#hermetic necklace
homebrewstims · 8 months
Alchemical stims!
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nfumbewalk · 3 days
About Me: Very Abridged Synopsis
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Wearing my favorite old & tattered Santa Muerte shirt, my urn necklace with Rodolfo's grave dirt & my sacred ankh both for spiritual purposes and in salute to Rodolfo's MC, the Free Souls.
So, about me post. All posts are about me, but this one covers favorites & shit. 😊
Current space: Not bad. As usual but abilities are heightened. Moon is Full & in Pisces. No wonder the energy is wild. I'm a Pisces rising. Always gets me!
My Astrology: Aquarius, Cancer moon, Pisces rising. Mercury conjunct Mars (natural magician), placements for natural necromancer as well. I'm on the more dangerous side of necromancy because of my astro makeup. You get more water & air, watch out! My makeup is Watery Air, Aquarius signature.
Path: Created myself, but catching on: Muerteria. A solitary path that not only venerates muertos, but works with them exclusively for all of life's highs and lows, trials and tribulations, and everything in between. Some of us use magic with our muerto(s), others do not. Muerteria celebrates independence of thought and actions. Each of us in Muerteria represent a Greater Whole. One requirement for Muerteria is to read The Kybalion, a book about the Seven (7) Hermetic Laws. This is a foundational text of Muerteria. There are others. Are there gods? No. And, no, the muertos are not gods either. Veneration does not mean worship.
Devotee of: Muerteria & Santa Muerte.
Height: 4'9"
Weight: I ain't fat. Here's me & Aleister again: (clothes are so baggy, wearing a loose size 12 pants &a loose size large top). He's 5'8" but looks tall to me! That's the average height for men in my family. Though my grandpa Arthur, the Freemason, was only 5'4"!
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Ok. Anyway.
Mental Health? No, not touching on that. Just know that I had electroshock therapy because of severe depression & it cured me. I'm overly anxious & have PTSD. I've had the same shrink for 12 years & just got a new therapist.
Felonies? Almost. Skated by with a very serious Misdemeanor. I could have stayed in jail for a year, year & a half. But the judge at my arraignment said 20 months! 😢
Sooo what did I like about jail? NOTHING!!!
What did I hate about jail? EVERYTHING, but especially how cold it is & you get 1 blanket, the horrible food, having no rights, earning privileges, the inmates, being so LOUD, and medical waking me up at 1 AM to check my blood pressure! Oh, I failed to mention the young woman (about 18) who murdered two of her own babies! Weirdo fucking freak.
Favorites -
I'll start with my early influences. My mom got me started very very early with The Rolling Stones. I'm a life long fan of theirs. My dad liked old country, so I was heavily influenced by Johnny Cash, mostly. There was a lot of Kenny Rogers and Conway Twitty as well.
My brother is 8 years my senior and when I was about 12, he got me into 80's New Wave and introduced me to Siouxsie Sioux at 13. I was in 💖love💖!!! I started looking into the punk movement, from there I found a vampire book. It had goths & goth music in it. Found Bauhaus!! Looked at them at the music shop & bought a CD. Instant love! Peter Murphy sounded similar to my other love: Bowie!! 💖
There is so much music that I love. Currently number 1 is The Sisters of Mercy. Right now, I also love Babes in Toyland, Catholic Spit, The Devil & The Universe, Aghast, Stereo Taxic Device, Cocteau Twins (only up to Treasure album - don't really care for shoegaze or dreampop), Dead Spells, Savages, Malefixio (Spanish).
Books -
Occult: ONLY books published before a certain point. I'd say around 1975 or so, but there are good ones later. I just prefer old ones before '75 because I've found much more stability, no fluffy shit (there's some, but that's New Age, not magic & Witchcraft, generally), there's less of the 'good' vs. 'evil' bullshit, and there were more secrets contained within without being easily discovered. I've found gems that have never reached the internet. Seriously!
Other books -
I only read non-fiction. Bio's and true crime are my favorite. "The Executioner's Song," by Norman Mailer is my all time favorite! It's a true crime novel. I'm a Gary Gilmore fan. "Shot in the Heart," written by Mikal Gilmore is better. "Deviant," by Harold Schechter is a good one about ***Ed Gein - who my dad spent time around as a kid*** in small town Wisconsin! It was some time before 1958. My dad was about nine (9) years old. Dad described him as goofy & Elmer Fudd like, dumb acting.
Oh yeah - my mom almost got picked up by Ted Bundy!! Yikes! But yes, seriously, he was in Oregon and she was his type of girl. She had fast instincts, luckily.
Food -
Too much to write. I'd never complete this!
Crystals -
Amethyst - most versatile & radiates HTDE strongly. It charges very quickly in grave dirt.
Shungite: Gets rid of EMF, the muertos love that! Plus they are drawn to the 99% carbon of which this stone is composed of. Humans are carbon beings & the muertos know this. Shungite gives them the energy of the living! So does Orgonite.
Smoky Quartz: Another stone that's versatile & vibrates HTDE strongly. It's very protective and will help with grounding. Wear or carry this stone to a new graveyard, it helps tune in and protects against hostile muertos.
Regular Quartz: This is a stone that I use for multipurpose uses. It's protective, brings in muertos, holds muertos (if properly programmed), empowers everything its used for!
Jet: Used for mourning. I wear it all the time. Yes, I know it's not a crystal. Nor is it heavy. Don't buy French Jet. It's glass.
Obsidian: It's good if you like it & has many properties, like protection and grounding, but a lot of muertos don't like it much. I guess it's too sharp? My muerto doesn't mind it, but he's just neutral about it.
I have a ton more fav crystals but more favorite shit to go...
People -
My hubby. We're glued together. Hermits. My son. A few friends. My dads friend Natasha. That's about it. I don't favorite celebrities.
Movies -
Old Hollywood stuff. Natalie Wood. Greta Garbo, Bette Davis. Joan Crawford, Joan Fontaine, Orson Welles, all Hitchcock, Roman Polanski films - like Rosemary's Baby, Repulsion & The Ninth Gate; newer movies piss me off. I don't need sex in my face. If I want that, I'll watch a porno.
What I'm Known For:
Having a shit ton of useless knowledge about everything. My medical prowess. Being stubborn to a point of such frustration that ppl wanna kill me. I'm just sayin' got an Aquarius signature! Being extremely forgetful but not on purpose. Try having 120-250 joules of electricity on yer head!! I told my son that & he went totally silent for 2 minutes. He knows what joules are. He's a physicist. 😕
I'm also known for my Barstad sarcasm & humor (mom's side), which can go far beyond normal. Lol! I'm very simple & easy to please but don't tell many about that, I'm a total tomboy, if that even exists nowadays? Growing up, I was with my dad a lot, so I lived & breathed cars & junkyards were my sacred ground. Still love cars & will talk about them for hours. Older cars, that is. I still dislike fuel injection, but that's mostly earlier fuel injections, like throttle bodies. Don't think they use those anymore, hells no!
See? Total geek. Love my muertos & my cars. Think my machinist grandpa likes my technical side. I'm still talking to him. I recently channeled my grandpa Arthur, but he came in garbled. Needs work! Love grandpa's!! My dad was a very good one. Sure miss him. 😢
I do have one secret favorite! Old football!! Da Bears! Dick Butkus! And Walter Payton! I've been outed! Hate modern football! Boring, whistle blows too much, too many fines & penalties! Let em play!
That's all! Hope you got through this post in one piece.
M.M. 💖💀💖
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technofinch · 29 days
stature & outerwear for mulligan, armor and bling for nico?
stature: What's your OC's body type? How tall are they? Do they wear clothing to accentuate their look or do they try to mask it?
Mulligan is: incredibly average! Exactly 5' 10", slightly on the skinny side but that's just bc of his nicotine addiction. Once he gets in his more stable post-canon situation I think he puts on weight and fills out a bit. Type of man you would find in a small town auto parts store. He puts 0 thought into his clothing 😔
outerwear: What's your OC's outerwear situation? Jacket, sweater, cloak? What sort of weather do they deal with most and how do they protect themselves?
Flight suit! 99% of the time he's in a hermetically sealed box with very precise environmental controls so he very rarely thinks about the weather. This leads to 0 forethought and Lots of bitching when he actually has to go somewhere with things like Variable Temperatures and Moisture
armor: What kind of armor does your OC wear? Is it well kept? Bonus: where does it come from? Is there a story behind it?
Nico prefers scale maille, and she keeps it in meticulous condition. Her breastplate actually has an enchantment that 1. Makes it look like the rainbowfish from the children's book and 2. Has a chance to dazzle anyone who hits her with an attack. I call it her starstruck armor <3
bling: What jewelry does your OC wear? Does it have any meaning?
Ooh! She has a silver cloak clasp inlaid with blue goldstone that she got from her parents as a graduation gift, and she wears a pair of signet rings on a necklace. The rings are both from the Fallenswallow family, but one of them is a much older version from before the family split due to a messy divorce that we never actually found out the details of. The full crest is a falling bird and a leaping fish pierced by the same arrow; the modern version only has the bird, with no fish.
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bizonmark · 6 months
Seal of Light Necklace Philosophers Stone Pendant Jewelry Gold Amulet Silver Talisman
This Hermetic Principles necklace Is the Perfect Gift Whether for Yourself or a Loved One. Explore all our Symbolic Jewelry here: ➜ Our jewelry is made of high-quality surgical steel with a shatterproof liquid glass coating and an 18k gold finish option. ➜ Engrave onto the back of the Hermetic pendant your loved one’s name, your wedding date, an anniversary, or anything else you want to remember…
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lamorgh · 1 year
❀• C R E D I T S •❀ Head: Lelutka – AVALON 3.1 EvoX Skin: hermetics beauty – Jenna skin – @ Unik Event (till June 2nd) Eyeshadows: [POUT!] – Parties Eve Eyeshadow – New Release @ Mainstore Jewelry: Heartsdale Jewellery – Valerie – 25% OFF @ Unik Event (till June 2nd) set includes necklace and earrings; 9 gems + 3 metals via HUD
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artarina-com · 4 years
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Mysterious copper and green labradorite necklace. Artarina.com
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We all love Shen Wei’s super-romantic wrapper-holding pendant, but we’re all in agreement that it’s pretty silly-looking, right? Teleport back in time and give your twelve-year-old self the money and opportunity to buy one of these from that store in the mall with the replica katanas. Your twelve-year-old self would not hesitate.
Maybe my favorite thing about it is how it’s not a locket. It is not an object made so you can open it, insert something, close it, and then remove that something again later. It is a solid acrylic sphere cut in half, then rubber-cemented back together. And honestly? If you’re trying to preserve something as delicate as a sucker wrapper for ten thousand years, probably the only way to do it is to hermetically seal it. It’s either that or a peat bog.
You can buy cosplay versions of the necklace, complete with the embedded wrapper. I don’t think they look nearly as good, though, in part because the material is so much clearer than Shen Wei’s actual necklace. With the actual prop, you can see something is in there, but it’s not clear what until the dramatic reveal. The cosplay necklace makes the wrapper unmissable, and the overall effect is a little unwieldy.
The production still introduces two interesting pieces of information. The first is that the necklace is adjustable! It has the thick black cord, which is the part visible when he’s wearing it, but it also seems to have a thinner cord with a metal slider. It does, in fact, change lengths at different points in the show, so it’s kind of nice to know that they’re not just putting it on different chains to get it in the right shot -- Shen Wei had the foresight to get something that can work with every outfit.
The second is that the original version of necklace seems to have been ... white? Pearly, milky white? No, I have to end this post before I make a jizz joke. Shit. Too late. I’m sorry, I’m trying to delete it.
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train-wrecc · 4 years
• hamish duke x fem!reader
warning(s) ⚠️: none? somewhat angst (not really), death, mentions of blood
pairings: vera x niece!reader, hamish duke x reader
summary: y/n is vera stones niece who had been inducted into the hermetic order of the blue rose 4 years ago (senior in college) however when reviewing books in the reliquary/vault for an assignment she stumbles upon a certain fur coat, the hide of alpha.
wc (word count): 2.2k
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gc (gif credit): unknown/google
y/n had barely set foot into the temple before alyssa almost tackled her to the floor. "geez, medicum, watch where you're going."
"magistratus! you're just the person i was looking for! im so sorry for bumping into you but uh, " the blonde gestures behind her with a hand, "the temple magus would like to see you..." she says, before plastering an awkward smile and walking off.
"and i thought today couldn't get any worse..." y/n mumbled.
y/n walked down the corridor before stopping at the large doors which the temple magus who just so happened to be her aunt, sat behind.
the doors opened before her, and she was met with her aunt and a large older man. "temple magus." y/n said nodding her head, glancing at the man that was stood beside her aunt in confusion.
"magistratus, welc-" vera was interrupted by the older man beside her.
"vera quit with the formalities, she's your niece!" he chuckled.
"edward coventry, the grand magus." edward extended his hand out for y/n to shake. she embraced his hand with hers giving a firm shake.
"your aunt has told me a lot about you y/n,"
"all good things, i assume." y/n responded.
"yes, of course, you could say im intrigued... meet me in the temple tomorrow afternoon. I have an interesting assignment for you."
the door clattered open as alyssa made her way into the temple where y/n and a few other magistratus' stood.
the others glanced in shock, "what is a medicum doing here?" selena questioned as she snickered at kyle as alyssa walked past the group.
"she's here like the rest of us, the magus wouldn't have allowed her to be here if she hadn't proven herself." y/n said in an attempt to get selena to shut up.
"are you sure? the only reason you're a magistratus is because of your auntie." selena continued.
y/n rolled her eyes tired of dealing with selena, "you're right, who else promotes us besides the magus? selena, why don't you keep your mouth shut, before i shut it for you, after all, my aunt is the temple magus."
before selena could utter a snarky remark edward strode in.
"okay! vera says that you're the ones with the most potential. potential will get you into the door, but it will not guarantee you a seat, " edward rips off the cloth which was obstructing the view of what appeared to be an obsidian block, "at the table." he continued.
"this obsidian block is estimated to be between, mhm, 1,500 and 2,000 years old." he gesticulates to the block.
"but spoiler alert. this is no ordinary... hunk of rock," he says, dropping a bug onto the rock which in turn burst.
"something is inside this obsidian that people don't want others to have. i want you to reverse engineer the magic protecting this stone."
y/n notices alyssa begins to write "deleatur?" on her notebook, as kyle glances at the word on the book before speaking up.
'of course he would, arrogant prick....' y/n thinks to herself.
"magus?" kyle steps forward, "with your permission?" he continued, as edward motioned towards the rock, as a signal to continue.
kyle raised a knife to his right hand before slicing it and muttering "deleatur", flicking his wrist toward the stone.
shortly after the flick of his wrist, his right forearm collided against his upper arm, his limb broken now, bone sticking out.
he gasps in pain, which puts a small smirk on y/ns face, 'serves him right...' roaming in her mind.
"you know how to heal that?" edward breaks the silence. kyle responded with a shake of his head 'no'.
"right. my driver will take you to the hospital."
kyle walks out of the room, hunched over, cradling his right arm the best that he can.
edward picks the obsidian up from its frame, "now that you know what you're dealing with, impress me." before he follows behind kyle.
"alyssa. make sure the temple gets a proper cleansing." are his last words.
"at once, magus." alyssa replied.
"now we know why she's here." diego called, his arm around selena's shoulder calls, a smirk on his face as she laughs before they continue to make their way out of the temple.
a sigh falls from alyssa's lips.
"don't worry about them medicum, you're not here for that. they just feel threatened by you." the y/h/c (your hair colour, i.e. brunette, blonde) girl spoke up.
"thanks, magistratus." alyssa responded.
y/n simply nodded in return, before stalking off to go pester her aunt, she had an idea about an incantation that might work on reversing the magic which was protecting the obsidian.
next day...
y/n's fist met the door as she knocked.
she could faintly hear the word "aperiatur" slip from her aunt's lips, as the doors opened.
"magistratus." vera greeted y/n.
y/n rolled her eyes, her aunt had always been so persistent in remaining professional at the temple, so that other members never thought y/n only got in due to vera.
"hey auntie vera," y/n says her words practically covered in honey.
"one. what did i tell you about keeping our professionalism and two. what do you want?" vera smirked knowing her niece too well.
a sigh came from y/n's lips, knowing her aunt had caught on.
"you're aware of the assignment of edward's that i'm apart of?" her aunt nodded in respond to the question.
"well i need to get into the vault, and before you interrupt me there's a book in there that i want to examine and see if i can find an incantation for the assignment." y/n explained, she had been planning on talking to her aunt the day before but something had come up.
"no." vera gulped knowing well she had given alyssa, a medium, access to the reliquary the day before. however the vault is different she reassured herself.
"of course, god forbid you do me one favour." y/n said her voice sour, her head nodding in false understanding.
"y'know ive worked my ass twice as hard as anyone else to be here, and yet i'm always getting criticized the most for every simple mistake that i make which aren't very many..." y/n began, her aunts answer irking her.
"and you decide to do alyssa the kiss ass a favour and give her access to the reliquary when she's a medicum, however, you can't do me a favour and let me use the vault once." y/n finishes brows furrowed, done with her aunt at the moment.
y/n began to stalk off before vera stopped the girl.
"y/n. you may use the vault." vera murmured.
the y/h (your height i.e. short, tall) girl returned to the room silently.
she handed y/n a necklace with a pentagon-shaped charm attached to it. "repeat after me. sanguis meus tuas laminate acuit." vera says the incantation.
"sanguis meus tuas laminate acuit."
with the movement of vera's hand, the bookshelves began to separate and opened to a corridor.
"y/n, sweetheart, you know i love you. the only reason i criticize you, harshly at times, is because i know you have the potential to be twice as great as you already are. greater than me." her aunt said dripping in sympathy and love.
however, y/n doubted that.
"of course i know because you remind me so often." the words slipped from y/n's lips, filled with sarcasm.
y/n made her way through the fear corridor and into the vault clutching the pentagon necklace as vera watched from the entrance.
y/n had been searching for the incantation for a few hours now and had yet to find the incantation.
she had rummaged through all the books that were out in the open and visible before deciding maybe there were some in hiding.
she had scoured high and low for books and had nearly given up before her eyes caught a rugged brown chest of some sort.
"this has to be it!" she exclaimed to herself, noticing the lock on the latch of it.
she'd assumed vera had left a while ago, and figured she'd have to talk to her about it the next day.
however, before she could even reach for the lock, it burst and the top of the trunk rose.
all she could see was some kind of fur coat before it had engulfed her and her vision was captured by darkness as she gasped.
(a/n: thank the lord she's a werewolf now, we can now get to the good part!!!!! 🥳)
a groan emitted from the y/h/c, as she began to stir. she felt like she was repeatedly getting pricked by something.
sweat dripped down her trembling body, teeth chattering from the cold. her eyes peeled open, vision fuzzy before it cleared. she wrapped her arms around herself, her arms met her bare chest.
her eyes widened in realization, she was naked.
eyes gazing down, she took in her bare body, painted red. her fingers met the dark red, substance. blood. blood, that was not her own.
"no, no, no, shit! what the fuck did i do?" y/n says in disbelief, hands twitching, as panic fills her veins.
she retrieves herself from the dirt of the forest as she makes her way through the large trees, hiding behind them every so often in order to not expose herself in case anyone were to be in the forest.
she nears a tent not too far from where she awoke and evaluates the area for anyone. it appeared to be vacant, so y/n made her way toward the tent in search of something to cover her bare body with.
however, when she neared the tent, her vision was once again met with blood. on the ground lay a man a hole where his heart should be. her vision became blurred by the tears that filled her eyes. this was the persons life she had took. a young man, who had his whole life ahead of him.
and it was put to an end because of her.
his blood was on her hands. literally.
though her hands trembled y/n had managed to rummage through his things, and find a change if clothes which we had immediately put on.
the pieces of cloth, which caressed her body, aided in warming her. she didn't waste another second and got to work quickly, digging somewhat of a grave for the male.
once she had covered the now cadaver-filled hole, y/n gathered a few leaves which took the place of which would ideally be flowers.
she sniffled, viciously blinking to try and rid her eyes of tears. y/n gently pressed the leaves into the soil, before getting up from her knees.
next came getting rid of any evidence that the man had ever set foot in the woods. she used a simple incantation to rid the small area of any objects.
after she had done so, she mad her journey near the edge of the woods, which she was quite familiar with, being in the order and they tend to venture in the woods often, especially when recruiting neophytes.
however, around fifteen minutes had passed, and y/n's eyesight was no longer a captive to the never-ending trees.
she no longer knew where she was... she'd never seen a house on the outskirts of the woods. she wondered if it had always been there.
y/n hadn't thought up a plan, before she knew it her legs were carrying her to the front door, and her curled fist met the wood of the door.
she truly hadn't thought about what she was gonna say, until she had knocked on the door.
what would she do? how would she explain her dishevelled appearance? the blood... oh god she had forgotten that she was practically drenched in the dark fluid from head to toe.
a/n: y'all this is so bad I'm sorry and it's on the longer side and like for what reason? 🤨😂
like literally nothing happened im so sorry this is literal shit...  obviously there WILL be a PT 2,
& sorry if the spacing is weird i’m on the mobile app...
also this is the only part that’ll be in third pov, i normally write first person but i was trying something different & i didn’t like it
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pridewon · 2 years
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@cauterisen​ said: [ ADJUST ] sender fixes receiver’s tie / necklace / article of clothing (for kuroo!) (domestic intimacy)
“...” Tetsurô means to say something. He really does, but unfortunately: 1. words are hard, for a small child more accustomed to listening to others talk than to speak up himself, and 2. he doesn’t really know what to say anyway. So his lips remain hermetically closed, words stuck at the back of his throat like a valve prevents them from coming out, while Kimiko busies herself with fixing his tie while they wait for Kenma to go to school.
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His words are not really stuck when he’s with Kenma anymore. Kenma is quiet, and doesn’t rush him, and plays video games and volleyball with him. He has tamed him and Tetsurô has stopped acting like a terrified kitten hiding between the laundry machine and the cupboard. Kimiko, though - she’s not like Kenma, and because she’s not like Kenma, it shakes up his fragile little world, his fragile equilibrium and makes him trip on his feet and go back to hide between the laundry machine and the cupboard. Kimiko doesn’t seem to mind too much. She chatters away while they wait, tells him how his tie his crooked and how to do it properly, and Tetsurô listens with his eyes wide open darting to Kenma’s door every ten seconds to see if his best friend was coming out the door. 
Finally Kimiko pats the tie on his tiny chest; and drops a teasing comment about how she’s done it for him or something. Little Tetsurô frowns. “I can do it myself!” He protests, a little too late; voice finally springing from the depths of his lungs. Seems like maybe, just maybe, there is a common language there (Tetsurô is not foreign to taunting after all... when he actually speaks).“It was just one time. You’ll see tomorrow. I’ll do it even better than you did!”
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evilpawnjewelry · 7 years
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What some see as fear others see healing in the Serpent. Not only a misunderstood creature but the most misunderstood of medicine is that is snake medicine. Each animal has a stone but the serpent has a range of stones; pyrite being at the top. All of these things are given to us to create a complete picture. The picture is not complete if one puzzle piece is missing. • #SnakeMedicine #Pyrite #Hermetic #Snake #Serpent #EarthMedicine #AnimalMedicine #Guides #Love #epj #evilpawnjewelry #NOTD #necklace #necklaceoftheday #crystaltherapy #crystalhealing #healingcrystals #loveandlight #adornyourselfinmetal #adornyourselfinquartz
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join-the-joywrite · 4 years
Hamish & Vera soulmate au headcannons
Lil headcannons for a colours soulmate au in which the S1 finale wasn't the first time Hamish had been hit in the face with the powder. Because why not? This version of the colours is the one where you can only see varying shades of the colour of your soulmate's eyes. Because why not?
Here is part two, as promised
To everyone who knows Vera on any level, she hasn't changed a bit. Okay, maybe she's a little bit more sharp now and then and she gets a little testy whenever it rains. But maybe that's just the stress of being Grand Magus, and Temple Magus, and Chancellor of Belgrave setting in.
When she's alone at home, Vera stays up late into the night, wondering if she made the right decisions. She falls asleep in Hamish's jacket often.
The jacket is completely worn through now, the suede verging on ruined again. But she doesn't want to make back to brand new again nor does she ever want to get rid of it. It's quite literally that last bit of Hamish -- her Hamish -- that she has left.
She tells herself that it's for the best. If the Knights remained active, the Order would pursue them to the ends of the earth. But you have a seat of power almost all disciples would die for, that inner voice says, you can turn the Order around.
"They're our enemies." "But they don't know that." Well ok fine but I'm also deathly afraid of seeing Hamish's face again so let's not talk about this ever.
Eventually, logic trumps all else and Vera agrees to induct the Knights.
When Alyssa returns their memories, Jack is consumed by rage and hatred. Hamish wants to feel the same, he wants to be burned bitter by the betrayal, but he can't.
"Secrets are terrible things. They ruin the best of things and can break down nearly everything."
"I love you."
Hamish understands Randall's apprehension, Lilith's disgust and Jack's rage. He wants to say he feels the same. But all he feels his confusion. All he thinks about is the day he watched Vera leave.
Who's jacket had she been wearing?
Hamish runs his thumb over the letter hanging from the chain before tucking it under his new Order robes.
Did the necklace belong ..... to Vera? Because he knows it isn't his and he found it right where he'd fallen.
What the fuck is in Hamish's head on repeat for the entire evening.
"If you're going to stand there, at least make yourself useful." While Vera congratulates herself on her ability to appear as normal in front of Hamish, Hamish studies Vera as he passes her a drink. The same drink he'd watched her make back in the den.
Vera is momentarily distracted by the taste of the drink in her hand.
"Drinks are an art form, V, which means I can make whatever I want with justifiable reasoning." Laughter echoes. "And what are you calling this drink? It's a bit . . . harsh for all your old suggestions." "I'm thinking something along the lines of Vera."
"Are you calling me harsh?!" "I would never!" Pure, unfiltered joy echoes through the entire apartment.
"Magus?" Hamish's voice brings Vera back to the present. "Mingle, Acolyte. It's your party, after all."
Hamish reluctantly leaves the bar. He wants to stand there longer and study Vera -- maybe some of his questions will get answered.
"Drink it all in one go or your brain will shrivel up to the size of a raisin." "Bottoms up."
Suddenly, Hamish can recall his high school locker combination. Lilith is talking about some childhood fear, Randall's complaining about a retainer, Jack's crying about a tattoo -- frankly, that part scared Hamish a little -- and then he's stunned into silence with the flood of memories.
And then he's as angry as Jack was. He's furious. But not at Vera for what she did. He's furious at her for not waiting. Waiting for him to respond, waiting to see if they could have made it work.
He's furious because now he'll never know if they could have avoided all the deaths between then and now. Maybe the Knights could have allied with the Order. Maybe the Knights could have weeded out all the bad magic in the Order. Maybe he and Vera could have done it together, made the Order what she said it could be, a secret society of magic practitioners that is dedicated to preserving and passing on the art of magic. So many maybes, so many what ifs.
A part of him wants to storm into the temple, into the reliquary and demand that Vera confess. The more rational part of him keeps him grounded to protect the fact that they have their memories.
He'd feel a little bad about planning to rob the Order blind if he wasn't so pissed at them for raiding the den. Thanks to Lilith's potion, Hamish is slowly developing burning rage at the idea of being betrayed by his own goddamn soulmate. As time passes, he's starting to forget that he used to understand her circumstances, her choices being bad or worse.
So when they come across Zecchia, he's ready for it without any hesitation.
"Bring me something in a tall glass." Okay maybe a little hesitance. Just a little.
Hamish thinks it might have been a mistake when the news about Rogwan is delivered. He realises he's gone and royally fucked up on a Jack Morton level when they find out Zecchia robbed them.
"So, what's all this talk about wolves?"
Vera's too pissed with them to register the fact that Hamish has his memories (not all, though, right?) "Where is my inventory?"
"It was . . . stolen from us." "For fuck's sake, Hamish, can't you keep track of anything in that fucking apartment?" Randall: ( ͡° ʖ ͡°) (ಠ_ಠ) what the fuck is happening here 🙃 "I am seriously considering killing both of you." "Please don't." "SHUT UP"
Rogwan taking Hamish's fear could have been incredibly catastrophic if Vera had had her phone on her around the same time Hamish got his hands on money and a phone booth, even worse if she had answered any of those calls (though to be honest, she might just have been incredibly confused about it or more accurately, Hamish might not have even dialled her number properly)
Hamish standing at the phone booth with the dial tone while Randall repeatedly tries to climb a nearby tree: I know what you did, Vera Stone. You wicked witch with a cute butt. You jacket thief, alcohol thief, heart thief-- vest thief! + stupider and stupider things until Randall eventually gets his attention again.
"I give my life to the cause to protect the Hermetic Order of the Blue Rose from threats both inside and out." "So . . . we're supposed to babysit the Grand Magus aka you?" Both Vera and Hamish shoot Jack a withering glare. Randall finds it funny and Jack is grateful for Randall.
"Is everyone okay?" Awww she cares. Stop smirking at her -- stop -- STOP IT, FACE!
As much as Hamish was internally laughing at Vera for her still harbouring her old feelings, Hamish realises that he hasn't forgotten his own instincts when it comes to Vera when he sees the Magistratus, Angus, charge at Vera.
He may have fucked several things up, but no one is allowed to harm Vera. Tundra is a Knight of the Blue Rose, but Hamish is Vera's -- it's not as if he'd have it any other way anyway.
Vera's pretty stressed, what with the impending end of the world. Hamish is waiting for Vera in the reliquary, having discovered something ... interesting about the Tartarus explosions.
"I got your text." Hamish stands, book in hand. "Yeah, I found -- . . . is wearing three different shades of black a conscious decision or--" "Shut up."
Hamish happily complies. Who cares what colours she's wearing when he's got her in his arms? For someone who doesn't like anyone kissing in the reliquary, Vera seems to be very unopposed to the idea when she and Hamish are the ones doing all the kissing.
Not that Hamish is complaining. He wouldn't ever want to stop Vera. "Wait -- wait, this isn't why I'm here." "Your text specifically said you had something big to show me." "I ... see how that can be misconstrued."
Vera glares. "Make it quick, I'm busy."
"Tease," Hamish mutters with a grin before delving into the very solid fact that the world is going to end.
"The council wouldn't listen to reason so . . . I gave them fear. Stopping Praxis is the only way to stopping these eruptions." "Or is it the only option you'll consider?" The glass hits the table hard. Hamish is beyond pissed, but he's not sure at what. Vera is clearly stuck between a rock and a hard place. Perhaps he should let her know about his first clash with pulveris memoria
"They're asking for something I can't give them." "Or won't." He knows he's being difficult but he doesn't feel guilty about it at all. He's still mildly miffed that Vera didn't think he could make the choice for himself on whether or not he wanted anything to do with the Order.
Of course, his entire demeanour changes when Alyssa shows up in the reliquary. He may be pissed and a little disappointed in Vera but that doesn't mean he's willing to let her stand in harm's way. And of course, Alyssa knocks him straight the fuck out. (I mean personally I don't like her but I have to admit, that was a smart move)
I can't fucking remember how the scene goes word-for-word but you all know it.
Hamish wakes with the gripping fear that Vera is hurt or worse, dead. As soon as he sees Vera though, he's incredibly calmer. She seems okay. She's alive.
"She took your magic." Honestly, it could have been worse. It really could have been a lot worse. But he doesn't say so because he knows magic is something that is important to Vera and he knows that she's fucking terrified -- even if she won't say.
"I imagine she, like you, finds me a selfish woman." "Vera, I don't think you're selfish. You're demanding and ... weirdly ticklish, but not selfish."
Vera thinks about all that she's put Hamish alone through. She has very many a regret in her life, but Hamish somehow seems to dominate that lost. "How can you be so sure?" "Because of all the times you could have killed the Knights but you didn't, because you wanted th-- us to live. To learn."
It's a little hard to separate Vera's soulmate from Tundra's champion, but Hamish does it. He's still a Knight, despite whatever feelings he and Vera might share. Both of them are him but not together. Not just yet.
"It's all right to let someone care about you, V." "You--" "You dropped this." Vera stands still as Hamish puts the chain over her own head. How long had he had all his memories? Said nothing? All this time, he'd kept his mouth shut -- was it for her sake? Old guilt creeps back into her.
"Maybe you are selfish, V, but not for all the reasons you think. Your selfish acts are always about protecting other people. Me, Jack, Alyssa, the Knights, the Order. Selfish doesn't mean evil."
"What's he doing here?" "We're not staying." "Yes, we are."
"No, you're not." "It's not safe." "I'm no threat to her."
Hamish really doesn't want to leave Vera alone with Alyssa. But she trusts herself so he'll trust her. Besides that, he still has to save Lilith.
When Hamish returns to the temple, chasing Midnight, Alyssa is dead and Vera is shaking.
"V, it's not your fault." How does he know exactly what she's thinking?
Hamish sets a drink, Vera's drink, in front of her and turns to leave. To give her space. To give her the choice. He drags his hand over hers. Do you want me to stay?
Vera makes no movement other than wrapping her fingers around Hamish's hand and holding fast. Yes.
And as he stands there and the doors to the reliquary closes, he glances down at Vera and realises that bad as things are, they could be worse. Vera tried so many times to push him away, but she's failed every time. And he's incredibly thankful for that.
Vera doesn't have her magic, but she's got all the colours in the world because of Hamish and somehow, that's so much more important to her.
Someone help me I'm Sad™ I wanna write this but like ,,,,, not as a full book because that would make me cry ,,,,, maybe like a nice collection of scenes 0.0 what do you think?
Take a look at other soulmate aus I've chosen to torment myself with
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narcisiademort · 7 years
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The goat of Mendes black frame chain necklace. For purchase/details DM 📩 or on Facebook. #Baphomet #hermetic #concept #hermeticism #necklace #wiccan #pagan #mystical #photoshoot #etsyartist #etsyart #witch #witchesofinstagram #magic #witchjewelry #cabochon #celestial #handmade #occult #luna #occultjewelry #gothic #gothgoth #nugoth #gothicjewelry #jewellery #jewelry
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moonandserpent · 5 years
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The Moon Card pendant hand carved by Moon and Serpent.
I am fascinated by antique and vintage tarot decks and their various depictions of astronomical bodies, earth and animals. When examined closely they reflect elements of knowledge from astrology, alchemy, hermetic imagery. The relationship between oceans, seas and the Moon is really interesting and we see this in the Moon Card. In the card there is a lobster or sometimes a crayfish ( a crustacean) kind of reaching to the Moon. Moon is always associated with intuition and subconscious, just like water element is. This necklace represents intuition, strong emotions, femininity, protection, transformation, discovery, fluidity and regeneration.
 Website or Etsy
For more, please follow my Tumblr or Instagram
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bizonmark · 1 year
Vintage Talisman Hexagram Necklace Solomon Amulet Pendant Necklace Kabbalah Hermetic Jewelry
  Occasion: Party Compatibility: All Compatible Shapepattern: Geometric Model Number: 4011 Material: Metal Chain Type: Link Chain Style: TRENDY Necklace Type: Pendant Necklaces Gender: Men Metals Type: Zinc alloy Origin: Mainland China CN: Zhejiang Fine or Fashion: Fashion Item Type: Necklace     Metals Type: Stainless Steel Gender: Men Necklace Type: Pendant Necklaces Style: Vintage Chain…
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artarina-com · 4 years
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Mysterious copper and blue labradorite necklace. Artarina.com
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earaercircular · 2 years
Ancient Monument on Greece’s Sikinos Receives European Award
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Monument of Episkopi on the island of Sikinos
The Monument of Episkopi, a Roman mausoleum converted to a Byzantine church on the island of Sikinos, Greece, was among the winners of the 2022 European Heritage Awards, as it was announced on Thursday by the European Commission and Europa Nostra.
Episkopi’s monument was built in the 3rd century AD and later converted to a Byzantine church and used continuously.
The ancient monument survived through the Middle Ages and in modern times, with all the additions preserved nearly intact.
After surviving destructive earthquakes and interventions, the monument was abandoned in the 20th century.
The Ephorate of Antiquities of the Cycladic Islands decided to restore it in 2016 and return it to public use.
Intact grave of a rich woman unearthed on Sikinos’ monument
In 2018, during restoration efforts, the hermetically sealed and intact grave of a higher-status woman named “Neiko” was unearthed.
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The grave of a woman called “Neiko” was unearthed in 2018.
“The wealth of jewelry worn by the woman betrays that she was a prominent figure in Sikinos society,” the Culture Ministry said in an announcement on the discovery.
Archaeologists found “golden wristbands, rings, a necklace, a buckle with embossed chamomile, along with glass and metal vases, as well as fragments of the costume of the dead.”
The restoration project also revealed valuable inscriptions and frescoes from the Roman and Byzantine eras. It “combined meticulous research with cautious conservation, resulting in a high-quality restoration project,” the award citation said.
“This project combined meticulous research with cautious conservation, resulting in a high-quality restoration,” it was said. “The monument of Episkopi is a cultural landmark and a source of pride for this small island community.”
“Building materials were reused as much as possible and new masonry was incorporated using locally collected stones,” said the award jury. “The combination of architectural elements of a Roman mausoleum in a Byzantine church forms a unique monument that is simply striking.”
The community of Sikinos supported the project and is planning to celebrate the Dormition of the Virgin[1] on August 15th.
Sikinos (ancient Oinoe or Oenoe)[2] is one of the smaller islands of Greece, located in the southern part of the archipelago between Ios[3] and Folegandros[4]. It has a population of 273. The southern side has gentle terrain while the north-west has a steep cliff of 280 meters (918 feet) in height atop of which the town was built.
Archaeological remains found on the island show that it has been inhabited since prehistoric times. Its first inhabitants arrived on the island in the Mycenaean period[5], later being populated by the Ionians[6].
The European Heritage Awards[7] were given to thirty winners from eighteen countries in five categories and will be celebrated at the European Heritage Awards Ceremony in Prague on September 26th.
The Sikinos monument was recognized in the “Conservation and Adaptive Reuse” category.
Tasos Kokkinidis, Ancient Monument on Greece’s Sikinos Receives European Award, in: Greek Reporter, 1-07-2022, https://greekreporter.com/2022/07/01/ancient-monument-sikinos-greece-receives-european-award/?fs=e&s=cl
[1] The Dormition of the Mother of God is a Great Feast of the Eastern Orthodox, Oriental Orthodox, and Eastern Catholic Churches (except the East Syriac churches). It celebrates the "falling asleep" (death) of Mary the Theotokos ("Mother of God", literally translated as God-bearer), and her being taken up into heaven (bodily assumption). It is celebrated on 15 August (28 August N.S. in the Julian Calendar) as the Feast of the Dormition of the Mother of God.
[2] Sikinos (Greek: Σίκινος) is a Greek island and municipality in the Cyclades. It is located midway between the islands of Ios and Folegandros. Sikinos is part of the Thira regional unit. It was known as Oenoe or Oinoe (Ancient Greek: Οἰνόη, Island of Wine) in Ancient Greece. It contrasts with nearby islands, such as Ios, in being quiet and relatively less developed. There are two villages, "Allopronia" on the south sea side, being the port, and another higher up in the hills being the chora. The chora up on the hills is composed of two settlements adjacent to each other, "Castro" to the west and "Chorio" to the east. https://greekreporter.com/2022/06/15/the-serene-charm-of-sikinos/
[3] Ios, Io or Nio (Greek: Νιός) is a Greek island in the Cyclades group in the Aegean Sea. Ios is a hilly island with cliffs down to the sea on most sides, situated halfway between Naxos and Santorini. It is about 18 kilometres (11 miles) long and 10 kilometres (6 miles) wide, with an area of 109.024 square kilometres (42.094 sq mi). Population was 2,024 in 2011 (down from 3,500 in the 19th century). Ios is part of the Thira regional unit.
[4] Folegandros (also Pholegandros; Greek: Φολέγανδρος) is a small Greek island in the Aegean Sea that, together with Sikinos, Ios, Anafi and Santorini, forms the southern part of the Cyclades. Its surface area is 32.216 square kilometres (12.439 sq mi)[2] and it has 765 inhabitants. It has three small villages, Chora, Karavostasis, and Ano Meria, which are connected by a paved road. Folegandros is part of the Thira regional unit. https://greekreporter.com/2022/05/18/discover-the-untouched-greek-island-of-folegandros-pictures/
[5] Mycenaean Greece (or the Mycenaean civilization) was the last phase of the Bronze Age in Ancient Greece, spanning the period from approximately 1750 to 1050 BC. It represents the first advanced and distinctively Greek civilization in mainland Greece with its palatial states, urban organization, works of art, and writing system. The Mycenaeans were autochthonous Greeks who were likely stimulated by their contact with Minoan Crete and other Mediterranean cultures to develop a more sophisticated socio-political culture of their own.The most prominent site was Mycenae, after which the culture of this era is named.
[6] The Ionians (Greek: Ἴωνες”, singular Ἴων”) were one of the four major tribes that the Greeks considered themselves to be divided into during the ancient period; the other three being the Dorians, Aeolians, and Achaeans. The Ionian dialect was one of the three major linguistic divisions of the Hellenic world, together with the Dorian and Aeolian dialects.
[7] The European Commission and Europa Nostra have just announced the 2022 winners of the European Heritage Awards / Europa Nostra Awards, funded by the EU Creative Europe programme. This year, which marks the 20th anniversary of Europe’s most prestigious Awards in the heritage field, 30 outstanding heritage achievements from 18 European countries have been awarded in five categories. These categories are in line with the latest developments and priorities related to heritage policy and practice in Europe. https://www.europanostra.org/europes-top-heritage-awards-honour-30-exemplary-achievements-from-18-countries/
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