#here's what I'll add
deeva-arud · 3 months
So, about that one AU that's been marinating in my mind for years
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rough day...
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nihilmachina · 5 months
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Out of control meme redraws strike again. This time with tragedy.
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bilolli · 5 months
Heyyyyyy @betweenblackberrybranches did you know that I like your automatons designs a lot?
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Scans under the cut
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spookberry · 1 year
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in my files this one's labeled Pining 4 Ur Beastie, just fyi
(this is page 1 of 4!) (next)
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violent138 · 2 months
If you read The Art of War, there are so many elements regarding deception and preparation that very neatly tie in (along with some of Machiavelli's warnings) with the actions Jason ended up taking when he returned to Gotham.
But I've always wondered if Jason was amused when he found the line: "Regard your soldiers as your children, and they will follow you into the deepest valleys; look upon them as your own beloved sons, and they will stand by you even unto death."
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superfruitland · 1 year
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shoutout to the culture
more humans [coming soon] || leo || f!leo ||
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royalarchivist · 6 months
Oscurucho: Welcome back, brother. Cucurucho: What. Oscurucho: Not even a "Good morning"? How cold.
Here's Cucurucho and Oscurucho's long lore conversation from yesterday! The entire conversation lasted about 8 minutes, but most of that time was just silence between each exchange, so I edited out the long pauses and got it down to ~3 minutes. I also fixed the audio levels and added subtitles since I personally find it difficult to understand Oscurucho sometimes :'D
I hope folks find this helpful!
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[ Subtitle Transcript ↓ ]
Oscurucho: Welcome back, brother.
Cucurucho: What.
Oscurucho: Not even a "Good morning"? How cold.
[They enter Cucurucho's office]
Oscurucho: I wanted to see if you're still as rigid in your beliefs as ever. You see, I've been thinking about our... Let's call it "philosophical divergence." You stand for order, for predictability. But where's the fun in that? You see, brother, while you build, I ponder the beauty in tearing down. It's not just destruction - it's rebirth. A chance to remake things in a more... thrilling image.
Oscurucho: You once had a backbone for our cause. Now, I see a softness in you, a sentimental weakness for those Eggs. Mere experiments, and yet - they've softened you.
Cucurucho: Your vision obstructs the path to perfection. You fail to understand the potential of the Eggs.
Oscurucho: Potential? They're but catalysts for change - for revolution. Without them, stagnation reigns.
Oscurucho: You chase perfection, I embrace the beauty of flaws. Your world is one of order, mine thrives in chaos. You wish for everything to run smoothly, I dream of watching it all burn to the ground. We may share a name, but our souls are worlds apart. All your efforts, all for what? Mere acknowledgment from a Duck who told you to do it? Imagine the possibilities - rather, show me where it is, and I'll do the rest.
Oscurucho: Speaking of possibilities, I couldn't help but notice how easily others can access the island. It seems your security measures aren't as impenetrable as you think.
Cucurucho: No. My island's vulnerabilities are of your own making. Do not mistake restraint for ignorance.
Oscurucho: Pity. But then again, I never really needed your approval. Just consider: Cucurucho - in your quest for order, have you not sown the seeds of your own undoing? Do you genuinely trust all your Federation minions?
Cucurucho: ...
Oscurucho: Perhaps it's time you question not just my intentions, but those who you believe stand with you.
Cucurucho: That is none of your business, I shall say. Now, leave me alone and try to disturb someone else.
#Cucurucho#Oscurucho#QSMP#December 21 2023#Edited#Subtitles#For those who like knowing the gritty details and specifics about the things I did for this video -#I adjusted Cucurucho's volume because they were very quiet compared to Oscurucho#I fixed the sound direction (for lack of a better word) of Oscurucho's voice b/c he was speaking through my right headphone 90% of the time#so now it's more of a ''centered'' audio rather than a right ear or left ear thing#I added subtitles (obviously)#I fixed the camera a bit so it's more focused on Cucurucho / Oscurucho#and I adjusted the translator box so that even with the crop; they're all still included#usually they get cut out when I edit things because I'm just focused on the characters; but then one day I was like#''Why am I cropping out this thing that specifically helps people understand the story better?''#So moving forward I'll see if I can do what I did here and add translation boxes as their own ''layer'' overlaying the clip itself#for big lore videos anyways or for clips with long conversations at least#I jokingly said to myself ''I bet I'll wind up shaving 5 minutes off this'' and I was right lol#I enjoy the official QSMP streams but one major critique I have is that the pacing was a bit slow in one or two streams#which is understandable considering many admins have to write in books (which takes time) and translate things (which takes even more time)#And that's valid! But in the last stream (the one with Elena) for example; many scenes dragged on far too long#and it wasn't because people were taking extra long to write books or translate things. It was purely a matter of pacing#idk I'm a professional writer and editor so I'm extra nitpicky about things like that. I think it's something that's pretty easy to fix tho#This is just my critique in terms of the story pacing - like I said; the time it takes them to write / translate stuff is understandable#this is more of a comment on the overall pacing#anyways rant over#Today's stream had much better pacing! Still a bit slow (again; I cut 5 minutes from this conversation)#but that's due to the communication medium (TTS) so that's understandable. That's valid. I'm not fussed about it; that felt natural#Take all the time you need kings it's hard to translate things on the fly. I get it.#Portfolio
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cupcakeshakesnake · 1 year
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Anyway this is what I saw in that weird dream I mentioned
Now I realize the whole thing sounds like some kind of comparison to death
AU tag
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lumi-cherries · 12 days
do you have any rei boob hcs... i like to think she has stretch marks from them growing kind of quickly (projecting) i like to think she was flat chested at first but then they seemed to grow overnight LOL
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STRETCH MARKS.......................................... HOLY SHIT. ANON. YOUR MIND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THIS IS SO GOOD this will officially be my hc as well thank u
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i was a trans man until after a lot of build up of doubting myself, i finally realized that we are putting ourselves further into boxes by not accepting that we are the biological sex that we are and we can do WHATEVER we want at the same time.
clothes and makeup and certain interests do not equal gender.
and not liking being a woman is an unfortunately natural symptom of puberty and/or experiencing society’s deeply ingrained misogyny. and everyone deserves support for those problems.
but we can all fight together against gender social constructs in a healthy way without prescribing people hormones and invasive cosmetic surgery to make them more like the sex they “should” be according to… social constructs…. and help them be comfortable in who they are
Alright. Its been like 9 fucking months that I have been staring down this ask. What better time than to give TERFs some nuance than right in the middle of a fucking hate campaign going on where people (well... singular person probably) are calling me a TERF. This wont backfire.
This post arrived in my inbox shortly after I made another post about gender, and just how fucking weird it can be, and how I genuinely believed every single person on this planet has a fascinating relationship with gender, and so much nuance and personal identity in theirs. Even cis people. Even TERFs. In the tags, I even begrudgingly encouraged TERFs to talk about their gender on that post if they wanted. I genuinely think that TERFs do have really cool relationships with gender. As I mentioned in those tags, the quickest way to explode a group of TERFs is to get them to start talking about their own relationships with gender, and see how vastly different it is, and watching them stab each other in the back over it. So I told them to ramble away about how they view gender, as long as they stayed the fuck away from the rest of the blog WHICH THIS ANON CLEARLY FUCKING IGNORED.
But... this anon does bring up another topic I want to talk about.
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I am a huge supporter of detransitioning. This is... surprisingly... not a very common stance in the trans community, and it breaks my fucking heart. Like, I get it. I understand why. A LOT of detransitioners, like the person in this ask, end up weaponizing their feelings of gender against other trans people.
My support of transition comes from the intersection of two very central beliefs of mine:
Everyone should explore their gender without feeling a need to commit! This is a pretty common belief in the trans community! Damn near universal in fact! We even have a fun little term we use for people who decide to play around with gender, only to end up a bit closer to where they started and being perfectly happy with that: Cis+. Someone who is cis, but at least put in the work to understand the trans experience, and actually CHOOSE to remain Cis instead of just defaulting to it with societal pressure. Many trans people are much more comfortable around 'Cis+' people, because they know these are people who have taken the time and put in the work of being an ally. Self examination isn't easy, especially not publicly, and doing so is genuinely one of the strongest ways a Cis person could ever show their support.
It is never too late to transition. This is also a pretty common belief in the trans community! It is... sadly not quite as universal though. But it is something very important that needs to be said. You could be 80 years old, sitting in a retirement home, and go "You know what? I think I'd rather wear a dress and be treated like a lady. I don't want to be buried as a man." And I think every single trans person should have that freedom!
I was discussing this with @thydungeongal the other day, far more paraphrased than this post, and she said something incredible that has been knocking around in my head ever since.
"Gender is an ongoing process"
Those five words they said to me sum up my feelings far more than this entire post could. Gender IS an ongoing process. My gender has changed SO MUCH over the past three decades. From the straightjacket of assigned gender that I was once forced into; to the very stylish and still lovable finely tailored suit of femininity that grew a little too stuffy to wear constantly, even though I do still enjoy it and try it on from time to time; to the wonderful and freeing losely fitting clothing of being aegogender, finally feeling free to be myself and just act naturally and feel natural without having to keep up an appearance!
And I think, there is no length of time you can try out being trans, and trying out new genders, before eventually coming to the realization you were cis all along. Even if you started HRT. Even if you got SRS. Heck, I don't even think you should have to call yourself trans to do either of those things in the first place, why would I be upset that someone did them and then realized they weren't trans? No single moment in your life should EVER lock your gender in place into some unchanging, set in stone thing.
So I support detransitioners completely, with my entire heart. They deserve just as much support as every other 'Cis+' person out there.
So anon, while many people may hate you and lash out at you for detransitioning, I want you to know, that I am not one of them. It sounds like your detransition might have been forced by peer pressure, which is heart breaking to hear. No one should ever force their own gender expectations on another. I hope that wasn't the case. I hope you came to the decision yourself, after realizing whats right for you. I will never give you hate for your detransition.
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dongpound · 2 months
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In honor of @flameboar posting the last chapter of his fanfic Happy Together here's some of the art I've made for it over the past few weeks. My brain has been infected by his version of my blorbos. Go. GO fuckign read it. Im so excited for the sequel
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saintarmand · 10 months
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iwtv + animals: dogs
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darkestmad-er · 2 months
Continued "3
The door was cracked open so I could see glimpses of her body. She was nervously standing there -waiting, fidgeting. My goodness so beautiful. I took my time walking towards her noticing the closer I got the slower my stride. It was getting darker. The candles lit the bathroom up. I found myself standing there admiring the view. She caught me, giggled and turned a bit bashful. I could tell she was still self conscious about her flaws. Even though my jaw drops on the regular during our video calls. I tapped the door open with my foot entered and walked past her to the chair. Took a deep breath, breathing in her scent before laying panties over the arm. I wanted her to understand how desirable she was. Turning towards her like a prowling wolf. I could see she was avoiding eye contact. I told her to look at me, she didn't. "I see"....walking closer I stood behind her. Took my finger and ran it across her shoulders. She shuttered, there she goes holding her breath again. I moved closer and could feel her arch her ass into my jeans. I couldn't help but to let her body fall into mine. "Damn, naughty girl", slipped from my lips, Her head dropped back,. Feeling her relax and fall into me. I can't explain how good it felt. I grabbed her breast rubbing and pinching her nipples. "Mine?" She let out a little whimper "mmmhhmm". Clinching on to my arms, arching her ass with every touch. I felt myself getting more aggressive. "Mine?", she said "Yes". I moved my hand up towards her neck. Softly sliding it back down to her chest as I said, "Yes what?", pushing into her. "I'm yours babe". I asked her if she felt safe as I traced her skin with my finger tips. She replied, "Yes". "You're mine and will do as you're told?", "yes". I wasn't planning on touching her just yet but she was being a brat because she needed reassurance. I had no problem adjusting. She felt so good -having her in my arms, wiggling, whimpering, needy. It was exactly what I needed. She obviously knew what I liked. She enjoyed making me crazy and I didn't mind at all. I kissed her neck, held her hips still and made my way in front of her. I could feel a intense energy wasn't sure if it was just me. "Look at me", she didn't but instead shyd away looking down. I grabbed her chin with my hand and pulled her face up. "We are going to have to work on that", " I said look at me". I could see her pulling at her fingers. Giving in as our eyes met. She started to blush when I said, "hey there beautiful". She replied, "hello". Took my hand away from her chin tracing a line down to her chest, tugging her nipple before I slowly walked around her observing and enjoying her body. "Mmmm, damn" "Very nice", you're beautiful. I made my way towards the chair. Pulled it away from the wall a bit and took a seat, picking up the panties closing my eyes breathing her in deep "mmmm". I looked over at her staring back at me with this grin on her face. "Dance for me". Without hesitation she confidently struts my way, swaying her hips and moving her arms. Slapping her ass, touching and caressing her body. She was beautiful and could really move her body, wow. I could feel my teeth salivating to the point where I was almost drooling. Motionless thinking to myself -here she is, dancing... for me.... I could see her confidence growing seeing my reactions. She walked past my legs, grazing my knees. Dancing behind me, her hands touching my shoulder. She bent and slid her hand down and up my chest. Every touch soft and teasing. She put her fingers through my hair, caressing my chin as she slinked away. Did a little dance that ended with her standing in front of me. Wedged her leg in-between mine. It was an older style big chair sturdy enough for two people. Sitting up I grabbed onto her hips turnt her around slapping her ass. "Mmmm, you're so fucking sexy". She did a little twirl and climbed onto my lap. "Hi", I said, "hello". It's like time froze for minutes.
To be continued
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turbo-tsundere · 1 year
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“Smile like Gonta! Smile like gentleman!”
It’s 23rd of January both where I am, and also in Japan, so here we go, my small and long overdue tribute for my fav character ever! Or in other words, f that post and happy birthday to the King! :D
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katabay · 7 months
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Omar El Akkad's forward to the Annotated Arabian Nights: Tales from 1001 Nights (trans. Yasmine Seale)
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