for roleplay.
Please ensure that the faceclaim chosen matches the family ethnicity if necessary. If there are no family members in play, please be sure the consider the options for their casting.
Impenitent utilizes a profile application combined with a shipper thread in which completes our registration process.
The shipper portion of the application is expected to provide a summary, fill in any blanks, and outline an overview of potential character relationships. This can be in the traditional format ( friends, enemies, and lovers) and/or include plot hooks, which describe roles or relationships your character is looking to have filled. The shipper template can be found here, and complete or incomplete shippers should be posted in the application forum.
The freeform or application section should be submitted in the signature input area. It typically covers a biography of your character and can be in any format you choose — short narratives, snapshots of your character's history, or even something more elaborate. It has a minimum word count of 400.
All graphics will resize and adjust as needed.
Post avatars ( user control panel ) should be 220px by 450px.
The profile image ( user control panel ) should be 650px by 1000px. Alternatively, you can input a mood board of two to six images within image tags.
Shipper images should be 650px by 300px.
Forum and profile icons ( avatar settings ) should be a minimum of 200px by 200px.
If you are in need of assistance when it comes to creating these images for your character, please see the #graphics channel in our discord and a staff member will provide them for you. Though it is not a hard requirement, we do prefer images to be black and white for the sake of uniformity across the board.
Once you have completed filling in your profile information, its freeform and posted your completed shipper you may then submit your character for review in our #submit channel on discord. When approved, the shipper will then be moved by a staff member to its appropriate census category and plotting / threading may begin. Applications typically take between 24 to 48 hours to review. Applications involving subplots or requests or wanted ads may take slightly longer case dependent.
After you are accepted, make sure you have posted in all the necessary claims areas. These include Master Claims, Occupation Claims and Member Directory, and potentially Canons and Subplot Claims if possessing a character associated there. We also recommend checking the Abilities & Skills and Species forums in case your character needs listed there as well.
Please see our discord channel #moderation for requesting a development board for your characters, archiving threads, shipper cleanout, etc.
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chidon · 1 year
Organic Traffic Blueprint
Organic tracfic ATM blue print
Creating a blueprint for organic traffic generation can be a complex process, but here's a simplified outline to get you started:
Keyword Research:
Identify relevant keywords and phrases in your niche using tools like Google Keyword Planner, SEMrush, or Ahrefs.
Content Creation:
Develop high-quality, informative, and engaging content around those keywords. This could include blog posts, articles, videos, infographics, or podcasts.
On-Page SEO:
Optimize your content for search engines by including target keywords in titles, headings, meta descriptions, and throughout the content. Ensure your website's technical SEO is solid.
Content Promotion:
Share your content on social media platforms and relevant online communities.
Collaborate with influencers or industry leaders to promote your content.
Email Marketing:
Build an email list and send regular newsletters with valuable content to your subscribers.
Link Building:
Acquire high-quality backlinks from reputable websites in your industry. This can be done through outreach, guest posting, or creating link-worthy content.
Local SEO (if applicable):
If you have a local business, optimize your website for local search by creating a Google My Business profile and getting reviews.
Monitoring and Analytics:
Use tools like Google Analytics and Google Search Console to track your website's performance. Monitor traffic, rankings, and user behavior.
Continuous Improvement:
Regularly update and refresh old content to keep it relevant.
Adapt your strategy based on the changing search engine algorithms and user preferences.
Patience and Persistence:
Organic traffic takes time to build. Be patient and persistent in your efforts, and don't expect immediate results.
Remember, the blueprint may need to be customized based on your specific business, industry, and target audience. Regularly analyze your results and adjust your strategy accordingly to improve organic traffic over time.
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ashenvein-gate · 1 year
A transcript for those with audio-processing difficulties:
Sooo… why don’t you tell me, sweetheart—what’s the look for?
(throaty chuckle)
Were you expecting a little more… exposed bone, maybe? Little dessicated flesh? Skinless and glistening with embalming fluids? Well… I do hope I don’t disappoint. Oh, and, uh—don’t mind the huskiness in my voice. It’s been a rough week, you know? All sorts of things, comin’ in and goin’ out of my throat.
(echoing) “What sorts?”
Why… a few experimental elixirs, some, uh, accidentally-ingested materials, and, hm, every now and again—only as dictated by necessity, of course—a… cannibalistic entree, or two.
(sultry giggle)
… but enough small talk for the moment. Let’s you and me get down to brass tacks, shall we? I want… your body.
(amused inhalation)
Now, don’t get too excited. I meant for… laboratory purposes. Though… well, I suppose if I have to do unsavory things in order to come to an amicable arrangement, I’m not above them. The arts necromantic have so many applications that so many people wouldn’t even think of.
Take… just getting a simple zombie on its feet. Oh, you could try and do every single thing with magic. Some do! They pride themselves on it, pointing at these things and saying, “oh—this is nothing but a rudimentary set of neurological processes.” It receives sound, and sight, and maybe smell if you’re feeling rich. And that’s about the extent of it: only the raw necessities, to fulfill its function. And all the rest, everything from biting to grappling to pushing you down to tear out your throat with its teeth, it’s all done by… careful calculations, instructions programmed in runes on a dead and twitching brain trapped in the box of its skull.
It’s technically impressive work, but I think it’s a lot of effort to make things boring—don’t you? When you know that you’re just looking at what amounts to a magical robot, it gets rather… stale. Me, I like to make sure that there’s just a little spark of life, corrupted, poisoned under the skin. That’s why it’s important to be able to do things like… control nerve stimulation. Firing of… basic primal instincts, in half-decayed synapses.
You feel me, cherry? I can use that to make a monstrosity with the tactile sensation and physical strength, and the impulse, to crush any living thing it gets its claws on… or…
… with a person like you who can still think and feel… I don’t even have to touch you, to stir all sorts of intimate places in ways you never could’ve imagined. And if that’s really what you want, I’m willing to make an exchange. So here’s what I propose:
You sign this little piece of paper, ceding to me total control over your corpse upon your death. In exchange I promise, firstly, I will ensure your continuity of being, and I think, personally, that’s quite the prize in itself, but I understand the importance of immediate gratification.
So, if you’re really insistent… sign here… and then let’s get those clothes out of the way.
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