#heron laguz
dominicsorel · 2 years
FE10 Extended Script: Herons and Dragons
Found it VERY interesting only in the extended script they gave us examples of what’s discussed below because...hmmmmm...this kinda sounds like pretty juicy bits of lore, right?
Radiant Dawn P3C14E - Extended
Ike: “Have you heard anything from Prince Kurthnaga yet?”
Ena: “Yes, I just received a message…”
Ike: “Don’t tell me…No luck, right?”
Ena: “It is far worse than that. Prince Kurthnaga has decided to fight for Daein.” (Lehran has now successfully tricked each Dragon royal sibling into sticking around Daein- consciously or not)
Ike: “What?! Why? He was supposed to stop them from fighting! And now he wants to fight us instead?! Oh great, what are the dragons of Goldoa thinking?!”
Ena: “These turn of events…are not what my country wish for. It is Prince Kurth’s own wish to fight. King Dheginsea knows nothing of this visit…And of course, Prince Kurth has a good reason to side with Daein, but…I’m afraid I cannot tell you why.”
Ike: “Wonderful….”
Ena: “I will try to reason with Prince Kurth again. For a prince of the dragon tribe to stand on a battlefield…It is unacceptable. I must talk him out of it.” (Uh oh x2)
Ike: “…Wait, are you talking to him with that stone?”
Ena: “Yes. We dragons have the power to sense the presence of our own kind. In particular, if we share blood ties with someone…or care for them very much, we can know their condition…as well as understand their thoughts, even across extreme distances.”
Ike: “When Nasir felt your presence at Crimea…and when Reyson could sense Leanne’s presence, it was because of this ability?”
Ena: “That’s right. The heron clan…possess that same ability. With the sending stone, we can increase the natural strength of this ability, so that no matter how far apart we are, we can communicate using telepathy.”
Ike: “That’s one impressive stone.” (Right? Grab some before leaving.)
Kurthnaga: “My body feels like it’s on fire…I can hardly breathe! So, this is what war feels like…No, please, don’t come near me…I don’t want to hurt anyone!”
Ike: “Prince Kurthnaga!”
Kurthnaga: “It’s so hot… I’m burning up! My body, it’s on fire!”
Ike: “Can you hear me? I guess not. Kurth, what’s happening to you?”
Kurthnaga: “I don’t want to fight…I…I don’t want to take any more lives…”
Kurthnaga: “Don’t come near me! I can barely…I don’t want to do this! Get away!” (All this is distinctly Kurthnaga trying to CONTROL himself, if you ask me. I think if Herons are of Order then Dragons are of Chaos. That would explain...so much...lmao)
Ah, the pieces are coming together. Kurthnaga on the battlefield in this chapter is a COMPLETE mess...the energies of battle prove to be too much for him. He secludes himself in a tent afterwards but still isn’t able to knock himself out of it until Ike gets him to open up rather than repress...cough...cough cough...
Now check out this conversation between Micaiah and Soren which takes place in the exact chapter before the explanation about similarities in Herons and Dragons. And it’s easily missable if you don’t save a Purge Tome to attack Soren from afar.
Soren: “That last battle, in the valley. Was that your strategy?”
Micaiah: “...”
Soren: “That was impressive. You killed thousands of beorc soldiers with your little ambush. Well done.” (ADF:KFLADSKFL:ASDFKDS)
Micaiah: “I...”
Soren: “The Maiden of Dawn...What are you? One of the Branded, that's for sure. But there is something else about you...Power. Yes, I can feel it in you. You possess great power.”
Micaiah: “Yes, and you would know. There's something very different about you, too. Your energy feels so...ancient. You and I seem to have so much in common.”
Soren: “That doesn't matter in the slightest. The only thing that does matter is that you are a dangerous adversary. You are also in Ike's path, so it falls to me to remove you. It's almost a shame. Farewell, Maiden of Dawn.”
Micaiah: “So, you fight for someone, as well. So very much alike...But I will defeat you. I will protect the ones I love!
Very curious what similarities- as well as differences as one is more closer to Order and the other Chaos- between the two tribes might mean for Soren, personally. We know what powers Micaiah has and we know what powers the Heron clan has. The issue would be figuring out how this translates over to the Dragon tribe. We’ve seen Soren sense things other people can’t but...it makes you wonder what sense(s) he’s using, y’know? We know he has incredible spatial awareness to the point he literally starts doing recon by himself because he knows the job will be done best by him and no one else. But what else is possible with what we’re given? IDK have fun with this information.
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ladyaster · 1 year
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...Is the FE Fusion challenge still a thing? But yeah, very late to the party but did the thing! The lighting's incredibly wonky but I did have fun with this! Especially since Reyson and Sue's outfits work oddly well together. Seiros apparently found her way in here, too, but that's okay. I just hope I got the Reyson-to-Sue ratio more or less even but I'm still scared I didn't. Still, hope you like it!
I actually had a lot of trouble picking my favorite male FE character. Sue for the female character was a no-brainer contrary to what it may seem it's not for shipping reasons, the ship introduced me to her character, yes, but I genuinely adore her as a character, but I was also considering Ashe, Ferdinand, Mordecai, and others for my favorite male character. In the end I settled on Reyson for max aesthetic. Coincidentally, I think Sue and Reyson would relate with each other quite a bit, seeing as they both value nature a lot and have gone through similar horrors of being helpless to save their people from a brutal surprise onslaught.
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elvthali · 1 year
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/collapses here’s some gay birds orz
..what do u mean I’m two days late?
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trunswicked · 2 years
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Time spent with you...
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vellatra · 1 year
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Fire Emblem Siblings Week Day Seven - Mentor
Rafiel is helping Leanne with her galdric repertoire. I bet they sound amazing together!
Thanks for the weekly challenge, @reneethegreatandpowerful ! It was a lot of fun to do. Excited for next year! 😁
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enbyleighlines · 2 days
Tibarn, fear
Well, I definitely imagine that Tibarn is the type of man to never admit to being afraid of anything. And it’s not entirely a toxic masculinity thing, but a “I’m responsible for the lives and futures of all the hawk laguz, so I have to always be strong” sort of thing. He takes his role as Hawk King very seriously. For him, there is no space for weakness or failure.
So ironically, I think what he fears most is allowing others to see him as someone who does worry about things. He has to make it seem like he is always in control.
Thanks for the ask!!
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asktellius · 1 year
Friends Through Thick and Thin
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Stop being a sad sack, Mr. Lehran!
This is another ancient comic strip I drew back in... probably 2018 or 19? Lehran has moved in with Dheginsea and is trying to come to terms with the loss of his galdric powers. "Grandpa" is a reference to Lorazieh - we have a headcanon that he adopted Lehran and the three heroes after the great flood, finished their upbringing, and cheered them on in battle. It has spawned many cute ideas. :)
Digitally modified for legibility - and to cut out other sketches around this comic. :)
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f3lldrag0n · 1 year
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fiery-emblems · 3 months
The other day I drew an idea for "what if branded could transform", but really I just wanted to design a dragon. In reality I think you could take the idea way further.
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What if you were to take the idea of branded being half laguz way more literally?? Basically I think it would be cool to have more of a half transformation resulting in what are basically monsters from myth and legend. Of course, I continue to have an interest in a story where the branded are the main characters and the heroes so, making them look like monsters but actually be good guys is fun to me!
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The first and most obvious version of this idea would be the half human/half wolf (werewolf). I don't think they would lose themselves like werewolves, but they are the most iconic animal human hybrid design!
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The next most obvious design would be half human/half bird (harpies). I think its important to really push the animal aspect and not just make them sexy sexy mostly human things. I think it would be fun to explore the design differences between hawk harpies, raven harpies, and heron harpies.
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The cats are the hardest ones to design imo because there aren't that many human/cat hybrid monsters in mythology that aren't also mixed with even more animals. Its probably fine to just follow the example of the wolves and do were-cats though. Still cool!
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For dragons I actually think there are a couple different directions you could go in. For this idea I basically went with your standard high fantasy/DnD demons and devils. There's only one half dragon in Tellius but this is another case where it would be really fun to design different looks for red, white or black half dragons since the ones we see in canon have slightly different builds and horn designs plus the different skin colors. (I would go with different skin colors like tieflings. The whole idea is for them to look like monsters and I think dragons should be scary!!)
The other idea I had would be for half dragons to be oni? Basically the same design sensibility but you would lose the wings. My reason for this idea is because oni are cool dragons in Tellius are kind of seen as this terrifying force of nature that could destroy everyone if they wanted to, which is kind of what oni are as well. I think it could work nicely.
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aurantia-ignis · 6 months
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Post canon NaesaLeanne, with their little heron girl and skrunkly baby raven boy. For @toon-kirby for art scuffle! I love the laguz birds so much, but painting feathers got me half dead in this one @w@
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fore-seer · 7 months
i’m absolutely obsessed with the decisionmaking surrounding the heron laguz because everything about them is just so incorrect to actual herons, to the point where i feel like they actually put effort into getting it wrong. why are they vegetarian? why are they living in the forest and not by a river or wetland? how on EARTH do you look at a bird with a beak optimized for spearfishing and a look in its eye that warns you it’s still a dinosaur and go “yeah i think these guys should be pacifists and eat plants.” they don’t even sing! ten thousand species of birds in the world and this is the one they picked for that role in the story, when they could’ve almost certainly found another one that actually has all those attributes? it’s HYSTERICAL to me. the rest of tellius could have the best worldbuilding of any story in the world and i still wouldn’t be able to take it completely seriously because some of the devs have already convinced me they’ve never seen a bird in real life
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dimiclaudeblaigan · 1 year
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Ranulf is by far one of the characters with the most potential that I wish they went more in depth with. He's such an important and prominent character, but the fact that you don't even hear he's been having these nightmares for the past three or so years now unless you get this specific dialogue is such a shame.
I think he's a perfect comedy relief/plot serious balanced character, but the amount of personal information we have about him/his feelings/his life are minimal. We see a completely different side of him when they went to Gritnea Tower in PoR, but it's something we only see again one more time, and that's in this chapter.
It's basically like, he has a lot of depth and personality, but they only sprinkle it very sparingly. I just find that to be so odd considering his importance in both games, and the fact that he's one of the central characters in RD in general (that is, he's even more prominent in RD than he was in PoR, and he was still relatively important in PoR). He's no less filled with characterization than other main characters like Ike and Soren, but we're given it so infrequently that it's much easier to gloss over and not think much about again.
I wish they did more with the other facets of his character, outside of him being one of the most kind, intelligent and empathetic characters (especially among the beast laguz, since the general impression we're given is that the bird tribe uses logic over emotion in comparison to the usually emotional and erratic beast laguz, and those are the two most prominent laguz species in the story).
Like, it's great that he has those qualities, but people get angry. They get aggressive. They get enraged. No person is just a solid funny and nice person, and Ranulf has all of those kind and angry qualities, but they skimp so much on this amazing writing of him. You learn so much about him and what he's been going through from these few brief instances of him becoming angry, but they just don't touch on it enough. They had a chance to continue his first base conversation with Ike and bring it up to him. It would've been the perfect time, because we have this dialogue in their first conversation:
Ike: You can come talk to me anytime you want. Don’t think you’re alone in all this. Ranulf: Heh… What are you, an inquisitor? Ike: A guy’s got to do something between battles. Talk to you later. Ranulf: …
At first Ranulf was talking about feeling bad for bringing beorc into a laguz affair, and then they discuss that Skrimir is giving Ranulf a headache with his behavior. That could've been their first conversation, but then they could've had a follow up based around the end of their conversation (the above). It would've been the perfect opportunity to give us another base conversation where Ranulf does go to talk to him because of these nightmares and all the stress he's been having. Imo the way they end the conversation with "...", makes it sound like there's more on Ranulf's mind than just what he was open about.
If you consider that he's been having nightmares about what he saw at Gritnea Tower for the past few years, then you consider that the laguz all just found out from Rafiel that the Begnion senators started the rumor about the herons to get them all killed, it's reasonable imo to consider that Ranulf is intelligent enough that he may have been starting to put the pieces together.
We learn late into part 3 that Izuka was working with the senators, and I feel like Ranulf's suspicions should've been raised. I don't think it's necessarily bad writing that he didn't catch on, but more of a missed opportunity. The whole situation affected him very deeply and they were very expressive about that in both games, but it's just that we don't see enough of that side of him, as in, we don't see it enough times.
In a way I feel like it also hits harder when you have the fun/funny, friendly, kind person experience something that tragic - witnessing the result of his race having been used for experiments and seeing their rotted corpses. Knowing people see his race as expendable and on top of that, left their carcasses to rot after pure torture. He saw innocent lives that had been taken and after all that horror, not even given any sort of burial, let alone a proper one.
There's also the fact that he's a cat - he has a very good sense of smell, and that's how he realized who the Black Knight was before anyone else. The smell of rotting corpses alone would be a lot to handle, but to be able to smell it better than anyone else in the room would have been absolutely traumatizing.
Again - the fun and funny, friendly, kind person experienced something horrible enough that he had a breakdown over it (and (presumably extreme based on context) subsequent emotional distress for years following). Tibarn and Reyson had their own ways of dealing with it that we were also shown (Tibarn was more much collected about it, and he put his rage into his strength, which Reyson similarly did, versus Ranulf's very outward emotional response), but Ranulf has never been subjected to anything that horrendous through the events of the game prior.
To have it be a one off situation in both games (as detailed as they were at the times they happened) is a huge shame imo and deserved to be expanded upon. It's clearly not something he got over over the years, and may never have gotten over post RD (even if he did feel better about it after killing Izuka or, if you didn't have him kill Izuka, if he felt better about it knowing Izuka had been killed for his crimes by the army Ranulf was part of).
I just wish they went more into detail about his feelings, because they were very powerful and emotional and felt like they should've been a stronger part of his character as a whole. Considering his role in RD is about as important if not more important than Elincia's PoR presence, it's something he really deserved as a central character. I love this battle dialogue because it shows you his raw feelings outside of that good ol' sweetheart guy. We can see something he's been struggling with, and we can see him express that so well in the scene they did give him that it would've been amazing to have more of that.
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aloneditee · 7 months
Wanna hear your thoughts on the Lehran Dheginsea falling out, mainly out of curiosity since I’ve never thought about that way
I actually have many many thoughts abt lehran and dheginsea!!
I do think for a long time Lehran and Dheginsea were best friends especially after Lehran went into hiding in goldoa. After losing everything and having to fake his own death and flee to goldoa Dheginsea was all Lehran really had left and he spent many decades under Dheginsea's care. Lehran was also likely there when Dheginsea's wife died and when Dheginsea had children. They spent centuries together in Goldoa which is probably the longest time Lehran has spent in the company of another ever considering his other friends companions and loved ones are relatively short-lived in comparison.
Lehran would have also witnessed goldoa playing bystander to all the atrocities the rest of tellius was committing against one another and eventually he got tired of watching everything unfold from the sidelines and wanted goldoa to actually do something to end the conflict. I think at some point lehran thought that dheginsea was kind of missing the point of world peace and he was letting begnion get away with atrocities in the name of avoiding conflict at the cost of laguz lives. It's because of all of this that that Lehran leaving when he got fed up with Dheginsea not doing anything to help his fellow laguz is extra dramatic and had lasting impacts.
During that cutscene where lehran leaves goldoa dheginsea throwing that "you, who have lost your birthright? all you will achieve is your own destruction" back in lehran's face after everything they went through together is just. ouch?? what the fuck dude???
But what absolutely fucks me up the most and what I believe solidified the end of a friendship between lehran and dheginsea is when Goldoa did absolutely nothing after the serenes massacre. Lehran finally found a way to liberate the laguz in begnion from slavery with Misahas emancipation act (like he said he would) and a year later he loses his family and the entire heron tribe and his original home to a massacre and Dheginsea did Nothing to help or support his best friend of however many centuries now. Whatever amount of loneliness and isolation lehran was already feeling must have tripled when he realised Dheginsea would not even move after all that. I do think from that point onward Lehran held some resentment for Dheginsea but there is absolutely no confirmation of that its just a headcannon of mine. its more dramatic.
I wish there was some way for Lehran and Dheginsea to interact during one of the games to get insight into how they feel about each other during the events of PoR and RD. I think Dheginsea would be very shocked and upset to find out the reason why the goddess woke up was because Lehran has orchestrated the war and wanted to break the covenant on purpose despite all of dheginseas efforts. I think Dheginseas refusal to help his fellow laguz was part of the reason why lehran wanted to end the world too.
TLDR: I think their yaoi falling out was very messy because they're both centuries old besties and dramatic bitches.
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trunswicked · 2 years
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Tranquil times for the married couple~
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vellatra · 11 months
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Also did a big revenge chain with @thethiefinwhite and loved every second of it! Well, except maybe the seconds when my tan marker was dying, but that doesn't count! ;) Thanks for playing with me girl!
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enbyleighlines · 9 days
While I was writing my fic Post Credits, I realized that Ike, Soren, and Ranulf all spent part of their childhood in Gallia
So theoretically, the three of them could have been childhood friends in an alt timeline
And yes, I am ignoring the way that laguz age bc it’s dumb. I like to think that they age like the Branded (IE, they age normally until adolescence, in which their aging starts to slow down). And since laguz have longer lifespans, their aging slows down a little later than the Branded
(Aka: the aging of Branded start slowing down around age 13-15, whereas the aging of laguz starts slowing down around age 16-18)
All of this is to say that I have recently been thinking about an AU where Ike, Soren, and Ranulf are childhood friends
More info under the cut:
Ike and Soren would meet like normal. But in this AU, Elena doesn’t die, so when Soren comes back the next day, Ike gives him more food. After a couple days of that, Ike finally convinces Soren to come home with him to meet his mom and dad.
I’ve long imagined that Elena’s bloodline carries some heron laguz blood (that of a blue heron, so not related to the nobility) so she has a cousin or an aunt or something who is Branded, and she immediately recognizes that Soren is the same, and convinces Greil to let Soren live with them.
Maybe Titania decides to adopt Soren, because it becomes clear to Elena early on that Ike has a crush, and she doesn’t want to complicate things by having them raised as brothers.
Ike and Soren meet Ranulf a few years later. He was born and raised in Zarzi, which isn’t far from the beorc village where Greil lives, but Ike and Soren don’t really visit Zarzi, nor does Ranulf venture much outside it. But one day, Ike starts tagging along with Greil and Titania on one of their trips into the city, and that’s when he meets and befriends Ranulf.
Ranulf is training to be a soldier like his father before him, and he is curious to see the beorc mercenaries that work for Gallia. He manages to badger his father into letting him attend the meeting between King Caineghis and Greil, and while the adults are talking, Ike starts asking Ranulf questions. They immediately hit it off. Ranulf is fascinated by Ike’s blunt and straight-forward nature. He’s never seen any beorc who acts so friendly towards laguz!
After that, Ike always tags along with his father, in hopes of bumping into Ranulf again.
Soren rarely leaves the village, and never without supervision, because Elena fears what might happen to him if left alone too long. So when he starts hearing stories about Ike’s new friend, he’s obviously quite jealous.
Ranulf decides that if Ike can’t bring Soren to meet him, he should go visit their beorc village! Almost immediately, Ranulf can sense that there is something different about Soren, but he doesn’t yet know about the Branded, so it confuses him. Nevertheless, he makes an effort to befriend Soren.
Soren does not want to befriend the guy that has stolen Ike’s undivided attention away from him. Also, Ranulf is immediately too friendly and too inquisitive. Plus he’s a laguz, and while Soren knows why laguz ignore him, it hasn’t softened his distrust of them.
Ranulf is very persistent, however, and Ike really wants them to get along, so eventually Soren caves.
Once they get a little older, they go on camping/hunting trips into the forest. At first, Titania or Greil tag along to supervise them, but eventually, they’re allowed to go on their own.
Soren and Ike both become mercenaries, working for King Caineghis. Ranulf goes on to climb the ranks and become the King’s right hand man. Sometimes, they team up on mission’s together, but more often, Ran acts as a messenger between the King and Greil, a job he enjoys because it allows him to check in on his friends.
Soren and Ranulf both start crushing on Ike fairly early on. It’s also not long before Ranulf reveals that he knows about Soren’s crush, and they wind up commiserating together about how oblivious Ike can be.
Soren views Ran as his love rival, but polyamory is commonplace amongst beast laguz, and Ranulf is more than happy to share whenever Ike finally gets a clue.
Having a Branded as part of the mercenary team causes Greil some grief at first. Many of their clients are laguz, and they get upset when they learn that Soren is a trusted member of the team. Greil and Titania try to keep Soren from seeing the worst of it, however, confronting any prejudiced views out of Soren’s earshot. However, that isn’t always possible, and Soren’s no idiot. He has a good idea of what happens. But he also doesn’t know how to thank Greil and Titania for sticking up for him, so he just pretends not to notice.
Aaaand, that’s it for now. I have no idea how this might affect the plot of PoR, or the fate of Crimea. For now, it’s just a fluffy thought experiment. Thanks to everyone who read this far!!
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